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'"t-- ..,,, t , P ,, F. , --..... -•-.:, . ?•- - .:„.5..,.. , , ; ~.- ::,••,'--';',. ~`,.:•-•• 1- , ;..-'..; . ~;,....- • `.. 1 :: ~, ;Z:4.,' , 4 ~,;... -' .- • ''. ' ' ..' •. , ~...- • - ' ~i . : • ",-.,' •:. -, . I• < : ': : ; : t.s,z :--- ', i;):s•''' . " , Cy ' -' , ? „ , , ,, , T... ~ ~,_, - 17 .'" ," , ; I ' 1. ". 4,1, z „ ~,:',' -,` !Ir.. -, ;.; • . .:.~' . giW , '1'.k . ,;::.;: , T:.';', 7 ...:1 --::,.c.Tg:::,4 . ..,.- , : i i..:. , ..1 . , ...,. - ,: f r , .... „, ~ ~ -; _...:, : ...,.;;1-.. .-,..,-,...:.f_..i1.-..,..-.,. WMZEN rt . .,.. , : -, :,.' : - -',..IIIE'''PITIi4BUNI:'44ETTE HY mums& isooss & Ca PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNIN9, JUNE 16,181 a .INEULADIMPUIA. /MUM AIIIINSLICAN. ,--Advsaisesiesis and LI ..I, , lmetietlaNartk Meer ' -- es3i WI United 8143“ Gtiette,Pki.% received it and forwarded Dm thisoilec , • _sra , r woasc impalas& w. '.lll • maim, aed koarartt free of - expense, W. veva...tees and lopeeriptions for We paper. • fp-risx' Pirrssouis Is pabiisiked Uay,TrrWeekly,ehd Weekly...TM Day is Seven Milos per sismat; the Tri.Weekly is Firs Doltsrsier somas the Weekly isTsre Dollars per sae®, amity • Fos Lerner CesuasTelM Istalligesteakostalie, Mau Neal Laporte, Mosey Markets, as. me • IrrAnvirraresasrarlararall 1155 &ear favors before 5 r. 114 wlti Ss early la . to 55 / .55 Dena:ragle WIRIg Marailimationis, I FOR . • ZACHARY TAYLORS., RIALLARD — IPILLEOILEi ' - FOR CANAL comassiorirst, NED. Antimascislo; asd• Whir Ifoldidatlicais poR CONGRESS, , ! • NOSSI ILAMPTON. • Yo,' 12.1,21F1LY. /4: WIS C. iiOIILE; of Indiana. CHRISTIAN 81•111112.17,of • fit swAserzW}MDER, lof Pittsburgh' 11F2V2Y LAnCE, of NII&n.. HEZEXIAH NIXON, o( Lower St. Clair. JOHN .23C01T, - • . • ' crsgs a +scrotal's.' - DANIELAICHRDY, of Elitabetli IFlOrougb. • I, TiIOhIAS FAIRMAN, of Pittsburgh JOHN K. pcxsrest, of Poldsriu. •es Elrstl!age:fletr '.lll,&sllaneous'Neli ,TATLIAL , MED 'FILLMORE. Uau J..J. Critics:idiot". it 'erns annouinced in the Convention, on Wed meadity,tlint a telqtrophie despatehlnd bee a renal*. ed, Stating that Hon. J. J. CillTaiNcEN, of Ky., would be in town on Fndri, andivould address the people. It Wanthernine resolved to hold _a 1111X4114 at Murry's peril, on Penn steed, on Pridak even • jog, af half past even o'clock, to hear Mr. glitter . den, on the various subjects.now sodeeply Mier ening to the nation. Torn out, ono and tal,to hew' groat KentuCky Orator. . This hope eVetliniii. Let there We adghtygally r erica of the Whig hosta. . Editorial Correspoodepce of the Ptuaborgli Gareue Tns 40=11101one in Washington.. • . ' Wssuiscion, Jima • Minimise of interest has changed from Phila. dolphin to the Capitol again, and multitudes of those who penned the last week in the Conner city, wilt remain heir for the preseni. The nothination cananssed . arld'rliacussed rM y much here, as upon the sPot where the nomination wus made, and al: it is no &oda in all sections of the country. All eking the lino trundlo prieweiel m the, Polo. Mac, in every city and town wherever there was of , . gathering of people, the returning theiegetes Were cheered fir the . noutinatious made. Among lb° moving' Whig-muses therefor, it would Teem to be a popular 'nomination; and h is now sander. ed all the more to firm the kid that it will receive .. .the hearty support of Mr. Clay. He, Will carry the g old Whig Guard with him, Without hich the eke Con of. General' Taylor would bei hopeloss,—and Many no diets Who lown been but in the field, . mill be goemost in the fight. The friends of Ilse at Cut and Wortmo Scum will be most relied _upon to metros triumphant election of the neat Adeliftietratio/11./ . • It world ammo you muehtoseo the manner of . ' -the reception o f the nomination of Genera Taylor by • by the officeholders here) , Thefriends of General Cis. have 'reeeirest it. with such wry facesehat it in difoites 'either the possession on theiipalt of dine: 'acted minds, laths:uttered stomachs. •Some of the • thrthest of the party, also, believing that Taylor will be elected, ad :meaning, if pomade, to retain their &Ems, are hanging out the Taykr,flag. Theta sudden converslond of a day, wouldhe stunning if they were not eontemptible,--but they are among • - the tricks of trade. " . ' his not certain what"course all the Whigs of - the Union will pursue, in rekrence to the initainn ' dm just made, but when such men as Vance and Collier speak for Ohio, I take it hr granted that the. - great body Hof the Whig party will go with them in behalf of the matinees. It ill between Gus god Taylor are arc to choose, between an honest soldier and a dmigifing politician, .between an. annexationist, an emitisitionist„ a roan of war, and one opposed, if he can help it, to annexation, acquisition and ear. If this country would secure peace with iU the world upends:. principle of non• interference, ma'am:iodating with none, and allow. . lag none to inthrmeddle with us, it must of neces aity take a,deep; interest in the election of General Taylor. It it ',values Peace and prospenti at heath, respect abroad and justice. among men of all nations, it nuuneontrecte to the same result. Gen. Taylor will never lay violent hands on the Com. ititation=tim Will he interpose Executive author ` ity to discriminate against the wishes and necessi ties of the west,i-serwill he undertake both to make, as well as to execute laws. 'lle is commit ted against the use and abuse of the true divisthas of 'political power, has no ambitiOn to-interfere with the law making branches lei the Federal Government.' In his success we look for an hon. eat; patriotic and intelligent Administration,—for ■ '''permanent peace, liar a earr*liOn of the cola which have grown up under previous ndaritibure trationa. In his defray through the success of General Cass, we see continued nnd - *naive 'foreign war, ri totaldiszegaid of the internal welts of the country, and a violent and lawless Admiair The one will model his administration upon that of GeOrge Washington. The odd will Walk in the ictitepa of the 'nektons, Van Bairns, . Tyler*, and Poths of the Litter day Democracy.-- Neither the earthy of Property, net well , protect ed franchise, non domestic industry, nor reliable Government, not good faith, nor principles ty can exist -where the power 'of such men as ; General Cass is permitted to• Ho was' an Aristocrat at the 'Court of Laois Phillippe, and he , is a radical at ho r ns:,. Ile is a spoils:ono in office and a piaci:Ammer out of Mace. He understands the Wad of matinee to the Su, bat breaks it to the . hope. The whip or the Union am to choose be twee each a man and one, who unexpectedly to ' land!, and trident seeking take in inch ti nun, finds hothota thrust ape him in a nomintakin • by the great contrastive party of the country to obe highest office' In the gill of the people. • We tamed hesitate tr a naqnsent mahm,e thus be . twee. our mintlfs safety and the people'shappi tams, and a Min who, through his whole p olitical life loth shown himself too ready to sacrifice. both Wetsrottlii thivepenand Taylor more than he is _ . •upon Mee tpustiona,but as • whale, we prefer hit:tains Idr.Criss as we would- prefer good! to tied aid light fakir thuknen the prin . eiplesto he liaised by hisi success am more than can be lost; and we Inurthas time will show it lobe nab. • ing but Oak* the country in which we live and fat lbe 'peat civilised world, of which his country forms so ecutituroui a path Washington, lone la ' The Whigs of the maid, numbering about two thirds •of the Tone", held their radiation meeting last evening: - Though - 2de CLIT was the favorite &the people ! bare, them is a very willing aermicte -ante in what Pans beat down The Load:mos are - !die most otient.ObiontWo, and the mo"blitr attains of what his beat done;--end this is to of the sitgarice of their defeat. i . , The Hops inr Rennterrenvta, you , observe, have Wined upon itfondati the 17tb of Inia, for the atiolinaneist of the two Houses &Catania -- • The Sensie !pettbablr. concur. TIM will give --Mott weeks- front;Monday next-not enough time, !perhaps, to do !ail- Ma ought to be done, bat I :encash to do alltmbieb toispeas is likely to sc. - ebtop* t' .1 the &rat; Merits an earnest debate In prole pea, condoned Over, elan Me Oregon ILU, and up on the tareikfflastiou, whether the people of Ore len shall besnbleand_to the imitation oallavery ! The Pecrie;4o,4lolbr themselves in their too innertlstetudead . upon a Gee darn afGoverw Meld , !-.Thin wan inwr *mad in - their bars, tan the Sontbeat ;Ltiadoecia, lad on by Wham and 'Weistco reedend thit.tbey will obtain an so. Ao theft, - that tO pat, ilavery, the Animal! & Pie l ama free Nathweat. Mr Oilltoesiltitii 1001 to mikado ordinance of lin of nonetlrect ter r itory,; and sign ban/ , . I I 1 -• . claimed the Sea which be lisaisbo eaughtba 'eat. hettiliathirkrur gveefrom. tlrth CaPkilitcl:9eript *Asa Slaisipopulatinit This gees:lOU :gave rtae - ba ,exertin g whin law befonerthe Se4e, andtwal be ream. id when that body is mums full than it ja,nt Pre. neat.! The Csiahodiguatil.iiill.contittnottbsent. --4.ael Vn . d thebendy and Alletttd the taiL Tlift secret of Colonel 'Benton'. .tatendanee ttp. Mr. Cies, war salved to me today, by one of the wympathisera With the Ilarnbcriters of New :York!, Colonil - nentois has been a fiverito with iheiNew York. r .iestlovas the' portico. , 11 :friend erniltitt Wright: He wee thought to be the moat natural and' pacific meth= of eomituni cation Ethnic!' the Liarnbantera and Uunhers.