~ ~~~-. . „ . A _ ;:inrfrawiTus 4111000 1 & # . - V•,iThaartXllgil/w.Ta=.2r,liAL - _ eaIIeADSLIMUL I SSC A2OIII"—kir, Aernetiliewom iolbe Pionli J ltedThlitsb Wassittey rellemaast Dime Wawa la pabliblied ,2114Yeekly, set Weekty,-Ths Daily is Some wt.. pa eement; tbs TA:Weekly is nye Dollars* ' suss; Ats Weskit' lerr,Ds 1 . 1 0. , kmuo!., okkOf trAa.llll. l aa al. oanlasdy yospleflod the band Oa dour favors blior 6.. ay and as early is to day aa Paliairr Coeteocrchil Intellimee,Domgale; btu. =RivirNewt. Inspo;u, Money. Market% ke. see 14 sad Aaati-Xasouto . - .-FOIL CANAL COMMISSIONER, NIDDLICIWA.FITHI, Faliteda , al correepondenee of the Piushaugh camne. , .WaSnizarox, April 24;1848. .4.att Of-money Feelings ex the capitol. • 'The' Capitol, Adler a Week of great excitement, • growing oat of the abductionof Waves, has subsid ._edinto its. usuil quiet, There is, however, great feeling in the toommunity,rand it has been fanned by . the'debsten in the two Homes of Congmal.- - Some of the Southern Members seem much Mare enraged Mai the people whose slaves were daTi ed of 1; end a good dent has been said of hanging, . linch law, • happily there has been nub• ingot this, and to the . credit of the City, insmte of • all tile fury and foam, threatenings in and out of Congress,there by been nothing worse than large easanblies and fierce threats. The Resident, I am 1 - aasured has dope drily, and 1 tikke great idessere in saying so. Hearing that wane of the Ssenhem bloods,' in the -Departments, were • '.rasing a storm and riot, he ordered them, and - in the public service, to desist, upon pain of dia . . - mission. The city enthoritim seasonably interpis. sed, and slier 'three nights, each more boisterous • *Min the list, quiet wan restored. For the credit of the seat of Government, Rejoice at this auspicious remit. A' free press may speak against the innti tulion of Slavery here at the seat of Government, and before - CtingratM, and all the assembled pow ers . of the Nation. • Alas ' far the poor • suavity slaves! Fifty of the ) • - eighty taken away have been soldand carried till to Georgia, by one of those traffickers; in human flesh, who gnaw rich by braying and selling negroes. It was thew - slave dealers, indeed, who attempted to • • instigate a mob to deatroy the New Era Office.— ; There area good many of them here, and in the newbhorhcod, and you . may we them scent men •- about the negro saltW, as the vultures follow in the wake of retreading armies, to feed on the flesh and . 'blood of dying meta. It is disreputable to the Gen. oral Government that Slavery exists in the District of Colombia at all. It is still more discreditable Cu the slave trade is tolerated here at all, and pao , • Wady disgraceful that any free negrq,is liable to be caught up by any harpy, and put in prison, up. en the - bare suspicion of being a slave. If he can prove his freedom, ii is well, though every wassade obstruction is often *own in the way of his doing 'this. If be canna!, why then hers sold int4slave -;sty to pay - his jail feel, and such practices are not eracceenzad at the seat of Government! • . It is said that MOeighty dimes, whose abduclitm has caused all thid excitement, were taken away , rather by Kidnappers than Abolitionists., The gnilty - penons had exacted money from each, and ;Sitagia hove deWgeed anything but their release:— ,- Many wish,. heartily, that all these slaves were free, but none symPathbe with the Clandestine and ridiculous attempt: to set. them free by deception and delusion. The debate upon the subject of • mare stringent laws will probably be continued io Congress, and it may be, revive the breeze which seems temporarily to have subsided: Many of the •' Southern Members seem to think there is but one side to the question, and. that all the fanaticism is et the. North. They forget how the anti slavery men of the free Stites have been treaded—how tee • , freak= of Speech and the right of Petition have , bean trampled under Rot in both Houses of Con' grese—bow the &ire Scans have been multiplied -.bow even the Missouri Compromise hew been 11. vicdated, and every prominent question connected with the annexation of Texas. Bat mod of all do they forget the deliberate! ;tempt now making for the •tratnibmudion of free into slave soil. The North will mambo a pasty to such an extension— . tosneh • malformation. Stoners - is doomed oven ' , wire it exists by 'constitutional right for the time is coming, when even the Slave Staten will Man . don it, as an indliution cosily in itself and (nil Of danger. The border Share States feel pin inse curity already,and the very fierceness with which the object &argued, shows that it is amine which al explode ere ..Idng. Happy indeed ere they who 'seasonably 'make their escape—and a wad. man or • Rol in he who deliberately in this, the middle of the nineteenth century, ream to extend ' • the MS of slavery. A' Northern Representative who would dithis, and some will do it, had better have a millstone hung about his neck and be cast inti, the see,thea to sera= to his constituents with staeh • vote. La A Leif Man Illstrd7. The bib:ming „ extracts from Allison's Life of Marlborough, seem to us as .erceeilingly appro priate at the present time, when the malice and envy of certain Generals in Mexico, aided by a weak and designing power at home, is trying lie beat to rob of all' . his deserving honors, one who has led our wales through a series of results far exceeding in brilliancy those of the (mom genie el of Queen Anne. " touring the progress of this short but brilliant campaign Marlborough was more than ever annoy, ed and disheartened by the evident and increasing decline of his influence at home. Harley and Me,. Musham continued to thwart him in every way is their power, and scarcely disguised their design to snake his situation so uncomketable that, out or spleen, he might resign. it • .Eacousged bir the pinurful support at Court, Harkry now openly pursued ,his design of effecting the downfall of Marlborough and his removal from the command of the armies The whole campaign which bad terminated eo glorionaly was criticised in the moat unjust and malignant spirit: In a word, there was nothing done by the (termed, suc cessful or unsuoessful, .pacific or warlike, which was notmade the subject of strong condemnation -and unmeasured invective. • 'These accusations, loudly reechoed by all the Toties, and_ oak:dowdy . Poured into the royal ear, tilde such an hi:prat:um - . cao the Queen that . *be did not offer the smallest congratulation on the tory of Malplaquet, escape from nix expr the. least sadisfac don at tbe Duke's eu theinnumeraile dangers be had Incurred. -- . wan received in the most Batter . log manner by the people when be landed, and the thanks of Parliameut were tendered to him the his great and glorious services. The Lord Chancellor said-a This high anklet= mud tte looked no added to and standing upon the kandation al re ady laid in the recalls of this Route kr preserving your memory fresh to all future titres.' But in the midst of these flattering swindled the hand of destruction was already Impending over the hero. It was mainly canned by the great ness and invaluable nature of his sertnees.. Envy, the invariable adezdankou cubed merit, had at. ready singled him out us her victim; jealousy, the • -.prevailing wralmess of little minds, had prepared his rain. The Queen had become uneasy at the wedelns of her subjecL not had nos hero a salt ea:noise him when in commend of the ar. *Y) • RejiaLD notar,--We have seen farther corn. plaints in relatiOn to the manner is - . which the • boob of the Ohio and Pennsylvania company _WU* hurried thnirtigh the cowry. Canton. Ma* slim and other towns make earnest remonstrance albeit Inability to get Mockand in thisstite onhinp there is but one course to panne, and that to re coen thebcoks aid get all the money pomble be. be the election of dilemma takes place. . It is not . neceneary to mania on filly tlmaiiihd dollars, 6 6 . when $250,0f0 can be had as well. The' Penn. Conuninions have netball consalted as to the crganlntien, an mission which 'Mad be rentmlied at once, We are all interested in this road and muss all go togetherin organization, rob. • L . emir:kw and location, which last muss be dune by the hanunents, inn their declaim adhered to, no meter where the location may felt The intermits of this mad will' lie best - promoted by .reopening like books and allowing Pittsburgh to increase her quota, and our western friends to obtain u inter. •at preparatory M the election of odlcem. ' • lizsexxistcat.--Jc4 Oneida, a mend.: o f rfts higileaa Codgress, from Jallieo, was long • 4sisiawitof New Yoshi:Ai and being will uspaits tsd with our goviinierO; will peObahri go Wong- Jg for poses. :Mr. Graaja was the Maxi= - tom! st Neer York andingc . god tha Whew mod. dews meretoints thee. Na is gOvitii: . guandea with Atraisiolot Ticditia and his' proassio la thiNeiciesio I?oagress mut have a ire/ hoped-, 'Nei Springfield Joarnalanncences Stephen T Logan as a candidate for Congress in that district The present member is Abraham Lincobt, (Whig•) teM.Pssf' ‘c. , z"~~wr~ gmz...~,,,. a ~=`ac- c n:.cy_~rr _ '- _ ..Z , i:: * icetethi 4.1 :',.. , - - ,„ .9 , a ,,c; s i 2 , : l n' . :" '- f',., tst4,l°"... R i astene4 l &l 33 4 o .W,OP. , &M r ', 'Da"asn asi 'l4"" ' S'in' essM:' 'MOM: j'atihrrantillmi . . Itlksteet }l"*l4. terealsed i•theetheil'theiT. , Seest4 ... W• lima, D. Lesthettli end ethers, threthenee to the ordinance fatof " the thswiterof feather, .erideft.less. sith.senttop,S-5t5...,. Mr. Back • .pepeeased a peciriee of chtisens of the Fourth WerA, , siikarg (dots - to have a wrier tepainsd, which eras read sod referred flaming:di me on Streets, With weer tcesct. Seat' to C. C.; and reference ooncumd in.' .. Mr. Measly presented 11CPIdialla fen.L.areei and James 'Fiery, ask* COllll4ll to rent them' a portion of the old basal lice—mart and referred to Committeeon City Propeati. - Sent to C. C. ' Mr. Hill . presented a petition from Good Ifiterit Mee Company, which was read . • The .President presented a petition from James . Mackerel], asking Councils to dispose of certain city bonds held by him, which was read and re. ferred to Finance Committee. - Sent to C.C., and reference concurred in.. Mr.fLaying presented a petition form John Soy. der, Attorney, in act, for reissue of Gas Stock, which was read and referred to Finance Commit. tee, with power to grant the prayer of petitioner,if amid to be cornea.. Sent to C. C., and reference concurred Mr. Laying presented a memorial from the citi zens of the 6th, 7th and tith Wards, asking Councils to consuuct a new basin for supplying the upper part of the city with water, which was read and referred to the Water 'Commiuee, in conjunction will:Min Superintendent lumped a plan and pro bable cost. Sent to C. C., and reference concurred Mr. Laying presented a petition from the citi zens of the sth Ward, fur the paving.tiftwo squares on Liberty street, from the Cotton Factory to liar, Men street, which was rend and rethrred to Corn. metre on Streets. Sent to C. C., and reference concurred in. Mr. Bakewell offered the following resolution, viz: Reached, That the joint rules of Councils be amended by the insertion of the following as sup plementary to the 7th articie. 'lf any ordinance or resolution, after being passed by either Council, shall be gy the other Council referred to a Standing or Special Committee, the some shalt be returned to the Council in which the same originated, and the question of Concurrence or such reference shall always be in order, which was rend three times and adopted. Sent to Common Council, and by. them adopted. _ The ordinance citified an Ordinance Regulating the blasUng of rocks within the city of Pittsburgh, was then taken up and read three times and pass ed. Sent to C: C., and by them passed. The ordinance entitled an ordinance regulating the Burning of Brick kilos in the city of Pitt-she - ugh was then taken up when Mr. Black presented a remonstrance from citi zens of the 7th Ward, against the passage of the ordinance. Which weaned. Mr. Bl ack moved that thefarther considera . tionof the ordinance be postponed for the present, which was lost. The 3d reading and Enallaunsge of the ordi nance was then Called for. Mr. Mack called for the yeas and nays, and the ordinance was passed by the ftdkiwtng vote: Yeas. Messreßakewell,Kinctid, Lorenz, Laugh- Layng, Murray, McGil, Totten and President 9. Nays. Messrs. Black, Denny, Drumm, Hill, POP ter and Simpson. 6. On motion of Jdr. Bakewell. emended by Mr. Lam, the vote on the passage was reconsidered and the ordinance laid over until the next regular meeung of councils. The Resolution kr paving sth at. was then ta. ken up, and on motion of Mr. Bakewell, was amended as gallows, that the water committee be authorised to contract gar such pipes as may be. cameoecessary to connect the mains on 'Wiley at. along Ross at,-Water and Penn as, and the other areets connecting with them. The Resolution as amended was then referred to the Committee on Streets Is conjunction with the Water:Committee with inatractions to report probable cost The ordinate entitled an ordinance Relative to drawing lumber on the Allegheny wharf was then taken up when Mr. Preston offered the fallowing amendment which was laid on the table, That all lumber merchants that draw from 40 ta 50 thousand feet per day be entitled to the use of ITS feet and those that draw from 15 to 25 thousand reaper day 67f feet. On motion of Ida Denny, 100 ket 'Were stricken out, and 150 feet substituted. The ordinance was Use read a third time All amended, and passed. Salt to C. C., and passed. Mr. McGill tendered his resignation to. • mem' ber of the Committee on Allegheny 'Wharf, which was not acceyced. Mr. Laying moved that when this Council ad. journ,we adjourn to meet on Friday night, the Shut instant, - which was adopted. Mr. Black presented the Report of the Commit. tee on Streets, accompanied by sundry reitilutions, which were read. Report read and accepted.— Adjourned. ParsessU Address or Banta Alum. The renowned Mexican Gtneral sildresied ■ Long letter to the Mexican People previous to his embareatiort It is published in full in the near une of the 15tb, but it is entirely too lengthy for our columns. We append the frUovringconcluding per tines of it In a kw' words, I will explain the necessity and utility of the war. When once the nation bad commenced the con test, thin months before I returned to its bosom, in consequence of the aggressions of the United States, it became absolutely indispensibie that the Whole Republic should cooperate in the use of its mural deka., to conquer the invader. The is tiresu and rights which they defeeded, were not only those of the 'present generation, bat there was also at stake the future welfare of the Republic and Rs nationality. To sutra the loss of the greeter part of its territory, involved =only its dishonor, but the ruin of its political existence. Those who can look into futurity . , know that those fears which' have haunted my nand, will be realised, kr when the !baits of the neighbating,Repubiths are once extended over the heart of oar dominions, we lase braver the equilibrium; and through an error in po- litical calculation, the war has been terminated, and with it all hopes for our children. Without the necessity for profound investigations and without appeal to the secrets ot foreign policy, the man of ' reflection sees with. dread that this unkntunate people is prescribed from the eatakshe of nations. end that the generation which saw the rumple of its independence, will assist at its furieraL Naive, therefore, desired and sustained the war no the on ly marns of mistreer. More has already been granted than the enemy demanded, and our chil. dren can from this moment say that they have no future and no country. May it please heaven that I may be mistaken in my predictioni Thelovers of humanity and justice Lave raised their voice, even in the American Capitol, to warn us of the immense danger we run. Fatality and the rancor party, egotism and treachery, have prevented our listening to these echoes of truth, and an extemporaneous treaty has deprived us of the advantages . which we could derive by !O Tering a lathy longer t evils of the war, and by showing more firmness to meet emergencies . The state at which matters 4tive arrived, renders my person no longer of any use to en; country.— A peace to be forever exechted his been granted; twothirds of the national territory has been sold kr e dish of InatilL. A shameful and absurd armistice hue been sanctioned to consummate the iniquity. What recourse, therefore, reinains'eni tens, kr him who only returned to his country to satisfy the piiblic wishes and to fight in support of the noble cause widen the Foreign enemy, What Is he to do who is pursued in every threctionl— ' Retire to a distant land to bewail the immense misfortunes of the Republic, since political passions and paltry interests have succeeded in ex.hing themselves over the holy cause of the country. lathe exile towhich I condemn myself, the grief which will weigh on - my spirits will receive aome mitigation thorn the gratifying idea that I have pre. (erred my personal ruin, the loss of wealth and of power, to bending my knee before the enemies of Mentos to obtain by entreaty a peace which de strops the elements of her wealth and nationality. My garniems pierced by the balls of the enemy— the thousands olld caimans who kll in my prelims. and under my orders- blood of the invaders and their corpses which remained piled robes on the fields of baUle, will he so many titles of glo ry for my country and kr my children. Mexicans! One of the Waders in your indepen• deuce, the most devoted to your goal name—one who has bad the glory of offering to the Republic trophies snatched from the foreign invaders--one who has fought against them, overcoming a thou sand difficulties--one who has abed his blood' to sustain your rights—in fine, your most kithful friend, bids you his last farewell. ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA 'ANNA. Tebuscun, March 24,1848. . John Q. ddama—ln his eulogy upon Mr. Ad ems, Mr. Ersarrr related thiir striking incident: In November, 180, while vnilking with .friend in Boston, Mr. Adams felt a paralytic shock. He at once arid it wu the shock of death. In his jour nal he made the folkoung entry—" Front this , day I date my decease.l - teonsider myself, fir every loofa' purpose to myself and my fellowcitizens as dead." Hie journal which he had kept for tome than fifty years, stopped on thalday. Form Months afterwards be resumed it, under dm head of "Post humous Memoirs," . and be continued to nerve his country another year. The evening previous to the final shock he received in the Hell of Repre sentatives he had read to him Bsihop Wilberforce's Sermon on Time. That was the lad • night he 'pulsed under his own roof. • "I promise your Honor, if you will plus a light renteneenn me,l will reform and become en boned man," said a criminal, who hada been convicted anent. The promise made an mores• sion on the ladmend he passed as light a sen tence as possible , . • qday the hangman choke me, but that Judge is a fine old kllow! I must send him something° , exclaimed the criminal as he left the coun; andhebold, the next day the Judge re, s ieved from pa staknown hand a vilitable gold watch, or which he had been robbed two years bes lantr Pnearco.—The LoaAmos of oRecta, in Wentworth's Disoist,lately hala am nmeting in Chicago la which strong resohniosts were adopt ed favorable :Gibe Ptosian, end al** the acoulsition of any more teniany for slave liar. Ims6 Tin shaainakriTim — Nearly ell the mammy slaves have been add sacklike , u that 1110. =MMS ,:TtithelEdiutiwzithiPftisbergh Gazette s The'ffigna af lifetimes seem to indicate a strong Pothehatcycfilusaimthazion of the:Hon. JohabiC Liren,loWitini as the ; onnprontlite candidate far. • -Ilitycaltion, with reference to 'the other gentle= on eus. spoken. f, isi desirable ode—•uxempzfrona • collision ;with - : the friends of either of the numb eat candidates whose claims and qualifications are nice:before the people, and .the aeeoo ehoice;l think I may arty,Orithievrof the,frieads • end advocates of air other 'spasms spoken of— Free, too, foam the prejudices of partizan "verity, -untratamelled with the unpopular questions which have agitated the two pint parties-be a quarter of a cualf•ah'• acknowledged 1141 4 as a Statesman and Attila, Zed : polity of character ai a :map, he cornea beforethe people ofthe Union with ap fffnessfiar thelugh endresponllhle office M'President of thlirgiorioui Confederacy. .." manifested in the Whig party , which will doubtless be carried out, and the Whig vote given to any reliable Whig, so we can. not but admit that the strength of the Whig vote :would be given to Judge:lt:Mom, if tudrunated; in addition to dna vote; his :friends might safely cal• matte on the moderate of all patties'giving him th e "preference over a bitter and , re fr actory m whose view the great interests of the country would lie subservient to :the success of party. Even those who 'night not vote far:Judge hi= Lean, would freely admit that he would make a good and safe President, which would contribute to some extent to allay the spirit of opposition to Whig ueendancy. , I observe that the editor of the Indiana State Journal, the warm and efficient advocate of Gen. Taylor from that State, Some time ago, has, in con . eminence of the General's refusal to receive a strict party nomination.taid an unwillingness to carry out Whig measured, cast him aside, and in a very elaborate Editorial declared himself in favor of Judge M'Leatt, as thenirailablec.didate, with ad mined qualifications foTthe tufty station of the chief magistracy of the United Staten In looking over the Washington correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette, I discover a desire of a large body of Whig Members of Congress, io both Manses, and from different sections, who open ly declare a preference! far Judge liPLean, as the compromise candidate; and that several papers of the North and East have;:within the bal ten days, hoisted the name of JOhn WLean at the head of their columns. With Such demonstrations in favor of Judge Mein, Sod difference of opinion with respect to other candidates, the probabilities for no• initiation seem to be in his favor. In the mean time, let us keep cool, hide one time, and go far the tominee. ! MODERATION. PULL TY ITP BY THE ROOT "Father, here is a dock„" said Thomas, as he was at work with his father in the garden; shall .I cat it off close to the root?" 'No," replied his father, "that will not do; I have cut it up myself many times, but it g r ows again stronger than ever: 'Pu ll it up tit rest, for nothing else will . kill Thomas pulled again and again; at the dock, but the root was very . deep - in' the. ground, and he could not stir it from its placeplace • so he :asked his tither to come and help ; and his father went and !Jaen pull ed it up. "This dock-root,! Thomas," said his fath er, "which is an evil and fast-growing weed in a garden, puts me in mind of the evil things that grow so fast in the hearts of chil dren. A bad passion, even when found oat, is hard to be removed; it is no use to trifle with it—them is no way to overcome and destroy it, but to pall it up by the root. - "Yoe have often seen in our ,„. , artlen, Thomas, that when the weeds are allowed to grow, they spoil all the plants and flow eisthat grow near' them. So it is with evil passions in the heart of a child. If a little boy 'is ill-tempered, we must not expect to find him good-humor, cheerfulness, thankfulness, and desire to make others happy. And a little girl who is idle, we need not expect to be •industrions, neat or cheerful. As we e ds injure the flowers, so bad passions will injure good qualities. If a child is. undutiful Ito his parents, and despi ses the commandments of God, we might as well look for a rose or a tulip in a bed of nettles, as hope to find in his heart there graces and good desires that we love to see growing there.- Now this is quite a suffi cient reason why all bad passions should bo pulled up by, the root. 'Every bad habit, every evil passion which troubles 18E4 . you should try with all ' your heart and mind to overcome; you .. , , should, if pcissible, tear it up. But you will find your own. strength but weakness, and you must apply'' to that Almighty Friend • who alone is able to strengthen and waist I you. He can lake from your heart the love or sin; and this is the only way of destroy ing it, as we have destroyed the dock by pulling it up by the root." PREPARE yOB. i REVESSF--NO one knows how soon his lot may be reversed. • In its unceasing revolt:it:ions, the wheel of fortune may one day place him among the poor. How many at this very moment are lan guishing in all the horrors of the most abject destitution, who were once rich in this world's goads, and on whose lips dwelt in perpetual sweetness the self-deluding prom ise, "To-morrow shall be as this day, and and much more abundant!" Remember the poor! In yonder gloomy prison lies one who made gold his idol. Ho forgot the needy in. his distress, and \the appeals of the wretched woke no echo in his heart. —He was not his "brother's keeper," so .he hoarded up surplus lucre in his coffers, and permitted the dying and the destitute to meet. their doom; but as be meted out to them even so it has been meted .unto him. Not a ray of affection cheers now the gloom led his prison walls. Left alone with the phantoms of the past, how agonizing is his remorse. Remember the poor, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, minister to the distressed, and their prayers and blessings will fall upon your head 'like rich incense, more desirable than gold or 'ewels. IT is a favoritemotion with many that it is of little consequence what one's opinions are, provided they are sincere; and the point is too frequentiv conceded by good people through ignorance or disregard of its effects. In thin manner sincerity is often made a cloak for doctrine of the most radical and destruc tive character. Error of opinion or senti ment is ix plague-spot in the mind—a disease of greater or -leas malignity, as fatal in its tendency as disease of the body. Whether the.notion be advanced in religion, morals, politics, or any other matter, that error is en titled to our charity because it bi unimpor tant, and that sinCenty will sanctify all sorts of opinions if -they are but sincerely held, it is extremely corrupting in its influence and promotes 'licentiousness, not only in opinion brit in practice. Lan ma TOUZ carr.—On the first day, some workmen, while looking 0..01 far vehicles to Gann e barricade, espied!a couple of women driving a milk.cart, the horses of which they stopped. The unhappy females entreated the men to let them go. for their customers Were waiting far their breakfssts. "Where are you going!" said the men, with mock gruffness. "Oh good gentlemen," One of the wo, men replied, trembling all the while, "first of sir, we are going to the Rue des Pities St. Thom.; then,sir, to the Rod du Heiden, and then, sir —" "That will do," interrupted the assailant, Jumping into the cart; "let on be off; and when see hove ser ved the milk, I'll borrow your eon. Come here to morrow and you will easily pick it out again from the rent." • Mawr llcerrra..—'f ha funds of this benevolent association sue running Yetylow, and its opejusions much embarrassed in consequence, lraidus meal, ores have been stigegested to supply its treasury, but no plan fatty determined upon the's far. What. ever scheme is selected will no doubt be carried fol. ly into effect by our citirens,who have never yet tre fused a call made is the name of Charity, that vir the which is beyond all praise sod its own beet re ward. - • Crmarptur Atty.:terra Dsmv.—The poison. Advocate during the session of the General Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church - to city will farce adaily paper containing a full a count of the proceedings which promise to be o Much interest. This enterpnse on the , part of th editor of the 'Adyttcate will no doubt meet witl its full return of ince.. and profit. Drcrirray.-.-Wc beg to call attention to the card of Dr. Madeira, iu riur paper of to-day. This gen tleman has establialied himself permanently in this city, km the purpose of pursuing his profeuion. Hisguslif”-stions are highly commended by sire sal of our moat respectable physicians and oilier Citizens. COIIVOCAIIOI , I or COLOILID riCACIIII2L—UpW of thirty colored preachers left on Tuesday night via Canal in Philadelphia where a gederal con of colored , preachers Is to be held. They were acemapanied.by many friends and Made a 11111c9mplemgat 6r the loos: Tan. 4 24,--76. Anderson continues to gain 'applanie from the lovers of the dram. His:Hamlet last night win new surpassed on the Pitt/114mb board; =diet the audience with no wisbungrati lied, except tp seei , it repeated:. BY NAGNETIBTELEGRLPIL or.riu.D..gba..:a:. poirs:llOaSelsee thePit*lttygli Gantt. cctsramcss. Washington, Apiil 2C,18{8. . Staava—A resolution was paced to supply the members of the Bottse — with Copies of Itonatoers official report of the proceedings of the Senate. Mr. 13adge . voliered a mention instructieg the Library Comititiee purchase Brown's 'Portrait of General Taylor: (Me resolution was laid over. • Mr: lialuthen.asked forthe consideration of the. bill to suppress riots in the District of Colombia.— Mr. Benton then motel to ttke• up the Batiks. Blairnßall, which was agreed 10. Yeas 29 . stays 7. Mr.Masosi moved to substiuue a Board of Com= mission:Rini, instead of Colonel Fremont. Upon this • a debate sprang, up, to which 'Hews. Underwood, Benurn No ir,Phik!a„Crittendep, Allen, Butler, Case hi? • was telen; and tbe'Spriate noon alter went into Executive Session, and continued until the adjournment. Housc OF RIPILIMINFATINITS-A message was received from the President, accompanied by the Correspondence attic War Department with Gen. era! Scott. . The reparts of various committees weree, reeei• ved, bills repOrted; and after the usual readings properly referred. A bill was reported by the committee - ion milita ry affairs, repelling the law giving the President diametionary power at the termination of the war, to retain either the old or new generals. Mr. Houston of Alabama offered the bill whiell was warmly supported by Messrs. Holmes, Stan um and Bons. Mr. Meelay offere.6l ao uneadment which we lost. Mr McLane moved to lay upon'the table "biZh was bat, and the HOU. adjourn About ac tion. Eactaalre --- Commoneenee of the Pi -Gazette ' PHILADELPHIA MAR Pluladelphia, April 2G, 1131`3. Float—Sales sou bbls Western at 55,571. . Corn Meal—Safes at 5-2125 per bbl: Rye Flour.- - Salea .153;t3. • Grain—Sales 1360 InWhels prithe red wheat at 51,345E1,37; sales 1000 1)111,11CIS prime yellow corn at 51:43 - 51e. per Cu. a/curies—Remain as beLwo quoted. • Provision,—talon of Western Sides at 41e; green Shoulders at Lard Whiskey—Sales Saelnaire Correspondence of the Pittsbursh Gar, BALTIMORE MAREET. Raztatone, April 26. ISO. Them ia no change or movement in any am worth mentioning. New Yort, April 26, ISIS. Flarir--Sales Genesee at 5tV2:4":6,37; West. brands 56,00. Tar market is lair, arab a good mond, and RaltimMe $6,00. Grano—White Villein, 51,40 is offered; yell Cara 54c. Pnavisions—There is no nativity in any artial Groceries—No variation in quotation. CINCINNATI MARKET. • Cuseman, April 2n, 119. nour--Moslersie axles, at previous pries., T runrketis slendy k.ot not active. Gmic—Sales piime red whent at ge; of onto Whiskey-80v, 400 bbls at 151 c. Provisions—Sales 40,000 Du hug round, at 3c; of sides, at 31031; of country cut, bug . round at Salf,,S of Western lard No I, at 51 Of choose, at 710 Se. NlGHT.—Night is beautiful in itself, but still more beattiful in its associations • it is not linked, as day is, with our cares and our toils, the business and the littleness of, life. The sunshine brings with it its action.; we rise in the morning, and our task is before us; but night comes, and with it, rest. If We leave sleep, and as not of dreams for getfulness, out: waking is in solitude,. and our employmint is *thought. Imag n. T , , ation has thrown her glory around the mi ht ? — the orbs of Heaven, the silence, the ows, are steeped in poetry. Even m the heart of a crowded city, where the moonlight fell but upon pavement and roof, the heart would be • softened and the mind elevated, amid the I loneliness of nightli , deepest and stillest I hours. ;: lv knowledge without religion were high ly valuable, nothing would be more so than .the Irazura,—Col. Edward Baker, one° a Whig -.-- - - now a Taylor man, rleelines running again for (ion great, as lie is about to remove from his lain rani deuce in Illinois, whitLer .we an• not an yet a,lvi F ronszusgor rnx Lorsh—Diseoses of the Liver are = " :1! e alanuingty 1,71.17.1;",11::;:.:Vta.1:7... not Connected to one way or other with • deranged sum of that import.' organ. Many at the rorriplends width oreusually classed under the bead af consul:a p t/on, hove their engirt in the liver. oAny remedy which would insure regolarity and healthful action in the hoer, would he a tile.ing mookindlr has been the exclamation . of sulteriug thousands. That remedy boatmen found; ais wee and sure. When a into trial has been heeded to it, it hurt.. been known bfoil. Reader, have you any disease of the liver, or disease which you Leone proceeds from hepatic dentist ment? Lose not a moment, but purchase a bon of Dr. MS.ane's Liver P. 11., and they will restore goo to health. They are the only remedy eser yet tbscOvered whose um is rennin to einem a at The genaine article e. be nod at the Drag Store of J. SIDI) tr. Co.,7111:1 Wood Orem. Russ! Rxxcr—Dr. hilane's Yenntlnge for expelling wortns!—Astoniabing (Atte! ...Feeling it to be • duty due to my fellow twiny., I lay before Mon start which toot place not long %Mee. Last all !called on Mesas Hyrol4 k Co. of Willman. town, ti. Y. formate Worm medicine, and they re'. commendedM'Larte's Yeernifuge, or Worm sr...ni ne. I took a bottle home and gave • doze to • child .boot nz years old, and to ray great astortothinent if brought away ,e 3 worms. I most after gave another dose to the same child. saladh brought away ',boor Ott more, Making Amur 110 worms in about IX hours. I have given to other of my children very effectually, and can cheerfully recommend it to all. JArlicr C Au.m. • Amboy, July 27t& 1E47." The genuine Aruele eau he had at the Drug Store of J KIDD & Co. No GO Wood sweet. ova • my- Cidmn •re honorul.lx d that the folio , log are the scgdal uuallues of a de Goole ofJoste' Co ral Iloir neeloraUve. If they doubt our sword, they comae there 'uglily resperluble carrells, rho have met! u: Alt Ger, Iletikett, 41 Elto et, Neer York. Mr•. Meting *Reeves, Myrtle moue, Elfooklyak • . • Mr. Win. ToMpkins, 92 King st,New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson, ED Liberty at, Pittsburgh. H. E. CDlleu, lam barber. steamboat S. Arnaricat. And more thait a hundred °thus state, though this mast suffice, that it aaill force the hair logos, on the boot or f a ce, amp fatlmg olf, strengthen the roots, removing set:Hand dimdruffrom the mos, and making n-d or gray hair aiattrog a fine dark hook, and keep dry, Kash or way bats mist, stilt, cleand beoutltut, a eery, very Wag time. Sot. at WM. JACKSON'. E 9 Liberty at. . uar.3 Err Yellow Teeth .d punt! breath,. lipopcy rums Like rotten death, gawk is repetitive and dingesting. All could have teeth as white a pearl, Sweet breath—hard cuma—mais or got Why delnyt—ltay, quickly basic And tote a box ea Junes' Tooth V/111.. It colts but X; real., and i• fenny • Itentniful article. It grte• lib. teeth e hot, entun•l. 1 4 04110 1.•181ottgli • V 9 Utterly &I.; t,u.lWarly tl7-Viint foolish, ailly old felloor.'read this, and be oo Ithsger Gold, whisked.. and Matrices. Mn. %V. Jnek son. of Ott Liberty street, l'atteburgh,Vo,eenilie• on the ad of February, 1047 that Alt. Thole Jeteksun'm brad, on the top, was entire l y bold for ISyeara, nod that by using two 3,bottlea Jones' Coral Hair Reelorathe, the hair is ;rowans fast and thick. Sold In Network by 5.50N,27/1 Broad at, IL VAN LIOSIII.IkK, corner of Wood and Nantucket at. tuatlit 1:13 - Salt Abeam, Scurry, Old Sore., Erysipelas, talberla Itch, Chap., Sore Head., Sore Board% Pim. plea. Jones' Soap i. used by many physician. In this city In outing tho above, and we Would uot conucloutiuusly. sell utile.. we lluaw it to bit all ova .tare. As It cosmetic, the true Jones`Soap is perheps the only nrtiole ever known that removed impurities nod cleared .d beautified the skin, making It cod, ale., smooth and ythate as. inlants. Sold by WU. JACkv non, en Liberty Wm. mina/ Q) Men never attempt to counterfeit a worthless article, harms valuable medicines are fzequently imam ted. 'rhe knave who counterfeiu a met tOttinas as great a crime au if it were a bank note or the coin of the United tastes. B A ItaltnestoclOs Vemaiinge, which is the only safe sad certain cure for wonns, hos bean counterfeited in many sections of the country, and persona should be on their guard when purchasing to get the genuine article, prepared at PilLshurgh, Ns. OTTO Tnt /ULM LTD LAIIK—COMMOCIN Nerve aid .Kuntabitamettt reel Indian Vegetable Math, it the moat effectual e4re for Ilheuthatisua Sold by 181. M . JACK- S . Age for Plalburgb. • Row ItaldaellsT We — Don't hare yellow due Teeth—:they cite made pearly white by one ttme atlas a box of Jane Amber Tooth Putt. It herdelts the gums, eweeteasth breath, &a. Sold ea MI Many Cl. Doe Mi.:M.4/1y , I:l37Pltoh Bowes, de.—The Genuine fitly.' Llatmoo Is tut lunge more holy celebrated as •• cure Or the above WEN any 'or all others. lii cures are almost gin betnerablo. Sold by W.ll. JACKSON, Agent ler Pitts burgh. uovlbdtrmtlatT whilst ails of has, Ilan snow, Andy as atonements/ alableter.e AS ferules have skin like the above, who nee bones Spanish Lily White. it naked. pave snowy, yet nets rally white; Sold et Ed Cnemum ette r eL ' InUla fool g bp".m.T. visll make your brew!' ',reel, whited your meth, ke. Sold sr 86 Many IL noviedtwly _137T0 Siakkumkkkligaaati 'Onmaa--Onnaell'a Pilagteal"Painiamme eoneadetby med.- tal men that ConnalPs IKkpead.Pais.illisamor, attnib , Amaral by tioseateekik Otiewthad akNI, i. Ike preniew woedscatake 19J emmtl..lta efedkars (ad p alaseelona Walkasse tasnenalfintablumr, to Mal MI tratsenaliaret, in albs minute. af ter its applifsi elivin acdolaiallattbralatO on 'the. mostidet awe akin, iy ase.eeit.eis eqna ll y benalelsi all kinds of inlamsoominytil encases sore !Nip ples sad Eyes, Spnains, Itheteasueli, White Swelbog and Mem, BMWs,. Bunn. adlididas, Erysipelas., Itiles, Tie Doloreaus, An. We might adds. proof to MI we say, the name. cranny emblem ;bye:Miami who use it in their preview, sod hnndteda of She elergy who praise nut their people. band pawns keep it conmanily on had, in eases of umdent by fire, life may be tom with out a, bat by Its use all burns are subject to as eencrol, - unless the vitals me destroyed: Caution—Heanimber and ask for CoanelPs Magical Pain Extractor, buena thawed by Comstock it Co. NY, and no other. I • Sold by Whl: JACKSON, Agent for Pitisbazah. 91) LOwhy ray hand of Wood. . anysdityoar in Culitin b antwerf descrucUre to the be. man utiele, for akin) the sadden change trout heat to cold and the smoke taws yellow, dark; =mot- It'' ' 4s k l ro i gna; tit . eft mouts P ihould be ( * reel p dc le i. u s t7id e is a ssrr : r : t twa llSe fit,r s—tb k : T.4ll... y ki.— eamL o ril zuipuirii j , m ...d. oni : di s sees the . ream the akin, than any we e r outlet Of theibody It neeelsat.y, therefore, to keep the'poree open,all hat ore are dupelkd boot Ow akin flora the pores', wit a they wash with Jones' Italian Chemical Soa p.' p. I ha e seen it cure the 14.0"s1 a nd oldest ewer Of Salt Rh nm, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's bek,SoreJletad, f re P' ed i "n' had "l fi —: l e ed—i[ li te l elfee Wl'd ie i ngring l""i'd Roma thettin n'ek :w: Le! particular and ask tar Jon. Soap—to be tad in Pituborgh at WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the_lffitkloot, 141 Liberty at. Price AU eents. nonadaysly f~Batar or Courasia—Bata Tonics—To the fold . sail Grey—lf you wink a rich, luxuriant head ails hair, free from ilandnaff and ...I, do not fad so Meant the genuine Balm of Columbia In cages a bald.. •it will more than exceed your expectations. dimly who have lost their halt for aJ years Ware had it restored to its original porliallon by the use of thin halm' Age, stain or condition appear to be no obstacle whatever; it also causes the bend to Paw with which the delicaia hair mho is filled. by which means thou.'s& 'whose hair wua grey FA the Asiatlio Cagle) bare had their hair restored to its natural color by die use of foundaahle remedy. In all eases of fever it will be tha most PieUltillt wash that can be used. A few applies., dons only are necessary to kern the hair fruciandliag out. It strengthens the roots, st never lulls to impart rich glossy appearance, and as a perfume fur tho toilet It is unequalled; it holds throe times as much as other mishallpl hair rostormives and is more elloctual. The gentnnemanufacturryl by Comstock a Co., 21 Courtl.d stroobllow York.' • Bold in Pittsburgh, only genuine. by WM. JinexsoN, ® Liberty es, brad of Wood; an Washington; Pa., by noreouy & Son; an Brownsv il le, by , fennel & Crocker; in Canonsburg, by Dr. Vouch also, by our agents lot every town ID Ohio and Md. nimlndklirdiatt ar Use um Snorta Muss.—lf you wishbe mie. ?moil to any undenaltrug, you must always,'ase the erupt? Ineand"fleteture, if you have a emigh, use J• 7 MSS ErreCTOKUtri and be cured, in iSiathe ',Tepee mean.. Have you Oathsma or difficulty of breaths., then the Ludy efficient means to cure you ism use Jaynes Expechomat, which WUI immedimely overcome the spawn which contract the diameter or the tubes, end loosen audhrins up the mucus which elogi than up, ohd thus removes every oindruenou to • lope run:l -ran., while-st iße same true ail inflammation in sub dued, and u curo is certain to he erected. Hove yod Bronchitis, Spoung of Blood, Pietism, or In fact tag PLIIMOULry Affeetloll, tb use layne's Expectorant and riche! i tent., sod en y. will fuel thus you have used the proper means. For sale in Pittsblicr at the Pekin Tea Store,ll 4th street near Wood, , jean Ire' The soft, Angelic expression of some females as grateful to view, wkda the repulore souse,, muddy, flees of ethers, excites disgust—the same with males. Could such people he induced to try a cake ot the true Joins' ItWluo Chevueal Soap, they would he euntpumed with the climis They would hage a dr lt este, Fiesr, white skin, whil r. e ex'cry disfigurement or cruputin would be removed and cured. I hiltticrahNinice--Persons who have l.ought cheap counterfeits and i1..“4115 Ofcud have lo.d !!o at' to J produced, niust try dos, the prisms!. Mind, ask lot otter' Soul , Ear mule at Wia. liessines, f!) 'Aber ty street. aiarli • Does your hear toil ad; dam your 'Mir tam Fray G. it harsh, re it dry, or dirty, I prier , Ulm Mile, you eim make it soil, silky and fire, Dark and healthy, and beauteous as Motto& in mine And to have this, you hove but three abilhugs to give For a bottle of J• 11.0 Hair Restorative. • Reader, if you have bud hair you would really be us tomshed .at the lovely elleet o three shilling bottle of Junes' Coral Hair Restandive has on it; it needs but one Sold .0 0111 Liberty at. nj- Ladies who use Jones' Spanish Lily White, bare always • fine white . traiwparesit skin. U( this • trial will satisfy any one. Sold only to Pittsburgh, at Ltheity uorl9duWwly , . Kr The public are respectfully invited t d attend meeting of Thr Association of Plovldirgh anil vicinity for promoting the inter...to oreduenuon, at 7 . ! o'clock sloe IThursday ) eveming, die Zith inst., m lb TeIIIIKI once Al k, Allegheny coy, Oanart or Tat.answ.—Essay,Mr. John Swivel; PI, nography, 11. Willows. I ap17,11 • The luentbera of the 'Committee appointed to make arrangements for the funeral houor.lto the re w of Commodore Barney, Lieut. Parkecand Sewell, are requested to 'meet at the Mouonfabela How., on Thura.lay eyaninp :nth loon, at Ti . 1 . 1, .0; . BUTLER, Chatrusan. . . DMA, . , . „, On Wednesday morning, as' ls o'clock, dl. lama Alsara,late Llteleilalit. 1 • • • • The Macre win take place this aildnlooti, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence on Penn stieet, above /land, to proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery. friends of the family are respecthilly invited to attend. To the Ilonoreelle the Judge. of the Couri of Gene ral Quorter Seerions of the Peace, i,n and for the County of Allegheny. TOOL- It d ill= " 1:T I YI O ' T tr ' T a a f:". travetera and others at his dwelling hoose, in the townships aforesaid, ' and prays dial your tumors will f he pleued to groat hint' a license to keep a Public House of Enterturnmetth And your pentiriner, as to duty bound, will pray. jVc, din bscribers, ' Baas of tho triwnships • Baldwin and su Lower S. Clair, do certify, that the Oros poisoner lo or g ood repute for honesty amts.:ape *nee, and ni well provided with house rooorana Cons • niences fo“ha accortroodatiou and lodipffig• of arm ger. and travelers, and that said tavern or aecouary. John Brawdy, • Robert Forts e Andrew Giffin, Guinding Joseph Kerr, :mho Bochum,. John Allen, Godliels Itontialt, Josephillaraes, John McClurg, Harty Barnes, Rota Stewart. artZtorrffiS NATIONAL HOTEL, SPRINGFIELD, O. A. L. FOGG. late of the Fountainifotel, halo. inure, takes pleasure lit announcing to kis old friend.. and the traveling public gederally,thst be has taken the above maned and well Munro stand, formerly kept by Col. Warden, winch be histhorougli ly repaired and newly filial uPiti every' department, equal to any similar eetablialiment m th. {yen, and in • manner Mal will conduce to the comfort and conte ni[llCo of all who may Maw him with a call. Muse treveling by way of the cars, will plat at all find an omnibus wmmig to convey them to and Gam the Depot, free of charge. In conelmion, he would assure the public that no effort will be spared to render all who snip with him •omfortable nod happy. mid Lopes return to receive liberal share of the public patronage. 1 t=g2M DU. W. J. F7lt . g la nlt !I l dVe l at, " ll doo mu U rdi nairdstrert. Lr, Maetira r 114.••-• D. I'. Fehurolort; Ur. Hobert Simp.ou; Junes &Croft, Erg. Wdliom Thom; Benj. W A. MAtSON 1 C0.,0L1 Maelre. arc opening a en ea...user ...untrue nt of these Goody, Jost re ceived par. Express, compersing the larger t and most faohlonable cork of Drell. Good. to be found In tilts bro—arrion& which we mention, Co pg extra rich em rdriad Poll de Chevre, anew art.cle, 'and the utast degiratile patois in the matte.; afro, uric Two: Chat. hes, Iterege..M.C.. Aloha,. Snipe, trench /scone., Ac. I=l= PitllF: First Ilettabon of the EitAl Reginters Pen 1 sylvanta Aldine, will weevil the h mt. May, of , A 1 Crooks, Steubenville Bond, hie day, low it pe eeists. and drill. The Second Llattaltun of the First He Pen sylvania Malin., meets at the house ol Mt Pryo Brownsville Hood, on Wednesday, IPth May, for it slier:lean and drill. -tly order— . Ft_f_t_v__ . , It _ LIEUT. COI.. tiI.ENN. - . OOBERERRIE2d, MOS-4 ROSE AND BOX.—lust rereived per stearaildp Calellania,fnito Europe, a eplendld and choice collect.. of Gooseberry Tree,of the lareat and most excellent 110it.i FleliCh Morten. Momone and Dwarf Moss Ennenre Roses, together with hundred yard. of Box, for bordrritir, for sale at ROBINSON'S, RAM street. near Woad, Where may be Mond the handsomest and best collection deane ry Binh and Bird Cages in the city, with Canary and Illeinp Need, by the pound or barrel. era ' - - Steam Engine for Solt. . A N uPituarr ENI:11141 inches ch cy Wider and 0 fact atrulte; four boilers 30 anti ld fret m length winch has been m use to the Pittsburgh Water Works: will be sold low, on application to J. IL ItIcCLELLANR, ap..37313-wlmB Flotteviiirdt of tho WatopPorke._ DRIMS-Oil Cube's; Oxide Rine; Conroe. Senna; Ref. Liquorice; Croton (hi; Ihl Copavia; Oxide latnoth; Rom Rensoin; Wood Plaptlia; Vold mid Pit ver Leal recdand for sale by It IIIiFILLERS, apt:7 v 07 wood at LIM . E-300 bbls Louisville Lime, just pri L r e c i y d uo conrtent sod for A. s u al o e i s tvo t a N r . eau. eed 5p27:4130. froul It - I,IOR STEAMBOATWAND lIOTEIS4Wo have on hand a large mortmani dhoti Stone %Vote, cult. stile far ateancboale _and holela, which vre will sell (4111. t. a uerrV, cr..l alga olWo Big Pitcher, wood cc O BOAR CURED DRIED BEEF ROUNDS—O,OOO I. ougir cured Dried Doer, in prime order, put up for lie;faily Jul reed per ADICTIC•II Star,, sad for sn'e by *O7 SELLERS lc NICOLS casks pure Spoon Oil, bleached; I do Win. ter Whale do Jo; b do CWII6OII 11.1d0j II bids spring do do, blenched; ld do Lard Oil; tkr do Linseed do; in store and store and forsale by apfr • SF.LLEFIS Is NICOLS .. . • VEATlitifit3-117tack• to arrive; for rale by .E 107 ISAIAII DICKEY rs Co, trout •t ICC CRRAIII SAUCERS—dddor plain and gord band China le. CMS= Saucers, for' sale ova low prier, by apl7 . GILL & 01MCV • COHN M.EAL-1.3 . bids Ault Corn Tl,eal, jut iced and for ulo by 'WICK & Iir'CANDLESS M.MATM3.-.otl casks Clerelaodl &demos,' for de by _ ap47 WICK L WCANDLatIi - 13 AcoN,liza pca dog roped cur yale by a 17 7. WICK &AKAN/DU:BS fIirt:MANS-40 bbbs fresh .mall Whim Beaus, for We by sp27 WICK t AI:CANYYLESS 'floOrtAKll-30 casks prune, for marlins, for lisle by WICK & SVCANDLESS. niOTATOI-13 bids fortale by • .r WICK It IMAM/LESS 4&_17. jult teed ond for sale by &ICI( & WCANDLI 7rl u r. ‘ ltfitt r i ' d d CO:Tal , .UAIIALEY & iiICKLED HAMS- bbds landing bola steamer Nyi by mu tl aus.takt SEC. L-1/4 it ordained and enacted hy . .the of Pirtaltm• hi Select and Common Columns as/ sernhted,rtmsft= and enemata passage asf thle Ordi• . Intone, ma Loud merchant, or persons drawing lumbar on the Allegheny witar4 shall be "ermined m canopy more thanone hundred and nay feet ill extent on the what nor snore than two platforms in width, under a penalty. of Ten Dollar; to be collected as other city, cleans. Sac. IL—He it farther ordained, se, That so much , of any ordinanceew la hereby altered or supplied, be and the same Is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Lino a law in Councils, this Pith day ofApril, A. A tote. (Amor,' ; hIORGAN ROBERTSON, Preet. C. It. Blume Roamers, Clerk C. C. JOHN AMMON, Peter. C. ootta Hema t Clerk S. C. I ' ape .. SUPPLEMENT, to an Ordinance mina to Du. gwr.ne./VaNpueed Juno 26, ISO. • s i. f . m . In n ti l t%c m ted b n y c t ‘ im citizens aemblesl,.That the secondittibun p to section of an Ordi nance re- Sabre Uss DuatiannWay, passed:Nth of June, 143, be so amendedass tomato Staves, Headings and Hoop Pole. subject .10 the ume wisiarlage per thowasul no boards, and that no stool, of said Ordinance as eon nter.t.th this Ordi n ance, be and I. hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into • law its Councils, this t day of April, j5...11.1640.• arr,) I MORGAN ROBERTSON, Preel. C. C. Bondi Homorns,Clerk C. C. • -• • JOHN SHIPTON, Preit. S. C. lld_e4Mk, s Olerk S. C. apth6.2t SCHOOL.. arms. Tway P 11131,72.111•11 Cirescis.) i R. CA, j 1 School opened ler the scup- M. thin el pupils al,both sexes, the lath May.. Peuotiase is iespeethilly solicited. 3 1Usbetsh, Apra al, luln. Rxesitxxoss—ltv. D. Riddle, LLD. ." • A. T. McGill, D. D. /dr. George Albite. Rlelusrd Edwards. • . Luke Loomis. W. W. Willem Henry Willtlime. leNEN Lusratz AND GINSIHAhIS—W . erpley invites aneution to his oissorunrat of above s,. of "anions shades told qualities; also, dsmaakt. std Linea Lustre, for Ladies' Dresses.. A large nrf gunmen% att fine Farlston, Munch and Parnell. Giughams.of dews , ' styles; also; Hoyl's Prints—s assortment or those very desirable goods, fttc.hubtt6 lilse,ttate and double purple, of new sad besot , i yac reh Drew Lawns—Pink, blateilse, brown and ,lt IL or newest paaenis and fist eoldfts; fig'd do r infants. Also, Brilltmaittesor large and small fig ures, for ladieit and tarsals - dresses. ,Embroidered boas dress patterns, for evening dres ses, urasiatylest colored damask utrletans, dui and , a full assortment oLLLtmrs, herages, grensdines, amps shawls, tie., at the oortheast canter 01 Fourth and hbo keustreets. , apse •- 'RENCU MILLINERY. MADAIIEBONNAFFUN respeettulty informs her CLIIIIOIII.II and tire tidies getterdly, gins; haring returned from We East, •vrill open her assortment of 'Freud,' Millinery on Fridet'the Vitt brit., at her store, Mertes, near :Id street--3 enies of Paris Fancy Son nets, of her own importation,' compriong the nowest and most beautiful style. Mack Face and silk Remolds, very handsotnel A. at variety'of Other French Goody—Ribbons, Flosses, Copes, and Jenny Lind Rata too bWe girls, new sty . debtldtri GLOVEN,I &C., i'F.WHOLatALE.— _EL Wad. Hose and half Hate, for men, woolen and children, with a large lot aisllk,eauult and lisle thread (Hovel and Mitts; just reedieed from the Impanels and fot sala wholesale sad retail, by noel • F H *TON & Co_ 9RAHDPA RENT WINDOW SHADEre: —A fresh supply of (bled Window Shades arali Trimmings, just recta and tot sale by aplt F H EATON A Co h k ain. S • ti P' ; can EigkiENGLNE FOR i SALE—A stthly seepnd- Ins!idYoram Envie will be sqld oloopply ORCIIINGS-10 casks S ysltr, landins from C lice Bad for sale by JAS //ALLEM; 4f Miler if IRON—I )lona cold Lisa Forgo Moutl,Hroolt lyn Furuncc, Warn county, .reorivireby lurid On- sale Ly BURBRIDGE, WILSON &Co; water si • L I ° r N sr r ea ' s :lfy i nm :r " on d' es . B n '"'"‘ e N Salo opt% UUR/lIIIDGE,IYIL-Strint Co Las us store and for laial b k Opt.tr ISAIAH DICKEY &Co, front sr PA ND3II bbls in more; for std. bY ISAIAH DICKEY K Co ~,, ;eases bt store; for sole•low to close by up% ISAIAH DICKEY a. Co GUM SILK .CRAVATS—PIaid silk and plain.black; low mined; medium and fine; 'ma opened by np2s• tiIIACELETT ft, WHITE, MO woad at LINEN CAMBRIC lIDEFIII 7 FIfty dos Cambrie IIdk( from meat= to (Ina; tust opened by SIIACKLEIT* WHITE _ - _ VlBll , AND TAR—LSO bbls 112rtitljs; 25 do No 12 shad; Co do ramie N CTon to arme and for 14y spals• TAAFFE trecniasime Pbblr Pitch On fraud and for We by 1 tyrdblu - TAAFFE & O'CONNOR - . ANIMA HP-Vll.-40 bales in •tore and far sal by ap2s JAS A inuclitsoN&c. Ly EAO—VW pigs Cadet, Lead, received per Meanie Northern Lsght and tor sale by JAS A HUTCHISON & Ca BACON-10clisks Huns; 10 do Shoulders; received per means, if Light end for sale Co, JA MES A HUTCHISON& Co, _b_pZ 41 writer end 92 froutut A LUM-10 bbbi for sale by • • 1101. alotr. J SCIICONMAKER &Co, &I woody • rti.LNITROL-10 mbar. for by • oI%Z I)AJOU MAP/EN—Just 'reek!, five carious Cubes Smut Kid Gloves, and for sale by vidds SMITH & JOHNSON, 46 market sr RN. k• Co,, for sole from the wharf, by opx J & RMAYA bor wood & lib. Bll • I&TENT SODA ASIS-40 suka J. Muspnut Sou's first quality Soda As& just reed per steamer n Bush and for sale by • tp•M W & M MITCIIELTREF, IGO liberty at 'AIST RWaVED—Womfinm in 1 pinilaWm MD& Co WHITEGIXR-150 lbs Cooper's WM, kir sale by ap2.l J kIDDic Co COA .p CIII VARNISH -40 gallons r juot Ecftlg t co XTO. PiIAV YORK VARNISH—Jim KID ree'd D b ity apbt J Co Mao:lido copy BACON -16 corks Doe. Mu.; 00 cotssignmen locale by APIALL, BUS 11 1 ,1111)& RUE ap44 LACON SHOULDERS —3) cook. GPI AVOILL, SUSI I LARD OIL-10 bbLo (or sole by .pen 1111IILL, BUSH Hors—b bole. for axle low tw ?I ... yai S11:11 , 14 BUSH I DEFINED BORAX, ENGLISH-337 its. Just reed lb and Far sale by spat It F. SELLERS_ T_TOND. SARSAYARII.W-Ib lejust ceed ud f 11 sale - by •p*4 IL E saxtlits Q EEO LAC—Wlloijult vied and for by ev2l DOOR hLrat'S. PLASTER-1 grossjust yet,. —_ .f. sale by_ &pH it E SELLERS CI R EEK hi:RAGS-5 cartons, medium and fine kj Berne; good color and very cheap; lust opening cy *phi , SHACKLET? WWI% --- rIANVASSEI/ HAMS—aV/yellasr Canvassed Hams, Aja prhanartirleaust reed and for sale by 0p2.1 NIELLERS & NICOLE_ 1111ED3E-115 boxes jtoo ree'd nod for sale by ll apol S F VON BONNIIUBST &Co "DOTATOEB--1 00 Rack+ just reed and for We by ap24 8 F VON BONNUORST &Co e .0 by: awl& cam coateN, ss venal at._ PXJARS--E.S,Unu Common !Amara, on band and rale by spa POINDEXTM & Co, 41 water I , E&TITERS-2.5 sacks prime Kenn:lily Faathe mat received and for auk by OINDEXTEkar. Co H toties HPOINDEXTER & emp, to arrive and 1.1. sale by RIM ' et (AXALIC cask just ree'd mud for sate by moil URAUNA IibIITER, 73 --- RlAlSTO37E—Tbbiainst recta and for soda by, JD or MAUNA. REITER MINERAL AVATIM CORM. h 4 Wu rt&d end k • soda ILRLITUt J —. ICA GINGER FLOUT-4 bales reed gad for aulo by • spar BRAUN a REITER WINDOR'.UIAga bag Sat% 150 dololl% 101 do Hiatt; Ott go Trig together grith an 11.011811.11 ot large sire 9 1. s or superior make; for tutlo by _a4al, *A.',..Y1,41M.:, N N 1I 0 EST &PP • MALKEIOL— n,, , IO by bbIa No COt aalo law t o a l, WAN 8 F VON RONNIIORST & CI 011A1,16101ENT—.5 bbl. forßala by eon SF VON BONNHORST &C. RI PF:ACIII'S.—.VJ bus la store; for sale by ap.l6 Ftr U s l ilet . l " Fhrrny I ST Wt.:111113M 53 water and 101 Watt st ' ta/P11.8.11-60 bbl. Nesltannaek Potato., j. [annul from slosr Danube and tor tale by alaiB a W IlitaliAlllifl V 0 ARLEV—Wti bags Barley, bill landing for sale by apt.B li & W lIARBAUGII 61tEEN APPLES-48 441. Green Apple., in Mai and (or sale by sp&l S& W LIARBAUGII 11 - IRY PEACIIFM-100 bags Dry Peaches, in .are, by .pta s W HARHAUGH FLAXSEED—IU bbla iu story for sale by apia ya.W HARILaUGH etiorrom CRAPE SHAWLS- - -Whitet marlin and l„) drab; an ustauneut lately received at Dry Goods House of W R MURPHY, ' SCYTHE IRATIIS-10 do: for ludo by .e• 1.70t.1 4 I , VON IIONNIIURST k Co' HAY ILAKIA-25.10r fur rain ap= tl F VON 110NN110118T ;IL QABII-4toll lights Window Sash, fur side by 1,7 pt.l ___BF VON BONNIIOOST Co, FIAMIL-M1 bbl. S F Flour, just reed and An * n al • by JOHN 8 DILWORTH, ape/ II woo d .f . • I..VSIEILY—Awned, instreed and for mde by I.li apt! J SCIIOONMA KEIL &Co, 24 wood n a'D -PAlNTS—Verdegris, Pori. Green, Chronic Ur Green and Pennati Green. in lin eanG kr sale kr . erell - • J tII:IIOONAWCER A NNATrO-2 basket* fraah, for gm.lis by . • ,ar.l2 J SCHOONMAKER & Co LPit r: % , l fiYHOP-20'dol rMf , :ie2Ar It &by, GLV i i , rgal Was for sale by J SCHOONMAKER t Co •. • 711ATIIER.S-55 socks, now:11041a m from otenme Oswego; Co. role by ISAIAII DlCkliVa Co, ape] • front it, UINHENU-5 bogs pow luoliug Dom am Camp fur ago by ..pn ISAIAH DICKEY &Co FLAMIEED-11,44ks now liodloi from caw CN. wog% for We by lon 129,.1,:i11111C1q.Y & I.' lB bbla No 1, now 1111ditlf.fro;Anow 1_&_&.1 . ,y,11 DICKEY !Co' • WV-i-J-kzzl-tarAtvenn,(n 1. —.0," d.. • • • ., .c.-:•1 - ;.!:,;-AucnoN::: . •;..BALE& - : PRY 3 . 1 " 1 D. Dada* 4Asettssiesr. ,_ ... Lore& la of Goma Ittatialikii Riii:-Eat 1 44 ankr Oda .E..ricistorAf the lag# Rabat Pride: On Tosatoy;; hlifith. It 10 eclat:: A. 84, a ta Commercial Sales Boom, corner Of Wood and Fdth streets, mill be sold without mares, the kdkaingvel nabtroad rears, which are all melt seared by= Qeat I =t r ari47li In 11=1= 1 2 1 10 7 mM! etole bath. of. the Kara on the meet aide of i rthald arra, from Boveuxlt;street to Stroarberry ey, laing2lo 1611111 l b= '' . .,P,aT% ~,,,,,b, ou ri tth= lull of th r e &ad inn thel:4,ant: moneing on the corneraf Seventh ittoei ' . '• - No I. Bela 1163 morally [marl .payable quarfer7 ly on the andividednalf of the aria/ Ml.llsenrofp ad. ! No Be jo ing Ed aaally fimearAiiiyhhislialOtar , Ince thernsfivided hardens mat ISlfeathourof,ed . jaunts No o,and tontering on Strawberrylley. • , Also, the fo ll owing groom d mu; bun* gat ottot No 434, in the eity d Piusburgb, of the whole length of the square on the west Me of .flotithteld st, from Strawberry lila to Sixth urea, . beta . Jan fent long, by GO feet deep, rat' _ • . ~ I. :' :•. No 4..8eing11199 anottally feorrer,Lpayalde Vona ly, on the Lou ES fad thereof, next tomardarltairhonff alley, sa contain( them: . . _... .. .. •• , ~ , Not Being N 0 annua l l y fierever,payable tiara , ly. on the nut 40 feet Memel, adjeththg Nal. _..— •.,,-, .. • No 6: Being MO annuallyarrear,afbble all year. ly, on the next 40 feet thereof . 03. : . ' ' • . 4o 7. Bragll27 amally quadarly, an the nem 18 feet thereof, 6'• -' • No 8. Being 1217 enitually Wear, ,e q ,...tu., „It , 7, 1 1 , 3 1 : 0 the . ik trlx i : 4 lllt ilanZi.f....:44:b.i. half yeedy, on Oa next 19 ket thereoL' NOB` No 12 Being 4150 annaally rOtalrot, mob a .qnsaer ly,on the next 25 feet thereofoultointog No 9, and nor . Also, the following grand rents, ' one of I.ot No in the thy of Pittena framing 00 feet on .sth street, extending through to Llama allay, 010 key. and the same on which I. erected the Exchange Bank. No 11. Being SID usually -re e f er, payable quarter. ly, on the font 20 by ta feet thereof, next meads Wood meat, on 1111 h area No 12. Ibring 41140 f eet qble balf yearly, on the mut 40 by ISt Mc tot linh st, adjeitung No 11, and op the iodation l ice wof the xia by 40 feet, in the rear of No 11. • - No 13. 'Being 540 anually Carter, payable garter. ly, on the first tel by Eat feet thereet, next meads Mar kat street, on Diamond alley. : . . .• Na 14. Being aler t 10 anoualltribrever, Polak WI" yearly, on the arta by 100 fat thereof, on Diamond alley, adtoining . No 13, and on the .adnion thereto of the 20 by 40 feet es the rear of No 13. • Also, lbw valuable los dread, saute at nruthweif ' comer of Market cad Noe meat, Inning a teen of 40 feet, On'Harket street, and extending , along Front -erect, ns feel, on which ts erected i absoutual four story briet'buildills. fi g,n occupiedre pied at psent b o DoetorE. Merril as apa ouse. • • , Also: that valuable lot of ground; enamel:. the north side of Penn enact, at the corner of Ceel7, hon ing • fron lley. t *CZ (set, and examdieg back Feet, to a Also, Wee other lots of grand admining ihe above, havuorach mergence. Pane Street of .T.I feet Ilinchos, and extending. beekt/0 feet to the alley aforesaid. • „For Cumber wicalsalboa imply to' -- JOHN ODAYIS . , Ma. Pori!Oar tSoit of Dry Gook •:, • On Iltundsy morning, the 117th ister, at 10 O s elock, art= Commeteld Sales Boom, comer of Wood and Milk streets; will be sold,• WIDOW reIMITe credit ro of three months, for appved' notes, on a ll over $741, fourteen packages or seasonable Dry Goods, among which sm-1112 pieces rich style Coney prints, ps blenehester gingham., 21 P.• Ws. bbse 47 ps Pittsburgh shirting,lo pa snoosde Wee, 11 ps so pe rhea cloths, 07 pa super camisnerm4 421?..h.tb .0 tweed, red, white and yellow dams* silks, satin, sewiegsdk, Oawlsi:hendkercluefs, cravat., bowery, t i lL ' fblaiTt7=l; le 'n err h ,17t i o r r:r " P. ru At Is o'crock, P. se..—.• • • _.: A large assoronent otglassweri, 'eueettrware, 'Y Sc., tobacco, 'eters,' courtesies my drugs , and snedl, trees.. *general assortment of tionsehord flarniture, ..mayr which are nodargany secretary, book euei flu, drawing and common =ream, sales, tables, ast• =gassy chairs, tables,' bedsteads, 0. work • and amok swots, melee tablea, faneyoad common chair., =Mel ' v i ta o r fl k Airl sigaists " Tinfen t A ft . e=. 7ith As Weiock, • • A large collecoon saleable ...lieu.= Books, Hiodware cutlery, •Jerwelly, gold and. 'ilea, watch es. boots, ihoeo, hats, caps, umbrellas, saddles, bridles, trunks, whips, combs, spectacles, wasters, brutes Sid belts., books, letter yaw writing paper, ready mode ciptloug, fancy e.stir Ste • optli RittlNatate ai Aactim. .Tisenty•Ree Lou. at the new do= House; on Saturday, tha6otlty of Nay, at 3 P. Id, mutate on Unntatreet-111' Ws, each 91 feet front, averaging . 81,9111100 feelddeo;oppcsrite the CelbedraL. • 9 Lots, to gether, 48 fora frost on Mutt street, 98 feet 61 Inches on Fifth Woe; tad 44. feet 91 inches on Wylie street. On Wylie streetz.4lms, of which 3' are each El feet faint, br 108 feet deep, end ens 22 feet 11inch (root, by _about 89 deep. These lots Ma nearly opposite the Law Corn.. Oa You street-7 tots, each 91 feet front, by 100 feet, to a 21feet alley. These lots are opposite the Jail; one is on the comer of. Ross street sod the 4th street Road. , On Fourth street Bond-1. lot, 14 feet front. by about.l3o feet d.pt 1 lot, 313 feet 8 inches, by about I.sofeet deep. Terms, one-Mull in h.a, end the residue . In fire equal annual pay:meats, from the Ist day of Aped last, ends interest, wyahle eemiutrunts/ly, on theist days (October and April in each year, to be, secured . by hood sod mortgage. Tule oidumnutble, and posserusan risen monediately. .A plan of the lots can be seen at the office of Robb k. 111Tort.11, Third sneak neat to the Post (,Ere. SARAH 11FETWRRAN. -. apt JOHN D DAVIS, inet. • Byte Ponder mid Masud Gin at Auction. • This aftematet sag tfeloelr, at the Commereisl ttale Room., corner of Wood and Fifth munete, still be ad ded to the tale of groceties, , fla kegs Eden 31111 Dille Powder. p ipe. Holland Gin. -'4017 JOHN D DAV% LOW AMUSEMENTS FOURTH NIGHT 01 , MR.:ANDERSON. - THURSDAY,APRIL VSIR to commence with the XING OFT COMMONS. Xing Ifonee .... .7••• •• .Mr. Andaman. • Ceerre Weir •••..•.. • .. • •• • • •Atr. Madeline • Miss Toner. After which, DANCE by Mi.. Anna lb conclude with the SWISS COTTAGE. vAscuiraTuiiir: ' - LA ROY SUNDERLAND, In oseopliance with the nuanintaas request of • large audience in Stand mac on hi. &amuse of Lecutres; has tha pleasure, of announcing another suing of INTELLI3AL to Philo every eveningdex cepa Sanaday,) Ow present week, in whack ho cram velope plekwerphy al Charms and Spelle,in a crania. loan= of New, klietkful'and Wonderful Phenomeon, Mutrar;n 2 ll 3 those lawaz l ebAgolzt; r e l a y e&YEr N ly Hours open at 7-4 n cotrunettee at El o'clock. Single tickets SS inunq six for ' 117 Gratainnes Lectutes In Ladies, on Health, on Toesday and Thursday, at 3 P. .apel3re Ir utle by 11,Lll& ROE 1ME2372 nzrxi Ball Notion. - • - • J. Stoesholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Roil J. Road Company are hereby notified to meet at the American Hotel, in Salem, Columbiana coanty,Vitio, or 10 o'e.lock on-Wednesday, the Elth day of Alay,lB4B, onanira maid Compaq by the election of eaven Di rcor, and Bennet any oiler bushes; deemed tar ecuary by said Stoekholden JOSEPH I BROOKS, ZADOK STREET, - GEO NY BELD}N, ' JOHN HARRIS, THOMAS IV BARCLAY, E HEDGES, ,•, • • PETER 11116FS, , JOHN LEARWELL, S DAY, _ THOMAS • 'ROBINSON, JA1,18 . 4 JACOBS, • r • BPHF 111DL/ZON, .Cosonta 7 ra named in the Charter..' V 22 l d _ P/ ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY-0- X TICE TO CONTRACIOR.I.—PtoMmaIs will, be received mill Wednesday, the 17th day of Blay at.lo o'clockLA. M, at the Borough of Ihnitingdos, Forms GRADING and MASONRY apart about .30 sada afore Pennsylvania Railroad, between Lewistuvrn and Halo tinadoos, and also RI, the heavy work along the ; Liule Annetta. Plan* and specifications of the' work can be sccest, the &bone named place' for five days previous tothe ' time appointed fitr receiving the ' Any further informatioa can he had open applicatioi to W. R:Fosmolr., Ewa., Aerociale Enenneec Lew lstowni• ' 'S. v. arEtuuck, President; 1 INDIA RUBBER GOODS, . ITun lIECKIVED par I.p mss, Lugs mortronnt of loth. Robber Goods, comprising— .• Id*: Officers' Coats; 4 AnsTulycling Bags; 4 " Pea do; I- ." Cantif Blankets; 2 " Reefing Jacketg 1 " -Cosluorts; I " None Comers; • 6 " Life Preaerverg • lOU yip& of 44 Carriage Cloth, floe article; • 04 dotpair Lefirm e octaerent • C tr 4 .:lthom dr:: • ' • • ", wh o Coy rg a a which 'rill be wad cheep' • r cash , wholesal ' s or retail, at No AVoodstreet.• • eral I • J 11 PH3LIAPB. I WEST POINT WOKE& , VbefiNEß,. fltirine Ltran, hle have commenced business au Pane 0, near the .Point, at dm n , luablishtnent formerly carried ou by !bathhouse is Nelson. Persons shum to purchase. steam ets gases for bolus, or for other purpose., will plasm, favor us with a ewl, as we Batter onnelres to be able to fun rash. them on as favarabkr terms as say other mush. lislaneat io the city. - - • , - Msoirolling mill and castings .01. every Mmeriplic eau be had at the shart.t anhes.. MeV' 11° F" ER, cirp lu_ty, _Ap., I L Allem h. F.NOCIUIrWPAM'UZICIER.N! CeMerit! TUFTY COLLIERS ate' wanted tetwuth at Fandam .17 h. !Mulford'. Coal Banks, ft miles above Caseredle, KT, where they east get the blithest wages at th• abort mines.] Miners who undetstaud Mete businesa, and ate nameable and quiet men, will always Dad steady ens-, ploymaut,if not the whole year mum; mat neaser.to n Man Mly other mines on the Ohio neer. For flambee panieultri,apply E HALL,. enMedlm • • Pitisbutitlt. CILOVFIA—A rood aseonment of ladles and sent black, *bite and colored . Conon, _Lisle, Thread, tillk and 7bibet Ciloace, hurt rise. faro,. black and' colonel French Yid Okrres, excellent ankle, and Inn. dual iu.t.p.thath • ._.9014 SHAG .k WI!ITE, 99 wood me n StrdAy4ANTlEl i trl . ir 1 1 1 a.Wr u eVe salesman. 'One echo has bad imperience the baZ not and can Mo .: mood iefercnc”. Address W. SBASONED LUMBER—I will sell • low thousand feat ;Odin followleg denenptione awe!! scummed Lumbar—Pine, mummy f,.1 and 9 inchim Jetat, LI ft loci, clear,), If cad 9 Lag and Cob Joist. u Chm MI 0ttad..31134 Poplar 9 , , • , adjobil . Croeunsville, es tires book W INDOW OWSS—aoObx• Sxlo glalw9lloricileall • ap U0A11,46 lads rime N 0 8e8ar;• 8 teem brows 1,3 Havana do; I ease DRLovenoss Loaf do; 10 bids monad small do 04:5, bbla eroded and pabrnired do,Lior sale bI • 10 J D IVILLIA3IB SAWAFEITFFUSE-3 Ws (or sale by '3 8 DILWORTH, 21 wood st • ACON-70 !aids Beatty Awns, .adan. and t oo aquivunest alm4 brae. by . optl. • PIML=I. tc-NICO c oer- 7o eniv~e b ' ~cgne~mad & p; ° wnat~o-. 17 COPAL If A 11511911-4 bbl Coza, Vensiab l. No* I co, z e nt b o y facmrsd n l L Prie . • issituairkevrarzoc6LlJ narrox-os bolos Tommie Conn; Oda Mini. %,./ .4 0d do; in Coro andAlgoa iviv, 20 rim :.,tom s+~~~~ ,e"- :.,. _ .a -;fir-.rcara..tat-,ry:.rai•~'s ~+. NIM=E= '4 7-• '• • - • • ' -•- ...il • - : ';' ' •.STEMBOATS SI CIUATI,£. PZTTISUB .gmL.aLigaL DA - I •P•A cKET , LIN E. • kncm line of splendid pawner Masa-