The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 16, 1848, Image 1

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; A 4113 n
!,';. , • . ::: - ':,'iiP*.P.11§:P",P ) .'.ii:K." . .,J7. 3 .q:: - ;
AA TYSON, LAPHAIT k —ma, Lea th er Deal.
ars,ft. F nNew York. •
ohs (Mr Pattsbargly E Lenek k
Co. ladelphis: .
Wet ins Leather .hcavi, hp.
adiss4t7ni&VlitroptireoL' I febluidav
TWOOD, 30A103 & Co- Cocirl,wod. For
ja. litosimuzu,wn fr&s.e . 1.. old
wand, Wass, sad Ihont meets, PM/IMM Mtn t
nzowa 7, .1 r 11301161 UR= j
a BAUN At t litEtTEL.M.l.ala And leelaa
• torrarb(Libuty Ind St. Chtir meet; Pau
' ll,oVrrbUt.ggitiWN,"Wial . esale Lime=
a iad Cca
Pa. - itailasioa,Maramita, Hp, .14; I.4beriy,
• ,
Be. 'AHNPITOCK Co, Whokulo sod Bo
. tag , conserWoodloolla 411. , 40:
triILIALF. ' 4 fitOrli, Wheless*. Gniceri,
SO Wolitistnest,Pnau
_1 A. WAVY
PIOLEMAN MAILMAN, & 1 Co., b iaoulactarers of
‘,/ Cortiaglirttots and ,Ay.lev,; H. and Spin
.bledi, sad Is. Coach Tvisorrooes of every dr-
Moofoitory as 131..Ctur sr. W...denim 4j
Wood st. opposite Ha- Mules Merl • looter •
LTYVALT Cirxers,ol.l
- smita.Pradtaetr sad Pilulaugh
nor of Liben and Hand Pit • • H 5617
•• • Nail/Ilia avoiErt, tit= ..11, c1.
; W O' 4l '" l ' l r4; Pwdocc. and Pius
No "X Wood atifictresixd wut
- -
r. N. Mtg., • ~ .141.45117 I WICI2I - WOOiL
: 1 5 U , 11=L ' tifit 4 ll 4 lldaWli:lrrFati
.IS Varas,Plos. G 7 Wider, and YrocuituMu.:
sod dater
ALLAriIIiAJANO MlLLE.B u lleq.a Thus
Amain, • Gas Plum, iW moz, between .
Weed sad golittlfeekl me t% Putsbmtb,
-Er Nlgheal pries give. tor Old, Qvs , FT . ing on
d an.
rsobartE. 41,
ta. I Fri • L , : ' ' . had , .
Waller, Paint sail .• :denim; canner o!' Lih
, and Vaal. sal., Pitubat h. , , ..s. 15;
iSalan mai*, SonacC Outs; AL!
DICKEY;TWAII V.o.; Wholesale Grocess,Cool
*slim 111 es and dealers in Produce, Nos. 36
Jabs', and 102 Prueean; Pi !hares. uovo
0/111 SCOTTR Co, Moiesala (Aveiro, Foulest&
iig and Cosinsivuoa Alirehanto, Dealers in Pro.
, Puuborelh Alanufat Z4 0 ,7 , C0m.e , e4 1
Atm, Liberty ousel, near the ,Pittokoosititc,:
or" , BRYAN, Smiting sui Midst
duleiris Peteivs'and , Doesestie Wild sada
son, Na. IgLibe .L rtyietr•ei r and:.63,
Imaka.l* UcCUIRE, ilate,of inns:4Am, ikAd
14.644191lerelat,.Tailoc, StChute. BusWingt,
- Thud' - slew W• • • Piwatur b. • • • - ! •
. • Tames iiirivmsom Ci'o.M!kevesoiln
• o.llinris•lis4klmon A CCoo., Comaloiton-literelisitry
V- sad /reats a We IX Laois Meson' Saw • Refinery.
- 43 - wat,nr &W V! that ureeu,-Pittsbaigh. •• !
MIN S. llLLWORTlV—Viltaltsibt Grocer, Rio-
Opottaistlda .IderchsatiNo..l7.iiruod
OHN 110111.1AN,Wiaaleastaldeat
it l -
et in Diebuilis,PaWa,Oils, Y - Saga
ood meet, 900 door South of Diunix4' rid*
Jem Es ,Jr,'..lM di P. 0., ineeeensor trt JestePh . •
Ltuiltbdi Clasadlersoll• Water street. oe3l i
Cldlibi V. AMLLOR, WhOlisnle ind Beta .1.14
; Mute and Musical :/niunnients, Sawa lions;
r; Shaesitibeal Pens, Quilts,: Primer!' Cards, End
datum gunerally,No. ia Wood sti Pittsburgb.
Xll.t tau
:4311_0E ' -
. No: ul Wood street; Plus=
Wanting Narclumls, N.
m. 4 Sampson'. RON 4
, .
' 1 . . . •
1 OLIN. D. DANIS, Anew:mem
'O7 maretilltsbalisk.
10/011STON •& "STOCKTON; Booi*ilanalintees
IP tat paper Illimpfuntneri; No. Niklultamtit.i.
J. L. FLL'ADII Soak ',!Junei'4llL, best Malta sir.
• ClSLOCUMl2oloo.44liinerical,Sehael,tilacci -
Wnison, tad Redoing Mats mull Stuns,. "sq.
PI. ROBERTSON k. Co., Rankers and Exchange
tIP - • BrOcra, corner of, Wood .1111 m., Me, th/1111
\ unit ratter
TOM OBLER, Wlsaksale (Jr.rpee dealer. its. Pro.
den,•Ptiastssgh Atanstfactares, TssiF}ist*4.4•l.,
Llbertf st; flatland . isas.s
JO= .LOlll., . . • &K.= ./016.
[ &H. FLOYD, Date J. Floyd t C 0.,) Wholcul•
• Grace Do. Liben7 street.
;tj Mechant, E tat in, Paites t iilkart . biiill
Alansfaman. Winer st., taut,
Velamlas irma.Woiks. •
I.4 E st i llal "ila libee . k i, " =l.44 ' trl Nu4 o! the
sopnlity. Vl:46elmasc, W w itet and lta u tL
111 WATERMAN, Wleataiala Mieear, Fbnrard•
a I RilealatierMatt MarehAM, Dealer - in , Pittst
aegirhaturtartates aud Prodace, hos. 31 Water sr,
, 11114 al 140411 M .
wan=sad Commissurn Illerekunsi detharla
eitubutiklblusactres,Tios. 17 and 14
Woods., Pfusbargh. • . • . fetal
nesa."''";',r, !Arad... vi
au A L..scannailz, I w•lxtit
,p/CGLILLOSUSHFILI.D 114b,liadesalcUrocers
sa6•Cosmod4xiouldetaalii4,l , lo. tyl LabCril
k C. 4 suidsis., berre.a vompti,4
Arnow., -Wales., mut Fruit
Vaud sodAlaskel 04. 1. -f And
w Sucuaox
, irbolosolo (Nom. .n 0
lin 12.1 a ON
Comma= .612w.t00t., No 17u, Ltbony la., Pala ,
Pl. I=l4
Bra 93RD,..2-1-PiC4 Nl.Vr a t k. ae b tetail 140 luuj
NHOLMES & PON, Aa 06 . Mirket it, reeved
a Man earner oir• Fourth, Osaka in Foreigq
and DIiOLVIC Ball of Exchange, entificatcsal"DipocA
Mull Now2l4llPir-ic , •
Col/manna mad •an 211
V W, principal edit;
theleurinat th e United Staten • - &e V'
DOLND= Jt. Co, Molesale °MAU •410 Coo.
,L =WWI Fain. MM Mategasp., tin. 41Wale g
MOOSE= MOORE, Whalesale Gram, Ree laying
Eh Mahler lde a / a r ia Psodaeo Pittsburgh Illasaaae,
~puss ail klub of Yorelah
sad ; 14.11. Lilamy ousel. Oa Waal o sem
. wee& win bileeki kw for exalt.
91 cat timis, ' n l4 rZfatl Nu cadu
111 KM= T.1.123C11, Jrezincr and
airiP ° Vitelairs, 2l 7l =law • "T
R UM .l 4=Witaiede : 1 14u411 00.s 2;:d)etr,la..
asalV v iZ 6 T: 4..e.5m0 'rpm+, Tauns::;gl,
Wm: imaannXi_ 1 - • ~11011014. aoscom.
liIINBON 11 , 14.43 , 4 Cisocers, Pardoes
' ' Wad Coistaissicio Martuuluoukt Nate rs ria.;
VOSS= ..11.22= k Co, Ntialesale Onaears,
Z=and, nrlran/mg Menhasas, &alai
fludxFoll Liberty sC
IIiEYNOLAIS AU LT; Foromtling end Conseinton•
Kh••• • • • for the Allegheny Utter Wade, dell.
m Ow*
• E i 4todnee;' riuthingh ilanitnienute
Tie . • eseh,po al ell time be corm
• • nen ant imbeds. kura '
, • A+ it co, Cootalssiattifitieloati, LIEN
Deatin la rims;
+ • .d, lhater;LA !EC. .04.11
awn tJ 411160i1, b YD . Wliolegale R,retiltittleit
- Antelet.ble, Ilarluot apar - •Dcw+,
kl::: .. ip.aarr 'jam, Wholeialo
sidMoiseitio,Dry Moods. No. W Wood ot.
sWAKARBAUOII, Wool Molehill's, Dealer%
a 6 == i Li "' la;NrsaTlV
Sum mar to n K. inowao,) Soryar'•
mad otonotse(oroi of Popp,. Haagtog • sztl
beards, and gooier or go &log priousog, wropiong
-goer,Wood st,'. Pi • • Ps. - Rags ono,
saes &mpg • ^ Wed al the ' 'asarkos46,-..-
rrnsasaaa. unimuocassowastuat •
• ik,;KIOULIA Prodneo amil Comma Com
'S Minim; MmeMuus,mo.:t7 Libony Vambirch; ON DONNIIO29T, &C 4, Wholosali
eas, Tonga:Nig and - Oomairbs" IlietelmON
No mast et Front ft. sad Chlaterr Lana.
_ .
Amurt. Fcrewinliagi
Nutp=,D..ol...ja produce • •
INutd . ltikals,t.effr,
MMatbaskliond &aka isl
'Agool for Mc
E•ll4lkirk'o. • • • . 4h K p 1
la *mamadew W •
altralaaftauma Om of azponeo to
r- T • HOWEid— Cm and Foratanitn — a
Merchant, No. WFront dd. tantecen.Wood sad
ICi & AVCANDLC3B, Isuecessom to L. &J.D.
TT Wielo Wholesale Grcers, Forwarding' and
'CommiinionAlefebants, dealers. us Iron, Nees, Clam,
Cotton Yardsosod Pittsburgh Altinutaetuten getteraer t
roes of Wend and Water seems . , ?Carbonic.
I 1 atone itirlitillPutteett.'
usg establiebteent, Nada Libeepst., hear the
AL !GARRARD; Dealer •in Fancy and StW
Dry Good!, No. TO Ilarket kueeVPittsburrh..
WMr -WILSON, Dealer in Watches Jewelry,
, Silver Ware, Military Grunts, rte., No. 57 Mar
hTto a r i = trri d 2 r ,d t;lul ,r tkle : : ::,
corner of Market wd Foutth sts.
WARRICK MARTIN Bankeis, betdets In
Exehange, Bank Note. and Coln, corner Ttdrd
tout Wood streets; Piusborgh,
wag, Tom; • • • ./110. warn.
.YoiThilik ba—Di.k.r. io wWer Lids, L e.
TY 143 Lawny . • I luy4
19IY • k AL *lTClit.LTßEV—Wbuletale Graters,
JeTdo lg" t . rso,lerart e :O'r rga l Yrs r le i sel u".
Powder, wo. law Liberty st. Pittsburgh. 14:. taturSty'g
OBLACKBURN & Co., Wok 01. Grocers .d
. cat M v 130. 0. t Stote,And Pinstrurgb 111.-
renefaissiortioento;ogdsin fig , sod
uear ebony Pittaintet. "s'aislorS:l‘,.
J0AT1 43 74. 1 - Zyg .. gr.rll:, intg . tLetl A n tlejf . l 4 o !
