The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 03, 1848, Image 3
GROCEBIES, - Zu,. CILAIRMED poomc-,63 bid, • rupenorariele. for, • :. 00 .17 tun itotreaved k ar u f r o c r= a , ' 10 " • . Agents *sr St Lads Co'ltefineri UND 111.EB.;-2d0 bss Bondi ROSil* 50 btdo do; 51 1100 bbl. gnat Hatue SLoLsoca •..100 do Loaf Sa,gl.s landing trout steamer Cloud nod for sale by • 'anti - . ; . 13AGALEY as SMITH SUOAR D 140LA.88/11— ' Q + N 0 Sem GOO 44L I , l.oldolavaea; insane wad for ule by CULRERIFON.I4S Jibe sly et SAUTERNE WINEI3-8 hank& wow laridiak, 15 Ws and 81 half kb& to arrive this week: • /Use Winti Aft et my Own importation, direct,' and will be sob! knr aplo ' PC MANTIS CII.IA/NPAGNE WINE-25 baaketa Maltese Cross; W Crown Champagne Wilma now nding and tor talc b .40 C MAR ^ - 4 TORAH DIF/4-- tif pipes gamin,' Hannay Brandy, of mos impartatian as lax. 4 quarter pipai rußenor thud Brandy, now lapAllng sad for sale .10 - rOitT WINE-50 qr ekißurirondiPart Wino, of dire as direct lwrionotion,now landtog and for role low P 4 MARTIN • 0 IfELLED dOELIST.,IO4aeks - jpet reed And for • tele .. /"IRrYWN CULBERTSON, 1,, .71_!A *PU . - . SUGAR 1111J , Z,1110.418E9-10 bbl. prim!A 9 munVrt iduunuisoN: JS No 1 Salmon, rec e ived per km! pa Schuylkill and for sale by 'lt BUIGIRIDGE. WILSON &Co water at • tEIKR 81aNS-8 bdls for sale by • • ' WiCK•dc MeCANDLESS re 17 .b 8 f• f• 1 .t just roe... for sale b 81114 ICA k. IdeCAl9l . TOW APPLIZ—= sacks just ree'd Or sale by ,spl4 WICK& bIoCANDLIZS C r *bp't4"tr. p nmq i raelA d D e 110170 N-17.3 bake per dm.. for bl .plI • FRIEND, RILEY lc Co 1 POBACCO- kern No 6 Twist Tobacco, lusting frost steamer tit Cloud and of solo by QALERAtU ud i 3-027 talcs Cleveland Soloist., Jost recoivada Gtoby re.,4,11 WICK &111cCANDLE.49 POTASH -420 cask. prime for sale by • .Y ll ,• • 'WICK kIacCANDLESS BACON-13 bozos Virgbila cored Mots and Elides, now 1 L Weby ~ .12 , POINDEXTER& Co, IR weer st EAD-500 plgs tide. URA, received per ete i secwr IA 065 .mb 1.d r"'.. 4l ° b). • rompirrEn a Co. • ARD bbla for tale by spit bIeOILL, BUSHFIELD & ROE TOOTAJM-13 caskOrime tarsal!, by .1 •19 . . WICK& ble 0 .11. IdOLASSLN-30 0158 Mo Ladd -12,1; by ap4 l '. angRIZE,SMIZTNrcI" _EP= i i ;? " *VG-AR omlL ' : ma: p i . 1160A.7. 8 1:41:122 .. - - VL PORK-1100 pieces MoNI Balk Park, twain from meamet !dingo Chief and for male by, • opl2 BAGALEY TARCH—III bozos Studs, superior Mis laod I,Fig from mDronormaheli WA for ral W' e by ay= , 13ACIA ft SMITH UCLETB-40 dos painted Baskeu, Cot sale by epla ; V/ EST 130W.M1 bIETAL,2O too, No 1 Foundry - "dotal, just re- JL calved saki for see by apt 'MCA' IteCANDLPS S • 111 E-00 &mos Rite formic by • Kb ; striummot, WILSOii4x. Co FrAR-100 bbls Tr., of prim quality ;Lod In good too dui o, rizsganzent kod for oak by TAAFFE & O'CONNOR_ • • TUEIT J KIDD it/CEIVEJJ —I ease Torkay' Ornurnomd far We by t Co •jI.IZ r rIU:C: b r i IVED . 7 75 b . ; s . Ilyde's sal'iliDon,caond jU t ta 11.E9FilyE.D-73 LW • • 741Ipeeae_ kiptnt C.IIB.9I2dEM—A fallisaonment otbLek and fm. ey Casainteraa lag =dm! bl 811ACKLETT a NV, Alit.D-7 kegs for sale by • . sp4 GEO COCHRAN, 25...1.1 VII - 01A8803-50 bbl. NO; 10 do Baser Hope, Gut AIL den amp labbls and kep, Canals by rtORN-450 U.r.ka prime yallow eons, ie.tore anctfor ki sale by • aplEi J C BIDWELL SALTS-: . 20131da LI:LS/M . and fr i nal c e m by wv . ELL aplt3 • ..13EANT-2.1 . bbls .cull to .IkLll Tl7OOlO-00.000 lb. No.l pulled Wool. Far ule by apla c ra estm •es, TM. tn. or e b 0 Wl7 YOUNG kCo 143 bberty •1 SKIRTING -4= lbs besi Goaliry Skirling Leather just rectirud and for sale by upl7 WYOUNG & Co (10PFEE-100bags a ven Rio CoLied, landing than? Canal and for sale • apt? • : •JO DILWORTH, d 7 wood at SCORCll . E a llßtfillt-13 casks of 'rood quality, in • apl7 , r " JOHN ' S DILWORTiI MIDIALRLAM-100 bus Barley. in loom rad for We by -LPepl7 • " Jowl simmorrn N in store and fo SU°AII-4"14.13 WATERMN, "" 13Y 31 water and Re f A ront m spl7,- bbl, N 6 Molasses, is oak bbts, far apt 7 • LB WATERMAN M * sale -b;' MIIIOE-4111aFes prime Bioo. for male try jiy apt! , is WATERMAN iilNCili&lll3—A large assortment of Domestic, llah awl French Gurglrants,. jest opening end for Bala M apt SHACKLE - IT & WHITE DIE-1001bIs Louisville Lba& lust recl far sale by ! spa 1.11.1R8R1 Out, WILSON& Co ACON-30,000 lba Baion liazaK =OW do do 13ideL B 311,040 dodo Shoulder., city stabbed, lo,adona and tor sale by ! & IIr;LIARBAUGIL apl3 63 waxer and 104 front at IDES—app Dry Bide, La More iad Ihroaa by ' • & W ild.lll3Alloll - --. and tar It . bl ' apl.3 ShOillltattiti6 bblatThenswes supirior Cider Vim 'pi aatifor Ws 14 _ spla • . - & BARB tE!;WOM MOPLAR LIMBER, AnA Joke, by lOW , W. WALLACE. • 11a. VAUGHN'S LITHONTV.H . H.C-4 0 bso jun JJr,lao'd and tor sale by the nos. at toopnoe, lry It OIL; NO. just mNl , tuAa (0 We wit • • It ESELLEMs rUNDILY ions just rec , d and tbr use tty upst . WICK it MeCANDIMS por s tri...N-02 , bbls Itus I r ci t=tt cAN , t u&sealm INGLASS— pi 9 b yeed"and Cor C 3 r210 by 3021 URAUNtREITER eu.n GLUE—S bbls jim ß rr i ld u rl f a ci rr saloary • iti.ALCONI cork f‘boolders; 1 do Side.;•do Raids, Yost received on coos* moot and for &Ala by . •-• ',op= : • TASSEY BOIT. OLAI3B-3CO hie 8x.11% i5O do MC* I do inntai . tr . do Txt together with an imamate I VINIX)W Ao of imparter wake; for .ole by , I - I VON NONNHORST it Co If ACK:EBEL-40 bbi NO3, for , sale 10 So dose 111 coositoment, by , NAL , .9 F VC/:7 Dos:cumin a co' " bz VLOUD-400 bbl Family s Flzur , kee=tas , and • * er ink by d 3 water and-104 leak et -g- , .gyrATOk3—dgl bbls tieahnintoek Pedaloes, joa P bad . o .- N asuar Danube and for sale by .00 . 5 ity RAILHAUGII BAB LEy_igg b..egailarley, 5 just& W IIA landin g ßßAUol kr este by 1 G RE' pLEs-.6. bbls Green Apples,. In nuke and kr by Writ , 5& W DAILLIAUGH b Dry Pellehall, i ti tiMOM BY YEACHJ:S-1,00, ba il . der Vid 5 41,AX/4E4M-10 bbls instate soli formai , by . 0020" 8 fr, - 1 4 / 11AEBAUGU N—Fai-------,AP"HAWLS—WhIie, router end • drab-, .sit I...armee: lately received er Dri9oodr Hoare of R MUArIiY S - - • CYTLIESNEATH9-10 do! for solo by _ : gpNNUUD _ ..lee H AY RA:I"2.-15 SP YON . BDSINHOILST & Co 9P-i-------- ..7 , 4 0,.. Window Sat& for . to r 4 ABII-81" ON DONMI Co 8 - 4°j P a ' T. BP I - - -- e . 63; Tsr. ki.f,,;,"__b._,._F 1104111 . g iti l vrif .1 • sale by. e • PE"4 - Mw fI_WD PAPIIIIC-17esdecia Paris (ibeash Cbsons •VI - theca sad Pan= W tin eania_ful bl . I s!atoormermga_. (rub for sala by • AN:47'4° J sduooratmalt kCo T BYRUP—dO dos run and fa= se c p qcl2' • J SCIWON 1111.10bblu forule by J SCLIOONMAKER k Co ritHERS-6 5 sacks, now :melding from stomas , Osarciro; Car sato by iseltli InvgNY & Co, front sc OT ASO—Steam Pot Atli received pee steamer A P• somlistei for sale by, • It ROBISON k Co, • • • LOS bbert st bbls No I Lad; 2 kegs do dt . .5 just seo,d Dl :ER-4 bbl. Ran Buises; 8 kelp Batter, roe , a' Pa CU Now BriztyßBB 88' s. lB bY R ROBISON /8 CO aa, TV.= IDIE-,l,oooltes sugar eared, u/s by -1 1 . , *PAY • JDAYiLLIAISLI,IIO wood sr smell AMS-110 eerie superior hams, lot received on g consignment sod lat gale /o," A G OIIDON, front et C 4. 0. SEIED-14,1 , 1 , 1s t , of i rlak 1.0 vAimms . • 'TIII4 HEIIRCNO- 14 kiss fresh, - for b - :1LL54.1 W/CK & >S . EARL ASH—S casks I V ms reed end for Asia by WU ' •S V ON BONNER/SST &Co VALEILATIAI-10 eysk Y IQ bx.s; Cur sak by "J P • • .• • . • 33 Y. QN to:values sc., T ; l:Le` PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES 'CURRENT, AND RATSCII OP MUMMA ILTERVILLINOE, FILEIOOPSI atc• Kabes.—Doty 93 pr. eer 4 9. .1 Pe arls o 707 t &orating., ' " 40— Palenstos 70— Soda Ash 4041 9.lo—per bbl.. 400709 Thai ttaa—Durf 5 per cent. American 0 itattlag—per lb opsFa& 6691.1 't 9090121 Beano—per bushel. Small a s & mindWhi ^5097 Comm Ihnikets—i am- Potent BUM! 2.230 -- Beerwar.—DatY t O P ,, LI t Yellow MA Hlossms—P ton. llrecoMs-4 , dot. swe— Merchantable 1 01,0 Shaker 1,75432,00 Bark—f cord. _.: • Chesnut Oak 0550 Black Oak 404.50 Hemlock sea*, Coal—Duty 3D Perm. At the river 5 054. From wager, 5 (4 Cotton—Duty free. .Tenn. andAl!thama..• = . ==l _ • lintri4etl 10011 Cocon, Prepared D 0022 .Candles—Duty 20 per City dipped 00— Pinabutgs Star D Cloa Cincinnati do Sperm, beat brands•••33.o2.l; Do inferior 2 030 Castings -y. Foundry ho True, ned--4113 Furnace do 21 Tea kettles D doz. ...... 5407 Wagosi boxes 100m••5170 Counter weightsact. • • .40 Bad inane V at net 4.— 4104 COMtOII Yarns—, lb !Dort reel— N 0.5 to NO.IO 15 " 11 at, 13 "14 Increasing . 1 temper lb to Long reel v. doz. No. &XI 600. 8 I'oo - - 60 , 8 MO, MO, 1400:... •510 'Coverlet Yarn 0 ti;•4842 _. 'Carpet Chain M Colon Twine . 2:10 , Candle Wick' Ol5 Coffee—Duty 2D per et Java, Old 'while 12014 St Dorningti 8 0 L 40.6378 B'o Rio 1. 0 8} Cepper—Dury 20pr ea pig bar andold 5 pr ca old tree. a Braziers 27021. Sheathing —Or 154318, CordagroDoty 23 pr. ceo -11122212 ---+D /2 White rope --ft 12 Tared 11 Packt TarriTine• lo C019:610. :•••• 9 'tmp fled Cids per temp lejtp , Common • •• —• —401,4r2 7 Long I:= 3. I.l'.' lled Cords—Pe 01,00 r do. - 497 L 6 thread —0503, & 30 do 2,6003,0 do Plough lines.— .... •01,25 ' Demesnes—Pee 7 0 rd• 1 to et added for time sales 1 do Brown do Cono 6 07n 306 • Penn Shrge. A Nat..— 0 71 Allegben7 D's —0 Anne, D Pin h/111•• •—0 71 Oregon D Union 1011--0 Nonmook Penn Nill. • —49 71 Piusburgh do 7 Lortnne C —O6 1. 6.4 br oon own aotton• •—• 410121 Ellenehed do. 7 1 0 0 0 6 do-- do do-- ••• A 100 111 1 o Tinting. ••••--- •• • .61 0 0 Harnilton—•.—.—ping 1 lomenster-4.—•• Brosm'S A.C.A• •--012 Mothnens• 1 No 1 superior Colored Cambries 4109 Foney,Printil., ...... 310121 Fall Myer Blue • —OlOl Marin= --011 Foil R. Blue & Onngo o lollo Drags—per 0 Aloes Alum 310 4 As adds 19 00 00 Arrow Root —lO Aquafortis• 10 COAThiERCIAL RECORD. Sun I APRIL.. I rises.- Sty 5 510 5 8 5 7 5 6 5 5 1. Monday, 2 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, 6 Friday, 310VEMBINTIS OP THESTEAXIMIPS. Proposed of the Britak and Nara Anseri caws Royal - Mail. Steamships base.= Barton and Disarm! and &ream News rat andLirewpocd, f0r.11:49. • , .America, . Caps .10-kins nappy Hibernia, " Shansm Britannia, • " Lang Azad* " /Nom arrive. assr TOM[ 1.00 Leaves LiverpooL Leases Near, York. ./STWXVit BOSTON altD uraarmi Le”es Livccpool. Leaves Boman. .11sy $ .flay 17 .Iday 31 June ti - Acadia Caledonia May . 4• ring.= Zday ~3~J }:f~~:r.l:,S~7 ~ :i ~w~l 1~1~ COAINFPIFX FOR MAY . - J. Cau,/rixes, J. Dienim. W. W..W.u.t.acx.. 'd'and 6r ialeLy ' A Myer REVIEW OP THE • roe vac wax mom nar.2. Busbies§ had become languid during the Past week, but the recent heavy ruin will produce an improvement in the rivers, and probably • cones.' pondlis.rorrival of trade. The market exhibits no feature of particular moment,cearly ell the transactions of the week being of • regular I:amines character. ASllE—have been rather dulL but recently 'some operations havetranspizeil. Pots rate at 4at . 41c according to quantity and terms of payment; wiorchings 4; of pearls and salenstes, we have no recent sales of any comirlmble amount reported, They are quoted at 70171 c; soda a5h,4041, accord' fag to quality. • ALE—We have no change from former rates; m per table. : • • BATTING—The manufactuters 'sell regularly at the rates of our table. BEANS—continue dull, and without variation inigieCeiu par table: s are Michiroged. BLOOMS—StiII nominal at $7O p ton, without sales. BROOMS—A good article of corn broonth rate at 31,50 , 2412..' COAL- , Sells regularly, at flibriroP fr hundred bushel. _ COTION--Several transactions °courted dug ring th e week, but the parties declined stating terms. The "better keine' stated to prevail in the eastern Markets may probably revive the -ant. ' ale here also; but it is now not tweak to give even n nominal quotation. CANDLES—remain iss before quded—Ttro high price of tallow keeping that of dipped can. totic. • mmulms- . :4asenamill*Arlymmes COTTON YARNS—ratting per table above:— Short Teel, 6610, 16c; Nos 11603, 16c; No 14. 10e . jamas/angle e. 111. Loag awl, No 100, 00 6 ei 600,667 $ 700 6c; 800, 900, and 1000, ;de. Co verlet yarn, Carpet cask wall Cotton twine, all 20 mitts.. COFFEE—SeIIs - in a regular way at 6081. 1. 04 of 10 bags and upwards can be. parelawd at 21 cent. cash. COPPElL—ltegalu custom sale* at rates of is. ble. CORDAGE—The mannfactorere rates we - Manilla rope, by coil. - Do cut......:. .. Whne rope, by coil. Do cut Toned rope, by coil, Do cut Packing yarn, fine.. Do c0mm0n..... , 'CILACKERS--The market is without change. Water Crackers ............ 83,T5 p bbL Buller do Pilot Bread 3,50 Seger at Soda Crackers..:.. . Tc p DObikSTICES—Are sold as per table above.— All deseriplloas are cheap, and of excellent qual i!Y• DRUGS ,dr, DYE STUFFS—These articles are ally sold in a mintier way, and priem am uneban. Werke table. 'PEA t'llititE—&les generally in • .mall way, at 31gr but bulge iota me at 31033. FRUIT—Rest oranges and lemons, - come scarce, have advanced t0•51, 50 (ail AP• plea, green, of OW quality, are deo becoming very emcee. Small lots.briug g1..50 to 82, 50 ig bbl. D' are saint 75G81c, kw 'offering.. Feaches, $1,3: (iitdl,so p according to quality. ; FLOUR—The knowing are the week's opens., tines. to Wednerodez—Seles first hnds, amountingso3 bbls, at 84,6204,15, average, 4,65 c. The AM. Tale of the day fair. • Thirsdarldes ro bbls it" 4,52,158 at 4.851 40 at 4 75—shoving a decline from melons rata' Anieate bed, IMVEMZIM Borax refined 24 0 25 Balsam Peru 25 0 02.75 Coot, ira ..11 'O an Brimsunse 4.0 5 Camphor. cefined•••44o 45 Chloride limo, cask 840 7e ' Cochineal 10 02,1:0 Cream Tartar 25 0 29 Coppras Ife 2 Glue e . 11 0 13 Galls ' MD 35 Oran Arabic 55 0 70 . .Copal 34 0 50 11tre "... 1/ rt . 11 1 „ Alustic ..... .440 0/01 Ipecac END 010 Jolap, poirdered.• 85 01,00 litho roved die 01 Liquonce Root 7 0 Liquorice Rua 19 0 93 Lud °Ye, Maesta Cub 88 037 Mader,. Umbro•• , • 014 Madder, Common-± 0 rk". " Clamor 1e101.75 Cassia 30064 . n Cloves • 2.50 .03,00 o Lemon 5,25'05,50 Perml 5,00 Oplton,Turkey••• -1,50 05,00 roVaTboroot ' - 4 4 Pal Amouc 20 0 13 Pal Soda 411 0 5 Serra VD 0 18 Teetaric Acid .110 0 ED Vitriol, Blue 1110 12 Dye Wood—DOT 5 p.M. Carovrood 40 7 Rude 40 3 Lotreroud. chipped-210 3 Feathers -duty 25 per. ct. .• . Kentucky 31 0 Obio&Peuueyha• 31 0 Fruit— EgiMl • • Hard • 0121 Currants, Zente•••• 010 Filberts 9,0 9 Groundnuts t 01,0 FlLslct_rkey-c•-•• 12 # ItaL7Zlnseat,..e Bunch ,2,1210 Bloom, old 0 Cranbernes 0 — Lemo ce ns, Sicily ha 401 asp) peaches, d ry, o bu• • 1.0 01,30 Apples, dry o 25 Amok., Greeit, bb1.1,75 0303 'ire Brick—par ff. Bolivar - 02.50:0 Common 0M,1141 ineur--Dury 20 per cent. Rumbrands,retail 4,5205,01. 1 Superfine 1084,0 1 Fine 3.2303,50 " hit. Buckwheat. pr k•••---01 " Wfibbls 09490 Peed—per bloated.' Mon 16 0 , 17 Shorts _023 , Fish—dory on fore's caul 91 perent Maeforel, No. 11g36014A3 No.l, WC, bblx—• —0 No. 2, 09,60 No. 2. No. 3, 7,2307,53 No. 1, 0 , 7 1IT:11,No.1•••• 6. 7 5 0 6,43 No. 1, old. 0 Near Yarn -ram • Red Fax, Ne. 1•• • 0 Eti 0. • • • 0 371 Idaskrat 10 O 19 k 0 25.. Deer Skin per 'l,-14 O 15 • 01asa— Blank Bottles Quart per groa•a•• • 09,00 Pint, do ...... 07,00 Mad'a orine,s9 to gal— 09,00' Claret per grosa•• 09,00 Window Gw, per box — City brands. Exlo net, 14, 10919. 04,93' lads Patent do., 11191 to 16x21 —1093010 Country brands. 5,370 75 13,029 10119 03, Ounporarder—buty 20pr. cent. • FFFG 4,73 03,30 Eagle, CF Ma 03,03 WI. dal:. 1 lb. eardsfo— 07,00 FFFQ do 04.14 Eagle do. in papere.— 00,00 Reek powder 3;23 433,50 GreetWiDaty M per cent ..... 831100 ED 0 Friday—Sales 300!bh10 at 0,621; 100 at SIM. — Small sales at sl,62Al,6B—general rate 4,601. Light tittering. Shudder-Sale ;47 bbls at 51,65, 200 at $4,624 Arrivals extremely tight—buyers more eager. Monday—Sales W. river, 150 bbls at 84,65, small h?ts at 4,0,2/6 , 1,65. Light oderiugs. Tuesday—it/winter° the heavy rpi0..... - Wfry flour mime in, though this is usualtribr . heaviest flour day of the week. Prices held up to $4,62di 31,7,5-kweratte $4 l .PEED—But hut doing—price. 16,917 e; aborts, 20025. FLW—MackerrelManeeus No I, rates at $l2 Halifax, also styled, No 1, are sold at 5100. No 2, $8,50, No 3, at $7,2501,50. There are but few NO. 1 mackerel in market No. 3am most in.demand, and la*, numbers are disposed of. M=o2l I — Moores I pha• IP/ '? 14 T 660'633 6 32 041 663 10 47 663 119 663 mom. CtinLyzie w Cdontam, " Hurts. Caledonia, " Leitch Sarah Sands, "Thompson FIOGEITS-11.Me as below: To Cmcinuati, , drM pods 20 Heavy articles 10315 ° Louisville, dd. pmts..— ......... 25 . " i Heavy articles........ 12015 0 Nashville, dry goods • - 50 Bbavy articles... •... ..... 30 " St. Louis, dry: pods. 50 " I Henry articles ...... ......30 " plilladelphis,.Bason, &c., 65 • 0 . ° Plaid.? 100 GLASS—Country` 9110 is cheaper—sales ix: curios at 32533,37 p box. City is held at fumes prices. The Ruination some time ago apparent has disappeared, aid merely a quiet regular busb dem iii doing. Tbq following are the prices of flint glawr 1 • I Plain Tumblers I pt, from 5 to 10 oz eac, fp ; 1 ‘ 10 ; ..4. ••• • i 31917 S Premed doI and Il pint; from 8 to 10 flute i .; do do eeaix Dmantens qt, lightl2 ring, glass stopper ' 1 75 do do berry 2 do cork • 3 ; 75 I do do do plain do 2 , 50 I I dodo do pillar do 9,5 D • WA glo-omb Plain 50375 I ° Pt'd '-' 1 75 Pitchers, d qt, plaid' 1,8731,75 . do do pillar and nlibed 7,53 do 1 qt or creams 90 Mollises Cans, jpt plain 1,25 do do dotibbed. 1,57 Plates, 6 in. pressed and fig 75 Casteir Bottles, amid. 62 250 Jan, gal, Laqueied cover • do gal dd do 3,75 GRAIN The i offennp • are inconsiderable; wheat is nominally quoted at 85390.—Sales rye at 4.6350; oats, quantity sot large, 253280 first bands —3OO ho sold yesterday,, at 25026 c; corn. first handl', 31333 c. ; GlNSENG—gestation its per table. .. M.y 10 Hay 04 HAYi Amount iweitl during the week, 00 t0n.,6 can, 10 Iha.—Rne of sales 55W2 per HIDES AND LEATHER—rataain .0 beGire quoted—regular Wu. HllP—Sales at $1,15 regularly; no large trans actions in the article in this market. IKON-The 'Pilo wing are manufacturers • Plat Bar, tem 1 "to 111 inch 3 b do from sto 6by nto I inch-31 do IDandy tire, differeut 1111=11.... ..... do Ramie Shoe. • • .. ..... do Round and aquavit from 1 to 11 inch .3 do doifrom to 11.••••••• ............ 31 do do do 2to 21 • ;Oft do do do 3to 31: - 5 do do; do 31 to IL• 51 do do do ito l airii6 do Band• Iron ' I 3631 do Anierienn, .......... . • . Ai do do 8000. 51 do Hoop Iron 3167 do LI/MBER—A&he river rates at 55916; gles l s2„so6Zoo. I Lath,: " 52;21,22 . 