The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 21, 1848, Image 4

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rpo - WX111••Insit:A.111
08.--711 precedeis' led Otte. Viartt s
USll4lolfinlife ' llf tio
, all the raticaafoross wide: lnitstion of thilostrof
:jump; km:hillared:4le proprietor ain aii
Ttafotkiorsblo 'weather which, marts : a:li fan Md
.miator sooodos, 4 always a froiuld mooros of •
COLDS AND Comilla- -
tieglectedom tat the plexiMork of that I II
"be: gentian, then, lam shall we nip the Aciarcrier
. Ib4 bad? ham 116311 we gat Cleric of our be and
1 .4440/sof vital iiniantiance 'fie
-will botanical in the Ginseng 'Panacea. proof of flit.
Wehave Don time to time nehliahed the certificates bf
• Idatens of our beat known citizens, prbo have expel/•
baud ka candle waren. "nese., with a mass of tas
*way Isom all peva of the roamer—from •
3tininers of the Gape!, lea toothee with copious ne•
jices flow the e
Wp have embodied in pamphlet forte, and may be had
ends of .ty i ega i wre ly ftz Tr l . tc.nur.
June been used in thiseiryt .
themeshoet the United Sumas and Canada, end we eb
wmee, when a beco
m eeonling to direetions, and be.
Sote=aase had becoe fatally abscises:nal, n has
Why then, need the afflicted hesitater ti by resort
de tearable nomnisay gOttql op by it,s • met Wield.
tale • kr the amulets' name of some ce d phy
sician, and puffed into notoriety by earthier. . per
thms madly unknownT Whilst • medicine of
late be had, whom
to are at homer-our neigh.
Derse—stany of whom it hoe
In eider that this istaamble medicine may be placed
within the retch of the poor as weli the rich, we haw
pal the Foie* at
yam one kairtire7;su - sleorit of cough It is
• kir sale our agents in nearly every . town and village
weer the last, w/o are prepared so ma lama
tlent arena to T. PALTER, Proprietor,
• ••. • . • • Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohto.
A frridaA, Oa. DIPPI ULlTolniagrentirtaz•
xi. This disease is caused by a paroxysmal construc
tion of the air eel* it Is very debdiutting,almost eau.
lej allocation. Da. BWEI..TdERB PANACEA is the
!! s=s ea ram ; be en llyely eared by a free nee Of Dr.
Otweetserts Pounces. , • '
Catarrh, or eommori . eold, Which., - if neglected, will
terminate in Consumption, is effectually relieved and
eared by Dr. Bweetsces .
• Bronchitis; if an:rebated, will effectually lead to
'• Bronchial Consureptien, but timely are of Dr. Bleat
/ens Parma will effectually cure It.
• •Diflanamlion of the Tonsils or Pore Throat—This
disease often leads to &Crime consequence* from nog
- km, suds as ulceration of the throat On the brat symp
toms, Dr. Sweetsges Panacea should be procured and
~."- C oughs and Colds find a wrecreign remedy in Dr.
•Woreeues Panacea. ,
. .
Pneumonia Notba.—A very fatal disease, resitting
from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro•
ken down conMitimon; aged persons are subject lois—
Dr..Esseetera Pummels should, be used on the lint
. •.
isyropUtuts, whlctrans a cough or chid. •
Plight threars.-4hisdabilitadng complaint will meet
with a timely cheek, by using Du Swesisetal'anacest.
Contramptton-If on the fast appearance oCcortansap•
give sysapkarns, which area pain rn tha aide Auld breast,
cot4rigtrlt artio:l, ,d 'il b t.`n . .ore=ranarest is
the Lungs, the 'Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes
bosom clogged op with phlegm so as to impede mid.
yation or breath:tag, Do. b e Panacea, which is
a powerful Expectorant, should be taken according to
Yke directions.- • •
. .
Intamma.—Thisditdvneing epidemic, so Preemie
ea: eliauu!; is 'muddy corm" by'llr. Swecisers
Pries Slow bottle, or sit bOules for •
For sal. by AVAL JACKSON, t 9 Libtrty st, sign of
151 boot noTtisl
.rICII SALT, BIISUN,dm.-Kbo would
!tether other dimares of Me skin, if they kn e w
who would rebore and core them.
nig horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when
gem but more horrible to abstain from it, Tim decency
sake i ttirben in company. Let it be remembered that
.most elncacieres of icy other preparation in existence
in !Scrim the Teuer,ltely and other diseases of the skin.
'As all.dl we of the skin most arise from the impurity
' stf the blood and dards of the body, and whew such dis
cam be Of - lon sting, and the constitution affected
Naranparilla Mood Pills be used
foul if
with oiatunent,. y will wil l any ease whatever,
they don ot, tbmoneyl be .returned by Dr.