=rill have e unsteady en hand xf. tell selected as.
Kele hest end Irethest ilidieluesywhieli be
sell on the• aunt reasonable terM.L..! rAy
sending' orders, will be promptiv offended to, and
plied with anielesthey may rely epou e. genuine. : •
ID'Phrsieians PreseripUons vrLR seetamely rani
tly prepired from the beet materials, at any bettor
biro aY 6C%ffe - a
lads' stack or Comb Mul'grad
Eit'elLlNN 'roue,
Y. Carpet Chain, Warps,.ke.:&c.
(Successors to Arbuckle k Avery,) •
laud ' • • Proprkerr.
A LF.DOCX A. Co., No: 77 Canal itteetr.•
beans, Agents for 4.11. Enetrltve Eno.
Nagar. &Amery. Always 1,11 band a large stock j of
Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clanged and Llutard Sugars,
in Threes and laurel.. • Also, Seger House Molasses.
Prices-liberal, and a fair allowance made on all sales
or or aboroNl barrels. —• • • meld I
Mwsienagabela Llirery Stable.
• ROUST . X. PATrhIIISON has opened
the large µOle on }lnt at, naming through
. g!l . ll.i k Seeeedah between .WOod • *mid:field
rear eta, in • the re of the Monongahela Howe,
wink an.entirely new meek of
~m and Carriages ;of
the bolsi %thy end &Vest style . Hones kept hre-
F • IL EATON, Dealer In Trimmings and Verinty
Goods, Tamale %ell, Ivory end Horn Comes,
Woolen Yams. old Wonted', Downs, Needles, Pia.
Brades, km, No.q.llderget street, lietwen -Dia
mond and eth st, flusburgh - • • • ,jy2ScilY
imiCkl . D,ST,•PITTSII wan.:
IPFAVING e rock from the best sortr-
JA. eery bothdommlno and forea takeplempreo 55
annotincintte mummer. ain . era;litat I am pre
pared to fornidalieta thlli goofialii llue, o
better terms thattieremdm.
Bayern reeolloct that - dealing orolsihy"
Saddler) liarderare sad Carriage Prinentigs, l'obtam
thereby, advantags' UM enable me to dely eLacepnli
aim see, and Judge forty oruives. apl2,
, . J MINA & €11:11612, • ; •
ANUFACIVILEILS of staid; sad blister steel,
.111 plough Steroloseel &esti mairs,dasett and eldi
lad sprldip i datatnered iron axles, sad dealers id mal•
lentos costiogs, ire engine lamps, and meek mama*
rerahr,COOlar of Huira and • kluat Ida; Piusburdli,
t.; inns Wood—All quarnines of Green rani
Mick Tea; done up in gunner, funkir and
oue pound poetizes, ranging from 50 ct.,
61,5(1. , jyi JA) - 141.5,..kgt. for Pekur ha
.. Pa
. -
WLL""ra collection
en dt?lili er ad older
Rater so.- • ,
J. k. R. Mid, Liberty et. i t.
W: W. VlMlsee '. do ' "
James :demean: do .. Pntsbusib. ,'
dly Kay k Co, Wood at,' - .1 , Jae::
T. B: filygrZEß, .2itttiraey . .".at Law, office 5a fa
tr . oppotuse Sd cbaries .116 *l,, Pmebrugb, will alto
attend promptly to Collectiona„be Waslangtoo, Walede
and Green et:moues, Pa.' , • . J • l
Blacketock, Bell k. Co., ' - ' . ,
Church &Carothers, raUlankte .
1.).7. Morgan,
......... ... - . .__—... _____ . _
V ' .0 . HENRY, Auontey and Conner-11ot at Late,
XS. Ciacinuati. Ohio. elgitCl 4.1115 us ktouthens °bah;
tuna in Indies* and In Kentucky, procuoly Ind care.
fally.anended Jo. Convainioner tor aka Koos of Pans
eykrania, in thin% pfplall.6ll, ackuoveledgcneettry
. .
. . .
. - - -
• ••
Itcrza.—lio& .
Wm. & Soo, Co.* Church
W. Nays, Eta, Willoch/e. Lasts. oat,'
a. V. W41.114/44. • I . 0 ... 00 ..•
VVILJALLitS do SUINN, tetteeeteore to Loerne and
• • Willtaate4 Amount,. sad Cotuvellors at Lave
Mee North Yids of Fossth street, above Sosititheltl.
tebt7dicarly • • •
Win hvhioi, 1.41,111503 [Y ILL.
IUNLOP attoreey at. 14110, Oakes SS, au
1.1 Satokfteld, between tel and 4th
ORWARD is SWART* WELDER, Attorneys it!
Law, have trraerved 6wath.= to the South Jude te
'oath et s 'betsween Cherry Alley end Grant street.
' uPW.
J OSEPH KNOX, ;11.1tortay at Law, Ambush, Ps.
myriad Wd practee yi ba mammy AO
nee, No. 7, lialr.oreWs liaildistge, Lamm st.. oecupiell,
Mum We Maniac, by .T. ttasttant e. 134-1.
JDUN L GALLATLY, Attorney at Law, Office .
Ilth between Grata and Smithfield, South side,
Pitielityrsh, Pl.; - will also ennui promptly to bysittets
in the &Alwaos . counties. oettl-ly
0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re
mowed his ode lo the Vacbangs. Buildlnp,Sl.
Ciair sr, next door to Aldennut Johns. spiny
. .
.01/..L.L.I4Dii LOOMIS, AM:irony it Law, nate an
lth sunny above . npl7ll
'COHN FLNNEV, Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh or the Vol
d manse Mutual Safety fuserance Company of Phila.
adelphia Fun aisksapon buildings and merchandise
of every slneription, and Marine gills* upon hulls or
cargoes of vessels, taken:upon , the • wont Omissible
Offme in the Wmeboase of 'W. B. Nelms. & Box,
Pso.= Mom, near Marko meet, ?nulling!, •
N. B.—The success of this Company since We estab
lishment of the Agency in this oty, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which witty' claim upon Wens
for loss boo been Oklusted, folly warrant the agent us
Inviting the confidence Mulpationage Mks friends tool
the cosommily atjlarp m ilselOidentere M.S. Imo
ranee Company, while it tow tbeaddlOnal advantages
as twine/tenon omegas mkt llonWthing In Online'.
phia—ai having in maple paid-W . oons; whichtry the
operation of Its charms fs constantly merman's, as
pekling to each person mooed his dos share en the
pmfus of the tosapaity, without involving him in any
impossibility whatever, and therefore so possessing
Ito MAW prompte divested of every obnoxious Wa
ive, sad In its most atuutivp Gum • nova •
quiz Insistence Company of Nurth.Anterta, through
us duly anthonsed Agent, the subscriber, ellen to
mane permanent and limited Insurance on propeny, rte
this city and* alcluity, .tut ern sniplumna by the Cu
ear and Risers. •
:ArthniO Cbdus; Charing Terlor,%
•• '18Y: Jones; . Ambrose White,
Edward Beath Jacob }l.Thorhis,
John A.Zrosrm John R. Ned,
Johst,Whtle,. , ilicherd D. Wood,
Thomas P. Lope, ' Wur.Welani
Samuel F. Smoly • FranicsOosteus,
Samuel lkoytiy •
;1'• A Nsr
UR 0.. I , lft,
Om! D.. Parsadman, Secy.
This the oldest, InsurmieuCceopany ,in the United
Stares,' having been chartered in VW. Its charter sa
perpetual, arAfrom its high sunning; Wog experience,
ample taws, teal asoldmg alt mats of an earn MLA
ardons character,it tray be tonsidered of amine no-
plc menhir_ toils. '
_J. W. P. JONeZ.
At the Ommting Roo of Aiwood,Jonei t Co.,
tar and Front streets Plusburgh. • nany3
viuusicians . puts, IXIVUANCE CO.
rruks Franklin Ate Lamm.. Company, of Plulade4
1. phis, will make luta ranee, perthaneur and Owned
O P n e vo ro r f a ble teraanlande thd*
srroun . m common
ma, au a perpetual charter, "
• .11400,0uil paid in.
oriangeur, FILO r CM' VMS
- dptbee earner of Thre d add Market met., rinabirret.
%QIN - • 11/AMUCK MARTO, Agrut
„. .
• -• lasztrance.
TE addersigped, duly aothomed Azent °film Mier
loon Into. Itautauce Company of
continues to etlectlosurance assiost tun or duwege
oraittst }Up, oo.buildixtv, too tettandize, [mutton., mod
property, not exult Itosardoito, km this City moo vicaulty.
spa I.IEO CUCWt M,sd wood Or.
fgAlly; SUBSCRIBLII has been appointed Agent pro
j. mesh orate Insurance Company of PlortlrAnnerica,
'awl will laws Polities and attend w the other business
atlas 'Agency, at the yacht:nod of Atwood, Junes'
Co. ' •02 WM. Y. JONES, water at
IXDIA 111/13111ta GOODS. • •
11/ST ILECEIVED, per a, largo womorm
of Lodis comOri•ing—
.YdosOttiterf Coat% 4.docaraveflog B;
4Ygo _ “i•Olsop Wanlicts;
2.• Y . Reefing' J octet.; . Column;
1 " Bar. COVO1; 6 u Llte Yteservatti
Usl yards 01'4-4 I:6mage Cloth; 6.0 e article;
• - 24 dos plat Loailogd, adore ark.i
~ ; 2 c t p.., with e.r..; • • • • ••.
vriamod do;
" Covers;.•ll of 'NW* Nal be told cheap
for uoda.orbolesala or retail, id No Wood woo.
KM • . k,
• Pittsburgh nano
lth dd .
' Produce. No. tid
• " Poseil :Nods Ask.
A A CASK - 8. Jai, llvraitd. bill'. bands, jos* )and
[if.' swan= Northern Lit la i al tor saie
salmlofttad , Roc% and Cauissar PO.
act of Tory impadoely.illr;
,eity 'ettstosoms
uppliod aoy.hoir_ otiog ego do!.
.0. 17 5 4 . JOSMI DILWOUTIig A 40.2-
• •of Wm. •
tubas*. Mynd •
• •• atte
Tp Coini•ta-K Keg. boat.. '
A DIA., Pap., Siniim
arduautry smies; asumg which
WhUnr Papers, of G.,sualtum dad common gull's
Letter Paper 'dog do do . r JP"
Nom Paper .•• do. do . do, '
Note sad Uttar EavelopeAs
.Slates, Peucila..Waere I.ltUlle 'add Steel Peas
Window Paper Iyardke) phut dad Printed;
Bonnet Boards, of dad ut qualitte*; •
ltlauk great...stein .. •.. • •
Family; Seldaol. add Packet 13doleet , •
Crowd, naedataL , add double. crowd whopping Papal;
LlcriutEte's.Eelectie Spatters and }Leaden.; •
'La's kileute Ardlatazuce; .. • ' •
- -
Cobb's Plane ra,,Opelle rs dud Ramdera;
Saddera'. do do . do .
A rillouatit 1,, by Adam", leavi,Colburn, Staith,Slatk•
Froet'ad, and other,.
Geoglapoies,byalhaboll,Olaey,Smtb,Monie,Goed: -
lea, YarltY, and 9 , her•
Graname', by tluut6, all:khan', pain - oda, Weld, dun
tact". For 'ate en Jo so prier", by
el wood - st, 5 doors !Love 4th.
The highest market foicepahl for. good mixed riff,
euh• • •
• S' Niir . .Pubitcatlons: • ;
A i rturoNs poems, ut.tmwd.. itispees nkle•
LU edition of thii Poetical works of John Mihail, With
a mesuoir, and tribes' remarks On his geniis said arti
ness, by .Jatues Montgomery; end one hundred and
twenty engtuvings Wino dressings by William Betsey.
In two volumes:
SPENCER'S Casks Tisrsarkw.--The four Gospels ind
Acts of eve Apostles, in Greek, with,Engllsh' notes,
critical, philosophical, and exegetical; peeps, indeXes,
et together with ,the Epistles and apocalypse; the
who c.,
le ensuing the New 'Testertiono4or the use of
Schools, Collegei, and Theological Seminoriet.,
Het. J. A: Spencer A. M.
A Note Novab2-Aliddintmer's Eve.—A fairy, tale of
love, 115 Itlrs.ll..C. Bull •
• - Jiiiduf Hexer .117.—The life ol Henri' the Fimith,
king of France and Narare, Hy O. P' Janie.
LA.pla te lit four pests, even tt volt. oak: .
- • For sale by ' 'JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
Push Booksellers, corner of market and 3d sts
80141.1111.,Aran0 Buildings, Fourth street,
•,z , -lrelandt Welcome tosb. Stranger,
The Csar t 4a Vaud in4 . Pe4;16411.1 H
Ilie,OratonaOrPnangeg , • . • i '
The Lbieareof Ilnakpotalea,ll Hain;
iNitilsagiald th eir Principles:V{.llll4ll;
'lle-Coultitttlitatrand Gurus of, the.,Hiq
Lireri tee - o onni
NeaudktC rißyinfMaibnbv,_
its bistoxiel!lgUmer , 4!.,
SelLme and Appletonlalltab nrsalgeneHdig
o'l /ILI., Parser, Stauouhafjert: - -
ape? J L REAd
NEW 1100E 8' P1 th e Apollo handing{, Ith orettl—
Alilllaty Life of Jahn, Duke of filarlboroujb,
walkcolonelmow by At Allisoa • ' • . • •
Socond,V oing. l. Chalmers' rosnisunowtWorts—Jdosip•
jure Dowl • . . • I
Tim Life of JCS. Man' iu historical coancelin
s l ate d derelopeaseau by Animals !Yawn! r.
:Thwslated (Mat the litt German edition' by Joh.
Cliniock awl Chas E Blumenthal, Thwassora to Dick-
Faulk VoL Pictorial Ilistory of England.
Now and Then, by Dr. AVastea, nnthor of ..ts
'Thousand situ, and olden too usuntrousto men ' rt.
see. . .19 . . J L READ/
frlllltt. 'lnstitution, •undcr :the auperrition of Mr. and
Mrst Stoshorit, s *ill Open for the reception :of rt.
pd,, und'unll be continued at thee** place o 5 LebedY
rheel. In consequence ors** changes having taken
place, a for vacancies have Deemed, and those-dcalr
oak at:placing their deughtc n under their care, wodld
&melt to Inae . ll.ll early applidation. .Far terms *5
circular, or apply to the Pnutipal. BO-
0. a. b . .% mottowis,
..... . . . . .
Cia South %MUT., and No. 117 South %sushi.
13E0S to usfortn the wage anittleilers generaliy, , of
ritulinvgli, that they have maile each simaysestirats
with the Vitabnia manuftwenuese and Groweraof
the West, Wein Indies, exit other places, tu
• large and comma supply of the figlowing deeeris.
0001 a Tobacco, winch will be SOU won as laCO.
19odittng banns as any other house in this city or clic
where, and all gouda ordered loom theta anti be war
rented egoist to rpresentation:
Havana; 'St. Dusuirigo; OHM.; •
Cara; • Sortolluoi Peoria ; .*th Leaf
Cuba; Iguins, Ir. Florida; . Witco;
ALSO—Stranchhi• celebrated Arconaue Stag Car -•
dish, with a Lupo aworosent of ether popular b
Joist quahttea or pounds, as, 1 5 ,164 nut
Os, as awl 101 ?tug' Ludies"twor Virginia TwUr
he, sweet , and plain, ire whole and half bole,, 5i.44
and no, together Stailt every variety of asheie belong
ing to the trade. - sel6ll4_
1. assn. ' ... snarl. Ic Omar, ,..
Produce, Commission and Forarard.l
No 02 Nouns Wrioarso, ,00 1/5, Warm r..r . ., 1
Am* to . —John IL Brown & Co. ~ I
Holiest Steen d Co. ~,,,,,,,,
Barcron, Bearer & Co. ' ""•—w—
• Bantu, Bagaley Er Co
. - I Anna lc Paziou, ' Newl'ohl -1 .
.. . Wolicrr re, Harvey, • Bo.hanorr.. .
''''' lit g rVrflitM. l . l o h icic - M;;:;.....,.7 ..
" . ' Miley, Brown & Co. 1 ""' — o —
Bloc a. Jones,
irr Lzberat oath art...meson eonrignroonts to rim
adorers.. : anatdry :
r c C 11111.1.1 Lca y. 11.0 a,
♦ad Geleral Commleeton 4ierehaiitip
REFEBENCES—Heart' 6 r.a: fr. Co, Poirborrh ,
ilotllers re. Sherloch, c,,,eirtoratit
S.Schooley Ir. Sou,
. A. Y. Jiro:wry, Bayer 11, .. I
d , Charter Barbosa, Jr., Louisville. 1
North, flategaml. a. G. i
Mercer, bra re Co, Phtlalt
heed it, Brother
apt alt. ' ihttlltt a I:_:oorierery, Nele 1:orlli,t,
- - -
Commisidon and Forwarding
do.s wawa arc. arrotawairw, I
CIGISTLNUF23 toeraneact a general'LW...sine tarp
reesa.etipecially in the purchase arid safe of M.P.
eau Maituracturcii wed Produce, lord in saceteing aid
forwarding Lioataraiwieried to his cam. S. Agent ttyy
the Muammar., L. will be cut tartly eapplred *oda
the priocipal artielca or Piurburgh rilatiorfaxtrow at tie
lowest wriolesidepriee• Order. and emioduniedia
are resiicetildy tolicired. 07:
. F. IVIWAr. 1..
. . . .
O. P. CONWAY & 00., ,
DIRT MuUT.II, Ohm Commasslon and Forl.s.filmq
A Ma'am. and Prolate Deji[l,--alaco attend la
we Parch..., Sale mad Stdiustrui of I'se Iran, C..i,Ae.
; . • SLY/ to: i I
,'• Atwood, Jooet & C 0,.. Broorn,ltailer 4t.go ;'•
Lorna; danrilary* Co., Ileory Grad, - , I
CIO; Lindsay tr, CO, ' ik. Leech & C.. - ' '
140 a, Studio ka Co, Clarke & Tbasi - .
nnarlOdly '
_... d40'.1,
2.u aroma,
feu. of+ nniburqb, P . Lai. of Naeheille,=.
MP. 9 1140 T WILMS, aIaSCITY 11411oW•Ir. C 11.1.433, onto.
Refer to KU rchants generally, ir, Pitiebarlk. orfAil
Icon, Nano, Cotton Yarns & Pitieburd
Slanarociaess generally,
no. 1U
ROC[, ensacarta ta. t
Orfer to mil sr Miller estatKalunern, all kinds of
ehaodoe, lemma imes. M Cursuolesioas, and afe•
airway'. prepared to make advance& The best of rete.
fences Ewen if required. Lettere addremed to eithiir
home, mill be promptly emended to. /7 3,4 0'
K. unmans WYK C. v. rmarval. I. I. courier
Produce and Commission Merchauter
• No. 1, llophiute Rota Ktenange Plme,llo.rgao
limbavo—/Juvldeon, !tandem Al Co., Joho K, Bab& ,
Hugh fhtliainoM; AL Allen & Co,hiellera Jr. N
Mumma, Kraal Shaeklen re : White,
burgh, A J, Wheeler, TO hhaughommy k Ho., CAM
JAY. 111010150 meran
And ilaaaraziorero of Lammed 014
Nu. al Colombia street.
Cialrom :
ir,rthosit 'paid for Flaiscell. '
Wll. U.. CLARK,
;Forwarding; Acreshant,itrownsvilleoiNi.
Attends parocutarly w the Foisearslitig of rrodoirt
ere. &c. I
Nor toty. Odutrostwo, apply 01.11111 Stall &
w. stinows,
. ALlLTltlawki b FATCLI,
810. 4ls 'Water &&&&&& ;
, 00. Loon, Mu.;
Will 'Wu patentor unettouta to the et.llito; of Ynb
duce and W unions fur potentiator.
Tr—eicorge Morgan &Co, rgtsburgto
Malaita- •u•nau, Aa.1,114W 1. viouthAll
Late zuy dentleneld.
101 old at:Old of :hog .tettirlood t ) ' •,
fosslteolr, telwcowe, ' I
e►Y of t:c6ztrott alt
ethaly., 114.4.e' prepUeil both toe dep.'.
meow of th eir bosoms ,
and Idertnltt In
goods for their owtioncoungavownfor&t.
110117 to M, Allen,& Cut J. W. isatkr hi Co., Mt
_,SAAO•causE, , 11
FOIL TUE MIA; or '1{01)..1C1.; h PROV IttlLlN'et
Nut. lON sod 107 ntertu`s gassy,
Al Lit
ftsituroon--Steieloutts of r 111•011113,
_lVheehn6 i Va. CraiTle /a
W E OU ' r • L c ri ' iTtigl= th sc ' ,7ortnc
mon irausaci torsi.. us usu., unlit • HOW lioirso•c.
Us weeks!, souogrioroot luring already licsiljOuul •
tortpurpose. Bouts alw•ys be in reach..
.our wharf La rOcciec ftrigbi.
liNgir " COrill i bralttlittl PAS I ,
Pasties Jar stleutiott paid to We aale of W6ol, and libtr
. sl saltiness wade on tousitstuents; ,
' ntyl6:datsly
4altiisilloAT Jre itE.yr rod
I, Of at" Sae Ille•IDelt Wyoishig fur sale on IMMO
atodagiog terms. For parueula“ esquits of
sp7 I ''' 63 Water and PronrstS
L with them in l7e9Pin have
this day I
4.4 .E4‘... , 4 4.11 ff” The. style of finu will /rem
ake, tre Wiieoti Co, Tins arrangement Mrs
don it dettrable to clove the old [thine. s" mob: as
• possible. All persons whose liahrlities bare ipaMmdr
are ',potion' rrquested to make inuncdratc Vommitt
"Pritsbar,,b, Jae rime: • - • • • t ,
OGAI6 TF/ISOR rlkr CO.-Mmoners and
1.. J Wholesale Dealers m Foreign and Doruestiethrd -
were, Cutlery, final:limy, Sc., IS9 , Woad street. Ens.
burghkao now fully peepored with Si recently irripOs.
led stock of Hardware, Culls ry, lc., to offer rao great
inducements to western borers, being detesmomd• to
compete in prices with - my ad.' Atlantic cities.'
woo band an extensive asearuacntolTinsburieb
ware, vim Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Vices, Sc.,
of'which will be sold at the'lowest manufacturer,'
. THE subsc en la having reevudy eutcrei into
. ppm...ship under the name of. Gal egher,Long,
& !Biller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell
end lirtur Founding REA GU Fittlog latsioessin
all Ito branches, have talcen-the stand formerly occu
pied by ti..Gallogher, No. ICS Front strect, ipterecu
Wood and Bolithaeld snr,nrlivie ibex tire prepuredito
execute all orders or t Bells, Brass kawings, of eeetY,
description, and Gat Fanny with nearness. ataUpp w
patch. Bteandima johhingpromittly encoded M. i •
P. H. mit..ali.
N. B —The .ovation of Multi WAS and Eugaseeni is
Inched to our anti.attrocumi metal, foils reduced prig.,
which hoe-been prow:wooed superka w..Bobtat'S by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders sod
the public, generally; ire el o requested to call mod /in
seam. our euperioedoirble potion Force .Putopv log
steamboat mid domestic u-e..
dfttuly GALLAGHER; LONG, fd¢ mu m.'
_ ~ •
Dissolutions •
11:partnersblp so loug ex.issiug under this' drlni
bllCord & King, was by mutual consent dlesuhred
on die Ist inst. The huiluess will be closed it the old
staud by either of us,•usine the lime of:the firm fut
abal. purpose. 'king desirous to have sus business
closed With as little delay . as possible. we would o.
spestfully request • those widened to call ;awl We
thew senators, . • JOHN D. aVell1;15
jall9 • IS KING
JOIIN;D: hi'CORD Laving' associated with Lim lus
brother Jamea 111 , Cord; under the myle of Preyed
'A Co., will cocaina= the Hat, Cap and Far busines• in
allim various branches; wholesale and retail, at He
' - old stand, corner of Wood and Oh went; when they
solicit a continuation of the patronage as
slowed on the old firm. JOHN D' APCO p'
ixretiring f ro m the, old and well known Groi.cit'Cord Jr, Kilts, I moot isspectilly recommel4
the patronage of the-public sny nneeessors, Nem.,
Wean' & Co. tntti 11. I KINOI
trePtarrame fishily Biotic'.
rp.wertli uttoeaartnemhiP
theKO* Sml
firm of Stephens, Rboenberger & Co” at Anelior
irooororka, Wheeling, Vo., for the pokpose of main
.fitentring iron nod nub( of every description.
a. se. eranntis. S. tr. suonsamtomb 1. a. atornstrA
. !raiding, ,Val
Idanufietare all kind af better, sheet, bar ulna ad
Mule, A. H. steel diode spriugsand axle. ' Being eon
scored walk Shoeuhersees old Juniata worts, we can
offer an article of Juniata mt. (branded Shoenberagy)
cuto) to so f made in the country. All of brhich *di
be Fold al Plusbamit prince- .Wallabittat of On
works coiner °fib:mine nod Water su. myll
~. DissOLuTvos. ..., i
Tm: Coilarinerslup 'of tbi r ;.-subitribers, tinder Am
firm of Lewis 1/iiiehlsan he., is ibis dsydinialtad.
by muted COMlrta. Eilla, of ue will attend to the WS.
demerit of We firm, and ale its name for that purpose,
janl JA A 111111.3i1SON.
. .
'lionised a no-partner.'
'1 1 . 11 .1p, un ' d ' er iii — e ti -i rin f'—' of Jam es A. Dotchtwo hew;
for the purpole of continuum the business beteinfure
;earned ou by LOStil ililtehlioll A (In., and willed •
CalifillUllltC of the polio Millen. extemled iodic
Louse. JANIS At ntrrciit.ioN,
- Pittsbunisi /e 7. I. ISIS.
TAIIIMOLITTION—Tun Tlzytnership Unbind 1. , ... ,
IJimg meter the sty le mud firm nitV4thtman i
sell, it th is day dimorsed by mutual consist', ..41 . 1 '-
sell keying disposnd of his enure intetret to 11. Wm t.
The beau.. of the il..fina Will be wiled by
W.,-,WiTioPtltotetha is staltarisett to use the name of the
late firm um that putpme. H. Wltillinipi.
sprMdtim Rely 111 . J. DA.LZE.L.L. .
TflrSultsesper It moo prepared to sestatastere alt
told. of Wont sod Wookeu hlselaiO=V l al eel
tstice. 'Unless left at A. Wigtomeat's Valet. Shop, etse
rtcl Liberty sod Watt.: Itrt to., wiltmen ts - oh ofotstyS
'attention. ff. WIGIITMAN,
Leasok st , between Federal sod Stouttusty
spefUdir • Allecheer euy,
DIS.SULAITIO -- . , n4arbaerstap ensubgbenbcon
Ibe naboonbenb et)' of roanlorter
Co. wan dAtolyed on I In Inn by ionlnnl cowmen.
R. W. Polndonor ibunbonxed to obnle bannom
• • .
NOTICE—Harm. purebuned the enure interest of
to the blik bones In of Coludemer t C 0.,. • •
&loom nted my son,"lrltemlore Poindexter. will.. me, the
'Memos will beleuminuml tlusual under the style of
Tottoiciter rm.:DEXTER.
rvuE dorm: hugnr.c under the
some of Arthur. k Mahal.. at their Foundry an
street, have WA day. rmutu lcyo.rul.•dtrol
ved their co.papilership. II Mote konvenig...em
selves indebted to the firmi .re requested ii eat at
then warehodsM on Lilmrty,..treet, opposite head of
Wood, and *cult; and all haring Maims agatust thorn
wilLsimeris Meier.. the Satre plane for aeiLlemetil.
nciueiZlO litenfirtiVeft le.1V114( under their:to
of John k Co., for tlic riurpo.a of ecumming Jac
busluct• of We'` llommen's Line, will enoiloue
ransact a sinteral fotiviacttag anJ cottutuaaion hurl
Atha old atisal at tar Canal Wain, Ltkaty It/V.I.
ISI.:TULT—Jones AL Ilurcirtic Id Will uilwrert ra the
Dry tioaD Wows, cuudiretril nitro rm. al the
rhaved, comer of erwrill an 4 Marker Ms, Tay.
bur Ell, commenting fob. 4, lerlh. the Loraine. lot gx
present will be toodurwrhushehr the Donne, hryle ail
mart/ W U ill:11P1111
/ lO.PARTZIESHI—.. 'Vomit 0..1,4 this
NJ day &umlaut! wild Itird, Joh& IL ACCidis, ,he Ra
th. busidess will hereafter he s outlasted udder the
and driiita !kiwi& a. Co. WILLIA3I YOUNG. -
lons MI R. SCCUNE.
------- Expectorant.
SALEM, Columblialairo , , Am. 21, lett '
DR. D. JAVNEIIi besot Coo—l riot bound to you
and the adlictnl public, to avail myself of this op•
rottenly) of giving publicity to the oatmonlioary etfeeta
or your thpectorset on myself. Herillbeeit afflicted
for several yeare with a severe teen Leese river
and its eomotaltant diseases, nod seitste ouly doomed
to ;toter out a short but miserable existeme, WWI the
fall of 10e, when, being 1.10 severely attacked, mid
lumina resorted to all my runner remedies, end the yrre
seripuous of two oldie least respectable physicsatut fn
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
collo:140u of suniviog but a fro days or weeks 'at
farthest—witen the out gleam or hope was abort
vanish, I had recopancaded m rue your F.Peelumt. ,—
end•blessed by that Being who gm,. ail MOP X‘ the
w of the tnetun—and contrary To the aapectstinnt or
my physician. end friendn,l WWIi • few days raised
from my bed, and was enalard by We Y. of a bottle, to
Wend to my business, emoyiug mire Vetter health then
1 had for ten yea. previous.
Respectfully yours, an. • /se. W. rerribt-
For side linstuttgl:, al the retie Ten Stere,l2
Fourth street. =69
It A. Fwin MM., i A. B. 11.a1., N. Y. WY.
a L. FaxxoriocZ,lfiliabuTig. -
G. W. Fosnoc, •
Wholeolliraft itoro la lap City of
• - ; ; 'Now York. • •
j illArutricrlitatil aro
. eztensively engaged In We
. ..tirlielearpcpq home. alai°. MI &Mu *met, ln
airy:of aork, and aro prepared &reapply
Dramas marry Merchants with Drugs, Pain.,
this, Dye-MAN, Pomp and &memoir Perfumery,
Abrader, Weaver & Irlaurkes Chemicals, lof their ow n
importation) awl 111 I other onieae. in Wen Ink of huh
near, of a superior quality ea low as they curibe par
chased io ;hie or any cement city.
New York, Fablll B. A. FAIINIENTOCIC k Co.
Diarchrik's Chrome 6141011.
rro PAtNTEY/8, BLIP, MAKERS, he—We,
.1 ...cued, Painters and Illlndhlakers, oc the eitY
of New York, have used sod tested. ad Are "Ow " i. g
Knew article deb:Onto Green, niariulacturedhy Geo.
2d.u.s.r, of thle city, sod End it w work Wed, Pro.
dustup a boy bnilleat l'atis green appearancis with •
very superior body,i. recant.. it to ourLrethren
In um trade as in every particular the Lest Chnowa
(ireen we have ever used. New York, J. 2 E 47,
_.2igued by 24 firms dr practical panders of the oily or
New York. This u.quetied Onto. Greta way be
hail of Ars kISELLFILS, 57 Wood W.V. , kr.
the eulogise agency tat hood., in Pittsburgh. atml2
. •
A Plato ilst
TV. GUM:S.—Yellow andtwhealthy teeth, antes be.
Ottte . o( ' twice tiollata with Janet' AlntrerrOoth
Pane, bate the aWIIIIance of the most beautiful ivory,
and at the tanb W o e itts ospotfectly Innocent and es
waisitely L., that Ito sonatant daily use It high/T td
wantarions, Sean to thus.. Well, that are in a good Cul,
dalost,LgiMg them • beautiful polith, and pfnvetaing a
protantare decay. Those alteady decayed It litevents
frhat beSonittd -worse—ft also lament such as ate be.
smug bast. and by pertevetattco It Will render diet
battiest teeth del/cutely White, and snake the breath dn.
htionsly twves sold by WM. JACKSON, eh Libeny
Meet. Mang
A hkihV Weeks since, one at y tundra u, tided about
IX,Ave years, 44114 stowed fur Ittrre/01 days, stud the
111.44 LaGlO/144d alailningly 111411 1.1 . 1 drab
wouldlrethil result. Having [nude( g infects
of Fahnestook's Yen:doge when adenialstertitlld. the
children of my neighbor*, and thinking my child 'ought
knee aortas, nom some of the ayrnplesns, I gave it into
and a half teaspoonfuls of the Varnrlfime, and to my
Feat mkorialonens it aimed inunuliately elittelinrged
seeeun hilt and WA large wonus. Its health was wen
restored, and it is 110 W remarkably , Piameasjo
taking the Veruntlige• the W.lllll Waal& occasionally
riot nt its thrust, and lAA., kneed it woulddis from
strangulathin. JAS. a DAMSON.
Ventage co, l'tt. April J, '4h. balk
popular, boron.* Good!
Com Brehm, Jeffersou Co, Pa, March 1.1 W:
MR It E SELLERS—I halts nearly sold MI the Ver.
mil pa sod Cough Syrup yea sem ow. Your Ver•
outage lawlthout ....“Phdo the best ever eland loads
iEb e rhood, 'lariat{ ported good wherever aged,—
rbo Cough Syrup rod Liver Pills have also givea
isthmian. Your ohs sent. I sccrrr, , s:
Prepared and sold LYE E SELLERS, 47 'Wood 4 1 .1
.old by Dr Craw-44th Ward; L 1 Al eon?, AlleshOy; &
W j h t radt, TeroperaneeyiLle.. Mari
' Canal klaoits. Üben aal
SOH INVel.lotl
1 LD . 11:F . 1% N o lar . llLlTy4' f a r;
nuitiotet food,ertdch never tom acid on dm etOraaelb
and lanow anmershby recommended by the faculty m
; preference to Wool, Smoh.Taptoes, stomach Arrow
oolmuct soiled to Me dobintated stomach Of In..
saUd and a more rtremythening and oeholesome food
for{anui. For sale by E SELLER%
. .
• ow 14 elan* newer, niM.sonestts.;
• j .
THE subscribers; under the firm of 8Y(417,4 a, Wea, two purchased blyibnes' interest in this
establishment, turd hope by the krierest attention
robe wants and comfon of Mei; guests, to merito eat.
tenant° of the liberal *tonne heretofore :received
by Its former proprietor.
The berme has been Monrughly renovated, and
paired; we therefore feel amazed we eon welcome oar
inends and the public to ateortanalmionsequal to aey
to th e cityaf Philadelphia. N. W. BRIDGIMi.
pr.Ntf . . • JNO.
Now llloOks,
HoumrrslloTLEEM 4NALOGY—frobart's Ah
alysis of Dishop nutler'sristalogy of Religion. Nlk
tural and Revealed, to Me ...mon and ammo of
nature, with notes. Also, Cranforil's Querits Cor ex
amination;realm:l Fed adapted to the um/ x( schools,
by Charles E. West. Principal of Rutgers Institute, to
the city of Nese York.
Tbe Senectute, do Anneal., Paradox& anti
Seamans Scipioas,of Cicero, and the Life of Attie.,
by Cornelia. NePoe, with Ea:clash. Noma Critical and
Exclamatory, by Chart. Anthon, L Is. D.
IRE Ilol'ri sPRLNCI Ll(X)K—Deseription . Of the
Scamns, Scenery. Rana Life,. and Country AMY
mein, by Thomas Maier. with tle illustration.
A NOKIA. BY -MAREVATT—The Children of the
New Forret; by . Capt. Marryett, It N. -
SIR THU:MK/RE CROW ETON, or Eaurel , Cater;
by O. P.R. Jun..
The abort abort wet. recrieed this day. sand fur sale by
oxyls .- Booksellera tor. market and .lal ris .
Imo can mimosa, ratormsrota. • • I
THIS establishment. long and anxiety knoarinas
• being one of the most commodious in the,city of
13nlumore, hoe recently undergone very even
sit, shuttle/SA and lenprovementa. An' entsre new
- wing Lae been added, containing tmatercnis and airy
sleeping Apsrnuctus, aside:tansies. bathing roans.
The Ladle,' deportment hen also been eomplatedy:
reerganired and hued up in st moat Anima, and beants-,
6' st yle.-
re tit' feet
11 ne with e " slng if f e 1 e r" o " J 2: =
prom:wars, ;awards Mel, eoutfort and pleasure
will tir Guests, and ,which . confidently aseert will
• c .Skc cdmbsbson with my Hotel in the Helen. 1
' Their table will always be supplied. with every sob
mantel and booty which the market &fords, served
up m • superior style; while in the any of Wines r &B.,
tly will not be surpassed : •
u conclusion the proprietors beg So say, that nod*/
w I be led. undone on Melt , part, and Guam penal' their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The pnees for board have also been reduced to die
. following rates:
Lwites• Ordniary, $1,75 per day. ,
Gentlemen , . B • lAO
•N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will Bl
ways be found 'at the Car and Steamboat Landing.,
Nadi will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
.ofcliarga ; • yltf
• THE subscribers having purchased the entire
interest of Col. G. P. Williamson, late of
ell known establishment, beg leave to maw to
their; friends and the public generally, that they have
taken WU dimmundionallotel for a term of years, aid
will , exert W eir best .energies to make it a desirable
Boma for Travellentond City Hoarders.
The Hotelis spacious and inimitably planned for
convenience, light and air, havingn number of parlors
adjoining chambers, pmsenting unusual attractions to
The present proprietors having had i.e experienee
of years in this oily and elsewhere, hope they Will be
'able to give general satisfecnob, being determined to
give undivided intention to the house alone.
'The location of the Pearl Street House IS I,IIICOMOOII
-e, having fronts net Pearl, Walnut and Third
Oreets, so that it is equally desirable in . ciente( the
convenience men, or felitCll.ot for private
boarders. It is orgy by the Danko, the Post Office, the
Masonic. Hall: Odd Fellow's Hall,. and bat one square.
distant from Mein rtreet and taro squares from the city
{Vine, thus Deering the greatest inducements. especi
ally in couinry merchants and generally to all
mchlf JOHN A. rsons
nsitiCinebinati JOH NOB L E,
Comma or taiSt ASO ST. CLUB sn., TIITSVCINGS; U.
itThe sobwriber having assumed the manage
ment of this long established and popular Howl,.
respectfully 011210SISMIS Travellers aud the
Publio generally, that be will be at sdl dates ;prepared
yo accommodate them In thing/ desirable in a well
regulated iloteL The Hamm is now boinctheroughly
'repaired *roughest', and new Mamma added, and so
pants will be spared to mike the Exchange oat or the
very best Hotels in the country:
The undersigned respectfully, solicits a eontinainie
of the very liberal paloanage the Hone has heretufere
received. " 1:1110bLE3 OWSTOPI, ;
( " 44 • • Proprietor:
GAixT4 lO l ,ll 3ll •
dram mug atglistXrrt to entrUntary.
n. TIIIS establishnient is now in the best order for
the reception of the Traveling Public. Having.
un4n.ue a thorough repair during the past
Winter, and. hurler the mom expeneased men la the
west hi the various departments, I gager myself that all
Will be pleased who call. The location is central, Com
drodiaus and pleasant Fare SI per day
March IS, 47. IV. E. MARSILi •
ld. IX—Although not exactly a new Moons, it is the
Salile—U new Whin, on the old handle. aped'.
-7- 1. MSC - BI 41 GALT 11.01.1111-Cr
AILISTHROCKAIORTON bets to acquaint Ms
Sricods th ho is again lessee of the (SALM
Xy., where he popes to meet
all his old friends, assuring them and the public, that
- no offal shall be spared to make all comfortable who
hearts= with their roossis. • • jaoltd/i
sioTEL, ,
OPPOSITE late link of the Vatted Stales,Thtla
marl[ Proprietor.:
Neils Papist and BesaltrEatiabllakatient;;
;S Wein, Ss., arms. Foetal sian Ihastosin Auxt.
Tsubsenbers have hist opened, at th e •aboVe
I stand...lamas:ink of diderent yita Wits sided and
plain whtte.and blue Writing and Lome Taper, cata
maran/ anti packet post Slat Cap, dessy and medians
.v.: ,, Pniwni , for blank hook.;os•diatis and royal co
mating PispetvLinednans, .demy and sap Day
hooks and Ledgers, superior paper .ad best Lalltril
binihnir, Schad Stanton( ail kinds; stiusdant watts in
Theology sod Seieuess; Quilts, sold nod steel Yeas,
Waists, Wes. Sill Skies, See. he.
lliatak Book. of all Met ruled o tattetn, and amid
in the mold outatandat 11.111111er.'
Country Merchant. supplied at lowestwholede pd
.* for ca.. or rags at cash primal"
JOB PRINTING.—lboing a Job &Zee meoanectidn
with our establishment, we areyrepared to_szecute nil
orders for plata and Caney Ptinung—books, Imurphleta,
vocals's, banana cards, bills of ladiag, kn., with der
patch and at for pnees. Eu.iorr
eny2 y wood it, between itti arattliattimul alley.
AT OUR :WORE . on,Martet ouret, No 413, hetwein
at.and 4th, may itall times be found a huge
stock of 'Theological .0 Illtmellaneou Hooka New
books received as soon, a• published, and sold at low
est prices. 'The publications of the Amerioco Sunday
Scheel Union a. klasmehusens Sabha. School
always ou band. Catalogues furnished op.
myi rot market et, between 34 and ith
11THW 1100kkb—Ledtures an Shakopee., H N
11 Hodsoh. In toro volumes..
the rower of the Minn, or plain tbioughte eddresood
to Christian nit - nicer* sod those whit bear them, ou the
Stinenen or. preach e d Goilinr, by the Rae. Gardiner
pring, D a
The Peniant and his Landlord, by the ,Batooeta
fit' %ming. Translated by Mary norm'
Lanntrunes Girondiohb o val. 11. ULMry of the lib
roudin, or persbnel memoir oft* Pawn. at the French
Revolution; from tiepubliehed eoureee—by Ade Le
marline. „,
A few tomes of each of Me above weeks- received
stos day and foe safety
m 730 corner market and 3d sts
actor, his Theatrical Labors, his Yocum, bonne%
de.. by lI,N Mason.
The Power oldie Polpvit. m thoughts addressed to
Christian miniver, and them who hear them, by Danl.
ner Poring, D. D.
The American Practice Condensed, or the Family
Physician, Mina the scientific ~arum utudidbmi on
vegetable principles, for all clmaes - by W Deady NI.
D. For sale by ELLIOTT k
blinarkei at, bet, Wand eth, and 7d war et, bet.3lh
end diamond mybe
Hooks. •
lllSTOßlFS—Robertseep, Gallia, Gibbon's, Rah
scll'., Moil. Europa, Pretwou's Mexico, Peru, ard.4
Nichelet's Waned Mool,l's Kane, Harper's Pictorial
1-41srul; Nichulto Pam; llallsm's Constitutional Histo
ry dlitglantl; Artutlit's Laid Homan Commonwealth;
rclunit's Rome; Ilurnet's History of his own times, with
notes; Melees Middle Ages: Mi ll 's Crusades and chiv
alry-, Browning's History of dm llogitonotw. T M enT's
Historical Works; Ne Ilistory of tho Puntanst Mars
Preuctit iterrEsehr's . Niusrl . of o . .llV . scul . God. Gisi
rch, by vw:
Il ;i l ' tlent " e l l;n 4 d 1 1 .4,11 e, Pop.a lye
Above, with many otYter valuable works, Far isle by
rsma J REAV
NWBOOKS.—LLM of Cromwell, by J T Ileadbry
DI Power of tke Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, WU. ,
Bethel Flag,n
Sh olt •do do
Jacobus o o rstiospe o ls,;ldattbew, with Ilarrnouyt
Lectures ate, soli;
Path of - L ife, or Sket pe ch... of Me. Way to Glory' s amt
Itmoonalityt . '
Footstep. of klemiah;
The Cloitscuti by author of Selma' Girl in France;;
Now and Then, by Warren;
Sketch. of Lernons, ou Parable. and Miracle.; •
Ireland's Welcome to the titnusger;"
ifeIIACIA upon Eagan
Ilearkatuu, a tale. ol MI for England: le vols.
For sale by . ' ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, .
`,jeln as wood and 06 faucet ate .
N114.t0K.9--Juet received of the Apollo. Iludd..
VI mg., 4111 street, and for mile by J. L. READ iIk.
ounce of ;he Mandy of Louisiade; a aeries of Lectuecv
by C. Gayana.
A &b...a on l b . life, ebilacter and public aerv i ,:.
ees of Jame. Kent, late Chaucellin of Vbe dime of New:
York;eeee d before tba judiciary and bar of the'
ady and Wad , at New Yuri, by John Duer.
.11istory of flariland, how 11,0 kw melon of JulittaCti
ear la the reign 411 VI.OTILI; by Alm Markharti,• a new
lido, revised and enlarged, with quenelle; by Dll s a
Robbine m Id
• --
NPAP DOORS-Just received from Ur: puldishdr,
and for sale at the Methalist 'look ',More 4th 41,
near Wood. 'rapper's P roverbial Philosophy, in three
styles of binding; a beautiful book fora present. • i
l'repo mien for the Pulpit
Sketches of Sermons nit therPinibles and Miracles
of Christ, by the author natio l'ulptt Cyclopedia—Me
sketcher, no. The :English PulmncolleMbni of sek
moat by the mon collator living divines of Sngtand.i
riood,.Chrstiau Levu, Loy.
e4O thou nit., Sacred Meditations. " erty2l.:
MAINLINE and Illitstrativo A ppa
J 2.4 Titus, for academies, schools and f mdie.. . .
!Acorn Medical Apparatus and Plectra hlannetic
Alsolunet, for phyalcians and Invalids. • ' •
. flatten's Thennorneters, warranted. . • •
Keened and prepared tinua Pmehai*Cberaicals,
cacotices; Piste Wags foroptleians; for sale by . !
• 111... AXE AL Co. •
. NR^ corner market street and the diamond, entrant
on •
NTEW WORK fIY Ht.:ADLEY--The Life of Oliver
.1.1 Cromwell, by J T Headley, author of “Napaleon.
and hid " The Sacred Mounuroup_"Wash.-
Inutile and his Heim ralt,a etc. eto. Received Mid day
wdforgala bY JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON;
yep Zookaellera, cur market and ad el.
TotINSTON 4. STOCKTON, b... i." "c° l '.d th •
ej Ediuburi ft view, No. VD, April, ibl.l, sad Elsa:
wood'. Ediziburg Magazine rot May, - • 0.17.4
• iIeMP — PieNCOTT & BUM,
tLate it teler & Co.) ' •
IUr&siIIFACTI.IR et Immix ire proof &fey
it& 110111.11 *WC, Sor cond Cps between Wood. and
Eraithfield Pitirknigh
. 1.8 Strickler haring decewted
and the earriring paytnei Mr.' Jun Lippencou, haring
wasectated hintrelf with Mr. Wm C Barr, the business
will herr_afler be conducted under tho style • of Lippert
cot; & Barr.
Trial of a safe in Cincinnati,. CL:•Wg the
eel were present at the testing of one of .1 S Strickler &
Cols improved Phreuix lire-proof safes: 'The safe was
placed m a furnace ou the public landing and aubjitrted
te the intense heat of • rime cool Ste for more thin
three hours- In one bier and a half the safe same to
a bright red heat; the door of the femme woo thee
the baell ce of mth'el un ooed so ih rthe cast ire ased ..
wh l ee h l?:v Chr
partially melted or; the furnace ono thee thrown doyen
and the We cooled and opened. TM. Money,. pylons
and books Which it contained were as perfect as when
pieced there, the binding only of the books • bein,g m
hared by the 'peter in cooling the sole. We have uo
hesitation In recommending it to the public as I a. site
superior to any we have ever mein tested, and believe
thatit will stand any beat which might be produced,
acept a heat which would melt it to a and mess.
Springer 0 Whiunm, L Worthington, Kellogg&
Berme; Beni . timer, W 0 P Breese, Mures Smith,
L ltsu i t . V . Cy l, Stedman,lllayard & On, fro blame,
We, the undersigned, selected the safe ,
apoken of
above,' frotn• lot ln the store of Trober & Aubery, the
Refer to Cook Harris, Beebe.,, Pinatiergin .. •
Haug Baena & Co do do. fead&vel S
Ss. LUTE {COrr. .10101 0. wtca. r- e. manes.
'ATANUFACITIREHS of Mannered and Cast Steel
AU Shovels and Spildes, Axes and Hatcheti,•filill,l4
Cot, Circular and Con Saws, Hay and Manure Pork 4,
Hoes, dlanocks, Pieks, M., having completed all their
arrangements m the construction of new saackintery,
and in PLYClfillr the best workmen from the most cele
brated establishments of the Fast are now manufectua
lag md„will keep constantly on hand and for sale 411
the above articles, haying availed themselves-at the
latest improvements, and are determined that inwork
manAlp mud materml they will not ba excelled. They
promise to prbdure Stones equal, if not superior, to
any th d e ale r s e nati ons
Invite the atten
tion ofto si texamination of their stock before
purchasing elsewhere, SA they eve convinced tool they
will be able to fill all onion in their Mato the entire
setirfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Weser street,
4 doors West hlonongahela House, Pittsbargh, Pa.' •
N. B.—Persons having business with Wm. Lippert
cent & Sou - wit please call on Lippenerst & Co. •
•.01403 W. WOODWELJ.
Pittsburgh !amUlm War* Reemev
. .
• ..
, A large and Splendid Ill.tostmeas of Yorii
[me sortable for Steamboats,
M otels and ptl•
1,1111 dwellings, constantly on hand 544
iitlEMade to order.
The 'present nook on hand cannot' be exceeded 4
Any mumffactory in the western coutury. Persons
lambing to purchase would f iia wen I. eve me ...5
na lam determined my prices shall please. Pan
the stock tonsirtit ln—
• • fil sofas with Plush said Elair.eloth cOrcru
It dal Mahoratry Nome Chaim;
pair NOM.;
.14 p
18 dos fine. mahogany Chairu
' 11 mahogany Work Stands; '
3 dor mahogany Rocking Chalts; I
15 marble top Dressing Borean
li mar ble s; , '
8 to Vo r a Sterols; .
18 cherry Work Stands; . ' i
Mahogany, Malik, Cherry', and Poplar
all de 'crimsons, and n large assortrama of cowmen
fontinans anerchain,,too nurnerots to rimmica.
mankf ' :
BEY aro mat aware how frightfully MAMA. It Is to
the akin—how coarse . , bow rough, haw aattoworitt.
low and unhealthy the atm appears after sap' peril ,.
pored chalk! Besides lila ishuKtona contain/mg slant
e he pr pared a betatifal vegetable article,
is perfectly inuaent, being purified of oil dekteriefte
qualitimu and it imparts to the skin a naturaf,' hesitlff r .
alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time sat*
as • cosmetic on the skin, making it salt and =oath.;
'Dr. Dunes Anderson, Promieta Chemist of ltdsaa•-
chulens, says: !Whir unalysing Jones , Spanish Lily
White, I Sad it possesses the 'most bemnifol mud
nd., - and at the mem time innoceilt white I ever mas7.;ll.
certainly can couKicadoasly recommend its um to 1.
whom Ain metres beantifying.. Price, 93 teats ja
bot. Sold by Will. JACLION, a9Liberry st. ator2Ol'
Pitt" Esehtsto 'Works' and Flunari.
• • . rrrrool.4 r 4.
U LHICHT eas prepared to 'tad Condn
and Woolen Machinery . ores., description, saa
as Cardin: Maelones, ktpird, Frames,, elpeedera
Drawing Prunes, !Railway leads,Warpera,Spoolsys,
Dreastag Frames,' Lodms; CrdGrutders„ Le. %Slant,
Iron Shading' turned; *tees of Castiron, Plates ad
Hangers of toe Latest patterns, snide and hand Liter's
ad twits 0001 Finds. lCaatings of emery deseripudn
furnished On shun notice.. Patterns made to order 141
Toll Geartilg, Iron Hng, ' Pipe for hear
ing ' , ketones. Cast Iron 'Window stash and fatter Cals.
tap. generally. Order* loft al 11.. Wareham of g.
Per re Gs, Liberty street, Will hare prompt nnek.
Meier to Blaekstook, BeII & Co, J. li. Moorehead
Co, G. S. Warner, John Iralu &Sonic P.ttehnegh; 9.
C. & J. 11. Worner, Steubenville. len10!
palmg, tae eel and froal Works:
COLliti.NN, MAILMAN k Co., her . l utttPlul.d
Mew now works, are now peen to to otanufa4-
tore every dercripunn of Coach and El pne tr. prink
Iron .tile.. American, Eimer. 'boring and Plough
Pool, and .11 sizes of small, lq4ro and round louri,
which they oder (or 'Mewl liberal tercei,at their wee}'
boom, No 13 Wood street; wheni. they also harp on
hand a complete and handsome mammal of Coach
rimmings, Carriu,,,, Hardware, Malleable Castings,
Toils and from -
C., Kk. Co, bare. made arrangements with Mem*.
Day &C.• • mmufaidurers of Shovels, Spades, Forkk,
he., and wt keep constartUy an hand every article
made by Mani. Do lets are respectfully sobeited In
all, nap • cesterm still ho made MieraL iy23'
- 21SAW - flardsrare .
-Wood and Ird ate, Fit:Margit. Me-
Y• ••• mg withdrawn • from the 61111e f
sailer autt Woodwell, on theist of Janitary,lkiya'
take pleasure in annouttrum to my friends In the any
and country, that I have opened my new store rttllte
above named place. Having purchased my gaipds
cask and made arrangement, with manulatturem
this ...nary and in Europe to be constaaUY suPplied,
am wily prepared to turnout Hardware of
on as good terms.4l as low Ak atiy,tioase Dim or
'West. Merchants and others orb resOctfully Adana'
to call and examine my stock, before purchasing else
where. 'hr folkorrink comprise. a part of Ina stock
ttretuarboat end aiddlery bardware, gun trimmings,
Men, Naylor's awl, cutlery, edge tools, anvil., .tees,
lucks, latches, scythes, bus hinge*, scresint, Unman Few .
tory planes, saws, mahogany boards and 'veneer), and
ell other merles connected with the hardware bud•
ness. mehlltf.
City Da lan — diale:Fy.
rinse FRIZI, POST units BOLIOCHI.,
HOGE begoleare ro inform the ctn.. of Pita}
A 7 ..borgh and vicanity,kbat he has taken the Arguer
anti Room. lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The Pub-
Ile arc assured that all tbe late irnproveributs are seed.
red, and will be brought into operadott by Ik. Hog*,
who has been a constant operator node the art was
.first macoerml . kaaire 4.llllUtliolll is guaranteed to
!all who may became hie patrons. Mr. M. wilLacfer
with pleasure to Mr. }hater ; in whose cstiblidaront he
bas operrad for the last twelve mouth, ! Fundy Pot.
traits; engravings, Dagueneotypas, accurately
copied. Lekenerses . takeo in any werther, and set tar
lockets, breast plus, cans and frames • , f
Instructions garen in every branch Of ate an, and apt
1! -
U s ,
; revelvcaper steamship Caledonia,front Europe, a
splendid rod choice collection of Gooseberry Treek of
nada:lea and roust excellent sorts; prenen Gotaboe
Mataißoses rod Dwarf Mess Prtlrente Mos., together
with one h tindred pads of Dor, fee bordering, for ..In
at!ROBINESONP•4 Fait, Street, no. Wood, where may
be found the ...inert and best colleenan denote
sx Birds.. Bird eager le ike city, with Canary Lad
lienp Reed, bt the pound or barrel '! .927
10 DRY GOODS IiIERCILANIB)-11 nhtawn & •
Co, 00 Market et, have received d eveve of ch."
pruned Lawns and Muslim, 8 cues of WrenchoT
every variety 'of ityle.,lo caw of goal style thug'.
hams, ado new style' Prints; do blue and Mango Cali
Mines Mt do bleaehed Muslim, all widths. Also, casei
bleached, brown-and Dim Dolls, Cottonades, Cheek.
Gingham; net toe., all of which will buoffered at the
lowest blasteni whdlesalc price.. my/2
- Pause llfirobinte Shop.
IVlCHTAlAll—Manutaiturer of all kinds of eat.
ton and woollen aim:Wing, Allegheny city, Pa
above works being now In tall and tuccesout up.
eration, I am prepared to execute ordain wild dispatch
for all kinds of niselatocry In niy line , aiieh as willowa,
*keen, opreaders, card., grinding machines, ralturays,
drawing ital Ors, speeders,l.ll(o.l44l.l2, /DOM, woolen
cards, double or dingle, for merchant or country work,
midehjacks ete.i slide and hand lattice slid McLain gen
crab All knelt of shelling mode to order, or plansgivi
aor gearing factories ur mills at reaionable chafge.
Wotan '6—Kennedy, Childs &Ca, Illackstock, hen
& Co., King Pennock &C., Jas. A.Ofey.
5h441.1.4g rand Hale Denislnt Balloon.
MAUKSON A. FOUNTAIN. 2brortrial Prefusars, ban
I) repeinteda.4 filled up their Almelo/bank Oresehig aid
tilurapnuahap Saloon in the madam style, Ord an prepared to
wallop geulkaien Moues, wall ease cosi,* Susi pOLUenes.
Thep.. prepared to wear.: all that our dell without ilelny.
Theoloull lot put kronor. eolith a cantimience of the
sass., at our &kora, carper of Un Gm sistefn nd the Diamond;
(hack of A kmdere use. hey Walt tlino.) - eh
A FUL . FOI.I,IUcII and Brass f °under, kris 're
built and commenced Lusineee, , at hi. old eland,
whirr he will be pleased to Fee his old alistonl
ersanted friends.
.. r'
Chusch. fiitailroal, and Win, 0. ,.
cuts). tier, Goln SU
to 14 U ; 'pounds, east ft...patterns of moot appro.-
ed mot-ale; and warranted to be or tho;badthnalcoula
Mid rot Water P.dPS, Counters, Railing, doh_ tope
ther with sorry sarhly ut Oran Canting., tt Sugiura:ll,
turned bud finished in tan honer. inalluer.
A. F. is the pow pny risme ui 11.....u'a Ann lisla.
MN MIMS, DO 'ashy seuderuied iu, :WC re 11.111.111 a
friolion 1.1 machinery. 'rho Loots j ,s,lO 1 . A . ,1311/0.11/11
can be had bt.hun at all Unica ..: nlay
Plough•. Plough 0...ti005, Wagon
. ... /lose., tie. ',
' • - , iturinur•trA.u., of the old
Ilona( /C. bilioth is tuustufaci
. woos Witte Rota • pf
ihutiou Castings, Wag
urhda watt the Inotrowenneuot of' the Lesser.
Peacock, and other Ploughs, of the latest add
bolt Winer. °owet use.
tkorehoolc, litocrty , street, I shshuigh i opposite
the limy Fuctury; iu Alleoldoty coy, our the
Cotto,, Factory of Alcoos. 11120[14okt, Holt it Co.
delely .
J. GLENN, Boot Binders.
. l: 000.1111 engaged rl 0111
,wa are prepared do any work InSur line .sr , lb des.
paten. We utienii to our work porionolly,
be giycit lai legal.' to twain.*ocaonully,
and du-
Wane 'looks ruled to soy patwen 'bound sub
stantially. lkaks in numbers °told books-bound cara
roily avrepatied.' Naomi put on 1,1%4J Wird% letletS.
Slows abet Aar* work to our linivAre iisvued nail.
Vricea km. mocte
. 7—l revetwatraetori and Alan ere.
VOR SALE, very lowoo elm:Pine business of the.
•late Ann ot'Coultable Strickler, also of Vault
3.ators •
rof eeperior tolutotaalura Apply ' •
VOSS I ' , I' • or
st, 114 divb'S.r.'"v!:4
j Ugttl}..Veilvto—A
ear sole g l . ' ' ,C. l. amn" CrAdurtu., ‘"‘h te I Ten o;
under idon W ongabela inae, maned se
- . .
DRY & vamy GOODS.
LyNriqr CARPET emporium: ,
THE subscriber respectfully request. the itieniton',ol
. the innerr and captainsofbmas, .bitineersand
strangers eluting Pittsburgh, to his large Mid eplendid
stock of ealpedng, now far solo at lab new itoretAtli"
meet. They comet of every , variety of the latest 1051
most fuhionable style+ of Carl:ieli,...OD"ClPt
brought to the Wiiatern 'lll/TP , t: .11?
expressly for du:carpel s ,
le. of expesuw
sty ,) been fated up In the most nisign4
Tim earpcm receiving are iithe Dann ansigur i•lth
the riche. and most brilliant colors. .
They ecanprbio, part Me following: • '
Simenor Tepestry, a ueur err -
ue ,le.
'argil. and American • Bras- I
Irer:al Ingrain, new e •
i nm e
. . .. .
lagr Ingrain; new de,
Fine'lagrala; • . •
Gammon do'
Plain and weilled•Veatiwa
Extra roper card twaleddca .
Royal dm
Pleep,Pela . .
.... . ..
Common' . •
1 do ard
y wfdet
do '
2 do do do do • OU
4 . •
S. de do
conc., and beimempet, contemn Oil Mel
Oil 'cloth table coven, wormed - am linen table norm
window shade., colored andmillallt Marli, stair M
trimmings, carpet indings, and. othergaodbng
kept ht carpet stores, silo( which mil 1M sold oui
reasonable I[l9l. as any trite city. Having made ar
ranements with one of thrlargest ummfactumrs in the
east, orders Mjauy sty le of carpet will be promptly fib ,
:warded by 'litlegraph,and delivered itt one week, ail a
mall advance of the manufacturer's prima r,
Purchasers are partimilitly requested to call bee
iurchasingobiewhere, as we feel onfident we em sell'
G cheap as they cm be p in the eastern cities.
• °,OO
. . NEW. and splendid Twisty, at
ZEBULCNKINBEY'I I .4 7 M. 41 . 1.
lev _
• ee wretche • • , SP gold lever Winebeei.4lB tit .
s, &el 91 silver detached leverar
e 10 silver • L'E .*
pme retches; SIV silver quspier
in 12 fine gold Owl tdoi near stgle ear nag.;
5 dos plain gold hoof, nags ,; do: mooned tings;-9=o-
ideal boxes, Playing; . esirlety Of poptdatedeN 11 _Ole
steel elides, all slses: . . .. -.
FANCY Girliff 1
— 4 1 k -
ion; , f01 ." 4t regal P.S
I:ollt z loriirolgt
crotchet bowl bop, now styles; a Jot Sae crotchet
panes,mw'o l .s 95 doe lAA:Teruo% op.:Met z - Bw*
usselti ranges, gut and silver, forse
lower volos;osoortedf 1 du few oto=r " pin
Wag dootiste•ioareloateet , pin elhiotte; I dos' e
wood screw pia cootafina k Ice asatrhooot of n
TOya, Go. dx:" mtel9
au.som &coy cgil
Pittsbergh. New Yok.
A. A. Mason A , tik, '. ! '
IVT•o.6olthaket weer, between 3d and 4th ,tit, Piths.
11 burgh P.; bevy tecently opened their neer arld
elegant cam wish we uneesissisosek of nob 8 p nuts and Sununu Good., continuing aposends of thre halt-'
deed packages, of the - latest and next futuanab a
styles. Dierebents throughout Uncanny are panic
lady invited os call and examine our stock, as it o t
intention to oller:our'sroodn;ac du lowest Hutt
wholesale prices. Ono of the Lana residing is N
York, will be constantly sendineus fresh - supplies • f
the most desirable goods, thereby. tieing us user( -
<lay In the trsnacuon of our business, that could • -
poseessed•by raisers Haines... Prices' are there& •
guano: need to be es low as the lowest .'New.Took • •
Philadelphia rates. era
ing, at -W R MURPHY% Dry : (roods .Ito
north east comer of 4th and Market ma, a hill aim
meat Marline Goods for dresses,' such .as Bests Mu Null
limy plain std fig`d; .I.lall Atoll do. , barred Jackonei
plans Malls and: Jaekorteu. AU& •.various styles t
goods for Evening Dunes, radiant; a few patterns 4(
cativo now styles, Fabroidared Muslin Robes. . .
MT New goods will be receiving daily for a wee k _
00 0
inclirdingnewest styles Dress' Goods, Lim*
and French Gingham.% Printssind-Chinung,. very lahr.:
Merchants irelnvited to examine the goods and pt
cos ill wholesale rooms, im stairs. The: 11.1150tlille t
Imp and prices very low.. „ , .. :• :. a(l4 1
LINEN LUSTRE3 AND GINGIIAAIS—W•R Nut pby invites mention to his susortment of above
good; of carious shades' and qualities; also, ditenad ,
rigund Linen Limon, for LadieeDreite; ...A. lasgels-•
oatmeal of line Earloon, Alnachuter,. and. Fienim
Cumber., of newest styles. also, lloyPSTrints-4 in F
assortment of these very. ' deairiblir goods, including.
pink, lilac, blue and doable parple, of Imes mid bend
.... .
miner.. '
French Ore. Laertm—Pink, blue, lilac, brourn•ind
big of newest patterns and fast colors; rianiall bg'd do.
for Infants. -Also, Ltrilliamines, of large and sniallTig..
errs, for ladies , and intrude' dresses.
Embroidered Swiss dress patterns, for evening dre
ses, new styles; colored damask tat:loons, do. and k 0
fa l l assonnund of tissues,' bemire, IriTilldiaN, erne
shands,&e., at the northeast nor r unr r olEmittla atsdAts,
T OILY KELLY & Ost, (soccessors to :Robb; Win
0.1 brim.. & Co.):kIERCLIANT TAILORS, Itel,Cbc ,
nut street, Milltunelphla, beglearre to inform the fri ed ,
sod patrons, of the Ede fon; And &tramp:reeled:Mg th
city, that they arc now at receipt in the Spring
Summer Fashion; Also a chalet and select so d •
meat of West of England and Fruncli Cloths, C :
mere. and Vesdngs, to which- ditty respectfully not
• . Nathkiert 1
riff EXPRESS—, /
. D ...
• Stonnter Goode , SuPei
fhetich, Habit Cloths, and rich stylea
Cossioteres;' bleelf and cord Cashracitterg Queen%
and Sumer .Cloths. fird and plain Veap 41 , 14,eg Ye -
tim; very thoiceAlerseillest,l•CashmereeSilkaand
91.1113, .d'flg'd Linen Drills, cheaper yet!
NOBDiSOISPSCIoth &bah Post Baildinga, , -
menbilliar corner wend and fifth sts• '
spa's° Day DOODB. S , • •
RACKL N E/TWHITE, No. D Wool street,
receiving a very large and actensive cock of Ira n i
etpting.Dry (foods, ciliary recent purchase, and taught
under the won tavorabie circompasens; and whicp
they are prepared, and will sell ternercmsnth at • Vn l
small advance on the eastern eon; . .
We would request all =extrema Visiting one . city
give our clock fetresenlintitien, and we feel eon*
iLer , a c thcanU lie entirely swished of the cheapnetw dr
417 1 .
CMGS—Sup French fled *wins, Sitts, Cash;
steres, end white hlarsedlea CLOTIIup
ye.neh, fresh imported, all eolOra qualities and PtidOf•
CASSIYIERL m every style and quality. VAS*
ltleaillTPS—Sup arm?. Queen'. Clodt, VAL=MT
Clods, and /nimble commas for gents' war, at prices
below aityhi the city. litOril.NB4aVlS Cloth BALM I
apt? , ' earner nth and, wood Ms
4r, INDRY e.iooltc.N
yWOoatreet, lined on hand, and Ma commit
ty receiving dining the !maims& season a large and
extensive asseruncia
,DRY GOODS, Which Meg*
fer to merchants at low prices, and reasonable terva.
believing that they rcan give entire. amisfacaoa, 11,4.
Madeylly unite all merchants visiting .ainc?l,tag,,t
them a eta.
A A. MASON L Co., 00 Martel street,Ore opeidnir
11 an eaten:we assortment of Dress Wads, rest r
etred per ExpreiA oidoprisanx doe. largest-aad assort
fastnoullile stock of Dress Goods to ye found In Mis •
etlyz-antottgot which we nrernow, Opt extra Oat an -
brolderto Mil de Cheese, 1111WarliCiC t and the most
desirable goods in the market' also, sank stripe Chrd
lies; Limps; Tissue 1, Mohair Stripe,; French J atoned,
Ac. .
DRESSTIMMS • Doom —A mAsmi & Co, GO Maikelt
Strew, horn just eyed a splendid Autout dl
Leen ,Goods, =mac which may bo • Maud—
yhdo, plaid aod suiped.lkrose of all 'qualitie%
tissue,mohair gripes. Greoadiers, twin o tope d
Lahres, plain do Soup., St Cho/lie., seamy Silk, ! ' rent
Jaeortouadoe. - • 0p1..9
DERAGES, AC,—.Alexander it Day hare now omit
AD a beaming Will suipad audydaid Beragesof do'
Wiest qualifies and newest style*, imported; also, sple
dui plain and broths black Deno* and haat
Wei:slid French Lawns, lined Loafs. and 0
tuL amicannani lk, plain and as= snips idis ea
and duo Ailpatea.
All these galas have been puratutud !albs late,
annum alellon Wes in Now York and Philadelphia,
lb will be sold at ape.. redaction from retains prises..
ruy4 earner die
llama and otarkei
S -
I/AWLS—Alexander & Day have- received diresit
from the importer in NOWSOrk, kaentiro cane Cf.
geuuwa Cisme Crepe ighawli,containtog a complete
moment of esalinsidesed and plaiss absoirls,of all ed-•
lons and qualities, from HO toga. The ladies are ree
pectfully invited w examisse the,. shawls', litheriscy
that souse ;Achim m superior to any before offered w
dila market. They will be sold remerkardy j
Also, Silk Ththet Mid Denies Shawls and Sem*
full assortment, at remarkably low price. soya
PORCELAIN kreib-Ttus: anbserfteir
baysug reserth4 the sots Agency for saleofJoaelt,
V. lose & Co. Plate, Om, Poet, Molar and Discus*:
dateeeThesh, Writes Dentists' special aumition. i
JOEL .11DlILEH, Druggist and Apothecary,
titA)VE.9—A good , oaronagela - or.larliclo soul goat.
U7block, whilo .tad cults./ , Cologo. Lisle, Trut
Bug- . I'W
bet bot Le!UVOf, largo ail:. AL.; . 6111. AA :
ClAUrtd Froucla Xlaticlaeo, an 0g0011e....1ei
loap sires; just Opraill l / 4 , u) . . ,
..., , 1 4 . ,
up:4 aliaLli.g.l.lrla. W11111:.; lid wood sl
AND absCllLati,eautt tee : A ;eh/ d , at
%,,X , Owe Week, odute, tattora.utuf ejele,cou f fy a f 4,
how of ocaiLd per our up the titlew qualm., ttp
%Au.. thdit l o.l":VU,4oVillie,.threMl, uS
8204 Uucu tilolos; 111/10, a haft.a t.....Uiet am. Al:
io vos Jatufaula Atha 00.01.11/in odiait • ehr,putos made
atrUctua, wiLf foul tlAtta ul. • o •
aphe .b 51.1711 Jr. JUILISON7S. 4111.rk. aj
I_lO'3lEll.V, tiLOVEII, 7
Woduz. /10.4 and talellu“, for scull, wanes,
exuarea, will a /age la of silk, cali,“ thre4tl
Gloves .1.1 Mitt. , just teceived from the,impozuri Laid
tor anle'vrholaide and vial!, by , • • •
STEEL COODS-;thdol MgCiao" the - lidif
Moot ht' the onYi.tiloil Lends, do Big Teueft; do
Parse diti; do nano Wass dodo, Chaos do kilidos do
. )Cor hiidES do:rkilk winos; latooC d ulna tow /how
kitoro t tkit htattei boom..
igriseVa xiccix
WHITE GOODS—A fall asaritnent,ineolantralth'S'
and striponalasbries,plaut autt i rk . rdiaeoneth,
Swtsa sod Scotch hlug, !loon Mullin.; Mhos, Lawds,
Nansooks, zpinted eitctoria was, Tarktoin
hluslots, togethcr wnh, aeon aseorisoint of Dahlman,
plain anti Olney Netts, Lanes, Edging.,l logarithm At.
&v., all of winch have 11. el. 111.1704d1r4/47fPM oto
porters, and fur sale low to the Gado; jj
_mgl7 " ' suAuct.t.-rr kActirrE
JEWELRY—Fina Gold Miniature tlissaido dOiott-
eta for do do Brew rim; Ido do Ear
trans.; do do cooed Ckui.r, do do I'S ,
do; do do Noma Lod Yens; do do 'l3rocalots sad.
Clasps. Mica Id want off= Jewelry on/I all o;
cad on Os before purchasing. •,' ••
3 , 10 . h,L't.cY,m sitctjy
Susr uariziciu4,Ato sonar di AVi
Ibrown4l ' d bloac c had t r r
tale bra ard
manufaauda, of all widths and OinalitOSS; also, bleach-d .
and brown 5 / a cadom of rad' qualitioa, at clic per poi.
1274 •
' VOL. .XV....N0. 267.
.I s soessensivt."—He was amo
ral room marglinectrint &the house ef God,
senous and grave,. in-his deportment
. kind
and courteoni friends,.- He stood
arriong - hilike the 'yo man in - 6'4040t-
Like him inthoseisscacmcies for which Je-.
sus loved hinii , too'nmelt hike' liimln:lack
ing the one thing 'needful, Which excited the
Savior's compassitiM 'weever,
a niadent'ehangirCalipePl.nee iti hie views
and feelingc s t emed to be -bringing
him Yd pouit of true praitlial,
And with joyful his friends anticipated
the °d f.E an", o, 4l.trilly, sit of the feet
ofJesus. " - But W 0, we wait, toocarele2
perhaps„ in the discharge of duty, de
.4,142,14,di5ea5e. fastened on -oor be
loved 91.00"gdie,.furieruid
finding-that. At:first
in dfeelatthuit,aperex':
tremith , the foundation which in' • health
seemed sufficient, now failed him, he fought,
he prayed fornit inteiost in Jesus' who alone •
can support iza'dying hour. His kuffeting
was_ extreme,' yet with perfect' self•posses
sion would he Listen'as friends read to him
from the bible, led .in prayer; and often,
when they ceased tciPrityi . lte would contin
ue to pray, audibly and appropriately for
himself.... He seemed continuing to,be call- s
ing. for • Mercy,. "for pardon and - mercy
through. Jesus Chnist,". until disease fairly
! othaukted him, and death at last silenced
him. With trembling .we. hope. Some of
his last words we trust-will never be forgot
ten. Llidding'adieu to an im'penitent friend ,
whom he held by the hand, Don't procras
tinate," said he, cDpn't procraitinate—this is
ai hard place , aftet ' the day , of procrastina
tion."'" On anolheiiiceasioni-with'i Marked
emphasis,. he .eeclairried, "A hely life, a
holy life, a holy life is. the life to - firs, the life
oidis by !» Would to God that both impen.
Reel, men and Christians might learn elate
inglesiOn 'from the dying testimony of this.
young man ;-Koine .11fisa. . .
TAE PARTING OF AN EMPEROR AND OA. Ein - Orcit Aleiander (of Raisin)
the' moslabsOluMof
.eartlily potentates, Mi
n:lined the 'Wain' Quaker (Williain
into bin cloSet,' treated bim with' a respect
entirely filial, revealed td him' the secrets of -
Iris innermost lifer consulted him upon points
of the nearest and dearest interest r knelt •by
his side- in private worship,, and, in one
word; showed him the reverence' due to' an
apostle. of pette . and - geed earth, a
messenger from the Most High. Once only
does Allen,seem tri have been moved by the
diffibiltim'•of- his- position ;, not that helves
carried, awarby
. any feeling of self-elation,
but almostvanquished:byttio_overflawirk g of
a saliePed heart- , Tal4ag.?qafe,
at-the close of a lengthened kim
interview, Allen 6b.yA: <<l rose, turned round,
and liner dowit Eniperer Janie to the
safe and knelt' doWn hy"lniq' and 'now
strength-was-given nieleyeindwhat I had ,"
ever felt before; and the preciotie Otter me- 7 ,
Companied the•wrirdci When it:Was-finish
ed, I painted a little, and•then rose he roes
soon• afterwards, and.wo .sat. a few minutes
in silencer we, then prepared . to likke leave ; „
the Emperor was much affected, and halt; tuf
by' - the Imnd-it;wae " a iieleran parting-; khe
raised.myihand SOS, and kissed it. I
was node aritioneto* be' gone, and moiled
toviards - the,:loor; arid, after taking leave of •
Stepheny the Emperor went-hastily into" A scene of this kind was•one ` -
in which. it was impossible.. to take part
without emotion.--Edinburgh Review. ,
He will make his: ino.ltigent %ad
verse see , through them, too,- No :wolf. can
early .itiheep'.s clothing. to the judgment
seat., HO must leave everything false and
painted ibehind. •There' he must appear:as
not as he' would like to have' men
think' of Mtn. Why, then, tiliend my time
in .. gamiihing titel outside - of my character,
while my' Character itself is'neglectedl
God sees through all pretences. And he will
blow them away at the last day like, chaff
before the.whiilwind.: Everything false and
hollnw,wiil be muried into .eterual
Nothing but the naked "reality wilt remain.
Aid 0,, :what's - wreck of human pomp and
tOd Vain . sabow? Hoiv inslggiticaht
wilPtne Feat Celia of this•world appear,
when all their out.. it "pomp and wenn),
'staribik,"'in which' their greatness lay, left
behindoind they'appear in their own proper
liulenessbefore the Judge of all the earth.
Wtralimiert take one hundredth .part of
the pains:to-4c, that they do. to seem good and _
fair, how.sieli would :it be.for them and so
ciety too.-Ohio Pbselver.
POD is 'the gami sun of the tbaiyerse.
Whili men stand with their backslo
their shadows are before Mein, .uid - engross
their attention. When they are converted,
and tarn to God; Melte .shadriws are. thrown
behind them, and. Ged.beeornes all in' all, so
they.mea say , from .therheart, ." Whom
have we n heaven. bat-thee, and ',there is
'none on earth that we besidps thee."
Ternatirrell,SaLT, RliEU*l eZ,—Who %rom l .
for a ghee day. unsay : when Angela :whh the.
edit, Leh, or other &ileums of the We'in, if they knew
who would ralievn and mei them • -." :: •
rgis bauble to be obliged to nab. emt,scristch whe n .
alone, but Mani horrible to abstalo frouirtafor decency
miss! tab oo to company. , lot it be maiambered Mar
DDr . LUDY'S ThITTEft .4 XTCII. DV:TAW:7 is Me
elleachms of any - other preparation exiatence
in eating MeTeracr,lteb, and &her diseases of es:tette..
Mull dm...4 of the skin most arise from thrj impurity
of Ire blood and thdds of the body; made/here such Alis:
ease De of long standbm, and the constitution ;affected
with bye b h y, if Dr.nni Leidy's Sarll uparilla .13tood.Pills bo used'
t oisent, ey wi cre cue .
sad If they do nea, th the money. a will bo any
reburied whateve by Dr. r, '.
:Addy, Most cases, however, will be etfeconilly cured
by Dr:Leidy% Totter And -Itch ointment, unless. the
whole 'yeses is bnpregnated by the_ diseased humors,
'wtdch will be completely carried off from the stem by '
Dr loldrsbkiat Pd/A and the surface of the satin heat.'
sy the contment. Price of ointment cerno..
A fresh supply of these bstlauble mcdieirreS., just . re
lob 4 • Ist & wood, also tor. eth NoroodEls.
kiA.TAII.WTOCItS Vnetiniolde *cc. Cdugh
, 9am,, has scgreta• advantege 'Over - many other
gh preparations, as its ndeasaot dunepatrons* to
be aithobt otcOniremence. and ith Vilea as a
Worm condsts the speediness arks cure..Wo have
town soma: of the most despensta coughs, Senna of
which bed been running on for a considereble length
of tima;yield sham bronedletely to Ito pissrer.._ •
. such weather ea we. have had donng the past
*tater, every one Is . llabla 'to take' cold, ',stoles. treat
• Wet .feet sod undue ex , e
to the inclemency of
rim Winter often laye.tha toundadodot aluseklng
poplib, which needs s
quirk remedy t4isreveneeerleas
,We haves noraitona. certificates of Owes whirl it
boo performed, ;many of march are : from permits In
Ibis oaf and the nelghborhocd, and they*re nanfficient
isforonce wOhont Laying another word In be favor. .
Prepared and for- aaftimbolmais and mull by B A
'FAHNEZ 'at Co,` comer Of 'wood' and tat and.
wood andadi . • • • roman.
Dr. W. hato.nd'a Piemlsta Piaateis
LriLotriiWof the 31eilleat College
adelPltia, now offers to the public, his Indian Veg
etable Premium' Plaster, the qualities ot" which, eller
long anti Wed experience, hoe been; sadsSictorily
talliished. To aal women who May, be afflicted with
Preilaptus FallenlVomti, he ircomnitendi his
PlaSeri.iptaranteeing MLR speedy •cure In the
*hurt space of from two to then sPeeks:if applied nub
care c o id sal the counties. i1L46,1111e11.
nod iniwire..l•6l , 43gmi,o long in ose. This' be feels
con s r i endons statii.g. inestnuch as he has am failed
"0.-6w6 , 02( 61 Wt .> fimulted obd ufty•three
aii Itlicumeov.irt. •t. mast e tat
czuded with psi so cud thin Plaster
if. utrurp.l4 Car,' For sale by
deux. cornea o. !0.,- riet
i.:L . 3114 :44t1M ; C141. sal .
, br i :earscst . Federal 4and Disc:wadi 4.11.
' Jacques & 4 Deuelan sAlttsatend,
N*:,,Y24 - rsoriVc;lL'll;:a pre ' lle ° r r eit ' tritirtrKtio.,
iignuretirtifthe virtneS of lll•daied, and ono tuideinted
~nrt, a m ' principles el tettepourultug te:omit ouly to
fill thcir• poekets 'oith ustrovitit.gatn. U. A. ne.
Metre Vennitege has for merry Tenn netio_Ancirten
public MI per or worms mod as club, has
N ntauttaht2n the highest reputetion, ha:sheen
vont inured hp the people as the ordy medicine that ill'
certainly expel orms. If they ssist to the system,
IliCy are lironght out without' foil, None 'aro genuine,
wilco. the tonte.tre Med.:roar oltOck, Pittsburgh: Pa.,
1104 the vd3 men.
.' • •
I V a l e A ine °4 7f A tAnt iW itt h e fM§"*l L .
lecucalidael leagnc,uusisat ea= :at:V . ,:
nas••m Itta ,14avati, seueral health becomeed
ranked, the ayatent clef bon a , and the symptoms are
- ceatoluallY.:a6Tfacelles, anal Ltelicf, or death tenth.
naves IWS suectotga. o . le A ,Fahnestocra Venni:bee,
prepared et Piutbargh, ' the bra remedy in tba
- mod!. beolg.Clestroyed, will be she.
cluttgadle &Welted pordoesOuld ell.opdy
AND .'ke.l7k.llt
‘l.433lN f AlliOrCis th e emei effectual 'comedy before
theeeblie for the.eens of tenor, hay dry, cod..iam,
pitkelea , Of - the. l ice; Deaf and body, • sealy . erupgaa, -
gni attotbecOgues tbe'akin.. The thetineaaia.
I warranted floe from scercerf. is. peciectly altrallad!
sal ander all eireacts.
A , Ln ,„b,.. o f qd.,agtabl.•Seatedy tecanved gad.
foraalaby B-4 PACNIEsTOCK &C ck
domes of sad wood; . Wm, coma cm .44 wydd
mom ;. :f • 1., al—
~t ~"-
_.~ r