— Sortie of hiibiUn friendi, personal and political, wettfamenifthe Gamer, and loaner one of these,— Stoehr the Denvieracy o? - the Union, ho bas patio; both upon the mission of a Peacoat. .kerotml to see that hie friend rereivtut no harmelt nuendance bras rather_ been to s.sve n &iota, than to wren Cron. Cass. ThalNaval Bill called firth two speed., in the Muse: yesterday, upon the Orilinanee of 17,37. Boa, were from the DemoemtiC'side of the Bala the aye from a 0 13imaburner," so called, and the other Gym Mr: Petit, of la. Each of the speakers gave some encourngeiront Dia at feast some fey of the Democratic members. will unite in keeping the free .soil of °MOM and Mexico i,vever free.-: Bat the dominant earty are so accustomed to look onfiVairia&M - itin another, that I do not confess to a very strong faith.that-what is 'paid here to- ' day will be abided by when the question is broeght to the rote. There are many, however, in the Democratic ranks who will never : &agive Mr. Can for the voluntary, open bid maile%y Lim in behallof the institution of• Slavery, and ouch men feet that it is, as a practical question,. better to hale en boaest-Soothmtler, phodged to no al& lent_vise - of the': valo power, rather than a dough , faced 7!~otiLeru, man with Southern .prin eiples," who wbuld - sacrifice North, and South, and all, tottery° himself. . -• The Hobe amused itself at the eke° of the day with a debate upon Professor Espy, .the Storm King. His otram was taken from him by the last. Congress, owing •to the prejudice against the seience,—but the friends of eteorological obser • vations, including . the ... ary of the Nosy, urge the continuance of the Mee. ` . The DO*, erotic. members, who urg ed -the appropriation were den - mimed' by the "Virginia abstmetiouistsi 5.,,c. as ebalidoning their•• party, slid were sneeringly asked:if thiii was their l`PrisgMssivis Democracy.' The members thus rebuked, . nisi% a very good defence, and the Virginians retorted pgaiu with reflections upon the "light houses in the skies," re. commended by John QuinciAdams, in IS2I-'25. This; too, wean standing LkiMaeratia joke against Mr. Adams' Atbru:aistratiera, but Mr. Adams Cue. car 'What has' since come to you, and irbat'Dem• octets .mren: are , now. ready, enough. to akplaad and dahmil. • • . ' --1; . Mr. Root told somo of ra today that , :rhen. ever they looked upwW . , or towards the Ilea. yeas, they. found a principle associated with the numb abused Administration of John Quincy Ad SIM& The. national lamination—enr It is now.rendered nearly certain that tholsomi nations of the Whig National Convention will be aenitigatod in byllie;trholtiVhig party of tho Un ion, with some very alight exception.' New' York, Ohio, and Massachusetts, the states thout whence the principthoppositiort to the nominations was er patted, have, judging from the tone of the preis, decided to yield a faithful support to the nominees. . As Taylor or Cass would certainly be electe'd, the riatrii!uth Whigs of those notes, and indeed of all the states, who preferred mother of their chili died Statesmen, could not hesitate in choice he tweenlhe two. The Only mane for hesitancy felt ilyany, in the free states, was whether the time had come to form a great Northern:party to resist Southern encroachments, and the further Calm aim of the curse of atelier/. The time is not ye,' although it tong and surety will come—and when it does come, it will cement the hearts andarympir thin of the great mass of the Whig party in the North; the hearts end simpathicsof the same men 'who nowneein it duty to support Taylor against A strong element in linking the Whigs' ' upon general Taylor,is the well grounded, and wide spend dread of the effects Of the ultra annexing. and war irinciples manifested of tote Genera! Cus. Lithe event of his election, there is &eget of the many becoming embroiled with some utak* more powerful than Mexico, add for no , better num. The poople love peace, and the cultivation of the arts of peace, and with General I Taylor they are relieved from all apprebensien of any further wars gar annexation, and territorial no. ! v eni:Lament. In this county, where we have a clear majority of from 2;500 to 3,000, the Whig party have, with great Manimity,agreed to support the nomination. I 'The convention which meter. Wednesday, repro seating every district in the county, resolved to render a faithful and Marty support to Taylor and Oar duty is therefore plain,—we go for Taylor against Casa, in the COI:W*Ig and firm hen& thin Pennsylvania will be numbered among the Whig litotes, at the election in November; In eo n ntlusioni wa copy the kill Owing extracts from no article in the Num . York Commercial, which we think speaks the sentiments cf a groat majority of the Whip of the North: 111ml:inn made no secret to the readers of ibis papegtharthe choice of t. candidate from the free states was reganled by us as most desirableoespe cially at this time •We drought it doe to the free states, on principle and for the sake of expediency. The Whigs of the Union, by Whir chosen retire. tentative, an convention, have thought it more ill.. comsat to bring forward a candidate under whose banner the defeat of the Baltimore nominotlan— with he shadow for the free states and its sub. stance for the slave states--nas morally email.— We bow to the sounder wisiliont oltheir judgment. If the choice was to be for us between Mr..Caas and a Southern Whig, we could not hesitate one moment. ' That Gen. Taylor wig be found no true a. Whig, in Engem:ad application of Whig yamiples, the Whig Forty could desire or expect, we bold to be established by his Allison Inure and by the atatemeet an of the Louisiana deod the formeralsoLa a A w pge . that on the one great nueitioi of principle which most divides and agitates the country—the one. 'non ofslavery over territory now free—hef. will not seek to interfere with the actionof Gangrene.— That fie great point gained. This is nu arrange. meet with which we eanhe satisfied. ,• . , " In therekre, we have onlg to Raj that that' in pursuance of ,the rule we Fare always avowed, to abide hy the action of the Whig party In convention ...wended, and windily from belief that Gen. Taykir can be elected, and will, if elect. ' ell, meet Unreasonable wishes and expectations of All Whig patriots, we, from this moment, 'urn our eges then the things that aro behind," declare our , hearty adbeaioa bathe choice of the Whigrtandard bearer, and prepare to do all that lies in oar power ' for the protection of success, and the success of I the groat Whig party. Of the nomination for the Vice Frrahlency, we need not speak. Among the many who were tamed ibmite office, none better than Mr. Fillmore could have .m selected on the more of personal i qualifications—stone that would add more strength to the heart. The State of New York has known him long indwell; the Stew of New York will en. doubtediy nand by him at the ballot boxes. klicirioan Anotnaai.—ln Detroit the announce_ moat of Taylor and Fillaiore's MOMinfilioll wan reeeived'arith extravagant joy, and two . hundred guns were fired in honor ofthe event. In the even. ing an immense meeting was held to ratify the nomination. Tie Advertiser soya We never knew the political stock market to urn• dorgo no sadden a revolution sts it did on Friday, la the morning, the Cu, men were all elated at the caucus bollotings, in which it appeared that Taylor lost w, votes on the second ballot. The general cry was, "Ifs is dared—lie ix defraud—rrears safer Thheeyy held their heads up pretty well, until oar g oisz s easoahing coon made his appearance on o ur amok, Marta It o'clock, mmonncing the nomi• nation of ZACIt TAYLOR-46e brave hero of the Rio Grande. Atter this noire, which spread like wild. Lee through the city. Casa Meek went down— doarabsimt—nittil nobody wanted it at any prize. We Steller Sim SO sorry a looking set of follows -40 noes in 1840. The new, wee Jibe n Map of thunder in a clear skY lb them: they'stood amazed and eonfeunded—or rather dumbfounded—not knowing which way to torn, or whither to go.— They acted me though they hail it thousand eyes gazing upon theta as Vidll7l-1; and they wanted to bide and couldn't. The resolutions passed :by, the County Convert. am o n Wednesday, were the sumo with those adopted by the lititidcatton meets& on Tuesday evesslagorith theitzeoptionolthy as weU as rest, was adopted:, unanimously: Tteratord„ Thu thiticontrestion representing the Mammon sod Whigs or Alteghony County, pledge.' its support -to the umatnatione this day made, and their united "Ruts to secure the en. um ph of . the greft Whig party in on/flaunty, State, Suid'Hattmi 13001i111W003. I Valls Masa Medan!fat Chinsh, on Wylie street ritaa entered, on law Friday, 04 the handsome you ,tralt of Bishop Allen, whier7 WI to be bong is the beck oft, palnil. was total! destroyed. ' I • --- _~ .