The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 25, 1848, Image 2

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NY uusrus OKOUlid &
e evects sed erµ,scripiousio the N. loner.
Cm and lidded Buses enue, Yrriladelphia, :revived
mud fur . rranka fro, uti. °Oka.
will Erceive funrard Co.. a ezpensof.d
utd aubacriptioaa sat this paper.
irkt,;• . .
. . rrraaraag DaILY Gazarrs . Is mblisbed
Trs.Weakly, and Weetly.—lbe Daily as &Ten.
• lysijars per autism; slos Tri.Weekly if Viva Dollariper
mama; dos llfaelsly la Tyro. Ik!llars pest mama, swims)
La *twos. •
.Whit wad Atoo..llasoula Nositheattent,
WSW Riimpuraiw Alit•T
.: - .. 0 / LXIII* count.
-L EA awes:ingot the datiaaaeonic aOd Whig c'oun
ty oadwrittee of cm m p00d.,,,,, held at APAtaiters'
Hersh Pittalrargb, on Saturday , ?day the folloo his
tad nl a Jaycee ttpoo, '/Ite dauseasonie and Wei,
• , ebetors of tad. ward, boorugh and tewliship Ails.
. • &wiry county, are tequeeted couseult , it i 'their usual
• - gatiTgt ' t
ye d Ilab ng P lia m y * o r l.l n ' e u n ' Xh . to " . agpetVr ' w c o ' hr.
• •' mates tram each &wrist, to meet in Couto). Convert
, et the Coen /bow iu Weeny - of Pittsburgh, na
Westuresday, die,l4th datum nest, at lit &X, ot said
- day, to,wominate caudalates Cu. narwhal, stale and
'Atesury °flees, to be supported at the, ensuing elec.
`ll/e plenary meetings ill nit . the towinuips ex.
- reaps Pin, will la held mg Weleck, P. Al., odd
ri ch• and all the 'ward* and boroughs it 111'. AI., of
'The coeuxuttee *add earnestly urge upon the raid
. ' Ilerdlogs the once •sity afro edicieuttregannatton, pre
' . . Citailowst. .
Jogs dared, '
.: -
• , Uunem, I
• VT Din suidersimed, Conimiarioncra of Allegheny
would probeltly authorised by the Imo et
Amenably to tut:sribe to the
T h e smelt of the Penn-
aylside Radioed Co mpany. They prefer, however,
. • tha t the peeole Ma monly should:filet mores/I-their
r tt . views to regard to MIA Important utessureotad abet.
thence request coutaincd in the stove memorial,
;_, would ash' the qualified voters in each weld, borough
tied lowteltap inrald couuty, to meet at their usual
Dien of helding elemictue in mod districts; on Baum
glut/lay or May next, each to appoint two
Deargatts to meet in County Cottientinikiit the Court
...House in the cvy of Pittsburgh, oat the 31st of slay,
cousult and stirs. with 11)¢ lit referatice to
',A otinecriptiou on part of said comity to the 'Capital
block of said liailroad Company. 'the primary meet
. hors Ito ell the ottertudapt except Piu held at
/Poem. PAL, mil to ran and the other wards end be.
Toughs at :i.o'clock, mid day.
We Me toll wash a free and Intl CR/Ma. ill
• • ..106k.Ptt T. hiAltli.3.l•Corn.
• •
Cosoasacasx's Orniat
••• ' Aprimal, lees. )
awathedlat,Gaweval Cantrariaoa. , -
.Tho' Wuhasu of. time aloraittg wai confined,
obidly, to the report c( oho coinininca on bout..
&ries, which was adopted,:initti Tory blight
The Report of the Commhteo on the State of tbc
Church tindi next inn ad; in 'a aka was compained
the quetlioo of the Sontherfißouudant withal Aka..
gild Church.
.Too Emu thriescctiona t ere adopttni with little
1. There exists no power in the Geoertl Confer
ence of the Methodist Epi.smal Chinch to pass
, say at art winch. either directly it indirectly, dinette
ates, authorises, or sauctiows a division of said
. - 2. It is the right {+( 'every member of the Henn).
I dig Episeopal Chords, to remain in raid chunsh.
unless guilty of the violation of its rules; and there
.r' exist. nopower in the ministry either redivided)
:or colleenvely, to deprive any marcher of sans
,'. I This right being inviolablyeecured by the AIM
restrictivet articlq_of the Diseipliee, which guards.
. tees to mernbersthe right of trial Sind appeal, any
-. stat of the church otherwise sepamties them nom
,-- said church, contravenes the constitutional rights
and privileges of the Membership. ._
The . ' a report of the select Wel nattee of nine epee
"- the declaration of, the delegates in the alevetteld
- frig State. commode called the plan of separation.
- adopted by it. loot Gone, al Conference, of which
:Alio memorialists complain, and the operation to
' 'which "repented them (mm connection with the
Methodist Episcopal Chord, having beemintettrint
to swum puce and harmony in ibur Samisen,
border, and having been designed to be depend - 1
ant upon the occurrence of a apechied necessity.
. upon the concurrence of three-fourth. of the mane
. bete of the Annual Conferences, and upon the, oh. ,
; sureties of a specified boundery. .by the distinct
. en:le/luting connection separating Irons us, should
' inch connection be formed, and the said neceasity
. •in theopinion of this Conference ontluviug arises./
• .the Annual Cdnferenes having refused the Beets
sarynancurreece,mnil mid provisions respectiug n
:. bonndqy having been inkacted by the , highest nu
, thorities'of eta 'ttemection. therefore, in view roll
. . these Cady as weft' as for the reasons before sped- 1
"fled,-them exist. ne.obligation on the part of this
• Conkrence to observe the provisions of said plan .
rap cling a bonadary, and raid plan is hereby de.
clarid anti and void: '
; • . By order of the Comeaiiwe. BeepectfuSy salr
:mined. -. Gen. Peck, Chairman. -
The committee on the State of the Church
beleave further to report in part:
. • iliat they have had under consideration
the claims . prefeired by. the Church South to
a portion of the property of the Book Con
cern and Chatteied Fund; and pending the
dikussion of. the Subject, the question at
- • proposing to refer the whole matter to disire .
- wrested arbiters was proposed and:consider
ed.: Whereupon the committee agreed to
recommend to the General Conference for
adoption the following resolutions : '
Rmlted, 1. That it is•-the sense of this
Conference, that we have ho authority rode=
pendently - 01nm annual conferences to enter
- into arbitration with - the commissioners o:
the M. E..Chorch South, in, relation to the
claims set up by them to a division of the
vested funds of the M. R. ,Church
. • Resolved, 2. That this General Conference
recontinendgo the Annual Conferences no
' fat_to suspend the sixth restrictive tole of the
- Discipline as to allow the appointment ot
commissioners for the purpose of arbitrating
• what is technically called the property goes
tine, with the com Missioners of the M. E.
Church South. ..-
.- • -By order. of the committee. R espectfully
. . submitted . • Geol`Piccx, Chntraurn.
, ' • : Tie debate in the Convention, upon the goes
..•• . titabaa far as we beard it, was sported and dianik
, . .
ed. The Baltimore Conference Delegates resisted
= ' the separation, upon the ground that -the bounda
tin were conwitutioaally nod Permanently emelt
' lished Emir yeara eince, and roulll not a&h be bre
ken down, but by violence. oOe it ember (31r.
Dasig had heard that to do this would Tate war
*ad Sell to the knife. He hoped better thing., but
thew wax danger in distuihing what had promised
so welt Bev. Mr. Wilson opposed the report with
loans sarcasm, proposing to the free Stare Dale.
' Bites, that they rhoold change placed with their
!2: &albite bretbern, and let their Southern Intibree
Wt Were Cepa:Sad to Slavery - grt.North; -He be.
:pervert that the anti slavery S'entitneni was already
upon the increase in the stave States. From 1532,
. .until now the moutki of men bad beets sealed upon
this settled, but now Men were beginning ha regard
slavery as a ;crisis evil, nod to speaker it ars web;
and many in ' be - Slave States 'avowed their tire
n'toProotigligoregsition to ft; and not many year:
berree, if things remained as they were, this oppo
ertitia would he kit. .
~_ Rev. Hr. oCastweight, of Miaow, '
held that this
-: . Clenceal Conßrenee had the same powers as the
. , jai: What that established, this could repeal
1 . - Bev.:/dr. Collins, of Baltimore, proposed coat
, ..eggioaers to settle the chuieti boundaries, and
.- .edrogited an intendment to the .-Wport. tie
thought that the.ehtireires North and South might
~. ends their differen4by pacific means. Ile pro
' poised three northern end three southern ecomeite
lioneni,:acting in concert with the 'Episcopacy, and
- - dekr,ded his point with ability.
Thii course be argued would prevent any dec
landing' sate Ilse constitutionality of the plan of
. eepration; With the permission or the Confer*
:awe, Mr. Cellists requested the reading of an opiti
. ipe procured by Win from JtsJge McLean, este the
• :' 'lower of this general *Cencerence to decide upon
get age of ilie body of 1544, by declaring the plan
of setitirallorithen"adopted, null and void. The'
. opinion of Judge) hiaLean• is .that, the general
Conference bad iir. f _ power to wimps the church,
' inasmuch as its cionsbluents hid delegated to it
' . the power of carrying on the government of the
- :"Chauch and not of destroying or sepenuing ih
Theo the neperation at present existing, and
:,- • apt; . rag oat of the action dales by that Confer.
. emu s .wrong, yet inasmuch. the parties to the
'• " sell sitstio' a acted upon the essumlition, that:such
• power was in them, the decision cannot be Fever
: Md. Thu could 'not be done•bseause one:party
.. githgeentract was not reprerciated, and Chit one
:' party alone would break no cptrad. Theitrepa
- nocetbeabo stated was ritadempoe such aqtasis
• that iteould ant be called a weeision. .It could not
be wailed by ordinary reference., but took' a pole,
-r ' . :-.ride sterns all_constitutional, law, 'and upon the
great Moral law, the discussiou of which comes :
, - within the power, of the Coakienee. Mr. CoUch
-- ' then went on toargue that 'no act of thin Confer _ . .
... awe amid tiring hark tio : Soulhirl. collfercloNws
' ' d that they. should now sword declaringwins
. ah . ..
`', ,, ' 124 . : -.the ad of the Canfercence a 1614, and providelie
- r ":.- the seederneni of .tbik border.troubles; in the man!'
'• . _.- me Sawa to tbe'good of Church. At the cot
•.'-..:- : elusion •or his speech, the conference adjourned
~.. . .
''', ',WOhost action. , . ' - .
• ..!
ffrawieese--84::The 3snliteedon is
sought to be Made here that yea will not be made
a candidate the resionaination so the Whig Candi•
date - fur Congress in thls District; and• so your
Whig friends are anxious to have your valuable
support upon the door of Congress, of the cberiah
ed principles of the \Vhig party, and especially of
the particular interests of Allegheny minty and
the West, which were so ally defended by you in
your recent speech, wwbope that you will permit
lour name toga before your constituents as a can
didate for re•nominatioo.
Jas. Dilworth; ' Henry S. Bing,
Wm. Douglass, Harrison Parry,
Alfred P. Anahute, Samuel W. Semple;
'Andrew Johnston, Wade Hampton,- -
Jam. P. Tanner, John Walker •
*noel Moore, John Gebbart,
Unman Stoner, Leopard,
John C. Parry, and other.
Henry Chalfant,
Roost oF MaassCs - MIA - FA
Wuhingtrin,,May 3d, ISIS • 1
Grivuotrst.- : -Youresteemed favor of the 29th of
March last, was duly received, and ar the kind
feelings you are pleased to express towards me, I
beg leave to tender you my wannest thanks--
Next to the consciousness of an honest. Amite to
discharge with tideluy the duties of my station, the
approbation of those who have honored me with
their Lana - diner, is most grateful to my bead.
The present Congress has peen,-sad will be,
called upian to act On tome of the mostditilcult and
deeply Interesting qua/ions that have been pre
xentedfor many years. •
When the present Administration came into
power, the country Was prosperous and happy.—
We had a tariff which not only afforded - fair mutew
don to the industry end enterprise of the country,
but which had produced no amout of:revenue sat
ticient to defray the ordinary expended of-the Gov
ernment, sad pay otr a large amount of public
debt. That wise,judiciousand beneacialmeagure,
was repealed; in violation of the 'most solemn
pledges by the party leaders, and the free trade
hill of 1816 was enacted m its placee. And s now
we are told that the doctrine of protection to Muer.
' iee¢ industry is a Wen& doctrine -Mod the lead.
era of the party declare,inthe face oftbeir pledges
and pretended friendship for the interests of the
people, their willingness'° fasten upon them a ll*.
tem of iiirecticurran. And besides,: the present
system, if eoptinued, will break down the. Menu
facturing interests of the country, create , a - licenor.
mous foreign debt, and turn out the toiling millions
to bag or starve. This: system, in my judgment.
should be repealed, and: tiro principles of the tariff
0f1b42 restored.
The country, elm, at the period referred to, was
at peace With all the wild. The sword of the as.
doe had reposed in its scabbard for more than Min
tv ream, and our people , . were (Indented - arid hap
py in the cultivation of the arts of peace end Medi.
nation. And aithongla at that time, we wry have
hid cease of quarrel with Mexico, yet no one an.
uciitated the adiablest danger of
. rupture between
the two countries arising out of - the issues which
then ex.ated. Whet then wen the orgies and oh
jest of the prevent unhappy_ war in which the
country has been engaged Mt the last two yenta.
this gitmaioa liu been discussed et great length
during the present session in "loth Itouseaof Con.
grout A few words may, therefore, be proper on
this subject.
Attortile Inlradasiott or Florida into the Union,
the South had rm .111011, territory 0 1 1 0 4 which
slave States could be carved. They saw ta the
Northwmt • large scopnofterritory which would.
'in a few years, be formed into tree States; and
brought into the Union. which mint iuevitably
break down the political slate power of this nos,
eruineet, itit did not eadanger the eXistence ca. - the
Texas having &Sued - her Intlepeadenee and
maintained d for a nowhere( years, h ad made ifs
',beau. for admission into the gains. And in or.
der to aid that applicatidaTeigross Saud was per
petrated ou the people °fide United States, as has
recently been proved and admitted by the publish
correspondm ea between the ExPreside nts of
the two 2.epotilics, by hada* out the idea that
Texas ...about to throw herself into the' arias of
GM; Britain. -
The South. footing to present the naked question
of annexing Texas oa atmouat, of ber slaviny,pro.
poised to the Noah the occupation of the whine of
Omgon, up to Iftyleurforty," which wee free ter
ritory. Thisdecepu. proposition had the desired
cflect on the Northweetem wing of the pony,—and
wimrdingly the Baltimore Convention, which re
jcined Mr. Van Bu ma became he was opposed to
annexation, pasted resolutrons is favor of - Oregon
- and Texas both.
Tlie independence of Tex. had net been ac
knowledged by Ilexica,s stair of war still esisted.
.and although actual hostilities had ceased for a
time, they were liable to be renewed at every too.
moat. If, therefore,.we snorted Texas, we must
espouse her quarrels, and would be bound by the
Bomatuution to ..protect and defend her against
Mexico. And oar most cmineut Statesmen of
hot. political parties, including Meters. Clay, Van
Buren, Webster, Wright, Adams and 11011101 i, all
declared, as did also the press and leading Whigs
oft.e country every where, that the annexation of
'Texas would ismitrale involve the country in a
war with Mexico.
This was the view taken of the subject by
Mexico herself , Mr. Almanto then Minister from
Mexico to Mil "moony solemnlg_protexted before.
hand against the measure, and - declared that his
government would confider the annexation of
Muss:quietism to adectatation of war against
the United Stales, Aud'ener the act was consum
mated he asked for his gumaports, left the country
sod re acme,.
Notwithstanding all theseiiedethn warnings, the
portvdctermined Maim out their nefarious schema
for the extensioq of elavery,,,with the certainty of !
war, the dean:dim of the Lest ieterests ,of the
country, andon the imminent richof the Union it
self • The deed was done—the enbico¢ was : Moss.
•ed—and from that art and that hour origivated
most of the evils that now afflict opr beloved coon.
t Texas claimed the Rio Grande as her Western
boundary, bet fearing the attempt toffe that as the
boundary might leopard the auccess of the meas.
use M C0ng0..., as friends passed the act of an
nexation leaving the western boundary no open
question. Slavery exited to Texas, and by the
not of annexatiou.other Stales might be carved out
of territory sr/Arra-aim lissastion or restru
tion as to &sorry, 'Hence the importance to the
slave power of the South to extend the territory as
Cos west no poasible and accordingly. it was deter
mined to march the array to the /tanks of the Rio
This was part and parcel of ,the grand schene
concocted by the slave power in the Bahimore
Convention @r advancing the , interests, and ex•
tending the territory of Slavery. Thu anne.tion
of Texas then, ton. "the primary cause" of - Abe
war, and the immediate occioton of , hcostaitica
tween the two Republics arose out of the' march
tag of the troops to the banks of the Rio Grande,
by order ol the President-
Thus bas the annexation of Texas, by President
Polk and his party, cod the country more than a
hundred Illiiiloo/ of dollars. occasioned thelass of
many thousands of valuable lives, .and added to
this Union ienitorY, which will he divided into at
leastifoo arra Stara—supposing itto stop at the
Rio Grande. . .
Jim norther, and a very grave luestion arises
•ir to on rfuture acquisition of territory. Shall this
Repnblic either conquer or porchase free ail, and
Stain it with the foot print of Slavery? From such
a burning, withering, national disgrace, may Hea
Yen in mercy deliver ns. Such an act would just.
ly call ,down upon us tiro acorn and contempt 01
the civiPzed world.
If we are to have more territory—and that mems
incvitable--let it he open to the free white enter
prising laborers or the whole country, without sub
jecting them to the degradation of being placed on
• level with the slave population of the South.
This question is now harem the 'House, with re
gard to Oregon; and if the Treaty with Mexico
shall be ratified, the same questiorturill shortly be
raised with regard to the territory we acquire un.
der iti and whenever that question does come, my
txtrututuents will find me where I have always
stood, on the side of liberty, doing battle in her
sacred cause, in opposition to the ester/aim of sla
very, bj all the legal and constitutional means in
my power.
We have arrive-I at a Awful crisis in the history
clime country. The ConatitUtion has been met
aside by the President nod his party—its sacred
injonctions disregarded—and the will of the Pre
aideot—the osie man power --set up with° supreme,
paramount law of the land. The will of the peo
ple, as regressed through their representatives, has
repeatedly been defeated by Mr. Punt.' bv the ar
bitrary and tyrannical use of the Veto Power.—
While this hydra headed nnonster—the 'one. man
powir—has united: or its overthrow the hearts
and the arms of Monarchical Europe, Republican
America nourisher, cherishes, and drape it to her
bosom. as the most precious jewel of , democracy,
This phew of the veto moat be cavorted, or the
Ir a:: itself shorild i lte taken away from the Pt.
ror the correcti on, of these abuses, and the to
moral of the evils brought upon the country; by
the party now in paver, the people look to the
great Whig party of this
It behooves all the true Whigs, therekire, to
wand bawl*, as one Man, in the great struggle ,
before us., All person,' . .preferences should be
merged in the vital question of success to Whig
Principles. Let us buckle on our armor, nod make
ready for the contest; so that when the enptnio
General of the Whig host shall be-designated by
the National Convention, we may gokirth to batik
in full confidence that a glorious victory awaits us
In reply, gentlemen, to your request that I will
permit my name to go befit* my constituenta aa •
candidate for renomination, t Iregteave to as that.
b e f ore I kit home, last fall, I tad determined not
to be acandidate for reelection. But certain cir
cumstances have transpired, since that time, which
have induced me to submit the question entirely
to the decision of my friends. •
' • With sentiments of profound respect,
am, Gentlemen,
Vans Friend, . •
. •
Pees Tom &mix the friend of O'Connell, the
eloquent armor, and the true Irishman, Who at•
tempted to destroy - his from mental anguish,
end who threw blew/Mime Waterloo Bridge into
the Thames, was set at liberty, alter Mexamine.
lion before the Bow Street Poliee. He gave his
word and histecurity; tad the security of friends,
that, henceforth, ha would resist the demon of de.
eclair, and Wi th tears flowing down his ebeeke,he
thanked thiee.wlmlied tamed him from s grave
cf watersoend restored him to his friend. - •
04116L1710 Saists—Tbete are add to be,- in
Waskinetce, fiftrone gambling establishments,
Gam 1 1 raM• -edess an the suburbs, tolls falls
losable mods* Pennaplnnia Avenue.'
F ..
n.~s.. ' c. .r . v~'i
...... o .
c Icannrincknow,
:n PitukrAde..• -
cirsaigi Staatesal Nessibitatlear
seems to have tariatWati
sealed role Aritb Editors to refuse all commtudes
doss relative to . the comparative merits of candi
dates for nomiot rtious, I shall not stop to questiori
the propriety of this wile; but adiritriug, for the egr
ession its correct 'mess, I think an exception. tardy
occurs where a l sablic serves% high in office, he
colnts a candid& le for reelection. Thes surely,
his official may be discussed, and thilinewirm
mired how firs has truly represented his corr,
gamuts! Otherwise, our boast of a free press, is
but a mockery, aid the master we become awake
to the Oct, if fact it be, the:better. Feeling, how
ever, that naive no right to assume before hand,
that your press is closed against a proper discus
sion of this subject, I proceed with my assumed
task, and shall endeavor , to maintain a moderation
of tone dictoted by wLat I suppose you may deem
proper and admissible, tatter than what I think
the circumstances wousa justify, or the case,
Lmand. .
Mr. Moses Hampton our present Congressman,
will not say representative) as I am informed, is
most industriously seeking a ranom illation. He
cannot therein, object, that his political life, sine
he has been in °Olga should be brought into ve
view, sod such light thrown upon it, as collateral
and!ciretimstantial evidence may serve to gi re.
Mr. H. who is a lawyer, knows very well how
dark and mysterious a case may appear until some
small matter, unimportant irk
itself corns up and
throws atiood of light upon the whale traumatism.
Ile will not, therefore, object to the Uw of circum
stantial evidence in his own cue. D. will at kart
relieve him from tits charge- of hiving unintentionz
ally committed a gross blender, which with some
Might he denied worse than a crime. On one of
the horns of the dilemma, lam afraid he most in
eviiably bang.
Early in .Tantfary,Mr. Hampton voted with the
T.....4 , c0a against a issolution, or rather amend.
meet declaring emit the war with Mexico • onus
.• . •
rrainVesrarily and come &rpm by t 4 of the D. Stare' beipir the only Whig
who so voted. This was an extraordinary vote
for the representative of the county of Allegheny,
sod created a great sensation here, and elsewhere
ats we! it might. Mr. Hampton in dekiice say.
that ha merely voted against an embarrassing
amendment Let us see bow far this is likely to be
the trathr.bow far Wm.
On Dam 13, (rout thedate, the votebeing given
in hoary) the editaeof the Bast bed an internees
with Mr. Hampton, in which be (Mr. IL) iaftirmod
hitref the Bost editor That be would
• have of dale, troth mast of his Whig friends in en
• gad to the win Mexico. lie said Wet his
• tuber and grandfother were old dernansts of-the
• Jettericielan school—du hs had brut raiud a ,Sr
•weerae! . hiiirtf, but did not hit bonny of the
• acts LIM/. Van 13nren's adminiscuion hen"
In reply to thus prodthat Mr. Hampton's trench.
ere waa delibewite and had been the some time
•coutemplated, be dues nothing better than • to call
the Eduoiot the Nat (fag...' Ile may be right
in that particular, but it does not batch the (thee.
Lion. Mr. Hampton should remember the proverb
.0 blob leapt that ~.childien and Mole speak the
truth, that•Harier did non tin occasion we have
OXlCill4re evuleuee; the on the very day on which
the numeration took place, be wrote hortip i To.
fr=l4'illl.lltYY l.ritta of A L AI. VICAPUM eying l
he ice perfect geti ll eatir^ am pleased to
leave kom his own l•mi that he will sustain the
Our Hampton will be popular here,"
with the Icocorlocca it is to be presumed. . Now It
is tate al all Wmly that the editor tithe Poatoe ache.
Meat partisan of the Adminiaration, would have
spokes tees of a . Federal Whig" if that same
,Whig had not given him to understand that he
contemplated numb:dug the Administration. lie
did sustain it: The evidence is complete that be
:.M/We/Ito sestaill it. The ptediellou thhis he would
was fulfilled to tbe letter. Mt. Hampton's vote
theilled the expectation of hla - new Mond friend.
.fle stood up to his Numbs,
to a stria petty vote, arming thetthe war was
unconstitutionally and unnecessarily commenced
by the President; Mr. Hampton did as it had bean
previously predicted by a Locofoco he would do.
He sustained the Administration. He is Mood in
the negation with the I.:callow. I thank God, the
only Whig found, whether Northern or Southern.
He enjoys the honor, such as it is solitary and
alone. Three more such traitorous votes would
have changed the result. Imagine then, fellow ,,
citizens,—you with whom polities are a serious re
*ll'yr—something better than a mere game ir self
advancement, bromine your shame and grief if a
Whig Congress by aid of two or three such Whims
as your reprewatative had reiterated the declaims
of the Looet.ams that the war was constitutionally
and nedmisarily commenced. Shalt we again en
pow ourselves to the possibility of such a moctill.
cation, and to such a tnettepreseatatiOn of our tea-
Of the possible motives and - hopes which led Mr.
HamPlifeato th u MM, aid of the reasons ar their
own thoothlfillutent, I most here sefriLa from
speaking of, thought I by no means meow=
my rule which wou4 prevent me from specie
laung • upon them; end, in another place, and
at 'mother time. I shod undoubtedly do so.
But let pass Mr. Hampton'. vote; let =even put
the lieu ccaastruction upon it that the case admits
elf . Believe, if you ma, that it wesoe/y a blunder,
it le his resolutions which forma an samosa, bar
to hissupport by such Whip as are true to them
wines and their cause in this country.
These resolutions were presented immediately
after recording his vote on the `Ashman amend. ,
meat" a vote by which be severed himself from the
whole Whig party in and out of the Iloase. They
were his firs essays in , his new career, no doubt
carefully studied and designed as an exposition of
his views on the great question of territorial so.
quisition.. They are diametrically opposed to
Whig principles not only as to aegusitionaterritr
ry but without guarding the question of slavery in
-soutiirmity with one views should territory be ac
quired, and this is not all; the very occasion which
he seised (immediately after the vote on the Ash.
mm Amendment) seems to oar mind conclusive
rus to a deliberate design to cot the Whig party.
baler:Ste with and eau-Wats their opponents.
'StrippM of their verbiage and glows they
mewed and sanctioned the mnexaket of the
states and territories now occupied by the armies
of the United States, under the military govern.
meet thereof, laving it tithe Inhabitants of the
future-states to be carried thenafmni to say wheb
er slavery shall eziat or not. In other words *total
abandonment of the Wilmot Peoria°, while even
oor !mote° br e thren are in large masses reader.
ing themselves 'respectable by declaring that they
will support ne man who isthot mooed 'to the
annexation of any more slave territory ) that is,
who <s not in favor of the Wilma Premix We
Whigs of Allegheny theme all others mantled up
onto support • man far Congress who is willing
to give it up. Can it be possible 1 Yet it is even
munied pless.—party machinery
—an expertness on the part of the candidate in
the tricks and ways of nominations under car
Present system, render this evil Fomble. But
through the nonsinsitho a Mr. Hampton is poem.
ble, I will not belief° that his election is the
party collar. +laggards regular nominations it has
been drawn too tight of late and it needs bat the
nomination of Mr. Hampton to break .it altogether
I cannot but hope that a Whig and Antibtasonic
Convention, looking to the good of the party nob
a then to the edvancement of au individual or
clique, will present 10 Us a name without re.
preach of any kind, Upon whom all can com ae.
beady unite.
Mr H., mikes be. has been much 'belied. ha.
always bong ratter Tonsely to the Whig party and
la said to have ,agreed to support it at the last
Presideatial elation only in considermin of Gen.
Markle being the nominee for Governor. It is
alio • well conceded fart that Mr. I tampion is op•
posed to the nomination of Mr. Clay, and is the
devoted advocate of Gen. Taylor. Again lan
restrained from speculating on the alleged motives
en this. Bat whatever may have been the motive
for Mr. Hampton's hostility to Mc. Clay. it cm be
no cause fir surmises now. Mr. Clay tea Whig a
true Whig, now as ever the faithful represet tatthe
of the pany. He is opposed to the emension of
the area of slavery. - a eta not wiMng to leave
that question to thrdetermination of, the new
states to be famed on our modern borders. The
pinion of Mr. Clay and the Whip on this vitally
important and exelting question are antimmistimil
to that of Mr. Hampton. , Mr. Clay is one of those
who bad rather be right than be president and ie
likely to, be a martyr to his noble determination.
Mn. Hampton is a politician of quite a different
stamp. r
Bat not to pursue BIM Mallet lather, and leer
ing out of view the question.of slavery, what is
likely to bathe result to Pennsylvania of the admir
Mon of a batch of new southern, tropical states.
Let the case of Texas answer. Texas by the aid
of - each opinions and votes an Mr. Hampton's
'ane into the Union In Meth, [1645 and in July
1816 these two.Tetas voter' tuned the balance in
the Senate and overthrew the' Whig Tariff or
1842,the best astern of reirenue, r ays Mr. Webster
ever established to the country.
I regard the gelation presented by Mr. Hemp
tou's nomination as preckaly the one which ha. so
seriously divided the Lose icon in New York. I
never thought it possible, however , that it could be
raised in the Whig a mts. It men inevitably, if
persisted in, lead to n fatal ahem A man pier*.
ed against the principles of Mr. Hampton's resole.
tires ran and will - be elected in this county, wheth.
er Mr. Hampton In nomingted or not. Gar Whig
friends mos look this but in the face, and be pre
paled to meet It by wise and timely. prelantlon. It
will not doter say that Mr. H. is sound on the Tar
itr, hummed Impervements, dye. No thanks Whim
far that. Fifth Locate= that I could name are
also mined m these subjects. . They are not the Is.
sees ofthe time; they are not the. goatees which
divide ea bun the Lorefoeos.
`On this whole whinny I could wish that Atr. Ham?.
tan's rewilutioas; and MY. Webster% sycitchtcodid
presented - iorethar to the Town of Wis canny, audit
would be well womb the whole' °ribose who would con;
aidorMr. thannoa'a nomination both a disgrace and a
calamity, and who am daternainad, aa • mom efstrin.'
cipla and consclance s atoll lutsmd, to prayeat his clan
dont to have It dam,
• Not tO tOtapada Anther uponpooy_spacit„ - Aid
omysiolc u duty am.ltesas..Edikqs.
A WoltAtno MiantalOC.
- .
A Judge in anchaiter not k:oF since dant run
'e w e &Fars kir kissing a' warned wonisr(ogaist
ber.wilL For s like offence in Buirkki his been km.
posed • Hoe oat& Were the kisses mantel,
&fermi, or is than a iciumity dths article is Buff
Teo Yzars - wipt.Youerami...llho 'New York
Tr*ie . gives us the itibuiaheithf treely be;
teee; tueateems an itiladilms, It hi kW
dueed la the holy uazies Tfinar, Aped
by tho hldef onto of hoEk.ponicf....
. . .
Awn I. From this - day and fn'
v er tax
es oltall be *bandied bosh for valles • and Indians .
it being well underitond that the tax here spoken
of is that established a 2 Yucatetawfnau
the ages of sixteen to sixty.' ,
A. 2. In the Sepal a Wm pacedin g article
duty on baptism shall bred at threeveals,
tn [three
York--.64 - Tab: 2brr.) and the duty on arti
age ten rads, irthe whites as well as fir the In.
dans, and for every Ywatteco. • •
ALT. A It is, also eilablished that forew maybe
cleated for sowing, or to form rumbas In the pintas
of the Warns in lauds called Lands of Communo
ty. and in Comma., without paying any tent
therein; and that 'from this time Carib no *anima
said lead,:' shall be sold, And those which are
claimed Wad laid out, but the deeds of which have
not beeit executed by the Government, shall re
main u oconveyed, as a T 63011110 fur. subsistanoe Ipr
the people, the GOvernment undeasling to refund
the value whichlt has resolved on account of the
said, lands.
. ,
,6. It is henceforth established under I.
scared compromise that the Chief, A Jaeinto Pat,
stintl be the Governor of all the Captains •of the
Indians of the people of Yucatan, and this gentle.
man will agree with his Excellency the Governor,
It Miguel Flarbachanoi In the best 'mode a Gov.
ernmeot under which internal harmony of the two
people may be attained, and as lo the manner in
which they shall be ruled or governed by their jest
tines for their uniform well.beiag.
Arr. 7. Likewise all debtors held to manna!
service Shall be released from their debts, and all
those who hive mutated in the field with arms in
their hands as well as those who have not, taken
up arms being included
.bethis Provisum, ahem all
Yucatecos ought to enjoy this benefit. . Bat those
who _may desire to contract new 'debts shall be
held to satisfy inch debts with.their personal labor.
Ass. S. All taxman the distilliauou of ardent
spirits are abolished in all towns of Yucatan.
Mott LOCO Focutsx.—"Tbe Democratic Asso
ciation of this city held a meeting last. night, and
delegated Amos Kendall, John C. Rives, Jease
and two other., to the ore Convention,
withingructions to urge the adoption of a resolution
to turn oat of Urine, in ease the . Loco Form eandi.
date is elecukaU the Whigs who may then be
incumbenti."—{Waahington Correspondent r of the
Pennsylvania Inquirer.]
So, then, "the Ambit' Clubs" are to be revived
at the seat of Grovernmen! Amon Kendall, whose
cry was, •root bog or when asked to retain a
clerk, aged in years, competent duth.and
with a large family ale support, is the Attest vitiate
man for such a wervice and Auld he made beat
man, and Uranus of the Guipotine: But the
truth is, there are but a very few Whig c/erks in
oßoe, at Washington...only a little leaven to give
security and eSciency to the public. service- So
many changes have taken place under the' tate
Administration, and ao many incompetent pentanm•
have been appointed, that the Public necessity has
required the preaence of • number Of Whip. Or
the fly clerics appointed at the present *mica o f
Conipeas, all were Loco Focus. Of the appoiat
moots by Mr. Polk, by Mr. Tyler, by Mr. Van Bu
ren, by General Lackace....all ware of the mut
party; and pat, bke leeches thirsty for blood, the
cep( is...give, give, so long en one drop is left
Central Hall Read Ifeloseelpiloas
Debate upon this subject, the '.receet and amis..
Embrey explanation from Eith'Afentels, the able v.
peal vadat appeared on Wediatiday, sad general
Unary into the merits d the quemice have dam
much to remove objections to the . subicriptioa—
The More the thfarmalion, th m
e ore mayday
will Fo the reashji era we =Met therefore doubt,
if moger exertionx are made, that all will go r IL.
The Rouse, on Friday, deemed them Wa
tine to the consideration of a bill to purchase fr=
Mn Madison for $25,000, the remaining mum
scripts of ber deceased The bill was
passed by a vote of b 3 to 39J -
This bill tru passed upon thiii anniversary of
liity4fatlisntia birth day, and came in good sea
moo ArAer relief—her circupstatioes being needy.
1 1 There LS a bill before the flame, Islam for the pen
chase o 7 the papers of Alexia* Elm:attn.
Leta 1244111(0114a
Mompar, BUT 22
Cocoa! met, o special call l'reeeot—been
Annstrong Bell, Mock, Co:entan, Cunningioutv
Hartley, loom Kent, , Leonard, Lewis, Liviogr
too, IdoCtelland, McCollister, !dogelvy, McKilled.
Mitchell, Palmer, Potter,,Sais-yor, Schafer; Schar
er, Scan, Smith, Sampl e, Stoner, Von Bonntorst.
.Wilson. end President.
• • •
!!: Mr. Robinson, President, in tlic Chair.
• Mr. Jaws permeated !A further Supplement to
an Onlnierice providing for the inspection at Sat,
j passed March 29,1.14400 Sapplemma to the•
same, pawed 19th Jenctiry; 1647.. Rend t • •
times and
Mr. McClelland presented 'An Ordinance, mp•
plementary to nit Ordinance, missed nth Tammy.
15'M.' Read and referred to a special committee
from this Council, and blessr‘Bell, Mcaell.d,
and Wil.n appointed said committee.
Mr. McKnight presented gin Ordinance to me..
vent firth Am-Irons being thrown into the Cana'
Reed three times and posse,L
Ile also offered two resolution V—first, anthoria•
ins the construction of a sluice gate In the Aque
duct, and a mop gate at the rod Of the lame, sad
directing the drawing off the truer by suesns of
the same, every Saturday eveamg, and the admit.
Mon of fresh water, second. chroming the iminedi.
ate cleansing out of the Canal from the Aqueduct
to Seventh Street, Red appropriating $3OO for said
purpose, also, requiring the owners of prieste be
sins to clean the same immodintrJy. Read three
'times and adopted.
Mr. Willba presented 'An Ord'nace for the
suriplying Use higher portions of the y wi th vs.
ter, and for other purposes.' Read twice, and, on
• ••• indention, postponed until next meetieg.
The Select Colll3Cli were Dot in session.
Arrivals amid :13711partimbi.
Gr Qcrrw passed through thecityyeaterday
o■ bid way to the Eibt,where he has been aum•
mooed as ■ waneae before the Quoit of Inquiry to
be held at Frederick.
' Gen. Shields - meta tike summons it War On
kunst° change his course fives Maximo back to
the neighborhood of Washington there to appear
before the Court.
&moor Johnson of this State, pissed through
the city yesterday, to auend the Convention at
Philadelphia. 'I.
.The city is vr . ry full of Winger; passing aka
and West, or vilitimg FratsbuOgh =business.
Witt .—Tic prospect of a lair Wheat mop in
Westowreland County, Is quite presetting. We
saw, yesterday,'• people of Wheat Ban that cow.
ty, at the Wocil Warehouse - of Mr. Harker, on
Smithfield street, which presented the finest ap.
peensce we have ever ieee in the month alder
The simple, consisted -anionl stalks al
tarlatan bearded, and several of WI contemn
Smooth Head. The beads were heavy, and the
stalks measured flee feet in height. The former
Who brought in this ample, stated that he had two
extensive fields adds kind of Wheat, and that it
might be taken u • fair sample of the geniality of
Wheat in Westworelaud.
Me. Fosartrr.—notwitbstanding the hot weather
—still continues to attract very crumdell andietsues.
ti this is the tut opportunity th a t our citizens will
hare of ever beholdang the performances of this
truly great actor, who is about to take leave of
stage for ever, we trust nll who boo to patronise
native genius, as well as nurtrogrerit, both in pub.
list and in private his. will. ivail • themselves dada .
oflporrtinityto, behold our own great attar. Mr.
Forrest,vie understand is about to attire to a beau
tiful residence, which hit is now building on his na
tive Madam .
llaannes Exutarrion. We euee requested
to state that a delay of one day will occur in the
opening of this establishntent, in 'consequence of
an unforeseen delay to shipping (pelf. listrites liiom
CineinnaiL The exhibition, therefore, will pool'
Lively be opened on Friday.
Ms. Cash Films numbered 'ninety algid on
.Monday. So it is said by Sue who was resent cut
`that day; and. from' thq'new mimeo, we learn
that the two houses or York, Sie. - iked Rose sod_
the Whito..—the Munkers'and the Barmberners—
weve at swords point. The Sirilikurners raids •
duluog appearance, end :were lumping` orn
Anima or Gart. Stern—Gen. Scott arrived
in ship St. Peteratingh, at New York on the 21 ai
init. Capt. Emma, of Itie itwrinne Serce, met
him at Quarantine and pro:ended immediately to.
liqtumtity of church ontiinenis, sent to Havana,
ht sale, have been .disposed of "filet
; the
amount realized was s umo, which to be ap.
plied to 'the purchase a( means to - ,waist wing
the unfortunate Yucateces tram the honors with
which they am now overwhelmed. '
- What is there "new undsi the attar Hem is •
story. of extracting Gold from Vkdate ! hfr. R.
'MA at the Royal Instinatket atated that a friend
of ble had succeeded idobtiontogx athlete though
weighable pont= of cold from a vanity of the
the petals of the Mug iyiotet.—Prectous hula flow•
erets,—to called, Btstuip Ittorana, =Me editor of
Roston Trens
!' ertpt sayi—hein their 'vololog
by the way side
1 1 4
fig; iewomizasum.
L ~ ,
s.uwr. CiaTudtele6
IkW3s*, May 23,1848.
A reektioo was veered ho edasit ow:dans of
ogress to the piirflege• et the floor. .otieeted
to e• bream*. and the resohatiatt laid upon the.
Mr. Senator Qualm of Pa,' moved • that We
literoheionary .oldies preseac be allowed seats,
god this was curial
trigßoom of N. C ., offered a embalms propos
tag that both lets of the New York delegates be
permitted to take part in the delibermienc
The resolution was laid upon the table to uke.
up the special order, being the question otheaiing
the two sets ofclaimanta in detyrice of their reaper
One rights.
The Convention then heard Mr. Dickinson, (the
organ of the Huzikers,) and silenvarda bfr.Stisith,
else organ Mae Bartibutners.) Mr Bolter, Han
ker, replied, and was answered by Pre ton King,
Bambutner. Each of these gentlemen spoke a
full hour, when the Convention adjourned to meet
at fireo'clock.
Ositlimmatilea Si lb.' Dithat.Qteeking
Baltimore, l 0 P. Id.
• PrearonKim; in Ms remarb, whreh created a
sham, declared that the "Wilmot Proviso" was the
ultimatum of fits associates. Ohio, by solemn res.
olutiocr avowed it, and It it was overlooked the
Democratic party would disband.
Alter all the delegates from New York had
spoken, Mr. Yancey of Alabama, moved that the
Hunker delegates be received by the Commotion.
Ho spoke against the Wilmot proviso, andjhalii
mined that slavery was purely a State institution.
Nov Yuu , May 24.
The CaalMia sailed to day, with eight pitman
gen, and nca r half a million of specie.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
New York, May 24, 8 P. IL
Flear—Moderata aakeof Chum." at S 5 4505
75, and of Western at IS 2.5 par bbl—a .further
Graits.—Holders of wheat me very firm,and buy
•ma do out meet then. Cone and other mains as
in steady demaad at proviotis rile, wiikeonsidee•
able dadloess In corn and oats. ,Sakaof Primoyeb
low amnia 56257 ets per bushel. -'
En x --The ameba is steady, with small sales at
preiiious rams.
Pr ovietons—Theve is less impinventant is Perk;
and, the market is geed'', with no change in
FloarSaiss of 3000 Ws at $1,120 p 01d, and
30 00 lined and darned to matt lota u $4,43! •
Wldakey-laa at 144 • 0 11 . ■ slight iorgve - -
of Laguna at pA•
• of 400 bb ls at Woo pll. MAN
ket quiet.
13acoo—Sales of canvassed haLo at 5o "M.
Shoulders, packed, aorsollizqg
Lid—Sales of :00 kcp at 51X1o, go di
Gm &ore will not be permitted to slip into
FdietdietMinn, his own quiet home, as slyly as he
intends. He canon hold back the people here, as
he did the gallant soldiers under lon authinity in
.%lesico. No eatery vtiquettwor militarylaw will
proved aver the rush of civil gratitude .
United Statea. The Jersey people have, sivre
&Mood, already pot a steamboat on the width far
the P•Petereborgh, in which Gen. Scow is rayed
cd,—end Col. Crum, the anammulant et this port'
is,, we hear, well charged's; Fon Hamilton end
elsewhere kw a salutrobak will let us• all know
when the St. Petenbingli Is entering the port.—N.
Tan Issoramer.-Lme or MasuMmarms has been
merially altered by the Legislatures)! that Slue ,
making n confirm more nearly than berme to the
English Bankrupt Law. Commissioners of insol•
envoy are appe&md, who bold Courts. No kook
vent debtor wbo does net pay SO per am is to be
discharged, unless a ntalonty in number and val.
us °Shia creditors, who have pawed their claims,
shall assist loins tro oertificate of
discharge tote granted umatbe thud • meeting of
creditors, nor Many tkme,except at a meeting of '1
JUDGI Wooreurr.—The rearcommealiaro of
this aapiault Smlkerill hardly avaa to=
h Alabama; as
aolsee• gin ashtray .opporied to both federal and
interference web slavery is the territories
The York. Evening Rost lam this is Wood.
lanry's daub around. j
STrancianna 13ruanno st N. Voza.—At present
Mere . aretderestate.unahipo no tba meld.
an aggregate of more than fifteen thousand ton.
They are all ocean vemehr, Calculated totems oil
weather, and range from 'omit thoutaiukto three
Aniseed Lou, hurtles. The moat prominent of
dean are intended 6r Mr. E. K. Collina'a Liver.
Pane ruts kirautroanarn m Tat flurecre.—:
An idklevit fed in the Supreme Coun to relation
- toe suit at law, states the prodts or one of dame
dotting patacea. the Iwo Newton or Hendrik Hod
son, kw the but year, to have been $60.000. What
will heart fare on the railinads when the steam
bag compasiesreelnonaheir hap =mayor pica
to care hilfor ona qualin4..frMnse. .
Ton Ex-66U or Famics-The London was
gate that Laois Philippa bi alma* eardinuany io
the streets attic Metropolis. Ile =mei op in the
South Western Rsihray cans ZL Guisot is brie(
in a very unostentatious manner in Pelham Cesa
cent, &mama. and Is almost dilly at the Attie:mum
Club. •
States Carrtrazo.—The schooner I. IL baser,
Capt. Slater, mired yesterday from Sierra Lame,
A pnll7A4 Capra= 8, reports the Weal there
of taro llrsclisn Wre selmeners, prises to IL B.
hl. drips Sapid sod Atew. One was fitted up for
a slaver and the other had 100 aware on board.—
Cepa Somme no Americus Teasels of. war on the
mart—N. Y. Seer 20. •
fir Tlie mum of HUHU MITCHELL will be pre.
wand to Qs %%leg and Anti•Masortic Cannon.,
(non to ennoble) W h i le andidata tor twooloanon . kir
Clark of the Coon. we an disiochned to cre
ate penonal preferences beans the awing of lin
Convordion. we most b. perraithrd to say. that we an
unarmed with the belle that H. has elumt
that dm Whig and And-!Lonnie party of this tom oty
an called upon injustice to reopen. LW no one has
neared more, yet kla fidelity to tho Mfg muse never
hoot could be celled 111 speedos.
nay leaC • '` Undo Sr. Clara and Itsurarth.
Comm/ Anation—tdosais Edson; Yoe will pleese
through th. tenons of lois the woo 01
JOHN B 1 of Hadley tourushtpl, mill to present.
td m the twang Colony Conveallou for nontinetion as
the Antl.tdasoun and Whig wsdidete for Couoty Au
ditor. qoallantioas of hit Byers an nets ma to
won the faithful dinharge of the doties of the race.
and his Armen .ad coosnantey aw Whig, gin Alot
strong glean epos the favorable conelderation of the
pony. He will be eapponadu Contention by
saylb MANY WlllO3.
Torn You= co Arlsonahr Cottern—l respectful
ly OSO spoil ae a candidate for Chet of the Conn of
quarter der dons, tc., of Alleehetty•-county, rubject
tae decision of the approschlArDemperatic Wkig Con
vention. In ahoeld be so forte.u ei•en to obtain the
nutiorlty of poor Barrages, tor endeavor the& be to
illschathe the dudes of the oiSce with fidelity.
myltbdtettf • . ' LEWIS YOUNG..
Recoanta 'or VOX Conan.—iFILAILY BRUNOT, of
the deb Werth Piusbargit, will be supported in the Anti
kLasoule sad Whig Convention, for the °See el Coate
ty Recorder. kit. Brenerwu raleed a fanner on Bre
ner, I.Mndi Is an old citisen, a good Whig, end wor
thy of an staff. support. Re woe in the late war, Lad
kis father la the Revolu tionary war.
Cotton' Raototon.-2degara Etlitoto Yon in toques.
ted to announce That hIcCOMICK, Etai, of
of Moon toornaltip is a candidate for ntotanation (or
the °Moo of Roemer, aoltiOet to the ficeitton of the
Atoi•Al ls asonie. an Waif County Convention.
: my .
• &Buono &Co.: Pima to awn:time for as the Deice
of JOHN MeEWEN Mt M erl iettaville, as a eon.
able candidate the Co o offietrof Recorder of Alegherly
Crown', at the. next amnia election. Melkweg him
worthy, as well ne competent, we present hire as our
eheice, subject to a decision of thelVlde Convention In
J e u e n ek et, . • myths SOUTH PAYLTIII
Corers IlionWee—We are, requested to nate that
WILLIAM J. MASKS, of Ailegheny city, is a condi.
d ole lib, die oake of ftwester.c.ribis cesuty, subject to
the nomination of the Mile tottrentloa. . IPple..*
Cuan or cu. Course—DANIEL ItIeCUIWV, of
Elisabeth, will be a candidata lot the *Mee of Clerk of
the rental Coatis of Allegherty.eonety, *object to the:„
decision of Co. Anti-Maeonie ad Whig Cathay Coro_
watioo. myleattenQS
'COOM Edison'. Yea are tepee
u, announce Waugh the polumes of you: paper,
that GEOIWE W. 110Whle N I.q, of Aqua thwo
thip,ts a candidate for>wodwolm for the Game of Re
ester, eubJect to the declaims of the Anti•Masonle and
Whig County Convention. \ • • •
asysfeekartf IS • MANY MHOS,
Ctivarr Itwasrah—Ttut :Wee of JOHN UEDA&
KEY lereepectfally preseuted to the Wide and And.
ktheonlo Conveotlost, ea Weindetati for the office of
Register. style \ I MANY FRIENDS.
'Fr JARED M. BRUSH wiLl bea esathdate bolus
the AntiAtasonto and Viblel Comte Cot:vendee, for
the oflusafElere of the Clean of Quarter Beaton, At.
snytle - SIXTH WARD. •
Apr T. lo biebliiLAN will be
,a candidate for She
*Rea of Chet of lbConn of, guunn ke I
eibfeet ihe deelsk,u of the ePPumbh , ll o . l ..tio.
'Come Couieueuutee.,—The name of THOMAS .
TAUREAN walk, presented to the Whip mad - Anti-'
Atathale Cathentloato assemble oo the Nth of Jane
Mat, as &candidata l ot the above °Mee. •
sayalawe • • . THIRD WARD.
Coda,.Bsentni—JAlKED W. KENNEDY, of Allwl
Elko elty,' supposed heft. the Wawa
2thtl.hlatothe Coneentioth kw she oaks olCotattylles.
iwar. mribolltkersC • mercy WHatla
In. Don't ban pillow dub Trali
R V& pndy hiss um ..M g • • bin of Joon
Amber Toon Pan. It linianno gam, mean. ne
bnan. to. 'obi st lb Waal - naltditylyr.
X . 1311444e0i 1 7 y0 40 r
12 a~ret 1.
811, adden d Sir—Ydur V *Orbs;
ces sack - wssderfid natant bat Pthiskltworthachrle
gisa port a few fano shoat it. "X neiakbor,
bessght from am one curio( it. amPgare the contents to
timm of. bin. abi/dren, the first mused 1t94 theimmod
14 and de third 70, making MN it•OrlS. &actualized by
twang- one vial. P.S.. Gray inmediarel) bows four
ral mom.' file. J. llPStaley also gave dm commas of
one viol to three of his children, whiel. Lrotigki from
the fint frosi the secorid,W., and from the Wird 30,
making ISO wonsos, by the um Drone vial. I unto mY
Own triad. aged one year,• too teaspoonsful, width ex
pelled 14 Weraia, one of which Was at least one loot
M ug.
lour Venrauge is considered the best that has everbeen brought to our section of the Country, and so far as
boo:. has never failed. loon respectfully
J. 1..
Prepared and sold by It E. SELLERS, N Wood st.
Sold by Dr. Cassel, fah wank IL 34. Curry. Alleghenyt
W. Smith, Tempera...evil* and P Draro,-4..sw
retie eVII:G. • ..)••#
Wailes! Weamdl—The synipfoins• of the presence
°lemons in children should he easefully, wambei by
parents, and to soon as there is reason to suspect their
eximence, every mehni should be used to expel them
prompai and thoroughly. The Proprietors of3FLane's
Worm .Vermifuge are confideut tint they odemho hew
means of accomplishime this result that has a,
otter been
submitted to She public; and they; invite to it she atten
tion of all who have Me management of children. The
medicine la Jude andileassui One, and 110 Car folks
produce the desired e rm. For side at the Drug More
of raft! - 1 k Co, 130 . .w00d et
DOTStti, Rheum, Scurvy, Old Sores ' Erysipelas
Dce'sal, Chap., Sore Alm,le, Sore Beards, run
p • ;1
Jones' Soap is used by m any pdysicians In this city
In cluing the above, and we would not conscientiously
sell unless x e knew it to be all We gate. •
• As st cosmetie, the' Me Jottea'Soap . t:Cps the
only article ever known that reganved • Mies and
cleared and beautified the ekin,inaking it clear,
'woo-ink and alum an an intant's.T.:Eold by ViM. JACK
SON; CO Liberty street. • untr4
ED- Men never attempt to . Counterfeit a morthlems
I'ert k le cilea:;VwlOl'emottlitc'etta"n'ottli:fittairoin'it
as greats Clime as if it Were a hank note or - the coin
oldie United Slates. •II S.Fartnestoers Vertnifuge,.
which le the only mg - nand certain cunt Mr worm., ham
been counterfeited in many sections attic country, and
persons should be on their.
when pureltiuung to
get the genuine article, prepanst at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jusx's Execcrossm—We;nnould call Etude. to
this excellent remedy for Cush*, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, and all erections os :the Throat and Loop.
I-laving several times within . - raw years put had occa
sion to ass a medicine of thls kind,wo hue by expert
enc. tested Its excellein qu aliti e s, and ere prepared' to
recommend it to others.' hlithsters or. other public
sp re e:A d
ro te m d i r u. b .. bronchial • elections will . fin!
I t prepared hya season ,
to physician, and all classee Wlll find it ca feand C.
cacthus msmeiue in the diseases for which it is re
conamended.--ICelumbus Whit.) Cross end JounthL
For sale at the Pekin Tea Stdre, Pio. - th Fourth sweet.
V. The pubhe are respecifully Invited to auend.a
=cretin of The Aisociatiou of /button:ph and
lot promoting the Interests of kuluestont, this Mors.
day <vetting, the Y3thof Mari et 71oVlociv,ist the Ch..
pet *Cake Vuommity.
Teachers, parents and frituds of ettimadom are re
spectinily invited to attend.
Ostromor Fatucests.—Festiy—lohn Sterrit, 0. %Wil
liams summate. Medea of teaching diithoustic—Tesch •
prose.. my..d
Orphaa's Can. bale.
thronler or tut UtptusubiC-ourt at Allegheny toot
ty, Pa there wilt be P ittsburgh to Palale elan, as
Me Coen Minn no the city alu, on Saturday,
This day at Jaw, L.. 43 - at lb O'clock, A. hi., the fallow
ing dasenbed /teal Sstateoale the property of WU
-11.4 k,htott,,- to grin—
• eartanz lot of lalid,aituaied is Jetfereystown, Fay
ens township, Allegheny coitnoy. bounded and desert.
bed alfalfa., yin Minutia( at a port thrum oath
alerenderas, east Silty 101 10 peat; Shane., north
eighty an a tosalhdegrees, west Mope/chi:lend (oar ,
lean reel to a post; {betide tiarth elonen degrees, Clot
ten paten's to a plOsti [heads ninth onty six and
quarter degrtga
ith pal ire *pa eig-fanthe pant,. to a
pan; thane nada half degrees, welt
tarclreparthes and Poor Isolate a stone wan to !root of
nose 'Asrusbs , thence north ',evenly...helm/ a quarter
fisaissonut ouraud two-fesulte perches to the plant
pf..tug—eoutainilegt Op 6. and ton attn. pee.
ehoalstreetineasare, and on 'which tient ars erected
,twonaidldwelhog howl, and astable. Terms cash.
AnDittnt , JULUMMUN,
, • )
111 HE highest mart. pnc4sid ter a/1 gnaw, Of - die/hi
washed WOOL, at ond : wswehouss, ihfeld ay
be twain Ultimo:di alley and Fourth meet.
• ' •
tartherunit: : WM. BARKER.
AV' Destmerat, EniontoWn; Ripener, NVmhington,
•Panadiant, hieuiLisLon; Herald, Wellsbug; Gazette,
:iew Oahe; Patriot, IVelliville; Mould, Ineuttenville,
copy . to the amount ofil, sz, anon pap. toadverutter, sad
charge Gazette,
_....._,._ ^
Moro to Rant.
Fr° RENT—The lower eiar mut cellar pistons No.
J. NJ Winer sl, ndloininglAtessrs. Ainanidge, Wilson
& Ca. I:lnquire on the pmeves, or of
mynnarn .51 tearer st
APARTNER WANTE,o, who has One Thouitaaa
Dollars lo inrear in a good business already es-.
ranlished and doing well. Xll person 'aiding to eagnge
in Alemannic hiumeas,•wal hod this an ezeelleut op
portanity, by adaresaing -7(;: V., Post Ohre, with real
name, onti:da
UNDRII.I--M easki 'Sada Ash, branded M Steele
O & Sm. Liverpool; WO do do James
Alaspiiat d< Soo, do AW tows Rio Coffee; WO L...
7531, eito MA( IVil2 11" Gloat, for .ale by
rilllnd GRIER,
~ .
, lttllibeayat
tc Ca ta Market sttro!,; tun Just reed Ivises of
&Work Printed Loans ocA AllaslF, of the most tub
ionablo -tlyiti alto, twat it)10 ests, Gronettitios,
Tisanes, At. &a • ~ toy-
1)=.7- e r T A t C 4 have .o ree'd WU or
vie daJi * griera I sov
CRAPE:MAMA—A A Mason k. Co. have rec.:li
en Aim:near lot of 5 - cartons o! . fiehoondinin, and
lose peke
NO. PUGAR—LW Ws bandimile New 044.
IA • Nagar, to arrive per twatner 1--o' rota, and for rale
by ray-. 1 4 POINUE.XTPX.'& Co
' DOSIN-7 bbl. Foal fade, to arrive per steamer
jib Taghom from Oricans , and for vale by •- '
.f.:.' POINDEXTER .P. Co
EATHEES-7 sacks N ow lauding from int amer
ropbramei for sale by,
y 1.5 ' IPAIB.4I DICKEY .t Co, front st
VI.AXBFS.D—aO sacks, eallp now landing from
.0 emir Etipbrams; too sale by
mro • .2. ISAIMI DICKEY Jr. Co'
AVAX-I cask anyi;landing from ateamor En-
Orates; for tabby . ~:
lari_d ... , I; ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
- -
rILOUII-:lddid - da - Kimbles extra pastry Floor,rted
.II: and for idea by S & %Y lIARBAUGH„
niyai . FM cater and 104 from It
FLLIS MD 011.-56 614 Flaxseed Oil, stair and
for axle by - 83 W tIARBA UGH
HOLL BUTTER-4 bbli and 9 bxs Frul Dauer,
IV AN received awl for a6le by .
aroli $ & NV lIAILDAVGII
D T;
CLIEESE;-60 Ists prim `lteese, just teed and tut
Ws by my ud R as WIIAUBAUbaI
IIf,TP I'ELTS 4 baleitzheep Petit', in 'gore and
0 , for sale by "'r S W linitneuuti
LMire umi Oil, for sale
by say t 5 ~, asW lIARILLUGH
. .
DRESS GOODS--A A hiuoir kCo have received
ezwirive a•aonmcut of rich "neva Goodi, eon
lusting of ibis pa borne., St vr, fir-condoler, Ito he gig
Togo. and Mohair toripesahr p. of Pail de Chore, au
OPUS! now article, loolaiUt :ilk Ind Farley do, in
great variety. - • inylO
„ .
I,IIa.XSEEL) 011.10 bbl in prima ordt, ing e.
x ....a...ifor wdo by
II: ,-.•
oapt . • it SELLEII9, 67 wood at
rrouicco—u hbdr Le 4 Tobacco, received pee
J, am met :agar Englund No*, and for gala by
JAIA turremsos a co
.IiAISINS-400 quartet Isaias Raisins, for safe low
Alk. to elow coeugament,
aria JAM}. A MTV-LIMON le Co
IDACHN-111 corks Hanta;:and Shoulder., in store
Xland Oir mile by : •
arygt ' JAME* k HUTCHISON &Co
oILS-60 bbla Linseed Oil;')o food order; 13 do Lard
Oil, do do: Sperm, 11, bale, bloodied Rud Common
1.41, ou COusigtalacld and (or kale at reduced prices, by
rayrd • IBELLEkt9 & NICOLS.
BACON -:9 i r o t r d "" 4lTuld u r ' 1: 3 1o '
ham Ou couslguakeill (La putt) and for sale by r3s
bbl. lamb Sitlackerel; 11) d 6 No ft
AC dot 1U half do do No 3 &if to do do No itct; - 10
bol. N./ niNt, just reed,lll good order add for ablo
by . my2.l ,YILLI-KRS NICOL:3
CASICtUiI bbd No Wijula reed
and for . sale
by mr4:l J KIDD-a. Co
Don( no,er—ALL noor,i-ou lb. film re - c - 4 and
I for mtle by_
____LEL . ,2 KIDD k. Co_
JUJUBE PASTE—SO Ihs AM reed land
_my S 3 J KIDD & Co
ALCOIIO4-1 1 : 1 bbl. for 1.14 by
Mra ;,.•.! KIDD lc Co
101111N--6u pales TennesiFle Clati.olll — j.tote and
sale by mril Wl,O BO iy .. ,ll9lcpist st
* 4 ( I/LAMES-13 bbls Plat Minna Alalutes, iu.tore
by mrk% WES/UM/WEN
WHITE LEATJ-100 beie re White Lee d, instate
and fee role by my WEST 110 WEN
f iIIEESE-0 tam W Cbebie, sate by
m ILI • $ - 1? VO.*IfoNNH • oKST &Co
ICiCI.I-4-1U dor for rale
S ton VO s
G i t B A - 3 "t
.4 f fi vii.; * P fi l :iitiVg,?: a. co
SHOAR HOUSE MOLASSa—latrbl”upesior;
ding from till... Wright add for sale by .
sardS HAHALHY Oa Hdlftll, lb and 0.1 wood at
iNceiriAn ',OAP,. a. Cineloualliio I Soap,
latuling and wr sale
Na SUGAR-121 hbd. frq O . Sugar, taridi#3 from
AA • Lady tly rm. and car saKtby
lay:1 WitiALEV &
t , •
LI A IT 7, S Yu? :are liPli b lVi l erfar'Atilit i
itiLAesF au Ettgar
?..; L l = tr d • ttI7AVIN Y I WI n TP/r 1
T INBEED 011.-2 , 5 bbl.just*celved by
O.BIIOAII-00yte ankle, fur fide by
'DAGO:V-11=u wadfor sails byy,
mytt avcou,usurimui MOE
- -
1:0 ~ -- ----
IIODUCE—bO mks b'estbOxi: 32 doFlatm* 2
casks do I do DeesbraEL3 bbls Dream LW, to
ankle . for Baba by Didt,lll DICKEY kEo,
miri ' '''. , ~ , frosts
lltlElTt SHAWL:4=A It ettpplierabo;e
lately received, mach rage,Nietorio,' nen.
Mohair, Caslitaeta, aelto de Leine, &e.
111/ , Geode Ileum of • alylln IV It Al 11111141 Y
IAiLaDT/11114T bit do, of voltam
Au excellent *taoriment, at lowest
ante/et. be feudal the mercer
to . . • •• IV R MURPHY
• /1 &Week Co. have reetived Ytl bout of cad
Oath* gee WoeoKgvee, e....h.r; 4.4 Di
of neer style Batumi .verD
c .IT LI C 2I: 9-"-A A 3l u t i p ty C ri 'b . ar. (k = hand
P Swiss, 800k 00
~/%4 aird h Jleopet Alushos,
of ingry-Tatiny.
A - t.cTA - ort:7B - Atitk.'.i.;.,-.• , ,.,.:; ,, ..-,F, , ....
113 r JoL A Dam ate
• OuThoisibly afternoon, Ors With last, atnetkek, .
the Coonnerctal Sales - Hoary cornet of Wood .and
Fifth matte:Mill be .old, for account *fathom it may
noncom,. a leas. f9 dozen) Grass Scythes, Slightly,
damagrn by *arm my 43 JOHN D DAVIN Auct
, %Pry Gawk id, at dadton.
On Thariday mennrag,ldayAith, at 10 o'clock, at the
commercial gales Room, corner of Wood Mid 111011
streets, will be sold, several introLeews of tkup, ca.
plc, and variety goods, all of wlueb mnst he eloseuLfor
immediate settlement with consignees. Thig aseort
meat kr thisaale embraces a very large and general
stock cif Wosillens, eilks,Encns,donmalic and maturss,
such as-41mi drew lawns, French. Scotch and Man.
chums ginglinms, mode colored sad figured do bands.,
balzannes, best guilty imported pram, American do.
tweeds, ..dams, clams, white, red and yellow. dart
nets, tracts drillings, summer wipe, mperyd French
chum, English and' American ratan, Fraal
linen sad cotton check, ticking, nankeens, Tamiture
prints, jacosiet sad cambric mw nnA estmonerea. mons
de !nine, balainAnes and hakes, IriW, French aral Ger
man!merino, cashmere, crape asid-mous do
loran shawls: 'handkerchiefs; silk and velvet, dniss
It; black iintin, sewing. eilk, ribbons, colored crapes,
&Meccas, mennos, derma and book mnaliaa, gloves, h.
sierr,daceir,:lnamtungs,reticulea parmols, parts salon.,
umbrella., fancy rest, patterns, Amoy dismal; baraise
surfs: he.
AT Tr - t—tlOSeral carat. of flue ardratials. do do
head dreiseafbonuct ribbons, COttolll fringes, 'Silk, satin
and braid bonnets, de. ko.
At o'clock, •
?few anti 'second hand Annum in pow kariciy;
among attic in 'particular, are—fine spoon hair seat
sof., coati. boat Inahogurr rocking chair, plain and
dfb.sutif boreaus t large mahogany framedmucosa, and
rnN and ay
mpg !• JOHN DDAVI9, Atte' .
Canntoguei . 424 of =0 , Fiskionaten Spring and
Sunsior Garments. •
On m.credir of three months on all maw over eioo.
Will mid Militant reserve, at the Commereial Sales
Room, cow of Woodand*Flith SWOT., on Fridaymorning, Soy ilerh,ett /0 o'cloek, &large assortment of
antic tiortiordpy nevem* faahlonablo springand suns.
met clothlawconsiming of merino, Pawed, corionade,
gingham,' kremlon, linen and check sack coats, super
pint& and figured valet:vein, French gingham, On , nT
cashmere nod plain and Wank mans vests, none fancy
music:ern, 'nom, Oath cord, Rozbuty stripe, comt.
ode and Bourbon tamlntere pants, bloc stripe mead
..., hiacri, check toad Canton flannel Winn, - fine
minim shins with Roots berims, collars,&e., bleached
and hromm 'Muslin and drill dramen, ntuhnsn. duck,
brown Ara and &minim overalls, Spred and plain
baisejscksitsike. JOHN DDAVIS, /met
C. 8. Forret Manager t . e t
GL •
TECESDAY, MAY_ 11; IMO. to commence with the
Pbualloe• Mr. Oxley.
Senane , Mite Poncr
After erhish, LA POLKA, by Mtn laneMeletue"
- •, conclude with the • -
Nett Tick..
Llama • ••). •
_Ma! Petrie._
;ma Second MOS catusi7iii.aii — Falk.
• Private Hoz:su*. . • •
ILE Stryersnatkisekto Alomisal Company, mast.
mast.. log of Nineteen PaSontters: Ms. Cotopoy
=taly t.
a bly , to WO= tholattlesLadloollettt . els . of
.G.Li rg in.lo.l==tdkr.::: a lL=AZ
at the 4.llteton, Liberty street. oti Tit ,1112 i
PAR. t. - ,
1. "Omen to Braise Illorelb—Leda.
ConentUmturo, (Fmajon—Yallivroda.•
Jubilee 2 1 otts'' Walts—Strottaa.
• 4. 'Own Cron Linda de Chamoua4,-DaaLrtli-7
• . . 4 -_.. Paw a. • .
. . .. .
5. "1151156 es Vibildren" teduothille—fkranas. _ •
0. .Sonadi (ma Homo," swig* N 555551 Duxes,
(57' 5 , 94 5 .1)
7. 0 1.5 1155quec," Onad Pot Pauli, (by request)—.
SU... 1
8. 012,16[15 "Williska -
9 Paerni
,0 11,2 Recruiter Walls—Laneer.. - • 2
Kb WY Whehlee deeis,l itaiim d <W.F. •
fOU man; children !mantic.... be b 94
lbe blusieStores, Hotel; .4 at the door.
IV- Doha Open at 7 o'clock. Concert to coon:ben.
al 6 o'clock ,!precieely. • " • ,
Oxteertnvnoirer s Friday evening. " 10y25
150NETLIINGlitirt. •
Barintoet Tray. lin; Exhibitions
riONNTRIXTED expressly kis this Enablishistent,
k.O - sad funtisirid with sans mad CI • sonvesiesses,
shill's' the iiitiwtioa of 1104 T, NICOLS Tcrems—
volt be • echlbited in front of the A lattnele Hum, on
commencing ate o'clock. Also, az Friday and Satur
day afternoon, at 3 cklock. .•
' fins great pleasure in announcing to the poblie, Wm
Le has got:dour a traveling exhibition, cOustsOng of a
most corioui, rahable andunique mammy of derelties
and pe dement:tees, selected with street care front' his
vast and popular establishment at New York, and
forming one Or the most intereeting exhibitions ever
seen in Amerimembrating au an eminent degree, in.
stnactian and amosemenc Neither pains nor expense
have been meted, in combining attractioths which are
at once novel and CliteltililLlM and at the acme
instilled we, 14 net free from ma slightest objections from
the moral lalut religious commurnty. Mr. Lt. also begs
to snare the'publte, that the 10041 strict order and do."
tonna will &Cray. be reserved throughout the tall.
list/soma, to that ladies and geotlemen will ever find it
a perfect!y site and and movable plane of Mrentiot.
and amusement, whether accompanied. by gentlemen
or not—and es an evidence that be will be able to af
fect this most desirable object, be has pleasure iu or.
I.l . eßlltt r uprz noviru h =vett vri n t i llr p agbd ii rk o ls .,
der and deestram non alergya be maintained. • •-
lt is impossible to give the entire details alike exhi
bition—made if to my. that the establislunent ter
quire the serriees of 1111910 than thuty weans- • " •
Tim exhibition will include de French Liam'
lad l'undmili drdse:ll/ OF NAPO/AMR,
tenement:4 . oo mast gorgeous and mavaillecut spec-
(salt ever commit _ • • • -
The :Co ALAMAIOTFIBOVigte lima; ln i 1
cr ,„,.„ 1 .„ rum ,
end claaroya have as
M 153 EMILY uststs - o.7.faris'llt atom,
COlllriCkg of the first voeslists nom the drossictin
sews, N. and the principal CAROM 700.1 in N./
rot, PhilsdclAis and Boston, IMlu L. is also aver.
shlY hoesstan the western sown) will sing a vskrie•
9i , or :sons; lines s, glees, seinen%
MSS WIIITLOCIK, a little miss °lazily alsten Trari
a( agy will appear in a varietycC elriani; auto and
pi:velar Duxes, which will be changed at each per.
PETE MORRIS, tho renornsed and Imaginer prove.,
kind comic estimator and attiltorottbe most popdar
metodies, among which are ' `leasing. Calomel?
“Yankee Polka," etc. t •
BILLY.WHIUCK, tbs mamma and pdpitlar
Elaudo Player, M
mill appear in a moiety of Etkioptau os:-
tradsgansai, ballads, sayings, doings, etc, accoroptas
d by OLIO Of Me mon celebrated minstrel bands of
LAUGIIING GAS will be administered by Prof. Da
Ids= to edam or the endience, ec tO4Clizic one con
clad 'rid. tbnealblisbatent.. -
Previoes us the commencement of the exhibition on
the stage, Piot Davidson will amuse thew:slimes with
FANCY GLASS WOHKING, is all its varieties, (bon.
iug birds, ships, candelabras, etc, all or erhieh win be
Comb, at reasonablegia
At the does °rasa .CIALIAIIO.4 balloon win
be sent op Irian the yard ,
Mr Exhibition etantiseiseesratternoon at o'clock,
Orlock.' Doors one 11012, in admits,
thus giving opportunity to 'mous, the Glass Work.
ing, Giant BOys, eta: • , . •• '
Adnuswou, STi . .csnts—eluldten under half
;zee. j • • - • niyal:4o
I nrwr asecarainure,
ANMa D opeitiag during the preaeat week, at Ml;street,
street, one rti
the Cheap L
cheepesash Clothing Stora,l3ll Liberty
of largest, t„ and most Ds/thim
ble look of Goods, adapted for gennerneit's spring and
summer wear, enrer Mimed the sale in Eittsburgh.
The propryetor of the above establissment begs to.
invite the attention of his Stiends and Customers to his
present tette and fashionable stock, which having
been jam purchased in the present depressed oath or
trade in the ;Ihmlem tides, comprises nm only emery
thing that is new and fashionable, bat Is 'ntch lower
iu pnee tharreen be offered by those houses who pur
chase only in early 'spring.
It being ioWble to convey any tiring •comect
idea of the eatesp, loamy, or quality alike mock, it
will rut be elms:opted; but It Ls hoped all will tension
their own interest, and call end examine far them
selves. The. preptutor that these goals
.stupass eityl dung in the 'same hoe in the any, and
competition W pnee is more desired that feast!, by
any thief in the trade, auction hoods, with-all thou
impertecuons, not excepted.
P.D.—Online in the Worker Una executed in the
most fashionible style and substantial manner. •
NI6W tit,J1,1.—.11.1. Isttrrea Man • publisher,
sod for hale at the Stettuslita !took Nora, 4th 01,
mr Wood. "I Tipper'. Proretblal Philosophn/u Wee
es of beautiful book for prcsant. -
Preparation kr the Pulp.
.Sketches fit Sermons on the Parable* and Brusele.
of Chrl.l, by ,the Anhui. of We Aguas Cyclopedia—OW
sketches, am The pugllah Pulph; colleouon of ear.
mons by thipost moment firing divine-sot Engi mud.
Al MAW= Pores—Doirr; Good, Metier! Love, (w
-est thou use, Sacred itleditationa -• otygi .
Ealle la. Cream 241111014 :
Noon szuar , .1111/611 TUTU Aim Ponta 'num.
frlitS Itullinuable place of resort for ladies and geti•
drown is NOW' OPEN. Pentane *ski* for
Li,mopiAliti; ICE - CREAM, or any of the' delicacies
old. *east* clone% do better than to call at this ea..
tablishreent. !The EAGLE: ZAt.OON bus - been loon
known coos of t h e mosi splendid Nun of the kind la
the sreateru Country, end to feet them am , filer, tf my r
- Zaloorts in des.United Mates cape, dorm this. •
The proprietors belle.° to state, that nothing dull
be watinr , gn 1.61; pan to make •Orie of the mom
pleasant plaef aof MOIL for ladles andit
ntleinea. in
tine ann. . PEARCE:it 881-42 i.
BYgllEle nr IFSFIG"" Iiat7 Cl " "4
.1 r i tcr;l:s - '
- Casinnores; black and coll . . Cantle:rue . • Q:ean's
and bummer Cletb fled awl plain Limp Ace; Ves.'
tioitq•,,yacy. choke Alarseillcs, Castuacres, Ika std;
e.n.tuts, anti AO Linen MAK &taper yet:
R01.10190S Cab &am Yon Elnildints,'
• • .• , .conn.r.aread and fink its
.• :_.SEAMAN a muia,
awl 'ISk•odW•Yr itt •W Wit
- I O ro-
ANDJOBBEJUB of Silks; Freida prIO.
tedldoehto4 Menges, Lseee,tkhabisideti . e . s,
l o PD Sl Arl=gilrArlie b Y GMS .
Therinviteeounh7iderett=ttiog NNW York,
Warmth. their sto . before their ;toughest..
woe for ewer yeon or e house' of A.T.
thewart &Co, Imo which ke retired CM UMW of Jaw
184 sod Mr. James Ikelloon,(who haw humeral la
the busioeA) wu also favorably known to that WAN
'WHITE CII.APESA .A.Maiork Ji co; OD Market
facet, hate Jost we'd Kopko( white andeoklred
CAIIIIIAGE WHIP POUND—Tbe <rimer mit have
it by mint lb!**adverdsentent end damn/Hag
, -J L HEAD, Besksinte,
• saylff • Armiks Hatl,
FLOUR-800 bbla a superior Wide far sale-
- . .
ML 1S I - 9 bbls furniture ond bids totals Nix
nig, warrant= =parlor, kw =l l e low
rciriu JOIN dloP
KACKERE4-100 bbls; wainalad iDuslity,
in 014 vtlrr. knroa does masiromm, by
B kMlT3Grijlr:• l ;
by myle • ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
EAIL Oaks in ems and utikby
, „, • .
. , ,
• •.;
. . .
.j.: ... ::.5TEAM.8..0
C13013111ATI.• PITZ:II II 7 4 tv:.:OU.
. •
.• DA t-vKELT—Li
• en is noir ........r.d . ol.PO,Taraeet, beet
hed end ferniek4 end Own powerful Wads to Oe
waters of the West. livery arleommodatieo and an&
fort that money can preedne, bhe be tpnr id e d 63:l""."
..eaelo: The Limiest been ix *pennon An Ira yawn
mini. of people wnhoot the bntu Wa
ry to their persona The boats *II be at • the hot
af -
Wood meet the day incite. to.eartina, be the
Lion of height and the entry re of otarege on the
Ur. In ell seam the . ohmage. ..nor. m , .!," k , ! , .1) 72
The 'ISAAC NNICIVN, , eapt..4l. G. Meneint W.
tease Pittsburgh e very, thuidaintoraing I.ooyer.A.
Wheeling every Sunday isvealag Itir.
Ssv hIONOMM 101 it, firg% grill leave Pine.'
tank every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Whealir•4
eeerfhlculday evening at l 0 • - ..1:
- - TUESDAY PACIEET:• - •"x.
The HIBERNIA Nu.. ,Celt. J. li.ungertnt vri/l
lame Pittstatath every Ttiesder aperniaigel 0. 4. 10, a;
Wheeling every Toeuley reeetag at lag.
• • • IwisninciDAT rAvgarr_
• re Pittstraigh Amery.lVidneeday monliejr.- el 10
'eleek; Wheeling araryWeamesday evening a.t.,19.r.
• -
The SSILLIANT, Cep. Cues.,aar Man Otte
lamb every Thursday Mamba sliest
every Thundey voreaal r. s, • ,
The CLIPPI.II No. a SOL Omni
bash rrery Friday our else alO edeloelq !rhaidali
every Friday evades at 10 r, a. • -
The =men ER, Capt.:l.ll=o,loriy hum put,
burgh !MI Saturday =ruing at 100 eateek Hifbeallagf
every Saierary amiss at 10 r. ,
. . • ,
lath atanootv,) - ,
laart• rittaburet daily, at 9 o'clock; A. it. mast er.'
101:15 at Glasgow, (mouth of tha Sandy and Bower, Ca
na/jai 3 o'clock. and Naar Lisbon at% atutalitddin. •
. Learnt Naar.l3tban in I o'clock, P. AL, ( atildad gat
trip canal tattle fl yer Attrintrltat night.) sad Wawa.
at 9 o'clock, A. 31, and arnrca at. Pluatinsgh at aP.
M.—th as making a; coatiuouva that .for: tani
seastrs and freight' hewed:l New Lisboa and='
butt., in .abotter data and WWI* fuss thaahr any
..... • . .. . . . ... . -
The proptiatots of this L 61 0 .11140 the Omani Of la
-I.mlilg the public that tlly.liwri Baled aptwolkeit data
Canal Smui; lariat ateocanodanna of ponagairs and
fraillty to tun in • connection with Ili wall Inworn
mance» CAL.I2I . QOPE sad itIIZAVI.I4 and enolneet •
1 2
tal!=lirk t a: t alr'" gb dOr'st=
..4 aprg.ippi 4... - Th . PraPllam Puditilkest•
...i.en ato viva PEICIDeII/e Or troubl eto Insane=
(attain. sod diapatc and oah . nalsl7,.?igla et !MT ,
Pnu‘ lVO.ailliartiaairla , -.- .:::
i ii
.• • i,,,&) . .
• as W. HAftlinliCill,
mylla 'J. lIABJIAIiGH li• an • • r i PO 4 .. 4
. .-.....
steanns ItiAVEXC.E.Clairtn,mos•
ter, Inn lure alter dd. mien, for Dewitt, Glaarm.
and V 414 1 ,41,6 punctually, al eelock.4o;nnunqins:
m er
rrsstaarr au k n e o tL nis s•qDaly pa'a.we •
' •Th. following nor bcou coupleta
iliErc l l ll 7 the resent aensankAT
.-LANTIC, Capt. James .Pazklaang
TIC, Capi...6: Jacob; end WWII
WL4PIII, Copt S. Hannan ' The boats', are "WO
unar and WO aired up wlltunit regard In Mena Sy:
art dandurt Oa: money. tan procure has bean'worided.
The Bangs will lean die Illonungabela .Wkiartilad at
tha fag
, of Rosa at . Pusan/pr.. *ill - be parkatual YD
boot, a the boos eartamly Telma ac, the Muer.
Wad been. E. M. and 4 Pad • - - , jaal .
• .EmsoLau,flareaear,Paelx4— Tito
• new mauler
I , Perry, commander, •leove (Si
Louisville eud dl intermediate:pone scary Basiirilar,
at 10 Welock, precisely...• , •
. -
Foray-lett or passage cooly. board ov
• IVil.Sr & DUNCAN, Aetna..
Tclegvaph bas be. built expressly fora
packet, a view enthterto the mean eV:-
welenr, the accommodations ara lacier-10 pa
Tarselowite C r,till lea let
F ee fiviod ixite.prounp a.n.nLlyutlatore,
4 " ... • , EWES S,
Eloogber, • maslet, .; far ib•
above Wm iniemediata pore ibis day.
Far timattuor paszage apply an. board , 1 •.• • SaY25
Thtt arambaat 1• • -:
• , , BILOORLIE - N, .i
, B*l4 muter , will' leave GmAboir•
al . Intermediate parts tole day. at 10 --
A. !J. Yoe freight or passage apply on boa*, _ . .
•• -. FOII.CLNCINicATI AND ECY.1.01.1111.y - -The
• .1
• ' • - 'IIIGIII.ANIi MAili,'
thirke,saulac will leery kyttheabana
,I interwedlita porta.flda day 10
A. /141...4 , Ar facisfa arivaageaff.Was Ward. NM
• •• FOR CRietiNATI.
• .113'U'eltuo: Mauer ails leave fair
about and .i,aolomio.O;,tamixina
For lxizbror poosago applyon board. MOIR
e a f t.: 7b . ATM., • -
?Score muter flit Icssa Atiaibargli
This. boat Is ovary wsy sdalnad 'Ait - ths - coition of
Stle ma connection withabiJszury •
Lind, which mans bar at Ermsty: • For (OA& or pi.
. '.., ' • FOR CINCINNATI,' T. '.• ..
Bailtails Ta Renal PasirAi.
: • 4 ,;...... .' The new and Ira c am lrar , eresseew
_ Kerantr, mew,- will keys . Ibr the
bore and itnersaidlateporreinTan.
dDraleth inst.; at ID A N. For freight atlas*** air
• • . . The neat and athstantial low,watear
sieamlwx.. ... - Irttputri.' , i t 'T
Aseinnele.hleeler."64Cieimilied her
regular tripe between Wheelim Biletseiroett mod Phu.
begTh, having. Pittelargh ea ysearibilichlylk.
' BM' •
siwerovill , !save fall• abase
all inemailassperenaaNtedoes
ataps and Samsdays of each arcs's. posfar pas- .
.....E2 4 1.p1r on b°1.44:01° _,
N • ;. -
PIITYIBUIIigIi 6 wniamiNg PALMY.; .
CONSLL. nl..
Ainhoy, nasurOinll Icons
laxly dag.Ulacargal, - Dgonday.
Wodsmlday •314 Fnday, *LW o'clock mainly: -
Leave Wheeling every Ilacsday„Tbundar mai Sa
turday, at 7 o'clock • co, • •
The Consul will l and at all the uttensoliase
13.17 accomodithaddod Can be premed kw as-
Gan and salary of,
w owsu /mantas panideaL The
Wails also mauled idi a aegfacdng sa6ty.. award to
Ward 0rw ' '711 1.1 4 42; dpi
•MA • • Oinnef htsUid
mazimpoirt; =azAligrit ANISMONOSCIALLEs
neer steamer • —.
Nebula muter • nom ma atom
!ma r Fame:ash ',s e re Woodsy
Wednesday and Friday, at Diektoek, - and MU
nolugultalia City er cry Tuesd_o7,2*mofind
sib e'eleck, , Per Maps ox yasent Mr/ Mg
• '
Thu tr. tadaht dn wi litittittet
jalL lett" : in Lim
tote pea ovary Wedoaday tad IttS.
unit!, t fbr Nigh% or pasokse-MPIT
' Notice to Ttivivelaiest
RBB CANA4pAcesTaaxs
• -
ITIIE eolracribetu' have engage& the lilbi Magid
• •
steamboat YANICEI , :. ces7l ., Pl,,itileri *await
from the Aorkeduct et 'Freeport'
Rho will fteundaity ot tot took loth* time
in am street above Um
Pawaniere will -berokrest, Mord, 'sac will to
pooool at the
For pump or tolo lV o .
» e M rth
C , •
1 r Mao.
• Ili this arransemeat itzur,mire. ' Ete ij megh
len than breed t eys.end•
.Uldri . peuelrm'rmrr. the nit
QiiiPPF.B4 sod Olin. iniimuthihnethie - Lbw
to will notion to run thn=l the. 3*lr, lonia(
dolly.. Produce and march ' tan
Merchandise from , LWiliitan notolii - OnAc , On.
nem 'Thari.a dope:: • O.IIIDWELI.AM
%Von 0,2 don abere Mopnyel leiwinhPrnseergiu.
. • BROWN/SON allOfJlll,
, orl7 92 Foe* Cherie.. et:Barectorw..,.
. warshosse, is al Mr *VI% s.,.l.lslLyn:_
Deewrolyasstive Cuy.ssa =mist.
r i xhiblung,Xlsirilessass
T ha il
- nes. are soy, o4.cp#lse ' Package%
owls: sun orrery nor o.yk4 of Forego aad'jlonlep~s
Onsiscaus, Islay sts , S bate /tot bsed porebsattllc
stst aro OCcred ask a.:r Club and Abon
. .
per yard life pne% „. 3 . 4
id= 'en. "4 4 4 fee Tia z
rimy -
rtgalli DAEl ksLI-11eu Unto, 4 . p „ ; ,„ via „ ry
muooU2-41 bb i rimay 6„
sqq _ gamotarecit.
, .
- '4's