.. . ' • • . 1 . . ' i • . . . - • ....• , - , , -. .. _. .... .. , ~,,,., , ~„r•-.:,,, . .',, , ,,D,1. , ...• ..S.•:•••••1 ,, -' . ,---'.•--. ...,-...,..-...1? - .,.....,,, ,, . . ~ .. . ' - . . - - . . • . .• . • . . . .... .... , . _., ... -... _ .. , .....,. . . -•-••• ..••. . .. ~ ...... i ......-., -. ~ L" -7 ' ; '-.. •• . . . ... - - . '- .- - • T . • , I ..• • • . . .. . I. . , . • i . . ~ . , . . V. - '''. ' ' . ' . . - • ''' . . . . - •'. . -. . , ~. . . • .. , .. . .. - ..." . .• - .. .. - .. . ----.....-..-- .---- - - - . : . . .... . ._. . . • 'ESTAIUS - ;eDi , ::: w ::1786. . BUSINESS _': CARDS ANSON,L&P.IId4 II & Ca .-}Gdp itala . Lcultes Dee perry st,New - YorIL , • tismagooa thi&t• rstuborgh, E Lavick Co. rbitsdeipiu& m. of Wester& Leather sioliclitil, mad lib. oral • our. awl& if Elwin& bbluklat itiaitaierebsals, ha n returned la *giro d Waller •ad Vaal save* Pittsburgh. ; • dtigl. essosalesi :omega =Mei /LAMY it ILEUM% Wholesale sad. Retail Drug. P sista ionise splybeny and St Clair suer% Plus , aseyl.4 BROWN 4 cut.BEsrrsoN, sod COOMilliioll liarehatat, it; Loom 1D A PAIIISIEIft'OCII4 Co., Wboteszhi • • Mr., Wood End Oth ma. 171 a=lll, AtIALEY.t. SMITH, Wholesale , Woe... IS and slu Woods - vent Pittaborgk. . A. 11cANULTY, & Co., Fonr.ssdiss Co. misdoo Unctuous, Canal Ma us, routough , - . nth!! . , colssesx, 4oule . d lOLIMAK, ii ii AK, & 09, Mannatetnrers of NLI Canine Opriugs and Axles, A. IX and ,tlythlg -Mel, end doessias Coairls Trlsmines of every d.,.* sesiptl&u,smufsetory on Xt. Mir la. Watelscsise litood sx,.oppositeBt. Clunk% Howl. • jaa= LiDWARD 11.E1ILMTON,Nisalesaas Grasse, east Dassioad, stwa . from laamatal. Alki, Patsbu . s n. [Wait. _. • . ?inn asinans.,' EWALM GFIKAier, Wial•saialinannis, nes in Piodnec nod .11Lanu6einten,nor. ner aid iberty and Hand eta, Plumb:O. Pa. athi7 • • ..... - I. =ruse," ! • town 1. warm. LOLlett• BENNETT, (late IFlnglisli," Gellogber Co.) Weeksale Ceoccre, Conuesseue andin ,11 , 1001114 llidebanu4 sad dealers le Produce and Mil berg% Man cesoecree, MO :ft Wood co, botweetee led al orate ; • , neap, • aza mem IrOaD. 11111112 1 1 D IIEY. t co., • Wholesale Meier. and Coonstionere Merchants, and Agents for !frighten Whoa Yam; Nos. 47 Water, UN' Di , FraFromPa, fe Pet. p • • htlanefac ra tarer and deat F or ,liLtigE %A 1161. yuical is 11i k. km , v. " rtran ALlJl g• atorU h as littets, os *ad trod giaddLield suetlNritlatrantly *n • Wilted Ix*" Om fat old Copper and Brim. 440 • yiis =MT, • NAM 35, rAL43I DlLlCEtirta Co, Wholesale Gravers, Cosa mission Iderchigiu, and dealers la' Prodeee, Nola:4 • Velar, nod I 0 Prual streets, Paltsbarga. al= W. =lnn, 11.7 =OWN: SM 2e. ITII , Co., Brewers, Allister., and SJI assign N Hops, IPittsburgh and Paint ktfewries, Poop and Pitt as. • , oltiVi{ , KuMmTAl4 , llreal iLler at,10.•20 Woadstreat. Piuskatie BRUNOT, Mlle and Red Lead Blum .ll lecturer, Pend and Oil Bletchiust, comer ntlab eny and O'Hara rte Pinalargh. , JBRYAN,- Rectifying Distiller, And . &slain Foreign and Domestic Wine. and Li, guano, No. Libcpy Mrs; and .53 Diamond Alley Plush. h,Ps. . , jyrr-dly • 1011 N C Shlltll4-Roll Tamer, at Gk. J liSlusersher •J bed Iron Works, Pittsburgh, Inut Mintufactarere getung Rolling Mill Machinery et Pittsburgh,' are re spectfully intoned to tall. Turning door with exactness and despatek_lgyrn _ lAMES (Leos °kite funs ofAlgeoS - nd J MeMairej Merchant Charles ;Muddiest, Turd elm near Wood, Putsbungt. ' IMAM A. 'IIUTctiISON, & Co.—Swat:wars ti Lewis Hutellisea II City - Coatatisticar Merchants, and Agents at itte. St..,Loata Steam &isle liefinety. h. 45 water eadtet . )tront meats, Fixeren:ea 1 M. BLACK, 'Merchant 'haw, Iltehange Bull J Wags, 151.. Mir st y Pittsburgh.. -7* /dui! - - .1011/i .8. bum° irrit—w hoicumi unwer; 'Pro t/ duce ind Coussaiasion MalrehAll; Ko. 27i Wood .. bust. . b.' - • - laskt JOHN D.' Millito.ol, Wholesale Drussint, ud deal erN Dri 6mdi, Vanns,thls, Varniatae,s,te., vl Wood sueet, *no goor NTlall Diamoo4 Alky,y*Us burgh: • : - J„- AAIES CERR, Jr., & Co, (successor to Joseph (I: IVater sues!. _mat_ TORN H. litrt Wholes.Oi roil : Retail dealer Uw Alusie .nd Musical Insounseno, School Roots, Paper, Stales, Steel Pens, Quills, Powers , Cards, wi4 : • Stationary generally, No. IV &id st, Pittsburgh. j/".r . • takeAlu sentti , SCHOONNIARRIt & Co., Wlititcasla Druggists, Igl . No. g 4 Wool. stow; Pittsburgh... TOSP.PII JORDON tc SON. COlAnd114011: and For _ U waribug Alerciisnis, Nu. lb Liberty it, (opposite butiddield si„)Ssolpson's Row. 1 ORR D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, eurner rah and Wood - I : WINSTON & STOCKTON,Rooksellers, Printers fl and Pape: hisiniticutrers, N 0.44 Martel at, Poo- LILF-kusw-k., u.,. - AV. 11.0,BEETSON XL Co, Bankers and Exchange LIP a licekets, comer of Wood aud 34 sta, inc , eauxt'• Haul NtuWln6s, Etasburglu Currelsey parchasnd at the usual ratns.. Dolt UpHN amts:: Wholesale Grocer, 'Semler P U duce, Pauburgh ZgatturaeOarei, 7lu Pia..., k P.l Liberty st., Pat.bargli. joitO Jog, rums, ' it R. VIAND, (late .7.--fteici k Mk t ) Wholesale Grocers, No. 193 Eberly attem. ; sew JAVM; DA I XVll7,l;ettiC C.ii;e7r;treknitisak; Merchant, 'Mt deli.. 10 Produce sod Palsbursh Alaudseluns. N 0.2.1 %Vateral.r rttlaburg4. J. 114 Vastavist. Iron Works. EWL3, LAI:ZELL k. Cu-, inanufailurera of all si-• jj zoo kiar,l3llset, kluilez Irma and Nails of the best quality. '!Miareltuuse, tot orator sod la: front sa. /unlit L/. .11 WATEILILithi, Wholesale Grocer, Forward ing a dGuautia ou itharehent, haler in Pit basalt ltatonatetures and Pushier, N05..71 Water sr and tel Float - , 11101li LAM., suirrum. LAdilikatT a. , SIIIPTON, %Vb.:J.lle grocery Fur. warding soil Cvnaalaaau aletcbanis, dealer. ill alwafactureo,:t a.. 13 awl 1. Woad st.Palabarga. ' tel.2J ERCEE, BR(YLVERS & Conam&sion Jll chants, INaludelphis., tut the vale or produce gel &grail), Liberia advance* lawle on comageusicutd. Iu 0. Waal, ‘1 t a. unarm., • nramme c. sole pirGILL, tiMBIIIFIELX HMI; Wholeaale Grocers awl Curantiunou Merchants, No. 1,4 Liberty st, ' M. al.ifl, •132. MIMI, • WIC I. AMC& ,MALLFN & 4.10.4 4.!aumi.i. and Forwarding , Merchant., and arrant sts„, between X 1 and Masker etc , ran° piri=3l ILICK EMSOI4, Whotalc 4 Vi " rocers end eckauxiamal Ige • ehults, HU. LW, Liln lay sty PM,. arg. P. j. 14 itIeCORD & lIINCh Wholesale and Retail Ilat and ARIL esg, ilaseniaetores., and dealers in FetterFors, comer o WoodandynLih us. lona_ 3: HOLMES & SON. No. Cdr Market st, scewd door fronicomei Fourth, dealers In Foreign jpraenic kW& of Eleheisge,Certitteetes of ikpos• th /Sank Notes and threele. Collections toad on 'all the ',Unripe! cities ' &non hoot the United &tides. deer, IL Co., Wholeman Ow . _ era V _ex... , Yo.n?dAler..ti, Nx. Z . ' Jr/SEAT/SON fr. IIkIPPE.ECT, Produce Dee en mud Commis/duo Allnettents; no., JUSI Second street, usborigh. 1 . . ^ . • 13 ICH..AM T. LEECH, Jr., Importer sod Denier in MP Foreign nod Mmes. Saddlery llordware and Lairrisgs Manning% of all descriptions, No. Sirs Wood sr, Pittsburgh.: opt: RICHARD BARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Leather, hitoruceo, lihoeotakere Tooia said nose, Tommie sod Cutlers' Tools, and 'rowers' Oil, No. ittO Wood et.,Usburgh. molt loam leanoim, uwuiu n. wen... IROBLNSON gr. Co., Wbolesaleuruccrs, Prody, sod Coirtausuou Neretussts, awl Desknits Pius %ugh hialuteictures, N. ldo Libenf o k., rm. ja u..gh, m ROBERT DALZELL k Co.; Wholesale tirueri CoataLnisLion ILO Forwudgng Merchant., dcaleg rroducs sod PLitsborgh BlLsLugsgegures,Lerty PlUsbursit.Pag • Lc' OUT. L A. CUNNINGII/ilif, 1t • Deals in Pnodure and Pinsbuilh Manufactures, 1411Labeni syht J. L. Mitt IjIEYNOLDS 8111.:E, Vareranling Cominaston .1.16 hlarehatinhlot the Allegheny WV.' Trade, and era ni °WM., rruduce, riashargh Mann:moue. and alderidertelA - The Aigheatinieys, in cash; paid at all times hyr noun -117 Ma. Ot resin and Irwin sta. lomat R.. OAILVOOD k Co. CornationAc k rc . bagsgi o h r . bnkse ala da, Ituuer, spon-ly 11. - c. Omani. en, ram a. Went ref./ZIT • & wurrr, Wboicsw. Yard/a and Ducoeshe Dry gloats. No. De MI °Wet. ICGIN M.Mus . & & W. lIAMMAIMaI, .IVnal Ideichents, Dealrrs h,7, La Flaw and Produce geacridly, end Parerardtng sad Casernissans Merchants, Nu. tld Wale: st., Pala hetrat_ 4.2 . Yf u, ILWALEY Co, - *Volesale l ; roeers end giirl=ty=iiarket succt,benire. ouvil 11114— .4Seccesacir m-W7l.k 13rowne,) M[ and manufacturer of YepFr .liangiarra aud rata arid dealer I.l_ ailitiegorinuag; raid wrapping m ac. co Woad al rittiburti fUde dcri amyl eeraipsourekeied stabs "Omar warier price. sumo., M iirr AITLAND. ig ' lELLERS NICOLS, Prodace mei General Cone. rdaeiou Aterehrints, Liberty it, Pstuburgii. leietee, linseed and Lard Oil. OP. -F. VON BONNUORST, k Co.; Witoicsate Oro. cars, Items/ding-and Commission Merchants, Lamm hr Pinahangh Manufactures and. Western Fro. docaskara armored to their ow strateboase,told stand) No. comae of From at. and Chancery &raw., tai g ual Irwin, war ita CI g !PASSES /.111IT, \V;I:e - sida Grocers nod Comod. J. .J. 4 Merchants, and daalen, Prodaea. No. 34 pan 'AmuII FOSTER, Agent for Alez4an soldfsm and I. ty ur mtural u land ,, odm a a t a: W = sal“ . :nto p i;,xll attend to maTl4.dly. CARDS; bow. WorIZF . di • • V1 p arr..11PCAN . D1.4.4.4,. 'ta L.r.l. D. vr,,,a) WU.laaala thaws, ' lionearalag aad eamoisalas Alarekania, 'kale& .isk Iran, ailsAllass, .fawn Varna, and Palabargis hiamfactusas 'generally, maser of Wood awl Water larecsahurs. trinitrase snit OM Fanasa. • yy . ing establishment, Na. 2411 Many no me '11[1" GAltitAltrcikmler ' , uric,. 1.1 &apt., Good% Na.l9 Market suer, Piudeuith. U-dIY . • 133=3 jiff WILSON, Ikeeler Watellieh kel J every 1 Silver Ware, (10..1%.11ce .. Ala" R. MURPHY, idatafessda and Retail &star in Amigo _awl Domestic Dry (loads, nonh oast Corner of Market mud Fourth sus. • ooged -11rA LRICK MARTIN & Ca,, Bankers, Dealers In TV ELtkange,RanliNotes and Coin, comet ot Third amt Wowlure