. . • .8 A lt ,1.11 ILI A .• ,lfort-esiraordituny Medicine 'ua Lae wand. weed ei pat ep ... ee, newer, eee anoamead voyerart to 11.121.141. CUM 10:0100{ . e.. URA? ANDBUtZEILMEDICIfig - Thdirelltekali rM is l iitri'" it Leittnone ei e° f ty;DRIS% 2% mreci ,1 tar o: rip veriEs rnttr Woo, Puri am/ kith BDoel • powerpmativem And in this lies the grand el:meter Me mle, ful . mean . leu porketeee nitlatithe past two yearly more ' 1C.,000 at of Amu* Cues of Deane ; team liptat .1 Dem neve ateeidered imemble. More thus 2,o!dtmere of Quenie ittieutnatien; ma of Dyspepsia; ". cum of Genera/ Debility and %Wanted Como • tan ease* of admen,. Female Complaints ; . . .140.1 emu of Deroktla ; . . lAUtt cum of the Liver Complaint ; 4,14 D name f Diarme of the Kidney mid Dram , Cowmen *rank of cams of Dessessnf the Chad, rem U l ce r , ."rdpipelas; Balt Ahem. Dintples . l_k An Face km, /M. T. Amber with mittarrout enatirakteit liradnehe, Cain m the eels 'Bpi .1 A &aides, kr., fee. t. The, ere von akrare mot appear incradike,.bed les have Dikn from pbpskivne sad our ;rats from sh pecan of the. United States, tafimming es of extraordinary CUM. H.Wm EN--cae of the moat respectable thanks in Nen . *t, N. J•.N fo rtes os that he east refer to mote Cam 140 010, ens Le dull plate alone. 'Them ere thposenda of empire the .Qty of New Cock,. which vee will refer to with pleamme W b mer etearicter. It is the bett mediates 6r the - f Ptemativo lifetime. known. It undaddedly saved OM lire • • . tatunitsm Tan Purr ea.wit. • • . An it remora the twin of dieter; end pepusd them fa the SUM.' Max,; • • •, , ... Vamp trait• - Can.- • an. U. W. hl °Cue., Or WIZ lilirrlLD ST/MU Nan,, •thld member of the New Jerry Legi,latury, Lae kindly em t.. ea the futhiethig certifies.. Mena its an entry. J.. 23, IR7. • Apar since 1 mu taken with the lotthenth, and mrtithole netts left in debilitated aisle. I ary induced , to try On Tothatend tierthyarilla . ead ells IA"; tr . ° or three pot_ Lies 1 11.). eery tenth mitered, entd.attnbute at rettcely the said Ithreeperstle. I bath cositithed takin, it, sod Lint that' tithpind would 1 WalCa . o.tt, lath U. gliN. taisert - LiCsiiass Thip certificate eastelsosselly proves that this liirsimisgi• pertett;eosaml muWe obstinate ,diver: or the nave p.m. gyred in one he se is Isoprscedansd.• Tom Commit. _ _ R. Towa mai —Dear Ea. I ham the ricarare to too ni L.s Mat three of childreu horst been mod of the duo.: U by the ons l a y your minellent medicine. They wore Meld rati7 airway with bed 110f.° Imre only Wan rew .b0u.1.; It took than fur-relich I foolnlal(unl.r. A. - deep otilicidion. • Toon, wi Iwo bi.twern, 165 VlOnWer - \ Mut Yu*, ta.r.k ' Glate..AT YEALI Le. fitEDICLIVE. A. TOlll.llA'l Bareartrilit re •rotreetio Me tpredy dun Ad. toidpirat CCLlS.ijaktie, llarreotacs; Lottorrboti, or . White,White,obstructed or difficult filtudruatiou, lcuredreueoce . of Wt., or iraoluntary dischargo thereof, and for the :cu. ard as of Lb. natcut—so muff vett ether the mutt o( murmur or moms, Reduced by irrtrubtrity, ifittecr: seddrut6 • • - nothing esiliesecre marrilun--' • Ihsa it. iattorabug el forte on tbo hums Prrxisr,, alb werkem ad WA. Ude, Duet fain ly eased become robtut dad full of rem, oder is istflurtuce. It brouseliats'y cooscuracts corn Immo of tho facade War, whirl 6 the Gress acre cf 664 . . . • • krill nbe trot tapotted of W in cots of m dchelais • ala i toe', to atilblt tatificatai of con parfortota, but we co ono allieted ; that litaulaaarof ewes ban boo opinted 'to flateralemer whoa families hare been withenti nas, after wag • few boUlas of this hob:able itudicist, ban Um bleat WI bodily effapring 2blenund: lily ante 'Dein greatly distrawal by ok.. ind general debility; oil _offering continually Ap pain and • a to of bearing down, MO, of Oa 'took nil with other diaultlo, and bootsnown coo .plut• yaw marine atfeels4 poi cares; od alto hear uqg it recoonendoilGir an h ease all ban deacribed,lobiaiu ol • bottla