' Ledy: bloat cares,'however, wilt bo effectually mired
by. Dr. Leidyl 'Tenor tad .Itel, ointment, unless the
Verliede apemen is impregnated tip the dummied hereon
which will be completely tarried ellfromthe system by
yr Leidra blood ND, and the surface of the skin heal.
:addley the °hammed. Price of ointment emus.
• fresh supply of them vehiable .medieines just;re
qsteed and formic by
. •
If A PATINE/Cita A Co.
f. . .
lib. . • cart Ist tr. wood, also cor.Mh /wood shi.
• BUT IN EVERY mammy* MI .H'STP.A,D.
XS , undersigned has liras been convinced of tbp
- necessity for Tome medicing 'adapted to the use of
ma and Infants to supersede the use of all those
hailitleines which contain opium, and has at length we
'd...tied to prepariag end offering to the public a medi
ehmlully arerweriag every - hansom fin an diseases of the
bowels, without the use of dam itelmetima ding, or nap
Mbar vale:gated to Wire In the least. The luanttPat4
•aents. has been folly , tested and tried, the loot twelve
'months, by numerous penoits. and found tapowelis all
Ohm eatraonlinary 'lmes, and to produceafl the awns
'Salting effects as set forth On the bill of ilirection.s.! Di
trams, Vomiting, Cholie, Ocipiog, Pains, pickness and
Itiwases arising from Teething, wring Immediately ,
without disturbing any of the tearoom of the body,
oiatle !s
pain fies andnor=gr .i l
Utile the ° o f
• ••• 4 /b be hod wholesale4ml eotml, onto Proprietor, Dr.
TORN SARGANT,` Druggist mid Apothee John
Dhoti & Beckham, and most other ts
ipa Allegheny and Maim &eta
Alair - tapfrTitii, COUGH. SYRUP..—It has
1..„7 power to cure: • Panama; Feb. 11, th 47.
B. E. Sclasac—ltty.wh-e-
the years been subject
le a distnieslng emelt, accompanied for
Ihrs cure of which the used diterent co ugh mouth.,
sad had the of the most eminent physmana in
.Eryriand, bet all vow mangling. By chance I beard
of youvalloperial Cough - Sytup j and was induced to buy
.a bottle for trial, although I had no belief IltSlanytking
Otsuld Maxim her complaint. -Tom y great sumnse-,
two doses gave her immediate relief. Me is at times
ambled wall a cough, bet two teaspoonful of Syrup
'alwaya stops it. I eta satisfied, after a trial of three or
' Mar years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the beat cough
Medicine 1 ham ever tried either to the Ohl or New
4 ;WOrld. - . • W o o. EsMacsnms, . •
• Seventh Ward, city of PiUsburgh.
'above' certificate should. induce all who are
- traabled with cough or asthma, to give the Sytup a Wt
. • 'a/.. It may be had , for ith cents a booth, at the time
;won of . .• E SP.LLFS,S, 57 wood m
Bold H *Cassel, &I ward, and D II Cony the.
• •
ANIMAS. REED & ' —1 feel it a dory I
.111. own to toy &Bow orru to state something
am, respecting your Vegetable Polnionasy Balsam.
Banes hest us.W.tbst Balsam, about eleven years sgq
she lisppy effect of which 1 gave an aceoant og 1
have had several severe complauts and attacks at my
lunge, coma tow days since, and in eTery imam. inn
Dave mod the Resent alone with inamplete and 'perfect
leased.- It &as edool.d relkf and turd man y few
days. It is cesuinly a safe medicine. I do - not boor
.w it trill cum a Bud consumption, hot I believe it
will be in mow_ cue, pooreouvo, and prevention is
better thee clue; I do therefore. for the love of my fel
low men earoutly reenrnmend the nes of this Unmet,
in all 'pulmonary complaints. I not confident that it
has boon the men. of preserving my life to this day.
Boston mane 16,146. BICALIAMBI FABSONS.
- • For sale by /3 A_ Fehnestock, & Co, comes Wet end
weed and also comer wood nod 6111. 1019
QBl. LE R' VF.aMI}
•Worm metticinne.
JUE.—The greatest ,of al
Now Luso= Onto, ?
Jan. 8, lUti. 5
. •
This is m certify that oiler using different prepara
tions for expelling worms, I bought of.C. F. Delman, of
New Want, two vials of R E Sellars'Yermilime, arid
cave the contents or one not to three of soy children.
From the first, axed 0 years, it expelled 45 worms;
from the taw, isk years old, IA and from thp think 2h
flows old, Ilts making .515 worsen expelled 'ay namg
Mr one vial I, recommend • Sellers , Vermilage 'as •
safe and one of the most effectual Worm medicines be-.
