e ; ,~`~} -,;,1: fpoir t hei Livros:es Wen, poor,imd.' thousandg 41.41. 1 *-§.**Piiiiarihe ', Moat spiM4" thorn bumble life, and grew rich by skill, and Si& baktisissr. ThOire' , #‘ol,ei4Cmdexcirit; s plOall*lnitr'cwes, though we ` 4:Mild : always' Wish ttlelloMtaithtto4'Nlarg'4lAtilatiapi. it hi in "r`J.kittitfthe - lionmase 'fiati'trieswbieliivorne '' ~Bo sough pr the oblepioa to countysulWcrip 7 - will SiTor tick. :;,73:4i . :436l4l66;i‘i:.iiiarii,,lndeed.4r a tax 1 49 , ding its yaw; is poorly way. to;!iiMscrestmy men into tkahate of mini; in the end;hientu sca axis banalltar-Stappose Wealthy meawill not Elf, - 7 .J.finthe, - .llll.:ChilXl,, to works of aaiwissitiithlio ‘AO'thei to le ifeitebpd, bat mfiithepituripropoiedl 2 The man-who - would not to rave thOiado ;566 • city or State, orprisapesiti and . Stare taslether, is ccitopelled to vierb.whia,ottteiiriati, receive the - battedta a, while 'shirking A mislay ettbaMinline, in P'llds'lrlaW, is not only a jusi,'but nprddeptial mew Ev too, has anintareit ;':,lira west: ..—an,hiterestnimarding to his mann, And his no v‘'',irding.toniinatians be haus& -Labca wdbe in ,';''pireaterideitidli ;estate will be t;i, Werth more—end prodneemademuch 'rretra vehudde:, - hri' the pioducer and consumer; by &tine hawed nearer to market. The ocanderiAd ;,., 4 tutd,manufacturhag capital will be in distance but the time-in which the light ofthe audited' its 1 '' dilly beirni alma the earth. We ;led he the high business and: pleasure . travel 'between ; 'tale far:-.West sad the far Ewa. Population will' sea with these, wealth, and with Wealth ---- , . m and petple, ore t axpayers, and more means to parrasits:.-Ne "one . wID Seriously feel the affects Ekch.tir*D?p;itild roadWiltaY ,the'inblicii.npier the capital stmaarded, and far _ • ..._ ~ 41 : , . • 2,f •:•:,:: :' ,, r''.. , '" , ' L.•.' •-•.--! .• •; ';',?-;;.;,:,:•....-.•,:',..::;•.-..:* ~i'.••:„V,,i-. 41 , ' • '! . e. ; •::.j . • mom tat. - We bare Imthed 4te thie tieergiee 4t . the texts in 'which it end presdat itsel4 and our that the comity saradd lasi its early and piaared 1 1 7 imbsc 0 4 uga F° III E I F I orthe ...tagatbaitgra am.: this end of dr line. liwiewfreed upon het the gamma of ihis tip terepnlar ham 17th at May. 4 P:A k; y 21 .; ;,. •••In•-• •i ‘ . A- 4 1 0 ' ir .4 ;,•!, ,1 . ••••••-•• , -b.t.w. ',.• ) 4 3 ,;•4.0 *." l • P ^ • ' • 14"•:',1154t..7. ..4z,V • • , • ,11 : • $ .4 • . ~_ ' ' correinctionse of t We Plitsb omit Gazette , '," Utters' gown a o 'em; Assist in. Boum. , pnettnceor :rex Chierysz,-;fic .linvotzmon, . - ..fia te • ' Two &pont of-elm rest I have been •••• Ia the crowd, tea ray blouse and toy broad ,bitch hit trimmed ifthe aide,'waft three feathers, wine, ':.: rd. 'and 'down, end oxinde of dos mime whirs . . (thr;;Aon ark. rro fungi,* &was end plainer like all the "rent. Bound pit neck tworen a ;red. ink andl a back one rowed ..r wane,' in ley Alta a 'Finkel of 14tites, arid; in tny right poeket the Esse oanfedi :Isla the greatest sport in the : wield.' Bach - o`wirid, such $ valley or masks , sadecestuntes,.sach a blaze of beantifcd eftet, mob a lilac( ttow ! ,., tech raining =a ,hailing ©f the Atiroti *fie igiapoetickly' t.oa• acoftai) sorb , nentiddieg and stepping heck .in the dean, crowd ',"bilitylitiOntriig•ynar:toes maw to It jelly by 1 . :-.l hreinbee 'Fbeeit-renit shoaling and laggltiatt , . 4 ,, e.waea , a ecrambilag •atter the towtetti. that out, .t. t . l Tiric: 4ll 4: ta . olg. 4 1 0 the dte4, (rem the ,41 , 1norboye.arbnanats . a basin.= of selling over 1 " ' akidte,the haisow... Ale big= bo by icor ..041#0 , 41110 goebritlce &bay Id play atiwartoge and i....11 11 4ka Nikki= an vain. tie and of the Cerro, ' lhe °T u n? :taiaaa tho sisal bozo'canive to fiiizi . (ocii:lad lbe bait meow twoutteneet .iliiare ' lea treeil the:As. ON* istede, I einat Prewar ra - .t. t Feediekkilia.theilbee / bed thelFetee the PFetel• .. . lettlic t., *thide r cen be zone true and grejohlo -11 *ii.ftheS, -, atheefethaesile• iiireeer ,plitamiat. to amen it hereon the spot: 'fillip the ..' [ . 'dieerii4r9idati . P.WhiYal, whileitto my wawa X. 4 4,:-4. 9 eFethelFeth offigargarerm A 2/ hammed iagpou Ph me Colones - rewarder; iritere,tbe ine .7..ll:ated Witc.phwiar; end. looked op to tie iedioniee ,- , 11411 at gity awl twadeeine ; Pieetwit, I could' - sh rod ,•, It Xiial'aiii*aataiiit; &telt' was th eta, e nsure*. - ..'.'""failiFtb Anemia, aid eeteirtoti the home of AtiOrciinitiivin, Bat , What can be wore tuber 04 0, 4 1 1Fththeldek 4= lard of dourlyraii, !..,. t. 47111111.11110 614 alit 1410 caw II: How I !Altai the rmytipitfid th* hebay,tlWesenardw.tronhi reSf.- il 4*s - .."4 1 rbeftleeedell, ... ..ea. "Wilt, Reew=. ' . .. , ,.....,..watie - poor.watut-thatherlerhse end tide Whitt ...,,... !? 4 .406,:qicht4 istanik"Attidlisids'and-iiillost 'i - ',. ..tri 'swift coop the faded sad drenched ' iaignete . ti 4* ,116 eateaatehicit'etibOdineee coati 4".. - liwit'Nid ~i tbeeetterEesllehawn ha to white hat mad blower -'• : - ::14100ethottet wabotts tinibi t io4 i i ..',. L I,.,4l.6l4ticti'vliniter,-doigitie `near 814 /licit i die ::. tr 4 Ottearitattefer tdenti,n lexy,lonesing . halal irbo ..-eiFifes'o l *thkelaekithdee kete ll o44li4 Fae kqe/4elnaßuP 49K 4 Fee: • , , - .;eftlijiV 1 71.Wat'elielliworiand wet in the cane kb et • • , ~ i lion tomes* ago . pEor bps* [eau tifilimit - off ' .. " . t rdili,:;wl.le,tigoit44lpyp sem* butt if tut tti *44 ' mai pc 'ow: iwn ui;datia. , widobindx ' 4 : 10004 :beck to-let th a % !xiaa t Alka 4 Leada aaak 4', V T . "*OK:pii . ."ri 64116 the bones 14 the of !-- 1- ..4lfinriiiii(tenteially barterer the wtitletr:hee -... .7•lblWilf glattOtedieth:SW two of the days, Geteteli, • , ~r, ,Immoiliol. aka sometime it hat been hid our ilay r. : ; ! , --- , -/axsl3l.3lsw ' ..-York.--Nire have bad iii, winter t6' .; y . .llpietteOrkhoif.iiJia - iii,the'trees'in ism ilai L den 3 . y.a.l.a.thig;iacdl4o4l6ies, ancl.lolel and viokup 4 ' . Wight' the mildest - et that - sewn - which 'Wee ~. .V - ; , ,. ‘ ti,zopic Wad' cold with int, There "i• he ithwit :4 `, --. :- . , , :"FOrlaill 4 ir - "ded e aceir ' t tr i it tr al TW l .-,....,,,,,, caii...1,..a...09444.= :;.t., - - wog, us di crowd wanton grea t &:wand hi, arig t .,Oftiatr Lid F*BY•linottik,nlie '..,- .:4• ' : -; t Apse tad where bees come and gone Mama 1 , c," .. .. - ffisser"Aid I4YerAtftott Joassol so let etWir bow -1 -4 , :-.4 0 1 ,1 %,ad1n this imows ohy. , hrtwdly and Maid, ' • . . - , - List hes Orli 40.7 YOU will bear beftwithb( '4' aosebeiv,rimw es vest area Dom rFeee,-1 WAetall. It'lleFtWa and Louie Philippe' 'Q.:tiled: 4 .th i e r ca ioettle, r :anal ideas openayea 7iFist ' ' '' . ; "*lllo4l . 'Alai /I"D.'Plier iii Irma °a the lad , 44enitention: Naplea Sody, Tneneor gt if 44 3 6; ' • ''. l ' f OeFutheillafththt Dam e *, all ;"" l fif a t i tli the' e;;;llbertil illicit shitaith or. PioNceo t wh i i ' .. .;11': 7 ,14. kkaPilla "ireaCybo -"A 4e ,ii , Ilita . :Fait*. sates vat atingle betwe en the aeon. on* rat freedereouid the"dsagotitita of AliSda• /reeltheemi Illtheil. Meth 2l.B th':Tititi . ,Cianii: . .".';fliis.:ortiiTitt slaak . ksiolif :Wititiiiiw- 41414 , - - .wwiwitag; -- whiihiito totoatiiweietoilw:shia to *two tom, be &at of itarditiFebee, Pe... ~ese foil; pt — Luscened dont Neldeaueteetheed keel k ~. .',: ,: ' i- t :'. \ ' ':-- :\ t , '4: , PSA. 4eeeie4 4 -z i .‘ A--- -k,.4 , -„, - : , ,, , -d i-, ...„.,-,,, •,-, . ~ ~ , •- ..: ~ ~, • '• -,-,-... • +. 3 :' , . - ~ . .: ' ,7". ,..t . .... ..., ,... .-4, - -", . .....-"----- - -. ' 7 .;:.:X... 2-- 1 = 1 , .. , -.---• , --. --,-- -,..i... - ' - ; ' AW4ll ~ , : • 'i ..Al . 'l- 7S , ` rt' ' ' ' ''''''"•. l6% . ,' '''' L.. 7 4;-.;.::;- - :` , : , •....,-1::1,1' ~-; 4 ,17'7•:.-71.7-T'-%.7'7.1':- 71i: 7 7 " 3 '-''' ': : • . l.. : : - r- ..' • - - - , - :. • - I ' •' • ,i. ' ' , . ' 1. • . • . ' .4=*reZ=Zo . ' 1 ' 'lit.'lt. 'l, ... - ''4.;:,::.. •• q:', -. .;•:.:.,„1.„ 1 * ii , ,i ii -.. ...;„ 2 - -kt, , , , , .: ,1114.?,1"....':;*i:!!!..:1!',. ~..l.i , 1•*:•.•11, I .6 4 t..1!•::,1iiii:ii:;.•,,, . '. ,- ,li fl 4;:i . :.: ,:i: • - ;;:i4 , ,: , ,•::4-:- .1 ..... !: :•:. , ;4:—"v• ,4,,.::%4-...;, ~,, , „s , ''S , 4 I 0.::: 4 ...-,x , : ?:,;•:•1 v 4 :*T:44: ; ;.';':.;.!:,;is::4ii,' . ; , to.i . L.Alg,: ;. - ...t: '.. i; 1 4 4 4 . 4::: .; r iti: . t.' . ..,........;:1,1413.• ' • • iti:fairr.,N. ' 4, , , : - - !..:1 ..•:.. '',, * , -- tfT . .ii::.4q.: t'- ... - .' :l . k :'' ' . : • 4 l : . ....,:,•.;',.,1%-.A•:t14,;::...'":' :,~< ~~?~~ ,3i Ig== TER:PITTSBURGH GAZA% === . 111"411alkinczyslacAlwirrn Alnurzejci: Aurimu....lool leebecripdcnisldtbe Amer. Ailed pates Gauge,. Pldisdephis, received ispnic t!, rr 44 • ? frai creriptaise, ad. 714 pti7rlAor illl* P 144 :• , - , POW,C.4I.IELIXTMAISSIC!NEFI, xxickn Lig vira,...a.r es VMS COMM.' . '• Caeuaty !tpsertpt ton ...for. • Rail r ' Ws - • • .see the digestant maniimta in' llneee,AL need ,.tbribe • • • *lief:tot the railroad between Pittsburgh, ad 1 0hiladelphlis And we kat the more .:45tes , at „ it . c . v; 42! the 'rear* that it is pimpled itl'ait aitemtn to prejlidinisihe'pogle 'OCO*) , bolder ofthel ono* :fall the wont eli it the world thiictiand the trr i lLte i s:ptt'ht alliostilesittinidn them Ills MOLE• ; Ifs the very lit, endofalllhe sec- Atom t!viliv*cre4lteire'Cia be area thaw - ; - :',,Nriustir Gtr each .tiokuiii, this *604 be the sir: Gdoiiii.jitstsisnielan:orich as ent#int • dialing and people. - :The eon , man here tietthan as Ili.. rich te'the `....'l . 'Prf( - • • ore'dePende4l = .oaPithi is the Wiwi:lid the ape, and latila tles* , ,egtital lite and . wealth the Other.= poor. man of today to o, is Ne rich • man of to ;"'lrmink* *ld tpit , ...ix;eos ne often clawaiwhen ricks Aske,wlogly *away, and leiretherich thangiold; - tudess one holds jr ethb • miser'ssrasp, yn`andlllfiC'}llmilanrhits'emlaeiible"taaL: -. Mei opc!a_propptypon . rich , zreut, 7sr hiniinsto tbnynnt tieletben the road hairealth the moan Unnatural war In the wail; and it Amides Wi'eacti• o r**.l43r.keieithe, wheeloffortaae mores yekx:itnany should indnigt 4; 1 ,NY ', 4;„ . . Were tines ere Gewerreally pootthen hi the • ooaat7t Tema in almost say othkisr #E4Parid" the fodae= ttooaa pixaMatt• in a state of 7aoob, thoo . .1743i.a. a for tiopiithitai cco a to Lae& evident ' that, narithandidg trines*** bßotrrr :; b i d o s t i..grer higinatraid Sumo* u e meadow:ft w, ji c ipkw . , :zif.Y« Gun •certain whether Chu* AN.' war be .able no • drive the Austrian faiths romy position they have taken up on tie line of Owelition Of Roliticatersim k opened this montane with much flrconcsobat thee With the !Mal impregnable atom of-Hatua t wee „lewd at tight decline upon " w ay': and VeMila on his hue; Raditsky; with effective war 871 to winos, for support, may offer a determined front to hisane. - bin if bo should be driven - aro this Adige do= at. 83, rt 4 the ‘ Merhettime begs. re, vantage, aad is compelled-to wend the droop: a nderpontaapeprencie Of the second through the •Tyrol, the - whole a Lombardy may an of tharpiroes,rheT t eaa n d to g?s ,1 he deemed lost to the nor could she, even by theyetened: -•- • the advance of a second army, ape to regain the thogoonign 'oinow..4swanygniebnook ketproviaces. 'Bat military opinions by wawa= ionr rpeaLinirova limited. d Fireseleaspaper upon- teat la the belief that Hanky - will be so eerily Holland wail in demandoend th e rates were cense. mailed._ • • • • otently Livman bit p oet ; in the ease of Ham. It alleged th al an Austrian party liMithar n it burgh „no, „on , tendency deogewom self Venice,and if he should receive effectual Paris was ra th er higher than =Tuesday. succour from this quarter; or' eves if the Vent.. The letters from the continent .today tfans should not moat his mar, he may well main. contain =thin, of the s li g h test meowed; From ems himself until Austria can send him rent:wee.- ..Paris, the accounts seem to denctiarather More meat. The insturectionery movements 'at 'nevi. eontldence, a diminution in the'arimber . Praia= sound the neighboring ocuary, Whitt, b e , being observable, while at the same tune the dis. cite sided r Westiowd to ll:Maud baloMM which count on the notes of the Bank of Pranoe, which provinces are said ' m have 'declared la La t ta of was lately as moth sa.ll , Was.noni only ebsifficf sod. altogether, the interruption or . - • the lines of communication - with Vienna mot, cent Crown soinonty , Bill b oo b een m i.& _D e . a course, maleriegy lessen RadinAy's chance of ring the discussion, speeches were made by Sir success. , • , , Robert Peal mul Land John Rueseili the substance The Provisional Gournm nt Milan are indeed' of which is thus given: • by nolrumas illusive The; bare assumed flesh, Sir Robert Peel said, he could not afar the b il l 'leaf Central Provision= Governmetit LaMar. to pus without dietineag.avowi!nt.ide epprovid.ef dy,--dispolved - all the kcal hosanna! Govern. its provilioa He thought a right that men who mean, and have invited deputies td regulate's= nod not th e dignity of traitors , should ' be reduced convoke the primary Assemblia Before It o tot= =slam of khan. I-Ic would keep those , be mode as of course the tint object is to expel hogs don': were crooking sedition the marshe s ; the Mariana To acceimplish thin the Napcalans and would not allow them to ruff themselves into are rapidly marching towards Maareirds to join the diroepsions °CUM nobler animals thubellowed the etandard of Charles Albert, and already eon. He warned Mr. O'Connor that those who drew quarters.-::... . • • sidenble bodies of troops have arrived at. head. 100.000 persons together, could not foresee what - The King of Naples Oa published a proclarne. might be the. conapiences. Mice showing that lion „der-faring adhesion to the unity of Italy, , gentleman's declarations of loyalty were not very and invites his subjects it( the Two Sicilia to unior.cifir•,. Untold, that le what heASirltoberB union and concord.; Tuscany furnishes a con. nod . insa nod ‘witoonood lath e h at ten {lays, tingent of 5000 men 'lobo are placed at the die sow p o oof . we , gee d owe . g m . strength,. pond of Charles Adert. •By the• latest' amounts enittgiwa•tinur hand's:if Her Majesty's any. an auk - bad been made • upon Peschien -ernme il nt. He neared to the magrtifieeadettano the Ring of:Sardinia. ,The attack w a s made by sna 'of loyalty - recently madea thartraublis, the:artillery only the gami c ,. w in; ex p ecte d t o indeithorted the Gammon= and l theiXepidature surrender. • to encourage thosOwboweartions India= so - The fauna however, proved too monc, and, admitate..-- He then :referred. to the coalition of atter shamming fire which annoyed the garrison Frazee, land dean= it' to be his fi rm alief that who return ed& welalirectofire, the King, alter a thesectutty of Every Mating goon - meat depend • fruition demand Ear !be arm= to surrender, was ed on angid anion= from .Ilay. interference in compelled to resume the posons we have demi.' i n o - trained.. of that nnootti..; • , • bed. The powdevmagaline.'at a dance !ken the "He hoped that the working eases eitirint Sri- fortress; appears to have been taken, but the Hilo thin would mot he deluded by the doctrines held in nese did not succeed in carrying off the powder. France labor end the wegetoflabon— Some subsequent. letter'''. of tie 15th, from Turin If kwere Int that men,'without Seinen= to their state that Peachiem la actually fallen, b e n . tr i, I •different espalatieastrengtkalcapacities,paglit think - tire airea cortfrnation. ' all to receive the same duly wages, all the expo The Schleswig and Holstein duchies are now dace, ad 'all the lights of the last hundred and the seat of ppen war. We were enabled in oar ay years had existed in vain. - • - • last numr to record the first actual battle which ..-Lordlobe Russell briedy adverted to the differ. a • tabo oplace, which the Danes were va ent members %Aka this hill, which, he heaved, aro. •No fewer than 1400 fell on both sides, be, .. irmild tad much to the security' of tares= of chiding members of the noblest amities in the the calla. then 'referred to the exciting and country.' Tha copier of riudemsere completely hribunatory language 'used .Doblin -and other cut tip, or taken prisoners by Ws Danis. parti of Ireland, awning that it might lead in • In Paella them seems a growiakelia some pia of the countryto online and Mauna PolisloProsaian: provinces would be Via;relinq tion; bat that clamp and that annonatins tleilitla but the uncertanny which yet prevails respecting •be pa , dna because. the Gorenunent had. the the movements Marna, leaves Mane questions ... coo &nog at boar.' In th e loyalty and which virtually affect the political existence of alkethnt of the pwale, and mete knee of the army, Eastern Europe in a state of abeyance. • Finnan whose fidelityliad been most. Holly and systemati. seems proceeding eignmeoly to arm her vast pop. calls!' belied in various ways;lxela utand out of th at elation. Hotta Danish vessels haVe e t i i imeared of Stain and Sari. , - He' then proceeded to state at immediately af nemude, evidently a hostile intentions; but no ter, Easter,lten lanuiroald premed to the disco. intelligence of any atrial act of hostility on the slag' of measures which related' to the ,political seas yet reached ttaattltOtigh we ant in hourly ex. stated' the ash. cop Referring to hirj. actancinefsome intailiglen ce of the hind. No mr. o'Coonell's Laotian ittr . the Repeal of the Dniost:ihe titular changea ha o ccurr ed in Monad or Bel. showed that all the grievances of which Mn Gaut. gium. ' tin onciplained in the Irish Parliament; and Which t remained otaredroned by that Parliament., bad 1 been-redressed by. a Parliament of the Vaned e :declared his readiness to listato any prop. ositibn scourged by,.the great majority of Irish members, baring for .us object the improvement of the . laws and condition ail= country, but by die mai= (if the arice skald be for argument) and by ate (if rat:thine is had to aria) As was' deter niard,es long as aim tress Irentliesei* *Olds; re mawthe betkr Logistatiar Mum. The noble lord then resumed his seat -amid the kind= E==l . . Far the third reading ..,gninat it, - . Majority 255 • The bill was then read a third time and passed, ,amid loud cheers Gm both aides of the_Home. • Fs= framer. sod Smith , . gorepena 'ltater. • - "There has been less excitement In political CU , des daring tkiepast. week, and trade, although not active. has been a little more steady. The trans. , ragtime in Colonial Produce continue Headed. but '_the markets have assumed' a healthier aspe,:t. 7 . Murtha:us are less anxious to realise and to some instances improved , prices . hare. been obtained, particulariy.Mr Sam • Th Cotton market romance quiet, and the. Coro tesinhalessemed a tinum• tone, prices having ad •anied beyond one last gricedimaa The demand Sur all deeeeptionkof.lien is still limited, and pm ces not immved. The Recounts from the 'e..Witt - noppk , lllor.iptiof aeltdirs are rbetanicie'encoaragingra anionstofbusktes is tranancead, mad Acpsenreestertained the, ate long, sice employment wilt beam! urge general The, shuck of money continues to accumulate, and isjpeater than brio= yeses m aria print— The ram of discount is still low, being 3I per cent Lv the ;best Nile On the whole, the prospects in commercial stairs hare- assumed a decidedly bet. ter appearance, and we consider-that there are just grounds to expect that, they. wall contact* to improve • "Elie general tone of the Curti trade has been firmer at all our leading markets daring the week: - The supplies from abused continue limited; and, as there are macron. buyer.in the market, bold era are to recline better'priam dt Mark lA* the mine of F.alash Wheat quoted et 46s is sts per gr,. whilst Canadair' and United Stater ere ,worth 43a to 455. Indian Corn Belk at 2teto 27s per gnarl" 450 lba. Thor demand for ,dniericriaillour is moderate, them ..ng it fair supply Of English grown at that market.. On she 27th United-States realised 25a m 27m and the sameprices were paid fur Canadian. At L t rerpool the trade isles firm. The hatless of Emerge Oren mild (MID tbe 14th 'to 'the 214 include 2272 gra of Vheat , 900 gra ofltar. ley, lied great Brans, 793 qrs. of Ptm,• 3 LW of go &s r= li rle a( ral ladia2 ofue Cbn'. .I.l= *beamed at this motet Cana& What new seileat ta fts tkl. lofts. Id. per ID gat The pricesof Pam ere now quoted a Vs &I to 2738 fa the best Western Caul,' and 274 to 27s lid fur Philadelphia There has teen Woo 4 expildeintunlightdhus Cornkaislwad thMmarkeL" The expects abated° hare xameded 'the import by 8 000 - quartersalming the last week ltrtaite told at 23 to 251 n 6d, rellerw 27a to 25s dd,nid mined 25i to 26i WM: Brearb eats will be in good dinned kw seine tams, as all inviable descriptions of food ere mates, fad l. ens ' , The appeanuee M mum acme b mill mill autoure, eat will seed to keep micas lea me. drone Oar , altiees keel the Cetniaeat mpreseet the mule The it k belle n ppihke. . Sayer market hea maw" and goal qualities weld* melba 00s to it a prospect of higher paces being'. ca. Wiled kir Chime 'mid sad mitia quality, es suck se Dom ie very limitsd supply both ads sad the London maga. .Tbe Algae cilard au spin reeedsek but eldef pest of the - rap** Is exhausted, kis impobakii hasprig, may bisligkk The Hard woe' omit at rifinitsgttira, br Mae WO* apposteki birerarlieit Ones Orden beam been raiiiriddlaistibePlMlXleht halludsups gaikeelly matinees to be mallad by sa matteomb; ssaydapie of asprmakm.,• Yoe Camk Ac K ic os onkel steialreesseg thecaseimirekcettni, ty l i . i ficceebeetacce the. crated ell No AO Milk U 14114 17.**1441.0. ZZOI,4r. ref moreihei Mt throe Jaya ;• • The ampalece leameefel 1111dUlktiv. to' the of savior:mat th e thy Tf - khluebtester; Vititthat Au hot altelttgilres the banal* tenelhe abo , pitoo -' ~ foottkooi r roe **A Falw abort lhem,emplityedisiChcatiou null 41 . 7 *al* Medea' Ali dm; Iwo Oro" teeny 011iisieropkymem, oust meson .work in gshort Max Of the total works Included the ao, blame) preekesip tottwidegkio tame Mae goal ea stmt: I,4l,3 lM r ! a Plt ' l4 ' ; {lea torsi raced; faeladed is the Mia,l,llT bans goat boot fall to ,eart limn, sod ga memo b • tieicase awes* employeum eltiltuir.. Altogether the alma is al- amity nu& easittutekeve Mahal es Araithe 'Woollett_-dleirMeOtTAAAAllkAdill which d mesa tioo more ouimselO4kiioikthooo, wishoorxyepe cpatimutia„, • • ;o *vow Woiliimooo id 'if the mph, cripatudem of the Clatalet ke. Me 9 .. 1 . 3 0444,14 A P9 144, --mlleling hes bees held d Amoem;ke th ee papas oftractiegrkihdegge to Me 'National e,' Sad adopted.- ite' the earoirmat, a aquae% 'dear puldiemeetiotr, about 1000 tenons attained tei - the tiara Five bradred members way estelhal.es Cnidrr *ad Mar Acme ermespeodeme 'Mgt 'Bithatigheas, rapeeace te a supply "015atesileur Witted, it wei amorral, that VA I .birwAt outing kr each member kethaitlx - :The special. senstabicc went binieillmeeMt Thesdicyto,erlibut PPPro• beinciQilli, Win; eatertidiad th at 'the - seeds or the ken would be disturbed . A grad deal d oral -was prevails ta:Wairackshres, ahem, ie muse or lbe orgi 11(46111, pear Coriakr; the.milisab mum expected toltee flai..bildme troops in that Mance were re la *vaster wet= We believe tirreakkay Preemametaken 'but to eemany.- eapeetally in - Ireland, 'attird no jape to the iladdreMed Oaf their **et* be ob. woedby pis fire tr , .4,121. ea Tar earramm The w arttted gaseeelMtamotbe an the cyan.' Arm de c otesteral 4, his alum* orapeet Meats Myr der ormises week's cablkestioe,— .J The heMillei going as In &Akira, nolet and 1 aced teiabinlyiaaterally imam alms ; thireatiot am ~. tratarptical'etariety iet 'Aimed , Away :memo of Mike- dim atitthesxual resume their ordinary pamidiattrie for a Witten to apse. le Tembudy, Cagle* Albion led estsitished bad quasars. awe the lea eammiamt, et Volta, on Owbealid-the letatila pat of the mar kinvertr, pas the left teak - . emus The Courrier fle Ls Sara. of the 13tH, states that Ginhacti of inaulaiirdinition had taken place in the Le 2nd regiment of =boxers, now in. Gairison at Father Locordnire is a candidate for the Cham ber. . The Reforms publishes his diatribes in favor of Moniuttip ha all his sermon. 'The axle at the laboring classes ha and around the neighborhood of Patin becoming dVir more and more distreassing. It !la said that EL Lain Rollin is arranging a plan by which a Imam portion of these tuficatunafir persons will be fanned into • moveable guard mobile, and removed to the Thirty Millions' worth ofcoin have been issued by the Republic. The accoonts received fr m n the deloututents ere becoming every day ream and mare "homing.— Serious disorder* have taken place at Tordoctse, Auxerre, Troyes, Beauvais, Rheims and other places. • r • ' The same keling ipervades many of the towel in the 140 and wont of France. AA Troyes the rioters I . literal!" to prevent the aniVal of the national go Ja r the consequence of which eras an accident by which two persons were killed, It is said that the Provisional Government Is en. gaged In organising atrgers frsorrushi in the men- ty detached • forts which surround Paris. Each krt, it is said, can bilge about 2000 workmen. • Considerable uneasiness is entertained re, 'peeling the movements and designs of the cam- Madill& • 'Li likes calculatar that there am at least one handred 'chills which meet nightly in:Paris. M. de, asteanbread is dangerously :band is not 'espected to surviveCautay days. Th , nryn thin a huge number ammo have, wittun' the WC few days, arrived at Doan, father the Penniman! Goverment hes already began to arm the ganifieations of Paris. It odds, that the ferificatious are to be go:rinsed by the Gaulle Nationale Mobile. On the Ilith Met, Paris mu in a state ot great contusion, in consequence of an attempt made by Ledm Rollin and the communism to upon the Penn:octal government: It appears that on Sit wilily evening, at. the sitting of the Provisional Goverumeat, ray blab :word. anise between the two ponies M. Ledra Baia was peculiarly ea.! ergo e, and was oppoeed by M. Marna. A warm alternated euned, which ended in M. Ledm &din calling AL Munn us lade, which giprobrioos epithet was rerid by allep in the nee. The WNW members then murdered and jprevented farther violence; but M. Ledna &ilia, it is mid, gave .the snot d'ordze forthe'display of physics I new: Accordingly, on Eienulaymonung the Boo luau& and sweets were crowded with penes. Pious, waking thew way towards the Champ de Man, kit it wits ant' until innards twoo'oloa.. Out thealurn was taken by the Govenaseat At that kw the repel began to ' the Mope were dated, cad a mum' mune seised upon the pith. .The stelenthly of Oliennir in the Champ der Mars mounted to upward* of 40,1100 men. The national guard and the ambits timed 0111 under stinswhen the wiebest,ead have show* the best deviate= words the peorbeema/ government. They occupied lbewholitscpunt of the good de Tille, the Bonne, the mildews tithe and the various gnat, beAdiame They • =dee 8111111 411 mitt. The anyeilii,iiiiemg is, that eras it was meted that tbriNnicratOnarde wers out in glut anatbars, ihey . thught it adeiss tie to mooed tt ac"*. upon , there mu.atitaally sa ammo made to depose the moderate member m the Peo .eisimeal Gonanume, which was rendered ago , thre by the 'Amor Of M. de Immune^ Y. 011, bet went he - the Elatat de rhle and'demsaded We:view with the Pnricierel,Govesument. .Lerantreerse th eonlyierwlio geared tdat. Calm decliked that. the Pantitiout Goottureet had betrayed the aim of the pimple; that it was seaway, and that ttabot.Aecou He the. banded a hat of these wlioShoehl Aire the -P A rri ikoat Oileftweing, sad declass!, wee* not rooted, the people then es In the Champ de Wm; weld touch ou the Heel ds VON aed erect byebtme; what they !'. o Ped aid be Unwed bYeugulebteMasiel, WM was youraii to mate ease (entries. marks, when M. Lamaist• hint, doles log dub° was traitor th.e an d be mould rot UMtn to bias: that ' 31 .4* LiansOkie hestiediatelfleif the nom, ead .der conmare with bf.ifiream, AL 2 noses, nod eons other members area Government, Lamed an mkt kr ihrs. wrest of IIL-Gbicitt that Memo Awl porkier* len the Hold de VVflJi.. it hfig44 burarin, that be,wa.,tdwn at a hue hoer is the oven* and that bets sow in custody. !. A petition Inas been eireadatml szscßobs 0403* al paniewhish Age bare gettommaly Wood ray.' lag the Pll3llllOWa Grooming to being the lat in".Pa back Par !' ,.l3'the teig IP!'?414" at At a: meeting at dikitab,kaaday ar:stag, Blauqul denounced the .Natioaal Guards Isa "• Bohn Unmeant. the 'tiztertlicApyoired milincaters to•eogie loan gnia= *theta:* . thletrethee clubs, wborulvouted the stmerynbet Pula emu thrown Into ii .6a plaint on Timidity uontlig by the ' , oftener soul' 'newel* of the rand tweed met,. aid eowLgisd" pool* egad inar ete they me e =rmbete teml gen dab*, when eague of the alert. was inforniathas Manger. ell by the floorament that the Hoed de. lle the Vessel, and the bank wen at by the eau muerte =Monday night. • , , 'was mewled isoasal iT tai nutt lk4 Tit Fres& any MO tech erns d with vs .aped to-ships and Wen, that Pnevisioaal Gov. minermig is net In a perlioti to emir my' Aenene. .etnekag aloof. . It Is also kited that the tgoa de JaLrlge le to be Mfeesit the; command !be Ihaaab dear. Tn. kar.i.ei.mauxouidii ilia bowie* hen been tented by the Provieladid Goirsoment fistssids the delays mid Malin fur having all NG, =due, &Maher docententaterier be nampodorite, end hmiditite theme dew, le. HapMea.ea the Art and snood sections of the genes[ emit of tithe retina, "NOW the thous neminty of *Molar at tdamonteat amps that welsh on the suite • The ego a Gin." ramble . 1 tw Y continues to nliita . la. , emeof sauetry sad . It would bag neettksa task io atanattatts causes mai taaideata at do prestiat distartitaass Tbe Coke Guar, of . the 13tb :Aka, quotes a kutter ept from :be Bream Oise' tie of ; bpi' tram eller, to Mkt; bo says k that tho mom= of, re immures: lithe troops aye tmemeht and comne The Goverment Is • same* me* pontble messesti of deface; 'SS with see litearsom The refeimmipit : model .E 7 Poterie Paikiewitieb huts striml, vie is of Pm the lowers' clomp s!slo kbythloya, amity Mesa moire It. : . Tossm—Adyices Dom Poses at ruelOiltatias flat the moelemaloeof amend Villasoo ha. *NMI ert„W :he Poke or Gen.. dt" Woorreo„ • " actiedi;l3ogcnr4 the Poleihmkeiteted eraieneh me*,ind have concentrated there I.l=iniped ,putOttlteir artwv if Wilt* the they ate 1 0))00itratug * _Thesamateriato Uptown that, anaemia ha vi ect itad eff, a arcing forceng has been ,1 3,i5ratehed wittztot theinnuweativ wait Cannons and 4 howitzers The force hes been ordered to &I int:aqui:don with /he Uncips fainting the second corps ante army, and to retake by &roe all the towns occupied by the inanimate,. * The attack was to eommease ion the I Oth, uileas the insurgents should capittdateatid lay doing ther arm% / 4 3171L1. Great apprehentiont went eineruined in Vienna, iu consequence of a meeting of operatives, which was to have been held on Sunday. The news of the rid' iculous failure of tho Chartist attempt in London, mired at Vienna on Saturday, and No in. spired the burghers i rompatina - b*national guard that they turned out in such force as to render any attempt hopeless on the pan ef the alteratives 1 0 create an emente. , The haws of the new Austrian constitution has Jun been published. It Use Altura --• "Ail tlur provinces aro constituted Winona 634, with the , xception of Hungary, Croatia, Sclavonla, i Srebetibeiger, and far the present the Italian pray. nms., The division of the empire shall remain aa it existent present The person of the Emperor is lured and inviolable. The Emperor haafull pow er over the land and sea Sams, and. the rigid or nuking war or peace. - Treaties of every d i p with Foreign' Powers can only_be rude with the sanction the two Howes of Puna. meat. , The attethide of mercy and the right of bestow ing rewards belong to the Emperor. but th e CUM I not be extended to the Ministers without the sane tam of Parliament The laws are to be adenthie. ed publicly inypen courts byterbal pleadings, lad trial toles bypiry. The judger wilr be appointed he life. All Jewels of laws are toThopropoted as well as lanebom e d by thp Emperor. The Emperor' will usemble the Parbainent annually, and be mast call -them together at sestet] intervals: He hu the right to prorogue end direolre them. Free dom of religion . , speech, the press, petition and public meeting, is grained to every citizen, subject to form lawn Entire liberty of conscience and refigion, The freeexereise °irreligious worship is accorded to allUtotstains and. Jews. All citizens are equal In the eye of the kw, and everycitizen shall hp tried bilis peers. The res. ponsilulity of theMuditera will be regulated Li th e Diet.. The Legislative er irthe - buds of the Emperor and the Duet. T w o Houses of Par. fitment are to be constituted_ _ The qualificationi for Members of the Upper Emma 'are bath and large leaded property, arid they are to be nomina. ted by the Emperpr.- - Members •of the lower HOl l / 6 ate to be chosen horn all clause, ia order Warevery interest may he represented. The two Houses have the power to project laws and re eeitre petihoaa • All lawn replies the sanction of both Houses, particularly those relating to the ex penditure, taxation, fmanee, end the sale of public property. A law will be flamed for the organize. don of the national guard. The Liw of election is only provisional, and will be settled by the Lea Parliament Amendments of the Qmstarmee can • only be proposed by the Diet." The AustrianGovan. meat has ordered the Jesuits to quit lints. .This step has given populeralde sunisfactie., een to, the Homan Catholic ation. Advices hare been received (min Vienna to the 13th inst. Olathe 10th imr., the Emperor pro. ceeded to Pemba% is order to close the session of the Hungarian Diet, bat returned on the fallowing me dissatilfachen is expensed -at the delay of the Austrian Government to bring inward a scheme the the &annum of a- repsesentative es. - • irunricnex.• Roams: ll.inair x•r" 12th, 11348.. The k•llowiag letter la armed for' e. gekbutce of the several public bodies; societies, trades, pro_ Imams, Emmen, million/nod cilium that propose to join in the obsequies to Le awarded to the gal. late dead on Friday the lab of May:, • The Rev. Clergy, Physicians, Pall.Pearers and kindled of the deceased, will assemble at the rod. 'dame of Dr. Joseph P. Geakini on Otis Street, precisely at 11 o'clock, A. M. • •The Moms and Soldters the Revolution, of the War, of 1612-15, and of die present,Meikur War, will meat as the Atheneum buildings on Land! Street, at 11 o'clock A.M. The Military escort. avio Archon , Quait. ble Leerily nod , Trade Amociations, :Profess o r s and Students of Institutions of leen:eel. Judges .of the Courts of Law and their OiEemu,' Members of the Bar, Firemen, Citizens and qpreported or. mantic:es, will meet on lAiertrSL the right on Pitt Street at 11 o'clock, A. Atrium. whence under the direction of the Chief Marshall and his Awls tants, they will vd to Trinity Church in which the Abodesi will previously.placed. e rece bonen: of the Military, the puree:6m will take up its march in the following Mi — litary — &cat tinder the command or Colonel Flllith Previa°. White's Military Band, bathe open conveyance of association. ! Committee of Arrangemerni, 'on Lax Orator a the Day and Onlciann4,Clergymeri. Pali BMW. ft •I • PaZ Ikarna. • Geo. Wm. Wallas, j Gen: lotto Neal, Gee. Roth. Orr, D . Gen. John Cot Ii , giGen. Ina Watson, • Detachamat - Soldiers, as Carieref'• • Ourieges far Ilse Relathm s of the deceased. Pal Bearers. Z' • Pal Barri Capt. J. Ilinangharn. Cept John R. WILL Capt.WroJd'Candless, CaptaGeo. S. 'Wilkins; I LlcatJ.2.lll.Cromianci:' Probe 1 D"is, Capt. Alex. Bay, 1- • • IF. G. Ray, • Detatchment U. Saldiers, as curia% Cartage with feta of deceased. Pa Beam, Paf Bearers. Members add Grays, Fa, Sfeothers of old Grail% I Copt. P. N. Gothrie„ z:,., Writ.AV: Globs* Jew Womiwell, • • }' o Er Eccles Robinson, Wm. Stocktim, =Wm B. Mowry; Alex. ?ladle, ' Ater. Wthingtwd, Detachment U.S. Saldim. taverna*. Carriage with relations of deceased.- Oaken and withers wbnhave: served their wow 7'l.iry in the field, as meitrners, in =mimes. Mmonio Fraternity. • i• - Judges of the United Stairs and State Cciorts. Members of the Bar. • Odd Fellows' Association. , . •.. Professors and Students of the different Tv ! ..40. ell Seminaries Framlly and .Students of the Western linirentity... Faculty and Students of Dthemane College. Litenuy Asiociatiqua . • Beneficial Societie* MethartinAssociations. Ma* Mid Councils of city of Pittsburgh, Mayor and Councils of Allimbeity. ,• Burgess and Connell of Lawrenceville. , fillfeall and Coaaml of Birmirigharn. thansme &IA Council of Manchester. ,7 • Odleeraof the Fire Departmet, comprising the Firemea's Ass icsa ociat G l iu threitise end neighboring bomegta, and • cutlet:hod companies. • ' • Scathuths prbnate cilium' to the Committee of Anad j gerneola t aid who may report their , dont' to is 7 Cinema,. on thot. • Ankara Aferta:TieTt Monitors, Ilene* IL Blddln , William i.Fer*Atezander Fob tett- Mary 21. Sieerzw. _pow, Gov ti Rey; John C. Dana, W. t 0 ,., ame . J Park,Pankas, lobar. per, I, IL Kam Junes • McKibben. Jean' Waite., Ed. Gregg. - Cm* Ma D. r, Wm. n - Unbent, mew prow at bdur arl2 A. id, at inaction or Laid tkeyi strewi, to rewire the ordeal at thit. iU pinvons, weletha, the; lurked to parteardat la the ' careateniesi , nopsited to 4014 answer% NON idetspit dvon thal Mel • with the eases et lair *NU Mame& and . Leen, Quit the mgratimirmay b• rewired- me Jilts tawny row 21Invereire dike Chiller, mill be op Meth le lkwithiedd, tdonsendthlialif weer, down Wawa to Wood, vp Wood $0 Sauk doing Youth. olost=feora. sod op 'Pas to 4.lF—ppionOt the waits ate netuineed to Vierliad osoomooitTMd V i the paimege of a* procession, 11111 i lilt 11.191:1064 wed to mkt arwirdlag sweetiabore vented with haves au einiarte ken 1 to l elelook. "ThelAtheidiet aid Ike Campania waited' the* Whoa= 10 w 2 ob-kiek. The wintinandaw 'of awe* in Pen haws dY vented their Law to be kept at hid( MIA The dig at the U. th'Avoetial, by order of It COI. Crairostilf 54 100 *ant to Wham on • wind of *co* et Lawrenceville and. int Uwe tuttfr the wawa an* kkia a rs &Wei ientieinen. o :v 2 P:ell. -- 00 eo l o' '' m Adam ar anzarwent will meat Chard( at 20 ebbe* A. EL at the Mit or • Jobs W. Arbil 1 1 , anthrlit; name; iv, lobs nimbi, R. 41, klatti,_ W. Lk Tilit Rev Idlehael loam, Mowry, j. W. Biddy A.ll.',ZAWave, Jobe , Cidolof,o3. Zootas o. Josiph.BOWftbiai, Aft -41111 f - a. It to hoped the no invited body w O l be iiinept e. io /mod end that ell ' *in view 164 order. a a willt dent fairlaulde. _ -IS/I ' l 4'"/ LASIM. CY*FM4'4U4 . , Tam lAMB I,7 aTz — Thepubdo g ap says :•••• Tie travel by olden& i;we 941 a aptfog by hole lerpt Bubb . remit*: We era heiabled abs Attica tad Wined company fin abs followher 4 idesettetoboortaithe number ofthrougi Bed war Itereelepos nee passed over the road is lbe month orApril, tbeT, tampered erith the no* ber that eased aver dpNoy t e lam. Y 41,111 the =l,, yes--" -r ill 44 1818 Pwrietbeen , 917, mu''' • We must not ibmet llostio pennon an, put Anrwacd from ClutuinatiOmd 'w• mast bins ogrmilk,do, hAtiritlF mto 41,,t Mem Leek Pasucciffmr Toss.—A breakfiat musla "n l s9 o l ll 94 l dia,Now Yf ok'Osi / 41 4143? hi% Si_kimek,bpdal.fillai E de Ba / 1 "" fnuk 'b7lliii to weir Toslo, U map cons of milk as s lap steamboat ma camp Iflio mamma of milk fomisbedover lislikiemod tamale Mao SIM pat mos of Ur CClMUlptiogi of dmi city. ClizosW Conapoodatto of the Pitubsfilk palette; CANGZUCJIL , V 7 aahington, May 10, ISIS. _Sr:urn—Upon IpOttoo CCM% Wei6lo, the bal for the relief of setiters in Florida, under the armed oceoliaticin stet, Narali taken up, and illeVionte . de bate, paned. Mr Reser* Johnson's 11 :10111601:1, fishing the President In ininto the Senate respecting the n om. inatioiss withheld, was calledup again, and an able speech made in its defence; by the Inner in reply to tbis speech of McAllen. Whhcart conch. dine, the morning basinew inn laid aside and the Yucatan bill celled up. Mr Coal addressed the Senate at ena* in sup post, of the bill, in reply to Mr Nllea Mr awls of Efamachuseme, has ibelloor tipm ,this question Mummy. The Senate then went into F+utiie Seniors until the adhamtnieht. Li'Mtc llarasacrrartra—Tbe relegation .to let oilithis binding of Congress by contract, was taken - up and tsfetre,i to the committee on ac. The Mouse then went into cornmittse or the Whole, Mr Cobb in the chair, and 'yawned the vie cession of the Irmo:nude bilL ; Mr Dickinson ob. tamed the flow and spoke at length_in fiver of its passage. The debate was co:whined' by Mews. Cohmer, Morie, Tweedy, Al Cletuandi Jones of Tennessee, end Smith of Indiana. Thileommittee then' rose and repotted the With amendments, tad adjourned. • Washington, May 11,•laiS. Surats—Mr. Johnson's resolution in relation to delerred appointments, was ended up and postpon ed until loonier:ow, The Yucatan bill was then called up anddelss. • ted by Mr. Davin; who was succeeded hy Mr Cal. hone, sv so has the floor tomorrow, Adjoumed. . Limns' up uO i tzrm—ple_WCMl A elerl same debate, was talcen up. Mr SoceCk of Virginia, addressed the Reuse n t. on a motion to reconsider the bill, mutating the compensation of pristment ers , and optioned the amendments ma ! ip in the Senate. He thought t h e Putesitsitirs should have nit lamina rather then be curtailed. 'The motion to reconsider was knit, and the bill referred to the committee on Post ofil. =lsland toads. • Upon motion of Mr. Vinton; the Roue went into committee of the Whole, upon the revelation ary pension bilL Mr Rockwell of connectiouto Spoke wortrily In its defence, and injustifictiticta of a ismer .speceb, ill which he exposed the bluit den of the Secretary of the Treasury. He also brought new &Ines against tutu, of errors; Ufa( ing the utichers to proms his position. The abject wu further debated by Meisel Strong, Vitas, Sawyer, and several amendments were offered, but the committee rose without se thin and adjourned. • Correapoadfmev3g, Pltuburgb °ague: Thaswered Pallare er qui Indianan State Musk glee Trues Aitarnsos, (la.) May 11,164& Your dispatch Jost received beings the List audio's of the rumor of the failure of the Bind! Of Indiana. There is not the slightest Annadaticui far it. - The Diwctors of the State Board mei st dianspolis on Atonilay—oll the branches were del resented, and every thing is fa good condition. Yours, dec. S AL ISCIORB. IWse Cvnvvevadence of the rinthetelt Gazette PHILADELPHIA MARKET. . Philadelphia, May 11, ISIS. Flour—Saks of 200 bat Western, at 52,931 g bb; and 200 bbla at 50.9- bbl. 'The market at the cloie was Son. Cotton Has' advanced le per ID iv fine grades. • • Coro Meal—Saks of 1503 Ms at 52,25, sad o 300 at 2,331 c WA Grain—Saks of prime red wheat at 1,40 4 , bu, skriply limited. Thep: is more thing in cosai-and the market has so upward tendency. Other grains as before Sales 3300 bu prime! white &one at 3101324pbu. ).'rovisicuts—Thera is no activity in say deli. «f; quotations are steady. Soled western 2 o 1 mesa park at 510,23 f bbl. Bacon—Sides or tiv'estain shoulders at 3 /031: or aides at !lei, and or hams at -3 107/e as in quality. Whiskay:.—sales at 23e 'stall Cornmuma a the: 13mxtlioac, May 11;1513 lflotur—Sales of . 1.1 9 brands at 5 ,73 0.44 per bo*l. (tin—The market u without clangs. provisioaa—l hear of eery little doing toe. Tat. Western No I Mess Pork is. betel at 810, end areetens prime peek B,Z per Lb'. Saane—sale s of western eared should:rest 4e; of aides as 6c pee Lard--Sale's of Balliniore reriderinl at Ile per Pound. Wfaskey—Salee at 23c per gall. cummr,..4... of the Pittsbonft Gums. NEW FORK MARKET, New. York, tday 11, 1849. Flour—There is but a moderate quanta, °Ser, ieg,uhieh rouses a quiet market, but the &mead iatrood. Twain—Raiders of wheat are very dna, sad buyers do uot meet them. Corn and Caber grains are in ready deemed at previous ivei The de• mead Go eons is steady, but oats are dal _Every thing realties firm, but owing to the broiled sur plies, operation% are light.. Provisions—There is less movereset in pork, the marbOl being heavy. Beef reel:wins firm at kw. ober •quotations.• • CINCINNATI MARK CM.4..INATI, May 11, 6r. !WEL Ptour—Sales at $1,50 per Mk the market is seedy but lux active. Whiskey—Sales at 14.10 per tall, Cheese—Um 500 bas at Ye per.B. Suaar—Sahas tt fair, at 4e. Salm of cots. mask, Gtr at auctioo, at 3 1011, to the seleeet °i• 106 ills. Baeoa 7 -Bales of sides at 3, Mine, and ofIOKI kb& abmilders at 2, 2111710 per lb, all picked Balk nceat--Sales 4000 pea balk meat, at bike sides, and 2e Sr shoulder*. ST. LOL'LS MARKET,• Sr. boat,ay 11, 6 r. at. • of dew ira at 174106 per ion. • •ar—Clattee country 37{ cts per . bbl. Illbeat—Selea . :of prime white at 750%, qa pm bagel, exclusive of sacks. Bacot—Sattre at bag mead el 3 cta per lb. 140—Nothing doing In thin Wide. - .ds are held at IA 25 The rivet Is Bto9 in guicipuutitl. Freights sin and Now Orleans beau we *wring the Laeal Eutear of Juni Q., Apaaa.—The l3Letb Ward School room was 4011 Slid led evening, heir ttio'cia!otry Orpooneeed by. .11actee Dreekettridee upon the life and character of the eminent Imes. 61114 acd WM. Moreno. mama ltimemmaiVe have received from the editor and proprietor, Mr Samuel Frew the ant No. phi iiew3Feekly with the above UM; • -.• It is a Tery spirited piper, and devoted to all dig can be of Intend to Pittaburgb4 The typostrsp.l. cal enameled is very neat, Ltd the Ideemenser bids fair to base • pleasant and prosperous voyage. A,ovotiart—This old establikbel pope, Las been enlarged, end is now one of the largest, as it has ever been one of the ablest of re bgions paper. , . Ilfarna—M Maunder, one of the cleverest Or the Magicians, will giveMs ckciog notensiatneol, at the Athentehm, b toonow olght-' 7- • •• Mr luomrsoN, M. *mu the • Erie DisWici, in towo and will Temkin fora Asvr days. Enarm Fousturr, the American Tragedian, will appear lit the Piflaburgh Theldro oa Monday night, la a farewell engagement. ; - • News Ileum • Patunsnoste amter.—Potir. steamboats were bunted it St. Loots on the 10th. ' _The Women were the Mary; 'Alieseuri Mall and the Lightfoot. The dm broke oat on the She Ws! out feared. The boats ireft ell empty. The loos is probidny not leis than 630,000. The Maly Was not totally destroyed.-Jerninal. &liner:to noirarm.--The Washingliti oases: pendent of the Philadelphia Americas iwye:-.• The anemias of the mortality of ` 'nay In Alegko,lue frightful. it 14 stated upon the author , sty er Gem Triggs, as 1 am Infonned, dal death* amonot l a regiment entoeth, and ilds:le only si t e opening order vomits' season orialber of the time when its 111Tgel begin to he action& The Semite of Coanectioit has eppropriated 610,000 the the estshinduswet of two agricultural schools. RAPH. wth c . ..... blarebrof/iteMeade "ThisH,MirsMdelireit Tee4-Pressc'States thittai - 'iielity.tooningthe, aims' inter _neigh . of thernesidepee of Mr: Chides Greer, on — Ildlr; wile inested Imeis their skin:Pim by the ee Of file, - ZllO Cu resehiciit the trtsot pond *riddance, of bdr., Greer spesped 10 dames,. d the bodies' of Mr. and Mrs. Greekstretched o the bed and beret toe muter! It is summed thlst UP old couple hod been murdered in their some demon in ho msn tem, in order to tsetse! of Mr. G's menet', and that Viacom tiir the robbery, to cover over the villainyibad- tqm to the haulm , . QT hes shoisld never ' he - 4mi= lirlano's Vormifams. At this - meson prenhirly, when worms are so troublesome and to fre quently fatal among chil dren, parents should he watchful, and on the lint ap- FORM et ofthose distressing symptoras which owe am of the presence of worms, at - twee apply' a powerfkd and eileacious remedy. This rectinie we can now confidentsupply t .. that it olt_neuires . a WO to eon . .reem e s e la .j v i i :1%1 rasft "d l. 174 :11thaenr:frlti that 17:,l! anus of certificates mirrht be prodneed. showing its Seat medical virtues. For sale, at the Drug Fiore of J KIDD*. Co, CO lewd street • sayfi . Tag Frscm 111 <leittinG14 which the citizens aro respectfully invited to wad Into the Procesaion,on Friday, will tenet on Wood xtrect,below. Sixth, right mating on Sixth, at 10. A. 34. . • , WAL LAI2IIIIEI4 Jr Ctiief Tong ITOnees w ALtroutvi.Cocars-1 respectful ly offer myself - us u candidate for Clerk if the Coon of • ltuarter Ile.rions, kr., of Allegheny cotinty, subject to the deathion of the epproechlne Democning Whig Con vention. If I should he on fortune es. lta. obtath the majority' of your suffrages, •my endeavor shall be to dthslokrge the duties of the °Mee with fidelity. mythithkertf • • ' LEWIS YOUNG. John Wise,' tr, Michael Wise, William'Merlin'. .Imy ,b and Berlasu i. hie wife, late . 14 4 al siVl4 . o th urn right, George Lightnet and Het. ty his wife, late Betty Wise, in, right of the staid Getty, Isaac Wisc;Andiew Wise endbfahaln Wise, canon; under the age of I fourteen' years, guar- dim, Isaac Wise, &Also ingsdust Isaac Wise.. , Allegheny boemtllrs sa. „ Trak: Cipsairmunrealth of Pennsylvania, bdthe Sheriff of said county, Greeting; If John Who make you secure of presenting bis claim, then we commandyou that you summon by Pod and lawful mustmonan, hlichael Croy and Barbara his voile, lona Wuhan Wise, in the right of the said Barbara and also to his wisp right, George Lightner and Hedy his wife, late Betty Willa, m right of the said Reny and against Andrew 'Witte, Dun Wise end Mahala %Visa minors, underl gm age of gausteen years, by their guardian Isau Wise, and also against Isaac Wise, Into of your Causal; so that they be and appear before oar Judges at Pinstlargh,su one District Coon then to be held, the 4th Monday , of July next, to show wherefore, whereas ihey;the raid John Wise and the aforesaid Michael Wise, William blerhilitny and Barbara his wife, late Barbera Wise, in right of said Barbara and also in town s o ngitt, George Lash's:ter and Hotly hii wife, late Henj , Wise, ' in Hen ofeaid Hefty and ageism Andreur Whip, hale Wise and Idabel& Wise, nunors under the goof four teen year., by their guardian halm Wise, end 'also against hale Wise, together and undivided ddhole ate' that regain tract of land situate' In Shale; tdwnship, (formerly .1t0...) Allegheny eountY, Pa boutided by lands of the heirs of Andrew Wible heirs of Daniel Wise, heirs °Montanan reticent, ho d heirs oflacob Wise, containing three •hutalred and nineteen acres, more octets, the same Michael Wise, Wplitim -hle- Philisay and Barbara his with late Barbara Wise, in -1 right of the said Barbara and aloe ' his rnVii George Lightner and Ilitty his wife, toe Betty Wise, in right at the said Betty land seeing Andre* Whs.. loan Wise and Maltala Wise, minors under* ass of.. fourteen years, by their gsterdian Isnee.Wise, Ind also Lasagt Duo Wise, pavilion Unroof beterte,n. to nutde. (according to the laws and the noncom of this Conunansreslth, in each case mode and provideild do gainsay, sad the saran to bedew do not permit very unju st .l44 ly, te. and against the Yams e larva end clistopia Out it 40 And hare your then and Wens the names of thous i1{0410.1.• and this writ. Witness the 110n. , ,11. Rep. hirer Esq, Presiding of our said Court at,,pitt s bursh, thhinth day of May, A. D.;1811. - - mu= nu= ths y. All parties interested will take notiee of the above • JOUN Fonsirrn, • Plimsaire Orme, • Sberlb ~,,.I Pittsburgh, May 11,1'6434 • myletWQ.9 thMa A. Honore,Ms the Judger of the Court of Geo. ml Qiearler Setasoneof the Tense, in end for flee County of.rillegheny. H 1.3 petotion of Haar k Gomm* of tie Third / i Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, in the orintity afoot. d. huskily shaten,that your pettiouers hove mei ded theauelves with =tonal, for the accommodation of to and others, a Melt dwelling hourt, in the W -aforesaid. and pray that your know will be pie dlOvent them it been.° to keep a Pnblje /loose of ' nruntuent. ' And your I petitioner, , sot in duty' 1 d, will pray. c. the subscribers, titivate of the Fifth Want, do eerpfydbat fie above petitioner* are of good impede for bonsty and temperate', and are well provided wilt boom men and conanienees for the acecamodation and lodging of stranger* and travelers, and Shot said avert, is raceway. T. Faitman, J. McMaster, Jr J. McGann, J. Montuoth, R. More, Ales, liinc, • i - W. Mackby, A. Holstein, , W. Gilmore, W. 13 Has, _D IL- Sutton Jean Miller. myttk..loo . _ BrIlag; Bailderi. SEALED PM/PIMA!, wilt toc received Its Mace null neon of Saturday, WM inst., for the erection Rethree Bridges antEobutsonts Run, In Fogette and ilansoa townships. I Stone work to be bid tor by The perch. and wood work by the foot lineal. on and speciecatuans to be seen at the office on Monday next. JOHN APDOWao ./.. ' JOSEPH T. AlARlis, rs . . THOMAS PERKINS, ' rme Coon Coormoungtre Ovine, •.• : Mayll, MR arylßottOwle3 TTEAVIIEDIA WAST ; . /16 School Directors otioannown. ED. Catalina court. ty, wish to - employ • Male Teacher, IMMO per .nsantth soda Female Teacher at per month, qua& fied to take time of the Clrscontar Schools of the lb- - Diet: . An asamation • of applicants boll on. the Is , the attach, will casonance on lie eth of Jana rent, to commoe eight month. Application may be real, !Inuit, pow paid, to C. W. DUOTETT, Press. Went ti N. D. Johnnorro. coy ItedtJhrit•S ang Lats. • fARIE subscri Che at.ber Da mtl a G tprivate eale Seventy Four Doiidiot; Lotion the Ohio river... They tire shutt le the First Ward of the city o(Atlegbennftantlog on the Ohio river, about ImentyMilltites web Root the Pittsburgh market bottle, and are more advarnag. eon. ly situated for pleasant residence than stag other lots amir In the masktt. .For partmalars, apply tribe sub. actiber o, the pteirdses. • _ .• JAMESSPRCIAT, rayldlilse. •• • Rebecca wee; ARegMeny_ DRESS GOODS—Received per Fatness, it A A tame k. Co 's CO market street, the taosi tate/ti aras &moment of Dmse Goods to be retard in Mir city, contgrrising 11.1.isow wrist, meant') hapset, nll4 ICLi DIMS GOODS—A -A Mar. a. Cq IND mo tel street, Jaye rre'll per exports, = pa 'pt rich bit and colored S il t. - r.p2 L ...., AULD 011,-01) bills No 1 Lad OD:12 do N. g do do; Pot b nevi yell and 6r Nab by - l , • BgLLERS k. NICOLE. .__ .... _ No 1 Miring; 10 do . 813.1; ME reel and:for solo by mylt SELLI.RS k NIC9LS A.GOOD Family Maw. kr saddle or Ilarneis, for We by 1.103 . J S DI4IITURTI.k94 as t "UP CARD . SODA — IAd IDs Faitliab jest rerid aed A 7 for oilo, by 11A FAIINIZTOCK k. C 4, ear In and woad s».- - -- - nu_rftrorci_apa-gm, on_!rlddiurzlvistttee`d U - -•-- - ACE GINGEII.-3 bags inn reed and for ills by ntyLi • • 1.1 A FAUSEIITOCK kV* - IT. LAxnyoort-43 cuu swoniv,..jus, rettived and for b • -A A PAIINESTOCK & , . sale Ic , u)-130. NO, b.tit,oo LrrAf , itorr an4 L for _Li by • 11-1311UNOTe • Tirvies-4o cuks and 20,:ind'bbls Pon, Siteel o TT ry 111**Cirtilti Illt,Te'ef:rhid"nruTotig' ac=datiny terute.by nlytt •- W 111 1TCHELTREE.. %Mb liberty lit 1011LO6 AN iL D OIINGE R blorpby)tai jUll jut rectetred da addhloual sandy of .fine Engiteb. Moe and Oruro Nowt also,' blue and brown do, doe quality, for Itte cents per yord: • pyIS DTINFT RI/Mc/Ng/ 7 - ' R faurybillts just rcee'd by =Mee t 101 or steer and haudeoute Rabbcno, (ram 1111 to 37 cents. BACON—ItaIyXO Re How, Rides and Rbomde In emote boom foe sede by • • • -toll ROBISON - 7k Ctl Staut—lts blids N 0 Sewer; SR Itble Loaf do; :la Um and for 0•44 by urL ... R RORfl4iiNit% 11a0LASSER-2.77bk1s Plooltulottllatuees; hills avcr Rouse 40j 14 4,010 sOg t troJtag d. Co w ' rolo 1R0N,120 to. Plg totta, for wile by - • 11 ROBISON & C. 41; irlo u ffe:tl2,lM 3,— .l,l"attrtfieb — ;Pt.; L ,.. 50rl • R ROBISON & Q ALERATUS-11 . tau Sulerabse Just reed; for sele by reptß ROBISON HADA* 5110T— b11 km Pig & Lead; GO bays sk... - Purr firr sale ymy R ROBISON & r 1.71? STPZTII: D'S BAIIAPB4I.ICLA—IuKtuizeI.coR Jll7a J KIDD& Co.i A5TF....01 u. Just ieo'd and RWsstle lry I J KIDD& Cori E=M 1 3 mAii bush Galena, tarsal,' by ATWOOD, JONkS a Co B AIO m N E casks Shoulders; la O 0 Sides; 6 do t receiving end far sale by AT VOO t JONES & CO Q 11 atIOLASSLI4-30 Ws S 0 Molattea, Jaadinj from steamer Savanna and lOr tale by — ' • •.e •tayll • ATIVOOD , JONES & Co e OT ASII-0 casks landing from Moir Lake P tot aka by • • JAMINS DAI,ZELL, • dt amoral t; bege receiving Ca •I, 0(. • 1 +!111 AAIV.A. DALZELL T 'Ow PRICED:IILN. ALPACAS--A rapply lati4 1J eeeeived, verreaeopier dry gouda hoe %ft or • nom Q:\ TIN STFItPEULIL ALPACAS—liandeowsertylea: -die;of above ireadr, low priced and Simon b o . bands RPIIY ~ heave of myth B; ), kiltME L IT.Intl,111:1 1 :1;1;;;`. 1 `tZlei !...ca Caper, Shawlv.Z.l sc.*, Iltafr - nlylo la QINTEX, L&W.NB AND AlUsizot—A Mairsiii, ;& Co, dti Nartet alma. have received Q cases of weds printed La n. and Muslim. =TA MERCH 7L l 3 ws al b0.H1! , / • In the Imam Le m Ap 10:d1 NTS-IVstitild,' Sitandon . holessle or Retail Dry floods estab:4 Dung man who has been several year,) nod of whom the best rertytences car, ly wilds ales; • 4 • .1V PriPliß3oltoblo thr . 'bogging? rOreliedandforwe by • ' • JSCUUUNAIAKER & Co- t a d b Til y FUXLlttUutu , =yip RITINE-43 - bblr Jut reed' and for 11A FAILNWMCK &ON : 1 . • cintiet Island rood its awl tar II FAIINESTOCX ned tCo GOOPERICISINGLASS-111blx:jast tceV uuld for iee by ' mylo II A PMININ. TOOK &Co efANAL BOAT FOR SALF,4-19atita • for core boat, 1,:,/ 'Flit &Saila table • HNNEN A Nvii=I C O, ( l'q° " m7lO . ALEX aa , ALE,II,ON,IIII4Ib Chi ~~rs:;_ 'tLivl'i;AucTiot , :lAitc ••41, John A Davis, kis fle,smae%, ...taw** Sisk • o f Om Coininersial Saiss.ll,usay-mosme. Wood and nth stream .on Saturday . evening, - May Oh— Among the will he &mod, Chronicle. of Isltglas4 I France and Spain, by Sir John Pm/scam Sorkin% notes om the New Testament, 2 vac Works of Lon( ; JAdinbreke, 4 vas; logentelPs PiMorrof ;Manta War; Sol/iron's Public Men of the Revolution; flwaydeses Memoirs of his own' MoM fife , of President-Reed, 2 rots; Reanni.cesees of has own 'lime,. ftont 1726 - 11214, br Tram/n.ll, phoec Racoo's Lire of the. Apo.. op Marrs Ntstory of Wyoming; TothilPs history of Amtdreentre; Works of Lord flacon. vole; Slikostaes Waterloo Catemtign Brourning's !theory of the Ha. l gamin Franallo% • French Cookiop Frost's' Piet. tint Wonders of History, plume. Dick's Works, 2 rob; Complete works of Lord Nyrok Pope, Shelly, ask.. penis; Entyclopedta Atueneases, 14 voic ditscettane ono Ware Works of N P 117111. hllhan's Patient Works Rook of the Army and Navy; klarshalPs Lir. of NY...hitt/a.. 2 vol.; with many ether Suottlerd Wools, of the latest annul' library editions. Books Alm, 4 D onny ilibles, • variety of Catholic 'Preler Catalogues ea be attuned, cud lb. bake •4itin. ed. at Ike auction store. _ 01714 JOHNUAYIS, *net: . • _ . • The ids of : .• wilt be continued at the' Commercial 'Sales lima, corner of Wood and Fifth streeti. Illouday;Wedras duY, Thursday and Saturday everiings of this reek, at The coll.. lion embraces areal varietyohniseella atoms literature of the best radiates, editioas,andmill be sold Without resenrc. JONI! LI Wag, .AUSEMEITS :: •;,1 ' PITTISIMIGM THEATILIe. r LiUen. BENEFIT OP VIEVNIPSE CHILDREN.' PAS DE FLPII . Pn Ren A . 1 4 1 .4 Lends* Dikasinse. PAS DE RFM0c0.141.4 , PAS DES AMOUIIIirTFA by 49' " _ Dtiring the evening THESE . DRAMATIC ruzgEs. Doors Opell I past 7 -=ennsin rises Ware S. • NOTICW-Bon. aka open eray morning= 9 O'crt, sses, orthe When eats may ha secured Rr any night dazing : the e me Vienuois' Aobildren. " 'leaned Second Tier 1549C1 Mt 30 coui4 TWA*" No. 119,'Joli 'read, S leas. In the Diatnct Court of Alla glum county. ganuniust,ut_Zz . lf • MONSIEUR ALEXANDER, '.• LArr Manx tn ems 9iyi, SmILDAT, Mar 12 1T.11115 celebrated al*Rmian lam Pans will give Ind last exhibition in dna eitp r at the Engle Saloon, On Salinday, May 13th. -•-. , . yre Admission only 25 eenta— . ..ldidi•niidir 10 yenta of age, 121. eents. PRI=NTS ONL 44 • CEDAR ST., NEW YORK • • LEE & BREWSTEIt . • Ettabliabed a warehouse b Ike y and .e:eri=riseprre wuh . ; 'MIX, • low prices—and a/labial, E all scalp. . of :be year,•iles Lancoisa,nrn_ent TH W ID L _ • • They . are now Several LtandreePacaasse, r4gett,s72"* mw ati . of wakebt?;:stignbte'rr Ilcmostk and are nailed r We Cult' and abort erectly RBIDTICED• •• ONE IlyE CENTS ,r yard Wow e pan. o Apnl and May, per primed ,Canalegues, which ans - corsectod. darly, for the unfronnation of raprr WARZEWIIIIN •) , New York, Jerre, 1347. ' TEAM TEA SD • T.8.11.1D: }lima AND PRALINANT—IMPONTAIitk.I6IB. JUST received at Ilus patio Tea Store, No. 20Foumb street. near Wood, Pituburgb, a very heavy .took of fresh GREEN AND ULACYTEAS,. from Umberto York Pekin Tea Company, all , imported -this Spring. The Young. Hymn and Oolong Mack Teas an very fine and fragrant, paeked la lead, In d, d, 1 and 5 lb. packages; ale, Mimi( ahem. Daudet* are in to end and 02=11. our stook. They mill be accom modated with any quantity they wish for—frodtPlbeto a half chett a lbe same price. - ' • Also no lot of list hags of old Mocha, Gov Java, Rio St Domingo Coo., at wholesale and retail. Love dues double maned Sugars, in loaf, mashed and pulverised, at 12* cents per lb., usually retailed at French reseed Chocolat% a prime , •• • . N. 11.—the pledge ourselves to all eases ;whine the above athieles do not give entire satisfaction, to rein= the money. . A.JAI7:Eff, thyg • . 70 Fo=rth ßutte . MENU, ORTAPE WOILMS, freturenthy HUM the. intestines of the 'adult. They ass often of thine. emus sive and length, ensuing great min wad mutes, I nes. in the stam=en. The general health betimes de ranged, tbe system enfeebled, multhorsymptoras am continually aggravating, until relief 00 death termi nate. the suffering.. H A Ignlinestoclen Vermifuge, prepared avglitsbuitly is the best remedy in thu case. The WWI; after benagdestnaged,. be_dis charged in &lathed persons, and avoid) rendalit • . MirANTED-et :facial:Ma frac*, Member yard, TY &Mori. Or any bar:Mesa where ha could Make • isomelf useful to his employer. He is a iambi* food Elish abeam% of steady. iodise:dorm habits, with sm V all family. His terms will be a rooletata compemsa- Respectable retereacas rill he goes° kkagain at MI. °Mee. . • TALE CLOTHS—Alexander ee Day ham lasi re ./. eeired orimioreal balifortimparl—iset Scotch Da mask Table Clisbacwittieh Mar offer 47 the doe at • great bargain. Dealers trill hod these trerds,arortby Df their mueatio. IiERTINGS.AND 81 1/RTlNGS—Alumudert .131 IT 1,7 have Jun waked a• r . ory • =Timor , anwourmat of brown mul bicaolsoll Sheoungs, of Um soun edipated soanglature, of all widths .dqualifies; also, b and Incrro,slf.iii Alovriii77l7C3AL FLOWEILB-B..kaaader Day. ham julaapeaad a large &mammals* of French artificil. anyfor Waldo and onside Tra288,,g.„. be sold dm mailer at awing/rest price. , Da/GOT:FOR SALE—Oae NOM,,. for lap J.l sale by . • 8 F VON BONN Ca, a. CE— bps IV Chet., kw sale by lay;2/ F VON BONNHORST Co XTAILE—= keg. cued Nails and bleier& kr sale 14 11 19)9 VON&ONN1IURST &Co iTE,RRING—W labia Herring, for iale by 44 041 * 5 Y VOA /301.iNkICOIST &Co 0 HAD -10 1 . 314, for oninTry sploxsomatoasrito j 11.111031FTYE.."^, b B A FAIIINESTOCk Co, & 2y9 — earner in and wood eta' iIiDIGO-3 cereal. ftp. Plontdost ieo'd and for Wei J. by pp • lIAPAHIVEMCRACo. 81. CHROIL P0TA.914—..9X1 ha English, Jenneid adid for sale by my BA PAIINWIMIC &Co OTATO.I.S—EO sacks Galena Neshannoeki, .d. received and for sale by • • lard POLVDEXTEE Co whits DARYTI3 23 casts Rail - tee, suitable 'fril JO lead cosaufseturerie for Nils by • r op/ robatErria & 13.&at.r.r.,t,0ce bc. Barley, reed and fOr ten by toy 9 LB' WATERMAN; • 31 eraser and lb? front st. 11 , 1FANT8 AND DOYsllATB—jon received by . 1 mo r ons care Rays Legions sad lambi ibodd krairoervatyler, sad for sale by .• • . JOHNSON, 411 miir_c. ' 'an ketst _i . 1.113 AR HOUSE MOLABIBI‘..-82 bbls st or e for,!s lass tad**, ceasigmps4 " - JAB A lIMICMISON it Go. PORTABLE naw Jai AD and others tieing 4gra in /I DLL of taly inviter * : n loyal .' WAi D i3CAIPE! OIL VITROL-50 nutria *it nee'd land (or laid by: my 9 BA FAIINIDIROCK do Co, , INDIAN CORN-2to mail 'prime TellOw Corn, landing flout attar Oriental and for aide Irf toed z ATWOOD; JONES & Co I EI_LySO-4 ap Ciosenganst g and formal. bY MTH 41,111 - 00 D ioIVFB dr, Co EATIIKEL4-19 moll . . now landing from iteamer Cumberland; formal. by• ,• • ISAIAH DICKEY it Co, Mont at. InAIINELI)..-100bna Om and for de by .nre ISAIAH nwicKra Cod T ADD—ONEyXqlha Lard, No 1, In good diving oi- Ltder,ou hand and gar do' by ono • mow" incEsv A co' • - ITh RY YEACILIS-40 bus in store,. nice article; 2;10 de do do; quarters; for ode by - awn MAUR DICKEYtCa .Nk • • •n• • r ode bp mpl• ISAL i; tir DICKEY It Co DI °TAB/I—W coati pure CotioN for ale bT I mys . J a Q 01 - THE AM:ATM—Si 1.1 Scythe 8/4% 1.3 for sal by • - Loyd •& It FLOYD. C 0,..,- 100 bar C 0. 1 .. Sala b7~ - to a mon' 'CK:II. 7 -3 tuck. comsecnt ITook , on conalmien% for fIkL&N 70 bb. Syhite Beal/ay. btu TIEAC 7B HE-4,-100 bushpriute Pasial". eal;l4 Jt. R PLAID' VISII,IO bbl. Oortior G do Stied; lo Mon aid Or . , od. by , ' . 0 OtotRILBUTIN a co,' Irma above soilddeld 'l' ARD OIL-1110bli Grolloird Oil,'a -Li 4 do 1,0 PIGUJoo Mahal .nd kn.b 13 ACON—ni adasoe Ond §booklorig jost:Red and for sale by • olyti ' ' • „LEI kvijileckg 7 714610111.--10 bbl. Cider - V/Anar.:Jost racy ens for We by art SELLERS*. RIOZILS: DICKLED I ' o RK—tablas blaaa Porki &do prime; in annonud toraale by. . • • bbrd • • BELLWIS Nico . A 04‘P-SITG . drt--13 b . bla Nos d. 7 and V, In sumo and for oak by - ear 3" SELLERS .7..NICOLat :rEAD--act Pig Cileim L4 : fie otorerLad for MI 1417 my: •JAS A uvrcutsos a Co TIMED rpioncs—i 03 boo f0r...101l • .!V_mf 6 • FRW.NAAPP.."aIqw."" WlATlZi i. &arti i46; • 25 . d° , o ! l ".' mrl0• _JAIIIADALZELL, 21 miter's, SUNDRIM—IS 'Ol.lOl /104; MI do Com; Qbls Mon' 3 do Molter fru:Wag trent soar Caleb Copo awl for arde by mylK MAIDS DALZEI.L ACON AND FLAXSEED-0 eases Limon; A 4 bop rl BFlaxseed, reeetelog per Laka Die and Ma ar, Line; laud for sale by , myto JAAILV DALE • u pte d lre . — at . Ls. ' lions omit t my to 13 • - . ei.k .J Fl's7 d c b Z • H 1114A F ER &Co i)EZ . 1:1110111.i.-7 mice . 1 13 ; 171403-" d r aipTraloottf , ILJ tSCl?OryiAlekLEltrat ". Q MKS ItniOn it:Co; sa. bit, will open thii,lelOtninf t the litiVSolllllloo3.4d or Silky teed Slimes to be foun in thee arteloopthing black and fancy 8314 , nr eye.e7; 51M1V144—.0.4 a44:00 t Co, OD Martel bsibaire re. oelv Roy EAptioA, 4 corolla ohio* Crape 81,airlq- V:1 4 42t 0d ,111 " az 4 =NIT mt'- CARDS--Tlie maim, Na mull supply of Steel Catda,for wool eluding' suiehises, *saes wide., USX/COCHRAN, wood se .. .. . ' • • . _,... _,. . . _ . . . c --, ? - . 77.. , '•'••:•--.1'•..'.•••:..r._',",.,,.."4::',,',37: ::t-..,•,.;.;•••.,..-..•,.,i..7;77'.---1,..7,•77.7,..'"1t.......,. ,-•••••7.•...v.,tt.-........!.......-............:.... . -.-- • f .-• • •';',.:,.•• ' ''''' ' ': '` ,-. ' ' ''' ' .7 "-- ' ; ' ,- ';."• • • • •' '.---'. - '--;c,-,:-.4;1•.:.,-2';'...:1-: ''..'" , :' , ••:.',": ., ', 1:1; - ;0:...- - i*„.• - .. , , r ,- ,' - ..' . 1; ,,,,,,,, . ,-, 7.'.i -, :; - .._::...,,,: ‘ ,.., . . ._,..... . . .. , _ - , 4. ST EAMBOATS & prrrsst,&& mikA knoirolne of Sigel:led piisenger Patna ins at now of the thscoActriftrouhest and fulnir manic - at powerful boats oa the. wawa et the West. Every seroontrodotion and sow fort thot eon prosare,Dos terenislevided tor pora aangera. Tao has been ia opsranots Altana pram —Oat paled million of people without thaleemtala ly to their persons. The beats erill - le_az the teat at yeat wavd the toy previa.* to Malan . S.A. ee.4.*: uon of (re' ht and the sari ofpaseeztooni on the ter.. Ja aU. coma the pause=MT lOWA !*1.4 la . • ne NEWION, Care. A. U. leave ?it:Marsh ewer Bender saaraberal 10et/ae. WheeliarevarrEaarley evemet . 11 P'. - • 3/02111hAT PiCiLZ T. • • The aiONONAllELA,capuiroszordlleatentee , ' burgh ever; Meader mower at Pr eirlehi'WhesP.l everrAlanday freezer LLIU v. re. • • •-- •• rtnesnAr Pic>inT °S The nIIIRSLNIA. bha.. V, Cot. KustirczWirill Inn Pitteborrht every Teuredey arcrteatral o , t,'l loo ki • IR/heeling ever, Tender eveein at 10 r aL. * •••••—• • • ;" —witolnesDA.: PACI:IOI._ • The NEW lINGLAND.Ne.DteN•InII leave , Pilules:ov eve. Wedneeder morning, at 10 o, , , hi*rt.u.rantsylVedeerl a y imeelag siatitrat. The inumukra, Cape Guts, edit leave'Pine; buret every Thursday aseruhtg u Weoels-4ruree m. ar Thursday eretung at 10P. • • •.. , • 7FRIDAY PAC/TRW The; CLIPPER Na Capt. Camas, will leans burp every 'Friday zooming at '.lO PACERT. • • Ta;',ll.l-ESSENDER Ca t. Rics oorillienre,Plea. bona every tiato.nday any al .10 e(e4ont Wintailisa ' amen , Eanstday avenint 10 az. • • _ _ _ NEIV:LISDON AND PITTSDERON OF CANAL AND STEAM PACWW,„ AEL r7 Iry • Icier* fittsbuip dallyiat oklooki . AL'Ai r Wed tires at (hamper, (mouth of the Sandy 11.1•BaTel.,'Cak nala at,2 o'n lock. and New Limbennullriant2S.l. "Leareti New Limbon at to'doek,7' P. at..,; tho Dip canal to the rivet &trial , the ofghtt and 61 gow at Orelock, A. and innITTAV at Plumaatre, op. a.—tnn s making a: contianenfs han tarryikokpas liellgerli and freight betinoin New _Liaotratal-littm• burp, to over titnn - and leer rat= titorko any other foam J.,1 The proprietors cubic Line hare tha-gilesaure °Line . • * Coming die public that tbefhare tined uptamenfitst elan Canal man, for the accent intodatiou , nt atui , (taiga; to tan In connection with-tan WWI women, CALE.I2 COPE and DEAVER and rammer- hat,. at (ilnsgow, with the Ftisbargh pa r ty tau. and other daily Lave of steamers dawn - the Okla. and Minimal - poi rivets.' ptoprielotim Vodka them- • se.lvas us spare, no extema or uouble.l4 lruutp tom. AM, safety and diMpalc and ant of 641,ritallo a - Dare of their patrons% - - • I IORIZED A! .Ftf' I 'g, .l ~,.. • - . &NAV. HARLIAUGIL, I / '' 446 4 11' • . l IANNA; Co: elll inliar J. ABBAUCiltic Co. Nfat,Aen42ll., • • rvrissintansautowir. i mittA ii t f i nir Packet Lbw. iIerE,DAILY Are A. lit4A.111:1 I . • • - The following new beats' deilplete • the , line-for the present seettentAT-1 LAPITIC, Capt. Jerater'Prti. • ALTIC, dpt. A. Jaeob M U and hrLeflgi COLT.. Bennett, The boats itie-kuntaly new, and ant druid up witinddregard to eapensap Ey ing comfort that ummy eau pmeurajum been proVided.. The Boats will leave dm AlowngeMeta •IChalf [WU at • th. foot of Simi at Remarry *CI be punctual du bomd,aa the boats will •eortataly • tenni at Lite gam- Used host. Et A. M..ami C.AI • -' FOR WHEELING CINCINNATI toobavatz. - lito .w exalt , throirter Petwacm—llm • o ak , • • mute _ TELEGRAPH, I N ter meM, annntwater, *CI ' lean/ for • Limiseille and all indiate day, . at la o'clock, prothely. parte AmeryPanar • For freight or pump apply on board or to Thole?rmnh has hoe. bail[ FORS-wit b. DUNCAN, Arab. •. . th*infettiorYfattio loo:ArnkrbOtal". orr the We.tOrit water. • • • - • The fast ruadg atearaar ' '1 • PENNSVLVANLA, • & Gray, miner, lain* foirele viriand imaintdiata porta riala &Y. o at 10A X. For freight or paraw apply , on boan4 to • JONEVilt_ FOB N •- • no fine Law reamer • Denison, iner, will lesSo Locators dimenoadiala ports on Wadaasallay, DU inst. Far neight or purse apply onboard.: toytY • • • The uew amd apleriiiil meamee: Nereid., tauter, .glinive'fii, A O. ... e awl futermediele, ..-Peibi ofi lbbr <iv.' Poet:eight Ofpllpill oti ..L. ; .I.le caw nnil elegant intilinny . -- , .. SCHUYLKILL . Ltliiiin, sumer, will War, kw iiiiins isuermedlattte,ruf: lig. illqw-day, e baud l 4 onforl, P AL" . For frniskt or plunge .;isplint. i lne bona. • Fo ~., MI 1 . 0 m5vuu5,...,. : ,;., wit ; r . :, • , ritßlllLe MIA IIIIIST t. . . FIRMUN SAI . • jalltke,reter, wilt ha DMY re forme 4 interalecheie perfelh/e dey,t Iti :. A.: - /11... r freight erpeieogo apply ow m,ain Ll);Wi;nUnerielll lear r irrifiliowl. " iii. y, at in o'cinekn in, y. :: _ . 0,1 0" Pl.igeinly on Y"Wd: , • ' . r_. . 1 " bit - NORTH CARCkiffi r. Devinnep, man:, Innen as ~, on le or i dal, ef -1990f..'. r). • • niwane apply- on bawd , • ' . ' ' it • - The EJLO near !Mater ORIEN.hook, muter, ?nil los at /0 For! irZTtor p Dorm Wsila), R x • :cz.r2RTCTINTIFAin - Armlet. maxim ilia:lL TEL , _maewg MN° imen:6 74 , l Imre rer-tb• dayOklineL, .Slg AAL • For (night l'en.:th"' on bout Pum ••• WHEELING AND ,1011DOEPORT; - • The neat anteibatenn.4 l ateaghoat , .. osa, nialtat me Poe Racer, ha ateanoid bee regular nips between WheellanDrhtsepott 1.4/41". #sa . 14 N 13 4 11 bei Ath , iCht • .... JOnArinAHLll.:* :lia rl.ll. l.lwier, will 1149 4 :: _i1. , ..,,.....i.—... 11. alltrly on too.] orr. 417"*. Cia) Bialllffiniil6l;;-.. Pte' El l_____.•irt. iT118131:11:011 a ITAZIELIN Tioree7 P reute v =ter, neg:lise 11(etteeldg and iliday, at 10 o'clock g. 4"' Y. Lase Themt. TrzaTO., tetchy eeitTa. • P "d- Tle Cooedl - .nil land at all the fain; 4 . Peet7 leeeentodetion that can be mer&V„,?,,,,z 'bTattrwriY"Z"'"T"k" Pth"46',:a's ewe d a telf•ectiet eitety esphteiorts. • Per V er•tesmt%ger f11,16.A6 liteXEmPOßTrEalzur------ETH AND Eio2QbNf7el~S. jaiL..:Thesmrvtro hi r tl; 111.4t1Z 14744.'"'1111'nr Itonds trafaesday.a./Atg r . ar rahelacatye y er y.Tuesdar,Tharsday Am izp o s 14fe #. Ts-o Fir, :Fal. thiSht .Or r, !i5! , D Wier, Master fey wd .h y ., u 4 W0,14 . 4 .7_. 441 60.• • • •-• ,•'f'.411.5,4'tui1.41.,4', . . le..4:1111111, EXPRESS FAST ribii-rLms,-volt; Exe v rilbl a rrilE Camel ' oil . fend !tams tetne, ia ItattlettO .1; order, the pockets of this ur.i 14"11, prs muter. al tee., er=4,4119 &Okla, pan—CePt eee.deat U: Ohlo=k Emig, iVellorsear,m4o; . V,/ 8C,11.T, /ILL • ----- Xelitacky. lndisua—P 4l.TroOT, Friday, IRE Loulsiana—JP Tttoutpeon.datettlar,43o, ...11 . Inthaett—J. bcrkey, Mooda7,l th. Roajcr—te Truer, Teeeday, jaw:. Theenott,Wetbese*;l7t,h; o tido— Uta, Tao nritreetb., ." • • ri a ettitely—llTse p, Retarder, ~ „ —.Lottletetta—..l Thempood, r `. The proOrietate Ws Woo Lai,ltnelriseate dteritithe 'rioter, Vrith the lattice eabin eglarged, which ie.' af. ' And anew th e to porsoait .rattehat teirt, yreir oom , 2.a by ilda roma paw &rev tria miles iambi monad If parer; eliezi). trauelial aidurar WOOF aronzcorri Isamu your *tato at Ittir . , raeltra , rages abob. /!0. 71,17:4„Tekr.5.a; - FANCY -DR Y S Af i , EAMAW*MOO4, ' kill'll r lia,d sir • r....N a Wr Killtaet IDIPO hIRTFASANOIIDEUS octgAiirftick, ted usltur. P/ Brine.; Lakea,. japt.., / naltra w r illottgiu t ,46.. They /Atha C OligllMllLUMll,tasaliof .mm4l, York ta snurtirri he $1434 breforr arrrrroArszrosim. Mr. Blair rfrr for mar irr.a41.164 vv.?. lurrrall A1....,Aps *tick lir ;viral Om .4 dam. WKradammarrWillurlirrmr4Wribi 'OW bradnitrs4 *sr War tarnr.I4Y4SOKOJA 2 , _ 9 ... ab 1i41.3..............ea1. • ...,,,,,,,_ Iir.ni•HANTS , mu- ' TIASii dila day V .11.4fpgreent. dke c n i u t to. M "lt raieite"" 1 VIM& TIZIVSAN 7 D A-7""D 4 37 616 , 7'73 ,,,. ..1 •j: Vd 'sada! id Um moo. odok: o or to o — o - ,17; , Melee Eidoetzfaxoews, io come mildn e . 7,:,.. L 4upat & tothvn,./Vire York. Jan o o '"" "r - by -, • . 10111iwitx 4 8 ,4 0 1% Bak ra r • ' • ( 11° UV InUtli lad 31 .
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