your &Out of Sarsaparilla ; aad moored tha dhoetions pia . gara ea • to • stoat jorod it moored • :bor otoplalab lad Oslo.' bar hold, Lein grateful &or • lie Nadia aha arrived, I lake photos in thus ocknowledg .Og it oul rOotanatioUng WM. pth/k. 111:D. 31.Thoy, Ang.l?,lfaH.._ Cor.af Gina and Lydius su. Cimacits, &pt. ED, DS C. Dr Dmitirstis To an ' whom this may eassern—This is autily thin srifs md our Wills of Tim Ilmitparills .I=her istafirtimut, wader .0 most idertaing vat eiremstasoses, Mos" trouble - wi th Mt danpey, era f the Cod, nem. affeistiras, mush "iitz ssal the noonna.dation of or who tad •ti,ehe eau induced ti:y it pith lilt. or no faith; stsd MEM it to = try, t. • latit.ine hid t. happy end deniredieffert, not oily In tfae hours of eveifitteent, ear' the capitation of tzte week of its we, the dram amt rer , ,00na enc.. gave law In an utonistuitT, degree, and by helth miss betas than it hitt km Dr a knaves .INst, till:. win h. .f WV • terrka to you or any 0 . 40 wb0 tbs smectial y? au as smkosts to It. -1 stemeriba taper mut:Rost sa , iiiistamd air I,yrssa, TO MOTHS= AND MAILHJEID 1.40M13. gatnet of Stretywrili . Las bevi.expernly prepared ba reference to knelt complaints. Pio honk who hue sea net tosupyeee she approaching that critibt/ " mew of iy's,"sboalst betted to take se is • esnisin prnnone Wrasy of the booserote and ton Alit diseases to bkb females an subject st this time of life. This period wny be defend for *metal years by raiiey thu.edieive. Nor ' 'nit k.. nimble to those who ere nyroacl. bac...1111.d as it 's ealettlited to* vein tutors b 1 'l. l rakra..X W. blon d .tad isivioratiog the'raystet.. - 'shed; this iesilletrie is inset. table foe all Of. the &liege amain W whith wen= are .~lt banns tbsi whole Tana, rWetre peruntuently tn. bet. awesite retionuic. the asperities of die body so fat seueulstin wane. to fealties sobiegonitroot Inatins, Whirl is the ere orison insdicitia takes fur female .. ....... .._.... .. , You who ten palonompkeines, du ll rya, Wolem en um Dm, rough sAin, or freckle, lee an "out . i=ts;^ use a butda Or 1.0 Or Dr Toneenol's Sur It reil .o . l . eals. you r Wood, mum . tlut - freutirs fancies, mud , gnu sou . 1121113111tia. illrarklirC eyes Sue 'pints, and beautiful .ampectoo,el/ of whet' an of i012.11201i . rata, to um. ~tied Wfea . • - Maid or. niedieine has eree boat discovered which w 'warty resembles Ilia vette juice or'ealioa in deeetipoing fisalasel ettrogtheding the orgasm ethestiou t as ibis preps, 'ration id Eisisspolna. Ewes lideattroarr,Alhmylday 1445; :Dr . 2lineende " bare besot .kted foe seresal '3with dyipepsia is its worst Liana, &iodated with wary sew el ekiesseh, hew a %petite, cargo= heartenanoind a great milk* t 'all kindi of food, sad kir weeks (trbai I o. old est.) I ban, been unable to wain but a nosh within ea sly litranaeb. I:teicd dm nerd remedies, Ina they bad but l atle er spelled in Irsurrierg.the ecesplonl I arse in ehtc , els iboat two mato since_ to try jar E.ltrbet of sans. and I ideal sty with hftle onenee, but &Rennin nearly toe bootee, I grand key spietita moored, and int heartburn wt nonorolt aud I would nroratly T. 0112; Mood Om on alit to done who hare been afflicted at. I bin boat. ' Yours, tr.., V Zmarr. 1f0i9:4 fitat. lokogL ALMOST d MIRA CLL . • . Need the fillowing, and doubt if ou can, that emscoup. Tionetamot beamed. lists osdy /Amor the moral hundred • ewes that To/RUM% Somparnk has oared: Dr rinerstomf--Lear Si,. I Ow taken, a - lithe over • -'7• • =ei with ■11.V. , : . < ett c llnd . i raixt in my sin.. It ha ddiatteAo ' % ' l4 -7 qttlA ececomptions-"' P od bagi b t y d rot tides of had outer, had mtht swots, sod analog ver7 Oute lay docloraid he mold do nothiag rack, - 1: km dm !umbel in bop btinbe homfavd, but was procummed th ere koesmAla. tow.new greatly lisle ed at the Imo and • Conk hardly loathe ; I Joon became emaieml_ , end elyeetad.' te dim was eindool to my and . wae oldigur . d to lam w001,,.1.0d5kl lomat gore you my' docoption trad would do j ohn to my" ose. I was sugthoed by my Cattails an, pot rocolay / 1 had Vied a goo numb. uf remedied, 'aid all seemed to be 10 09 parpuee. 1 eibel of. eme R.ll ex . "Am/adios,/ etur perfumed by your o enedicitie t and,to te/1 Wen W. U rn/to:MT& did to, aod ant 00, woe h' Zie7f,tosi ful -I did.' I mato' toy that I lua entirely un, but so br Moored as ups about my busluese, and hope W entice -I.mr la • few, weeks.' dly mqh stul pool, Ile side, atod eight neva, hoe to and calm but set 7 hut, me futypising my anal rtro:gth. felt it ti duty to Ito yea a ossmintitof toy ease, to publish if you gleam. . Puna lbtown,ra Ladi mlieUddyn. ' . Op/Woad of Phyel clone. Tonolmod is abood daily movie; genu ine article is only prepared DIL SWAYNE Pi Wear net of Eighth and Hare streets, Philadelphia i ANOTHEHLIOME CEST/PICATE. 1 Df all the can. that has ever been recorded tramsy silkily say the meals of medicine cannot thrtush am to surpass this, Much now stands as a living b adpro of the cural4My. of , onsouiption, even' when iiie ad been deepened et Dr. Serape , ' Compelled Syrup of Wild ' Cherry is ell it professes to tic,• the greatest medicine 'in the known world._ ' . , Th. Mut Biota of Lift is, Heal* Di. Ewa's - se—Dear bir,—For um good *ram public, I feel myself in duty bound to testify to the great cure which your Conmound Symp of 11 ild Cherry oedema °''' on me. Foe my Mtn. I mei tot If erpry body ought to know it. I was Afflicted with a violeut cough,: epic. tang of blood,.nigitt sweats, hearsencssi and plied of the Inane indicating an elarsolug state er the disease; my appetite was gone, and my strength had Po Usk fail. eel me that my *Mends and physicim were persuaded 1 could not service many day. .Aly aster, who was my anxious care.taker. made roomy where she would be likely to procure the mom certain reliel She was tpld that tf Dr. Swaynes Comp:lmM Syrup of al e s ailed in the cum my lice was 'thee hopeles. Tour medicine was immediately preen:ea - and Me first bot tle gave relief, and by the bate I bud commuced the sixth bottle. my. cough had left me andmy sthingth mi ca of improved- In short, wham made • perfect mica of me end lum at this sent lime ea Marty amm as I mai, and have good reama to believe that theme at par medicine has eaved me than a premature grove. It pall be pleased to give any inronnatlon reepecring. My cam ''- - - ' ' Ihi !tants, cheater nn,, between rune and Tine its, PhDs„ CAUTION! • CAUTION?! Consumptive-a, Read! Reedit Dr.l3wayat'a Compound byrep of Wild Cherry. • . • La about the year 11117,1 found it neceasuy In my Professional practice, to compound a medicinal prep., *nee for diseases of the cheat and lungs, posseamig more powerful healing properties than any other Mb eno known for such diSeaties. In my COMPOUND SYR UP OP WILD CHERRY, .I hare been very soe- I cresfuL 'the truly utonishing cures effected by my medicine soon spread its fame altroadt - forit owes neon Of its success to manufecuired newspaper . puffs or it/e -vileenihexus—We real ialiinsic menu of my cam. pound is the only cause ofits popularity- ilsexteualre tale soon castled the envy of certain epeculators iu the afflictions of his fellow creaturea so ninths* that in a tew years from tho time that my preparation was intm: Mend to the public and in great demand, a fum id this city, finding that my preparedon had gained a high reputation tor 0.11 ettratree, properties, Came out with ... whet they called Dr. Wistar's Salient of. Wild. Cherry. This respeeteble and popular „physician - had do _more to do with the article than poor Sam Etch. The name', o(Dr %Vicar is attached to make it appear Amt this eni- Meat practitioner was the original inventor of the pre paration; inch is an on; Met. The above firm, the re al inventor, told the recipe and right to maaahrettire tO soma patent litediehto dealers to (Intim.ti for the %Vest and South, and mother in New 'York for the Easy who ittlerwarib, it is Wetted, sold out to • &aggro In brieto.n,so the number or hands into which it may have changed is an enigma. . . , lit same places they assert ii emanated from ~phyi ielatl in Phlladelphtat in others, from I phyiticim M Athasaehusen i s. So t his Misehood „ and stratagem stamped in every feature_ There have been a nember of other preparmloni par porti ug to contain Wild Cherry put out mace, front the kends of inexperience . , which the public should guard easiest,' ail they eon.. none orate virtues of the origi nal aud only genuine preparation, which bears the sig. name of Dr. Sway,. on each bade. Therese. manufacturers of thew ptill and false certificates have the dacingolfrontery to caution the public, spinet pur chasing air mkt/mine, the only truly genuine and origi nal preparation. of Wild Cherry . befote the public,: which to proved satisfactorily by the public rec.rds et the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,. well as vari ous other ofScial documents. 'DR. 11 SWAYNF, Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Cum- Pound Syrup of AVhild Cherry, comer of klightlinud Awe strceni,,Philattelphia_ Pamphlets can be obtained guide., setting birth an 'array of testimonythat wit corontaccalle Most skepti -Bal of the vrOuttenul trirtUes orllr Swarm's Conthound yrup'of Wild Cherry,' Call and get tmec'thimall May ' s hoe Purchase the medicine and St Paten. For aale, wholesale and milli. lif the Agents. 'WM THORN, hi Market at; OGDEN& SNOWDEN, comer Wooda d Liberty us; S JONM, Iwo Liberty in I, A s'AllAilt.h.lk A Co, - center of Firm mil wood surd Sam unit Wood; and JD/ IN 'MITCHELL, Allegpeny ear. . -nuirii Graat English - .llemedy FOR. Caught., Colds, Asthma and Consumption: The GREAT AND ONLY ICENIETY foram cure of the soon diseases, is the - IfUNGARLAN.HALHASI OF UPI; discovered by the celebrated Dr.' Buchan, of Loudon, England, and introduced intolla United Mates under the immediate aperintenstence of the.tarentar The extraonlinnw success of this medicine, in t tag cur. rtillittltitry diseases, ,warrants the An:Mikan Agent in soliciting forWeattacnt the worsi poillbble ca. matliat eats be Outial lathe marrununity—cases dud mck relief in vain from any of Me cothatuf =roadies of the day, .end have been green up by the most'distinguisheil physlcians as maimed and tecureble. The ilintgari. on Balsam has owed, and will cure, the most ileraht. of - cases; It is no quack unarma, bat a staodanlEng lish medicine,' of known sod establishedElficasyi Every fami ly in the Unined Shuts should be mpplied with Duchies Humearims :Baleen, of Life, not only to counteract the consummtve lende.diics of the elitrustei but t 4 be need at. nprevernie c i tie iu all enact, 01 colds, coughs, spitting m 'blood, pain in dm side and chest, instation sod soreness of dm 'lungs, brochitis, ditticulty of breating. hectic fever, Meditate!'" email.' anon and general debility, asthma, indultam, w ho oping cough and croup. fold in large bottles, at El per botdc,:with fall dime tions for the restoration of health- Panipidets, tontsdisinglit maggot English and Ameri can caracoles, and other evidence, showing the ea equalled meritsof this great Engllsh Remedy; may be obtained of the Agents, gostuitously., • . • For sale by It A FALLNES.TOiIIi•ia Co., comer of st nod:Wood and Wood and Gthans. , ..... Mari, JZlliTErriniTVE. • We hero boon Informed b a yline. Hose pf Scam er. formed °oiler by lit. Jayrussa teltoratlve i w hich proves its superiority over every oilier remedy of the kind: • Sim hoe Leen afflicted-for the 1.331 lir - Ceti years wit4FitSCRO9EZ or WHIFF. SWELLINtid i asteoded wins orcerationeand ma:dation of various bones, da• ring which time massy piecashavabeesseischarged from die •trantiti bone Of u.a 'ter arras, Wrius o.lld hands , and flan both - lege:WM (cora the left feearal bone, and from the right knoe, treader pain!!! aleeris on other parts of bee person, which been . belied the .kill et a Mother or thn Mbn oar eiti—during wnr of the time , her sufenogo have been excretal:rig and depldrable- 'Alma three months since she at Induced .to try Dv:Jayne', .4S.lterative i I has had an asumishiogly happy edeet epos her, by removing all pee and - sweliings, antherosnag me slicers to Leal, while *Me same tins borate...al health ha. become completely encored, to that She now weighs dd In. more shah, site did Labile she ciraiscummit the one of this truly valuator. prepsuma-geat-EVO. Peat • For farther lotonosuoa, regain, of Alia Dose, No. 129 For sate in •Petabargb, at the !?ERIN TEA STORE, Foslttk at tie. Wood: SCROPULA AMY, SUItOPULIJUS . SWELL INGS.—Scroinla in all its multiplied forth* whether in that of Hines Evil, enlargements a - the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, (three= Itheurnatism, Ganser, deseases,of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary 'Consumption, emanate &OM one and the same cause, which is a poisehote; more or less inherent in Uita:man sythetta.."Therell fore, unless this principle coo be desmoyed,no rad eal core can be ellectedi but if the principleupop which the disease depends, is ramoied, a- care ' must el neceasityfollow, hematite ender whatlerna the disease should manifest itsoU.....llis, therefone is the reason why JATICes ALIERATIVZ is so ndl venally Mletelabil in removing BO In guiliviadt diseases. It dalliers the "virus or principle froth wince those diseases have their origin, by eideriag into the cirMilation;ind with the bloodlstiavey to the minutest fitire,,cemoving every.. p.iticle Of disease from the system". 'Prepared and sold at lip. SnuthAtinl Street - , Philadelphia: • ."• ' Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7k Fourth store: Pittsburgh" ' '" • iselthl L --- *DIES Who Use Common Ptepart.4 Chalk, eon often not aware how &Ishii - ally_ IN antig...4 la to the aidn how come, how rough, how sallow, )olleter, and unhealthy the skin appears alter using .preloaag chalk! tkuld es, it is injurious, containingwltugettean lity of lead. We have ;Prepared beatulfal vegetable article, - which ere call JONEM'S tiPelfeSH-1.111.X. WHITE! It is perfectly innocent,beingpurified or all deleterwallqualtue% and u imparts to the skin a enin. eel, healthy,alabitater,ctearaliving.Whitc, it the same . time acting aa,a.cosetebe on the skin; wakingll all and (creole. lir. James aersin,'.PraCtittit :Chemist of driasi chusette. sa A»or analysing Jones's Spattislakally While, I God it pais ewe s the m•iat beautiful and watt. ral,. at the .Salan time 'dement Whim I eyeisaw. 1 certainly can consclentielltly recount:nod - 14' use Wall whose skin requires beautifying.. ,• • . • i WerPrice 24 cents a box. • • DX/ I . I A by I ,I III.JALIKtON, at his hoot and NW ntore,Ett Lisherly sited', 'head 'or Wood,' it the sign of the Sit Boot, ; les, Vas amouf ailed When you kdowthaiiWis;pteittluad. A swum!, snowy white, • That you will. maltase 03111111011 chalk, • And look ndegtllly yellow fright,. The th eme of loashter and ult. . if you would rise.adz of JONE'S Ldly.whste, would g 'Ye yddi'skan - so• alstnater yet natant white, and at the same time dear and inapt°. it. Sold at JACKIKtlgtg., rD Li bony st. Pried een tg.pet• • PAPER .WAREMOUSt ow. 9.1111/4LIAU 8144.,•Zeit.W / ViiltU6 W. FIELD odets : tor sale ai the lowest Bleaufaele,ers. prices; . a very . exterusiir amts. •1.l el YA PHIL eanprisint.efery email 'variety, ath.ply,l to the mama of cOiVitURCIII mall interim:apt tle eattisy. rarer .0( all kiwi, ; Emile to order at aban nut ro. • ' • I ae rico tot 1.11/NTVilt PAPER 1..011 asuClylirir a foOtof waieb 1. of ....youpeiiar quality. ' PAPER DIAN,ERS DIATZIZIALS . oievery description, imported .dlept constantly on tom:, ♦isx IcUln" .Wl/0 rand:War:lV Ices BleoclunD Fossslei r likto Ultsamasino, Pilo% el" he Cm arms, Bale Itope,GreasPeillefiliet• perrhasal, tot which the highest Wee te.Caah paid 1)11 3 Y New Yaks JetalBl64 T. Jones , ItAllan Okalideal Soap.. !TOR LI kinds oferaptions and disease* of tin !Win. 1' suet as l'unples,llletnhes,Salt Meuse *etany,ll24 tpots, chapped or crocked ant, and Walt other disea ses of the akin, whien regatta...sternal' rewnyas , ads neap mood. annatlekni- /. Fred kies,tran bent, dlotpnew, Tan, 824.41nm: w en the color . Of dark, yellow, ordisfigated Ala, to a and,ltaidtby, yomnfali ueloarreess.. , A (sash supply, warranted mime, to rk o , sale at the reduced price or VI pen nate, has Alt been i red, is offered for sale by b A FAUN Co earner Ist and woodand aims at ttai corner Ihr Indin OASOTBAIS BOAT COOKIBOASTOVICS a4l/ Oit W/4,4 da& I nal SCAUT, Wino sa Cauumpticm, :member Mat Thaavamea• Compound Syrup of. Tirr and % yr./ Ask iciicA it dal' , eliding ;suet n. PULMONARY GONSUML lONRI Bmichs, spitiwOiatedi Pain tho dada ',yet Brant ba' I bl male Emow"bolb..Paf", no U"O. "P"F U"Abs . , Mat Dnead &hail +, ere- T i I t IEILEFOFE e trams/ spumous mit term or O a anttatiaos ari bh b M a W n n a le. at,-;iy—„„, Apropos ar =residero it 1,111, to to inform yal I bmn lang afilieted with o very MA maaftly "Lamar " """t‘ Into in the breast, with gnarl/peons" Mmt antendbee of appetita. UsAg carious sr ea without effect been. IlLrmed, I baud °trim no Mi., bat b. log ono. to Wag moot alrerhard msd.tit Ms, I Manta I would Wain* to what I had boon amp - Fiodimpasiotlf getting *ante • Mint pomaded mo to to a s LOU!. of yam ••he owed dhis life to its rastorr • l iar MU me Ly prolw • tattle and exammetva , mia; A, and b. taro I kali Wan two bottle% lams mos& saly misamod to ...Solely for the benefit of alum I. main — the tam brief • stow:sad. Any fames imptitiel cam ho sad. at my , Mt. dettrx,l46 C•tbanne Wed. colotAer Remarkable Cum. • " • Farlislo, Pa If ow. Oa, IBA Abort six eacompsesco of tho macular, Wan of my I was ittatkeil with were' Aka at the breasts palpitation of the Mast mot shoran:lo which won mon &flowed by tae faof appal ,te ammo wakefulatas at night and patted ram,. of my Itallaa—tans Ttopltlattb,of o ,,,d'optint boon ,frelpiontl y adeded small slotting . et mom, For atom Ilon, yams I was OCCIAI9I, wily donors Into atarablooth !which kft aw ht • neimmbla Male of fiteblmointand bgatt to affect ad mind. /from lama -to lima toy latilforingt 111 , 1* OK. or . a Orme, until at . CU.. trimmed la Bach • dorm al 'dm vOilmaca of Ma symptoms mate to momenta, dam Alin whole per 1 was arable tool:Mad banylu iom. Dosirg thte time t canton ni .oar .bkpt and obtemleit ba their procu preecnpnosse hat. lathe's shill woo analtaiiai la re ma namf, tt tenth they regarded tonal:arta .entirely Impalas hts canditica was laWrbM tin 'Mawr orris of Themson's Oneopooad Syropof Tar mil Woad isity.th., la • oomewhatt may tO ae and though I had given oral amp:damns of • recovery or my farmer health by hamast mans, yet bele; Mainly tainted to by this maxim, I. at tenni pmadeil Prat to a, and I are arm to_aly _ . .that by Oar nee of us bottles my health bubo. motomoL I oat &motto to attend to bounces with at trumb Slangy _s most. f HENRY MYERS. . Of Dklrinsan Thrall* Prepar c e i d . AIIONZTA DICK—vOIF WIN N. 73.111„ twairry y. _ Wait, naiad" ,Dralt,l,. l s=l;X:, son's Yaom Catapoand Fyn, orfar ban Mk. bat odrthtlionl mpoota,or of than abon the Murcia.. oydos li ng la mar ttrfelta. , . ilaclld QEVERAL ILEASONS , war DiaVl: DY'S SABSAPAILILLA. BLOO D PILLS eritiecoming switerrersally Roptilar rthrtrfiocaoss they arercpdred by MA , dy home regals: Vruggiet, tthemset sad 1'6;6- than dr Phdadelphis, who knows •the nataro, the quality nisi character of the Medicines used !ibis pills and their .ulnotatinn to diseale. • Second, Becalm the phlthe can take dement!: greater confidence that: emit other Ire prepared by persoosignorint both of meliciati turd .Third r ilecause of their , combined egects,pio44 tins ens cnutoined in any pilAi name/y. pair tag iIOIII the stomach and burele,,alloubeiNtyAnb.... iaitriCell, and nt .We same timel,punfying,UsellattOd and guide of the body. ' r , • berth, Because they are the cheapest undbeet medicine knowst—a single box costing &alb:cents, and containing 90 pllla , saving to pennies el nanny &Warn 01l gime us Doctor's bills, and amnesties medicines bought & tried on the recummentintion of ' - • .IVIIOI-ESOhIE ADVICE. weever you bare oceasiou to take any inedir s cite, do not be trilling with your eel:Wittman by _ trying all kind. Ist pithier, other medicine. you ne puniandend recommended by one and another but take at unto Dr. /do ter Ed:twist:ilia Blood pith ••• • arid you will not have ocinalon to take anything ctn. l'hey wail alwayi be found good ntalmtist all 'mucus of disease, tannings on ol the etoursch,boWil els, liver and ititeSiken Cramp. tbo stonmeb,• colic, atcrbrash: inward Inver?, foul breath, bed taste in the mouth, hunt eructation& and. acidity of the stomach; el:nivel:en and indigestion, , • want of appetite, billion &licences. &senses of they spleen and Indneys,dtreiscs of the skin scaly truptiond , dry arid watery pimples or blotches Cl' tlid hen one body, teeter, raidr,pricklh beat cud Galt rhuein,liead• • ache, giddiness, lei innect„, pains over the. bent, of the broad, side., along tbe hack and seine, Thome. time and goat, totem ul all kinds, small pun, earicis loid. mewls, airofola,ernipelae, and in short they- are good in ail disease* hiving their origin in the stomach, liver, and intestiiies, and iintituitj cd . the - blood , I • . ED . i'vrentyshsetteuts a Box. bold %Vbelnale Bud Retail by LL - A. Fahnestock & Co. corner of First and Wood, Mau corner of bisib And Stood streets. - . septe9 , , • ' hillidadtakr SI TUOTII.PASTIAs • • ream* Diem:mica. pike best sniele known for cleaning and.Wh 1• We Teeth, strengthening the gents,. sweeke Met breath, It should beladd ever, night with !rt ser brush, altd the teeth end mouth will only:rents ire • slid, ViA• n.t the lawmen. ;Ayet brush, weasels= uv cold atligniwet, sad Mk It ion tonmetat the whco caUug4 adi.cle fur t eamng the teen. It leaves a debemos,tostel.ll- the mouth and us p ans a most deligtafaLtragianee to the breath. Imitate nnvalled es • pleasant, etrteaciovaomurreniett, and butte, promrve them. • safe denuitme. • It is warranked Slat 1010 ore the teeth, . • , - - - ming it regalary, it II will remove the Tana and . prevent as acetunwaston—nereat Lae loothstelm strengthen the gems, and peseta all diseases of mem, Clannteht, phymetans, and, the clergy recommend It a ' skeidedly• !ripener to everything of We Wad to me.— "Ask for ebettrosn'sCosormand Orris Tooth Pew, and, observe his egustistre is attached to isclipot; Recommended by-Ur. Castle, 381 Ilmadway, isle of oar best. Dentine, and by maskof the old established ones in the'lltilted Stases, and ma itensively used by the lobdityot Englend and Puree. .. . - .A large proportion of the diseasea hatellietrainkind arias hosa some derangeasmis of the a tornach which a timely coo of thodeathe VoLatengea would emanly.ativitue. , Persons of oncost babas ahonld al ways Mee • box at hand, ind take a dose whenever they feel the least denagetnentin their health, Ala& eiousase of these Locengek would prevent themands of F eases. -• orrale at WM. JAdif...9O2lVS, corner of Weed and Litany sts • ' • • • deel:l - perforawd.by the OttyLeal and oilytrao gooviaa Lim fill, prepared aad odd by RAC HE& • bloaave; noway, Westmorelosd.Co., .• . •Joly 19114180. 5 • M. R. E..Sdlizia:—A rove Ofdaly bayou and thi oflieted lotion:vote toadd my hatable !alimony ha boor ofyousjesily elkbrited Lieer Me I have dammed dole{ io foe rare, adhering' to Davy Crockett , * aiavitwhe wow yoleare'rayht, then go N o of ebb s, way preparationaofongrati mai qdvekadanded to lb. ebb have took iow al:aria..tote orlr' hero beettolfered the polek,a6d, 'Wad, I berme ihey will "IMTIVII 141.1 WO BS th L7 ariipattwhat pro reppoeat them to 'be: hays been afflicted with Lbw Vomphant tam aty, youth; lam aolfetedemackwaykyoi l o w emiraittPhy •venvw, to whoa!! Ladd tomb mutt tant low moth bloot benv voiaitetaad phyaielted shavotto death; odour! 3 or. ti tam, and fimllygwes op aa.he / woe indoetd oj yourLwa - Palv,andlloo.lf GOT WilLt. that tot of ordeh LI o ther aliest% to hatpins elele of rata tbe sidw aad oil the o sysytootelor wt knot matte are thothebestoltirtk. I olree Ind; 'l l it yrdioo .. tg:&=ill:aeh k oeh=l i ae .y = head orrreus; mkt lotadvWde o ' f . tooal, ban moor heard* ware anwpftiat attend hy one who' hat tool the. ' lure alp/et:dell Wawa woolotheryilf Wahl "oeighborhowt, end in a short tin,. will Loofah theta oIL • I ornedly recommend' them .la ell 'perm: hot phyde, whether be Liversloapbad or Ifettitma. aue eider that Ete warns! to Calwaeler Moan!. Respect folly yours, LAllllOlb-4s'ilawe oilow kis befOlt tha public ' oottabLirerfbllo probate wbo wool the 011.1121teloold oak kw awl hike Boothe,. thou thow prepowl and soli by It .B.E.LLSIA Igo 47' liroodot. betwvcm Thlld wad Fourth • . bald by /PLC...es:4 Yin Ward, D ALCOR:re, illegincay. ,assitg .F" s.: 7e TUE cue otCoughs,nTan,llnnichlO, ring ith...1,1:/yipepata, and all whir &manes of the systeneetduar PULMONARYCONSUMPTION. 1 • The t and nopieeesteuted moans of MU . ble m a, d p r op &sire to dlaaaminate ha, benefits, haw: Lithle.d the rietor.; so px the price at StP emu, per bottle, thstaplaetog itwithin the south of all. slimily should be witboacor ewer will; wheashay haya •onee pealtand appreciated its almost iaatinstaneoaatto o - lion in dm cum orates above tenaplalata ContaWmgno mineral Of narcotic fogredieata4 not Sha alighting dans gay or Inconvenience can result from its use. - enflame waning from droop _and whooping comps will Isbell with auditpiand d immediate relief, no 'manor kow :violent tha paroxysm, if given‘aneonling to &tenons j For We by storekeepers gerienllyi in this and ads joialng counties, and wholesale and, retail • by:ll4 pro . : FlTepts. • JT &B RlTTLll,Druaisti.j • =at -• " 16i N. Second below . •I>YlB rszurunisav-L AV ern= de , Amanda Antere for Ohorhillk". ...Cream a ta.Roso, kir ohrfoina;' • - • ' Almanac Cream, o; ,• 'Soporific Soup, on Porcelain Wm* : ItZlogant acts[ Cap, perfumed with Lavender,. i t nyle• ifeactihtl pc rirler Paris, of all patterns; EntbOami Wei Loses, doinnialog impact extrietS for the haadkrehien a coast hol,alad nano, NW abbe Panful, ow Mi ndian aow , Powder; • I Ocallabioluur oil. • . Lteariod, in fancy or common Wrapper. . eilh . More sewn. *nee eep; Nymph fbap; Soso Lip nave, O . Obcllehcb eckaig Soda . soap; LOsclMlor anin greooly. °S."*PF"*".' 'nit% igkr j b - gatc - .ik tear Oth k wood oPi n•I6 _ TARUCIS—OiI Cnbcbg_. id Zinc; Cosa. Sen.; ju , RAC Liquance; Croton Otl; 011 Coparia; Psi& Linunnth; Gam Wormy Woodpihn; (told and Sil ver Loaf; rce'd and fur sale ii• by R SELLERS,r•‘ nal . 1 • 57 wood sti • A Lc94.1,-4 Fror Wain.; redel, •audf. .PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, -Pliiii.34llED DAILY, TR.I-WEI:WLY & WEEKLY Atm. Gwx&w0.433.4,,3d0., Wow 14 Pea Was. ILA 'PE - 0 P An v-iiraur trine. Omit iowttion 1 or len, so Twoinsettou withOlatOloiation• 073 ' Three '' • " " ... .. 03 ' One Wok . " " • . .. a Two Week. • :0 ' CO Ono Moat& ••• • . . '3 4 CO Two " . "' .... . . 600 "- , Three .. . .. , • L? Longer &divan...au io sloe One sqoare,G mouths, without altennion,... 10 CO I 0 • , ..:‘• lb 00 Each idaitionul woore for 6 g00t0.....L.". BCP • One vqoare,6 waith4renewael at plena's; lb CO ' • ~ 5D 00 lace additiosalaquare for It mantes ' 1 0W - ' Tws Karts 6 mooing re'vrableat pleasant ; 30 00 Each additional aquare:6 Loathe, I 00 wesca. on • VII* • UOI LI . Oise spore. 3 ioseruou, `Bl 80 . each additional insertion •_ 37 Vin lines or less;:one ye a r. a ' • 6pp . OO .". • year, daily 6c7 . weeidy, 10.0 0 " 4ix months w I 13 00 • 470ni1117313434T4 , ir wozz For 23 lanai or lea, One inieitlen; 60 • Two "' 013 " . 9 ", • " ' 100 w Than nnon.ba, " •'3 /XI " • " Siz • • " I 110