Jon the public- Ikon Aloawnor.,
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood
litrvel. Sold by Dr. Caasel,sth ward; D hl Corry, Al
legheny; {Tiflis= Smith, Temperanceville. 014
Patent Block' Sprlisly„Trase,
Y INVENTED—Poi the =Orland Permanent
Cfra of DEJINIA or RUPTURE. (Suited to oil
• Iles superior efaimatifthas Truss consist In the coin
pamuvoms with wine st msyLe worn. The pad o(
.11004 being Deady balanced on springs, ylelds to per'
tam on May part of It, and thormighly *dept. itself to
'ally movement made by the wetter. It can be worn
wedmat fateradselop, 110111 care Is effected. Tbe
Maihers have soda armnernents for the menulecture
tri these rentable Tresses, to a superior style, in Phil.]
*Ws, and have them now for tate et
17 reithfleld n. . near Sloth, Pm:shores.thetr °face. No.
! • GEO. WATT,
Is • • D. W. KAUFFMAN.
• A. FAIINFSTOCKS Pneumonic or Coogh Bal.
• a Sam, ban • greet advantage over many other
atone/ preparations, aa its pteasant Mato permits ft to
be men without incooscusence. lint its 'altos as •
lhaana consists in the apoedincse of its care. We have
}mown- mac of the. moat &sperms coughs, sane at
'ofhad been tanning on for a email/era/4o tench
of Inne r yield almost immediately to Ito power.
In such weather ei ere bars had during the past
winter, every one /a liable to take cold, mien peas
preemitions an wed.'
Wet fees and nudist exposure to the Inclemency of
gig weather often lays the loundation of a hacking
enoughi whirl/ needs a 4uieh ssinaly to prevent 'estop*
• •
We barea monerous antiSearen of eons which It
bar pertonwed, many: of which ate from persons in
ibis coy and the troigltiorbecii, and they tun • sufficient
insiereace without saying another swirl loW favor.
Prepared and ihr sale wholesale and retail by B A
FALINE2frOCK i Co, comer of weal and la wad
weed anatedi etc • niar3OT
Vegetable Pokocom: Phketre—l
Atm eltitW OM the Vegetable Yolmoosep Mblemete • rat.
arid.kmaidate. • Dias ban toed la this Owe with complete
mot& mea obeli:Me complaint of the kn., Wooded with
• mow conk, kto of yoke, and tM ntnimg of mooch hood
IRMA lied peetimeely iceboat mei epproved prokripticos
Alm' riot the halo= one week the pecocoth vow equoted l
mod be wa.nalbl.d to speak eidibly. Mk case akt
MM. UM AMY, liad Br® is moo mord sot oW7 lln
tiot bat to kbeetioas /moiler.
Cowed, N._ ' lR las BA . ItCL. ' 1 1 =1213., MD.
BM in Piltatrotyklep B A Yoko-nitwi, 4 Co. wan of
Mt nod rod, Abe coo ehth k mood Me.
ji; PEA.TUEADIT Ouprox 10 Other fostedies k.
po,bo,Doigoomptioi, Dlootblis,mtban, ood other Moo
thia Doe moo ptroies who cialameei the
ao* of it /a ibrif froifteo ko Jan oge. 041 prefer al 10
othorremolionaf Um kind; old whereon, bon 0.0 induced
10 Ify . ogod popassoooo they Ws alma Ortariably bees
="i .s
roosroor. 00 benefit. which wa.• roomably
fronalbo /14b mars bolfooed by Dor proprielon.
awl bon reamed 10 Me *too aflame Kolorrom A "
• faoo/yr, U. moor ; kited 10 reboot lbasooot , 0 0kk
d i
probthly moor bed its roi_oal ea wroth; polompouyibasooo
Esporal ady by Dr Is knultsapkia, sod adios
bpszyloy r, _ ALES. .101 . 1413
dosEldbortf. r; r Foot. a
p voting. ' • - howvakx,Ohloadarek AEU -
l a xp to he in yon cliy in a toorwreatk,and shall
ile lager amply of your Vonaihkro, • wkich LEW
ettistrig in pokrularity as becomes known.'
wmed ik.Whh successflour own (mar,
have 'many •awnrancos of its excenentry.-.;
ouk mak, - ISitAEI. ARCHBOLD.,
Isold bY t Bolin.!‘ta WanL Sold
16, Compel, fah Waol; add byD curry, Allegiony
- •
, - _ ._ . _
.4 . _::::.= Y , . s(.)oK,s:!]ltusici.:..;
by J. A..% U. P. rot:
I.ex FA.itt 7
Ih: o stion.,...Witobi r tig idal. ate do
life of Cut; A. IV; troophin; ,Coaquest. of, New
Mellor Clest. Km:mere Ovarland Expedition to Cali
fernia;bzre. Campaign against sbe Narjor, sad.
Wm snips: ted March upon Chihuahua and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen. Price at Doom .E 5 With
Map amt Engravings, br John T Bushes, A Bof the
in Itegicaem of Mirrouri Caralry..
likuo 7 Caria hie of rentueley—lon Antiquities and Noroval
'Oetropluesil Suniakel and Geologes:l
description:s rvi tmeodotes of Pioneers Life, and mom
than DOD
hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish
ed Pioneers Solitiers, Sttesmen, Durso Lawyers, Di
vines, tow; with forty engravtap; Lewin
.Eolltsui, I vol. oetaro.
• M.
- The Twelve glootthe Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri
vate in 'the Tennessee itegimsot of Cavalry, in the
Campaign of Mexico, donn&latd-17, coutelning an ae- .
count or the March of the Regiment to Vera Cruz, n
description of .the Country passed over manners, cus
toms, he. of 'the people, Sketches of Camp Life; se,
counts of all the amtons of other Volunteer Regiments,
and a full 11.1 story of the Mexican Watt List oftbe Bit
ted and Wonoded, Cc; illuatrated by a large number of
correct' vice. and plans; by Geo. C. Parker, 1 'ohmic
Gems of Sassed pastry; n splendid imperial 8 so.,
with bandhd illastratiorm on steed, by Sartain, and k
illiuninaled poem _by &kelt. and .Sinelalr, • middy
boundla Tether mermen and white calf, iniperbly siLL
• The ebrisdan haepsake 0.51 annual for 184 1 . with
splendid tortitotim savannas, by Sartain; bound In ST
abemqoo ISLOTOCRO. .
Christmas Blareenes New Yess% Wreath (Or
Iota; a mall quarto volume. printed on now white pa
per, embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.—
Phut is by Car ths Mgt beautiful juvenile annual pub
lished in the United States.
Tba Poetical Works of Oliver Goldnalsi, B.; with
natitereas CI t Ito the Etching Club, be v.
styles of binding.
• Tlwmpsort‘s &mous, with sevempaerca &signs, by
the Etching Club, In various stylelof binding. . • ,
The Poets an dPdetry of America; by IL W:Gris
The Poeta and Poetry or the Ailment., by 'William
Peter. A. 111.4 cuperbly bound fit Turkey morocco; mien
"al. Poems, in various styles of binding.
Gray Elegy illustrated.
/lemus Poeileal Works, in vailitoth bltallstp.
Lord /3yronh
Mahn:teat eh
Tie Poetical Work. of Thomas Moore. •
Itullads and ether Poems,by Mary Hewitt.
Poems by Ameba.
Ileatilera /lamed Iltharataina.
'The above, with a great viViety of other sew wartv,
ngeadot aqiva of ding, saitable for gift hooky for
polo by
JOHNSTON .3 ErrocicroN, •
Booksellers, sar..rdasket tit sta.
Valuable StandirdWorti.
- comprising dm linsary,dricripticei
111041.0 c principles of weaT beancli of henna° knowlcdp,
dericatica and &Bait= of aU tbe tei main general
aim, Wiled by .T on
vi wood.
Mora'', North Amnion Ada, meta beautifully
.roil map . of Rata Locrica, Lim& bat, Gonda /Fist,
Run Bccitsa, Roar Biroasnick, Northam Tasais,Rear Mere
Florida, Malty California, Masi* Central ,America,
Yucatan. Watt India Wanda and all the Males and Tam.
net in ilia Union. '
Noe.P. Puritans—no history af the Puritans from the
reformation in /517, to tin rintilist of IPA compriiireg
account of emir principles &cte by Daniel NW, hi A,
useriscilZJohn 0 Choate% At Dpeith nine portatison Intel;
'rho out of the Body in Motion 0 the ltind,liy . (kn.
Maus, hl /4m:ober of Uniroyal college of Phylum., /so.
Juvenile Works.
MAI& mid Worth. or übith meta the men, • wry pop.
taw Jonraile work. .
Perils of Hie S. ; beiagilketing narrations of altipsrmeks ;
Spniker=The Jurrinile. Speaker ; Speaker ; k, eempriaing
elementary rata and erereiffies declassati ,ea wi t h.
of panes foe prartim, by Francis T Mad!, instructor is
elocution al Frintatem •
Th. abare trials meeivedsatl Par mle ti ,
JOHNSTON &T i wic.T.N .
all. BoolseSem,eor market and &A as
steal ; &cot—
Amboa's Classical Dictionary;
Dictionary of Greek and Rom. Antiquities;
1114.'allookh'a Commercial Diclionary;
Ure's Inetionary and Sopplemont, noon, mantilicturrs
apt mimic
Webster'. Octavo Dictionary, revised edition;
Todd's Johnson's and Walker's Dictionary;
Woriostorta Dictionary;
Liddell wed Scott's Week Lexicon;
Robinson% Greek Lexicon of:Veer - Testament;
/icemen•% Latin Lexicon;
Ainswortles LAW Dictionary;
Me nia' and Tilibin's French Dictionary;
Deck's Theological Dictionary;
Union halo Dictionaryi
Robinson Calmet's Dictionary, /Lc, he.
