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MAWS FEED I CARDS. • • ti NSON I.&PLIA.St k -Hide and Leullr Deal 'n"Kr=tl.s'l;lll(FeLr Pinsbnigh, Laviek to.T.S.iladelphia: Consigamentabf WeOern Leuther wholed. tutd li eral advances awls, died. feblalGut _ _ ATMX:IW JONIES •h, • Co, Commuston- awl For in.stinT Merchant% bare cem.mod r old stand, %% War and Fs out stroelx, Paitsbursh. °cal niletaiaadr.WrEA aIaIGE .11 orLib..nY .. 71 St. CZ a. ecialcarsear, It S. aviors. rIOWN CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers,' .ml Commission 143,' Liberty C., tdiYom, ' 3 s."Q ox _• : • - num a. • • IL 11011LNSON & CO,Wbotesale trrocers,'l,tnenee and caranneeion Merchants, and Dealer. in Pia. ;ilk Idaoufsetami Na thiCi •Libent 04 raut....gb, ... 11u . - _ *K.)I: 6 ERT RALZII.I,CO,: W CO,holesale Grocer., Go ,llassireoe and' Foreranhar blerebsets, dealers ce and Pittsburgh ,hiatetfacutres, Liberty lit. littsburgb, Pa. • - feb34 COT. AL CUNNINGHAM, 'Wholesale , Grocer, t Desks In Prod.., lAA Pittsburgh - Alumfactures, s. lI4LIDen7 . 1... w Maass, • - 1. t. U. 16r 1M te, k a t liF F° l,:rE 1 lit d r T C =X,.. pl. ist timeatte:*Yroduee, s ittinnitgh Metals.. tunt; k.... 1 WOW 0(146111- • = ' ,_ ! •'. ' The hightst ie., is cult' at a l l times for cow, MI mai, Cotner of Penn tr.d. 4.. I.Vil .77 OAKFOILD >tc Co.,Coonsoission arty st, - oppoono -Smadold,' Dealers 111 Flonr, nun on 4 Sado, 0100 Bottor,,Lr o eYbd 1,. J.. optlAy Wholost odd:et:2pp. o l s door. above Tbird .111111CIM WWI./ QuAct+err k. WHITE, .Stlodosedo Deokrs gnotta ar l 'd "ktij" Na YoLVL 14 . 1LARBAUGI dlore . rt:, -Donlon; :and 4odoiodsoa tdorebso l a No. rd Waxer or, Pd 6.- troirrffi ItrifiALEY CO.,,Wholessde Grocers so d , rioducedirsenoo.fr.U.Olarke l slsset.OetweenCth 4 • 'sd .1411; •. Nordi side. clot d , • . .. . •- ti - C. , 1111.1,..( • &meatier la Hill & iitraorthe,) 10 • 40: , 0- ta awl vlanutaatajdj of Yaw Multiage - and Ids, and dealer le 'Anittnialinung, 0 ,,, d ' , O , If eppius' . 2 ' ' I leer. d 1 Wood sli 7111sburib;' Fa. itsgs arid Tut. 'sigN..ergligutrellued at the nightie etarhatydee. . .I. IT.l.J i aa, 4 rniaitalors.• - • tuna Rarnala,itairriare. ~,§... 4, & , NICOLS, Produce and Ge/irral.Com. .. : -.. IsWeion Morchants, ha. 17 Libeaty ri.,'Pluabusiii. ~ .;11stseed.oul Lard Oils. , . ; , • , : . Co.. L V. N04Z12 k10127 6, & 10 7.0rg 24. • to urPll34butigh . aadfactures and; Wt.= rzo deco, haat mimed to th e cow vematittd nie,0214 :wand) '.25 4 4= comer of Prom U. and CILMICerii.II4 , SAMOI.L.' AL lar.ll, Fooranlln a , and C,:Klinsissia: Altossliaj4asler is Prodata sad l'inatastais i tas . us warn' . Canal !Saabs, ssaat Isilac. iI., I LL lriter, Witainsle Ototat• La s.ilinit 7 • fun' alevelasats, and *alas isal..tostaca 7 ,ti. US god st, Metrical. us" ..... CAR#I3. VAL 13: FOSTER, Agent for Neale. arddle!aand ppeeerimg patio:any at the catee of Au. tin, Fatta, - Uark`s tontdsnor,lth ittaburgh.• My eon its the general lead othee at Washt‘ngtotf •vtill attend to rot.buonaot there free of tapenee do applicants.' darldtdlr • EtIT BOWlV—Comnaurstonl ad Tewtrit. Ingrettent, No.oo nom ot. between Wood ant ntarket wee.: • • : feb24 SODAu. - Wla - . DAVID lift.AV/tAI.. :1;r {CH D. CANDLESSI , VDIVD."..,.. IO _ I ... I4 ..A . .-.ur Wick.) ll'holesale e'eranaethll .Cumaission Mere-heats, dealers. la Iron, Nails, Gla Cotten Vexes, sad l'indataire Mallacseruresgeuendl,e, comer .of Wood end Weternrees, Pittsburg . /mg establisbme• 214 Llbetty stypear the fkopla W,..try ° 6 4 ood• itit ,ll 4 o. - 9,,,Mat ' S“ 4 : luet, Pi .burgh. -W , silvAeYWar:,;idititary - 10--xtunpmvslaia.ida-Oad.Palail•dealer in T// • Foieign 'and Dotaasda I,lly Gneda, nonh east earner of Dinkel and Fburds WARRICK MARTIN & .Co.ll4inket.: DClll.lOl' Eadmite.,ll.k.Noteeluul Oki%corner ol Thud , mu Wood.strecu, l'iusburify& . • • . novlg-dly • wx. . 41:2r: . tion ()T e lt .1 1, 51 .r er REE- 1. anad lV A ' f i l rand a rAZ Merstalata, Invorkle Of Soda A th and Bleaching rowder, No. 10 Ukony at. Piumbure a, Pa. lattSdlY OUT= 3LACKStacry • , tiow3l6 P 5.1: rt • 111.ACK111;10 , i Co., 'Wholes. tie Grocers ma W e deniers fu Oits, llootawre, sad/ Tuba inaelnied attic/re, hare on 4=1404 all laikrA, .-= full and general nor g 6.1.• ~ /Sear a le, ,ater., near Cbeary Pattsbusgt, TOM 3L 'TOWNSEND, Drugairt a ed ,Apothemun 4.5 Market ai, three Japes &bow 11Itirn st Pitta huigb, will have constantly masa as tell selected as. • aortment of the ben soul moth. lgedh linec,whlch be will roll on :the moat reasonable tarn u. PhlWcittcu sending, orders, will promprly as eat led to, and sup plied wag Brooks they may rely upon t la genuine. — Dcr Physicians Prescripuons will . he accurately-and nentli prepased from the • best auttenala, Cl any hoar of 440 sus swage, a lase stock of fersh • ad Cc.d as EAGLE COTTON WORKS, Pittaltriret, ,Slauntse Oro Cotton Yarn, Caudle Wiek, I.lani4 4, T‘rk , Covello:a Yam, Carpet Chain, Werra D..e. • • . Witt, PENN OCK to Ca • (Sureesoors.to Arbooldo d' Ay FO',) • " Proprietors. ItLEDOUX A Co, N. 77 Coo.] street,._.Nebr Or. , leans, Agents for .1.8. Arme n ', Einem ve Steam ( b 4 7 ikf ged, • r I =CF:riedIALINIVI=I aia C La Also, Sugar House ALens.b. Prices liberal, and a fait allosquion made one I grates of or abora 51.1 , aat .4,WDeakrs,'Fl'ilailla and l'll l eartf "" law acr of /Akers Alley : am/ Ynnallane4 aud Coma( I- U 0 .lllstsciasfahela Liverylltabla. az .. RUlfriEr FL PAITEIMPY has °kited'. - the largo statue on first st, running . through to Second st, between Wood and amid:tarnd sts„ in the tsar or the Monongahela noose, with tut entirely new stook of Horses and Carriages of the best quality awl latesfetyles.. Hondo kept at hue. 7in the best manner. : trnitY ' izAt4. T. U. 151.51.101 . , Verrewery Sargerod, Jan be found *this Horse Shoeing Establisinnent, near tit. Clair sirmi Bridge, lately ocearied byMarra Carr lb-Howland. - nrikOns. y• Yi.. EATON, Dealer in Trimmings and Variety , . Goods, Tottois Shell, ivory and Horn Combs, voolen Yams' and Worsteds, Notions, Noodles, Pins, Time, Oradea, fre,Nre.ta Market inner, Damen Lha mond and etit st., Pittsburgh.- . ' ' irlialir ' - . INDIA IiVBUER GOODS. „,' 9T RECE.I‘II I I per Expreu, • bay mot tlludia &abbot Goods, eolapslslak SdosOlieers , Coalsv 4 dos Tiweellag,Bagr, • back ' do; 4 pain Pouts; . 4 ". Pea do; • 1 " thustp.lllaatew; ••• PmeGagJaekeic •1 •• Cushions; 1 ".atone COVRV, Life{ Preserfersj 103 pulls of{-1 Camas. Cloth, due ankle: 24 dos pair bealop, of &defeat. styles; ' V . Capea woo =yes; ' / ." without do; / I " Coreng all of whiehbill be sold cheap for cash. wholesale orrewil, it No I Wood meet.. paid - , • • /r. 11 P - • , f,rhEw.llADDlikla IIAIDIMISIST011; . • • •• - • • -R.-T. LEECH±.IFt_ • O. 133 WOOD•ST:OPITTIBuiguIt. • MCILVINU repleulakedmy gamy tram the 'beat mar -1 JUL ma bothd=cano and Meng's, I take pleasure in pared to cansumerl and eh - aim, WM I ant p - pared to furnish Menuorith id, geode Luray . . line, oar a I better Mnas Man hereudone. • ' • kluyers.Mill 'menet% Mai dealing “art Insirely in Saddlery Ilardarve and Carriace I'4Mo:drum I °bona thereby, adranutzeh,that enable me- To deli