22,50—in demand. I MGLASSRS—Some hundred barrel. have been lergelots during the week, at 281c,but 27 1111 211 c is the fur quotation. The bolder. are gen• era* ludisposed,to accept lower term. , . and rely cooklently qTull maintenance of prices. Mar ket nuanimatict. I NAILS—The following am the rates of menu Go:titers, generally... NAILS-1&0d,12d .9 0, d Idid and 20d. I an 6.1 and: 7d' 5d 44 • 3,1 I NAVAL STQRES--remain unchanged. Sales N G tar", - at 21,3761,50 it bbl. Allegheny, none o 5 kring. . DRS—Saks ( regularly of linseed at 08657 e, Wd.1 36 5 .50 0.i PIG METAL=We . have met with no recent transactions—s 33 kr Allegbeny„ and $37637 taxi Hinging Bock, were the rotes of lain reported sake. A considerable amount bas. recently ern. cid by the canals, and up the rivers pROVISIONS 7 IIave been generally dull,throoglr out the week. Of bacon, • few ludo of 15 to 25 have bees' made, at Male hogroond. . Lard his been linty dull, and, No 1. in burets Cod kegs h.. fold at 51651. Sonic holders are shipping mist, and the ankh will soon be reduced. Pie 110ta1--7 , 7 1.4 moo: Anwheoy. No. 1. Foundry 033,00 • ..Forgo— o,°° 08 Hooglng Rock. Nat Foundry • • 37,00 037,50 Form ...• Tennessee 0 31 Ont. ' ' . SS 027 Corn' ' 33 0 35 Enrley ' " 40 40 —r 40144 e —per Iti Rind, Common: Otier—Duly 30 percent Ceiba' Western tomb lb 03 a1.... g - Wr y Ginseng Y 7 e/ Hay—per tort of 220 lbs,- 'Timothy— ..... P. 60 01040 • Illdost—Duty 5 per•evit..- Missouri 7 a 10 Rpsaish— ...... f'•••— a Do. silted •-• 0 00.1rippeperskiit••1,00 0102 Greso ' • ' Hemp..Dori 27pereent— t Alissitorcb. Fy•!••• 1150100 Nanflln— 0 r- Hops—Dutyi 20 per sent First opt '46••••••• .10 0 12 I ' "dlzo•• Th ity 10 ,5 . t. rU • tilak• •...• i•• 1,15 aim Nwll ...... 51,00 Mercer Gana) , • Tawdry Pig- • • - g FTthotiimg county, Ohio: Poundry , Fig• • 41,000 64f 0 Forge do•••.- • Plaster'Parla—dery free Plaster Paris- •• •10# 1 ammo B Prov Hamsisions -41 05 acon " Shoulders —2l 03 " Rides —3l 04 . Reground. city eons 31 04 000001 55 . —° Lard No.l, in kgs • .510 • kgs• •0, 5 in bbls• —0 , 5 M2ta .15 Cheese, R 642 7 " Gosh. Crack* Piton. WaVr. pr. bbl. ........ —0 3,•5 Do. Dater -0 4, 50 nusse.oest—per bush. Carman ....55 0 50 Neshannitsksp. bbl 0145 Itass—Doty 5 per sent. Country mixed -0 31 41 Blies Operilt Rice 50 Clo Seeds—duty Linseed 03,2 211 p e. ver 1 Timothy 01 1 ,371 Flamed 95 0 Mustard 2,50 0 3 1 00 Spiess—per Rs. entre, 30 0 33 Cassia its Alms— ••:2 0 Ms Ginger 10 0 11 Nutmegs L5O 0 1,00 Pepper 00 10 Apiee.. ...... 0 12f irW3I—DPIY j3O per g" Bar.Junista••••• " Cot.= ' 3 0 Sheet 3/0 Bailer Plate. ' 6 (6 , Nulls 310 61 Plgh t n to r s . : Rs/ilia/then 13 - • . Load—Doty: 2D per cent. Missouri Pig 40 41 Bari. 4 Ditjsizes Pipe per II 610 121 1 Sbeet 0 64 Leather-Day 20 Sole, Baldmore.•• • 21 0 22 Near York • • • • • —l6 0 171 'm t g. / ad.," • 13 0 15 Slaughter., •L —lO 0 20 Skirting " j 21 0 21 Harness, black 10 0 21 Britten, black, Pr. dos. sides 00 03 Bunnell do MOO' 0 0434,2,00 Upper 6ni5hed...27,00 02W.,01 laps, finished• • •24,00 631,31 CaNSkin do•••: L 5,00 EM,OO. Laic Leather'. • • 18,50 0 N. England Seating, No .o per dor-145,00 0 No:2 per dor•4 •33,0) 0 No' 3 per dox••••• 25.,00 0 20 Sheepskinn 210 5 Lunaber—.doty e. ad Pin• raL per AL e, cl'r, in, pr 51. 001,00 Coinmon"••,,..• 01041_ Clear, 11 •••t• I. 031%00 Carn'n 1/ 015,50 Clear 3 " 040,31 Cnnen 2 "••••-• 031,00. -Fliror'g lin'do. 018,31 I in. common Oak do do 018,03 Pine Ana's p 10302,50 0 3,00 Laths,swed,lool,2s 0 1,50 Live Iltetalict—prloolbsnt. Fleeces j .50 0 6.00 Eo P 3,00 0 Cates & Calres:•• 0,03 018,0 00 0 Skeen 2,00 0 2,31 tnolaa•••-•••••Duty 3) pr. et. Sitgarborm ! 40 0 45 N. Orleans•• ••L. • • • 27 IP 29 !Naval 110026a—Doty 90 per cent. Roiln per bbl.t.— 0 Pitch j 350 0 Tar, Allegberiy•• tin 4,oo N. Carolina-4,37 0 4,50 Turpentine, ga11... 60 0 55 yarnisb, Copal-1,75 0 2,31 Nana—Doty p. e•—per keg, 10314, teasing nail. 1 cent advance per lb.) 100201 Juniata-30E40 3,75 Ea 9d ". j• —40061 60 7d ." 4.9A9 5d • 4750 Roakeront-per lb. Virginia; - 0 14 ?knee. 0— Snap-Duty 30 per cent Pittsburg - It No. 1••••4 0 41 Cincinnan • 40 ft • Steel-perm. Foreign Cast ie Shear " 16 0 17 Do. single . 0 16 IkstGerman 0 13 E.glp 11 " Hoop L 0 15 Pittsburgh Manufacture. Germ= Steel 0 .1 bliglish blister 0 ' American blister••• • 0 4 fp4f r =V on. I Dandy, O 0 WA Rochelle 9,50 0 3,61 Rentism'vlth p 61,61 04.0 ...... 60 0 90 " N 40 0 60 Gin, Holland 143 0 1,79 llogrnr-la 30 pet cent N 4 o. t p .i n r, m; bd. ••••- • 0 51 ' Havana, white, lb. •9 0 9 Drasil" lb• 90 9, Pulverized, Philart• • •0 12/ 1•19.:-Du1y110 per cent No.l, afloat. ..... • -0 --8 1,0 Tate, dos. box, • ..... !Mot-Duty 40 per eent, Per k 814,50 Per b eg 11,00 14,00 —••• 1,371 B m altp•tre-per erre lb. Ba l 10 Tobacco-per l 9{o b-DOPer l et off for cash for mmrard . - - Tobarcol Dory*/ prie. Cigar Lens—.... 4 0 8 111rnond do-•• • ..... 4 0 7 Ladies' Twist--.. 0 15 Plug 60 9 Plug in boxes.-- -14 0 17 Carendish•— 0 6 124 Lamp box- •-- 0 121 " "• .19 0 17 11. " "••• .19 0 14 Scotch snot—• • • .14 0 16 Tor—Dory VD per 6 coin. 00 : 71 2 5" Tourlmperial Too if Byron— Xi 0 80 60 • 75 Thiati.—Doty 16 pr. oL Banes ook• • ...... • 4 X 0,10 73 Tallow—tiory 10pr. cont. Rendered. —• •• • • 8 Roup y. gh !, Gre 80 111oe•—prr boy 30 4 Solid bores 0 16 Virlair*—Dury 40 pr. eon LY Atruleirn- •- • 2.00 0 3,00 IP Tel:main. • • • Ip6 0 1.30 liabon••-.•••-.••• , 15 0 1,60 -Sweet : 0 9, 48 u. J•••• 5250 6,00 " 6.000 --- B,pikesper •••.••••410 .61 I' Pressed.« •• •• 610 66 000er Ritetn• • ••••• • • 7. I r Oates—fir lb Iohu—hr ..—• 8 aty--:•••• @3050 Olive -- 7•••)••• 1,110 0 14io °P F r irtr . i 11 .. t„ a S wt.]. 4 • -0 0 106 Tneinernp9l9l. 1110002090 Palsits—ser Ib. PmLars, Blue. ' -0 b{o 9O Sped. Whiting ----.110 :7 hiong--•110 Pt°111?"1,0 111 r, N0 . .2 25 0 23 Nronseriek Green• .12 9 20 1 1 91 rite Lead.9l-• • 0 1g 1 - 9 I'. oil, we-ke...1,00 ynt 1 , . No. 1 i••• 0 195 (Red Lend• H..... 6 p 1-0 it ik Z " " iig : rVerdigris 90 0 -33 AGS—Readily bring Armor guotatioar-31 63r et:Sultry mixed4ll for good white. !SEEM—Are inactive,: and quotations onoltarr grd SOAP-B,'lrs at.4al/ cents, according to goat ~ • SNOAR—Ntiles 'mat 410 ii u b.6're• Very bght transactions during the week. ' Stock large, holders firm. . .!BALT-Rates of . molar sales, f 1,25 at canal— ;fly ,71 'delivered. 4 • !TIN PLATE--Since oar lasi report, has advatv eitd in price; dwing to the advance in Atlantis Marseilles ••1:1 Or .75 Port•-•..... .......... 130 0 3,50 Calabria 65 o '_ 7o Wool perk-Duty 30 per cent. Prime Full blood 4 blood - 0 - tINIVI Eitrbroltn PA 0 - Tub washed ......... -••s 42 0 - Whiskey--per gallon. Rectified 190 .3/ Haar Monongahela 180 181 Shee hao- t per lb Slab : 41 Frelkleta-per 100 lbn To Cmonnati. Dry Goods 0 Z) li svi le. Hea 10015 Dr;o i I GoCel ' A -e MI vy ' 121015 FromLouisvilla to IS ii.--- ! Dry Goods Henry yg-.-. To aols St. Louis. ' Dry G --0 to Heavy 35 0 To Cleveland and Etie. Dry Goods - 0 0 Heavy as. O. ri To and from Drosnoville. Dry Goo& (doom) 0 12/ Produce, ke. Op) 0 10 To Nashville. Dry Goods 0 50 11 8 , T . op 30 To i'llieelnag. .-t s Dry Goods . ... xi Heavy 0 .- To Zanesville Dry Goods 0 - " 7° ' lleaver. . 5 0 6 Dry,Goodiy 0 10 1 i ! r . - r. To p— .Orleans. Heavy o G w oods 40 0 50- Glass, he .50.3011 atm or 111/10. 00 TOO 01.01010.0 UNLI.. MID . , 14 Ashes, Pot and Pearl, 50 Butter and Bacon, 05 Ike!, salted, do , 65 Bule'rope and Bagging do7o Beeswax, do ' 73 Bonet, do as Brooms, do 7,50 ,Cheese, do ' 75 Corn, do ' 50 Cotton, do •.- Chilled Rollers do • Drop And Medicine*, ' do : . 1, 00 Ph y ted G V d l . ' do 1, 4 Flour, per bbl. 1, 00 Furs and Pekoes, par 100 lbs 1,00 Feathets, do 1,00 Furniture,. - . do 1,00 Glassware, Glass, Witulow. per Dr 000 Crien and dry Hurt per 100 lbs 75 GOiseny, Per 140 lbs. ' 10 (irocenes,do , CO HHardware, ' do do , 75 ops, , Hemp, do 70 Hides, Baxe 75e.; dry stissl' do Leather, do SO Lead, —do .40 Lard sad Lard Oil, do ' 65 Oil, Castor, do . 75 Linseed Oil. Odi '73 Pork, per bbL do • 150 P.m , . per 100 lbs. 70 /497 . • sod Wobble. do 01 ' Ps, • do ' CO Seeds, do . 70 Pkinc,Deer and Erafalo, do 75 Tallow, do 65 Tobacco, Leal; do 73 d e Manufactared, do 75 Wheat, do 00 Wool, do per bbl do 00 5 42 TO TOO sarr V*, wosassOrHA auci Chas, No. t—Aehes, Bet Phil N. Y. Bacon, Coml . , Lard, Cheese, Pork, Tense ., Tollow.W. Glass; N o Whisky prloolbs % ." 1. Class No 2-11en.P, in bees Clan No.3—Dried Fret Leather, Old Tray, Skins, Seed., Waat., /XL Chum Isro 4-Iteeavraz, Penthers.Fure.Dinnilri Mon Mdse, loam Flax— 22arlselasurastoos Saw of Insurance on cargoes of swam and keel boats. Fm Pittsburgh to Wheeling,yo. 40— " " eta !tom, 040 " "to Loeuseille, K. ' 40 " to St. Louis. . l I 011 ° Ilowritille4O I 0 2 • ". to Independence 2 024 wfinlena. 