The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 07, 1848, Image 2

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    HL'ritt GAZETTE
NVEUNDS' TirifidOßNlNt, .TUNF., Ism
• 4 11
Ail ikag Ruiraniptioas to lie Not* Amer
.•.7llMV.StalEs aunt., ridaMPI.J., received
brew* frosa &Needle. , •
• NSW YORK warrazse.
w. *ill receive sad forward free of expense, ad
nisereaatir and sabaeriPtllM. for this paper. -
• 771331•1 X DAILY War= /Ls published
To-Weekly, sod Wesklp—The Dan s is Elms
. per =AWN the TA- We is Pere Dollarsrs
• the - Mail Lz oDeuanper
Vos uieti.Cl4.3334irelal.lntelligiuee,DoT•stle, Mu'
ELm *ol, importx, Money !lan cu, Az. see
MAnurro=as are urnestly requepted the hand in
acon be,forells. mr, turd as early in to day es
sad AlltUallllollllo NOULIIIRtIOII.
"? POR coua;coldainsioNEE,i
-• •
MTls meeting of theAntimaaooieandWh6 coun
ty Coma:Wee of Cearespoadente, , held at 3rillasters'
Hotel, Pittsburgh, Saturday , May dth, the following
'call wag agreed upon: 'llte Anti...sonic and Whig
eleeters of each ward, borough und towluddp in Alle
gheny comity are Tv:attested to on at their usual
-planes of)toldttgricoary awning* to said districts, oa
Satard . y, the 1 day of June next,le agpoint two del
egates frent each district, to ravel an County Conven
tion, at the Court House, in tlte city of Pittsburgh, on
- Wedneeidaj, the 1.40,1 of Jane next, at 10 A. ht., of said
day, to nominate. candidatez for national, mate and
colony eriees;to ho sapported at the ensuing fall eke
dot The printery mange in all the towns Lips ex
cept Mu, will be held at 3 o'clock, P. M., and in Mt.-
'ha? and all Wards and boroughs at 71 P. Itl., of
• •
The cotarnduie would earnestly 0060 a y uran the said
-. meetings the necessity of efficientorganinition, pre
, ptivetorl lome ?"'" / g 11;21zt, 4CUILDY, Chninntui.
• . J.W. lgarrrasi;. • ll Secretaries.
Roautsogr ntyl.s
. Cliy viands Ins Newitork,
All the 'New York papers acknowledge that' '
there was & tremendous gathering °film people at
the Clay meeting in New lurk, on Friday evening.
The. Trigime saye it was oar of the largeir meet.
ings ever held irthhat or any . other American city—
impirlial estimated the number at More
than twelve thousand. The Ezp/al says the
number ranged front fifteen to twenty thousand.—
the Chwatarial—t most texa and reliable paper,
saysthst the large area, karann as Niblo'e Garden,
was filled to overflowing, and that a larger, or
more enthusiastic public meeting was never held
in that city. Even the ILrrdd, with all its bitter
' nests cowards Cliy, and its partium support of Tay
lor, says that the tone of the meeting was certainly
warm and crithueiasiieln' Clay, and that "in num.
• bent, it outeuipped say Of the Taylor meetings"
The Herald procceda further, and acknowledges
that the availability of Mr.. Clay is making a Garen•
dable impression on the country in the Middle and
Northern States, and that "die Whig masses in this
[that] region, sic undoubtedly fur Mr. Clay:" The
Hamill even goee still farther; and says, "the un
ioindarity of Gen. Taylor among the 'Slag masses
hos bean
.tho- cause of mach inquiry and .much
saunas egoeculation." We think the wonder is,
hew anybody should ever have thought ha u-or
:'popular with the "Whig masses" as a candidate for 1
the Presidency. The Whig.papers may admire
him personally, and as ay able General, but ash
'candidate for the Presidency, he never wits papa
far with the Whig" in the Middle and Nordic* .
States, and it would Lea strange thing if he was,
while he refuses to submit to the decision of a
Whig National Convention, and while so gmat'un.
certainty hangs his opinions on important nits
lint we are forgetting the Great Clay' Meeting in
New •
. , Dane Gituts.u, Eel.; presided, asaisted by nu.
• Manaus Vico Presidents. Among the speakers,
were David Graham, John W:. Fowler, a delegate
to' the Convention from the interior of the State.
lion. Dudley Seldon, and other.
E. Delafield Smith, Esq., read the address and
.',' resolutions, which' were heartily cheered, and
; . .. adopted • with unanimoin enthusiasm. .
I - I . The address says, that it is evident that either
Henry Clay or Zachary Taylor will be chosen. to
.'. be our seendardbearcr; and that while they greatly
prefer Mr. Clay to any. other• Whig Statesman, they
• l'accidc.7.4. prefer anylutoh Stairoznan to Gen.,-Tiny
Among - the resolutions, is the 6.4 lowing
.Reeelord, That having, gold . faith with our
• fellow Whigs thmughont the Union, presented the
name, o.( that illustrious statesmen and devoted
Whiff, away Cray, the the consideration, and cub
jet to the daisies of the Nottemil Concretion, asthe
candidate of the Whig petty' Err the Presidency,
we have aright to asmandthat the Convention shall
• - ,not entertain the name of any man as inch candi
date who will not, in. good • With, abide by the tied
sign mid a:utak the mhos of be Convention.—
' And we feat it to doe to our lufemity as Whigs
to declare ourselvei eleolmif//neva olligution to
nu:mina reminetioit not mule he conforossty with
the spirit of this treolution."
' With the spirit of this resolution, fan 'Whigs of
." the Middle and'„Northem , States will gem-idly ista•
car. It Saran to us, almost aninsuliM the party:
althouglynot so intended, to prevent the claims of a
men to the Coovention, who declares .befurehand;
that ha will not abide by its decisioni:
The Whig Convention Meets tb-ilpy. The am-
ions eyes of tbe , Whigi of the Union we upon it—
If its decisions are guided by a strut regent to the
long cherished priniiplei of the Patty, universal
joy and enthusiasm will pervade the Whig masses,
let the csailldste be Mr. Clay,. Judge McLean,
'Oeu.Scott, or Mr. 'Webster. If a different policy
shill prevail, and a mistakes notion of availability
lead to a wrong decision, we davit not calculate the
• r,
Taa NArnoSS'L e *I its; eanirest
attention of our 'readers to tlps article we giro to
day, from the National Intelligericer, do ibe st.
ject Of Mr. Walker's bleeders, or mistakes, or
eiaiethiag worse, which are daily being brtiught
. . .
tc . , a ght. Not only are his estimates almost anises.
wrong, as they are founded on false prinei ,
plea, but the revelations of new facts, prove that
' I this important and naosiresponsilie department of
the Givernment is &ept in .a most loose
• and slovenly,: not to i nay dishonest, manner
• .7 What would s t respecuttaC merchant say of rt Book
' ... Neeper, or financial cloth, who kept his affairs in
' . ;such a date as to *bow 'errors in tepid to large
=ml, ciustantlyiecitrring, and in various lima'
' - erof basins*. Would he not, finally, begin to
~ • '. tamped his honesty, as well as Ma fitness for bin
post! His . Want . of fitness would be undoubted,
.'' and would secure his discharge immediately.—
' '.. Ought not the, people,'thern - to discharge such a
publics servant, end =Administration which keeps
. .., .
him in office! But whet reliance, can be placed
upon • the theories, and.i.he arguments banded up.
on them, brooded and suivated by such a bung
;7 ' ling 'public servant, who cannot. even discharge
the duties of a financial 'clerk! And yet, upon Mr.
Walker's windy and labored efforts to remain free.
trade taannOlN do the Limcifitco'pirty principally
,'• rely far arguments to deffetidthe Tari ff of latifil•—•
No wonder his health failed underahe hercuiran
't' effort to throw around fete and absurd theories
.. ' the beautiful garb of truth.. The effort Matt raida.
Tao &OMy woven from *Thistly hod fable pre
• EMS= wcailtlnot stand inspecticr—it Ir= too thin
to hide the deformed and unsightly production of
. i .: • thvpponents of home Industry/ The Tariff of '46
will receive, notwithstanding all the ;Maras to bob
star it up, the condemnatioil of an intelligent poi
I ,
Bat it ism the Treasury . we now call ;sullen*
' alleattion—to the astonishing fact, that blunders to
the - amount of hundreds raf,thousandi, and even .
Malicia of dollars, are of almost daily discovery,
and that to explanation ised id ban asade . While
we are piling up. an enormous National Debt,
which theßeople will have to pay, ought , thetnot
. • taiiook int? these things-or ara they content to
Isit's.eertfan class * demagogues, who have been
id *die public ;rat - all their liven, fatten usreple.
tion on the money wrung from the sweat end lr
boiof the country. ' ,
- .
Firms Erma acknowledges that the Unger
of the Lottokmo party is not yet over. He mourns
over.the banana !of the Barnburners, sad dom•
plians of the ukraiats of South Carolina. He says
that. Mr. Oktentn `and his friends crilt, not support
Gun. Cu; 60 that South Carolina, as well as New
y d d ry is loar to the old ,Iftlakere. But it will be
asked; wbrwill not Afr4e.lhonn u>6t.
Doubtless, because, beirtgia sidcere rote himself,
though a Featly erring one, he despises the man
who displays a wait of this quality. • He hits no
faithin ltdr. Cass' sudden converilda :Her looks
upon it 0,19., bold Lid n• the Presidency, and be
'moot overcetne rite natural repugnanci of cane.
ly bout, trim* "base bowini.of the knee," at the
shrine of Urinate imitation. . •
CASPlAeleirert Wane STATAt' SelCAToft......The
elsokeii the Botsse,-caf ?deem* . & S.,Baldwin and
T. &Jai,- ye rypgeseat the State la the Saudi of
trotted States, has been oanfinned by the SeA
. ,
. .
.~• .
Slavery questlint la the V. Staten Senate;
i tt vcry • ,1: very pia., 1,,
Senate of the United States, -on tact Friday. ,The
Oregon Bill trim tinder- crauddeMrien, and Mr.
Bright, of Inditirit, withdrew his motion to 'strike
out the twelflit section, (the section extending to'
the territory the provisions of the orilinmeo of
llfft.) Bat Mr. Crittenden renewed the motion.
Mr. Wericott opposed the section: He declared
if Cppgreas had powerMlexcluda , elavery in that
country, they had powertoutablish Mormonism—
by what logic doth not toms appear..
Mr. Taney lamented that they were to have a
mitiottel Totem the subject, fortbe bedtime. The
consequences, be said, would be seen in Boren,.
Mr. Illadgerpr . his reasons for voting for the
iwelth section.
Mr. Rusk replied; and the debate was further
continued by Messrs. Westeott and Butler.
Mr. Badger considered the Territories of the U.
States, whether acquired by Piirchase or conquest,
as subject absolutely to the control of Congress,
and that Congress had at air tidies the power to
abrogate or repeal any and all laure relating to the
government and internal regulatiires of such Ter.
Mr. Rusk replied, and insisted that there was nos
necessity kw taking up and rocnactilig a law qi
the Territory which expressly declares that slaverY
shall never exist there.
Mr. Niles was in favor of retaining the tweUlh
fr. Calhoun (Mr. Niles. giving way) mid that
South restect their rights upon'the equality of
the States--that no discrimination should lie made
between those who hod slaves-and those who do
not hold Slaves. •
Mr. Niles continued. The Constitution is not
Conversant with the rightsCif property in the Suites,
the power to regulate persons and property belong-,
ed to the States themselves. If what is property
in one. State is not properly in an other, it may he
Mr. Downs earnestly sustained the motion to
strike out the twelfth section. He considered the
doctrines bilbe Wilmot Penalso as clearly embo.
died in that section, as they were in the proposition
of the gentleman front New Hampshire itself. .
Mr. Houton ottenxl an amendment, but Mr.
Galilean insisted that the amendment Intl the mat
ter precisely as :it was before, and that the most
phs'Oray was to strike out the entire section.
..A...rotation to adjourn was made, and decided
negative —ld to 29.
Mr. Bright expressed his desire to press the nue
lion to a vote before adjournment, and a sheik
disposition wits manifested on the part of other ..9'r
atone—bat a motion to go into Executive Bessie
prevailed, and the Senate soon allekKards, at nea
ly 5 o'clock, adjourned.
The galleries and lobbies were thronged the en.
tire day; and the interest manifested in the'debate
was intense.
The Forelgia Ne
The details of the news, brought by the .Niega
re, add little to the intelligence brought by the Uni.
ted &SW, excepewhat we have already given in
full, in relation to &Airs in Franco
Is Itutusn, Mr. ?;.lellglier had been tried, and
the result was the same, is in the case of Mr. O'-
Brian. The jury could, not agree, and were dis
,Tun F'n..micu Ram= hos gained strength by
the overthrow of the Terrorist., and there is much
now in the aspect of things to cheer the hearts o
the friends of rational liberty.
Is ITALY matters am coming tO.ll CHSill, and the
next arrival will probably. bring accounts of a de
cisive battle between tire Italians and Austrian.—
A battle between the Austrianaand Romans, with
out any decisive result od-cithrr side, has been
[night. The Austrians loso4oo m/.n gilled, and many
wounded and taken prianneri. it.). account tugs
Um tannic lasted five hours, and that the troops of
'his Holiness received a check.
The excitements. and disturbances, occasioned
by the recall orthe Prince of Prussia to Berlin.
still continue. 'The - , 15finimry have issued a Uccle.
ration, that the Prince will, before his return, give
his full and public adhesion to the nen , Conqitu.
Donal Government.
Soon[ CABOLM G3.—The Usage
antic papers of South Caroloin continue to , more
Gen. Commander,' Car daring to represent that
State in the National Democratic Convention.—
The '.Chaliestort Mercury, - of Tuesday last,
another lingthytarticle on, the subject, and says:
"'Smith Carolina stands uncommitted, even less
so than if the. Convention !:ad not cast on her -the
indignity of aiding ay imposter,
,knowing him to
be inch, in misrepresenting her position before her
sister States of the Confederacy."
. ,
After denouncing -"President.makieg Con i es'
tioaa,7 and the mode M which they are eoastitab
ed, the Mercury continues.:
"The Whig Convention will doubtless be of the
we stamp. It would be but little ino preposter
s that South Carolina should C. 15/ nine Veit'. in
a Whig National Convention, if We Whole party
in this :ante attended en mass. Surely the pro.
srk of thirty 'States will not much longer, endure
such palpably ridiculous pretension.
"With regard to the nomination of General Cass
' by the Convention, we need scarcely say that it is
unsatisfactory; and, indeed, of.rdl the names be
that body, his was least acceptable to the De
, mocracy of South Carolina. I
RIOT Is bstaas.',-Recently the town of Galena,
thbawn into great excitement. by the
arrct,t W man named Itaeltard Mae, under the
Anltlatrttui treaty, charged with the tamnnuaion of
murder in Tipperary, Ireland. The proceedings
were in conformity with the treaty. White woe
identified ' by a person seer over by the British
authorities, arrested had placed in custody of the
marthall, from whom he was rescued by a mph,
which had collected from the various mines in
the neighborhood. The mayor of Chinagi:his se
verely 'centered for want of energy. Th' row
cue is much to be regretted, both on neethnt of
the violation of law, and the Just right tile British
government has to complain that the stipulations
of the Ashburton treaty are not carried out on
our part.
The whole irrdir shows the vigilance and eifi•
ciency of toe British pall." and the.determiantion
with which the liovemment pursues the viola
tors of her ciiminnl law. In this case, it maybe
truly said,.'„they have not only pursued White
across the ocean, and a thousand miles into the
interior of the country, but in fact, into the earth
itself, for be had reached the mines, Where he
tes in their deep shefts, one would suppose„ he
might have spent a life time and not have been
51iscovered. . •
Gm.. Cass is about to make a scat of royal"pro
gress" through Pennsylvania, Nr , Jersey and
New otir,—whether in imitation 'of thi pageants
of Louis Phillippe,he mu enthusiastically described,
we pretend not to say. It is said a large party of
his frieMls Will accompany him, and among the
names mentioned, are Col. Benton, Mr. Allen,
My Hannegan, General HOUIIOII, Mr. Bright,
Mr. Foote,—iid gen., Hegoes probably to
try the influence of his eloquence on the Barn.
Miners. Werjudge they me 'madn of Sterner stuff
thin to yield to the, 'wort mindere of one who has
evinced hir stability to high moral and political
ground., by "jumping Jim Crow" on the WilMot
THE Bseffnenzunts'lMATTOKNl.7qy the Syracuse
Convention, held on the . 2.41 OctobeVlast, Mr. Field,
of New York, on behalf of the "Bamburners," offer
ed the following, which was rejected by the " fin...
her" majority: • ,
"Remised, That while the 'Detrioeracy of New
Toth represented In this Convention will faithfully
adhere to ell the oompromines of the Gsastitution,
and maintain all the reserved Righte7of the
Stater—they declare since the Crisis has arrived
when that question must be met—their Unseat.
'promising Hostility to the Extension of Slavery its
to Menitory Now Free, which may - , - he Hamster
Acquired by any action dole Government of (the
U. States."
It is in the maintenance of Chi/ resolution, that
they have separated from the spoilsmen of all, old
regency, and refuse to support the Baltimore nom•
The Washington correspondent of tho Baltimore,
Patriot, says: "there is no truth in the rumor, ne I
learn Upon high authority, that orders have been
sent for General Taylor to come on bere, kir the
purpose of testifying before the Court of Inquiry.
No orders have been sent to him to come this way
for any purpose."'
Lieu& Hue, Tilden and Duuon and the wan
Laverty, conSicted of. murder' , 'and burglary, in
Mexico, ha7Ubeen sentenced to be bang. Thum
day, the 25thtwia the day appointed far their ear
union. Np sympathy is expressed for the fate of
these meri by onr countrymen in Mexico. ;
An able and eloquent writer, fn the New Ydr
Express of last Saturday, revieers Mr. &Matey
Marcy a deur sisrdlistir General Sostt, which has
been an extensively copied by the Loci:icon press.
The defence fills eeverat:colemns, and while it
Boors the spiteful Sean:tray, it triumphantly vindi
cates the veteran been antipacileater.
q.- : National Intel .
" The Trysatari !Isparta. t
The readers of the National Intelligencen are.
aware that the Secretaly of the Treasury, in; his
annual report to Cowen on the finance., omitted,
by mistake, the sum of $6,915,078, being the entire
amount of the avails of Treasury note. for the first
quarter of the present fiscal year. The message,
of the President to Congress at its present session
exhibit, the same remarkable mistake. Long M.
terwards this gross blunder was acknowledged
and communicated to Congress by the Secretary.
'On the Ist of March, Mr. Rockwell, of Connec
ticut, in a speech in the House, pointed out other
very serious mistakes in the report of the Secrets.
ry. One of them was of about et million and a half
of dollars in the statement of the difference be
tween the receipts and expenditures for the year.
Another was of one hundred and thirty five thoas-
and dollars in the .cement of the Register of the
Treasury which wan furnished to explain the Mo.
Timm discrepancy. A third was in the statement
of the amount of the public debt paid during the I
year, it being stated in one table aceampanymg the '
Secretary's report from thelSt July, • lol6, to Ist
December, 1647, seventeen Months, to be $9,046, '
511 35, and in another table to be from the Is 4 De. ,
cerriber, I St 6, to the Ist December, llst7, 510,360,
362 10; that is, that it was more by one table in
twelve months by $1,219,103 06 than in seventeen
months, embracing the same twelvemonths, to the
previous table.
The speech of Mr. Rockwell was published the
next day in the Intelligencer, and an Answer wan
promised on behalf of the Secretary. la the Union
of the' 6th of Marr-h it was stated'by the editor—
“We hope to have the pleaeure of laying before
,or readers tomorrow evening a satisfactory refute
drawn from official records, of Mr. Rock
well's attack. on the statistics's& the Secretary of
,the Treasury.”
No reply, however, was made, except in IC
'speech of Mr. Atherton, Chairman of the Commit.
‘,tee on Finance of the Senate, in which he acknow.
lodged the met; in the c - iiifererice between the re
reipts and expenditures of $1,401,900, but. denied
all others.
On the 11th of May7,Mr. Rockwell made rriec
ond speech, in which he pointed out numerous
other errors of the Secretary ofthe Treasury. The
following are only a portion of Ike., mistake's, an
shown by the report of one of the Committee on
Public Expenditures, (Mr. Strohm) rethrred to by
Mr. R. in his speech:
`The discrepancies shown by bringing down the
statement to the let December,lol7, in relation to
these Treasury notes issued under the two acts of
1616 .1 1647, are as follows:
'As to the amount of stock issued under toe act
of July. 1516, the report of the Secretary and the
statement of the committee differ $115,200.
'As to the stock issued under the act of January
1617, $1,050,452.
`As to the, notes outstanding, under the net of
1546, the difference is $178,150; and, under the act
of .1011, $1,437,700.
'As to the amount of notes md loan available at
the Treasury, December 1, 1547, under the act of
1646, V.93,:350; and, under the act of 1547, 5366,-
• ..
•No capitulation of any kind has been given of
these gross bl.den, to the nmonnt of hundreds of
thousands, and even million' of dollars.
The Committee on Public Expenditures, In
Wednesday presented In elaborate report to the
House, which appeared in the Intelligences of yes
terday,which, it is understcod,sustains the charges
made by Mi. Rockwell in his second el:weal...—
From the discussion, it would appear that this re.
port has been in the possession of .thee Department
the about two weeks; bat no explanation or denier
has yet fern made. "A report of the minority of
the commitee is now promised. If that report fails
to •furnish a full and satisfactory explanation of
these discrepancies and mistakes, the condition of
the Tressuiy will present a most serious question
'for the consideration of Congress and the country.
Abolition of Slavery in the Porittgeee
The following is a deeree of the Crofemment of
Portugal, appointing s Committee to prepare a
Platt fie the Total Abolition of Slavery in' all the
Portugese possessions. • .
"Mtaxtr. DErsantscr.—The Slave-trade being
already prohibited by law and treaties in all the
Portugese powsessions, and it being also in accord
ance with the true spirit of jeance and equity, on
which all good policy rests, that an end should be
put to Negro Slavery, still tolerated and permitted
in these possessions, the public ,weal ;requiring.
however, that so important an elteration.m theta.
eial state of those countries altou4,be made with
such prudence and forethought that fisstunes may
not be suddenly destroyed, nor the grant of liberty
serve as an occlusion for the slaves to abuse that
benefit. which, though entirely smmforrnable to the
principles of humanity, cannot but entail a serious
sacrifice on the State, to well as on the elaveoUrn
ers; I ant pleased to appoint a Committee of the fal
lowing members: -
"The Councillors, and Honorary Milistene l of
State, Jose de Sousa Pinto de Msgalhaes, and Ilde.
loon Leopoldo Bayard; the Councillor Antonio
Dement° de Sa, Judge of the Tribunal of Goa; the
Councillor Jose da Costa Carvalho, Captain in the
Navy; the Merchant of Lisbon. Fontaine do Game;
the Lieutenant in the Nuv Jose Joaquire de An
drade Pinto; the. Daehelo of Carlos, Zeferioo Pin
to,Coelao de Castro; th e of whom shall
act as •
President and the last as Secretary;'which commit.
tre,taking as a basis the principles of equity.and
justice, mid Looping in view the laws and practice
established in the Pmwgiegat porattesions. att3 akar
the lessons of experience offered by those regions
where slavery has Leto abolished, and other con
siderations whirJa ought to be attended to, shall
propose to too the most effebtous and proper prac
tical meansof carrying iota effect the emancipa
tion of slaves existing la the Poetngese ultramarine
territories, and alien prepare the necessary pro
jects of law and regulations for carrying out the
object. The Ilinitir of Marine, dre.
• Palace of the Necessidades,.l4th April,- IS4n.
(Signed) Iturisu.
Conan ne Vivo,. Nova as Done."
Soon the United States of America will present
the singular anomaly of being the freest and hel
ordered government on earth, and yet the on& go ,
ernment whith upholds human slavery.
- .
Grc.dast is THE txv-v.—Theloco foto papers
in their Cageraesif to glorify Gen. Cow, have the
bad tardy, and imprudence to refer to, his'imlitary
services in terms of high commendation., The in.
vestigatfon which his nomination wiU necessarily
provoke, will demonsirate-qat, that Cass was nev
er undei fire in his life-2d, that the chief feature
in his military career was a siegle expedition at the
head of • small detachment of about three hun
dred Ines sent from 'Sandwich by• Gen. Hull to re
con nOiter the position of the enemy, thenja farce on.
der Gen. Brock, at Malden. Cass, full of heroic
valor , and patriotic seal, proceeded with his corn.
mood lathe Aux Canards river, a small-stream
, about midway between Sandwich end Malden.—
Here the hero discovered, a picket of British troops,
in number about a couple of dozen, ou or near a.
bridge which spanned the river. • -He immediately;
called a council of war, and niter much painful
liberation, concluded not to march against such an
enormous force without additional orders from the
' commander-iochief Before this conclusion was
dstinitelyseached, the 2 dosen British soldiers took
to their heels and Cass wheeled about with great
precipitation. sad returned to head quarters for safe
ty.—Buifolo Exprasr.
Ose . .11rentmo Gun von St.svEar'—The Low
Focos of this city proposed to fire 100 Nos this e.
Teeing to ratify the nomination of Gen:Cass and
the extension of human slavery. • Wonder if is
those conscientious gentlemen who circulated and
*aped peiitions,n few yearn since, againd thwrin.
nezation of Texai—who have often denounced
Gen. Case for abandoning the Wilmot Proviso, and
going over, body and soul, to slavery—those who
"whenever and wherever they have spoken on the
subjectoluiraexation, and the extension of slavery,
have openly opposed" Gen. Cass--and more cape.
dolly since the publication of tis Ilarmegan letter
—"witoriv DISSEVrING now rts vurivs"—have long
since abandoned him, and given their ...upon to
Mr. Van Boren," or some other than,the great deal.
agogue. 4 is'expected that all those who wish to
be considered "within the pale," will join and take
partofthe noptialsthis evening. 'Several speeches
are. expected, and several feats of krand • tum
bling will t.e performed—the whole to conclude with
a grand pantomink, represeittiog the divorce of
principles and conscience, and a general scramble,
for the spoils.—Derroir D. Azfe., V. Rh.
Cum' C6111,117. - 7Ai ocuria a Presidential ean•
didate is, nominated, it tausual to speculate unsr,
the probable character of the cabinet le case Mr.,
Cue should be elected, there are. reasons the be.
hoeing that the following',persone will. he among
those whose claims will be regardedwitb peculiar
favor : . .
• . .
Secretary of SiateLouin Philippe.
" Treasury—Edwin Cmswell.
• " " Nrwy—J. F. Cooper.
" • flee—Gideon J. Pillow.
Domnaster Grecral—Gen.Conimaider,of South
Carolina. •
Attorney General—Caleb Cushing. .
'And should such an office as Public Execution•
et be ereated,.we 'Suggest the name of Senator
Foote, of Mississippi, as the proper, person to 611 it!
—Roe/outer Dent.
'Gaon Tom Commi:—A 'hopefull contemporary
out West thus speculates upon the 'coming of that
millenial period when .justice will be meted out - to
printeta as well as other folk. Hear biro:
There's a good time coining, boys,
A good umecoming—
Subscribers shall not wait for dans,
But hood us with their twos and ones.
In the good time coming; •
Our advertisers shall increase, -
Our patronage grow stronger, -•
And ws, with creditors at pence—
Wait—at adle longer. . •
- G.NERIL S. corr.--We have been tenured on good
authority that the statement concerning General
Scott which has appeared in several newspapers,
and to which we yesterday gave currency—name
dy, that healed been ordered to Frederick, on ac
count of charges against. him of a severer nature
than those which now engage the Court of Inquiry
ft altogether erroneous. Gen. Scott was notified to
appear at Frederick to connat:, the prosecution of
the inquiry against General Pillow, and this is the
sole purpose of his repairing to that place.---N. F.
Evening Post.
Woon Terri—We take Pleasure in directing
the attention of Job Printers, and of our contempa
entice generally; to the idverthremeilt of Memis.
Selooley, Ryan 8: co wbolutee establiibed a man
ufactory of Wood Type in this city. From the
epecimens maltase seen, .we doubt not their type
will give'general satisfaction.
1 Jane 5,188.1
Council met, on special call—Present, Mewl.
Balreirell, StarJr; Csakey, Denny, Hill, Kin
caid, Laughlin, Layug;;Lornet, Murray,
and Stanton, President.
. The President presented the (allowing comma•
nication from Robert Porter, Part:
Pit -mutton, Iron 1,1848. •
Sturrox, Fog, •
_ .
Ptraitleciot the Select Council•
• '
Stn-Absence from the City (or some time wilt
prevent a discharge of My duties as a Councßman,
and I therefore tender any resignation as member
of your body ;
Which and accepted.
Mr. Blacliolrered the following Resolntion, which
the Mayor be, and he is here
by authcirizedand direted to issue his Pioclama.
ton for the election of a Select Councilman, in the'
third Ward, in placciif Robert Porter, Esq, resign
ad, giving the notice according to law.'
The President presented the following cominnni
cation from the President of the Pennsylvania Rail
Ptersautton, May 30,1940.
To the Presidents feh4 Select and Common Coon
rib •Pittslosrelt.
Gorrtstarkv—The Commissioners of the County
of Allegheny have been advised by a Confention,
elected by the citizens of the county, to subscribe
fpm twenty thousand shares in the Stock of the
Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and S." im
posed a condition to the subscription, that4lthe ter.
minus of the rail road shall he finally established
trythe city of Pittsburgh.'
.This condition the Diiectore will be Opined to
accept, provided an • arrangement can be effected
.for the site of their depot; and the necessary facili-
I ties granted by the city muliorities for reaching it.
As these points must tie sculedbekre the Direc
tors ran accept the subscrtption, it is important that
.action shall be had by the-bodies over which you
preside, in order that I rimy be enabled to lay the
whole question before the. Board on my return.
I would suggest,.therefore, the eppomunent of a
joint committee, with whom 1 may confer op the
subjects, as the most appropriate means of com
I am, very reap... Sully,
President of Pennsylvania. Railroad Co.
Read nod accepted; , • ,
When Mr. Layng mdved that n joint committee
of two members from the Select and Wee mem
bers of the Common Council be appointed to con
fer with the President of the Company, end that
the Presidents of Councils be added to the com
mittee. Adopted, and Messrs. Layog and Kincaid
appointed on part of the Select Council.
Mr. Denny presented the followmg communica
7b John' Sklpton,•Esq-, Pr, carnt of the Soler
Su:—l am directed to infirm the Select Council
through you, that's vacancy bas occurred infirm
Board of "Guardians the the relief and employment
of the Poor of tho- city of Pittsburgh," in cones ,
quence of the, resignation of W.I. Totten, Esq.,
who was elected on the part of the SelectlCoun
Read and accepted. and the vacancy tilled by
the election of Charles Rouen, Esq., as a member
of the Board.
Mr. Denny in the Chair.
Mr. Black moved that we now adjourn. The
yeas mid-nays were called, and the motion for nd.
jorirernent was lost ds follows:
Yeas- , Messrs. Aikins, - Black, Caskey;
Nays— Messrs. Bakewell, Denny, Kincaid,
Lnughliti, Lorene, McGill, Murray, President—S.
Mr. Black renewed his motion for adjournment.
which the Chair decided to be out of order until
some beefiness was taken up and acted.upon. Mr.
B. appealed from this decision duns Chriii.The yeas
and nays were called, and the chair sustained by
the tollowing vote:
Yeas—Messrs. IBakeweil, Caskey, Denny, Kin
caid, Laughlin, Lorenz, McGill, Murray-, and Pres.
Nays—Messrs.-,Aikins, Black, Hill, Layng—l.
Mr. Bakewell , presented a report of
the Water Comniittee "relative to laying of new
mains, and the protection of the Water Works from
fire," also, several resolutions and a report of the
Superintendent of the Works. Repcutof the Corn.
mittee read and accepted. •-•
Action on resolutions reported below:
Ile also presented a Report and ResoluticMs re-
Commending the 6oneruction of a Basin on the
City lots in the Eighth Ward. Report and resole.
tiorw read.
Resolutions offered with the first report :
- 'l. Resolved. Thati.the Water Committee be au
thorized to -r advertise,for proposals and contract
with the lowest and hist bidders, for 1400 feet of
24 inch pipe, with th4requisite valves and mop
ed:kit and connections for a new tieing main from
the engines to the Reservoir and also For 2500 feet
4 inch pipe, 5 . 00 fl 6 inch pipe and 1500 1l 9 inch
pipe, with the requisite tire plugs, branches and
stop-cocks to be laid in the streets recommended
in their report of this date, and to be paid fir in
city bonds having 15 years to ton, and bearing an
interest of 6 per cent,
Read first and• second time and laid over:
2 Resolved, That th:Aperiutendeut of the
.. .r.atet_Works uader the Imo drab*
tee be authorized. tti tenci tmd grade. net ankh of
the city lot on O'Harns stiWt above. Liberty as
may be required for storing pipes and other ar
ticles belong to the Water Works.
Read three times and adopted. • • • •
3. Resolved) That the Superintendruat of the
Water Works underthe direction of the Commit.
tee be authorized to lay an 5 inch main from %Yr
lie st;along stkist to Roan st, and thence to the in.
tonsiction of the 5 inch pipe along.* at, with the
requisite ship-cohks and branches, and that the
Street Committee be instructed that when the con.
tracts for grading-sth •t are given itut.that so much
of that street be graded as may be requisite fir
laying the maitofdßoss et before the Water pipes
between Grant kuld Smithfield ans removed.
• Read field and second time and fed over.
4. Resolved, That the Water Cinrittlinee be mi
litarised to adopt 'the most efficient and economical
_means of rendering the present Water . Work.
fire oroot
Bead first nod second time.nod laid over.
Adjourned. .
had only time to barely
mention the act of several fires occurrinion Men.
day eighi, which were ntanitestly the*work of in.
cendian'Es. The burning of the 4th Ward Public
School building was the most important lona This
structure arils put op in the year 1813, at a cost of
56,000, and was insured in. one of the Eastern coin.
paniesfor 334,000.
The stable,lfrom which thoic'hoorlaouse caught
fire, was evidently fired.fir the parpose of genies
a chance to rob the tavern; for daring the progress
of the fire, Mr. Veld's house was entered and trunks
taken to the ukeleles board yard and out houses,
where4hey here broken open and rifled of their
coatmalt.i.. The money drawer, also, won token
Porn the bar mine, but only a $5 counterfeit note
and a fade small change happened to be in it. One
of the boarders, named J. L. Abraham, had $125
ntolen out of kid vest pocket,',and another man jolt
all his valualdi clothing.
These occiiireeCes of tires and robberies, call
badly for mom vigilance lied activity on the part
of oar police and watchmen. There in certailtV
gang of villains in' our city, who are determined
no plunder and the destruction of the property of
our ciusena, and if they ire not soon caught, there
is no telling to what extent they may carry their
fiendish work.
Otrrasons..—The excitement of the fire, on Moo •
day night, resulted in the perpetration of some out.
rages. i Some firemen, returning with their oppa.
rams, got to quarrelling among themselves, at the
corner of Penn and St. Clair streets. Two gentle:
Shipton and Mr. Carson, of the firm
of Capon 8c M'Keight—who enterfered to restore•
order, were very badly injured. Mr. Shipton re•
ceiyid a stab in his back, with a dirk, by some
dastardly follow; and Mr. Corson hod his shoulder
dislocated. The wound of Mr.Shipton is not eon.
sidered dangerous. Mr. Thomas \yallaos, also,
was stabbed in the hand, by a man named Lents,
whom he gave a severwkieking, befuie exhausted
from loss of blood; and it is said the assassin will
hardly survive the deserved punishMent helot:a/-
yea on the spot. Mr. Wallace was conveyed to ■
house, where he fainted from lam of Milled, •
Iktrs.4tAny.—The house of Mr. S i Robinson, in .
Allegheny. was 'entered last week, by some bold,
fellow, whose object was evidently plunder. ' The
entrance won made at the back door.. The fitmliy
being absent, he tea his time in searching ih e .
house, but decamped with Out getting any thing o
much. value.
Ware II Svocm,—A man stopPlng if,Fehl t s tavr .
ern, in the burry to get to the fire, left his fine gad;
lever watch on the stand in bin bed room, and 'dn. , .
ring his absence some thief stole it.
Another parson at the same place, accidentally
palled his gold welch oil the window, in the burry,
to get out, and trumped upon it, breaking
Too Conhper held an inquest over thd body of a
colored nil*, which was kuad Jo the Monoogahe•
la rive!, loft Sunday. No discovery was made as'
to We name or reaidence of the .detmaidtt, or the
manner of hls death.
Accrom.—Yesterday morning, a little boy, .on
of 100. Smith , collector at On Allegheny Bridge,
went into the *shoot house fur tha purpose of get.
tieg some books which be Aiwa& bad not ban
bueni, wbeo ` a piece of the loose Umber fell upon„
sad broke his back several phone. • There
is narcelyaly hope far bin recovery.
Dase—Tbe lid who was van over by a dray,
aieninOefine"laie,:diid yesterday anemone, vre
learn; fisini the injury received.
. Plttsbursi Gisette.
Con-espaudruce of the Pittsburgh Gesette. -
Whig; CalsvonstlOn.
- Philadelphia, lone 6-3 r. it
Oar city, at present, is densely crowded, and
therels a good deal of political excitement to eve
ry Ili:liner. Delegates are. coming in by every
poseilile conveyance, and every thing will be in
marline's Mt the meeting of the Convention tr.
• •
morrow. „ There is a good deal of speculation
t theieeult, but A is utterly impassible to fore
see t with any degree of certainty.
A democratic cormaiuee:leil the city this morh
o a steambhat, to meeiGen. Cassi who in:
ten to pay its a -visit on his way homcV .
Correspoodsneo of the Pittsburgh Guit's.
Washington, June e:, 1835.
th House, of Congress met to-day, and ad
jo ned over to Friday nenbto allow the members
an opportrinity to nused the Convention of Phil.
he Han• Wm W Seaton is riselected'polnyor of
Witshingto a.
Caerespandenee data Pittsburgh Gazette.
Philadelphia, June r.
Flour—Sales of good brands at 55 50 per
Corn Meal—Moderate sales to day at 52 31'par
Grain—Saha of prime red Wheat at MMSc per
busheL 3,000 bushels, inferior quality, were sold'
at 120 cts per bushel. Sales of 5,000 bu. prime
yellow Cora at 51052 a pec bu.
Groceries—The market is steady, with a fah , hm
sitiess in the way of trade tales. Coffee and ;110-
kisses are without change.
PA3l46llXl,aref of 400 barrels Mess Pork at
$lO 50 per bbl: Sales of Ilacon Shoulders at 301
310 per Ib; Sides are scarce and in demand, with
sales at. 410 1 k per lb. - Prime Lard is selling at
71c per lb. The market isuearly bare.
Lead—Salei of 100 pigs at 4 cis per lb, G otos.;
lbawere sold rd 3fc cash. .
I,Vhisltty-1, bear of Moderate sales to day at
22c per 'gallon.'
. New York, June 6,6 r. sr. .'
Flour--Limited sales of Genesee were effected
to day at $.5 5066 62 per bbL Sales of Western
brands et the saute figures. With moderate sales,
the market is in favor of the seller.
Grain—t have no change to notice in the mar.
ket. Modrate sales of prime red are effected at
112:c per bushel.
Cotton—The Market is peavy, with no sales
worth reporting. 7
Lead—Sale. at' avat cts-Perlh. Market inne
tire. • ' I
Tobacor-TlieWarltelisilniet, with limited sides
ri n Z i g• s Dloi. 'l l7 L og is - doiii; worthy of ropon- • •
13surtumia,luneA 6 P..
Font—Limited sales a . }toward St. brands are
steeled at 55 62 per Md. City Mills brands boVe
slightly advanced, wfth sales at 35 75 per bbl.
Wheat—Tbe market isstnet;with sales of prime
white at 1256130 ets; and of prime red at 1200
123 els per..busheL
Comr-Prime yellow is selling al 50 cents per
Provisions—Quotatioim remain - steady, and no
hiog is doing in any article wortb reporting.
a -Correspondence of the Pittsbargh Gazette.
Cuminnati,June 6, ISIS.
flour4Modemte sales of choice brands at SIX,
and of Sl6i4 06 per bbt . •
Oats—l,..ales at 25e per bushel.
Whiskey—The market is quiet, with moderate .
sales at 14 ,cts pergallon.
Cheese--Limited wiles are effected at 5e6 cts
per lb. •
Provisions—Sales of Mess Pork at SS per bbl:
Of Lard, I hear of ealee at 6106 per lb—the mar
het closing firm. Bacon Hams are rain- at ftcp
Sides at 31e, and Shoulders 2le per lb —with an
active demand.
Groceries—The market is dull, with tin shnage
in any article.
,The market, generally, iauritbout change.
Tb du Editors o4 . elts P.ittitalLs,Etroci-
ILports are said to be inerulation 'that 1 nut
a candidate for Congress. I f s due to myself ae
will as others, to say that the repcirls arc entire
ly groundless. However willing' I ',might be to
represent the people Of this county in Congress, if
in a condition to do . so Without a great sacrifice,
my circumstances we such ru this time w to iar
bid all thmlghts of sepamting myself from my pro-
Jessional. haleness. WALTLR .FOlt WARD.
CsA, ISt?.
QT The name of HUGH MITCHELL Will be pro
eciited to the Whig and Anti•Masonie "Gonvenuon,
(soon to microbic). a candidate for nomination for
Cloth of the Court. White we are disinclined to, ere.
opLownonsil thes beam. ,tneetino
ffitillYintkort - wit most be rtnittisd tevity;that e
vif the
pe e are
bstriethod with the belief that 11 . Alitehett has claims
thnt4e Whig and Anti.blesonic parry of thiscounty
art lied upon injustice to respect. But no one hth
suffered mom, yet hisildelity to the Whig cense never
homer could be called in question.
stylPitC .I.lrreaSr. Chinned Bauswirt.
• Comm . Aroma—Messrs: Ealtort You will please
dipibgh the culentni.. of your paper, that the name of
Job's BYERffi, of 'Findley township, v4ll be present.
pd the coming County Convention for nornination as
IltkArni.h.tthotue and Whig candidate for ount Au.
dipsfr The qualifications of Mr. Byers no , mo b on to
ounce the faithful discharge Of the duties of the office,
sad by Emote. andtency as aWhig, give him
strong :claims upon the eousis favorable cothideration of the
patty, He will be mpportedla Coniendon by
3L, Rsoars.—Henn.Editordi Yea are reques
ted to announce through the columtkcp( your paper,
that GEORGE W. BOWhla N i Esq., df Plturctourn
ship,ie a candidate for nomithuon foe the office of Re
peter, subject to the deciston of She Affil.filasonierod
Whig County C00,e11.6011. ,
• my:Mac...lS , MANY
To Tu. Ethrrova or Auitosthth Covnyv.Fellosir
Cdimns: Eking requested by a number of my friend.,
to offer myself as a candidam-for ine office of Clerk of
nrite Coon of Quarter Sento. of Allegheny county, for
nommation by th e Anti-Mesonie eat' Whig County
'Convention. 1(I should be so fortunate, as to receive
the nomination, it shall be my endeavor to fulfil the du
ties of the office if elected.
Tont: Yoram or Ausoram Covert—l resEMettill
ly offer myself as a candidate for Clark of 1111r,C013.1 of
Idualter Senior/it, be., of AllegheoLeounty, subject to
the decision of the approaehing Democratic Whig Con-
vention. 111 should be so fortnnfie as to' obtain the
maidtfir of your sotfrages , my endeavor shall be to
film barge the dimes of the odic! with fidelity:
tityldtdAwd • . LEWIS FYOUNO.
Rs:comma ov vnt Comdr.-1111.ARY BRUNOT, of
the tab Ward, Pillsburgh,will be suproned in the Mai .
Missonre and Whig Convention, for the office of Coun
ty Recorder. Mr. Devout was raised'. farmer on Dm
not% Island, is an old Mateo, a good Whig, and wor
thy of ea active snoop.. He veal to the latc.wer. sod
his fatherm she Itevolutionary war. "
mytdditrifT ;EAST LIBERTY. '
'booms Ec Co.: Please Mannouncd for us the none
of JOHN Met:WEN,Herrionsville, as a sun.
-able candidate for the office of Reconlet of Allegheny
nty, at the rent annual election. Believing Lim
worthy, as well ascompeterd, we prawnt him one
choice, subject to &La...ion °fate Whig Convention in
'Jun 110:t. • myln• SOlrrif FAYETI'D.
Coatrr Itioirma.—Measra.Edimrsi Vonore
to au nimuce that HUGH MuCORMICK, Lim. of
of Moon ,RWllllll.lp, is. a candidate for nomination lor
the other Begister, subject to the dommon of the
Anti-Masg and Whig County Convention.
.tatmyls VERSAILLES.
Comers Rasta.—We ore requested to Mate that
WILLIAM J. MAKIN, of Allegheny thy, is a clutch
date for tlie!infice of 'Register Mthis county, NI bject to
the nomiustiou of Win Whig Convention. ntylkie
• Commr ItitotrniMAlAMES W. KENNEDY , of Alle
gheny ity„ptll be eoppotted before We Whig End
Antiiklavonie Convention; for We other of County E rg .
Imes. mylMilltb.wto MANY WIIINS.
Coc:efr Consitts'ima. —TIIO3IAS DAVISON, of Pee.
bloc townihip, is s candidate for the said office, subject
to the action of the Aoti , Alasonie sodhg County
Convention. mdliMertllS
'Wilkinshorgh; will be supported' before the. suing
Convention as a candidate tor noinination for Clete et
the Court of quarter Sessions by •
Curt or T. Corers.—DANIEL,AIeCURIW, of
Elizabeth, oil be a candidate fur the alike of Clerk of
.the rove (hums( Allegheny coulq, subject to the
derision of the Anti-Masonic mud Whig County Con
vention. loylealk.vete 5
Idmas FAnforsi Please annormee the name of.H.HIN
CONNER, of Upper rib Clair. as a candidate for the
olbee orkkx ,tw e r. Me. Conner; is • Whig of the right
sri7olorthtr au noire
~21zfrwtci wzwiN.
Corner Rittastaa--The name of JOHN MECAS-,
KEY is resPeettMlY Portent" Je the Whig sod 'Anti.
hlawnic Conrentioni as • candidate for the office of
IttWPRED,III. BRUSH will be a candidate hefore
6..i n a.lidesinue and Whig •County Convention, for
the office's! Clerk MIMI COUft of Muerter Session, p ‘c .
s=ll WARD.
TIS :I2 T. hIcEdILLAN will be a candidate too the
°Moe of
he of the Conn -of Warier Sesiete, kc ,
the decision of the approaching Convention!
mrklidltwtf T
Cocurr Choonattomm.—The name of THOMAS
FAIHAIAN will, be,presented to thetahit and Anti.
Ali:One. Convention, tcormsathle On tholith of d e ee
next, so a candidate. forilica above Mike.
myl74:3W. THIRD WARD.
I COCNTS CON.iiio:lllLV—We ore requestedto state
',that WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny elty, will be
la eandident for the!abore oleelauldect to the decision
~ o f the Antbillosonkratid Whig County Conventon.
tityWidesure •
„K• esnth d o W. NARKS, of Peebiea mw
eeo l a ,
. m emd for We
Lject to the decisiodi of the Antl.Masonic and 11114
Convention. 4 • myklbdtswie
, Como Racuanshb—ldeors. kiditors: Your are re
quested to announce through the columns of yourpw.
per that JOHN glitilLL, of West Deer tour , Is a
candidate for the °thee of County Recorder subject to
the decision of the Ault Marone ands Wins County
Collocation. lnlawle.
It You : foolish, silly old Idlest, lout this, and be no
longer held rshisksticss and hairless. Mr. W. Jack
man, of Liberty guest, Pittsburgh, Pa, certifies on the
. 0c 3,1 of FsbntaiY. 1647 that Mr.l'hos. Jackson's head,
the top, eras an ti re fl bald for 13 years, and that by
using two 3s bottles o Jones' Coral Lair aestoratirc,
the hour is stowing fast and thick.
Bold in Newarkby N. Ohl:Ma SON, 379 Maul at, It
VAN tIUSIORK, comma Broad uld Nantucket S.
That arbiter akin of be ns,lbut snore,
'.' And pure as monumental alabaster."
All (mdes bar. all lo !Mottle above, who iota Jones ,
White. It =Acta per. snowy, yet DAM
rally totals. told at f. 2 Coas 11 LI, street.- Mold
IZY . To nn Ham AND Lua—Camatook . • Nene and
Bone Liniment and Indian Veyetable 4tiiair lathe met
Qeemal enye ley It Innatim. Sold by UI4.JIALIK.
SIN. Laval (or Plttabayab. nowlediarlhatT
Exp Ans, Nor" ikee—' 'or rimming! Hope Unmet* .
u as gn igh t guten batty erielontr6l it • lan for the
above l g gg any 1011014. ur 44114 .10 11411041144
loirsikallicZtlol•l by Wlll .lACkttliN, Agent for Pins.
bore, oorlOdkirrimT,
itg . rOms:lts Cot. tolltrit Toetn—To the Ilald
nod Grey—lf yon wish. a Orb, Inutramt head °flare,
Lee from dandruff and ocurf, do not fail to preen= the
genuine Balm of Columbia. In sass of baldness it
will more than exceed your expectations. Molly who
haire lost their hair far =4 years have hod it restored to
iticoriginal perfection by the use of this balm. Age.
state or condition appear to be no obstacle whatever; I I
also canoes the thlid-to flow with which the delicate
hair tube is filled. by which memo thousands (whose
hair was grey so the Asiactie. Engle), hove had their
hair tutored to it, neutral color by the ase of this invol..
amble remedy. In oil cams of raver it will be found the
mnot pleasant wash that can be and. A few applies
bons only are neCessery to keep the hair from tolling
out.' It strengthens - My room, it never fails to impart •
rich glossy appenrunee, and al 6 perfume for the toilet
it is unequalled; it hold. three times as much so other
miscalled hair restoratives and is more tactual. The
genuine manufactured by Comstock Cc Co., RI Counland
treet, New York.
Auld in Pittsburgh, only gettnine, by IVIII.SABILSON,
50 Liberty st., head of Wood; in Waolint on, Pa., by
Sweeny A Ada; in Brownsville, by Dennet & Crocker;
in Canonsbnrg, by De. no=el; also, by our agents in;
every town in Pa., Ohio and novlailikwCoa.
EXPNATOKLN2.—We would call attewon to
Mu excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, and all ndectiow of the Throat and Langs.
Having several times within a few years past had para.
Sion to use a medicine of Ma* kind, we have by experi
ence tested its excellent qualities, antl are preparal to
iCtOICIIICiIti it to others. Ministers !or other 'While
speakers afflicted with bronchial adyetioas will thud
great benefit from its use. It is prepared by a calculi
he physician. and all chases will find it a safe and eft
cations medicine in the diseases for which it is re-
• . . •
• mmended.--{Columbus (Ohio) Co., aud Jounul.
For gale la the Pekin Tel Store, No. 70 Fourth street.
ID— Worms, by their anon, augment the seem
lion of mucus or shine in the toah, in which, oh.
•110, they involve themselves, and it is said they feed
upon it, and if deprived of it they die. The celebrated
Verrailtige prepared be IL A. FAIINESTOCK,
Put , nrhi Pa., is admirably edupted in its operation;
first to
remove the protecting mile., and secondly, to
expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by be
ing dine denoded. It is a remedy in which every con
fidence min be placed; at that it Lan answered the
purpose is 111151111 . 0.1 from the hundreds of certificates
given in its favor. 105
Ur' Does your heir off, doer your hall: tam gray
la it hash, is it dry, or dirty. I pry!
1( Its thug, you can make it sod.. silky and fine,
Dark and healthy, end beauteous us this hair of mine
And to have this, you have but dime shillings, to give
For I bottle of Jones' Hair Restorative..
Reader, if you hove bad hair you would really be scr
ntialshed at the lovely effect a Chloe shilling bottle of
Jones' CoraLllair Restorative has on dill tired. but ace
trial. Sold at ES Liberty st.: novlntlAwly
AbStenbenville, ou Tbormolay evening, 'June by
Rev. D. Denny , C. H. GUN; E.g., of Ibis city,: to
Ea., daughter of D. 1.. Collier, F.m.
On Monday evening, gth inst., I.y the Rev. A. Ander:
eon, Rem. D. b% , .• Friesen, nf Kaleni, N. Y,,,,t0 Misc So
-411 1.. Smoury,cof this city.
GENT I.IINI EN:—Since the subscription for Twenty
Thousand Shares of the Stock in this Company
has been advised by the Rail Hood Convention, numer
ous m
suggestions have been made to e that the look•
ahuuld be again open to gave such Ware disposed un
opportunity,to subscribe individually firths Mak
in conformity with the eipressed wish o; your fellow
citizens, I 'have to request that you trill again cause
the Looks to he opened at such time and place as you
may deer Most expedient. Very ruspeettlally,
S. V. MERRICK, Weal pa. It. IL Co.
Piuteurgb, June 6, Jets.
Pentaitylyanhatall FLoad:Compasky.
will n rr c :li ' Veri ' p: •
boo to the mock of the IPettasylvatua Roil .Road Com
pany, on Pridey end Saltonlay. the nth and It June,
trout U o'clock - , A. Mlo I tichwk, P. M., at the Com
parY's office, Thirdut et, below Martel; and the
Merchrmt's Zs Mclntire torer's Hank,
at the Ex
change Dtmk—Fire Dollars per share .10 be paid at the
tone of subscription.
Inthrost at Me rate of six per cent. ;ter clumn, will
be paid by the Company on all Muniments from th • e
date of peyote.. THOMAS RAKEWELL,
WM. M. LYON. •
A I D,
rIITY OF kacancy Laving
%." °courted in the representat i on of the Third Ward,
in the Select Council of caul mty, twins:lotted by the
retie 11.10tIlof Honor Plutrea, L. 41., and the said Coun
cil having„ by a re.olutiou passed June fith, A. D. IS-15,
...lewd an. election to fill the aforesaid vacancy—
Therefore. Mayor of mid city, in
6CG0A13.1/oe with the provision of an Act of the Cidste
rarAssembly.of the Stele of Pennsylvania, providing
for the incorporezion of thc city of Pittsburgh, do tone
this, my Proclamation. declaring Wu on the Sonoma
T 1.1114. 1. of June, A. U. 141,. being the lath day of said
month, the freemen of the 'Pomo %Vann of the city of
Pittsborgh, qualified to vote Inc members of the House
of Repreoentatives of ICI, I um:wow - oath, will meet to
gether Di the usual pla,••• 01 holding election. to said
Ward, and elect lech.: sr citizen of the aforesaid
Want, quahfied to oh t lemed n member of the 11011..,
of Repreventauvc. of 1:4•4 Commonwealth, to fill laid
tilVen under my hand and seal of said city of Pius.
burgh, this 6th day of June, A. D. Intl
teLte' GABRIEL ADA3IS, Mayor.
Orphan's Court. Sale.
LLEGIIENN COUNTY, Sn—l'urcuant to nntor
der of therph
OaMs Court of ad county, ded
J an e: I,IoIS, expose 10 public sate at the Court
House, in the city 01 Pdriburgb, on Wednesday, the
:bah slay of Junc, A. H. IC4O, at Itt unlock, A. hl , the
illtefl of Oliver and hum Ormsby, MOM ChlidfCrl of
Jane Tr Ormsby, dee'ss~j. in the fottowmg dereribed pieee
orpanel of land, bding the one nano) undirideditglith
parrorall that eertnin 'dyne of land senate in lower
• St. Clair 'Township, county of bounded north
erly by the riusburgh rod Coal Bin Turnpike Road;
eutorly and vruterly by property asn'geed to Ebbs &
Damen in the petition of John OrmsLy's estate, and
southerly by propdrty of Batley and Allen, being the
anmeproperty taMch, by ibe proceedinot, in Fannon
among heir. of Oliver Ormsby, in the 'Orphans
Court of Allegheny county, No. 6) of October T. aria,
,veras lett undivided. IV. H. DENNY, Gunnlian.
jelahtaw3l • •
CNTAINING - ,03 acres, situated in Moon Town.
ship, Beaver county, l's., five miles from Beaver
,Point, three miles mud: of the Ohio river, ane mi:es
Dom Pittsburgh. The imprOvcrueuts mid advantages
are as follows, namely: About 17.5 acres or cleared
land, about 5) orwhich is in meadow. There see two
frame Dwelling Bonus, ell finished, with other out
boosts; one !ns Darn, with a shed of ten tea along the
front; one sawing mill, all ofarlueb are in good repair,
and a variety .of (DLit trees. The fences are in good
Itand several public roads pats through the form.
It or convenient to school, and to several places of pub
lie worship. The above farm is well watered and un
der a high state of cultivation, and is admirably. males.laded fora *beep faun. The form can be divided into
two, to suit purchaser.. An iudisputable title will be
given. For further particulars, see the subscriber on
the premises. ROBERT NEVIN.
illt tout kaIiZICAN Woos arm 70rrarr; AT rrrrs-
Ett.ft, u.
timated themselves together motet style mut - title
of Schooley, Ryan & Co., for the manufacture of Wood
Type, and as their type is altogether made by machi
nery, Me inyention of Isaac Al. Singer. one Fif the finn,
they feel confident that they otter a MOM perfect article
of type, an& at much lower tate. than any heretofore
offered in the tinned States, and ace now ready to MI
order. far Mesame.
. . . . .
All orders 'nildressed to Schooley, Ryoo h Co., a at
their in Diamond alley, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, will by, punctually attendkil to. .
11J Propnenna of eoppiag this od
veruvement 3 months, and sending us their toper, will
be ciliated to receive their pop in tyPei on PUrchn.iall
three times the amount of their bill foe advertising.
• je7.1.1r0
Canehalanai, Triumphant:
Da. TOWNSEND.. lb - , celebrated mandfacturcr of
••Toertmend's nanaparilla," hos admitted public.
ly Mai this Petticoats. Plant I. "far better than Sarn
i...ills; and is the "cheapest and best medicine Mille
world." Pm:vide. containiac interesting information
as to im remarkable prope ate s 111 the care °Cray...and
Ague, Puhnouary Complaints, Nervoucklifticuons and
Cutaneous llisomers. from the room reapecOnble mar.
cm, may be obtatned at the agencies, or aril] be far
warded•to pool polo appliealton., ppee 1. `;
o"Gay".CachProprieor f
Depot' 313 Llroadway,New York.
111.1( CIAMIS—IV It Murphy
k. 7 imitt} the silent ion of uentlentan wanting Clotho,
to his assortment of very twat make of Unmet, and
English Clothe. A tow pieces very sopUrror block
Frencli,just reed; also, Doeskins cool Canumeres, in
great variety; summer Coesinteres and tweeds, far
wens' and boys' wear. block 'rain Ventlaga, mad' -
Marseilles do; gonts while and bordered alien cambri
ildkfG super white and colored silk gams Glazes,
Hosiery, ae.; Gauze. Merino and cotton Undershirts,
for summer wear; bib and fancy Cravat# Gingham
and Java. do. Ali.
W A e r' n 'T go E ge til ‘ th r tre n tgve * r i tt h ser ' in ` l i str ir ; .f plOr i thre
manufacturing business, thrre is Ito rompitl
lion, and that playa profit or/00par cent.; TO s per
son scanting a perfectly safe and peiluannin business,
opportuiiity offers uthlotn to be tont with.' Address
J. Richmond, at the office of this paper, stating where
an inter•iew earl be had. ie;:d3t•
MaapratVe Patent Soda /tab.
•Ip s ' CASES Just hooting from .roamer North Caro
Jr" no, and lor wale by
VI k M AtrretietrnEn
jet • lOU Mien,. creel
MOBAOOO-12 kegs Net it twist Tobefieo, lanai
feent swathes Blonongubela and for sale by
FLOUR .11bi tF reeriviug from Four C.:enrol and f.
role by 07 JAMES #ALZELL
GCumberlandßEAtiE-7 bbls C
fo reaseal,' e
nosr landinifrom steam.
and rs by
1 steamer Cumberlalid and for sale by
nOTTON-41. bales Itow binding' fromstrnr Cumbe
k) land and for sale by JO ISAIAH DICKEY &Ca
KY PEACHES-150 bus Trimmer; DA store nod
for sale by, Jet ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co .
LOST—From the menmer Consul, a bbl of Herring,
:snaked "Elliott, Eiliottiville, Ohio' , It was lett
the wharf on Weduesday lash and it is supposed
It his been hauled olr through mistake. ; Jed
suoAR-12 LLd• prime :Si 0 Sdger, received
by vitamin. Tolegiaph wiU for sale by
/03 W 11A1211AUGII
MESS POUR—IO bLI 'Mess Port, just recd
and for sule bp 11/11111AUGLI,
led 33 staler nod 104 front in
hto•on ' .hwee received six
iNGII4SI-- ",i c A o ' j. l Zi. ° ,7d t Co
which they are sel
ling s c rWe ' erretne low prier! of 14 .14 Jed
Q BAWLS—A A Mason I Co. b.° 4N:el upward
of 1500 Showla of eve kind. conatirigiog soma ve
Crop., Silk an d stain
Stain Shtoolt,_
CVHOUGHT CULLAILtt —A A Mailivi m Co, No 60
Market et, tw!: just recy per enters, VW Wet
oYors of every vati/ty, sorneit the low price of IE4
edam ' jo6
t.PENTLIERS—Jue. wolves! and'for solo by
X Jell GEO C(hlallAN,hl woods
0 Fri TURilitiflN El-20 Ws just nt s! and f
la sale by Sel BRAUN h REITER
ANLI.ILA BEANS—Prime qublity. jilet reed and
for sale by }ea BRAUN b. libaTEtt _
0 1 1arly gi gg l y . ;: ° 1; "b*r*
7-AC 111 MUM 1.11310 i Jolla
A warthowo or ),3 J
... lot NNW NI INN' drUE
2-1 . gnus Jut received. and tut •nle
ic3 J KIDD& Co
1.114 P SEED—Four bbl. ?or rain at We drug ora
house of Jrs .1 KIDD to Co
ll' Cotanibi. Caning Pres..; Harri-
Columbian luks; teary/id and or ode by
je6 ' JOILI II MELLUII., :4 wood at
By Japi•s DlrKeiwM Ane.Al ***** .
01 parniture, Feither Beds; bedding, he., on Sternum
or whom it may concern,' at ancuen; at the IL jtoi
States Hotel.
(t Saturday next, Jane at 10 o'clock Id . die
foramen. will be sold positteety, without resew ,
account of whom it may concern, at the Hutted Isms
Howl, corner aren't Street sad the Cabal !Vasil tee
th" both' mid bedding, anions which are in par Abe
fa hewing, vii Fent her beds, bedding. mattrurest car
peting, btreattchain, bks; mantel ornament ae:
Thoe cont e nted in the above pioperty, wilt tube
notice s of this advertisement.
• ies JAMES ble/TMCNA. A ct
JSh D. Dairin, Alualsaaeer
ffry Goods, Atairinz. •
On Thursday morning, Jane 8, at Itro'doek, al the
...emir , ' Sales Room, corner ofWcad and .FAilh
sweet., will be sold, several coon to of fresh and
fashionable fancy and staple Dry Goods, maiming of
superfine broad cloths, cessuracre, samens, tunic
Kentucky jelioa„ twelve leaf plaid, mode and assort
colors de haslet, usdigo blue furniture siiid apronehls,,
jeans, ginglierns, barns, bemire, balzarlaes, generical
and English prnas to great sanely, bleached and uns
blenched chirtings, cotton hosiery, crutch suspenduts,
Ness and second hand Furniture, among whirl, will
be found, one superior dresaing bureau; half went rotor
rocking chairs, French and common choir., citifilmn'a
table and rocking choirs, tables, six pairi iramparent
window blind., qu ensware, tinware,
_kitchen furni
ture, ic. 8 bra wi n dow glass, ossoned J 0.% 1 half
hretr YII ten; 1 ter cask likladeirassiner 1 do Frtilleb
brandy, worthy die attention of bar keepers, cigar., to
basso, groceries,
At 7 1“.
f o'clock, p. tn. '
Ready made clothing, boots, shoes, dry garKls, no
cordeous, files, books, paper, gold and steel pens, te. -
lea • JOllll D DAVitit, Al.uc
Nark of the Steamer Suntetra at Antrion—En
gino, Furniture and Tackle.
Will be *old on Wednetulay next, the 7ith day of
June, ate o'clock, P.ll, at the warehouse on %1 Met
sweet, adjoining L S Watembie, the entire 'necklet
the steamboat Swatare, consisting of baileys, engines
and machinery, with her doers, window rash, cultic
ftintiture,liedding; carpeting, chair, sod tams:, a first
rale hawser and other rigging, blocks, tackles, &r
The eligines;tc., ears be seen et.the 'yard endows.
Rees. liartupee it Co, rooter of Pint and Short streets,
and the furniture, Zee., at the place of .
Peeve—All sum under 8t W, cub -eurectiegi poet
Slim, approved endorsed nom., et 99 dale; ace , 5400,
et 4 months.
This sale safer. a rare opportunity Wally pervert wish
iug to build a light boat, the enlist= being nearly new
and first rate for their power.
c. 3 JOIIN D DAVIS, Acme
C. S. Patriot ' Munger and L'isece
Benefit and lust appeorante
Wenn:Wile, Joss 7, leen; to commence with the
Claude Melnotte Mr. Oxley.
Pn Mr. Welnyee.
Pauline Mies Veiny".
To conclude with
- —.—. .
Finio ' \IL Oxley.'
Himea ' Miss Wemys.
, Thuisday—Benefit ofJOHN DUNN.
Pluror or Ansinstos.—Dreas Cireleoso etc Second
75r, 35 ls; Pi 4 Irq'Cia. , l.W.
• - • .
• •
. ' PHILO IIALL. •-‘-• ': '
consisting to IGnsrs. W. G. Flamer,' W. Roark, J.
tuLD. fo Jacobs, J. IL Farrell, and T. Archar,vespect.
fatly inrm citisens of Pittsburgh that they will
'ire ajscries of FAhlopian Concerts, commencing on
ThuvAny evening, Nay 9th, ara continue Friday nod
Saturday, .
Cards di Admission, SS cents. -
. je7 . . J.C. BENSON, Agent.
Valuable wad Attractive' New Book.
T liigory of the Otrauditts, 3 colt,
it... , Lire of Chevalier Bayard; 12 mo.
G. P. R. James' Life Of Henry the - Toerth, of France,
Ste - 12 ma.
nithh , Consular Cities of China; 12 mo.
NeanderNt Lite of Jesus Christ; S ea, muslin;
Marvel's Fresh Gleanings; or u new Sheol from the
old fields of Continental Europe.-
Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Muiean Wan 12 me.
pug , . Story of the kindle of Waterloo; 12 mo.'
4 A Sommer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 12 mo.
Sinnandi's Literature of the South of &trope; 2 vole,
12 me.
Reston's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
Mountaing 12mo, muslin.
Posthumous Works of Dee. Thos. Chalmers, D. D.,
The Practical Astronomer . by Thos. Dick, L. L. D..
Life of Jeremy Delknap, Al, Historian of New
Iltunpshtre. -
[Miter and the Reformalion, by John Scott, M. A.,
2 vols. -
' The Middle Kingdom', with a new output the Empire;
by S NV. Willisms,2 vole, 12 mo. '
The Power of the Pulptt, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.,
The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D. IT me.
I Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Artist: by Rev.
The Com, his. Court and People; by John S, Maxwell.
Leetures on Shskspeare, by H. N. Hudson: •
The Anins of Amenea—lllustrated with nineengra
viers on steel, aril containing sketches of the lives of
Allston, Inman, Wen, Stuart, Trumhull. De Want,
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawfordtl. vol,S co..
The Orators of France; containing sketches of the
lives of filmeartine, Thlen, , Napoleon. Datum, Mita
beau, Gullet end others, with permits of each.
I leadley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vols. 12 mo.
Readies`. Wutdegron stud his Generals; 2 sots, 12m
Ileadley'sSatred Mountnins. • • • • c
The above, together with h large collection of Staudt'
and Works, Cbusical and School Books, for sale by
JOHNSTuN & ST N, Booksellers,.
;1.5 cornet market and lists
• • •
3 11. 1 BrOadoroy,.N•or York, .
teH 9lu.Cw. Danger, Laces, Embroideries, :Meri
nos, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns, Dotabsatnes,
They invite country Merchants, visiting New York,
.to examine Welleach befiwo waking thew porches....
Muir... for many years of the house of A.T.
Stewart Si Co., Hom 'which be retired on the )st of Jan.
18411; and Mr. James Dickson, (who has an interest in
the busuiess,) was also favorably known in that amt.
• 44
Established a warehouse in.the year tain s !. Steins
pose of supplying the City and anurior Trade watt
low prieee—and exhibit o 6 at all an:sane
of tbe yetts, ,i the Large,- t As•Ortment to
. are now opening Several liundred . Paekeg
ptnpnang every hew style of Foreign and De 11.0.10
roduction a many of which bare Put been purchased,
'and are offered for sale for Cash and elitist credit, at
per yard, below. the pnces of April and May, as per
pruned Cate ogees, which are collected daily, (or the
information of b open. •
New York, June, te47. S
Rorosms will be received op to 3 o'clock, PAL
JL of the Mk day ofJtme neat; at the °thee of J. W.
Kerr, itterryt'a Baildioogg, 4th Meet, for gmding the
site of tha Hospital, utd building a culvert. Thera
ill. be twenty-five thotwands yards of c.seavation.
Plans and specifications will La exhibited - one week
previous to tune of lotting.
Ily order of the Bonding Committee of the Weidein
Pennsylvania LloapitaL taylealtundS
STERN WHEEL. BOAT, of about go tons box
thee, light draft, about ten au:laths ow, will be
%oldie a haeliaiu, if application is wade soon. Enquire
acealw - . . water stmt
ALL the personal ploperLof Gunge Bailey deed,
will La sold at Johu Jar's, in East Litwin,
Brobles township, at 2 o'clock.. Also, his right, tido
and interest in a lease oldie Noss Grove Farm.
jeflad iII'KELVY, Ades's.
. ,
LX new Fortes, of•ltosewood, and GI on
la raves, will he received and ready for sale daring
this week, by• JOHN li MELLOR, ill wood at,
;tole Agent for Cliickerines Pianos for Western
INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—C-omprising a large
1. stock, such as Coats, Sacks, Pen Jackets, Capes.
with or without Heaves, Leggings of three-different
kittds, Ifat. t ble., slit° he had at the India Bobber De
pot, Ino 5N% owl sL Jett J 11 PHILLIPS
FISHINU . BOOT:S-72 dos India Rubber Fishing
Hoots, just rre d by express and for sale at the
dia Haliber Hero; No 5 Wood street.
S!MULDER IIItACI S -1 dot Shoulder Bratee, Ln
dia Rubber, received by expreis andlor sale' in
We India gabber Depot, 5 wood idiom •
NDIA numinn doz India 'Rubber
mil., for children, nu excellent article for exercis
juet received by express, and Mr sale by . •., • .
jes ' ' & H ILLIPS •
MONEY as saniples, received by'
express and for sale by_os J & II PHILLIPS
RITANNIA METAL WARE—Just received from
the manufactory, Britannia Coffee Pot& do Ten
do; do Sugar Bowls and Cretan Cups; do Slop do; do,
large Pateheis, withlit* do Molasses dodo; do Coffee
Vflll., with lamps. "For sale at oar price.. •
jes • GILL & OETTY, Sign Big Pitcher.•
4 We are now receiving a nice assortment
of thin
chez. and beautiful were. . GILL & GEITY
AItaIICAN QUEENSWARE—Can be hod in .11
Ito varieties, 'Kale cots" of
y ARD 01L-3) Ltd. Lard Oil, landing from steamer.
la Messenger, and for sale low to close consiermenc,
by = jes JAER DAL2ELL
~ ?18111 : 00Tiblsprime No I SI; M d; 50 do No 3 Mack;
reli . to arrive and for sale by - •
alas • TAAFtE - 8. O'CONNOR
PITCH -6 Lblc Vita; on deed and for sale lovr
close by joy TAAFFE k O'CONNOR
ri , LOUE—Jr bbl, in more and for main by
.1_ S'S TABSbIt & BEST
ATACKIMI"I,-10 .9 end 3, laßrbom hind and ib
In. sale by . jc3 • " rAssEv BENT
ud for lialt by
S SALTS-3rbbls teoeired
TOLIACCO-45 bza lb.' Lump,7supericw wed
co aongignount and fin tab low by
.1 •
• .4 • -1" A SSEIr & INST
par e r -4 c.ks reed 4n.htgrjr,garl,
ARASOLS-13 care. Cotton and gingham Cat
In iamt., lata style. and bandanna pattetmat open
and fat We by tiIIACILLEIT k WRITE,
jel • • wood cc
rELVgr CORDS—Tiara Inuit* am/ham quality
V heavy bangap upeuril anti far sal. '<-
IT lair. Sunciaawr k MUTE
pitil7s--A bu r e illnitunentior blue,' • lue and or:.
ante, and Caney Prin °Cream dteitable ala
and quality, just operdne ts,
and forage to the usdit t> at
extraordinary low TIIIM by the ease dr. •
B ACON AND LARD-110 etas Hun _
,tN LW* prime Lel
1'0? Mie it/Ye W tit!, 01111 , 1.11111,111, by
jeo.4t• d ca)RDON
circlarPitTii PrrTsarat9a
- • • -•-, • .
0 A I LY P . .i$PAcA,fT LI.N E.'
antOS rel.', ii.avartt Zisvors' sideOLO sokspoossa Swam.
sw w s:oo. soso, , iosed of_tlia ;losiiso.sovotas, Bell
oowd isd. form , 4 worinow. "worfol bows au tlst
we.rt oi'aLe lYcnt.: I;Firy.• ' ttesoatail awn-.
fort that plancy ev..tilligetge, l heco Ovride , ,tlLor paa.
sellers.. l'hel.aiehais heeat i ts dp,...,... Sot fog yowls,
-rt. sorliwt o ssi4issa k.r . peoi , :e;vitthout she Wit Wa
ry to We. prraosli. Fhe Wat..... 54741 is iat .the ioos of
Wood et., the day p,revioiy to , :atitet , at, ter W. teary
uoto of folght 4.1 We otdry of pea*1..0g0r........_T._
ter. Lt al f lees .tio passage , M.tAt.) - P. 4 14 V . ''' .
• atlvitacef • 1 _I . .
: . . IMISPY — PAJCKE L W• • :
The ISAAC lik.% A TON; Cap..... 1., Cr. Maim* sti.
terra PstulArth every saoctuy ruer la 19 Weillaalq
Wheilint every Seadvy evet4s6 ea I. e. K. .
hiay Llr, 16.47, • ,
. .
2110XDAY V:II,CIL.Wr. •
IIte•MONONVAIII:LA, Car - 5t..., will Lessen:LP
burgh every Monday laortirn, .J $U ryriorai Wrondrag
every MoridnyeVenterg St 14 P. X.
• Tbe Hiurasin,No. :I, Capt. J. 15ti.AM1.131.4 1 1
leave Pittsburgh every Merits,. winireg , au EU o'clock;
Wheeling every Tue.rag crones a to , 14%
. The NEW f:NGLAND :in. ,WApt. MAN, v
leave Pi,s,urell . every WOUICy 610 . 1 . 13 1111 II
' ;
Otibekl eliogrforylVedpeaday eve.wcu to,.* ,1
- _
Tho . VIIILLIANT, Capc.-Giusx, will hate Pinto
burgh cvcry Tinaliday morning Kilt/ o'clock; Wheeling
c•Try Thor4layorenlog allO r. a•
Th. - gupplitt No.:, Copt- CZA,OI.. will leave Pint. •
borgit crery Friday morning At 100 clock; MiFolLos .
occryeridayivezung at 10 r. • •
The htr.IFINGES,. Capt. S. leant Pira
burgh every Satenley meming at luo'cloet Wheelie"
every Saturday evetting•at SO • 1. •
. .
l ik oi g n
4 ' .r. . 1 B.iti.
• . .
Learei . rittsburgird7 . jiy,V/2 - 'elpek, 4.1,!" - ia - d uY
res at Gasgow, (mouth either Sandy and Beaver
ral,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at llsante den.
Leaves New Lisbon d
arn 6 olck, P. (making
erip canal to the river dng the dight4 and Mallow
at 9 o'clock, A. M., and amves at .Pittsburgh at a P.
continuous line AM tarry
',angers and freight betwecn New Lisbon s2A I- .... •U•
ofin shorter time and at les. rates than by iny
other route. .
The proprietors of this Line have the plearato
koming the public that they.havo fined up two lbal class • "
Canal Pont,, for the accoromodatimi 'of passngers and
freigh, to con in Milllttetloll with tbs s e
lle knower -.
%warner, CALL'iI COPE and BEAVER, and connect
ing, at Ch1t.401.17, With the Pittsburgh end Cumin-
eti ettitt ta r
eVaily tiLe•of steamer; acme the Ohio
hlittoituippi riven. The proprietors Kedge ilea.
elves to spare ItO expense or trOLIbLO to nun,. COM
nt. gaiety and divalth, andhak onto publics shhoe ,
"'w r ni nifTllolllZED AGENTS.
fl ItANNA, & Co. • e
•yll:lf J. HARLIACGII & Co. j
OTICE—The steamer DTIAVER,C. E. Clarke, Boas
ter, will kayo after this notice, for Iteaver, Glasgow',
end Wellsville punctually, at 9 o'clock in die raortunir ,
royal • •
ferl 1 II .. 1111‘..
Daily Paekat Mac •
• aw Th i t n fol i Vorita mw Val. cromp
aeaamt lagt,
LANTIC, Cept. hums =kit' sent
11ALTIC, Capt. A. Jaeobc ateILOUIP -
=ANC, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are entirely
new, and are fitted up without reganl to expenser
cry comfort tha.t money can procure
been prodded:- •
The Boni. relit leave the bletnotgabola Wharf Bed 43
the foot of Ref • st. Passenger. won be paneled ea
hoard, es the boetorwill emelt:lly leave II the sutra.
tised beam BA. M..d 4P. hl , fiat
:,„.. ' liscat.aa Seminar Pactivs.-75,&
Ferry, contausinler, trill leave ko
Louisville amt allinteneedinte Note every Saturday,
nt le o'eleeki precisely, _ -
For C'ig4" P"tl.moatiiord or to
NO ricAN, As..ts- •
The Telegraph boo been expressly' bra regalar
pocket, and with a view entirely to the comfort of pas
soenEe v.
rs , ,:t s t u neeaannedatiorta are inferior to no host
The Irdid %limner •
- DeUmeY. R we l l i gie e
r, will
iffer freight or peasege " 7:pi;l'yOttlid.l":4‘:".
_ .
' The splendid steamer ' . .
r • TAGLIOI , II, . ' •
Coles. master, will lams for the atm.
sod imermedtato ports on Wednesday
ter lo o'clock . , A. M. ' . • f
• For fieigla or passage, apply on hoard. . jay
, The tut running snmoor •
tt RC dray, motor will leave' ter the
ve and intenneilintoporistbis -
et iu A 31. For freight or mass eapply on 'board, 'ar
ta • je7 • NE101 , 1303. ' •
161.CorrnIek, meal , wi ll leaveTeciiiii,
re =linter:dime ports thin dry,.
For freight Or passage apply on boar& jea.
' The Sae summer ,
- '''''''" -
-' ' . asvernts, .._ •
.."• : - 1. Denison, roasterorill leave fo r aieeerie
CC d interniedinte ports on thin day,
Win inri. Fof freight or pareagnapply on board. • .
••• . •• - • ' - .
. •
'. • : ' • F-ORTIATS'IIp..E. .
; A ,. . The last runtuNsteaister - '-' •-,
'Aline!, nutstex, will feava far the abase
d. Intermediate landinva, this day.
Nay W.. • For ("night or passav_ apply oa board, ohm
my 29 : ' J NIT BUTLER & BRO., . -
. 31tClure, master, will ran a regain:
allemoon.packet from Pittsburgh to
Cincinnati. Sha leaves on her first tnpornder the mar
arrangement, tient Monday, at 4 o'clock, P. AL -
The fine steamer .
Israe 1112111015 111111 leave for the aaleaar
d ielhrmedsate ports this day. - .
For freight or posems apply 0111./0.1. . MO) '
1 PiCKEL ,
fine new aI h DPM
.F l""er
Nome, master, will leave yummy.
tegnhaly as aboe.
This Wants every way adapte v d to the comfort of
patsengers. She tuna in connection with the Jenny
Lind, which meets her at Beverly. For (relight or pas Imola apt
RIIOCLA.I Tualio•s, PACI . It t.
4 , y ... . The now andVER
light draught steams
- - Koontz, -ma V ste P
r . will NO l VERNON,
frr en
bare and intermediate ports ouTtesis
diai, lath inst., at 10 A DI. For freight or passage a cg rp
oo L tioard.
ik t t,FOW12,11.13111:1110 'AND traimmruirr... •
—:. • !The neat and subatuulial low wider
• atoomboat
' • ITUON,
Andrew Poo Master /S . sea reamed ter
regular trip. between Wheeling,liridgeportifild Pius.
lint, ,, lsasing Pittsburgh 0111tlisn slays and Thursdays.
; ; 3 , 0 „, 04 The nevr l st=r i smir ,
~ LK
Bernesoaesterovlll leave far abeam ,
and all intermediate FOTO on IVealnea:
days and Sourdays of each week: For cortess•
f, e hjf Plp on Iron}d
EO.L auLTENnettarx, Aim
• The sad& steamer •
Dorsey P Kinney, master, "rill leave: .
tralarly &r IV heling, . IdeasleY t
Wednesdny and Friday; at lu ceeloek precisely. •
Leave N't heeling every Tuesday, Thursday 44 Se,.
:umlay, at 7 o'el.k, ■ at, precisely. I,
The Consul Will I.d at all the nuermedlete
Every aceorritelation.that e. he procured
id the l'llll.'
fon and FiretY pasatop.ra his been
boots also provmd. with II Reir,{l.lllg ttaard lots
prevent erplotdons. 'Per freight or - passaaenrY a!!
bawd or to ••• DAYIDC HER
feb4. COM, of Ist .41 timithSeldst&
. . . ~
- .
• .
,4„,.. The new steamer
, - DEM•ATCII, , .. •.
• • Nelson, master,_ will. ran in again,
caving Pittsburgh • every Monday,
IVeithesday avid Friday, at 1,01 o'clock, a. le, and Ma.
'noniphelaCity every Tuesday,Thersdayandtiannitny s
at a o'clock, a- x , For frvght ne Faccage •Piaip board n
The new nod itaht drottobt oldnaroi',
", A D Matter. will learn for the
Lore port rye'' , Wrdstrodny indsll4.'
Ul4lr; 414 P.alt.t. _For (night or pturno apply Go.:
board. mull .
1. , 1 - 1E rabotribers have engaged the light BALTIMORE. ,
steamboat YANKEE, to carry pureagers to and.
from the Aqueduct at Freeport.. .
She will 4cpartdally at 7 o'clock !tribe morning, fawn
the first street above the upper Bridge. , • .
Fassengens mill breakfast ou' board, and will Ire.
punctual at the hour. ; „ .
For peerage or utformation. apply
W. DUMB, Mon. !louse
Or Or D. LEFAIII A. Co, Canal Basin:
Fere—e Dollars through!
By this arrangement Passengers will so Won,. be
less than three deviand a kalc pouting over the teak
road in day!' ht. •
SHIPPEIIS and others are interlace 111.11 Shin Line
will continue Co run throughout the 'Year, leasing
"AP. Produce and morellos:dire taken at war. rates.
Merchandise. from Ilaltimore 'sought Oat Si Canal
rates. Time, five days. • IC litItWELI Ain
Water at, 2 doors .tare :Nora;. . Howse, Pitlehorgh. •
' toil? • sel South Olefins st. Baltimore. •
• INFORM' their [steeds and the yo b il e that they h.,il
, .. k . o , WRY „,,,,,fiett with t h eir intirestablish
swot le Peon sove% known as the Pittsburgh Brewery
having teisoied their entire' toisisess to the miry
USEWEIttIi in Pitt one :- . milaulawlys
• • Exeetatite's Notice. • •
THE subscriber har
i rr i c i le , o Out lettere teammate.
iieceTrsl E' esrs:s * T; * indeiletritrs:irLs*Th U. Stour,
peruenttoliat tbrougb F. I. Eaton & 11-e
-dsbanotaiut the esOce to mum them, doll
euthenmeted,for payment.. le-LW di; Drat. -
- _