The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 24, 1848, Image 2

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H 4 tallentS 111 LOOKS k.CcO,
PITTS'S V116,110:•-:
.PHIL W.1.4.111A..111011.T11 AIiaICELIOAB.
- Aare Itd:3lgrltarXl
• ids,* aid United atiT a lLlstend, , , T
' . • . • Prrasosaa Da= G . d.Tarraikpiablisbed
• . a-Witkly, dad Weekly..-I,lka
_id Seven
‘1 - paw. pej uausm; - qirriAlreet Iy id Fire
tbsigaakir . 12 *. ", 41. P .. .P e ! r'r",
- Lies adetniestl' lona is
• fnen Wm', Sr. ic.,..din="l 64;
tinny ihret,2'4'...illlP.w-Mostestk, lbiai. ,
P,lO. • "°°cY Td.A.l%,Aitill.11Rioalla Mosul'mattes,
again . avid'lves of the. figures of the
Tattoo, toaboie the Baud ofioods that hasis beea
• potted trpoti our Inas:het, thrmaytt the operation of
• 'the fraudulent tariff all 846: No one'can tend th'e
• ' details of the,oponitioit of this ,i 1 InSr, and resat
the conchution that home lalsai has been sacrificed,
withoof tlse'least - return. • '•
r 'rho f.illowirig table; shows the 'exports from En.
• ;'....glaad to the United Stiles, of Plain Calioxs:
• • 1946 11341. • • Increase.
Yard., 10,440,215 . 41,519,244 • 30,879,0'29
.1, An blame of pearly Arse kgrairolper cent., in
one short year.. ihnier the old law, which made
the plaits natio:es pay a specific duty, thicis were
; nut so,•as the figures demonstrate. ; •
sumo ro ; Tres pus= wrists. '
. .
. - • 18,14. : 1545. 1816.
*,• •Yarda, • 9,c64120 , 12,412,981 lonin,9ts
Do ant (hese farareanhove that the old law:rean*
i led the imports, prevented cacessea, and kept OM
.-Lome labor, herndean compaiitivelf, from the pate'• li
par, labor of Ensiled. . j
. We soar give the , : Apure, in /elation *alba en.
• port of !nos to as, in: the same time. , • .
•, • .* - - 1816, 1817. • . Increlum
•-•• *Ol, * 4„1152,486 8721,838 4,6E9,319
'• A, lee:tease of no. itneiradper cent. , •
- .2lctif; let a ace exPert coiu)...rmma:
let& • 1817." . Increase..
Sande 4X4492: • 812,407 ,:..419,9(5:
116*rir*.7.. . the old lair.
„_ vr , ' , 1815.•
• zeft • • 423,999 422,162
: if - eniree rode tariff has
-id/bedy,m 01• • Wek,ng. in one . peat
thi klinvitei • ••,i, ': •
• . 1 '1 148414 GORon an d I s om . -518 391
j' Coerla, e a
tilieonii,printed:‘addied;' ' :30,868,508
'• • .
• T o tal .... 69,183,90 i
Thread,44 ..... .118,915 '
The theasidvoti of the nlw_de goo& to the
licked State's; gived to everygoodWhig'and • De
~nuxritic!inhabitant.--mep, women, snd•ctiddietri .
• "
• Hlr
Thritimei beirde fly for nrelet chw tetJamei
IL*4!4/ Vq..?!..AqP; :are
,good,isirilimesvas thernaen, the Whigs would
ebstiorirpricseivernment.,! The tstiiKof 1646
bhai ebowit'its' rouennesd,.and the (id is inVitici
spparent,lhat ioreignl4e , is awampingto. Shell
• Vrei cost? it!: 'Ought see not to rein 'the stand sit
!Observer ._in..the Post- 1.4t..-empport our own!
, • .--9 They partheirState,County,and City Taxes;
icor the support 'afro - lir Government -far the tirivii
1 of living
to w ns us,uteidr.tiblic,ipating 4141 e,
aupporriagi.Tbeise Foreign emissaries have no iPS,
.terest in oor-aithirs, but the interest to . bis deriVed.
from: their,iales. They have - so sympathied.Willti
our'y ieoplp—no concern. Fer their prosperity; mini
istir in no particular to the wealth of the place - -,LI
hat, the contrary', from the . plan which they pin:
sue, .0. 3 us, as it were, bystealtb. p ort
lake,ilarty our money, without aiding to suppak , ,
par institutions, they actually, .t lii as mrs.l
- with them' are concerned, impoVerish our
/ Who will not stand up for the home Lexie& .1
' Wrcedem of the Peeve ',
The lite attempt made by a party of shirts to',
/`ilitespc . ficun thel:Hsuid of Colombia has 'caused
-ta,,trat degree of excitement.. A telegraphic letj
7, der mi6e Bahimaee ( dated" Mitl . 9th — iestunt .
. • n The committee appointed to wait on the 'pro- :
of the National Era,rtmorted undo met
about a quartet before ten o'clock, that they
fulfilled the -duty' eisigned'them, and that the
preprinted peremptorily refined the demand of
the public, to remove their office and printing TM
: Serials frout..Waabington. .
This announcement caused a general rush of the
mertviL towerds the Era Office ' and an attack was
immediately commenced on it, with stones, but the
Mainhal of the Didrict- interfering, and ' a large
untidier of citizens rallying to his aid, the crowd'
.was dispersed, and quid restored..
/. A 41 . 51C1hlnlOtl-Wal then !dented bl ef tibl .y ci t t , ::
Mena, 1:11t i l i t * I0 a Otrlde to 111011'0Wi
premed to 14119010 . 11 the printing material: in k:in
:Washington, and lit b presumed they will be sent
On ; Iliad:Mt of the continued Illness of Mayor
• Beitoa,SPalterLinom, Em.,President of the Board
of Aldermen, Inns Acted throughout tha evening
with great etiecry and effect?
' For' the hotne of the country, it is to be hoped
the proceedings of the mob ;411;s - suppressed; and
the right of a Free Potts maintained. •
. • . In the pad kw:weeks, the Press and the People •
of the country hive been fall of 'liberty, equality,
firtamity.' Let it now be seen thit these espres
skits were sincere, and not mere clap trap. Let
it not be said that at the. Capitol of the Republic a
. pied was rem o ved and gagged, because its own'
% en dared to discuss tbe political questions of the
• day, in a calm, dispassionate manner. The editor
has published a manly 4 Card,"in the
end we have no fear of the result. If the Ern is
removed from Washington, it is idle to talk of the
freedom of the presi again. It nos departed, end
; Rea& measure, will Imre lobe adoped to restore
/raid to Gen. Scott.
• The eigzena oflionisiania, who are &heap firer
mein their gins; and who are folly capable clap'
s " , ; Predudn the merits of our . wit men, whether
in the field or In civil service, ire about to present
Warr gidituat .Congueror'of - Mexico a splendid
Partied, as a slight isiidurice of the eatinaation in
which they bold Ina services. lf. any thing can re.
Move the stigma which an ungrateful power,.now
unfurintiately at the head of the Government, hos
eudeavono to inflict upon. the Hero who never
yet fought an uniucceasfid battle, it is inch testi
monies en this, which come directly from the peo
ple themselves, and not (rem those who, fin a me
meat, -are tdreilerl up. in brief authority, with
the* "cut each romantic tricker, on canes
ern the Opiate weep," We trust Perinsylvie
aavrell i as4er of our ester States, will. fellow
-the example of warm hearted and chivalric_ (finis•
nor sword to be preowned to Gen. Scott by the
§tinier Lonisiaria, hen been finished by Hyde d;
Csoodrieb;b(Near Orleans. It is ; said to be very
ciehly ind beautifully .ornarneuted, and been the
ifolklaring inscription..
. ...Par:sienna bithe people of the State of lanisi.
ens, to Gen! .Winfield Senn, for hie gallantry and
sescrahhip exhibited At the siege of Vera Cruz, in
the hauler of Cerro GOrdo, Contreras, Cburebnaco.
hfolino'alel Rey,: Cfieptilteirc, and to his final en.
fiy inb tlliattity cilfetico.
Mnirtimairter or: Serra Awrx—The Savannah
Raid.liesn of Friday, the 14th inst., contents the
killearimg tekgrajdne despatch:.
• •Wi, one Indebted to the Macon Journal nod
Messner for the following telegraphic colum.i-
Catioll, received:at a late hour last evening: 1
Macon, April 13th,1615.
r Meat. McAllister, U. S. Artillery, has just arriv
ed from Mexico: Fenn him we learn that Santa
Alien had gene to Antigua under a Mexican es:
• cart. and ®barked the Jamaica nom that port be
girts be left /Simla,. A messenger with despatch
, 0 ,1 - 4<sa the - re:ifie, =Me with Lieutenant MicAl
&nor; An passed through Queretaro; and says the
treaty .411 be ratified. ,
einaltScar U . Krtim. Num—'.apt. Nye, of the
packa ship Gay, at New York, rapes that
•c@ yak instant, at OP. 01, heepoke the new
- a gaantrkip I.Taked Sofas, Haelota7, from Na
She was thin in latitude 41
18, 58 .10t The U. S. left New York on the
al*** *WWI end will make the run
• -In 13 days' at Or "1?9,"' rate.
• wirtiria r • Wovissi. Hospital..
2b g .13stitors ef tho.Pistaintegis Rassue
' tuuntonullgle Oxidate la coppin
hone, some
the Reportofithe WealonaP=sllyeutia Hospital,
the - &ninon of Hang ShieAds, , is stated at
oars .buodred acaude,"iniwad of. 03a thousand,
trbiett,it *as . By, notiaili datum. in rat oast
Parr '•
• ?°r.sll{7Aric,th.sTa.
. .
• Sit hared.} Taw recenfi7:#4v Bl - toFi•
• •:•;;; ' •••k.tissits Fe and New Mexico.
iietcaudero4Etutarial - *Taesiiiriurskisbes
an'extmct fronithe bon iepcstorthe eom
Missimierof pirientikurideh iyives an atexestiag
viesref the grate traded the emir*, wing 5 1
cusurideMble length into details as to its crops,com
eum. fumm and surplus available for extort; the
.wbolefaunded on data which' mate 'the adman
iron =paned a/reliable as any mere estimates
'ever, can be. Believing ilTat the' results =lived at
would be more paeans , ' acceptable and .equally
useful to our madenain a Summary shape, yea. -
companies] the slatall of the; process by which
lbosozemlii are arrived at, we prefer giving tie
2dlewipg analysis to the reimblicution of the report
itlahge , '''N• Com Ad.