111 14011 " "'to hlemphis, Ten lot " to N. Orleans 1011 Flom. N. Orleans to Pittsburgh . ..l 014 St. Louis I 0 Charges by ,irood Flat Dims to New Orleans - - freights ie. Sales 4x at 10,73, Ix $ll, x 11,75, C, 510,25--merely regular custom males. TALLOW—Unchanged in price—scame. WOOL, -Mono. but common offering—sales • 20c--No demand. - WHISKEY—Receet sales of ; 'eocornon, at Cie. rumen, were half a cent per gallon lower, but none is offered in this market. Regular sales re. tilled at 15041 e. Ofblonongabelai we hare no cent :ales. BUTTER—Is extremely scarce, and all th• good roll attired, sells readily at 140 lfc EGGS bad become abundant, and Niece add at 6slGic first hands; but speculators baying al.ipped cossiderabfe quantities eastward, they have has come scarce, and ate advancing in price. POTATOES—ire abundant, sndeoutinUe Very low. They rate at e1(51,25 4p bliL It is not at all likely that present low prices will continue. how ever as the supply is really. less than is supposed by those who have not calculated the Unmeant, weekly cocsuinptlon of the article. Iteney,_ntocim and Business. The local Money Market is perceptibly more stringent than last week, sod from causes origins. ting at borne. During the present week, a large amount of settlement paper matures, which, when paid, will relieve the market and leave us no well offas the merchants of the Eastern cities: The demand for Eastern 'Exchange continues, and the ram Or par funds *nimbi as before, at 1 per cent premium. For currency it in dearer, and 21 per cent. is about the mark, There is*rnme Eastern Exchange on lade than there is par funds in the market. Currency may be quoted .1 21 discount The arrival of the America h dispelled, in a I great measure, if not entirely, th gloomy forebo dings so generally held of trouble i England, end consequent disaster to .comme grain; in the United States. The ship reached New York on Saturday afternoon, and. we are thus far 111 igno. ranee of the tenor Of commercial letters by her, or their effect upon the money market there. but anti' cipate considerable relief at once. United States Stocks are higher. _ RAM OF STOCIM 9 . New York, April 29. • PhilsdeL 29. 1.7 s's of '631 —O3 US 6e of '62 10 3 131011 1 . 03 Treasury Notes 102101021 10 2 15 102 i Ohio Ts 190t0I001 Ohio 6'. 951098 k Illinois Bonds 440 Indiana Bonds , 521053 i Penn s's 7467.1 Tenn s's 72K11-- Kentucky 6'. 9539e1 riusburgh 6'. CMIZE=332 M. rn y,Meyl,lBlB. Bed Caula--About 150 offered. Sales ravging trout 5(360 Emu. _ . Sheep-104 offered at 52.053 p head., Colvea--`a offered—aalea at 52 1 453 p bead. 11310HTON MARKET', THURSDAY, APRIL ./. At market-255 beef cattbs, -25, yokes! working oleo ? 20 con. and. calves, 90 altecp, and 1740 mine. N A i ees—Beef Cattle— few extra $7,50; 'let quality $6,75617,25; 26 quality $606,50. 1 Working . Oxen—Sales $65, 75,180, 91,110,12 0 , ' $l4O , Stierp-112, 5 0, 2,75, 3,25, Si, 4,50, $5. ! 20 extra Ace}, fed by G . W Graven of Sunderland, taken at .6olcsale 54064. The rive:eenaa considerably yesterday; in corm• finance of the fteavy rain. It had attained • stage of nearly five let at 9 tact evening, and was, Men riamiranidly. , The noble steamer NewEngland — Nd ; 2, leaves today at her regular hour, Or Cincinnati. Dr..= or SAM Lira—Diseases of the' Liver are becoming alarmingly frequent to the United Walk. Indeed mere are few formidable diseased which are not connected in one way or other with a deranged state of that imporkint organ. Many of the compleank• whichoke usually Classed undertbe head a county:lp don, have their origin In the firer. "Any remedy which would Insure regularity mud healthful action in. the liner, would be u blessing to maulthidt" has been the exclamation of suffering Mouskdo That remedy has been found; It is safe and sure. -Moth a fair trial has been afforded to it, it has never beep known to fail. Reader, have you any diseue of the liver, et dikssr which yo believe proceeds fro m hepatic derange. went! Lou w out • moment, OM purchase 6 box of Cr. hi'Letto's laver t h e and they w il l restore yen to health. They arothe only remedy ever yet tlikevered whose uk I. caulk to Oleo • cure. The genuine orticle ek be bad at the Drag store of J. KIDD I Co., OD Wood street. - 4 41 Ery IlafirTr.astiCil,Kgau‘pns, ture'lieC22,rm`ik..l,lPitt.. I Jones' Soap is used by many physlniani ire this city in entLeg the above, and we would not consdantiousiy sell unless we knew it to heal! we state. As • cosmetic, the true /mete Snap in perhaps the only article ever known that removed impurides and cleared and beentified the skin, making it sed, elver, smooth and white as an inf•ot's. Sold byjltilit. JACK SON, ell Liberty amok mull 9 • in men :icier attempt to counterfeit • worthless truck" hence valuable medicines are frequently lane. led. The kn.. Mho couMerfrite a medicine toenails asgreat • crime if it were a bank Isom! or the coin of the Milted States. 011 PakinestoeVe Vermihigei wLich W the only cafe and certain core for won". 0 " been canine rfelted in many sections oldie country, and persons should be on their guard when perchaiang to get the germine article, prepared at Pitlabergh, Pa. ap2l. • kk mai na Pt lk ary vr " hlta " h j uw Cm l'u ng ib—th" .Cibox of Amber. Tooth Puts. It twardetts the pm., ...emu the braid% U. 86.14. at Ott stovl9dalrly • . . - PORT OF PITTSBURGH. New England, N0..2 Dean, CM. Gllurrainr. N Orleans. Hudson, Foe, Bridgeport. Swiss Boy, Friendship Davis, Cin. . Wm Cin. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan Gime, Beaver. Beaver. Clark, Steubenville. Baltic, Jacobs; Brownsville.. .DEPARTED,' • Mt. Vernon, Louisville: • Ski l pper, Stoop., Marietta. J. J. Criuenden, lame!, St lonia. Caleb Cope, Beaver and We lly lle. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. ' • \ Michigan, Gilson, &aim', Atlantic., Pullman, Brownsville. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR ISM For Philadelphia every eventeg at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packets. Office, opposite She Milted States Hotel. . ". Steamboat Packet Lite, Mires doily for Mammal, • • to.. a. Pusenger Packet viaßorrororrille to Baltimore and • Philadelphia, BA. at. and 6C. at. • Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, o'a. . • and la/ r•la Western and Southern Mall Conch Line, 6 a. v. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, ID a,. at. Erie and Western Near York, daily, D a. n. Novi-Eastern tailadelphla, daily, Oxnard. Sundays, 4, a; vt. • 1 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. 'Eutaw, 1110 via Philadelphia, dm 3 a. K., elms 12 sr. West'n ma, Cinein. & Louisa, due a r, r, clown 5 a. W. South. elan/thin:tore &Washington, due 8 ewe 0145 North Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. ea, &mak a. w. Erie and Western New York. due 8 e. is., closes a a. r. Tuiligncattruhita'atai,npD,r,;v r e A s invaluable efficacy. Y lu - Pool etc--In several coughs,• cohls, asthma, spitting blood, end eine r 'seas. of the' lungs and liver, Iberia made_use Wrier Medicine, and lam happy to soy it is indeed a valuable specific, and one am Pleased to recommend toall ailliXted With Pulmanary complaints. It is extreme folly to neglect a rough in its firm stages. AA a spark ol fire will.. eman a great conflagration, so may a slight cough, easily cured at first,end by neglect in coneumption and death. If any thing Is wanting to prove the effica cy of your healing remedy, l'need only observe have tested wondertul curative powers, and in all oases it has proved saccessful. 1 will say . to thole suffering with roughs, coldi, spitting blood,' pain in the side, asthma, &c. kn., "rev rr."Respectfully, Y. BUCIMNAN, M. D. FROM DR. RODGERB—is *general remedy Or diseases °rule Longs, am gs, I Lally mended, from long Impatience, there is us medicine equal to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. Being purely vegetable, it can be treed with the utmost safety by all permits.* CONSUMPTION AND DYSPEPSIA CURED:— Ravin been cured of them distressing complaints, which had curried me to the verge of the grave, by Dr. Taylor** Bklsam of Liveroson, from :3 Beekman st., I consider it my duty to make it plablicly known, in be hope of benefiting others. Thar it saved my life I do not doubt—for I could not eat, and was deny untd I was a mere akeleton. hope thin will 'induce any one afflicted tow Bespecially ifthey love life and health, and ammo be cured. It tool wonder- ROBERTD. HONG, Jr, comer Oak and Peml streeta. There Is no sorer test of the value ofan article than its constant demand. Thus Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort or thirteen years has Stood the test, and is now the people. favorite remedylor coughs, cold., -and di.eoses of the Langs. Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, 93 Wood at; .1 Townsend, U Marker an 11 Sniper, err Market and 11 am; Henderson tCo, 6 Liberty at. Prism reduced to sl,3oper bottle.oxyl • _ . FANCY DRY GOODS. SEAMAN 4 MUIR, asi Ilro•dwiny. II•w York, MFORTF.RB AND JOBBERS otinlks, French twin; I red Range., Laces, ilebrorderice Will ows, Shawls, No Ivry, Gknres, Larne, Bombacenea, AND AI.,L OTHER YARIEMES OF FANCY GOODS. They invite country Merchant, ' visiting Neer York, to examine their Watt before matted theu perches.. Mr. Muir was for many yew., of, the house of ALT. Stewart k Co„ Irma which he retired on the Ist of Jen 1:46; and Mr. Juries Diclown, turbo by (merest: in the businces,) was Geo favorably known in that mat. Liohment. • r • marnOty WEST POSNT'WORISS.. P• al • riFSTON NPAGNER, reline Waders, have commenced bueinese on Primes , ' am. the 8 5 55.5 at the establishment formerly carried oit by Staekbouse tr. Nelms. Persons washing to •puteltasesteam on ion. for baste, or Mr other purpows, wall please favor as with a call, as we Batter namely. lo be able Whir l:dab them an as favorable terns any other .1.1 b• lisbroent in the city.. Abel, rolling mill and eludes, Of every description can be had at the shortest swum ftwalimmis—Capt. llobt. Beer 'pews= Scott,' Esq., Church, Cumber. • Co-, R. Denny. bay, 3.1 Allen I Co. CYPILIAN PRE:SI . 