The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 26, 1848, Image 4
IitEEME Effl MEC ♦LTYRS G PANACEA! :~_t , .:GflNBE t- ~F~SS 'o•:"ViTrit DLEABED •mcedatted Imeceas•virkiela M. a aft. iii Mas &Mos irhieb Irritation of Ma long. as, :mum* blot - 10.a its proprietor myain to call otwo.: . - WONDERFUL PREPARATION. 7So elanjahle weather Which marks oar fall and rioter monthis; Is *lows a fruitful source of ' COLDS AND COUGHRi, Thaw, If attileeted,: and but the preenntois of that fell . • 'The 'question; then. how shall we oip the deem:firs • tlie hod! how •we let clew of oar coughs and ' ' olds? is of rhil lortance to the public. THE GRF.AT AND ONLY REMEDY '• • *lll be found in the Gisisen Panatela.' In proof of this 'we hive froustnne to torte published the certificates of dozens of our best known thin., who ha.. eXperi • cussed it. Cooltfiee power.. These, with nthais of HS ii WiIi f rAir Ii bIEV6II'NrI 2 II7.ITVTANDING, Minist' en of the kennel, de., together with copious or ..netwfrorn the JORRNALS OF THE DAY. sir ne; DAV. we hove embodied in pamphlet forte nut rosy be had 'pads of any Or our a 5 is throughout the country. , HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES have been used in this elty. THOUSANDS AND 'PENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the trotted States and Cs.* and we elm largo any man to point out • SINCILE4NSTANCE • which, when taken accord to directions, ind be fore** lungs had become fetoLy dleorganned, it bar ever failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURS. Why, lhm4zeal ilaialtlieted Ileumst t+ by ream to tho 611P.1.1/115110111(411.1, gaups op by •OA 11111d1111d sae ha the usaated tame of some ea phy. sialag and polka raw notoriety by seraftes••• saw: equity imknown! Milo a inedieroe. of . UNPARALLI.2.EfITYFICACY is Wire bad, whose vouchers are st homr,—ear ool b. borss—many of whom it h. • • • • S NATCHED FROIC THE GR AVE. . In order that this invalseble medicine may be plated within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we here pot the price st •. ONLY YIPTY CENTS s • just one hall the mod cost of cough medicines. It is for sale by our agents in nearly every, towel and village over the west, whoare prepared to mve fell Informs.- , Nee relative to .. T. SALTER, Proprietor • .. • . .. Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Am i NLV IL Lr: re ff i lp it : l:l3lls l!i T c Htli gt. Uon of the Air eel* h very debilitniing..,ahmwt oaus- ZinsfinerniT. D8 . ..44% b EA. PANAC le the deersenese Mgt be entirely eared by a free are of Dr. SweeteePs Panacea. - ' Calarrlcor_ounimon cold, which, if entailed, will terminate :Consumptien,. is effectually relieved and Owed by Dr.Bweetscr'slPanaces. Bronehidat if unchecked, will effectually lead to • • Bronchial Commotion, but a timely ma of Dr. Sweet . . set. Pane tt a VII effectually cure at.. ' • lollainmstlon of the Tamils or. Pore,Throat—This disease often leads to serious commun.:epees (win veg .,' lees, such as ulceration of the throat. On the drat 'yam : .1.1.11, Dr. Sweetweit Panacea should be procured and .t: and:Colds , dad ir sovereign remedy In Dr. . • . Priesnianda lgotha..--A very faial dliteme, resulting , ..• from • violent cough mid cold on a debilitated or too : a s e down enasnLoLon; aged ;area. are subject to it.— . De . fiweeter's Penance Mould be. used on Ile first Arginfnionr, which are emelt or cold. Night Sweam.....Thia.debMisting complaint will meet with a timely check, by ming Dr. Sweersees Panacea flonsuretion.--lion the Mai appearance of consump. Bee symptoms, which am a pain us the aide and breast, ataugh , ogdunigVood, if Dr. Sweeten , . Panacea is '• beery no r need be apprehended. Wherithe Lapp, the 'Windpipe, or Bronchial Takes Wows! clogged up with phlegm was to impede IMO. melon. or -brea th ing; Dr. Bweetserte Panacea, which M a game eerl d Erre...torten, should be taken according so aka ". • bilbeam oua m—Tida distressing epidemic, so prevalent in ..• mu climate, Is speedily eared by Dr. Sweetser's Pans. Prle.a4lllper bank, or six books for Si • Pox skis by WM. JAZIO . AN, b 9 liberty st, sign of novrisly a==== ITER, SALT, RHEUM, ete..—Whe would -.foe siegie day:ecru* when afflicted with. the , Dab, or other dieeezes of the Ain, If they knew .who evade relieve and cure them. ....tale horrible lo be obliged to mb end 'scretch when bun mom horrible to abstain from it,ifor decency when In y.• Let It be remembered Mat T end ITCII OLSTMENT is the _ •,_most ellearibtem of my other prepared= in existence la curing the Tatter, ltett, end other diSCRWS of the ski. Am all diseams of the stun most wide from the impurity • • of the blood and fluids of the body, and where such dis• amen be of bang studing, and the constitution - affect= tbnieby, if Dr. - Leitty's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills be used • • with the ointment, they willeure easy ease whateyer, • cod If they do not, the money will be returned by Dr. • Leidy. AMA eases, however, will be eSecutally cored tc by Ur. Leidy's Teuer end' Itch ointment, micas the .: • whole mama to bopreamded by the diseased humors • which will be completely carried of frocettlie itymem by Dr Leidy's blood pills, end the surface of the dm heal. • a by the ointment. • Price of Ointment 23 cents. . • A fresh mpply of these veluable medicine. jam re. I" eahred and far .ale 'by -•• B A FARDIEMax.K Co. '. • OM -• • • =et let wood, also cor.eth& wood ma ad:=l== • BITT IN'EVERS MOTHER'S lIOMESTEAD. rundersigned hsa .long..been convinced of the - stecewity (or, or cued/mite 'adapted to this me of en and Infants to •upyreede the um of all those metielnes which contain optuna,and h. at length sue goaded in preliaring and acting to the public a roe& else fallYenswering eve 4 purpose for all diseases of die bowels, without the use of that deleterious drug, or any. other neckband to hqure in the least. The Infant Pall anwit'has been fully. tested and tried, the last twelve somas; by llYMetOtta'persons, and Wind to posses. al l the extraordinary Titters; mil to produce all the whin idling erects as set forth on the 101 l of direction. DI, arrlusa, Vomiting, Cholie; Griping, Pains, Siekness and Diseases ar4log from Teething , acting immediately 'without distutbing any of the lunimOns of the body, _producing the' happiest end . most . pleasiutt trzninuon. from vso lest pain to ntrampul and toyousstate of feel ing in the tittle mderer. • Tote bed Wholesale end retail, oldie Proprietor, Dr. DOILY SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary John Elliott A Beckham, and most other Druggists g n Allegheny and RUsbergh. dealt'. SriwVil i u l re 4 r l;4 lP " rat:in:l i n ' ll ‘ . " B. K SkOisacc—MY wife has for years been subject toed distressing.cough,..compaitivi. with asthma. for Me cure of which one used deferent cough remedies, end had the advice of the must eminent physicians in Ettgland, hot all neon tutling. lip Giuffra I heard o f your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy a bade for blot, although I had no belief that auything could remov e ~ her complain. To ay. great surprise, Into doses sere her immediate relief. She re at mem tionbledoettla a cough, but t.VM teaspoousfid of Syrup &heart sums it. lam satisfied, after a trial of three or Soar years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best conga inedieloc I have ever tried either in the Old or New World. Ww.Fsissocits. Seventh Ward, city or Pittsburgh. 'lane slave certificate should induce all who are InObled way cough or asthma, to give the Syrup • al. It. way be had for V 5 remit a bottle, at the drug store of 57 wood Sold by Dr Cassel, rah ward. aatfiD f, Diary, Atte chivy city. _ jans Pulmonary Balsams FSSFIS: REED d: CUTLER—I feel it a duty I Alt onto my fellow creator., to statesome th ing re ; Mord,specting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam ;Buses I first toed the Balsam, alma eleven years ago, the bum" effect of which I then ra on meow of, I have had several severe complaints ve and attarlytt my Imps one &few days since, nod in every batmen I Jame seed the Balsam sloths with complete mid perfect success.. It " has effected relief end mat lea very few days. It is pertaitdy aWe medicine. Idu not know that it will care a fixed consumption; but I believe .it will be lu many eases a pscrenme, and prevention Is Lauer than euretl do therefore, for the love of my feb lOW men, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam,; la all pulmonary fortifiable. I no confident that II hu Lees the means of preserving my life to this day . ; Boston Jam IX, 4G. BENJAMIN PAHJOSII. For tabby B A Fahnenciek, ft Co, corner first and, Inatd and also corner wood and Gth. jal9 " Iliftkir.7.l%. greatest of al Now Llama, Oath T 0.% IMS• s This is to certify that offer using different /memos dem for expelling worms, I bousht of C. P. Heiman, of New Lisborvtwo dials of It Sellers' Vermifuse 2 and ffese'llie petards of one viol to three of my children. From. the Aral, Sired years, it e.Pelled 45 tr..ftits, 6,M the d, years , old,llt, and from thexhird, g t)aaora- old, IRS mating MX 17orzno expelled by onus bei ue mat., 1 recommend' Sellers , Nem:guise ea • ash arid onto( Me most effectual Winn medicines be. bre the public , ' 11rou Mummy. Prepared and told by It SELLERS, hi Wood greet. Road by Dr. Camel,..SM ward; 1) M Curry, Al. RAdieny; %IMAM .1 Smith, Teinperanerrille. , 014 Pateat Steels Oftirliiii Toms, EWLY INVENTED—For the reliefead Permanent .111 QM of lIERNLA. or RUPTURE. (Baited to all. mum) . The saPerierr claims of this Tram coexist in the can. Pltll/11/0 can with which it may be worn.. The pad of sirdlid bales amtly beamed ea springs, yields to pro. Dart ea any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself io I flay 111011,0C/It made by the. wearer.. It eon be mini - Without intermission, gala tare is effected. The tut, ta.bces have made arrangement tor the manuineture diem saleable Trasses,ln • auperior style, is Philo) 4y.tia,'and bade them OOw (or /ale at their office,No. • DES. trrilT, fell D. W. KAUFFMAN. FAIMESTOCK'S Pneumonic or . Cough B. Sam, boa a great - adlretithige Over many other h prevention., as implement taste persons it to Ins used without Inectavemence. Bat its value as a Balsam eortatitsktsche ependincss of its cure. We have . llama some of the most desperate miughs, some of which bad been running., for a considerable length or time,rield almost immediately to bemire,. is enCh Weather as we hare bad , daring the past Winter, every One is liable to take COM, soles great ptomaineao an natl. Wet fast and anemic exposure to the inclemency or Ihe weather ohms lay. the wandatiou at a backing men . widch needs a quick remedy to prevent eerthee . We have numerous certificates of cares which lt L perlonned, man) of which are hoot perilous iu ;his city and the neighborhood, and they are a snificient .witicrenee without mying another word lo its favor. Prepared nod for sale wholesale and retail by II A 7AHNLYTOCK. in Co, corner of wood and /at and wand and Gk ,sts. marbUT • iriT/MADLY •rta.sioNA Hli BALSAM.—To ioopolotaro of Pot &gnats tolotopas7 Babson—• • 1 Om matiod tkot doe &rata ralmottory &ham o ral , ordlielar. Mat bao mad is Ma plan with coalition, McM.m no amnia& complaitti of lb. foam Maeda with • env* conk', 10 of atm, aid 1.1. akin of meth blind alai lad pronotony mototod nmr.pprmd potariptoom Alto, tan Put taiam at Pak tOmpatanaPt .oat. Moroni. arta Nu nabai to volit amiably. 11a. mom oceara aamolime mm, oaf lama iv go* origami tool air is op am bet a baakos &abaft floamtlally yoga, Gootantt N. 2r).1%,. MOO el D. Solt sel Paatergb ey B A Vokoattack, Co. coma of - 111idiad vtiokaloo our Path to matt w.daal A STRONG EVIDLNcI: Ow in , JAYNIV3 EX -41-I.C.ITORANT lu ad other onsidiss Orr tlaestbnao.,ol6erPol mst dist the miss ithscosthassed the •an Milts Asir bait at his panto ego dill picks it Is all othierrnolisi alba kiwi; slid state asp bath bacaisitured Untry.nha Preplan! osi an hate good mural, hers Lind Toth sir; the basal stick vs. removably =ltroniln high pftiliti bestows' by lb. proprrtora ttti boril 'Mimed to the • 44 of Jstries' Yistsrross ors, as • MN*, INA 1.6$ DWI Wit./ to relieve am. sad *kith poliddy wpm Ma klieg* is simian petiostim fn puyi 04 hp Ps ta. Joys. Philadelphia ea had •. ALIKY. JAYNE , / 71Fo.nh 8112.141013' popul.ity still In orowitor. *Lotin Ohio, Muth 17, 1818 • • I orpostio be ID Tow eityto o • tow wets, ond'onell , emd a WI. 'apply of yotw,Vortainwor witch is ho. cronsioginponatamy as it bowmen known. We have • 'Wood with otwooso oar own janilyi and frontons i ts t r i s s iallei t a— Wroparotand bold br R E beim, SP Wood at Hold briar C1A,ra1,.1114 Word; and hi D Id Otwy,.ll/14=7" • . T • • •-.• • •• • - Niznegim • VI a 4,1 CA . by J. A. & U.P. JAZZES, Cincinnati, the &prin. new sad valubler Worts— • • ' . Dottipbon'i slDAneditioos—ootairVe z telt of ibe life of CoL A._ W. DonipN llia of N•I• blexlcripera. llearr,,ey's Oreflaod non to Call. 6 "':= l ," : 7' • C•l•P•lit . l'attobtst the rt.,ijos, ...d Ids Kara upon Chibuslota arid Durango, and dm °pendia= orGen.J.ce at S an Fe; will. • Mao and ngravings, by Ilan T Hughes, All oillte In Regiment of Idirsouri Cavalry. IL Distort rd i fi n pety—lts dotiottoies and blatant • Curioaties; pkical Statistical, and. Geological —. etwriptiotta; w &meadows of Pkineers Lite, and more `[hat One handrad Biographical Sketches of distinguish .o riatiecrs, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di- Sows, he; illustrated with tatty engravings; by Lewis Collims, 1 vol. octavo. • . The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of s' Pri vate in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, In c C o amtilpi ofl t legio aeeh Aticsil=7,,,ctooot=ger,4...- deastiption of the (Muntry passed over; ma p n cus toms, Le. of the people; ttketches of Cam Life; as emu,ts of the anions Mother Volumes lie u, and a folk History of the Mexican War; List ot Me Kil led and Woumled, ke;lll.tmed by a large number of correct news and plan:, by Geo. C. Farber, volisme deel 'DOOMS FOR THE SEASON—lllioniTiated Ef Gems allured Poetry: a splendid imperial, 8 vo., with beautiful illustration on steel, by Sartain, and thl illuminated pages by Schmitz and Sinclair, nobly bound In Turley manseeo and white eaW, supertlygdt. The Christian faepodie, as annual for L. 848; with !splendid pie:Bonm engravings, by Sartain; boa ad in as abesque morocco. Christmas Blossoms and New Year's Wreath for S 8; small qunno VOII.V. printed OD while pa pr, embellished with splendid memotint engravings.— 'This is by far the most bemilidiljuvenile annual pub lished in the United States. Poetical Works of °Ajar Goldsmith, M. 8., with ntletleroln el thae designs, by the Elching Club, m ya‘ tious styles of binding. l'hompsou's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Melling Club, in various styles of binding. • ' • The Pima dud Poetry of At:aeries; by R. W. Gris wold. • Poets and Poetry of the Armenia, by William Peter, AL; superbly bound inTorkey mo ro cco; aplen dillirilSis% Poems, in various styles of binding. timy's Elegy illustrated. Ileman% Poetical Works, in 'rations bindings. Lo Lord akspe tlyronl aw's " • " The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. and other Poems, by Mary Hewitt. Poetize by ameba. - Headier, &semi Mountains. above, with a great variety °timber new. works, a te b lendid styles of binding, suitable for gift book.; foe M y JOHNSTON h EcroccroN, Booksellers, ear. Market ill as. Valuable SpindertWorks. ILANDVI ENCYCLOPA7IIIA• Dieticoar y ySri ottea,litaratan wad art, tooprning thainatory, dneription and arientale priariOw tarry branch Gnaw= koowiedgo, with tbederiratiort ond &Daiwa olaL tharnot ltirrnend air, edited T Brande, !d -ope*. enontriap on wood. Morse. North Amnion roittoinitag braolihdly rnt and mar of North tortathea,Canodwyrat, condo Wow, Nora deota, New pronwriek t Northrin Thar, Now nand% Tnao, CalilbrokoolloakdrCrattal America, foinatan. Wog India Ishatdo and ail thorn*. Lod Torrivw ries in th• Ualan.• • Yd's Poriteas—Th of tar ['tram. Gag. tla.; reginoatiin is Mil, to the rerololica of IVA ma vt of Mar lanserples, Dnaiel Ncol M• A, PeariaellZJolaio Cboatao, M Montauk* portraat..a dada • 0.. rho Body in 'Onion tithe blind, by Osorra Mere, it D, moaner of W. royal ealkir of Pennine du Juvenile W0}1414 MM;l6laMilM=l Scribal' th. Sea, kin albrtiog=sitiwaof abiPerrerkei ke. Ibusell'a Speaker—Mar Janceih Speaker, erieprising clearektag mfrs wed merciserla dada:nab., with melee teas of paces far malice, ky Sowell T Rama, kw:velar be The atee...d. received end is .eht ' JOHNSTON ti STOCKTON all Bookedlmam market sad and es DICTIRESeIe Greek, Eislillab;Class OBUL aleml,,lkste— Anthott% Classical Dictionary; Dictionary of Gneck and Homan Andeniticc Commercial Dictionary; Ure's Dictionary and Sepplemant, arts, manufactures and mince Wared% Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; Todd's Jobtiaon's and Walker's Dictiouary.; Worcesufs Dictionary; ' Liddell and Scott% Greek Lexicon; Bahama% Greek Lexicon . offecw Testament; Leveret% Latin Lexicon; Ainswath%Lntin DiellOttlfyi tmag and Mbbin's Frenchpictionary; Duck's nonlogical Dictionary; Union Bible Did: Mammy; Hobimea Calteci% Dicuonary, ha, &a. 'A TIhe above, with a general wsortmentofTheological Classical, lotescallaneents, and Sunday School Books, al ways on and for We low • b deg y ELLAYIT is ENGLISH, • VG Market as, between :id A 4th. Skew Plabllegstlons. PO p Ert . g, ithistrin:, of jogazewr's • nicnsoir, sad critical remarks on his genius a nd wri tings, by JIM. fr o m and one bandied-hod twenty engravings from rimer); by William Marcy. to volumes. Sent:cus Corn Trastmer.—The fair Gospels 2.rtd Acts of the Apostles, in .lireek, with English notes, philaisphica. lona esegenewl; maps, alleles, etc., together with the Eft/ale. and optics/now; • whole forming the New 'remanent—For 'the use of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seininories. 111 - Roo. J. A. Spencer, A. Al. A New Asovcri—Alulsanitnrr's Eve.A Wiry We of lave. Ity Airs. C. Wll. • Join' llama IV.—The hie or Henry tbe Fourth, king at France and Navarre, By G. P. K. Jame Complete in four puns, paper, 2 rola cloth. For sale by . • JOHNSTON STOCKTON, 1 Joni llookiellera. corner of market snit ad ati ity of we lime:. Itev , Xs Mutton, une of the wam eempanro, seising from the arroagles of the Urea Vormots Haub non.: wog {heir comory from the Telks.h Vote.-111 two Cot ames=splendid copy with oamernaa maps anti morns , mop. Leueek , illoatmtive of the reirro of William 111 , froio 10,6 to I:W—.l th fine portraws, to Y.ob. Compamon la the choir of the Holy rwriPtltrin Ilarry Mowbray, thrillog IDIZZYCC, WWI emrra slots. 11 , 01 se the Holy Land, French Xtawe, and Sketcher in Croon. Just rep'st and [mask Me DONALD fr. E1.h...11N apPM • uaArkc[atrect =T! pHE Philosophy oi late aild Philosophy oe Lan. pangs. by Fred Von Schlegel. Smith's Researches in China in 15 44. cid '46, ordh s ap sod pls..: T m e State of the Illeparled, - -by Jno. Henry Hobart, D. D. The Church Universal, by Dr. Stone. Goldsmith's Poems, illustrated. Th ompwsia tteaxs.itur For sale by L READ. . Chat near meeker. IrALUABLE New Year's Pres.:Mi.! TT Waverley N0v;,07 volumes, taro, illusualrd Mrs Sherwood's Worts, 10 To!, lthino, illustrated; kb. Edguronlea 10 Harper's Stonily Library, l 2 vol., complete ; 'du boy's and - Cirgs •• Work's of Shakespeare, 7 vols. boo, ilia beautiful Ho ton edition, finely bound; lintlerbi Lives of We Sohn., 4 vol.. elegantly bound; Hannah Moor's Work., 7 yolk Exploring Expedido% 6 vols turd svo do 5 do do do British Essayist., 8 sots—Turkey mor. barks. above, together with a large assortment or rk gala!). -bound mmily and pOCIItt Bibles, Common Prayer, all miaes aud into WI of which th e be Sold lower then ever offered market, at tbe old stood of • KAY t. Co. jal ear 3d/a. wood at ft 1 111,1 A etiperb rosewood six octave Piano, neer scale and patent iron frame, mule by J. One kering, Boston. A very elegant rosewood Aix and a half octave Pian new scale, and patent Iron frame, made by J. Chic ke ning, Boston.' The above instruments received to-day, - rind now open for exemination; for sale at Air. Cbmluri in ng'• pri ces for rush or approved paper. Also on bind, one elegant rosewood Collie ; panels, carved mouldings, and moulded legs; IS octaves, made by Gale and Co, new York. One do. coned rosewood, 0 octaves, made by Gale & Co, New York One mahogany second hand Piano. G octaves, of ex client tone, and in good aides, anode by' Chickering & .5121 ; . • • One superb and Plana, made op Ilea, Paris, and guaranteed to be Ma best Piano Forte in the city, will be wild at a very moderate price. febrl JOH?. 1.1 al F21,01t, 51 wood at ==:== fiffilifA SPLENDID assortment of Row wood and Mahogany grand action Pi mew, gut finished and far sada. Also, two splendid Rawntrand Piano., with Coleman's eelettratad Nathan attachment, finished in the twat modern style, and for sale at xyd . A /3LIISIES, 112 wood at ENRY ELEINEN, Dealer in earleill Piano Fonm, H at J. W. Woodman, No. 65 Third threat. The Pianos may be .atained at all lawn, and the subscri ber will he timre horn U ho W, A. AL, and from 4 to 5, P. 31. each day. Pritsteg, Oct. W., In We, the undersigned, would inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity that ',where npointed Mr. H. Kleiber sole agent for Western Penusyletuzin, fur the — tie of our Plinio Fortes, from whims they insy be' ob. deed at our own (New York) prices. NUNNS & CLARK. Sept. I, ISld•oetMdU .BOOKS—Catechisin of Iron; or the Merchant's nod .7tleeltanie'a complete guide to the-Lon _ trade. L A ten copies o.olyr-Vety scarce. Simonds' Litensture of the !south of Europ e. Chambers' Information for the `Ye people. Members , Cyclopedia of English Literature. Illarketones Commentaries,. a new edition in I beautiful volumei. /lalleek's Pocrus, a stow and splendid edition. Parlor ./look of Flowers—for all reseal.. J L REAl),4th near market at. . •JiswNOVE - TnIE LAST or I - THE FAIRI6Y-4, CbriAub T.ld by G. 1.. IL - James, Esq. June Eynu a tabpby edition. edited by Cu rer IrelL Just received! for &e e by' jai JOHNSTON /k. grocgTON. MBE GREATECT BOOK OF TUE REASON.— ..I. D. Webster'. Groat American Dictionary of the English Language, rituahveco, containing all that the former editions contained; revised by Chauncey A. Goodrich, Ann: Yale Collage. The moo compote ad*. Lion env published; oat VOL crown QIN.IIO. Yrtce Sik For male by J. 14. DEAD, 4ec9l • • 4th et. emir al. ha, at - TEST received end for sale, filly copies of the Basis fIP of Unfurl for the Muted Presbyterian Church, agreed upon in Convention of Reformed Churches, at Pitts burgh:September, 1647. Price, 25 cents: morn ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. :id mirket et ATARCIIAN'S CHROME GRIEEN—This u cor.sid ed the hest Omen ever brought to this market. 11l cases IGO lb. eachLiust received and Resale by It is VF:LLEHS, echo basile exclusive sale of it in this cop. IV O. SUGAII-i-116 Lida prime N 0 Sugar, Itsldling' te 11. from .inner D.? Win Clinton, loi xair l y 7 fi by ma al . - . N. 3 MACK EREL--....01.1b1s large No 3-bracketed; fur tale by mar: t BAG ALM' INg—flo keg. Pridiend Ink, gyring and surname; just received and for We by moat • ISA k Co, wood lc lasts • SUCIAR AND 'MOLAS.II3.-.1100 hhils 'N 0 Sugar; USG bbla N 0 lilolloo in store and for sale by • mare/ BACIALEVIS NORTH ASSAFCETIDA-400 lb. No 7, for We g um mane - 6 E s, ti UM COPAL-6XI Mr &pular, &r salebi 'DAWN-0 RR& Aciislderr, IS do kair=ss jlllllleg ea comictisau sad for . matil BROWN & CU G UM ARAMC'''tr , iblir'rig=ar mak YgN tFA fT uiES. PITtMACIANEWORKS AND FOUNDRY, • JOIIIS WRIGHT A RE prepared to teal Cotton and Woollen er7 or neerg description Inch as—Canling chtnee, Spinning Frme, Speeder., D,...4n g Fraes, glailway Geed., arpera Tsrillet..SPOot. Dn.saing Tram., Loonv, Card Grinder. Se Nifroaght Ion Shafting turned on tines of Gar 661, Pulha' ind Hangers, of the Itta , ..t patterns, slide arid hang Lathes, and tool. Of &Skold.. f Caxton . of eirerydeuenfolon furnished on short no t ate. Num+ nude to order for Mill Gearing, Iron ratting, tee. ;Pipe for betting Factories, Cast Iron Wlndose•asoli, and fancy Casungs generally.— Orderst ell it the Worehoune of J. Palmer& CO, Lite trig street, null hivOirompt Mariano. Blackstisek, Bell 'to Co., J 1 Moorhead & Co., G E Warner, :John Inert, & Eon.; Pittsburgh. ; GC& 1 II lVaruer; Steubenville. ' janl9 ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. • . JOLIN As,BROWN .. li . TAKER tha•mrshod 111 ;worm Ins friend. ' and the or Mei Diamoad, Alleahany, I:Own a eon( rant Sanely of Blinds, of rano. colon • andqualioes,arc cons.* dyke pt nu band, also at Nob Wood ss, Pirtsbargli,nt I.Jc fl. , Phillips'oll cloth anteroom. cameo Shorten made to order in the belt style. Blind& repined ratter be artst notice. N. B. Ita Blinds wilt put up, 'Mama% shy addn heal exesmse en that they can be removed to a Too meat to we office Or for mashing, and without the old of screw di e ' ocrldlykArlantly WM. ALMIANDICH. - 1.. SO:118. ntIFFIN MAKERS AND It N1.11.:11- TAKE.Itii, mar., of Penn and St. Clair streets, .postis the Ezettadge lintel, entrance on Punts sir.. re.pecttally intone !their frauds and the public., hint they Ire prepared ul furnish and attend m compliment the hue of Undertakers- Ahvays nit hand • large as. naddrut of ready Made Collins, covered, toted and he. muted int. very heal manner,'all sort, and stem. ready made Shrouds of tia!snel,Catubncle and muslin, and all sizes made ...probed My !rt. We keep • larg- as% 4nrlmat b(wtil e sal blue L, cotton, silk and kid I.loves, able lor pall ltedotot and .110.1, tiers, elope, rug., 001- lat.. and 'every thing neeeso.ry for duo...ter., J.., stUd n on namoahle terms, ne see loth-hese all our goods to the Eastern elites. Alm, saver plate. forengrassup the imenelana,age. IVe have a rplendol nem lieame sad horses, and any number of the Lett eamMgcs Evety thine offended to promptly and punctually. octfal W. W. WALLAttie u PITTSBURG)) ISI'EAI4I MARLILE W()htliS, Nes. MI lid MOI Lderq. meat, near Mr CanaL A LW A Ye'. hand and made to order, a large vane. Il ty or Marble Mantel, Pier, Center Tables, and Vulcan Tope,Tomb Stetted Monuments, de.; all which, GettigMade Of the eboierat marble, end utanufnetured prlaclpolly 14 machinery, will be add. tow for cash. Ni U. PetiOna •ssoshing to - purchase Mantels, are informed that it is hencetorth unnecessary for theta to go llas4,ono I con furnish then, with an article in all E) <h good, u.nd ((tomb; insurance, de, consider. rd.) asap as tiler can purchase them for in the East. Call and see.l jedt COPPER. 111.111111. IRON, AXD A Rlt ?JAN U FACTORY, " lilifdarkcit street, Pituebargh, Pennn: frill: onboard/in having made great prn semen. .1. in tfa cedistneetiun of them COOKINC: stiOVES, reepectfully Melte Permns building Steambelleini to rail and e cam.. beforopurchaeing, or we can supply absill with. Heek retoccadFargeo, uld every other kind ni Copper, Ti, and Sheet Iron work nee PPPPP y in funneb. mg a Slellentienll. We alb make to order on the shorical metier Sal Tulles and Chambei; Copper work for Steam Engines and ovary Velitir of work to our line. - tab) . SHERIFF A. SHIRK BENNETT 4 BROT,HER, CIFEENSWA RE MAN IJFACYCURF.ItS, t Dlretalnighstui, !near Plttaboryyks t j Pas NI =house; No. 37, Wood arca, Pittsburgh. WILL constantly keep . hood a good escort .? mem or Ware, of our own manufacture, aad supertorquality. Wholesale and country kler for are erpectfully own. Weal' and cut amine for Iltemrclecs, a, we are deferment to sell cheaper than has ever before been ereted to the pule tics t . I Ertl/Nen sent by moil,accom ponied:by the cash or city reference. will be promptly soemied to. fele4 Janes F. Lingua P. Muroran', YLINT GLASS ESTAULISIVIILENT. MU LVAN LIMLIE inanufacture and keep con. nanny on hand Cot. Moulded and Plain Nunt A/Unawarein alf hi variance, at their Waren.. cor ner of Illeirl er and Water streets,Pitiaburgh. Uur %Yorks coillnina in tall operation, and we are conatanily adding lariat stock, which enahlea unto fill Order. will, prompines, Purebuerviare reapeetfolly solicited to call and examine prime and truce inglUdlp ' I COAC'H MAKING,. FRUM. the very liberal gyertaraga • meat the subscriber has teeetved Pallf! ‘a. he has located himself to Allegheny, iskgis u iask• / has bodueed horn to take a leaw, for a WM of years, on dic propeny lbw wet:tales, to Beaver street, immediately beside the tenanlTharth Front the long experience to the above Wainer* and desire to please, he hopes to mer it and receive a share Cl pablee patronage. Now o o band and finishing to order, Rockaway Rug gles, open and top 'toggles, add every deecrirnwn ut IN.mages made to oadtr, from seventy btc do,lats to amid bonartse Isen:l-thf I dl/11N •4111 I II jandejaigned are now pergotred (emote their J. etatootesh and the public generally, with an eget,. lent anicle of Lard Oil of the trown inlyselaclure, wheel, they will hell on ureanottodavne term,. 1 lec 1r 11,1 the, belae,e to be I. good as any thiered in the may I.e ;teethed 11 n.n tallslmcuary. • J JORDAN ft SON I'd liberty id, opposite smillucl I I'. S.—Lard and tireurc ddltulde for triactoto.ry, fr.dde at•dre.l Js 31(YRRIS & do's, BLACK WHITISH INK. flu need or quill pens, and the eopyttig prem. nos de) sthe'result of Me. este:niacin. of several years, voted to the riutufacture, on an extensine wile, lie an etude. muted to all ilia purposes ot tho connitner. of dais writing eomista in tier lot lownig pfrOrtl.C.: Fbrumrs—in which prupetty will lw found to shrpasa ill previous preparations. H will flow with perfect freedom either from 10AI or .steel. pens, mid is entirely free from uny cermet...l qualities. Cutsia—The color of this article to. a Het, beautiful blue black. Ili. neemeary, however,. to give comu. mere the following eitinient. ID'AD good black ink. from itsnecessary chemical eysditution, require., exposure to the air 10 impart deep color. It most nut, therefore, be CSIMCWaI. that the /moment the tattle - is opened, the Mk will he mood to be n Jet blajek. Tlie first appearance will be pole Bin alter exposure hatheclamomel action of the aunee photo either on paper ar in the inksiend, it will fissure a brilliant black hue.„ 111 Prineaokagr—The color is unalterable by the torte of time. It >rill never lade. thi thus {ICC., ell rd me portant records should be made in this article... al years only deepen Unit strengthen its bal. N B. This nth is ipttahle for all kinds of metallic pens, and for pens made of quills. mud what is einem. sant and vcryldesiralileth wide man), will give a perfect impressien by the copying prom. 15.7rWe am using in the institutions with which we are corms...web Morns' blue black writing calk, mid to re.pect to fluidity, brilliancy of color soul pernianency, believe it superier to any ink we hove heretofore ;med. A Thainou, cashier, bank of latutsrdle; flieh• arthon, emitter Norlhern bank of-Kentucky; Deo C Gwathreey cashier, bunk of Kentucky; 1.1. Shreve, president of the Gus bank; Thos L Helm, clerk of har t county court, Corker] Pope, clerk of leder.. coun ty eourq P It Atwood, stary. 1.1.111211 . 11 Insu tompatty; John Mute, agent ecre Lexington Insuranee Crance o; $ in.odwith Mel' Portland Dry Dock & Insurance Co; D Y Chambers. mc'y I'muklut Fire & Alarms le mur/Lure Co; J H Rhona'', treasurer Louisville Savings Institution. A supply of the above ink, just trrmived and for . de by 11011 JOHNSTON & NYOCKTUN. Type Fonndry. m III: subscribers have taken the Type Foundry. Pio 1 fa Gold PI rrrt, und coati:me the business loth. ly cooducted by Holjun Taylor. They wilt attend to all orders with punrosalitytiad despatch. All the typo manulactured them will be Hand Cast; and they will furinsli ulflinds tit Printer.' material., el the beg: quality. • Mr. J A T Overend , 111 still enudoyeil in superintend log the matuaniturlii department. Propnetors 01 new papers, who havemot tidemlised for the subscriber, who ahoy publish Ws tutee far three ants,, will be, entild to receive their pay in type, oa purelitoung live times the *mount a their bills or oil artltsing. • Old type takeji iu eiehange for new. at 9 eta poll, ehaziaa;lVhiting, e WHITING /F. rAvi Theodore Taylor, S . ( noncom,. to notot Taylor,( janla corner Gold and Allll Ai. Sellers' lranally.Medlelne• In Ohlo. ' • War ntmorautt, Ohio, Jaay 27,1,13 siLL n E . l ,l l=Y o ';:s r r , Vrr i f m uic =tablet/rat to ill who bare 1164 ueemoioft T ive, curie, our Liver Palls ad nlao homing a high reputattott nem 'fours reipectfally, Cone., Alan, 111cConithuvirrr- Ohio, Juts'y Y 7, lain. .71r. IL E. Sellers—h e fu *ells getuarkahly tort, nod bas gained the full eouhdenee of all who ow the Cough Syrup. Yours truly Jaun Gannr. Prepored and'sold by 11.. E. Seller., No. 7 t. 7 Wood st., fold .J. by D. Cassel, 51t, Ward, D. M. Curry, Alla petty, and Wm J. Salith, Toperaneerille. frbt )111FEEERV, SOAPS, de., an -ionthid for /Ale .1 by Joel Alohler,Drugglor, nor. Wood and lith an: Jule. Nymph Soap; Anounditt for Chopped Muth; Hootacl's do di; do; So dna Shoring Cream, role & almond; Oa Marrbar Pumamm; Cold Cream' No's, 'ram Yule; Culug. %Yawl., fine enact for the hand ilercble, Vie. 'fel,lo ilr:lfiiLluse In - Tens • 1 . . . . rills to to e only that I purchased uor trial of Dr. lleLane'• Worm Hermitic, 'tome two months ago' and gime in a ahn of mute, seine acorn years old, Iwo. *aefatOrto lull, end although the amount may appear large let I have no :doebt but there was upwards of ran iortasivo !wouts passed from ldin, ineutinug lota M. guano, of ati inch to two Inches long. `tau'. HOLLIDAY. ra , ererels„Carrol to. Toni, , Dec I/7, 1017. 1021 la=i= TILE unedoignerl hove reduced the prices of Rini: arrd Wasting Powder, of this supenor rannufar.ore, [nudity warnarthulunsurpassed, tmidwill firm a. law . any good {marine can Le hough* in the morkm.• The Mraymmremplrrycd ut the :SlM:urine, will emit rmcry morning on the custonsopt, In deliver powder cud receive °Meru. • I • I Orders at alltirnes he filled imModiately, on ups ' plieation at tha *Hide of C. S. LOOMIS, wnier door above monongalieln hour,. & W Looms Agent - ruurld 'POWDER, (HAZARD CO)—All descriptions cots ' mantlyl oa hand; !also, a large qthly tit auntytone, ruse, fur igniting Orders promptly blind u at all times, hY C S LOOMIS, Agent, marl3 . L . wale's!, tad door Moran Nuothllelit,4 A S um now engaged in the Importation of Ltworlies, 2 - 3,:W rats end Crum tr.p., ezalalßlVely, and having made arrangements in thierertiparla Europu and the Ll •nds writ. well known:a...a fair my boa. supply or Foreign Liquor,' whie I will be abiy 10, in the 1:41,(0151 ilati.“l New 'fork or New Oriearm or in thin arty, at the lover t market prier for earli or op. proved paper. I hnve Slade :.d cello, a very large ;Hoek of 'rem superior Winer nnd Liquors an departed of the 'mist eelehnued lirandr nod vintager. tor sale a's pterming term by Pt; DIA i • ear In& amidtheld rra QUNDRI}M--40.1 dot playing carda . r2lo whole and hlibes sardines; 11l balkekii okra ad; tat dot wield acut otipii, Se; Octal. London porter quarts and pint.; s dos bale brendice, very old; 5 bbla pour , dared sugar; lel 'nukes champagne wore, part to arrive; hhil. claret do; (or este by snrlo MARTIN SUO'OR4!°ariLCASBnTIS. InDlifiYeeFFEtEgh.lidlinirgr Rao., ianinug'fiom wynn;;;;,:,%1,,,y,,,,i. by W k Ai MIftIfELTHEE, SA Liberty at. • Da-d other boat, the ahurtlyireceivo per Alartlia Waabing ton so prime N 0 Suguq4so Lb!. plantatinsi Molasaca; 30 do Sugar llousei 30 Libls Loaf Sugee; 12 tierces Carolina Ilia, (mu MOKE 11LI1(SE—flocing taken the large and corn median** Smoke lieheci and Mesa Storehouse al. joining our Warehouse;ort the Canal Bain:byre are pre pared to snake tad Site bacon on thonoultble aeons. KIER et JONES, Stud • Gnat bunt. near Yd./. 'FA boaftro P w a riraVu r s thg to Itra W ieb:ali a. vt; praintlikai for senleneat - B s !I, acat,wood TRANSPORTATION noreMantsT Transportation Line. 1848 • MI6?". , eon sati manitrouraritin , L1311.1.•.121 AND PRODUCE,TO YRIj.ADCLPUU & BALTIMORE. G" - "wrurd'll l .7.`;',ll,•"',:"` :Unita; transmitted, .4 all promptly at tended- to, free thorn any extra charge for storage or • C 0.11115 1 ,1011. C A hi cAN ULTY & Co.. Prop•r. merry Cvml Basin. Pittsburgh. . . _ MRRCIIANTS• WAY FREIGET LINE. 18 8. (Formerly culled Pietworth lc 91 . t. line.) , 1 KICLANI.L.I oirn.l.Nrutralliri 01' WAS . OUT - DF:TwEEN COMM:nat. Ulairsville,Jolntstow, Hut .I).lidayolsorgh, Water street, bran)) Co) nd al nnertonhate Orme*. ' ) • Oar boot oral leave Ilm woreltoure of C A Ale.Ploull & Ca. Canal . 1.13,61, Liberty .trees, l'it6buroW ever day 'Sundays excernadd nod aloppem ran always de pend on ham, them goods forwarded 'without dela) and at lair Me, -." woe formed exclusively for the speeinlae• connoodation of the wayluaint.rt. The: Propkietor, thankful tor the eh) . !them' ilatronafte they have re ceived daring the la.ltsvo yetio, would roqterifolly to how thew old cuatotuera nod rho puldn. ghnernily, that they have extended Ihrirliiruilles.d.ri..l the pays wt.' tcr, and ere now Letter preunred to secutionodato a it in 'creased Loonies, i t IM • . RII CANAN &Co INAIRTO WM STITT, EU sTriT, , Whl PULTZ, 1 JA)IES A LORE., JOHN ALILLER, , TRINDLE& McDOWELL. C A IttrANULTV.V. Co, canal basin Pitt. R a CANAN, ' Joiloltosths „.,,. JOHN MILLER, do Holluklig .^ ' . HO KRELL &al YSTINGER, as Rxr.xoesen—l'iusLorgh—Stnittli 1. Sinclair J /c J hlelkvith fi & J H Shoenhercer; IT Robinson '& Co; R Moore; Hopley lc Solidi; John Parker, Win Lebtorr, J Jordan & Non. . . 11.1.211 RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, = 1848.1ftwa. 706 sestonitirrrasnis "Or 3.1‘131,1111 , 1ZE ' I "h1 PPM(MIMI! AND PIIII.A rVll:Proprietors of this old iishibli-lied.end fir, J r Portable thiat Line, hauled removed. their ale. pot in Philadelphia. to a much larger Warehouse att Alarket thee they ibruierly occupied, .4 Iliso creasedtheir rot. fdr abirage at Pittsburgh, are /lOW prepared to sotto numb greater facilities to their friend and patrons. Gard. earried by dn line are . not trartstiiirped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelnlna. being earned en urely lo.lnortuble Section FA . . . To shinny', of dou and other good. requiring careful handling, thin in o itriportance. No cuarge niacin fur receiving ocaltillnn , goods, or advancing charges. All goods forvrardc pr omptly. and ilium as reasonable terms as by any cub yr lute. JOHN bIeFADEN L Co., Canal 112Aiit. Penn .t., ritmln4qh. JANIIIS ii. DAVIS & Co., 2.27 kat Jk. 54 Coramerre lOUS MeFADF:N & Co.,,Corwenting and Comma stmtblatchants, Canal Boom, Penn It., Pstutnirgh. JAMF-S M. DAVI:, & en, Flour Factor:. and Commie. loti Merchants, Sl7 Markel, 0.1 Philadelphia. MrAdvancea made by either of the abotio on Flour, iVool and other drecriptions of Mere hemline rotedgited to noun. (cbJl I\TWIICE th —The aublwribers have spoarti of their ut. VI weld in the Penn'. sod Ohio Line to CIA WIT & of Pin•burgh, and JOSEPH h LEWIS, of nom city. 'Choy redi 'continue to transact business for the line at their Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be speak for It a continuance of the patronage of thel friends. /MILS SWEL S Co. Philadelphia, March 5..!11,1d49. Paiai:&.. and Ohlo Trans • • nation 0. .A• Doak Daily lime of rutsT CLASS NEW BOAT)) A NI) 191.13,11., ru TitIiUMMT 41.X.6 BSTWE.” ITMAr. el.ttAkT: k MAY. trij74::ll, i.tat;lo„rgh_ LEWIS d- LILVLEIL 210111 RA. et.. Yhilodetvln JAS. Krim. a. 1:0., Arta, Broad street. COWDF.N, CLARKE & Co, 7tl Noah q., Bolt W. POIL/LICK,,Agt., IR Wemt greet, Yew York merlS Co-parts - v.4lp. erderetibers have thtu thiy etelittetheenselve bt• ether vadat the .tyle of Kier & Jones. ter the of ennutteing the business fonnerly enrrnvi ot by Suolllei M. Kier, and torlscit cautituautee Itte era! patruntrge heretofore extended.: the SAMINI. M. 1•11111, F. JUNES. Ilteulturgh, March 1,14 e. KIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, - COMPOSED ENTIRELY OP lIINT CLASS B;Ep s EirrioN BOATS. Illi PIIII.ADBI.PD IA AND BAUVINIORE I' lie ' l P :7: r tnl t nt de.patott, ellVi at PA low rolco. as nay tali, re.Mnnothle Tbe attention la 'end rrcllnn of Ilia to lialtintiin. at bulk. is portieularly o-inuch n. nu, arrangement.. onabla a. enri'y rod. art...4,114..0 better unit, thnii nity tither lice. KIP': h. Cativl Pin.borgh. Morrie sA • tel:i r Nk ONI-24 J- Coenumiiillt i . rtv. P k,a,n•Alr u,..1 Wholc•Ule Mule, ilk trot, V. 1.111 PrOthier. . . i beret ra.h atlvunr,:t an con .gri ls. tunr!ti PIKW AIItANGEBIKIITI 15-18 184,S I . IIILAIWIJ . IIIA AAD Prrilli:mm:l4 NIA CIIAN- BERS111.1111:. Ur MALI.iIo;4O AM; wkcark CAR will leave l'hul‘delphm daily ofiry-11.t uAry. ..oh the Mad 1 ruin, to Cliauzlwrplatr,. .loch wdl enaLle 11, Wakpou to leave them doe .as. .13y, with trla,a of home., min; day and 11,111, cumK • do. re arrival 01 tpodt Nye Days from Phzlodrtplito Apply to D1A:44711k Co Omni ' • ' * - 15:tsl.orgit. " HARRIS k 1.r.F4'11. VI ..11.4 11 rump :44 ursll rr•<.lpt for 4:fitil, It.• pe.ltic.. Sr< . Anil, . to thr obove felrito Ir 1.14.:111 •1111.111{ 1111 S, .111..11. 410. 4 , 11•21. 11”... l'atihurrto. Piolatielpi.n. FITVM To Phliadelpia ••• 11E.NIIV GRAFF h. Co. Canal Hiroo, Filrr:oirah. 101.T11.11. 111, lattEys 1 Cu. :4.1 II: Meisel., Phil. C 11. Neuss. corner at Saratoga .44 Jana F Claskr. 13,1114 Ness York. 5 •••• NOTIC—The .e or yl our firms .13 known fr, F. and afire ills dole, on (leer) rirsli 1 C.,. anilal Philadelphia. es I/ENIUI iritA NI)SII3:YD ; CIIAS t Plias&!idol 111"..NAV mor.l3ll_ , 1848. Season Arrangement. 18,18 . CI. IV: Vt:l. A N j:, bETIULDT AND SAULT 111ADir - Tlll;,tetoutoot 111:111.011 . , Be: youth, w:11 run, durum the .e0...0n of VII, !won ern C leveland Ste Mar...olden / 1 1. 12 ,11,1101/1,:11 hlurktuoc mud /11.1Cd11nte iolo&A , each wuy: l-aving Clotrclood every Monday, ot l• M. do Tuesday at 9 A.M. iku Muck:nue do Thu paluy at: A. 31. firtursuilg, will Ir.:lye Ault 31nrin every ut lu o'clock, A. NI.; and 3loclunne at 10,:lock, I'. 51 nod Iceie Detrod r very Sunday even:tor lot Cleve. lend, al 7 o'clock. W. A. (tti. .Agent.. I.IItADIIURN &Ca. GRANT: , A WICKWARF. . . COMECOMMUME - . .. Tim Detroit h. brrei thorn.,lily repntry.l and refit led the past winter., and Ihe poLlse'lll2Y rely upon M performing of Ler Mis with punrlualaiy an edyertinell tett:Man K. 11. WARIL — 1848. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the Eastern cities yin Cumberland. he neren.el their ilitiva to at-the wishes of .1/Jix.; nail are now prepared to Mrward greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, ea als by add 1..' regular wagons et low rates. This o live will non throughout the year, delivering goods thro trb the webs itt Baltimore and Piushergli markeds and comas.. at specified rams and me. hipmentsfrom Philadelphia for the line sliould he m .Putre, J U Robinson, Baltimore.. The only agenta are, J ROBINSON . S Charles st, Baltimore. EDGERTON Co,& ellitiberinniL W CASS, Brownsville. J C Pitwburgh. I'CI.IPNE TRAM of ',f gr;,: Arnery at Cumberland from the !muse of Al)eiaig Ma. gul.e to that of Edgerton Co. l'itt.bnrgh and western merchant% are nut if.ed tt J 'lay ly I:oboanas. Noir; South Charte• rt, Bultimare. the oot, authorised agent of Wm Lim in the Eastern tine,. The only agents are J DW ELL, rillsburgh, U W 1:J1 , 48. • EDUANTON VoCumbrtand, derTilf .1 R0111100;4, Baltimore. GREEN &100.11 EXPELERA Pon rt. litti:Xl4unv, BALTUdoCIK, I, l ,, slllNOrint, intilanKL. KIKKII YORK, MOWN ? Anti LI.7IIIKKADITIntIyinTiL, i!it.lothr. goinli Sire Worn, Mut thl,l In In, InsteKl, nod 1111.4,,,1pt. Jrtwun Line going Kann connecting n,OII Mull. FlKitren• Jahn ni - - . •Tlinsugh receipt. will Le given In nnyv•l' the above plueev, AferchouJira and purYng, of only are ur wrighl furwunled. Elutes/. rinse' daily ot3r./r. II Agvut. nov-Anf Si. Charles Hugel Minding, wool v/ _ _ J. PAltkElir & CJIINKIL LIPM . II firlattl CANAL 111,111.111111. P. K. var.Tz &Co., no. ISO viAsivivr .nett,inn/41/mm., BOATMEN/I LINE, .1848...Mt4P4 bolt . 11111[ vavuintirrArin, Or 41./. op. UN 11. Rt. •21.- DIZI: To a. FRO VI 1 / lIILAULI.I'IIIA, ilnen NEW }'URIC AM/ BOSTON. trjAll _kind% of Almrelinoullie ronvigned to I'. 11. Font, rhiludelphin, or in J. Curren & Cu., l'ittianargh, will ha promptly far/garled lien of roulroivsiouv. • ' 1 1846 AND :1847 TO TUN BART BY IRBBOBBAHELA ROUTE, VIA EIRDWNSVILLE; & Qlllll INERLAND. Winger st .lag .CM moat Am:Avian www., by Ow p thitou• route. All propenycOnmened to will be ta minted Al 'h. Amen mos and With drWlnid, Merchandise recervad by this route promptly for' yarded. J C 1111/WF:tili, Ash., Pittsburgh. 0 W CA3S, riorl7 EP:IS/MON & Co Ousnbarlasid MaMiINEOUS. - BlArsery Stack Yor . ilale.. • J.LIE Subscriber .offers for-sale his entire stock, in Junto suit purchasers, at very reduced The collection in not equalled fora select and extensive variety, In the Wemem country; containing many new, rare and valuableplant!, consisting tripartof 'Japonteas, large dowring plants, from.; to G' feet in hetah Cactus, Amlota, Deriniums,Fethicies, Month. Noisette Clutter. Perpetual Mom, Vining or Pillar otet; the firma' and most esteernedtorts in cultivation. The Dahlia list contain, the Most slungey and fine prim sort* genies; Flower litmu s , large variety; Vines, thrulrery, ' , bade trees, evergreen., jAy. • Arnett... Nutiery rums and others,isho want no decorate their yard., dodo., pleature. grounds. or green Louses, are retina . invert to ilXamine the collection which it open to Visitors, except on Sundays. IConveyance by the omnibus. and greenwood ferry. Demriptive cata logues tent by mad, or may be had ellour steed, Na 2. Diamond Markel, where orders left; with at. or by mail to Pittsburgh limn Office, will Lois,proinpily attend ed In. Jona Granatall practical gee last',, will attend lu planting shade Ore.., laying of garden... Sc.• Linters lilt as above. JAS. SVAIIDROP, marlth th ntrii&wT Ilfanclth th ater, flier Pinurgh. I Eger., lormerly of Besuy,ttl'ilensie &t'u• • •ss. Dm. A. "raft', Zanegvllle,l.l, Otos' G.; New Orleans, BRATTY, BROTHER 6: anent ColYZIA.1•610/11 BlL•rehmail• rout Tilt: PALL AND FORWARDING OF • MINSTER!" PRODOc E, Nu. SI Puseira, Alreel, Net/ rv) Oricans. • Ales,. Mathis &Co, Bankers, ' a. lateen hlkiregor & Co, " David White & Ellis& Morton, sc Ilenke.4l Itaa & Eraxer, Cincir,nati • A 31'Keliam. Esq. II N gratiley. F..q, Banker. Zanesville, 0. 11111'Domill & Co, 110•11‘ville, Reed, Parke & en, Deaver, l'a., • J Dili, Esq, beelleg, Vs.._ it Slattern:in & Co. burgh P• & Ablenclucc, Pl" • nvlftxtin Boston Motto of floating !Houses. mecettfully used in Botott. New York., Itc., and %thri ve. applied, hat received the decided prethrenre over,lurnmes, he. Ita advant•;,,i ure -1.1. Griot regularity of temperniurt • Freedom from ,nuke. ;hi. No unpleasuut dryness. ith. tatty attended to and not liable to get out of ord.., • atli. Grant durability. ~1 model and opecificatio& may be teen, and appam tut obtanted, at lie copper and I tnware' factory et W 11 SCAIpE, runt sin bctweeo wood Mad Markel 1846 AND ' 1847 MCmg TO TU EAST 'BY DALTIDORE AND' ;OHIO HAILHOAD. nth/written will receipt forte delivery of ?Be .1 duce to Baltimore by the Monongahela Blackwater at the following pnrca— Acher, Bacon, Butter Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow, Whirkey,` e, and G tooo—bi Cl. per 104 lbs. Tobaco.,llacap, Plan and Wheat—P4 eta per 1114 14a. Althea, (Vol) Apple, Cheese, Flax-Seed, Glass, and Leather-10G eta pro 100 lha Oi la, Elk In a, Seed., Wool-1 10 eta pri 10014 x. Breen., Feathere, Far, Ginseng, end Saake-Root —Nu ell tors IDO lbs. A 11 . property cone/hoed teretther of the•andentigned rt,ll be forwarded without delay, fret: of Commlamon, at above rate, IV II CLA Rif, Ilrowneville. KANN& & WATERAIAN,Fitnbargh. A Challenge to the World. . egtWgherli.Fl V E l oLLi Rd will be paid to angina Iwho trill paslere copra of paint, greener dry,lttn cannot be attracted with Coil's Improved Chemield Coup. I hare the satisfaction Of .aging to um people el dio place, that this •rtiele,ny ntrowntrnprooement on 11 now nand. nintoolled in doe country lon extracting giro., tar, pitch, oil, pail, or any other greasy. sun., baba all kinds agent:emelt'. orlulie.'r lothtng,. carpet., Int.le Motto, uterine .howl.,' !edit. , bonnet., ke. without injuring anything that pare water will not waste. Morn Man one thousand 1011,0114 in different pant ot canny brie bald me its, would not he nnnet 11i if it 0010 one dollar per take. In trying this Soap on more-than amt aniele• of light silk*, satins. wi rier.. and ClllO.OOll, I have noly foul three sneers 01 two or tilpacca, and foul of cat co. on which it !hanged the color; the before utr it on fight dress try a sample of the do-t. gra. po s t e that reeve.. I sun determined not to recommend it any amaze , than • • . I km,vr strictly true N II 1101, Prier, cts per cake. Sold, wholesale, and retail by It F. SCLI.F.RS, derlll to wood el VEII1111P1.11:E, conAid,r letter than allother," Htizertrale,4l4,oi4ty Ca.. t October Fad, 11•17. I %I, I; Sellers:—M) wonth.old., l,, snle v , rT rrs al loght, sod Lavine much /car, at tancs,l cult. Ile hail 'Antra.,And Isavnlg heard A drat, our Vernilltqc. I In.ught A vial awl guy, Aim ezpetint fr, very Ivonng I epettitter 1...., V.nuuiatr r :Anthem Simons P. sNrp.g. r.,palvtl and. Anlal by It E.5EL1.E.1114,17 ItrocAt 1. hriorc hloO I I tn. moot ippowroilhaiterst plans - Estiwtopitterox aid cow, Alb t'IIEAT HOU., or tiolTon gLIND, on lott! nt 111.01. 10 ordry of all wizes, stud it all pr 0 . ,%. • • Coo MI, 51, cc bard. ind °then are toy itrd to eel' end the 1100VO Gsr thes.elvelt, al ill will Le'old fohol, en 01, 01 rd. and Ithra el made to A . . 1 0, purr:tam,. .111 v A %V ESTER V KIX ORINU'S TP.RICESIIA4 all 11, the late diovkirrier, au.l Grographirkl °spoor...eats; trutkruftloomarterkbrarrAkookOnaripkors Coo plol Goo SupllCk sow flakilieh Globe, 111.1. aklAilrou •Ad ooptuotorn. 4, Amain A Sara, krrotA.4. Park I.OIIING CPA.. k.'-ST I Al. GUISE-4,i rank. isogallfor stark ortoto, Ate. C00p...A froo the work. FlAtrolol.l... IA Atile BraJ. 11 At0kr1)...., lb. Inmost tooalul.lhe Arlnuron to..l Norio) of Load.., Sr, ¢e 1000. 14.010. N.. kit. .I..hostoxi I Stockton hara joet retro...di few pairs of ther .L.,. IfaLn, varying au wee,m foIlowe: 1 pair 12 lochs. in diameter, 1 " ' I " sem. globes G o Asm eicaa, L-Lroaneir, sod Journal llt TOWN,, , END'S AItSAPA . H.II.I.A dogru CCCI,d ai Ur. Towtinentrii ynnopnrllla, th,e eLtriuduitir) niedirtur in the world! This Kf ratrit is put up in quart bottiry. It is arrant, cheaper. plearanter, and warranted 'opera, tai any 5.'1,1. It ar, amen..., .6.1..1•11 vomiting, purging, orate:nog or deiolnating the pollen!. I.••• Of 1 Volt IMITATIONS Uniquicipl/t1 perraus hale copied one toilet., and put up medicine to the 'smog "hoped ramie. :ter that each bottle hue Ilse yraniett aly nulur, tit S I'. Townsend.. . • It. F. Drugvfl. wood street, beVarven •Ild Founh ; a Dr. Towneet!tra aply whole-tune ald mu. agent ior l'imburgh, 01 . Wil01/1 the gentunr •(111`;e Clint, had. It AI Curry hat loom ay/roomed the role ogrol for Ala:glum) t•ttyt 1.1 whom the Kenuuir• nrhele Con ho 'F4 DERRY & PaCKERSIiii Manorwourers or AWNINGS, SACKING BUT-TUNS, v AtiON cOVERS AND GRAIN BAGS or ALL 0K5CH.T10143; No. as, Stovall Front 11l LLL , !tack of 7 A. Ilitnne,Cabinet Wnre,Manury VIIILADELPIIIA: A 1.6 tad,. left areth S. S. Aloes, .16‘. A Merchs3o. 110 , 1, Pillßhumb, will be NOMplly ...led Hi. THOS. VERILY geolOtllv A. C. NICKRRziON ORIGINAL. 'BOLIVAR BRICKS.' Ll'ERIENCEI)judors, l'); a trial of and hai illin, since luta: pronounce Bile :article unsur passed fond s rability in the conatructian i,f all kind. of l'utiiacca. Price 623.74 cash for loads Orin AI, guar., Boled tone R/0.1111 i.e. girders fora second quality ivar Brick• will be executed at 15410 per 111, if AO de sired, without guantee. A stock of the find qualityr ra now far sale at the warehouse itloatt'S Wharf: Co. nal Itnain, by J 1411 AV septllf Kensington Iron Works LYME'S HAIR TONIC:After giving Shia article j trial, we unheaitatingly pre:comma al to bewhiit it prok es—iba beg article, wohinit any aseaption,:ia use, Gerda. reetorstion and prevarvation of the brawn hair. Ws know; of numerous iutiatima where hair has been matured to hmels which ham been bald for,years; sad we Batik:we mastoid° crake faros that& to recommend to all ear ratan who ar losing their hair, to make s trial of this Took immediately 130.100 Vor ado in fillabargh at Ills Peakin Teo 'Store, N0;72: Fourth wort, near 11tood .annrOdkorT SUNDILIF:B--153 Lego prime R ocollect 156 Idols N Moluscsi 75 boxes Inantonoured tolmcco;11:5 li d .-.12. groin and black mu; 75 6 and 130 J bozo. V 11 nod G dug MO Ito.. German clay; 1U cad. omicro n.; Itl .planoh, together With 'n gotterel assort :tient gtoceneo, ot store and tar tale by joVI CAILSON dt. McKNIGIIT.GIIrod. lii l4ri c A c tt . l t l , ll , i i tto r. immrle . d ” , i . .e , gri . ra r v %l coo timiing of, Cm..., W. 14,000 Sophie/1, Emulame, AtlliVA, do Fioter, Londou Lord Byron's,Fullitipromipeo, Memo boat do. Villeys extra do, Sylvio's d.. Laltiryodora 10, do da MI, Orris, InPrilium,Curailores, Eagle principmr, fur pulp by / I' .0,7 cot Smithfield & fund 0. (.19 , 11 , ./tlll.l . ILLUSTRATED EDITION orTile. ARAIIIAN NlGlrES—Exprenly .1..4,1,1 for lam. ily tradiii , ; in rourke ul public...l by Ibirper Ilru- New Non. , contplebed Itt twcive purls Mil ISt 11141 fecrtved out for %ale by • JO INSTON ti wrocwrom. .ps corm, uwtlei and ad nu FOIL srkquri HUATS. 1 )1 , 1 , 1=1 , 1 . 1.L.E 4 1 , / , 11 , 14 . F.5—A very rotivemena dl, L) tern me. A ie;:7l r :i ' b l:rror ji ttL ti ry "" •srm .14111.1 z IA receivedltll-11aatia n .).1 a lurgr unput Isamu us kj Maria, A c., direct faun Europe. lagellier wall lay Image Murk Lt M a elute •nd eau', dealers ore requested 10 au!' mud eaamioe lur lluauselves, as good bargain. eau kr Lod an the corner 4:4 Vinaltarld and Front Its . upto I' I.: MARTIN }:AL---Wapipt Golens Lead, rr rri rrrr r per comer Wyoming mod icor mile by marte./ JAMES A MITCH N Co 1111/1111:1MS INDIAN yliffliTAllLli gru.r, Iyarrtiotril genuine, tor ogle by . EN/U.I.IMS - M OLAS:4I-1,4--rttr! , ;liab u st n t c on Alotses, . .. • For sale by spa .1 F 1.0113 • - • (10FFER-110 bags prime RIO, kw .1. by 1.- , .1 4 J& It FLOYD _ • 1 ARD-10bbla ho.ll.ard, lbs sale by 'l4 .1 4 J 1111.01'D LOAF . S1.1(1A - 11 1 541 bl.b a surlsd, (or asIS by apt J .k It FLOYD d•• • 101111 T PLASTER—A/ gross black and flesh colar lJ ed, for sale by ap3 111. E SELLEII.S,S7.waod st (11 1:01`A1—fl eau. for sale by aps •7)10 COFFEE-400 bags prime green , e, to jib arms pet aeons ...savanna. or sale by ' • morL UAOALEY & YIIIT II CIRAPE SHAWLS—An assortment or whtle, drab Li and black Crape Shawls, mu received at the Dry Goods House of WMURPHY, 4 Ph comer 4th and parka sti MMU4 AL, , s• t DR; TOWNSEND'S - • .s.A.RsA PEA RIL L exlntardintry Medicine in the World TY.% mind Is pedal to Quart bottles: it is ea lures chew er, p!mlaider, add warranted map.* labe sold, It m y... disease without smutting, pargisg, Inlstatuag they.. oat. • GREAT 811ING AND. BUMMER MEDICINE The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla met 41 other Alealicsna as, whilst It Entilicatm Disease it Lamar yes the Body. .It is one of Oa very beet SIIIINU AND KUM hl AII4.IICINES ever. known, it oat sly pisrirn the whole system io d strengthern the panne ' bet it Conatm Mn., Put. and Rica Bleed a power paseeseed by no other Medicate. And in this II“ the ,rend merit or.. woadettsd sum,. It has perform.] within the past two yule, mare than AWL/ma. of &sere Cases of ; at Imild 5,10. arthem were wandered incurable. More than' 3,000 cases of Cheap. aluonsolista . • :DM mem of Dyspepsia; 400 asses of Genersl Debility and Want of Energy; . :AM caws of different ffeoule Complaint.; ff,and asses Serefula• I,slaleasm of the Liver ' taniplaint ff,tat rum or Disease of the Kidney and Dropsy i ;MI rases of Costooption. and Thustainds of mon of Dome of the Blood, via.: Ulcers, ary s ipelm, Salt Rheum, Pimples ots the Yam, .le, A, To. gether WWI aumerom caws of Sick Ileadxlie, Pain in the side and Chest, Spinal Affections, Ae., he. This, we me aware, Must appear incredible, but we hare letters morn Opticians and our agents from all parts of the ,Unded Kutch istfunsting mof estraordmary corm. K. Van Buskirk, we of the moil respectable druggists hi New. ark, N. J., suksrins m that be cm mks to more Kau ra in that place alone. There are thousands of owes in the City of New York s which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of ettaracter. It is th e boo medicine fur the Preventive of disease boo. It undoubtedly eared tke live or more than Syt,ool.mtatmes WM Parr StA20111! A. it removed the muse of dmesie, add prepared them f the Sumner ORME, Ul==l=l • • CAM . : O. W. Alcecata mg,il, TUT Verret, STAT. Neer, 3,14 member of the New Jerney LegULLture.,lus kindly scut us the following eertlarate. It tella its owu story. ILAUWALT, Jut. 25, 1E47. .• year mince I was taken .ilk the la aeon,. and my whole Tsstem, 611 irt a debilitated staid. 1 was Indured to try Dr, o Sarseverilla,.lllli earl taking two or three bot tles, I leo rely much libeled, NA attribute it entirely Lod.. pal Surretwellta. bare cooties's& Iskitig it., mud fuel that 'I improve y day. I believe it eased toy life, mid would use be without it muter any 410141•116.13. U. W. MC1..., WI U. 8. N. . . This rte r ilittle totelusirely preles that this Bampanlla has perk! I control owr the most °hewn. direrof the bini. Three persons vend it toe None i. twpreardented. l'nazx . . Dr. TOWIIIIMit) —De.l bare the pleasure to inf.. • you that Darcy( my children have been cured ibe Scr• fula by the um of your 11.1 ondirma They. Miami very emerely•mt/a bad salami Imre .ly taken, fn ' bola. vlt sea Dam army, fur !Inch I . fcel myself node d..p übliptam. Yo.s, rennelfully, Iwo W . 105 Worates at. Ner York, Mar. 1, IVO. • GIIEAT YENI.9S. MSUICINL Dr. Timuoind's umparilla ir a NM Oftl.ll steedi eon far. iir-ipirut Coniuniptlon, Ilarrconree7Lnneorrine, or -Whitra, obidentted or difficult Menstruation, Incontiourare ot Urine, or toroluntary discharge thereof, and for the 'c . a. nond nu of fo. aystern—no miller whether U.. midi f ' rause or nonage, prodnend by irreparily, Atop. oar occident. . . Nothing obo b. more *lmpels/al than its invigesatmg af. fects on the human frame. emuna, all wvalusavo and tads, from tatting it, at am. Mega robust and hill of amergy wader its inSuram. It anutudiantly condenwea. the acres lemma of the Gaule fume, which u the great M. of bad mama. It will not b. expend of tae, to cum of to dellente a 1111- len, to exhibit mama. of emu performed, but wee. moue aillieted,llut hundred. of cams ham been reported to on. Several mum when rUCtiliel hare been without child ren, after using a few ba ll et of this isusluahl• medicine, ham Leo blest with healthy:dyeing, Lk. Teton:kW: My wabs beiog greatly distressed by weakness md puma/ dability, and sadirons continually by pain and a sesuation :of bearing down, tilling of theb, wumb, and with other didmlica, and liming known num wham your medicine has created great runs; mad dm hear ingit rremaiseaded for Yds Mel as I have dencribed,l obtain ed a bottle of your Estraet of Sarsaparilla, sod followed lb. directions you gave me In a Mort tereal it removed bar complaints and rammed her bean. ikaug plateful for the hmeSta she received, I ialie pleamrs in thus aclosowlodg- Log at, sad mcomemnding tithe public.3lcoas, Albany, Aug.l7, 1844. Cor.of Grand and Lydinests. C.oesacrta. Sept. 23,1315. Dr Thantwotif: To all steno all =ay roues„—This is to eerily that my wit* omit one bottle of you Sonoperillo Femme to her mita:ant. coder the wool alansitag and delicate cireasoransei, beior Instated with tho drop.y, of the Set, turnout affitillon; and very mush &Wits. led with oty porsaaaino, ond the rticontowsistallon of Sow. 'ho had nit st, mho woo indoned to trry it, with Lisle or no Stith; and =Me it bey, tho teatienw had W. happy tiod aired effect, not only in the hours of onainanion4 but oiler tho evpiratiou of ewe week of its an the &vim and nor '.. aortion vivo way to an Saiolll4ol, dregre ,, , her been is now better than it had Min fora kog M ime pre. own, If dm will bo of any mimic* to pa ompy e.t.a do the eiie r etesof otteleria., Ica Leg greleaece I wWeiibe =pod( your mast Lobetlistinkad alive/in mut. S S JAM. 41. TD AIOTIIMLS AND SLtHJLIED.LADIF-4. - - This Emmet of Camp:mils has boa expressly prepared in (cook rosipleints. No Gmaleoho km ma soo to soppier. he O approaching that critical peeled, o TA. nem M . bp i ...boob! ueilect to take A, as it is a certain prem..* for my of the numerous and namable diseases be which (moles are *abject at this time of life. This . yrriod may be delayed (or Memel yam by wing thismedseine Nor it it leo eaheab/eM those rho are appearalsitar mitnaahood, at it o ea/cult..l us assist rotase by ukenul the Woad m b re t_ rt,ettod the tyres. Indeed, this tac medicine o torah. r oille roe all of the deliola donut. to which 'Ewan all tut It, et. unripe Or whole sytem. mom iieruoueutly nits. cal argos• by • t emosior tlut impurities of the .1 fee ditoolitsug. the systeso as to pr 'dam a toberynent Lostaos, solertt talkie cairn( ratel suethetura taken for female mantes and descrier . You who bare ptleestuakerowt, e,es, bloteher on the r, o r doe, or freeltka, and i n o out of eteriia ;•• use a bottle or two of Dr Sartaretes. It will ro t) aver bkad, remora lite freckles and bletehey awl lot ). 'loading eyes, fun twits. trautiM otepterriaa—ell trbkh ate of oaserna• -Wee to W.*, reol bet,. DYSPEPSI/L • fluid or medics,. has ever tows dm...T.4 which ao Wady rasemblvs the rube juice or sallow is dwvoipowavg Lod aadvlrtosthrsusn the orpis of diratiuo, as this rms., ration al Sarsaparilla Bass. barawsiswr. llhauy, May 100645. Then.trud:: dir—l has. lora &Riveted far seseral yeses loth dyrywpsia is Its wow! Sum., Witold Irak goal sow of vluouell, low of appetite. esteems licardavra wad • s nat avoroos io all kinds of fowl, sual Ht west+ (what I could istd hare horst uuolols Iu retain but a woad porn. ay ahwascla I well the owul . routrdia., bat they bad hut I MI. or w. rffws tu erususiug t he t.wsplau.t. I way in due td, aboal IV 10 SPJ.its lorc.. to try your Ewract of Sara.. pdla,and I wool Say with lull!. cuouJrare, but Cirrus., ly twa Wyllie, I found my appwita moored, and the hrasebunt auuraly removed; and I would carueoly trews ...of dui Wir aril to UMW who have lures alllirtsd as I bar; Wow Yours, W. W. V AN %safer. Nos '&—' levies • Slates Idaud. Read the followmg, and doubt if you tan, that tonatunp iteutwoult be cured. Thu randy tumor dm mseral hundred ease, that Toseramturs Sinatorilla Iran fir Tomasen.l-I.War Sir. I was taken. a mu. user a ).P:: gran ' ' o y irVlby ß ph i ; oetaro to y hare Um ank eininimptsuir' I nosed large ritua l/hes of but matter, but alert sweat., and triukieg stry'Gnet my doctor said be could do nothing for ma. I treat into tbe too /seal In lure of being benefitted, trauma pronounced there rocarable. I was uuror greatly distressed at d. lungs and could hardly breathe ; 1 soon lovm . emaciated, and expected to dm wa. rout - mod to my bed, wad was obliged to hare ocher. roared I min.a giver you any dnoription that would do inane:a to my case. I was auppoied by ray friend, to be pad recovery t I bad tried groat number of woodier, and ail termed to to to Napoli... I read of worm moat et. traonlmary cones prrfortiod by your mediator, and to tell you the troth, I empoeted them, R. WM e humbug in th ta, Illut I was rodwel to - try it I did so, and ant very lltaiikfal I did. I tumor. say flat *am entirely wall, but am en far rmover , d as to be about my business, and bass to be entire ly well in fvw weeks. 'My cough . und pain in . thv side, and night meats have tell me, sad - nose but ear., l u do, and am tau gaiuurg my Gaol alrength. I fell it JO; to give yo. a Watrownt at ray cam, to publish if you pkaw,„ Prrza Baum., 47 4111111 at, 13.041,11. Opinions or Physicians. Dr Tor taheasiir noserdsily earning order from , phy moans in difionit parts of Ms Union. This u to errtify that um, the muleasignell, rhyintiaus el the Coy of Allan), hare' iu numerous eases poseribed Dr Tun niormf's 'and Wine it lobe nue of the n. p..poratiuo. of t 6. Sstssimr iu mark.. IL , • D WM.., X D, It B Smarm, is a, Albany, April 1, ISIS. PEEutswoou.■ o. This is to certify thatlre, the endersigned. praettenig Tlhnosonistr Physicians Grille qty of It Pauly. have frequent ywrescritsvl Ur Tuns..mon 1-houpdatul /6atract of Sin. idle, and froen its known qualities, would renoinnecod itd he nubby Gar mercurial, scrofulous, and °there idiom,. leo esset, in soy of t h e e.remised tuned/es i aunts A W T A ninny April 2, 1e44. Wr 13 Stern., 2' P. Princirelollre, tins Fulton it, Buo Building, /V WA, ding Snits it Boston; D/Uyott 801.. MI North Mee and .t phibd s trhis; 8 8 Hance, druggist, Baltimore: and b pnaripal druggists Generally through - out Bur United States West Indies sod B. Ceonossi None genuine; unless put up in the luxe *pare boftles, hit!. militia • %nut end mined pith the written signature of If P TOWNSENDond hhiname blown on the Ws. From the New York Daily Re . peeni t. of April 9,1:47, th etrl i s ir c, i =o ';:;* " : 1 1 .0 31 0 4 .. ..... 7"; The whole thing te got up to good mgr. am* of the ortia mental landsempcpantitior nre beautiful, se hick, together with the scroll work, mg old, glistening in the met, -made a /low ,rely eirmlled Brinderey. Mks this oppormuity .3} we believe this ettmet of lM Sarnparilla deserves the mr}:grot popularity ilium...quire& • Nerwoun Debility. Now Yotw,lllarch:l7, 11547 D. Tostossend:—l hart hems allieled more or Imo fin. 3 years. with • dreadful sinking to the dint, giddinees in the hud, lois of appetite, pain in the limbo, and general debility, brought tin noiloulw by the continual heat and cold tat which I tun subject to in my busing,. as • dyer. I bare Wien tither medicines, NO numerous to mention, bat with Uighur wane , ofs. was induced by whist! sow iu the paper to Wye bottle your &rasp:with, WOOl which I found great relief. L halm Ildnua bottles, and] can unlieeitelingly say it is the but uswhine I hove fur taken—the polo in my chest is gime, and I (reignite •diterent min altogether Auto I hare talc, your Hump:with. I here tone • Wier airlit. 01/111 ever I had. svaG has labia it with Use Kit. cut results. I would rtwattoneod it as • family medicine generally, and I feel couritterd that ifs., used those would not be Ind( the sickness then i., and consequently hot so many Ltator's bilk; fur while it restores appetite, it also gives to the stomach and boweh their retaken:tor:it keeps the blood JDs healthy scar.,.. that disease is not sh likely to shark the ily.rm A ud to ell those who are nut in a healthystate, I say try Dr Townsend's tianapenlia Two.. Exrcu, 73 Antoci In the Mouth. Below is • uranother eh itti teed Ur Towwwwl'e Sarsaparala has weed Iltc thou ttillottwatals _of .ellildrew— followtor certograle I. wiecietl fiuin a great number rewired week New Yeas, A pri14,1147. Dr Townsend: nose sir:-00. of my children was very .irk with the Cancer in the mouth arid thricit, attended will great debility. Draws stew dyirig: . 1 rffindued tome of your rwellest medicine, mil it cured dirretly, which I nos anat. you I lest cerl , grateful, Yours iresprelfully, Etocsarru Knot-neon Ur brans sL For ask by It 0 843.1.PR.8 Druggiss; Na 87 Oh owl st between 3.1 awl 4.11 nos, who lam been alipoieled by 1) T0WN:447.0 sole Agcut he Alleglemy co. jetlilfwlyPr DittlAN'S DODD!' SYRUP—It proynl tbn DJ. great Panacea in curing my cliihridistresinutt cough. From the Temperance Danorr o ffiriv 31847. ' Noun Sr ecr.—Die are not in the habit of puffing. inueb lcoo tutu,KK patent mediciues, but we feel ~ posed to repot: mend 111oriyan's Syrup to those who are emitt ed With a cough. Alter Lacing tried the usual reuir. dice in rerun'. o consist and distressing rough,. that had Mr neseral days afflicted oste of our children, with. out coerce. we Were induced to try Morgan's cough syrup, and by mho( was obtained m few hours. It pmsed to be Me parteeell in till. Cafe at least. Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor, JOHN 14 AIOMGAN, Droguist, _feb7 WC:61154 . 1i dOOl , WOW distmolld iiiih7AVLiaßlik l e'Wisra• *peon s, - fllllll4 le to testily that, by Lennie O. vial of Doctor I McLane's Worm Speolbs, &staid of James Show's pawed upward* of 7U worm., end by the use of said medicine. • ebtld of myelin) passed Is large worms.— It truly Ms moss .uprising worm omMelso Lever sea. I mut bass two more voile. WM GILMORE MlDteAb;'' , ' .. : - •'', --- '-: - a COSSITSISMOSa " -Asthma, Sp utag 111614,- Pain in the Side suld Breast, Sore Throaty HOSIZIWZMIN Palpitation tactile itearOVltoopiarCough, Croup,. titres, Nervous names, Liveritomplaint, and - Diseased Itildney.,: aret.ratnealtr- Dr. Slrsysker, Campoand syrup or Wild Cherry. " - • It is mild and pleuant to the tast, 'perfectly safe and heretic.a in its operatious i and - yet u ts ...Me mint powerful aiel certain remplies tor Conenmption at the luMa Coughs, Colds, Asthma Spitting :blood, - Liver Complaint, Pauli in the Side or Urea., and general Debility o f the Constitution, that was ever ittrepled by the Skill of men Inc the. relief of the- aelictedp9blic. Certificates end endences of its worelerthl mutative, powers are daily received from all quitters. it is im possible to conceive the aggregate of suffering and mi.- ery; that hu the relieved or Lavished by in oar eael we calculate the Melee. benefitthat shall imente from it hereafter. All ages, sexes, and eonditations are alike effected by it, earlhe disease Id eradicated from the system, the constitution repaired, I.ll{l health Me tered by the use of Ala. Swarex's Oommmen. Scars or WILD Cum, How many sufferer. do we"daily. be hold approaching man untimely gmv.wwiteil, in the bloom of youth, train their rciateree and (need., aCliet od with th at hut milady, IaypicROXPTION, *Lich ve.tes the miserable sufferer maul I he - la beyond the Power of hum. If SUM wavers would mfty make a trial of Dr. H.q.'s Conrpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, they would Ind themselves sooner relieved thou by piping the various ineffective remedies with Which our newspaper* abound; this 'Vegetable Reme dy, heels the ulcerated tangs, stopping profuse night Sue., at the same little induce:gen./nil and healthy expectorate., and the:patient will soon find himself ie the emoymettl of comfortable health. The public should 'leaf in mind that Dr. San.n< is a xeular practising physician, and ha, had years of expefievee ft, diseases mf the Lungs, Cue., an. The fonOnel erul °fly) 11C. auntie ouly prepared DM SIVAYNE, N Sl, cow fter of Eighth's. Race strems,Philadelphia. ANOTHER HOMRCRETIFICATE. • ; Wall the c urgs that hes ever been ieconlact, we may safely say the annals of medicine rani. (.... to Surpass ti.ntelech now stand. as a hying proofof the vurnbility of consumption, even when hie bad been ;despaired of. Dr. Swarm's Command Syrupof 'Wild ;cherry i. oil it professes to be, the greatest medicine !in the known world. Via T i ce Riches of Lift is Ned& - Swartri—Denr Sir,—For she good oldie pnblith feel . myself in duty bound to reality to the great cure ler Midi your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform vd on me. blur my part, I reel es if every body might ;lo know it. I Was altlic.ll with a violent cough, swi lling of blood. night mews, hoarwnem, and sound of 'the voice indicating an alarming awn of llus disease; lany'appethe was gone end my stredeth had so bar Mil ad me dint my friends tmd phyeicien were permeated I could not survive many days. My sister,..who weedily 'noxious caredaker, made toduiry where she would be likely to procure the most cenain relief 'She was told that if Dr. SwaynelCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry failed in Secure, my fits was Men hopeleu. Your Medicine WM imatedintely'procured ; end the first bat tle gave relief, nod by the time I had 'commenced the sixth bottle, my rough hml !Mime and my strength was Much improved: Iu has made a perfect cure of me, cud I at this present fit. WI hearty aim. as wait, and have good reason to believe that the use of your medicine has saved me from a precast.," grass. I shall be pleased to give soy information respecting my can. I hißuys., sisterat, between race sod Vilte Mg, nibs. ' • CAPTION! CAUTION!! . Cousamptives, fiend: Rend:: Dr. Swayne's Compassed Syrup of Wild Cherry. In abbut the year 16,17. I found it necessary In thy Professional practice, to compound a medicinal prepar tion for diseases of the cheat and Mg', panelizing more powerful healing properties than nay other hith erto known for such diseases. In toy COMPOUND SYRUPt/P WILD cumty, I have been no suc cessful: The truly astonishing cures clfected by my medicine thee spread its thine abroad; for it owes none of its minces. to manufactured newspaper NM or the ged certificates—She real intrinsth mews of my com pound r the only cause *fits popularity. Its extenaive sale soon excited the envy of certain 'peculators in the ethic/thus of his fellow creatures, to ninth to that in • few years from the time that toy preparation war nitre. dined to the public and In great demand, a firm in thin city, hiding that my preparation'had gained a high reputation for Its Cithsththe properties ' ', came out moth what they called Dr. Whim's /alum of Wild Cherry. This re/amble and Popular physician find no more to do with the article than poor Sum Patch. The name of la Wistur is attached to make it appear that this em' thent practitioner was the original taverner of the prec parauon,• such is not the fact. The above Linn, the re al inventor, sold the recipe and .right to manufacture tel some patent medicine dealers Cincinnati for the West and South, and suiother in New York for the' East, who afterwards, it is wizened, sold out to a druggist in Lthaton-lio the number of hands into which it may have changed is an enigma. In tome places they assert it' emanated OM 'a phi- - "cian in Philadelphia; in ahem, from a phyaiciui Musubusetts_ So it has falsehood' and' swe.tageu stamped,'every feature. There have been a umber of other Preparations pur porting to contain Wild Cherry put out mew from the nds of inexperience, which the public should guard against, as they conta in none Mille virtues of the Wig!. • al and only genuine preparation, which/ma the im munise of Dr. Sways on each bottle. The present manufacturers of their pugs and false echificates have Wu daring elfrontuy to caution the public against pur chasing my medicine, the only truly genuine and origi nal preparation of Wild Cherry before the public,. which la proved aalisfactorily by the public records ol the Commonwealth of Penasylvania, as well al van. ous o th er official documents. DR. IL SWAYNE, Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com. ;wend Syrup of Whildi Cherry, corner of Ughtlt and Race Ricca, Philadelphia pamphlets can be obtained gratis, seeing forth an array of testimony that willconvince the must !Wept. oil of the vrondertid.virtucs lk Swaym's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Call and get our,.that all may resid. Purchase the medicine, and an OM.. • For sale, wholesale tied rebel, by the Agents. NVM THORN, &1111atket le; OGDEN & SNOVCDF.N, Cotner Wood o.dlXtetty atie S JUNtIS, tit/ Liberty tt, ti rAIINFSTUCt. & ' Co, comer ut 'Mee and %X...! said Sixth unl tVoodi and JUIIN Allegheny eity. • • ' Great SonUsk Itsimedlys VOR Costabs,Colds, Asthma end Consumption: The HERAT AND ONLYHEISIELV for the oure of the above diseases, is the HUNI/ADIAN BALSAM' OF LIFE, discorcrinl by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, Englwi, and introduced into the United Stales under the innamhase soperimendeure of Ma lase-Mgr In The extreortheorr success of this medicine-, beaks cure of Fulmoriary diseases, warrants We American Agent in whetting for umannent the worst possilAc • ea ses thax eau be found in the community.,eases that seek relief sit vain from any ofihe common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distniguished physicians as confirmed and incurable. The Hunguri an admits bits cured, and will cure, the Moss despentie of caws /t is no quack metre/a, but a standanl Eng lish medicine, of known and established efts:ley: Every family in the Visited Slams should Ea 'supplied with Itueban's Hungarian Balsam of LiM, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of tha climate, but to he used as • preventive medicine its nif eases of colds, coughs, spitung oi Mood, pain us the side and chest, irritation old soreness or the lungs,•brochitis, didtoolny of broiling; hectic Meer ' night sweats newt. aummn general debility, asthma , iiiduensa,wbouping cough awl ul croup. Sold in large bailey, at St Per bottle, with full dire, duos for the statorsauu of health. . . . Pamphlets, containing a Masa of English and Ameri can ceriiheniCs, and other evidence shouribg the on et:wailed- me ins of ibis great thiglial: Remedy, may be °Whined of the Agents, gmtubmody. Er cola by B A FAIINESTME & Co,. corner of eta d IVood and Wood and Gib els. mare We hahe been informed by Mrs. Rose of a eine per emended's.. by Dos Jortioe's Altarative, winch Proves its superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She has been ullliete4 tor the last siziten'years with NECROSES or WHITE ISWELLINUS, &needed wins ulcerations and enthlimion of yarious honeylo• thwine!, nine many meet+, have been dialitihrged nom e stoma! bone, ot the esanmea,from both her . arms, wrists and halide, and from Loth legs, and from the left fe.eural bone, and Nuns 00 right knee; braider painted oa leer. , on other parse of her permit, whieh hove .tialtled the skill at a number of the snort eminent phyaicians of our eil.—dunng most of the titan her sagest:lgo Baer Intent exermaling and deplorable. About three mouth. lance she was induced to try Dr..layne'a Altera:lee, which has had an mluienhingly happy tab-el upon bet', I.y wiunvitig all pant 1.1211 11WCillOrI v and vaulting the urea.. to heal, while attire same lime her general health bur become completely remoiegoui Omaha new Weighs ti Ibr nuire. Wan the dirt before she commented the toe of ibis truly eolaaolt. prepatiou.-4Ell Eve. post. For ember inferraanothingeire of him. Role, No. IIM Filbert Philadelpies. h For role in Pitlahhrgh, at the PEKIN TEA sruRE; 72 Fourth at. near Wood.. • . l• 1 ' lys Se i it N Zl2l N ied forma whether in that of King'. ei mla. is ill its largemehte o . the glands or honer, lloitrak-White Swellings, Carona Rheumatism, Canscrolwenses of the Skin or Spine, or lel Pulmonary Consumption ; emanate from one and the tame cause, which tea poisunoia principle more or Ica inherent in the human syrtern. There. fore, usdem this principle con be destrojcil, no radi• cal cure-can be effected, but if tfic principle upon which "the disease depends, is. removed, a cure mast of necenity follow, nu natter under what form the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason why , JAI' le so Wei elleftelalli, in removing en many malignant diseases. It destroys the vires'or principle from whico those disease. have their Origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is,conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of disease from the evatem. Prepared and sold at No. I; South Third Street. Philadelphia. ' Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. D. Fourth stone. Pittsburgh j inch3l— LiADIES Who Use 0011=00 Ptcpared ., and often not aware how frightfully tajaiaitia 't IS to the •kln! how coarse, bow rough, how sallow, fellow and unhealthy the Am appears after aihng prepared caulk! Beside*, it is inta nous, conlaiiiipg aurge roan tity at lend. We have prepared a bematifill vegetable •racre, which we calf J0d.11^..4 giPANIII LILY Wl{ ITE.! It is perfectly ineocent, tieing parifiedof all deletermot qualiticsrand it Imparts to the shin'. nate. ral,healthy, alabarier, clear, living' white, itthemaxie time erring as a rennete on the Ain, eliding It toft and, . . . . . . Dr. James Anacreon, Dietetical Chemist plitLiseii humps. gave "Mier malyeinglomeatspaniett UM White, I Grid It pmeesece the mmt bearnifin .nJ nata nt!, at the was. aime Moment whim I aver .9, • I annuity east utnteienUenialy recommend ets Aeg to•il whose skin requires beautifying.. , . . ~pp trine IS emit a boy. ' . . arthail by W at. JAelitlON, at tile falai and Shoe . ettorc,la Liberty sheet, head of Wood,' at the si gn al Ladies, ladles, I'm astonished, - , When you know that yea aro promited A nettoml,llle-like, snowy white, • That yoa wilt still ase common chalk, ' Aud look a deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter mid of talk. If you would aw a Lou of JUNE'+lallysil,tt e, i would give your sktu an alabaster yet natant' white, and at We same time clear And iesipin,E U. Sold at JACKSOPIttoII Lltivrty at Pllce =intim per box. • aIYA: PAPER WAREHOUSE. • RIO. LyVFWIIII6 nap, REM YOUR. VEtri W. FIELD otters for ink at the loactu lJ litanufactarrrs• prices, a eery attentive IL.OII. •ut of PAPER, earaprieiag 'every µmink variety, adapted lathe wattle Cl automates ta all an• of the country. Paper of all kind. made to roller at .Lon not oc. Itiv . itock 11l MING 'PA PER is anim:ally lore a partor which is of verysowlity. PAVER,.aAKYLL ZI superior A TILLUALS of peen, darerifaion i kkpolleti lad kept eemstuntly 00 lian.4 viz: reltingaoVltE Cloth, riairdrinier Wires 'theuetting Powder, Ulae Ultrataariar,Tvirine, e.,lte RAtiS.I Canvass, Bale Rope. Grou Hope, " purataved, for paid IV%IY T. Sense Italian Chemical Maim. 2 -'- L'Olf all kinds or emotions arid discus. of tie Skirl; it such as Punplea,llloiches,Sali Pheasants ray, neat Naito, chapped or cracked Skla r and for all other sea Of the tikith which rtquire cliental rerucdret, tlus Soap sinidrucparalled. It also dispels Freckles, bsw burn, alorphow,Tarb and chaoges the color of dart; hellow;or dialogued skim, to Gee, heathy, youthfel, clearness. A (nab sapply,'warnulted rusts; and kr sale in the redsenl price of 37. A per cake, basjast been nieeived, is offered we sate by by COCK it 4.•,eoraitt Ilt and woof awl she ttrp cormi of sixth •nd wood • 4110 . QT.1144111 BOAT. COOKING STOVES ler . 1.3 eager ' ,• WM B WAGE, MAN' beta balms ramie, mod- TillitarllßßlT • Com:ifmptira, ramember skill 17 ii Thimpaom. , .. • Campo:is/1d Syrup of Tai icra:WicPAirp. • lokids •it daily tuna ,treeting such re.: :; . - • ; . • PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! • . Briodads; spit Amt Brood, • Elmosenom Palpitttios ed . the •• . . Ilcut, baton Cookh r niris,•• ' • Neeeaaeb' edr • awl Daramd nther, at. , - berme °felt eputiona mistariAaf Ter ea • N. A P rt.......—Z` s; astoahhhii. brie& I • time experienced Crate the 'Wi r e JO. COKOMMLI Op bar anditkapthe waders it =Taut, tO job's pato at it I •• bad been kiwyrillicted with eery Wit cough, many et were ' peat in withcrent oppateetatte drilmorY Weed.. • sing end law of appetite, Ilan memo re others without . effect I became Merened e l herid yotA auelicior, but be. ing . averse to axing MA ordieiess, I theught I • W I adhere to abet I hod •beew no. Fiedois lope ening warm. • bind peesieded am to 507 k;bottle of your . prepanumn, sayieg ebe owed'hie likto ea velars lim sedately procured • bottle and mantiebeal meet st, awl be.. tors I had tam two kith; / was eumpletely !wattled to ' • health, entry the the bated of othris I. le •• brief bat ,: • statement Any La th er itiptizies GU be made at ml nie. dame, l Cathemoe mac. • • - es ly Mill another . iteniarkrilet Cur . 1645. • About six years tines, inetteweireenee . ' • arum of my amines, I erm whetted with mean puns us • the brims. pelpiteleou of theeari end tharbeem of brea th , 'Meth were mew ho t by the &lure wakethlatio at alibi end penal parmysis at mylimba—thrie • , mamas of deranged opines being fieeptoitly Attended • with epitting . of blood. Fee alma two yam I wee uteneke• ally throw. ant cartaleiam, which loft wet la n asiverebLe state of tritteuees and peps to Whet -y t• • le goy oulreriap mot ann. lemirrienstA of they thentwed to wieleW &vet, midrib. ithaacie of tne ilymptoms wen lo totaled, Rea whole yew. I we. unable to ettend ula . my la d all Durioy this time tioasuit- ed loom hbleptlyomens lad attended to .thcie pemeriptiumw bat elf their skill rem o r to pima. me MA et Imigth they rqud.k.y reemay Menthol) hope kee la • this erudition I , erns beamed bulb.. mma, eta* et • - 11.0euee's Compound Elyrupuri mend Wow! thi•l•bil..i• • C••• metweltets under to nam p end dame. I bed gin. u, a • .0.4 o f toy genet heal& by bum Maly rimagly whined to try tide maid., I ape ' keen pounded pm. to du m e end I Ware now to 'ny e Wit by the meembottlesmy health bakes emonekned • lam 1/0... la attend bbusnem!yith es made' balky • usual. HENRY haunts. • of Diekiasoo Teem*. • : - Prepered only by ANGNCY A. .DICAki!N a:: 4 I R Walker oth'ilth and Spruce deeds . • Sold by L., WILLOXiaIi.• A - 14, !morally. Rat 50 eta, at mon WIC*. -Set D ,7 I ArTiON. Beware of imitation, mute ernthem The omit Compound Syrup - of Ant (co.. mew bat etteettimel agents, em of thaw !burs the mospicion id dean iu • deellittni W.EVEILitiI REASON* WHY DO. DY'S SAIDIAPAILILLA ,IIL 0 0 D ?ILLS are becoming co umeetually popular Fog, Because they mre piipated by USNB dy hiniaelt,a regularDrugt'ult,.Bhaisust nod Phial-. Cl= of Philadelphia, who knows the -113111 M, the quality and eberae,terut th e Medicines need in Ma pills and their adaptatian to disease, - Second,' Became the public eke takb them will greater confidence than moat other pills which are prepared by persona ignorant both or meilicine and • . Third, - Becarlie . ofWair nabined.elk claißmPol ties not contamed in any other Olin, nainety. perg • tog from the stomach and banes allunhealtby nun. stances, and et the tibia time' norifynnethe blood and end& body. • Fourth . ; Because they ore 'the cheapest and bait medicine known—a aingla boo costive' bat ID canto; and eentaining 40yilla aavingliinemenia ea many dollars ofttimes DOctor's bills; and UW13010411 medicines bought & tried on the recosnmendalsori • : WIIOLEBOMIE ' Whenever you have OLCUiOII to lake any:medi— cine, do lot be trilling with vosn• .c.olialitutiou by trying all kinds 01 "pillow ether media:ma jou se* • published nod reCOMISICIIdeIi by ooe and another but • take at once_ . ••-• .IL. Liid3e Swapmillgßlood and ,you will nor base occasion to lake anythiag else. ...'rhey Will always be lkond goodin almost all . worms ord Immo, Inflamation of thebtomach, bowl cis, liver and Catalina.; cramps ul dm stomach; colic, Watetbiashi laniard levem, .foil breath, bad Lute to the month, Soar eructations and . acidity 11l the shinned, costiveness and indigestion, want of • • appetite,Libioaa affections, diseases of the molten nod kidneys, Macau, of- the skim, scaly; eruptiond day and watery pimples - or blinchmi tif.the lace am body, tatter, mati,pncklet aadaalt ihnem, head ache, giddincsa, lemtgeat , Conn oicr 'ttle . heartiol the breast, sides, along the backiind vim, . Ilan and gout, Maenad all kinds, somllics: San°. laid. mcuals,mroful4eryiiipetas and to Mori they ore good in ail thseasca having their nrr e se in the stomach, liver, and intestines, and iimianty of the • blood . , uy'rwentys.Gre cent. a Road Sold Who[(sale. and Retail by B. A. Fahandoek & Co., corner of Pint and Wood, also coxii,er of Sixth and Wood atreeta. sassuaiabil TOOTII PASTICo , !. • IMRE= DEXTZItICL , • , ng We tare, itoAvenin6 the breath, ke. It should be Jed c ite a add 'broth, and the teeth and IV wall only requite a sligh warble& in the morality. IVet the brush 'with wawa waer. ur cold will blamer, and rah It. icor Omen On tee t h aste, when enough will adlidlte firr re.sening rho teeth. It leaves. delicious /awe the month, aud sin paeanLIWIL delightful fragtwec to Ilse breads. It sHadd unrivalled en plensinu, eibeiriuus, cot/Y.lkm. and 1121 . 0 delllfifiClL It is warranted Wl'. aware the teem, Lotto precenrethemi - Uy asiug it regulaily, it Vein remote the I.•1111r and prevent iur accomulabon--prevent Ilea too th ache strengthen the N. and preyent all diastases of mew Cheaustgphysteione, and Ihic elergf work/Mend it a ' decidedly supeSior , to every, thug of the Mod in ox. Ask for Stiennanls Compound Own, 'Food" - Paste, asi4 observe his Si gligitlitc to nuacheil tech pot. Hecaaritiended ley Ur. Hood*, ikg Broadway, oae of, our best Dewed by soon of the' add ,eslabltsbed' onecin the United Plate., and erne Zwasively used/ by MOtrobtliiy klaglood and Far no ty large proportion of the diseue., hatafdletraankivi arise from ram. litratlgtl2Clit °ra 11 t 110•11010! which a Bratty ate of the Laths tio boisinges world ernirely obviate. Persona of bilious hpthio Hamad al ways have a box at wd take a dose arbeatrat they feel the /root derwireinent in their health. Alain. Yams 111 , < of these lioteageri would preitent the/wands at route. . 'F o .r sale to WM. JAC//S ON'S,comet Of Wood and t.d.eti y ete • dee.= - I A GREAT C L UILE, pre/aimed bir the origh/dandaedy true /1 god genuine Liver Pig, prepared andeold let IL 11 .14F.L. . Mollll' YAC-4•06T IVertmorebuid Ca, Ft,/ _ • • - Jtay 1V11416t1. • 5 _AD. R. D. Salem:— A scam ofact . ty yuosagt theatlieted Untwist= toad inyhutabla testimony's fore ofyoorjmtty eekbrated Lifts Palls. 11' haft deterred &Mgt* for years, W hering to Duey Crockett'. maxim, "be lifts you arwright, e • then go alecad.P Mart of Mt 01.07 properatieue of clamp. aad ameba. lauded to the Aim, haft soak - iota abeam waft your Liver Pill haft been offered to the mailed, and, iudeed, . I believe they will 'mufti* them Alt no they are just what you reptfteet them to b, I haft brio allhead wok Liver Commnitil Gem my youth; bun yearend wth; employed maul cftnelit phpaciatu, ea photo I pay mach money; hare Goa much b6A been Taunted ftd 'domiciled &hood to death; nitrated sor 6 Ws., sad funny soft npm immelda. la lertell au iodated to ba yoor Lose Pills, nad SOON MOT WEIL. Om bat of weieb i/ sew sulkier& to locp gift Meer of pain is lktide , awl all the .othee syiapbeat, no it least In ataiethf. Year Pill. mean* thatimenthartfe I ercr toed; beingmikl, amacipieg or shrug mach Mame. et the Ran -her, hit gift am moth rebel' Thar. kept the in my more . 6r G er 7 yearn odd headveids alum; haft after hoard complaint muted by any mut itholias toed Mum They have ear/ceded annetot eftepother pill in tut. migithorhood,aninin a short thou will MAIM the. all. I - .unit tly recommend the. to all pimento media( physic, whittler for Wrist' Patopnint sir Betio. Alrectiocia / eon . sidertbela far superior to Calomel or the Blue POI. Reopect . J L blolnue C I I AUTION—AI Dere ere other Pith Wire the peblir Cause Liftrrills, pereone who want dm aliNUlNCibortild nab for as lA< mater Menthes. pup and mid told by SILLISILS, leo 57 frost at. between Third - and Fourth Wreak • , Bald by - Dr.Cattizt,Fillh Want, Dla alicestol • eift ' s t ir CADMINATIVSDALRAII V KUM We Ret AnA SHINN, a well lumern end pep • tiler Clergyman of the Pronstentbletlerdirt Church • The undersigned banns bemr =ivied II ming the peal . Winter with a dlar..e 0. 460 murelinica pro ducing great put In the stomach Mena or twelve Mere mtermuution, end alter haying tried ration lofteduw with haft edec, an furnished with a bottle of 11, Drayno's Canninauft Dahmer; 'Tins he and •e• conlittg 40 the diiectiona, and found invariably that this medicine eauSedilic pain to abate Its Mum or date ale um, and in • (Meth 0i Meaty mimes every 0406al 6,0x,644617 iparged. The tilleaCtrte, 'rat el , lemur& used .whenovec indicedone of the .approach of polo err le pereellfte, and the pain eras thereby mama. d Ile continued to use the Medicine every evening and iontetinicv in Me' anorninm tied In 'a tow • weeks .betilitt muse far restored, tot, the waterer was relief ell tram a largearranint Of oppre.ire pain. 1 , (016 , - patience, therefore, he can confidently reuovitactid Jayne`e,Carrninotive nehmen, as a mlmary toed le in Gm diocese. oldie Abankeh and bo,weir: 1 A teIIINA • —For eel. the L A lZN hc l i7 Ld ' " 4 703 12 1 72 Fourth street, hem Wash, and N 160 the Chore eir II P StiIIWARTZ. Vcitcrel weed: . Alletbony PEILIPOBIICRY—• • J.." ',Cretan de' Amanda Amule t for eltaciap t •' recom a, la Row,for ,lunar; • • , . Altionde"Lwon, ..• . do; . • , Superfine Itouite oh Porcelain inarijii Elegant scent 645, per(ed.with Layeader, ogle- Itaaatiful powder paPc, of an pane:nip , Fauttowited toilet bases, cootatnitriltagrant extracts far the handkerchief; • &ohm bacsod loiter "oups,stut, attic tor prewnts." " • . * Pe:tutus:or Llthiese pOtitlett • ; halloo sexclattle hue oil. . ' '" • " titer's ir ail, in fancy or cowman moppets, base scent. ; - ptys t iph xtottu; Hose Liptitiltre; Pheii roan; Soda soap; lusrdter watt 4,.."grcal vaxietY . or lite perfumery: tart _ ft Inc sale tqt _ft A PAIINIKWXYLIf & CO hold tor OtOt. wood Mn•• • A LCOHOL—A few bbls just sseslite‘t wad forsHe by PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ruISLISIIED DAILY, TRIAVEEKLY WEEKLY At aeUetaiiKeildiegr,3,lal., OAWICM OP ADV/lll'r/SING. Om Insertion of It line., tr 80 50 Tam Imiertloas without alteratme, ... . ...... 0 /5 Three •• .. . ... IIQ Oae Week " • "' ' : . ... .150.. Two Week. - ...... 2 50 Three n " .. .... CO One Month, . • • l'are ,4 • • Three r , 750 Loilgers ! lire rtisente las In same . 11 0 1.9 Minn. • Onenquare,6 months, withoutnliention,... 10 00 i t! " ... 16 00 Each additional sqnsra Toro months,: . .. 500 18" • 10 00 One winare,6 toonths,renewsh.l!st plescarn, 15 00. " " • - -;i " 00 Each allditlonal moans for months., .. ..... .10 00 l`wo aqnsmS, 6 months, cewsble at plc:lame, 30 IX) Each additionall imisrp,6 months,. ' • a IX) WXll.ll.lllr Tn.* ..... in DAILY :One square. t Y InaMthltnl. SI LO exh additional ... 97 Floe lines or less, one licw. 6 00 1.• tit months ' 5 00 one ienr,dailjilcoreekly, 10 IC '62 01100thil •i oe i„ v vir . ... " . :rnm., • :.. .. ....... or onen, or les., Maa insertion • SO 50 .. • 'rwo, 4 0 ../5 • i 'l"larets mamba... .360 Sit • • ."6 06 Twain 03 IJIM!!IEE!MM