li= ESTABLISHED' ll 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. LAPE/Lsl.k Cr oft Hide ak3i!l LoaUm Devi.' ohn finer Pitisimib, UM . k Co. t hlladelphia: Coimignmetus Of Western Leather alid lib and advances /nide, if few:Lira. febbblm ATWOOD, ts, JONES Co- Commaitori arid Pan Joll: warding Merchanhave mooned to their Ord.- mad, Wasor and }lout !meets, Piueburgh. - octal rumascx hill's, &WU& Dan. &MPS & REFER, Wholesale /Lott Retail Drug , comet ot'Llbefty and IR CWr streets, Pitt. Unk• Pa. natty/4 • • a. CMSlar•OS,' IL MAN. aowx t - comEirsoN, Wboluolls Grocer., -' and Comogssloo chants, No. It S, Liberty wiEerrock& co., whoionio .4 so gee* comer Wood sad 6th sts. .151 EMM2EiMI 'ULTY a Co., Forwarding and Cum. idatcharda Canal Basin, Finabargh Fa. raela loss.r. /maim; • fat w.ltatis. Co., Itlaotkractorors of •fings and Alla% A. LI. and Spriog ors u Conch Trutooings of owe • (Slot) Go Su Clair st Warehotous 43 to Slt Cluwje. Hotel - • jasr4., rIOLEAIAN Canisia • lmegidi• d ocripion„mau I MAUD U c..LTON Whotored Grocer, eau • • VYVALT GEBILILRT, Cirobers, deal brc b Produce and Pgrullorth Atanufatutres, cor n. of Libert and Hand Piuslasea. tebt7 I wss.-t iia wan t. aszncerr. 111 ME 0L•14.11.k. 201}:rr, (law English, G.Uagh ess f Go.) Wholesale Wooers, Cooususahso end Id .yrardow atelmons, eoA dulera Produce .ad Pius. burgh hlandaetdres, No. al Wood se, between :4 and 111st:este: • . 7; 1. nary, am sort, ruin Woo:, LitLEKLN LIBBY B. Co, Wholesale Grocers Co, mind Cosmos/um: Merchants, and Agents Bit Brighton Yaros, Nos. 07 Waterford leo Front sla, slur FTlLUbil4"rano Fans Idanufantaret and dealer in insuantenda, txs Wood ay war sd, .fiatiatmaa, wia a r T r.Delraud Brus Ro unders ond Cu Ittla Frout, betwOon sod sod Badthdold atrocts, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ulghest 'pries given 6r old Copper and Brass. mut ' ' inznieurtcm rut & o•• Co unk. nOtS ,111. 14 1110 HA. Arlt.XL W. *hi Tit & Ca, - }kawers, Masters, sad 4 A„,lr dealers ht , Reps, Pittsburgh ud ,koint apassies, Pun sad Pim u. • , • •Js4 . _ filllo6oli COCHRAN, Ccsuralsam eid Po" ilershaut, No. 20 Wood street. Piusburgh."rthj tali WA" BRUNOT, White and lied Lead Maim- APIL Cactus?, Paint and Oil Merchant, cower of Lib. • and Wilms as Pi • .jeta T BRYAN, '8A:m.414 Distiller, and. Wholesale! U. dealer in Foreign and. Dmesne: Wines and Li. goon., Na 111 Litrerty MAsat, bud 33 Diamond Alley ridebarga, - jrl7-4ly JOliN C SMITH—Bed l'arner. Shoestber pre Iron Works,Entsliergh. Inns Manafacturere vtta4Hnllio6DWl bled..., at Pinebargh, are re apectfally =meths can. Taming tigerish emulate and despatek_thiere TAMES S MeCUISE, llatehf theirs:sof Mach and U MeSdna,) Merchant 7uior, St. Charles! Sanduars, Thud mar: w • Pivabe . • J - 1 1 1F 4 sal Agmats ' l or Ile St; L Coy ows Steno Soo L M Refixtery. Coo. 45 losto luta= from susetv,itiusbargh. TOM S. DlLWORTH—Whnicrala Grocer, Pro t, duce and coanniasion Nail 't, No. 27, Wood ac, Vasa/pa .h. • Jana •JTOHN-D. DUDDAN, Who!oaalo Dp4 . listoind deal ") or La Dya etas, ramuy•Ods, Vaud. N 0.93 Wood Mei n oisatoor &anti of Dlatamad bur. h. TASID3 & Cat, lattettinar io.bustpl, 0. Laeit,Jbeip lbendler&B Waite sue.. oval TOUN kL. MEUAB, Wholcsala and Retail dealer Meta and Musical bastrunteett, School boy., Paper. Sluts, Neel Yens, Quills, Printers' Csedsjend 'Stationery genteelly, lao. el Wood st., Pittsburgh, jp. Her nought or taken iu Mule. • j .yl5 T. 5C11001 , 13/AKUL & C4Wboliallos . No. VA %Viol weei,!Piusbargb. 1* "RINI JORDON & SON, 0. warding bterelmats, No. a Libtri r (oppiNdt - L,.*bosiukliekl l dam • soles Row.. • 4111,5 KEffffiM ":".101/NEMOii J.; STOCILTON,,Bookseller., Printer. ' riper Manuincturers, 44 Market ba led T.,L BEAUS Book Sion., 4th, mesi Idadrot Woe; OCtossioWitooLoskil, lama% mKlXothodus. Books and Buitionorr. W. 11011E6'ISON T ...bp:4.p, cornet of Wood aud ot; Oterehautt, 'baudßoildsop, litObtargit, Ya. - • , I . Carzauey soolued at dtiosaal rum' octll. ' • 'TOM Grocer, dealer' isPro , 29 fui dote; Pitubiugh .1122949.etaraa, Tui de. ~IS2. 921 Libant9ayivaburgh. led . k. R. FLOYD, (iaie 7. Floyd & co,) Wholesale U+oeen,Na W2.l.ibany ascot. ' ups TAMES DAL*k.t.t. Wholesale bracer, Cerumiseion 1,1 Marshall; add dealer hi Xtedueelnd Pa:share, Atiaafsetams. Ziel.M NV Wet rduaarglt. • Jaalli Vezina's. Irost:Works; • , • LENLYZ.=,Fri,4—jac.l.trsoilaioallbet ..Wiry. VI areletues, /4 win! aud lituout • k $ WATERMAN, Wtioletale Grixer,FonwarAL i impuadecuonaission Merchans - 14aleriu BISIIIIfselliCe• and Ptoduce, Nos: al Water :E.', trip & 11111111:1N, Wholesale tisanes., For • • einnfittratul"Ccenusiestan Aturebatile, dealers In 1 13 . 5 Pituburet Manufactures, roe. 12 and 135 WOOd *LI Pi/LBW/P. IL/EB.CER, BROTHERS.' • l l, • .I=p, Phdodelph* for We 4,lpnaclueeire • ~W. a. Worts, ,S. s. scsamis, onus= c. am • cIALL, BUSIiFILT.I. I Ic JIVE, Wirolestio G rocers ' sad Com odadou Alsrcassta s N. Atli Liberty st., E i._ rt. asiiri,.. :. 'III3X. Abaco, . A • war.....stracs.. • .ALLWIT is."tro., (;Loo ials . sud.,Forrrszdist • li, • ilareinuna, - . SYStor Isla Frost iss., - lessors . _____ , IliCkETSONOnokusla Groiers aad I Oaconsiulou ateselums, No7l.7l.Liber7 •' IuteCORD Wliolesian'ininititiirllin mind ALL. cnp Mantuicties, and &akin in Fanny Flllh cones ea Wood mid Finn ma.• intut- EOLM . ir: SON,' 140.• 55 Market in:, 'second door ere* Inner of Font*, denten In Forehp. • q u i d . elenteette Ilithiorklzehange,l.tennestesof Depor 0, - Bonk Notes end !Specie. . • - irr end on all: the -Feiticipitt • • t the United Staten dealt .130INDEXTElt ONVhdleiale Groom and Cam. r mission sad Om ifdreladuttiNo. 41. Wales p o otterreort ;4‘ftkrelorr nwen • c. u±:. ; , ithacds, /10. lUD &COWS BUYCI, T T. EEC 1 lon and Dialer id ÷.„...44"40 , ; t o r ._ 2 ...! , / thadvrars and P114,1011k. ; riPU O .; NO. /23 Wood #:CLIAtta BARD, Whalpihs ‘134. Retail Dealer in s Loathe 011onaceo, fsbanntakesn' Tans and Find- Tnsuatd • Cutlers. T• No: OD Wood - - , memos, MYLG SOB and Commission Merchurts, Ind lks,iers argil MarraisFirm,No.ltu, Liberty , - Yiusoo,gb, ArIBERT DALZELL & Wholesaler Green, Coaselwarnand Forwarding Derehanta, dealer u Froduco rod Da:tabu:3k Manufacurres, Lineny et Finsburgh, pour. A:'.CUNNII , I6IIA*,' 151tol , tsale °weer, I.)SYNOLDH& Forwarillag ai§l Comminion Alsraanyilor the Allesheny Ulm Trade. deal ars Omen., Producs, eittsbodsti bismuseuur, . Ma. MI las. ~111•14:ra;rticei esab, pald it all dines far'eotu nkp. Cotner of Ye= and Inria jantr3 Co, COnigninTikin - • in, I Dealen in llonr, " 4-"*P"" Laid, li;n: 11AQuzcx wurrE, whou.k. rondip and Droortio Dry Goods. No, OD Wood sr. tW. LIAIALGLI, 1 . 1 . 0 X 0 . . 1 blerctiNgiy W.lsr n. r Vim. Q AMI, PLUTALEY..Ik Cu, iholesafe Grocen and A 7 Podse•4lll4m,,Ne.2.l:ll)Ltuks!nrces,betvreask fat • emtillk. Nora ode; YhiladelDkia.' . Aunt), •1' C. HILI:oi,:to & 'Llirowneabapor • tu:! ., ..( p i`apFT , Ltz 9t l ` - ',..:417 Wood 444 PLUsbut, sags aleus •• pure. Wed Ota "glum sialkat price. 114 1111TO11OIL ' 10101114C1101.14 ausrulaa a-NICOI4 Prutaa. and (AuerarCom- Lnia.kon Me t1:4111241, NOOila 17 Liberty et; Pittsburgh. Linseed arid Lard Y. VON LiONNHONST, h. Co, Whedeiale Geo , •• stars; Faileardirty sad - Otanadasion Merchants, he !Pittsburgh Mannteenuee end Western Pro .. have moven JO their SICW warehottactold stand) _ syet Una. otPront ea and Chancery Lane. • • KIER., , For/culling mild- Can:minion :44 , 1 .4 1, Puler rroduea and Piwburgh atauu • • Akin, C.llllll Hu* Deer 1,4 . :rM&RCA Wholesaler (Nom. sod Commie Wn rebtOlootsid Piodnea. No. 95 4. - - - M: ft nem; Arut for ioldiara and . 4 ptomainplimsolls, at tho mhos o( Wsta Aux ismiokballtllavi, 4th at, Mahwah. My i4tot=tWelit: . %4=und o= 4 i a 4.411.. - ISE 1 CARDS. liffl3oEN—Comsmasion and Forwardirig erchant, %V lia .FrouLst between Wood and Market stnlela. - feb24 JOS, D. DAVID IrCIAIDIJOIV AIME .SCCANDLFISS, (siteeessors to & J.D. yv Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealers in 1100,111mila, (dm, Cotton Yarn(, and Pittsburgh hientufactures geuendly, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh. ‘ u ' l ' i:= Ch tit,l4..lrLAlVrt;TZ k rlF ' tar mar 25 WM. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy sod &mule . 3 Goods, No. 71) Market street, Pittsburgh. n0v1.417 W WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry liy, S il ver Ware, Goods, de., No,. b 7 Mar bet at. . . . noY7 R. ISURPRS, Wholesale and Retail dealer I . Foreign and Domestic Dry Roods, aorta sax comer of Market and Fourth Bra auclt --- TitARRICK MARTIN & Co, Bankers, Dealers In Exchange, Bank Notes and Coin, comer ot Third alai Wood alreeu, Pittsburg nositastly_ WO. nrao, no. 1. woo.. UAI. YOUNG 2c Co.—Dealer. in leather hides, &a. I43l,lbeny ' nan&ly IS • 3. ree'ers, Reetifyiug and Wine an d ` Liquor Merchants, aim, Importers of Soda A.b and Biennial Powder, No.loo Liberty st. Pittibusgh, Pa. jeusllY ILACUL., • • 011.0.110 Z Z. 30N 0 . rh 24/..A - C 'UMW L Co.,lVludesaln• (ironer. and V • dealers in Ods, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Man. Wantland articles, bare on hand, at all times, a MU and general assortment of goods in their line, Watar meet, slew Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. 0013 JOHN AL TOWNSEND, Druggist and .000... Ts No. 43 Market st., three doors above Third se Pitta-• burgh, will have countautiv oo baud a well selected Ea.' ,sortment of the best and treabest Medicine., which he will sell on the mom reasonabli mrms. Phymeraus sending orders, will he promptly t ended foouldsup plicd•wida ankle. they may rely pea as genuine. • WYr Physician. Prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best matdrials, at any hear of the for night • . Alsostale, a large stock of fresh and livid ?We pal IDAGLE COTTON WO R/LS, Pittsburgh, altmufac la' tare Colton Tarn, Candle Wick, Halting, ,Twine, Coverlet Tura, Carpet Chain, Warps, && KINLY.PENNOCK & Co.• • Hammon:lm to Arbuckle hi Avitry,)' lad:- Proprietor*. ALEDOUX CO., Na. 'll Canal street,pfew O. s leads, Agents. for J. B. Ammon. Euensive teems Sugar Refinery: Always on bard a large mock of Powdred,CCatifi B a irnnd Basudd Sugars, in Tees dHa A Also, /louse Molasees. Brie li " ben]; an r d ' a Mk allowa nce made o miles of or ;Lee SU barrels. o meLll • GM. W. SMITH k Co, Brewers, blasters, and Hop Dea.if-U, Bitultorgh stud Pant Brewers, cur. ner of baker's Alley and Yew. 'street, and foot of at, IMmburgb, Nonensahela:Livery Stable. 