Nal=l d17121:15 lads Strw; WO bbls la" IPlutadas 20011a13egn Wage Molar mg 40 Ws Lost &gar 110 4 Ina fag"; 12 let of ift at or M I a s a WI; A 1 kr 71171111M64e - t tirseakieeeve 20 le& bble PCIN B •• TT mthy r ,.4 }i.e.** Woes, compneene • • rely choice and ceperior Immo* receives and tor - op reeciesoodetieg serum by • • myfi. iv & libeny EATEN? SODA ASII—lo tisk& James lllurprau & Sowell% quality fttla Adc Jan reed per stammer Ralik sad for,sale by I or% W & Y MITCHELTREE, If* liberty& TAMES A. HUTCHISON A Co, Agews AP Neese Nagar Ha . deesT, No. 45 Water and 93 Front .tree; Pittsburg*, Pa, beret in store tke following as aonerest endow! Sugars, for We low: . 5 bss doebkr reined large Longlooobbl. Ndt. 2,4, 5, d,7 end S small do; ZKI do rolidered; MO do Creak ed; 45 do Chemed. . . m7IB ONDRIES-40 ..b. Sods Ask, branded Et &sae • tat 50n 1 A 2 .4. 201 ; 30 do I do_ do ismer htsisorau ss Sons, do; _lOO by. suo Cogree; bozo 7:9, tillkand 10:I2 TV (dorsi for ..I. by ' • JOIIN GRUA 121 Liberty st; -UNDRIES--211#211bs Bolls Post 250 bosh Coro; 8 bids acmes Seed; !Auks Hags; 2) do Darr 33 bbls Floor; 1 boo rj/gs, landing - (root almost CoPs . 24 23 / 2 212 ml2B I JA/MI VALZELL Oived anar prim e"a", lot . - R EBFLLEILS, 17 wood st MOROCCO -12. Mid* •Loal,Tobseco, received pet mewl' New England No 2, nod for We by • . . JABAL HUICHISONt Co AISINS—Iedi Router boies blade, for We low Alt to elow cooswomer, by _,__ jo di Co bAccei_4l instore ,Ursad for sale by ' rcirLsoo ce , • 'Ames • Hu INILS—oo Limmed wi, Vad °Mal; IS do Lard ko . oil, do d o; sinubedand Common (Ali ea Clialll44loo/11a0 for at reduced priceir MDR OIL-5 bbl.No 'Jot ,ree f ie.,3iyaiat Q PERM OIL AND CANDLES—ID bits Spedisi die., Noe 4, dimd ;WO gall°. Winter Spina Oil; .1.100 do bleseliedevirder Sperm Oil; ISO do Fell do do• ISO 001,1es...bed veinier Male Oil; tOll do N W I nide Oil; fort received .ad for role by fIIOBACCO-10 las Haskell 1 Robinsosn Convent 1. Tolman& 10 do Ranson Mr do do; 10 do My. en , en= lb. Lana do; nal ree'd and for sale by MILLEN & 111CIWINON run AVM -10000 Flora Principe Claws, ye 'ope t; or; vo,ow No Ide la tr. do do; 12,000 N ao 2 an d Vst !veined and for sale by • . MILLER & ItIeIiCETSON BILSEIL SUGAR-1001mo Brasil Bays; just Ke'd far sale by 1299; AIILLERB RICICEIBON RAYAN&SUI;AII.:.I4rhife Havana Sag TT . waren and Gm sale by -• • eara ' • • MILLER & RICKSTBON DOUBLE REFINED LOAF SUGAR-10 hale D6abk Refined lAA( Anminsi reel and tor. A 1... nyAil i ALILLER. RICK DON I,N . . . I SINGLE LOAF SUGAIi-12111Wa no 4,5 and loot • for aala low by • GLASS -193 6:i 8110; 5 . do 7X9 90 do 10X1::10 ~'Vitt trr xale law by m . FRIEND, RIIEY & Co Ew s:V,ltrh N •; ft d 1,140ora) WEEWEN,7O (row st 0,000. PIi(ENIX rote cr.; jut recel, =du): y =730 , C A M'ANULTY &Co llEZZLE—:Mt*Cbcesn, for 'aale lore to close con C 411111ent by 4je3 ' Ll4OllBll BENNerr GEASE -7 bb li Clears , now lading g from mummer Cumberland mad formals by lISAIAHDIarzy ANli6llSlsENC—Noirlanding from \,..0 manner Castbarland and for sale by • _J.7 • ' ISAIAH DICKEY A. Co .rallY PEACHES-44d b. Tdoseone, i, itore and 1...7 for aide b 7 ' ic7 15A.1411 IHCKEY ACo 7.1 0. SUOA , —l2b • prime 0 Near, teemed steamer Tale/pipit anti at sale by El & HAREULUGH MESS PORK—In bbl. pranaldeaa Pork. 162 rne'd . and kr Bala bp • ' HARBAUGH, lee • - .ZZ water and lad (ram a XFATHERS—Joa . roceWed Aid for Ws by • - A3EO COCBIIAILI,_93 wt.] at TIIRPENIINR-03 bi7.1.7100t Ned m 4 for 7 bi • . BRAUN& ELMER IL ymalcol,=- Jain ree'd and (ar sale at _ . ...f.4,7r, • at KIDD& Co A. 1.41111 NatVg — AND DOM LINDIENT—W j raFiastlrAtived and for Isla by D H k.Zor k. 56" . • MVP& Co. tiISHING sans -12 du India .Rubber Fishing Atoms, jumt.rme'd by axioms atto! fill• male al the La abber Depot, ri# 6 Wood atm% • • • : Jet if Lumina fiIIOULDER SHACM —I dor Slionider 'lnept, In din Rabbet, received by express- in n! (or We a Ibe India Rubber Depot, 5 wood street. Jh II PHILLIPS 11.18TARD SEED-7 tads Kcitseky ?dastard Seed, JAL in Nate and for We by jell) . ?ASA lIIITCIIISCON it Co QlloAlt AND 510LA88E4-1116bds N o Bagar; 56 C 7 Ws &Junes 811 A10bta566,1616 8/46 (roes summer Swan and for sale by J6lO „ INCINNATI SOAP-900 bra No I Soap, par atm G for sb' ktijp"r"*, " DA . GALES ar. SMITH . ---____ OiTS.AND DARLEY:llXXlbitshi4tJran l 6011 bash Batley, to ark.° u 0 lifoodar, for sale .-. - - W 11•1111AUGH, . jele . 6Z water and WI Goat eta rfORN-20 bosb: Con, ie store kid for We by tki - jet° • -a b W ILARBAOOII PSI fee. • • cde S.IQ 8 & NV 8888811011 r P A by" Cil your :A WIRARBALICIFf" PTATOEB4IO satki GJeni Neskulisacks, 11.4 received and for pale by • bail • - rournErnza &Co CKATE -- 'b 9 b - WRa - t;di'VD.c. ONEY-4 kegs Hooey, in looms oast for sale by H Mk POINDEXTERi Co BLACK AND FANCY Ellsitg—A A Mason k Co. Imre on ti.od this most skustssiso assottosent of toast sod fitter Silks to Ise knout Is the city. jet() id.lopriwo No 3, brommeinasets inopeetiony now landing from sum Magma, an consignment mid for sale by I. IROINsitTSON HEPPERT,' . . ion soecoui...inesr orookot - ' PIiODUCE-410 bblo 3 F Floor, ea do Corn Meal, la 'YloCoro, 10 do Ord% do White Beans; for rile by' lee J C HIJAVELL, worry sr Ct SALTS-7U Ltd. on conaigninept andtor iale 47 • to dose, by k 9 • i J C BIDWELL DRIED BEEF-3000 the Arr safe by .9 / 0 VON ,HONNIIORSTfront 00,. = s ...131 - EPFLINGB—IS bbls Cm sale ALL o 3 P VON BONNIIO4ST &Co REJLCIUMEL —75 414 No 3. An me Di ~..),4m,W V l‘fro, rfirAR --100 bbts warranted pare Cider Vinegar, mle by jel Sl' VON 110 NUMMI' k. Co 111.1511131.PAR1E2 tom 001161.1 Piaster for sale bir • *a v VONuoivriuossi &co • ARLEY-421 ticks titarlej; riCeived per Nonh Error, hod for olio by -Atte L ELV-01X/ pir i t , G . t . ea t.. l „ ..ead; receirQ pei steamer • -• Je7 •-, JAM 11117CHISON ICo MTH/MEM—to bias in sale knee by T ...019 • SCHOONNIAIait a co 9r1201.-i6 estboy. for isio by mra • • SCHOONMAXEII &go r INEN GOODS—A•Alifaatas dc Co. havijasiopened ye pa 104 Limn lebeethlea; ales, e p.6 l pill ow Cu. a.; 44.Maila Laaeo le gnat variety. mye4 Clad for Z:b t r •P • wy3l 611*.1.&.RUIVIrg .TEAS-65 half then , LW , ir". IP am r. „, dag , „i ..zaOYD- 8.1001.4 , 261.10. anoried illke01:1031 for ask by • my3l r 1J fr. R. FLOYD 1811.400 bbla No 1 liming, far Nile by my= • !.1 ait FLOTD. OT Aflll-40 ends Pa!! PV.h, kye t bA oyD i . _ _ itAiiB . B We White 86 - ‘ 1,.; (or ' 1)10pM-13 tuts bestaircrtinnitice , ,, for We .19Ler3/ • • tRFLOYD teat rr wtopiyirvr4. • BSC: . 7 X15-83 doun Corn 8r00n50,,f7673;1131,0 ZION -t0 !au AU °Own) Iron, for ule E T.,1-61)bb4 N o Tr, in. onkyoktrian, )o"VnlP".!' 97 . B 7"mulltr"l, - ;i 0 0011121 1 , 11!UpLIN-2 cam and Air gagi. OIIAC :CLOVEN AND NTZTS—A Good uunmtnl 0 ..q.uo ustl for sa/it by ND C ARBUTHNOT rumOW. 800011113, 1041 U0 lan 4l dwg • 8 & 1144, 8144404 r and 104 Irani 11111.1 73 Wiest reed end for rale b • / 8 ariTUAIWAVUII Fgniffs,s7r . DINFAND-45 1 saeks Rada* b ek. pow 4nding from asa r mer New Enks4 twgfor aaSs I'l Dicrsit & Co, front ,t . , ISAIA Q wurrisa—a 9 bbI. MOTO end too 00 1 0 ta • . ISAIAH DICICEY ack, : `'''l3~! IfiILOUIIICISIOIOO4In store nal gx We low ENGLISH BENNETT A wood ot OLASEIES-141 kma Ma* yoi --- m.ur. end =I. 1.. DT WZMIETT a` Itat Herring, w tale - lo:i to ekaa at by ENOLIBII k EtErtNET/' - mom-no bbumno. brandkilia Judi./ pm -I: Swam WIWgIM and for We by 1,5 W LIARBAUGII coFE I LAN " 6" , :arb " , __DICKY*Co • • • .• - • . MISCELLANEOUS. .SIUSLIPIS—W R Murphy has F INE open dila snatithar IL'S/Wier supply of those eery =wince. Minds Lona Oath Shirting - Idostinn also, Sae Lansdale eve ry n has annstently on hand an assort meat of grade 44(qt:slily, at love cash prim. Also, Isiah Linens for shillings and bosom., of pure daz, and eery elheop, at northeast Comet of 4th and /darnel streets. jell PARASOLS! PARASOL: —\Y R Murphy has open Ads marning.,•• asionmeot of green silk and ROA Pansols, Lead Colored do, fancy hiripe and cold .khol lowest prices. jel4 ' . 1111LOWbricammit cnln'72E`_l—wn Murphy has 13 , Just reed another supply of superior brown and white British Prints, of entirely new and beautiful de signs, to whieh the attention of the ladies is invited. de sign., 4 (\RAPEtII WLf!.—A fino amortmeut of pima Dm mark aral embroidered Crape Sacads, of a eery bppador quality. received by • • . ALEXANDEU & DAV, 7 mark. kid • - - - TIIITE ASI7F7CLALS—dust received , a lienutif lot of White Artifteialz, which we are selling v• sy cheap, and to which we tome the attention or th icH ALEXAN/JEIC a. DA I_,lll3ll—isane Grose, haltimore, 31d, will he alsil to balm orderi Gown his feienaiii in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, for the purchase of Shed end flertii,,t do. tiftg the season: . finders executed with despoieli, • 1.11 at towestralec Qiyages for parehutng light. me r 9 RRNINED IWO:JARS-0e bores double refined rare L0g440 bbbi 1,1,8,6, 7 and 8 Innsil Log et bbisernsing 178 brae Po .a..* bb's clarified; more mad for sale by !ARK...IIA /IU'rCHISON er Co, aura AgenteSt Louis Steenr Suger Refinery. PAR/ISOM—Menses ulk,eotton and gingham P molt: late styles pied hauclsome patientasust log and for sale by SHACKLE:IT & WHITE, TOWS GOODS A . /1 Maws Co,GO Mark Aavejosi eee'd I Cameo!' rich Dress Goods, ptisiAr Hermes, Grenadines, Times, Pore de I; Clielbes, A. A, S iA gi B— ttrTt "v : e l " tay 3 (haaih )er sel'ux ted prices. GINGIIAMS—A A ILl•tan & Co. hare received eases new style a Gingham*, which they are hag at the 'extrema low pima eh: me IOTTON4II./INDS‘U4IIIibiIIiATUFPS--A'A MO. 10 son it Co, have received 4 cameo(' Cononades and Summar Saudi, 'composing every style, suitable Cot H 11.613 It ANUES-1111 plebes Gallion and cat Silk Fringe black and callil,ntalaccriand by kLi • stlecia.E'rr&wmTE s Fr% 4 lel3 . 7 l .l4p .. glta b il y timg 1...A "1 l b muter styles, opeu jtlr °l' • muckLurr a WHITE S• HAWLS—A good assortment ; of plait. stub (alley. summer Shuwls,jus. opened by J4INDEED OIL-10 Gbh jusiread wad_ for sole at the drug worghou se of I .1 KIDD& Co. }old __... - ' GO Wood st WYTINDIA DONEY—ShIaIs joss totaling .;1 tale by . • ' JANIF.:S DA 121OLi. .. iota ~ ID ACON —llialr Ilis somnry cam] Meahloialing from Dmeanies Hudson arid for sale by rola I AND -10 kegs No I Family Lord, in More •nd for AJ mall by' bel2 ' JAMS VALZELL ROFINLD & F. [rr ZUCiULDERS—:'," ittAsiust rceß. IIVILL,RIJSIIFIIRM fr. ROE RN—U bbls Shelled Cam, tor esle 6y hrsdlLL, RUBIIFIESD y EAD—SOD pip received and for sale by L /MO JAMES A HercittSON &Co ..~ ~.., . ..; SUOT-2Ukev, algorteli, reed and for le by 880 - JAB A 111111IILN dCo HtlPzem:).