Mfl DR . , wNsEND % , 8 AR SAP ARILI -- mad; witicirdulasy itedieina in fh. worts ' .21Z* matt I, /*top am Wert baths. to les edboip , 1 4 osomottr, 11104 ISSMIlthe llgit imp G 111314 SPllln r b EWES Isom The pp: loosely vallAnqiiiorki of Wsllonowilla wet all oilftr lledkao. s Ida* it Enoliwoo gismo it long. atestlx Body. It la ow of Cku von' lost AP/ILNQ.A.DID HUMMER MEDICINES nor kpolts, it Oa WI t U ag. • • Tho irtcde trptotos sad greerian pr.nos, kot is MW hi Nu mut &a Moat ; • power pcoonnal by oho eta. Mahan. And in Iscatlwv,ahoontof4lok toroeittful alma: 11 - 114. pageant! writlua eCa Imo yoltrsoaon 4 MAKI ow of &mot w d Doom; $ 5 . 111 nrso were coaskkaut iseolsbio: . 3,[0.0 tmors ofCluoalc'Etlumatisto ; • 460 dos dflikberel Qui saulAiiese of Mo ! , ;03 e.. et differed VezeieCempLeime rn: fup 1,50 q zees of de Gee Colaphiat con of Dined cff the Mee, a Avg Allrb=1;; i:l. s4.‘ ipl';)iscari teal, 'rise Ukel. bripetaOtele lea,Tievielpe (b. Flee. e.ra , .. iem with teem e d ase of idg •Ilardedee, ree sa thin and taw rr, Spinal A frolOos, ite.; fl., WC 111 WV. * SIMI isfrar jamdible, Ind . Wlt,krn ' letters fee Okystelosilisuol Our *pay hoo WI polo of do .Ursited lato‘lifonobs, so of oispoolloary eorea. E. Via tssfisl, Esq.. woof Om said siopsetsiu druggist. in New . pi. lames os Le ass eats to mos* this ISO oo on trot eats a r b , lom:."llisre Ire demob of ooze J endma' e dentrllf , j ?ema ofejwee adogdli land the lie* • 5,000 Lintaus Tait Tut gamma t jte it remand in num of Cram, msgpinsred them Cr Dann Huns Dna= 'Can. G. W. MC/au, or nes UMW/ W 1. 4 .12 ri•l/14 NIA merbm'cfne'Ner Jerss7 LaMalrari Ism kindly sal ths Itilurtog certificate: It to/le its ors ' Aura g r in. 23,1647. Alas: sian I roc Wen ria the /adman, sad al wheels RIMAIM kR W s dastard Ara. I ins iodated to try. Dr. .ToworthWe Una ud air asking two It pus hat. Urc,l arm nen much re ' sad @taints it estaidy . to ale sail guakarilla Um endued hang itir gesd Wt •Lar b rZtZuel= i r " ' ssaathatie ' m.""7 •-• • . Itad eadtkate pa s n asitkis i==amb kis portal magi 0114/ Ms sat *Naas Aims. st Simi. Taw poison nal is am bassi, nastakoka Utak Citnam. • acTaiatalsb—Dar S :IhmW plasm is Warta ans ?By ghillie= sus an easier as Sub II in um of yogis asllmt laselaiss. yay nos arida nty rural, walla sans; has oily taloa Stat Ulan malt' aims sway; kw Isiah I Gal smolt oaks rapaligsass. Yours, rassetkilly, • haw iltsui,los Asa Yak, Musk 1, VW. . • • •• ,ORZAT =SILLY MXDICUIL '.Ur: Semunars Sareprllla le • ammo so• timidy tars fm IneiplatCoasamptimd Dirrasest. imimmbs, Whiter; stemmata or direult bleuttnadiom, laemstrimomm of Orb., er . isituldtbry Drawls dourof.aml bre dew. • .era of Ma tyduroxis satin mksibor do malt of t num or taw*, produer• by irreralsrity, Lams or , amMlands L ., ' ems be mass • .'sdismalat tbsa its tarlpar tu . u the dumaa Irina. rowans, ell mai maim ' tide, from tsbiug Mere beams =bast moi fullemarpy . • miter its Mumma.. it eoastrnets tbe woe • !MU a of the &tub Do re b Itarill hot bo moots( of MY la ma dmdaliest• • tis• lure, to 'LAN* satiate. dear. pederast, imt Imes • awn lLst ltudrods of mei We bra mystriod Maw taste Istoilios bass how ',About dad. • ' reo„ srarr, usina • few bottles of thie buena& redo, bars been blestnt.b baldly olDprissr„. - Dr. .Thenamodr • bly •bidoe smelly ilistrmed by • r t" ,:j d !mord deitlyt4 g ui misdu ar ania d e . otuoTaut with ottlir litfloltio, aid loin bona ewes tottr• your medirloo los tiketsd geed emu' mod shb . tux itneemmuntiod Rauch mom attire detenlokt abed*. • tots Welt of ratio ..Extmet of Itutoputlio, ard ,fidlarod • lb. ¬ices yougsr• tu L. :.hoe perm& it temond bit istapb ka WRY. Debts [Woad Ear fie butift rho nettind, l i tak•Pkadr• I. dius oirksombulyp- U Stfogy,l ' 7lls7rltt e. e t ortr.of Oad.d Lytham.. - Dr S'emrunost: oil trlstm tbd mmeats—This La eatlfy that toy wife used um bolds or mu ammtpuills rollout to in etaittemmat: under AM sod* dansisg ; eimailmommas ldn tioalid with t1b0:=252 4. 4.• urg albrom7 .1•11 with my parsustiom sad the neoomouladd of don who hat uod at, dm vat Woad to try it, with tit* ar hick; sod adn it ta dm milldam bad ths Nappy owl • Ossitsdefbei,sot may is Out amdletmost, but asr an met of it. mo, dm _Amply stst _ P 1 • • •• 4 ..4 uu , is ism bittor.• it bait lir for • Imitirt prop If thie v4l Ito dry monies to y.. r•ay me Mho tends Um semis. of du minims, yo••...cL cn y warms' la lt. mid/ jar owl *Wind mod dais / temst. 8 8 — • .Td 02111= AND IdAltalisD LADIES; Lenart d loom_ sopreddy prryond ta read.. to finds eomplitsts.• "no 02040 uto los rai t smi to oupirmo stm apple...l4g that tritiol paled, m Ilit urn qf " chould begisst to take Mosit is • artna preresti tif4 va Ea say of the numerous mid basal. Comes to rebid Imola An subject at thir OM of Wm This period may b. debrysd EVOrntlll years by maw dibmodieluo. Per \ at it leut saloable m dad orbd ars. appnmotilmt woommhood as , it is elikulated to said twor• by goickermop for blOod • 4 add Mr/gorged' the splints' Isdoeit Um esedisas is bird ( \Xmblit for all of lb. &limns thrus' to mbieh moms sr. It Lass the mbdo tam Perumaally rho mt. • tosergieo—ty =min &o impurities of the koty—tot far Silltalling tb• system nt priobtom automaton:at lassoct, sdidi is do moo of mod mediaties &bra Dr Dark Yoe who who tame pals ' dal/ .ye., blotch : a th. M moan kin, or (rat and tr. !'rot e( • bade or tyro of Tinnneadh , it w i ll choose put .bkod, mama tba treckbot Machu, nag area you miwatiomatoritliog Co. .pieits, and leastifed. maplectios—.l of chick ara i.111.11* rahes to um., • DV/W/44U. " ' • - i )Sto deed or er.rdieina ha. aver Ism dammed erhirl, wit • rawly nambla IM. vase 'joie* or tali. in el.comoodaa toad cod termittomiss the orame of digest.% as Ude pne, ntfou of dtas truarramer, Mb.' id 16,1545. -Dr 7lnnuout, 134-1 wo rd brae .‘for saner. years with dyipepaa ills word &nap, Weeded with song me. of ammo, L.. of appetite, estrsmelmorthare, tad • greet amrsioa &IP:tad. of teal, and Air wad. (lint I teem et,l then Mir maths 10 mem bat mull portion m, my stomach. lured the 110.1 remedim, bot My ' had bst I Ode oo egret io ream* comphat. vestal. limed, abort two months mum. to try our debut agars. Buda, tea awes, wid, bids , bed aft. ariaa owl two / band My at Tattier moored, lad the trendy mmarrodi mil I - would era 1.17 moon. emu! them. of it to Mod who had been ablated I. I base bees. ' Yortro,ilm, - I W. W. V.. Zaawr. Noe 2i, /&W. Salm Islal. ALWO/IT ••XIILACLICI Bead the fodoetioa, sad doubt if yes emt, that aresarep- I Mactiomet be cond. Thirt. meal the mend lotruhed mem dia•Towseemib - hat cam: ' Dr Themsamb—Dear glr. 1 Ins Maw a Wide mer a, lad, a snore catlghlati yedo itmy It le comma Ma me verb kw, ,sateM. sell pramored by phy skims to lime the. quick cotemaytme I reread tarp gam. 1110. of Ind can., halth a t i 7, nod dokieg very fist ray doctor said he mold maleima ro e ow. I watt ram the trapitel bebop. of Min bet was peraimmeed tart B, Martha. ; I was um greatly' istremet at Imp atol Id aully'brealhe ; Imoo became 'mar-Wm4 met apeited 1. 11., coadoed to my bed, sadwas gial le lave isateed I meat pm, yoga my &mita.. A. maid I"*rdoj:Moe to my mae. nraam=mot bym aad.f Fnso. friemt, .cam. d 177^11 mdkra,a o MU Ell."=,dideo .11 .. ; .itl t a s my that I low eratinly wed, Was mow Om.wered as to be docit air Oman% sod hos Is to claw; ly Intl in • few weak.. My coach aail pm W. Ma Alai nod eight reeds ham I. mmoold raise hot m y Utak god fist phial say Mast streng th. I hit a a May Warm yie, a Mumma at tol awe, to palish if pai phase., rina Bums, 47 LAWS AL Ihrooldya - Opinions er Phyalelana. Dr ta4sWasul is Wasidayrwriss Won film p/Syr, Wails la &kw/ prts of Um Ulm. TOL. li Wirt* 3.t ars, 11 , s aWasigoad, PkisieWs a/ tta Al b. sry , Ws la wows. Ron proscribed Dr. Twirwa's Swapan2b,"hd la bio ma of ihs was valoa6ll/astaratioas of ga Sarawak iatb• swim. r Paws, x ca „ . W 111ww,.. ASWITA 1,1565. ;Zwatoola./15. Thou 6._ se roily oicrwa.l, weticac Thalkwiannasissow KW. airy al Albsar.bas• Dr TowsraW Campood Zane of fr = assl frau as knows; wwld swowead, k. pa fir ormaialossofaksa,sod Went Wow •ro w fY es, faissfsresea we WpWatisadlWWW iamb _ W , /111widp.fl 5,1E41 Well 55sirea, r. grian c al s ol6=l de 11 41WWL26 1 4 .1. otittWadelphisi , o. = ilsa ' o.rsdtimong sod fir grawny WI WWI &Ws. . Bm swiss, salsas patar ia Wk, coolais • awe sad AVM WWl* W TOWSSEND sad Wow. bkw as 5,441=” Yra IL~Xp~Yae~c ~J ~ dlpN /~.1[i7, sii:&7 l4 ;r4l" . 7; 4 T: o ;;Tras agais77. 1t o k b, or 6saporifis &prow of Dr masa no wads tol . op a pod toad nes of la am. mast Ooscl,iscacscsps as boaddoshia, Maas ad. a sail lays tall. glass ..a • f suety waned ail Jleall.ll7. Ws lakl tas apostolic, to sa smarms Dili sera of la I.4raassato isioras ca. arias; prairie, It bss =kora. , ' NervOall adbflitlrs • 161621, CD S. TOscoad:-.llars bees a Sas dded May ca lac sos i 3. yeas, wait dratilil giallo' is la cad, giddisscs Os dos icoodilasf sarda, prim a the baby oodpaerd laced as so add by ta rostiscod bat sod aid to sdkt las salsa So is coy amass • dya. I ass Iskos of .>:_ rolisia, too aura so sea, Sol widktltW woo sa • osa I orsOlodoonl assail anLDsppslb bas boWs of poor Daspsills,Doa odds* I Load great nlial I laer Dace tikac antatacor• Wales, sad I es sataltdasl, my Is Oa bars madam l Oa ear tass—tho pos a ay • dr. gape, al Ifapa • Casa as ~be saes I has Cale porlaraparlDs. isso oars bettor spprta cal cloo as I Sad. safe ha tcla Ira taros b...l rk. 1 oval nocessacl, ilia cc hal, ...lid. ,any, sad I Gel animal Ihst If so ad aro scald sot I. lOU Os sickness then is, sod casamdi, , as so ray Laos% UN dr vddls it masa Mace, d. also ghats tassmodi ad bads la. isgahr acei It lap a m a t. a • baldly Assam fat dram is Is:ltalia!, to sack a •laa.i dal co alishoso who ass( is s boalchyslad coy try Dr TancoadildrapsALL I Taxa Fara, 70 a. • . Caak.rta the Dldatico . •• _ a moat °hada ail and. Dr Throng** br sorldlho In.. of dams& of ebildrst. asr asii3ests is arca Dap • pat mass , • _ War Toss, April 1,18 , 11. • Dr Team& Dar sii,-143ns ol rat Mick Id& Oa caw talcosal sod caw, sodded will dau7 I aub.4 Kam of_year i swami ess, salt and ifdiady, frr own mill craudii, YPan teopectiollh ad a • Va ale Luaura iissaa, 47 bar barn rt. le Szis b o a , st ' atoms Zd 114 ass, who as boa wNo37 aled W by D TOWNSEND.* Ara boll. bra so. pdod4olyFf . 8 14i E orm .V ieb , l 7irfuon n —The /remain of al CJio • • il i ttri&lP • ?bit ii to essay that. eller. adesil ditkreat Oats foe *Man . 6 6 6 0 War of C. P New Lykes., two vials ol E of Verradayi l . end fI IV the . onts:ot one vial io_diree al eat children. From - the bat, aired 6 Petire, expelled 45 aroma tram the esconialt r rs old, A and in the third, 11/1 Mira old, .11.5 wanes eeit e a a a Dot one vi tecomidead Setters' Venaltaaa as ti• aide SO4 coo of the - most actual Worm medicates be 111mm Kamm Prapared fad sold R•Et..II.XERS, No 67 Wood = r sokt tit Dr. C 0...!. 6ds watt; D cony. A l. ,1911.1i0n Etna* Texopenweetrille. TOW:Hi.' a ; ind •i• • ll/ 5 as d sad =ale %Mauls sad nondl, !!".I. . . Pi.ons 9.-9.0 R. Y. 9. is Dr. Toirusesd , s only scans ism .- . Yss4o6 ilts pastas snick sasyllysys . beAred ou ' • .4 , NSIIII t==2 Vit laLlr EZADYII/013PUBLICATIOlif by J.* & U. I. .. ll .Aldf4Chwittuatii the felloanng Aeror and ealuslala - Watka—! tide of Col. A . W Doniphit the nest . of Net rr' !deuce; Gen. fisainers thlrland • lion la Cali- Gond Maintain'. Campaign nein. the .Navijos, cad, tinpanaeled Man& non Chihuahua. and Baran., and the Otierationa tenon at Banta -l; with • Dap and &criminal, by T Bushel, A B ot• ihe 'Lt Reginaent of hUrecuri Caealry. • • Hi - story ,or Bentetelrf--lts Atiquitha •ta r' hn. r .l Cariesiner Geostaphical Statistical !knd Gen ,0 6. 0 li daeriptioni; with aneedotis ottioneen Life, and more an one htuidnai Blogrivhical Sketches of dtati•ift , i , h• • ed Pioneer., Salim, StatesnierOurista Lawyers, Di vine; ke.; dleatrala with th(11../M..6% by Low. Colliao tel. octavo... , • • .Tbi Meath* , Volunteer, or /Mune! Of a Pri m. jo the negmaeot of Cavalry, in the Caminito of Maxi., during 1541147, contaitung an ac , ant Of tbelfareirof the Regiment to Vela Cruz. a dereription a the Calnli) , pined over; muamrs,.eut. mom, Re_ °NM, 'people; Sketehee of tlara4ife; m ei:MDR 01 el the ardent Mother Volunteer and a Atli Runny of the Mexican War; Limo the Kil led and It'oundol,bcjillustrated by • large number of comet aims and piamr; by-Geo. C. Purber, volutes acnvo.dal.. BOOK 9 POR • THE ,llRASON—lthindnated Gems of Samsd Poetry; • splendid imperial 9 so., witlybesatigal illastrations on steel, by Sartain, nod to atundrusteti • ?eget( by Schmitz. and Sinclair, - richly bound in Yancey morocco and. white ealf,superidy • The Christian Ksepaake .an annual for 19.1 with =did mazilotint eugravings, by Sartain; bound in ar. , • •Christotaa Biossoras and- New Year's Wind, for 1911 e; a small quarto volute, printed on snow white pa.. per, embeMsbed with Miendid mezzotint engravings.— nos 4by far the mow beautifid juven il e annual pith. itched in the United States. The PeetiealMorkeof Oliver Goldsmith, K. D.,,with mtmereas eo Mite designs, by Me aching Club, in va rious styles of binding, Thompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Whing ChM, In various Styles or binding. weld.Th tae 'Poe .and Poetry of America, by' R. W.: Grin. The Poets' and Poetry of .Me Ancients, by Wilhelm . Peter, A. K.; superbly bound biTurkey inoroeco;sylen. ally WiSides . • • Poems, in entities styles oftindini. : . there Mggy illustrated. fteneal Works, in various bindings ". Lord Byron% 1 • Shakspeateh . Tee Pocket Works or Thomas Moore. 13allads and other POenta, by Mary HawiLL Poems by'sdnelist. ' • lieadleyte'Sacred lifonataina. The abov4 with • great variety of other stew works, in splendid styles of binding, nimble for gill bookie , for • de3o JOHNSTON d STOCKTON', Hooluellan cm. 211asket 34 Tellable dud Works. DRANDVI ENCYCLOPJEDIA—A Dictionary of sa: Dasee,litwatoritamilarkeouipeiaini. tibetudoey,dmriptioa mid wicatitiorprhacipletor inert branch oilmen. knowledge, with the itarintion 1134 &dahlia of all the trues hipatral Waroilitakby WT Drarala, R I,¢ c. Dhotima by na . • swam wattwring• ow woad. ' Nana% North Amoican ALW,emalakinbeantitEllyco3 aied tap's( Nora! Cmda East, Cwiada Beirlimentick aarthiss Tinow,New loch Fara; Tsaa bis* Mesita, Catiital Aocrio, ante. Wad Was binds anil tha &aka awl Tura. rho is Dm Us . . ' Ned% Pariteas—Tha hishary at Ow PeaSese frame the refarmakerear 411, to Ili reashatied of 178akeetepridag. semester thaer_prestaplee,Ad,ae, Sy Axial Ned, /1 - .4, reihrilteJOhmtee, Dorath idea putrota meted: le two The all of the Body in ;defied 67 the Stied, by Osage Kdrere, M D seeshoor the royalcalm, of rhytkia...e4 uuuuu Ile Works.. ' MOS and YANKS. el whirl onkel the my • eery pep ale;Jerwot.Uork, - ,PPenlef.lYderMfeCMetier sarrelkassi.ddieneke, HaardPi Speakead—Th tryetule Speaker, decapridek dynes. estaaancade deebsedits i!dh • Wad ass of peas be preetace,bykresesa T Hawllosetreetor :=l: l re "oat - reed . "deed dm Sae by , JOHNSTON STOCKTON ell tkokedlemese market sad 3rd sal . ' linker & Scribner's Publications. /TIRE subscribers having been appointed agents for 11 tie Sale of the publications of the above - well temp publitddg house, hare a full supply of their books ea hand, which they eon sell at the eastern pri ra;. saholoaale and retail. Among the. works which have Wen madly booed by thcm„wh . ich ltaye been IX/ m abio, may be i t jt_s i c i s:emb ce d :ity; mien Coup = pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stringer; Bethel Pl 4, by Dr. Sprier, Negate. and his Marshals; ton and kis Ge.selx The Stirred brownouts; Orators . of Prince Teaching • Science: the to so Artist; C.harlette ElDaLei's Millet. Works; T.'S. Arthur's plaiting/lame to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeptng pp,Dabiar and Cre•titor, &e. Alto, the works from the press of Robert Caiter. the ihemeter of whops publionimas la well known.- Tor.' retine4Theologyln 4 vols.; Malden° on Damans; works, The Comes, by author of School Girt re =:e, At. ke.New hooks rec eived on seen published. ' El as as tIOTT& ENGLISH, anyP piTEW BOOKS—Memorials of the Introdeetion of Methodism into the Eament !States, comprising . I :er r :pleat t i t , :ticztinf m ats . nrly s gl s eo so d c h urc he s, by Re r. ' lltes ea o ens, A.-AE atrtul- Just. Memoir of Rev. Dodd Abed, D. D., late Missionary to China: by his nephew- Rey 0 lit Wdliatoson. • Mark Milton, the Iderelant'sClerk: by Rev Chutes BTaytor, M. A., anther of . Beeprds of at Good Man`. Losty Iguy,..gilArgaret,pr the Peart, ,, &c.&e. The above, with • large !assortment oleos books, ots hand and4ost receiving. !ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 56 snorkel at "NG Ski BOOT 6-11seory of .. Greek hoe elegem, 11.1241 - 0(Ita ca and cienp,igra arreng Goa the cranka of the Greek Yemen* in Etemeemst. king their enemy from the Teskirk Yoke—so two tot cepy milk muneroue mei., cod evert.' Ca" Let n& illastrallwe of the reign of WiMani 111, - Iran IVA floe ;Kimono, el v cola. Companion to Ile cad, of the Holy 2:kiloliters. Harty Illoobray, tbrinigr romance, with SO antra •Vo;i. el the Holy Lana. French Stags, and Steidle* IR Clans. Just rec'Al awl wr vale by ZdeDONALD it BEESON speti do market sweet ' =M==l A SPLENDID assorusent of Row. ‘lllsitiff semi and Mahogany grind sistitm p. .0., J., hnisbed awffor sale. Also, two relsodid Itorswood Piano. Walt Coleman's eelsbrated'Aolim attandanteut, finished in the most modern style, and tin sale at la'Y DLUstE'S, 112 wool. PIANOS I 'PIA/1081i -runin, Dealer in eaAcrn Piano Fortes, ,TiTt vo J. W. - Wooditeint, Third SU'ecl. .11e Planes - may be examined et all balm and the Inbar fi ber will be there from It ha U, A. Al.',land from 4 to' 5, P. M. each day. . Pintl4, Oct. *A '46 We the undenignial, , rwodd inform the eittrens of Pinar:tree knd vidany that ere base appointed Mr. H. Klether see nem for %Yenem Pennsylvania, roe the sals of out Kano Fortes, from whom they may he oh mined at out otrn (New York) prices. NUNNS CLARE. New YoriSkad.l. 2416-oamatu 111SY,MAIJEOUS. II EIN — AIIIIIO STORK: %HA subscriber mould respectfully announce thn ke Me opened • 1.111 , retail D r 451.0 re;. the corner of Fourth and Sznithleld meet.. &Hydea that the mania Maio kxjenaive population can't:if Smithfield street will justify him, he •Ms spared no expense in biting up the catarihment ‘ end de. to !ermined keep no ankle" but Me of the Wm quell ty—Mandonlitml purity and aenninenem A fall desortment of Medicines, Perfumery, and arti cles's:molly kept Wan emablielltieut of the hod, be always on hand.. . Having his dwelling in the same building, till night “ils will be aucaded,w pertonally. • Ile badness will be condoned a* heretofore, it the ' • - old staid on Market street aptdiddia - WEPT POINT WORKS. - 1011IPZION /s. WAGNER, Engine .Buildeis, have JI: commenced bunions on Peon st 4 near the Point, al the establishment formerly carried on by Awe khottse d. Nelson. Persons writhing to purchase steam en tities for boats, or for other purposes, will please favor as with a call, as we Muter ourselves to Le Wife to fur nish them on as favorable terms as any oilier ettab. ' lishmeal is the city. Also, tolling mill sad casting's of every description “a be had at dse abouplemico. • Szniameom—Capt. Raft. Haw, Thomas Scott, Eta., Church, Carothers t Co., 11. Denny,Eso. N. Allen G . Co. CYPRIAN piD.rroN, luta. . ENOCH , WAGNEIL lgoLane In Tenn . to etilify that I purchased one vial of Dr. MoLootre Worm Specific, wine two months ago said gave It • soa of ogee maw seven years old, two maw=4ll, and althr . tt the - .mat may ippon , huge, get I have d bat Wars was upwards of nro taniagti mean passed from him, measuring I bow as quartet of an Loa to two inch. tom. • G, W HOLLIDAY.. . I Boers Creek; Govol co:Tarot, Dee 67, 1E47. jaII Leashlair, Clapping mad NO N, (Successor to M. R. De No SS WA rime; between Wood and Smith . Freda leechee teemed monthly—attendance all berme. Reference, the phydelans of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Dimungkam. .1 most cheerfaily recommend to the pity :M fain. Hies Mad all toy Ammar friend. end patrons, Arr. K. R. NOW,. as tieing th orringhtracquainted with the bud near ind worthy of patronage. nranialy IN. R. DELANY. P APER - 2000 Paper, all sizes; " ruled ara?pleft qualities; " Plat CipL • 50 medium Tea Paper, • ...Lill kraal rake fad Wue & "pits Bonnet Werth; lilastiltin Enos loPO P.P."; • tqf d Iludonwei E s i r b it ric; , ddr x., tato Low • • Ana*. COM.. peon awl Irwin it. 1 . . l I MPO , PATEST.BLOCKS - •-.. •- 21HE ••b•Crlber Oren 101 , 1•1• • fa ...MUM or bI. Ships. Patent Blocks, Shires, &o, adapted so trade. • Also, complus rens of Meeks, adapted so vessels of any capacity, put up and forwarded to toff put of t!.., limos ' , without delay and at th e L.lVrelii Va. can LIGNIJAIIITIIS for sale tu qualities to auts purchasers. ' • OW W STAPLE, ••• ..,44-ilnettatta • YI Burling Slip, Picts York, - jailiejratoes Naha*. ----"" . . . AA LL petsohs haiing claim* against Ma 1:41/1.0 of We laza, !hazy P. Schweppo. p rewar thew for isatlicawal, and all pawns inAlabte.l to said estate, will plea.. call tad saki payment to ; 3 1 9 wwr iiti ldtlia 4RWIN ) std'ale; DUTTONS TOR LAMES' DRESSF,S, oldie follows Mall, viss—Sllk gm:Waled teat gimp buttons; Drandenbourgb 1/0; Camillus do, Tassel and Drop do; lied and Plaits do, tofeth,er auto wait. and colt Liman, for sale at FR PATON& Co'a • , Store 041 market Bs DOZ Corn Brooms; 4 auks Pot Ash; •00 dos VW Tow Yam;l4olbs Beeswax; N/ bin No I Soar, 20 do Wu _Candles; Id du Piot Flassts;.2o bbls ass d Nos Loafllrliar, for sale by MY I3 • • • MOLISH a BEziriErr Co-Partnership Bette*. rALD, BUCKNOR: CO, have &mewed lora the Hea l delf Tobacco and Commission Inulnesh. want Oats of Jacob Heald a Co, Ltahihnoro,) David C. IdeCannoon, sad John A. Warner. • to 16 WOE STEAMBOATS AND HOTEL'S—We bun on Mod • lame assortment orison stone Wue, soll-' ante Cof steamboats and howls; which we will sell bw.— , -GILL h. GETrv, eps. l otus of Ow 'kg !mhos, wood st. ."DONNET AND cep RIBBONS-IVNutoby ../lES invites the allenuon of boyars to ane w upply of about goods, - of newest sty/a and very low. own dPIE GOODS . A A Mason& Co. have on hand an extensive assornpata of White Goods, ma w • r 4 COirli AND BEAND-150 btu One; 23 bbls Beuu, kaiak by 12712 • ,I C DIDWY-1.4, rrrr maxima: woults:D FOUNDLIY, ---- .1G4i.;7.7 Pt bons waggly". a. Co., .. i•Am vi p: f amo te . baild lotted and ,Woolletallug . elatneat,Ppta g :ataanaelfde . e:s2. era, Drowns Flames, Railway, Manta, Warpeta Tan s atatlpapl% °leaning .1= '''..?Nit'..'Ver&,lLl,wl,:l'en Iron Gangers, of that alert paltertaqtbdc add hand &Pea t and hoolsof &tibias. .. - Canino of every dennption Garnished on abort no-' uca. Pancras • made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron radingoke. 'Steam Pipe for heating Factories, 'eau Ma I Vlnticile=ifial.;aati Goer Cantata. generally.— Orders! all al the ti aachouaa of J. l'aleter h Co 'Lib erty at roet, wall have prompt aneattaa. . . • • t , . IXesza vi • Xht4htoilt.:liell t Co., J X Moothead X Co., 0 E Warner,. John Irwin .t Boon Pinobargh. 41 1.: I, J lit Waoser; Itheabearalle. tante ALI•LIIIIP.NY ' YiENITLitN.IILIND pAcroxv. •• • , ' - aonis A. BROWN i TAKES tint . method tiiinfonnthis tetrad. . Fut the poetic atlorge that his Pastor, ' spcsis an full operatunt, au the East attic . , of. the Diamond . thlimbeay. where a coal ' st oat eopply of Winds, of Int.. colors ' sadqualidea,areconnantlykepton laud, • _ - alto at N 0.5 Vseod at, Pataltargh,ar J:ft. . I. Phillips'oil cloth atraletoctu. • • • =MM. Shutterstallla .Li order to the 1411.1, it. 'Blinds repaired at the Atherton notice: . . • N. It . Has Blinds will be put up, without Qat , ado.. banal ezepnee in that. they can he removed in • too. meal an case antra ha hit wasialiar, sad wohoulthe and of a crew dr a '• • - . onittlytarlantly iviesALIGICARIDICAI s SONS, OFFIN MAKERS AND FURNISHING UNI/ER. V. , TAKERS, corner of Penn and St. Clam %mew, oeposiie the Ezobinge Hotel, entrance on Penn .trees, respecifally interest Weir (funds aatt La 'while, thin they are prepared to larin , ph and attend to eve rything In We huts of Undertakers. Always on hand a large us. eartment of ready maJeColgus, covered, lined and Go wheal In the very Lea manner all sorts andaioes ready mid. Shrouds of Mt anel,Cmcilitiek and amltn, and ail aises made approved style. We keep • large as sortmenlof sehl'e aad black, cotton, silk and kid iik”ter, sable for pall beaten , and mourners, crape, .ps,,nn. and every Alas neeembry tor dressing. We dead, and on reammable Lerma, as sea poreh..e ea one *Kw, ita the Eastern cal.. Also, saecr plain. lot engraving the. name and age. We have a splendid new:Lease sad kerma, and any nuttier °GLIM heel ehtrielice Every Sid; anendeLl to promptly .J nen/wally. ocya I r W. W. WALLACE,' : PITTSBURGH STRAhI MARBLE WORKS,' , Nor. 944 mut ithS Liberty Reel, mat We Canal . ALWAYS on hand and =dem order, • large vatic,' ty of Marble Mantels, Pier,Centre Tables, arab' Roman Top.,Ttnal, Stones, Mounmenta, kn.; all which; being : made of the choicest marble, •ad Manafertnred IllthelphaY by machinery, will be sold low for cash: N. B. Persons ;snaking to purchase !Mulish, are Informed that It la kieticeprth miseeesraty for them to go tt,, as I can famish them with an article mall =le r i an d e ( ; "b l' pZetV ' s: e lh a e:l 7h7lete . Last. Call and see: om corral", SULICET 160_ ,11 ABED TIM WARR MANUFACTORY, • • No 9 Market street; Mahwah, Paint: rflHestiliscribctt . having readegreai Improvements R. in the tion of their CENSCINCi STOY6,M, respectfully)nane persons building &timbal's tri Coll And examine Wore purchasing, as we can supply ahem ,arith Deck lkoVes, Form., sod every otter kind of popper, Tin and Mutt Ines vrork necessary in furnish. TQVe She t" trier on Oro.shortest notice Sal übes and ChaisibeM &peer work for Steam Engines . and every varinty.of work ua oar line. febo . SIIIERIFt 9 SHIRR --- BENNETT. AL BROTHER, "OMEN/MARE hIANUFACTUREILS, :Birmingham', Near Pittsburgh,) Pa. Worelsouse, No:. in. WOO 4 :NW. riitabinht iW o 'l' l or Ware,g( k oV=o "" a uCte as and almoner malay. Wholesale and coantry'llier. Mama aro respeettially turned to call and ex mane for themselves, as we are determined to moll cheaper than hammer behre been °feted to the peb. lie. :MP Orders seat by man, aceompaniedlor the each or coy reference, mll he promptly attendedm - kW:" _ - dm= E. Urania. sLIBT GELS/ MULVANY'& LEDLIE tuna/Rama and kern non. stanny on •Itand Cat, Moulded and Plata Flinn tilannyara, in all it. 'Minna., at then Wareboaso can ner claimant and Water ninon, ?Waite,. Oar Work ing eoihia in fall operanon, and we are coartaritly add to oar monk, witch enables ma to fill orders with pronoun.. Cinnamon are revectfally plaited so oall and examine prices and nrma. • mylOdly- • • - . . _ i • COACH 'MAKING. , • - • PROM the very liberal emoting. Ni f t, 7 -thi. salweriber has received truce •he has locined himself in Allegheny, Las iodated him to take a 'ewe, for • terns of seats, on thisproperty he soar , emir, In Beaver visitet, inunediately bulge the Pres yterian Much. Pr= the long experience an the shone busman Mut • deaireto please, he lopes io met h and receive • alum of public patrons-ye. Note on hand and firattnng to order,lockevray Veg ies, open =lies, top Beams, end every description of Damages male to order, from seventy• Ave-dollars to Oitht newts. Isep3-etil JCMN lee urT Ir - - ' • , • rO 011. Pitt wade wanes. prepared lo formOr Own r nag:omen and the pablse generally, troh aam ear lent &meteor Lard Otlot aticuoant saanotanotso,which they teal sell. wet lag terms. r Od One WM V tO Le a. good Al y *gored in the mat lin, wet pay' Le remand It on afaciany. • • t. I JORDAN A SON O • 19 "ctO . air te onattiftal4 P. a—L.l.Tif sad Greve auttaLle tau-Santry, oo hand: ate vale aroma \ arid SALT.6II.II • GINSENG PANACEA! • MO THOSE SUFFERING WITH oisr.Asma -1 LUNGS—The toweeedeozeJ verve!, wElell hat vended tho vie of the GINSENG PANACEA it ell the enjoin teems *LILA 11111.111100 or the leap mom, hat has Inluee3 the proprietor a,sato to call tut.. 601110 11.14 WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The ehangable %relabel %%loch mute oar gall and mullet mouth/Lt. storeys a (MANI source of COLDS AND COUGHS. roy ir neglected, ate but the previa/eon of that fell dester, COSEMPTION. The question, Deo, how shall we nip the destroyer in the budt bow shell we get dew of our cough. awl olds! is of .rusl urqtartanee to the public. • s THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY sedl be round tit the (Amen, Pauses.. In proof atlas we haws from tame to twee published the etflifirliteD of dozens of our best known citizens, who have raven. cured DA coronet cowers. l'lntos, with a mass 01 lee Oniony item all puns of the eountry,—flota _MI.DICAL YEN OF THE Plith7 STA:VIAND, Ml:esters of we Uoipch AS, together with copious nee Dees from dm JOURNALS OF THE DAY, are have embalied In pamphlet fonts, and hay be had pith of .y or one alt011(ht01.110.1t the ...on, utgioßktoi or ourn. knee been - n. 414 tryelty. THOUS/0018i AND LESS OF THOUSANDS throghoutst.FHFl States and Canada. and In ch• knee any malsns Int out a 8 Nedell INSTANCE _ .• o whisk, when taken accord/ad to direcoons, and kre dot loads had becouta fatally thaotgataed, has seer failed ,o • EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why the aced the termed liesitaur by repn the usawmble nostmoss, gang,/ np by a, -0.. e lndivd eels u ter De assumed name of some n •••• phy. rileian, and puffed into notoriety Ly certifier.: par,. coon woolly mknowor Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELM EXECACV In to be had, whose voucher. are at bOtaer—OUT neigis bon,—many of whom ft has SNATCHED FROST THE 011 AVE. In order that this invaluable medicine not he pis K ,g within the reach of tie poor as well tie rich, we hare pot the price at ONLY PINNY CENTS,' Mu one half the 'usual eon of cough medicines. a Dr sale brour arts in nearly every . town mid village infanta. aoTle t rati w"l ver tO w it. *,nr SAL T WProp ta tietor Brondway, Cincinnati, Clew ANUFACWEIED AND LEABTOBAL'Co.: AL HEALD, DUCENOR or sale mink water al, and Di N. wharves, Phil* offer for sale on accosannalmitur terms, OCOU pkgs Mannfactured Tobacco, consuming of pound% half pound% We, Ws, ITs, Ir. end ;gr. . Imps; rredire and to plug, and 13's Ladies` Twist, in whole and half box., of the following approved brands, James II Grant. Osborn A Bragg, • ORM & William,, . , A Cabal.; S Jones Aeon, .. lll'Donald, • Webster Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. AII Armistead, ..i . J Thomas A Son, • Lanahorn A Armistead, J P Coates, J N Cobbs, Gentry A Royster, - .I A Clay, N A.klutler, C A mei; Greta Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl A Noritrigtel, IS Illackwood, Nada Page, •Keystone, W H Vaughan, Edmund Henry, Portia. Robinson, Mime]] & Robinson, • Kelm, Robinson kg Co. Seth Ilalsey, R Metcalf, '• John Ender, Lawrence Loftier, • 1 Robinson, . Gra y & a, D •It JamieGrson,y York Whi te, • • D Al Branch. —ALSO— Hava. Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers; Yen • do do Cienfuegos do . ddo o do • St /ago de Cabo do do ' do St Dosiingo do do do Iquria & Guides do, pact fine, do Maysville do do do Kentucky vanouagradeg do do Virginia Leaf, mumble for , Co c o. and'expon; lipanlsh Seed Leaf ; Peknla, Conolettemwod Ghim . L'orf,T,'s'. B :ff=,..."":2=ihir._ c= 4 711 .4 ..1! Tonqua Deans, Havana bum l to mom; Seigel.; Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives,Spank, &c. Ac. - . PHILADELPHIA, myth Typo V übseribers hive taken the FOondry l , No '•ld street, and will COCUIMG business ate led by Roben Taylor. Tkey will attend to . with ptinctuality sod despatch. All the type tared by them will ba Hand Caw nth all kinds of Prime • Primers' naalen•la, of Ike bast CO (b lycondts alf °Glen rnmuilisel tbrin quality. Mr. J A T Oserend is still employed in superintend ing Me an depmunent. Proprietors of newspapers, who have not mlvenised far Me subscriber, who ratty publish this notice for_thrsa 'Months, will be entitled to IeCTIVa 22y in type, on purchasing fire times dsi 2230113 t ottani. bills lor •d -scanting. - old gum taken .3exchange for new atloin per lb. • Ehisnles WHITING &TAYLOR, Thershim TnYlos, f (Sotemors so Rota Taylor,) janlB corner Gold cad Ann sts rIXOBACCO-90 I bu• John Hitcher nips GO laTobassoi bus John Rucker " James Madison Gs . 4 15 bus JAI Steward U " Jams fis 110 " Henry &James Gs 20 " Henry &Junes G. 18 " R Warwtek s On constanment, from manufacturers of Lynchburg 2.d ftschtnund, •nd wall he sold at Eastern prices, to the grad, 1 L 9 WATERMAN, , 31 water and MI front.) TOLIACCO—ItI ba. [hands & Watkins' sa. • 2 do 'do do extra pound. sdo do do 121 and IS.; • 11l kegs Not, II min; 11/ do Pah Cavendish; do do Plug; . 24/ id do Segarc . PO do ha/flipanlab do. kriiala by tuyll .111. WILLIAMS. btOKE: HOUSE—Haring taken the largeanteom• mod oks Smoke Home mod Bacon &embower ad• :aiming oar Wstehousr,on ibe Canal Bruno, we *more pored to smoke end store baron on reasonable !emu. KIER k JONES, Canal baala,maeribst.: ASECOND HAND PIANO, eliii — osiiiiiidiy l 4l.lo:l, and bits beau lu ups about rout years, price! WM 5176, for sale by • JOHN H PIELYOS, jet: ' ' 81 wood sweet V . O. strOAl(-s b blida p7eAr m ile a lo o w w 6o e . kno ..L l/6 cotuagamen . ftat st • r "`Mrebaste:Trasispailitlea aibiZ; 1848 - ' MAI Tel awk kunsporrsnom UP NEMIvZOLTIe LCD PRODUCE TO PHILADF.LPHIAIc BALTIMORE., (71001ki consigned to oars care Win to forwarded Vf without delay at the lowest cij , ticitt ruck. Bills of u trstoined, and allins Una pronaplly at tended to, free from any extra charge kw marage or mmuni won. U A MUIR ULTY fr. Co.. Prop's wry - , • Canal Uaun , Punta:lei. lIERCIAANTS. WAY FEIXIGIAT LSAIE...• aliatZa ' lB4B. MAlia; (F.Mierly called Pickworth lc Co'. Line • VOlri9leTlllllt3TOlavvoll of . trot V Liner BETWEEN Pinshargh, Blairsville , Johnsno 0, Hot, Fulayalsargb, Witter Street, llluplillgdall Co and an. intermediate plates • . lbw bout will the warehouse of C A IN Mildly. Canal Wean , Liberty street, Pinsburgi every; &Y ISUladayv eiveplad,) and chippers Coo el 1111 i 41F - n.d on ha talcs. ving their goody forwarded wilho F Akte;,. d at fan This Liu was kneed exclusivelrfor the • y l tic , ' contemdenon of the way bonnets._ The Pr pfikiorsl. l thankful tor the very , liberal Otrordge they hove l , ceiveddaring the lnaLlvre telpe Wally g o., Conn Men o/deustoinern and the publle genre Ily, Mau they !lave extended their forilklus,thiring the pall win, ter, end are now hewer pmparml to accOrnmoalale an or • Rif CANAN &Ca. 6 . 81 S'ITIT, E G STITT, WM FULTZ JA ]IA LORF.,• JOHN NILLIITI; TRINDLE & hIeDOWELL. C A Ve&NULTY & Co, canal basin Pin. It II CANAN, ,do Johnn'n JOHN MILLER, do 113111,1sta HORRELL & IGYSTING ER, RaTraticess—Rtiebilikb—Smith a Sinclair j & J McDei & 1156.0t...5ee; It Robinson Co; R Moore; •nley.k. John Parker; Win J Jordan S o. marAi RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT M1848.M-Riar. TOR tiIARSPORT.CrIobI.OI brIZACH.VIZI 'BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA !PHI: Proprietors of tbda old an eetablisheil d - ar, Portithle Boat Line, having removed o theli ile• put in Philadelphia, to much larger Warehouse on Market sr, than they formerly oecupied, mid also ite meowed their room for •orage at PinsLurgh are now pnti re pared to oder much greeter facilities to their friends a Eamon - Goods earned try thin 'line ore not transhipped be: mean Pittsburgh nod Plilladelphia, being earned en. drely In Portable &Trims Boars. To shippers of &ad and other goods retpainll,l tuella handling,tlu . sle! of imponan of e adZareltrg a et. ' ' 62! rdrg e g o f r orW ' der promptly, and upon on reasonable terms m by ally ut i br ad lute. JOlrft hIePADEN Canal Bsin, Penn sa,' , itsburgb. ' JA hl M. DAVIS C.l, • feb24 6.Y.17 Market ra 54 Commerce, ea, Philo; JOHN MePADF.N & Foram:dand Comm *km Alemitante, Canal Penn burak. JAMES 111. DAVIS &Co, one Forms and Commis sion hlerehants. 7 Market, and 54 Comber,st, Philadelphia. (dell • Ere. r 'Adxmc• masletby caller of the above on Pinar, NVool no d otter dsteripuons of Metehandise consigned to them. febli4 _ _______ _ I\l'oBloE-71ie subscriber. have dispoleCllbeit in _ll terra in the Tenon and Ohlo Line lo lUCE & TILAW, tatTinst.urgh, auk:ll/PEP/18 LEWIS, of this Sty. 5 „. • They mill tontlnio fantaet business for the line, as their Warehouse ou 'Wood street, an usual, and bo. ipeak for it ►eantinuane of the patronage of their frModa. ,JAhIIM STEEL S CO. Philadelphia, Match 501,1948 i posnea. mod Oklo Trans Italian Co. • Dotal. Daily 1.41111 of Fl BST CLAss NEW BOATS AND CARS, _TVGPSILLO TO TIASSIVAT GOODS lISTWSOCII ITTISSIIILLT IMl=ll CLARKE tOl LEWIS & Birr atte ima 219 Ml st PiPhilaiotatTS plat ? PAS. STEEL & CO., Aga., Woad .trees. ,„ COWDEN, CLADILE & Ca, Ps Nosh . a, Dalt. 11 IV . PORRICC, .11aL, 12 West rutto, N.,' Coat. mares Comparta•rahlp. rpm Pubscribers duo day agsaciat.hlieumetlns 1.--logacher wader d .Lyte of Ka' et A Jon., tor Ib formerly C arried W e e 4 d 7 a itnipstronagettmloforn emestJed Ia the bat., SAMUF"./. 11. KIER,- . • B. F. , JONIZi. -Rusbarghadarr.l.l,l3;rl. RULE% PORTABLE BOAT LIRE* -. 1111111111:41 COmPOSED ENTIRELY. OF FIRST CLAN{ FOUR sr A ,-no N BoATR• FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS* RAILROADS . TUB ott praparytd to kis-siva and fortaatJustOtt7o TT the abort roa Intarms.ltaus Oyes scull as mast. 'despatch, sod sitas low rates, ia atiro'P,sr teapot...Ur lane The Onconon olihipperiot,hogg to send Pork or A. to flab/mote In L 1111641 parto:olorly tuque.icl, a. och ao mkt artsoeemeuto enable ,tot totlr) Inc •eleo through to bettor order than our *the, taw. KIER & JONE,O, Proplrt. Conal bear til•g Pi!uburgh. Mareg_t,l,47. 'VIER •JONl . :lSlCanntallalaft snid torwardont, MA. chants, and 111atcsale Intalts.• to Iron Itlnd • datt.-Prtsduce, =tZ=EMI!IMI Nit R' 11111Mtia . 1848 ExpI , L , K,e,R .. VVAI : T:I LINA: ~.1 8, 1 2 PHILADELPHIA - AND errrsuukuat, VIA eIIAIII - BY RAILROAD AND WAGON • A CAR 1.111 lest, 11 , 11u1.1pLsa klxtly alter YluFele rttory, lorttb the Maul Tome, Chassther•Lam,, whtebortlleotable the Wupette ta /rave there the sAcue day, WWI relays 01 hot., rulawAt day aa,leht.e euret the cett,4o ourtrttl 01 g,R,Je Its Frye IN•1.0 Phtladelphtni Apply to • LEF,CII &Co , faux' HARRIS A LEWD. .•. . . at l'l•4lcii Ave ,ervl* o rtiOUOlL. prvsiuce.&e., lll dulT, lp , b broarb LT We sLorF line mt., the 212.1 &um 1.1:1X11 & Lo MIT ttairr, L. a. 1..“11.1/. 011.1 crltrinm Yall.busgh. PhiloSalida.. UXlo2ll.Ll9lie• MR , To Phllado vnt cavuu Asvp lIKNRV GRAFF A e... Cpual Palbhurxh. ovnuimumpiißErs &Co. Nu IC Market id, VW. C comer Nonh k Samoga •ds Rrti /pail , Clarke, Nul3, Old !Pip. New W.,. A*" NOTICR—The fiyle of m i . &m.orillheknown (mak and otter 1101 date, al Pirt.burgh, a. Ileury Cc.! Co . and:2l 1 . 6.1.1c111tta, as LAttI .IEN riftAFF.lll; • NUMUND DU 11.11, CIIAS. HUNIPIIREVS, 11F-NRY GRAFT, Pilisturg • ni•ritif rw . • i hi gi R CCLEVEI.A*D,i4e AND AT VligNeautooat unntur4Cap.. J. C. I:lei/Amin, will run, during the season of :tete, ketween Cleveland a Soak Ste Mane, in the following manna, tourbing al Mackinac and iaterntediatepierce each way: Leaving Cleveland every Albrulay, at 7 P. M. Di Detroit do Tuesday at UA. M. Do Mackinac. do Thursday at 7 A.M._ Retatiung, will leave Sault Ste Mane every Friday, ; at 70 o'clock, A. Alf and Mackinac at Wo'cl..h. P.M. and leave Drovic every Sunday evening for girt:e land, at 7 o'clock. . W. A. Otie Cevr l an d . Agents. {C. BRADLTURN A.. GRAVEN &lIT WICKWARIMari . Detroit. AlckiN, Sault Ste e. t TIG he Detroit hoe been litoroughly repaired and refir let the past winter,Aad the Ipublte they rely upon the pefebtty ko rforating Giber Ur kth with pethelily not adverli.d. -Mila 1848. maiEat. 'ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and front the }}neat eines, via Combatlead. TltEproprielont Of WU Impular — llne; have since their re...tamale:ion largely tnereued their facilities to meet the wishes of shippers; by are now owed &mud a greater amount by We FIVE DA S' LOW, as also by addinonalregular wagons at low rates. This lint will can throughout We year, delivering good. titrouslithe agents In Baltimore, and Putsburgh to owners ud eonumwes at specified rates and time: Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should It. marked 'Tare, .1 II Robinsou,'Beitinune • " Thetonly agents are t J B ROBINSON, tr 2 S Charle, .' FIDGFitTON & s stCumßaltimo reberiend. •‘: 0 W CAS& Brownsville. • &be J C BUMPY:4 Muslin h. • Ogg. IMUSiltia - E c le""`.."%fer°,„...."72ElN l it Arcoey Coadorfoad lb. boorof NAZ I Ilioj von that ,of Li 1 0... C0. httobtullo' mad Inotoria oorstkaat. ore Willed tkot J Boy- Mamma. No 911 Rooth Clarks tt. lialtimon., 4 lb. mly ouilkorind gent of Ai. Lao to the Eoasro c1t:441. Tbe caly Nutt on J C DIDW ELL, Pittsburgh, 0 W CARS, Brovnierine, ROOS INTON it es th . d . J B ROBINSON, Ulm:cc - GRIMM & C0. , 11 SEXPAIrms • • r0nc . ,........3., 1.17b/o[[, W.......W00U5, 1 , 1111.*POL: PlitS, SOW Ton, SOOTOOI,SAS LOOMS SWOPS ('ton IkirERCIIAIaS and others aending veg... Wow. jIMIM"li " I lt" la ad thal*his is (lot fastest, West, arahnoet expe cts...Lbw going East; connecting with Adinua 0. Co'. Es_gires• daily, . Baltimore. Through receipts will be given to any of the &Lova places! klerchandise and package* of any IN*, or , weight forwarded. ' Express closes daily at Tr. a , H Ci .VICHERY, Agent, nor2Olf Si Charles Hotel Buildutga„ wood ~ J. •FMIJIRIA. & Co., • coat= or unary rem MID tan.. lastly, Prentavault p.. PRIM. & Ca, cr 1C • KO Ma tilaalter VISIT, PlitLautatillia. ' B oA TMEICII LINE, 1848 . M )tilla ' Da '4kl I N VE,Ay o i n itclatliatilaiTt4ii.: 11 : 7 -An kind, of Marchangue consigned to •P; H. Frew, Phllatle/phia, or to J. Farrah & Co., Pittaburgh, Wan be promptly forwarded free of commis.... otara 1846 AND 1847 etfirig 10116 EAST BY NOMOBAHEL/ Bourx, VIA BROWNEVILLE Ik,CUMBERLAND. rrRE eoderelgeed toe cots pholuod to toms rd pro• ta the Eastero Harem ng abe mum lam Meier, co tho Mot lavorable e tense, dari by this ems. Litton me* All Weeny columned was will he forwarded et the lotherarelland with despatch. mimic, received by rW ropy promptly Or dad. J 0 BIDW AB& ELL, Ag i s,Postarritt. 6 W C Brovraemllo. E. EGERTON b. es.,Cwobulaid SPORTATIOR:; ;-; REED, PARES °A Cosa. PACKET LINK . - - ..eit=l 1848. - BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE, rt. WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Cain. Raid... OCEAN. Capt. Shatters. • • NE of the above Packets leaveN BeaxereveXXday O ~ iSandays excepted) and th m flex, EfOrning at Warren, where they connect wills Ws 'Altai Stages Air Akron and Cleveland, unfit na enelr Of the.. placer before toga Ode alike Pax eta have Warren daily/ nt ✓ P AL, and arrive at Beaver it, niae i o tnk, morning liteamboat for Pinaba4k. •• • ; COTES LEFFINOWELk Warren, } ~IBTAVLOR, expri • con rEA } BEAVER grro E , R i_ A r fil E N D GRENVILLE A, . FASHION, Cat. W P. Sarre. One Mart above Packets will gene Beaver every ermine. tenders excepted) al 7oPolock, ands rrive at Greenville the-next momiug at II o'clock and one leaves Greenville every armee it I o'cloek, mod ar rives at Heaver the t eams, acunning trt 5 o'cick—an:igh' in lb hours—toseed by t Dine honria rah) tie-, nand every 10 mile .At Greenville' they conned with a line of Stages through bit and'Erie. "Ite bolus are. cunrely new and bulft anent) , far thir trade. REED, PARKS ArCo, nieire • l. BEAVER AND NEW CASTLE.arteI Canal Peeket=TELEGRAPH, Capt. W. 1.1 arkti Leaves. Braver eve (Sunday, &varied) at. o'clock—leares New Castle every evening (Sundays exrepted) at 1 o'clock; ad connecting with eke sieam• ers Lake Erie and Michigan, running between heaver and Pitriburgh. REED, PARKS&Cu p , Beaver: rte Passengera Wall be redelpteit through 1 eithroprieloer oldie Rhine routes, securing berths in the pa elv ad nets in the stage, by applicatiOn to either of the proprietors or agents. JOHN A. CAUODIEY, Pittsburgh, car. Water and Smithfield ate. AGENTS:— gead.Parke & Co, Beaver; B 0 Parks A Co, Youngstown, 0; Cotes & LedlngarelfiWatren, th • • • -Tcnir Cunnisighm, New arta, Ihr; . LI C Mathews, Pulaski, Pail • W C Malm , Sharon, Pat Ifay & Plumb, Shiarpsville,lPa; . • ISVFarland and King Rig Rend, Pa; • • 'CV Wlek, Granville, Poi Reed, C M Erie, Pa. and LAKE . NEIN AND LINE. -Maga! $ .148; • . , . ; F uns Well; known Line, composed or stearabosi. Lake Frie and tilichigm, betweki. Patabartb. and Bearer, and frei ght :m pasaeoster Cool Home Le- Bearer and Erie, cod CM Reed's line or Fat class steamboats, propeilers and vessels'on the Lakes, is prepared to carry freight anil pataengera to all aims on the &Meant i, and Lakes Erie, Huron and. Alkal • • !laving every facility fur conveyiniitreistil madras. verfitervwrih prim/When : and &row the poplar and agent. rerpectfully bard Ron Ili rthiends irdn Umlaut's oraclepetrel.