By EvAsurs Naomi PITTS 1111011, • *AY MORNING,..TONE 1 1818. ELMIRA XOWni , Advertiaelacras and !adonislaminar Nord. Anat. tan Ind United limatinstkkildladelphia t received ,finlaardfd (nakdlle NIZIATTOIMMIXPELZIII4. Ms sal. noel. nod , knrwood fnoi of expense, ad. itiononts and matleilptions for WO paper. -1117Tini Priyeassai Dm. OSINSTI Is palillsks4 y, To•Weskly, and Weakly.-TL ei Daily is Elms • ! pa , mama; tie TrlsWeekly isl Rye DollaraPat •• • the Weakly la TaroDollsra pas alissay stroll - ammo. I . :. . ' • rai tanriCogezierilal lsuWligi Dom Lle, Mar Aiwa News, Imwria, lieVarlum, te. re rgrairinsura .re nuaaaly sequoia*. .:.: • eu faun batons a a sa.,llad u early la to day . ' Democratle What iaillallaitialka, .... . '' .: . . ' FOR PRRSIDENT; • '..-- ' I, ZIIOII.ILEIIe., T•IfLOIL, ' ... , ILJA IP FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ,i i, ..ItIL D ILMICORII,,, 'FOIL c AL,COhOIIIIBIIIONER, ' _ . NEVI AA DR/LIARWARI.III,, Milli' is tliaasonle Nooduattems: ` "MOSESS"HAEPTON;.. ''' •'' " soli •sssigiLy. ; LEWIS O. NOBLE, of Dmiima. 'CIIRLSTIAN SIIIVELY, of IVilkino. ~. M. 'SIVAIMEIVELDER, or Pittsbprgh. ; • • HENRY LARGE, - of multi.. ' - . - HERE:RYAN NlSON,oflovrtt Si. Clair. . JOHN scarr,orao. I . . . • • , DANIEL EEURDY, of Flliabeth Borougk. TFI I II G IB F AIRmAN, „. n ., yd. FOS F EE ' JWILN Y. 'TAYLOR AND viciatiias . • . Hon. 4. Crittendis. !auaouoped the Couvednon yesterday, that ituileginplild dew - atch had been mewed, sta. %hag that Hon. J J CRITTENDEN; of Ky, world 6dlntown'int Fn4oy, sod would address the peo• Afwiis there ore resolved to told a meeting ist Morita yard, on Penn street, o'n Friday even in;,past seven o 'clock , to hear Mi. (*.kitten. den,ori the various aubjeets LOW roodeeply inter. 'elating to the nation. Turn out, one andhear the grelt Kentucky Orator.' , . . The ~ iitainstsonic and 'Whig clan* Convene non' the proceeding. and results lof which we • gllre to w ir, wan an respectable a trody as aver ar sampled in ibis county. Every district was reply Sid 'the proceedings wennles harmonious as could well be expected, Where so many lomat tart alien were at: ifske—and where a noutins. time is conlideted equivalent to an election. The 'ticket nominate) is, now before the public, . Will doulabun receive - the united support of the ;Party: I The Mayans on which much Rating was suanlinst,' was 44' Congreinain: I Although the , gentleman nominated wns opposed With great seal, °°a 1 c17. 1 . 1.1 . 16 , lelean, on the part ofeorne mem. hers ofsite party—yet as the noriiininien has Gaily 'Anon made; it is the duty of aft, as good Whigs,"to the ,hole ticket a hearty, cordial, united, and *loos s6pport. Ilitbertn, we have prisiented a nipted fro'nt, and have trfamphindy elected our ticket.lierit tin no now. Burying all minor dif ference., tea personal lei us march tq the polls one tiemeadous,unitsld, overwhelm tag avalanche of the people, and roll up , our, old t.fshk.teil majority ofitwo -thonsand, fcr our ticket. • Whig etetrgestleu Meeting, Pursued to cid, a large iiisernbly of the citizens 'of this city and - vicinity, friendly to the election of Taylor and Fifmoie,. met Muney's spacious yard, on Penn street, nearly; if not quite, filling that bege.arem On . motiortof Hewn, Esq., Hz. GORSE :LIUS HIBRAGH was called to the Mail. ; Mr. Darragh-imirened Migratiftesticm at the bailor conferred upon him, and said he came . , to Me heredity* espies, his sanstation at the Wrath alba:Whig *Miranda.' Hi theigid that whater" er may have been the preferences iurd . pVeddew Alcal_afituttlaVa opt . nein: oftbe Administration would new go for Tay" - tor and Mame.. He was gratified,'M And a gen era! 004MiCIPCence in the 'tomb:diem lit the Whip of this countV; ' although the Most of them were .:friendly to other gentlemen. He hinted( was in Amor of General Winfield Seott;--he thought in many respects heads the most preferable can& dam, a Northern Man, with Well known abilities as a civilian. He believed Gen. Said' could have • been triumphantly elected. Gen. Taylor for ont standard bearer, success was' equally if not more certain.' . (Cheers 'By his swam, Whig principles would be carried oat, He mid 'Whip had been battling for the success (Chide piniples.' 'ince the Ada:animist:ion °Chic .Quincy Adams. end they were approaching the. consummathe of their. keg cherished,dasinta. The opposite party,' be said, were sturified - by the soixtbialion any, 'thr atuCkillerne--the tete of a anainunce of theirpotver was gone. He averted! that General Taylar,was a Whig—s gtod whigHt Henri Clay Whig. The doctrines uncured try Gut. Taykrt, Were the doctrines of the 'Whig iarti r Hureferred to the Alison latter, and slid its doctrines were all the Whig party could desire. Re diva Some length on Gen. Taylor's opinion's in sewn to the veto, and showed that we were ire:fa:ay safe with stela sernitnents, and that , we could give him our trust and hearty . cosilideue. He refer rell to Gen. Taylor's Wrath life, andUid it core mended hint to our attention. As fa'r u Skew was concerned, he pertly preferred alSlaveholder of Whig principles, to a Northern man who bad "adopted the pdndpin of the din Slavehoidern— . The way to pat down Shivery, wan to put dawn . the Northern allies of t3laiery, - the Loixfoco pang: Gee Taylor, be believed, was oppmed to the ex tension d Waveri, and to4lll wars to favor its ex" Wee= *hawk he hart acquired great glory in the Mezieet War, yet he was oppoied to the An. nexclon of Tuna, and to the annexation ".of all :.:ter t iary bsitr and conquest.. 'He is e Mai, said thuetreaker, who was not korona to the people at : awes; . yaws atto--uphrin, tuoustaning, Teti. , ring eiko"opportunity had 'called forth his glut poweriandligh qtelities: The world, at present. - 'had not hienoperior u a man and • Gural. In oginion;.not ouli the Whitpl,„ but the' ;mok', without dietinction of patty, in mighty - thessen, Would' ray to his support—ea dolor in New York had lately said, the "people would elect him "Irtrueureenuf orederrtion." (Laughter:od eheern) We have a leader Where we Call eke: [ /fissure ; slued Over the country like wlidrfire, and "sweep all before it. (The getirternani ire down amidst tremendous cheers.) 1, The following pennons were th en rioted to set l'as Vice ,Presktents and &Cachou Yen PraUtatt..--Roben' Carothers, Dr. Wm. IL Denny, L 9. Johns, flugtrbfcCoronie.k, and Daniel Seeraarier.4obn Kelly,Wizi. M. tienth, and EL ' A Committee was appokiitui to draft tenoionons Cs-pre:Wive of the *ease of the theeting,lenuisting of hleaseCT: J. Bqthatze; Geo. Dank. W. H. Den. 'oty, L:94lolis, and .Toduo3. - Aeriff. The Chairthen then lied the letter of Gen. Trip 'brio Callt;Allisc• on, whin!' was loudly cheered do. 'ring tbe reading. Hons. Wafter "aued Ar Forward was then ca,..._ gw, sad rtoeived on the strata with malundasticl cheering; We had taken notes Of this, but have been no closely oceurkabditring the day, that wee hive not Lad time , mite Itp . ut-rooa indeed if we had, recur apace wal . 234,permit its inanition W i l ds!. But Ace it to sap,' for the present, 'shit it was an elm `not calory of Gan. Taylor, and an edrnest peat to the Whip Of this ourimanity to swain The anntaitse,when Me, Fanned concluded, rePor!cd through /dr Bingham; the fAltneing ono lotions which weremumbnoury adopted: • Bewared, Thai we have aim confidence, that, if elected. Proddeut, hie . generens nature will rca r ht to wa toes ils . nicast ear m .sr for Me{ relief of bomrable badge t. of wounds recel i v r ed , in their,countres battles ta „hr.,,,ico. art &awed from =taring them •Reestraf, That dilerneetu ' ' rinsoteinizing the doe. wine of the Whig wry, that a candidate; fir pub. • Ike wrrymit,preatinted ht tho malady tented organ of She party, each as a National Oarrention, do hereby ratify the nomination Or President and ' Vice President by that body at their law ea* at !Reared, Thal in General Zachary Trylor and —laid, Iddlard-Fillateeywe reocaptite the repair candi dates, of the 'Mug patty, and that andante& laus.• sera we wilt" Wet all hcatotable tan= golut :..Whip- principles and WWp atonal. I ;~~ ~~;~r ~~" ~:z '4e=em:m Beasfisitt, That Gem: 'Tayko, we behold ate who paw opro Moms manhood amidst the privations.of plowmen lifirn Kattocky, the Amadeus army mythic age'or 2 3 Jearar - bas *assOted Ma entire Bin to the serviCeMbis eammyr .-has-eves been frond reedy tapron Ids Melia tbe hotted of the battle—rough oul to .his CC4UP elleftlie4 be was omnnximioned a Lieutinurot by Idadison—was promoted to the rank of Captain and'Major for his travely daring the late war with Groat Britain—his Colonel's ilanuaission WWI do 'limited qua him for his courage in the Block Hawk campaign. His - Brigadier General's wits -richly earned by a long, dangerous tad rocciessful career amidst the swamps of Florida,—his MP* General's asturosaion has been extorted by rob unanimous voice of the canary from the present perseenting administration, whose 'characteristic. Ins during the present war have been the 'passing'. of Gee,. Santa Anna and Gideon J. Pillow into Mexico and ordering Gen* Zachary Taylorend Winfield Scottiont of ii. r~ T Resiicvd That the heroism displayed by Gene iyktr upon the; fieldsof Palo Alta, to Reuses de la Palma, Monterey, and the bloody battle of Baena Vista, with fiom one third to one tillh number of troops opposed to him, is only of by the simpharo, modesty, and elegance of his of ficikl dispatches, That the Wowingpropositions, embo died in General Taylor's own language, correctly I express the sentiments of.the Whig Party of the Union. • I. That the power given to the Executive to in terpose his veto, is a high conservative power, which should never be exercised except in razes of clear violation of the Constitution, or manifest haste and want 'of consideration by Congress. 2. That the personal opinions of the individual whit may happen to occupy the Executive Chair, ought not to control the "Lanni of Congiess upon questions of domestic policy'—nor ought his oboe thins to be interposed when questions of (*emit. donal power have been settled by the various de. partments of goveinment, and acquiesced in by the people. 3.. That upon the subjects of the Tariff, the Car omey, the Improvement of out great Highways, Rivers, Lakes, and Harbors—that thqwill of the pea j pk, as expressed through their representatives in CCoon might to be respected, and curried out by the Executive. t. That war, at all times and under all circum stances, is a national calamity—to be avoided if compatible with nations) honor—that the principles of our government, as well as its true policy, are .opposed to the subjugation of other nations, and tbe,diamembennent of other 'countries, by con grist—for, in the language of the great Wulaing. ton—rWly should we quit our Mill to stand on foreign ground) .Reselewl, That in Millard Fillmore of N. Y., we recognise the pure p trirt,. whose unquestioned ability and indefatigable industry (in concert with oar own distinguished.fellow clithen, Walter For. ward,then at the bead of the Treasury Depart. meat) gave firm and vitality to the American Tur in-of I6l2—and whose past course is a sure guar. inty that Pennsylvania will never find in his casting Tutee blight to all her prosperity. Rarefied That a Committee of ten be appoint. ed by the Chair to nivite John J. Crittenden, of Ky, Ex4ker. 'Jotter, of Tennessee and ExGov. Cor win, to visit Pittsburgh on their way home and to address our citizens. Re.ratad, That the citizens of each ward, bor ough d: township in this roomy be requested to 41rm Rough anff Ready clubs and that all the original Democratic Maga= be especially invited to co. operate in their formation. Messrs. Bingham and !Mahon then addressed the meeting in warm and elegant speeches. Mr. filldahatt, closing offered the solution, which was adopted.:• Reath*, That the nomination of Gen Taylor was thd with of the people m expressed in their primary , meerings--we, theneWre, pledge Penn sylvania to. Old Rotigh and Ready for thirty thou. wind majoritylover Snag nod Sawyer. The fillowmg Resolution was offered by Leon ard S. Johns: Menus, The Whig candidate, General Taylor distinguished in the war in Mexico, by admirable skill and irtvincible courage, tempered Lis brilliant victories by moderation and clemency to the van. mashed toe, a Gorier to his soldiers, ever ready to relieve their wants had assuage their sorrows. Therefore, • The meeting then adjourned with three cheers for *tor and Fillthore. Ana t-Enseette wad Whit iiolle - This Delegated hotly nenesneled in the Court Hauer, on Wednesday morning, June 14 ISIS at 10 o'clock, a.m. . The meeting was caOAd to order Lithe appoint. 4ocat of CoL ROBERT CAROTHERS, of Plum toamsliip, as President, Dr.. Gm; Hays, of Upper Ss Clair, and Jacoa Amos of Plum tp., Vice Prer ideas, and Rama IL Davis and Joh., E. Parke, of Allegheny, and Jahn Major, of pinsinugb, Some. Mile*:.- predentiale were then Wiwi fur • lITTEMIGENAYICS OS Ing,=/eXIMI. le Ward—lniCaldwen, J GnenjJ 2d . R M Riddla, IB' Murhr., M W Lewir , J Montooth. 4th F S °reinter, IdeFaden J W Lightner ' Fagan:tn. .. W S Thompson, , 701 " WM EIL Anima, ha Rao& - Jahn Affen;Gea Seitz ' Philip Dram, John Fos. Ward--Wm Boyd, Jt. Liu:Daub ibibt LI Davis, Max Moore. • u Wm B Mowry, James Earseman. h I hiltuley, Richard BauL uaaoucm ' est Elisabeth —JB Mrsreor, W Youdan. Elizabeth—C 1" Deihl, B Cousin. Mliteeiwunt—ht Dmvo,Jneeph Gallagher. Lasneilieville,-Z Wainnght, Wm Bishop. Shalpsborg-81upben Clarke, W G Mar. Mancleuer—J E Parke, lb L Sampson. BUminghtun--Mex IWLean, Job Wareham South Pittabsugh—John Emus, John Beck. Fialey—S G Morrow, W WBson, Jr. N. Fayette—A Marshal, In Vincent. bicsan--Jas Sew, John Graham. S. Fayette—John Hickman, S Golllns. Robinson—Alex EJ . Brook. Upper St. Clair—Dr G S Hays, John V Rohm Balihria—Dang Risher, JT Suowilert—Jas Fda, Jas Wilaou. ldfllin—.l M Snodgrass, Job. Jatkrsort—Goa. Selman, Jr, Lewis Praire.. Lower St. Glair 7 4 P Boss, Wm Perkins.. Eliiibeth—Was Douglass, B Wall. Mule, David S McKee. , PlairacitsuCluothers, J Atter. Wilkinir--DrilCtuothers, B Kelly. Peetbkm—W Forward, Alex Gray. Pitt—Rot4 Palmer, John Herron. Ent Doer—Bota 8 Porter, Rota Gilli6rd. Rom—Alex M Watson, John Raider. Seems—Peter. Bates, Clots Pugh.. Ohio—Busk Dud', We, Daman', 'Franklin—Jobs Simpson, laa Duff: Pine—Thos Conlinin. A S brCord. Wed Deer—Nathan Gordy, Wm S Shafer—A G Lloyd, nos W Shaw. - Indiana-las Wilson, Sofia O'Hara. The list having been called over, and eveiy dts trill being rally represented, Wm. B. Thompson monad that the Cortvention proceed •to aomi- nate candidates, and that the wards and townships ba called alternately.. _ After discussion, the resole. tion was adopted. - J. B. Murray, then odered the Adlowing resolo- • lion; Which wu adopted : Rael,a4, 'Ma when the name of any person la preieuted to the Convention, es a candidate for nomination, he molt bind himself (through the person presenting his name) to promote by all the mew to his power, the election of Z. Taylor and . Millard Filhuore, the regularly nominated condi: . l• dates of the party the President and Vice President of the II: EL R.Olut M. Riddle moved that the name of no person shall be presented to this Convention for nominalion,who will not Agree to support the Wib mot. Prorian. , • . Win. Boyd asked the priallege of rending en en tract !coin Mr. litimpton's speech, defining his posi. Oat on the Wilma Swim: The Chair said the resolution whi first treader. After acme further discussion, Ms Boyd had privilege to rail on ex. tract from Ms Hampton's speech, asserting bin in• Mutton of supporting the Wilmot Proviso. Mr. Riddle called Err the rending of Mr. Hampton's Herniations, offered to Congress, and the Letter of ' Mr. Hampton, lately published in the Gatetta— The resolutionwas agreed to. ' ' On motion; the Convention then - resolved to go into the nomination of a candidate for Congress. Mara Hampton, Ilaironellemoy, A. W. Loomis, Wm. B. M'Clure, Walter Formard,Clales Avery, • A George Din* wine Williagjea to be marked , Mr. Forward declined warding fin a asinine• His private affairs would not permit Pio; to i fir dace at present His name warieruh. drawn. Mr. Biddle lied a letter from Mr. M'Clare, de clining a nomliatton.. His name was withdrawn. Oa motioo, the acaninatioas ,were closed. The Convention then iptumeded to Mark for Gingen, with the knowing resale ' liarmar Darcy,. Moses A. W. Loomis, • ( Chr io == .... . .. . Hon:Moles Hampton having a majority of alt the iota given, wits declared duly nominated ke • Ulla de 6 Mr. ',Omni/ to say, that he was not a esadiditt4 and that hie name waved without his manta; i.' , • zeodop, the Convention then proceeded to mediate =naives for the Legislature. Oa spoticii,lba bite' members of the Legislature ware widened by acclamation. The names of *Se gentlemen am as tolkw: - LEWIS-O. NOELE,ief Indlnge. CHRISTIAII.SNIVELY, or Wain& 4 M. SIh'SETZWELDER,of Pilisbuhrh. •-• • - 11ENILY LARGE, of Mifflin. • Tkis Crollieoon Ova tooki n recFr, O'CbCk• E=Ed At one o'clock, the President called the Conine. II:0'ga order. Stem M. Davorsa, of Ohio, was admitted • del. egos in placed Dr. Wood., who was abeam " Oa mega% the Caienfice agreed to mark far Recorder. The AillOwing persons were nominated, John McGill, John ,McDowell, Hisekiah Nixon, A W Marla, Jon McCune, John Comm, H Hrunot, and N Vankirlr. The :null of the ballotiegs won as Wows: 1.1. ' 2d.. .11. - John McGill, • 15 4 John McDoWell, lb 17 IlezeWah Nixon, 21 45 59 A W Mar L-4, 19 2G 35 John McCune, John Connor, A W Vonkirk , G H Brunot; 3 After the first ballot, tha Convention resolved to mark for Clerk of the Coon, it connection with the office of Recorder. Uciori which the Conven tion proceeded to 2.41 ballot Or Recorder, end first Or clerk. of thecoart. The killowing names were put in nomination:— Jared M. Brush, John Horner, Daniel M'Crody, T. L M'Millan, Lewis Young and Oeo. Watson. ht. Jared 11. Brasil, 21 John Horner, 26 Danielld'Curdg, 37 T. L Ml&flan, - Lewis Young, On the result of the second ballot for Recorder being announced, the names ol.Tohn bl'Dowell and John WGill were withdrawn, add the 3d ballot foe Recorder, and 2rl kw Clerk of the Court were pro. seeded in; and the result being annonoced, the chair declared HEZEKIAII NIXON, of Lower St. Clair:as the candidate or the pity for Reocirdr: ' • On motto , the Convention resolved to mark fur all the remaining office* at the next ballot. asonmar. The Wowing 'persons were put in nomination• 4th. Wm. J. Nazis, Ist. 23 40 30 26 John Scat, " 10 21 44 03 Hugh M'Cortnick, 10 8 , Gco. K. Bowmun, 11 7 John hlecesl.7l 20 17. n F. C. Flanagan, 9 1 Samuil Carr Thos. Fairman, Wm. Beason, John Willocic, Nimes Boreland, Thos. Davidsou, •Jas B. Glenn, B. A. litevay, • Jas. T. Mawr; AUDITOR --DAM:MINOS. 131. 2J. .13 2 Vm. butch, J. Ernerick, John K. Foster, John Byers, . Andrea. Johnston, At the conclusion of the various imputing', the Chair announced that DANIEL '24'CURDY, of Elisabeth borough, seas chosen the,candidate fur Clerk of the Courts. THUS. FAIRMAN, of Pittsburgh, Cm Commis. stoner. JOHN K. FOSTER, of 'Baldwin, for Ambler. And JOHN SCOTT, of Ross, no Register. While the ballotings were proceeding, a Com mittee to draft resolutions win am:oiled, consist• iog otpessra. Boyd, Thompson, Dr. Carothers, I 'Ross and Gracey, who reported a series of mole= Lions Similar in tenor with those adopted by the ratification meeting on Tuesday evening. The resolutions were adopted. Resolutions. organizing the Convention into a Committee of Correspondence for the county, re turning thanks to the officers, nod directing the proceedings to be published is the Whtg prtOia, were adopted, and the Corivebilun ailiourned.l tbmspondeneaof tba Pitt.bnigh finteue. New York, June 12, I WS.. The nomination of General Taylor a being re. ceived much snore fitvorably in this direction, than was anticipated. At lint, a large and respectable portion of the Whigs of New York—who bare beeu in their preferenceak Mr. aay— were disposed to card at, and oppose the no:mina , tlion. of General Taylor,. but we understand, from those who know, that ibis will soon paw away, l *ail they will settle down by degrees into an ec- Aniescenee ettirsupport of the nominee attic Coo :venni:in, which, by a majority of its votes, atter pave, and mature tbliberation, came to the con chudoo that General Taylor was the onlyrnan that ;.the Whigs could elect.' This is as it shatild-be,—. -. UIIIOII of the Whigi Car the sake of the Union," should be the mitt, inscribed upon our banner, andihaving mice Consented to go ltito a convet'k tion; it becomes the duty of every good and true Whig to abide by its decision. For our owe part, we must confess that our preferences were not Etc Genend Taylor, and we bare been serious ly disappointed in the result; but the nomination having been made, by the representatives of that party with which it ii - our pride and pleasure to be identified, we scatter di our feelings aloe the sub• jou, and kugettiog the put, we intend to do all in our power to insure the success of the Whig N. tionil Ticket, believing, as we do, that opOU he successor that ticket depends the prosperity, honor; nod perpetuity of our glorious institutions. „ The expLmations made oa behalf of General Taylor, by the Whig Delegates from Cotillion., all of whom are as true and dept.? Whip is any in the Mad, should sztisfy every reasonable mind, u to General Taylor being in kveryrespect a Whig, and identified with all one 4herished He was willing to abide by tUdecision of the Con. vention; and bad another candidate been nominal' ed, he would have withdrawn willingly frau the' contest, and plea his warm *Upon to the Whig Ticket. What could 'be more satisfactory than , this? Geni Taylor, fam inkamed by one aiely connected with him, will, if elected, bring around him a cabinet composed of the wisest and most' reliable Whip in the country. He will advocate the improvement of ewe rivers and }whom He will oppose the extension at Slavery over new ter ritories, and will =stein a liberal protective us. tem. He will also put au end to the examine of the veto power, that mighty engine which the pre sent miserable Head of the Government has so mach abused. Gem Taylor has solemnly declared ' that be will never use it, except upon some great cOaatitatiOnal question—a contingency neap like ly to arise. •He is willing to leave to this represen tatives of the people, who come direct (corn them, the power of making such law. aa they may.deuri and proper for the interests UM CO . UR 771ring, then, all these things into view, can it he possible that any portion of the Whig party We willing to jeopardize tb success of our ticket, by withholding Croat It' their akeerfol and caroms support? We treat not. We trust Vitheir sober second thoughts, and hope, in the language of the venerable en.Goversior Yarns of Ohio—" That they. will think well before Meyoppose it." The nomination of Millard Album cannot fail of giving universal sathrfactiou. He Mimeo! the ' ablest and moat reliable Whip in the land—The unyielding advocate of every measure and prin. ciple With which we, at a party, unidentified—his nomination vowing no, beyond • peradventure, 'tbe,voteof the State of New York, which, it most be acknowledged is no small matter: As the sudress of the rickey there cannot be ths= jest poasible doubt. The decree hairgone firth, said 'General Taylor, if he lives, will,with old Whitey, be on his way to Washington to relieve the pre sent Bowen, ba the 4th of Much, 1619.—1 t hinted that a Fallon of the delegations from Ohio,. New York, and Massachusetts, Intend calling a convention for the pumue of nominating au lode• pendent ticket—Used entirely tmou the Wilmot Awls° Question. Al other political differences are tobe merged lato this singleaubjecTi; It is to be, emphatically, a was upon the South. The Harabarnms are to be invited to send delegates; and it is further said, that the candidate. are to be Gov. Combs, of Ohio, the the Presidency, and JoEui Vila Berea; of Now York, for the Vice Pm. aidencyl Lillie reliance, however, is to be placed upon thisanport. Time will very 11000 damonitate the intentions of - the Barnberners, u their convention will shon !yin, held at Utica. We Una "innately that no collusion will take place between - any portion of the Whqpi, and this faMion tithe Democracy. Let them fight out their own baltles—for, under no Cie eumstanclos can they be induced to suppini Whig men or Vihigmenutes. Enough for the present. e.g. votes. • " .... 2 " dux Aquenric-r.—Wesaw a gentleman yertter day direei from Freeport, who waled that the aqua duct urnt:lld be finwhed on the 24th of July width* water lei in on . the 2:4" h. This, he assured us could be relied upon as he received his inform- Yon from the principal contrawor. The low itageof we:aria the Allegheny was be• iriailing to raise setions apprehensions among the ranspertets, lest the work would be retarded, and thosembanass the canaltuslneu to some comsid• eragelextent, but the maniacs of the speedy completion ofthe dock will remove them kers and give fresh encouragement to business men. The' Ss= Hartuouteti performed' twin last night to • crowded aid hlghly delighted audience at Philo Hall. They have changed their location, and will appear tonight at Apollo Hall, on Fourth,. between Market and Woottstreett. . .~, OT TUX COURT. 2.1. IL 30 42 Is 42 52 Mil IMEMMI CO3IIII6SIONER—IsALLOTIMIN. 1 M. AL 19 15 22 ' 49 11 '7 2 6 9 5 6 10. '7 2 -4 3 11E1 Prrrsuitunt, Jane 7 , . ISO, To the join! Cornnitur Coumult, on the Roil Thud Dryor. Gamins. —The subject upon which yi,o . are 'canna upon lo deliberate is one of great 111001f111 to thh trade and prospentv of your city, mull cheer. acquielee in the request of your Chairman to lay my views begins you in relabel; to k which will be done as briefly as possible. The pailmad Convention having advised the lo:snbseribe on hehalfa thia Coon tysiii stock in the Pennsylvania Railroad, uo eon. Jinni that the tenninua should be within the Coy of Pittsburgh, it is essential to the acceptaticn of that 'condition that I shall be enabled to satisfy the bisectors, that a suitable site can be had kw the 'establielonent of the Merchandise or distributing' depot, and that kcilitieetoreach it will be granted— and as tbo power W grant these facilities, rests with the Sakti . ail 4 Common Cooped., their actioo in the memises will be necessary • Lakin, the:Direct. on can Oct , Upon the adjournment of the Conveution, my first objeit'Vess to seek a location. .The principles which will govern the pi.. iorelation to thin. question, are—First, • position' OP Navigation. Second FILM access to Ws, pO xiiion by Wpm. A •Ii i. the ioteuttott of the Directors I eatablish I three diatinct depria One beyond the bttilt limits of the city. Its objects being iur hock-shots, stor we of Engine. and Cara, and the regulation of Thins. One kir passengers, which will probably b e located earns on the hoe below the Gott, and a Mod fortbe distribution of merchandise. It Is this last which occupies:attention at this time; on the judicious location of which will depend the usefulnms of the road. 'For in view of competition with 'other roads, the trade will depend very much 00 the cheapness of tran•portation. The saving of expense to the trade mat to • cardinal object, as a very small addition may hien the effect of governing its direction, • In viewing the localities of your city, I have been able to End but one position within its limits which will meet the requisition_ o( the Directors, and fortunate ly it is th e one to which public opia. don appeari to have been alawat 'universally di rected: at the coalman, of the two rivers. This locality paleness most admirable gnalitie4l Dr the purpose, beinf situated midway between th tine of wharves on the two riven. It gives ego facilities the access toted, sad no doubt con exist on the mind of any one who has watched the grow. lag prosperity of Pittsburgh, that In a very kw years the wharf room on both rivers will be insufficient for Its extended trade On obtaining the most jti dicious estimates of the value of privateproperty stn the point, it wasDund that the cost of the goon tity of ground required, would for earroil any amount which'woluil be !considered justifiable in the directors to expend for the object; besides which, a sullicient length .for the buildings, which will osientually.l;required, about eight to nine hundred Detpteald o be obtained by closing Penn street; and by-opening a mu street in the rear of tb De iewing the ditlieultles which were presented , aplan suggested itself, by which, with the (resent of the City authorities, the public propeny might he made available in this ruiner., and at the same time increase the revenue alba City from wharfage. This plan I ithw present fin your con. indention, and I do so with more freedom,' because the County of Allegheny being largely interested In the cost of the road, any Seeing that can be of &end In its coat, will be a direct, gain to the Conn. ty sad City. ; The plan will Dist esplalo itself by on examina tion of the Diagratun herewith premnted. The rood is Itidout to enter the city on Forgo. son greet, which it tragenes the whole length. and thence at the old city line crones Into Liberty street, the only street of sufficient width, which it Gallows to the point on Water street. i Now, D tinn pose to erect ties Depot upon thatatteet, or on the slope of the wharC The land 'hie resting on Wa• ter sweet, the river aide testing uNipiers, waned from the low water line, leaving a attest aunty feet in width, between the Depot and thla facing. Water sweet Thus, the puma round the city plot will remain open from Water anon to Duquesne Way; and the lower side and ends of the Depot being built on piers, the while wimrS from the track to the water, will be open, and an mail le round the point ay at present. It to conk. I dearly believed that the vast importance of this location of the Depot to the wade of Pittsburgh wall Induce the Councils to acquiesce in the view to. ken, especially ai the revenues ui city are not impaited, but will be largely increased by a wharf• idsrge loon every _ boat that comes to Of o• st gat - Depot. .Cu City of PiUsbumh having been mainly inatmmental in imposing the condi. goo °tithe Company, whkh I beg to assure you is veryacceptable if it can be fulfilled, lam led to how that the conpUtuted authorities wit do all in their power, ha enable the Company to accept it. ,to rekience to the privilege of laying rail. in the streets, I need duly express my Confidence, that it will be promptly granted. But the importance of a l i o .* -t - Connell zoet__presswa-• ; Moos Arnnarong, Hell ;Cunningham, Saatbay Jones, Leopard, Lewis, Liirininaon, McClelland, McCollister; McKelry, Mitchel, Pnlmer, Sawyer, Scheirer, Schurz, Soot[, P resid iimpl e , Stoae.r, Von Bowdon; - Wilson , end t. • Mr. Robinson President in the chew. .• The Presidetit presented the Report e.f . th'e SPecial Committee appointed to muter with the President of the Pennrylvania Rail Road Com. pony, together w ithh an opinion of the'City Solicitor and a communication fium the President, of the Road to the Council ; and An • Ordinance granting certain privileges to the Pennsylvania Rua Road Company. Report rend and accepted: Ordinance read twice, and on motion of Mr. Iron Bonnhorst, the Onlinuncereport,andaccompanyingdocuments ordered io be published in the Amerierus, Gazette, Post and Journal: concurred in by, S. C. They are en follows. 7b the Senn and Common CM111(11, of the city of Piets3urgh. • • The undersigned Committee, to.whom Was re retied the communication of 8. V. Merrick, Req ., President of the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, respectfully report. ',That in, view of the great advantages 'Which may reasonably be .expected to result to the -city and courtly from the completion of the- Pennsy4 vania railway and its -termination in the city of Pittsburgh, a liberal spirit should be.manikated by Councils in aid of so Important an enterprise, and no hindrance or obstruction be imposed which is imperatively necessary En the protection of the interests of the city. The President of the Company, in his cataract''. cation to the Committee,has submitted In the con. sideration of councils two distinct applications. Fust—for a poiition fare depot on navi*ftion and, Second—forfreiaccese to that position by iism, And with these, plans and diagrams by bleb these repositions err piainlyillustrated and For the location upon which to erect a building - to be used in distributing the merchandise carried upon the Railroad, the President of the Co. has -ae lected the place usually dew inoted the "Point." He.sny.: "(he only.telilltikt the limitsof the city which will meet the regtifiltion ofthe Director., isat the conduenias of thetwU rivers," and the intention of the Co, tti if that loCittion be granted, tcrerect their depot on the slope of the wharf, the land side reeling on Water street, the river aide resting on pier. warted Gum the wider fine—the length of the budding to lie about eight or nine hundred feet, nod its width' about two hundred fret, extending from Liberty street OCTOIIII Penn street, to the ex treme end of the Point. Whether the Can [Will' have the power to grant to the Company the ate and occupation of the wharf, has beett submittal to the City Solicitor, a. a question of . , law. for ta, written opinion. That opinion, it ia estiected, wig accompany thin report. It isnot improballe, however, that the wrists of the Company's Charter are broad enough 1;311th:oil of their obtaining the site chosen by their conarlylng with the requisitions contained therein. i• War Committee have thought it inexpedient to grant to the Company the privilege of• . erecting their depot actors rent Erect, unless a pestle, about thirty feet in width, can le scoured by srluch free and easy access may be bed between that street and the river. and through which homes, car rinses, wagons, and other vehicles may pass with. out hindrance or obstruction. Ceder these reedrictimm, your Committee ream. mend that Councils grant the request of the Presi dent of the Company as to the location of the de pot, at an annual rent of three thousand dollars, for nine hundred ket, or In the same proportion CM' any less quantity they moy occupy, the rent to he• gin to IIeCTUn 't and from the occupation of the Your Committee al. recommend that the sec ond requisition of the Company 10 also granted,su far as to irritant theta to construct their railroad along Ferguson and Liberty Meets to the Depot, reserving, however, to Councils the right to desig. nate whether the can shall he Propelled by horses or steam, and Mat t h e present as well es future councils, shall, at all jimes, have full power to make much regulations in that respect as experi ence may suggest ~ GEO. W. LA VNG, M. ILOBEIVEAIN, L. IL LIVINGSTON, SAWL. M'KELVY. PrrnonrEcn, June 13, ISIS." To de Sekrt and Curnot. Comma.: - . Gorrutitc,—llaving been ladled upon H you Gar • legal opinion in telation to the power or the city to grant to the Central Railroad coptpooy the right to construct a depot, extendiag from Liberty at. to Duquesne tray, and (rout Water at. to km water mark, on the ,Monaingaliebt titer, I would suy;gest the proiriety of greeting to the Railroad Company the privilege they ask in' the (ono of a lieu under such restrictiops 111 you may deem ad. sizable, care being had that the. city do not lend themselves for more, or better , title than they pas. There Lsa Zr along time existed a doubt in tbe windier many w to the title of abo city in that pot, We Monoagahela wharf, , set, all their doubts, even if well. funded, can . Le Olf MORN' hp the idea wggestrd.' I have not ex/mined Wiya thet validity/ of We title, fix the rewort that in 'WI pea eat Cage it Is not accessary. • Tbe ay cannt to the Railroad Company all the rights which it' 'would have of erecting • Wilding, thereon' like pawpaw, without to any manner Lecoming Bale for defective idle. The Railroad Company may, riper the herr hs given, perfect thejr rutin to hold pz.n4lnt, against any ether pence, who migarißlt u. q hr application to the G,,art of Questeir• iq the manner. directed by the Ittli and !AU section" of their charier. nut IA ettnettratil ;ppm. to we, is the new most &divisible tar the city to planate... it may be done without incurring any rash or hazard what. ever. Very . Iteniertfolly, c. Loomis, Sulic , tur for Cap. the PthstelP anatimg "tam Kbeitintel be a single ta l i.;The ant to the &Mom and Ohio Refitted CO W, Inot yule, 1M ass • horse power, in the streets of that city, (about ' - same distance ma IQ be requited here, say . =Kik) was upwards of tbirlYglvetboustind • while the steam pareersover the lest cgtbe . was onerbundred sad twentrfoartbonsand dollars, or less than one thousand dollars pet - tails Thus the home power required far an equivalent trade, will impose um that Rodeo( thirtythree • ' sand The saving of such nu amount an Important item; mad, irith' entire coofiden• that the city authorities will never enact any ter elation to etllbllTlLss the lade, WithiM Mft.e4, cause, I sun quite satisfied, that in granting it, the tint , the privilege naked, .that they shall. sit only Gm the speed through the streets to tau miles. at w ch rate the train will he perfectly manageable, that they shall reserve the right to regulate the .pct hereafter, if this mode of conveyance shankt be tuund dangerous to life or property. thnilinrity with this subject satisfies me that all actions, if any exun, will be removed bysham e perience, because the fac il ity with which the .1 is kept clear by steam, Ores it a decided ad• vantage in point of convenience, over bone pow; er; a train of thirty cars will Le taken at amen? the depot; while if bones are moiled to, the mine number of cars will be divided into fifteen sub trains, each requiring three horses; which will in. cumber the street for • long period, r No danger Rota fire need .be apprehended, as coal or coke will be exclusively used. . l am, with ,much respect, S. V. MERRICK, Presidertirentisylvania Rail Road Co. Inereas, a convention of the citizens of Alla ghenj county assembled on the Mit day,of May 1818, upon - the call of the conimissioners•of said county to divine with them upon, the pronirety of subscribing to stock in the Pennsylvania Hail Road Company, and whereins the said convention did ad. vise the said-County Commiisioners to subscribe for 20 thousand shares of said 'Railroad stock. and whereas the raid county convention did, advise 0261 the said County .0 06•1150C111 to impose a eon dition to said subscriptions to wit. That the said company should finally establish the terminus of their road within the limits of. the city of Pins burgh. . Therrfere, fully ncquietmg in . the views of the convention, as to the importance of the trade and prosperity of the city of 'Pittabaugh, that the termi nus of said road should be located within its limits, Wad at spout convenient for its shipping interests, and that every facility ought to be given to said Compeer in the beano. of au access to theirlde. pot, not only an regard. the convenient age of said road to thecomuterchd and ma nufacturing interests, bat in view of the fact - that the city . of Final:rarer has become by the act of the. County Cchntallaan era a. pawner, and interested in the suceewrited profit to be derived therefrom. Thenfurt Be it orilaiarildre, , :i t t the Select and Common Council. of the city Jo Pittaburgh, that the right is hereby granted t Pennsylvania Red Road Company to enter and lay down rail. through the surds of said city to, wit along Ferguson street toe convenient point, to serve in to Liberty street, thence down Liberty street to the river,. end that the said Cosupaay shall have the privilege to traverse said street.' with their can gad machinery; provides!, that, alter passing the curve aforesaid it, shall not be competent for sad company to exceed at any time a speed of bur miles an houi, under such peruthies es mayl here after be ordained and enacted by these Councils. Provided, alto, that the aid camparty shall at all times here after be subject to such rules and reg ulations as may be found necenary forthe further protection rind security of the persons and proper ty of the citizens of 'aid city: bySac. 2. Lk it aforesaid,er tienacted, &c., the au th ority that L. construction of a•depot m accommodate the trade of the city 'of Putthergh, upon, and trout laid 'railroad, that there be granted. and the said authorities do here by grant to the Pennsylvania railroad company, Ito long es the maid depot may be ramired by the maid Pennsylvania railroad company, the use of sufficient ground on. Us. levee, or water Gent, of the city, upon which the said Company may con attires the necessary buildings, beginning at the point - opposite the corner of Llerty street, extend ing at right angles with' Water street, two hundred feet, to lore water mark, and thence to the Alle gheny river—at a rent of E. 3,000 per annular, for 900 feet, on in the name proportion for any leis quantity that the company may occupy and wee. Provided, that the said Company 'hall cause !'Water Areal to be laid out at least sixty fret is iidth from the north side of raid depot. ..a that the river side, and ends amid depot shall be brand. ed oa piers. so that free accesa to said levee shall at ail time. be twobsUucted - by foundation wells, ant kept open for public use, and that the right to tare e pessage,at knot thirty feet in width, opfb aile P.m Murat, thurogh..and by which carriages, wagons, dray. and other vehrcks may hare free access between said Penn street and the river. Provided, - also, that the occupancy of said ground, by and company, shall not interim with the tight of - the °Seen of said city to collect wharfage on said levee as though such depot bad not born reveled thrleter• • . sr. a 13,. II °Whined, dee. that any oakum is...At...tent with this ordinance be adnilho same is 6rrchY A4012{1114 , ' mitt On Thursday !reenlag unit; when the whole sandier inn b. divans! of- BY MAIairreTELEGRAPH Ourrespaugssiets sr Pittsburgh Gasetts FOREIGN NEWS. paivhx.or TfE ITEANSIIIP l lu.*ap COAf4GLtI~p...~t~ptICLL TaAiniroiresn. IN FIIA NCE ALL Is TRANQUIL' Afthrs hap.roviseg litlwiee Cometpoodedre of Um Pambotik Goirlte IhMADICLIIIIIL, lobe 14, 1319. TheSicain ship America arrived in Bunton, Wit erenilg in ten they. and eight Worn (wen pertso port eying lain by eight hours inflect fas—Tots quicken try on record. The News she brings is iinportant. Conturrgal stinirs leek better. Prim are rant, saJ business improving. - _ L'ahoppy Iredand it convulsed ,with internal throes. lohn Mitchell, the Editor of the " ' illuitird IriMman," has been Lgund guihy, bytbe jury, after" three boars' deliberation, anti sentinced to tram. porta6oo finfron,rn yam to thq Island of Benno; da., Them had been no humense assemblage of the Chs Mats and Repealer' in England, to 'reps. Mize with Mitchell and the Irish People struggling fir freedom. • The smite at t h e parting of Mr. Mitchell with his family - and friendi, is delimited as most seeming, and his wife nod children lad been taken under tiWprotectiOn of the people; and 'nation of Ireland. His paper, the "United Irishman:. is confiseaterl, bat there I. a project to start another-paper. Mr. lobo O'Connell denounced the Attorney' Genetsl in nekterMs, and called upon all Irishmen to spit upon hint as he had upon Irish Catholics. Hitch: oil'. speech., before tle Court, and on receiving his *entente, were in a strain of defiance °rite . . oovernmem. France is steadily pursuing the work of organ , king and cementing be, Repubiic. Goterament: Bbinqui - and Flotte hare been invited. Yl hu been decided by popular rote to hare one Amem My sad one President. Correqoutleaco of die Pittsburgh Gault. Barrox, June 14, ISIS. • The Stetuiter America arrived today, having sailed from Lisetrol on the 3rd WM, nasklogitur run to Nets York la tea days. Party disseosion was rife in England, and large numbers of Chartists and Repeaters under annb were holdisigOneetlngs In different parts of the country, and many serious riots had been the cow • eequence. Busiseas was almost entirely suspended in the: anantactuting Pouch Coaao ma at SS "The !pests account. franitPiria, mate that gen: eral quietneu prevailed in thitt,;qiuuter. \ Mitchell, the Irish Patriot, has been convicted of high treason, by the Queen's bourt,alid is ..sem ed to en exile nfionneen yeah. Hais.'to be tram ported to the Hullo a, on ttio island at Bermuda. The determinition to tweak do organised labor, ereatea reseniment: Bunko Thomas, who succeeded LAMM Blanc in. the adminharnlion of 11w national workshops, his been supereedmf and sent under guard to Bor deaux. The workmen demanded his reatoratiOn, but the National Guards preserved order. Blanqui 11.1 bean arnmtod The difficulty between the Executive and the Louis Blanc's paracipatk, u in tho May =apes' . Cl has beau fully established, and the authorities have asked the Chamber the privilege to prose. cute Wm. PLnlp Nark.t. MMEIM Mir—Coon! Awnis sold to 27. 6da21., 0 WI; Philddelphia sod 13aPitnote, 27. to 27s 6d: °A.m. sod Ohio, 26t0 27.1 P LW. Cori—Sales orWlite it 32 to . 31s; end Yeltow; at 3t to 36s 6d p (muter. , . Q.nlifent--daltril at 14; CRltolsa p bbl; mtuket dull, and tending downward. , IVArrse—Whitn Is selling of 74 eol to tin p buoliel; Rod at to Gdto 7a sd. Rica—The. market is inactive and in favor of buyers, with modende sides at as toy 8d p, g I pounds. Cottoo—rOrilinary 3 to 31d; Middling, 31 to 3; Middling Gait 4d; kir 4ld; good gor 41, good, 4 id; Orleans ordinary, 3to aid, Middling , 3/ to :I;d; it aNigtildr:diadt,dit lEtal &it 51; pod, 5t to • 410 70,16. The mutat ta kagoiti, rra r barNa. • Mos port mica at 35 to 42. • It ranges from 410605. Lard, Wes of It =II s fit prima, bbl. at 29 0 is Chem, ditty paid, 45.0345 a. urptitutw—Selet u 907.. Catirspaeo of the Pittsburgh GazetteF; PHILADELPHIA MARKET. • PX1111: 1 6111111, June 14,, ar. - Floor—Sales to • fsmextent at 55 50. Corn Meal—Soles at 02 3 7 per bbl. Wheat--Sales of prime white at 130 eethl baubelL Sales of 1,500 brothels red at 51 211 Rye—Sales to a moderate extent st - 70e. Corn—Sales of prime pelknr at 31655 cots, to the extent of 2,500 bushel. The marketokstod bossy. Csitton—Nothing doing. • Progisimm—The market is quiet,- with(Wit storks. Holders are expecting an advance. ^ Groceries and Segura are firm. 114ohnues with mom sellers than buyers. • BALTIMORE MARKET. BALIWORX, June 14, 61..1 Flour—Sales of Howard Street at 15 62 Sales of City Mills at $5 75 per bbL The merbet is steady, but trot active. Wheal Solesof prima red at 51 13@1 22iper bushel. Core—Seles of prime aright at 43e. Sate] of allow at 83 cents, to the extent of 50,000 bush.!: Oats—Sales of Oat. at 38 eta W6ltqr . !y7Sales at 22 ets per gallon. Corn Meal—Bales to a moderate extent at 58,37 GAM per blit. Stock.—Tha market is without change. Provisions—There is no activity in any. artiele. Quotations are steady. NEW YORK MARKET. New Toms, June 14,6 S.W.: Plour--The market , with moderate sales, Amor of the buyer. Provisions--There is a speculative mover*t in Pork, and the market has ea upward tendency. Mesa Pork' Sales at 310 Vibes bbl. The maricet is tirre,ln Bacon the market is quiet. flowu nothing doing in this attic!,.— dealers are awaiting the receipt of the ir prifide letters. •Whiskey—Sales in IA)41 at 24 me per cello . , Correspondence of the limbers]. Curette. ti CINCINNATI MARKET. .7, Cincinnati, dune 14, 6, P. xi: Floar—Sales of 1100 bbls at 0 3 ,eceiC 1 ,711sp 14- Sala of 2000 bbis, deliverable io two weeks .e 3, GS si. bbl. , Orain--Tha market io with°ut change, and Or . i• c. are nominal . beam. . . W.hiskey—Sales CO 0 moderato extent at 140 111 ar gall. Choeetiea—Sugars, trltzle buyin• freely. I%e market is steady. Coffee and tuduses am irk& out deluge. Provutions—We have no lame sales LO note,- Pork and lard are held above the view. of 141 - ea. There is no dune in other ankles usually ate. ken of in the market. • [Er The_publie are remectfully invited to atlen4 ramming of The Anociadon or Pittabargb and vicinity, for promoting the Intermits of Educating; Jut (Thur. day) erroittg, the kith of June, at tko'clock, in the Cha pel of the Univeraity. Teachers, parents and friends of education are ke spectikily invited to attend. °soca ov Emicartma—Alades of Teaching Arithibe tie and firatinam; by the teachers .ptesenL Jack D, Last night at 10 o'clo DlE ck; ai the residence of h'. toper on Penn street, benireeirWalnut end strict 4 in the house 'Comedy occupied by Dr. 111Vnicken, OPIUM WAsnisevas Juasivon, vigil lb years, son of Townes and gamut Johnson. The members members oldie Dayarilstown Derision of ,htoaa of Temperance—of 'which he was a ateraber4is friends and the public reperally, ata reepenhilly ty is led to attend'ld. funeral, which will tataplatiathis'af ternooo at 4 o'clock. • 314A111314 CLOCK.. 101LAlit &CO, rile Indy maliorieed agents in Piate bargb for the tale of liirk't Potent Marion ISOM Picea., inane lbe alicinion of the pablie fenetallyynnil of the ode.,and owner+ of steamboats and canal boats in pariicular, to Weir he. soonest of Wise excellent Chrommetery , Indite the Pendulme Cheek., these are werranted to ries wirit in any pinition, rubjectito my amount of notion, conaineni with the safety of • mamma watch, and are therefore the only clocks mite able fur steataboam, canal boats, railroad can aed factories, to which Mere is much They .to used exteneively ai the blast in these smations aid -give good salaafarlion." Ae Yamily Tian P ierce: lso, any are msteh admired by those who have idea them, oil aCCOalall of Wen campaign.; mcorecy;emb. ' nese, mid the facility with which they an reeved or .01 up An ow. Those who win to parch.. are Mann !al la Candidly Clanabad lato tie merit, of Din* article, and without regard to the inalemtkan and &amnia •tione of litterestid rsoni, or of those who kuour log about it. The Maxim Timmy...with CtchL im provement, hating GM remedy teen pateend,lilarelt, tb47,) and Mout< hi 1010. constryi . ie not grnandly knows, Itod Winn some worthy Mat lad India nava been, found denost,imint Me ne Whole elfsi4.... Intke nee ditesiresol insa , imam aiming r blow* at mother matter to rennin:rover sent or known my Wing et hare. (Lever imperrient,) M . r ine Tesepiere. • Alt we see the only mtiorind agents in the city, ong amoriment will be Mond the onlycomplete one; and as we keep to bat thine 'alien hare }ink' s Into prevenient of a untended power ia We spring,. nut thas those wOD wisit to purchase Mb. in Amick at Iciest* demon., eXanume ow, before taking magi, a Men nummuiLohmmiw. An snide. sitinila eppimmane, bat of not one fourth Sir valor, can he parchesed elsewhere fog' I. mom), ?how them nothing tai the prim, efet nook, mad not tale lo'n,ll. • In *vett where Marine riseepiecerold tn. dees not gm when daring the first dare months, of ite nee, ars will refand lie unary paid fur it, au as, being maned without damage. Information respecting the merits of the Timepiece can be Maenad by refenieg to the nester. alba Bed lune, Hibernia No 1, Am also, In kir A Fallon, lid sr, smi mlicra BLAKE it Co, N W tor of Martel at anal the diamond, Walk - Piltaburgh. WIT:kV AND ATTRACTIVE HOOK)—Chateners' Se. 1,1 tees work., I volt. Chalmers' Drily Scripture Reading; Amour order Life bIN... Fry, Mat vat; The Con seribbry the 'ember al licheeleirl in Frame" Lady klaryiev Not of the World, by Rey C II Tty _ /or, M. A. M ch'izzteh . ;i } tiehani• Ck k, dod o lad of ireflolt , amber of "Crime M Y Tinte;" The Louver, by Caroline Fry; . Lectures on Shattipeare, by II N Eritrea; • Life of Oliver Cromwell, by..l ?Headley; Napetron and his Mars do • Wullineten and his Generida, do- • Power of the Palm byLp/ "doter Sprint, D D • Bethel Flag • , &liven Telaching_byEransple; Pulen• Oral...anon., by Turnbull; • Chimera Deedand, Life pf Rosrla11,11; Free Church Pulpit, 9 eels Orator& of France; Now and Then; klethaneki Poeta.; Margaret Mercer; • r- Jaeolots ibklii4.l•, adapted to Union Mneations; Arther's Palmier . To/ea.-46E6es In the World," Idakirm Haste to be Rich," "Riches have Winp," "Retinae up Appearances," "Debtor and Creditor. • For ii.le by F.LLIOTT }e. id 79 wood and 36 marker ar tp(MACCO—VU bee Rdeeeil'.t Ito.binson't de /imp I Tobacco; 16 do hlyera's do do iTM Mrb , do do do; JO do Myer* lb dof indu 2ftdere. honey deer Es pm Id cam, Oil dwarf bozos 8410 superior • AM4dbe do, fa do, th do do Thema. , Neon} Lhaf do; jog received and for shit be '01.5 MILLER & aidmrscirr . 'ITINEO/01-03bbIsCider Vinem wi,nd do, In non add for nnin by jels isnuzaz aicichlsoN. .1 D Mk VERIZED LOAF SUOAR-140 Nos 2, 4,4 0 nod 7 Lost Egan 0 bait eases og Loy n' d dln refined do do; 40 total !Javelin's coaneepalrezi= D"" , d0 P , d 00 4. 0 4 o t i dni ne'd 1.13 ILI.EU ILICKOTSON _ . CILIRATOLIACCO-110tales Cuba piper Tobacco; 43 ti dodo wrapper do, just rec'd and Rd sale by i.O. . MILLER & RICKMI`BObI AFAR LESIONS —A few boxes Fresh LCUMM4. jost reeeired Rad foe sale by Old Oa W lIARRAIIOII 1111.11.1 SAP S'or sale • ---- - LES-13 bbls,. j.s 8 GHEEN PARASOLS—Nati. k JobasarL 46 Market mreet, haea Jail rseeived 1/6/ pa.siltaad eloaseablu maim Para./L ALlaa, armated eaton, from 7a cents a pitea a lIELTE-14 Ina prime VR, reed this day aud sale b • lels TASSEY k. BEST - - 'Adoatri,-2) balibbls No a, lame 4.• RAT 106 TaggEir a WINDOW 01.4043.-2;10 boxes yXIU W GI do IOXIldodo; lOU do bald do do; let bale by 4e13 • • TASSEY &DEW S--- ALAANDER. RIFFA-21ron Safes iwstoro awl II kw solo Low to close <magmata., 012_ JAMIZ DALZEM, 24 wstO rIfOrCIN-50 boles Cotton, iti store owl COF we by Vd 4144 ' 4441141.41r:L_ _.L 1 . 141.A1 SOAP-140 bys No 1 Polio Boop, in owe and P for sale by ielb '• JAI/ MIZELL lIIORACCO-60 keen i fl e aly'.B j ... tu i a t ja nd_ for mile by ILIFOLASEIES—W bbl. NO. Jo Baru Hooseu for 4.71. We by JelS D hVILLIAIMS,yo..trd si S UGAR -5 bbd. N bbl. Pulveritedi; I bbl. crushed; 20 bbl. ossorted Loot, for sole b J u WILLIAMS it 4-19 bas Al R; 36 hairdo; VO quarter do; jy for axle by Jel3 J U WILLIAM' CANDLESL2O boa kiterinr; 3 do Spero' dop6 Butt; for solo by J D W 41.141118 Q OAP-4 km. ciuchwili; ill do Pelle; 3 . 414. Ceseilei Ido Ceeelisi sele by_ jel3 JD WILLIAMS DOTABII-9 e ukr for nto tole P ANKBOLB 10. of tood.oloe Satin Tore Cm. jel4.ols,juot opened by'' ALEXANDER & DAY wan: CRAPIS--Jori received, lot of White Crepe. ofho eseellem yontitT . br hounel beings. lel4 ALEXANDER & DAY /'IIIk:NIfB—GU Lie priNe IVNR4474l;cgulip DitOoils-50 dox largo gill 11.4111, fo 1J 014 ' F poi itcrimuissr aco LASS—MI bzs BXIO, for nle by ~ d F VON LIONNHOW kCoz Mesta Young _Upon Tea, jon ree'd by hald bIILLIA ItICKENSON TEA-51 hal .1 awl for sa OTASII—D casks cum. Potash, just received cut P consiguspeut and for sule lry MILLER a RicKersoN BHANDY FRUIT -12.ernee choice Randy Fair, jai received sml foree4 by jell I MILLER'/ RICKETBO4 CRAB cittEß-20 bbli Ecilaray Crab Cider, jou received nod for ale by • jell MILLER & iucrei*ori LINSEED 01L---211 bids Lime.' Cid, in fine ebipping order, jun received sml k,r ule by }elle . MILLER NICKE.TSON G uNv .4 . l . ll ,N 4lN ,us l .lN iZ A . C ., K d S— fir G . l nr . left 11111.E.''R te.HICKk..I;OI4 I 1 By Tim& 139 ANDS. a SUOART.,.AIterION.: 7 IIa Tthe • eilawaenNag at lOo'eloek; at wuction will NM khds: prime New Odes= ,Paira r ! A. • • Terms esela, leataeley bade Dam.) %03:1La By Jim D. Davis,' Aiterttemerri' Ward. • • Oa Satanlay min, the :LAY .lind; at 3o'eirset, boeold on • premises, by order of ieliartes'An• denten, adrainistreter of the hoe m utate derson, de. erased; that vale:ebbs Lot of Groand, at the cor net of Penn and Lumber sno . having a front_ of od feet on Penn a== ., g back fe n t ri te, ilroalat n ri:e il egease, al feeeeet jouPiell by btr Richards end to . Alen, that very desirable Lot, situate on the Gls. comer of Pam and Limber au, Avlng the tam e site as above. To!. indisputable. Terms a! sale. jelS. . JOHN. DAVLS, And Owls s 7boli or Auction. , . • Will be sold le , ate it 8 o'clock,. MAIO Clash ' Commercial Aue on Rooms, owner of Wood and nih meets, coach en tools, among which are 1 cooler, spoke machine, datable tenon machine, heed t 0.., pMnee, vices, users, tenon a monyike. "• • jeln , . • • TwentrFour I , l4ildiegioes in nod adjoianng de 7ek - 11" 4of oh. City, at Audios- , Orr tlaturday afternoon, the 11k lost, at 3 o'lloek, will be told withan reserve, on the premises, the al lowing very handpmely situated Real Estate; VI.. . Lots N. lB , 1 2 ,119 and 2/, ln the plen of Lots leld cot by Samuel Wright, having eaeh a front of 90 feet. Duncan street, aml extending back apwards ofloohre to.. alley 24 hey i wide, icljotolos property of hfr 1. T Child. lota Nos 17 apd 01,, in the plan of, lots laid out by Alexander Millar, bon ing each a front of 24 feet tulle , Villiers sucet, and emending back 104 feet •• I ---: ' Also, two lola having each a front of 90/ feet on Con- . wT Avenue," _, = bsbmac / 1 / 7 00- t d r.; ° .. °l . ei l l i " y A g itil: - . : .isV,4 lots, hach ront of:Pile-e 11:a -lien Msel..nd mewling back 94 fre b e au alley 90 feet wide. Alm, %elate in 0411 beautiful pelvis adjuiniag the ie.. dance of J. 1/ Alban, Elm; laving each a front. on Grove street of 2 feet, and extecaug back 94 hey to an alley :A/ feel lde. . . , . , Al., 9 other lots of grimed, simile one tic: B lip I line, we of which has • front of 51 feet on Centre Ars. no,, and 95 feel Kirkpautek Wan, • Moo of the r e Onmeny may ba seen •S t tins raotuhe sac; Tenottof *Me hat inettnemed Ma.Lote Will bootie I 4 third cash, In two equal sachet palyokran, with interest. O n the 9 Lecs lana toccaloood, toms ore Oa, Mardi cash, re in three equal anneal petyntems, with interest. ' jel4 . , JOHN D DAVIS, Acct. ,-. Dr 7 poods, fr., at Auchon. . On Thanday rooming, JUDO IS, at 10 deloelt, at dui commercial Salad Room, corner of Wood and gked, wens, will be sold, to clam eormignmenta • great-me= tiny of Dry Goods and fancy ankles. . Lawns, (whams, mode colon de lain., tunic., I balm:inns., marfs mid shoals, Sae silk and man bon nets, miler Leghorn and English straw bonnets, legborn Intli ribbons, mitheials, patent threads, holier)" also; • taw piece. of brdad elcalis, wool dyed , and - English tweeds, eassiateref, checked tweeds, Croton Moths and drillings, 40 pie< s choice American and .kleglish prints. . • o'clock, 12 eines moms Wa tilt hats, this glass tumblers; Y H and black ['doors; clone, Virgitda manatee. toned sobaceo, saslanneensware in great 00. rutty, iron lON, hair wat Wan roeking chain, French bustle and common chairs, cherry tables; droning and: sitplain harem:sotto:id hand dintitdra and kitchen ulna . Beady made clothing, dry bardware;eattexy, knives and forks Fate lies, lamas clecks, limy articles • ! JOAN D DAVIS, Aim: PITTIIBIIHIFH 2 . IIICATILVA.• ' • • " C. S. Polo= Aftinsier end.Learee • AtENLIIT OF. MISS FEMME. Tnnastiar, Jens If., IbIS, to commence - with the : HEART OF MID LOTHIAN.— . SmentoitMr. Prior. David Mr. Porter. Medge Wildfire ' Alias Petrie.. After which, LA POLKA, by Miss Anna !Kelvins. To be followed by the 4th net of . • JULIUS ILESAIL • Erma M. Oaley., Carlow Mr. Prior. DANCE, by Miss Anna Malvin. • To eandluile. MISCHIEF MAKING. • • , - Madame /Jeanette • Mies Petrie. Friday-13stsell of MR. RAYMOND: • . • Pali. OP AWl2llllBX.—Dran Olick.,'soeta; Seems& Tier, .7.3 et; Pit, Gellery,UL APOLLO _ • FOURTH STREXt, A PEW DOORS FRoH WOOD. D Y request of namereas beads of fwalllory.tha LO BLE HARM/NUM *re tho booms° announc SA e that they will Ono three more of wliqao and !n -mble enwnwnwenta, 'labia*. been agendwl*. We fashion owl Loamy or all the principal chins or the Union, w nowoftani aad wa ventilated Apollo xaa Engre change of .Prognwonle,. ..,.. to ensniu.ot. soft, Glow, Clsonwes, Barleopien; Oa which .C . 11121011 they wichrired for We Pot 4nne, of ROSA LE or Dem`r ke FOO, Adsoluion, Y. ceatars open a 1 7,'Wenorrne at tl o'clock. jell J C HENDON, Manager _ _SOlai AGENCY FOR TER _ CMlckerimers Osumi stray Loma* railliat Fos Wsarsor Pannixasta; TIIE 'sobseriber beg% bin4a. W. (needs tad the Pardie,thetheAlla teen appended kw Jou. Cfac orltodoe; ' the ket -smut unoix os Western re.sylvania, for the sale • of ide celebrated Gang Grand .d Square MANOR/IMA from whom a fall will kept hand and for sate at the some mr-es as charged by her. Chickened at N. faetorlin oe • - • The agency for Mr. Chickmisest Pianos had been *Wight for and obwm-. Rada et hdl eonrirtisn en the ban of the aubstiat they ars unquestionably the ben Piano Pones smartfaeliared in the United Slates. regandJa'Aimanke moot emenstial madly of ano) it has beau adtaklad by Use teen cabman Pietism in this canal:qrs. fans Europe, ikal=tr i : equal to toeers of Pans, ar Smallwood% of • and Dom .up knowledge and experience of r. Chick. enng in the selection of anuerlata • and the inpuloas aud aubstannal mode ofeoustroction, ate far more ' table tea any Einem. distnonents- " • it is eat contended that Chicken.% are the only good Hanes made in the United Iltates—diere are ma, ny oilermitablinimems as well in Down as in New lark and Philadelphia, Cot sisaaaf.turing Piano Fames of ail lag J...., VIM. instruments • are excellent molly .pspalar, sad are • rapidly taking the place of the intenostosuumeats imported from Europe extentively in former yews. Mt it is eonlinstled that .arnong these 'eminent Pittaforte manatee utters. Ur. Cldelering stands dia.., pommies eminent talent and aktil, own. industry, rtienee 'of soct i py-lie years as a Ptano- Garde mitsuirer, With' aut pecaniary means to enable him M carry tita WI prodatang the =sr Ptimoximm, CIIIMMT Nirld '1 Those who are unaimnaitunl *slim =panne mar mofCbdekering% Pianos, are respectially eskerrsd to the killowiog persons, who have them In um: ji Prof.ll..itohbock, Capt J. Kamm 1 Prot Bingham, • • C A. NPAtintry,.r.N. 't John Chisleu, .• Seymour Sankt EMI. Wilsoa Bida. Be4e, Jeke Serder, Col-lama Morgan, 11 - Drtsif Wro. IX.T. Nome% hsq. • Waterman I Palster,EM• fieCt EfSelden, Far. Itolbnanak OirrifOna D. Sao., M..a S. R. Foster, Prin. Washington Female ' Pawl. Dr. Lemoyne, Washngton, P. .E, P. Oliphant, Essi., Uttiositown, I. Can Oli ~ Es ph. t,q., Esq. be do - • • , Iland, - A. Brewer klq blew y% Lihn, O - kim . wd Demel . - Wi serf many alley but it as deemed in. nestesiary to add In thda Wt. - Those who visit Boo* daring the meaner months, aid wish to make their selection dos Mr. Chicken...a stack, will please call on the nabwriber for kites to Idr,Chicktunqy. JOHN a MELLOS,. • • jetdtwawlltgjeld - M Wood st,_Piuslumn; FANCY DRY -GOODS SEAMAN liv•adlway. 11111• Ir T•elci, IV l ELtlt i eV 4 l=Tltist i r=rigil nor. Shawlsf Leelery, Oloyea Lawn.. Bombazines, AND Au. crnisa VARIVIIMOPIWICyCitaipIa. They invite country klereld=r New lark, M examine their nook before • Maar melodies. Sr. Idair arm for goer Years of boom of A. T. NMerett b ek, troth which be retired on the In of Jan. ISA and Er, James Dickson, (who has an interest Su thd bode.* was also favorably known in that estab, Daum. !" ~ ~isic~b~"v"o"ot►od II H. EATON CO. ace noor reeeiviaarlinal from Imp:4am MA mannfiropmers, a large:amormaini Fancy mid SitOo Trrmarrims, Hosiery Varimy HOW., among arklek aso—Blitek and cord Mantilla PVlogoin do do Dress do; Embroidery and Vienne Gimps; Turvl, Maser and other dress •HMionn black Silk Lace; Linen cambric iliars; Artificial flowers and. Wreath % Vbemiseues, needle 'rotted Collar; meal Hags and Pianism Ivory, Moony end Fauber Fana Aid, Silk and Lisle Glover, Hams Hoelery, °bees, At; children* , and womens , Hosiery; Hair Brushes. Cimdrs and Tooth limbos; Window Shades and Trimirmarq. Tailors' Trimmings: Minn rd was' and youths' Siklai Lai Lc., wide, rimy aim on favorable rem,ft Mei; snipe, C.l Market 01. war 411 L • •- • .101 l • C Unpin) PreiviTilba . 00.221,1tPt0 “tidW thel Itajpoye.fk7llAMlN'S ERVALENW at an pal. th,idtique vegetable gaol Alao, wee celebrated Trtllli.e on Conniption, and the the arxt yelp of th e Ertaleeta. Redd only at the Apdlo int ßuildings, 4th nen; near Wood, by . , • . • L TWIN ILoo:lN,Atiotney andConthelthe .1 Law, 0 ;thit Coonninioner the tbe Bono of Poolopraohi,. til i =6„4=olPitrost.) • • • iodA, Maki, ItCoodl42k lirte b r r rorn lt i Valk i , Bit veil* maple, Weevil & Xing. • •' ' • Wel Ad saltaintratorMi Sale. lbe pent.* ptopepy of 9earse jlalivAttgdp will be sold of :gIII .134t1C__Nrodaa'. leo be sold on.attY, Abcy ki• dear, we were. I am, °Me M au uroVe riMl• r W 1 64; 1 / I ,‘ Adar.. lelll4 SAUL --b y ---.77--7- --ill tr.Tzu". - eavatuft....i.6;! LARD-11. ter For iale by 1.1 • H P VoN DON - ID WILUAMS lIICRUIS-414 ttosHl 44.1141te, H44;4441 - 111 ' ' 4 VON'VEIN a UORST .....i.enArus—, Cleveland Balemallkornle Joni ! -WICK CAME -414 W Illueesei Jain reed and foe hie by j hN y Wick weeNDLess • 11 ?.?1 d° Hi :ltr " ,clN% I.fss- Ft.Yl' 4 abb" S . UOAII MIRED ai uss—is tk-ree, Ungar Com!! &atom Row, for musla by JOH ATWOOIN JON&ZI & Co QUOAR HOUSE SIOLASSEff—IA ado Poiri - ilifooT, Motaasco,!kr solo I, ATWOOD,IONES &Co _ VISOM-97eaxt114.. Tirou Ekt &Earn s, 4.# fter sale ia ieaL J_ _ES &Co LAIStruillThIPV: E I d AVASEi n d kCo TlTaUrn 13f.AriS-41 , !, bap Iv gore and for oak bY ,TY4 L_:,.___P....Dlciters IDEATUF.l4 l —Coarataatkr . oale r_ ._4_,_=:.r„Lag.. WIWI,' Jr Co 0 1 ocic PoWDERIiai teks'agodd qaellty, Usk It , ICu 'DIKE BRICK—ISKee,Sof • superior qeetity, sejjt e . dare the Kies* intessel heat; ter elle by jele ' iSMAII DICKEY &CII l ; i ~~~ ;:~: --~~' =RI , . . '-• - OTION S. Wile& & I /Amyl Clh . AU! OMNI* - • Salo of ire,d kapu; ix the hinals uiLlad SEOUIdH PITTSBURGH a.- C1NC170,14, ,pAcepr. NEKE • • 2il'Clura, minter. will ran ac - &Denman packet from Pionbitagb.soo, Cincinnati. -Sac lava wilier firill trip, links Van IlC.t arrangenceni, next Manday, at Vo..iiiciek, P. AC. . = IttY3ULATI.. PITTEIBURGii AND ZANESVILLE:. • • ThePenectgtr • ks ; Moore roamer ll !rave Korb PIULTPADIV,GE: ogulariy ns above. • • • . nit boat Is ovary way adapted to totolbn of ... passengort. , She rano 111 ' .0 0 1 1tUeetion whit the Jewry ' " can app Lind, arhich meats bar at Boverly. 'For (might or paa.• ' FOIL WI gr., The saborabOal kna levier • Poo blaster. , kis ramie , ' bet ; regular Woo between) .ebag, pridgepart sod Pier . burgb, /*avow Pittaborgiron bloudaya and Mondays. •"" • Le . B. Th k;taer FOS SUNFISH. eat fan warner/ • ; vimu.sonalas SanaNuarieroorill leave for abort L i iiipt:= l :a=sl777:l47hng: • GEO a. AULTsatrEuja, As. .1 1 TrI8EU8GII a WHEEL EVO recess; Dorsey .P Kinney, musk ii32l taw. arty nro 71beekletztiNt5W+Ye Lear• liar wrier' ' Tilted ' :Y"Trandayttel • I nm , ree'vey''' ""kreti.r.Z4m,°.llL, :••••• t Every aevomodatioa that can .be e..nued for we ten and safety of Amager, baa eftil provided, Ills ••• boat ta a . o peev Nt r it elf•rag, Way guard to = agr'*". 11%D.812ketr2' 0 , kb. earner Deist and Smithfield ' . (pltYlt6gPOßTt ELIT.ABET/I.AND Nelsen, muter, will op; Ysd..nts korisat' PutsboTh cloy Mond*/ • Wednesday awl *Way,and Ka" notwahelasty wetly Tuesday, a aawsayandaautday, • .8 o'elee, a. w. For Resat at Passage ' r " .• ( 3 The new einiAmMtier,eftwe.....: .11L . D Miller, Meswe, will /awns :te the ri . a ate P. ntwar3l7oeWeW"3.raale: Kettlesto Trarevleast EXPRESS . CANAL Piseg.f.2 " aaMIL baton e- PIHLADFI .PIMANitHALMICIAS , from subscribers has attested Iles bibt draaatt steamboat YANKL,T s . so arm, •Pretamter...t6 from Om .4quediact Foopest - F im *ill'atorldailt at 7 attack in tOrmoridoi, Olaf - the ea atom above Me.aPPrrpnaCmi, • Romblon aid break For Ftarte• or I .6lllL ur g= LFECH &Co, tu n a - - b in d.. Fare—Nine Dollar* tbreagid.- thla arrantemeat potrAtin vrat Wane, less Mao them days turd • runs, peadmravar lbw road tOdayligbt. nih imeLtesm....iraimaironipswoit- 1.11110..•• 1848, S IPIPI'I2IB and adore. are" ialbrakeo" Win Ikea ,L.Ore dviir- u = u r arae th = 9 ll,l e ,„ } t r , alarelkaadise_ hoar Ealazatee haveabt oat so -Goma , num-4U., five der. - C BIDWELL, 1, 1 , 04eT I dome above Idoz'a. Moat Mamma. •, • - Booth Cbarle• ea, Balboa*, .11ORST_Ii Ck. FIB Coi . tale off WlCkalivAliDulgs O.IE p F o nt _,9.3".saimifaCeii.,' — .0 ~........_ tr meads and ila publio dm Ow ba ': : '' !aeskt nj p Z:l7,..t.f . ttion nth illicit :Ws voila 731014 t" 4 " 4 l ' i..:17.7 ," a° Pii " 4 "' *Tin ,—, haYjnyit, „,,,,,t.° be*H... 6 is* tha .1 1 ' N., =: , ~.'! -36 i.....,... ...7 " cAs ts . teat /oda AO.. • . . ~,,,,n d e a ltrdbqt !Imo ate Nonle.jaif. , Nam:di - trim:rim - 4 . ' ; Reg Warebuis, ' trliribleken pike int.* paid fend ekaa nes also. einvauts, bat* ssOn P.mM i tritiaZToi' an ragsate.,by , _ L W. - Intrus itz. Ws. pesok Omni .I)I , 4TANNIA 1i1161".1.1:WA533.-Iredreceived - =citc:zvahizyle=edi,:r Wee Plaers, lidarrloianies do estU 4 '.. with lamps. : Foe side at law pricey au4.4.•tiviTY, War I NDIA RUDDER VI do. India LAO.* tor cliddres, to oxedlent Mirk . for ...rel.. iost roect.ed by , 71.. lad On L , J a .17*41.44PS . EA1BOAT8: - . 1:51110M11411T11, prrnlll3lllllll f .I..4Eutt mgt L y.:Fkoc Er / 1.. j Kt, E. • u litiOar — tilitiasig sideMdill niasetikar Sinn , am twomad orthelamsomonig, bins :» a'd and nonied, and most posrettid boats on the eaten a the 3Vaial - Dray seeonstodsaicat'aid cam lon that money issgii m .," m g bigoismsidklikispeogi . •ewn, Ttre, Um ins boos in opansion kir In ran— rams eanied • Willem of maths loathing no WA halm. , sy to their persons. The boats aid bans this foot sill .. Wand street the day previous to *tatting, for dm tangst:i . tioa of freight and the cum of passonitantm_th=„; • let! In aLL coon '.the plump ,istonlY inau .." "" . . .. • SUNDAY PACEICIP. • ' raarraa, -apt. A. a. iiumodl•. leave Piragaraivirvety Onaday manias at taa'alacil Faaday aratuag. atio . 11011 MAN IPACIBLIAIN • • the ILIONONUAIIELA,CaptStoxsoriII leave Mut -6,001 °yea Monday morning at 10 ecloelG - 1110,010/11 every Monday OIVILLIf !1,110.?.. • . . • t Tke-lUBEENI.A. No. 4 . Eept. r iij • .. lave ',inshore...wary Tneadaystevaitgaa.o *Mock; 1 'Wheeling every Tecearcentealeg 1.1!,R. •C z Z WEDNIDAY l o llorzT. • • '• -; The NEW ENDLAND No. E, our. 2%; leave Yinebergh every Wedeeedarlso.mtug•il woothl,Whechnicevery Wedaesday man/ W. at • PACILMT. BRILLIANT, • Capt. - ,Gimmorill • lame bangle every Thursday morning at 111o`eloek; Wheeling_ ovary Thanday evening at 10 W. • - . , • The CLIPPER No. u, amt. Coma will burgh every Friday, morning at 10,,ri'cloeki every„Mriday everlylg #llO r, , , • i The - MMISENGER, Capt. S. Vmor, will b :7 l ~ry *"'Y SBauuiaylr". pp • rifEW ',LISBGN AND FITTr4UROLL Ian.:FMNE - .OF CANAL AND BTEAM - PACILETIN,• . Ivu Leaves . P 10.14110 ata *labia, A. it, lud rives at Olmgow, womb of the :sandy and Hamm C.P.,:•• nal,) at 3 o'clock. and New Lisbon to 11,_ mans nighc . , New Lisbon at 0 o'clock' ESL, (=him Ike itip ca ' a to therice r during — the aight.) and Glasgow olclock, A.. .. 4 arrives at .Pittthurgh at 3P. BL—thas making a coatinnons lino for. crusliagg"''''' muders„, end - freight' ,between New, Lisboa aad older route... Us, burgh, its' shorter Alma mutat tea rat. than by .ar , The proprietors of Mir Ude have the pleaMie ,of in- • Smoke tke public that they bare fitted op two Sod ChM Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passengers attid , •-:. freight, a rusi in. commotion' with the Well known' steamers CAlsEll COPE and BEAM, and connear mg, ist Glasgow; with the Pittsburgh 'mid einem,- t man and other Jelly lines of Steamers. dow :the - Olda : end Mississippi rivers.. The o•roprietors pledge th em. selves to spare no expense trouble, to buore coos. • • fort, safely and dispueb, ami uk of *opiate a emus,: A ' , GRIMED AGEUTR. - ...• d M. ItARTL PI• - • ' l ua u, Vauban", jitYllttf I. BARBA OH & Co. ' Nolr•Usinlra NOllCE — hesteamerßEAVEßC.E.Clarke mu- .: ' Ler, - .10 - 1111erra,841ar this wilee,fax pigne.4,t • • • Daily P,,elltst Mai; • • ' MIA IttrARY 15t,1844.'• , :FEBRUARY 14 181 I ; 7 "' , LEAVE DAILY ATO A. II,'ANIII4 - i:AL - -fo nar tarcilea kw the ermenteeasare LANTICi Capt: .111.19 e& 114 :4 CaPLA:Jaeobm n e w, Capt. E. Bennem The beam pre c . new, and are fitted np snthant treadle expense. Ew.:_ or, comfort y can proem,' has been provided. The Hoar will leave the Monotipliela WM:JD/Kt • the tad of Rom IL .‘Pacceneere will by Planta c . board. Ea the heats will comedy _lama Ai sheathe-IN , lt, tied beam d'A. IL end 4 P. Al WV' `NO.'.oo.'"- FOR iIIy.F.F.LIIVINGLier s IiITL • _ I Penn, ecesonanderi will lease Loolerille and all iniensteillete pone errYßeirtink tale o'oloelrl precisely .- Fin freight er pearata_amly_ ao baud or to • 3 IFORZYTii & 17971.4 C AN, &PM TY Teems*, his oicpro.sly for o pocket, litho-Rh ' write &take% or essi , ,' ai.,L OD Ite The stetint i l a tora fllxlbe,. Siiiet w ,:amer • A. AL - . For Orient or preen, opplyon bawd" V 1 WONG, Greenlee. newer, will low. Int oOorie • intronedlate pana ills dee—, t . Pe{ Galati or paieoge oPPIY !!/4 FOR ST: YANTIS ANILItkiIORRRIVER. • • ( • - -A. , ire raiiii;ll - 1011 leer dirile . eior r ;O-'-; • Ter Selz* or puree. apply on w• - • _ltl3 • , 0k.13 • FOR CiIiCORATL7 : Ritoar.•x - TOZeDir 'Peewee. 1110 ta4 sad Weight steamer . Emit; moat, will kers, kir elm. • - re end Intenoediete perinea Ties. day.: For freighter yosamen APO/ toetna--.: - .44R . Nono.HI:=4.4IYLU For fraight pasairi apply aa".24.1r Fort tAitrisvigx. . • *- :12!' MVO.I I , '1: : • L . rot.tb.. 7.T .7 .tatermedimie laudulgs, fiv ig P ArTintregN, -- _~_+~. 121==
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