The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 26, 1848, Image 2

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BY rims/vs. 111.0013 JO Co.
-- ;VEI.)'S=AY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1549.
Ativeriselawala and.Babseriptiana la the Nord: Amer
Idea end Caked tams Guest, Philadelphia, received
sad forward ed Insm this othee.
•! ID -1u ;Prisomiit DAILT tharrrrls pabllaked
TirWeekiy, ead Weeklr.—The Asily Bevan
pillar. per anasq-lbs Tri-Vlreekly is Firs Dollars per
amain;oralreakir La Two Dollars par mama, sanksla
earawaly requested the hand in
hew . alron, be . fon SIP. di., and as early in to day as
Coaisoareial Isaqiirance„ponaesth:,, Mar
.!in BIT
.Imports, Mae y ar
Mkets, i.e. are
:Whig Anti•Esseralla Notal
. • commirMSIONER,
. .. ..
. .'THE EASTirrForSandusky city, Detroit, Alhairy.
Bretton and-New Yibir, via the Little Miami and
Mid rivii and Lake Erie Railroads.
, - so *en r .% ilacmg frws Caßelltnat , to
'"The - p bli4 are infamies) that the above route
offers jnd sits,. in point of safety and speed,
1 1 ...
r . above an other route from Cincinnati to the At
- Reis , Ciu s•' l'tmenpra it thin route will arrive
'in New ork from •1 to 11 days quicker than by
' any other route. ..Bouts leave Sandusky for all the
. ,
principal points on the Lake. The Railroad hue
• of: Heals ning in connection with the Ra il road,
„is nom d -of the first clam Boats, and Mr safe:-
- • - ty'aed s I did acoxamcdations are unsurpassel
pO 4 .
. Such is - ke reading of an advertisement we
.' And in the incimeaff press, and we commend it
to the attention of the business men of Pittsburgh.
li, Waa not meant as a jest; but the line. ha. been
'... -,•
established by men who mean to make a profit out
of this newcasinse of trade. A New York bouse
neknowledgred to be 'at the head of the express
. . . .
lansiness has engaged in the adventure and fa il ure
~;, ,
. • . Ana firth of Livingston k Fargo have emit,.
' maid in office in the Henrie House building, and
-- his their Mietiticat to a:Macy goodskby Exams
.:. . Trains, in their own cars to Buffalo, did 'thus se
-, cure*, mead and certainty of the conveyance.—
. A new andsplendid line of steamboats bas been
built exmmei. - if be the railroad pesseugers and
'. -goods between Sandusky and Buffalo. From San
&sky to .Cincinnati, the Mad; River and Little
: Miami road will make the conveyance in 15 hours.
. .• By this means they are enabled, m. convey their
- --goads in three and a teal( days froiti`New York to
- Cincinnati. It is beyond .a doubt' that these fireili
', ties, both' in speed and'. cheapness, will safely in
• ; creme the business on the Northern route; end ma
only this, bat give new and immense advantage to
- merchants in Cincinnati. It is a new link in the
• - great 'chain ,of, means and Improvements, by
which this Centi ro
alDePat df production and corn.
, game draws to itself the business of the West.'
Thu day has passed for internal guarrelsabout
'.• rail Mad mutes. • We. must go to work at once
' " - Sad effect a modern communication,with the west
7.4 the east Rivera and turnpikes are obsolete
:-..`., in eastern travelling, and the city which lies at the
loot of a range of mountains need not expectler
customers to surmount them fur the pleasure of
trading with her. Three and a half days to New
York! It will be done, and we shall find Few tray
'' ORM who WRI be jostled over our mountains on.
. :f. dee - the new 'order of things, The_magaificient
lake boats, the palaces on the Hudson, the ears of
' the Ohio and the New York roads, and above all
. .
the immense stocks of goods in the great comities
• dal capital of the United States will attract the
' wade 'at the expense of Philadelphia merchants.
' 1 Pennsylvania public works, and the, serous Ina of
our citizens.: Saga the Eric Railroad will connect
with the branch from Buffalo, and enable the-three
' "days end a half to be shortened materially and the
' - ex pensee lessened, at
- the same time giving mare
Monfort and' ertainty to the passenger. We want
\ active-sibseriptions ere it is too late. We add a
. • •
sketch of the railroad boniness of Horton, the head
of railroad 'enterprise in the United States, and a
' city of .whieb we may learn much. Had that city
. , oar internal Weahls, sue would not long want WM.
• towable roads over which ber custom Ors could reach
. .
Below will be found n few Lieu in relation to the
railway Ira& of Boston,' a Milne which has mode
trestle mistress of New England and the commer.
~, cial capital of a section of estuary rich in nothing,
but the enterprise of its citizens. The Aim road
if we Mistake not, was onefrom the Quincy gran.
itequarries to CharlestOWn, and used 6r granite
..,.• alone. The icogresOf the system we shall not at.
, . tempt to . tracie, hot_ give the names and selling
.' . pride of the Mocks of mods that centre. them.
'7' -'' , 1- ' ' • Par: - ' .06eitod.. _Asked.
llama & Lowell, 300 =ft 1119 MI
... Ik111(011 & Maim, ," UN 1191 110
Baton & Providence, 100 90 99 .
'• ,: . 8 alert & Worcelaet. 100 110/
Chillie2lo2ftlbritrieh,' 100 115
Comore,/ '", • ' 00 40
, . Caellere, 1 100, 541 00
:.. Coaneelical rirer and Lake •
_ _ Champlain, . 100 90
' . iiitern Lower, Ile/ 1041 len
• • liaitera Upper, ' . 10.1 1051 100
- . Fall River, ! •-- IN/ ~M itei
' .. Fitchburg, : - .
im 1104
0 Colony, .
1151 531 117
','Nashua nod Low ell; 100 . 1111 1.244
•/ N. Bedferler.Tlllllolt, KO 120
,• NOllhenl, i 101 101 • 1011
.1 • - Taunton Mama lint MR
'Western, : Ito tot . ma:.
- What man:conversant with eastern business can
!sato see -that by thin uet work of Mods, Massa
chuseds and ;Boston have dm:in the immense
~ . and profitable trade of New England to them, and
1 : ynade the holders of the stock, the city and the
... " stabs rich. 1 ,
• , . Eater Ilknins where you , will and walk 'around
its margin, and the shrill scream of the looomotive
. whistle greets the ear. • 'Look out for the enuitio
whdetbe riugs,"suluids out before a ;man! at
. were avenue into Boston as pedpably is the skim
key"chkoniciof the mills around our. own city: ,
Cats Leave warms nano '
• Albany, 2 Medford; • . 7
Andover, ; 5 551t0n,
Alba, ; ' 2 Mt. Auburn, 4
Bice 'De '7 New Bedford, 2
Concord Mei • 4 Nalibutyport, 4 .
Concord N 73, • .3 New Haven, 3
Danvers, 6 Newton, L F, 4
. Dedham,' Northair.pton, .2
Dorchester. -; I Pawtucket,
?..!!: - .Pallitivar • • • 4 Plymouth, 3
Itettbargi , , 2 Portland. " 2
+" Fined', N-Ii 2 Porunoutb, 3
.skinsiagbatni . .
.6 Providence, 3
FruhPond, - ;- - 4 Reading, •
." —Gnat" Palls; 3 So. Braintree, ' 2
•.: :33nata6e14 • '• • !"2 Satonville, 2
Hanford„ i 3 Springfield. ' . 3
Malaria: 5 Broughton, 2
Holliston, i 2, Taunton, 2
•-• Lawrence, ; ..5 Troy, N-H 2
,Laxiegtoa, ! 3 Waltham,
• Lebanon, NH, 1 Watertown,. - 4
! 8 Wohori; 5
- • =II' • • 9 'Worcester, '
Fourteen years ago, April 7th, the find Railroad
pain:Ogee eats left Boston Gm Newtown. Now
.• numbers:l' talks completed - end in operation
1 . - 7iiiki-tarfaaineborenta ii 3M—el a cost Of 531,461,-
.11* total receipts, • 55A)1,061
*oaf expenses, • 4/
'Ned income 52,6.56,600, or en average incame of
' •
nearly tight per an:. •
Taal atinabo of miles run, :),.135,939
• Ncoof ptuolrootcra carried in Oars,. . . 5,6:03.r.116
103,03748 f
. Toes of trad'in c,arried in care, 1;769,332
one mile, • 66,107,617,.*1:4iiicif are the facilities of 'city to attract business
sad such are the results. Have the .attemiitsjieen
, aufrintfitt. That they have been, as eight per rent.
'"i. - dividend upon last years work shows most conch,
What an example is hero offered to us,
ana how greedy should we benefit by following
With spoor energies, a course . so full of profit: to
th4Mtpitalista; thelaborer, the city and the State.
- . ..(thsnyillroadsero is our cool pn , n oboe, mid
atesd,,of beeping them bebre the people he
:etiiaefienuts to be to hide them or to hinder their
Construction,! tilde's disputes about routes. Re
member in the Language of the originator of the rail.
soak syriete,that
thie can fleetest horse compare;
; Isle, weight like tiiii4catml or vesselbear.
OM will Mentrierce every way promote,
To.thii lat lolls of commerce grant then:Vote'
ens may: add, a lateral personal sidiscription to
• - • make it MOM' ellectuaL , .
„ .
P.13.-r-Since wrting theabovevre have received
the "NeF - yorh Commercial Ail!erthiecof Saturday
which ssils*lVe ere under Obliestionsto-Me,.
• 'itts yivirisaniln & Faigo,i;; Ciaclniudi meia ill
siaS4riceof the mall.". ~Who does not say the :Imo
Eine . Cotiir-The wader: ig - 10 be let into tha
Frii:Oflrelttric) osiial.6ii the Ipl.dij or May.
-Ws bare tran.tavared withimpy of an ont
iola delivered/II Cineisulth by Tiscic, , thr Walker oa
the .iiie ana.sluricter or John' l'itgoer
portziam ]iswa.
The r igiwibriditebi the Acadia is fullof fear
ful furelsodinge fir the future peace of Europe, ev
ery portioe of 'which seems is a' state of complete
conalxution. Where or when the revolution, so sud
denly commenced by France, is to end, requires
more than human Sagacity to determine. The news
received byeach successive steamer only smells our
doubti, and involves in greater mystery the Late
of the , entire Continent. 'l3y the lass accounts the
aspect of affairs iifEogland look extremely
and we are prepared to heir, by the coming strata
er, that a revolution has broken out both in Eng
land and Ireland..
Should this be the cass,we must prepare to bear
of mud the mint bloody revolutions the earth bas
ever witnessed. It will be the last fight of monist.
chy urpreserve its power, and it will be only yield•
ed after.a malt despirate and sangoinnry struggle.
