_ . " .1. ""~:: re st ^" -^a+ BY izsasri. baoou a ok. PITTIBVZOHI Witafrriintomato , MAY 31,1&6: • NOliera AMERICAN. Atiar.oemmaa==lre ?fonts...up:Li .. . • •,.. .... • NMW YORK 11:1XPRZIS. ,•. - ' We hill =Giro and Gnoraid fro* of expense, ad ',• . Outioloooots and labociriptiooo-lbo tkii paper.. • IlEMlPurnariair Dinmiharris - Is pOlisbed Wockly, zd Weekiy.—The Daily I. Petra Dotlan per mama; the I'd-Weekly L Nra Wiz'.?. isnastitheWmaltly (*Two I: 1 11m per auumn, outly • Pas wan Cammareial tradligrues,Datnextr, Mar. Biwa Nears, Itatmls, Moue, Markers, at. sea .03-A.wriano.) are curnestly requested the land iti Amur avers before 3 r..‘„ and as early in to day {{'6ls mad" J►atl-llasoata Ninainattos t ' , PO* CANAL CCOLIOSSIONEW awa ‘maropums - arAl.p.vn, . . . or saxox maw. t 4. • M.O. At•• • meeting of t 6 • Aminason kin d NV't crlc n tylAtotentsce of • Corrapoodence,• held at 111 , Mastons. Elletal,putsburgb, en Santeday, May 6th, the following - call 0. agree d upon: , The Alitintsnonic and Whig electors of each wool,' borough and township m Al o .gbeny oponly, ate cequeued to convene at Wiz usual p_lacce of bolding printery meetings saidhsuicts, wt .14a . y,thielOth day of hump.; agyennt two del- Wthes Uom each &sine; to coat in County Cowan : nee, at Um Court Mouse, in the city of • Ph/shush; on • • Wednesday,. the 14th ofinne nett, at 10 A. AL,ef said dey, to 600111141.19 candidates for national, acne and county Oakes, to be aorted et the cowing 41t elec. • non. _.,The petmety snege in all the townstips Tnt,will be held at it o'Clock, P. AL, and in Pine itMlb 11110/1 tie wards and boroughs at 7i P. hr, - of . - .• The d tonsdnee would essastly uses upon the said OM necessity et an efficiat cremation, pre -I)the coning - en. tPCUit' DV, Chairtnan.: larcliaroa, • J. W. Lconnum, Scem•rics. • Tido Lairopeina Novrs. The news by ibill4wrois is more and more ex. pleat. All }Mope in in arms, and a gMeerat war . Is notMily inevitable but haul alteady begun. The Ball which POpe Pin put in motion has not only Imbed on, bit rollegkencrthe Pope himself The tem. _pond Power'` of the t'apal,Sie Lai gone, tad the ipiritual power may deposit , with it, if we can . correctly by the Senor of the advices now before ui..; Sonia nisi be a Republic, and such would neearto be the dennind of the ludiliu peo.. ll.in conceded already by tbe.'X'ope, that - • Priests shall no more fill any place of public ear plOyiward, gaol thin war shell be declared against the Austrians, who have no long keen the enemies of Italian Liberty. . The ; Ronan,blood indeed is • up,and Roman ardor willpot cool until Ita li an bade. pictidmiceiieouipktte, and the Aootrian power re moved from theftalian aoiL .The Genitian. revolution is at "a stand still, and ,44i#Mittly, making no certain peiresst . in the manse of =minding , [readmit.- The Poles complain of had faith from the Prussians, who seem to have ' no Idea of kivint 'lid - fried= to others, which they elalm for themaelveti.. This is in Prussian Po hlad. Funkier on, where the C.r in ell powerful, there date dot seem to he a power adequate to the sphiraf Ltherty. ' The ket of Nicholas, the Emperor, hiMiling his 'arm). of viopo men, in .petscuti--Irtpon the rtecits" of Ilk Poles: The Po . Huh &mien' are bristling with R31311 4 / 1 impacts, while theidityck.",3en is lined with the Russian 'feet , risdy to panne. upon Turkey, or * any power . that 4aMic think pi'More freedom. In the tn4far time, it la said also, that Russia and Austria 'MO atreatf Offensive and defensive. Wit riFoinee. Oermany and' Italy will be involved ins 1E..44. 1 k/ogaY „ . ,'NrAr• Gent Britain appeios to be Me most q;aiet of ell the RescrpOon:ixtwers. and France also to ma king o:idea advances in walks Go vernmeot. ', - ,FOl. ; anotherateamer is due tomorrow,and whit it teneto4lty, or What seems tree, mny be-all un lookesi brand Col.se. In the space of one ; revolv ing mccri, nations rise and fanlike the exhalations of dui night: Event, crowd no fist npon the mind, and these are so momentous in their results, that we look on amazed at every:days', repottH The three months past have been the most locos'*- . - 'able.of whigh . . We have any record within Me memory of man. ' France is revolutionised to:doy, -Inorgingilering for hke Emperor of Aim. . tria )ittil the King of Prussia, arimowledps what atedad in a cm,' thing under the inn, that it ta,:the Poop!e who are 'Sovereign. WW shah heir Mo more of the divine right of Kings, nor of that divini ity which doth hedge a King. Leech . . temporal and • Toils iiimparnit. and Preast.antt,. Royal ' sormoney,and Papal powes ail tremble jibe the leaves shaten by thecitrind, mid fish: powerless be ink the majesty of hullo power. It IA c(id alone .vria? is SaMeme, end ,Ilereatter Jew, Scythian; SattirliM;PLOOMmdMl 'aid' curtain,. all ei one ,„ natieM Mid munnion, ahaliMel.and acioniarledge . An o r ncy.—A:ii,c in the Cineinnatl Chadds demonstrates diet :the myrmidon of Mr. Jefferson in 1763 . wan 1101 du& Shively should ibis ezeltuk;4l tronl this Totten.) , North west of the Obiri, but that Shivery should be excloded from all territory ceded, or to be seeded - by individual Sttitesto the, United States wlierever.sioudod. It was Att. Jefferson,"who submitted in liS4 st. plan fay OL'i, gol4mment 'of the Western Teiiitory, !pre nd the 31cc degree, the extreme South• ern b!nuidiry and the-Northern bourqnry, which ti wan• not tbei - defined: Jeliersdn'e.`plita was as uPpvided, that alter ihe: year 1930 of the Chris. liars ma that shall be neither slavery nor involtus urideitt any of the said Stated, 0111EZWiSSI 014 In . the :punishment at crimes; whereof the pasty shall have been duly convicted to have been . . . 31117.124tates .vo ted Ass t bis PIO,ViS., and but - tkniespinotri Nina States, bowevee, were neces• stoy.soa It was loot by the votes of Maryland, ' Vim* aralNortb' Gimbals: Mr. Jefferson's vote . ties named by tha of two of hii , _ - JTwo frdidi of the - .Delegates and twothirdi of the a. - sista ware far the Proviso Sind yet It woo defeat. The Dernoracy of Thomas Jetrerison crud 0i1784 was against Slayery, but' Democrats of ' thp peesent time, are -content to be mere ''''Yerwcur of word to the South. Restriction upon • 514tuiTama the doctrine thee, and the exteivion Sth ' etri, ix the thetzthe . 7 - Htliticaii Kr DITZOII.—On the evening of the Oda violent autricane was experienced at !• - Pasta, - „Math' had fell 'doing great Outage to glass. &one ; 40 a 30,000 feet of lumber belonging brittle. Rack River. Seam Mill Co, was blOwn from the, piles ant watered everythrection, sad mostly rree by king into the river. The upper • deck of the'EteembontWiryne was blown or and bolo the tai err small houses in the up per end of thenity were id:madmen ' ' The city propay at the Water, works salved • severely. he =ma mimed dafisage, was to the , noble reeenigr' building. The whole frame and 'roof enclognik the water tank and covering the tower, was stated up and materially damaging the comice ou whlch k ass. The. Canute projects out commencinenotne • 50 kat flan the . ground. 'mid running acne XI feet high, leavirik I pet". of aced three feet around the tanker reservoir, on , the tope( the tower. The corium in opened about one; toad of the distance around Me building at the idweddeg; and 'with the rat, will probably Love to be taken' off to be repain4 at , a cost of .the g Of s3poo. 'Considerable damage was done . aboln Meaty, and as the storm came from the di ' rectiona lake Erie, we aboard qabe &appoint - ato heir of disarmers acme the lioats.-4dere . Cket.:Scare—Tbe Journey of Gen. Scott from New Rork to Po4dericis t idle* he has keen older to atteitithi Cone. Meek wee trieetphal iniech. Al" Pfuladelphis a gnat crowd ammilled toil ohigod hint to make *speech. At Bahirecore qa Elam* Meld, be aria Caned from he LAO* „- hj a =kite& of citizens irboai he, addressed, me their earnest solicimM2' *bee the core left MA . banns the crowd moo "Auld Lai Syne,. and tended-et the most emphatic Manner the grati ...' Mai they felt for one who lute jacked dono hie =obi imod senice - in the field: . ring LiZiOnill ilpoa the ' • Mad subscrip Lditet serttelhesshat 10 eekteit Wale's how of t . 7 0 1 04 1 a r Oa ,0 411 'the Place is 'et Coifs House. liire hope • See a nip suetulance. nod a ,hearty re , l tio . Union With more V6O - is ritivizof it. stale slanders of * 1 0.4 .-: 'O, to the enaap. The Whip date lobe itsp2lo.4B for the prolosnatiort gall war. ',This we suppose to be 0120 cl o the de. :PHs of the wale melt of the Batiks= Coarep• 7-Waccatau—The first lAwslature rlWebp:Atiaa diY ided ' M 3 la 1$ 22 43 - Aare.. . ..25 22 3 4 la Mmilatrirve• --'"'-'2IVAT-Zllq'e--4Y5,‘"-^-^'-'-.Zs•h:*:;'."4"*". • • . I kME=I , 0011:„Bzies , 474 . =T . h.etiemi by Oiii:gft;ini: .0171/2i, Mon, May 13. The Pope havingretnaed to declare war against Ansuia, an tneurreaion took plate. The Mit:beery ..reisigned, and tweraffaar hours were allowed.to the Pope for his final decision.— In the event or his refuted, a Prosiesial Govern meat leas lobe immediately appointed. - , The eternal city in a high iniurrection. Rome rnay ho considered in a state of singe. Pins whose:name was so lately the symbol of Italian emancipation and who was penionally the idol of the people, Mid, tunr pronounced a “reactiormarie is left nothing Inn the name of the sovereignty Of Rome, and acutely even that. What appears certain is, that when the declara tion of the Pope agathat proclaiming iwar against Austria and disapproving of the 'passage of the Po by the Pontifical 'scalps become known,the popu lation of the Ifoly City rose as one man—the nation al guard took possession of all the gates ; sentinels "were placed at the dears of thee, rthidencei of the cardinals, who were detained prisoners; acorn minim, of which the cekbrated Cicero Paean) wee ?residua, took possession of the post = office, where all the correspondence alas seised;-the let ters addressed to the cardinals were opened and read. he A letter from Rome, dated 'the Ist reit imps that the moment the dealer-alien of the Pope above mentioned became public, deputations from the municipalny, the clubs and the civic guard: pneceededlo the palace, where they remained for nearly guar hours in conference With bis Holiness. It was during this confehnee that the gates of the city were 'seined The result of thin conk:race vnn what Inns been already announced, that the Minletry was retained in office, receiving fall powers to exercise government in all temporal af. fail., Without the mention or sign a nnual of tbe Pope. Tho Ministry thus became provinsional Government. A letter from Leghorn daunithe 4th affirms that 'a republic was proclaimed id the Roman state'. 'lt is added that 'the people pc:claimed a temporal forfeiture of the Pope, named a Isidal provisional government, and proclaimed a republic with no. • elevation. . . The route col, of these eventa Naysthis writer) was felt at Legh Numerous groupie! people fanned in the streets. Repoblican placards were posted on the wall:. The crowd en muse' utter , ed shouts of ".Lang live • the Romans, death to Ty. route and traitors." 'lleirre this evening,' perhaps the Tuscan dynasty might have survived. Anal. er letter mentions a report that the Pope had been toleairethe Qutrinaland urretire into the of St. Angela . • From. Venice: we learn that Ztiechi, being sum moned to capitulate, answered the summons by discharge of cannon, which made great carnage among the body of the enemy who had advanced to Palmsnotra. The edemy's wounded are stated it is stated to have filled IC itaggona The Piedmontese, desiring to pass the Adige at Rouco, are said to have had on engagement, in which were tMled COO Aostriaul, with souls ollicers among whom was one colonel. The Piedmontear have fortified theinselves at St. Ludo and at Per comina. ' Neapolitan mopes to the number of 12,000 have disembarked at Venice. With them is o ecurp • . pang of 200 vouinteers, limier General Pope. The National Asaccublylave resolved that the Government ed interim Multi be appointed by an Executive Committee of the Assembly. The Com mittee cOnsiSIS Of Amp, Ganser Pages, Marie. Lamattitte and. Lathy Rollin. • The Committee made tne giUoming appoint Ciente •. • • -Foreign Alain—Poinde. Commeree.—Foleon. War—Chums • • Reilgion—Bethmont. Finance—Du ere..: Public WorlM—Treleh inctiee—;-Cremieux.. • Marine—Casey: Ingmetion—Carnoi: Interior—Seem - Under Seer. ;for Fora For. Alr—Favee. . - . At tke tithe at the 'opening of the National AM membly. on the 4th inst. it was remarked that M. Thiers trent mounting guard at the moire of the second arrondisaement u n simple sentinel of the Ilational Guard. . . yt . The Abbe Lamennals has published a project a constitution far. .the Republic: proposing a siegle representative chamber, elected by universal sup Gaga every three years; n preeident elected every three years by the country, in the same manner es the Assembly; an elective magistracy; the :mph estion of trial by jury to civil pauses; and pro ,gressive taxation: " The German Legion is reaming in scattered bands into France:. • It is said that the total separation of Church end State +4l be one of the first measures talon by the Assembly: • The7most .importrint item of news is the no. nounoement of an official order to put the whole 'line of coast, in the Aisuiet of Boulogne is a state of defence, and to fortify ° the town. -It was reported in Pans that Ledru Rnllio bad tendered his resignation. - • The 'whole of Germany continue:tilers agitated state; and the report of the collection of an army of 30,000 met betweeu Hamburgh and Nuremberg has crested asleep sensation at Paris. On the Pnuisisn•Polish frontiers, the utter disor ganication,of all Government, has led to the mod: frightful excesses, As far as we can judge;l:orn the conflicting accounts which reach us, it appears that the . Germane haying broken faith with the Poles, in certain concessions granted to them, the litter dem to-arms. • • • The Prassiarts lad' 10,000 mert with artillery, while the Boles were a mere handful: and yet thei slaughter was terrific. The Prussians. trere The youth of Germany, however. flushed with success at. their exploits-in 'ldolisteitrSoldesiviEn seem to have contracted the war wainia, awl are !oohing oat for fresh fields of glory. • Between the latter and the Germans the 6iiicest animosity subsists ; the Poles have 'refused to send any delegates to the Diet, and' in fact, Miura all connection with the Germans. Prussia seems to ,be in a deplorahle mat'. from Troves to Reign; and the distress& at Berlin it intense. - • • The liberals have a great majorty in the New German Parliament. The election paced oft quietly in the Rhenish provinces. The latest nem:tots fietm the Duchy cd .Poien announce nothing bat inaurrention,:acarchy and At, Xiora, a town routheast of Posen newly I,ooo' insurgents, under Dombrcrwski;• fortified themselves within the place, and bade defiance to the summ4sta of the Prussian General, notwittv wending the overwhelming force smack his colas. A sanguinary candid ensued on the 29th nit, and the Poletimlto had newly 200 men killed and wounded, and 100 made primness, defended them. selves with desperate valor, causing alms of near •ly 100 killed and wounded to theirgesculants The Prosaism troops, after wiling possession of the town, which was nearly destroyed by Ore collect ed and sent their prisoners to Custriu and then ad .vanced to Newstadt and .. • ' aintalsr fight occsured at Milodaw, where the PACISiILOS suffered•much from the fire 'Mille Polish sharpationten, who picked of thecerwers. Sever, al hundred Polish soldiers of' the 1&h and 19th Regiments deserted to the Poles. The town of Mikalaw Wits twice. taken by the Prins sians,who were at lent reptilsed by the Poles and &weed to retire in the direction of Schroda. - • The GOOCTIIIIMPI is determined to complete the disanzuument by ince of arms; and as -earlobe and desperate resistance is made in every dime. Lion, the straggle can only end in the estetmina• don of one party or the retreat of the troops. , : The Concordia of Turin, of dm 6th, announces from Mewing that, opt° the Zith ult., the bombard. meat of the town had not ceased. The Neapolitans. had =Soren iritertured their the ott Good Friday. The garrison, made a sally on the 24th, bet were repulastl with has. Tberownreasstal barricaded, and the inhabitants matte qui rive. The Alla of Florence announces that diet rbari -MI took place at Naples during the night of the Zith oh, to overthrow the . mialary, of whom sev eral members paw in thew .roaignation. The military preeautioas o the• Ramie Polish -froatian continue unabated. No one is allowed an entrance or so exit. AtKanntels a large force off rks is starrooed, and • srither three of Haw sets the eniwthe frostier town. Between K.* lab" d Parser', them are 18,000 men, with three Latterigs of artillont. The 'Emperor of Itgitsia at , nveldunespeetally at Tibet, on the 26th, and pro , needed thence to Poland. • • It +appears that there're 150,000 llassian troops in the kingdom of Poland, and EO,OOO in Santaglis. It is added, that within a month, there will belt+ romlied in Poland, according to the orders, five and a half army amps, (each cog* WOO it—r e eseltenve of the grenadiers corps,the half of guards, and 5,640 reserve cavalry. • • Sr. Pgrasscrom, April Mitresty the Ethperor of Rusria, bas confirmed 'the nriallution of the committee of Finance of the 12th of in accordance web - which it Ii prohibited, slier the 11th of - April-1. To citron R2llllilll goLl and si4 vet win from the whole of the miring boundary of the empire until farther notice.. 2. Drivers and travellers will be Permlued, thefortner to carry 100 rattles, and the latter 200 subletkamosa the bawds. raj, for each person, of which notification mint be given at the Customs. nmuu AND SUS LICC11:01 According to • private leuer front Gravenstein, of the 6th Mrn,the Wwi awed the 'dualts of Al len during the morning, under the protection of a heavy fire from their ships. They werethen within a ilisMuce of two leaguei afoui troops; which occupy the height, of Dubliel, and amount to between .VOO end 6,000 men, and those of the enemy to about 10,000, An engagement anti expected.:- General Von W,annel had withdrawn bin head quartens to. Bob ding. An order earths day,.iieuedby the general, declares that alter the taking . poise-mien of Fred.• ricia, there 'should be • cessation of hieetilities, _ . -A prorate letter from Copenhagen intimates the n of a speedy seulementofarain. tlt is and the bhxkade of frit Env will .not be tarried into 'effect, gad 'that a Trusaion ship, were eandenawd on the gth at both .hips and cargoes will rennin union= The blockade vas at Bremen on tbe by a Delilah mawawar, Waxier reports up to the present time driitok announce that the frigate Gee. awn haa•preventediany enamel from -smiling eat of The commandersof the Danish frigate which is witioncd colTBwimmul, has Waal a notification to the erect that ell 'vessels must quit thii port with• In twentykue,hocus idler the espirstioe, on the II th ofthe - tam allowed them. •Dinish ships awes are cruising in all §ions of Swished. .ail .a?,~~. miOugloWurectMn took place at Madrid on the 71b nswant;at 4 o'clock to the morning, which,: ing sappreased Wier a sanguinary conflict, which The . number the deMl is not known, but it was considerably greater than in the itmorrection ottke Among Me lulled was the Captain General Fub leculto in law Ginnie Christiana- - Thittrfour or the prisoners taken—one luilt of them civilians, the other halt military men—were tried and senwuced to death by a court martial; andwere steak, be.shot when the post lel t. This little kingdom was on the high road to rev olution, insurrectionary movements having broken out in various quarters. The financial affitha of the Government. were in the won: possible condi. tine.' The national hank had been authorized to suapedd specie payments. ' _ lICNOAAY AND NOIDDILA All the . accounts. from Magary and Bohemia represent theie kingdoms as complete victims of anarchy. In the former, particularly, the peasan try us in open . revolt, and the nhblea have ranged 'themselves on, their side , Yorelsa Earkets. Livuszoor.Cormer Mums; May 12.—The trade are buying mealy, the sales Mu 6,000 bilks, at' yesterday's Fla.. American descriptions mean y in limited request, and are dull of sale' Mein• thormed quotations of fair qualities' are the same as lest week; in the borer and middling qualities a decline, scarcely amounting to Id per lb has gen 4nally limn submitted to. • lovinroot. Gams Maar, May ,12.--Business since Tuesday has inactive, but at no Mark ed change in price, :There was affair attendance of buyers at oar market thismoming. Wheat and Flour sold steadily ai,b3ut Tuesday's prices.-- Oats and Barley were held fora mall advance.— Beans were lid per quarter dearer. The business of tbe - day, however, was in Indiin cora and corn meal for Ireland, at very full prices. bat at no quotZkimprovement. The best Amu i can white corn brought 26s to 275, and the market was cleared of geed samples of yellow at 29 a to 29 per 460 lbs. Indian meal sold' at 121 to 12s 34 • per 196 Ito. Liverpool Afarkets, May 12.-70 hhds Ist Phlli delphia Bark are reported at lOs to arrive and 10. 6d oaths spot; and 40 Ude. New York at 9a to 9s 2500 barrels, 330 tierces, and 2,000 kegs Atneri !eau Lad sold readily at 37 to 411 r4nr curt, icing about previotts rates. • - • Lmmod Curt Mature, May l2—Thw =Mau• once of such Yule weather CRUSES the wheat trade, to rule very dull, and althoUgh freely mimed at the redaction noted on Monday, so little business was tommeted, that we only can report prices nominal. ly as befime. Indian Corn.was in more favor again, and Is per qr dearer on . the spot, as well we. ani eel; but kw cargoes are to be - ohtined arrived. 'off the , TROUBLES IN THE WIGWAM. Mr. Ritchie is railing against a certain per Lion of the Dia' sicracy, for not Sanctioning the no. urination's made at Baltimore. Mr. Ritchie. has sins enough of ids own to answer for, without I. decant upenthe misdeeds—if misdeeds they be— of otheis. Hear what Mr. Ritchie said,June 2d, ISM, as editor of the Richmond Engnirer, and sF ter the party nominations had been made far Pie- Sident and Vice. President. "For malaise*, we shall re 'fur Martin Van Bu. no a. President of the United Stales, but not for Richard M. Johnson, ay VicePtesident. With all our respect for that gentleman, we cannot support him for thou Mime." And the Virginia Democracy edited with him id this determination, called a State Coriverition, minted William Smith, of Alabama, forlVice Pre sided% and gave the &island vote of the State to . The much abused “Bansburners" holie 'done no worse than this—and, by the way, we see issued by them no order Mr a Convention to be called at Utica, the Pilot June next, to nominate candidates Mr the Presidency and. Vice Preiidency. We shall see the call in the Albany Atlasfern Jay or two. , SPIRIT . 01 . : - TIIE 55w TOSS DCHOaATIC =l=M!!E!fna As to General Casa, he is not the worst man that ever was, and the country won'd not be mined i he should be elected--any mare than it has been a down times baker, when ruin was predictaL-- Yet we own we are not admirers of his political Character. He appears to us not to be, as safe n man no some others to place at the helm, and rape Melly ai General Taylor. While Mintier of the United States at Paris, be otainaing our country in war, and again in the Senate, on the Oregon, Miestion, he showed himself to be rash and impetuous. We more and more feel UM, ne. cessity of a cool head, as well as uprimhtnew of purpose, in the President of the Linked States. A proper admixture of the Gamier ingredient in the constitutionhf President Polk, would have,saved the amntrylrom the present War With Mexico. Fruit the New Tort Evening ?mi. The final vote given Sir Mr. Gass is Rot properly two thirds vote, after *IL It comprises two thirds ,pfthe votes given, but not two thuds of the votes alba Convention.. If tlan representatives of the New York people had been allowed their rights, Mr. Calts cduld not have been nominated. It was important, 'timbre, to his Glands, that their vote should be either excluded or neutralized—a fact, of which the Washington politicians who attended, were well swans bawl they 141, bonne. sisrme of thh yeses 'oven by tura - were cast by CM negro . driver from South Carolina, appointed .at neighborboal - gathering,' and asmning to vote for the whole Statewhere Mt. Can is sure of receiving no support Goan any party, unless he makes an entire new deilaratioa of principles on the - slavery question. - Neither has the convention given the ncenination its usual unanimous =fit. marine. The delegates kilo Alabama and Gem , - gia refuse to abide by it. until fuller and more ex plicit explanation ans given on that very question, by Mr. Casa's friendsin the convention. . . What sort at nomination .then is this—a noun natio. madam a convention mutilated and pocked , hi such a manner that it can by no edmissable fig ure of speech be called a body representing public, opinion hs the party from which it was constituted t—o nominatica which even now depends for its validity in some democratic states upon new amp cessions Witte Slaveboldere, which are yet to be propceed,debated, and 'exacted. , It will be seen by a reference to our 'telegraphic report, that the Democracy of the United Stales have ailed to . combine in a National Convention at Baltimore. Several Delegate* hum- different States roseinbled, rind alter aprotracted dissuasion, refined to allOwthe Representatives of the Demos. racy of New:Ycirt to participate in thei &Lamm. bone. They proceeded, however, to ' ascettain who was the preference of the gentlemen mem bled; rind on the fourth ballot, it proved that Lewis Can, of Michigan, wan the choice of a majority of themselves We do*tot regret that this gentleman waspre arred—kit, in' regard to him, the views 'of the De =may of out State have been - fiequextly and fully expressed. His dowse upon truisms qua. Mats, but more partitallarly on the subject of main mining Geed= in territories where it now exists, has earned the him thelhearty contempt of the people oCtltis.Staie, and we are gratified that aii opportnalty.is preaentedLof declaring, this seats meat the p 011 .... : Had 'the' representativeXof New York been al lowed to take part in Abiociomination, it hill he seen that it two third vote would not .have been obtained the General - Chum: We are gratified that such wee not the fast; and that we are Mos/eller. ed Irani all respocaiWity far 'at nomination which reflects deep durum on the parties by whom it 'was made. The delegmtes from New York were excluded, became they were friendly to , the pre* erection of freedom in free territories, and Goner , al ems was nominated because. he believed such preservation unconstitutional. This is exactly the test preeeutedi by DeOltili, Virginia, and Alabama, and Florida, and to which the theca Conventicle sulernalylmolved they never would submit. The 'De mam• party of the Union his been dismem bered on sole question', and the 'Dementia( New Yoe: ars• thrown baCk to the alieruative; of State action and Stateromitaaiions. It remains for them to act with the calm firtaners,and deter 'Washes, which have always signalized their at. Lion. • MLOMOCASICS TO Sit.—The Wowing persons am expecting 'moth leave this country Err krma's lands, adder the auspices of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: • For the mission is China, Mr. and Mrs. William, from N. York in the shipSanmel Russell in about • week; for the mission et the :Cahoon, Rev. J. L. Wilson and wife; Rev. A. Birshnell and wife, and Mrs. Griswold, thin) Providence, R. 1., about the 12th of June. Two others We under Appointment, -Mr. W. T. Wheeler and. Mr. Preston, and may sail by the some wonveyance. • Coaslqa Betcaatthn—Hewn. Stager Mat, chin, Schuylkill Haven, are erecting a Blickkila near that Borough, in which they intend using an thracite cook. Semil alumina have been made of late yearn to Introduce this Suet the burning bricks, but we believe they have generally failed. We hope the plans of the above gentlemen may sue. coed. It would be ailimpcmant acquisition to the coal trade, if it could be made to supersede the um of wood in this branch of business.--Minos jars,- nd• A New . Human= Mt • sus--The Ke aae Sentinel says that.the • estate Of Hon. George B. Upbsmilirba diedrecently at Claremont, is nivems, •ed et over. a) /rewired dammed Wars.. •Mr ; Upham accunglele4 his !up property principally by loaning money end strict economy.j His Am. ly expenses is madam to exceed Si or 50(1 a year Cco. Fasooor is about to resume Li. exploration. in Califonda,on his own account, with a view ma future publication, ILL COLltiatllllloo of a valuable matter which hie industry .elltOprile and talents bare already Combined the couutry,/ IL may be Ora for lbe cause ofecience nod Cuabe public welfue t Fremont haabeenaeUrated from the**, 01046 everyone must Levet t h e cio ciuxistancFn under wbich it was btoopbt about: 1p the pew Amenibty Franea;near the wall. rico]. uibune, which is directly in front °Elbe Prati• ideas ciWi, we two large texes,cme with 90 masa kw 11 ' 6 Dew.sPlMMelmrwrs, the other with 41 far , _ Prs . oloadblia r Camaamairporuaall."- "-." Mcriar Mar 29.' Cogard met. Pta.ent Meart Gem wow, Black, Coleman, Canainghasth Hartley, Jona, ..Sera, Lenard , ., Letitia, Linter - too, Md"- klland,Mecolliater,HeSelvy,Mrltel.ijo Mitehell, Pahaer,Porter,Reiggea, Sawyer Scharer, e.. 4. sows, Smith, Slim*, Shatter, Yon Borinhoehl, Warm, YOlll azd President. , . . Mr. Bobinsoo,Prewdent, hi the Chilli. Mr: Coleman presented a pention relative to the condition of Idelbm Alley from Factory to Adams streets. Read and referred to Cormainee on Streets, dec. Sent to S.C. Mr. Bell presented a _petitsial— ,siring fura sae 'light in Diamond Alley. Bead and referred to the . Trustees of the Gas "Works. wiih power to us"— • Mr. Roggen, a_ petition tehdave to the end of the Canal, near the Monongahela River. Read and referred to the Canal Committee. Sent to aC. • Mr. McKnight, • bill of 7. Vaudivender for taxes. Read and referred to the Finance Commit; tee with imizuctiona to confer with the City Soli citor. Seat to S.C. Mr. Hurley, a bill of Dr.. Snyder, and a bill of F. R. Drava Read and referred to the Sanitary Committee. Sent to S. C. . . • Mr. McKnigtsprasented a prowit. from certain members of this Council. Mr. McCollister moved to lay the same on the table. Tha yeas and nays were asked kw, and there wan a second, and the motion was lost by the fulkrwing vas, vi= Yeas, Mums. Armstrong, Kent, Lewis, McCollister. Mitchell, Porter, Schaffer, Smith, Staple and Wil. son-10. Nays, Messrs. Bell, Black, Coleman, Cunningham; Hartley, Jones, Leonard, Livingston, McClelland, blcKelvy, McKnight, Roggen, 'law yer, Scout, Stoner,:,Von Bo:whore., Your and Praia dent—lS: On motion of Mr. Bell, the protest was ordered to be entered on the . Jamul and palish ed with the Proceedings of Council; It is as lows, sir , .. , PEOTIEST. . The undersigned, members oflheCommon Corso- Ml, de)te to enter their solemn piotert on the jour nal to e action of the majority., on the Omndes Bill, raided 'An Ordinance kettle supplying of the upper Wards - with water, and for mks purpo. us," passed on Thimalay, May 236, near mid• night, for the following reasons, Too Because it leg , Water is amid tboisiinds oat of the treasury blindly, and with indecent have; witdora permitting free and full discussion ; widow astertainusg the vrish es of the cinemas; 'without the usual reference! M the heterogeneous provisions of the bill, to the app propriate Committees for inksrmation, and erth mates of mess, and even usurping the rightsind powers of ecosse of the Committees, to whom had already been referred kindred provision and pro. positions; tortfolit regard to the credit adze city, or the manifest depreciation of city,borida, and the in; cremes of tssiCand widget mud latherights of the minority. which were trampled uncle by the unprecedented introductioa of the gag rule, called the "previous question," R. McKnight, Morgan Robertson.' David McClelland, Isaac Jones,' John J. Roggen, B. C. Sawyer, . . Sobinon Stoner, - Willard Leonard, . John B. Bell, , &F. Von Bonnhorst, . William Coleman, ,Andrew Scott, . William Black,- ' 'Samuel McKelvey, . Martin Schuler, C. P. Yost. Mr. Jones presented a Report Gem the Commit- tee on Engines and Hose, with two 'notations -Ist, authorial* the Com. bemuse be SOO -bet of Hine-300 flit the Allegheny and 300 Gtr the Good Intent Hose Company.. 2nd—ap ropriattng'S2s to the Eagle, for repair of 8 50 to tbe Al legheny for new Reel nod aheration of Hose,poo to the Neptune for new Reel, and 5100 to the Hi ap,ha for repair of Hose. Report accepted, and eridlutioss adopted. Sent to &C. . ~. soh; en a a lU ppro i lri f luin mm g ".6 5200 . 7addi mM tin ia nal e , w tri i.4l pay a Ea m ; V" ant Engine Lot. Report read and accepted, .sob ' ore ,and resolution adopted, and sent to S. C. , • The Ordinance providing for the appointment of la./Messenger to committees,' was taken up, rend a third time, and passed , as amended. Sent to S. C. A resolution appropriating ilk to clean Council Chambers, be, was read three times and adopted. Sent to S. C. . . _ - On motion of Mr. Armstrong. the resolution sue propriati4oo to grade Townsend St.; which was laid o n the 17th of Mareh,,was take up, read st third ime, and paucd. Mr: McCollister moved that the Protest this evening enteral on the Jou:mill. ex tinned. Mr. Von Bounhorst moved to lay that motion on .the table. ,f The yeas hind nays were asked ke, and there was a seisond, and the motion was unreel] to by the knowing sae: viz Yeas—Messrs. Bell.l2l.sek, Coleman, Jones, Leo. card, Livingston, McClelland, At'Kelvv, M'Kuight, Sawyer, Stoner. Von Bolah,,na, owl k i r&dent:lff. Nays—Messrs. Armstrong, CitiminghAns, Mut. ley; Lewis, M'Collister, Mitchel, Poner, 'Schaffer, Smith. Stimple, and Wilson, it. ' Air. Armstrong offered the Outlawing. resolution, 'Reaolved.:Tbat the 'Members - of this Council that left thin cOnncil room, on ale 26th instant,eas. mined a hmistr'oLour rules thiit Was uncalled and without eprecedent in thinAouncil,or in any llegislativebody! - '• L' • \Vidal was read, when Commit tidjonined.". we learn that nothing was done in Councda last night for Want of - iptorunt. The bill, throe ore, which it Was eripemed would pm* remains upon the second reading ' • settiedlet Ileassal Oeafeeence The Conference, yeraryday, was engaged upon Committee Business, in the forenoon.. The Corn. miuee on Boundaries base reported in 4vor of • Western Virginia Ccmferarace, a Illiairciuri Coder quce, and saotheria tem Indian Country, which will include Marry SOO . have petitioned for the protection of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the atlent con, the special onkr of the day, the election or General Conktence Otrwets, was taken up. The election fa• Editors win as follows: Cluistiao AiSeaman end 3 w/titbit New Ywrica Abel Stereas, now of Zioo's Herald, Boston. Methodist Quotterly Revitror,liest Yeet4 ksaor . M'Cliatock, of Dietioson College, Gerllsle, Weneni Christina Advocate" and Jannis]. at Cincinnati, Matthew,Sitopson,D. D. Pittsburgh Christian', Advocate, Rev.' Winn Hunter, ',elected.' ' • Christian Apologist, (Germais,) Ran. Wm. Nast, teelecteJ. Ladies' Nepestitory,Cincionoil, Rao. Mr. Toll, tn. elected. Northern Christian Advocate, Auburn, N. loch, Rev. Win. Roamer. Sunday Sebecd 'Advocate, New'York, and Ed ter of Sunday School Boolv,Rstr. AP. Kiddei. - =11:=221 We have received foam the Book Establishment of Johnston & Stockton of nd street, the &Sawing new publications. "Lenart on Shot/pare, By H. N. Bonbon. In •. taro vnhicoes." . . . These lectures attracted • lame .share or public attention at the time of their delivery and were esteemed as 11304 original and eloquent prams. lions. The sketches are novel and sumr* at times ,and never fad to impart an_ interest to theiLirrider, however much one may dider from the writer•fis esiiniaticia of the great drimatio author. ' , the p r over of the Pulpit, or thought'y summed to Cluienan miniten. By Rev. blartliner Spry/ • of Y' work runs_ thiough tome twenty : foie *gen, and bents of the Quieten ministry in aU Its pals. • The r.antbor bui been one of-the meat l*:irious diyines of our ec , notry and both Ids mini and learning fit biro 'bone roont;itren 'l4 Messrs. hay kV. Co., hair, laid irpori oar:11W the following: - "Tba Wanderings sad t'ortaaet of Gerona Ern., grants. By Frederick Uersiseeker, translated by D. Black." .Tbis is No. 314 Appleroa's Library 'bilis:elk:ay, sad ra,yery desirable book. u A fora of self examination . , for daily use." • Tim above ate from the press of Applerori A Stinms Gas:so Piano, isuutufsmured by Mich ,ering, of Boston—she real bona fide Chickering—: May be seen at Mr. Mella/slit:We and book Store, No. Wood Street: Ap a. Pi , c'e of Pc.dor turn tore, it to exceedingly elegant, and, a Musical instrument, any one who knows the name . of Chicheriog, will at once admit that ji hasultleas io this rPspect. If any of our readers Wide m lie a aple4id specimen of American AM and taste; . i. the to anfacture of Pianos, let them call and k$ Mel bLellor, we are informed, Ls the sole agent Gr Wager, Pennsylvania, for the : sale of Mr. Chickering's Pintas. SiSs his advertisement. Iliimoranne eivratalseitwrr.—Dr. Ackroe a gentlemen of much eitierienee and ability, hen opened an eatabliahmeet of ado kind, at the co .:Eleatic village of Phfllipuburgb, on the Ohio, mine thirty main below Pittsburgh. 'This :Flew mode of caring disease to rapidly becoming jedepted in Cl part of our countryi-ana there' cut DO pastiest that, when properly applied, its arena are molt Geneacial. The advereaement of :Or, . Acker will be haled under anotheroolten. Rev. Wx. Minim sw ill wee by the pro. oeedings et the Methodist Conkreate, has bevel remlietteld work tie Maker of the Pittablegh ChriiiiiiiAdvotate;', Aoki iinin Well tilled the "ale kaeteN and llpartily devoted *loDiraesslo to 'vita he below. Arstpir, intlruery and ainglettels heart, the love of doing, eight lama laediog others in theriglii way, are_gtitia. elcations air responsible elm:ship, we litiow atm, !met/mutt fitted be the poet ethanol , and ability. y~r z~l .* rlvw;-~.. „~:y v i~v air ~3' : ; !~!~ d ~►~ @)i A x;;';7:1 di 'of ewe. ?ffiesva =CS W rnmwric'N 24 4 30, , tactadon.seas ;Li Mr dieboon, io close the 'sessionon the Ist: ofjely, and to hold in extn union' ; to COMMiptlf ou the The Indian Apinaprisniin Bill uru discuised, and amended, and ploptenesUe nude to pay B. M. Johnson $lO,OOO, bear benefit 'ofthe Choctaw Sekund. Tim =hied wan laid aide, and the Sec. ate went into executive eessicelit. • - .Hove or Itazzismasnynt—The General Post oSoe Bal was called op and passed. The Mouse then. went into Committee of the Whole, nod took up the Wert Pant Ariedempltilb - Mr: Rheu of Sooth Carolina obtained the bre end proceeded to =aloe a speech upon another question, but was called to order by the Speaker.; A Jong &hide *rose upon the decision of - the Speaker, whose decision was sustained: The committee rose and repotted the tall amended, and Various falls and resoltilions wen, Uteri read and referred to the ComMinee of 1110,1' Pantamariaa, May 90.1849. A derpnwai from - Mexico, received at Washing• lonia very isogonic that the Peace Treaty will be -ratified. Mr. Sevier had gone Queretaro, but Mr. Clifford remained at the city of Mexico. litrel valve Correspendencei of the - Pi ;Math ammti. PHILADELPFGA - SCAREET. Philadelphia, May 30,6 r. st."" Four-Soles of.WesiMm et S 5 13V5 931 imam per bbl Prices nominal. Wheat—Sales of prime white at it 2551 27 p;inte red is dull at it Milt 23c per busheL Cora—The market it heavy, with modertue sales of prime yellow at 480 *bushel. Groceries—Nothing of importance is doing is Sugars, and the marketiswitimat change. Coffee and Molasses are'Llitchartged.' The market is dull Cetion—The market is quiet—with no sates . Worth reporting.. t ProVisioas—i•There is no activity in the market ; qtamitiOns are steady: . Whaey—Sales up' cis, per galino, . Cerrespandeneernt Ilw Pittitanwh Garen... NEW 'YORK MARKET. . . ' New Ywlr,May 30, 6 r. st: Flour--Tbe market Is firm, with a goad "gnu and hOnie dimand. It ties been raining all day, which kus put a check b'. out door business. Gralnl-Tbere is a little' . chipping.it:L(l'lll7..6n Corn, ainkthe market In dun, with sales of 20,000 bushels pie white at 50 cis., and of 3,000 bush els Western at 60 eta per. bushel. . Pork:--Eales . Prima Western at 56 50jper La ni-- ities ' 300 Mils at Cc per lb. . I f Biros.4-3ales'4 Western Runs at ak cents per Ib; of ShOuldere at 3j cis and of aides at 413K,1 thosinies—Malasses aad Wee are offered at little jeans, but without topnstantiales. Sum is Islas:n ; BALTIMORE MARKET, • - BALTLXOItr, May 30, 6 P. IL F1L.21.,946,14 of If Shimoda, at 65,50 r:a bbl; at Whirl rata there am mom sellers than illuyerm Sole. of City Milli at .116,151 e. bbl. • 7' Rye FloiorMoilerate sales are effected at 3,75 63,5: }c ,p LAI Corn Meal—Sales at 2 ,2302,3710 41 iild. I. Otaiitaies of prime white Wheat, at 1,4901,. 50c 1r hi, aid of prime red at '123R1300 p Co.— Prime White corn isSelliag at 46212 c, rind prune yellotwat 4564100 rp ho. The 'apply - of grain . small. . . Provision—There is tui amliity in ally ankle; quotations remain manly.. , : . . Groceries are.without dm 4 e. Whiskey—Saks at 261 yr gall. ' • ' • CINCINNATI ' MAEDE - r.. Cinnindati, May 30, 1813. Flifur—The market is quiet, with moderate saki only, at merlons ratan. ' . Grain—The marke4is Without chtiage. . Whiskey Saba at 14 MIL per sulk': Market heavy. • . Provisions—Theft is activity in any artnil - The :weather is very pleaunt, =I the river Wm:moor boo itatti.-;-Thooma Govan% cd Newark; N. I, boa sectued a patent tor an improve meat in wrought Wort railsorhich by. - a. peculiar arrangement of the Wales and the mortice In the midi dile rail kir screwing it to the sleeper, (and by this peculiar fastening) dome a rail which can be wanton both aidoeby ithittiag it from track to track and toveraiag the base and top as the wear ro Quires. 111 the dor conterald •• • =.sc •Seusos..-rThe Howe h. warmed the caucus naennatiou Of IFlon: . Hannibal Hamlin far U.S. Senator; lir a vote of 92 t 6 42 far Hon. Hao. Ryan, sad' 2 (Wide icaUceing. • . POLlTtellt. !gallons. trp. The amine 4410611 .MITCHELL will be pre scowl to the Whig wog Aatiatasonie Convertuon, won b assoulteitts eamlidate for norainatton for Cletkofthat Conn,' IThilatr 4 o,_ort oitittolitma to ate personal pmferamas moons the meeting , of the Convention. we mom i.be permitted to uy. that ant are Wormed with the toiler that IL Mitchell has claims Mot the Whig and AMisliasoole party of this county are called upon in jostles tit tweet. Dot no one hos sacred men, yet Bs fidelity to the Whig mu. never has or could he called inquestion. • utylanC ' • UMAST.Czara and Hammy: Canty' AcnrMemrp.,P.4lmsz. You real pin to thrter, the columns' of you ( met, that tie name' of W.', °Zory_ .&=Pegito="ms . • the T he and Why eamildate fityCentaty At. dim, The quatileatione of Ur. Brant annaeb as to iumse the faithial discharge of the Mango( the °dice. Ould lay inanosi and consistomy as a Whig.gite him iLiar:lng aims t onup Use fittorahlr:ooasidaratiott of tho pony. Hood oermyarted COarnaltiOrt try tayli • • . • MANY WHIGS: Cotrarr fizatrtin—Utesta. Editorm'Tooike tows led to announce that HUGH 11oCOBMICII, Haq.; of of Moon towntAlF . is Aeon/BIM for nounitstion for the dace of /It _ ,tor noldeet to the decks:loo of tie Anti-Misortle an .. ”IpICIACEIty COM4IIIIIOe.- • I ..wty. • i TEHSAILLao. E.lirmoin di.r. Otiose at annoontio Grr ustim name of JOHN hIcEWES, P. M. of tierrioUstille, us • anis. able candidate for the ogles of Booklet of Allegheny County, - at the mien amoral ¬ion. Balloting him .worthy, as well as etunpfteuti Preaant Win an art Woks, skittieet dttlsionuf AVltig Convention in Jane next. MIA. BOUTLIFAYLTTE. Conan Assns—Memo TAltore Tett ariiroquew retrut — ;;;;ZuTo; Thronf — rt ari; r iaaine . gftra Mar GEORGE W. 110 VllaN, • Eact., of /ton tow. ship,is a candidate for amalnalian for the office of Ito emer, mibieetto Me decision of the Antiddasorde and Whig County Convention. • aryntkdianf 8 MANY WHIGS. ' To nett Eltscremi or ilissarkan Bang ,requsated by as amber of my friend/ to &kr nayeelf I cendkiate for the ogee of Clerk of the Court of Quartoffamisoa of ailegkony roomy, for .11,011.4011 by We Andalasottin and .Whig _County Conveation. If I should be Ito , emanate as to twelve nomination, gall be my endeavor to fl the dot „tin rif the Whoa if. elected. royaddkvB .GEORGE WATSON: . ~foist Velvet OF Aliseassy Otenrre-1 reepectral- I yeefer myself. a =did= Coe Clue of do Conn of 401410 f Settle., he; of alleithial eteleiy, =eject to the decision of=teeekittir te v =..,% ob Vtg .. Ce d z it a n Y"' Ogee: sallreA, r toy ealletiVer ehell .to dieetuvi.the &Weser the office With fidelity: . • • • LEWIS YOUTiti. Miran= or ma ILO bib Ww* w husbu , l l, , will be =prated bo Aug. Alsoostio and : Itig Convention, ku.tbe *Set of Coun ty Ikcordat: Ur. Ihanat was :viand • Amer on Btu mCe le .0 1, 1414.., 1400.1 VS, lu.dYn.- 4 1 1 i r f aAti 'l g: ITgl n. " ilk w :3 l' ,. 114 ut i myriltiafT . _ , Cme or gesarrea smakel-401IN BORNIII2, ; of, ProllestrutEk: Will be au Reeled bertm Me gimmick Coloolluen ax.a eked/due ler nomination for 'Clerk of Ole 'Caine( Quarter Seeekme, by .• • mockeyew • MANY 1:018,11.4. • axe icquested to ado 'that waalam .I.I4LAIIKEt, Of Allegbeey city, Ls • cesteli deo kc the office of Register of this enemy, subject to the pontintoion alba hfir Coosintiou. otylts - 'Clot. 01 Yin Coincro.— , DANlEL hICCUREIIt, of .oi.lath, vill be a candidate An the oßce of Clerk of the wend Conrts of Allegheny county, ablest to the decision of the And.illasoule atidWing Tendon. • . ' ' toyttalkw Cilearis ILsownw.The • Rowe of 'JO AlCas. REV Is respectfully prescrind w the Amt. Idasenie eminent/on, as a candidate kir , Whew of winter. • ' laylll - :•' RATTY MDR Irr' JARED IL BRUSH will be a Clad before tha AntWitasonle and Whig Colton' dolt, for the office of Cleft oldie Court of Duane sidonka.c. so n/9 MX WARD. ar T. I. AIeaDLLAN will he a candidate the the ova of Ckrk of the Coon of ttoottet, &whale, An, salient w the dechtioo of the oppress/nog COTlTtrltialt Colon Coaconalossa—Thi owns of THOMAS FADIMAN will 1* presented to Masonic Convention, to assemble en th e nett to a candidate for the Abele ogee. my 111 2 ,0 • • • • ' TIMM WARD. - • CogretConlinsiloons—We 1.11, ?equaled to 'sten, that WILLIAM LIENSLAN., of Allegheny city, wig be • candidate for the above Oleo, soldeot to the decision of the Annansooie and AVM/County paneentlint: :dome Cosvisnoi.- 2 111014.141:0AindWor.Pee-- blettortrahlp, is a eanditlite Cot toe said SO OM salon of IV the Anti4dascole and. Gnaw CdsvOtti..- • : • • m 27. •fl-p. ,A.6notEu W. NAM, of Peebles unemetdp; bet• etalldate fur the °thee of.liesorder of Deethr., ..bjets to the deeislost ot she Asti-Ilium* and Whig Omaha..ntyadtddsrle • • 3444 Nweiseousr.-Aie weegd . Meriecie w. tbis wawa remed wfmti y focosa.ca Cowyde, g oat Cosameopdao, MOW, • end all 'M *ad Lamp. •Llsebworweal ewes wbbia• few yew* pulled ocew: .also below a seediebet of Wd, we Webb expo: mee wood altelleni qua:Wow/I sue peewee oe tee le. to others: *Wows olborpabba ,speekees sfilieted • et btobebbil sirecticeweill led spunoreetten IMM It la roared by ie idea*. fia ad eIA Owen will Sod It emit wed al. %ItebloOneedkeire to' ebe elLeales widab It Is re.• eomewiebi.- - -(Colembue Ohio) Cross ao4 .100.1 • • Yoe seem tbe Pekin Tr e %Dm No.:lo%mb wart _ ~ .. IT:11.11- 1611;.. - Msafer ~ • • Pa,: If. : . milealmenVettahomihosibe Ohio iftsr—a OM fa aslabrigy andbmaryd/weralry,velsent Om .a ellserftemlus knee don idakfpri,laTall WATCB-CLI2 . . ad Aligilicolsori.,.- l . 14•11 LW Met balkop other berme ' convemeneet u •:.••••td• ' , Oa model every mmeolgable coantaingest and emafanso the pail au w barmy tram themselves underlie ear. • Tim igamanor, oot wi th al nr;iloast of kis memos in mobil the mom styli Dwasekar7rs Limed fed m Matiog. tam being Oa who inowleeed the ltydsomakie system mental! Dia cowry, and by mutant study awl spylie of the now digeom.• nes and lognoVentents to dolorous, made La this mouthy, as well m In Etuvolgathed seer an exp. , imam, by which his ...IMOD. al, ander his usu.' neat, will nudes • berrelbt to stained. • The establishment will beygdy for the meeption Of slattoro .dm Inn ofJoiza. Enema lemmata of bealtb or country air turd exercise, Mall find 'every thing sa walloder arranged as moulds for,libeir comfort Charges nato. • Einvelip iclast; IL 11, Pminenr. Desna, May le, ISSI, -. ?. _ s • . • ' • We take pleasure in recossentuding Dr. Aeker's es. takdialimeut go seem as way I•desiroin of molting to i f ig=e u :BrojacrOu A *.,1 _oh R.Slinsthoo, M. Leareasee, IL Allison, % .Deolmer, Floderiek Chain. IllppLer. ; i . • royal:Pm MERCY IlikitPlTAl,. =INSTITUTION, aoltr the charge. of th e Sis ter, of Mercy, singe oravenson Wert, *oath Vinson A 'couple' sr open for tie mention of *aims. am—. The medical llyelletnen - . attacked go th e Ye „ ~.• 1 , OIL I. P. GATT A31,- , i DR. ADDISON, • DR. BRUCE, kg DR. klellt:Al., •DL .4yEammueo",.. Dit SNYDER, Nolopsykorpatkat. am Oreived as formerly. Pay. patlealawiliae received :tbe rates adopted for the , lamer wll monomer UnaphaL . gl,• • • , 401,.., as . . %.4 . , Upper wards (In whoekaelek Pthetlt , . • ' ' ..• • ••Mon• Manogent per week. Thew , torsos nebulay ''. SS metal auendoore and mod/. erne-'Pay • pay patteots can by eery (regular) pbTMentl, thrg k r a y make r :tog ). e=r n OVra ir ate .lit=„,,i.i, pidimus when dosicni by Nom • •• _ Tim limy limpud ttAlightfully. imam! in an open, Wry part of tie city , alithis tea nannies walk piths gain Anew. ,„ _. Application Am die addttision of platingu, ear. be studs raker to Dr. Soyderife • • •,, _._ _.' • ~/A,lllll BLAKELY, soy3l.nder• Ohm. of Casilsoillea of Wry lioepkal : _ Chomp Books al . Stationary. . . . U'AV & COMPA.NT, '1 . t, sale and f lt v tali d Sookst JX, km and Paper Dealer. ofPl:tabard/a, Pa, ma tfally . eall the annul. of country megehants and arofessmonl santleosen to them euenive sunk of Sinks and Summery, eon prising. Solgool l lialMedield„ Chowleal and Mumelts. wee*. Umkr rand CI ,aud Letter Payer, Wrap. Pall Palter..D•Y e, Lei and Di n a kßooks of every dewstptlon, at vet, ,prkeig Sinuous" dad 1 ,.. kind., and all other woe! An th eir line of badness, erne►h th ey will sell at the ydst prim, mad on mons reasonable terms than ever oqted in Weeny. N. B. The Demo price sir ii, for sap.. • • . ' 3y go= t h =l l Z2Xalg:st . gar PLZ.TV.f: -chailog onoolimak.... . :.. '44 .., i : ...MAMMY 1 .peemis'aif. oshio/rEia Lett th• Pll 4l 4 l ene worthier& enthuse prepared= goon= stile limner tetediethea end with the principles of ne:l3y, W pm wet oty all th eir pockets with manorial oils. B. A. nhoe-. mock'. Yenning. he for many nate been known to the WE° as • deetroyer of worm& and se sat bc hr =redceder tha . 'h. le se thtrot etoutiorY tenet worms If they mono; they an brought our without Cad. Non. we mune, unless tbe Ems' of a A. Fehaettoek, Pittebarga, is on the wrapper& ary3l Jefferson College. • r i a ' 4, " :lll.7 ' inatitetb r n. th a:ill be I =ak ' Ord ea &gam tatit Diplanne, bra. Vi• ld. of Canfield, Ohio, Tuesday, Jane ISM at lan ear , A. M. The auxin. anal take place in Providence Ilan. Ot.a fun, and Me pabhe generally as. trot ' SAM IL W1L50N,} 02 .... J. P. GI LCUSIST, JAIL W. IDUAN . 23. I&4. • • ... .mrallernoT =M= IurANUVAC•riatF.D TOOACCo-eu hf Dap James 1 In &Sows superior meet lb Wept.. • , • '.s., .• 73 half his Webster Old eaperiar ewes( • X ~ Lawrence Lanier " Ss • . - .43 " Deny/ a Ilan , " " aile : " • • • AI " • Appal (de la Fxr.):.- • 64 'A.. , le ,•' MeLeat - . " ': A ' " • C•: " La...ace Entlier " 4111 e, pine Juselsp4ing from gamer, wad for .ale b y. I 411 HF-tLD, DUCILNOR &Ca . . ' tinier et and is Pi wleani;r2 woawm..s. AND NANDUSAT M -U i•amed as • reasonat!le s ,ml6. . , my= • •• pwatee stNlllll4outia. • i1i11.5..-'4lo6l•lVlsure4oil; Sidi No Latd das au 6.3 Ihts. ...111.4.2 4 pre aad MokioU; Isacue. sad fin. dais luieid pima. . .. • 0.11611.111! NICOI3 . 3RD Ei1.F.A51:4 - .lbbi. 7 l.64Gstsmisimore sad ibr nal*. ' SWAMIS& NICOIS Wok No Maimed Sot Unto. Shag do thisekend, Nowa. sad Ibis 47 I. • - isyal ICIOCILli• • .CORS—arobleCemsad kintg ot3 I.l.o,,Cpt . yassfd Mao, Id"*"."""4"s laiiii a s4coLii flOMO'-1011 big, pine green Mir agree. land' Egmtg . oda br . nag= I & 11.011 r ATSRd*-4131gal or, \.k. e . beets . d.r ii .u tja ( 3 . nre . ,2 ,j 1 t ne&gr ie, — • - -- DACON-411161s useiled:Daces. me amolgaseet; Mt tor oak • •• JIMPLOYD 7 1314-141.141 1 . 14.111!""t"i ID trfASll :4o l4TTroi;Atibe ... afe . • R KE-1 ""! ig i k e4l -- = '"? • FAD Dmitrive..... sm. Wnihiss Arr. tor al* I'o PL!:nr.S.l,-; 800303-63 dons 9,2 s 1 110 . 411 3 r- 4 , 0 tons A!gna..y.t . nni. j • TA11 27 4 ? bb la N C Ter, Is . I.ll#l.l . reir a rldiv rimonc,OWasid-sa""!. 1 17bi Asuriaiir dstril OLORED LIUSLIt4-4 ',alas ray aid nty.ll • C tialliMMOOT ( , µr(MATS Ala) urns—A, pookayborumal oik Land and for silo by 'C AMINCIT (IRATE APROAIB—Oran Aptolkonstlfblli est 1.7 *Myna P a per, are. mist allornerm and am Man, for role P EA Y. t Col, 60 anikot yt IM S' LEGHORN PLATh—tlelt6 t Johnson, 46 Mute' al. Woe neeenfd aoe puke Meets' L. Flat.; ldo Cialderois • • lbw. I nor° ejkliAVlA—Bothi t.MOO, hare OM ij canoe tolt , eft Spot Shaw hg tao fancy Balers DOTBIIIE7LS-1111Pbealqiie1ed Ya 8 .Il (of sale by • , B_l , VON HONSHORST ON • Si Gout_ st Plv:iisiMM2ElM When at—la tuts 000 r ionding from 'slossitet X Emslow fat dale by. lailAll DIMY !Co, lIVBACCO—C m t Pnatoes 1.11D4C3 11 .44.4. ir" , tusding sod fin sob akilattlasurs ppm and Va. . X• • • 1.114111.-ERt br, , ;: ISASAnzwaivra c„. CCPbiIBAL—ICD blotsWO ter is flop! es , I C..eryfi..4., F ' • - 6j ' J QJIIYWF! L miamiammm I:iii2;R!!!!fi rew=mi;un m i riorpre—io bap • al. core.ou de tatto do; =do We llovernment Jae& :Hide L . din Aim mecieed awl ale Irk • -•• Jar& . . WICK . &WC/Li:bums QPlC6l!—thoeeA _M • ClansiaciA, Cl.'“ ...WWI., Ism Ned ham Allspice, sossa&cts, ftrs sad fin riJ by . my& Wl= & ANDLE&S TE.L.143 kal( ebists You.lt Hr00...h. pedal;Cloopoortber.4l Poorehour Tot., rcert . red E. rpm laworwrst rad for tale by k 31 T. 4 1 • HElre.° -- """ '''Y to " SPERM °ELAND CANDLMI-10 bls Boma Coo dley Noo•4, I and di LORI golloos Wolof Poem lay L do bleached walter.lrorso MO& MI do lig_ LIM do tdosellod 'rimer 't Vitale 014 Md. 71 NI MAY Ott; Jed neolved oadiat • . • - • • 4141.11.11allICKETION riXIBACq)-10 aweU a swans% anneal .L.Tobeem 10 do Bab!mon Rog dodo *do My . OXUS 114 laispek 1“I wed awl kr 051 • 16 Y • - . . o=FtMots PANire *tan. tap soperi 1. Ide la Maio depipPl!to V ands illsdatjut fec wed sisJ foe We OM .• ' • Mum a iticaneck. i Rl-10 thitterßlMlA reed sal W.* by ER & HICEMSON . 10114101NOTA lot. IV A italnim, tut reed and Pxi 431.! & EICRETININ • CMIWCQIBB SOAF=LCbn Milieathe.Seash Jou neelred . sal for We : • • . ?JILL= & RicsrrsoN fOWCIION TEA. !l Mega Riptel.. %WI along Tea, sow landing mad Sr. pie .! • osyS9 . anumckRICIIMIDN IiEMON svßue-4.% las Malls • Lapse Sirup, Suss rseeiss4 sal' Cassias • 1 I t . Brasil Nam. ur " 4/ r BIL iticlimon - UrIUTB HAVANA illlOAß—Nita lianas &gas ,V antaa Air sat. m„• • • • annum s succgroom THU= Batatt—uxo w ,Ut sad for al* tq. sag . rkomnAILTINRD llAMPSVOAR,Olbalillasai JJ Doable Lased Loaf br m MS t siciur son panntedsidlbesalip S INULY.WeFaVUA:7IIID 1,600111,zat myr, GLAS. IIOI 4 , . eXA S 7 7 ! 1 4 ; / 10 4 6 : . M i rlkji d. •slo• • - " my* .. • • FRIEND, 111121.4t0 A A. KAMM & Os, 00 Minim s; vrill open- 114 . morning • lartsl.4_,K;kftiery sod • Glory of ~ • CCrNADU) AiTDOLALMESEITUirTIA AM. ic Oa; lave mellow( crpi of Common ad flosstor 814,4 - etapsiaini , any. ialtabh, tot •• •• • •• WEN GOODSA • Mini &Co. hare* !pod I : 4 4 grZedes tm gr Li e cir po .. •-• : Ho ;NE LOIIO7I V 4YRU.P•t•t !hag . * ate • ••••• 4:— eIEr.CAM -4W reecbrad. bletybles, We Pew my s% Eblg. til J KIDD Calomel, Cldongwe, W by h,Co N7ORLEANS suomiku la& NSu 1 - Le do fau datkr, fa I ' WZSVIIOWEN, NI frail a "M: w %Sw:4r:~Q. , _ EDVM ;:::AUCTION jistosa.DaviriAimilsofsmors... ; ,„ AomMOok SomxisT, Jona 311, 4.N.1.4, PI mW to mkt , on dm mama, IP maloobto bailetmg L. Is tYe est Ward of Mo c iy, ot do cans, of Pommy hoot., am ono and Prido snow: - Thoom Lou am my totomiMar si!Momot t M. oomik aide of Poonsylruta ammo, opp.to t i tom:Stun at Gamy L. Ms, EA, sad am ' , cry cinimbk kir prinm mid.m or twdoom wpm.. 71sT mill tot mid allognaor,m , separately, to port/mom marr . Tomas, of. Igh coal, Ms Wm+ ld Sou mime-ma anal payload., witty Mormajlom 31.ay. - Poior moo gimes immediately. - my3t 30101 0 DAVIN dart • G005.,;r4 • • oa;aaaramay toseulag, Jane I, at 10 o'clock, at 11,. eocaartzsial. Balm Wawa mew ot Wood sad FLU unto, will be foldot lame eametiialoaat abash and fashioubla Omer road aaa s saa . ple Dry (hoop, etatabaog Veall eap.e y jeans; twelve . teal otaa; * 13:1117:(11 1111= colors de bane; indigo blue furniture and apron abl3, jeans. giaebeau, brut, balmtrlaga,Paa , i , l. and bleubed glamor, come baAiery, .care, eaapealen,, - . to , cloc k, Nell, and woo od hood furniture, usoreg which will be bond, dimming bort., book ease aod oterokary. half seat sofa. tottiog etalt, cosokesna, bolt and plotb mot chain, fancy *ad cosolkotl e bait; bona., loa• b gkukos,'. tooakts.sa lobly bedoesdk, raixtuig, tnteten hunllare, It, pm..., kooks, wine," and pLanistioo Arm, okolosors, tobores, et. Abo,l pole= cool . kayak, • • . • JOHN D DAVIS, Ask. • Chu Harm Befouls at doretiosi. • • .- 0a lloqadyy ollanava, jute u 3 osaloeICDUI ba poll u Iliocoonserial oak* room. casaor.r." 4 "" Fiftkaatata, satotaallal oaa bo* Emily banockw. wi o oßoa.t. espo J D RAVI* A.! ) .AMUSEMDTO emsevaaatmevrail .., 7111110 . N IGH T OFYi . AND M . VE311Y99. . . .. . . .... ._ _ IVEDDI.DAY, DAY 11, lb4d 'al. be punned • • Ttstedy cg r • • . I JANE ISROILF.' •' : ' ' • 1 Glcditer....... . , Er. Oxley. ' HlLltinj• - Jaws Ekon ,•••! • PAM* Weaysl. bets Porter: After *bleb, DANCE by Miss Asosa 1,1.3,,j.5. ' .To easels& rit] . - . .. .. MEaaiiZM or ADJOISOZ. , ono •-DVIN. Melo, GO ouo &toad cu; PO, 2Gi CirY.OlL • • sOMICTIIING MIMI 4 • Sammie' 'Tray*nag 111x1)11111$1imar' ILL remain In the ciry, •nA gin exklbldoes:•a der Walt ore ma'am, la flout of Me Aoseriona Pesm wad, on Monday, Tuesday and Weds.. day, I9M, atldi sod Mat in*, (Wag two ezhibitious lowa day—outi aq 01004 P. M., awl one at Tao eatibitliiisionatal of Theecutd Diorama sad Panorama old,* Posed] of Nwoleon, n muter piece of meclumical mut artiatical The Giant Peoictißoya, olth their rerioderfol Wes. mer p lelfesor i tt e.i.si.. Bill Whitlock; the Maio atoil his bald of Miu iss Whitlock. as the Dansamm, mod L. -., illy of bA6 i ir ji. FINCY...!•DRYT , GOODS: SEAMAN 4,-MUIR 321 2r••dierar t _X•w, PORTF.22 ANDJOBar23 of IMIJA Pnrach • ted Marling, klanipm a, Lacsa, Embradariaa„ mr, Mauls , Mabry, Law., AND ALI. UTS11:11TABIL - n1.3 OP r 2 ACT 000 They caurrry Marclams, rteirlair Na Taft, to arm,. their rcaa baa imala4 tart: Dana... .24r. Ma: war Ear many yews' at Ina Maur of A. T. Swarm a. Ca, Mart 'Mara mirid *Me lit of Jan. aad M. /met Maras; (irbo roan tiarrean ababaslairi4) was al.* fan:ably karma ia that *vat, • IlphawilLS lot of Malmo. THE aobsetiber w row comined Isia nook of 'Pi stmt. and Can safaly rood t$ maze as the naost complete and tatied otlectios ever a/ mad bite. At Ma same 6/11e, it . .apristlrs Pianos o( Mona 'it Clarke, N. Y. and taschorlag, Moon, of 5, cl and 7 octaves, roserwoodand mahogany plans sod onus*t• ed. and as prices mitten mill ere sallseledoa to all; Ammar Oben •ipeetad, las o Wlaesol Grand Pl ano, foil 7 octaves. nomonod. y ontamer r ed, and of superb tone, tostheby Cldeketing, nom= 41160, an enute/y 112.11404 Of Ortll4 lately omitted lo 'Ural^ Cenottioes with Ma neength of so onlinarystand Plano, Me swop deli cacy and ememoisa. ' For dotal:4111y, beady at mss .Weeation, of appeals/me, these ?isnot ans ahead IWO. ro a d,.tto.. sad be' raid is very • eliddansett.tarlea-tilmr has tioarin die pooemolam ariaWoadoleb tint ellet t (so 'Mod al; the first piano plallen La . Etttop. Notice will t i re ads anmal, . . t: •IL KIXJ3 • sayXtrlim.' • .! W Woodwaire, 83TIO at 11150WAVILL•110.811 THAT • .11111111111111, 00: • .11/W6 resimid=lslsllLotv new . as die TOWER HAL: CLOTHING BAZAAR, ,No. MaGet meet, Lew.. 1 , 1116 sad Nib, PrltLnutie • The prokieleei feel n reloadsce in promilemina what ha any way Was appear like Me areal Bomar tie asapperatioo of some le the trade, but will beg to 4.13111 We fOUOlring eosin from one *four city pawn: , . agree/ de gradret earibeitiesdaoar-ary - aforda take warn, le Demon k Co's mat elodair I Noah: Market street, beam asod Slath, valeta Ira been riled .'rawer fret thepeeear faiei Ode from. The beihinal Isarawase one, *Mails kw wren capacioa. may all of lake are raked with every earwig of ear:rade anacera, maned in the war perfect order end rad - wiry. Tire tont take pat phrarcre aortae their baild=l manta 10 tillTlL,paraltlarly thole emairg from the cattily —vre know Of no place Mon wordy of reLGR.M.PigaI-GRAPiDA SWAMI PLUM Li Apt Mu" liCl.7lFra mew, lon mobil, Ow Chkkereer Ibeloo, a new apply GU Pismo Fon., coestwort i onea Maws. Grand Piano his (now, avers orlivan l ibt bela the illekllid! aine Grad Pia**, of Pdr. Chiekennee demosPinebarge all the go. Dial ' Lily tire tailed ttO eandtle_ . r • Al.. received, three- Bower*. rilo.l. Sart. wood anond roma, 7 octave; I do do 114 dr, .Ide do do. . • - /laving received from lift.Chickering the ezelsoive saucy for the sale of his Piano IFOrtes for this 'city, • anttat apply will be kept. hence. the pnces invariably the same ar, changed by fdr.Clickerforr. .et • - COVITIST MERCHANTS =VC from 13 to aloe bT perchleing . thole OIL CLOTHS dine: from tho wanafventrent. CLIIMICUAEL have opened • ware. Mow, No.= Nonh 4Lird street, above Ewe wand Awe Sontla of the Emit Nowt, Pas LthoulttO, whew they voll alwayn tempo band a cooptina aanoondcw of Puce Ethohe Comay Ott clod., 29. andit% ~46e46 tie lashes wide. F Pentad, ortood, and oa eke Wade on NC.li. Stilling and Linea. Tahiti, Oil Goths of the wow- deli:rabbi patterete 211,40,46wd 64 *too wide Floor Oil Gotha, froaSO tactual ioliftte ands, well ea monk and the newest style of pothook t an of Oar own nonnfaetate. Tympana W inkn. Carydn, Sc.' All rod. gronasiod. - ' ItattE7ls AND eIitteLNOMUSLDIS.-W R Ramey Las laeely engine! ea addistual supply .r anau greata—thet Wens erununiel. pare Plax, one LMT UM V 7 ssrd. I.‘e akin a Muslim, at tweed pneu. • _Wrdi Meeting...alto Mole mo , 4= sesortuete ' bluelerel and anblese from orte to threewide. los * lsol • Allow Cue Malian, of vita= and Iraq Au tour: Diapers and raw for Towelling—Low prk'dt faa. Wand (Wu, tutoring warna ern Isere end at a sapariee qualm.. At northeau comer hone war liar. rHCF.MIX POLE 11111CO—Tha embeeribent having bora hypo/mud who Ayente by the mommtectoJere, the sae • 'the rsk.htsmoet .Pbatile Brielm," now to AU totem foe .y emmonsbyo, a 111x1, beak per "AGO. •• For the coostreetton foreseer of 8/J Lads, bricks have born pronsemeed by mem petrtatinkce en brier nmerrloot to eLI other In" bricbe nom in um C A WAN VLTY t Co, Cassel libmbi..". VIEW BOOKS—Lacueras on Phakspsars, by UN IA Hudson, In two waftmes. Palau onto ptala elotilds addnearid La Quinn. nabilsiers, an 4 Jana visa bear dects,oa of a prowled Goopel„ by b. Rev. Gana!: Swing, D.D.• Th. Paatant awl Ida Landlord, Lry' dus harsnma Inaseing.. Tranalinsd Kart MoarilL , Laseassina's Ganandirts by VoL IILL ILLstory of diss sensdisyar 'emend anew& *We pastiasatba French from unpublished manes—by A. de Lds.. landau. ; A law copies aroma Of the slam srarka modeld this day and for saho by • a omsrox k srock - roti, anew alstkeg and id Oa - Pods, Amadeus and Chlancla envy.. ON 1111AKSYEA ELM Las and L ckar. newt, N Thestrieal Labors, h. Poems, Bennutit, P. Guinea • 1 1 1 1,t y Power Dab. Poly 4 or thongbie Nidusnol Metal= minima% and aeon who heat ilsoarby.Gard por Spring, D. a .• Ths Amnrican Pranged Coodeneed, et Us sluiarr rhyrewhwpvi..dmilemimamakim,w. copulae yrbittples, to ail Gnaws, by W Brach, Y. .Fora. by ELLIOTr 4NOLLSiL SO market in, Gt. 31 and lib, and 78 wood on, bet GIL nisi Almond . - IATEW DOOL—Jut isdeinral nt the Apollo Boil& ings, tth wean, and for solo b L READ— - • Lecterns au Sharper., by H N !Mime; Tbs NYanderlogo and Vacuum ammo German Els.. ig revue'? Frenetic It Otthiastket; , . Ths we, of th e PWpU, IX by Gardiner Spring, D. • The your, or Godliness, by Sams! L.Soulard, A any3o 12L2XTRICAL h4CEIThfli3 and Ellaatratim ppa- • .1:41 ran", far academism mimosa ant familaa. ileum Medical Apeman. and Fadretlo Maisano Machin., for pardetanand famdida. - Mantra Tbermomeons, mamma& - •• WP.MlChrta Pact, Chemicals, Par. imennem Galas for opticiasw Oar sale by- • . : • - s - •II . WOOMer market runt and the &mold, m mace &ci anses . t a a k 1645, and Jut nee i t.d bdark.r, IMlnfa agn. for May • my.lo WNW . OF QUEESWASIE-111e roast...Yr r eiro OoOr *coking largo um a Pi. hell IhehmanrerrioNrensost drabln pattern, wiach be sold low attar non ea • Weed %treat , • 0711. - GILL*. oL l rY,.a+.o' ail Plkb er Dew a=rinirmwa - rmiii N emouiivo inane:um O( rich Velem Gcod4 coo, SWAT of LBO I* Berms, !Dpo Grenadines, ICO ps Thum and Itabolr Wnipoo,4o of Pail de Choy% ook soda. sow. =kir, - 10todood Kik • sod Yooordo, 30,000 U'bri " a f "iil • U ido 11[l uoo, vr Chow WM POW "wy im itrarlSP4 • • ITIURPH.NTINE—Josi naked, *MU IN" b j E ri im c: cstur. • ' co( A Itra to, Jr., carte Masi as# WHALE (Ht.. if) 147. 1 BCHOONIL4LIIifiab I _ _ & Janis' Druid • • 7,1 I , Wl*. y river tide, Ureic. agate* R (SALM &Oft AIL •-• STEAMBOATS. • :1411.. t v , PAcKET LINE. Mla well karma :Ino 0 *id pliorart Un. sto is axper esomosool of the Wm*, P.M... p* zunn twa riso a.. .....„.... t0e ....w rpo , h.... g00 b. :rosi zm&A troor mi o:t \ • mama T. Liochas boos 4s ofees ghlan . m. —Le eanied a utUisak of 'cools whiesithi, Mon lait , t 117 /0 their ;lama. The Daus vat, ba al theMlik %I Wood won the day prortoas to StaedllaS.:: o 7, D .. .. ' 4 WIN .4 11.... t n, et poosrpirs ea dr W. la au eases the pilaw /10/er.Peg. a ulnae. • • • 110 INST. • 'M ISAAC NEW DAIrPaeK ISIAriVIP44"" I Ivan ' l4 =l.l‘i .1.A.1.41, lever, suistyursi.a4 al W l eaLugentr&u!dufnliStet lo !"-** . • ' . MICIEDAT PACKET.. 7Le aioNONatllELE,capi.Srox,wal burgh aver? !loads mama' at la utaret; kWh. ereil Moamar inneala/ at tO r. -7 TUESDAY PACKET. • • T. 111BEENta Pi u g„ ar Ka.turarraa. t laare Pivabarra <very Tammany roaming 0119 er.10.0; Wtotellag era . ry Tam*. atoning a: 10 r. ' - - WEDIMIDAT PACKET.' n. NEW ENGLAND N. L Cop:. S. . Dao 2; anal leave Pi:lobar/ lin 4 atm Irealapasy tarttuas • at p okdoor; Wboorg every %Wanda,. rautLas at 10 r. _ . . TIMMSDAT Th e BianALLNT, .Capt. Meer, *W. Lave Milk Nuib•m7 nn=rift alma:deck BIL . • FRIDAY PAOKIIT:'.. The CLIPPER As.% Csie.. Canoga rill lemie - rah. 6.70 every Friday. inandag xl2.o'cle . e every Triill . syrieram •-• • : , ' PAOKIIT: 77mir WEBBENGES, C•PLM bivelisa • tuyr •I.II.IWIR4EIO.3.I.II.IIAPtket Mew. may Illauardsy ',wag pi laik at. NEW LABDON MID PITTAXIIIIALIA DAIL . . °PGA-NAL OperrastracxtgiN: . , . .• • . Lesvos fittsbarilt 'daily, at V &clock; VL, sad as.: • sires at GI Comb Ochs Esady sad Bosom ZS. lola at 3 We Eoek. asgow, sad New Liebe.. at U. ran* off,, LMu. New Lisboa at ',o'clock, P.M.. link*** ,• trip 0.4 to tar tint dal* las deo.) sad almost as s o'clock, 41... C..; Kral menses to Pittobsigiag. 121 .—eksis =kV* a eatolasoss tot vasty • seaters sad frugal . bestows No se Liston asst "4 1 4 Lo ebony ..utsts sod at Iduts rates Sass avow oiler route. •. . • Th. P.Stkorts of Skis Lme keel, Lb. piesrarasrla. Vsystisstis voblier Oat Oar, Vass Wad Kt toolitS deto • Csual Doses, tor that scoossabdatios of passassars sad ' usrzio:.•ut raa •is coolietiaa with tug wall keowe ..teemere C 51.133 COPC sad BEAVislit t sad cossets; lac Glasgow, wish ths PftostoOvit sad Clods , Sao tool othsr dsalv lusts of sustarrs down theOleb and Iltisalodpvi riven. "In ptectistors ploks to 2 Wyse vs spat. so ay or trouble toluszravals • lo i rtatisty sod so sat 0(94 vablies sista "I" lIOBIZOMO AGENTS.. • • • P. It kl lIARBSUGH? /143 ' 10- : • • ' tayllaf I. 1iA11841.431d too. . • . N ~r • . ..! ter .z z.varzc-m.w..iteSsAvat l / 4 4V sill leave after. this Dodgy and Wellsrills paaressfly, at 9 o'sJoatia . o stril 11 4krrouvapassaiiM FECIIIIARY lot, iMd. • -.7seamurs*Api lii0EDAIMATIAA.010011DIP.1111.1:4. tie fir dm 111.~ipm . e .. : LAIVTIC, Capt.!. Juno ALTIC, NA. A', JacologiolLO APLANE,,, C.pt. FL limn. !The bosh- &flea on, sad an =ad .p wilt Ana nriptrl to "rpm& ' • tarp cosign fiat mow via raw. boa, TM Ham will two IDA Alauonafila -WitaellosAal Ur tAA @lam K Putiourn, mill a poillarl AO Oozed,.. boat. will rm.!? Irar. sh. 114 VIII. • . dad bount,ll /L. YL sad 4P. IV •.1 • pipai aso a a PlArvasui • PRA -13... t .tm Mitie Latinill• sad AO Irifiraiodlaurpons nc.rApsifs6Fir irelotk, precluly, . • Tot irrigitt at EMB118i• lintr LAW or 4 , " rumarrn Dumas, Asiini".!: • besitimilltipersesty lbs • pad., ma VIM • Am asilselly Who Mafia AZpar Mesa Al e aosier.isfreforieastimaz "....i.; ~.. •.: •; -• ......1.4011-ifELOUllge .. ~.. • k: .• The tiei maiecoesmer ;,, , ,,...74.1.. • ..1 • : PL7INSYLVANIAi :. , ..mf..., 'EI C Gray, muter, vral .lenitati 41, aed Leterendlateipeir legit - me 10 A pz. For (misfit or to m7A reeeMlT h. law. : •• , , ~- • - • Fos rat .I..oins:- •-•• JONtl '•'t• . The See new stump' . • .!!".' Deriianensuaer, will !saw tw_ dee. ve aud i m am. port ' Ae deg vat Crtight or passage ... lok boanl. Urfa . ,FOR ST. LOUIS ARO ILLINOISII.Irat. • naltu ad Gareaii;souriltt. will lam Rx;r iLiajore faun:m.lms =Dia I==t FOR NRW ORS EAN~ • . savAzow: Witna, sill Um folib4, "rat le. yo, !wt. 'ast graylt Pr . ?' Mir G. buald. • roacontimAn . matt gat a t o ki boy. and iaisnrosedlas• pens OM Far fru/01c as passage apply aa board oar? Ibe jat t , a LADY 1 pc YAt *faun. ~.!. W. zirr, master, sill (save fay the sawn Latersailsa• Ills day, Lay N. • FPr freight arbaartst , • J %V ASKO.. • ‘1 ' 7711,1 " IIatieCLNCIICCATIPA I 21. EhGLANTI, • .4... - thgg. Wave,maw,sW calk.. maAl3far ,41,1afternwro 4b. .to l A la ariy, airo V elock, P. &I, ;. • hoist, 011.11.7. vril Ines for dyedpro Por is Immo etre: board. • •rSti i aknvuutl Prrrsßtraou AND :tAxssirlk • • .PACICEr • - • " • The Am serwr I V &dodo isiiritrr PiDI7P • Moire num, learn Pittabdrkt 911 a bars, ini7 *ivied io iiitionlori puwcowrie rim %Ida Ai .Icopy Uruf., l- iiiieblositi her at EtT,Ol. For Gnirk: cad* *: " iciest? PAcklii. iT:r=lean= dzy, ualial 10A AL, For ilnitital paw. afer Fon Islimaxia AND DiUDGEporr; 'a ll", nem AM sabstaotiAl Irk maw Po= • issariq c ab. Dips Pon. Wbbellug, .IklAr:port Pim. • Dlugh, tomb( puataqh am Ilamd•ta aaATl•nitna asoutas racumr•Foa SUNFISEI: jralThomenr, awl ha sumer • • . 1 .;•..4:f t k.d. B."2*nilaumslUgmlELifiallATvtAi=''. dip sad or each afik: Far kelehrOrP4 Nr r OW a ant.TE.,amna - - - Prrrttsvatia 4 watratuNg yam:l;li.; maltir m ,..ty The swift a won ' ....• 4 . - .4 .. ..cv 4. . . • . . OoffnU . lii ,- . ..b.41 . ..,,,.... Drafty P Maury; monvoiriiiill lftft tor s% tuobw•ali..lieedef, Woloft... 4.0 10 4 ft.locg_peftiftiy6 _ Lary N rftry Toroday, ;Mandy oyi4j . • 0n0.Y....17 o'cloc a p,prerlooly.. • . _,., : • .- 4.11. c 0.4.11 will fano on on We' bernft.ba64 . . Every fteccoodoboo %intros b. pnourft for imam:. ral i tly o4lin'ooopre Ift• book pouftiod.:•%!l64 • bona is ono w 616.1 fta.lo4 • irtlity lyineaSs, prom% at ' ' ..For (Men or oftasto 11, Mud or so ...' .. DAM ...7 Ift4insft'.... • ',.. • ft 64 , !:• i ' . ... ' yonft: of Ift onclyoulaftllP4- .11 S1KICE7IPOWT,I1 .A I CIT IIMIEl 4 AND fluifOlifftd4St- - : • . ~.„ ...,.... -1 "...1.41,13PnYfif; ~.; . ... '.; Maw, ' tna.lcr,. mill "is . Id hbelle. Wax, Viusbrint. 6‘447 - Montt, Wftboonoodi Shifty, art.) <erica, 4.=.1.1.46 oftrAbela eftft . 3loftloy,ll4”.fty bad .4 6 Wel" a.'47.4444t *mob 4 . P......5e. n'SX44 ICS I • k Airiew and 1 d rzakidAitome A DlZlkr;3lAsici ; war va pan*very WoAr-Asysadlild. I.= t le. SC Far "r_put...o sppra •• • - • • • FXPlEliltl: CANAL. PA!: It?fi• . • .• • riitutiv.t.PMA Aili)1111.1111101ir. Wm, einagrei di. aw4A;__. stewabalis YANCEE, vim' • l'Aw..Rni.•.?" Um A curduet et. Me Lpi4dallyZ=k i 4 11. l anwt atm n I AA mitt 86ler. • • Pamper* will bresitagi Imai* wir T" — r • regrow/4p wirolue,Avta 1 • nirs—Nt se 1104 r. - ' . 1374airiairmiu yummier. WU , C° 12,10 101 1 km" doss Woo dors an 4 a WS ,•er AIM/ 1818... 8 112TE:its acdry ar• Probria *teoaJw ad errassiat .t. icnir illimiltaalha *WA lANiorlii ow •or CANAL likwiL • 71mA or. J C •Ao•illnIrle• PUbbu , ri . : • J ao . . • • • JKI B , o # C/.• — 1 t.Wfia Xi le krre . , -- 1 , 1 - 4 - 14- Lag is mi bb r . 4011.01 a 4,5 .0 4.10, No 114, i t N ° ; 111 -Wir 17 rA 7f'd!tlW A:, ",3rglJ Aim i Y& l, Ow MVP, •••••• & liAlUlArycjV 1. la . 2 • i • .:'" 1"." • ' . : 11 , ; iiiiiii • n • r ' p. Sii,CiA xs• _.. 4 . rr. sad fa gib lb • *B7lll . TA MMY& Mar EARL Amt. r ui Ws reed per star Caleb akop. i l / 4 1 bY 'WU' • T AM" &sin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers