THE PITTSBUriGit IN =LAMS 1.1a00105 h Co, P11.T11111721611i MONDAY MORNING JUNE 12; Ng& I . )in:toenail°. Whiff II FOR pmit)Evr, ZACII4tILY TAYLOR, Fog NICE l'atzwwr, MILLLPHEI PILLMOUIL, FOS CANAL. COMILMIONat, NEIL MIDDLESWA RTH, .F.111101i21 4orrolpandeoci or the Potal.argh Gazeut PittLiDiriercta, June 6, 1814. - • I hive bee, it just en hour or two in the city, long 'enough, *elter,to walk throrigh it, and to nee somethint'of the Whig numerical Lace, co:wino Mil here. Bryn hotel is thronged, from howietop so cellar, parlors, kitchens, barrooms, reading MOM; dining moms, and all. The Beene is most enlivening, and the quessiou, who shell be omelew ted,lnois exciting,- - -but the lightning Will ; travel iirsier thaw Uncle Stun's - Bib/mu' ses, and.l sill not • therefor*, specul 'upon what n day . or two map 'Marti:nth. The nykir men are mono teliskiamt,. and 110 fu; Most armomPromising Mr. Clay's- - friends am dim, but not beyond :compromise.— Cienerahsubtf gains friends every hour, atidsome of the timing will surprise you.- In point of inter. eat MI citber Conventions which I have attended . sink into thv shade eirgiered with !this; and it is doe to truth to say,4*.from" the bent lights before ate, the result secrailmost inaraPicious. Oar own Delegate reaming trta . hir Clay. Ohiq has agreed io tit far Scott, with perfect unanimity two, or pertamb shrem a the delegrae: a. - The evenincimsnises that tomorrow will be I; . delightful day. - Among the c rowd who came in from Southward tod4 were PC01.41 Cam, Thomas H. Benton and - a body of Demoor tie Senators and Representativer. Truly politics -do mks strange bed.kllows, wherf Benton, after playing the gamekeeper no long, con .. mate to become the - Joel:all Of the Michigan Lion. General Houston and Scooter Allen were, howev er the principal eceort;—Mr. Benton evidently not likinithe job, he has contracted to perform by put ting the Harnbnmers and Hunker; in the some Gourd:. Cass' party were escorted:from Bally: ' more by about one thousand Whigs. His friends . attempted - to give him a cheei. when he left the Mom:Mental City, - .bat it was weak as water:- - Along the line, Moe& it was known he um? cirs fog, there were bystor none to greet him, except at _-Wilmington, whale' moat was bent from Philadel. . phis.. *As I write, a great crowd of Whig dole. grdetlare crowded along Chesnut etrect to see the Democratic nominee, but most of all the man who --wrote the tetterte the Chicago Convention. .-. IFit:rataMler, tehall hoPe to write . you ri more. eonneeted der, of the reoVemerils in the city. . : ...... - li 1 ' g i• l it ' ' 1. - - . '•i Plattanaruta, Jane? MI6/ Whig Conveation. • _ Well, the hiau has opened, and the Whig multi tude at,, in i the midst of their organisation an write. The - night past was devoted to private de: hheintion nod earnest; counsel among the friends of • ' ••ihe serveraleandidates. There was public spellZ• Inerrant the Exchange,the Market place,the house • I 6441•1 ind every accessible place. New York min '. • ed brie long, loud chorus for Henry Clny, but there Watt 'WWI. nrrityof mitsideis shouting for Taylor, • • but LS time promising full . acquiescence in the re. , cult Of the nomination of the Whig National Con. veritiora.' The night through was passed in these friendly - callisions, and ' the battle renewed again • in•the morning, with warmth and force. At holy breakfast time,the crowd began to russemle ih tre , Acighbttiliood of the Chinon Museum, n spacious ',mad • elegant building, the floor of which will had Ave thoasand • people, and the generics nearly as . - . -- , pany more. IThe People wens assigned to the galleries; and the Delegaies . and Pamir to the floor. The Dedqrates were several hundreds, inclu ding thSrsisent to the YouniSen's - Convention 'of Ratification.. All were admitied to the trour by kie;ceta r „At2 o'clock the door's were thrown open Ito thepoViliiise, and the multitude rushed in like illlayalanche. ;It took some twenty minutes to fill the hall, and When fall even to the door "Tip., "thousands were eager to come.. The ma of hddds, the moving nines, the deep excitement, ,all made the acme one of memorable intercat, and ettesWir. all my, upon my previous oesrion in Ph la. Mr. Woods, of the city, nominated John A G* Ger a of New 'Vork, (tithe Chair, and Ohia"and may were honored with 'the Seirewries in the perisbns of Messni Shearman and Harlan. Prayer followed biltev. IJr. Wait:m.lll,o( Philadelphia, and by n vote of the Cods/potion, the proceedings will commence each. day oiith prayer. . Tains proved the sohrie of some trouble in the temperer). organipition. The' Whigs there had chosen thirteen delegates to represent the G.ur voteit,buili'one,—had Mr. Conrad, of Louisiana, said that it was the wish of Texas that Louisiana shoulit. repri.went her upon the floor. There was_ some demurring at this,—and so Much, that Mr: Fowler, of NeW 3 lork, demanded • .Committee ;:rf' one ftOm each State upon credo If Texas wan to vote thfoughiLottiniann, must be by net of the Convention, !ILO not frot:n Mere. chtini to do ro on the part ofrbe • delegation. The subject wnedtorfped for the to ..r •. - Meta 41 Out of place, but renewed again as rain as the '. - Buttes had teen called upon for Members • ' _upon the Committee of Nomination. A Louisiana man was named amp the'Committee when Texas - • Mr. Fowtxx made a tardy objection to this pro. .criedirig,—but insisted that Texas maid not veto r, -here, having no delegate, without the consent o • the COnvention. " Mr. Brown, of Pa., violent as a tnykiiMan, sailed this opposition, contending that New York • and an other Suite, had anything to do with it, and was bound to submit it when a delegate was named from a sovereign State. . It Was enough for him • - that a delegate had responded when'Texas Onto 'The Chair coqteailed that the question had betm . • mimed too late—Os the corruniueewpm how absent. ' .• It was said, In extmintatiolsof Ohm' course, and so appears upon the reoard,that the-Texas-Whigs had menested the tours' Mantas to iPtiak for them, • • In esse-they were notpMsent; but the Convention 44 as a *bole; did not 'seem to be well satisfied of this ' • r fact, mar of the In Which the Texas meet. , log was held, which hat named the thirteen Delo _ '• - This 'evening at. 4 'n'clock the nominating co= :ratite reported the_permanent 01:Recur-Me names ~ y ott have previa - mill weisived by telegraph. '..71 The Tem queition came upon the Convention 14 second time, in consequence of a ieport in aver • - Ma Taws Vice President, from the Louisiana Del- It was raid, however, by Mr. Ashinuti,of Mni t anchaseui,ltun. a Vice President won &Mere 'ooMpliment to the : State; and while ho would re r.'Wet upon the main question, he would not raise an Issue upon -this; which was unimportant. The motion to strike otikthe Texas Vice President was I 'therefor, witgiirawn. racial Yon the lint of the otheersaftio Couven. ' tion,pa6Rowa. suurrinevr, • - JAME?. S.MOILEHEAD,oIN.CaroIina. . . ifaiarr—Luttier - SeV&anee. : • N=tre--Antboay rtexi Everett. Afrairretfacreurr—A•hellivatingt.lon. Shads . Connecticut--Gbarlei W. Rockwell. Yeri—Slunuyl NArorke. - •IVao Jo:Ny.74. Porter. Ertiocryloarcer,-Townscod Hamer,. Dcksseart--' • Joker' R. IVlcFce. ilftiryksra—Tbinnaa 4. Pratt- Virpnia—Jetta S. 'runny, Wirth Carolina—Edmund Lint/err:y.l South Carattrtr—Erlwanl Gemat3e. t Georgia—Coarse W. Cmwketl,- t ".-: AtadoeueLjohrt Gale. lifirsiwinii—James Metcalf. • Loatirtano—Waller Brashear. Twaratev—William 13. Reese. Kswitiedy—Jigica Campbell. Ofiio—Joaeph`Vance. ' - • Prtdiondi—Jollit• Valuer. i'ltrtaroerti. IL Mitchell. Alehitmor—Thomm W: Newton. • or—E.' A Murray. .Joseph R. • Samuel J. Petro. • / f_orier+Jarnesy.G 6 ... ‘..lottlix Sherman, ofobio. ~,Schuyler Col AIX, of Indiana: Join 4. Piersito, of Pennsylvania. • •• N. 13owditch-1311mt, of Neff, York. 'Nelson , L. White, of .Connectient. •• Edmund P.. Hunter, of Virginia. , Farms Barter, of Vermont. •• 4 , - . E. W. t reek, of Michigan Q C. Laogdgn, of Alabama. - •. Robot hdailory, of Kentucky. '• • C. Itutebinson, - of•Witconsin. Johp . Wakefield, of Nnw Jersey ~~. Erni:ldyll', on takils Vie Chair, Ic!; Ike Ae.dre,s: • • yrs - rla3=lpr rue CoNilesston.—l du not po ser LlrigUnglTrulegurga 4; extress iny grateful Meting's, and toxetura td' yoit m)tprt. arknowledements for the disunguished tom con k/mod upon me by selecting me to prosie,e over the deliberations of this Convention. It, wentlailan, I, ,potuesird manliftentions r either by chperience or - otherwise, for theMiminguished pest/ ion—risleSt; conscious I do uot, , ,theobligations :that you have ~ imposed on me would he far greater than they ;would desenre, end therefore do 1 consider my in 'debtedness to you, le this time, Mall the larger. The purpose for which youlurre assembled here from every part of the land, uniting in common counsel and deliberation, is that of bringing relief to our common country,. and devising and execu ting such schemes nsare t nocessaryto her pnanwrity and hapioess. Order, Wialom and decoruntskould characterize our delibertuione, and an sum* they do, success will attend them. [Applause.) We - should yield, kilow-citisnnn, on thi n ones . sion, all our personal preference. Let us tiring forward, the the good ul our common country our United ssmesels, and our united wisdom. Let on rear our mouthed with the full - determination to carry Won to victory. !Applause.] All we have to do is to select a standard-bearer who will se• cure the hearty eu-operatiett of all sections of nee oauntry's werire. Let us have inscribed upon our banner, •` e pro: erity of our country." I Ap please" it ban been asserted that tin victors belong the quails." Lot es determine Mot we will be • . . . . . . .. victor; and when victorious, if spoils we must have, let them be the redemption of our country from her present embarrassed condition, and re plenishing her extumSted treovury, end mooring her to that flourishing. and happy condition from which she his .fallen. i .Let . endeavor to spread over our land industry, peace and 'plenty, which shall give to every laborer adequate employment and remunerating wages—which shall cause every sea to be whitened with the nails of our commerce —which shall mane the produce of teeming Gelds spread.pleMYcivet our own laid and enable our people li. :extend to• others that bounty which a kind Providence his bestowed upon us. [Great applause.] Fellow Citizens : if our -deliberations are con. ' ducted with that order and love of law which characterise. - the constituents who • sent no here, we shall have little cause to fear far our eventual tnurnpb. lAppinuse.) And irour spoils la:Snell -as I have described, which will bring pthspetity to every door, end cause the laud to teem with-ho blessings of a wise legislation zind vielt—directed industry; if y gentlemen, the results of your deliler• anon, shell be to restore to our country peace, liar many end prosperity; to restore to the constitu tion its violated rights -and powers; and to restore the administration of the laws of our country to ',to pristine purity; if such should be the effects of harmonious deldiemlicas end your patriotic win eels, I shall deem it the proudest legacy that I can bequeath to, my posterity, that I had the honor to preside over that council of whose delibera- Lions produced these happy results. [Great ap plause I .• The Delegates alone are holding n busine.ts end Consultation meeting thin evening at the Chinese Museum. Not o bad move. as when all meet to• gether, none can be secured of intrigues. NATIONAL WHIG CONVENTION Putuktra.rme. lime 5, ISth The second day's proceedings have boon more orderly and interesting thaii flu first. Ti.,, ar rangement of the house was Letter than rester dui, and though the crowd, if pdsirble, coon hir tr. much less inconvenience was experienced., The great question was, the report of 'the com mittee on credentials—who 'reported in Stair of the right 'of Texas to be represented. throuelt the State of Louislana,the Texan Whip making this tequest The Convention resisted ;this'report With a .strong voice, and strong and eloquent sjiceithes' were !nude by Messrs. Armstrong, of Pennsylvania, Col. lice, of Ohio, Bryan t of S. C.; Mitchell of M., Gain. age of S. C., Fuller of N. Y., and ethers. Mr. Col lier of Oho spoke most eloquently against allowing delegations to fill vacancies. This, he said, was n Congress of the. Nation, with delegatellpowers, and districts could alone i.e properly represented by persons present front 'such districts. ..flus was the true democratic rule. • The Whip -Aoki out consent that the Soilth Carolina r llaitenore Conven tion ruje should prevail here. There was ho such right or feeling among the Whigs her. he wa4, sure. Mr. Dryau,"tuld Mr. GflMeV', of S. C., said each` for Wessell, that he would not coo ,eut to represent more than the one- district each from which they came. There woe warm Appianse here; bud nil whO spoke, sane one or two de: gates train the South, took the ground that delegates a bctlla be pn.ent prison, before-thus voting. , . - So argued Mr. Wm. F. Johnson, of Fennsylvii nit', inn strong speech, and Mr. Fuller,of N. V.— The speaking upon the other Side being confotml to Haskill, of Tenuessee—M r. Hidiard, of Mn. Lama, end Mr, King, of Georgia. . The vote upon the ii irsollition was iota by a vote of 126 to-156. The Taylor loan voting in the affirmative, and perhaps some friendly to General Taylor in the negative. There wan a warm haute upon the rigla of a friend of Mr. Cloy to his reat7from 1•13111Siillln His name was Brashers,and,hOE age 13. The egatinn had made hint Vice President he Izm ono, but ho was not content to ca-ape noel. at empty honors. lie wanted no honor where noun to have ma vote. . The'Louisiana..4clegationwere bean! m the deknee, and it apkared that ten delegates we present to represent six votes. Eight V, IT: Tnylia, and two ka. far. Cloy, and then had re one Cloy coon antnng the six, and reorded tic action a: most liberal. They had mode the ill, Vice President of the Convention. Mr. Brashears of Louisiana, held that the to he ern. rejected II; oillteor I. 'Mr. (hy. iliroloO tie t,• tium. colleague...v..ll7A o t su here. The second Clay man explaineJ, and in he. ex itlanations remarked that he was for Mr lay lira but should tote fur 9unernt Taylor it' the end With his colleagues, when there was no hope o succeeding with Mr. Clue. Thi• gentleman ssi,. allowed his seat; There was adotherstruggtehetween two dole gates from MissOuri,nne for Clay and one for Tay. tor. The Committee reported spun the fatty, and reported (or the Clay man, but the report was hid upon the table by a large vote, nod Missouri 'len with eight Del eg ates seven votes: There Were other points of diffmulty,--the shag. hciwever resolving itself into the degree of feeL ing-between the friends of Taylor and the friends of Clay. The large number of delegates present gave considerable trouble, but order was restored finally by admitting the regular members as Dele gates and the remainder as-members of the Coa. vention. • At two o'clock, a vote was taken upon allowing 'the Louisiana Delegates to vote for Texas, alla a :was agreed to, by a majority, nut collated, but atifriciently large to make the result und.poted.. •The.Repprt of the Committee on credentials was adopted throughout with tke maliticationruma Geieral Taylor's prospects were the .hest through the recess, from three to sin.—hut two . hoe= of the time were to be passed iu consulta tion among the Whig delegmee The great vote of tbo early part of the d.oy,rath er drscoacerted some of the friends of General T, but they 'rallied again at the close, when the veto of Teem won admated, and gained iu ' strength what they lost. For South Carolina but two votes were ;thrown the two Delegates not caring to represent din trieta which had not sent them to' the Convey. tion. a 1L Slight, Session of the Cpnvolation. PUILAIH4.IIIII I / 4 AMC There was a little storm in the convention alter the doors ware opened. The business prxectled in public session ns it had gone on until closed doors,—the question penditg being that the Con vention would not regard any man m a candidate Who would not submit his claims to thd Conven tion for its consideration, and who would not nc apt of such nonalnation,mad who woe known mud recognised by all an a Whig. Mr. Haskell of Tennessee, fins:tiled the rerrilit• .tion and prononnonl: it an iniult to the Conven lipa. iHo was hissed fur this declaration, and de. : d then that ho meant no olfenee. ,I ,Mr.geritry of Tennessee, prcaottaced it a arthw I , "airy to offer this resolution, and =WA a erisiteneral uproar of hisses and upplauscs, he trunredlo, lay an appeal neon the tattle. It scan ' carried;sind the warnmilthe bmught to a vote spots a Mod= to proCeed to the Ballot, at a quarter past. 1 six o'clock. -- Mr. Faller of New York, warned the Conve lion not to tiominato sornman hero who was to a known, toed end undoubted Whig; on], the wil tsponent df Whig principle, This resolntio treated a warm debate in which Aslnnun Gent, and other. pattiejpated. Mr. Ashmun hoped that no such venoliition moult be voted down no that which declared the Candidate should be a Whig firm and true. T hero was through all thin much excitemeni, and mouh.good humour. ' Some of the delegates, how ever, appealed to Whig Imenthrvn to: act more on Whigi than they had,—and to show more:ltinllnesd ! 1 toe - alit, e:d, tit! es. •-Tiie Convention we/1 , 1:40/Y :Le ucanientions. WISFIELD SCS.ri, Was aansal by n . i .viep)tte, ,gres! t. ktti. ZACHARY TATILIet was unmet' amidst demon , done applause. I nominate hint as the candidate of the Units, said Judge Brize. Thou fame the name of Haver Cidtv, in behalf of the Wlttga of the Union,, nod loud shouts then come hliC • ihU rumbling thunder, distant at first, but nearer and nearer and nearer and louder and louder, until it rained. al. if the building rooked to and fro. The shouts went from delegates to the' people in the galleries, and drowned all other voices. The hal lotting commenced at six o'clock,' and WAY not closod, until eight_ ! The result yriu lave All at. tempt,. to adjourn between the two ballots failed, :red the light eornmddeeil with renewed : .. 7.4:11.i. The Taylor ehouts were heard upon the ontsi'de—lid. lowed by demons:tr.:Won, fin. Clay nod Scott and lVcb•ter and Clayton; and McLane, whose name was pressed atter - it wan withdrawn by his friends. , The elinagi upon the second ballot were ob. served with intense interest, and the crowd which were the street, partook of nil the feelings in the Call. The friends of the candidates in the Street shouted es the. shouts went from tie? Ilan , and long and Wed was the applause. The veto now indicated that there , was to be no decision upon the second ballot. General! Titylur having gainealserctt voles, Scott live, and Clay Having lost 7. Take It Easy It is the best way. The world is so full of trou ble, V 12.11011, anxiety and disappointments, that _f one is trot careful, he will be in "hat water , nll tfm time, rind ten to one, he makes things worse by hO excitement than they would be. Nov here we have had sonic of our good, welfnicaning Whig friends scolding us at a round rate because we did net throw up our cap and shout for '.Old Rough rind l..eady," at thif first dash at the lightning an nouncing his nomination. We did . tit like it, we must confess. We are so singular in our Whigg ry. ns to prefer ode' f one old Cutiiliar names, kh have battlertlong and bravely in the Whig mi. But - tte arc not goingoll'in n !dare of ezeitemen about the, - matter, as if .vre could mend all the evi o. see in the world. %Ye intend Intake it easy,' and woutivian our g .oa fronds wit.; saran course. The world is a bad world,, naiu;lity world, and it will go 0i:11r:ouch in its old way, until it runs down, and in its, revolutionn it will bring disar imintments to sometxkly every• dap One day w Were disappointed because the nomination, we • nut as we hoped rind desired; thu•nent dog, son, few ofourWhigfriends were disappointed beens we naturally - expressed regret: Why should we not regret have we not many romns t To name one. Where is,there n With; ufsensibility who dues not regret, when he casts his thoughts towards Ashland, and contemplates the gtephairml's.4,, while ho takes this cup from the hands of his friends' But Henry Clay, God ble. Lim, v U “take easy". He wail feel a momentary regret, but in the native majesty of his noble intellect, be will use ahcie it. Posterity will do him justice. ThereGam lot us ono and all, Limp cool. No true friend cf the press would wish to muzzle it, or crush a tautly independence in the editor. The more independent he is the better ihr the and fi - ir public morals. Then liftus ail 'take it easy." We have h 4 1 ,1 hopes thr our c4mtry, although thing are not Managed just as vie wish Chem—awl our irleads should n 6 t"rM if editors cannot always bend their stubborn [meta 1.1 the tall of tint majority, and turn their cheat, to mach the temtilar breeze. They ehohld recollect, :that it they are dissatisfied their neigh bors may he pleased—and if . they -think they :an please rirrybody, let them ..conin up here and try For our part ore ,doliit try! Iv orZintriCE to a Telegraphic despatch fro the eilican, we, (hit inarlitlig, place the names the Whig lionlinees at thebead of ocr The cdiwr pm on. preferred tenaing until he .c.l the ball proevedings of ihe. Goa 'repla, an iernt grounds 1 th‘i gunds of action. tint the editoria tr on the :Tot, nod ore of eanr,e'aviptainted with a the fact, and a, they have the richt to cuntrl and this las,t cppr inanity ofkiAning the banner tititici to the breeze. I.recriqtraLes. DElege tea to the Arillitrasorde and County C (lon. rirmsertial. First Word—JCiddh,elL J :recoil& M lEiJJIe , I LI Munoy Third I Monteelli, Lem, Fourth J Mel'advir F I. ihre.ermer Fifili C Fergreien, J NV Bath •• I W S Seventh W 1I Aril:or, I Reid, E,ghtl: • J Allen, G Ni./111 IJrurrh C Fed AUXAMINT. Vir.,t Ward—Wm Lloyd, E.l, A Ll.Olll. HI 14:0.t5, Alex Moore TlOrtl '.• WI: Mowry. I Enrernan Fourth I lilt•Ailltry. II Rani Lir Park, I: L :3ninpinn. • W.trellaliz, A Iktvl.c..w. 4,111.11 „I 144 , 4,1 Evan, IM:=111 LIVER. PelL.ny, I 777 t, M Loravo At dir taw,: going in pre. s. we had not hliard fmin nit y :4111i..ialicrtownatatA. ,Ara meeting of the ,iters of the Third Wart, bleta without dintinctuin of tinny, on Saturday evening, to put in . nomination one person to . lilt the vacancy in the , Select.G.ocil, occusioryett the resignation of Bober Porter— Ja n , S. Moreheaifand John Cuyli . r, were nongualed—the hater byte. Democrats—and] both n,otmcted in fear of th omnibus bill. It in thought that those %irmer) tp that measure will take up another can. &date.; n 1411.141.10. Esq, and e.razn't• Shields, 4 7 ece elected to the Select Connell, from the Second Ward, Allegheny, on Lai Titestlay, to till the vaeincy created by the ri,lguation cf Maur, Riddle and Itollinan, lint—The nLarrii of lire, late on Saturday night was caused by 1110 boring of a fable, on Robinson Street, opposite to Factory• Alley. It seas, no doubt, set on firs by vons seoundrel, for the iitgeet of rob biag a house close by, whil s t the inmates were Lending their aid to extinguish the II:toles ire bad kindled. It nplantrell that the fiillow had led the horses out of the stable, previous to tiring it. The loss-won inconsiderable. 'rho fiendish work of ineendiarisin has I,Cel/1110 I;larn;inely frequent, and adinonimbes the police of both eitian to be vigilant. , Toe flight Itev...lkr. smith , coadjutor Bishop of Cr'keilunw, Scotland,,: is in this city, for the purpose of raining fonds to r‘dieve the churches, asylums , and other charitable: iastitehous of Glasgow from the burden of sorne mold Blessing dclitsi. It is emil that the Catholics hero arti evincing great liherality iu their donations to this object. Lioteamr is BIKAILY0(1,01.011 Friday afternoon, some bold; heath p entered the store of Mr. Henry Schi4w, wad robbed aof about 533. Mr. S. hap. pened to he up Moirs tar a few minute., when the fellow slipped in, and took $27 in 110t05 and 52 in silver, out of the money drawer, during his nb. ettnia.—We )setw a very eingular chair, made hentewhat in the shape of the letter S. It is called the "courting chair; nod really we think the aim° quite upproiniate. Two ran he xj,ated 'upon it at otitne, when they will nearly g)npe. ellm4ovnelt other, Mu that 'eye cue tart eye," end '•lichrl'hent to heart." • ('oar.--There is a great abundance of this arti cle attar. wharf, at the on.rnt time, 'We counted twenty.two ilata loaded with coal, lying above the Monougaliela bridge on taut tinturday. PTer.:eno.-The non.oerival of some of the 00111- 11.1X7,4:211Md ;11C Sahle Ilarntuntsee to ivnottopte thenkerfoonanoe until thi, evening. Tan (Amax or lanentv sr FRIDEMCR.--,T he Court melon Tuesday and proceeded with lien. eral Pillow's rase. After n discussion of a ',ono: what disalt sive ohmmeter between Generals Scott and Pinola., respecting the impeachtnent ten. Manny of Major - Burns, the eanmination ofUeneral Quitman pas commenced, and continued during_ the sitting. • His testimony' related 'princitmlltis the hitack Upon Chapultepcv, and went 'to - prove that General' ScoU, in conned, had given it a deco dud , preference among other plans ofoperation, be. ing evidrnilyintongly .biased in its favor. That Crenernl Pillovr,Son the Other hand, expressed him. self reservedly and guardedly on theaubject, rather advising en attack upon the works M front of San Antonio orncar Pie ad. 'lt will be remembered that the credit of Chapultepec affair has been claim. ed for Grnenil Pillow. Ihea/0 V' C evidence bears drractly upon: thislpoint. Parria. I - , r r-~r-~ eti-~ ~. The Cireat I , lvell.n.g. ill New ' • karabgrnem in.the Park, in last Tumlly, tans very large, and as a - 11.110ns:ration in favor of rational freedom to every lumina being, it will slieer the hermit of every lover, of his own The Empress any; that the meeting wus not only hirge, but. the speakers 'were both able"and emineut--..The meeting was led oil by the Lion. C.C. Cambreieng, for many years a mem: • her of Congress from this city, and subiNuently Ministet to Itussia,--and he was followed by 11, U. Field, Elm., UllO of the Commissioners for meaning • the practice in this &ate—also, by John Van Bu. ren, Esq., son of thy Ea Prenidenti and also by the lion. B. P. flutter, Gm Some yews Attorney Geller. al of the United Statk4, nod ad . interim Secretary of the Navy or of kilnr, but how, the U. States Dowict Attorney hr New York. •It w,ould have been impos.ible to Mid in the no called Demoera• tic Party, in thin quarter, more able or influential periunin. They all 'poke fearlenlY , noil fully.— They denounced the action of the Baltimore Con vention iu excluding their Delegates, and contend ed end nhowed, that ,its New York had no repro, scination in Italtinioie, New York is not under any obligation to give nny heed to the nominntions inn& there. They refer note all futiKe actionto th e i r Stele Concention, which into Im held in Uti. the hiller parrot Ines inonth,—and 'whatever course in presented teem', by what in culled the regular orgnnicatidn 'lof the Democratic ('arty, all of the upeakers were pledged to follow. Mr. But- eitd, if General Gins Wan nominated there, he ehonld Rapport Linn -ant, oppose him—for he knelv no tiller Deino'cratin Party, than that which urns'to afsemblii in !Stain (kinvention at Utica.— Joh& Van Buren, in the course of hie remarks,, guy; it nickname to General Commander, the nine voiced ventriloquist from &mill Cirolino, which will be likely to stick to him. Th. Cotwtitution recognizes a principle (sa Van Buren) which gives one white man in Carithan, owning rive :A.m., the power, votes—whereas a white man in New l'Uf . _ . vote Wu once—but the Constitution does not pro. vole (eontinlied Mr. V. 1.1) that one man in South Carolina shall vote nino times in Baltimore, and seventy two men from New Verb rholl not vote nt ell. (Cheers.) Whatever seourc.e, them cony he hit notthern.wh(te men in the Constitution, there In no uch rat a'aito. tea scourge as that. arcmendou cheering.) ' The Ad; nod the Item,tenons tithe meeting are I , efere b ut too long, not too uninteresting to our rend rs, to ndtnit of publication. The Address discussee'the question of Stovhry, and its este. 'on in now Territoiiom, Elton eny~: Consider whet it is that the Slave holders de mand. Under the pretence that eitizens or the States hove the nglit to emigrate to any territory of the Union with their property, they claim that he inmitutiohs of the territories must be overturn ed to suit the institutions of each of the States, n, !natter how peculiar. If a Georgian may carry h' slaves with Lan tato California, and hold the there, abatis h slavery he there abolished, he Mar carry witle hint any other domestic institution of Georgia, however repugnant to Californian institu• toot. Nor is that nil—the mrtantions of the tern. ttrida, being at the rnerfy of every singio State, a Territory can hood no fixed institution. In Oregon, et this moment, a man is testrieted to one wife, and a child becomes of pie 4t twenty one. But occur ding to this new &a:trine, if Texas were the next year to allow isslygiany,inuil-to erred the term of minority to twenty live, as do some nations, polyp. only would let thereby established itt Oregon, and four additional years of tutelage would be unposed upon every child beyond the mountains. The ar. gement necessarily Cornea to this, if itlie good for any thing. There natmot Leone law fora citizen of Texas who mnixrates to the territuty, and ano ther for no emigrant from a different state,or a set. tier already there. ill ore slave holder may curry his alalies there, every other man already There may ionntaacously tat:, staves himself: the resolutions went the fallowing: Re.loha,!, That th.e nominations mado at 1111.!• mine by the leirsona whit remained there oiler the Gonvitatioir was di...inhere& natal by the aid of nine votes from South Unrolian 7 which were never i . e ., them, are of 0 0 force or validity whatever, liti the plain reason,. 1. that New fork it it being represented there, or allowed a voice or i. etc, hut being lona intents and iiiirposes virtually excluded men the Convert. tem, IT Is to mixiths riesvon um 'll. That ,u New York n necessary anal imp, tint integral [lonelier of the imeistiscil Saimaa] Vidnvention. was rirlatrarily and piwiewely eselw Jed, it in no NuAllistlont VoC. TOL PIDIOCRACI: or PArs rte law :1,1,1N, but L. dearly as road as my error Congress ,ndil be, If 'leased alter the , arbitrary expulsion of the members (rain any Stole 1:c..1,,1, Thera - Ore, that the Dem. cirney of Now York are compelled ta pn.ered to nominate for theinwlve. candidates or President . and Vane Preoudelll, Wbotil Itt.o they will Present,lo thew fel low I tetnoemtsL -if the Onion. -,. - ''. The (Viol), 0 , i/f has Far:downer impel,. In that ~17,....., city, coil, thelureh , . l'inighty assemblage offrecii men, - and iininiictietis at roe 4 the eyrie M1M, 2 1 , ,11.1 everrionvened an tae hltrpire Stale. r -Tiro heart of tivero freeman heat , nays the Editor, 'with joy us ail eye aurveyml the initnentie oOrtrolli , e all laintrln likhn. Ins( to hear on iropla. nation at that villainous fraudperfiewated at Ilalh more, and Meow:l.lloorue each other on the glivi. I ims certainty that the nominee of the Ilaltitteire fare, will tau he. >lll , lAntra by' the Ihimmerney 01 ,I. the Einpiro State,lairil that :all hope that may Is; entertained lay ,vitl?e'tess., that he may he ete,tril. Wall front this 01110 hvileCtortlihr.:it.andownl.—Ttm effect of thin mectilig wall remove all doubt as to the State ail New ,Yiiiik. We ron4deatly (where that th e eleeteral rot, 01 the Empire Sum Will bo ca s t for ilic nominees of the iipieinents Of slavery ey,todoo - W. L-31111011/0 mottn.en ot deelartne L. the mocracy of thetrity. and the. (Woe. that the n.m.- of the Bruno, tame will revels* the /0141`.4 number of eteetorcd vote. ttf any eandirlote may r.mte before the peoldrt (le stnntls no thane, of an electron. ! • t•The inverts or the free ultste lalorteg of the lir:torte - 111 too carport ham Ifis ticket toil be e detnocylitat etelory ; and imrsterity ill !vie back to thtestoodurit Wore inturtuneutal in• pn curing that 1441 , 11 p. amond the rooligtortous act of the lath. -Ali. defeat will irrercrve from doper darton the tortlton.. , l free who. laborers who - nn yet to tteettpy those vitolteritones se - both AM here after or be locorpts-ated with the Union. (in On page. nt Lowry Am:tabu recordedf that the deka of Co.. curet:nue:tubed the I.otodaries near , slavery. and celaeded those of free • • ;II • • Wu mll the !1.1 . 111e racy of thr Softh,,Lahot*,,, of the whole Ititiodt, that on this gient question mml, human freedom We will sweepttme Union. We will mow down tip, opposmtion 6V - thou.-Inds, with -no oilier weapon 'than' reason. While we leave the instititon s of Slavery where it alreerly exists. to tm rid or wire Viand those who :we cursed with it may thlnl s tprogr, nm shall - spare no tun( short to prevent fillisCl spread - oveiterraory now free. Firm rind decided shall Ist our course on this grsnt question. No gomprornix-s, or con. se-signs, nr conetlimmns, by whmelLthe great princim pin of human freedom is to tote t;wterell away to increase the chanecsof n totayoraiy victory. We want victory, but mohtlx, a victory bringing With nn (1,43t11i1e119y (if sound principles.' ~ Th. I. ll, ...i.ffrt.thfliona rim:et with an era provton reaponae in the heart of l 'every true patriot and good maii,in the free sums, let him belong to what party hwinay. The party which siippons Minh principles must prhsperi Llerolca, That in the judgment of this meettog the pi.ver of Cengwais to prohibit the establishment, intoiductioh:or existence of slavery in territories now free, belonging to the United t-24atirtc—lonEt as; such territories . remain under the government of Congress, whieh power hits been exercised (rota the origin of II govertnnent in respect to the extensive region northweat'of the (Alio, now firm ing the Statesof (thin Indies, Illinois, Michigan town and Wiaconoln, or not urn clear end engines , . then are no! odrannerea and Itleasiona, which the tqllio3 referred to hove derived titan Ito exercise. That while we utterly deny the power of Congress to interfere in any manner whatsoev er with the question of slavery in nay of the States in which it now - anus, and sincerely end solemn. ly denounce an dangerous, all efforts dr attempts of abultuunisth or others to induce Congress IS in. thrfere with slavery in any State, or lobe incipient steps in relation to slavery in any State, while we will faithfully ndlicre to ellthe cninpromises of the Cdustitation, and Maintain all the reserved rights of t he tutcs, we declare, since the crisis has 'arriv ed when thatapiplion most he met, our enc., promising hostility to the extension of slavery by toy act i on of the Federal Government, into any territory now 'tree, which lino already been neqiiir ed, or may he hereafter by the United States. • R.dved, That ive receive with deep satisfaction and with pnifound gratitude to the Ruler of Nations, the intelligence, !relieved to Im true, of peace 'with Mexico, and the cessation of sanguinary stri lb, with all the incidents of war, CO hostile in their tender. cy to the nims and piinciples of &emeriti), At the same time, we cannot Ire unmindfitl that this pence brings ;maim the government of Congre” vast territories now free from the curse of human slavery; and the question is itt once pressed boars upon the paintry,lwhether these ..territorip, shall be donned to slevery,or preshved to fo.edimai and whether the dignity of and honest labor shall be maintained or eel down by a degrading pint. panionship with servitude under the yoke and the ash. Rewired, 'Flint tho cry of liberty is borne to us on every breeze that sweeps ncrun, the Ewe., while the chair tit bondlige sire dissolving, and every form of tymnny totteringto its fill thmugh. reit the civilized World, nod our fellow men in nth- er trtods are hooking with hope, through the toils dird . perils of revolution, to this country for precepts and esamples-iii the ennui: of Ironton lihirty, we shotild be mare-ant to the spirit of the republic, if we mold consent to become the corder.; of slot ef ry into those extenAve terriwrics which have fell eri,under our sway, and we earnestly invoke our democratio brethren, not only of Now York, but of the whole Tinian, preserve our.hitherto nnsollied banner from so foul a stain. Titi nitention 0 tiolierly, in river lour veodee•, nod builder. is direetrd to the advert, reFgsolauuother culatttn, Luca of Mr. Imo. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Corr•speoadosa• K Pitts", Giugette. Faclusive Correspondence of the Pittiburgb Gezettea Putuntrznu, .Tune 10, 1018. I== The Acadia snivel! in Bolton this =ening.= The aims she brings is important. Paris is quiet, but the Provinces are in-a gate of frightful Mader lien. in Cotton there is a decline. Correepoodenee of the l'inxborghGazette FOREIGN NEWS. AIIRIVALOF:TII STEAMSHIP ACADIA. ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. NEW Yung, lune 10, ISIS. The Aendin arrived this morning, bringing Lir rpool papers to the 27th ul imo. The state of the crops was encouraging, maleri. ally affecting the prices of lending articles of grain and produce. On Monday the best English Wheat was quoted nt 50(iiVhi; AmeriCan, 4801.10" • Corn—An increased demand has realized:above 354 per quarter in London; while rit Liverpool 33a Mt, is the white-33 37s for yelldie.— The sales were large at these prices, fur shipment to Ireland. Flour—Best Canal, 2e/a per 1.61, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 27647 a feli' ,, 265.275. Corn Meal—The demand is much increseed, and the Shipments ifpin Liverpool are large end frequent. Pruvisions—The transactions increased, and prices moderate. Beef is unchanged in price. Prime Mess is in good request. Lard—Sales of 300 tons during the weelt\.„ The market is very firm, and holders are withdrawing for an ndvauce. In Cheese, the stock is low, aria 'mimetic,. The English funds have fluctuated but slightly . for the amount of business. Consols aro quoted at 541 to bl I for necounL • The surface of politics Is more calm at but Lyons Irao a prey to mob ViOleriCO, nod provinces *cm is a frightful 'mate of disaffection to the government. The grand nntional fete come off on Sunday in the Chump de Mar. The Deputies assembled, and the banquet wen .relinquished n.s impMetica. We. The assembly and government showed mimic Int:cable signs of discordance. They began nicon. tend the mastery oiler the sth Blay. A proposition to permit - the members of the ex ermine goVernment to take seats ih the assembly was lost, as was also the one restricting the pawn of the President 'of the assembly over , . the mill tray. A .third proposition proposing to confide the ex. ternal protection of the assembly to the Executive government was unanimously rejected. Not only .is distrust manifested between the Legislature and Executive branches of the government, but from all necounts the former must fall from its internal dissentions. It is thought tharLamartine and Rollin will re• sign, and Monad and Ariago will succeed them., The Things Party, by experience pod modera tion, have obtained great weight in the Assembly , almost predominating. These are grengthened by the Legitimates, whose organ, La Preare,bas published a series of letters from the prince de Joinville, which are calculated to awaken quip& thy in his behalf, end pave the way for his return to Franca, its a private ciiiien. The Republican patty are evidently &warte' this design, bet the Regency patty have high hopes: 'lint° in coine quence of the dread of seal or preTecideil demon' stmtiorts, troops with fixed bayonets am placed at every avenue aturtoorn in the Assembly. The Assembly his plainly declared that keeping a hundred and fifty thousand pensioned men doing nothing, Pala be stopped. The organization of labor, the leading pretext or ilmilevolutionists;hri login kmnd Impructle No trial of the ma y 'conspirators 1111 yet taken place. Nothing done in Fminge relative to Poland, and • Lamartine's polity towards to her very douhtlii). But ho unequivisrally declared that Italy shall no t relarnesunder the AustiMit dominion; but nn the. Ind roll of the Italian patriots, the French army shall c/1 1 113 the Alps. Mr. Rush, the American ainliciassdnr, hal pre. sculeJ the eknag-nuulabouß litain-ss .I.atuar tine repli.l!a a suitable rano:ter_ At Toulon the workmen retard the amenah ttn• troolw, enter n sharp contemn, renamed it. 111.1,14 /0•13 TLAMAZII. Al Schle:sburgtintio prAsteln 411g411e rrimiln The Engienir and F-6prerio of Austria kin Va. nn reenitly , and unkdown to the minuaryi en the 17th. Why they did at a Out stated. The ' Arch 11uke, Franew, accompanied them— There nevus to lan noose mystery al t out the affair. traLT. TLe hintilnady wan centimes unhinged. res: tihruea in Itenievid, and Trevko in it11,014.-ti by igennana The lateat account. IR. Naltir% tiitte that an inaurretoort broke ant on the 17th, when 400 troops wenn lolled; and that beautiful city was given up to pillage liy Government. The stoner out inagnlfirient palneen and villas are now heaps of mattes. Thos.-aunts aro oinfuried,inst it *.I . VIZIA, slier the bottle, the National Guard were thatianded and h new 'minipill , fanned, with Prince tinfoil tin head. •Tbe Itritish Motister,•Mr. nelwer, blot bevii rained horn the Court of I.llacfrl, by Duke de Sot Meyer, arid ordered to quit Spain in AS hours. II Ind kft,n4d arrived in Landon on Wodue, No Parliamentary explanation has been given yet, and this IntellWencd has deterred many pod chasers, and inside Exchequer 'hilt lower. _They were at .1341 , i1s premium. - At Soillto them had been a dreadful it tion, attended with great loss of Lfo, 6x wl iek the French joorhals blame Nu • The great excitement weeding the Government trials had found vent in Large dentuastrationa, and the Wain clubs and eitixons arena continually pa. radios the streets, and celliatens'aren, incvnaidito be feared. A Telegraphic Dispatch from Dublin to Li, pool announces the conviction of Mt. Mitchell, a charge of High Treason. uvrar9oe,lubcrr. Cotton is dull, and viospects an gloomy. Pncos have further declined 4d. • Actmunts from the manuhaeturingelistricts are exceedingly discouraging. The sales tor the week wen" "&,190 hales. An seam instances, middling qualities were kneed too sale at n .tiU greater do. cline. Prices, on Friday evening, os declared by n Cominittee of the board of brokers, were—tair Up iand and Mobile, 411i1; fair New Orleans, 41d; mitt dling, 31 to ti ordinary, 3 to 31d. Large imports during the week—m,ooo American received. The depression will exist, and prima cannot improve, until the Continentla settled; and prices may be lower Still. oamspoodoneo of the l'imborgh Gcvelle. • CONOIIERS. N.V.ortutorus,Auno 10, ISlb. The Semite won not in &anion. In the House, Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, nutirnit. led a resolution instructing the rommitlon on tho Judiciary respecting the practice. of courts, in giv fhg prekrence to nulls in certainUases. Agreed tu. Mr. Orn,Titibifered C resolution calling upon the 4:epretary of War kr information relative to the payment of Virginia volunteers—objections being made, Mr. White offered a reaolutio3, paying $3OO fur the removal of the remains of llolly from Floilda. Objections I)ing made, Mr. Rockwell moved Met the 111ouse reltadve itself into Committee of the Whole im the state of thelltdon. l'asscd—‘Vhen the House a:boomed until Monday. • Corre.p.Wenre of the l'lt.t.ttrel morr, June 10, IMB. On yesterday, the Uih, polity Donate and I. P. Wsuttn, were elected by the I,egislature of Win. , nonsin,. Senators in the Congress of the United States. Cotemotoloner of tho Poloburob GRUM! - 1-": Ncw &vita, June 10, 1818. -- -Xll business is stagnant, swaitiog letters by th Steamer. Thu Cotton ItrUliers look very blue. PHILADELPHIA MAItKET. Philadelphia, June 10,6 p. m. Flourgmoll salon of WOtern at $5 62 cent, per barreL • Grain—The market is wills:on chenge. thoceries---tingarn have an improving tendency. Geffen and MUIdICK-1 an- without change I lemp—The market a ‘eithout change. Tobeeco—The market ta dail, and nutleilg doing worthy of report. , • Corm.pondenee of the nuaburgit Gazette. NEW YORK MARKET. .S.SWILDAY, Joni 10, 6 . P.M. Flour—Sales of 2000 bbls at previous prices. There is no marked change from -yeluenlay, but the market is, if any thing, aline active- WRye Flom — Sales at 5 401,12 per bbl. heat Sales of 50,000 oush of Ohio lied at $1,'25 Per bush. Corn—For prime YellOw 050. is asea, and 02 offered. Frovisiooa—There is less moremint in lork, but the market steady. • Cotton—The market is quiet. Tobacco--Small soles at pre% .1,1; 'flee, with u quiet market.. 7 fallow Sated at 91e. per Groceries—Sugars have an improving leaden; . cy, with sales at 31011 - Mods Pork--Sales at $0,505•0:15 per bbl. Prime Port:-Soles at $9,00 per bbl. Lacd—rSales at 61Gre per Ile. Harns—Sales at 51e; Sides—Sales at Shoulders are held at 31 Lend—Sales 1500 l'igs at S3,SO per . ' 00 lbs Kemp—Soles of Dew Rot at 6130 Ire ton. BALTIMORE MARKET, - BALTIIIOB,.. JUJU" 10, 6 r. Flour. Sole. ottllowaril Sweet at 53,62 per 1114. (rain--Supplie of Corn am large, and hityers re holding oil for , lower rams. Limited sales are fleeted of prime white at 4fe , rod of pm* y e l. ow at 49 C 1,,. per bushel? Pnwisions..—Sa ea of prime Item" at 12 per bl. Bacon Shook era ore selling at 3:61.37e, llama .14167 9 lb, Ilogs—Sales 0.54,12 yr 100 lbs. Ileef Caltle—ltegular sales at 53,62 per led lba. Tobacco--Sale of Ohio Leaf :it g3,l 1 per 100 llrs Market dull, (IINC NNATI • Cincinnati, lone Ili, Flour--Sales o 1100 bids at $5 330'7 73 ecob per barrel. Grain—The market it without change, with lim ited transactions. Whiskey—Salts nt 11; cents per gallon. The market is dull. I Grocelies—.Arc dull, with but fow Dales. Linseed Oil—kurther sales nt last prices. Mess l'ork—Stles at VI per bbl. Bacon is undhanged. Lard in Grolth salmi of prime, in kegs, ut Ilya—Sales al sti(i irio per bushel. • Itarley—Mode ate sales at 3W :dine per bushel. The markets generally are dull. MU:Ws Iltmta asiontslime de mand for this great medicine seems in bc on the it Where it has loan introduced, it has attained pop,tilatisy unpnlecdeated in the nasals of mealiest premier. Physicians arc using it nt aunty eases, as least when they Pan elania 11. Patients, however, need nut he water the expense of asking medical all vice ns (bey can (purchase a box' of laver rills, with ' which dircett as will be furnished, which will work a speedy ea . The following littler from on agent choirs its po utarity in the section' from which the letter is doted: e s . Van Canine, Ilmiettnn j March trj, Icld. $ “J. titan &Co , Woad st, lhasharght Gentlemen—We And wo can sell a groat litany mum of Dr. Iti'Laac's l' ills than your agent left with us. These Pills arc nifty oiling !hear, and we have nl la Llet told WI latibTei.7,'thheay If lost eon rendlti 7oliont agent can bring us alucw supply.- T. B. J. KEi.1.1"." Far sale at the Drag Store of J. KIDD& Co.„ , bil wood street. TM.) WAND Berra.. KLECTI..—ALVIIED B. CUB LING has consentrat to ho acandidate; and will be supported by the ratiserts of , the Third Werth riathout disonetion of pony, for the Office of Edilect Councilman, for the unexpired ton of Coral. Hobert Porter, resign ed. yottlt Mortr Crnazini or Turin Wsuo. ROUGH AHD ILEADV MEETINGH TAYLOR AND FILAIORE RATIFICATION. . . . Tfriends of the Whig Nominees are invited to I. meet in MURILAY"3 YARD (formtly Broad bunt'l.) out Venn atriTt.,elear the Cana:, on next TUGS. DAY LVENING. P.llll last, at C onga to ratify the no °Me Philatlclpluantion. Several Weiner° members of the .Coarentioo have been matted to attend. . Ea- :Jivers. For Loenue, Denny, William, Darragh, Ilighum, 1/111i other. gill [address sneering. Come and 141, 1001 let us •..grre.thent a little wore ,Draper' jelo CALI - 11,10L 1,11 - 14.1 - tOll AV) Ofßee et the Exchange, Halt!more. burgh or Wheeling, afid eon-c.v. - m.lm; reacttun toade oat all teleßrapifit dr , i.t.tele.'-fonvfinfill from Ital. ornate IV,. or I'm Rem= —7ls , t.,llf.t..).firr - re telegraph t-..patrlt to or I ., ofia nallizoorr.l.l,,efirus to heelinc. IR 1 rents in. the first tryvvor4 , •, aod 1 reula for each tfilditio.l wont iiiiiiMMEMMISI • Until the roudttion of rho South We. rn lane of Teler,roph from dophn.. Tenn, no Nene Orlean•, den. pate., tan be forwarded Aleruphi• lids route. and toaDed I:. Nese jet Uuscx con MALE. rmpmvultnaehil, for u knot, he ha: dianived o poet. and agrev, to ray rs wrriten guarantee that they are , drotn,,,, cod will ...Li. frost and Won weath er and mint. 1r..; Inoirdurr or dantimeed than any oth er bank. yel.seareig greater body ord. , ),:uperiur texture and tooth wore litutdde in every r ;art. eseh !dirk beim; roldected id a per. of eel, al tow, and poi- Keaton,/ bands eau.. .narfore and rvett thermal.. • I.nt equal to tbr 1414Piront They bare gi,eu the grestrat eSuninet.ton tool! who hove rurrhz.d. lalnenn tic ...ten Mini - works, and ILNT/111f11 al the 14aretioliditre Thom• having risrtdned thr...eives tor their baddinCß and vnihnog trout I.riek, or sumo.- hard and eolid partsnn met, rIII4 ohinut them . mck, rIII4 /11,111,11ChStr5 1 flr tf. • The Allegheny Centetery. „ the wn ausiljah, Ll hr Silt to 4111.7 , ...1;:g , V ‘ll l 7 ll:f..7AS ' M ' 1011 A ATIIANIKI..IIOI.?drS. t Nh u ,, •N`YIVANDI.Y.SS. :111101.:N111:1:6LIt . JAMES R,, SPEER. ME= J Ili r, Jr., t•tecrristy soul Trrl , lll,f The •nnatil statement prreentrd thr tht Company nt a re ly Nooperoua condition. Alma odic In tho pdy is No X' Wow •trrrt • jcit! Allealteny!Coonly. ras. rfi: " F.TC ‘ ts ' ru ' r lf And now wif, Jo..' 11, 1.4, on he ' rart ' ng, the A - it pelltlOft, the Siatunlsy, 10th day ot July next, for the dtseha tr. penuoner, oraception. are Ple.l, and lutiber outer rand dirvet none.: ibira Aeration to be riven by dare nt.critonc n_ dolly newapnper. the hot of nloch nhall t,e three arecl.•. be. (on. the day of b*ranng - Ity Itme.urt. icl243Ourr ; JOHN YOUNG elk - , ' Jr. • URENCH LAWN.. 4.--1 rale fine 'tainted Lown., J 1,7 beautiful nets pnin-rn, too reed runt oprned by 102 SHACKI.KII . k WH1T1 , ..95 wood at bnlbon and rut ":41k 1: ['lark WO c , ol' by JOl2 SIIACKLETTA. - - caves French and On. hamr,ummcr npened owl for role by )012 SIIACNI.Urr WHITE snArn , s- ., t; v 4 jel2 wlli Irtons low priced mid rn mad fent,. N. o;thr itesporlnslou., itizt or:Ntr,l SIIACKI.I:I7 miett ree".l l it i 341 ,1 1;01 p o le ut • (l 0 we:v.l Channel,. Wer lIONEY-3 hbd• Juin tooling nod . for oak. JA311::.4 1)21,C0N-4600 lbs rebiury curvil lilentiTantlibgi;i; MM. 11b4rou and far sale by .fehl - z . J.V111 , ..4 DALZEI.I. I.ARDLIO lie 1 Nu 1 Famql.n.l. in Fame antlifor 4 Clio by jell: . i LOWS DALZELL T .RD 04,-4111bl+ No I ~._4 1..11nr J let: ~ /I: _ T 1811111: SI,II3ULDERS —25 r It. rce/I r Jei v Rot: -• •• • • • • • nORN Shelled Vort r 'M b fac by C,hts ppiliFiELD /I. 1101 EAI pig% rrecavcd stad rot rale by .11-41 ielu AMES A lIITIVIIPSON DAR LEAPHILMO Ibn in store and for .alc by jalo JAS A IIITTC111:43N A. Co S IICYI —A ke unsorted. reed .d for :at., by JAY A lIUTCIIISIIN A co 11:1 and Mtsbouti Hemp, in p.toi;stoLl jell JAS. A 111/7CHISON &Co £l. for gala by I 7 bog. prime Kentucky realltenbjua tb for rule by Ekl=l DAL'ON unNa casks limes o s , ory tutpetior ur J_l tido, just tticctveti 1 rot msle by jalo JALt A Co MUSTARD tiliED-7 nbu Itentuay Mustunl d In ewe laud for Pt by Jelo ' JAS A IlliTelllSON a Or; VU,AIt aN I) MOLAMES--.mi 10.1.14 U Sugar; :4 S bbl. SI /Imes S II A1012.1[111, landing from nlenmer Swim aril fur gale by jell) lI11:n1D:t oga NCINNA.TI 10, Sl for 'ale by PA V-2IXI las N. I Soap, per minx 110 inlo • ILWALEI" k SMIIII_ (\\A L$ AND LIAID.EY-1114011.h Oat, and :.A' Dttrley, to arrive 1110.1ay; for wale tiA W IDIA vAttcr m! lal tract Istl (TORN-2110bitAb Corn, in more Inn] for galo by V jcio s & V HAM:MR:II O IIIELSE—W C Lt. ream Ch,,, josi rec4l nut! for P. oil eby • rip Sa: %,.. lIARIIAlitill P AL.l , :i t ) , 1.1.:iel 1 Ft -A r.• w s I_.l 7i la ct A na 1 fo f . _-. 1- . UptITATOKS-14 ,y IZeks liale. Nerliettitiock*, jubt 1, il Ivr mein by I " - reerircd *O lu "'"' %;.Vri. 1 .71 ri o :0 11 0L pt I Ititi—A A Moron Co. b A n CK reu! D bitiol l. tho %D. exten.ive. nooortment of block .d fool :till., to be found in s t. city. jilt) 31 n C r iC ricTilTr A rw nbi t. prima Nu 9 t' r l Ntal; b rZOTl C 5"" (" 11(1 MIT SON IC WIC3I ltd second, near wood It 131LOI/OCE-4Oblain'S F Flour OU do-Cot Alen], 111 do Corn, ILI do Calm, do %Chile Ikons; for sole ion J C 1111AVF.1.1.0noter s‘ • SAtari—go bide on coneigurniTi and Minute lo to dome, by • jenJ BI DWELL erliiiipl - 111.AufS.—roorin re Joint *qtr.lA(o;lf havejurl ree'd 1 etatoncrunre of More wale Threw limos, from I 2 Cr, per yd up. Also, one c.rrturrio Mechlin do; one do ratio l'onif do; olio la carton cotton Laces. , Dealers nod other. will find - II to .In i intercatto they will be will or extremely tut jcs Plt4 lu:riot—so to Metal, InanenU7turnace for ode 117 pi-. 11Air.11.1•11 S riOIITII I L. , - , ,;11 Ltd, 1111.mL11.11,,..;:r:joirilfu AUCTION S By It. Lemma= it Co., Aactlasteers, CEESI=3 11 , a1Vednesday, tha lith iniam e , , at 11 o'clacif,-al th auction &tares on Iluebaaan*, wharf -3131 BAGS WU COFFEE,-.1 imporle4 in EJlealoeth sandllanellette(. Cataloguex aml maples will he prepared the day locfore the sale. Jul By Thos. Anderson B. Co., Auctioneers, 132 11111*. N. 0. SUGAR AT AUC3IIIN —On Tuesday, the oth Jude, commeneing at 10 rielork, A. al.. we will tell 122 Mids. prime New mien.. Sugar at Auction. Terms cash, (Kentucky book rotes.)" I jciiilw ' BF John Ds Davis, A*K.tioniscrs Graft &de f Imported Wines; &gars, #a GVJOIIIII D. DAVIS, AGCTIONERIL On IllmidaY, June Web, commencing at 111 ifaloek. A. 11.. at the wrochouse of Alisrtin,corner Smithfield and Front streets, will be sold withaut re, serve, his enact stook, amounting to nearly '521,110. A large proportion . of the Wines and Liguori consist of some of the moat celaliented branala, and various vintages, ranging (ruin I.lllis It-12, mid of ilipect port:mon • • Side will be continued froth day to dny onfil nil KM sold, the owner adeclining the burble.. ' Amnia which are the Millowing, sin -27 casks superior French Grandy, choice brands Hiblits Peach brandy, very old; 4 nips superior Iluitand Gin; ai soaks Pori Wine, varioustirands: 710 libels and emiLs White Wine; pipes Madeira Wine, selected brands, .s as. pipes superior pale Sherry Wine; " dry and sweet Malaga Wine, 2 " 'Penerilee • . Mn .2 " Rod • dtt - hhinds St Estsphe Claret • • , 1 puneheou Irish Whiskey; "1 I .do ndahWv laranieu Spirits: ha lat. Old Rya Whiskey, i 4 hinds, imam: and plats London Porter; ah. (miles East Indio Ale; 74 dna bottles very fine Claret Wine; • 25 baskets Champagne " do G dos Cordials, assorted; IS boo Wine oral Stoughton Diners; 40 ilnun bonles4lnindles, very old-• " Wines i• In " " ()lel Rye Whiskeli ho,ooo superior (Hiton Sagami ; • I nl las fine tinnily Tolmeco; bas and holm. Seirdians; ' Lids Cider Vinegar, " G O I I IIS :as large loave l.l s Loaf Sugar; Lumen Syrups, Pepper Snime, Grandy Fmk., Toma to Catsup, IO dos Playing Curds, Wines and Liquors in stand calks. Together with Mond casks tools, fix tures, and n great vanstr of other ankles. 11 . 5 e Catalognim will be ratUITOT Illa lams nod goad' piny be cannoned previous to she sale. 101 l Steubenville Herald, Wellsville Patriot, (Preen. hargh Intelligarker, Wheeling Times, Ltrowitseille Free Pre., Wushingtoii Iteparter ' tfironiville Record Mover Argus, New Palladiuns, Cadiz Repul Icon, Younger.. Republican. Allegheny News, en py weekly uu site and scud bill to (taut-ft. AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBUAGB. TILEATII.E. C. 8. roam Manager and LW. . . LOUISF OR' THE WHITE SCARF. `.. •• Felix o 7 , Mr. Prior. . Iloil. ..i , ... My. Porter. 1,.., L a.„, .L._ ..._— Alin Porter. After which, DANCE, by Mi.. Arum hlnlinon. ' To he inllowed by ' hI NUGHLIOR'S 'WIFE I .... . Mr. Somerton NIL - Frieir- Nr. Smith Sir. Miner. Mrs. Crown Miss Fitrter. . To c elude with the Ist net of the. .-; OCEAN CHILD. . thirty helm Mr:Oxley. blitry•llelm I 'llipli l'orter. Tuesdlq—llenent of Mrs. Salroskti _ • " Pucci ur An -• . x.—Dress Circle, GU tiN Second Tier. Xi cm; Pit. ti; Holler 033. FANCY DRY GOODS. SE MAN & MUIR, &91 j 1 New-York, 1•!11 . 01i AtSANDJOBBERB of Silks, French prin. I, red N.H., litareges, UMW, Embroideries, Merl. Blimirls, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns Bombazines, ANL/ALLOT/IER YARlEffitittOF FANCY GOODS. TheY invite estuary Alerehonfs, visiting Newyork, to examine Weir steel before Making their purchases. Mr. Muir was,for many years of the house of T. tcwan & Co., (root it hie 13 ha retired °atheist of Jan. WO; and Mr. Japes Dickson, (who has on intermit irt We business ' ) op. also favorably kitooot in that estab lishment. guerrlan 0.11.ry. lILILT, MOT 0131= ITIALLSING. • • leave ter Manta the riarens of I'ittse vicinity, that be has taken the Daguer y occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub eat all We late improvements are wen. brought. intopperntion by Mr. 'lope, a constant operator since the era was ' , gate sansfaction is guaranteed ter Mr.his patrons. Mr. 11. will refer Mr. Porter, itt whose establishment he The !ma melee months.. Famity Poo., pe, Ikepturreotypes, he., acroottety sews taken iu any weather, am! scum vein in steel frames. PCII Ail evcry leronch of the art, and ap e e t. • jeattf City D. TVIND 1 hurgh and rl.ln Vla ona, n. ire urrured rrl d Inn who has been first d,scovcreel nil %sin, :a y 1 •ath plcarure has In ruled fa rata. tiigmait coined.lu4en le .a t ill tillelloll L plralu farm h Isae and Save MI/1 fr S.l.e rs having now their lower ' Sow-Alux. Slacutax in succersful operation, of. li with ua NC/unklugiaa sod Lath bluetit, end the Frown Buildings ebn sato on reaeanahle and ageocamoila • yearn engine'in en excellent one, and the Pawing and Lath Cutting crthl..- good order and condition, and a pia ye the whole and put there inn, opea leer, in leAs than sixty days. Learel ed to the ratwerthers, Pituthoreh, Odell in. NEVILLE R. CRAIG & SON. Steam ICU: /I , llLaal4ral' I. Ow 11. vat le:t tinem up y r Len 1 tal 1.. iarann azem,.fo l li terto la a ne l the sear a le.hroet 1.. are a ehuzcr can men i Hon in . ar 1 1 1t ,,, eri Lpromptly na D$ FOlt IJRESSFIFAV mu n ihy rrercivrd a full amortmeni of white Dre , "'o..oelodistg—Scotri , mull Nine. .1111.00 L 1,0; plain Jacunct bin, rod do. Also, Ih4,,s—Wlthr embroidered 8W:12.5 mbroidered Tarlton .lo; blue - tint ar.' petrand embroidered do plant svbite, ante colored do; oleo. embroidered nod 4 the yard, for Evening Dresses; at-o, ,hasels, Scarfs nod Capes—French and Collars, no amoruncot of nem and dne u earolnic Handkerchiefs; I mourn west cash prices, at northeast corner nts. inn M r 1 1. 4 ' 12? • AI llt naw •," VC • rrd atm t Far Preuing NIII•111,, pink n 1 k vi' I lu • 1 usl. and I lu I II ack Lace , eosrls nredle asossul lty lc In, de all as Is n , .d mat' S the .1 s as, nate Leal; h Clotho nesse!, susr. re. Brent e•rsete. meas. and be Muneillrs do; r Ilomery, 6e, i fc ' :111 To if SALIT v 1 , 1 41 A 1 11:1 vtraw,, Samna! de, Plana Pe is Infant • s anal Plower.. Canon Ile uality, Isid dee I.lsle lisread IW p. Wadde 1. 0, Cotton al meet of Comb ler" . Jewelry . , ger, Induirease FRENCH CLOTIIa--W H Moophy ttralson orgratis rasa %e.t.a{ ensues, t or rery test make or French and -A Sew pasrs Ten supeaor black `d, nim, Istesktns and Castaneres, in m e7as r . e Ca. " k o "mn sut a 'Vesn g ' s: 4 ' sib 1 ' 17; tu s s rendr atul bonicred linen caudate bad and anions! silk da, gents Waves, au b ra, Alsrsua and cotton Lade rsbats, bib and Caney Cravats' (stvgitaut • . • 1,! . . t iCousistry Illerehanta. 46 Market street, have re uscallonneti, consistiog in pest of plain Victoria do, Gump do, Eclectic lit and Florence; cases Palm Leaf sidßoys , Leghorn nail Ilsaid do,•' Arti e every linnet), . Also, Wed. Lattice i,root 73 cents pee do; up to the Guest I Gents ball nose; a good awannient of lilt and Cotton Gloves; 73 ps silk Mk fa, dm doiliincaLlioularte do; 15 en.- :'llitVattl laces. ALso, a good assort , buttons, ThrealisaavelEci, elf of which they will elk, a !s in prices to purchaser. toyl3 large steruruttent of blue, blue and Laney Pratte, ofcvep deeirol,le st 3 ['Tuning acrd for the trade e rates, by the cuue, be. 0 HINTS —A ~e, and and qualtl tt e x truant] t) /.1 13.1.N.A..1•01.SFI'doget• lolk,cottOu and gingtodo Par awols, byte qtrs. and Vindsothe panorn&just °lwo mg and for gob by eIIACKLETT & Jed PO wood bt STEAM BOAT FOR SALE. —.- 4 Frium 'HEM, IJOAT, of about ISO tons I.or 11 etoo. ligh droll, obout te n months. out., will be sold at o berg n,ll;uppliontion modo soon. `Engel to of KEltlt, le., - lecdlw watcc!treet DRlu 60 01k-i-A Maguta Co,GO Mari; st, have justte'd eases of etch lbws Geed, cow. Ikregea, (Imurulinetu Tatum., Pore ale Clime Chathes, •c. & . SUAWLS A Manna A 011 hand every variety ofhavrlsovhieh they nre selling at rtvitt ved Priem W.) fIINGIIAM A A Ale eon' er. Co. have received si case. ne Idyl," of litngherne, which thny flee en hog at the eztrrne tow price of 121 eta ten / ILITTUNSDO. 4 . AND SIIIOIERSTUFFS—A A DL ll son Co --- red 4 C4Ael. Of Cotto.des ni Sumner ' txut,g every style, suituNe ti (eve us samples, receiv4by lc by jeJv J hlt •rd Cambtk , fur sale by t -ARBUTHNOT 'itf:Alt, different ceders, ferndin by C Antsl7lllftioT SADDLI:R - 11 ,, Tilley's'l veal), half bleached ado by U A RUUTIINOT I :URA RUBBER ClAYllll.flft—Comptising a lorg • j stock, such Os Cop V,' Stinks{ Ten Jackets, Copt, with or without hk•eyns, Leggings- of three Wanton kinds. lints /to: nit tope had sit the Indio Rubber De Trot, Non Woocest. • . r , OIIACCO-12 kegs $o 6 twi.t T0666E6, landing lfrom. - Nuotpigaham 6161 for Pale 67 • ; JAMES DALZELL receiving (loin .fircolteul and f • . • JAMES DAIZELI, . . 4r:rouse, 000 r londing,frous means, .1 nd 10r,.10 by . Co,_ :ISAIAH LOCKEIf h. Co froob rt -- A;SID CiLtiSENG—Now Inolltue fro; milrrlood unit for rain by _ LM ATILLILS, ,L. ~,.,alter C EM=fE=3 Wiles nom landing from sour Combo • r role by j.,7 ISAIAH DICKEY &Co f iorroN —4 I_, laud anti f. Tcunnsmoia, in stow an,l DICKEY tz Co D RY I`EAV fnr noleb II 4.' lir-12111%00 prune N ty Sugar, rpr,prd by ,11 , 3111 r Telegraph, end for MO< by AILIIIII/011 " r volt •-101.1.11. prime Mess ro,k, jula „„a ..•k bp :44-W ra wnmr 11.110.1 front .1 VE.6 ; IIKRS Jug reunved and far fade by 7y JJEIJ COCIIIIAN,2O weal st V\VANILLA ICANN--Ptithe quality, lust iced /aid V for sale by Jed IIItAtIN.V. REITER \IL V ITC ICtle- earbeys test reed a nd. ror sale at w o h r 1 7 of • J ai .0.. J:KIDD Co . Lin t a_yu stoisctrtl e r _ et the ding trar!lloort' J KIDD tV, Co • I.LEN'S NEALVE ANDJIONII 71.04111ENT\t/ 1 gross Just ferreted god for sale by • .1 KIDD 3 Co SEIID—Four bbliifor sale nt the drug ware II house of ' je.ll J KIDIFECo utxrre—n - don India Ilutitor .Pfau r linen, run need pr elves. and fur rule at the In. dm Buhl., Depot, No 3 WOOll slrcet. • }FS 1111Atth3t— 1 dor trCniulder Wanes, In k I din !Wiher, reroivrd 1.l,... mod for oak ul I, India lea 1& II I'IiIIILIPS .J'..~' ; T.i2f"s',:y w4 - iihl w{' STEAMBOATS . koLtoco Ildoir,i:Jt4l.sol:l.4lll . -DAI Y PAVK ,T LI NE. wins well gamins line ifdlaplcuilid PacbelWV , 4.; era is nom composed a The lurgest. *solict, best hushed and furnished, and most pomerful boats on the wnlets of tht tVest. Every accommodation and coot- - 'lnfiniti money can procure, boo boon provided for pa..- .wagers. •The him beau t o opryniton ( no 6 ‘ ... • -•-bios carried a million of people without the least ry Wen persona Thu Imam 'mill tie nt the /OM of Wood street the day previous 16 starting. for the creep* bon or freight and the entry of passengers am the rrg, let. In all eases the parsage moo y Maiit be paid advance. • -• SUNDAY PACK. T.. • Tim ISAAC NEWTON. Capt..A. G. Alumni. wt. leave Pittsburgh every Sioulny morning at 10 o'clocs. Whivling every Sunday evuntug at In T. S• Nay musnw i;iCK.Wr. AII.IMINGAIIELA, Calk. limas, will !rave rtat rttit ovorY Monday 0:L0111111g m 111 . 0 .. eteCki Whatqtati very Monday eeening at lo e.r- TUESDAY P L ACKET. .- Thd.IIIIOF.RNIA N 0.., Cam J. Ituanetrt.vrx t Ooih teavetutsbargh every Tue.daymunting at IU olclorLi lYtteeling every Taenday e-rentng nt 10 r. . • . . WEDNESDAY PACKET. Tie NIM ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. idnVe. I'o,l•oryh every tVednealoy jnorning nt. lu .•clod; Wl.rcing every H • edne+dny evening o .10 r. ••• • • , THURSDAY PACKET. ~ . . The BRILLIANT, tlaa. Gauen, will 1,,,v e burgh every Munich) , morning min o'clock; Whyslinu every Thumlay evening 111.10 r. a. . • - The crarrEn. No. S, Capt. Citoocs, gnil leave Fit, burgh every Friday morning at Irr o'clock; Wheelore every Friday evening at IP P. r. SATURDAY PACKRT. The hIDtSENCER, Capt. S. Itcao, will leave Pitts. burgh every Saturday rooming' at 10 o'clock Wbeolute, every Sarunlay evening al.IO re. • NEW . .LIBIION AND PITTSBURGH DAILY' LINE - OF CANAL AND STEAM PAOIXL...j • _ : • , r ,I S 48._ ,;z,,,,, , . .. g ,2 _ _ . . (ern audinoir o'c d • • UPS. ' Piliaburgh dean at 9 lock - TN. riaca at 0. , 80w. (moo , hof the Sandy and Pourer en nald at 3 o'clock. and New Lint .° of 11, liar. night. L.CMVOR Now Lisbon at U o'clock,..P. Ponking the' trip canal to the river during th e night.) and CIA, nt 9 o'clock - , A. Id, and aerie. ni Pitieburgh at 3 P. SL--thus making it co.:lnger line for naming pos• sengers and freight licteceen New Lisbon and Pint. bur., in shorter time and at len rain dian by any The proprietors of this Lou kayo the 'dominos of in famine the public that therlinve hued up two Gilt clam Gourd Goats for the accommodation of passengers and freight, to ,run In connection with. they well known steamers CA1.17.11 COPE and IIEAVEIti - and connect Mg, 11l Glasgow,with the Pittsburgh and Ciuein nuti and other dail y lines of steamers down the Ohio. nod Mississippi risers. The proprietors pl o nks:. then,•, selves to spore oo expenso or trouble to Insure eon, fon, mkt). and disputes, nod ask of the public a share' of Mos potmrs!4re..__ _ - AVTGORIZGD AGENTS. G hL lIARTLN, ' rituburgh. S. & W. HAILIIAUGII, G. ILANS4, & t Ncw Labon. myth( J. 11A11,13AUGH &Co. Elh ma C. nor 11 IcnvC alter thra r notree, and Wellsville punctually, at 0 o'clock in the luo'rEna, , PITIIIBUTAREI BROWNSITII,Lis . • Daily. Packet Line: • -. FEpRILirtYI.I,IF , Id rEII.IIWARY,4I,IC-4 - Cat vn DAILY ATE/ A.lll, AND 4 P.M. The' following new boats corneas the line for the- preuent ucesoricAli • -!.ANTIC, Copt. James reit - laser, BALTIC, Copt A. Jacobs.; and LOUlts hI'LANtI, Capt. a Bennett The Goats ate entirely new, and are fitted nip - without =sant to expense, L , ammo:dart thut money earl procure ha+ been provided. The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Itont at the foot' f Rohs It. l'usuengers will be onnefitill en board, as the boot, will certainly leafs: at the Woe • axed hours, S A. M. and 4 P. .11 , FOR WHEELING, CINCINNATI A. LOUIEVILLI . ItientAa. Sawa., I'—Teo ,w amnnmr P • '. TELEGRAH . , .1 Perry, commander %Innknee for Louirrillesand Linenvediato ports Decry Paturdn.., , at to cerlock,Pneciliely., • . Erir freight or pumice apply on boon( or to - • • PORSYTH DUNCAN, Agent.. The Telegraph ha. been bai expree4ly for a reguLe packet, end 'nth to view al lire) , to the remfort of pnv. • seep.% the accommodation. are inferior {01161.1".1 on the IVestem writers. Ng, naarr,•g - Trics.i,". Thoneer mud fight draught steam r r _ • MT. tatMON, _ /Want; tenger, 'will leave for 11... Love end interlardlate ports ou Tue. - day. For freight or 0 1 1s.n e.rpf,..b...1. . FOR R.F. noid i lroer Orita=iiitsambove othl CiZEMECI SZE= The Gnepbt.iitiier steamer " ~.... _ MAUI , STEPIIUNS, . . 4 Nbsois, tuner: ill leave lot 'obey., d loterinedini Nits this day. Coe freight or, panne, apply board. .___.kiy ~ • .FOR LOUIS .I.C. -...,,0.. ' The fast runni le steamer 1; 1' LADY' ISTRON, ow . NV - ±,. Clark, master. will leave foithe alb, intermediate landing's, Mis ttly For freight or passage apply onboard, orb ' •• jell) . J kV IIUTLER'ik BRO., Agents. ___ REGULAR PITTSUURUIIICINCLNIVAT/ P-A-CICKI' • - 71ie steamer /1., - ; 7 , ENGLAND, , . mi l i , th ltliClure, master, will rot as a regular afternoon Inteket from Pittsburgh to eineinnati.• She leaves on her first trip, coder the new artangement, neat Monday, at 4 cedoek - , P. fit myttl -- • L.', - • _., -----, -T — Pub( ...LOUIS. , . The fine alarm:kat ' L:,,, " JJ CRITTENDEN, ' 2 .'".<5, - ..., Israel, su Irv. will leave For the above ml We:Mediate ports th is day. - • Ffrr I:reight or . pssago, ilkply01.1.0,0?Pl. 01)30 • REGULAR 71 ; 11 - TSBURGI.I , ANir.—Z-.A.NkSVILLE . .. .. . . The fine near light &au la stetrimei "' h PHILIP Ulla '' • im i tr ILLUSIO. ..,.....; t, Moore, master, will leave Pittsburgh sego:arty as :Skive .- : .i ',This boat is every my adapted to the cornfint or pas...neer. She runs In connection with thedentty Lied, which meets hei at Beverly. For (might or pat. roan orris on board. . • ' ' otra FOR MIEELititaAPLU litillkiMPOßT. . . . . . . .. .. • 7 s ,d, The neat and substantial law sew I , 7112.833/bOnt, . - , ' 11110 , 30 N, drew Pee. Mauer, }MS resumed h Rn-1p betereenWhea Bridgeport awl 111, brugh,lresand Pittsburgh rui Mondays mud Thursday, marrdi ',RFIAILAR .PACifitT FOR SUNFIS ! L The eta and fast VlCllnet . . . - WELLSVILLE. Itantea, Master, will leave kir almra sad all intermediate porn nn AVednet. days and Saturdays of each areelt.., For freiglttor mitawinimGes. K r . 17H ' I t TUR CHI 4 , k 1 igl , .Er rA cxgr , ; , -.. . il coNsta. "" •, a Dolti , T Pt KlOooy, master. will lettro regular/y , for IV heeling, ea Mondsy, Wednesday/nod Friday, at lo o'clock precisely. Leave r Wheeling every' Tocriley, Thursday nod it/w turday. a 7 o'clock, a to, precisely. • The Cetteal will land et all the ' iniermerliate ports.— Every acewhodation trod ear he?reared for the cone fortand safely of parsotogera hes' beta provided. Tke boat ts egso provided swth jr velfweting safety PIIITII to mr . f i n o t n erfsions.' For fntight , or parser . ge only ers pIIAI, ID C micas% . ..few 'comer I , ....,'wruuLStuititfield sr, kIeKEaII'OILT, ELIZABETH AND .11.10tiONHA ' - 1 •LA, crrY PACKET. _ .. • .' , • ..„..! The ' now sweater ' • • r, , ' . master Nelson, master, will: ran as orrice. leaving Prtivlsurgh every 'Monday Wednesday Wier Friday. at al o'clock, A. at.; nod kis , nougahelaCily every Turisday,Thurvday and traturibW. at 8 o'cloek,ae. la. For freight or passage npplY rn ' ' r YOU:FRANKLIN. The-new and linht Orson!. ,torte, . ' ARIUJIYIANE, . ' • !...- A DRUler, flow er, will 'env° for the' Impart Veer,. Wctrocklay wellent. unday, at 4 a AL For freight or pareage apply or; -_. . . :. oistrlll bath. ~ 1. , _ . s Notll e to.Travalere ESP RE*S CANAL t h . . . . • I 'HIL/A./F.l4'lllA AND LIALT/NIORE! .üb.estben haw, curie...4lbn light druorht steamboat YANKED.; to curry palwngers to tdol Dow ilia Aqui!duct at Freeport. • !Utensil] debut daily at 7 o'clock hl th e morning, .tho find stretbabore the uptwa Plusengend will breakfast otr board, and will be punctual at tlie For rourag4 of tnformntion, apply to ' : 4.• /louse; • or D. LEECH &Co, Canal [rosin. Fare—LiindiDiallars through! • le l sit Y th 'hi f 'nl T7 utP" l " l ''n'li 7 thngL r m Maditutlieaywadaa,jnritgovera a l t 11420,0. ECLIPSE TEASSPOIISAIIOE • that . ill a to eon thmurhnut the leas in,~ daily, l'iod4e ind cameltandixe bikini 11 pear. klereliontlizo lion, Lattimore brought out at Coma batm. Time, :rive day.. J C Agri Water at, Idnoro at,o r kliitn'a. Roux l'ittaburYl.l.,- • J II ROISINSON &. It01:11kb myl7 911 South Charles at, Lattimore. GIGO. W. SMITH iL CO,' INFORM tgalr Lieu& and the public that the bac, P. lo.ffff l, dor connee ;too with their /ale ectabliiii tuent In p er sweet, known or . the Pittaburgh Mowery. Lasingg retooled - their „Akar, Yitwinem 1,1 she POINT. HatiyvEsy, in riff inylitiffkvalyS Itlasprailtsl:lAiSol. Nods Ash. 35 e .. . ,,, K . 11,...,11:14,„g Low clamour Nosh Cat obi_ !AV & M MITCUELTLEE,: i. le7 •-7 • IGU lawny street ' /111171 hlcheiff once in rash paid for Bond` clean lupin j titan, tobwits a, bale rope; prom lupe; Lnegion,w eo t.. Co raga, ike., „ -I. IV. CIIAIDWICffi i • waynn !Owl peufftk liborSi • IrtrrArolin II VIA I. IVA RP - Justcceired from the otancifartery, Itritannia Coffee Pot.; do Teo do; do Segue !wall and Cteaut Com . do Slop do' do pliimebkniith lnl ikintokumeit do do; Law, with lamps • For sole al low wives. 'tat • I LIM. qtrfTli:, Lign Big Pitcher: WPOUGIIP CO LL ARS-AA ktution & Co, Noll, 11 Marks; Jost rce:d per ea Oen, ap %yr! C O I 1114 OrCTLIT .1 , 391 r at the low price. of I.`i cents Mkt, A y . 4. ALWN Co.k CO ' e L ! ' efv m a o r r ie " gf " " INDIA 1:A1.14 It! dot Intli• non., otiiele for extrev rti ftee. , r4 bY..vrces, and fur solo by X 4. ' l, lat U PulLLuti NEE