The letter which we annex,frorn the able cones.
pondent (.411W-New York Tribune, dated at Lon
don, gives' a vivid foreshadowing of the dangers
by which that Government is at present surround
ed; and we commend it to the careful perusal of
our readers. Should a revolution take place in
England, we may expect unmediately oiler its an
nouncement, on this side of the water, to hear that
Canada and the other North American Provinces
of Great Britain have thrown off their allegiance
and Proclaimed themselves Independent. Under
airy state of things, we believe that sooner or later
this will be the case; but we have no doubt the
present state of thing. in England will tend to has
the establishment of a new Republic on this
Continent. As regards the probable effects of sush
an event so far as we are concerned, we are not
prepared to say; but it is for us to pause and re
I fleet well open our position, and to prepare foe any
contingencies which may arise, calculated in any
manner to affect us.
A :revolution in England, it cannot be denied,
would have a most embarrassing influence upon
our commercial interests. as it would unquestiona
-Ily cause a suspension and &demo( all the great
commercial and manufacturing establishments of
that country. Fortunately for us, we are indebted
to Europe; instead of their being indebted to us;—
but the suspension of the demand for our cotton,
tobacco, and other staples, would operate moat se•
riously upon our prospects, and cause great em.
barrassment. It becomes us, therefore, to pursue,
in ell our transactions, a most prudent course, and
lo be prepared in time, in ease the storm. should
come, for whatever results it may bring with it.
Brltaln aad Ireland.
Correspondence of the New York Tribune.
rutoos, San:Way, April'', ISIS.
This great and astounding Revolution of the
Nineteenth Century•—which foil upon Europe like
a. dash of lightning—progresses with such rapidity
that it is quite impossible to follow it. The mind
is pushed onward, day after day. and dazzled by
so Jowly now events that it cannot look back to
examine and speculate upon the past. These
events are now Inc near to be fully comprehended
or. appreciated by the upper classes of Englund.
who fully believe, or, at least earnestly hope, that a
Bourbon will, before many months elapse, rule is
France! It was the sodden overthrow of the king,
tbeihrone and the dynasty, that bewildered the
and it has not yet recovered from the shock,
or thq successive ones that so soon followed. Bin
while the people of Europe, from Austria and
Prussia to Poland and Italy, are obtaining their just
rights by standing together and marching through
human blood, it is astonishing that the Prime Min
ister of England and his advisers are so foolishly
blind as not-to discern therevolutionary hurricane
that will most assuredly sweep over Great Britain'
Yet, in the House of Parliament every proposed
measure of reform for" the people to met with
• pooh! pooh!" a laugh,' or 'great laughter!' It is
the same with every proposition that comes from
Ireland. It is received here with conic:opt, or 'gen.
eml laughter.' If the members of Parliament who
thus laugh at Irish schemes, or Chartist movements
could but hear one half that is daily nursed hy
poor but deteimined men, who represent not tens
but hundred• of thousands, they would not treat so
indirThrently or conteinputoudy their recent move.
meats or petitions. The wealthy and aristocratic
members, an well as the whole country, ropy son
hear the significant words which told with such
brilliant effect in France only one month since—it
is too later Yes, hundreds of thousands do not
now conceal their plans of Reform, which are call.
ed seditious or treasurable by the aristocracy, who
fastened the chained:at bind the millions.
These plans to overthrow this Govertunent—for
politics are now considered "a mockery• and
farce—are boldly avowed, and with a determin.
lion this alarms the mons...moderate chews Fur
months—ay, years—these plans have Leen in em.
bryo, but now• they are published to the world. In
less than three months--perhaps in one month—
opposition of the most powerful kind against the
Government 101 manife-t itself. It will appear
first in Ireland,.and it w :I be aii'opposilion deter
mined and fierce, and end in the loss of many lives.
It will spread through England, sad no person can
now tell what wilibe its end.
The Chautista of England can muster in the me
tropolis, at day's notice, 300,000 able lrodied and
boht:men. The Repealer!, in Deland can find, at
any hour of the day or night, in the City of Dublin,
IL like' number, all armed with muskets or pikes'—
It le a well. knownfact, the it has been openly de.
elare4 that many police men and soldier. have al
ready fraternised with the masses—secretly, come;
openly, others. The standing arms of England
and Leland in 'Tag Prion..' Every soldier is
from and bekinging to the people. But admitting
that the soldiers obey orders, and fire upon the
people, can tee, or twenty, or even fifty thousand
resist those two or three hundred thousand stalwart,
starving, determined men, equally well armed,
fighting kir their just rights, and who have solemn
ly morn that they will obtain them; lit the conse
quences be what they may? At this critical MC.
merit these are solemn queitious, and, unless some
great concessions arespeedily granted, concession s
will finally be obtained, by the blood reale people!
This, at present, is the ultimatum. The aristocra
tic journalist, phut up in his magnificent and lout.
thous study, cannot see this, nor know it, fur he
does not go out and condescend to mingle with the
people, and consequently he ridicules the move-
ments of the messes, as he did in Februnry; on the
very day that the King-of the French fled from his
palace and his throne! But I have passed hours
sad days among them, spoken my own sentiments
to them, and
„watched their enthusiasm and deter
mination. dam free to confess, that, judging from
close obaervation, lien: that very soon notch blood
will be sled in England and Ireland; and this the
leaders-of the popular movement acknowledge,
nod say that they are ready to kill in the first ranka,
the they know that boll will he showered upon
them at the onset. The people, however, will Int
umphat last.
At n recent meeting of the Irish
in Dublin, speeches were made, and resolutions
pawed, in which rebellion was openly recommend
ed. Mr. Duffy, of Me. /Varian, proposed a resolu
tion terthe effect that the Counsel adopted the prio
ciples contained in the prosecuted speed.. of
O'Brien, Meagher and Mitchell, and they were de.
termined to drive the Green Banner of 100,010 No.
tional Guards through the indictment.
Another resolution proposed the speedy organi
zation and arming of a National Guard, composed
of all sects and religionists- Mr. Reilly spoke in
laver of this resolution, and said that they should
open the jails with pole-axes and crowbar. Ile
then spoke of barricades, rifles, pikes sad powder,
and his speech was hailed with enthusiasm.
Mr. Mitchell,.of the United Irishmen, said that
three week s ago be called on them to "Hesitater,"
hut now asked them to "Arm; _Arm!" lie was
sick of talking and writing. He conjured them, in
God'. name; to get guns; and those who could not
aced to purchase a rifle must provide himself with
a Dike. ..You most-all have arms,and be ready
to turn out." The GiovArnment tould have no
trouble in procuring evidence against him, (Mr.
Mitchell,) Tor he would mind by everything that
he had written, published or spoken. He acknow.
ledged that the prosecuted articles were "sedition.
libels." He intended to commit . high treason.—
"Be prepared to rise. There is no need to name
the day nowbut on en. early day or night; be
.prepared to smash through that,eastle, and tear
dawn the colon flag thatinsults our city.". Loud
cheers followed, with cries of "We will! We will"'
Mr. Mitchell declared that there should be no red
for hint, untio he saw Ireland a "free Republic"—
Tremendous' cheers followed.
It is impoitant, to examine the sentiments of the
more hlaml English. journals., and the Daily
Neterstends in the foremost rank, with and for the
mane. In an article upon Ireland, it says that
the Irish demand for Ireland .n I'arliament of her
own." "Right or wrong, such is the conviction of
rightor wrong, such a conviction is it pre/2-
neat fact, which ought not lightly to be disregard.
ed. It is curbs call the cry for Repeal absurd
and nbortive. The cry may be we but what is
causer . --quiperial misrule and neglect." Aeon
redly the 'wenn' system of legislation for Ireland
cannot be changed too noon."
The Observer of the 26th nays: 0 10 it pnisible
that England can remain untouched by the ingu.
a . m .. th a t are now abroad! or that those who 1.06
usa the power of the State and administer the Gov
lentment• of the people* cat continue to cling to
those abuses of her Institutions, those oppressions,
which have grown up out of yearn of peace and
plenty to fester and canker the general welfare of
the community?" The Mara, gam; on to ninturk
that while the whole Comment of Europe is in
one blaze, the Legislature of England is imposing
new tams kw lame of year; adjudicating upon the
petty eorruptions of some of its ova members
.squabbling over individuaLinterests; doing every•
thing, to abort; but the one Alaing name eL .Fero
fiddled while }tome was berm& • . •
The manner in which a petiton, calling for cer
Min rifinvor,. was received- by the lioune of Com
mons • on the 29th, In a mire serious affair than
reembentof Partin ae:it are aware of, er rise would
itotat this critical moment, hive it with
derision. Mr. Watley presented the petition of
Ear. Mr. Beale of Eaton Squire, a eleetymeff
of.the Church of England. The petitioner stated
that the 'country was in a moat critical state, and
Mathis mama were liable to be roused into action
to seek for. what ,they considered likely to he
beneficial to them—that indiacribahle ppooverty and
wretchedness existed among the t one
of the canoes of disonnteatwasthe defective char
acter of the zepreeentatinn_ofaAri t people in the
House of Commons, and thou every publ i. omen at
toms or abroad was reserved for and filled by the
scioasetUreilthy families. The petitioner there;
kite payed for the establishment of universal Suf.
frageohat i Church property should he applied to
the reduction of the national . debt i s that all sine;
cures, gratuities nod pensions, should be abolished
creept fiserneritorimm services; he prayed for the
reduction of the army and taxation—abolition of
the laws of entail and primogenittne; the separa
tion of Church and state, and the abolition of the
House of Lords.- (Laughter.)
.Tbe latter clause gave great offence, nod the
petition was at first refused a place upon the table.
This led to an animated conversation. Mr. Hume
in oppositton to Sir R. H. Inglis, said that no mem.
bee cools] object to it 'petition being brought up.—
After much talk Mr. Walley read stain the objec ,
tionable passages of the . petition. The final prayer
was that 'the petitioner desired to ace all these
measures passed, as he believed the condition of
is country to be such, that utiless they are
adopted o convulsion Must ensue which will bring
in one common ruin all establishments which are
now the envy of foreigners, but a 'continual source
of evil to this nation." I During the reading, sever.
al members laughed.
Mr. Hume nod Mr. Walley the the reception of
the petition and Sir Roberrlnglis,Sir George Grey
and Sir JaMes Grahani, against it, spoke and cross
tired Mr! Hume said it was the duty of the House
to receive .every petitiOn that was sent iu it. This
petition was not signed by an ignorant Chartist,
but a gentleman who had gone through the Uni
versity, and was uow i clergyman of the Church
of England. Sir J. Grisham said it was moan.*
ent with their loyalty totheir Sovereign to receive a
petition seeking kir the abolition of the kingly Gov
ernment, and the sub4itution of • Republic. Mr.
Bright wan in favor of the reception of the petition,
, and he considered it of enormous importance that
the House should not take a false step on the pm.
sent °cession. Mr. O'Connell said that any per.
son could legally eipress au opinion that the House
of Lords ought to be gbnlished. Dr. Bowring was
of the same opinion. Bethought the petition ought
to tie received. Mr. jtValiley said that be agreed
in a great measure with the prayer of the petition,
but did not agree with that part which minted to
the House of Lords. l But he hoped that he should
not have mother petition to present, because he
thought that there was not the slightest good to
sending petitions to that !louse, as they met with
no attention whatever. Alter some Luther re
marks from members; the petition was ordered to
lie upon the table. •
. .
The great body of Chartists intend to present a
petition to the HOU of Commons ou the tOth of
April, calling Ott The Chtuter." At n recent large
meeting of Chartists in London, it won stated that
when their petition-, was presented (aim two to
three hundred thousand Chartists would walk to
the House of Commas. One speaker said it was
all mockery and a farce to !minion at all, as they
very well. knew that the Government would never
grant the Peoples! Charter, and , therefore just one
hour ought to be amMinted Mr the House of Com
mons to consider their petition. If they said "No,"
then 100,000 .persowi would forme compact body,
understand each other by signs, unite in a poxer
lion, and upset the Government! (Great sensation
was manifested at this proposition.)
Another :pecker rayed that the military had al.
ready fraternized, as its France, with the People,
and that they were not so much to be dreaded an'
was generally supposed. It was a well-known
fact that eighteen tirenadier Guards had this ve
ry week signed the, Chartist petition. Ile had
addressed tens of theusands of their fellow work
men in the provincial towns, and they had ta-
Len an oath, that if a blow Nrnm struck at the
•'monster procession," on the loth. by the "
ions of the Governtnent," they would strike back
Mr. Fearris Orannor's motion, which lie in
nded to bring for Word when he presented th.
Chartist petition. wa's laughed at by the House of
Commons; but phe Chartists remind each other
that a motion of °alba Ltarroes was treated in
it similar way by Guizot and the French Chao
hers, and they keriw the result.
The Rub, Nemi, referring to the present Go
eminent of France; which is ameliorating the en
. - - -
dition of the lowed nod laboring clone o, remarka,
that it is the sante hind of Government which
Fearigon O'Connor' recommends in England. and
which is, moreover, hailed and looked to by a
far larger anus of Engkshmen than our public
press will admit, or than the upper ellooes seem
to be aware of." In the name Journal of March
29, the House. of Lords is attacked in a leading
article, and great retbrias are recommended.—
for instance,. the Nev., nays that the electoral
franchise should be extended, small constant.
es .. &Me away with, the ballot adopted, and, in
short, the reform of the Legislature.
The Government will soon find that the voice of
the people cannot' be stilled by " ;isili.poolts" and
"laughter—great laughter," as it has more than
once attempted Mille Houses of Parliament. The
Doily .iVries reminds Ministers that -the tone in
which nil prooornls for reduction of military and
nasal expenditures are pcuh-poohed in the House
of Commons is calculated to canna great irritation
in the Provincial seats offsonmerce and inanufais
terns", Again, , tbough three districts may nut
have much intluesiee in the political coteries of the
metropolis, the Reiman bill and Anti-ConsLAw 110.
Unions show their influence in the country."
Ou Tuesday the 29tli, hlr.o'ConiselL in the House
of Comruons, gaVe runim that on the I lilt of April
MrO . ConueLl, M.P. go Limerick, would move for
leave to bring in a bill to repeal the Legislative
Union between England and Ireland. The Mom.
taught& Laughed, while every Irishman w.
it that time securing a pike ten feet long 17,r the
purpose ofresistinglltitish soldiers, and while every
Iristorian was swearing to use that pike agailist
As I shall write, by the steamer Acadia on the
ith inst. and,. documents sent by her will praw
lily mat+ you even before this letter, I will not now
refer to the pnesent state of Etmrpe. •• '
compelled to mail this letter to day, m the
General post Office of Lombcu is not open on Sun-
d' Tbe new, steamer America will leave Liverpool
f.or New York on the 15th inst and by her yon may
expeCt to reccive'.ine very important news front
Enclan - d and Irchiad.
Your very obedient servant, I'.
row e tqco
P.P v .— en! ve t rp;lratmesit[lLYigtiot
The Ex:Royal Family of F •
[From the Loudon Poo, Apo! 1.1
The Count and Counters of Nightly, with the
members of thier family circle, remain in the strict.
eat refinement at Claremont. Nothing can possubly
exceed the plain unostentatious manner in which
the hOuseholil is mitered, the mod - tigiel economy
being observableiin all its arrangements.
Yesterday their royal highnesses the Duke Ale
Nemours, the Duke' and 'Duchess d'Aumale,
and the Prince and Princess de .Thinville,rante to
town , to pay, a rig to her Majesty at Buckingham.
Palace. Their royal highnesses returned to Uwe.
wont at live o'clock.
The Count de Neuilly has been in town more
than once during the past week. On Tuesday last
the illustrious exile called at Backinghatn'Palace,
to make inquires after her Majesty's health. The
Duke de Nemours comes to town occasionally,
and during his recent visits has called on his royal
relative, Prince . Leopold of Naples, his excellency
the Belgian ?Annie. and several others.
The Count de:4arnoc remains in Close attendance
upon the ex.king, visiting Claremont fiequently.—
The Belgian Minister has also paid his respects to
the count several times lately.
The Count and Countess de Neuilly.rlove their
arrnal at Claremont, have received visas from a
great number of, their old and penonsl friends.—
Os Thursday the Prince and Princes de Beeline
arrived from Paris expressly to pay a visit to the
A great many servants attached to the expayal
household have fullosvedtheir late illustrious mas
ter to England and presented themselves at Chu.
mont; but the with one of two exceptions,
has been necesmrilly compelled to decline their
proffered service.
The princes and priticenes of the family frequent
ly walk in the neighborhood of Claremont. They
are invaribly received with every degree of emir
tear and respect by the inhabitants of the di met.
and much aympathy appears to be hilt for their tall.
en fortunes.
The count and counters go out very little. The
count generally 'rides in a close carriage on his
way toand frunilherailway gallon, and evidently
studies to avoid the appearance of any display.
With reference to the finnces of the family,we are
sorry to learn that they air at a very low ebb. Up
to the present time the ex-king has received no in
timelier, from the provisional government as to the
future disprwal of his own private property, in
France, and as this iv all' the family hove to rely
upon the their stlpport, of course great anxiety is
felt on that subject. M. Lamartine, in conversation
with friends of the ex-king, has invuribly express.
ed, as we have reason to know, the best intentions
toward the fallen' monoreh; lint at present all ie un.
certainly es to the result,md, us elated einm. the
establishment at Claremont is accordingly kept on
the lowest possible reale.
• The following 'aro the names of the gentlemen
who hare made themselves voluntarily exiles with
the ex-king, and•who remnin with the family at
Claremont—General Ue ltumigny, General Dit.
Ines, Generld fflloodetot, M. Vutont, the ex.king's
librarian, and Dr. l'itmch, ily:wino to the exiled
family. The Countess Motitjuie remains in mum
dance on the ex.queen.
The Duke and: Duchess Augustus, of Saxe Co.
burg, are it In understood, gone direct to 'Gotha, they will shortly proceed to llatigary.
The latest .111ln account. announce that the
Duke and Duel de Muntperwier had 101 l Rotten
dam for Spain.
Not the least to be in connection with the
exiles, arc the-male and female mien
dints who fled with theMetnbers of the ex-royal.
filthily (rum the , Tailerica. Many of these had
been in the service kw 'year., during which time
they had, of course, amassed considerable proper
ty, in presents, and other things., of which not the
•altiO of a single sliver wee saved by any one
of them.
Csvractu.sts. , —An English 'agricultural paper
gives the following teethed of destroying catterpil
lam, which wan, accidentally discovered, and . is
practised' y a gardener near Glasgow. A piece or
woollen - rag had been blown by the wind into
currant bush, and when liken out wan bond cov
ered by the leardevottrism. insects. Taking the
hint, lie immediately placed pieces of woollen
cloth in every bush in his' garden, and hound the
next day that the catierpillars 'had universally. ta
ken to them far shelter. In thin way be destroys
Imlay thousands every morning.
We see it stated that at n soiree recently held
in Manchester, the following Wait' was given from
the chair, and; enthusiastiCally iesponded" to.
"The United States of America, the cheapest gov
erned country in the r world; this institutions of
which, based on the sovereign will dale people,
we highly admlrn.''
Main' ll'ar rot Cuero.? !--The Post nays
that anew 'Laundry was pot in operation in Clarion:
on the Ilthinstant--bising the third established in
that p hwy. We pity the unintunatefountier,who
have Invested their money in such nu undertaking!
"They on never be kept in operation at a profit
that will repay their ownerie .The tarigtbatnow
eats out our vitala,. mops all ire manufactories;
throws all our workmen oat of employment; and
renders our beloved country a desert, must be
working most horribly, when so many new menu.
Meowing establishments are springing up!
This foundry, we fear; will not quite demonstrate)
the benefits of the tariff of lOU to our home lobo!
rem and iron masters. What is the profit of
iron cat
ing a few n pots and phiuglisharee, compared t,
the profit of maLing the fallowing iron, -which reacts
cd New York on Saturday last.
2,151 bars of Railway Iron, and
tl2r, tons oldie same; .
! :PIO tons of Pig Iron,
. 4 , 38 bundles of Iron,
besides two cargoes, the details of which are not
given. See how the figures tracer, how they fall
I in one week. lark at them, they are full of inter
est to the people of this State.
Pig, Enghall it. South, V3",50 $23,51*30
Pig, American No. 1, 30233 . 2,50
•• •• Common, 5a5120,00 213e1,50
Englishbar, Common, 65 , :d67.50 $1,i0,00 !!
• Five bollara a too in one week on leirs,:til
three dollars and seventy-five cent, on the le ,
iron in one week! No argument can expit
each to
away the fact that each of iron imported, •
eludes from consumption a tun of home mode. It
ebeata Ike Intoner out oldie mean. of citlihitenee.
chrote the farmer out of the solo of sn
amount of produce nearly equal in value fu the
worth of the iron imported, far iron in nosh.
in; but labor. It takes from the countrytnillime,
of dollars that should be kept at home. Eva the
figures shove given, do nut show the whole Jr-
cline in New. York far the wed:. The Shipping
LWI of the 22d, says 'The demorid kir No.l Scotch
Pig continues good. and sales tire conking at 824;
1506225, C 2311, to S2Vet - 27, G mos." Lei the work•
ing man look at the operation of a democratic tariff.
