IiEIOAL.;L 41a0i51.=WWi=1 P A.lll L L A • ,txtrltOrdintlynr ,l64, .. inlhe World. celiwilis yeti, railcars halm: - Ki IS 61 taxes chap exalenennuirjuad.warnintint sopariew l to an, um. It cotes • . 4/161 1,611011 6646%. 1j,"...60rd... DOMIIEB MEDICINE • Thi friar bony and liCifetiOlitT of His teariltaoraf aDvidierlldedieHe ribitel it Eradicate. Duns it Ha Hindu Eddy. His one of the or, bat SPAIN° AND 131./ALMUMMEDICLNIEH ale, loose , 'it not onlyparifie the whinm . system and erecytheri th e polo, but it Eros° Ras, Pule anal Flinn Blood ; • foyer powneeetby no Ober bledr.. And in this Botha grand tont of sts sondes fal 161661a' It His perfeinned 'within He peat two years, ,nnnnnn Han Zi,ooUyeres of Sere-re caws of bison; at Ina of ante wan eosiddired huntablu More Han -3,M0 use. of Chronic atienmation 7 = h O oft&groit tFemal e and Want of Poo . p ,00nb oSo mN of 1,5h0 ewes of D ote Lior Complaint ease of se of the Kidney and Diary ; easeinf Contemt/on, AnT r Eboinands of exams ofDisexill of the 13loodorist Moor Erpalpelny Salt Ithennu Pimples, Ha Fuse, A. An. To wHe tunarsois news of 'Seek Headache, Pain in the . 6 ." 3 "... 5 Pi0nt Adretiony&e..,l4.c. Thit, sae are orate, ems' orredlls, but so bare letteeti froauphyucnow and our agents foam all pots of thr Iliaited Slid% informing' es of otraosdboa7 oxen U. Van Beedeirk, Emir one of ttio nand royal-table a oraista in Nor ark N. in err that be on refer to moo Ilan 10 o no ne piste Hone. Then so Howland. of ea. in dor City tif Nor "fork. *deb we . wll refit to web Noon and to unit of etwooter. It iHe hest medicine fat th e ProHtlie of discire known. It undoubtedly solid Hallo 000 txtitantra arm Pori S.M.! EF&Ml===l Trta'R• IT. .‘v TUC UMW, 04 . 122 , 11 Nan, - .01 meMbor Of the Now ler.q Loyiplatase, km kindly me . tftt>t Goftownrg ter dLotto.” - It tolls in own woey. li•mr•Y, lan. 25, 447. 'Ayeai nos tiketivrAis ftolodumma, and toy wink ooftein kft itt • debilitated stale.' I War anduced to try Dr. Townscod's filmarmilla,mod alter kiting two or prat bot- Dtkd(,,'l Isis vetl moon primed, and •11.1 . 14 eolkely to the 41.1fhawayarftla.. I bare continued tam; ft, and Itod fiat / laym. ortry day. I barn ft wed my lik, and !oak 1 be without it under any eauktmikal. O. W. licLux, lota U.S. N. Mt. itCrtiGials taaeltuftly proves that WU, Sanamilliii puke coatml ow ilk* ma diva= a the! 1.1,1. Thew persosis eared io we lima is raprescdcatadi Dr. Toulroson—DettilDt: i 111 - 1 t; Lb. plotton to Wars pa that Dixie of lay elattio Iwo boa cored of ills &to- Al. bt 4l . ,et , of Dm ~ ...DDit sotdicios. Tim , no attlietod nal tavroty with hid Bora; ban czar ,bLint kas hauler c. _ ., __. It took thook mom Dr tip& I Dot wool:fader ' Tom " *3 " 9. 1au.0 . 7t tru4 aLts;llls Thxdat 11.. ' Anr Irak, Mull 1, MM. OMT fIMAL IiApJ3ICENZ. Dr. Tointaradi essuputtla as . onsomps eprod4 eon fir. belpiasi Coommormai Banneotero; Lo~tbo 'otntraotad or , •delftenit dlendroatico, laccottimon , me of 13riar inrolantary dietary therm!, and fig the pm aridurninallms d liptera—lon matter mbeCher am molt. of root MOO moms, I.:odor-4 1.7 irregularity, Mono Nodded ian be mom rarprodes than in; fauna. rim Masan, r Alt mtal i an tau. from taking it, atom become robot and fad moray: ..der ita indomma. • It immodia , oly toontoraeta the um Imanda of Ina frank frame, which m the great =Nor 44 • ft will met to...meted of on, in.eracr of oo Write a so- tan, to Wait' eratilkatoe 'ammo performed, bat lor eaa won tin aided, that }tundras of cues hen dam reseed to as.' Sontrideara when Comilla bombe. without Ail& ron, atm ming fon tanks of dna' ionleatdo matiorm, ban boor bled wed; heal tut offmain' r.. _-'Dr.'2lnorearstdi crfo bring Emallp,dirtmeard by weaker awlgenaral dandily, and or eattincally by pain 'and moan= of Mirbs down' ' Allier of Um Irma, and with othm• detrain., ad' hung known am arbor. your selling hm aftneted prat coo; and atm low iogit reammaendoll formal gateau I ham dot:MINIM charm. sofa bottle of roarrEstrast or daraputilla, md foe/ma Ina dinette= yowls. ma. In a short wood •it mimed bar eamplaintrad - roatored bar licoltb. Wag grotaful oho Moulds oho morrired,l tanspinmram tneaenooldr bStTTag it :P'nAt. a= at.of7ni mdy m ste. -Conaear, ISert. 29, MIS. Dr Mamma& To ail whom thia may emmun—This is la tardy , Mid q MA wed one beak of your 'ftempatilis li=to Mr emendanst, mane tns mod alensiag and ida fisemestmees; bang Umtata Mines demem, Mg of feet,,nerrom tractions, sod may moth &Mita. arel bad ; with my pmemsim, and tho remeasmatatiest of tame who bad mod tt, abo mu mimed to my it, with We or m AM; and =Zee WM my,, the maim had 1m,117 and antral affect, not only in Mo Mors ef emfromment, bed dim this enaration el Mie meek of de me, ths deem mas gametic, amorway to m intonieting Mgr., and boa Mal& Islam beilaf Mu it hid boan for a 1m.2 tim prod •. If this' be of say sends to you ..or soy aim mho da.U. dietessof Ma maxim, rants entiesly,videoine I solionad myreal.f Soar ism! obedient Ma obligee terrioq / • 8 8 Jumada T 9 310THEELS /.11)),KLUILIED LADIES: is 'Extract a Sarsagarifli ha. Lem ewes ly prepared b ream to female asesidaints. Ho Sm il e who has cm/ eon anppom she is approaching that cri-0.1 perk-0, .ii Tbs WIT tine ft;ll/1171 .7 r MCI us tu amenu.t k i s4is • met sr kmales are whject ai rs is time of life. This :period ma ilelayeti Mr several ma by :Mug daiimedicks...Nor sa A r ks Selsalifa ta those who an approaching komillool, as it is caleilated to amid Wore 11 salami:g Me Mood end iMig•tating the system. lodred, ehis esedoeme is han-0- sabla al SU of Ma d.licaz dmissi h: shish "somm are sujeM. : ~ / • It brie. th..ltaleVlem. mann permanchlig lb. rote• tai energies—by ermosulg the impurities of We Wl—Rol se. fir ktosahrtilg the system as to prodoma sabsequent re fs:silks, which is the mce of meat medieimi takes kr (1351111 . . Gums ni..,6 ilils. . You who Nam pals con:g.knlicos, doll ems; biottims is the fast, reapl, f skin, or fmekk• sod aro hme id *rim is me' • bottle :or two a Ur Tirmseud'a Sae It kill ricaoss four blood, remove Mc freckles mil blekhes, and gite goo animilien.sperklire ees, km spirits, skl MUMMA .tabor of which are .o f salmse mho to maw, DY3PEYSI4i' . . . , Nis arse or medicine hos nor ben elbionered whieb to nearly reminbin the pane 'joke for wilina .in.dearompioing food otid straigthrniog 'bongo:to dictation, se an. 'repo; rainct or, SanoprilL lto. • ' • Dna rrwewelnAltiany,lds7 'frtrittradir Bir-1 ban ben oZined for. anent 'con with dyspeptia in in worst Inns, Weiland with soul new or raionseh, loss of am.ente, ienietino barna., sad a rat wearaimt to Mt. kio4o of fwd, ind for weak* (what I could tat,) 1 hare tern orablo to retain bot • email portion rar Wrench. 1 tried the wind' remedit., but they had bot Icicle-arm cant in ramming the complaint. l was ne. dna., about own months meet, Miry or Extent of ammo parabionad . 1 mast my with titan bot oiler twin ppltiy two bodies, I Gintod'ioy appetite restored, and tin beartbsorn nand' remand; mid 1 would ortiesay zooid the me of it to thole wbo bare been at_ alai as I ban been. • Vocal, . W. W. Vow Zmetnr. • Zi0512, IL _. ALMOST d MIRACLE . Read 11. e G4lpwinn aud 4.14. if yon'eras, Out commr ,ltni4.4l.tuoti.vavnal. I the aqtrallter,Ord tlntl'onuctPs Samparill hn.caled: • • / Dr Toson.wurl—lkar S. 1 wagi takru, a MIL over • -nTear ago,raira • rateraeraglt tad Pali r itl 'my side. •It In . ~./ muted on era very hod, indeed: I vac rammed by phy mane to MP (ho Tuck craramptrar I nurad fur c , • ,, , !. i .• Mee of bad =traps, had nlght rareata,• ira leaking very Eau pry doctor eaid he could do uoraic; fur me. / Moto (hr - / • harried iuWipe of being rauetrara, butane rammed there i uraneurable. 1 was Pout greatly distmra at the tem era • • Pdhld hardly breathe- I tom b bmite cuerairad, and expected / .•1 to die; arra maul to toy• ed, tad aroatobligrat to brae IMAM . Indeed I crarat- gnu ytala tura desersptiou that maid do justice to my cora , . 1 arra tumoral by my frierals • ; • t a bezeut . =l•Pd triad a great outrage of I emit% t rape . • I read 91: some ex . ' .. r. ' you t V ' :trath, I eu P' 44 therell 'r eo=og iatro t . But 1 aria induced ht try it 110 Ka 'end raty thealtfal ' " Idid. I caveat say that t aratattrely ar:r a . but ate to far recovered as to be about my buottes,und hops to be Patin ' • . ly well ta a Aar receirx. • Ply Pooch rad prat Ist tra aide,l ' • ' wad fdegyoriza. brae 101 l ute atud lora but my Gray wa d ' ' ,' m 6n prolog try mud sfra¢b. I 1111 it • day tp. era; ')lea a stateurat of my cm to publish i f you plem4 •••• . - PE-tat:M P, 12 brae o,l3raraiya. _ -,Ophatona of Physicians's - 4 , • De Tortobendis stboll dolly mooing onto, Eros phyl intim i. &feint pato of the Ilnion: • Thins to certify nat soy lb. odereped, Plana=of the City a Albany, ham an atorierms noes ynnoilan Dr: Tontecodie Banaparills,:ond belittle it taboo:hoof Use mod :plank proarations of ties Bomparitto lb. marked., —ll P Mae, x et a, . .II BBotaas a , , April I t INS. P EEtandon.l • . Tide is to oertify that se, the onion:pod, pratilorag „ . Thamosian Physitmos of the Cajal Alton. bon frequent Armenled Dr Townsemlis Compood Entract of norm sollaorid from it. bop qualities, sofa recommend ltd be testae for soncorial, serofolour,nadottaro amino 3.1 ass, to pr knew. to any of the ashortlied hootion Inonto AtV Rroson,S r, • ,Ipril4,li4l. Ws B inorroo, 6.. Prionpakan, IX Folio st, Sem Baildno, N • Yf. Red, dame Co Btato et Bailor; Dr Dyott* Son ItIJ ri.th owls( Alladdpb* 8 ft ((soot, &nand' Daltietoro mad by priomiteldrorde pews, throughtioetie UMW State. :Wed Lake and the Coons, Roo posier 7 ono patty in the Imp epos . teats; lotateh ondnia 1 out skood with the Inman tespaten of B P and anomie Mom no Won Frototho Now Yost Dolly Enos@ of rt7re 9,1647. e prettyOkag opposed sa Ma sante netordS. ,it arotsong mborSoneyerd4 Etyma afro otsueed. Ts whole dunk pt op in rood tame: Kota of no orno mama *bog. pinuagere tesolifolorltioh, togas, with oral work, =sold 1. in the nto ma. doe 7 d i ,r.Vi :o4dlrlmeth=aV. Dried =o ♦pooloity itb.. Span. , X mats .uebillt ye_ `aNmYot.;Marehsl7,l3lr7 „ • „ Townson 1-1 IsSe hoto alked ion or km or t7o, attit * '- MIEOELANOU - - mNursery HE Bob~eriher. oSeh foe Zes, h 4d - ..u.7 The collecuon la n .rock, in ot equalled fora select and almer. variety, in the Western eowtry; contd.:dog inlay new rare and valuable plants, constants at pan of Camellsa: !spook., large Waring plains. front 3 to 6 feet In hembt. Cams, Awlors, Geraniums, Poshcias, Month- IT, Noonan The Dahlia list cOntalAs th •the finest and nest e must show•ey and hoe pries, sorts grown; Flower Roots, a bps., variety, Vines, ehrubbery, Wads trees, evergreens, icer Anuatestry, lunacy men mid othersol ho sot ant to decontle their yards, gardens, pleasure grounds. or green houses, ars respectfullylanted to xams. the culleenou whtch iy open to cleans, cheept on ;wades., Coors) awe by the omnibus and greenwood ten) Descpte eats. lopes soot by mad, or may be had at oar s a nd, No Dsmand Market, where orders left with us, or hy mad to Pittsburgh Post Office. will be prompt!) auca ed Jobs Orahaln, a yr:tenni:l gardmer, II attend to planting shade trees, la) to of glad. fee. Orders left tts Ann e. JAS. WARDROP, marlddhrokwatT Alwehester nenr•Pittahanch Taos lltaTri,fonsterly of Beatty, Arlierhas Co•—• ...... ...........•••• Oloeinnau,O. leo. A Runs —•Zsaeavllle,O. Clue. U. eon.— . • ........ ••• ..... •• •New BEATTY, !MOTHER. Or. CO., Elan•ral Comml••ion Illeroh.ate lon TA II AA Lt AND IrORWA IWO a Or WIASTIIIIN PRODUCE, - No. 3 . 1 . Poyirto 'Sired; Nun Orkmu. Bien Idesii. tannin t Co, 8117, N. O. -- s - 1E .6 .1 ° David Whita .. • is _Ellis &Morton; Bankers,/ Hosea & Frazer, Cincinnati. ' • llPEenzie, Ea 9, H Kearney, Lag, Banker, Zanesville, 0. D hililionald & Co r Nellaville,O. Bead, Parks & Co, Beaver, P. J W Gill. F.vg, Wheeling, V. 3PClnzkan & Bo,) Pithabult. rt. Wt M tilachelttee, nal.ron Boston Modo of lleatlng . Holllo. MIL H. DEXTEIt, of Boston, has arranged mud pa tented a plantar heating houses. which been successfally audio llomon,Pmor York, & c., d wher ever applied, has received the derided pm fere co over stoves, laniard.; he.' Its advantages are—' am. Greurregularity of temperature. I lid. Freedom from *make. No unpleasant dunes. . 4th. Dainty sanded to and not Belle to get out of order. • • 151/1. Great durability. A model awl specification may be seen, end appora tal Obtained, ti the copper and tinware factory of • • • U SCAIFE, First at, jetilfidt between wood and market IiTORGAN'SVUGII SYIGIP—It proved UP be the, lit great Panacea in cublug my child'odistrculug From the TemperanceDanner, N0v11947. •• Caron' Sracr.—We are not in the - habit of pulEng, muchlow.taking patent medicines, but vrefeel disposed to recommend hlargen'altyrop to those who an inflict ed with a cough. After hoeing tried the usual toms dealt, =more • constant end , distressiug ettu,tds, that hod for I,..ld.r..tnirletibtle of Mr eblldretywith. out =CLOPS, 1110.Srate IWISICeII •tO try hlotgaii's cough syrup, soul by it relief Was 05 - Wined a few hours. It proved 'to be the panne*. ioUlia row et /caw. Prepared whglevaleemil retail by theproptletor, JOttg D DIOGAN, Druggrst, feb7 wood I door b el t,.el thamand ''~, 'A Challenge to tha World. T! o ne who MOLAdi AS Will be paid to any tr who will produce a tpot of plaint, green or dry, that cannot be extracted with MIN Improved Chemical Soap. I have Ike sitiefactiort et' toying . to Ma people of thus plate, that 'this article, lay my own my/reed:WM on it, maw stands .rivalled in line country for extracting grout:, ter, pitch, oil, paint, or any other mean, anti 'Mance, Item all kinds of gentlemeels or ladies' clotting, 'cadre., table mortal, guano shawls, ladies , bonnets, the, vrtooul inhering nnythiog that pure water will not injure. More than one thousand persons utdillarent pan. of the eouutty have. told we they would not be yenta:mint :fit coal one dollar per cake. In umng Ibis Soap on tame thandtel arbelevef light aiiks. nun, al• patens, met .1.0., I have only found three metes ol lila. two of alpine la, and four •af oe wllleh it changed the color; therefore before patinae aon e Light dreaa try a sample of Mu than ftrat. I males this becalm tam determined not to redoittoend It any mood. , than I krpre to he etriedylree. - N ' Flier, 121 ma per cake. Sold, wholetalc and retail by M SEL.L.EIISt dcall , 27 wood sr. PEACES PEACE II . AM 11 xXnuP, BUT Lhf EVERY MOTHERS HOMESTEAD. ~ I IIIE. undersigned has long been convinced of the necessny lug wore medicine adapted to the tise of harken nod - infants to* sopercede the nee of all those medicines which conthin opium, and has at lengthen. corded in prepenng °during to the public a metre. eine fully.answering every purpose tot all diseases of the bone's, without the um of that deleterioria dm, or any mbar calcalated to injure in the least. The Want Pan] seen Mu been folly tmted nod tried, the last twelve months, by numerous persons, and found to possos4 all the eitraorai.ry virtues, &Mita produce all the .I.IMIOII. 'shin" effects on set forth on the tall of dtrettion.l Di • arrhcen, Vomiting, Cholic, Uniping, l'ains,Sickness nod DiKll-.1 arising from Teething, acting Immediately without dialurbing any of th e furictione of the body, producing the happiest sod 10001 0..4411 tpartsintrik from violent pain to a nammilaml/oloaa Mete of feol tog in the littk sufferer. • To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dn JOHN SAROANT. Druggist and Anonmeurn John Mitchell, Elliott tc Deckliamosnd most other Druggims degE• " lIIPERIAL COUGH SERI:P.—It hai A power to curet. Prmancsuu, Yet, L 4, let]. B. E. Sussman—My wife hue yeutv been subject le a distimsill cough, eccomparned with asthma; for the earn of whiclmsbe used different d, cough remedied, and tisuPthe advice of the most eminent physic:nuts ut England;butt ell ma. neavailitag. By chance I heard at you} Impel:tat Cough Syrup, and setts induced to buy a bottle for tool, although I had Ito belief Met anything retold remove her complaint. To my great surprise, two dams gave her immediate relief. She Bin SLIMS troubled %rah a cuagh, bet two tempoousful of Syrup always .opt it. I ern .11140, aver a triel of three or lour years, that Sellers Cough Syrup ix the best cough medicine (hive ever tried either in the Add or New World-Woe , Foxsour..., Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh. I The above; certificate iambi - induce all also, ,are tumbled with cough or mate., to Fire the Syrup a Ol af. It may he bad for 15 Vents - a bottle, al the drug . PELIgnA wood SL beano—evade ea the most ahrettid — Eitatetst PT.:w ad roost faslwooable Lowrie patterns and clors. Also TILE CHEAP &OW, BOS CON. UND, WI hand yy or made to order of all sizes, and at all mites. ' Ottontry Morehanta and otherrate'invned to call examine tiait above for themsehtes,.all will be itdd wtroletalowr retatl, and a liberal' deduction wade le Wholesale purchases's. - _ aoldl D=CEI:I LO RINIPS TErtiturtn - 1. awn Es, obi all lb• hto &pommies, sad Ovoymkpbiel bopromocaLs Wa t t++rYsofthe mad oslobraled cortsoosavigniors.,Cooo , piled Alm Moab'. mew English Gat, with addilbons sod =prom:onto by A onin bob& Revised by Boman Part LOttING'S CELESTIAL GLOBES, cootabLiot 1/1 the on Item, mambo,- /so. Compiled firs tba loots of WolbotoO, }Unto& Do It Culk,thaaboa, Mayor. link& !ey, bliabolyne, the Mon:lowa* of the Mamma. {et&cid, of Lando% ke, to.; I4ono Smith's NOV Fag Olobo • •• • • • . . Johnston & Stoektoo bow Jost rocs:rod • ir'pairs or ,m. • • Globssouryin• is: siw,as follows: ' I pair 12 r-aus is disouer, • • , I a 'BI 0 •. . • • i u • 6 'al " globes w Mnritaa, Chronicle, and Jesroal copy DIL TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA.-50 dolma just received of Dr. Townsend`s SarseParina, the most extraordinary medicine Willie world! This EX- Pant is pat tip in quart lxttie. It LIMOS theapet, plea”nier, - and warranted superior to any...sold. It . Coos. disease without vomiting, ptuging, sickening. or debilitating the Niacin. • • Loon am run larraYanta—Unprinclpled parson. have Copied our labels, and pot Alp stkediCirla aho same shapee of S. P d bottle.. . See that oanuentLch bottle has the Winona ilg• natur T ea , R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57.W00d street, between Thirl and F“rth, is Dr. Townscuidls only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genutao article Can he •htut. . . . D. N. Carry has been tippainted the Fele agent for ti gheny city, of whom 'the genuine =lel., can be . rraoria EVIDENCE sib a Dr • JAYNE'3 EIC- A PRZWILAINIT I. stiperior to all other remedies far l=ostivitillus, Broschitli,Asehma,sad oiler fuleso re Co te Mos, it that dm aasse r cro. Mho commeact4 tha [ am of it he /hair [SWIMS tea add, still Kaki. it to all other reoesdiesof the Lind; an when any haea beta induced to try other prepereCona dry' have almost invariably been limppaisilad reosivios Om beam& which mu sesames/di meditated from the high padosibestowed Iv the proprietors, sod Lave teamed to th , dvisirserfsialte LiTSCTOWIT, •11 a tweedy that has asset Warta ralitve dams aadisvkich protehly serer bed itseqtral la strudel( peilssonm7 dame. rnPutd dalldll4 D, Jer!.l . hitedel ph* and “da by • ALEX- JAYNES tleriAderif ' • , Poor* 7 .77— DERRY & NICIPRSTA, • .Mans&ciaren of ewniles, BACKING, BOTTVIAB, . WAGON COVERS. AND GRAIN BAGS • . - .01 ALL inscairrtoars No. NM South reont . rarest. &A of 1 4. ilikon't Cahinet Ware Manufy emuSDELMIA: ALL ord.= left with B. ti. Moon, the ago of the A Merchant's liotel,,PitieburNkb , will be promptly attended to; • TIROL. G. DERRY seplindly . . A. C..NICEERSON ORIGINAL rIIOLIVAII. BRICKS. , • Eps:RirojcEr.) judges:, cia arrinl df one. and a half man na , lance pronounce this oriole unsur passed for durability bribe constructional' all kinds of paruace., frier Q 475 cosh for lands of 10 51, guar. pulsed nine months ow: Orders for :lassond quality Bolivar Bricks whits a:seated at 11114 , par hti, if lode. siraCwillout ipia.antec: 'A stOck of therfirst quality is now for sale antic woreittruse, `blioanbi oat Basin, by J 81121. W MACLARKN, seryoa( ... _ Kension Iron Wo rks' • 'AV. , : ki'S lIAM TONIC.-Alter elk; thlt.artitle il trial,wl unheaitatieley pr ommect it io knwhat it peeks. u-th• beet article, withont anyeiception,.or . nee ) forth, re ton ti on 'aud perierratme of the arena -Sur. V. • know ofmannems Maumee wherli hair hes bernaestartel te awaywbJch ham beau bald for years; and we think we annoi de - ranter foot than to recommend ta dhow rander• who Kr'. Toeing their heir, to taloa:4W 4 0 Tokieivoutigel7 -:-. .. • _ amo.Ata. , r . , F.' . la ti , Pittit44o It the Pakia Tat torli - Dro.'7ll Fourth .treet near i.% end . •• . ' - MRS/IMT --- ~.-: UNDIIIFS.-I3D bags NO Molasses; 73 boxes :unashamed tobacco; half chests green and black leas; 73 111. d In lb boxes If II and (1 P do.; mg boxes German clay; bosh salami its; CO do. poiaali r togeiber , with .a ganone assort meat of groceries, to &ions and for sale by Jai . • CARSON & McKNIGFIT,nth at. AvANNA pomis—iuu,uuo itoroMd char. 01 tho fodowolg oelebtmcd,bionds.,. put to awe c0,,,a,,d0g of, Covoor,Aubiyoulad, %harm: regati* • Ropida, Eoulapto, I.klo Amigo!, p , London liron*Lold Byrum s, Falloprotelpcsi steam boa do, rdloysi onto do, Sylvin's do, I. floyadora . bl,: do do 211 1. 1r11, P , 14., ppl do gf gin . . • • ear Staiddiold it front at., • WIMOW ILlXfirritATF•P' VJATION Tilt' 0 ARABIAN NlUllTS.—Expreisli gimped fin An. ily iciefing; In mom of publien fine br Itai . fier altro.! there, New Yen*. 'lei be completed m twelve pans.: Put Wiest rootlet d and for Bale . • •'t - IeOII.IITIeAE.UO4I.Ir3; , • ppyrABLE-ruatik,s,A . very convvytenv , loeva wain the false elm beamed by Q. elelWWoltl= A hlw hist !COI and tee Me • • taths.; Brentkids,Puinl4l and Ih.sti 13c. Th. 4 • oft. Hew, Arool.‘ 'C.l3p; • Nava. Trecmcs, and r• • eared ' _ _ Dr. lisrayneht Campeau& Imitjp- at Wild ckere Ilia mild mid pleasant tone make;perfectly safe and. harmless In Is gentians, and yet Mose of o f hmem Lon gs, mad eatriaremedime Ormsumplion o the Lungs, Costus4 Coldh'Asthn Spitting Mood, Liver Complint, Pains in the Side, or Breast, Ind seamy .the alba Coustitutioo, that of everimented by the stall al moo for the relief of the - .deleted public Certifies*. and snide.. of its wonderfulcurative daily received from ill quarter.. It la h o possible ha s uerte the mcgre ofsoffering and run. cry that ha been mlievalre hy. in , nor..em we calculate the hum. e benefit that shall accrue from. it hereafter.- All ape, saxes, and conuintrions are alike affected by it, and the disease Is eradicated bcna thesysicm, the constitution repalred,Sind • healtiOes tormtby taw us• of Da. &wows' CON:PM Bnur 01' Wan Cam, Dow ufamrsulferers do we dear be , hold approaching ban usumelygnmen.wrestad;hi the bloom of pun, men their natives and friends, Want. Sit with thatoud suly, CONSUMPTION, which venue* th e iniserablama, leaufferet until he Ls beyond the power of human 11. If such sufferers venni only make a trial of Dr. Intryness Compound Syrup of Wilt Cherry, they . ',maid fi nd themselves somier rellered. than by gulping the various Suedective maladies wilts which Ota nerspapers abound; this 'Vegetable. ReMe• dy' heals the.uleeridedlungs, stopping profuse night sweats, at the same rine indudng emir:al and health,' expectoration, and the patient erdrsoon .And himself in the enjoymeut of comfortable health. The poblielhordd bear in salad that Dr. Swam is a regular practising physician, and Ms hod years of experience in diseases of the tempi Chest, &e.. TheAonginal and only; goon , use article Is only pprreepaaareed Da. BWAINE, N IV cor ner of Ilghthand Run strems;,Philedelptua. • -.. ANOTHER BOMB CERTLVICATE. • - Pre] the eases that has ever been recorded, we mop safely my the mulls oftnedicine cannot nasals ono to teepee_ Which now minds as • living ;Proof °film curability of consumption, men when life had 'been despaired or Dr. thraynes Compound/amp of •• Wild. Ch2rry lead It professes to be, ;he greatest id rise truism world. • • True Frichirof Lift is . Da. Sworn—Dear Sir,For good.of the public, feel myntf duty,lmuuti to teitifY tolhe great mire hich your Compend Syrup of Wild Chary perform ed On ma'. For my 'pen, I feel es if every Indy meld' to know it. I was atilietMerith aviation cough,. mit ling of blood Sight the vane indifttmg an alarming state of the dinaseif ray OPPOOPP woo gone, and mrattengathad PO far folk ed me that myttiendaand physician Were pernededd. could not =MVP many daye:„ltly oisteir;Wito von my Anxious cere.taker. made inquiry where sh e weed& h e likely to procere the most rennin relief. She was told Met di,. SwayinesCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry failed in the cute, - my - lite was thew homier. Tom medicine wont iedistely procured, and the Ann heen• ,114 v relief and by the time I heti eatemerned the ,Eau.,.myeouga /tad Lefton and . strum* Semi much improved 'ln Mon, has made " perfect ettr e of me, eudl ant allldaPtelnen Mad as I:any gunman I wish, and ham rosodreastiri to believe that Um um of your medicine his saved am faun 'a premature greed: I shall be pleased 10 gins any information respecting my CM!. • 3' d'a" CAPr b P3 ' /Y 7. gria 6 l3# 6llM- Connalmiree, Read! Read!! Dr. SwaystotictistenoMl .. Syrup of Wild Cherry. In about the yem IMO, I Mend -it necessary Mem. profenionel preelice, to compound a andieittelpmpery Mau for dioceses of the Meet and •lungs, yeasemung mote powerfel beeline ppropenes then my other MM. eno known for such diseuea. In my CONFOUND SYRUP OFWILD CHERRY, I have been amaze: "solid The truly astantaKng owes effected. bratty. medicine soon spnted m . - sdt, for It °sees moue. edits emcees to mansp.monelnewapaperintife OrTfor-• ged ceniflcates—the nog intriptsfe • ras mr , ertins Found Is the only causedf Mtge:sive. sale soon excited the envy re mars ie the afflictions of Ids fetknarereaturesoo much se dad la it few yew, front the time Mattny%instbas wesintro. deiced tothepublie and Ls great , aim in Ibis city, fauhng that my preparadott. Weed. a light meted. our Its manure propertm4 creffe , out !nth what they ;piled Dr. Winer% Salmon of Wild Cherry. This respectable aid popular phynician had no mom to dh with the ankle than peer Sam hock inn maw of Di Winer ia witched to make it eppearthat this et* Went practitioner was theariglnal inventor of the pr. annuals such is not the rant - 'The abase frna, the no el inventor, sold the recipe and right la =mad= to some patent medicine dealers' in Cincinnati for the West and South;end another in New York for Me East, who atterwards,it is amerted, eoldeat to a druggist io lionan—so the numberof bandanna which it may belie Maimed is en enigma. in mum phone they assert it erniniled Sam n pity stein iu ridwaphis; in others, from a physician to Alessachneetta 1' So it his falselmad • end strategtuo lumped :weedy feature. There hare berm a ambit of other preparainits par. Do to amain Wild Cheny.put ant mane, from the Made of inexpert/coon, which the public nWold guard maim as they mutant none of the virtues of the anti. ml no b only genuine preparation, which beers Ma mg. nature of Dr. Swarm on each bottle. ',The prment, mancrfactuftrs of their puffs and false certificates hake. per ehdazing effrontery , TO caution ths pantie maims chasiag my mridscuse, the only traly gem* and origi nal prmanuieux of lid Cherry Atektre Ma pink; hlopmved satisfactonly by the public neords the Courroopwealth of .Penasylvema, as well'. *M om other official doinutents. DR. IL SWAYNE, • • 'mentor and sole! Promicaor of the gamine pop- Rice dS of Whild Cherry, comer of Eighth end streets, pidledembig. Pamphlett can ho Leta:Maid gratis,. letting; hardline( array of testimony that will conviace thetasskpti ral Mahe sendo virtues of Dr Serape's Catimoond yrup of Wild Cherry. Call and get me, that ood. Purchase the medicine, and es mem. , For sale, wholesale and nisi... , by the Agnate. • ; 711001,33 Market eu CRIDER& SNOWDEN, comer Wood cad Liberty. Ins; JUNES, ISO Liberty 1 so it A FAIINIIITOCK k.. Co, corner of First and Wood *ad Sixth and Wood; and AWN 311 y 00010. Allegheny city. • Groat - English Ilmen•dr. F ° ll22T h Zii;d ' iLyp. ,,, Vglan 1 above diseases, la the HUNGARIAN BALSA OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated De Bacluno, ol Lasko, kleurMad, and intotalued into the Matadi:ates order the . mmarir mperituandence ante Invomorili The extraordinary meccas of this medicine, in thi, core of Polmonary diseases, warrants the Anserines Along= soliciting for treason:at the WOrst paaiitge CS ....that =Elbe found la the emenrunity—euesthatseek mite( in vain from any of the carmen remedies of the day, and have been given op by the most diminuished physicians. as coatinned and utormable. !The- Hedged. an Balsam has catedoind will cur, the mold desperate of caaes. It Is no truck nostrum, bat • alantlana•g: lira medicine, of known and established edlucy. - Every family ha the United Mame should be applied with Booboo. Hungarian e Balsam! of Life, cot 0.07 m counteract tberconsuraptive tendencin albs Ciiralif, bat to be need as • presconte medicine all cased cold., coughs, sprung of bloned,.pein in 'dee side , chest, irritation and swum of nte!tunp, brochitis, diftenitY of Mealier, beetle kver,aight soma., mmmi• anon unneral debility ! ! asthma; terbium, wqmplag cough .ytt `Boldlar, " . WNr., at SI . per bonle,with. tikei, noes tot the restoration of health. • Pamphlets, contataing n moss of Eullat cod Ammt. can certificates, and mbar evidence, showing the uh. equalled mauls of thisghat i.h Roh , dh's R.T be obtained of the Agerds,graten_tmtslY For tale by II A FAILNOUE A Co, comer of at and Wood and Wood and OM sta. mare ' Da. .I.IIIIIEII ALIVIATI VP: ' ,We have beep Informed. burrs. nose of acted per. kneed °niter hypos Jayne , * Altoraitlva,whieb. proves its superiority over every other remedy - or the kind 8k has been afflicted has the. last sixteen leers with NLVROI I .hZ or WHITE SWELLINUS, attended wok alconstiona and erdbliation of Task= bode*, da• ring witic.h time many "Wens have been dissikargediros the I=4l -hone ot . the eraniwn, from both her W u . o wrists end hands, and dem both legs,andftera be left rotors] tione,ond of the right kriest,..' besides =I . alters oa other pato of her person, which have the shill of. a semi.. of the mot emliwnt physic:444o, are thy—derma wet of the linscher sn*dngs hare. 'been encrusting anddeploribto - 'Abdo threeloanths since she was tadaced try.Dr—laynes Alterinee, which has -had an eswaishialtir WIRY 4=l het, by ; runeving all pain and swellings, and causal the Gam in heal, while at the Sane date berme:al health has become contyletelyresilored,swthio eisa SS lb. wore than she beano she conteseneed tla ass Lor this Indy saleable grapation.—tiati live.. Post; . For fanner infoniswa, inquire ethics, ItoseitiO: st, Phllsilelpina.- • • • • -Per sale in PittsbarA 'int IMMIX TE.A.:BYORE, 71Enorth a. near Wank ." . • .17g PEEM SCROFULA 'AND - SCROFULOUS . SWELL`, .INGS....—Scrolala In all - its mattiptied Ten= :whether is that atlases Evil, agluaemeets o the glands or bases, Goits, White SweLiap, etrroais Itheattuttias,thaser, &leans of the Skis or Spine, or of Pulmonary Commotion, tl4lllOlO facet rise and the same came, •thiett is a paineolts more or less letterset In the Munn spurn. nese. fore, salts thispriaciple eu be destreyed,aoridi. eat cure can bo effected, bat if the pneeiple, opt which the disease depends is • removed, a ears must ot necessity tbilow, no msUer seder whetters* the disease shooki mailed itaell.. This, tberefore is the mesas why 7 Junes ALTLILITIT; it oe'ind venally t romorin no thosy malicaut diseased.. It deltnilli the sitlimu pruciplealma RhIC.I those diseases bare tbeiterism,by eating into the eireetatioa, aid with the Woad iaeouroyed to the minket Able, mouths *eery putittoot discus from the system: P iee aredaaQtoktu No, South 'ltine Street, PhilUMPltitt Sold at the Pahl' Tot Sttiteiria. ls l ninth stile. • WWI I AWL/ Who Use Onion Pillared dithiki the 14 often not aware how Wariest -1 Ls the skin: hew coarse, hew meth, bow Lowy and athealthy th e nth atria= Om Wad entitared chalk! Besides, it is laJartaart ethaaleialatthic via Urtillate, kliellVelcl!-TlflWhAttroariatii. la ptrthoily thitaccattbeiall earthed or al deletenocatthalthesq oath if thwart" le As oath, k nl, .h.by, alabotarthen while. aide tams . u e sal as a et en the akin, smith!, Ilan ye...dames • Anemia; Practical thseadsi chased.. asyy. .Allar analysing 4rtenttfte 4 b t e hake White, I End it poseur. the mast bustard. sad nata ,thl, at the Jam Sine innocent white I ever taw. I certainly east anscientwasly reitetthatted its ale vial whose thia ians besaufittig.” • • : pp Price WI rad cants a Oat. . • 0 - 5*- , th by WIC /* SPIN% al bia Boot 'tad Shoo hhod or wood, at the sant of • L 4 / 1 . 1 , 1 .4.4 1 ,1 th athdthad, Whon'Ttoi bun, that yea are peals's! • A etwand. thawysski • • • • Thal rat will will as eammens chalk, • , .. and look a deathly yellow fright, • The woul d t laugter and ar _ • „ If yea 010 shex. if JONWBLdtpithae, it woad gith your that an :olobsavot yet atostal whoa, and at the 111106 oleo clear ant hoototo Bold at JACICHON , thtIi Ltoony tt. Pros Si eons par hat. . . . PA WNW s tSE49APIE.' KO. 9 B I G L. - / IYRUA W. FIELD atmAir sale at the lowed hlanataeterano plea, a very ertattalve Attattl. nuf ut of PAPER, tor aro!? lansittla . trarle adopted to the lams or eaaseateraut all spell= of zt moDY. Paper, 0(211 Wade made order alien novae. he meek of PRINTING PAPER imintany large a patio( which ia of ItaxsjiPo. l, lll ) ll....._ • PAPEO. Nexacuß KAT a.ll f ev.errdeeeriptkuLpar t. rted tad kept eanstayabr ea haat., Pe a:yoluttpa r W CIS* Feardzlater .Wlt= .Dleaattlai PawdaidAue Vlttezeariaeawitortata,te, Ceavan,llale RopetOntat Rol's, VII A: parchated s Drutdelt Otellgheat pries idu DO Dahl iyetty . Near Yak, Ja1y.119111. , • T. Jones , Itallare elltehakal Sow, FOR 11 theta of enputtei aid dieemesef.tee atia; edofemeke4 ft:Ai= e n e t the ale, reltleit recent ehemial iineAtee k t a s e ep menu umiak& h she divas Psentka, aam. asPaaw:raa aaa auto% *Feet= ef Auk yellow, of disageN4 !BIWA) a aakafaltimPAAM. eleareen. A fresh sup*, watneeed sad ler We at the Wheal pike et =thee flu ea bon retched, it °Erred he *bay AP eaten Ist ea mei me she at thetexhir= ;SW MVP 000143110 .1 2.4 "1 . 1 k. Pqnl Iheitthdiego amoial Ayala I _ . , - "" • - TRAlmirmAltie I Accoßsa. ,, , Cimasaptivz - retnatiber that it is Thomiteie. Compound Sy r if Tar mid Mod Rap. tia which sr a Vatting Arch re. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! epetem or &tag, Path in the lOle ikut, thr Om; thhooloog Gthlibt "olh WM% Ninths Inmotethree_ctioptunt mad Dimmed eMetp, et e. F.REFORS,bewire of oh thump =Atone of Term e. P. rbotoos—Deer Btr—The tOotathiwg bethet 1 - tem espoiemeg froth the meat your goothothil Ordeal - 1 true - Moth ~,dcn it thy dloty ot baths 7th et e. 1 - . ha thee kn. iandm wake ethy WI tough> pea ie that otha, with great opprthttoe.th..."l: 7—; Of . 71that Jog theme eat. i to utleg tent WPOlliped 3 1=1, 1 though r het t 1 wotl4 adhere to rind I bad then woe. Fieoliog small letiiel wens, hued pent...deg the to t. 7 bet*, of Pet` = r e:tti. , i ; 4 l wth 1 had taxa two buten, 1 that Oomplel7l7tHt.ereg .fkAny for the behefit of others I make the abon bred -" stamen. ' Any (unbar Ito-pities na fre mad• at m 7 .`"e dun, ltd Cathanne LL er fte.p.etfdry lain. .. • Yactent ninon. SU& - another, Remarkable .Cute.. Moat set ran Wan, du 45, answeeen of the Indent:Ley ; .° . ...f. , .b..10tt0r I on gu.k.4 rah were pain is ' .the Wont. palpitatio• of in heart and nettling of breath, i• width wen son billowed by lb. (..ban idapplits. nun. annihilates at shht and yeatial larwitie ot toy tindib -- tio.° yenta= of led !naiad nitwit br.. feepently attended with spittiniot blued. For .ben two pan / was odasiter. ally throng kin eolnaleins,' width Int we itt • nimble gauge' teableannad torn natal my mend: Enna tan While my RI/rainy. Wert tillOte oe WrAT cutlil a length dray nensied mach dxte, an the :inane of taw 72 i brro ansad ."' lnlnAVhstat; thu ltort% Ihr:rin k : W l eowatn "'n awn abla physician' anteldlaided to their presenptioas e btat • all nee. M' orne 7 atanilioT pinto nhac Ild i fttd=7 ".. l=7 "1"... R.at . la Tlnesswes Con= lityitinni Tar aid Wood f4dia,lB e ape amend titular td wow; slid nonals I Ind inn van ; expetwateoas of a mover, J .y Ann Inuit . by Man fet b...g.tmegiyedvned to In lb.. =whew, lan at Ann prod anal 10 40.11. awl I 1t... law dinky tha of inottleaasyhalth has bee. reintaknal _ I an towable to attend to bananas 1111111 . 04 =Ma naility . .w or Dickiataa Town* INvps.t.may .. 7 ANGISEY. a , Aiegao4*l.l../C Ika en.r i . 4 l 7. S . ' w l 4Arorttit , ii.n . 7 0 . 0. . 0 2 tgr i zt - , - , ,Coarpoand blyrap - wf Tar Cu,... wiew P Aitt adratintl i . 11/611b, st of atriAlowthe7setipielaa or la law ;. . . No. 65c.1:11AMONLI ALLEY,...th • : - ,fenv .doors bolos, Wood infect, tr.: . . regularly educated to the .medicif • • profession, and beenforoome tim e ' general' przeliec,• Juno. manes • sultultion to the treatment Of . plusesprime and delipato .coas-.' plants ler which his -OppormahletS, pe Orly quaff ' h ' irellry r rarTits - shitlota ‘ ir devoted, lu sums denti.,..nt of MOM eoteplaintatdormg tines.lor hasitadnerne practice and hes caredinote po ;time thin min ever Colt tO the lot crimp: itnuo,prer 'Adman)-, amply, ,00llifies. him to 'infer% ee kat •speedy, permanent, end s iatisfoetory rare to all Maimed , with debeste diseases, will diseases miring theist Dr..l3ioisn htfone those afilleMd WIM 'Miran Amazes which have hese= oliornie - by. time or mfr. t=thltl 'e str u' e 0r ".°1 tbetf<=ll=l d. ;ostahly earetkfie having given his cereal "attention to the treatment of inch eases, MO SUCCet4t4 hiltl4lol4 ' .of Mattison ideating persons of inflammation of the nick the 'bladder, end kindred diseailes which often malt from those eases where others Mins consigned them to hopeless despair. Ile particularly Myna sods as have been long and onsaccessfidly treated br others to .emortill .hin4 when every sailifsenoti will be glv themoind their cares treated in a carefelohoMogh Ind intelligent manner, ratified . one by: a long ewe ! study, and imradgation; wh ich iris tnipW.tblefoi MOO TO - Hernia or Reptore.—Dr. Brown:Stk. Invltes , pirt ions afllletedwith fiends to call, or ha baspaidpanio du attention to this disease. Skin diseases; also Piles, Palsy, etc., rpecsilly cared. N. Patients of either sen li&ioy qt idisttMet4Litt stating 'theft disease: in .writing, gang all theammi • to ,con (Muds medicines with dueetions for nse, Oddroonng•T. BROW , -11MN D., pool pkid, ander., In~n r* :: tNo.'os; Dtamai4iiiley,poop .Teley ID' No own no poi; • - •• •- " ,••• dere . _ a-tniarnar nanylanca. -- • THE hut anielatnown for eleaninian• the Teeth, stiongtheuirtare rains,, aweeamiog the • branth, ka. dt elicited heated cram - aught Wllll, WEIS bank and the teeth arid month mollonly =quint cubing in the morning. '„Wet the brash ritlt'venrei Water or cold I wi ll armorer; and rah its Cow Wotan the pima, , litheA..l,llh will adhere On catenate Om teeth. It karts a delicious mate in the month, and= , parses moat dellglnfal fougrange to the breath:L (tends nonvallorlas a pleasans, ethonekinr„eoligenlent, end safidgmtifiee. Iti. warna•mcriott6 *dant •to teat', •By mien it Ira remora th e tart:wand; provost- as aemenalstam--yreveit the toothaelko' •ll'ettOtkh the and disiiims °Cameo, hintarte, phyttmiana, and tie elargygoemamerai . it dot:Mealy nvenorw'sver, Mina gm kind ia h Ask forkilkermialseemponnd Ord* Tanta tine, Lath Ablerea his aipozate is ariarbrodtomah pat, •i• ileetainMenderllty , Dr. Cards,' =. Broadway , tate bent Dentstataad by amt-of thaAtid; mien lathe united Eltarksiand even Stattekreli - asell by the Nobdiryof Eneandand For - ' • ar Al t a li m m o a p d d a o r n a n at m thaer a d• a th r e . s h io a a t m aa oh ls e t r n h i a n u V n i t n e d which a timely eve of the Catho no Lareaget woadd entirety obviate.: Panama or .bilicat habits aboald - way. hake Abel at' hand,,and take" a dose wheuers they tail the least dernakentrat math health. - /Shull. - aloaa aso of thals.Louerkes' woolly:mut theavande Fornlast WM: 3Acoortis, coin ye mai A,GIBEATCURE,Oedbneed by tte - OrrenaluPestlYrree n L eon glad= Line pl.', prepared and .old try 11.:4' • ' •- Yoenen.W.".thr.diCit • _ , • , July 134b,18q, - MI,A,Z. otafity !ermined indoeesess We& my !amble testranoy Is firer. ~,yr a d.up_i . enJeltreted Lim -Nl..' r•lisse drderrai dors: es dor rani, ndtteries es Dirg CrarinWs ressiaL 4 rbe • ibex go stead. llast of the way prer,,y.,,, tes!nitif h./.. tW Ai...ra esilk.hdriolditiossiaes saes Letsr ri4 harebern offered Ist Lb. rode r ead indeed,. hams SSW I 2 'aim? Meant joLerhas t:applah aeq trodinaket....... agora 1 odd ukoh meg; hare • Sot root , .I.sni ....judged idndeked elootte dark • , .S.t. S. tonny'Sad May rims ap latomMo. la SESS-ne.r. ha1tr.4.7.5 talon Liiss Pilsordsol49:loT WELL. • One bel waiehbooteratroleattekespeeelear of pasta the ...good .1.1 the sac" nerfearte; nt.ltast • IStoredte , " . rearrito ern oho the bestenthirtiellrenrined; • bl•osattonegriyeng giving/web sieltrotest the stow. ;• 'enkimeirs tee lenactorthet 'I hone kept that he ay suns • kw It or. 7 pan; odd Insadredi bona sad- have won 'Ueda. arsele'eemphdaL Wend by wry ate wholes wed o . 4 l 4. •, =l..leareadai shaod.arna l trrat ' moody neessuotat them to all Fine. needing ptysi., oe sthetber Lirar,Coenestetir 4lnterees,' futigketiOr Cakabel er die Blue riu. Appel- 'VEME•iiitrrea 'U..ajar!' PEI: tuarnartiroftwa uk foe and take resoles Oro thew Intoned sat sold. by ft EELL*II3,IVo.•Wead-d, besot& .Ebird ind'lrred Eddy Dr.Cissen, Yia6 *on; PAI; CY. l4 ,..Anser.7 V. OR THE ell= ot Co WJSd op. Co! Bnititi.t3Pli -1,- 40 6 aßlowliprellyst.seitiother diseases of 'the ' syslesoletaktirLO rULMON-IRY CONSUMPTION. Tie great no 4 unpreeedeutod cocoon or:this ralua- Me, medicioe, and a desire to dtsseadoite ft. ',lteroefits, have induced the proprietors tqfir the Vise atEr• sews. "es hoed°, thus plating It video the mach of elt. 64. - tinily should be teak:mhos crest will;,whea they } have . _ 'mule wed nod appreoated its al.est insouttantone lion in the . pure oi the shove eatiplainttt. Containing no lotoentor limeade ingrecliette, =CUP ,rdightpn_ dad ger es raestovenienee eau result from its we. Edirldron. sufentut from croup and whooping r"9.l l t..ntr rate a with nudity, and' God itnotedinte relief, no [writ hoer Ticket the poroxyan, it given neeoritinglo &rations '• Anemic br storekeerrs generally, ia tais!aad o 1 joinsinrCo.o44llla.ouderboksalertud•tetall• by: pro. wieners: ' • 'iTf BJRCITER, Druggists, mar 4 •• • 164 Seteud a; below Vine - Odra. • Crease do' Amanda Antere. - in shirrlnju:' - • • Cre Ab an a la Rote, torohavina. ,u, • . e;U !KM polfomeo wita-LateiMl74o4l.• Mak of . • • Dobaaml inset bozwerounining trip' ankennaets , 4bbirlit rese far the hiodker n oblef; a mat begored loner sonyts, wor- - _ pt. • rattan, or Eldnoso Wardell • . • • •• " ; - ,lndian regmahlo Mara ll ; • • Beaesakla Racy or coarmoawroppt7s, oaetliiiqo Nymph SiaMll.so 1.1p:sMt11• Shag map; Soda map; together woo • smaeverierr. orkup flltialleyr lust seemed; iersale by, 41FANNESTO44 k'iCo • 'Mr afti avend ea 'TAW rotten* Illook Sprits Txotota MZWLY INVENTED—Ftortb o - refie(bod renaaricnit LT Care of 11FMNLA or RUpTUKE, 1591141 ut 910 'no alPtiidr clAirtt. °Vette Theo eablizt in Ow corm- Ntratiro easo with whirl is mapbe.arora. Tb 9 pad or .91M belltill9l9arod 99 wises, yield& wpm.. we on any bon M it, and iboroadttly adttpO had( to ear Mr(ow,ltiuLdo by IM :raw It eart be worn, ottboubtorroLoi t tn, until• curalictrecird.,Tt tit mob- MAU. b.ove made amtogotresto bribe w manna Troortesiis nparior b1y19;19 WOW tatphLl, and lave Am now for salt, onlintroalett,No. ,77. bun Piusburgb.. , OEM %TA UFAI, 19191" D. W. K T FMAN. _ LCOLIOL—A fmb recel;ed md tor sarbr "PITTSBURGH .GAZETTE, maws= riAlLV;Timsvmewtoet WEECLIE Al du 654gam 0.11104,p, at sc., war Lb Pad Wm a• 1731151 •0/M.A.D.V1051,571115,19.„„. One insertiosbr 13 Hoar, or lets, .. , ... .4 0 •°. Two inairtiona withor4glterations,....'..... o / 5 Three . • "_ '" ' fi° One Week, ' " 1 50 Two Week! • " . Ea Three " " " '..300 One blonth,, -..400 Two w ... 6 00 • rr Longer odrerthowentr in now Tatillftian• 9 66 wrinro,S•roOnths,withoot ahowhotto.. 10 00 " 13 • :1600 Each additionanl Kure for 6 oxottbn, 6 00 , W IS • • 10 Oe unositiane 6 mostlin,ronewahle at pleawnre, 15 00 Enthadditionnlagotroinill - iO OO Two agnate", 6 months, Wynn:nen ploware, 30 00 Ennh 4040nosloqoaro;6 snorrnbi; trCO irnawyr oa was-lononi-111 4 / 4 107' , A ,334 . One sqoate.3lnsertionn t ..El 93 earicadditloeolinsortion,.. . ..... 37 317■111.8f COM.' Flee line, or len, _' 600 • 0 . 4 • • oix moodily • 4... 6OD -4, . 44 . one year, daily 414 weedily, 10 00 f , • Six • 800 . .6.o4rxwnwnuirio wwiwsw 144660. • For 4 3)11oes; or loar,Oso twierti05,.....i... 0 $0 fir , _ 44 Two,. 16 4. 4. Throw, • ..• 1 . 00 Tione m0wthi,..1.4... 3 60 0 • r° . " ..600 . 4. 0 °