The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 26, 1848, Image 3

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    „„, „
(11141111 , 1EDSVGAR-40 LW vaprnor Ir, Wr
NJ family me, Joel received gad far rile by 1
• aplo I Aggro for St Leiria Refinery •
T,T s— s r l '
landing (wa g' s ' , curler St Cloud e . nd fOr vale try i
SI3OAR-15 Wade prince NO fklicar; 5 born brown
Bowmen do;-1 rose DR Laveruttts Loaf dori. 30 Gbh,
wearied mall Jo do; 40 bblx embed and pulverised
do, for sale by apt - J D WII,I3AMS
SUGAR AND 1lCILAS:110-303 bbds N 0 Stine; MP
bid. N 0 Molest.; in store and for role try •
ap4 . BROlrkt CULBERTKON, 145 likttrty at
SAUtERNI: WINIO-5 half Ws now lant!inr, 15
Made and 52 ball bbd! to arrive rota week. These
winesltreefmy own iroporiation, direct, and will be
.rold gMby i pt() P MARTIN
11WN WINR-0 bneketa Maher; Cron;
0 do Crown Clampagne 'Wines, now landing
and tor:sale by a .10 • PC MARTIN
BRANP,T;t 2 '!rq;latrr;,;ll;nt'.
raar ' d ' Brandy, now vad agnate ny Pe • •
ay10; • • - • P C MARTIN
ORT WINE—NIqr ealdra Burgundy Port Wine, of
&rag =poi - Intim. now Landulg and for *ale" low
ED I.VRN-4U saas Just reed and foe sale
.• 145 libelly st
PIOa...tSES:44, bids prime N 0
sessived awl 141..1141,y
110 N-10 bbl. No 1 Salmon, received per emr
and for agile by •
' 1111H131111TUS.: WILSON & Co, water
T '' ' La. IV( eala by • •
TIN —ld blase; Fine, for Gandy u.e.ja et reed auul
sale by_ 1914
TikitY APYI - 414—d3 seek• juet ree'd asid icr sale by
1..1 .01 WIQIC
GAFF'S_,4I .111prinssylu reed for sale
by! •'• • • pl 4, WICK si
.10TTON —ll3 &On per Am. Engle, for gale by
, KUL ' 1111 END, MINE &Co
rpouncxxl—w, keg* No G T.i.t Tobueo, landing
fromumovtl3; Cloud and for solo by'
spIC • iAttIitSDAI.ZET.L
Q.ALLILLTUB-11 easkr Cleveland Kalerrairs, jun
.0 received and fur sale by
;.••111! ' • WICK fr. MeCA?iDLIESS
POTASH—YD casks prime for sMe by
ACON-15boxelf Virginia eirea Danis and Sides,
anyr landing and for wile by .
L " ' "l"di'r
T .BD lobb for sale LT
_Ls . A1c1.0141, BIISLWIFLD &HO
WRENCH LAWNS—Two eases beautiful new . stylel: -.Dna Lawns, put re c e ived by
''DOTARII-L4leasks prime for sale by • .
,11. : .BIOLIISSIES-40 Lbla S II Mob: hums, Louisi
-17. k<illerf. Ited'per scar Schuylkill and fur
Italy by , aplt • BUItHRIDGE, WILSON aroCo
RICE AND LOAF SUGAR - , 34 tierces Rite; ILIA
LcialSugsr, lauding from war Schuylkill and for
male by' - • RAGALEY & ardro,
• Is • uud:Y/ reical st
1011IIMPORIC-1100 pies. ased Balk Pork, landing
from mauler Mingo Vl,de.a for sale by
aPlt _ LIAGALEY te.
TAIICII-141 boxes fitarely.perior quality:ll.nd
1.3 fromblobougalbga bud for stab by
bPI2 i.. • • lIAOALtiI . Z 8311TII
TIUCCEIIT—EII do: pniuud Buekeia, for..J Ly
Pia iILITAL—t.Ii to ns No 1 Fonudry Mega, jun re
calved and for sada by
• ' ' WICK & bfeCANDLES. S
REIC -0J wives Mee Wt. & b
riug—LOU bbls Tas, of prima quality and in good con
anion, ou conaiguateau mug for sale by
ACE tiOODS—Su cartons of Cotton and Timed La
1,1 era, just received and mill Le sold Cheap by
apS SMITH a. JOHNSON, 411 m aaaaa
, 111 ST UCElVED—l a c p tse Tqkey 71114,V:010r
UST REZEIVED-75 Las Ilyde's tbstp.., and
f0 , .. 1 . bY - , 4 , 5 • • J MUD lc Co
UST REM VIRA-75 W. poar'd Ipeeacf and For utle
prIASSIAIDRPN--A assorusent of black and Dip
ey Csesititerea, jest received by • -
tip. SHACKLINTSr. IV 11177, SP %rood rt
1. A
opt 711 7
'1 137/i b IL
4 COCHRAN. 74 wood s%
ILfOLAT3SP9-60 blilsN 0; 10 do Boyar Douse; Col
l!" des Syrup-is bblsond bogs, far sak by
sp7 I • J D O,7I.IJAMS
fIORN-30 sacks {aisle yelklor cam, in store and An
V sale by .4.12 C BIDWELL
Q .
SAMS —ll bids in store and for sale by
&J spin 0 MU
.4eAp p , J—M bbp white Beans, fcr.blet by _
• IS • , .i J IJIDIVE.I.L
001.--10,00 u Ms Not
1.1:1a4-,400 Weaserti Ilidr+ au band ula for wale
by apt? ' W YOUNG a. Co, 143 liberty..
BiIATING-151.9 lb. best qeality Skirting Leather,
Jast received and for sale by
spl? , NV YOUNG k Co
COFFEE -1110 bags grcen Mb abler, lauding from
'Li Cabal and-feit sale by •
.917 : JOHN S DILA% ORTIt, 47 wood at
SCORCLIED SALTS-13 tasks of good quiddr, in
Dora end for see br .
op 17: • 3011N•S MLWORTII
72 ARLEY-100 bus Barley, in more and for ' sale by
apl7 .101114' DLL,WOWFH
SUGAR -47 hhd . pnole N 0 Sugar i 1 more and for
sale by EIS 0/AMMAN,
sob]: • 31 water and Gdfront
11101. ASSES—GS bbla NNairn.. in oni bbls, for
.1.11. Bak by ' apIT LS. WATERidAN
RICE—I 2 tierces prinia'ltieb, ter NOY by •
G ir itt ud i: 3- 7 assortment oillosamse;prir-
PD4l ' ngb ri '4ACtEl°l4lt.
I[E-100 bblel'emirrille Lime, just ree'd and for
sale by apl7:l BURBRIDUE. WILSON& Co ' •
VON-314101 lb; Bacon 11 • =Wu do do Sidesf
Wdo sto Shoulders, city smoked, " .tares
tor sale ' &IV HAKELVOII,
•ispLi. • , 53 smuts and 11.4 front at
IIDES -500 Dry Hides is stare and kr sala by T
443 '';~
__ _tlt W HABBAUGH
CIIANDLCS—IGO b. Mosta Candles; 40 do Dip do in
sian and gar aalc by apl.3 SAL IiAILUAUGH
bbl. S6CllllBll'il superior Cider. Vine
V gar, la nor. and for sale by -.
- • • lIARBAL'OIf
CORN lIIRAL—aI bblajata ree4 and Gar side by
myth • .1 C ISIDIVELL, A Monter
LAMMED Of trio bbl. foal reed and Car sale by
A lj°llol l -13,b1. , 1•Uut recd awl
EUrtf— , bblA eat reed
ir .. l
- •
SPl„itlar!lirENll:9.:-Ltalegiste by
I • I&I*E.F.D 011.,0 tall. tor BRA UN .
_J r ! Inoue . • & MITES
i_L oonsignmes ; for sale by_ -
coart4l SCHOONIIIAtint & Co.
QIIOAII-6 Hints. W store on consfigimenti lovas!, by
O _ burn •• ISAIAH DICKE% A Co.,
Will=n4b"kr o
oow f:nd ighl it
ooei pen etn of WI
taXl9l3a grade% - brand: and Irint sOme rely old;
Or mkt imported, by marl° P ZdARIIN
A irkß.N , lrl AND LEMONS-10 box. ou ibiasign
inii . f.4iieilis:iii . C.strolinn Rita, tor saleby
maAl • R 11011PioO &Co
TAIL AN 014-1 U tas C bbl 'Thnnerst
C&_ . _ 14,1 4 • mar% R 1101SINKCY &Co
LAW/I—SW las Vresb Fussily Flour, is Mans and
Casa: by sisr44llo/11,,NKIN au Co
• iL ARD,3Iara 0 lbs in in bbls md
M ` NEON for sal
Co e by
- I ma
CORCHINGS-111 cask. received on coneignment,
lid Ger sae by mor23.,POINDEXTER k Co.
MAAR LUMBER, wed Pine:dee, for isle by
AAr OILANSky--T2o tibia N 0 hfolomes,rted per Mar
.111 ?bulb Raw and for We by
• •
LIVER-PLUS-200 Foss of these
eitehnuetlPillA A Wipe profit alkneed 4O eat.
-t7 testers mares J KIDD k Co
k E
• AD-6e4 pigs bed Lamer Minn, but reed inri
kir We by ukar • POLNLEATtIit kCo
• Oa:I.:TVA—WU bble eistatathau Mobtarey, for srdo
, by • - rural • ,DT AIOILUAN &Co
tirij.bLITTER-3 bids feesbiuet reed nod for tale
lig men, JOHN S DtLivoirrii
:DATUM BOLA AISH2-1 tasks Idea klesprait k.
• .A. .Bon's bland) landing from steamy 51nm:el, ood
'"moil* by . '- . .: Wk kl MITCIIELTREA
-'. keirdO ~ ,-. • •.: - ( IGO liberty at
LIMNS—Ieo hisMR Raking, put weelred end
tor WA, by ' BURL/IOU:1E4 WILSON k Co,
water st
1.1111011...404b1a Lard Oil, lan . diug from neamer
ja Naw kiylaui, and ior We by •• •
mat JAPIIM DALZE:LL, %mar at
'71)111A151.N.9,C.--2KI boxes bairb Raialas; - 3(41 half
Dazes do do; 1.50 bait Pepper; bog. P , monto;
or sal* by mai ItACiaLEY a Starlit
y ARD-40 kris Not Leaf, for side by
ItICF;:r. times Carolina jAie in store and for gale
by mar 29 ' ' JAMEB A IIUTCHIZ 4 ON &Co
ICIFACIIES—SUU bisbeis prime Peaeheei for sale by
man Jt It FLOYD
fIREASI TARTAR-21AI, kissed," by
• ki Lkpa • . '• . R E SNLLY,RS
/pow YAIINCOMst Task =de bY
'DOT ASII-2 loos PM Ash reeetgel p . m steamer lir
towline; for ssle by it RtNiCrON & Co,
, _ • ..... Wet st
bbls No I Lard; fr..l kegs do do; jua reed
I/aadlorssla6y Kali It ROBISON a co
BUTTER -3 bal. Rua lautteti 8 kegs Ulmer, !we'd
• PeaC II Near Brighton; for sale by
DBIELIIOXF-Iµo lb) lubot cured , ter sub) by
!-!WW J I) WI MAIMS, 110 wood It
AAIS-41 cask a superior just erceif rd •
ILL , t and to IriperaDoN, front st
ILOvEB steo—lt bbla by
AY tff . RßlSit /- 115 t.t4l2,a,k,,,tqu,ibuiss
.. .. _ - i
.~...~~~..,.,,.~::,._ - r ~-yam -.
. 1 . ; 1 . ; _ . . I . ' ENT,
_ _
itehem—Dery 20 pr. rem.
Pm. eat;
kearis 202
Seeletlings CS
Soda deb 10 41
, Me—per bbli• . 86070a Eirletles—Duirii pm rem.
AmGrieen a
Batting pei• 0
Eagle 8011
Liesus—per Imehe ' l 49 . "I
Small White 7:1237
Common& inix'd wat
Butkets-11 ,
Patent Bearer =a—
- doe.
Merebantatik•••••- 01,...Wr
Sheik. I,llidtdpO
BwricaLlif cord.
Cher.lOok etzaa'
Slack Oak . 404;50
lielnlock•-•—• ...... 303,50
Coal—Duty 30 per et.
At the river 5 MI
From wegoo 5 gd•—
Cotton—Duly (roe.
Tenn. sad Allzbarea• ... --..-
Chocolate-9 lb.
Number 1. - 10411
thissii. prepared SA=
dl per et.
City dipirt WO
Pittsburgh Ster• •••• • Mt Sittl
Cincinnati do 4121 .
Si . z . rm, best lirands•
flri WU
inferior 6rJO
Castllnga—P Ib
Foundry hol ware, as'd-433
Furnace • •• 4..• • • •do .1
Tea kettles doz
Waging boles p iou 1tt••5271.1
Counter weights P •40
Sad irons 'O net4.--1:475
Colton Yirsts—p lb
Short reel—
N 0.5 us No.lo ' 15 •
u 14
nereasing eentper lb ID
eon reel p
No. NX.I
GUO .. ........
" NK.I
El 900, Mk 14
Coverlet Von tb• • .2trx?
Carpet Chain
Cotton Twine AV.
Candle 'Wick 015
Cothe-Duty Ai per et.
.Java, Old white 12014
91. Domingo H
Loguayro 9 0
Rio 71 0 81
'Savona - -
Copper-Duty 91 pr en pig
bar and old 5 pr et: old free.
DArrien !COO
Sheathing -017
Old.• • • • ......... • tHOu'
Cordaigo-DutyAs prom.
Moo Ula ...... •• •.-0 II
White mpe -=Ol9
Tamed 0 11
Pock's yam fine••••-0 10
eicenn;on -0.9
Ileum Bed Cods per dos-
Extra loug -1,6203.75
Long -09,SM
Common •-0100
o Bed Cords-pee da t ' .
40 yd. 8 thresd -0.501
d 0 A Rdo•••••••.4,100 5
do Plough Hum 01;15
. Dom 9-per Dud.
to let added fortune Wes
klrount'Cottok 306
do do 6 07
PenuShegs. A 0 71
Aleghmy rt.
Al l iefy D Din Mill. --0 70
Otegoo D Union P1i11..-0-
fionotook Penn klill • •.--4/ 11
I.nsbarg D h do 7
Lurel --07t
Ravage -
brume C --Ott
llorrison -00
54hrown eouon• •• -• 410121
-4readied do.•-• •-.-.109
do deo ---• • -7/012
do do.••- .. .. 90014
BILIWTI drill.- •-•.- 8 0 9
100 111
1 e Tiekings - • .6100
Lancaster ...... •• • -0131
Ilrovrtde A. C. A• • --0121
No 1 superior • • - -• -0161
Colored Caustiries • 4109
o .o lo l'F.ll e lllreo Hine
Merrimac -011
Pall R. Blue te ocange9tal I t
Diu tb
Atone l4 0 17
Ara(¢tida 3/ 00 0
.412 4 .
Arrow Root -IS
Aquatottis 10 0 11
IRO Sad Pun I Moos Moon
APRIL. 1 Dam I
nen,. ri.e. I ob a sit a
-415 •
7.1 Sunday, 510 040 711
/SI Monday, 517 643 631
9.5 Tanday, 511 644 941
SI Wednerday, 15 45 • 1047
Tkarrday, 514 0 40 . : 11 20
'M Friday, 513 6 47 . morn.
rot TOE W =Nina Arita. 25.
The markets during the pant 'week, have been
remarkably *toady- The fluctilation in flour has
been very alight—nricea at that close being almond
precisely on the same average with those of the
beginning. We can note no positive change in ba
con—though the signs are indicative of a decline.,
Provieions generally unchanged. So of groceries,
sugar and molueses. In produce generally, very hr
tie has been dope. Potatoes hove become supers
handset!. and the price has declined consider*.
ASHES—The - market is well Mocked with all
descriptions, and prices are low.—Pole during the
week have rated at 4c in quantity, 4104; in a small
way. Pearls Scorehings, 4c; Salenetria, 743
71; Soda, 4641. The tramtacatts have been ex,
tremely light, and all qualities continue dull.
ALE—The regular selling rates ate $66/7(riS,
according to quality. Fair regular market
BATTING--brol I for Eagle, Sa9Vl2l for Hope,
ire the regular rates of saes. Fair demand.
BEANS Sales average 7.7,650 c per bushel for,
small white, 6.7. c an- common and mixed.. The
transactiou are very limited.
BUCKETS—Patent Beaver rate at $2,2.5 • don 1
aregular custom way.
BEESWAX—Very little doing—voles at 2O 22c
—arriving steadily.
BLOOMS—Nominal price, Sift-No recent sullen
sad kw offering
BROOMS—The range of price is very wide.—
The article termed merchantable, may be had at
$1,00211,25 rdoe, while good well made brooms
bring $1,15092 f doz. Salts at these rain;
BARNS—We have no sales—Quotations nom.
nal, as per table.
COAL—Ratty as before, 5c tithe. river and
from Wage. Large contracts made at considera
bly lower rites.
COTTON—We omit quotation. altogether—the
European hu¢bub having completely stagnated the
market. Holders will not even seta price.
CHOCOLATE—Itemains as before quoted.
CANDLES—SaIes in a regular way, at 9c for
city dipped, 2502. 3 eke Pittsburgh Star, and 22 for
aneinnati. Sperm 'ranges from 29 to 32c accord'
log to quality.
CASTINGS remain unchanged. Foundry hot
low ware, assorted, 3c; Furnace . du Sic, nominal'
None In market.,
ClTEESE—Cinitinues scarce. A good article
brings 70710Asaddsr.
CRACKERS—Tbe kAlowing ere Al. regular
pr ces
Water Crackers $3,75.4
Butter do 4;50
Pilot Bread 3,50 "
• Bugur & Soda Cracker... U..... 7c p
• •
COTTON YARNS—Thu sues have been estal.•
fished for the summer ' as follows: Short reel, 5
6110, 15; Nos 116113, lGc; No 14; 17c. increasing
lo pm. Long reel, No 500, relic; 60b, 607 c; 70 0
fle; 500,900, and 1000,51 c. Coverlet.yarn, Carpet
chain and Cotton twine, all 20c.
COFFEE—SaIes of !tie. range at 7i6Se, for
Large 101.4•63 a small way SCI, other qualities es
ier table. •
COPPER—Regular sales as per table—samil
amounts sold in this market.
CORDAGE—Continues usolitingell , —fair regu•
ha miles.
DOMESTICS have ..undergone a little change
recently. ' Regular price of I brown cotton,
G e ; i do, Wain; Sheenngs nn per table alarm—
Sales less brisk.
DRUGS ANI) DIT,STUFFS—The only chon•
get given us ore in castor oil, peppermint, and
Turkey opium. The fin 4 in in demand at 51,50630
4,7rr, peppermint quoten at $3 $4; Turkey opium,
g,4,s(:irdst, Otter'articles an per table, with mu.
lar sales.
FEATHERS—The market is 'Ater supplied,
and there is but little animation. Sales in the be.
ginning or the week, were at 33c for considerable
quantities but in more recent unnsactions .the
price bun not been maintained; nen urelbe pre
sent rates'.
FRUIT—A recent sale of peaches, old, but
good article, was at sop, nod aeveral sales hare
occurred at 51,25 casb-51,3701, 50 are the ' , bag
rate. Apples are nearer coil in demand at lfsio
We; green range from 01,75 to 01, according to
quality. But fine of good earls in uteri:et. For
other fruits sec table.
FLOM—The market Las-Leen animated
throughout the week•—and tha arrivals oantiuning
it has Leen readily sold, as fast as it canto
into market. Sales of tbe week about 3500 LLts.
Prices ranging no talkiwir
Wednesday , —Salo gist Lamle outmoded to 560
bbfe of s4,66W,76—nyeroge . rate $4,651.
." :The offerings larger thou on any other day for i
ouiitriderable period.
Thursday—Sales first fiends, auU bbl:—rotes
fill,62lo4,7s—aYetzge, 51,65.
ball 1 25 ' 0 27
Cora' 22 0 7C,
Barley . . '41.1
Whaa—per lb .
Numb. Crltoraon- - - . 11 &
• •
CaleHoney—Duly 20 Pa , e 0 0l•
Vir i ss i te u m . gralle y
1 1 ir
27 4
r. r.
u—per lon of 1599,
TOnolhy ' 9.5 u IIIUU.
I tildes ty per cent.—
Miwrnal 7 0 11l
Do. wined
Do. limn prr skln• We&
reea• • ..4 ..... rip 4
p4Duty &per
iI I ri 6.1iy...• • 1.17.01,2 0
Borax, refined:';::••.lkl 78 25
Balsam Penr.......2,52 02,75.
• do , leopavieo .40'0 27j,
Brimstone ...... 4 0 r 3
Camphor. refined•••4l/0 45
Chloride Lime, cask 610 71
Cochinkal 198 02.0.1
Cream Tartar 25 © 24
Coppe LW 2
Glue ras
11 0 13
Galls Lae 55
Gam Arabic 55 0 10
/ Copal . 0 0 GO'
• Tragacinib••••2l 6 551
. Shellac 15..
••• 'Alumna vx 01,21/
Jalop, powilered• • 65 0140
bithame 510 el
Ciquance 800, •
liquorice Ltall lb 0
Lae Dye int O. 20
Maguesin Carb X• :rr
Molder, llinbro• •• • 0 14
Camino., •—•—
Myrrh, Turkey •• • • .90 1) tAi
Oil, Vitriol 410 5
• Castor ...... • • 11.5001,75
Ilepts—Duty 1.91 per cent.
.Virsir t pl. '46 IV OP la
Indigo—Mir 19 pee relit.
Bengal, fit ' 1.50 a I.GO
Spanish 1.15 dPIA ,
Manilla'. 95 ii3l.9U
Iron—Duly 3(1 per eel.
Dar. Junlato 4 LP 4}
" Coco:bon 14i 31
fame' : 514 P 71
Boiler Phi.. a GP di
Nails ..... t 9190 61
Plough wings - 411.4 G
ftla ht. • • I • .• • 4 40 41
Ructio She}' —4O 15
" Cassia 360 04.6.1
'• Cloves sAir 63,00
" Lemon 3d4.i 03.,6
l'op•rtit Irit 6460
Opum,Tutkey•'• • Alp 6300
1.410166 2.90 6361
Rhubarb, root Su 6 , tri
Sal Antortac Al l 16
Sol:Soda 4/ id 5
Solon, ..31 l IS
Tartaric Acid 40 d SO
Vitriol, Blue 12
Dye Wood—Ditv 5 p. et.
Coulon:6d la 7
Fustie +• "Id 3
Locwood, rhipped• • •216 3
-duty 23 per. et.
Lead—Duty ta) per ern,
Mrstouri Pig••• ..... 40 4;
Bur O 7 4.4
Lag irises Pipe peril 610 :WI
Sheei 61
Luther—Duty 70 pr:
Sole, Bultlinore••• • 21 0 - 21
Neerc uage ,l'ork 16 0 171
d. • •• • • • 13 0 Ad
Ila Slaughter •
IS 0 , 90
Skildirra ••• 21 0 24
Ilarneae..biark 19 0 _1
Bridles, black, pr, do,
:Ides 036,00
Bassett do' 36.0 U 042.19/
Upper Ehiehed•d2.3,oo 02.143
Krps, firmlird• • •94,UU 0113,96
if:eh - Skin d 0..• • 15.101 0190)
Mice Mealier. • • 15.1.0 0
Kentucky 0 31
Ohio&Penneylek.• l OP 31
- •
Almonds ••
Soft 16 Si IS
Hard Oftt
Currants, Zante••• • 012 i
Filberts t , t4) U
Gruundouts•—•••• Ssl,s/
Figs, Turkey ' •CS
Ral l int7lll . u — se 's at . :• • • • • l, .- - 1 : 1 0 0 --
Bloom, old B
N, England Sooting,
No.l per dos. • • .4.5,00 00
N 0.2 per dot.• • •Aixt 0
N 0.3 per dos. •• • 3(21 42 55
Shearadans 2;0 5
Lo mbar—duty 2)p. e. nd
val. per M.
Pine, el'r, in, pr M. 020,00
Common i 0111,00
Clear, 15 4 030,00
Collin II N. 015,50
Clear 2 .... 1)40 . 00
Corn's) 2 a• •••• • • 012,21
Floor'g at do• 0010,00
I in. common 0
Oak do do 018,02
Pine stolesp 12.11 5.'50 3,00
Lath. sawed, 1,00125 0 5410
Vitra Stitats—pr In Mani.
Bei•ves. • • ...... 4.50 0 Wit
Ross 3,21 4UO
Cows & Cad r es .. Aka 018,00
Sheep 1210 0 2,50
Nolatines—Dory 30 pr. et
Sagarttouse 40 00 45
N. Orleans 010 24
Crunberries 0
!Remus, Sicily by 4431 615(10
(hanger do 6540
Peaches, dry:bu• • 1,25 012.11
Apples, dry• tf 55
Apples, Greco, Mil 4,75 03,00
Piro 11710 k—per M.
Bolivar ..... •• • 035 4 0
Common 15,00 63400
ITlour—fluty VI per rent.
Extra brands,nelail 4,470540
Super S ne 44504,79
Fine•••••. ........ 32730150
Rye ..... 3,733
bbls••• ••
ockwlwat nr b— - • —43 1
hit bid& MU.
Food—per bushel. •
Bran ..... -• 16 0 17
Shona 511074
Fish—duly on lbren. caul
%, per rent.
Mackerel, No. 1.• • --001240
N 0.1,616 bbls.••• —0
No. 7,• • —•_• • ••- 01 5 5 0
No. 2, Mt bbla, • • 61
No. 1 707575
No. 1, Mos. --• • • -- 0
Herring, No.l•-• • •• • 06;25
Salmon, No. 1, old• 0
New 19 0 79
Shad 09.40
Cod. per dram 05,50
Pave-- •
01oval;11111001414-15uty - 0/
Per rein
ROsin per 1114:• •-- 0
•• 3.50 0 4,120
Tor. Alleghenry•• ,
ti. Carpllna• 457 0 401
Tome:lane, gall- •50 0 55
tgarumb, Copal. •1.75 0 2,10
I keg, 140Ibe, (easing Palk
1 rem advance per lb.)
100901 Joklint•• ~.Is2lo 3,75
e 0 Sld 401:10
60 74 I" 4500
541 1. 0 4750
14ad 50 01
0 0
3/1 ,1-d• 600
Spikeic p•ueer .. •.. 7,1
° • Pla • ..... 640
Boiler Rive. 0 7
Red Boa, N. 1
" u 2
ATosktat -•• 10 0
Mink 8.
Deer Skin per L•••• 11
Black Bottles
Pittabu rgh: • • .....
Liuseed—r—• • • . • 55057
latil.l7lty; Rea,
011ie I 1,10 tl
Sperm blesehed d IA
Vatienehed tl 1.20
Wb2l2- • 73 0 10G
Tam., pet 651. 1402211.2301
Quart per gren••• •• 09,03
Hut, do 07,01/
MatZa arine,S,G to gal— 09,10
Claret per grues• • • •
.Wituloar Glass, per Loa—
City brand..
8110 net,
- 3UJ
t 6 c ra m 4°., Ift 14 to
ID 200 15
Country brands.
8510 3,3703.221
..... .... .3,73
Olsuponorder—Du ty 10 pr.
Pros, Mori 70 0 00
Litnybla4 040 7
g" - .. 1 ."4 1 4-1 41 I
Velloir No. I :LI 0 35
9 " \0.91 2 09 0
HriunielnOreen•• 0 90
White LenfL dry• • • Gioo 99
Oil, pore keg • I du. 09 1.09
" No. I 1•33
Red Lend 510
Yellow Oehre "IS 3
Vert, Red 440
Verdigris 30 0 39
WM 4,75 0.1.71
F.agle, Gi lba•• ..... 03.00
Do. do. I lb. en,uo
FIR/ do 04,0 u
Eagle do. in papers.— 43'6.07
Rock powder 03N
Grals—Dory 20 percent.
Meat SUM
Rye 5u RI
.-1 . .
y- , Sit les fiwt hands 430 bbl. a $4,e210 oerma, have brought low rales--isales of 500 IM
iverage 64 1 t ein• ..• hog-waterl, good country cut, at 3c, par turd.; Ith
..,b,...._5„,,5, 5 t ., 4 h sitt l s , 400 3d. at stpai ixa ..ry ronOtty cut, at 2/e„ Sales prime city eu
werage $4 1 5 . -
sad ol 3101 c, in a small way. Shoulder• 3c; aides
day-Sale. first bonds, 5.30 WAR -- . al stpui 4e. Luna 5c-
sve•ragesl.fifi. There ems be Lute doubt that prices will fall a.
slay-Offerings 700 lade, sale. ranging - .- soon as large lots come intr. market I..srd-ules
.5, .W 44 .20 and $1,75--average 51 • 65 - Nu l, at fit; No 2, at 41. There was mom anima.
austral amount matte in by wagon, all of t t o . ,styi,,, the latter part of the week,
was rapidly aisPinind or - ihn F ;'__""P"' POTATOFN--Are over abundant, and prices
maiming do linnlinra" affecton l" -i " . " . have declined gee fly. Soles /Hues and Neaten.
:1)•••••The Market is bare Of both loan end aoe m, at Six, y h oi GAe ,. :17512e p tot.
nod they would find ready sales at 1C41170
RAGS-Are iu constant .I..inand at 31 for count
former, nod 20/421.kt fiir the latter. ley mixed, 41 fiur good white.
4 "" ' 'Aro in ' demand. Snl en nr .. e4 "' l . 7'.'',' ILICE-The rote of regular soles is 555 tit, 2e.
to.raristi,'i No 2, at 48,50, N. 5,-al s 7 .'; cooling to quaurty.
tad, 51051 )
,511; herring' Sit,so.
SEElki-Clover and Timothy are dull. Sales
iS-No trninmetions - ilnannann ... inn ' nn of It.. Gunter at $3,120 of the latter at 51,37211,.
be. I
, 50. F1az.e...1, side. at 95551,00. Good cle•
IGHTS-We quote as follows, p 100 the mood.
ineinnoti, dry gioods 20 SOAP-Sales Pittsburgh at 4011; of (.7u i cionoti
Heavy articles. •••• . • • 10.51 5 ' at 44411; one sale Cincinnati reported at 41. ,
, itiarille, dry gond.. ••-••••• • • .. -, .. 2- ,1,. SPIRITS-The rates of our table ; are those ol
„,,y ~+ ii, • k, .... •• • • ,2 1.• , ... the wholesale deniers.
wilaville, st l y goods 50
2 , ! SI - GAR-Very little detiz. Sales malt in n
Heavy rticles
St. Judi, ,l4
50 ' regular way-fau n simitly prime, fit e. 'I liddewi
! '
/least articles
Philadelphia, Bacon, ace, '65 ! SALT-Sales at .14,25 ss lila.
” . I Flour, 1,00 . TIN PLATE-Regular wiles 7:510, Ix 510..
GLASS-We can note no material alteration. ' 50.
Some sales country 3pi 1.31.-53.370 3 .6 2 i is the • TA LLOIK--Sales rendered 772iSe: rough, So;
fair quotation for !a good article-54. for heat city ~,•,„, a ,„, 3 ,i, ie.
m bn . t n n d tls i. , S p a re lOt uy o i th . ! j e ll r y si . z . e p a v i ii % a pro a i n e d irtio th u m .
a Tle k. de• io
quiet, ,
WISES-The rives el our table are given*by
Plain Tumbler, lint, front 5 to 10 oz tool!, tl
. 310 ,,,, wholesale drake..
doz,'nt,.. l
p m .,..j d o I .„;) pr int , IN, it 10 iti imi,, • WOOL-None but ~allann qualities offer,
1 do do •To.2gi,ss which brit= Mic; lon buyer, allege that it is held
! Decanters, qt, ligh t 2 ring, glass stopper 175 1,,,, high, nod nowt fall.
do do he vy 2do cork 3,75! Wll ISK NY-City rectified rote. 00 before, 17.70
- . do do iiii plain d 0.... ........ ... .2.50 I 20e. 13,0 row 'alonongadela, Itairlisi.
do do alt pillar du.... ...... ......9.50 i
Wine glasses, plain . ' , 0"0 - 75l
do do pressed .... ....... .... ..... .1,75 i
Pitchers, qt, plain; 157;01,75 '
do do piLlaiand ribbed 753
do Iqt or Cretuns .... ..... .... ...... -90
Molasses Cans, pt p1ain........ ........ —1,25
dsi I •do di, ribbed 1.97
Plates, 6 in. premed and lig . 75
Cantor Bottles, tidied ........ ...... , . ....... ,02
Jam, I gal, LaquCced wver........., ....... 2,50
.gal do do 3,7:'
An an
Cll. the
1, at SI
new ah.
GUNPOWDER—SiIo. in a regular way at foe . ..
mer mum ,
GRAINLIVIiiiat, none offered, quotation. nom ,
E4io.loe; Rye is in demand at 450500; Oats,
sales of several !Modred bootie's at 2./ . .a37c; Corn,
sale. at 33035 q Barley dull 01
HONEY—GooiI comb hells at 1G10.21t0 in. small
GINSENG—SiIo. very:light, at 27026.
- HAY—The nab! amou n t weighed at the city
scales during the 'week, was 65 ton. 19 cwt. 70 Os.
Soles from $0 to 517 p trin according to quality,
The quantity weighed, is aboutl double that of the
two premium week..
HlDES—There is less briskness, and price. are
1 •
HEMP—No transactions/ quotations nominal,
$1,1 5 01, 20 .
IIOPS--Very-few sold in thin market, the norni•
nal price 100124
IRON—The l i killowing are manufacturer.'
Flat Bar, rem to 41 ...... ....3
do . /him 5 to 6 by 1 to I ine1...31 do
Dandy Tiro, Iliderant sire. 7/ do
Horse 5h0e......3104 do
Round end moan, from 1 10.11 Melt 3 do
• do (rain 11 to 31 do
do 6 2 10 21' 46141 do
do du 3 to • • 5 do
do do 31 to 4........ .............. 5/ do
do/ to 1 .:... ................31
Band 'lron ..... j ..... ........
Steal, A tuerican,,Rlb4cr.... ....... do
do. Spring... • ........ . • . • .... ... 51 do
Hoop Iron 71617 do
Nails, cut, JO, I 16, 20 450 p kg
don and 9d 4 75 do
do 6 7d, ...... • ....... 5,25 do
do 5,50 do
du - 4d ' 7,00 do
do 3d..' ...... ........ ....... '7.00 do
LEAD—Liglit aides. Missouri pig 4041, on.
'cording to quantity . / bar 41. •
LEATHER—SaIes as per table; market fair.
MOLASSIS4aIes N Orleans, 27026. The
transaction. of the week very limited. Sonic
holders demand l•Ze, but no large operations are
above 210271 e. ! The arrivals recently have been
of trifling amount.
NAVAL STORES--Sales pitch at 53,50615;
Tar, N C $4,3704,5E1; turpenti6 506e55; Allegheny
tar is out of mor,ket.
NAILS-Thel following are e6ntlh•airrem'
NAILS--16, lid, 16d and '20.1 31
Ind and 9d
6.1 and 711 41
. ORS—Spire Littered at Witi 7c; Lunt 55a69.
Other torts n FT' table. No main repined.
PAINTS—Su ! ea regular at ratite of ruble-nil um
PIG META I:—Some hundred tone of Alleghe•
ny roil during the week at improving rule*-"'1110
of Judge Mineral Anchor mete!, end 100 of Martha
Furnace, brought $22 6 moo; 200 Valley Furnace. l
(iiikrior) $29,50,'4 loos; Small sutra Ilauging Rock !
$37,60, Goias
PROVISIONS--The wan or baron have been
cativo:l4sly, light, owing to the unwilhognen
bolder, generally, to submit to a reduction of mi.
cee. 'The few considerable lots which have been
Marsailles . 0 0 In.
1 Port 1W 0 3W
I.Calahria GS 4:D 30
Wool perm—Duty Dd per veal:::
Pnme . • 0
WI blood 0 —,
!Liam! 0
/ Wood ' 0 •••
Pulled Common 30 0 -
-Tut. wachell 2218
Whlskey—per gallon.
Rectified 'fie ill
Row Monongahela • ••-• • Ina lb:
Zinc—per lb
Sheet ' 0 10
Slab ' at ou;
liAre!ghts—per 100 Itet. ' .
To en. iiii ti.
Dry Coale 1 a et.
Lleavy I ' 10015
.. lb !zoned', .
Dry Goode .-0 235
Heavy 125013
Froutlemiceille to iti
Prig. Metal—pi. ton, 6 mos.
No-I. Foundry , 432,01 033,1'9
Forge.. 4.1 - 311 a
lion Ting Hook.
No.l Foundry • • 37,U1 479,7.1
Tennessee 0 31
Mercer 'County.
Foundry Pig••• •
Pores — 0
Malt g Coonty, Ohio.
Fouullq Plg•• .31,101 alt.oo
Force do —6
Planter Parls--duly Ore
Plaster Paria••••lo,UU in2PO
• •
livemiliams 245
Sbouldess ...... —24 443
" Sides— ...... ..2/
Ili:groud, city Cllft
country do• —4l
[dad Isio. I. in kgs • 410
in kgs-- 5
• I. in litils•i-41
Banter '• 1, in kirs• • !le In
" 1, in roll. 1441 15
Cheese, V. H 610 7
Dry Goods • •
To w. Low
_ . - - • .
Dry Good. --di El
Heavy p. V/ W
To Cleveland and Erie.
, .
Goaben•••••- U
Pitt.b. Warr.
. .
.0 4D
Wary 3.5 371
To suoj from liromovOle.
Potatoes—per Lush.
Column •••• 55 e no
Netbaltnoek4p. LLI 01.23
Ilings—lbty 5 per cent.
Country mixed
IkLgoodwline 41
Rice '43 51
Illeed•—duty Linseed talp e.
Clover ' Gi3,121
Timothy _ol=l
Fluznee4 95 AD
Aluentril 11 a,ta
Splees—per b.
Cloves "Al 4/
in Illnut• • • • 91 0
Gunter ID 41 11
Nutmeg, ...... —LSO 15 I,to
Al Pepper
•• 43 191
Stlikeroot—ter b.
Virginia —Ft 14
• . • • . -
„ . .
Dry flocidi (down)o 14
Prudutte..le. (up I) 69 IU
To N.llville. ,
Dry Goods ' O W
Ilrovy 60 :a)
To Wheeling.
Dry Goat •
Ileuvy • 0
To tswesaille „_,
Dry cam. 0
I':leaver. 5 CP 0
Dry Coals FP 10
i l:riemr (klennot.
Heavy Good, .40 FP 50
Was., ae , (.04142,1
UT. OF ntrIGIIT . TOO PIMI1611.•••
Ashes, Pot and Pearl, —: SO
Boner and Rayon, 1115
Reef, salted, do GS
Hole rope and 13:000.5 do 79
Ilenswas, ' do 75
Bones, do 77.
-Brooms, do 1,50
Cheese, do 75
C 0,,, do GO
Como, do GO
Chilled Rollers do
Drugs and Aledieinrs, do 1,50
1.07 Goods, do 101
Dried Fruit do 75 ,
Mons, per Idol. I.IX/
Furs and Peltrtrs, per 100110 101
Feado,s, do 1,00
Funuture, do 1,00
Glass are, do to
Glass, IV.lose, per lot i' , o 0
Green nod dry, boil per 115.110 75
Ginsens , , , p., 100 lbs. OU
(Ironer/es, do 00
Hardware, do 75
flop!, do
Hemp, • d0:.70
hides, (raw 75e; dry fl es) ' do
SoMgr—Wry I MI per cent.
Pittsburgh No. .•• .4 Co 41
Clll6llllOll 40If
Steel—per lb. Foreign
ast at Shear Id 017
M. single 0 14
Eagle n
7 " Ilmp
Piamb Manufacture.
German Steel FP C 4
blister 0 121
American blister•••• 0 44
Spring 510 54 gallon.
[Randy, Lkinllx••l,so 2,59
Rochelle 2.50 CP 3,59
Rum-ha:ea 4th pf 4,541 0 2.25
N, Mr 0 Mr
N, 190 CM
61411alland 145 0 1,75
BLlSlFt—Dutytili per Ct..
prtrue • bi 01..- 0 51
NCO. fair, bbd.
Havana, white, lb• .9 0 Pj
Rraril" 90 9;
Palverired,Philad••••o 121
Leather, do SD
Lead, do 44
Lood and lead Oil, do GS
Oil, Castor. du 73
Linseed Oil, do 7.3
Pork, per Ithl. do 0 11:41
Rib!Ob per NO lbs. 70
Rope. and cordage, ' do '
lel • 00 •
Speete do
Seeds, do 70
Skins, Deer and INNIo, do 7:
Tallow, do . bii
Tobacco, Leaf, do, 70
do Monsfactorrd, do :3
Wheat. - do 00
Wool, do el X
Whiskey, per bbt do
Mat—Duty 'Alper cent.
No.l, ad.* ..... •• •• • 0
" 1, in twee • • • —0 1,43
Table, dos box 0
14hot--Daty N. per rent.
Per keg KW 011401
per bag •—••• 13Th
Saltpetre ....... •• • • ONO 101
Tobaeop—per 10-0 0 per
ex offer cub for enanaN
Tobacco.) Duty 411 pr. I.
Cigar Lea.— 4 0 4
Ilinufld da.•• • .... 0. 7
ies'Trarist.--••11 0 19
Plug In kegs 40 4
Plug In Loses— •• •14 0 17
TYrild 50 • 7
Cavendish 0
• Ws Lump ht box• • • 0 LII
Y. 14 0 17
las 9 II 0 14
Serneb *nut.— •.• .14 0 IG
rum., 0 13
Cut &Dry f lb pap• • • 0 Y.
Tosi—Wry Alper cent
Imperial 5.5 0 80
Gunpowder 45 0 711
Young 117.8••• • 11/ 0 SD
Ponebon . Cal 7.5
h.e...est —Cory 15 /90
pr. et
X 0 la Si
Tallow—Duty Itr pr. rent
Rendered 71 0 9
I Rough DP
MS Grease 4
ees—per box.
Solid boxes • 0 IG
Wines—Duty 40 pr. CCM
l• P 81sderro• • • lOU 3,1111
I. l`Teneirde.•• • Stu 0 1.51./
!Ashur 9 5 0 1.51.
iMaluga••• • • • to GI RI
Sweet 65
Chap, No. I—Aabee, Ihli. YYiI. NY.
Chem, , flutter, Luni,
Chet... Pork, Teta,
co, Tallow, Ilf,-(flar,•
anal Whisky pr
Clz.a No 9-11. op, Rea
baleii 1,00
CI nei• Fnxit
brother, Old Rap,
Skina, IVool, 140
Clooo, No 4—lkeswoz,
Hops. 51.14, loose , Mr
alla• Lacombe.. '
Mans of 111/ 1 / 1 1.11ed on cargoes of
Memo awl keel Loa
Fm l'itt,Luryll Witteling,Vp.
. from einrintiana D 4
Loua•ville, KC
" tiw Si. Law, Alo I . oa
t. Lloonvalle,do 1 N V.
. . . .
0 0 to Under...lessen 1 0.21
" 0 to lialeno.lo 11011
O 0 to Metoplos.Tro jit I
to N. Otlrans 1 ®ll
From N. ftrlran• to Panstatralt• .1 arli
St. I.main 1 0
obarres by good flat Moats!
to New Orleans' .. ..
Money, Stocks and Unsiness
In our local money market there is not i.e mile
stringency as has been noticed fiir the past re
weeks, hat still money is not easy. There is con.
siderable seeking investment. but good notes can
not be done under one owl] half per cent a monde
plchnur on the East 'as at three per cent pre
mium hr currency, and and hid P?'
funds. Currency is at full two and a half per cent
discount. -
Specie shipments to Europe have been resumed
from the eastern cities, and full seven hundred
tbounand dollars left. New York last week, chiefly
on French account. The recent advises by the
Acadia at P r ostou, me nut at all calculated. to re.
store confidence in the coaumproial world, hutoth.
er to increase the distrust. Affairs in Frmwe look
more troubled than ever, and difficult questions are
postponed; not settled upon a firm basis that will
restore our now dead commerce with Franca•
The difficulties in England are calculated to muse
the liveliest epprebensions, nod it is sole to say
that the next stormier will bring to tl4l'.country ?
a more impottanthudget than was over received•
II the Chartist meeting, to have been held on the
10th, passes nil' with only a moderate degree of
excitement, it will he most welcome nose, to the
commercial world, Should the movement end in
an open rebellion and the government falter, no
power can prevent a conflation in monetary a(
fairs in Ettalarat, that will react with featfal fueP
upon this mintry, and leave rettient
brance upon nor mind?, of the ;mall evils, caused
thus far to credit by the trotiblea in! France
Since our teat, rational, have been ire fed fir a
new loan of sixteen millions, whteli will lie nffen•d'
in Europe!" Much lion twin chid of the tendency
of Ettropenn trouble. to force capital to the United
States. The VMIIOIII% 011i1110111. 111.1 this gunner,
will be settled when the promvials lie this loan are
opened. A moderate amnion may be taken abroad
but the great Will, will remain at bona•.
sA w, or frilillt,
New Yoh, Apia 03. prili,“101„ . I'',./.
U S o'o of '53 • 03 92003
U S 6's of VI 103 103
Treasury 51,301 1(12;0102! Itr2lGil o2 :
Ohio Ts 10316 r—
Ohio 6's I 9 . 163901 --
Illinois Bon& ; 431 f ;iv 4 --,
Indiana Ponds i --014 . -
P.. s'. ' 7310731 73107 3 1
'l'ooo 'is • 106100 10110i10 0
ICosouelir 13's 00(460
Piltsloirgli 6's • 5t.41.10
A ta.sasnmr, A prd 91, 191 b.
At market 100 head beef eaule,. 300 hogs, 50
calves; no sheep.
Beef cattle—Sales at 31011 gross weight.
hogs—Sales 21011 grss.
Calreale , $!,50 $a per head. The calves
were all Lou& up, in lie rant pleee, h'; one inJi•
vidual, who re.ld, at the alaye
TO° The sod., Angehe raprewion °lsom , females is
grutelul . ur 110 w, while the regal:dye; coarse, muddy.
yellow mere °f ethers, excites dieguel—the same
plea. Could such people he indared to rey a ro be of
he true Jonas' Italian Cbmulcal.goati, Wes'would tte
enroplured.with the change.; They would have deli
•cale. clear, while skin, while every dialiguremelit or
eruption would be removed and mated.
VsartmmagNowca.—Perso.iserhohave houelti cheap
coMilerfeits and imitations ca lit, and have had am et
(ml produced, wait try thu, the enigma'. )find, ask
Mr /wee ticap. - Far sale at WX. Laawab, VI Liber
ty URN. , mule
' •
Bundle, Cock, On. ] '
American Star, Hanna Cin. j.
Dover, Reno Wabash.
Braver, Clark, Steubenville. . 1
Gmce, Cincinnati.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. .
Michigan Gilson, Beaver.
Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville..
.Baltic,lmarbs, Brownsville. '
Louis McLane ' Bennett, Brownville. .
Ben Rush, Hunter, Cincinnati.
Iliberniallo.'s, Klinefelter, CM.
Consul, Kinney, Wheeling.
Pontiac, Fowler, Nashville. :
Ludlow, —, Zanesville.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Dearer.
Michigan, Beaver,
Atlantic, Parkinwn, Brownsville..
" Skipper; Swami, Marietta.
Amercan Eagle, Atkinsoq,
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Cap:: Ford.
NI" OCEAN.Capt. Witter,
: of the above Packets leave Renoir every day,
X../ (Sundays excepted) and arrive next tnonting at
Warmth ...Imre they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at sae), (litho., places
beture night. One of the Packets kart, Warren daily,
at 5 P. M., and arrive nt Heaver in time to take the
mooting ocatilimut far Pittsburgh.
cams & LEFFINCIWEIAIs Warren
111 ILI TAYLOR, Proprifo.
Canal Parket—PEl - DMA, Dupl. Brown.
FASHION, Capt. W P Sayre.
One alba above Packets will leave .Reaver every
griming. (Sundays exceted) at 7 o'clor . k. and arrive at
Greenville the next morning at II clock: and 011 r
leaves Greenville every afternoon at l ;o'clock, and ar
rives at Beaver the next morning at 5 o'cloc k—tbroug h
in la hours—towed I.y learns, (three, homes each) mu.
tioNd every In miles, At Greenville they connect
with n fine of ;k through to !deadline and Erie.
Thu Loam are entirely new ond built expressly for
116 trade. REED, PARKS act Co, Heaver,
. . . . . . .
Canal PackeI—TELEURAPII, Capt. Win WARIlin;
Leave" Deaver every morning (Sundays excepted) at
oe)m!k—leave. yew Castle every evening (Sundays
excepted) at 7 o'clock; hod connectingwith the ,team
lake Erie end Alichienn. running. between Beaver
and Pittsburgh. Bri.111), PARKS A. Co, Beaver,
Passengers will be receipted through by eithbr otthe
above router, securing berths in the packets and seats
in the stage, by application la either of the proprietors
or ageno. JOHN A. CAL:lila:V. Ilitoburgli,
cor. Worer and Sorillifinld ate.
AGENTS:—.Ritd. Pork. tc Co. Ileayar;.
ILit Parka & Co. Youngstown. 0;
Crass & Leglngwell. N atnu, 0,
It W Curturrigliain, New Conk., Pa,
D Chlerhews Pulaski, Pe,
W C Malan. Sharon, Pa.
Ha) & Plumb, nharprs We, Pm
Irrrarrend and King. (rig /rend, Pa;
C C %% rel,Greenvillr, Pe,
Reed. Erie, Pa. apl4
.mss 1848.
'ruin well known Line, composed of strantboata
1 Lake Eno and ?arcing., between Prttsburgh and
Deaver, and freight and pusenaert Canal Doan be
tween Dearer and Erie, and C Heed's !me of Ent
eters steandroutm propellers and Is on the Lhkes,.
Is prepared to marry (retain and pawners. to al/ ponds
on the line Canal. and Lakealine, Huron and !belu
Hasten every (scatty for rouse in freight and ow
wnsers with promptest.. and dispanp. the
and agents reveetfully soltett trona (1400r:sends 0011.
141111211 f el of thew patronage
• Ltlt HELD, Proprietor
REED, PARKS 11• s. Beaver, Agents.
.11.111 N A CAL'CiIIS'Y Ar en t ,
• •
_. 4 le . sot iyater and ttnntliftelttsts,Pitts!turgh,
Inagii&l I " • . 47 r 51.,
Hinwr Prrfsur no a AND CLEVELAND
. W. T. l'.1.0.111.• Piii.tiorgls. • )
HMO. h Co, Waver;
Ciravrromi & CII.4I•EVIAM, Cleveland )
above Liar ia prepared lo tran.port freight
I and paaaratera from l'itt4Lurgh and Cleveland. or
any point on the Canals alai Lake, •
One twit leaver burah wed laud Lou,y rut
ing la cannreavn will, the oterrnitioni.
MiePion, la -merit l'inaburgh and thiarer. and a lino
an ells* aseandwat, 4rapelle rx , lingx and
re• tan take. 1t,., thirun and Michigan.
I'mperty formapled to any part of the. Vat... with
thlpatch, by T ALATIIER. or
. .
• ' "
JOHN A. l:A1.1:11EV. Ao'O
or Writer cud Soothfield Pitt, l'stlabulgh
AGENTS,- Ikea. A: Cu, lievvrr;
It l'itritm .Ir. Co, Vcallgoiown.t),
r; Come k. Co. %Worry. ci;
I) lio , Owieli a Co, Ilrea.lport,
A i N Clark, Newton Fuji,
Nl.rwat. Nrwrial.
1 I.: Al Wlaul...ey. Cuiripl,llsport,
.1 0 Arllrs.l.l,llAvrouu; •
J. i• II lief..
VI heel ct :cl'4,.
AValtins & 111,1 e, T 0147.4
Iktroir !Itch;
II .1 WinAlomciltract., 14_ .
Pot the 7'ruttvortation of Frtiglit to and inn*
1.1111.A1.1111.1111A. yAurimunE, N.
Yu/U.:, IIUSTU:i.d.i
. ftqxstax:r o C;111. Pl.: 1 ? 1 , 1 0lig. ,
T ., ,rvi., & ir'CoNsok.,Piltestour&h.
1 , 11 0 1: , , ,, 01 t d „. 1. p i11 n ., , b p i . 1. , h , e' 0 i1 r. 1 i 4 , 1:.; ,.. &1=f r LI , (; t
~,:: v 1: . 0 I . l r o r g s ni :
orm,. I.4nst arcl good , - and produce ~.- o hileopatrh. at .1
utt the roo.t lasorable tern.. 'Flory contotrutly mu te
thea well kuoon jitt1I1111(1,01 111 1,1,1,111 K rOEXiet—S
ettitar .ttrty I. mode
cart, to, - raiutriou• warel. -
.... at .3,11 pmt..adoolow ue....uttootlttitoo. to .lopp.:,
0.1....t.e,- ot pro.tlore • towether ul , llll,est tong rape
net., an& uttremititog ellilll .. 1.. oh+oo-.4.. wilt ...rule
to them n coml.:knee of tiro "bee?' putrunege they
hereby ,r&irittity ueloooletltte
Alfronnigntrtevoi by and tor thin hire teerierd, Om,
ir:, pad. :till G;lrvetl,..,Yto onf Irtio&ni il.,:tioto , IWe
or elm ree , or coottoi..tott. oilvuttctol in motege.
Nu otter..., threctly or indirectly, lo tacionhp.llA.
All ronnouttieuttoo.. promptly nttetide‘l to an applien
lion to the follou in, ngrot,
DOR 11l Dia: & CA511..2: 4 Alsrlet .1 l'hilmlelphi&
TA AFFE & O'CONNOR. Canal RM.. 1.1.1/11r;11.
I eVONNOIIS S co. Nort4 Lt. linJunior..
WM. B. WILSON. N,:w York. 015
1848. AMID_
(Etc LCSIVKI, •ort Pariurraosis:l
r 1 ,111: Canal .11 Hurl Cowls lieu% uow in eatellen:
L order, ihe purl. ers Mini. linhw ill leave with
7071 " ki l : ' 2l!ri ' lqa
0113,-Cupr Croul, TruwEloy.Olt. •
ludlnna—Cnei tlerkey, %Oh
Kentucky—Cup' 11Truhy, Thursday, V7th
Idnusionu—Thotnpson, k 'Any, :Nth.
Ohio-:Copt A Cruig, Sawn's), 2/11s.
ludiuno—Capt 1' Berkey, Suuday.3l.uh.
'The prOprictors of tho. One built Itivr Lualo . during the
imer, with the war ars
ford ;meter umfon. to persons treweluig With thew
YaJ w uogers bin raw ?v9150 qtr. , . rail road
is dui
If yrAt &sae chrapiravultorr au. coduturtahle mecum
maludww, 'cod, your bets at the Pahhur orhuh,
Mououguhelu !Inane, wewr sr.or of
_oh9l 1/ LEECH k Co, Cuturlllastu
Pennsylvania Canal & Rall Aped Env
, press Past Packet ,Line,
f ! toA l - rlTTeltrail I•IIII7XDIMMIrA4.
(Exclusvety laengM)
lIIIE public'etie revertant,. informed that this Line
I will commence running on the 2111 inst, and cost
hone throughout On Serum -,
The boats um n and of it 'ulterior chum, with en
larged cabin , . which ew,
will give greater comfort Tile
cars ere the laws; construction.
boat will ulways he in port, rind travelore nit re
quested to call nod c.r.tor4op bewingugn‘g
rFotro only nine dollars through.) One o - frihe ho to o
duo Line will leave the landing (opposite U. ). 4 . I otel,
corner of Penn street and Cohn'. every . night at
CiOrk (d Ts For 111114111t111011. upply et the
Ohm hlonouguhela or to le Co
rituollorgh, Much '!S Canal Ilosin.
n Transportation Company.
1848. 10 0
A. Rt.: prepared to trherpor.goodshool produce to and
/V front the above cities on favorublu turttu. , Ad.
tires or sholg
kt. - I.PECIIk Co.. Canal Burin. Pittsburgh.
HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 & 15 South Third et, Phil.
J. TAYIIIII & SON. huts. No 14, Nhts Howard .1, 8011.
A. AIIBUIT, Agt, No 7 {Vest street; New York.
Pittsburgh, March 19th, 1311. . raar•l9
g 1,11.1 1 7.11,1 and are 141 t
ton colilinde 11 ' 1 tun yodr; leairind
Produce and ruercliandida , taknit at low rate..
Marchandida froin ljaltitnore tirnught not at Canal
rata, Tone, hire days. J C BIDWELL, Am
' Water at, it doors alai, liony'rt.'llolll..,
apid ' ue south Chaylea at, Baltimore.
Ocean Steams Nllllll6plitilein Caen'll•llly.
U. S. Mos larix Eat
The steamers Company red! sort
As _.-r*,,•• regohirly n month,. follow?
ytNtf,) . FROM NPR" VORK.''
The Warliingturo, Copt J Johnson, on
the MCI April. ! -
The Ilentouni, Cant Crentree,on the DM. May, DAP.
The Hermann, nit He
Thr W 01414100,00 the ISM May, Intn.
The Ilenuonn, on the SAlt
The Washington, oh the !Anh 111Sy, 154 e. o
When the 2101. of the month DIN mr Seiol u y, thg rlsy
of gutting from Fxts tor!I toe the .11,
Farrago from N. T. to Southampton ur Itferueo,
" fruits Bremen ur Smilltimprun w N T T W! ,
An experienced surgeon on Warn.
For freight or pasange upply at the mike of the Ocean
Strum NavTation Compony,43 William on, or to
3 ft CRtrSK.EV, Act M Southampton.
WII.I.IAM ISFJ.IN, Agl at Havre.
magM. C A HEIN I , .KEN Y Cott, Ago! et Bremen.
Vissololloo of riiltitroblp.
111111 pannership heretofore es irstng batmen. th e
subscriber., wider the firm of J. 13sseson SCO it
thia day dissolved by tourunl rooked.'
M'Keesport, April IS, 1.71• apIP
IUII'ACKEIREL-13 tilde No 1 Mackerel; di do do
aILCI7 do, 10 bblelio de; 221 do do 340 tot sale
by apll BUBURLDOE, W1L3014 LCo
Poi Bald-Youghligheisy Coal Lan*,
unlock; urrs comainiog, No. L from twenty-ivvo tri
t0...4 , Am ocre No. Y, fifty acres; and N 0.3,
SAT seresovill be ofered and sold positively, so the
Wittiest bidder, oche Auction Rooms or John D. Davis
comer of Wood sod Filth streets, in 2
o'clock, P. 51_, on WEDNESDAY, tho 17th of , NAY
NEXT. The three lot: ate.adjoising, andombnee ,
from about 121 rods on the tiler, ordeep wadi:ace
The above Coil Lands an about six miles abate
M'Keesport, on the firm pooraf the Youghiogheny Im
provement now ennsuucting, nod which the entermitt
tug contractors expect to complete by neon &11. • 'nay
are pan of owe of the fittest coal-Gels an Allegheny
county, root minutia not only what is called.the Pitts
burgh vein, six feet thick. overtopped at this point by a
mar'.loo feet, coining close to the river, btu ano
ther vein about sixty fe e t higher up. of front three to
four feet in thickness, of very pure Coal, free front an d
timely resembling the Mercer county coal, and
found by actual trial to be still better adapted to the
of Iron than dust of the Pittsburgh vent.
The two veins, it has
c onebe se, contain not less
than ZOND bushels of oal to thesere.
'Poe reptioniou of Youghiogheny Coal and Coke in
dam, as well ea in Ow lower market., Is well known to
1.11 dealer..
The great suneent of coal •annal IP consumed i
Pittsburgh. and shipped to markets below, has ahead,
exhausted a large quantity of the Coal mosreasily ac
c.c./hie along our rivers, and the consumption is eon
stantly goiter, on at a rote not lens than 150 acres pc
annum. No beater iuvestment °leap/MI can thereto
be made than in well located Coal Lands io the Maud
. . . . .
'of Pittsbtrgh. Persona wishing to visit the property
before the day ornate will find it convenient to go by
ATKeempart and Filial'' Frrry..
At the same time end place will be ottel4l five Lots
in the city of Pittithurgh,O.r by 100 feet each, situated
on Ifinicuck street, let vet Penn meelland Aine.°
%Tay, and near the Allegheny river.
ALSO, a large 10t.,14 brit/ feet, in Allegheny vitY,
inear Robinsmi atrert, fronting. one end on the canal
and the other on Craig intent, This lot advantage
ously vituated for a foundry ornate, manufacturingpor
-Owes. It will be sold all together, or In sectioilsio suit
purchasers. Terms, which will be ,•asi; will he made
ktiown at the time °lsola. •
aplaatitwtsT t JOHN D DAVIS, Auct.
LL be sold at public sale an Thursdaythe P...Sh
day of May next, between the houm A. AL,
ead 3 P.M, on the premises, n desirable
_property in
the improving town of lYellnnale, at Walnut (Hove,
having ti front of 110 feet on Water street, by So feet
to Main meek fronting on both streets, with a new
substantial odd convenient Cottage Brick House.
The properly can be divided into 4 building Lots , and
will be sold wittiout reserve to the highest bidder.
Persons desirous, of Making a profitable investment
would do wellla attend. Terms made known day of
sale. 'fide indispeloble.
atTHAT property lately occupied by IL Niooo,
Rip., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny
city, lbe sold On .ecommotlafinverum .The
lot i• .7.1 feet 4 inches an Craig street. running thrones
to the Canal 153 feet. There to a good two story frame
dwelling house on the premises, lately ['Wit, and the lot
is well improved, containing n mutely of choice fruit
tree., grope, shmbbery, he. This property is ecumenl•
ently situated for persons doing business in either INtts
burgh or Allegheny, and Is • desirable residence. *hue
indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor
ney at Law, office on Fourth Meek above Smithfield.
ATRACT °fluid,. acres, In Harrison, Portage Co.,
on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 tees =ler ho
provemenL Also, two unimproved lots in thO village
of Warren, Trumbnil Co- GC. Met by PR Also, a lot of
ground in the centre of Hanford, Trumbull Co., with a
fine dwelling house and store—one of the best stands
fora merchant oh the Western Reserve. Any or all
Wu ptopcny will be sold an vorp accommalslitig
terms. LSAIA.I3 DICKEY A Co.,
feblo Winer and Front at.
Rani Mast* i Morur Gosakty. • ' •
ALAYT, Storehouse and Dwelling, sitmte m ihe
Erie Extension Canal, in the M4O of West
dieser; a deilrable loentiou foe a merchant. Also, a
Lot and good D raping House mil suited fora Tavern
Soma, in the village of Oningevile, oa Stato 'llne of
Obit. Ten= emy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.
Cobbo I Tater and Front sta.
ALOT in the eth ward, 4 $ feet on Loran street by CO
feet on Clark street one of the most desirable 19.;
matoos in the 4th leant. For term. eptd; to the .oh
scriber at the Methodist Boot Slab, 4th near M.ltet
street, or at his dwelluig Clerk street,opposite E.
•Troißle'e Grocery store. Beltlet J L READ.
Vor /Lents
2 A two story brick dwelling with about IMP
of ground anaebed, shoaled • at Oakland. The
plate is well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and
Is a desirshie.lecation iia famili being entirely ow (4
reach of the neer. and din of the city, An andibus
hsFsea naltlatul hourly Or 1"e city. ApplY
• moan_ _ ATONODLO./hlh3 lk Ca '
• - -
'IIILA new three awry . brick dwelling housellt on
Vilio street—Powmon given On the fi Or
oil Or 50011 et if reired. Inquire of
' n.ovD Ibl liberty street
. .
ITor Rost.
AA two Wary brick dwelling wild ithlidt S acre.
al' ground, unwed ea ilia Lank of die Over;
the barlithik of H aches:sr. Apply
JAMES A IlUTC011i(IN & Co.
TII,IIFiE dwelling halms situated on 4th insect
near canal bridge, tir the city of Pittsburgh. Al.
so, a room 75 by VD feet, with a c'onvetuent ea
trance,un st., nem wood. Also, la Ow= dWelling,
twii manes, with on acre of ground enclosed and under
cultism :on, situate on Oleo lane, in the rity of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of J WILLIABIS,
1111 wood street.
jaFOR Sat.': ittAT,liip li.anzTa Plow.
rty, With all it. I,rcwing uppoutu., mutate on
r.tin otient nun l'ocket's altry,andn.nn occupied
& Co. '0......tat givnu urine ,at
44) uj anttl enotion. Fur terms, ad. dtplutrenf
Uftt/WN CULIa9tI'SN,
Weeny .t.
VOUS.% I.1:1—Tho subscriber
Orem for ;tole rho thro. nurr brick Warritouro
on Wrool wool, ocoloOetl by H. 'fouler & Co.
11 or.- now for IMO per yl t ar.
2 The new three story Gni proof brick Mike eu
eutul IL uour occupied Ly Italward lU'vo4r; Ois
resat Irons rut of Aunt !teat. iti4tairU of
4 Wil(A/SAIAkER a CO.,
lanlq Yi wood meet.
cai The subscriber,. will taut put u! t ibe ware
house " "Ilm i xezial;dlzo,
54 orate, in
PTY teeL
A large room on the Si atorlt of the ararellsouve
orrupteAl I.y the .sulkscrthera, :tear the fug
Wunit }}triter--a gwJ location Jay . Itcniattioal
agency ur Inalarance odic , -
panl4 111.11.141 ANSY GAHRIBO .
IA A Piny Iwo nary bnck 11/3LLIM, on mind aireel,
jai Alfrbeny city• near the upper bridge. The loi ie
,;.:3 /eel in i n dA by lUU deep. Fur terms inquire of
dc1.54 A WASIIINUTON,4th
A 441, TIIE large fire proof warehouse, 24 cam( ima by
IASI) feet dr , p,ou memo' at, near ..94.
erste. .Inqu. of J $ :440.
4,13;:n Co.,
41eIl 21 wood at
" For Rent.
A Smote. House. rimmed on Plum alley, for
rem. Inquire of ROLIEET DALZELL A. Co,
Lawny street.
/10AI. LAND FOR YALE--Hewn acses coal land
lJ for aid, situate In bend ol . 4:dppookyelicia River,
skive lietdensville, hot-lneo r font vein of coal,
wb ~b giII bit tdla jn exchottge for rood,. For portico.
_apply to HictlS] W HARRACGII, =wood st
- DOOM TO LET—On the second story of the ware.
It lonise No Wood at., boring a Hunt entrance.—
Applp to pnar-li Gm COCHRAN
J. & It. pnil.LlPa t
- rj OUSE, SlthC 4 ND fiTE.l6ll3O.fiT PAINTERS
ghtritla.leri.—Pefoosta wi.hlng to have painting
igl us ing done with neatness and despatch, will please
gtve call. They will find it to then. advantag, for
we are telly prepared to du work un low no any house
in the two elites can or will do it, at No. 6 Wood street.
. . .
N. 11.—lie wish it to be understood that we knee
not quit tie piloting mud ~l osing, as sonic of our most
:salons friends have twat tellingthe public generally
that we were going to re p s et flout that brunch of
. our
business. We are inure folly prepared to trusttut the
painting and glazing then we row vers.
opo 1 4,11 PHILLIPS.
1[1.10.:-)Gdoilrit.d.f„tiou:ny,. 6 .g*wei Ten rlgt
levy, I beg leave to recommend him to the patronage
of toy former MlSlOnteryl.
It will be wen by the chore notice, that the actiscri
her hasp urchased yrs. Uffington's interest in the abevc
busines which call lie enntinued nt taa old stand, No .
1:11 Wpm} rOeci, whCre he Will be pleased to .rve
aII who may want Gold Leaf. Foil, &c., and he hopes
by Loki attention to leis busineits and fair &cattle, to
give satisfaction to those who may layer him with
their patronage. apflin JOIIN L. DIINLEVY.
Marks' lndia Rubber Field. for preventing pens
eurroiling w ink, saw for eduputig them to write °Ai
parchment without die aid ofnuntcc, mid hi liii.Ditate
the ink Bowing free. To ste, ;AU:conveyancers and
mermonile Tee, iii. inveletil e. Lly merely adding a
(cow egos oTthis foul to the ink in use, it will inswaly
Ue found to be the lint nnsiliary everoffered. h neu
tralises the netll, precipitates the sedintint, causes a
free Mow of the ink, and dispenses with the trouble of
wiping a phi,. Just received and for sale by
alit J0E1.1110112441
Ag 15444 WauHa
T o o:llk7ktil;fgrot. n g. ,'" en,V:. 4' ,:ml7. `l / 4 + .' ' r e g .
the moat eneourngement icodered—wit:n . e:L 4 ll
capnal of nom 52.3 to SUM. A chancel in offered
whereby so Agent ran nuke from Ste to 11Z per week.
IrrFor further partici/Iln. Gds abet pea)
Wltf. LEARIr,'
mart:ld:Nu No ISO Nonb Second et.
LOeobing, Capping and Blooding.
KB. NORRIS, trqureetona to M. IL Delany),
.No b. 5 Fifth .trees, between Wochl ph ihi k.
flew. Freo lereks royekyed Monilo....:attendattrettll
hour..netbren . ey, the rhymekaus ni Pith.lturgh, Alle
gheny told litruattglia...
fultostoheertOtly MCOI/11.114i 10 the phykitinne.
Ihee and ail my Connie (ricotta nod patrons,
Norm no bolos thoroughly Implant/ea with the (oi
r/MI and worthy of patronage. • N. IL DELAY..
A 1.1. persons having clams agnlnst the Kan. of iL
jA. lute F. Seltote . ppe, will Kerehl Vkato
11.ilurssi, anti ull persona I , ,t,l.,lbtati hWtshh ail
I tit ' ' a to
P"';'.' F 6 1 .- 1 ' 34 P 'JOHN Adm.
Pitiabtagti,lllflac6, la Y 9. imariCklant] Il waterai
I..ST RFAAIVE.I3—A large sosortment of (Ai Cloths
4.1 vont r vonous pot:ems:loW yds of deny
door oil chat., beat IMO do medium do do; MOO
do 44 du do; IWO do 34 do a; WO do 1-4 counter do du;
4110 do 4.4 do do; Itesities a large ussurmsent of light tend
faile articles, all uf winch will be sold ellfttP for 4,0,1 4
or oho: crinlitot' ifY1111;11.1es.
Nu swoodst.
_ .
IntitS.-1011tAg. crude Saltpetre; GO las Sow;
50441. N C Tar, 10441 largo No 3pkerl;
4b:i" Ly
r „11N117111
TE mtmeribers have renumett to No. al WRler and
IW Frenit street, in We vinirebuiric formerly ireeu
Plt'dSttSltr q. Maw.
S &
1)11 ROBISON CO, inaye 1V101.11.11, in ' thr - n • •;4
No 11,1 h n' ro 7, „" "
NOTlCE—lteceived Irma lamiavllle, Kr, per c a u teata,..
et Ninth Alabama , a tawkate wtppatell to tat.,
clothing. max led “Bouvulat ts. Flgubtiret. , n TIT
t to maw. the alum
b."b''.4"'"'d par BOWEN
amt taiga t away. ,
• b 0 front it
„ _
•-• • • - ~ • .. . . . ,•: .• • . „. •
. . - • . •.
, DtBCOlll.l
Ezanhanga Brokers, No. 51
• Pllfiyl.lllllllt. •
Bank of Putabaret
Exchange Bank Par
Merck. 1‘ Naa. Bank •par
Girard • Bank 'Par
Bank olViennamourn • .par
* • Chestar.Courny • • • par
"Delaware Co.• —par
Nontgamenreo.• Tar
Cotennbia Bridge Co.• • par
Daylanawn Bank . Pal
Farman." Bk. itcailipa• par
'Farneta , Bk. Barks Co. par
Farman irk Lineaa'r.pari
Lancaster Co. Bk.••••• •par
Laneaster lik ' Par
U. State* Bank-3ii
Brownavalle 13L • par
Waxionatan'Bk • II
Chimbersbnrg•Bk.. • ••• • • la '
• .... .
Lehigh Co Bank, -
Le...lnman. -.•
Aliddtrioarn •••
Nt- LAJZZI rilil/ItY - •
4111“:110A, -
Alarliet Wee:, tear 4117
. . .
&Os Irk 42
. lirlorkes..• 2
1 Er . elliaa lir ge le: 1 1% , •. 2
Fanners Bk.o(Va
Bk. orate Valley,-..--. ..._
11‘. - °`,471T.,
V —+ , -
N .11:Vr°'!": i
0 , Wellsburg ' 2
do Parkaisbur2••-• "
• Tinnsteuse•. .
Bk. a Tennente• :• • - 5-
Far.. 2 Mercts't2 llk•—• "
Plan ion' 112.• • •• • • "
Union Bk ' ' "
Missouri. '
raft Bkof Mi.ouri••••
North Carolina.
rMe.of Cape Fear
tch's Bk.,Nearhent•
•Nouth Carolina.
!Bk. of Cherleston••• • • 2.
lCommeidial At • 2
• Bk:of Geonictoarn••• • • 2
Bk•of liambetg•••• •• 2
Merchants Ilk ...... •• 8
Planters it Pleetta'allk• 1
Bk. of South Caroline. • .4
i m Maryland.
•Balumore Bks.••••• • • •par
t 4 V,,.1 - 311:V.26: "
!Far. ISO of Maryland• • 2
Foment , & Mechanic.. 0
Bk. Frederick 0
FrederickCo.Bli.—,•• • "
Hagerstown Ilk- • ••
Mineral Ilk
i tlrs.l - .e ! k i .... _
. :
2.of ,n ßerter.••sl/nlllloh •
1 lion.
Bk. of River aitizen•••••,
Michigan In. —. Co.•
Far. & Mech's Bk 5
,WIDEOI6IIII% Torritry.
thlar.&Firein.Coldilvee 3
I Congdon.. : •-
lAll solvent/kinks 3,
Bonk of England Bailee
1r • •• •-34 70 $ is*.
lAold &Specie Vallee.
Napoleons ••• ..... 3ea
Ducats • e 150 0
Ragle,eld, ••• , 10 0
Eagle, new •••• • IV 00
DonbloonsiSponah• Di DO
DO. PotTlol . IS SO
Sorreigoe .. .... • • 4 03
Comeau 600
Froderickad'ors 67 PO
Ten Madero .....790 •
Ten Guilders •••• 300.
Loniad'ort• '• • -•• 460
. Tactlkamige• ' ••
New York ' /arm
Philadelphia pnn
Baltimore . - • 340 r
',par. Interior .TPki..— 2
aria!, ........
Fele Bk. ... • • ••• 2 •
Formers' and Drovers'
Dank, Waynesburg— I
.Ilonesdo/e ,
Lobe/ion pLtri
Weialr rd. " ...... Bk. ' %! •
Belief Notes "
hl &Al Bk. "
City" k. Boom! Scrip.
Ohl. . '
- - .
Suteßk.and B,anehes 2
Noma!Jammu .....
uL ••
5.4 , 111 , 24vA11e•?-r••••-•
New Liibao
Colundsn. do• •
Plital•M • •••••
Paxton ' • • .
Franklin irk Colub
nlan 6
Lake Eriii
Lananalnlq... ..... 4 """
IA or Unlucky'
191.0 f Louisville • 4 .
Nelor 7o9k—Cuir Rua
... , : . . .
HUGH.. D . .• KING, ,- •
~ alto °Nile firm a vcold & x ing.)
Onus,- coo. Poona sr. .10t0 Par, Dorn AULT, .
FItFR. is Coin, Hank Notes, Tune Hill., Foreign
.1." and DpriestleUelianite, Cendleales of Deposit,
.. .
. . .
EXCII)ISOE on all the Principal cities of the Union,
for sale in Sums to snit purchasers. . . ~.
CURRENT .ititd p.r fonds received on deposite.
COLLECT/O.:VS made on all per.. of the linion. et
. the kmest rates. . - splOullwtosarnT
__' • minim. 4i, N --- " - ; -- , ._, , 7 "
Emums, =CHANGE lIRQMS, mid dealer.
n Foreign and Donmetio 144ange, Cerdfirams of
te e Dank
ristim . - iwa Specie; Fourth sued, mem
-1,..116 Think of Pl!=. s =ent menet
leaden. made m a‘ ", I La principal points fn Im
United laude. _ .
,- The highest premium paid for F...14 .. ....1 AMetlmir.
Gold. . • ~ - f
Advaneee made on eandmprosolo a( itoduee-, ship.
ped Ear, on liberal term, ~.: -sac Ali
Nio/4 1 0011/plitiar, • '
fiellineldsors. ..rononge; OU -
res. • •
Now Yorlr,! pr die
nilodelphro, Ido Laub - sips, • 3a do
Baltimore, do Sr. LoutN J do
oV:,,o1 BiNdil
ZA? • P:l" °( .. r f W 9'....- .!!°
i4 tVif 4.4 4;; '`` Z 4 ll 4 :r u' Vrit " "% 1 1 . :
mg. Awaoraug, do Now Orleans,
Ilennesne, do Maryland, "do
Bopp. & co., . ta • 11.1. •
. Oct,rr No. 'b MaSOOlt Mori
opal • WHEA:e.iNer,
NAM! U. i o ta
RLL fr4UßßY—Etaiikers 4mM/ie . /angel Maker°,
Deafen in Fureivt snit DOW.E3 tiC Time and sight
Ms of laxchanen,Cpciakeines °CM-panne, tank Notre
a N nq Celiki NO 6,5 Wood Week third &AK Wow Ran°,
13/11i/LS,.I ;; XCHANGt: BLEJNEHN, land Denim.
444 Igo 14 DOM.. Exchnnge, engitsrgen of
lirponno, 'Lank Notes, and Vreeic. No. IN IVood
ono door slams tiourgy Eng age, 11,nalough, '-
11111.1.9 Mu England, Ireland, mut Scotland bought to
II any amount at the Current Rates a Exchange..
Also, Draft* payable la any port of tho OM Countries;
from SI to .lath. at the lade of $0 in the L Sterlinm
without &Unction ca discount, by J,CMIIIIA ROBIN
SON, I..),Operaiimi ticamal Agent, office sth st one
doMt mod of knead.
AU= mammal_ • • Dworman amine ,
la Damp mad Pinsestie Balla at kaehange, Cer-
Mimes of /kposite, flank Notes and Coin, canter of
34 and Wmoil streets, •lintedyappostte St. Charles Ho
tel. ! suutykSdly
T il' lerrl tt i ri ,; ll YDS DS—
. ..
indium, ..
I Ratusemy,
Dumont', ' '.
i Bu ' ilt Notes'
pkil'alonS at the lowest rates, If
N. .1101.MF:t & SON,
. delo l 1.0 Martel Street.
item urk,
Philadelphia, mal '
Cons ll for sale bl N. '
Z. Market at.
etw.viimTioss—Drefin, Notes, and Accepiaa•
ll payabla in any part °idle Onion • callrsted tat
eta utast &ratable terms. N. 1101...11 & SON.
del° 1 , .bb ?darker at
TUE subseriber, in addition to hie wan
Aiu*lfactuflog of Hats,. btu made arranec.a.
meets with Messrs. liebee & Co, (the most
batters of the city of Neil. 'fork.) fora rrg.
uhir supply of his extra fine Silk Hale. and bovine /art
received A few ease!, gentlemen ran be veiled With p
very rich land beautitul oat by culling at his new Hut
and Cap Store, Smithfield street, second door south of
Fiord], where iday be found a great variety of Hats
siud Caps Sf his awn maaufieture, wholemtle sod re.
luil.• Llatu made to tinier dayshort notice.
_ . .
ig"/LJAMF3 WILSON, flat manufacturer, formerly
of corner, of Diamond alley Wood street, begs
scare respectfully to inform his old customers;
friends and the public. that be has opened a - NEW
STORE ,p, Smithfield sireet, second roar :loud. of 1111
street, where a choite assormient of I lab, and Cups and
'Julie. , Fors, as good, neat, fashiounble, nod elmap,aa
any in the city, may be had..
J. W. very cordially mattes his friends and the polo
lie to remember his now location and establishment,
andigtve him, a call as hearty no he intends to meteoric
Merl. i • matOrdlmikoedinS
Iteteccessors to ht'Cord k King) 111111 6
P•hlosaable- Ilsqteri
.in ,1
j Comm o 7
. IVied and Fifth bench:
- ESARTICUIsitit attent i on pall to non Retail Trade.
t Gentlemen can rely upon ',cuing their Hats and
Caps front our establishment of the WS? annuals nod
broitsosviiiitr, of the UZler amen, and at the Low...
Count 4 Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully inched to mill end examine oar Stock; .sts
we min any with confidence that LIA regards lyceum
and MCI; it will not sutler in a creepuison with any
bourn in relatlelphia. . •febl7
Faaldoisable Hit mod Cap 31.z...factory.
A°FORGE tl. nequttrrz, It;ent. respectfully
informs - las friends nod the public generally
thef hu 'oetremareeneed the caromfacturo of Hum
cod er sp No. 33 Wood streeti one door above the
corn oOecond, where he hos now 60 baud a fine
assortment of Hats and Caps °this own' muntlfeciuro,
which hchrill dispose of on themost reasonable. Mims,
wt:dem:4 and retail, for =Own city acaeptanee.
How made to nnlor at the shmAnsilsultee. apahatt
! DEAL' RS • aro invited to extuidnis IL 11.
riL.MEICS atoelr of Smati. Goode, of the
_style. composed in parr . ol
PONNl:tti—Florenee Erdal; Mo
ldable do; American do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do;
Rutland do; French Lace - nab)" Wrap, d.c..k0..
HAT:Ad-Leghorn, PahriLoof: Panama, Fancy Sumw,
'do Ilmio Rutland Braid. Pada.Pdoi - ;
Aho:Airtificird Flowers, Biblante,' ‘Stiltaf Darn
net Warebonao. 05 market at, •
- ,prin . g Push V 11, hr 1848. --
i , n 1
m.„ 1 ,0R ,k. C . 0.,
• q . wrt scam> ,t, xiso.) wvinats,
A. ILL intsialana liie Spring Style blitz's dna day,
c V - tiaiurdaydilarell 41.141
'no it iYiends and etIOLO 84.9.
MOrN Ore irciutottoti Of tell and
,Inelloo:lhair Meg of Spripg flats, pin rneeivad from
,-Nmarl Volt, at their store, cooler ofiiik and Waidd 414 -
. _
• •
Apn.iNo STYLE -s,
ertred frout•New Vork,thitryting Style of Hotly
which ho will introduce outiroindoy, Marllth.
Al lUtisidi n want oft .43 and superior Itur, Will pie.,
at No 73, Wood 'Orel, 34 door IlbUye
tr n il* .
.41 Dotigho, Into James - 3lcKsin. The
MOP:cribs., bra removed his llat and Cup 31ano
(new)* to N 0.77 Wm:di-tree!, non rly oppouto lys
old 611141, where be would invite his fnendeand Um
public enerilly to an omorunent of Wits an,rcsps,
which; tor beauty Mill durability 011/13UP Irsurpsuoftl.
• ty m. puvtaass, ‘‘‘..lst.
Masi* Isnred ftent the clot and Cop Manufactory,
1 mast repeetnilly ;recommend the patronage of ray
iriruds aid Line poblie generally to tursaccessm,
(M 411117 4 JAMES MehAIN.
If ALL IPA 11110 N.—S. AlOOl/1.:
4e,VirOnt New fork, the roll style of JIMA whielt
he:will introduce this day, Saturday s Aug. thilh.
All 11a0405 Of PP SWAP 11.11&,r • • - •• •
well UP 00101 No. 73, Wool Mr
aorkti .
JUST leceived (lOW
Stile for hats, P•01.1111all
end 'Whito French Cassino
Those la want of a beautiful,
invited to malt '
• 75 wined Sl-.3 r. above Gl►
Rbllla MOORE, • Wholesale Grocer, 'Recut - 01i
Distiller, dealer le rioduebi Pitbdutret bloutfore
lIAMC iod kinds or Vertigo old Domestic Wines
awl I . 2tduois, Na 1l Liberty street. Ott *ld.rt very
loyo spelt of superior 'old' Alunottgebela arbiekeyi
torluellyill be sold tour fur cello ettl&LY
C o Matt Cto4Wdeq,lusrree'datid
lot Ws le s
by ' ' I.I , IDEXTERit Cu
, ,
NEW CIUNA, otat.ks ttEEssw.t*Ef
• r I • Roam,
BE aabseribers with to 'the
J.that they are now operrinittanew sallarge , stoek,
aQueenroni". Britannia -end rener ,
Goods, tornprisang the latest and, tom . fashionabli pat.,
Fettch China plain and gold-Sand InniterZetli
Stlperior Irou.Stone 7' Dinner
Fltraing bine fa uew panel:try •
• A teat varieiy of Tea Seta, diffetent eaall#s;
'Britannia Breakfast and Tex Sets •." . -
Waiters—a beautiful article ‘•gu uul Cothie, 4 •- • '
• Parlor Lames, (Cornelius, maker;)
us Ware, general assonment.
St aslant owners taut hotel propriemrs are inured:"_'
toes mine our *mammal of rare suitable; kr their
use. •
Country Merehttuts.ean Aral a large stocky:Warne!.
suitable for country sales, which we will .sell or NIP."
tamable prices. • • -•• • •
WI stock-being entirely neve,we feel satisfied ebb-. •
ing able to pliers aU who may favor • us with their eat,-
toga! funi:alif&urt j • GILL GETTY.
tr. s: into, Redford, Pa. tuna mooawnaix, Indiana,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, Pbtarardinn and Coin- . •
tniation Merchants, and dealers in Pnaduce and
Pin4balgtx Manniantares comer or thellimond and..
Diamond alley, Pnbtugg. • . _ .
Rarrarsm—Dr. P.
• ' ,
• Richard Band, • - . . 7 .
lion. Amliottisoll, 2 .
,• ' _ • Drum. a.
I • Ph".l'46sL
ns, Leanstann;Pa.
•J. Reamer, • • •
• . J. Dougherty; .
Blulhallan k Ray, Mai rani -;
REIM itousg..raus 4 : 7
lIS eitderaning thorongh .trpair, and will
oee of the handsomest and Wm thestished - Ilthels
this section of the Vaned States.
• It. capacity will be ample to accommodate, comfort:
elan - every, large number of game,. The rooms are,
large, moll ventilated, and arra r ati titt suit 'families or
The ptoprimor
mine d
drat it shall sot be .sr.
passed ht the requital.' of comfort and etilleentee..
sobs en the budit of public but an apporlaulty
neu ter. ing the sincerely of his disposition in
'neu Without wishing to o ff er unmeanintbout in
advance, be would -say to one. and etll, 4 lpre me
A Hack le kept la r cenist:me readinen m centrum...
seaters to sad firm the steamboat' landlint-free
.charev. tap Gs ]
_____. IVA!. YARD. ; •
NEW DREG 112.01tE.
BB subscriber ygpuld respectfully naontte that he
lies opened a nem retail Drug Surrei an this center
of Fourth end Smithfield streets. •
Believing that ibewents eras exteraireendation
east of Southfield.street will justify Wm, he as spared
no expense in fitting, up the estehltslament, and u de
termined to keep no articles but thous retie best andi
u•—of undoubted purity and genuineness. • . •
A fun assortment of Medicines, Perfumery led arti
cles assail kept in an establisluaeut Of die:nal,
Having his dwelling in the mitic rif o t,
calls will - be attended to personally. • -
The business will be continuoikai heretefore„-at 'this
old surd on Market !street , • .
ere:date •L. . • Sirit,Co7., 7a:,
Nosiessahols. "Tallortai . Estigb.
Usl i gzeut n . d •
',l. S talm a i:!te chin 18
Pitts P b e a r rg ' it sad: ndflor !Mt :s
-ll now opening at his roan. on Smithlield'•itmet, un
derßie above Hine, a huge and s, eantdd assortment
ofClathaCessimeres,Sathuy Silk and other W
together with sorb other uncles es are • remtired " V
geustlemen'a wear.. ills goods have been eaten Ily
leeted, and are of the newest and.tmet fashionable
style, as well an : of sopesior quaray.. ensuieners
-may depend upon buying their elothes made sip la a
mina,* whirls cannot fad to gtatift the taste of she
:moat fastidious.
Diastonv.ils, e
els Ifrigattz coispar
13 10 ezie w ri ' d im " pro!gnient .frorg im r=ville to
the State LUC, at the fallowing times and plaees,srifint
Zraet u v n i, l4 F . rn ' s * lle a l a ns troe
Wed, Brownsvine:Washit . mt ' on co, on untiat Jane,
rhtsborgh, lot the.Exehangeflank,) on the ittkituset
and to remain open at the last mentioned
otherwiie directoL By orderer dießeard of re-
B — ,
OO win be opened at the dike of the Treasurer
KS .
of Um Alonengatialn Naiription Company, a t the
Exchange Dank, is the city of Pittsburgh, on:the
day of May-next, ta receive solmeriptiona of Stock mg—
dem* to p ay .debt Mooned in the tonmattedon of
acid improvement. By order of the
opelm.l_ Win. ITAIMIVELL,..See'y.
Claremont:as Tkeeoawnwistaffi •
jf 73 Beckman street, I".—h cleanses the lungs,
yurifte•the bliad, relieves pains cures 41ilikillt
'g, by promoting expectoration, 'streiigatens the syil
rem, and Is it remain ,cure forcoughs.. I have 4. . •
for years in mym
pe al
ice, and ways with seccesa
Mrs. Martin, a wonky member of my congregation,
was taken iU some time since with- a cold,. pant in the -
brrast..4l same difficulty cif breathing and arrow
days thereafter, she had a violent cough ,
and martin
side, which no medicine would:relieve.. Sh e eonfinw.
ed fore lone time ender the medical care Bea r
but finally - becartie 'consumptiee, and was evidently_
near the end of her earthly auffienugtken her brcati ,
er persuaded henna try Dr Taylor's Balsam, of Livers
wort.' When she commenced this medicieuri it did nor
seen to agree with litr far a few dogs, but bylemenlng
the dose. she found it answered ndutirablyl it relieved , •
her. cough end her difficulty of breathing irteranter; and ..
we bad the pleasure of wnstessing bar rapid' recovery
health.' • -
For :six year I suffered with these awful diseases, - .•-•
and Mira my bean I feel for all similarly !Sited, and
I belvof them to try Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort{ :
This medicine c ttre.Lmc when I could not attire to bed.
and was not exper mil in - lire xi week.—yellllllll.trea".
in six weeks by this vegetable medicine.'
II A MABIZ, 100 Ring cL•
medieine is. mneired—Remember the fuel 'kite only
true and genuine is now made at 73 Beekman 111,' by Me • ,'•
original propriety, formerly 373 Bowery., Thin is the'
only article prepared from-the original realm all orb- -
- err are but imitations. -
Sold in Pittsburgh by I D Morgan, 93 Wood's;
Townsend,4s Market fig II Stapler, tor Market and - -
Torts; Ilentlersan & Co, bLiberty st. Price' reduced
to SI3O per bottle. ,
• Ilydropethr.- or the 'Water Care. D ••
OLTOR LIEN.I. W. MORRIS reinroS. his sincerer
J thanks to the crowns of Pittsburgh and Allegheny •
city for 11,e very lateral support and enCOutagroiront
has received within the lase sar. Month, 'Thar the We
i:, cure should aequirc augh celebrity, is' neither
me a n, no, mysterious,when it is considered Ism great
number of catimeof every variety of diseases, burß
twine and chronic; have been cured by n judicious use
of it. In Germany: where it originated, six thousand •
=the wonn ease, that were given up by the meet skit..
ful physicist's of Europe as incurable, were eured br
the nominal Ptiesnitta the founder of the Water Cure.
In England, Ftaueo and America, thousands of hope
less cases have been cue
cured by it. and the numeral=
Ilydroyethic eamblishments nowhi seeertelial open
tricot in the United States, speak volumes in hen 0(11=
practice. •
Or. Morris having permanently established himself
in the city of P'ittsb'urgh, three doors southwest of Ir
win' s alley, on Peon street, , w now prepared to take '
number of boarders andtmat them el hie , beam, and ,
. thorn 'who prefer being Irene,. at their on/nth/tellingly
wilt be punctually end faishfuliy attended. •• Ito leapt=
consulted at bra office from IL o'clock till 72. P. IL, and
from 7 to to in the evening. -
N.• IL—Every variety of baths erode suss of in let
Water odre, both for ladies nod gentlereell, con be
mined at the Atheneum. Do Liberty street r akers they .
lure been recently erected for the express um of fly-'
dropothic patients, and where every attentive will be
given by the polite rind attentive proprietors..' • ,
TO TUE LAD11161;-Chanse
Hair Cream, a matchlese ankle for the .onrwthi
twenty aod. Restoration of the Mak.. , This Creme,
when once known, will mpereesle all other articles of
the kind now used. When the 'hair 'la dead, hush, •
thin, unhealthy, or turning grey,. a Ism applications
will make the hair son and , dark, end give it A beatifal
lively appearance; and will also multi It retain Julius,
Riess and healthy color twice ari long as all the pre.
rations which are generally lased. Every lady, arell
g.,.(1...11 ;who me in the habitornang Ws en that
hair, should at ones purchase a
.balle of the amines*,
Harr Cream, us it is so Composed dint it wil4mat Ware
the hair Ilke th...e other prepanclous,,but well beautify,:
it, and give perfect *miner non itrevery.bistanets;
For tostimonY to its very,superior apralitow, sea Rio -
fallowing letter front Her. Mr. Caldwell, to!Meastai,
Hendershott la Stretch, Nashville, General, ,ihiptnts Oy u
the \Vella,. Slat.:
Letter from the lies. It. Caldwell, pastor of the Pray,
byterian Church, Pidoskl. • ' -
Messrs. liendershott h Stretelentlernent I Saki!
pleasure in eddies my testimony in favor of the excel.,
lent - prepandion called Dr. Irtah's Chinese Unit
Cream-for about two 'years agmray hair wis very'
dty, brinly. and disposed to torn, oat; but hiengi n s,
eared Almon, of the Cream, and used it ace° Its,,
the prescription, my hair is now sat, elastic aad
to the head. • Many•liaburms and Ws meet - applied,
_each leaving my hair in a worse Mato than before,- -
This Creans, - however, has met my expectations. ,
A. an ankle tor the TWin,• my wife pros It prefer.
dnce ore r all others, taus delicately perfameekand not'
isposed to rancidity. The ladies...molar will find_
the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum la Mar prem.
rations for the toilet. Respectfully. to • ••••'
l'ulaski. Jou. 7,191 :.'- ILCALDIVAR,L,
. freffoldwholesale,and retail, in rittsborgh,by Joie&
'rewit,And, N 0.4.7 Matket street, and Joel Mohler
corner oq'Wood and Fifth ,•-•Ri1414
j.J. wort Cough Candy is adored' to the -, p4lic as a '
pleasant and edectivo rusetly for ..s . lts,col6t; L as sos,.
nes., Asthita, rhthicie - .Wbooping. C ough Inflausse . ••
Croup, Sore Throat, Boirshitis: and general affections . -
'of the Chu[ sod /anal... Ili such onus It Is known to
hose afforded decided and perms:Scat tedie4.and frina
'its rapid sale End great success as ssentody for tom"
above dioceses where it lass been tifed, 10. • ,
become one of the roost useful and possdar stalcisos.
It is offered soo, u n pleasant set/era the cOnsucaptiea.
cden unstant to. voulins cut pnblin speadors sea;
TI o mune of the preparation indlentes its
politest, and it 'will Lefound to be by - se. means "--
pleasant to thOlatstand may Le used by chill:iron sod • .
adults with outing impunity. The matenslsakil au(
piepanation see of Ow c is owl it nay
Led so us in every respects 'pore nod genitive undo:
-Vassiliei would ito ,ilotibt put.. astrinonsfort and
hauth Itcopisu'l supply, especially-in 5/11f1501.1011 •,•
This stainable Coicih Candi Is considered iidrostul
sistut to Mothers; teens Supenor
-by /snipers in crution, as ehildrestVl.l WM/ EDDIFA
to cry when this candy a used, except 6r atom. •A Sri) •
ales( this article will consius any pontos Of its owed,
cy und the putouts, theretere rosy ony pecan into
United Sntan, put nee a cheaper,- stow- pleasant, or
Sold wholesale sod octal!, by the General dl.
corner 3d nod marker sts, , Pi a_
Nowa & Co, Proprietors, No CoUeserllal Weal
Purify :rood Mood..
n Ct it Bl t n ctu l ;ttr 2- 71%leas *overtly '
wan* sroaddoup knopliOns in my leg audhad bean •
cur race
wo whs mulct Ow aura of ph , no/
sahl say t wad almost iueuniblu, and My
Inn Hula for nit. . , I was nuatly lidplsws, has odd do
aid, f unite hes einsid - with ildricultk gut oho= ' In
WI, I ourthaval of you, nod tonmenced wing Moo
on.'ll Modaradissis.,., Alio Ow ous 41wolonka, -
odesco! !waling. and! ishi loads say ousel-
au, using only 'ram / diapeauol with my dam, and
dish< cud of dui tooth, was so wet/ es to Shall • ell day
'in:shearing uhdp. lu all, I toed firo book. • The
• aciofula and notes' hose ell twaled up, audyinee tut
c o I have we
no apeal...or do douse, but
have counnued, aid aubrow, an the Meet perfect luddtl4
Lelia eaafiduare. hujundslot Wong way Whoa
dinad itv the ettMe
the doroupatida soldby :
li you, hat beta the woos awl Ow oval nwanaoteoes.
the CUILNEUUS . J. IlDdr-L, •.,
saleWhalesala nod rated, •
car. doiliP mind uta - d also odour wood lidb
do OWTZums. slond4 da paatyd lallan"ityp.
'4o . .vallritairda quabsoli do.utoW - ai,
'val. 17 talani IPMA;fiks-v---,''