-?;atin itti' - ,:e:iT CRUM - it} AZI,,'ITE. ygviDaLsats 10p1111 Admiusamutts sod SlabomPu..* th.ticaut Amu cas and talwolloortikurtwirsocessie 4 . sationrarded from Wise/Se. • A. 4g.w Tosisc.sxpits— . and forwardirre of anpease,al7 - abscAlid.nli sir thli 41MWelidligutd-W ;Ponant o. lll 64.,AWa nr kl/ 4=4, -• • - tag usurComorreid baulousi.,Doase We, Mu. z= Pm' News, .larns, ;dew Juukeu,„te: sec. IarAIMErWs ass moody Oka land in Aker farm baforntli In, and Int aziy in la day aa •144 / 1 1 "Ma M M O M MGM- . 11, . , , no- net ll:l3#etiNrortbo Aniimmtude and Widgeon. Formspoitilenes, held at hYblasters , • UM•li riEV mstiuMfdaf, May 6th; thn foilemnig or tail ai 'upon: - The dithsuisentie and Whig MOMMA - Wan!, borough and towaship in Ali ' lbelay aciantr,'sve area to convent at theca meal • plaeiredboldifg prtmary meeting. testa districts, on limardity, Ude day en Joon nest, so...point two del •Mt.frtna each district, to men In County Conran- Misr Miss Court Monte, la the city of Pittabargh,on ,Wednesdety, - th e 1411. of Juno urn, at 10. d. M.. ai oit • daY, madam eandidnos state and emudyidgemoo immersed al the miming fall • oleo don. 'Min 'primary nia - dings is all - th. tommtips es• :apt P 16,10111 bo, bait as 3 o'clock, P. H. and in Pitts .' =l* tin setrds'and boroughs at 71 P.Y. .1 Tie coonittniMvimid mirtestly urge arms the said .. ..nmatiapr th rly s. =l l , s • l 4 .t .t r! "' " "". panm ry .l.W Ldorreali, iseretaries. • v., • . • 2he Conandeflotters of Alleghehy tXtchere ••/mtl4 PretofelY be =hotbed by the act of ry toso.q.b. um.sir stock of the Peon. 1701 1"L' IlliteetrP1 ef . P 7y Y ehocad 1 6 1. 17 . 1 „,...,,,„„:,k,..j141mr.ttant mean., and •••—isobe aheyne your roma coautteed to. the above nonstorlal, • .Yertereithelt the electifted voter. In each 'herd, bohlegh hoileelloalle la laideounty, to meet ea their nfoal Cuf s lumilling oleo:tone to said &strict., on Bator. , the Illta day of blny next, gulf to xelletet Re moot in Comity Convection, ex the Court - Mona in the eltyof Vattburgh t on the 3htt•ef to mash sod ast4esCoutfautoonc re to reference to attbeCrlelkli on part or mild canny to the. Capita Block of add liailroatlCCattpletY. The p rimary meet fags Ina reennlope except Pet will be held at 3 hL, and In tan and the other feuds and be. rondo int.7i.Vekslr, P. 31,0 old day. , • we Ally lean free gaol fall expresflott by re. .1011113/411DIVELL.I .e. ; ‘ ,., THOMAS MUMS, ,-;••••• The.:ll. Chime Cans & Butler. - The deed is•Aiie at Bahia:cm: Cu. ,ind But I les. se itial/Mated, and ono . aett t4ng out their far • risti Campipi." ..We ate not niun ki.dianOr Fdintid in tliesse acimiturtion&tbedgh,pa did not suppou *het thine Ito 'anger to shun the Whigs thelutetsinst 'and idnaindon of I:ialiend Bwtt Tay!ot...,rild noiaenkiwo Military Chieftains .fdr tb,itop lialiet offices in dotgift of the People. • ' We do not think, brionver, that the military eclat 11 -, anther, or both together, will ensure • victory to • ' the put,' wrduarimythisin, - providing the Whip . • .oftba Union rally around the true men, and /tithe -hi Wit CiCileterbilued victory. • 114 e. caas ban been working for itune years stud • •mrale. W renters this nominstlor. has been in, this i &ne Itis owe eulogist, and no 1110¢e has been loft seiti inied,ii; encore the ,niseinition: The life •. „cif urn ciie with make °intake..a fief than in• eiwinti:of truth, 111112 bccuckettiited • by thouurids and thodiands deifies ender frank from the Me., ?tnnisclin• They. bare been distributed by the boys it the corner of the streets, and thrust Into the 1 buds of livery . passer-by:: Mr. C., in the men. ~e wept open Wise at ,Washingtott and horns: whh a wale Er-every body,•Mid a gip for every bOdy likely in he attracted .by such • bland. • nessaint frankness. •. in the. Siquan he has been that , i'utfut dcafxri,", aid when dophtful questions haue heen , presented, he has skulked behind the pUlars r - lud run teem the Pau of condict.: • •. Gan heat' public nanny which - it will now bathe dutiof,the iniblie press to record... it , •• appeakti unlike a picture,with a dark ground • wink/but-relieved here and then: with occasional raynqiiiht . .4bibieb if; dierea,s; :more ' than. the Light, - for - this piibliet coarse - at thisnian abtaindi in morel Ifto be a &airman - • into bee trtienrambold in the assertion of Whit is just,frea that all cnnceaments, the lOW/ of one'. comrity „tante than we's rilty, and the just ad. 'cilabo o o,sT.Po ll *F i ' 77 * .t ! .,Canais • • activtatateanin. tie "trio two reeormuispinioni •••• opts' rim Slavery 'Pinion,' and though &mini • 1 tight, he enaPd !Ta!'eunTei of Northern right. ' • biSontlierttnitemrie. • .11e is a Northern man with Southern Princip l o, and if he could be ekes. ed,SliverisW/uld he extended, and the intereris • riftherhee Staten' more and more jeopardised than they:have.been.by the annexation aTexan. and • ". • the. Viz:With •Mexicit . Who but Lewis Cass meld have written such a letter as was addle: Wed . UN! , thegreat ' of the Internal commerce attic Country. 1 Thinair naafi* nem a Weriem State, he had no . 0100 . 1'4 ortertrealn make 14"47!/" .• , "5t ormos vita - interest Co the MIS NEM '~ti :. ~t}~. .. r 1" r ... .~ . ~.i~. . . . • „:- .;,::::', '.: :--; .." -• ~ -' 1 . , ~••: .., .1, ,:, .:: :1,, 1. .'.. , ..0.- , 0-.1 •w. ~ e r r :-' ;7::.. i':.: , ,- ,;',:', 1 :'... .: :: .i.... i .'? , :lS*,'• , :.,'"•';')N1.11;'-'...4 - A • . • " 17:':.§. 4:7 4. . 1,. . , I. .•!‘ .......:•-•.' ,4.-.,i .:: ~ : ~.. •.. `.4. '•''', ::',..; 1 '::.• , i 5.•!.... : ‘,..,‘,...!. •t.,:• ; :l , i 4 .,•:,.4:4'tv: •:f' . ) . . 'VI f:1:,? . . t ::,.•:: . ~ ' 1 ','';'•l ' . .t:::5 ":;,i ! .. •:- 0. '' '''-, :;,::•; -, ,f , ~... 4•• i • : . ,;Z•i,i;.':i .' i '' :•';-; 4,i, 4:;. , :2 1 '': :.!...:. . i. t •-:'•. 4 ,:: ': - -.. • :, i, .. j::: • ' P I : 4 '; •••2 ; t .. .! , , k .' 4 !, :' fi-'4 1. , 4• i :T' ' .' ,- ',i; : :.:'*.i:..• i;:t . ' , ,i .. '.: , ' . ,..'.4 : !?•. -r, ' . ..But this Modern Democrat was once_of that old Adana' Sated an mach reviledas the raw head and bloody banes ofadden nine. - We have it up good antheritY, - ind Wall prase it,ibo, for the adtteatioa of the , Demonracy,' that he even wore tVe‘ federal irielaileY. Mick :xi fik,-qthe minspiO. stons,imblent Of-three dyed in, the:wool tbe 00. -d.rl44**a*, 'wan %mime/lams= welspier,:and mos against - hie Adreinistratimi -thiejurett:Whelf. nt'NeWgruniattber,— • though the sin may , , luive be **wen and 'gebttea; atill hisepart cofr; Cases history: Put • ' tlWirioccipallaak - of Me. Cads friends will be to ' 4%44 his coaduct whenlidlanatiprot and serna' lary of Wm: , findtatt tielneaender , his Al minisinibilirsistareekion with correptton,snt the -44400 In t oagrtaain 1435-‘36 will show it to * ISt CuMnelaims to the support of the People wit Ain in discuss upon Chair tditheit *Am, sod .we hope, define the ea vats,' that mit* oar own Mogan spuit, north ' real of oth. PM will pmwpt us to soy, clot ortatight; not • 'stemmedtry the deal& •of trutb,nnd *Art MOO of whoa we all ount to the r , ottrAry, whose btar mutaet: neek to =triode: Ahe:LW /anew! Subsertpthess. It is very 'nuattthable that t he phopfd be y : Ipmetitas or doubt la the minds OE antler/1: be he . pou r eir ea es lt, the po li cy of thls. treasure. Yet , t o are iold'iliet both in the. Ono and the;. mbar .of oreSettei it 01er4' 41 4 1 . 4(o* to ,one ex' is itglieteti a very ;simple MOO:shin and -espithly advantageous to`botb. The labscription :igienfesse'iroliag, no responsibility on the 'comity, go burdMi on its People. • It is In effect a mere .10atief Midi* of .the county . Lai tbe :completion 'of greatreitlehich cannot fan to promote the val. le or liviny*la's imperil in the county, be that ' • le lee Or, lands. To the ornatmen it furnishes a 'wide &Oaf latitist htgldy remunerating 'prices, 1 To tha tgt i e ch ura lir t, ' a sore and steady market kr averykwtto .Of food or blade &via. ' The - . ex. PFAlurco**l4l!Fniktkis mad the be,felt in every cottage and in every heasch of btisismas: The increase or iiidatiem attracted by the . progress and =Mtge' thisVaist wUrititrhich isto Secure the trade , : •sadsMststre to this county km, tha elm and glee a 'loo#o4ll rmpaGe in all _ the . favitallisid menthe of ottr &it ems kiwi said that the proposition, is splein nod olte,ineoliirst no rink of a tut ,bordeii ,AA, !two ww craw of at. Not only no Madge, but • _loth littera s 'inspect. or a great 'ProfiCtO the • revenue -of the county, es was ever peesented;a teemwliote the Ikid thug win cies, this ioimity from; um:* for all time to lexoer-eis we now PrixeMite4ow fresh inalagoes Mame. and Ohio Railroad is now the avenue (runt the ',Minitel to the Western rivers, luny lit tt iacceOPletedeir ciimi;e;4sitil Only, leering the Wntire. melt . 4 the-Allegheny moan.' WO to be tnwwwed in!pripta. it talcs Man the ~..s ekna illtha.ttanei, tt watt otiP mplioWs:4;dot , Preiltsisltyeai wore eight Per rem ..„ , iiimelvatitages only tieing half Goithed wad dm .Ixxottetitios, of the Penstillveule." , Stige . agtheiti to l'illebergh. will •-• a imaipiete tutlaterfutimi ,thoretuitdare 'East to 4 . 4 * * l4 'itatithlirli be a n t 03,,bt that it'. will ; cc. the eskimore mai Can three be my that it will ser:hi've doable the trivet the Baltimore road nos; •.• htiltQtaura take sil4 from. Wast to East ilOitto-Nytist• per event Which thepallk,l . ti . ~; +lRl2M'C=> .. . . . . ... , . . . . . . . -...i=c:44r-0.:-17*.W,f.i....,4.7,7:;,..?