GRWRIE, CUJIMPLECISCHAR-60 Gbh, a r npmoraricle, Co aa hazily are; just ree 'rad and •kir by • • - - JANI3 A HUTCHISON & Co; 4 00 Agents for St Louis Hauer) • QVISIDRIES-400 Bunch,Haiaing ' SO htdo du. 51 bbla Sag. Ho m Idataasau 100 do •Loat Saga landing Sum owner &Claud and km " • • • ' SLAGALEY & QUOAR AND MOLABBES-30) ads N 0 Sugar; 6%1 kJ WI; N 0 lialassec i¢uort &ad for sale by _ape _ CULBE ON,llbllbeay st oAUlE6liEiiiNf2s-8 Italf hh4o noWlr lb fJ libda and alter !Ida to arrive Shia week, These winesan army own importatio,4 Peet, and will be saki low - by WO' P C MA$lll.l . PAGNE WINE-85 baskets Maltese Crews; tr'.l -- 11 do, Crown Chem 10 Wines, now lann and krrails ' • • •10 P CbIARTIN BRANDIES -2 hf pipes superb:4. Eleriesay Bnandy, of sun impartallon as bat. 4 quarter pipe. supenor (hard Brandy, now landing and [orate by P C MARTIN ST WINE-60 ar naaknßsirenady Port Winn, a dlradt landing and for We , low aplo P C M.ARTLY EMU= CORN-du sacks just reed and For .. b,by BELIED . CULBERTSON. .143 liberty .t IYOA6 LOUSE MOLASSES-10 664 Fla; N 0 just ticchre6 acid for sale by '• • • Bicolor fr.cOLBERTSON. SALMON—[U Mita NOTBalason, rensivpd per sun: 134.1 . 1ki1l and tor ado by • • •• It / & Onwtant 71,0:11 81EINS—b bdia for bale by ./." WICK & MeCANDLE:I39 LOUR-11 bbl. S Mae, kw /wdy ose,just reed and _ !mule b a• 14 WICK & IdeCANDLOIS TRY APPLEs—c..k, just teed itnd for ule hl .pl 4 WICK tr. IiIeCAND Qng£lo.7-8 eitri yrime, ju.tree'dend for sale by apt 4 • • ' WICK kbIeCANDLESS eIOTTOig-112 balee per Am. Eagle, fix ~lo by Nati - FRIENWRHEY & Co 9OBACCO-113 kev No 6 Twist !Tobacco, loading - 1 (ma otoomer 6t Glow d and for .ale by aplb JAALIM DALZELL QALE.l4l7lB—ecasks Clemland Elalerptus, just reoesTed and for .alo by . "4.11 WICK & AfeCANDLESS IUrIiOTAI9II-0 calks prime ler sale by, spli• — Wit% k.2IIeCANDLESS 110,ACON-111 tax. Virginia cored Aims and Wes, .13 Dow landing and for .nla by - • , • POINDEXTER. it Co, a water at Lwltr.,&tt - Ard , POINDEXTEIt & Co AND 01L—Iii bbl. gala by • • Ili- ' llctillLL, BUSHNELL, ROE ASH-43 casks prime &rude by . _ WICK& MeCANDL : QZL AI OLABEILS:=3O 'bbl, IS El Molasser:ionij aab tr 'I3I}IYRITGE,VIOOIII.IS° DICE AND LOAF SUGAR ...34 tierce. Rice; Loaf Savo, landing Goya suar Schuylkill laud for pie b ILAGALRY 6. SMITH, yplf IS and IM 'wood at TgUIX PORK-4100 pieces said lda Pork, landing MO from Meanie: Mingo Chief and for sale by 4 - 4 • ILAGALFX & EIMITH 'QTARCLI-141 boxos tpareb;!apztor el ty qu, land 2./...Ohe ''` d itZhali br& MTH IDUCE.ETS-30 dor. painted &Lai* for mkt by jjP aplS : WEST BOWEN PIG METAL—SO too. No I Fonadv Mend, Ann re. calved and for We by •- •142 • WICK & MoeAM:ILES S I E.--04 =ma Sine for sale by apt( BUR/MIDGE, WILSON & Co' mug—too bbla Tv, of prime quality and in good con j ninon, on noniuggunent and for sale by nOS I TAAFFE 8. O'CONNOR UST ILEX:MED-1 ease Tote . Mu% ) % de sale by: aPS • TUEIT RECEI WED-75 hu Ilyda's aaa l / 4 1, Soaps, and for Waby apS - J KIDD & Co usrRECF]VED-761W powW IPTarrai. ••GrASSIALEJIES—A asseeinnest of black and are ey Csainneres, lost received Lyl • Ip4 ' I 1311ACI:L' SIT tr, WHITE, 99 wood .t ep for. &e by GOD COCHIL&N, %wood st lk/rOLASSES-50 bbla Ce, 10 do Sugar Home; (kJ ay. Ern! in Ws and kegs, Ger We% Luis . • "J DWI COEN-40 sacks prime yelkm corn; In con, .dfor Ws byj apt 9 J C BIDWELL Q ELLLTS-20 bbls lame and for Bile by aptB I JC BIDWELI IiSANS-45 bbl. wall white Beaus, !or sale by , aplB ; J .0 BIDWELL om—lau,coo lbs 'No 1 palled Wool• for sale by spld J C BIDWELL Western Hides,hood and for we $ W YOUNG .t on Co, 143 kberty st OICLETING-4300 lbs best qua* Skirting Leather, ba just recSive4ll and for Ws by apl7 COM 2 : 8=1001 .d. Moo Rio ,Colfed, landing from Canal .ad rot side by 44.17 JOHN El DILWORTH, 2? wood st SCORCHED SALTS-13 casks et good quatity, io stare sod for sale by apl7 JOHN 8 DILWORTH ' BRLEY-100 enss Barley, in store and for ode by 017 !. • e. JOHN S DILWORTH 811GA1447 hbd. prinitiN O Sugar in store and for wan by: I. El %I/ATE/MA/4 21 water and 67 front at 1/OLASSIa3-65 bbls Pi 0 Blahaaeo, m oalebble, for AM sale by , apl7 L 'MUTE /MAN R— tierce. pate Rice, for gala by spl? • ' WASERALLN GiNOHAIHS—.II. large assomment of Ebtotstle, Ear EA and French Gsughwou; Jon' opening. .4 for We • ap.l SHACKLE - IT & WHITE LIME -10) WA, Louir rill. Lime, just reed sad for sea by .pl 3 ItURBI/IDGE,MILSON k. Co 88.c... „ - Dlirx,x ty ...titTlkdo do Bid . Z 3816 8 e W 11A81311811. apl.3 • • . • , 63 maeland IU4 front st HuWl" fn T=g:ett VG CLNDLE3-150 las Mould Candles; 10 do Dip do, In IROTO nod kw nee by opt 3 B W HARBAUGH bbl. Bbersuan's superior Cider The w, iss store and for sale by 013 . Sib NV HARILAUGH rpiNg , ..bnoM , lllll 7, • pau,airr LM312!,.d IVele v e . tr .le tzE. DLL VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIC-40 bus just toed utd for ..le by the box, at his price, by R F: SELLERS, 57 wood st CI7itOIL, NO. 1-4 bbls just reed and for sal. set ' _Rfi SELLERS L'o &Y IRON-7 . 1 tua l s v ir c uit, ..d f o r by orAmoes--pi bbl. Neshaaror r - - vicla eCiNDLM S: riOOPER'S ISINGLASS-8 bss just rre'd sad for la Ws by set BRAUN k REITER ' HITE GLUE-7 bbl. just ree'd and for salo by 'Tv • 'sr& • BRAUN & REITER 13Tiri-1 nub Shoo!dem 1 do Elidesi 1 &R.", reoeived conslgnment and kn• ule by • . npl3. ; • TASSEY Ak. BEST '.WINDOW GLASS-000 b. 61.1.15 .160 do 10217,100 do Melt 60 do tilk together with . aseortment ..i Vetalu tilaee of superior make; for sale by • •.S F VON BONNHORST k Co' VrACXEREL-40 bbl. No 3, kr tide kw to done 171 consigtoacto, by y 93 - . 8 F VON BONNHORST &Co ttgi 7.5'12".11017MA1R;... EY PEACHES—ED bus Ls store. !or We by .. ; • ISAIAS! LUCKEY is Co TILOIIR,--100 bbts Family flow, extri..l in stare 'mod tor ask . 8 k - , spls . ' • Q router and 104 from st 1 • p47TATINII-4130 bbls Neshrmmock Pommes, 1m ~,mlisti f ro m., Danube utrl foe.dc h Y 4911 . ; -•- • BA NY HARBAUGLI TO A BLEYI-1.0 0 bags 13arIsMost landing Cot sale by D sp26 ak. wHARBAUGIi • GREEN APPLES bbl. Orem, Apple., in moss and kw We by sp2B 8 Jk. W HARBAUGII RY PEACIEE6-100 b.p Drj,i'mmbes„ in more mut for We by .p Ss W fIARRAUGH "ULLISFIED-10 bids in stare :and canals by .1,20 S& IV HARBALTGII Mar. N CHAPS SHAWLS—WSW, xarlat and an • spl: iwelr ""'.G Hoax d W It MURPHY • Q MEE 115 , brEATUS-40 dos kn. sale by spy -BF VOX DONNHUBST & Co HAYELAItEB-413d0s ferule brr .72/ 8F vcecooNNuoasr k. co QA2II-6002 Ilttoe Window Saab, for sale by 3 P VON pONNHOR , RT 'Co rf0p1113.22/bil;t3 Jr Floor, _last tee'd arnifor sal; +4 1 7 , , - . 10121N891LAVOrn . 27 wo od t VllERY—Assorted, jrug reed and for rade by 1:d .02 1 Bc4toom&KEe & GRT PAlNTS—Valois* Pariq Orion, Chrome tlteen aidyenton Omen, in tin cans; for oale by spa';•• • . SCHOONALTa &Co A NNAT/0 7 -9 bukeu herb, for We by ZS.) Wes': .1 BCHOONMAKER. Co L,T EKON BYRIJP-90dospure nisd iresb, tor sale by .p>9!' I hCHOOIVALAKE:a ik Co 6. LlWO : bbls for al . tla biscgooNmAixß ElLTErses—as melts, oow landtof ft= Mazer F °mem for u.lo by ISAIAII DICKEY & Co, • , Dan •I - • - P °Tm ail>=6":;-" h 'II'ZINAITZ At qin - IP/ lattti ot . T £$D-13 bbls No 1 Lard; Salegi do do: /..t to ed I sad kx sal* by apl3 , 66O818ON& co BVITICII-3 bbl. BoU Dever, tl kegs Butter, reed &. - 1! .1 ,!•-..0.- D 5 • Dat Arl*, for de -HAlita - . - 0 casks superior Hums, just received on constgurnent and for sale low by apfOclw !. A iiltflDON, front et rILOVER BEER-1(W. ler sale by Nel .917 ! • WICK k..WCANDLMS ( " 48b Victi.VgLiess EARL Al3ll-8 cmks jaareo 4 4 and for oda by 1 VON BUNNHOIIBI Co WCU"‘kayobil'ilMtlifiAlllirg=4Coa QII.EHATUS•43 mar, 99 Las; t see by . 3•7 -•--- 1 VON MOILIOIO3 &Co, , 111/31. . • • 4 ' "7 7 33 am' a 4 MISCELLAMOIJB. 113 13—Issao Craw' 'Ballim4Te, Md, will he glad t oo have orders , (win his Mood. is Piasbarki and elrwbets, for the irololoute of Shod and Ilernogo do. nog thOoessou. def. ereeined w ith despatch, Rod at lowest rote*. Charges for pa:v.ll24oz logto. mar2ll REFINED SUGARY-2) boxes doable reSned Isms. g 440 bbls - 2, t, 45, 7 uld mall Los& 210 bids crushed; 178 bbls powder.; 20 bbls sissified; in store sod for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON & Co, =MI Agents En Louis Steam Sugar Refinery. SUGAR—EO hhd• Immo NO Sugar; 8 do Fair do, wore and for safe by apt 3 IVESTBOWEN OTIDN-310 bales brississippl and TconaseedVat C tom, (or ce. by apl9 ATWOOD, JONES &Co -81.10 Al t CUD. RESHOULDERS-14 casks, prime Cineinami.just reed out of smoke Imneei for gale 208 BROWN it. CULBERTSON HAMS -7 casks Kentucky, low to close: constgetnetu, _sp!Ef_ • BROIVIi& CUL/IF:MOS COITON-100 bales prime, receiving per Gam%lie and for mile by alb DROWN fr. CULJ3ERT3ON UPSObt SALTS-10 bbl, but recd and for,sale by opld J SCHOONALAKEFf. lc Co, 111 wood st bbls, vary dry, for sale by sold J SCHOONMAKEILJc Co TARTARIC ACID—I cum.imt me'd end for sole by mdd • J SCHOONMAKER& Co - I IEILOROFOIaI—With euay on im nits, by J Y Simpson, DI D. For sale by , IVO • J SCHOONIVAILIM a. Co IC, ItICRiATIC, and Acetic Acid., Just rec'd opl9 J SCHOONMAKEK k Co SUGAR -75 hilds NO. Sugar, in gore And for sal. low to dose cousismui!ent, by . L S WAiT.II3.IAN FLOUR -175 bbl. eitra Family Flour, in to and for sale by • .13 8h W HARJ3AUGH POTATOES—:S bbls Nesltanuocks just reed by • 13 TASSEY tr. BEST "IIabiIHANNOCK POTATOES-7$ Vila Nes:benumb Potatoes, just landing and for sale by— pid S& W RABBAUGH, 61 water tc IU4 WI st L ARD -26 bbl. Not Lard,n store and for sale by pld POllB-ig bids Mess Pork; 211 do prime do, in store and for sale by apt° 8 W UARUAUUU .I% I TO L;y 3 WACKER:I 6 — p 100 blas DICE-0) lees for see by 11 VIG JAMES DALZELL CORN MEAL-100 bials kiln dried Coml4leal,iii, tee'd and foveale by S W'HARBAUGH, apID - M water and ICH front as fi j , , t ., rl E Wl Co LOAF SUGAR—SO bbl. St James Refinery,. /41;7 Lon( Sugar, 5D dodo do Nos nand V do' do; 30 do Layering's embed and pulverized do; for We by splo . POLNDEXTER ts Co FISH -100 bele No 3 large Maekerek 40 ht . bbl, No 2do do; 30 dodo No Ido do; for sal by ap:Xl POINDEETER & Co rrOWNSESITS SARSAPARILLA-3 gross reed .1. ;and Sar tale by 11 A FAIINatTOCR & Co, WO nor Ist and wood; also, cor Inn and wood sts No. SUGAR-10 bbds fair N 0 Sugar, consign • mem and for sale low by • _ap2o R DALZELL Es Co liberty st WRITE DEANS-30 bbl. landing and for sale by moan R D4LZELL b. Co S . ERATUS casks Saleraw& bra do; Just received 3for sal" by . R DALZELL &Co casks Clem - awe sagas cured llwas,jus4 . rec eived aid for sale low by arN POINDEXTER k Co, 41 MOM' .1 CORDAGE -21 coils 01aailla Cordage ,in stare and for sale by ap2o POINDEXTER &Co FAMILY Ilia S- ems ankle. for sale. by), • ap2o J D WILLIAMS BEANS -700 bus, superior quality for sale by J D WILLIAMS AcuN—fmao les, bog round, for sale by ap2o D WILLLUIS 0 174.4111 , 1r~?1•T D WILLIAMS SUNDRIES-54 soaks Feathers; 7 do Ginseng; 73 do Flaxseed; I do Wool; I tierce Flaxseed; 15 bbls No 1 Lard, to arrive. on steamer Oswego; for sale by by pl9' ISAIAH DICKEY tc Co, front el IEgOSIEILY GLOVES, AC, L AT WHOLESALE.— JIL aa/dos Hose and half Hose, for men, women and children, with a large lot of OH, tootle and lisle thread Gloves and Mitts; lust reeeive4Trom the importers and for sale wholesale and retail, by F II EATON it Co TRANSPARENT 'WINDOW SHADES—A fresh supply of Wed Window Sheiks and Trimming., just ree'd and for sale by •p2:l F II EATON & Co StEAllt MiLNE FOR SALE—A small second timid gleam Engine will be sold low. Apply at Win oihee, a pint • CORCHINGS-10 casks S Salta, bunbns from C B S Atka and Tor Judy by JAS-DALLELL, ap73 81 water st DIG IRON-1001one cold bhot Forge Metal, Brook ' lyn Furnace, P.; relenting by canal and for sale by ap2o. BURBOIDGE, WILSON h Co. orator et : DAC? N-37 euk4 liatia 40 do Shoulders; just ree'd E.;-• reamer I.`ll,lll{7=triZNlT'Clor FATHERS— k 5 sacks prime Kentucky Feathers, F just received 'sad for sale by. .. . POINDEXTER& Co • lar'EMP-63 bales Men'lln Hemp,to acme 11.11 d fur J_L sale by WI POINDEXTER & Co C BALK ACID-1 cask just reed and cossets by O •ben ' BRAUN & MITER DRIUSTONE-4 bbiejurt reed and tor sale by apt: 1111A1.7,1 is REITER ILIINERAL . WATER CORKS-. 4 bales reed and for AL Aida by nioti BRAUN & REITER TAMAICA GINGER ROOT-4 bales reed and 'for sale by ems' BRAUN & REITER WINDOW GLASS - (n biz liilo glans; =dole:1 - 2 1111 do; 100 do lull tO IWO, In sumo and for ludo by 402 , TASSEY & BEST vacs-13 lib& prime Pi 0 . Sogm; 5 boxes broom 0 Barone do; J ease DR Lorerangs Loaf do; 30 bbis assorted noel dodo•, 10 bbls combed sod pd - red do, for sale by .p 7 J D WILLIAMO QAFETY FUSE-3 bbli far 41lIC apttl I S DII %YOUTH, ." . BAVOIV—M hbda Bacon, hams, mdbe st;xl shoaldert, on bonsipmeat and for sale by apt( SELLERS /1. NICOLS O,OAP-70 bar largo box soap, an CINI•411. 1.7 moot and for sale by slrli SELLERS & NICOLS OPAL VARNISH-3 bbl. Copal Vo oirh No 2 taanufactored by Price& bleekeo, Newark. N J Console by —... SELLERS& NICOLE SEff—g i VO Knalycsrlnt: for le b r a oaery wood z 'ICE CREAM SAUCERS—% do r plain and gold .ll. hand Cana' lee Cream Batmen, far sale slow price by sin. W.. GILL & ourry CORN MEAL-13 1261. Corn Meal, part reed "d "te WICK k M'OANDI. • QALERATIIB-38 euks CJercland •Salerows, for utleby ap27 ' WICK &IWCANDL.MS. AGO:V-423p0l bog road,bar solo by B apT7 WICK k WCANDLESS NATHITE BEANS-40 bbl. frnb {lrbil., Bum, f y for sole by ap27 WICK a AUCANDLEM - - DOTASH-00 until prime for muffin - fo e .ale by *ice & M C IDOTATOFS—I3 bbl. for solo by WICK k M'CANDI.M9 M. 4.8.91- 6 6Db 80Iitaiise.; in store and Or .1. by .p 29 0 BLACKBLIKN &Co • • 0. SUGAR k.IIIOLASS.b...--160 bads N 0 Sam N 20:Ibbls blolasseK in store end for ule by sp29 . • ' . /AS A HUTCHISON ACo • CIOTrON-263 bales Mississippi Cotton, in store sod for sale by 1;0 JAS.& HUTCHISON keo VEACKEREL,2S bbla lassre No A fir sale los so AL slow, by apte IAS A HUTCHISON &Co us? REMVED-10 bbli Alcohol. nelS J KIDD & Co 014 mo , trlio 071711r&M771 TIETIWRI3 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY-1a doz Or ante by , • p 2 _ .1 KIDD & Co COPAL VARNISH-0 Dbl.& of Nett,Pork, Boston sod 11.1 Pittsburgh runuoissture, for sale by spilt J SCHOONMAKER tr. Co MADDER-2 calks Has qptdity for saVy splo • J SCROONMAKI.R k Co L .I 9 Y IO j BLACK-15 bblofax s i e.l iza A C 111 .7.0 T I F 2 bbl. "2 3 b ErCHOONMAKER lc Co DOTAIIII-43 casks ptime, just reed mod for oak by &NO AVICK 6 31cCANDLA5EI 'T OAP AND 1J In non and for ..Job bb ii b, , !! prime apd" , 13.40WN A CULBERTSON ARO OIL-10 bbls Brown's but, a very fine oil for for sale by J SCOOONMAILER k Co, 04 wood ot 11E554SEED-6 bbls jou reerfed u a i r a ff t r sall a by ALCOHOL -10 bbla bast reed and for Bala by aplo - R E SELLERS, 57 wood a 7 (tIGARS-30000 more of the Lo Veg a. and La faat . %) half Ithgathu, to alma and for let by • aplo • • P Cr MARTIN ii&CON 7 -10A00 . 1 - liTD•ron, bog ronktaTiailia on nonsigranonl and for sale by j9lO • ISAIAH DICKEY &Co I'ILOVER SEED-3 bbl •krWe by WICK k bIeCANDLI3B LARD -47 keg. No 14eaf Lard, O A . . a hl ymmis n plo , WICK lc Me CA TEM SKINS-41 mks Sr Ws by jJ splb WICK k MeCLNDLEBS (111 BA TOLIACCO7II bales w.appers and I lifers kj joss mc'd on consignment, _and to r ..1. /7 .P 6 MILLER & RICKETSON VELVET CORDS—An assOtIMIU of small and Lair ribbed. Verona .Cores, medium and One V.eilitrust c'Pe.F4 by sliAcm.grr k WHITE (la/TON—ad Wee prime, just reed ...a for lode by apet BrtowNk CULDEMON /PORN--6UI bushele Coro for Bale by_ oylo MCC & AIeCANDLESS . ICpE,AN6--40 bbls small white, 4at ..1 by aplo WICK & 11cCANDLES9 TITLY PEACHES .-4 mks for ado by npro IYICH & bIeCANDLESS I?LOUR-30 Lb!. extra Parolly Flour for mile by 101.0 WICK It MeCANDLESS 17!dOTUY SEED-4 tacks for see by WICK ft MaCANDLESS LAB 3-400 bs. 759, exl O and 10x12 Window Glass G bY ' ap7 JOHN GIVER IDEATIERS-16 socks toarrirolystiaiFontill6 ior web, .922 LSALts DICKEY &Co LARDOO.-10 bbla for We by 16.41 iI b USLIFILILDR ROE H 024 • • bl'Ola IitISHFIELEfi ROE RSPIN= BORAX, ElioLlsl4-437 Ms jut' mil sad s 6) bY 4 P 24 E SF" "4 r”- COMMERCIAL RECORD. C2:232321 I • "sui, ituWldo. I ..u.v. APRIL. 1 rises: 1 oats. I 411,e5. ph•aes... ' .. extairt.s, ..:, • 59 Eletardij, — 76 526 42 — l - 115 :., Pilot No 2, Kml " , L°°/ " 114 ' .. 30 gladder, 511649 :7 :2 Colorado, Gormly, St Louisl Monday, 510 050 Bas 1 Hiliernia No. 2, Klinektter, On. 2 Tuesday, . 6. 6 052 941 - Genesee, Hunter, Illinois river. 3 Wednesday, 5 7 661 10 47 4 Thursday, 5 6 654 11 w Yankee. Kearns, Cin. 5 Friday, L. 5 5 055 room Atlantic, Pa:lnman Brownsville. -- Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. • Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville. .Miehigin;Gilson, Beaver. I MOVEMENTS OP THESTZASISHIPEL Psi2pleasilastilings of thA British and North dateri eon liOyaklitail l Steasaships dawns Boston and Liveriisd, and between Nem YolizonlLirerpool, for 1545. Capt Jenkins " Lott Hib , rntai" Shannon Britannia,. " Lang " Stoue. Ni.,gara eapi Ryrie Canada, " Done.. Cambria, " Harrison Caledonia, " Leitch Harsh Suds, " Thompson arms= flit Toil AD UM , ..- ' Leaves LiverpooL Leaves New York. &grab Sanas Amerien • Cambria Hibernia arroPeas sowers AND warmer. ' : Leaves Liverpool. Leaves Boston. Acadia- • i May 3 BrUantria May 17 Caledonia' May 6. May 31 Niagara. • i May 61 June 14 PITTABIIRGH BOARD OF TRADE • COMMITTEE FOR MAY J. Cuturnins. J. I.lcFADsc . . W. W. WILLIAcr.., .ovvice Piroinstraou Gszorre, Tuesday Blaming, May 2, 1848. i. There was a considerable increase - of business at the wha l vf yesterday, but none of any impor Lieu through the city. Markets have undergone ,no material variation. FLOUR improved slightly—the offerings being very light. ; Sale. at the river, 150 bbls at 34,65, several smell lots at 34,62, 29 at 54,65. Soho thous wag0n,,54,0204,65; fi0nt1imre,454,75.64,51. The arrivals will be large to-day, as is usually the case on Tuesday, but no decline In prices can be Cal ciliated on,ll' we may judge Gorr the inquiries yes terday. BACON÷The only important sale rePorted was oris casks ittams at 5c end 12 lihds shoulders nt 3c, finis. months. An oder was made of a large lot on much tower terms, far cash, but not met; and the holder finally shipped. LARD—SaIe 10 bbls No. 1 at 51; the market is dolL MOI ' AS ES— Sale 23 barrels at 27c—Curren. oT. SUGAR-I—Sales 30 bbd at 23e, four mos. This we'd' en ankle pan termed prime, bat none of it .strictly to. - COFFEE—SaIes at EaS.t. ASHES-+Sale 10 cash ecorehings al4l, 4 mw, casks pots„ at 41. OW—Sales linseed at 57e, lard of 59e. WINDOW GLASS—SaIes 50 .1= Klaiber's SXIO at 53,31. This ineobsidered a pretty fair Ink cle of country glass, but not beet quality. CiTEM3E÷-Sales W R in a small way, at7o6c, aecordibg tol quality. It is 'earthy that so little attention should be given in the Securing of steamboat bands and pas verlifere against accidents, suck as that which we mention as baring occurred on the Eureka— For a few ddlas (five to ten at most) • pump can be placed on thEt boiler deck, in the washroom, or any where a b out a boat, and yet a number of per. sons are lost every year. in attempting to - draw .water in bucketa while boats am under headway. In fact, it in the most dangerous experiments winch an untirecticed hand can attempt. Human life should not be trifled with so heedlessly and steamboat mita should remedy this eriL The steamer Hibernia No 2; came in yesterday. al 2r. v., eodl , immediately laid up. Gen. Tom Thumb, with his petite menage, hones, drivers and footman, were among the most draiogvirhed parseesers.... EMOMLAM. Pecan.—The steamer Mt. Vernon, Capt. otint.v, depart to-day at 10 a. at, for Cincinnati, in lieu of the Hibernia No. 2, and will leave regularly for Cincinnati, on Tuesday, at 10 A. M. Horkjegpors—Per Skipper-72 bbd. bacon, 7 . bbls brief. J S Dilworth; 4 eke, cratei rap, Wick dc!McCandless; 36 stn rags. 4 boles cheese, D T Morgan & co; 11 hhd. bacon, 23 bbls tar, 3 do grease, 1 kg lard,l pet furs, 4 bbls beef. Bartley & Smith; 11' hhd. tobacco. John A Boe; 2 /Mils tobacco, LI Leech & co; 5 tibia potatoes! 9 do oorri, 6 legs lard, Friend, Rhey de co; 10 bbls wheat, John Voeghtly; 41 pea pump., IS do oopper pipe, 11 do castimot,!l at lead pipe, Booths. Whaling—Per Conant-36 bbls dour, owner aboard; 12 do, S MeClurkan; 9 reams wad paper, J Schoonmaker; 3 bzsi books, 11. Graf, 69 reams paper, S Hutchinson; 90 bundles do,S C Hill; 271 pea bacon, 67 1.22 s door, Oruro, McGrew & ea; 316 pea bulk meat, Church & Carothers, 10 !ibis floor, GOodatan & Son; 67 do, W Bingham; 49 do L Waterman; 4 tila and re, Hampton Smith & co,. 6 bbls apples, 13agaley tir. Smith; 46 bbls flour, .J Mo. Paden.' Traash Riper—Per Yankee-29 dos hides, Bis sell Sc Sample; 'p by ludze, 11 & P Graff; 1 do W Binghain; 4 Weil Deer Skins, w II Holmes & Bro; 11 Ws' sugar, $ & W /loitered, s,eases, 5 bdles cast steel, Lyod, Shoes & co; 1 Mid, 1 bbl hams, Graff;l3 hhdti ahoulders, 1 bbl hams, McGill, Bush field & Roe; 611 Mids bacon, Trustra& O'Connor; 25 do, .1 Jorian do Soo; 56_knorpig iron and pipes, H . Childs) 111ariecto—P4r Comet-3I bbl. pork, 10 bids, 22 kga lard, I Dickey & co; 1 oak bacon, Ragaley& Bmicb; 2 4 sks oats, 2 bids bacon,6 bbls flaxseed & bean.: aka corn, Tammy & Beat; I be, H Grail; 3 Mulls tobacco, .I' A Roe 29 bl)els, tobacco 21 kga lard, SO bbls beef, 5 bb li besta4trum, M cGrew 5: co; 31 hhds tobacco, 21x4 DaLeech di co; 9 birds bacon, B do tobacco, 1 bbl eggi; I bbl lard, R Bal een; 50 reams Paper, Wick and McCandless; 21 clos Moron, 25 hbds tobacco. 79 bbls lard. 75 kgs do, 5 Isis feathers, 4 boa, 12 rolls leather, W Bingham; 50 reams papas, Goo A Reny; 50 do Burbndge, Wilson & no, 9,sks tanners scraps, B A Faboes. took; bbls cage and oats, owner. aboard. Cwwineari—Ter Pilot No. 2-125 boa potatoes J Mitchell, 50 bbls whiskey, H G Vickrey,26 bhds bacon, 51 Grail' 48 bbis whiskey, IC Watson. 90 b. soap, Daltel4 3 hbas 64=11,906 canra.ed ham., Tanta & O'Connor; 2 old bellr, Andrew Fulton; 12 bhda bacon, J Jordan & Son; 24 blida and 24 boa bacon, Clarke nod Thaw; 82 bbl. btu., 5 cks ba. con, 13 'A Sanuisoo, & co; 7 hhds bacon, '7 bids pc. tathes, Wick & McCandless; 3 hlids bacon, M Leech A: Son; 25 toot pig iron, NI Allen de co. • Lafaileue—Per Elocka-23 hhds bacon, Spang & co; 30 ban Ainerican 011, C Ihmsen; 129 bbls pommel, owner aboard; 12eke, 1 bx bacon, D Leech dcri:l bales skins, W B Holmes& son; 11 Mils laid Gib. II 'et Fahnestock & co; 3 cks cable, Owens* Johnston; 30 bbls grease, 30 Mu]. beans, Clarke & Thaw; 200 kgs lard. It Oakfonl & tax 10 bbls lard oil Jas Mizell; 2 sks,b bales skins,l4 bbls 4 slot, 2 Las sundries, 5 bear *kiss, Poindexter & as; 3 bbls lard, I bx, I kg, 2 sks wool, 2 aka feattv en, Itagaley &ISmilh; 5 ban &1. ask bacon, 4 bbls Seorchiags, 1 db bud, 1 .ck kathers, FL Dairen; 5 Ws lard, 2 do eggs, 5 bas & 1 hhd bison, limp. ton, Smith & co. Cusebindari—Fer Colorado-2 bids beans, Shona belger; 9 hbds,de 1 tierce ;AO, Welliagind, 4 bbl beans, 1 kg cotyee, 1 do sugar, Forsyth & Duncan., 2 cks Quoenirwars, It Dunlap, 1513 pes bulk pork, 21 cks bacon, 1 !bx. do WB Holmes; 105 bbls hams, Clarke & Thair, 19 hhds bacon , 40 bxs,4o bbls ha con, MCCullough &Moore; 1 bk, 2 lulls deer skins, D Leech & co.i. • • runi—rer Mt. Vernon-9 bbl. old iron, Church'& Cat:skiers; G 5 pas Bacon, Bstraley & Smith; 278 bzWilo, Wallingfonl & co; 1 Mid do, Poindeiter do ob 5 kg. skins, 1 tierce horns, W Bingham 5 lizs, 2 bre traps I Dickey, 2 bbds to coo,l bb l. hamk, Jas A Hutchinson & co; 81 boo soap, S George,' 10 bbls moor oil, B Fsbnestock; 25 hbdiliams, 14 Graff, 23 bbts hams, Wallingford & co; 27 birds sisoulders,J Jordoo & ion, 20 bbl. lard, F FahnestOck; 60 bbls whiskey, W Lebmer; 14 do do A J BOnnett; 10 bbds bacon, J & J Mc- Devitt, G hbds tobacco, to order; 4 hhds bacon, H Mitchell 10 bales cotton, Brown & Culbertson. MT Citizen. ire honorably assured that . the foßo _vr iU 11 . 7 i : ' ll:s c t i o U rt i ti q v "il e. ' ge r ; 1 3 11;r * our " WT,T, they cannot these highly respectable eitizetts, who have tried it I• Mr. Geo. Beckett, O Elm tt, York. Mrs. }giants Reeves, hlyrde a nue, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Toinpkins, L i b s now York. Mr. Thomas Jackson, ES Liberty st, Pittsburgh. lI.E. Cullen, lite barber steamboat S. Amenca. And more than a hundred others state, though this must suffice, that it will (mead,. hair to 'crow on the head or face, stop it falling off, strengthen the roots, removing scurf end dandmf from the roots, and tnaki red or gray hair awning • fine dark 'look, and keep dry, . Lech v er y hair moist, *MB , clean and beoutl al, • very, very long time. Sold at WIS. JACKSON'S SP Liberty ot. j • Emma ' Amber Tooth Puts: TD-t will make your tlesth sweet, whiten your teeth, tee.— Bold at . • • movledkerlY rIOTTON-0 b,aloa lima - fog Conan, fa, solo by , •P 29 FRIEND, RHEY &Co_ ;; _,: . miiii i a l EEMil DCMA:BII-t3 eesk • j unt teed :Ind FOr tee by pti, R ROBISON h Co calf pun 'tinter bleached go4n.; d r 4 bblo Crade; 3do Tannots'; store_ Co_ solo by 5.23, 0 BLACKBURN C__ P • - ITCiI AND tAR-10 bblo Pitch: 4do Tori is mord and for sole fly aptri BLACIODDNA- • TRPENU TINE-10 bbls Sp.. yorpentine: lustrne• and foraald by • ap2B 4 KIDD& Co FATHERS-.2i ryas to ...rive; for sale by F .0 7 % -ISAIAS - I DICKEY & Co front st HEE S E -48 bow just reed and for sale by C .544 BP YON BONNIIORST & Co ▪ Pll3/s—l natio fresh Turkey, for sale by • aplsl SCHOONMAKER &CO QPANIBEI WHITING—CD bbls sum; for 'We by ►➢9 o ISAIAH DICKEY k Co. PORT OP PITTSBURGH. :31 ear wanipt L c DEPARTED, Philip Doddridge, Moore, Zanesville. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. J. J. Crittenden, hraeh St Louis. Beaver, Clark, Steubenville, Euphrates, Calhoun, Nanliville. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan, Gibson, Beaver • Baltic, Jacob., Brownsville. ED - Yellow Teeth and putrid breath, Spongy puns Like rotten death, Is repulsive and disputing. All could have teeth . white as 1, Sweet breath—hard gums—man or NVity delay!—nan quickly ham , And ate boa o ffkones` Tooth Paste. It costa but SS cents, and Is really a beautiful articl It gives the teeth a fine emmeL Sold in Pittsburgh 59 Liberty at., uovtDd&wty May 10 May Q 4 fIY . Men never attempt to counterfeit a worthless truck, hence valuable medicines are frequently imita ted. The kl - nya who counterfeits n medicine commits as great a crime as if it were a bank nom or the coin of the United Plates. TI A Felniestock's Vermifuge, which is the only safe Mid certain cure for worms; has been counterfeited in many sections of the country, and persons should be on their guard when purchasing to get the genuine ardcle, prepared at Pitwburgh, Pa. spat IErTo nix HALT AND Lawn—Cortutoek's Nerve and Bone . Liniment and Indian Vegetable Flizir, in the most effectual cure for Rheumatism. Soh! by WM. JACK. Si IN. Agent for Pittsburgh. • no. tediknefon: PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1948. For Philade/phin every evernn9 at 9 o'clock, by -Leach's Packets. Office opposite the Baited' States Hotel. Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10 a. ab Pissenger Packet via Brtronniville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 a.a. and r. a. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 0 a. a. Ind 121 r. Westenraud Southern Mail Coach Line, 0 a. a. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. xt. Erie sod Western New York, daily, 9 North-Eastem toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, •, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. Sulam Ain't via Philadelphia due 3 A le, close. 12 s. iYestli it Cinein. & Louisa due BP. Itr, closes 5A at South. viallahirnore &Washington, due 8 r.r. cr. AO. North western via Cleveland, due 10a. r, close. Y A.lll. Erie and Western New York. due 8 r. r, closer 8 a ra great confidence phyeicians nave Li D. TAY LOWS BALSAM OF LIVERWORT, proem i laminable efficacy. Dna su—ln several cases 'of consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, spitting blood, and,other diseases of the lungs nod liver, 1 have made use of your medicine, and I am happy to say it is indeed a valuable specific, and one I am pleased to re rod to all atflicted with Pulmonary complaints. It is extreme folly to neglect ccough in its first stages. As a spark al fire will oc asion a peat coutlagration, so may a slight cough, easily cured at first,end by neglect In consumption and death. If any dung is wanting to prove the effica cy of your healing remedy, need only observe I have tested Its wonderful eurative power and in sill ense• it has proved successful, I will say e r o those suffering with coughs, colds, sinning blood. pain in the side, pthma., he. &A, 'tar cm." Respectfully, P. BUCHANAN, 11. D. PROM DR. RODGERS —udif a general remedy for diseases of the Lung., I ain fully suusbrd, from long expenenee. them is us. Meillelue equal to Or. Taylor'. of Ideerwort. Being putty regetable,lt can be used with the tattoos* suety by all persona." CONSUPIIMON AND DYSPEPSIA CPP.P.IY,— Having beencored, or the . distressing comp:ands, winch bad carried me to the .ergo of the grave, by Dr. Taylors Balsam of Liverwort, from 7l hkekumn n., I consider dmy duty to make it publicly known, in the hope of benefiting others. That it saved my Life I do not doubt—ht I could not oat, and was daily de clining, until I was amere skeleton. I bops this will induce any one tudieted to try it,eapecially giber love life and health, and want to be cored. It to of wonder. fal ethc.y. ROBERT D. DONO, Jr, CONIC: Oak and Pearl street. There Ls no sorer test of the value Man article than its constant demand. Thu. Dr. Taylont Relearn of Liverwort for thirteen years has stood the test, and is now the people's (aroma remedy for cougha. colds, and dimes. of tha Loess. gold in Pittsburgh by .1 1) Moran ` 93 Wood se 3' Townsend, 43 Mader H smyser, or Market and sts; Hendenion & Co, &Liberty at. Pnce reduced 111.30 per bottle. . myl a 'Liao. Bedford. Pa Rom Imoosoako,lodiana P. KING & 21001tillt AD, Cuos W Tis i lionle E r gi an la d i c . :le w r:l 9 l 7 l2:Pa d e ,Psnaburati Nlausdietares, cornelof ttle Diatom:lJ and Diamond alley ridaborgb. alataandlS—Dr• Stmds d Bard ergo. pnnthargh. .Riebar, on. Jos.Mormon, Rich. S. Ellson.Es. S- Loin.. Sm., Drum, Ilan, Green atm rgb 'F. GemmiLl &Co PlidaddOnn. , Ntilliken.t LeVItiIIIAVII, Pa. • J. Reamdr, non wm. J. Dougherty,' I Redford Ntulhollan & Ray, Illairsvika. apn w&serT FANCY DRY GOODS. • SEAMAN & MUIR, 191 Ilroad.or. 21• w York, - IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of Silks, French piin ,ll, hed ua.l n. Barest. Erribroiderie. no Shawls. Illieiery, Glover, Lawn.. Bombazines, AND ALL OTIIDR 4 A filETlk:s OF FANCY GOODS: They lente coning" Sereluits, vomits Near York; toexamine their stock before making their purchase. Mr. Moir was for many year. of the hooey of A. T. Stewart ik Co., nom which he retired on the la of Jew 164.1; grid Mr. Jame. (Mk... (wto had rio origruo rn the buainess,l was also lasorabty known's!, that ellen . hello:Len. inartitg:p IN the Orphan's Court for the County of Philadelphia. In the mallet of th e petition of the estate of KG. OMIT MUKTLAND, deed. The Micrahoeing made return to the writ of toque.t asavdell in the case. •ppraised the estate therein de. scribed, at the sum of Wuxi. tilt motion Of Jellies Ilan. ea. req., the eourigreuttcd a rule on en persons niter. ested, to come into court on Enday, the 191 h day of May, A. D. 104 Y then and there to accept or refuse sold real