_.,.1C AL._ -- •- r : $A :.3AMA eL: iett6,o66yMeifeie us • . • , Una?.sritau Ens& 11101cifir kuti a. l. mi rcaarif V= • role - • 616 ansof limmo Cur We SP* siors. et of . ii - W6llWalsesapt6s6 ..61,164/ 1 / 6 66.67. • 10,01 3 1400 . 4 . 110 Tionmoottosa4ll66k 664 + =Lei 2666.6606661416% " , • . amps, owl war mett4,ll., bat Iss bees Doe 0314611110 .1g Mr VMS DM sli ports d the 1,4 r *babe bodosoabnans to ofcora FL Vas ly.sdl4 " sratb,pertsaf "." l2buisr N... , get, N-J,WINV melba baba see ts nil tea 1.10 seas lie tee me. Ten aro tbostoolt el trots ta ;• C.ll. of flee Yoe, slick so will .soint to eskylassit ea •IP ase St sitinee. It it as bat nol. rot Ow ' abase lt siatalseD see es be AA it mine Da sots dimst,soll prepare b I; • ..I.llarmas., Orricte. !. . • Vt.s.•;4•l,,.....CalererlirllaCtasa.ar eta Darns brans Nom • . tyttlielleiMaill Illalbrakery tagitistant, lob ty MO row!. eslbbillbeifteltdels. . hullo Sr en. bay: • • . ',ape erell4lolliii;slet lebeht, Ite el eel. I . t few bet atabei to .1 Dr. t ossimsa bliss aol bad Chu .. • .Aftell i lW Wise 01. w .o oe ay bb, oar. b oo m - • ~ P. A. • ~. r. forbid sossed ea mot mbiasta Aim* at Or Tbs. prams rote fa as iamb is eposialllbL R. "Y swims -Des St: t Ike le }ewer* la MIS . • you Sat OM di . my satire bass boo resi af Sip. by Oa yr se per mallet sarlisist: Thy see. MS4 Wee ery protsty .414 be sears • le• ditty blow kir sets, be...{.l 1 firs aspalyasiar I{s Ppa tr. 11 • .Thr . . Trits istelpsllle a memo oil Spey N=SafLaseete,bersers, , • Webs, se lidemtnetio. bsWass ' • if teartos brobstay rialsrptinos4 rag tbe pa-- sea asserstlan re Le systor awe seem Ur sisit• blips am sr esse,protoord by itesesity,,lliao• • .lretba bs am. onsets' Oda its bessiteti • : as Or lam item. Posasa, *Web be Lab. - , tab, era beta Sot est Wert need bilstreau ••Wa b Adam ItailieSy ramere ststra boor tbs Mal Oa:, edit 13 tbt pet . . Obi scattiol of et, b ere ss bleb a ab: issa,,bsibbli abets.. et ebb rderom.d. be se se man Us aro{ Qat mese east be lota ermine • b.- , Besse saws leer bailie bre boos rrieart tee oak di else k. bees e due Irrabotles asodiaos, isse lea itab isaley eisges. .• • . • A. Tasista , bly eel boos malty, lisinemi toy • Inaba dewe . Seery, boa ttrata stlty . by pia owl • assatifi • fe basy ileet eue of et. issalosall Itair tiatlitisN WWI 101511( ben awe see rye mobile los afield pet arse els i lyrreseriall fe sok sp. Vas I Mrs atecn ..4, .lllasz . lbs &sees. perm et la wears pied reeved lee asplabis maindserd Web. &kg gmura l Os bean rotere,l be perm bib= seforstola.: %V b r ee . st tt arbo;. NM. lasas, i isa t:..d OluipsllWn • - . . ENE El NS. 1506 no • Dr fbarii4 TA , . • I =.:turomfomet,wrier IM a.* • • ..• • t ad.r.imararftbun 11.E19. MS • """.. trummumiaini a Wait utitla nog iss we Wart tetry iris abe • 11 1 t ." rj;irt . 6=sisrawat. St a. th... 031431101 1—. of sr or .113 O.* t./q m .11 1 1: . i r.d....../.t• at • • ••• WM! .Ys Met lb: . •If do sal MAI aq. torviet 41 yrs ee 07 7 • I I=o , 41/4" ormsefllo • =tM= ': ‘:, 4 21 • :..' rt• :-••••t•• • • ." VOTHija iIID . 11.011111 D Lama , - • • • • ;C l ' stroll Degyiet to • •. • ineissiti• wy of Ma woofer sag hartili• dims to *Mt imam us whet tio• or bk. Xhi• paid Y &bpi iareiriend pus imai diiiimelithw fig, 61 los 1•1011••• 111010 tfir a Dperatilit• waresibmai, • rYYrieAalY spilt whin bi tifiekausi U.• Waal MN& intrust* Way's,: diumaliaa• lard , • ' aiibt• *I ill a/ die •darmais 'demo t• 7bti woe* en • •6 maid old. Duna rimiDeley • ••• iiinot—Y•Teetiii•rth!'itigioldis•C•re kdy•—•ii lirdarAtaig do gsr.i is prehei• Woman! r•- • „Icstiamoibiik sediehm• Wes km' Dm& •. • •*,.. •-• Ti. Air lien fah eincia•••••••S atekl•• • • • Say rims•tdy x Iheitim,eri .44 . t itiVi • ' • hair or tin of Dr Toireisihr lt ' • dams yew Dime, name Ow Oveldis • • cri• ilido•Doi..p•rbin' 16.1 *di. kitetifai el mlblebotie dStoer naps to asmr, • efN N• or mild= le ewer ms ifies•er•l : '.••• Malin eiti j•ie• r it.tlteem Aicanomme I .•. ' • ~WC.; the !cp. of lies/mos ropj sio ••• *owe, tunas bazas, tall • .ILbliti bid, mid f•r winks oda ;: • malt itie,) Here boa usable to wilds bat • mat petits . . ,Oh I Dial •sual rissiees, bat dry raid tb• erinfist. I war la • • • W. rixit, ilia•t••••••••••••• ..2=lLatnat id linen ; • Drittlis; lbasiiry•DOitifis mil the • • eiliamid; sal meld mealy •••••1 :'• ' • • • Omit Wiwi of Otto tiro mti•lar• bur •Nieloll xi I Imo :::1T.::! . *;•1:11.1.....At',1:. rmtv:lib - ,. . ...t • 11%:444,4•40.-..h ..).;• i :t...t . r.-•ki;v4144.4 - •;.:. '.o.,.:h.'szq . i .;;ii . 4 i:: . ..c...N.,-;::,. ;..... 1.1: : :". .:i • :... -: , , f •*llAtztsi:.,.... ;:k. 4 0 ,1tit.ill'it . ;,04540.1 - ,;;z••.4. vi . ~.:1 1 1. : sh,4 o tf. 10 c. 0 t ,:g.. k •! :4 4:ii .. Pi , . . 4. ":4lif.ite! .; "114 1 ,...... 1 :: : : :' ' 5. ; ,4-: - .V.:a..V. , 11::;i:.' 1.d:: r_—,,, , -.: , 0,;,.....•::•! .1-::. I . -.• ' 'Ailkiiikit. — 4 : ' •;...,,,,, .1.1.?,k , * 1 §i N.: • ,!: •I; . S ; IU , _ "..'"..'lli'• , • ' ~., ,torrtft: •', 1A,a1114,- ••• : - t . ,* it '?ii.:04,11:it::1 1 : :417• • ••* - ' I.:r:r $4:•111:.1:6`;t14:1 4W t:4 . '''',s: .. 1 ea . .. - ;li..*Otic; ..r. • .. t.. :; ,,,,.., 4i ._, : :.:6„.. • ~14:11 ..,,,-*:.-, F ,-,, .4. 144414.: :"...': . 4 14' ' •-• i ii , 6 .4.4., V 13 . 4, .'. ~ . •.% I.x. • f„,•!.. • . „se,.. .'p: '' 1 4%: - ';', : '..!',4:.:..-P ...- • , ,/!,, ..- i.•:A 7 , - :":: , 1;•."Sti' l .4r:': : . ':-.....:- •,'.• .-...........,:, .:: . -.. ,!...,.....,-.:'. . , . .. , modirdirotor, r Mil if pm em Chat emomr itloammotba ormL r . l=roo aftho ormor Mated rmlh Tooteord—Mokr Sr • 1 ow Moo, • ear bilk ow a sor ma, with a orma mesh and pola to ay Ma. It or: • • mood ao woo* for, Moot. ma Mir to Moo tho roick errro I , r/ao = i rg i 1 olro liber of boi oriaror, ADA mob, mil Olahim bodt orelaOro old Is mall la Whim Cr ma. I moo tato Chr hoora r obso of bum bort,,kot d rommod Deft • m Ima Om meal) MOM , * Ma Ism ml ' exell limas arosbeee• evacialki,mlorporlal ' 10 irk. so roollool Y up br, oal ma eMpol Or boo idol mod gm me pm laseripitior that • ' doMfro leaf aza IMa amid bp soppriordo mown OM bid marambor ramolloo, , am@ almond WM to wormier. oral of woo mit em ttre•Morty tom porirmal by pm md=r r tla roopadd ma mo e dl iC Val so try 4,141 00, 01. rop thoMfor 141. I moo my Uri IM. Oat* Ir•ma at lobo OM ley, boom, mi ham M ba Mom rrlo s' r 4 l.b s fro woks. lip roorplr ed Poll ar, „,tho 'rigor aDerr mob Moo mts mtr ••• id prolog op Inu am so ppm • , ma a skommat of Mom, to r.eldiu pot photo@ PrM E100m,13 Lorna sr, lorallya. Dr Tonabool Omit dailiforrriog roam fon Orrp The la ka orsidp fla we. Us Wowed, Tbmidom of bdOwit tole or D arTi @MOM premolars of de Tanoserrno DUN metro. T Paul • . 16 larop, Apra I, 1613. T LooDsam.al a. • This obr away mr, tbe ordarogordo 1.1611 Mg Themoloarkpolmoo at lho CID of4lbroi. Mrs Dr Toneold'a Comoro& LOmell of= MED ii•alfertird roman. MED •Wltcuac,r a, ' oi l . 3 : IV:to ro• I, 33' 'l7; r II a / •Ztetoro ot Sow Dr erk. 11 0. 1erth Set mly h ttrom=, u oad Ikea onanaogime re op la do bap man MOD% MOO mosso Iraq_ ori strool IMlr do mum rro TOAD BLATI,OOd broom Dom or Do t= T, 6. Itos Tat Duly LL... of April 9,1t43. o.. A=l .l topoomi .ru roOto or . _rdre o= It woo ' TM oiodorroot I pat op la gord ;Lin. of Do arm mord barbooko madam tribmorfalorkkiyirmilar orroo may ir pforral, to Oro os, an& droo :4 .'4 It:4=r = 6. ' ..71 ; ^."44 r, _ mmy. • Now Yadyllordom,llll7 WPM Toormol.—l boo boo oattod moo or 100 or 3 • mors,Ottk rtradhl olektor rho dm, or/tram 4or hod, kw d motel, pato la the lotoolo moor May, • - IlmooMob mifiebt bp Mt mound MU rod oda to Mori •PM IMMO or la olloMmo or to dm.. I tom Ms Mar • midloOM bre norm to moms. bat with lath or mom . 1.. Mood bp oboe I ow to Do poor to bp • of ?MI Ilnperak, Demob:kb I Dm@ mor VO , r Niro labs sm.] wort botilmoad I can dr bar mono I hem aver talt.m - - h. s, ti ' 4•04 is gam, el 1 moa oldbrairt mos Warmth. Meo \ • eo boo ram raw ilararonil. I ban so•• lotto Allo ' Uri oral koill wok bdoe st oroth Do mor Mod ,yinods. 1...11 fl A at a Awl, - rod IMI mood Motif wool thou mai oet lakaor Door 6, oat rardp oat ra map Dormer Who Ibr Mar Doman. 4 oho Maned . Oro oloo.M 00l borrela Dom molar mos korpo Ma bled or • MA, Ordsoo OM is kr oroolarkp tc. ottooltio Mom Ard moll aro the ere oar la a borrhy OM, I m try Dr Tomer* fromedlla TIDeR To Ma m Cl od thaookoe In Like Mooll. 11140. mo m moot droorhorridli mo al Doom& dDr moodb Moo d _Tiro miller*. to MOM a red amino Defonormt Orin—Om of op trbr orl ibdr loth Do Como ho Do mob mi idedoll - • IMMIOODO7 Dam mar fttsg; I obtobol me ro , orCINI .11dr,ambi Otereol ibuity, Mkt lam . I Moo pod MI omitriO44, Tem remetilty, - promm,32 Dorboramok To orio bp 1 OLLIAIIf Elroppie, Tie 57 Wood ot boom al oall 46 eq .e.Mr book on. by D I TOWNSLIND rY b m gwo jolod+.l7l , -- Trioat.vidmue PM, N& r. IL IL porebored of pot hot a MOD • I Data Moe, Ili demo of pm Vanalib, which oesr t ty sIl geed Utast well. Dam moo bop foor arra Dve beaDe ol stood • I Moot it Mr bat • 1 to Did *AMMO •ttial—lt. eater Is gam Pm ' mod Yr damn goro rorroptodycobrocror dogma • Vsedibir, k'r*" lim mfold try IL E. ,, 5ELL13111,, /V/ WelldLOlr V 7•• aad D Ck• • r`: lEEE pc 010.4.511-ward. ...I Tia ',amnia* • m " .. (R meek - , • pmpiiil o p tE * " . esteata'. 4 . l di ista. --••••• onsito ta as tonalia. oars =l,:a weeps in nay owl; &MIT, none t. . . ism Aar aisereares Idd Itty itE Sam, Weal N.!llalki y 1t Cwra4ith War 41.411 DM 011174/ 18 10M7 um'S MEE ESE EMI _ ouu 1 'ULM= =MDT V0110rk,..._ I 'AA by.A.A.A.U:P.,34113123,14, , 1:11M sadysinablo Works— • - DratrAus's " • •et *A. Dont= Alexia,- (AA. lissraers don to C 2 fi , rtaot o ro to =lt NavOtti; abel kb as Marti spa sad Dorantros sad the lima of Oes.,Wybe sr Berns EK sad 13w-swing, by Wks Tltuebss, A 11. of Wa tkoctiptottc tool. oadtodoito PlooottalatottO 4.1t0X ass bosAred Baosysphical Aketsbesof AmobsAns : ;,_- ad figsmsl=Aissen obs =r 7 T,,,' nrAO4lO4 Arty •7 . • • .- • •-• 1114T.10)71, KNOW Volantorr, or loam' of a Pri ma the Taman. gtereacei of amity, in doe =ll6of liatico; dot 1844-47, cantabile{ m acT the March of the Ittma. to Van Coti,'‘ et the Cooney framed aver, 111111=1" bait badire.trot dwo poop* Sketehee of Lila; m amma all the mama anther Vo/mter, sad aOO Magary of the Mexican War Ltd the lA.' led and Womaol, o; illastraled by a lame maker o; connect , views, tad ptatno by Goo: C. Pocr., t vottane, .........,.. . POW .Tllld . SICILISON-Illiednosed . Ilsorl(tassood mea Poetry; dow • splendid Lisperid .6 voi t= in sfol Paps .by bkiglitt land. %Adair., riebly toned lei 'Nike* naanateo oral whit* calf,sorg eh. • Mins Christian Ifnepsato, as animal f. ands ooleafed estodionat cagstvinp,, try Sunainibasos in a/- Utopia maroon.., . th : ibt*a sas nail qv ..vo .....,,, ln New o . 'n. a 1 W orld:op .. De, sbonots' d , with soleid . ourassiot ems-.. =AI Unitedt To. t...td , a *rue um.i aten .. . ...pg. • Tins Poetical Worts o(Olirer'Goidiosid.X . 34 .; 14 ;. sodas e.l SWIM designs, by Us Dating Cab, cal, rims aryl. of ba1i0g...... - ~. . • .: , rd. Tbounsoo's Sasonsh wais:poor. dessts; tor de nand Clog Ls various styles ot binding._ l • .• .. Ilso Pose and Poetry of Mood.; by .14...1V9111o:. sold. - no tau and Poesy' of dos Ancorard by dflilnalli. later, A. ili . sapestly bonnet inTarkey anoroetkcirpled... „St `s.Po, in varimis arks of binding. i" • Gray's Cleo Cme& • Cern rd an's Poetical Worts, in naiad birdman... . - • -Lo /3yrest . • . . . . The'Postica Worts of Thoosull Moore: • , Italbais and odor Posans,by Mary lloodn. l , Wadley. Harrod Maintains. . .; . , .., l t.. , Tim abort, with a great. Taney of odor now :W91110., La opleodid miss of binding, actable for &trim, for JOHNSTON & s ••• s p_ . _ &Si - r .. Books ear. Marta WA so Ithitbk WM.' ji.l .r .' Dreamt" Er s.ou•-• nisimirritia ..u...0.4...... sworn* dalsholyollosidlis W mina& prim:lids ssay brush ofbms wish do &rinse sod &Wass of ail do WO la l es, Maul by W T %sada, Jr It 1,,f0, - m onsoon oravorimo s sad. .. , .it. . • ...., ..., r —maw. tudrurea. Atu& ,.. : 6, ...tabgbleputar.a. wad sops of NotOt adarics, Sas, Comas West, ffrodilkoda, Now lerstosidt. Northam Tease, Nes No ss; IM Othlaroist, Navies, Canal Americo, Toads. insi lads &hob oaf all Iles %Os ant Twrii., • ...P. Arvis...-11., um./ of Os Paritior Iltoo this . ' . 1J47,,t0 do A dire, °moron( no Soso* of dor prsoodu, ar ty ;raid Nal, al wim/ byJeis 0 Clsoisidit . aso P.M. oa dad; be too roma . • , . Mr on of tbs 'Sot, la ‘nlatioi bathe blid,y Heim Mar .a.. D, monad thorookoarlsgo of nr,i....ae. : _, _- sladrosi Its Work., : . 1 - - Woldi sit Ws* tiokkitalraoltoinnah,& ItailSt.. I hiss Jambi sot: , . •. • • • . . Posaloot thiallaytdiiiikeHai soaditiotattifir4i4 I :„.. .• Aatra‘ Ilyssbon-Tbo . Jamas . dpeatoei foraphiis a.m.:wy raw sad savior ha dodaartin,_ old a saw. boo of puma foe pessetis,ly Wend. T loosiliirbosiorla no don soda sonivor sal bra& W... ... ~' .. - .. • Jorrator saracitTON•.: , " widest, ta.,— • • • Ambas . Classical Dictionary; • Diatioaary of Grack .od Roma. Asitigi*:4 • lliCalkontea Guam falai IXesiaaani Unv Liuniaman sed &minium, /.21. 3 anaillarrn .11014 • ••• Jakaaaa's Dtetioaani • • Wran% In incur, Liddell awl Bco`sGreek Lenie; • Robinson% Greek l 1...ken0( New • Ai...ow, LW.. mulice•rr . Ftmaitz .v.a .d.Tinnie. Diteingn . Itat Dic danscms..Dic ,•414-. • .11,„ pneral urnfillit • • Qameat, Ilaaemnonal Smiley Wheal • • askined and forialt=a , • , • b...aleth.. ICTERlM:=Bo9l24—bgemaarlaaofria letrodoegoa. of 'AN brorbodooo lob tla Rasura Maw; ...W.I. 'l . .ohical makes a lOr early pieweleny slerteher o .rts brai charobokaarl nos Wawa:es gi its r . or_ l l era -mad ooe.earocc Ay Row. A Breve., Jun bloroofrogii.-Da4,Abeel. DD. late All .. uosr7 to Chit: . h Ars nephew,. Roe R . • Mart Abhor, dr Illaabsealorlr: by Rea Chilies B Tailor; IL is...olsic et tieseirds al. Good /dais lao,noLarly The oboe% oritA ohms • arinexma armor books,on ' load sel,roor Yetetlllo. imuurreviGusif, nwany, No itEMWseld /alma kirlampii . a . ati the pule,O, ge * licebataa la. lilleethd block at sw. balkllsga looms "milks "Apollo Ikaklins, n , as 4* out.% finetiooro won a Wood,. , ko too as to soacire Ono old Ilicads, and LI, many new moo as Map passe to Mao him with o oak.. Ile won& to keep animal a gotoi pock of books and andosory,to be midst lowest l e ssi F010L1A10t..494541. - . l towel at Ms Urea new. sia‘ aaa t o(lOo wrong ono - cosiaipna annuli from tip imolai of Ike :Omsk Mr*. la Yto.aapo. tiostfoir moral Goan Ike Tozln* Yake•-in nwo.onl - orwkWasoo XVI • - Lawn, Warn:Min Ord* :Ara of William 111, Gym 1.64110 17:6-yrld, 6ae putialls,„ •.34.4 $ Oole pi.= is dee war of Ow MO • IkkatWay. o.llllng noonnec, with fi <Atm. • s. 1 5 cre AO May l~rtd. French ',lore, .04 Steicly. In OZ.. Jost tre4 otni oolnil • • . • . • • • - IdelX/Ilni..D a TIT:UON V/ motet own Tit of tAc, kid Mee+, of Lan teeHrrol: r "l eibsV idarV ina la VAL I' and 40; !itles temp anti plates. • • , . • The Mate allele far ted: trYlasi: neat,. Halm; rs. P. Tba March Unkee 1 4. De. Goldatith's hanas,illomeated., • Themtmam`r &moor, ,ela Fat sato by, Jed St. EMM 173610/LBLII :3•1, Prisauts. • Nanthri."ll Miaowed vLf - • • " 3 • ' • env • -1308kerroofir Works,liVab 11330, illaverakdr, • 3130.4133pvve1kh. • nllO • v • v . 411"5!r..4 . 'a aodGuM -0. um. b.dfvl Doe Bt - . kdo data; Lkelv e b0800r,.... , : , • ' afell Urn Or Ik 50k0.4 TO* ' e1...W1 bOla Ilvastalt Moor's Works, 7 v 34 015. • • Explain Expediting" vols mai livo do 3 do Qritlat Emsylvvs, 8 vols. Tarkov sot, beets. • 213 above, iovtltat 011 h Wile 2.1.601t0ent of etc:. gently bond AmLly mod Porter .1110 ks, ,Common rz yzvell area orce s T r i= i p ts va.t . . , , rtti Lb rri . Lbe vel KAY-k CO. toff. tv wool R. • • ompty'l• eeputs reeureulaTocillet easesal• pat= into 11 . 1 10kruou be J. Cleaning: kkoosui • •• • vary ersa reeve= el& aid • half oueve h.aq new. sibs aal puma bet MM.. rude 14 J. Cbsekeeing, Boum • . . • Tbe above leurmaseus received leby, ad new opus for essatiunare Sw ale UM,siChilekeriaire pre us for cub or approved paper. • Abo ors head,,. =gut noirewel Gable pude, carved muddier, ud ded legs, =eves, Dada by Gale and be. Yu*. ooe da carved voisreadd,4 octave., tYde by Gale Clee obegassy wowed bandlPUull eete4es, ez• eel/ea woe, au la goad order, aule try Maniac& seperb greed ruma r ueda cry [lna Pleb, awl go sraueed se to (be Pim Pere la the try, will be told as a very loodessaljprice tebl7 . il. tortrlXlD mom of Ftcw • aseajoist==sr: 'l... • hlssiniegkialbliteseeroodfipre; .rtth Coltman% eelebnamodieungeMeillems la the isea swiss elyle,pad for Me se *3' - • •rigfal"initioidat: • plasm, • XLEILILIL Dealer In aware Piano Ponce, Ma+oa m 7 W. Wooden" No. el Third I. 4 treer. The exernlaed ai all how*, and the robe< • will .be there hoe II ire 11,. A. hip ant Gan 4u d, P. AL each day.. - Pittabl, oct. 46 do oaacrofpod, mixed Worm ibe'ciageno of, Plorborgb sad olchary that we have oypoialed Ms. 11. Welber sofa teem for Wane. Penosi in the oalo of oar Plano Irwin, from whom iboy mar be ob sobaea at oar own([tamYork) priors. MINNS & CLAIM . Nclor Ito*, 15a0.1,1516ocaidd • [5-Cass=cas of Itoo, Usk Mertbanrs and ▪ lloianies compios pica io Os Imo trade. A hw.eoi aolyr-• ery cute. -liimosits' Lite ra to ro of aosih or komp. Chamben..lnforsmatioo for dm 151 4 . Cluolbos' Cyckvolla of Eagliai Worsts - rt. wooden% Inookooo's Cooscouruoiel, • new edition ILO boodfol voltam.. .11alleekt . Poona, • new owl eplaadlid ottiko. Pailor•Doot . Of Fkroors-tor . ' ontsoLa... • Mml • • k b tuukecl Lt- _ _l' .111WIWIIIOVEZJIL. • . T HE 14LEFT OP TIM PAIRINS—A , Cknama. Tau, by O.P.R. hoed, FA ee U l. - isn a i v 1 th y i "ditcd by Cis; Jall ' JOE ON & STOCKTON. r.pr arzarrar 8001 OP THE lEBA SCM-.. welaftra Unit Americas Diesiapary of As • lash Lan/sap, 5z..163., ...Imlning all amid* forma editions ecatalaalti•terriseeL w r ...„ A ; GoodtiONTraCYa. Collet. The usissoipley ed. lim.rer pabtheubt ow •a• stows r&r.14. - IPriso 911. deeM.For rel. by ' • . . IL. Raw, - 4111 It. war Rota a. .11/ST marysd arid kr sal*, 114 c*pfirs rg• the D. tA of Union ibr dos thated Psystrpenaa e r = apie Cosikestless of •Ikitrrmed Cbarttru, Wes. ISepabsiber,! _Mt -Prim lel e-ras.' warn - mum a FAGLIISII,IB 11AliWILANIS C1111.0311S OREEN—Thbf asisadd‘ „BA ed rla bra Omen *Ter brag& I. Ada lbasset; to awes ISO the *ash) remised and jot WO ISIK /SELLSPI4,IOO has *zebu!** sals*l.illillllolrilly.- 10' 0. ISUOAS—Utt pito" N 0 • • . . km Was= De Witt 0::=U Abe gab 67. • N 1:. •P. • • i ;ASD ItatASAWW&O N 10.U1C10114461.1 0 lieisarc Aar triklitga_OA. SLIP • mousy a mount - - No Jilt Pte+ GAMlCOPOnosilbrlait il ba lam i . . i'do ="1 NITF~i;'~~i~~~8::; ma l ts, ,iiiiips . :Atiproulizlin r... : • .111 401WW . IWWSW, W 111.:WW• .•• RPropoisdlotiall 0400, Idjoigioa a . • fl. ery of .soin uo—Ciudisir lift alma, Spbodog Primor, Thorn fliompo, Ifalforay Hoods, W_weTlN .fpostimsDromag: Fromm. toesio, COM Grimier., Woornt hoo floilfLiog ionial. oil oil. of Caw Imo, pollaos slid flown, of au laud paurfOo, 014 e. std !sad Lade; ! pa n ts 401E0340 )nf only deserrptios fonalthifil Gaston *a fire. Pariefu mode to order tor . KW Couiog, boo' ku'llop, U. Pima Pipe for kratiog Fooories, C.Ol on Wthdow Pub, toil linty Cosoop afocrally~ thdenil eft 0 0.5 Wstolosso of J. Pamir kOo.,Lita-. 'Or one, ohll kayo roar oltration. . , Eiliteknocli,.llol ft - C o,J IC Mario.' /km; a g Warner,' Jona Irolot. Poor Pioaboilst. 0 C &I II Worneri Ikiiobeavil/e. . _ lio n -ALLEY:IIIINY trEl•flltahl ELLINCIPACTORY. JOILIII Ai ItROISPRI TAXES tans wined to Satoh kW Mead , wall'sno *le idioms that kit Paton? 1 --. ' . 'r i e=ht ' l VarienTai 11 . vont 'apply or Mona of ratHoos rotors . andowdlows,arsooastantlrteptott baud. aho id N 0.6 Wood st,rdwbargls,a4 r. 4 t I .. nal I d ye o i I dank •111C10019. can an Stworomode to Dale: to Um bed style: ',Blinds topcoat nth, th 0.14331 nonce. . M. RAW Bliads will kw rod op, without •a• addl. tonal Greird.-0 •Ili that UM, CIO be removed In • so. went to owe of ire or tot •runtog, and 'taboo We old of screw dr . • co tallylswlsualy ' ' • • ALZX MMUS a ROES. - COM( MAKERS AND FURNISHING UNDER TAKERS, earner of 'Penn and ft. Clan iltrtelh opposite tbe Excitant., Betel, entrant* co Peas street s re weetfalty 111$onti Balt (rinks nod Oa'pablleq. tka da7 are prepared ts farafalt and Mara oeverytWarla lbe low of Beckmann. Always on band atop ao• prneeretof ready made Oodlns, temered, lined sad A* =hod lathe very ben mum's; oil sorts andante natty trade blnoode of flame), Combrek and and" , saes auto a appreeed oryles. We beep a lary •e oenasectof Irina and bloat, cosloos ellkondltaltho'mh aide Or pall beaten and aoataern crape, cape, toi -1 Ism sad every Wog necessary lot dramas We dead, maim tratecosabb arms, as sea bamboo, all oat rods tbo Eaatern ewes. Abo. Over plamo br estreavac *OMSK cod Va..WO hue &splendid new lame dad bocees, sad any number of lb beet ISIUTiIiVi Every tips; anendeclut proaanlY tout PoialaallY• "%UT '• • - W. W. RITALLACIIi • • . PrIISBUROII STEAM MARBLE WORLS, `Mc TM teed 145 • USAir eras, mar , ale Cara, A LW AYtioa bead sad' Water/der, a tars van. A ty 'of Marble EI Bier,Centne 'Wes, and Deft* Topt,Teeh reottea, • ta4 all gal* Aetna pads of the elloastatmerble.tat ontathalarcd Trbeeipally by loneltisery,will be add kror for <soh. ' •N. k/.. reIGIMJ,InaIIng pareisoe Mantels, Are Informed ntat It le keact.Wleasotoceessay .fer ace so go Ems. -as I can fattish theta with an aruela all caveats asiood, and(freoctonseractee.ba. aatoddor . ed,) as damp Obey can pars Iles Bala*. East .021/ lead son . • . • : co now MIX.= ILION, MAD TIE • , WALE MANUPACTORIG. . • Nu; Market soon, Plugmtk, row c ishicribe r n hartog sonde gnu Improvemeets .L the eonsuoction of their COOLING lIPOVIA en y loons personal building View:MAO to 1 11 00 before purchasing, as we easSopltly thew with - Deek Stoves, Verges, and , every other kattl of Copper, TO sad t. ttheet Iron work 'accessary in foroitte. Mg Ettennahos IVe aloe este to mice on Oto shonest notice FM Cimestrer, Elor , for DM. Ent.. tuba rue rr. irstlety et wort us oar 1100. • fell/ • lIIKILIPP t 111121 BENNETT i BROTHER, iggra.NOWARE mAruncrustEß. Illvoingluts, Isom IPlttaborstra Wadine, No. 137, Wood shed, PiNa L irinLLeseslautly keep am hand • good smart.- .•rat et WM4.O: oar ors lasordscous, cod • seportroluablg. Wbo1ookl• and re.irg Mit • . anis reopoortay tariod etll sad ati eerie ter thousetro, us are demurs( la aral orrett tlokatmerrotbeltro kees offered to -v. Onion orotlry 111111,•ormoOtabi 1110 orotrotneteo. oral to wrongly wooing ow ,Cebill P. Nucor, FLINT GLASS lk ULVANY LITLIE esiasatettare aeod keep me. IV/. guilty as band GM Ploalded and Flail] mu Owzonfe,ts all Its vseietka, %ell , Wantons RN. Per of Market .0 Wain, amen. Pittelmik. • Oar Werke centleme m fun apeman. and Ire •re coaster° ty to ear suet. vrti r cl enables its to 111 order, .th pfoopmess. Pierokaxere mix-W.llp epliriPed weal! sad eisslike paces and uru Peylo2l7 • itili 7-•cra Yioll ß • • .• • .AKING ple,matthe wbserearlts• lettned 91.1100 he b. toeslel hfm.elf 1. Allegbetty, bee ladeeed Mato take a leeeh, On • term of yearly es tie pommy 'tel.°. oemles, le Dearer meet, teesedlataly • betide tho PreabostalanChereb. 'From the loos expo/mace m the eon beamete and edselre to *ass, he Moth to unf it sod reecite a ahem of pabhe lion • a heed end Welled to =Chews? Deg, MZWelt e . e=tot n" thilte " = ehtlitheoeme • loao.l-dtll • itent• • • • 1t fig anderslpired are now repine to Itintlilt dolt c.0.,* and tlie polle rottenly, anW . eznat• lent wltle of ILIA Oil of inn wow. wanollawato, duty will ocllon seounimlating ton. ' 7Ealt tkl tboy beim.* bens 0. No any awed in Om mike:, .1 ony rtionleil tt not sat ' -" "noßomf &:t3ON le tn, ot, opposite onitibtiell tt.;—lata .41 Online a.aleo 11W-1112ery.on howl: For ear. • aril Jr! " & ITRTIINOIN; ri tr . lehle die gel = ill erldr . • espe= l el g = yew, deeded WOO maltafactare, ea an Menem male, bg &Nide deb& le ell she of de <cameo df this +elided F a ctoo width ploperry is fell ge lie==inae 'preparatio h wdl ar ens& either" ham gain m newt paw, and le GM any emanate Caum—M4.taitif Ibb erftle is • dee= blue Weak. 'les= beermer, le pre mow. mend& Ildbaider • 1:12 • AN perablealthlk. hem ite oemesery else:Weal Molitilledea, raider cremate so the ur deep ceder. • Ylianstuol, thalsiwar be tiope= " thiti the mama the Webs ie fennel. the lok.l ll &dee mbe .let Wet. Illte fnb entenereece end ho pall. ! Bei after eapeeore to We i .hemical actioe of lhe mew pore either on paper ar I. the Women& It wi/1 mare a Millions black bee..al Paiseassam—The mem I. asalierahle by We lapse of time. . will serer been On We memos; ell la.' vo lt monis alauni be we, ha this ankle. aa year. only derma end ieresardim au rim • •N A The tot m ade able for all limb of lemallio pem;nia for pees of ml* and %Ist in *an. met sad Yery deairabia.intii many, will Ora a mind ILorr r resalon by the coppng pram We are mint to dal institutions whir whirls we *re eonneeled, Mow& blue Week • writing la& ead ie &epees et &middy, brilliancy of mbar ead permanency, b nevem us am Lek we hare heretofore wed A Tharetoo, esahlrt; Lank of Loalmillei Ws Dial. anison,. miser Northern boor of Nonesekr Gee C Genadoemf maikr, bank et No:sleek% 11.1:Shrem, preeldesu of die Gal beak; Tae L helm, clerk of hu ms meaty men; Cm.. Pop, desk of /edema eoati. • =1.7 libnaadi meostary„Flyiniaa's hisemem y; John mem IfeassWee berm*. Co: easy Portland Dry Leek tniarame• ONDSChamberi, seer Insulin Fee & Maim Is. Mona JII itherner, banterer Lealmille Saving. 1 4 144 5 t •ir .U.l Itcallrigrailld _ • - -• Typ• - I•MMialy. • OF Mbseribent bare taken dm Type Ptentoby, Na GaGeld slreet..4 end ermine. Me banana las. ly tombseted by Robert Taylor. Thy trill attend us al morn and museum bly and dements • All Me th type smosofeenned b y them m ill be lland Cas4 amt. ey tall furnish al b ads of Printers' male del+, a the beat • bra J A T °eared is salt employed in tope domed. lag the numerator*/ depeutenent. Proprieties of nevermore, ram hem noindiertlad bide tubeetiber, lobo miry /Nadia this mike for Wm, mouths,eall be entitled Os tecenre Ash. gay la Wm, on porelisnag he U. .. U. LOMA .(bhW hills kr al- Verlieleg. - Oldtype taken In mileage brat at II eta per lb.• \ / WHITINO &TAYLOR. Tlrealore Teylor, (Seeeentore to Boa Taylin,) Jean comer Gold sod Asus Dd.Jere PassU=alstass la Obis* Wsl• 15,06* Jaley fg, LOI9 L E fiELLll.Uri—Volar Verourogo u onsweall. Ili ad es s .wonst destroyer," WEI Su lam etaint samara= to all srlso Nes had *maims to ism lit= Lim Dills ars also zsiaLoy a lash swami= Iwo. Yowl respect:pay, * D YY,l ots. • • IdoCcotssusalt.o. Obloaais'y Cocoa 813. r. R. E. Sollers.-Your Venaltoso sells remarkably OA nod loss eased lie ron codidates of all Who am, a so, also, Na Comb array. yoga. trsly has= O. Normal sod sold by IL E. beam, So. IR Wood rt., bold also by Dr. Cassel, Lek Wad, D. M. Cony, *N ewsy, Tatlyeruseevillo. hal P 1 4 6 /001 Yoder, " 4,7 'Wood ottr-sts: • Jo!co Ihaul'. Nyloplo So ps Rowel% do 7doi • 6prtfuto an* Creus, mr k. almond; • • • • • • l ad =Paste C•ekVe Wee., 4ee Mese! ter the Us& feblO = i - Di — •Ti. • pule le ep entity LW I pwreboated ow vial Of Dr. Worm lipeettoottehe nott net sod poet to moo o( none, moose bevels year. otA . two empanel 64 and ahhostett the unmet they wree twee, en I Mee no doubt hot there wee areeta non Tint:maim INVISB plowed Goohttn, asamesuis boo ea• eyeanst of an hub to two blebee toes, .. • • OIV Mood T. . HMO Cued eo. Teat, Dee a, SW: WI rp ;id .. as rel um eri • m onecbsigned hare red..% the prices of Bide .L .d Wadies Poled., of this superior emnufectu re, quality warr.ml un.rpaued, awl will sell low se soy good powder can be bought in tbe surto,. Tbe Drum. employed die liforasbte, eall e•ery rooming. the custom., ao deliver powder .d reeler. orders. • (den el all times will. be dated iromedlaielyom ep-' ;ideation al dri oat. of • C. It LOUSIO, . st. Si deer alarm dionougabde b~e. • k%V Lamm, Asset IL P. Ca•. • mend • lOWDEII, iILAZARDNI COIF Nor K W olso, lugs 11=1 safety s l e, for *dale! ba •.• theots pler Mot at • Wort,. Wow WOW dime sbovo • • •• .A it ova . ragged In taa larPo Ilysadiss, •,CL.Wiews sod Ga., we, bantudvety, nal awing ends aronarwelas lo ailment parts of Um,e and the Isl. andawha well kmem Wares lig lay Wars stpaly of Foreign Liquors, which I will be obit. io sell &laved Cootolo thotott of New Itall et Mfr. 'Nicola et this city, at tee lowest sasztot pries lar cant of sp. paved mei. 1 Wei ni now 04 collar a wiry bugs soak of very superior Wawa sad LniaOts as Iported of lea wen onabnued brands sad, but. for sale 04 gkaaag isms by . • . . o mArrus -dm - mist k switkiela sts addleallidB-4CID dai pLayim ea* wbobi 11'7 Idtbs• unlinn4 10142.1E1m alive olli XI dd. wed Ist; Pepsi. London pOdef guru awl pudic NM X/o "L nin Us In..lies, wins, it 046 bble pow orpr,oo UAW n clumpy's. woe, pan to wive; dam O.; .10 mrld I" 0 MARTIN 61kkleprba• K.W..2,,Anx.=:, - .1.,....., iii.o.., .ghess.trWya ud 6r. l• Al , ... •. • ... W. I. St ILM.IIIEI , 100 Llbe vi rty P. • Itl.Tlmy withal...tray r.e.i. pot is o sad Won boat. tb. Ga4lowiste—ClA kle. prise .4m431/ WI. Ammo. blolameag ?) dip bum Marry a ma. Leal Ilapl7 ISUerge. C•lellna RIM WM 'Ca. B lICIUM-llaring tales the tarp awl etas. ' inodlo Mote Helm sed 11./...' *mhos. ad oar Warebeass,on Uwe...4 Wain, we us pre. pared la aka. itscl SIM Iwo. on remos.ble same. . . . . . ILIEII t. JONES, ,VErTlCS:•Penaas boviai claatota23o&noVao .. VI.MObt Arrow 'maw to tab ab, paw. pmts Wan for animal:lto ' WICH SCAM, toad ha al, Ow wood ! .~i= . ~_~~ MGR, uON LINES: *ereMist, Triullopertallen igkidaa a; 1112211•Nbt. AND PHODUCF. TO POILADELPILIA (10006 eetuigned to oar can sill be fenrarded Gloom delay at the levren.rrent med. "lingo( = trarnradurd; and all asuncuces pa:booty E- S.; free beet any extra charge far -etarageor comatiatloa • •C A bdellitlLTY t Co..Plop`ra Canal Oulu. Pittsburgh. MISBC/ULISTS. WAY. FRICIOUT LIMN x:1&18. (Formerly called Pietiter* & Co'. Lbw.) • -. MILLTEVICUT IMISMILXV.II , IIOII OT 'VAT MUIR .D ETWEI:N Pitistormh, IllnlrreillejObneurain,llll4 , liilaystiorgti, Water street, (11nutingilori 00) and all latelorediale place. • • Ose boat anti leave lbe orirehousn of C A MaAnalif &Ca Canal Basin, !Achy .street, Pitniburga, eves, day iSamlant exceVad.l...l •UPP.. peod on having their giaais forwarded witlant wish and at fair rotea • •,o=a was formed aselaslvely for die apsayil oe• the Me way barium. The Ftotinetont, tbankful Wry liberal platoon. they boas ro• retired dams the last two years, 'mold respectfully is- Corsa Melt old customers nod tho pablie genera , ly, mu der bays emended their &Mattes, doting the past mi. tar, awl al. WV/better prpilrial OCCOI6OOdIIIO a n fo creased bosinasa. • II CANAN C. 47, • - • -•••- • WM sprrr. - It 0 STITT, ' WM 3013 - 4 JAMIZA ton; • JOHN MILLIA • TRINDZ,EA MeDOWII.I.. • • • C A MeANULTY a Co, tdotl built i ' • • RU °ARIAN, • • " do Johnsi'm ' '• • • '•3OHN MILLER; do HoUidan •-••• • .BORRILL tiIIiSTINGRR,dt • ' 'lll3ll , lmgb-t.imithr it Sneak; 3 it IlleDniuge & fthoenbrrten R Bobtail:mad; la illoodi3llmtaley k SeRl4; Joke Parker; Mr IL:WO India& Sm. • mar= AZILIAZICLIC POSTAILLES BOAT LIME, akietllB4B.7dettililt ` 'eoll 11111000111 . 1.110, 0 , 11113, - 111,012, DETWAY:I. SOH AND PHILADELPHIA. T• Proprietors of this old estahnstied and Mit ' IPortibio float Uns, hoeing • removed Dade dia; pot to Philadelphia, ..to ostichi' larger ,Wmaboss• n on Mass at, dita they for a merly oecamed, and ales fils , mufti/ their room tor morns at Pittsburgh, am am =to oder mach greater facilities to Mak Weeds on. • • • Cool* 'car ri ed by this line aro not tmaabippealbes tweets Pittsbuqh and Philadelphia. being earned ea tinily In So rt able Section Dans. •To shippers of door ' and mbar good. requinng. careful IssodLiig, this la en* rn ci rges. remif or of i P mportanc Naoclnmk A r ood i fa= pmaiptly, and .post LS neassnialdo in 1704 la by any isci• cc lisle. JOAN tdcPADEN Canal Hunt Penn si., uting/h. • • JA Ii3FS M. DAVIS ft Co; 12711arket 5103:amerce at., Phila. , JOHN PJeFADVN t Co, Forgiudleg and Comm sitm Merchant-I,OmAl 11•40; Pem Pittylnergh. JAMEd IL DAVIS is Co, Mut Parton and Caavan,. elan hlerehanta hlaiket, and al Cowmen* at Philadelphia (AYH 5 7= i • r=e6'*l"4d:lpgltge "elo%ea. • TOTICE—Tbe have domicil of iheir 101 l ll terra in dui Penn'rend Wan Line to cLAIKf T . IIAW, of Plunbugli, and Ann:slls LEWIS, of this • city. - They will Cl:tedium to transact Luciano rot die line, at thaw Waraboate on 'loran street. as moat, awl ba peak for it a Cola Intuit, of dm Sl pittoy f the ir (Aca JA errtZt o C. Pa . kpan, Yana 5ta.1.44. sad. Ohlo Trans oflattea Co. Mg= Zlow6k Dai lilte of • MUT CLANS NEW BOATS AND CARS, TINY Iv IMASF..I . can* InoccAßE rmocsats • i.ratr. =TIM- • • • CLARICC *THAW. canal Its Piu.burg& • LEWIS a BuT Ate rk 53. flute/veld& STI•11. & CO CO. Ave, Weed somet. • COWDEN. CLAIM): & Ca, Non!, MIL W. POICSACK, Ag 9 IY Weat M met, New Vest. • FrilEsebserihers &eyelid...ley es...cloud theevellees I. gibe 'odes the styhl of r & !or the aeoptiavisrs Mime. &many corned ea ry ILirr, sedeedieita teatimes.. lib. • en; petrea.ge &newton. ano le *Ye haw, • • . lii&ICKL.M. kIER.• • • • 11.1". JIMiI•S. • Ihrutnut6,llltreh 1;104. 4 1. ' •• " ••• =tans roariusraz BOAT •Ltlrle. 131111 ha COMPOSED 11•1111111 Y OF YOUR CLASS roue SIFLIION MATS. FOR PIM.ADF.LI'IIa AND IIALT1310111: VIAC,ANAIN4 KAlf.lloAlka. Nrare parlara W teener an 4 formroooltal Mr show. udiatumaisti Ina alma Omuta, µam low. Mier; uy other termnoittle lbw • not amities ora b ilot midday to rend I'M to Da roa la Daimon* pfutarralarly oftmat4, ta unted won smatifiarms anal• u so terry ante ankles thunotiaa basal min than any fad lam • KINK A JONAS, Mold , ' • ' - • I. Cabal:o4% was Dka .11ustmusty Shit% I. L. 47. . • "e!-.4: wet. ia. MK* /0:011-0::smanian and C.nrsaNli ... " V g • yakked Ulu:kW& Dealers. in Ira .1 tis:i. Prods.. ie. • Liberal aoll NI ranee* wan /111LW 1843 F.X7RI ..'.4 %vacant wit; • 1845 PRILADELMA AND 1.1112411130 11, VIA Cl Lllll4 DERSDURO. DY RAILROAD ANDIVAUDN.. ACAR 1•111.1esre InulselelgLdse Alltt 11. t whit ra,erbit It.:11 , 43 461 1;• Ims lett N. day, arid. rehiro a( bones. rannlng thy and...letl. cum. N. colds Annul of goods lit yivaioya Aril . WIAXCII a Can. Darke,. HAMA it LITCII. • . 13 and 13 wash 3d st. Mile&Was. We boll toe Met /be podgier., ke.. doily. to *meet by Ore *bine We otter We Satinet kbu Id 1347...11 it Co. s a ...a, AM 'Cll.. man.. rataloargb.. IluladeNokia. varzo - a was: • RagsrgM. Tra P ra - atato aamogs, AID laiatLbro. • • • II:NRY GRAY/ . k Ca. jL Canal ca., DUTILII,III3IVIIIMYS N. 147 Ms rick or, rha. C. IL Knoaa, conger M.S. Saratoga BaS. Jo. Y. Clark e,1 4 r0 UM Nip, Not York, j.!aur • • XTOTICC—Tto al/loofa. Lys. viii Lo ks.ro and 01T Ala date, at Vioattorgh, 1.• Iketry (Ina 100., anstat Philadalp.a, as Lks., Ilostphrot • /cGo. uttArr. • • • CIIASAWMPII/Ili r is, • • HMO. iIdLAVY, raa.M . m.ralf sirdiss Arisigelasiat..lB4s . 4. Mil/EVAN°, t • AND 1•01617 1.1 Illfitfteatonewl vim morr, Cut. J. C. WIT MI6, Will ruin/ter ifs lettuce of Ift4l, between Coeveleed 'Stook We Marie, IA LW SOIIM/1111.r. manner, bitch Ing et Illseldnar but latannediate plat. tarts tempt Leravtog Cleveland event Ploodu, at 7 P.M. lb Detroit do Tuesday &I VA. M. '- Do Ugekblat do Thumb) , at: A. M. Rettimint, will leave Ault lite Mane eve' Friday, al peeekirk, A.M.; and Muldnee et ip o'clock, and lure Defog! even , Placidly evetnn3 tor Cleve land, at 7 &elect. . A. Otis & Agents. IC. W URA DIMLY deo. ICleveland. GIUM7.3 WICKWARE Deleon. A belt:nal rr, Suit nu Matte Tia Drolott Pain been thoroughly repel red rnd refit ted the put eriaterotiol the pablte mop rely upon Ole par forrainguf her MPS nth ponentUty es • ail united. fete.l33m Kit. WNW. MilllllB4B: :. •iiiiiis MGCLIPDPI T TIPPWATATION LIN= . To la from the Alarm come, vie I.:authorise/ 'run prtwrle tors o tkil popular lute, km einem Del, JI,. re-oryenluiloo atgely simmered Weir feetlities to meet the wishes of kippers; sad ere maw prepared to forward • greeter' amount by the FWD DAY UNE, es aro by ealuoael regular wagon. Id low flan Tht• UM/ Val ran attuaybout the year doee:leg yak. tberwrb th e spate w Delaware sad Yiltobergh to owners twat Caritiglleet to Pilttilltd MM. Yid DOW 10apkwato from Plaledelpble pot We lies .bold 4 marked "Core, Jll Robinson, Italturtote.e. . . • The wily wets we .. .I , llllollli SON, 90 3 Cturke a it e r . 4 ., ,llOre. • F2IGIJITON k Co, • • 0 W CANS, Lloawinejlleb DU • IC 1111Dy/:44. klysharyk . ilibigg lin& EOLIPSIS TRANSPORTATION toINIC— •11.. rondoloos .51 Mu [opal* boa bovotlionsod Amoy o 1 Reorbuinid Imo lbo boo. of M.K.;x pm. gore lo 11s1 d Maim Co. linobotili Aid visoisoontrobsoli lbst 1 D 01 11 Sotto. Not/SooACtules Ilallisoro, is ibo •Aborisil opal or thio Liao In Om Coat olooltioo. • Thinly ovate on .1 C BIDW ELL, rwg.i t n, W COS Broomilille i • ELAM KTON C. Cods/o.d, J RUSINSOS, 6ollaan. . T • -ra; 1, 40Z C.111.1.,11}, W.M.14011r. W/4111tintoN, UN • IL M . O lUSTR CRIRL Ciarer4=ll,l sending gaols om Inform r 4 that Weir is We fartro k rakat, and wnst raps; auto. Una going Ewk eminent's with Maws & Co' I =ga given w w dolly, •l lwlo.ow. ir . oftbo placert. Melt handiza aad packager or ttny dm or weigto torwankd. • Laved* closer daily at 3 r. 3r. ti vicoatv, Agra,. Oceelfltf St. Child Howl 110114r07,, wood at, J. VALLI:UM &Co, dos= Ot lAQ2i tfQt AIM CAXILL.SELUNOTIMAIMITC. P. K. WALTZ C 0.,& to.=Onnl3l=PllD il. !legal 11348. Mia. is TIL•HrOVIATIO7 011 ALL )06•11•3.. DILA Oi FRO.* UALTI 001 . 1 • • • - ?MY YORK ANV 111.PSION. ' • E All Ittotto of ktottitamloo eotnigoid to P. K. Fret., Plallodelptda, to 1. Parton A 00, littering • orili be promptly forgropled lAA of duntanslons. . sari • 1846, aIID • ' - 1847 . te 7 . 18 Bat BY 11030110BIBIA BOUTS, • VIA GROWNSTILLE k CGAIDERIAND. MOE toRaNICK 4 ..... =Vend lo forward pm" x dem tbe ...Awn, co dam/4 the ensi log Whim, cat tbo sut fayarabie =nu, by tbyi diva.. mew All oven, eolsoped Weal wßitelboraydedat tbe lowan eves and will. itelebendoe econre4 by 'Ea meta pm:TO) Dr Rosnied. J C CABE liumbro Art" Palle. barigh. TV bovIII E EGERTON &Co,OusberNad i;2= air -W" PAISKS 41i Clea;Pfpf TLllL BEAVER:AND CLEVELAND LLNE,ete WARREN: Diesel Packet— SWALLOW, INV. Ford. • • OCEAN, Copt Wdrs. NV of the above ream lean Beaver ener7 tll {sudsy. excepted) and .m.. liCzt marines at when tee,' cortooet web tlo Wed B.oleee for Akron awl Cloreels.4 mines at coat of these places Wire oleitt. Oft of the Pat Feu tows Warm 4.64, et 37. 114 acid .inn at • Beaver to tine to take tee welder eteseeboxt fax l'iMbnore. k. LEATIPIOtVI2. WatTen, u D TAYLOR, DEAVE AND OREINVILLE LINE, OraniA. Packel-PEVTON, Cede. Brown. " " PA9llloll,Cept. P Beyre. One *Oho awes Packets will leen I:tearer every' Gv eniag. (Sundays excepted, at 7 o'clock, and arrive id reenville the van 'morning as II o'clock; and oral G leaves reenville every afternoon at I delve": ern , en at fives =Beaver the next suort ( ng 5 detect -through 1. la Ivan-towed by weals, (thre* horses each) eta' boned every In oak.. At Greenville they connect with e 800 of Pules through to Meadviße and Erie. Ths boats ars calmly new and bails expressly for this trade. RELIA PARES k Co, Seaver, - Proprietor. BEAVER kal puny camp. • ' Canal Peeket-TELLORAPB, Capt. Was 11111illia; Leases Waver every mortuog tgendayo excepted) at b o'clock -leavee New Casde every everting Woodsy. excepted) at 7 o'clock; and convenes with the newsi er, Lake PAfe Lad Miehio.a, rawaing between Waver and Pittsburgh. 9k ED, PAIGI Lb, Beaver .•• ' Proprietary Passengers Inaba veccipted throes% by °slier tith e above rooms. oelakyleg berths to the pullets and weal la the gaga, by sippyrAdon la either r f the parprletera at sejealkl • • MOW A. °AUGURY, Pittsburg* ear. Water and goadigeld etc ACIENIS4-0.4 Pvt.. k Co. &aver IX Brute& Co. Yoringstrera, (); •• COW* Plalasli Wens. c% • ' ';• tltmilitte. r.; . D 0 lasslows. k ra; • • 1111=1 " :4 trVii Acton ; rx; • ' COMelli.enranirdA 0 alter& rAiA. 11191111 - AND 1111101110 AN LINE. /NUM 4 8. P• jailty TILE ter known use, trimmed of swantboam Lake Erie andllkldon, between }Warwick and Beaver, and fre4tht and pasesswer Canal Boats be. Mem Waves . ..Lod Fans. sod C Al - Breda }tee of first 0f... steamboats, propellers nod vessels on the Lakes, is prepared to carry freight and maunders to all pants en the Wryest's', and Lakes Eno, Ilaron and Nickl- Haynes every Wilily fo . r .w eranyflot flirt not rs ; UTlrelents rep=olielt ft: W m at frim P er nett Ozanne of no 111111 Rt • Proprielie. 11130% PA I Ikaver, Apats. ...J.olll,l4o.4l:Carlat,rdiAsno. - 1 - cirs7ira - r 1848. Age).— 01.1T1V12,11 PITTSBURGH ANT CLEVAT.AND. , W. T. Almnata Pittebotgb; "Ttroco, Pans k Co, Heaver, • Cameron./ Commanto, ' Clevelarall rpm:above Line I. now prepared to transport GM& JL and pamenders from Pittelotral sod Cleveland, oe any maw 00 the Camels sod Lakes. - One bout leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, no• nine te, connection tank Me kW madman Late Ern and Miebigop, between Pituborpt, and Beaver, end • line IA first clam steamboats, :rens, brigs nod scam. ers on lakes Erie, lILIMn Propetti forwarded to rtay pan of the D.i.Y Rah 6.P.0., WAL T. LATHE& or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, • tor Water and Smithkeld sm. Pi:taboret. AGEN - M—Reed. Pork+ Co, Beaver; 11 IT Parks Co, Youngstown, Cr, E W Cam A Co, Warren; LP Likoteriek Co, Useadrt; A A N Clark :Reenact F oil.; , 1 , Lewis, Nawpon; JA EM Whit:leery, Conapbellsport; J O !Aikido. Ravenna; C H Cent, Franklin; Miler A Tonle, Coraboga Fatly, Wkeeter & Co, Akron; U.GwY, Olbbe Co, tiandoakr; Watkma A Emile, Toledo; 0 Wiliam A. Co, Detwat, Alma; !Velure &Williams, Alawm.km, WYq II J Winslow,l3,leaso, Ili. . mix; BOA? Lixir. 1848';11111Mh • For tie Teitariteletiori rf Frtigist to sta from PTITSrit , IIOII, I.IIILALFJ.PIIIA, NALTlldttlik: YORK. BOSTON, ke. ' ththerinan k Cara, Team k Creolutk4 PUwintlgia • ppm old establithird Ilse being now la fullecteras huv, the proprietors bank sadder...alga alTalltre. wan to forward ice& tind praluee with deepautt, and en the wow resoluble ,tenns. Thy rongdend bo pr Ihin/ Well known prueopthria in &tingling warty is mode of earthing —.panto. wairithaa lion 91 each pon, edunting aeraenatedalipu 11,0 skim r. unt owners d alpraduce—togeriter with their long pe. rience an antonrintog snenrion to trai lees. Al an ont to theta a continuance of that 'hirer.] pathonap they Wonky gririchily aekotswiedge. All courigasowats by sal for this lime ',wined. char. inns paid. and fotheanded to any reposed directional Gee oriebrrign for coninsienew antrnnetag or othrase. . No lothirts, directly ow rintionetig, In weandwass. All sitemuuricatiesspsomptly attended to on *Wier Ana to tan gilkawing Krung • SlONAllhal t CAN U. Cr bliwiet P. Ythilndelcitua. TAMPA &O'CONNOR, Canal Maatn. Ptititiodik• tigteNNO/13.1k OM North Wi lthinothoo IVII4fON, as Cedar .s, Nwr York. spit =MN= PASSViGER ARITANGEMENT. IParawaylwaala coal & Rail Rowel Xs.. I prase Past rallied &Lae, 1848. FllOu FTITSSUGH TO VITIDAIW.LedII. k UAfe (Eseleeively kr PalinatM) Larlß plablift an nave<ffly Idarmed a this Lint tli eetwoorses manioc as t h e T ins; aa4 cow 41tnadhard der [.won. Tho bads are mow, and of • gapede class, with cw holed ashlar., whisk enll pea gnaw comfort The ears are tha lava arristrwriors A boat will always beta pod, aad travelers at* re queetal to call sad ilkiAgaine theta beta.* melee paw este elsewhere. • )Moan rime dollars alinnalt3 alba bow of dos Low end leave the coals loop:alo IL 5. 110104 tome of row Weal ad Cum.. avant . elack T. 34 day. • For inkenoatioa. apply at the Whew: linoongsliel. !haw., o r s Cal D ll a. Co ri.u.r , mem, Goads. Weotara Trawls nation C•1111pinall I= 1848;otrialcat 'LI,. 1848, TO VIIZADI].I'IIIA, DALTIDIOREt NEW COIL . 13.• ”...TLY.Lith. WAD 03.10 SAM loala. 'A VW. peerwrod to inoteport pods and prodorea end 11 (row dee abowLeitne ea lavurebto worm Ad ders., or apply to U. LT.I3CII a Co. Canal Hui.. roubw7t l r. HARRIS t L173C11, Niak. 13 L 13 Mork Itird r, PkiL J. TAYLOR& BON, Apt. No 14, NU Howard 01,11.11. A. /worm Agt,Pto 7 West. meet, New York. Prettborgb, 311=111004 lOLA • me/1 ECLIPNZ TILLNIPOSTATION LINZ• MAK 1848.. 111CP1.111+ aml aaeni are inforainl 0101 We Lute la aria 00.1110110 10 110114.1V0i1110.0 16M leaving Produce sod mama ire tare it low Mee. laerramailta Rom Baltimore brought oat at Casa tale& 'no., ire dare. J C M/DWEILL. Alft, WM. or, 2 doors above Moore. Howe. Pnaluarga. . J ROMISON L MOKIISI, aplA al Mouth Clair, et, Malamute. - - HAILNDFIN tYe Posten ger NlLDENr wed awaituume• AIIA & tartan. es mem hots any part of Foglend . Ireto bli land. &cane cl tWalee, epee die soar liberal Im/A &et? wood punetealtry and auention to tle emus end rms. tett el eurtaiventa ' We de not allow oar paseengerale les tobtted by theiwiedllng seamy. thm intern the sea. port., 00 we take change of them lb. mennent they to. port themeelves, and teem Mete well being, and de spatch Amok wiMout andetention by the first Alpe.... We Noy this iietteasly, .. We defy one of MT WSW. gem to shim that they went Waived in ham by as la Liverpool, 144.1 themmods of oaten wen detained ~oath., mita they could be sent In some old craft, at • p rate, which too froomatly proved their collo. • We Wend to perform ova eontranta honorably, soot whet it may„ and not act is tith e ease bun seam. with other olbeers,—who either performed not all. or When A suited their convenience. I/rens drawn al Pittsburgh the any setet boot AI to LUIZ, payable at any of Me provincial Hanka in i re. land, Engiesd. lemotlend and Wales. JUfillUA Mropems and Getterel Cobb Fifth etneel, one door Libor Wood. lIIIPORTMIT TO I. Mir Cream, a mumble.erne. for the Orowth, 'Marty and Restoration of Me Ilair. TM. C whea owe known, will sapereede all 'other articles el the hind now med. When sit• tads la deatk Itanh, Min unhealthy, or taming grey, few applications .ae make the hair mil soof dart, and it,. It • Manila lively appearance; and will also make a Main Italie. honor and healthy color twke as long as ell the mem raLions which are generally used. Every Mavens ir•ealcmam who ant in the haldt erasing ells on MO hair, almuld at once purchase • bottle of the Wane Ilalr Cre rations, am, as It so cposed tha It Minim the Mir like th ose ls other p om reptions, t Lou will beaalify It, and give perfect sansfaction in every instaam For testimony to lie very soperter matinee, ••• *Mowing letter frt. lime. Mr. Cantwell, M lienderthou I &retch, Nashville, Minuet Aim* e 1. ok Ike Western Mater • Letter morn the Rev. B. Caldwell:pastor ef ih• I, tenon ' Mesta II Odtraat StreidGenallidt 1.411 Hennalo in ling m 7 testimony La favor of t:e esset. lent preparation called Dr. Paris/es Chinese JIM d r y, ghost yem MO, my heir wail 'err dry, Minty, and disposed to come oug but !mum pro. cored • Louie MON Cr and used it meardmi the proscription, my hair is now 60$ elastic and • to the sew. .Illatty helmets and ails were applied, each Myles my bait . ill II worse state Um before.— This Comm. - however, has Ott glfr•ZpeCUltk. • M an article for Me Tolle; my wife editiv prefer ence over all others, Min delleendYPetfitedadt ttat disposed to tancklity. The ladles especially will Ind the Chinese Cram kt be • deaideraum In their preps. rations for the toilet. RasPectittllitt , e mawu.: q.awsk . ll, Jae. 7, IA?. Id wholesale and reutll, 122:1 Unemeod,No.4.s Markel sieves, and Joel :comer of Wood sod klrth streets. ' Jaw,. • • ' • J. 4 11. 1111111.1.1P5. JOUSE, BIUN AND IITE.OIII 4 3AT PAICTITIIB sad Libthiera—Persons ensiling to have painting g azingdatie with acetone end desPeteh,wili plasma ginae a calL They will hod It to them advantage, we are telly prepared to do Rath is low as .7 loaf: lo the two clues can or will do it, at No. Wood elect, . N. IL—We mat, it to be end...toed tied ere have out wait th e palming and glootor, tom or oat 'soon acalonablesda hen Wee telling the public generally that we were going to retire from that branch of oar tandem. We are ewe telly mewed to transact the painting and g hying than we ever wore.. 'p6 t PHILLIPS. •VI I. S tils—me mates of al Wont malliative Ifmrj.limmlstah Tithe la to earthy that islet ming dilaters prows dam for warm,Umiak% of IX F. Heitman, of Navy lAaboo, two vials of It B Salliss'.Varaufart, and „ I lk macaw of ono vial Om* of my c Willa.. rn..ibe dia= 51 7. 0 y ou4 eani 24. is mt expe o. a. 04,1 yean 111 Y, . vrosaa agolled by oasis list one vial. 1 recomm end !Klan' tato at one of the sous alcytaal Worm mite bp, bra the paha. 1104.0 hloasoaro - ?mimed awl mid by 1. ft Mod Stoat. by IN. Camel, fah waist Carr4All. tighten J Sea, s ict• :,:ii.'433:trx-jhf...:::,;•-•":".7z.,' • - • • •:.1.,::;nr:1- • • • MISGEICAMOII .7_ s • Sirsury IPer ) T'l3.6;erter arm , for. sale hisiMire Omit, is low to snit perch...sera, et eery minded once.— TIM center:lasts not equalled fora select . mad entered. 'wkly . : in the WeSIAM country; con soirmg many new, ram and valuable plants, comaning te petiolate:nide, Japonicas, large fiovfling plates, from 1103 feet us Yeythy C'stin.ittlT'lr_C'etu,?..nfil lyy,Nd : the finest and most P eatreettelltrrts m cultivation " . Bmes The Dahlia lin e¢t e mostabovrolitnii foie prim sons 'grown; Viewer Roots, a large vhrieryi shrubbery, shade tress, evergreens, act . Mowry . ntert . mud otherg who:awn to:deco= yards, gardens, pleasure mends: or grain hinpara,' are respectfully invited to examinethe co/leOen which is open to 'Wore, except on enndsys. - Conveyance by the omnibus and greenwood ferry. Deseriptiee eaus -Imesar _by _Med, or may ht; ba d at oa f stend, No .Diamond ds • Motet, en! r 101 l wnhor b mail Pidshergh Oificeonll be prpll3alte tI Y ed to. ni Joke Gliant, a practical gardietr, e I armed to planting shads trees, laymg of iondent, 4te. Orden. left a• above:: - JAS. WIRDROP, twirl 6dgaritmenT Mancherter, neat PitishorgLi.". •Too•. llsos-r,tOraterly of Neatly, 1.0. • • no:rry,•••• ..... • ... • New Urban. CiNs. ....... .. , • BEATTY, IiRCITHEIC& cO., I • •io • Coioamloolon Or la&atlt• I OR ?Mt oat.r. AND rostwitmtga,ot • - • •WENTULI.N. PRODUCE, 1 No. 91 Poydrcs &net, New 'Orlft•tr.: Bane o Jams IWUrefor &Co, ) •• • o David Mato, & CO,Alsoirbo, la., & Mar, oats., •." lloeca & Frazer, I Comi-411a.u. • WEenzie,E+9, 11 N Kearney, Log, Booker. Zonr.liif, , • 1) •I'Donal4 k Co, Wclleville o.i Need, Parts & Co, Deaver, W Esq, IV healing, 11a. - 11 , 0104c0n & Co, j rhu b ur ,;,, 1.1 Nrteholtroo 1 • •"' • Bastin Mode of uaeetmg inonsia. AVR. G. DEXIIFIIt, of Moon, has ntrangeland pa ll", tented a plan for heating beasesochich kna been successfully used in Domou, New Yorh, fse., odd wher ever apphed, boa received the decided preference over sums, furnaces. go. Its advantage& are— ' let. Great regularity of ternperuture: j Dd. Freedom from smoke. 3d. No anplftsant dryness. Ch. Nosily attended to and ribs liable to gel out of order. I' . MA Great dttrabitini. A model and speciftealloo tray be men, . 34 ..PP .. " Ms obtained, of the copper nod tinware factory of • Wilt D SOWN, ld's febll tt ltltO lOTigi between weed nod snorkel - iCi-43—C-OrTIDT=Igg tr—rtie ill grea t Panacea Panacea in curing my chi di:Stressing cough. • From the Temperence Danner, Nov 11917. • Conon Braar...-Ille are riot In- the habit of puffing, mock less taking patent medicines, but we feldisposed to recommend hlorgau`s Drop to those who are algid,- ed with congb. After hared tried Mr usual mine Me tore gnove • constant and distressing cough, that had for *vend darn afflicted one'of our children,with- Oat 1111CerM L we arem induced to try Morgoies cough symp, sail y it relief was obtained In a fear hours. It proved. to be the pauses in this coon on Mast. l'repined Wbolemle and retail by the proprietor, JOHN D MORGAN. Druggist, fob? wood 241 door below diamond alley, A- Challenge . to the Worlds: '- rfiWENTY , FISE MUI LS. will be paid UP ny one who will Prodoce a.rpot of paint, green or dry - , that delirnt Ws Manta with . Moil's Improved Chemical Soap. I have the satisfaction of saying to tae people of this place, that ibis antelo i lty my own improvement on it, now stands seri sailed m thin country toe extracting pease, us, pitch, oil, paint, or any other etas.) sta sub . nce, - tram all kinds of gentlemen , . or lodine:A Wahine, tweet., labia eloths, merino shawls,. lodiesMionnets, de, wiWout Injuring anything that pate sister will not Mime. More than pie thoutond pawns In dirfcrent pant of WI willowy bane told Inc they. would not be withootit; it it cost one dollar per cake. to trying this Soap as icons than 301 k articles of light silks. musts, M. paccas i and calicoes, I hare only Mond three pieces ot two - 0c &lawns, and tour or which it changed discolor . themforo lidore lnithott hos light dross try s sssuple . of the dress first. tsuit this hechahe 1 sin determitmd not to recommend ft shy .imager than know a bo itriotly line. - • ,• N II lion. Prier, 11l et , per cake. Sold, 'choice:lle and retail E SELLERS, b 7 wood St PEACE . I. . nirr_nv t!vritr MOTIIIat.D•HONITSTEAD.'• • HIS anderalved ha. hang ,beca convinced 'or lini aiscwoly tor wino medicate adapted to the we of Ildrett mud Infanta to supersede the one oral' Wore medicine. which cantata opium, awl has at length noes corded in preparing stud offrong untie public a meth-1 cise fully anawering every purpose for Midi...of the licrwels, without the use of duo deleterious dnig, er ant other calculated to inputs in Vie least. The infant Pap aosa has o tions billy Want ;Red tried, the last twelve months, by numerous persona, and treadle parse. all the istromdinary sitsuesiand to product. all the oaten. ishing off.. as Net forth on the bill of directions. Di &whine, Vemiting, (mold. Griping, Pains, Pricknew and Dive.. arming (rum Teethata, acting ,ltusitediately wibloat diitortimgany al the function. of the body, produeing lint happiest and snow Neatest tratoutton tenet Weiestii pain to a tranquil and joyous rate of fool, lag the lac .utterer. To la be bad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr /01 I Ili 8.11.120 ANT. 11reggirtd Apothecary; John bliwbell, Elliott iott do Deekhain, a nd mixt other Druggist. n Attests.) , led Pittebiltgli. • • ilecth DIFIGUAL COUGH S po.llrOf MO: rrrnmeron. Feb. 14,151.., R. Sltssrooe—My wife lins for jeers been subject to a dieropangrourh, aernmyssind with ide., for die TOM of which Me ored eidront rough 'roe/lip, and had the advice of the most eronenl piped.* ln England, but all wed rorossilitig. Sty chance I beard W yont Imperial Cough Syrup, and wee endured lo buy bottle lux 1.6,1,410:t0ugh I had no to that roything "Id MAIM her complaint. To y R.OO =Mi.., oro doses FOTO her isamediate relief. She is et rows troubled mob • cough, but two wropooreffid of Syrup always etepi it. ato retiffod, after a trial of three or kor yearn, trot Seller's Cough Syrop Is the been rough medicine-I he ever tried either m the Old or New World..: IYc rrosnop" Serenth ad.; n} of Pittsburgh The eenifirate should induce %rho we It airith cough orroilnas., to give the Symp • .1. It renty Le hod for irf rotes et bode, at the dreg run .? f . - R E gES.LEIPS7 wdd Wrod, end /I II Curti, idle !yidwon fashionable Eastern oVnerull and color. Ala THE CHEAP BULL,. misfllN BLIND, on hand or made ui order or ad afacs, and to all pvicea. Doentry Alcrehants and others are invited to Call and examine the aboie for themselves, as all will he sold wholesale or retatband a liberal deduction wade to 'wholesale purchasers. anlsll7 A NtTSTRILVELT • -61.1381Lhe I 'WONGS -TERRESTIAL tootalaireg all 1J lhekk eliemwarim, O. Geogrephical iwpmweswedi &bathe imbed Lbe mow eykketed eiremeromplare Orb- I pad from Amide* ern ßadlish Globe, ottb .aaake. uspemdmeM. by Aeabe Se Faith. Reek.' by Rowed Park. LORINOIS CRIASTIAL GLOBE.l4cceddiniog all Mt flows stank seboke r fee. Compiled keep Lbe worts of ,WoOewle kbuoslad.P• IA Celli*, IlarebrA, Mayer, Red {p llairbel treamcdooe of Me Admemew icer Sider? of Rowdoo, lee, le. Prom Smith*. New Rag Lide-GbdeL debroMok& Moat= kkre just weeded • Sew pain of the . Wore thobee,vary Mg Mormon Lamm • 1 pair • 11 mime io diameter,' • L. - .." • • A"emei lobe. 6 a • . AreesiestkCluestiek, and foams/ eopy. • dwell • ----- VOA TOWNSEND'S SAILSAPARILI.A.--Nidosen Jj Mat received °LOC TownwinTa Sarsaparilla, the moat *Mini:ministry medicine in the world! 'llia Ea. out lamas sip in quart bottles.. It is tax tuba cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to ndY sold. It cures' diseAsie without comiUng, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Loot our eon lsocknous.—linptinCiplvil perakua have 'copied our Labels, land pat up medicine in the some shaped bank. • See that each bottle has the written sig nature of S. P. Townsend. IL E. SELLERN,Thaniist, G 7 Wood streets between Third and learda, tsDr. , Townsend's only wholesiale and retail ascot for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can be had. 1). id. Curry has been appointed the sole agent fee Allegheny city; er ~ h osr, tie genuine article Carl be had. WRONG EVIDENCE WW . Dr' JAYNE'S F.S • cr/4,7ANTIS nether ho other modem Ser Coomoorlolt INorthElre Adhommedoeber Mime hog • la that det ••••• swam mterecromeoral the me alt to Wit DUE. ats Tun re, resell pilfer to BD Weer ',mallet of WOW; sod wletre soy Our Iwo Wooed Y try Wu yerryoreltioos Sty hare &Owl mulishly boa elimsyeatted ea neeenog IheLemeat whitte wu temoubly toreeptted from the 1.0 mo, buttoned h the proprottros, seri hots t•torted to the clot of J Liege' Eturrourr,oo I smart/el Ds arm 6.11.1 to meow Wu oted whieb probtitly mew kid it aseel b. meeting polmmury dew. • W.F..' Poly hDe D. Juke rb. .hay td West Orw.l derfidaterlf ALES. / Zi A Y N net s _ Mostofteiorers of • AWNINGS, SIGNING BOTTOMS, . . WAGON. COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS . . ALL vocturrton. Ilia RA loath Front Sizesit, thick of 'I A. Wileseie iCattirwl Wore bfanqy PUILLDIMPLI IIII A LLealtra IM with E.S.lslana, as Lb, awls of ttla L ta Estddelrg'. riu tlg zilizErTui sorplCadlly ! , A. 0. NICKERSON i I .110LIVARIMICKSO- • IMUMERIENCEP jo& a : oa • Mal of and a ► al f 1:11•011licuta, alma 1 prairlaallall thia sink). arar pariled,for durability is ealtiantetion of all kinds of blra Pa p a ,.. Fries et•ligaalt true WU& ut!lu Al, guar• rmberatalua maths we. Orkin tar a acquod quality Hallway Utiaka grill be areetwi at ycr.Pd, if so de. Wed, **holt gmmas. • • aback of We 'lira qiudity l• now.tritairle al WI tat- ca. nal .11mila by - SHAW DIACLARF2iI; • opal( .• . • Kaaritigicut Item Mika •YttE4)Udill TONIt:: AMrllriei liar rltM prcaostamit abut It milks. • b M bra article, rooked ray . .aciataccu ia ars, Avian nal:maim art p a nts bra.. liar, We !saw at unarm hataimera arberikair bar bees redoevd to Pnd. Welt bare beam WM lee Mu. ad rr• Uauk Reaoaoida . Kreider bier Ibaa ba mairrairol to all err wader: mho sr king their hair, to make a trail of tbia . Toaia lased:Way ... Baum AWL Yor auk la Plibburet at dui Rata Tea Eton. Feudal weal, war VS riud riar 0 &DRIES— ILO bags prima Rio coffee; 12/ LW. N 0 wohissor; 73 Lases mom:recto:eh hatmeecr, RR half chaste green end Week wog 736 and 3311 a bone Y 11 lord f 1 It do.; hili boxes Gem. clan hte; to Jo. wash ; together watt • leticrel asson • mot of groconve, NO= .41 foe We by: CARSONtAIcROUGIII7, Cth HAVANNA ClUANY..4lyali . bn pored ylirars loildminig adobra.ld • breads, part to only. cona.nalt CdTdh A.biannba.W.nbad‘on myalias, Rspidosdaplar Loa /Aro% ds Foam, London La , d hn FWD. Pnnallsn4 steam boat do, Vaisya aura do, Sylv do, La Llayadars Ist, do do idoarils, La Nam; Cosado . roo, Ap t ur in gv , for .als by (Oa ' so,Bmith.ldl front sa §UPSSJILY =IST , TED EDITION 'orTul: ARABIAN Niciirra—kapn,oAay dcolood for also • y Ito ad inr, lo came of pablicoma by Harper at Ufa then, Nov York. To be completed to ta me rani. rUllkt Jai ?mind end toy solo by. JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, • . . : • • corer market and al obi 1,0111,M11411 1 1 AUATA. • .• TiONTABLA SIMAiaIA met , movement Undo; lw .Ww ibeillbeeeas b•C•rii.d en brumes. A (swims teed md kr.• !. 1 4_1:Jit - tVt4l. coristricewsoiri-' Itreatekallood, Pa!n he the ffide I igmut,Bore w %%gr i ns 9 *.=. 3 d. m' s Dr. Sw.a7 lo 's COrao glia / 1 7 711 4 1 " cif It Is Mild agpleasant to the taste, perfeedysitte harmless In its operadotts, and petit m one Wale saw powerful and moms remedies tor Commenters of!thb Longs,, cogghs, Colds, Asthutti,. Spng Wood, Laver Complant, - Pains an the Side or these, and general Debtlity olds Construanon, that Was est invented by the skill of moo for the slide( the afflicted public. Centheetes surd evadenem of hs artinderfal enrytivet powers are dell , / seethed from all marten: it as ans. possible m s owls the • Of angenag trams. that hot been relieve! o bertisher d by it; nor 'can we calculate the immense betrefinhatslMl se from 1t hereafter. All ages; srei, and marl= .0. alike affected by it, and the &seam is eradicated from o•Ste the -consultation repaired 'and health 000 04ed by the U. of Do. pwarat's Convex* thrum or Wan COMM. How raw stereo do we - dolly be hold approaching 10 an mtantely grave, wreaths*, ut th e bloom of youth, 100131 their Manses endfrionds, althea: ed with that SW malady, CONSILIEPTION, which wastes the miserable engem mail he - as beyond rho power of human akdr If nab wagerers would only make atrial Of Dr. 15waystes Composed Sy of Wild Chen 7, 'they wonkl hod themselves emner relieved dem bp gulping the sures. ineffective/ rernedies with which our newspapers abound: this 'Vegetable Rase dr heals the ulcerated lung, semping Prather. night mreass, at the mine time inducing a ratusrel end heahtty niece:nation, and the patient will awn Ind himself la the enJoYment ofeorafortable breath. ThepobLie should bear In sand that Dr. Seel.. lon regular.preethiall pbsician. and has had years of ream= in diseases ge Lb st * rt I L = o c lr rep “ tire d Dr. &AYH H,VnI L ::: ear of raghth and Ham eneesaldledelplua _ ANOTHER 140 ME CEATINCATS. ' Wel the cares %hashes Conf been thearded, we may safely my the annals ofmedieine eannot fertush one to samosa this, loch now steads 'as a living proof of the eurability consumptiou, corn when haa had been despaired of. Dr. Synapse. Compound Syrup of Wald F=„"' be, 114 gm I"' murk The Teas Riches oflsile is Rosa Sursvas—lkar Sir, , —Por the good of the public,' feel myself in duly tetrad to testify to the great core which your Commend Syrup of Wild Cherry perfum ed ne me. Per my part, I feel as if every body ought to know it, I was enacted with a violent cough, spit. tiny of . blowLef (lit sweats; boarsenese, and attend of the v ot e r aWcauog en alarming 000 of the daser ai ri e m im . is that my fait. amt p ne, and rgicin:g thlmd ie pe k' rst r Wle . f a . I could 1101sarrwe many Nye.' Idly si . stle, who WU my anxious cue-raker. made Inquiry where she w a s ha likely to procure the moat certain 'She was told dad if Dr. Swarm's Compound Smarr of WIId Cherry failed in the cure, my life wan then bowleg, bar medicine was initamdately procured, aad are Ant hot tie gave ratter, and by the tune I had commeueed the sixth bottle. my cough had leg ate and thy strength gnu much improved. In show, it has made a perfect cm of rue, end I ant at this present dere as hearty a man as I wish, and have good reason to believe that Ike mot Jour medicine hag saved me from a premature grave. I shall be pleased to give lay hafonuation respecting cheater.t, beim:ear.e and rine eta, I a. CAUTION! CAUTIOIp Constanptivm, Read! Read!! Dr. Switytte's Compound' Spiro of Wald Cherry. _ Ist about the year 1637,1 found it , netessaty In.my professional practice, to componada medidnal preyed. etiod for diseases of the cheat end lungs, posiessing more powerful healing properties then any other Witt en* k.an for such disease.. in my COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I hove been very son email. The truly wonishing cares elfeciesi by my medicine soon spread as fameahroad; Melt owes none 0(10 corona to 11:11111100.111100111011000perpous or for ged ceruheates—the real intrinsic menus of my com und It the only cause °fill popula4ly. JarJar extensive sate soon excited the envy ofcertainspeculators in the Mambo. of Mr Maar =amt.,. mach so that in a few years hem the.. that my manmade's.. inwo doeed both° public and In great deemed, a filet In this city, Ending this my, preparation had gained a high Aare out "rah :frat d ry ertlnit;.l==aff Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular +hyoid. had 00 0000 10 11011010. We sedate then poor Sam Patch. The name of Dr Wistar Is =ached to make it appear shat thlafte in=ractitienter,wts the original Meow of the pre ; such is not awful. 'The above Eno, the re al Inventor, acid the reap. and right to rialonfacaue to some patent medicine ,Cincionati toe' he West .4 Smelt, and another In New York Ear the SKI. who allerwards, it is assened, sold unit to a druggart La 80000-60 the mtembtrot lausde into which it May have ehnoged bssonre - places they omen it emanated NM • PhY skim in lide.lphia; las odwr from phySiclan In Massachusetts. So ft has hdatebost and stratagem stamped in every feature. - • • , - Theta ha. beat a number of other 'lmperatore par. Mo ti l o s K or 'o lac u ll ' e Vr amelv?te e lt r a t pabile=talelni onagainst, th ey contain mom oft. vicious of the origi nal and only granite prepare.*"shied hews the ag nate. of Dr. Swayze an each bottle • . The present manuf.torms addicts pads and Lisa madam. have dio dam{ effrontery to caution the public mated gar chasing my medicine, die only Only genuine andatigi , .tai preparation of Wild Chem befine the 'Pehbet which is - proved amisfactorilyhgthemddie recurds.or the Commonwealth of Penneyhr.is, as Wel ola oats other official d.oments. ' DR-IL BWAYNE, , Inventor end Proprietor of the genuin e Com pound Syrup of Wlukl Cherry, corner or Eighth and 11. e st.te, , Pamphlets bo obtained maths, setting Girth an array of testimony that will "convirme the most skepti eal of the wonderful virtues of Dr Swaymes Command syrup of Wilde...T. Call and getout; ,that all may read. Purch.e asernedielee,undart maro. ' For sale, 'cholera:de and retail. by the Age AVM THORN, Liberty eg OODENre ISNOWD=4 corner Wood and Liberty sun Et JONEM, 11/berty st; it A FAIINPSTOCK Co, 010110. of Firm and Wood mul Sara( and Wood; and JUIIN MITCHELL, Altegiteuy coy. - , merge . . Erseillsit Aathma2lr2y. FottL.CfAVINDIALY 11.. Flirt far the ewe . . iit above Abacuses, is the LIIINOAILIAN LA LIPP, discovered by Ike celebnood. Dr..Enchau, of Loudon. land, and introdueed into the United States ender the iiimediato stiperintendenceedthe inventory The ernactraintor mecca:of thie:Modieltse, , ears of Pnlettortary diseases, "rum= the Amesican, Agent ist saieltlng for treanneuttho wed pOiseible eat Dee that ems be foe.] in dee ceseentstiy,eases thereat relief invade from any of the cotanoces tented/War the day,.and Imre been given up by the ntostdialinguiabed phystebuts merman:load and incarable,..,Thol Hanalei m blatant has cm* and lain eure,the mod *operate Of case*, It is no gawk noteratokbat a.nnudrtt Eng: Leh medicine, of known and establiAcdefieseys Zesty lonely in thelleited Slates should be' with.BachaaS Itunaluiaa Balsam of Life, nor= counteract tbe,consareptive Willem*, of she — elimohe, but to bens.' as a prerZo medicine la all eaten of colds, congas, spitting toad, pain in the aide and st che, iretation and se of the lents, broolatis difficulty of Westing, heedo fryer, night meats, eateet anon IVjeuend debility, asthma, In,doenza, whooping , - Sold in large bottles,tu St per bottle, with : fell Lace- , dons for the restoration of health. - Paraphtlerta,.containiny a mot of Dinah and eared. 'can certificates, and other evidence, showing the on equalled mots of this great ihtgliatt Remedy, mpg obtained of-the deems, grattetansty. , ; ' , For tale by. it 6 VALININTOCE Co, corner 61 -- ~t wad Wad and Wood and eta ma. 'mood barselL:vs.a.Fttl_lT:uUn • . . _ . . We have been reformed by Hie Ma of aC6III 6,19.1 on her by . Dr...Taparent AlleiratiweiwWeh proves hi superiority rivet every ether remedy at the kind. She h. Leen afflicted tot the loot sixteen yearn with NECROSIZor wurrE swia.u.% us, .11.0.4 with ulcerations and enrolled. Otani:iota bon., da ring which ihde Many piece-shave Leek drAeltarged (rode trio Animal bone of the oranima,foom bah. her 11111014 wrists and It.da,and from bath remand Irma the to fe.r.otal ['encore,/ from the right knee, betides painfal gleam on other. patio of her pence, whar,b have Wiled the skill rot a lumber athe awed eminent pkyaibrasur of bee lilt. —dining moo of the lima her Wrenn* hare been excretal:rag and deplorable. *boa three mon th s ainee el was indoeed • to try Dr. Jayne% 'Alterative, which bat had an tab:Wahine, happy drat anon her, by eeaooiog all pain and swellings, end earthing the eTeets to heal, while lithe tame than herr-simile-aid; haa beemseconipletelyrealaredow thatsbe hew weighs' ad Mentors than the did before thaeommenited the ate ' of rile truly . ealiable exalt...M.—that-Ere: red. - For funher information,hmaire ofNfrultose, Filbert at, Philadelphia. . • • ••- Ferule in Nuabargh, at the PEKIN TFAIITORE, ro FloarthaL near Wood. ~OCROPLILA AND • EICEEIVELOLIS. SWELL 1.7 INGS.—Scroleta in all its 'multipl . ied forme. whether In that of fileg's•Evili eelargemeuls o the glands or bona; GoitreiWhite Strcilings,'Crireinc Rheumatism, tuner, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or et Palomar, Coo:emotion, emanate from one and the came cause, which is • poisidsout, principle more or lea inherent in "the human system. 'There. foie, mhos this principle can toideitro;yed,no cal cure can be cliected, but if the poi:maple upon which the discus depends, is removed, • .care mostoi beceodly follow, no matieruliderradatiorm um disease should Manifest itael therefore is the reason shy 3/111Oen ALTZHATIVZ zoo eel versaily orecemful In removing se many malignant diseases. It dearer the tiros or principle Rom which thaw diseases have their origin, bf catmint into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to-the mutest fibre, removieg eairy - portiere or disease from the .)stem. Preparod 'ea sold at No. S South Third Street, Philadelphia,.. • • , Sold at the Pekin Teo Store, lici.7; Fouts stria Pittsbeigh • linchSl Mita Uie Coonnon • reef:l,4 Oali l t ate Loften not aware hoar Inglithilly uriona •to the skint how COM AO, how rounb, boar and ankeelay, ttroeina appears after, osiag Prepared dale: Besides. it is innariaas, eentaiaajalarge Item • Wrof lead. We hake Prepared abealuht tar,ohle ittr"ltre'p; rail teetty . innoce . tft,beingottrifien of ail d e /met tal a:ownqttalntes; and It itnpana so Inn span nat. c al,t,tinalehaeter,elear, taring erlate, itAte setae ma' acting as a' commie on lb. skin, Thrum Draft Dr. James Anderson - hug& otllaUVl White,. urn . Aner tinalysing.ransatBplutisb Lille White, I fad it ceases the ma besitlfel and nnl.' rat, at .f Seate WI Inliaceull white esnl' s.nia;"l certainly colt cOnselentaanny . recommend it. %jai toil! whose sit ia requitals betatutying.s....;'„ ID.Priea limns a box. .• Sold by WM. JACKSON, a hie boot anft Shea • thorpte !liberty sertati bead if N'ooft,:.at the sign or ladies, ladies,tha asaaaheft, „ ' • •••• When yen know that goo !maiming • A natant!, Jiro-like, snowy alute, i That yea Tall milt nee amnion chalk, ' Andloor a deathly yellow fright, s. .: _ The thane of laughter and of telt, 1 • If yen would .ale a beg. of JUNE'S Will sk, tebUtFeyet. taut woo giveloar *km 5t...-.terici. }moral yrk.s, and al .116 anus Woe elan andimfrovo IL , Sold es 75(.1100WE, Liberty nr. P n ccotS mum pea a ., ' P4PEft WA REI4O_OSEr vag,iso maw: irons, iiraus N: FIELD orate of arde oa the lemma tdurafaeutren , ptieevi a Very Ridges - Iml amen. meta of PAPER, compriMag every pomittle variety, adapted to the want. of ommemen so al: widens °fibs ecrerary.' Paper. of all kinds made 'in order at %Loft . IZtoelreof UIUNTINfiI Fkuns.ani large permfalatlir A ' v i atarit a irata uz of emefi deserlPnent timMe c tr o ter m atte a 11= n oe i rlTl Ultramarine Twin: me. rte . tie9fh.Denh;gt et ey porehmed, eee,e amheet pro?* in Cum or, by paid • , ITZSI rieer torn:Una life& • - T. Jonas. Italian 01Isisalcal "asap. ltl - FOil al kinds at eraptions and disbursal' We 13kW web as VaaplohlAsaass,tlalt Biettnailcarry, Ilea how...clopped or masked Ma,andforalll oder dlssa. h t the staln, whisk Atqatre alumni reasedatly Snap stands anpatalled. 'lt also dispels heekles, BaaF b erth prophesy, Tan, and :changes. Om radar ci dark, Intlow,or &anted stay Itra dneilantlltyasubfal, elestreto. A fresh anpply sentratned dealoste.and fn sate at the restated price or 97! pas este, Lulea bees • Inealsod, i.OGtrod for alas bi if A MI IN ES CM( L cl)ttla Ist and wood and abeam the corner of stall. OTPIAR .804 T COOKIIIO IrPOVICS 943 17 • - 117-" MM=M v_~?;i~~y: ~+_ ''4l:o4itOWL: . --.'.lk4S - 111114MFIOJLTi ••-• °S9 ft• • li ► nif *oat Askrat'Woori re% s.• . • •• Da. • icaostar, - kniig kaa Jogolswlyadoollited•M:tho moiled and beanfor Soma lino • • :r 4 = Pg}fleerAtrw. ellaitios • • motoulint to Om - rnmimmt Ilt 1 - theas pin= and : dogmas ea- , • a. • elk 3faittlo for_lrtisAil=lity -••••• tro. e rrs; i s r amtdoosely devoted • to yle t -••••• mmaeSinwit4VJ.fi.r•n whigit • time beim. tad mesa 1101 , and kg... Common dem than pm ever to thatiaistany prionSa mow `titionery empty -qualifies_him to offer' strearaneal Of atwaly, puma:tent, and sulialielati Core bo all ellbasa .wth &heat. &seam, midi& dawases_antsing *hors Gum '• 'Dr:Brawl. *veld Inform . thoW iglietted 'Witt potrant• • discos. which hero hem= ehrante by time et sr groomed by the Cm fan, of the Montabanomfoo the ay, that their entepl4ts esnhe and Ont 6. Mighty mtmd; he having given his emend as ta treanneerof such caws, and onaellalwt *hundreds of bouutees s ruling persona of Ingammation of to neck of the bladder, sad kindred disease* width oflott:: result Prom Wow. eases write,* wham hare - eoaaigMa them lo becalm despair." Ife panientarly barites soot • .so hare-bees long and onsuriemeally treated Af *thug to etmsuit leis, when *my' sotialactiOu tW be gine • them,and their elms Ufflftd ins -curefaloWocgu mid . intelligent manner, penned oat-byatii=penenoo, • mwtrelnl inwsgewitoo, villa/Os im for thoest enguirltt i owl:Mims of dlaur.. lineto : gtea SOY • drlimuig R.Potr",r•D. Drown el ealueites low agiteted with hernia meanies he basjsabi pardon. Skin Sinemesi els° ttleft.PMlTl Me; Mo?es4 l , m l 4 • pCb atients Of either Sez sma ll ßetr aflame, by • 'stating their disease In written, mug . a the sympj , toms, eon obtain meditines volibtlitemions for me, by addlessiatT.• DROWN,' ADD., poncpuid,"cod eneber iloa. oole4 c Neo.SAO*SMSt gRaYi taine•4 4 1tegt 1 1 frillEare m eongdeeee phyelesant hive la Dr. TAT- - J . LOWS BALSAM OP "LtvEswurr,• pron. is - :Duca Saa-cla seve svaldabs ral Mina eessamptioe, onaglis. 00 1,1, 4 esthete, entitles blood, and Abet disiuses ot the lcmg.ndsd liver, bac., made use Myournsedielmound I am Itappy . s ity. trio 1,40.4 atalitobtesatelleoutil one am pleased to reeonunead to 111 Maimed wish Parmonary complaints. • It is caseate folly pa mews a eeugh to first As m ay d ol Ate criVi comma great conflagration; ea slight cough, easily cored a(-Gnit,end by neglect iff reestamemion - and Math:' If any Dung is wannag to Otere,the dime ey of year behllug remedy, I lased mai obiterwillhave - Weed its wonder:ski connive powers,. and hi aft eases it has . putted successful: .1 will sny to thew suffering 44L1,1 - coughs, 'colds, spUting . Bata 4n hid.,. asthuni,ke• no.,•tot -Reepeetfolly,fee, • • .. . P.RUCILIWtAgiaII. D. di :mom DR. RODGERS - :—"As Onetime:ay 4.1 f I4nra, lam fully satioli from' long experience. Wm is 110 InVditille equal tir . Taylor , / Balsam of Leeman. "Being runty tregeluble, it ash he and with thentesost safety by ottomans:" • • CONSUMPTION AND DYSPEPSIA CURED! • liming bees cured of these diarecsicr complaints, whichiad csnied nee io lbw Tome of the pave, by Dr. Taylor's llullusiof Liccturorl,foxa Beekman st, I cousislccit my ditly_te make it-peklkly . tone; In the hope of benefiting others, •Tlrat Armed my life I do sot ,t.loghttitr I could not,em, and Was dstly de luting, until I eras a Mare: skeleton: - 1 baste this will_ induce any one Auttieted la tit lyeapeciallyafthey love litc nod itecildt, 504 wants be mood.: ;It waif wonder fel etheney. .. ROBERT D. HONG, • . • • cnter Oak and Pearl streets. ' , There is no surer lan of the value Wad cedes than Kiss constant demand. Thus 'Dr. Taylor'S Alaimo of L1T61,1/01/ for thirteen years has mood the wet, and is .. now the people's favorite remedy for ;Ousts, molds, mad • Bold in Mahw aea of ah by J D itorten; 92 Vrooo ,Tocruseud,,44 Mosta en Smyser,•eari Market and 3d s% Houle:con k. Co, Si.liesty et. , Price reduced • • ...8111L1C11241.131'11 TOOTIII PILOT*. ben article far elesnetgand othitealog "J. the Teeth; nrengtheaing use ninth, sweethathg the Itteatlulrs. ,It should be wed every Wald-Fab a nil broth, end Ike teeth and willooly rejoin:n.l4o washout la the mootin. Wet the booth with inflow water, or cold will answer, sad nth it a Saw on the pare*, when "enough will adhere for nevem the meth. It I delicious taste ba the anatb,lnta parts a mow delightful fragrance lathe brealb. itsaddll attrivallol as • ploaxuu, elfiraeitias; Etiolation, nod -safe dourike. It is warranted 'neula adore tha leetlt,• halts areservetheou - Uy 10.05 It. regales% it Will imam the tartar sad prevent *.ata 'aceoutsaL.oa-v-preven did loolawaX• • streogthea the pas, lad proniat all Omni. of tans ;•_ uhlxxxlxt filtYa!nam, and the clew reitioroisead it a decidedly • auperior to retry thiagwfltiolded in nu— , I,alrfer Sketranthithwapooad Dena Dada Paws, and observe bis notatare ix aurtebedwroruknlt. • 'ReeowtheWed by Dr. Canlo, attl Ilmadwxy, ale of Lest //catkin, and of mast of the old - onablintod noes to the Milled BUS, sod avow; Xteatively axed Pith° Nobility of, Paglaud Fares, bilge pouxtruort of thedinWse.t. Vitiate othalriad • • trite fro= goose dethogemeal..ribt.t..urhabmln% Slick "irginelv 111.6 the C•ths..ut loraindoawo.' "eatiralY obviate.: 'kernels of Mamba ab. arays have' bat al 'lurid, and take trdows whenever they feel tbe least dentagemorii Useir Width. Medi ate= aso . of :here: Loseages Weald pmviut damn& • rotate id JA4YEON 'S. sr Mod and Acur.taTctias,bi Saone wojaadlaa/Va• ced gmainihrir - Pilet, papaw& end roil by S. Id SIM. .. *fame , garnar,Sfatles.,l%., i • • . Afi.-11. S. S./int . -a eonforifity ytemed flinrilet Maas= Wald my lbanbhirkstirarria Ivor oryearlmily adebiatal Liar ,Thls. I hate dental dohs to da-wears, •theriser a they Grethen% aeon, ~ b & sue wean rigid, that go ann.! , Kilos% egtheaway primeratise agape= , nil emehe, boded wax idtha,lom mak latent/lingua yonlireenh hue bantam,' to the pihlle,vad, Mini. . • , I believe they wal earths tbaaall,n as they en Jan what ' yoti repel:titillate to tie , I tun ben alliknid nth L.'.c i.plaiat Rees say wettlif - harp 'Wheel molt, angioyee :may amain phydthr.- Ls whosalpalit math alean; km Is. teethWe beasemandlefd,p4riend,alariato dee* flatten:ls or 6 tides, and I.lyerna apes haunt. :ha ' "-ligles7 I was inleerdtotaiyearLawillb,atillSOON 00P , WILY.. , Or bar ot. welch inoweallondulneina.l.. or pole is tat ar;sad all tar/War aymplark a at Ismi :Mamma , :Year rills are an thabostiallunie lavas* • :Nag lad; trargriping or gain ma th thstmeas .1w Oen. adylat gim ate oa th rein:CA twiny. them is my non "Er S 7 years; sold hundreds of Iragsial bow mar • hmas arc womb* eittml:br ..i...A.! ,16 b...." then, tbenh , Tiny lan oapeteeded)lthast at ewer p ill 111. l in • _. neighboring, and in a than Sane eall.lnenS: UM all. 1 a eanstaly reosassaid- den to .11-p..nes moan physic, whether go , Law criaphartat tallow dation. Leos thar than En "paw &W..._, nthelnesTilL itespret- I /a."). ... - ' W GAtIIIuN , - - as there are other PO,: Vein the wadi newt., Liver , patens ietutirmattwellNUlNStheeld • elk be and ta Et tke nether thin thew prepared.end std by It - /Z. 117.1.41411/1,21a p froitst.betweee Third zed Mural auldbY Dr.essam, Playful, p*gorr,Amithoo mg; ci. E. sau t ra -pear Sin least,Spriag, anAda.. Meg the previous wuner,f,weitionetnY a d stake scrofulous emaplaitsi in (p mlegs, and had bans :the some months ander *eine hyeseirum. They said Oil GUN was ithflat iltellll6 , loi snake! .odd de lair little !ens. $ wee nearly WOO% Ma Imodel • aid of match. could with didicaltY get sham:. MO Tut l perthised or you anassammteest swing Dia. 'TOWS ti.auvatu.z.k. Aller.the deasiftwit bonne, UN eons commenced itealing,sad I laid Map my crOck , mowing only a cane.- 1 dacermid.wichor cane, sad at the end of the feautb,.was&C welled Wenn& ell day in theng sheep.. ,la all, ' , meg tims alas. 'lite seroftda andnetervhsse all healed Wand eines last holower l have _nen o appearancen the duns, Ind ive coatinned, and am now nut moot perfect hula( ' 1 state with csu*lek...botth4d.taiNa• may Mb en carted 'in the Saki. waY, Mat dm Ssisaparilla sold by 100 ItIS been the =ens and the only .. r . of ant, • OURNLIAUS E 09.8 r.1,11401.=i;r1391e3!a1e B A. and retail, try , • . z.. '.. ' cot. Conn P 1•0011 tea,_' &teetotaler tethim • - .11.1atare - r - Cemapanueell • Syrup ad7Traialad Wad (Merry, - VOR 'IIIE CURL: of Coughs, CMOs, Sionchltio, Spit 'JC,- Mac of Inocal,Syreepus, ant all other diseases of Me oryrnmateratingtoPlZMUNAßY consueirnoN. .... • The great and annecedeated success of. this ratea ble medicine, and a desire to disseminate its 'bent him, laduced the proprietors tier: the price at 25 odr butte, thee placing it within the reach •of all. NaNo - tinnily shotthl he without, 0 r ever wilt; .wisen the y ye once . even and appreciated ils almost Instal so. Om In therein oldie abate complaipm, . Containing no =Mender narcotic ingredienio, not Us slightest dan ger or inconvenience run malt from to has. 'Children suffering hoot croup and whooping cough will take it with &veiny, and Ladiminedisto rear, as muter how violent the paroxysm, Kgiren ttecoolmg to directions . For sale by . storekeenrs generally,. to this and 44. janing coadlJes, and vrkoletak and retal by the wee edition.. J T & UJ ILlTTEllanaggiste, . • ulna '. Hi N. Second et, below Vine, Philts.:. wails esuuruii — i.... . • • E ,:roam de' Amanda Antege, the' thee'img Canto ala Rose, for shaving; . ' Almada Cream, • do; • , •. - , • &magas No on Penvlain steed% i . ~ Ettgatit scan bags, perfumed aril& unmade, Aa r. iteuutol ioWdor Palkii Wimp: i:eir Emoomd toilet boars, entairong iragraut craws for the tassalkerchief , 050011 bag,and palm seeps,satt- Petaluma Chinese powderf. ~ . . " Indian regetablehair oil,' •• "!- ''. ~ I • Peseta all, et Caney or anotion Wrappers, Oen semi.. - once' Soap; *. A Nymph.Soapi t ß he om r m P v e el n . .-. _ n Wlbeit nap; Soda soap; togs MGm perfamerw fruit familial; roe= tor Mk h.areed inni • ----7 . 7 E'ateat. Bleep, Illpoldit Tease* . • INViINTEDr-Portha.drdif Ind Permanent -1 , 11 Qua of ItEll.NlA ar EtUrTURE. (Salted .to all eapetleratalmra et this TN= ataralitt in Ike eta! ,Parative as with which it may bewera. ' The 'pad onaid,beintaeally bola:moron opt rite on any Out of It, and tlonettably adapts It= eel atemueot made. by Utti • treUr-r.._ Wain be yam, lathes% intenatraraion„ wad lime io drooled.. The sob , its.betsaare Rade ananipsilests Gotjilut daera ado Vs.., to a stip..n6t 0710,10 • .1a 01104 Ipesa;atid haat die. caw tot sweat tacit ogles, ria. ~Y7,fetiold woo. 15.iralb,YittsbutraL . . . . PITTSBURGH _GAZETTE, - tq,imitut&D.D&lE,y; titiAvy.FA - 104 & witaby 41 the ado*. Boildlop; 36 4:, war CU Pao Clio, LI A1...169-0V *DV U itT 7 10.6110. One iluiertlim of It lines, or 10r5,.1 .. . ..... SO 50 Two iosertiono witnootalterrlioo.,.... .... : . 0 75 ,rte, , 4 4 - - ., ''.; .... ... 1 IXI One Week . , ." • " , 4` .... . . .... 150 - .Two Weeks • ..,` ... 1 " - , .... • ..... 250 . .Thee '''' ' .-•••! - '4 ' .. ;.',... . . ,300 One Month., ;• 44....... GOO .. 4 (5.1 T,ro - Slave .J . : frr Logger ottrerliseoseata.tailool, iVaportiOS. , One sqoare,6 rtiOtdds;vithio6 alltoOks,.. 10 01) ~ "' 12 -0 -- • of -..-t • t- .. 15 IV, 6.lLett ' additionol Inure for 6 m0nth.;..:... . 6 LIO t 10 OU Chie ignite '6inornbs, renewable of Omura, lb 00 4 , 012 5) ou 'Eatii:i4litilizisluparer6T,tt mefi - uiii... - io to . .. f .,... q ...., G m 9.044, in'osbliiiitillearnre, 30W I I Snob nddioon4o sqoaro,6 isuathiy ' 80„ WOOLLY' oil .711-wsistm In , !raw, ?Atrial. I One lopiini.3 insortionr. . , sl 50' oath aildikkill4 , :luill4lles44...r:o ~. sonnisirr cnirial j .4. .-., . the lino 4 or la, &mirror. 4- ~,,,..,. .. . ....... 6 4 o o , •, 44 . 'sir months" -". 4 , 6W .e o "' 'ono year, (laity 6c - weekly, 10 00 . _ 4, ' 44 ... oil month. •• ,l i 4, 000 .. - . . , .. w irrromOriVl 6V w.d rr :Ana. r ee . %)liael,llle,itlse ibierti"i', ... ....so 60, 4 o " - :.',Tbroo aminthr, ' 3 . 00 : r ' . 4 L., " Sit .'' "" .'• f 1....... :c00 .4 "*O . '• • 4 ' 4 '• . 'Noraiii- ...j- 1 ....... - .,0 at.
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