GROCERIES, le ; CLARIFIED SUGAR—GO bblc • f l Lmil r tetteivai r; C :p"ITIT" 4 '! .... ' AVM* foiPA Louis Bcsnettr QUNDRIFS-200 bro Baca Raising 50 hi' Ito do; 51' bblo bag. Dampc- 081 Loaf Sugar . locdtarg Dm acme! St DteTt..j t 0. ," tnc.A.LEY:r;Ammi SUGAR AND MOLARID23-2/0 bbds N 0 Sagan O( bbls N 0 Molawes; in stoto sod for ado by. • oPe DROWN k CULBERTSON, 14311beny st. S A b U telT and RN ili to "V nia t b e d :nrar ett E v,:e s wines are or coy own importation, duvet, and will be solow by - : - .pl 5 • • PC MARTIN_ CUAMPACINE buhete Malteee Crnui; Y 3 do Crown Champagne Wlnea, now landing and for wale b . a 15 - P C MARTIN DIEUNDIF-2 hi - pipe* superior Ileuessyßroady, of JLP Juane importation an late 4 quarter popes superter Chard Brandy, no*ianding and for sale .00 • P C MARTIN ORT WINEO,3O . Iv L and 6 , r. Mail Coach' Line direct to Philadelphia, 0 lA. 16 and 12r r. K. and taoldbarn )fail Coach Line, 6 A. M. • North-Western vie Cleveland. doily, 10 A. at. • ; Late nod Recent Now Yo,k, daily, 6.e.. M. Nortb4:estem todadelphia, daily, except Sunday., ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. ,Ikrerern AIM; via Philndelphirs. due 3 A. X., ChM AS \Vcrr•n Merl. Cllr & AAX./V. due r. eloeta L A.>. 'Scut. eiulialrmrorr &AVertri urrturr, due 8 r. M. err North %Tortoni yin C/eve.lond;due lUs. X, eloree B e.. tine and Weetem New York. due t r. u., doers Fr A. X. TIE re I loverlLave I.oft'sVA o l l . i 4ANl ' l ' .l%UlVßT, a p D rf;aTe; ‘ ?... invaluable eifiency. wattle sta—h, several cases of 00111.1M111011. Cfloo/0. Col is, asthm. spun .g blood, and oilier Use longs and Ov e r. I hove made use of your reedreine, and I .am happy to au) it is indeed a valuable spec:the, and one I etn pleased to rceornitemil la all allticied WWI pulmonary euniplanns. It is extreme rally fu tiegif a cough. In its first stages. As n spark of fire will om, en•ion grent can dagnition, so rany a olasbaenugh, ensity cured nt first, end by negleet in consumptiOn and deeth. Ifnny thing Is aroma% to prove the cit.em cY 0 1 . bee/ina remedy. heed only observe I have tested its wonderiul curative rewers, to th ffe and in all cams it has pieced successru t 10 .' 1 ,11 ..ny l o,e sus Will. .1.10111. COWS. 1 , 11111111( blood. pain In the side, asthma, sic. He, `Yar sr.' , Respectfully He. P. BUCHANAN, All D. FROM DR. ItoDGErts—..A, o general remedy for diseases of We Lungs. I nm fully satisfied, tionv tong experience, there to no naethcilie elitist to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. Hemp pure.) vegmnble, ii eon he Lard with the inmost rarely by all pct..... CONSUMPTION AND DVIST 'FfilA CURED.— Having been cured of Were dis...villa crowning., which had rried ow to the verg of the grave, Ely D e. Taylor's Ba ca lsam Liverwo romr3 Ileektiniu I consider it by duty 10 make I publicly known. fu We hope of benefiting others. net it raved my life I do not dould--for I could net eat. and was daily de clining, until I was a me skeleton. I hope this will induce any one of lictedlorry it. especvn/ly they love life and health, and avant to be cured. It wof wonder ful theory. ROBERT D. HONG. Jr., corner Oak and Pearl streets. There is ho sorer test of the value nine article , then .constatit demand. Thus Dr. 