BY Ellifflly3 1111.00105 & PITTSBURGH' WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 14,184 a • PELELADLLPH.II.II NORTH=MIMICAZ. mt. Mks Molt Alm , • • can and Uaissd Stases Gazette, • aed forwank4 Gum this ats. Pbiladelphi.. m a n d • saw 'Kw= SOXPRE/11. - , • • We wN neer.:Gmrard fire of expense, ad • verrissersats and subscriptions for this•paper. • . DuirCPrnownws DAILY Gazer= Is pobikkod TVastly, sad Waatly.—Tba Ail, is Pam Dollars pat aeanmi tha Tri-Wockly is Elia Dollarspor sawing du Weekly is Two Doyorapar W. advance. Fos ram Commercial loulligooso,Dommlie, Kw. • ~.." , giver Newt, Impons, Mousy Markets, to. see . . ' grAorsertisaa are earoastly neyseited tke load is - tiers favors before 6r. ti and as early bt to day as practicable,. Desiasiustle VFW; Isminatleas, • FOR PRIIILDRIT, L . ZA011•114 TLYLOIIt, •' FOIL VICE PRULIDEILIF XILL•ILD PILLKORIL; FOR. cow, CXOLLOSSIONER, XEla JILIDDLSIIVILIVR writ, courn. TUM-WHIO NOMINATIONS: Vlnetrlteeeptlestry Ms Press sad pimple We 'ha eceatinue ow in:tracts from the prese, and public meetings tivoliglexit the UlllO/2, in . :tion to the Whig Nondurtiorm, believing we, Ca ri• not girlie:lr readers Anything toorcilmaresting and important. F. begin, today, with the • lntelligences this respolidi iothe noetinatket of Mlle. and Fillmore To even (*glen observers, bat much more to reflecting minds, It most have been atrial:What • . the difficulties to be wumounted by the Conven. , non were of active and kmaidaUe character.— : The determination by, the Whig. to bold a Con venni* at all was indeed a recognition of those damn*" The sentlntent, equally entertained by all onments of the exiMing Wilande, had mini- • fested iWlf in preferences for different iridividnids for the Porsidtney, which, if pertinneloasly tuber . ed to, mot have defeated an effective expression of the 'general will. /Verb was accemplished, therefore, when Am friends of the several distill gabbed and eminent citizen. brought Mrward for - • the Presidency Consented to commit the selection of al candidate to a National Convention. This consent was the evidence of a patriotic determine " ricer .to sacrifice all personal consideration's It Tie. r. - \ cenry , a, to the main object of placing the Govern. 1 . . went in the hands orthei great Constitutional Con ', , • 'creative party which as incladed in the general term Wifiln which ;object can only be effected by • - - • ' electing a Wma to preside in the Executive De pertinent of the Government.l, The Delegates to ‘.'-.. - this Convection : were chosen accordingly, on to •' - persist obstinately in adhering to the filet choice of l “. themselves and their constituents, but, in the spirit • ..: /in which this Government itself was fanned—ln ' the spirit or compromise of conflicting interests fo r - - . the 'accomplishment of a great general good--to . unite their voices in the nomination, fu the Presi .. , 'dewy and Vice Prewdency of those citizens who, . • recommended by their own political and personal l . ' merit, and known to he willing to carry out We views cif the Conwintion,should unite the largest ' • terrine of that hody.. t • ' - - • For the Convention. thus assembled to arrive at a determination, and present wicket acceptable, in ',.....: ': all particulate to every Whig in the United States, .oreven to the Whip bay in every . State of the . ' -- • Union, wan both hopeless • and impracticable. ,".., 'All . that •Icoall be expected from it was to • . O. ' offer to the Whig party for its support such a tick. ' ~- ' ' et as , upon the. who* is the best that could po pan. •' sibly be °brained. ' ' , • -, :,.,. This arid, we believe, confiding as we day itn •••• . :iNieitly in the intellidencis and honor of that great' ; C.-body of Delegates,• the Convention has attained;' , '' • • :act; under that conviction, all oilier considerari e. de, we should most freely give our edbesio , as _ --`., ."'We earnestly invite all headers to do, the ' 'nominations made by Conrehtion. ..- - Ed it is not merely on e prowiple of adh, ring, '''' not weiiiere beforehand ridged to do, to e de- , . 11 1 *Won rof.,The Conyr , ' that:vre, shall, 'lie a! " \ willing support to It Ilia gentleman Altai has 1 - been pat nnominnieni Lir the ey - is fsi I ~,:.... : • Terribly enough known , to us b report, and by private information f in whom , . we entirely confide, to assure us that he wilt , • ' not only make a safe President to the • eatmriy, • - but will, in his administration, bring as nester to 'the platform of Washinglim than we hive been for the last twenty years, with theroiceptinn Of. the , kw first months of the lisrriadti Admhiritrationi— Arid, as to the nominee :far ro° President; he is • • not only, unexceptionable in every relation Of life,: "". „but hers reepimneeded by all the IP:Writes affirm. „ Dm diwinviriseelsability, and. seal, which were Particularly , eadreopapiciumsly ilispla=4 : ,:i - arduous position - ,of cif f Chairman the ' of Ways had:Afton' of the lbouse'of Represea• " wires, in the Haiirion Congress, bPhis services , :erhereiti hi. Or:gained a solid , and enduring repo-. ,• - The two parties are fur r fairly hi the fie* each has* . tto tis a candiffatie (31. the . ..Pregame:l reflecting its peculiar view'. Ilis for ' ' . 'go People to deirisiii between the antagonistic -principles which they represent. -' In General Taylw le wesented to as l o pe rep resentative of a contain:did:old, couiervative, and - " beneficial policy at home, and a - firousetral, just, ' noriritteriezoion peray in regard to fcrirign. Po w• ' Ise Getri•Casa is offered to us the representative ' '• _irf Darrisat" and . Looafecoism, of the Veto . "pan : *oral legislation at home , and of intereentem, war, • Conquest and' annexation, with shook every as, • maul le Part of the foreign mos*, ... . ' These are. the political characteristics of the two candidate' fir the Presidency. - . .`" - f-' , " Need we an y that we hold.-it to', be -our duty to give toile Whig.emulidate, thee recommended to us by his 'paliricial sentiments, by grout public !services, dad by the Convention, m supportt The ifshimert Asuricen is highly pleased with ..., thelnoin*Ons, speaking' of the nominees; it re .works: .i . That Gen. Taylor will make a 'gad President, ' rows hoof the very condition of his nature which ouldnet allow him to be a. bad. one. With so i much hriciesty of purpose, so tench clear Intel& ,genceori much practical kilowridge of men and ~ fhirtge *ether with such a fond of moderation and kindly fading, the confidence which has al• ways attended General Tnylorhithettowillgo with .. ' brie to the Presidency: We believe be will make one of the best Presidents the country has ever had, . we Mr. Fillmore i well known to the people of the United Stater a10,./0 of the mast prominent and able of the Whip of Now York. He . is a man who from poverty and iku unfriendly obscurity in' early life has men tot eminence, *nesting . the strength and worth of his owneharnmer and flue ening at the same : Vine the happy influences of free institutions. Tbe lgreparationa for the canvass are now cont. pieta.. The candidates are in the dell The corr leit,lve hope, will be cried on an becomes reale ole people engaged-in the task of selecting the beat men to bold the helm of State, both sides be but anxious to promote the welfare, the honour mid diguity.of ear common a:Meaty, The .Ilattiviore Patriot, announces the nornme tines with every demonstration oC extraredinary • • . The Cincinnati Ga--eu, in announcing the nom ' karma. thin Sandi' t • -- ,lndvidnnoy we expressed a prekrence for ~. the selection of a civilian from the free States kr the Prealdentist candidate, believing that in the dintribution of the Executive otrice„ they were en. titled to the candidate. We have, Istarever, . ways srpreand a cheafal substiotion no the seleo. • • 'inn of the 'Whir National Convention, and pledged • " 'to it Our irs4put. • now that the nominations are made, and we know the Whig standard bearers; we shall most cordially support the nomination", and with , that "right good will," which the certainty of 'tie ms inspir es, The Cincninatt'Atrat gives, in its adhesion with . exldiat aluctance, rind with lane qualifications haste' as rented to submit the 'election to a . it ,• Atlas op, • etsonkl Itciibr, under the cirenm. stanaa, to the suption of Gen; Tiylor he • _ • the , biking it kir granted a s we do, in • . advance of the °facial report of the proceedings of • the Convention;that he submitted dwelt ton. - • to itS decision, and that be arasnoininated an -a • upon satisfaidcuy .anon' of bls • 'Whimsy. a.kaars ste m tra_and sn3 •at he • ", round; bet, as we, said, we take itt far granted, our own conditions are acceded min the nomination, 1 • 'and therefore, we shall feet-bound by it, till tins re • cell* reliable asattrance; which we do not expect, ; • . thsrwssire inbanken. • . .1 _ baweertTaylor and Fillmore, and Cu' end . • Boger, no .Whigs in the nation an hesitate in a moment to go the former. . , • • The Iblbtring Telegraphic despatch' rem two Dekgatearmm Ohio, came to us late last night, of 'ter the *sensing was in type. We know not what • • • ST: • tr"Do not comsat& yourself on nomination, vow . you hem from tts. Write to country editors. to stand as armed' neutrals. Ohio has been trampled ,• • The Zanesville Courier hu • long edittniii, ei , . . iatsiainsid ate regrets, and its convictions dimly tet t. . *r the circiamstancen •We take the fallowisql ex • • tz ad i . ai most to tio purpose as indicating Us fade •• •• , : sWhen the news r ef Taylor's notablagantlat „ L i m to hand, we wens disappointed,anil we said so in continual= without Id W e b a d b o , p o d that , Haney any, a man who well deserves . . this s alconnidionlionce:crWlttieldScat, • • • -' - the eerfran Pacificator of the Pron. •'• tiers.the rit *be Wart atlii all riv, Orent Cant* and Comperes of belend anotherwWn receive the , nomination. _Oar feelings woe Int o ; wiled la their frier, and oar dam 'hu m an, L mat was autimeniculds: - But' the •••aber wood •' thought" efjudgment, of badinage'', aria or dray, • now bids to abandon the., vain Regret; 4 - yin itr i the rminees the choice ocour pail, and !mum, us Et&pant of , not ditielSaad thl" 0 : 11 / 4 I ' ol , taki , uir out 1" 600 . ' l a 23' endeavorto do Nude in inn Arldgeasure, in admen. 'ling the election Taylor and Rantore, as . Ina The Philture heni - ree is in ruptneeiS It "We hail this decision with the liveliest sundae. lion. The firm Whig Journal to ran up the Taylor flag in this city—this State—awl, indeed, we be lieve, In the United Statesove are; of course, high !Y= that th e Convention has endorsed our jut—rat Med our choice:and that of the d muada of good =en mud true, who have acted "with and stood by unborn the fi rst" - The Lager, Loan Foca nautrul, says that the ticket is a strong one _the strongest the Whigs asald have taken. ...The Rersding%Jtantel isdelighted with the nom haiku:a, and *mites well for Old Beebe.' "Tarter is, In our humble opinion, by far the MMugesi candidate the Whigs could have offered to the and will take sot only the piuty vote, but will 6e supparted by an immense number of democrats. In the South he will sweep every State, excepting perhaps Missouri. In the East, he will tube every State with the exception of N. Hampshire. In the Middle, States, Virginia and Pennsylvania are considered by some es doubtful, but as fa es we are able to judge, in theistic, at lams, Old Zech Stands two chancel to one against the aristocrat abroad, demagogic at borne, Case— in the West every one 'lamella far Old Rough and Ready,even Illinois it preparing to swell his vote.'. The Xiners' Toured goes off in rapturous en denim= • mate our & I hoes banner out Upon the breeze we throw: .2 Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foc! • ' General Taylor is the Whig candidate! Who can not ray under inch a gloriousname! A Who; kclay Vaig-,an honest man—dignified, able, suttp...enced, yet modest as hi Is great—the dmfta of the world—in peace, a lamb—in war, a tiger—owed a man, fellow eitisensovill now lead on the invincible hosts of the great Whig family to Buena Vista triumphs—to triumphs as disastrous to J-v. , woCw• misrule, as were his vic tories to the enemy. He never , surrendcri—with him there is no 'lurch word as foe • •He is now before the people;—nod we most choose between the toroCue or Tenon! Will anyione hesitate which to chooser The Almon Atfa., although it 'had other mefetem ces;' , aind &though General Taylor . wan not its choice:nor the choice of Massachusetts,' avowi its determination . 'to abide the result, and to award to it a full, free, and untiring support: It declares that "General Taylor is a Whin is prinriple—is in favor of Penes—opposed to all war—bed/1w Sla very to issa curse to the country, OMt o v ine. its r,r- termination—and isoppavdte Mt floihtr ortension of dots territory. When the Whigs shall learn these tits, we beileltla , th at no loan who truly loves the Whig party, an&Lo belierewits success essential to our salety and prosperity, can for a moment hesitate to believe his duty mills hint to give General Taylorhis ardent and zealous stip. port. 7 Ttto Batten Courier isstill unshaken. flow long it will resist the tempest, remains to be seen. It concludes its announcement of tho report of Gen. Taylor's nomination by the following simple but sorrowful remark, ".The announcement is enough fir to day: The Barton Whig indicates its opinion by telling the hollowing story: • • •, "Doctor, eflerMards Dean Maxwell, sitting in company with Dr. Johnson, they, talking of the vio. lenee of party to what onwnrrantablo lengths party men will sometimes run: `Why, yes says Johnson, /they'll db any thing. no matter how odd or desperate; to gain their point; they'll catch hold of the red hot end of a poker, wooer than oat get tiossessiOn.Of it.' The 1k5414 Adorrtirrr quisitGes itindimsioni by Mtning,distinitly,that "the news °fide nomination vitl be far .. a great majority orthe Whigs of Messachurts: The belief, • however, that no other Whig candidate is 'available,' and that in no other treymiti the integrity of, the party ter preaereed, opararei as the excuse and the mo use the proffering support M Taylor's nomination. The Nereirfryidii Huai is well plectiet.l,exul expreases a readout opinion, that General Tay!. will receive two thirds of the clecioral votes: • - • • • ' We congratulate our readers on the nomination. Once more we have cat adrift from the ultra lend erinf the patty, and again rcturned,to the practice cram, end modffatr Whig principles. In &d -um of the ultra leaders of both palsies, these will be hailed mith - lexiansittion by the masa of the pet. plehmuthe borne eniitrhampliutly into . power as Ihdy veti , 7ei. •I J. • , 110 A !h 6 'under* , 01- the panf:: L ey.ieer,,the uhras, .whieb.• • "` Maggie co7tisequence • • arses, the die. Of him pspoF,*n • em,l:l3l[ : 4ll; . tie4eiptil; to that Con: vesitiOnCiumated themselves into the propriety of snakier the aunination they have; but it seems to es that the Whig i?sutyof the North has been moo Ercompromised. General Taylor will, we na theleut doubt, be elected; for the lainels • which invest the 'bead of a slayer of men, have ever, we grieve to any it, been baked upon with greater favort7 the people, than those which en. twine the brow of the peaty meter, and the phil aatbropiaL Re may be an honest man; he may be capable of adminusering the ailmee of the Gcre ' ertunezd;-bot if he is, he has not, heretofore, been warm to acimowhadge it. We bops he will make • good' Whig' President; and we sincerely ones that in the of the Whigs to nominate, as the most available man, one who, in a life of over silty years, basest yet kumed an opinion opus the Feld political questions which divide the people tuto parties, they may not a second time elect a John Tyler to the Presidency: • • new TOIIC. . }forum Gnictv, of the Trilione,,annonnees the nomination with a sorrowful heart. remarks „ . are long and able, and 'conclude as fillows: —But the struggle is over, and Gen. Taylor is nominated. And, if politics are to be regarded as I &game, we think, looking at the matter as coolly u we can, that the mrulagers.have dealt them selves good hinds. We believe. thry ,will win, and we hope they will.not be the only gainers by. their dexterous shuffling. Unless that patient don. key the public move imtonunonly restid; we see no swayer preventing Gen. Taylor's election. The combination upon him is very comprehensive, and we do not think the country mewed totake the risk of a Lewis Cass allereauonennexing Minim hundioe, numb as they ..setild I biretta defeat the nothinatorsef Gen. Taylor.. For carol= parh mei:sell tale tier far riitedioN. If it shnlLappear to us dual the raiwort of General ;Taylor is the only COMIC by which the election of Cass can be prevented, we ehall ostictri in that sup port. It; on the countrwy, the divelopements of the next kw days shall prove that the Free States MS now ripe (or the uprourg which must come sooner or later, and which this nomination has done very much to precipitate, why then try ore ready, Oar present impression is that the time has not qi?ite arrived—but wombed see. • The 'editor attic Tribune says, in another all cle, that it was arm time possible for the oppo. nerds of General:Taylor in the Convention, to change the .result. If it had been necewary to' 1 General Taylors nomination to give hfrn-Hurotcs onthe Srstbillot, hewouldhive got theM. The Tribune frothev sayei • The nominaliok of Millard Fillmore for Vies. Preaident at Philadelphia is brandy approved this quarter, andAvill probably win many to the samportorthe ticket whoiwould otherwise respeol . fully dacha. The Courier is delighted, of worse. Volrorou says there is no doubt of Gen. Taykrecelection.— The rapers has not come to hand The Journal of ..Commurce says: We congratulate ouiteaders and the'pountry on the auspicious malt The nominationonidad to the many independent nominations aid the:gine. rat favor of the people io his behalf rectinia his electioe beyond any rensonabk doubt. Wah Gen. Taylor for President, and Peace with all the world, the country will be link and prosperous. The Coaunnetal supports the nominittions, end says: .1n Albany the nabs appears to have caused pen 44eitement. and the (needs ol.Mr. Clay ore todilreatit and angry.' In this city a Ilule of the same Gelling was shown by Mr. Claylike:ltd. sev eral of whomtutended the meeting at Lafayette Henn; evening. This, of course, was to be ex. pected. Had the not:et:union fallen upon • Mr. Clay, Gen. Taylor's admirers would have felt end shown equal dimppolatment. We have no fear, however, fizethe great body of Whigs in this city and ebiewbere. The disappointment and antic:) , azice will wear of in a few days, and all . will be imam end humour They have too much good melee to refuse to abide by the decision of the Con. ventioni. at to throw away the certainty ore long desired success, merely becanw penouolly they would pave preferred another lender. " The Cmisercial refers to a Taylor mtifirittion meeting at Lafayette Hall, on Friday evening, which the Tribune says, owns interrputed end brought tots abrupt terrainnticm by' a portion of the sovereign people who took that method of ter ilfying their displeasure at the Philadelphia limb niece . The Tribune justly =au' re* such a The Emeltle .Post, (BatablFsetr ikmocrat,) We notelet,' k upon the Preaidenilal question as Tinselly setiledi Gen. Taylor. till be in the Praish denial chair on the 4th of March, it he italioe.— He will sweep the Booth front Capitlitst - to Kay Weg, and from the Ohio to the Rao Grsode. Vtr ginis will give her voice Ibr Taylor isiLsurely as uth Carolina. Not one of the suttee, to purchase w6oaesoppart 'ihe letter of Mr. Cass on slavery Was Mine; will, 'nall probabtlity,Five7thei antler of that letter a Tote the the Presidency. In the North _his prospect, are saarcely less aatieneto• 77. AlMBarnbmner, soya that - General Taylor will be elected, no matter what may bethe action cede Boniburnen or that State. It says - .As General Taylor now stands before the peo ple b that et oth parties his election would he prefe prefer. ble to of Cam. Hin election would anontilate Tharitamison in this State and throughout the Union. We' have long been hoping kr the ordvalet the time when a revolution tummies would take place. Tbe slavenower has triumphed long enough. The election of Taylor, although he is a slave holder, would, under present circemstances, be the means of inning the radical Democracy, ofihe free States, and 'some of the slave States, by bringing into one would carry ranks the DemocraUc Whigs,. and , in I bil2 we the Union.' Ford's: Newts by Ma Saadi*. Oitr limited space compels us to condense as much es possible. The 'Acadia made her passage in thirteen days and a 614 and brings news one week later. The Sarah Sands arrived at Liverpool oa the of May. She left New York on the Gth of May. The new steamer America from New York ar rived at Liverpool ow the 22d, after a passage 'of 12 days and y kyr hour.' The London correspondent of the New York Commercial, thus sums up the news of the week: Losixis, May 26,-1,94& • Our news this week is again important 1. A fresh demonstration at • Vienna, which bas lcd to the flight of the Emperor of ALUM.' lint which promises, however, to end quietly. 2. The arriv al of our Ambassador from Madrid, after only twee. ty four hours' notice to qhit, from the Spinush min ister. 3. An outbreak at Seville, of n similar cha racter to that at Madrid, of which you received news last week. 4. A new and sanguinary Warw. ruction at Naples' 5. Disturbances at Lyons, whichWem temporarily to have placed that coy in • the hands of the terrorists. 43. The rejection, by our Hoare of Lords, of the bill for the emancipation of the Jews and, lastly, an abundance of general mi nor events, such os the opeeineof the Notional Assembly et Berlin, the Wvorable termination of the fete of fraternity on Sundayltu4;at Paris; en, attempt at escape by. Babes from his prison at Vincennes, and farther arrests in Ireland. ,The circumstaoces of the Vienna outbreak are remarkable. .Youvreaders will remember that some weeks beck this proposed new Austrian Con stitution was published, and wasteceived with ea tisfaction, so much so indeed that the funds rose .considerably in consequence. On the 15th instant, however, its totem led to the new demonsumien. On discusaing its various provisions by the grap ple, and by the various political aocietimyit Lame gradually to be regarded with dissatisfaction.. ; The aristocratic Gum of the upper chamber stud the in direct form of election Ga. tho lower, was strongly condemned, and ,while this uneasy feeling was at its height, and jug after some demonstrations had been widst in the suburbs bye large body of work men and oihers,the Ministry resorted to injudicious amps of isalting en order Ca the denotation of the central committee of the National Guard, coastal ing of about 200 indiViduals, and regarded as the molt influential political dub in the city, and at: the same time of parading a large military fort,o which bivouacked - at night ulna the gloms. The result was, that on the 12th 01 May the - populace, headed chiefly by the student. of the rose &mutt , thetaiglves, and at once proceeded to the Minister with their demands— These were that the military should be withdrawn, that the central coramiuee of the ,Natfonal Guard should not be dissolved, and that she lose Eir the elections should be declatednall The ministry, becoming manned, yielded to. all thudemands of the people; and then on the follow. lagday, gave notice thatthey kit it to be their du ty to resign,—and said fattlier, that the eructations ball been made, because they had ;not the moot. to reel,t, and from conaidcranons of safety to the royal family. After this document bad made its appearance it. may be imagined that the upper classes in Vienna felt considemblc uneminess,and that the conscious ness was fully ihnpressedirinon them that the "stu dents' and the populace might demand anythuig." They were destined, however, to experience s shock still more seem. Soddenly it Waif rumor ed that the Emperor had Bed; i fact which was ai once confirmed by a bulletin hem the Minfist . ry, stating that. his Majesty had . dint hoar utkerinds demi - Ave, it woe bettered fit. laspruck, with ,no other communication to the'lead of his cabetia than • verbal message to that effect. Feom &GI moment all was confusion, lint it •ppears that the universal feeling was solely one at fright-on the port of the population'at basin, as they ooareive4 gone too far. • The Emperor, oltbough a weak man is popular and Ids deptrurre . ,llwatittared; would to 1 signet fur anarchy, toward which the mass of the Gee Man people me, we are clarinets!, wholly indite' Poised; and hence deputations in hot haste were at ottce sent after him, to soodu his fcan and to an. treat' him to return. The last news is that his Majesty hat reached limprack, where be wae received dry.his Tyrolean &objects with "frantic loyalty," and ni he is thus between two and three liundred nide* away ken his capital, it seems dotheful Whether be will 'spee dily he induced to return. Obstinacy on this point howe'ver might ultimately prnie &anger:ca. A present the mortification of the %%emote is such that their state is described as oneUf "maudlin re pentance," but this may be succeeded byres! imp. since no persons ace 10 dangerol4 NJ those who, with.power in their hands, are led to believe that they have humbled themselves to no purpose. With regard to the fact of our ambilikiatior, Sir IL Bulwer, having been ordered to quit -?Madrid is 24 boon, no explanation has yet triumphed. Lord Palmerston has stated in the Boos, of Comnaone dint all the correspondence -*sting trilliereli. jeer is now in the hands of the Nil:sterol:tot will be laid before the members lissom as Coupled with thew perplexities in dui relations of England and Spain, news hairesched tut stmw• ing that despite the success of the Spakiisli Gov ernment, in havieg twice represented the ibwrrec tionery attempts in the capit4 the opitiett revolt is still active throughout the country to *efficient extent to render their position critical i'AMilitsey rising has taken place at Seville, which is believed to have become tomiirlsble, Mit of the real progress of which little is yet known owing to the silence of the Government organs. Senile is ::212 miles distant from Madrid, and in Spain the; means of eurnmanication nre barhatowdy The hat that nrrfilll one-mints - have beripubliatied is sufficient, however, to denote that the toovement b.. proved a seriounone., It b ro ke ouf while the Duke and Duchess of Moutpentier were] Cm a visit in the city. Seville contains about 100,000 inhabi• Mots, and bi fortified sod takes op woe ground than Madrid. It Is also one of ilia laigtiu depots km artillery in the kingdom. - ,The ingonection at Maple. @Kral, to have been ;accompanied by circumstancesof the most deplo ruble actor. Monday the 15th of May was the day fixed Or theopening of the Chambers. The elections had proceeded languidly and bad remit. ed in the return mostly of moderate members. The coOatitutioa, however, of the upper. bodes be. mg analogous lb that proposed by Atmitia; mobs :had' for seven; weeks bees in the habit of raising the cry of Down with the Chamber of Peen:— Still it was not expected that anygerseral outbreak would be attempted. A few days before the meet. iag of the Chambers, however, a strong Preach fleet arrived in the bay,and this circumstance was regarded with a degree °foaminess by tlase who desired the maintenance of order, winch, Judging from what has now taken place; appears fo have been well founded. On the Sunday night preceding the 'meeting of the Chambers, on the plea of en objection made by v portion of the members to the form of oath pm nailed for theoccasion;baniesdes were raised in all the principal streets, and, it is asserted in letters which I have just received, underthe superinten dence of French officers. On the following morn. mg lle King, to avoid a collision, is represented to have agreed to neatly all the dm:Minds of the re. (rectory members, but here, as at *Ain in March last, an accident; or *hat wan preconcerted to ap pear as such, renditid these concessions vain and led to a fiightful catastrophe. The; troops of the line being dravin up before the palace, a musket was tired from the ranks of the populace sod Na tional Guards, by which a grenadier was Instantly ..killed. Upon this the trcops could not be minus. -. nil—/hey attacked all the barrioades in suceessicin and drove all the National Guards into thendjoin lag boon; whence the content was carried on front the windows. Mier unrest boats of hard lighting, daring which all sans of atrocities are al. leged on both sides, the regular troops were slim°. rious and the National Guards were compelled to surrender. Daring the fight, many Frenchmen wee mtg. ed with arms in their hands, and some Frenchmen were robbed. It is tented it will -lead ton war with France. As to the real merit, of the dispute between the King and the insurgents it is impassible just yet to kern en opinion. TIM weak and treacherous cha racter of His Hajesty,Who u a Bourbon, is such, norm:mutely, as always in WM-AM susplrian.hut all the partkisliss which have yea reached uses the Mauer certainly tend to Inspire the belief - 04 the movement of the Alm was unprovoked sad -warner', an impreasion which Is strengthened by the circumstance that, notwithstanding' hitpresent success, the King has tuned a prodamation th ighs intends to Wand by the ndw institutions and to re. call .parliament *malignly. "That Whltirakiaof hero, than mow, • . • • , And pato as mosramental lilabaster.l! ,; • • Al! feteales bake the like the above, who IMO "0.10 Spaniel, Lily Whim It slaked, pure snowy, rat ova, rally white, sold at Sy Catapult meet. iwka .....ssesomessmosoo auras Fout m astscri-lifts leans' froze AO: Cleveland Deteoctst,:tliss . oti PiuS p night lest 4 most &mews are Lades out in Atm, 'theta mid. dedioliesy property so the meant of idiom 6 30 , 0 1:ce55e5,000 ;of which; was coveted by immune% The buildings deitenr e3Leuelided lrom Itiutsom's center to,citiety's heihro t g North, and on Howard * street, nod to the city Sictetyon Mutely:eel, without including the factory. • 7 • This carrier is in thh.mosi business pan of lb . The night was remssintuy still; ifit had not been, our Own would now have been a heap of ashes.— es. Those who havemarred 'the most, ere Eggleston de Co., Map Publishers, 5.5000..—incv mace $4OOO, Kilbourne di Caldwia, 117000;Linsu room 32500; Rankine, Thayer dr Co, 0)1Kl--insiv race 52000; J. A. Beebee, ArAXI--initurance 'VW; Eleclmith dE BOckwell, 512,000--hisarance $b00; Mrs. McArthur, 21500—n0 insurahoss and others of less amount.- Pour s Mut,' r.rint , Mutual, loas Sitrk' Mutual, $2200; Columba., $2700; Medias, WOO; Summit, $lBOO. The Democrat Printing office cnis almost totally destroyed. Beacon 'anted . press, and perhapa two thirds of their materials, in a damaged condition. Paaea Declared • 6.4lovriai telegraphic dispatch is pit ' gaited ilt the Wiethingtori Milo °past Friday: Augusta, Ga., June 80.848. Your express Liege dates from the city of Mexi co toy May 26, 4 o'clock p. to., by the steamer Het sal at New Orleans. The Senate ratified the treaty on the 25th. The vote,srae 23 yens, 5 nays. Gen. Kearney. who succeeds General Smith in command of the city of Mexico , mrperintends the embarcation of the troops at Vera Cruz. Messrs. Sevier and Clifford arrived at Queretaro on the 231 The exchange of ratifications is ID take place at the outposts of the army--all ordered to be on the march within ten days. All under eentenoe of death are to be transported. The Mexicans are under great fear oldielndiana alter the army shall leave. A Thurnasace Dascon.--On last New Year's Eve, at Washington, a certain Now England ilea con. the president of a Temperance Society In these parts, returned 43 his boarding•house in a singular date of elevation, to the astonishment'efr . l his friends and acquaintances who knew the dexibility of his principle. - `Deacon," said • wag, nddrewong the worthy gontleman,"hcen out voiting *" -,,, f "Yea, onr—i Aare," replied the rlir oo lf eruphat• lordly. 'Have a good timer 1 .Fussrate," stammered the denim. They ,Irrared you well r `•Fusr.rate--liiretip 'AVIIy, deacon, you haven't been drinking:" "No, Sirr very emphatieally—.l never drink rwriiiiig," (the Issi. word In a scream.) "Rut they did give me—glorious Miss— enss—eum—eurv—eustands--eumards. And they were fuss.rate--Mes.raterr • . . The poor old gentleman hod here kd on slid' eggnog which he had swallowed by the aid of a soon. Like Mr. Peck.nilr, nude, similar circum stances, he was assisted to bed. and went up stairs quietly enough, without • word, until the moment of cuterimg his bed, when a terrific yell of "liquid eusrards!" electrified the house, and then, as the novelist. say, all was a blank. Deri(ian of tie Szerente Court of Penney/runic or at Ceirlide :Aare Rio( Core -An argument took place during last week ono writ of error, bee the.,Sitpreme Coarttnow sitting at Harrlatiurgh, ra thercirstrof the eleven colored men who were cons Milted at Carlisle last year ou a charge of riot, giiitving out of an attempt to remove some alleged Idgiiive slaves oat of that place•by their ma,ter, the ph ticulars of which were given at the time dibble occurrence. Each of the defendants was semen- dello undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Pea/- tinting", for the term of three years. The counsel Ea the dek.ndrints contended that the Court erred a sentencing them to imprisonment in the Eristgrii Penitentiary, 'he offence being but a misdemeanor; Ea which the law authorizes incarceration in_the prison oldie county wheretheollince is eommltti•d. The Deputy Attorney General 4u CuinberLmd county appearedln behalf of the Commonwealth; and Charles Gibboti Esq., Gm the piennrra The. Court decided to set aside theludgmem attire Court below, and yesterday the keeper,oftho'pe.nlientiary• received a discharge far the prisuaers, alto( whom were cramped.—Phila. LeJgcr. 11=121=13 l e Whig ILA Ideation Mestiag. The meeting of 1 Whigs of this city and vim. nity,.last night, at B turny's Yard, to rattly the no minations of and Fillmore, was n very larze and enthusintic assemblage. Han.Cornelinc Dar nigh presided, assisted to several gentlemen en Vice Ptesidents and Secretaries. Hon. C. Darra . gt, Hon. Walter Forward, T. J. Ingham, and ---4 brllahan, Esq , addressed the meeting.—the littler previoeslY acted with the •Locobed.Hemorrary, but now Imes the the Whig nominee., T. I. ltig. ham, Esq, on behalf of ircommittre npitcsited a the purpose, reported a seriekof resolutions which were ountinnali- agkroK'TlM'eseligelltde up. near ,10 o'clock' with three cheers a Taylor and Fillittorn We will givetbe proceedings more at length in our nest. At the Whig primaty meeting held in keble.i township, on SatUrday, the loth last, Or the choice oC DeJettatestio.Mtand the Whiz County Coeeee• the'fidkritrut resolutions were altered Ly Alfred W. - -ilgAris, Feu.; and unanimously adopt. ed. Rpolnd, Thu the Whigs of Alleeheity county respond freely end heartily to the nomination Of Gen. Zachary Taylor, and have every" confiden t * to Ina penonid purity, politicalpriociples, aeJ his ' mowed determination to administer the Govern. meet upon the truo Democratic model* at the early Presidents. Revived, Thee in Millard Fillmore, of New York, we recognize the pure-winded puriot,whose laborious and successful advocacy of the "politic endjoss" tariff of 1542 commend him emineuly to the cooddence and cherished regard of the ‘lthigs of Pennsylvania. Rroorred, That rehire confidently upoo the in. levity of Oar psrrposes'And priaciple., with no dig amnions la our ranks, iu4 inspirited with the suro auspices of victory; rd enter the campaign from this moment determined to *sicced Wd.rez FaewAas., W. N. Bcrscurrn... SWF. , Ilirattiln . ACT'KM orCornsCILA-41 ineln • ecting of Coencils Wit night, the'Special committee, hne log the subject under consideration, reported In. trembly to the plan Proposed by Mr Merrick, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co, in rei arena to a Depot at this Mint. The Councils net emoted the Tenon, and an ordinance granting the right of Way down Liberty street, and giving per miaslota to erect the Depot on tlia wharf, was read a first and eceond time, mil ordered foto nulksh• ed ,r the inktrusticnt of the public. -1 14 i. • Fecisr.During the las t kw , digs t weather has been unusually cool for the time of yea?--• winter clothing tequila coinfortable. A gentklium, from Mel country, Yates that there was • Goat indfoo township, on Monday night, and another patio' man tells us there has been from every bight; fir the last week, in his neighborhood. A nuanaaa, night braes lost, entered the hone" of Ma.I.IL Iphonton, Allegheny. Went into his bed room, enii)4thid his pantaloons Pockeis. of whatever money in them, and was about going Into ancitherkom. when he was chsrovered. The Ganew decamped immediately- Hewes very gen. teely • dressed, dad was seen tho slay ptevious larking &beat the building. : : ;jrtscreo!t TISLID Weiso.—Jobl Cojb , *re yezterday elected • member of Select Conneltin tha , Thizd Ward, in place of Robed Porter, milp oLL • Mr. Coyle was the..omustzi" eindidale, and had about 200 majosay over be. Citizens, the "Ann Omnibus" eendideto. The Antituasonin and ;Whig wavy convon• tioa of this county to nominate a Conittausinan. and County oillcanh will sheet to day at 10 o'clock A.M. The "North American', has not arrived „mil fide Mco Ex the lest week. What is the matte! D. for Isere Pil.M.The be de ' mood for this greet medicine seems to be on the retest. .Where it bas been Introduced,* has enabled • poptilarny unprecedented In the- wale of medical practice, "Physiciane are using it .in many s, Cl le. i t weed they man jobiain Patienu, seer, need not be ender die expesta of asking. 11+ yt., ns they can matchase; • box of the Lire Pills, - with which directions twill tie farniehed, wide .will work speedy core. The following letter 11 1111 so agent shown de popularity In the metro. from hick the letter le dated: • oDenes Ceara, Daimon Co, P .1 / • March 23, 1b49.1 "J. Xmo k Co., Wood n, Pitubmgh t . (knifemen—We Sad we eon Sell • great manyi Mar* . Dr: M'L.osr Rills Mae your agent lee with Them Pills are rspidly dung In frror, and we ha** almost sold all that we had. If you eau send eti of le dome more boxes, they will last . .perhaps ritMli year 'agent con Ming us • new *apply. - T. *4. XE2Li. ._" Per sale at M Store OIL KIDD& co, OD *pod street. Alt. . , B 7 A Prmscue%Tutrerdhav—Nellerst•Llver The 1 12 . 17.ttiecaultut Liver Pala. cr Murton LA, ,1918. • lira N and Mat youF eb.or Liver Pine Yen haswend the very best purpose la my prance, and frem their salutary cleat. 11 my own present. boas, / eau coeidertUy and . sataly recommend them re ve when la hitherto hesitated with others o( areal repute. Eourl:lM , ,r N W %vim, D prepared sod Aoki by H. E. SELLERS,. Gy Wood sr. Sold by Dr. Camel, thlt ward; P. N. Curt, Allegheny;W.:. Smith, Teasperaneovllle, and P . bravo; Lawr . reacaville. - • jell • MrPliilil, en" ike•—rtul (killable Ifilyes . Unueile au setlek . leae bully calibrated aa us'Corthe' aboye Wu mar or all °Anil Ile carts ire Wailed to .suanserable.23ol4 by JACKSisN, Agent for Plitil 'bare!, • mete:Medoff • +_:1 1 '1 sass r""TM`r'" , "l MEE • Ws*ammo; June 13,.1848. • .The Senate wan called to order,•and 'proceeed to iho consideration of the crtorniag Mr. Hide presented r petition from citizens of Ohio, pairing for the removal oltha government Mun the District of Columbia, in =sequence of the slave trade a 'Washington. Re afterwards asked leave to withdraw Me L petition, which was refuted AsmablY b tkice, Mr. Webster asked and ob tained leave to tiring in a bill, which was read a Gast and second time and referred to a Judiciary Committee. It related to the amending of the nat. walisation laws. making children born of Ameri. lan parents, whit" absent from the country, chi. sent . . A motion was made to adjodni on the 17th of July, which inta,lost,—yeas, lh, N■ys, 21. The motion was opposed in order to enable the Naval appmptiation bill to pass. PROX MEZIOO. Correspondence of the riosburgli queue. Philadelpnia, Jana l d, 6P. M, The summer Witch arrived at New Otimuls in eight daps from Vera Cram, which place abe left on the first of June. . Col. Wiuharn, bearer of despatches from Mexi co to theTresidentof the United States came pas. wager. Gen. Sandi had mistimed the dutiei a/Govan:lot of Vera Cl4x. • hinny at the U. S. Volunteer troops -am voloa• Leering to go to Yucatan, sitiCe it has become cer lona kheir seMices will not be required in Mexheo any longer.' It is currently reported that the Mextedne hod sent to Switserland.for troops to [twig them in the war with the United State. .. „ S i t, .Louis, June 18,195& . .. STrianHIONI. COLLIMIN÷The stentn4s Sultana and Grey Engle came in contact, nifer bdan i dNo Xi, by which the connection‘pipe of the Inner was broken, arid the .boders ,disyloced. One mats was drowned, and Gra scalded, one of which is since dead. No timber particulars. Lonisvilln,June 13, tSle There era but fintr kot fi inches water int canal at this place. and falling. Corowoodsocc of the l'utsburgb PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Philadelphia, Jane 13,6 r. Is. • Flour—The market is steady but not active.— The demand is entirely Jet the east nuilliome de mend use with moderate Sales of western brands at &5,50 per Lbl. .4Co'rn Meal—Moderate sallok 2,llaille per barrel. Grain- - The grain market i s withoutchange.— Prices are Grin as last quoted, viz: Prime white wLeat,llo, and prune red, l20a121; prime while core is eelhag tits2e, and prime- yellow at :iron per buslieL Whiskey Sales in bbls at 225221 e per galL Provisiona— . -Them is less Inquiry 6r: There is no activity in any article. Quotations ate Heady. . • Groceries—Priceriamaiit us lost quoted. Colton—Tbe uusiket is dull. There etc uo fUiCS transpiring. Worth rOponing. BALTIMORE MARKET, Li...Luxus; June 13, Cs r. at. Flour—Tim market is steady, hat not active, with sal.+, of lick..lrd Street at 35,62 per hid, and city mills at 571!par1.11. Cora Meal—Sale. aff.,2,37a2,44. .Wherd—rdaleyof prime. mint ItAlsl23e per ha. White wheat is 'Donnas] at .l 30c per Cora—Salty at prime white at 47... Sales cf prune yellow ni 52a53e_ Beet Csittle—treles on the hoof at irdra... II .oge—Sales at $325 per 100 Ms. Whiskey—.`Sales in !Ms at 7.21 per Provkions—There is-% fair iiNoirs , to pork; tat Wile... Log in mime artielt, a re Diusmt ' NEW YORK . MARKET. - Se.r Yoh:, bum 11, 11 r.. Flour—The market sctilt,ttalerslis sales is arfiror d die buyer. • Curl—Sak,s 01 prime :m ;bar 53rifitc. Sales relltm :VOIL.SIk, Thom i5;,..11 Mesh demand fitr 1111inv cMaracts. 1 , 114.1 of pvilionn are only ti nm snpplysof the rrvilrir trade demand: Lard however i. very thin and, het.! higher. . soles sr previous pone.. ToLarro--Tiin market to ilulL •• • CINCINNATI MARKET. • Cineinusa, June 13,184 a. tit.wwwkint, a Reaes au yubway. and the lawinew done. it ai a mall advance.— Light sales an effected at 3,75.3.57 ions tdd. %Vhigkey is_Artner than yesterday, with sales at Mopes Ira Pork.--Sales of Mena at ..55,37 per la Lard--Saks of country at Ladle. Ther et no change in other mink" mostly spa. ken of In the markets. .13UFFAID MAIIKET. • • - •,.111111ralo, Juae 13, 6, e: sai Flour—The receipts or dem to lief were 2500 161., arab males at 5' ",./465,37 per la • Coen—rleatipts of 'emu, 16900 ho with soles of yellow at Celle per be. Wheat—The receipts wens 3000 ha, with /ales at 1121.13 6o prime whit. Primo red is held without - 6e. at 101ata:6 per be. Whiakey—Salett babble at 20cper gal. The Natx.mal lawlligaacer asp—. Wa team, with nwtvt, that &natal Scott ta:actionaly t 0 at Prerktick." ro On Thursday nioroulg, the Fithlnas, by the Mcs. Andesiga, Res. y F.' hlouLts. of Albany. to M Mats, ridirst daashscs of Hamar! Mantissas. EN.. this city. • DIM% Yemenis). ramming. NI. Timm. Nrut, Tim pleads of tie family are yerpresied in attend Ina funeral at 10 o'clock tc.l4, from his lam,*aidarree Seca street,kliita Ward, *about timber tarnation. On yesterday, Aoroarar Amon. Junxrm, , son of John IL; and Isabella Johnston, aged 0 years, Y m ha and 111 days. - • no. flincrul will nib, place' Islam Ik. restticare of Lit fallen ou Ikiie , r cltcelt Allckheny city, at 4 o'clock 'hit afternoon. 'The friend. of the family are retpeel filly I n rite. d tu attend. . CIRAPE 811AbYLS—A Roo osvonoacut of plain Dec: k„I mord antleutbroideted Crotty Stiow/s, oft very eriui quality, received by ALEXANDER a DAY,74 mullet et N W cor of arta./lastotta Ari rec ei ved,lt' 'u t r : ta ttiial orc t i lLtt . ttap, and to , r 4 toth ore tutp . !c/ the vontionO (Abe DAY TIARA:4OI.B—A lut of haodsome,Satin Tate Eon aola,rott opeord by jobb ALEXANDER lk DAY UrfflTE CRAPY..l6—.latt ntevived, &Jot of White yy (Napo. of an rovelleut quality, for boquet Ivl4 ALEXANDER. DAY 1 • --- • 1 - 11111N1t—Or prinke' It W Cheese, for sere bf V Jere N I' VON IXINNIIORST to Co—` Ba clomi-40 do 2 l;rge gin handled, for sale by • jell • VON T& Ca & lITINDOW OLASS-10 BST4 for rale by Ty Jel4•• 81 , VON LIONNIIONST &Co YE FLOUR—.U' Lbls rum, 7r . 4alo by.• • jet 4 9 F YON NONNIN.999Y t Co pp AHD—..I4 keel for tale by .118 P VUNIIO2qIIOIISI'k Co DBANSL:II hie mall white, for sale t jJI. fie F VON BONNFIORST k Co ALERATUS—neuk4 Clevrlsod Salomon be ate bY jel4 %Vie% /11'111OLL8 nIIEP.-114 las W It encase cola b , joi reed and for KWIC A M'CANDLIS _ . DROOMB-19 do: Corn Brooms, for onto B _kl4_ WICK& areAnuirArss FLCIUR--311,14. Family Flt e r K . fa k r m aa , l c e A lu t jet 4 QUCIAR CURED. HANG-16 U .rcn • 9ußar Cyr Liston Haan, Air sale by jel4, • • ATWOOD, JONES kCo CI WAR HOUSE MOLASSES-44 bbli Supyl rouse A 7 Mol4non, fortal, jel 4 • • ATWOOD, JONES k Co BACON-17tiika SbOoldert, 7 &duly*, lido limy ; for onie by 1•14 ATWOOD, .407417.4 Co . riIIEESI4-1001us Just jai{, Isla by' -- ISAIMIDICKPY i'Co; f rwtn T Alitli—SDblols No 1, la good shlpplak. in .loco eler,, aasl GJi sale by Jel4 ISAIAH DICKEY' tCo ATT. filiE BEANS-61 bap In date nakks• sale by jal4 • • —' ISAIAH DICKEY k Co MlEATllERS—Courtabily for .;k by X Jel4 D MiIOCK POWDER—IOU kegs of lood quail'', for aato R . • ISAIAH' LUCKEY it Co' TIBE lIIIICK—iS,OI4 oftoapnrbr quo iy, will en. Jiro Om mat Wen., for Wa bdt. ISAIAH DI rPEA--.141 bolt Chests YOUlig Hymn Toll, Jost meld and for ulo by 1.11 MILLkli k.ZICKETSON a casks extra 1.01.14 • consignme and for sale br • • • `,1•14 nt 4r MILLER it LUCKE:MON' BRANDY . FRUIT-11i 'cues choice . Iltaxu/Y Frssi/; jUla rt.:tired !Mita Ws by z. • N/I4 • • WILLER & RICKETY/ON CRAG CIDER-20 bbl. Economy. Cub Cider,jim racelredknd for ule by • • pit - 7 • AIILLER nicir.rws INSkED 011.-40 !Ada Linseed Oil, 111 fins Onpp nR Li order, Jam renewed and (or sale by 101 l _ , • MILLER ia RICXETSON • • rIUNNY SAGS ANIiIkaUSLIN SACO—tabula IJr i gr otd mu tat Sulfa its mordirgtqw...l/.14. (,TABcANDuN it . co t ., Wur Candles tmeired and for cell by jrl4 141 LLER k lIICICETSOIV • TAR -40 bids Wilannytob, N C • rar; on hand and for sela by J,+LI bIW.ER A ,RICKETSON . c - SOLE-A,5a1L=1,0&111.16,=14-,, THE attbieribor hey ID Inglo bie friends and the psolic, that helms been 11417 appointed Mass attaining, 1. of . Boston,he wile ageut us Western Pelmsylvani. for the sale of hie celebrated Grand and *mars PIANO FORTSSi front whore stall supply will be kept on hand and for sale at the ume o es as charged joy Mr. Clockering at hi. factory in • The agency for Mr. Chiekering's Pimaa has been sought for and obtained under • all conviction. oath. ban of the submriber that they are unquestionably the best Plasm Fortes marmfamterrd in the United Bums. In regard. to Tone (the most essential quality of a Pl ano) tt halt beetredutitted by the most eminent Pianists in this country . and from Emmet, that the y me egos) to kkard's of Pans, or litroaderood's of Loton; and (mm the superior knowledge and experience of Mr. Clock• coin; m the selection of melemsis, and the ingestions and eabsundial made of construction, are far mw e do , ruble than my European ttestmmente.i It is not contended that Chlekering's ere the only good Pianos made in the United States—there are ma ny other establishments as Well in Boston as in New York and Philadelphia. ber.refacturing Pian‘trtee of high reputation, whom in...items ent and deservedly . popelar, am rapidly taking place of the Mkt= nisinunents imported from &repel extensively in Permit , - year. Dot it is contended that among them eminent Amerku Piano-Om .reenufao• corers. Mr. Chiekering stands at the head, powessing eminent taletit end Atli, untiring industry, experience of some thirty-five years as a Plano-forte trianafacturer, withabundant pecuniary means to enable him to camp out his plans in prodacmg the user Pmettswanst, iv Thoth who are unacquainted with the =parlor mer- its of Chickeringth Pianos, are respectfully rethrred to the fallowing penons, who have them In use: Prof. IL Rohbock, Capt. W. J. Kam. Prot. r &l e; Earl. C. A. IWAnulty, E.q. Boys no Bower E.q. 'Wilson MtCandless, Esq. Bissell. & & EleMple, John Snyder, Em .Col. James Moira, M. IL Brown &tiro. D. T. Morgan, Esq.. Waterman Palmer, Esq. Geo. B. Peden, Esq. Bollonths &Garrison,' Mrs. II a Stone, ririTI I MM., • D1,11'17.1., M.B.A. Foster, P.m. Washington Female Remy. Dr. Lenthyne, Washington, P. • F, P. 011ythmt,Faq., laiontown, Pa. F. IL Oliphant, do J. Cushing, Ewa., Brody;. o. A. L Brewer, Esq., New Lisbon, Ohio; Mt.. L. Appleton, to. co Daniel Peek, Esq., Si. CIuJ Be, "Ohio) Together with very many others, but it u deemed on. umethary to add to this list. Thoth who alit Boston d the summer mouths, and wish to make their seleetion from Mr. Chlckering'• stock, win plethe call on the subscriber Er kites to Mr. Chickenng. JOHN IL MELLOR, th&dlw&vrouStel4 91 Wood Pittsburgh, P. In the Comet of Common Plana of nil. gheny County. John White, I es. Vend. En. No. 101, March T. thin. Frederick Soon. And now to wg Juue lq Irtia: The Sheriff t.a. pays Into Court Two Thousimd and Ninety- Fite 49.1txt Dollars, the amount made on thii wm, alter deducting costs; the residue of which, Two Thousand Eighty... Seven 761 tat Dollars, after deductiug the Prothonotury , s commithion, rveren 71-111 e &Anna dephthed in the Murchison.' and blanufacturers' Bank to the credit of the Cont. And on motion of Mr. iVillionts, the Coors appoint C. Darragh. Auditor to diatribule the proceed• oldie elite of Real k.. Froin the Record 11112A111111LTZ, Prodi'y. All persons interesle4 are hereby riotiGed that . the Auditor above named will navel for the purpose of his appointment, at his office on Crfint streey Pittsburgh, o Thursday, the Cllt day Ofitily next, g o'ckiek, P. Al., of that day. C UAWGACII, Auditor. jel4m3lT Dr. Eotr , a Tonle sad AMA-Dyspeptic Ph.LS. , . , general properties of these Pills are Camino '. tire, Porgatore and Tonic. In the common disor ders arising from Imprudence Indict, Pre., such as sick he. and soreness of the stomach, hconhum, headach, ke., whiten medicine is required, this combination is very applicable; for its M1M1...0 and moditing ef fects pee almost immediate relief when musses or deftness 'exist" Its Forgone: operation upon the stoat orb and Lowell is petals, and ctinetnal, and its lonic prepenies impart atrength to the digestive organs, thereby enabling; the. argots. to perform their proper functions widCetder and regularity. The prier hoc been reduced from Wto eat a I,ot. For sole wholesolrand tided by II EAIIIVESTOCK S CAN 'cont.. front and Stood, and GM and ...dons telt - Agents for Pittsburgh 1;VII. EATON a CO. are now receiving direct floor .12 • unpuncrs and manufacture", a large asiortmeni of Fancy and Staple Trimmings, flowery and Variety Camila, among which ate—Mock and col'd Alaardla Frilrea; do do Doers do; FAabroidery and Vixen., Gimps; Tassel, daisey and mbar dress tlettonsr black Silk !Arc; lane, cambric Mikis; Artificial Flowers and Wreaths; Chemistries, needle worked Collars, , steel Hams and Varies, ivory, Ebony and Feather Pacts, Aid, silk nod IX lr Cloves; limns Honery,thoves s Ac; children"' and,writireto' Hosiery; flair ilnishes, Coital • anW Tooth finishes; Window Shades and Tficatahngs; Tailors , Trimmincat'Shirio, of owns , and youths' Stn . !, c.or , whirl, they oder me favorable terms, at their store, ne t Al mho in, near 4th. irl4 Stockholders, tithe Notice. T n et.p s- -ty I . d hercbv ed to I pay 1. Al 1. Jame. Manton, the Tc &&& tt & d cud of Mc ttcanpany, the mint of Ten percent.un 'sett share of their Moot, on or timbre the.l2Ut day of July nem, and a (unbar min of Ten per cent. on or before the lath day of An. am nest. The stockholders will slat take noime, that t r ue susibmises the collection of One per rent, per .on inst4linents itsitnanctually made, which, te found necessary, will bo cuturred. order of tlie boned. ALES Past. .1 00/a”:1, Seep. jolt Adtotel ttt tt r's Notice. • day,beron itranie4 to ita. autoteritor - is. t•ortots• • to dm ettate ot soul iltterat.vd will initrto• rtaTtnertl.. and thwe Having clams ottitinat a.asito Will prow•ps 1111.414 ftw multi:teat . . . _ . ‘VILI.Ia..II GUINAN, ltalawin ip • .I.4.3ItY3AI'V.YINULUILASS, tp June teli:da• • noxsylpimes, Wlusljaunrssd sure wilt.. ol %tVarVoliVEtt , ='tt . i losable and anwiticas regwank God, : Also, W • on's orientated Inrss email/au*, and Ws use and value of ' Una,. Bold wag at We Apollo Miklos" 4sh mow, near Wood , . by ' jel4 11. HEAD - - SMITING MIISLINS—W 'll.•lhaphy has 1.7 open this morning a farther 'apply of thaw Vat/. swornor British Lang Cloth Shirting Maslen, also, fine Lansdale do, and has eannantly on hand in assort ment of every grade of quality, at low eath wiees. Also, Irish Lawns for skirtings and browns, of pant La, and "WI Ciloe•P, at northeast COILer at ehand Market meets. • 7 jell. 1011ic IL ILA NKIN, Attorney and Pinata -gar at Law, and Commissiewer for the State of Pruasylvania, et. Lows, Alo e Saw og Pinsbargb4 itargatheth —Pittsburgh: Ilan I.V Forward, ILamp ton 1 hliller;il•Candless 1 ?Wehrle, John y, Park. ths. sells Tempt , SECard Kim/. jeleity ; DAMARAAC CaLtAISOLS!—W R hbirplir hum's. Jl= this sionnine, si fresh assortment of enetssilk and saint Carasoli, Lead Colored do, fancy stripe and do, at lowest prices. jell • DROWN /1111118/1 CHINTZ/3-AV R Murphy has j.) mat r.&another sopplr of siiperior brows .4 white British rrints, of entirely new and Lesiatind de- WC.,to which the animal:in atlas ladles is invited. Jr 14 . . •LL the re' tional ptopeny of George • Miley deed Awill tot add at John Ean'LMeng, Poehler towo.diry en bloodttg. 19th Jam, at 9 o'clock Alq hia nghy tole and ints rest In • team alike Sloss Grove Far= kat.' StALltArklUirli, BOAT FOR SALM. A .STF.B.N WHEY.LIBOAT,oI'aboo 4 toni buttlen, Alma, about tett month. oot, will be *old at • bargain erpheanon is wade soon Dayton of /AIMS KERB, water Warn /1111-ARII ORGAN FOR SALE =The Organ now in ki use to Si. Andrews Church, Hand anon, oe.- ing • great volume of tow, of good onside, h unt the hest manner, and ill parker onto. Unison at the hero of 'A. OR k jel3elleetwiarT F LMattel et :ad HAND PIANO, ewLl otheinayy A•ad hes hewn in ow about ama ye•rs, puce now 617 a, Inc .11.14 JOON II MELLOR, jel3 ;dl wood street Wboxes R - t 6 eT: 3s le +treater Lake Este and for s ' ale " br a' DALZELIa la wisteria LAHD OlL—au labia Ltranorn's best Lard Oil, in auto sail tor sale by kill LIALZELL ITIN FA A R-23 bbl. pure Cider Vinegar, for pals by V Jew + I 9 DILWORTH,...) rood n }'LOUR-100 bbl. Flour, GI; gals by - .E" 013 1 4 DILWORTH CORNS -a bale•iwi reed end lineal* by Id 3 JOHN U MORUAIit, Druggist LI WEET OIL—I cask Sweat Oil feed and Cot We A 7 by _ JOIN I) gtOROAN B . ' --- --,------ LACKING-100 dot blasanU Citallongrl t . just Med and for sale by told JO/IN It ADA:WAN nREADI TARTAR-1 !Adjust trt , J and Ga. wale by jel3 JOHN D IJIIROAN POTASII-1 cart si4 retail, No I ankle, for salehy }el3 !WIN U fiIOANAN rIHROME YELLOW—g eagle recs.' and for ill i. by ki, jelll MIN D ?JORDAN Chronicle and Dirpnch copy. Illy METAL—sumsPis Mena(' Blanche furnace, j tor sale by • joss . DADALEY & SMITH riIANNERS' OIL—UU libla Drown Oil, *similar, lot j sale by k S 1. 1 M:26LEY . 1 SMITH FLAWNS—I-cage Gur 'muted r , beautiful new patients, Just reed and ope dby tel./ • SHACKLIffT WHIM, w WHINGES-100 pieces Coition and ern bilk Fririger, I: black and curd, juvt received by SILACKLETT tr. MUTE (ALNIGIIA —Six eases. rene and drum Hint. 1.7 buns, minim, erten, opened and for sale by jelY I BIIACKLET T WHLTE 4.1114WW-4 ni ° !!!I lOnry good aP.OnUIeI Pl.!! • Jot opened by ! jeld SHACKLETTk WHITE LINSEED OIL-10 bldg. ju.t reed and for sate at the drug sratetiou se of J KIDD& CK, Jen - 14 nratir st. B ACON-7X/ “ 1 . 1« caumyy enrol! Meal. landing tidal }:id "' ""4 ion "1 3. dim DAtZXLJ• LARD -1U kegs No 1 Faio i lyi* La in mote 64476;1 nolo by 101 l I JAIIIFJOALZELL eau OlL—§o bbl Mil. landing. lan UUSIIFIELD& ROE SHOULDERS —IM tasks juxt reed. P jell lirogAiLlagylELD it: Ron CORN obr:9l3elled Corn, for male by ' Jen RIMMFIELDI ROE. Wal-4 1 loWpmMire4mdfoi - Weby ydo JAMMAUMMMN:M4O3 B A i t I I 4 EAD--kl) . 111. y O U J OI . --10 /ter, q.s.goned, reed and Gar dy . eid , J/l8 4 I/ VIVIIISON a, Co .bri..ur—lniwin.....ll Missouri Ilanip, In atom and jot (qr gala by lain J#S 4 HUTCHISON/ago FE:ATCE bap prime Kootooty FcCbeto, Job Toroio.4lood for solo by jag JAii A HUTCHISON/1. C.:,' "P"i" hlO, w JAS A u ICo lIMACCO-15bialr, Lump, superior quality, read uu totals meta add for Isla bray by lu TAIISEY & BEST • AIIGTI N `> BALtB: _ . 11. , AustPleM2s, nivrtmoss. ' Cln Wednesday, the 1111. bea; al 11 etleekt at tie auction atoms on keselansa , s sclunf— 6181 BAGS RIO COPED—Jost imponed;hr. Eltutooth and Manchester. ESZWiiiNi=3Zl Lowsviux, LY 13* HUM N. 0. SUGAR AT AUCTION,—On Tanulay;the Salt Jane, commencing at to o'clock, A. /4.0. will sell 1.411;1*. rime No Weans Nagar at Auction. Tomi cub, (gennieky bank notes.) Ilyha D. Davuoauya...•cr, . • . Toratinur Building lii and adjoin* the ltiVlVard of the Pity, at. AVOW% .3.0 n Saturday alletwoon, the 17th baton 3 o'clock, will be sold without reserver cm the premtses, the &A lperin' eery handsomely situated Real Estate, Lem Nee in, IRI/ aM 14 in the plan of Loti laid oat I by lun an Samuel Wright, basing each • front of th.) feet on rimer, and extending back upwards 01100 feet, to an alley PI het wide, adjoining ptopeny of Mr L T Childs. Lots Nos 97 and is the olio of lois laid oat by. Alexander Miller, harm; each • front a 114 feet on De Villiers etreet, and extendxng back 104 feet Also, two lots having each • front of 11114 feet on Cen tre AVettne, opposite to the reeidence of Mrs Agnes In no, and extending back 103 fax to an alley IA ft wide. Also, 4 lots, havutg each a froniof 94 feet on De VII. Hers street, and extending Lack 114'ffin, to an alley St feet wide. - • • • Alao,f/lois in that bertaiiful grove ittlJoining the rut denee of J Dhaving each a hoot on Grove meet of 24 feet, inal extenchng bask 91 feet, to an allay 20 fret Talon • - • Alan, 3 other lots of Krona, sitnalo oar. thn line Goa rifarkielt Iran a front of 51 feet on Centro Aye nctai and 95 feet on rakpatriek avant. P Mlle( the above property may beacon at rho nue iion Damn Terms of ale ea fast mentioned six Eels will be one . third cosh, residue in two egad anpnalyeyrnonw, with interest On thelb Low lut manorial , are oa faun h with i:te . res * t. ""u' jo in 4 g"." 2ll:N ual DanDndedVilrmincer' Dry ands, fe., at Avaton. 0 . 71 °.° 4 °, ...min, .1 ems Is, .110 tit the commarcial Mee Bona, comer a Weed and Vali einem twill be talkie close consignment., a great Ira• piety of Pry Goods and fancy uncles. • Lawm, gingliams, main colon de Mines, baralse, balsarataa; scarfs and shawls, One silk and satin boa• nets, caper legbom and Eaglig straw baba.% Imbeds bats, rinbona aniGeiak , plasma threads? hoalery-, also' a few pieces of broad nimbi wool dyed and Enna: moods, canimeres, checked tweeds, Croton ekiths mai pings, 40 piece. 'choke /duodena and English ts. - . 12 awes Paper Maria silk kw, 4 btu glass warblers; Y N and hint to liquors, cigars, Virginia unman. tared tobacco, window sash, quenswan in great va riety, Iron sass, hair angoras, rocking cbahis, French bustle and common chairs cherry tables, dressing and plata Lumens, second hand &roam isktkehen wen , At 7§ o'clock, p. to. lteadyrnade clothing. dry goods, hardware, cutlery, ku Tee and forte, watches, bran cloak., fancy mach, fir, JOHN D DAVIS, Attn. AMUSEMENTS. OITTSBOUGII THEATRE. • 0,0. Pomo. Muµer and Lowe i BENEFIT OF MIL OXI.EY. Wgcnoonay, less 11,1818, to commence with . the no w Farce of the ; • . j MOTEER AND CHILD ARE DO/NO WELL. CrSeopper Mr. Reynold. Erolly• • 1 After which, DANCE, by Malvin. ! To conclude with the nu Long Teen Coffin . Itarustahhi - Prier. Siam Thursday—Benefit engin Petrie: mem or Areassur.— Oren Circle, 541 col; Second " Tii 't 850 ..5 Pi 4 •A' Gallery, 80. _ • _ L PIIII.O riALC • ' FOR THRE E NIGHTS ONLY!-MONDAY THURS. DAY AND FRIDAY. milE ORIGINAL RAND or SABLE RAMO:4IBTR en naming orglesars. W. G..Plamer,W. Roark, d. Bond, TA Jacobs, Farrell, and T. Archer, have Cul linear to annearice that they will give three grand Cop ere Muds city, commencing mr Monday erinung, . 1 1:V 2 624f:1r/ will =Gado., some new Raving received raw and valuable accessions since their gamer visit here, they will be cabled 'to prevent enlertainatenta onsarpasecd. by any thing of the kind ever ofered to Me public.r • 013 ; I C BENSON, Director. r7mrtgr•l'sTrry* , 7ll , Rimmists 'lt Clerk's' Grand, wad /wears Pianos. 1 ., HE clam ' rib.. would respectfully inform the public that haring received the prekmnen among the mai applicants 'for the sole agency 'of. Armors. ri 's a Clark* PIANOFORTES, Gar this miry, he wi kee p_e ;constant and varied supply of their.inotru ree to The Pianos of Neon.. Nunn t - Clark have been known in the vicinity for so bug a time, end so f. mbly, that it is conoidered almom superfluous to ma any thing in their praise. ,They have always been fa roes with a Pittsburgh public, and from the first tut ectirnftif pianos into ibis city to the present day, ha o Wen preferred tut Limon every other make. They ha e proved themselves folly worthy of the patronage a confidence .Om noutifested; and, when we MO._ that the firm requisites brigand piano are volume : atone and Mandalay, It will reedily be admitted kat 1 tlielPitme Fonts of Naomi &Clark, New York:, have 1 un4ese ely their equals (certainly not theirenperiorn in the world. Aliment are always more mansfaetory and elusive than warn and a long and labored eulocc i might. - looked .but ea ware asenkin,. dm sulumrtes subjoin a few' of the marry la sts nClarlea Pianos are owned, and re' they. Mom been Ito use:— • • 'a Fume of Manes k Clark% in y0n ..... - in. - .COadaat malav di yin.. ...- 1111 01/ 1 1..Rani ; . 7: 18 &men, aim. ''• ; do '' 18 Hes I Park, do r 17 Jim Croman, hhamagehala Ilona • • .12 Mn Oliver, Sewickly Sereiaary, 12 1 a Judge Maks . , 1 .• . ' - 1 10 Ira Mical. E. 4., 1- . •' _ , 15 AleDowell, . f :, 10 '" , • 1 nt Dell, Jr., Eat. ' . - The above plant have grin narefelly caunined by the sabseriber. and were Mend or •IftilllM enter and In remarkable natio( vein regard to 1011.1 and exterior. They v-C e t n issin Cadre satizfac doe, and, in the words of the owner., Itave ems less fart. trey of tuning and tang than any tale they have and of. Sot far from being behind the age, with regard to the bowneemente and perfections of modem. tunes, Hamra Mason lb Clain my be caul dead as occupying Mete mtnowiedged manioc, new as before, vim Ona of the l est, lf au the very tat, in thetq line ofbusinesa Foe the inkormaitan of those un eopitainted wintheir late manufacture, the subscriber w ould refer to the followings ' J 45 11 hlam!y, Fog. i. D Long, EM. • Robert Mekrught. Esq. 1 Jl3 Irwin. Esq. - Jima Park, Esq. f D Stoner, &a Dr Ruben Snyder, ; 8 Lothrop,Em. Ciao A Norton, (swarm? &Yana Drawn, F . &- Western I% orld I mazy, older S. Wray ~Copt W Ward, , L Wilimayll., Esq. lien Grant. Esq. WThow, .Fie. , J Porter. EN. ' John IrMeyers, Esq. II Dothmidgin Fan F L Snowden, Eaq N Holmes, . J keeling, Es Jr. q. , rg. • W Mackey, ghq: E T Drobsteedter, /*h. Nen Lisbon, COW. Row Daniel Nevin, sewiekly Seminary. . • BO Raider's Seminary, Rimers al Mac y, Yenas. lowa, Pu . • . . R W Cunningham, EN, New Conde, Pa. Ii Natle it, EnnWashingunt. Pa. _. • . • Nu 1.1 McCann, Elisabeth, Pa. Jahn C Ewing, Eat, /3etkany, Ya.• - - • Ch.M. SUN.., kin. Nib Creak Furnace, Venetia° ..,_ _The, atitcrtikr Okolkee,__ knomlf that he warren the r.M.M. 01 manal &Cana taw. Mandate of atm oth. Sr make, cdeilatioaoity. ._J HENRY I:LEBER.... - At J . W.Woodwelfs, 63 Third no. ALSO—Oa bend and for tale, a lergalot of very su. p!,. Pigeon , made by Jona ,Citickenev of Dorton, Ml 2 H. R. - tl.. • 'LEE A. SZOKIIAN, • T 'roc iffr AND APOTHECARY, Paden! Tree . jj. two doors frog the Post 01ficecAllegbeny, aril sanitise the hennas as heretofore. In ofars tor sale a coloplete assorunent of ,Drajrs end Medicines, inch:- ' LliritittrrUl= hneir ' l4e '" ll eats. , ID' The suictes a t i zzonal attention Till be paid to Phyr4cianestisoci All modicum 'es be labc:llcd,andirescriptkuu tiered before leaving the store. In Addition to the abase a large assolinanit of Min .., vticim Nriimm,s:ip.,llritahos, art. As. Penns, Oils, Dye Antes, to. on baud. Medicine Ghana fin family Rae, on the most reason. able;terms. Medicines deaccenti xi any time of the niskti He respectfolly SOlif 41, a continuaoce of public' , ItAntigr. jeladtt• AiNAHUM 3 , IIILEGItaIPIi uarrooss,-- - rerrarctos Aso Imam. WFZISIIN LIN& • Gaon at the ILYekaaere, leaMimeo. F./XiCED BATE.—Thp chews hare been rsda lA, erg % 0..11 Messages :Jo or from itedusnore,, Ans.. tub; r 'heeling, a correspo g reductio n despole&••Wwatted Gan Bad !lama West of Ptltsburgh,Ta. Rana—The charge [of, • telegraph devateh;to or tram Baltimore, Pittsbug), sod ‘t..eliag, is 43 tenni • for tho Amt ten words, .4 3 rents for emit additlOnil word. • • • '- ' Mr No charge is madafor the Addeo's iind signs Untll Ilse compktion oft tionth Western Lim of Telegraph from alecaphis, to Fle.r.ohlearts, des. patches tan be knersrded Memplai by this roam, sad tastier! for New Orleans. , , - jou MICK FOR mum., • THlrglen' wr" , by Yds Mum Press; font and agrees to give parchasers kn a Mi kk2 tle 44ll"4 Pmn4 Wet of. .11 . 01.1. r, and mist (met n a lt r n..."" Th4 t et and; imtdbe less moistare Of dampness Wan et brick, posecialtm gremettodr and *eh mg. durable in n. ICI • pmrtm . ;( " Jere n Z "C r " swami • ammo= assotitly wawa tsar' and Pon: Wei =he • liaitt mmal tribe best •IMS Mak. " • b a lr il r*. t. l , bb dabs tion wall Who specimen at the Gime office no " i !'nni '7.1n4 Thom . •mriug supplied themselves Mr theitheildings, and waiting handsome tenet brick,* superior hard' milli. paling brick, eitrobtalo thelat. - ' • 131 •SblkoMfillne tats, tf 13F.4.2913.. - IThraki. • , AUellniar Oestaaitey. A.TMa annual mann a 1.11 .1 COrdOlidolf, toad Ild .1011. a tab Instolte inaraing ansaut: mese anani sam ...fleeted Menage. drif the 1 - •• ' '' _THOMAS It . Wril.T.i 'Sent. H . . NATHANIEL a LM M . - . .' . w.soN IVCIAND ar....1. , 7 . 411 R. JOHN H. BHOENB . EHO. • JANES IL SPEER.? • • •' . ' •tl J. Elnan, Jr., Ikeestaly and Treasons._ ~' 1 The alma statement presented Me alkin.a Me 1 ma t i t my In • eery promarteas sondlnon. Theis ales to the oil I a No. V iVatar straL • MM., _ BEDFORD MINERAL SPRING& ESPY L. ANDERSON, Proprietor, Orportrajly farm Oa paltikft w at•ae•lebnue4 and MOW*. able vrrarrhg..o Mood, aai DDT prepared km the reee end rtecomorodatio• avitun, , ream* Ow OS pearl agar lib wings, • Ter? vabohlr . 1 5141 6 ,11•IPSor spin{ has thrto Airelos4 the Intro Or .te nor terrier to moor Aribe far (Word Whit• SPONO 01111. ExoomlV4,,,d • armor sad • On Rand of Nam have b e ,. and miry wawa la* to mo it ue So m tiE pertennllip Where tehithe ethhii the 1101 T Am at Wag= Szeitetax,ll this .dApttithol eyed by eatsal sowed. :Lee A. s e al. pni7 emew the eating Wanda QM. A. Mott In the et:o3- cent, will nueadle the Iliglgoen o f .11 Wi ne aJ top. DAVID A. 1014.1.1077, LEE ROOKHABI. Alinhe 4 7, hue U, jell-03r• lIMMI BOgTS , :; - OILECIINATI i PW'rIiBIZUGH - .3 • jai l , 115 A It. Y - P AcX E T - C.I NE,' rdwen known :Ina of splendidpeseener , eta la now- eatolp of tke largest, mites; boa and fornianad, and man panortel boas : no tk. yawn of tbn Wen, EletT aneontandasion and coon I - 90 that annex can procure, km beta ptvrided jos p•ol seniors. The Lice has been in opemon tor fire yaam —4. earned • million of peeph nitbqat tke lea 4 in* er to their person. T. boats will Mt at the ix. 9/ Wood sweet tke day portion, to touting, Pox the reeep n9o of freight Rod tke entry of patatoncers oath. rein: us. Ito all eases the pansage motley most be *blot advance • • swum* PACHNT. . • 4.116 ISAAC NEWIV.N , Caro.G. lannon, learn Pittsburgh every Brisday morning itt 10 sroboori Mediu" every fianday evening at 10r. a. su,iev. • MONDLIr PAOKZIT. - The / 101 VONOAHELA,Cap1. gross, will leave b o rfk bleeiday morning at 10 o'cleekr Wheeling , 0c47../dentla7 evetung at lu r. at. • I . • . Tu.lz111:1Alr The lIIHERStItINo. 2, Ow.). EaLlisntil, will leave Pitinhanh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock; 7 10 .. 110 11 eeeel Taeolog awning 01111 r. ea - IWZDNICSDAN P .......... . - - AVIEIET....:' , Ttie NEW razoLAND No: r. cont. & DU; ' lll leave Pittsburgh . emery We too zooming at 10 o'clock; Wheeling evon. Wedocoloy avezdnk at io r. a • PACKET, • Tie BRILLIANT, Can Glum, leive burgh every Thursday morning at le reelnok; Wheelies 'every Thursday evening nr In r. z• VIIIDAY- PAO7LET. • '. • • The CUPPEI No. 0, Copt enemy will leave' Pin.- Dbrgh every Friday marring ae IA e`elore Wheeling every Friday evening in IU . • • ' • SATURDAY :PACILET.• Tbn NE3SENGER, Capt. - B',nm will lea Pine. bergb every Bawd.) . morning al IO 0010eg every Bemniay evening id 10 r.l. - NEW LISBON AND PITISBUEOII. DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACEITS, . , (naauaco Leaves Pittsburgh daily, et 9 oteloek. A. 1.14 and no. at Glasgow, :month of the Sandy And Beaver Ca nal.) at 3 o'elock. and New Lisbon at LI, mune night Leaves New Lisbon at o'clock, M, (making the trip canal to the river daring the arab:4 and Glasgow at o'clock, A. N., and arrives at Pittsburgh at 3P. dl.—thin making a crnial:mu line for canylag_pae stagers and freight between New Lisbon and Pats burgh, .in .spotter time. and at less nnsalku,j7 any other route. O, t , • The proprietors of this Ltne. have lila ykarnto of ' fomoing Mat they haws hued up twohrst elan Csiasl Uosts, for the accmantodation of passengers and freight, to run in CMltlettiOn with the well 'known Memel, CALEB COPEand BEAP.k.:I4 and lataneet • MS, at Vilasgew, With . the Pittsburgh' Mad , Cincin nati end other Maly haw: of steamers dOwn the Ohio " and Mississippi river. :The proprietors pledge, them.' selves to spare no espeay. or trouble- to biome coin felt, safety and dispatch; and salt of the Phldic • .bat. A z 0 mortizEti.iosins.':- 11- • • tit& W. MARBAI.I6II, nu' b 'l h. - It. HANNA. a Co. atyllatHAlMlAtiOn &Co.' New l . tebon. , 'NondE -- TbWitemikelHEANIM,C.E. Clarke, mas ter, will knee after this twice, for Wellsville postern. ally, et o'clock in th e etterairra. . rel 3 _ffsti. . PITTIBUR.Ou BROWIIifITEGLii 'Pasket FEBRUARY 10,191 S FEB' SWAIM • Ixt, 1811 LEAVE DAILY ATh A;AL, L AND 4 ri4L • The following now Walt nomplem Ile for the present nealoor !Amu Cop t. A , Capt.-James Parkhaos; .tILT/C, . Jainett and LOMB MILAN Copt. E. A-duets. The boars - are ernaely .evr, and are anal up without expense, • Ey cal comfort Mot money Can procure has boon provided. The gonna will kayo the Alortong.titelo Wharf Ilan at the toot of Roes ail' ramengcra will be punctual oa board, as the 'boom willleertaudy Inure at MO grand g tined hove.: A. AL and 4P. 111 - FOE IVILEELING l iL TELEGRAPH,. , J rcrry, commander, ...11l leave for Louisville and all intenitcdiabs, pone every Saturday, at 10 o'clock, precisely. F'orl.7iek! " bonedtc V,* • The Teranh has been built expressly fur • regular packet, avrith a view entirely to the controctornas: outran; the accommodations are infector to no boat no the Western Waters.. : Po¢ sr. coma ', • ...-"-- il. -TOG steamboat KixN, . nr° " , '''" - to r ll. will limy° lei above "r"O t, i pod. liis , JoY. ol 10 il.riroo,rineilisi ~, .., 1....„ .. A. m. For (ivied or Por!.g..M. jel4 Foi BT. LOWS: • ; - Tbc.Pl—'lllttra— eke, master leave fqyabOve G interplediat . po thiaday. For freight or passaga apply or 7 boaW jet; FOR slr. LOUL4.LND ILLINOIS • The fine learner • Coxonisfer k will leave tor the above rarentroaarporia ihis day., ' For freight or puraae. apply on booed. or is • jeln OkXI Aar itzonsa.a Tes•aav P•citiy. The new , lea n . ' mer or the above and iniennedlaret p Toe. day. For freight or paiaage anal ea Ward. V jell FOR ST. IM/19. I TM MARY pure ° R';ZLIEN/4. : Nona., masses, will Islrs far alms inlessnediate posu this dal. For ( might or Pissznn,niddYon board. 1012 FOR LORRIVR.L.E. 5, 11.5'fot L = Z73 131' ° RON, • Clas master. still leave for the i n nd Inter:bedlam landings , this day iFsrl r°4l" or ' P-rl T;lB4.£l 6 l . llttgents. REG allatt VITTUBURGH k - CGICINNATIP ccer mato' -. NEwExcum,l BMW; MUM' will sea tenular ae packet, front Pitisbnenh to Cincinnati She M e mn on her lient trip, ander inn new kwnnientent, next 3loodny, ax 4 o'clocky.fd. IIiGULAR 'PITTSBURGH AND BANIZVILLS _ The lee ;ma:light dra4ht ateszier PHILIP DODDWyhigi Mine, master. grill leave rihtsbarith 'arly,as above. Tits best is every way .adepted to -de entiiron.of Mrera She rens". evaineetion with the Jenny 1 g lstlich meets her si Beverly., For freight or pas • vom_app_hr on board. FOlit - isTilEgubha AND IlitiVlTltirdet7, - ; _An The neat and sustain's' lur water 1117DSON, Pen Mutat'. UPI 'reamed her nialar trips between Wheelift, lindgeport sa d Pitts burgh, leaving rittsdenit on :Monday. and Tbirsdaya iHFAIULAH PACKET Pox SUNFISH. WELLSVILIH, - Bartseaulastarorill- lease fon &boas oderosadlida fulmars Watts. day. road Saturdays of. CSltil . ll{V". For rorrOt or pa. VAT* 1"'LgOtoll-MILTEPHI-EntifiR IPTIMMUUM b. AVIEBEIXYQ PACKED . .. Z;f r'' ::or ere '" Unit Wedwolay ItfaVoet Nociselt. Lew* Wheebar awry Tasalay, Tharadayaad Se utrday, at 7 o'eloa, a *maw' y. ' - ' ' Tbo Dowd sills lar all Um lYltatediato'yorts.— Eyery weesoodation - that Gll.ll hsvproosted lag . ton and safety ofyahwarya has Waylay** Tha boat ts also mewed** a selhaaling. a x . r d explouon. Far freight or tanz a ry am board or to • DAVID :kW coner at 1# Nal Salthyald 311 maiLIeItIZSPORT, ELI.Z.ABETHA.. The Zitit;MO:779AHE: LA CM; PAO:IM, • • Nahaiti; mastan: Vat' nta abate, tratrrtrttk— •a laratlnesday' and Fritay, At ilk naba o'cloc every Maday nongairlaCityavery Tuastlay,7landai mat A. 24 . ' P7,!.P!....1415,"‘ - _ no aro, sa4444Msioaotor A D 2 04; Dneqotill tow/ fax the move port ovary Wodoootlorlut4B4l- Ld u ak at 4P. For boleti or putoo44. 4010, on • _____- . . Nettne le Tbiatralent , , i ----, „EXP B EES CANAL, PACKET' XiX)E. it :a ` . . i gr4t . PIMA DELPIIIA ASD lllLlibtOkk rj2IE subscribers have engaged the light , dreegla steasatuatt YANKEE, to ces'rf P hb .b.gbt.t , h. ' the Ao seduct at Freeport. .- She , hall aepuldaily u2aelook - us the hhoriega ttLbr u a street above_ the paßri. ii= i ; •, I . ega,....inu., any.. oa sod w ill Fare—Nom Dollars throned Ity this anaaretecat pace oKen eat go through La lees than there frays sad a Waft PMal/11 mirth., net wad is asbAillbh. .. . • • - ' e SOS zozwiz .71043).rf'w! 'Pnl5/* lIIPP and ashen aro Informed unu sins (Ono hj. trill amylase to tun thaittOom the yaartdoulrlD Produce and Ditrtils last razes. Afernhandlas from Baltissom 'br . elnat' rams. Tam, Am days. l3l.l)WELl,-Mt., Wafer ma doors above aimsNOM, ). H h. omo slyly "' : 02 Bank Marko on. /WW2.. GUM W. SMITH di 004 r their Meads and at. P.* O .Pb?Te kermi"CthanTe havitt~: taprealris basi*W4o Mb POINT BILEWPAY, to Pitt street. -. • m texuewi • -- Minttem Patent Sod* '.11+1": • CAM) au 1E44 it , dx .0 1 .0 at? 6,11 earolk IaKT Wan Trhighnt prim la nub paid tor ram 4 • um, ..orss, Mk tope; gnus a.e by - 4 ti - LVIr. wool. p- 111r . .4 NN Lt . I.I4I:AiIn..WA.McV majp!...2_ tem &I do I = ' ,.. ' ikirearg o °7 pot* :d;ifiZ, 4,1 ss p, o uses do dcy. Coif.% tr — ia . Fa plc claw mien. -.• • ,w 5 , GILLt GLTTY,; NDIA RUBBF.R. HALLS 12 doz India Raab, Or children, an excellent article on Rob ber car 6 ••: at received by exprezz, and Co. sala by 14 &LI iItILLLPR