~; . . stm vomarmurs.SPEECll. We itepf.thetitnertrieg report - of Mi.': PencilriPit re altr 7 itatilSeraiOn meeting on Tuesday evader. Irciwt eh Journal: • said that he wished - hiinscif better able toiaddress Lis khbw cab:emu:might; tout-he could not do ao at any length. Ho came there to Says simPlYs that hawas prepared, ready and Will. ing, to support the - nominations afGetteml Zachary _ Taylor dod Millard Fillmore for President and ricer President of the United States! (Load applause.) I will state to yoU, (continued Mr. 1..) a few of the reasons Which hare inflneved roe to this de termination. In the Gist place Gen. Taylor is a strictly honest man—and honesty is the root and life of all the other virtues. Give me an honest man—u.auseslto the politico) intrigues of which we have heard so mileh. Gen. Taylor is such a man; Its %is a matt of strict rectitude, from which, so far alum apprised, he has never Filtered. Doci any man doubt this? No! General Taylor is a high minded, honest, 6'i:eatable than who will do 'Willa is right. (Applause) Some of you may hove be come incredulous and hove despaired of having honesty in oar public men, after the long series of intrigue and political gaming we have witnessed; but I believe that" Gen. Taylor would In honest in all things, and if elected would be faithful to his pledges; (Applause) Jibe should become intolerant. if ho shimld fatuity his pledges. if he should abuse the vettfpower-s-I stand here pledged to denounce him. But as 1 said befori, Gen. Taylor) will he faithful to his' pledgels arid a inservant s of the Republic *. Gen. Taylor has declared himself opposed to theexereisp of the Veto-ror ono man powereg "cept in extraonlinary •instafices. The • people had been repeatedly thwarted tiY veto after veto in the form • ocparty manifestoes—tissues of juggling sophisms—had nuthaell--slekated---the will of the pero le. The veto of the River and Harbor Bill was nn IC3I.IIIICe- Does say man doubt that the majority of oar people desired the - impmvement of the . great rivers, anil lake harbors of our country ? This is the will of people; but can it be carried out ! You • know is cannot, with the present ml ministration. With General Taylor as your Pretident no such obstaeld . Will be interposed to defeat the will of the poopte. The laws that Congress pass, urbether to Earl:out industry_ ar.clear our . Overt sad l harbors--he will not nullify by en arbitrary veto.. (Applause.) And Millard Filniore—of him I can sPerdc from an Intimate personal acquaintance. Ile is a elan of sound and vigowaisegmmon sense: en unyiehl. ing advocate of the ituerests of the fainters and mechanics ; rind was elaselydadentiGed with the Tariff oil '42. You will never find him attemptiac to defeat the public.will by n canting vote.. He is a sound Democrat of the true Jelfersonion eelmoL Gen. TaylorJa there of cultivating the arts of peace—not of cherishing the arts of war. He de air. peace with all nations—entanglement with 6000. And here, my fellow citizens, I desire to call your attention to a circurnatence,that may have escaped your observation: I allude to the present condition of Europe:-ell Europe in now coeval. sod by revolution. Kings are falling from their -thrones—the people are rending their knters in all the land.?' War must • ensue; already 13 war MO ' ing between Prussia and Decimal*, and between Austria and Italy, and probably but a short time will elapse begate hostilities may commence be. tvieen France' and Great Britain. In the former ,French Revolution [ when a similar state of affairs exerted, it was the moral firmness end wisdom of George Washington that saved this Republic.— There were murmurings, complaining,, reproach. w t ' The sympathies of the people were warm and excited, but the, firmness of Washington uitimpl.l; Ira was not to be 'moved, , and the Republic was saved. lApplauses) Have you thought . of this my fiiends? General Taylor is a peace man. Crown. cd with victory after victory—his name blazoned among all the nations of this world, he deplores this war—he deplores wave in this crisis, I be lieve General Taylor to be worthy of trust, and I believe the peace of the country would be imper. died by the success of our adversaries—boo much inclined to snake war upon any pretext. Fellow citizens, my mind is made up—l urn Cm Taylor and Fillmore; and I believe them worthy of the confidence of the 'American Peopki. lAp planoo.l • Let me again say to you—what we want in a man in the Presidential Chair who will not nullify the action of Congress by his .I.oell-,VIIO will not teto our tariff bills, or our bilis fix the improve meat of our riven and 'harbors, rind other meas.. tires 'interesting to the free States. This is all' we drant--this is all the Whig party wants—we want nothing which we cannot olrain through the action of Congos.; if we have a majority in that tiody.--; !flee have not, we mug wait until a majority of the, people shall ratify_uur wishes. This is issufli• cleat answer to alalairmists. What more coil we say? 'What more can we ask? But I must conclude. The campaign is now open. If we are true to .ourselves, our success is certain. Let there ho no proscrigaioo strug gling about the distribution of the loaves nod 64- es. Wc go for our country, and we a purelnimist istratioa of her Constitution and Liles. For some time aller Mr. Forward concluded the applause was deafening, and the utmost enthusi asm prevailed. Mr. MeMineola Letter. The gallowing eloquent letter. breathing the true Whig spirit, was read in thei county oonvention, on Wedne day. To du TE7i4 and Aatimosome Court-salon nf Atte MX= Frrnntacil;:.lnna 11, ISIS. Having 'named that my name would be Mauch( before your honorable hotly; .as a candidate ter nornitration, to represent thia congressional district, I Gig leave to say, that I have never, directly or iailirectly nought or encouraged , such distinction, and respectfully but 'decidedly decline being con •idered a candidate for nomination. So far from aspiring to political promotion, it al ways has been, and is, honor enough fir mr, t. Boren in the rank• and file of the Whig party ; in etilcate its political doimines, mad suport its can& dates. The present «million of the great ‘Vb'c Fifty throughorn the Umoa it refreshing. Ito prospects glorious, its success certain, whilst the self -styled unterrified democracy... Ls now terrified indeed.— There is distraction in their ranks, and distally in their faces. The nomination of Gem Zachary Taylor; the President of the United Stab., has been made as all nominations in our Republic should to be made. It has not been dimmed by politistiOs, bat demanded by the people. • Nominations thus Made been at the right place, nod must be triumphant. Already,' his popularity • sweeps over the land rush of on inundation,nod drown, all serious competition. And why hould it ant.? Ile is n man who never turned his back ETA:. Cie or friend, who never surrender's, who nevei!silered • deka and never will. The pure and plain re ' publican wbo has shown the world that he can wield the sword, and pen, with equal skill arid execution. • But though his swasd be bright, and sharp, and bin:bingo!' over with the crimson glory of the, field; ',rho, since the days of Xenophon or C.Usat, has over equalled or atupasand, the mph, of his des patches! With full faith and hope In the triumph of Whig principle•, and a reascamblo, share of Christian charity for the fart thinning - ranks of our political advcraarics; lam vary respeatfully ko. WILLIAM B. McCLUII.E. Too NA RONAL Roan.—We think the re7r, et of the paper at Cumberland is canto', lltiAplnccif Surely it ought rather to be a matter of congrstula lion, that the diatance from Cumberland to this city is shortened about .twenty miles," while the distance from Cumberland to Wheeling is nearly the URIC 111 by Brownsville. It may be proper m state, for the inkumation of distant readers, that the Williamsport metaionod in the extract is now called blenhngsbels City, and in about half. way 'between Pittsburgh and Brownsville, lftebbstown, which is also spoken of in the ex trite; is now generally known ns Westnewton acid is situated on the Youghiogany river at the qui of the Slackwater improyements now in the coarse of construction. When thin is compreted will reduce the stage travel between this place and Cumberland, ten miles at least ; thus reducing the entire distance from Pittsburgh to Cumberland to 100 miles. From tho Comb'rland Clorilefon. Jun. 0. . _ . . Tnr. NATIOSAL lioAn.—We regret" to tenni that the ploprietors of the Express lines runningliom this place to Pittsburgh and Wildehag, .have felt thernselvei compelled, in consegnence of the con dition of the National Road, td withdraw their wagons and place them on the Somerset nod Pennsylvania Turnpikes. Ily these, latter mute", wo are informed, they mike their .regular time, over roads which are far superior to the National •Road. • Wit learn, moreover, that the stage companies urn making arrangements io start regular lines upon the route through &intermit, Mt. Pleasant, Itobb's Town and Williamsport,—at which latter Mplace theyreach the slack water navigation of the onongahela—end thence to Washington . and Wheeling. The distance to Wheeling by this route is rep_rcaented to us as being neariy the scone as by the Nntiohal Road, while an ilium& to Pittsburgh by the Pennsylvania tunapike is mid to be km by some twenty miles than via the No: .Ronal Road and Browny/Mato the um* point. We deeply regret thato the Comp9ies _have Gaind it to their 'interest to change their route to the Ohio river. The people of Allegheny resid; leg along the National Road will suffer severely in the loos of a market, they have' so long enjoyed, fur the side of their aurplus agn'cultural premium,. Cut AVD Tenon.-The New York Express has been permitted by a friend to make the ing extract from a private, letter from General Tey kw, dated • "Baton Rome, May 13, ISIS. "None but tho kindem coSlinga exist between Mr. Clay and my.elS and ho br'well aware, should be Lin nominated and elocied, such it result will *Mee to inn no Mortification or ill feeling, but nth• or pleasille and cougmtulation." OCIZRAL TATICA AT TUE litisr.—(fie hundred guns were fired by the Whigs or Focused, Melee, on, Thursday allenmen, upon the reception of the report that General Taylor hod been odminatedior the Presidency. The news was also welcomed in &k en, klasaschnsetts, by a Write otewiliery.