.: , Tbe subject In discussed under three general
bends. , .1, The 4 pruluction 'of the United States
in'lB47._ 2, The consumption and surplus let the
exportation, • and 3, The disposition of that ear.
trop of grain, dec., in the United States
eitirciated as follows:
.bushels 639,356,000 ,
Grain net son Ifar Bread :--
Oats buobels 167,807,000 •
Barley , " . . 5,649,950
Total grain
Odin , asides of food.
bush 100,950,000
Beans and peas 50,000,000
Rice pounds '103,640,320
Estimated populatimaof thisll. S. 20,716,400
2 Consumption and surplus.
-The product having been arrived at, the next
requisite fore correct estimate of the surplus is to
ascertain what portion of The nett crop will be
.wanted for-swObe consumption amen and beast,
The mud estimate of English and French sta
fitttainn consumption of five bushels of wheat far
each individual. In this country however, there is
a much more general use of animal food, and in
addition Indian corn is substituted be wheat to an
important amount by' all clines, 'stole' for. the
sieve population with meat, it farm the great sta.,
Tie ofsubsistence. It is therefore assumed that an
estimate of three bushels of wheat each for the en
ticit_p4ulaticet, or three and • half bushels each,
atialag slaves, would be nearly or quite correct.
The annual individual itcmsumption of Lidiancom
is estimated in 5; of rye at half • bushel and of
buckwheat Wimething more than a quarter of a bu.
'maids; au aggregate consumption of about Bi.bu.
of grain for each inhabitant.
The estimate of consumption by animals is 5
bushels .each of corn for horses, nod swine,
1 bushel per head farcical cattle and one quarter
of *bushel for sheep. Poultry, it is sappeded,
consume abobt 5,000,000 bushels of corn during
• .allowane seed is 6,p00,000 bushels for
sera; fir wheat one - bushel In ten • rye one in
eight; buckwheat one in sixteen; .and oats one in
For digilling the estimate is 25,000,000 bushels of
corn and 10,000,01:0 of rye.
ihoductiou, 1847 bush 114,215,500
Seed - 11,424,550 , .
P1CT1V..0.052X*,200 73,663,754 40,531,750
Intsh 9p),ooci
`Se d` 6000,000
Cousumht 103,74',000
By &limas 230,96300
Fce 25,000,000-365,655,0 9 f -17 '.to 1 pol
ixtduction • bush 29,=2,100
Seed 3,652,597
' ' "
110,006,000 121,025751 5.196,913
.hush 11,671,773.
. .
Spies . e TA3I3
COnnumptioil 0,000,000 0,723,343 4,950.935
.. , .
•.= Total, -; • - • bush. V...4,".51,502
: . "3: . The :disposition of the' surplus.
.The. principal eoropurchasing countries of the are Great Britain. France, Holland, the
• West India islands, British American colonica•
„Brasil and Smith America generally. They flannel
:ly esquire about 33,000,000 bushels of Wheat, lex,
.cJusive of other grain, as follows:
. Britain Bushris.
Great . • 20,000,000
' Fra net' s,oooloo
-Went Indies generally . ' • .- . 2,500,000
'British America colonies . • - '2 1e10,400
:North America generally • . ,
. ' 350 tan
. .
Soith Americagenerally , : . 1,000,00
Total ' 3 3 , 000 X 1
This is the estimate fier the demand under Lodi;
nary circummes. course a plentiful harvest
will diminish it, while on the other hood a short
harvest, or destruction of scone crop like the pots
to, will greatly increase It.. In
. 184 Tit was greatly
increased by.the latter Mine
If the shove estimate, and.6hat which precedes
it are exutect, the sot pluswbeat crop of the'Unked
States is more than iisSeisent to supply the' ordi.
nary deficiencies of all that portkut 01 the was
which is 13tely, undar4isy,earcuinsfesimes, -td'
•quire it. • This fact, taken In connection with a.
other—that we are only onoaf many mopetitors
6r this custom, --sarthingly denesonsustos the it
domed the policy which swim to build up the
home market--to mike the consumers, employed
in other industrial pursuit:, within one own borders,
ineresthe in pioportion to the grouth of our agri.
' culture, and the development of theme. resour
ces of the interior.
The principal gram exporting countries in Es.
tope appear to be Russia, Prussia; Denmark. and
Sicily; in Asia, Syria; in Artie., Egypt. Two. esti.
mates or th e exports at thew , couraruts are given
in the report." The first was prepared for the Lon
don Mark Lane Express, in April of last year, find
includes (as we understand it) all description of
Couerrier. Raub:
Russia on the Black Sea 16,000,00
Danube 12,000,000
Northern Parts 4,000A0
Egypt sod Syria 4,00,000
Prussia, Pommels and Danish ports on'
the Baltic 1.600,000
The seiamad is compiled from n table in McGreg
or's Commercial Staustidi,enabodyini; the =molar
returns for 1813. .
Table exhibiting the surplus quantity of wheat
expartwion at the pnampal corn .marts of 'Fa
rope; the average prices per quarter nod evens
cost of transportation to England, and the eve
age cost when landed in the ports of Enema
exclusive of duty. •
- , ...g v -,-.
wbT,grulo-i.1 g .77,. .., l
. a
ration o o L . ;
- • ° fa r r
0.111 Ai
= SI f g it,v
'"1 .12... ri i ii ... ..^.l
2 e- Vi.
5 5.
13 26 5
5 .
14 5 a d s. d. 5 e. 5 e
St Puled 1950611,640,0 00 20 1 4 SI 43 01 10 01 „.'
Rtga• •• • not mated 49 7495441 13 17 64 I
L.boa- 30,00) mum 63 7404041 11 72 491
°deers 160003 1,521,000 26 6100 36 0 973• MI
Warsaw 300,125 2403.01:5 16 0 3 907 9 904 05
Stektelat 1350 8,1101 ?I 649 27 3 9MI 1.1
Dantrie 315,000 2,651350 40 0 3943 9 10 01 "12/
gp.g.b. 63.015 210,021 42 6 3047 6 11 rel 44
Rtetten 2.10,003 Way= ti 046446 10 ID 34
Morel 5004 — 47;712 33 0 4dm 6 9:b 101
111.3n0t0 173350 1,400,19.1 33 4237 3 001 11
1 lvtoWg ::19,005 4301,001.1 40 6 3914 3 10 73 34
ROUrd'in not awed. .W 1/ 2367 3 Is 99 739
Antwerp not staled 20 6935011 14 22 771
hykr,.. 5493941 , 1,6101350 .91 0 9340 3 II 91 40
Total =1,464 17,770,712
General average 40 6 4 0113 31 10 99 1 37/
prt we copy emirs:—
, smutty of wheat Or
Porting countries of
'tett States, is not Gan
hat the greet rival of
The conclusion of the
We infer that the who
exportation, by the grain e
the world, excluding the Unit
from 20,005,000 bushels, trod tl
the United States is Ronnie.
She 'produces the most and sells it the ebelpmu
certainly et the port of Odessa qn the Black Set
She has, however, but few ports and her means of
transportation from the interior are not on great an
those possesied by the United States. It is doubt
ful, too, whether Rowe can produce groin cheap•
er than the western statenof the American Union.
From inquiries submitted during the lest Summer
it appears that the oast of growing whoa in the
United StattX. is as idlovrs:—
• ha New Ilampshire
Naar York, Western
Ohio Northern 50
Michigan 28 to67j
Indiana 25 t 035
These sums include every expense (interest on
the land being ooe item) which attend: the cult,.
Nation of wheat from the preparation of the land
to thrashing an d-goring; of roam thd cost varies
in different years iu pro . purtion the harvest is
abundant or scarce. For example, the cos t o f
tatting a bushel of wheat In Michigan is given,
-from four year actual observation, and was m
fdlows:—first year, a bushel coat the grower, fal
cts.• second year, 30 4-5 Ms.; third 'year, 23 cm. •
fourth year, 30 eta.
In view of the facts above slated, ads confident
ly believed that the grain growers , of the-United
,States can anoessfully compete with those of any
'other nation in the great corn marts of the world.
are plena' to' learn that Maas. Rowland and
Aspinwall, of New York, in fiutherance of their al
ready extensive operationi on the shores of the
Pacific, having obtained the Government mail on.
tract, are constructing three steamers, which axe
to ply . monthly between Panama • and Oregon,
touclang at the prominent ports of Calithrus.--
These steamers are' to commence running next
winter, in connection with one from, thin port to
Mayas at the .Isthtons. When them mange
meats shall have taken effect, the prtwiv from
New Ye* to Ban Francisco, in Upper
can be made in thirty d a y,, whereas ;it no, bans.
pies gout four mouths. The time eonamaet to
mowing the Isthmus seldom 'exceeds thirty !Kam
. ULM Etraorre—The Hibew& end with.
Lefton we rapidly tilling up with pawner; and
wall bah motaUlftate eat u many as they can
ocwanocate. The packets also are going thIL—
Tim iliatechanons in Europe, instead of c he.4dng
meet,. seams to have .increased
iTelegraph - : gave the spirit orthe news by
. tise Dnehissii slChleans. We 'saki; ihe fallwing
additional extracs from New Yurt mem of the
Sop the first of March, in , F it is stated
that silver plate to the value of fifty millions has
been coined int.S.five franc pieceal ' *
The minister of the Interiorbas jest addressed' a
theater to the Government Commissioners in the
Provinces, directing therolo use every exertion to
furnish employment to the poorer classes, by en
couragirg the 'estalitishment of charitable work
shops, to whichohjeetthe assistance granted by the
Government to the Bureaus de Bieatisisrince would
be principally devoted.
The members of this Provisioral Government
have already been guilty of oppreisive acts, which
are thin noticed by the Prwsse.
"The Throne and Charter have Lieen broken
down and destroyed; Kings and Ministers bare
been carried away. Abuses have remained! But
they have changed their name. Yesterday they
were called Corruption! To day they' are called
Intimidation! Yesterday they were called perfect!
To day they are culled Commissary! Yesterday
they draped themselves in the mantle of Royalty!
Today they envelope themselves in the mantle of
the Republic! Abuses are among as then like the
Hydra, froth which we cannot strike off one head
Without another, more debated, immediately aris
ing. Is it then impossible for us to protect what
excess,without exceeding it; to avenge other-
Wise than by illegality, violated legality? Shallow,
then only know how to overthrow? Shall we then
only 'mow how to resist? Will these words of
Lord Chesterfield to Montesquieu be then etes
tally true—' The French know how to make bar
ricades, but they do not know bow to erect bar."
The independence of the newspapers is cerinin-
ly manifested.'
:The Provisional GoVernment -appears greatly
embarrassed to' know what system 0 can adopt to
check the list of voters at the elections. • ,This is a
matter of great 'difficulty, for no every elector will
have to inscribe us many amines as there are to be
deputies, there will be some millions of names
scribed. Thus there are about 300,000 electors in
the department of the Seine, and as there are 34
deputies to be returned, there will have to be, sop.
posing all the electors to. vote, 300,000 times 31
names written, or in all, 40,201000. The Provi
sional Government, however, calculates that only
from 150,000 to 200,000 citizens at most will take
part in the elections, and that no candiate can be
elected without having about 35,000 or 40,000
• M. Thiers has issued an addreas to the electors ,
of the Department of the 13uches du Rhone, who
had °tiered him their sulfragee it the approaching
elections. Thiers accepts. ,
No later dates from Austria thou the 18th March
from Vienna. Private letters state the probability
that, notwithstanding the concessions the-Emperor
Ferdinand wool& be compelled to learn his throne
when. the people should learn of the turn affairs
had taken at Berlin.. •
The Nolis/s revolution is confirmed. All the no.
lideal prisoners had been set at liberty. Ten then.
sand roles waited on Count . . de Deym on the:l7th
March, and demanded the release of the prisoners.
The. Count at first declined to grad, but some
hours after he went to the 'prison, followed by ti
large crowd, and set the men at liberty himself
The number of prisoners was 4 00, consisting of
students, priests, nod gentlemen. The people ma
nifeoed the greatest enthusiasm. The Breslau.
Gazette, of the tftlr, asserts, on the authority of,
private letter, that the Austrian troops had been
driven away from trasvivr, and a Republic been
proclaimed.- • .
A telegraphic despatch, dated Meta, March Slth,
states that a Republic has born proclaimed at Iler
lin: King -had been dethroned, and lon Mn:
Jesty and Ministers arrested, - -
The People on, not .1111.41fiCti with simply dethron
ing the monarchy, but hold hint nod his ministers
prisoner, The Temple after the I Oth of August
has write again.
The tes u ltst of the perielamatton of Republic at
Berlin are immense. Berlin is the heart of Ger
many, as Ptiri,is 'of Prance, and Itencelintit the
Germanic Union becomes a reality. . ,
AnnrruNst. Ir., or Sta.,. itt Saitsft
The Irish ue buying arms of all deticriptions, t
the police are fraternizing with the people.
Troops have been sent to. Scotland to preven
disturbance there.
The Cbartiststerre to nicer at NoUinuham
the 3d inst., the day. the So rah Sands railed. -They
hail previously proposed to titareh,so3,ooo strong,
into London; all fully turned:
There was every probability of a war breaking
Out bedween RoFhilt and Germany.
Trouruility had boot restored to Austria, and it
was thought that the Austrians will unite with the
Gen:nuns against' Rineia.
The Russian Peet was coming &Wit the Baltic
with the determination of rendering assistance to
the king of :Naples. Cannon were planted at Elsi
nore to intercept its pro,,
All Southern Maisie in rentesented to be in open
Several arrests have been made in Spain of per
pans charged with seditious movements.
The King of Naples. has abandoned Sicily, and
appealed gunialanen other Pallier: •
• •
Important to Coassignees .-tad COllllllllllll
:It has; been the custom" of inasters and owners
Mrcesehrentragad is therarrying trade, to retain
and Claim oil property earned . by them over and
above Me tplanitty specified in the bill of lading.—
Frequently I.ontrerversies have arisen in rsilatiou to
this subject, bet as it has been pretty generally itup
posed that custom invested the parties claiming
under it with title, the matter has been heretofine
left uncontested. On Thursday last, however, a
suit was brought belore Justice Diehl.", of this city,
by Moo re. Mosher 5: Clapp, against Ralph Faros
'worth and others, for the purpose of testing theTle
gality of the practice referred to. The plaintiffs, it
appears, loot season shipped at Chicago, on board
the defisodattes brig Tumarora.Capt. Pope, a mum
thy of salted hides, to the care of their agent, Mr.
11. E. Haward, Buffalo. Ott discharging the cargo,
it was ascertained that more hides had been put
on board than were receipted in the bill of lading.
The ogeot demanded the surplus, and tendered
freight on them.— Defendmta refused to give them
claiming them under the custom by Which; if
anar,o, tall; short of the bill, the difference in pad,
j and d it anemias, the vessel delivers truly the
amount receipted. The defendante called,as wit
nesses, several business men on thndock, most of .
, whom testified to the general prevalence of the
„, custom in cases where the difference was not large.
„ Others, so the as they knew, it was onikrrm. The
plaintiffs called no witnesses on this point, insisting
• as a ensue: of law, that no such custom, however
miform,could transfer the title to property from the
without his sweet. That the micron:deli ad-
1 . .
mite , a mercantile custom to explain a mercantile
-contiact, made with. view to the custom im the
purpose of showing what was intended by the par.
ties, and to determine the duties of 'carriers and
mercantile egents. had no application to this case.
The Court sustained this view, and rendered
judgment against the defendant, for the value of
the property.—/leff. Coto. Adr.
Tits Editor of a. t. , uuthem paper thus amusing.
ly hits oil Brigadier General Pillow, the man that
made Mr. Polk, as hudeelares, President. -
Ho was dressed inn lull 'suit of ..regimentals,"
with the brass buttons gilt lace pertalningto a
'full brigadier," and wore his three cornered neck.
ed hat after the most 'aproved style of militia mus.
tem. Ile was accorammied by bin aid, two 'ser
vants, and had along the requsite number of prime.
ing coursers, either gir n charge or a retreat. The
General gratified the citizens of New Orleans with
his boromnauhip, frequently, during his stay.—
Every morning, his serYouls lad out two of his
chargers, elegantly cayarisoiled, and walked them
at , and down the street, in front of the St. Charles;
and, upon inquiry as to wham harms they, were,
always condom:waled to answer, 'They are Brigs
dier General Pillow's, air-- Brigadier General
Pillow is gwyne to taken ride, sir," The morn.
iog alter his arrival, the Brigadier, accompanied by
his aid, mounted his borne, it is said without any
other accident except twice tripping himself up
with his spurs ' and gallantly trotting up St. Chart.,
armed into M agazine street, where ha halted he.
fore the Picayune °tax. • The yublishei,. in hot
haste, rushed to the door, where, after receiving a
[Military salute from the Brigadier, the 4/flowing
rimy and unique sliahmiie took place;
What is the priim;' says the Brigadier,.of Wel ye
numbers of the Picaynne,.per annuinr
"Tweitty . &Atari," snid tbe publisher.
That is pretty3al4 - however, send six iiiimber.s
to Mrs. Brigadier General Pillow, at-Columbia,
Tennessee; and six to Mr. 13rigedier General
low wherever he Maybe on service, as he expects
to be on active - duty soon. And,.by the way, you
innirestouunce in your paper, tomorrow, that ling.
dice General Pillow has arrived in the .:city, is
good health and is, at present,• staying at the St.'
$l,lO per Lir
61 " "
Cnmuanu TAILEI.AGAIN BY TUT AM1E81.1%. -.-
CUL. 114125 OUT orsiaxm.—The steam ship Ohio.
at New Orleans, bongs late deice from Mexico.
The only farther news of itniartanee received by
the Ohio lithe conquest of Chihuahua. le place
of Colonel Balls being defeated by Urreainear El
oar troops entered Chihuahua in triumph on
the Iv 4 of March, .67r the second - time •• Upon•
reining intelligence of this event, litres, maul:inn
dant of Durango, immediately commune...a putting
that city and State in a posture of defencejor the
purpose of resisting the invader.-.:Besides Invad
ing Chihuahua, the Americana have. made incur
skins into other meteor the Mexican territory lath.
Ono exempt from the tide of war. A body of three
hundred of our nooses bad attired at Salienito, an
their way to Sao. Luis Patina. Mexepil, in the
State of Zacatecas, had oho 'fallen without a strug
gle, and the formidable force of leuentern mounted
•Aeserirans arrived on the . l4th at Cedral, on their
why. looccupyldatehnela. In San Luis.
‘ The Post Office Department has just gone
through the annual}proaiss of letting to contract
the entire mail service throughout a fourth part of
ttie Union. The Buttes OrNew Jersey, Pennstiva.
nia, Delaware, Maryland, and Ohio, compose the
w ai t , that is placed under new contracts Car
the . transportation' or ,
the mails by the recent
letting'. We are informed that, although the bid.
tiers were not as nemeroui as usual, yet them was
a sound and healthy competition, and the contracts
have been taken at such a naluctioa in the prices,
as to give a. saving of more dm 0100,000 per an
num., : Besides this saving in the emu of transpor.
'talks Or the "section, important improvements have
:hen made; and In O considerable additional
'railroad service will be hio
brought into operation.—
Wash. Mime..
'Fifteen hundred steerage passengers arrived at
.New York from Europe within twenty finis boom
__ - ........-~ "ra,,._,....-.
Loral intiritilexec
Weave indebted to our eeterpriiiug friend, Mr.
of Fourth at., for the tAlueing valuable.
- .
Alhead. life of Marlborough, complete in one
volume, and' published by -Harper 5: Brothers,
New York. The life and history. of John, Duke of
Marlborough, ave.r known ns the Great Duke, in
untidier to every reader of English history. There
are however, many events in Lis life and rheum
ter Which the Ilistorirm heretofore hati failed l ie re'
cording, bet Which the distinguished author of the
present work has brat to tight. - No man could have
been possitLy selected more capable to do justice
to the great and,consunimate abilities and immense
services of the great General of Queen Anne
than the proUniiidiand brilliant author of the His
, tory of Europe. In this age, when a military crir
it seems to Fe — pervading our own countrymen,
who like Mord:nook, "ine'm <is greste," there
may be found in this intensely interesting
. volume
much that may prove both exciting nod instructive
We commend the work to the special attention of
our literary render.,
"Posthumous works of the Rev. Thorns, Chal
mers, D. D., L. L D., edited by the Ray. William
Hanna, L L lk"
Messrs. Harper it Brothers have issued VoL 2.
containing daily scripture readings. Every
thing Gam the pen of this emminent leader of the
Church of Smnand, must be received with great
interest, Dr. Chalmers both us s writer and preach:
er, luid no superior in nay church or land. His
fame is feiMiliar wherever the English language is
known orsPoken. His works should have a choice
place in the Miniry of every family in the land, no
matter of what sett, for they contain nothing but
what is calculated to Instruct, elevate and emend
the heart.
"OLD Mess, TIM Orator. or adventures in the
Camntlache country in search of a gold mine.
B3rChas. W.'Webber, author of Jack Long, or
the shot in the eye, &c., &e.,"
Oar kind friend has also favored us with it copy
of this work. We have barely had time to skim
its pages,bot we hove read sufficient to ratisfyue
that it contains a series of adventures that will
greatly amuse and interest the reader.:
tlincnnon or Tun Autsar."—fly the author of
the Falcon Family. Dedimued to Lady Morgan.
This is a moot dclighUhl volume, from an'
'peat Lawyer of the Mmous Inns of the Albany.
It abounds with most amusing stories nod.. incl.
dents, and sparkles with brilliant witticisms, go and
purchase it if you vial, to be amused. ,
BISINESS eN 'the esyst..—The following is the
numberof trials cleared pt this atilt..., for the week
ending Saturday, April 22d, together with the ton
nage, and amount of tolls received thereon.
Boats. Tonnage. _ Tolli.
Monday 17, IS ,y 95,636 $959 3i
Tuesday - IS, IS . (1 .113,', 9;6 :12
Wednesday IS, 23 552,319 - $l2 S 3
Thursday 1.91, '•_l 90,3301 931 59
Friday 21, 97 12 , 20,517 1911 51
Saturday 22, gri 1119,212 11109 33
135 5,7411,5i1i :Alt or
Prev. reported, 511 253.12,492 '25,1(11
.15 . 2 36,5*,1,047,S 3(075 97
LEVI I: CLOVER, l'..lll,•ciut.
Tue t7/01,t1.—The Canal was partially cleaned
yesterday, and the horrid twitch letteued, but
not thoroughly banished. et it should In. The en•
nal basin it a ilex:race to the city, Tail 'Offen:li. to
decency, and ibotrhd he put at race in a perfect
state of cleatiliuris before the public liealth suffers.
A rid er way can be made, fir a trifling expenne,
at the west end of the aqueduct, and the water I
drawn uthevery Sunday, Into the Allegheny River
A wicket could be placed in the mineJurt, no that
the level would net be cleaurbed at Allegheny.—
it not ea:inch—the connouniegion should lie
uywnrJ 11p011 the Miinougulicla rie, and wider
imough be patted lady to keep all tweet. It IS
the duty of Male OtIC to keep tint basin in a state
that It will not injure the public health, and the
lierforniance of thin duty mutt hot insitted upon.
Tor De.sms.—Toni;lit M. Andersen wilHsp
pear as Othello, in which he has hi:en very At
fhl. As Claude .Mehluite, be bar 7w auperior, if
any equals. In the court of his chamgement, ate
hope to see the "King of the Commune" and ' . .Mce .
nay," in bath milarbich he eaunnt to afford tlu
lovers ofthe drama a rare treat.
111.411.21.1 Z ,I2loliMi at This , L.•
Ira! be inearted in the Gazette unless banded
by some responsible person or accompanied by a
'responsible name. “Subecrilter" is ore indefinite Id
append to notes of till, kind.
it IA m reported yerterday that the Orphan' Ass ,
lum had taken fire, but if so, no material drunao
could have occurred, as we could discover no ilru
when the alarm was given.
Snta Ewa Norrusa, Laavr.--This fine boat
will leave this day, fur St. 'Louie. With such
commander as Captain flutcbmsan, and on such a
Lout, travelling is delightful.
Ono Fut.t.owse Cebrintsvtost—See steam boat
Comae. advertisement ,for a 110tite of n trip to
Steubenville, on a pleamtre ezeortion.
The CeloninntiOrl. meeting wallc held this even.
ing, according to adjeummemL Messrs. Ferwa
and Loomis will deliver nddresses.
tYPOWTANT hfilMovemrr.—The improvements
in the construction of the steam boiler, introduced
by Mr. Jamtm Montgomery, of New York, are *Aid
to be very great—the steam boiler is very much
reduced in weight, niay be placed in far less space,
and in rendered safer while the consumption of
fuel is reduced one half, and the' durntion of the
boiler rendered for greater. It has-been adopted
in some of the steam boats and mandfseturing es.
tablishments with great satisfaction, and if all raid.
of it he true, Mr. Montgomery has conferred a be,
nefit on society by bin Ingenuity.
Cuss:slurs AT Wsmsoros.—Within the past
week there j lmve been stoat fifty persons appoint.
ed to clerklhips, principally in the bureaus belong.
iog to the Treasury Department. There were a
hundred and tidy applicants for every vacant desk!
--So says an exchange paper.
AS,OIII/..3, BATTLE to Max:cm—Mexican dater
to the 9h have bean received in New Orlean.—
A great battle had been foughkat Realise, sixty
miles from Chiltualum, in which the Americans
were victorious. The Governor of Chihuahua,
kiurteen pieties of artillery, soda great many pries
oners were taken by our forces. The loss in killed
and wounded on both sides was heavy.
ItaaTit in , lIoN. Asa Ckare.—Died in:thia city,
eller, a long illness, the lion. Asa Clapp, aged St;
years., l le was Lir many years one of most active
and enterprising merchant,, and was at the 61110
of bin death the rieluist man in the State.—Purr.
lie was law otJudge 'Woodbury, of the
Supreme Court of tho Milted States.
Tan Itraten.-Iq,- Bowen and N. N. Car
vallo, have !vaned propocala fur publishing a 11121bl
/101i and' Lame'aa review or the anthracite eon!
region of Niancyleunta. i TM* will ha . a
view of, the coal region and the mining operations,
embracing; also, tlie growth of tine Schuylkill trade,
and all line intervening ninners coniterted with PO
important a branch of Imminetis.• The work will be
II n.-fill and valitable
AN ot.. Paurta..—.l,ilni - M:11111 died at the Alm.
house, Germantown, a few day. a oiler /trine
an inmate of the 11.1111111011 nearly tiny ce,
year.. Ali
the time of Iris death lie waft Slippetied to be one
Atiravvf 'Para old!
'Pus Univansery no MrAmarri advertiten for five
Prokmvorth one of them to be ('resident of the (Jul.
.veraity. The salary of the President will be $2OlOl,
of the Professor', $1:410, and house. will be provi•
dud fortbem free of charge.
Ten Lmetinas ltcrummearioxs.—The New Or.
leanitllella SLIIIGS that the interlineationn in lhe I.e.
attidas letter, which Gen. Scott and Mr. Trint mem
to think were made by General Pillow,ivere made
by the editor of that paper in the' original inane.
script, before publishing it, and were intended to
improve its composition, nut at all affecting the
MR, SARAH WoRT1.11.2111:1, wife Glean Wnr•
thingtuu, residing in I,Vriglitetown, [lucks county,
gave birth, last Friday'morning, to three children,
(living.) two rant and u daughter, and expired in
one hour allerwardi. Children alive and doing
MT , CULT to AumaLL—The MORI° Adverti
xr pt late Whig electing& In Perry and Tat-
ladegn, the, mmintinns are for Cloy and the Ara ,
Clonal Cantralthe; and that every tying meeting in
the State, Ito for, has declared far Clay and a Cue.
notion. •
hioNuurr, the tamtidetatinl eleik of Wm.Vyso
ez, Son, who abscoaded, hol been arremed nt"hin•
teases, and will be brought buck to New York.
SZLAMBLIAT Locke—The St. Louis Republican
contains a list of 67 boats engaged in the trade of
'that City, font linos the Ist ofJanuory,lsl7-23 by
'ennui 2 burned.
Thelaiew England Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church appointed the following hole:
gates to the GenOralCunkosacerto beheld at Pia.
burgh. Rev. Abel Stevens, ,Res.,l). Patton, Rev.
Isaac Bonney, Rev. R. . Allen, Rev. Warden
- •
Ms. Loos Future EGA urre—,The New York
San sari Mr. Louis Clef, the agent of Mr. Louis
Phdlipe Egidlte, some . time King 0rnu.c.,1„,,,
mode overtures to purchase Chelsea House end
Grounds' from the Winnissiment. ( dmin.). Ferry
Company, and has offered {(00,000 br th e m.
Srossa—The storm of Tuesday extended
to the east and delayed - the departure et' the ::•teant•
er from New York. Concerts were postponed and
summer arringements were quite over come.
earr. 6 3 , m.affl... "PlUat'u.rghi."4.•
Coriespondenee or die Ettehergb Gesene "
49.N 61 4F4 11 .
"%Washington, Apnl 22,1848.
Neither Houscof Congress Las been i 4
Putituar.rms, April 22, IE4B.
The Markets am all ansettled, :midi depressed
waiiinithe arrival or the Steamer.
. .
CINCIICUTI, April 22, 1518.
Fl.ur—The quotations are unchanged.
Grain—The market is withoui change.
1 iskey--Sale of 300 barrels at previous rates.
M la sses--Sales at 26027 cts.
9 gar—Salta . at 445ets. Thilie are the rates
r ill., different qualities from lowest to highest.
.r.itglirs nierdull.
e• tree--Sales of Rlo at 7108 eta No change
in i rice& .
lees Pork—Sales at 57 75 eft. .
e4Beet--Salora nt $9 5E5339 75. ,
• cote--.. Sales of. Shoulder. at 2e.;' do. packed
keta .
• eese-Snlea at Sk ctn.
Linseed Oil—§alcaat 5400 cis.
R' to of Exchange on Um East, 2 per cent.
Vine• noes Gazette, of brit week, contains the Pro.
ceediegs of the Board of Directors of the Ohio and
Mississippi Railroad Company. Delemffies were in
attendance from the counties of Dearborn, Jennings
Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Green, Martin, Da
vies, and Keoz, in indices, and Lawrence, Marion
and clay counties, in Illinois. Ames T. ELLIS warj
elected President of the Company, Rom Rom,
Treasurer, sad Bro. M. Mormon, Secretary.
The Company, in order to begin work, resolved
that o thumugh survey of the mute from St. Louis
to Cincinnati; by a competent engineer. mos neer*.
sory, and that a sufficient fund for , this purpose,
should be collected. The Director. in Cincinnati,
Vincennes and &Louis, were appointed a commit.
tee for thrdr towns and counties, to receive sub
ecriptleoo irr this purpose. The amount assessed
to St. Louie was $2,000, and this amou nt, when cob
lected, is to be credited to any amount of stock to
be subscribed by citizens ofthe town.
The President of the Cowpony was farther auth
orised to memorialise Congress on the subject of
mocuring the ri3bt of way to said company through
the public lends lying on the moth ofthe said pro-
posed road. ,
The President was also authorised to open the
necessary correspondence with such persons as be
may deem advisable, Dr the purpose of procuring
engineer of distinguished ability.
Go war Waswarcni—The Correspondent of
ie Bakinuore Sun anyx
"Public opinion hare, generally, is incensed
against Pillow, who, if Mr. Trist's testimony is to
be believed, is little better than a klon caught with
the stolen goods upon his person. And yet such
man had the hardihood to raise a• hue and cry
against the commander in 'chief! Cenci-al . :to:at .
hoe certainly many Galles; and, among other things,
he is not rus great a scholar, or somuch ore literary
man as Mr. Trist; but there in not a man in the
nation but thinks him incapable ot a mean or mil.
gar action. He may not always be sans fauns n
sans batiste; but no our doubts his being sans pour
et sans renronlie—part and substance of the honor
and glory of his country. •
The general nrnuesty promised in Mr. Cloy's
umaifesto, is working we 11... The carious political
offender:are fast wheeling into hue, and there will
SOO4l be .11herty,,equality;,and fraternity' in the
universal Whig - Yanks. ,
Imisom Itton.—A friend from the South infutmn
us that alt:inexhaustible amount of Iron Ore lurs
recently been discovered in Schuylereimmy, with
in a mile of Illinois River. Samples of this ore
were scut to Pittsburgh, and ou trial kind to yield
ti rich peroentue. A cnintranv from Pittsburgh
has since Visited the ground and in conjunction
with ciimens of Schuyler, are making arrange
cobras to erect a number of Furnaces with • view
of commencing opecition at an Mirly day. Schuy-
ler is one of the heaviest timbered counties in the
Stale, abounding also in' coal mines, nod all other
necessary ficilinei also in coal mines, and all
necessary equalities t:w inanutecturing.
The COIDIACIIMI of the canal. places Chicago M
direct communication with this region, from which
no doubt oar Foundaries and other manufactories
*ill mainly:derive their supplies of Irou.—CFira•
go Doily Adrertiorr.
Itr.cer - rm or Scuir:—Tha Second Municipal
ity or Nem/Orleans have odopied the following re
. .
- :Whereni. fl is endersteeid lobe the intention Of
Maj. Gen. Seim shortly to arrive in this city, be it
Ales°teed, That nonreader* be appointed Mitt
rich-theMostor;tieArtor;iiidNvith ebninihtrei
onlie'Councits of the First and Third Municipali
ties, in order to tinder to that illugriotel citizen
and oaldiet, whose brilliant achievements have
contributed so meettto the glory of our country,
the hospitalities of one city, and to mat:ern:Malik
arrangements for his reception as the City'. Gaels
PAL Cneactr.—The annual meetingof this Society
was held in New York on Tuesday when the fol .
lowing officers were appoint.' for the ensuing
Rev. Bishop 'leading, President, Bishop, Wang h,
Ist VscePresident; Bishop Monis, 24 Vio.Presi.
dent; Bishop lintrdine, 3d Vice Presiden - Bishop
Ituars, 4th Vice-President; George Ltne, !Trawl* ,
er; I. Swormstedt, Assistant Treasurer; J., IL
Edwards, Recording Secretary.
Orittnos or Tux ILLMEI Cwt —On the 10th
inst. the first boat pawed from the Illinois and
Michigan canal into the waters of .Lake Michigan.
This canal liantnippliii the only Wanting hub in
continuous water communicatiotarom New York,
by way of the lakes, th New Orleas., Making, we
believe, the most exanded inland navigation in
the world. The Fad !people of Chicago appropri
ately welcomed this Loot, the .General Fry.
Critters Paoctevetim m—The Legis
lature of Texas has just passed a joint resolution
requmting John C. Watrous, Judge of the United
States District Court for the District of Texas, to
reuigne his cam 'the preamble to this resolution
that this Judge, while in office, has given'
legal opinions in causes and questions likely to be
litigated hereafter, involving the intetests of in&
viduals and of the Slate to an immense amount.!l
D.' Salt Rheum, Scunry. Old Some, Blisipelas,
Barber's Itch, Chaps, Sore heads, Sare:Bert4s.
•Jonesr Soap is used by many physicians in ibis city
in curing the above, and we would not conscientiously
sell unless we knew it to be all we state.
Asa cosmetic, the , true Jones' Soap is perhaps ihe
only orticle'crer known that :emoted impuntica and
,c leafed and beautified the skin, making it soft, clear,
scoootb nod sektut no en infant'. Sold by Wirt JAM.
SON; n) Liberty street m a 1.29
law — Does yoot hair tallorf, does yOur hair tom gray
I. it yank, ut it dry, or dirty, I proy?
if nis this you eau make it soft, tatty and Gine,
t Dark and healthy, and Ireautcous rut this hair of mine
Aud to have this, yai have but thyme ehlllingo to giro
ror a bottle of Jones' Ifoir Resionitiwn
I Reader, if you have hod hair you woold really he ata•
!tonished nt the lovel y
t street a three bottle of
;Jouts 2 Coral Hair Reorative has on ir; it needs but one
Sold ai ED Liberty at. itovlDd&wart
V. The rob, Cagelac cap emon of soma females la
crateful to vtcw, while' the repulatve, coarse,. muddy,
yellow faces of ethers, excites diegust--the tome with
mules. Could souk people be Induced to try a cake of
the true Joaas' Imlutu Chemical Soup, they would be
enraptdred with the change.. They would base a eli
ecte, clear, white skin, whale every dodicurcuicitt
eruption woad,' be removed and cured.
leaartecxial t eleviec — . Persons who have hoechteheaa
euunterfetts tad ilailafilll.l of this, and have had no el
pied produced, IMAM try this, the origatal. Mind, Hsi
for lons' P op.
For sale nt JA. sus's, NJ Liber
ty %beck inarkkl
V . Yellow Teeth ntid putrid breath,
Spongy galas We twirl, dealt,
retail - sive and ding g.
Atll could have teeth as while an pearl,
weet dg breath—bu una—inno or girl.
Why dart)!--inky ic
, qukly haste
And awe ea Juice Tooth l'uala.
It coals but 25 tea., tout is rattilylacauntal @rhea ,
11 g cv. the teeth a hoc enamel. :Mo ld iu thOolotrah
el) Liberty at., narithhitaly
• irr You fonlish, silly old folio's, read this, and be no
'unter bald, whiskerleas and [lawless. Mr. W. Jack
son, of SO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa, serufies oaths
•ail or February, 1047, that Slr.lbos. Jackson's hood,.
ill< top, Was entirely bald for IS years, and that by
sing two an bottles ot Jones' IMTaI Hair llestonstirk,
!the flair is ipouring lust and thick;
Sold in Newark by S. 5)1.II5 S SON, VS Broad st,
'VAN IJUSKIII.Ii; corner of Ilroad and Nantucket
.. . . .
ur.T . 0 71(1111LT LIM I.•lol.— , Nrwe end
'lloult.l.blimibt lad Indian Vesetuble Elise, II the tedst
elredttal cum for Rhemnsailm. ,, Sold by WM. JACK-
J7\. Acem Inc "Pitubumb. novi.W.S.w.424:
j& Don't have yellow dark Teelb—they an be
mad,. pearly whips by one ume tang; a box ur'Jones
:Amber 'Para Paste. It burdens de& guars, sweetens the
breath, &a. Bold 14 b 9 Liberty aL nuTINA.IIII
UTPC4 3 4 Nutom, Ac.-41,c GCIALIIIIO Hays' Linnuen
is an article mute justly cclebtatid as a cure fur the
aboSe than any or all othcrs. lie cams aro almost on
nuttu•rable. Sold by WA/. JACKSON, Agent fur 14na
tultgla._ uovlusltanufr
"Thu whiter skin others, then snow,
lend pure as monumental alabaster."
All females hare skin like thewbove, who use Jones ,
Frumisb Lily'Whiie, It istuketh pure snowy, yet nett,.
tolly white. Sold stet Cuwriiiid aired. • marls
Mr Don't have • Foul Brent's—lf you have; use •
tee., stalling bottle Grim& Aosberlooth east.. That
wall nuke your breath sweet, whiten your teeth,
Ookl al 8111.1berty sl noviedessily
Men never attempt to counterfeit . a
illicit, hence valuable medicines are frequently.ionta
ked. The knave who counterfeits a medicine commits
as great *crime no if it Were a bank unto or the coat
*film United Suttee. U A Fahnestack's Vennifuge
which is the only safe and Certain cure for worms,..lani
head counterfeited M ninny sentinel of die cowry, and
p et oa =I
thould be on their guard when purcharang to
lie da, prepared at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ex Ladies who use Joaes•Spenish Lily IVbite, have
enNayai floc while transgiateoi skiu. of ILis a trial
will alf . y . Cu r oue. Sold only l'insburgh. al IN
Pl•Crty novi9ddlulWly
Aectuning athunlithrly (request in the united REM:
Indeed there are tew formiihthle discatteEvehictisei
ttbt OOLOACIeIdin oue way or ,other, leideet. denier:4
elate of god Important organ.tiAlany of tharromplatati
*bleb are nasally classed under the head erconsuree
tion, hark their orient in the , liver.. "Any remedy
which would insure reguluftly end healthful action in
the fifer, would_be _Abirssing to mankind" has been
the cielathiTiiivatauffering fltousande That remedy
hes been found; it is safe and cure. When II fair trial
bite been ntrorded to It, it has never been known tot - ail.
' Reader; bare you soy disease of the liver, or disease
rebuilt you t.rlieve et...cede' from keen. deranges
me m? Lose not w moinentibucpurchase a box of Dr.
h ealth, ee liver Pills, and they will restore you to
h They are the only remody ever yet discovered
whew uieioceitain la efletl cure.
The enuine snide cab be bad at the-Drag Store of
1. KID S D& Co, C.O Wood avert. 101
•, . .
(Escheat cut, you P•asuxosas.)
TIIE Canal and Rail Roads being now in excellent
order, the packetoof this line will leave with par ,
sengers an fallotts, every evening, at clock.
Lonislana—Thomplon, Btonday, April MM.
Ohio—Capt Craig. Tuesday, t4th.
l c
Indi a—Copt P Berkey, Wednesday, WM. '
Hen cky—Capt II Trulty,.Tionsday, 27th. ' ]
lasi nine—Thompson Pnday, 291 h.
Obi apt A Crate, ditturday, ROM.
• Indi , a—Capt P Berkey, Sanday,3UM. r
The , roprietors of Mis line built new boats dune( the
wince with the ladies , cablit enlarged, which will alt
ford g •atet comfort to persons travel/lig with their
famill .
Pam ngent by ibis mute pus overlso miles call toad
in day light.
If y . desire cheap traveling and comfortable secant
modal as seenre your tickets at the Packet, office,
Motto gah'ela House, watersit or of
D LEECH fr. Co, Canalßaam
• •• • •
Ts C WIL,LIAMS, Druper and Tailor, begs to In
X for the citizens at Pittsburgh andwham, that he
now opening et his MN. un Smithfield . sweet, an
der di nbove Hotel, it large and beautiful assortment
of tile.. s • Camaimeres, Smuts, bilks, and o th er Vestings
togeth r with such other articles as are required •fo
gentle • ea's wear. Ili. goods bane been carefully 11'
lectel and sin of the =west nod most fashioaabi.
style, •s well of superior. quality. Hill
may d 'tend upou having thew clothes made up In'
manner which cannot full to gratify the taste of lb.
moat fastidloun. •
LOVni—A goal IMWRIIILent of ladie• and gaga"
blockosidlo and colored Cotton, Labs, Thread,
bilk and llibet Gloves, hake 1100. 'Also, black and
colored French ► Kid Gloves, azeallent article, and
lame sixes; just opeoiiig by
SIIACALF.7I7 a WIIITF., 09 wood at
13ATENT SODA. ASII-40 casks James Musprott
Sou's first quolity.Sodo Ash, NO reed per OeSIZIee
Wok sod for solo by
oral Wk 4f MITCHELTRIZ, IGO Liberty at
- _
T UST IlEClAVED—Chloroloitn in 1 D J int Soule. '
0 apiil KIDD&Co
WIIITEOLUF.-12) ILA Cooper's bash Cor ssla Ly
0p2 , 1 J kIDD /cf.°
COACH VAHNISH-10 gallons, jasi recNl by
" J " 0111 ' l y .t. co
Cb roniele
DACUS-16 clucks Miriam Hammon colmignamt
L for sale by Artill.L.,l/ÜbIIFIELD &ZOE
DACON SHOULDERS—W oasts For rale Lp
L - •
ARD 011.-10 bblo for sole by
op:14 biloll.lL, BUSIIYIELDR. ROE
T_TOPS—r. bales (or solo low by
EL Noll • . k ROE
lop MINED BORAX, FSGI.ISII—T.7 Ihs'just reed
sale by .p 2 RE SELLERS
TION D. SA OSA PA RILLA —I hale just ree' d end for
- .1.1.- *Ain by . a p 24 ft 1: SELLERS
Q. MD LAC-91 lbsjust reed and far sate. by • •
1.7 atoll • RR SELLEM
.pI PLASTF.R—I gra,' .t In reed nearer
k It"'
ralet l y ap . l4 R ERELLRIM
CARMEN RERAGE-5 cartons, medium and futei
Iterage; good color and very cheep; ruin opening
el AN VASSED flAlly-500 yellow eanynised ft
NJa prime article., just reed stud foe We by
ore/ • • sma..ER9.&
011F-flgi-26 box. pifll reed and for rain by
ap11„, , :41 , ,V0711 DONN/Wit:ST in Co
POI7IIC/E4-1(X) sacks hel ree'd and for sale by
041 ,, S r VON ISONNHORST &Co.
4;faiir - Itzling — ailiTenturii, on eon silkiact.R. slide
t. en:2l ' Lod wood a;
Qt.IJAIL.I..tuu Common Seockno, .on band sod. far
17 role by ey24 1.91441114,N11"..R.k Co, 41 water at
T,414.4311EFL., 4 -2..S.neka prune 'Kenai:44y Futile's,
just received and fur stile by .
HENIP-K1 bole. 'lamp, to arrive and fa
yale bp opal • POINDEXTER &Co.
OXALIC ACID-1 ca. just reed and for salerlti
apt:. 1111411.7 N k Rlffllia
HRI t rTONII2-3 bbls just ree_vv i r ks slm a •
' - • u
31 . 1111 . 141. WA'l.l:R.Ctiy."ll-11Abar.-.=g
i A MAICA GINGEII lia.NYl*-4 Wks ..4 - . ' .na for
0 rule 11. Nat ' - BRAUN & 11EITElt
NWINDOW 61..ANS.—'711 1 bzo 8:1% , I60Ohl& IN;
do i 4; CO do7k9i roaca.r , Oths. i&sbrbPod
oI lamb rim Glue of airporior =sky: for orate by
Aral , I , VON DONNitOIST &Co
ILAClVERlNiltilitesiVe4 salt;fo;i7to 'efeT. ,
AL Consignment, by
RO:ILAN MAO 4.r role by
aol. by ,
11AVRAI1-10dox for role by
Q.Alitf—duuo bens W S .. Sash, r solo b '
FI- t '," -lOU bblsS r Floor, Syr For .1n
.T'=' . . 27 wood st
173,1Ea1 - --Assosed, jos reed aild for sale by '. '
: J Vp?..! H
• J SCUOSMAKER k Co, :II "rood at
---- -- - - —.— ' •
Gl3 PAINTS—Venk-gris. l'aris Cram, C 11191911
%Jr fire. and Perman GMLI3. Soria ca.; fur sale by
A NNA7IXF—e baskets froth. for uk by
ESYRUP-31dor Pore froth,for tole
GLUE -30 ALIA for sale by
FEATHERS -45 sacks, now :tunling frorn•stenso.
thwego; for sato by ISAIdIIDIC6.I:Y.4co,
apt! , . front In
fl_D fo i
. al o e S—t i bop nowl
IS lin Altal DlCding from rumKEY/4 GivCoiego;
rby ar 4
It met. mow lamellas from &ins Us.
orego; tot sale by 111 , 41 IDAIAII DICKEY &Co
A t r in Dr n ll3 .. bbl•
b y 1, now landing from atm Os
le by op:11 DICKEY L Cow
KTOHL-1 ma now IsmlST from 11011' OnregOk for .
I‘,mle by_s ISALAII DICKEY k (.0
Fsocks to arrive b yMmiPoratamfor
sale by op ISAIAH DICKEY h. Co
SA rim FUNK-3 bbi sfuL la 4,6
27 •
Wills flacon, hams, aides and shoulders,
on consignment and for sale byp
OAP-40 bss large bar Chid:l:34l
4 9044 on eoudgrt
b mebinnd furyee by -
aril • • siusas& moots
norm. VANN - I:NI-3 bbl. a 1 ,
mnibtcauc4l by l'•ieek. Neck., Nearalk,
for mgle b_y • , •1 SFMLERSYCNICOI.B
IL VALIG IN'S' LlTllo.yrprhD ,
- Iti the' - - pdce, .
.ved and for int
Es _
H EL , Elm
CA t r UIL, NO ti, l ll -5 bbls „pisL
- U . °UN/Mt:V . IRON-7:4 tow just rued and for II ale by
1121 . rrl WICK fr...S . IoCANPLESS
1, apt • :WICK S bIeCA.NDLaLSS_
CIOUPEWS'ISINGLA9:9—si bzs lust ree'd int] (•
sale by ' aKI URAUN k REITER
WHITE (71XE-0 bbk juntree'd and for vale by
apt! IiRAUN RErnut
S ALEILATUS— , IO cube . ; Z.) b.; for Falls by
Xr (raid st
TIKARI> A513—'3.43)61 re rTil a - 11'6;r am - 1.314
ITAMs-20 casks sufintiotlimns, just received
consignment and for sale' low by .
arClolver . A GORDON, front
LOAF SUGAR-60 bbl. Ft lame. Refinery, No 7
hoof Sugar, NJ_ do du do. Nos ti out/ O do. '7o do
Los.jog..',rodlEd mod' TOdverizeddo; final •.
fittflf aubscsiher would respeerfully Gnomon& thit
4 has opened a mem retail:Drug Stony ea ILO eornet
i Fourth and Smithfield street. ,
i . itesmring that the leapt! of the eitanaivis dilation
rest of Southfield street forillitunify .ha
int espeore fitting up the esullilialfmeto,. and is. de
totodoed to keep no erne las bat %boils of Um bemquali,
ty—of undoubted parity
,and gmiainioeu, •
_A full wonsneni of hledtemett,'Petfuguery; and L ai
ilea nsunlly kept him establlahment of 'the bind. mil
he alyroya on hand. • •
. . •
Having his dvreging hi the umE Ifilding,;" all night
malt wi/Ilieutepdedttkporaonally... • .
' The is *will tontitmell us heiellifore it 'lda
old_stati . Lonldarket streeL
vnLay _
r iirrt; 11.FLINS:,10 bblelloadhm 'and for sale . by
V apill • • . • • , DAIZELL &Le —"P' n
I - LINII‘.4OUI.I/14 No 8 Intge Alackcreli 40 bf bbl, N
1: 2do doi 34) dodo No I do do; for sale by
SARIMPARILLA- , -.1 gross recta
I gull tor Nate by kVA 3U lINIFNL'Odist .
ap:I0 cur lei and wand; also. anted , and wood.
-N U. SUCi A R-10 tank fair. N U Sum on consign
=eat and for sale low by
ap9 It DALZELL t Cojiberty et
Salerainv, TO' b. do; .1
oreceived and vale by
It D.V2F./.1..k.r.
- _
H ALtl c tte i vi a llt d s Laelp r n i a ,, s , imar mord Dams,
ev4e POINDEXTER &Co 41 water et
in siert:, anti
.C°roart):4ll"ellr';:f cutle r 117111a i to i r ri tlee t k rEa
DMO I sugar cured, for Itale by
..1.3 • p 3 D WILLIANS, 110 taped et
. r
1iA.411.1t liiillB—.A It extra xrael j e Ar y Vat
1 7.
----- • -
113EANS--Oidaus, mrpertor quality, formula by.
.alai • -••
B AC . 4 p .1;1-9,000 ILIS hog forIinTLLIAIII9
I,II.AX7SERD—,bbIiI , fur rule b) '
apgr , • • D
Q lINDRIFS-311 sick. Featliera 7 do Giumnie; Mdo
Flaseeedi I do Wool; 1 tierce Elazmed; 18 bbla
Not Lard, ro arrive on steamer Osuregoobr sale by
by .09 I ISAIAH DlCKbiit cribfrontal
13ACON-16,000 tioa.`rouadV wall cared and neatly .
„DI cut; for sale by • spill J 8 DILWORTH,
wAlsrrED-41,01A1 Extbauga Dank :Donk wanted
by aplll J 8 utwoirra,t7 wood in
'TITHITE BF.ANS ;SOO bug; for sale by
opl9 • .18A1A11 DICKEY & Co
i7)EACIIES-410 boa in 'slori and for Bale by
1. • apin , ' • 123K1A1l DICKEY & Co
bbl. No 1, its
_good shipping ordeg,Fier
LSale by 11) ' hddlAil DICYNY & Cbi
UCIAIrAND MOLAItSE3-300114616 N 0 tugs& WO
bbls Plantation Molasses, for snit by
neut BOAP.:-100 b. No 1 Soap, for sale by -r 7
opit lIALZELTs
WINDOW CLASS—NV igiDgloss; WO do leen
do; ILO do lush to 1010, in store 11104 foggily by
603 TASSEY & BM'
.'".' .. .; . .fA11efi0Nt ... 00k , -2.;';
. . .
141.1" 1
Twenty-five traildligytots,at the new Cearldlotme;
on Saturday, the ph day of May, at 3 P. hi e dtpate oa
Grant street-10 Lots, each 34 feet fined, averaging
about trio feet deep, opposite the Cathedral: lithe, t 0...
fether, 48 feet front on Grant street,Nl feet Metes
m Fifth wrest, and 44 fees -Of iamb.
ht Wylie street-4 lout, of which 3 are each INI feet
front, by NO feet deep, aadene`a fret 14 inch front, by:
about to deep. These lots are Marty opposite the Leer
Center. On Rom street-7 lots, emb feet (Mt,
100 feet, maw feet alley: These lout art appetite the
Jail; me is on the earner of Roes street and this eth
street Road. On Foonh street Road-1 1C.4 81 feet'
front, by about 130 feet dell.; 1 lot, 33 feat 0 inches; by
about 130 feet deep.
Terms,_ ooe.sisth lit bend, and the width; Barre
equal mnualpaymeuts, from the let day of Apnl
with Interest, payable semi-muuslly, um the Ist days
bfOctober and April In each year, to be secured. by
ondd and nsortgaee. Tide tudisputable, awl possession
oven Immediately. A plan of the lost can be men at.
theoffice of Robb k. MVennell, Third street. neff to'
the Poo (-Nee. ,- SARAN B FETTERMAN. :
ap24 DAVIS, Aoct.
Paritiar Sate of Dry Goat, tr.
Oa Mondayaflame. the alth isw, at 10 o'elook,.
at th e Ccaameseial !Wes Room, comet of Wood and
Fifth streets, telt be told a Lame and gonerol ,aapal•
mem of seasonable (amigo an d doweehe Dn. Go od .i
At It o'cloek,p. .". •
Two family carriages, one of which Is nearly new,
very substanual,sonare body, and =died for either one
or two bore.. 4 las whim and , black...n.l. boas, 14"
do Window. glais, usoned allesilObbbi NO Molasses,
8 casks marched sails; shovels, mattocks, picks,' bay ,
and manors forks, band boxes, writing and ...Wag
paper, /months,glassware, queenswams grommt" -
orisnent of hossehold and kitchen furniture, UseS4M
:at window blinds, enures, to.
• At 7i o clock, p. nr,
A general assoniient Oiready-ntade elotbing, bard . -
ware,cutlery, Jewelry, gold and silver 'Number, boots,
shoes bats, maycutlery,
umbrellas, saddles, 61.0.0ra:dr',
.wlttps, comb*, stMety goods, fancy articles, At.
apgl • JOHN D DAVIS, Ana.
C. S. Post= Munger solliaste..
MONDAY, APRIL , VMS, W commence pith the
Tragedy of •
Othello . IN..e. Anaemia.
Digo . M. Oxley.
Alice which, DANCE, hp Wise An. Malvin*.
To conclude with the Farce d'
LT A . .ROYSUND .t•• ND, in compliernle arida the
nuardisens request of a large manses In emend
since ea !Lis first coarse of Leentres, has the pleasure of
nnouncog &nether manes of IN
ERTAIW.INTS, In Pitilo Hall, everyevening, (en
evPt Setuuhty.l the present reek, in which ha will de
velops the philosopby of Charms end Spelling=
nation of Near, MGM!! and Wonderful
illustrating those leers rkiek produce the REWITE•
Doors open at 7—eo commence at 8 o'clock. Single
tickets EP canq six kw • "
I[U" Gratuitous [Acumen to Ladies; on Health,
Tuesday and Thursday, at 3 P.M. WIZ&
• • - Waal, Deb:Twilit IL ;1" &Maas ,
vitou the .Nermael Amphitheatre, Minima meet,
I: Philadelphia, rim.t.ottg of a spkadid talented cam-
Fir Ittliarah e Ui
eld ° l7ol7,.°Yk2i . 17110AV9.
for then mama/ el the GM pretzel to Deal ell , .
lUt falhatio disßigulideedtual popoLOT pezkottere
will hate the boater or appearingimery evening during
iheir stay in th e city: 1. 7.NATIIANH., RICHARD RI
• 'Admitaion, 25 ecnii: 'IV NO !Henri.. - •
Ikons, open al 6k—.pertormanea to commence al7
For panicalars or prrforag4nvi look at Progranon.
iota ON.p'.'6l.ek Apt
ALEXANDER A DAY have just t neejird e.inn
Goode l l: p co md d irir poin rmr t. , vrhich Isere .ILese eel, s i P i pon"rg
e based ono,' Eastern Auction Pales, at et great redo..
Lion limo the regular priem—sre are th emfore enabled
to offer great bargains to coslibuyers. Our sleet elo. ,
braces a mat variety of almost every deseriptioo . of
Dry ( mid affords a very [svorahle opportunity
for buyers to snit themselves. We would reepecually
Invite the Otentimi of all permits 'wishing to porchnim
basidantne so& cheap toads,' to Oct stack, as we are
confident attuning their respective tome.' - •
LADIES DHOIS SILKS—We love aspleudid erect
Lof Ladies Dress KBE; ouch as super plain bit and Wore
dress ailts bit and blue bit striped and barreddo
rich fancy striped bednud barred do dm': raper
high rah' plain changeable dodo. of it splendid quality:
Huh tg'd Poolardito, of new style and beautiful quali
ty; barred sad striped dodo.
LADIES DIRE4S GOODS•7PreochandScoich cask.
mein, Preach, English and Perot de lain., Ms.:
t ee s, Oregon plaids, super toured ands:gin coped mots
lid de lain_ ,er both light cord and Meek; bit plaid and
satin sniped inuslio act Gael g r iflSbatiVii lawn,lmre
gm, treoh and ticinch
FA HIONAHLE SHAWLS—We would especially'
inttite the attention at the ladies-to cum assortment or
Shawl., which is Very mPerier• , Ne have surer
plain damask mad eabrolderealarhite crape abawbc do
do high cord do; fitney.ilt shawls of diced every de
scription; heayy plain and barred tat dot colli
eegde; dew style ,otroman silk Shaw* plainmall
oideredThibet tind , coi'd 1•641 e,
rope do; With a goost yarmly *father oriel - aim/el
CLOTHS AND CASSIMERFS—in excellent snick
of Preach, }2tgilidi and Belgian Oohs, of all colt
French, Englith and' Anieneen nil el
which are are Oiling at mites to solo the times.
MEN'S SUMMED GOODS-. -Cashmeretts, drop de le,
both plain mid ied; fancy, ,Preacht.bsseimeres;
&C. At. • , ,
WHITE GOODS—A beautiful sleet of WNW Goods,'
such cc plain and barred Jactertetre,, Noissoots,
plain end sniped Swim; Bishop Leant, ha. Am • - "
braid Bonnets and Donna Ribbons. '
Resolution' of new style Parasols and Pitroolletts,Af
all colors and very cheep. •
ALSO—A very large assortment of feney Print!,
brown and bleached lY sheeting Modes Grad,
widths.Treking Cheats, Table Diaper Toweling do.
Irish Tenon, - Domstie Gingham,
.Treseds, Jeans,
Crash, Linen, Oil Chianti Gloves, llosterl, &a
Country merebants mad other. buying to sell agat
will do will to call and :exordia* Oars clock in which
thel e urill always find balloons each as wall be ready
A ER /k. DAY;l3lllOket
spat . • • • N W cor Ott. Disrobed
••• • - .
Sim [baldest Gabe t • • and Penuaylaartia Rail
Road Compost hereby notified tamest at the
American natal, an Salem, Columbiana smutty, Ohio,
of 10 o'clock oil Wednesday, the 17th day of May,lota,
to Organite said Company by the electlon of seven Dit
recton, and trammel any other business decined ne
cessary by said Stockholders. • • • • •
1 5 11 1 g G afff i ll 8 ARCI.A.Y,
PETER 11U01/3.-_k_ ,
Coininers mond U tit llgnalliir
REED 1110D1E..11/Ul6 PA.; 7 o
7 /
1 . 8 lacidecinia=h . = itu=sherily ha
ettieho 4. ei of*. Utotodlitatos. ' . .
Its capacityirill be atople to &accmmodate, comfort
ably, very /aro number of owns. The moms too
largo, well ventllozed, and omege *dash 'families of
mottle pommy many bade:mired. ' •
Ile proprietor is dew:mined that It @hall not bilsor
brL:7in • Me nimmisites of cordon mad convevienca
'.l mas at the bonds of the public but on opportunity
of slummicitlic raincoat} *Chu disposition in this par
ticular. Vahan wishing to offer
. t ,
oweaniug bowie
&Oconee, - he would soy l ot ono and, all, ogiro too a
„ ,
, •
is kepi connate reedliesi emirev pas
,..ththe thel Irmo the ethamboat landieg—treepf
shame. ththette]_ . • WI% WARD
•d rutd for solo
N the Orphates Ceara foi tie:repent) of Philadelphia
ba the matter of the, Trion of the estate of 110 ,
The Sherif haring , made ream to the omit of Inquest
awarded in . this cue, speraieed Um *slide therein de
rieribed, then.tu onof Ithlllo. Ou molted of.lautes
"Egg., the. courtrututod a rule , omens inter.
cited, to eareiintricourt - on Friday,. the 19th dhy of
Ably, A. 0;1819, then aud there to accept or retitle said
real estate,st the appraiseinent thereof. • Arid the court
ordered that mikes of said rule be given by adrunise.•
meet twice ewnek for four weeks, in WO public news
paper publeMed in the city of Pittsburgh, sad for the
lime 10 mut newspaper 'Published In the clip of
Phdadelphla. ..• •
. Wham the lon. Edward King, Esqi it . Intifada;
day ofApril, A, D. I to4l. • '
apdt.itawthlaylll Dep'y Clerk O. Or'',
wiewrpourT womics.
P m rce Yr° "' P b a
o turar y 31 .1 4 6
.seisom Tenons. paddies to•Pareltams slam en—
gates for ball; Of far other parpows, wul please favor
wmith • callias we latter °twelves ID be able to (w
-aists Ahem on as favorable terms as any. other - esatts.
lishmentAi the eity.. •
' 'Also; rolling nal and tasting,. of every description
F.. bad at the Menem waft: •. •
Ennammms—Capt. Itebt..Beer, Thomas Knott, Esc,
chant, H. Detilla rfi
•plikam - MOM-WAGNER.
TIIE aatnetibar, to addition-at hie ogro u lt
, onutufaenniug of Itate, bus made arrange.
, alanivorith Meseta Beim &Ca, (the mon
laabionable batten of Oa city of Near Yetk,) rota tee -
Ulu supply' ethnic:trot Sae Silk Hats and bating just
received • hit eater,gantleanat can be aabadwith a
r . mric p ik s a u ll ,r t
, I7Z2 , tat by 17111. g in
aeeond'daor 11:1
of Round arrest as er Hata'
and Caps of Ids cam taanafaetare, stkoleattle exarre
tail. Hata mad. LO order on slant Make.' •
ten' ' • JANE WILSON.
CLOTl.ll3—W.6liambilissites the Irma.
tiopor buyers H his moment of super and For
armed French Cloths, lataly '<calved—also, Castanet.
of swims Oalitles. • Tnesaloods ars seleelsol arid,
peat care, and an of the best make aml sniA abd
orftt be sold loor Gar qszalky. ,
A . o pigy. of Minsk and Amesiesn Ckoth. and Casil
mores; alto constantly . = hand at tha eonser of Ith and
SALE" OIAN WANTED—Wanted in • WhoLiaale ,
and HEW pry Oehem Meter • lamp man to seta*
salerrami. One -vebri his hadaaperienes in aa bold=
eels and eaubrim goad . re:redeem. Address W. X.;
ryiLblirph 'Poet elt. -
B;HOOKS 11'1111re Lopeieed 'l'4 the office of tits Tyeantree
of the Monourabela Navigation Company; at the
Exeheope Bank, in the city of rinebarah, on the Sal
day of May out, to receive euteeriptioue of Stock ear.
Latent to pay the debt incurred in the ceeetroction of
said improvement. By order silks LloanL
4--'.MCIECI.IIIS.A.TI ib P1TT111117111311.1 . _ .
'' ' i -
-,DALLI:If" P....CIEE - , •
- .
TT lied known line of s piertatipassenhee Leietne'-
• • eoi br moor etttbelaerntnenftetibte_ h
lobed =4 thist=ti t tooatroehilta beet* nn - we
' waters of-tie : - :%•,,,2, Dicey areonorsinntion awl cont.!
hart that anotieY'ren procure. bM Leen P ,444 / 1 ( "P” . -',
*engem The Line has hem in °penmen her aye Twin
—bee eanieit a million of v.* , yi..iltnut Inn, leV" .'
ey to their persons. The beats WU. be swills u.ot i
Wood street the day preeieuslo startinift hie the Yeesp
don of frelht and the entry of pawner. ost tbero .
UT. In 1111 010011 the p 1132110, 01011. el be pik t
The ISAAC NrwroN, cart. e.•fl mooxi •"-•
leave Pi ugh every Suaday morning at 10 ceeltielri
- Wheeling every Sunday evening a 1 1D it ' • • 1 i
- "The IdONONSAILLI..II,CatuSrossa - xill lei m Pith
burgh every blonday morally at 10 *Weal ...a...
every Mondry ev ennui. et 10 r. r.. ; , ;
The 11111EILNIA' No. U. pt J. 1:1422r0tt2a; wID
team Pittsburgh every Tuesday motbingnrlo nee hi
19)reling every Triesdar evening at l 0 r. N.
The NEW ENUIAND No. 2, Copt S. Door; will .
seam Pittsburgh • every °Wednesday morning ;at Pt •
, s,, , keg every Wedserlday evening as POMO,
The ,111111.1.1 ANT„ k r . e pit
burgh every Thursday usunuag ime r ykk i
trent ThirsduY erewgj..l / 0 I
, Th d„cuppErs, No. 0 . Capt. Careus;will leave Mils.
burgh every Friday grannies at
avers' Friday evening as ID t.r
Tlte 1110 4 .SENGEN, stem, aria kave'Pitts.'
tough every Saturday teeming at 10 selexse,l*.
v s ," saterday evening allO r. r.
easmt i•juUi-'4EF;mEm--
• cALEaspotv..:;
letoretar Dewitt, Cdsactemdte
Wel :on' Taoaday,_ aid . ay
ala n eatnnlay, of tacit souk, at o'clook,i.Sir!
ins on Monday, Wodnaaday.aa Ffiday.-.Be. Ina a
benumbs landtng botvona Woodatnot and . ino
taapared ... to , receive . fr 111v:1=34,
M. Dun—
ne" Petrie
MYER AND V I azsirass kA9p.
Charkorm.Paiiti shu airlig a.a.
gimes 1-s imlglL
Ui P' """ '" V V elt 1 41' U:11:Z 2 4i 3 'U'l' aelii.r.
2 " "' 6 ,.'M "° ° 0 , Ifjtarrort, i co: Ap
" 1 ":"Ellry
psniumajo, 15;11
- .
- . ...„.. . The following new boats complete
tie .line (Jr the , present saner:
LANTIC; Capt. . James Park
A LTIC, Cum. A. Jacob and 1.13 . •
ItPLANE, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are entirely
new, and are itted up without regent la expert:ie. — Ey.
err comfort that money C. praeore has beau provieee,
The Boats will kane the. blourearalteli 'Merll4 t ak
tie TOMO( floss rt. Vaseengers will be pune
board; as the boats will 'certaudy leave at, the a
tired Loom BA. M. and I P.M. % . • lanai '
ear runnier -
.311Esllt t - ,
Perry, soontander, kaTe
Leaky:We and all intermediate ,porta every Saturdata,
as n'elcmt, preeiaely. • •
fr'" gbi"P"grsX.l?: on Goad or !c'
" 70/7S 74 1 11 riiniairliZAire . nth.
The Telegraph Las Leen built expressly . for regolsr .
posh et,and vent, 6 vino. entirelrto the koinforeof
n-en• 'the oceoronsodatinns• are htfer . ior to no Oda
the Western waters. •.. ,t . .:• skpltt
TilE steamer CONSE . I. - lamb
„ the Port of Plttabo_ll„- at Ow Awl of
•_' - Martel AllVeti on - Tuesday illil , lth wt h
nsh P.M., precisely, for the
dam/Ws:of , the Odd Yellasra titenhen
White's Erase Band has been engaged for del - oel*:
„on; Every oceenintodalion. has. been provided tog
promote the couldn't of ladies and gentlemen who wilds
to • grusk a pleasant-trip.., The Consul will return di(
Wednesday ninhl. Samsun apply on. !wird we bi
.`eorner rum end emitudio.4
• FOR M k •
Th. PIZA;t 7' ;RN ' I m dGl/J .
pin SAULT SCE 101AllUE.
Denton', •
rill have 'Cleveland oil her Seat CrO
the StalCon7dAndlikrApill
spltichr - C:URAUSUM /Veal
The twat and sobsturls/ low •
111.11050 N....
[A ~m6oat
regular nips between Wheelinc; Bridgeport nod 114.
burgh, leurunr Pittsburgh on 11.LoduprinidTtanudayti.
- wale. ad rat' amat
intenacdiatepna 4111
Oars said Sat 0. or-,..!... 1 .
.--..S.Ffrq.o 4
Mir ir liti2rEmn:±tun*,46.l
PITTSBURGH k.-‘l7ll}:E4NG,FAcionv
Th. trill Mammy
NMe P laaney; soastari will yea
.for 'Wheelies; on
Wednesday, 40,111 Way, at 100 eleekpreebutly
an,&... •
Lasea..lV o'Clock, a as, 11aceltagersry Tiesdal. Terleelial , loi at
th .
The Coantl-trill 1. , ,d at all the
nandseasaaladea that eekbe d (*WO*
safely ac pl.neelers has .
twain also prOynr . *lth Felfrgg, Sally guard to
rept = 'eomeiof. aid Elosimaesw.
• DESPATCI4 '-,'
The new Reamer {
Nelaon, , master• will nut y abater
Walrus" rstisburgh entry ruids,-
Wednesday nod Friday, at id o'clock, A. MY' aodldo.;
at o'clock, s. at. For, .or puma aPptYalt
' The new ead Au rit
-A owu
D IVEllerollaster: win ham toi l e
ye poneverylVedneadaited
st 4 P, Fur Might or Inno.og•Zer,°'
-MEUMOUO , :. - ;
. 13 r O"dwAY, zireve.lo44tici - -
L A D g i 0 B fri
They invite country Merchants, ,vEcillog Nes p. 44,
exturone their mock before making thew '
• Mr. - Noir was fersnany year. of the hooteet-A:
Roman &Co, tram which he retired 00 the ist at Jan.' ..
12.45; and ALr. James Dickson, (who halatc.ial
the hosinessa woanbni &rarebit known bilker. I
It - 4* - Tareleasse.,
rs hi g her. once in oash paid for good c!sti
also, smarms, bale rope; gri. 4 .Ir4 LA IWNIOOi•
cringe, &c., by 1.
NY, for We sale of Ride, Rost and Canister Pas
rof very superior P I AY --4 ,4 1 / 1 1
supplied at .y bourduriale IlierdaY. • "'
sultans JODEPH DHAYORTWAtt,ZI laoad it g
_ . .
haviurceeeived idlerAgetedy for 41'400
ha k-Cds Otnoairot, - Mdlsr' and.
&aloes Teeth, invites - Dentist. , *dal
JOEL MOIILLII, Druggist and A, '
• apl7 ' eat wood ount 511 k
. . .
11.1tCO 'AND PLAVIMR 0,1 , .PAktEL—lim•l.
0 Mill. of If, W. thoningtraw , Ls, we pr ,„.• , I
- .
- . , , I.)W, JACIESOLV.
(lb .I, our Liberty.
13EVOLVING COMBS—A • senr..aninla addllankl
I.ln Comb.; also, wreath, banal) , and Oak bionitt
Qd.b., And, horn, and'lnttlidovmdd and Or *West
MUSICAL bosEs—s dos awiest Bozmuuct Parr
tw are, z 4. C.2.2,1).4 Toakosou. l
aty of alb. popubtr•Lni. Also, •my Isms mid
collect* fulortateui of Claim. Mower Vaocs, or.Tatipusi
loyles, patterns and prioeut , oed '
AVittv rrnriessothinia or r ), 1 4-11 -
ety Goods, eadrao Fans, Jae ofilaino,Jeorelly,
tilonros,and *tool 5u0..10 of ova/. dos Option:
Atq - gilt sod kais'abil• 'Nisei Mel
zeamer ICINSEVIS Fittry Stp.v.;.
QIJCIAR-44, Lida Inavi N Sagas; Fair
1,7 sunward far .10 by AFXSTSOWIOI,
Vl)roN..2co bolts JilasissippLisid,Towelifeso4.
Ws; for lAN br aptS.ATWOOP, JONES a. Cpj
Ciacbmati.inst reed mu of smoke bir a var
by - apt& BROWN kCU
'So2II AAI3-7 easka:Keublety, for pale now.i..
11 cogbugument, by
0192 JIRGNyfi/c CUIRRION ;.;.;
(10 - 11 I—RD Wan prime, receiving.. porrGondigign.!
V mud AK vale by...1b./MOWN k.CU9IERTRON...
vesum i;iturs—so htils just reel .4 ar by.
lATHMN6-40 bbts; very dry, kr alai
P'S J SCifooJamiliti &Co -
qvAttlimuc Actn-4 iaio iv?,
C IitCEOPOR.II-IVith an 'elataylon is
M , PWRIATI4 and Ai`WeinainClS•l
by wit, stIO
seNEIA a Co
SUGAR -^J' kb& NO *War. as mre fcc od•
bao elosnenniigenneao, er. • _, -- •
-FLOUR-17i bbts extra rawly Flow, in aionraa4.,
for nk or . IV 111.631BAUSIEL .•
pOTATeJkZ-7.5 bbla,Neshannocks,jasi ined _
miamANNopic POTATOES-73 to 2.7 eslll.l
rPoistaer, bud landing and Gat We by
P 1 ,9 Sa w itaatuUpp, igh•stei a tot rm:
j .4. b &NV 1111.118A11911
ORIC-49 bbd Maas Park ; 20 do pa&aa
_,aaa brink by a• IS 13 & W ILtROA
tiell'tt g
dy,b ElI 11.8 kW, (baubdatatere)kasida
by___ .0 9
oRN MEd - L- - 100 L6ls kiln drieddom—biefia
reed add forsele by 8 W IMAM
40 , • •53 water aad.lo4 frau us
DACON—ILIND ars Elsie reed sad for isle b