1101.1Ekr FIAITERSON has opened the large stable on First sh running through kl dewed sh between Wood and Hinithfield sta.., In We rear of the Monongahela Laosqq with au entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of We hest quality and latest styles. Horses. kept at live. ry N the best wanner. • HWHY • , T. B. BISHOP, Yebermery Surgeon, e. be (mewl at his Horse Shoeing Entabbshroctit, near bt. Clair easel Bridge, Imely oecuried /Va by . Messrs. Carr & Bo wts nr2dGem. .11i. EATON; Dealer in 'Paintings and Variety Woo al en Good Va rna s, Tormand o is W .She rstds, Bourina, 11, Ivory atm Dom Combs, T4pee, tirades, to., Pio. OA Market street, batmen mond and 4th at., Pittsburgh. • .iY25.11 MEW SIDDLEBY lABBWAB6 LITUBB, 'R. T. LEECI-l i •JR_. NO. 133 WOOD BT.. P13 , 311u - Ii.GH. 1)11 - AVING replerdahed mg stock - from the best mn -31. eey both denteine and foreign, 1 take pleasure in nrumeriemg to consumer. and dealers, that 1412 pre. pared to famish themirith ale goods be my line; oat still Letter terms than heretofore. • Boyers will remlleet that dealing "meleximly" it Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trimmiev, 1 obtain thereby, &drainages that enable me to Otp.mpai. con. • Call, see, nod lodge for yourselres. • apt? rrnesausaw. gres4. AVORKS ArilThlNO =BM= • JONES & qviao, • - • Itra..NIIFACrUILERS of 'piing wad blister plough steer, steel plough wings, coach and dip.. l e nsprings,lautotered iron astei, and dealen in mat euthiga, fire It hoops, and coach trimmings K ierally, isomer of It,. and Front sta., Pinstitr, aPILICIN TEA. STOILIZ.—Zio. 74 Fourth et, neat ttufputlyt rof Green mud . Mack, done op to quaner, Jug sad pootd.paelictget, ;in; from AI N.:per pound 31,5 U. jyt ' A. JAYNL,S, AV. lot Pekin Ten Co. . _ LAW. OFFICE . VOL TIAIIiI.I.IT, _ATTORNEY AT. LAW. Beater, Ya WiLL also attend to collations and all °thee bust apa ettuntatad tonna to linslat and Arlit•trOrrt ,eunaties,Pa. levier to • Mord, 4011.140114 Jam Saahall, Pinal;aegh. dip • 'Esq.& Co, Wood a 4 ) jan7 02=t=1 T ittabc4iced by the Caret -11 nor of Pennsylvania to. tato aeknosrledynenl O( 'all 11110.1112.0411.• of srials, alio affidavits and deposi tions of persons in Ohio, to be sued or recorded in Pennsylvania: Office, two doors east of the Mayor's Ul,, Cincinnati, Ohio: EDWARD C. MANCH, ossyliblandsrly•T Attorney at ELLMAKEII,I ECK Y & CO., ~ FLOOR BACTORB, _ .. And General Commission ➢ Mareliantap N 0.13 Sono !Amex STIACZT. . • • . ' , YILILADELPIIII“.' REFERENCES—U.IT drag' & Co, PhieburgiA , Rodgeri Y. Sherlock, I,j an .„.. &Schooley & Sou, $ --- . , A. M. I.uszi, ilayanlle. Charksllseham, Jr., Lonleville. . .. Dinah; Humphrey/I & C. 1 Merceralro. & Co. !hand's Ron! & , ,Booiler, ' . eplally Dinillo & COWiIICIT, New lurk. GEORGEicocunear. Commisaloivand Vlrwardlrag Marehaart. ao.LS O. pi., ITlllllll[Oll, . - • . floitilPitik ZEI Anomie! • general Catlll3lo#o . bll,l - ,!•, • • '• • • ~,, ... ~,,,„,... 1.,J Den, especially ill disposal*. sod sale of Ameri .l.).w.l-17,, BELL, Ai .,,... y . . L.,,,,., odes h„ earl hanufaciures nod Produce, sod In receiving sod Stesrare• Building, Fourth a., second door above fortranling Goods 'coodgegil to h ie care. As Agent ler hood „„„,.....,,, ~... , „ the ldiusuisetures, he 3•1111J0 nnusionly supplied tvith. t. 7, - ;cal. -- n - i„,„.„ to b, p i,"„„i , A , dui prineva/ articles of Pilaburgh !Ashcans. ult. knowledgarenis °Mena, nod other basun:anti of esti- lowest wh.iml. Prices.! OW.n sod noaigOonents Ling, to be rued In Minoan..' - , , a v a.a., are renwerfally policiwd. i 0 i 97 a. ii,attLzams, , , we. to stoner .... ,,,,, J. .. __ 1 :,.., - _a. x.xorLuasose. j B. InWEITZ ER, Attorney at Law, office ad st y • opposite St. Charles BA L.!, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Payette and Green eonnties, Pa. - - Black.tock, Ball &Co., Mudd. dparotkerk 11hualtergh. • • D. T. Morgan,_ I? J. •lIENILY, Attorney and Councellor sit Law, CinenteM, Coi,lections in SonecemOltdo, aud in India., • and In Kentucky, promptly md care fully attended to. Conustimoner Jur the State of Pena• syleuron, tb taktu; 'Depositions, acknowledgments, Rani To—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, earth:Mara & Carothers, War. Hays, Egg., Winne& & Laws. old 6.;aWNN,.(unecoaaon rOlo7rtleTta W. Withama.) Anorno%s and Counsellors iat Lau, Office IsOrthaida Of Fourth street, above SznithfioLL land/flab. - , DUNLOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Meet on Smithfield, between Jd and, 4th sta. • 'IOW/WARD & WARTZWELDEZ Attißrief • 4 A: Law, have removed their tame to the booth sole o• Fourth st., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. aptlti., • TOSENI XNOX , Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa, •J' bas resumed the prude/301*M. profession ut his of ace, Na 7, hlakeorelPs Ifunding*, thaw al- occupied, 'during LL IlldiCtiet, by T. J. rligham and J. Christy, grestkertf JOILY L. GALLATIN, Attorney aj Law, Orme on 4th st., between Grant and !Smithfield, !South side, Yalsbarsk, P. - ill also attend promptly I Wasiness in the 1,-itins commies. twa*.ly 0.:1C. ROBINSON, Attomej at Law, has re • moved his °Lee to th e Exchange Balldinga Quest., nest door to Alderman Johns. aptly 4th Oft.LA D a u MIS, Attrn oey at Lave, offt llly ee on street, bove amithrtehL ap 111SURANCE. FIRE AND MAILIND INSINtAINCEe r ' ...—.. c.....,..., N'Nerilt Asnenea, term:rah as duly atabotized Agent, the subtetiber, oder, 10 tbekapertuaueut'and limited lemmata oat property - OA this city toad iIS vicinity, and ou ettipmeuta by illo'Ca nal and Rivera. ' DIRECTOR-4 ' - Arthur G Coffin, Charles Taylor, bona W. Janes, - Asebteee While, Ndleard !Smith ' Jacob M.Tboutas, - - - Jobil.A. Brown, -John H. Neel, John White, - . • • StchustrD. Wood, now. P. Cope, VVIn. Welsh, Samuel F. Suitt, ' , entice Hoskens, Austin Antall°, . B"mell''''''' S. Au Ilya U. curry.;,,Yreal. ll.= D. tintesseno, SW> , —i.. This le Use olden butunince Company In the u Bones, basing been damned In INA • Its elm:tiels perpetual, and from its high standing, long eg enence, = e : c =:: 4 r 'e'db r 'lli'of be' tLet, II ma ; considered rorero g oos. ple security to the puhhc. 'blitS/19: - .A.TIVOOD, .At the Cosoal.4 ..m of Atwood, /wits is . Co., Ws • ter and Frost sweets Pitteenttgb.- .i: '', ." feta; • DELAWARE MUTUAL INIDDAINCECrit jOHN.PIPINEV.., Jr, Agent at Pittsburgh for Me Del-. e, aware hintuaY.Safety Lumen= Company of Phila.- adelphia. Fire Risks upon budding* and merebandixe of ever, description, and Atari= disks upoff buils'or urgoes of *easel.; mien upon the most favorable Gino. • • 11.7. Offme in the Warehouse of W. 8.1• k Bm, h 0.37 Water. near Market .tree, Pitahunox 13. The emcee. of this Company clue the emelt lialmteut of the Agency in Min city, witit• ibe prompt ness end liberality with which every claim upon than 'Patios& has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage elide friends and tit( comatanity at large to ibe Delaware M. S. Inem wince Company,. while It boo die additional advantage, tut 11112 institution among th e most HOUrisbillg rhilantl - having en Maple paid-in upnat, which by the operation - of Psi charter 1S cosmtantly la eteasi.g, Yielding to each persbn insured hie due share et UM profits of the company, without in_ volvi n g ban to oily rerponsibllity.wrhatever, and therefore as posse sing thellutual principle divested of every obnoxious fee- Wit, rind in its most attractive lona. novd PRANKLIN:RUIN INIIIIDANCE CO.: .1114 Franklin tin insurance Company, of Ibia, will Wake Insurance, permanent and named nu Geary description or property, In. Pldsborgh and We nanclusling cosoruy, on ntsorable wont This cola= patty ha. • perpetual cbancr. Capital, *MAO paid in. Coalmen; Fttnd Salty.aA Mice corner of Thi , d and Market Meets, rtusbursit. ' .WARRICIL MART N, latsuractee. TIMM underailned,doly auttronsed Agent oldie Amer. .lean Fire Insurance'Company ol Philadelphia, comb:nes to enact. inlltlf•Delf epilog low or . dawage against tire, on building% snercuandise, furniture and property, not extm barardow, is WS city nod rieinny. •01 4 ." el/CUBAN, Stt wood 01! THE IMBSCHILIEIt has Woo appointed Agent pro Ottb tomato:mg Company of North eunartea, will tsaaa . Polteica and attend to du:father Lugar. *MA Agency. 'at Uu M1L10011241 of Atwood. Jonas tr. Co. via. WAL P.JOtaahTralar at • _ , I,* LITERARY. . T. N. W. METCALF snarld announce to the eiti 131:ens at Allegheny and roomy the intended re• moral of his school fromi the corner of Sandusky end Strawberry etitChl where for the Ina twelve menthe be has been teaching. On and alter Anil la he will otxapy rooms ntsFederal meet in " Colonade Row," id door from the 'bridge: , The Academic Year nal certain ottwo starkooa of five months each commenc ing on the first Monday Iri Febstuy and September. turn or amen ea ansion or oar mortar. • Marlin Department—luelnding Reading, Orthogra phy and defnung, Writing, English Grammar, Moo. E nr, E l ' g 'itl,. }.. "l"=V i .... d ru ? so "P""TA u .":l .u ' aus h eo '' lstuc ' s, "Y A Clitem b rstry, As tronomy, Idotaa;,r Playstok•Geology, , lntellectunl and Moral Science and alogy, other brooches requisite to a thorough English education 620 CO Classical Department—hicluding the Latin, Greek and French iarguages each an additional . . charge of DO OD The services if 'competent Teachers are Secured for such as may desire to receive instaictions in drawing, palming. and music. - Mow designing to enter will find it for their imerest to do so as near the opening of the no ai possible; yet pupils will be received at say time during the seat non aud will be charged at the above rates only from the time of entrance. Nodeductions will be made for absences except ill misesnf protracted illness Any inform . which May it desired will be cheer fully communicated to thOse who call upon the instruct , har at hbt rooms. . jratilly Reference may also be made to the following gentle- MOD: Dr. T. F. Deli, Allegheny, • Don. C. Staler. Pittsblg. Nev. D. EIGou, Rev. D. N. Riddle, ' Me. 11. P. Schwartz, Heir. 11. Dyer. • " SEWICK.LET — ACJIDENIT, CLLS "ICAL md Commercial Boarding Senaot for Boys, on the Ohio Road, 14 mile, from' Pitts burgh. Itev.•JOS. S.TRAVELLI, A. AL, Principal. The Sommer Se'ssion will commence on Tuesday, Ms L,16-18. - : TERNS—Lzording, Tiiition,'Washlng, Foel; Lights, sessien'of five months, 117 P—one half •paYable dv in aance; the balance , tit the close oldie session.. Books and Stationary fundahed when requested, at Me expanse of the pupil. !All clothing to be distinctly marked. Pupils furnish iheir awn toweM. It is very desirable that all should be present on the first day of the session. For further partiemlare, inquire of the principal, at the Academy, orpFhlessts. John Irwin h Sons, No 11 Water meet, Piltsburgli. .Plitittur• • PITT/MU/WE FEMALE. INSTITUTE. T lMS 6l lLonito o ll ., ouLut i tt i l ls 1 4 .a r Ihi f r e p , t h r e visi r pd., and urill bo continued at the IMMO place 011 o r. fa p no street. In consequence of some changes having taken place, a few vacancies hive *centred, and those desi r . ous m placing their, daughter. or rtheir care, would do well to male an early. application. Fop terms see circular, or apply to tic PrwciP•L F_ p 7 To Cansetae7 Merchant* 11. A LARGIS STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station ne ary snitable for country sales; among MIAMI Writing; Papers, Milne, medium and common qu'les Letter Paper I do I do ' • do do Note .. do •do • do do Note utter Estrelopec Slates, Pmteils , Wafera, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Papetyanl wide) plain and printed; Downs Boards, o(didirem quatilles; • Blank Books, is great earletr, . Schoolluse Poeket Itibletc Croos. medium, and double crown wrapping paper; AleGullea Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray's Eclectic sUruhmaties; Cobb's Primers, Speltdra and Readem • ,Sanders' do dog , . stritimienea, by Stdams DiviaColtium, Smith, Stock - too : Daemon, and others: Geortapaits, by Alitehnll,olney, Smith, Morse,Good tieb, Batley, and oilier,. Gnus..., by &tab, Ritkhitin, Bailin., mr,44, and others. tale at kna , pnees, by 11 MELLOR., 61 , Nrood 44 6 doors above 4th. Thesh. highest market price paid for good ruled nip, in ca - twin FORWARDINO & COMMISSION. nAcriottovirac t .TOBACC(lgulLitl*Ofi MENCILVIITI, /1..59 South Wharreib _ittd No. 117 South Wider stn • • PIIILLI)ELP/11A.. ; • ' - D ims to Inform the wade end de elen - generally, of gj Pittsburgh, that they hose nook such ems:tem:Jots with the regalia mount,. t ed the Gowen of the Went, Mica Indies, and other pliteos, en onll insuro a largo and•conetent soppy of -tem following deurip uons of 71Theeeo, which; will be wild upon L oceans-. modeling aciLrei ItooSe cily lar else- Where. and all goods; red from -there "inn - be wet tooted equal to repreCarltillons HaranaT St.'lkottingsql Corm; 1 .5.,;, 4 1 . Yam; Porto Woof j Peon's.; - Leaf to- Cuba;' - fle Florida; ' heeeo; ALSO—Branch's ecletqated. AtOrttalic Stag 'Caven dish, with a large assort/limn of other popular brand, mi o,es and 10e Plug; Isidd quelities of ?midi, 61t. es, 121, 16s and :las, Lump; fro ies' n: Twi %%roma , Twie. Am.; meet' and plain, iu firlaile and boll Oozes, wood and do together with ertry aunty of article belong ing to tho Trade. j j r. LAWS. lCLabir. 1483ET'OSES1iri ;kr GAIZILET,I62I,.. FLOUR FACTORS, Prolleee4.,. Comma...lon luar:l Porta arrlykg __11.151/CLINIS, No- di Norm Wivarce, ..0 la Win: ST _ PiulantaxiliA. Reza so—John IL Drown &Co. a IL Hamm& IMO= &Co. Smith, listaiiiy & Co. •Alies & Saxton, Now 'Vogt. : - Width. & Ha Hal Moore. Bagsley & Smith, Burbeithre,Wiloon & C0,,„..,„_ h. • Bade,. Oman & Co. ... - m - • Kier a. Jortei, • 111:r Liberal each odystims oo costsitmoonts to one ,dace. recsr3o , 4l7 —_---, , P. f....2.11.1[1:11. Mati:11.1ICIII. sari. rirlthr. CONWAY & 110ORTSMUL711, Ohio qmonusason and Fornnuditny Mere/no nsand Produce Dealen•—•ho 'attend to Inn Pornbasoil&lo and Shiyanagnof itig Jinni, Coat, kn. Itzral,L Ircn Atirood, Jones & Co., . Mown, lliiky & Co, Lorca, torling & Co, Henry praf, Gor, InoannY & Co, ' D. Leech & Co:, Lyon, &hod. & Co., aorta & Tp toorlOdly i i • &boa i % sr- A!..!..0.- Late of i•itt.sbarett, P ; • j Late of Neahville,Teoo. LEHMER skNDERSON, DEALE/L4 IN COTTON tPORWARDING k COM MUSK'S MERCHANTS, ria B no= mum, oars itßoAvar.q, Refer to Merebent• igenelally', In PAttaborgh. Igo% G BERRY j2 R oll 3 .iai, A r: aaocz ns; FORWILDINs AM COMMISSION kisIiCHANT, • AND DitALEII. IN • • ........ Iron, Nalls,Cottott Tarasab Pittsburgh, Maimtartar*. generally, JO. 10 WOOD. rrszer, rrristeurn, lUCTIONEERS MERCILINTE , ALEX: LEVY 4 SRO'S. CIDO/ADATI AND BT. LOWS.. Offer to'sell m eithef eittabitshmenb all kinds of Ides , ehaadise, et the lowest rates of Cosomisehins, end ate always prepared to alike advances. The best of tOll. mums girrn If requited.! Letters addressed to either house, vollbe }Tumidly aueuded w. jy3Ddly_ CV. LOVE, MARTIN 4 CO:, ', Prqdnee • amd • Coin Fiss lifrelFapts, Bartz so—Davidson, Simian a Co., John K. Itnutha. Jenkitisillallimora; !111. enc. & sae. Ni col., Hampton, Smith tr.. Shacklett White, Pitts burgh; A J Whcaler, T 0 bbanhoessey dr. Co., Cineilt nau. urste.di snosuvo_. . THOMPSON & CAMPDI4.I. • COMMISSION! MERCHANTS. -- And Alanatacturears of Linwood Na. a 1 Cahumble street, CinctsnrryOnni. sp24ly paid . for Flasscena I wu FF. 171;& - /IK; Forwardinglierchint,lirown.ville. Pr. Attends particularly to the Ferwarding of Truduce, &e. ece.. • For any Information,. apply to FORSYTH & CUN. CAN, liValer a. 1 D. lAt. ILLTILXII%,I*. T. 1111 nett. BULTIIICWI9 & COMMISSION! M ERC ER., HAitTC. 'Water str •i Err. Loth', blo. • . Will give prtieulor sttsation - to the selling; of Pro duce, sod to orlon :Or putcbssiug. Rom ro—George Alurgoo is Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. suet • Meng n. murmur, annalvar J. DIrtIC "'"" VIITCA/1.17 . k DURUM)!, r AUCTION k COMMISSION MENUMINTS, ' (al the old sitand tiff Rear &Beeping,' ' Tuftereen, ILL 11,6 punt/Ma:ld bowfin attention to the aaio ods,liroctnes, and Merenanekee gen -010117. They feel prrparell to attend W all the depatti meow of their letantese of soul (tinkling in no peas fur their own aceoadt)OnpartittUy. Refer to M. Alton; & Co; J. W. Maier ic Co., Pitts i -- I tieeeabsta • ,E • GlCAERA.l.consarstux almacimiNT, PORTIfk: RALE UP; PRODUCE tr. PROVISIONS. • No• IU.S etna 107 thorn's Virtual, IiALTI.IIOIIE,IIIII. • Itscrantolerehautti of Pittsburgh. -- 2Vbeeling t _kftss—ft. Crangle t Co. . mnem-alan /110TICI6 TO 1111114.1411.. a. • - have ts.ked at. o Immediately opposite io IVOur boot warehouse, for ttto prewab wnary wa will transact busier.. as usual, awn •• new house eau Ise erected, anangeosents having already been made for Om outputs:. Boats will always be tu readnwss a; out whartsu Cretin kelght.. C hI'ANULTY. & Cat • Cane Weans. tsfitenv at SEAII Barr INTIIIMST FOR. hnI.E;-,1100 ball oftbo fine mama. Wyoming tot sea 00 0.L . COID• U tenon Forparoeulars enquire of S ic %V 114.1111M1011, aVy• I r , + Water and Front rt. xtrALUBTER's opinuziT4ii - ft'.. tor Y 111, sEsaassit PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 1848. COPARTNERSHIPS. CO-PAIITNEItISHIP. LOGAN & KENNEDY have shit day' anon( ed with then, in the Hardware business, Philip Wi4 son and Edward Chrgg. The style of firm will here after be Logan, Wilson A Co. This sirmariffement ten. den it desirable to close the old Li/sizes* •s noon as possible. All persons whose liabilities have palmated, are especially requested to mole immediate paymenz Pittsburgh, lan 1, lfflff OGAN, WILSON A CO.--Importers and Wholesale Dealer. in Foreign 01111 Domestic Han 3. ware, Cutlery, saddlery, fce., 129, Weed street, Pitts burgb,(are now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, &Z., to offer very great inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices any of the 'Atlatitic cities. Al so on band nit ezwasiee assonmeat of Pitisburgh Hard ware, viz: Shovels, Spades, Futile, Hoe., to., hill o f _which will be sold at the lowest manufacturer's prices.- ri t I I THE subser hers haring rectly entered into a en Penncrthip under the unmet of Gal Asher, 101 C, I Miller, for the purpose of carrying on.lbe send Btars Founiltng and Goa Fitting business in sill Its 'brstoehes; have taken the stand formerly occu pied by 11. Gallaither, pie. HO From .tree., between Wood and Smithfield sta., where they are prepnred to cSeCute oil orders toe Bells Brass Cawing., of every description, and Oa. Faring% with neatness and de.. Web. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. 11. UALLAGIIHIL S. A. LONG P. H. miu.ks: N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Euginoers I. invited to Otte and-mtraellon metal, fora reduced price, width has been pronounced aupenorm Babbifs by numbers wbo bare used both. Stemaboakbuildels and the public, generally, are also requested to 'and es timateur superior doublet bedun Force Pimps for steambo o at and domestic me. ==l Dlnsolatiala rplie path:m.o4 so long existing under the Am ot 1111.1ord & tang, wax iiy.tuutuvl eOII6OIII dissolved on the Ist iusL The business will be closed at the old stand by either of in, using the name of the no for that purpose. lteiag desirous to have our boainess closed with as hole delay as possible. we would re. speetfully request those indebted to call and 'setae their accounts, JOHN R SITORD, joys -- IL D. Kniti Co-Partnershlp. JOLIN wcortn having associated with him hie •brother James Al'Cord, under West/le of !Wean! & Co, will con.. the lint, Cap and Fur b.itteos in various branches, wholesale add retail, .1 the old stand; corner of Wood and sdt streets, whet* they oolicit a continuation of the patronage oo lilwro/py be stowed oa the old lints. .1011:ii .1) BECORU. • ito7 JAMES S. MVO= IN retirirci from the old and well known CM of At'Cont & king, I rant moonlitp reoloonclud the putrortaga of the public my ouccoason, I)lMrs. Wend & Cu. J. 21 • IL It KING. Osi;Paitste is - lirgaidosless F,W. STEFHC N S of Wheetrug, F. F. Slue ulierger ~d o . ( Junr. .sa c t s, and J. A. Stockton I , lttLab , u s t%hs , :v u l a r duct or Y Str Stephens, oenberger ' ts et,, at the to iron areal., Wheeling, Va.oor t h e purpose of mann facturipg irou and nails of every deseriphots. IL W. MUM.. a. 1.001.1 , K. STEPHANpOOMENBELLOEft s. CO. ME==tg Wheeling, Vit. Ildahufamure .11 kind of boiler, abaci, bar Arms Auld, node, A. B. steel unpile spring ...1 Axles. Briny con nected with ,bleoennerger`a old Juniata works, we can oaer an article of J01L11.1.1l iron (branded Aboenherger) equal to any 'node In the country. All of wbibb will 1w .old arllbe Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of the works corner of Atom. and Water sic myll DISSOLUTION • /1111 E o,4in:tenth p the subsenbers, ender the JI dna of Lewis Hatch.. Yee., is this day distolred by mutual cousetta Either of us will attend to tbe-aco. dement of the fins, and we its name for that purpose. LEWIS irrenimix, i.a JAMES A. IItrECHLSON. CO.PAIIII•NEILSHIP. rp tin uidenagned base thts day formals tJup, under the brut Of James A. Hutch...a S Co., roar the purpose of colutranua the Do.nella herelo4ore eactuttl ou by Lewis kluichtson A. Co.. and what continuance ci the pan:Doug., !Inhere° caleuded tonic Lisa. : JAAIES A. IIITIVltl•OA. 1.1.AV15.. D. lIVICUI6ON rhuburSh. Jan I,l+. DIUISOLVTIISN—The 7- paelnerslop hitherto ext.. If.,g oder the style and bon W m tr. of orkan Dal :ell, . this day dissolved by mutual cots.e.a., sell having disposed of Id. claire [merest toltlVaaht man. The_ business of the late time be Aellifd by H. Wighostatt, veto to allthOrlitst to use the name of the late boo kir that purpose. IL wiGiurmAN. spa-ULT.. Wily 1 7 471 .1. U.bLZLI.L T 111; Subacritwr is now prepared to wwwfacture all kinds of Cottonwnd Woolen klaelduery, at the shortest Dr e. Orders kill, IL Wicktunwitls Engine §hop, con. ner Liberty tool Water wawa, w:11 meet wUb prunwt attention. • 11. moirrmAN, Pt;I=MMENM 1.1111./LtITION-11. partuerslup eas.ung betweenD the stthsertnenr, Wider the Kyle of i'okealexler uo., was disaolve4 on the Ist last. 11 1111alilli ro.ent. It. W. l'oi.s.lealer is aulttorac..i 0 Wule all the ==! NOTlCE—Having purchased the entire intetest of C. IL (Snot, iu the of concerts of Comdekter fr: Co., and assoctated toy hail, Theodor, Poludhster, with redk the IMAM.. FM be continued al mood under the style of Poindexter spat H W Ta UNDIMSIGNEIt clang Game under ma name of Arthurs Ncholson, at their Pounce lltird street, have this dai s by umanal muscat thssol ved there co-partnership. Alt those knowing them selves Indebted to the Gnu, arc requested to cell at Weir wets-house on Liberty street, opposite head of Wood, endaettic,• and all havinr, against them will present the m at the !time plare for settlement. JCIIN A Iff/1124l,:. JOILN • IMMIM!JM TWIN FARREN hi:1511;El. WIUHTMAN het, 0 ins :unmated themselves togeth, under the firm of-Julan FartentHo. tut,the purpose of contsuaing tee huatuess of , the '• Boatmen'. Lane ‘• eultme to transact a generrd forwardulg asu ,' l cottanissiou lAD". tar. at :be old .taw: as the t;ftriel Ltherty 'Leech JOHN FA (GLEN, tilt3ll. UTlCF.—Jauuse M. Burchfield rmsm a merest In the Dry_fitootis inssinrss eauducted m the name of the tin crsigned, corner of Fourth and Market St., Pat. burgh, commencing Felt. 1, I*ll. The busuters for the present will be condoned under the former style of ,easy W MURPHY' IOoPARTNEIII3IIIIP—tVot. Young havi-g this dor amount:bet with hint, John ll_ ACCohe, the Ira• titer business will hereafter be conducted under the lino of Wro_ Vcioug & Co. WILLIAM VOCNC, bind ' INO. SC srevsn. MEDICAL. Jaynes , lespeotorapt. . S..uoa„ Coltuntooon co ~ 0., Or r. It4l. DD. JAYNES: Data rinc— deal !round to you Id. the &dilated public, to oral! myself of tho op portanity of giviug publicity AO the extraordinary effects of your Espectoraut onto) colt Having Leon udlicted for several years with n severe cuugh, hectic lever and its onicamitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short but miserable exisiotice until din nth of In 4, when, Loin{ mono suverely .tuatort and having rescntSl to all tuy forum, trnirdies, 1111t1 the pre scriptions of taro of the must respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surriting hut a (ow days or se er weeks al farthest—when the last- gleam uf hope was shoo to vanish, I hid ricontinended to me 'Pour ,s ings h t and blessed by that Being who duce all things ht the use of the meaus—and contrary to the plow of my physicians and friend., I was. to a few days soloed from ray toy and souscoabled by the use of ltlelld to toy OUtill.ll, enjoying lance beset health Wan I had for ten years previou.s. Itispectfully yours,h.c., Jas. W. Ecru., For sale Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Man, TJ Fourth &Mot. =PD. 11. A. Patssissisins,} Hum, Pi. 1. - .l , AssnaToca, Pittsburgh. 0. VP: FMCS SSSOC. Wholesale Drag Store hat the City of Noyr York,. anderslgned ato extensively. cornett In the tlWholesale likrug business at N 0.49 John street, in 'city of New -York, and are prepatod to simply Druggists and country Alerchents with Drugs, Punta, Dyeattiffe, Fore gu lad AnloriCaa Ye. nunnery, klander,{Yeaver, & Mender's Chemicals, (of their own ipportation) and all other articles in their line of hasp neat, of • superior quality as low as they can beau. chased in this or any eastern city. New York, Yelart D. A. FAJLNESTUCK& Marcher's Chrome area. rro PAINTERS; ULM') AIsiKEILS, the nude resoled, Painters and Blind !Slaks., °Chic city or New York, have used and tested, eraser , now using a new article of Claufne Green, manufactured by Gee. K. Idarchcsi'of thiacity, and find it to work well, pro-- dosing a fine Militant is Green appearance, with a very superior body, old recommend It to our arethren in the trade as in every particular the lien Chrome Green we have ever used. . New York, June 41 ' 47 . Signed by 24 DMA of preened' painters of the coy of New York. his unequalled Chrome Green may be bad of R. E. SELLFIL`r, No 77 IYood street, who has the exclusive agency for u. sale in Pittsburgh. Enda A. Piacilet of Teeit. for 23 Cesiis. lirlaiPtierlilic4vek°rli,ll:l„l',".2)7lll;ett,*;llll - once or twice cleaned with Amber tooth ruste,liave the appearance of the most benefit - LI leery, mid at the 111110 ills so perctly iiinocent and en. quisitely fine, that its constant daily tier is highly ad• vautageous, evert to those meth that are in good cou daitou, giving them • beautiful poindi, and prevtating premature decay. Thorn already decayed it Yreveids from becuntini worn—it also Caucus ouch as are be. coming loose. and by perseverance it will render the fouleet teeth delicately while, and make the brcaih tweet. Sold by 0541. JACICSON,iO Liberty B. A. ILOAIINESTOCH'S •VERISIFUGIE. FEW,rcelts o usco. one of Illy children, aged about Afive years, was unwell for several days, and illness increased to nhiriningly that I tired death would he the result. Having beard dike goad °Scent Fahnestoek's Vennifuge when administered to the child/en of my ninghoort, and thinking my child might hare worms, nom some of the syminonts, gave it one and a half icaspoontuls of the Vemiilugo, and to'tny great astonishment it almost immediately discharged DCLOIFCCit 2.50 and WU large worms Itshealth was .0011 testorcd, and it is how remarkably well. Previous to taking the Yerusnake. the worst. would occasionally nre In Its throat, and 1 onen leered it would die from straogulation. JAS. E. DAWnOti." Veneugo co, Yrr, April 3, '4u. apIJ — peiptaliar e because . SELLERS' ? . .00111.Y AISPICINES. Coos Sranal . -Jedenton Co, Pa, blarch 1, le- I S . MEE E SELL. !have nearly' sold all the Yer nufhga and tk`agb Syrup you sent me. Your Ver. smtuQQt is without eseeption the best over offered in this neighborhood, bar og limbed guest wherever used.— The Cough Syrup and Liver Pals have also given eat tante:tun lour oh wet. •.1 tscorr, PUSIMISEGL Prepared and told by LSE tiliLlsEltS, 07 Wood at; sold by Dr CasuelilS,o l Yerdi4)ol9lny, Allcshenr, a W j ;Naha, Teroperuncevill.,_ • • ward . fpoll. INVALIDS AIiDANPANTSJ—Whitnere An Xraw !roan Roth Powder, a delicious and highly intsatima food, whi never tarns acid oil the stomach, Audis 3110% , univenaby reconuounded by tins preface.° to Ciru4 r l, She,, Tapioca, of plain Arrow BOW, as better MILO to thy debilunied sumach Of in vallds, turd • more strongtkattiug and ,seholasome Gant birJahst. kb , Ml* b 1 • it •E Ska.LEM . , . .. . : . . . . . . , , . . ~ . . , . .1 . . .. . . -, • -•• I ' ' ' - '.. - ,•,,, ,, - - e '" ' . • , • . . , . . - - - , -.4,-• . - .MP-.!.•'.,...-Z.-.? , 41 . 4ii:r .. ,,„,,,,, r , z..--- ,,, ,t -.:---..----' -----H--'''r'"':-":'' — ' - .- - ff•---r.-..-- -..-...... - , .. , - , ... 77 , , , ,,,,,, r... ,..„ - ,, i.-72 ,. ...... 1fr f:77 . 7 ., 17 1 ., :r,; , ::";:: ,,. -- ,. . ,..,......, c . -- ; ,<,....,4 - ..':. ,: - .. ...-,...X ., - . .... ,, ~. ........, ~-.........r...--,r,-. .---„,,?-,-.,- , 7' "'""77 - "7 ----;- • • . - - •-....-,1 . 4.:s • , :r. , ;<;....- . ..- , .• t • /fr.; ,::',' 4;s iti47 , ;:l - ":'iizr. ' ' f e - .", ' . ‘ l, 1 : . - - :1 , - ''. :::: -j: '. ' ...;' '-'' .;: '• ; . .:-, i • • - .:_ : -. :7 : 7 - . . ::-...:::, g .... .. ... .. .. :, t, • .:: ~.... . ..•........ ~.,... ~..i. -.. • ::_, ~ T., . ._ ..,... , .. . , .• ••• • ....... .. .... . . ... .'_. . •.... . . •• _....•......„•_.... .._.. , .. FOUNTAIN HOTEL. ',raw' , STREET BALTIMORE THIS .cstabhahment long and widely known as being one of the moat commodious h 1 the city of 'Baltimore, has recently undergone very eaten. kite alterations and improvements. An entire new wing has been adde d , containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and exteriaive bathing room.. The Lidice department ban alto been completely reorganized and hoed up io a most unique and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arriNgement oflthe House kw been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of the proprietors. martinis the edmfort and •plermum of their Unesta, nod which they y confidently assert will challenge compariscon with an Hotel in Ne Urtim. Their table will always be supplied with every sub. Menial and luxury which thh market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wine., he., they will not be surpaseed. In conclusion the proprjetora beg to any, that nothing will he left undone on their pan, and an the part of their nssistants, to render this Hotel wonty the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The pticee fur board have also been reduced to the fallowing rates: Ladies , Ordinary, $1,75 per day. Gentlemen's " pit 11.—The Etaggage CaraWgon of the House will al ways be found at the and Steamboat bandinge, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. PEARL STREET HOUSE: C13C15.21, 01110. :jaTHE subscribers havtaa purchased the entire interest of Col. O. P. William ma, late of this well known establishment, hog leave to state to their' friend( and the emlly, that they have Liken this commodious Hotel for a term of years, and will ezort. their bert.euergies to make it ardesirable home for Travellers and City Boarders. The Hotel it spacious and admirably plantual for conveniene, light and air, having a numlier of parlors adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attracuous to fatuities. The present proprietors baying bad the eiperience of years in this coy and elsewhere, hope they will be Wife to give general satisfacuon, being determined to sire undivided attention to the house alone. The location of the Pearl Stre..t House a unarm:mon iy ehgih e, haring from on Pearl, William had Third greets,. an that it is equally desirable in view of the convenience of bu-iness men, or reuremeni for private. boarders. It is near by the Banks, the Post (thee, thei hhournie Mil. Odd Fellow's Dell, and but one square distant from Main street end two squares from the City Wharf, thus the greatest inducements. especi ally to country merchants and generully_ to ill persona visttilCMClLll4lli JOIIN NOULY JOHN OUgLF EUTAW H.OIISE, CORN= Or OLLTIMOMO AND scram sm., MLLMMM, MD. HENRY E. JACKSON, PROPitigroa. This splendid and spacious 'tool, eleptutlyalt• Dated tor both business and pleasure:travelers, fano consoucted so to combine all the luxuries of tlic lest hotels, with elegance and real comfort - Choice suites of apartments are at all sea..reser ed for the accommodation of trawient guests, and'aco.. Hies visiting the city will And the FAlaw House a home, unsurpaued by any hotel to the Union. The 10<a:on is elevated and salubrious, rjnd Is she oonve nient to the depots nod Isuidiugs,at which the coaches sod porters of the house are to all times in armintguii convey passengers and their boggage to the Hotel. Tzama.—Gentlemco's ordiam WA) per d.Y do ' Z - do 1.19t.5w3m . RICE GE HOTEL. Cour.. or rex, s -an matt m, rtrnistmou, ca. gLThe subscriber having assumed the manage ment et this long established and impala,. Hotel, -respectfully annonnees to Tmvellets and the Public generally, that he will he at all times prepared to accommodate them io all things desirable m • well regulated lloteL Thc House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains will ho spared to make - the Exchange One tithe very hestHotels in the country. . The undersigned respectfully solicits a COMlllllll.lele of the very libtralpatronage the Noun heretofore received. T/lOSIAS 0111810:1, felAdtf Propaetor. • JONES , .110 TEL, 30.14 canon ratt.anaLtilla... traTHE rubseribe re, under th • firm of Whig. & .el Wear. have yorehaaed Mr. Joon' Interest Ibis e-rtablrelrtnot. and bore by V, mincer alte.,tioa to lb wants and erthrthrtof their ant..., to merit a con tinuance of the Id eral patronage herctothro received ire fernier prorrilor. The house hm been thoroughly renovated, and on. paired; we therefere feel twartred we «on welcomeour Wien& and the at accom modation* errant to may 111 the city of Ithrtadelptua. DRIDOI,,, jiy..enf ZVI WEST. SALT HOUSE, NIVEA (Sill •vv s.. .m cowmen ye/ Tuts establithmentit now In the best onter fur :41,4 the reeepnort of Ilse Tinaellne Public. Grainy stsis• nudermme a Mort:lnch repair daring the past Jand having Um most eXperienerd men in th e ~the carious &payment. I llavei myself that all wiII be planted who tall. The Examen a, centritl, calm !walls., and pleasant. Tam $1 per day. etrirmanti. 111nrch Pb, '47. ' 71. E. MARSH. N not exactly • neve I.lrnota. it is the mele—n new 111•,p Olt ibe old handle. aplite VIRGINIA HOTEL, - - ICF-A DErtry.cuII3KILLAND, rimis ioI,IIIIC u neatly fitted up Ayr the reception and en , artatoinr at of bet interline pubqe. b-r a on a in worch Meese and comfort trill do well to call—they will fund the chamLers clean and Mac, and the table 111 well furnithrd no any hotel in the 11,411afettralverlanil, at twczny•five Ceuta so Weal. Cum and desperate maims hare been.maar use ofby. nonce to injure this eatablielnuent, but to inielliaent puhhe will rebuke them. - The Vire - into Ilmel his twat. leg to fear from tonotable competatna—it is courted.' ID' Meals upon the tubleon the arrival of the eoacli• es and earn. r.WASIILNGIitS INANS, mnr2. Propriater. BMV=I MetIMMI TiIItOCILMORTON:A GALT GGIIISE, - • . TIIILOCKNORTON begs to.epoaint his tnn *lends that heis n letate of the CIA LT Lonisrilln: u4ai kr:, where he hopes to caret ell hi. old friends, assuring them and the public, that no effort .hull be :Tamil., make all comfortable who favor him ooh their pturpnene. jeni idi UNITED STATES HOTEL, M. POPE MlTelf marllf Proprietor. .113111:11ICA31 HOTEL. tALTIIIO., ru, - OPPOSITE the Railroad DMOI, Pratt etll trnore, HENRI' X proprlctor, (late pi' the Exchange apl S. Charles 'lintels, Pim. burah.) .' 'creakily ' New Books Jost Received. • re t" lstelliti c uZ n tZt% Lectures pn the law and the impel., by Step/wolf. Tyng, U. 1); new and enlarged cation, ?aid% yurtralt of the author. 61.:a • blemoir of Rev. David Abeel, 11.1nte Miwitamry fa China; by his nephew, Rey. (;. IL Willianuoa, with irponran. . . • • • • lleunder'• History of the Otrigian Religion and Churci trunsltnell try ProL Torrey. Vol. 2. 11swistone: a isle of and tar tbighold, ur 154—;fn two volumes. from second London edition; f 1,50, Memoir of IV CCrocker,llliuionary m Acrica,El2 ctn. Personal Recollrouous, by (Illations , 11/itailich, canlatiinory notes,accompanied by s memoir embva- Inu; We period front the close of personal recollection her death; by 1. H J CCMI4 Reeolieetioias in England: by Rev S 11 Tyne, D. D. the L aberchunt's elect; by Rear. Cloaks' 11. Tayl hi A, a uthor of-Record. of Rood Alias or, blary i iiiiinlsynn. or the Pearl,” The above just received and for Mie by ' ELLiorr & ENGLISH marl? • • 511 market le, between 341 sod 4th A. and 7c i rt7t e le rt ' s l i;f 7 1;t7Z — Jos i" epTii i iT, I wife a:Napoleon Bonaparte. By APIle MA Le Nor mand. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Percy Rantliame, or the Vicissitudes of Fortune; by 51 rm. Bore. '• •• - ktu lusco BareOurt, or the • Ulegitionatte- e n story' of conflict lictween goo and coil., frr • .. . •The 3lystenes of the Vireo Citlei; by Augustine f II Dynamic, The Signal. or the Kingalba Bloc Isle. The Prtsouct of Perote, by J E Tuel. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine for 3larch. ..Dentocralie Review. si • o A splendid .article Lace Edged Note paper and 1,. l'eltipt. 10 fOrftl.llo4lll. . . Songs for the People, No 3, for ?arch For ...iii at Ai A iiiiners, Putinitleld GI, &I door from Second. i 1.11SO:VS ALAILLI30110111.:11—The military life otJolm, bale of Alarlborough: hy Archibald Al 'moo, 1.• It 8, author of •• • I'lle Ilislory ol:kappa." :denuder's Life of Chiral—The lire or JON. CM lit, In Its Ilidiorical or/Wm:Ciao and Historical barelopenicuno by . Augusto. Recorder —trunalamil from the fourth Ger -111 edition, by John Tl'Clintork and Chas I.:l3lamitu. thal, Professors so Dickinson College. • • I Old hicks the Ouide4 41 , r, Adyenteees in the Cemon. tondo; or, Adventlay... rho coutdry ..,o ocorob of o Gold 3lino—by Wobber. F The Bachelor of the Albsay—by the author of the alcon '• • Dr. Chalmers' Posthumous Worka.—Deily Iferiyitu red Readings, hy the Ism Thos. Chalmers, D. 'l,„ Is.; L. D.—in three 'soh. Voltuttealst and dl Tim Lithove valuable works received - MIA day and for sale by JOIINST'ON ik STOCKTON, sp9 flouksellers, ear Market and 3,111 • H . ISTOKIE..9--Eobertitotrs, Itollia's, Gibbon's, ROA .ll's, Mad. Europe, Prescott's Asexico, Peru, Asc.; labelers France; Arnold's Rome, linsper's Pictorial bug's.; Aiebuka hums, Itsikon's Cousulational li do- ry tar Englund; Arnold'. Later Rom. Consmanyrealtb; Ochruirs Rome; Burners History of his own times, with noes; AlioldlE Ages- Mill'. Crusades and Chin- Wry; Grooming's I fi siory a t' the Huguenots; 'llierry's Ilissorical Works; Noes Ili:story dfu,e Puriousarrineso French Rev; Taylonshlano al an Ane's and Mod. lisslo ry; introduction tot. History sd.the Church, by Jarvis; hightley's !tome and England' Ranhess Ps. upa above, With many other valuable works, for sale by • s_acre J Now Booko—Frosh Arrlvoh—A bummebitt boorlond; by Jucub Abbott, with engraviugs. bisttraudi t Litcruturn of the South of Europe; new ed.. Luther mill the Heron:notion, l y John Scott, M. At Life and Writing* of W.hinglah; bybparke Col thlt. Nos 411, 41 and 4. 1 Harper's biennial theory Of &alp laud. Ligon of the Sup&me Court at the Milted States; by Holcombe. The Poetry of Life, by W 11 Tappan. Parley's Cabinet Library, Ls vole, large IA mo, For .ale ,• • J. I. REAR morls 4th, neer market slb XTEW BOOKS,just received by Expres..—Gennirr , ip L ,41 England and Scotland, or Recollections co a tvvr s ' roister; by J n Merle ibAubignes 1). lt., Author of Illoary lithe IleMmuttion, Lite of ergintweitt A Practicut Expo : Mimi of th e Gospels of eIL Mot. thew arid bb•Alark, - hi the lona of Lemares.iriteudird to audit the practice'of domestic rust ructloll and deg.. rims by John /hal bunutie_r, L. L. Bishop of Chester. 'For lore by ELLIOTT & ENHLISII, • febM 50 market sr, bet ad and 4th • J 141114 READY RECKONER—Poi chip builde(e,brint y•butlarrs,lnd lumber 131.C46111,4 tkelllff a cL131.1 •nreasuramcart of scarrhing, boards planks, cubical con. Moor uf ssuare sad round umber, saw 1.5.. 41 . 4 4 ei At iomPriscd M camber unablcs, m, Vriglehlatt u tables of weigeri by the moods beard or rens by a 0 1 mroar or 5 1 and and road distances also Interest ta bles by -J AI &Throes author of the 1 1lOginees's thud Alecharrle's Companion," etc etc. 'Portal* by 1 j • • JUniiNTON a inticicros, , matl4 - boolmellers,cor.oieritettdd to* parlaa — Thbli - ftiiiid eOLlA by_ , J DMOROAN • HOTELS. BOOK `TRADE ISEW IVORKS MISCELLANEOUS. " s 8JL8.54 (Late J SSuiekler do Co.) MANUFACTURERS of Phsenix fire proof safes, nude, second street, between Mad and ilmulifield Pittsburgh. J 5 Stneklerhityjnedeeeswed and the surviving panner Mr. Jos 'Lippeneott, hanng usocimed himself -with Mr. Win C Burr, the businesr Will hereafter be conducted under the style of Lippen eon lc Barr. Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, 01,Vis, the undersign- Cd were present at the testing of one ofJ S Strickler & o's improved Phrenir fire-ptoof Bates. . The safe was placed in a Comma on the public landing, and subjected to the intense heat of a stone cotti fire for more than three hours. in one hour wad n half the safe came to It bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then closed, which caused on Increased and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were partially melted off; the foment RIM then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The' money, papers and books which it contained were so perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being in jured by the water in_cooling the satcLhave no hesitation lu recommending it to the publi a safe superior to any we - batik, ewer seen tee , and believe that It will stand any heat which might be produced, icept • beat which would melt it to • solid mass. , Springer Whitman, L Worthington, Cello Fenner Umei, WC P Itrevse - Mures SEM T 11' Ca, Stedman, Mayard le'Co, Wm /Smith, Mead mstor. We, the undersigned, sele t above, front a lot in the store Ageota Refer to Cook ft Harris, Tiro e & .tof the see spoken of g Maher k /tuber) . the C O SPRINGEII, Ir.ll2:°C4' BEEMI ALL 1..11V.00iT. 2000 0 VIC. . 1.... I Lone.; 1 ..... LIPPENCO IC & CO. ATANUPACfIIRERS of 11 rad and Cast Steel J.V.I. Shovels and Spedes, Jig a and Hatchet., Mill, tfin.,Cirettlar and Gin Saws, I 07 and-Manure Fork., Hoes, Mamas, Picks, tre, ha .m a completed all their arrangements in the construe au of new machinery, and in seeetittg the best workmen from the taunt cele brated establishments of the East am now otanufacttw ing and will keep constantly on band and for saletall the above nniHes, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined that in work manship and material they will oat be excelled. They promise to produce articles equal, if not superlor,to any that cyst be.lnut in the Eas. They invite the sneer Mau °ldeal." to an examinatiou oftheit stock heron purchasing elsewhere, es they are centered that they ill be able to fill all orders us their line to ihe entire aatisfactian of purchasers. Warehouse, ttrater street; 4 doors West filouongaltelst House, Pittsburgh, Pa. • . N. IL—Persona having business with tyre. Lippert Mil & Sou wll please call on Lappencott &Co. . oelittil . . *NIES W. WPODWELL .0 Pittsburgh Purniture•Warelbsonts, 65, roan rrassr. a ll: ulle ia , 21frfOrg d gan "l b " :3,Vele *r ard u fg: sato dwellings, coastal:olT oil hand sad mule to order. . The present stock on Muld cannot he 'exceeded by any paututhclory in she western country. Prrsons wistung to minim. would do well to giva me It call, as t ore detertnined my prices .boll please. ran at the mock consists in— MI sofas with Plush and hair-eloth corenq 2 dot /Mahogany Nurse Chairs; • 14 pair Mem.; 13 dot fine mahogany Chiang mahogany Work &nods; 3 dot mahogatrpßoeking Chairs; ' 15 marble lop Incasing Inneaton I pair Ottomanr, ti marble lop %York Sunda; 19 cherry ' Work &milli filahoicay, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bmlsteads of aII de'enphons, and a large. as-ortment of common tanntare and chairs, too numerous to mention. matter s LADIES ARE. CACTIONINJ AGAINSTCBINO COMMON PREPARED CRA.LE.. MILKY aro not imam how frightfully injurious It lite I. the skin—how coarse, how rough, how stale,. yet low and unhealthy the ohm ann . -era atter usiiig preper pared chst k! Besides tits inninus,tenutimag • large quantity of lend! e have prepared • beautlfisl vegetable article, which too call JONI' SPA:II:tit of wiirrE. 11 is - perfecay innocent, being purified of all deleterious quttlities, and It imparts to tee olio • natural, hsaddly. minbtisteer, clear, Brut q white; or the same time acting me a ea.: (131 the tikin. making it sort and smooth. Br. Junes Anderson, Practical Chemist of Mass. clitiscus, says. 'Alter 'analyzing Jones , e' m ug hite,l God it possesses the mirk hostage' tot oat. rot,t and the same Mae ocent white I ever sew. rertainly in conscientiously Tee its use to all whose skin requiles beautifying." Price, Co cents • boo, • &laity WM. JACKSON, dDLiberty Bt. maY9 TtniN wjUGlrrs en, are prepared Lurid Collo • t) and Woolen Sirsehinery of evert description, such OA Carding :declare - % Spinning Frames, Speulers. Doping Franc. Ilairway Spenders, Livening Frames, Looms, Mug Grinders, ac. - %Vrought /nro ehuruop tunted; all sixes of Coil end Ilannirs arise lam.t patterns, elide and hand Lathes. rutd tools of all tont,. Castings of every description Yontished on short notice, Patterns =We to order for Mill 'Gearing, Ito:skating, ho. Srconn Pipe for heat. rug Finnan*, Cast Iron IPtedonv Sash and fancy t.Min wigs g carp Croduo led tho Warehouser of J. Palmer P. Co., Liberty street, oth lase prompt Ater, Refer to Illnekstock,ll&, Co., J. IL Alooreboak Co., a E. Warner, John Irwin & bout, Ettstmu:sh; G. C.. &J. 11. Warner Steutteaviffe. ' /.19 DVQI:II. - ii.ibit: • • . • Ails. Steel aukell Iron Works. CULE.O...S, .1.1. N lb 11 Co, baring ernanjogrui tharr.near row prepared to manatire. tore every deneriptiou of Comb and }Mode Spring., Iron ASI O II, American, Spring and Clough steel, and all .I.r r of small, square. and round Iron, which they tam' for sale on Intend tarots at their ware 110O1e.A0 41 Wood atreen where they ale keep ore hand Wcautplete and handroate' turonuwat, of Coach Trimming*, i:atriage Hardware, Malleable Castings Nail. and Iron. Co,C., & o have made amindements with litessn. Day &Cron:. manatactuters of entitles, Forks, ke., and will keep constantly on hand every aniele made by them. Dealers ire reapictintly twitched to till s to prices and terms will be node liberal. jra Elarblis Work fpllEoucotion of getolotoon desirous of porehanng Alfa.:. 31..t0 - cr..., MOM:La:SU or Sroavarr, i• ro ot:rood. eubsr nbers having been ha the Muth, hot ine. for the 1.1 thirty yearly en g aged Philadelphia and having manufactured work for almost every pan of the Caion, can serer to all who hare favored thorn with their custom Land to tier work, rcontaterable oda/Web bat been pot up in this place. ) They have altruys on' Land a full supply of Martle rilnolels and new and orir ginril bongo. ior Nfouuments nod otheri work, copies of wLich, wok priers will be forwanled. work shipped is insured from breakage. They tan reier many blemautilo hu.o in Philedel pal hie standing mud character as workmen. • JOIIN sTarrinas SON foldehlka. lgorlitu nigh st, Phila. ii,11. - ftlere is nothing ialltei.;ritieorlrhthe'37t-Wric furnish either domestic or Imported. Sian iira — rifirare Hods.. JOSEPH. WOO/MEW., corner of Vteyr .- !:,.,• 142 ,...1 Wood nod 51sts.,'Pittltrurght nay. • \t". trv• togwithdrawn front the Gnu of 1•1/,...1 atgli ooderell, on the tel of January, 1047,1 . takepteaskie in.announcing to my (Heads in the city and country . , that! have opened my new store at the aLose named place. Having purchased toy gOCKilt for wish, and made anwsgetneow with manufacture,. to this country and In Europe to be Constantly Supplied, L am fully prepared to Written /Itchy:AS of all kinds, on ea good terns. and as low as any boom East or West ttlerehents and others are respectfully invited to call nail examine alp stock, hwirre purchasing else where, The following comprises a part of Into Stock: rticaMbost and saddlery hardware, part trimmings, files, pihylor'a steel, cutlery, edge 10014 afivilv, vices, loilm,littebes, scythes, butt hinges, screws, Hilton Vise • wry planes, w we, mahogany Connie and veneers, and ell other articles COMICCIeII WWI the hanliarara tiusit• newt, , Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, JO/IN WALKLII, linPorter 'Mad Dealer In Poreigu and! Monastic hanbastre,would respectfully inform has wes,. alio the public generally, that he le now re ceiving his owing supply ofhardware, at the old stand of We:km. and Woodwell,,No. he, Wood st., which he will !lignite of me the most ressounble terms. lie will be continually 'receiving fresh supplici met from the truanufacturers iu Europe mid Mu coun try, which will enable hint to compete with tatilithinent either m ercha nts seer . Western his stock before purchasing elsewhere. morn Pena Macine Shop. ; NVlClllThlAN—illanu h facturer olallkinda Oteal. toil and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa Tne above works being How in hill and successiul op. eration, I am prepared to execute orders with dirpatch for all tines of machinery Wiley line, such no *kers, spreader., cards, gwinitnig machine., railway., drawing limner, speeders, thrussils, loom., woolen cards doable or single, for merchant or country . work, mulcs,jocks,Aceslille and hand laih.and Mole= gen eral. AU kind. of +hailing mints to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Boma to—Kermedy, Childs & Co., filackstock, Bell & Co., Xing, P & ennock Co Jas A. Gray. virig,arld Nair Drawling Sialgrailan. BLACKSON & FOUNTAIN. Towering P 10.111., hare repainted and fitted up their rhaeing, Hair ihrarisig and iiitiarepooning Sawn in die modern ayle, end are prepared in mann readmit* &team, with ea., ennifort and inliieueer. newt prepared to midi en all thal may call witorrielay. Tiouk.l. L. pas* f.rasors saki. • coatiouanc• of Um ei our Mow, cote. of Unica anal end ilia Diateraid, ilierk of Aletanicr O. Ury Gimda etO o) • a - - ..-------- . DELL AND DRAMS FOUNDRY. AL- A aw l ca Bell Mel lini. Yeuuder, ties se• ban, sod eoeuueueeil business ba his uld smut, where he will be pleased b} see his Old cusunn en and friends. . Church, Steasuboat,end retie °revery ',lee, from 10 to'lrar.N moods, coat tronipintertei of tbe most approv ed Module, and wet - nutted I. be of the beat materna. — blitteral . ,Water rutups,Couuters, ac., toge ther with every var ety airtime lonuige, if required, Inroad tied fintehed iu the nenteet manner. . A. F. is the sole proprietor of Debuts. Arini.Avriu; vox JJaxaho lusty celebrated for the reduction of noun,, 111 machinery. The Boles trod Copipontion cwt Le lied 0(41111.1 till times ,Plougha, PloughgastiTaga, Wagon ' Boxao, ill-UW.ILP BALL, of the lild • firm to 11. A S. resit,ie manaftw ,, toting huge quanti tics - of • Ploughs, rtougliCartingt, Wag , 'n north, se, Will. the naprorementa of the bearer. Peacock, Inmate, road other Ploughs, of the latent and beet ilaiternla now an WIC, * .... . .. . . . . •Werthoi.e t IUO Liberty sine', Pittsburgh, opposite the !lay Seale. Factory,. ill Allegheny city over Um Vil CoUon e toriof Messrs Li ~ kteketook, Dell 6ca • .domy _ TO ALL A ludin.ftubber kluidifor7preventingpens clm,ding- hthu for adaptimi Mani w arum on' cbritent without the mil of patinae, and to facilitate the Ink door* lice. To Modems, conveyancers, and Mercantile 01114 fair invaluable. lty merely adding line deeps of Ulla Fluid to the ink In um, it will iustaulli ba found to be tba best auxiliary Cl,ll . offered, as It nem treble a the acid, precipitates dm acdlemot,causaa niece tithe of the Ink, said dirpeamit with tha Uoublo of wipii in a pew •Jestrecrived dad (or sale by • JUILIVerrOIi h UTOOKTON, marJl• cot market and ad ma W INI, &C.—.. 1.1 Lads Marseilles Claret ' su .„ . 15 cases llottleuus Closet, "eL Letup ° e, je ot y ease. • - ' you du ou Ltuntud, ~,,,,. le .• 4 0 • i do . do Viola , 'Clottoss Latour, , . ' "Pi". C llc " rs t rAGl V t i t%l, to costa just soeeived stud • fos sal* br : • • • opd ' atit.Lta a itleg6lW4 - TWAT - Zakep ylrgu.u. Tww, tor ado Dy • mar 27 .14:11:1( Xot:4ICULE4S, z;•- , ' ` . • 3 -' • 3 7 y y . • • DRY GOOD& ZMPOItIIIM • LIMP'S CARP/AT FOURTH yT., B Ta r a b' e 6 rei b' igre7tp c Vn i r strangers visiting Pittsburgh,'' stock of tarpeting t now km street. .They consist °revery most fashionable styles of • brought to the Western markt' linilt expressly for the cariwt bu tem of expense,) born hued a • modern aryls. The carpets receiving are o the richest and moat brilliant W WOOL). regttests the allenliOn of of bonts, eltiectia and his large. and splendid e his neer starch ith variety o! me latst and ts,Oil Cloths, /Itc., ever The more , lnu been einees, and has, (regard . in the most reaguifieern the latest denim with • lore., following: Thep comprise, in pert of she Sn u mr : orTapeury, a IM IT English and Americus BruF Inspenal. Ingrain, near 111111;; *speller bignsin; hew de-: USN Flue Ingrain; • Common do otarpot. , Plain and twilled Venitian; Extra super cord twilled do; Royal do; iTheep Pelt; Cliendle, Door Mats. Commun; yard vn illl Cloth. 2 do do 0 do do Canon, lilt, mg and hemp.carpet, common oil cloth, oil cloth table covers, wonted and linen table macro, window abodes, lo ved and Oda matting, stair rods, trimmings, carpet bindiagynad all other go ods usually, kept to carpet stores, all of which sold on as reasonable terms ea any in the city. Having made ar rangements with nne of the largest manukteturen in the easy orders for coy style of carpet will be promptly for, telegraph, and delivered in one week, at a small udvauct) of the mat nfacturer , a price. Xprebaseneare particularly requested to coil betore palt`Thasinsielsewhere, ma we feel confident we can sell so cheap as they cant. purehmted in the eastern cities. I.IIV:LVNIK First Arrival Goods . ails SCAZOII IHOHIPS CHEAP CASH CIA7THINR STORE, 136 LIBERTY STIIMET: . . . . THE - Proprietor of the above establishment would respectfully inform his name rocs friends urd cost. men that he has just received nu entire new stock of goods, adapted -to the Spring trade, comprising CSLIP thing that it frubiomtble,'grad, new and cheap, to cloths,cassimeres, settings, &c., altrnwther too nume rous to attempt to describe. No but an =awl in spection can convey nit Witt of th e beauty,..gOality, or can of the stock, which surpasses any thing in the same line in this city; and haviug been purchased art the right time, hs is determined to oder it of such prima US. will, meet the expectations of all who rutty furor him with a eall. As ague, he has outland one of the largest, be manufactured. most fashionable, and cheapest stock of ready inerlelothing that can be met With.— AltWhe buy largely, LS LOOLLSlOlLmerchants, fur nace men, ise., are pardeehtrly invited-to examine the stock ink. purchasing, as they will be offered such .. bargains mien, noisy be met with viten. Orders in the Tailoring lineesecisted with dispateb, and in the best manner.marlbstart • • . . • New Spring Gongs. • - A - MASON & Co., dal Market • strast a have just 'XL. received n large supply of tretaSpnng.and Sum tare Dr in y Goods, wch be offered wholesale and retail, otitis very lowest cash prices. - "Amongst our &s -wam= athaM may be found, 10 cases fenny English and American prints end chintz., comprising every new presentwin the market, and suab l eurch at de row rates, which toll us to sell at least 05 pet tent less than former priers. Also, 10 ea, sea mail patterns, fast colored Montauk and Coche co prints, very neat and desirable, 2 caws new style plaid, sniped and plain linen gingham', nitres,' shade qualny,g ewes sprlng M de Lathes, nch and cheap, 01040 colored cashmere and Sl de labtes, 07 pea ?aria lustresos new and splendid article for huh.' dresses, printed organdebs, sum striped and plaid barn. ges, t use changeable Owns, very nth, a loge lot of S 4 and 9d French printed cambnes and lawns, Wader best quality and gentian:tens , kid gloves., white goods of TOOSSISOr. every descripn, together with a genera/ on. ISOLOOSO kee tio ping goods,Atc. etc. 'Country Merchants lug the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and stem- avail , .rest:lethal - y invited to call and CiASOLIO OS/ sloth and prices, which we Will warrant to compare iivorably with the eastern markets. 'mei • " " • A A MASON. 1 - SFEW.SPDMO GOODS Cl lIACKLETT 09 'Wood street, are now 0 reeelyettlaqn additions to their . ereellent. assort : mant-of Dry VoNsoti which th ey Lorne the atietWon of boyeru,:belierpqr they can oder such indite - will snake it lotacir interest thi make bills with them Pre are uoiereeeirtug a large ussorencia of g • direct from the Dlanufsennert, Importers, de—among which may be found the thhowing: Plain double drills, all grades and styles. primed Keatucky Jeans, bloc, bloc mixed,cadek dam mixed, gold, green, plaids, IcA;ralliletts,hlack,hitte r cadet, 'tool; &its : figured and Lined tweeds, a gookessort ment, Taboos styled:-prints, a Very large assortment of pew spring saplefancy, green. blue, ruttier: browns, lihmatorenge,Ae., in all earth-ties giregthams, splendid styles Of &anemia, English and French, very Alpaecas, stew styles and laylaa nail Lgorro. 'oaf imparted; also, blanks, mode col.. fancy col. edit and cotteu aimp; some black., very kne. Alfot Welch are offered for !ale on the most favorable tenus. • . . Gfa NEAT' a/EDUCTION. IN PEICES—W II Murphy, N. E. comer 4th and market eta. will, from ens date, sell his winter dean gouda, and wlarge proportion of his stack, adapted only to the winter scamp et -neatly reduced prices. It being his object to this on of his neck • make ZOOM form early mpply,-no - reran! ;wit , - be bad to the cost of the goods; but they wal be odpmil 11 inlays dun will cumre -them cede—mochas Calico'sut plaid., at 14 tom er price aim sniper de. at U.S former true di le; Priatial *Scotch cash meres at lei t Pnes dim ,ki..4" former price:l7lm Preach all wool do. 1.4 eta, Conner price nt and 75 c; super do. 75 former pride R 11); super plaid Thibet cloth, Ws and 75iformer price 104 besides a lame msonment of winter shawls ; wonted Nom* ke. as primp 'elt Miser thm before offered. ' l m hlO APRILIO,•IB4I3.- WR. muhpuy .ow opening. his SIIeDND • SUPPLY of silting and summer Goods, and Lai this morning open ...niacin of Linen Dingitairm, per Eastman do; Prints and Chintzes; Lathes hoe Goods, in great variety; Manchester Gingividoi, new pattefus. Lt Les assurance:dame openiug, ere _a great many mdse at lower prices titan taunt: ouch hs tiue P Bptieh urple yard wise; at 1.13 cts, boo Prints at 12/ or.; Dress thughainih•usual width, at iYy as; Dress laanis, yard Wille s at IYt ens; Shirting Alas bus very low, Irish Linen, kn. Mall also open this morning an assortment of imatulful 'style light chintzes, small agureit, for children; LAWIu for do. Also, x:ha luelion Filky lodia Wash do, Crape Shawls, dd. • Parsons wantiug any thingin the Day Goods Way, will do well to call and WU te goods . coil hear the • merchants ssut duo us Who "sale Rooms Quad you . 411 inviting stusa o,.nem goods st about Eastern pm-, cos. taptu viriLaiw CsadlAGES—tlWillow Carrisges, TV yahoos veneer, 01 do Cradles do do; It) do• Ba sket chairs, do do; 12 nests do Clothes Baskets, dodo; adoello Covored Aluket Bsskets, do do. 41411.13 . I dos Begley's best; 2 do do enelluom 1 do without holders; 3 do Buell& Brothers, asid; hat geecired tit oplll • !ILKIIISSUES AND Murphy Ints ~ now bpen an ...talent of ate above genus, inch, thug plain drab and plain bract; satin barred dir fan. ey itg'd du. Also, Hal:wines, Irons 1:3 eta up to finest quaintest also, Organthe Littman great variety, at northeast curlier of 401 stud =Act sus. , • variety, MEW. STYLE LUCEN KS--W It Murphy ,L 1 iaeltes the attenUou of the lathes to aa wool:meat 'of line ass, style Lthen Cambria Mast, embroidered,' hem and stitched. Also; n largo supply of ars...priced docrrom 10 eta up tet finest • apla •'• • , . (1 AIIIII.rIINOT bas couuneneed to recciva a very V. lenge sual desirable stock of Faucy, , Variety lout Imuesuc Goods, all of - whit:li he is deteriaiued to sell it prices that chnnOt bb surpaisised iuknket, :stud manfof them asiove as they conlil i ar ncured from Eastern jobbers. Country nodally dealt:morn respect- fully invited to call and czarina,: his stock. numb al wood et, ceiryjecaond sling SMALL kICAMED PlLlNTa—lust received, nit ass sortment of blue, pink, lanick, purple and orange, malt figured prams and ehlubves tor childrensi wear, also, dark and oil - scarlet do, also, pleb, 1,44 and orange masa del:tines, for do, small inured pink:Oases, tee. tec e •lit the Dry Goods Howie of . s Coble • W 11.11/URPIIY. 13IIINTIV—GIughala styles; open thialnorimig,ease .1. handsome pilots, giughasupoiterns, and fain colors, Duly P 4 colas per yard, at the dry Nubile boom of IV Li Al LiILPILY AV il oitt : y G e re to bin . ‘ e V z i c ' ell i en ol" " Ze n e ' 'Goods, put received, consisung of plain end barred jeckoneis; casnbrica low priced and flee; Fscoich redefine, bevies do, book lambing bisbopbs lawns,kc, and which are oderellia low paces , by waoleselesuid retail._ 11 of f no n Wumonnug, ior OINGII.OI,n from p,r yd. itment rr.n4 tnnshar, reduced r'" inuns • ," prieeti.jultA, • __any Munclan.n , gi.B (WY& . corgJoskol d: ath.tti liIiITINGMUSLIN - Sirk IL :1 - I,:rgly fr.jovt 0 'revived jut butiq of rho. cry cope-. nor cloth elrining. trwslinc, al Ilk cents per yard. AI o, Irish Liucuc, el vane. qualibes, lucluaruir some oxtro Loy uW warranted purr dal; or dry good. bocce of uturla . I.V IL lOtatl'lll'. FLANNELS'coustnaily on hand at dry' ' goals house of W 31urphy, N unmet 4in win =att.. Els, nu alsorilunn4 W . 01400 c goods warranted mil to shuns iu washing. hold LIALLIRUIDERY-1 , /I Eaton & Co, felanarkelut, bare reived anew oupply of pluton,. lot undmok de lug. k Jimmies, muslin, or lawn. embroidered*. order, or worked for elobruideri4. isnuals n'ar lra tin buodlieredefu, after the lalrkt• French uko, loolefill. of all.kisada tot tho swan yureite. tuard..l ILVION la i gitu N uls . rif?tallr tut sale by =mt . & • C teN tu blteutiatis 64; and 7,4 Bide, arab extellatu quality, to I.lCh we invite We I.llClitiult DI tutuaulteep. ere. , ALEXANDER la-DAY, marl 73 market .t, Y tY cot daniond JOSIE2tY—A full supply eiblackovinte, unblench j_LAI and caixed cu . ." Low suat ball Lose, ;beat' cbildrebezi.ejubt °palled by ' mnrl, SI/ACKLEI pS MUTE • LeMEN T&I.ILE; DlArkla-1Y 11.11urphy hoe reed au addieboot supply of Linea:fable slope tool so to Coll,; also, lord. mat 'To welling - 1e Sp ot, 's at bolo leirtee tor ltoalaty ' • • " .marte • IlleteitlA:Ellatlll — A large aseortmeta or elver u.l Ctottta,o wallow :pistartlsl eoroproungt lattyda of eatle rote Your ad cloth; Iteal tlu d yd. wide, ['wavy O.; tatted° 4-1 do; lOW do + dodo;lNu 41d. orolo, do; oforbleh will I.eireold-ott to necosoutalaitng tern. au. metes bought bathe ;tuned Stole, as no s Wood strut. ' _ Jll rituA.ll-s. . oub—theacholl sod unbleaebed, IriD S bibt eout k; one f tet . three yottle; tettels, to be Wood of dry. Dot. Louse orreaarle : • ' .l) - LACK„It dingo - Al reecieeel by Cade{ undfor tele by .; - 151.1A1.12C1.;errlli. witrruora Wood 1 IVA bola Jui& iced iiis4 toi solo br -11%ga141:1147'. VOL. XV. NO. '228. MMiIM HYMN . "The Menailiaise " hie been once Mare !wised • by the exciting news froniFratica, ' and is played-and 'sang wherever the intelli gence has gone,. We give oldbut idmi cable translation of this splendid national ly-j -rio. Our readers, no doribt;remember the romantic story of its composition by'Rosget de Lisle related by Lamartine in his "Hit tory of the Girondins:"—.o/ise Brandt. Ye sons of_FrinCe, awake to glarin• • Hark, hut, what myriads bid you rise; Your children, wiveS and 'granclaires homy, Behold their tears and hear their,cries. Shall hateful tyrants, mischief breeding, With a hireling host, a ruff= band, Affright and deaolate the land, _ While peace and liberty lie bleeding CHORUS. • . To arms! to arms, ye brave! : The avenging sword'enudwarhl March on, march on; all hearts resolved On Liberty or Deith!' , : . - Now, now the dangezoui titorni,iik uiag , Which treach'rous kingsconfederate raise I t lomat, 'Me hOwling The dogs of war e And lo! our fields and cities blaze., . And shall wehisely view the:. 11 :4 1, ; - i g - While lawless force anciguilty stride Spreadsdesolation farmul wid - With crime and blciod hie Landq 10113. t it in g With luxury and pride emrronnk- . The vile insatiate despots Their thirst of gold and power unbounded— To meet and . vend the light and' ir.. Like beasts of burden .would theiload us, Like tyrants bids their slairee Miore; . • Bat man is man , d who is mores Nor shallthey longer bah and goad us. 0, Liberty! can man Once hiving felt thy genhous flame, Can dringeons, bolts'ancrtntiivodhnuthee, Or whips thy noble.spirit mite!' Too long the world has well,' bewailing Ttim Talsolmod's dOgger tyrax - it's 'wield . ; 1; - But Freedom, is ounsworct add - shield, 1 1 And all their arts are unavaihrt' DRY &I VARIETY GOODS. Bite& Large wad , Cheap , StWek of - DRY GOOD/Is • ' • LEKANDER ik - DAY have just received na azza •. A' lar-e and supenor wsortment of froth Spring drmite, de pnncipal portion of which have been put- chased si the Eastern Auction Sales, al .5 , mat redac tion from we regular prices—we-are therefore enabled to offer gr c artnrrgaina cash buyer.. Our stock em braces a gonat.variery of alined every description of Dry Goods, vM 'fords a very favorable opportunity • • for !Myers to suit themselves. • 'IVo svorddyespendfully invite the; attention of all persons wishing repurchase handsome and cheap noods, to oar stook, as we are 7' confident of suiting their respective taste,. , LADLES DRESS SILKS—We have a splendid stock of Ladies Dress Silks, such is super plain blk and Mae blk dress silks; blk and blue blk striped and barred do do; rich fancy sinpdd lied and barred do dig super. high cold ppinio changeable do do, oft splendid qualt, , rich fight P.M lanides - of new 'style and beautiful • ty; burred and wiped dits .do. liADIES DRESS GOODS—Frenck ididSCorth cash meres, French, English sod Scotch de lalims, linen lus tees,Oregopplaids, super barred and sand striped mu. din de lames, both light cold and bias Idle plaid and saint striped muslin; sal linen gingham., lawns, bare- - cos. French and Scotch Gingham. lie. ku.•• VASIIIONAHLE SIIAWLS—We would especially usvira the attention of the ladles. to oar assortment of - Shawl. which is very_ supenon ,We have caper p lum damask ouil embroidered whitecrape aluirerls;•do hicia cord Taney silk shawls ern/moss every. de mription; heavy plain and barred blk do; fi ne • wh eaten. utw stole monied silk Shawls; plain and embroidered Ribes Shawls/ blk and cold diary boa , qge In; with a great canary lather irt!lin ofeurrunei • CLOTHS AiNtfCASSINIERES-An excellent stock of khnol,, English and - ile.llolll . Clod., of ail' colony , French, English and Amencon Cesurneraer all of -which wie ern selling at prices lo mit the olDea MEN'S SUALNIEIt GODlX , ..c.4,the,dn d ,s s ys .de . .o rb plans abd fancy French Casilineres, st. • b.c. etc. . . GOODd-.Abeettitilblitoeir oftwhiteGoods, . Imes as plaits - and barred - Jaconetts, Nansooke,- plain and striped'Swiss Bishop Lawns. &c.a. DONNY:TO AND ;BONNET RIBBONS-New style lucid I:outsets and Beeusetitiblions._ t • : • PATIA.SOLS AND PARASOLLEITS-A splendid • ossotunent of heir style Parasols and Parasolletts, of alt ualots and very cheap.. - ' ALLVI).-A very Inge assortntent of Mailin g ointe, brown and bleactied.blusiins, Sbeedad of all Widths:Del:lnge, Checks, Table Diaper Toweling do, Dish' Linens, .Domestic Hi:Thorns, Tweeds, Jearls,. ensh, Lin., Oil Chintz, Gloves, Hosiery, le: to. t , Conntryvnerybants nod othen buYin to sell agatos • will do well to call 'and CIOIIII. oar s tock, in which they will nlauys find bargains such as will be greatly to their odvautabe to buy. . • ALM:ANDER' DAY,73 larked at,. 'ep2l. • N N cot of the Diamond •HAMPTON, SMITH di " CO. whozacsemE DRY GOODS DEALNIDIN No. 51 WOOD srgEET,'PIITSLIVIttiIi, • ' RE now opening their spring supply of, desumble sk goods. bought at New Vork Anemias, and Law est point private gale of the past thirty days,whch they will aver at as small advance as eau be hail East or %Vert. ln their amortnient may be found— • GUM/ pieces Avattieufi. English and Preach • Printsr, -WM ps American, Scotch and. FreachGinghams; 1W ps Paris Lawns, 01 - gandies, Gingham Lawns; , ' thu ps Line:it:an:hams, a tie...article; 11,0ps Spring aitd Dark Laines and Cashmeres; 2.5 ps Plaided std Watered tilymezt, entirely new ps Plain Black and Silk Wthp Alpaca; • • 501ps Pantalooncry, every variety:_ • . ps Summer Clo.hs, Croton Coatings, Plaid Gam &Alps Tweeds, Couringtons.d SuMmer Casa:mere. • 115 pa English Riding and Bangui: Cowls and PG, • hang, dm; - • .• • • - 400 phSatinetts, all colors and grades;._." •- • IGO ps Spring and Summer Woollen Caialmereig ss)ps Amer:earl; Yorkshire and Belgium Cloths: . 400 ps SwabenVille Jethis; . _ .• • - SOO pi Apron Chscks'and Shining tiripesp ' COO ficklims,koist make; : • • . Irish Lerlewr, 'ColoredCa:al:rams Printed Cad Mar. Vestiogi, data, newest styles fine Cashmere, Figured and 1./aia Sarin Vestingts grew. variety ,pat. term:. Silk noillVorsted Serges,plamsirred and fig. need Dress Silks and Satins, Lanes D arrel , styles Spring end Summer isatals, all musts; ditto, Dressllandlierehichs silk and Cotton/fdkfs, Ileniery, - silk and cottou Grosso, all kinds 'Closes, Suspendent,' Crapes, Threads, Balthus, Varithy Chadds, ss, latest style, nuesually largehrisort— ment at low prices.• ' • ' • , . • , Also, Cap stuffs, plain mid figuted Nets,. Jacemetts, Muslims Laces, Edgings, he. 50 bales fib:slime for cosh at Esuitern Net'llata. IV cams Alacriellit and English bleaabed.Shirtinga, brown Drills, leans, Plannels, Ilmaburgs,Bomma gg , papaw., rteAa • City buyers, mid the 'neighboring twins, will find our • stock always well supplied by Mennent muchasei, and they can buy right for cash MaklV NEW and oplendid ••••; ZEBULON RINSES'S 97 Marker • so gold lever Wait Neat wirer lever mdebesiSSlgitsti, , oilreraintebed lamer l watch <l; 2 . 3 surer lapine aratehea;-.SA ,Mier- 9ttuder aiches; I.C.fine gold chains; I dos nev i aryl:tear rings; dtta plain gold hoop lino; closiaioot& Shp; arm nl .cars, playing a variety ot popular sits; •12 gram steel slides, all sires. tune coons dric fine Fine, silk and paper; .504cricomnson Pans; dat fine velvet bend bogs, new stylen 10 dos fine crotch. bap, new styles . ' 6 don Elie crotchet purees, new Styles; 25 dos fine parsvols, 1i550Wet8221,.., quiet fringes, gilt .5 silver, furegidisstlo flue dower - ewes, nasortellt . l dos fine steel screw pin . cosh ions' -I. dos tine retry screw pie cashieuir,.l don fine wcoll screw pin eustnons. A fine assort.. of new Toys, Or. Os. roar 29 SPRING AND SURILETt GOODS: ' A. A. N.M. a. Co. , , • • C. Z. arrinonY &co Pitinbcrgh.. Now York.. A. A. Dlaaon & C., , eta - .141 ad ith 001--pity -I\g Pitt*. = 4 rlce i rtdy opened their now and elegem G ood., an aalaaai re mock of rich pring and Ramm cotapnung upwards of ReCe hum. dyed packages, of the latest and mot—fulnonahla ?lorehants th roughout the country firmed to call and aiarnalp Our la.aCa, aa it / t e rn inicuaoo w alter our good at the lowest' Eastern heleaele price... Une, .of the fins realdlorr la New. ,York, will be constantly sending na fresh, 'applies of the :moat desirable gotatr, thereby, jailing !neatly la. :Day in the 't,nenetion o: ear besot.o thy could be by I:4.qt.= /louses. Priers ate therefore-. dooranteed to be ao.low no the harvest. New tied - and ebdadelphia corm , WY' rH ITEZOODS run DR ES.4l.l2.—Cryen Ws morn. , V lug. et W It 'AILTIL Pal qi Dry Ham, ..onh cum corner of Mh' nod Murket eta a full assort /mug Of hoe& tor dtccsca, ouch , an-Surly Mus plal and fted: Mull Mull dot burred..l.4loncts; plum Mulls Alto, 'Colima ,stplis of goods for Erciting Irreales, including a fsilv puttcrusof mains anew sty!. auunuideml Muslin Rob.: • [Er Mew goods wall be receiving &Lilt for i'att In COjAC. inciudulg acme. atilcu-Lhemi ILimoda,- Linen UnitreliCh Prime nail Caharee, very luw. Alfsekants orr ta eiaraiuer yowle..o ,ect mboicsalc roculm, up mutt.' asuortup.P- ImpLe pod prices very low. . • - - SPRING DRY GOODS, , • :._ C , IIACKI,INT tc WillTE, 'No. OV,Wood, etteet, are t., reeerria Gnood a emf loro and enemata e 'manor-faun rtvring Dry y eil.vtry recent purchase, and bonsht' ander the men tavern:no circa:nameeve and they are ptemnetl, and will tell hi mbreltanta, at oWhich k vary wan bulTioCO op ILIO,OLLON on.- .. . . • ~. ,' .. - .. wr vroAlrequeat all merchanto rioting ear any to . iirc air stuck a fast erannumren, and tea le.' . Orot-thel will be entirely 11.14ArA .a. ratoeOf the CtlOtpoo.o of . ITAISTINGS—Sup Frcusch lifd tais, Bilks, Cash.. meter, suid vishiia„.Alarscal/c. op?. 'French, fre.h irtslioned, an color*, qualiticasullezar CAS61.}:11111. cvery attic an& uality? Qaces cum, fissionntet .iosiss.ausst s l nerahla_coatirlpfir puts' Ivr-ari ar prises •' a t so l y airy isi thn ltpstßiSON'S.Ctaltr-tleara,..--..,; iIIIACILI•ETT11111V/11 tirIiOLE4ALE DEALERS, IN LILY: IT '99 Wood ooreolinaro on hood,asAliif ly se cuing alio*tee UWinerayovausive twoonment of Dati2GOODSioiltliflotWkiik 'or to ouloltoot9 at tow: oo t*.bOlOtoltilk Jlotiiliog amino) , can Imo, outirsiannikosn.zhar, enti4d :a i r r n ol: l!norAo;on!*2-05 1F44114 . • . - • - ... . ,- .....„ „............_.„„„.,:_.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers