The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 04, 1848, Image 2

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: THUit SDAY • HORNING, MAY..:41.518;
AtiVentilleoCMl and riubpegiptions to the Nord3 Ame
can add Crated Pules Gar.etec, Philadelphia, received
and tamer:lad from Waco:rice. t. t , . •
."-- • InlClff ItORK EXPRESS. r '
"; _We ..vgl - .receire and faxward free of expense, ad
sad sabsexiiniaiis lox Ibis paper.
Fyn Prrrarciart DVIN Oszerne i. pablished
;Tn:Weekly,ao4 et-kn.—The Duly is Seven
lollan per the TA-19. kly is Five Dollars per
sums; the Weekly is Taro Dollen per annum, strictly,
Irrdpradanaa are eaniartly reqaeated the hand in
- Later divala bepre sa. 3a, and as eerily in to day , as
liumarCorciaiercial Intelligenca,Domestie, Mar.
•14 . t51, Slyer Nevti Imp2ns'Aloncy IdAukets, as. see
aW PO.; :-.. •
. •
*big Dfaminatlon,
Dentocratte a:moistener.
The Nestage of the President, in mintier' to of
. :fain in.Yncataut, before 'referred to in= columns,
•: •
;'affords anothe;r strildiag example of the lead)! man.
.• ner in which the President and his piny stultify
theustivey . e. occasion offers. That virtuous Ex
mainly elected by the vote of Penritylva
• . itist--4securedto him on the gritand of his sound
. nessuponthe tariff, was htrdly warm in office lan•
•- fare the tariff was remodelled', and our workmen
competition which has well night
••untied 'their :interests. His next change of front
'.., • vas upon tknOregon Question, in which his quit,
tiling did tact,ns in the case of the tarilf, cost us imo
mucfcie money as in hector. The' question, bow.
ever,issettled, and we revert to it only es o case
in point, shoeing an Ignominiout abiandonmentof
•• a preekets position.
• - The prcgrest of the was to settle the boundaries
, of Texts, bat been another instance of the dishon
esty of his intentions. So kr foam being a war of
• •
settlement, It wea one of conquest, as mar Ames
' shorts of_ territory demonstrate- •••
• .
• . • Theie three instances; it seem; are not sniff.
. - • • dertt; and we are to have another in the Yucatan
affair. The • penineula offers to his ambition an
"otber opportunity to annex.; not under the pretence
.• of extending. the • area of Freedom,'-or from ha.
• .
mane motives but to carry out one of his old prin
ciples, derived fromthit teaching. of Mr. Monroe.
• Yucatan now appeals to uifor aid, stating that Simi •
olio reqinseshaie been Snide to the Spanish and
• , English GoVernments, with the infer to transfer the
dominion. ,
and' sovereignty of her territory to her
The Executive, in his Messege, ups—
a Whilst it is not my purpose to recommend the
• adoption of any measure, with a view to the tic
_ quisitioa of the `dominion nod sovereignty' over
Yucatan, yet, according to our established policy,
we could not consent to "a transthr of this 'domin•
ion and sovereignty' eitherlo Spein, Great Britain,
,;ot,.`any ether European Power. In• the language
of President Monroe, in bis message of December,
1323, 'we should consider any attempt on their
pert to extend their system to any portion cif this
hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.'
' :In toy ann u al diessage of DeeembetlBls, 1 decla
',' red that, 'nearly a quarter of a century ago, the
' . principle was distinctly announced to the world, in
the anntiannewage of one 'of my, predecessors,
• • that the !American continents, by the free and - id'
decrndent condition which they hove neaumed and
• • inanitained, are henceforth not to be considered w
-subjects for future European
colonixatihn by an
Power.' ' • - • * • *
, • 'Oar own' "security requires that the 'established
thus announced should guide our conduct,
end this applies with great three to the peninsula
• 'en - uesten. It is situate in the Gulf of Mexico.
t he North American. Continent; and, from int
• T icinoito Cuba, to the Capes of New
• ori edd s, • l,:d indeed to the whole ninth western
coast, it vratikl herdwitgerona to our peace and se
cority.; if ji ithachl become a colony of any E 1133-
' • pean nation.' •
Thin - settled policy,. one would suppose, was a
fundamental] part of the Coostitutioti, and that that
• :' document' thada, in so many words— foccupy
eaten." Saferftuut this, it can be shown,from Mr.
:Pdk'i own Mouth, that this settled policy is based
•• -ion nothing bat a flourish of Mr:Mot:doe's, made to
out his nit:Wale Congrees; end entitled to no
• ....• • ainsideralion, being anti republican, mad opposed
to the true Spirit Of 003 government.
. ..
• • . : "
, 'The motive in referring to this docemeut of Mr.
'Menthe, is a shallow device, as will be seen hem
the extractor a speech made by ldr,
,:,pall, subsequent to the settlement of the policy re.
• rzostua. rates arm= on Tux 1.333313 10133103.
4 _ Ittihad voted for it (a resolution adverse to the
f I -tdesixde) because he belie,d it was declaratory
of that anti= coarse of policy so happily pursued
.ib" the Government, from the adoption °ttherm
' to the present period; because it was, es
. be conceived, still the true policy of the country;
and because, being opposed, as he was, to the pa
-.posed mission to the Congress: of ?enema, Utah
any circitroitentres, ho wished to signify to the
.President add his Cabiaet, bye distinct expression
• cf• opinion by the popular branch of the 'Artie!".
tune of the Union, the vireos which theywntertain.
•Ed of Ina airs 30LICY Or, TIM caverns. That
: object had been effected by the vote of yesterday.
By that vote it was distin ctl y announced by "a me.
jority attic House as their opinion, that our policy ,
with foreign nations is the same now 03 that laid
doanehy Wartuusaros, in his Farewell Addrese to
the - American People; that .no cirearnetances hurl
ccenrred in ow foreign relations, or in the political'
• connexions 'of other Powers with
each other,
end& eutharixed its to JLarlaig; who
• .kaaardiltet of a 33i0 one. We bad dna
declared it as our opinion, by its adoption
of that amendment, that one policy wee now. as it
• , over bad been, to observe n strict neutrality be.
• • tureen all belligerent Powers; that uteading
aar cootineacial relationa with foreips nations, AN
'should hare rids Mon as lad, polaica runnosion
tar paii6k; that see tholikl 'preserve peace, cora:j
;.• suave and friendship nails all nations , f and oras,,
• "ristcrigiine Ufii.lia with mac; that tee Aga! L ,
• alliance, offensive or abferre, or n ,..1
• :ty'gltt.a!Erthatiaerreat allia ' w nr Zutl r iTro '
neeoiste p,' - trties with them, or either of aro, to any
, t joint d ee h n t fo
‘ ition r the parpom of preventing the
• ou t li v e.. o r any of the European Poem with
• "their issitradriti." or formal goaernasens,' or la
• • any m p te tf o r th e potpureafpreeentiag eolonita
. ,'lion an the continent 4 knows! These are sea
thaents, Mr.; P. said, to which he most ultheittY
subscribed. - -However strong his itYMPathics might
brio liberttand republican institutions, in
iitiabayer part of the world they might rnekertheir
appearance, the paw, the yutietyanet rorprrity of
Ziitoten co:intern:try paramount to earryothtrrint
-Awe we *
criar. aye a point blank denial of the posi
lion nsisumeahy who Executive, and conclude
arence, that at same time in his bream President
Lae not been a sound Democrat. We ace no way
to get Eiecutiie out of tha dilemma, except
by the supposition that Democracy makes a com
,aartga of finut once in twenty years, and
• that a dessiciratie heresy becomes sound doctrine
•••• • in that time. We pin the National Intelligencer, in
sairieg, that ',whatever isto be, Arend in the Presi
dent's Message of this day, mit Ant headietust be
- acknowledged to be forestalled by what is contain
• . ad* the extract from ..Mr. Polk's speech in Con
~greas twenty yearn ago.
"SOUND ACWII CLAZI .0111 . ilia d Wilson
licCandlesiblows a loud amain yesterday's Post,
in favor of fames Dachau:an, - who, be ants, ii the
fast hnd only choice of Democracy of this corn- !
Atlewealth. Mr. McCandless calls Mr. Buchan.
s ic Vas graM Statesman °Me ago." Snow . i n g the
p eo yiar fumbles"! OM IS gentlemisti WIN.; we
ward k,'„Wposed to look upon this Mil:deeded for .ucb,
but pmsn eminpon retlection,it was used in Bober air
nest ftowcl,er, it Ls a good joke,and will, we hardly
,Hiam,"ll u p 0. tun de upon the modest features of
thi• sm.( FaVijill; and friend to low wage,
Whet! he pores oVelabc letter of his devoted friend
the Delegate from Allegheni-District, who has
- :..thitde the imietEutt dh:oneff thing James Buchan'
taut is decidedly "the graidtstweratot ed. ode"
Mt. McCandless concludes his . ktut, Th'bioh in
addressed tti
.the Chairman of the' Sale Casaba
Comminee, in the fallowing true bugle WA,:
need not say to you, that if, is the flit_penutioni
or Diiirte Ptovtdence, I ins permitted, will be it
• "the Baltimore Convention, and echoshe sentiments
' or my constituents. reverberating from a very hill
and Talley of our good.pld State.
Most respectfully nod truly,
my much kar that the blast about to be
blown by oar distinguished fiend, will prove a
bluest indeed to "the Great Mao of the Aga"
Loosmas Waysio,—Oras thriisand laborers are
wan* on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Or
laboreis can get 61 anti per day, and
mechanics as hie; an $2,00 per day.
We understand thst. Governor Shank, who has
been for SOLOS time khoring under a dabwa rm .o r .
elude disiessorma believe of the lugs—has had a
very. acrioniretapse,Within theism kw daps, Gym
slat% it is kared he cin not recover.
larranmen or ins to sec. oros Sterst—lt is
eland tbat„ in Liberty County, Georgia, where a
joint mission is carried on by the Presbyterians
and Baptists; among a colored population of 4,212
one thousand one hundred - and thirty nine, enure
thin one fouttbi are members et some church,
` 7 . *Care remareably correct in eli dirk motel
J F 44°4 " ■ l Cssmielataeneeet Filiamiglicia,nt.
Iprlpik - u. awe
Wishtngton, May .
For want of anythingatere tweeptalate 'to era
you this mooting, I lenckea the fallowing essraets
from a late letter, from one &car Naval dike:sat
" Both at Naples and Palmmo, the greaten ex
citement coetinum. King 'Ferdinand is most cur
popular here and was madiiieo by the creel tient
meat of his people. Taxes we so onerous, that
the parr wretches are starring. If a man buys •
pound of wheat, two centsaf the sum goes to the
King. If he labors at 10 cents a day, bur cents
of the amount goes to the lanes support, cud this
is the only real cause of the revolution now going
on, and of the blood abed which bas been so tent
Between nine amid ten o'clock on the 30th.of
January,l saw five bemired of the King's soldiers
killed on the street. of Palmero. The people were
30,000 strong and the King's troops 11,000. There
was a gill more temlile conflict it the King's Pal
ace, Which was piken after immense slaughter.—
The people idler getting paseeision of the guns,
turned them upon the soldiers, and the havoc was
terrible. At five o'clock of the same day they cap
tared the Bank with a million and a hill" of money
in it, and here the slaughtei was peat. This
done, the insurgents gave the commander of
the Fort and Castle twenty-four Lotus tooferen'
,Pur Captain was in the city, which was barrica
ded with large rode and boats, and every obstruct.
thin which could be procured. He was in the
Government ;niacin where ha saw men, mere
skeletons, who were in irons, and literally - starving
to death. There only oirenca was the utterance of
Gee opiniona:
The gam d' army and municipal police' catch
had confine every man who is overheard giving
utterance to a free thought. -
Our Captain also visited the Hospital, whets the
people on seeing the American flag, hugged the
Captain and kissed the gag which ha carried in
his hand crying out, • Happy Americans,—long
live America!"
Dr. Mott, of New York, so celebrated at home,
and not unknown in Europe, has been for some
time at Messina. He commanded a huge body of
the people, and was very successful. After the
fiercest battles were over, he came on board and
lammed us of what had transpired. The people
in the city look upon him as a sort of divinity. At
the taking of the Eing's Palace, Moth was seen
cheenng on his men, and at the same time dress
ing their wounds, and extracting balls from their
bodies whenever he could get an ,opportunity.—
This; has been told me by several gentleman.
A lady by the name of Madame Linn, who lost
her husband and two sons in the engagement and
alai, her infant child by a 14 inch shall, thrown
from thicket into her house, was the bravest of all.
Leaving her house, she went into the street, rallied
the . rebels," and took upon herself the command
of laimen, and throughout, Cantu like a tigress.
This was told by the /Wash consul, Other women
were also engaged and some of these poured hot
oil and hot watekon the soldiers heads. As the
city icon the side' f the mountain, we could see
from our ship every gun that was fired.
It is hard to realize the cruelty which was prac
ticed on the political primers. .Themissing men
among the people were found here and the rem
ains of many killed. Some were found here
With nails dovce in their heads, never, have I
seen ouch scenes, exidicwh suffering before, and
my. wish is never to see the lace again. r. e.
The funeral of Mr. daragevis assigned far to4lay.
The addresses yesterday were two in each House,
ie. honor of the virtues of the deleased; for Mr. A.
bore a good name with all parties and all men, and
the warmest eulogy Wu from Mr. White, a Whig
member loom New York. Mr. Boreland, of Ar
kansas, (one of the Eecarnacion prisoners„) enamel
cad the depth of his colleague, just one week eller
diet colleague had introduced him, a stranger,,to
the U. S. Senate. Seek are the events between
one Monday and the next; and another of the kw
pressive incidents was .theviiii to the grave of
Weahingtiin,ln perfect health, on one Saturday,and
death visiting the Tinder at the Saturdayfelloaring-
Mr. Ashley's life was a 'good illustration of the
lives of many western men. He was born in
Mesitacbtuatts, but passid nearly all kin life, op to
27, in New York. He e.eigrated tine to Illinois,
and afterwards to Arkeases, where; by dint of en.
orgy and ability, lte climbed die ladder until it ele
vated] hire to a seat in the American Senate,—
A Wig:: and daughter adminidated the consolations
of a dying bed, and are now left in the loneliness
of those who lose for ever on earth the closest and
dearest friends.
Congress mill do but little the present week, but
in the House the hour of meeting will hereafter be
at 11 eckck; and the General Appropriation Bills
are ordered . to be disposed of in preference to all
other business. ' z.
ethodlet General Conference.
Conference came to order at the usual hour,
Bishop Hamlin presiding. Some new members ap
pearml and took their seals. \ •
Tbetishops presented lu $3141 miestions,
verituis changes in t h e discipline alike church—
These cbangesjook to a higher degree', of useful
ness on the barroPpreacbers, and to, theirgovern
ment in various cases.
A large iitimber petitions and memorials,
were preamtted from churches in the smith, asking
'kw aid and Matoratice to the protection of the CO.
ferenee, all of which were teerred to the Commit
tee on the elate of the Church.
From Bangor, Maine, a petition was presented
writing the restoration of certain monies contributed
to the MethoSist Book Concern in New York after
the fie. The petitioners ask this nonotation in
case tle Conference should conclude to divide the
Church property with the South, as they had
no idea of encouraging slavery, directly or indirect.
In the coarse of the rooming the Bev. Dr. Dick.
eon, the Delegate from the British Methodist Con.
ference was presented to the Conference. y P. P.
Santlfunl of New 'York. The Rev. gentleman
made a brief but very beautiful and eloquent reply
to tbeection of the Coukrencr4 tendering him •
seat, and inviting his participation In the bushier.
Dr. Dickson enjoys a most envlAle repetition in
England and won largely upon the sympathies of
the conference in his address.
• inst. before the aryourtunent, a leUer wis receiy.
elf from Dr. Pierce, airing that be wss ■ delegate
from the Conference otibe M. X- Chmr.b - ' South,
and moored the Convention to determine by res
olution whether they would receive his creden•
The announcement caused smacked excite
meat in the Conference, and a motion was made
to recertiten?tuter to a committee. Vatic= motions
were then made, among which wu one to lay on
the table, which was We. Lite! some explanation
the - letter was referred to the Conuttithw on 'the
State of the Church. The letter it was argued
ems an unofficialdocument, amino action could be
land upon it, by the Committee unless attended by
other documents, still ;mixed by Dr. Piaui.—
When Dr. Pierce shall present hisaactlettiala so a
delegate from the Church South, the liana will be
direct upon has admission. Now his letter simply
ulat whether the Ceases:Won will receive his ci*
Taz Baum= Mars..—Some improvement
should be made in the transportation of this mail,
40011 as }Male. The pawners who left
Battledore on Tuesday morning, landed from the
LA* br Lane before 5, r. a., which is the usual
Lone of swivel by this route. The mad, by nage,
j .,.. , ached the i'osiptlllep three hours and more e
cinw,to itAo.hl do,by the
werc h iui ji covkl save a whoie 49 is their
correspondence, and aii...wer Idlers l 4/ 12 ;t 1 pad.
The facilities with the East yd South are slow
enough, when sent by the fastest conveytmce.—
Ve think Pittsburgh sailed to the most rapid
modes of conveyance, and impel° see the mail
placed on the boats at once =- cot as a =Mr of fa
Tor, but justice to our citheal.
Ditovrece.—A. mart—we did not leans Ms name
—was drowned yesterdayafternoon, ofr the krry
Wet which crows Cram Saw Mill
sheet City. Ile wea attemptieg to secure a drove
of pigs on the host, and stapling oantleiely back•
wards, fell into the riverand Mink: The body wu
reaorared in about twenty =Mutes, and attempts
were being made tosyettore animation, bet had not
been effectual wieu pptr informant left. •
Prrrentan Lothwatia - reywanin .Lres.
..TheLoutariflelnaWs ink= na that twobeala
Ater the model of. the new end beautiful stitimei
Telemdt, are *bow to be bath be the new line
between Pittsburgh sad
. am indebted to Messrs. & English,
oL 78 Wood and 56 Market gm, kir the kith:ming
neW and interesting miscellany, published by, the
kluge; of Raker & Scribner, of New York." who
are,repreaeated in this city, by Messrs. Elliott &
"The Cele'', his awe and People. By John S.
Matwell, Esq." There is perhaps ono portion of
Continental Europe, of whose social and political
character we know less, than that of Engels. At
the 'pigment time, when she is probably to perform
prominent part in the great struggle bribe maim
teneince of Monarchy, an additional interest is im-
period to every thing willith throws light upon
hev'history. The author, John S. Maxwell, Esq.,
of New York, was Secretary of Legation - under
Cot. Todd, at that Court, and consequently apart
footh his owit personal observation, had ready ac
me to all those sources, from which true informa.
tioe was to he dspiva.
IPreiching a Science. The Preacher an Artist.
By the Reverend R. B.; Hall, A. M." This urn
.work more! particularly_ designed - for Preachers,
and friends of Educatien generally, as well as for
thoge who have children to educate, and also for
cleggyinuntutd students of Divinity. The object of
theautliw teeming to be to, gives more general
insight into the duties, objects and intentions of
school teecliint—his work altogether is a some.
what conchs one, but is worthy of the attention
of who are interestsd in the subject
"Ireland's Welcome to the stranger, or an excite.
Sion throligh Ireland in 1514.-15. By A. Nichol.
This is ab extremely interesting work, and gives
air admirable insight into the peculiar manners and
customs of this warm hearted nation, The author
easUcs in hie preface, that one of the principal oh.
jeeta of ltd , visit, was for the purpose of persogally
investigating the condition of the poor of that con te
try,—this he seems to hove done most . faithfully,
and his book abounds with affecting anecdotes re'
toting to this class of her population. The tom* is
writtenin a plain unaffected style, which after all
is ihe most agreeahle. Some of his descriptions are
really beautiful.'
77ss Owl Creek Letters. ¢a"—These letter orig
inally appeared in the Naw York Journal oC Cont
i:aim., od attracted much attention. They purport
Lobe sketehes of forest life and scenery in the vb
einity of New York.
4 .11ra-in:if harts to be_Rich,or the Temptation and
PeilL" By the well known T. B. Arthur, Esq.,—
an ittihor ivhose'previous works have established
for him ah reputation.
We have also from the same pen, a similar work
el:aided u Rieke: haw Wings, or Tam for the Rich
and .roor,l all of which may be irocured as well
'as every thini else of the Book kind, at the stores
, of filessrs.!Elliott & English.
. Canal Meeting.
7.v accordance with Lcall of the Hon. Mayan's
i darge and iespectable nineties was held on Toes
!day evening, the 2d of May, at 7/ o'clock, at Mc-
Faden St Co's Warehouse, to adopt suitable meas.
or to min:testi the ritisance arising Not the
Shaineful iind filthy condition of the Canal Basin,
by which rtir city is thretened with pestilence.
The meeting was organised the election of
William Graham, Esq., to the Chair, Messrs lida
'ry Brunet and Robert Byers were appointed See.
du traMitia,.lifeasra. Joshua Hanna, John Mc ,
Faden and William Coleman were appointed a
isurtmiueelto draft ITSOICIIIOI2II expressive of the
'view. of this meeting.
I The Committee reported as wows:
*matt s, the Canal Basin and Carted, from the
Aqueduct ito the north end of the Tunnel, are in
such a filthy condition as to he eery offensive to
thoins wbaiss business or residence bring them in
there Ct-and whereas.. if not speedily
remedied. mud produce serous consequences to
ihe'bealth 'of that imrtion 'of the city: Therrfire,
I BeretA4l. That the City Connell, be requestellto
take immediate and elective measures to cleanse
that portion of tbi Canal and the Basin; and male
prornuon En keeping them in a heithhy and clean
condition in future.
irreselerd, That, in the opinion cJ Milt meeting,
the, recent oppropriations by Councils is entirely
inadequate. gm this purpose, and that they be re
enlisted toedopt some,Tdicient pl. to effect the
pbjeet, and make provisions the carrying it out.
Resolved r That a enminittee of four be appointed
Weiser. with Couuci. iron the subjerL
Whereupon. the Chair appointed Messrs. , Thos.
(;uric, Williem Witty, Thomas Ray; and Chu.
A. McNulty, said Committee.
ReSeirei, That this meeting mijoaro, to meet at
the!call of the conferring committee. •
Rmilreci, That the proceedings of this meeting
be Published in all the city papers.
Sleeting] adjourned.
• I WM. GRAtiAM,Chainnan.
Miser Etermor,
B •1. Secretaries.
GES. Tom Turain—More ladies' and gentlemen
called; upon the General yeskirday than upon any
day: since his arrival. Ile says he knows upon
Whieliaide; of the ditch the dot should be thrown,
sed.diks uot thank people to pull his tactics in
kuers!firmi the army, A kw store of those stamp
receipts for ladies are sell left, which can be had
of tip *general at the Atheneum at any time . this
j.At Cincinnati, when Tom was wiling his
pat:Optic; rind greeting the ladies with • kiss, • ne•
gri? Womsxdbonght one and puckered up her moeth
bra ailutd; Tom drew back'
oh," says be,..0; away c olored - woman, dim
child aim OiriflG to 'aridgitrosie."
exclaimed the negro woninn, in a;
tonishment; ••if be wasn't no Liner den • mouse,
he'l sure to hub wtfin agin de colored popla .
- • -
Aaatvuc or Tem Ds inces.--Madame Weiss
and her troupe of little dancers arrived yesterday
afternoon, ¢ o the Steamer Brilliantjmni-Cincinrut.
ti, dad will s , appear at the Theatre •sa Once. The
lovers of the ballet will have a rare treat in. their
perfwmane' r e, which is a wonder to all who base
The police officers, yesterday, arrested two
drunken aid worthless young men, from Alleghe,
ny City, who were amusing themselves by besting
inoifensiVelpassers by, on Market, neer/ Weir st.
Among others abused most shamefully, and with..
out ihe slightest provocation, was-a mm consider.
ably', tidier:Med in yearn, who won struck in the face
The Rev. Dr. Dickson, of England, will preach
on Sunday evening, in the Exit Common Church,
Allrheny City. '
Fns Druertu„,r, Pa.—We have received a
slip from 'fi:ie Danville Democrat, which Says—
That the' printing office of the "Danville Demo
crat," together with the whole magnificent block.
known at the "Montgomery Building," wan totally,
coniumed by Are this morning, April 2A, between
1 and 2 o'clock.
Tie fire Originated in the drug store of Mi.; m C.
Grier, and begun any assistance could be rendered
Of the alarm bad been very generally given, the
whole building .wen in fiames, entirely beyond the
control of human-aid, and in leu than taro hours
piciented n gloomy mass of smouldering ruins.
Besides Our printing office, there was ti number
of stores and other establishments in the build
ing ,
There was no insurance on any of the buildings,
and the total 100 occasioned by this fire' cannot
fidl 4hort of from 515,000 to 820,000. .
The amount of our printing materials was but
partially Insured, and our heavy. Nothing.
but pur subscription books were rescued from the
anent, and our daybooks, ledger,„ files , die have
all become - u prey to the devouring Clement
AO As:sits:ma or Goon Boring—Seven
lions and a!half of books and tracts were printed
at the American Tract House, during the financial
yew' which: iptsjust expired—an overage 'product
of 27,600 per day! During the same period of time,
.the §ociety: has circulated gratuitously over forty
of Pante of instructive truth, valued at
more than p 27,000. . -, In addition to the number of
Colpixtetui already in their employ, lest week the
Trait Society comuitissioned 147 11.15%i laborers for
Vermont, New York, Penusylventa, Yirninia,b.lorth
Carolina, Georgia, LOWIIIIIM, Ohio, ;MOWS, and
Testis. Th e applications are also &mint for the
publication of the Seemly to be sent to France and
Loma 3,'umfirrit.-The reportini arrival of
Louis Philippe. to New York, is x1,6411,0' It ap
pear; says the Humid, that one of theVaasengers
to the America somewhat resembled, 40 personal
FPPeululueilloola Phillippe, and by way of a
Joke,hia follow voyaged', caW him LOMI Phi ippo
and ',when Are newsmen bo'aided . tho &gamer,
acme wag told them that the pest dothrorsed was
on board. They made their way to the oily nod
communicated the news to the public, who were
itifineed to siwallovi it, because, it wan so ipueral,
and verily lilieved that his ex.lticiphip! was in
Re* York.l
; • ;
NATIOMAIf Mcoicar.. conctimen —The Amen.
can National: Medical dloaociation, which onto or
pinked in Philadelphia lost year. is to Brat in thli ,
city of . Baltimore. The object of the 4WBociatio..,
is kr'erpyrte the Blandon' and produce 0 uniforrt
gstite of Modica" Education throughout the - 1404
ed States. It is oompused of delegates Iromithic
various mer_icalaebools,hospltals, and osson4lions
at the Union, comprising in ro ranks both 'Goobers
and laity, some of the roost distinguished mediqii
mania the eeeetrY'
' ~'~ y W
~ t
2 i
Later from -Essleo.
-We hive the rof t
New (kkans Maine be
22nd - Ohmo;..omei r ebting late idettignoe from
• The British. West India steamer Avon, at Ship
Island, bring news Gum Vera Cruz to the 16th
and fixim the city of Mexico to the 13th of April
Whore eight days' later prOcoellings of the
Court of Inquiry. A qutirunrof Congress bad not
yet met at Queretaro. Mr. Triat and Gen. Cad
wallader left the city on the 6th go Vera Cruz.—
Commissioner afford arrived at the capitol on the
11th- The proapecta of peace were doubtful.
A great robbery, of the haute of Mamot and
Brother of Mexico; had been ormimitted and a
clerk murdered. 'Lieutenants D. Allen and Hare
2d Pennsylvania Regiment, were c i i implicated in
the diagraceful transaction, dha been arrested
and were awaiting a trial.
The Indians in the States of ; San Lords and
Guanajuato bad revolted, Heciendia robhed,and.
several planters murdered. The generalpiial
is to be removed•of Jalapa.
Col. Jack Hays had rimmed at Vera C and
his regiment was aeon to be diatianded.
The Court of 42quizy was expected to adjourn
on the 20th nit •
The parties accused of the murder of Mumel
Torrilln,and of the attempted burglary of the 110113 G
in which he was clerk, were. arraigned yesterday
befige a military commission, of which Col. Burn
hem, of the New York Volunteers; in president;
and after the charge. being Mad; at their request
the eXernination was postponed until that morning,
to allow them an opportunity to obtain counsel—
Since I hut wrote you, Lieutenant Madison, of
the 2d Pennsylvania Volunteers, end Sergant
Stuart., of the 7th infantry, have been arrested on
the charge of being concerned in!the affair. Ana
atrong, who has turned evidence, and is
kept in confinement in the Palace, mys that since
his imprisonment he has seen another officer who
was implicated in the that deed, 'but whose name
he does not know, frequently pass in and out of
the Palace. Measures have been taken for this
officer's arrest as soon m he is seen by Amnstrong
' There are now ten persons in confinement
charged with this crime, viz: Lieuts. Hare, Dutton
and Madison, of the 2d Pennsylaxeda Volunteers
Seargeants B. F. Wragg and Stuart of the • 7th In.
fantry; John Wall private of company E. 7th. Infan
try; Jesse Armstrong, a discharged teamster . Sohn
D. Hollister, an American citizen, and JOhn Laver,
ty, a Canadian Frenchman—not an 'American chi.
nen, as I first stated. Two others—a man named
Booth, a discharged teamster, and a Frenchman,
named Lemur, who has resided a long time in
this city—both charged with being participators in
-the crime—have not yet hben wrested, and the
probability is they have escaped into the interior.
The court of inquiry, it is now confidently said,
will adjourn about, the middle of next
will pro Wed immediately to the United States to
prosecute the investigation. a. a.
• ' There was an active run on the Mobile Bank on
the 72,1 ult., but the notes were promptly met with
the specie, and the dome kept open until in the
evening for that purpose.
Et.ncrton to 154.9.—We give below a table of
the dates of the Stine electiooa yet to take plade
during the current year. —[Our readers will recol
lect that elections have already been bald in four
of the twenty-nine States: in Neje Hampshire on
Tuesday, the 14th of March: in Connecticut on
"Monday, the 3d of April; in Rnode Island oa
Wednesday, the sth add in Virginia on Tuesday,
the 27th.]
North Carolina, Thuraday,; August . 3d.
Tenon., “ u
Alabama, Monday, " 7th.
Kentucky, :. " a a
Indian., " • ' "
*lllinois, -
*3linouri, " "
lowa, "
- *Vefmont. Tuesday, Sept., sth.
*Maine, Monday, 11th.
*Ark..., " - October 2d,
*Goortria, U
*Florida, i „-•
Marylaud. - Wedneaday„, " 4th.
*South Carolina, Monday, " 9th.
•Peonsylranin, Tue,lay, " 10th
*Ohio, "
*Michigan, , Mdriday, ' Vorember Cla.
Louisiana, - " . " '.
Texas, s , s
*New York, , Tuesday, " :IL
*New Jersey, s• ; s .
*Massachusetts, Monday, " lath.
*Delaware, ...Tuesday," 14 th .
In the New State of Wisconsin, ghat is m be)
the election will be held. we presume, on the first
hloaday or Tuesday in November.
la those Stateswhich are 'merited with no aster•
isk,3•Nientbers of Congress are to be chosen as
well as State officers
Tim/Preside>yid Etat ios,is to take place throng 4.
out the Union on Tucaday, the 7th of November.
—Neu. rod Exprtss.
Ssacir 'Dar GOO . isa—AVis-hitner already
tinned that there was a t hirge lisle at New York
last week, of printed limits hula the Portsmouth
Steam Factory, Detain.; from the Hamilton Wool.
len Company, and Stuff Goods, tAlpacea lustres,l
front the Ballard Vale Company, Andover, The
Dry Goode Iteporter says—The printed lawns,
5000 ',lemon( whica were sold, brought 131 to 161
cents, and in point of fabric, finish, and denim.,
were folly equal, to any from England. The De.
Woes sold at 121 In 15 ceuts, and the Alpacca
tree from 18 to 28 cents. The list were the great.
eat IHntifiCY, but the company wished to introduce
them into the inerket at any price, making the sale
perfectly free.
All these rods, says the Reporter, compare fa
vorably with =ported goods, and prove the often
repeated remark, that where the coat depends on
the value of the raw material, or machine labor,
we can compete 'with may nation; but when the
value is enhanced by the application of manual 4.
tor, we cannot pay the present prima to opera.
Emusu ASTIZ3II roe Foacton Sorsautions—A
good deal of misapprehension appears to mend
on the subject of the possessions held in this coun
try hykreign sovereigns. Lobia PhiliPpe's alleged
two millions in the British Fonds have dwindled
down to bur hundred a year from a furnished
house in Loug Acre; and indeed, that being just
now uulet, he is compelled to reside, like a police
man, iu LeopoldVempty home. at Claremont, with
the run of the garden stutymisppply him with eats-
Met Uwe have main , mort diamered monarchs
ranning over here for slicker we shall be obliged
to get up a benefit for them at one of the theatres
in iinitatton oldie liberality o Mr. Lumley, who
Las just granted his. splendid establishment for a
perfonnanorfdr the 'diamond artisans. A. series
of lifnlike'iodkoris lathe Revolutions in the Ves
pectins, countries where they have encored,
would prove immensely attractivs, if deposed sov
ereigns and their ministers would, in the political
pow prostiques which we wince.; sustain their mi
gruel charactenc—Puited.
Tux Excuser Snap-I.lrighten is expected to
be very fell of crowned he adernis season, and env
eral apartments are already taken ill the bed parts
of the town, for soutiof the mod distinguished
European sovereigns. The Marine Parade will
probably be thronged with potentates, and Mr.
Frisby, a deposed king from the Theatres Royal,
Drury Lane and Haymarket; will, it is believed,
entertain his exiled or abdicated brethern with an
otter of fraternity. Those monarch, who' ens not
so (Munroe on to possess any maims, of their own
will, of con me,.he compelled to live in the hum
bled style, and perhaps even to Aglow tome useful
occupation Are livelihood, TheMajmy of Eta.
varia may open a shop kir Bavarian brooms, end
the King of Prussia might commence in the origin.
al line, in which we think there hi
an excellent opening.—/bid.
COST or MING ova ParicanV/moao—The ea•
pease. in England are heavy. To take out a Oat.
eat them coo. $6OO to $1,000: $4OO to MOO more
if Scotland is included, and another S5OO for 4e•
land., - •
The Governments of France and 13elgiutn
not issue patents to importers or other than the on.
rug inventors, unless such loiporters ! maim*
powers of attorney from the inventors themselves,
authorizing them to do so.
France charges 6100 kr a five year patent; $2OO
kr ten years; 5300 Err fifteen years—payable to
instalments of 520414 ear. 13elgium is more mod.
erate; so are the Dutch. Prussia Cheops very tri.
thug fem. 111.1111.1 a will gran!, patent for I ye m at
550, or for 6, at s`4oo. A patent. kr Cuba costs
8230,4500, or 5150,6 w 5, 10, or 12 years' privilege,
subject to the decrees of Spain.
Oseurnast.—An old lady, living on ono of the
telegraph Imes leading from Louisville, observed
some workmen digging a hole near ha door', she
ingiiired what it was for 1 ! •••• • •
"To put a 'post inkir the telegrripb..
Wild with fury and atbight, she incontinently
seized her bounet'and •ran to br-r, nett neighbor
with the news.
"Whit do yob think," she ezchtimed la breath.
less haste, 'they're setting up !het Iparagraph right
&gin tnydoor, and wine 1 reckon n body can t
• - ebild, or Scold a hand, of chat with a ne d iroory
but that plagney thing will . ye blabbing' if ober
creation. I wont stand it , 4l'll Cleve right
where there ain't none of them ounateral 'awta y
Houses Nave Tazzaaartr...-The Philadelphia
Inquirer of Monday say.: !
The new Telegraph between Philadelphia and
New York wee in full operation ou Saturday.—
We received by it the principal keels of the foreign
news brought by the AlberiCil, and issued an en.
tea as an early hour in the afternoon. The office
is in South Third street, jug below Chunint, and
will be open to the public today. 1 It works with
1 - 16i0Cop 'wouqulld instrument, whirls may he re.
girded an the perfection ' of machinery. , 14y - this
Telegraph words are printed in fair Homan ea i•
tab, instead "of being indicated by l almax, nu is the
ease with those of other inventors;
4. I =PM CMIELCIAL idazier.—We have
Osborn bnadned Alp otvgc4 iA foreign tradd,
coastantly on the ocean. Mx,Worthen, yepels
and cargoes may be ingely ler down at 250 , 00 0,-
^4 9 end., Prpdnallg $350,000,000 as the total value
a( American i t : y . 4, 41m0 the sea at 01l times, Be
sides this there are at
constannyloading ' and unloading in foreign posts.
lota Kerma', lame distillery in Mama ? phipp
was destroyed by fire on Satortladoes estimated
'lll2o,ooo—i, aiunutur, 0,000. Between 2,000 arid
3,000 hogs ; which were in the pens, were saved
with peat exertion,
Carreapsadessi if P!tialrazgli filasetto.
Cetrespcingeuee of the Pittsburgh Gaette.
Washington, May 3,1818.
SzvirT—Pretident'S Menage 1a references to
Yucatan, wan referred to the eammiumi on For
eign Relatiocus Mr. :Welly:m moved to hike op
the bill authorizing the Rhriais Circuit court to
hold its term at Chicago. Agreed to.
, .
The bill granting a: pension to the widow o
Com. Barny was pawed.
Mr. Douglass moved Intake tip the bill relating
to the grant of land for the coustruction of a rail
mad connecting the Mississippi with . the Northern
Lakes, at Chicago. A debate ensued, and this bill
was finally mirried-yiras 24, nays 11.
The Senate adjourned till Thonnlay.
Roux:nor Rensivernamaa.--,A Select Commit.
tee reported fitvorably!to Whitney's Rail Road.—
The Report was ordered to be printed.
The bill providing unties of land for promoted
soldiers, was discussed in Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Butler, from the Committee on the Judicia•
ry, reported a bill facilitating the securing of fugi
tive slaves, and imposing a penalty of $lOOO on
any person aiding their escape. Ten thousand
copies.of the Report all the subject were ordered
to be printed. r •
Mr. Hale submitted ' a resolution instructing the
Committee on the Judiciary to report what legialij
Lion is necessary to prgtect colored citizens of non
slaveholding States—Which was adopted.
Gen. Taylors Letter.
PII . II.ADYSZUII, May 3,1848.
The promised letter :from Gen. Taylor, defining
his posiuon, headache its appearance, and wu
written to Capt. Allison. It folly suited= his old
assertioh that he is a Whig. Ho reiterate► that he
is not an ultra Whig. ye disapplovez of the inja•
dicious use of the veto power, and erpreues an
opinion that the Currency, Tuff, River, Harbors,
Lake andother improveiments should be regulated
by Congrur, and that the President should harry
out laws thus made.
He murders dulled: is a great National calam
ity, and thinks that iu the further prosectakn of
Our blelic.n dispute, ' 7.6 should treat thia nation
with magnanimity, and:approves the Idea offutther
subjugation, or the diaritemberment of her territory
by conquest.
F'hiladelphia, May 3 . 1848 ;
An immense meeting was held in Bahimare
this evening to expreis sympathy with . the French
The President of the Newirk bank and Insu
rance Company was robbedof 849,000 this morn.
mug, while on his way in New York.'
• 8AL11.11021., May,3, !SIR
The National Medical, -Convention a now in
session in tibiacity. I .
Exclusive eeirrespotteenee or the retstiecga Gazette
Philadelphia, May J, 1848.
Buaineas every wham *dull, sad the price' of
produce nominal. In Baltimore and Pkiladalphin
they We !atirely unchanged.
, correspondence of the nubs's!, Garen.
ffeii! York, May 3, ISt S.
Flour—The market is steady, but not active.
Grain—,There 'is a good enquiry for Wheot o
goad quality; Corn is dull; Day ore in fair request.
Cotton—The market Is heavy.
Provisions—Thera is little activity.. Mess Pork
.1 110 , 12 1a5 10 , 25 , with Naleioi 500 bbla Lard is
. Correspondence oE be Pittsburgh Canna.
. Cemuourt, May 3, 1615.,
Floor—The market is'famer than yesterday, and
the business is dine at d slight ndvance. Sales of
1500 bbla at Si int..
Whiskey —Sal" at 14015 cts.
Molasses—Sales of Nei, Chinas at 251 e.
Cheese —Sales of 30 buses at Gj els.
Linseed Od—Sales at 51 .as per gidloa
tollon7.Thicee are unnhatiga. . • •
Damns or rna. Lresta.—Diaieses of the Live. are
becouitng alimungly frege.nt in the tinned States.
Indeed there ant few !timetable diteeses which are
net connected in ob. way orotter with a deranged
tier. 0(16/1 important organ. Many of the complaints
which are usmlly classed under daubed if cOnsump
lion, have their origin in the liver. -Any retnedy
would insure regularity std healthful action in
the liver, wombd be : a blessing to mankindln has been
dig 01e1111/stioll Or 0115i.11111 teim.ends. That remedy
has been found; it iv mfe.sind /We, When • liar trial
its. been afforded to it, it tiaseavar been knots} to fail.
Reader; have you any of the liver, or disease
which roe believe proceeds frau hepatic dentate-
Metal Lose not a j ment.i but parttime a box of Dr.
M'Lane'. Liver Ms, and they will remora you to
health. They ore the only remedy ever yet disease
whose use Is certain In effect a ear°.
The gm line article ear be had n the Drug lie of
J.KIDU &Co., co Wood street' up' t.
iljTo Smaxami Mai sin Maus—Comp
Magical Pain Retractor-11 is now conceded by o
cal men that Connell*. Magical Pain ExUanor, to it.
featured by Comstscik t Co, 21 Courtland ti. N is
the greatest wonder of the 11th .emery. In,effect am
truly miracoloui. All pains are rumored from b ins,
melds, he, and all external horea Ls a four minim a
lert:Ls application; healing thet Md. cm the most deli
cate skin, leaving no sear.*. It is equally beneficial in
gabled. of inflammatory distemes, each to sore
pies and Eyes; Rpreintll ui tinunatutes, White Swelling
tad Ulcers. Brsuset, Eryairelas,
Ries, Tie Dolores., he. •Ye Might add as proof to
all we toy), the nemesia( many auburn physiciann wins
am it in their. maim, and hundreds of the clergy who
braised to their pastas. and paseatheepit IsbUt yOO
and, in eases of aceident by Are, lifoartay be lost wins
out a. but by Da use ell bums' ant subject to its control,
stakes the vitals ere destroied. Cantion—Remember
and ask for CounelPs Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by Conahmk Co. NY,ad no other,
sold by WhL JACKSON, 'Agent for = . 3
Merle St, hood WPC& . 421
iDnik Custsre to strangely destructive to the hu
man commie, (or skis) the sudden change ham beat to
cold, and the snake causes yellow, dark, coarse cote.
pickier,. Then it is requisite that the pores of the skin
should be kept open —th at their mouths should be freed
from Impurity—Was thin the =ale.* litamariPkileatto
phers cured all disetases—ty comPuted that more
diseases sad tinbegithy vapors lett threush th
We ogres of the skin, than any,"ether mules of the - body
It Is necessary, therefore, to keep the jmtes open—all
bowers are dispelled from the skin from the pores,
when they wash with Innen' Ifelisui Cheaucal Soap.
lune seen it cure the wont end eldest cases of Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore Ithad, •
.Ringwone, IV)1412 orrery Wilt; interim/ and external
.remedy had failed—its erect modems the skin la bite,
clear and soft, though it be yellow and coarse, is :on.
derful—it removes Freckles, Tad, Sanborn, Morphs-re,
and disfigurement of the skirt-Lint persons most
be particular sod ask for Join Soap—to be hod in
. Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the Sig Soot,
.00 lebeny st. Price 30 cent. • norlatikwly
M'141111'• VIOLVIIVOY—The tercetor or, great rem
edy fare formidable disease, has no right to keep its
'au from his fellow - creature. . So thought Dr. hi'Lane
-when he was induced to offer his great remedy for
-worms to the public. A profound physician, enjoying
• vary large prattice, he did nor fear to be eenfouded
with the herd of quacks who Imo:se upon the public
_their worthless stud as patent tudirines.. He wan
therefore induced by Kidd Co., drug[ggiw, to dispose
'of his right u discoverer, and the V irmiloge is now
for sale ktt nearly every village and town of the coon
' try. If is the sovereign remedy forwormin For sal.
u the Dmg Stara of J. JUDD &Co., go Wood street.
myl - '
• - - •
wr The soft, it r melteexpreartitio of some reutale4 to
6nteml (o v o w, l 4lfirtlitre, , srio, tau
yollpf fit Fee uf t h e 04ettea dlaituat o wane
suet! people be In need to try • cake of
t h. -- idynt Italian Cfiteutiesl Som., they would be
..6 4 , with the change!. 'flop would have a deli.
clear, white skin, while every disfigurement or
erupdon would be removed and cured,
Nonce—Penons who hove bought cheep
to t
ro d e add imitations argils, and have had no el ,
feet produced, mutt try this, the original. blind, ask
for Jones , Soap. Per sale at {Pk. Jacaames, 89 tatter •
ty ftreeL • tuarg4
Men never attempt to counterfeit a worthless
article hence valuable medicines are frequently intik.
ted. 'the knave who counterfeits a medicine commit,
as great a crime aaifit were a hank mots at thel,usin
of tho United dunes. 14 4 ,. /lahnestock's 'Yerritifugoi
which Is the anlystit . ftnd netted cure for worms, has
keea counterfeited lankily seetkins orate country, and
perku should be of their guard wheel purchasing to
get thepunitte ankle, prepared at Pirdeburgb,
Err Don't hare yellow data Teeth—they can be
mule pearly white by one time using a , box of Jones
Atelwr Tooth Paste ft bordello the genie, sweetens Op?
breath. &a. _Sold it So 4 prily
••4* w 'gr 4 ""'lT
, . • .
• •
Ott Ttuto/ey evening die altort.:by the Rev. George
Upfold,'D. Di Mr. Josue W. DosoaA to Mies Mauro*
N., daughter of Dr. P: bhoenherger, city.
• •
'Yesterday morale& Calnane*, daughtet of WJ
nom and Lydia Barad', In the slot year of her age.
The friends and acquamtances of the family are re.
spectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the resi
dence of her father, on Washittrien, near Wiley strati,
Ws afternoon, at 4 o'clock.
ClST—Lasi evening, about' 7 o'cloOk, loved fu Wood and Hoy street., aqua PE?i, eridlosed
Jopenned CP., 7 1,8 Andre will be suitably reward
no be leaning n al J. Seboontbsker k Co's Ding r .Store,
Wood Weal. • • • • !nye ~
OTATOES—I7O mks Indiana Pamlico, f good
!untie and In good order, now lauding per stmr
amis. Boy; for gala . 000•110113131=
relAttlrettglos s _b a r ' _ l2"
my~Bolo Agemt for Pitubarg6,67 woc .. /411.1-
'MM OIL No I-4 bblii Just reedi for
1 We b
soy 4 R E SELLPRii
"Lona OIL NO 1-0 bbls Mat Ten% ford ik
V by R E DELIi
t1.414V.E.D.01170 - aq t tif i kar -
--al l - . - . : Jr ~, . _ Rs
11.06.4114-34 diti Corn Brooms, nod and f m ado
by , m 4 ATWOOD, JONES k Co,
OTATOEB-4 cuts Potatoes, Just ree'd .1111 We
O.S. Parma' etw.yer arid Lessee.
TAIIESIDAY;MA 4.1848, commence Inith
8f42 Masc.* thee:era.
After ertiell de Farce of the
.Mr. Darn.
•AWe Petrie
Polly • ,
- • Tette followed by
PAS lIONGROIS By 24 DAnseuse Victimise,
After which the Fierce of
_ .• • .
Rascal'leek ...... •• • -• • ..... ... -• • .3.1 r. Thum.
To conclude with
PAS V lil Dwaseuse Viennoise.
First and Second Tier SIA Pit SO.ccutt Third Tie
Sri cents. .
Wonders et the Spirit NiorLit - 77.
LA ROY SUNDERLAND, every treeing (except.
Saturday) the present weak., By the unanimous
request of the large audience, repeated al the close of
his last course, be will give another series of his
During which be will perform a combination of origi
nal and brilliant experiments, in Fakeination, Mysten.
Musical and Plitthful—maike anything ever de
veloped by any other person, since the world began,'
and eseeeding - m interest the visions of the.Fairice,or
the Tales of the Arabian Nights.
• Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence at o'clock,
P. M.
Single tickets 25 emits. Six for St.
: Opouituus lecture. to Ladle. on Health, on Tuceduy
dud Irhurstlay, al 3 P. ]I. myl3w'
ASCENSION, on Saturday; the 6th of May, from
the arge and spacious yard in the rear of the Ameri
can lintel, Pittsburgh, entrance on Penn street, near
• tho Canal Bridge. 'Pickets CO rents, to be had at Kin. ,
lees Agency, 3d street, Keevirs Hat Store Wood
United State. Hotel, Curry's Drug Store, Allegheny,
and at the door on the day of the Ascension. Doors
o. • n at Ino'clock.BL - I,lw
To al :ZlP Pil 2s 4 , d lrey " 115 11"A an TI PEZ ;Teel
tug, bus been !vetoed witit g ae highest marks of
Royal favor by Queen Victoria. and alf the p r incipal
Crowned Heads of Ekompe, and who hoe performed be
lbre NOUO,OOO of persons dating the lest four years, will
Nold'MAE LL'VESS RACK DAY, site Athenee
' Thou Emouretes—Morning, fiord Ilitelotclock;
Atterooo ft.. w Erening. from 7110 9..
Doore epee half an hoer in Mamma
, Tbo Unto General will appal. in all alb perform,
ances, including Seam Das era, Gracia Statues, Poi
He will also represent Nepoleon Bonaparte, Prodesiek
the Great, de. He will abo to hlsßentchCo.
tume, and bid elmant Cowl thoss, won - befor e Her
Ahdeery, Queen lame.; the Pang ead • the Queen of
the French; Nicholas, the Llnperor of Buseli, and all
the principaLCrowned Head . and Nobility of Enrope.
He is perfectly symmetrlcal In all hls proportions, tn.
telligent and emceed, beyond hell[(, and =eller Man
any Intent that ever walked alone.
The megoifietut Present., Jewel., received f ro m
the Kings, Queens and
of Europe, will be ex.
.hibited. His beautiful hIINIATURE EQUIPAGE, pre
sented by Queen Victoria, consisting of the smallest
Horses In tee world, and Charier, attended by ti t
Coachmen and Footman in Livery, wid ,promenad t
streete daily, and be seen in front of the Hall at the
Clow of each day Levee.
Ladies, Families and Children, are respectful* ad.
vied to attend the Oat Levera . sts they are usually len
crowded than those of the evening.
Admission KY cents. Children under . 10 years,l2/
cents._ _ 'apßullw
A. Special Sallee to all J rmen Car.
TllE:Journeymen larpenteraof Pittsburgh and Al.
legbeny being on a strike loran advance ontraggs,
would respeclutly tequest their brethren elsewhere to
stay away until the contest is decided, and Would can.
tipLthem not to pot any confidence In the represents.
lions of the employers litho autyyry . to allure
the promise *flinch wages and plenty of wora'
ELLE RS' %fEDlllFECiit.—"Suiterior to any I have
Gum. Ty, Fayette county, Pe., hlareh 4; 44.
• h/r. R. E. Bruxas—l herby certify thot I have used
yonr - Vermifore in my family, and believe it equal, if
not sopenor to any I haier ever tied. 1 rave to one of
my children one dose, which. expelled alicss - 501ronns.
Eu Evaasos.
Prepared and sold by IC E SELLERS, 57 Wood
'Bold, by Dr Cassel, sth WErd; D Corty, Allegheny;
W Smith, Teruperaneeville; and P Drava, Law
rence:lrib, . my'
139 t. G.Mlctictlfi'pelranrdkpli - la i lle r rn e g7.7orr,
Einem qualities and newest style., imported; also, splen-
Ohl plain and brocha black !lenges and Pulse's,
splendid French Lawns, Linen Lusrru and Gingham.,
fall assortment hi& plane and satin snipe
,de (Aloes
and hue A/paccia.
All these goads hare
l i my east the late psi
empMry auctinn sales in York and Philadelphia,
& vrill be sold at great rennet:ion front regular once..
• my 4 • corner diamosul and market at
SllAlVlS—Alexander & Day have received direct
Irons the importer in "few York, au entire cue of
genuine Canton Crape :Shawl& containing somnolent
auormssat of enibroidered and plain *bawls, of all co
lors and qoalitiet; from CO MS& The lathes are ma
peetfully incited to examine these shawl., believing
that some of Meet are superior to any be&re offered az
this market.
will be mild remarkably cheap.
Also, Palk Thibet and Benign Shawls and Scarfs; a
full auortmen!,4l rentarkably low prices.' rug
frAfILE CLOTHS—Alizamder!k. Dag have just re
.l ed an origlorcal bale of aaperfiste Scotch Ett.
Omsk Table Cloths, which they oiler by the dor al a
gnat bargain. Declass r< 11 and Dicst goods worthy of
their ttenuon. say.a
0 lICHTINCIS AND SitlßUNQS—Alueuder do bay
0 have jest received a verr evertor assortment ,
brown and bleached Shear et the mast cc 4
aractura,of all width s avid qualities; ale. bleached
and bro wn Sheeting% of ganlines, at Oti per yard,
AIoRTIFICIAL nolvcas—Alr4uuder & Rey . have
Met opened a large meant:tent of French Artificial
trers,for Inside and amide Trimmtogs. They will
be the seceder at the lowetApriem. myL
[LlE'S—Alesander & Rey have jest received spien.
dut n rintsd Fenian! .tinkm also, sedo strtp'd and.
Ytr a isfe ZelteVt i c F' ost a t d es Ve ik"'"s
MTH & JOHNSON, Mande and Retail Dealers
',Milner> , -Goode, .Lares, Hosiery and • Fancy
Articles, No. *Market street, ad door above Third et,
Ch leading and far eels by • •
roy3 ROWS DALZELL, liberty .t
I_lH OLL BU7ITR-4 bbl. Roll Saner, just lanai.
11 from Caleb Cope, and far sale by
OCCUR—II bbla prima Sugar, just landing Gorr snag
~. Yankee, and for tale by
l my 3 S & W Mint:Mill
Q WELT 01L-11:0 galls justined and for sak by
my 3 l KIDD & Co
Gum THACACANT/I—VU ilia, just reed and tor
sal* by mya .1 IiIDD & Co
1.1011.0. t. jest reed . .4l for We
1.3 by o!Y3 hIDD & Co
1 1EFD 3 BOIL&X,-30a lb, jest reel log iLby
. Q ALXRATIP4 , --3 tous, In casks and bEr, tor sale by
pAL3I SOAP-60 Oz. lauding from sum Riot and
for sale by my, LOWS DALZELL
LARD 011,-10 bbl. landing from mar Enrek a, and
for We by my 2
C ANARY SEED—a bbl.inst reed and for sale by
comer Ist and 'rood sts
OLIVE 01L-100.W just ls Ju reed and (o We r by
ryl. LAVENDER-13J lbsjost reel sad for aide by
PRODUCE —4 racier Coro; 4 Ws Beano; 60 boob
Pawed; IE4 .do Potatoes; Vim Latter; ttdo
Lard; .10 busk Oat 4 in store sM for rate by
OT 01.1-0 casks received and for sato by"
myt • TASS.ET s BEST
SSALTS—IN bbla on hand and foraala by
.WINDOW MAKS-000 ball assorted sites, 6.18,
7111, ELIO, WV, 10112,10:11, 10s10, 1ja15,1 0,
10210 i to 24000, w.wto and fot as by
C 017 1 5,7, -4KI bags p• • Rig Catkeilbrigis,4l36"
IVEA-75 half Oxus Y 11 - and 6 P Teo& oflatolm
Donations, for sato by torr J& R FLOYD
1110BACCO50 bre 3a, Imayrao ElpußTobseeo; uT
kegs el Tlrlst at; for isle 'by
my 4 . / & /1.01.1),
011..-4.5 WaleC Tex; 25 do Tessera ,
J. Oil; (orals by i m .42 4. !! FLOYD •
L 44'l'4°'`e i.4) 1 Laxd; bbls do ;1;11;i sale by
my - J R FLOYD
QUM—Clover, noway end Flax Seed; for sale by
1.7 tart ' J & R FLOYD
pia IRON—MO tom • legbeby Iron: for bale by
aly2 J.& R FLOYD
bbl.TututhW Flour, Ohio extra,just landing from
JV steamer Caleb Cope, .d for solo by
myl , 53 'rater and IUI front at
- -
RVE•PLAUR-4 0 b1a15F 10 .1+,10,.% IFS:4 MCI. Poj
• *a, v, antwevult_
tip :., tl s c a t te; yaieer Caleb
CILAWERSEED-1.0 bags Clorerseed, just lauding
'Llf and far We by leyt R er.W HARHAISM
'OAP AND CANDLES—bO Vas No I Pospi 2.S do
Candbm,umar,l just !sealing from sear Paella,. see
lot sale by myl IV ;JAPLIADOD
11 AMARTINE 4N 1) IttrtlJN 7 last reed, cotta
riv at •tbi dattinoished'fneada of lawny, La
otattitte andlLedm Rahn.
, awl:th i 7 J (:ILLESPIE& Cp.
QUA: FRINGES—WO pieces ,tea Ne;s . Wadi
13 Silk Fringes, just opened by '
: myl ' 6.ll.tcht.grr • wilt
DNILIANG—V casesdmaud tuediuiu,
jj just sco'd by mil 811ACKLETr & min%
Killtil.OVlZ—An assortment of Ladies and Gents
black mud colosed Kid Gloics, fresh importatious,
Just meld by myl U k WHACKLKTT HITE -
LFARMS AND TAB-30 Ins Sicily Lemons; AO lab;
prim N C Tar, in good order, reed. fOt , Wain
cu taw
AANN ERS' tanalaine pir 'Canal . and
j for mkt by tnyl ' DALZILL
largq roorived and for tale by bnkßd<d.
L A5... 3 1t1 •
01 . TT.i-50 bales CoITI fq,1,A15.1Z
LARD....4odkeYe Instinct and 6r sale by
80-10easboy• jun reed .4 torialo 67 .
SP S. TUFENT/NE4ll4l!sti i i t ir t jaihip
by , reyl
k ir m l 27 3bblsjas . t tpctO ap,d fqy
ORVAFAr i lo t nr d
EWE. fltdiSfatab!wax St i tickl th
er, T r
a th all
Qr superior manufaclue. Apply to
CONSTABLE, arlußxr.
241 tiOst door from wool
MEN CAMBRIC lIDEFS 7 F7Ity do; cimbrin
ju Hdth, hom median to . fine; just opened by
oia 3 1111ACK . L?kT # AV
~2,,..,,,,i..., . ;....,'..,:;.:•,, ,: , -,,,i i.::*- . L - 5 .- . 4, ,,,-- ••, ' "•!..:'''.., . ,
. . ,
, I felun A D.. 1 Auettaleikr.
Peon Scrod Pmprry of
Oo Thoodsj Morn*. the 9111 int.,' at 10 o'clock* at
the Commetetel Sales Rooms, comer or Wood' and
Falb slreeta,mill be added to the large sale of vound
rents and real estate, thir en
ralble /ot of grated ad
joining the dwelling newest W AI Ittitcheltree, on the
south side of rennatreet, between Hay and Alarbury
streets, having a front of 94 feet, and -extending but
110 fut m to alley 90 feet wide. -
Terms, one Gmanh cash, or an approved note at font
month; residue m dare-years, wash mpayable
semi-annually. my 3 ,JOUN D D est,.Auct.
• Peri:ire Sais of Dry Goc;ell,4r,' •
. On Thursday morning, May adt, at 10 delock, at the
commercial Sales RoM, earner of 10741.4 and Flab
sm., will be sold, without reserve, for stemma of whore
say era,conan OIICIIIIII,I ea t
of fresh we
onablopry Grds, rte.: among vrhichire, I*/ pa *Mb
style pun ps Mailebener gingham., 41 . res . un
bleached skirtings and sheedngs, cloths, • camimme,
tweeds, salinetts, eravan4 while,
red and yelkna
eels, linen drillings,' summer striir„. super 4-4 French
chintz, .English and American prim, Rench brnrut,
linen and union cheek, ticking, na.Mteens, furniture
printcenet and cambric mains, eassimeres, mew
de faint, balsariues and luntresilrith, French and Ger ,
man llnens:-Tderino, cashmere, crape and mons de
Line shawl's, handkerchiefs,' stlk and velvet; dresi;
eilks, bleak @slim sewing ailk, ribbons, Colwell crapes(
Cwt.', merinos, Sense aml book mulles, glove* ha-
Mary, laces, intop,raticules, parasols, pure relents;
umbrellas, &e.
At 9 tVelOck, p. m.
A large assortment Of . queenonsie, 1111111"111., 114
cedes, confectionary, W, siren and wrePPtert p.p.;
band boxes, shovels, mAnocb, icks, hay and minium
forks. tobacco, segue, matches, wining desks, table
cutlery,' French brandy, Madeira wine; Geduld gin.
oldhlotiongahela whiskey, •general assortment of new
and second hand household furniture, cooking mese,
kitchen utensils, Re. .
At 7b o'clock, p. m.
A large collection of valuable Miscellaneous book.,
embracing Mmidard works an the departments
ormience and litesatured letter ud cap wriuog blank backs, tuTd
Large 'Sob of nista& Bras, Cep mad Past Pape r,
fa. ta•
On Monday, iireditesday, Thu 'day and gatar . day
1%21=0 Presen t wee ' , w r ,lkejeddr y t th t.Olfl-
94 packages, embclng . an ' e ' stenaive .' colleetion
valuable new boo k., Mat received from Philadelphia
and New York, among which will be baud standard
works in the varbm• departmenta Of senince and lira dl b y l in= l ak i 72l ' la i lVtirk k filan
beak., letter and cap Writing paper, gold pen., mulls,
relic. Sale positive.
Books may be examined daring tha day.
myl. JOIR9. D. DAVIS, Ana.
OR Friday Mosta oon, May 13111;at o'clock, at the
livery stable of ll.lrPanerson, on Pram street, oppo
site Ike Monongahela Iloctse, will be sold withoot re.
Ottrtei um merman of whom it may eancerki band
eaus* yenng brown llorsekyith bob rallq I bay Mane,
6 years ohl, well broke fortunate harness, all or winch
am Wittman. myl • JOLIN.DBAVIS,Auct.
RailEstau at AuCtiOn. • .
T=l4-five building Lots, at the new Court Rona;
on Saturday, the gth day of 111aT;at• 3 1 ". 2 d, goon. oar
Gran street—Rl Lots, each 114 feet front, averaging
about Ilk feet deep, opposite the Cathedral. P. Lots,
gather, 48 feet (rout oa Giant street, pd feet 64 inches
on Fifth street, and 44 feat VI inches on Wylie stritt.
Ott Wylie street-4 lots, of which '3 are each 21 feet
(rout, by WO feet deep,:and one (2 (Act 1f loch front, by
aboot ot/ deep.. These lois are nearly op to the Lair
Comer. Co Ross street-7 lots, each SI feet hoot, by
100 feet,to al° feet alley. • These Jots are opposite the
Jail; one Is on the comer of Roos street and the 4th
street Road. On Founß street Road-1 lot, IR feet
front, by about 1.33 feat deep: 1 lo; 38 . 1.18 inches, by
about ISO feet deep. -
Tenn. our-sixth In ban Nod the residue in five
egunlatinual payments, from -Ist day of Mini last,
with interest, payable ally, on theist 'de),
(October and April In cult
. yeu, to be - Scented by
bond and mortgage. Title mdtsputable, and
even immediately. A plan of the lots can =l4
the offiee of Robb & WConnell, Third street, next to
the POll4 Litice.,, SARAH II FETTERMAN
W 24 •. JOHN D . . DAVIS, den.,
of Hatfield sweet, in the town of Belfast; In th e
County of Antrim, in Ireland, gentlenun:deeeased, pre
vious to his death, made and published his lastirill sad
testament, in writing, bearing date the fifth day of
M. 0141041, and tbeibby, alter devising and bequeath
ing es therein, he devised and bequeathed, as and in
the words following, vim if give arid devise and ba
queath unto my 'natural
SON, who raided Dittabargl ' the United Ewe.
of America, when I last heard from hhi the month
of February, lel; the sum of three
sterling, provided Et shall be awensined, by advertise
menu! inserted in some of the North Anieneith papers,
or from any other source, that he is alive .1 the period
of the death or marriage of my said wifr. and wk..
as, Margery Anderson, the wife of the said Alexander
Anderson, departed this life on or shoot the Yd thry of
November, 15411, whereby the said legacy of duet hun
dred pounds wetting has become payable. Now I here
by give notice that Ism ready and w il ling, and hereby
wirer to p l o tto the cae
said Alexander Anderson, if
still aliv egal representatives of the said
Alexander Anderson, p ro vided he were living at the
tame of the decease of the said Margery Anderson,) the
said sem of three hundred sterling; span vans.
factory evidence being given to me of the fast. above
reqatred, within three months froth AR date, otherwise
the said legacy _ shall he for ever barred—Dated at
Belfast, County' of Antrim, Ireland, this Rib day of '
Marsh, ' (Signed) •-• JOHN ISIMAIB, -
Ereentorof the lath DavidS mins, who was Exec.
tor of said Ater...indite Andenotx
Neve Pager wail Beak Establlahnaent,
:a %Yvon Sr, suaWasokForwra axe D l
una. Asszt..
T. .t:lOhenteee t malts milt/
plain white and bine Writing aneater Pam, arm.
mach.' and pucka post Flat Cap, dopy sad Oltailllll
writing papers, for Wank beaky, =Wiest and royal co
lored Prating Papers; uteditun, , demy and rap DAT
Books and Lad/gets; waperiorSnail best /want
binding School Hooka of all • sttadard works in
TbaolOST_Atal Boianocai ..owl mod, Fm,, IVafens, an, Bill Ftlahlte, 44..• -
Blank Books gran siies =led to pattern, and . bdond
in the most substantial wanner.
Country Merchants oropplied at lowest wholesale pri
ces for cash, or rags at cash pliers.
. JOH FilliiTlNG.—Haring &Job office in connection
with our establishmont, wo ant prepared to axceute all
orders kir plaia and fancy Prinuar—boniii, pamphlets,
circular., ait/ass suds, bills °finding , dic., with des •
patch and at low one.. ELLIOTT& ENGLISH,
toy. 78 wood at, between 4th 1.1 diamond
ATO IL STORK on Hatt ea atnset, No 36, between
31 and 4th, may at an ilentut be iron • laaga
suck of Ttrekliteat and. Useetlaneous Hooka. New
kooks . roes as soon as published, and sold at low-
Sct meet.' The publications of the A.. clean Sunday
hool Union and riltuteachusens Sabbath School Po
mmy, always on head. Catalogues tarnished on ap•
chemical. ELLE= & ENGLISH,
36 market.; between 3d and 4114
or 14riatrzos,
• Maj . *4. :
TBE President and Directors of this Dank have 6l2 Lis
day declared • dividend at three and One half per
cent. on the Capital Sleek, for the last nionths,pay-_
able to- Stoekholders• on their lanai as • matinee
tonherldt. ,tarailer • JOHN MTh 7 Cashier.
• • EICILAIDX Huts or Prruracui,
ay 20. 5
rum S il.ank hes this day declared .dividend 6l of ibree
and a ball' per cent. oriyhe Capital Stock, payable
on and after the Iltb inst.
• soy3sii . TSION.A&M. HOWE, Cashier.
DANK has this day &tainted n Dividend antis , e
and a half per sem. on the Stock, oat of t:e
pr fils for the lan six toontlss j p fable oaor aver the
W4 l . DEN NY Cutler.
AlaY b /MA Prltd
. Lots gbr gale. •
rgyivo LOTS OF GROUND, with a ts S prings of wan_
teroklighillilly situated, near Perizrylmuus Ass.
nue, for sale oo acsommodailn4 tetuu. ' •
Also, ono lot itt the Eighth IN std.
Also, one Lot, with Itestt two cosy thirallang
aid modem improsemouts. Apply to
my . 3:lw 11711 B BCAIFE
-2M ru ba l l e=7NTruitir P 4 aper ?"4
3t/3 " roled and plain Attar ans IquatitieF
• •
100 " Flat Gni
*5O . medium lea Paper; -- • . '
150 grow white and blue in whits Bonnet 11WittiW
100 mama Manilla Ehovelope ! von • • •
81/, " Hardware. Paper; )est ree'd and 14
We low by REYNOLDS &
no IN= - comer • nn lend iswin sts •
SLICIAIt-18 Md. N q Sr•gar, just luidiug
Na from stensur Wm Penn and for We by
ray 3 1 63 avatar and 11:4 front .
• a
Tour rare and Sweden, by Jobn6inzsrelfi
received this day and for sale by
my 3 /3ooksellers, CO Market aixd 3,1 sue
HAWLS—A &Mason & C 8,60 Market st, have re
-0 seised per Express, 4 ear_toAs offish cr . spe Shawls;
=•,"111= TuPtch
OOR MANS PLASTER -1, grorajourec , 4 and for
aala by , anal "H SRL! RHS
SPIB TURPENTINE-10 bbls in Eine °pie?, tor sales
by aye) • J SCHOONSIA Jr, Cc
SULPHURIC ACII) 7 -15 earboyejnet reedby "
PONGE-1 ease very fine, ind in large Ikeees, just
kJ reed. np23 4 SCHOOMIAICha.Is Co.
-- - .
PiCES,JOO baleCtuin; 1 bbl l '! °. ,lPi .
p. b
SClovssi 10 dolly.;<;. forrale by
.; - . _
....._ • o
_ . . .
QENTA °it" eta. b &re . .
o . z.
x&i & aorms, cu.!
LTAVANA BUOAR.4O bz. MVO nd Bra.., for
ja woe by ap•l9 •IV
SUGARS -19 bbloemstked Snarl
-- 8 8 •“. • :Frdyierised
S T/la i r "
LASS 3 -11 8211194.15r1i.
Otl9 do; for Wad; '
RYE FLOUR -60 bbl. Rye Floor,. ovular .nide,
etecivad am for ludo by •
3 o C 6 N -o Qtpornohe owned
lir d
4.3bukow best qoality for nolo by
alb' - SCHOON:II4ICLIt &CA SI wood ot
IBINGLABS-4 moo Coop er s Isinglaao, or GePao
loot reel: az% for sale by
SCHOONMAKER k Co, SI wood - st
CICUTON-2,3 bole , s Ratting Cotton, for bola by . .
(1011 N--3011 bus Cons, just reeeived'iled for sale by
api • R ROBISON ft Co.lfht Liberty et
POTABII-8 'ask. Jut ree'd end for ea)e by - •
sp.'4• ; Id ROBISON a. Co .
yre . flfit i T . A r lt..-11:9411•11tAlif dotla;r
T URPENTLVE-10 bbl, Spi
tat for sale by ---
Irpeatinc•juat reed
Wad • ' J KIDD Co
_ -
IFSH ANTiVAIt-150 bbls HentogNl 25 as
Shad; SO do prime N C Tar; to .rove awl for sale
by ' spalar MUM:: CPC011N011"
"DITCII-15 bbl. Pit.. band a. kraals
COLORED QUILTS—W R Malphy Invites the st'•
tendon of bossek.epets to his esse d ow st
L W NOLII3II PRIXIII FOR In—Ree'd yuterday, as
additipcial or of ~ .1 4 Prints, at In an.
DefT W
EORGIA NARKIES—A rowdy of Emma Goomis
Nenkbnosst coed by - W MURPHY
:; , 7..•...'STEAMIOATS' . ..
. -
- D All.. V- - PA•CIC ET•L I. N_E - i• •
os Inill bun.. ;Ina of 'splrJ tOid passenger Steam
,- eta tentnor composed of the rantestr.nftesVbest
ed and folnithed;and th en powerful boats on the -
Valera of the Wen. Every accommodation and cora,
fon that meaty can memo, has beenytovided fora..
Seegers. The lane has been in operation for b. Years
—hat carried a minion of mole without the leastwint
ry to their person. The boats will he at the foot of, .
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the reeep
don of freight and the entry of passenger. on the rep.
Um ln all eases ... the p., 'money must be pain in
likamee.• ---
".- . '
snaaiv PACKET. •
The 111/LAC NV11 , 11:00, Capt. A. Maas. ' 14 . 1
leave rinabingh eveix_eneitay niorning at 10 o ali7el4
Wheeling livery Sandiravening at 10 r. n.
May 191
,7..0, •
.)1103111AT P.ACIE/CT.• ' • '
The MONONGAHELA, Cep a xtvexe, ail] leave ride •
biugh every Monday morein et 10 o'clock; Whet'leg
every' Monday evening at 10r: a.
.. •
The MO . MLNIALtie• 2, Card. J. licteuevarre., vein
leave Pittsburgh every - Tuesday cuoraing at RI o'clock;
Wheeling every Tuesday eiesseg at 10 r. ~
The .NEW ELSOLAND 0,• Cate. , S. Dew; will
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday. morning at 10
o'clock; Sheeting everyWadmaday evening atlo r.
The -BRILLIANT, Capt. Cases, leave Piet-L' .
burgh every Thursday ruomug at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every Thursday evenutgists to p.
The CLIPPER No. 2, Copt. thwura, will leave' Pitts
burgh every Friday miming at o'eloe. Wl:tee/log
every Friday evening :I LO •
• _
The iggssENGER, Capt.. Ram, will leave Pitts,:
burgh every gatardey morning at 10 Weiner.. Wheeling
every Saturday evening at 10 r. ar. r
; BEAVER rAcickre.—NEW
Th" VAL ' F r .B COPE,
leave tor Beaver Glasgow nnd
VeudPWe,: on Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday, er each Week, and o`c!ock . .s.m. Mum
-Lag on Monday, Wednesday , and Faley. She 4as
boit at the landing b etwe en
1% nod street and the brake,
prepared lo reeeave
vein No Z.l iVeod
. .. .. .. . . ... . , • .
Rlantillt Paessrraaßaaviss Gusoow & Wrazirrus:
• , .. • The new and fast tanning alcattiaaal,
• Charles F. Clarke. Maslen, will ran as
. tri•sraaklx packet daring the , sea
min, between. Pittsburgh, Bearer; Glealam and Walla,
villa, tearing Pittsburgh avail' Monday, IlTednanilar.
and Friday morning, at P o'clock. For freighror pas,
saga apply to G Id HARTON tr.. Co„
Agents: •
is4e. Mill
prrrasuaan ti nsowarevictio
Dell Packet Packet Lino. ,
The following new boats couple
• :the lie for the present season: A -
LAMM, Cere- J acoby and
ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and LO
ItPLANE, Capt. N. Bennett lion boats are entire 7
turw,and are Mad op without regard to expense.. E
ery comfort thstmottey aripriieure has been provid
The Dods will leave.the Monongahela Wharf Boat.
the foot of Ross st. Passengers will ho punctual
boat* no the boats will certatnly leave at the advoe
deed boars. 8 A. M. sad 4 P.lll lam%
- yam. Rams. &manes PAcm.-allie
• - new Xteamee .
.- P l c temp:tender, will leave fir
Louisville and all intermeditibs ports every Saltudith
at 10 o'clock, precisely.. I .
Fee freight or passage apply on board or to •
The Tel graph has been built expressly fora regales
packet, and %sub • view entiiely to the comfort or pas.
senger& the accommodations are niferior to no
on the Wett.T• • •••
RnorioATonnvor , Poeuro.'
'The l o p httr i
• Ronntr, muter, will leave for the
above and inierinedluto port. on Tao.
nay; 2d 1•I., at 10 A liL . For, fmishr or lounge apply
on bout. myi •
FOR BlAitit - rr.t. •• , ,
The fine new steamer ,
181Ur tFt r e ‘
Chu SlP*P dtyri r tiZikf.. Yee
pnesegn apply en board._
. . ,
Tl=lloß sobsLAotial low waljti ,
BUDRON, . ._. 1 ,
drew Poe, AI aster. has resumed Reg
regular trip . ! berween Wheeling Bridgeport nod Ms:
borghi It wring. Pinsbaugh on landays nod Thorsda o.
The over and an szeamer -.
• Barnesoooner, !ri.ll leave or ab€M,
aA itnersoillaarepons 4:51 Weans.
11344 and Suanlays of - each reek. For freight or go.
. . .
Tbe swift steamer -
omdHorsey lanney, muter, Writ' reef,
ly• for; IVhceling, Bleptday • —•
WLle'Vgreelialg everrAttl7guradayl3l4
ieedly, at 7 o'clock, a precisely. •
The Centel will lied at all the intermediate Irtrettw... •
Every mew:mead/ft that can be prof aced fez th e cow .
fart and Wet, passepgers has beck provedesL The
twat u also provided with a .CV-acuwe• aatety guard to
L aina . t. , e * tplogiotta , To! (re l y= zame r aply on
Feb 4 Center Of la and thaiettficid eta.
ItteliErsroirr, raazeßr..TWMß'lfSrO'NONtr
. . .
I The now Mean:UT • ;
.. L '• • ' DER . ATCII,
Nelacia, :linger, will ran uaelrint
alnng Filliburgh every Monday
itradnesday and Friday; at o'clock, 25., and han
anagahalaCity every Tuesday,ltursday and alatarday,'
at e o'clock, a. an Forirrifil ravage apply on
A D1611 , ..5, goner, swill leave Is diet
P..rt every Wednesday and Piss.
urclaa, es 4P. M. For (rout or passage; smelters
, 4
Established a warehouse in the Tear leitS %bribel;lm
pornrigroderatl atl x x.6-tar at
- low rice
gr and exhibiting, at ell se mom •
Ote_year, the Lamest Assortment . .
TEM 11 7 :911.111)
They are now opening, c,-mral riondreePackages:
conornsirog every new style of Foreign and.lkanestie
produerion,• many of which have j been purchased,.
and are oared for sale far Caih and rhort credit, at
per yard Mbar the prices of 'April and May as per 7
ention of hav
printed'Caudomies, en. which are,mnected deif y, for the
m •
• • - New York, )121431 •
EPHESS FAST PACKET litc,a-utt. Pit/EA/Ma,
Al, :MORE'
ISzetasursEy v olPssazzo . las.) - ; -
TonLroVera'attluitrLLem now
follows, every evening, at So'elook."• •
Ohio--Capt Cnug, Toesday,'Atay ..•
Mdiana—Cept P Berkey, %Yednesday, Hay • -
Kentuelry--(Mpt HTrobi,Thunday, ;
Loniaism--Thomemn, Fraley, & .
Oltio-Capt A Cnug, Saturday, et;
'lndiana—Cam P Berke], Sunds7,7. • ' • •
The ProPnetora of OM holit nem
wh i ch hoam
Winter, TIM the ladies' main, ;emerged, w mil af.
bard greater comfort to , ptnaris traveling with their
fandhos. •
• kshh h t .riT hhte MUM pais overHO mile& rail road
_, U cheap traveling and coMfortahleiMalb-,-7
hh.. ..Pioteettre your tickets at the Packed...Zee
h - chonrahela Home, seater st; or of •••
1) LEECH &pa, Canal Hum
team • :agape toe-i — T: -
A N unuourl2l4:ll , :k.l, dU inch eyltuilw and 6 6:et
woke; four boiler 36 inches and I V,eet length,
wench has beetent use ill the P,lthbtllgil .lter Workg,
will be sold low, on sapheolioaid •
•J.I 11 . Ille! JLELLAND/4
Op2TolltirloiS Setperiut , chollOth IVat
R EVOLVING COMBS—AL new oniele of: Hoek ,
Comb.; also, wreath, btaierdy and plant :Dor t
Vombe; 7 ohen, horn and Du (Ife,o; ree'd and for Wain:
gall • ZEIMLON 67 market at
A MICAL BOXES-2d.. Id odealdloxes, thit pia] . .
43. L Dor/ O'hinra, Z4 , Conn, Dan Tucker, and 'Nan
cy *father popahar ad& A'1•01 • •=iy • large asal ax- '
celloat aasonmeat °Mainz Flower liaaaa,..q.aaricam•
atyl l eA patterns and prices; Juletreed at •
A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT of Fancy Ind nazi.;
gr - FA% .y t n l4 47 1 1 ) 7Z
Also r sdt and glvered Ertags, S un 'and • Tassetifor
Itegahaa,at ZELIULON Kt:Mk:VS Fancy Sun..
aP2L •
11011110DUCE-15 sacks AppleiL 10 do • •
„k„. Peseheq' 4000 Ibis Eacoo, bog rommd; .42 •mcks
lAN 100 btu Flameed; bbisJlYo Fk o o7 ..% 0 1 0
1 Lanii in mare sad fox sala by 110
nal • ' GEO AXEREY.IO 0r.•;04.0-
. Mills alt. IP, C.rukingioirtr, (or sale br ; ••
. • ai.Eo..dv.4l4F:reojaz.;•-,
of MUMby ia•im die aM
F nof gentlemen .to his assortment Of no
o k.*
Preach Cloths and Cassirucres lately reesired;
black and superior finiint, at low prices fur4aahr•J•
MOROCCO LEATHER—The sabarsThnt e Invite !O
tennon to their extensive stedruirturu.u.swhiukt
has been ' , Sty carefully selected in eastern:chi%
And will Oe'sold cheap for cash:
• apl7 ' ' • 'l„,_T YOUNG &
• -BAR . llfartalff...,p
THE highest price ut cash par .
also, causes.. bjepl III!
nirb, ab., by, CHADWICK.:
apO aalut , . fst; bet. pctui At Wm,
PATENT !SODA ALOI-4' 0 ea.Ya y„.e.
Sous My quaIOYOW Ash, just ree'd pounFlusise
Um Rush and for sale by_
& '.l 4), * thak .
C .t
1 •pJf l34°B'46 I""
I"Ttid and for Hale
cirsunt—a raw. fres h Turkey for solo by ,
apr J StIfOONMA.M.: it Co
EA-Null:MU- NU -23 bbls nates far sae by,
44111 • NALUIDICK6I(
• '