=. --:,f1:-:*.1,47.Y,:-.72.4.!.,71-A..,.... ''''''''''''''''''''''. ' '''''' '' ..4.1.. :74. ,; ':;1 - ; : :;"`,,; - :..:;:' , ': - .';K:! , ..... - . - g.';'•'' ''' - ' ,-,--- ' , ' . .ifi . .::-f,...:: . .f.‘ , .:'.., , :-;-,. , ...: .:--:.'.':!..• :::-.y..-.---.;....::::',1..4#41:: 151* liti.111; WAWA:, t C 4. • , ..r..0-ALZ-T, IVA lit Bit „ • T MORNING. lax 27.15 M icarretskelenr profit tOqin CoonScon4Jimbantii Mtn oftine million of dollen or girbisseven lbw Nina ivi hundred dollata. nit prat itsillbrini ve6aiinodonbt..l3natili tiritsr ts alit• tie sxi aingulttir, wilt 9 not, tyPilg 9 pet' : 4 4 4 w.ta be a obat - outiddi ihnimiukaiatis, duce ifiii 7 '-` - Prorl , ' - ) 9 Jr' i e ' d , it ' d would be teriariid:rriri:ricdo4, * coh . ikc.te4.:, troy" go o , a'repioribis lubseto" . , It !ee= $ o b e onparalinbal thaittie goixiiense tithe coon tr irciald riled air* 'an oler:7Thls road *rill Irwin as no bantams, no tiiniy-rit:is ,1;•.".. , 1- in Le r i3' mind iii ci4T4rof .11.iritbc.nt yheotnlay of * peppy. `:To' the poor and laboring. portion of tits county it: Words every indtkeknot try cherish - and Prommethe subscription: '4O <Cent on all. aorta oflabor will be himardiatir' Mid 'a riew , left 'Pulse giin to every sort or enterprise and imbue tiT. :It is opposed by mute Mit the Idle and iiit, pnatlactivexlasser, and we venture the prediction thatthe tiniewill incroarrive when every man who lai in in'arrn ental is throwing obstacles in its way will be tb scorn and contempt of the whole Pine, elation of be Couutv. 'e , ; • Troubles—Masonere of MI.:. ' if.eiAlieau of the 18th 061,1 details of the horrid - ma - nacre cis in the -Walla Walla vallet. , , , - ' The lame of-Oregim assembled. early in Debember Governor Abernethy sent is his annual niestxtge the 7th of December. ' - CID the th of December, he transmitted tiotie leglalatu a animatte; . announcing Mit the -Cap use Didiani had committed a horrible massacre at ' the 1T111.i41117 ewahltshment of Dr: Whitman: - 10 this menage, , afteiallifilioglo,the foct - thil fund 'will be , requitedi.he suggests the proiaietiOf alma 'Dont the - Hudson's Bay Company ; and the men. 'chantsof:Q.44On City, - ote!be with of the United ' Accompaning the message,"iveto thafollowing letters, etallihrthe inciiimits ofahe horrid Mama •. Fear Varseakmar.,"Elen. 7,1517. Geo. .15..1.J:e1k", ins 'received in• telligence lad night, by special express,from Walla Walla. of the destruction of the nassinnary nettle.' , meat at Waillatpp, by the' Csfuseltidiansbf that • place, We bosun to kamthunitatethei:"partienlars . of that dreadfurevent, one of the Most •wrireions which &skins the annals of Indian Crime. - Our lamented friend, Dr.. Whitman, his amiable and. accomplished lady, with nine other parsons • hare fallen viola:tato the tuts rst these remorseless savages, who appear to have been, instigated to this appalling crime by a horrid suspicion which ' , 'had taken posmssion of their sapareutious maids; •coseequence . af.the number of deaths' from dyseutery and Measles, that 'De.'"Whitman was si leanly working the deatruMinn Of their ware by ad-' 'ministering poisonous drugs under. the *emblazon Mr.. Ogden, _with Letiongparty will leave Ibis] place 1111100 a -as possible tu"..."`,WsilWilla, to enr.' deavor prevent (unbar evil; ac i d we beg*. • suggestto you the propriety af taking instant meas., I iires'fair the protection of the Item. Mr. Spalding. who, (or the' take of his 'family, 'Might to abandon the Clear - Water Mission without delay, and retire tree place of safety, ns he cannot remain at"that • bialated station Without imminent risk, in the pres ent excited and irritable state of the Indian pep. • Lilian. I have the. honor to be. air, your most 'obedient serener, . JAMES DOLGLASS. In a subseqtrent paper we find a complete 141 1 of the persons killed on this occasion, which W hint annexed: • "••• • • • ! ." pr. Whitman, Mew Whitman,' Mr. Rogeralter. I Galilean, Mr. Sandera,(schbolinister,i Mr. Mash, ',lila Seger and Freer+, lager, (youths.) Mr. Kim. ball, Mr. Gellert, Mr. Bewley, Mr. Feuer, (r.; Mr. Sides, Mr. Hall, (supposed to have bete tufted at • John Day'i neer) • . • •• In viewed' the troulileadating the session oftbe • . . Oregon Legislabire, a resolution was pawed. au. Mc:Mains . the Governor to raise a company of ri. derneu,- to weaved Mahwah tonecupy the mission station at the Dillon of the Columbia river This employ wan immediately formed, sled had start. rd f e the-wane of the massacre. A manorial to CMgress lea. bdopted, and L. Week, •Em.. one of the members from Twahm Conran' was appointed special "rneesenrx.• "It ex. reale* the °mica' that the masesere is' only the commencement of more ;extensive mutdert, and nor hitherto peaceful settlemeats Will become the scare of fierce violent warfire. , ..!Cincamaso• cm," it is said,s+ranstel pier menunrialisfe in be. Heston' that marry a; the powerful tribe...inhabiting . the upper vellip.of tbe . (Mlornbia, have formed alai alliance for thettuirpose tit carryieg oo hosthiiimi against ; our settlements," and aid (roan Me United ..Sidles is kelingly implonal." - In the Spentator of the 20th Jain:air, Ave have a parthalhtl:aeedant of the'ellints bf• Peter Skeen•! Ogden, Esq., chief factor at the Hudson Bar Corsi. pear, to tine Gil maenad= of .Dr. Spatting and other :persons who were taken• primmer. by the Cayere -time of the murder of Dr' Whitnian; • Mr. Ogden arrived at Walla Walken the 12+ of Derrennber,bivingisciompliabedthe nay from Fort Vancouver inn:Parlays. Immediate , ky on hit arrival at. Nes •Peroes, be -despatched courtiers to call a meet.; ii(thei Orilla,"'third day, two chief s ao.l about thirty , men ' the Council assembled on the 211, and Mr, Og den' made a speech to them, in which he depleted the' enormity of their crime, told them of the oar-, 'tabor of the punishment which awaited them. should the Americans go to war with them, and. • coun wiled nheen to give_ up , their prison. , The chiefs replied, Sod urea it was agreed that they should deliver up the captives within silty days. on the promise of a ransom being paid for them. Oa the overlies . of the 29rh, the captives Were brcuptt inby the Cain:cr., and they were iiwpita. lily entertained hy.Alr-Ogdeu and the Next day the ransom was paid. . day or two thereafter; news was brought ofthe arrival ofAmer• lamp:pops at the 'Dallas, and ao grearwss the ex .citexaent among the Indians, that Mr. Ogden telt ' maned that if the women and'cluldreu had not been-gived up, they wale all halos been msnieri - • - . The, peso= thus rescued, coesisted of Joseph and Binstah, Smith, and their tine children; Mary Saunders and fire children; Genie Kimball and ' her five children; Josiah and Margaret Ostrom and three children;Rebecca Hays and daughterirceepb Stanfield; Sally Ana Canfield and Ave „children; Elba Ea and eve children; :Elam and Irene. Farmland two children; Mies S. Bewley; Mt.. E. • Marsh; six Scission children; fal r. and Mr. Spalding and three children; Mr. Dart Mr. - Jackson; Mr. C"fi Cridg, and Johnson. Mr. M eeks, who brought this news to St. Lerma, adds' the fallowing memoranda; • When I leftWalla alla,on. the ;fah der of liquefy, the people ofthe territory of Oregon were at open war with form tribes afindiaus7the aquae, Walla Wall.. Shunter and - Day : Ver. Sane battles had taken piece between them • bre I left the countay. the lout engagement took place at the foot of the Dallesof the Columbi.on thebtl, :of, January, between a small party of troops under cOmmand of Colman Lee—the next took place sometime titer between the adranted guard of the Oregon regiment, - under the command of Major Lee. - was firmed te retimat,.With very little • loss, and fell back epee the regiment.. . Next day, the regiment marched tip the Shooter river, under the commend of Colonel C. Gilliam. Alambel.2 o'clock,. they were . attacked by a large telly of Indians, but they were saw muted by the troopstbeir villages taken and burned`. The Oregon Regiment having, berm reinforM4 io an to number 600 men, they took up the line' of march Or . the Walla Walla. On the lfith.of Feb. . roam she enemy appeared. on the plains in great numbers, end a line of battle was farmed: The - engagement commenced - about ten • o'clock, end lamed until night parted the combatant. Each przfA r, maroped upon the pound , but the .next the enemy bed. left the Bell. A.large. number of Indiana, of other Woes, - were present, as lookers on of ftiie strife, It was not blown how many of the Indiana weraintled. The temps bad a nine pounder with them, mounted, on an eml. greaSs wagon, drawn by.itil yoke of oxenv tbei Willi gave out during the battle, and they were compelled to shoot away the kick chains berm s ging to the . hergage wagon. ' • •'Nelt.day they marched to the Drilla river, and theme to Dr. Wbitniates 7disimo, the scene of ;he massacre. , All the property 'About the place bad bees destroyed by the Indians, and the houses burnt. At this point I left the troops. sad took the Blue Mountain Mute, the snow from three to fire ketdeep, kin about thirty miles, until we kit Into the third division of Oregon. . • There were tea of us in compan.' - We met numbers of Indiana on the South-For k - of the co , :rmabia mil Snake rivers, and they said they were going to war to the spring with thedmericana, but as we spoke their language end were acquainted withmsny of , them,_ we were suffered to pass • We arrived at Fort Gall, on the 25th of Mareb, where we encountered a tremendous snow storm. At thin place we crosied .the mountain to Bear firer-the *noir: very deep- 7 our provisions angina —and we were forced to Wove mules and horses. I-We mei . = wagoeteeontaiairigemimeteboand to Oregon—the first'company about 160 miles from 84 j e , ep h"di - well. We were only six days In m 4ieg the raid from Fort Walla Walls to St. Jo. seph,ifiltere we arrived on the 11th of May,wma cat witlifatigu. l • I have been leaked several times since my mit, al here, whether theEtagiish or Hudson Bay Com. : pony were not urging on the Indiana in that coun try to attack tbe American. I !Mite, known the [llodsoll'S Bay Company far .eighteen-yeah, - and israver haveeeeu any thiagetthe kind, • I hope the people of the United-States-will receive this. as my [Alellief. I Wei et Fort Vancouver when Peter SkESOgden;one of the chief Actors, arrived with Fthedsiptiven,whogi tie Intiftansomed Wm the la• diaakand nothing but kindness was bestowed op• on them. It would have done your heart good to hive seen that gird 'old marl waiting on the poor ,distressed woman and children; and I ins Whiled that ad other men than Mr :- Ogd en could have Ely. ed them Gem the tomakawk.• Mi. Dongtans, too, warm" of the Geiern, germ, orders.to all the gets Slang the route, tridet me have Srludever I wanted, **help me on my way tot*, Muted States: This Is the elwiracter of the genitlemen of the Hudson PPF,SRPBMW., • . " . Txx - ParaYozCsor.-4 Livetpool paper win— .l•l4ei hear nintldnit yet of da ? od c, y of 'White is the potato* clop; but, fromell we karo, tint yield avows:m this year anll balite that of wheel and aitaltany pica!' unties! • . • • • • , Clossaidnr.zr May :25, t801'.7 ..creel skald .....o, pre-Mat, Malign. .... Bei/. a Black, - Coleman,- CesuingtaanYl, Hanley, JunalkKent t l.endend,Lewly . Liaingstoni McClelland. McColkster,• 'ldcliehry,. biennially Mitsbel,Palmio, Porter, loggen, Sawyer, Schafer, Imat,...9mith,„Stimpkloy'. Stoney, You Bonahorat, Wilson; Yost, and President. . : 1 - • , Mr; Robertson ,Pieiidiatt in the' chniabli. Sell presented a Reign from _ the apecial Committee . ~appeeeled it last mesting;relative to tlie,ineisure- . meat of /Mingles. moot paniml by. "An evilness:a supplementary to As Ordinance for" the 7= Mods or Ave thessureM and ctspecitars of Scintlisg,, arid Shine - en; passed "Jinuart. - ,12111 Ib29° . fteport read end accepted - and - Ordinance • The Ordkaancicentited.An Ordinance no supply ing the bit'tbcs portions of the City .With water and TOr other pairpcasee'.' which . had been read twice at leg onsetungwas. taken up. 14./....-Vim Boemboont Moved to strikeum the Ara section end insert .that the water CoM.*Uee be instmoted to report what . portiona of 14 city. that nit , not now', can be sap -.Plied-with water Sines the. present haulm and also :the probable Cod of laying rpm an said portion!. of the city; Motion to lay the amendment on the table haitng been made, the Yeas and Nays weli -,ioco for, nodithaii waS.ta monad', and the motion awes agree d toibf ; the following sot; via: ' -, Yeas.—Mestrat Arms/rotary Black, Cunningham, - Hinlej; Kent, Lewis, Listoggsn. Meet:legit, 'Mitchel, Palmer. Potter, Schaffer; Smith, Stimple, 1 Wilson and Yaifr-40. . ' ' , -' ' liays-blessra, Ben, Coleman, Jones,:-Leonard, McClelland. bleKelsey,. McKnight, ragmen, Saw. yen, Scott, Stoner, Von Bonnhorst, and President. , Mr. McdAllistermove4 the praviliusquestion.— Mr ! Vonlytanborst moved to- lay that mouon on thetable, uLd the'yeas said nays were askOd fur And there4as 'Arleta 'second; and. the vote was as Wllowgviz C'—: Yeas—Mews - All, Colemim, 'lmes, Leonard, MeClelLud i .Molielvy, Mclinighi,Palme Roggen , Semler' Scrat,9toner Ironßonnhorsi&, President. Y 4, ' . • Nays.--lidessrs,'Atmtorong;Blaek, Cunningham, Hanley, Kent, 'Lewis, Livutgaton, hleCollister, Mitchel, Patter Schaffer, Smith, Stimple„ Wilson So the motion to; lay on the table wad lost and the question recurring, "Shall the' main question he now Pet," - itwas lost: • Tho ordimmee was then taben up, section by The Ist section being under conaiderw non, Mr. Sawyer moved to amend, by striking oat end inserting—'4hat the Como:duce on Water be lostructed.to harp an estimate made, and a plan Submitted. for a new' biain,, on the Coy Lot, on Hill; and also for et Engine Home and Engine, to be erected immediately .rot 'the felt of the lull, so that the distaneefor throwing the water into the Mid basin ma{ be sto short as pas:tilde and that said plan eel estimate be submitted to Court, cila at the earliest day possible.' • Mr. ArKitight moved to emend the ameadinent, 'by-Tektites so much of the ordinance as retina to the new water works to the Water - Committee, and so mucls as,refers to streets to the Street Com., with Instructions to report as early an prelim:lbl. the probable cost in bonds and in cash.' A motion having been =de to lay both amend. merits on the table, a *vision of the question was asked for, and the yeas and nays having beau cal: led for, there was a second, and the vote Was as gallows, vim • - On. motion to lay Mr. Sawyer!, amendment on the table—Yeas, Messrs. Armeneng. Cunningham, Hartley, Kent,Lewis,LivingstonX'Collister,Mitch ell, Palmer, Barter, Schaffer, Smith, Simple, and Wilson, It. ". • _ • Says—hressis.Bell,Black,Oaleman;Joties. Leo. mint M'Kelvy. Roggen, Sawyer, Scott, Stoner, Von Bounhorta, Tost,and. President,lt— On• Mr. M'Knight's amendment-Xmas, Masse. Armstrong. .Black, Cunningham, Hartley. Kent, • Lewis, Livingston. M'Collimer,. Mitchell Plower, Porter. 'Scherer,. Smith, Sample, and Wiliam, 15. Nay..-Ifears. Bell, Coleman, lone. Leonid,' , -I.l'Kelgy„ - MlCnight,Roggen.Sawyer,Scott,Stooe'r , Von' 13onnitront, Yost, and Preaiden.l3.' So the ' motion to lag on the table was agreed to. . . 'Mr. Von Botmborst moved the indefinite post-I petement of the Ordinance. The yeasand nays I were asked fat, and thee wean mooed, and the I Motion was lost by the following vote, vie Yens—Mesars. Bell. Coleman, Jones, Leonard, M'Kelvy, .11 - Knight, Roggen.Sapyer.Stne,Sbaner, Von Bannhoest.Yeet, and President, 13. ' Nays—Mears: Armstrong. Mock, Cunningham, Hartley, Kent, Lewis, Livingston ' M'Collister, Mitchell, Palmer, Porter, Scheirer, Smith, ple. Wilson, 15. . The question then was—Sha ll Mr. SaWyer'S I Lnittendinent *adopted, The yeas red nays were asked for, and there was a second, and the emend , meat was lost by the following vote, , Tem.—Messrs-Bell, Black, Colemet.Joiles,Leo• nerd. Itl'Kelvy, M'Knigto, Roggen, Sawyer, Scott, Von Bonnharst, Yost, and President, 14 . Ress—ltles.ra Arminrong. Conningitam. Hub Kent, Lewis. Livingston M'Colluser, Mitchel, painter, Potter, Saeger, Smith, Sample, and W.1.,' The previous question laving hero centred. it was sustained. and the main question....,Shall the Orditianlm pass to 'a third reading!' being been put end carried; the' Ordinance was read a third dote passed. -•_ " xu - 4 qt a kip hour Council uljoinsea. To ar Selitoro.O f it Pittohrglodkurru. 'Atiodriast of lb. Omikitias DUI, 'Which ivai fiarcid thretigh the' Common Cosa; eil oa one night, without nay estitnale of the • infrematiou from thei uppropriate Committees. ... Sic.l—PttiOdes for the immediate contreet tor the istaitructicin of a new Water Basin la theith Ward, with pipes end stopsacielos and of an Engine House at the 'present Hash: with oae or. more 'Witte englues; pum St c.-'Provides for t heimmediate rahtract to . tirade end retvethe fell,,win sweets, v;r. • Sixth wreet - froin Smithfield to .Grant. Cm-uric " . Wylie to Penult. Avenue.. Liberty Minis to ilarrirett Fatten v Wylie to Centre Avenue. • Centre aVeatle from Fulton to the Eastern line of •Sizth Ward, and thence lobe graded and woad. .i.rnized MD* Villiers at. . , Yemen. Avenge canal bridge to Dinwiddia Penn 'it., DOM Sth'Ward to Morton at., in the 9th Weed . Sze. 4—Pike et juin , extended from : Harrison '1 , 4 in :kb Wird' to Allegheny st in the 9th Ward, Sullivan at to be extended from Allegheny to Mae The cat god damages to be paid in 6 per'eent bonds having 10yeara to run. • The gallowing members withdrew Aura the Council Chamber alter 11 o'clock r. at. rather than countenance such an incomidelute and marmot. Bell; Sawyer,':Von .11One7,orst, Jones, MUCIeI. land, Revolt, Leonard, McKnight, Howe, Cole. men, Year McKelvy and Scott: Leasing behind, Mesas.. Lewin, Smith, Palm. er, Porter, Mt:Conner, IPiLon, Mitchell, Arm strong, Livingston, Cunningham, Kent, Shaffer, Hartley, &kettle and Mack. - . . , 4b J' of qse Pittebsrg4 Gamte-f At a Imeeting Cif thdPitteburgh Dar tin Thithalay the With inst. at the District Court room: • 7 The lion. Walter 0. LOWrie - ,ail imlledtoihe and Junes .Esq., ppoilted Sense. 1W he Sudden death of niut J.-Gen.n late member of the Bar of Columbus Ohio 'being an rionneed by Mr. Stantoe,With a brief tribute to the memory and character of the deceased, the resolutions were adopted.; Whereas this meeting have. heard-with deep re -Fret the nadrn death, yesterday, Of Matthew J. Gilbert . Eq., a ,otesither of the Bar of Columbia Ohio, while on a rise to tide city, . .Hrwslred, That a siommiuce of eight be !ppoiot ed make the proper arrangements for paying Ami able respect to the romaine of our deemed broth r- .44 to express our, raped for bib memory, d our ',rapidity fur his breaved (amity. e ReJolta, That the Judges of the District Court be mpiesikil to have the . prcatediogr of this meet. dog enthredupon their minutes, andthat a copy of the mune;aigned by the orEicers be transmitted by the Secretary, to the widow of the deceased. E. At Stanton Charles Shiler, Metcalf L0011:111, Walter Forwanl.Willism B. Mediae, Andrew Wiley and H.W. Wiliam', were appoint ed Committee of armapaieds. On motionorderedthatthe city papers be requed ed to.publieh the proceectiigs of this meetleg: WALTER LOWHIE, Chairman. Lam S. Caen, Secretary. Pittsburgh, May 21, ISIS. Blentrinur Cleasaar. Cosnotwics,--Tbe fore , 1213011 'mullion of Yesterday was wholly ceeepiedbY businessfrom the Committee. A reply to the Can. till]. and English Methodist Church Addreu was repotted and agreed to by the Conferee.. The subject of Temperance was also sailed; and the Confer...las du:laced Itself against the alcoholic poison. The Bible Committee, the Committee on Benda:ie.- Ind others, mewled; and, upon the *hale, More real progress made that is usual to such bodice in one day. . • The Conference, by eye. pt 133 toyrJeclared the bouwbuies established le 1844. null :and void. The property question Is the order for to dey. Mi. H. Vaitrott.—The funeral °Vans colored citizen, so widely known and highly . respected, tool; place yesterday aftemooo, from his residence on'r - ourth street. The awnber . In .attendance was Ter" lattpi—and the procession, as it went through the city, attracted much. attention. The colored Odd Fettowa Society escorted the train, vihich'wna also followed bye large body of colored chinas in carriages; mid on Am. A funeral train more posing . , or more in arimrdadca with the Ridings occamiorta; is not often seen in any Feiner, a derinact,Wi4 Was ;itinploped by Mr. Wilmattli in drawing lumber liniu the Alleiheny rived . ..near the Si. dais taresi bridge, airldenially Whom a rad, and arm ;Warned., It **pea btl.,9,jeingle and two a c l ot qdla a details last asinine his beat,' had act L&a Lend Ilia ;wants reside in Pittsburgh:. We deeply sym• Utilise with them in thins sudden andud baster *~ ~. f ate•, >;e~~. ; . .g M Gra Attterillaesett4 . 4 IS ItistAutad,—. roe Can C4. l ( l lilbalcitesA vattl dant, and tirge kiceie A rriszos ark thin, dale ( au in Ah.ir Own' toKurri dze aboli4S. 'ing„ have erected ?ouirmakma dm e-: homes, end Jag. qlf. III*" 014 rer.t.6wa'for pl 144 near, *sag, light draft summers nun daily between Pittsburgh &Pt Freeport; w ith fieight pullets. gars and, altogether, tlic:t . 04s* alts!Si *rooted very littlq antapared ixish she peat cd the aqueduct The cud of My Will nee Ili conspleukt, and the boats reusing through. • - MEM=I concert of the se fropithir perketners will he given to night; -and the bill prienii;es a rare neat ;. la 'din= town excellent general fuliluntt from 'haitha' will be giveo; ands 'Solo on the vioba, by 'tlui 'leader. The aroma 'is from . . DI Bertion, and, judging from the solos uporrother !ailments, it w not lorj. - mttch to tiipea - iioth.the violin of the leaderrnusie that will coinpaiw.With 9n y . violiniat who baX appeared heroic aPitteliaixli audience. The 'atiendtuma at the voicerts ofthis troops shows that wa ; hare a linge Wad taste/hong ut which their winderts must in• Gannuon,tvq., the celelirateilHgyplian Traveller end :itreturolcujist will ..hicsure at Phiki Hall, tiu Hoiiday evening. The result Grads gen. tlernia's examinations iutlun Haq.enarraaptaleairill be givetato elucidate pawages.of Scripture Wldch have been Obecure. Tp the 'Paola( well mete all else:yin) read the Stie:red - Writlags. The I,eittureeinilai Gtil of alLraing emelt intirrai 'tion, in a pleasing form. Mr. Glidden is no ratan ger among us, end we look to ire as apitieeratnag fisatttrx was busily °prated in erecting pavilliesa yesterday'atleanotin,in front OftliC Amer icon Hotel,on Penn Street. Protu - the preparations • snaking, ho seems to have an eye to the cat*t of those who may call on Idea dining his stay:, ,We are informed that his interesting exhibition will be opened, this eiterndocand evening. " . Star.-13etwein 10 and 11•_o'clock, !sit night, the steamer Sett itrult was destriled by live : • Sbe was lying oCar the Pend, just below the DOck, and the steamer St. Anthony:. lying..near.by,:and the Loyal them in tbe docht,were suved (Mtn injuri; with some difficulty. • ,We did not underwindhow , the fire originated. ' Cornua. PAIL ikati imputant Jap fixe Allegheny oupl . Pilt.strurgb. ow, end sad remeeibei nig every vote . will tell .4)iflitute -------. , . Rau. ROAD Marrow, TIIIIIO Vtaill,-The ' , CAL tens of the Thin! Ward are reguened to meet at the public School House on &Wray evening at half past seven o'clochrto elect two . delczatei to the County Convention f . The'meeting to elect deb=ates to the Railroad Convention •in the Id lined, will be' held at the house of Isaac Murdock, Smithfield motet 'this Itsuotoosi!Ar. Mr. Parade will lireeth to morroar at 101 'cr'elAck, A. M., Am the Second Presbyteriaa church. Gm sat. Econ . Ar Floits.the warmth offeel ing entertain.' by the *hod people of Elisabeth. town tor the gallant general. their townnman.soeath by no means to have cooled Mader its repression through respect kir the dayset apart to 'Tehran; du. ties. Monday was a gala diy, mu only for the in. •hatitants tientigh hutfor great numbers dwellingin the country about; Vibe slathered With the Elizabethtovrivers to make the *Didier welmime. There wite.a.proceision, with addrcesei, cheers. Inad.shaking and other tonna of odminition and good will. `"Deputations kern the city of New York, one civic the whet military. inviting the general to appoint a day Sir like obserianee bere—to which end Thursday, the Zit instant, was agreed upon.— Toe landing place will he at Cattle Garden, and tbe LICIJS 2 P., E. Cosa Adv. • :.,Tun &on Man LXD TUC; Dar Latioaint—A nierchant; who is an avaricious u ha . Is opulent recently obtained , st the eheaktemeible. rates a- poor day laborer to do some work to his haw. .This unfortuna man. Camped with work; repro. , sehted IS the mereltant'a tvik., that, wit:. or tow , aittles be-could not praeutei it . :011111 ant beCr to quench his thirst. The conqutssionnte teem. . gave him a tanked of ale, but the husband team. , ed this cirewtpcsa.r,ort his return, and when he settled with his lebbeer ' retained th e value-or the drink. Thep:icemen exclaimed soinstsad railed., great an uproar that the police, tack' him prition. The neat.day when lee was-called be tote the Judge, he explained . the all:sin - was dine 1 thorned upon the payment eft., •hilltejac but the I merchant bad another to render to juatioe. Irks ealHafiutned to pay key licituithi unsling_ ash ' tinder having sold herr without a, lieeton; and the pour bubo. a 4 the the-wilier 011ie ofeuce, ed the thlni ofthe stem. ' , Toe Earn Erin Onrierle flees of this "Doak nre falcetOst per by our mop chant. Pod imigic” men generally. Every one here Inciiamildelier in their ultimate" ieJempriars, Anil thereinacu keocral dispositioao in exhittitee to Initl on to then, t'or the preseot rtther than let them gnat a asetifice.l This is the trim ohne. The 'rash poreeases sufficient mean. to. meet aU her l 6 ahilitiee. end Irillore beherc.ilo na good in Mithin time. Altana is nem-vary irs to exeroi. 'a Rule patience. ILL Fluitlekoper. 'Erg. .0( .31eadallle, the well known Aerit °Atm Annelid end caber ex tentive Lend Coupanies,haarnanitied d reUliasurai to take Erie money al par on the 'sale of Lied.; It s also taken br hythe diferant C.,ctllettersltie TSASSINSITATIOS OS UGC larrur. Must aoart—The receipts upon the Little Miami Rail: road foithe last half month, show a very consid• mettle Merease to trade and travel. compared Wit - thecommVporidingt period last year, •• I .• May lot to.lCith, 1 53,424,6 n Amain reoeived from pas ,opera, 5,202,11 Total, 0,637;47 Number of pitsenwere firm May Ix te, 10111 ' • Damon Wei 'Wonna—Tlie ZaneivilbT COUI ClOtiMl . the new works of §pettlding and Co. at Dresde.u.-- , The huildiugs inetudi4 ack . imd Engine-room under one goof,n store-hinee for charm:nal, and seven oven. Or making . . e letter article. Thu fumabe will turn. out,"it ie estimated, eight ton. of pig per dny. Fire wit be put in, ke drying purpow., next week, and by thentiddle of the ensuing month t the turns= Will be in blast. tr's as Its Wm, Scr.—Mr. H. F. Palmer, of 'Meredith, N. H, receives an average of one ap. plicathm per daykir cork legs, the charge Wr which is 51 50 each. This iv tonicity owing to the owner nus occasioned by the Mexican war, Mr. Palmer_ lute hero offered 375.000 Air his. patent for the United States which he declicee.— _. t,priorfirld•Gaz. 'POLITICAL 'NOTICES:7? nx The ante of RUCH •MITCHELIT will he pre gelded to the Whig and Anti.M.onio (soon to aneroblet u a-candidate for emanation for Clerk of the Coon. While we are diduclutedito ere. to personal preferences WM. the meeting of the Convention. We man - be pertained tong, Maras are impreased with the belief that IL batched has claims that the Whig and Auti•Masonle petty of this county are called a Injustice to respect. But no we has retreat mo re,et his fidelity to the Whig came outer hw of could be called le question.. • - •. soyIIMC Versa Br. Cam sad Ikthwur. Tons Verses or Ai-Leant:sr Count-1 respectfol ly offer myself . a emdidate for Clerk of the Caudal Quarter Beisione, he, of .Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the. approaching Demmtatte Whigcon vention. In should be in folluitt e as to 'olden, the majority of your sudrithes. toy endeavor mall. be to •discharge the duties of the office with fidelity: • mylmd oaf • YOUNG. .ltsoaasa or ran BRUNOT, of thudth Ward, Pittsburgh, will L. season-Win the Anti Masonic .d Whig Convention, for the office of Coun ty Recorder. bk. Beonot wu faised e fanner on lira not,' 111. d; to la old close, a good Mug, dud woe • thy of . actise-eupport. He Neu ht the isle war, and his father iii the lievoludorary war. mygdkortrY EAST LIBERTY. rCocarr areaquested to state tbit WILLIAM J. MAUSS, of Allegheny ally, to a c.di.. date for the elide of Register adds courtly, traded to; the nomination of the Widget:Macedon. mytteri• C.es or eas Ce..—DANIEL afcCUISDY,.of Eleabeth, will be a caution,te for the office of Clerk .of the several Courts Or allahuny county, enldeet While decielen of the And•Maronle end Whig. County Cell ivendee.• myltdd.twlC • Ceram Rauterta.—blesara Memo Vona. num.. led to alialhanee through the columns of your p.m, I that OantuE W. BOWMAN, Eso., iduat town. I ship, lea candidate for maduation tor the odds, ofße rider, subfeet to the decisional the Antirldasonle and Whig County Concealed . • myßodtartf rl :MANY - 15'1HW. To The Mitt - moo Sr - As:ante. Comers.-Fellow Catena: Being requested by its nainberof to friends to offer Myself Mae acandidete Hoe/tie 0111. of Clerk of die Cohn of Quarter Readies of Allegheny county, foi emanation by the Antl.iblesonle. Sod ;Whig County Convention. If lshould he So ' fortunate ea to twelve the nomination, it shall be my endeavor to fultifibe dui dea of the 0111. If eheetal: - mySlablewS . s • unontrr WXTediN. cuu - or Quart. distione.. , .l BUN lIOILNEJt t of Willinsburgbiwill he Departed heim the ensuing 'Cotmenocui us a candidate sornorramaion for CYas of the. Court of grouterdestioni,•by my2Odavr MANY VOTERS. t Coiran flararrce.—The - titthie of JOAN bCECAg 11EY 11 respectfully preleated to the Whig and Anti. filosraic Conerollon, at a candtdatelor rho ado of Register.;',. Wyla • • • MAINIVIMIENLK. u:r Jmiku IL BRUSH-will Lea candidate before the Antl.filationic and Whig Comity Convention, for mem:hem of Clerl'of the Conn, organdies Beano.; ke. . . ,irr. T. L. dIehIILLAN Seal he,iicindidite Int' the 'nate* al Clerk of the Coon of .4ttartar Atensions, 3a ; enbitel to the decision of the Approaelting Convention. :.tticeii'Canninenount — TM' 'tunic of TIIOItIIS. Vd.lll.3LiN Will psesenled• tessbe Vourehtion, asitemble on the I.llh of dun* nelcase eindhhttoiorthn Rho. • ~ . • . . .. • Co r m llzoom.—.l.l.llll3s W. YENNEDYoLittu Klusty . city,' wilt las' suppor.ed Wald dm • Whig uut Anti•alsuoule Canyeutiou; to ills oaks of County Reg. ista. tayOuilitturte . • MANY Willg3 . . . . - , s siiax.**44r 4 = l , 4.Nes:l: dileaitteinwe . to the Coaremioa, r hatnintioni Hanneicin, of tini Indiana COM=lthin ailed a,terfiubon that ..the Hankers were eistelWlyal to the casting ma of the Stab?: itti Ute C.Ciii1111 . 66 .. Th 6 motion teas laid upon the tabk"... Mr. liiimsay; of rinizylvasui, i !emir ffoai 'lames It Polk, deelinhig the nominal= Filed up on him by mine of his triads: ,Mr.Nreendlces then nominated Junes Buchan• an as the Democratic candidate fOrtlrePresideacy, Judge pus, of Miest'ealgvi, 621itiled Lama Mr. Mitotic, of Main% nominated Levi wo6d. Foul. batl.tu Wem taMin—,-tol,oritutilltklissas CAM U . 31 declared4o be the uombme of the Coti. Tenant, having received- . 179, out p 4 294 votes. For Nics Puruntorr Mem wins; Lim ballots, and on tho Secorid,Abe Convention ngreOd to General Butler unanimously. . - Baltimonr, Itay 2a,9 By a corteellint of Conventlinf - nine:dem, Waco pdars that the Penn:Wends delegation !coed for Cass on ttie last lean. ' • • . Mr. linnet etE Mese. reported reteolotione !ening firmer principles, ma eontending then the Ottani goventwerd lied no power to weke-inter 'Ant inspronemente. or to control &wenn insCti• Resolutions were adopted on the part orthe south. protesting that they did not go Car enough, and odering is satenitute, which was rejected. • The Convaatioq, 'alter the usual mmiaesif aeo;ilaally adjourned at 4 o'clock. • Unieoponderteo or the Plusborga 9szeue. COACLREIII6 . 'lVasautovor, May 25, 15t9.'- Stuarr.--Tbe Settee wu called to Imier. the uuual hour, and - Mr. Niles moved to take u • the revolution which 'he had previously oared= *slang whether tite Mteteut upon Sil public debtbad, butt paid in iiiieMe or otherwise, labia was &dor led—Tbe Senate adjourned offer to Monday. foist oG Rsimisairaiiiis.—Mr.' Wiek 'loam" -a bill to prohibit the importation of :Muir into theAstrict of CuittrubM. . Tim bill was reed -faereral mambas !moved a caU or,the lloude, and 120 members answered to their sawn; ader Wbia ao adjoarnmanewna moved, and carried. • Currespandeue• of. Pin sbazgliOsamu. - • PHILADELPHIA MARKET. • Philadelphia, Ml 26,4 r. tt`. FlourModende sales at $5,15 per Km which me them are more sellers than buyers. Wheat-84n of. Prime Red ss IL 23 cent* per bushel 'The demand is good, but i the saki" are torn and oats—The Jairy far cora, but oats are active. ' • • Provitions—Sales'of Weatera'Sia I Mesa Pork' at IRO 25, and PrinM Weste - ma at SS 2S per bbl.' market* generally are wittiont, any impor tant Correwoo.!c.v. of the Pittsburgh *oxen., NEW YORK bULEKET.; . New York, MiLy 94 6 e. u. Flour--The rearipts light, - the marker temporarily firmer. Salon of 5,000 hbla eta Mugs of 05 25 to $5 25 per WI, as in qualify: Omin—There tog steady &mead fix corn, With sales P. yellow at Nle Per bushel. qats see quick. Provinions—Theni 'hi a leas impriwernent is Park, the market being heavy.. Eieles of 500 WIG Mesa Pork, Wevern Nix 1, at 510 per 1114 Wes: torn tin 1 Mem Beef is selling at $9 per betrel--. Lard—Sales of 201:1 bawls id'eaterwni Ge per !b. Cotton—Thy znarke, is ISM at fanner ipicentiUns BALTIMORE MARKET, Ru.rocpag, Mall Flourlee et flowerd west Pt E. Weenie pet LatreL Wbeet--tieles of Pratte Whitest 40(eit se tof Prime Had St 23r01 33P,itxufiel. Groceries—Are without change. Provisions—Tiro market is lutist, luta Las to only 1 - , 4 the supply of tits ririttlw bide derma ' CINCtNN T 1 •MARKET. __ Chseinnati r May 58, 1843 has been tined thesnniest ys , win hive nothing to fel* i`rissisions—Tbere is no activity is any nitirth Chinn—Wes of ZOO bolos at Sic qi IR • Tim market genially is vary CODS, with AO ea• change in any important peiticalar. • The weather is pleasant iiiday. The riser is graduslly rat-cling. • . , • Tun Fax tiro:tr.—The Journal of :.• erne rennin; its right to tell • Bah Worn . without • 'Lig bound to e.plain eoltutteetn the I:Abusing an. count alba nosins.portudi, by which 7SO tons of Bah were taken out et one bad. 7 -The .exec in gees on is morriewbere about a a:tibia:kat that it is drawn in by a lame or buries anitched to a iii.(bow, many banes " iron mind on that particular oceaaion, our. knowing,intal sag) that it is drawn in at high tide, until the mum it nodose' strikes the ground 'mid is ' thin: made tau; that when the 'tide melt% the: 6share ktl high and dry, aocassible to men sad ems, the but. .Itain twine. haul. That sonar kan 2,000,000 bent, " an extravagant estimate, on thectat antotoa to. malty mainland the number at 7,000,000 or 4,- 000,0130. Above 1,000,000 iriefit actually sold, and quite ai many more wets aultenal to float 'away. from ihe imposoibility oft:et:in rid utjhani in any other manner; although, as welalk there - was a train of wagons god carts pasting to and Go ' br three days, that would have dome LIQDrIf tO AteXICO. der Parscruairr . r - 7—We would call attennon to tide excellent remedy for Cane's, Colde,Coneamption, Ache., and all'aSctions of the Throat and Lanp. Having metal 'hoes within • few year. past had wen. aionu use a medicine of this kind, we bare try anteme. anew tested int eicellent qualities, and are prepared to morons/Id-it to COMM klinistars or other public speakers afflicted with bronchial affections will find 51051 Lena& from its an.' It is prayantd br a *eland. fc phydelani and alleles/tea will find it • eafe and eff/- eactone taadteins in the diseases des which it in rt. “onsended,—(Coluentras 101sio)Croes and Jount.d. . • • Forma at the Pekin Tea Stem No. NI Fourth enact tardti heir% Old So Erysipelas EK. Halt- (;,Itek, lt. Chap., Sore ends, So7Aleards, Phu Antes' Soup is need by sway physicians in tide ,eiry in curing the above, tad.wa would not mosaic:dimity sell =less ore kwiisis to be all women.... A* a cosmetic,. 'the Ana donee Scup Is perhaps the .oaly oriels ever known that removed invariant, and cleared and beautified des skin, making it aoll; elear, smooth and wine Lisa infant's.. liold by WM. JACK. SON, E 9 Liberty elseel.• • • stark Count Anntroa—bleates. Edw. You till plea. POTIr Ittfflt w o1111:117r0 tin 1 "1 0 . e e p:etzil ed to dui coming County Convlatton nomination 04 the And•lllasoote and Whig candidate fot Consty.An+ di.. The gantifi.tions of Att. Bye. its sub • lo innte the duet. &wharfs of the dude* Of the ace; and bit drumu and tonsiewiey an a mac, sirs bit* Itooaf ciaane epos Ibe favorable tonsidelatfon of the v .v. He will ao aoppodad I. Contendon by_ m)l3 . bIaNYIVH3O9.• , 'Taal ithar akin ofter:oltaa sow,' ':Ana monnatautal alabaaterP •• An . femalex hare skin like the above, who am Jana.' 'Spanish I.Ali Whits. it mutat punt. meaty, let bat*. rdir whin. Sop! Ett Caataam street. nutria • • „ . ET tattles irksi sulaus le Bpasiall Lily I White, ban always a Ana white tranapareiti akin. Of thin a vial . will , uusly any ma: Sold only in Yittabiugh; at EN Liberty ti' . . . . , • - enrillidanitn9 y; • . „ Br Don% bare yellow dun Vew.b—tbey • ewe lee moo ptwely white by one me wind • ton of Jones Amber edoth Wllaq . Melees the milks, sweetens the Weak ie.. Sold ILI SI Lawny ei. emit/dew I y : On Thu:Way *Tsang,- Abj - - 1151 14it liVeleck; l6 . Uman VA.ncosi, oaki•dtrO.d 44 years.. suaur gab woonat . FAIR sad epee Ctitapitt to Weans all am sel. seito-4t Is the Me of- inch-Let Isdrenteem an mastlemt snowed to be takes, wadi ara Wee ton fsly mateMb ooo erifipteble. • • I When Ma nadted coaernenced w weepy it,. Dry Goods emblleamet of Mew. Jacob &Dresher,. ou Alweet etrem, they sowtal emir sale, "A Gahm I Dee-Itiveh e sad We ellsdocchas awe by wittli tkait custesests might bum lbw establishmeut: 'nay LI. ! :cruised :hely motreatsesirely tter Y•Ocalea • Dye- Hive? sod If Rey a wasp Is derived from their ad. yealistasets :key 0.111141 Il u theft carp, belles paid They hays, *cycler*, win with some sundae, Mat Dr. L. Rumell, dry awes deelet so the wale Atela, basplamal le, float ot las atom a 'Gaeta Dee•lllye," similar fens sod opm:um m that which Wyk.* owl My el years yam W do eat disputa Mt Malaria sight abstreil, one,e of any amble. be pleasanen for Ids hatese dr claim Matte has ao ro a ds deceive oar mtwocaus, by =Wag this ataleaom that do. le the old established DonAllat Pons, aed We deem 11 ow daty to awnless sad EllikaliltS to call Mel; lateasice to uthe circuit:Awes, ie order that they May not ba ds. csteed. Let them observe, Met tb• etiehmal thwlever mem, wham Dry (Mode are Metall: WM Wasp m sa• myna Porentimumm aaD eta beam% col MOM= • sway, end this will prevent salmakaa , - • we owe hlr. Itamelme ball If Ile Iblahs lo ouch *Awe ponies atolls beetwes by smelt sabures. lasuthil, we tank the patio will doer abstakel be Is Weaken. ~ l atteary, openness nod falwaselier is the sows at Um otlgiest (taides tlee4Ples, posies between the Dleasesd eat Yowls Mew, woes as ely masa issottlecut of Dry Osseds.ef the latest .myles, wet Chatham to be wail alb. Weeps.' nema by - my_ - TOM/ le tiT6,76.3601%.• LeLolla—lea In& 6. Jana` brand Ilea; annals 1 ler the allashanit neer trade asors and foe saki MeV I a in OAXIVOCD Co ...,,.. - y-'5.. - ig . nr. ;all r to all *area thtrae an t or pew* of • land, SOO. Oar ha Ohio torroillt4t, bounded by lard. now or thee I . Sanwa Alersintan, Wilma bloom Timmer LI Halals IOOrJOCOb rrT. Sr....asul—abtabal4P7/. sw, , ai.4 4 4 KfOII,IDO3I Of Ina; wined and tam 111 e1w0.04.1 nee the property at Jacob Fry.4captented' Pia( Wdliain °attar. at dth mit of gamed ' All the rtabt,a de ithereat Led atit . n7ailuada dtiater. at, Is awl to all that tract at lamalma: 11, Comma ! Ms*a di of Depreciate* hada ectiestaing /CO sem, ID peteltata and allowance. betng onakoal wadi ridad pan afloat ntartall tho geodes! plaa ..etf said Canathibama &strict, as No. k at:tyre. as. the J W . addle c. duna. n r=to .. pa th. ol property of Julia (bail, al du rind and ta<a. adt Jen 3u/ro. A.eanain --sla‘y frame budding, ita 11:411 ,1 1Poti tithe; dry Pittabargb, dust. am tha raaeor• nor of Holmes k ..14mnyorts a:meta betanna., at. and onstaitang 0001 one Barroom& sues:, Woof, and ia &lab &boot Is _isc.; wired sad takaa.thrtattlitai Ithe mY Inaden, th a:aly of John Allen' All au right. suit, interest and alarthofJonit Ma ier, at; in end to all that eertab, lot or piece. Mama, I. rat thernship, being lot Ala VD I haVire l l aalalludon of out lot Na 10, sad pantaftodkraii. 0, of the ally of Paitabugh. Into tall*: lamealabg th e executor , of Man.. Pria, deerssaL a s Web le •enected a elarodi ter haw. one and a half 'es kith. .pan brick and put deux mind and takeeda rue.. lion as the property of !elm II Alil/ey, I salt of lode El Diller. ALSO, .r? All that ce r tain frame dullargiokhe, ocieipory ante • half Mgt. bang It feet' in cud Law ssaal Gray's road, Lower lt. Clair terorwealr, aad ext=r book le feet, and the lot or piece of aka .age opportemant to said beading - or trues "auillet lour; us, • and tame In ere...nes the Peppery of Charles bye • at the emit of William Bude.l • All that nein frame ihrelllng Mane, e;ttele in Lamer township, the add loue Wirt erect. al on lot No f?.., In the plan of lota net by ma. in 431 d • tansblp, above the bloooogehele said lot ' feet In front, by lUD feet dart milted and takes I vermilion., the p repeny of Oman Dally, et the anit o Auer h Co, , • Y• ALSO . All that nee steribrick boom or tentesihrt, with 'OW burn t and two dory kltchea to the rear, aina slate Warde r the city of Pittsburgh, on the lessulda o Wylie street. between Filth and Illgh clasideleg from oo Wylie erect lb feet % Mews . oUrte err and &meadow back, includirg the k Da ea In he ,90 feet, ma the later pisu of ground 404 earths . venom/tot to sold had.: said lot be *Nal4 t the plan of iet• laid oat byllp W Feta • lau'e.lsto •ra seised sad taken. In etemitten ari IM'; popery al a Yorke, owner, An, urOmptas aim, cunt 00,01 lh• Mill of Lyntert,Wthdatlia . 0a.., deru.e of. lateen Dall=l other. , . . . *1 All that meadow pieea.pfgueod.lyingl la Boni tchusktp, ended and desenbed loDows, Be. -eel papa Oppanita lo a lama wee, ist which -ra ha haus gatti.thence along hot .Potalir • s, cant perch.fi , hr. e, cantata s if. 34 peseta": salterana masa al anon.. toperry of ALexuart Gal, at Oho ad of ale. galenite of Latinate godenbaugh ALPO. Ail the We* gyro soul Mick 15... Welt ueettal a 0 INDIO. I. Is Illiplaan Mayaid's plan ofikidabetk; tiefeedllmildollsliireseatiou as the swung of Nick• alas .1111 lee, rum IteALSO, at the malt of Dern! Jacota. ' Alf the tied, Ilttereal and claim of:ltobett P Crook. o. In and to a certain lot of gronW :Maritsa in Jobe dc Douai', plea afloat to etUryeille, drew In the bormigh of tlirmingh.un.) Na et, being hoe seam lot whittle fusel Melt. and others gni atral and con. toyed to the aald Robert P Crook - , seised alrd Wen la .newton es OW popery. of Robert P Civet, at dm soft of.femee All Ike right hills;leterest atal claim ofJolra Cuk,o6 le nod to all dint cattalo, lot topic, of grosed,Atente la Indiana toeruhip, being past of Met in Cue. niothastht district, couthinlog acres and percher. tenet WWI", being the sane lot wkieh Timone C idiots couveted to the said John Cook; eared and ta ken Is etteatiali tke property OfJola 01. a, at Va. soil of Thous C. Lewis. An a.. 'ism; I/Si 'lnterest !foam of. sod to the following *taupe piece of lend. attorie in West Deer wettable, boaod.d by land, of Itarttelotatnra heinr,llloore'S ktirs, brulothera, eon. Weal diA) arm, moth or lea,. ea whiettare .erected a dublog WSW, Lora. A..; and taken Id ere., cation the pilau ny of Robots Thempreti, eit the tan of llenlarels V Datweru, for the cm cf Thule Mellon. ALSO, AU the right, title, Malmo and eh. 4. T og at and lull that cut eth piece el gromel, shoaled la LORlM netweettAilruitmtham ma the bridge, being SI find I y het tr... k ey on *huh it erected • two dory frame dertsUln4 borate; led sad tale, le ex, stion UN pfeetllT a limy T Prue. at the suit of Wililam sPColl the use of *ben 11• Coll. AU thee* rear sound puce °flu& • sate is - - towawbges, the ardplue eutataing 121 tee and, Perches, and allorniam; the mead pie edloies tie the lea daubed pima sod eintatal • I ithese tchen• ship, boarded by Jude ofJonsthen Porte 1 C Calker 'nod, Wrilltre Caulag, John Dania W lam Forge rim sad Jobe klutgornery, cootalolug arnica and the natal elhaeltien mitre sad taken to Reliben the property of Derkl Staith Mutsu bar **Stk. sail of George Mime for tthe ofJoito Gies. 1 . All the right. thin, interest and cit. ANiadet COD: Nagano, and Peter Banana, of, aa sod to all Wean!. din let on pg. , of retard, gruel. in the city of POM• barge. on the meth tilde of Orsta strut. sod Cheese ea said weet CU feet. and emending back 00 Alma& w I, ~.Is Is erected a three eery bark heese. and is. WM. ded set •••t by moray of Barmy IlliiClanaa, mid ou the tby lot of Mumma Mal L t , ed o - ALSO, bums ud of Peak Red , and to all that teazle It of suss& Atoms p. tower Ott Ward city or on Chatham Mut, a the themmee of PA from the !Mgr a let Mgli, Pim pant time of *tetra of deduce' as , (Pia DDB. Joie T. 11001,) sad reaper abet t wankunily key feet; Bad Aiwa 00 • with Chatham snort. PIS feet re an elley Io • wide; thence along mid alley urpratdly Amu at tight uglee. whitanki they 90 place of Inhume; care( which le re s urrect mud nut ore. hdalned dollar,. • sis • • • • .• JOHN FOUSlrlili 0 1 etit- • atimeat toter leenj nerved 41 leg D Kern den we the Jeteb LAW AU :Mf:14410. briltulle I 0,417u= auvaxed gre= hibt 4 .8 Inc 10 fKL feel to • , • yesdr + •• •• •• etth• Coin O'Gett. • •nal • • • Ftasiens ear ram in yucAl „fie th, Can Alttexelipi • sli •1 1 7:11{ igloo W of Jotrulrsis,' of the ',14.h0w W the ka rillsboligb,hathe county oforo aa My sha a vrelkokot Toot prtitiover boo provi• ded him h with maarrioto for the aeromoMilat;ma of one and cabers, et hie ilmolllag how, la :ha Ward a • mead, sod .brart that Tom bouoro ho ploaord to grant him s broom t.o Ptilihe dot eMim of rim pattdoorr,: too 30 e \Vo,framenban. tames of the Id WM4. dd randy too the almn prtiuonor la of good ratan for; Went, ;and temperance, sod is Intl providod frith nod boom roma old eoamsioooos for thotaeofoomodadoo tedgbor of Mrarigen sad Umiak", am! Mat sad unem ta =noun% • PtlipStriabardt, i• Edgriltd Fead•nrh. r F. W. Dye . • . • W. timer. • : • f o nt. Kra Slaw% B. 11. Parmsoa.4lEa MwbutlCOlb. • OLD WATCSICS—Isst nesed, a law YA W ial G. lot of gold and silver Pp.' Level GWiwi mac tiald Lame as Liz .. 439 msdl4o, IFlCarsat , Al= OW •=l. lg r a Ake. • •,•• so•aciarofgesla••• 7 l, l,lll P.. W W %MAW% • • ' . • cog Wald is.•••tg,_. flOLDPlt i lies'o."lll — doiittlle l7 l ,l %7.lPsiieffr. in Ildsaikpi.t..% , fernArOPCMOINFARE,Thet kdnvviow rieldilags late foto( uuDicrY wok ofillw owl Wind& perms; ',hid, IrLU Dr old ler stestam es Wad amt. sort osTlValsk at 114,140., OVXDBII2,OIPSjbe __Ptak . ; 9210 11 tu ca Cr*. la d• Clover 5...!ck• do OM WWl' ga bbi T e'r seill : X AMES 1411Plala O m. - ~NINI ~~ .N ~:~j 9~~a Ai, (rub Wltibldwig • reed.d Ai, Weakly . tasid TVICKS Iddc ULM n 6-100 basii 13r0 irtadoir'Cddid,'l2l.da g4llll do DUI do: .of the billeddVsy for mile (110ARS-4 1 :9 0 Ilavuum CharaniA V MOD Ihlneeps do; Jim reed Bad dor odoby ; ;, . • WICK tideCAN_ QAttmrri.nw.-,3 bea. by• JOHN_el EII4WOILIII BACON-Tlll7:WrZir7W, . . JOHN bDILWORTIH 'IGILOUR—WA Was kauo . U, rani, ifor ..r. by .1 Mil — . • 'IB•DILWORTiI OPS-40 kite lisO, he r °3s oi a Ti/ONACCOL2 kegs Na 1,11 Wel. IWO* ilkiiaDter . New Ebilomi sod ila sek br: - 1,4. 5....• •. !. ~. my"! . - JANEB NALTELION *IMO : Aam-z - ka. L.4.1.....d A rin.h.bi . .: ,L 4 i SSIMAZgite .12D by lialD-4/ . 011•710 bbl. Lmz4 00, jou me* bad fa ads by MN entlaiS,ll mow • r ~ war r,.. O eda Live c 71 . / de • t i s k % .1 . do • alisprau goes yOu bage Velfee;. : 34 tease 1110.711 i eel MIS Uloan, ircor 1,7 Or • • • • ILbVITIL. knit= . ..1, 1 713 De . U . Sl i e If am: , !lynch I'dutet Lawns and .1.1.1146, df Ooe posl kusa.bl4 . asylg t• ; c7r 07 le F 11•011., tireofficUnu, Thank , . • , : , - ••.111 13 • allA501.8:-.• A Mauro & nsVsOom H Um. very rick dark gremmY•Puoy- ssyqs . CRAPE alieWl.9• • • lli•astiCa:' YAW &Wait , •11 was&er los 48 <snow a Ask ligainontl. O. sua.LE—KG kW. b marmite 1.1”, 01411182 /I • Bogor, to arrive per womb. Fareks,*4l for sob' mrOS POINDE)TEAL. Co Dalar aigigijainvin *maw.. Ay TagUsai 4mmi New thleas. sad tor mt. hy • . ; airs ' • POINDEXTIMCOu k.ATtie.4o , --60 .att. eaW • , tg EuphzMe.; Roulet/ • • • . i • isayia I.llAtAll bickltY & *inn' •. - •usks.3=sw X Musa Esqguates • • mys 3 .• • ESSWAI- 7 -Ic.A oevefradlog rutbasclai , Bsaln ...L. WARLII IFICAYL F L" fwerielt S ems W LAWMAN " , vow and 11:4 rang et 01441 • Plumed quA.lßi kF L l Vi n ugliW omobL : ale_ as W ItOor—isoto . 1 - I;re - li .6r.mbr - D o ns Coi lOEYait ize -aarirr 1!IER&;=M1 lUD k Co . • baitetwessee Gum. inlay= 161 -M='7.....413j_5v64r BOW E7l. fault a 1101.106121--li bflo Pharaoh.= ht.o[o..47,VC=as al oil for rt. j {lft L . BOWEN Ur ME LEOO—litogrfaiilVWlAXl - arto TV will to. Ws Oil .WICEST DO WWI ,•,~.,:.a - t;,~~A'=-~.rs, ~,~ v ~j'. ~.+~nK,-,.~.~.,;L~:4~i5_:.5-7~.~c=+~'~^^.~. ~~ ~~ ~~~ T". Jeri% Porte, T.mnita ,, bi Lau es datalst: win 1... a gawoloy alloromi; ind4 . ldV 10e1oet, ootho twaiuppo. ollthisnell. Oakville Tom e, thaVypana at flatoOgn - 6,,drabl• ;oath, aita!t• fn lie W. 10.171 , peeaoeevUN." , C .. • ponwo of We above LOIS are bnt locals& /it thowtmLahriMWAlMlWArPalir, Tine tomtit , . sad flow to . wa. ko, coarse a/ cordials. Alto OalSooi.aitho kookara beat Ufa Clyloested tat fasalnea.ltnot 00Lp elevidoo aboral lie omatEk. sod reastlaw upon aniot strer. 4A wick, with d'araltans aspowno, easticOoly Losatio..l perfeetry dry and hialtay. The plantar OM toi Wen at 11.0 awn al' Alewarl. a. Day, led olk the `cooed as the a*: "Tama ma.4:imiwo wle,ritiry tell! • .1011NALZKANMAL proprktof , I DDAVIS A • - - Bilabrog Ammiga..• eftillor. Jr ink .4. as *4 o46 .ibn , doo.Comorteial Wino Noon, gator al Woof, tog • stioolloft.4l be S Lupo eoLlooloo of go:sable milk 011Mo:ow Moto, ottbracuri ottastard grotto ol grotT, pourhoult , togosen, motto, to. Al•q tidos, blarkirgols, lour tool co gotta; pa. 11% • • ..1111ylp . JOIDIDDATIllootOtr: ARUBEHIiTS. • • TILIIIATUX. C. D. Yams. I .l c = rd thr i fik SATC#lAlrriLlinlll3 orgr A sluw. iii Mr. fount. Praiserr . 1 4 . 0 / 1 .1. • last wlee . ll4 ISO! Ural . = Auri! ILstrgra. lialla—. --• • • •• • • • llit. Hood Imam . - .Uiss NM*. Der Fim.dgearandllet,Theeste; riok 0 alte. ffs+llC .Private 8a5..•41,011 , • • • • • • - ..11. mad Ulu Weioras maii*Mll6l6/66ty: ' • POSMVELY THE LAST . • • Grassi- laillaquaarstAl Cosiesrt: • - AT MEAT/164AM SATUEDAT EV U. MAY F.. BY"'' . 'l - ?,2° 144 11,,Trph - ''"h. rear mutated vsCI bo lacroclaced to life Pollan:lmi, OU M polgie; lAA; pealvely tho loot alestLelre flair &- yens. tor Saltlasore. • • • I. "TM Styrian's Stesormbrams of Holm -, I t ratib.:: • :t Ottsriariurjottnral—Attber; - 2 TM SW. Wahl —Lablaky. 4. Dam (tan Liana do Mammals, Sty putirslas smug ..-Don.si.ceni_ Paw it. 7 - ; . Qumran Qmdrills--Ettrams. - . 0. Cantten for Ms Vatist, try C. de Dario; issamad by Fr. itnba • . • Z. TM Sal m. Clamms, 'l3msd INat den Pam DI. - •O. jubilee O, .-O. U.. slo Won. • O. Rootantloso W .stro•-•Lakrogn. • J. IDLPoOloglO6,..s.U.St•Otond Golktp.. i ! Err Tram 9 0 essog Lk, hadren holt prim —Us Iso losa at [be Manic Hon*, sad so do door. 03" Doon opus at 'clock. Gowns toennesnei as o Welock, Mull. . . _ flue L«taK aa'111.141110•1124•OOT#11118 CIEOIIOII t. OLIDDON.‘ ON MON/MY SVEN/NO, ISA . 31406 Ism; !cm to Hall, of o'cloolt. • flag* mule osplanstoir Procrosnmos,`for, ial• tho ..toreo of lay h. Co. Johnston English, J. L. Wok Yom's Luton) Depot. J.S. *chukka It Co. a..)rsoger, nod at the ollicos of tho ohossobsto and &Chaska. 14oten . Tions-42. us:alums and two Lod., M. Sine Y o. sago asioss,sointu, Woos.; Childson, 1.1 own • • 110XXTEUIXO WSW! Varnam's Wr*n>vi iikabitteat A SPLENDID I , AVILION IRI VERT BY GO KIM riONbTAUCTLI:=4 foe gas Y'azalthaxttat, tad famished testa aa4 coov.Wearaa, vadat lir direction of HOYT, NIOOLS TOTT laid be. aslibbod kat at ile• Ammacks thr ew THURSDAY. PRIDAY•t BATTEPAY EVKIINGS; eamoseuclog .26 0 1 / 4 10rk.. Alamo Friday and Sara• day alternooo. at Schlock. • • • P. T. 'maim • -. Ili peak pressen to easeentelng to the polite, th.gt ha km Wed Data Hafting ea albinon, coasinied De s mom carioca, salaable and eabge• variety of meant= sad polonaise= =an= link peat can (no Ida vast sad 'papal= egmblislonent Nine York, a= =wins este of the men . bdasostias eallattion• aver sego Amenes,embrammo an eminent dap., in. with= a= greaseres= Neither pout mg =pore have beau =and. in comblobod entsedetta =del an at mice novel and =tenanting, and at th e same dwa butructln, and frn dm th e allebteito4=l . lol.l teem the moral and religious commatury. kir. H. alto bop. to wan tlapablin. that lb man strict order mei =nun =II =rank. ponerned throssioat altalk tonna, so Out WAN ad sautleranz will tow 111:d It a perfectly =re and and apernible place of tncreaded and armisament, whether aorompanird by podemen or not—and as an endows tan la will be able .10 ab font= tams sisairable =Hot, le las pleasant wa. Ma/ enz tw oo lfcr ied =di the sallitenteke acmespnellloo... an and damn= ca do be nialtonlaint. • his insperadds te miss the rain details of the aall Ohlon—ealic• n ba say. dim the neabliaNink gain the venders= =nth= than psnons. The eitibitlain wiU =lin* time Von t= and Plows= of Ibe II(NEB.OPNAPOLLI3I4, rapresatinte the 10001 sorsa= aid 1104101Ltellt tad. ern witnesetol. • 'ha scoroi 11/4,131 . 0T11 EMS. thit Cari= to the grerld, weighing =sr kW paned, Talc wirednint =pennants ut atessation and clainropace, have.♦ trundled thousands. . 111.31. EMILY LEHLIE'S QUANTUM CHOIR, =misting nf inn vocalists nom the O.OIOTIC. seism, N. I, gad the principal roue= rooms Plew Yank rbiladelphth sad Baton, lliss L. la also (11000. ably kronen us the =num country) will slog • vane. I no tif the wog pee= sea" drat ., flitle, saannts, kjra t 4illTlA:lo:, • Lula inn *foal) =sea years. of age, will appear in a satiety od elegant, =sate sad =kr Intaces, =deb will =Howled at each pax • FM; AIoHHIS, the rem.= and laughter provo king en= =bonne. end end= dila moor popular tomodur =egg =itch an the Caused," .Vankre Polka: etc. BILLY WHITLOW.' ". tka mown= aed popular. Hakes Myer. will applies la a variety orlltiaplao Mill pan. ballads, t, etc, gnomon& ad by to. the 10001 ee 01101tra 10/4/0.1 New York. • LAUHING GAS will be adatlalatenil Dl PxoL Via•oo to 14=1 of the sodieort, or to 101041 000 coo peeted wiLlt the esubtielunexa Previa= to th e commencessan of the entibitiOn'On tbe stage. Prot. Iltsvidion wil/ arm= the =Haan with FANCY GLASS WOillaNG, 01 011 110 1111.110611 1 , 1000. log Welt, slips, candelsbns etc, HI of =dab will be fot Lek at reannable prima . At dm, eine of each =libidos, ..malt =Dom will be ions op In the yard. ICC Habib/non cormarowort at 3 =lock, ensues at =lore. Goon op= ewe boos la =nava, thas signs= appartanity to witness th• Olgas Watk• aag. Weal aoysatc. les egatt—clikken andei4balt Pe.taa. KNOW' •LL WEN ?KAT'. lasemated leve Uti Mute, etre', le 'Mirage , la We Mat sad Imam. establiageme le be Yeami ea 'Mk TOWER HALL CLOT - HMO •VAX•Illio VI hi...Am sum; Lemma gild' eimbilleasay . TMpop Odors fool a rolosiooes b . ptsioitg =to , no 7 i4lusgipm lik• usual &sobs. osagpoolas loss to, dr Wolk tot nit beg to goon b. s fottossiog Mk* iftiosioss afoot = -On of do ignalOSl nitiosblas not ott thy so the ossogirt. .111sonstapeo% gnat cloning aiifSi ?fa. I M Mut siatteos, Wows Pill sag Oak, guilds hos b een .11 led...Toon tora.tiopocatlat ot Ouzo lb. bollillog Is IS losistosie ova, own*. Ins 11...13 otpacioas rash all of obit* in oottlit stisis story massy of seasoastils gottooolh umolkal Os Ups most as polo. order oniinoirlog rtratanty no. ponoisie Me l gnat Onion Is Unit lailibor cannon to clinion, particannly sufsigers, owl to abort eosin eon esostry—sni boon of.** plow nom :- Mules/ imuitst- • • Ix • • I , ILICLODEON. JOHN H.MELI.OR Se- W Wotal street. has meal. rod sad now op. totodeittet eels,m ,ice a * M.V ap • ply It/Cuban's . • tweet palest Ma 11• • or dm beach of Mose meting at a disuse*, consequently tumble M •Ltueimet b. 341odee. been* elastag, the do eclipiali Ls 7e. be cases ate made et rometramt, .ad 0 oebastll eemtly- lableed wee PunsTb• key -hewn le peceuely Me woe es the p.m of emu, .al the Mill, Mblek rety.hesen&Dehmell neeMeMe Mel of the damson of ant organ. luettameer cmt lummel alb=enselabenettl• critkom &made,' say per, the matins tato timbal, et thaUtmummul. sal .lbe lame foldlagbaden twist tee mimes la • esinspent Com' Each /national ban peening , cue, sag tbe whole when peeled mettle only Unmade. Tbs: vet. vim of tow Ie maul q testae •m pea _by. means of de ineffl may be Interamedeeganiend es' pleasure; It ts sankiently lead be small ameba, sad Is Milealesed fee a parterimammeut. • myna • FANCY . DRY;GOODS. • SEAMAN & 61%11R_, 0 441' Dr•aillerayi lesivr T•irk. 1 311 . 01fftilei AND ftftiftiliiS of Wrisitliget lid Illaregisaftsft, teki ALrdlll2l ' lft 241131.14r1ri , ANCY GOO lady Wig. sossue hieretuties New Val. is snails. gait week tribes Ow giftlss. surerenis at Your d 4.1. Sorsa 4 CO, Mies wWeY Irs wind es W in of Am 11144 ssd W. James (ftlisi. isbei Imre lama ks Us Ifteisessj was alio &milt/ Irwin is ihsiSstab- WOOLIWOOLII: lIIHE ib..l emibrt plies mill for WollllWebbleb washed WOOL, et oar brarekaurit, !aroma llbawntd glory and Yost* Webb ;7. ATIM alba • MN= • ' OLL V 6 lon neelvellipi Mu ode by mon. . Sit rpyliallik7l64o,4l sidieimMige! 1.1 by ••• •• • • W 111 ►' . l W i lt bah by "" s t aytil . U LAID:4I WA. Mate Jibbup.iste Lad OblEfitiabl by... prib. 9s W ILAIIb6IIO If DRESCUIX/DS—i A 'Awl &Co bibs re ctlred an szawske vacums& afat a V i robs,cce. eistbbi at' M BEM:b. W Ita gas Ws maws bulp“, 09 pi *f Ybp ba bulbs am. anielbiiroulbad bilk ' ald rimy 6,•ti. F 4LUEED .anivedarlV44 4.l'"". P' " 6" ' 11611, • - rtlcooddr: 1110itA0C0-41 Wok. Leg 'Debase% h. 61. d py . 1; steam Now 14.4 tie ad a W.b J/4UUTC/LMLN C . • . RAST4M ralonal, ie a . J • GRIMM! NI & ; • '11.1.00.,C—1x e u 6 for eeL ra Ibm bir m 40 4,4 Map A 1111Initt:91i co , ‘jr bblaAwir vi e l ls . weisordinuaa.it 130, Ba7 l l. Wiesellooll salaams. is.. eimiessestert it at ONlllOll=l .• "Wkia:67lo/A;i4Jilis UMW; gqiiiiitt 1600 Sit .D.WITNIM4 A.. MY forl= m , aiduosloripiscat (uperi by • • N COLS : VISW•41130014 . lap No 3 DUG Ifcriiir 40 du 1110 1 ,1 / 011 . 30 Ne 3 o.i 14 do 00 Na 0* 10 No 1 Ilerriao . 4. 47014140000,....40e Yale* .11 1 4 Ps rt/ISTOR 01L-4 rk, t, tite'd ma Miele . Jam =mama `-'~~ AIBOATS. / .1 1 . . 110 LINE. o cr/CiLL=KgT - ..4,4 0 11004:1$1.te4 - 6 en WI.. of thellrg ear, noted* bed Lsahltterl3 "" -** 15, , . dm. meal Caine." !..44r -t..e sae ‘ddid M* te-e ave . Ilede paneda.. 'Wei,. .14 t lire foa Cl Wear umt day preface to; gent.", O. mr+9- - ow. a traWa sad Y. air/ oillassengt tri ad ems de• MI . . *war dad be te • 'SUNDAY JPACICST. Tkx: MAC CP*. Nswrox. . U. 16••••; - • hts. PitlA•fit. • &M as 10 p•cloc..a. • my. y.mos•ms . • 110XDAT IPACILET.. • : binglOrar) . 120.1ay =mug in 10 0 . 4:10Ck: raceme.• ITIIIEBZUS•no,T, Cair. '4.loniiinassic...• • • • Pinaboncl• resiTMegolar lmtywEVttu ealaski \VW.. Haverty "Anybrovimitqtak '- . •~'f • The NEW ENGIAND Caps. IS,Ereeis e .viak , ': Leave Piro/Intl oval ~d‘ K. k.seimEsserery Wedaeidey ember 1/1 ; 11 . . . PACIC/T. The BEILLIANT,-.004 Gahm yin leery MA. • burgh ••••1 Thandagiandat solev'vElekTtliselivel ; • • every Tender avow se El :el! • • • • lie cuppEry Ne.161:91:11101100edll PIU► poet every kliday warnagatJakfiliel.:3S - 4•tiug . r; every Fri4aty , restagutlllajt: ' . t '[ b. 1arm24013„..c.7t M. will WIT; ' . • - tit dmery 14atarday eadeslag at 11.10'04:wit Winet4 every Etwieley *realm fu 10 r. of. --•. • NIAY LISBON AND PIT:DM:ROD DAILY LIID: • OP C. 441. RACK i:rs,. • ." . 1141:' MOMarilt daily,m o'elMh. Iliersat Olmeete matok Mlle Middy luta Mara Ca- • lat,) &clerk: aril Naar Lisboa at same Malc I(= the ttlp canal k, the at o'clock, -. AL, tad amre 1-d ll a Vehratra as 57. • u maim a madam. Me for catrylog pes• masers md bet , Detre. New Whoa earrln belga la shone, Mae and at Mu rm. tanner TM proprielora of thie Lusq. hare • pleasure &roam dm public that dm ha. turd op Meant clam - Caul Mats, kr the acommodatim am...gess sad MUM to nut is roomed= with . !Went II Mom. AMMO 11' LEM COPE and UNA.It EX sad comma. 4_./ Aat Glarzetr, arith the Piudetralt tad am sad otter dar laws of atrium. doer. ea Ohba atul 511./sOppl deers. The 'pmploora pledge them. i sale. to rpare ta• tamale or troohte to imam cm- • Mt, mart, asA dtspatea, md ask 01 . %h. palate • Oa. - • #u" • • • •• • W 'r e g g er(e 4 ; ',:. • .(481* HADUAtION • thl—The itratarritEAMlLD.Calluke, atas-• • wr arid laare alto this mare. for Merrer Giollol, peormally, F treat its lie sedmi.s liles:. • •• • • - irti• t ‘ vivrasiduius alowitintaiLip D•ur,Paabtet • " FEBDXAIIY•Iato /Sta ' " Liam.FIDIRDW Mit 18/5' LEAVE DAILY ATV .11:1t, AHDIE „ • . • The todowtag ntregbeents atemplets. i• do line. tot Or preset 'swot A. 1 %. it • LAEIIC, Janes TIC, Capt. A. greabog and LO Got E.. Smartt Th. AIWA U. and g . haw, and ens lead up widow regard to ave.*. Er all combat SW tumeg eta prorate bat bate peoridad. ; =a Roos 'vitt Wee ILe tionoogabeta Wharf Nat at 'le' the toot egad.' r. .Pasettager• trill ho paaearal n 0,.. bout, as the beaucarid.oanautly teavn u Att Waal. ;„.. cited boars.B A. at sad 4 P. al Jaall • .„ I(7ILATLIITILISO, CINCINNATI & LOUISVILLE. :, Bant..2 Satwitbav "Accrj.--null . t, J Perry, commander, inli Imo tai' • •• maws Pony Arial Suarl&S. ( • • '' :af i..i.in.l9 ed. p.aw , i thry.. fey petils os petsgr a lA ea Wald ce to a DUNCAN, Afreati.'' 4; .TM Tessi has Wen WA expreaSy to& a putis, lud willi • vicwolittelYk. desolator% l= rmi . —. 40 ,4 !,...." ,0,vg.,.:. tiads; sasks;, till Zvi for Mop ,lasensedists posts as ins dar, -. tux less. For - Wester PlS,Sers Mir ,ms The Ma norm • . • • I.7rslll=Lji""thrdt.:47.••%-', Bisilte r.4 ammos, will learo u r a lir . - 7 For fmer.oweersorlr. , tm.A.:t . • FOR'CINCLNNATL , .' ' , '' ''''' tihlV .BNIIIAPIAi -, • ' , k it ' 'x i V. , 11201vrOmill more Iwo ' . .... . . .11"d741.1"Lt""plimaiiii":4,0"7"...1 • • 01. tLLLf.III „x”, • t. Rao° . &Ass, =suf. will Jean toi Aar. , •.Latembellims pots this dip, sitlo - W. For tr. igta ar pour spy oA tout • • • - %-•••• .F0;1. CINCIIIRIATI • r ' 1 1 %4u. wuut issinseedius low le se a. a ;0 A. W. rArAvight Ar • r4a lowa. • ItECII/Idlit Tirr361714311; AND *aff) . 41•• , ,.' • • • Tao Sao am iiftki amti. Aeiniir.i , • PHILIPLODDLUXM, '.. •ii• Itoins.eaaatatorill lam. Main* .. . paitabeva :. ~: , t i or.. . This boas la amp war adapted to:uta comian or. B. nu Is eatateetion wttlitaa Jam . arbleitaaata bat at bensty Varitaird Dm. • ••v•l•nritt CINCINNATL .; ricxxr..Fl' ' • zawa,fauter,. will Iles. lir po, sag laisra.uar pod. OS datjalast., aWA SL Far &tilt bi •••••I• • _ . .• '' FOR PMEELS.NO lAD vaugarnmer. " • • .. Tat onat and lalballatiiki....ter . . ' .. Pot $11.41, INS re14.01;116, .IPgar WV, ma Want.", la**pen sod Na. imp, Igatmit Pitheargl. to Itoot:ays and Tharedgt. Asnria ILSOULAR PAC= POILOUNEIIII4 • • - 41'. ww...svu4s. BMW., Mag.wilt Mani far Omni aU lanaiatilaraalaWal.et days sad Bagantan e<euY aroai.e rap bekilwr rat dorcrti • Trrnavaou a ingsmau racagr,:',:.' ?ha nrift stem, ao Denby Priam), ataatee, wb . lase 7 for Whewlug,. as - Mandan thlfediandal i new . i 7, at 14 cite. It .' i. , * U fel7.Tanday ItTsryte7 ett: luau - , at 7 obi= aa, genialit: , • ' .The Coma trill Land at all tie Intenetet...: turf ateaatadstioa Um can b• proati 01 Abet etaileafia7 of has lima is mho vri • eielFas ilieg agfity &lip =a , e ,,, . s . Vet freight et . DAVID TfNllot • kW, - _ corner of lot and fteedthfraiiii: Mc ILEEkIPOII/, ELLWIETLI AND CAT rAcxgr....l • Nemo, eater, ola tea va akuck mg Koko, - coal- WWI, i ' , vet-ocular cod Fliala7on'tl ok-lbelt,s.= „61 111110- , koarakett ear auerrToesclay,ThandarLsod *to o'clock, a. „11. For tknabt ce looms VW., 71 41=1,filha * A.l2l,oler,tirkh= eeday. at r., hL Far 11:41.... r!..Npri.l • Waal. .1110W14111114*014 . EXPRIMS.CAN4II,MA , ti . ' 0e221 •. PUILAUELPHJA .471 D .1 4 (3102 .- Oabocrlbors ban. cop • op raq eaboorTANICKFIo "fa . NwloW doMMOWYWed.O 4 4l:aaaaallg,Amak dr Ord weer atarroLeatwer , • ri11...310n alit anat. oa..:Oolajog or4l. Era possago or soforakati paned a roe boar. On. an% j o ,. • For-Nioo Dollars dosigt!' • • UT dd. oirrogroaoat Ismoe. oral go tarrOWL,, , ^ leso. Aboro .14;4 . .4 a MU, :•asoiag ono 'reoll ha Witt, ' ' • • • • M.' • ' S•HIPPZAS ..nd whom Laix-o.\l w* 164, coa tune* to rsta *rut wt.& dwr. Produe"sd sus az low nit& .itabinclia. (o Salim" .Lr plat WI al Ow: M.o. • ILa.tn do. J C ULPWELL.,AiV yaatru,4 alcuir! absffle MeV ' 1 1671";' • •!. fltaas warn By U'iotet 114„-04. dnA64, ices' r..4q1//11 IA MM. , •I 40( •• • 4 • • l'OrrtrikUllll4K 1 0 44 1,47NEerri wytklo •••' ' • • ed it •"41 ----r'"riV"li rt i. estr i t iM' lAt i oetArksytt' Th";s •*. iir a gdairte .d = rp. 34 "` wi , y i k 'oesgsk.L) : ll. 4 . gr uk. mi savtibirtr 6"1.41U1' __„...4-i1t4112."216---i4l. V64iee" Ise *apse. • - Cmoss—a• bai w g cr.., .1. by saySl . • IrVINN BUNMOasr 0. , , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers