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CILAILIWUZSCGA3.-60 bbt., iropirsor article for V sr./just sad• Art solo by - • .74 .IJAISEB A BUTCHIBON • 10 QUNDRIEB-20:1 by. Bane! Rabbis, al hid° do, 51 bbla *war Boast Maas.% .10:1 ao • Loaf pavan landing (rata gamer fit Cloud old for tale bg QIJOAR AND BIOLASSES—SPO bb.. N 0 INigari A 7 bW N 0 fifolsmag' f H. ...le bJ +PO BROWN*. CULRENVON libe • Cr AUTESINE WINES-11 half Ws nosrlandiar, 1...7 bids soil CY half bids to mire this week. 'These wines ors army own logortatkes, Motet, aith will be mold low low splo • PC MAXIM CHALPACNE ITINEa bukets Maltese Cnsse; TS doStown Obstapame Wines, now landing Ape sale • - ••W P C MARTIN Bxiain ws pi p es supe ri or Unwary Eisody t of saw iapratiap as Ism. 4 quarter • pea tupcnor MARTIN FONT WINE-00 • cask. Barsoody p a ,' o f Alton eropOrtztio o n now landaus and for solo low .P 1 P C MARTIN BELLED CORN • sacks just reed stud for Ail. S by DROWN k. CULBERTSON, - 40 ' ' 1,5 kbV l / 1 4_ HOWIE mikAlises—to bb!i prime N 0 • Just reelired srsl We by • ' 116015 N &CULBERTSON SALUCLN-10 bblN6. flahrKm, nweivel per VILSON & C.. EKR stirlf Ms for nabs by , Nyl4 ' WICK & IIeCANDLESS tia.Trigi.,l=nd D%et? ekss' b, C 111,311 bz s extra prisne,loss teed end for sale by , ' *pH • • WICK t PIeCANDLM . • --- - COTTON,II3 bales per Ala. Eagle (O ari FRIENO, snEy po frOBACCO I -25 kegs No 6 Twist Tobacco, landing from steamer St Cloud sad for sale by QALERATIIB;4I.:eniks Cle•Teliusd Salentin.,', just receivnialtd fit ode by •. - .Pll - ' • , • ' • WidE t.NeCANDIMS ' • -- • ". ' TABII—YO nabs Yrbie 43r sale by •• ; . • YNal ' • ' WICK AbeCANDLMS BA.CONIS boxes Virginia eared Hams . aad Siam; nom laraling Radar sale by_ ' POINDEXTER& Co; 44 grater rd EID—OW pig. 1.41.ns Lend, received per steamer 1.1 Oriental, ara4 for sele r . spill • ; • PontinetrEa k T AIM OIL-10 bbla for mla by •pil • Atelf3lLL, & ROE FRENCJILAWNS:—Toro cam tioosolful now style . Dress Liston, Jost reecived by •• . • ape •• • - • SHACKLE:IT AVIIITV.. • ortski-43 euks primafor sale by P • pl WICK& bIoCANDUSS .H.110‘...48.4k3—W loi4a H Massacs. Refinery, reed pet saw Schuylkel and for Ws by mu spy. BUILtIMWE,IVILSON tr. Co 'p ICE AND LOAF SUGAR-34 ticsees Ake; =WA .Ll 6 LOW . Sugar, Istotimr them war Seheyiktll and for ado by . — ..I.IAUALEY 4s. MUTH, • 113 and Al woad st "DULY PORK-11 0 0 pierce. aged Balt Pork, landing from reamer ?Jingo Chief and for sale I. - STARCII-441 boxes Starch, 'ape:Jo...quality, land ins from' Monogramls and for sale by • apl2l • . BAGI . AI.O( & SMITH BUCKEIt,7SII dos painted Baskets, for Ws by , spLI • - WEST BOWIDI - - - DIG METAI.-5) loos No 1 Foundry Metal, Just re calved end for sale by ' ay= . - • WICK & MeCANDIXS B. IC ' • uereas Ewe • +4l : . IJUILUBUDOE, WILSON &Co rR-100 bids Tar, of prime qualiiy and in good con anion, o consignment and for sale by • aPO . . TAAFFE & O'CONNOR pravvtly 0 • nuke W NO 1 ease • CJ ' ' or J 1:1 &Co TUSTEECWVF.J-75 bu Ilydees fkwips, end tI for sale by aps J KIDD k.Co vx ' 73 lbs pour pnese • • •r • )11111) k Co CASSIALERES—A. NII asamtmeat of blatk and tan. ey Ceasbneres, just ,reeived by apt StIACKLETT WHITE, Pt wood et 6IID-7 kegs for sale by 14 spt • GEO COCHRAN. 201acsal AKOLABSES-40 LW, NO; 10 do goner House; Gel ILL slenSyrap in bbls and kegs, Gsr sale by ap7 JDWILLLIMUS - • rlOßN—kmekspimoyellmr tom, inimre awl for t NJ ulelry ' J CBLDNykI.L . Q SALTS-3)las blue. and for sale by opld , C BIDWELL 1011 br•ls small white Eleansit u Vl4 l. ju 209 - 01:1L-41:1,1:01:1 lb. No I pulled Wool: far wale by a 18; C 111 DWELL Wutem Hide., on hand and for mle •17 W YOUNG k Co,l43ltheriyat lbs best quality Manias 'de ' James Elmith, MO &folk st, 4. Chutes Mem, Int Water .1, • , do .All of which may be round mother addrened, post: • ri figt i Pteelaited by Dr, Si [Lev, Oda MIMI is 11.4 THOMAS & Co, 14e Main st, between al as Itb .sr, and 109 Alain .t, between 4th and Ith .cos Cleeinnati, Oble, wholesale end mush mental/a Oaf south end wort. L W/LCOX, Jr., comer-a( Market it and dm /Nig mod, only agh M Pitrabt JahldawlY ,==:t= f... 1. 3 -1,74. ofts;.. 4 . Pawn Ble.orga• — 6 " ante Valloye.r• M.& AL - Wheellos f ,do • Morgootovra...- li N. W. H. Va-...— . • 'I, - do" Parkiwsborg•—• ." ! - Toommessose . ' - Pl L Dfl'!""V".":"* . ' A Far. k llrenhla ltk• L==l EINEM Swath Carolina. Clamdm Bk , • .... ••• • 2 Bk.orCherlest2••• •• 2 . Commercial Bk ..... •-•• 2 • Bk. of Georretown 2 Bk( Liam Bk .•••• ••..2 Me.rchants barg. 2 Planters k.ktecha`sBk. 2 Bk. of Scab Groliav •.4 ./Maz/sad. Balukmro • Balinee. k 0 IL litBe rip 10. Comberl r endßk.ofALec 21 20 Y ....... • •• •.• Far. Bk. orlderyland• • " Fermers , ./k Mechanic. " Bk. Frederick a , FrederickCo.Bk.•••••• 111;Sg IDlc.of eitalinster • ••• 4 •• . Bli - of St. aut.- Waiver Ralsen•••••- 51.1ebigno Co••• • • 5 Far. k.Aleeh's 8k... 5 Wlecensba Teriltor hist./kFireln.Co.Alilwb 5 all nolreatßanka t 6 Bank of E eglandliates ••••- 6 1470..t5tr. rete Value Napoleons 61P Meals 16 If 2 20 Eagle. old • • .e'e ..,10 60 Eagle, atm •••• • 1010 Doubloons, Spunk. 16 00 Do. Patriot . t ... —•• 16 60 Sovereipu 184 Guineas 6 00 Prederiekadlon•••••47 BO •• , 750 len Wen boaisd'ors• •• • Ihaeliaaiipa. New York Philadelphia ir Sallhaare • him , par. Imams WU— 9 Clergymen lieettutaleatt " • TAYIMVeI BALSAM OP UAW...MORT, loom JJ 73 Beekman Greer, N. Y.—lt cleanses the 10na.... purifies the blood, rellevespains, eared diMeigthreath; mg, by promoting expectoration, strengthen.. the eye] tem, suM Is a certain cure her coughs.. I have used-it in m raclice and alwa with maceessy for 3r." O4IVhIPTIO . g - Mrs. Nartin, a worthy member of my congregaridii,;: was taken lit some dine since with 'aeoldrptin.intle‘ • breasand soma difficulty. of breathigg,. Gad In time : days thereafter, she had a violent cough mei patella thtu , side, whichao medicine Would relieve. .She tontine,. ed for a long time under the medical care of Dr.-Ren e t •• but finally time consumptive, andlyras-evidentlyt, - near elle end of her carthlyaufferino,twhen her broth.: • et persuaded her to try Dr Taylor's _Balsam of larer; , - . wort. • When she commenced this moditiaffitalid anti seem to agree with her for a few day*, hint by I the dose. she found it answered adertimblytitrlit her rough and her Jiff eulty of breathingiumanter'sak Sad the pleasure of ',Messing her rapid recovery: to health.. -•- • Be, WM. CONSUNTTLON ANDLIVIMI cow cyan!, For ser• yea?, .1 suffered with Item awful diseas4 : and from my heart I feet for all simile:ly &Meted, ' I begot them miry Dr:Taylor's Balsam of •Liveranwte This medicine cured me when I could not more m b • an was tot expected to live a ereek-Illet eel: in six weeks by this vegetable medicine. • :. ' • • 'LI MARyS, 106 or rt. - EXTRAORDINARY CAUTION; m'enrciteting medicine in rpcnirect—ltemember.-the act the mily erne end rename is nemeses& at 73Beelunan st; by the. miringproprietor, formerly 175 Bowery. This Is den. • • only article peppered (like the arigi!.l'F.T-iptna, So en ld in Pittsburstr by ID Hormen,'4l3 Woad Townsend; 45 Martel st; H Smyser, nor Market'. end' . - • '34 ete; Henderson & sLiberty Trims reduced: .. ' to 81,50 per bottle. - • - glydropailla y,, or IMO Waiter- Mare. - OCTOH ILENJ. %V. MORRIS mom. his . Omens/ • „LY Mankato the citizens of Pittsburgh and Alltnyhenyt. esty for the very liberateupput and encouragement hse -' • Mu received lutist the leo stamonthe ./Ilso the W.. ter care should act:mire- seat vielebrity r is neither strange nor mysterious,when is is conshhud how mat a umber of uses efuery armory of • dieceses, bake loofa and chronic, have been cured by a halide. aid • Germany,wheie It originated, six thensenay, efthe wont eases, that were groan ap by the man alai fol physicians of . Europe no incurable were -eared by. the tuitional Priesuitta the Mender of the Wore Cure: In England, Ftiaooe and America, thousand. of hope- • less cues love been coral by - kand the numerous • Ilydomathie establishments now in tutces.fel opera- don mike United Buttes, speak sidemen brfavor of the Dr. Norris hanng permanently established himaelr • in the city of Pittsburgh,' three - doors methwest offs., eirmts alley, on Perm street, is now prepued to take; number of burden! sad Usal them as his lentstst 'those who prefer being 'treated their own duel will be punctually and Isitialdly attended. : . Um may consulted at his office from 1 o'eloch till 3 P.- M, .4 - Gorr?. tole the evening. . N. It.—vcry variety of bath's made; me of he; Thum. muc, both for Irmes and gentlemen. can be it: . - - lobned at the Athermum, on Liberty Erect, where they have tree recently crested Meths express ma of. Ify. deopathie patients, ant where every emotion will ' • given by the polite and attentive proprietor • TOPORTAYIT TO TEYELADigr I_Q.. aSeS J. link C'reain, a matchless article tar the °rowdy!' Boon) and. Restorative of •the Halt. when once known, will summed: ell other ortielol the kind acres used. • When the heir is , dcad,• thin, • unhealthy: er tordiog• grey, ap few, eppUcan will make the hair Dolt twd dark, aM give tt a beadle& • lively appearance- and will also make it retitle • iinemand heoldijcolin twice es 'oven all the peep* redoes which aro tepee - 4Y - t,ed.. Every 'WY gentleman who aro to the habit of axing oils mitheir ' hair, alio= at once perchers, •a,bottle of the Chinese. Hair-gream, eels lase composed that it will not ajar.. the hair h 1 those other preparatione;hat will beentify,'- it, end g ive perfect satisfitetton in every laauseo, .Fer testimony to harm Soot/ice. qualities, meet)s fidlowing letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Mises. , llenderabott k Stretch,liasheille penera; Jkaresse Letter foam the, Rev: R. Caldwell pater Of the PLOIIi . hyletian Church, PulaskL• - , Xe.u-re. liendershott • PareWty....CentlemUm I tarsi pleasure' In oU.ling my teatooony :,a favor orilte eater lent preun.ll.l culted' Voil.sh'u: Chinese Mkt Cream-4hr sheet two. ye - qrs ago,"m7 heir was very triuly, and &Trued to room eat; tat haste n /For. eared a bottle of the Cram, and used it ac co tar the preseriotion, my hair., uct, ,etly daunt and ma ha the head. Marry halo.. and oils wore applied, each Jesting my • ham to aworse mans than bettsm... "Mk Cream y however, has met my expectation. =,•.' As an uthele for the Toilet, my wife give it pre cxt race over all others, beine delicately perfumed, and sot disposed to rancidity. 'Yhe ladies espettally wtU Mat the Chinese Cream to he i desideratum:tin their Fermat rations for the toilet Respectfully, • Pulaaki, Jan. 7,14117. . • • ELVALDIVELL:” - 1513-8. old wholesale and retail , in Plusbanyhy hy John 21. - rtsend, Na 45 Market street, and Joel Mohler comer ot%%odd and Filth turrets. -. • - ' datum HOWE'3 .I.IIiGEIAPT lIOARROUPID A won Cough Candy I. offend to the Pen. esAt pleasant and tithed...eme l t!, Artemisia. coldsdaeasse, te n st . l 4,, A tk. .gwizt= 4 v . t. 0 . /It fret k Zodi of the Chem and Lang. rla each sew it la known ea have agonted deeidol and pecratutent relia4 *mahout ' its amid. eel. and gnat =aces, u• remedy ferias above disemes when it boa been and, it promises! to become ono of the most tuella and popubtentedidmina It is Mimed wo, as a pleasant nib:dm the cobanantinsi . and en astimant to vocalism and piddle speakers et . . • The seine of the preparation indkntes its temlierisis grolient, and it will be found to be by an moansamd. pleasant to the tame. bed may two:red by elation MA adults with emit° impunity. The Fasacuals usel to WI:: preparation an of tho best qnshiyond It awry anerset lied Ps as leaven respect a pun MA-genuine .81611 he Famine. would no doubt promote their comfolastoll • health by keeping's warty, ow:tally in sats matieow • : • Th cad is valuable Cough Candy is oonsidesela Violin)! blatantSo blotheem balm superb, to an thatoussitlitg, 15 ... by Jimmen in creation, as caildren were *TOT to cry when thie candy is end, except Lumen; fells . al of ,s tdi article' conviace any personal( Its 811h1141 L or nd the proptienera tberefors defy acypenon lltkl Veiled fbeded, pftebteet ebb": Itelebldeeee,2 o 4 , • Said who and retail, by Gement Agenten !loan k. Co, Proprietor, No t College. Han Purity Vour•II/oed.'- ' Mrt. O. E. SIFILEY::;Deee sir. Ly e B o th. nog the preeloui winter. »lai r adlietiet fwith ase rotidane complaint in 40i . ..owl bow. or some w Phr se w44 ":.:-'ee • • amy casa,lon4 inenralde. end{ ier teglitds Coe me. I eras..bearly evil* nantendelieseceddiehdi &Scully deentieat lest, 1 jporehasnd of yolk. afel commend eg iips,r. sat.ll beleueeidze: Agee *nue of hee k Md.* emu enunnenesd Fielding, and du el milng Otity cute. • 1 - dispelled vdde , Mit thd dda ibn:de44'erne an ensiles to andetallAnt, inlbedsidd obn.P:l li Xi, I need in, eseenfola •and noteslml: all tended vp, andidneek bat satoniesone wen pq oppeetnuwe of the tos.• . We tont n ine:2oW mew In Thema peciteetleialde I stain wiab confidence; ,kningthed °Jere maybobes titled inrike same 'req.; din. dadelTillanwn • l. Es; Mallen ma means snag= edeine nlernalseridderde eind -Ik.nra _ . - pX7i4crs-Eurfa... bniErlica 1t4 7 . , uutd0.c.5. 4. 6.4 1 =t0r4a!„.... 71111 IfEDICAL