r; 3 '"' IJI J ' - bitilsowNstsDTAY SAPsS - A P I L 1;41:- Mod extraordinary maticinc p 1 at Wo m r .d. I. putopm quart lain: n n a triat thinp sqe.orsioateroad ~oka. GREAT BURIN/ AND BUMMER MEDICINE The graineurayAnd mita-Laity of thia s.rnyuills eat 41 abet Malicia a, tiafttri it Marietta Dirac it later. nta ilarlady. It a caret eery Lest liFilltrai AND AUSIMEII. bIEDICIPiP iaaa tha abate ayatintana atersettens Ca privet., but a' Craters Afar, PIM newt Itia /Nadi apart, poraeal by co °tau ..kiedaine. And in Gls tin OA curd secret of its aced. ha IRSCCICIS.. It haa perfarad yrithrta the NA tlllO TCPS, More than =,OOO aurae Setere Can of llama; at lean syea: of that were considered Loco:rola. Mors tbs.. • a,o:o eases of.Cdratio'itatimatiat ; • I,ooti eau of DytKatai . • . mato of Genera Debility uud Wout of Energy; - • .7.KG was of different Fault Comp/Aut.; 140) eases of Scrofula; • 1,500 cacao( the Liar Complaint; • . DA% map o( Dacha of tla Allay aced Drop's" UM cases of Coaruraption, pa Tlml Ata— - .w.ll Thatipadoof tors of Disease of thr Bkod, vat Ulcrs, Arripolar, Salt Meant, Pimple oohs Este, tr.c., a.. To. wit tether h numerous coo of Sick Eleadechs, Pain on Me ' steak:Mbar, Spiall Affections, ice., Er. ' - " This, woe. Ware IMULappLar 4:KI - edible, but We. tens totters from physitiew; and our sessile into all parts of Co. United 3Utten, u4otoing to a exir.ndinari tures. R. Von '' • Roskirk,_,Esq. otie of the most roportable fru:riots in Now , ark, N. J., infribra us that he no trio to more lb., LW es••• I - ' ors U 1 that plire Slow. Thor are thousauds of coos in the • ' of :hut Ybrk, whirl see will oder to with pleartor •' • and to tarn of character, it is the bat medicine for the i Ptomain of tunic isoarint.. It undoubtedly 'word lbw IS. 1 .. , . 5 telotAiSe woo Pm tempi! • , At it' t hen ' nsoof Alum, and pawed thew 6 ' . . • ... . U Tim Priam 'flint at. ' Cm O. :111GCLIkR, or no Vamp Illortsto NATI olod toesater fSo Nor Jersej , Lryibbabrr, foe lanais mit U the klatortog cot Azle. It tells its own story. • Reswar h. . A rex Sinew I VIA va with the influonsa,and my whole US.= WI in a deLifitstut Aso.' I eras lanced to try Dr. Tornio:SS Sonars 'lls, awl aster tame two or three bot tles, I was veil awe rflood, and attribute it entirely to the maid Batoepoilla_ 1 t..w <,:m..4 tub { it,. ..3 fat shot I Lapeer* crop do. ' I wr.ri, I t mod my life, sod would -.- sal tat without it Is tay weohleeahoo. - - Q. VI: Mai., lat. U. S. tr.. . . • ~..i i __.,- cnoivia Crain. • ' . ~, t ThilleatLics.t. tuively Fevre, that duo 11616,Ae111a M_t aultr6l 6 or th e =aft obilizals dials• at ths. Mali Tian ix _ ~, crsedie one house i, npncented. • MM== I lan ill o I fa boa tt 7 o l tre . ax Lim tn. ctrof Lilt 1 jjti a te 1 ad . av ...47.1y:L=IA•gl xsisr ; sh..h IV. cant 4,1 V, I OAT • Dr. Terwassodls Harsvardis tr-W semen" mot Teed, REM hoorpiatt Casateoptwei, earreassew, Lawarrboi, or k Whitey ahem:toil cr.ddLetdt Ilassiesenloo, lastatliturose of Ursa% or involootary diadurge thereof, and for the gra. 0.1 of she opteto—oo matter sroether the malt of Jadterent tame or mew, fro:hued by irregularity, inner losellestrt • Ifothfog ,, k. worn surgridog ISan its invigorate,: aP s teeter= the how. frame.. Fortwas, all wenkerw and lint from taking it, at awe beer= robust rad full of eargy - Cada IL toderree. It Launediaiely emotes-nets the own • /4wons of the lamb Gam., whirl to the great ant of kari mama . It "Moot tee especialof elm of au delleati a nne • fart, to exhibit mantra of earn yorfamed, bat R. •11.0 • illostatho allietrd,thal. hundreds erases bassi been repotted geseral duo where LatiGes have born without child; awn, agar nein a Cror bottles of thls laraltle =dither, ban Mud with healthx , olfsowing, Dr. Talmsaut: My. heal greatly diamond by „y woal p ei . ald stortallehili a a l ,r, s7U 4 4tlo o ra womb, sod with other du' lam:do, nod hertz loons cart ...WA.. has aun t=s gnat toren no oleo hews lltzzotended ler each comas I kW< decribed,tobtal. of your Extraet of SinaparikUd Gamed the dirsetinrds you gate we •lo Acre It roamed bewassaAwata .114 restored her heath. ring gratelld fro tla bmaita ahst rreai”d, I take }l=oran is Pro oektrooltdr il,and ressotreezditty the yddic. - 31. D. Mown, , y, Cer. of Moral and Lydins sto • Conoco:re, Sept. Sh4lbil. A Trtsrtrtrar To el Micro this oats cmotort,Thrt is to certify that by wife vxd con boas of your gersiparilta =to her crofarbesh the moot' alevrtin rtremortztert, brig troubled Mb the drop, "nth • Az of the frt; iternroo tfreetioni, siol very an +u &bib- Itod ; wi th ra• cerroartoo; ood. the mootombertion of. time mho Ea tog she re/ in 4 coed to rag it, with little or no ktier, tot isZte it to rty, tho cr4 irtce h ad lts hem be • , &Amt. elle:, it rut, b loom of miforrtotof, but liter tbertoqintioo .1 week of roe, rha dropsy bi Et, tomb eirtiattetve my to or arm Cab; der., bd her losalth L moor he= boa It had Lai for • hag liar prei If lin loaf+ be, of Lay =robe tole. or entoy an ot who doctiello rartart of the viedVOo m v, crit ti rely weleorte r . • !inherit; lapel' yob. rue OhtZiettbi boot, . J ! -TO MOTLIEOS .111 . 111 :SLUM= LADIr.s. This Extract of Sarsormrilks bis tees e n: ressir pre:mite se' . to referufsee to female armptimts. NoAmmo who bee rut - sou to stliiose slot is Ipproschioit that •• The AsnreiTJ:k," thauld sliest to mks th, 1141 it is • arts.; pseresmiss- fs.r soy of the homences soot host ibis diseases hi which (cosies ars subject O this time of life. This yetiost mety be slefilied Larsereral pus t 7 tumg this sasdieitte. Zior nit less'ealutle hs thee! who are approaching . vomsohmet, as it is calculated to ...A astute , ty ye the blood oad ismisereting the system. 'lndeed, tins issedirme is Surat.' . s usitia 6ar all of the delicate Mara.* to mhich too are . , bracts the whole sy,:tra ITC[II . liertrar.tly the awe • ral wairtes.—LT .removro,-, the impur,tirs of she kel)—VO eollr stnaulatiag the rrstrarra. ~...w.mlWer. a solawyreat re lasatioa, which is the earkeuf mut mrdiriAs taken frr fraud westraus szd tllteaee._ , (MILS ,11.11.1. D TUTS. . Yew who hart Irak wanig.tezioo*, , itiN eyer, tiloieh , a co ate fae, if sht, or &eta kis Aug . ant ose. • Wulf or two of Dr T.uturmili s.wiliatulls. IL will grease your Lt.d, remora the freckles wag aftel.., zed give you animation. agurkli•g eyes, far aiut boat:Ufa' eatapieftiota—all of ',Licit ye of in... nJue mama/ . lied 13=5/M1 _ . • fluid er medieffie has. ens ;en dimmer . ad which manly rememtdes the poly joke d ioa decimpTioc fool sad strfficfficang thiparcon of digeatin, a this pm., maim of Sahapanua. .r ltomn Oa l'aMnurs,Allhay,:tlay WOW. 1* - Thionaouta Sir—l has km aidnin We MI yrara with ilypeysiaro me Mien fin., %headed rah so.; ' ma of sionuch, lota of app..' cairn. Manna% emo great. amain to all kinds cf mil for asks (That 1 atold,eatit 1 bare Imo unabla. to Nan but tortini en my L.mach, I tried the 'MUM ...lan" boil they •-• . bat Ink arm edffit in mooring the comptatat.- .1 was ' ;laced, eh.: two moan's sirs-. hiery low 01 . -9211.1- . parillsood I mod say with tale mataleace, hot ante why s i =o .. l=c y s, / ipolTr j eflot4t: hi resto,: e l li rj cc t , lintrd!i*P.o Ofi/ to thaw itho hare hr.' Takord Yob Inn • b.a. Yawl, V. Va ~ NOS, 11316.. • • • a a tat Zoo ahnlind. End the fffioniag, ad doubt if you ma, th at ea , rffinarip ;Ina mom. be Moen This noldi of thr revennthadnal OM thal Torsnarl's Sana,rorlinlan core. • • Or Tcaomend•Pesx 5 . 1on:4Mo. a Mlle amr , • year Igo, with at 41ere Mocha. mb in my side. It chmed am • . ' 1.1.4. L 1 Tat pronounced bi phy , Arian to hare thel.s.optioa• 1 isnot nice . of bid saner, had night tweets, ad Makin vaal r faati dpiton.id he I,F3ald. do Doffing locate. I want 'ffito the • hatOtal ia hope odtheiag linnitted,on was proaalseed thane • is Womble. I seassraw vastly dmuemsd at am Ines sad Amid hardh soma Ismame undated ad expected SO Oh; andiolfirsed to my bed, tad was oblige& to hare laid= hedged I mt.. gate you my dent-lithos' OM mould dojo.. to my ax. I eras uthiond by my (thane t4la pest remnery ; I had tried a inem numb. of moo 's,. nod MI nand lon to no potpae. read of some a. • Critediamy cans performed lry your "Medici* end to tell Ethe troth, I saspecerd there was mama humbug' hi thus: Isms ianceal hi try it „I did *o r sad am Ivry umalful r I 1.1.4 My that lam einne/y not am so UT g=as to be Moot say aad hope to be nth,- . Ern. Toth. My cough ad Tom to. the side, nod night sweah has lan me, ant raise but no 7 lilac, sad Min pang my meal strength: . kit it a duty to site . yes statement Fab you Fleur' . • Irma Hanna, 47 Lane at, Eivokly. . • Uplidons of Physiclaite. • • Dire...bead is aLmat d.DJ restivis; wden fn. lily; !Wisps is dilicrest puts of Os Union. Thig 'is is eiriti4thst wsolic tk.Cittaf splay, hive easie pee-scribed Dr Tornasadts,Rarisisrilli,'isid tiliise it Wks oat of tLe teo.l pispirsriss of ICA Sara_pirillii intim aulieL - P PULS.XO, X b • . J Wusam, et p, D Samoa x 11, P DAS. 'Dab so to entity' Matwe, Um toadersegned, praeumog thedtwatias penned of the Cat) of Allmay. have &quern rplyeenbtal Dr Towsdenes Compound Rattled of Swim and from ite known qualitice,. would recommend itd attlniblie tar merewial,ersofolous, and othere utesmow eatt4io ;deem. to any of the advert/ma temtdies emote ati.• . • A ltem eta, r, May di e m wat L lS•rieritor, • • Ihiweitalothes, I.Xe Fulton et, boa DeiLliog, Y; Red, jet taw State .1 Beamed Dyott 4. Noss, Ith North ha wlleiti Philadelphia, B B Hume,llaltiotore,• and by pfiatived dristfule hoe Um:men - out the theitid ,M Bmtp ot lodise aod.the Cued. ' gencabe,walees pea oit tha hop ',oars bedded, h cootalti a cove and howl with the "mum peat n W5l. TOWN:if:ND, Dullboom the ' From tie New Yorky harms of dril 9;1,47. A prat7 thin appeared lathe sweet! vesterday.. It was' theadvertuing mh, or Sumparilla Emma of Dr tevernemelL Ile whole Mead is cot ep In good mat: mom of theorna andel Imadespapesonop are hramifed, which, mgeliter weds tiva mien work, to gold, tlistoonvg the . made a chow rawly eqtalled in Broadway. It mkt , thlsepportot:trk, oar In Wine this tablet of t 6.0 Demaperiha deo.; e Ike eternal popularity it). squired. , Deriroml : • • . , • .ltiw Yatt,:dareh47 (Dc, Tovitweide—l hare ham ettleted more or leste to 3 pare with . a dreadful eiokieg he the thew, giddier. hajse Led; lase of arpelite, pain me the tuabs,m4 gramma debiliter, *welt at co doubt by she continual heat alai cold he which Its abject told my horniest as • dyer. I Lam Wen ohm twolllthew, toweaamermee to mention, but with little nrno me- Mem'. I woe iodereed by what! mew in the peeper to Wye howl. f,your Eth4nril , a, frOW nixie:4l(.lA gnat relief [hem them Mi. antral morerbottlee, and I cat nnienitatillgii ray - itthe best Medici. I have cret taken—tiro pato to my dhotis one, an d I krl oldie: • ditrercat tom altogether gam holmium yowrSarsopvelle. hem wow r hater appethe thaw went had. Sly vette has lamb itwith thalami lekOrS . 'kehd amok., I would .commend it evi o a Devil, medicine ramwily, old I feel cemriosid that ifmtiwifthere 'make*. Tr ball thetactics. then ie,kted ernisupwatly etot costs, Doctor's bile; ter while it mt., w typed., it also tie stomeeh tad Isowsli Darer melee mama keeps the brood w awe healthy Kayla, that imam woloilikely toattack Nye tyideed. Aral to all chow who as net We &healthy Weer, I my' try Dr Tennevend's heesepantle Tteoaae Pstrte, 70 Adam ' • Cistitalrlts: the Montle, _ Delaw la witermeat of tooth. child mord Mr Towtaese , Sonalarir4 ham say . ed the pm, of tla.condk, of ehlldrew. , —, TM lbw fo 'nag arldwate vs wleeted from a rest numb!, neared this week. ' tine You. April 2; 1.847. • De Testuwerk s Dew eir;—.l2-de of my children wes Trey • ikk CIJCV is Re earth end throat, sioreled with past debility. limns lase dying I obisiord 15coea of yaw. ' usetlicel wedteius, sad it carol it directly, for which I es . tome Tool wet. eel- mew ' Yours novettuily, basses MU VOW MI, Deshrowes St. Eer wit E Druct, Do 57 Wood et /whom pa co d 4th as, who Ms he m app.:doted by D TOW NnEri D soie_yeut tic opaLiteity_ Ma. fiztuctut —I ;imbrued you but near. woo dace, 49 dome Of your Vermifuge,width is near a~ elf EOM- It 1.14. well. Some persons bui four, end aas bamies., l a time. I es teem .. it the best vanagage ID rma. All it needs is a tr im—its success Ls bare. For omtob,ol damn more; everybody, whenever they want Illisagrugs, enquire for 'Seders') • lot" do, Oilmen. Ifnmanni sad sold by &SELLERS, 57 Wood st Dr acrid, .&h Ward, and D Cur 111e elk AD° 17-ItdrallY booth o ur.. fiEleieltillT—VEßNlFLiblE.--Its popularity wad arming.. Loaermx,Otaa, March 12,154‘ i expect tabs' in Yam city in a Bloc**. sal shall Wed hger toppl7 of your Ver, which is in. aralliusin popnianty St Incomes known, We have .sand It with success lit 011 i awn Madly, sad 60Erloar amblers ham many assumnee. °fits ekeellers— , pft IBRAEL ana sold by R Waml 80141 111 Dr Oiremb Oda Ward; mat byp El Curry, Alletrbany "Ws t =SID • • • %•••.!, - is . • .•. „• - 11001W - MUSIef ArnAnLiBMADTP94#'I7BLICATIONI by J. A.h U. P.'SAMFK, C.irCentifitte fotkeiring Doriiphan's Expeditioa,LCmttaining - a alatteli Of 1111 IRO of Cot A. W...Donaptin. the- Co car of New ElerWolGn. Kearney's Overland to Dai-, form* Doniphan's Campain nougat the Hall., an. his unparalleled March upon - Chihushua and Unrangg and tie Operations of C.a. jive at Santa Fek with , Ettap and Engraetegs, by T Hughes, A of the to Regime. of ihrrotui Cavalry. co l ,i fillo w ry; ii or ce lZ og en rn int pk t ;i lt s.xi s An44 c.i nitic . s .d an c d ,.. ll . a g, tn , ral .3 . dasetiptions; with anecdotes IN - Pioneers Life, and more Wan mu t hundred Eflographical Sketches of distinguish ed Pioneer. Soldiers. Statesmen, Anise. Lawyerr, 'best abastrated with fortTengravier,..; by Lewis _ Mills s, 1 vol. octavo. The Twelve Months , Volunteer, or Journal of a Cri-. vale in the •Tennessee !regiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign °Mexico, durum 1515-47, containing an ac count of the March of the Regiment to Vera Crua, a dem tiptlon of the Country named oven manners, ens. toms, Se. of the people; °Latches 'of Camp Life; tie canna of all the actiono of other Volunteer Regiments, Ruda full Baum- of the Mesicatt 'loll List of the Kil led and Wounded, Ice; illustrated by a. large slumber of correct - vicar and pima; by Geo, C. Ferber, 1 volume OCISVO. deep BOOKS FOIL. *IIE HEASON—lllueninelkd Gems of 'Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 so, nth beautiful illndniticsas on steel: by Sartain, and* ipt.aipptedtry.sichinitc end Sinclacr,richly. bound in Turkey morocco and white calc ...PIT gilt.: The Christi. Keepsake . , as annual for 1848; with' splendidmesitotim engrained*, by Sartain; bound in ar-' &beta., morocco. Christmas Blom.. and Ness' fear's Wreath for Int a small quarts •01¢1310„pn.4 , 1ed on snow labile pa. Per, embellished with splendid me:twine endravinga— ni, is by far the most beautiful jasmine annual pub. Imbed in the Unifed Stated The Postinak.Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. 11.Wi,t6 a:onerous es nine designs, by the Etching Club, au se rious styles of binding. Thompsbres Seasms, with serenty.seren designs, by die Etching Club, io Yisistrus styles of binding. 'lle Poets mid Poetry of America; by IL IN% Grist avid. • The Poets and Poetry of the Anezesata, by William Pater, A. tuperbly bound LoTorkey morocco; splen. dill silt - Willishi Poems, in rations Myles of binding. Gimp's Elegy illustrated. Ileum's Poetical Works, VllllO. bindings. Lord Itysinhi d Slintspest s The Poetical Works of Thotais Moore. a .1 'IMAM! aPd other Poems, by Mary ilowidt. • Poems by Amelia. lleadters :Meted Momusim. .The above. with a great variety of other new works, in splendid styles of binding, mailable for gitt book.; for Pale by JOIIiNSTON a. STOCKTON, • dead Etookseller ear. Market it. 3d sta. : lalnablz Stititard Works.: DRANDEtS ENCYCLCIEVEDLIA. Dionne, of. Set. JJ eon,liternotesodert.eamprisny the twiny, doloription &ad nierothoprittriphot of only noon of Lotman knotriedis with the dertreseesad &Ronan of all the nom i t l yearrol• on, edited by W T ffresole, FR S, to. Mums II au.. menu nano togs on wont. hlarseh. North Amnion Athol, nottiong bent/fatly col.- and mope . of North hartrks,Ceagetto Feet, Catota,Wast., Non Soc ha, New Broatorkk, North!!.. Tern, New Mk.. Yon.,d., Ton y Califon., Illertao, Grotto, mnia, /Vro Indio lan& Lod all the States ant Terrill. rte. in the Ma tem. finial Puritans—Th. hiatorp,of the Petit.. from W. reStrmatka Vit7 to the nr•duthau of latal, compiling an accouut of that .taincmits, &eau., by pm/al./Y . Ol, Al A, maxi 6=n 0 Choate., Al D, manta= port:ratty= Mal; Ti,. ttee of the Body in relation to the Mad, b 3. George blow, D, member of the ago! college of Phyuccia..tr.e. Juvenli Weeks. =MU==l • Neils of Um SIS, Inbar offeetiog narrations of shipwreeks. ar... • • • fLe,ell4 Ppeaker—LTlA JorosEe elptester, reoprisiog eleasentag roles and exerci:ss la dee —haat.* , lon* a melee duo ef roma fsr praetice„ by Fronds T Russoll, lostreter,o eloeusica al Prieueloo. • • ' The abalt warka received sad turd. ' _ JOHNSTON & STOCKTON all lidakallersodar mutat and &d th 1 - %IOTIOLii MILE S. Greek, . • Clmsical Dictionary; Dictionary of Greek and Roman n M'Ctdlougit's Commercial Dictionary; Lire's Dictionary and Supplerimiu, arm, numufsictures. Webster', ()Mae° Dictionary, revised edition; Toddeelames and WeLkeeillictionsm • Worcester's Dictionary-, -• • - • rind ticou'sGreekteuctioy Robinson's Week Lexicon of New Testament; leccercies Latin Lexicon; ' Ainsorortles Latin Dicdoitary, • - • • Flenunius and Tibbiles Freitch Dictionary-i- Duck's Theological Dictioaarry tibion late Dictionary; • Robinson Calinets Dictionary, free., to. • Te e above, stith a general as, ofTheological, ChnuiceLlillseellancous, and Sunday School al. way n on hood and for sale low. by ELLICrIT k ENGLLSIL dc4 . Market between:id & 4th. X , I itC 'IIOOICI4-3.lenuortabi' of the; Introfuetiou of Methodism into the Eastern :Rams, comprising biographical notices of Its early prroehere, sketches its finst churches, and remioimences of its early strug gles mid surresseet by Rev., A Meccas, A. AL must Memoir of Rev. 'David Afire:. D. D.. late Alissionary to Clam: bs hi. nephew , Rev G R klerk - Alition, die Der:banes be Rev Charles Li Tat - tor. Al. A., author of •-liscords or a Coed Mono Life: - eitly “liiergaret, or the l'ee it , ' c. ene. The Moore.stub laryne winerinwin eLnew &Mks. Dl{ ban. ,i,llll, F.I.LILYTT & • sell fee Snorkel sr Jl. r.F.AD would inform his friends and the public . genesany:Maths has hemoved the Booksture to that splendid block of mere building. buonn to the Apollo Budding. on 41k sere t; a few doors west. of. IVonl, seinen: be ',ill eppy to reeeive itu old ineptly. and es many now ones as may pleas, to into: biro with a rail. He upends to keep on hand a good stock of boob: , and stanorotry,to be sobtat lowest cash prices.' • UNOLISIII igill.Hins-,ttioory of the Week Hess siondh, nod of the 'WA.4III napalm. mitung from the .drudgtes of tbe Check Parrnts ti Enuancips. &TMc,O country from th, 'holdall -Vole—in-two nob araes-ssylenn:d copy with numerous maps and env's vire, " Lotters' illvatratioe of the 'reign of Wllitzto 111, from I to I:26—oritb jaritott a, tat TOW ". . • , - gornpantor. to the Nadu of the Holy Ottiptoreo ,Ilom Nl:v.:bray:thrifty/ romance, volt SU etsttih: qout to Holy Lob& rtra'rh Anse: and Skerheo lfy Cbina J ut.t teed And I , :ealn by 11e1YONALDA. /W.f.:SON _ _ b(lool.rIt-t.o.ort Ness Books rl , llll of Laza arA Ponoeophy of Lan _l.. Fozd Von Schlegel. • Ifx,eorcLea ut Cbans. o 1,14.15 aud wan a p and plates. Tbe Sum oithe-Departed. by /no. Henry Hobart, D. D. Ma Church Universal, by Dr. Stour. Goldsmith's roems, Waste:ord. llscsupsea's Seasons; do Yoe sae by - I I. 11F-61). Ith et aim market V iVa il verLey i. Zrov:l 4 3,27•Z:=•: ' illtusted s.lri Sherantaa's Works, 10 aids Maw, illustrated; Mite Eitgarorth'a . Harpeek Fidaiy - Llbraryi-1 vole, complete; . , Wink's of Shakespeare, 7 :rola Sao, the lieletiful Boa, too edition, finely bo und; • - Thst!ex 4 s Lives of the Sitints, 4 polo. elegantly hound; Ham eh Mopes Watt . ; reeds. Expwriag Expedition, Gaols royal Seri .co do 5 do ' • do do British Essayists, 8 volt. Turkey mar. backs. The above, together with a large assortmeni of cit. rant!), • boond (amity and pocket Bibles, Common Prayer d 1 rime tad trittdings, all awl:doh will be sold lower tban over offered in this market, at the aid stand - . _ ' car 3d A. wood at Glifelio — tiviii!lCPtialaa; .. ... .-- - o im plim , A sayrorb rosewood six oMive Piano, HMV wale and puma:iron' Crass., made by J. Clinkering oston. '- ' A very elegant rosevroml six mad a ma d e av Puma, limo scale., and patent iron frame, d by J. Chickering, Bestow The above instruments received to-day, and now oPen ihr examination; for 321/1a 31r„Chickeriog's pri ce. fur cash or approved paper. - Also on baud, out elegant romwoosl Gothic panels, carved mouldingi, andwiaolded legs, G octaves, made by Gide. sod Co, new York. , One do. carved rosewood, 11,octisee• M ---- ade by Gala One mahogany s second ha ua i'ilanind octaves, of ex cellent tone, mai in geed urdci, made by 'Cbickeriog A , Salivary 81X..., One superb stand Piano, made oy Here Paris. and gammatecd to be the best Piano bone so tho edy, will beisold at a very moderato priee. 161113 . JOIE , . J 1 4iE11.011, 61 wood at_ A EIELENDID usonment of Rote. iti=sti.'„d action I'i fa Alot, two splendldEosentoml Plums, with : m o t celebrated „Eolito attachment, finished it . the most modern style, and for sale at -• .ic2.l' FELLtnIE,II.2 terrod HENRY KLEMM, Beater in eastern Piano Farms, at J. W. blktodioratr, No. 85 Third Pareeh The Piano. may be examined at . alLhostre, and the subscri ber arid be there hom Uto Ith• /11, and from 4to 11, P. sl. each day.. . Pinois Oct. 2 . , -Wa r the atideraigued, would Wolin' the citizens of Pittsburgh and simony that we hare appointed Mr. 11. Klaiber mile agent for Western Penirylvania, ksr, the sale of oar Plum Pones, from whim they may tee. ob tabled at our own piety York) pried. ' 3.11.:N31:1 & CLA13.11.• New YoricSenL'lL/M-li.cr''M" B 4K)lo4—Cineeliista of Iron, or Ike. Merchant's and Mechanic's annul scarc e. to ilio iron trade. A few. Copies a:tin—very SimondeLiteraturiof the . south of kktrope Chambers' Infonnaliou for the Mlti. n .ni i i i i . Utli n. clopeilt n o . flglish LS:el/tire. in 4 Iretratifal volumes. Hailed , . Poe'rns,"a ' ne ' w " ald splendid Parlor Book of Flowers—for all sessoLe: 649) 3 L READ, 4th near market rt.' TrliE LAST ,OF THE FAME :3—A Chnstalao Tale. byU. P:.&, J.mey Ty. Jane Eyng an, lintobiography • odition; added Co o, re, Jost received and (or sale JOHNSTON &STOCKTON: fIS'GRHAT}WT UDC[ OF TILE SEADDri.— _L. Dr. Webeterr Great American Dictionary of me Laugaage,Ohluatootre, containing all that the tern* editions contained; roved by Chauncey..., Goodrich, Prof. Tide College. Tb mbar complete edi tion ever publiated; one voL crown quarto. Dike V . For sale by . ; • - DEAD, d e7 4 . 4th at. near Market et • ellsT,Z.`=".l%,l7:SfWb",LV,!ha.?:,`.;u4ll Reformed' • m.r22 ENGLIsIy SO Market .rt rjtHS THOUSAND AND ONE- NIGHTS—Penn, 1. 2d and 4.1' of the -eaperb edition of the Azani. Nahle Eninminineuts, in eourve or publiennon. by Harper t limbers, New York, just reed and foe sale by - JOILYSTON lc - ISTOCKTOIY, • myd Booksellers, ear rnarkeE 04d 3d sti OMAN AND PHAIVLS---A Meson a. - CO Mar: k) ketonillopen Ws morning, the largest lasiortnuint Or Wk. and So...bun I. toned in the eity, compri.lni black and [Lief. Saki of every variety, and every !twit , of Shawl.:...' • : • . mrd S n eVr V errreettrf!ls, C' e . st A geg:Pe i g67.l.? - uw OfEfd and 1.111,721ibet nab rokred, French Cashmere, mad many other Shawls. _ _ myt VTAMINE CMILPS—The uadenigned lus neared I.u. the mud guppy of Sher Cazda_ , los wool carding tnsobiney mi inches wide. clEo COCHRAN, . arytl 26 wood .t MOROCCtia r kilaii- 7 1/17;;;Lieirbei: 4.1.1 tentiou to their extszahre soak of Monne° rblab but bons Terf carefully ealecird to tbs seamy sod will be sold Neap fog cub.' W YOUS 9 C• • MiTNUFACTORIES: PITT AI•criTNI: woicKs FOCNDITY;"-, Prrtranans, Pa. ' .• Zona - wit' cs riT 00 AE prctutrad to build-Cotton and W Mac oollen hin ery of: every dc‘crlption !such no—Cardiag tlptaltingFrarncs. a_peedert, Drar , ng Promos, Hatt:tray H[ll4l, W•lperS, TiAi lit 1 . 6,9p001r4 a, Drossmg -Prather, Lop., Coal Itrifidert, ice.. Wrought Iron Snaking tamed all six. of Cast Iron, Puille• and • llnttgr•ra, or the Weal patterns, slide and bond Lathes, and tool's of all kmda Castings of every deoeihntion furnished on chart no. Lien.. Patients mad:. to' order for Mill Gearing, Iron ratlon, he. - Pleura Pipe (or heating Par.iortett, Can Iran ‘Vlndoor Sub . and fanny Costinys genetall Orders! oh at thy Watchman of 3. Pallect Co., Lib erty cirri, wall have prompt'anenlinti. Kan in 7:lacks:Lock, tteil & Co., J 1 Moorhead k W amts., Jobu !rain & Sons. Piusbargh. t; C & J It Warner; Sto.thenviltc. t • PdH 5 . ALLEGIIHNY VENITIAN F.I.CTORN. • - _ JOHN H.ROWAP TAKFA tka method to'lnforra his friends and the public at lamb that his Factor,' e]ton In operauon, un the —1 of the Diamond, AlleAtheo l y, where a e l oui - and t ql:a o rifi ie o ee a f ro n e l o in nAn o tiTe r' p o t u n s it c h o tt o n7l, also at N 0.5 Wood sr, Pittsburgh,. J.& H. Phillips , oil clothes . ..nom. Vealtim °butters made to puler -In the beet aspic. tilasde repined at the thcrtest notice. . N.,11. His Blinds will be:put up. Inrithout toy 11,1.- Iton:a cseprtro rn that th ey can be removed 4111190- atom In ecru a/An:curl. washing, artd widthm the aid of a crew df . • • WIC ALIfiXAND_EIt st. SON% It OPPIN MAKERS AND FURNISItING UNDER- TiSiKERS, corner of Penn and Ed: Clair 6.e.M, osposlte the Exchange finel,entranee on Penn meet, reepectfally inform their frirnda and tlx patine, that they are pre_pa red to furnialt apd attend to every th ing in the line of Undertaken: Alwaya on hand's large ae sorment of ready made Collins, covered,dined and fin ished in the very best manner, all sons and Sidra ready made Shrouda of in enel,Uambnek and muslin, tool nil Marl made In approved sryle, We keep a num ns lament of wide. and black, amen, apt kill Gloves, /table the pall licarcre,ned maritime, crape, Clip:, mo lars, and every thing necesstry tea iltroaaqr Mr dead, and on removable terms, as we pearl/doe alt our goods in the Eastern titles. Also, silver phiteeliatireerevaer be name and age. We have a splendid onvhearse nua hornet, end any numherbf the heat eurriaire Every thing attended to promptly and punctually. newly • W. W. WALL/WEI PITTSBURG/1 STEAM SLARBLE WOKES, Not. thl and :NG Li Seery urea, nine sas Conut AI.WA VS on hand and mode to order, a large sane. .4 . of Marble Mantel.. Pier;Cennv Tedder, and Parton Topo,'romb Stones, Monuments. &o.; all arloch, being made of the choicest roarble,rtml tuunatecnired princtkally be ease binary, seill be mid lour for cash. ' J N. N. remons•senthing to purchase Name., are ,informed that it is henceforth ormcceseary for them to 'go East, no I VW furnish them erith:an aruelom all respect. at good and (freightonsttranee, Mc, consider ed,lati cheap a s they can lairchttso them for in the East. Cdl and se, ictSi COPPED, Illiiimirm 1110 N, AND TIN. WARE MANUFACTORY, Na 8 Market meet, Piurboegh, Penne: •.• Ta t E lliVe . tinsirl r elio " . " .7,lL ' i a r d Zlggl It " ,7rrtf ' q.:, i a espeetfully little per building Mearnboots to roll nd enmity before piuchumg, as we can supply them Vridi Dent Slaves tinges, rod every other kind of Copper, Tin and s heet Iron work neeesrary ire farnifih , Tuba Steamboat. We also make to order en the sbonest notice Sal es and Clamber; Copper wort for emim l'ogoina and every variniy of work ii oar bur.. feta sil Lauri , & 811118 • . . . ........... . RENNETT & BROTHER : 1.1F17-NSIVARE. MAN ur&crvacks. illemlngtastm..lnielar Plttsbairgh.l Ps. Vicrehouek, No. 137, Wood itreetrrigtOurgi• IFWikl.ceuezently keep on hand a Fond ain.orb mem or Wuo r of our own manuseuire, ..e. toperioNeakey. Wholesale a:Wei:pantry Mu than I orr reEpe“fully melted to cell odd ea llrior Inc veresilves, as we. WC. &dr:OW to all- cheaper that. kaa Veer bebore been adored to the pub- Ile. , 10.- onic,... by mail, ae CO ropenied by me dark or city refereure,wol,be promptly afiuded to. . irbd; P. Ai r1.90/1. ' , SAW. 11.1,frous • - • . FLINT ULABB ESTABLISUBIIiNTs NNULVAN S it LEDLIE insouraetunearol keep eon. IYI sively on hand .Cu; Aioalded .std l'hun Flint Glassware, In Olt its earithes,at their Warehoure tor. ner of Starker and Wuter streets. r ittshor/h. Our Worhs continue In Cull opreolionould ere Ire eourtan , ly adding to our cock. wh:ek earl , les es Loran orders with presages% Purehueers ate le speetfull3• solielted tonal nod examine press and ten.. mylWCly COACH MAKING 1 , 11011- tbe any liberal encoureqa ment the aubscriber bee received since he has located hlnvelf Ancgbeny, •iar.meech.t . has induced him to tele a lease, fur term or years, on property he new occogien, in Deemer a;Feet, immediately beside !he Pe nb m o:e h la es Cb s and la dra r re pf the lea44,7etptc'e'f,;°.l%: it and receive a allure of public patronage. .Novr &e . s 4. 7 ..... en . agto w p o llf i ffic f s, and crust zeutte,r,..x.en of el filocurer I serjhdif, 'I . , HE undersigns: are nave prepared ta10n..., their / earnasers and int pabliatenerally. a iral Ankle of Lard Chi of thin r awn man vise v,ien he; acelintreodating Tetras: lee.. it I !hey to bens rod as Kip other:4 in the non rm.:n:3 mar re ',tamed if not 4atiriaelory. I , !i , ervi , at. ~pp, : e , Ll , t.l P ac.l (ii,aCc ht •;I; , .rf Nnn,r I,r ,lIIEDIVAL & StillCl/OAL OFFICE:, • No. 03, DIAMOND ALLEY, • frM fdoora Loo Wood Meet, to. 1;7,...1e market, - - kat DR. BUDSVS, bavink been ;. , aeguindly. educated tao ematteal pr0f...M.1...d been for sown nein renena pratec, now b!.. tetad.. to the tremornt b . oab ' Privat and delic;to - root of plaint. for which bis.scoportunidea and caper-knee petudorly tte.ufy Vilna 11 T. 71. .1th.11•17 tieVrileti to study at ba d of Mom complaint... Adana. whio• time be Ms bad more practice and boo outod more pat tient. tam ow Meer (all to the lot of any prraate pea.' litiotterl amply',qualifir• him to otter ...armee. 01 spOrdy, pot...up; and .factory cum U. ill itaieted wont olma% dim.... and all arisiny there front. Dr. Brown would trforrn nse. Articled with VIIIiu disearie• which have -becoine chronic by urea ur an• gmenred by the nee of any of the common ucevurns at the day,tall their romplarats can be radicallyaral shoes • crored; he having given his careful attention to the treatmenr of seals en/es, roof avec/se:lrd in hundred/ of instance, in coning persons of indanonation of the nceis of the bladder. sad kir.dre.st diseases which often result tornshoot eater why,e thy..to hopeless despair. Ile partienlarly invites each so bare been long sot unsacces /Wally treated by other/ - to conrad him, when every lualilfiletiOla will la giverli them, and their ease treated to • careful, thorough and intelligent manner, painted oat by along esperience, atady, and investigation, which it is ingeresible for those engaged in general praotice of medicine to give any one close of daycare. Wrilemfa or 112pr:rte.—Dr. Brawn also invitee per- SOW led with Hernia. to call, ac be has paid panic , per ajarintention to this Skin diaeasTa; also Piles, r • Chargee eery ding. • N. B.—Patients of either sex living at a &Amato, by stating their disease in wincing, giving all the amp, toms, C. obtain medicines with directions for use, by addressing T,./.310WN, M. D., port paid, and snot " tllcc No. GS, Diammad oppaeile thel •werly [too*. moms niAcK Avexma, INK, tor tp i steel quillyens, strd the copying • 'press. This dink s the result of the experiments of several years, evoted to the manufacture, on at: extensive jot an article suited to all the purpos of the consenter. Theperfection of tidal writing •Ink se consists in the fed lowing properties: Furmixr—sn which ,property it will be found to curpitas all prenrious preparation.. It will flow sroh perfect 'freedom either from [pill or 'steel pens, and Is entirely free from any corrosive qualities. Cowls—The color of this snide Ls a rich; beautiful bloc black. It it necessary, however, to glye u co nsu inersthe'following orlon. frrAll good black Ink. Inron its necessary eliemical cynctitutimb retitilrea c;postut to the air to impart a deep color. ft rum; no therefore, be expected, that the mu:heat the bottle ieopened. the Ink will by foetid to be aid black. The firm eppearance will he pale. Dort atter exposure to the chemical action of the atmee. pherc either an paper or in Ibe inkstand, it will 'astute a Milliard black Yrandasr..nci—Tbe color • is unutterable by the lapse of time. It will never fade. On this acconot, 'all Ittb, peewit records atonid be made in this article.. years only deer. end strengthen its riot this lick Is suitable tor all kinds hI metallic pes a cod ery p e n s s i r m b a le e wif h q umilalns,y cod ll w gir o: ii portent impression by the copying prem. • - Dr-,We are usiug in dm maitutions with.which we nse tic teal, Morn* , blue blaekt writing 'hdr, and in respect to fluidity, weeny of color and permacency, behave it superior any SA we bare heretofore used it Thurston. cashier ; bank of - Louisville; AVut Rich ardson, cashier riorlhern bank 0( Kenrucky; oleo C Owatinney cashier, 'bank of Kentucky; r, Shreve, presideurrpf the Get bank; Thor L. Helm, clerk of Dar ren county court; Curren Pope, clerk of Jefferami coun ty court; P /I Atwood, ceeretary. Fireman's Inman. Company; John Muir. agent /A.U.5... Col tl BHoodwin, reap Portland Dry Dock id Laurance Co; Db Chambers, smy Franklin. Fire Jo Marble In serener. Co; / Khmer, treasurer Louisville Savings Institut/orb A cupplq of the above hit, just received and. for talc by 1f.% JOHNSTON it STOCKTON. Typ• Foundry. , Tin; subgenbers,heive taken We Type Foundry. :go (ifl6olillll,CCl, and will continue toe business bore ly eondueted by Robert Taylor. They will attend to all orders with punctuality and despatch. All the type manufactured by dicta will be liand Cut;land they will funtitilt all kinds or Printers' utaterials.of the best quality. AO. J AT Overend Is still employed in superintenh it, the tuanufecturitig &Tomcod Proprietors of newspapc., who have not advertised forth. subserib•r, "-Ito nutypoltlish this notice for thrde month* will entitled to receive pay in type; On purchasing five Shoes the amount of their ,bills to'ad. yertioing. Old tyr W 8! •ret.l d mpetakeluilt exe....tge fun. ___ pet. Charley Wbitil witrriso TAYLOR, ykpr, 5 (St:c.c.:aeon. to [Lola Taylor,) _ comer Gold and Amp .t 6-1 . Sellers , Family Riodlelnas In Ohlo. Werassamtott, Ohio. hay 4.1,1":49 ••R EL E.I3F.LLIOLI—Your. Varnaitige tdas a "worm destroyer." and has giveit ontiro 11.1111.1/013 to all. who have had occasion td toot it Liver. Pillsaro gaining a high repuitoion ben. Your. respectfully, Couch &Mao. • At6oatiouvto.a.Ohlo,Jantr.l7lol . l. Or R. E:SelOws—Your Yerraihigc aorta remarkably lob and hes gaOtal the full confoleaca of all;wbo use It or, alao, the Conti Youra truly ; • Ulan l attA. Neon red .41 cold by R. n son No. r: Wood at., Zak alas by Dr. Cassel, sth Ward, D. AL Duffy, All,. t_h,col , , and Wm. J. Smith, Temperancoville. - Lfcbt - 11)E1151TMERY, SOAPS ttc., in atom and if - or sale L by Joel :Mohler, Dagir,cOr. tYood and rah On: AlIC• 11,1,1%11111n1ph er •• • , if.d4 491. "'' ' 'Superful d :134nving Cream, roofdo do' x Ox Marrow Pomanuni ColdCtesixa; ." * NoteToothnultei Cologne Watet,ltie extract fur the hand 'kblo Iti - Venmemses. 1 — I :lll4 l. iltme v nily . W po rnArr . intse;i w ojte m - vul e . f Lg Etr ,;, and •e ro to a iron of mine, some neve. year. Old.dwo r te, owl eillsough the smotutt may :appear bree, yet have ad - doubt tat there was opened* in • trro O c t mom. peened from .him io rienstirtitir kcal r. ctlatter of an loch to two ine he. J• U IMMO. Creek. Carol en..Trenn Oen 21. VAL 11624 4101+7.. 11017197.4-Haring ,teaw - large aid cora $ =Omar Emote Nowa and Oacou Warehouse ad; i *Wog our WattliorumiOn ma Cvold IlaiOn,'lins mom. MUNRO srooksmodMote tmeen ou roosOootOro mar{• . Caul booloironalllt ot. SZ=MI! TRANBI ) OITATIOL r: ntkate&sa4.,,:TFakvillovi Line. . ..atlOar lB4 •Mitar •••roa nth xacwrourunigs sersamtagnixot an ' PRODUCE TO PIIILACELPIIJLS & BALTIMORE. GOODS consigned to nine care will be!fargrarded without delay at the !theist Current rater: EMI of Luning transmitted. and all instruction. *turfy at. tended to. free from slily ertra charge for storage,or commission. r CA hthA12111.22 in Co- Prop'. marg. Canal Bailin. • Pittsburgh. , • • .• ZIEICCILiNTS• WAY FREIGHT LINE. r 1848. WO 4 l'Fortaerly culled Pickworth& Co'. Line.) triticerrut, von VIZ reaaaroaraytos or wax ram am EJWEEN Phi:burgh, lithirsville,Johnstown, Hob. lidaysburgh.2s Liter street, !Hwitingdon Co) and nil taterrnediatc place. One boat wall leave the warehouse of C A IVlcAnulty & Co. Canal Has., Liberty lorcet, Pittsburgh, every day (Sundays ancrshippera can always de. prod having their goods, forwarded without unlYut fair mt. 'nit!. Line wise . formed exelusively for the special at , commodation et the trop business. • phi Proprietors. dumb fill for the very liberal patronage th ey barn re , ceiendnuring the !must.° years, wo ad respamfully in- form their old customers and the public generall y} that they have extended then faciliumAluringthe past whi ter, ant/ andlerrstserte P rarod roaccomosodaus waist err .cd tautness. • elusions. , - 11 H C.INAN in Co, - lV hf MILT. ti..41171`, FULTZ, • JADES tk LORE. , JOHN MILLER, TRINDLE& McDOWELL, • fa A McANULTY& Co, caner basin Pitt. R H CANAN. did Johnstn „. • JOHN MILLER, de Hitllidsb . ir 11ORRELL YSTINGER,d. Rarrabacm—Pittsburgh—Sruith & Sinclair, I in J McDevitt; in J 11.Shoenberger, it Robinson in R Moore; Flagalcy& Smith; lobs Parker; Wm La.bincrt t J Jordan & Soo. martti RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 18448. 1845.,ta. TOR TILCVSPORTAiroN Or ,03.1,11,701.6 AND PHILADLIXIILI. VI Proprietors of tuts old established ;slid first Portable Boat Lute, baring removed their de pot iu l'hiludelphiu, to u ;much larKer IVareitouse .cal then thus they tottaerly meatus's!, mad filsolu sreused room for storke at Pittsburgb,are flow prepared to oder touch greater facilities to thetr friends 11411 1:410 . 01.. . . GOOd/ camel by this line'am not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, belngeamod en tirely in Portable itection !bole. To shippers of door and other goody requiring careful handling, th is is or importsnee. Pia cgarge made for receiving or shipping goods. or advancing-charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon no reasonable terms or by any oth er line. JOHN Co., Canal Haunt. PennPittchuro., E JAM, M. DAMP S ,t, lc Co., rebUl :117 Market &SI Commerce et, Phila. JOAN MerAIJIIN & Co., Pt/recording .11,Coamor. sum hlcechutoc, Onoul Basin; Peon a. , Pailhburch. 'JAMES M. DAVI. et. Cn, FloerFnenara unt - Conanis• Mou .31erchunti, ttl Market, turd GI Coimiscree st., Philadelphia. Irrtolvancer made by, either of the abora . Flour. %Fool and other juicriptio, of hicrelotudire.conrigued to thcm. feb2l _ . XT(STICE—The subse - ritCrs have disposed of their ta ll tercet to the Penn`a and Ohio Line to C:Liktir.k TILAW, I'inahur;th and 4OSEPII 5 LEIVISt They coil contiove to transact hairiness (or the line, at their tVanchoute on Broad street. as vassal, nod he. speak for it a CollalluMlC, Of We patreoxce of their triends.. _ JAMLOI sriTi, tr. Co. GM= Penn's. and 0410 Trant..ortatlon Co ihni tie Daily Ltrie of • FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, mczazun ro Tr.tsuronr 000ro• arnrxsu miaow .C.1“3 - 1.7t 131.-kiiKECanal 7Lawin, Pittsburgh. 1.1-AVIS & 111711.1:R. 219 Market Philadetpli .1 IS. STIT.L k CO. AO* Broad stmt.. CA/WDEN, KI.AR k Lo., IF North RIO e. PURRICK. AO., 12 We,/ glreel. New YEW/. mu/5 CcoefoxitYiershlyL ,fill . 81l b.ribe Sktlc thO Joy ot±oentte4 throat:lves . toyettter nutlet the ttyle of luer;A. Jona, for the purr. etcortneuitig the business fortnetlY serried ott I.y Sentonl Kier, one eolicitu tontine:Ace of the eral pII{IOIIII4T loonteforo extended to the /town. ' . SAMUEL M. KIEL 11. P. JONES. .I`l,,ubragis,Nleuel I, 1 , ..15; KIEH.9I.POUTAIRLE 110 A T gi LINE, ;34 : I=l. fainfifria COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF "nisi . CLASS' POUR SMTION FOE PIDLADELNHA 'AND ' RALTIIIORIi VLA CANALS 4. rututunw. jjTE nn dh,itrm"7l'eTV:=l:glutett dcspe 5t MILz ato y other . !Ile even:lon of shippers wishing...end Port or Ita. to Balumure ta balk. is particularly rertherthth m uch lo uera a. our arrangetheuts enable us to carry .uch osic le. thrra.ch in better order than any other line. KIER k JONES, Proptn., Canal Welt,. near 7tht et. • err+ 1,117. SiVAI . 2.. M.TE. r. suit T2'll: R 11 JONVet--Ctortuntsmit fortesnium'Ale heinit, awl lirooletaie Nairn, in !rot:. Memo, :suit Itroduce, tee.' Litt:Mal easheitivances on:consignments. nitirll ENV ARRA NOE:MI:24 T Is4B EXPRI:..I_ WAGON LINE . 44848 I.IIILADELPIII.I AND I'ITI": 4 :TUROII. VIA CIIAM. DERSDURG. DV RAILROAD AND WAGON. CAR rriU !rave riihdell,lria daily al:erg-1m F• 1 . rustn.,. tae Masi Train, lo Charn/nr•Surg, walrla ccat/le the Wagons to leave then the sane day,rvith zulayv of horses, canning day and algid. le. CUT!. th e comic arrival of good:, Finn llaya {hint Pidlairlphia.. .1;ply ' Co, Carrel •• ?IA RRL4.k LEECH. ' U um , IS south litt. enill tr.:cum tor f 41.411,5 prottuce,ll-C, dsay, tog tlttough the above ,rte , atter ISa 41st in II to CE u. vLnLR, _4,11. Mts . . lICYTAKICTII • ti rig a I 4.7 4. • • • - To Pailladelpos: ~.au fwlafaunraf VIA CANICK .11.LISOAINL .• HENRI' GHAFP lc Co.. Canal Bashi, Pittaborph. Dinutt, ursoli r.ra a co. No. Hi Martel Mil. C. H. Kooas, corner No rt h Parstoga u. Asti Jo. P:Clarke, la, Old Now Tort. I Altc XTOTICH-.llte style of our firms will be knossoliont AN and WWI thi. date. at Pittatturati, as llrn Graf & Co, Philadelphia, as Diatila Humpbraz Pc Co. SIN rND I C I I EN LA K S. Y U G U R MP APF a , ' I ? :I 4, IOEitg: roa '"kil"- atr iB4B. Scallop ArtakcTsnes l B4B CI. VEI AN D, 1 0i AND SAULT CI T.N. THE Strome-at Dh:ghtl/IT, Copt. J. C. Ihrithunia,orlll run, donne the season tol . leti, between Cleveland k ault Ste klancon the following nrableroottelkfirg at Ireklnsc and Intermediate place. each way: I,BT mg Cleveland every Monday, at 7 P.sl_ Lb Detroit-.T .day ate A.II. • Mackivae do go - Thursday on 7 A. 3L Rem rung, tedtherthe Sault Ste klana every Friday, ut IU o'clock. A. AL; and Ilsekinoc. at At? o'clock, 1.3 L and !cove Detrort every Sunday c , cloog" for Cloy e - hind. 01 7 o'clock. • W. A. Mi.& Co ) Agents. {C. BRADUCCSI. Co.. GIYAVkIi & NVICKWAILE. Detroit kIcILVIGIIT, Sault Ste Marie, 'Cite DerrothWas been thoroughly repaired and refit ted the past wither, and the pebblenew rely upon th e perforrrong of her tope with punetuahly as advertised. • friefithro Ragia. / 8 4 8 6: ECLIPSE TILANSPOLTATION LINE. . . To and from the Eastern cities, tin Cumberland. rpl IE proprietors of this popular doe, here since their te.orcnitiration largely Increased their facilities to mem the wisGcs al shippers: and are now - prepared to furirasd a venter amount by the 11)11: DAY at Ise by addiuonal regular wagons aglow rates: "'This lin. wi'l mu throughout the ytetT. ' ddliVtrinff goods Oil h the voila; in Baltimore end Pittsburgh ttroamerot and consignees at specified mien and lirro, • •tilaiptizenin from Philedelphia for the line should be marked siiare, J B Ilobinson '• • • .lr J B nounvsoN letS Charles st, Baltimore. LIYIEHTON k Co, Cumberland. U Iv CAS.I. - 11nramsrilla 1 0 Plagiary*. • Maggigia . I. II qLIPS.E,7IIANSPOILTATIONT LINE _La 11n Proplawn of this molar. Lme hart ettatoptd the. Agooty at Cozobariand from the holm 'of 11IeKalg b. 111 a, port to that of Edgerton f.o. . • • .httsbutgh and lantern merchant,. ant thtified that .1 my. IT Itablotoo. No In Booth Charles It. I/an:halm., to the 001 aut'oorizai neat of thla Line In the Itattero clues. The only gaols are ..".1 C 111DIVELL,INItatotqh, (1. Itroarnsrille, I.DLI hT0. , 1 4. Ca Cumbtrland, J 11 1101111.(110:1,Balthooe, GREEN& CO.'s Sialgagia*A- run 17811110141.1.8, , 0.81..1 1 1111886, 18 188.138808, 11111.8810.. Pt 8.31141.1 , 1 . 1111 8.1888811 8111188. M 1 1118. 31 .1 .8 TURT, norro b re intend , tI-thxtt hit it the gubig F..l.µconne fote cting ,witit Ailami& Co Xxideilik pally, Baltimate. , Throildh receipts will be gii.t to coy of .10 , oboro ; 261crobouldito 811.1 pile-kip. of tidy xi= or weight liirwitrded- ..r d'ity Arent,: uor4Er Chorlot Hotel lloilibbiss, wood it :, J. PARBEN & Co" cnxxxKor LIESCHTr lIITYCT ASS t.I.ITAL /LAM; nrranmoti.. P. K.TILETZ & Co., mum, ran.auv.ritu. '. BOAT/NEN% LINE, '1848; a rux.11.1.4,10,T111 Or .113.1, 61,11. Dal:: TO & FEOU PHILADELVDIA, anIAT LOUT:, IE All NEW TOSE AND OtWON. kmds af Marchand/la coo,ivaad to P. K. FgoO. Philadelphia, of to J. Fume , & Co w l'illoborgb, L ` ,promptly forwarded fro e of clannowious. 111. . 'lB4ti AND, 1847 I___ TO . TUE '1113?.. - ET EUNORGABELE II UTE,. 11110WkidtqL1.1d attiAIIiERLAND. rpus.undertlved, arc now_ prorated to forward Pro* doeo, ta kattemllarteu doting the ono. tao meet favorable terms,; by thia aide. propeny conligned to m wy; 6:awarded 4 the lowers rateiand 'MO dapdteh. lirrehandast leaerrli i 7 add mug ene!ptl ILrit -0 IV ZASS,:Brownsnlle. A- Ea Elmo?! 00.CardirtIlail • " • ~, . i t ~{ , ....~ i.. =EM TRANSPOL L ,..'Wti REED, PAWLS & OVA. PACKET LINE. 1848 BEAVER AND CLEMAND LlNErta WARREN. _Canal Packet—SWALLOW,. Riapt.Ford.•• . OCEAN;Capt., Wafters.. SE of thdabove Packets leave Beaver orei7 day , O ISandays excepted) and motive next morning at warren, where they Colllltel whit die Mal Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arrive' at each ottbese places before eight. One of Me Packets leave Warren daily, at 5 P. M. sod arrive at Beaver le time. to udre the ma ntine steamboat for Pittabb, y. COTEik.. LEFFINGWELL. Warren./ St TAYLOR, S tepne . BEAVER AND GRRENVILLELINE. • Cwul Pukci—PEVIONA, Gogh Brown. 'FASHION Capt:W P Sayre. Oue of leo-above Packets will (cave Beaver every evening, (dimdays excepted) at 7 o'clock, and olive at Greenvalethe next morning a/ 11 o'elock; and one lesivesareenville every afternoon at lo'clock, and at tires at Bearer the next morning at 5 o'clock—through le hour—towed by teams, (three horse, each) .sta, doped every 111 miles. At Greenville they connect with a line of Stages through to Meadville and Etie. The boats are entirely new and built anomaly for this trade. REED, PARER & Co„Beaver, prietors. BEAVER AND NEW CASTL E Canal Pocket—TELEGRAPH, Capt. Wm Decree everymorn ing (Sundays excepted) at bo'clorlE-1e11.1156 N ew Cast le every evening (Sundays excepted) at 7 &clews; and conneetiug with the mean. ers Lake Erie and Idiektput,rusming between Beaver and Pittsburgh. REED, PARRS & Co, Beaver, Passengers will be receipted through by e e it t her of tbe above route., securing berths in the packets and seats in the stage, by application to either of the prisprimors or agents. JOHN A. CALIGHEV, Pittsbargb, roe. Water and 'Smithfield sta. AGENTS; —Re ed. Parks & CO,.l3eiver; R Parka & Co; 1 oungstown, 0; Cotes A. Leffingwell. Warren, ci; W Cunningham, New Castle, Pi; " • D • Hay & Emil; 8141MIle; Pa; • APParland and King, g Bend, Pa; C C Wick, Greenville, Ps;' C M Reed, Erie; Pa. • apl4 LAKE ERIE AND, MICH/GAN LINE. Tin well known Line, composid .vaf ateamboats Lake Erbe and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and. freight and passenger. Canal Boat. be. tweett Beaver and Erie and C M Reed's Bee of Bret el...steamboats propeller.. and vessels 'nth.. Lakes, I. prepared to tam. freight and passengers in all points on the Erie Cmal, and Laker Eno, /Butt& 93'4 Mich. gam _ . Having every facility for mewling freight and pa. imagers alth promptnom and dispatch, the proprietor and Mew respectfully solicit from their friends • eon• atm.. at their patroAe. - OMAR Proprietor. REM, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents .. JOHN A. CAL'GHE Agent, _apt. _or Water and SmithAeldite,PHuburah.. THE 15N108.L11.11r.5. • . „...,;,= . 501: 1848. IlliTWI:0:4 PrlTSllVitalf ANBCLBYELAND. . W. T. itfavona, Pauli:llTh ; . •• .. el. } - Rua, PA11.141 & 00, Seaver, .'Prop Clawroao at Ctuatireaus,'Cleveland - • • fiallEanove Line is nowiimparod totrahrport freight ,I. and pwineogers huh Pittsburgh idulFerrelat4 ,or mu point an the Casual and Lakes. . • thin boar leaves Pittsburgh and Cletrebted daily, inn- RMlZ. ` . ° „l; ', 7 , r ' tl , 74ltitgro=:it e sa u ltl a of first clue demnboats, propeller!, briga and school:1- ms on lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan., • . . Profiting forwarded to aj i part of the Union with dispatch, by WM. . MATHER. Of JOH. .a.CALIOIIEY,Agents, . cur Water and Smithfield sts,• Mubarak. MIENTS:.-Reed, Parks k o. Beaver; • It 0 Parks k Youngstown. Ot --• _ 0 W Cotes k. ` Warrem Li Roderick A Breadporg . 1 ~ fc:e Clark, fit mon Falai . 1 ;417.;?PrZ "; 1 _,...., L .7, Campbeilvort; :- - &0 II Nato, ratatin . • hillier & Tatil+oloia Folic Wheeler & Co, k • u.May_cine: Fa, kins & nails, lace ti figitratiaVEs ita71307; Hick M'Clore Waltham, Milwanki4 II J Plinalow,;ticago, . &pH PITT SIIVROIIPOR AIILE BOLT LIME EitatE2 180.11111 Mt. 'For as ThassportssiosCafFrsigist to and fn.* PTITSU WIG lb PHILADELPHIA, HALTINICIRE, YOBIL kc. • • t • ; Iloakiwas Cult, Philadelphia. Taalrair; .00.1.011., Pitts - bur& itts 1,41 established Llne being•now in fitil, opera nOn.. the proprietor ba made eremite arrange.' mean to fairing goodie miff roduca with &spinal::g on the/n.4 !exorable A . They , confidently th;tir wen known prom:pine deliveringlaiods—pe. tuna Way in ratan Of oarrying—eapaacitip warehou se. at each port, affording tacominialationa ab sliippers and. ownr. prodian,tege,tar with their_ wog expo nent, awl unrentitung attention to Will attune to than a iontitinance of that littoral patronage they betrbY acknotiledge. Albcrinsignasente by and kribla ratireg, char ges paul.amil formatted so any required directione free < commimicn l / 2 .adruncur or atorage. Noluterai airectiy or indirectly, in sicainoaw: • Alto otruninticatinna p r In:tided to on applica tion to Ow lOnourite: agents: . • : .; PORRIDGE CASH. VS Market at, Philadelphia. TAAPEN.LIECONNOR, Cana/ Bunn, pittaburgh. OCONNORS A Ca North st,Raltintore. W3l. wa.sas;e6 c.du Ng!". York, api - PASSENGER . ARRANGEMENT. Pa lvanla Canal & press Past Packet LIMN • e 1. • lB 4S • FItONI PIIEDADELP/1121 At HAL ) (Exelurisely for Pnmengere) • • ri public ars renpeclully ottformed that so dLb Line 1 e mill commence rowers •on the Lid tnsti d eon it. Lou me tter.end of a nagaiot otanhr watt en lcrgcg cat.inc, which mill give greater mmnfort.. The Nn klt , the lnmtt COUMIPCIIOII. .A boot *III alsraya be in port, anal travelesn'oire quested to call and*samina them balite engaging p man elserrerte. • • rare only of dollars through., One °film mania this Line wilt leave Ma Inruling loPpnalt* IL a lin MI, corner of Peen Street and Canal. every night at mg** clock Tune 31 dn.. For information, apply a:the office. htonouvattela Hons., or to D LEECH tCo Pittsburgh, Nash 32. 1N19.. .*. tXnalMard.n. • • Weat•rnTrana M allon Company. ' 1848; 'TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE*. NEWYORK .114 121.13111.1.14 AND DIGO LIZ. SUDS. A RE pre?sred b me you goeds p and produce to arid :44 or apTyt'' w 'nv .khls D. LEEC HCo., penal Elvin. Pittsburgh: " - HARRIS & LEECH , Nos. 13 t l5 South Third st,PhiL J. TAYLOR &so; Av., No 14.N'Iti Howard et, Halt. ADHOIT.Aat, he 7it n street, New Lark. •.. Piostegh,histlehlath, ' • • learia 'I.I.ARNDEN. it Wit P"l ltUrliEr h a 11 =ne la t i tiag ' peisooa Atm-my part of t.ttglareh Ire/and, Howland of Waes, upon the owlet liberalaerms, vigh Weir mat punetual.ty end attention to the yams and corn•" fort eland/rums We do DiX Itikrlll,X#l.llllog6.lto b. tubbed that Infest the yea•-. ports, Ito we take otters< of than the Orman the)• raw thernselrea. and see to their well baser,. wed def . ' valet, them without say detention by the fi na We soy th is fearlessly, as we defy one of our pease.' cent to show that they wore detained 48 hours by lo : Liverixwal, ..whiLst thousand a of others were detained months, until they could be seat in borne old craft, et a eltgp rate: which too frequently proved their entfuts. WI intend to perform cootracts honorably, cost whet it day. and net act town the last season,. with ether.olfwerr,—who tither perforated not all, of when it suited then coneenimtee. - Drafts - drawn at Pito,burgh tor any sum from" Al w Itol . payable at any alio provineal Rank. to Ire. land, ',gland, Seotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, • European and General Agent, (ehll Finn street; ens door below Wood. I:PORTANT TO TILE LADlES,Chettei Halt Cream, matchless article for the Growth, my.. and Respratlon Cif the glair. This Quack when once will supercede &Welber articles al the hind now used. When the hair le dead, hank,thin,. unhealthy, or inrolag Reel,altrut will make the huh sort and dark, and gtve It a oaannu lively appearance; and will alas make it retain its lutes liness Red healthy color twice u 104 al all the papa. • nanoes which are generelly used. Every lady ana who are In the habit of ruing oils on theit hair, shoulbut.orme parahase a bottle of the Chimps flair Cream ' es it to so composed that it will not hijun! the hair like those other preparations, but will beamlly and give perfect satisfaction ht every luatanc: . rer testimony to Its very superior qualities, seeth following letter front Rev.' Er. Caldwell; to liendershou tr. Stretch, Neshville,Oeuentl Agents for; the Western Stalest • Letter been the Itev..R. Caldwell, pamor2of the Pre.' byterian Church, Pulaski.. Messrs. Ilendershott Jr Btratch-oend6ere I Wm. 'Measure in adding my testimony In favorer*, excel.: lent mreparettott_ctUed Dr. Paridt's Cbinsea Halt Cream—for about two yean ago, my hair was very dry, brittlYitind disposed to mane out; but bacillar . eared Louie of the Cream, and used It twee to , the prescription, my hair he tow mil, elude and to ;be head. Many balsams and ills was applied, each' leaving my hair IA • worm date than betore.—.• --ibis Cream„ however, bee met my expectation.. As an article for the Tilllo4 my wifagires It prefer , dnce over all other., being delicately perfamed,lsod not isposed to rancidity. The ladies especially will And We Chinese Cream to be a deelderstum in their pupa:, rations Mr the toll& Respeetthlly,lto., l'ulaskl;Jam 7,1647. D. CALDWELL. ljprSold wholesale and retail, in Pittsburgh, by Job', 3Lmstnit, N 0.45 Market street, end Joel Molder tomer of Wool and FL& streets. • • Jabilf.: _.- _ ..& H. PHILLIPS, OUSE, 1310 N AND tfrEdldLlOA'f PAM - Eh:rug and tibulera.—Persona wishing' to have palatiag g a ring done with neatness arid despatch, will please -give um a call They will find it to Mo a advantage, for we are fully prepared to do work ato low as alsybmsa in the two title. can or will at No. 5 Woad attest. N. U.—We wish It to be underlie:aid that wo hove not quit the painting and glarlag, as sums of our most relit*m friends have been tho public generally that ivy were going to retire from that Menet of our Liminess. We are 0101 . 0 (ally prepared to tpumaet the painting endearing than we ever were. . mpg r" ait rinuaft. Siiirtvlll-Xicirdtml-7 IPIXD7I .tarteet of •al NM Omo, ' Jan. IBle• . Tide Is to Cerilly that alto using different pitman. I oas for expelling aromas, I bought of C. R llMman, of New Liebou, two 'isle of EE gams , Yuman% and g l vigke . contents of one vial.to Mem gum t el ui year, o Gum th ld, DA SIM expellM Ity*tanny DOI one vial. I recommend Pollen' •Iferndfnp is a mfe and one of Um moat Oatmeal Worm medicine* bier ors Ma public. - . • Moe hioneow... Prepared and sold by R E MUSES, No m Wood. otter. Sold by Dr. Cassel, MA wark D _ C.nr, Al y ogheaD William Dfamitly_Tentpetancevllla • Ale suesgabala -Homo Tathaimr:Estab,' y n l form the amea WIT;LIAMII, Lever and Tailor - bop to ns of Pittsburgh and ahanw ..tithshe ow ongoing at Ids roams on ,timitheeld pima am der the Marro a Imo and brismilid amortpwia of CI onut, Cowl:um, Sonim6 Sina i and Own Vanua toolbar yids mach whet articles as Mn nolo for, nentherneo's treat. His goons hoes heed rarafidl 'ow 'rectt•di and ore of the rowed and mom sryle,es weU u of moues, quality.. web may depil upon bission their clothes as& isp a . Manus which consocilla to gimpy ta. tuts. > __ .. ~..__r Ot===2l TILE Pabscribor offers for sale his 'entire stock, ie L lots to gait worciassint, rely redaced The collection is wit mantled fora select and ertereive variety, to Out Western coonter cootsintntl don*/ tsow rare and valuable ans m;i c s. onsisting to port *Muntenia; .1' be hL large plants, frost to a teat to aster. Perpelttllr % I' ' ' Mg Of Pilt ' I BOor the Inuit and most esteemed aerie in onitiratioa lie Dada bet containa the wow shoorhy and Sloe pica MU grown; Flower Boots, • hove ,vnecr ; =, shrubbery, gab tress, overmany - he.. Nursery. own and others, who 'swot ro decorate their yo,da, gird.; plcasnro grounds. or gteen!binsses, are zespecifelly lovimd to easedoe the ewlection witch is OK. LO imOoff, MeV QM Sundays. Conveyance by W omnibus and, venereal fan. Descriptive rata levies sent by mail, or noty.be hada* row mod, Pio PP Duonood Market, "there elders led with as., or by mall to Pinsborgh Post Mee, will be pIIT Shea• el to. John Otatiarn, a reel/cal int, aria attend 1 1 1: 1 ,? ... lanZlhatle ems, la) Mg Or j r=t iko rn FP: P .T .b M!k moo. Bum foneeptypflieminSVEttos . ' . . . AC A 4.• ••• Cipemnati.O. 1..0. A. BumaAaertile.U. • CAA.. U. COY blew Odom. BEATTY, BROTHER de.CO., • I Osmanti•alop. 1/44..r01aat• ?OR TIIE SALE AND rosP•Anpime Or PRODUCIC, Ko. 31 Paying &red, l'ku &karts itenalo— • . Hew s- lilartin t Co, likaln,l4j 0 I " Jaw. APHiegar ICIDINV" " David %V him ft. 0v,11104400.1. • • " & Monad. Danketal Hama f. Frau:, • calclttlatt • Mlicaaba, tag, H N Kearney, Lad, flanker, Zanavtlla, 0. D PaPDaaaN Co, Wcli•ville,O.; • Recd. Parka&Co. Bearer Pa,' J W Gill, Eaq,'Wheeliag, 114:lattaa it / W Chilltuelbetim .1 6 : 61 • • • • • .• _ • • mentos Md. of ll ll!eating M IL 01. DElTlM'o(oseoa t hos mraojeed Lod pa eneeemurl dm IL d y LedPhirobromtl'hgerfloe"LVe'..,..h.derree eve. applied, has meeived lee decidedleefeesore ovu mores, forme.. lee. .Ite adventsecee me—• ' ; • lee Weal zertdarity temperature-7 . • 21 Freedom Ceom smoke. • ' It N u u a m d a and vtge!.o of • ..• • . , bib. Great dambilay. .. A model and specibcanon may be appene... In. obtained, u the capper and Issonue.MetarFM . W.ll 11 9CAIrE, FUSS Ms • . febLlat between wood and outlet. M'S OIWAN CUUUH SYRUP—h proved to be w ....ik. greas Pumas In oaring 13:17 a 116. 1 .11 ulcr 1 , From the Temperance Fanner, tlov 31817. _ Conan tarter. —We am not in Ma baba or' ' palling • mach km taking patent mod:eine* bat Weisel dimmed rsernmemad Morgan 's 977 W to boon wt. or. 135.17' ad with . cough. After haring tried ibe asaal dies to remam a constant and darmssurg, comet, that had for mama days .Wined 0110 I,IIOOT oh firer, with oat mccom..ww were imbued to . . Isl blorgars's cough. syrand by it robs( was obtained a leer h hour.. It provedto be tea panacea in this cam Ulnas. Prepared wholsartie and nWI Illiapropetstor, D .110 reb7 msod door below dta=ey. , • • ChangeWOW 114111 WWII& frwsberv.ri VII DULLARearill be pad is dry one .1- who antipodal. a spat efytataimeenotdri,thas cannot be attracted with Abu lingnoted .Cbcadeal Soap. I have the satlefectien sant Illet i el . t as. den place, that thi. Leticia, by ea owe a, now needs aurtwalled to tea ter enunciate grew, tar, pnet., oil, point, °tiny grotty atte stant, (nen all loads eigentte n's eiladlret clinking, harpets, table boa, Sterna awls r ladiis , boauteu, o, nohow Inlorleg anything that pout Inter will. not team blare Uwe ono thousand permit to digerati' pane of the coonur have told me they would not be woboll id; kf It cost On dells per cue. la *tame this poe then 3Un snick. of Edit Cake, wins. al.renemore e.and ealtrota, I have only Wand three pa rd ces 111, ma of Waseca and tow of calice,on which 11 ebeneed the color; ik,:oefote Wore r ater it on a llettl dots; My. rallpla of We dna. ern. ttate thla entomb eat detenw nett not to reentamend it any 1131011 COT thu knew to be strictly into. I ' N.ll Noir. Pose, try Cr. per cake. 9.61,1, Il wholesale II tad LLLEEn ull " E tn deall St wood AC • • War u trO, rt BUT IN tititif :darn s uomormat. T .. mdet . yrd ham long been 1:1 .. : i ke i eLl of tb c : . abbe& a4a Infanta to tape ed. ame Of all Mon madam. whet yontain opt arid bas st length wee. eroded Is praparing and ore gto pablia • me& aim tally summit ovary pa for angles... of the bomida, Um ow of tha deleterious ding, or any oder eslealated Wara ta the leen. Tba Want Pm 4 nem. Wu bum Mally Veiled .ad Mad, UM lam met. months, by mammas plasmas and rotted to pa..e ail• ha aziraoldlealy thllll.ll. aad to Md., all am salon ,lahlag diem to .el fords as lb* bill of directions. Di ameters, Vareiguag,Cbotie, Griping, Pains, trmkneem arid Giaeame• arid.' kmet 'realm& stung immediately without &mailing say of Um. ftetlans of Gm body; prodirebmg Ma bappima sad man pleaunt cram...lon from +lace% palb to • tramgail eadjoyosa sum of feel ing is ib• Iln* ohm. • , lb lam bad arbolaaabr Md ROA albs Proprietor Dr. JOHN GaßrANT,lttegyima aad ApotheeamLoLa Ellmott 00.16aa1, MA wormer a Jett summit. 74:Tr S - - /40011' INFNRIAL COUGH ISYSO' .-11 ha. power heave. • Ihnsnom. Feb. 14,147. • IL E. hastaawailly wife .Iwa tar yaws heart skeet to a disuesslog could. , semi with wheal, lb, tbe cave at w h ich dm used Maraca courts tripediell, and hid tea albite .f ee soot eminent gibpieutes la •Eneald. bat all wee nuarsilteg. Ry thane. I heard ea 'ear Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to hey • bottle fist trial. although Iliad ® belle( that auntie( weed moors her complatat. To ray MALL marls% twd doeits•eava hot two...ante Mier the is at ilta. MOW& , Inth • cough, hat teaspooastal of Syr* 'eließso h. lam sad • atter • trial at three or lea that Seller's Moog gym is the twat Galosh Rediehte !ma ewer read at Ila the Old or New WOOL • I Fare:ca., ' I Seventh Ward, city of Putstrargh certitteste should Induce all who we with cough or asthma, to glee the *imp a tel. ITTirsepp•be.had for htt MY bog .t the drug "Fl 4 .'art wood and D Kamp,. Atha. bc-611111C 04 111. 1.10.1 approved PAsiemilans— and moat fatltoosale E.t.a p • ttetna and colors. ALB CIICAP ROIAA or s ad .1 na • hand at made warder of all ataes. sad at vireo. Comm, JO mamma &wroth.. are mailed tgi eall sold esamiem tLe above for themadvea. as all yip besot.). who:male or retataiod S liberal dedaerioo made . to otedmal• enchained •• ' • some • • • • A INUTEAVkL7 ORINCHI T ows, ad EIRMIAL_ OtAINNI, c waist"; 1111 Ws &W 5ap4 , 440.4 , 5 . atm ot iississeddinfolearimansplory Caw, pilot Sa f ill itistinsho .o46l are Lea OSU, Ireth iiddition• merstinms. by Saab S. Mostarg by Kama Pork. • LOILINCPS CCLUTIAL OLOZiEllossiiiiisiSpUths boos orsouSidsi, °wiled tl.• the works at 111s1Jossts nimbi, Do La Btasiosslichrar, Nut ht, th. tissostioss as Aitrotassi lel Ostia, st Lasiks, te. {e.' floel.lati N.v OC ISS Globs Minstcs & Stock. baisisiit nistml• tans tit Wn Okibis,nryufg is Szsii. I pus 11 ached is diarm, S t t • • I • ocni 'lain ' • Armies, ebrasi . . . • se* mad/venal 041. .41•./1 TCAtTiBMIII9 NJUMAPARELL.k.-1 0 &wan IJ ins% tee 'sad (LW, Ts/wawa . * elompariUrs. Ne sow nnuXiimar • wednian• in Ora workli This Ex. Pact la pat wp io quasi boulea. It i..tx Ones cheaper. plaarwaser, • and warranted wipenur ei way wild. , Ix. sere dimtase without melting, purging, sickening ex debilitating the patient- • .. . r [dee cm vira laurarussa—Unprinel . pled moonshine . • espied oarlabela, and pat up medicine W the tussw • shaped bade. !ea %bat each bolds bas the wrinenast• • nature el P. Townsend. • ••.•. • • • • E. 8171.1.318,•Them61e; ea Wood .teat. hems. .Thed s. rm., is De. Townsend. only wholesale and -mail neat for.Yembenth,' of whom the gamine ankle e. he had.. • ' A 11. Cony hoe been appointed. the eels spot , rot Mint or elly, of w••• • Me - posies ankle tube A iTRONO MIMS= The .ftir 3111 f tan EX YEe.:TOP4tIT b iamb, ho el Whet remain br C.911,0"...0....,....L.80awhiati0t0datra Gam ons 7 tau, OM. MINS 0113•61.1 • re et it le dont trades Ono ynto had. WA min a to Wert trealea °Woo LW; hod whitlow:l ban bees lodated oe. to, mher Reported. they ban shame amuloaly bees troppoitaed reahriag the tweak 'which au naeasehly maespael tree the laah preen hemoreal by the roprietcao, oad Imre Waned lo Co no et Jams' Ainc - roaerr, so • early that ha mom Wed te allies thaw, eat eriveh prelelay watt bed laotokoal io amain poisoner, deem. Mmes.& eall Do P. Jayne Phil edelphio, ao •ALr2. 1.41 Nal derslaalrof . It Poeta) ot DE . Fa . • Manoraelarers or • • . AWAUNk SICUN BOTIOIL • • %%wort COVERS AND GRAIN DAGO ... OW aLL otieltirrioxs • • so; 31* South Trout atm**. • Bu if 'A. Wiiion'a Cabinet Wart Money PILLLAXIELPIIIIL ALL orders' loft with 8. S. Lima, at tha *Eat of the Merthant's Rotel, flasbarat, 1,111 be prolaBB7 auended Le. THUS. IL DERRY aeplB4ll7 A. O. NICKERSON' OSIGILIIAL !BOLIVAR . 111LICK1110 IISPERIE.."4 CEOlac ro on a trial of ow and • half sollboos, sine* I pnoun. this artlel• tuna. pui.l for dor-01110 to t coasuottion of all kinds ef VOll3/112.. • POPO 1tA7.5 ash for loads off° 31, gnu. ardeeti nine mouths nos. Orden, for • second gYalas Bolivar Bri•lts win be .tented at WO per At; if ut db. sirs* without guaranis. A moot of• w .11 Lamar for We at Wa warebottsts" •Bleen'elv 'G. • nal Bute, by . :saw TA VC/71114113:Toi IS . : proliskoig ts" lOW POO. ttstit• bait srticls, • eithouten mega% will. 67114 ran totietesiost Lod pi...motion at Ile Itratoriols. bow ow lagoons mime WO badossi arid& lambent bold tor seem lotus thilkinsonotO, coma (Roo Otos to motoom4 b. 5 sat nolo. tolto a' lamas Unit balr, fa make ins/ of tbl•Toni•lSmottaisly Bata C.e:. ror silk at Attar at wPaskis r4.13=11 .No:7 E bt DISIM-4Xt bogs prism IlloCalkok 1 60 bbla if 0 alinack 76 boaca coaaskatasnl tolaice6;lls half a men and black tau; 166 =4 1.31 b bola. If 61 end o.r do.; 2.0 boxes Garman clay; 10 caalca ailtia tak. 10 ka pow* topkber !vita 'a kebsral mam mal afkikamukta, hi kola aeit foe ie. by • • •-. - jit6l" ' • •• • • • %CARSON k McKNIOLIT, Cak ek • •WARINNA'CII9ARS-3061,000 daMarbril. citua J,l2alelkeetas ealebroarel brima t ad la arAvo adarbabal a4C.rablmblqatelad.ll masa, lapidar, ,Eadaple, Boa da 'war, Leaded . Unuda,Lard dlmu Pad 6 1,36 4. a, *tr.+. beat Mb Ways extra do, Sylvia% do, Le Bayadara la, do M. la, Wilt, La Palma, Camden% pa t fla u ti n ar t ra, ' .Pn, We feb7 by ref fladildield (mit ARABIAN NIGHTS —l.7preraly dwided ;argue, y mated; la maw pablmatioa by harper lb Bah Ana New Parb.. Te be mapkied Irriere Pan la Ng waived sad 63r rate by ' JOHNIITON BTOCIIITON, , ' • ''' • DORT/LBW F0R13121,A . a bb Wm Melo 1 - Deo Ire sad all dm lbw cab be earned by de ban. Ora two aura. A amidst Ile4 .draZ,B ~ ~i i r • cgispaimoN, ftatin d as," Mood, rta, le the es s an Wean, Soft 111S.W. kbavenmus due Healljnagedo,CCott* . ens*, Ht's, • Nemesia Weseems, mem t' .s, Diseased Kidneys Ms nly enrol by Dr. alio/sweets Cesapsensft Primp et Wadi It le mild and pleasant so Me cum, prrfectlf oak sod harmlesa in is, opersocars, and yet it a one alba most powerfal sod ter Colds,taln remedies for cosue eft i'ouiths, Asthma,asm; Blood, .Linw Compleint. Puns is Me Side o re ream and reseed. Debility of the COnitilallittp, that wax over invested by. Ue sklli e( man in the relief of the amended public. Certificates and eve:teems of its wonderful earning woman daily as:need from allyy rten isa possilalk so mummy the aggregree of seaming and Mis ery that has been relieved or-banished by is. nor em to. celestes, the Lannease bensidthushad seer:teflon at hereafter. SU mres, wee., ad .dm ere aftke affected by it, and the dans, is eradicated from the qmetn, the mostimtion repaired, and health -.sea weed by the ors of De enema% Cowan - an Swan, no Wes Crammer. How sassy eafferars do w d.y be • betti Sfpnleakin; 1121 eatupely vrtesta4, . bloom of yank, trans Snit Marine Ma friends, allies. ed with Mar fend malady, CONSVMPTION. wide It arum. the miserable anaeSS an& be to boyood the power of •Ifr etch mo mance would only make a tria l. Serape's Clooand Syrup of Wild Cherry, they. would And tbernalves sooner ndiered than by walptroy Ma rands* balked. remedies with winch oar oewspapeal sinelak Ade tifeatmble, Rau. dr beats the discoed Imam alopplaw pradmentabt swam, at Mam. iftiondoedfata natural and benthy espenoration, addle whet Ind Mon 6.4l.U:wit io the enjoy/nem ofoonfeilable WSW The public *Wald beard mind that Dr.Swayne U amast praedena plasidan, and boo bad years of nyeeriatee in diseases albs Lama. Caen, to- The fortsumi sad .illkenal ina sales as only prepared DE. WAYNE, r -1Y ow ner or Eigl,fts and Rime atree . ANOTHER HOME CATE... • • Of all the cures that has over been , recorded, ere may .shy my . th e annals of medicine camas &mai on se stayamt tau, wawa now stand. as a lined proof of lb. eurebftity of censosupdon, even when lite bed been despaired of. De. Seam:tall Onorpoand Syrup of-WUd ChnUall it professes to be, the puma tsadichm • ' • Tke.Thre Riau is IMieh. " Da. Parevea—Dearftir.--ter the goofed the With; I feet mysetf o dots boned. testify. the great can which tool Cignyoinvelliyrop of Wild Cherry perfonat mi or , mr • P.r my P.; I feel so if terry Widy.otered to know it • I mit aftliewd with a violets cough tlit dug of blood. night swam, • beehicesse,. and ece of the vdee Indic...tog an alarming sum of the disease; cre repeat. e my se gone, andngdi bad go far fail -74 me that my triends and pbyslclea were persuaded I eolith Pot seretro many dep. My sierroirbo 'ram my Crinht•ker. made W•nn7 whe n , oh. would be likely to procure the most ornate Mkt 'Mei end tote that If Dr. Dwayne'. Componnd ny rap of Wdd Chem failed in the nue, my Illfke wee then bopeleva. , , !oar medicine was Itoroathasely powered, and this Ltd *N- O gave rede4 end by theta.l had emozoineed the dash hods. my roost. lied left me lied my ett.gdt was meek nsivirved. - In Owl. It has made a perk. tam Of sic end are thle present dine ma Mary • Man ea sub, and have good meson to belle. dist dui am of your medicine has eared ow front a pemsetare grata. I shell be pleased to It. any informaills• ompetting • arches... ,a beleseehies andel= ota,. . CAIMON? AU:l7oler •-• Coimoßti,u, Raid! Rue DE.B.rniipylkap:,# glory of Wild Cerry. • plant the year lign,fo.d 'if mammaryli my prok.toual practice, to commonod • amdielnal prey.. ed. kr disease* of the rhea and leage t 'peemsaing more povrerful belling Meanies Ilmn SST ath•ttilli. rylo LOOM, ho end, &eases. MY COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY, I have been very sae *mkt 'The truly astoulablng coxes erected by my mislicin•eoen pre d tte tante ..road, for It 0w... *flu ...en manutactured newspaper pale. for ged oe rudeates—the veal indinsie teems of my tom. pound is thornily can. of itspopal way: ha estenstor sale woe excited the miry of certain apecubdore In the feteof his fellow vo inch wa that ln • pima twee the dme that my pntharaliorterag Inue. .thitol Co the nob. and In greet demand, a Ann le • this :toy; finding , tr . my preparation . bad gabled a Ithrit el wnk rer m „ raffel ‘3`, , 'i's:JTr.r.,47.•:("‘Trd:lt ene . s . F mable.and ponder phydeMP . bad go move do wadi the article than poor Pare Paula . Tb.e&en of Dr.WiStar Is attached to make it epos. that Alum. hunt mention sr wee the mien. inrenuar of pm wan.; sack la not gee feet. The above ion e lhe re al levet/kr, sold the reel. and right. manuthoMle l. tome pment mene desk. In Cincinnati the lb. wit and ben., end lootherk New York foe dieilasi who atterwarde, It le aseerter; sold oat. a doemplethe Bonoo--so the monba of hands into which as . _ let , ;hanged mote ie pt.. they weeil mutated b., ski. Phlladelphia;' in others, from • pkyakiaa Id glassarhose. Po h het falechood and strategate stamped in every femme. • There have be. a comber Groher preparations per; porting. contain Wild Cherry put out same, from the bed of inexperi.. whirl the peblie ehoeld guard egaineou th ey c..taintiorte oft. wow of the et*. .1 and only gerininn preparation, whirl beers the ink natureof Dv. Swayne on tack lionla - The rewire mannfecturers of dick pude ma fake antidote. have dm dazing egrontery to c.dao die paddle against pan chasing my elecheble, due onlyinly genuine and offa l . nal preparation of Mild Cherry befog, the W proved eatistktorily by the nubile' reciatt she Cone. me d& of Pea.liverna, fie well aa . vart: o. other °Mei.dnenteterea. DIL SWAYPIE,' brew. and oda Peoprictor of the semi. Cote• pound bymp of Mild Churn soma of Eighth and Hems Pithadelpide. . Pamphlets roe he obtained pone ailing . ' Corti in ...lay tertimany that will mamma the most skeyd-• cal oft. woudekul vim. of Dr Bwayne's Compound. dyrep of Wthl Carney. - Coll awe got that ad mop mid. Perch.: the medicine, and. crimo, un Yai sals, wholesale and retell• by the Aglaia • Win THORN, =Market se,MIMI kISNOIVDDI, corner Wood end Liberty ate. DINE9, lei uhemg em il A FAIININIGEIL•M thy comer of Fine end Wood and nth* and Wood; and JOIIX MITCHELL, Alietilet ' . ear yy Great Msaggilelf 1/ . ..emaidys " F°..I.IOEAVIN Cods, Aehma 5 D ONLY. REALEDIf.re of the snore Id the HUNGARIAN HALMS( OF un-, discovered by the celebrated Dr. threlian,. Loath* emen d intrabieed fob the Mined Stake ender the superhatersteoceof the em. The attntirdinew llamas of this M auditing, hi moo. of Ramo... Musa., verranre theAsimican Apo. walleldegthrtmannenttlie . ... palmlike as. nee Wotan be Gould lathe einitentady—cOesa ihmeriak relief In vale day, led be. boos peenep by Qom. pbyalei.i as condoned end meadable. Th a t= maw., has cand... 1 . 111 thdei the to:l=mM of cues. • It Le no coach noirtse Esk. lisle medieine, of known sad thabied effemiey e . Every kindly In the United nudes should he sumac& with Reich.'s tfaimartan Balsam of •Life, not only to tountemet the ennalostpure t o of the ebmate, but to be Gaol es a preventive medicine In WI cases or col., coughs, spasm of • Weed, then is the side and chest, Other..end semoose a( the. lungs, bp:chide difficulty et breiduag,nomietheer, right a emmei taloa audjanaral dobility,asibma, inductee, w - &Ad to largebottles,ai It per linctle, With fell • dlr.: time for the moutenion of health. Pamphleta. containing a mats of English sine Ameri can certificates, and miler isridanne, allowing the re egualled cranny of that great English Remedy, may be °hunted of the Agents,MuntonslY• • For dale by . D A F NINTOCX k Co.,.corner of stud Wood and Wood sad thh Ina snard • 7 ./AYAEII 412.111.11:11•15. . -. •• . •Witeiblmea Warmed 'trilby. tar et tesio — per.' bvionlosboir bypr.Jskyregi Aftere.tivoy • - - • proomits awerio ri ty avor every otlacr remedy of the toad. Ma beta aalicted for the lan ale - matt year. pith RECROSEd or WHITE wooded with alecnnions and refebtnion of tomes boors, do rieveldek nourbasayttielaa hate bees enettorgel (roe the Itontal Woe of the e mum, from both bar arm, wrists and hands, &Allem both le" aad foam the left frAoral Woo, sod loam thariott tam. beside* palatal Akers ea mbar pans of by penmen, which knee balled the skill of a make of the onenesheeat ph Vadat& hi oat eih.-daring coot of-the tips hie oak nose base been axe nuatog sod deplorable. Aboin three wants /Idea Ens was iodana - ora7 Dle.7arte`a'Altenuloo, which hal hadAn aslooilddhaty hippy epos bar, by ream. Lao all pain an, •trablage and <4.4 the Weenie beat, 'Wk. at the Woe Jose bet parrot beolth tie loetowtootpleoelirestotedoo that go ear we thth• lbs mote duo 140 da before •ale Commented tale Indy valeobte prep.:alt.—try I.`re. Pim.% For farther Le ionotuam, turn:sof lltra Roe, NO. 1111 Fslben et, Pine& Iptua.. • For late in Plusbayb, at the P IHA STOBB, Focnla at, Rev Weal- • VCROFULA 'AND , /SCROFULOUS SW .L 4 INGS—rSbtolnla is all its maltiphed Riau whether in tbat of King's Evil; enlarge g enlargements e . e glands or lane., Goitre, Wbhar Swelling*, Ca mere itlenasatian,Uunser;dieeasee either Slither Spine, mei Nehmen, Coassimptioa, IBOLOiIa from one and the same cease, which Is a paw:mous principle • mote or lan labeeent In the bowie system. There. . Rae, inlets this principle cas be dertneruf,co bade cal cure can be effected, het if the pnaciple upon ' which the disease depends, is removed, a curt .in bl aeCtally roller, no =MI uuder whittlers' disease should mauled Mall. lib is, thereat the tenon veto .10•S'it ALT./UW . IIX I. so ail ly naeeomfal in strusening so many tnaligusbi . dhierrea; It destroys the elms or principle (relit Mleti Shims dlseasecesse toots origin, by cstie Into the CieCOOKBA, and wLtb tfn bloat I. canr.s)sil to the minutest Ihre, removing every pelieletill &acme toe!system.' Pre mad sold at IWO:i 41 Smith 'Mid Street. Philadelphia. .boldat t h e yawl Tea SI.VINc O22 F.'! " =•' Pinaburgb y AD/S3Use Guam* Itapaap4 aging. aka art aware Co. fel:busily iinawou 1 0 the sirtn! bow mares bow smith, how Wiwi bona% sad anumbliy ths kin apjwara after am; araparad shale Weeks, it is Alamos, emun slide y on ' Amy of bat. We b••• prepare/ a bomUtalwanotable artiela wb/M aro call JONEWD SPabilDill Lux. w urm It. perfectly imecent,beirFarilled • or •11 deetenoasombUesi awl It lasysans alla•S&Wie eta, healthy, ti.:..., , clear, Wring w at sure &mon as •.00sinene ou the akln, math( Dula Dr. 'Juan stoner a, Prattkal Clanabis of bhuosal cb maul. pays: "Ater analysLog /cam's Fpaalab 11l ake, I and It poneues the west beset and luta lf .ran:'- at .the .area tiara Duswttat.•stite / sou saw:: '"l:3lPrescr"ltuew"illeTsr.l74l Its f s !. I°,ll la by ww , umuocr.ltluith BiAn atol Shoe Ptoro,B7 /Awn, gentali lital-*/ WOW; at ilba ill* Cl I. • Wbaa know *On Inlttantlacii KnatatalabakiCewr . Oetteee 4l • .• • ••• Mee theme( laastair awl •, /Una ;was* MIL ofJONEO3 Ltllitarlute, It •wws.4 etstritplakta to slabaucr yet *awl! wane, .ia4 at Om mama time aka, sad Improve 11. Void '4A 1 =0"611111aaal Piles SI mai par bat. • • .p 99RWL/99ApER, . 9 w E.,. EN - QAJS._. 9 W. FIELD for rade at the lowest .• Mansfataltera , prima, • •01 eitt.i•O'•9,9ll. Drina( PAPER. wocaprisian•eaery yonitile emir% uhtpted totlewmts of eataasierata all sondeca of the .act toantry. Papa/ pf all Ida& , Dada .to es*. at Abell luo moat of PRJNTING PAPER Is •i7 latdt aflutter whlchis of Very saparios • .I!APJCIA 7IAKY.M.II. SLAT ALR bf every doscripdon, imported nod bent cougantly an' Moors, Wire CUM, Feernideder Winn, pswelei,Blats Ultrastianas,2whnt, Am, &a Consass, Bale Rope, Gras . lions, ;amassed, fbr du, Mabel pric n aftt, wlfl h. pia/ • Row" Vosite.feNll4ll.. • —7 l:joists' Itsfiaa 0 OR all kinds of orapuons tad MK.. of ttm ftblpi • earl Ita P•wAss,.? . 24 4_ 1 41mi:Scannueat wpm chipped or cractsd nun, anneo: all paw step K tb,,, sus, winch setrarra aatornal• remotes, tbD Sulnlaanasmparalloa. els War is Prealua, hem blorpbcw, Taa, and changes.lbe eller* Aut. OWN sr Cava cd akas,to a fah acridly, yaaera; akamala A Slob sap*, lasmulical mama and fa •salailibiltediseed price .1 par nil* hubat been mielhol. Waned am sea FAIRIES i. a O ff . tu m w d r~ 41 . 1,44,00p4 costar of till. • • T1iti,..814P.199,11% raft ". '4' • sea toms swiss& ift:pi Tat :Awe knew* Oar 'Watt iad f ee at the sweet . .. Meg a,. 4reata.a.c: it adooltiba seed emery Alit o ral a eat' " =a t m! tbe Oreda and moth Wet motto *CO la leo sontrae. the brae, alai mama asset, or told rain aarerar r aad lab 115 ter trees aa dtapasta often' mask will =Mere for o.Set 0a • twat • !times* a dalicametatial ta th. wOO% ant to reams Nola delightfal flagman Otte breath. *immix I Jozn•a/led as • pleasant, elleszoNss. eVoiredelat. and tab deski.Sea It It erserante4"aat maim the tee th... Oat* pratervetiteat. itr men it regalarly, It will remit. the tirarate - y 0•Yoeld as aoeunsolataisfresent are toOtlnelt Streagthans Mecm, sad Fermi all diseases or Meat ' olseousta,plaucans, a•• ale elegy reeotersead it a " ' teeinaily ;tweeter at orrery Waged the kiod ilea— ..tak Oar ahermaesCeeepooall arms Tooth Yarie,.and. aAxeehasuptstara attar-I:ladle eaolt Pa. Reaanartmed hy Dr. Castle, DO LI mad way, o” of ' • • Are boot *puma, and by most vette old ortabltsberl • ones la the United States, and eve, Ztro4vely wed • r 1 Ue Martyry of poilead sad Fro. re , 41 law rdspartaa of the diem.. fratatrietzialikbol' ' • ;vase faro Mos deranaterat of On stomach ay berlielh ohich • toady .ate of the U4tte oe Losenteo - .enttrelr Narrate. l'oroona of Weevil babas etteald at. oar. let , . • Oar It Mad. and tate •do wtenhawr shay fe•l the lam deramenseht tn their be•lib. *Adj. Caossne• el(lhoe• Lezenges artuald reveal Mamas of tames ; . _ • . - - F.r.th.t.WZ JACCINVI, comer of tvoomwd,- • Aerglanwl4u,.*'—"iita,%-I,;"adr-ir. bloinelPacivirt,„lam, 17 ' Al, a. B.4Sdlim--A min day toy. =4th. Woes. me koala Mrlauable Maammv Prraycarjag4 I ions alarmed dot . im rows. : .4...ava Cream . . maim, ob. )se ore ralhar.• dam aimmt.tt him olds. may ?event:labs /Amapa*. • da m cks, Made& to the Yin., km. sob iata otaram sista • j r•trLiver frpb barabentormed W dm paltik, and, lasksd, Italian they wal tmartait em or,” 1541,r. Jolt .1.1 • , rod ispremat theta to base bow agleam Int! Live t.; c..ph.j. q)041, ban did am* maplared ...4.taatoWalat7 o .•"o . .. lade sworn •! led sad I.••• o.l..kbd•tow•ltS 41111t4 nalwasella se a tues,ama am/Vaia op a. icemal4a Is tb76-71 arm Mamma tgroarihm.Pals,ua 300:f GOT 'WILLI.. Amebas of muck ismosrakim. to «qui alma of pals is tea ode, cal all Ma Maw artapstms I A „ mostio. Year Pit...realm tMboate.tWete lama.. •• , as balcv ad/d, bat train est &Sag mod ► seta.. a UR. aeb, ra mewed. e.L.f I bare Up. Wm,. my waft be 6ar 7 rang mad haadmds bomb. ma haat - maw . Want a slave complaint mama 170 tbs. Myktre nrerertai War rrovxkoe fall la W. • ia a sheet time mat iamb dam all. casual reaammaal all_pressea 6.491 01 4 4! r• 'whether Dr Uwe Chtmathlell ea Mellow 1111wfwes • sow r .hartm farsapslot loCitkr.lae the Cal LallTlUX—Aklatima lide Lee Ma pal* [mama LimaillaptallllloMbia 06.11116f6alwabl. ash fe d tikammoloreim imam. mul said Op/ • • AlLLPitbd.67 alma Maud sal restafF, • • . If ~ l,DCv7a"lll4 "f ;: ti 'f • ,11/11 .L) thatinallathalthisim il == h it WI? Say for them, lard 1149011 1110111=11■110111101111* • • has Teedmakild%la lanai! Mostia (Sc cora almmil staples oath drJobtilr, la lamp um &yeti lemoambes. bteemaide red haw . Left. . a winger Of cur a( *my Tatatty.of. itirel74^ ' acme ud cbcoate,lease be mated br • Midas *M. k Gentrasty, ',ban ft otigialued, M. • dale mans eases. Wu were swop br the with Allplareleiaas ..Earopa a. Ltattl,la, wart caged ItYLP alma memorial Pelasalas, . 4 ,, Of the Water COWL: la Fostml, Pratte* sad ♦ aboamtada hope- Lr to.t. ban bar" Wr sad De tomaaroma liydropaltde erablistuato sore to aaccessfa) epees , ! tlaa la an Fatted States, opts! volaales fa Amos of :OW lords imams pent...soar ertabrabb.rbiaiaatr' ti la Os car orPatabaran, 11. doom moultarew of 1e.4 . .• wto's ma Peas sweet, now prepared to fat. • somber a boarders sad total them so las .hatuaroubt Maw man paths being teemed awls own d mill be paactoally fabhfullr artentlad. eoasalma his offirm foma o'clock till 3P. M., sod from 7iolola Da analog, ' • N.l3, , DrearMlaW of baths audit hat. of. la 44i Walt !XV" boilibrWin and irsoderacn, eau be 0t....1 Ultort7 Wm.. what. th.r- • have bow ttemsaplabellad De OA amass use of Hy , .t SinawahLe ltattleall,lladMlMlO weer &unman mill Iso; livenytthe pnatitamil titradett peopelators. . . 08. 11•1414/1 flew At:dlr. a ag i l=aam , The anlentletnal hsnongldenallileteddarincthejout winter with • Manama date sumach, saatelhary pro- , • dating great oda la the stemsei ter tea or twelve hewn ht•ont unenniadiaa,••• otter having Med lariats' renedtet with little ereeloras famished with a .tooetl• of.DVJ Ctornarejeataaet, . This hawed ote cording to the eireedec haselgoceetneartabiy th.g.ttki# medleye magma aspen la abate to three or 4nor La atea, and . 0,1111,311/ attnatelerenn actuation least nasty aldetatt. The aladielne w i t i a) terwards cued whenever indications orate •Fintet.h. l paialrete perceived, andtheyeas vrastbarsby . pre rent-, . ed.' Ho mainland tease th e audietal arm evening ant socsolisoca to tie morning, and in taw' areas' her/ th waste tar trauma, this OM modeler organdie. ad Nat • large meant at opplasairto porn.' Froao • eerkace tberatotr, he can confidently reeocanandd V Dlarne's Cann waive Ltalasa• ea a Wm:ay amdfain koy dumaka af d:e Mend, sad Urania. A 81.11:41t1CF, , . . Atka heareity.je For ails Filishniglo at the PEKIN TEA 6114311 Fonn• area', near Woutt,'•tand alba 'at tittDrtig_- , Ikke all 2 , SLIIINIRTZ. Federal area.: A/18[14.71 r I • Pamir" . Year Mead. • le. O. E. SIIIL . EI—Trar tele Lad nog the ammo adman! end ieelt r a lUm Walt: 1 , 111=111741 . . bVeZotr au tlmat aid of cassabas meld with al/aft gat . h 1.7 4241 parthaaed of yea zed cesoseaced adze Ileaa. • tos.l 8121MILELLA. - ?Ulu Ur salaams hoaelthe *area coarmaesead asabeg aed I laid addastqeseeela, ea Wag war • um, I abhor ems, at dared et the Aesnaoraa asa aa maid a/I day aheariag sheep. la all. I sued iv* 'mate. 71sa seeofida ead may hays all healed ea., sad mace /aer , 118101011111 120 . .ppeanuus of the dia..% bai haaeefidaged, and am crow, la the ma perfect heattil Isa~ryteged, note ertilh deardeace, Wpm, tba./ abets teas be boa Aar& br she wale linty, atm tb• tausaeanlak aohl . ri t.. .tab I beeaShe . aneas• and= monde( elm:" , F.A ir arhaidele • f dine • _ .I/f=OR , ' • ear. heed P woad de. & alae comer woad /AN*' .IµttixesP C•lllVad aTroP 01 Ts" :..d' RifilialLED(Canska, Bronxld* . po, b , eic.00 70 .p." sad all NUT dion , • AbinaIIeatinattingiePOLPICINXIII(CONSMPZIO • 'Trail/A ondsoasdasded wax w of tila , Va. aura dad= to diamailasto lts.banytin Ante tharproprioans to Ilz las prior &Siloa) • • • En Imtille,lbesplaelair it sidila the roach aria .. .xo • .find r y should lia within; °rove? arUl; viten dory kaopi . • ow soma sod &modeled to almost lestantaneou ass. • dna. the sumofibt &bona complaints. Coauirao . • nineraloo narisotla Logrodiania, a. , U.. PI 40 0 . 4 pros. lunatarrooloace cam result Croat Ils n.. ; . ..goring from croup and Nebooping rvaght Will tato it Wish aulity, and tad torroodiato 1T Ise, on muss lakir ytaleranbe maxima. ligiveo warding to dim:4mi :Flo roan or storek paen ontlly, la this and. art: josaing commas, aad soWlmilo 'aod retail by the pna. pistols. l T 411,1111117.12. otardl IN N. PeenedKbelow Itnati. $ FM* PSILIPV/IYHT— ere ma do. Al9llllld* Agana', Gar abs• Log; " Crows ss Ls Ito•e, serelrmog; • . - Alatoria• Crane; de; • B•possliqeJlaege, on Porerhirg smiths Etotetra casuceot mom potholed Wilk Lave:as*, ii • ktoomiteh 'rood. p.(..( an r pliltran Eseborored lodes bolo; coal:milder h yrYt sZtniao tor du bazar ret.l4 s { • scoot tw, gad lo.ort *Ape s unk. able for prelate.' • Perlaao.orhers• soydcr; . • how pY, ueaAi ho or corooma wryer.* ; (rota solar' 1; • •V • onai.Sihie limp Soap; .at e; .• • a ged. s uoi 6441.1xer orno • an .011111 of floe Oihranerarad, for Isle • it• 5 13 A IFAIINILtrhAI ire° • cor Gtl e. wood cur lutsies. stap.a-ctrius,t for It . f . Ls ig AXA. aro oe oat fellow clixauts.44 • more Thpeotd•••• noir Vapetabrri Pahrotory.liajeam. N &amt arse wed chos Balswo r alma .rlare you. ado, Ike happy erect at which I Ibl.l Fore as acecaal-oc i• haws Oral ...vent Nowa mmptuana 4 Morro allot We ace • few <toys atom aad us •vrry pe a e base *sad id* Baru= aicos rith coagolor* suet perheot oarzem. 10 has arracial road aol tont ia• Inert rim • mare to is cemataly a sal* modkida: Oat - blow AM wUr care a Axed coasmoorook bat ~.1• bellaya k f -II 64 to sonny C•le• a prerreaure...ored. poreordiat .Lorrelsaa coro aa raooaa j y rk=a for la. des ... lo o rr . Mae ocostplatoh.. ass 4666.1.6.1646 . ,it Ma Arm %a :mune of. p toy tiro ostet 114. _ •AllOilips.hasidl, ' DE. MON 1 . 611.30.5 fr sals 1/7.11 A Pkainmes, a,mmeS 6rt ir444,641144 eau; woad mad au, 1. ATEWLY INVNICIrgp— e r iiie T r ruiolidu • I,lllNuaor 1181011t , ar itU PT WlS.2..tqafie4 4.1 11 • - • As aperiw alabo of tins Trass essma is die its. INStailaa *au wit* Isiah h may Iv wars. rm. pad - Wad 'balsa neatly balanced as spring., yisbhas pHs! ' iesic as nay prat at 14 sad thswassidy sasras iOO •. .• la? mas.asical ands by Um arta.. basal.. a • .7. ,sialsat isaaasissams, ant cars t• arm rka Maws bs x alide antagawau or Ow' Manes* • • - at mean valar.l6 Trasses.,lo • asp.sics style: in 46p011,..1.WLMS thenoo4 ka usd_ *aka, k imatza 6L-aearulsth, - t .us.• ••• D:1114 . 4111 , •C• •guarassovirouvp..supwwroaptl by. :11X.L.S..miltsiaby emit .year.lraisinie lawn inoll11011•4","1111Lif ileideiris ay Ran inn soil. garclespear • , **sad ill ear by.ll, SCLLISIts, tiriVeid . Sabil by Ds Cirl e = i rbi; an.f.eai w. wilAin • W.J•6104 add Oslo, La. Q.YR.LKOEJ—JUs auortgant /..t Kea ait bT = , 7 3 J4114J4 1 .t. • -• PITTBB,IaROI4 PUlltireltED max, SMI-WILLYIOr W62:10T • true Outer Beetiegs, :item IWO r AO t s • Ono moodiest of 11,1Wrs, or Two I userueas *About aJtarstio .... :es.* Three 1.00 Coe Week " " .. . .. Two Week* ••- ... . : ' t Y." Throe,. I.lr GO Om " •• •. • ... • go ) gitntb, Three " • E r Longer ailverturwe"." Otte aiguare,6 %Ewell, without a irwoo,,, AW t•zeh additional sigetre for 6 m0u1de.......t4 au to One eilare6, olontki,wout ' theiiitikkg • The) cv Each mottrotal !towels for It"agoaro, re•withk . at pleat/44 4 %D (e) Lath aeklitioaki uqukpe,6 NUMMI, •••••44•4 I* . parte pee Oae gears. {eserdlmy .>. •••••41 30 - • Five lieet et l ea,..___,. .... ' ...,,,,,,,f — oo . • az essel.l4 ll r B iiiii o iiiiii Ai* '.- For to liner, otle., 00000i111.1, 'maw:. 60 j ~, •• ''l 1 1, 0,4": '' s •. :•:':,:r:Atii. "83 - ' - '•• ' Ttiesii,,'" ". •-•- ' "*.,,, Od IV 71 00100.0u1,:::,V.a. DO • , '3_ ~.is • .... .:., i: 00 • - - 4 -.: T.OllO .- q-: ..,•••••••41 07 1 • • :, ~.. ZI=ItM
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