3N, aplflarn ENOCH WA.C.NE.i..' SELECT SCHOOL Saw. 11oos wills TYIIIII , Yu/Arouses Chew.) Ili CATON'S Sebsol will be spelled for tteetecep .l. don of pupils of both scree, au Monday, the 15th of Alai. Iburenaige is rupee Wyi • Pituburgh, Apri1:35,1,4u •!. ! BureAuxes—liev. D. Riddle D. D. A. T. kIeGUI, Q. D. Me George Albite. • Richard LAierarde. Luke Lounge. Waiter: . Henry Wrikireura. rlonosigataola lloou Tailoring glotalo. llolunontgi IBA AC W I LLIAM S, Diaper and Tailor, belie to an . tons the ciusens Pitutiarghand oaten, dim be now opening at his rooms on bmalifted street, bd. der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful assortment of Clotho, Candi:maw, Satins, Hilts, and other Vesting.; ppd.e with such other articles ea are required lot /modem:mem wear. Ma goats Pie been carefully ae leeted, and 'are of the newest and Mean Malandeala style, as well as or superior duality. Hie elmaaMers may depend opm having their clothes made up In a manner winch cannot fail to gratify the mate of dm most Maidens. --- 111111 PIP PATENT BLOCKS. Tut: sutimriber odeta for salca full assortment of his Naps' Patent Mock., shires, &a, adapted to the trade. Alw, completa setts of Blocks, adapted to 1.1.1110 f any capacity, put up and 'forwarded to any part of without delay and at the lowest pn ces. LIGNII/11 VITA; Mr saleln 9 u titan to suit purchasers • GEO STAPIX4. , apd-linulawTikki 33 Durlimylilip, New York TOBACCO --00 I boo John Rucker supr ls Tobacco; f bra John Rucker gni " James Nudism dr 'l5 has J M lineward bs " James• ' 5s - 40 " hoary &James 5, WA." Henry &Jame. In R IllYarwick On consigutnent, from manufacturers of Lynchburg and Richmond, and oral he sold's. Eastern prices, to the wade. L ri WATERMAN, atal 3l water mid GS front at g - 'l.Anrb AND HOSIERY—JOst recd, 500 do: I.a. Wes blank, while, brown and slate Cotton Hose; from Si cents per pair up Ma finest quality. Also, 100 doe gents Cotton flalf nine; 103; dor, lisle, thread, silk and linen Gloves; also, 5 Minims Ladies Inotm Kid Glens. Dealers and others that wish bargains in the above articles. will final them at a 19 small A JOIDISDN'S. 46 market n reROCERIES, die..-415 Medi NO Sur; bbl. Ijr. Plaulatioa Molasses; 33 bats fluor louse Molts, aea; 40 bbl. Loaf Sugar; 100 bagi Riu Co . tryo; 10k of time; 106 auks palent Soda Ash; reamed by I rivals from New (Rte.., aadZ i 7p r tfaL nitt , • -II casks Snout • nisi. ' o ...films; ; 10 name* do , Snarls Gran do; just rkd'il opt consign. and for tale low to close, by ' Is GORDON. frontal E==Ml . . .. . .. . . . Tll.r2gfr.".bro , v,Vol•tt,",''f,',:zin^, - Dessen and Carving Kruse. and Forks; winch, let tit • largo stock or Dynan. urevery desenprlon, and Shoe makers Fintlinge, ho will di Bpose ores usual, on rea. sortable semis JOHN W-LILAIR, • mytt3e — wood street Pennaylvanta San Soul Company. ?PUI interest due. to Cluwkholders wdl be paid at the X *rte. of the Company on and her the Irdh inat. my initdll.s a V:ORGE V. BACON, Trehs. Stockholder. in Pittsburgh will he paid as the idet• chants' and Illanuttocturers' Bank. _ • hite Co. Plate, Uno, ?IVO; Molar and lacW,P,- dime• s Teeth, invite. Venues' special attention. JOEL hIOJILER, Druggist and Apothecary; a • 17 eor wood and Oth sts CI L OVE` good assortonint or lone. an gents U3r black, white and-colored Canon, Lille, 'fluent!, andl black and colored French Kid Olorea,argeelan: excellent article, and larreailea; inat;apening by , a e tecx.taxr & lOTA 09 CANVASSED 11.115 M-300 Casmaiied Hom • priu•raidele r iust rec'd .d (oriole by ap•4 . SELLERS ii.NICOLI3 • cute in store; for wile low inclose, .t .l ISAIAH DICKEY tCo COPA U-.con.igattent,b_ SILK CRAVATS—PIaid .ilk and plain block; lo priced, medium and line, An opened by aplts HILACKLITITt,AVIUTA IXlyood et OVITROL—I carboy* foe. e by J apv4 —3 SCIIOONIitAXER & Co 'DAJOU GLOWS—lust req'd, five envious Ladles JOll Itajots Glovek sod for sale by f , .ps JOHMON 46 market et 1- 1 0101-150szkok• Com, for 0010 from dm wharf, by byo,„3 J & R FLOYD, car wood & lib. nix JUSj p24 ILECEITED—ChIotyfra in 1 pAtabiras WHITE OLUF.—PO lb* CmperN best. for sal* by ap2l .1 KIDD tr.. Co COACH VARNISH-4U gall Ons, just toe'd by • .24 JICIDD b. Co Frinfirirtr!3TmracrrerferilT LEAD—UOO pigs Galena Lad, received pet summer Northern Light and Onside by dein JAS A ItUTCIIIBON tc Co - A LU aP , /,7 " .. b hrga l k e llllKEß & Co, 241r00d . :4 4 1111V YORK YARNlRll—Justirtara TIACON-16 COSII2 8.011 'Ham;on consignmen • D for ale by AVGILL BUSILFIELD R 0 E. ap24 TIACON 811OULDERO-23 cubs For solo arell BUSIIFIELD& ROE Nacho. Corn kir solo by opto i WICK& IdeOANDLMiS BEANS -40 bbls man white, for side by splo , WICK & bIeOANDLE233 D a PEAC/11M-4 Has for safe by • ap lU - WICK, & bIoCANDLIMS FLODUbbla extra in - Mill f al b opto • wicicAroa6l}l3B yrIMOTEIX SEED-4 sackifor sala by splo Wi glll4.l4OAP . r 1 lALSB-400 bye 7.9, 840 and 14112 Windaer Glue k.T fin rale by .97 JOHN OHIER F EATIIERS-Itucks to arrive by atm Pontac" for rahl, 47 . , -.142.) ISAIAH DICKEY & Co , • ARD 011.-10 bblz for sale b y yi ap24 U . MULL, BUSIIITELD & ROE OPS.-dbales fat aids low by ' WK - )1431L1N MIME= BOX viTaiistomeons AND MEMBERS OP ME MEDICAL SOCIETIES, li•Abesr, 'Wife maid p•agbitimir llNTlLEUNlTEDSTATER",Thesubscrilerrespect. , folly calls your attend= to Dr Bann:4 GUM. tom, emmently .inteoded for the orescremion .of . the =both semt-whetker antes from Incipient or early consumption.Debilay of the Bronchial Affections. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deimmed l M Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen, or Kidneys, IT. lewd Spine, Mac, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of - Heart, Ism of Alusendar, or mots Power, A.c. DD. G. IL n=iter GUARDIAN comes to immediate relief of Females auffering'from • Irregularh ties, and all other Uterine ditSculties and diseases sacs ; dental to woman, 'whether occasioned bff cold, wet feet, or my similar iniudichnis erpostuu, and all. this without the use of medicine; as the most delicate and sensitive lady cm at any moment apply it a herself withoin the possibi li ty of iumwring any risk or danger. or my unpleasant results ang from it, and with the certainty of obtaininit immediate relief. • , Dr. Darreit's Guardian Lm catch:Minnor atte the many hemline, of the day; . but it is an tommment made upon suictly scientific ponciples, in accordance with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and for neatness, durability and eMeacy, Infinitely surpasses everything of die Mid over before offered to the public for the relief ofdimase, end. In the language of one of he mist enlightened men cram day, is pronounced to be "the greatest discovery of the, age." Anerittel of no lets than four can has been occupied by Dr. Darren in bthe aloud'. to he present state of perfectlon-dunng which , time it has hot in the hoods of some of the most =Meat physicians of the North and Satoh, as well as in thatwellingrof nu merous who have used it tor all of the above purposes, with the mast perfect success, and who have cheerfully given their anquabfied approbation to efficacy and value, as can be seen by refinving 'to the Manual of instructions accompanying it. Dr. C. IL Darreu'e Guardian is seemed from knave. um. by • patentfrom the United Susie. PatiatOffice, and be bad either with or without lus-Aledico-Eleccro Galvanometer. The Aledico-Electro Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power; cannot be nut ssed. or even equalled, and the subscriber feels that he hasattla nothing in the assertion that it will be (mind to possess more power and efficacy' in the treatment arid removal ofdaeases, by Galvamem and Electric'. tyoluta, any other instrument, either_ In the United States or Europe. The Medico-42cent, Galvanometer naryrran in every respect, and with common ordi a Me lifek.urne, and is by far the cheap est, because the best, instrument. ever offered to *be public. A manual accompanies them, giving_tho_mcist ample instructions, of practicalexpenence, so that it is readily inteltigibluto the mind of-everyone while the simplicity of arrangement is sorb that a child may manipulate with it. . Any information gratuitously given, and all commu motons cheerfully answered per mail, either In rel.- . m - the ElecutoGalv. or Guardian don tio - theElectro-...aleanseneter or Guildhall. Medical men are Invited to call and examine Dr Bat , rett's Onasdian, and test att efficacy. For sale by H. - ItICHARDSON, sole dict, 71 Mar. ket at Pittsboxib. aplikdtf SIGN OF THE BIG PITOTIZIA. NEW CHINA, GLASS & QUIWISI,VARE STORF, No.lll Woof/ Elratag. • TE subscribers wish no ink. m the public generally that they are now opening a new and large stock of China, Ulan, Queensware, Britannia and Fancy Goods, comprising the latest and moot fashionable pat: term Of French Crane plain and gold-band Dinner Bets; do do " Superior I b roreStesno Flowing l " losin new patterns) D timer Lree rpoo " A great vtiniery of Tea Sets, different qualities Bro.:mix Breakfast and Tea Sets; . Waiter.—a beantifol article "Queen's Gothle;" Parlor Lampa, (Cornelia., meter.) • Blase %Vans, a general assortment • Steamboat owners and hotel proprietors are invited to examine our assortment of wire Imitable for their _ . . . . . • Country Merchants e. find a largo mock of articles suitable for comfy sales, which we will sell at rea sonable prices. ' Mei stock being entirely neve, we. feel satisfied of be log able I please all who may favor us with their - cos , tom. laptruitfrewl ] GILL & Mal Rana Notice. 4 rPHE noteholders of the Ohio and Semsylkattia Ran Road Company are hereby notified to meet at the American ta Salem, Columbiana 'airway, °hid, at to o'clock oti Wednesday, the Ilth day of May,l434d, to organise said Company by the election of seven Dl rectors and transact sty other basinejal deemed ha solar; by said Stockholders. JOSKPH I BROOKS, .ZADOIC STREET, W HFILDEN, JOHN HARRIS, THOMAS W BARCLAY, PETER HVOID,__ _ JOHN LEARW 8 F DAY, THOMAS ROBINSON B F HIpLLBON, . Camtne're maned in the Charter. Draw micro STORE lin subscriber would respectfully sanotosen that be T has opened a new retail Drag Store, on the corner of Focrilt and Smithfield streets. !kneeing that the wants of the extensive population east of Smuldleld sweet will justify him, he has spared no expense in fitting up the estabUshment, and it de termined to k . l tele. bat those of-the best paali v--of an - tern:tined to keep an bat those o. ty—of undoubted purity and genuine... A full Mwortment of kledieines, Perfumery, and arti cles usually kept. an estahliduaeut of the kin, will be always on baud. Hanng his dorelling In the same Lading, all night calls will be attended to personally. • The basilicas will be condoned as heretofore, at the old stand on Mulct street betteo L. WILCOX, INDIA 111T/311E11 GOODS. TUST RECEIVED, per Express, a line &moment t) of India Rubber GaAs, comprising -2 do:Officers' Coals; 4 dos Traveling Bags: 4 " Pact do; 4 " pairs Paws; 4 " Rea do; I " Camp Blankets; 2 " Reefing Jacket t. Cushionr; 1 " llone Covers; 8 Life Frew:nom 100 yards of 4-4 Caninge Cloth, fine anklet 24 do: pair Leggings. of &Resent Ryder, Capes, wi @leases; with th out do; wholesaleng all of in, :ash. or retaiL N. 2 " . 1 " Gun Co, spir' tiir.VT.7lTatatigiuMlTZ 2ra c itin t = u tn=rr.l l • °° ` szllfel h lea c lsrs . Eds oi err b il . a r i sit I=l 'lar k N. iwcik . well; Dr. P. Fahnestoek; Dr. Itobert Salmon; James E. Caft, Esq. Mr. William norm ___ Mr. Berd. Weaver. Tribu 4B-- .,"oratirre goods, of various. shades and qualities; also, damask, figured Linen Lustre, for Ladies' Llressea. A large as of fine &wistful, Manchester, and Fiench Ginghwris, of merest styles, also, lloyl's prin t s --a full assortment of these very desirstile goods, including pink, lilac, blue and double purple, of new and bewail.. Ml P P 4n U cTlireavLarivns—Pink, blue, lilac, browrand buil, of neweirpattemis and fast colors; 'small fig'ddo for infants. Also, Brilliantine% of large and thrall fig• ram, for ladies' and infants' dresses. Embroidered Swims dreg parterns, foleienios dze. seal new styles; colored damask ,tarletons, and • full assortment of tssues, Wraps, grenadiers, crape shawls, /Ye., az the northeast earner of Fourth and Mac ke strums. alga News 18 Worm Sr., mom. Focus up Dissumn Lax.. frLIE subscribers bare lost opened, at the above 1 nand, a l.ete stock of different qualities ruled and plain white audblua Writing and Letter Paper, com mercial ind packet past Flas Cap, decoy and medium NVfitillg.papars, for blalik book% medium and royal co. lored Pruning Papers; medium, demy and cap "bay Books and Ledgers, superior piper .d best Eastern binding; School Books of all kinds; standard works in neology and Wieners; quills, gold and steel Pens, Wafers, W., Bill Files, Be. to. Illank Books of all sires ruled to pattern, and bound In the most substantial manner. Country Merchinta supplied st lowest wholesale pri des for cash, or rags at cub prices. JOB PRlNTlNtr.—Haring glob orrice in connection with our establishment, we are prepared to execute .11 orders for plain and fancy Printing—boo k., , parapbleti, Circulars, business cards, bills of lading, ti.e. with des. patch and at low prices. ti'LLIOTPts mg! 1n wood et, between 4di and diamond alley. y T OUR STORE on hluket street, No M. between /IL ad and 4th, may at all Woes lie found • large Hock of Theological and_hliscelleneous hooka. New books received as soon as published, and sold at low est' prices. the publications of the American Sunday 9,phael Union and Alassachusens Sabbath School So q, always on htuid. Cateloguee furnished on ap plicatioo. ELLIOET & _myll • . market st, between 11 and 4th SELLERS' VERMIFUGPI AO ALNSTTIIEWOHLD! ArConstitudous, U., April 91, IR& Mr. R. E. 9.a.u.ons— I purchased of you bat a short time since, 19 dozen of your Verfnifuge, which is tame ly ill gone. It lakes well. Some persons buy four cud fiu bottles at a time. I esteem it die best \termites. in use. All it greeds is atrial—its success Is sure. For ward 12 dozen more; everybody. whenever they want a Vermifuge, enquire for 'tlellers'.' • Yours, be. 3. Gazo-v. Prepared end sold byR. EL qv , I.ERS, 57 Wood at. Also, Cassel, LW Ward, and 1)91 cu ss es Cu. Alle. gbeny. Also by druggists generally In both b AA. MASON Pe Ca.Cahlarket street, are' opening . an exteusive assortment or Orem Goods, met fa coved per Express, carepristng the largest and moot iimbionable stock of Dresslioods to be Need in thl. oy—amongst which we mention, lop. extra rich ern bruidered Poil de Chevre, a sew article, and the most desirable goods in the market; also, satin stripe Chal lie., liereges,Tissites, Mohair Stripe, French Ac. Qe. ap2: ArIOOSIMEEMII23, MOSS ROSE, AND BOX.—'Jost lT received per steamship Caledonia, from lurope, a splendid and choke colleen. of Gooseberry Trees, of the largest and most excellent aorta; French Bourbon Moss Hoses and Dwarf Mom Provence Roma, together with one hundred yawls of Box, for bordering; for solo al ROBINSON'S, Fifth street, near Wood, where may be found the handsomest mod belt collection of Cana ry Birds and Bird Cages In the city, , with Canary and Hemp Seed, by the pound or barrel. BOX sus itn. . . TWIN KELLY & Co, (successors to Robb; Wine () 'bream & Co) MERCHANT TAILORS, Ifal Chest nut .4Ftel, Philadelphia beg leave to inform the friends and patrons of the late brmand tanagers visaing this city, that they are lame itt receipt of the Spring and Bummer Fastaona Also a choice and select assort ment of West of England and French Cloths, Camis mares and )(eating*, to which they respecually Invite them attention. -an:brogan . . . • FIFTY COLLIERS are wanted` to work at Farms & blulford's Coal Hank s.emiles above Caserrille, ky, where they can get the highest wages at the above mines. Miners who understand their business, and are peaceable and quiet men, will always find steady em plornent, if not the whole year wand, much nearer to it than any other mines on the Ohio fiver. For further Pa id' iculars apply to • R lIALL, Pitulnirgh. BOOHS will be opened at the ofßie of the Treasures of the Monongahela Navigation Company. at the Exchange Bank, in the clty.of Pittiltnirgh, on the SW day of hlay next, 47 receive aubscriptioneof Stock suf ficient to pay the debt interred in the construction of said hurnovement lip order of the Boyd. " " ap2lnd WM. HAIM, VELL. Seel. • IOAGON—ID casks Hams, In do tHicatldeng received j ID per steamer Northam Lath% and for sale by . JAB= A HUTCHISON & Co, di wafer and ird front st_ ritHiatTEAMBOATS AND HOTELS—We inn on J:• hunt a largo assertinent enroll Mane Warr, suit able fin steamboats and hotels, which we will sell low. • GILL Br. GE TTY, algoortho Dig Pitcher, wood at 110ARCURED DRIED DEEpROUNDS•L,OOd to sops citrod Dried Beef, in prima ofOr, put op far family met Mgt reel per Amerman limn and for m'e by • • SELLERS& NICOLE OILVIO casks pure !perm Od, /do Wb ter Anzio do - do; Y do common do do=s opting do do: blotched; fig do Lord Oil; 20 do ddi nom and Moro and for rale - ShI.LERS racoul L cut of pure 'rioter tat aersed Pposet; 1 " NNW'S i • btu Crude; 3 do Tuners' in store sad roe ale by eon osAbiusuart ace Psi Coal Wanda: MILOTS ontmeing,Na um twenty-two tri twenty-five semi , No. 2,,,fifty Mem and N 0.3, :lithe offered and sold-positively, to.the elle Auction Emus of .!obn D.Davi. comet . of Wood and Fifth meets, Le Pmstanak, ff NEX T, P. IL, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th of NAY , NEXT. The three lots ere adjoiaimp, and embe 'front of about LW soda on thotiverof deep s odsafe The above Coll Lands am atont • six macs above MEcesport, on Me first pod of the Youghiogheny l o rammed er construsting and which the met p d. roe tors expect to complete by neat faIL They are pert orb= of the finest. coal fields In .Allegbeny . cowry, and contain not Only vault called. the Pins. burgh min, six feet thick A mdlopped at this point by n hill primer .100 feet, come close to the river, but am ther vein Shout sixty feet higher up, of from three to four fee ho l y tckness, el' very pure Cod, free front ed. ohm, ceemembhng the Mercer emu= coal, end found by acted trial to din hewer adapted to the otamactine of Iron ibex% that of the lillsbmgh. vein: The two veins, it hae been to nod, Contain n o t less Wan , sM bushels otcosl to the sere. Th mutant:m.of Youghiogheny , Coal and Cob: to coal as well u in the tower markets, Ls well knows to The great amend of cool um:telly consumed in Pittsburgh, sad shipped to marten below, has already exhumed l large quantity of the Coal met easily se mantic along our rivers, and the commotion is con-' randy going on at a rate not less than 160 acres per annum. No hem investment qf capital can therefitne be made than in well totaled Cdli Lands In the vicini ty of Pittsburgh. • Persona wishing to visit the propervy beam We day of Me, will OM It eonvenient logo by hPlfeesport and 'Elrod's Ferry. . - At the stem time and place will be offered flee Lots in the city bf Pittaborgh, SO by PM fect caoh, aitualed on Dudek sum between Penn sheet and Duquesne W 2813 4 =41 1 10;1710tee7, Allegheel mar HAMA= street, • fimting_one end on the c ' enat and the other on Craig wren; This lot Ls advantage , may situated for a foundry er othermanufaeming pur poses. It. will be sold 61110am/ter, or in sections:to snit purchesers. Teruo, which will be elan will be made Uown at the time of sale. .r - aplEkdatinsT JOHN D DAVIS,Auct.. POR BALM !, WILL be sold at public We on Theo:lay, the Wth Vl' dafhlay next, between the boors of 10 - A. M, and 3 P. Moo the premises, a desirable property in the improving town of Wellsville., ati Walnut Grove, having a Mont of 100 feet on Water street, by 200 feet to Mom street, fronting on both streets, with a new substantisi and eouvmdent Cottage Brrek House. The properry ran be divided into 4 building Lots, and will be eold without reserve to the'highmo .bidder. Persons dominate of making a. profitable myestment would do well to attend. Tema made trims day of sale. Ttileindisputable. ap2kdho A. 0. SECICEL. YA.LVABLE • PROPERTY FOR BALE. ATHAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, r e g t Cm on & .trees, near Robinson, Allegheny etty, , will be sold on accommodating terms. The lot is XI feet 4 lanes on Craig M I A muting through to the Canal 1.50 fen: There m a two story, frame dwelling house on the premise, Iltely built, and the lot is well improved, contairdng a variety of choice - fmit tree., grape, shrubbery, ke. • The property is conveni ently mutated Mr persons doom benne.c in either Fin. butgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residente. The indaputable. For terms apply to Wlll. BOYD, Attor ney at Lew, others on Fonnh meet, above Smithfield. -Real mute 1 1 / 1 Ohis.- ATh°oo ar" ° olle V:=1", by Oo.' ALCo a lot of gro of und la the ea ire of st all artfl, Co., with a `fine dwelling looLo and store—one of the best stands for • merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property .will be sold on very neeonunodating INAIA U.DICnY & Co., tnrme. O . - Water and Front sta. Baal Zotato ha Zen* Otno:sty: Burrehotwo • and Dwain, situate .on the A Erie Estenslon Canal, in the rltfage of West Mid. diesem a desirable location fora merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling mouse aril suited fora Tavern Stand, In the village of ildrangefille, eit Stem lion of Ohio. Tonna easy. ISAL&II DICKEY & Co. • fade ' Water and Yroin at. 'A. L :etg i?aen" " Gado= fa th e Cli Uat3 :lLie Pot torsn tm of ' . '"' sply tbeClubl. mbar the Moittod.tin Boot Stoso, 4th Ow Markel •=l, at bin dwelling on .Clark stroot r oPposito E. Orocerr owe. Vebl.o] J LMEAD. fur Bsaa ItA two racy brick &rallies oriel aaost six cites of ground attached, situated at Oakland • The place is Ira stocked with knit afall Ithule, cad Is a degrade kraals, fora (anal; befog entirely out of reach of the vim and dirt of the tray. Au anssilbea leaves oakland hourly for the city. Apply to jarela 7 ATWOOD, JONn9 & Co. Wylienew. three story _ brick dare nine hone on Wylie street—Possess= given on the that of ril or sooner if required. Inquire of • • tan , .1&11 n..elliberry street • } Per Hann - . Ell .Atl. nary bnek dwelling with shoat 5 Sere, stowed on the bank of the Ohio river, KlL l gEVnmigh of ll ficherter. Appty to . -in= . JA.SIM A HUTCHISID:g & Co. THREE dwelling basses situated on 4th street neat mini bridge, in the dry of Pittsburgh. Lil lie, ■ room 75 by 20 feet, with a eroinstenenten. traneel on sth st., near wood. film, a frame dwelling, two stories, with an strap( ground ensloud and finder cultivation, shea th on Ohio lane, the eity Allegh- Incialtoof J D WILLLOIS, MM= jtic' ICE SALE OR BENT, the:Pittsburgh Brew ery, villa all Its brewing apparatus, mama on enn greet and Barter's alley,awl now occupied by deo. W. Smith it. Co. Possession given on the first day of April ensuipt..For terms, kr- enquire of -, BROWN & CULBERTSON, 113 liberty - a. • jEtWAREHOUSE TOR SALE.—The subscriber Ters for gale the three story brick Warehouse oa Wood weer, occupied by R• TarT . er & Co. It ream rum forinooU per year. • • apt? - - WAL WILSOI4 Jr. . . 2. the new three , story fire proof briekatore en weend at. now ...pied by Edward Evans! fo rear track tat or Atle'd aeat bejaira of • 1 3CIIOOIII3IAIER to Co., • anl9 It The sabeeribers 1611 rent put. of the tram hodie nowsoccopied by thern,•:.4 . e , l 7 . LEWIS, DA. 7S't IC Co., .as ' 64 seater street. ; . For • Rent. • , ' • i tik i Ay room on the ninny of the warehouse nom ed by the subscrifierih,fe•r: naf Ina of V street—a good:ocation for • steamboat agency or to loosnosce office. , • .14 ' BOLLIVANS & GABRISON. For Ma. .. AIA floe two story brick house;ort main sheet; m i ere. , utur, near the upper bridgei.. The lot If It tin rant by 100 deep. For terms 141/110 Or 1 del..itt: T . A WASIIINGTONOth st. • For Rent. Aak ' THE large ere proof warehouse, 2.1 feet from by .111..89.feet detp,.on llama at. near wood. Rant mod .rare.:, [ N ame of J SCIIOONITAIUit del!. 21 wood st • For Sent. 11 A Briroke Mouse, nitunted on Plum alley, for rent. Inquire of ROBERT DST 7ELL h Co, Liberty street. dean riOAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven zeta. coal land ki• for rage, situate Lit bend of Ow Nonougaitela River, abiavo Brownsville, P. tiaving.a 7 loot am of coal, which will be sold in exehanv for good& For portico ars apply to. [l7a7) S & W HARBAUGH, 33 woad st ROOM TO LET-4:11. the second story a the Imre- Masa Co 'AS Wood eh,' haring afloat entrance.. Apply to (mare GEO COCHRAN - MSCELLANEOUS 15111..,ISYLVANLi. RAILROAD CO3IPA—NV—NO .V 'TICE TOCONTBACTORIL—PopwaIs will be received until Wednesday, the 17th day of May. tutu o'clock, A. M, at the Borough of llntitinien. Tor the GRADING and AIMIONRY upon about 33 miles of Me Pennsylvania Railroad, between Lemtinown and Bun. tinplate, and also for the heavy work along. the Little Jammu.. l'lss endskeificationa of the work eau be scot at the shone named place far five days previous to the time appointedfor receiving the bids. • Any further information eau he had upon applicatiOn to W. IL roman Jr., Erg, Associate Enamter et Lew istown. ' S V. MERTUCK, - np23,0113 • •.President. lnonoragahalit Naytgation Company. 1;1' tiTt rit the %ate line. at tne ' &lOarind time and places, 010 u WM...burgh. Green 'co.; on the 30th and lot May; New Geneva, Fayette to.. on - We Ist June;. Wcai Ihrownsville, IVarbingum co, on the 21.1ane; Pineburgh, (at the Faehange Bank.l on We itadunr, and to remain open at the lut mentioned alike until Otherwise directed. Try order °AU Boarder Manager. a . • Wht. SAKI:WELL, Seel. I A DFSIDERATUIti . TO ALL WOO WRITE, i~Marks , India Rubber Fluid,, for preventing pens v.orroding .ink; also for. adapting Mem to 14 , 11. or jpiltehlAtlit without the aidof puisnce, and to facilitate ,the Ink lowing. fret.i To students. conveyancers and mercantile men, it Is Invaluable. Hymen:ly adding a TamMrops of this Quid lb the ink in use, it will instantly ;tie found so he the best auxiliary evert:lncest]; as it nen• utilises the paid, -precintates th e sediment, Ganse• lime low of eta ink, an ddiopensesmith the trouble of 'aripin4o: pan. Just received and for sale Ly JOEL SIOIILEft Agents Want!. d • . lib earmrss for some .11, and popular works, in sonntythrotighout the United States. 'Mardis ;the most libend encouragement is misted—with 11 small • initial of -from LA to IDA A eldinee is oirsted whereby' an Agent can make ttom 810 10 *a perweek. arrosinnhei particulars address (post (mid.) WM. A. L2-ARY, Na 008 Nonh Peeond st, Phila. • LeechlNF. - Capping imirltleedlng.. • IL•NORRIS, lbncceyor'm M. K. Delany)... a No SS Fin susec!betaten Weal attd . smah 7tle . Free, leeches TOCCiIIA menthly—enendenee all .'born. Refemnee, the phyalcinuipt , yinsbneo, Alit *till and Ilinalilaas.. I mom cheerfully recommend to We physicians, Cm 'Ales and all my former friendi.ind . wrens, Mn . grl!, iriorrie being ihoromMly acquamicA mith the Mess and worthy,of pito:maga . 1 manrily IHI '1 *dada'Mister's Notice. ALL persona having eLauna against the Vanne of d. late Henry P. Vichareppe, 11,111pmeat them fo arm, and all persons indebted sod estate', toll 'please eaU am:Smoke ovum to JOHN IRVILY, Adm. I Pntabatth,Mare • id, 49. rmartadam] I I Inlets% TGBT 'its yahoo! ' I p 4 aiteitin lout yd, of too k t &Oaf 01l cloth, o:title; 00V domedlom do MOO ,' , l* 4-1 do 40;1000 do 34 do doi eOO 5-I..llntor do do; 1400 do 44 do do:beside. laqiO moonicooto of light and ;kiwi astloles, all of which will to; .old cheap for cash ; ior 4bort etodit, .1 ill PHILLIP'S merl4 • • No docad 41: _, Dlasotation of Partuirship• r.sapartherahip Immolate aliadeg between W. baelibete,under dm Am oil. Dawso!i lc Co, day dim:deed : by mutual conaent. . . ' I • • AML GOILNILI,' . • - 1 . • . JACOLI DAW SON, ' • a F. VON BONNHORST & I,ll*.eTort;,:prit 18,184 d. . aptil ..—... . .—. NNOTlCS—Reeeired from Louisville, Ky., perst•m. i er :Orli Alabama, • psikage sappase4 to contain e othists, 0t.k.4 •Iltaroond .F. Pitt•burlh.”. • TL. 'tfrgliet LS lIIVICISted Ur plrC6lllll.lort the. /111•10 And Wm t away. • WEST nowiiN, ' - , :Q.LEBSIAN WANTED—Wanted Wholesale VO A a. Retail Dry - Goods core, nyoun in g nun to set. !salesman. Ow 'who has bad exrcrienee• In the but !nem and ean blisslood references. • Address W. X, Pittsburgh 1 . 014 Mee. 6„. to lk „,„, r; pp.( plat end veas 4 a - • • • • • . _ • . .; BAUM OP DOOM) .*:""age.Pankany' =4., flank afrinsbarik -•-• • Enr.kaage Bank Pit Merck. la Man. Bank •Pat BkaafPlailadelpkia••• Girard Bank . I Bank of Ontstananern • • MMELDI . s ;sox, - . Market stiegt,seii ti at Scab t.Betociet.! • ffeiteSeriL• l a. 'Fa • ... ... krrmers Illianiek.ot • a Ing's Bk. oldie We V 11.&.M.1 141i i;eithir Mongutows•••• N. W. Butt • do. Well.barg do Parketsbarg•—• " Maier Connq ,, par " Delaware Co: —1 , 4 , " MoragomeryCs•.par Nonbinbetliol• • Columbia Bridge Co.. • P. Doylnkrok Bank P. Palmer,' Bk. Readtwepar Famens` Bk. Books Co. Pu Fanciers Wk pr Lancostor Co. Bk.-. • Immuter Bk.•••i••• • P U. Bute. Itank— , ---30 Bonraskille 81. . par Bisklungton 8k..; =TVs .. Boaqaebsona.Co...Bk.• Laugh Co Bank,' •- Tonnages. , at Fee. t lierehlsl3la-- Pkintaaa. ----- - 6 Mina* r•-• " I .11111aranall .• &Rennet MiNGIUS•••• north Cronglina. MONS Feu , Wank% na,Pialrbem• Beata Cargenne Btu( Quorkekkee•-••• , •11 Commercial Bk 2 BC lkooneetowa•—• fl• BkJof Bamberg - • -* kterkkluus Bk 2 Masers is Ideekeslik• 1• Boath Cantina, II Balun'e&Oßß.Berip •Bk. Cklaberiand Bk.orAlle• • Fi re g . • i wo- .. Farsterert Meclasin “ • ,• Bk. r • l'derick • • • . Car ....... "" Eno ...... • • •••• * Farmem , and thONYTIO 122 . 2 k, Way . nesbarg— Flamsbes2 112:32.2212 ••-•-• 2 .I%;arrille . wyming ....... York Bk. West Branch B. ' Belief Notes bit M Bk.• " City kco.nrc %Op.— " Fredericka,. • Manumit Blr . ?uncut. Pik-- Bk.ofWecimisaniz li. et SL ChM. •••••••••••• Michigan Ins: 1 Far- lIaeh'sBk•—••••'Terrlty. MezA.Firelst.Collthine 6 • • State Bk.und Branches 9 Mount " !Steubenville Sc Cluirevilla Mutsu, New Lisbon- " Cincinnati iblwdias - do M== A.lliolventllsaks , Donk of Soil i oad Notes .• • Nalpoopi a 1130.": NapNocots, 3 NI Downs • 1130 40 ..• F.agle, new_ • 10 '-'- Dooblixots,Epiausli..l9 M..• Do dovorolgas 010 • ortekoftes VBO Cloveland•-• • ••-••• • * .Xerfia ••" Dayton . • .... ^••••-••• WClftl2l Relier , 8••••••• " Franklin Irk Columbus Lake Erie • ....... " Larmader••-•••3 0 Huatilion N•,1 13 Granville Farmers Wk Mann. .40 ...... thalders • •••• • 9 R I - New York On 2 -- par. Intiriar 73,22.—• • THentaelky. Ilk of Nentnelry Bk.(' Louisville ..... Norhem Ilk.ltentekT• " Nsw Iterk-•-Qrr • irioltiMitliogn 3 D1:41911 • _HUGH D. (Late of e arra of,kftecad BANNED. ABD If.SCHAINGIS U.BOlOllll. 0 coo. Foram am alp Parr °arcs AUiT, DEALER is Coln, Bank Notes, Time Bala: Foreign and Ltannaie Exabiartie,'Cenianatea of Depoof. EXCHANGE cra* chicon! . thelfnfan. for sale in mos la dmn.. • CURRENT eaditaf andi rztelred ondeposita.' '..•- COLLECITONS made on alliputs of U. Union, es . the lowest rate. • - •••• , • •Pleali.k.eafar- HUIWILY. IFIATINAL & CO.. ••• DANKERS, EXCUA.NOht BROKERS; and &alms • Itt Fbreigo Deareette Exchange, Contilcahn of poem . Leak Not., and Sots& Poarth street,' near.. ly oppose the Beak of Pittshmh. Cane& molter seaweed ea deposite—eigie Cher& Or aells, and oott. helloes ma& on nearly all the 'pretalpal poll& la the Utdted Metes. The highest peal= pall fee torehm and Ameittesit field. ' Meares made es consignmems of Prodlthefe; ped Ewe, on liberal tePme. • rat . IDANICERS and Derdenr ilk_Elzobauire dodo . on 4 jl3 Blak Naos, No. 456, Tamara street, Pdaburgh. SoSkOrSotet. &reboot*. Styli* Boum. New York, gf , I.a4 a. rhuudpsh,. Tlaldolons, - do Et. Locus, • • - L 9 do gaging Roses, • DANK NOTES. Boyinc R&M, 2 ,i2/1 Co. d: Scrip Ordrom, dip "do lioUelNotes, . 0 do • Nentooky, - .•" do I'enorlivorta Oi ." do "do New York •do o do 6. h g a ' vince4 4 ,do No Odeon% " ILO Torsooosoey •2do • 241mA, • "do fobOirf • . :ou w JO n. EOVF ar., Ter. 111 MM BRCIiCERS' EtCHANGE ChamNmaMaignwslas, • gar. • . Unit. BILL do CU RRY—Bankeri and.Exclioinge Balkan,' Drain" is Foroian and Domnatic limo and Siatit • of klnobangt, Cernfientia allipoiao, Bank Nines and Coin; No GS Woodauvoi, thud door bIo Fourth, WILLIAM A. HILL da CO4 - - 13ANKEN.I , LICCRANGE DROKED3, and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certifieates of , -,.- posite, Rusk Notes, and Specie. N. ittl Wood 0.., .. one door above.Foortb, East Ade, Pittabarg* Pa. . ,' - FOREIGN EXCIIANCIIV. . . •__ . • minus cat Enma), Ireltml, and Scotland Iwo& to 1.11 wry mown 'at the Carnet Rates of Exchange. --- '• Also, Drafts payable In an)! part of the Old Coantrbea, from 11 to LIMO, at the raw of $.5 to the L Mahn' " • without deduction or diseeninl, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, ntnipean and Oeneral AXent, Waco Rh. st one door west of wood. octlfhf ILLISZI MYR! : . .W. 11131 WV( IGRAINE'S. IA RAHN, _ IANICEID3 AND RICIIANDE.BRO ssiNUlßGealers In Forelire end INtotestid th.G. 'Of Exclia,sa, Cor ti saes of Depoeite, Bank Notes .M Cow, corner oe ad susd Wood streets, Smelly expeetta 81. Merles .110. _ - . ..• = , Daak Nato -. Punhu,; , 4 - -alowestateibri 131.LLSOD'EXCIIIANGI87Sigkt Cheeks on •-• Now York iliud .1 • lidusand , Constantly for mai N. 110L3TA & SON: dao _ ' 33 Marker sc COLLEOTIONN—Drafts, Notevoaid Acceptan t.., payable in any put of the collected at the mom favorable terms. N. MUMS. & SON. dein • I • , . SOMarket HATS CAPS AND. BONNETS,. FAIIII/0/14LBLZOELILTD. THE subscriber, in addition t his own 4 manufacturing of Hats, ,haintade eulangai 11.1141 with litessrs. Bates &Co (the on fultionable Isamu of the city of New' York.) fora teg.. • Mar supply of his eriu funi 811 k Hats, and having }tom received a few caws, gentlemen eon be suited with. a and beuunfal hat by Milling at his new Hat • _ lied Elm Store, Smithfield sucet.seevad south - OT Furth, where may be found a pest variety: of Hats • • cod Copt of his own noutufattant, wholuale and rep : toil. Thus made to order on short-node. '. • WILSON. 'MORD '4i.004 • el" 4 atnecessors to firC r oird it Mug): , . lilsarga l ablooll a s or Waal and in times. CoI:LAR at ention •pald to our Retail Trade.' ..1. - Gentlemen' cut i rely apart getting their Hats =I Cape from our cetablishmeut of the mar otartataratud semea•v.ele, of 1.11,14.11•1 MUNN and at the WWII/ MC= • 5 5. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesala k :aro respeetrultY invited to call and examme our Ettoc , am we can sky" with confidence that as marls Oat= tun/ rum ii will not soder W. compatisou with any house In Philadelphin — NEW VIAT AND CAP ATOMIC. E1A.1103 114LhON. Ilat manidschder, forreirrt . y of corner of bhmoud *Rey sad Wood' street, begs . leße respect f ully 10 . inform his chi customers,- theods and the public., that to has opedod • IS SORE oh fsatithgeld sheet, secouti door Saudi of Ch street, where a choice assortment altars and Cops and Ladies' Furs, as good, nem ihshumable, and cheap, ha my in the city., may be hod.: • . , ' J. W. eery„uddlittly lushes hie fele - ail:ld the in& lie to remember his hew locafiCill 11.104.1 .1111,61me14, and give him a call as head) of he intends to Necked.. them • . • • ". magendlmterdmi • Faablonabla Hat and Cap Ellassulhatory.. Atilltattik: S. ANSHI.I - 1., ,iyeent, respectfully" infoims his friend. and the pulnic grocrall • that he has comaterteodthe mandisetare HAY . • nod Caps at N0.:13 Wood *teeny one door above the comer of Second, whew. beim. now on band a into assortment of Hats sad , Capp of his own inanotsctuos, • - ivldch he will dispose of oil thetrostressonahle terms, seholesaie7and retail; for cash or city seeeptiorre: - Eats made to order at the shoves,. moire. apaittiaa • • - EiTILAW. HOODS. • . EiroI_LEELI • ate it:cited to examine N.E. PAL.IIIIWS stbck. orStraw rods, 'of the _ 'I TASN * -Frn 'd c l e " r ir2l ; lic. • • • ltabie do; 'Amerieatt doe ; o; China Pearl do; Coning - Maitland do; march Lane Fancy (limp, Raley. • !BATS—Leahoro. Yalta I..c•f, PR.61.11., Fanny Straw, ' , do Bolid, Riat:tutd Braid, Pcdal do. Anifirial Flowers. Ribbons, .snaar Bon net Wao,housr.9s rnarketst. , • • Spring Painless for 1848. 41 la ttCORD _ (Laam netmaty & :anal • sutra... 14LtufirseJ=4ra91316 of uoi this ")r . their Crieuds and ensnarnels are requested, canna' examine their mock of Spring Hata Jun taceived has Nework, at their coin, corner ofhtit aad,Wood taa.' - --- - - - Benne STYLE-8' Idooas has woi r d la coked (row New York, the spring EVIG of Ilani• . which hirwill introduce ou Shihnioy, March lal. All wow in what an hew and superior Lira, will pataatt call and auto'. at No 7.5, Wood wee, tal dais above' 4 .Millisan.Dotightsv late James Itclialn. rabscriber baa remove4lga Hu and Cap. Nana . factory to No. 77.Weext meet, nearly oppulte hL 7. old - wand, *here ba would inane his Glenda and the public generally loan asautueut of HIV; and C. hich for beauty sad durabtlity cannot be summed. - ; • WM. DOCULA24477 Wood a. •••• - • • • Having retired frout.l l .l ll . l and Cap Maatlaelofft' I most repeunally :yeconotteod the .patreasire'or my friande and the public g.nnentlly to mrsauteater, n •atglasa. - tkbledace). . JAMES la PALL FASIIION..'-43. MOOSE has reeds; cd from New York the Fall le of Hats which. I 1 he will naiads'ee tills di, &ender ' sig. ..tilli.. Al! mow in omit of • neat a n d s periorawinild do well to cal at No. 73, Wood Shoot •I d.:4"1"! 411' strabikAlaiiiicWl — roliiiiii ' JUST 'evolved (Mtn 'Neer 'Took, the Sommer Style for bus, consisting of White Brlneti read and White French • Comintern 4thes with Veleilmars. These in want of, • beatnithl, light Hu".W ß lfi q t r •ma ... - , , :7s . ieWsi oral doors abote - ith , ontarr .5100i44 Wholesale Motor," RocUlying Disfillor, iu Peodues, Pittsburgh idussuliso. - twos, and all kinds or"Domeatielnntre' and Liquors, Nall LibesirLsisseq 'Coti WWI "s'yery la cock a( aaperiorta.ll,MiPildll-altllaker rairesco-0 tnakibr