— • Chl fir REE Proprietor. REED ; PA R R 9 &Co Bearer, Agems. • 10115 A. CAUCIIIEY, Alen, ePI4 Patorr and Surididr!fil 4 ai, Pittshurt h. TIFF UNION' LINE a11a122 -1848. BETWEEN Prrrsnuarni AND CLEVELAND. W. T. &Isms& Pittsburgh; Base, Paims& Co, Beaver • }Prop.'. C&IPIUIRD & C14.16t11.1111, ' Clef eland THEabore Ling is now prepared to truispori Bright and passenger. from Putanurgh and Cleveland, pr anTT point on the Canals and Lakes. One boat leases - Pittsburgh and Clereland.dmily, gills rtint-in connection with the eleandsmot Lake End and ?die lawn between Pittalaingh and Bearer, and a ling of first dam steamboats, pr Ikn , brigs and idioms. ort Sakes Eris, llama and &helium, Property forwarded to any Pool of the Union with dlsPanil, Ly mac.T. MATHER. or • JOAN A. CAUSJIIE V, Agent., ror Water and ProithGe4l Its, Piusliargh • ADEN:N.—Heed, Parke & Co, Deaver It it Parks & Co, boingvniant,Ch • W Cons &Co, Warren; • -1) Llostwiek & Co, Breailport; A St - N Clark, Newton Falls; • Newport; Jh EN Whiturier, Campbellrporti J O hllltide, Barcena; , AI & C II Kent, Franklin; ' • Male/ A. Tuttle, Cuyahoga Falls; . :sylieelerigcoy Akron; Gad& & Co, Siuidnakp ' %Pathos & Eakin. Toled o; ti Wißiama & Co. Detroit, Meld RlT,lnve & hillaraukkie i Mai • 11J yinahave,Chigago,lll. apla PATTSAVROII PORTABLE io - iirtiNE akt=l l : B4B -MEM Fwsh Trite-op:tax .4. aof FreigAt to and from PITC3BUREiII, e/lILADELPHIA./1114TOWILI,N TORO. BOSTON; ke. "Haigniagx k Cam. Philadelphia. T (Peon.; Pittsburgh- o ertalaliebed Line Lend( nod to WI °pers - non. dee proprietoca bare rands extenaive mange-- we tolorward goods and prod with deatuatcli. and On la.. tslCol InkeraLie Lena. They confidently hope na-U known piondanea• to della:I-nog aalel) nuage•of carrying -.patio.. &whoa , ita cacti port. anforiling afroinnindalamn hipper aintada - ne ea or piddoce—rogether with their long exp. , - I len., awl narentedrag radii.. to bud., adryire to dein a ecanoluanra 0( that lawn/ ra t ninlija (hey Lei. I,y gratefully acknowledg. All ronfirnment r ell cud an , this line vecetadd. char gel pant and turdarded tu direction. tier of chair,- ins roma...ion, advanenly or eiorage. No init.,. directly or t0i1...1y, strand:wad All euininunie Landis prointnly atrendvdno on &Kan,- f tOO art ltd aanonola ogee.: EOM DI A CASH,Midler et, Philadelphia. TAAPPI:b a/Cr - IN - NOR, Canal Cade, Irlnabalgia' OCONNOR`i A Co. North at, Badmen- ' WAL IL WILSON, ,4 Cedar.,, New York. apS W•aters Tramportaties Cospway. aakaZA IS4S. Oirrth E b'fitibtd CLL. 1848. 1.6 PIII La LIF1.1.111a: BaI.TISIORE a PEW YORX 131=r===n3 A RE prepared to transport gooJe an! psothtee lo•anJ /X lowa we above ewes on favorable terror. —Ad. drevs or apply to 11. Co. Canal Began. Pittsburg& UMIAK& ISCCII. Nov 13 A I. Stottb Third is. Ph J TAVI.OP.& NON. Ago, No 14, N'IS Howard rt. 110 l A niiiiurr, 7 ;Vett voret, Vox& Paltsburgb, bravelt lOth, guava/. -11ARNDIN tO. Pa"lower and Ileadttassee, AIi t HAN HOF-% CO. CAM., to bring pers.. front any part a tinsland, Ireland. Scotland. Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with Mehl usual punctuality and sneatton to the wants and VA*. ton of canals - mop We do not allow ourpassengem In be robbed by the semi:ma that West the Sea ports, as tee take Charge ut them dm admen! MeV to pun themselves, and me. weltle 7 ing, and de, ppaateh them rittt ir any . tle w tnl . lll4 b o y m th: t fint a. t , - 6 t\•e any this gem to, shots that they ' mere &tamed 4dbonra - by us in Idverpool, whilst thousands at others were detained mantles, 'innl they could be mat an mime old cralt,M a, eh: rate, winch lob (Impend) proted . drelc miens. We Intend to perform our contracts honorably, coat what it may, and act act a. was the ram lan matron, with ether o aken,—who eller performed not 'all, or when it suited their convenience. . . Inane 'dream: n Pnotbutah , lorz Inun .. fr w .Ll to to I n d a ,l•4 . llol, " P:o r t re ' n7:3 Cre * JeldllVA ROBINtON, • Eu V ropean end General A., Fifth street, one door belove. Wood. PRTlll,."*' rirIre.A.TABIT TO TUM LADIMS-.Chense I flair Greain, a matchless uncle for the Growth, Beauty and . Resieratien of the Hair. "this Cream, when once known, oupemede other articles el the kind now usetl When the hair le dead,. ban/i, 11..khy, or turning gen few, applicalsou will make, the hair eon and dark, and give it • beatital lively appearance, and will also make it retain its lie. hue.. and healthy color twice a longs. all the preps. rations which are generally used. Every lad Ana gentleman who' are In the habit of using ollm o n thin hen, should st ante perdue* a bade of she ''truer !lair Cream, as n u wi composed that it hinll not totem the hair like those other preparstione, but vein Malan} 0, Lode,. perfect satisfaction in every instance.: For testimony to its very ooperior qualities, set the following loner from BAT. Mr. Calderon, to kleserTi. Ilendershou & smith, Nashville, General Agentesial the Wester. Steites,„_. • j Letter Innis the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Frelv byterian Church, Palest'. Menses. ilendershou k Streleh—Centleknem take Feifluent In adding mytestimony to timer of th.excel. nt panatellas celled Dr. Pariah's Chinese. Ilale Cream--for about two years ego, my Missy. very, MT, ' , tint!, and disposed to come intti but -itaitig h Lrel. cured 'a bottle MO. Cream, and used it aced to tie prescriptiott, my hair is now soft, climb: and to the bean. Many bahmuts and oils were applied, rank leaving my hair In a winno tome than betom.-._ 'EMI Cream, howeverrhas met my expectations. As an article for the Toilet, my wire gives it prefer , enc. o.r another., bang delicetely peptioned. low MO duppmd to rancidity . bulks eepecially will Lod the Chinese Cream to be a d.iderautin in their prepw rations for the toilet. Respectfully, do. Pulaski, Jan. I, logy. • R. CALDWELL. IDeetiold wholesale and retail, in Pittiburgh,by John -AL - Townesed, N 0.45 Market buret, and Joel Mohler corner .1 Wood low Flftli streets. JalllG 11110211 - 01 - TOY 1310-PrEcilligatit: NEW CIUNA, CLASS 6.4.WEENSWARE STORE: NAM Woos/trams, subscribers wish to inform the, public generally A. that they are now opening a new and lamecock or China, Class, Queenswitre,. Britannia and FalloY comprising the latest and =Oat fashionable pay terns of French China do do • Superiorlenn. Flowing blue, Liverpool " A great variety of Tea Sets, different qualities; Britannia Uteakfut and Tea tics Waiters-a beautiful article "queen's Gothic;' Puler 1..1" ICoflielills, maker,' Gllase Ware,. general assortment. Steataboat ownen and hotel proprietor. ere invited to examine our impartment ocware enitable for their pinin W golditierni Dinner &is; -Slone Dinner 4, (2 new pattern.) ' " 44 Country Merehant.ean find • large stock of aniele. 'suitable for country sale., which we will sell at era able pore.. ' • Oar stock being entirely nein, we feel satisfied of he ing able to please all who may favor us with their cus tom. lapl7:dtf&wk j • COLL & _ _ -- HOUSE, SION AND STEAMBOAT PAINTERS and Ulaciera—Person wishing to have pinutine or glazing done with firemen and despatch, will please give us a call. They will find it to their advantage, for we are fully prepared to do work as low as any Lou. in the two cities ran or will do it, at lie. 6 Wood street N. B.—We wish it to be anderstowl that we have hat quit the painting and gluing, as Nome of our sow ...Jolts friends have been telling the paid. generally that we were going to retire from that branch of our mess. We ere more fully-prepared to transact the ng and glaring Thais we ever were. apel & II ,PHILLIPS. Mcitaawirah•lin Mouse' Tailoring E stab:. llama • at, SA AC WILLIAhItI, Draper and.TailOhtegs to in 11. foto. the closet& of Pitubatib and other., that he • now Opetinig at bin room. on Staithfield _Merl, un der the above Howl, a large and beautiful aworunefd of Cloths; Cassimeree, Sanaa Silks, and other Vesthip, together with reek other siticlei*as sea required Jr wear. goods have been carefully se lected, and ant of the newest and most' fashionable style, as Well a. nif superior quality. Ilia customers may depend upon having theirelothes wain op in a Manner which cannot flu/ to gratify the - [sate of the aa. _ apt* I ' ItOi MANCIIMITEIL • Ploptietor of Ilds well known plane of telort his the plenary of Informing the public that his ettab. mem having hien thoroughly refittei and repaired, and the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, Is now open for tech accommodation, alit he Clasen lam self that thew ho may boor boa with their patron and all at o na bl e dealer, provided to Sur bor style and on reasWm.. Pie I. dell' Milled 10 wpm: no expense in making his eatablldonen t worthy at public patronage. lie has accounnedanon. for boarding a few famthea Ice Creams, oaten !afresh- Went. imitable to the timbal, coo.tanily en hand l 5 tf LEVI DiptcHFnum. ) tfai)„ iscELLANEOUg 2. Nit sSrr Sleek Per Biles T II . F o u oilers for sileihisraire stock, in The collection on is ma Nea porchaw le bs at t r r all re eettle P etrallav - 0 ya my. in the Western <manes containing many new, and valuable.plailts, ea.alinglnpartOf J,6poutens, large Punting plants, from 3 to dfeellia, feet in height, C7Liti,...Alt e e . toCcii, , Gefatilagis,Eitelieras, kl_exiths 'l l=. Tho.Dahlia./ist cabana the diosaali mad r;ean m IAn ult e.prixe sorm grown; Flower Room s • large variety; Yates, shrubbery, shade' trees, evergreelm, ire. Amateur., Nursery men sad When,who want tottlecorate Melt yards, a ardeus, pleasure gahulds. or green house*, are respectfully in to examine We cull which o dpen to visitors, except olLuntliya. Conveyance hr the omnibul and greet any. Desenptive lapel scut by, mad, or ybe had at ma mond, No -Diamond Market, where neon left with 'us, or by =RI tesk'arelnargh Post Ogee, will be promptly &iamb ed to. John Graham, a practical gardiner, will attend to planting shade trees, Drug of gardens,' be. Often !am , ebae- -JAS. WARDROP,' marlaidllniksr3lT ncheeter, near Pittsburgh. Enos Didavv,foritierly Realty, Ill'Kenve 4lb' •• %" • •••• Cincinnati, ti, Jac. Is. ........ -;....XisAtS4lll4,lfr. C., U. Cons New Mikan,. 'BEATTY, BRUME:IV& 10:, ' • , O 1 COMOLI•1110.1 tit at • FUR TER SOLO RID FORIPIRRDIPIORF ,• IarKEITCRN - PBODOCE, • Nu. 31 Puydroz Sheet' New Orlians lilean To— Banker; N. 0. B ble.sto uts • ' Jam. /7regor &Co, h " David W & Co,blssiton, lb • i " Ebb AI rpm Bsuteis, • Dome .k, hexer, . • Malenrse, Esti, II Id Kearney, tot, Dunker. Zenceville, • to for Donald fc Co, " Reed. Perks & CO, ReAver,, , P., J Gill. Esg, Wheeliug, lurk. A /Jo • llitsKurgh, Pa. • k% M Mitehelacc, ovlgdleo lloston Mode of Ilestinsilioninns ' DIATER, of Kostop, him arranged and pa tented • plan for heating tionseXltellich has been successfully used In Warob,-New York, ke., %RR when ever applied, bee receired the decided, prele recce over stoves, furnaces, Sr. Its adribtages are— -Ist. Great rcgttbuiry.of temperature.+ Id. Freedom trona 3d.' No unpleasant alryphsa. ' 4413: nwir attended tod not liable to ger OUL.of order. . bth. Great - • A model red sperlSestion any be seen, end app.'s. tus obtained, at die copper and tinware iactory,'ot , • IV3I SCAIFE, Elml st, • between wood and market. , 'MORGAN'S COUGH svath.-1, proved n be :me MA, great -Panseki to miring my child's. diefressing o From the temperance Banner, Nov 31647. 'Coto* Sramt—We aix'not in Ito habit of kinking, 'touch Ices taking patent Medicine', but we feel ibspaied to tecommend Morgan'. Syrup to Mose who are afflict ed mob a cough. Atter tiering tried the usual' mute. alias to remove st constant and dirtressuig tough, that had for severe! dayeaftlieted one of our children, with out nieces; we were induced to try Horgan's' rough syrup, Mid by it relief was obtained 111 •kw hdurs. It Proem' to be the panne. in this ease at least. ; .• • Prepared wholesale and retail by themelor, JOHN D MORGAN, 4b7 'wood so,/ door below - MGT.. • A IC/mileage to ato World. - • rpwenTr.Five WILLA Iln will be paid to any one Who will pojoheo a spot of paint, areen or aryl Mat mama be Moaned with Hon% Improved Chemical Soap. 1 have the ettiafactent efettYlaglo tar people a this place, that hi. &bole, lOy my own amprolerarai on 0, Nair Moods ueroralled on doe toaranr for.extracting pease, tat, limb, oil, pniT4, or , any other greasy sob stance, (torn all kinds of gentlethen`li Middies , elating, carpets, table Moils, araram Atmore, butiesthimeets, Ae, withoat Mating anything that pare water will not i core. More Maw one' Maenad prestos dtreraut mins .of the N aymam have sold. me they weed not be without it; al it ene dollar per ln trying th is Soup on more than - Are articles et l ights ight aidou •Ons, aL mimes, sbd calicoes,l have only found three pee. it silk, two of elpseea i and tau of ealicoom which it changed the color, therefore before putting it onAllght dime try • ramie of the drem Ent. I wale this been Icm determined an. to recommead onytonsuaer shad I know In be suirdy true N II Sae. Price, ill co per cake. Sold, wheiecale lad retell by . It g, . dee24 07 wood at A. BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD. fri/E undersigned has long been convinced of the tocessily (or' some medicine adapted Nthddu or Children and lufainEto supereedeldie use of all thorn madiebies which coat.. opium, and has at length sue. ecedwil la preparing and odering Or the pUbSe usedi ' eine fully 10.1.1. eriog avtry purpose for all dimases of the harsh, without the use of that deleterious dm, 0r.4 other calculated to imamin dm least. • The Waal p seen has been fully tened and tried, the lilt twelve sunitlis, by litizaeraaa promo ; awl found to possum an 416 , -*Mraardiaary Mid produce ell the aston ishing effecte es set lord, on the bill of directions. TA arrhive, (home, Pairo,pielinese and Dioceses moue, from 't coking, aeons immediately. without ihrturtung 'any or CM functions of He tickty, profile/11g die happien cod most. p l eas a nt venation nom eioleit pain to • llampul Radiofoto elsie of test ing in the link Rayner. • To be bad wholesale rad read, of the Proprietor Dr, JOHN sAttus.vr, Druggist awl Apotheeary; John IkelMain, and most odor, Druggists a Allegheny and Pittsburgh. decro SIMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.--li hai power to core: Precasnoix, Feb. 14,19)7.- H. K. SIILLSXL—SIy Valle has for years lima subject to distressing cough, accompanied math asthma, for die cum of which stiemsed digerent cough remedieu and had the whiten of the most eminent physinros su Fligland, but all wits unavailing. By chance I heard a atdour Imperial Onigh Syrap, awl was Induced to bay bottle Ror trial, although I had nu betel that au) thing euuld remove her domain. t. Tomy greai.mrprise, awe doses gave hoe ale ItIALL She 4 at War. troubled Intl a cough, but two teroptionstal of Syrup always stops it. lam suroted, Idler • trial of three or mar years. that Seller's Cough *Trap is the hoot cough medicine I have goer tried ablerot the Old or New World_ Fauteueass, _ I Seventh Ward, easy of Palatine, i 'the above cerufirode induce all Who are 'doubted with cough or asthma, to give the Strap a tri,. .1 It • may be hod for 'M ends • Tarot, et the drag Italy of -- R E Piurnitul u. gold by Dr Cowl, dth wood, end Li H Curry, Alle- K•greoleat and best ninety ararofeted in Miami) , 1 beAue—made on Me mom approved Eastern plaits mist fa.bsonable Waste= P.M.... 1 .A... Al. .7111: CHEAP MOLL, . lu/srupi DIANII, on band o made ia order of all mt, and at all price,. ''Cottony Merchants and Where are Invited m ead and adulate the above for tbemeelves, at all will be told wank's.* or remit, and • liberal deolonion made 10. tolailmale f. • oat , . v •' A Wt...TERVI,LT I'vJ.LJ' I MING'S TEE ItEdTIAL ULOLIES, studding bad lbinteerits, 204 Gleogniphical sapreaddedlA the tb• Incisor the not celebrated eirctudbarigalart Caw piled deallsellbea sew Stifled Cllote,Al* *Milieu and mayercoard by Alain d Smith. Waving by 1t...0 Part tAIkINUSI CELESTIAL GLOSCS, daleibiodalltla boon Audi babble, he. .Curapilad Gam the works d b debated Hareleaa, Maw, Brad. LIM leabactioas of Ids Aoudad. Ica Soriaty Leaded, dal de Fran amities Ne• Tag Allube Johnston! Modk toe L.,. put ressingl • feu pun of tursithoiss, soma' . a gimes Wiry= I psis 12 kobot lu distaste", I ." ani glob" 6 f, laid Joarsal enpy R TOWNS/NMI. SARSAPARILLA.—So dozen D just received of Dr. Toweaesid`s Sarsaparilla, the mow exttaindinary medicine in the wotld! TttiaE.l- t. act is perup in quart bottled It Is six none cheape, pleasanter, • and warranted superior lo •ny sold. It eon. disease without venue. purging, sickening or debilitating the patient Loot on tot ittlittricert —ltoptineipted persona have copied our labels, and put up medicine In the sum shaped bank. See that each bottle has the !wince =e rmine of S. P. Townsend. , IL E. SELLERS, Dragnisa, 57 Wood suns; bet' Third and Fcann, if DinVorrnsend's any, *dud and reran stem for Putrburgb, of *born the den *Stele cut be lad, U. 111. Corm , has been appointed Mantle agent tot Alleglway city, of whom ihe genuine article CZEI be had. ' 2,4 A nitiZ a *lputNet ,Dr JAYNE'S, EY NT mow or to 01l other rewary .113) Cooshr,Cooroooloa, Bronchltia, Arbor, wid Ow POI OW' wry ttfortiorroo Ow Or war perms lOW communed the or of it Ix liar Dadib ow yaw Igo rill kilo It to 41 other reeetbarof We Dori ad wh0..., bow Ora Whorl to try other preprotiow Way Low Croat itorwiabty bow Iltappolated ownroc Ur tow* WOW au numbly ostrepord from am high strain Wormed Who proprotio aid how mania to the ose aflame Esracrowar, n, • rowdy (het W. own hibolW .hoe Wow- rid Wort prober, seared tarsal la vowing ~dramap olowoa ..L. Prrporol only by Dr D. Johns Phitodelphis, wd Odra owl ALX. la pm; TJ Pourd. at DERRY & blowhotureio LWRINGE, Slaw st, WAGON COMERS AND DRAIN DAGO j Ito. j o i r e i AjtI t CRIPT . I 4 O I % • Back of 7 A. Ribon'a Caind - Ware Manufy A LL orer. lon with S. S. ?Soon, at the Whoa of Or LI: Merchant's 1101.1, Yitultorgh, will: he proOPOY ,suanded to. THOS. 0. DERRY re•lodlr. A. U, NICKERSON ORIGINAL !BOLIVAR BRICKS.... ILIXTE . ItIENCED 'tulips, 011 a trial of ono 'end • kW( ..Ijl 11111110., since tell, pronounce this article ensue. poised for durability in thenousttvetion of all kinds of Eutw". deice 1Pt1,76 cork for loads of IV 111, gosh /Weed nine months use. Orders for • second quoin> . Holiest linage will be cotwaied at WU per 11, If so do. sited, without gu•runien. A albeit of the first quality Is now for sole ot the woryboule ' .Sloinn's Wharf,' Ce lia! lies in, by , J 11.atlif MACLAREN, 10 4 _ . eulfiugloutroo Work. (A N I'd MAIM TO NIC.— A Stec ring tkis welch id, we unkentotinity romance el to be wbst it woks* es— • best article, without u)exceitumb io we t tenths raw ' and preservation ot the Itctowi bow. Ws know It of a woos usidanees when Lair hot berw reduced taboo/. wide have s en bald ger yews; cud urs tbutli ow wount dm 0 .„. ,q,,,, Ilya to weounintol 10 all WO raaltr. !Ow a: Twin Unit ba0.1., =Yr u trtal of ihn Tutocuuumbably tluV ale to PitOurgis al Ow Peakut Tea Store, Nu, 7a lAA 40vei tine Woad wsrkdets,T Q UNDIU JES-450 bags orosoi Itio codt , o; /50 Gbh N 0 tLL 74 bores .aanufact tobaic/41.05 loaf peen god black teem; 76 tl .ml 131 b bole. V 11 rd U P do.; teuu born ticnnun clay; 10 cask. salera asi 11.1 do. pcoa.ll, together %vita a generalassolt• AVM of grocensa, more and for solo by fag CARSON d /11914 , 110111 . ,Cih H4VANNA 01uggs—• :11to ell/ARS-1014W kopowed Ngv, of he [allowing celebrated brawls, .pan to arrive „,,,;isdag of, Caves, Auldquedid,Wavhisgroo Rapirkit, Evettlapie, Dor Amigos, ka hater, Lokkii Liman:Lord Ilyroit'r, Edda antic/pc., Ream boat do, Ville yr, curs do, Sylvia: do , t.n Ilayadwa lir, do ad, Urns, La Pala., Carktlares, Eagle prracidev, (or solo by • P It MARTIN, kb, • • • car Southfield k from rt. ‘7;UPF.hlitiii• ILLUSTUATEiIIeartION OP 'nig al AR/11JUN NlGHTSiaßkprearly desagued (or Garr Op toadiagl to CPUs* of potato:Atka; icy •Ilaravv,& Um then, New York, , To be completed so rarely* pawl,. Part lid Pot received and for Wolin JUIINIITUN k sioc , krorc comer market lad ad Ma IP S ..• . -- - . • ~, • iroll. lITAII 1110A2/ DURTABLE FONK/A.-- lII A very com 11 ment uncle. 1 Bellows and all ike bugo can be earned by tie bea dle. by two men. A few jeskrev.d andier NW b • f tam , - Will 8 MNOtt COXlllntrno/fs .. Droaclatui kboa s • keSit MAW ' and Breen. Sem Croam. P. 2 "2" Mine Bran, _ stmi - Bemoan Trensere, Co4eLlanith and. aUP Dr. Sarnymere Compotemi 9 Fpup of Wild It as mild and pleasant to the tamm perfectly safe asl harmless In autoperations, and yet q. Or the tr e , s izt h e . e o. re A4 lt arymppoo d- the Complanal, Pants in le Sulto or Dvan, and gen _ Delany of the Constitution, Mat was ewer wrested by the skill of One an Me relief.' the adieted parte. Certalleates and evidences of ite wonderful carat. powers are daily received (tarn all gnat-tem r. al len- Nudge to conceive she aggregate pit ery Math. been rebend ear sti ma' esi• we calculate the umnerms Weeds Mat coati &acme fray it here... AU men seam, and coat:nations SI. .dike adected by it, and the olLseame is eradicated front the system, the connate.. repass., and health tored by the use °IDA Swarario Odoleimen rldr ' ? Way Caner How many solEners do war Uady bold approachang M an enamely grave, wrested, to the bloom of youdt, front their Matheson. friends, Melt ed mak Mai Caul ate lady, CONSUMPTIONinsducti remotes the miemble utterer mad he u beyond qf• poorer of human skilL melt isarema wmaidenly oyor tip owedhod ? b.,,, gulping the various inelfeLve team.. wan which our newspapers abound, Mu 9regetabla:s dr' Mel. the ulceratml nags stopping proem. sweats, at Mesas. Were radiarrag aaatetal eat y expectorant% and the perms will soon Sad hressailf la leer PloMmet oicomfonable health:, Thapubbeshoald bear au radad that lie. derayste is • regales ee,niumd ph) acme, and has bad years ef experience la stemmas gehaettilflM2ll". I litM l.'4 ll l7 r rat of Eh Mb r =em;PMMdapl YN mn. to Hamm ctenFILATF. of all the cues netball ever been recorded,Wneney safely say the musk of medium cannot &mash rate M surpass Mu, Much now stands is a laving proofed die curability of mnatepti., even whim Use had be. '•despaired of. Dr-Swami: o v Common gr . Syrup ot et {Veld tin •11 at prefeme e b e , 11„, i n' : a' - 1 11: "Tr. Rids. of Ltfi it Radek. 5 Salsas—Dear ,Sir bor ineirster of thepoome,l :eel myself in duty bowel to notify to the great Wm which your Comm./ SY._lt of Wild Cherry perform. eol on sue For my pert, I wet . ever/ boalY °Med ito know it. was saluted with a viohnit cough s Lbw .(,..ak , T 0r the voice umicanng Mt Manned sate of the duesteM my &poet. war gore, and my Mength had me fart.- ed me that my Mends nod physician were gene.. I could ransurvive maydays. Neer, ams y anxious cam-taker. seadeMmdry whirs she De Likely to prorate the moat eons k relict diho wastehl that at Dr. Swayne's Commmed symp of ivjui faded in the evre, my hie win Men Invent*: Sim ntedietne wee ammedaftely promised, and the Def ile gave relief, mad b) the Lime £ had commenced th e µma Louie. any cough had lan as. and my strengthwan Mach unproved. Its short, M has end.. • Pont% ears of me, end I gall this present time memory mean as J on es, and here good season to believe That the me yr medicine has saved me from a Oren/M. se tt . I shall be pleated to give any Intent. reap. my ease. I bl flaxen, , el cheater ea, between sae. end ems eta, 04112701 W CAUTIONq t I Commons., Read! Read!! Dr. Swayneh Compound Syrup of. Wild Cherry. , about the year 1037, 1-!mad U . necessary In ny professional prate., to compound amedumal pre. aeon (or dim.. of the chest and Mega pos... ...MU/owe/fel hmair.(PreP•niee than,torl ask*. onto too.. for each disease., in my MIAIFVUND 31111/P OF WILD CliEll/W, harni been rely see. cessful. The truly anomoduag eaves effect by my median* defame abroad; fo rite . ea troy of ns success to magnetos. newspaper puffs au Pa ged certificates—the Mal Waldo merilti'of lny COM. plated is the =dreamt of inp4ulanty. Inextenalte sale seen excited the envy Mew..speealatots lathe samtions of his fellowereatstrim so math son= * (ow yams from 1.1.010 that re rejlaralkaa tear Iwo. daced to the pub. sadist gnat • fine Oh c re am, GrulA that my preparation had gained a high TElfttycallleid.lftrur. Vilragrialentit:s'atTrelldsga: hie enfwelable Ma popular phynema had no to do with the snick urn peer Mom Patch. The =AO of Dr Waster Is attached to nuke it appemSatthls Mar usentpresudoaer was the °retinal inventor of the pre. pennon; sech I. not the The +bane Mtsh the of haven., sold the recipe and right to marinfannyi some patent medicine dealer. Cumannati for Wen and South, and moth. Now Tort in Me who aftervrards, It le asserted, mold out MA dregrad Boston—so the anadier Gunn. Imo which ii mayhem! changed is . antigens. La some places they amen it emanated hom a pit wenn in Yhdadanlum ethers, from e phydribut klamischamen So-lt b oo falsehood sad strange. stamped to every katare. Then have been a usher amber prep...Wu Mir. portingareaalala Wild Cherry scut out slue, from the Huts of Inerperlenix . , which the piddle should guard maims, as they contain ma of the Maas cote ort.. nal and only gamine somparalson, which bean Mails. nature of /Jr. Swayae on eaeh bottakk. The p.l nianufacturen alums pals gadfalse eendinateat ham dm daring Whammy to cannon the miblio against pal. Mining say me..., the only muly gentune ado s eal preparation of Wnd Cherry p ore ' thd tati which - manned satufactonly by the pal". records Me CenneranWealth of reanisylvaelaom well as veer 0111 other *Sacral Po uts..oDa. U. SWA.lfet Inventor and bole opnetor of the germane Colo potmd simo of Whin Cherry, Wrote •of Fen. and Rac Pi:m.dets can twenbunned mates, setting %rah an arrim ef teatimmayfthat Wall mamas the moat sherd. cal of the isondenel runes et Dr Svrayees Syrup of Wald Mein. ( and get noe, read Fuse.. thissiedame, and Az crass. For sale, wholesale - rood renal. by the Age.. Wm THOUN, Allman OODEN es SNOWDEN, corner Wood a e laberty sts, S JONES, lEti Litany sa, Li A VANN ..Ttleit a. Co, comer, of rust aid ood and sten and Wood, sod JOIIN MITCHELL,Ap ), ~ 1 1.. - mend Gee Magill% litiatedy. VDU CougLe . Col6r , Auturnt and Crunomptiont r UREA'r ANDO:4IW RF•XEDF forlbe eon of Ifie SLAM IttIeSSCS 4 LS the LIFE. discovered Ly the celebrated Dr. Doehani of. Luodun, Engnsid, aud introduced into tha United Sullen muter Um immediate sopennidodereee of the inventor.' The esnlinary meents - of this medicine • in eu re of Pulmonary diseases,. warrants idoerimor . A,eril It turtreaunent Me wont pomade ch ow thal eon Le kmail in Me emiummity..-easea that seek relief in rain from any 'O.( the eminnoti, remedies of the day, and Lan been given up by the t rot dimingidned phi ncians conbuwerand inetuable.. The 'filongsti- S/4 Balsam enrol, and nine, the mod &mann uf rases. - It is no Maack nostrum, List a sumidard Fog neh medicine, of known awl eitablisled erkirey: ; Every rankly in th e Ironed States ithoold be t =ped with Mich.'s Itungariv Linn. of Life, no only ID counteract eon wodenein of dm Minna,' but to be rued- . pre repave medicine in all eases de Cobb, rou t in, noising o ne Woad, pain in the side and hea,. Ontario* and soress of the longs, bronirls, dohnolly Lreaung, Irene fever, oickt 111Yeall, erabeL mina land general dg, Irene oenrri, whooping onigisaud comp. mild in large bottles, at $1 per bode, with roll dine bons tor the restorer/on of health. • • Pamphlets, rontionog o mass of Englialrand Amid e. territories, gad. ober 'evidence, shoningrha &IL equalled merits M. this gnat English, Beniedy, may Manned of the gents, granola/sit. Fur ante by A A FAME-MO.IX & Co., eordcr vi and Wood and Wool runlOth sir. marl DR: /AV ME'S ALTERATIVE: • . ' WE have been inbreed by Idea Rose of a eon per finned. her by Dr. Jaya.% Allterallvo, whta verl6. ...,...- proves 112 sapecionly pm 4: ab et remedy ... ... hied. Ene has been athletes' in Last siZleen yens with NLVIKNEIIar WIUTE tiW 011.13 'Mended with aleeratiout and. enfoliation of ye bones, de. ring 'which "bee Ratty pieces lave been . r .k luaged from the tree al' bone of the remora, frogs her arms; wristeand hands, and team Walt leis, hoes ; ta t e . : few tool boast, and from Oho sight biee t lieg.dea aleers an other parts other person, which - hove eldpod the 4111 of a mother of the mcod Aaiun t ysielansol oarr. tit, —dories' most of th time het so riots have beer. exe rattling and &Thim e ble_ A three moo* since she arts naloceti nt trpOr.Ja o's Altennive, which bas had sukaawnshus py eruct Oen ber by enneving• ail airell!np, and came"' the 'deers to heal oatt the aarae r hate berpleneral health boa come efely restore so that the 'w we la th be emes" than &a fo did bere d, she commenc to ed the c o t of this may •alaabie erepatm.7(at OM root. For farakehaformation,imalro of b"re.ttata No. I* Edbert at, PhllldelptuA 1 Pee sale la . PI tsrgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORra Pt Fouts ate Woo& .. 101 CROEULA AND SCSOFULOUS INGS.--Scrorida in, all its - meinplied forted whether lethal ofAing's Eril,enlargenienai n she glands or hozie.siCloitre, White "Swab ngs, Caron; Khemnatime,Vasser, dasamem of the Skull or Spine, or of Pulmonary (Menomonee, emanate (Inc. one smiths mete cause, *tick M a poisonom pried* more o leas inherent in the llamas syetem. Tholes fore, unless this principle cam bedew:toyed, Ito MAl cal cure ao he 'teemed, .bat if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a .care muted necessity follow, no seiner wider whatlorin the disease chaste manifest Well.. Thin, therefore is the season why Jslres's AI.TIRATIVX is 60 tlit aerially Maccess lul in reetorieg 10 . tattiylaatitsaul disease.. ' It deetroya the rano or principle Mont wince those dimmer hare their orivn, by eiriering into the circota lien, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing sum particle of dismal from the system. Prepared and KIM at No ft South Third Street, Philadelphia. , Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. T 2 Fourth • Pittsburgh esch2l g *DIMS Who Use lienunon ?Soared Chalk,: onsenotaware bow Irightfhlly 0100i0a6 '1 It In 'the skin! how Doane how rank, how miaow, ; end =MAU." the - Ml*6opm. after moat ;,g,de; • Bead e l " it is isttan66% 60 . 0 annagelanm game y s u ge o in ie r W II e perfectly hutment, beietroedgettoLtla 'dries:woes mutates; and It imparts to the akin 11610 F alabaster, clear, living whit, Utile/IMO me acting as a amalgam on the skssq leaking item* 064 emote. . „ Dr. Junes .111016,001; Pwledeal Chelan/ ollitand ehaseus. says: 66.011064t.10666'.riti4 :White, I ind it pommels th e seem bewit wad rosts. rat, at the sum nese tatmeent while ame certainly C6 2 6 0 • 16 6 6 07001B10) telfoalmead ion am toe 'whose utin requires beanurying.a• . .; 1T•••=.67 WVIZIIIMN, at his ' Boot Ang ShiL i lita ' ny:ll Liberty street, head of Wood, at the wee of Ladles, ladies, l'ut istonisB64.. .W 666 you know. that Yea etufmme.da A Wank Ullollko, 400.7 Mat yoo wilt wilt me comma chalk, ; And look • deathly yellow fright, " The Mans of laeginer la of talk' • • if yeti vrittild no box J0NE111.01741016,11 'and gree roar Mum en alabaster yet nava whlus and At the sum Übe clear and towns It. Sold id JAC RM 3 N l 2,teldbettr al. Pees>C earns per j 'PAPER WAREifOUEIE , - atu..kmaiwiew SLIP.IIIMW YOWL' l YKUA W.. FIKI.O Mess :fur cat Um loircaS lassufseimensl prices, a eery. caroming .ssaccw mem of PAPAL compriAng sway pomiele earj adapted to Me wants of commas in AU moans ot wry ~,cy, Paper of all Simla Walt m otter 1114t111 . 1k nook of PRINTINO PAPP:a is isomigally fs* • pastor Machu of 'saris:maim malign. Aus. . ; PAPER MARLA* KATMAI Q",,"♦derliP"4op,ftkClori, PgLiteltutßiti l ittcpilYpcVleroasit Ulisamariao, Ite ..'• '• : cm....,eak - RamCiesa.R.P.,E4llol6 ~ antismog, kir Mona Mg /Lisboa P.m fa - tom willl paid Is New York, WWI T. Jellte C1D.11.111111 Ilonsty?,!r: VOX .11 kinds of eraptioat aasl disown of lb* EL* ;1` tack as Pimples,Bloterm,Salt Maeins,p, Coma eltaggod M 41,1 W Mr Walter esca lent of ike mu, width remora extentaf_rtmerbagh... mamma& wipsottled. MAO •Inplarinagltica, morplogw, Tao, Ma Mugge& MWecoior . of dmai yellow, of Alagamed, akM, ta a Pm, bealtan oubri t i. , A fnisli intpply, wartuild pubs, and fa sale at Ma reduced Om of 37§_pat ma:Abukir lawa mi.lned, Is circled for rig B • IsAIiftIICSIVC/Atsi Cc, meow Ist awl W 004401 also at Um corner of Wok and woodsy. _ Aid STZAX *cum Goonnuar.amorz a t ass 'OptM Whim usir mat . , 24iumr, 4, 1 ., to•nsho oretuti . I ==l'eu t er,r 401 tridt -1 0.11 hztwaod snd orillonly roottlata4. th.shoralog.' Wet Mc hmts offish Am.; <retold . .111 answer, fad nth It ie. tame Ad past; -.rhea' comet rill /ace lbs..easiche tha teeth. It leaves • debettua taste in the octal, an 4 los. pans. exalt dthightffiltiogiatten loffic WWI. Itattlide untivalkd as ;ikessans„ officious.; scasesdood4 ua4elltrirke. hi uktgame4 ROI to Wm the bat, gY,_ 31 .41 MA4 B 4t_ ~rot. how and Fromm'. r ccamlasacm—prevent the toothaahe supogthectVo g.ota, and kneuektial alseaseo_of diem .PhYteeloas. idtdihneksgy eecoognedd h ._... 00 , 1 ). 4 7. thinkot thokted Ask tor,,,,tetnistros t so .ona• Tooth.l . sho, and qbwrvitino sigastwe Elsehed so attott poi-, - oar: by - ..D.ithisilst, Almoulscay, nue oaf. beg - Dentists... 4 by nand of tho sottatitshod - 1 ales in the United State; and eves ateostegly, used brit. Nobdity Of EaglastrobidPvl... law rn4.4.444494 - 4b,4t4*.t.; hstatthetiniaM smell/oft shat , dentageedVot the a ichusekokbowel; which • timely os• theks -1.40.c...0 , eithroly obrntio , Persons ot. habas shottid soya have..ta at hood, and take • dose= tbeVeol4ll.. l eaFt t t o tcskkettsetskolthnk 4.40 ~06/ pima tune I!.eitttes-s!lns4d2stYsMt kqrs ,. 4,farner Wa4 aad Liberty s" _ A 011ffierCIIRET-1 by 114 .prirpfeed chl by g Westuarkusd ithlati.l4/koesid.of duty yottoad thit•Mhool Woman* to add sty bumble toffitlassyn t Amor oryo.rjostly oiliffitabl'Lh.e'Pffik` 1 hats *Aetna &dog' so fseZ iffisci , ol l .ffisey Clickstl'ematha:ito sere pa or' Ikea go abssid." Mdd kit!. tdany gandisos of aad ormeksihoded co theskieet ettta 74 , 4444.4 a eiti..laie hoe. offend tho yoffide,aths„ . 12otionthq pclltsaeyiso Shoo al," is they aro jot the. to I itahtions alias. with Liver t0="40.. way youth; bon =and soh* nakY plan* tomato. /..0 ion nosh ldro• hem phyaciadahno•tto dastiic. Woad at it tor; awl ball, given a p to hcasulst • 105-71 was madmecl Wig your kJvae Pak., sod 89041 par way,' moult 04 'which imow santal kkpla..lo of pain hilhe'tide,sad all Ilbs tither spapLoatt, bs tem 12 tetaths. Yeas ra. ra.”.bp hoteuhasth / *soak . halo' tall; tasS gripiti *caning auselesieisii. at do Mot. - anklagiso as much Misr I toyikipklkes.itori Ase. far 7 Yeses •24, htffithadi Vote; sad haso NV* Itessi • siogfeeompland'ffitsred hykay ma who h•Casoll Za.paltsto sorstadstaloodairerrodorlffif a this aod m e Adis time will /said. lit k am*, awerrad thew to all . pinoso soodiag phi*, wholorz far Lhart s landsial or. &diem iffietion. .4 ed. dawdles farsayenqe .:Ishmael or the Bla1P21.! . Row. , Tkri j a Men are 'other Pith Wm. tho lb polo. 41•3•Lirterin•penotootho ward 0157117121Edioali - ask toe sad ed. no odor thou dog. premed Sod sat by- ft SYLIZILEI, Na 57 Woollot ItehroarThltd andydards ..V4.111 Dr . C • 101 .4 4. 4 2 .. 1 0 ,4 s D. AS cum./J*omi - I d o — in. • i - - . .. . Cur..t l Vircgat v 7fili f y w w n = iha.k...ilm eat:must Vitttbnedhoon • any for th e 'Sty liberal Wean and encooragnment has received asthi a the lestetentenths „Matte V - tar mt. dash d ansalni'luch. estentitY. • in. mange DOT nipnerwitvniwn it is consitinted how ,n number of ease or everr vs.e . W. of disowns, seek' and ekiiteftst here been total by a tudiaione oat- .InOenstanyi where It otigini_mir Win ! of the aura eels; thit'tetse men op by the moat fel ystedents of Swept as r.stowe,spere enrod h the f t tetnettal Pneteine, Op fitetedv. • ecthe Way, C.,... In Enstend.Fienee eta 'America, I ho or_ hope, • lest skies lave beta ' cored by it.; and the anneroes , t,se . IlOw la: . intentwalbtopew, --- ' don in the United yeah soletneelts favoraPtlis Dr. Monis hams': =needy 'establlshed hitsmelt lathe eity of. Pathan:l 4 ' o..o4 *m 'a a i ret with, alley ,on Penn . fe , ey•te none per; to Mi.. member , of weak. teat them at, hi. .boose end • those wheysefer be' . Iteated at,thea• ownilaettitu . will, la putebndly nii Taithitgly.aniadSL ' toil ' eoniulted el hla oCas hot I o t eloiktlll374Ci-ead front.? toill is Lis tanenitsy.::,...,:: . ..-.. ; N. N—Evary sa .t nt lola nada Luster (WM • Waist etue,bth fot ~ . ..xentt gentlemen, eon ta ob- Wend Odin ..InOniniiin, on Übe_ fly arse; where they hare beta Teeentlyetetted foillte egpreeelfter - bru t . d#Vaihi 4 i PaAntithil ' itOt wtetw.naerr anomie. Will fie . gintia . the rows aserittantive proptietars• • • i • . pit. iiiiittlEli iithillitUltATLYJd 'Wail; - 121tOhlthe lei 48A SHINN, a well knits' end my r mar Clefirrama Oftht Pinhead! idelledire ,„ The 'endersitted hums beermilliMeddluingiliepasi ~, minter withitdieessamf Ile matiath,eceactimea pm- Mules gmattain /mike arentachrertmearret= millicemiatomissionotad. after having itied teMedles with llnte envy was Ihmiihed Nth In • Is of pi, D Jaya* C. ttaisaiin, Millie vied • minting Oahe . e; and amid mearlablithat i lamticfuf We MMI ee OUPAP. taw me ham al. ' may aaa .to Adieratpr tweseymMetes every mica mammon was entirely ettieteM , 'the medicine etan rentehlumed whenever hadievieheallift eppruch Of palaetem peranieedi told the pain was therapy revved. • i mi. tie nentioned to am Me ;medicine e nei .7 ,4 !, 1 1 - Mat ahangintes in the_ mdraidi It , and in' ' a nat heath to A* far testateds Wu theist/first *arta 4es ad final a large anima of imprnetire - pain. •Ftima jtx ee 'Met:them Ac ean coast catty: nrumme.4 LI . u Jet nuirattahno, es a saintartnied__ Min • Mt fit mane orMeßamachtfaillowels. f.. .e. iiiilNfiD •_, r u l e in . i . _ ~ • cy/Iyr ei 1 , F m Pittstortgb at . the ttlit ?EA fruit . 72 t t esSrltilitteet,. fleas Wood, -erne else .•t theDiri. , ' them er tff i• oafs IWe ItTX • Ved.fei ere, , atieer V . . , .., . Pantry Irene lelemert, .'. - t , , 4 : - .C,1 libp'll.: O. k., SIBLEY—Dear Sirrlart Elptlac, aid di. hod .41.1. Ong th e previoas winter, 1 was smarty watt, acrofitlourcomplaint W at) . left iii!!! (or some = at tubs ander the care , _phyrsc v , said_qty case waaalawst Wearable, and they . . Ll:whale for are: . 1 eras nearly bets p 1 bat - with the aid Of erwebeacoulderith difficulty get about. la May . last; 1 parchased of you, and eommetwoi 800- . 201 :41A1OPAMILCLLa. - Atter the twe of Mb Iwites eamatelumt bealtacousd.l lablasidst ea s.,_ ea, naing only • cane: . lovelnied watt taresaw and at the mod orate (math, war so well as to amiss WI day to rhearnoz sheep ln all,•l"¢serl five tante." The saran!. and sores have all healed up,and staid loot' mower 1 hare wan no appearance or the illseasey bus have condoned, nod miaow, /tithe awatperfer.t beabil I state !nat.:am:knee, *pow that otberssoay babes efitieci an the acne way, tbatthe.Satagouolla mold fif raihr been Lk l atestisat c tr u l ezly u ntat i s t. riefee4 . m _fdralle whalers! * * surd retidl,ty. . .• . • . •_. i i dk.rf •,_ - ... ti: A. FANNMIVeg di oio i or.lrahl r .....d ~.. a: at..mer a 61. b. Bit tare , Compound Syrup at Twe awl op-Coughs, Ceidl,..Drottet#ll4, Spilt .1: mg of (mod, DYRePsta, !tad ell trier dad RAM of tne "reenttendlegtxyLllol‘..tßYCONSUMFT;con. itrat a t i ttc . b . r: in eteite=rzo , f u this . , ba, v= have itid=the prewneterito Übe price etID cep* pegmatite, thus placing it within the reach of all. No body easteld be without, or once will; wises thetkinie once sena and appreciated lts'lllrilaft Istorsistsusorts e new to the owe, complaints , Contalato minentier narcotic Ittgreetients, eel' the • Ile , Outcome/rube can result bob lb nun sufertug freed croup and whopping rough will lake with the y, and and it:W.4Elli relief, no . reallerhow 'Wend thnorzoxywa,if giVen acconLog ap direcligni I Forma." by 'beekeepers generally,. in Ws and ed. joining meatus, imd wholesale_esnismil by the Orb. obtain) • •• • - IT& .118 Druggists,' aura till N. Second et. below Vine, Men: ' !ENO Pliatuovnewg-- ttettanar Amanda /mete, the stoorlngi Cee9slipll la Rose, tor salving; • • Alternate Cream. do; • • Irtrflaa Honita.on Puraelaru stands;iirit=ttl! bag., !throned with to reader, ART • Ueout.4l:poordes {ld.; of all naiteraa; liaboa•ert toilet boxes, entaarniag fragrant entracte for the loindketettief;• anent La i r. and ratio loalat,aatir able for present!:• • . . • • rersisP.Or LUPO* p0W4.1 • lo.Lostroympllp hair oili ' - . m loopy or coismion i•MpPe,s,(rairl.scontl . mih Ahoy . .. , Pomp; Nymph Soapy Itc.;so Up' Ohm, aheu imays dodo umpytolothhy 1•111 i • gr. 1 1 ,41, igloo pegummy: pop mecist.4 for uh. br t • . kal; js../MED" CU I, feel it f ... LatT e 3 owe to ogy llow &mores ; to litate tllOlO wowing von Vegetable Polloonary - 71= S inceS Ann wed the Balsago,-anal elemt Yews ado; ehappy effect et which then gave ow ateowtor/1 have had sound severe eontplsotha and imam wy oop, ono • few daya since, and - Ets:nrory. batman / have wed the Iltdeass alga= with coorptete and pa** weer... It haa effected relief and wroth. a l :Bis Wye. It b certainly a sate medicine: •1 -do aw -1 that it will ewe a fixed eonsamption, but I will be In may eases • prenrennve, and. pnretdioa is ; hewer th an ease; Ido therefore, kw the lore of, 50then,"earttostly reeernownd the use of this i la all pulWooory .ecesplainta. A am senlidentAtat has been the theani of twee/mina goy life to OW day: Beeson Jane Id, Bk.24.laidliPt.i/IBSONIII, For sale by. Is•rahnetteek, & Co, earths'. litst wood and alao comer wood and nth- "L Pasant. labspek Spriaw Tnau4 , F M ENLY INVENTED—Po/Um relief tuld Pens/nem Quest IiEFOLV or uurruntL. Illaned , sa aU the con , mama w•asza witla Yr/actin au be lebreb The pad of •^1 Leib( assay balanced ob sprbiks,yletit• wpm., ono on gay put of it, and tkorbaginy adopta nun ray movement made by Um vreat'er. It can be rebas *Moat Ibtenitistiott; moatatareisaeeetsd. lbe suf= orfibers krea male art augemeriti Sainte asityrustanab. at IleusyttotaniTrasyes,/b a rumbas im • kopn andlokye them mt., kit,sale al uwir mace, N q - 1 7,.;•••itateld at. seer Witt, ritsbrtb. , • • t GNU. W al"1", Is 11 SELLERS, MY M. • y?a, Verlaine - in my (Lily, and btlidve it vrtitt,! it vet used. 7 nre m cinatOr ioy el4ldrcn ogle dose, urkith tlpelLd 0,1063 ***)...Pr • ki Ibl:ia 1. .old by R sEr R.P t "‘ Mal mb .1. Sold. Yard; 1) AI awry', 113, , J• Tesupen9cevari sad 1 , Drava, Lay: QYRING , Es—A....Om.ut JOE reed oo4iai PITTSBURGH - OA ZETTEi( V.l Itt:iil (1, - 013All.Y; Tlif.Vli 10E04 Y. 3 • 4, d.acsamr/hoduiv,Bda.olierga Poirl_Vles.3. ', .• .art•Tlear 09. ADVICHI.BI lifi•• r boo insettiall e! !Slidell, or Imsa, - . — •••••50:1X1 1 o'.ollArttions withontaltentions,.•:::;,.• • ••:o 70i I Irrni ms ., " '" - --- . -.-- .....• .. •.1 00 1 One tVeel • !'• : o• ,-..- '''' : .:••d•-ir.' , lo . 7 l'iso'll"eeti 'l.' . ' '''' - '."." ''•'• .. •••••••••••:1 60 , !ni de ,. ;••• i ~• 4 One Mou . ;:o .- - ...!".'• • ;., ' • i. , 3 4 ld, 'i ' ... • . . . ......,... VIVO :: ''' i , .. : ' ' 6 iht . '.: l : 4'll . l : o ;d — r , litivertise n. ent . nts M son -.. n . ;0r.1 . i0d ..2 : fi pan Squsze,6 Months, without ol o, o ooo riis AD 4 o ''•.- It .. - ...o . '" • . •t•sA6 Bash additional square for 6 mon th.: • - 0 00 ~. w,:. 4. - • o •o -, - ' .11r -. ' ...... 10 1/0 pac.Nuee.6 inanths,rcatmbhint-1,11/Miro•ls.9o__, "• • ,L.' i' .1.1 -.•;,_•: !' '• • ..!' •.; ' . lit/ Ull i 'lliehadditiOnsisquare r0r1tm00thr•,..,,,,,„; to iV o dquit'o,6 nwitbsisessable at pleSaitro, - 1 to ol 4 ' 411 "4" 100111 f 11.1 10 1,6 • 00 1 , 0 , 1, - . h ' *4iiir ,Oi .irst•wsLiit IN pani.i. : ,. ries' 17na square. 3 insertions,- ...... •. • . •••••• • 4! 60, • I ". : •!',• dadfolditioDtkiaachioi,; . ...: .. ;,-:, • ' , 31 , Fite lines or leas, one flit, ' - -.; 6i m ; o o • o air months' : '' ' 6155. - pm wee kl ysw,daiitac.4o;oQ o o o sir months ••• -•-• •-: 4- 8 tie . , • antarilairiwill lir .wasicza eArLi. 'I . 1.1 40 liner,'or has/4 . 00e imertios, :::: .ii .. 00 ! -IP O , -. • ''... -.:•;:.. .;0 II . ' . - "-. "Three . .100 ' : • ' • 3. - * Dr . . 0 . 1 0,„•• • • • •,:.'11a . „ • •••••••• i .... ' ' ossess m aa 01 ; 1 N ~~~ 111,_ f ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers