The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 14, 1848, Image 3
kC,415 , lads NO mar, 75U bbl. UfPlantation Illolaasea; 30 tiblaliaratifoani Afelar Nig 40 tibia Loaf Sugar; ICOZ; IfoliCofFee; It of Leo; 10f/ cake pate= Soda • reeeivadly lat e rivals from New Weans, and Rabbi. sale by . • • spin - , • W MTIVITELTREH W/NESIV'qr casks cud 9e Ind. Ws Port, Sweet Malaa, and Madeira Wines, comprivaig same ven . abalee and, superior brands, received Rad F.LTREE.ICO Ram it ATENT SODA ABH--du casks James NaspraD Bon's first quality Soda Ash, just mold Pet at., aßanh and for sala by. • apSt W mrrciaturaw, aW luny it ...jAlus 1%49E, 1"8°N, Co. street, Pittoborgb, Pa.,' hare in 24014, the following ns4 sortmentafrefuted Sugars, 6or loon • . bre double refined Ism Unify MO gbh, Wocit, 4, -46,7 id 4.5 do Clarified: UNDRID3-4lresek. Nods Mb, brau/k4l Stidele • & Soo, Liverpool; al do j do do J 0.... o‘pnd & eons, do; . 71:0 bag. tree Co; 3.03 Lazes ‘S. Pilo and 10x1Y Glue, for sale by. eLI sr UNDIUMPAOLO Mg Bulk Pork; MO broth Corn; bids Cloket *kkd.l; 2.aeks Rags; 11 do Barley; l 1 Q 1,..ti0t. 11w, lkodlog float mauler Cope sod An tO JAMES D. MI. • "CMAIBEED 011;-10 bbls, In prime order, ownre orived and for sale by ..721 E sw,Erbi, ra wood nt fiIiCtBACCO—LY latds Leaf Tobacco,received oe steamer Nem Eland No It, sod (or sale 1,0 -Tim A JAB A IIUTCHISON It CM RAlOniB-400 quter boxes games, for sale ;10 elose coomptment, ho lAIDEti A fIITCCUISON t C o A . Cr_42 or , war 'nemWen, in JAMES B A ii :724 firtClll3o7- Oil, good OnlW Od • O IA do do; 14ptaxo,WhaloTILleselsod and Cord non CAI, on onaugunlont and fat midst reduced priced , by • a?r3l. citT.4:loi &MOM: 1. GY (IA -STOIC 01C--511111101, Just Yee'd and Car i .ale bY my= J KIDD& CA Q PF/Lif OIL AND CANDLPS—Id bze Sperm Can , dles, Noe 4, d and,2,000 Worts Winter era 011120 D -do ideanliedwlhler Sperm Oil; IWO do:Fall do do MO do bleriehed winter Whale Oil; 900ito N W Whale Oil; Ina mewed and Gm' sale by - mita ' " MILLER k. RIC .U.TSON frOBACCO-10 bra Riaull & Robinson's Coag rem Tobacco; 10 do Batimoie Plug dodo; 10do ere entre lb. Lump do; just ree'd sad for sale by • rara • • • MILLER & ItfCICErSI:2 frIOARSII;_11)0 Flora Principe Cigars, rem sup &VIA = Nol de Is C. do do;12,01/ "No 2 rtnil.3 do do; Jost received for sale by mrai J IVILLER dc B H . A Z . 2. SU.G4R-..1110 WY.ITE HAVANA SUGAR—MiIo Havana:4 og; to mire owl Myatt,* by MIURA A. RICKKTSON D - . --•— • .. REI-INbal LOAF SUGAR-9 ball' eitsc LJ Doable Retool Loaf r i al i vra'A lota !or sale AY ...TO /LI hinskl SLNOLELQAF SIRIAR—I2O 01100 Loa ' I" Sagan ftli sale low MILLEICk Itichmrso. GLASS—ILO bxt OM°, 1; do 7X9 ; 8 do 10X1t, 10 do Will; Col lode love by my2l/ NEW ORLEANS SUGAR —43 hltda Diana N gar; 10 do fair dodo; for gale by %VINT BOWKII, 70 front .1 30, 0 00 . 11 . 1172 a J F2 b li r E BRIM; just re.esived =yam . C A hI'ANVIATir.k Co etHEESE—W i/X. Cheese, for sole low so rlose coo sismowal by • je3 ENULISII k BENNETT GREASE -7 bbd Dream, now landing (tom mmuner Cumberland and for sale by • • ISAIAU DICKEY is:Co, front at WEATIIFILS AND GINSENG—Npar landing &am oteadnor Cuinberlopl and for soliaky je7 . ISAIAH DICKEY & Co DRY REACLIFS-1501.u. Tonia%sibis, atoro am! for sale br. ISAIAICDICktY & Co, "KT • 0. SUCIAR-12 106 prove N 0 lura, mei by •leaver Tclegrnph and rO HAILIIAUGII lea MMS . PORK—P. , bbls prime Meta Pork, Put ire/ mut for see bp ttiV HARBAUGII, idl Wonder and 104 Pam et EATIIERS—JaiI received and for male by • •la • GEO COCHRAN 291roalat PTS. TURPENTINE-03 bbl. just ree'd for V! sale by ie. BRAUN k RETTLUt - - - ArANILLA BEAN*—Prinse quality, just reed and V for u 4 by ' Jed BRAUN & REITBR OIL VITRIOI.-..6 "— earbaid jolt rec'dond for at tile Drug 24thin of Jet. J KIDD*. Co ALUM—VU bb& to stare aryl •for sale at the dney warobeture of jer. J %MD& Co A^LLENTS Nliltl=.ND DONE LINLVENT-4 , 3 AIX ; rives judo received anal for lath by J 'ODD& Co WIMP SFID—Foar b 1.41 kw sale al thedrog jUt. !louse of. J ODD*. Co ;.. • LIISIIING . BOOTE-72 lodes R0.1.1.1e5 ; l'ashtog Hoots, just recd by express nod (LIT sttleog ete Is- Hobt•exilepot, No 6 'Wood street. J t II PHILLIPS lIRACESI dot Shoulder Ilraeen Iu dla Bobber, reeeived:' by earners and for sale VllO India RubberDelkit,iiirood.aireet. ird Je.B PIIIIJ.IPS USTAILD NFL-7 bbl. Konianky Matsui ...9.711, 4,11, in sons end tier Wei by - leIY,• - , aH A HUTC/bISON Co QUOLK AND MOLASAZ--€0 Ighda NO Sugar; d 6 tdds Sr 'WA• • S Molaascs, landing from suasner divra:n and for a:la br " • Imo Bdi34ILEY k EHITH CIiMNATI 80 6, fg—zttl y bxs Not-Soap, per :stIF Jet(' BAGALEY k SkITII ey D ;Tr ') "" S &W trAultAuGll, - - .53 water ati4 lot trans au -2ub mr4;;MTM 7-lIGH idrlllEi?ltE-01 bin ernankebeere,jud med sad for nine by t - Onlo S litifiriALlGH • 9DMI.ED PEACHES—A few ba.i in pore =I fur j. baba by • jell, aDOTATOI44-16 snail 'Palena Seilonnoeti, join received 10 fur sale by " inl.o PODIDESTER. it Co ;(111 SE- las W R Cheese, rr male by jelo POINDEXTLIC it Co ukrorisv-4 keg. homy,. in &Ore sod for ea& by fi jelo . POINDEXTE.2I & Co • . . DLACI: AND FANCY SILKS—A A Mason A Co. have J. hand the most extensive assonant of ...blask and Sway Silks tabs found in the sit jellt M - ACIEBEL-125 bbl. prim, No ; Mitsiaddiusen (=peptic.., uovr lauding - from awn Niagara,' • •consignment and foe sale' NONILICSON k RFITEET, .at - 109 woad, near 'rood at p6ODUCE-40 bbl S F Flour, 90 do Cons bk-al, 10 .10 Corn, 1010 01., Ai 00 White Be.nx for sale kby C fllDWl.l.L,•rater SALTS,YII bbls on conxignment sad tar rale Io io cit.., by jet) • J C MOVi'ELL lYm), Irlti 1.3 LIN Lbl_ F a_for ule by 13 NACEE,REIt-73 Lbls No 3, for tali by • ' F VON BONNIIORST it Co 1110.11T6—arbis Half bliwrisb Vicars, Go stle by je3 • a P VON BONNIIORST,'d Co gilt' WM ' . beg. Moouts, 2 Air sale iy ' 'o3: Bi , VONVONN . 1101187* Co . . ------- Zi-10041,1. worn cardro I; Cider Viottiit ' , .fm ute LT jet' Si , VON' BONN HORST Lc Co ........_ LLASTEIi PARIS--. 2 toys ,i , roo id Flamer, G. sale by . je3 •ki FAWN WM% 40MT* Co • IDAIU4EY.,•4I" seek. Barley, Teethed per North B Iti.erisod for We by irks Galata Lew!, reeoiv.ed per Memo, goortoo and for solo try' • • • - _ YAMPA A•HUTCHISON C 0 TAR • •l ow y moo • • J SCHOWIMAXER & Co V/TRO L-15 caztoys for gabs by Ai-Rev : J BCHOUNMAKER 4 Co IN=4 GIOOLGA A flaaoa &Ca. Igairapabverged A.B Bpa 11/4 Linen Sheet4gara; 64 Pillow *Casa de; 4.4 White Linea as great ♦gaiety.. mile tIOFFEF.-20U b,l. prime green 1110.Coree..landing a/u1 (cage by ••. my3l FLOYD. rs.„s MX chests Volum /1746 k 14110 do 64a -44..1417 40 do m do; 3 Y t 11 . 404(1Y r Tzir Fruwolol fiIiDACON-426/dufs assorted Bacon, on eonsigntoe.o A) for sale by;. ' sera J t R FLOYD, AS . 14-100 . 4 1 ! , 1 fo,rutleaLL - - ID OTASU—,loculge - hataak;for male by - • arta . VLOVD bbla 6or I4' 13 eoek• best Grolina I7,iee, for sale by. APEB~laoramsblaw WriPP~°~k H Y}.OY3l L 130011111-53 dozen:Com ibrma; far role by inym J k R FLOYD 1110 MON-, 41? Mss gbeiy ,: koke li tsla tto bi ,D - 1 . . 3 11 3 i • . 4. wlPAß4l4bblx N C Tar , I.' Bie.raPr, it E T/A1 k...... bl__ _ Sa.lll, . i • .1 TP JrIOLOLIED SKIRTS—Nk Fee./ and Gar sale by t . mY3I • • C ABBOT/MOT dIOLOREDSWEIII.II4-9 eases reed and kt sulk by ‘.l myal ' C ARBUTHNOT ' Wms S On a 4Np lld sad fotti l' y l : r m3l e' t A °sc'd " INNOr :21-6r=by S l4 / I .2ratAIMIT I : r* 63orater and 104 front rtreet di 44 YE pyou-751.blejtui iree'd end Ica islet by ' . B & W HATILAUuIt MNEATHERS AND GIN3END-4.5 soeksieathcio; 5 d o Gi u scog, pl,l VI landing from ,reamer New ..E,Mtionct azd for sakiby MALIN DICXEY tc Co, (rood . , ot':. 4Q PANISII WIIITIN'r • Ibis In mote mad for sali .4.3 by . jos 1:1414 . 4 DICKEY t Co j r NlLVytalol.,43earboys awn tOI sad for male ay ?la Fs nr.i.utas Tesu-s cad. Orb. On remiting) jast ree'd a - ma b .141 • • Tneu. l `7 l elitrzi°4NNTlP,r4= ;MV•l 3 .ltvWleirottillk4ft=4". fig ERILING-14 bro Electing, for sato lot* to olovo I.Lw<'nupdomeat by MiGLIS IT kIigNNETT :: 111/411 . 1/v.t . lt . L.,varioli d s . f b . rart ,..a tt,est Ittredi r og frosi • _LAT • 4.).SUGAII-4 bbd prime, fur wile km to <lota comtignmerti,l7 BOWEN. L. 70 frontpt =EMM Aslses..—Daty M. pr. hew. Pots sitB4: Scorching, Ile— lk.da ..... .41N1 Ale—pr . , 281 Ameßeistls—DirrAkt ret. rican , . - Matttng—pm 'lb Mgle • ••. ........ . &Mt , Ft 390121 !moll While Common* caisld Duo ket 0 , " dot. ' • en! Waver , Beeneux—DtCy to pr. et 'e110w.......... • • • • • =MEM •• Merchantable 1.12101 X Shaker 1.75632.. T. Illark•—.. cord. • Chesnut Oak•••.: .... swarm Black Oak 404.41 ilemitttlk 3.506144 M Coal—Darty 30 per ct. - At We river 5 dr— r°mCot 6"M timil—Daty free. 'l5l Tenn. and Alabama...• • • 61 • CLoeoLte—q m. Number 1 10011 Cocoa, prepared ...... oate2-2 . Caamilleo—Wity 20 pet et flll , 4Pta swattil 101021 Pittsburgh Star 21 0— Cincinnati- do 100 Sperm, beat brande•••3l 0:11 (Amnia go—, lb Foundry kO. moue, 0 . 11-03 Furnace do -lf Teir kettles p 110% 5207 Wagon bores it no lit • • et :0 Cdunter weights f . wt. • • .40 Sad irons itt . netl• • • 4105 Cotton Itorns—P Short reel,- No. 5 to No. to 11 to 13— • " Inerear l4 iag 1 riper lb to Noll.l. Long met V' dor. No. ail -es .. ... --44147 7110 COv rrAttl Carpet Chaiu Cotton Twine Candler Wink 015 , Celike-Duty 9.1 per et.. Yana, (11.1 'white 120114 SL'lnsnatigo . . S'4l ,Laguayra - , CO tit° oiL-1 • Havana Copper -Duty 20 pr en. pig bar arid old 5 pr et: old ilea Hoarier: 9:4, l l" gliteathing -027 Cordage-Doty I.ti/ pr. eril. -C/ IS 11V hoe ropy - 11 (Tarred -4/ 11 l'ark's yarn, Zoe.- • -49 10 ' - common -41 9 Hemp 15.slerds per doz xtra long LIV-03,23 iang_ Common l'longh Lines ..... • • •814/I,ltu llattilla Cordf-per dor. 49 yd. C, thread••• • • •--1195,93 'SI Jr Strdo 2.503!9z do Plougli lines 01125 Dames ttee-per yard.. I 101 et added (or time sates ltrosen Cotton ••• • 30C do do G 0.7 moat/Mgr. A No. 1••— 0 1 Allegheny D. • • •• • • —if Alleey DPO2 blin..•-42/ Oregon D Union Mill— —o— Peen 7f Lvorcll)Pittsburgh do 7 Rayne —• —Ol Po:that...A : ;5-1 brown count, ---11011 .4 itUeuelied do••-- .... 29 do do•—• • • .1011 4-1 I do do-- --- • • 41014 J. Moven drills• • • --- • 710 9 Elksthed•--• • • • • 40 111 71ckIngs lAutcaster•--•• • • —.11131 Browlea.A.q7A• • • --DWI •blettuerta —0 11 `No Vsuperior • —.•-011 If Colored Cambric, 4109 Fancy Ptints•••—• • • 310121 Fall River Blue 010 Alerrimat —Oll Fall R. Blue & Orange 9341 Dru.o—er lb Aloes 1417 Alum NO 4 Asatietlda ' 19 & 17 Aquaf Arrow Root 1:1 orde • • 10 0 11 COMDDIRCIAL RECORD. 10 0 auday, U Sunday U Mond& , Ti Tuesday, Wedaraday, 13 Thanday, 16 Fnday, PITTIBVROR BOARD OP TRADE • COMINTEE FOR JUNE - T. S. CIALI/L. W. L MITLTUT. I. F. rO3 DLOCOluiln. PITTIII3IIUO.II roe Tax mir. Eons° tons is The reels: Banners trearrialuis of the market during the week nut ended, presented the r2031' Oldness and mdauseis is *Very thing which pro- hoed dating the preceding weekand the prices' its utter) , respect manifested little, if any change. The weather, Cir the moat part has been cool and pk.rsant with very little rain, and. as a copse guence, the rivers 'are gradually approaching the low water mart. There is stilt however, and will bo. thr aouie time to come, a atifficient depth 21 water in channel to allow the middle and emalice clan of boats to rep with freaky. with lOW freights.' . . The rirerlmainess during the week, been moderatedmt taking into cutodderation the dull. 04,3114hiCh ustially . provah a at this seaem of the few, those 'engaged in the trade have no reason to complain. Metro is still a fair amount of business done on the Allegheny, cousidering he low stage of water, and the Small light • 'draught steamers - employed in conveying this point and the burnt aqueduct, are enabled by means of ;he lighters which they carry in tow, to perform their regular trips With little, if any delay. • On the Monongahela slack water route, down freights have; fir some time past, been very light; bin the amount of freights passing east through this medium, such as bacon, lard, butter, tilPelte. tobaceo, bec, Is considerable. ASHES—We have no new lean:ire to one. i the merle {.. Tlio receipts diking the week have been 101, and prices generally show little, it auq variation from last . - gnotittioss. We give the fop baring as the primal :ding Agars, of the market' with hen sake--Salaratirs, 61; Pearls, 6 1; NW, 4 (41.1; Scorchlags. 4; and Soda Ash, at lattic per • ' i7ORDO.N. ALE—There is slill a fair demand in die mu. kklai the priois glinted in nor lass general review, viz: ri common, inCluding cask,' and $t Gm BACON-Considerable iptatititiesiaro sill brought in by river, from the Western markets, and not withstanding the heavy amounts dally parsing East, the market is sufficiently supplied , to meet all tbe,,demands of trade, at vety low prices. Tho supplies in Anna are generally of a good entil• ity, but quotations Still show a wide range. We base beard Of no heavy transactions during the week, sales being mainly confined to the regular home trade. We give the Mikiwing. no the pres— ent tiding figures of the market:—Fur hest city cured from awoke house, Hants, fig:4i; Sides, •If fit:, sad Shoulders, 31. pU. Western cured ho. rant .capod'giality, we quote at, from a f to le lower' than •the above' rate,. Ream. sales 'Of lease country lots are, effected at 21, 3:, and 41c Ib. It may be proper to remark that heavy sales of any of the above descriptions, would fall short the figures quoted., • . BUTTER—Owing to the present low prices in oar market, the, huger portion of • the amount brought in fife:tipped east. We nom /hailed sales of keg at Mlle p>ff r Nothing doing in roll: An excellent quality ofJar and print butter is wild from store and at the Diamond market, ritl2lolfic ISEESWAX , Xeceipie ore end nut tench is doing in the uncle. We quote neminelly et :210 BUCkETS-.Thit. market Ciirly eupplted with a goad article of patent 13eavcv, and regular sale* are 'effected at 52,25 ;a doz. Stan mute. and from first 4nrid• at 2.Krit`42llp doz. Cithi4PlD .811011.T8--ieeeipta have men vin light, asalhere Is a good demand in the mar. keit at 101 l prices. Supplies are light, and we have sq. sales to rePort.: :BEANS—The market is quiet, with small sales whit. at 75480 c a Vou, according to quality. BAQS—We note regalar miles of moon twilled Isom sioevE - 54101,50* dos- - .• - / 3 / 3 40113-4or - anin . munlity, 2,1202,25 z. ob. Inineditom storm for agond, $1,7:442i • 11. 0 merchantable article' is stl i tt g1,121051,25c per 111.4011‘841P e bare board .of no sales during !he Pert week; Y , 7oo , 7r,.rite ,ilie - preseet prices at market. 4 *lda: lIIIICKS- 'eke or the- diderent kinds arerepelled' team at ihri galioariefereteic Fire, 515 Pressed, 111%. Paring from yard, s s * ( YiaGi n 30 . 1 t * 1 11 25 (4 4 . 5 0 f M. • BArANG--.:Saleaat prie . a.rougiag atee . ording to quality, foon 9 to 1210 P>4.` - • • CO i TTON4Thti ivceiati Of. the . week have bee nmainly . to the ordera of manufacturers.. Limited salea,have been ellet:tet . l at protql to (4; nononbog COTTON YARNS 11141, correct quotations, we genend table above. ~~ t' =MME THP •PITTSB (IRG I==l B. rermed•-- 60 8.4 Balsam Pero 3.50 0306 So CopaTivo 0 371. Briritrmne.... ••• - 4 0 amphor. refilled. • .4tl 0 41 Clernride rmik 60 7 . . • . Coctsined• • • . • ..... 120 02,00 Cronin Tartar ••• ••• .25 21 ..... Copperan. ..... .. —lit) •_•,l Gino '`i i il i, 13 'Gulls i :,,g/ 35 IGnrit Arabid ;55 ta 5 . 0 " C O P 21 . t • • - • • •• k 1 a tit s Tragsarintl.• • • 411 0$ .T,l ' n 9boellnc 15' 0 In ]poetic - LtAt el 9) ;Ipecac 1 to 01A0 I Jalnp, powoered.. , 1-5 01,10 Lithare • 51a GI Llquariee Ilan" 0 0 Liquorice 1.1.01. •• • • •11. 0 211 Lac Dye 20 0 2,J Alegnesia Cah.....25 00 pA bladder. llinbro• • • •14 tr? 15 plodder, Common. t— a • Gil T 511 ,7 20 0 .5o ' Vitriol ...••4120 5 s Ca • for . '01,1•5 s Casein"... • • •i,od 03.• At U Cloren ezu; Olin SLernon 3.25'03.50 PeP .o l 3 310 ate. Opintn,lVrkey• • L .4,5ii• 4.15.0 Quinine s '.oo aa,... 1 ~.s k l' ai l u A s odb am r o b : sts7—i .. ...... . ll' 6 4- : ' l ' ll ' 41 0 5 Sc.. Is a 20 Tartritin Acid . 40 a .50 Vitriol, Blue ' Ilia 12 137. Wood—Duly 5 p. et. Camera:el . • .... .t.... 51.0 7 rustic ... , ..... •• . • .210 3 Lonroal, chipped. • •2127 21 Feathers-duty 2.5 per. et. • Ernioeky Obit, & Perna).lra Fruit Almonds olte19,1•-••LX) 0 95 Soft IG 0 IS Itenl 0 . 111 Currants 7.unal•••?• 0921 Filbert. 5110 9 Grounchnua••••••• 1..2.3 01.50 Mut, Turkey Nta.g. 121,0 Rai9Uuo,3lu9coo•••• -7 4P Bianca 0 Bloom, ..... Claribervies a? Lemma, Sicily as • • • • 06.00 Mang,. do Peaches. dry, Liu • • I.ral I d , !.: A• VIA irr;:k TM. Bolivar 41•25. ad • .313 per cm. brand%ralail 462421.75 • Superryte • ...... 4.50 Flt•• . ...... .. 11 , 40 Rye Flour 3,1c( hli. Ltuckwhi,u, pr W Feed--per .I , tttii••••• • ........ if, e 17 &ionic Plah-4.y ouSenen. caul .10 N o r ee9t. Mackerel. No. r I 11,121,01.2,U1 N0.1,1.1C. —a c No. 5r..... • 1. 969.50 N0.2.1111'. Ida', • • .5.500911 No. ...... •••• No. 1, titre No. 9 0 Salmon, No. I, old. 0— New 19 '2O Shod 1901040 Cod. p, drum 05,:x1 Pars— ReJ Fox, No. L--•. 0 0.1 2 311 libolrot IL 0 12 linetooo 23 poonStin per b.... 14 0 15 aluo uart Quart perproe•e• • • . OP,Pa l'attej tto a:,on Atasra trine.s4 ta gal— aa,oo Clare't Per pear s• • • {Pa/our Crlaer, per lets— City,brangla aulo net,. 10512.-• • •••14.0 - • - ...... - - e 7,00 M2l=l • • Coauiry bran.l4 Belo 3.37111.at1i 0 ' lUIL: . ar1,12.::. I GellSpowdee—Duty . :Ppr. f l etTEC t ; lbs -5,t?..&—' -,ta.tma M. doe_ I IL. caul'.— 4; idea I FEW/ do tit.Wa Rayin do, in papers— ere:J.a, Rook powder ..... :US tedtin Gr•ln—Duty 1:11 per eon, Wheat -Priest \ Rye coos CIIEF.SE—TI:cre i. n fair Jetna , Let, until rr-4,31ar .114, of at r. L,klL . ll-4y the tnarlet: pr regular+ale, a in keg.. ' the ea,:teni market. LEA CANI/LES--We lint regular sales of oily bar lend, at 111 and Caicarrnai star at p ( City manila!, LE ATJIIOI. 'el 101011 e, ~f ilippel at tie y. R. no charlirr i 4 b (1111N—Livreipi. cunh our Ji,..71a, nod .salts lu a thin earning On ro [tlled 001001 'are en. eteil (nom Mont, qt , :L " .• in Lila. ahoy:, bushel. NIAI.T— CAJLIN MEAL—Very little i. mining in at pre.. u fi te i me Min ctn. Sorphos arc lichl. and sale. limited at Wl° quote hark kbbl. bindle! Flll'lT—Sales of penchos at bllm.and ar, hawed 01 1 - 4.151 e, and of apple. no I,llc p - hu., S.upplies, are light, and not of lord no r l,ll - 1 ‘ , /f Tanaers oil. prat.; mach doing. . range, iitworthinon (r o ot bIS to Ll.ll DRIED BEEF—Regular Mies aro elfeeted from store nt he 4v II FLODIIrAa ,We left the market at the torn- of 1 2 ", V-. 1!.., 0 0 0n y Olio outlast licncratrapurt,.so we find it to-day. A general dullnevicprevail, alt ugh price. abour no ; PUTATI /F-O—,Noma peceinnons hare been MalMll C.taage• The receipt. of the week have 1 mode ro .upplwa dlinne the week, with no change hentiair, the Istr,v -L: r portion' of which, however, Ton' , hnno•nr , not,. of a good qunl immediately painted to the east without p, chin; , tIY oar market. Saks have been unusually iiith s t.antl 'l'lG AjI:T.BL--Thp amount tiro. lamas Is inn' nf bc..COrro ,u z correctly looted from lira trawls 3 Ant ' rioted by the ericao:to 11:00 10 - 10.1td ton, o LI dray load , at a rouge of .11111 hi and - the .4,4,, at the olds it 10 Mated, will pt . otta. 4,121, as in quality. _lily nal average over live or mg werh., anti in - in; to quality. Roreqq. kw., bre rea,n, but cono,iderable qunntines MirEl3 I. Moon • phnsr, IffINI 459 791 951 Oat 7JI 'lilt 451 7 1147 433 723 11 33 433 7:d •morn =ll Flt_sH—Supplies are somewhat Imutrd, mid the some ludo. not over two or three' Tlat sale. 01' demand good. 'legelar sale, or, klected at the we loot two three weeks, slmw n slight lecher Avowing 519; 6.N0 I in the market. The gallowing . oak: are mrsin t ed mackerel. best. $l2; No 2, $2.50,1, al 0; No 11, s72f. , '127 to. Allegheuy furnace, at Vet. mos; Amen. herring, at 5,7,22 p WA. do, by. odd blast, f•ri antis at $ll-1, 1;mo, 100 10110. 01 PEA declined :since our last 379.F0. 7: mot Mary Aim, (Allegheny) Di tone, at yreekly „ t , rod ‘ ,.. t .„ now tittt ,„. •527, ham; Bock, so tons. ate,,e?, The two last al way all:31 it.120.p sales were:made week Is-tore last. / Ill'E-1-itnacil tales ati. edeeted Moe FRIAT—Tho maskat is salo.o my t.ttehea change in grieve Regular fetes ale irlientej at ' at 1 1/AUS— -21.1c p 110. hoe t s mOd rage--nre toir 3 FItEICHITS—The regular rates front this point • ina east andsrest, we gave an follows: 110 SIN—Sales of crude by the MI, at 53 per Between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, on the i Pentoldvania canal and railroad, we quote ens SEEDS—lonoted 'Malt, of criver et $3,25a70 meetly an Pillows, expenses et aqueduct Included:: 371e,,0f timothy, at 9.1,62a1 ifs.; and of flax nt 95 Dry Good., bonnets. confectionary and other box- i 61000 o ho., 51,21/ e ion; muslin', in bales and bor. ••( (• 4(11(tel fr • • • r. rip., new furniture baskets, &e, $1; b aff ,o, ' per Qitein sheets, lsno crat. fish bbl. and Mid o,3 21., `tic; , tin and cop VINEGAII—BeguIar sales ‘.l. ; - ender 01 tsiio;d p 65c p MO; groceries, hoop iron, tools, hardware, gall,b, paints, dymtuira. wool, tobsceo, leathel., saddlery, WIIEAT—SaIes of 20i1 141 , noon. Store et ear 100 Mo. tothed. Frani 4thdelegli gust, via Monotojalieht Slack itY.'ll..lB,lCl.:Y.—W...thlth" 0,, the 001 Water jotoo to Baltimore, itto.. , towtor. , on, the oft rectified ore regularly elleoled ut rare—For Pork.. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Et' WO' -1 tollown IS‘" gulf. , n Correct Ind 01 thel Ashes, Ilee . f Glass, Tallow, and Wrinskey, 73c p tr" 100..„—for Onion. Flax, Hemp, Leather, and Ski., g n ,.7 . ‘ t0 l tott.. krt,‘,toll Gn " t :i th '. " e ".1"/" . 1011; Air Seeds, Dried Fruit, Feathers, Fore " and Wool. $.l p 100 Ds, From Baltimore Wmt, via 'the Baltimore and 14„ .. kta;lrund and wagon ham The Baltimore i d ‘ .„ America', famish. llio'fogowillg lint of freight'. poll Llmcl. The chntgrs on the lloltionnio nod Mor Rod prime Ben.d from this coy to Citniliesland; are .1 . ..d10w5, vie—Hats, Bua., Bennet., and Medicine., 7.1, 100 lbs. Dry Goods, Groceries Qiieensware, To- bacco, lie p 100 1b...; Coillm, Salt, and Fish, 20e 1p 100 Ws. Freight. to Pittsburgh, by the Susquehanna Rpil road and Peensylvante cabal, are nsi follows, vie Dry G.A., Hata, Shoes end Bonne., MM. Bales Doomaittos, She. Leather, Droeeriesi,/and ware, Bk. Queensware, 70c. Gave, 50c.— Maekers4. end had, per, bbl, $1 2.Zi, and !lettings. $1,121.. Freight''s by Elder. Grist°. (Ore gout day line to Wheeling, 5.100,191 p 100 lb. foe hea1...9 goods. From Pittsburgh to the dillerent point. west, we .quine.nurninally in general table Omen. GLASS—Fur 04171311 ci uotni in n. 4 or all • Lind. ul window glans, nee table nlmve. The following in a enndenned list of Flint giant: Plain Tumblers i PI, Ovim ri W ID no each, in don, net, 31.0,T2 rued do 1 and ,t pint, Trout 6 to 10 Mite do do ..............:.............0W1,2.'i canter., qt, Iri. t hat 2ving, glans nt0pper......1,17 do do heavy 2 do • ...... .do do do plain ...... 2,5 t, do do do pillar do 050 Winn glonnen, plain do do Fanned • 1,75 Pin here, t, plain 1,•5701,7:i di. do pillar and r 1,10. d 753 do I'l qt or ereums 90 Mid:nines Clunk; plidain.. do doi do ribbed ....... ...... 1;11 Plates, I. in. premwd mid fig Cantor Pulos, tinted.... Inni, I gut, ',mitered mater 0 rAI do gal •du do GUN Mnflt ROCK POWDER-4,1/e olinerve. DO chimp in Ilium, Regular MIOI are effected at quotation, ninYoket in unchanged, nod prices unit:wilily then ame no at nor lent report Regular nab, . N t are eittetail at r,; for beet, 4444:m fa . ommitil grade, ant 4 Inir inferior Mole:esti le glum Um, will, regular male. 10 nil' trade, at . 27u72.nie p gall. We gent,, fool sugar /Ur Jbe different gulden, at ha11i4.9 lb. For Itiu roitor 'tha,,tuarlrrt tine, with regillar lininn in limited Isle miy o l y n a l e 4 , m . Snlrr 06 rise by tierce at fifii fri an in quality, and ,emus oI Kale. Fur correct priers of Om various kande of Teas odd other pine eerie., see general table. 110113--Wo conilatio to tinier nominally at lutrf Ile tti ' of Cola at 75e fp gall by the tit:amity; COIIIIIIOII American, at 150..71c yr lb in comb. HAY—Owing to the prond, , ing ernikt of new bay, and the near approach nf 'harvest, prima Earn declined, nod we now quote ni 54504i57. liIDES--Salei of dry flint front atone at 7i47•Me IRON ANI) NAILS—No eltangn in prices, per general table.. LUMBEll.—Sales arc regularly eireeted tiotn yard at Utterer quotation, See table. GAZETTE PRICES. C InUr.)IGHTD. to • Pig Blvtal—pr ton, Biloo ,, Alleghen T. No. L Foo,lary••=,110 0 -- rge • • • 0 , 311,40 Oniteing Rork. No-I Foam dry• • :XL* 0.77,C0 Tel3l4[.eet Akre.. r.01111.y. . I Foundry Pag L. 0i ' , Forge --- 0 COMM'. Ohio. Founarp l'ig• • .31,,,tk, Free do —ll4—'.,lffuttryfuureo Provicions— • 41 05 Shouldets•••,•—tll ... ... _3l llorley. Gi C 0 mm0n ....-11 b Common• •• . 11 Or 13 • 111ontry-Illoy per Pent PPr wull .. p .... 75 IVrptpro Puna , Pr Er MI Allnacrag—lluly 20 5.,7pr :4tturripr SIN. ^q. ,Ilay--per ton of Ihr. Temphy Hides—l/my 5 per rpm.— Mi.roori Spani.lL /50. salted no. kiPPlPerrkin••ll.o 01 Green 111emp--1310y 2.sixr rent.— All,lloUri A liy—• • Manilla a , noPL—,Duir 51 per cent. F.r l rl.l. ••• • • •10 W 12 and. (Jury . 10 ppr cent. M . ...g.1/.14. • • •• • • . 1.1.00 0 ...... • • • • 1.10 01:10 . . Hodieund,citlfrurc - :1101 . country do. —0 Lard 14. I, to 10. , • . 5 :0 ' •• I,ln Ii 1.1.••-0 51 Rutter " 1. in ker• • 90 61 -,-0 Chest. W. It 610 61. " Diedien —0 — I Crack . , Piti.h. Wai r. pr. bid. 0 rczr, Doi Butter. ..... •••• —0 4,50 P —pot, L.A. C 0... • • • • Lo it Nciihannifekep. bid ''''' 41.37 I Rag•—Dnly 5 per rcpt. ' Couniry 'nixed , 0 s :lf Di. good white 0' Rleeaper fb . . Rice 410 5 . h Reeds—dory I.lltseed :.Nlp . c. Clover clapsi Timothy • • • • ..... 01,371 Flaeneed .15 0109 filumaril 2.•di de 3,00 Spices—er 0. • Cloves ... ... .... . ~a , en.titi. in Iklat.•• •• • 222 0 D. Ginger 1U 0. 11 I Sunni „. 1,511 01. W I Popper. . ..-• ....... ualn 1 Airpire 0- 121 1 Sfsaikerooll.—per lb. 1 I Virginia —0 14 Senecre ...... .... _ e soap—fluty airier rent. Pittsburgh No. 1••• •41 0 L Cincinnati 410, _1 Steel—per R. FOr,igri Conk Shen, 19-0 17 Do. mingle • 111. 16 StLat C i l z er g r i a:u •. • . .... ,r , :,1 1 ," Hoop I. 0 15 l'illflntieh 111analarturc. German Steel 0 GI E0211.h blister• •I •• • • 0 11 Ametir. lilistd, •• • 41' 41 prie, 510 61 •• eSpirlte—per callon. Ilritaidy, Ilurd'r•;10. 0 2.50 1 .. rj r "..... ';,l ' l l O Rog:elle 2.. r.• 0 •1,511 Illin...hruda 4iii pi -1,50 0 2,0 i, ....:.:.. . Gin. llolland•,• • .1.0 0 1,75 Sugae—fhitv au per rent N. 0 prim^. 1,1111 . 410 5! -•'• ' • ' - Alanilla, X 115 01.0 U ? Irovi—Thtly 91 per rout. Par, Juniata 4 a 4: Common 'l'© 31 I Shoel 10 :I Duiler l'lntr, ',O 0 GI clals '4llO 51 Ploughwingra•• ••• • • 0110 5 Slab.. ...... 4 0 41 Itie..iu:4l4ert• ..... 0 15 Load--1/n y Al per mum 111sebouri hr. •••• •• • 40 4. ~,,,,i 115 i fi. :: :;, i t , i ..e ;‘ ,: 1 :21 1 ,1 :: : , : i. rp . . ..i ._.p T ..,; ; 1 r. : 1y ' . . t. 7— . .1,1 0 10 !r ,. r i e.: :!, , : i. ...,..,„,...„,....i ..... IS a a , sh, osgliler. • ......1, at 21, Skirting 'I 0 24 Ilarto .0 , .. black 11l 44 21 11ridle A. trine li. pr. doi 'jilt, 311.1111 036,00 n u ,,, d 0..... aim 042141 rpper fini‘loul-23,1311 - 41 , 2110 14, liod,hrt/ • • .21.010 031.01/ c.trlq in tin—. 15.0, 0...0.0u Inc,, 1 rathor• • • ',no o r _ .N. Fondmut South,. . ' • ~• No_ I r do. •• • • 11.:M* ef Nu. 2 per dop.• • • .35,00 fp P:P. 14.1 . 110, •• - 2:100 CP 21 SPeep 21U. 5 Lumber—duty p. c. ed nl. per 51 - . • Nur, cPP. in. pr . Ci1:100 Crnumrn —6.10.0 u CkPc• /1 . 4 , • ..... Cosn'a e C15.5P clear —4040.1 U - , one • • • 12'..Pktvi 1111 do. IMOD I in. roonnon • Onk do do tri+ito 4,1.1.",.tm pujouv,e3- 2.5:11nil , ed. 223 CP Lives 111 ork.—pr lon IL. io CP 5.25 !fos PIPi GP -0.11,....,.'..1:1111 611,21 12.1 Cz. 810 . —Duty pr ri Su,arltort.e -40 oe 01 . 1C211. 27 CP 2, Naval Nit:ores—Duty :11 . . . lair, taut: Ilavnnn, white, 11,-9 0 .9; 11./11 " lb , 9E) 9; l'ulv , rile.l. ['bawl •• •ft P. 4 per rent RO-111 tvr I. •• . 1)410 44-4 Pitt 2.ruW 4,00 'Far, A Ilugbcor • • ;27 44.1 fitl et 5.3 Vcrel vd,, C0tt1..1.75 et 2,00 Natl.—Duty..o c.- 7 per kcg. 11,0 leaxmc natlx &nt advance , per lb I loatud Juniata • . 7,0 1.73 .t-e) 94 4004, pa 7,1 • 4:b10 477,61 "' •• • • • •el ti,oo 11 p, •• • 0 51 CIO Si Roth, 11:-..c a 7 00kum—per N00010:6 011 a Oltv. Spec= blrathed Rail—Dty •N per eettr.. No. 1. elan, o •• 1. instore 4_..—n dor. box ..... •. 0 fiktot.—Duly IS/ per rent. Per L2g • 015.50 Per Gag • p Saltpetre—per lb. Sslipt_tre ....... •• . • YDS 10{ Tobabbo—p, lb—{lo per r off for ealdt for mtaittf.l 'Tobacco 1 Duty pr rt. fig., Lear. --. 4 0 Almond tio. • • ..... I er /.:Etltcs . Dwlst•—•• • 19;41/. 1 . 114,• 411 krg• •• •• •,0 9 Phu; 1ubr..•1.--•14 0 17 enventluti CP f. 1:01. , 1141p in Lai. • •• 0 I'4 ••• •1'! 10 17 .." 1 , 1 at srotc•h •nulT 11 0 17 Hapi.r 0 11 Cut a Dryll , pnp — 0 23 Tea--Dwy per cent ra=merni Impena' 65 a Fn Gimpowtlei•-•-•• is 70 nyoen• •• • a , 0 r 0 Panchen, • • •<.— 50'0 73 Tinpliat•—iNny IS pc cc i X 0 lo Tallow—Lim lupeoul, Rauch , Sonj , f i'reene .•• • • 3j 4 ices-ccr ale .• ..... —• 1004 T2 .n?'" b 0). If. 045/-20 !KI PAlntl—p..l. 15 Pruf. Mgt 00 LumPhlark '4O 7 Vp.a. Wititinp•-•• • • li d Ch7ome ta 55 II i n • •- ct Brunttvirk• 12 Len.l..tb . • ~143 thl, rur, irk -1.60 Pi• 11:1; • I wipe ..... IVlne• —Duly pr crpt 1 . 1. 1' 'lla.lell.a• • :um I.Tetarritfr.., . 1,11: a 1,14. n 1/ry 111:11apt lel a ;0 , Sw,e, Ye. :LT 6.1 • .... • , - T,ro Vcrtl .....0 O. •to t nt•rortl 1.10 lor the plopyrd EMI filartmillcs 10 0 5 Port UR 0 , 3,50 Calabria '65 0 70 Prim Wool per lb—Duty :A per eel Foil blood t•ic.d•-• ............. 0 blood Pulled Common 21 0 Ti,u _washed fit! 0 Whlakey--per Rectified Raw filinioncnbela Zinc—per lb emi Freights-I,r, Ilgo To Cincinnati. Dry Goods IkarY To Lout Dr) Goads-.... • • • • Fronshouville ro Dry Good is Goole Wavy To St. (.0116. Dry Goods- • • . Heavy .............. .• • To e 1. levelond mod ". .rie. Dry Domls 0 40 Heavy 'LS VP WI 'Mond from Itroolomille Dry (Male (doom) 0 12: Produce, /cc. (up) To No.lmille. f!r) for ds To het loig Dr) ( ood .... etE= To • r 12312:11215 . . Ilcnyy Good 40 0 31 , I:lrma:An ........... • • • 1• • .:o'ooo2 YATES OP rartcm Ort MN pcminv• CANAL iNti IIlila:Oil., Anlie, Vol nod Pearl, 30 1100,, nod Doom Dern ;ailed, do (15 al Dole rope and Bagging do 70 1 k tz ,.,,, , do 75 do 115 Droomi/, , do 1,31/ Cheese. ' • do 75' Corn, . do •70 Cotion, do 'IX/ Chilled Roller. do Drups otul Medicine., do 1,14 Dry 1 /cod., do LW Dried Foul do 73 Flour, , per 0111. .. GO Furs and pelisse., per 100 lha 1,,u , Fenilsern, do 1.00 Furnoure, do LW , Glaravrare, . do /I/ Glop, Wisplow, per ha no C) , Green and/dry fruit per limllre, 73 Gir , c1,,,,, per It Ili, sli 1 Grocenev In 11 0 1 Ilanhvytc. - do 75 I llopa, do -- , Ileitis, do 170 ' 11/dc, It - ow:3c; dry 71751 In , 1,01,er, do .0 Lad, - ' 110 110 1401 and 1,0,d Gil, do 63 Inl. Cu.°, do 73 hoi.erd Oil, . do 05 Post, p:r 1,01 do 0130 Ray, per 100 Ili,. 711 , Hope. nod corvine, do 00 Specie do 00 Seed, do 70 Skin, Deer and Duffulo, do 73 TOnalv, do 0.3 Tobiuseo, lam; do 70 do Manufactured, Jo 70 Wheat. , do, ; 111 Wool, .„ 110 01,00 o%'ho/1/ey, per I'll ' VI ra .• CAST eta YoNo4kalizt.a ruiti No. I—A.hrs, 1:31: N.Y Rom, Lanl, ChreAr, Pork. Tobar• o T - .lllnw, W.1;12, and Wlnpky or !MIL. CI: r 3 Nn . l-11emp, tmlee N0.3-11.•J Frau Leethrr. 10.1 Na 111,n,, ot.l, 1,91 Cla.a No .1-11ecFwas. remther..Potalimortic, Ilopx. Md.", loom, rhtt Marine In ..... c•. 113irs of In •uranrc on of gleam and rm Pit".l,urgli to N, JA L. ... I (rcotetormnaii 3 O 4 a - to Loauvlllr, lip 14. " St. LOUP. MO • i 0111 .• Boot.allie,lo• • .1010 to Ind,rnden,c.. • • Y0 . . , 1 11411 to Menvl", 'Pro 1:3-1 in N .1... 011 io Pot•dmrcn , • 1 All St l 0 I vl '7;11 I!...ats t 10 NewOrkan. e lu u au. tie.: 'valor., 1 , , wttler ou ,A ore tinellangent. ?Ind Yr, note, it by xod 51'474 e. fit No 1 nr 10.1 p o z, al Ir p 111 llale* of „l ;r . t—The roark rt I. rather dull. with rler, Wr regular .onlr. of In~i. and bender 01 the pro quoted iarroent ifl the m. o. II , : JOII tor mall.— let' FlOminally qt.l fyr al 7l)rf, a. bare been bell. and sal. Inn, week. 'nem n Farr ttentand at P I . O •Y. Stock. and Ilnslnasi • In reference to the local market, nothing has in, curved worthy of notice. tio change has Mink , red in the mien of deo...milt, oral exelinnece on lh coat one done at 2 : Cal per rent for currency. Al New York, on Friday Mien:loon, the stock market was rather heavy fiir fancies, nt govern meat sleeks continue firm. The ratification of the Treaty to Pram, by the Neale:lit Senate, led to have the effect anticipated, and, indeed. seeped to herfoniottuncilia general 'feeling or excitdmenf M reference to the nOttinittliost. There seriajd to. bon concerted nttempti'On the part of large oper, tors to keep down the market until tho time for making Id& for the new loan has passed, that they may take it nt n low figure. his the Ire:tinter, however, the treaty el peace ern red just in titan to have a good effect on the holm. In bills there warn incidgmte bilsiness diony, and the tendency in prices was downward,— Sterling is quoted at I 0;011;., The Kimmel., and the Liverpool itnelzet, In make on Saturdny, 10th, were to told out 5W.0.000 in specie, which rots nowl, In, than had lirn re . ported. Appe,arancon nre rani t, • I quao tavnot. bla to a tlenVeaxe or Nh.,.ie .10patenim niter Ilan :14:0110. rem,. 111 , 1,104,11., • New York, Jeer LA. Trenmary ovotrt Shitex 11,. I ••67 . Ile'tele]. ..111110 U. S. Tee.. Note... 0., I!!7 lIJ I, IJ. S. (Is, s:r: ==l • A IleAheny, June 1:1, lot Yn material eflange has incurred in the market since last week. Only plant 'an head were of. fated on Monday, lOU of which Nevin taken 0t.52 Y 100 gross, equal to 113,25; nell. bend were ..1,1 at prise. ranging liven SI to 1,17 each. J Culver-A hunted nouther was sold nt Sl,OO ann. n os , were dull, and rolfered at $.3 to 100 ills without Gaffing bnyerft to any enfant. ton: xv. J. 111.11111111/1.1. D.utlxt. OFFICE 00 nithfield street; MI alone. ../ti • north of Third sorrel. Dr. Madeira re.. tic s „_ soecifully teinlans los professional ser, ,•••• - to the Vill/1/111 01 Pinillll/1:11, AI. leg)bony and vielnay. RleanaNts..—lsr. A. N. MeDatvell; ==al hr: r..... ~tir~n, Willir7Will - tina• Mr. Pero. %Venire, !E=M MEM PORT OF FITTSBUROP 3 PEET /MUM lar• •• CRIZIEIML—PALLIN. ARRIVED, Lake Erie, Murphy, Beaver. Michigan Beaver. Atlantic, Parkinson, Bnrarnaville— Louis McLain Bennett, Brownsville. Camden; Hendrickson, MlCcespart. Brooklyn, Braes, Si Louis, • Diligence, Worley, Cm. DEPARTED. Like Erie, Murry, Beaver. Michigan, Boles, Beaver, Beaver, Clark-, Steubenville. Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Louie McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. _ Niagara ' Jacobs, St Lotus. Pacific, Camtibell. Louisville. Mt. Vernon, Remits, Cincinnati. Mary Ann, Duncan, Franklin. The river last evening at dusk was 2 feet— inches water in channel, by metal mark, and falilng. ISCELLANEOUB. Consulting En Lacs. t Counsellor. for Patenteoss Other for procuring and defending Patents, iniparting otformation on Mechanics and the application of Sm. o f to the Arts, and on American and Foreir Laws of piotents. - DROS. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late orPhiladel m. id Z. C. ROBBINS, of Washington city, Ito braided by Hazard Knowles, EN., late Machinest of the Binned States Patent Office,) have arisocialed themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of together for either in their office, at the Potent Office, or Wore the covers; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter. est of Inventors or others who may consult them or place busniess in their bands. Mr. Knowles hos for the past twelve years held of Maehinest ill the United. States Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take part Rs the present undertaking. MR talents and led peculiar hClaave ims been fulltor tlic nised by I important office so nventors long fil toy biro, recog wherever the office Mullis knowni. • The odiee of 3lessro J. & IL is on P sweet, opposite the Pitteut Office, Wasliiiimook'llo. C., where commuiii retinue:, post paid, will he,romptl) attended to; exam nations mode, drawings, Perffications, and all matrix pat@s prep s t— procured when desi red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to Be answered Mier examinations bail, must be etc componied by of five dollars. In PM duties of their office which ste ertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. &R. will be nssid by a legal gentleman of the highest professional character, and telly conversant with Mechanics and other Scitontific Itubjerts. .TIIE GOLDEN DEE-HIVE rII :, I Tl:ONl ' ar; .l . lll" :t "' n ' Z i en b, „ " ,`.!;r -' o ' . ll :. ' ; ` ,,! " Z VIVIMIOII, wherein complaint is mode against me for plo ring in front of iny Dry Good. :bore, ott Alarket atreet Letween Thin! and Fourth os a signs or diatioc tins mark. n - Golden Ike-Ilice " • Y.& M. }CCM to claim that they have the ex. clunve right to uw such n ;ign Dattsburgh. But they show no legal Conan. lin such excluaive right, I stall eon:rime to Inc the r,gn I have adopted, Pr ry other it. I choos,—satirfied that my doing so 110 de. parture from mercantile usage, and no doing of tny anaphors' tight, And I Wel Puri that 110 /1111, 0.111.11 inerrhan; obwet Inlay upag such saps I think pauper Fair, open and honorable competition seek. no ruch <sett:wee right, and makes 110 such trompleint. I seek not to injure, w .y tray, Messrs.' Yuan; & 1 14 1r,11.4111. All nano Poore to trade with [brut cnn o. course do so, and all who choose to call at tag stow, a; the raga, of the - Golden Bee-Iliele." an Market street. between Third and Fourth. will Were God as good a lock and assortment of Dry Goods, tor rale a. eltrap, adon,. liberal terms.. can be Muriel at the neat "Doe-Jliv„ . " of tny laining treThbors Thai w what Frail lair Liman. competition. nun I do not believe Tlestors. Y & la ti. 711 gain much acre.- non 16 their rustont, by sorb silly riToats to plate them. selre• beton• the pilule, an their •ausamt attitude ail a inured turn midi 'WILLIAM I. RI :t4., , 1:1. PaziOsiliaola. Hall Road Conspioty.. peen that the nwrth insilineet . FIVE DOLLAIIS per soar' on the Calmat :work of this Company, 1. required to be paid on or benne the tot day ofluly next. The fah itudahneal ot Fl DOLLARS per Aare,. or before the 1., day of Sep tember. n il,' •i tilt anatalment of FIVE 1X11.1.111n .iron.. 1,.-0,. Is: at riest..ta at, e. No Di Walnut street. I . l,iledt him I'S received of eor incur. innal. rat., or the sowf may be paid an mil, - nt the option•ot the shwkholder, and interest will be allowed front date not pal.l puncinrkllT. sub, ennlr) v. on, pvt 01,1. per moilittl E. trOired 1:1:4 , 1I1:1: V ILit'oN, Tee,..arr. ..•-r.,li •Ike u-r•ivr,t LI \V DEN ' • Nlcrrlitn...'4l.: =ME NI, st , Islawhe,rer , soct:fdtooltitclyl New Dlumical In•truziint. ISIY11101(1-ID 2.1.1 . 11i/DVA/N. 1011 N II .111.3.1A111, "I Woo.rottool. has .) red nod hoar open for sale. supply of Cronisits ni omored roe.. Melodeon, pro, 151: Tor ihe lemelli .11 those 11 - 1 1 10111 g kl dlstarice. and inal..ect Ile Melodeon Lein re Me 1nf10w..., del.-mi1...1 is given The en., are et mores - 0..11 nnd are A. Lamle imislont n Posou Forte The arc•honril v. prem..% y the stone k• the piano er err., o,lcl •%e Det..en i• I,c.uhrs ,essely re.enclOrl Ohl ofOm Col.. stop oCaff m. 0.., 'lle 111.104111Cn . be minted.. afecl, noon. porr.l,le a Ohm. detachiox any Ps.. 1 10 into the body oesa nod ac the le, chiding. tooter leas., the .n ßole 0. a compt 1,010 >Ark. hue a parking rate. and thr wilWe when packed ig only ;wood.. •m 1100 that of stnall otaan, and b. 1........ s or rw• ...11 may Le increased or thou...shed ut plea•utc, I. mtheiently loud tor small church., and is weft calcu Wed for a parlor ....Duna,' myAl MERCY tipipi Tak, rharge 01 the rm.- j4n of .%lerey...inale ou Sieseomn mime, .ouch of Thous> Pesnin A,. nue. it Liam open far the reception of patient. Themrdiesl netithwict. munched w lltwiwal are lk, DR I: Y. CIAZZA%I, 1/11 ADDISON. DR lIRCIT, 51..A1F1A1., Dlt %( ERNIIIIERII, DR SNYDER, Von-pa%ol, pane... are reemved as fortoryly rap 1•51. - . mt 'Jr,i I he le - re/p..1 n 1 IA. tau! 4,14,1hcl hir the temPomry /Inspnal Lower wools . •153 per Work v Upper wards 1111 whir.tvench patwrst, Le", a arparno. sportmcnn 5.5 per "11,sa terms irsellide mrdirol nue...lance sold medi co.... Pay paocut,cl.l have MI) iterularl the) rosy make choice of of their own rape.... l) on men of any denominanun Iry allowed lOOlOl ',strew:. alien deurc..l by them. Tine 'Merry lhoootal dellahtfully sonaied no ad own. wry part or the cit.. and sioloo ten min ilea stalk of lin esmit Douse EIBEEMIE= JAMES lII.AKELI. t0p1.a.1%. Con Commiler of /114 y SIGN OP THE DIG PITCh ED. NEW CHINA, CLA:4. 14,1:EENSW ARE SMIRE d o 111 Wont , Stavrr. THE sbgriher. wok to ontorm the pohtle genera:ly Mal they are now °prolog a nem and4arge Flock ot Chtna. Man, ljnerouvrare:' Ilmannta B ut t e Faney rompri•mg the !meat and moat faibtonal.:e pm; term, oi Ferneb rbom plain Ihnner Soo, do dd o •• Tea .• Sapertorlron-Stom. • Dinner PlowsoM hide I, nen. nstoor,:, 1.40,1t001 , .- .A great raroof Of 'Gm Se 4, Ur ma Iflrfolift.,l and Tea Soln; Vanter.--a boautiful article .. tjuren'a Gottnei" th. Pa, Lamps. (Corneito, maker./ GM., Ware, a general 11.40IISOCKIL Steamboat owners and bole! proprmton are Invord, tnexamote our assormtent of ware amiable for thrir Country Merehnotr eau find • large stock of IMUCIC nuttalple for eunrory sales, which we will sell pt rot ronthlr• prices. Out atock Iwiug entirely new, we feel soWsGril of be. Ing able Ia (lean' all win nut( favor on wall their et.- tain. G11.1.1‘.6 rer V. :WOOD TIME. 11 700 .141(111.. wOOO Iwet YsGnlyr, k t Mr.- l' '9" il A iL lir NI lit C 111 W"il;klN..k.` - ',W4 ilinmsts . o: .ranteal thcooefte• togathitr under thr .1,1. tOol Mtn of Seltoley,dliyan hen, for the mantottcture of Woul Type. and int thew tyrw IR altogether made by, machi nery. the invent Lone !tinge, one to the lints, they' trel confident that they oder o more perfect artrele 11l type, and at moth lower rate, than any heretofore tarred in the touted States, and are now ready to fill cod,' ill/ thettattec • Ali ier. 4,1d5e.,t1 to Scholey, Ryan k Co.. at their °Mee to Dinsnond alien, between Wood and Smithfieldmmets, will be punctually attended ILt Prupnetora of newapapers, on copying till , vcrusestient Y yowl.. nod sontling Ikea liarr, will I.r r ward to receive'tbelt ay 1) . 0.0, purehnslng three none, the ttonsout of then 101 l lot adveruentg. je73l:lna • A1.1.1 , 11,111n1 'llll7 %l lll ' h: r M A C jl ' tl ' y 1 ‘. 1271 11 r r r f r i : ri " : " 11 1 :1p I.urork. brit...ern iknierni end Sniiilii•ky Ttiry n nre iiinv nre preprrril rerrivr Ont.. r, tor evrry nt Courtin, Chun..., Ha roortn, o Bogr,isni l'ttio.. ikr Inch Iron thine long reprriiinee Om timnninciiire 113.• nliori;.work, tier titry tort confident dirk. err erintilril to do work on nee inner TrlivMSlbir nni+c unit+, in iltrir . . .. re /ling ya ttcular attention to the .caw id mte rial, and basing none hat competent works:len, they puce no leratinnott in warranting their work. We tiorreloreu4 the attention oil the public to thin mailer. N.B. Repairing Jona in the hest manner, and on the naretwohnble icitna, rail j COUNTRY lIIERCIIANTN •• ( IN SAVE (rin 15 to Vi pct rein. by purchneing t their 011, CIA rti IS direct ironi the hiunufneturers Iltill'Elt h. ehltAllellAEL have opened a wore 11011, NO. 13a..tionli 'Hord atteet, above Rove, peconil door ',th ot Ow Engle lintel, I'llll./14111.1 . 111.11. where liwy well alum) ii keep on hand a complete a., , ortittrin of relent Klawir Corriere 011 Chin,., 2e, 30,40, •10, in 11.1:4 inelo, wale. Figured, l'ionw,l, nod l'inut, on the two& od it Drilling nod Linen. Table Chi Cloth. or ;lie ill-Nimble pattern,. lid, , Iti, in and Si tell, 4 wide. I:1.411d Clotho, front ..l , incite. to .11 feet wt., Lll sen•wied, owl the newest style of nntieriw, iill of their own inontitaitture. Transparent Window Slinace, Carpet, he. All ataxia warranted. tity.....r.d.lin . , City Dognee•riala Gallery, 1111. aritvar. post- owner: 1114.1.1. ea leave to inform the citiren.of niel rientity. that lir h,.+ take' Ihy Damilyr• rms Room+ I.orly °coupled by Mr. Porter. The mito ti ittv nvi lA ured that 111 slit lute improvement+ are well. red...and ill he Ittuueld into operation by . Air Hoge, whit Ile. hurl, /I run:dant oiterator the art woo Lost th+ettacrett. .-:mire satikfacuost itt guaranteed to nll who may beentini his moron... Alr. 11.. will oiler wait pleanure to Mr. Porter, in wlu.e eAtubli•litti,iit be Ito. °p tared fur the last twerve nlOlllllO. Faintly Por trait., Pinar :min, Daguerreotype, 00., accurate!) , copied litlcnc++e+ taken in any weather, and +et ill lorvaq pats, roars 41k1 tarot.. In.tWeill/11Y el et in every branrit (Lithe art, and sp. turned. SlRAlint PROPtISALS will be :derived al the abort of William . P. Ileum, ,YowlPlaaharillh'an. til Tuesday, the Ll+qhMow, ut o'clock, P. N., tar gra tin, Ma Nem+ of road known ao.Ewitrilit 1101," on the Iktntburgh and Coal 11111 Turyike Road, agreeably to al the plan +pecification .erg at tee MO, ul paid Ileum. • 11) - All 'minim:tot to ta , ac •. cepted, at mate the pr era pet yard for clay, loam. Wine and rock. The the loader will bet required to give meanly for the faithful nerforatuner of his contrael. Ranh ea 01011 be amtioraclory to the Board of Manager+. • Ii WAP. ( .1 1 1 b.*f.' • Raglial , 111111 SWIM/ ril!ll for rf .111110 inf their ipt i ope yer fer.their fnoo uppeeu Irt ' e7m " lgleititTa Lath Caftiug llstaittiolueut, mid the Frame Ittulding• eon tetiiiing them, tar itulti wt engeonnbie mot ageomiymila tom Won,. The me.un migtge eggelltuit one , unit tathe works In the Pawing and limit Cutting vas!)- t. are hi good uttler and condition. and. pur chusCe can h e the whole toul put them Into opern, !tilt' another piece. it, lee s than %Illy iilaye. Laden 11itii paid, directed to the eublientiers, PAtlnbureh, will . - be promptly attended to jegglT N EVII.LE a CRAM it SON. 110 USES, LOTS, F 4 iRMS, kc. .- FOR SA.LEW rx.e.marr courrn Risen ' CL H.Q SUL. fox Tax ripitE undersigned. administretor‘if Me estate of Ann St Clair AleFarland, deed, elfin for sale 011 ac commodating terms, a aciy plealttly located House arid Lot, in the neighborhood of A Merstrille, adjoining prOperty of Alexander /Dec kenridrie, Esq. Tbe hoe. is a two story frame building. witl4 basement—the lot 00110011111 one acre, on which is n very .curs and choice mieetion rif every variety orfrun and a splen did variety of shrubbery. For particulars, is to the Missrs. Herron...Mc H. P. Cant. off, Mr. Willis Boothe. Ic„.l.dgse ALE.K.*ILSON. -I . Tract of Land for Sle. iflllEcobscriber will sell 011 acce6bmodating terms , a valeable tract of unimproved land, situate on the ro tl front Crichton to Fraerklin, ;le st eighteen titles from Pittsburgh, and about eitht miles from the for n 01 Freedom on the Ohio riVer. The tract can to' to 402 acres and 20 perches shier measure, The land is of an excellent quality uffi4well watered, and will lie roll either in whole or n boon of convenient 'fißßße, to son purchasers. at t,a further paniculeri enquire of , A r lf ' AL BOYD, intl . wr, office on 4th st, above Stab Id, Pittsburgh. rnytofid&wil jtVALUAßLE PROPF.LET , FOR SALE.THAT property lately op Pied by li. Nixon, Esq., on Craig street, near Robinson; Allegheny etty, will beeold accents/intoning terma. The lot ss ail feet 4 inches on Craig etteit, running through to the Camel ISO felt There too igiod two story frame dwplling house on the premises, lately built , and the lot is well unproved. cootaming a vagety of choice fruit nlyslrturalhfon; bfrr:TgLlnleldPii"Zilletlice'r'Ltint. orgh or Allegheny, aritLis a dew W e residence. Title ndfspolable. m For terms apply t VAL BOYD, Anna ey at Law. office on Fourth strcitt above Smithfield. opl.llfldea ndl Manta TILACT of la, I/0 demo, in g a r ri son, Piiitage..Co e on the Cuyahoga river--alitot 30 acres under movement. Alm, two ouireprofrfillots in the village f :Warren, Trumbull Co., 00 fee Pay 00. 'Also, lot of ound in the centre of Hartforkflirumbull Co., with a tie dwelling house end nore--6Se of the best stands r a merchant on the Western 'Reserve. Any or all lie .p i ropeny will be sold on ery accommodating ISAIAH CREY & Co., 6410 • amr and Front sts. Property In All -- ghe City for Sale. DIE subsentiers der for s. a number of choir&0111, situate in the :term[ Yard, fronting on tht ontinou (mood, on easy ternoid limpore of W. trll. ROBINSON. Airsi at Low, St Clair st or ofIASROBINSUNisfin the premises. -' myl7:ilAwtf T Real 'Celeste Its Plelecer Cooney. LOT, Storehoused Dirblling, situate on the Erie Extension Cana an l, In Orb village of West Mid. d ems; a deniable location a merchant Also, • Lot and good Dwelling Rouse 6,b11 salted files Tavern 81.41, in the village of Orang6tille on State line of Ohl.. Terms easy. ISAIAIE,DII:IKEY & Co. feblo C..3s'ater and Front eta Store to Itint. MC RENT—The lower flooridind cello, of store No. .4 sti Water at ' . eihoininc Metro Ilurbridge, Wilson & Co. Kuno, On the premonss ur of YOUNG. /11. 5 / 1 10 & PLUNKETT, 2ffiltn 59 Water 111 Lot for e itle. • ALOT the Oth ward, 40 on Logan street by 60 feet oh Clark 11110011 on 'She most desirable ht. cat ono in '4lOl Oh ward. Folliferms oppiy to the lab; tier her at the Alethodiet Ihnikpum, 4th near Market tan Cl, or et Ita dwelling. on attack street, opproite E. Tr villo's Drocery slum. 1(81111 JI. REAR For ILetlit. A two wary brick (Drenthe with about no acres of ground tumefied, wt i:led rat Oukland. The inure 01 well stocked winllait of all kinds, and 'it a estroble location tor fandl; tieing entirely not of och of the river find din of it coy. An omnitme caves Olt:hind hourly for the city, Apply to janSU AT9)OD, JONES & Co. For Resita,, - - • • .. iiA now thr" Mori , 0.0 dwelling. house on Wylio Arret—Po.sccOon4ioen 011 We fun of April or wooer le requirrti. Inquire of J><•=l J A R F1.111".1f. II lilrerty almeL Nor /Gatti __ A to, story' brtok thvellirig orith abou t ...s mores of grand. coo:cell an the hihtk of the Ohio fitter, in die lotroug:i of NI , hrilt,l, 'Apply to _!roll JAMf>f A HUTCHISON A Co. • • • . . Ifon.r. monied on 4th erreel nrar c ll At anal I.ntfc. in the city of Pareburgh. AI , a room 75 trl rect, with a convenient en tram,: oft rmh st.,rfrr wok,. Alm., a frarce ar.cairrg, two .torze/5:0,01 an itcre of ernuf2ft aCosed and under (Imo tr.fir.lll4, ray of Alleghe- Irnjulte " J WILLIAMS, 110 wood street To Brewers 1 , 011 SALE I Oe RENT. 1 l'lttaLargh Brew- Alery, will, 411 ri; , {r rat.. lutUnte 071 Prnn .Irrr 1 nal 0107innfl now oerupled 10 . 0. W. ,11114 .0 Oven On firg day of Arrticloufne. Por •2114.11 . , r_c BROWN frlfn' 145 Illrefly et 111,1 W it Eet,,rsK --111r.filmerIlfer n11..r for *al.. the Ihree vory Wick War...hots/0. on %V..., .ore,f, oceffpn•J up Tonfler & Co. It rent., now lor trifuff per npl7. 5h731 WILSON. Jr To I, Tar no,. 'kr,. ..,, It, pronflrrwk morn !In et f becin..l.3.up,etl I.y !..lwartl I . :.vsmai iot tr. 1:0011.11.1 .. Apfli :1,1 Inqu,e7t .1 St'irt IN .it. , II c ._. • ‘." itt:ll9 ,ii tv... - 4 tarret. T. 4e L , : _ The .tote.l6ln ~t n,I r..nt part of the ware ,-------v, ~ .„.z.1.„,,.,.. ..ent AN.I% ra jaill9 -- -- 4 water yarn, 4 ...6 A t•ree mom on the e•I *tort nettle wits - chatted: jraoreupted the nenr the trot of ttll•te, , terotton wit rt , ttelttostt etgettey or en lieturenre ieel4- 1 , 1 v.i...4.41.-Vai• i t.A /rt- lIISONT__ it'ar hale. • aeli. A P, two Imek kloe on mato meet- Ma Atte:the, rte.. nemr 11, upper bode, Tie. lot t. tee, to ~,,, deer 1 , 1“ ternet toquire or d.r1. , t1 For Rent. pront - teerelto,..-, feet from Ity Kg,. tee, dere. e tt. near llettt teal- Impute J et'l HA . & t t e te, - - - II wood ott .Yor A.t :Imote ...waled on Plum envy, for rent.Lnluvr o , {1011117.1 . DALZELL A. Co, I.sherty %to, decl3 COAL LAND FOR "ALIT.-.Cerro were. coal land (nr •41....tunte tnl.cod of the Monongahela River, Mare lirovrtutrallr. IS _having a 7 foot %mil of coal. which will he .old in exchange (or goals. For portico art ornly . too:LI S A W II ARBADIiII, MI wood at !►RY GOODS. • • K NOW 'A 1.1. 11E4 THAT I 1( CO. _I AV C. rlnove OEN2 ETT & d dont lin Marks I trrd.lo t het r new nod I Inntelige Ire known 1m• the TOWF:It um.i. .HAZAAR. No. 313.11,1 odtvtd,l.Ho.,.“ I.lfilk and PIIII.4.LICe rm.. The proprietor.. feel reluriance promulcming what in any way 'mein appear like the usual liombus tie esaccerntitm of .inne in me bnt will beg io onote ibe inwng notice (rpmoar of our city papers: .. tine of thecate.. euriosno , lilC Otlr C•11' peerds t the •irtiiicer. Ileimen C.,'‘ s . ,al store, No. I-1 kln7get sor e rt, bovri..orrilth and SLlth, which has .. TOO, 11411. - from the peculiar finish of the Irma "nir building Is an immense one. onitain. ingseven eapariott, rooms, till of ssincli arc Mocked . wok ever) variety of aeisonable garment, arranged the unit! perfect order and regularoy. Th w e prop korn lake great pleasure in showing their building and cOnicnis to rinlell., particularly strangcrs, and to those ink iron, the enuntrj —we know 01 no plr t evv wire wontr of a • JUST, ItasiCEIVINGI r ' A ..0;1) opening dull, the prefelll. week. at WM'. i:bruto ea. nothing Store, Ili Liberty urret, one of dre I • . mllll trlOrt fmrhiona• I.rock of Goodth, adapted fur eristienirn . • .pone and gumnwiever oifereil fur sate in P 1114111.111111. proPn=m , old. ebuie orituhlatunierd begs to te lad anent]. of hl3 1 , 4 , 11.13 un , l rush:linen - to hig pr.., large a n la.ronaltir ,iork, which haring beau rurr..purcbaited in I. 111,..ictil 11.14i...cid stale of trade in the Kristern caw, Collipri. 3 001 oill) every thing thus is new antlf.hionable, inuch lower in price than ran be oirried by Ilia. haw," who pur• chit. only in curly .pang It Irvin: to convey oily thing like 3 correct Oen of the tete. beauty, or quality refihr mock. it will inn be atternpied; but it I.ltoptol all will, their own and roll and egniniorlor then, •Tbr propr.or aurparto airy , thine in thr out. line in the city. Taal er.petiton 1.1 diirinid fear.. by any dung In rill, trade, nucti. :end, wlth oh their liOttj not r P. Ittilqj the tn; nue t.. entrti in the mors fit.ional t ig 0,1, and gutt-itnittal manner. my2l 1111011 LINENS AOU slilitTlNlt , 3lurphy ha. lately .cr.rtetl addinunal .apply of 'above good:I-1hr wurraii.l pure Fin, and .0 cry low for V. .penor lone Sinn ing Murdin, rrdur•rd tweet. Wok Sbeti cngrt—al. lately received,. nriportrucrit ill Shertine, I.ll•achrti and unhteurlirth (Tann one to three )anlo 1•111, 31‘0.10t, of lordoatu and very Into quoi n,. very ohool.• toopor• l'.rzoth for Towed:no—LOW pne'd S fine. Co!ono! Qua., Me ludo, loone very large and of rpr:r 4uuloy A:nor:beast rozo, I , eur.ll and Mar el.sl3 soy2O lAr111'11: o 11:11 1:111.',1,K,—1V It Nlorrhy Ty In., lotely reoes, o odi ~ o rtorrent,ol white •.:oodA for y.0d0.• oteloolind—goorol: :nun 31ua lin,' So ., do Noo , odl do; ph, downer.;sumil bun ted do; -nth: barred do. Al,o, For Itvettirat , Dm \Visite embroidered Saila/ klarlias tank einbrnltlered Tarlton do; Idnealo; style dant.d., embrohlerrd plain white, mil blue, k and ktrno• colored do; :ino. embroidered and So. Al tatllitk. by the ylb ;;rd, , F:voning Hreaaeott al., 111nek.1.0.... S.lntolg, Scurf. avid 17ape.- Matadi and Sewell needle utak Collar., an arrortment of new and bennittal ..iyJa I ainfit Cambric llmalierebr e f., mourn. laa du; all ntloorkt rat!, pace:, nt north-000i comer ot 4ti n, l market slr 0 iat , Cr 1:1•1:1Z CLOTHS—NV It IC , it Ow uncut ion ofgentl.... mtaltng Cloth, to 11. ron.ortmknt of very toeq make cd . French and Enali.ll Cloth.. A Iwo mecca vary '.nlwriar black 1..1 , 11C11,1.1 Tr,'.l, 340, llocrktrb. and etin 4 llllCfr, Ul gr." , varlet}, kutoraes Cabaobn n ut . and Twardr,ltltr meant and lat”.• st • ar. blue k .. Vertitatr. vebne Alar Kettle.. 110, gent- ohne and bordered linen emulate 11;11,bt; *utter wont. told colored .tlk do. cent% Gloves. Vuderklurta, 1 . 1 0 , 11,11, wear, .blt. and tbnet Cravats! rabgloun ltra Jaoonet e. re 7 To Country Merchants. 2 MITII AND JIIIINSON,I4 310r1...: ...el. have re 1 - 3 'reeved 'Senn, I:onnets.eonst..ling to port of plant : , trotr, Aurora Itra V nlo. 1i d 0.11,111 do, Velecoe do,. Chinn, Pearl end Flon.oee; comes l'alto Leaf m llnt.. latita' • and //7,11L1T11 and Drool de; Am fir IA Flower,. ever) on..ty A 1.,, :diodes levies Cotton Ilnse. from 75 vent* ver doe, or to the finest rl„nl11;; Inn dnr tient. hall Hole; at Hood arsortotent of Tlsread, Silk and Vononf:love, ;Zips 100 1.. Wnddea, Jo,loo .10 I.toea °umbrae do, 13 enr -1",111%111dlii n0.1'114,0 a good. moor, ni N li n , c o , no.nt Jetry, Ai, it. all of they will offer it grert induresncitfto prices to yurchnm.r, royl3 h Johnson, 411 Market at, hovetust ree'el carton...weer thotle wide Thread 1... M front 12 1 cl* : Per pi 01.. Also, one carton of oln; one dn tls 110; Id. cartons CIIIIOII Lae,. Dealers and other. wilt land IS their inter... to canon they will be sold at ernemrly low priers. ltt , r4 and qunhty, Not wiling sod for sole to the odesie trade'ntl edtroltrthunry Ins rote., by the one, *3l r SIIACKL4RI' & WHITE lIU „ I. :Iv ju n 4.1 - 4, 111..5 , : . 11:o i r T No 40 Alorkel meet,. 10 Va.. or primed Lawns oi4 11411‘,„ 1/1/ Koch] 'Me Gingliolus; 4do oetv Attie i VI 140<lti odo Of Colionado4 nod Summer Stay; 141 lo o taroaolo, of tVevy variety. A 1.., Ribbons, Lave,. Gi 'e4iiiiotottry Notteeties, .ite. Ole. jot : • IACES, ELN:INW, ht!-91ennntl. lose priced and r .-itedinsn Edgings, I.ner,, Ineertings.ttunltne*, pl'ni 01 fispey Nets, of the latest itnpottations, Just oin•ned , by jet.: :31LACIELETT & WHITE RATES OF DISCOUNT. • 6..VM3 OF DL.4COUI N. tioi.3ll F.Yehluise Brokers, Go. bl Pennsylvania. BankorPittaborat, --pe e F.Schange Bulk pee Merck. •t Kan. Bulk •par Bkaof Philadelphia— —par Girard Bank pa r h u nk of Germarturera • •pw Cheater Oaaniy••-par Delaware Co.• • •sa, " Montgomery Co.• •pw, . raorthiaberlancl••par ColtxibialtrayeCo.•• r•- 11 . —coaluxFrar,iii• S t ,SON, 5 Market 'street, near 410 Indiana. r State Irk &Branches•• • ii•axeScrir • •• -•" I izetianga Vl lit. n ofVll:• Fanners ilk. of Va. •-• • . Bk. oft Valley,— Bk. of Virginia •• 01.. k. M. Bk., Wheeling H do Morecintiven.-- N. W. Baal Va--- • I -....antibia Bridge • par do Wellsbarg•— • 11 Doylestown Bud par do Parkersburg.— Farmers , Bk. Randing.par Famers'Bk. Backs Co. par Bk. of Tennessee• •• • • 10 Farmers. Bk Lancss'r•par Far. & March'. Ilk• Lancaster Co. ilk.•• • •par Planters' 8k..•-•-••• • " Lancaster Ilk.• • • •• -- • par Union Bk —• " U. States Hank ......-•811 Elluontri Brownssilio ..... retic State Bk ofhlissouri•--• 1' Washington Ilk. , North Carolina. Geuriburrbßk...--'. • It .Bk.of Cape Fea- Cbamberstiarg•• . • .... " rlerch's Bk., Newbein• : Suaptekanna Co. Bk.. - State Bank-- •••• •••• • Lehigh Conant, -, South Carnilna. Lewistown. •• - "Camden 8k.......... Middletown • - ••• •• • • IThßluof Chnrievwo••• • • Carlisle ' " 'Commercial Fete Bk.'. Bk. of Georgetown • Farmers' and Drovors , lilk.of liarnbarg•••• •• Bank, Waynerburg.• 1 01erchsalls Bk - Ilarrisbunt a iPlanters & /decha's Bk. 2 lionerdale ..... —Lee- • 11.-Ilk.'otdonth Carolina.. Lebanon parl Maryland. • Pottsville a Balt:more ilks..-r•••-Par Wyoming • • ..... •• • • 11.11alun'e &O RRScrip • •10 York Bk. I iCamberland Bk. ofAlle- West Branch Bk.••• •• • It; sr halls, P. • t Relief Notes • • ..... . For. Bk. of Maryland• • a Ma Yittado• Farmers' tr. Menbanici " City &County Scrip•-- a Ilk. Frederick Ohio. Frederick Co. Bk•••••• • a State Bkvand firsuiches II liaganitsrarnßk Mourn •• Mineral 10 Smoiwavdle- Patspectißk•-• ...... •• Wasbington Bk.— !Banana " Bk.ofiVestininincr •• • • 4 . New Lisbon• 0" Michigan., ' Cincinnati Banks a Bk. of St. Chiur.• • •—•- Columba* do. •••-•• Bk. of River Raise.-- Ctrcleviile .... 0 51ichisan Ina Co , 5 Zanesville w Far. & Mach's Bk . S Patna= ••conain Tarrit.y. ..... " c , il ir c!'alFlir Co.Milw , c 3 Massillon • •-•- ... Gusty Geauga • • Nonralk • Cleveland• —• Xenia•• Western Reaerve• • " Franklinothe • irk Columbus " Chillic ..... Lake Erie• . ... cita•• ....... Laneaster • • 10 Hamilton 13 Granville 30 Pam*. Irk Cavann• Urbana Kentucky. Bit of Kentucky Bk.of Loulsolfre• •—•• • •• I Gorham Ilk. Kentn•kk• Now Yorlt--Cile nuke, • /111aitilventrwat a•••••• 5 Bank of Eng• •-•—••••-114 landNotea 701/ str. Gold&Specle Value Baru:4mq. •• •• 7 80 Ducats 2 150 2 20 Eagle, old • •• • - 1000 Eagle, new •••• • 10 00 Doubloon," Spamth. 16 00 Do.Patratie•••••—• 15 50 Sovereigm 4 83 auineaa 5 00 Frederiakeiront--••97 EO Teo Tbalent- •• •• 780 Pea Guildera •• • . 390 Lonimrent• • ••• - 'l5O Yew Ifo . rY b"". pm, Philanelplon • • • • -- /prat Baltimore • .Prw , pm. Intenor EXCHANGE BROKERS, itc. HUGH D. KING, BANNER ILnre AND Eof thrr firm of drecird h Ki XCHANGE BR ng.) O • KER Orrice. eon. rover,. dr. AND Pon Orrice Ahher: UEALER In Coin. Ildnir Note, Time Bids; Forci and Dorne,die Exchange, Certificated of ilopolit de. IiNCIIANGE on all the priadioal cities of the Union, for side ite:mus m reit pantheo, • male on all pnn+ of the nt the lowa. rotes. oplOallataevelmT IItISSEY, FIANNA CO.,L '----- BANKERS, EXCHANGE:IIEOEI.23S, rod dealer. in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Familia-nice of Deposita, 1.1... Bank Notre, and Specie; Fourth buret', near- Nape M. th e kof Pinahavelt. Coo not money ined on depoaitc--SMIA Chocks for sato, and coi ns made or,tusafty all the principal points in the e•S• lea U " ' .. premium paid for Foreign and American Gal A /amines made on coatis - man. of Produce, .hip. pod an, on libcrel tent.. mehls N. I/OLJNIES & SON. DA, KEIL" end Dealer!, in Eachearc,,arill and .ppo Bonk Nowt, No u, 'Market etre, Salting Rates. Fl4l.Owogo, Feyint Rue, New York, X on- thncinnati, ' 2 di, Pkol2 , wichko, do leadeville, 2 do I tin Ft. !emit, 0 do Ito-tine Items, DANK NWT'S. Buying Rate. Ohm, 2 die Co, k Scrip °Here, 2 die !edema dc !tenni Noire. Knutock'r, ."do Prini...lvionh Cl "do Virginia, dn New York do do do Whechr.g, do New Weans, "do Tenneeeee, 2do 3laryland, " do • .271 Q. 1 M.V.1.4 arreamL. .101117 Q. LOFF & CO., BRO,Kk:DS • h. EXCHANGE DEALERS, thrice, Nn. ^_- Alottaes ATAMT, arr-si • . WItEg:LING, VA, am au, H 11.1.8. CURRY—Rankers mid F.gehanee Brokers, Beaters In Foreign and Domekiie Time and Sight Hilts of Exchange. Certificates of De nisi Hunk Notes and C 0,,,: No fifi Wood street, third %tour betow Fourth. torsi side. • mn.rint - . WILLIAM A HILL IL 'CO B or EXCHA.NGE BROXERS. and , •Dealegs Foreign and Domestic Fsckarige, Certificates of Deposit., Batik Note*, stud Specie. No. 6.1 Wood st„ one door abort, Fourth, Fist aide, Pittsburgh, Pa oetidatoF VOIXICIGIN .161SCIJIAXIGIC: - DILL'S on England, Ireland, and Scotland bougla to 1..) any amount at Me Current HAIM a Fachange. Alto,lla payable in any part cf. the Old COttlitrier, from XI to 11000. at Iho ram of ;ad to thn .t.atterlinc, %submit deduce,. no Mamma, by JOSHUA RODIN SON, Stumm'. and Goner?! Agent, °die< fill , .t one door wott of wood. oellStf . '". 7 " &a:&2IIEFL & MAXI? "'"' 101ANEERS AND EXCHANGE BROKF.R.9, dealers Jj in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Eschotags, per 'Acmes of stree t s ,Deposi Bank Note. and Coin, cornM. &I and Wood t, directly opposite et. Charlet Do m!. mard.tdi A rIitSVILMN FUNDS— Otu ".„ Nei:mirky, - ' • , . Altssoari. , Haab Nthert, parchaaell at the lowan rates, by • delaN. 1101.31Ef 12 FON, - - _ _ ._ 3SNarket atm.. BILLs . or EXOCIAN6E—Ssgko Checks on Now Vork. nnel linhanore, N. 1101211P,Sic. SON. Cons:awl,. for sale by dela SS Mi. Ye t Pt. frOLilECTlONS—Dra.f.,ern.] .I.reeptan cep, payable IA ya J pariotthe collertvl on We d atros.l.le term, N. 1104111..$ k SON. drib 56 Market 4. HATS, CAPS AND BONNET FASHIONABLE HATS. 4 THE subscriber, in adilihon to his own memory...W.l64r of Ilats. made arrange • menu with Messrs Heber /te co, the ram; fashmanible hailers of the city of Neve York) foraireir ular apply of Idiom, tine Silk Hats, and haviaKjnat reemyrd a few easee, eentlentett eau be suite/In/1M a very pall and Manta/14ton by calling at his new Hat •nd Cap Store, SolithLeld Meet, seeped. San south of Fourth, where may be found a great variety oflldtr and Caps of hi own commicetare, wholesale and re mil. Hata made to order on abort mticr. .01 JAMES WILSON. nrcoßn sr: co.; . (Suer...sore to !Wenn) & King) 4 Ms•hionsble Ilatter4,l , Corner'of Worgi thud Fifth Prregts. ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. 'Gentlentell Can rely of gelling their Ha. add Cepa fro m our r.tablightneut of the nett MAMMALS and rax woasmg_gantr, of the Lamm 61 . 1 . 1... and at the coterrg ra Country Aq'rchtlnt., Tutrelrt-ing whalr.talt, are Invard to gull awl examine .T Stork; n. - an nay .rich tLut I,CALITS. and PRIM i 1101 %lifer in a rottivar.ort wtt. any Loupe in (2.617 blishlionablv Brat stud Cap 1 1 1.3trfactory. AN. lIUTZ. Agent. respectfully tulorrus ht, nod the 'public generally that he has eninmettred We Inanotaeotre of lints nod Cap, at N. MI Wood tree(, 011 e door above the corner of Second, selLere he hal' 110 W On Lund• a. Zoe wo.orttnent of end Cupp of hir. men rannureeture, which he ertll dispow pion the-nottitre,antlable Lorin, rr.ft, for maltnr eitj acceinattre. llnts mule to order nt the shortegi notice. nre.A:lnt STILAW GOODS. &iIi.:ALKILS aro ityrued lo v e xamine IL IL PA Ma:WS woe). of Str I:nod., of the t•loitqr . le. t , 0t0pt ,, ,1 us' itilsi of . . Ill):o:liTS'—i.loreor.. Braid, I;ll,7:ish Duo. noble do; A.11.11:3111 8)0 do, Chinn Pearl do; Cotturg• du; Rulltuld glo, French Lore; Frt..). Gitop,.l, r. Av. HATS—IA*Imm. Paint I.eaf, Patutnt it. Fancy Straw, do Braid, Ittqlund Braid. l'eded In. . . . Ala, Artifi . hittl Pow ers. Itilions, de. Straw Boni net \Varela.lir 95 market at. mart+ . . , • .. . .. , _ , _. spring Fataldons 'l4r I P 4 4S• A. pIoCORD &--Co., 4 (LA. )1 . 0..0 fr. KINGS • it•rm.. I\ril•i, ~. inq. , , h.. Sprint:Style of Hata thw day, Santrilay, March Ilth, l-tld. , 'l' rim frienda hail eaSl9tnert art, reiremed to call and r .r aiiie die, I ,acl, of Spring lint, pat received from New York, ti,thetr Aare, emptier With wed Woad ant. mar.l Ali FItED 11.'Kh:E VII., CliVAl'lk,T I , anhirrtioldo llntotr in potsburgli.' I . lillCip.ll .410, 7 . .! Fourth street. Manufacturing and necoutntodarion titer:, cor ner of Wood itreet and Virgin ntley. highest price s alway pnid Cdr shipping Funs ( ropily ASP/UN/3 iTYLE—S•MOOHE intainst.. rciyed from No,. York, the t4pring dtyla of Hats, whirls he will introduce Oli n 4 lttonink, March 4th. All 1004 e an wind of q 1,01. {I ml.perior Ilia, will plow, call and eantdin4 ,l 1 No 75, Wood 111001, dil door above Fourth. I ' FALL PAPIIIION.--S. Itloollll has rree,- rd from New York . , the Fall style of Ilatt . dt Win he t o thia day, eaturday, Aug All. those n want a teat and nuperiot lint would do well to Ca ll at:No.74, Wood tlttent, th.l door a 1.,. SUAIHER FASHION FOR HATS.— /UST kcciva front New York, the :Wollner Style for, tans, consoling of Whits Bowser. rend Mato Smelt Cossintose lints. with Ventilators. Inv• o•oo i t t% .4 DI Lean, light lint are respectfully ite-11 o calL, z 4, NtoollE, mays 75 wood rs, 3 doors ;those 4th UNEIL4 AND CONMIHNEESof atIOIN COMMr by Reliance Line , are hereby noti6ed that in m it., queue° of the destruction of the rreepon Aduedit 4 o 0 goodi will be delivered by, or without arnsten o dens from the Owners and consignees al forward a II at their additional expellee. myls e JOHNIIIoPADEN& C 4 - I;l4Stace — .oo. --- , HY STEASII . O THE HI.HJEDUCT, Liri.',1`:`,E0....7.'7%:`,‘","...:„ri!'"...1"'- of ......,"!. conveyed to lhalembia and Haltimrirra ' s us " Uah wa i n ' . out any. delay.. Foe furthhe information inquire .01 the otter, Monongahela Ham; 01 .. 0fH. Leoeh Jo Co., at the Canal Hash& . ' • - m .15 •- _ DURVIXFiItiII/Wiere.—The solocrthera hapax P beenappointed role Ago& by the manufacturer, for the sale of the celebrated "I'lunire BrielN'. are now prepared to fill orden ',for etoy 'quantity, at earth, per LULU For the courtnittrou of ion:once .ot all knolsobese brick* haSor beer: pronounced bp cum petcorjadges ar briag superior to all other fire brickr 1110%, ist C A kVA uury dr Co, Coned Basin. cuai l i Z ot - V - Ae - 17",.rituiiVnitraTuTa 1,7 factory, Glanour. rictitland, via Aew Orleans, to arrive per *reamers Eatpint and AM4TiCtla Eagber 41 cask. of Which areal the purest quality. for that ears mamathetare. thyld POINDEXTER & Co LITERARY Valuable asad Attracttro Netalleakissa L eurarrucrs Raton. oftbeGiros 'alias, 2 robs 12 B:lmmos' Life ofChevalier Diva* 12 inc. G. P. FL James' Life of Mary the lomat; of Franca, 2 rots--12mo. Smith's COusular Cities of Chimm , l2 too.- • , Neunderhi Life of Jesus Christ; b re, muslin; Marvel*. Fresh. Gleanings; or a' new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Europe. Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Mexican War: 12mo. Gleix's Slimy of the /Mule of Waterloo; War. A Summer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 12 MO. • :tummies Literature of the South of Europe; 2 vole 12 mo. Rumon's Adventures in Mexico and the Reeky Momitninic 12 me, Posthumous Works of Rev: not Chalmers, D. D.; L. L. D. The Practical Astronomer: . by Thos. Dick, I. .L. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Historian of New . Hampshire. Luther and the Reformation, John Sem; or a., 2 role. The Middle kingdom, with a new msp of tbe Empire;' . . by S Wilharns,2 role, 12 tan. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Siring, A D., 12 mo. • • o - The Bethel Play, by Gardiner Spring, D. It /110. Tea Ching a Science, the Teacher an Artists by Rev. R. R. Hall. • The Czar, his Court and People; by Joh& S. Maxwell. Lectures on Sbakspeare, by H. N. Iludsbn: The Ashes ell'Arnerica—lllustrated with Mneengra rings an steel, and containing sketches of the lives of Allston, .Inrsian, Wen. Stuart, Trumbull: De Veaux, Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crew/ant; I Sol, g co. : The Orator, of Prance containing sketches of the lives of lassnartine, niers, Napoleon, Mian, Sties beau; Guirol and others, - with pornaws of each. • ; Ilendley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 rola, 12 me: Headley's IVatildnipon and his Generale 2 cols, 12ns Headley's Seem& Mountains, The above, together with a WI, collection of Stand, and Works. Classical and Schaal Rooks, for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK.TONtliooksellers, jes ' , comer market end 3d sts •••'• • • T IFE OP CROMWELL—I am teemed per euvrem, AA Headley's Lift of Crmuterll, in one Vol. • ~ Faith'and its Etfects; or Fragmems from my Toil Folio: by Mr. Palmer. ' • Riches of Grace; Interior Life.•by Upham; Life of - Faith, hy Upham: :Memorials offdethmhern, by Rev. A. Stevens; The English Pulpit, a collection oftsermons by the most eininent thvioes of England: Sketch es of 1 1 einons. on the Parables and Miracles; Igemider's • Lifeeicolitthrist. READ, • Apollo Buildings. glh strAkt SELECT SCHOOL. (Batooc Roma or goo Tninn Pataernratan Omura) TR. CATON'S Reboot will be opened for the moon lit lion of pupils of both sexes. on lliondaft A. 2,4 • of May. Patronage is respectfully solicited. Pittsburgh, April 03,1f48. Ilmarriumcm—Her. D. Riddle, D. D. A. T. McGill, A D. Mr. George Albree. - Richanl Edwanls. Luke Loomis. W. W. Wilson. apX:ltit Henry WPkinsors. Another eve yof Chtakerinws Plano S LX new Piano Fortee, of Rosewood y , 6 arid 6/ or. [a eek ' , by ll yes wi be receiVed H and read for • this w ..• JOHN MELLOR, M. tectaCed dating Sole Agent for Chickering's Piand for IVestern Pennsylvania. . MEDICAL. lIIEDTI VITA wrs - VERETABLE EXTRACT ia an irivalua: ble remedy thr Epileptic Either Falling Sint:nese, Convulsions, Spasm, &n. It is well knot., that front time immemorial, physicians have pronounced .Epi/epe an. Fits incurable. It has bathed all theifskill, sad the boasted power of all Medicine, and eonseqaently thou. cavils have itudered through a miserable existence, and at lost yielded up th eir him. on Who 'altar of insanity. With all deference, bowcvbr, to the opinions of the great and learned. , e n hay that it has be. carol. HART'S VABLrAnt. EXTRACT, For rinecayears, has been tested by many persons who have suffered with this dreadful disease is every caw where it ban had a fair t ri al, has efLeeted a permanent cure • Fits of years mid 6 months, need by the use of thin truly wonderful medicine, s • Read the following remarkable ease of the eon of Wm. Secore. Esq., of rin Philadelphia, afflicted with Epi leptic Pim 2: years d. 6.•rnontlis. Alter travelluag through Eaglmd, Scotland, Germany end France, con ng the most eminent physicians, end expending for medicine. medical treatthent end advice, three thou ./id dollars, miurned with hilt son to this SUMMIT Ira November lam without receiving any benefit whale. cr, and was cured by using HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. • Mr. William Secures Letter en h e. leans and Han: I have spent over three thousand dollari for medi cineand medical attendance. I was advised to tale a tour to Europe with him, eh I did. I first visited England. 1 consulted the mon eminent physiciana them in respect to his ease; they examined him and prescribed accordingly. I rema ined threg Months without perceiving any change for the better, which • over me about two hundred and flay dollars pocketed by the•physiciens, nod the most dotal received was tinglyuncuredhalre acco r d i ngly was hopeless and posi le. - I left England, and rine ellen through Seellmd. benne* and France, and re turned'hoing in the month of No tuber last, with my adees far from being eared as wheal leiL- I Mar your ertni . enient in ena of the New York miyiers, mad concluded to try Hares Vegetable Extract, mem: your statements and certificates of an many cares, some of twenty and thirty years' standing ; malf I eon asset° you I am nut sorry I did so, as Iry the use of Han , . Vegeta: bee Fatraet alone. he wits restored• to perfect health- , • His reamn, which Was so far gone as to unlit him for business, is entirele restored, with the prospept nosta • before him, of life, health and triefahrifss. He Is nene x•i years of age. and 2: years and 6 months cellos time has been afflicted with this mot dreadful of dia. roses; but thank God he is row eojoying goal health. , • Note, gentlemen, faith without work. I don't believe in. To say that I shall be ever grateful to you I. one Ming, and as them enclose you one hundred dollar., X ylm Is an have no daub, but that think this other and quite n different, thug. The debt of gratitude I • still ewe you, bet please to aceept the present amoaat interest on the debt in advance. Vain very respectfully, WILLIAM BARE TO THE AFFLICTED, One of the proprietors of.rids invalunale mei:Linos was satiated for several years with Epileptic Pits. The disease had produced the worst crimes ;on hie system, vim Loss of memory, imbecility of min d;and a perfect prostration of the nerrOttil system. e had tried the Skill of thabest physicians for seven years, thd grew worm under their treatment, and he knew at, this Medicine Wen his only hope foe health and life snit,. therefore determined to r tve it a Mistrial; and to persevere In its use, which he did, and the was a perfect restoration to health, which was malls sell uninterrupted for niterly sateen peer. Wo would refer to the folloonna persons wbsihays been cured by using Hart'. Vegetable Extract ' -Col E Denetwor's darghter was afilicted trim yesr4 resides at Yonkers, Now York. W Bennet, nine yesre,l7l Grind at, J EllsairorM, seven years,' 14 Dover at. • Joseph 11PDongul, trine years, East Petteklyri s Lai W Smith, NewlforkCanom noun. S Kelly, [twenty years,inaten Min E M'Ecef, twenty years, York-nth"; Miss E Crane, twelve years, 112 Harameniyalf. Wm 11 Panel', twenty-three ... years, 73 NOrfoUQRI Jacob Petry, four Teen, tancY et Philo Johnson, twenty-eight years, Grectwasti P - Judge Randall, 04 Erisf Iltuadway, New York; Themes R Jones, of the II Navy. Capt Wm Jawing., State at, 13nilrepon, z •• • ' Dr WI. Monroe, Hanford, - , Roo Illehard Daggett, West Davenpon •,' Bee T t L Bushmen, Indinnorn.Ml ' • /dr Joieplillradityjt.s Orchard IA N T. Doughtori, HeEshteenalt n N Y.: . Mrs Junes Bertholf, Chester, Cramp ie. Na John Faber, 178 D A Richton, 219 Dabney st, do Jame. Smith, 136 Suffolk st, • do Charles Brown, 11l Water et, - . do All of whiel mar be called upon, or oddment, poll Paid N l[Dl . P o rtYsd by. D, S Haas, (lata hams A Hut.) F THOMAS es Co, 111, Main ot, between Jd and. 4th nts, mad 111 Main ay between lth and MIL stmts. Cincinnati .otao, wholesale 4el ratW"ypnyforlho. south and ;nun L WILCOX; Jr, comer of Market st and the Dial mood, only se in Pitob'y Pa landawly OPPICM, No. O.S, DIAMOND ALLEY, a rs kw doo below Wood street, to. • market. DR: naowie, having been 7.1 d regularly editealed to the medical prozeasion, L and been for aotna time "'" tn general; psostie, noie_confines his attention to thetreatment . •• th ose private and delicate ate ..4k k p:.intalor l wltich his opportunities z;:•_ and coper ence peculiarly qualify /1 y ,an assidnougly devoted w study .I{rcntment of those complaintyldunng volde h . time he b us bad more procure and bat cured or pa. treats than eon ever fall to the Lot of any privet° prat* 'L tinoner) Limply qualifies him to oiler - asearunces of speedy, permanent, and .nsfactoty, gore no nil afflicted with delicate diseases, nod ail diseases arising there. from. l Dr. Brown would inform those agicted with private diseases which have Income elneetic by time or ag gravated by the use of anrof the citatmon nostrtmis of Lle day, that their complaints can lip radically and thor oughly cured, Lo having glean his careful attention to trcaunent of such tutees, and saoceeded in hundreds' Zof ins.necs in curing persotis of iltliumnation of the . lifirk of rho • biadder, and kindred diseases which often result from those cones where other, have consigned them to hopeless despot,, ' lie pattreoltuly invites sorb' SA have been long and unonecoasfully treated bioti,. • to consult hike r -when every satisfaction will be given • them and their cases treated-in esicfal, thorough and intelli , gent manner, pointed oat [rya long experience, .„ study, and in vestiganem, which his impossible for those „.,. engaged in general pravgge of medicine to give any one class Ofitittett,a. EDilmmia or Rupture.—Dr. Drown also invites pet. soon aili cted with Hernia to call, at lie has paid partic ular attention 10 this disease. Skindiscosesi oleo Pd.. Palsy, etc., Epomilly cured,.,- —. Charge., very low. i • N. If.—Patienta of either sex hvingdt a clistauceiby stating their Haase in writing, onvuld all thes e, m wino, eon medicine's with directions for us by addroestsig T.'I3ROWN, fiL D., post piddi and ends* • Jag a rcr. Office No. CZ, ['Lomond alley, opßolite iba Wsverly House, IrrNo mire no pay. d'el9. AV seer CdieEstaHllatensout, 1' llll.l.ll'rilVllli D, arch. na trairo ' rViTr 7 l' a%rae " e fu s tb. selobrity and of of seenety, where the siih.etiber hos Sillre right years, to fun .plogress, a tV.orinetue en d lie bits loply erected such ILinlitings and other neceosary conveineitees , as , to enahle hint to otter every reamtwahla emensnienee and coinfOri to the patient. WllO may trust IliknoLelvea under his earn.. 'rim proprietor, not Willing to beast of his oteeess in racing the Itiosiateitte ditenaeft, considen hindelfjusti hid in suiting.' that bring the itrit who intratliteed the Hydropathie system practically into this coninvy, a n d . by cottatant study and application °fate newliscove ries and improvements in the *Deem modal.° this noun. 'try, as well as hrEnropche gained math sit extmri. • , ellee, by which Isis establishmet, under his ricer ;, ent mill rendera benefit to O. afflicted. The eetaltliMment 011 . 1 lei ready for for the reception of p rits on the firm or , Jane• ns insearetv of, health or country. air and exertite, will:find • thin; every as well arranged as pwasitil r tor their fctionfort, Charge. moderate. lIDWARD Agri:lf . 3 LD.;Proprietor." l Iltiarr.e. Slay In We lake pleanne in recommending.. Dr. At:ltees es tablishment fo mach as may be delineate of realising to Ilydropathic treatment, • It Sealer, Beidantin Adams, John R Shannon, 51 Lawmen John AlliSoll, Won Denting., Frederick Charles Speyeren • • ,triynklnt .; MTL C . A e i t; tlnver tuniqux, Gallia eo., hltty arod ' la, - 1•540- • ' R. K Sellers:. After " cry years tmezof your Liver Pill., in nu practice, fore prepared twiny that they .111 jlllOl what and those who have stied them repellent themtto vim—The hen preparation (or liver eomplend Ittal &manta wiring titan a deranged • state of the livekorrat has ere{ bt.l utrered to.tha Totrei,jl2, w. ALT......,1 , 11. D. • prepared end Idby,F.; F. SELLERS; fir kViittod at, rauiPitutinirktt, %crry,44exh.e.ny,Jukt4iuggist.geli tOwtitik, sad catzp . . ntovicazact gid , te e N.B.—A. R. r..s. in Dr.Tknorigend' s O .Iriest ar - Putrburirbohe iirttupraiertieb: mayAlyno nat l lrbolt Nos Woo d itnxi., • , 4 - 11 4 , 4 ,_ t . K.. , .:7; 1 5:-. , [:!, , .-„..... - ; . . . ; I .' 1 \