'ldl~~lllL~L. DE. TOWNSEND% SARSAPARILLA: liott igrdroorefinary iddirine in Mr World.. ilia .4.41.1. 0 4 narragitad nprnr 11=7,014. a—. " "" b 17=1.17 or p a. GERI? SPRING AND MAZER MEDICINE • Tha poet beery and ooprriority this Tormayatilla .14 odor Nlnlieise b , whilreit Etsdiedet MAC Y* it honor. ' • ' Mee the Beaty. It boa of the tory be SPRING AND BUIEDIEB,IIIEDICINIDS ewe known it trot trolY Harlot DA whole gates sod mind.= the pima, but it Creator ' • , Nes, Pun Ststd Rich Blood; a rower yorwand Ey oo other ' Aballetaw And In thia hes the grand mentor its weatdetful wns, It bill yetfordwdwi . thua the put two ran, DX. • dna X4OO tuns of &Dere Cash of - Dhelow ; et least 5,000 Wen were eurnidatid inearahlor. !late than 3ACC ewes of Chronic Rbetiatiriato ; 20041 ewe at 400 of Ci=ity and l`l'aot of E. 7 0 000 . carestactlyterewt Female ColOplatota ; ===!= ", • 1,502 ores of* Liver'ComPluat . • 2,502 cum of Dire of Ms Kidn7 .nod Prom, Thomuda of moo of Disease of thr Blood, vise them, • Teripeks, hall he ®, pimple ow ON Voce, fec., ' gather with qu.= owes of hick headset's., Inn ot We ' • Ude aid Ghee, Spiral Affections, ke. This, mi toren, toast owns kunde, bat we tows khan from &yid...odour orals an al, puts of th* *hot Stab, &dawning to of est:mord dairy copra IL Ina Baskirle,tiwi.. owner the most imputable denggisk la New . eirk, kforso to that hi ea mkt In soon boo 150 is.: sea so that place alma. Thera sos *Muds of moo ia No 7 City of flow York, ankh aue will lake to win plan= and brim of <hand*. It Is tha best medicine for the • • remultits of dim= knows. -It undoubtedly sand the lira of mon than . 5,000 Lertuoss via Pam 15=sow • * it rationd the nios of *case, and permit Uwe 2. Ikaamer mason. Unran s.ramot Cam 0. W. m cCura, or TIM Liwrran !MATZO Nava, and member of the-Naw laws Ligidalare, to. kindly seat Ills following entitled.. It tells ibore. Jaa. 25, Apar aloft I ow taken widt the Lamm, Lod sty whola • kft is detail:sled suds. I was. induced to try Dr. Itanspuhk, nial Ass taiiikg two lir hires but ' I was very obeli re/Weed, and oUribote it entirely to the • sald Iletrularilla. I Uwe motioned taking it and had that •• 1 =eon every day. I believe it saved my Lk, and would • aid id w e it =der any wwwidoratioes • O. W. liaison, kW U. If, B. Itcnicuoca Cctit.9. _. This eerlifieate etedelarively props that this 15emparilla has peat teal per the most obetiestle dims. of the Mod. Three persons eared in we ham it ttepeeedentedt. - ' Tam CmLnacx. , •-- - • . Dr. TOWl4ll,llD—Dcar Sir: l bare dm pleas= to Infona Y that Wes of my child= have bom coral of thaffero k% by the of your morlleat moo-Woe. Tltoy wen dikedvary randy with b. Kan; have ally taken four bilks . ; It took the gamy, to yaw& I foal spelt meta beep oblige/oz. Toon, rommetfally,_ • • loaao . C1am,165 Wood.? at. Now York, Nardi I,IW. 011 DAT ISMAIa MEDICIIII. Dr. Townenta Sarseperin is a iota:urn ael spiny am kr heaping Catoonehno, Dierene L w„ aieoran, or Whits, darnel! ar ilMeat Menartatioa, leteentbanes of Derain nanny died op thereof, an for the gm era prosonitin of the inten-eao meta whether the non of ionmat 000 re Mme, preached b 7 nestaseity, Won we mann ' Nothiog en ens inpris4that ittv4. of. facts on in hatesafrein P van?, al weakens - sad Lea nn, frt. !nig it, st atn none. robust and ADM arra coda its badmen. it otenterotts the tarn lemma of tho finis &on, whieti is the via aunt of bpi It will tat ho expected of n r alat. Or ddieLtllll 011, toes, to Wait t hat of =a informed, Ent rero csit non the alad, that hoodeeda of ens hen tem rtported to al. Several nses when nen hen heat without child , no, aler ono, far' bottles of this natant wane, hoes twatidast 'nth hadthy offtorin. ; • - Dr. Denson: My was beiog pally dinned try b 7 1.11119.33 angi rani debility, of wilfan continuity pea sod sennion of hating down, - Wm' . of the won, rad with tam diffwatits, nd Wing kern noes where your Indian has offend ma eon; an eho hen. in amen:earned nneh cues u I nee dactated,l obtain ed • heals of you Dana of Sompuilb, on followed thet in yces ins see shod Inn it named andilnati niildaftli hot heath. Ham grateful Su Ike none. oho neared, I lan Oman mom oenowine. -in it, and noosenniog it the public. M.D. Moon, Uny, Cor. of antedate. Lydia. sti. — themeoths Md. Os tee. Dr Tamura: To all whsm this wig othwerat—Tba is astify that saysnit and oat Nab of yoga Ileretpasilla ="to oessfutemses, ander the Nog Warmth' eel bar alrestsest.sm i troubled with the diem, reet• log of the Ise;ewe odious, lad ray mesh islubta- WI; with my sad the reeseasseadattea of bath Ids had dee t, she was =demi to try it, era buil or ne lab; sod euthoe It to au, the =algae hod the happy sad desdred arse, not oaly is tho bears of oretheactent, hot alt.r the theirallos of me week at ill us, the dropy mad DU , eves Wads= gm way to co astotuts..ag awes, sod her beeltls {tar betas than it had bust for a•laNy tithe pre! um. If two will he of atly arr. to yes as 'ay aae erho daub the sumo of the otedielast, you sae .study artlroase is etheerthe malt your mot obeetieatestd gated s• mot. 2 Jff • TO MOTHERS AND MAIMED LADIES: This Extract of Barsepcnlla has tom mprerall 1."1. 0 " , 61 raincoat to Camila eacepiaietn No female who has me ww la minima she ia approaching that raititalperi!ml, " The blq76 qj /ye thaald metal' st_lake it, as it ts a certain Fermin Sir any of the lillEiteed and meta& diseases to whirl females are .object et Wit runt of life. This period may tWdelayed foi sercrel year. bi ming tiiisamlinine. Nor as it lam mluable to three who ma approarAing womanhood, as it Is ealcolated to soilnanny b id: y quamp the blood tai inctorating the rpm= lationd, this medicine to Meat stable for allot' Was delicate theme to whicb worm ars t Meea the whole erten. mews perismtently the mem ral trctoung the imparities of the body—cot to far simulating the nue. as to product • ruboaqaclat re laxation, which it the cese of mod atellicino tam for feccetr imam. tag divan • HUMS HEAD THIS. Tolio haws Polo conipkaiona, d till ern, blenches an SIC rough skin, dr freckles, and araousf . trite;" me bane or two. of Dr • Tennvend's Sarea It will dean= poor blood, macre the freekles nod blotclonouid give=_m .li an spar on. kling rich Gest 'Orin, and be ie loilif of which are wf imaserwe Noe Lc vim , fled !edict. • DYSPEPSIA. • pIo fluid or medirinA ha mer bens dim/mimed whirls .4 imembla the genic joir. Pr maw in nmsw.P.t.:4 food and err Otoosisig me op.. or digwakea, ow !Lilt prep., ration of Sarsaparitia. • 13mtz Dzwarrirr i •Albmiy, nay WIS. ' , Dr Townsend. Eir—l him twos aillis red for serval years griM dyipeyaii. Worst forum, intruded with mai WI of stoma, lon of appetite, ratrum hortbans, 'Mid • great amend= to MI kind. of food,and weak. (what I" could ea.,) bar. be. Enable to retain hut a Mull (win= on my stateach. I tried . the unt.l Sint they Iml but Was woo awl in Mown% t h e eisalphonli &dna. in dozed, about two months more. to try your Estrirt of Sara , pisilla,and I most my with link race tint , te g ...art) two boWin, I found my anent. restored and Ma Miartburn entirely removed: bind l wooli taros:any mono( mud the or. of it to (how who have bean attuned m I ham ' Your., 4.e., • W, W. Van Zaturr. No* 1846.. State. Wand. ALMOST A 511 E A CIE i• , temil theolloi;Lig, .inabt Toe an, that eithiezep f lan be cited. This ieozity Out of the encralhandsed mpvilro.owndt Sarsaparitlain: Lr.T D i rear 40,tht.17; ..;errecoYri thel Jain Ude. It hic ern mMC f et) 1A... 1 , (13 by phi- Aticians to ham the gem cocuompthan. I meth hug. Tsui tines of bad either, bad Men sermo, and sinking very bolt try ,ditetcr mid he could do nothittg , kw me. I 11 . 14 Intl, dm li=o bops of Wog benthoedbut ons thithinveret, la was now greatly distriseedpthea at dm longs sad mold - hardly breathe • I thou theme mom-inset, and errand • to die; was maimed to my bed, and was ,thliged to Isms thither.. indeed 1 coma grrc you any deieriptien that .mold do justice u• my ose. I was suppowth bytoy friends .• So be post recovery I had tried a grouthether of rentedim, • • mod all seemed We be to no potpie. I read of:thris meet m troordinery cures yerformed by your median mato tell you lb. troth, I suspected there tom .one humbug in num. Beet I was induced to try it, I did at, nod very th ankful did. I manta say thst I eon mthely will, tut th far rthowered as tom about my lonizes., and hope Its le min.{ r wall in a few weeks. hly or4h and poo in On thy and itightswats ho,, me, ath ILK but very bilk, md- . - lon fast gaming my useth strthgth. I Dilt et adm to give 'yo• • stmesesal cf my eine, to publish if you ploueu Prima Bitowie,l: Fattle et, , Opbrattoth of Phyalthario. Dr Townabthd u nmostdaily...teeming ceders from OA ' chime in differtht parts of the [tenon. TVs ie to certify that we, the undcrsigtHied, Physicims of Um Gaya Albagy, late in numerous cum prom-riled Da Tininneudts Bareeptrilla, ;end thieve it Mho on, of the moo Noble pwewev.. of the Sarsaparilla in Um market P Pouxu, m J Juromt, II B Emu. st _ 5ELW141.3.11. iThmT, Aril 1. 1,45 - This. to Wenily that codethogned, praeueing Themoothe Physierans of the Cloy. otAlbaniy. boos frequent • - • • y mwenba. Dr Townsend's Command Emmet bf Sato • orWs, and tram its known coalition thould rem debend i td • ho publia kr nenuri.l, wrolokus:ald *there Whan. wo rasa, hi prefamou. ta any of the •drwithed ranielen inset. A W FXSSIZA,* . A"ssy 401 %Ha, B r. • ' prtherlalSee, 196 alum Bun Badonvlll Ti Red. • Owe L.a . State ot Boum; Dr Ryon * .31am, Lth Sorth Sm art 1. Itholadelphia; S S Ilwate,th=mod by :Now gennineothle. p.m ink bum • Kean !oaks, wrltith matain • cowl and dyed Ow written .I=taw. el P TOWIISESD, sad lemma. bb an the Y. u. ew York 13Spy Evros. of April 9,1.47. A mewl . .mie meowed on the aura. yestard—sy. It 1. thmodwutmoi cab, or Ermayarlith Esprit:ln own.. . - TM whole Ithis. yo. up in good ta.th some ot the othw withal bunbeapepounun yowl bowlful, Mtheloopolier with. Ibmeroll glatenyg them. wade alum rend, crab.. 1 . Druid:l 4 W e tab. thos omens:silty ta . say we babe.* 110. eltraet the Liarit deserves lbs. • retykr.s. popularity it imuired. . , • nerwthiuMebtllty. _ ' • ", •••• 3: • Blew Tom,klareit9l,oo Bath bum Maimed thore cc*. 9 moors with • dreedfothinking the .bet, giddiness in duo t.' . bowd, , lan of 'pia la the Leawood Lemma dathboy, thought on ...doubt th. contianal beat and cold la which . lath rabjset to my ...dyer. .1 tan taken other' • lirdicnie., too numerous to meathr, hot with link or none- - ems. loons induced bt what I saw Is th.papor no try a honk tL of pot Sanaparills, rota which I found crest relia sines take , : amoral more trottle., and I ea. mhailatingly b dm both dafieth. I ben nor takra—tho yam u. .7 • ; chat is somond I bkool vibe • differt than all...ether Won • ; harsthloth your Ithwayarills. I boo.wow • boner aPpetith mu I had. hl mt. has takee Rea th the bmete " • dal moults. , I would nuotheme it a. a May =WM. Cri , and I tool rouriword tha t if on mod then would sat sp domicil:nem thefaia, sad Consuploondy not wmany bilk; tor whll. it redone. appthile, atha rim to •-• the Meath and bomb thew regular mutt it 2.. the blood • 'oo. hralthy WM, m that dimm I. not m likely tto attiukth. plasm: Ad leo all Moos who an not in • timidly thath, I thy by Dr Tonsmol l . Serwipmil Tno th tiss Writ, 70 A1k..... Canker 1.. tb. *lath.' Bekurimmeroustotssootterr and Dr Tomwel.P. B.thmeriik. boo mood liwn of thouthod. of children • ...TM fallowing adieus!. b otbetnl fros a gent author ISSISTS. p,ia rook. New Yosti,hpril 2,1E47. .• • ' '._lliToonithado Dear site—Om of my &Ulm was ray ' • 14 with Ow Gear Lbs mouth adthroat, attended vrith • . voadebility. It caw mar dy4; I obthimd MIL of your • meollist smdithas, and it eared it 'directly, ke Mikis Ima main youl td mil mural, Yours ommetthlly, • • -EuuattreYothrtast, 07 Dethrone.. st. . • or; sib by RE &MLR/LS Dwane, N 057 Wood t, listhrme 3d asul 420*, who bas here appointed try D ~.frowvsENE, Arai the Allectny eo. VkabIIkIiCaITiGAINSTTIW. WORLD: . • " SPCos.33l.mutZe. 0, April 91,1888. ". • Ur. R. E. Serum—l ...chased of you but • short • tiro ance, n down Of your -Versoillige, which L. mar .• - ly all gone. • Wakes well. Som. pyrsom bo_r Coq and • •- • 'lee bottles at 11th.. • I mite. tt th e best Vernufuse -•lpNth. All it mad. Ls a trial—Hs meccas is For. yr.rd IS donort Mom everybody, whenever they went yeregtoge, encpure for l§ellers'.7 - sod dbylL re SELLERS, 87 Wood in: tio„ by Dr ame, Soh Wand,. and D Cuthy, Allow • Atheby druggist. Senotally.k. bo th i i'iQ yd Ylll.ldl F.—im popularity - WI ' Med Madam : lamenliwe a ClUM, March 0, due' .—Med to be in oar dry to few weeks ; eed eliall need a largessopply of ymer Vermifoge, word.. i. paray atm become. kronen. We have used it mirk sowers in oar mest family; arid Item car moghbors tome may .assarimees of its excellency - Yee=i l , .. - LSIXA.W.i•MiCHBO_ LD.. . sod sold ley SE Selena MAYO% .St. Bold pi or cumlOkk w.d; ea b 7 D hl ognir . . ;.' • - C=o" , == ' . . BOOKS. MITSIC. IaZAILY•Ir J. A. k U. P. JAMEScOnetneati, the following rteleaed valuable Works— Doniphants F, W. a sketch of the life of CoL W. Doniphan; the F eohoptest of New Pronti=pl=e"p and oostir Cali has =aralleled March upon, Cninnahua aad annatga, and the Operations of Gen.ftce at Santa Fe; with Map and Engravings, by T Hughes, Bof the lat Regiment of Nur= CV/. Kentucky—lts Antiquities d Natural ' `'.wiwt.ati Geographical Statistical and Dcological descriptions; with anecdotes of Bunieers Life. and 1110T5 than one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish, ed rioll.l3i Soldier. Statesmen, lariats, Lawyers, Di vines, it.; Illustrated with forty; engravings; by Lewis Collis, I vol. octavo. The Twelve lifouihst Volunteer, or Sonnvil of a Pri• vote hi the Tennessee Regiment of Cyividry, in the Campaign of ililesico, doting 1644-47, containing an ac count of the blanch of the Regiment to Vera Cwm, description of the Country passed over manners, cit., -toms, Me. of the people; Sketches of 'Camp Lifc ac counts of MI the actions Maier Volunteer Remittent", sad a fall History of the Mexican War, List of tbe KG , led andWonnded, Mc; illustrated by a large number of cornet vicars and plans; by Geo. C. ruttier, I voltune octavo, 'deel BOOKS FOR TIIE 15EASON--111uinleated Gems of Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 viz., th licaurifel illustrations on steel, by Sartain, and illamroared ogres by Schmitz and Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey morocco and white calf, superbly gilt. The Christian Keepsake, as annual for 1 5 48; with Wendid meritatint engravings, by Sartain; brined in sr.. esor.ii morocco. Christmas Ellossonm and Newl-Teirr , s Wreath for 1846; a small qualm volume, printed on`sitaw white pa per, embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— This is by Car the most beautifuljugenile annual pub• bolted in the Goad State. The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, 11. It.. with numerous et Oahe' designs, by the Etch Tim Club, in va rious ityles of binding. Thompson's 8.2011., with serearpseven designs, by the Etching Club, in various sty!. of binding. The Poets and Poetry of America{ by EL NV. Geis olrL 'he Poets and " Tho Peels and Poetry of die Ancients, by William Peter, A. AL; superbly bound in Turkey morocco, spleui dldly gilt. Willis'. Poems, in various stylesrof bitsdinit ; • Gray's Elegy illustrated. • 'i , ' I knian's Poetical Works, in various bindings. Lord Byron's Shakspeme's " ," a The Poetical Works of b y Moore. ' Ballads and other Poems, by Mary llowitk Poemstif Ameba. Headley Sacred Mountains. The 'lib° ie with a binding, variety of other new works, in spleudid shies of binding, suitable for gift books; for • JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, • de3U Book.llers,ior. Market &.1d - Valnabli Blitstdard _Works. EUR DF.I3 ENCYCLOP.N.DIi—/ theticeary of &i -ll ence,htaratuntand art,nonaprising the hutoryoleaerirtion and onientile prittnipt of blanch of kw= knowledge, es every with the deriration estidallnitice of the tams In genera/ nu, edited Ity . tV T Drunk, Fll Illestnded ntt. amaze manner on wood_ telann's Ninth A 21146011 .4 •the, c01d.: 4 44 and maps . of Meth Antetien,C.anada Lett, Gamin KW. Nara &an, Rowßenneenek, Nat iketn Nen Mee ., Florida, Texas, Mahn., Moony, Central America, - Tnanan. Wed India Islands and all the &Ate and Terrno. tin in the Un ion. • • Ned% Parinum—The •hiotory of the Darin., from the reformation in 1517, to tier...lento of nee, eoloprisbog amount of these peeomples, kr, dm, by Daniel Gad, M A, revise . tt By John 0 Cinema, D, met mat robrsitson Mug to tmo tutomm The on of the Body in Meth= td the Mind,hy . George Moore, AI Wm:air of the royal dollen of Phyttromit, dm. =:Z===l Peril . s of ~,, t , he . Sea, beinalli:enting narrations . of akipireeb, Sandi% Speker—Tba Jamul. Fiseakai, • soalptisin nlanacutog miss said dishaostied — oritla a rele, Lisa nC peen C?r prastiso, by Cement T Roma, instructor to .• giThe abase works received sad Leads by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON all Boolcoller&cce market lad 3rd sts Balker 4 / a 80[11:seen Pabilaaateinsa saburibers having been appointed agents for 1. the Bale of the pnblications of the above well known publishing boom, have a fall supply of their books on hand, which they can seU it the eastern pri. ces, wholesale ind retail. Among the works which have been recently lamed by them, which have been highly .recommended as exceedingly interesting and valuable, may be foond—The Cear,his Count and Peo ble; imitator! Welcome , to the Btranger; Bethel Blitg, y ..Dr. Spring; Napoleon and his Marshal,: Washing• ton and his Generals; The Bacred blountainr, Orators of Prance; Teaching a tkcienck the teacher an Artisu Charlene Dizabeih's Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur's Making 111.111. to be Rich, flichishaveWings, Keeping up A ppearanees,Debtor and Creditor. &e. &a. Alto, the works from the per.. of Robert Carter. the charveler of whose publications I. weliknown. To r retine's Theology, in 4 vols.; Haldane on Romans; Be ante, WHIM The Conan., by author of School Girt in 'Plante, &c. &c. New books received as won as as published. ' F.LLIOTT & IMUI.ISII, mit 73 wand and ZeCmarket BOORS-51emortals .of the Introduction of 1 , 1 :Oche:diem in. the Eument'Siates, composing ibiovaphieul notices of tumuli preachers, sketches of its Arm churches, and reminiseenem of its early strug gles and successes by Rev. A Stevens, A.. 51. Jiro .publi the& Hr weir of Rev. David Abeel, D. D Into Minion:tit to Chinni by hionephew. Rev Rork Nihon, the Alerchatit'aelerki by Rev Charles' II Ts y10t,;51. A., author of "Records of n Good Malt . . Life,' "Lady 31nry,"Alargaret, or the Pratt' , Se. AO The above, with a large assortment of new books, on head and 6.61 receiving. ELLIOTT & 56 market .ist IiTGI.ISII BOOKS=lliv.oty of Omfireettiler; tjutintl, and of the want and eampnignis from the stmgglesef the Greek Patriot, in Entailed,. tingabeir country front the Totkish Yoke—in soh unses —splendid ettipy with numerous maps imP engra vings. Leiters' illustrative of the reign of William 111, from : 15116 to OM—with fine porton. in t vols. Camps to to the sudy of Ms! HolyStripture }lsm Blowbray, thrill[ romance, with 56. engra ving To a in the Italy Land, French eu.ge, and Sketches in Mina. Just reed and bsr sale by bIeDONALD & lIEFSON spit; lO mirket street • ' Nets.lle Frame Maim. . A SPLENDID assortharni of Rose- NHl9wood and Mahogany and action ing •Pi. :moor finished and role. Also, two aelendid Rosewood Piano*, with Coleman% celebrated .than nnachmeitoAnished in the moat modern Atyle, and for role at jcia FDLUAIE..S., 112 wood at • PIANOS I PIANCIIII: . A FN KLEMM Dealer hie:went Piano Forint, at J. W. Woodarell`a, No. 23Third I.4lreet. The Pianos may he oat:mined at all Immo and the aubscri bee Dill be there from 11 to 12, A. M., mad from a to 4 P. M. each day. ' Picalig. 0et.112,10 We, die .deraigned, ' ' Pituburgh and vicinity gut we ha inform °'°'°" of Kleiber sole' agent for Weitem Vf°°° M. Wept' our Piano Fortes. from rah th e y may v"- micitl at our ow. (New York) priers. , Sort. sem ..m l a i... ff i UNN4 &i6LARK... dtl=tlrET MI:iCELL,LNEUtY,S. NEW DREG NTOINE. . . subscriber would respectfully muounce that he T low opened • new retail Drug Stare, on the corner of Fonnh and Smithfield 'streets. Ihdriving that the 911212 t• of the exteneire population east of Smithfield street will justify him, he has 'pared no expense In fining up . the eidatilislinieni, and is dfii te mined to keep no articles bat those of the been quail ty—of undoubted purity and genuineness. • ; A full wisortment of Medicines, Perfumery, and arti cles usuulbe kept 'nein eitablishment of the kind, •wily. be always on hand. , • _ aving his dere/login the same building, all uigtst calla will be attended to penonally. • The business will be continued .lictsto fore, 41 the old stand ondlarket street. . WILCOX. aplFulaw WEST Pg)INTWOILIES. PRESTON & IVAGNER, Engine Rudders, have commented busineas on Penn st, near the Point at the establishment formerly carried on by Stankbousa , it Nelson. 'Persons wishing u, purchase stew en ,gincs for boats, or for other purposes, wtll please favor us will, a call, Ls we dotter ourselves to be able to fur nish them On as favorable tenon as any other estab lishment in the B l. city'. I Also, rolling mill and castings .Of every .eceripoon can be had at the shortest notice: Capt. Robt. Beer, Thomas Foe, Church, Carothers St. Co., H. Denny. Esq., M. Allen Co. CYPRIAN PRESTON, _209-.90 ENOCH WAGNER. Dr. McLane. till tosteeoaleoo. - 11113 le to certify that I purchased one viol of Dr. IdeLane's Worm Specific, some two months ago and gam to a son of mine, so span years old, two Matgoons,full, slthough the amount tairappeat Iwol havre oo doubt bin there was upwarM of two notiOslnt woba'pwed from hine io neoaserior WOO goner of Olt inch OWO inches ns. • G W HOLLIDAY. local Creek, Carol 00.T.112., Dee 77,1547. is Loniehing,Cupping and Bleeding. V la NORRIS, 48nceessor w M. R. Delany No a Pifth street, between Wood and Smith field. Freely leeches received naorithly--anendaoce all haunt. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Itirmimyttam. I most cheerfully mem:emend to the phyeicians, and all rig former friends and patrons, Mr. H. D. Novi. as being thoroughly acquainted arid,tha busi . nese and wtirthy of patronage. • mariVely • M.ll- DELANY. PAPER - 700 p WI. Strays 'Wrapping Paper, all sizes; 400 reams ruled Cap Writing Paper; 700 ruled and plain letter dof all qualities; • 100 . Flat Cap . 250 . medium Tea Paper; • 100 [rust Veldts and blank white Bonnet Hoards; RA resins hlatulLs I•lnvelope Paper, 00 " Hardware Paper; jut reed and for stile low by REYNOLDS k !WEE, 51- 15111 P r PATENT BLOCEN. TIM subscriber °Tem foe oda a lOU usortment of his fillips' Patent Blocks, Shires, ate., adapted to a trade. Also, complete setts of Bloeka, dapted, to a. , . or ..pacity, put ,op and forwarded to any can of the. Union, without delay and at the lowest nes. LAUNCH VITA: for sale in quantitica to toni purchasers. UEO W SPAPLEN, apl.nneArmailtS Darling Slip, Nqw York A LL persons having claims against diet:state of the A Into Henry F. Schwepp., wilikesent tbern for settlement, arid all pentons indebted to Baal estate, will please cal l and make paymelt to OHN IRWIN, Adm. much, 16, [lnarad3mj watarat UTTONS VOA. LADIES' DRESSES, of die follow. B ing.klads.,vtartiilk gladdatedicafpmp buttons; Ilmadenbourgh do ; Pummel do; Casuhu Tassel and Drop do; Nett and Plain do, together wit do, h white and Lora L 113412, for sale at PH EATON fr. Co's inifl7 Trinimir...Aßto_ro,Stetapt4ist_ . ifin DOZ Cota.l3tootaa; 4 Casks Pot Ash; 30 do: Ulf Tow Yarn; 100Ibs Llersviraz; W tau Ay 1 oa; 1 20 do suu Candles; 12 do Piot Finds; 20 bbl. amid No. Loaf 80500 for aide b atyl3 . ia`f GLIM a BENNETT —_-_,— • Ce.Partacrahlp Notiee. • ith ..b.1.,:, 2 ,1j.cgrbu..t,1) . = Lion baain w eae, Edward Hsald,Hate a( Jacob Heald & Baltimore,) )avid C. McCamsabn, and John A. Warner. MO FOR STEAMBOATS AND HOTELS—we base on ibis ' V =Tr Is t ogls y l" wreln• W e r Tlif ui se i ll low. arILL & GETTY, Pitcher, wood st ENNET AND 'CAP ILIDDONS—W U Murphy Invites the anenlion of buyers to a new supply of e goods, of newest style sad my low. myTi - MIME GOODS -- A A Mason is CO. have on hand j i~ H orionsiyo wampum of 'Mann 0004 com p Milk Byrum, Book, Plaid and lacone Alas!ins, of oven , Glom), zny4o - nom AND BEANS-110 - bus Conn 45 ht.]. Belli., A./ (Of WA by. my.. JC INDWELL Prrrasoroant 30111 f WRIGUIT BE prepared to bald Cotton smd Woollen bluest.- st r ef every description, such .—Carding ebnaet,Spinning Frames. Speodera, Drira . ng Salloray 'leads, Warners, rlllers,Epootopt,Dreatung Frames, Loom, Card Grinders, &e., Wrought Iron Ehrang 'turned all rises of Can Iron, Pallteo and Ilute ern, of the latest patterea, slide and Land Lathe., aud teals of alltuada. . . Castings of every demnption famished on Mart no. tice. Patterns made to order for MEI Gearing,'lron roliov 'Steam Pipe for heating Postai., Cast Iron WlAlow haM, and fancy Casunks generally.— Orders e ft , at the Warehouse of J. Palmer k Co., Lib -any eueet, VS al have prompt 61.1 r 1160. • -••• Erma m • Bleeksmok, .Bell'A Co., J EMoorhead G E - ,Warner, John Irwin Sons; Pitsabusgh. M t: & J II Women Steubenville. I ionic , VENITIAN MIND FACTORY:-. ' JOIIN A. B/ROWN • i_- TAK E S thug method ID inform Ida friends - and the putilic at large that his FactorY *s}tow la fall opcmuen,ou the Earn (ate of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a con!. otant • apply of Bliuda of various colors ' - ; and qualiueu,are conatantlykeptent hood, also at N 0.5 Wood et, Pittabtugh, at I.le --• N. rilia' oil cloth wardroom. Verona° Shutters made to order Jo the loot style. Blinds repaired at the *honest notice. N. El. Ilialtlinds Twilit be put up, without imy addt tlOlllti'ecepn.ie In that they cart he removed In a mon meat ea, of f. re or Mc leashing, and without the aid of crew dr e oct4dlyb.wlamts . ALEXANDEIL h SONS.. noPFI Wi N h ll lAlipS AND FURICISIIINti CNUER TAKERkI, corndi-of Penn and Pt. Clair streets, cepotne the F.gchtuagepllotel, erne.. on Penn street, respectfully inform their frinols and the plibliqkhat they are prepd to ftiknish and attend to everything in the line of Unde are rtakers. Always on hand a large as sortment of ready made Corms, toured, lined and kn lthetiathe vet) bent Manner; all sorts and sises.ready Triode Ehniuds of fin nue], Cambrick and meth, and all s the erode in approvo styles. We keep a large os rtmeut of able and hlaek, cotton, silk and kid Cloves, *We for pal I benirri.and mourners, crape, caps, col lars, and every thing ifrcessr.ry for dressing the dea, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all our goods in the Eastern eaten. :Also, sliver plates for eligrovinK the name and age: We have .splendid new hearse and borer,, and any nunther of the hest carriage. Every thing attended to promPtly end panetually. net All erEnz MARBLE WORKS, Not. CO and 1246 /*lvy arta, nur shit Canal. A LWAYS handand made to order, a large vane. A ry of Marble Mintelv, Pior,Centro Tablu, and Bureau Topa,TOMb Sitines, Monuments, Sc,' all which, beng made of the oh/aloes t marble, and mannfoetared principally by machinery, will be void low for each. N• 11. Persona . ansEung to parchaso--Matnela, are informed that it if henteforth unnecessary for them to go UAW, as I can fainiab them with an aftleie m all consider eras ' " or; a g r d ne . th a erat ' t n ita ' re " l7 " Ba k e:ii for Ia the Eton. Call end etre. . lei Ult=tl=2! EEI=IIB r . :'').!.',l.!'F'4l C.lol', i:r;S. PUT XLACHINF. WORKS AND FOUNDRY ffliM IMIM=M2 COPPER, SREET IRON, AND TIN , WARE, MANUFACTOItti, No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, rennai c4ocelns o ben h n oe or thmeiard great I Z, ' V:, nsspecobliy persons building Steamboats. to cat and di...wee before porch aging,. we con supply them with Doak Stoves, Forges, and every other kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary in famish. Ina a Steamboat. , We also mike Met:leder on the shortest notice Sal We and Caticaberi'Colsiper work for Steam Ungines and every variety elf work m oar line. fele/ SID:RIFF it. SHIRK - - • • BENNETT & BROTH ER, ' 4FEEhSWARE hi ANU ACTUREIIB, , lillestalaggiana, (near Pit laorgbal Pm narrhossae, No. 137,' Wood s rat, Pittsbuigh. 1 . WWILL constastly keep on,band a good assort• meta or Ware, of our owl manufacture and superiorquithly. Wholem le and country'llies cbanti are respectfully in, ited to call end CO. name for theoutelves, ilf we tee determined to sell cheaper than hasiorer before beer offered to a. pats tic. 11T Ord.n tent by mail, accompanied by the cattier ettyrtfcrence , will be promptly e nded to. lobo P. aluai. kaiaks E. 1.11.1 PLANT GLASS EST LISIMENT. IhiyULVANI' & LEOLlEMmuifictore and keep eon. .I.XI. cottony or band Cut, hloultiod and Piton Platt Gleaswitre, in till a varieties, at their Werehoime cor ner of 31arket and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our World continue in full operation, and we am L.d ong . an w il i y i ad oo di o ng p. to , o 7 ur_s i to; , k h w .se hi n, ch see enab t. le :ix s u c a u t i fi l l i l solicited to call mei examine prima a9l term. inylOdlt COACH mkiciNit - - - FROM she eery liberal encourimrs •J. r meat the subscriber has received since '4,4,1 he has located himself is Allegheny, ruezio n sgv r has induced him to hike a tease, fora term of years, on the property he now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately, beside the PresbyterianCharch.• From the butt experience m the above holiness and a desire to please, he. hopes to mer it snd receive a share of public patronage. Now on band and finithing to order, Rockaway Bug. ciao, open and top -Buggies, and every description of earn:ages made to order, from seventy-five dollary 11,0-401 1011 N A4ll,Tll_ Lard lent ;retch. of Lard oil admirer:en in...tannin, labial they it ',non riertemenatuting 1.1311. - rhea then Inninee to he me Itxd al any offered in the townie:, and cay le retuned ii not ratilinclare. J JORDAN EON IS • IS literty at, isedimite arnithSald P and Gnaw aultable tor anatbluery. on band: leeiraln nr.ne. noD • aszTEws ,riiiNSENG PANACEA! io TllemE SUFFERVect WITH DISEASFD r 1.1.7PW5.-1 - be unprecedented comes which kw =ruled the non of the MZ!=l a all dot varier. Jonas whicii lentation of Ott lantit aic titome., nu induced -the pniptietor again to cal) atten on to We . • WONDERFUL PRIa'ARATION_ • . - The rhan,raltle weather which markt car fall and wtntrr mouths, ir always a fruitful ...tee 41 • COLDS AND.COUGILs. ra=t=2== MEM= The qeettion. Men. how .halt we nip the destroyer to the bud! how , shall we get clear of our coughs and oldsLis of vital importance to the public. . • TILE 6RLAT AND ONLY REME DY will be found to the Gicisesig Puttee... In proof of this we Imre Proui ulna to tone published the certificates of dozens of our heat known citizens, who here aspen timed its curative powers. These, with • moos of n s timoup (rain all porta of the emus LDICA.I., MEN OP THE 147...4V I ATANDLNO, "aliment of the gospel, An, together with copious on. [tees from the JOUILNALS OF.THF. DAY. we havm embalied in pamphlet form, and may be had gnus ol.y i e l if j gy m =l , l.l y r , oX rr scut L the cotintry• hale been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND 'FENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Mama and Canada, and we ohs lenge exy Inan to point out SINGLE INSTANCE n whit:, when taken according todirectiona, and be, fore the L ung. had become over tailed iv. EFFECT A tOteEcr CURF WIty, thee, mnd the artieted hesitate! •. by resort le the psi-'ruble nostrums, goltrin up ir. a imtivid. ual, u Pir the aseumriltiaMeof mane ea phr. unilpuffed into nat./liey by certifies - . p e r. sons equally unknwn! Whilst • medicine Of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY to to ire had, whose vouchentre neigh. bors.,—ruiroy of whom it bar, SNATCHED FROM THE GP AYE In molar that this invalusifile mmlictoe may be placed within the reach of the poor .'well the rich, we here Sat the price at ORLY , FIFTY CZATII, last One. half the usual cost of cough medicines. it m for sule by our agents in oesilY every ht.n and village over the weft s who tie prepared to r :ye fall informa tion relative to IP I'. SALTP.R., !ropritter,. Broadway, Citicrinati, Ohio. S,MORRIS & Co's, BLACK wfunso MK, for J the coping press Tku steel e' rocrortiofif pens ,e 'xpe4 tot J s denoted to the mustfacture, on an extenaisto scale, poi m uncle suited to all the purposes of theCOIIII6RICG The perfection of this writing Ink condos in the fol lowing properties: Igs-torn-to which propiprtylf will be found to surpos all previous peeps boil, It will flow wit], perfect freedom either from. gut' or steel pee., arid is entirely fru from soy corrosive] gulities. Coloa-The robe of this article le a ich beautiful, blue black. It is necessary, however, to give modem curs the follorring in k ( . IrrAllgood black ink. from tie necessary ehemieaf cyoutution, requires exposure to th e air to impart si deep color. It must not, therefore, be expected, that the raiment the Route is opened, the ink will be found to beta Jet blaCk, The posh appearance will he pale But Care exproure us the chemical action of Op ammo, pherechither oO paper or In the Inkstand, it will/ anus brilliod black Inte..d Puictuacr-The color is unalterable by the lapse of time. It will Mr., lade. On ads acclaim, all Im portant records ahould by made in this article. as years only deepen and etrengthen il• tint N This ink Is suitable for all kind. of metallic , pens, and for pens made of quills, and who la Impor tant and very desirable with many, will give a perfect impression by the coyiress. Dr-We ar e uric g p . tn the ngp ns ititution with 'which Wit are connected, Morns' blue black roiling ink, and in respect to fluidity, brilliancy of color and,urturiency, believe it superior to any ink wo have heretofore med. A Thurston, coital', bank of Louhrolle; Warr Rich. anion, cashier Nonhern bank of Rentucki;tGeo C Gwationey ca•hier, bank of Kentucky; L. Ii fihreve, pr e erident of the Ou bent; Thee L Helm, clerk of Bar rn county court; Crown Pope, clerk of Jefferson coun ty court; P U Atwood, secretary; Fireman's Iniurance Company; John Muir agent .Lecuiron Insurance Co; troodwin,.seely Ponlang Dry DOI & Insurance Co; DCI Chambers, me'y Funk Fire to Marine In surance:Leo; J It R ' hymer ire rer Louimllle Saving. Instltutirin. . A supply of theabove ink, Just received and for odo by JOB JOHNSTON &STOcirront - • Type Voundry.„ • THE mliscrihers bare token the Type Foundry, No' re/Gold street, and will dontinue the. businem late ly tog/hided by Robert Taylor. They will attend to all orders with punetunlity anddespotrit All the typo • manufactured by them will be Ilandeast; and they will fah:shall kind* of Pnutcre materials, of the best guilty. - Mr. J A T Overend is still employed in auperintend ing the manufacturing department. Proprietors of newspapera, who have not advertised for the subsenbej, who may publish this indica Pt , th ree months, will bee titled to receive their pay in typo, on purchasing five thou the amount adieu bills fur ad vertising. . • ' Old type taken in exchange for new RI 9 eta pm lb. Charles Whiting, WIIITING &TAYLOR, Theodore Taylor, (Su - tremors to Robt Taylor,) 'snip . corner Gold and Ann am 5•11.1•21 , riondly Medicines In Ohio. WsettronesonObio, Jan) . 27, Joh Ad . aE. SEL,LERS—Your Vermin's° 14 unequal!. 111 ni IS a "worm destroyer," and has given entire saustuction to 01 who hays Mid occnion to no it.— Your -I..hrsr Pills are also • gaining a high reputation kens Year. respectfully, Coves tic MATS. ZdoCcursemsvuti. Ohio, Jim) , 27, 1540. kle R. li. Sellers—Your Venuifuge sells remarkably int, and has maned dm Nil confidence of all who uso so, also, tits Cough Syrup.. Yours mini . Prepared and .old by R. It feller, N 0.67 NVaod Pohl also by Dr. Cramer, Bth Ward, D. U. Carry, Ma racay, and Wm. I. Paatb, Terapenuemille. real WAPS, Se., m More mid for why L by Joel Mohler, pronto., ear. Wood and falt stet Joles liturelte Nymph Soap; Amandin fur Chapped Hand.; • • Zouesal's do • do do; Superfine Sharing Cream, Woe & alMond; •o. 01 Narrow Ptuaanoto; Cold Cream; t , Now Tooth Paste; • 'te Cologne Water, flue eXtraei thr the hand farebbf, /W. ' lishlo 1110KE HOllBE—Havingiakee the luge and com p mabous Smoke Home and Bacon gunebouse ad. towing our Warehouse, on Me Canal Haslet, we an pre.. pared to smoke sad store bum en nameable terms: KIER It ]ONES, marl . Canal hubs, nearrib at. TRANSPORTATION LINES. I Iforahnuirs , :TriMosportarlos Lino. 1848. Sterlia.,. rotii sox ramorotrumor or itraromtro. Amp PRODUCE TO PHILADELPHIA A BALTIMORE. GOODS consigned to our eat. will be forwarded, withtilelay at the lowest current rates. Bingo( Lasting transmitted, and all instructions ,promptly abi tended to, free from any cites charge for storage or commission. C A kicANULTY k Co-Prop . rs mail Canal IlasimPinsburg&:., . DIERCILANT/P WAY FREIGHT LINE. 1848. (Formerly tidied Pickworth & Co's Line.): Gourstvara IrOrt.3.I6I . I..THPORTAIpI UP Wankinitr '011,!1°.1*. intermediate places. Chm boat snll leave the warehonw of C A lticAnaity & Co, Canal Basil, Liberty airoet, Pittsburgh, every day (Sunday. ex4eptad.kand elliptic. can always de. pend on having grew goods forwarded without delay, Ind at Li n e ams. This n was formed exclusively for the - special ac commodation ' o ref way business. The Propnetors, thankful for the dry liberal patronage they boor re ceived daring theltut two ye-ars, wohld respectfully nit form their old chitome. dm public general that they have extended their facilines,during the past win ter, and are now better prepared to emcommodate • it in Creased business: 11107811R08, R lICANAN & CO. • WM STITT, G SITITr WM EULTZ,_ JAMIE A LORE, JOHN MILLER, • MNDI,E & MeDOWELL. Y A VI 'min . & Co, canal barb, Pitt. RII CAN AN, do Johnson A JOHN MILLER • do Hollidalig • HORRELL & SIYSTINGER,da Arrraitsraw—Pittaburgh—Staith & Sinclair, & J Mollevit 02c J H Shoonberger, It Robinson& Co; R Moore; Burley & Smith; Joh, P a rker Wm Lettmem.l Jordan & Sou. taniltf RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 18,48.ME.#61a DOI vassavoursvos BETWEEN !PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. illE Proprtetort of this old listeblished and first 1 nimble Boat lifne, having' rentioved their de pot in Philadelphia, to - a much darger IVareliouse on M erket rt., than they formerly we:opted, and also In creased their room for enrageat Piusburgh, are now iumred . T .. olli!much greater theilitiev to their friends tOtttods eyrie' by this line are not transhipped be tween Pinsbutgh and Philadelphia, being earned en. tirely In Portable Section lkirts. To ehippers of flour ortir_r goats requirtng careful handling, this m of importance. No chugs mule for receiving or shipping or advancing chvges. All goods forwarded promptly, end upon as reasonnblo terms as bg way.oth er 'JOHN MeFADF-N & Co., Canal nIIIIIII Ptllllst., Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVLS fc Co., . '',4e1121 1.V7 Market tr.sl.Commerce et, Phila. • JOHN MeFADEN & Co., Forwarding and Commu nion Merchants, Canal Basin; Peen st., Pittsburgh. • JAM M. DAVIS & Co,Flour Factors nod Commis sion Merehimts 2F Market, and Si Ccurinterce st, Philadelphia. frbJl p - Advaneds daub, by either of the above on Flour, AN not and other descriptions of Merellandive consigned to them. • (chin N7e r r i e C altMlbtFa " un t' eirtrt tfi . 7l=l THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this They will condone to trantact basins. for the line, al their Warehouse on Broad street, as natal, and be speak far It a bond of the pauenake of their fciends. JA3II-.4 STEEL A. Co. ,Philadelphia, Muth lith, ISA& Pens's. and Ohio Trans • • rtatlon• C • Drublf Ih!ilg Lane of EEMEtMBEME ASO .XTrit.l MVO, CLAM': k. THAW. Canal Hawk Pinak.ktak. LEWIS & 1tUT1.M . 215 Market lit-. rtalidetphi • JAS.. HTEEL & CO. ASS, Drum] sues. COWEEN.CLARKE &C. North .1.. Halt. W. PORRICK, Al, IS Wert meet, Nes York. itaarlft, Co.7 . prtnershlp., TIM mtbscribors Mire this day ILSROCII.Ii UICIILeiVe together maim Abe style of Kier Jones, (or di. byrpse oceoutipulnitite bitstness fittinerly carried • SamuelM. Kier, and eabeit aroma:Km:lee of the l i b eral patronage hen-toroth extended to the home. SAMUEL M. KIER, It. F. JUNES. Pittsburgh, Meath 1, 111.19. • KIZR'S POUTABLE BOAT COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF' FIRST CLASS FOUR stx - noN BOATS, FOR PHILADEI.PIIIA AND ILALTINIOREVYACANAI:S* RAILROADS. Wilr .b r ,. ..pa . tL.l i. lo w,.. remte , anti (omitsl freipt to • places 'rub est touch despuch, and at so !Ow tare., so any other :eta:K.46le use. • .• . . . • • 7h5 rtrmlon of ot“ppers wishing to 2,4 Mirk us Du vall:4. Baltimore 1/ItNltt. in• ansaielt a. ourit...alp-menu enatiir us to ram wch aruelt4uniugh in lie sinks than um' othril.on. KIER & Proplrs. Caned Basin, urns M. Piltubh4l: March . UY • L 74 LIM. WK& JIKSII , 7 -Cominisiihun unit forsrardinuhics tinum,huil N% 6olesale, Deaden In Into, Kinn:lSA Salt. le. • , . roll,:coi.h ulvonees on eoneignwn" aarl E W ARILANGEZIEVITi 1 S 4 1 6' . Lim: is is A (: r .ny y , atez ::;:re , r.- ertoehwiTon w e/: 6. 1* the " W•giint , twit:tore there the sat 1, day. with relay,. of horwo, noushoe day mod cures the eertam nmeal of goods is Flye Lay troth Phattdelplo. tv 1) LEECH Co&, Caatal Piti.burgb. , 11-r4 RBIS k LEECH. 13 and 1.5 sonth tr.l riamle!phis. We will reretpt for ficri. It. produce, Oc4 datly, to go throtie6 by the above lore niter the 31st inst. 1) LEA/CH Co. 'fn.,. ~r , .., ,, ,,, 4... ',. 774=1:m ... ~ tr jr, 3oooffl o ; 0 .; i2 l . 2 au v, c i sl• a-Ii -- ..I..de puo . '... ..' ..'''''' ;it._ To Phllade • VIAANIJ 1/An0ut....,! lIFIRY PRAFF & Co. Canal Biotin, 113/burgh.- DI:T11.11, 111:A1PIIREVS Cu. No lit 11Hirket C. C. H. Hoods, tenor North kOnratogs sO Balt / Jou& F. Clarke, \o 13, (lid Slip, New York,, I\l'OTlCE—The style of OlOr firms will be lamismi from 11 and after this dale, Pit.toirgh, as Henry Graf & Co, and.ar Philadelphia. as Dana. Humphreys& Co. • HENRI GRAFF. • NI:MIL:ND 1 CHAS. HUMPHREYS, HF-NRY GRAFF, Pittsburg . mental' --• 18. lasses Ar r .5g.. ..i.t irIBvi4t.r.B4CLVEEAD,iIiitiT4AS:sJL;IT THE Steen:loos+ wraorr, 'Caw. J. C. Remand, will n, donna' . Do itation of ISIS, between Cleveland I Sault Ste Mane. op:Mowing marmot, touching at Mackinac and inte 'ate Kaesseact way: Leaving Cleve, every AJoinlay. as - 7d•.M. .lis Detroit do Tuesday at 18A. M. Ds Mackinac do Thursday at 7',A. M. Returning, will leans Dual Ste Mane every Friday, at In rielbek, A. M. and Mackinac .t 10 o'clock. P. M. and leave Detroit every Sunday evening. for Cleve land, at 7 001000. I W. A. Otis 1 Co Agents. te. BRADBUFLNCA Co. F i ' ret '''' GRAVES di. WICKWARI. Demist it McKNIGIIT, Sault Ste Ilan.. . . • - - . The Detroit has beenthoroughly repaired and refit ted the past mutter, and the public may rely upon the performing Mhos tnpsvrith punctuality as advertised. fetalthei Y 11,WARD. Milla r . 1848. Tp.APISPORTATION ONE. . :To and-Bum Beetern clues. via Cumbeitentl. 'TILE procorietont of this poitoulat atm. hove once tbei J. re.organlaation lonielytinenr.od their faitllties t • meet the wiohee of shlppers; and ere now prepared At forward • greater =hunt by the FIVE DAY LINE' ae .to by aittlitioual regalia vragnor at low rates. This lin a will run throughout the- year, dellverin, goods throsih the agent. in Baltimore and Pittidorg' to owner. and constgueos et epeethed rates end tone. Shipment. from Philadelphia fur the hue should to. marked' Tare, I Li Robinson, Baltimore." egrota arc 'The ' dr J I ROBIN ON, - PJ Baltimore. S Cho rips . tilad t i .o. : fe ' S' Fax v i :ci ß iA77 4N r.• i k ß:l7ll'l 43 :ll l eryt . h. -- Y :, a , uv1,,~, VICLIPSE TRANSPORTATIONINN— .Ed he rropriatom of thisporular L. bade changed the Agra) al Cumberland from the hoewii,,C.,lleKeig & gm win that of Edgerton A Co. Inttaburgh and western merchants aresolled that J Ilay• ty Hohmann. No Vl /sleuth Clarke ml, Nan:more. authorised vent of tins Lion in the Fie! arn Owes. The only agenS nr• J C BIDWELL, Pittrborgh, U %V CASS. Browlisedle, EDGA ETON # Co Cumber! and, ROBINSON, Baltimore, GREEN & CO.'S EXPRESS !.‘ rata, haw was, nontia, AN/JILL]. astirsan miss. MENCHANTS and others sending goods aro illlollll. ed that this is the Wiest, glares., dint Most ripe. diuous Liar going East; connecting with Adams& Colt Expreaa daily , Ca ,at 'whore. Through receipts will be given to any of the shove places. blerohandish and packages of any glue 01 weight forwarded.- Kapp.. Blow daily at 3 r. W. II a VICKERY, Anat., Rt.-Cliarlet Rotel Buildings, wood al 1::13::1:1111!!!1:IIIME - no. 356 STRUT IlliCami.l.lll, 110ATICW34 MINE, ;:'.-i8 /ON TIN, T 31.41.1 1 1/111,21011 Or /11.1. Aln/i t 5 ,1 DIKE TO A FllO 11 1 . 111LADtiLl'IlIA, KALI . ' I 01 NEW-YORK AND BOSTON. 117 — All. *lode of Mery beadle ri emmigned to K. Fret; l'hilodelphis, or to J. Fornm ft Co., l'ittaborgh, will be promptly forwarded free of tolianissiollll. mars a i 846 . earn 1847 10 TDB NET BY MONONGAHELA' ROUTE • VIA BROWNSVILUI t CUAIIIERLAND., TIIE andersixned are Dow prepared to forward prO • J. date, Ae.,to the rauoratlarketa daring, the atm jog WiMpf, on the awat . favorable lOW., by, this pipe ditloaa route. • ••• • • All property eonsurned toos will be forwarded su the lowest rotes and with despatch. • Merchandise neerred b 1 dug route promptly for smog& LC BIDWELL, Agh., Pittsburgh. W CABS, Brownsville. 110•2/ EAMON & Co,Cumbarland TRANSPORTATION. liiiiraTip lin CS 'WA:PACKET =CM 1848. BEAVER AN - DOLE:VELA:4D LEVE i ro. WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Caps. Fond. OCEAN, Capt. Walters. ONE of die above Packeui leave Beaver every day, (Sundays excepted( and arrive next morning at Warren; where they connectsvith the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before night. One of-the Packets Imre Warren daily, at 5 P. 51., and arrive it Bearer in time In take the n'a l ' ' ' &l'gri:Vi t, Plll P A W VeltWarren Mlt TAYLOR, ti Proprit' rs. BF:AVE.:it AND GREISVILLE LINE. Canal Packet—PEVTONA., Cap, lbown. e 4 FASHION, Capt. W P Sayre. 'One ['Tule above Packets swill leave Beaver every citing. (Sundayirekeeptedl at 7 o'clock, and arrive at rcenville the :next roorning,at II o'clock; add one eves Greenville every afternpon all o'clock, and nr" vet at Deaver the next momma at o'clock—through 10 hours—towed by learns, (three horses each) !lo aned every In miles. At Greenville they connect • lb a line of Smite, through to Xleadville and Eric. • The boats are entirely new and bulk expressly for sl+ trade. DEED, PAIUiS & Co, Seaver, Proprietos., HEAVER AND NEW CASTLE. . . Cana! Packet—TELEORAPH, Capt. Win Alllillin; Leaves Beaver every wonting (Sunday, excepted) at a o'clock—leaves New Castle every evening (Sundays excepted) at.: o'clock; and conuectutg with the steam is Lake Etie and Abel4tin, running betweea !leaver nd Pittsburgh. HELD, PARES& Co Bevies, rroprielom Passengers will be receipted thriougb by either of the above routes, securing berths in the' packets tiu'd crate hi the stage, by application to either of the proprietors or agent , . JOIE4 A. CACI:HEY, Pittsburgh; • cOr..Water and Smithfield sit. AGF-NTS:—Rectl : Parks tr. Co, Beaver; It G Parks & Co, Youngstown, O; • Coma & Lefrusprell, _Warren, It W Curminghans, New Coyle, Pm D C Mathews, Polaski, Pa; WC M a l ®; S haron, Pa; Hay. & Plumb, Sharpsville, P. 111'Pa/hold and King, Ulg flood, C C %Vick, GreenSille, Po; • ; • C M Deed, Erie, Ka. 'UPI( LAKE ERIE: AND LINE. 1844. HIS well known Litre, composed of metaphor. T Lake Erie sad Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and freight and passenger Canal Boats be tween Ilenchr and Erie„ and Chi Reed's line of first class stcamboats,,propellers pod vessels en the Lakes, is prepared to carrylreight.Surd passengers to all points on the ElieEdo, Canal, and Lakes Huron and Alicia. g.. Flamag every facility for eonveying freight nod pas sengers with promptness and dispatch, the prpfinetor nd agentinspectfully solicit from their friends a eon 1111111te of their patronage, C M R REED Proprie • tor. ILEAT,FAIO l!eaipp.Agents. .ICW.i.e - it - Carl*: ... , Agent;, car Watar awl &W .Id us, Pinsbutgh. 71 .* =31:21 1848. I.IF:PWF.EN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. 3Lontaa, Pittsburgh; R.D. PAWS 2,,C0, (k.,Teri }Propr's. etas , . lin & E CRAM.I.y.e, Cleveland THabove Line is nosy prepared to traneport freight and paesengere from Pslatturgh nod Cleveland,' or any point on the C.ahl and Lake.. Onn boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, inn. ning in connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and Michigan. bitweetrlbusburgh acid Beaver, and a line of beet class eteamboate, propellers, brigs and schoom eta oat lake, Ene, Ilumn and !Mehl's& Property forwarded to my part of the Union with dispatch. by WhL T. MATHER. or ' 1011 S A.CAUGHEY, Agents, nor Water and livanitheld Ms, Pittsburgh. AGENTS:—IIeed, Parks Heaver; • 110 Parke & Ca, Vottniptown, 0; W Cotes tr_CO, Warren, 1) llostvick A OK ltreadpotc, , A It N Clark, Hessian Vail., Linda, Newport; J & E hl Whittleley, Campbellaport; J O 51 . 1fride.,Kavenne; It C H Kent, Franktum . ik Tuttle, Cuyihoga Fall.; A'heeler & Co, Akron; Harney, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; • • IV atkins It Eagle, Toledo; • s ; & Co. ,enrols, hitch; M'Clure & Milwankie, Wir, II J.Winsloyr, Chicago, IIL apt/ PIT TSU VD.GII PORTABLE BOAT LINE 1848.11/1M rnaaajoondtion . orreiol wand fro= prri SIWRI; H , PIIILADP .Plll.t.l.l.ALTlklidill. N. L. YORK. lUMPON, he.. , Ituis & Calm Plubnielphia. znor O'Ctixxon, qu; is old edablodwd lane bean; now .to taul ur,c. • t,ou, the propneanra hare wade cite:o4re Arrange rnen.,o sorwarsl goods and produce .th despatch. allti on th rano favorable term,. They ponfiLlearly hope the r well known pratroptue. in delayed. pa....la—pe cauar +atm omode of earrytag— c apacious warehou. a. .h pu n alionbug acroomludationa to *tappers and at ~.81.111. of pro-fuer—together oath their long exp., neure and onretnJui.an , anion to business, will secure to tht ni a contionanee,of Yrif liley patronage they laumuy gratefully sekno, AP rortannartent• by 4.1.1 for 1111M1 lice receared. char ge. ;-.1. and forwarded ut any re'quared direetron+ in -e of t./..rgu IV, ertandnaptint, urheanclus dWrape. No were., &reedyJr ”fdirrrOy. an steamboat, Ate orninunleehonernanyh, onendell to tot rtmliest 114ii r; the In:brain; Lis EIS DOE A 1. , .V311....7.7. Market et Ph.ladelphia. (fC0;10.11C, Latin VOL,hurgh. 1 /, ACiNOR, & North at, Baltnantre. %VII It. ‘VIL. , ON, Cedar st. New York. aria",_ • • ,PASSENGER ARRANGEMENT. res”asylressl• Castsl & fond press Fast Packet Line, 1 , ,48 • I'ITTSMAAI Ti) Pllll.lALlit.l.lll.l &LIM, - . TIMORE, ():clusively for Passengers.) rTilriitati7c:ce:toriontj ' eat the lino , throughout th, Stai.on. Ti e boats are nos, am! of 2.4,4,ert0r era., with en cabins, which will pre greater'comfol t. Tho cars ate the latest follSltUrtlOn. A ,rd always be in port, and tri.Yeler• are re que-iril to coil and examine th em before dog - Aqui,. pas-, sags <iv' where. tally nine dollars throub.) One Otitis boats of this LAIle ntli leave the landing lopposita U Slate', corri•ir of rem street:soil Canal, e eery night At nisit Time trayi- For infoms/tion, apply at the oa,. e , Alp,ougihrie (lunar. or to G 1.1)ECII it Co F. -.burgh. March ir2. 1.4 4 . Canal Hain. Ice•lara Transportation Company 1848. o,2 . l,:f.tfit'h td C I 1 1848: To ell ILADFLPIII.4IIALTIMORE R. NEW YORK txxiirstv.4l.4 AND 01110.11.... 101103. A (r uin p to traneport good. and produce to and the above 'mica on taeorable throw. Ad dret• or apply to D. LEECH It Co.. Canal Beam, Pttothurrh. 114M1. I LEWD. No. 6. 13 South Third at, Phrl. J. TA YLOR t SON, Arta,No 11, N'th Howard at, Dalt. A .kIIIIOIT L Art, No 7 Watt street, New York. PI tub urgh, March 19th, Ist, maelo momma Paaaengerand alreeligilLAMS Oat.. aILANIIDEN tc CO. comm. to bring persons from arty part of iltgland, IrelsmoL Scotland or W•lea, upon the tota l liberal terms, void their ambit punctuality and attention to the want. and corn. fort of e tnetig maw We do not allow ourpaseengere to be robbed.by the swiedling 'scamps that infut the wa pont, a. we take cheep of them the moment they re port themsehres, and see to their wellbeing, and de 'patch them without . .y.detetigun by the Ent ships.— We ..y this Tearleuly, as we defy one of our passen ger, to show that they were detained to boors byes to l.worponl, whilst thotseands of others were detained trawths, until they could be sent iu some old craft. at • eh; p rate, which loolrequently proved their COlfin.ll. We intend to perform our contract* honorably, cost arbrit it may and nut. Kt as woo thecase last citron, wltt ether ottleept,--who ekher performed not all, Or when it suited their convenience. Drake drawn at Pittsburgh for any aaarfran 4.1 to .! t ie , vr . t i a . v . ittekil Bantle la lea lan!. JOSHUA. ROIllliSONi auttrjeneral At, feta Path street, one door below Wood. • IIIIPORTANT TO THE LADIES—Chime Haw Cream, a matchless article for the Growth, Halsey and Ili...oration of the Hair. Ili. Cream, wLeo once known, will oupereedeitill other article. at the kind now used. When the hair. is •dead harsh, thin, unhea/thy, or turning grey;• kW applicanons will Ma e rho hair NM and dark, an d give it • lamina! lively appearance; and will Rhin make tt retain Its bow !Mew and healthy color taken as long as all the prep.. canons winch me generally'? need. Livery lady aim gendentan who are tn dahlia u s ing oils on Ihelt hatr, should at once purer , a nettle of the CM new Hair Cream, as it Is so co posuittlhat ti; will AM injury the hair hke those other p u s, bat will begun') it, and give pocket saiislannoniefifery:Lruitane. Portestimony to its very supbriur mantles, see the following letter from Rev. ItVjCaldwell, in Messrs. Ilenderahott A•Strcich, Nashmille;Deneral Agent. fat she Western Sister • Later from the Res, it. Caldwell, pastor of the Pre. hyleiiint Church, Pulaski. • ' Meter*. Ilendershott tc Ptr7i--Gentlerment I take In adding my testimon ilv favor of the excel. lent, preparation called Ile. atish`e Chinese Hair Cream—for about two years i MM, ray hair was very dry, heftily, and disposed to ennui m t; Out having pro• cured a bottle of the Cream, and: lista it according to the presctiption, my hair is now 'son, chistio and Linn to the head. Many balsams and ads were applied, each leaving tut hair in • worse stale than before.— Tk,,,csgant o however, ho • met my expectation. As an article for the Toilet my. Wife give. it prefer. enee over nil others, beta delicately perfumed, and not dwposed to rancidity. 'the ladies especially will rind. the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their pre,pafi tation• fur the tenet. Respectfully, An , • Palaski, Jan. 7, 1147. R. CALDWELL. lirtiold wholesale and retail, in Pittsburgh, by Johb M. Townstml; No. 45 Market street, and Joel Molder corner of %P.M And Filth stream • MIDI: . , • a, a it. pulLiaps, SICN AND tak:Anuswcr vAitcrEns la nod tilexime..—Pe to bare painting or glanng dune with acetone and despatch, will please invo OA IL. 'they will Gad It to their advantage, for we ere hilly prypurod to do work as low am ally house he two e.t.a can or will du it, at No 3 Wood street. N. U.-We with ii to he Ullthq.ooll that we have not quit Ma painting and glazing, no wine of our molt zealous (mods gave bean telling the public gee rally that dm wore going to retina from Mat brunch of our Matinees. We me more tally prepared to tramact the padding and glaxing than we ever We'd. • apa <elf. Jk II PIULLIPS. SE {ie. gronteet of al Minn medieiner! NSW 1.1111.,0/110, Jan. e, tab , to certlfy mat ann. tieing dilferent prepem. Min for expelling worins, I bought of C. F. {Edam, of New Lisboa, tWo vials of It I Vermitege, and Sava the coincide of one vial to three of toy children. .From the hmt, aged tl year., it expelled 45 warms; Rom the second, r.{ years old, VP, and from the third P.{ Haan old, Iltr, making Mk annum ea yelled by until DUI ono v I recomiocad Fellers` Vent:Ml.4o as a tale add our of the molt effectual Wonit medictuee be brae the public I , {luau lifoanow. Prpared and sob! by E•SELLERS, No . 57 Wood green Sold lip Dr:C.ooo,sth ward; hi Carry, Al. egheing; William 5 Smithi Temperancevillin iale nnnnn ilouso Tailoring Estab. lislnont. 'ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, beg, to in- I form the citizens of Pittshurgh told others, shot he lo now opening at hi. rooms on Smithfield Street, un dertheaboverioter,alargeloud beautiful assortment of Cloths, usimema Satiny Sllksomd other Vesting.; together with such other article s as are required for gendemen'rernir. Ills goals have been carefully se lected, and am of the newest andAinst iashionable style, as well as df superior qualitlr: llis customers may depend upon Laving- clothes made up to • manner which *act fort, to gran) , the taste of the meet festidlows•—;• . • erltly MEE MISCELLANEOUS. Nursery Stock For Bole sin: Subscriber offers for wile his entire Mock, in lots to snit purchasers, at very reduced prices = foe collection is riot equalled for a select and extensive "variety, in'thelVestenicosultry; containing marivriew," rare and valuable plants, eonsisangto parr of Camellia, iSaponierts. large lioesTins . gluts, from 3to 0 feet in' 'height. Cactus, Auloes. beraniums, Month. Ne'mette Chaster, Perpetual Alms, Tieing or Pillar Moms; the fine...A[llost esteemed .0M eultivation., The Dahlia list contains the most shisarey and linearize soßs grown; Flower Roots, a large variety; Vines, be at shrubry, shade trees, e ar be. Amateurs, Nursery and other, who want s, to decorate their ywi., g ard ens, s, pleasure grounds, or green Louset, arc respectfully invited to examine the colleetion which is open to visitors, except on Sunday. Cu:lupin. by the omnibus and greenwood ferry. Descriptive ;pp, sem fly emu!, or may lo n hod at our stud, ho 't Diamond 'Abates, where orders lell with us, or by mail to Pittsburgh Pow 011ie, will be promptly attend ' mil to. John Witham. a practical yardingr, will attend to planting ;Made thes, laying ofgardmis, Sc.. Orders !eft as above. t JAS. WARDROP, marlOttlinawlitT Slanebesteri near Pittillaggh. I Ito, 111A,Y, Innerly of Bog ft) . , rilfFeitifo ' - &Co • - •• .... Cizelpflati, O. kfo. A. It...rrt • -.•...:-Zantrfillle,O. Clue. 0. Con ' New Orleans, 8E.111.1', BROTHEII..t. CO., Genr.al Ciimmts•lon PlereFkarits Jrort trio SALE kat) roaw,trntm or ===C:= • - No. 31 Poster= Street, Ncto Orkans. area TO Ikleabrc Mania & Co, Bithkerv, / N.O. Jamvsl.ltfiregar en, " David While & Co, tdadfwn, lL " Flliak &form, Banker , " . Dares & Eraser, • Cincinnati. • lll'Kenzie, Ee9, II N Kearney, E.nq, Hanker, Zartearille, 0. D APlhntalit & Deed, Parlor & Co.lleaver 1'; Wheeling, , & Co, 2 riwba r g k, W k At m,wt,dt, — iteiaton Mode of nesting Houses. 11- G. DEXTER, of Lkl4loll, hes arranged and pa tented a plan for heating houses, which has been successfully URed in Boston, Mu York, lec., and wher ever applied, has received the decided preference over stoves, tr.:maces, he. he advantages ate -Ist. Greet regularity of tentpereture. Yd. Freedom from srooke.• gd. lioNnpleusent dryness. 4th. Easily attended to and not liable to get out of order. .. . . stb. Great durability. A model arid epeeiSention may he men, and apyara • . obtained, at the copper and uuware factory ut ' • Wlll /I SCAIFE, l'lral at. fiblsin ' between wood and maker. ivionG ci rig . c = ou en cig cough. From the Temperance Danner, Nov 3 kV. Cod e's Sacr.—Wo are not in the. habit of puffing, muc taking patent medicines, bet wofeel depos ed to recommend hlorgares Syrup to those whoa are abet ed with a cough. After having tried the moral reme die. to remove a constant and diatreming cough, Mat hod for several days allbeted one of our children, with out surecas, we were induced to try Morgan's cough syrup, and by it relief was obtained in a few hours It proved to be the Noumea id this ease at least. Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprtem, JOHN D MORGAN, Druggiat, fen/ wood sk 1 door below dranortid alley. A Challenge to the World. riIwENTY,FIVE DULLA Ittiwill be paid to any ate 1. who will produce atrot of paint, grace or dry, that cannot be extracted with Ilnir's Improved Chemical Soap, t I have the saustaction of paying . . the people of this piece, that this article, by my own impvement oh it, mow wands unrivalled ingthir country fa r es i - acting grease, tar, pitch, oil, paint. or- any other greasy sub. stance, Irma all 1.e./a of gent:eater:a Cr ladies' Ci 0 1 10.75 carpets, table Cloths, ChM o shawl., ladle,' bonne., he. without iodating anything that pure water will not Wince. More than one thousand pervoua to different [mats of the country have told me they would not be rest it; if wee.t one dollar per cake. In uvtag this Soap on more Wan 5.0 moles of light silks, satins. pactas.and calicoes, I have only found three pieces at /alit two ofedpacen, and four of calico... which it thanved anew therefore before pattingt on a light att., try othiple of the dress first. I Slam due acute I l dcwonintgl bat to recommend It tiny stronger thm know to be 'Sway true Jl Prier, tot et. per take. Sold, wholesale sad retail' by It E BELLEtte, decel. 57 wood st PEACE! PEACE ' "Or 01 .2ICO, at 'BUT EVFMY 110DESTEAD. TUE unders:gued Ems . long been convinced of the necessity for some medicine adapted to the use of Claldrest and Infa eon nts to superccde the use of all those teed 7:1 . 1 o o p t ' fcrino ny d :re p, co o• m th s :d ' i: cies fully answenng every purtate Ibrulldiseuca of die bowels, without the use of that deleterious drug. of ant otter calculated to swore in the least. The lama t hot been ful:y tested and tried, the last twelve raneths. by numerous persons. and found to possess ill extiaordinnry and to produce all the astoa whing crests Os set torth on the bill of directions. Di a:rlora, Von, Griptag. ! tnveases arudna from smhing, Octik unmethately without din:orbit:sr ahy of tire tam-Lona Of the body, producing the haiquest. and ~,,, . plearutt transition :nun vielent yarn to tranquil andjoyous state of feel- Mat in the little sutler... To be gad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. 1011 N t•AitGANT. Ihuggivt and Apothecary; John , Mitelsell,lThott h lleetham, mai most other Druggists it Alleale'Vny and Pitts:mg-0 des-13 I ELI.ItIt'S 1511 . 1:11L L COUGH SVlll.7l'.—lt has potter to ruse! 4.1 - rrsticatilt. Feb. 11, 1..17. 11. 11. S lo avaausa—My wig, Leo for years been subject ts cotsh. tlCl,lllpellied with n,Oll/..1. foe the rare of which - the used mderent eough reinedies , . sod laud narice of -the most cimilestv physicians in England. but all was uouvedum. Dy clitmee 1 heard ad your In: penal Cough Syrup. h o d'was induced to boy • bottle for trial. although 1 hod ocibelief that anything couhr remove bee complaint. 'fo my great surprim, MO dose. gave hes tinmedoste relief. She is at Wiles mottled -oda a cough. out 111r0 lealpOr.l , o.ll of Syrup :tiara FA *tops It. I tan satisfied, after ulna' of titre:3 , er tour years. that Seller's Cough Syrup ill the best conch menicire I have <tar tried enter to the Old or N ! Car Ifurid. Wat. FAMOUS.; elllll Ward, city of Pdubargh. Ths ,vacate should induce all who are mudded •with rough or asthma m mee: ni the Syrop wwis sl. 'lt navy ho hod :or cents 'et at the drug • E SELLkiIIIS7 wood . at 104 netTy—erblaootir:cOn'i-dertl Custom pons and most fachtunable lO f rater, and rotors .lira T 111: 0111 , 41 . KOLL, Of 131-Sci ft/N.III.IND, on burol or made to order or all sixes sail at ail places. Country gdocchanot and others are tnvited il l cll and etaanne the above for ebrurielves, as ail wil be Will wintiroale,Or reterl, and a liberal deduction made to whotesali;Purchoturs. sutdty A N F.t,Pt.tiVELT • . GLOBIOS• OttINWS TERRE& fIAL GLOBES, coatainin all late dieleetries, and Osogrnphical improcements; alm the tracks of the most ettebramd cirementatigntore Com piled .fron thwth's new Ewen), (Lobs, obis edition*. and ' otopommumis by Auaio & bone,. limited by Ito,well Park. IA/ItINCO3 CELESTIAL GLOBES, ...Mi.; GIG. known Man, Isabela, toe. Compiled from the wort. of s•I ollodon, ThmOsd. De La Cailk. Mediae, Mayer Da-W -ith Ilenchel, Matkelyne elm tratimmiont of Got Ar.hotwato tool Society of Loudon, he, 4e. Esout Smith's New Eng lob Globe. Johnston& Stacktem bon just received • few pairs of Oa above Chobes,varytmg in sixes Ipair in melt s itidiamtur, o : I " ormi globes .. American, Cho:axle, etud Immo] copy. deell Pit TOWNSEND'S SAIt3AItAGILLA.- 50 doxen just received of Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparille. the moo extmonlinery medicine in the world! This Ex. I net is pat up of tplart bottles. his six times cheaper, pleataumr, and wyramell toperior to any POW. 1-1 Cores M.o. Without vomiting, purging, extolling, Or debilitating patient Loot ore ton buttroom—Unprincipled persons hove copied oar labels, and put up Lcine in the same thapedboillm See that each bottle has the written sig nature of Townoend. It. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 47 Wood GreG, between T and Fourth, is Dn'Cotrusend's only vrholesalo d ot etail agent for Potaborgh, of whom the •geouine article can be bud. • • •• • . IA.II. Clang bag been appolltted the sole Root for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be ap4 • A . STRONIJ EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S. PI O— I E....TOILNNT is sUrer.or to all other remedies for Coughs, Constimption, Dronehitis, Asthma, mot other fultair• otry affectime, is that the same parmas who commenced the ma of it in their families tau years ago. still pßfir .11 other reenediesafthe kind; and whim any ham been induce) to try other preparMoni they him almost 'amiably Ma ateappointed at moments the Mott which sou reasonably entemateslfran the high puma" bestowed by dm propate tom, tad to returned w the Loa of /smas , KIPSCSOIIirr, a ragordy that has timer failed in rthese them, and winch prolhbly weer hid Inimical in arresting pulmonary diorama. I' pared only by Dr D. Jayne Phlladelphia, mot sold ea maucv J 1 Ni• dory I.4artf . COLIRb Si Monuthetusers of /WHINGE, SACKING BOTTOIIB, .; WASSON COVSRS, AND GRAIN SASS or •LL DESCRIPTION! •' NO. 384 South Front Streets Bad: of A.. Wilogm'a Cabinet Watt illanufy Ph iLADtdt A LL ostlers left With S. S.hloon tir office attic L - 1. Me rc hant's lintel, Pittsburgh: wilt be protortlY attended to. THUS. G. DERRY seplo-‘ll4 A. C. NICKERSON 'BOLIVAR BIIICKS. , "LIKYKIIIENCYIEIpuIges, on s trial of two and n half .F.lmillions, since IS; pronounce this article unsur passed for durability to e construction of all kvids or Furnace. Price WATS cash Mr lands MN 51, p ...nett Mouse e months Unites gim (or a second quality Ilottyir Brink a will be eneo‘ted at y.Vpcy 11, W so de sired, without guirontee. A stook of the firstquolity now for sale at Um warehouse, tSloan's Mari.' Ca tort llnsin, by J SHAW 5/ACIAIIM, _nmatt( • Kensington Iron %I:mi. 11.1,111 A uer Ft o Wu giml. Jtrl.i we uuhevtaliugly rurtouuce 11 b!be riot a prates. e—the beg article, waboul any etrephoo, ut toe, (wale reauratiou sad preurnatiou of do heulau bur. •Ws lour of tamer/au wavier. where !nor has been resloml b hulk, which ha,. bewo-b•hl lor years; ua we think we cutoutde greater faeur that,. rccommtna t.s .1i our readers who far ladtig dole hair. ti.,Tio Ite • trod adds Tank immediately Boa. ftfaiL For oal• in PialburFh e tits Rabin Tea Sion. N. 711 rourth Ur. vest glad clag4littuT posy prime llio cotrea; 150 bbl. N 0 Nolosses; 75 lases manufactured toliaccoi 105 half envois green and Wavle was; 75 fl and 111 11, boxes If It and (I I' do.; bears lininali clay; 10 casks salons to.; 10 do. [Kitsch, lopether with a vneral si.sort. eat mof groceries, I cine mid ior sale y • CARSON re ideliNIUllT, Oth.t. AVANNA CIGAII7I-100.000 imported cigar. of fallowing celebrated ',souls, pan to arrive consisting of, Coves, Auliiquedad, ‘Mshugton replias, Rankles, Eroulapie, Dos Amigos, do Foster, London untida, Lord Byron's,ysilla pridelpes, nem boat do, Meta extra do, !Vilna's do, 1.4 11spodera . Ls!: do do y, Unlq La I'almn , Cuaduray PLVI/111TZr' for .ale by fcli7 ear tbnithhold& from or, I• • --•— jLi UPEitilLY' ILLUSTRATED EurrioN OP TILE , O• ARABIAN NIDIITS —Expressly designed for fain. ily reading; of course of publicatieb by Ramer h Bro. there, Yew Rork. To be completed in Wel. parts. Part let just received and for side by JotuorruN h sTUCKTON, comer tillilrkut 144,43 J n. YOU. STICAIII non Ts. - • - DORT/L[ll.H PURGES—A eery cOuveiiietii allele: LUcllowc and all die row can be carried by tee hew dies by women. A km jest reed and um sale by Vi? U Li SUAIFIL i .-:.--I.lltEDIgAli;-:',.]::- CONSWIPT/ .nin th , . 31,k B#wichiti g Pu' lionnean, Pabiudioa • .t.d am*, sore --- 1 4 crap, riir Grata Itearl, . Wlloorllat Cough, ••••mgh s,,o.Tcamors, ver Complmmt, and Diseased Kidaaya t are. radically k cured by, D. Swaynes Compound Byrun or 'Wild Cherry-. • D's mild nod pleasant to die.tasto, perfeetly safe and ~i,o k s si .ija operations, and yet it ts one of the most powerful and certain remedies hir Consumption of the Lungs, COughs, Colds.) Asthma . Spitting Wood; Liver. Complaint, Tams in Me 'Side or &mai and general Debility ei die Constitution, dui wan ever invented by WO skill ioll;man for the rrliefof the affiictml public. Certificates land evidences of Ds wonderful curative powers are dally- received from. all ilnart.rs: It is epoludble to Conceive the aggregate, or auffFriug mis ry Mat halbeen relieseteor banished by 'ir,tior can wis colculniffthe inimetive.benefit that shall acd rue from it herea f ter / All ages, sexes, .eind constitutions. are aLee affeeteil by ft, and the titles. .emilleated from the systeen,"ihe constitution repcdred; and health' me toied by theuse of DA Sweases COOrdroll Stott. es Wax, Cucaliv. How many sufferers "hi we daily be hold eippeos fi hing mutt untimely grave, wrested, in the bloom of yolub, trom their relauves and friends, afflict ed with that fatal malady, COSUMPTION, which wastes die Miserable sufferer av id he is beyond the pownr of Masan skill. If such sufferers world only make a trialof Dr. Sway:tea Compound Emir of Wild Cherry, they would fad i s elvei sooner relieved than by gultung the variou Ineffective remedies with which our newspapers abound; this 'Vegetable lime= dY' lima ulcerated kings,. stopping profits. high) sweats, at she same dole inducum anntural and he expectoration, and the patient soil soon find himself in She enio)xnent ofcomfortablo health. The public should bear in mild that •Dr. Slraylle ie a' regular„practifing ,playaician, and has had years of expeneuce in diseases oldie Lungs, Chest, Ac.. The (origamil and only) gennl ine articles only prepared DR. 8 WA ) NE,. N 1V cor ner of Eighth and Race streets:Philadelphia. , ANOTHER DOME CEZTIFICATE. . . _ Of all the cures that has elver been reeOrded, we may safely say the annals ofmedielnei cannot famish one to surplus this which now stands at a living picnic& the curability o ' f. consumption, even when fur had been despaired of. Sarayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is all itpri t f l aue. prilfesses to be, the `neaten , medieine in die known world. • -The True Ridges of Life is . • Da.‘,Sersvan--I,kar Sib—J.or the good of thepublie, I feel myself duly booed to testify to the peat - cure which yoor Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform ed For my Pert, t feel as if every body ought to known. I will &dieted with a viola"' coasty vo ting of blood, sight sweats, hoarseness, and .punt of the vacs indicat i ng an slanting 'mate of the disease . mY appetite was:gone, and soy strength had SO Cara rd me that my tpanda ami physielanwere persuaded I could not surytve many days. My elver, whowas my anxious care-moot. made Inanity where she would be likely to procurel the most certainerelier She was told that di*. Swayne's Comported Syrup of Wild Cherry failed in the ears, my lit, was then'hopelem. Void medicine was immediately procured, and the first boor, tie one relief, and. by the ume I had, commenced the sink bottle. my,cough had left me and my strength was moth improved, In abort, It has mode a perfect ears 'of me, end Into this presentSitue as hearty a man as I wish, and kin'. Wood reason to believe that the use of your medicine has saved me from a premature grave. I shall be plettied to give any information respecting my case. '1 ht Hawn, 33 cheater at. between mos , and 'WO as, Phila. ' CAUTION! CAUTION.:. • - Consumptives, Bead! Read! Dr. Swaytte's Coupon:n:l • . Syrup of Wild . Cherry• In about the-year IS:l7,l — formil accessary In my professional practice, to compound ...medicinal prepar ation for diseases of the' chest and lungs, posacsyng mom powerful healing properties ihan any other his. no _known for such dioceses. In my QO,II.POUND SYRUP OF WILD CliElirly, I have been very AIMS cessful. The truly astonishing macs effected ny soy medicine soon spread its fume abroady for it owes none of is success to mannfactared newspaper pairs or for. god certificates—dm real intrinsic menu of my cons• pond is the only cause of its pope's:Sp Its extensive sale won excitedlhe envy °lnertia specultilore itt the inflictions of his fellow creatures, so much so that in • .... .... . .. few years from the time that my prepare/roulette intr. deiced to the public :Main great demand, a f ed in this city, finding th at my preparation had gained a high reputation tor its curative properties, tame oat wi th whit tbey called Dr. Wistarl Italia= of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular physician had no more to do with the article than poor Sam Patch. The name of Dr Wistur Detached to make it appear that this ear inesitmetitioner area the original Streator of the prev pennon; stte4 is nOt the fact The shove Sum, the re al inventor sold the recipe and right to manufacture to acme patent medicine dealers m Cu:Lein...4 for the West arid Saudi, and Amami &Mew York for the Eut., who afterwards, it is &awned, sold out to a druggist in Boston--ro the number of bands into which& may have changed la pileaigme. . In some ts they lisaert it emanated f ro m a phy- Udall in Philadelphia; in others, from :physician an blthwichuscua: So it has falsehood and stratagem stamped in every Mature. , There have been a amber anther prepm.tions pm , porting to contain Wild Cherry pot out atone, from the hands ofines7crienev, which the public should guard I against, as they coatia none efthe virtues of tha mom, nal and only genuine preparation, which bears the sig nature of Dr. fiwayue on each bottle. Thep resent . manufacturers of their puts and fain certificates have the daring effrontery to ealthon the publio . swans: ptir ellasirtg My raettleitle, the may truly von.. aro origi nalea„....L preparation of Wild Ch before Me pablici which is proved satisfactorily • the 'pub li c records of the Conaminirealth of Pennsyl nia, as teed ea vari ous other official documents. it 1-1. MAYNE, Inventor rod role P ro prietor - the genuine, Com pound Syrup of Whild Cherry, co, Ilighro and Dace street., Philadelphia. - , Pamphlets ran be obtained gratis, setting forth an array of - testimony that will e 011,111.5 the most . {keen cal of - Uri wonderful virtues of Dr Swaynets Compound Syrup of Wifil Cherry. - Coll and get one, that all May mad. Purchase the medicine, end at cram: i For sale, wholes:defied recoil, by the Agent. Wit TIIORN, &I Market ,g OGDEN tr. SNOWDEN, corner Wood n .d Liberty its; S JUNKS, ISO Lawn) ;' ll• Al FAIINIFISTOCK I Co, corner of First nod Wood and Nxtb , und WOOlij and JOHN' lIIITCUELL, Allechvilyvity. ! '. mar2s Great. Emsll•ls Rented:7' s ' EtOR Coo Ls. Colds. Asthma and Consumption! The A.NOUNLY HCHEBY forth° care 0f... above diseases. is the IRINGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by she celebrated Dr.:Buchan, 01 london,Faiginnit, and introduced boo the United States under die immediate superintendence of the inventor Yi The eitraordmary , success of this medicate, liu cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ca ses that can be found in the community—.cams that seek relief-In vain from any of amens...en remedies of the any, and nave wen given up by the ITIOSt distinguished physicians as confirmed and mcniabla The Hangarb. 'ogis ' a ' "Ptiliirlia n i d litraTtMattirs/aits Fi . medicine. of known and estisfishe'd efficacy. Every fondly in Me-Baited Stolen e should be wpplied with Ituchs Hungarian Balsam of Life, not tally to counteract the consumpuve tendencies of the climate s but to be used as prevetnarc medicine ,sues ot colds, coughs, spitting ot blood, pain in thAi sale and chest, irra tenon and soreness or Me t ue, s , cea s es , difficulty of breating, hectic fevetodgh sweats, ceases, mina endemic.' &Laity, amines, 1111111C.7.9., whoopiug cough and croup. Sold the r e Battles, at Si per bottle, with PM direc tions for the restoration of health. • . . Pamphlets, cranairting a ems of English end Ain . mit certificates and other evidence showing the m e/n. ailed merits. of this great English i Remedy, stay be obtained of the Agears, - gratuitously. . . For sale by It A FAII.NEWINii. Co.; corder Of st and Wood and Woodand deists: ;tiara DR JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE.. We hove been Informed by elm-Rose of a ease per. formed =her hypes Jaynose Aleonstlwasoollich proves its superiority over every other remedy, of the kind. She has been alAteted fee the last sixteen years with NECBUIE7 or WRITE SWELLINGS„ attended with ukeratioes and enrolled= of various bones. do. ring whichtinie many Metes =ache= discharged fro motel belie-of the cranium, from both her elms, wrtsut tool hands, and from both legs, and from the leh lex oral bone, and fmm the right knee, besides painful ulcers on other puns of her person, wluch have batted the sh ill a number of the most eminent 'phyitichulsof oar cit, —daring most of the time her saferlogs have been exentomug and deplorable. About throe months sitter she was Induced to-try Dr.Jaynea Altenstive, which bas bad an astonishingly happy effect @pen' her, by removing all pain end swellings, and commie the 11100,5 10 heal, whdo at the same time her general health has 1.C.C.31110 completely restart/4,ft that she flow Weighs Its mom than she did before she commeared the om of this truly saleable prepsuon.—{Set Eve. Post. For further informaston,lnonire of .111.1i01<, N 0.125 Frlbtot st, Philadelphia. For sale to Pittsburgh, at the rEKIN T EA STORE, 12 Feast Cl. near Wood. • • " • ' • Dll' CROFI.R.A AND SCROFULOUS SWELL S INUS.—Scrofula in all its 'multiplied !bells whether in that of King's Eirileenlargementse the glands or hence, Uoitre, White Swellings; Chronic Rheutualism,Canser, diseases of the Skin or Spine, oral Pulmonary Consuinplion, emanate frien one smiths same close, which tea poisonous principle more or less inherent in the human system. There. fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure eon be ellected, but if the principle upon which the diseaso•dependa, .is removed, it cure must ot.occemity follow, sio matter ender vitiations the disease should manifest itself: Veit, therefore is the roan. 'why JAYNE'S ALTKRILTIVE in so nut serially successful in removing so Whey malignant diseases. It destroys the virus or principle trots wined thoso 'diseases hare their origin, by.cntering Into the elrculatio,n and with the blood in conveyed to the minutest Libre, removing every peticlu Of dtse3Se Dom the system. Prepared nod sold at No. t; South Tried Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea. Store, No.7lFenith sine. Pittstmigh • . • . , taMl3l LADIES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, are often not aware how frightfully uSurious 1 Is to the skin: hew coarse, how rough, bow sallow, j elbow, nail unhealthy the skin appears after eking :ampere,/ shalt , Cesie es, it hnljanauS, containing alms; vall my of lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable oracle, which we rill JONEWS SPANISH LILY W SPIT:: It is perfectly innocent, bele/purified of all deleterious qualities, audit imparts to Me skin a nail del alabancr, Clear, living whigh:at the Same tuns acting art a COtalcta. on ale Shia, =akin it tat . and mincout. . . . . • t Ur. James Aniierron, Creoles/ Chemist of Kassa ch emus. says: ...tiler analysing Jones'aSjimigh White, I End it posse e ms the taus! beautiful end natu ral, al the min allaCtirlaOtcal white I ever r,rtaalty can conementiously recOminend it., ate Wall a nose Mai empires beauttfying i u : , ;jj'Priee «anent. a bus. L - r• e. 11.1 by W . at hi: [loot and Shoe Sime,ed Liberty street, bend of Wood, at the sign at the Mg Snot. Ladies, ladles, Pm astonished; When you know that you are ptomised A nataral,lifc-likeoiumey wbue That you wilt *uase common kchalk, A tut look a deathly yellow fright, • • The theme of laughter and of talk: . If yoolaoald 115 C 'a tom of JONL'S Lilly• White, it •crould give your skin an alabaster yet natural-white, and at the sane time cleat and improve it. :Vold at JACKSON'S, ho Lineny st. Price VS cents per boa,' '.myB - - PAPER WAREHOUSE,• nit. U.Dllll.llillita BLIP, NEW YORE. W. 1 7 11 , :1.0•o6ets for sate et the ,loarcst t Manufacturers' rises, a very% . 1.0.111. 1111160,1. 111.11 t of ItAlt-ER.. t. ot.tpris ins every ' poseat!c' satiety; odspted to the tote, of consumers at •I I sections orate eotttry. repot 01411 Linde mute to ordernt Won cot x. • Ine stock of PRINTING PAPER le Rues:ally large a putt of which,. of very .. ri r iaz& ,,. PAPER itit It dcw s of everj description, impelled and kept constantly on han Fenton Wire Cloth,• Peardrinier W ices Uloaching-Powd es, Rae Ultramatine,Twine, 4., lie Cn news; Rile Rope, Grate Rope,flaggink, e., c,” purchased, for which the highest price to Cash will Ist paid imp New York, Joini . 7 i - Jossirar Italia* ChamleoViloOp. VCR an kinds of eruption. and disease. of tte Skin; .I.' tools as l'imples,Lllarehea,"Jalt Rhearnakurvy, Ilea* Spam chapped or cracked SA iti, and for another disea ses of the elan:, which require cliental remedies, Soap stands ouparulled. It also dlspeli Fatale', San born, Merriam, Tan, and changes the color of dark, yellow, or tireddisfig ski*, to a fine, healdiyiyorldifre, elenroesa. A rpply, seaman:ll genuine, and bm sale at tin, reduced pried o( T{ per Bate. !etc lust been . received, iiielfered Ter .ale by II A,FAllNtrtallf. Co, earner Ist and hood and alto al the corner of sixth and mains. t . iy2V S . • , TEAK BOAT COOKING ITOVits for . WM SCAWN, mai , Intel Whom ~bet a, wood IMMEN=II laruicir,t —• - • .: 238/EaSUPPILTOOTII• PAST/Li vitilll beat article kraverk tor eleaninkand Whitening i thereeth, strengthening the puma, sweetening the tireadi, As. W 'should be need every laza' with saes- brush ; end the teeth and mouth willenly minim ashes , . • • washing in the morning:, Wet the basal With wana ' net or told will Answer ; nod rub it a lair Mmes en • . the peaty wheu enough . will , adhere for e.caning the' - teeth. 'lnure" dellemialtage i,'the owattiotent to, Patna mat delighttalfregrance lathe breath. Itstandi curtvalled as a ptomain, ethausions,.minsiatieut, and • sae detainee. Isis wamadnil not a snieruthetnahs , . Dy tautly it regtlarlyit it wellA•move the tarter and prevent . eec e nele..--pamin the .sdruebe . . ....Mace the gone, , raad prevent all .difegi.r.s4 of area Chemins physiciane 6.134 Ike clergy retOattaatal It a . ''" 3 " 11 .4... eta itretyAiecof the kora to son— . . Ask for thermares Compound qtrs. Teeth. - - 1. , 1 . , . lid • otnerve has signature is anachalto..c 0 prit.• . • • Recommended by Dr. Canals, 301 th e sansy,.e of Ow an Dative, and by Molt of the old enabfished Once in the United *taws, Mid even item: used . by' the Nobility of England end Frlr es.: ' , --- 2 - r ...' • --- . A !urge probations( the disease. t belailliel mankin d arise from rate derangement of the's totalled yr. wen, which tiet4.l• ii•e of o f hhita tic Lamuges would - enurey envie.' • Verrone o lianas habits naiad al- • ..aye nave M 1 Let at Inn and take a de whenever they us Mclean derange culla their beattli• , Altai. • • ae o ns use of these Limas woad prevea ay... ' , of %,.. Forming,: 'WhI. LACK,. M . S, coiner Of Wood and Liberty sits t. dean A GREAT CURE; pngstrocd by the onglueleisdoely load" ' Lae. gennia•Lire• Pik, prepared sad sold bp, ICE tiEL.; • I , . Motets' Fa erear,WestesorelandCe• Fel r. R. Jr. 5e110w.,.....t sins. elloty to rmaita the elided . induce.. toad my bumble tedinony its [Morey yourjestly celebrated Liver Ma. I haw deterred doing td dor yr., • adhering to Dary CnckyULitinaLs4 ~te ens was an rsght, tan go ahead.' Mo t Mod arida he n . post;.,, 'end suiseks j larided to the skies, .i i nt „,,,,,,,..„ • • y o Wienv Phls ham been offered to the public; and, indeed, I Wien they will ewer,. thens 01,. as they we just what vim natant them to be.' I•hambises skated with Liter ...•,' t o .a Lou my . youth; luie. , ,Marted r aseeta empnyed • many.endsoust physicians, to wise. I paid muds away; Are leet mons bloo becrewesited sad inpatient i ce m an. ato Wb; •. , artimited_s as 6 Lens, and ltrudlyjesne up as la Isla-71am unwed tot palaver Pills and S O ON 0017 WELL: Chabot of wisicbit noir Ultimata ittpmeetar of patina the Ude, and all the other symptom: for et ham , id mouths. Your-Pi...it Wm is bestemisamk. lever used; beteg mild; mtvipitig or gamy mb sichann ambit stom- ' ach, but gin me meth relief l !ire kept then itt my store • for 6 ,or Iyears sold hendrede of hoses, li d hors steer heard a dere eomplahst utterediby my oar who her and • then.' lbw ham eepereeded almost every other pill in this - alghbortned, Mid Ls a short dase wilt Isaiah 'theta all. I meanly ncomerad there to all perilous undiric physic, whether fee LiniComphdet or. Billion .41Teminas. I ma- eider Men far superior toCalamel a the IllactilL Respect. .. - . • •d Li Moms • • I. o ili, WON'As Unman other rah ufi... the public " . cam= Lireifilla, panto who mutt theroENVlN j ensould . riM foe sod pike mother dna those prepared sad sold by Lt ' -, E SELLEMS, No 37 Wood-st. between Tbia old Founts , .[ J by_Dr.Cassat, Fifth Iraq, D LI EtWar,Allegleruy city. ItydropeachT, or tliii - WaTer .. TCure. De thanks ISEN.I. IV. MORlt39.returne hie sincerer 11 thanks to the eitizens of l'instraghemil , Allegheny city Mr the very liberal rapport and encouragement ho, • has receivedwithin the last as math. tThAVIse Wa• , let .enta abOratt ayatate such celebrity, is, neither ' grange normystemous,when it isconsidered haw great 1 - . a main of cases of airy eerietyr of dacescs, boiler aeon and amide, havabera Cured by alistlicious use • all la Germany, wheels st erightatedi elk thousand :-.- • ofthe wort awes, that were prmt op by the most Mal ful physicians ef Europe,aa meurahle,secro cured by 'the rannorial Plianaittl, the foamier of the Water Cure. • InEugland, Franceis..a, America 'Manmade of hop. • leas came hero been cured by it, and the humerous I . lydropataiettaldtsbmenta acne us , succeddhl opera- , uou is the United Stank, speak cabanas in favor of the Dr. Morrie having peataneatly establieherl himself in the city of Pittsburgh, three down southwest <dlr.. win's alley, on Pend avert, ta ite m take a number of boarders and treat them .at has house, and those who prefer being treated. at their two dwellusge, will be yeacteallY and faithretlynuentledr." /Id may be consulted at Lis cane from I o'clock till 3 2.711., and from 7 tolointheevening.. t.i ••• • •.::. • • Si. .1141.nrery.variety of baths made. tut of in la Water earshoth forladietand gentlemen. ;au be oh-, .010,4 at the Atheamum, arlibeny . street, where they have been recently erected for the m orel, sin of fly- dropaddc patients, and where every attentions will bia r, given,by the polite and attentive pm:trickle. ,•i• apll. • ~ . DIGOAYNEPS CARIKINATIVIE lIA.I.SABI IlOhl the Rev ASA:3IIIIM n well know/vend pop - .L` ale yelergynam of the Protestautralethml4l.Chmxli • Ttnyandersignedialsorg been aillieted4Onag Moped -crinvet with a diSeasc •Ot Inn narltne t at:met/Ims pm- • damnate grem pale in dm stomach for Me ortwelve hours ' -withalus anteroadokan. and after. baring tried retinas reaqilres with little e dent, was faro/Med .with a bottle of D.lcyne's Canninatise Balsam. 'This he yard nes cord O A -to the directions, and Mend mrarlably Mastitis yrietitll. 111 C•.ed UK rain to abate in three OT utes and in Eileen or twenty sainmeseverg_ uneasy . :sena:mien claireliquieted. The medicine was at tem-holt toed whenever :oaken.% of the approach of palsodreze perceived, and the pout wit. then:enact:cents ad. pie manila:MO to use th e medicine eircrymeenlitg • and apotatiames in the. morning. end in low week. heasha was so far matured, that the saerer was reheat nil trim n IArV. amount of oppressive pain. From en peridnee, Vattern.", he can omfidently re Mintoold 1) . LP dinner Carminative nalsate, no a salutary tactile to foe ds....tr, Of thostneinchand towels.. A :RR:VW .• ' Allegheny eny.sylli .F_L. rale la Pittsburgh at rho STOR. • n Fourth street, near Wood,. and also at thellrag Owl+ of at e radii WAnror. hole ral greet.- allearamaY Purl(, Your /11•04.:. A ,R 0. r2sruLtar —Des; Sir: Last SYring( and du ring We previous winter. I was severelyaMietwi won mrothlorn complahn in my leg..salml Lea for soma. months under the care of physicians: They ...him). CIL. was ahnost incurable, and they could do but little for me. 1. VMS arly heiDlCYl,:lna. with the aid taf [cnches could with difficulty gee about.: In May Inag I-purchased of you, and commeneadmdfig 811. 2111.11 SAILIII,II/13.11.Ana! the meat tana. florae., the • • sores commenced haling,. and I laid aside my crutch -• ' es, Ming only a bar. !dup.:wed with my cane, and '-• at dm end of the &meth, war so t 1.1.1 ea 1.6 . 0a11it WI day in Arenas 'heap. In all, I used bre-bottles. The ki scnifule and:sores have all keeled lip. and sine& last maner! !mho seen• onlappeamme of theffiimme, but bovq coininiml, and era nom utthaniest perfect health. i ttna`'.l7. "h ttiT.at a Villty i lirl. nieeniand the only means [Jaffee. A. earn : • COILNELIUSI. 1 , 112 , E. ant sale wholesale end retail, by t ' t • d/Stw. - • , IL la. fAILVESTOCB aCo ' • ear...from rt.. - Ic also comer wombat nth.. Ellice's! Compound SYrate, at Tam wad • . Wad Cherry.. I - Llt..lli THE CURE of Cenighe, Colds, Brotic*is, Spit ;E• :deg of Biood, Dyepe_pcno, sad all whir diseases of the stmem tendiliVo PULMONARY CX:INSUMETION. Thiltext and imprecedemad saccade cif, this calla ble tkedamae, and a desire to' disairamnie Its lietiefits, aeepoduced the proprietors Max the price at ZS cams =del thuoPlaoing It within the matlilormlL No y should be without, or over who . Limy hire once non end appreciated its almost inatamaneons ac tion in the mire of the alma complain/11. • eciuttiuiitg mineinlor narcotic logredients, not the slightest dan ger ot incoureniencr can mutt (maim ata,:. Children solfeiing from croup and whooping cough' will take it with andirY;alid lad immediate relief ea miner how Mole* the paroxysm, if giVell Recur: Log to dummies. remade eturskeepere generally, in Ala and • - joining counties, and wholesale and recoil: by, the pro prietor. • .11' maim • UN Second s below VindrPild'a. PER EPOMIEII.II - -.• . de Amanda Asnere, for, sigccl9s, • . •• • Cerium tln !lose, for suartng; • .., • AliriomO Cronin, do; Sopc.rfiun 1104 e, on Porceln , ra wands; Elrrot ncmV 4161. perfumed vvit'i'Lavrae:, Anee• ttrre 7. • • ..11 , e•aif41 polvdor p.:4 of nt: patiernr; • 1. • Enabbst..l tollct bonea,oootraning:frogrint , 'xli.cl. for thequinclice - chicf; n accnt bag, n=liattO_vonros, sun able (Di ',rennin. ebig6se 1,011,1,1 t - scent. Ikles 01, aney or cos..ar‘ l 7aPP , - 7" . .7. .1 , 1: 4 stitici • ' wiw kreat variety .' " '"''' , P „.', "6 % • ' far 'l3(lina per m.. 1, h.it`qt.i kale r, : car Cull &',.1.vi,04 _L . Pulmonary Balsam. • .MV29 R9. . REED & CUTLER-4 ftel It it; duty l owa:t-Ty know creatures, to state 'Waned:Wig 'move 'morespecung your. Vegetable Pulmonary Ihilsano 'Since'Lfirat used thellalsam, about elto.millanta ago, the happy defect of which I Well Faro m,actil k unt or, barn had several warn complaints * complain and attar s at my lungs, ono,. feur,dayi sines, And ist every Irntatice I have used the Rah.. alone with cot:tram =id perfect deons. It haa effected relief and cure In • eery few. ays It is certainly • sale medicine.- 1 dir'wot know that 0 will rare a fired consumption, but 1 Iberian it will Lein many cases a prover:thee, and pypTllllOll L is better than cure; I dotherefore, for Relays. pert ‘e l (in- Iq man, ea rn estly merntunend tho rn s. at thls ono lag b prnmonatt complaints. '1 am confulen that tt een the MCPns of preserving my linrno this day. litarou ton . ln, rte : BRNJA.III.3 PAIrriON.S. Far sale by 11 A Fahnestock, k. Ca, eternal first and wood . a comer oroiad and oth. - rata 0nt..13100k Sprlog uoiL ' M trNLY IN V hiNTED—Forthe roliefond t'ormaneal • 1.1 Cara of IIEttNLI or iturruith:..'isely to all o.'aet.); . • Etto orportor clot.= Ilua Traosoottottl in iho emit. turauao too yoi.a which it may. Lc worn. pad of .- • octo4 betas neatly balanced On tprinA, 1!..1.11,✓'t0 pre. tate On any part of 14 and thatooltaiy labitto null' to my I.ooT . entent rraldepy PrOro nod! a Cunt 1% etrrotrtt.i'Le 11411, - 41.1.ra thica'aroto arrange:neut. tor we stuallutaelarl of Ott' ye valuable Truttes t ma. tupcoor .ortooo lama.— arid have diem moat for oao: arait,tr e.lco, No. tt.e.iiltac Id mt.:mar 6ix Lb, Pittabutgli tiEU. /Cir.- • 101 - Lt. lial'ANIS +N. EELEILS' YElLlllFtli)E—penor to any. I have S Citzuraz F4ette county . , 4, qa. mr. tt. :+.1.11a-1 berey - ceray tuatlhnre uaad Your VetutUlayo no ray booby, oolitielievaitleriunt,' if not ruperior to any I bavo ever need.. 1. gavotte one of my children ono, dose, ',which expeliea Wean :SI MOM.. - I.:vusoS. Preparul and tiil.l by It E SELLERS, .5 %vow, at. Sold by Dr Coate!, tVard; Curl'', Aliellltel.E W ITo:upe4atieevirie; wad I! 17t4o,Law ilentevIlle. . • . T 4 u.asortment ju,t nee it and for mad A 3 by •-.` my) • • J }atilt& Ca _ PITTSBURGH GAZETTE) plamailiED ;At thr astus Boil4ings, SA IL, pwrnr lir Poo ojfka. ItATEb !OP. 4 . D11 S1:141. tnuedion 11. lints oi l SOW Two ingestions utthnutnAcrationu. ..... . .... 015 Ono Week " " .......... I 50 Two Weeks " " .. 5O Three' " • ~.„. ." .. 3Od Ono 51,outh, ... ... ( Two " " 6l11:1 Three, -" a 750 IGi" Longer adsertiseteco - ts to fume ;.rniluttlon.. Ono riplarc,6 months, withoutua hout a1tr„..,•.. to to , .• 15 t.ll Each additionatinquare rot 6 in , 0 11, .. 5 UO " 110 Ono kriunre,G monlbs,ree •• .W.W. 15 00 , tu Edch aildttiountutuare tor It months • to 0.) aquues, 6L months, re'vroble at ptoask.rU, 311 . 0,1 Each additional equare,o month,. IrrOILT at ... . , In, Luaus eursan. One square. 3 insertion/4 • - $i 50 each additional . 3'7 • 'OCilenttn CARTri. Fire lisps Or (tor, nue yea 6 OD 0 six month t, s - • • 5 u 4 otl4)"Car, daily 5 weoltly; Iv D 0 " au, months '2 It (11) •• • •LITISTIOVIZIITI 111 WrErr,ra For 5.) ..... " co Three moult., 9.W - .`six 6 OU Tivihre MEE
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