• M. ~~-,;,r, . "-tift EZZ2 hbd, IS 0 iducur; bbli Flamstio 411 1A141 1 4=1: b rIWT . Itlleneks paten! roan /tan; re.elf 4 114 Mak Cron Nes °MI., ntnlfnr n•J , ' / VITINES--410 qf cask. slur; Cm: • TT hialaga, and Itlndeirn-Wh, co.jorr." —.l yen' choice nue, turetior Wands, feecivei ea secoattoodeting tern:s.ll . / I . snylt W &r.l MITCHII2TREIN.IOO lihe'rey —...._ ASH--10 6.k. 'Mei P aspratt k DATFAT bLat s.d. A.lO ust reeNlyer steamer JL , VOWS fins Quilt) . b ' ' !I o.. ' ll"h”dr?" rAiritllELTATE. 70 lib ""' a . 04 it .t. JAm tyro neoN co 4 i Aceztli for So Louie stem. Sage r Etch:wry, No. 11% vet and tll Front tilltinanlt. Po.. have in st4ro ILS SOftlit.ll:l refired Sagere, for volo'lovr: 6 lam dnuble refined large lanft bbl. Nov.l, 4, 5, 4, 1 and ansonti do; 2'll do Pao:doted; 1.14: do CtnetV ed; 45 do Clarterd. . say) QUGAR • M.:MOLASSES-40 pbt4 Pt Loul Re; Suory,43 Were nod for Nate by I • -•- , lay In •. 151 A IIUTCHISCES k CO • -- - TlE3ll'—Moirie,an Dear Rotted nod' .31.nUla, Co randy on Wax' and fur sale ty oqui . / / At!), 11.rcifrsoNt. Co pSll—RSCaskiptt;e Potash; •for by ay /. • Jig It FLOYD rifIIES—ICU Lap tam for Ws by. aa.) - ELFLOIT irAnit- 0 411 . 41s attalb White Marl li t tAa . p; ll ,_ aide , T EACIII-lal bathyal= Pea .4.1, FI.O'D S gal RGAR--118 bhds N Sage - , on. M LW. Loaf do ;i A7 aioro : n Rs aby suit R ROSON St Co _ - - - 1\ 401.4A.5111R5., bids Phasiios kfolsasesi bbls AIL ttugas House do; vs stow an mlll d lb: sale RORISON & Co -IDIG IliflX—LiOlooll Pig . Iron, far gali by JL m) ' 11 R & Co , . . . .1. , 111137 . ;;,o, pigs lie! , t Galena Ikkii ii ik Wino up kir toy lk . , ' . IlikkiPst, tja vain! Eklaiiiiii.XS - Wi ' NALLS — Ik/ tone tro p, ll.'d .a. , K kku km* Nails. do dui iu More auk tar enle by • . awn . • • .. R MAMMON 0., Co SAI tifl4 S -2 tons Mentos lakt reed for to by toy IA • R ROBISO N& Co . T - EAD AND tons rig Lead: BO b Shot jj Just reo'di for hob" by null Et ROBISON bCo MIKYiATO - LS-440 bush Ref etn, for $.lOO , X sap . ATWOVD, AO .ES 2r. Co Sides; (I do 1311.7fuct ' ret ets: • myll • g ONES kCo Q 11. MOLABM 4 -30 Lb". )3 II btoilasses, landing frt. &maw= and lot lus. br • - myil ATWOOI) , ,,JONI:.Q . dr. Ca . RtNl73 FOR 1.2{ oo Oita t!olittiogiotootol tures of 11014 . prints. VW ; colors, gt. 121 tit; awe, super lowa ttyio light tl at woe prole. ot 4 1 7 g00 . d.. TI faucy Cititotlo. it Dow ipnie'd id Orr goodi houw of • W 311.111011YN, E ern 4114 to market ft. 'lVkokwla flootot up stain, tow - tweet fan Fourth QfIAWI.I7—A A Nha•on t Co.GO Ai:4l[4l7ml. hare }flit rteriVell , per tip.es.. Ia C. 1 1 ,0. oC SIIMIS COOll4lll/11;! entrus, Crlire,'N•lo6ll,7 odkl Dezesea. Silk Mei. de Imiee and Giber ellnarle.• tuyr RAJ MN:I—W ital. by, ter 17 • WICK & ACCANDIXAS . . OTA 911- , J) cask. • prime attic], foioNlebf • • Inyl7 %VICK & NIVANIII.I- Al/1'0•ON p«r.riyrcra. GU rich I'o o,ot>=md karwvel.rgt,',l • embracing some at tha belt Toni bad , u; do at Y or , e;id .40 hrs ' el' white ; Pink, btu and oraar cord F OUfltfl .11X1INGS— g assortment of above !Coats goods altars patterns, lately rted at Dry Goods of 0,417 NV,!..51 L 1131411 . 111rIlf.APS-1 - I.Bl. 7 heary 40 Inch . Ilsrinajsst J.P.Seect by • •I , II.4eKLNIT 4% oriL. • ••• 99 wood 44 T 1N N e.t.a Coatings:ll,4v iiit open -ed by styll SUACKLUIT te. 'WHITE CIANVASS- 4 biles, isiortedqualSies mills= .4 flue, last rced by • 9IIACKLENT44 .44 NITI6, drIASV.It bbls ree,d per warner Swiss Non (or by M ALLEN k. DRY.PEACHES -14 sooki . ju . st reed and for . .le bP so> 17 , A% Cp 7. 21C41 . , . . - 0 67 meu t :, l y 1;;17 . ' II4V: aIVIVI4O " r TOTPS—Is Wks t sort Westerp New York, re _ .1.. L coming mod Col tale by • DWI: • MOWN & CULPERTSCIN FLOUIt nit bb a, backer, Anna,nxtra, jell reed and fin axle by •• I 7 BROWN & CULEMILTSON • •••••••. I :N.sr •ca. 'teinzicy m; for.sile by - guyti '.J it FLOVD yOUL—S imeko coaman on'eorixinnint;• fDt rale by In>6 J FLOyD Q.ENTX6../0.-21431. Oil, reed from -Sair orict KM tor sale by , spia) . . ;.. , & JONES,CanaI 6i CM - TxTgrmind. Pepper; ID dd GLlger; P • •do do Com; 4do do Allaptee, _lO h bi a . g. Pep perk 0 . :I • TA, lE:Slitirr • N k tVtle . 4froicity i = " c f tteti i n t s .d :seen iK led orderiat No. 64 market meet, 0p . ,640ir5.. • ' • ctornix cams ellAVlrt.ftA .4 Mama co, I at t but recently rtterved multi.. auto of rude.% Cup, ithahrht, enaktnk the most exteuti assarttheltt ukho ton in the any: 140 .1)1111/1141SOLS AND PAROSAILETTS—JuIt reccice Alatket strut, lu c asts all Piitasols and -aalerv, a inorry quality end price. . con LAMP OIL-6 bbl., a vitae salt la.lor sale by Ty IS . WICK k 1111;ANDLISS 'WU NA W: OltrlU bbts refined - Ulm. filcEisil• WICK tr.ACCANDLE6S '•- ude by • •1111 PLAr . I .:1-51113 " 14 and P Oti 4 ..`V. It ' r ALIJOIE 0246 . QATINSTICIPEAILSZ, ALPACAS—Handsome styles I,Z of above goods, low-priced awl tine, to no Woad at dry Roods house or • snylo W ALURP.IIY RFS& Uf4UL9—lteceived Pei Eipress, sd A' A & Co's. ea mark t; wreez, lilt. most ...u -p:, enrollment oi Drew Goods to In fused lg. tvi• cry, okoprisiog some new styles, weedily hop. nal add Dahts 4000&—ANi.san keisircet, hive rec'd prr, express,. WI psHor Tick lk dud fancy colored:sll.s. • vsyld • 1)1,,U1.: ANIS OIt:ANGE•pILINTW 31;dorphy has J,3 just reeewed 611 asldluowd eopply tow Lnind& blue and Undoes Wilds luso, LlueAud brown do, fine quethr, for 1141 own. per yard.: • myll -I.legiNKruianoxfiv R '3!amity hiss just setAl 1.1 Express, a IN °Casa' sual asnesouse liNboss, IGIANS—P LI taxon aC' nave last opened • large JI met of Fano, ranging io pilaw from d. awls to • t - • - so 13 LCOHOL:-.10 bbls jut received and foriale 3.171/SPi..,TINEd bbts, is prime order; Ina reed and for gala try pyl3,. B tIELLGUS QraLl'il. (VOWS F,.ll):Tounce, eeired nodMeat d by , • FAIINESTOCK snyll - corner lid and wood Ma • QatLEACIIEPLE7a tam iac'd awl for sea by la fay la • ktA FAIINESTOCK b, ISL.PII , 31011PLIM— . Wax reed and rur sale by /7 bay dvPAIIN ix Co • . . LUE '.iLASS-30 lbsjam - ieed .41_ for mile by sny 13• 13 • A . FAILVELiTOC K Ca .rlialiaterVDl.AAVNS AND MUSLINg—A &Macon GO Idagkei slrveei: keel , received G cedes or -noir pointed Lamm asuLAldNine, .• . royd ‘.IIZ MS; TDD...M.ATLNE—CD M.l. ' iced' reed and foe ''.l.7:o•Je DA,PADIND3TOCK - , - • earlier to add.ood atl • a.I{jUUNICS-6Fuu otavreedandloradt• 00 P ER'S 18t1":0 LA M..- ift la) jut iced and &n: %J by , •myty• • &Cu I"rENITIANand 02 1 i bY, • v..EDl.Etts_. CASTILE a , q4r 7 linixds rcev ‘141.5 • ' 'llfLAlL:ti .. # RE.II;_FIL C4OOI . IIIWS SHRED inlk : CiTA ' l 4 B—Cti• lll reed mad tJ for f01.1.t0 • /311.AUNAILEATEft • C • OOPELL'B , )VIPTE GLUE -d,41.1. ine'd .ad for atyisineAuS , ItEfllat . 11°.= H°P.' Vr1.71111.1=1:48 0 : 1 . itriii4.lll/180,1—Wri natioar . Mask aud card laet Itlbboua esa ba obtained at • ' ; ' " .. EATON'S. ~i AX . TAPFS' DIATCIIES+AVith gland. (or sale 1 , 11 EATON a. Co 0.-“ HO lb. B. Lead, In run. out .6r. sale b 7 lasl3 : . JAS. A HUTCHISON tCo 1.11. 7 10644 for sale hy "" • • SCIiOONMAKET. it Co ,T4r mraNtill d pE'oll.--11711bIs G;;;;TeI. , • • ScUOOl.lblA EFL Co flUClal.b.i.C.-9d el ffekl ' ' la 4 both aud Oohs, for saltihy " , . . dc.. 17 • F.A.TON dr. Co luri ernzAsslVEEDl.V.P-Manrs... - Nening.Croleb :ULL K. Fasining and other Dicedle, foivide by Ir. • • • ,17 • Fti FIATONk Co Bi ACA' LACE .-4lesaiirol .pauerne of black Lace for Aiwa:lva, jos! received . • .• . tAr 0 , p1,3...PY.‘Y.i.!747111 1 V A V,3,1:6 C " . • " c n g C sby LARD on.— l s dcubli refilled Lani just Waling and foi tale by ..lb , • 0 BLACKBURN & Co Lq.";ll—ki bbls largd To SO half do do do; •_io more sod for we by • •' tIOWCKBUR\dc Co LVA rl—Cra) pig Galeria- Lead: 40 , 10 Cm 'Bar for rule by mils, JAB A fIUTCIIIAON &Co Spf:IITI OlL—Warrauted rare. Co. iale by - toy L.l • J Ca S Ai to . TI7 ‘II; reaCVNATAL7t C 0.% i rfOod it s - CT RCKiI":4 Ginpriootdost' V l trim. l and Gar 011ie iIT myll IL b:rib1..1.1.301 VACt.6-4 ,-• ..* 4' ..." tiIIZTETIPS _ ,I!:GINSENCI ' PA N AC EA! troatcrm: Th ttrimma xv.11,,;11 D uo .IS w ßeal , . ' _mold th e OM Of WI : • mt eotcd ~ i -. • RIESKtifi,PANACRA 'rein th e eau.. tonoserldoir lunation ord a lungs as. ettnst, Me todoesd 'the proprietor .gets to call autos. WM:Di:RPM PREPARATION. gh. ebanyalde wrobee.whdob taut* our fall and • w nter vaaut, It ahray•aftrefol manual' n , COLA* AND COCO lltt. de stro Themelf , eepleeterl, 'ara tootle precursor* of that fell - yer, ' . • • , v." I . The Ooonias, then. bow altoltwe alp Ow dettuoyee ea q ry she bee how shall' Ist get akar of oursoughr tad olds! Lt of vtntl ...annAn...4dfirs pc.Re. ,TIIS GIIEAT A. 101 1 ,1% ix MALErry • in a wiliFe WO wthr.Gfitieng einaeca In proof dab. .., *velar. floe, trot to Warr ORONO:led tits tenlbeatto of '2 dosart KIM LOSI Islo,/111 cabs., who hare arpart- - a eased It. =rail's power.. flea., with • taw of ma .0i limo. from all pan* of the eountre,.-frean stroicALwrz; or Tsr, rigsr stoccio, 1 blinlskOsor it Deraftom , chatel,ldfv . usgetiewNriti t copier. so JOURNAL/I dINIE DAT s '.. !.. 0 1' btrOdlo Porohltlet fona,Ard my be bad • , ' raw Cl a il)434,l4;4%as4FniaßlieStr7. . hare Lee ca red In Ode VW...* -• .' ' THOIARNO'd AN D.lBlll OP TIMOSANDI) , throughout Thoth:al Stototoidd Canada, Mut we elsi j huge any .01.11t0 polantor h.*. ' 7 AIN, I.lLb: us sT.txcr. . a which. when token aetoil i s to drteeihmii. - ead e s . : rote the laps hol !meet - Ada y dbergantord, h las I, ' ; over fagot to " • e • • , ' . Why( the% need the welt woof tt ly nom _so #: the od•yrable ncolionis;g oy C reas e °on...Ma - . nth. kir tits tissuposes•los et smt •. , ....1 pip. k 11,1 a polisti nue ustbroop by caroler t . per. 4 . Ices IslatOlp ant nosenLAVatiat u cordons. of , •• is lo belad U p t g AlU oes e .""U W I CACY . i.: 4 i ill illey-our sest e a. , bees s youty of whom blast I -..-. p • . . ' ENATOULD FROSI TER GRAVE. Y In rodeo Rat dna levainotio Methosta May be placed within the tooth of UP PpWit• well tholiel, pot Or pia at _-• A • ...i ... ... ozczat purr" 1ir.a2.16 . . 1 fan ow lakir gm =LA cool .h mielarif. nut 1 y ee saborjeur ajeaL•tt 14 sYlb.ry nova sod tiling* ... ri b. .roe, oti t s t uj pit ~ Ip_gtee fall lafotae.' -, lion relatifltt. 4.....; -, 0 ' ara, Tropzkor carA d . 1,3 'lel.; - 41 ! f a tit ' . on ". 3* '"::. J, 1 WEN. Ada. I II ammo! GILL t OEM,. - - -