„„, „ GROCERIES, `k... I (11141111 , 1EDSVGAR-40 LW vaprnor Ir, Wr NJ family me, Joel received gad far rile by 1 .• JAMLS A BUTCUISON &Ca, • • aplo I Aggro for St Leiria Refinery • T,T s— s r l ' landing (wa g' s ' , curler St Cloud e . nd fOr vale try i LIAGALTIY 0 SMITH SI3OAR-15 Wade prince NO fklicar; 5 born brown Bowmen do;-1 rose DR Laveruttts Loaf dori. 30 Gbh, wearied mall Jo do; 40 bblx embed and pulverised do, for sale by apt - J D WII,I3AMS SUGAR AND 1lCILAS:110-303 bbds N 0 Stine; MP bid. N 0 Molest.; in store and for role try • ap4 . BROlrkt CULBERTKON, 145 likttrty at SAUtERNI: WINIO-5 half Ws now lant!inr, 15 Made and 52 ball bbd! to arrive rota week. These winesltreefmy own iroporiation, direct, and will be .rold gMby i pt() P MARTIN 11WN WINR-0 bneketa Maher; Cron; 0 do Crown Clampagne 'Wines, now landing and tor:sale by a .10 • PC MARTIN BRANP,T;t 2 '!rq;latrr;,;ll;nt'. raar ' d ' Brandy, now vad agnate ny Pe • • ay10; • • - • P C MARTIN ORT WINE—NIqr ealdra Burgundy Port Wine, of &rag =poi - Intim. now Landulg and for *ale" low aplU P C MARTIN . ED I.VRN-4U saas Just reed and foe sale • BROWN & CULBERTSON, .• 145 libelly st PIOa...tSES:44, bids prime N 0 sessived awl 141..1141,y • BROWN &CULBERTSON 110 N-10 bbl. No 1 Salmon, received per emr and for agile by • ' 1111H131111TUS.: WILSON & Co, water T '' ' La. IV( eala by • • WICK a MeCANDLESS TIN —ld blase; Fine, for Gandy u.e.ja et reed auul sale by_ 1914 TikitY APYI - 414—d3 seek• juet ree'd asid icr sale by 1..1 .01 WIQIC GAFF'S_,4I .111prinssylu reed for sale by! •'• • • pl 4, WICK si e. AIeVANDLES.s' .10TTON —ll3 &On per Am. Engle, for gale by , KUL ' 1111 END, MINE &Co rpouncxxl—w, keg* No G T.i.t Tobueo, landing fromumovtl3; Cloud and for solo by' spIC • iAttIitSDAI.ZET.L Q.ALLILLTUB-11 easkr Cleveland Kalerrairs, jun .0 received and fur sale by ;.••111! ' • WICK fr. MeCA?iDLIESS POTASH—YD casks prime for sMe by spH WICK& McCANI LESS ACON-15boxelf Virginia eirea Danis and Sides, B anyr landing and for wile by . apIC . • POINDEXTER& L " ' "l"di'r .yIY I POINDEXTF.Itk Co T .BD lobb for sale LT _Ls . A1c1.0141, BIISLWIFLD &HO WRENCH LAWNS—Two eases beautiful new . stylel: -.Dna Lawns, put re c e ived by . SIIACALEIT &WHITE ''DOTARII-L4leasks prime for sale by • . : oil ,11. : .BIOLIISSIES-40 Lbla S II Mob: hums, Louisi -17. k ,t, xiso.) wvinats, A. ILL intsialana liie Spring Style blitz's dna day, i c V - tiaiurdaydilarell 41.141 'no it iYiends and etIOLO 84.9. MOrN Ore irciutottoti Of tell and ,Inelloo:lhair Meg of Spripg flats, pin rneeivad from ,-Nmarl Volt, at their store, cooler ofiiik and Waidd 414 - . _ • • Apn.iNo STYLE -s, ertred frout•New Vork,thitryting Style of Hotly which ho will introduce outiroindoy, Marllth. Al lUtisidi n want oft .43 and superior Itur, Will pie., at No 73, Wood 'Orel, 34 door IlbUye tr n il* . .41 Dotigho, Into James - 3lcKsin. The MOP:cribs., bra removed his llat and Cup 31ano (new)* to N 0.77 Wm:di-tree!, non rly oppouto lys old 611141, where be would invite his fnendeand Um public enerilly to an omorunent of Wits an,rcsps, which; tor beauty Mill durability 011/13UP Irsurpsuoftl. • ty m. puvtaass, ‘‘‘..lst. Masi* Isnred ftent the clot and Cop Manufactory, 1 mast repeetnilly ;recommend the patronage of ray iriruds aid Line poblie generally to tursaccessm, (M 411117 4 JAMES MehAIN. If ALL IPA 11110 N.—S. AlOOl/1.: 4e,VirOnt New fork, the roll style of JIMA whielt he:will introduce this day, Saturday s Aug. thilh. All 11a0405 Of PP SWAP 11.11&,r • • - •• • well UP 00101 No. 73, Wool Mr aorkti . sinistEttTiFilif JUST leceived (lOW Stile for hats, P•01.1111all end 'Whito French Cassino Those la want of a beautiful, invited to malt ' • 75 wined Sl-.3 r. above Gl► Rbllla MOORE, • Wholesale Grocer, 'Recut - 01i Distiller, dealer le rioduebi Pitbdutret bloutfore lIAMC iod kinds or Vertigo old Domestic Wines awl I . 2tduois, Na 1l Liberty street. Ott *ld.rt very loyo spelt of superior 'old' Alunottgebela arbiekeyi torluellyill be sold tour fur cello ettl&LY C o Matt Cto4Wdeq,lusrree'datid lot Ws le s by ' ' I.I , IDEXTERit Cu • , , EggiUmous. • WWI OW TUB NEW CIUNA, otat.ks ttEEssw.t*Ef • r I • Roam, BE aabseribers with to 'the plume J.that they are now operrinittanew sallarge , stoek, aQueenroni". Britannia -end rener , Goods, tornprisang the latest and, tom . fashionabli pat., Fettch China plain and gold-Sand InniterZetli Stlperior Irou.Stone 7' Dinner Fltraing bine fa uew panel:try • • A teat varieiy of Tea Seta, diffetent eaall#s; 'Britannia Breakfast and Tex Sets •." . - Waiters—a beautiful article ‘•gu uul Cothie, 4 •- • ' • Parlor Lames, (Cornelius, maker;) us Ware, general assonment. St aslant owners taut hotel propriemrs are inured:"_' toes mine our *mammal of rare suitable; kr their use. • Country Merehttuts.ean Aral a large stocky:Warne!. suitable for country sales, which we will .sell or NIP." tamable prices. • • -•• • • WI stock-being entirely neve,we feel satisfied ebb-. • ing able to pliers aU who may favor • us with their eat,- toga! funi:alif&urt j • GILL GETTY. tr. s: into, Redford, Pa. tuna mooawnaix, Indiana, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Pbtarardinn and Coin- . • tniation Merchants, and dealers in Pnaduce and Pin4balgtx Manniantares comer or thellimond and.. Diamond alley, Pnbtugg. • . _ . Rarrarsm—Dr. P. Band, • ' , • Richard Band, • - . . 7 . lion. Amliottisoll, 2 . ,• ' _ • Si.an Drum. a. Ornenabarin.. I • Ph".l'46sL ns, Leanstann;Pa. •J. Reamer, • • • • . J. Dougherty; . Blulhallan k Ray, Mai rani -; REIM itousg..raus 4 : 7 lIS eitderaning thorongh .trpair, and will shottly.be oee of the handsomest and Wm thestished - Ilthels this section of the Vaned States. • It. capacity will be ample to accommodate, comfort: elan - every, large number of game,. The rooms are, large, moll ventilated, and arra r ati titt suit 'families or The ptoprimor dote mine d drat it shall sot be .sr. passed ht the requital.' of comfort and etilleentee.. sobs en the budit of public but an apporlaulty neu ter. ing the sincerely of his disposition in able par, 'neu Without wishing to o ff er unmeanintbout in advance, be would -say to one. and etll, 4 lpre me A Hack le kept la r cenist:me readinen m centrum... seaters to sad firm the steamboat' landlint-free .charev. tap Gs ] _____. IVA!. YARD. ; • • NEW DREG 112.01tE. BB subscriber ygpuld respectfully naontte that he T lies opened a nem retail Drug Surrei an this center of Fourth end Smithfield streets. • Believing that ibewents eras exteraireendation east of Southfield.street will justify Wm, he as spared no expense in fitting, up the estehltslament, and u de termined to keep no articles but thous retie best andi u•—of undoubted purity and genuineness. • . • A fun assortment of Medicines, Perfumery led arti cles assail kept in an establisluaeut Of die:nal, Having his dwelling in the mitic rif o t, calls will - be attended to personally. • - The business will be continuoikai heretefore„-at 'this old surd on Market !street , • . ere:date •L. . • Sirit,Co7., 7a:, Nosiessahols. "Tallortai . Estigb. Usl i gzeut n . d • ',l. S talm a i:!te chin 18 Pitts P b e a r rg ' it sad: ndflor !Mt :s -ll now opening at his roan. on Smithlield'•itmet, un derßie above Hine, a huge and s, eantdd assortment ofClathaCessimeres,Sathuy Silk and other W together with sorb other uncles es are • remtired " V geustlemen'a wear.. ills goods have been eaten Ily leeted, and are of the newest and.tmet fashionable style, as well an : of sopesior quaray.. ensuieners -may depend upon buying their elothes made sip la a mina,* whirls cannot fad to gtatift the taste of she • :moat fastidious. Diastonv.ils, e els Ifrigattz coispar 13 10 ezie w ri ' d im " pro!gnient .frorg im r=ville to the State LUC, at the fallowing times and plaees,srifint Zraet u v n i, l4 F . rn ' s * lle a l a ns troe Wed, Brownsvine:Washit . mt ' on co, on untiat Jane, rhtsborgh, lot the.Exehangeflank,) on the ittkituset and to remain open at the last mentioned otherwiie directoL By orderer dießeard of re- B — , OO win be opened at the dike of the Treasurer KS . of Um Alonengatialn Naiription Company, a t the Exchange Dank, is the city of Pittsburgh, on:the day of May-next, ta receive solmeriptiona of Stock mg— dem* to p ay .debt Mooned in the tonmattedon of acid improvement. By order of the opelm.l_ Win. ITAIMIVELL,..See'y. MEDICAL. Claremont:as Tkeeoawnwistaffi • •TNR. TATLOIt lIALS/A1 OF LIVERWORT, frees jf 73 Beckman street, I".—h cleanses the lungs, yurifte•the bliad, relieves pains cures 41ilikillt lireadt 'g, by promoting expectoration, 'streiigatens the syil rem, and Is it remain ,cure forcoughs.. I have 4. . • for years in mym pe al ice, and ways with seccesa CONSUMPTION CAN SECURED. , Mrs. Martin, a wonky member of my congregation, was taken iU some time since with- a cold,. pant in the - brrast..4l same difficulty cif breathing and arrow days thereafter, she had a violent cough , and martin side, which no medicine would:relieve.. Sh e eonfinw. ed fore lone time ender the medical care Bea r but finally - becartie 'consumptiee 6.ar, and was evidently_ .-- near the end of her earthly auffienugtken her brcati , er persuaded henna try Dr Taylor's Balsam, of Livers wort.' When she commenced this medicieuri it did nor seen to agree with litr far a few dogs, but bylemenlng the dose. she found it answered ndutirablyl it relieved , • her. cough end her difficulty of breathing irteranter; and .. we bad the pleasure of wnstessing bar rapid' recovery health.' • - oiNspurrroN AND LIVERCOMPLAINTCURBD For :six year I suffered with these awful diseases, - .•-• and Mira my bean I feel for all similarly !Sited, and I belvof them to try Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort{ : This medicine c ttre.Lmc when I could not attire to bed. and was not exper mil in - lire xi week.—yellllllll.trea". in six weeks by this vegetable medicine.' II A MABIZ, 100 Ring cL• FINTRAORDINARAICAUTION in purchaslng Min - • medieine is. mneired—Remember the fuel 'kite only true and genuine is now made at 73 Beekman 111,' by Me • ,'• original propriety, formerly 373 Bowery., Thin is the' only article prepared from-the original realm all orb- - - err are but imitations. - Sold in Pittsburgh by I D Morgan, 93 Wood's; Townsend,4s Market fig II Stapler, tor Market and - - Torts; Ilentlersan & Co, bLiberty st. Price' reduced to SI3O per bottle. , • Ilydropethr.- or the 'Water Care. D •• OLTOR LIEN.I. W. MORRIS reinroS. his sincerer J thanks to the crowns of Pittsburgh and Allegheny • city for 11,e very lateral support and enCOutagroiront has received within the lase sar. Month, 'Thar the We i:, cure should aequirc augh celebrity, is' neither me a n, no, mysterious,when it is considered Ism great number of catimeof every variety of diseases, burß twine and chronic; have been cured by n judicious use of it. In Germany: where it originated, six thousand • =the wonn ease, that were given up by the meet skit.. ful physicist's of Europe as incurable, were eured br the nominal Ptiesnitta the founder of the Water Cure. In England, Ftaueo and America, thousands of hope less cases have been cue cured by it. and the numeral= Ilydroyethic eamblishments nowhi seeertelial open tricot in the United States, speak volumes in hen 0(11= practice. • Or. Morris having permanently established himself in the city of P'ittsb'urgh, three doors southwest of Ir win' s alley, on Peon street, , w now prepared to take ' number of boarders andtmat them el hie , beam, and , . thorn 'who prefer being Irene,. at their on/nth/tellingly wilt be punctually end faishfuliy attended. •• Ito leapt= consulted at bra office from IL o'clock till 72. P. IL, and from 7 to to in the evening. - N.• IL—Every variety of baths erode suss of in let Water odre, both for ladies nod gentlereell, con be mined at the Atheneum. Do Liberty street r akers they . lure been recently erected for the express um of fly-' dropothic patients, and where every attentive will be given by the polite rind attentive proprietors..' • , I TO TUE LAD11161;-Chanse Hair Cream, a matchlese ankle for the .onrwthi twenty aod. Restoration of the Mak.. , This Creme, when once known, will mpereesle all other articles of the kind now used. When the 'hair 'la dead, hush, • thin, unhealthy, or turning grey,. a Ism applications will make the hair son and , dark, end give it A beatifal lively appearance; and will also multi It retain Julius, Riess and healthy color twice ari long as all the pre. rations which are generally lased. Every lady, arell g.,.(1...11 ;who me in the habitornang Ws en that hair, should at ones purchase a .balle of the amines*, Harr Cream, us it is so Composed dint it wil4mat Ware the hair Ilke th...e other prepanclous,,but well beautify,: it, and give perfect *miner non itrevery.bistanets; For tostimonY to its very,superior apralitow, sea Rio - fallowing letter front Her. Mr. Caldwell, to!Meastai, Hendershott la Stretch, Nashville, General, ,ihiptnts Oy u the \Vella,. Slat.: Letter from the lies. It. Caldwell, pastor of the Pray, byterian Church, Pidoskl. • ' - Messrs. liendershott h Stretelentlernent I Saki! pleasure in eddies my testimony in favor of the excel., lent - prepandion called Dr. Irtah's Chinese Unit Cream-for about two 'years agmray hair wis very' dty, brinly. and disposed to torn, oat; but hiengi n s, eared Almon, of the Cream, and used it ace° Its,, the prescription, my hair is now sat, elastic aad to the head. • Many•liaburms and Ws meet - applied, _each leaving my hair in a worse Mato than before,- - This Creans, - however, has met my expectations. , A. an ankle tor the TWin,• my wife pros It prefer. dnce ore r all others, taus delicately perfameekand not' isposed to rancidity. The ladies...molar will find_ the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum la Mar prem. rations for the toilet. Respectfully. to • ••••' l'ulaski. Jou. 7,191 :.'- ILCALDIVAR,L, . freffoldwholesale,and retail, in rittsborgh,by Joie& 'rewit,And, N 0.4.7 Matket street, and Joel Mohler corner oq'Wood and Fifth ,•-•Ri1414 T_IOViEE'S IIYGEIAN 1106111/OUNDI 6 LIVES -. j.J. wort Cough Candy is adored' to the -, p4lic as a ' pleasant and edectivo rusetly for ..s . lts,col6t; L as sos,. nes., Asthita, rhthicie - .Wbooping. C ough Inflausse . •• Croup, Sore Throat, Boirshitis: and general affections . - 'of the Chu[ sod /anal... Ili such onus It Is known to hose afforded decided and perms:Scat tedie4.and frina 'its rapid sale End great success as ssentody for tom" above dioceses where it lass been tifed, ilq101:11i.il 10. • , become one of the roost useful and possdar stalcisos. It is offered soo, u n pleasant set/era the cOnsucaptiea. cden unstant to. voulins cut pnblin speadors sea; rafty TI o mune of the preparation indlentes its politest, and it 'will Lefound to be by - se. means "-- pleasant to thOlatstand may Le used by chill:iron sod • . adults with outing impunity. The matenslsakil au( piepanation see of Ow c is owl it nay Led so us in every respects 'pore nod genitive undo: -Vassiliei would ito ,ilotibt put.. astrinonsfort and hauth Itcopisu'l supply, especially-in 5/11f1501.1011 •,• This stainable Coicih Candi Is considered iidrostul sistut to Mothers; teens Supenor -by /snipers in crution, as ehildrestVl.l WM/ EDDIFA to cry when this candy a used, except 6r atom. •A Sri) • ales( this article will consius any pontos Of its owed, cy und the putouts, theretere rosy ony pecan into United Sntan, put nee a cheaper,- stow- pleasant, or Sold wholesale sod octal!, by the General dl. corner 3d nod marker sts, , Pi a_ Nowa & Co, Proprietors, No CoUeserllal Weal Purify :rood Mood.. n Ct it Bl t n ctu l ;ttr 2- 71%leas *overtly ' wan* sroaddoup knopliOns in my leg audhad bean • cur race wo whs mulct Ow aura of ph , no/ sahl say t wad almost iueuniblu, and My Ca do Inn Hula for nit. . , I was nuatly lidplsws, has odd do aid, f unite hes einsid - with ildricultk gut oho= ' In WI, I ourthaval of you, nod tonmenced wing Moo on.'ll Modaradissis.,., Alio Ow ous 41wolonka, - - odesco! !waling. and! ishi loads say ousel- au, using only 'ram / diapeauol with my dam, and dish< cud of dui tooth, was so wet/ es to Shall • ell day 'in:shearing uhdp. lu all, I toed firo book. • The • aciofula and notes' hose ell twaled up, audyinee tut c o I have we no apeal...or do douse, but have counnued, aid aubrow, an the Meet perfect luddtl4 Lelia eaafiduare. hujundslot Wong way Whoa dinad itv the ettMe ire the doroupatida soldby : li you, hat beta the woos awl Ow oval nwanaoteoes. the CUILNEUUS . J. IlDdr-L, •., saleWhalesala nod rated, • car. doiliP mind uta - d also odour wood lidb do OWTZums. slond4 da paatyd lallan"ityp. '4o . .vallritairda quabsoli do.utoW - ai, 'val. 17 talani IPMA;fiks-v---,''