— The rapers received the report with very darery cut mehavr—some were reruleml—terne Angry.— while some were simply lukewarm. - DelaDa est the Pance3lfewai tee. MattleaZil !Ale folkeriiiietters - Artin4fei Frefirer, the cirr;. lag... Went aithaNeWOClaanalDelti. contain the partial.* of the test twaskintan Mexico,of the prominent riiiroaren of - .whitiV:we bad =somas. - • acme days ago through the Telegraph:' Cerx or..M.raw,.idnY 26 , o'clock ec , I bd. m areorninereeeivml the feud ratiG of the Treatise( Pea. by the "Mexican' Coiag as, and hasten tor:snared it to' yoti. Ifikrur put to Tote, in the Senate on the 25th, at 3' o'clock.. The veto stood 33 for 'and 4 against it. 11 wan reporttl by Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Itelatitms on the 22A, and the deflate wan continued byriev end members tip to the;hour of its bring put oil its paszage. — .Ton w3l thiiit did not inert with no much opposition the ition 'S e e ate as it did in the Clamber of Deputies. • Gen. Smith left fie Vera Cmz on the 21th, to make preparationifarembarking the treat.. All the ourpmai Wive been II- /a to this city; they will he ready to march in three dope as ter they arrive, which will be In a ay or two. Gen. Patterson'a division being tint to move .will rocirch in two or three daya. ten days or less all the Arne an army will opitheir march for the West. We- will Wavered some wit our Xiek, bet this rennet be helped, as it would on dh to leave those behind who ore unable toire el. hleasrs. Sevier and Clifford !ell re the Qncre taro with go American escort on th 22d, at seven o'clock. •The'exchange of rutilica lna will tribe place in Queretaro.' The Corned!. nets hate full , powera to exchabie Berner here. - It is expected the tutiGemions w I ho exehano eel todny, the 26th inst. • e Thu withdrawn! of the ;troops will be in Ma 5.4. lowing order:. Ist General Patterwn'a divisiOn; .Gen: Marshall's division; 3a, division of new ten regiments? 4th, 21 division of old regulars tinder Gen. Kearny; sth, Ist dirision of old emptier!, up der Gen. Worth. We have two thousan sick tdtake away with us; this will cut short o r transportation for the well. The, heavy batteries ego) of Lieut. Hanger and Caption Roland ms red on the2Fith *ult. The troops from Pachnea and Cuornavaco 'am already on theirmareh direct for Perot°. Car or INcx.), May 25, ISIS. and othere ivhohnd been sentenced to be hangedon m day, hove hew melted by Gen. Bider, by a sprint order ref the. following sub- Mance: .The sentence of death which Las. been passed upon perions by emwts of the American- Army, whether Arnerican. or Mexicans, is hereby ...pent!. until (Water orders." 1 nut not aware what has influenced the cono mending officer in suspending the iteirtemAr of death plowed upon the cheers and others for the Murder and burglary at No. 5 Calk to In Palma Lot really it does town to many a very strange proceeding, and hn surprised the community generally. They were undoubtedly guilty of ono of the grtwest outrages ever perpetrated unarm society, end have to some extent stigmatized theeorps and the army to which they belonged, which could only have Been wiped out by.bkod, in a Zimmer rianctioned lig Ma lawn of the country under which they hold commissions. Their trial was ?air and impartial, and I have 510 llClatraiOn in saying that the commis sion who tried and sentenced them was the mort• We I have Liver peeu convened in .the army.— Then, wore men upon it of the higheat legal at tainments, And the body were all men of wend discriminating Judgment. The prison°rs had able counsel, who labored hard in their defence, and the conclusion 'ef the trial left no-doubt - as to their guilt It was even no Palpable, that, uNti ire he- - ing rumored that they would be pardoned, the ets - of the Penusylvania Regiment, to which they belonged, remonstrated against their receiving any clemency whatever rat the hands of the command ing General, and asked that the law be allowed to take its mar g. Muria. • .. The good citizens of Queretaro aro going to gi our eomminsiorters a boll. . . General Align is to he Governer here when the Mexican Government take up their quarters hem. I expect to see all the Mexican. authorities here this weldn,coming The commit:sinners, hicrsrs. Sevier find Ciao rd, arrived at 'Queretaro at 1 o'clock Yesterday. .Ammo:err or Inns Pnuarrr..—Tho 'Courier and Engninn , ti kgegraphic dispnich from London of May 27i11,4u, day when the Acadia mailed go. P'm• ton, 'contained ilia, 011olving impartnnt item of in. teiligence: 'Pantsi Friday Evening, May WA. The pmpoee'd decree for the baniManent of Lon Philippe and Ma family, sr*, brought Inman) t tidy in the astaintbly. The' vow upon it wool in favor, ra..! Agaimt yr; binjprity fur banishnient, New Yens ;Mx Tsrpea.—Tbe Albany Even ing Journal, in noticing the numinalkme, sap: ' Whatever &appointment may be fidt, we ran. not doubt the response of Now York. Shit will be kund kremost.in the great strnmle. Tbii-Whits of the Empire State, like our gallant l4andini Bearer, 'Never Surrender.' Their - moue witl.onts ho no it boo been— , Every thing kr the Unheeding regrets will parts away. As thC day of battle approaches, the Whig. of New Yob win present an unbroken front to . the enemyi: Their charge will - be as steady and irresistible 'Old Notch's'. temp. et Buena Vista; and the view ry will be es complete. Toper brethren ebiew here we say with etintidenee— , Mark down Now York's thirty six Eleekral Vara h e Taylor stud Fillmore— thii Whig Nominee,: of the Mermaid Convention." I=l=l . Rim—About ten °Yoe k, yeaterliy the Catholic Cathedral, on Grant and Fulh streets, wet discovered to tee-on fire and had it net been: kw the prompt and active ezeiliohs 0d the limMen and our citizens gerwrallyZibis beautiful nod ex tensive church would have been demo - Ted. 16 height from the streets precluded the use at "ride streams" on the roof, to that it wan utterly impost. tile at first to reach the spot from wheisee the games were issuing; but finally from the united egertaam of firemen, the membeis of the church, and ethers. the dames were speedily arrested and iiitire there Was any. necetolty to retnovo the furniture dr.e., of the church, which would hove damned more or teal. There woo some damage dorie to the cretins by tip great quantity of water thrown upon the roof, bat the loss, upon the whole was inconsiderable.. The fire is supposes' to have origtnateflfrom bunch of sestehet thrown upon the roof by some mischievious bOl, the night previous, which ignite ed in the sun. - • DANGIMOVR.- , The press of this city Ins of late frequently alluded, in warning terma, to the very &apron. operation of Wasting rocks, carried on - in Damned Allay, to the most imminent danger of citizens tesidinu in that neighborhood. Yesterday morning, wa ntoiniiarmed,a huge rock leoo thrown from that place, which passed through the window of n tobauo shop in &rtitikaeld -street, dashing the window into GagMente, breaking a counter In piecer, nod came very nesr staing a couple of men, does by, who algid . , have been inevitably killed. Such perikAtif Inn*, within the city limits,. ahould be at once discos:Maine...4 and ought never to be allowed. The annormeoment of the deaih of ono of oar old and normtidda Marehno t la, after n short Illness WILLIAM P4'fintonT, Each:rid create a genemi, feeling of o—,:tet, and stymp thy with the surviving relatives. • . /11 . 1..saVa Laves Pas —The astonishing. de mand for this grist medicine eons In be on the in erenee. IVhere it het been I Witted, it heVanalned • pop,alarny unprecedented i the annals of medical Preettee. Physician, ore ellen it. in weeny reset, at eat when they ran obtain. it 'Patients, however, need not he ender the expense of risking medical ad vice, w es they one nutrient, a boo of the Liner rill, with htch directions will he An/tithed, which ;will work • •epeedy core. The foilayring teller hoot an agent chows It. popalarity•ltt the recline from which the teller is dated: linear CA.13.1, Ll[ol/0.(7.1, VA.,/ March in, S' "J. Kn. /L. Co , Wood , Ibitsburnin Gentlemen—We hue we can sell a great ninny Morn I 13J. nightie's Pills Ilia. your agent 101 l with us. Three, Pills ore rapidly riring in ionite. end We have almost mild all that we hod. II you eon moil tie Itt or le dorm, MOTO lames, they will Inn perhaps until your agent eon bring se a hew supply,: T. h J.IIELLY Far rule al the Dreg Store o pt.DlDLl&Co,6l.lwom/ arret. JATNI . 4 Excirronstrr.—We would call anent 0n to this excellent vetoed) fur Coughs; Colds, Consumption, Asthma, and all nacelle.), of the Throw and Langs. severalllning times 10111101 a few years past had area• civil to use a medicine of this kind, welter, by expert. tire, tested its excellent qualities, sad are prepared to recommend it to others. Alintsiew or other peddle speakem alllicied with bumehial affections will find great front its clas se s w ill prepared cafe ',demi. fie physielen and all enemas medicine in t h e diseases tor which it is re• controcnded.-IColurrilme (Ohio) Cross and Jiwrna I. For talent Om l'ehln Tea Stone, No.7l.lFounli street. my 23 ET A l'nrateirvnTranrioar—Sellers' Liver Pills: The original, net true and genuine Liver Pala. Indepentfenee,.a.hinglan Co., Feb.g.1,1t149, Mr E Sellers—l williust add that your LivcrPsils LIMO •11%4ItInd the very best purpose In toy practire, and (rein their salutary 'effects In ray own preterip-' dotw, I can confidently and lately reeonoeddihenl where I lava hitherto heintated with other. if rent repute. Taunt, , NIV IV illT1„• , Prepared. and bold by R . 