-INa 717Ti'l=cii in 7frer4' FEATIIERS-3 Lags prime Ketuneky Fea th ers, jos waived and for sale br ielo ../AS A HUTCHISON& Co >ACON lIAMS-5 cubs llama, a very superi tiela,jan received and for aide by JAB A II frIVIILiCIN BAdCO-15 bag lb. Lump, superior quality, reed on consignment and for sale low by TaSSEY A BEST VrONEY BELTS—, • kw,* *maples, ***me m' by ki sale by lea Jill eitn.l.mi CIAMBRIC-2 cases eol4l Quark., for sale by ie9 . C QADDLERPS THREAD, different colon, for side by El /en • C ARRETIEMIT 01.10 E TI U met!, half bleached U awl white, for We by jeS C ARBUTHNOT - I KIDD& Ca INDIA RUHLIEIit CLOTHlNG—Ccnapriatng • large W such se Cala, Seek." Yea Jackets. Oves with wi th out elee•ee: leg/dogs of three tide. Data, de., all to be badat the Wig Robber De poll b Wood st. jes Jh 11 PHILLIPS MOBACCO-12 Ins No 0 twig Tollneco, landing 1 from siezzoor,Nonongobela and for gale by W.l.o , Fuwgr: , .rx , rmrmyto R - AISINS-•-.130 bas Bunch Raisins, in store and for sale by je9 BAGALEVA SMITH POTS AND PRARLS—W casks Pearl . Ash; 13 do Pot do;foLasla by led RACAL:IIY dr SHITH WAITS fresh .pply just reed and for eby • jeS C ARBUTHNOT pyre,. casks reed this da4, and tr a sal7 by FLOWING PAINTED lILEE QU&T.NSWARE.- We are Dow receiving a nice neonatal of Ibis cheap sad beautiful ware., GILL &GETTY A /11EIIICAN QUIRPNSIVA RE—Cso be bail in all 21. lis varieties, al the sous of la Pitch . , on hand and Car oak tow to yes • TAAFFE & °CONNOR FLOUR, -20 bbl . wain and klt sale by , TASSEY 8. BEST itArACWIEL—No Rand 3, lame on hind and fo 17l we by Jes ViiiksEY a lazT S. -81 UL received and for sede by e ioS TASSEY h. HIST 188 YE _ k. bags Itye, in cone end for We by Je/ I. S WATERMAN WHITE BEANS:—.IS bbl . Mum Beans, for by by MI L 8 WATERMAN CCORN BROOMS—Rid. eh Imodkod Com Brooms. Mr ludo by w L WATERMAN PW uft—r4 tad. itr. Flan„,, R." jel,1412 Flaw, prisej reed and set L B , VATlatid NORWALY AIU) SANDI/SEY lONEY—SI w 0 wanted at a reasonable discount:by S & W TIABBAUGII, rikILS--76 6611/161.ted o.6 — i;iii; WTI kJ do No V do. Moo, Sperm and Whale .Al; io wore and (or !Weal mimed pr...., by tly3/ SELL.' PATENT PORTABLE FORGIN—A Beer lot RC day received. The attention of steamboat ate and other. lining rmtll forges is yaitienlarly turned. mytil WM R SCAIFK LEAD -739 ynts best b7Me ' rig Lead, in atom and to role by . ff tayla ' liberty et, Cab Weed fIAMTOR Ulir9 Moir reed per etersoer Sarira Noy ti for .ale . Anyl7 M ALLEN& Co or pen Irrer•eloir — reO7O - In Ultre " O7,l•7 4 : . ylr BROWN & CUILIWRTSON fOPS-12 balm .Isi moo Weller, New Yolk, re , cooing and Cor sale • aril? ' DROWN & CUM - WATSON p fz it- , .....237, Buckeye Aldis,,rora, ?lot reed -my!? BROWN &COLBERT/lON OCYTIIE Mk:ATM—W .Patenpins &seat* O 63T sale by 1. k sei It R FLOYD VtrOCIL-3 •• • TT 1...5a1e or CM= - - FZIECA tthis Sow. Oil; teed _ltottf Safi ro 'rod. old foe ore by 4 , 2) KIER 6 - JON/03, Canal Hasid • DOPLARazuI Pine Joie; 6r .ale by L.jrifir W. W. WAIJAC • ___._ 11".• . RD—sjbbli Deb &Jessup pure LAM 0:1, tbs . .' .k, by .. suy2f• bk. W NASSAU/All S INI APEIY - FUSE-1 bbls for sale by • JOHN S,WORTII _ h .- iCON-10 easkstissoui (or 11.14 i . , 'surlii ' I ' JOHNS DILIVORTII —_ Zilanuipt - Wnicaandim; sad as assortment colDr . cli lipios r•Nd pma • . . rytTOH a toy 13 .',,lif'"ilEll: tl 4"b ti s" 71 7 ff!'lll loylif • • TAISSF.Y BI m FLOUR - 01411sF;Jally Flour, fog •• I •4T 1.7 JO DILWORTH b.*l!'--1-12 DILWOP:111 I follitllela-12 kegs No 1,6 twist, "L, Kew klogland sad tor sale by —JAMIALL'L294,_ water !' I ARD. kip Lard, fast sse'd and kr sole b; Ls sylIG • • • L- 7 JANFN MIZELL .`1 I: aNo 1 jum reNd • km sale by, , :asy2l. SELLEItti k NILX/L8 VLASSEED 011.-02 bbLifor . sale -, myr f4t.L.LEAS N r ICOLB - 67 U 0 A 17.-16 0 Mid.. itiLlsome Nevi Orleen 'AA • Baty, to garlic yr steamer Eureksiixd for de by ary23 ' POINDEXTER Co Lumbers, ft K 1,1147 Flour, bbls Shingles, M 270,500 Fi,b, stay., Wool, bales 22000 Pork, 80 Vinegar, Deer Skins, 44 Ale trY.MI; I3 1 RE/1-3 emasjast ree'e and for male by I Per e V m . R E 21EDLEIlli 'Hag - • 1L9124-76 bblasood Eosin, so min _per I . Tog tiold GUM New bylcaos, and for lain by POINDY.XTER Co '~.~r_iis~;~so~Jr~i~~eaarA. Qrr,..~~ iIL(M/Ii bales Tenceues Caton, In stme and' Oruic by myr/ WO]] /301NF"90 (nut .1 MZialtszal.-431411c bi PI !ft . and for sale by. ''ooyl3 BOWEN' In mare W I l a i t ?Pea r l Ist try "' 14113 ' . 1 ' 4141 ()wiz, . R OGL 61171TER-, 4 'WI )614 Lismil E Miner, "A " " I " f"" : 1 k W ItAKBAUIIII -•— SHOT—PS kegs Shot, shimmed, received per Mawr Nor* River sad Gm sale by P , 2 JAPIEB A NUTITIIIBON & Co Q tIAVITLA A Mason' kC. Awn reed upwards a.. 7 of IWO Shawls:4f even kind, comarliirig home re umPurior CrquA uud Satin newts. ha • 11490L8-A 4h)dasost ,h Co, have m% Moore au.« very ridi dark Breen Pun." lr OR.—/o LEI Lard oil, landing from steamer b L lltemeoger,oodlar, ulo low lo claw coo/own', /ARUM DM ELL .1141 HON'S Colosbionby Pnwes;" rrl •• 'a Colombian IgAd, Copyi a end by • • • JOHN U dIEJ.I.OIt, ellwood OOL! W43014e-The bigt.est motel prier in tub IR mill le pattl'fiar digeseet iredem or dean well realtedlYsol, blr 'b & IV HARBAUOLL yes, 4 - WI - erste, end Itot trent street IV `JUVNny; It Ssinday, 12 Monday, 13 Tuday, 11 es IVolueaday,. 12 Thursday,: 16.Yra[sty, PITTSBURG!! BOARD OP - TRADE' COMMIITEE FOR JUNE 7. 9. C 1.41111. W.ll. lIIMPAY- w. F. YON IWN.,IIOIIIIT. The market yesterday was generally t.'ery quiet, and prices, with bottom exceptions, remained stets. dy ❑t Ammer quotations. The weather was warm, and business generally rather inactive. The river is getting lOW, but en the trade in amp. ly provided with the 'inherit draught boats. The depth of water is still sufficient to idirutil every fa! eifity for the shipment of goods to any point on the river above and below, at very low rates. Fume—tit - event! lots arrived by river to thy, but we lineal of no eaten on the wharf Sales firm store minainting to about 150 , i/fain different entail Ina, were effected at $3,5104,121, as in quality. $ 3 ,90411.1 are about the ruling figures at pres ent. GRA in--The market is without change, and w are ivairmed of no sales to any cousidernbl amount. We may quote nominally as follows: Wheat, from store, arsi-; Rye. file; Harley 40c; Car 350, and oats at 2fa p bu.. rtovistmet--The market generally is quite dal ad sales are confined entirely to limited Ids t he trade, at fanner quotations. ' ' • q.OOEP.l.—The market is very quiet, with 'tio change in prices. Yoh the exception of a few small receipts of sugar, we hare laid no arrivals of groceries from below. for BETIO time, notwithstand ing which, however, the market is amply eupplied to meet all the wants of iriule, at reasonable pri. coo. WllllSKET — Thi , t9arket auntinges steady; rug tau sales of rectifle4 Islol9o V gal HEve.--Simplies in more naher limited, with regular palm, in nine!! lots are elected at the role" of 3110 4, ton. Tus ZACUARV TALVI.OII— Lucas' fine new lightqlraught steamer, under the above, name, is now lying opposite the foot of Market street, and. will be ready Lx the reception of passengers and freight in a few days. She in a splendid craft, and if we were asked for evidence of her superior ition to trade, isl, the comfort of passengers, al:ould deem it sufficient merely to state that her construction was under the Immediate super volon of qapt Lucas. We think the Captain was fortunate Moo particular more than thin of the se. ketion of a. name for his boat, and ■hould shegrow an fast in public estimation nabs the dirdingdished name which she bears, iCe will be crowned with the Most abundant success. 'Ltour Dastmwr Roars—Many of the smaller class simmers, after having been thoroughly re paired,.aml handsmuely painted and refitted, are now making their way from their quiet moorings at the bearer landing to the upper wharf, fie the re ception of freights Ke the different ports on the river below; so-that merchants east desiring to ship goods to the western markets, vie Pittsburgh, need have no finer - either of detention here, or ney nmterial change In the rates of freight for some - iiine to come. The tine steamer Highland Mary No 2, Capt Burke, master, will leave ,r St Louis this day— We areintonned by CaMLII that ho bare made im patent improvements in the machinery of his bumf a new set of boilers, from the granary of Goodloe dr. Nowt, Cincinnati, have been added; and the Doctor, tha t [ useful part of the machinery, is Mae improved. We take pleasure in recommending her as a Inge, and Gee running boat. A MAX Joy—We eouldl;;;lrnire ' the neat ap. pearanee of the Ringgold, alter through the hands of Mr. T D Rhodes, painter, of ibis city. 13asidea being painted, aitd'rcpeired in,the best or dot, the Ringgold in adding nen. Ibmiture to her finely fined cabins, and in' offers me and comfort to the traveller. Drn Dorms—The boilers for the engines oldie new steamer Empire State are monstrous in their way. They were manufactured in Philadelphia, and are eat 1 ten feet in diameter. Two of them meta shipped •on n canal boat, Which they com pletely filled, and befalls "it could pass, eame of the old bridges on the N Y canal had to he raised.— They weighed 156,000 fly, and the Rochester A mencaa saps the freight on them amounted to 61, 000 o'er tolls and towing....{Cleve. Herald. : EMTIEMI The tow boat Iliana , on her downward trip, au the 30th on, haring in tam the ship Eliza Perris and brig, .7 Coen, ran ashore the English Tarn, earning away_ t bo nada. of the ship, and doing some damage to the boat. She returned lo 'th. ay with brn tow AY! repair,-I[NeWOriaant • The Mob b : Heald . of yeaterday,-aahe bodice of Jan . Ses Stratton, the pika of the steam boat Kinney, And John lielstend, a passenger. mesa broth* down to. the city yesterday, and inter. rett."--ft. h. Woosnx Bamenuoisam—The Wayne Co. Do momot states that Judge Cos has granted writs of ioJdndion reel:sitting the officers of the Bank of Wooster from transferring the assets of the Bank for fraudulent purism.; and also the debtors of the Bank from making payment to the Bankers. b. Spirit ;;lititioDO;;;;;tije ;rke • Cleveland,June 12,1846. Canal , Reecipta--naor ; 2112 I.4dir, Pork, 2 / 3 , Whiskey,'l6l; Wool, 21,195 Ts; Leied Fruit, 1142; Totmrco, 31,106; Cutter, 55,12 re, Lard, 2179; Bacon -10,761; Sugar, 2112' /dolma.. 23,019; 1r0n1137, 112; Pay iron, 81,004; Nails, 69,827, ,Glass, 09,274 Potters' ware, 1978; Coal, 27,627; Wheal, 11,210, Corn, 10,5713, To day,-50014.4 door, !straight brands, $5,121; 500 ' - 1.1 Adams,' to arrive, 02; 0910 he wheat, $l,. 001; 5101 do, $106; 1000 [ho corn, 100; 3000 do, 390, 800 do, 36c 120 ha Rye, 42e; 25 do, 20c; 1900 tiu :11C.; 1 /00 do, 311; 1400 on seven days tin.; 72e; no bets Mess Pork, 29;100 Prime do, $6; 11 kegs Better, from boats: 104 c; 9do 104i Ii .In dairy, 101 o; GOO tibia One nib, $1,121; 300 sackado 121 c; 20 do whiskey in lota 17/416,:;10 Lids, pick. ere!, 86; 10 halves, 331;030 01. cheese, 61; 420 De dried beef, Cincinnati cured, Sr. Team Prices—Wheat, COSI ,rO3; Corn, 37030 e Cate, 30; Wool, 17020 c. . lEEE Detroit, Jnne 12, IEtIS. Flour—We quote maks of rioOltbla at rate ranging fronr4,7ll to 4,,53, A fair quotation of tb • rnarliet fiir grail Lmnda wa y h mid to be from 4, 75 to 4,80 grills light trananetiona • •• •el Wool, on nomignmenn myB Jk R 'Lo 1I . . Viticat=la wheat we be , ar of but little doing.— The reeciptsly Wagon are merely nominal and comparatively =all by Railroad Quotatinniffrom 671 to 95c. • Corn—The market is almost wbolly . supplied. from Ohio, and prices remain Gm st 46(d4ee- Oats—Otturiontintie to be in fair demend Wasik receipts enough to supply ihe 'demand Gm home consumption nt3r0374. • Provisions-In provisions the market is dull and principally confined to the retail trade. Pork, mess. .M9,.50; one hog, 7,sosilsS. Prime, 6,5007,av, Hams, sales to a Mailed c=leat at :WM; iakrior Ohio at ON I; Fish are not plenty end $7 for white and SG for trout. • • Wool—The'wool trade of this'neenon hes been dull, and the quantity offered thee far, falls far short ! d the ipinnitiry offered last Samoa up to this time. Oar impression is that 'farmers me generally kor ing end holding on for an 'advance in the market None hut small lots ranging from 50' to-200 as have yet been offered. We' have taken especial listinsto entertain the quotations the the poet week And find- that the whole range Is between 15025 cents, with ••comparatlvely light transactions,- t end buyers do not seem disposed to cream much corn. petition or trianikist great anxiety to purchase at theoe'rates. • =TORTS roe TIM PAST WM., 2=212 ri Jrei reel 3uul for sal SELIXHA 111C01.11 :The attich . 4 of exp?rts Or the week, RR shown bithe Cuttinn, House returns have been es k 4. - • ' New Orleans, June 3, ISIS. Arrived since the 30th ultimo, of Louisiana and Mississippi. Z. 712 bales,Tennessee and North Ala. lama, 4296; together, 7210 lodes. Total receipt. of the week, 17,744 bales. Cleared since the 30th I thinto, for Liverpool,l4,3oo bales, Genoa, 132, Newt York, 33.3 Boston, Philadelphia, 29; together 12,1502 hales. : Total exports of the week, 34,726 hale& Stock in .warehonses and on chip hoard not elearen on the 2d lost, 169,29441de. Prices had advanced from 1 to 1 mat on prod on. guotationa : ; • Cattle Markets,. Baltimore, June 12,1848. Cattle--Ileeves wan In fair demand to day.lubh prices advanced. There were fAll head offered at the wales,of which 210 were purchased by cb ay butchers, and the remainder were driven to Philadelphia:' l'ice-Prieestanged.b•om $3,7501,121 P ICK) Mann the boor, equal to 17;100$5 net, and making an average of 3 3 4 1 1p0a• • Hop—Tbere was a boner demand in: bop, and Pies ware made at 11 4 0 1 , 5 9- • MEZI2 JUNE Sin doe! I 4 .'g) 4 :0 4 3t, 13, 4 Ci 4x4 a2l 7 21 — 615 7 21 727 721 971. 7'2 2 41 72 1247 t 7:2 11 52 721 mom Cirricz Cinsnn¢mz GAZETIT, Friday Morniug, June 16,1548. 3 Water Lime, 30 Sundries, Ashes, cas', t -• tizT 9 .DIMIZI rWA 122 ri riILKIVEL, Lake Erie, Murphy, Beaver. Michigan-Gilson, Ucuve r. Parkinson, Brawnsvilks . Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. 4 . Camden, Hendrickson, IWKeesport. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Ilighland Maly, Burk, WI. .dary, Sheitandash, - 151ftry A on,:llotican Franklin. Wellsville, Cams, Slinfisti. DEPAR.TED. Lake Erie Murry, Beaver. Michigan, Beaver, Beaver, Clark, Steubenville. WeltsvilleMams, Sunfish. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsvilb. Highlander, Parkinson, Cut. Brooklyn, Dines, St. Louis. Arrowline, —, Brownsville. The raver last evening at dusk was.2feet inches water in channel, by metal mar , and The splendid steamer Shenandoah, Cap Bow man; has made bar first return trip, anti is up agar, ftlr St Loots. She is n fine boat of her clean, and is well worthy tie attention of all going that way. MPORTS DV Eartyr—l'er Lake Erie-10 bxs RIVER. cheese', Perry; 36 do do, I A Caugheyi 57 bills paper, Walling:A ial; 1 Int furniture, Moore. Laril.r=Per Shenandoalr-1 box mdse, Iris May; 4 sks vrool, Forsyth & co; 2d esks baron, B Holmes; 35 pkg. robes, 40 do fur hkins, A Bed ell; 1016 pigs lend.! A Hutchinson; 96 biles hemp Jim Irwin bps rams, Loomis; 15 - libls sweep iron, 6 surds, 4 Ws cotton, 5 balls hides, 7 bas mi. dries, 30 picks, 1 anchor, 4,bills 1 Wrist, 4 sledge hammers, 13 sedgements, 1 spindle, 2 bags, cotton yarn, lot sundries, I doold boo, L S Waterman. Sarifida—l'er hide bacon, R Dal sell; I keg butter, same; 9 Mid. tob, 350 Mils flour, 1 box bacon, 111 1,51. Sour, I box bacon, Geo A Berry; 6 hhds tob, Jno A Roe; 29 bbls flour, J S Dilworth; 3 'Vs romps, B A Fahnestock no; 1 box beef tongues, 3 Major. WlrelMg—Per Consul--lot empty brs, CriUeni :den; 17 bills ipirints, J 11' Mellor; 4 skit skins, 11 A Fabnestoelr An es; I lot riper, S C 11111; I box mdse I ball boos, Hampton & Smith. . 7 - SOLE AGMCV FOR TOR NAM.: ()P Bassi dr. clerk% Grand, and Mina, i • -. Plano.. . • fl , llElithnbcrwould tether tenni - talent, tlw public 1 flan sti having received the pteference, among ill thvoral applicthta foe the toleageney of Messrs. Nunn 'a AL Clark's PIANO FORTES, frir this city, he will keep a - constant and varied supply of thew instru ments. The Piano. of Me m.. Nunn A Clark boon been known in this vicinity for an lung • nine. and PO favorably, that it fa 'eousidered almost iuperltuoo. to any anything in their planet. They hive always been favorites with a Pittsburgh public, and from the firm Introdudtion of pianos into this city to the present-day, have bers preferred to althost every other make. They have proved themselves fully worthy o(the patronage and continence thus manifested; and, when we consi der that the first requisilm of a goesd piano are hare. of tone and dotability, it will readily tro adiutted that the Piano Fortes of Noons & Clark, New York, have tharcely thew equals (certainly not Omir superiors) in the world. As rams ore always atom satisfactory and conclusive than wows, and a long and labored eulogi.. am might be looked upon but so meth assertion, the subscriber begs leave to ambient a few of the many mances where Nun:nits Clark's Piano. are mined, and die cumber of yeari they have been rii use,— Coo Ogden; _ Eng, a Piano of Nunns k Clark's, lit constant nth frt° Jean. . , IVO. Judge Wallas, in raiment the for :v year, 0.,, ,er0 S. ReOP• Eal• Romany, •do ' In ~ C wen, Esq. . do - of - Mrs Part, . . .las man, hfeeiong•hrla House la .. Meal irer, New iekly Seminar y, Ilan l ge Shafer, James' Wood, Dot., Ur kleDemell, 10 Wen &Dlr., Farb The above pianos have been catefulle examtne,dl.y who subset -, and were Mend et excellent order and Ina remarkable gate of pieselatton with regard to wee and ecatko. They hi iren enure sattsfae.. lion, and, in the words.of n/ ve tent, -have con Ices in the way of reolnicand bring than any isibcr ;deem they have /ward Or. Itoprovemcia and perfections of modern Hews, Messrs, Nunes !.Clark may be <anat. deed yoeeopying their arknowledged position, now an before, vir: One of the GM, if not the very firer, in their line ofbasiness. For the information of thew un acquainted with their lam, roalmtaclare, the subscriter would refer to thefolkotrid_c Jar D Idormy, Flub D Eeq. Robert Idel(night, J 11 Irwin, beq James Pink. Jr., Esq. I)l4totier. Esq. • is Robert Snyder, S Inthrop. Caps A Norton, pocarner layette /frown Rst , Se. Western World I winery orate. Mercy Capt W Wool.. 1. Wsteax, Jr.. Esp. (Wei Grant. Faq.' Esq. J Packer. Esq. • 'John V !dryers, Co,l F. Dethetrldge, Faq F I. Snowden, Kin J Stetting, Esq. , IV Mackey, Faq N Holows,Jr.. re.l T Puhsutedter, EN, N..w Lisbon. Ohio. Rvv-Daniel Neeto, Semsclity Samettry. ' St. tiavierN Seminary, sisters of Mercy, Veneer own, Pa R W Cunningham. 1/qq, New Cattle, Pa. DiHn E Eng; rec Pa erten, Washon. Pa. • • S. Jobe IPltestrig, Esq. Iletitany. Va. Charles Shippey, /11,11Vretk Furnace, Venangn Manly, Ps The alleges - kb, pledges himself that he tell cell the Pianos articles q Clark LOW ea than thew or any oth er make, Of equal quali[y. lIENRV At J W Wootwelrs. bn Thud at ALSO-On bond and for ante,a lame lot of very su. psrier no made by Jooas Puckering, of•Bosten, NN /eta B . K. AllikitfiteNN — T - kILSILDITLA.PIII DISISPJLNY. •TO i 81.11,111. neTERN LINK . . Oa. Of.Lll..l,• . lizFhtssge . , , 11•111 . sere. It ' et":3VL " .t.r f t ' .t,T• n Z ,h r . i ' r . ...723 i 11,711V7e n ,11 1 fr hurSh Of Whechng, and rprreq.onthrtg reaechn nu on all balegrulthw delt•Whrs gins al dell IMO lb torture lt'eut of 11.64 web, Po. Ucroz.—Thc , charge fur • trleeraph despatch to flout Hallonore, Pittsburgh and WileetAnc, 45 nent for the first tan wonlr, and a cants fiw eich addition word. • useV" NO charge (or am 1.1 sign Until the completion of Om South Western Line of Telegraph from hlemplits, Tenn., to New Orleans, patches min he forwarded to illempliis Oita roue, am; matted for New . oilcans. BRICK FOR HALE. onderadroed offers for wide a auperior snide of bria-ir (or building, made by his,Stealit Wray, improved mitehisim for which he has obtairred a patent. sod agrees to give purehaver• a written guarantee that they are strait am{ will re. (,nit sod wet taraill• er and kr+ tual• lare .. daJurn,se than any oth er I-rich, Po•Ln•aotg greater body mid pui , 74410r !Calmly much More durable e•ery earhlsich •Leing subreeled to • preesure of ',feral toilv., and, pus• eranog a handmine .rtiooth .ittface and "Own edges, aI•K Make • (runt ryas! to ihr beat trout brick. 'racy hare given the greatrat eat...lacuna loan who have parehi,d A. kdo ran he ere. al my work., and ~ , r ialra at !lie Gaulle tuber Those haring wryheJ thears,lver wr 04 mshrnit...liandsocoe. Iron! brick, or superior hard ul solid paving brick, can 14.1.1 taco.. Birmingham, June Id Titie%Alleskeny Cesaseteri. Trite anniiidoiesicuy or the Commteruis, held on tire ON Nil., the billowin , persons were armee. re.electpd Alausteers o r 11, flidoUllte year THOMAS AI lIOAYK, Proidein JOHN LICASEI./., NATHANIEL 1101A1P : k .P, IVILSON YWCA NI/1.1 , , JOHN 01101:NlIEROCH, JAAISN • J. Emery, Jr., Petrels ry and TvrArarer The%stunind osiement presi - nted the alleles of the Company in • very prorperioni condition. Their off/re in the city /11 N0..71 V , IMES' jet/. Itoelltholdere. talks Notice. frillYAMekludiiers in Me Voisighlogheey Navigation Cortmanrara beret, notified and required to ,pay to Mr. Jimea Mr Treasurer - of l'omploiy, the sum of T .en per cent on each Omni ot their stoet, on or bekrre the 12th day of July neat, awl a Moine minor Ten per cent. on or,before Medd* day of Au. oast oast. The stockholders will also lake entire, that the law endemism. the collection of One pet met. per mentlhon instalment.llol punetundly mode, which, if ;found .[.,,awry, Wlll b e enforced. - fly order of the lloani. 'ALEX I'l:UAtt:t4 peen. _ J our...racy. , T VI: OF CROhIINVF3.I.--..liitt in per expielim .14 Headier+ Lite of Cromwell, in doe Vol. Faith end it, blifrelN or FroguMnl, from my Port' Folio: by Mr. Palmer. Riches ul t' ; Interior Li e. by Mplietot lap of ' AterePoilb, Ilphomi Mentonnit orMelhodoes, by Rev. A. 'rhe Floglinh Napo, • eollemion sennons by the JUDY emincol living divine, of England; Mewl.- mi of Aerations on the IM re Wee end hti mete a; !Seamier'. 1. REA D, _ ...___ _ , jCIU . Aimllo Buildings, Ilth 'noel . ' lIIRLIICT ICHOOLs ?Smoot Roma to qua Tut. Pamarramme enema.) Xi R. CATON'S School mill he opened fqr the enet, lg. lion of pupil. of both soles, on klinulay, the ttd of May. Patronises, in reepeetlidly sollestod Pmslairgh, Aped M, IMO Itrexamers—Res. D. Riddle, I) I). , A, 'r. ateßill, I) I) • . . Mr. George Andre. Richard Edward. IMlte loontia • W. W. AVilson. apitattm Henry Wilkinsnn. iiill - inia - WittiWiti - liiii - ifee , '" - - L7 r itl. `B, . ' . `„A ,Z . l: " .; ' Alzr,. ^ ,.r,s. E' ...ti r' ,:f, :Mi.. ' day Leen granted to thu substrabsts. All pen its so f detood to the estate of said deeemed will make tall.. 111114 payment, sod Mom having Matins 1102j11.1 I , Zi , i rotate MIN present them for sesilemegS. WILMA/II COWAN, lialilwm tp. ' JAMES APP. SNODGRASS, Mdkin tp June 13410)48. t ' it:14:400 : I CARD. ULUPOUD SPRINGS. EBl'Y 4 ANDERAKrN, Noprietor, respectfully MI forms the public. that this celebrated and (ethic's,: able watermg plane+, now opened, and folly prepared for the reception and ere...deuce of yawners. Ou removing the mill pond Mir the springs., • ••ry valuable White Sulphur Spying hae been disclosed, the timers of whieh •ra not Wirier le these of the far lamer' %Num Sglplsor Spring.of Virginia. Experienced- servents and a film Sande( Matte have been entered. and every provision made to secure the eamfort of visite.. • jelllnv • IVIANIIPACTLIIII.3)7ISIACC.O—:IO ha' his s./ ones &Sou's superior ewers lb lump.. Tu het( Lax lYchsier Old eoperlor sweet:or looms " Lawrence Lanier LI ,ln Seutry,tr. Roveier " aaQ Gs I" .53 papoideod (de Yore) " M 10 cL " 15 0 I.awtnnen Look/ "6r &Co plug Jut landing from ode&tner, and far sale by lOUCKNOR & Co, II N water at and lON orlarven Philadelphia' - lAlllaiiher — TiCotatity T.N muter of the patinae of Thanes Varuel inx Executor of the Estate of Wet. If aitee, let And nave to wit, Jane 3d,1b4H 7 on heart,,g the v petition, the COM 110 Saturday, tha'lnth day .r next, for the di wharge of petitioner, unless excel ant filed, and farther order and direct notice of pliestlon to be given by three lownlone in a newspaper, the last of which shall be three wee fora the day of bearing. lip the Court. jelld3Orry !OEN YOUNG, Jr., Another thWorelkiTati — P Porting. QM new Piano Pone., of Eascwood,.6 and 1,7 tacos, will be received and ready to t-ante dug week, by JOHN II AIP.LL(HT, el wood # Bole Agent for Chlriceriarfa Pwatoe. for IV, homonyms. . ' , ; Cloiassatabag Enthaears i Counsellor* far • Patentees: - • carter for procuring and defending Patents, imparting infinoutUon on Machanies and thu application of Ses• ewe to thcArto, and on Auntiean end foreign Laws ef Patents PBOP. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of PhiltiffeL , phia, and Z. C ROBBINS, of Wnshington eity, (to be aided by Hazard Knovries, Esq., Into Machinest I of the United States Patent 011ice3 have associated I themselves together for the proseeetion of the above branches of onsfessimral business, either in their ofhce, at the Patent Office, qr before the Courts; and.will de -1 vote their ondivided Attention to forwarding' tho inter en of Inventors or others who may consult them or place business in their Lands. Mr. Knowles has for the past evolve years held the post of Machinest in t e tinned States Patent °lige, and resigns that situati to take part in die present Undertaking. lii. tale - Is t iippxlant . seLl r og wherever the ochre itzellfs lin ' rin w The office of Messrs. J. k IL is on P street, °poor e the Patent Office, Washington, D. C., where capstan • catiein., post paid, win be promptlyettended to; era - notions made; s, speciLestmns, and all requ the paper.' prepared—and models procured when dc i red—etin ortisonable terms. Letters of enquiry, cape l ell to be answered after xamitimionsfind, must be conmanied by a of of fire dollars. In the duties of their oiliest which pertains to the P • tent Laws, Messer J. & R. will be assisted by ale I rentlenum of the highest professionsl character,, a d ally conversant with Mechanics and other ficianti c ' turandeswlyS esTIIIHR GOLDEN DEE.IIIVIes. undersfipted'notleed with impose, in the Cho; iele of May 31, en article eigned by Young & yi vat ,whereideomplaitit is made sigaimt mu for pl no in trot ofiny Dry Goode Store, on Market stem between Tliirdnnd Fourth streets, au a sign or distin ti ve mark, a 4.lden Igoe Illc t' Messrs. Y.& S. seem to claim that they have the e_ elusive field to use such a sig. in' Pittsburg!, But as they .how no 1•0 n 1 rave fitr such exclusive right, I shall continue to use lisign I have adopted, or any other Mat I choose—Latin rd 6111311 y doing suit no de oarture front Mercantile cages, and no infringEment fmy tieighbors' rights. And I feel sure that no. °Kane merchant will obet to rip using such Om.. I dink proper. Pair, re and honorable competition seeks no such exelmiv right, and makes no such childish compleint. I neck not to injure, in oily way, ltfemrs. Young & Stevens.. All whorl...ow to trade with them ran o. course dose; andall chaise to rail at my store;at the sign of nhe'vt.,, ltee.llive," on Market street' between Tiiirdfiiind fourth, will there find as eutel • stock nod ...intent of Dry Good. ' fur sale us cheap, d an qu as liberal terms, as can be found at the rival ' , Bee-H yire" of m complaining eighbors. That is what I Call busin n ess compentiaa; and I do tot believe Messrs. Y.. A. will gain mueli acre, eion Id their Castilhl, by such sully minds to place them selves Itefore the 'public, in" their ant.ts attitude of injured Inca._ nira WILLIAM L' RUSSET, cnitibtirrs IMPROVED MELODBON.. 01IN 11. MELIA/IL Na, el IVoml etreet, rec.. ved and now ogee for sale, asupply ' Casaarea llllrroved einem Alelateens, mire ‘ 515 Fur din benefit of those resiang at a distanee and consequantly unable to lupe. Its Melnik. Crime purehasing.the following descripuon to given: The eases are made of rosewood, and are as hand somely finished m e Pio Porte. ,Th my-hoard . prectsely the same at the . piano over.; e and the tone, (which very beeittiful,) closely resennotes that of the Uwe stop of Mean. The inatrunan I ran be immedi. ately made portable without dreselling tiny part, the bellovra receding Into hodyro( andrment, and die Legs folding under, leaving' the whole in n rompmt form Each luetrument has a peeking ease, and the erten.. when packed weighs only 10 pounds_ The yob unie of toile is equal to that Ma small organ, and bit meander Me swell tray be increased or disamialted a) pleasure; d is sofficiently lead for small .charehes, sin is well calculated (ore parlor imltucuent. mytAt PIUS INSTITE nos, under the cl.ree of the ars of filercy, situate on Steven.. street, saint, of Pennsylvania Avenue, ik pew open for the weeptiot of patter.. The ruedwal. gentlemen stenches! to th 11.1(.1 are— I pa. J. . GAZZA3I, LIR ADDISON. ft BRUCI;. DR. ADM EAL. DR WEILNEILIERG,I DR. SN YDER, Nintimittie patients are receive.) as lormetly. Pa patients will Le rereival at the 'rites adopted forth e ) temporary Respired. Lower wards S.l per week. Upper mole tin win. each patient has a parate apanmend S 5 mesa-0k Theseterms include medical ettendaure and toed,. eine. Pailatient. ran Lase arty (regular) Phestrmn they may ke Him. of at Mr. 0.11 expense. of any dennounation are allowed to visi patients When desired bf them. The Mercy Rosette, 'ls abut situated in a a t t open, Court H wry part of Me city, mut lent. team...walk he ouse. Applwation lot the 11 , 104•14.111 11:11 patients, ran Le made either to Dr. Snyder JADES 0r0y313130r• Chin. of conmattee of Wry lloopolal. me mot tent.siorimanarwpoool2-gPEca.not4, AT men. SOrtali. i. TTTII.I.IIAAI tiI.:IIOI,EW. 11. 11. SWAN. ISIdAd Al. ,diNfailt, J 01134 AIIORIOISUN, having au maird theadel yea together ender the style and tale ad debotey, Ryaa t Co , for the manalaenno of Wood Type, and ma their typo ahogether suede by maehl. tery, die Invention aoam. AL Mager, one of the fine, hey feel confident that they oder a more parker stye!. of tole , end at mach looser is,.. than ally heretofore offered in the Vowed Plazas, and are no read] to 611 order. for the same. AI I orders addressed to Seholey, Ryan it Co, at then offiee..3. Ltmonond alley, botarroit Wood and dinothfield erred, will be punctually attended m. I 117 Proplietore of otoompapers, on copying ltd. rennernetot 3 mond., and sending ea their paper, will be milled to receive then pay in type, nn purchnixity; three 1110.11 the nnionittoPtheir bill oar edvending. lr;.da,n lIRW COACII FACTORY, 1117't:; lIRWCY~ erimltt respectfully (Ulm the paldw that they Lase erected n shop o. Lacock, between Federnl and Sandusky streets. The are noes making and are prepored to receive orders fur Carry drip , rou of vehicles, Conches, Chariot's, rourkes, Utigytea, Phalan's, te.. Ike., I,ltich, from their Ion: experience in the manufacture of the Shove *oft and the Moilitimi they hare, they feel cotithient they isre enabled to do work on the most rtommuble mem, with wannem articles in thew - lute. raying ptrucular attention to the eelection of mite riot., mid hne iug none bra competent srorktnrit, they hare no beta:soon tit warruntin,-• Ilea; wort We they ask the nuentmo oldie pollee to eke; matter. N. It. Repairing done to the best inainn-r, and on the mom reasonable term, Paanrylwanla !tall Road Copany. OFICE is hereby atria that the fotinh Instalment of FIVE DOI.LAII . S per share on tlic V.apital Stock 0 this Company, 0 troriorml to lee paid on 01 toefore the In day of July nrat. The fifth inswilmeni of VIVI: 110I.LAI111 per share, on or before the In day Cl Sep tember. niul the stith intirt:ramit 141 rtvvvol.t.Atts pet share on or before the In day of Aolfciiilbe, uul at the odic., No In %Valttat strect,.l'hiladelphia Payment. well be received ot one or mo nstal. merits. or the week ;any be pool in tall Cl the m °pit Of u he stockimblers, andlnterest will be allowed.from date f pa ns yment. Italmans nor prod punctually, will be subject to law.p,enalty acme ye' r cent. per mouth. as required by N. III-2)/IGE V. BACON, 'Pressen,. ll—lnsialments will be received by W. 11. DEN., NV, at Manotactorere & Merchants' Dank. myl7olecoliJuirl NOTICE. N sm , Om 011.1 i., lot liar Count) of l'hiladelpina 0 1. la the tunics of the petition of Hobert Mot - timid. re'd. 0.011011 of James Fianna. lbaq , Ationmy for Wn. kg.. Murano!, one 01 the berry of Ind decedent, the Court granted a ret!e 010011 Inc other liens mail persons interested in the 'Drat Esia. of Ind decedent, and 'le kilolll , oo/131 why for 0•1011, appraised by the Shensi Inquest-should net he sold, rentreatile on the first Fri day ut July iwaclaint that nonce of rote be 'west by adrert.etures tvore • week, ter toot weeks, in oee paid.: new apaper, pnblished the city weeks, 1111 d (011 kc same nom in mar newspaper ',ebb...heel i ll the city of It I Won... el, Dun . Edward,Xing. Judge, Cl l'hiladelplita, tine.: leant day oi lone, Ina,. JNtr. A.J. I.IbWIS, Dep. Clerk )02:144r1.1) Orphan'. Court Nal*. A 1.1.E1 COUNTY, es l —Pursuant 1J ILA /I. der of e Ors Court of resale y dot /aim 0 111 expose to publi at the CIA House, in th e city of Pittsburgh, on Wmbtesdny, the Sob day of June, A O. 1-44, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the inwrest of Oho. 11 1111 /sue Ormsby, ininor children of Jute (Smithy, deed, in the following ilesestbed piece or marvel of land, being the one.qual uirdwided eighth port of all that certain piece of laud Mutate in Lancer St Clot, Tonoditp, county aforesaid, hounded outdo erly by th e Pittsburgh end Coal Hill Turnpike Hold; easterly and westerly by property assigned to Ebbo Down, in the petition of John Ormsby's relate, and' m southerly by pommy of Harley and Allen, being the sae property which. by th e proreedimrs in partition smarm the heirs of Oliver Ormsby, In the Ombau'a Coutt of Allegheuy county. No. 6:1 of fletithe.r.T.ll344l, lino lei undivided. W. 11. DENNY,Genidiwth re7 , d2aw7l • Dr. Eoff Teak and Antl-Drsprpft, PILLS. /VHF:general properties of' three Pills are Carmine: I rive, Purgative and Tonic In the common direr. dery arising from imprudence. diet, be., such as sick ness and soreness of the stomach, heartburn, headset., , where. medicine is required, This combination is "very applicalde, for its carminative and soothing cf. feels exist.o immediate relief when minima or steknesl Its purgedire °penmen upon the stout. orb bowels in gentle and effectusl, and its ionic :properties impart strength to the digestive °ns, thereby enabling these °runs to perform their pr ma pero functions with order and regularity. The price been reduced Irian to 2.5 else boo., For sale wholesale tool retail by It A VA lININTUCK & Co, rooter front nod wood, and Wound wood FIN self;dory.% (or l'ittrborgb-• COUNTRY atauvaaturs • • • rIAN HAVE fruit lk togli per cent. by purehosong thew Olt, CLOTIIti three/ from the manufcture.. IYTITt:Rk CA RMICIIAIiI . hove opened a nor, • house, N 0.134 Nooh Third stweb above. Noce, second loot South of the Eagle llotel, where they will always keep on ,hsnol a etimplete asgortment of Poirot ?Nestle Carriage (hi Chubs, 10 , U,40,40, 4.4 end 54 loth. wide. Figured, Painted, and Plain, on the insule. on Aluslin Drilling and Linen. Tahiti Oil Cloths of the most desirtthle pattiorno, 01,40, Viand hl Inches wide. Elmer Oil C l oths, frown,,, melte, to 21feet wide, wells wasoned, and die newest eiyle of pa tterns, all of their men uninufartiore. Tran.noreoil 11intlow Shadiw, Carpel., de. All goods waynthled. tnyZetenty o Nee W ailaiiiiiii - eriiiicattar 11111 11011 Id subscribe. hoeing now their lower Sutv - Umi. 1 All PIA f Annex in suceewiful operation, of fer their upper 111111, with Steam Eneine.and Loth Cooling Establishinent, and the Fregie Nullillngs eon , laming them, for loin on reasonable and areornmoda• long term.. The swam engine i r excellent one, and oil th e workseln the Sowing an Lath Cutting estab lishments good oidertanil ondilion, and a pur chaser ran remove the whole and pot them into Opera tion M enothei,place, in lem Ulan •siny der, , [none. port paid, directed to dm subsclibers, Ponsbuieb, w II be promptly atteraloil to. • wr Iro in NEVILLE D. CRAIOMipN, Olt SEA LED ekoromAi.ttll be Wi received ai the store 01 Willl/10 . .d00m , WOPI street, Pittsburgh, on. lil Tuesday, the r4oth loot, at 4 o'clotolt, P. hlfor per. ding the piece of toad known h. 9/ r watt`s 11i , a," on the ontl,Coal 11111 Turninho itoad,Rgltirebly to the'plun and aßeiGeotinto babe wen a! /he More. 0( acid Dauml tlEr A Ilipropotala to be .accepted, litllo the price per yard fur clay, lame atone and troth. The gueeessful bidder Will be required to gire.durity for the faithful tierlbrmance of his comfort, such tu flied sailafactory to the !loan! of hluncen . H D Presl. Jc9hol W Dar W. J. MADEIRA. D. 11.1. tto?r l g?: ith r. t r !V.VITS nts! ipectfully tattlers' ills prokvoloatellor ises to tbe vitisens of Pittsburgh, Al. !alchemy said viciity. Knnstross--Dr. N.'hieDorsoll; r, AC • eV, within rely pima ',LT; . be- P. P..Falunistoekt D. Itobarl ttimptota James 11.f:raki,-N. Mr. 'William Thorn; ,Mr. Benj. Areal/fr. tit trAl;—Thel,riplet 1107, &_) li ti r an K lTS " t. R Altdre t UAN ea Clturrh. Hand aimed, premetinel g a gnat autumn of tour, nestle:el qualtty; [initial the beat taunter, and an parr older. Enquire on the store a A ORR & Co., tel3,dlar&wiwt'Cl Markel at 1 749A1C, • r LILL= COLZIUM OCZ, NILS wsprt Tifx !tom. I" Z_lttlf;==l ... P7 . ,7lT °"h t ' a ' t171..C . H . C .2 . 444 5: eonundosiin. term, • very c plea%2Y Latest stows. add Lot, to the neighborhood of Mo e, adjoining property t o Alexander Breckenridge, Esq. The low . a two story frame h 'adding, with buement—tholot Contain,:l ant sere, on which is a very wane juttr choice kleetion of every variety Mbar:, and a spin. did variety of shrubbery. For partieldarT, refer to the Messrs: Dermot, Mr. IL P. Cain. or Mr. Willie Doodle. jetaltivr I ALEX. WILSON. Adattri Tract ofluitestil tor. Bale. :ti r T IIF subscriber will 4.1 on accommodating tempt, Valuable tn.( of unimproved huid, situate my thnwad lead i ng from Brighton to Franklin, about eight.. miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles front the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract gOn tains MU acres and tat perches, strict measure fiThe land is of an excellent quity, about 90 arm ale fed, and well watered, and ad be mold either in ve aor in farms', of convenient six to snit purchuars Fort - unbar particulars enquire of WM BOYD,!fiIDY at LawNritice on 4th 'et, above Stinthaeld, Pittablifgh. myightbkoartf ' $Oll. 111.111.1. MG. It7TAL THAT property lately occupied by If. !sq., on Craig street, acre Robinson, Allegheny • eat'. will be sold on necommodating terms{ The lot is 21 feet , ' inch. on Crnig *tract, running through to the Canal 100 feet. There is agood two story, frame dwelling house o c o n i cremises, lately built, and the lot is well improved,ning a variety of choice' fruit trees grape, shrubbery, he. Tbis property ia winvenl mull mutated for persons doing Inumas• either Ditts bargh or Allegheny, and is o desirable residence. Tideindisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor ney at Low, office an Fourth street, above Smithfield. apt-dtf . It - za - Te iirmitia Ylnlo. A TRACT of loud, 90 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co.. 11i. on the Cuyahoga river—about:Xi acres under im provement Also, two unimproved /ors in the village of Warren, Trumbull Co., 60 feet by 00. Also,. a lot of Ho f in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a fine dwelling house and store—one of the best standa fora merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all te property will be mold on very accommodating rms. ISAIAH DICICEV & Co., feblo -- Water and Front ate. Fts—iiirilirwlitEßlTa.-- ng, 66-17 si .----- A LOT, Storehouse and Dwelli tuate' on the 11. t a e Extethion Canal, in the village of West Mid dlesex; desirable I.ation for a merchant Also,a. Lot inn good Dwelling House well suited for a Tavern Stand, in dm village of 'Orangevelle, ou State line of Oki.. Tem. ~ .y. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. feblo - Water and Front eta. Store tongue. evo RENT—The lower floor and cellar of store No. J. 60 Winer at, adjoining Ales... Barbridge, Wilson & Co. Enquire on the premise., or of YOUNG, lIIMSEN A PLUNKETT, niy2sl:llfd 54 water at Lot - - tai ti.' A TAT in. the AIL want 45 ( e r 'on Logan street by 60 11. toot on Clerk streeu one elite most desirable lo cation. In die nth word. or Hems rmiply to the sub: scriber at thil Methodist Stare, 4th near; Market meet, or at bin dwelling n 11.,Wrk etre., oppoaite E. Trovillo's Watery Mere. MAIO) J L READ. n i For fi Itoiii4. A two story brick dwelli - with about stt acres of ground attached, situate) at Oakland. The phree is well mocked with Nit of all kinds, and is a destroble location for a fairdl; ljeing calmly out of reach of` the Aver and dirt of thee, eiry. An omaibur leave. Oakland hourly for the eity'c; Apply to jarifitt ATWOOD, J0P41.9 & Co. Property In Allegheny City to rs le. r][1111: subsentero oiler rue sale 6 numbe . f choice I Los, situate in the Second I),Arit fronung on the Comoros ground, op easy tern. r . j rparretof W . it'll . ROBINSON, An et ;y Lic a, lit Clair. at - 'or of JAS ROBINSON. on te premises. nrol7alA.imf T ......_ :.,._____ For B oat. iiiiA new three story . brick ;Iwelling house on Wylie street—P...4On giVIM on the first of April or sooner if reunited. Drquirc of I pea J & R FLOlLllNfifierty.streel._ For Rent. ,•,. 2 A two story brick dwellingWPC abouitS acre, i o n f l ir: t i tz t: :;. . g i t t u s o t; d m on . tr e a b t r r Ic . V p i r b i e y C i r c fito river AMR JAMS'S A HUTCHISON & Co. • To Let. • ; THRF.II throning honses situ - Mod on Plietreel near canal bridge, rn the city ollpittsbargh. Al. re, a room 0.; by 0/ feet, withStebnyeatent en. trance:on' oth at., near wpm!. Al., q frame dwelling, two stoner, 'crib no acre of ground eilfioud and undo - cultivation, satiate km Ohio lane, In thou of Alleght my. Inquire of ' J D WILLIAMS, janS . • _ _L___yt., wood Street To Brewer. AFOR SALE OR RENT, the Itosbeirsh Brew ery, with all brewing appal - Bias, mutate on ileen street end Barker's alleyAllil now occupied by Ceo. W. Sibiu. & Co. Foesecrion teteeo on the first day of April ensunig. kir term; &e. esquire nf BROWN & CUL)EIki/CFSON, felMif ',IBS liberty at. WA It lillol.lel. FOR 8A14.4-11e aubsenber offers for' sale the three story biek Warehonee on Wool street, orrupied Ly ' Toner & Co. It rent, 11ONV for MUM per year. • epl7 WAI.I{II.SON; Jr. To Let. E r 2 The near three - story fire proij f brick Core o sctond . tzow occupie by' ibtfa fo trot front Ist of April ne d xt loot/ir nl e of Evans; i.l 1:11/100:531AKER a Co, janlo .5 ij wood street.._ TO Lott -7 7 .....'" nThe .talneriliers will rtkitt papirthe hoirw time occupietl by them- yto DALZEI lc Co., j" I9 IR; water etr For R.llll, Ajtt Large room on the tb.l' i oropietl by the euhscri Wood “rret—n good an Inauratten cane. lank try a/ tle miralnt. rs, near .me fat aaton tor a eleambal Iy ' f;ARRISON iii 11411, Z. I. 21..114 SAllef mut by Int, doer, For ternoiffn nn~, near the njfr~er 'tdre delr.4l A WA.SHINIO . 4O:I. 4!tyt of .• Poi. Rent. TIIF. koor fire roof warchattpo,24 feet from by Yi fcet deep, mt twrond Ft, near vr4d. Rent mod mit. Ingo/m.Ol J 5C110 . ../NUAKI-,71. at Co., delG .2l wood at Woo Rent. r: A Ytmnke Rotor, /moiled on klont alley, for reur lutittsre of ROBERT 14AZELL tc'eo, Lawny eer. dicl3l. OAf, I.AND POR SAlX—Seven 11Orca coal land few ode, situate in bend of the blondkahola River, love Itrown.olle, PA. haring x 7 fool vein of coal, vrloch will Iw sold In exchange lot Rwdt .. For arx apply to to(l)l S k IfAlthlßUGll,2lwoad sl DRY GOODS..i II NOW AL I. bIF.N T 11:A T HIEBIALETT & CO. 11 A n V 4 l , : , s r d r:: , . u o t aLkz: r noon an the TOWER HALL CLOTHING HAZA AIL No. 1.-2 Market street, between Fifth and SiSlh, PHIL C, ; The proprietor. feel a retort:ince in toornutcating what in any way might appear like the 119141 11.01:121.n1. ye exawrrrallon of sotrw lo We trade, but wtll beg to rjuote the following notice (Finn one of anti city papers: hie of the create,. curio:We. that our: city alliitda n k th e .banger. is Bennett A Cei'r, nen, el . :ethnic more, No 1,2 Markel Mee.. brtvwen FWh and tiasth, winch b.. Leen .) led .. 'l'uorer 11a11,' front the pteltilllT6l/1.11 tsl the front. The building is an /1:1111M01,9ne, COlll.lll- In. moven eaparion. rooms, 01l of witieh 'etre etoekeil with every variety of ...tunable carotene, arranged rnoo perfect order and repthinly.l Ibtoproprie• lon. take grrot rbienaUre in ohOW.l.llg , their Ikuiklina end o-einaxen..pAlftculatly •trongernWpad to those troll,nay the row.) --we know at !torture more worthy ofoviatt. JUST RECEIVING, i 4 : ss openi ng &inn, the per.ern arreh, a; WILL /1. DIGIiI"s Cheep Cash I:hutting Store, p 36 laberly street, one of i n lows, rhempent, and mort fashiona ble cinch ni (foods, adapted for gentlemen , a spring and sunnier wear, ever offered tor sale in Pittsburgh. The proprietor l ii flit. above establiaarneut begs to invite the attention of bra unoid, and customer. to his parent large and Inrhionnhle ...loch, which horror been tint purcSisrd in the present depressed state °I trade lo the I::l•terii flora, composes nut ottls every thing Star i t ii ,4' and fashionable. hut in much lower In pllce• than Fin tn. offered by those house: who put- chase only in x , arle rprtng It Innu7 iinpoi , ilile to convey an) . thing like a entreet idea or' the extent. beauty, or 'quality ado:stock, it will not he attempted; but it oi hoped all will : consult their -own mows, and evil and cletntiol for diem; selves. The proprietor reels confident t h at thew gooda surptuis any thing in the raw line in Ilia city, and tompennon in ;wire I. more demerit the , feared, by any thing in the trade, auction emills, with on their emperfeelions. ant rarryied. V. S—rder. In thr to /lining line executed in the net fashionable Syle and suhrtantial manner. toy:ll:dim 11811 LINENS AN L) SHIRTINI.: AIIISLINS—W H hlurphy ha , lately received an additional supply of ore goods—the I.lnena warranted pore ,Flax, and Mind., at red u ced y lOW tor quality ced p Very superior long cloth Shirt ricer. Vide Irheetingv—olso lately reervied,an rwrortmcrit Sheeting, litrarhed and unbleached, front one to 1, yard% wide. ' Pillow Cure Muslin', of medium and very fine toe •r, very cheap. lhapere and Crash for Towelling—Low pried A. fine, Adored lludia, inehohng tonne very large, and of • I error quality. At northeast corner Fount, and Mar ' nipti__ ur urn: GOODS FOR DRESSES-1V R Murphy TV lin lately rereised a full assortment of white gi3Odll 1;0' lAtlrfq Dressy, including—Scotch mull Atus iiithi Swiss ibe Nannek do; plain Jeennets; small liar nil do; satin barred to Also, For Evening Drency—W/the ernbroiderinl Swiss Mashes; pink embroidereefarlion do; bluodo; new style damask striped and einbroidered plaio white, blue, pink and straw colored do; also, embroidered and :twins Muslin by the pint, for Evening Dresses. also, Rink !zee Shawls, SC.I. and Capes—Fmne ' li and Scorch needle work Cellar.; no assortment of new and beainiful myth Linen Cninhrie ilninlkenthicfs; mourn. MI do; all nt Inweyt cash prices, at nardecast corner gth and market ots. lIDER RIX FRENCII CLOTIIIi--.W It Murphy oinvites the attention of g entlemen wanting, Cloths. te assortment of M w Y lint make Of French and English Cloths. A fepierce veg. superior Work Ethileb, int reed; nlso, Doeskins and Caysimeres, in great vainly; summer Canutieres and 'Tweeds, for meals! and Ithys' .wonr. black satin Vestings, white Marseilles do, gents white and bordered linen cambric Mikis; super white and colored silk do; gents Gloves, tindery, AC.; Game, Merino and cotton Undershirts, for summer wens;. blk and fancy Cravats! Gingham and'inennet do kr. To Q Connery M erc ark h ants..MITII AND JuIINSON. 41 Met street, here re ecired I 5 llonnew.conststing in part of plain Straw, Aurora Braid., %hem, in do, litt. do, Fklectic MS, Chins, Pearl and Florence; 5 oaten Palnt•Leaf Infante and - Boys' I,2horn and Braid do; Arti &to! Flowers, in every sanely. Also, SOO dos Ladies Cotton How, train 75 rents per dos, up to the finest nasloy; 114.10, Botts hair Ilo.e; a good assortment of 1..1.1 Thread, Silk and Cott. Glemes; 751,. etlk Bd.'s, laa p. Madden. di., 1(X) dot Linen p•1111MC .10; IS car- Um Conan and 'thread lace.. Al. a rood assort ment Buttons, Threads. Needles, liar, Cal. !try, Jewelry, Am., in all of which - they will offer a 'pert inducement in prices tespureharers. myi3 --- rill !READ LACKS.— Smith Sc. Johnson, 15 Market idL , harsh. Mehl 2 cartons more of those wide Thread Laces, from 191 c to per yd op. Also, one Carton of Mech/in do; one do Patil POW .10; al. IS carton. 1 . 01100 141,.. Dealers and others will find, it to their 101tICAI to call, as they will be sold at extremely low priers. ';tl tINTS—A large nwortmentof blue, bloq 11114 and fancy Prints, of every desirable stria quality, ion opening and for sale to the wade at ordinary low rates, by Me eon, &c. MIAOW: TT A WHITE lIRLFSALE DRY.GOOLV4—A hlasonl Co; have just • teethed et their IVholesnle Rooms, No. 60111.arkel 'Reef, RI raves of printed Lawns . And hfuslids,S do good style of Gingham.; 4 do oew Style of Calicoes; Otto of Cottonsilea mud Summer Snag II do Parnsolv,_ of every v•riely. Also, Rlblions,jesee, Wargo, Romery, Shawls, Domestics, de, de. jatj ARR.% EDGINGS, AC.-4acanons low Priced and L inediona Edgbe, Leers . , Insertiog4tdillings, ppp pd faney: oust imponations, just opened by •;;;41LACKLETT tr. WU= • • • Ickakz OF IB2COUI 71. 110L1/1 Exchange Brokers, No. /St Pennsylvania. Bank offinsbargh Exchange Bank ...... p oo Merck: k Man. Bank -par BkserPhiladelphiii•-• -par Girard .Bank• ••...... •par Bank otGenizarnown• • " Chester Comity., -pa, Delaware Co: • •par IllontgooteryCo.• •par 's Pliinkumberlarid• •par Cohnnbia Britian Co.-. par Doylestown Bank par Farmers' Bk. Reading•pair Fusers Bk. Backs Co. par Fanners irk Lancasir•par Lancaster Co. Bk., • • ..par Lancaster Ble•••••••- par I.l.llltites Bank. —• -40 Binsensailla Bk.- • .... .rpar ' Wash:man Bk. grantlett h alt: 7 dasnachanna Ilk.• - Lehigh Co Bank, Middletown ...... -• • I Carlisle ErieErießk. Bk. ...... . "•• 41 . • Ntasonal Sine Btoftlionari.— .1 ' , North Carolina. IN.orCape Fear • 2 Menh's Ilk., Newbent• 2 State Bank.— ......... 2 - :South Vitro Cando. ..... • •• • • 2 St. oLChnzieemn•.• • • 2 9onmereint Bk••••••••• 2 Ifs: , :. Fanners' and Drovers' "Hank. Waynesburg.. " norfishery lionendrile ..... —•—• Ifj Lebanon you/ Pourrill n e ..... Wyomig York Ilt.• • ...... West Brooch BL. .. . Relief Nome • o Mk II Bk.•' u I City Oc Calmly Berip• Ohio. Bk.of Ilambarg•-• 7 _ 2 Idereleurorßk ..... 2 Floaters &Merlon's Bk.. iElk. of Satoh Carolifta• • 2 Naryiand. illaluatore ... par 'Balbre RRScrip -10 Caraberlaadllk.ofAlle an Fu: Far. Bk: y of Blaryland• Farmers' 2., Ideehuric Bk. Frederick Frederick Co. Bk.• Hagerstown Ilk ••• general Bk.--- • • State Bk.and Breaches Mount Pleasant ..... •• Steubenville '' • Elitil=lll =WM ian t Bk. of Bt. ic Cla h ir. g. —.— t Bk. of River ilaittear..— Michigan Ina. —. Co. 3 Far:kldech's Bk 6 Wleconeln Territy. tadart&Fireln.Calitiles'e 5 tillsolv C ent • . . 5 0 Bank of Eatthuld Notes --•—s4 :0 P ism' Ooldhapecle Valeta. Napoleons ... ..... 3eo .. Ducats 2 150 2 20 Eagle, old• .• •• . 10 60- Eagle,ew .... • 1000 Doubloos,Spanisb. 0 00 DaPatpot ..... -- 15 50 Sovereigai , .... • • 461 thane's ......... . . 5 00 Prederieksd'on 6700 Ten Thalere• ..... 7 e p en °adders ••• • 200. LoaisPors•-- • • • . Exchange. Nen York prat Philadelphia 1801 Baltimore ---... ;pm, par. !manor Wks.— ll C010¢0.06 do. • Ctrelevdle••• • Zanesv/Ile • •- • I:=MM -• •• • - Cleveland•--• v•-• •• • If tenia••.: ... ...... . Dayton ....... a Western Rtier•e••••-• u. Franklin BA Columbna Chillientlie • Lake Erie -13001.1.• • ....... n Gnmter Hamilton 13 Granville 01) Fortier. B'k Canton• —6O Urban so isentuek,.... - Bird Kentucky 1* Bk.or Louisville Norbern Bk. Kerthekl , " New York--City t . EXCHANGE BROKERS, &. iiUGH D. KIN. ( Oldie Ina /11'Cord G /fined BANKER AND EXC of RABOR BROILER, Orrice Nils Porno ay. aso Posy Orme Aux; rillALlllgin.Coin t Rank Notes, Time Bills, Poreign 11 and Domenic Exchange, Certificates 00/epoch, ff.. 1 EXCIIASGE on all thaprineipai cities of Oa Unlca, for sale in cunarto suit yoirchimrs. CURRENT and par fonds received on depocite. ! COLI.ECTIONS made on all parts .of the Union, at the lowest rates. alillhdlweetvancT • 1117011113 Y, HANNA & CO, • , RANXERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealen in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cenificatesol ecite, Bank Notee, and Speck,. Fourth nice; near ly opporite the Bank of Pittsburgh.. Current money receivell• on deposite—Sight Cheek. ibr sale, and col factions Made on nearly all the principal points in the Uninal !Rates. The lushest mead= paid for Foreign and American Gobi. Advances made on consignments of Produce, chip ped FAA on liberal terms. BANKERS 'd Deal a er. sts' s xc in F.hang e Coin an , d mi Ran& Notes, N 0.55, Markel street, Situate. Selling Rates. Exchange, Raying B , ' Nese York, Igy CIIICIMIIIi, 1 din Phaladel i lhat, do Loolseille, 2' do Baltimor , do Si. Louis, . 3do 'toying inns, BANK NESTE:3. Braying Rams. Moo, - 2 dis Co. Smip Orders,2 dig Indiima, "do Relief Notes, . .. "do Kentockl, "do Penrisylvantn Cy "do Virgails , odo Noe Vork• 'do "do I do Wheeling,i4 do New (Means,— odo ' Ten rob we, 2do Maryland, o do 108114ticulT. I. o. sirreasio, ! JOUR Q. EOFF tr. CO, ,ERS & F.XCHANGE DEALERS, Onus, No. M Monson gram gat . . . WHEEI:IND, VA: /Mirk 11, HILL. WIC C. CCII2II, jiILIS CURRY — Bankers CURRY—Banke and F.xcliango Rioters, L. 1.. Lien ern in Foreign and Domestic Time mid Sight Dino of change. Certificates of Deposite, Bank-Notes and Coil No ES Wood sEreeh, Sand door below Four th , west Ride =trait( WILLIAM A. LULL & CO rOIMRS, on 7 Dealers drt c' SJV ' N ' o%Votrot l , 'one door "bore Foortb, East orde, l l'itrzbargir, Po.. ort..44iprr - . I FOREIGN ELICHANGE.- ILLS kin England, Irelaild, and Scotland boaPht to b any proctor at the Current Rates of Exchange. Aio, Druß payable in may part of the Old Countries, Dom 11 11000, at the rate of 85 to the S Sterling, mahout d4duction or discount, by JOSHUA,ROBIN SON, Roppean and General Agent, office Sib st one door sr:sitl:rood. 'oetlatf .. ai.tan l KRAMER & itinatt7'''3"" ICIANERLN A.ND EXCIIANOR BRO6F.Rtt, dealers .1.1 Foreign and Domestic .Bills of Fachange, Cer tificates o' Deposita, Beak Notes and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly oprnite (Starlet Ito- tel. may-Fd y ittDlE— Ohio, Indiana, • • • Nentuct7, ' • dlimouri, it • I B the lowcat mot, by ank Notes; N. 110IATE3 It SON, 33 Market street. OP EXOEIANGIC—Siskt Cheeks o em York, Philadelphia, and • Baltimore, or sale by N. 80L.1.11-. &)N. 33 Market id. %Tr' , mn. dolo '!! CTlo2l2l9l.lafta, Notes, and Accept. ethic on any pan of the Onion,colleetcd yorable term.. N. HOLMES 2c SON. I • • NI 3lnrket at CAPS AND BONNETS 'ASHIONABLZ RATS. : subscriber, in addit). to his own V IVla : • r r s i Ith ! h. . .tro : (T: :Ili d t hatters of the city of New for,) for• cj rug ( his extra'fine Silk Ilats, and havinust new eases, gentlemen can be suited wills a d btenutifit \hat by ea/ling at his new Ilat me, ttraithbeld street, worm] door south of nit< may be foillid a great variety pills. 41E. own manufacture, wholesale and re . made to order on short notice. JAMES WILSON- . 4 1. eressors to ACCottl A King) lilt Fa latolub le natives,/ Corner ef ICorid and Fifth &ruts. • pARM!. I ...kit.Mtentitia pant to , our lb.claitTnide. (:riot(.en !ILI rely upon get ting,thew (lots and Caps from o r establishment of the arise wrasuums and oassarrial , of the toms's., and It the tour r awest Country A erehants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully 'wiled to gall and examine our Stock; as we Can say with confidence that as retards 9namrt and Mlle. at II not suffer in a companson with any house in Phi delphin. . • t !chi': Vskahlon itacia.Rand,Cap alaaufrotaari inGer 7,Aken, respectfuly ' ..ratty that ' and Cap, lIATS- 2 41 do Braid, r Also, Ar,, , .. „ , stsb - ni, net ll'arelpr.U3 market st. m !rti_ irt' 110rinfr Fashion InclB4B. „kn...RD ...., _.,„. &,,....& nix nrrator, ILL 'hordes., the Boring I yle of Hats thi s, Sattifdp hlareh Int, ibli. c y., Ilt r ,eit filen and customers are requested 1., call and examine thin stack of Spring list, lust receirds l I'm. New Vorkiltheis store, corner oftult and Wood all. 1113(i ,1 • -.--4 ..t.* . Rfi.D 6. KYSVIL . III4I, ettiQ PEST Fashionable Hauer in 4111111PritibUruh. Principal . SlOre, 72 Fourth greet. hfirriu acitiring and necormuodalion Store, rot ner orWorurrtreer and Virgin alley.. Highest prices •loray• pairqur chipping Fora. nrharly Briti eeivid All I in'achivii.4r 5TY.433--8 MOOREbasjust oto Kew York, the Sprit ur Style of Mats, S } pwill introduce nu Saturday, March tth. morn neat and superior Heti will please et No 75, wood street, 34 door oboro Fall and chira ourth i cir York, tbokrall kirk, of lists which 11"41,Ulinhel.ritdit711 ro'pewtldo;ag.uliliti 0.73, Wood Strect,ild door aw o ke 41h. FAL i4 ed from he i All t ow tit asSITDII JUST - end W l = i re Those In want' invited in evil. ER PASIIION DOE HATS,- - cited from New York, the Summer ' ate, consisting of White Beaver, Pearl nth Gaertner., /bite, with Veruilators. of a beautiful, light flat arerreapectfully S. MOORE, ' 35 wood at., 3 doom atake rith : rtZn ji n‘ O ce guence of the goods will be l tom the own their odilitionn NU CONSIIIN:ft nrgoals comma by area, are h e reby ineifial that in cense. errionortutestpr Aquelue' norvdb gma:al t'w"' l °rs nan7 co:i sfo b em nt JOIIN 74ePAD A Cw I , • I • M VMS AtiLIEDIVE w2 l. senll a alcamboat at 7A. • ilalelphill'ari7el6lla'llirtnre'as will For further information inquire • ngaltela lfrssie, or of IS:Leath & Co., • • • laa • • lIIIINI=The subeerso — Wil emig male Agents by the assintfacturara, the, eelebrated . Plernix Brielsa,* ate o h o ll r orders for any gamily, a&1141 bt r ieksra , :e ' t= C A, " "..r o g "tj al • °I. rota. being iliPeilor:to all other l' fie brick. A AVASNICIsTY &. Co. Canal Saga: .• . . ' UV 8' T -Ecii h M., to th.l conveyed to P. oat ~,y delay the office, Mo. ittll;eCutal J. been ap P for the mkt of now prepared cub, per 1,000.: all kinds, theso pelentlodkea SCR 448 AZ w e ea . kst . t artin pick waren Empire ead.AmerionToglNl:j teaks of which ere of the poirifileality, for Oat sloe manoNettue. myl9 POINDEXTER &Co ==IN INT, t4.:TEIP BY Ai :BOA, 3 Market street, near 4La THZ ONLY RZBIZDTI • AU.IMART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT Is as InvalMyt ••• ble remedy. for Epileptic FSeor Falling Hickman; Convulsions, Spasms, de. It is well krienns,rhat from time lumentorial,physiciew have pro:maimed Wen,. tie Fits incurable. It has baffled all their shallot/ad the. beamed pea/kr of all medicine, and emmaquesuly_ Moo-, sands have suffered through CZiStArlePOlnd at btu yie.lded op their Lives on the Wax of Insanity. With all deference, hosteler, to the opinions of the. great and teamed, we say that it hub eared. HARDS VEGETABLE EXTRACT, For sixteen years, has been tested whey permits - who have suffered with this dreadful disease, and is . 11 every caie when it has had a fair trial, has effected • permanent tote. - • . . -Fits of 46 yean and 6 menthe, cured by tho use Or this truly wondetful nicdieine. Read the fallowing remarkable ease of the son of Wm. &tore. Fmk of Philadelphia, affileted with Epi. leptie Fits sr year. -and d months. After ttavellawr Dightild, &attend, Germany and RIILOW,-e-Or. salting hreag the most eminent physicians, and eitetWi= medicine, medical treatment and advice, leo' mind dollars, returned 'with Ms son to this country,' Novemberlatt, without receiving any benefit wham, or, and wet, cured by Wine • HARTS VEGETABLE EXTRACT, *. • Mr. William Secore'sl Letter to Drs. leans and Merl: • I have spent over they, thousand dollar for meth. eine and medical attendance: I was advised to take a tour to Europa with hike, tel eh I did, I grit !Jailed England: I consulted the most eminent physicians - 7 there in. respect .16 his ease" they examined Min and • prescribed , accardingly. I ' remained 'three months without perceiving, any change for the boner, which cost me about two hundred and filly deltas, pocketed. ~. by the pltyaiciansi 'and the most thatl received was their opinion that my son's ease was hopeless and posi. • Lively incurable, I accordlogly left, , ••• elled Omagh- Scotland. Germany and Franca, and re. , tamed home in the month of Novembei lam, with my son as far from being cured as when I len. I saw your advertisement In one of the New_ Tart papers, and . concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Esmaik smug your 4 statements and certifieates or .0 manymeures, soma of 0 twenty and thirty years" standing, and I can Ramiro Pon, i I net not sorry I del sp, by 44.3 of Hart's Vegetal' ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfect health, - . !h. mason, which was so for gone as to unfit him for business, is entirely rewired, with the prospect now • before him, of life, health. and usefulness. He is now . - yon of age, and V years and 6 months of Ma time has been alftieted with: this most dreadful of dm. eases; but thwk God he [snow enjoying good health, Now, gentlemen, faith without work. I don't believe . . in. To say that I chaff be aver grateful to you a one thing, and as I here enelose you one hundred dollen, I h ave no doubt but Mat you will Mink this le another \ d quite a different' thing. The debt °Candi/ale I still ewe yea, bin please to accept the present amount A i nterest on the debt in advwe.c . . Indiana. State BR &Branches.* 11 glittPerip • •• ••• " Vir Ezehangea. of Vs:. • 14 Farmers Bk. of Va. —•• " Bk. ofthe Bk: of Virgnia•••••-^ "ii & if. Bk., Wheeling do Morgantown.— 1, N. W. Clara Va— do Wellsbang•-• do Prukezit e hprg• Tnnssee. Bk. - of Te e nnessee.— 10 'Par. & {fettled Bk Planters , Bk. Union Bk, - YeTar;;; ; ;; ; ;;;;;;idt - ily, (Signed,) • WILLIAM SECORE . • TO TIIAFTLICTEC4 ' • One of th e nmprieto -of 'farina:doable Metlielle was afflicted. for sere yetus with E)tileptic Fits; ,The disease had prtoluted the worst effect open Me' system, air Los. of m ory, imbecility of mind rand n ? erfeet prostration of o nervous system. Ur had tried the • skill of the I st physieluts for,seven years, and grew worce under ir treatment, and he knew that this rocdmine .vva hie only hopefor health and' Itte, and wasdhemfore d teratined is ittrc it a fair trial, and to persevere in its use, which he did,and the result was a perfect rectoration,talealtl4,which ins coral, cell atuntenirmed for nearly sixicep years. 1 , We world refer to thafellawrane persona Who have .been celled by nth, g Hartle Vegetable Extract: ~ Col EDensisiw'e daughter was aldie led nine .Yaira; residMi at Yonkers. New York. W Bennet,nine years, 171 Gland m. , J Fllsuvorth seven years, 1.3 Dover at. . . . lauph idldonmtl, num years, Fest Brooklyn, L7l) if W Smith, New York Custom Hence . ' ..S Kelly, twenty yea StaLenleland. - • - Alin k.,l.Pßeef, twenty years, Yorkville. . bliss N Crane, twelve years, 112 Hariarnerely at. ' : --Wm H Panel, twenty-three Norfolk at 'web Sett!. four years,lll Bentley eL Philo Johnson, twenty- eight yeare,litecnese:l4, Pei 1 Judge Randall, IS Ram Broadway, New York, Thomas R locos, of the ITS Navy. Cant Wm Jennings, Sum: st. Bridgeport, Ct Reference also made to i Dr wI. Monroe, Gulltm .l, O. ' • ' • Rev Richard Twat, West Ilivenport N:1• Rev Ty. Beshnelf,klaltimere, Md. • . ' • illt Joseph Bradley, 115 Orchard rd; PI V. 0O II Boughton, Vet Ibghtecoth at NY. _ Mrs Jemee &Molt, Chester, (hangs *D. Nit' • • John Faber, 17/3 F.listbeth el, • . do .- DA Riehtott, MS Delaneym, , • _ 'do ' . James Smith, lde Suffolk c.,l .' d o , Chariot Brawn, lUU Water's; do .:. / All of which may be called upon, or addressed, pen . paid • . Pretlared by Dr 8 Haar, Bate IVaiM. EC Heit,) N t 137,-w .5.T. 1 !...:_ O, F , THOMAS is Co, 16 Main at, between asl nut 4th eta, .and len Main et, between 4th and sth ettatwe, eineinn,n), Oldeoehoieente. and retail agents for tba eonthiand west. L WILCOX, Jr. comer of blacker st and the Mal n.,,,d;0n1y net in Pitteb'g Ps. PI? TO TILE PROFES.I TIW MEDICAL SOCIETIES, ' Mother.-Wi.3teTO/lid ifianghte'i j_ UNlTlM B l ATES.—Tliesuiroopritmererope.t, folly call your attention to Dtillahotrr's DIAN. C SprtYa s ir intended for the preservation of the health of both sexes—whether it rinses 'frona Incipient Phthisis, katecarirconsomption, Debility of the Lungs, Eronehial'ASections. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged no! Disordered state of the. Liver, Spleen, or Eidueys,Dia cared Spine, Cholie, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Laos of Muscular or Nervous Power, tee. &e. • • DR. C. IL 11ARRINTS GUARDIAN comes to the immediate relicrof Females naming - from twegulari ties, mid all other Uterine difficulties and diseases dental to woman, whether oceesione4 by cold, at - feet, or any similar &jut:icings exposure, and all this. without the use of medicine; as the most delicate and sensitirelaily can at any moment apply it to !tenet( without the possibility of incurring:any risk or danger, ..WV unpleasant . unpleasa results all ging front it, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate relief. It Dr. Barren's Guardian is no murk-penny, or' one of m moor homing. , of th e day; bat it is an instrument made upon strictly scientffie principles, in accordancis • willtithelaws of Electricity and Galvanism; and for neatness. darability mad efficacy, infinitely surpasses everything of the kind over before altered to. the public for the relief of disease. and, In the language-of one of the mostsulightened men of the day, is pro:Zagged to 1 1Z_ rash: •I,7 d ' o i r c :ti , triZgr onh y . e ea r r kls be l occupied by Dr.:Barrel' in bringing the aditardian to r its be e n kale of per&etion—dming which time it has been In 1 111-.0 l' o " rt o a f t c dM e nt o h r , a s e ssiel ' ras t Tn fi tre " t w p c h l Cs . i fs m o ' fl o o . r memos families, who have Wed it for all Of-1110 abeve purpose., with the most perfect success, and who have • cheerfally.&tiren their unquahfionl approbation 'of its I Imd can be seen by referring to the Manual of lastructionartheorupanyingit.. ' Dr. C. 13.1titwett's Guardian is secured from innova tions by a patent from the United States Patent Offiee, and be bad either with ge without his Medice-Electro Galvanometsti.• r . The Medico-pectro Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, workmanshigolumbility taut power, cannot he sax. pmsed or even equalled, and the subwriber feels that he hazards no th ing la th e. asser ti on that it will be fogad and : "e rvati oindisceses," G s .all i aa l a U n 'e dljectriele e. ty, than any othesestrument, either in.the United. Sta.. or Emoise. T h e htedica-Electro Galvanometer is warranted in every respect, nod with common ordi nary care will last a !Medlin; and is by far the cheap est, because the best,liustrutucut ever °tiered to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving the Mom maple instructions, of practical experiettee. so that it as readily intelligible M the mind of every one, while the •-. tly of arrangesumn is such that a child may with it. • . Any infontiationgrataitoasli given, unit all continn, nicattons cheerfully answered per mail, either in Ma- • cola to tho Elestrodlialmumearder or Guardian. • Medical men are invited ;dealt anal examine Dr Bar. sells Guardian, and lesion efficacy. For sale by IL RICHARDSON, sole 'Agent, 71 htsar km pt., Pittsburgh. • amOdtf MEDIC &Lie,Oftllll4.4-0-infifie2"---. .• Na Rh, DIAMOND AI.LEY, a. - few doors below Wood =vet, to. m • arket. ••F • •"'''•••• DR. ,DRDWN. having boon regularly educated to; the medical' profession, and beeti - lthr some ti me ' - • an general practleci - norg confines ' his attention Willi treatment of . • /4 those private. and delicate corn-' \ idaints for which o p po rtunities and erperienee peralitirly qualify I s him. It years assiduously devoted • 1131tUdy & treat:meet of those t 0(11 pInialS,(1111rIng which • lime has has had more practiete and has cured more pa- gent. than can ever fall to the lot of any titivate pr. , &loner, amply qualifies him to' otter assurance. of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory rare to rdl afflicted soinn dcticate diseases, and all diseases arisins• there . , Dr. Brat. would Inform the. efffiethil with private diseaseo which have become ehrtinie by time.. of theby the Inse of-nny of th e coonmon nostrums of the day, that their eturiplatnis con be radically and that oughlyeured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment afoot+ caws, and succeeded in hunffre s is of instance.; in !tiring persons of inStunmaticet of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases Which often malt from those eases settee other. herd consigned them to hopeless despair. lie particularly invites oneh • at haves been long end untmccessfully treated by inhere to ut him, when every satisfaction will beatron them, and their cases nettled in •• emend, thorough and intelligent Wanner, riointed . out by n long experience, study, and investigatton, winch it Is impossible for thine engaged in general practice of medicine in giie 6. class elae... • • jr,Erllernin or Ruptore.—Dr. Bro also invitesper 7 sous afflicted With liernin to gall, o wn n he h. paid parties alas attention to thin diserise. • ;Rio diseasea; alto Pd., Palsy, etc., opeedily Charges very low.' • cored. N. It—Patients of either sex living at a distance, by toting their disc..: 'in Writing, piring all the nytart3 toms, eon obtain nwilicineonrith directions for use, by addressing T. BROWN, IIL D., post paid; ang entities. ing a ee it Orme No. G. 3, Diamond alley, oppoeito the anti) , , • . LUe- No cure no pay. • ' deel9, - SDIG A -1711 ' 4 Tirih,he - Darn I, o , Tyime and genuine Liver Pals, prcpared•by RE:tatler& I Vtursylvir. Gallia co,,Ghio, May PAS. Mr. IL n Sellers: After several years um: Of poili Liver Pills, in my practice, 1 nm prepared to say that they are Just what, and Th ose who have used Sian you represent them to be. nis,—The Jest preparation for liver complaint and diseases 'Wising from a deranged state ortlie liver, that has ever horn tiffered to thepub lic. Yours, truly, 0. W. Arvin,.,M.D." Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS, S• 7 Wood st, Pileibitrgb, A M. Curry, AP.egheny, and druggists gee. w i ally n both cities. • '• lel paal:ola a Valuable and Attractive New Books, T A11.11112N273 History of the Girondists, 3 rots; 12 • • . .. mums , I.ife of Chevalier Bayard; 12 ma. • - • ' 'O. Y. R. James , Life of 'leery the Fourth, of France, • - 2 ro4-12rno. - - ' - • Rei Smner's th's Consular Cities of thine; • I,ite of Jean. Chrtstpe re, muslin; • .• • ' Memel's Fresh Gleaninme or a new Sheaf from the = old fields of Continental Europe. ' • Ceps 'letters Sketches of the hlnsican Wen 12 me, • . . Glem•s Story of the Dottlo Of Waterlem.l2 met A Sommer in Scotland, by /ace), Abbott; I • Sismondi's Litensture of the South of Rompo; 2 rola; 12 moi , Helton's Adventures in Diorite and the Reeky .- ' Mounteine;••l2 ma, muslin. Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chiltucts, D. D., • The Freesias! Astronomer: by Thos. Dick, L. L. D: Life of Jeremy Itelknap,• 1/.,D, Historian : of New' Ifampshiro. , - ' Lather and the Reformaticm, by John Soo; 11. A., 2 vols. : The Middle Kingdom, with n nese mssitf.thelarmire;. hy le IV. IVillintns,2 vats, 12 mo. - - •• • The Power of the Pullet, by Pardine 'Sprinlf,D. D.,... • . ' - • 12 ma. .. . • The Redid Flag, by Gardiner SprinfiVSA Di 12 MO. ' • • Teething a Science, the Teethe,' an Aydin." y, pm. . • • Tile Czar, tdiCatat and PeopleiirJolMS_AUsell. Lemarespn Shakapeare, by 11. N. Hada% ' . . ' ..: . . . The Artists of 'America„,lllostmted With nine.engra; .... mop ma steel, and contsurang sketches of the ham of , ' .1 Allston, Inman, West,-Btuart, Trumbull, De Veen; ,-, ~ Rembrandt Peale and Thos. CrawfortlF-2 vtd,B so. . .: he Grater's o( ,m contsining sketches or OM' li , res of Lamart Were. Nelmissob Dorton ildlra- - I -beau, GUilAt and ethers, with portraits of each.• ' • -- • llesdley'sepoleon and Alarshats'2 voltsl2 too. . .. • _ • ll c a u l lert • Washinpait and hislienemls; 2 lois,. 12211 Ileadley'sSaered Alountaitr '. ' .... - 9 The alma, together with IS MITO COlieClloll of Stand....' . .! .. srd Works, Classical' and 2lebool:Rooks far 'sale by' --,,' ' .• • JciaNSTON ,t • S T OC KTON;Ik4ftII or y . , :., • .c. 2 '' • ' • corner market and 3d µA - ''' -•• 110 W r iNfarr --— in"l.lV,A&St- nnP Oredfrcio. • thowtanufaetory, Britannta 'CoWet, Pour, do 'l'm dot, do Sow Bowls ond CraalCorw. Jo 616 04. do';;; 1..g0 Poolors, awl lidr, do Atolossos ~ doo; A cyjk un.,thlqippo For sole at low prier., D.D . ; t.,1 •: • GILL & GLTry, Sigo Ei4 Palehet,l s==lEl= i .~ A MEDICAL. - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers