The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 14, 1848, Image 1

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A 1,4 0. 11....APHAV.Orl k lid, sad [Amber Dud-
Mari:7mm ' catTafka . rier Leviei lk
Co. Philadelphia.
. na Collgasaerasaf 141 e r naem Leash . er
A TWOOD, JON} ill 4 Co. ccannusuon antr:F or •
1 An& warding Merchants. haya remand to kheir otd,
sand, Water and From sweets, Pittsburgh. well
au 000101 imn.
Et aIIN ILEX and lterall Dm.
alai, roma . af Marty awl tia Clair steam. Pitu•
14 srayl4
1114C013111g111011 mo h t. riti. 10, Libeny 1,
BL FAIDIEMDCK/e. Co., 'Wholesale and Ile
•3.11 Draggims, cal= Wood mod cw sts. q7ll
'I3.6CALEIf & Wholemile„Gre . l . o l / 4, 19 !Li?Al
11110 ID Woo/ greet rittsburO z • ...; _
INULTY & CO, ForwLlingicid Co2t
Metelesiks, qua'
. .
ors. -. .. loos T. norivoi;. JAS. Ir. SLASALAII.
tiOLEM.A.N. ii All MAN, & Co, Idloofactorers of
V Cimino-Sp:bp pool Azlq , A. L. 1.4 80.1
Weal, sod desists us Gum!. 'hat. of-everfde
actiodosoassolactorg.oo M. CJair at. 'Warehouse 43
Wood at- opposite St, Charles note-
• Nve.L.T . ii :Groeeni
~ .14 . art In Produce and Fa:l6Mb Nanaraccures, tor. -
oar ot>lberry andlland lebrt
. . . _.. - .
VISiGLISH isvamrrAie._ , Eur,144 4 Gallagher
• J:g 11. , Co.) %Missals Grocers, Cazoet , and For,
.arardang Merchants, and dealers la Produce and Pius.
0- tune, m.../.,.....,1 • 44,:r Wolk at., betreeronl sod
.._3,J weals; ' :
Ft. a. sanio, azo:"11.11:1; WOW.
R RAIL, WV( if. CO, IVholesale Urneev fbb
lierehanti, and Agents Gxr B ton
lar • • , 44..5, Nes.a7 Water, utsl Frout
F Metnifecus rarer and Basler
blinfcal•ltutnneuta, urliroad s 4 aeu
adaaainss, yoxo & =lra, Bin alS:Lltrasa
Pounders laud au Valera, 109' Frony-benican
I , "i sod saaahhuid, sifeau, nnadd&dh
: 4, 11:17 Mesta *rise wen for old Copper and Uiss.
and Varivirding
"°CII2" stmt. Pituburgll.27ll
& L I.lcU
lUNigrr, White" and R
:ed e.n .r.of
1 r mud Oil ilT ta Wawa . , ea rn ,
sty ritubunth.• •
idesma uce.rt, Anal= otessi, rR
i rALAII DICKEY & Co., Whelccele Grocers."Cors-
•',... amise Meretients, end dealers in Produce, Nes.66
cwt. nod IP: Front streets, Pittobtogla. secs
_ _ •
• 1 1'' ,. .ZirOGN - SCOrr a G., Wholesale Grocers,
ing and Mouterdurion• Me rchanu,'Dealera in Pro
. - duce and .Ilualdugli Manufactures, No, 7 Commercial
Ems, Littertr street, near Me Canal, yitaburab,
.DRYAII, Rectifying Distiller and ,Wholesiln
qnr7rs, No.l ' lll atf:rty- s 1, and 43 r
It r atto " .1 00 111ey
Pillsbargh, • ' jyl7-41y
141.61.F5'.8 BletiVIRE, (late of Ole firm of „edge° sad
ILP Iffeetate.,) Elcrehant Tailor, St. Clasrles Buildings,
'Thud *Vett new NV • • Pittab. b. •
- -
r A im, .HUTCIUSON, & Co.—Succasors
. Levis Ll.oult&ort Co q C-0.1.1i1161011 Marchants,
irents of Aka Louis Steam Magar Retmory . .
.•• Fa, lb vrale.r and 72 front surzw,rimbargis.
W isaila,i , VA(774=TWOtrialbMnMg
• I e k • c e Grocer, •
d a ce h. an d C.No rn. Won, Afere;ael, 27„ . Wood et,
TOUN D. MORGAN ; Wholeaaled Seal
er Dy., Sulfa, Prants,Oils, V lee, N 0.93
Weal street, am &of youth orlEsaional iytkitt.
TA LEAS, lr, t. Co:,. Nueeessor.,Toseph O.
tikpostaddltip Lhstuilers, at 'Water meet oat
TORN U. MELLON, Wholesale! and Retail dealer
V. In Music sal Nudes' - Nieto:totem. School Boor"
. • Elutes, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' CAA, and
Ittatioaary 6euerally,No..l•Wood sqlltisttrglt. . •
!Er R•us bought or us kutt tu trade.. sepiS
• SeIIOONSIAKER tk. Co Wtoutetsrdo. Druitrtst.
• vt,P . N. U Wood street, Putsourg6. . , .•
7 OdEeR JORDON k tON, ,Coataxidaiod. , aod For
e/ vraneld o liag tdorcl
ampson). auad, N
Row. o. /5 Liberty a, (opposite
badthttb . ? S
, -1 ORN A DAVO, Malone., comer Ath and Wood
/2 areoth . pia.boacti. °old.
& k• - rocicrox,lioas., Um,u dad Paget IdatuLfaetareo, plo;d4
READ'S DoorStott, 4th, oar Aludrxt stre et ,
U l'hutosteal, Historic*, Sebool,lSitcel
lumens! sad Alelhalst Sags I.lStassAaly.
W. ROBERTSON & Co., tlauteriaull Ratios:qv
Brokers, (.0(11Cr uf %Vacua and act sm, Mural: wars
Pasuburgh, Pa. , '
•Ur Currency pure the usual met, *SM.
' TORN ÜBIER, .Whole'aida Gioeer dealer in' Pro
d/ dace, riuthergh lilaiduaradres, T Pia" &e.
Libey_al,yittalanh. jaas
FLOYD,,thats .I. Floyd t Co s ) Wholesale
J. Grocers, No. LW.Liberty street T, MeP5
kZ DA I 7P. ', eirocer, Ccaumissio
Jlierekaut, sad doges' in Produce and Putabargh
liamfacturea. • Pio. al Waser at, rouburg4;:: jinn
LEMS,. DALZELI. issuadieturers 511
sea burodhatt, Boiler Ben and Pools of the bear .
riaiiliry. Warehouse, 54 wider and 105 trout at. r.
j$ -WATLIIMAN, Whaltnralccernear,
ay ingaad Commission Merchant, Dealer :in Pins.
tusk hannuntetnros tunt-Protlnce, Nos. irt. Water st.,'
and rid Fran sr. _ •j• . . .
k u.. .tati7Err tcuirrog; Wnoliniale Groner% For
-1.1 Conuntssiou dindarn m
inni and
11,4 IiRCER, BROTHERS tr. Co.; Commlistiel
eiums, Phtledelphlu, fur the sale of prsdupe go
ltani t z . Libtrraf attruteet mule PH cousigatestia
• U.: atsectu.., "a a 1111111110.1 N yrsuzcs..c, sum
BUSIIVIELD 11.0k.,1Vbalesalt Grocen
/1. sad 4.Nansisslort Maretisst, Na. IN Lawny at,
msbu 'V h-
issi. a =lncr..
M..ALLEX Consems•Aos sad Forasrdiug
Marchese, 'Water sad 'Frost CM, baqwees
Wriod and Markel sts. .r 15.6
.Wl.t;B'r. Iti6ktr3olll',:tVlualossale Grocers and
Calagaisalod hlerchamu,
& ‘Vholesda'atio!'lLetall Hit 833,1
Jll;tily Manufactures uld dentin an }limey Fan,
HOLMES tr. SON, Ho. a /duke: sty edema
deer from comer of Fourth, ileolers in Foreign
goomestie of kachonge, Canitea= of roper
.14 Bank NOIGII nod epeelo. - ; ,
1:17 . Collections wad an on ib princioar cities
Aro • bout the Unitai Staten. • •-17 ,
iVITD11=3:11: - :
DOINDEATEIt Whalissle Grocer. and cox.
• mindou and Aro 2dentwata, xe.4l W ate r
• TIOBERT MDOU/4 Wholeials` liesilfriog
ix Deadlier, deals. la Produce, Pittsbu Mimi..
tuns, and all kinds' of Torsi& and Youleslie Wmes
nod Ligson, Na. 11 Llbeni sung. ere Latta;very
large stock of superior old Alooouguaela "ettater,
width will De sold low for sash. 4417_
- •
F azErsos •L- a rmrEs,r pnxtuee Dc•lerl
• Comisakm Mat rhanu,:peo. • KU • &mid stieet,
Rl= I:d i te n dc ' elrxVir i alltr rn
lAgnins Triatalne, of doseriptious, Nal= Wiled
131CLIAJLI) DASD, Wholemac.64 Resit Detaleilti
„P o Liather,llomoo, Bboessaters , Toois
ukts, Tostuut!,.l Owlets' Tool4asa.Thliiistg oa r
Zi&100.Wood a.,Tittoburgh. .
, .
11101= =Manna,' ' itUiltr. a.-=nuanos.
NAOHINSON On,Wlmiesalntildners; Praises
and ConnuniKlnn alerehants, and Dealer. In Pius ,
Ilannfactnal, No..lan Lindy 31., l'ilndangb,
FBEHT IMI to Co, Wholmola UrTicrors,
Cocoroisdon sod Forwordw ors
rsodoet and ritlab9ll Idadullacco l" f cl rerlNV l
m at.
- curearcomm, - WUteazle Grocer,
. DMYZIOLDS &8a Forwentil skead Corecussion,
Merchants, Mr the .ellegheo , lciverToade, tleal
en to Groarshno, Product.,
,LlnsMltch Matinfactures
&WM:elite ef Ulna I -
Rho highest prices, in cash, peLl atlethae. a)r goon.
rep. Corner of Fenn and Ind.' eta . 'jaiel3 •
OAKIV&D Y. Co, Coairodadda Merebanta,
11y- ;pity at., opposite, &tab/Said, IDea.!,ere by Moo;
Oda and Seeds, also vro44y
Slim /k. JOHN 8014; Wholesale aod Satin Dale.
dspur J.,aees, Emmy and Palley
Astleke„Ne; es itdue.i.ueet,ld door above Third st,
.41 111,1 , 1/ 0, 1. vlan•
winTr, iv,KgrualLGr fn
1, 7 F. Domestic Dry WWI. N 0.99 Wood st.
1.0 POP‘ r .
Wool lgercbtegs, , ptialp.
' - 0 1 "; + • UMJALiW & Cry Wholoala Orovari end
D. - • • - deader., NAMPA Markatisseet,lestardan Gth
" . sand Ga. Meth auk , . Pailadalpitia, . -llty l.
L ia
- 17 7 C7, iiiit- -- :ffine iniwlT in - Will ir,1171, W.OIMP.
._. , 4 lisT and snarnaGiwtrirFt of Paper liangLagn and
~ =Wanly' la w ruing, printing, and wrapping
e lam; 1940 ac,. Pivabargit, pa. Bags and 7Tan7
an.. sarapmmebard at tkOrghprz market prua. i
t n ; i= t ft. 13 Era". . WEI .11.1101110141111/...
NICOLS, Prisdies und OeurrsJ Cow
-11, solssiest Mirchants,P.U.. 17 -Liberty ut., Pittsburgh.
§ 4.r.
, ft - VON .lIONNHORST ' t. Ccl4 Whotatala Oro
. gors..Forwarthpg. aod, Mechants,
6... la tinabargt Alanatanarn and Western Pro
vo ataboad in Omar aain wareboasa,lokl stand)
14 :*, g0, , 0f Taf Fro= rt and Chancery Lute.
Mankm /::Z f. lb lU n io=is sh ktibufigh man
near7ti ri.
.1 521 m:
'Y .
, : . :: 1" .
1 :nr •
""C :trMrhro4le:i co T
i i
lint tot Atiiiu . '
~wld nand
0.D 1 . 1 itsd °Mee iogto —r od ."
147 . 1 "...w *Mr tree of owes. to apPlrealtr • i*
. 1 • • • , • '!urlY
etfa HOWEN—Ciwanmkos ' and: Forwarding.
lyv:lllerelLanclid. 90 Front, at. lierween r Wood and
want num.. ' kid;
soli" wsc DAM
• •a WOANDlaMp(raerearcrra to ~ a J. D.
Nick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwanhng
Corozal:4m Sterehards. dealers Fa Itrn , Nail.,
Comm Yarns, and Pidshargh Alaantactures generally,
comer a Wood sad Witter streetai rilasburgh.
- 11 r V/. wALUer stoneTithd-EilliFar—TZ
-11 establishment, No. 1441--Laerty at., ',tax die,
-lit M. GABBARD Dela.. in Matey and sit*
TT DT 9•04,N0.19 Alaska street, PituLar•b.
Wlll:piirf t _pesteein Watches, Joweyy,
=nary Ch.:43 r be.; M M
.67 u.
lar. , • MtiliPHY, Wholesale mid Retail deetTit to
• IF T • Ftneitro. aud DOIDLIMIC Day Goods, north east
forme or Market nod Fourth ' - anr2.l
itrAltiucK MARL IN & Co Rankers, Dealers an
Rachange, Hank Naumann Coin, corner of 'Third
.. 41 WWI sterots t illtsbure novlO-dly
Itrx.•orito,' ' Mo. & stmts.
Itlntl. YOUNG & co.—Diden Inleathee hides, a.e.
1431,1beny tt. - tanii-ly
aI.,BaTCEMLTREE.—WbeIesaIe Grocers;
Wit it ' titt a tZ t atini' pOrters n o'i ruitt w sutr
Powder, Na IW. Men) . st. Pittsburgh ' , Pa- jansdlp
"Bilavrit.* c . whoiesale.Grotcrs oud
tore, and PiueLutgh ' Llan
ntaclured article; ittie
accent wesprimeet amide ill eir Water farce,
near Ch.rl7 AUey. Palatial!, ' nun
arket u, them doom
aec Thiel et.
burgh, aria hate ;cowardly oh hand a mill selected ma .
, sonmezt of the ben and &reheat Medicine., arhie# ha
Mal ilea Ort tha ouust:rusoaable benns. Physimone
madieg. orders, Mal IM promptly atemled to, ood sup
, plied with that' apv zely .
p Ph" atr r"rmr - " lilt,T. 7, 11
gey_or •
.A.lier ag*, a Large muck of fresh and good yerta
sue •
'a. a
E c 0
,7 1 ° 9tr T N , I :C C KL % h ' % ) .1. 71 6 Via
u r,
krei t:a g c r d
5., ;;;:
(Saeces,saf .0 P:aPna
- . •
.L . E1.193 . 1X A. C i ta, T. 77 I:llaM i r [rem, N:ez
N:tsar HelloorT." " A.l o Za j is le4re, c tO - 4 of
Loa; Powdered, Crashed, Chtrified and Paroled Om; am,
istl-loreorand - Berrels. • Alm,- Snout Hov.4dolarree.
Priem Ilimeoloeod. • Mir•Uo•numo made Mt WI sale.
of or eke. I _meal! •
Illonoragahels, Livery Bailsle..
IDUIIikitIT:II. , PATTLII3UIN has opened
thalarge stable on First st, rututior. through
to Seined at, between .}food and nun Olken!
stn., in the tear of the :donongahela Haase,
with an mutely new stock of times and Carriages of
,the hest quality andlatest aryl= fusses kept at live
n' in the best manner. • • • iitritY
ootFL EATON, in Trimmings rind Varimy
1: Goods, Tortola SIMII; ory and Horn Combs,
Yams siod.Woratods, Buitaus, Needle., him,
Tsp., Brad., ca Ak.kket zu-ect, batman Ina
mond and 4th at, Pittsburgh.
.}I A . VM 3: C a r=e lt jaVoZs-u L I lTat:pl ' eTu .s r ' e7;
annonocong to consumers and oculars, that I am pre.
rued to famish thentarithali goods ill soy hoc, on Mill
beoer term limn heretofore. : • I
Bayern aali recollect that dealing exclusively" In
Saddlery Hardware and - Carriae Trimmings; I obtain
.thereby, edrantagel that 'enable me to coupon
don.' Call, see; and Judge for yoarsolves. apl7
' -
tall" 7.'QL1.6.
A i r ANUFACTUREIM aC 'pulls. and
,blistee +teal;
MI plough meal, steel plaugheungs. coach ood
apnags,Rammeted itw axles, ant dealers In mal
Carel", uxuer of ILANI , aad , Iron, itai
• •
LIPEICIIS' TEA 'sronr--m,. YourTh
, near Woost—All'quandaes &cc cud
Black Tea slow up in guesser, Loll. suut
ace pound picke s,
r.; saucing. Cass ets. per pouud
161.,24. Br/ A. JA.Yfik,' Agt. nir
. Pekin Tea Be.
. . Butler
--vi T ILL .1. attend to ?Alpena. and other bu i
'Y cte. Butler and Analtronc
counties, F. Wator lo
. J. h. IL Floyd, Liberty sal ,
W.W. Wallace do A
Jaaaraltl..4ll.. do • t Piwbutjh..
—dly Kay . lc Co, Wood L-:.:S -jug:
T SWIMTZER, 7lial.Lakor offlea zal
si St. M.A. , . iloida'Ffilallatiati. Nan .1.
ameba ptomplly to Colleedolos,Ol . l.sfatiOngton, Fay etne
Ithaektioek, Bell & Co,
March .t Carothers,Pnathargh. •
D. T. Marken, (oellally
Ib¢aeeller at
E. tin Me un at Y 6
it " •Co I lecTio d ns o n (J '
hod h. Solitario, mut So Keomety, promptly mol care
fully attended to
Commisaitemer for the tame of Paco
sylvan* for taking Deposatiour,- aeamearlad„,ments,
, .
acs—Hon: Was 1.411,1. Sue, Corals. Church
Carothers, Wm. Hays, Era, %Villock
B. w 4" "3'
1,011:LTAII1Flz 9 IthiN,(Ne< rs
yr- Wsllrsme.) AuomewArionl Counsellors of Law.
01Bee North side or Fourth stress, above Smirbtirld.
febl7drowlr ' •
UNLLIP hIEWELL, atiorsey Law. Uses UarithleiFt,.betweest cad 40 sue.
JC Laor, have removed their offuee w the South Aida
kbarth at, between Cherry Alley Aad (Braid street,
JKNOX, :Attorney Ili Law, Stusborgb, Ye.,
ItY bm resumed the prnetiee or lds proleiwoo in Mr o(.
hee l No. 7, tiolorsiel's kluildums, Gram st. occupied,
demos bit.aelpeo, by T. J. Sighom end J. Cbtly,
Le — w,Otice on
si., between Grant and Muithfiellt, &rods wide,
promptly to m bnii , i_t , i y ess
nog en
U. ROBINSON, Attorney...l Law, Ms C. moved Ida °Mee to tbe Esteliatige Buildnrs„ , St.
Quest., next door to Alden:tout Johns. nin7ly
ORLA . NDJ LOOMIS, Altomry. at Law, office on
41.13 .treetodmoesialthfuld, • apl:ly.
are h2 l l . e l' a V eg i a r gey 'g ru n s t o . i e n t ' m g p h an i r on'iffat
adelphia. Fire Risks upou beildulgs and mew hatidtze
h ot-every deeription, aid blatine Milks upon Itullanr
'Margot.. of venets, taken upon the mow tavoruble
terms. .
ONci iN the W . ofebiale of W.11./1.10.. a Bro.,
'1d0.37 Wafer: near Masker streM,‘Plusburgh.
' N. a—lire auceess of this Company since ' the estab
lishment of the 'Agency In this airy, with the prompt.
• new mid liberality with which every elides alma them
for loan' has been adjusted, telly warrant the 'avid at
inviting the confidence and patronage °Otis Wends nod
Its cortnnory' at large' to the' Delaware Insu
ence Company, while it Mot dm additional tublastagea
ca institution aniontithe tow nourishing in Philadel
phia—as hoeing tot ample eaplutl, winch by the
operation of ita charter is "denim:llly Increasiug, as
yealdlng of each 'permits moored his due share on the
profits of the company, witlund involving - Inm in any
' responsibility whatever; sad therefore.' OW possesinu
the Donal principle dsated of every ins
tart, and hi It. most atm:Wive form' ' tlevi
I •
max Azio i lmAzurar, 4ziouwaticE.
iltableammuce. Lotopouty of North Anienca, twoosh
its duly Oathorirectilfeat, the subserilwr, oilers 10
' WWI porosond Dinned Lasurwme untooperty, in
tttis Cilytilmt At minty, Arid hip go F t. the (.11
sal and Rivers. • . r
Arthur Colfin, • - Taylor,
Samtl W. Joliet, ....atabrue White,
}toward Smith " . Safdli lLT h omae,
John R. Nen,
Shafted LL Weal.
Wm. Welah,, .
S. Austin Alliborm,
- • ABTLIUB. LX/ }FLY,; Preen:
Amer Stmaacath Sce'y, • ,
This is the oldest insurance Company in thrt,lhnra-1
States Loving been chartered it. 13.4. ha cluenal as
P.:4.Ln; anti from its high smutting, Isms eaperiettbe,
ample means: zna meant( a)t.rasks of an A . ths has
anions ebarateac,r, it may be consteemd as altering eaL
, ple security to the plate. W. P. , JUltieln,
•At the Counting dawned Atwood, Jas. is Co. ; Wa
ld.. mu/ Frontsireets l'ittsbaret .•\ , L •
John A. Browni,
John White,:
Mors. F. Lope,
thunnol F. .W,
Bamuol Brooks,
~at;Yrooklio }lre losuronco Comporiy, of Yklledel
..pWo, will make Imunioce, perommeut Auld Ironed
oY overydescripOon of propyriy, ur Pr ;rebores oNd UM.
iiiffou.Susg ....try, au .Varagble
Luc a pupa/rot chum..
Capital, , ri/CONU iUkt iu.
.e.m°uMmeP c U me o r u o d f Thi , 4 und Alarket arm4o.o, eo,
ipl jja wnittucK ALAILTIN,
lllHEumiersigned,duly itzthorisellAteoiorthe Loic r
icin Ere Insurance • Cowpony °C.. rhw01dp,,,,,,
conlistinto to effect itatt/S/KO 114(S1141t ion or damage
ageism pinion buildings, toOtooandiso, futniutleand
rotopolthnot /ism bassrdoos, la thi• eiq Kw:II/141mq.
804 tikX/ COCIIILAN, to tad
81114ClitiliE14 has s.powled Adipi pia
tan. or the Insursuno Compuly of North Altivt.,c,,
gy4 ionw dtbrr bu 5,11.41
onkel Agelley, 41 Ike Waribm. 1,1"..111wood, Jour.
Co. • upli. • .1,1411. KS, water .1
INDIA au onma
jitusz ILECI2Vr.D, per Express, a barge uskosonelly
orlod.. !Dabber Goods, comprisioi
-2 do. (OlooriP Co..;t 4 dos Traveling ling., / •
4 back do; •,;" 4 poire Pam; 1/• • •
4 o Pea do; _l' ." t:ao.pilbuilLetec
° Reo fi nriseketii 'Co. l00 0e; /
re, o' Ctreepq 6 4 Lite Vreeerrets;•_,
102 yindeof 4-4 Cordage , Clothifine supele; . • •
244o1Peir Logging, .10202ereat style.;
o Capes, watt sloieeN •
2 • o without +IN
s; W
• '
• 1 o Cover edl of hist. will bel eedd Phenp
for east. wholesale or recall,u No 5 Wo6d !rued.
amid • • • J lIPHILLIPS.
• Vittent„SiNgs Ash'.
ev7l9 •" f - ITe iond
NY, far tha itda gide, Kock and Canister Yaw.
:Of wayy sapetlar qualiy, OW caw...Fs . Mill b. ,
•dpitliadai any boar danur the day. •
syll%tra 'JOSEPH DILIV9RIII, AV, Yl vupd rt
To Country Serehaat. •
A LARGE STOCK of :Schaal /looks, Paper, Stalibu•
ury, a a., suitable fur country salsas among, which
• -
Wrinn..,•• Papers, name, medium acid einumeill Qnlre
Letter Paper do do .do do
Note Paper . dodo.,
Note anieLetter linvelopein
Slates, Penas,•%Vitiers, Quills and Steel Yen%
Window Pape, (yard wide) plain nod printed;
Bonnet Boards, ordiferein quelibec • •
lttaulc Books, iv great variety:
nehool and rocket Bibles;
Crown. medium, and doable crown Wrapping paper;
idetenibis'skcleetio Speller. and Readers;
Rayls'Eeleetic Ardbmillics;
• 'Cobb's Primers, Spence, and Reader4e,
.tittoDers , do • do • do
, Ariilirnetbui, by Adams, Dasis ; Colburn.Stuith; Sleek
tom Emerson, and-onset. •
Geo:B.l4.les ; by Mitelie-11,0Iney, Smith, Illorse,Gmbl•
rich, Barley. and others.
Grammars, by Saints, Strkbam.Bullions, Weld, and
cabers. For sale al low prices, by •
- •
el wood s 5 door. etbove iih.
Tito higlAnt market price paid for good mixed mg.,
_ oplO
. . . . .
AK . ILTO'N '8 POEMS, illustrated. .
Harper's new
edition of Om Poetical works of John Milton, with
n memoud.cnticalSra
ensks qn his genius stud wri
Janies Montgomery; nod. one hundred and
twenty engravings from drawings by William [Laney.
lii two volumes.
SENCIUCS Cjeuctr. Tforrasnurr.—The four Gospels and
Acts of the - Apostles, in Greek, with English notes,
critical, philosophic d, end szegetiesJ; mops, indexes,
etc., together, with the y ' sues and apocalypse; the
whole fohning, the New Testament—For the use of
Sehoota, Colleges, and Theolom;eul Segainaries. Ily
Rey. J. A. Siencer, A. M.
A Nest' Aura.—hlidwonmers Eve,—A fairy tale of
love. By Mrs. S. C. lialL , . nL.
Jamas' IV.—Tho lite ol hither dm Nounh,
king of Penn., mail ICIMILIC, By' 0. P. H. James.
Csmn,lem iit iour parts, paper; 2 vols. dab:
Nor mile by JOHNSTON Jr MC N,
• je.n9 .• Booksellers, corner of market and ens
BWK —AI the Apollo Buildings, Fourth street„near
Wood.—lrelanin, IVelconte to the Stranger:
The Came, bit Court and People, by .1 flare ell;
The Orator. , of Prance,
Tbe Lives of the Apo . ..lles, by . Bacon;
• Tim P1111:211A NMI Melt PallelpleS, by E Hark
Conalilutions and Oanoiva of the Hely. Apostle,
veith,u Prize Eusy;
Allison's Wirt of the Duke of Atari boreup,h;
Meander's Lire of Christ, in itMl historical CollllCelloll
And historical develupetectib
Ilarpe •and Appleton'. publication. generally. -
School /look, Paper, stationary,
whits colored crlepe: by A Allison.
tam Second
Read Vol. Chnlmer.i• roshumotts Worts—.V.
'Phe IstfoofJesitei Christ, In Its historical cOuttection
and hisuiriral deselopentonti by Augustus Neander.
Translated.frunt the 4th Serum. edition by John Mc-
Clintock add Chas C Dluuenthnl , Profeseurs.n
ins./ College. ~• • •
Fourth Vol. Pictorial blisory of England. •
Nowand Then, by Dr—Warren, author of Ten
Thousand nYcar, and suliont too numerous to mention.
Call laud apID J kREAD.
itegi r p t ; , rv , ip c o , n r o ,i f o, kle t;f a r tid .
Inliq and will be continued at the Fettle place on Liberty.
street consequence aflame ehangea having taken
ritike. a fcw vacrtueic haeooccurred, and those druid
ova of placing. their duet:lnert under their core, would
do well to make an early epplietaiell. Far tern. ice
circular, or apple no the Principal.
c. tra,ccoci,rm I. 81014.0.1 SAN.
- -TituaCcu eumatissios 1111511CIUSITS, L
No. §outh Wharves, 70. 117 eci,alt Water at.
6G5. 'to Worm the cis , and dealers generally, of
rtusburtn, that they /rare made awl acrang.turtais,
stub taC n Virgitua marturactrircrs and the Gnawers of
the W 3t , U eel hunts, anal other plates, as will stance
a huge and eenetant supply of the following dettertp,
Aux. of Tol.aqouc-orluch will be sold upon as accent
incalating unapt,. *tp . otLer house in ILIA city ar else
here, and all•getnas Ordered tram them wall be war
retste.l equal Vereptc,cmation:
`/lavaat St.llounngo, Conn.;
gret' •• • Ihrno Rien; • Pertn . u.';Seed Leaf to.
'Cuba; Wont, At Florida, Lucca;
. ..11..Sfe—lirencre celebrated Aromatic Stag Caren ,
dth, with a large.teworuoent of ether Popular I.nd,
:Ind quaint. , of fauna., 6, P., 1., la and :tr. Lump;
5.4, d, -n and Ilk Platt; Twirl Virgrtna 7' t,
fee., eweel and plain, to whole and , alf boxes, wood
nod nn, together with every etwietytof article belong
ing na tbd elute.
J. n..A.arr. A. ”Anlr.
Produce, Cooludealon andiPorsrardlag
il. Bross. b. Co.
Robert &Co. -
Bart:roll 11.13avvr k co. 1.
handl, s t.o
Pau.tou. Kew Vtusit.
14 titer. s liursey,!Unapt"
}tau try 4; Ntur4
licabrutcst,lTittton & Co
.• Crown Co. •
Ku, tc Joust, •
jrr — Libcynt raih atts'euterc an cotult.untnents to out
• Marahily
cruataa Eccr. ton. Worm.
And General Commission Iderehante,
. . tio. l 3 Sorra Warn
ILEFF.MI,Ia:CIN—IIeary t'ouhurgh.
itodaers Hterluek,
S. trottemley tr. am. $
A. M. Japa), alaystrtrlo.
Cuarles Baehasn, Jr., Itroaseille.
• Dumb, Illant.linty.. a. )
arterrert'llro. 4 1... ~ • Ithataa'a
Fte.ed Brother,
apt:My Lkna:L . ..4 COusittory, Hew Jr:_ _
Commission and Forwarding Merchant. scoop as., errrritcatatt
CIONTINUPIS traneact general entimilablou terai•
4..1 eta., erpectally ut the purchaac and tale Pf Ameri
an l'ilanuractures cod Prodace„ and um ,eceloloo and
.ling trove., cons:gnarl to hie care. As .41111 for
Lilo Airwomen/m . loc will lro Cllll+./11cly auppited wale
the principal .11c1. Pinsburgn :11iiintfacinte at the
lowcat whoteerile Order• cluei r poneutr
are teepee:fully rn;onte,t ' - 3:17
b. F. CoNW•V,
IJORTSNI.JUT/I, Cummuaron and Fenwasling
hleseharrts and Produce Dealers—at uhaarrl
me Purchase, Sale and Stud/mem of Pig de.
Itarrit to:
.Atwot4, Jones Brown, Llailei-ta Co.;
Loreac,Sterag, & Co, Henry Gra& •
Glad; Ulu:Liar re Co, L Leech &
Lycra, thoria is Co,. Clarke & Thaw.
JuarlUdly rldrnas.
tale of: 1114.argh, . • Isla orNaahvtlic,
• ;111 . ,;11.1:11Aik:41CHANI`S.
Into=, Amyx
firfer to Merchants generally, In l'ituantifk.'•
wrIOLENALIS 411.0Cts1ttii
XIMWEDIAu ,1111.11.01.0ihblOti iikAICHAM,
Iran. Nally, Cotten ,Itacno C Pittsburgh
- Nlasufael ores Igo vorall/y,
lu WOOD ravoratut, cc.
AIM lONELICS 8a LO f IISsIuB 111EltUllihTS.
Otter to .vll u e‘ther c,ul.llohonelit,ail Io n
n& of li-
Otovion at rho &we , . co-. of Gornt.lA and too
always prcintreil mole odoxrices. '(Ito of rob,-
runcos snot, 11 requArce). Letters uddressuil “ther
house, moll ho promptly encodedJY4o.dlT
tHniccr Lott& c. V. nom& &P. !Warms-
Prodose and Conotolsolon llorchosto,
No. 4, Hoplan'o Ito*, e.chooge Plot, lio. - nuotat.
.10—iiAVId.01a, lithalerote,Co..JohnlC. Ilatniat,
Hugh Jen:tint., Lattimore; IL AUTO tr,'CL,Solltra tc NI•
colt, Hampton, &slab aCo Shackleu & White t ,khtt.--
burgh; A / TO Oh CO. Condo.
Woos tostintly
21101.03, W. I. CAILFZILL4.
Mad ilannfacturer. of Linseed VII,
No. ::11 Columbia •trez4 •
.01 1 ) , trrcontt quid fpr
Vorararding Aterchom I. lira or o•oltio,
Artoods. parortourly '
Om oraverolog of Produce,.
tor, too.
Fanny' antonaatioo, opply I'UM!, TII k CUN.
CAN, Water st) dole
to. w. Aforusov,,
1 ./ILATiIk.:WS do PATCH,.
1. 310. ,LX Wa.ter 01000 ! !
At. Lode,Ho:SIOl give 1411001er uttetaioo to the re!ling WI.
duce, ling la atder.lar purcundng. :
• OlL—Ccorge Aloo.ou A Go., l'ittvlough,
1.411, . ,
rostra it A.
1. NC
tAitateay b.tlidwarei.
bille.PA/11.1 de. 'DUNCAN,
AUCTION 41;011,1118810N SElitaltihtl,
(at the old nand in buy /Es eLepte,)
IAIiLL , KLY:, perniptund looe" attenuao teat solo
YY ui LES E..t.005,, , , see illetso•mhai goes
:fully. 'Elio:, tvGl ptcpultul , attc,2ll ID 01 we 41A11.
wen. Or ILE:, business ethetently nod (lestel
goods lot thole *to oceohntEsEsportially. d ;
Beier to CoE .1 W. Duller Et Co.,4'uts.
_...__.der. hhron
A"". 104; amt /U 7 tri
Hssmixacus- 2 Alercliazi. of ,
Wheeling, Val—lL. Crui:sl7 .. .Y. Cu. Jpalpildnt_
u h .
L: stvc ialcu •,vpuijie la
ur Wirni wurclruuse, rur Inc Frneut, whqe we
pall trallanet buswes% its uatiel, Moral a new hoax° eau
ereettli, arraugetracti. honing already Netribende
rtir bunts•be rewll*.sal
our wirufl idreeeiVe ircight.
LYM.AN, REED 4.po'.
(Sutecr..ontto Heed, nLLCd & C 0..) '
• . .
Particular atm:111011 ma to the sale of Wool,and Libor
al a:trances used on consignments,
otylentetell • • ,
Li - IT/tel . /10. 'l' IN'PliltkinT4'6ll. iiiii7t - :.:-:•iiire — disli
la of the hoe stainnenVyinnulg for sale ye acmisu•
modeling terms. For particulars enquire o[:
~ „i _ 14 .V. %V 11.101BAUL111, •
ap7 ~- • lid Watar and Prota ida
.L with Situ ts —' ll7e ) ard h w o a " re ts l ts '. ll n e any ss, Pkiip
son and FAIN-ant Gregg. The t ic of Gem will here
after be Leg., Wilma k Co. 'Eats arrange:neat rest
de. deasruble, to close the okL business , ra .101/
IsintAible. All penises Nebsise lustre matured
are erpecially requested to make immediate payment
l'alsauss,h, Jai. 1, foil.
IOGAN,: WILSON' & CO.—lmrsers
.4 Wholesale Dealers. in Foreign and Ito testis, Hard
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, tre..1.49. Woo street l'itt
burgkiare now fully prepared tooth a reCeudy impor
ted stock ollHardware, Cutlery, kali° oiler vert gore
inducements to western buyers being determined t
compete in prices with any of the Allasnie eitica Al
soun handexteurife moors saentaffittibur . gb' Hard,
ware, vas' Shovels, Spedis Folks. llocl, Vices he.
all of which will be mkt of the leaven manulhattstie
prices. • - ;NA
I 4:435000
A •
TILE sabscrat era laving recentl entered into
• partnership under the mune of Gal l agher, long,
& Bliller, for the purpose of carrying no the lle
and Onus Founding and Goa Sitting business fp
all its brunches, hive eaten the stand forint rip oectS
pied by 11. Gallagher, No. IN Froht street, betweelli
Wood and Smithfield ats., where they are prepared
execute all .ordera for Bells, Brass 'Castings, or evert
ilori t alun, and Gas Fittiogs 'nth aittioess und des
patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended td.
• • • 11. GALLAGHL EL, •
tt. A. LONG,
P. 11. MILLER.
N. 13.—The attention or Machinists told Ifitgitieers is
Melted to our anti-attree lien metal, for u reduced price,
which has been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by
numbers who hare tried both. Steembont builder* and
the public, generally, are u.l.otegLested to cell and ex
amine our superior double «bon Farce Pump. for
steataboatend domeatic arid. •
deeILS y
Tm partnership so long esisklng undea.the firm of
Al'Cord & King, was by tuutuel consent ditsolved
ou the let inst. The business wilLbe elated at the old
stand by either of or, using the trams a: the 4tmfor
that purpitete. lktag desirous to `Luse our business
closed with as hole delay as possible. we would re
spectfully regwtst HID.. Indebted to callend seed
theinneeouut.s. JOHN D. hi'COIU/,'7,
Co-Partnership. • .., •
TOIPi D. DVCOILD haying a. Delia.' wall bird ha
brinherlamas ITCard, under the style of 111 , Cord
Co., will continue the Bob Cap and Fur baldness In
all I. various branchda, wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, corner of Wood and title Streets, where they
solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally La
stowed on the old firm. 101IPS 11/ AVCOH.D.
jells /ASIR? S. mcaut...
rN from the old and well known firm of
31" Cord dr Sing, 1 mod Tef pectil:y recommend to
Founimge of the public roy. successors, Messrs. ,
Wean( & Co. W 23 11. Li.
STEP BELiti of Whoctrim,ll. V. Shwa ergot
o orionttn, anal J. L. SOnifi ion of Iltimbutgh, tome
this Ihr catered intoo co-panasnuip wader stylo lisl4
firm of Stephens, ShirentOnjict & nt the Ortriser
-two worts. Wheehrig i cVa., to the parpem of: MIMI,
factoring iron end MIS Moiety &monorail.
... •
W. =MPREM 7, 1tRa.11.9.13 M. S.
— hlanufneturo - all kind of boiler, slant, her aon and
muds, A. 11. steel elaue spnogs rind axles. Laing con.
aected with nitrierdiehger'sond Juliann work, see can
oder an article of Somata iron (brands.) Shoe nbencrl
rival to any made ra the country. All of wniett oral
scli.Lat the l'ittsbnrch priers. Warehouse orate.
Neot_k._earncrof Monroe and Water ins. 10711
• D155.61.17T10N..
THE Co.pootnenth p of t.t. tt.q.sottbotot oodor th e
!inn of Istoto IluttlAton iki.,idov Pito Wood
liY lather of a 1 milt attcali to the ag
tlentont of got Arm, attti , too tototo for (pu r pose.
janl 1.131k:b A. UIiTCHIsON.
T .
IlE . 'undereigr.ed have Ulm day fumed a eoleartver
atdp under the firm pf Jrdner. A. Ilatehiatat
fur the purpom of eottinedr.4 lac Le %awls heyemore
earned ,on fy Lew. Hatch:eon tr. Co., add lad,. a
cananumare edite patrantag• lnaherter exteuded to the
furze. JANIES A. fillirClll,oN,
LEWIS L. Iltrit:lidatA.
rtatabastah,-Jan 1,1513. .
DISSOON—Tbe pulacryblp hitherto efrltl.•
iwy LUTl under the ttyle aud Isysn of lV.Llnzaz fr. LW
daY,l:..lved by 3111."113; ect.ent. /am Dal-
Lellfravins dlyfre.o all. enure Irourco in 11. Wirhi.
mad. , Toe hu,tue. of Ma isle fins Le unlc..l‘y
11. 11 - tchoo,n. oath unr•d t. mu. It Me
latefttuy ior teat parru.r. II
• itcfriklaw Duly 1111 1. DALZI-1,4
TILE ISabitniter is now repassed to n.sonfartere all
-kinds of Cotton and Woolen , at tt.d %tannest
notice, Ord,. !HI .t IL AVigt.t.maits I s,stest Lte,,, so,
ner Litres, and Wates sizeets.l.lll Inert seer.. tostpt
=nation. wiGHT3i
Leatok at, tattween Federal and sintifttour .n om
spetilie A:Seem:ay csty.
th .r,degle try. uil'uludcrler
Co.. t.
W. on the WWI, Curn•ont.
IV. rutntlextrr slaltautltell wt.. all 11.0
of IDr coureru.
V. 11. uttANT,
Ntlricr.—iledi mg purchased the e ntire rltelrvl '
ui V.
11. Grum to the lam entice m of l'uoulean r 1 Cu.. and
aesociaadmy asio e ntecOore Poindexter. with me. the
Imemest 001 1 lin enitimned as UMW muter Ma ityie of
ron t demer Co.' not 1) 1f 1 - 1-11ND1:..NTER.
TWei,. under the
j_ mune of Tolbert 0.-Nichutenti, at weir l'imodry
Third street, hare this day, by mutual consult. Matoi-
Vrid their emparmerthip. Mined kt11:114/4 Mao.
aquas indebted to the &m, are requestedcalled
the tr trarehottee Liberty .trued, °Nunn, brad calle d
and all hexing Mamma squirts them
will pool them nt Um rune piece lot mu:cumin.
10/1N ARTIWKie,, •
#IIIN N1C.1101.1.4./N.
Abut I. lA*
MIS ITXRIIJ:, , i Ik 5A311:61. WItiIITNIAN har
t/J.7,111g alaUelaltal thonselrma todethe t Knader the firm
tit ;Pm Fu ten &Co, for UM purposeui routiaartig LLe
huiwev of We - Lioatitien'a Lioe,"' Still con.. to
LllNallte e.metal forwardias
la at Olt old eland el the Canal 11aitia.1.1beity +treat_
Vt/TlCl:—.latuee SI. IlutchLinl Cue. interest Ifl Liss
.I.N . "Dry Innate Balinese conducted In We inns utUlte
. . . . . .
umlclusgned, comer of Fourth and Slurlet hut, Putt.
burgh, euhuou.teint; Feb. 4, lulh. The butineth for hhe
prunent will be cohJoetc.l . ooder the former cylo of
lJ day oesotEn:edirrtt [tun, ..10 ' .1)1 Et. .111 . 111,. It..
ualm-s• l•di'Lttecater ruaductftl W.,
Urn of IV6i. Young 4. ea. WILLIAM 11.UNG,
inns !NO. IL I.rcuric.
• Jaynee , }expectorant., Colembtu m .1., 0., Apt ..1:4 . 1 tit.
- FIR. D. JAYNES: Dux .ter.-1 feel httund to you
if and the Witted public, Id avail toy of due.og
gunman,. of girth 6. lit Welty lathe extr , fionliners effects
ot /our Drpectorsol enyielf. llfgrotclteen watered
for trovetal yeem Moll • severe cough' hectic fever.
end to couctintilaut diseases, and-Stemmed only dopmed
to Unger out a shoal but 'flitter/thin C.1.A.:1,, Utdd the
fall of MCP, when, ;being room seventy attentin!, and
.hiring retorted to all my former tennnhes, rod the pre.
erstintous of two of the mutt rmpectuble phyeielmis in
the neighborhood without denting any benefit, or the
1u room of surrivoter but a few dam or weeks at
farthest--wben the net gletio, of hope tens skint In
vanish, I bad reennitionded ue end your Expeeterant
and blessed by that Being wino doe* all dorms in the
Uwe of the uremia—and contrary ill the •.peetatinn• of
ray phyvicoms andknoods, I Ism* to a few Jaye now/
from my bed, end was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to toy lnduese. entttliritntnve hen. health Mon
el had for test yen. pre.. ions.
llespcctflilly }vont 4 .1 Jos. W;lbsrtme
For isle ui Sfillehorgli, at the Pekin Too Store, 72
Mirth aveet..
li:V.T.stlttlattZen,) - )1 - 11“1,:ht. City.
u. /...Faststarors, }Pillebitegh.
G. W. Pattarsroeb.) •
Wholesale Deng Blois In the City of
Neer York.
undersigned are extensively engaged in the
1 Wtialesale Drug Moline. al No. 4J John street to
the city of New lork, and ore prepared tO supply
Dkalfgirts add country filerchants with Drugs, Palm.,
' Dyeonalls, Fore git sod American' Perfumery,
blinder, Weaver k. Chesoicule, Mt their own
infportation) and all other articles to their nue of bogie
steps, ora superior quality as low as they gon be pur
chased in this or arty caster's city.
New York, Feblll U. A. FAILNESIXICK le Co.
,Ilarehee• Chrome Green.
• •
Ir . /LINTERS, BLIND MAKEIte, At —We, the
underrugned, Painters and Blind hitters, of dor city'
of ew York, have used sod tested, oriel are now using
u new article of Chrome Gwelarocuiutactured try Geor
g. Marcher, of Win esty, and brut it to work. well, pro
ducing • fine brithaut Peris Green ippeergece, with
very superior body, and recommend it•to elir brethren
in the Bode .as to every particular the best Chins.
Green we have ever used. New York, Juno 11 47 .
Signed bye{ firm. of practiced painters of the city of
-New York. This unequalied Chrome Given way be
had of H. FaSELLBRS, No 67 Wood street, who hes
the exclusive agency fur its rale in Butsburgh.: mend
X Pine Set of Teetli tor AB Cents.
W l / 111, TL , k 71.11 . F:LDIL tIIIEATII, 1111.41:711Y
unhealthy teeth, odor be.
leg 'ogee or wrier, cleaned with Jones , Maher Tooth
Paa(a, have the appearance of the most treaulidat ivoiy,
antidlbthe same tune ilia so perfectly Innocent and ex.
quisikfily hoe, ewe CallatOrtt daily use btgleY ad .
vatirageww, evert to those teeth that arc in good ewe
1141101l i gtruig thena•a beautiful polish, end - prevca
ting a
premature decay. 41155 e already decoyed it prevents
Arpin becoming worserit also lustre. such as are be.
6'71114 loose. aridly perseverance it will lender the
foulevt teeth delthirlety. white, end make theibreath de.
licieuely evreel Sold by WM. JA NUN, be, ',Warty
rn rt.V •
AYEAV week/. 1,111 se, one of my children, ng.sairaut
fergyearv, w a s wewell for several day., nod this
illness uscrearred So; alarmingly that I tented death
would been 'result. Having heard of the good effects
sot Fattneatock's Verrdifuge when administered to the
ofay uc,gtt6 d thinking my childinught
hove worm., trout waive of the eymptams, I gave it une
ro d or l o af weageonfals of the Ytilliait - Ufr, 11111.1 10 my
gwat onedtaic y draeharutrl
a e ry we r r , eur elided. large woe.. IL. health *rue soon
re turgid, unit in is .w remarkably 'well. - Previous to
pop, the p ev e t dage; the weenie .wouhl occasionally
fl On 111 11l throat, surd I cadet lcureJ it Inlll/41 dielrma
strangulutien. , JAS. (I. DAWMIN. •
TioneauseVenango ko, Pa„ April a, apl3
rOplidar, because Good)
raiso, JellersOtt Co, Pia, Marc
hl, ler*.
IUE E SELLERS—I hove neatly Nold *RM. 10 7
,111; awugc and Cough Syrup you sent tile. • Yol/f Yer
salloge Is without etceptiuu the best ere; offered in this
;kbhorhood, lowing proved good wherever used.—
Ths Cough Syrup endlaver yille lore also gismo .at.
Erection You, obli servt. .1 SCOW Posseneser.
Propos:4 and sold by It C SELLERS, 57 Wood 04
sold by Dr Cassel, AM Wood; 1) Cdeurry, Allegheny; &
-W 1 Nnith,Tesuper eneaulle. amen
IsOltltiiiA111)1; AND IN Fel.—
NTSWhitney's An
row apoo f'itush Powder, n delicious mlO ;highly.
nutritious lobJ l Schick never tom Co:i
s ecid on the onch,
and td ittny utuversul.y recommended by the. Meetly in
preference. to Druck,Sago, Tapioca, or plain Arrest
Rom. us better suited to th e debilanini stbrimet, of is,
- .did, tour ensure Idrengtheiling mid wholesoure food
fur Whims. For rudely R E SELLERS,
metal ' ' S 7 weeds)
00 000 Tntvrhi,, saorasroa
MITTS 'establishment long and widely kniong -
being one of the roost commodious in the city of
. Italuarthre,bas rerentlygnadergone very' exten
lice alterations and intprevements. An cam new
. r ing has been ogled, containing namerous and airy
l a e nf i s depernn ht has , v d c w b a t b Li n a g memo... 7
reorganized and tatentp in a moat unique and Ertl -
ful style. in fact the whole anangement of 16811ot:ea
has Wen remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietare, !awards the comfort and pleasure of
their Gueste,and which they confidently tinten will
ebnlieyge comparison with any lintel in the.Uulon.
Their table will always be eapplied with every sub
metal. and luxury which the market afford., served
up hrn superior style. ' while in the way of Wines, an.,
they will not be surpessed. •
in conclusion the pmptietors beg to say, that nothing
will be left undone on their put, and on Um part of then.
Tassislants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friend. and the public generally.
• —Thapnees • for board have else been reduced to din
Bowing retest
'radios` Ordinary', six per dip.
Gentlemen's I,co
.N. R—The Baggage Agog= of the lfonae.will LL
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
•aLl±ino. • mayStf
C 1.121.11. 0010.
ziTFlE.bseribers haring purchased the entire
interest of Col. Cl.. P:Williamon, lam of this
well known establiitholem, beg leave to sine to
their: friends and the public gettedilly, that they hare
taken this Commodious Hotel for a term of yaat!, and
ill get' their beet energies lejonke h a desirable
home for Travellers and City Boankra • '
The Hotel is spacious and adfairably planned for
convenlinee, light and air, having number of parlors
adjoining eharnbers,presenting.nnostml minutiae* to
The present prpprlctors hav in g had The experienCe
of years in this city and elsewhere, hope they pip be
abhs to give genera/ antisfacuom being determined to
give undivided attendee to the house alone. ,
I ' The location of the Pearl Street House is uncommon-
Pgellgib e, having fronts an Pearl, Walnut and Third
menu, so that It is equally desirable in Mew of the
' convenience °filminess men, on retirement Ms private
' boarders. It is near by the Audi., the Post Office, the
hlasouic EC_ I Odd Fellow's Ilall, and bat one mime
il , lintfroto Mall 'Mel nod two.!Koares from the City
3 suf, thus offering the greatest inducements. roper'.
fay te country merchants and generally_ to all perm.
muting C01C11111.1.1 ' exe-JOIIN NOMM, •
umba7 • .1 JOHN A PUBLip...
, ~ ..
' , J'' ' ' ' Excrausain 110TES,
`Pana or s call WI no. imins Its., errnateams, PA.
The submsiber haVilig assented the =Mtge
. cunt of this long established and popular Hotel,
• respeethilly announcer to Travellers and the
Psiblie generally, that he will be at all time. prepared
1 11 .
to accommalme them la ill th l ngs desirable in • well
regulated Motel. The llama is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and now Penman, added, and no
pains.will be spared to make the Exchange nee of the
vary hew Motels in the ranntry.
,‘ , Theitindersigned respectfully solicits a continuance
t. te very liberal pattonams the Mouse has heretofore
c 4
Med. qiitopw owsros,
iboa.u- . P.m - timer.
go. 14 murex warn, mutasixtrms.
iII.TIM subscribers, under the grin of Bridges es
West, have purchased Mr. Jones' interest in this
establishment.sod hope bythessrinesiancneon
to-Cm wami and coinfort of tacit. gums, to merit s. COll-
tittUalleg of The liberal patronage hereumbre received
by Its *water proprietor.
The house has been thoroughly renovated, and re-
paired; we therefore feel mitered we earl welcome our 1
Clain!s and the public to accommodations equal to any
lu the city of Philadelphia. M. W. BRIDGE,
II r.Mtf . ,
JNO. Wait
GALT 110011 IL,
fOrMll MA . % 41..11211 1NC331.11.
THIS establishment is now in the best order for
t0t,..71 the reception of the Traveling public. Having
Sits undergone h thorough repam during pint
winter...l hating the most experienced 1400 111 UYI
nee In thavartousdepartments,.! flatter mg.'!" Mai oil
will be pleased who cull. The lamb= hectare:, cosh
mations and pleasant. Fare 81 per al. '
einetnnati, Mama 13, 'l3 BIAItSII. •
N. h.—Althotmh not. exegtly - rs new Orooto, h is he
atate—n new Whim on'thiaold handle, 2031 .
tatuntilt, cr..
AlllB THEtiCial() yaCIN belts to acquidisi his
J,s,‘ friends that ho is hyarri Imams of wt (,ALT
, Lou Moine, 144 when, he hopes to meet
ell his old frieuds,aissuring them and the public, that
to edon shall tin 'Voted to mate all comfortahle who
favor lons With their pans:mace.
7 TIVITED eirr - AVies HOT kraL,
NCt cT.O.I.VZIN Vtnitr , lq . o Plrflt
oi=lni, Uou/k 01 . the Loued States, Plato
otankr" " r ' Proprietor.
. ,
till'olyais of LLC.Ikp mane. An alogy of Ifeligion,Na
}Mt itelreSied, to the coortnteson mod course of
ttAIJIV, with 'sales. Also. Cranford's Qucatiods for to.
att000ttoo; rarisr4 and adapted to the oso of school.,
Sc Charles E. West. Pritactpal of Rigger's lossituto,io
the car of New Vork.
• . •
'ANTOUN'S I eivErenTr. DE AhllClTlikes
Ake Senectute. de Atateam, Paradaithaud
raunniata Scipio. of Orem,arid the Life of Attie.,
by Nap., with Milted Noire, Critiera and
Lzplansfory. by Charles Anthem L L D.
-THE LULY'd 'SERlNO'DOOR—Dearription of
.huctiona deanery, Haire LID. and Country. Attitimi
Mettle, be Thomas urt44l with ra3
A NOVEL, BY MARILTATT—The Children , of the
New Foreiu by Cain. Marry... IL N.
DROCGII TON, or Laurel Water
y The alrO D. IL Jam.. •
ye nark. received thli day. and for sale by
nay 15 -tlook,etto 1 , or. market aud eta
lieu , Paper and - Book Estblishment,
W.l.arroemoi Forami'm 01•31031,
T .
Ill; siMientiers /save ium opened,
.st the Lose
and. a lame start of different qualities ruled and
piani minim and Plus. WisMnecia Icticr •Yaricr, com
mrcials:pi packet post Mat Cip, decoy and medium
wTtuttgpnpen, for islank books; medium and royal rt.
knell Printing Papers; medium. &cou . and cap Day
Nusnia and Ledges., superior paper mad best li.miern
loading. Schad Booka of ail kiwis. standard storks in
Theology and Sciences; Quillt, gold and steel reitk,
ll'aferii. W.. 21.7.
Blank Hooke of all cars ruled to rattan*. and bound
iu thenaost subetantital launder.
Cininiry Alerelmos supplied at lowest wholcsalepri-
CC. for cash,"br rags., cash price..
JOB PRlNTlNG.—lluviiig a Job office I. connection
with our ertsblistiteent, Ye are prepared to execute all
miler. for Alai r. (nary Prinuar—books, pamphlets,
circulars, limo:7MS tan); bills of lading, A.c.. with der
patch mil at late price.. ELLIOTT& kANGLISII,
say wpm' bhtereen Rh .4 diamond alley.
A T OUR STORE on Market stnim No Ad, between
JAL Ad and ltln may i n all times be found • large
stock of Tlieolokical and' Miscellaneous !Rats. New
books received as soon es published, and sold at low-
Suborn Union cod Mass achuseus elabbmo School So
eery, always on, hood. Catalogues furnished on ar
yl:mitten. us.uorr a ANGLISII,
min 56 market at, between M and ath
NTEW 1100KS—ilacturis an Shakspeare, tog II N
I Hudson, in two volume..
The Power °Abe Pulpit, or plain thooghts addressed
to ministers. andthese why hear them, on the
influence of a preached (Ampel, by the Rev. Gardiner
Sprig, D. D..
The Peasant rind his ',landlord, b,y the DAMIIII•
Knotting. 'franalote'd by Hair Uour.tri
Larearting's Girmidlsos, Vol. 111. History of the 01-
ronilist, or personal memoir of the patrimsof the French
Itevolouum from unpublished ,aources—by A. de.J..o.
lew copies of each alit. above wadi - a . ..received
this day mill fur sale by
11733 corner market and. 1 4.1 .
LEcrtans ON SHAKSPEARRS Life and Chur
toter. Inn Theatrical Labors, his Poems, Sonoma,
A. by N Hudson.
The Powrr of the Pulph, or thonghts addressed . to
Christian ministers and those who dear there, by Gard
ner Spring, D.
The American Practice Condensed, or the Family
Physician, being the serentibc sysrem of mcidleine, on
vegetable yriomplee, for all cloture, by Wlldacb. NI.
D. For sole by • Er.r.torr A ENGLISH,
ad throatt at, bet. 3d sod dilt, and n wood et, bet 4th
and diamond alley. cora. ,
T iooks.
• • .
IlltrT(1111 F,..l.—Robe musts's,. 1141114'a, Gibbordo, Rua
-I.l.sulls, od. Europ, Prescott'. paru,,kc.,
:tt track I`. France, Arnold'. Rome, Harper's Pictorial
Loglarul; Matra. lloroei Coasulutitoul Mgt.
ry oillitglaud4ruolds I.atef Roman Conssuousrealthi
belouit's aortae; Burnet'. Higlary of his own times, with
unto., Lhdlim's knit:tie Arms Cnsudes altd Chia.
airy; Ltrowitine. litmory of the Hugoeumat Thierry's
'lb...Tirol Work.; Neal'. ilirdora ortho Puri...n.4 Thum • French Ile Taylor's llamado!' hurl and Mod 'Sitio
rrJintroduc two to the History of the Church. by Jarvis;
isightley'• home and Ihiglonth Ranke'. Popes. The
abrre, with many other 'tamable works, for .ale by
wan • J I.IiEAD
NTEW COOKSi—fife of J T Ilaudley
1.1 Power of the Pulpit, by Ganilner tprbig, D. G.
Bethel Flag, do do •
leeches oa Goapola, Matthew with
with Harmony;
Lectures on Shakspeare, rats;
Pa th of Life, or Sketchee of the Way to Glory and
.linntortality; .
Footsteps of Messiah;, •
n o by antharof &last Gal in France,
Now and Then, by W,nrreni
Sketch,. of Lemons, on Parables and Miracles',
Stela:lda Weinr. lathe Strangely
Hew en upon Earth;
Ilawksion, a talc of punt for England: it vols.
For role by • ELL.ttYrrfr. ENCII.IS{I,
Sall • ' 74 woad end CA were....
NEW IfOOKS-413st receired at the Apollo Build.
lotwitreet, and for sale by J. L. lIP—AEY. 11w.
toriof Louisiana.; asarlos of Lectures,
by C. Gaynne.
A thscourse on the life,' character and public servi
ce. of /antes Kenb late Chancellor of the mate of New
York; delivered before the judiciary and bat of the
city and state of New York, by Johg Deer.
of England, front the Invasion of Julius Cs.
.}er to the reign of Victoria; by Airs. Markluuni a new
'edition, maimed and enlarged, with goesdone; by Eliza
Robbins - ' myle
NW I.looKl4—lutt receivelLfrotn the publivher,
aud for sale- et the AlethotriaAAkivok Stove ; Atb at,
isnot Wood. 'Puppet's It:unite;lid-Philosophy, in three
Envies of handling; a lientitiful hopt. for srprearsit.
Preparation lottlfr Pulpit.
OkolobAv of dototooti ou thodhuablea and Miracles
of Christ, by the author of the "Pulpit Cyclopedia—OW
sketebes, Se. The English Pulpit; collection of der.
moon by die mod enduent thvittea of tlngland.
Alucwrnpa Nom—Wing tiood i Chratian Love, Loc
ust thou nitl.Yacreil Meditations.
MACHINES and Illtuirative App..
X 4 twits, fuelicadeiniev, ;game!. and families.
incetro Radical Apparatus and Electra Alaymic
Machines, for plikatclan. and (undid a
Roach. Thermometer., warranted.
Relined end prepared If unit had a; nientienti, Per
.p ectivcs; Plata Warr fur optician., Yor sale by
• . BLARE; tr. Co,
N W corner market a 0 mat the diespoiad,entranca
on diamond. end_
\TM WORK RV . 11KADLET—The Life of Oliver
IA Cromwell, by T Headley, pules,. of “Napuleott
."dhlablafshsht," "The Sacred nfouniallis?
legion and hid Generally , ' etc. etc. Received this day
and far axle JOIINSTUN'd. STOCKTON,
, • Booktellers, cur market and 341 els
TOHNSTON kfrUCICITJN, kave Jun received the
II Frhelium Ilaviater, N 0.170, April, 104.0,andlnock
riood's Ediaburehdagaziae for 11lop, _ say3l.l
Mate IS Slinkier & Co.)
- - wpon , PACTURERS- of Phsenti . fire prop( safes,:
& , .. 1 - admb side, second' etreet. beteen Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J E Stricklel having deceased .
end the aurviving partner/Mr. Jos Lippencott, having,
aasociatal himself with dlr. Wm Cjltarr, the businese
will hereafter be gond nen; undue the style of Lippe./
con& Barr. 1 I - ~
Trinl of n safe in Cincin9ni, OP- We ` the unden /
ed were present at the testing of ondofJ 8 Strickler fr./
Cob improved Ilbsenirfire:yroof safes. The safe .14.0.
placed in a furnace On the goblin landing, and subieeted:
to the intense heat of a stool, coal fire for more than
three hours. in one hour nad a half-the safe dame 10
n bright red bean the dodg, of thivi furnace was then
closed, which caused aninarroaro /and steady (eatfor 'f
the balance or the dllfth and) thecait iron -whale wero',
paniolly melted oft; the funtlee woo then thrown down ,-.
widths safe cooled and opsonst The money, Wars:
and books which It contain ad went - as perfect as ashenj
placed there , th e binding only of the hooks being in-
lured .by the water in coorg the' safe. We have no,
hesitation in recommending/ to the public •as a safe /.
supe tier le any we have ov • eeee• mated, and believe
'that it will stand any bent Aftielt might be produemi,
leapt a heat - which would molten to a solid mai.
Springer & Whitman, L,Worthington, Kellogg &.'
Kennett, Den). Unler, %VG PEreeml, Mums Smith, T
S Dungualk.Co, Stare., ftill yard & Co, Wm- Manse,
Mend & Winstor .
-We, the undehigned, role led the safe acten i, of
above, from a lot in th e store g W & eber Au , the
Ages - . vl CO SPICING •
_ li litJ KELLOG.
Refer to Cook . in llama, Bro&o . ro,„pittrourglu
_._ Many Hanna & Cl i do de lieftrotorlYS
ies.i.iiiieeare. soot D. , CA 1.. A &DRAMA
IVlA s LUZ.r . l:lll s tE pa lr e_., o . f , dl
.. om=d4a; i tlt t leAl_
Cut, Circular and Gin Sawa, Ilil . nd Menace Foiky,-
lions, Mattocks, Picks, de., having completed an their
arrangements in the constructi'i of new machinery,
1 and in securing the best work in from the Olsen calf'-
bested est a blishments of the Eas ore now manufactur.
ing nod will keep constantly on land and for Sale all
the oboe e articles, having avaipl themselves 'of the
,s ii
latest improvements, nud are denrseined
monship and material they will nat. excelled. They
promise to produce articles equfil, if not superior, lo
y that con be !Indio the East. pey invite the enta
ilon of deniers to an examination of their mock before
plitehashig elneWbere, as the? a nt convinced thavhey
mill be able to till all .orders in their line to the entire
rotheaction Or Wee&oese, IVater stmt,
4 doors West filonougahela llonin, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. IL—Persons havng buoincjis with Wm. LOP.'
ton in 800 sell please call on Llkoncott in Co.
oddly 5.:
4.ahlT9 W. WOOLYYKEI.I..
INttablargla FlarsaltureAware Roopu,
• i ES, VII. scorn. '
A ituge and splenilichuisortmentof Furni
ture, atntable for Bteamboam,llotels nd pd.
cede dwellings, ronfiantly on hand and
mole to order. ri . -
Tl4prosent Bock on hand 041601.63 eaeceded by
any manufactorT in ice svestiiiin country. Po mons
''''. l ii“6 I. nfirchuse Would do, Well to give me a Mill,
kik 1 arti determines! toy prices shall please. Pin of
%he aback C1.111.1111s in—
:a redo% with [gush and Hanseloth covers;
2 dnr Mahogany Nurse Chain;
14 pair Divans: - ri
12 dor hos mahogany Chats'
12 iaaliogaily IVork stand*
ii doeMainriany Baelangpiairm
IS marble top Dressing Bureaus;
pair 0110=IN
c marina lop Work Stanibil
IS cherry IVork
Mahogany, Manic, Cheery, anCPoplar Bedsteads of
all de-cripimus, mid o large rat4orment of common
furoiturc wurchana, too ninnerols "to niention.
marnif ,
rpIEY are not aware how I'l2lly injurious it tats
1 I Ellll
the skin--bow coarse, bow rrymb, how sallow, ye/.
low and unhealthy we slim aypepos atter owing, prep..
pared chalk! liczides it a isouritMAcoutaiolug•lmge
quantity of lead!
'We hum prepared J ON E S `
bcautifit vegetable • article,
which we cull JONES` Sl'Als'l2ll LILY wiirra It
is perfectly innocent. being peeped of atrireleteriem
qualthest and at imparts to me .541 a natural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, Being white; nt;4lte some time voting
tiscosmetic on the skin, making it sot mil smooth.
Do. James Anderson, l'racttcal Chemist or Mama.
charm.. say "After amtlyslmr:joties' Spanish Lilt
White. I Enett potions. the izqUttasuatifal and nits'
rah and at the same µme luncteet4 white I ever saw. I
cenainly can conscientiously resotemend its use to all
whose skin reqlllf. beastayiagip Frier, 25 cents a
bon. Sold by WM. /AO:SI/N.1.D Liberty st. utarl9
Pitt Maclaine Works and Foundry.
.errnanson. its
JOHN WRIGHT & Co., ate prepared na build Corson
gt and Wkdra Mselnarry eibr deseripima, such
as Carding Mschines , SpMM.; Frames, Ppeeders.
Drawing Frames, Ranway /I , e w ar, Werpers, Sudolees,
Dressing Frarnes Looms Cs finders, &e. Wrought
hem Studlitm turned: all mires o ,Cast Don, Milks. and
Hangers of the /414. patterns, .41e and hand Lathes
end tools add kinds Castingslpf ev dekritidri
funushed on short ratite. Patterns made ery
to order p for
3141(k/mpg, Iron Railing, &e. ;imam Pipe for heat.
tug Parlour., Cast Item Winiloorlash andlency Cas
tings genreolly. Orders led or lbe Warehouse of J.
Painter & Ca., Liberty street, wry have prompt alters
Rekr o Ibaeknoek , Bell & Ced,-J7K. Moorehead &
co., (LH Warns, Jelin Irwin a; tons, P.tobergb; G.
C. & J. H. Warner; Steubenville. II Maid
Spring., Axle, Steel AttitArsta Works.
Coj baring completed
their now worka, are note mg:rated to manufac•
bratratevery deur:mops of Coach an l2tpdc alerted.,
Iron' Azle, American, Wider; tl.p 'tug and Plough
&ea . and all rues of small. Inmate and round Iron,
orSick they oder for tratle on Lateral ms,atduritarare
house, No CI Wood atreek where Iher unct keep on
bands complve and handsome omen[ of Coach
NNtleidga, lestretApt , Hardware, ]unlivable Saatrartiph .
ail and Mtn
CAW A. Co., have Made arrangeeoents with 'Messrs;
Day &Crone,twin...tutus of Sped., Forks,
Ac.. and Trill kup causteelly an 4.4 every article
made by them. Dealers are respegtfully solicited to
;di, a.ynee. and terms will ha made libcraL yyss
JOSEPH IVWEL eifirner Of
(Art Woad and :al as OOD tlFntsb L, urgh. linv
' vrithdren lfrota the firm of
%hut er vont -itioodwell, on the far n( Jannirt,l , 47, I
take pietist. IA annotmung w .my tnends in Cie city
and cbuntry, that I have opened net .w store at the
above named pls.,. Having porch - axed rafgocals fur
cash, and made arranguneuts wingmenututurers la
this v.ntry end tn Europe to he Censtantly supplied,
lam folly prepared to ( - cruise Har d ware of all kinds,
On as go.I terins and as inw as tiny house East-or
%Vest Merchants aud others are gnspefitfully wetted
to call and cannone my stook, tuft:Ai P.:lulu& else
where. The
andsfollwatg comprises ar,parl of his stock:
Dteamboat saddlert herdscire:, , gun trilnenngs,
files, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools, auras, vie.,
lucks, latches, scythes, but lunges, stjrews, Union Fat
tory planes, sews, tnahogany Goude-And veneers, and
all other art/cles connected with the herdware busi
lftwaidware, eraltiery y , Saddle/7 s &es.
JOHN II'ALIGIOI, Importer and
Dealer to Farrar ,aand Domestic
haNseare, wouldlaspeetfully infante
N. mama KUil the public gencrallyNthat he.o now re
ceiving bit apfing sopply of hardwnrc, at the old stand
of Waiter and Wood well„ No: 01, Wood th e which he
distwent oleo the most ream:sabre tends.
' lie well he continually reteivinglash leuppllea di
rect from the manufacturers in E.g. Wand Ow
ttry, which will enable Ifito to
Weak camp - hie with any es-
eiher Dem b $.
Westernmerchantsnt are et
invited 0,1114nd egataine
hla neck before purchasing elsewhe r e,
-••- -
,ClOOB/.l3l3tltlat, MOSS HOSllyihNp BOX-Must
ljr eaceleed per sicarnstup, CalcSomp, from rnrope, a
splendid and thane collection of GoCaieberry Trees, of
the largestkered moat excel/cut sortsili - raiecte liouthoo
:Hass Hoses anti Dwarf Moss Provenhe Roses, togelher
with one hundred yards of Dert, for lihreleringi for sale
at HOUINSON'S,'FoIh street, near Worn, where nosy
be found the handsomest
beat collection of Cana
ry Herds and lewd Cages to the coy, qnta Canary and
Hemp teced,Ley tleaJeiund Inerteit — ii:' apt':
0110 DRY :00011S IeIkiIICHANTS.—A 11,sou
Co, het Alsace at, have recreated tel oases tee cheap
tinseled Lawns seal Muskets, $ easZsraf French do, of
every variely of style, to caeca of jhttod style Ging
ham, 4 do new style Prods 4 do blienand orange Cal
mons, 410 do bleached Maidens, all width, A len, cases
bleached, brown and blue Dolls, Codorindea, Checks.
Gingham, etc. 0.c., all or winch sail/ On entered at the
lowest Eastern wholesale prices.
n—Mctin ,t' t enytti
rensee Sti pp.
WlGHTALlN—klanstear tater Wall kneds of cot.
too d woollen maclunery, Allegheny city, Pa
ilef mid
being now in lull soccesalul op
eration, I am PrepßlT4 10 milers with dispatch
for all kina. ot neachilsery en toy iinc,isucii as willows,
pieken,spreadem, cards, grinding machines, railways,
eltswitat, frame, spvedv., throsselete looms, woolen
cants, double or single, for
i necrchampr country work,
Muleolack s, kr.; slide slid baud lathes and tools n gem
era All-kinds of absentee made to oyelcr, or peonage,-
en for geroing Meanies or melts u ninsonoble Charge.
Darla to—lientiedy. Childs 0 Co4/11ackstock,lecll
A Co., King, Pennock A Co , Jr,. _ 1. Nra
- ---,
Maar lug stud ill•Ir D”aadaes. tialuaux
DLACKSON A WOUNTAtN. Unrested Prefix., hue
LP repainted end Wad hp Mau ',burin& (lair Ureseihg mad
hhempcorting demo in the modein stylached ere prepared to
welt on poldetson um., vitaeue comfort and polite:ma
They au prepuut to tun ma all thei mat Ni without detap.
Tauktal tor -put hors, an -solicit alcoatinostae of the
urns, et our alas, emus. of Dotal ~,,, tend the Irtemotad,
(bath of Alexander 4. D a re Dry tiondo
.Itonrt) IN
. DELL AND DRAWS rovzionv.
AA FIILTUN, Leh and BrasOottnilu t hat re
built and commenced truincetat his old stand,
svbcrd he stilt be pleated to ft. hi. oldoutoru
ore and friends.
churci,,Stratnboal.nnd Bolls or estcryhoire, from to
to tostun pounds, cunt (rain patter. oythe most nyttroe.
04 models, cud warranted to be °I - Q.:l;h., matenuls.
Mineral IVotsr Pumps, Counters, Itipliny t in., togc
ther,with every rattly °I - Brass Castings, it required,
turhsd cud Omitted in the neatest =duct,
A. F. Is the sole prultricor of Ittnites Arrn•Atrzt,
.rtoAMtrat, so justly celebrated for the, reduction of
(notion to machinery. The lbza Owl Composition hod o(huo at all times. clay
Ploughs, Plough CostWO, Wagon
Oozes, 80. ;
'HOLIEILP lIALIi, of vim old
firm of IL A S. lialL is ronnufam
taring large gifitilla tie • of
l'lougLs,l . lougheCaathigs,Wag.
on boxes, Sc., with the improvementa:of the Leaver.
• Peacock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, iif tbe hag, and
brat patterns now in use. ‘,
IVarettouir, lOU I.iberty strtel, PittsbureL opposite
Me Say scale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the
Comm Famory of idemra. Black iloc k,dielc & CO.
dclely . ..
W. & J. ULENTri s Book Bintiors. •
.1V It are suit engaged ill the above . bitsliteas, arm.,
11, of Wotat mid Th.rd atrcets, Psißbiartilt s. 'where
we are prepared to do an) work in our des,
patch. We attend to our work parsonsaiy, +n II ulir
mutton Will Lc Sirco to tcystst to its mammas and du
Blank Woke ruled to auy pattern wig! bound attb
LLnuaily.' Boolit in numbers or Old Woks bound care
fully or repairea. Name. put on bookariin ktit letter.
no., Mal ban work, I. oar line aro tanned to rail.
rfir4l lox•. • . Ott(
To iDerestroatars axed Burkblierai
LW:A very low, to close We Lsqi . selut of the.
lam UmTsiCou.Unble Stricklet,Spur of Vault'
ours / of superior ninofeeture. • , Afr i V c o.
weiltiTABLE, t 241!S,Istnps4 from wood
1 UST itaiiiiiED—A !site suld'sidelfaldusiorax
LP of Cloths, emtateres, Cr.k...1 . : d u i!
lur,lnkla by. - L WILLIAMS, Al.,"!Mt.d.,
mut Mosouguhela Hou.s,l/.
Hece..Err .k WHITE. No. WO Woad - street nth
la receiving very lame and esteasievedock of fresh
pring Dry Donde. orrery reeenl aw-dme, =0 bon 13
under tee moo Neural:. elreenterfitces; and. winch
they nth Prellethe , 4 ;ad vill sell tam erchanza, at a vary
mall advance on the eastern crow
We would requeor ..Ilmerclannts visiting. wet ell) to
a ve our stock Whir exanfinclon, and we reelconfi
oildent they wdl ualrely-wwlefied of ehe cheapness of
mock. apl7
TrWrINGS—Sup Preach fqfd Mau, Cub
, mere., and while IyuwJlea . MUMS—Sop
French, ireeh imported, all colors, qualities mud prices.
CASSIIIERIZ to every style. and 'quality. eAtill
hiEßETlS—Sup silk war_p, Queen's Cloth, Summer
Cloth, mad desirable county for gems , swear, at prices
below any iu the city. ROBINSON'S Cloth Store, 0.
apt: I • . eomer Slh and wood Ms l
WM/LE:44LE Dr MI 4..ttg IN pity uuoin,
IA Wood meet, harden bench nod are unmant•
ly receiving daring the tinniness sees., a large and
extensive .soonest of DRY, GOMM, which they cif,
ler 11.11.Cilitill at Lew id:tees, end - reasonable terms:
Relieving thug c. give entire senstaction, they
ennftdendy vane all merchants tithing the city to give
them a calL _
A.jja•sON Co., 60 Market almet, am opening
a en eensive assonmem of Dress (jots, Just re.
ceived per Express, comprising the largest aud' most
•fashlonablastock of Dregs Goods to be found in vale
clip --amongst which we mention, 4U ps extra rick cat
bruidered Folk de Cheare, a dew article • and din mow
desirable goods in tho market; alai, satin stripy Cant.
lies, dereges, Tissues, Mohair Stripe, French Jeconclx,
Dttrss GOQUA—A A MASON& Co, GO Market'
sweet, 'have Jut reed a splendid susaruimaiol
Llf/ss Goods, among .which may bo (wad—figured,
plant;Plaid and striped /image or idl qualinca,
tame, mohair mope., Grenadiers, saw, wipe ac
Lain., plain do Satm, St Challies, Macy Silki French
• aptt ,
DEHAGES, &C.—Alexander Jr. Day hare now open
Mal a beautilulsalin t pod and plaid' Beragea, of the
&west qualines and newestets, itapoite,k also, splew.
Ind plain and broeha block Scrag. Awl iSoness,
splendid French Owns,Liimis•Lustres and Gingham.,
full assortment bit, plain. and satinatnpet do Games
and fine Alpkeets. • .
All these yowls hare been purchaaed ai the late per.
emplory auction sales inPiew York and Philadelphia,S. Will be sold at a gram, red nation tram regular pima.
, ALEX.I,I , ,Dkat et RAG,-
tart comm diamond toil market st
SHAWLS—Alezander P. Day Mire Meneed Meet
from the anyone, in New'Vork, en maim .Cll4O of
SeStumm Canton Crape Slow's, mataining a complete
assortment of minim/derail ant pub eh af all co
loni,ltud gallium, from Eiti to pa.. The ladles ste
tilVtleci to examine Mese Mann, believing
roar aurae of them ace novena; to my before °dared m
this market. They mil tie soldiemukkably Cheap.
Also, Silk Max/ and /image Shawls nod Sear* a
fall nosorunent, at rentark/Oly low prices., tar{
Wl E . l; n l. 4i i rreged ' nie N sine l lg A enny fornefettlua rft g
IN'une Co's Plate, Ciunh Aral, blow and inscaspi•
dairies Teeth, invites Dentists' special attention.
JOE.I. MOHLER, Druggist and Apoihecnry,
spit or wood and l cis
(.11..0VF....—A Kona usortnent or Indies -and s eats ; k,T black, win. and coteind Coto , Lisle Thread,
Shit and (noses, lame size. Also, elect
colored French Kid Gloves, an exechuct and
large sues; 1.0 opening by . • -
GLOVI.. AND HOSlERY—Just:it'd, 533 des Lo
dies black, white, brown Inundate. Cotton Hose,
from ne centsper pair Up the finest quality: also; 10.1
dos pats Cotton Halt Hose; 100 dos Utle, thread, age
and Haan Gloves; also, b eananaLtdied liajou Kld
Gloves. Dealers and otheis that wish .barya.iu the
aturre Intel., will find them at -
epl9 SMITH& JOHNSON'S, insuarkst
1.1 30U doe Bobo and half Hose, An =en, womenand
children, with a large lot ofsilk,..non and lisle ;Load
Gloves and Mitts; nut received forms. imparters and
for sale 10101.4.10 and retail, by ' •
oloYd F-11 EATON h Co
Q TEEL GOODS—StooI Rag Clasps, Me bear
mew. in' the city,• /heel boads, do Borrimsels, do
Purse doi do Purse Ronne do do Chopin do Slides; do
A' do do Top,Cotobsi jammed at the now Fumy Mor e,
atore,lkd arkel street.
mytel ' '-
uniMitoolß.—A full usortmentof plain, okra,'
I y striped Cambric., plain and chlrld )sooners,
Swiss .d &wick klucl, 'look Muskat, Iclishop Lawns,
Nansooks, sported' Malls, Victoria Lawns, ?alma
Zdaslins, together with a toll assorpacnt of &kittens.
plain sod fancy Nens, Laza., Egings, Insestiugli, fez:
toe., all of which bate just arrived nesh from the im
porters, and for sale low lathe lrade, by • --
JEWELRY—Fine Gold Mininture . C.sses;do doLock
ets for Ilairolo do Breast Fad; do do DU Bangui
ao do Finger do Guanl. Chains; do do Fob
do; do do reueUs and Peas; do do 'Bracelets - find
Owls Those in want oftlow Jewish) , will 60 well to
call on us beforopurellasing, • L.. L L • -
myl6 LXINnEY is Ji.D:OX, market se .
1.2 IIEETINUS AND OHllCTlNGs—Aieramier & i *
IJ have Jost received very .sapimor aeaoruneal:rd,
brown and bleached detain" of the most celebrated
nianntastire,of all writhe and qualities; also, bleached
and brown Sheetings, Wait. qualitleei Ng per .
nry4 • • 1 •
HE subscriber respectfully reqoests the ahead= of
thei owners add uilualas of boat., citizens and
strimpirs visiting Pittsburgh, to his large pod splendid
mock of carpetingr now for saloat has new stores, fith
lames. , ;They coastal of every. varietyof tha latest and
mon falibionable styles of Carpew,Oil Cloths, he., ever
brougtdto tho.,Westem market. The storwbas been
built iunresslyfor the carpet businessomdkoss, De W
iese Of,:expense,) been fitted up In the most ' eta
nuedern,style. .
The eisrpets receiving um of the latest design, wok
fire Wel:best and mow bralanteolots.
T tercompose, in part , of the following:
se i n!qapestry, "new str. -
F.mAtirel 6mmicnn Stroh
Irape :
sels, ri • .
Ingrain, mew oho-.
Su no ng;;;
Z• Ingrain;'2.l do.
• .•
Plain and twilled Within;
Extra wiper cord twilled do;
Royal dm •
Sheep Pell;
CarDsts. -
Door Data
C l =
I doY -do
9do ado
4 do ir!do • •
Cottodi list,rag and hemp come; eonerton od.elOth,
oil over's, wanted and linen table 004.21,
windowsihadea,, colored and plain matting, stair sods,
trizrzni4s, enzpet bindingsiand all other goods usually,
kept darnel stores, ad of which lortll be aold on no
reasonable terms as any to the city., !laving made or
. rangemt.irts with one of the largest roraufactuzers In the
east, ordirs ror.any style ofearpet wi ll beprinaptir t o r ,
warded by telegraph, and delivered in ona week, as:a
mall advance ernes sannufasenter's prier. , • •
Purchasers are partmularisLquested to
c o n rm
, es sidi elsewhere, as we continent We sell
cheeps, they aloha pare in the mutant chiles.
morla • 1
JEWELRY.; • - •
INEW and splendid variety,. .it
I 50 gold lever Watch* 40 silver
lever wasekes,Enghalt; SS ailtesdetached lever watch.
ete 10 glees -L'Epine watehes, 05 silver quart/es
aratchesi7.4 Ina gold 1 dos new stile ea, num
sdu plain gold hoop ringsi dos assorted Hog. ideal bo.tes, playing variety of -popular airs; -11/
steel slides, all siies.l.
5 dot nue Puts, silk audpapen 50 dos common Pans;
dos flood velvet baid bags; new stylelq 10 doe fuse
GRachet cad WKS, :new style,; -,d dos fine crotchet •
purse., rue , styles; df.dos finliparasols, assorted;; duns,
'fusels, fringes,andsilver, for regains; 10 dos line
dower vat % asuned; 1 dos fine 'steel screw:pin cush
ions; 1 do m e ivory . screw pin cushions. 1 dos fine
Wood suave pin curium. A. floe essorectient of new
toys, he. Coo. mar 27
H -7— di s- thrifillAlls -- FEr.Ol - arf Y 5- ES
as. studs e. almost Rea, Pittsburgh.
Ncw York.
,^ A. A.: - /dAson & Co.,'
NO. CO Market street,
&land ith sur.s
burgh Po., have recently. opened their new and.
elegant store, with art extensive stock of rich
sa -
d Summer Goods, comp rising upwards of throe hun
dred packagas, of the latest suit! 010.9{ fashionable
Lyles. Mirchans throughout the countryare paiticu
laity invitOd to call aud examine our mock, as! it our
intention to oder our geode at the lowest. Eastern
wholesalo!prices. One of the Mtn residing in New
York, milli be =stonily sending us. fresh supplies of
the most desirable thereby giving na every fa•
rills , in the transaction en our business that could he
possessed =by Eastern Rouses. Prices are therefore:
peartutteed to be as low as the lowest New York and
Philadelphia rates. t, • ' tea%
leg, it IP It MURPHY'S Shy Goods house
nonh east eo Go o d.ol and Market es, a fod assort
mK Cunt of whit for dresses, such as Swiss Mos
plan 41Li fig'il; Mull Mull do; barrel s akts;
plain Mulls and Jackal.. -ludo, variou styles of
goods for Evening Dresses, including a few patterns of
entire new styles Embroidered Moans Robes.
/13 - Rten , goods win be receiving dily for a' week
as. noose, including newest styles Lie u Gnode, Linen
and Preach Gingaa.i, Prints and Chintzs, ven,
Mer Chants are Invited to examine-the goods and pritce. in wholesale lINXILL, up stairs. The assortment
largo and prises varylow. • aps
pity IhPitea auention to hit alignment of nnoret
good.s, of various shades and qualities; deo, dama,k,.
tigured Linen Lustre, for . Ladie s, Drees.. A latte
torment at loos
La' anon, • blauchester, nud Manch
Gingiuunts,of.west sty/es; alto, Hoyt , * Ptisitt—a CuU
asuruntent of these Very destrabie gogda, including
put, Wag, blue sod decideur le of new sod bviiislq,
ful ovum.
French Dregs laulian—Yink , nines brntVtl. sad
bad, °Newest p Maim and lad= m* b.e'd
for Au.), BilliinaneMoiJarlps And .nha
nn do
s, for ladicatiadithitueornauctg •
Embroidered Sides foi eivaing anti:
untralybievu- mai As
st • isvougesorenadmea, crape
shawla t icw t tt ,w tt hOctlilleaPrantef,Dinciihstott blur.
j -O b i t r etqlf.itarteiesteirto Robb r h iSlo , 4.
nut street, Philadelphia, beg liajteg i a're Wends .
sad Patill. of dee lab Sem, tinewrangers visithig th is
city, that they ara now Its 'receipt of the- Ppri4g and
Suminer Fashion. Also • choice. and select assort
tem of West cif Englund nod Freucb Cloths, Cunt
nitres and Vesting; to which they respectfully invite
ths.rattentioa 1 ' emdelike
10 31- EXFikT , S—Ocnlst ••• •er GoOdst lit -- ; • Cic ..'
Jj ea milled Preach Habit Cloths, and xi 'styles
Cassuricrec black awl coPtl Cashmerede; • on's
aed Summer aca.bN bed awl plairt•Drap d'}..)res; Yew
lice; my choiceMarseilles, Cashman*, bilks. awl
Sawn, and bed Liner, Drills, cheaper yid: "•• - .:
110BLNSON'S Clolh. Mom, Post Buildings, "
ide2bilar I :i'corber weal and MI eta •
:77:, 7:3,7
VOL XV. NO. -265
- sso oo , PERSOISS in ' , Philadelphia
f• alone, can testify to the wonderibl elleacy of thae
masterful retned% - • - -
In Pulmonary Commotion, Chronic Ittonehitis sad
Sore Throat, Asthma, Chronle Catarrh, Spitting. of
Mom!, Pain in the' Side and Irma; Difficalty of
Breathing: Who Oping COLIOI, Cm Veek Nerves
• end NervousTrentors, Palmation - 6Am Hearn also,
• -Liver Complaint and.Affeetion of the fidneys.
• This medicine, the invention of a man Who gave the
subject ofPulmoonty, Brant:nal and Neutral disease.
timeliest . rigid esommetton; has now been before the
public near four .1 , 611T1L During this period it has per
forated some of die most remarkable cores on record of
Pahnottary Consumption—Vs:eared the recommend.
tion and use of Ithysicians In their praetiee ' sod the
wanness approval of thou.& of person In ordinary
M ere Colds,Courouy iu poarsethos, Spin/tag of
About four years since I was attacked With Typhus
,Frear, which tett ma le a Wearable Meteor health, in
eroded debility with a general prostration of the sys.
Mot e with violent yoins in the breast and loss of appe- -
the,consequentoOf which I was unable to attend to
my us
.itabhumeth,or perform any bad of work. I
applied to seaml phyucianaand mod various
- dies but wifheut any benefit, and had desp a iredofever
obtaining a recovery, of my fanner health. • Elm some.
time bur June was advlsed to try Thotainult_Coce
pound Symp ofTar and Ward
had Naptha, andviderestible.
'AI it maymppear, by the time I silken throe bottle.
the debility, pain and every sense of suffering wee. •
completely removed, =limo able seMstend wi th re
stored health to my usual armitions.; •
• Of Diekbroan township, Carehert,,,,,,d
Read the following 'testimony from • respectable
member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N.
`This may certify that in the spring of 1844, my
health was very feeble; I Was afflicted err:koala in the
side:with other alermingsymplotas, and seamed much
from great' debility. -As thet time I parehased foam
Moses Dante tato bottles of. Thomson's Compound Sy
yup of Ter and. Wood Napthss, film which I experica
ced;great benefit, my health being now good; and I
cheerfully recommend the ankle to all persons who
may be suffering with general debilinrointh eyroneras .
of decline. • ASAHAIT Ippiparg.
.Poughkeepaie, March 13,1847,.! • ,
prepared only. by Ammo & Emetwan al the...N. E.
comer of Fifth and •Spruce atreets, Phila. -,
Sold by. L. WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by drnmelsta
'morally Price d° eents,_or One DOlur per boar:
_ •
. This disease is caused by a parcepunalotememe
lion Of the air delis; It is very debilitating, almost ems.
hig sodbeetlon. DR. SWEETBERDPANACEA lathe
ordy certain emu -
Mouses., ran be entirely trotter* of Dr.,
Streamer's Plante. •
„Catarrh, or common cold, which; if teem , / wilt
terminate In Consumption, ersettudly mhos mid
eared by Dr: Sweetser's Panama
Bronchitis, if unchecked, wilt 'effectually lead to
BrotmLtd Consemptien, bin a timely nee of Dr. Sweet.,
ter's Panacea will effectually mire -.-
,Intlaintnanari of the Tonsil. or. Sore Thiem.—Thy
disease often leads to seriom consequences flay neg
lect, nob as ulceration of the throat._ an the fn symp
toms, Dr. Sweater's Panacea audit be proeured and .
Coughs and Colds bad a eovereigt remedy In. Dr.
Pneumonia very faial 'disease, resulting
from a violent coach and mid on e debilitated, or bro
ken down constitufion; aged a subject to it
• sweeter's Panacea should be 'med on the first
.yroptems, which are 4 eoagb or cold.
Night Swents.—TlM debilitating complaint will meet
with a timely check, by using Dr. Sweetters pausom,_
Consumption.—lf on the first appearance of coinnuep,
symputtoo, whitare et a ppAn the aids and
, breast,
• = usoreZ“olUeireild beippratiendet
When the Lungs„the %Windpipe, or *amnia! Mabee
'nee= clogged up witS phlegm an as to impede respi
ration or breaths:lg, Dr. Sweeter's Panacea,which Is
thepowerful Expectorett, should he taken according to
Induens—This distiessing epid em ic, so prevalent
-our eIIe:LIM, it speedily Mired by Dr, Sweeter's Pena
•'Price CI per bottle, or olx Mules for Di •
. For gale ey IVX JACKSON, SP Liberty. Sign e n
ho big boot. ' tiovrialy
. .
OR iovigoionng the system and pueif(mg df -
Be is tficlreatew Vegetable
purifier• is known . Beware of litangeMas cora.
pounds that are known to contain mercury. One bot
tle contains purifyieg virtues equel to a doiees bottles
of common Semsparilln corepoundi, Ma pre
vention of couriumption.
11. Balsam of Liverwort t will ward - of that fatal
disease. \%' know a lady wire was evidently on the
deminc—has pain in Maude and chest—cough, which
would come on in fits, lasting several mintuta—which
would have brought on quick . cobsumption, but for the
timely . of this-Ealsatu, which undoubtedly saved
her Me. She was eured . by two bottles.' Try, rt, ti red. u
mgh and other diseases alba lmge c
'Far storms years I was :aimed with
er e ,
and if .ented Impossible for anything le crew me. I
had all Meanest aggenvating symptonis, as night
swe.t., raising b l ood. violent and - distresmag cough,
attain the side and chest, debility
of app..
ate: I tmly believe I mild not have lived but for the
use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, and the ble•-
slag of Clod, which has mitred my life by metering me
wheatth. ' • • • ALEX. SMITIL -
Sexton or Rev. Mr. AlaUbew's chinch, London er
m •
Extract of letter from our New London Agee*, C.
CLAIM. • "Thom who ham taken your aton of Li
verwort, speak well alit. I fintigothang .o ff
good them
wife; she'sautetitner hen i eery . ..Mere pains hod
Mums—l give her se teaspoonfel, Which militia in
sutediately-1 havegrem faith in wandvirtu would
not be without it is my noose', te. to. No one can
doubt the superior excellence of this medicine. Ile
careful and bay only at 73 Beekman Y.,or °fear
agem, c
edmevee7dimcaoounterfetts and imitations ma Wu-
Sold lir Plitsbergh by D Morgan, 23 Wood et; J
Teen:mend, 45 Market sn II :linear, cor Market and
six; Henderson do Co, S Liborty Prier, reduced •
'to 131,50 Per " "
.ivort Cough Candy it offered to 'dm public on •
Weimar ansl effective remedy foreong . ha,colds,boatscs
nem, Anhmss,, Phlblaie, Whooping Lmigh, itrillnenza, •
Croup, SON Tbanat, Bratschitig, and geneW affections
of the Chest and Long. In each cases it is known to
have adoithil decided and Penilanent relief, andfrone
iL rapid sale and great metes, as creamily foi the
alone dieeceemehere it his been used, it 'promises to •
become one of the most useful and popular medichm•
It is offered son, as a pleasant toilette the conattraptere,
and an manumit to vocalists end public speakers ger.
Tbe name of the prepared. indicates Its leading in.
gredient, and, it will be found to be by no moans un
pleasant to the taste, nod may be'used by children and
adults with entire impunity. The matentils used In tha
preparation aro of the beat quality, and it may be
Faratn as In every respeera pans and geneina-amelo.
ies would no datibt •premote their con;pert and
Collis health by keeping • rmply, estate:Lally In the mama of
This vibiable Cough Candy is considered a put as
Estero to Mothers; being superior M all the petard Ba
by /ampere on creation, u children were never known
to cry when this candy is sued, except lbr more. A trij
ale( this article will convince nor perms of Its urea
cy t end the propneters therefore defy any penon
rr .
United Sums to produce a chestier, more plaster or
effective remedy. • •
Bold wholesale and retail, by the Central ileac
corner 3d and market s =gat
Co., Poopriotony No a College /gall
.11;0410. ts •
• jutISI •
Scratch! Scratahlt
ETTER, ac.-Who wouldT
for a single day stretch, when 'afflicted with
Setter, Itch, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, If the — ry knew
abo would relieve and care them. •
Tis horrible to be obliged to rub and L emma when
done bat mote bonible abstain front It, [for decency
lake t khen In company. ..Let It be renumbered the
no. , lefhterlom of any other prepare:leo In °aloha.-
2oring the Tetier,ltch, and other disease. of the skin.
ki ell illnesses of the skin most arise from the impurity
d he blood and holds ofMe body, tout wherdsochdl.
213.1 be of long standing', and tie mutilation effected
hrreby, if Dr. Leidrs Sarsaparilla Blood Pills be mad
si•h the ointment, they wilt curs any case whatever,
lort if they do Mt, dm money will be. lammed by Dr.
Le dY. Mon ems., however, will be ofeetnillymied
ly tic. Leidy's Toter and Itch IijULIIIGEII, unless the.
vaunt system is Impregnated by the' diseased homers
wilah will be completely carried ohiroto the emcee by
th Leidy's blood pdbk and the surface of the tam
ed ty the ointment. • Price of ointment Inmate.
A fresh supply of these valuable medicines Io r male b n re.;
tatted cud
kbi;•.ortut.& wood, also cot GM&
Ills A. FiLLINESTOCIE'S Ynenniunne or Oust
I). ham, hue a • great advantage Over many abet
nosh preparations, picas= tuts pan e . it to
ve used without • momremenCe. Lai OA valet ILI , a
flotsam consists in the speediness of Wien... We have
!mown some of the Most desperate
which h. heel running on for a cousiderable lee&
ot time, yield almost immediately to us power.•
In web %readier as we have hod donne the put
<winter -every one is liable to take cold; usiless great.
incemitious are used. • •
Wet km ste t. exposers to the inclemency of
he weather olora Iny• 'the louthiallonol a hacking
arugh, which nee. a quick remedy to prevent. eerie.
We have ainsaire. cenihemos of cam which it
has perfornm‘rattuy of %which are from persons in
WM city and thenUgaborhood, and they are a sufficient
reference Isitherdiering ano th erword jails faun
Priamand kir safe whblowslo and retail by B A
°. 4 Co, =ars of wood and la and
wood and UM et. •
';131, W.P. lulauad , a . .Pianalum Pilaster .
DR. IV. F. LNLAND, of the Aledicoi COW, bf l
adelphia. now offers to the public his Indian Veg.
amble Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, alien
tong and tried experience, has been' sedefactonth
taldished. To an women who nay be afflicted with
Prolapses tictia or Fall= Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guewunceing a sure. and spe.di- cure le- the
short space of from. two to thee weeks,lf applied With
cans and wit—dlscirdEng the countless math:intents
ands pannor bandages so long In Ow. Thu he feels
cesuctentilats In elating, inasmuch as he bas, not failed
onoe case oat of tom hundred and filly- th ree pa
• Also foi Ithrimatimn and Weak Breast Or Rack, at
minded with pain. there is nothing to excel thls Piaster
in affording relief.,r effecting a cure. For oath by
• I. cornir of Diamond and :docket at.
Limon &Reiter," Liberty and St. Clair.Ms
Or .1 Sargent. Federal. sj and Diatoolid,
' • gheny
Jacqueo & C ty
o, Bemoan and
. .11iamonai
OR TAPE %mos.. -
ryt EZRA. OR TAPE WORMS, frequently infest the
intestines of the. adult. - . They ani often of enor-
MO. sue and length, causin g Mill pain. and.tender
nets in the stomach. The general health become, do.
meted, Me system enfeebled, and Me aymputots are
continually aggravatins, relief or death nem the aettedera . - B.A.Fahnesteces Vermifuo,
prepared at Piushurgh, Pa., it the best remedy in Mts
aue. The FOIE; alter being destroyed, era be dis
charged to detached pentiOni,•ead speedy relief will
OIRTME & NT the most ogee:eel nnnedy before
a. public for the cure of enter, itch, try araPAratery ,
pimples of the -face,,neck and'bodyscalyetoplions,
and all other diseases of diostin...Thm Ointment
irarramed free' front =Mary, . perfectly aefe,
may be used at all times nod andet-ad circumstances .
A fresh mipply of thin valuable remedy received and
formic by. , A PALlNEcryuclCe, Co,
corner of lat andwoodfrdsoh,tselkanderciert
• •
, , .
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