1 , . BELLEIL 4 I, 1.7 Woad at. Sold Iy Dr. Cassel, all irtrAl; 11. Curry, Allegheny; W.J. Smith, Ternperancerille r nod I' :Drama, Law renceville. • ro•To tot MIX OM law c—eatquivio. Nmo PPAj Unto Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir, de the mom. arrow.' rare 6r Hlteasentiste. 56/4 by WM. JACK.. tri. /went for Pittsburgh. . njrnt.ms, Boats, iter—noCenulno Hoye Llninten nin'utielo more Mosly relobmted as a elite flit Wa *.a any or an misers.. Its cures are almost sla ~,,,,,nnabla.;;;Sold be WAL JACKSON, Agent Mr as. Ula r 'Meg bm Idlow Toatley ean be mule pearly white by one tone. kaing • box of Jones Amber Tooth Panto It hardens the anoit, sweetens the breadOta. Sold at bn Liberty ii. novindamli • , •• • • '. On Thandny morning, 164.11 iust.,'9l 19 o'cloek;WM drXmarr, ideninant, aged paresis. The limend !111 knee his late residence, Yens street for the Cemetery, at 10 o'clink on Bat aril my morning IMEES=2=MMM M lINffIWUMIWII.4 squomirsk amursts; Cjinviiiondeuta - of tike Pitlst,ough dawne• • • • cortazissa.. - • • Waxnuscrox,June li; ISIS. Swart—Alter the tree action of the morning 1 Mr. CcittOti olTered a resolution to provide Ix the tramportntion Mom of the volunteers end reg ulars serving n Mexico. ' • , The bill for the payMent of Col. Curtis 'a Textm Regiment mei agreed to. , The Senankthen•Proceeded to the consideration of the Indian pprdmiaticst •IlilL After a debate on the establuthment of an Indian Agency in Texas, The SenaM, on motion . of Mr. Dix, event into Executive S • xiol3, and after come time opera therein, adjourned. Hoc:tr.—Mr. Mackay, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a joint it;eolution rehr ring' mine mt over of making Innenl executive re ports, which was passed. Mr. Ham pton, loan the Committee . on !Memel Improvement., reported a bill providing forth° me. veying of au . dry rivers' and harbors, which uraa read twice a referred to Committee; plate whole House. • Mr. lagers°ll, - chairman of Um Judiciary cote. reported a bill providing Gar the taking of the next eel., also a resaldlion the inquiring into the expedien of eonstrueling a new Ifalkkr thb ffouse of Reprasestatives,•mbich was pasacA. On:motion ofMr. Vintouthe - Nome Went into committee of the Whole on the Naval Appropria. ' tion Bill. An amendmeni wan offered appropriat ing 510,000'10 each of the Maine Hospitals at Pittsburgh, Lobisville, St. Louis, Cleaveland, dna, Natehez,lbispoleon and Chicago. - Allcr de* bate the committee rose and the Mese ad. jonrned. Cottenwid nr ' Addl Inca of the Pittsburgh Gentili. anal Saivism News. New Yost, Janata. The Chartist pettionatratioa c al Manchester, Leeds, sad Landon, went ititgantly sapprevied by the police, nod future sues:tinge were gabablen. • The - tic etence of Mr. Mitchell had created great eicitetitenL IEI awily lend been oAoliteil by the Irish nation. . . The; burning of Retbelalds villa, ii appears, seas in pursuance of,n...tyareni orbicendisriun - organ • fired by 13tangui,.to destroy the bUingeoiao by cal tingulsbing credit - , .._ . The Aoattians bare dekgekl 111.0•Milanese;ne Tito .Ihmea hive defeated the l'masiana with greit slaughter, at Sonde:ran 0110: ii1011510d!p!i. otters and many cannon were taken by the Moen . . .exelotive CorreepoOence ord. riambargb Colette. Alveoli Murder In Phll4ooloOn. Pinups:mem, Janis 15,1818. There was nn murder committed In Noy. amenaing prison, el an early hour this morning.— An intone inmate, by tho name of Bew,ied W. so Johnn, who . was placed in cell,to pr event the Gamer front doing himself nny injury. The make. Dinette murdered man was literally cut to pieces. Langton, the ratirderre of Mrs. Iladennachew will bear his dmrtia Warrant read thisallernoon by Sherilt Lelan. Ile ,is to be 'kiting ocr'the 20th of October. PBll./10=1'1., JIM° 15,1319. The Coon of Inquiry nt Annepolis will p bob!y clooe with the ' evamiontions of thin morn General Quitman is in this city. Tho weather Is intensely hot. C4vresp!mdeliet at Ike klutkurch.Gaiettef PIIILADELPRIA MARKET. Philadelphia, lime 15,6 r. at. lotir—Salea of Weatent at 55 50 per 1.1.1. Otain—Rell Wheat a held, without buyers, nt 114 rt%, Ibt a fair article. Prime ta held at al 25 per bushel. Corn, Sisk, of prime yellow at 51 as. For Grain generally Merit are more *ellen thnn I.nyer>• Collosr-.There is noshing doing to deg. • Provisions are Without thongs,. GrOOersen nre don,,eith no pen:masons worthy of report..,, NEW YORK MARKET. ;„ • New York, Jura IS, 6 r.at. Cot r—Tgo' market, with moderate eaten, is in favor of the imyer. ! Grain—The 'market kw Corn and Osts is dull, with sales of primo yellow it tgvii...s cents per bushel. Polemic...l—Them is less movement in Pork, but the marker is steady. Cotten—The market is quiet, with no el large in priCeN • .BALTIMORE MARKET, listantoan, June IS, e.u. . Fkrar—Sales of Howard St al i•S G'2 per bbl. Solo of City Mills at 05 75. • • Corn Meal—Sole at 05 37 per LliL Grain—Sales of red Wheat at 31 12a 'IS per 'bushel; and 122 e kw strictly prime The meolort Re Corn is dull, with aales of prime white at .12(0 Me; and of yellow at 40 ms, to the extent of 3,000 bushels. Outs—Soles-of Oats at its; and of 146 at 72 ets per bushel. Whiskey --Sales at 221 rents per gal. Colless—Sales of Rio at 6/ki7i per IN Dime the Line was intervapted.l • CINCINNATI MARKET. aneinnsti, June 5,15 . 19. •. !Pour—Moderato MI at 33 73(53 57 per bid. Cain.—The Market without chug, Whiskey—The market to day was firm, with 'sales of' Moist/see-434m of 400 bble; to ;wire, nt 25ota per gaL tgar—Tho market I. tub'. , but I bear of no sales - worth reportiag. - • • Provisionstesa Pork is held at 5.9. per barrel. The market is unsettled. Cher,c—Sat. to a ma lame extent at 6 teats per lb. 'rho Weathe.t—Thisi has been the oraSTIMS day of the SCRUM 131•Cesters• Rale. Will be exposed 10 Pablie Sale on' th e premises, RR on Tharsday, the 14th day of September, IU o'clock, A. At, We Strom and Water Unst Inte the properly of ,David Coon, Sr., dee'd, 'in Pi= Allegheny county, *boot Pi wale. East of I;incbargh, on the Lorehborgh Road, ■ • lot of acres •1011.11 d, On which i. efeeteod • SWIM 11.1 wear grist mill, with 3 ran of manes, Bof wlikh Him, and I pair of chopping stone* olis, Tolling and mending *omens, mut machine, WI In good repalr. Them am .three frame dolling house., contr.:nobly finished, with 11110lia room In one Of them, limm,•ther with • frame .ta ble and other out bonus. AISO, number of fruit Mom. Unsaid lot there is • good coal bank belonging 1000.110.11. The above prly is located in a bite Shoot growing country,' a dds accessible by publie roads from e'er) quwer, and has .Vll,lllrge Wands of custom: Title indmptnalde--lenns Made known en the dog of sale. For fanher infonnallon,*enqalle of the subscriber on the promises. 4 • DA RIR R. COON,'Eieesibai. limn township, Jona 1n,161.4,w3ardl r• • TO TR•OS,LEIHIS: abigta l Wll/11111 CANAL EXPROW.PACKET 1.11 , 14'. I . IIILADC POO. AND BALTIMORE., • • LEC.CII CA. are now tanning Iwo daily lido Lin of conches to and from Freeport, 'connoting %nth their &act, :They will Lore troy inorninglat .60 . ..J0ck. . CAD:THROUGH—NINE DOLLAR!. Cy thin atrangetnent, Pagossors will go through in lon Ann three end a half dam pining over one hun• dyed and filly mile of railroad to daylight. •-• , For passage Of I nfOrtliall. apply to WU. HUTCH, Agt for O. Leash A Co, sell) Monongahela Mouse Nirr;thoundenigned, have formed a co-partnership Ur melee the net relative In limited partnerships, for the naenufactirre find tale of Lime, In which Yakut Alexander le a epecialystatner and Jame, Youngs gee. oral partner. Said Alexander hue contributed Vice I bandied dollar, to the elite l and remotion Met of tbe I ten tt d notenerehip, m ud soi4 Young the SWIM snatutut in Said Alex.dor minden lu Philadelphia, told Y Teeny Allegheny ti tong. The bulgur.* in to be. rondoeled lo Alletthtt , Y count'', and the on-partnership to continue from the first day of Jeee,ls4l; to the first day ofJuut, S3l—profits to be tumidly divkled after ' , eying all expense.; the Lactates ache ..ducted uu • • •• • lb. none a !mina Young. JOIIN AI.EXANDER; YONNti. ileceptlon of Ilion. Johis - J.Ortit•ndess. - 'rho following gentlemen rotopole the Commit. - name of Arrangentents toothy reception of 14r. Carr. vitanne. Thu have chosen Thomas 12Alltattis, Egg., to addresr 111 r. Crittenden and precut hint to the WWI. tory tonight, al 7/ o'elock, at Mortara Hold cmund,, (formerly Ilroadhunit2.l - ' • r • II Ihool2l, II W WILLIAMS, JOSIAH NINO, • .MAIIIIII MURRAY, VII KAY, . • JOHN SMALL, 1 C MAIII/3 7 ., WM 8121101., lIIIIAM HULTZ . ; WM HUTCH, • Thu Committee willtnert at the Monongahela Huse at 12 o'cldek this moo/In/And at 7 c'elock this evening. - : lion W. J. Waves and other returning Dole.' gams of the Notion, Convention, will addrers-the wean% ' )el6. ---- 431.IFFAIA) 11011 Now landing lona steamer hheilaudonb,re.l4l.lprlMl lingela Hoke, In prime nrder, direct from F. Pierre, (Yellow Slone, upper Nix:wort.) . Apply at din Far axmpany`s Agency,rga street, near iho_l2ll.ateaci 11EF;12.:N. OILS-60144 e Llnle J Oil; 7s do Pio . Lard do; TO do No ok, d;l2 do Sim:rine do; 1 Mid pure roman do; Ido Idea , hed Whale; 6 bids do do,• more and ior sole 016 11V.I.LUkti to. ICOLS . _ ;DAcN-ohuld !nrued , ll..s ;ID do P: t 'z__ o i TMV . ill galFT4inS M AND PRIAM PORK—IO bids Neu Part)Dl do prima do; for Ride by , ' .016 DELLERS & BEANS AND COL' -20 bbl Whits, Rennin 33 do Corn, for sale by P. 16 ISELLEItS & NICOLD CIW.JAR-4,0 WI& None N O , on tonsijrnment and for sale by joist .J C BIDWELL, water et , ns F.RUINO-12 bbls on consignment mid for soli by H }sin J C I.IIDIVELIi 110101 MEAL-In Ltd, lanthor nod tor . sale by ki jot, J O . IJIDIV ELL SOLF. tc . .4ilketrintirduCfaltikOlmatil limn** risimtens Fos .w 'MktTiui albeenhei tsitgatti informida friends sad the pantie, that beim been amnion-4i by Jonas (Militating, EN., of lkostoilibtsa, the' .sole agent 'Wean= Peausylsetnia. tie sale of .b 6 celebrated Grand and Squate PIA NO FORTSfrom whom a full Pwill be kept au hand and m iteale at the some m es as charged by Mr.Chickering at Lds (emery in The agency for 3 . (re kene' g'a Pianos . has been caught fur tied obtained under a tall conviction on the best Pi an o tlisubscriber that °ley unquestiOnably the best Pio Pones manufaktered in the blotted States. In regard to Tope (the Mod esiential quality P i a PI ono) 11 ban bent admitted by the most eminent Panists in that country and fro m nitrope, that they are equal to Entrd'nbi Unapitsottod's of London; and Ceara tbe supetior knowledge gal enparience of Mr. °bick ering in the selection arm:newels, and the ingenious and substantl mode okays:me:ion/are fa, more da fable than na y litlhan instruments. It ih not contended that Clinkering's are the only good Pianos made IMSte °tilted Statea—tbere ere ma ny tither mtablithmen° Boston as itt New lork.aad Philadelplarnatemsfaciaring Piano forte, of high reputation, inamments exeellent and deservedly popalar, ;Mid are rapidly taking the place erne nlenor imminent, buttoned tone Europe extensively to former yenta. Bin it in contended that •-• ng these eminent Antinican Diana-tone manufaa toren. bickering minds at the head, ge ode eminent talent and skill, Outing. industry elltenenee of wee thiny.b. year. acit Planafortemanittneturcr, with abundant pecuniary likens to enable him to can) out Ida plane. In plaitteiat the agar Puseurogya, ar Tuft MUMMY LTC Thom who are imam its of Chickyring's ham the fallowing permits, -- Prof. U. Rite k, Binghan John Chinett, Wilson AMA. hn Snyder, U. 11. Brawn muiCted with the SupermS r os,Suc respectfully referred to rhtlittuve them in use: • ' it Capt. W. J. Couitts, H C. A. WAnulty,l Esq. tt Seymour Bower, Esq. Gull, Biuel4 d drkimle, . Col. James iSloif an, ro. IL T. Morgan, test. et', goo. S. &Won; Esq. 12=M! t 7;;;: =re - re Zit ' Afe Miss& IL Fos , ' Cir. - Lenunene, E, P. Oliiihant F. H. Oliphan Cshing, n A. I. Brewer, Bilis L. Apple Daniel Peck, Together with v 'neerssary lo P Kramer k Rahn, rshPrin n. W , hi Stan Female htem'y ValgtP. 1.1wq., Uniontown, Pa %adysttend, Pa. :sq., New:Lisbon, °him BC. (JWrvvilG, • , •n, . ' co 0110 i ry many Oars, hat it Apicemed ua • Those who irTiii — DO - ston during. the smelter mouths, end wish to crake tbeirselet don from Mr. ebickeriurs tock, will &awl caltint the subscriber foi letters to Mr. Chickenng. ' c JOHN 11113.1.0f1. Aa C. BRADLEY bating praeuro, the eseluss,. . right to meat facture and cell ite.above minuet tmeet, tate please* rd atakiug the fact known= that hey are cow prepared to IMMO, a Cooking Swab su perior teeny otherie use. .I'he novels oonatruetedon entirely new. principles, ft being the-only stoveever made where the oven M heated by tor air alone, made' and used by a draft aepargto from the fire and senate I ntne ib mi ' elit '' entelfittlte.t 4 r„i7.l l ,l,lt ,Airaito =,.` stows ever made where eojd air is axed by a drill to proton the inside piates in undo...ate he erthe oven. It reteires not moth thin one half the fuel Meg other move, do, and will operate equally as well:With. coal ea with wood. ; T. (Imp. Wmareas AhnillASTM or nalesilata..— Yore attention is resit:v.(3d*. Malted to the No. it Universe, which is Ile , igned'espressly for iteataboats and public houses, and Int . derided ridvanleges leer any miler atove te,v myse z jettailwftwitS_ 10fillgTAL-60roni, - 1::rope Furrinee, relefor P laundry see; for sale,tr i y UEUIA DERRY, I InitixtLlL WitCl,6 cart , . Igool,ln more end .gur ente it . 4 GEn A HER FENtM=MIR COPPF.llllB—.llbbls, ilood order; for sale by :Isla 7 raC1100:11MAISlili SeCa • —4/1 I elms, eIl ra bile and qbabty, for bee by_jet , :' J SeIIOONMAKER de Co riNEXI./. blitz Cidej Vinegar; iqr casket:white V wine do, in store and Vie vile by I gtLi.ER & ECK F:TIVON • • uLvratiztD Noe?, s, • G and 7 lAzat Nagar; tgiValf onseitiAbreringVi to • refined do do; Viloveripg's e pulverized do do; titl do polverivul di; do; just rVe'd and sir sale by rcxnTl) CWIO FillWrol , a6o;11 k/ dodo ninon, do, Jnapare'd and Cur sole bid gird N LpiuNs—A fay, banns il•call Lemons, 1. Just reentred and for 9lc by • jos Nfr WI/ARCA fiGll 111131EDAITLES-14 ba, Dried A pp le s , re d and 1.1 formic by jels F S W , i , "IIREILCN PARA6OLS—.. ith h Jolnoon, 46 ltork et kg street, hate 'part reribred Ho green :UM And changeable satin Parasols:4 Also, LW :u.•oned,solora, hum 74iteats a IMltel, up. fl felo bss prime YV R, day thul for 1../ sada by . !OS ot.prST Xir 1;711745Na r;!..-I,rlq /TA - rib rr TANSI:f o.c R.I-S1" WINDOW ULASS—.7I2Ione4 2.1:10 Ch 00; .120 do 10N12 dodo; 100.20 10X11 db do; for app by 2215 ' TAIISIIV 22 DIST _ . _ ALA.MANDEIt . 1, , ,1kirE44-411ron Saiies in ctuic and fot sale Law'to ekisc cotiaigualent..% r . it , t4 JASIE.,4 DA.LZELL, At ...olio. az OTTON-40 baleaCouoib in score tun!! .:arable 14 C JelS YAIM SOAP-150 bxs*l Puhafooll... Tipm md for gale by • • JAS DALZFA.I. rgiOLIACCO-30 kegs G tori.G rrrricii u} I for sale by JA:6 DALZEGL iILABSES-50 bbl. .jtleleer Ifoual We b jet:: J D WILLIAMe.IIUNvoieI et SVUAR-3 hbds WA. p.ivc,i.di 4 614 <rushed; !NW. susotWd Loaf, bref.a. by j•I3 S RAISINS—:V 111Z1 1*. RrsIe 14 ANDLES-20 Striae; 3 do. Spoon dap, ado Star; (oink by job* D :WILLIAMS • SOAP—'JS be. do Pal .4 3do l' do Cawing; for sale by" l e l s JD WILL •• pi tlll-8"41'‘114 Wu by je ,,.." ID 'WILMA ka X . ---- - 2 -- D y t 1 M AR I, Ju ASOLZ—A stopened lot b of handsome Sutm Tore Pars rt isli :ALEXANDER . u4r .. Milt CIRAPL.N.- Jose received, IC * lot o White WCrape, of au excellen(!quality, for Lae oat liviptic jell ,;;ALA4AIIiDE/l. A DAY ........_ /111F.Mg—fil las prime W R F %*l4 LIONNIIORST I k . . — R oo .ii- s Udo;.ll;r;;Altitandled,liir sale LT sl4l Wtiow exit', t 4. jell NFY N BONNIMILST Cp rVEA-33 bal(Cbests Yousig tlpndl Tea . jUn stud for gala by iel4 A9LLEIt ti t 1111,71EMSON 130TASII—to tusks extra': Potash, just reticle...l'o consignment nrul for este by jejl k B RANDS• FRUIT-12 eV. choice linizary Fn i sun isielard and for Pude by yelF . AII.I4I. B CIDE K RICKETSO, eLRAS —2O r r eonom CrabCalcri J .. 1.../ received and illr *site by; _tel.4 . AIILLIIR.A RICICKTSC L IN INSRFID 011.—N1 41 , 111.'4.4,1 . 0d, cue shipping Ja order. put received nod for sale by 11.1"Sb't ItICKKFSON riUNNY iIAGI4 AND Al SSII.Isf . SACKS —2O Gunny kj Naga and Sacka, in !note and for vale by Feld 11111.LIAt4.1tICKFIT411112a STAR CANDLES'—tA bra; Cincinnati Star Candler, ati do;. de Jo do Jon received and for axle Iy Jell /111 I.LS:it RtekKrsoN•• ri¶A R-41 1.1.4 Wilmington; N C T•r, on hand .nd Cot •nlrby ' NI! MILLER tt, RICEF:NON I;;,aini 06. __________LtaikliTAlllZ„"jirm,,;,l AHOOII,-40 bblt hest Lard Oil, in Own and for sole by j1:11 JAMES LAI.ZEI.I: ' T -.• INEGAR- . .5 lade pure eider VitTrar, for tale by Jen , 8 U1ie1V381111,27 wood at LILOUR-100 bbls S P Floor, for bah, by --- „C Jon 7 J DILWORTH - 101{104-3 bales pot rreartin.l formate:l.y ll jet 3 JI)IIbi )101t11.11% Druggirl 011.T.1N*014-1 r.ll2lrer) Chi, rec..) and for role by • • Jeltl • :Li JOHN I) NORUAN 7)LACKING-100 an: Ittnijut's Chu juit rued mut in tale by jel3 JOHN 11 HORGAN CREAM TARTAR—I bt.111.; mc'4ll.lo for rale by 7.13 JOIIN I) MORUAN ly.rrasti e..k et votobl, No I mete, fur yak. by 1013 JOHND Mt/WAN 11KOMIl YELLOW—iljukis Med .11 far uric by C rel 3 JOHN I/lilt/ROAN Chronicle. and Omuta. copy. rrm.--40 lIAGALEV &SMITH PANNERS' 011.-14.1 bbla ';Urorrn (hi, ruperior, for ask US, , BAIPA LEV & :WITH LAWNS--I ripe 6Sm paintrul Lawns, beautiful orw patlartla,taat fer'.l and opened by 12 MIIACKI.I r 3 & %rum:, to wood et - • lt vcrrr. - or, if - 4a Ito I icl4 I+ I , Vl , r sale I, rm. & LAnD-4( taall for sale jets sF . HONNIICHIST & Co bbb . "viAi'a4 Co AVERATUS-43 casks CIA,. Salendui,foi rale la by fjel4 WICKS 11111ANDGLSS Ulm W blear, jun ree'dfur eirle by jell ‘y ICK & /WOAD! aaass Coro , /tiirorp, for I.y XI Jell{ • IVICKi. bre.A.Nl)l.l:B9 "punrift—.7'lbltlr Foully Vfour; kr . spit. b ' Wick & nre MIAS Stlr m it u Ormes Snuar : Cu /.11 kr:WOOD, Ji?Nr3& Co, • - - Cr VAR 1101Wilillar-11 bbls Sugar Hoare lihiluuued; for gala by Jell iiiooD,JoNrq-la Co ACON.- lii OhimMrs, 7do Sok., 2do ihrtn fnru by 1014 - WOOD, JONES &. G1111:1•NE-1001a. jag lam ; for sale by • jell ISAIAIIanCKEY k Co,.finni LARD—eObbls No I, io Agl chipping order, to atom and for nolo by Jelif DICKEY &Co Lops more owl fur sale a by TV _Ol4 , • Al4l/1 DICKEY //, Co FEATDED.I . —Cowman ) iale ISAIAH DICKEY & CO rb e y x vowu r yt. I —ito kr p goal ualii, for Tale. OCKI.Y.It Co jitnok7V=l,:g By Tim& dadersaf • C•ii A unrtsvutxritY. iaA N. 0.. Sill3l.4llkLAT Tue.qtar,the ant Jane. eignameneln Ralo Welaer:A. gore will =II =Ws. imam% New 00e4y, ynak. Tetsra Cask, (Kentucky bank notes.) D 7 Jana D. Davis, Jlanctleiliiii: : Fria Sale rf Dry Cads cd Auction: On Monday morning, Jungle, at 10n'elock, sr has& Commercial Sales Rama, comer of Wood and Milk ...Wei soli be soklwithont reserve, Mr servant urban it amp eirocern,VVipcs heavy Mnikalsemet gingham:A, choice pattertne cdo Col colas AvocrienapniaN It do mode color and fanny moos de ,meet Ja do ging ham lawn and balsannose. do blank and blue black dress silks; 4do chameleon do do; do fine' blank bruin; crown cloths, checked Met& and b 11.161.01211; leghom and satin bonnets, lisle *aid glows, togathes with • large rtmonment which may be examined on the morning of At 2 o'clock, New and Retinal hand furnitare,.- 9 serpentine Pack hair seat sofas,t larceners warlocks:4 ehmsarsuper &easing bateau, with melanin thrives, mahogany sec retary end book ease, bormrs, tables, !bans kimbeu 10E41514,84 tirocevies, (half chests { hikeySlikathir; Vdo do do, Oneida, good - ankle; 240 ck 04 hos Gee eavendish tobaceo,lM do Spanish eigaps6 do tunk. MI o'cirek,p. : Books. Inner and .._eap paper, pens, quills, vinery, dry goody clothing, Mae shirts, musical instrument. Jcl6— DAV% Ariel nooka, Pose, Paper, Quadramt, lhr Saturdny,eveiviamehma 17, al b &cloak, mill be sold at the Cotruneretal sales room, comes of Mood stud sth ureelsos large and mailable solkadon of new hooks, embracing many standard wanks—Guirm's Gibbon, 2 rola; Works of !mayhem, Itolthe's Ancient History, Ii vols.; fine editions of !Syron, filiskspeare, 111ilum, Voting, rope, Cowper, Shelly; and other poets; Seam' Pictorial Works, asnotled: klanYmee iVeakat loose edition ; - Ciaropanion to ' tbelliblin...Worcesterbs Thetionari, Family Bibles mod PrareFiktoktf in,gnest variety, nmither arlth many older new books wkidh hare Mot been received, and will be open for easmlnic lion on day of sale. Gold [OW steel yens, letter and eappalter, l query.' at in good order. be , • J 01101.1) pAV,L•te,,Ati t", • • • Alatniiariaaes Solo 47 Rcal tstata, in ae NioSk to Saturdayafternoon, the nth suet, it 31Y'doek, will be sold uu the premises, by order of Charlei An derson, admioistrutor - of the lam lindenali; teased, that valuable Lot of theartMaituate at.thyt or air of Penn and Lumber meda, haying c (roue.: ii feet on Penn street, and cateudins back lid feet to htelbetry alley, on which Is ereffett uatic4 two Mom Frame /livening' House, at present occupied. by ale Hiehunla and °there. 'Also, that am dealt:able Lot, situate *tithe imiewitc corner of Penn and Lumber mo , . being the same eite ea *bore. Title inditputabla Terme of sale. • i jets 'IOIIN I/DAVIS, auct , , nevnty•Foalf 'halting ;aitli sagijiiiniqt the • 7th 1/%1,P0/the 04, a Artrltou. •'• on tetnnlay alleruoan,',ltre 1711,1110, at 2 o'clock, will he sold aithook reserve,. on the prenwem, ibe fel— very Inlndmotnely *named !teal 11mtate, vj. Lotmlfot 18, 11/,:21 mad 21, to the plou of Lots lantopt by : Zama Wright, having meth front of V) feet dlt Duncan street, end extending Intek.uparards 014011.4 a to an alley et feel wide, adietatng property. 01".1110 LT . • Lets Not .27 'said 29,' Us the plan of lots Isid out Oy Alexander /diner, haring each a front of Yt ON!f on lle Yillicn steeet, and extending Lack 101feex. • • Atse, two lots haring each a front of 224 frotonCee.' tro Avenue, 'opposite to the terhletiee'et 1114 s Agnes Ir win, and extending bark 11* fest to an aller 100 wide. Also, 4 lots, having each a hang of 24 fest on De yd. lien *tact; eat extendhig boek-V4 feet, to an-age 20 • • - .Also,t , lotant that beautiful grove adjoinin the . resi• citee.of J D Mahon, Fit:, • herbs. each , a - front on Grove street of 24 feet, and extending back fsl feet, to an alley IV feet wlde. - • , • t: • t Also, .7..other-lida of ground, aflame nea too n osy oue of which baaa front ofbi,feet ottCentre Ave. sue, and VA feet on Kirkpatrick street. • • . • . ea of the abort property may uecoisi the toe. 11511 - . • Terme ofnalo on fast tnettlidned ea Idotn,Will, be one third enth, residite in Itrciennil antund p4menti, 'With interest Mk Lola On the Loll Inc ineanoned eam are one fourth, club, reritine in three-N..1 awns' partoentn, with interest: , jell,• , 30/3. , 11) DAYInV.Annt AMUSEMENT' TILILATJAIM. C. Si i romma hinnerer and Las BENEFIT OP R. BATMUND. /can lei AI commence with . • . Nickolas ' Ayr. Raymond. Madame Mennen° . Alien Petrie. - After which, DANCE, by Mies Anna Marino. To be follownl by Me , • ••• PRIDE OF TUE MARKET. - • Rhino BirAternond. Marton{ Mire Petrie. • DANCE. bridles Annialllalrine. • • To conillude with • _ ••• ANI) COX. '" . . -; ' idef - Rayntond. Co /dr.Priar. • Pawn Or Antathscon.—Drew Circle, 50 ctn. Setima Tier, 35 ets; _ lib 25; • ' • APOLLO FOURTH STRIXY, A Fuwooorts *mn DY request of tainseroos heady of. (milts% the SA , - 131 1.11.13 /IAIiMONISTII hire the tiouor to umounee Wet they wilting° three owns of their unique and in rubleentertatitmennywhieb have been attr.aded the fashion and beauty afali iletwinalpal cities of the on Uni, at he hew, elegant and well vrtiluted Aindlo kintire chenige of Programme to consist of 14,qa, ( leer.,Wituetamn Dane s, As. which iscF!ision tley sing- the celebrated snag', Jofor the bra time, of ILOSA orlkin't be Fooltsh, e. • .cents...-doors open nt 7, to ennunenee at 3 o'clock.. k l - • C Rlenneer NARlBm.c.Lovs.s. , ~ IlLitK„ltcet.. tati:VE,‘,,l7o.l.77pi.it• p itta=i heees„.invite the narration of the pettily gencrally;Ond of the officers and owners elate:wheats and. canal boats in particular, to their bee Immanuel of these excellent Chronometer. , . . •• , Unlike the Pendulum Clocks -these are warranted tortut with accuracy in anypOsition, and object to any amount of motion, consistent Wit h safety tff a commen watch, unl are therefore the , only •elocksatia ebb for steamboat., canal 'boats,. railroad ears anti, -bunnies, in which there is much Jarring. They nos used exteusively at the, n Ealt stheleta . il l uatirni , e, and aVo r , e thty are ' ra t trerelm ' ired by A. triel Y whei have ' tZeti ilbut,ou amount althea comnselness, acearacynnat., nese, foul the facility with which they are mortal *reel up for use. -Thom who wish to purchase are request ed to candidly examine iota the menu ofofthis article, end without regard to the insinuations and deouncia tions of interested persons, or of those who km*noth r ing abenst it• The Monne Timepiece with RI s Ire. provemeta, hioringbut recently been patented, ( h, lek 7 t) nod jutted - In 'this. country, is not g o ly known, and even some worthy men in the tank have I been foetal denotincing ,be whole affair, whe have since discovered that they were aiming the ir blowsot anothcemaner entirely-bating, in reality•never lean or known any thing of Grk's (Lever scapcbent,) Mat As we are the ord'y Rutin:nixed agents in the eity'otur assortment will be Mend the only complete one; and no we keep none hut - those which have ffinkhi Into int. provenunt of a•••retaining power in the f prior,. we mut that•those who. wish to puritan will, an . make at bast to themulvm.,lll6llAte 04111befort talcum awe a men remnant ebewhere. An artiele, rimier. in appearance,bat Of not one Ritual the value, eut „he purchased e lsewhere for less money. Those, there fore, who regard nothing but the price ale clock,beed not take be trouble to call. •. , , :-.. In every cue Where a Ababa .:TbrittiOiecewthrbir us dote not give satisfaction during the hut there months of its use, we willsre tend the money paid fur it, en its being returned without sles.ge•- • - ' ••-' - leformotitr.reipectiog She r.tart of rhe_Tostepieee esti he obtained by re frying to the ogees Mille Bril liant, Hibernia No:,ho; also, to Mr A Felten, !hi st; and other.. . ' ' . BLAKE A Cii, , 11 W core( market st mm! the diamond, - ' ' Parilettrgte , . .. NIIIV AND ATTRACTIVE lm BOORS—Chaets'Pe. leet work., 4 sob. . . Chillutere Ihnly *opium Reading; .. Memoir of the Lib of Alrw Fry, -yid volt • The Consetaby be author of tarlacolgirl in l'itineS.' Lady Mary, or Not of the.Wottd, by Bev C R.Tay- • lor, M. A. . .... . • Itlargnret, or the Pearl, . Al ark Clithon;Or the Nerchant's do life of Pollak, author of 4.4.0ure.0f Timm!' Limerier r , bY Lectures on Shnkspeare, by 11 N Ilodsom •. _Lice of Oliver Cromwell, by J T Ilendley; Napoleon 61;f1 his Mmhof 1. •.. • Wnshingtoululd hi. Generals, do ' rower of the. Pulpit, by thin/Inc r :yang, Ilethel Flag do do Religion Te ething by Example; „ l'ulptt Orator. Enutee,hy Traintudh - 'Ceuta, of Scotland,- dq I,le or o r w Rah - Free Churehl'ullitt,3 sofa • ))))) orn rues; Now and Them Redurneel'oela tu•rgaret Mercer, Joeolowim Alatthew.adopted to Union Q4CItIiMIN - Arther's Popular .Tele•—.6ltches in Ihe World, ‘hleking Dade to be 140.' 'lliehes have Wings, 'FZepiqg up. Appeorence47`•Debtor end Creditor... For mile hy ELl.lo'rrh ENCII.ISII,. jels y 1•1.4.1 Unit Se market.) 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. • LEE - & BREWSTER;- 1- : - :: Ettallfished warebouxe lu u.am, that'. Plltr.A7.6 7 glat224'llxcLigivilm°,ll,, low laical—and ethibiling, at all Sonatas afthe j.mest Jannrtnlant in T ! O AtT it ; Thoy are now opening Stlrent flunked . nompfcrgemveryir.4ll,o4.4? 0u:414,n4b=. ok.S'ior male faLcn_sll tilui Mann .atatlit,pt PaltiEff.yftUßriD FROM ONE TVVIyE CENTS per yard below pr era o Aprd load hi sr, as lye .ponied Catalogue*, which; arc conectca dai)% rot ib • information of buyers. • _PRINT WAY/UMW New I r ark,hird, INL y • ti • IL ENITIN & ,y no . rerehrina direas and saannfneloters. • large assosusent ~o t Haney an . from d Stopht Timmins, lloatery and Vorhly Good., among rihick, nre—lthiek, and: cold Araullll n Frioges do do Dress do;••Embroidery and Vinoun Gimps; Tassel, &Limy and other dres. Hollow', block Silk Lace; Linen edmbrie Ildklin dienimis mid Wreathe' Chemisettes; needle worked Coilsrf; steel lino rot.eN Ivory, Ebony ttadleasuboont. h Sid, Silk and Lisle Gloves •Geula I Wen tr. Gloved, eloltLreask cod woman' Ilaalory; Mate Lltaehea, and Tooth Ilroshes; 'Window Shad,. and Trimannesi 'Tailors , Trngs; Shirt., of meas. mod youths' site., /he. &v., whielf they offer on favorable terms, at then t u ' r `t l F! iGIXS,Hardq/Oris (usetivi-neu,)earetivrillput lj medicine., irdeenea, or halm, by the , -"New kad Improved %VISA UTOPIPS.EILVALHNTA” a most pal: cambia and -nottilinits vegetable, food. • Also, Whar ton'. orlebtaiod Trentiso on Consepatiou, and the use and value of the Erroknto.. Sold , ottly at the Apollo Buildinae,th meet, near Weed, ,- • . iel4 .• READ ItANAIN, Attorney and Gounaellor, at 11,1 and Cootraivaloner fi3r the State of Penneylvitaja- St Lod., Ala, (late of linthtletbd Runareesa—rinsbargh: Mon Foreraol, Illamp4 & Miller Wandler.. & Mllare, -- Joho Si hate; 14 entd ,51.03, 4 , . , 1 5kg: .; A STF.H.NWIIIIELBGAT,of.ohoni Ido tOns Ithatitteh iiiigieontbs oat, ba midst a bar.a application lo made moon., klquire • 14109 KERR, Jr Admlp ALL . the permit! proporty orxeu F g o t tio'fletde ,r o:d `okoll be .014 Johu =alga% ad lke 7 ! I. unmake, Olt Maui, 101 h lone , oi 20 cc.' • Aloe his siahti !ale and intresi in a lease albs Moss jelltd 1=! ...., 1~4:. _ ~~ STEAMBOATS itniC/311411 &PITTSBUSIAM - Tja in ma -:Dehsid pcr t o W Y " -rkeod rg.p lirne p d*-Tbi v re..sar.,t.. o r • rtwyakn. -e ; i. .e.- .7 iI i as fvmandtm e stmeds math oa Ma wren of ke VOLi Evea i ootisa is 4 esee t TorMit thithey ion proeate,"hailes. provided tor pia. . senora nonuse has .beeraopetatssa for S. Years —has caitird 'e, milli.. of e *Abel th e lethal*. .7 63 thew piklag... The. ; will .be. r e thi kat of WOOd 2111.1 the day priioss to outer, fat the !veep' , tithe of freight and tire retry of p,........... th q_71.- ~. le eiu ewe tie Passage_ TIIIO2IO/. meet be Val is . • . . • • • ••s K. aNDAv PACIXT. Tie 'ISAAC . NEWTUN,CoaI-CL NAM"; ' tearsratabinal altar, Sanday ataraing.WlCtorirk; "../."IrYaanday cretin I .! l4 lo w al l e ti f i rr L'"'6'B g l (144-0P r A . ' l l":..6.sc'7 ' • • " ' - • TIMSDAY PACKIIT. ' • ; _...i - rhe 1111.1101111 A• Nix 4 4,seapr.' J. .• • • -.... leave Pioobarsh ever3•lsln4lar laming 10,0 - Who' , hag rraari Trisa/aq mu tag at 10 r.ll. - • • -.. • ' . I n 11 CDItICADAY,PAG7LILV, _„. The 14E% EtiOLANII•Iio.-1, Car: a D. 0 5 ,... leave Pill re , ' eery Wedseaday .asoralor 4 IP o'clock; Wh chug Ivory Wednesday evening al.,lU'r. as . . . , . • .PACKEIN ~ ..., . - 4 ' - ' l* iiitirii i----• '. - i • .'"'The' BR .I.iANT, - c.v. cue.; wilt, leave 1"11 . 1.• burgh oaks Thursday rauroluir at 10 o'cloc k;Whoolurs ....ev. ,gar ld . . . • WRIDAY,.PAORICT.. .The CLIPPER. Na;capt. c.oora ar al leave Pitt. b.,k ... ar yl Friday mamas at IC o'clackiltibeadlag avers Friday vroaiat at lb SATURDAY PACIUST` _ ; NESSEINGES, r'l4-'IUS,;.IIIIa.I llotgli• ere.). Seturd!y Si Welolt every S.t.inhty <Timms N LIS VON ANA CIIT80LTE011; TWIN UNE, -et!..C4NAL; Oa, STEAM,FILTS7 lni Lay Pittsburgh daily, at 9 rives it yllassow, (moan, auto StunlyandßearetZCze tied at II Wake& and New liabon az P. 11L, Wed.. • ..I.cacia New I.iilgon at o'clock, .P. 11L, (makiAts Use trip canal to the rifer daring the yoga() and OW ow at o ede (oar; Aft; andannevir Pttniburah it P. Rl.—thus arcking - contionoos line for earryin wagers end • freight between New Lisbbsi and burgh, to elaitteefpoe , and at.letta yams than h7 ` any . The proprjetoWof tine 1440 phiiiitun &mug the public that they bare doted ap tan fintelasa Canal Boats thy an: tweennavidadein ofpaisengers and • freight, to run In -eanneetion with the well known -.lemon CALF:Ii COPE sad.l3l3AVlEß, , ani) magnet big, Ist - Glaccow,..sritb the Puieburen and (India nan laid ,other daily Once of eteassers down . Ohio 'and laiistsslppt rivets. Alta - proprietord piddia Salved to apace tome-age or trouble to ies esma fort, safety nod dispatch, owl ask of the pablica tiara of lieu petronate. . , iIARTEN, W. lIARUAUGH, R. HANNA &Co. • • =ylll. - tr J. 11.AILUALICH Co::.: 1 q.*•" -- af• • . - NOTICP..--The alee m ei SC'AVEII;C. T. Mute, Ads. lac, will &Awe after dd. notice, foe IVlttSrrilltqametli t L o rr • ie 1 . 5 c_j . 4? , __lft the . ntoming. . pwr . isnitnusitk.sraoinv* , Daily .P.susket. Elmo, FEBRUARY Ist, 1.4 d FEBRUARY LIS 41 .! LeAvt: DAILY . ATH A:144 AND 4 P, e l - 4 4. en bdtttm' .I; for the potent aesioiet LANTID, tßata...: Jeans .Paskam ALTIC, Capt. A... Jacobs sad .411.44i4 C.C.p N. •Dermett. , 7W:times ..asa modesty ttew, mat am hued trithantregard Weapon/a...44v. try emnfort that money eon proatte leu beta mudded. The Dana Witt ifilTO the htehomptheln Wharf Bea el the Goa of Reit at. fnemngers wlll. be paiietuktta hoard, an the boats millmiemy Inortt Lt. tko Hood boom it. oni 4P. AI Judi 1110DELINpoCINCINNA77 & LCIUNP7IDLE. • ilessplJSl SITI7IIIIA7,_ PACISEL,MMS • • Penrienisnannder, binveor Loninritro end IC Intennedtarn re every %mud"), t .For freight or on apply en beant 'or . VOSSFTII & DUNCAN, .10n ; i • TbeTelampb haw been Wan explassly&ne, molar- • nneket,-and eld, sk lierenUrely to diettnatof 5 . • un t urn the anconmnadanene , , „. . , ! FUR CINCINNATI AND Err. oth: , .., ' • , .. The net steamer.... ,' , it •.-., .. ' j . • ' ~ wager, 3,, ~ . • Jude, Mut.r, will leave fin the sumer interak,hato • , mild* din aUle 11.,. 4. , For freight or pusage 4. , , ron &ma- - AI • FOR sr. LOUIS. The susn ßowman, toastor,aill Sousbori aria intertrietliere po n e sioAny, , For freight or pairage, arTli an board: job; . . - • - . 7 .h!,c l FSltilMt- CZ i ,2 , l!aster, leove%r itle4 . av For (might or passage, ' • r"4 thi"r " . appl4 onboard..., • • ' " FOR OM. wins. ~_.,.„ %,•; • • FOR. wins. steamer . -... „ , , • . Oreeplee, mate; ovUlleave forallove • imermodialo porta this (lay.. !, Far froiglat or young., apply oft Want - 014 • '. . .I , oli. Sr. Lows AND lELINOIS RIVER. - . •. '... ''"' • Th'6""b 7A7Aan :•:-.' • 1 .• • - - 4(gigilt44;•mi4 . l liii k.ksb.itie • • interpoioate pans Am . day: 1 .. , . ; • it .ifr i.h .. t.,,,-- tromr.rivrik*g o _ i.„..i xr .....-- , • - ---,,• , ...i.NATi.7.-7 . ,•. •,.., REIII7L4I Toa•Va'y Pit si: . i . j ... . The pear and I ht d t • ~' Koontz; muter. ' lea.. Oir..the bore sodium . POrtbOti Ties daT;, Fbrinlight at pasage apply on baud- . jel2 • MARY - STEPHENS, Norton, mader,-'l4ll :leave let, above interndime porta Ls day. 1. For f_r_c!gl,2LoLp!, appl , ielf FOR. itC::UISV4.LE. .. tl7l -Ir S i•EilrON; 14 • thrk,maiter.Ksill kayo kora. shove 1 10 d isisnardists landings, this dm/. ,ror freight or passim,. appl. baud. or to• W.LUTLER & 880 . . yv • R}XMLAR PITTSHIJKOMMIMIMVUTIPatOMMr uttertire, rumor, mill ran ai angular notan packed , from, PittsboWt, to .nums on trot icip, ander Mafia w amumementomm Monday, at 4O'clook P.. _ . REXiULAR PITTSBURGH ,ZANSIHII,LY: • Vie fine new light d steamer PHILIP. MDD=R., intagildoore, waster, will leasre'Pßialeieeh reg as ove. • This boat is every b!arl wa y y odapted ab to tba Vaiiieditot passenvere. sins runs tillyibeetiOft , Wilklll6 Web meets her of Bevytly.. Forfteicbt sage apply on board. aatra ; tuft WIIKRIGEI.I.IIi3KWRT77-' • • ' Tbienent and inalistansbd•low wan" •, drew Poe HHUDSONasseI:. kla RAMA in reenter Wye berween'Wheeline, Brideepoit and Pita- beret, saint Pinvinitbottlirnsidays and Tbstraditya. inner. -.. kRFAUI•AR PACRET FOR IFUN773ir Tee new and fast Vet : ame, muter; will kaki keaktika d all hot:lan:Oak on onlVadoka day. sad Saturday. of 'such wrtk. rot keen tapas. non apply olaboard las in ..• •• • (add •• GEO it hiILTENLIERGER,Art . ;FITFANVROII 61V4 } Kuhrly for likeetie::::" lt . Wednesday and Fnday; at ID eeloe • Leas!: Wheehng every Tuesda.".. , 76 - hoe ;ad to st. 7 o'eleek, a w i't pa , The tonaal hsnd sit al: s ir: se. pwW,,.. Every aerornodation dish eau bo Foe:wed (*vibe 'cogs'boa o d orls has ores provided . The .oI Rev 74 R self-aesingsasely present , e t a . rd e For kr= -.1-- • - eornei• 15i.1.4 . LA t 7 n-1711Eracivircirgons • - Nelson, 'amasser, will-. ran • Ins - ~ vast_ Psusherat • eyes) , Allinullay 'Wednesday. and ,Faiday, , at. 9/ *Vatic, a..serrel/Ple• nengabela tlity every Tuesdahlrbareday andenaarosY s alb &clock, A. ,For beard. - famstst or..vassals molten. , Otto •to ICiaindarlit: EXP stESta CANAL PACILNES.U.LN 01116aill. • : PHILAUFUILIA AND BAth...-1 111111 - subaeciacrs bank engaged the Leo - .. samiLa ' sasasaboat YANKM curY-lawassiMa ada from.lho.Assaedoci al Freeport.- 'L.. 4 sh. &van daily at 7 oNstask in the maiiiinak &la the 6nl Wee, ads* the Ter • ' • Pa P assnal 'g a e t7be trill 10ar b . " . 4- " 4 ' 4 ..4 . 11 / 6 / 1 16 :Its. Ill:Trsessge aratiamustioa.Naply_ta • W. sl2TCSltsloalloasaL-. • Os D. LLTCIII &CO.; CastalNl4s, - PattNine tap -swig By this astsageassag than ta le , passaaraas win- laseagaiL3 s. tam days and a.- kali,. passim. titir road i 4 4 04 M , - . . __.____________— ! FcLIPIE TRANSPORTATION LEM . . . . . , .... ..... I . . jig .MA1 , 448 . ---' •' • Svires,ulli'4„irtal.6,:i'kiiu: CMI ti • d 33131: Produce aluAr/ueral • ht gradr4w_ZrZ 13 1Orchamdixo frooi ,Baltintora:•l.3.lBl 8331 LI ••• 3,3 met. • Tisna, Eve day,. . 3 CEII/11/11.14 A/13. I • i Water 31, 1 doors 01.0,0 111onalc lloara., Piltabarei. ' • ': , -.l .1 II ROWNE 3 OII3 k MERU, -.WU ' . -.• ; 81 South CBtrka 41121 " ____ • • -- iciaii;' - w: ICIIUTII4Cte); - ... -- : - LNFOltat thsir iriend...aah•p.blirthsi th eiy . • , Do loogir rya/Named. woh_their tats a , 41.118314mb 13 haVo in alrm n ov:/73 . 1ir k r mire ba.31,aa1.10 Um POl llRttkitity, at 174 rect. r - - , - .yvkdawt rpOlucca—iu lam rect. Ila 1 .1. Tobatro; IS Jo ilyeres do 4,1 ON .10 .1. h a , 'do do do; 20 an 417 er'• /0 de do: - WI do' Soden , dews. Oar, 12 mar.% dwarf banes /dyer's raped°, Aron3aue do; .1,0 do, 40 do dollo4oaa!Nectar Ueda; 1 - .I reaeireit sod "I'arala 4_-..._ -. - _BIII..LER of t—_______ • apHß,nlghest 2 pose in eastipalil for good efts mis A ho, C• 11.111, bale rope; grata o rags, nigitmtroi+ sgs, no.. bI • LW. ♦ .-. # i .0 ~.,,y.• 62, boit.Peka dr, RIM" . • ' . . . . I /en* PIM. ;, WlWilms
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers