_ ,• • • . 1 . . . , . , ,—____. „ - 1 •.. _ .., ~,„,,...A . F . 4 , ,.. m,,11,5' -- i .... . ••' 3-'.. : .•.-. ..........T..' -- •:.=. 7 .-- -,- - -, - - i-.1 -- , z ~ -,--' -4. .. , ..` 4,,,5` ~ ..q ,....t - '.... 1 ' '...,,,.. ''' , ' 5 .. "4 " , ..,...„.• - z•---,_ r .--.:-..-..,,,,,-----....•,,,,,.-,',.-;•.--...----..,--...--1--,-.774;74-----`-rZ • II.----1 7 .- - -- r - '7 -7.- '%":"" - - - ?) - -- -- '1'.7 - "" - - 7 •‘ -------'--.'"- -= ' --- •-.7•-•••• -, = -- *. -- - - • ,- - ,-....., •-•:-+'::, ~- r .7, - ,-,-,- - 1 - ' 4 7- • , •-• , '"• - ,-'• - . -- 1* - ' - - !-- .. - :gv.•..-. 1 .', - - s', -- ' r - - . ' -4 ',,...! - -- ,_.--= . J.-2 , „ ~.. ~ . ' , , 7 , ,,,.. , , - --,' i'. `, - ,7,, , . ,_.' .. , ....v. y ... „t -', :-. r- . 7 '-'..; .1.- . • * ' - - ' 4-- ,4 .'-, ,I. " l `' . '-' 4, , - - • '...:‘, ' : - r i .-:' '.'"'''-: ' '' ; • 1, ' -'.' -, , , , '... ' ' ' ' ,-, - . ' ' `f "r 'i. '',. .- '- -1 '' "'",, te *„oL ' '-- itP l .O St A - '' ' ' k`F . : i ; -', ! - - 16 - ' yam,, • i .. _ .. , , . . - •— - •• ' .., ._,..,:-..,- .i2.!.1T ,,,,, .,.4:.-A 1 .,_." ; ,. . ' • - _ " .- .....-.- __ _ i . , ...' —"- ' 94 ••'' • . " r'' ,,,.- J i .j. i it .I- .. , ,', : ~• .p-, r z '.• . 'r , r 1,4 g. r• - ...of ..r. 1 - 3 - A :1' 4-, -;--- , I ..... `.:l-.. ' I `l' ' ,:. - • ` 1 .::,,, .7": - , ‘. , -,,,. , !.,,, , -,k, . - . - . -- 77 --- . - -:-: .--,'"--------- - "AMLISEC:EV , IN -- • .1788. ------- -- '7 ---- 13 - TTPTQDIT Tin e rr " •- . G -'ir r - 4 - -- -; 1 : 1- a. - 1r ---- xr , .; , ---_-.. _,, -•__.-. . - - --- _ ,_~:. . ''~ _ .. BUSINESS- CARD& . A X,I.A.EIIAM 41.441.'4.m Deal. Fr.o4FergT.i.)Vey! York .• •'• • - tt.nrmarco.-4plui Grier Pittsbn7h. E. t... ' r . Colprittuncuiv otlVanern Umber sarited. and lia .dranr.e/ made. if .regaisod., rkjazdo. A T WOOD,. JONES OA- Comasumme iuto • Fur. werdi.g• Xkltimus, b.. *rata mell to Wait olir Maud, Wont - mu! Nom atreela,• aadva.. ado.% 11[11711.., 1111tAVN iallTl , X , Wlddesidet. dad. Ketail Drug (D, Yi+f+'; rue r Liberty add dd. glair mews, Pat. picavi; inziliwrsoN, whca.Zair .2. susiiu BA. FAH:4=I.M( & co, Whole..!. Awl FA .lafl Urottite, comer Wood and Mk Hs. jYt I,3A4AALL4 A- HMITII,.IIf Walesa/a Grocc,., 1d and yiJ Wood *Heat Filutrtulb. . 11. ANCLTY & Co., Foriiinfini . .AACoaa. V. n oo4o o Zilay.&ants,CA,Al IHALIA 41(10(trgb PA, ws caiscloy sou: r. rawroms, .14, M. Si CIOLEMAN, tIAILNAN, & Co., Alatusionzers of '.l Cuomo, Stump .Y4Asks, A. U. -nnd Spring SM.], ..tdd dome. 14 Cosslr Trimmings of *very de serintion, tennuMetary da st. Chdr ou. -Warshaw 42 Wood'st.i opmmite sc. GUS. • _ -W IWALT. • . • 1..11 YlLltoalsr. : P WALT & GgailAßT„WilOteSl , l.:l4looent, a.d -.&4 el. MT/same and rittabsqgb Aluouuscums, cor gi 961u14.&•ny and HAW huhh_Nb. WY. L . V.lOl-Is4l, JAM/01 L smart,. VNOL.I:4I UhlVta4T, {Ws 'Engtiatt, liollasher 4.V.) WboleasdaUtspeers;Voasunrioa and Pur• Tboraazgdhi at er ' cha .u n, ad d4si t x t . roadie ihd ndr hn, \o, S 7 %yko t,lllween IA t " V ‘ RII - E — Y liro ceis a.; Alt rebuts, and Agents for *Uhl., si-V4.." nut; has. CI Wails; .44 /to From sto., rut. IlLenl4•Psediu Vette: larittactora and dealer 1 • in Alsaanal luairaueenaflit Word rd, near Sch. VON° MILLEU, ILtelland Moss YOlpuleti an Ga. Fitters, Ha Trois, betwees sod and thoi*Gsld streets, Piltsbutsh, Pa. Mir. Metes; pries gists fat ski Cuyper avd (11 . 0:01W}: iXlsyOLSl!tt,cs ,stitnitteitts tend Forwardiels 3jUlteeettast, st”vtosa iSteeL rattesesslte , stits euy•s# nuebts_la. • lets • P/ChEY Co., flnweriti Cos iterek.aow 114 flealtri IPriltdAsce, C• 6 Auer, .1W IV: Ellmt sueett, ,tt. • hors Z4/1 - r.t. Ca z no k k , :i t trocer,, ,FTrit . rd . data 114 Piasbunh 7 1 1 1 441111•41... All, Commercia Maur, Libany aure . el, near Iqe COOO ritt!dmigh, f ktectilyfue' Distiller, awl .Wholesalt y a drills! iu learolgu and DIMICSUC Winek end LI. gian t fit 111 Lilrty..i.rcel t gan4l:4 ylaialaud Alley • I Nab 11 Dirt:UM, Vol.: , or Mc iinu of Alpo .d 3 111olioltej lietchout MoorSLoideo •Batites,ll,ll t - - TAN kM". eturcutsoN, Co.-soeceasors to Levis Itiuchioost Comoiuiou Aterobauboi wad Astou of .tek. Lou. 31sant* bog - nr;lialoory, livostoi otut nom Sit . ttla, l'iflobtoxit • J. J. -BLAC44 Merehma TailOt," rattunge ding% Os. Ciair iitudatrsh. JWU. , st . iiiAvoirrit—whoteag - • rittibuoth, - • tlitrid.N, And:dente linsavuu, and dealt O atilt Dtt raUtsTaratt..(ratt. Varnitar.t,ke.. 'out arm% out door orrartrorlAntrocout FALlik outs, Jr ar.Co4, rAtt,ermaritio . JO'reilid:' Dar/L)tdup thalllert,:ar 1 Voter atreta. 3l_ - 1011 N IL AtE.LLtrk, - .lllotttila and Bruit drialer Ulu' Untie awl 11.41tral instruntents, School /turf N raper, Stu it , r; blot l re.; guilts, rriaret a' Cards. and litatonary anuotalli. o. m Woultt.; llairt bought or taken in !ro.de. teos T rielltlothd &NEB & IVl;OTettle lir . nzatrtt, N 0.3 1 %Voul crett. rattture. 14.4... EPU JultturN Coathairtion and For McMruot.) Lrberty' roppusluN ZL . o grrets, Putsbiah. 4 . 4'7 octs_ & trraiirON,.:l.tookt;dets, iriuteu V Alma ropes Jilanoincrunrrt,...Nu. 41 .4as art at., ruts- Luuk ni4 Out, scar Marke stree, .j • tian A sO t Tteoluggc l :l, rielkmol, Mascel -1.1.1., aza Alotlonlist 4,u4. end huolnatiary. W. ItEMMTPJON . k.r.it.,4:untdieter..liiTchang 11 arelttitTs ' e,Vl7u7l4,lt!. LU—Ltutelley purettatc4 at dm tanal ran.. v ociii. oar c[uta! pq,u aie likacer,.aester , P unautles,. Ma xs,..te. ate CT= JJit Et.u1'a,41.1.? riold .t4,4wi.oici..:aa . !:weer.; No. tUuLtben meet, - TAXII DALZEL, Wholesuli - Gruai - , 13c - 17unisaioU 4,P Alerchaul, an 4 deals= iu Produce .4 roui.urgil JlisuutaeUutu. AP VI Water st, rtusbargh. • Veanvitia Iron LEWIS, IPALZELI. eo, manufortoteri of all si ktor, Vheet; Miler lrou sad Null. of the 6e.1 wodity. xtritoute, Li water *tat DX nom st. '--11"' • • . • h...Y WSITZUAN, Wholesale Works., Ironoratd " voumittiou al.ra.uylkou iiisauldeetures end Produce, No Ur Wawr .laud 021 Puma hi: • • • Ross uLkencr,!.. JOUJI allutra hZtighT a,. 61 11PTON, - iinWe.fk wan asitt ' eou.misiunt 44e • /AI, an latu piclibargla Alawastuircs, :500..14 Roil/b1 Wood ocilq.ttaburgh. 4. 1 41 • ERCEII, BROTHERS C tatwayarma lii chauht,i'luliodelp4irk, Wr. d.c sale ot product 6. "wally. Liberal ad, lute. isottie , on ccouyumeute. D. a; 'canna* ILANGILL, UL '1'11.14 t WE, Wholesale liroirro 1.11. sAd C.Kautissum Jklelr.h•Uls,NOr /44.441,52:11.4- .r...JAIJ Aust. 11.immicr.; • 41, ALLEN a 4.1.04,m utalion' and FornanAug I &exhume, 1A& tit . • E . souppo.,_ f,,,nigrA•ty cod and Nark. , _ Jana . . - I . l,l4;H c etll.• "'' brocers Atud comnimatm; Sletch.uullquanSiAanYp 4 , I ' ll . - .onser ot Wood a g o i Falk • • n, HULMM SUN, No. 53 Market st.; necutid : door tram center of Fourm.ds. oo.Ju Foreign Vowslin Bills of Esentinge, Vertincolesof Meet. , Boit Notes odd Boccie. ' t - tr.t. - :••!:. areatlestloits - mad -on all the prineittlei.ellici the United Mates.. • dent? . 'a. R. rolunzral.i. • • • - .-- - - 0601fiDEYTEM Wkoleside Groa n. cod. X spiulott yuwanting Alerettants, No. 41 Water OLIERVIKX.ME, Wiw/a:do' Roetttybas. dealer to. Prodyzo, rittoburgh .111.144 , ' um, and on buds of Carew!. Ala* Lome tic Wines. sad/Aron, N 0.1.1 laborty -ouoot. very I am' slack • of inspenor old 410 - coins alohs- uniaikOry, whack will too mid fort , lot 0a51.,. 'LsHIERTSONA 11EPPEltr, Pioduca Pe al e /41mA Causuirsiva Mothstub,ll4/„//// euread. mutual, 131CIIARD T. =DM, Jr., , lrtaxaler mud Ikette ia -„WkPorcuu dud Domenic Sada /T. Iturd4atre tau/ Vurtuukelctsucup;u//ahUrteripaou, MT, Wtood RICHARD BAUD, WLoli. k uisd Snail Leeks iu ;Lou/4er, Uloroccu,',Suutusukerd. Tam/ wed bug/, Walaseal'ana Cutter.' Tuat/iShrlitoaurr. , OA - Nu. /U 0 Wutuhaa l'hbaurgh- EL F Co..irbe.4.letadaseirrodoei Al Cuidamiiiia. OrlikTO II atusliwirso;, by - 141,eny 4 0/6110:DALZELL,fr. Ca; , WhOniple:,On N ti, e . sta„roiwmkrduag Alexclainalileiatira 114411 N rizulacrygls, CLINNLNUILAW. Wbaltsulo agioevr,; Dealer 01 Produeewsia-/Wabargh Ilimatucture.4 l : 141 La..ny ' nit ! ljEvirtn.tr:s&siall, Jae Slorrimusi for the Alletheuritioar:Trodiokad.! Wix tirovones, P‘odoce,'Woirst. Illaustuenu.: oloodaltdondo of Limo. • nolliebasi prices, eiiti*adid for eott.i a11a .„4„.. 0., fume! o( Pewow , Irwin W. joniat trAlFtllllO k co., coma:6oi nuraiiui. rrty opposile Solidaudd, Dealers , • lorrecads - adoo klogryllard, 0p.44r 04ftlirjaii ION; Who:oil/1'1;3:d itet.lif - Ti/ 00 Loreig.' Ilos erY Nod. iluaCY Suk,csuctt,..od door il,ovei 7'alW .ti . feacaLarr a ilium' r Feick.; cal Domecoc 14.( ooda No.tO Wood se. stabligic. • 84. WcOI bc•elet: e. Peru and Prot hoc geoeridly, and Forward** emd 40.C3ocuitOu Metchaele r cd IVater et., Pau : dm • • rcotlece dollars No.Zaidarkti . concl.,betWece 6d. • ea *h. NOM, side. 14:11•41.1101.W• • • '!••• • i**l • • C. mwoajlmpoe Aet:Tapia,rsAss u er.im, Outiga,Ate ger p 00b4 isPr.i:ll , 44 Itidskurp, - . , ccree ccroO. cordwoodet doe kichid eicaleiprice. ' i mow ‘4,lu4kup4 , 4 NI CE, Produce end. Um= laisisat Ruckus No. 17. Lthcrry , • 8 - 4 - 1:i;VON UOPlNUOPAra=holoaele, bealofte i :Clito n" l B . thoteem erieldtea mid Western ,k 4' do*, bort howled thoiriter orirettoarejold nr; eetmteli Front on god Cbaorrry'llAtn vastvka. SI. KIEL, Forwaillingr . and-Coateiootou I k7 Matettem; Dealer ice Produce and Vittotestia. mot. oleterbe 4n%eieo, Cooed Ilesie t near, ritt'st,.• 441, MST, Whaleowe Geeeeni ' 11- eletdootts,tosol dears ill koalas?, toed tartuoboree; • ' .• . Wen klerr m t,z ,ent for tile:loan welt» ape • Vt.etteete ot the oleo of Wen .E.Aeo `Nut's ditto, 4do rielletroln• My ou !illy NI laid oilleo m •Wlt•ialigllnli wet etedoel to ..jsjtbeeiteeeo tkro tre. of cup•tie!, w •DP4... , •• -• ME=MISM=E CARDS iVr • BOWEN—C••• nod' Fonraidiog Alenbsio, No:VO From at begun.% Wood ana Market Wont. ' ••' • CeloA JOSS tL • . LUCID ICCASDEXii. l‘ ri g 6 AF 2D MMOLZ. ” 7O7OPtItt Counoi.on Merehols, - deolele - go h.; Nods!, Glows, C . ofW yorox, sod Yinsburgh alottulseoues freuerally. . 44also . tiieadbliacleu, N 0.2 ry ,war M i - In Pettey : and B pl. V V Dry Wars, No. IV Market meet, Pitylburirtt. •• • • km et. mi., of 4.14 Fowth pts. anti IK A IMe 2" . LININ Vette 'i ' 1"1". ' 14 au 1 :6od creep, huslo4,Tat. n0% ' 11.9.411" • . • , , eo W l l 3 ye t,. 7 , (;l,93:— .. Dealertin leather 14ides, i ix. , W . t t l.gr i •lTTC J lMitEl•—....All.ciatle . (inayers, Aturelll,ll,l4:24'importuers"aSoda ANTlLittilelars; Powder, No. Lawny rinsbulh, Pa. *sadly ' 1, Jong. 111 CUR . &f * " lt:h':etl. 'ntr rll ndth dealer Oil, {olred 1•ou iraea,arudmid ;rind orlaet godsba,-.•.,tline, Maue,'warChcrryAlley,PausngE anl3 , TraleSi TOWNSEZILVDprigist and Apoiheessi, So. 43 Market st., three doors above Third sr. Pit. 'burgh,'brae constantly' an hand sr .elected ar apilMt oldie bat rat! taken kledientesoehleh be will .e ll on the most reasonable terms: • rhYtid.. .seuding . antra., vrill be prompuy hkended to, and sup. phed w ith Miele, they may rely cora as genuine. tf:r Physicians Prescript.w yin be keeurately and Brady prepared nom the ben materials, at soy bear of ilue day or night. .:Also An AGLE corr9y wows, 3.4.,r.racsr ,.Ei• tura Cotton Nam, Caudle 14 Burma,' 1 smut, illovertetTrau, lArrpet Chiin, Warps, Le. ICINU. PENNOCK dr CO. (Sae...ors. Arbuckle Arran) land Proprietors. • • • ALELIOCX h. Ca, N0..11, Cans] suer; New Or . Iraos ‘ Agrents for Jai. Armoot'a k:ruenalve :woos *oak , Rsfincry...: /dumpa on hood o Arm stock of !ssoPoorderud Crused, aarilied .P " • . ;;.2. ,Ah!i, lA-Threes m. Jitjar jlw.o 110/11.11.1 ' ' ..Prieesthoetul, Gott 1 . 1.4•110.116 Se 01.110 011611 sales tie/theirits, L.neL. mend ,Aiapoa Livery., Stable. • ROBERT W . PAlTl:lttiON'tou'opeoed. . the large stable ou'Pirst al, ruotiing through to Second st'ltertereu Iltood amt sutititiehl withsts.,ltt the'reas at the' Slouttugulteth Routh; ott ouurelyttetr.stock Rococ o and Carinea 01 the best quality suittstest styles: . 110116.1 kept or terth..l tho best seamier:.' "`. jytlty •••- BISHOP, -Voterneirg7Surssinin, can be found on lnittseingllatalthilunern, „ • boar - St:Ow weer landge, lete/g accursed, was by.blenars. Carr a. anerlsnel tal A ,Vo, X ' I'leler In =llrnd, Wbolen- Venn; LindaVoriliefili,titnungi, e CY ,, au ras h TVs., 1k.d.,,ke...N0.62.111te5ket greet, betwen inlaid maul gib els•l • usburgli, - • - •••.. • jptldly. • - '.'jSEW.llll.llll,l3l' Lilllllll IBIS STORE • • • Nu. L 133 WOODAV., PITTSUu7II:2II. • tritYLNU cr plcuieheil Ley st . ocli vote liw Jigs! sonr- • AI. cos, both noniesnonitil toreignj tale ylcasurn .11 aniansurntg to eintonaticla'aba ageeles. t h at I.m pa paivd w Uniall dam with al. gondola lay lose, on Assn better genws than as retolart. recollect than defiling -ascitisigcly la Sandlot,. Ilargivane and Cartiago ••Viiesiniugal °Liam fits`labrt akbrzwaares that enable suc to 41..4 romps-lb tlall,ace,auslitubse fox youreelres. one • Tryrstaauni•ercut: AND ;trill:ill ' ANLLAS.L.E. rAcrotiy. 11400 nab, lent 1. 01t14. .• & 4ipic4o, • 2NUFACTUICERS 'oi spring and blister 'steel. al, 'plough Anal, sicel plough wings, costa anti 0111, swinge, beaus:am!MHz axles, tont tlealors tad sle - o a!nags, fire cult . .. awl rouch tnum. 0... gia.e.liyi L eontrt .6,c IL os, mud gum lbtoburgb, ' ebi ti „rag's, TEA,' TOME.—No. ;v Fourth rt.ilteat Wood—All innuuntios of green on WAN. Tens, doh, yr in quarter, hulf.• non pound porkakes, room; fno ora per pound -- A. VniT42-4, - Art. for Pekin Tdlk CO. LAW OFFICES. • WM: 'FinittLlN. ATTOILZE.I" AT LAW, Belsky, Po . 11111 W . glut coltertio b..i. W two. 111. u.ti,l to Lim in !loth, 19.1 ,Ittultrortg ...ties, cutr// ,ter to • . • • J. . 3%. :F10yd,' 141,erry .t \ •- Wastuve, • I Jl;gie".sl3r.buil, JJ ' 1 einemrsh. Co., %la,tl .t. L.rrT' rnr.ll-r-T A T i INC/NNATL—i LF tab fairer jos. aot afrainivyiraniss ro laic actisaalti4,heisol sissualuenis :vcritiu,s also atialavits war sleposi— tan/sin persons Silvio, to Le iniaiS or meanies! us Pennsylvinsin. Ottic two doors east of tee Mavis Citivansan, Oin b, o. . P. . . mayavlaisslsrly.k Sugrney at Low. T ..11:1311'EITZER. A[Wintry lir Ls*, oesee• 41- 0 . opposite et. Cbsoles Ho rl.-elest.soy,b..ersll elso sue ,W foomptly to CoSievliost.s, ass4Listgloes, :le and tsirvviiroulavess, P2s: • zirxisziTo . ! )31ark.lock, Ben Mooch ear...fey I) Alerzau, - - festally 34i. .A 114•010. via! Cosusvcllor at 141 r, /Js coile,l,l•••st. bos.stsetss saSss., *a. IJI tuUla,w, Sod vs /ixsalvcl4,Noussots, 1114 curt tuts; secreted to. CailumisiliSalter juelLelsSuste Of Pena /Fissions, fox. Wan.; ts:LOUP4Cdgittut., 1.1411 ft Soo, Colds, Corether,, LYw. llaya, Itel I paint '-• 0L41.41-i0.% 11.1: W. 4 41..4. 11F3-1.. Anat..), at Law, 441.1, q.Cßatri F.tinti,, second thaw above mitantwriet, l'anslakrgli, Po. L. W. µnil, Cotoinwannwr to take Depositions, de- Itootlrentuoutt of lass, Witt other onatoinentit of Win. ug, tono used id - ttriti-Ciao 777 - W if age ofni tO id Fouwreetobove tintidittad, ?antatitenttini; ; uSt.o SEWELL,iitorwy at Law, Odic. an ttionitfield, betweeti and .11it at:.: r le ORWARD & SWAIraWkILDF.II, Attoniepte,of L Law; kw removed Wawa:tun I. dietitian Wilt pl !twain li,bl4llllMC6 Latin Aney initl4 ion% anent jj 4 `,2 l .4'iNLAp', l Tll:th L le b ,7:',ruttl,e'h'li: 71.4,11dati0, Grum •wharatif his aLwattne,.llz . ,!.,p4tram i:Canry, Fig, . ikerlf , TULIN L. GALLATIN , Anorr.ey al Law , oft.. fJ 411, in 4 ttylweeit Gnun. .and Staltatield, numb ride, Ynt.Latjit t a.y ient,Wtltne, attend promptly to wan." in the awootutag Foliation ' "ctrt - 0. "IL • 11:0IIINE10:1, Attorney aglow, by yd Inured taint:net to the Etehan6e thllitings;nl; Sattlls peat door. nrAlderatiturinhas: :apl7ly OHLAND I.ooNllilinalitay at Law, °trice oa L.trAttrwtreet, above stoithfield. ; , • ..aptrly ~~~... ~. ~~itiU.NA~C~; ; ~; ~ ~ OTC UAW ARE MUTUAL 19 II ORAO,CE CO. j Vat t ttell * O ' Z ' 4%. 4 yl "4 '" V t au ' r.4 3 4l, l ll l- - udelphia. •Ftnr ttiStm upon Inntilluge else menthe:edits • w7Y•'• esteritatert, sue Stamm shale • upon hefl• or eaittees at vessels, Meats upon, the , ate*, unturnhle • Orme tie Use WareheasCof N 0.37 Wate. near ?locket btleet, Yiuslntratt. • ti. Ur—Tbst seeress of this,Gompatty sumo the eataln liWaSent erspeesettep in !les city. !nth the pneupt- Yeas asititihesars4 with .eittieteeserrefatet epee them for loss .huiliseed Ai.} the egeut attruefebnaldneee smaPeentrusseoirlto nieustneen • cmouthai at hsrps .Itta Jegovrans' AS. IS, insu rance Copany, m 1,1160414. the iettttakedsautagee as mtinsennues amens , the must It 9 isb Ylailatiel phiin,neltarmht au ample penile neptial. winch by the *permutes of no chant; cutawitly wetiasiug, puddles on rasa- wino. tunnel( Isis due shunt ,tit the Inane (.4 emapouy without inspirit:a...him auy tespentubiltty . llshateser r tote (CPAT.: as possewieg alatuatprumiple di result of tWery olsosaiotte leto „Min t and Its Mint anreestse o 0 0 4 • . . ' FIRM AND Keg. TUE logurusteU.Ompivity vs( Nadi Asurytet, ...rough Its auly.uutholizeu Ageut, aubseritiur. *Ours to tstukr'priLutuunt uud Ittaitud- istmtrunei rwptglertt, in tituw ray uuti ifs ytemity; dud utv stupturuli. tqvhu Cu. nal tau/ Alsairov, 4a4.0 .11.11. a., 144101. W. J eavt, Lawnrcl Smith Jolau 4: Wu ti.uatal 6. *nabs' Saaßte I /kook., Joint M. Ned.. Awkord U. vi 004,.. Wgarwei.b, - Frank* I-Jostens, _J. Armin Alltboue,' ARTHUR- Li. ClJY4'llti, Minor IX .finarrro, Asw'y. • lids in We oldest litstarred in Milted kat., hosing beer thwart! in I /111. t Its chatter is irapelarl, ilbto Wet Woodargloug eggerterce, WnOP , Olonon•vi nod ovoldirg. V, risks {of c h.- atatotin Cliiraeler; 11 tar)' 14 ca as adretlird sta. ni curly to the {white, • V. Y. , watts•-g noon or Atwood, Awed Wa• ter istrlA'sortlearts - ?Wattle.. • ausyS' 17,111./MLITI INAVAABICIId CO. tr i p ptt will ' l ll l urti sore:, pc . uivjui " au l titte d d . roomy rescoptiois rtopery, pad/writ and pa trol morn', W. lift.. :Mil ma. Wry las r periwtori chanter. I ' • ' ro...unveFaud - = w..a.vp.no . Mc. cia - nrc of 'Prig suiket streets, ritt•btlfgh. • '11"AllIUCX NI/LUCIA, Agri.. " quit: Undetl4llo, 011111..b0i..1 ottLe'Azna , tear /we lustritore' Conipary f Elahttlelptra, rout/awls, to ravel bowman, ortorst lor, on dilo.,lto armitot Eire, on btuldirgs, willeonndue, tonsitior rod property, rat efts hartidorn, an ain ear .4 roll , titir/ . rpliE - HULISCitIBEa becikappoimaii i r ieiti pro :1 tau, o 1 ate 4uurutcc Companyof ISortb "Mcfscil, Ina vrailikeToliclev owl attend to the other buOtliss of the .AgetiCi';.lllllhe uvretwuut of AaVrood, - Jeues co. riatt . • L . , ' wain% .1 ca•t 01 . 14.2 i fur •sle by r lUJ 4 r... z .):1 Lao; t!urt.4 - • • MMt= • To Comatry Iltorekaatik 1...1KGE STOCK of SchocK Saoko, Paps, &allots A: a., waitabl• w caumry loglvq; =mug which . . %Vining Papen, of fine, medium and comma. golfs heiler r.p.• • 4.- • do' . do .do Nov Paper Ws do do 'do • Nose and !Anew Eiirelopes;' Pencils, It.aferm Quills and Steel Penw , Window Paper (pod wide) pWo 0.4 minted; Bon.o, lloanls, of dater... qualities; leant Boots, la great variety; • • • Family; School mid PorJtat Bibles; emir.. medium, awl Join!. crown wrapping paper; Ecl.ctie Readers,, . •:Iny's Eclectic Arithmetic's; Cobb'. Primers Spellers sod Readers; klawiers' do do 'do Arnhusnice, by Adapts, DeiristColburn.Smith.Stoct ion, Eniersoa r and wherm L. tictigt.prdes, by Alitchell,Oloey, Smith, Morseßowl tin, Parlay, and others.- • ' mman, by Smith, Binh... Millions, Weld, and other.: , For foie 51 low prices, .1 I • I BIELLOR, Si wood at, 5 doors ahem, The highest mart., price paid we good mixed log., in rash. W. . Now PlabUestlons. IkIILTOITS POEMS, Ilnstraled. Ilarper's of the Poelicdl works of John Willy., sill; o memoir, sod en...al teataika on his !..enius and intl. Wigs, by Junes sloingoluery; and._ owl hundred sad nugrsvingsfrOM ilrawi.gs by %%TIM]. Haney , too volumes. . SexNexa's Gantt Turroucts—The four Gospels- and Arts t the'. Apoedee, its Week; with English note., r it pltilwoplariel, awl exegetical; mop s. hulexes, - :1 ' ;;11 " g 'r- 4111 em flwtalnt—bur the nee of Schools, Colleges, awl .Theologieal Rv. J.. A. Secacar, A time l‘orr.h—allthiummer's ail,' we of lore. th y Mr.. S. C. Hall. Jess.' lictear IV.—The ol honey the Fourth, khig Priutee anal Nivorre Hy G. P. ft Junes. Complete itt four partsquiper; ice's: cloth: ' ' For sale hp. ~/UNNSTOll i rik STOCKTON,' lure corner of. market and els ' 00KS—At the Apollo Doihietp,Foortlistreet, near B Wood.—:lrehma's Welcome to the Streeter; " Titc Crort hIJ Court and People, by J H Alarstelli• . The 'Orators of France; The Lire. of the Apostlesi bit Bacon; • •rod 'Parittuis and - their Principle, by I' lion; The ConstitutionialA Dinah of the "Holy Apostle : vrith • Pare Esser; • : - - RiAllitoo's Life of the Duke Marlborough; Neandent lie of Christ, its Da historical eonnectioc and Isitnorfcal deettioentent;' • '-- outl APpleton'a publications generally. School Docks, Paper, SiationatT, &e. • &rga..._ And Dlstard up , VEIV BOOKS Mika Apolki mem.- 1.1 The Military life fin John, Duke onlairlborvues, with colored map.: by .A Althorn. • ~tincood Vol. kloohourotte Works—Strip., The Life oiJeaus iti historical cooneetion ; and historical dercropeareat by Aosustor,Nearriter. I 'Fraulleted trona the kti Cenneit edition by John Mc; Clintork and Chas F. lthooeuthal. / . (01<M1Wiil iu Fourth Vol. ' , limas; Iliuirry or NoAlnit4. Now nod Theo,-by Dr. Worsen. author of Tent. so •Year, soar mints ItieitlittKlVll. illeption.. Call see. . ,apil J, NELAU: _ PITTEI3OIAAIII • VEDIALIC •INSTITUTE. guns limitation ruder the aupervisint of Mr. and Mt, U04.40,11,1* stillopeu for the .reception of pit• pus; ..61. wilt he coutiutied at the mane place on Liberty' Arent. In eimerqueuee of Fame changes hang; token place. a :err vecaneire hate occurred, and those &sir , uns °filtering Their itaushtees under their care; would do owli {0 ranee nu entry application Poly rt. - Fee Citellbf, or apply to the FrioclpaL ' ap:l • • FORWARDING it COitillSslON. e. L IraSiCraLlviirtly J. ISlLl‘r.i.k. CHAU.LICS i 4 DABilt.llloWEtt co. I'UtIICCU CuEllaitiON No. id South tVharece: awl Na. II: . 'eloolh Water et: 1 1 1111.A11k11.1 . 111.1. Drikl to iiitunu the trade and dealer% generally, of l'itiolourgl, stoat airy karat:tilde such afrallf. with the V iron* oloholnehertre nod tW itraserrs of the lVew, It cat ludic...nod uWei places, a• wnli insure a large and canalises wigglyof Ito Jew:rise Wits of Tobacco, which will be Mild upon - a. aCeone madding terrine on any othertiouse ill this efts . air eke where, sod all owl. oidereil th em will ter war reined 1 4 001 Itr repiewdistain: Havana, Sa. lionaugo, Cam, ) - Vase; . Vosso /Imo; 1 . r.1.1"..4 .s.r , ..ed Leaf ta- Slula4 !pita; S. Florida; .1 bacco; AL , W , --11ranclea celeliteded Aromatic Stag Ogren dlahe all a large asentotelis of etheipapetir brand., and qualities ot poinoliy Ls, Ce, Ilis slut lew h. I Amp; du. d i ca and Isla Plug, Lad Terias, Vira 0110 el aw.l plain to whole and hall fhaeo, wood awl tw togthwe will: every reriely of article laSoes ilia. . . the rade jets/ally UA/criEl*, dp.SIUT t OARILICTIWN, FLOUR FACTORS, Frodnrey Conwotnlon land Forwarding aiZECUANTS, • No. GY Norm iVenarso), AA» lyl W.wra Sr, HIL 1101.1'111.t. it.rm to-nlo:o) H. groat) .1. Co. P ) RUINI,I( ok. parmetrlop exorliugpetween .‘7 l ^ Iknedessrt.i. u Ist nt.toil co.rat Lir. 4 cu. I It' . t ........ I. autlionted seztle the Cosines 0. at iiteconcerti.. IL W. VoINDFVICAL Allis A Cashes, Ahem York. AVACtere a I Laney, lhaltukuree.' Csgsley SesAL. . 1111renare.sYll.es e.l PiltiLurgh. Iheiley, wells Cu. /Sier 0 Jones. LY) -. Liberal earli • ~lreemes on espikuseul, so osl Adam.. • : met:Al:My a `ELLMAKER, ECKY Qc CO., 2 • pLorn.PATOILII, Ana Ousetal Calaankl•siola aleamlbants, Smelt 'Worms :Mute, 1 • r HILADELPHIA. Renuteicrs—ltenty GradsCo, rittebsrgh.. /lodgers 0. Mier/stk. k V.ll, 5 A. M. Jussary; M Jr., ay mile. . Charles Ilashata, Jr., IcoinGle., Humphreys'Cu..) . . 'Mercer. bro. et Co. Heed .>,lll alder, 3 • . __Wally • .._ l.k,ulk Cuartorry, Neer k aEOU(i COCIMIAM. • CampMaslen and Vararard.treg Merchant. so. :11 wOOO sr.. n ltinnr ferte l ‘' :e i Sl et hn anufacturet and Produce, tan/ ln / meal. Ing m snlieg Goode etatilowl tu hie he..,.. As A/mallet the' aleuuntettires. by •••111 be coutatunly eußlied With she principal articles of ihttobarzh Alsaefseinre en the Wolin wholesale pticeei fJnier• and mulligan...au are respecautly retailed.' 7. visharary' •I. P. CONWAY & CO., • 1)0IITS.110t7/1 Vino Colmar.. and Forwardin lilesrlioitio an l, d Ttudare Draltga—laso anand g me Yttrellise, Sale end eflaipsargr ofrig Ir., Coal, kt. IMMME • Lonna, 3zeriµg t Co, Gina, LAnoldly A. Co., Loon, Shod. to Go, uudildly _.__..W. ANDIZION i.sui of • instairgh, P . . • Late of Nualit inr,Teun. LEHMERIa ANDERSON,. bKALEII.B ilarrux • FOR WARDEct: & 3118810 N iiiEIICBANTri, so. 8 non canal, aaurl attatow.r, oiNotoo.ll. ow. Brier glescbanta generally in rinanurgli. sob: • . GEORGE A. BERRY , - . W/ILULIGSALIZ GRUVALI/S, FORWRIIMU AM, MUMMA Ilisliell&AT , AND DEAI.C.O IN Iron', Rills Cotton Tarn & PlStabursh gessora/17, au. 10 vole Mr= .irrrraselOrry AIIuTIOARkES i:E0111116a1U19 MELICIIAOS. ---. ALEX. LEVY J. .r• CISIC/DINSTI &SD ST, btiVii& 06 - t wocll at tltter.c.tstatkneut, .11 klutir itc}ler eltairdoo, at the uurrear rates of Contorts..., Ourfoie aloray. prepared to/Inakoadranee, The bert in rele reileaa irirea rpiturret!... /Alien oddre..ed to Wm, Iruurn.orill be promptly &fituded - .iyarrdly; r..riusarM Lure. • r.-e. a. r. Wan.. . LOVE, MARTIN 4•CO.i. .}4ed.... No..s, I lopkut'n Miry. Lash ...ice Miter, Ray. tu—Davidoui, Panders a 0., lotus K. HanurO: 11 .8blifikioai pailltnotei It. &Heir& Co.:41110A & Pro toll, floaplue, Pr Co. No cklell & IWhite, brush; AJ Wbecier. T 0 ~ & Co. na -• • - • • TaiiLdly j J&Kcoturtursoa, • • - •• u. cmarsO.L., 111UNIPSOS 1 CAIIPUELL. COMMISSION. MERCHANTS £5.1 Maxastaeasrers Lbaseed 011, Pro Z/ to' trualdu Omer,. ears:tun, 011(1,.. tread pfd fin , - - W CI.AtiK. • • /Paris *voila( El eralust.llrew riarilla. Pa. Attend. , Ike rorsvuntugg tel Yowlyce, eAri, t‘ ,Ity fitkortastuoi, ■pply to FORSYTH & 4.11 N; iv&tes,&.• 114 , 14.11,11‘1, - 8 4. PATCH, COIAMISSI-01 , NiEli.CHANTS: . /Mo. 4114 •ter *trace, . Mo: •IV Pltinalar allexsidm lo sellmg, of 1•ro• duet, Wirtrtur tint xi. io.-41e.at.: ;11kor.all Cto., Pinsturgh ! re. uulfll ludt., Al 1.. /way &Maimed. --• LSYW 1. YYACAII . nUgrAILD k. LIVAICAA; ' • • AUCTION &COMMISSION MEllollANTli . Nn qd mud of tkay & b4rp..1,). Nutigvido Trusc.re, YP • '.` Iso - - . - - gsro ptyalin and 111.14. o.rentiuu •41 fry boolio,UtoecOO, worAtercuowtow Atoo tin poll. tl.lO 111111:114,110 ill ibo OrpOrf wen. of Ira lowoes. elhotooly wol .ftenoug oo thr I oam Root W aL /Vito 4.. tloiJ W. /heir, • • • ilthola3l . oi IStAC CRUSE GENERAL. _St Ftilf TIIESA Mi 1.1(1/0 Y/tuVINIU: , •I•.Y N 04.104 Rod Ita .4.113 - 11(11 Wooer,' HALII3.IfRE,IIID. . • gr.,yoosowo,--Nlorrbonto of einWurgla. • lyboooor, Va.- 7 1L_Vwogot o _ .310T/CrkTO wur b....wits usual, 00141 a flew house t¢¢ - Ar egerwd, an-magmata tuavaug dri-day bte1V116.416 Sur lima puepoft../ 40 .1.14111alsrliyiber Ist reildthei•ut . OUT valigl w zr - vrivertaight. AVANULTY & Cy - apt Caualllwato. Uuenr *I VOA. 1N...11E3T NUIt SALE—Oue S aCilie hue atentiverWyriseitur ittit rale cm amour., ....MinnSleri. , rt....m.131a,, enquire 0L • • . $ p. W . A' CENCY u U!r r THE, HUMID POWDER COMPA• .11. N Mr the oule.of line, Ruck mad Cauicariusvt EYII - vier uf very rotten°, City eu.unuerr will Ler bappiied tieVuiy hOur dursuArlie day. • • • . DILWIIkII - 11, AAA .euif - . ..9N7. 1 1 ENV ti r i t a gur suits by LITERARY. _ CO.PARTNtRSIIIPS. CO.PAIITNERSHIrs f T WAN fr. K1NN1.331 - haves, this - daY vittuf'cluled JlJ•witlt them in ih 6 .tlardsrambusmW, Pfritip Wil son odd Cdteard Clegg. 'Tee, style of Ilan wlil here eller be - Lorin, WllsOn fr. C O :- This nrrartgentettrren• den it- drum* -to cleft the old. business ,us sotto As puosilde. persoustehout I oLilitin Itare - tutuured, ore especially requested to wake inmedatte payment. , rittsbur„li,JukhAtt., T (maze; mrizsoisG CO..—ftrourters and Wooles, le Dealers in • Fureizu mud Domestic Hurd -B,s't Cutler Saddlery, re. 120, Wood'street.Pitti- AutlA,:nre Ilijr - ttlif prepared with a recently horror „tad stock of.,thprthruse, Cutlery, Ate., to uffur very great itclueemynts - lo treacle bayers,teing determined 'to etunpete u, priOs tualt utty of the Aticlutic cities. 'AA so en Landau CrWll,llte 0.10t1111.1 ad Pi lislio rg It Hard ware, VII: Shovels,' Spades; Furl, Ilue;, Vice. rn all of, vattidit will be sold al the lowest nuanufacdtters prices, . . 1 • CO-P , TNK . SHIP. . Ai I ' TllEsubserbers 'Axing recently entered into 1 pattnerebip under the game of (Jul either, hulg, & hillier, ior the ptirposeurcurrying un the Sel f ; Dem. Foundusg nod Gas rating buriusvo in all its bruischev, have taken the stand forulerly occu pied by /I. Uollaglier,' tio.'lll9 Front street, between Wood a Smithfield rtA., where tbey-are prepared in execute al l order. ire Bells. Brest Otology, of every des •riptiou, and on. Finings arch [lefties. sad des patch. Sleantboat ,u , ,lnug proutdy attended to. ii. GALI.AGI4FIL • . AA. LONG, . P. 11. 311 t.LER. - - NI 11.—Tbe edieldion of hlselduists arid Engineers is invited to Oat 4111.1111 - .6011 Meth I, for 4 reduced price, which be, been pruliouuded superior to pubbil's by numbers who hare used both. Sieuxubcottbuiliters sad the public, generally, are al u requested to cult end re turnee nue superior double betiott Force Pumps for steuitsboutund Ikn.* we.' . .' . .. OALLACIIEU, IA/NG, A 5111.1.F.R. ' • • . Dlagiolusilgorb • r • THE porwerthip.uo long .lisling under the firm of hIS-ord & Ring. was by aluilll.l COtweill dlsoolsed on th e Ist inst. 'rhos business will be Maned mita, old Mud by either of us, using the moue of the line fog that puspoue. Being desirous' to tiara our business closed with as lithe &Joyos pgresible.wo uould re. speetrolly requcil ilso. °tacked la 'clill and selll.ll I.ir acirounts. • ' • JOHN IS .111:Oltli. jitSti g , .. .l4L:ti. . . . ;-I • • . CO-Portimerships• • • JOILS D. ht'CUltll &good wg mooned with him has brother Jostles lirCord, under the style of sl`Cord & Co; will minium... the Hat, Cap sold For booth.* iu all gs. serious braindies. wholmale and retail, at the old Cod, corner of Wood awl WI Wet., whet o they eolicit a continuation of th e patronage so liberally is ! snowed owshe old orb. • JOHN I/ Areuitu. .J,tm, - ' - , • ; JA.SIES S. IWCOILD. .. • . 1 s eerie, ng from the old mid well known firin of 'I. &Mod ;It King, I mot 'se!pectilly reclinuneud So the'. patronage of the . public guy smog:moors Mew& Alonl &Co. • i ' ante li. D. ' HOU.' thilliiiiiiki - iit V w. STEPULINS I:lDY ifiTgil L:wrung. H. F, Slornberget • -17.1• ofJuniat.....l J. A. Stockton of Pingthmgh, base this day 'entered intOe ro.partnersh/P oudoe. , Olo gut , brat of Stollens, Stiornberges •& Co::nt that eta Clot 'cola work. WiteeNe!!. V.. the the outpose a( swum., (misusing iron and rouluOt e my deggeripn tio, • ' . . C sc. rowdier& • I. P. 5. . t. mew,. 1. A. otecros. IS TEPLIESS, 1111.0 MlLEllidaill. do pa. ANCHOR lltus WORKS. . DIEM • • 417.01in6, Nanstacture all Lied oilLoi:erfehreL Ger.:l.4llmi II13.1i; J, LL steel pua springs mud Ilcine tom ecru' SliocuLtryes oud Jecieta works. we roe ode r Ott •rticle Juutata iron 'Litman! Shoeuberge rl equal to any tomlel/1 We couutry. All ut w Melt c'ql be cola at tie- l'itteborett • prices- tt'arciau•eui tie wort. • cotocr oi ?Lamar and Water au. _ m) /I _ DUSOLVTION. rs, mufti' the I "l tL C YLT ' o ' uft ifictfso th :te., " ra Jay slisAgrod 11 anima e.g . .. hiihrt ul Will 01.1 Q km the ea, iltoyoi of the lam said u.e 11. tall+e;lof th2l plapyse. TEIVILISUN Ant II VIV111;41N. CO.P.IiLLTNEWIIIIVh. rinic unlessitcursl hare this day wooed a eo-partner. sitipsuuder ths . ..tinu of Jaw. A. I.luhelit 004. . of e•islistuie,o the business hetstitioie earned nti by Lewis Hatettstsoti ( - 0.. and suiteta eutil4ll 6 / 1 11.C,IM" Alain:mm.o bubertit etheoileil to the Woe , .IIUMII-OS, . . ...... • 4A/1113 /0, 111 - ri'lllSll.il • Pitt/bugs 4.10 e I.ll^ll . i,161/01/I.ITIO/11-11/e pa/ Incr./up Wage/10 cal..- tug gooier the loile's.o4 firmof IVggiougagg b. 1/e -.t.d./111/A day /howl/ NI 4l ugsguat cologg•n/. John Dol. gel/ baggetugg gl/eppeed of lu,gruggge gown,. go /I. Wg.tbg• Loooncgo tlio tate Grog w il l be croled U. 'Wit binuog, tog go bobionted W wee banrot thj /ete lino gar that logrigoggr. .11 • toarrci " . 3 ' . • rus Solocritrer i• now prrpo tod turstanurzotort......l Limit Of Cymru trot \Vooloot Mar bitter', 111 the tUottarat auticr. Ort.tero ten of It tliuittorrui. Joofate ',do,. our r I-Merty mut Mr air, atrootroctil tom& tr.ob prompt 11. IVltt Lhookit, Leto.en futertl and rrwititot.) sormAlty Allt-tt.onv t &tli'lCE—lltratagporehl&eii the emi» (Mere. of C. 11 Grata,. the Is. coiteeni of eteuilexter S. ILL, inel tutoeiateata)owl, Leodoie P,luelexter IthiL .the buioiee• wilt Le chioinued ea hien : under , the eirle of l'ottelestrrt tb. pp:7u LC tV POlNDrlvrti. rrqm tsr/EII,II;NVD. doing Latter.. outlet lot; 4 ...-totWe tthtgt ite_Nteliehioii, at Ara V4timity sit turd meet. harp th , e ‘htSi 1")' mutual ei.ne,eut. wed their ea.partherthip. 'thole, 'lititmitir selves todabteti ro the Arm, an emeested W 4 , • , , V , their wart:Loupe int I.lhetty .trees, uppoehe head of %Vote!. and will, sod all having claim* spelt,.. them present thew at the ~tar plate for seine:hew. )(MN JUICY Niellt./L.tet,S.. 1101iNt FAItREN h t 4 ...t tura. maairrmax t p ins aemeriatc.l thew:civet together mole: Ott tutu Johlt Vat ten . fee Ole ruteuee ig Cie • le.e.iee.i4 usti t,thh.he Im Itaet a Ire. ial iortia ea.) ecenrisoaia.i lage, • 11111 M tag .01 us tlee 1134, I..rt, tires i. 11.01 IN jontlif bore tided Inn an interest in the .1‘ 171 Cicada Hiwinew eingilweicil iii I o nome of the entkodgned, LIMN, *I Froirth.and Marko . Wirth, commencing Feb. 4, IA !Milne's for the plowm will be romilittet/ node r the former Ingle of • mars - IV Ctlll-PARTRIC.IIIII.IPIVati Yonlighici..g this %.,/ day ewoctitod with tam, /Oho IL .11•Cime the tre- ILer Latent ticrenfier be Conducted khaki lb. bon of Woo VSO.ft al, Ca • WILLIAM Voltglo, Pat • - /MI H. \l'a:l:S li . . 1i Ursa; J.X.frech A. Ca, ClazirM ' ileynee , lCepeetaresit. ''• SAL., enhuallsiama ea.. VI; Apr. PI, 1041. TIR:D.JAYNE.S: Urai. icol litiond w you JJ amt the alEieted public, to avail tor•etiof this up p m:why of gir ins puhlicity to the eutmunlnLryeffects of your I , Ypectunott on tnyreli. Damon been att i eted t.” moreral pears nub ....wrote cough, hectic fever and Its COncoatilanl demurs, and ecemed only doomed to linger out a Wart but tniactuble ellsteocc, until the Inn of Ildoehetti - Leinti mare +comely, attacked, and having resorted to aD ray tenser colandwa, and the pla intiptioull of two of the mo.y Wallet table yhynicians is nelghtiortallOil l orithOul dttiying any benefit or the consolation of .reivillg bat a few day, or u t reeks at farthest—whin Ma Lout tie= of nape Ina about to vonien, I had retommentleal to me your Expectorant itattblerwil by Olaf !kitty...mho Joe+ all Ibtega In tier um of Om orlon.--tott contrary to the expectation+ of my phymeme. nod Mode, I war hi foto Ilav • ranted WWII my net, inni enabled by the car of a bottle . , to neat 1it) . ..v.1111 - 1., enjoying truer batter health than I Ittif tot ten ;ears ptertatt.. liecitet thoti . v out.. Or, . ion W. Ervin, For .are ,Poltmere, at the Pekin Ten Sure,:: Fourth 'lon : flora A. IYEtty. 11. l'AilSP,l4l.lr, .ell,44lfgb. • - • . • , tVliuleiele Drug. Store to the City of • Iti . or i n ' :7:ZZ4l7 " Jnt ed stt ' e, ' t rilf Ncsr 1.04 On4l nro propored , oupply brunri . -t. Nod Airrclautt. with Drop, P...., this 1,3 lofeTWllknal Aopeoican I, foolery, !louder. I, covrc Aiontlee• Cheolic Itie their own itoportaßabi ,61.1 al{ oasoF oititko inn ditir line I.*i• "0 10 44 low as pgey.cau Le yur •t1114301.0r wile.lan. elly.- - Net , / 11. A. FAUNKSTOCK k. . , Ca Illarclier'sreltramtaGraeaat "rjeo I':kINTI7ISt, 171.17i1l 31AKIMit efic—Wee the IStlntrtv and Blind klalers, of the ekik art New.Yedit,li4re 'mord and tented, nod are now entng te new article of Chrome . - Green. neatiestarruird by Gru. A. Sfurc het,' of tins city. and find it to auth during a Run brilliant l'ores Green anti...re, with a very superior Inely, toed recommend tt to our brethren in we trade as iii nPer)* yorilcular the Lett Chnstue Green we Lave ever thilid.y, New York, June 1.Y%. Sigieril Lyn.* Cans art practice' painter* or the city of New York. 'llia unequalled ICleroom Green May he Lad of lerlsl.FlSS, Na 57 Wood eirret, who ha. the exclusive ngencyforitkaale in Pittsburgh. stearl Pine Nee eft Teeth for rat Vent.. W i tITI118 1 : 13 111 1 1 1 4:vr7111 1 :i„MI A 1)T i tt't.1 1 1. 1 !2; r1 0 ng sown or twice cleaned nfthiJollee uoth Pow, hare the appearance at the moo Limo tiful ivorY, andel Wu sante 'catkin , eat...ilea:l4 oneoccui and err gulsitaly that ets causluso Ise ii. buddy tab. courageous, even to time froth Mutate lid good cud did., giving theme bemilifol pulsar, end preventing a prentuturo decay. Tbose already J.:caved it 'nevem.. from becoming .morsi—leolso fastens Noel. es me be 'coming loose. and brporseemance it Will render the foulest lecthvielicetely white; and mute the Meath de liciously eireeL..Sold by . 11 AL JACESUN, to liberty B. A. :JTAUHIP.FITODIfs'N: ulle of any childteggagail about Afi'vle;,lyeawrZt . ti;:,'LL'A.ell tor several day., and, thi. 11111e•/1 OW Milled au ulargaigagly: that I feared Iliad. would Gc the reault. heard ujthe good edam/ taikalaingstucli's Vertuouge athelalsterea Is the eldhlten of thy unglitnna, tool thinking my cluld hare wegrus,trula was of tbe Syn:m thap, I gave It 'MI, and a halt teaspoonful. of 14 Vortuile s te, and to guy great astaandooont it aleitgat angled:Om at...thug - id between ado and :gill large worms. bilge:llth wan mum reslorwl, and it Is tuns remarkably Well: Previous to inking the Verthatugc,.the womb would occasionally 11// , 111 110 'throat, gthil toile:, it INCILIId die IfOlk C.11411/11 1 / 1 . 1 1 1 .. , • JAS. (3. thwthsta, Viaaugo co, PA, April :4 • apl3 • Popular, because Goody 'tIEI,LEItS' PAMIES pi EDICINES. • - Coot. Syslde, Jedetaou Co, .yet, Paatch I, MR E SlA.l.EllS—.lhavewearly eel:1,110w Ver. .wage and CoughoSyrupyou sem we. --Year Ver ....1..0 withuoyexcePtiou the beat everolTe red /otitis uelghtatlioodg 'booing Prayed good wherever. ailed.— The COugb Syrupaud laver Pill. have also given 0::o- II:faction Yuor otet .errs. J SCOPE Postanaited Paepured and, sold 'by RE SEl.l.liltri,G7 Wood sh; 'sold - by Dr Catothl, Ith 11" ant; Curty,tikshetir, J. NVJ smith, Tetn?urtneeville. 1 • ' • :. 'ward VALIDS.'s At. row Haul Rook- Powder, a delicious mad ) tughly nmmimu food. which array Willis acid on the sioanthlai tool 4 /low y tretnausaltded by tins locally 111 pzetigtenea to Israel, saga, lopiocn, or plain Arrow Hoot. no beck. suited lo the debalitated atouttath of in :staid., and a Mora strettglbruing Wholegoulue, dunl br intsuts.' Ear tale by , . E sE,LEgo.. DEffillEal IaMM 'MEDICAL Books. • -ur ISTORIMI—Itube mot Gittinnes, Hos laseirs, Mod: Europe, Yroseotts e. exiso, Peru,* e.,• JiletteleN Ensure; Arnold's Itoutai -Harper's Pictorial g InniOictinke Itautv ItadriursConstrioliount /firth tiry Arnold's /Ater Homan tiorranontvenith; IlunieCs History of his own Units, with iiiiter; I loperu's Middle Ages; Mill's Crusades YAW Chic , niryi Browning's History of the Hugociunic Thisrry's I I worts st Narks; veal's IlisiorY of the Puritans. rs I'rencli nor; Taylor's Manual of Auc't mid Mute Iloilo. yj I drodoruuu tolls. History of the Church, by Jul iris; ilightlOr• Itwue nod Englinist;•ltanice's Popes. The Muir', with ninny whet valuable works, for .sic by J L Itti.ll) • N " Books—Freak Arrival.—A Summer in .Weald; by Jueob Abbott, with engraving. stsraoudi, Literature of the South of Europe, new e/ Luther and the Itefonnation, ty John Scutt' M. A. Lee and Writings or IVuhingtoh; by Sparks' vol Ina Nor 45, 41 and 45, flamer'. 4he lariat Itirtury of Eng land. Ingot of the Supreme Court of the United Stae.; by llolcutuba. The Poetry of Life, by IV 11Tappun. , Parley's Cabiner.Ltbrury, thi rots, !toga 10 mo. For thatch). J. 1r REED, 4114 near market at Talk: READY IIEC,XONER....Foi ;hip builde re; boat buiWarr; and lumber mentbanir, being a correct glicsourenitlst ul seautliug,butir4 Volts cubical con tent: urequirra and round Umber, raw 'via, wood, ma, comprised lu a number actable*, to which are added tables of wage. by the month, board or. mart by the week or day, and rail rood distanCittq alaolUtercat ta bles; by J al Scribner, author of Ike °Entsinear's Mid hlechanin't Ccaopauron o ma. etc. For sale tor . .JoUSErION & STOCKTON, cot.Matital & I=itkiiiMM HOTELS. .• FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LICIIT'STWEET - • Coco LCD natrmaoa,.ra natraroaaTHlS antbiishturat long and widely known a. being one oldie most connewliao the city of ;Baltimore. hint recrutly undergatp-Sery emelt- Olandion. impreveaseus. An entire new wing las been added, containing neincroe, and airy Vann:tents and ....metre bathing roota.• Th LUies.! department ban alto, been completely. eon Litedup in a moat unique and beauti ful .tile. • le feel the whole turscgentent of the Ileum has been remodeled, with it single eye On. the part of the proprietnni: latetted• the amnion and pleasure of their Climbs, and... Odell they confidently mums will chelleege comparmott with any Hotel in the Unica. Thiur table s ill Mews be supplied with every .ti. inaulal and hoary which the, market afford., aerved up i,p silperior style . while In the way of %Ville!, d.e., lIICT Pill nor be surpassed. matchtlion the proprietor. beg to wy, that nothing will be tent undone on their part, mid on part of their Slant.. to render tin. Ilona worthy the continued murales.. of their triende and the publte generally-1 'Clique. for board have also bau reduced lb the , foliating ratem - Ordinary. 151.73 per ilay. . • (eutle Th ntee's i 1,50 N. 11-13 e Baggage Wagon of O a r Ileac will al way be . found - at the Car and Steamboat lending., which will Convey baggage to and from the hotel. free of chart, ' . PEARL STREET HOUSE.' • ‘TilE.uhlteribers bertha purchased the entire Intere.t CoL ti. Wil&IM1011. late of thi. .tvell goo,e estatiliOttocut. beg leave to mate to their! (timid., and th e public geoendry, taut they lame tetra lids • commodious lime, rivet tom of year.. end vrilll.e.tert their ben energie• make it n destrable home ler Travellr/omit City Boarder.. The hotel ..paciou.' and admirably planned for convenietice. light midair, basing • number °renders. adlo.ting ehattthers. pre.ctiting oututual ettractont to rotates. The present proprietors having hod We experience of yeses in nue city and etsearbere, have they..•nlbbe able to gire general sotisfactlon, bettor tletermOteti to give undivided ntwatiott to the house alone: • - The location of the Smut Sire iliouse is uncommon ly eligib o, hosing fronts on Pearl,' Walton and Third tr ix 110 that Il is equally desirable in view of the hotmat Milano. of km tee. tarn or retirement. fourisaie rs. is neer by the llonta, the Post ()Mee, the blcutoide Hall. Odd Fellow'. 'WI, and hat one square diststut from itlain siren ant two slimes from the City %Wharf, thus adoring the greatest e . ,pe r ,. weictukub.•lll.litenernlly to all permit. 'etuliuc Clocinuati • JOHN • nicht • . ' JOHN A HUHU:. • r .EXCIIANOI4 410T8L. • Cone. ae rasa •31) Si. (late rrersaritatt,ra. , The subscriber basin; assumed themanago. meat of this lot:Aswan:limited and Popular !load, respectfully 1111110{IfICC• to Triciellers and the Public generally. that ha will lard. doer reParefl to accommodate them in all things ble toe well regulated lion,. is noW tieing thoreagbly tettaired throgenoubmaXitewEartmave added, and u. P.a. Will be *pared to make the Exchange one of the rely) heel Ilene!. id to eountry„• . _ The undersigited respectfully sultons coadationee of the very 11bcrul yultuaage the thence Sae hatagolura terriy<4. T11011.4.t. Olb STUN, Cu,. _ _ JOINXIS. 110TEI9 no lid..litti3l.7l` MIS; straxuarnia. 2 'nit: sutivenhetA under thr firm of Hodges A' ' West. have purchased Alr. Jones' interest itl this estabbOttama. and hope by We strictest attention to th. wants tad caution of their auto, to mon a coo tiattauee of the liberal palronstgo lametufare received ity lb honour prupriour.• Thu hour. ha. bee. thoroughly rcouvale43. sad to plred; we therefore Wel minted we ran weir... our trwuds and the public to achnuatudations renal to any iacbe any of Platade/pitta. N. It. NHIIMa g, JNO. WKST UALT UOVIIISI.._ • _ • • • • Marva.° Wil:al. alaataaaal •=r,e- I mls.. Ulbtuhwent u upv in ilakl.atiardat r4t the Trarelior riddle. amain 26,re.e,"4"idl 'lfa'efaar'll:".own'll'aarrl'eln"ordr“l"w4eulbi"a= O r alcr, ta Ihr tavola. ilcooltural... I Ilat,e ea ) ,on . ,hpli nil bc jdewetl who coll. TY. locuton entleal,"rtaw tialaels i.leasen... F. , . 51 ror day . 11,1131.%{1§11... ?Ctl,—Allmult wet ciartlf a new 11 roam, It al Om .our--3 a..tv Whiip WI the 01.1 aped _ VERO/A . l4f It TiiL: DEPOT, I:MD/MLA:ID, MD. 111 rre:rrnyt 4' Uotir ' .71 ' :ettt ' s n if d a ol'esow toul'eattiott will' do well' to call —.hay will Witt the chaaabrt. claw, and wee, awl tal.le a. yellfana•Lad Iwo hotel iu ..WianiCumberlaild, al la:way-are eral. • waal. Cave and eleven., nwaa. hate Lean made OILY . 1.11 M . :. IC injure 11111 'owat.lnlnortn, but an imet!ltelit pahlte reluAlta them. The V‘rrana Dote' bal. !nth. Ing it If Iron, bouaral , le Cnr9pol[lol?-.-11 ta• Upon table on arro itiv roach. e. and car.. VASIILNIrION wart. TLL@OCI[!IUATU\'e O.ILT. flOl'llP., • 10C11,11.1... Xt. ' breleeibt hie friend. Med Ate to seam wow,. et .the GALT I,Ol'+.La.riavillb, bib., where be hopes to , all hie obi inerala, b./...orbar them Bud the ghatpublic. erfolt.hall ...bare.' lab =ate all comfortable who ti with Jett parted - arr. ' UNIT,C.D STATEN HOTEL., • AND d late liabbid - its;: Unbett Stale*. Pleb. M port: M1TC111:LI, • _ ADIfiatICAN . ... 1.1.T111411M. an, .. • At OPIIONJ11;.11, Iloilrand Depot. Prott 4. Dal. o.4l+,lll2iliVAl. tturrii,pooprielor. {late of We Exolloo,te osol :IL Chatial holies. l'itu: I . BooK"'Tribß New ElookiJast. StreelTed. Arrs g 2.l 2 ; ' t i sue 4"° . Vs 3 ldat ' s ' ; to h =rli;' ' , l ll:l Ixclurr, on it, Low atof the G0.:X . 114. Skiff:en 11. Ty . ff:, 1). D, itew, ow! onlarsrd odozoo, ponnait of 'the loofa), *LW. to l7 :l ",3 : ' ; 'll l ( l l .l7l : errvr n !lt s . l i; D it. l) \l l rllLor t , ' 71Z , . . .I:immieet Ilioirty of Cie taliotan ILlliviet tool Chard, Imo,. laird ily Pew'. Torrey, l'ol. 2. .. 112.1(14.1C: a tale of slid for Eaglaml, to lia— r Iv two volume. from .scoot Loud. c01d... 51.511. Memoir of 11 - CCroekeralimionoty ta Africa,o4 with 1 ' Paraiba' Derollectirma Iy Charlotte Elie...le:h. with eaple.ualiny oaten, ace4apaaltel by a memoir attain,- cur l Me penal from the close , orpersocial reedbaetiots ,hoher death: by, 1.11 .1 Taint.; Ml} melba . 7 iDerolleeliouit ht Paglamb by Clerk; 74 II Tyna.D. D. ' 3latti )11.11, the Merchant'. Clerk; by Rel. Charlet i IL Taylor, al .1, author a -x....1. of a Good )lasi Life,' ../.44.1y 311ry,^ ...Darin, or the Pearl; ks. , .The above iula rreeitedemil for Mita by ELLAYIT...b. hi-NGLISII marls . DI market FL IMPRVVII al aml 4th - - i.... neaettred at N. A. Illkamtea—llistoileal tool. .11, secret Slemoma of MO Lumrem Joarybior, Era attic OfDapolmia - Dimaporte. by lalle .11 ALo liiii , mart& . Ireooige% of the Nitrool Illmory otCrmbou. " - Peres. REOhurpe, or No Vo•000kolco of For ore; by S/r4.Akiro. - Elmore. Ilarcours, or hielegichonle—n story of comber between goal Trail evil. The Alyaieriel of the Three Chiesi by Arapahoe J 11 ihmanate..• • 'he'eli;nal, or the King of tlie 111ge fele. Tlie.Prawier Pt Perot, by J.E'rueL ifuut's 111erelasira Aluqucioo rair March. 1/cuioerelie Review. A eplendAd oracle lAre Ildgetl Now paper and 'clop«. to correspond. Smge_for the People, Pdo J. for March For A miner., Smithfield ~l, 3,1 door from Second. _ . emirs • tdAlll.llollolltal -The enditavy of Julia Dote of Ilealiosough: by Metalled Al lonst, F neater of -The Ronny of Erope,' Senuder's I.ife al Claiil-The life of Jena Chlisl, in Its I listodealeonnexian sud Ilistariont Ilevelopeavenuu by AuataturNeuntler-antalated train the fourth (:pr. ittsui aiott, by John M'Clintoek and Chas. 1. Intone. That, Crofesmsr• I.J/elan/on College. Iliche the Guido - or, Adventutos in the Ceinanv Ow country in searth ' uf a Cold Aline-by Charles IV Webber. The ilachetot of the Allatity—by the ember of .The Falcon Family.° Dr. Chuang... Powburmon• stele fel Headings, bk the late 11,0 s. Chaltuero, D. U., It. 1.. U.—la three vol.. Valente* Ist and DI reed. The el,ove rabtable .work• received Oda day and for. roil' by , .JOIINSTDN STOCICII.I,O • blisoiatellar,o ruetattrket sad Wide New Paper luad.ligrok Establishment, ; Wrano Sr. , aarrreta Forrirrn one Dlalitont, 411.1XT: Kuhn:Aber. !taxi just udeued, it the gamy Dowd, n Wrde stock uldiffereut quallilei ruled und panic while nod Oleo 'Writing and Letter 'l'aper, cum meter.] gild picket post Flat Cap, dewy aud medium lo ' writing papaw, for blank books; medium and,royal to krwhig Palter.; medium, dewy anil.eap 'boy Book. nod Ladder, mupStior paper d' un Iseastirsteris Sghoor Hoot. .it inunduriSiorhs Theology and Science.; quills, gold and seef Pens; .Waftro, Wax. )11111•11e., tad. he. " 1 1 / a uk Books Ulan sires ruled la putters', hnitbound in We most wbsiontial wanner: , •Country Alereholits oupplled it !owe's, Whole/tile psi. Cr. fur rush, or rugs at cash price.. JOB SIIINTIN4I.—Itatiod oda, ores in connection will, our eatahllshniedt, we are prepared re ewerde order. torplain red Caney riitititig—liooka, pamphlets Insinemt climb', tall. of ledind. die., will. deo: 'patch UllllOl low priers. Ei.i.ityrrr, . ,u)1 'Yu wood It, between ith and diannahl sag. A T eIUIL 57'0141: on Market Slrel, Nu :A bet . ert , 11l and 41b, to all nine. be found a /tugs. stork of 'llieologirit and Acieelluisrous 'Woks. NoW boon. received I. 1111.)11 . Irtitll6llVd j llllll t o i l [arr est prices.' The publican.. ur Wa Aniatitlin SUnday 'School Vain, and ilassatdanetta Salibuth School Co- always on hand. l•atalarmer furnished on up. . pliration. . • • 13.1.1017 6 EN(11,1811,' 01)1 • rx 'market at; briscreu Id . and tith tiLANIXid MEM Ban:. MT.rmeort. P; ' ` .:".,- .. • . -". gins ea's= : . L ratiPineNCOTT/t. BJULIIi. • . - .. :1 • • ' (Lme..l.SStrickler & Co.) f:' .. ' Iiks(A.SLIFACIVRERS. of Patertit Ike prmsf safe**, 1.1. smuts side,'*econd sßeet. between %Wood Mal L Sun dibeld PittsburgitY - J S telelcler hart* deceased and Mu sari - trim partner Air. Jos LiPpesseatt: having astociated him wish Mr. Wm C Bum eue Mishima will he mailer be conducted adder dm Style Mit Lippenes ;con/ Barr. Trial of • Mire isiCinrinnatis o.:We'thesheillitaigm. Led were present at tie smiting of one 0f , ./ IS Strickler & • CV+ improved Phressix tiresproofstifea. :-.Thp safe VW placed In a rums., on dm putdsc landing, arbAiriteeeted /0 the illlettlle heat of a sone coal, bm.rol : more. Buis three hoax.. In one hopr and a lailf Mel** came to • bright red heats. the, deer "Ssf tile furnace: was thee losed, which canted un Inc risied and Sheet it. the balance of the :Imo, omit th e bag brat 4 ".° .partially mei:es:toff; CM fistruac• was then down and the tare cooled and tipsucd. The otosiiy,• papers and boas which it columned were m perfect a* when placed there, the bludln...ouly :of the Imokmbeing Ins lured by the water brcoollng the safe.L•-' Wse U.e tao hesitetion lit recommending it to the publie;*e a tabs superior to any we have ever , 0011 tatted.: siSd believe that it will stand any heat which might beitpradaeed s ..te . ept a heat which would melf it to stolid 'Mass. ' Ppnger dr . Whitlows, I. AVenhington, Xellm. ft . . Kennett, Irt v lh ti nce s tlf G P Breese, itiorugSMt* T ITltsn , irmj, ' eft ' , r"ianit: C., thus,, . . . We, the , undersigned, selected the sake isipoken of above, Boni a lot In the store tof::Trnber Arks the Agents , L. :L CO SP 'SUER* .. . Refer to Cook ft Morris, Brokers, Pittsb.rats , • Nutley Hanna k Co, do do Ot li•*.lia. r. , s_ taer”eurr. untx 3, wick.. El iducmcns. " LIPPENCOTT &CO.! 31ANUFACCUREFLA of Hantrnerml and Cast Stool. ',Morels and Opades, Axes and Ilatcheth Mithat Cut, Circular and Cm ..... flay mitt Menage Fmk., noes, alattocks, ' Picas, ate., harilm completed .11 dm .if anin the ColitifiletiOn of new mach/non', and in scouring the hen workmen froto OW oat ~ 1 .- bratriiestablishmenta of the East sod now rlllll ,, ing and wi keep consmutly on hand and e sate all,, the &lave males, busing +trailed, thesusel •of the' • hne,l hug em., and aroiloterinined thaOrt wort nattishlp au l material they will not be excelled: Th.Y promise to roduce attic es equal; ii not nqi.sior. I. any that ea be had in thel Enin..liter invite hte *in , . (101 l of deal rs to an examitunion of theiratatdr hearse .I , M . ..hosing where ,as thdy . are consinYeathut they will be titg to fill all:orders in their ling In **mains sati.thetion of purchasers.' Warehouse, ilfalg,r; sneer, 4 door. IV/4n filonongalehilloose, Plush rgkfl... ...-.- . N. Its—Persoifa' having business with Voia , Jappest roll k lsolswil please gall OW L444 . 11‘041. 41, Ca,;.. ... . _ 1 '....Maly • ~,,, . ,• „ . _ P _ . .i • .. ..... ..64.611.1 W..WiXIDWI3.I. r. • pstosborak Piiroattlare.-Wourvi 8006411, • 1' • • ...: = ,5 . 4 . 711111, onion, 4 " . •d ' ' forge and opleodid eloottrrientiff Fonsi , 11177. stotatile for Steamboats, I loteliond poi: • ' ' - m ale dorolliaga, eonstantly. ow.' iiiA4A and oilo to.ador. • , , ,', '• Tho prow. 'nook ow good c a nnot 6e oteiOiled by .41` 1414 . 1 . 4 1 4,1, 447 iii We wovions rouoiri . T. nowt owl.log to put on would du well lo give our vi volt, met sot determine., my priers &al please,. ;yaw al • , SU voila with Plush and iloir:eloth eiweiiii , 2 dos Mediogoug Nufw etigivii 14 pair Mono.; .r It do: Goo widiogung liiiirg . ' Lt tuahogiwy Work Stoodar - 3 do. iooloigoity fl ocking Choire; 0 , : .' 15 iosuble lop Droving *wow; . .k 4, pair dimwit; , ' i o marlatelop,Woilt iiiiisids • ' ~,' - II chewy 1 Vogl( Stoma.; • • ' . •- • ' ii•i : • • Alohogiiiiy•Slopie,'Cberry. sod PopLor iledolowit PI aII do cilium.... owl :a lord.. 04-ortwein-of OligiOoll tintiiiord and choirs, WO ZWWWWI.• io atiouliiiii.l .. 4ntYlf I..A.unz .iitx tutpriusrmeumristuatriti CONDIONPARPARED CEIAI.I4. • .. TIIIIEY are not aware lure (rightfully ituusioter ilia .. J_ the sklu—buir alumna, law ruulh, haw sallix, yell ve la aud arilierthli llie aide apprise alter usilialWepiie puede/talk: We de* hi. /dinar/6A elllllaillillt )11nree ter , iiit i :ljeatill ~,. ...;:d . 1,e...ii• , T. :'i , ~.. ~,,,,,, ~..,...tv.".4.),...4. 5i.,,,,t z,7.. W. . v a. P./iClij /1111Jt1L living purified or iidl del' . * PH qualifier; and it imparts a. the Akira a natural'. ' lbl alaldioiar, cfruz, lirinJ white; at the *mac tatar*ai Aka a c 0.40110 411. th e ;Ain. imakiug it salt Mid asulaith. . Lt. hales ittidertion, Practical Cheauul of illaui , ' hiattl4, auk. `Miler aunty ring Janes' Ilpaniali Lily White,) find iipiederres ll' • inceu tieuruiralbaitra'l. utul al be .ineditue'ineocefit white lev se w. I veriainly e•ii oaura-Irue aualy r,elcunigiatal its a. 4 Wall wlroaa skit. ryquura braalil)l4:' Price, 50 teats • has. Said li) 'WSI. JACKNON. ea /Jberty sh iiesP.sl ' Pitt „Vlach! • ilsis Works sod Ifoguad#y. etrmeuttem,•• e lthla flit, • Spineung namen, SpekJers Dtayrise, 'Frames, Railway Heade, Warpete, eye:mitts, thiwitti IF:ruer. oom, Geiadera, Wiseuht .0.4 5,1 . 1, ILI rued; .%11.isc. of Ca.; bon, rallt4e cud liaugere ut the 'meet panents, 'elute. aid bawl Ladies ; ma/ mole oi all atuel.. Caatiage ut every deettPtt. fanaelmal eat show native. ' Paitavis math, to cm/Yr rot ;UR Gearutf..../ttea ~ Lettara 4,16.1- tag I , etemtive. Caw Iran Window Saab n a il ( coop Cas ..a. gym, .liy. Orden 101 l at the Warahmts e l of J. Pmenry liberty ,Mel, . 41 kt...e1./C.:UN !tied., Dohs to UNtehstor h. Dell & 1ee.. .. J. IL klarirekt .c ed & C... tl. K Ih . ..wt. John haw & Ana, Vatabotgi; 41' C. &J.ll. Watuet..lteatowdle.. • . s. Intl4 . ' . • . • DVIdIIFSNE.• . Ch e n S o ti f 1 . 1 .1 4 t t i Z.4 l :. It i tt " tr: *all f led . . j thew Wt. earls, are met pre'patea kteulanile lure ...my dwrripnan of ewe r mod Made Vat. Ira. Hike Aatnicao, Wistot. Sperry and Steer. and ..1 , area of sotall.mquara atalmetma .79.7, whith they user aer ialetwklaaul rums, al tholc start haw. NG 4d. %titaad tome...Atm May alas . 1. ., haw/ • cuenplett alai !ultimate. amonmem el' Ilitaming.. Cynic. /I.thlwan, 2daltehilti ' .... Nails attolroa. , 1 . C, It& Co, hsea made arrange...oa with 3.laor t . Day at Crum, ammtiketattm of Stmerls„Spielea, rettw dudsnd will fitrp eowtanity au hood carry mt.& ..by . D.nastler. •te empettfolly Wahl.] fa "all, aster , . a i term. will he era that ____ r .... —.,....._„,,_ • - dirblo 'Worlds •• - . ; rrilE.Destits. of deutletnett &edam Ofparelf4l.4 A .V.uma MAirm, alusratimm OrStirrall,r/ IIW• vaorte.l. • • * • Ma I , abotnatia hay . al befit eugaled fa the MOW bartarew tor tht last Call) ) ... us Dhidadelphiarl lamsodywismactured work tor almost ertrypart o Mt Cue, he ram to all who ham lamellate. th Wel. cultOW, awl to Watt weak, kat/ti leran!. of villa has Welt put split title place.l Th ey bare abeam oat haml a 8141.794 a(Merbla.llontel k ansl nett endue.. ginal Deese* lr Ilianamaau mend other work, coolie al whirl, win. pr et will be tore/advt. • 4 frwo hremkaat, : • 4Cs,°!',"'."'''rtiodyikile"re'Zltje hem* is haldileh phta tor Mambos and rhameur a. wirteserk • l JUIIN -Illuminata a sow - - kb:Wks I No2.DHigh a. /lola. N. LI Myer ithatledgin Weir lint which they 4daot ramie.% cilia, dareeetie or unparesh . - ;:ie — ti lliliaiiiatellelal7ll:--_ . 1 r • •.I °SEP!! WhIUDIV r.u. eyelet of , Woad lad hd rea...rimaleoya. itin• tny withdrawn Irto. the firet Of V. wart was m'aostwell, oa Ma lad of January, 4470 lobe pleasure in aittoonriut to my friend. ik De oily ati 10840117.14.11 Lave 0p... mr nal. Kam hllDh,„_ .boar named Oar*. Hawing purchaved tor road. ow cash, tad =ado lei with wanwhiclantra ill , this co •ntry awl at Knape to Inr a/ all I am fully preptCred us tarnish Ilselware a / a ll /dodo s tot a. pool tcrow .aml ao low a. any hell. riot Of West. hlerehaete and abets ate reeptretrully be to tall and edamea my stack; before' porehaaing the. where. The hillowitat rorapri.e• a part of AM emelt dentatt.taad eaddlery. bard trate,owl truaohoop. files, Naylor's tteth cutlery, nige tai l. , a•trila, wire', 10ck . .., !atelier. with., huh tuna..., sem..., the. Pte... tory plane. mita, mahogany Lewd. arid twee., .04 an whet oracle w comical.. with Ils. hardwara hew. trieh KV llsr4ware. Cutlery. Sauldlety. 40. •• 201 IN Impeeter rut r la.lFlergn tot llomeule Aran.lwarmould terpeeuiallyialforaa oututuver We 'nitrite generally, that lt it row re. turner hireprishr supitty afharderare; at th e OM Masi at Walker awl Wooderrll, St wort which re u ill dirisaaa arm She wow 11.11•0.1.16 WILL • . lte euttusually receiving fresh supplier, elis reer Wore tie ramirfeetureya W tamp. cud We two. try. which real timbre brim to compete whl, hay to. tahlishrista.. either X.Pfer !Wen. • Weasels areerharete at. I.llnl to call and ex.rb, OU steer befoul puttrutrit elsewhere. teeti • Ponta Raablns Shop. LT rALAN--Alasluteeturt: re milled. 0(000 jjo We and muollan macron. Allegasu ) ray, P. ' Tim above owls Imo ). rys now In MA root wt./sada op "Wirvs i nc i anr P o ' ? P' n d rt '' .117 r i c,7e . c7. ‘ a ' t pack.delro ryr . sauc " ;•: c e• " no7gr;:ldto: ummaines, rnmaralli, rlntwori mmoar, oper/Irrr, thromelA oroormi cania, able or slarlla,sor I...crekanil Of Ciligaltry marl. maleAjaclrs,Sr4shdaand Ls nor Imbraoligeools gra cool. All koala al ylammig Imml• w arJer, or plans gm. .3/, for gearing lat lune, Or mill. o 1 reasonably clmp, ItSrra To—Kennedy. Co, Elorksmlle A. . Keng, Pel.uaek Co dolt A. troy. , hell g• II miring and lialr Drawling-Saloom. it=ala: ittirlot74'irrlifiThs"...log,l=nrait: Shamprammg. Pinliens ft) k. awl ma weaved re and las palm... sus, aell. ram, Mal.al awl 0411... rimy on pretend to mut oil nut ay *Abase Twooleut oar put firma, pm ....Gra C o iho atornery; Uusra suerairsahlreffiamamls ilmel/ of Alemadar 4, (os% lb) l/mal. Slam.) ..... . _... ........ • LIELL A AID IlltAkS Folllllolllf.-4;- .... A 1111:103.11ell en.l ItAbts Posioda t au nr. . Yin met amuuttuce.lbeeineee ett ithtskl mood, w!...te he.Attil be plresetl MAIMS Ws *Wee*. er. .. hit litrnds. •.I.ltuidb,Settentotettteeti Oollkofoytty simatioole lo mow iwaud.., rite stotelpettentoeftheinkA L e: rd itrulde; eaohworrinted to tee uridebeet • ; Ahntrel Water l'utemeettitter, neither. as.. Ago. Mier ...d. real tver uty utiLlrets Caiiitase, If etuptiml, bletr..l out) huisbediu AA tshabtel etauttet. • • . A. l'.'ia the eoleprupraritte et Pelkere AXII•AITItl• tete Maul,w itmly t rleltetled. lbe Ike leduetkor of friolion I o itize,inery. The nous owl Quapookion. M. bp hu.tufMTAteittutteA..... .......atiri . : P/oughs, Plough c..up,g...wagoiii. n0a....u.. .. . . • .itoucirr.,lAl.l. el Ur aid firma uf Its S. nail, i• nAssuan. • • ming hinge votitli ele• •( goo boxes ay. iith ll. l i u m u provraue tsg • CofWUsa tVu* r,,,, c L, 64.66, il oder Ploughs, olds, lile tlref d . • NM rimer. oow Wu.% • ••• • • . asnebouse. 114 ;abely %heti. NlPkborgb,..mfilpi Hoy svalq•Eariusy. 01 Allesitruy city, year ib s . 'Wad rdwitar of Mum. Illackstoelk, Let. t Co: A I.oWing 6MIDNIULIViI m.i. Wm) ivicrrx, Ix Marks ttutbei Vlusd, for proundinspi.‘ cu. us iato . 161 .1.p.Nr tbu6lo is ea yerch.aeot entiout the tint oft...wee, euxl to iLe ink Ituvriti; free. lb itudencey eekemetahem, awl ....Milo alma, it ifi .ssy larn4y. ICH 41,441. nn'uos• Muhl to the use, it end t reusla ha I. the beat uutiliary vet offirad, Nage. trauma acirtaniuipitaus Ur rediutcu4oaa.Yakaa uuts• wt the cat, bud clupsuu• with the trodki of trip , rug a pea JUN Ilvellldd Nal tbr die by. . • • • _,J010415.061.4 tnuewruN, ' • tot palkel and u Wki1e.41116161. reit • • t " :4- 61=11.1•617. "10 • 46 slu• 4uss • itrptpee %Vi Am •., ;Lulus UMW" • • 6 rusesi Latrise Akbitsps; just received ma ides& •Li v.l . 61111.14;it iticoatos ewe ey • Illsenel7 l6 611riq4lbibl1 DRY 46 'VARIETY GOODS:, • Limp , ' O►ar.l;TT EirpoavnG.. Dr; : b 1 . 1 "' :. FOLI be :nd ris er "r 7 ".u boam s the ti n aT i s * In/a sang Pittsborgtb tr/Islam:I and epleuid, Mock t ofu rpenag. now for sale Woe new store.% rth meted They consist Of every sarietyof the latest and moat fashionable styles of Carpts,o4lClodm / yr. , . brought to the IVestera makes- smrs hoe Luse built expremly for thB carpet buslarso,and has boo of expensed been titeC4o,liaspAcent modem sty/e. The carpel,/ receiving are of duslatest design, with tiehrst twd most Millitun ealors, Th z ris compe, in part. of We followiagi vele;' Ps and, American Ilms ilatoenal Ingrain, sew she d, SUpt4l6 bITAN nevlf 'elgu; }lac Ingsain; Common du Plain aud twilled Venitian; Ro Estm su d per cord twilled do; yal Mate Pe a t; Cheadle, Alliesub Polka: Or; Wihon Tufted; chenille; Weasels, Coannom }y el tnde Deer Mats. , _ 110 , do do - do 4' do do Cotton, lie . ' rag 'and hemp carpet; noriarton eked.' Oil cloth table corer. worded:sad Luau tablet covert, window shade._ coked!' mit sjoist mattingt stair rods. trimmings. earpet, all'other goods usually . kept , carpet stores, atop labia h wdl• Ise' sold boa. remanabre tains rett any, tribe city. - Diving made sr; muscatel:ls srith oneamegargest malinfeetarees in the east, ordernar,anY tyle.6l cropetwil,lbepromplir 6.7 surdml by telegue,•4lad dClimEted All 0110.-Irrt_ jil ail rulreamMi tuanafisenneCe price. ` - Purchases. a,,. PASIIC I 4•4II67IIIO•{Cd tri bedire , purehasiOg ebtembere4l we feel cohfideatme can sell se cheep they can bepurehaied Iu W estate Mlle. HA M PrO,N; vvuos.EssLwnaylap .obs Diciraelis,, - N o. 31. WOOD StfiEF.ir ;Igoe* Munk, title spring - *apply of-dateable trambulsoaghtatt Nem lora Amnon* and &sitters eat youttptients saletoCkba pat }piny.: ‘laitOrlk.l. they 1611 arm' at atkimall 'Written ae be M. 4! Or WM.. lultheiramortateut may beAuert , — OtLepteces AtairleanrEdglitili entree:tea ?Mitt ps Amadeu. Scotch audiVeruch autlitaml ". MO pa Fads lawns; Umattlie.Giaghase erns MU Ise Miming Darkkeirses and Cashiaircii • . tal tut Flouted and }Vetere!! dirsmas, ,:4rMife,!? amt dylea - , Map. Plain Meek sad rely AS arp Alpacas • ntem pm Fauta/musinTievevy,vacietyp..,•7 • - • dw f ps Summer Co ha bmoos; , Cook. Casual. Plata Snaps Tweeds.Coariagtatis anl-kranerCmres talus 171fri !tiding aut Sauget, Cords n od Fes-, ,• MO pedants...ell cabin and amulet , • • . , log.pe Spring. nod Saraytt Median Gassinteret • Mem dmencan il l'orksture nod Belgium CMOs-- at p, S!eubene OLOI D. ' dprotiCheetsmul Isditinimy Striaci;' • Irish t I. ne ekmg., ben rt.Colomd Grabens, Painted Mil seinen Vesting. diuq, eetret styl.l. Ana Callname; Figured arid Plaits :Alb. Vesting. great,eariery pat ients .StlkaaSl Worsted th.ryreg, b.n.d add fig wed Dee,. _Silts and Satin. Linea Diapre, -octet styles Spring and Summer Shawls, all irciem, thus, Dress ILsadkerchiefs,Mik and cotton !Mar Maim", ~ik and cotton Cravats, all kinds Gloves, Suspender. Craps., Thread., Benue., Variety Good. Yre. • teat style sLeudi, an unusually large won. also, Cap Mugs Vida and kited Nets, Jacomit, base. Matins foe coal, ai Knitted Not 76 eases Anted... ad Foglia, bleached Shirting. Franc !till. Jams, Flannels, Outeburgs; Umbrella. Fe mat.. Ito. Mc. "- • • , - trey buyers, and the neighboring towns, till and our :leek orzysniell by fictmens webs.. and they reatAity right tor cat. • , , • spikly ou thou-a!' E t . NEW lad epleadid' variety, at ZELIELO . N KINEEVIa. at. Marker ravel. _ 'NI ipald lever Blucher, 93 silver , lever knacker, ParrlEtz Ye Kii•Grdeatebedlever *earth, vs .41 at Ner LTtone watebesz SE - silver gaunter vrarefeE la fae geld cu aiaa; t duenevr •Er le ear rings Sdoz Wahl geld haop ringa 6 dos ...Med nap; V ma steal kale/splaying a variety at. latisulkr ear.; II graze • 3 dos &as Prow, WA and pager, Pao. coossoon Foam a.. 61 .1,1 - L.A. wow II) leN; In Joe boo eroteber bead bap Saw sly/eg f Wm fine vealebel pm., ssyloma3dox Eno parasols, ..owed; Stan, [Wages, gilt awl allem. fur regalia.; das fine Mower wawa assonali 1 dos &as wissl meow pla eaab. wow 1 dos Mal truly. outer p easkloas; dox fow wood ...ma pia easaium. A Pna &wan/um of mor Toys tee &a. • thert.V • rawori.'co, I a. L memo. & to, rillrbwils. Now York. • A. A. &sans & op; • lkTri. MI Waal ...rnnt. between t& awl Mb Ns Nu. A.l toewaily Inwood their KIM sod eatot Ilatir=ntio:it=tezt=cit deed pampa. oi tbalawn 'and moot Owhiostabl tee sad e slyks. Marekaam anat . /boor the eowary ant moire lady soused lo sal/ awl agamiew abseils it 941, inttnitDa ba Oa, ITU Reads at the lamest .Eastens wboleseo pries& (ree or the the esslditA.th ND. Vork, as coasiwalrwadat,- as huh applift of Um wool dtairabla .004:hereby giving CM witty !. eau) la W. &sowers. aI eon bewares. aka/mid be . lwasessed byto Lamm lbw.. Priess are IliorMoM rmls I tei guaranteed be aa a• the looten New 'loth sad delphia ralea apt ' At . ta D a* W ,R 311;AP/11 - .3 Dry Used* r =. oont mat tenter of l& nod Motkrt 0., o onsn. meta WWlties Goads tor ~, t.,.•lntra Stfoto Slat. WS, Ma a owl li'M Alan 31a a s.oi hat tvd Jselosaws; &ou M al t Mls mai Jawbone,. A 1... tan.. i.e • (weal. mu. bre was, tneloJattg a row kaalatio• as cattle oew aisles Embroalerwl Masan Robes. 117. New goods will I. secret 4144 gar t;uod • week' to tutor, loeltoltog rftwevt 1141,, Inv. a Limes' and rthaehthneetha rm.. and I t s . veep lowa Mamba]. are ra•Wed twig. lao pod. sad per re. In wholesale teethe, •ap main Tha aseamthsou large nod pow, earlier. . • • • *pi . r INEN Lverstraa.stu GlNoll.4lllB.Year • A 4 pp brews alarmiost Is hie armormaal.o.abwm Goode, oc ewes shades end quailowe also, agora& Linea Lucre, Ins Laden' Dreams. A largess& apothem Si foe 'daemon, Manchester, and numb • SLogLansaitf Drawl styli% atm", Moire Printe—a awensaase at th ew rery &arable goal* malodors wok, bleadrlos lad doable prole, of new and hews. putense. Freach Dream Lewes—Pink, blue Mae, brown ind bled: of newest "querns and last eMithr, now fied Jo We Infanta. A 1 .., Ittlin•talithen of inept ,Led maw ea um, for laths, acid lanai Omen. ' • • ilothroidesed 31ria• dm. &Manua for amnia& treew . ws, new Nylon, colore4 Maw& tarlatans, aka wad a rulea neat of banes, Wrap., gnwadaita, crape Mom ke., at the northeast comer o, Foam, end Mee kw airletti. _ -- .. miciturrr A W O DRY G OOD HITE. So..n• Wood meet. are /.3 frees iis a Tel y In rya end extmiire slack of fresh ...f•cLas Dry boat. of very recent punka., Nal boos hl ander,the lat•t 'angst. alfetnastance•; and wkieh Way •te inivined, and will aell tonzerctiaau, u n'f. , Y Haan advance as the cut,: nod: • • • W. *nubd mou•st all eneret?funa wishing nor city In 'know met • fair f2lllllll.Mliik andlOo r a ta ma y. *Marin b• niatoly candied of i.e ebespnw of apt? TrEIO7VICtO-000 fitil V . Inerell s alit* Naftali. • C Franca, U impaled, all ealtift,qaalliift W piiiiaa CANINERk3 taiareay ad. add qoaiir.; WS& 01killrra—Sap adY aarp. Quee'a was% Hammer el.k, and iikaizade roadue Air cause wear, acid+. auy id atelty: IItaILNSUN'S SW; api7 • • coma oft .0 wood ata ___.--_------_-- 110/LCILLICIrkIi WU/Mg* • IltilAZA LE /4:Al..1:11b IN DAY Wood spert, have ea laud, and ma tarataat rrceis int dams Übe tmataava Geadea4;•'S lase and es Leaai taaaruaeat ut- LIA GOODS, *idleh they ol • • • ter So aaerehama at lox mesa, awl reuunaahe.4otala. Licht viai that boy ew pro calm, /311411•60%.11.17i coutigclaily ineselants visian7gveaily:to R. them IL cal/. • • .11A-dipt k Co., 00 Nistket inteetilit•Wrkizg •au OilelamVeseldnilleal Llama (Ooodeamk cesawilia • liaproew emaptimag doe larked awl Mier iimbiotutble tor Ds.. th..la to be found; le M Waaniaim which we meadow 40 ye ox rioa am, ddrivd4luil de 131•TeeelL de Yr ankle, mil tilt molt deelnellalt pods in t h e marleu Wawa.. *wipe Caal— lies, Timm., Menai r Nrtpe, Ftwurls Lamer.; is. apt:. 'LIMNS 1:4A1M1,-.1, A 1i1Ab1.1.5: Us: du 34arlel jj sired, have pat reed a bpleadel b./Meant of lienabi f smug which tallP deed —Fidaliedi etleed , Iletsge • eif diuditleia aiW tw ttteoe, taphole tlnceeeUeettadeert: waist oteiple dd• I.ainee, plain do_Youd,e4l.ltapes. Cbstey Pik Wing . . AC.—Aleoltudef& have.utle Nara a beadutal satin 'diced odd cleft Uetsgea 'create' oett ottohlteoutilaatrett atylea, impelled; wog echo.. doer roue pod ',meta block. lkengeo and ?Woes", *mobil IhoneJlilawaN Liuou Lawn,. andGiustnams, • eteteMlocalAH4 !dojo and Bade wilt., de Latino sod fine Algoma& . All thew tootle Eirre limn combated at the late me , eotplem maroon ialto luAlew Yolk tad Ptuladelpbla• A will be cold at • greakredoctiod, wont ergulav prier*. • •. • • ALEX/0 1 / 1 1X a DAV, otyl . COMer dianeatel yid saarlal et iiti•••••• &Dar 4.1 recii•rd'AL•r•t. la Mamba lakillatler.in Naar. fink,. [Yale NUM a IMMO . i fta:M i ttlpotlhmrlti coutal•eug •• o( Wlp Weaad v n iiu.:trig. " aNr invited amine thew sluawl.:beheyiug OM Mu. a( titem misupellor W., Wove ofrated I. dlifilestkel. navy van 1,. .old revaaskal.ly cheap: Tbibtt mud Bota•• ClO•vels cud' ...nil; • acoorinuat, at teutorlabay low pncen. UrtrZ s u.ite Qs:7ll, Woo, 1 . ...4.11r0t . := . datimerach, inlaniliaaaste.pma Illieell/011;• • • JOHLYUMAll,Jasaanailly, . . . LavEs—A /0,4 iweilswiwi 6114 aieiriiii} ij black, "Vt. awl name Woe Lige Thread, Sok and ltd.. Glamilatiga she: • AIV elan. • lad egolune• Inroao Lid Ulaisioin• tn./kat ' wawa, Nat largo maw: ai.niatt br: • - .Htexs,rer k 11111 TE, i•OCatai . . _ d'LC/Vta AND HOSIERY-4mt ree'd, SO dot 41. 7 diesblrellr, while,- brown ash slue Callao lleint. nose wasp. pea op the Krim quality. 1, A 419 lOU do irow.Compa HAIL Wog Mel dm luleoltieedoilr arid. Gloang.. am; 3 eattatai Lmties tleiou Kid; Olerea. sad mherstbat wish LatTelea le the' abar4l4ll4lsk LA them s r .. • • - ..s. - ,:. SJIIMII44 Juaraoxs. 44 martin a . 4: 13w,101-0. 4 . 7 1, KC' AT IYHOCI.,NALII.-. • .• ted/doi NW el II He'se, err Imo, Irv.. itd t , willik a thfee le:Meilk, touch sad Red tit ' rosa 441.4•411.101.M04 Oa ....Rd UP. 11, baponn. slid for tale leholeseho awl remll, by 4 1 411 .•.. • „..,7. , ... . P U FAT6:I4k. Co , IM=IMEEMO . . . : iiiii - iiiormsoris AND mrszetsolut,Tmr- '"*.% . •=.• • MEDICAL socizarries; o't .1 , 10 alaigta I I N USE CNlTl.MSTAThientiseritei, , fullyealla your .attenden OF. Barreattadisticen sily Intended teethe serve:lw of neelitt Cl both seses—Aetber it nses (eon Manias, or early crnsnat=i, Detilltty• efthertantm, Bronehial Affections, Ast • Ptrisy,tllhinutgodeasle - ,,;I: Disordered stale of the Llier,Bplece, or Kidneys, Diwi:• essed • Spine, Manic, .Dlopepos, PalpittuOn -of thew, Rena, Loss of Xhiscular or Nerrottil t errer, - ite - ,Ae.. DR. C. R BARR}ITTS .013ARDIAN Mater . citntnediato relief of Females suffering from. Itroorderi-, roes, and all Other Illunine ditficaltiee and diseases te5di,..4,, , dental to iffettlatt,. whether' oentlifined •by cokl, wet • feel, or nay eindlar inledielentrespoiers: acid LOA Ahle.Q'a. trithoat the - eir, of medicine; ardor moot,delicate end sensitive ladyean atait3%.snoutent enPly, -it to' herself sitkoot the poreibatty of teetirrbq bay VIA ler - Jaeg ••••, or Mat unpleasant result* . arteing neat Ur, and With the.. '•- • - certainty of ohisinine immediate/41kt • . • • - . Dr.Barreit's Guardian is no catebipanni s ii)mti the nutty humbugs o f the den hot it as an rtuantraeot....h. made oporrettietry acrenebe pruteiplubia ItatilleaUtit with the Intro of Ltetirieity and pals .. .nista; 'end - fat , neatnata: durability and ethencY, infinitely sarpserunC.. !remitting of the trod ever before Oared to the public • . .iior the rehefordisnaw, and, in the sn . traage of one VC this Most onligbuined.atheof th e pea, taaucteea yar. - tie 'lee fteateetabecteerp <tribe mat' A_ period of en less than four years hanbeen. by Dr. Barrett in Waging the Getarditnt to , Rs pannier." stew at perfection—dams • which 'none it Las awn the hoods of some .of the most ainlintal Orations of the North and *nob; ea well nit in titedwis oft morons tionitisi, whit bore rood it tor all of thriethoea Purpotios; with the most perfect meccas*, and wild linive r, cheerfully siren diem unqualified approbetion' and anion ear; Manual of Instmodans ecoornikaulthi Dr. C. B. Barren's Mundian as mewed ; • and by.. paint Boot the United Stale. Patent and be boa either witit'or erittioatbia Y The aletheo-Flectro Gatvartonteter, to pant of.bea* , ,. worbmttnehlpoilmbility suOperer,. cancan jet eel , re= u oma . ligt; tAtlra th b: t a i Tz.t. poste. more power 'and elneacylia the treatunenf,,-,,.t.:.'', and removal of diseases:- by Caafrat&m..frid ty; stay, other iestraterna- eithet• fa Vie r ilttleiter:Vr" &stator, Eanape: Tbeatedieo-Eleatrb.galvare;t::. la lontrattated eirty nespecti and whir' ' brtps nary care se last eth2t.unia, and is br firths be.m. the heat; ,thent - cies- offered'Ut lonnual'ace =pant c ski titbit Waterier ample imamate,* of prartieal etpetteueeout:shartt.,,,,;: is readily:intelligible to the mind of every "ritte, , irkila lb, a. try Ojerraugetaanf 'is oath *it Any infoti:atiou tribillotrityjrieei itiositn.a.`"ta."',i;,., I:dengue obeetettly saturated pee *jaw paaltbbi'i dna nit the ElectsrpOolartootorter 'Mealiest reatiare Invited liiteartritil aaaireb,eaftrar,',,a,, =Ws (Invelan. and tome: edam:" • • Punic by. tr. OVlial 5,, 00 O. - 1/Z11501511 In Pfdladephla alone, cen ,u,i!dir thd.f.! , d.ru Okelwrot HOU PSON'S COMPOUND SVIRUP: ok TAM In Pulmonary . Conspeopiion,aAraide, Sorro,Theital.Aerkaga. CIT?* Cnrb . 8 14 11 . 0 “ 4., Blood, Pala in the Sede and Ilteset,"lmacillro ‘rboopi.g. • c.t.51.4 croz AN.O-Iterm. ' and Net 4 Urenthio . oira Tresooni,ffie . tha Liver Cpraelalnt and AWeetion of a I(larittL - • This reedier.; rho Invention ola man vtete-llaaa ann subject of Pidnueuary, Marched and Pstioratdirearta We or 11 rigid exasainanon: hie - no* been . beft/e• "/lire'V; ant yeah. Sthia-period_tikra_ I=l.l /Km.* Of Om Mon reniarkabk exifea,pule . cara 0{ • ' Prilaionarf contueoptiorienred recant' 0 4 lino • and um phpiciana thole Raining.; And In wannest approval of thousand. a persons.ll, 6 rd, ary ve teVolds, Cour.; Ilnarserresi,'.:SidnloraC ASTONISIIin CURE:it :: . - • ' ''c ' - About fame yeah tier,, I wns ollAckednoidt Tylghtea-,lor . Fever, which an Apt a miaerabla stamp/ I:m.1411f .' oilreloe alebilbrwith o genaratreoiltriticia ofllidaysk "' •. tem„with viOloul pahMid Ma bream and kW oPaPpoo'; tire,mi in eteptienea otarifloh y.ivas tumble lo atte to -.'Ut my Waal hennas., or panto - any kind or work` - ']=.l 3 .ppnea . wrearal phymenos mat amodetarishirPlarwP.: theo, but without soy benefit, sod had deroalred of ever obtainiug a recovery . of My Ornier bealdC , Bat fiesei , ol lima lan. /we I ww aslemed totry.,Tlmmonht CoM,i-Ly . ' pound syrup of The and Wood M e Pr:laths, and ath/Ws '-, 00 it may appear, bj the rime I had Wteir throe hottltai , ': , k the debikty,pairt„ and every nose oCaullberiam , lresso , , ,, „ :, completely removed, and Ivrea able's° altyrulrseith Yeo cored health to My umad arocationt:oo' ~,,... -, ~ !.-11, . (H . Dickinman nion - menlp, Con, donayd: • - Reid the , fullowlug testiamay franca' etabla,',-4 member of th e Society of Friends, La FtiOlccepoiel4, •.,•.: ' . —.. : -, • • • • VAL/PM/LE TF:P1ii1034%.,:;: , -a 1,',.;3„.?,,,,,. ‘Thie..irmy cattily that;(: the ..pring ,of .184/5 toy ' health %cis very feeble: - I Was Meted wiai,,,i, h. the :.,,,i_ oide. with other alarming speoteusw, aad andeow mach 4_7 , ', from great , debility. At that Mu I.•purekuwed • from _ }Wee. Damn two bottles of Thomsonkt Compoohd , gy ... •.* rap or Tar ausl,liroad Nnillhn,.l.o.m.lnhidangObita,-,n'' red. stem benefit, toy health beteg rnygo , ol; opt! .. cheerfully recommend the Miele' wall proioras Wr .. 0 in aylat *acting with generabdebilitY, wlh ay very ,r 6 t x *fa deelino. - - , AR-MIA-4 YIL LF: , Poughkeepsie; Mirth 15518 , 11,.",• •, ;-. , ~ 0;I 10! , . 'prepared ordy y, Armen& Illovvor.or, rO :21'4 . .1 !. corner of Firth and Spruce mem., Phila, Soh/ by L. Wll-414X, • Pittaborgh; trolrby lay a generally. Price 50 y etas, orOtta Dollaypay 14 a... - . . . . 1. A tfilata, O R I/WM/Mr Or DRAT/tlttiO., 405.. This diussali dewed by a paroxysaant construe." you et the airs at- tisaitat.estaso. iaR Inafteaineto coca tto. dM PX:ll,dFp es the . • Iroaramem em be cachet,' Cured h 7 a easer Dn. Sweet...Vs Panacea. • .Cam,* et eon®n rold, • !died •- terminate Coasoteeeirtsst edientally, Anal sand by Dr. Sweet., hempen • • • Breseol9l•l<kati; verbeeked, eneenei ll y lead le- , bial s ndenety KR. Stwaya t. se . P anacea will Nieces core to.-1. • Intlasasestiort of the Tao or 'Nue' . &use often feeds to serious eonsegnanees team erg, : beet, *melt tdorrarion of bm. tbroat tbe amp- .. • lOW, Dr. darretterl reedecs abottlel bnpronred Bad' 7 . Csteghs tad 6)16. Gad at'eareaslgn ntindi Onrarsoeta !Catia,.-.A.serd o 16 fratd;Altrymanlzfti set '..—. 'basal 4, ut tour,. 1.1 sob. bu a ntronnafeCdi Csaa it aal a aged pendia 1.8•Vd11•0 itritscs ik, sgrmer's l'amke.ca•a..l4 I. salmi ekArEL. bleb ar e a esor m e a or w eabd.'• r": • • 1 /14=06.0.- ma. *h. enagialiallegallind * C a‘ 'e l"is a eMe r k erthe s tr l si i tte= " l.3 l4.""h d. dr* dlnndln!nd. TM& 4 101 . thir Addend bresan.... : rout or odelag to(bleadd,,•lf thereiseri Pulett•ill. • teelYlllo 4114 . 180 f seed be mrtelletok,L. • ‘• Minos Ws Usage, detrWitadoope, lkonektial Telrnki xlvme tiara op with phlegm en as to impede radon e, bra - Wend, Dr. Awater's Parnaoraosidelt ' panettel Ezpeetorata, gland be taksb a:carding Ole directions. leageenre.-:Thls discredited rpicaraele, so prendou In• oar elintaue, L. speedo's. burnt b( Dr. Sweet:Nib Yeas. .104. Mee IR per barna or Lie betntra for 111. IF.. .as by tr3L JACILSON, tra Libeny yip o ha big boot. . • • runsudy TIOWIY9 111 - 01.1 A..".:, IIGOILUOUND/;. • 14 - VE2 — : •-• : non Cough Coady I. o/nred to the pdbffa Ws plaagant sad efatom, tairody foreoucha,mddig beano. —., new.. /Wham, Phddigenopn,‘ galgoo, Warw., Camp, Sore Throat, lboaddtla mg. Ipso :& t* reed... . et dm Limn nadimara. Is mesh cum kis knomet-to • Ore afforded •decided awl paymaolui tellef, sad ana. H. rapid ude nod • peat Abeam assumed, bath.' olloradinew. whete it has 6014 am* II ,pros4set it • Wean. on. of Ma mat ha s and pladaarmoditiorm, Saigon . ..red too as a ' , truant relief's* 56,1 ersosiirapdair, sass nano:wit w vocal:au woilladdia, apanjwa,Aan t_ • .-;,.- 'VW seas et dee trepan toe Istiesiot lu Wail" lei+ Maul,: sitLIIMILbs .b®d lobe by 4 . 1 ..W5al plesitel so lbs say ad nu). be mod bvebffdrse, wad Wilk. iiritb Oalhat,Vaitt, in...."...1%.40.,..b.6,0 Mr. am in titb I" arpry rtopect a Ninaye '--7 10. Families !nada o. Inapt promo. t6egr cooggrtaad a.ww by Lecplagna•Upply.oapealpyyl t1 : 10 . 0 0 0 101!10 . Cold. 1 .4"14. Tallulah Cough Candy is considered a ran:tgan . .. migrant to Sara.% twion auperior So all the want Ito. Ihy Jumpers li, motion, as children want tam r big.* - to ory !kw ihia eandy I. Amed,azent far qo r ..,4 94 ‘ • al of.this wacia wjli menace ally pen. 0( OP aloft, T. and the proprietor. therein., %Loy anTpemeridtbe ake' Ilial. to p chaapar,. man tigmag, , lir • 12 . :17:sai e lid trtail .. ; by• lbs (kiwi., Air.an,"'" 41.1,YSER, " • • tioiiiihYliA;oarket au;1 1 1: 6 4: 6 !Limo agi:,,roviie.t9tri.Mriven cla . WU. ands. . • . asu, OlikK. 4, ••' .. ", •• • •-• • • •,••• r Malt .." .• 11"Cti,s.tur; RHEUM'. kw atingle day. Scratch, when lnkted•illl, thin • aA r.,w Itch, or what tuallei,V { a y Yaw pr. Sartilde tabcabligcaro.ra.b..asufwerrackwinfra • alone. Inn more Loral. lu alnaalu frola Iftirileactity • raved Len in ecespany. Let I: nuaernberad.dlats . Lcaur3i.TP.TrEn. u 4 r.ccu OW/WENT a the stag aka,' latauf any aline , minia:las la • el. teibuca faula, t lheff klter.lerhAdaehrtsolliesaaltaatentallos A. *de:lssas of the Awe auto Lessa area the lmpowly of •ka blood and llaidaaf tSe Lu3y; eded where such dhn wo I* 'Nord diurkling, rloic . V . j ovial afeawd . dernaby, Dr. - Liar* Samoa/ as . be seed 'with duralallaane. &as - S.lll earl e tas wad it *ery . *yawed Ilea rummy win Ira nesasse4 py, eke., hewerer, will bet <factually eared • Iq I[p ltrifre , ?rm., atal leek esotoisok , trais...shs womb lranrehtuenthy the , akaataad Asmara villaill be, w eorepletely carried ofninatho iyalsal by th r ti,ideb go o d p. 116. rod Ilbeautf•¢ll of ibratts 4,1 , ey draidatuseu. price sl ainuasen,sUaela, ^ • • A isesb r.ryaily of d.cae valuable asidOlseeciset . rtn , mewed end male Iv • • • • 11 A FAHNl,j2klaila,lia. 1.1.1 "1111 .2•• woo; aketairlsilllffaidallta. • A. FAIINI..I.,TOCK":. Oftwarisee:OS.Sallill gay i. Snt, hu-a great aellsaldelhe Writ Ma y r pmparatiow, as As pleasant. poor foosiss it so • • ba load without turenvanatewat„ .sad kavadataa a Vahan , rear lat. in the epeadhaeis athikita Wlrldira • • fora sana..af. soptAinappsammik Li o ft . .waieb,hnd been a n d as iter S ososikolsloissoipb ..• al Shari yield ateand imoisdisirslt whimootert's• • Weinheir Y see bar, bad4lhgestss rower, cry oor is liable so take • p aui.ww ore .Wss feet and war en ,iajthaiii, foridielialemener el • din west/lei odes •layw lat owyg,wki.a,aerda.a awdek rea n d rilkifrf.aa. amino* nse • w. 4,ave mamma etnlllalcCof mita 1.1341 tr - Mot e.werprod..snruy al which an: flan. pupa, la - • aven ated nelrriLharhired, eind thaj aro • • salingml ll Witlganapaj aunGai,ronflalairtima, • emannlAind for Gnu *Waldo and Tamil by irelleil24.loGlCO. Cl, raOW awl Ab'atc •; wrists:or iitptia and 'tat and epliNIA:ll TAPE W ORldgair.iosiosis Wise the ,L keywalom Wide, ey,ara aka at VW . : mei alio Lad kngttr. canal.* peat pa`.4 - War r - • • eamilaldifeenisaic ..44, Joanna , 1 . 51 11 = i t" • eysteaa tukaylat, and the opapecasslan j'aquavollan until retie i ••ir ,lisa Win do •Isp lisosoustri ihssoAr, ProPMo4_6! riustiondi, Po i. is not Wu rszoNl /Jaw. army serr,Vensi dearersd, as. thawed-la i hissbesilkostioostood sposoi.sost • • • s , . sops • QCXDRIEti—,hz. neirina; bl.bni 44 9 1 garSti • • 2.1 bra Haien Z , Shelia dn. 10 bre Mask Candy; so bhp Wahlittr, VlLberta sad Llama heralded*, Al- • ' nand+, 30 cant Savanna ie etereatal.far oak jaw • nlyl3 • • • A DENNETP,3Isegod 21 ciagEr• 'AND TEA-100 bap RIO Co&-s; 1O ,S,s Jos • 'wader, 2de Mocha .lei Indr..ol tra , rgreri• u r. 7 .4 GO call 1 . • Lump Tbbsecro; rawerfor OLlie u! . • •• -r,3o2ll4.ll&4Ziftpm_ ....... ~•)1 . ... . • . -. - -:.::41i,t....- ~-. 4',",•;.:- . . . ... . .. 111Miii=i ;.} ..~" ,~~v'.'.:...:` yzW`~~ " ~:: 1 • • 'a"
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