Out upon such swindling laws. and shame II
those who msde them. l'enncylaani .11 ,must hoe
a change, nod the sooner the hotter. We :ha
soon need no preventative for smoke from our
furnaces, at these prices Cr foreign iron. '•
Local Intelligence
Proceeding, Its Connell
MONDAY, April 240, 1345.
Council met—Pre.ent, Arrrodrong,
Black, Cunntogliam Hartley, Kent, Leonard, Li,
Painter, Porter, Roggen, Sawyer, &hatter, Scott,
South, Sumple, SIOTICt, Von Peunnhorst, WlLau,
and Pre,.lent.
Mr. %Pa'son pre.ented a petition from Robert
M'Keever, asking to he allowed to erect a fire
Plug. Read mot referred to the Water Commit
tee, with power to net. Sent io S. C.
Report id' the Sperial Collmetice, relative (Ai Du.
quesne Way, together with ao Ordinance on same
subject, which hail town ordered to he published
by the S. C., at o previous meeting, was taken up.
and order concurred in. (Sec another column.)
Supplement to an Orditinnrc relative to
queen.. War! passed ['Olt June, 150--which pas
ted the S. C. un the 10th in.tant, was oho rJortit.
red in.
Mr. Von 13onnhort preNented n petition from F.
A. Sehobebleiter. 'lead and referred to tbe Corn.
:n Wooden Nodding--,ent to S. C.
Mr. A/nye/one made report from the co.en or
t2.4etterence 00 the Ordnance evtalolialeng and fix.
ing the aratlee in the rAii, id,, `Rh, nod 7th Wwrds
of the Cay—stattng that they had eczreed to rider
/he sane to the corn. on 'edrcet.., &c, which tone
Sawyer att.,' a temnintion directing an
expenditure ni t.ix hundred thal , ars on Pennerlua
nut Avenue. Read three tune-sand udogletl--...cut
C. Adpurned.
The balance of the proceeding. will la given
Public Meeting.
Pursuant to adjournment, the citizens of the
fah, 'Ali and tith Ward. et Pittsburgh, met at the
time and place appointed.
After the tneeting wasorganized, the cc - quinines
app oiniect at the last mecong, to prepare a incinsti
al to (:oitneilcs—rgpreacive of the wants of the
citizens, in regard to the erection of additionitt
Water Works, and containing such facts, erste:arias
and suggestions, no may eshibit the impedance cf
the improvement, and the policy of its irtimeditie
construction.--submitted through their ch s i rn , a ,,,
a draft of a memorial; which was read and unimi
monsly adopted.
On motion, it was
ResolcsJ. That inasmuch as there has not born
a dissenting scrim to the memorial, it he higneti' by
the Officers of thta.Mletia6; and laid4teCam,Giou •
cils, as the prayer of the eirixens of the 61h,Ith
and Sib Wants, inianimously expressed.
Readied. That our Members of the Select and
Common Councils be, nod they are hereby instruct
ed to um ell taus/ruble efforts to obtain the deser-
ed inipniveinent; and to advocate the inirricibate
necessity of the adoption of niessares to accam.
phah it, in eumphatum will. the tug/talents ,ses
forth iu our memorial.
The meeting was addressed by a number:Ml
gentlemen, on the vital importanreto Ihtistniryitul
the inipmeement, and many arionomis were
•ilJneed to show ita effect on the roger.. and
prosperity td the city.
On motion, the inertia; adjourned, to be cons toe
ad again by the Oillecrs.should the action cf Chou.
eils render such a course necessary.
lissto D. Baum%
WPC M. ZiLll,l7l.
01110 AM/ PiNNSYLVViII RAM Roan.—The
lion will lie held Go Diiectors elf the 17th May.
at Salem, 0. and we hope the PittsbunglaStock rill
be fully represented, and nu measurer award to
secure efficient men to manage the Rad; Stone
complaints have been made of the basin In which
the subscrition books were hurried tlitl'auglr the
country, thereby preventing many protons
subscribing. So fur as we can learn. the lOW, of
the Western I.llt[Mla will Le pleased torte a duct.
ded majority of tho Directors chosen kern aiming
the Stockholders here. It in thought that Pith..
burgh will triake a location of the road upon the
merits of the route, and not with regard to any
particular totes. Pittsburgh has a controlling in.
tercet in the Stock, and will have nolexcuae if the
proper Directors are not ettosen, and the road linr
perly located.:
New No. 2.—While this tine boat Irak
lying at Portsmouth, on .Fridny 'twining Inat. the
nrumud mate, t 3. Lewisjell into the hold, nod ne.
gunned a C01111,04011,0r the 11k1111, Which ,i'llused his
On. her return dna port, and ellen at the
ibot of the e Long Reach; eche met the Cinderella,
and the latter, from amnia intatanderataitrling of
uaH, ran into the New England on the' starbOarl
quarter, breaking ten or twelve timbersinnd open•
lag a 'argil breach in hen halt; hut, nurmielp,
above blot water. The Now England Orived I,ere
on 'Monday night , and dropped down' , *aterdale to
PP vt -The
.Icrtias Gnm.r.or.—The monist - 4%W I's. I bnigh
1)c Anthony, on Fourth Ewer!, will afrordreitt plc:I
-sere to any one who has an hour to st*mi.l ibis
logy town. Among the fives that be nil testimony
to their skill as artists, in (lint of Mr. Clay,lha 11 which
a Geer picture woe never drawn leithe Sun—
c.irrect as it is known to be. There' ore static
bodge:mot that ore most excellent, and firing to nor
view many scenes unfamiliar as tilosioa Common.'
Among the bent are ,sevcrol views of Penland,
(Maine,) Bangor, and Providettie. These are no
good, that it Is much better to look at them in the
gallery, than to go toilingover Ox rummies. Or ea•
oak a pleitinrinir, to Per the origitthht
. ,
SALL, of l'ittsbergl, Ceppo Company Stock
were !wade et Poitou on the 2lst et 65 'per eent.
. .
Ow limas the guide
.aucttbe Batchelor of the
Albany, noticed yesterday aro not for sale by J. L.
Reed. Wo twelve through him all the publics
tions 0( Bill Memr.l. harper, but the perclio,ers
will look in vain kir they; works at tliii.storo of our
friend who confine, hi• attention lathe valuable
part of his profession, and not to the trifles of the
. - -
THE STEOUIL Aarincs.Tlie new i steamship
America, just added to the Cinuirddiue, rc describ
ed by the Scotch and 19tgli41' newspapers as be
ing a very• splendid and superior. vcs!iel. She is
now ou her first voyarge across the Ali:antic—her
day of leaving Lsverpool beitigilse . 15th inst. and
in her eleventh day. She 4,0111 es td New York.—
She is commanded by the sclera tiCaphilit Judkina
The crew consists 100 in the otailing, 35
is the +teeming, and3llin s the steward's depart
melUL. -
FAC/S /Moat lava .—Tim Troy and Sandoga
rail road in to be relayed with English iron deliver.
ed io New York ninny three' dollars per ton.—
The contract Li thin Iron Wee offered to o rail road
iron mill In Troy it Fitly eigitt dollop, per ton, and
refused. •The owner of ihenoll largely interest
ed in the road, but has stopped his .0111 to repair,
finding,that it cons less to reptur, t h an torn.. strive
dollars more • ton, thou thu English non rents laid
down hem.
cr.r.epoladelacf of PlttobstriFli
Wksmaz-rox; Aittril'Zy,' 1 548
5.,-,cre,_-.oa motion ofl4r2phia,lhe Lill relating
to the California Micas, its stieneniMd, was called
Mr.-Mation addressed the Senate in reply to a
speech made some lime since by hlr. Badger, who
rejoined at some length. •
Mr. Benton Gdlow•ed upon the same topic:,'ned
w" seamed.] by Mr. Under. .a. Who b.. the
Boor to-morrow.
1-lovss.--The bill CJr the admission of Wiseamsin
was called, and after some debate made the special
order oeTtiemisy.,
Mr. Palfrey's resolution as to the privilege of
members, Was then considered and a warm debate
Giddings spoke warmly in defeneeof him
self and the West in their opposition to slavery.
After some further debate on the part of. Brown of
Mississippi, Mr. Inge moved to In the resolution
on the table, which was carried, I'3l to 4i.
The House 111./ went into Committee of tl e
Whole, end took tip the Senate 141 renaming it e
decision of the House in relation to the reservati,
of the Miami lands for the übe of Soldiers in
co, as bounty claims.
Mr. Thompson, of Mislisaippi, offered an nomad•
went, graining bounty lands to whiling of the lag
venr, nnd spoke at aonie length in support of Us
motion. Several atuendnienti were then curer ,
but no action xi:mud:en previona!to adjoin:line ,t.
Further News by tbeEitei.a;;Jleadis,t•
Nr. Y..., April 25 S.
The fulkeeing pre the lute,t Ittiemion, receie d
by the Liteanser .
Livutrout., April 9, .1818.
Pork, Western, Long Middles, free,Co2,Ss3s, old.
Hams, 19arri29.1 Gd. par cwt.; litdiustwe dry salted
6d.(if77s. per cwt. Lard hun given way in•
der the heavy supplies, and a further decline may,
he looked Mr. Prune Mess Pork in in active de.
mend at full prices; but other qualities are dull—
Tallow is active, with an imprugement in prices.
Sales are limited, however, in consequence of the
Continental troubles.
C6eere-004521. per cwt. for good sorts.
Hemp—Dew rotted, .n 4. la elulliogs, end• £26
6.r hackled.
laun—lron is dull, at , depiessed priem.. The de
mand has diminished, both for export and home
consumption. Pig ;ion in the Clyde; S 2 for cash;
for mixed numbers, and bar DJ Os., deliverable in
Wale.s. There'll an indisposition shown to ape.
* rate; lint the stocks are light, and a restoration of
confidence would improve prices.
Exclusive Correspondenceof the l'ittsbu rah Girtel , ll
Philadelphia, April 25t, Vita.
Flour—Sales of Western at Si 871031 951.
Cotton—Nothlng doing.
The Steadier's news has unsettled the market.
Gr.iin—Snles of prime Taal What at St 39 eta.;
of prime yellow Corn, at 51e; Mill. The supply of
Grain is
Grocrias are without change!'
Provisioda—No activity m any article--rtuota.
Cons sieW, •
Whiakey.r—Sules at 25
Ezettneve Brirre4r.ndenee of the BitnLureh Casette
Born 010120, April 25. 101.9.
flour--Sales of Baltimore Cnyllddls at SG; flow
nrd Stnietl4,lseld at 05 75. Nothing yet done to
indicate the ellen{ of the foreign 1:10111.
Grain—. Sates pl s
e red Wheat et 01 3'l et
prime white Corn. 4. II hoe; prime yellow, 41e;
\l'idekey-4ieles nt .
Ileof Cattle alesAt $4 per 100144. gross.
Killed Iloge 2 —Sale4 at 0.1 25 per 100 lbs.
Provisions--Sales Westerrt Lard of
137 ie. There is no ern rity in any artiele 7 quotne
flout sternly. •
New York, April 25, ISIS.
Flom--Sales of Genmeice at 821 254iSti Ill: cis,
Weatetra, SL 121.
.ruin—Sid,, Of ;mem red Wheat aI SI 37 CIS;
prime while, St 42; prime yellow Cum, 52 chi.
Prime Purlales at sK , s, 1211148 371 et..
Car —Tlie market is heavy.
.ley--Sales at 210211
• CMCINNATI, April 25, ISt y.
/011UC-1 . 1:1k3 ci 100 U.ds at $t 31:. More std.
Gedeerica are unchanged. '
Ponisiona—Sates of pocked Ifanie of 4; etN—
From the Italma.g.• Sun
1 1 / 4 17,41111,1, Va., April 2 .
'rhe, panel ...spivsas for the 'Sun" has just m
em], bringing' New Orleans papers of the 7th
"sq., one day in advance of the mast.
There hid' been ho new arrival from Mexico,
and Ilse Tapers contain no local "news of interest.
New Oat.eims Nlitascr, April I7.—,Sales 01'2,000
lodes OICOMM at a decline of per cent per lb.
Sugar is drooping. Sales of Molasses at lot n2Ol.
The flour market is doll--sales'of "SL Luis dour
00. Elschatiges nonsinaL 1 , Nonfat% 111,11'
translated sn freights.
Ti,., Picaystnn of the 10th lost. brings the pry
ceeilings of the. 17th day of the Giant Inquiry,
consi.tom entinily of eviiletiee sit Gen. prefer
booth, relative to the battle of Contreras. It proves
the falsity of the Leonidas letter.
A fund was raised in New Orleans to-coda
cargo acorn meal to the sidemen at Yucatan t li'out
the Indian devastation. The Picayune considers
the treaty to be iu daugueot reuscuoti t by the Mex
ican Outgrew,
The farewell :Wilmot of Santa Anna to hinColl3l.
irylnen in published in the Picayune.
Counar or Teum —Under 0115 head the Buda.
to Coinmerrial Advertiser notice, Ow changes
which are now going on in the , iniernaltreide of die
West. As no allitairathin, bank of the, Buffalo
nierchants are o ff ering for sale 'large quantities of
sugar received from the South West, some weeks in
advance of the opening of the Erse CantiL A large
sugur.relinery in St. Louis advertises in the swine
paper illat august can be purchased there, and by
the aid of the Illinois Michigan Canal now coniple
led, can be laid down cheaper at muster the Lake
ports, than if bought in New York city. The mine
is true of most Southern and West India products.
The Immense Imo trade, by reason of the great ox,
tension of manufactutes Of every kind nf,tbat met,
al. at - Pittsburgh, in Ihilfalo, and at oilier points
and the facilities now anbrileil. furtransportation
can be carried on
,m a great degree entirely. lode.
pendent of New York and other eastern ,
These ow merely hints OS some of the changes
that are taking place in ilits'oanimerfre of the infdri
or.—Thefivill doubtless go on incensing in ring.
tubule and importance electing yearly, more and
more the staple articles that constitute': Iss large a
share tithe internal 'commerce of the country.
VLYISULTA arrow—A — leuer in the -North
American dated Puerto Cabello March 27th saps
—There appears at this moment little prospect of
a very speedy terniinntion of the dlificulnes be.
tween the parties now contending for .the ascen
dennyin'thit country. The PNviuces of Maracai
bo, Merida nod Trujillo, have declared against
:President Monagne, and manifest their determine.
illlll to sustain Gen.Yaes in his effort, to reestilb
liell the Constitution of 1530. and give to the leg isla
tive bodies Proper freedom °faction. The Prod
of Coro bas been seised two byn division of Ge
Pace's troops withoutiserious resistance.
It understood that Gen. Pace is at tin bead_ f
come 3000 troop and infantry, leash Fernando, the
capitol of the Pmvince of Aptire; and that a large
body of the President's troops. hale proceeded to
that place to . attack him. All communientign be
ing cut on' between the territory occupied by Gen.
Pass and his adherents, and in this quarter of the
tmintry, we tare eaniiiintely in the dark rts regards:
positive information of the operations of thin Gero
Near G.lOlll. Assratimv.—The general main•
lily of tlie Presbyterian Clairol. in America will
convene in annual session in Eta!Limon. on theingt
of May. The introductory sermon will be preach
ed by Rev. Dr. Jaines 11. fliornwell, moderator of
the lag assembly.
The histotTorthe tate /1711 . ..1 of Erwort show 0f . 6
Illarkable , ollieCeAßiOn elmixf mane.
Louis \VI, guillotined. Louis XVII died of
wain. 1 ola .XVIII, twice exiled. Napoleon
clued. His aoii died inn foreign land. lAnua flap
lippe put to High. Count of Paris rejected.
Welchlay eiterachia, hAvaLLiniise, lerani deur,liter
of !mama and Elizabeth Ital.tuzon.
Th. friends oldie (tinily are trimmed to attend the
funeral this atlernonn, et 3 o'clock, inert 'the residence
other imrents, Muntenia corner of the Allegheny Coin•
mons, Allegheny city.
!IRV MAI:ITS—LW bus in moue; tut .010 by
I 1 LOUR-103 bbl. Family blout, &U 4., i& arm ory
lot sale by S & II&HBALIU11,
upta . ta wider and 104 (N..
PTATOM-40 Neohnutmok robourt, j
landing Gamma.' Ilunubu awl (.sale by
opal F S & HARLIAI;(iII
- -
EY-300 Lego gley, just finding forsale b
,8111 apne kW 1141tHAUtill
(I KEEN A blils Green Apples, lit tiara
_T and for rale kly Mad S W
jliktr YEACIIE3-100 bop. Dry Peaches, in .line
iy and for site ley 1.1,N W
ULA XSEIiD-10 bbla in sitar nnJ for naleby
npild s h 1Y ILI.II.IIAUGH
t . 43i4livUxte ' "
Eiroaxiing tl a alnifra of envois. oil.Thique..nie
Way,from the payment ofilliarfor,i.,,
BB F.itord/titted utkenacted;;lty.the eitigenscif Pius belrgla, in Select and Common Councils assembled.
That the owners or octenpauts, and their assigns, of all
lowlietwewn Washington street end the ne t tb e sst ern
boundary of sold cite, bounded by the Allegheny river,
which are, or may hereafter be occupied or used for
Manufacturing purpose.. villa shall not make app...
tioii for damages churned furor on account of the exams
ilott and loosens of BuquesnriWay and the Allegheny
wharf, may have the use and privilege of avid and
Wharf, for the hauling, /nailing in,l discharge of fuel
.aint materials used in and about such establishments,
and articles manufactured in the :ante. free.mid c.seuipt
from all charges, assessments and tolls its the nature of
wharfage, now. or hereafter established; subject tithe
general rights of the public on and over. the tame, sad
subject also to all the regulation. mud restrictions adula
ted now or hereof., Coe the control end management
of said way . and ...hare, for and &tong the Mllowing
periods of time oiler the passage of this ordi manic. vim
For the tuts situate between the Canal and the pros tut
. upper bouudery of the Fifth Ward, for and during the
term of twenty years; [mil far those nature between
said boundary and the nordle.mru line of the city, for
and dorini the term of thirty years.
The Special Committee, to whom wan referred "an
Onlniance goar.teeisig to sumlry manufacturing env'
tablidhmetits in the Firth and Ninth Wards. die tempo
rary use apart of the wharf on the Allegheny fiver,"
respectfully beg leave_ to report:—
That there are at present a number of manufacturing
. establishments on the Allegheny river, above the Canal,
which have been greatly instrumental iu buit/tng up
and enriching that portion of the city and that the own
ers nod axonal. thereof have beretotore 'used 'and
enjoyed the privilegoa of the lamllng in slant of the
ground so occupied. That they further believe that It
very important mthe loterevls of the city, to invite
and encourage the location of other manufactories,
which will tend to build up the city nod enhance the
val. of propetty in their vicinity, thereby proportion
ably incre.mgibe resource from taxes. ILL' very de
alt-able to induce the persons owning the proportY
through which the %aid Ougacsne. way shall pm., to
forego any elaitoirupou'iha city fur damages, to con
sequence of opening the sunny rind that a liberal and
enlightened course of policy should be permed by the
Councils. itt order to promote aturchertsh the growth
afinanufattortes, with which our pro.pwity in w
ly connected—for which reasons your Committee think
it proper and expedient that sm. winivalent 'or com
peer:Mon, in the way of special pnfilege, should be
granted. such avrners and occupants . of, mnnufacta
ng sites and propetty on the bank of. the, Allegheny
river, in said %Voris, an shall not object to the continu
ation and extension of Duquesne Way and the Alleghe
ny. wharf, and shall not lay claim to any damages
arising therefrom: And they therefore giropase to al
low such perso°s eho use of said wharf and landing, for
the legitimate purposes of their eitaldishments, without
a. duty or charge for tolls or-wharfage, fora period,
or yearn, smd subject to the general regulations of the
wharf. and the general rights of the public.
And A s up to the upper line of the Seth .Word, the
bank of the fiver is generally built upon wed unproved,
while above it is but sparsely settled. and may not Inc
annch in.° so for Saler conenicrabin time, they deem it
proper tO Make a distraction in the periods ofhatitation.
t herefore °Per the accompanying ordinance for
the doption of Councils, as a substitute 113 e the our
submitted to them. THOS. BA SEWELL,
Routurr T. Sklrm,
ap2Mlt lt. kb-BNB:HT.
SUPPLEMENT to an Ordinance relative to Div
game ll'ay,jhatsy June 26, ISM
SEC. 1.-11 e it ordained mad enacted by the citizens
of Ponburgh, in Select and Common • Councils , as
sembled, Thai the second r.eminu of on Ordinaries, re
lative to Duquesne Wny, passesl23th of-June, 154 J, be
AO etineuled an to make Stoves, Headings: nod Hoop
Poles subject to , the same wharfage per thousand as
bossed., surd that eo much of ,will Deli:ranee as con
flict. with this Ordinanie, be and is hereby repealed.
Onlaiued and enacted Otto- a Into in Councils,. this
iPh day of April. A. U.l hlO.
j - Aers.o.j .NIOH.GAN ROIIERTSON, taco t. C. C.
Llundr Itunorrs, Clerk C.C.
.11.114 Karoo, Clerk S. C. tipt.lllol
An Ordinance, •
rite Drawing of 'Lumber on the ,(1lle•
• erny
i Irlatrf.
Ile Ofaiked and enacted Ly 'the citizens
S '. ; ' ,oi . l l ;;;Lurg t l: ' , in Select and Common Councils os • -
!readied. That from and utter the pus. ,e of this Ordi
nance, no board merchant, or persSms drawing lumber
on the Allegheny wharf, shall be permitted to occupy
more than sore hundred and fitly feet to ertiht on thy
wharf, not more than two p/ortortris in width, under a
penalty of Tess Dollars, to be collected as other -city
it further ordained, t That so much
of uny as is hereby altered or supplied, be
and the sonie ts hereby repaled "
Ordained and snarled Into a law in Councils, this
Nth day of April, A. D. lead.
Arress,) MORGAN ROBERTI4/Nj l'res't. C. C.
MOW. Cascara, Clerk C.C.
Joan Mona, Clerk S. C. • sEltdrt
M. t 4 C.\'fON'rr School wilt he kfolit:tottry?tiTte"ilrl;
of Olaf. Putronaer is respectfully solicited. •
'Pittsburgh, April:A Isis. •
Horsacaces—Hess. D. Riddle; U. D
A. 'l'. 11. U.
Richard Edwards.
Luke Loomis.
ao2Gal Henry Witkitoon.
. .
inform._ Der
M co ' s ' t:l l.. ;.ra al N l‘l ' lte F ra ( t ." tee ‘ g .. .!l7 " l ' lc 'Y
retnanal traria the East, will opon her
Eresteb ry on Prhlay, the arth 41.1 . , at her storey
Nlrket. near :at ..trert2-a caner of l'arri Enncy
et her ow n nportation, co - init. - rising the newest
nod 'moat
e e ry Nrylo. Also, bineh l aoa " and
eery handoony.. A wait variety of other
Rauch Cooda—lblshoos, Flowerair Caper., ono! Jenny
Lind lima for Hula strhh a new styla.
einldreib with a larae lot If silk, cotton no
lirld thread
lanfes and Mins; )ust rce Wed front the importers and
for sale so ol
Indrae and re hi!, by
npLV F ll EATO?i & Co
" s " u ' p N ply r r t f ß O l ll N TeWin ' l 4 ::1 7
__ade n ! lA aB
pi.t reed and fur sale by
haw] Steithi Faigiew will lie fold low. Apply at
taw office.
I.3 CORCHINUS—Iu cask. S Sabs, likoclio,7 from CU
A ILOP mid for wale by . JAY
• 04 waternC:
lILON-1(10 tans cohl Forge Slrts!,
P Iyetcoatis}, N.; tessivitig by
canal eand tvr sale by
ttsr-Tr lIIIIRBIIIDGE's WILSON k. Cu, water st
B A ‘ l .. Nar .f . ! 0 1/1/1 . 1 .. :; 4U ti:S.l4o . olderin Just recd
El 44,Nr;Gr..431 5 -
11111:031'.--Pil bis itistaro and for solo by
ll nr,4o J . C .; :)!SAIAI!InkIKEY k 1.0 , front kt..
UPANI , II WIITCII4 :+ bbl. SO: store; for isle by
IUM COPAL-3 Oases in store; foe 'nib; SalsilOolono
con-idninent, by NAAS ISAIAH DICKEY Edn' - '
AZILK CRAVAT,: -Plaid silk Stild plain bleek; low
ti prserd, tordinui and tine; just opened by
01 , 2; SHACK:A:TT& warn.; uu wood .t
I 4NEN CAMURIC lIDK . FS—FieIy dos Combrie
MA 1., iron ined;usu hon. just open y , ed b
-FNU AND TAU-1,41 bbls Herriugg ;
- '''' , :k"P — NC•Tramrot;oo.
Ly ap/51.
nITCII-15 bbl. Pitch onhand and (beside by .;
apY.5:l w TA AFNE & O'CONNOR
VIANILLA lIEMI-40 bales in more and lei side
jia.. by mii2s JAS
LAD—SOO pigs lialentiLead, received per meaner
1.1 Northern Light and !inside by
epta ' JAS A HUTCHISON &to
IDACoN-10enakm Hams; 1040 Shoulders; rernived
P per mean, Northern Ligia and for tale by
' warn, end 72 front st
p 1
A - ,
Itob1)1. for e_by
SeII(Z I NNAKER h. Co. 31 •grast
4 - 111,VITROL-10 yarboys. for sob. by .
la% • •; • • • J SCHOONAI A la.R &Co
B .xiqu ou arum.
SMI'AI JUII7.i:±ZN., 46 mark ei a..
VlT r ats by
Ijr. HALI-1U pigs ,Ixad, for board
steennor Northeri t lgin.' Apply on board bonne
IV A. 111.,Tnionlar inornuoy, npMat
,ATENT 14)DA rata, Janes Alusprntt
jSates first quality Sods Ash, just rec'J per creamer
Ben Rash nud fur rule by •
-Brett St b.. 51 mircimuntEc, mitheny at''
TEST llECFlVl:o—Chlaroforry in pinbottles:
0 noll J1:11/1)& Co
ll.s Cooper's best, forp.r.Teby
ap2l • " ' !KIDD aCo
COACII VARNISII-10 gollunt, jou reed by
YR VAltN44ll—Just reed by
ule2l J KIDD /1..
lIACLi:I-16 cam!. Ilarnst 11am.,. cousignment;
II fur oz. by 1111;114., It USIiFII3.II ROE
op H - •
P•""t"UUL"'lnl:lYra ate by I sp24
I 4" °l4--iP.4 " ' I., ' ERSIIII r 1 1) & ROE
74_16 low 3 by
m 1111.1., & ROE
ENULISII-4117 'Rist , ireJ
it E nVit : ib E r D • l 2? 1 4 " 0p .. 0 It E 4EI:L.RRS—
•:11111RIR. SARSAPARILLA—I bole 'ma me'd and for
ole by . .p 24 S,ELLFTS
Er:LILAC-1g! lbsjust reed end for .:de by ,'
np2.l . R SELLERS
110011 MAN'S PLASTfiII-1 ciutot tut , ' attd Co r
up g 4 It rt1.
11EllA1ili--6 coml., medium stile fine
Ikrege; good color and very cheep; text openfog
ey o 121 tititlClo.l7ll.
CAN VASSED /14111.1t 4 —.14 , 0ye11em Canvassed
k) prime utie le, IttAt Ood Tor sole by
1111 EESF,--...t boxes pod reed mid coy .11 — br
ll optll St: VON iimomottsT
C 2 idlt..9-41,000 Kont!zeky...m . rox_4eiteiteicilii!ioe
1, 0
. 7 by 0 ,
4 (.1.11.1111111 , 1, MI wood or
ticguru, timid rtnd 11;
A 7 vale by nrat POINItE.NCTEN Cof4l water lit
'Keutticky temlrcn
17 just received unit fur sale Lv
bales Manilla Ilelnp to arriveand for
,11 sale by tra24 • POINDEXTER h
CINALIC ACID-el cask just reed and far stiln by .
fid. -17 '41 r b •
13 a TaTI
WATC . C .. CORKS- hales reed anl‘
J up_ Illi&U Ce. Itl,l
N reed and CINGEIt 1100 T-4 holes reed and far
sale by : BRAUN & ItIaTER
ININJW GLASS-dan ban ex tai ISO do CAVA Wu
do lush; pl do 719;,logather with as ouurunent
ut large. sins Gloan of ruprior wake' for ~baby
:•!k-ye2;tiltlN:4llo. ,
ACKEREL-40 this No:l, for sole low Co Clare
131. cousignMen I, by
ROMAN CEMENT—Y. 1•ble for nalo by
;:~y~ ..=
By Job= La Davis. °llea*
Paring Sdo yf Dry Good', tc.
On Thursday morning - , the WM jrist, at 10. o'clock,
at the Commercial Sales Room, collate of Wood unit
P1(1k 5t ,,,,,,, w ill be sold, without nsyme. cm • credit
!three month.. for •pp. , ..1.. 00 _ „ ,04, 0 , 0 01,—'0,0`.. over
SW, fourteen packages of seassmaule shy Geod.,
among which are-142 pieces sic milt fancy prods,
ltat pa Manchnter gingham', al pa indigo blue check,
d 7 p. Hu...burgh slartmg,t) ps mon de lame ides sw.
perfine cloths . Wps per rani res. 43 , pa check
twordomps red, imbue and yellow Baunels.silkS,SMO4
sewing silk, shawls, handkerchiefs, cravats, hntiety,
gloves superfine British long elpths. splemlid Pans
blue black Om de Swine, figured serges, kn.
Al 2 o'clock, p.m. .
A lerm, atioriment of glassware, queensware, VII
Ina, tobacco, segues, confectionny: drug .. find .di
eines A general assortment of Oonsehold furniture,
among snuck am mahogany secretary, Look Cll.ll, so
fas, dressing . mid common bureaus, wins, tables. Ma
hogany chas., tables, bedsteads, work and. wash
stands, mum tablei, fancy and common chairs, mantel
clocks, looking glssses, carpeting, h 0., together with a
variety of hounhold goods, kitchen titer, sits, he.
Al 7. k o'cloadr, p. m.
A Ingo colleetion of valuable_iniseelLuieous Books,
Hardware, cutlery, jewelry, gold and silver watch
es, boots, shoes, ham, caps, embroils. middles, bridles,
trunks, 'skips, combs , specureles, waiters, braces an d
belts, books, letter sad cep writing paper, seedy mode
elothing, fenny articles, he. - - apt/
- - .
Twenty-Eve building Lots, In the nee. Coon 'loom,
on Saturday, the oth day of May, at 3 P. M, situate on
Want street--10 Lots, mach 24 feet front, arenlgutS
about 100 feet deep, opposite the Cathedral. 2 Luis, th
getker,iti feet trout on Onset wee, 98 feet till fuel
on In fib street, and 44 feet '9l inches on
On Wylie street —4 lots, of which 3 are ,earit X 2) I t
trout, by Ito) feet deep, add one 21 feet ioeh front, 0 . 4 ,
about mideep. These lots are nearly opposim the Lone
Comer. On Hose met-7 lots, each 24 reel from, by
103 feet, to anti feetralley. These lots art opposite the
Jail; one is on the corner of Rode street and the 4th
Street Road. On Founh street Hood—l lob' 24 feet
front, by about 130 feet deep: I ho . , an feet 11 inches, by
ebout 420 feet deep..
Terms, one-sixth 'in hand; and the residue in fire
metal atuntsl payments, from the Ist day of Apnl lust,
onth interest, payable senibannuolly, on the Ist days
of October and April in each year, tote secured by
bond laud mortgage. Tole indieputable, and possession
siren immediately.. A Man of the lots can be seen of
the Mfiee of Robb h 111Contiell, Third street, next to
the Post (Arica. SARAH 11 FETTERMAN.
(7. 9. Porn Manager and Lame
WEDNINDAY, APRIL'S; Mk, to commence with
die Troruly of •, . ,
. •. i 'HAMLET: ' • .
. Hamlet • • Mr. Anderson. •
GhostM. Oxl •
. , .
Qown Miss Saner.
To conclude with the
Grimes . • Mr. Dunn.
:r A ROY SUNDERLAND, in compliance with the
X./ YillililllB.lll request of a large audience in attend>
12.1,m on his first course of Lectures, has thepleasare of
announcing nnoChet series of INTELLEVTUAL'EN
TERTAINMENTS, in Philo Hall, every evening. (ex.
ceps Saturday,) the present week, In which he will de
?elope the philosophy of Charms mut Spellisin a combi,
ileums of New, Mirthful and iVondettul Phenomena,
illuaraung 111.0 laws which produce the mverE.
FOES, M15P.1011:34, mucrrit.ol , HUMAN' NA.
Doors open at 7-10 commence et 8 o'clock. Single
tickets PS came, fovel.• •
-Ery. (Dan)ies' Lectures to Ladies, on Health, on
Tuesday mdTharsday, at 3P. kJ.
Rail Road Notice
. .
TEStocaholders of the Ohio and PennaylvanialtWil
Hood Company are hereby notified to meet at.tha
Amerie.llotel, in Salem, thilumbietta county, Obio,
at 10 o'clock on Wedcesday, the I:th dayofMay, /041 k
to said'Conip.y hy the citation of savenlli•
rectors, and trammel any other Liminess deemed ne•-
eccary by isid Stockholders. •
JOSEPH I 1111f/OILI, •
RAMC S'l'Rk2.T • ' •
• ' I:ErBR HCGW 4 , • -
Glimmers named la the Chatter.
Ver. TO CONTRALTORB—PropomIa will be
received until day the 171hday . of Afey, - . 10
o'clock. A. AL, Wgdnea at the Borough ,
of Hunangdon, for the
GRAD/NG and MASONRY alum about_ iB milm of the
Cenasylv.ta Railroad, betweett Lewistown and Hun
tingdosa, and also for the heavy work along the .Litde
Plans mid specifications of the work eon Le wen at
the alone named place for fire day* previaus to the
time appointed for receiving the Lids.
Any lorthce inforroation.eon be had othtds application
to W. IL Porte, Jr, ileq,Associate Euerwer at Lew
istown. S V. AISILRICE,
apZolllls President.
pby invites attend. , to his maartment of above
goods, of various shades and-qualities; al.u, damask,
figured Limit Luslre, for Ladies' DIVS4C{.' A largess
ramment at hire Earlstan, , Nambestor, and Ftenelr
Giunbatns, of newest styles; dalso, Day I's Prittm—a full
.90(1111VIII of these 'eery desirable goods, inehiding
piht,lihte, blue and amble purple, of new and beam,
ful pattern.
tench Dress I.awn•—Ptak, blue, lilac, brown and
'bbd of newest patterns and dast colors,' smallßald do
fur iufanta. tAlsa, of large and small fig
ura., for ladies , and
m admra., dream.
E , abreaderd Swi ss m palents,'fr evening
new atylan'eolored &mash darlehruir, do; and a'
full assortawar of Dunes, beragert, grenadine., crape
/drawls, de-, at the northeast comer of Fourth and Dar
ker streets.. • .
HEChIVEI), per Expos., o lane assottmeat
0 of India Rablier comprising
-2 dos Moen' Coots; ' 4 dos Traveling Rays, _
4 " Pea do; ' 17 , 'Lloatp . latutkoftc
2' " Beefing Jackets; I Outflow;
t• " • !fosse Coveng 6 U Life Pscsersann •
PIO yards of 4-4 Carthige Cloth, hoe article;
24 do: pair Legator. oi &Ireton( styles; .
u " Guises, watt sleeve.; •
2 without do;
I "Gan Givers; .all of .which be i ' loll cheap
for etude wholesale or retail, at No 5 Wood strerL
. -
DnaRON & • Eniee Builders, have
L commenced basilica on Penn sl, near Um Point,
at the estabfiAnient formerly earned on by blackhouse
Btlielson. Persons Whining to gamboge steame rs
gams for boats, /sr inyfulter purposes, will please fovur
a with a call,. we diner ormalres id be able to fur
h them on as favorable 'terms as any other amt.
liiibeteut in the eity. • • , •
tia, rolling mill and Misting, of every description
cm be bad at the shone. notice. - • •••
. ...
Mcnoutsceo—CopL NOLO. Dear, Tbnonai :neon, Esq.,
Church, Catottier• an Co., IL Denny. no., M. Allen &
5p17.3n0 1- ENOCII WAGNER. ''
F .
COLLIERS are wanted to work at Postern
r & Milford's Coal Ittanks,d miles algae Ceseyville,
Ky., where they can prides highest wages at the above
intact !diners who understand their balances, and are"
peaceable mid quiet MA, will always find siendr em
ployment, dam die whole year 'emuid, ouch vaster to
it than any other mines on . the Ohio elver: For farther
particulars apply to " lIALL,
apt*diut ' ' Pittsburgh.
L 0 V —A good nwonment of , butimand gents
l_X Meek, white and colored "Conon, Thrend,
Silk 'and I:hibet Glove& tarp:raise. , Aloe, black and
eohned Prene& Kid Ganes, nu excellent. article, and
, ante elm"; row oPerno&hy
apsl. SILLGIO.Krr& WIGTE,'&/..w0n1 at -)
SALIF.NIAN WANTRD—Wanted in stlYhohnoile;
end Etetnil-Gry Goods Store, ,n young m to act a•
Warman. "One who hos hod experience in the Mai
ne. emd CAR bring good referenced. Addrela W.
PittabinghTont Mae. apYJ
- -
LOST—Ott Ratunlay wain;, either on Wood on
Liberty streets, a Gold Bracelet, with 2 strands or
Sold chains—goldhoweLs attached. , Th e Rader will be
suitably rewarded by- Icarian it at 11. Richardson's
Jewel • Store. Market sh • al • %aka
0 I:ASO:dill LUMBER—I will. and a fnar thousand
0 feet vitae fullavring daberipiiinna of well seasoned
Intivacr-4.ine, roam., *, bind Ii sinetnid Joist, Va"
Lung, Batt. 'Pine, cleat I, It Intil ; and Corti Juin.
'in4. Poplar 2 in. • ' • • "
53b"." ' I,
• • ,• • • adjoining Crairbansville. ee Tiver bank
GRitlntia.!' 2 'l.:: ,- ;td . .loNs
Bog.r, IM bogs Rio Coffoe,• 12 dere. Wee; RS oinks
Naomi .Soda
f or received by late arrivals from New
Orfeaue, sod for eat. by %V to M mrrcuni.TuEE, •
• apro • 1 ICU liberlut •
SCI"TUE SWAM4h-121ot for ode by
TTAY RAKIS--53 dux for sale by . •. •.
11. apt! • tl F YON BCCYNIIORST hCo
ASII-6=lll3les iVtadow Sash, for sale by
apsl 5 F YU& 110 N le HORST & Co
FLtv i—n bbls
and C
• ap2a 27 wood et
7;l3ll.:Ftlr—Arrorwil, jort rred and for sole by.
_PL J SCIIINXIMAKER b. Co, 21 wood It
- - -- •
GLLD PAlNTS—Verdgris NFU Green, Chrome
Green and Pennell Green, in tin enoK for sole by
NNATTO-2 brtekeb. (rub. for sale by •
A ,
LT KIION SYRUP—!Odor jute' frelt,for mile I/1
ap2l . . , SCHOONBLUiER'2Lpo
7 , E1etUKt..4 7 .44,'S raeka , uol,ir . :analing.from steamer
Oswego; tine by ISAIAH DICKEY -&. Co,
i flAt
ptr - _ , • . - front at
EIINNIENG—b bap now landing from enu Omega .
tot We by. • apil .IMAJIMI DICKEY &Do
V " 4 l t 4 ..M1 I •
18 bbl, Nol, nOW landing from uo Otero
fnr Caleb
-:mrp • ISAIAH DICKEY 1 Co
1117061.-1 sack itow leading Crtinieunr • for
, sale by , eptt. ISAIAH DICK=to
E AT fl I 11F-10 sacks to nreive by omi Poutlag;
ar2. o . ' ISAIAH DICKEY & Co
Q:AIkiTY/418&,7 bbls for gala by
10 alga • 8 DILWORTH, :21iroori st
W l o: ° 11 1 Zn
non & aISOI.I
S LIA 1.-70 ass IT bar Cincinnati Soap, consign.
hl lull foe
for Snit by ar r il
reed and for sale by the box; at his price, by
• , SELLRItS, 57 worn' st
f A 5 7 ,011 OIL.; NO.I-3 LIN Nat nv'd. and for WI;
k, by, • • - RL.ERLERS
FOUNDRY IRON=.7tI tons just Ro a d aid tor sole by.
1.E4 " IV' k •
pOTATOLN--er bbts Ni aide by
CIOOPEICS 13INGLASS-41 bra lust. reUNI milurfoi
‘4 l 441 . bY up2l !nanypt a RETrk2 •
h DIA just reed assd for . sale fry
- BRAUN & HislTE2t •
tasks: 2) loza; for ael4 byy
" 13 F VON 110NN11011.4 t Co,
:13 from or
DEARL A911_9 casks Oat reed awl for sale by
ap2l. 9 ' , VON BONNIMIST & Co
& Pl24lloloRiall
.DA 1 ii'm: , AcKET LIN E.
ins areo knovu:ine or xpknklid pmsenter Stett•
„omposed of the largeWswittess, liesg
malted and furnished, and most power nd Went on Me
waters of the We_st. . Every areornmodatkin and eons.
fort that money can prootor, has bCellrvvided for pan.
writer' The Line has beep in operation for fiv e
—has earned • million of people without lt
ty to their penorm Th. boots will be m the tout of
Wood street tha day previous to stoning, for the reeep.
non of freight and the entry of passengers fin the regis
ter. In all CM, the passage money maw be paid to
SUNDAY Vielir.K . r.
The ,G. 'Wenn, V•il
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday wonting at IA o'clock;
Wheeling every SunThiy evennag at 11l r. td.
`MONDAY ' PACt[B7 I . S "
The IiIONONGAIIELA,CepbSvoaki leave Pi "‘
burgh everyillonday morning at 15 o'clock; Wheeling
every ?dandily evening at ID r. at•
leave thttaburgh every Tuesday inbrning t to o'clock;
Wheeling every Tuesday evennagaa -
The NEV ENtiLAND No. g, Capt.. 14.• Ocasorrill
leave ..pursburgh every Wednesday weaning at 10
o'clock; W heeling every Wedneadayeatiring at 10 rat,
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gears, will leave Pin
burgYevry Thursday morning az lilo'clocd4 Wkeeliag
every Thursday evening at .
The CLIPPER No. Y, eerie:mm[o6.dr leave Pius.
burgh every Friday nierruag at pi elelocki 'Wheeling
every Friday evening az 10 PAIL ,
The MF6~tlF:ft Caps. S. Moro; svillienve
burgh every Sautrday wonting at 10 reelect Medina
every Saturday evening at 1(1e. r. - •
7he l.-101W .115111.A1<ITEAT21:
tY N A:A.l4l'_
ik•VOJ. 4 .nia
4E lrallr and
Wellsville, <4l , 7beaday, Thursday,
and Saturday, of each week, at 9 eieloet,a. a. mane
but, Wednesday and:9lriday. She has
boatot Wo to
la betalvea Woodarreet and the bodge,
prepared to receive (Meth -a1 any thin. y
8. k. lidlikUll2(lll,Agts.
. "
HEAVEN AND wraxsvitLy: piesch-r.
The fiadatearabear
Charles n Clake, maater;erill, doieg
be conger( dater aeasa_noase day
to Beaver Dad Wellavtla learieg ripeursh ma
n- morning al II o'clock, end at,3 o'clock, e.
at. Omit G. U. lIARTON,, YCI} Anna.
• • it
P 1 7 . 7"1,111 1 ,nt.21,
B I B Sa U fi A Y. 164 1810
. ii, T n heAlllowiag . naw bout complete
line for the ; preaentmiason:
!ANTIC, Capt.. 'Jam* Parkinaot4
ALTIC, Capt.A. Jacob% and LOUIE
IPLANE, Copt E. Bennett. tuna -are entirely
veer, and are fitted up without regard to evalite.
ery ecastltort that Malley C. 11111 ► lac4tt proetdad.
The Iloats will /rare the Menougaluda Mart Boat lid
the toot of Ross at. • Paseentrra will 1,4 punctual on
board,. the boats will eerustaly, leaCe'at the adver.
Used hears, 9 A. M. and 4 P. El lanai
.i.,...,.. Manila fial - daosr Plraar.—'M
neseeteentei ' ' ,
I J Perry, eoremander, gill leave.. far
Louisville =I all int rmedlate porta tato - Saturday.
ai 3 ottriek, plee.d) ' - ; . • .- .
R:freight or pas" apply on uoara or to
. • • F LISYTH /a DUNCAN, Agents.
• The Telegraph has teen haat y far order
packet,aud with SI view entirely to p es reatCort of go.
'cage's; die aceounoodatioos - sre Valera* to no st
on the Weatern vratead.: - - . ' ~ ' , 'pie
Lot for. Plataittivi • Triat to Stap)seovllleto
• " THE steamer ( 4 01VOUL will leave
the Port of _ Pittsburgh, 011ie foot of
Market stret, on Timothy the htele
tat, art P. fig, preeilely,.for the grand
Wlebninat of-the -Odd Fellow.. at Steubenville.—
hite's Brat. Band boa been cloned, kg the area
s:on. Every ere ation lies been. provided to
promote th e COMlClVldieltand gitlente_o who wish
to melte a platoon p. The Coo ed DO.
Wedueolay night.' Forpassage engraft hoard or to
apdldtt . ' comer not anitSnitbheld oro
77 • • FOR BT. LOVIR -
The fine steamer -
thr the above
intermediate porta on NVednes
day, atith ins; et 10 AM. For freight or paessgezeptty
WM spfeadid steamer,
• z Teouorn, • -
c W Coke, maxim., sidll leave (or 1
m all Intermeddne pans
Thursday, m4f. bk For d eit or passage apply
. The ww uodoubstuollal low 1 / 1 11,7
woombout ' , ' , -
• • '' IDTWN, ' '
don. Poe Newer , hog rammed hex
regular trip, between Wheeli4, Ilridgepdrt and M..
burgh, Irovlog rulaburgb on Mondays and Thursday. '
orelitti t . • . ..
end Nee .u so
ITELLSr Via:l7
e aye oreach k on We
.Prrrainirtou 4eIvIIEELSNO y.}crET.:
..- • CONSUL, ' •
DoadT P Wilurayrlitate, Will IMO
ly. for Vireling,i . Mondays
Wednesday .d Friday, at 10 o cloak prodisely. -.
Leave 11, heeling every. Tuesday, Thursday and S..
hirdaYi al 7 o'el.k, • to, precisely. . .
The Consul Yrill laud at 104 itse , interrnekdate pons.--
Every arroniodation that csio be groomed for thetas.
fort and safety 'of passcagers has beet provided.. The •
b. is also pa tided *ilk is self.fing, ety gouda.
Ca ' rrOr ' i l o Pl°'-'"' r'r freight
i, ' ' BS - 7 1 i
. 7 -__ a
febd• • •-•- • - comer of lat a nd. 'thrum..
mai- . Tbe noir sumer.: •
i .'. . DESPATCH,' _
Nahum, master, ll run ts above,
leaving Pittsburgh eVerY Blood./
IVedoesday aml Friday, at DI o'clock, r, as, aridALs
n.galielaCdy.ery Toesday,Tbarsday to.lSioarday,
at 8 o'clodis; d. K. • For freight . p.m yga apply oat
. ,
" ' FOR FRANKLIN. 6.4 .
' ,• • • Harmer
l t
A t.l AtA4i'lllllhtett *A( hare for the
bore pmftE44l4l4fafttay anclEtai
unlay, 14 1
F. Al.. For treigiLase. 4i9Z,00
44_ W If. _
14Elf."'& . .BREWAER
Fatablisbed n waretninso in the Year !SU, for On pm:
poen of *applying the City &a interior Tisda with
• •• low prices—and ealtiltitlng, non itennarts
of theyien aj the I,ngas :Amin runcht in
• l • T • WORVA ,•: -
They are WAY opening &vend lin 'Package*
cninprishig every new style Of Foreign ,pd,Ticng c ylip
production, manY °fain& heig. Men pcmhued,
and archaired for sole for Codi and obbriorredir, at
per yard below th e pliers of' Aped and•hiay, , as pas
panted Catalagues, which anirtriortinlitaily, Gar the..
informatilm of
PRINT WAszuovag,i a t•
ibr AmkutkfiSchaa&,siod_ privaastamUka.--,
Itbalta & Pittsburgtrand.liew Vottboalleit the
1.01100 of loathers and the public to their r 1 ofimpr cod FJ' eattical Instilment; which ham been prepared
with diner refers.* to the purposes-4. illmaratiok
and havomany advantages aria Ms tOSIMMIII formtof
a set •which is offered. at tha ineonmarably tote
price of El& is coutpoSed of Ellshea''patchs electrical
machine., Leydsit jar, ilischarglinartivevald insulator",
glass cylinder rd.:ming belli,lessgetiales /ard
uous vont tube, quack.; elcanontster..cleretw o
glass syphon, gilt ball and.maalgata,. Cdse,packing
add (amanita; additional.. • • ••,• 14 '
The fallowing testimonial Veilf&riar4 or the &-
nem of the apparatus for school putplscs„,_
• 'I have examined, with Mach plerwere,;itake & Co.' •
eltettiral amanitas or actual& - ll 1...7 simple to
im construction, and . isseetatiagly, mulonneut t 0 its
adaptation Mr um !have *cm aa instrument, larva
low a price which appears tame. SO satiable for • cape.
iiOCllll in COll .1311 schools. , Jona B,C.
For sale by
alaatif . W cor 31aihvitt. . o0 1 k
T gle s r n cash' pal
!for ppco ggicaa , =
e rap, &e., Tag.'
,`"4.• Sham' •
ilif il ltir, tfbnaek9= VaUrA":
Lk, of very superior •qa cillsy. • City castomem ho
supplied malty hour during thw day.
' ap17.1 Jtro. 10'11 DIGWORTIf, Aghr wood st
W i a r etny : rna r l
veit i e N eol l' e ne" wbreriber
White tr. Crs' Mite, Mire: Kt OM:me Al% Uremia
enures Teeth, ifiVittll Dosaistatiel durbtioe.
• - • JOEL MOOLE4I, Drunirt en=deTe-ILY: u.
Cu4i t gi ltarli b irSSON,
.41 1 1magri Alb er., eq. Liberty
rvoLvnia:.commx .fthq. of WWI;
MiCasibic alai; wyeatb.lnniertr .baek
Combs, bora,'end bollW4'll4 , liied for We In
' uP2t znnui.ox rigSrX 07 market la
1.4C051.4.11&15.111• . that play-.
°llO . , `ZiP C.X.5 • — kei wad is visr..
ciy crusher popular wt. • Y.s7 4.lre ex
ccilem.amortalcill Of Chian Flower Vases, or vyt i o ..
..9041‘.!...5....4 prieeq iw rre>v as
Fahey4. e 1 .,. mod., Welk ex .fall% .AresuslCons, jenc.ery, •
%tares, Wm. lusd 4 stect *swift -cif every 'delcriptioss... •
ALma,'f o
bend Frnign.. Stare Teasels r.
Itephavas ..24 . 415nA)N.KINAKY"S Fancy Biore.
lki ° l. l l • toltir:ittelte strThe:ClboTitr"oe,tl,
he. been Very earelLll3! sclected the *astern elliasi•
*MI will be told ehezp . loient. •
apl7 - . ' Vs' YOUNG /k Co
.1,111121C11 CLOTHS—IV itatphy h v i k .. d u , a r .
{MUM. a -gel.llel.ll 11:1 YabiltlolMt Wig
Vranch Clad. and Casaitnereelataly, aapirad.
N u ], .ope fiat . Musk at low toices far qaatity.
1 - lA.vrox citert: SHAWLS—White, mule: Ad s Udrab; on orronineut lately received in Dry Ow&
noose of •VW , 6 muipAy
WINDOW GLASS—dtU hasSzlOglandlOOdalaall
do; 10f.v.d0110.114 to 14ddlly nstore and far oda by,