'Taylor's Raiment of Liverwort for thirteen years has stood We test, and is row the people's fuvorite reionly for coughs, golds, and diseases of the Lungs. fold in Pittsburgh by 1 D Morgan, 93 Wood at; J Townsend, 45 Market st; II Smyser, cur Marker and ad sun Henderson h Co, 5 Liberty st. !'rice reduced to MAO per bottle. r?ri FANCY -DRY GOODS. SEAMAN & MUIR 391 Broadway, New Yorlc, IMPORTERS AY . :It JOBBERS of Sias, French prixl., ted Muslim. Harvee, Laces, nobroidenes, Meri nos Shawls, flowery. Giovert. Lawns. Itambeatnea. AND ALL VARIETIFei FANCY They invite country klerchants. visiting New York, to eisifillir thew stock beton, making their onetime, Mr. Alum was for many years of the house of A. T. Stewart lo Co- Worn which he retire.] on the let 1.44 c and fir. James Dtelson. mho hoe on Interest io the hosutess,iwasal. favorably known in that eitalw lishment. mommy_ - • - WEBT POINT WORKS. DREISTON!VAG:NS-M. Engine burbler*, have. .1: commenced on Penn st, near the Point, at the ernabliabuient fomterly carried on by StackhOuse it. Nelson. Persons wishing to purchanc sientrt en ines (or boars, or for - othe r purposes. will piens, favor u• synth a toll, as on Bauer mimic. lobe able to fur nish them 01/ favorable terms ail any other eatab bailment en the en y. A:eo, mtll tod castings of every description ran he had at the rLortest nonce. itirrussara—Caps Hob... Hear, Thom. !con, Esq., Church, Carothers Co&H. Denny. FM. Allen & Co. CVNLIAN PISE,TON. apta;:tht ENOCH IV-Ur:SEX ' SELECT SCHOOL. (Scams. flooit !NUM 11.1,0 l'smancsux CurFr/t.) AAtli CATON'abehool will be opened for the rex:fp /U. don oI pupilsuf bath 5eze4,1,24 Nhoidey, the 11.411 l'atrooe,se rervect:ally sultettol. , , PittAborgia, .AprtiVrt, IN, I.l.4Muurees—lle'l. L. 1141Ie, D. D. A. T. MeGM, L.D. Mr. George Albree flitbord I , :wards. I.ole Loorot, 11,'. Henry %lin]:On. Illoaongabla house Tsl4.ring Estab. 11.1aattent. •• • sAAC Nis, npe r and Tailor, beg. SO in form the citizens of l'.ltaburgh and other., that he io now opening at hi, room. 011 Smithfield street. on. der the Shone lintel. large to ~ 1 oratitahl . at Cloths, cao•inatert... Collie, Sr., and other•Ve...torment finc., together with *evil miter art.,* OA are refinired .rot gourenien's . Wenr. gliftli• have teen carefully Oe lected. and arc of the neorot and mon: ittrunr,ble rynr, a,rll h. ni Mart-nor qua'ny. curomer. 11. 3 k, d `T r ".. l :lathes, made up • MAlllierl , ;lllth canuot to ;pout) . the tare in! the Mort feathlintio. • 8111 PIP PATENT DLOCA . V.II." ! 4111-:,ryneeriner nfiei. tor ore a tall ArsOrfinent of Ittralta, shiver, en, attained to d trade. Altcl, el.MUicti. K. 01 Mork.. uname ! l in rea.el. or any . •pnetty. put up and inrar,at.lcd to :any part of Coin, tt;Muht .10,11 y and at the lowe,t OenpuLA:NU M VITA-, tor ogle it, 4913111111C5, 1...1141 r , • %V Mt er, formed? ,f corner o! Dioniototf olie) and IVood street beg. toe. mitten - trolly to inform hie old eindonter., meads. ond the public, hot h. hoe oneued itTORi: on Smithfield etreet. second door teouth of 14: street, where,. choice ontontnettinf lime and Cops ate wilt,' Fore as road, neat. tiohionolde, Alla cheap, a t . 7-• t t, oty, ysty t • eery nor hilly tootles too friends and the put,- : to remember Msnew , locatiott and establithrt Ent giVg him a toll as hearty as he intends to we i 1,413 1- 11.001i111&•,111`, ViitilonatillTilat and Cap 31annfaetory, liEllittrE S. miskii"ri., A,rlll, rn,pertfult) informs his friends and the public Kt ...miry that he hos commenced the maimeacture of }bl and Cups at No. Wood street, one near above the corner of Secontlovhert. be bus now on hand a fine ent or Hail and Cape of his own manufacture, whicassortmh he will inapt-tie of um the must tvaroitalle terns., whoteanleand retail, ton Drubor cry acceptance. R an wade to order at lie shone. mace. apddal . • STRAW GOODS. ItitPr:ALF:RS are invited to examine IL IL PALMER'S sleek f- .Straw- Goods, of, the spring style, composed in{ art s of , , , BORM•71 . 8 . • Florence Braid; English Dun.: table 'do: American do do; Chitin Pearl do; eoharg do; • Rutland do; French Leer; Fancy Gimp. he. , fic. _ llATSLegliurti, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Rudd. Unwind Braid, Pedal do. • Alro,,Artifirial Flowers, Ribbons, &e, Pnaw Ran, net IVarebotts6.ll3 - Inarket at. ..,.. . .., 4, artfolzrelt-z.....,0• a Vi.- '''''".e. ''" at rtt's thd day i rj. e ' ,.rie 4 orC Arl n tie :V it h i 4 "Yr: i r ' goes rd to ca 11 tttt d examine their Welt of Spring Hata, lust reccired'froor New York, at their ateke, corner orStit and Wood ats. marl - - SMILING STYLE.:-S MOORE bassiat re. celved Soot Near Vork,tthe Spring Style of Ilata, which be will Introduce on Saturday, March it. MI thaw in wont or neat led .wwria lbw, will flew tall;wid C 51116130 St 71 WOW atreot, 3d door above • Douglas,. l+te James llicliain.- The. 4nd:scriber has removed Ids lion and Cap Mann. &glory to No. TT Wood street, nearly opposite Ida' old fraud, .where he would invite his friends and dm public generally loan aswartment of lints and Caps, which for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed. COVCIAliiil, 77 ood st. • Baying ' , sired' nom the Hat and Cap Menufhetory, !roost sepectielly:teninitnend the pationage of toy friends anti the public generally to BIT successor, WI6 ~oaplua _lfebbldAntl JAMES MckAIN. VASIIIOI4.—S. lifOosp, ed from New York, the Pall style of llatsitshich is will introduce thbVilay, Saturday, All mote in want of a neat and superior hat w uld do well to call at N. 75, Wood elm!, 4 , kdoor aka', Eh. HIL II I III LITEICPABuIkiit — n JUST re ceived frota New Ttbliook, the .Sumtner style for hate ; modeling pr White Beaver, Pearl and White Freneh Cassimereilati, with Ventilators. Th.., s o tent at a iseatuif?l,.llght Hat are rea ppee Invited to eq.. .• •* -S. AWOKE, . 78 woodet. 3 doers above kth Irlijallie'rh,lrnorrVfibrlleu*.ce,l!P-I=4 Ilecrityity tutes,isul Void:it:A Foreign awl Dolisestitolgi'nes owl Liquors, thpi.tyoliq.j..4) , lame vock fupehnr "old Mona )11.9.r valsey,. seiggioirtil b awd Ws, for kseh.. uplgity— 01,0v0r,84--I,c fan itedud *O2 - miNDErrEn ;ix') i 1;`1.7' S ! I'l' - • THE ONLY IhRTS .VIZETANLE EXTRACT as Investat;;-. Ida remedy for Epdeptte Flther Neknesace Colsiona ktpasesei te. It Jewell know% that floa. ; time ntuctemortal,phyaleianthavepm•onneed.rssiisPt tie ilts incurable. It has Want, an their and th• boasted power of all AxediClAL tad ottoseqeentlj tboo sands have seared through • miserable exhasnee, and at bun Yielded e• their lives on:the Wear 'Or tessnlsK , With •11 decerentsts,however to th e opinion Of tins = 'Kress andlearned, +n or thatit has bee•eared. UAkl'e vrt reui a csit idi Por sizteeTFeMs,Airt Icier tnierr . ritany' Sensate who have euffered dreadfardise=d d i: every case where it ho, had a RN trilA has Pita *CIS ream and a myths, eared by the rue of ad the billowing temarkabitt ems edam WM oil m.rude Sum. Peq.,,of Philadelphia, afflicted with 8010 rude Fits 51 yeses end 11' mouths. 'Afterßuelling . • through fllgland, Smstboul,Gennany and Fluor mew, suiting the most eminent phyeictaiss, and expeedgeg medieme, medical treatment and advice, three thaw sand dollars, returned with his son to this country IS 2 November lass, without receiving any benefit wham - er a and was mired by using• - • • • HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. • . Mr. William Sccore l / 4 Lauer to Ihs. Ivan and But. "there spent over three thousand dollars the me& eine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a • tour to Europe with Nth, wi I did: I fort visited - England. 1 consulted the most'' . eminent' phyelcians there in respect to hie ease; trier examinadhiusind •preacribed 'accordingly,.l remained • three mouths'. without perceiving our cange Mr the boner, which - t cost me about two hundred and Ally dallies pocketed ' by ;the physician., and the most -that I re ceived woo thaw opinion Mat my war's case was hopeless and post.''• lively Incurable. I accordingly left England, and um. • elled through Scotland. Germany and Frame, and m. - turned home in the month of November last, with my - . son as far from being cured as whin I left., I saw year • adverdsement in one of the New York papers, and concluded to try Van's Vegetable Extract, seeing your , statement* sad cc-redeems of so many cures, some of .• twenty and thirty years' standing; and I commute yea am rat gorry I dad so, m by the use of Ilan" Vegeta. ble Extract alone, he orsi restored to perfect health. - iris reason, which was so far gone es to unfit him for holiness, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before hue, Of life, health red useful:tees. • He -la now • - Oot years or age. and 7 scars and a months of this • time has been afflicted with this mom dreadful of diet • entes; het thank God he is now enjoying good health. • Now; faith without work. I don't belie,. in. To say that I chail be ever grateful to you 1. one Ming, and rot here enclose you one hundred dollars, I . have no doubt but that you will thhilt this Is another '- d quite • difiereet thing. The debt of gratitude I still ...even, butpleave to acetTt th o • present =mid • as interest on the debt in advisee,— Tom very rtspectially, WILLIAM BATORE, TOTILE AFFLICTED. . Otto of the proprietors of this trivalent& medicine ' • ' was " afflicted -for several years with E2ilemie i The - di sease had pniduced worst effect nom, his system, vim Loss of rertniary, imbecility of mini( and o - Ptslect promotion ol the nerve. system. lie had tried the skill _of the best phyaicianti for seven years,' end grew worse under , their treatment,and. he knew Mat this medicine was his only hope fog - health and life, and 'was therefore determined to email attic tnal„ • - and to persevere In it. use ; which he did, and the ..nit Wes a perfect IVIAMIOtI to health, which was coed.. red enintertypted (o rcuity sixteen - years. We would toter to the following persons who haws been cured by using Ilan'. Vegetable Emmen• Col E Denalowbs daughter was afflicted Mae years, i mild. at Yonkers, Now York. • W Bennet, nine years, 111 Grand st. r • r r • J Ellswarth; seven Tema, lb Dover. et. - • Joseph lirDougul, ame year., Eiullrooklyn, L. - ii V. Sadth, hew York Custom HOW, S Kelly, twenty years, Staten island. bliss E Afteel, twenty years, Yorimilla. - Diu. R Crane , tweet years, !IR Ilannuerslr our •-• Win II Panel', reruty.threeyears, 73 Norfolk ,04 Jacob Pony, A= Years,,ll74 Delano, • Philo Johnny, twenty- eight years, Ureencelis, Jadgo Randall, 91 Emit Brcrolvsey, New York.' , Thum. R Jones, of the 17 S Navy.: • . ' Cut Wmlennings, State at. Brulgepom, ." • Reference aim mode to • DrW L Monroe, Guilford, - '- Rev Richard Tucett, Wan Davenport 11 yi • . Rev T L Bushnell, Baltimore, ML - Mr Joseph Bradley, ILI Orehantat;N Y. - ' Et.O. Eat:teen:li st N.Y. MIWJames . • Benholf, Chester, Orange sore It/ John Faber,l7li Elisabeth do DA Richtco,2lB Delancyet, James Satithl3o Suffolk , ter - Charles Drossy, Ito I • • All of which May be Called open, or &damson, peel ~ , - ID - Pregame by Dr Elora Gate' Ins L ILA) New York.. ' . . • , O F THOMAS it. Co,' 1.441 Main 'ea, between dd and. 4th etc and len Mant et, between ash =lath streets . Clerte ,,,, , OMo, wholesele and re tall spat. tort i - v . " south and Wen. I. WILCOX, le, corner-o ( Ma:heist and the Mai' •- mood, ode . art in Ptuge g Pa , jaZildawlY • • - • - SALTER'S ' . ciINEENG PANACEA! *; rpo THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED 1 LUNGE The unpretedeutcd auccoss which heo Mulled the ch . b of the • ' . GINSENG PANACEA o all the v arious forms which imitation of the leers as, maim, has lruliZEl.l Me:proprietors io call Mteo t r. lion to this , s ' • 1 ITONDEDFUL PREPARATION. The ehangable weather . which - mark* out all IU winter months, is always a Ouitiol entree of COLDS AND COUGHS. • Their, if meteted, are but the precassers Of that fea decroyer, • COSUMPTION. ' The 'question, then. 'how shall we nitaihe destroyer its the bud? how 'shall are get elmr of Our•coughs and, olds? is of vital imponmee to the public. -•- THE GREAT AND ONLY_ REMEDY will be found In the Ginselfg Panacea. le proof °rod. we have from ume to one published the eansficates of dozens-of our best known citizens, who beeeexperi eneed _lts curative powers. Th ese, ' , Atli a metier tee downy from nil parts of the ettunny . ,-Lirom • MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gape!, km, together witb.coplous Ina: • bees from the ,IJOURNALS OP THE DAY, we harts embetlied Iu pamphlet kora, and may be bad gratis of anyoLtuause F rogg i . ermatry. , been'used this city. • . , THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada,-and we oh. lenge any manta point ouzo . SINGLE'. INSTA.NCE n which, when taken oeconling to directions, gold b.. fore the lungs had become amity disergamzed, ir his . failed to _ EFFECT A PEIIFECT Clban " • tirliT a tleeiltba alilleted beinarat o .by to !mamma, goner Op Ilya . o !salvia. ants a a I.l.umed name of some •ce • hr.. d Aye Amine, and puled Tutu notoriety by. tenilien,l of porn none equatly unknown? {Vhilrt a medicine Of UNI•AbLkLI.biI,F:D ETFICACY - 'tad, slime vouchers ern at hoe. — mac .nelgb& any of 'Mom it 6u• eiNATCIII: - .0 FROM TUT: AVE.. Fn order that this invaluable medicine may be {diced within pricee much Of the poor well the HO, sre hate'. pul th is iu" e"e't. i'i,"'44.":7,..r,•11 Worm.- . ot"X ° l l4 e it o3u P al iP co:Tc Y t certF•tigNS Tenetiterd;ikrt y wl. 1 Vim are. .11-proev;,,err, over it the - SAL rF.. o^lo • "0 • . ortke . l.Vater Co• 1K1.42 -1•;•” , 3•Chin , IGGIG ••••••• re - 7 1J thupl...A; th r ct ;I. o; i - i ,107 L . 1, 11. 1.4 Ai • :14,4 '. Tot ille very•1 nUpl7Ol.l 4 3 L et•urit14 nir fir ri , reireil 111 The 1,,,. • • irr cur , i•htiu crli • i•ri, i r, ui.grr Tie itiy-tr• Fru* it in Cr,,., r . t '• rm!, r,.••••• •4rer3 • • 1 , • ili 4141 cur ;I 3 ....ft G.t.• •.1 ;:,r .t i; F. 4 . 404 4r GI • II) 'l , Ge 001,411,4 41 • 3.: . ,..3 ii 343 1111.. k I •••• ''''' , ttt Lirt cif . Pi . . •4 • 4 Om • , • rt4l 44.1 i, FL .1 It, whit i•r• r i•• it• 4 t 1 411:41, de, G d, v. •11 . 4. - n i u cruet 11114 P,Pa 444 ' 141:4 4i :.••• evrnisi • it.—Len:. r , y 1,r , h.. mule {Lae of in .fic ..ute. s und gen?:rtuvu..tem pion, en voreet; reco.ol:, rtevrc,l4.l- the C.111 , 1C II jaw or H rvionla. afri %Iscre egty a leinion Ibe v.•. I.y , Ite p- 1111mai uttetuve .44 Wm • • •- . A. FA lI.NESTOCKS l'iteutnotite o r cough J o Oalci. lee. a grew advutotr6v over meek ate., ouch! prep-emits., as 11l plewant bear . wroth. it CO • toned erillaaa incoaverdetsce. IV 11111 Yr 01.11 Connote in the sea:chore: o f its cure. We hare ' ounwir some of the most desperate creschs. 4 1111114- .shich had been rununot on Mr a considerable frootb e lone, yieldalmost immedienly In ifs power ; ffir ouch weather tio we hese had daring the stint A.:acr o e, rewef)! to Callable to take. cold, unless great te net feet and undue melamine to the nielemeney Ce weather Odell lays lOuncialion 01 a haeklrg .! ,!! evill,witieh weda a quick remedy to prevent sereollll7.' tVe hare numerous cynificat. of cores which ir ttqs Renonnerk many of whichare Irmo persons in' • t.lis city and the neighborhood, and they area ettshcient • •ennuce without Raying llittlber word or ito favor. Prepared and foe sale wholesale and retail 6K13 ,ft. , 1 - i:its:rocs. tr. co; comer of, wood, and Ist - and d eth Os./ an sts. .ntartaff Purify. Tone Blood.' • IR. O. E. SIIJLEV— IIe ar loart t•pring, and do taith the previous whiter. I New severely afflicted with a 6CrOillolll. complaint lit my legs, mitt had be • , for voice montholitider the Cot, o f physicians., They .nitl'emy care wet almost •incomble, and they could do tan Ilan for me. - I vows hearty helpless, but with dm aid of crutches could with di&eulty get about.' In AN) last, I perehawd of 'you'. and commenced using fl aw TOL's bswiewattaa. Alley the ow of two bootee, the sorescommenced ' and I laid aside niy crotch:. a., :Wag only a cane. Idispetind with my cane, and '• at the mod of the fourth, wee so well •• 10 Witt all dal • inslteadngsheep. In all, 1 usesl , five tundra • Thal ocrojoia eons have all healed up, and 'since len .0 end 001 .4/ have seat no ttlTaaratice at Um dinette, hat have cautioned, and wet now o in the most perfeethealthalt • .1 elate' with confidence, hopoig dun others may be ben' ailed in the ume way, that the sarsaparilla sold 1.7 yen, has beenthe means and the only Means of effete, • tug the cure. - CORITELICSJ. ItOSEe. — For gam wkalemalts and retail, 'dim' ' A. FAILYESTIjeIit & Cl' cor. fetal Pwood stn, & alaoeornei ROW &Mei DR. JA. Y DIX'S CARIIIINATI VJGBALbtal,' I, , ROgtboi Rev As.ll OM isiN, a well Snowy and w p r st 2,. acressitan orate Protestant hiethodirt Chan is The sinr!errigned haring been sainted defiant the psas winter was a diseiwe oldie stowa-eb,routedwes .piess sinews great paha ha the stomach torten ortweire Los ra willow /ntertuistion,..d• after' baring tried rural. tewedics With little eters, was famished with a- bo tla of in IS layne's Carminative Elalsrun. Thisbe wee ac. 'canting to the directions; inni found tweariably th. thin medicate taus. the pats Wahine hi three or Grut r 6112. wen, and ht fifteen or twenty, minutes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. I The medicine was eV terwaidlosed whenever indication* of the, al:poacher ptiawere perceived, andtbe pain swastbereby preced d.. Iler combatted to atrathe medicine erery.esenin g and sometimes ia the; moronic mid la a, Dm, week. health MU no far restored, that the sufferer Woo renew ed from alittge *Mourn of oppressive awn- fisaw es •• petience pe Wore, be Can anagram ly recent... 4 D V J aync'sCatmlnadre bahram . • Wotan. nr , lo irt. for dwftecl Iffilwainsach atni bowels.- let .i . 1.11N111 . . , . .-- • AI"tIiTITIA Forpalo iti Pittsburgh at- the hhl, . it Fedrili Ottrot, ear 15 - 0.64, an uhr) ;r111 , .;,. Dni or ir i• Sel itV n init. Ivies : isrr,.... 3 .„..,,,,, ~,,, . .rprlS to'ectpfy thul,br it.t t ,e`f„='; ,;7 7°=..°,l,F,l=Trw-'a medicine a of Y ...PO." illlZ ilw , M7Mll:,-. .. • It 14 truly the must , eurrdimultMWM /Mit • , . . ~:3iitz s 2: NEM