The above, with • gowns' assorunentorTbeologreal,
Classical, iscellan<o. 4 owl Ganda} harhOol Docks, al.
ways on hand and for sale low, by
IDS Co Market D., between 3l Zs 4th.
• • . .
31Tdi; C i l on " of tVgettl i tro b T ' th Jett j t=n,.it
• a memoir, and critical retamits on bi, genius and
an d
thin by James Mantgrery; and one bomhod and
froth nmnags by William IttarTey.
In two.ohann.
Rem:Ws Gana Tarrawmer—The Your Comets and
Ams of the Aponte., in Greek, with Enclith mow,
ethical, philosophical, and exegetical; indexc%,
etc., together with the I:Motet and la yen pocalte; Ibo
whole forming thq New Tentament—l• or Na oi of'
Sohoolg, Colleges, land Theological. Seminaries. Ily
Re A. Spencer; A. hl.
A Nat,- Novas—Mittrommer's fairy tale of
Ity Mm. S. C.. 11311.
' j. 11 .7 nr.—The We or Henry the Fourth
kine of France and Navarro, By G. P. U. Jame.
Complete in four port., paper; 2 role...bah.
For mile JOSNWON A. T)CEJ'ON, '
janS Bookseller., corms of motet and ad
T, , N411.0t9U 1100/18-111set• of .sle Greek ee
bbs 01,1600, and of t o ware eettuteke. arobtli
front the stroggiee a the (heck I . lltrbatt Ibbabeipa
beg their ettettUy Itooe the Tatlttse Vats.-in In vol.
emer-spietattid copy math 1111.12.9aa maps end eitgts-
Tinge. ..
Lettere Mom: Vivo of tho.reipt of William I/ from
lOW to 17S6—with firoportram :
I y..
Cponout to the windy of tinoly Yetiom.
Bu oot ry hlowbray, rom H onee, with pt fAt own-
lour in the Holy Land, Wench Stage, and Sketches
in Oda. Jan reed and far see by
.11e1WhIALD d nElit3ON
New Bettioka.
Fria: Philosophy of LIM and Ilailosopay or Lan
.ll, gunge, by bred Von fthlegel.
Smith's Researches in ChinainlSl4. '43 and `41., with a
cup aulphaes.
'rhe State of the Deputed. by Jno. Henry Hobart, D. 1).
The Church Universal, by Dr. Stone.
Doliternith's Poehts, illustrated. • • ,
nornpatat's Seastinn do
For sato by • J L READ,
dth at near market.
IETALIIA.DLE Now Year's Preemie.
T %Tuley No . vels,r to Tao, ilhistrated ;
Mks 81,erwood's Works, 18 vole FAtto:lnstrated ;
Idiot Ederrordikt ..` 'lO " . ~ , u
Ilage , r's Family Library, lall vole, complete; . . .
Ho sun/Girl'. v ,
Work`e of:Make:pure, 7 Viola Bvo, the beautifell3o.-
ton edithin, fmaly bound;
Bottcr.• Lives of the Sainte, 4 vols. elegantly bound;
Hannah Moors Works, 7 vols.
Erpl oring Expiadition, e vole
rapt Bre
uo do do do do
British Esanyists, 8 vat. Turkey mos. back.
g6aaThe above, tortker with a large asvonment of elsv ,
l' y r , all • and i bi trli d u pi, ' P l 'a e s f whirs, :WV! lbe sal r d
lowa, cur Droved in We al s:whey at the old gland
of ' , KAY A.TA. .
_4l . car 34/ woolly* '
'---- teh eriagri - P , lanos.
flpfpg A superb roseate:id six octave Pia 0,.
new sealo and patent Iron frame, made
by J. Chickering, Barton.
A very elegant rosewood six and a.
Italia-urea Hun, new scale, nod' patent iroa frame,
made by'. Chickening, Bosun. . • . •
The above loom:tentsccieol ' t o-d ay, and now
open for rumination; for s ate 'at 31r. Chickering's pri
for cash or approved payer.
. •
Also on hand, one elegant rosewood Gotbie panels,',
bymouldings, and moulded legs, 3 octaves, made.
by Gale and Co, now York...'.
One do. curved rosewood, Gut:eves, made by. Gide
fe. Co, plew York.,
' One mahogany hand Plana; 6 octaveii, of en
eellena lone, and in good order, Chic testae/6'
oy "fere, Paris, and.
gu tl ar n u e nlt g rad s"b tio L ' l d e P he a sri.lano 's Forte in Ito city, will
be sold al every modenue price.
JOHN H MELLOR, Ed wood at
letalle Pram. Plasm.
A. SPLENDID nuortinent of Rowd
wood and.llakorany gland aelio
11 1 1 qt allot, jest finished and for rol 11 1.--
e. .•
Math two splendid /Cordwood Pinion,
with Coleman's celebrated IFolian Wachmenhfonewil
in the most modern stylcand for wale
F BLUME'S, 112 wood at
. .
MayENILY KLEI UM, Dealer in a/warn Piano Fades,
IA at J. W. WoodenalPt, bro. - .4lThirl Street. The
P 1.410, may be examined at all houa, ad the oubacci.
Lee will be therefrom II to 4'4. IL, and fimpai le
5, P. M. each day.. .. Piusigg, Oct. 24 Ma
IVe, the and..aped, would Inform the eitirens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. 11.
Melte, sole *gent far Western Penney/sada, for the
sate of our Piero Fortes, from whom they may be ob
tained at our owe (New Yea) pile..
New Vert, Sept.l.l94d.ed=do
fAliechisna of Inn or the Merchant's and
tO6LpLata golds to the Iron trade. A
few ropies oaly r — , very scarce. Simonds , Literature or
the south ss( - Poropc. Clambers , lansemation for
people. fatambus. Cyclopedia of pligliah Literates..
Plendelly Blackssone'a Cannocutanea, 11:1411.1 edition
in 4 beautiful volumes. Iralleek`a Poems, a new oral
splendid edition. Parlor Soak of Ilosrerk—for nil
sessold. ' 11• Ar • 7 L REALl i dth near market •
- - • •
rfuis. LAST OP THE VAIRIE.T.—A Cbrinams'
j Tale, by H. N. Jame; ER. • • •• ' •
Yana Eyraq an autoinnvaphy edition; edited by Cu
rer L 4.41. Jan !averred and Aiiirak. •
weimsoes Great ;American Mettornay of the,
!Antoine; Crtastilal6l, et:mini:noir all that the
Gamer ediikma contain* ocvlood by Ok.. Og y
Goodrich, Prot Yak CoUlga. The alma cootolcui
Non ern published; ono or d. nrownqamo. Price lin.
For sal. by
'• that. tame )odal a'
• dal.
-run received and for We, ASty copies or the 11uM
•J of Union for the Untied rumble:rim Church, egm.d
upon in Convention of Reformed Cherokee,- M Pitts
burgh, &smelter, ISE. Price, Ll mats.
msrEt F.LLHIPT k ENGSH,G6 market et
ihgl - AfICIIANM CHROME OREEN-71M is • consld.
171 ed the best Omen ever brought to this Market
lo caws Mu lb* each) just received and for sale by .R.E,
SELLERS, who has the exclusive sale era in this city. •
AT 0. 800AR-06 bids prime N 0 Sugar, landing
.1.11 • Sum enamor Da Wilt Clinton, and, for sale by
I. ta F.4O:L-M0 fsretka.llse r k i r;
PRINTERS' K-2) kegs Pririters , Ink sprinesid :
,m 437. nljrZlAT.'ll=regeell
lIOLMISTN—Nt Mob N 0 Sagan •
300 bbl. N O NolasseA In store and for sale by
101 t . ' SAOALEY k. 2BUTH
~ for
GlUll COPKI,Lbs saperi9r, 43r br
RE St"
sitrs 511
dfX/NZIS Lb& siouldenc I. do lam* I do ekar!'
suSesibutieed . ?p ,LomilitLewes
GUM MILSIU6IIISIb2 ptise s =lar _lq
.4, 1 104: lartlalia AND POII4DAY, •: A
."30E1/5 T
t . ry P 7=4 6 . t oL i '-3wad{u'f•
h ;no, 2pinaing rrIAIDIVI/4.fidertr DiallOng
aLsiltray Reads, Wagers, urillem,lipootroslsnermta.t
Frame*, LUMP. Card Ganders,. Le., Wrought Ivor
likaftiog ranted all sixes of. Cast Imo, Patties and
Ilmigera, of the latest patterns, slide and band Lathes,
and wait of all bads...
Castings or eau'? description M ill d on sitort ineo
Lee. Patterns made to order for , Gearing, ham
ratline, de. Pipe beating Factories, .Cam
Iron Window Setth. and fancy Castings genexally.—
(*tarsi ail at the Warehoure old. Valmer /a Co., Lib
..erty ALM VIII hail, prompt 4.3119:1111.
. . ,
_, Nes. to
Blackmork, gall k Co., J li Alaschead &Co., G E
Warner, John train Jr, Song Pinshouh. . .
6 els Jlt Warner; Steubewrilts. - faril9
.:ALLEGII/INif .41.1'. irififTlitiiND PAC/Cif.
' • t•' - .IOIIS A. snows
-I[:rniciN Mi. method to Inform his friend.
and the poldic at largo th at los Factor y
„ ....spto i s a r i it fali n ,r
Arateca„,,on.the.. Eas
here .t.litet
• stanCsm!ply ofilhoZol Y varioes colon
. andoutWorm„are constantly kepton hand,
also at N 0.4 Wood at, Pittsburgh, at J. i
11. Phillips' oil cloth wale:oat.
ORMIIIII . fOlatters lowle to order in the beat style.
' 'Blinds repaired ai the &honest mice..
N. D. Jim Blind, will be pump,. without any addi
tional exepose so that they can, be removed inn mo
ment in ease of fire or tor washing, and without the aid
of a crew dr e ; oetlidly&wtualY
TAKERS, career of rum and At. Claw meets,
ospasits the Pathan. Howl, mune. on Pearl aucet,
respectfully inform , their Directs and the, piddle, that
they are:pre_ pared tO furnith and at tend to everything in
the bee of Undertaken. Always on band n large RS.
sortment of ienkly made Coßms, covered, lined and En.
tatted in the eery last manner all sons and sires ready
made Elwood. of attend, Cartibriek and =Min, t.. all
sinew made m apprered idyl.. We keep a large es
eonment of veal% and black, coon, silk and kid Gloves,
aside for palll.F t er and mousers, mak, eapir,
and every lietently be amount the and,
andon re.onab terms, wr purchase all oar goods
In the Eastern Clic. AIM", Sillier plates for engraving
the nun nod age. We hare a apleadkl new hearse..
toms, and any number of the beat carriages. Every •
thine attended b promptly and puncurally. - oct4lT
Nor. 244 and Ed, Urn., Mum, aim Ms Canal
Ty V o A f r i t i =le Searle l ," re I r n ,g 42;. ? " and iC
Um can Top, Tomb States, suonaments,,hc; all winch,
being Made of the choicest marble, and manufactured
princ,Onlly be machine . ry, ho 'sold tow for cash.
• N. U. Persons.setenne to purchase Blames,' are
informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for them to
go Eau, as eon Aweigh them with an emote to all
respects as ECed,and(fref ',insurance, de, consider
ed,) as cheap Nathan: them for in least. Call andwiA. We
. . . ret2l
3V/gl.B num crony,
No 8 Market' Int. t i t bergh, Senna:
cr. II b: subscribers. having made great Improvements
.bt the constm N etian.of their COOAIN IifOYFA,
respectfully insult pr Mons building Steatubefits to rail
and .mion before purchasing,. we eao sopply them
with Dock Stoves, Forges, and every other kind of
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary in (mach.
tog Steamboat
%Ye 'Mae make to order on the shortest notice Sal
Tubes and Chamber t • Copper'work far Steam Ermine,
and evert . veridity of Wort an our
(CU.. . SIM:RIFF Jr. 811188
• •
Binalngham., linear nitsburigh t t Pao
Warehoue, /Va. 137, Wood aired, Pittsburgh.
WWlLlsconsituttli keep'on hand a good assort
ment of Wire, of our own manufacture, and
soperiorqualny. Wbalessle and country Met
' chants are respectfully invited to call and coi
116111.1 for themselves Al we are determined to Sell
cheaper than nes ever before been offered to the pub
lie. ''
Orden eentty mail, accompanied by the each or
city reference, will be promptly aocaded m, fel.a.l
Pi 111.... JAIL.B taaufc
lk ULVANI manufacture kecp eon.
/XL gauntly . on hand Shit, Moulded dad Pm lu Plod
Glassware, in all its varieties. at their Wurehoante coo
nee ut' hlnrket and Water narrow, Piksbnral.
our Works continue in full operatiun, and we um
onstantly adding to our Stock, which enables . In Gil
°chits woh prompomuu. 'Purchaser. are respectfully
whritea to call and examine priers and term.
FROM the very liberal erteommg•
raeht the sabretiber has revived since
he has locrued himself in Allegheny,
thea sns at ho iadaced him. take a lease, for •
. tents of years, on the propeny ho now
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Qin reh. From the long experience ts the
above liminess otd.a drib re le please, be hopes to mer.
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Now On hunt and finishing to order, Rockaway flop
tics, open and top Doggies, and 'every description of
elf/IV/II Minn.order t from sckenty•five dollars to
Mohi hamster. ' IsetO•lttl 'JOON SOUTH.
1 • • • •
II E untleriiiiheff ffre near preiuirerff a fontth doer
. customers andthe public sowentily. with arteseeli
lent /Miele of lard Oil of then own mow [some, which
they will whoa neecnrinorlatnie terror. 'I Wit Off they
behove to boar gond en tiny offered in the now net, wild
may be returned a itoo3lAslnelory. .
Li liberty s and y opposite inuithfinlff
Y. and Grown tunable Inc initclunery.on
Man.:: Mai ea* above.
$ MORRIS & Co,' LILAC& wArruici INK, tar
steel or quill pens, and the eopyiug press. This
dat i mlt. et s Mb Ye the experiments of several ream, the malodor:tars on ass extefisiou scale, FA
an article 'initial to all the purposes of the ransomer.
Theyerfeetion of this 'writing Ink COML. in she ail
lowing properties: littmarrr—to which property it will
tel &nod to surpass all previous prettaratioer. It will
Sow with perfect freedom either from Trill or steel
pens, and Is entirely free from any earrostre qualines,
Clutim=fhe rotor of this article is a rich, teautifttl
blue bliak. It la necessary however, to give COM.
men the following amnion. , . .
All good bleiciint.frina iU eincesitily chemical
eyinitution, requires exposure to thee
it to impart a
deep color. It mast riot, therefore be esp. led, that
the element the bottle is opened, th ei ink will be found
to be aim black. The first appearance will be pate.
lint atter exposure to the chc.uncal scion of the aims-
Phere either on paper or in the inkstand, it will ensure
a Militant black hoe_ Lid
Psamtavaex—Tlre color is unalterable by ihe aps
of time. It vidll never fade. On this account, l a m portent reveals should tie made In alls article. as years
only deepenand strengthen its tint.
1 , 1 Thia tub is stumble far all kinds of metallic
pens, end for pens teed. of quilt., and what is
taut and end very Makable with many, will give a lichees
Myrmidon by the copying press.
Ur-We am Inbar ut the Institutions with which we
arc .511311eClCd, Moots , blue black writing ink, and in
respeeTto fluidity, btilliency of color and permanency,
believe it superior lo any ink we have heretofore meth
A Thurston, eashitr, bank of l.nisville; Wet Rich.
ardson, [ashler Northern bank Of KYlmeky;
Owathiney cashier, bank of Kentucky; I. Shreve,
president of the Gas hank; Taos I. Helot. clerk of Ear-
Mt county imam thin. Pops, clerk efJetrerson coun
ty court; F Atwood, secretary, Firmunie losamme
CompmD John bluir, agent Lexington Manama 'Co;
S Goodwin, seey Portland Dry Deck k Insurance
S Chambers, see'y Franklin Fire tr. Marine to.
mamma Co; J /I Shooter, treasurer Lewisville Sae*.
limitation. A supply of the above ink, justreceived
and for sale by lied] JOILNSTON STOCKTON.
" Type
subscribers have talon the Type Foundry, No
JI„. le Gold street, and will cautious the business late
ly contacted byltobert Taylor. They will aucud to
all orders, web ponetauleyend despatch_ 21/I tbe type
tuanufaetered by the.. eviil be /laud Past; and bey
nrlll'farnel all leads of Printer( materials, of the test
J A , T Overend is ntill employed in ettperiateud•
ing the zu.ufseturiug department.
Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised
fin the subscriber, ay - tourney pal/shells Isistige he Ilene
months, whfl be entitled 10 receive then pay in type, oat
-pureltaeing five titers dm , amount of them - lulls for ed.
vertiliug. I •
Old tips taken in eichange for new at frets per lb.
Charles Whiting, te TAYLOR,
• Theodore Taylor, $ lhuccessors to Robt Taylor./
jaulu corner Gold and Ann sts
BsOfirst Vitally Medic luta •1131 Ohio.
WA.I .- NlEBlllttoll, Ohio, dan`y lie
& ((RR r .SELLEKS -Your We wattage Lo unequal!.
,131 ed as a -Isom destroyer .n mut hua peen enure
. saltstaetioit to all, who have had occasion to use IL-
Your Lisa, Pills !ma also gainsay a high reptitatma
hot. Yaw., respectfully, Coach ls Mon.
dilcCosasuistu.s. Ohio,Jan'yta, 1,14.
Mr. R. F. Selina-Your Verstuthec sent remarkably
lost, and his gained the full sonfuletica of all who or,
et se, Coitgh Syrup. Yours truly
• ,! lowa. Car..
Wieparad and kohl by IL Sellers, N 0.57 %Wood se,
Sold also by Pr i i Cassel, sth Watt Lk AL Curry, All..
/be. r, and Wm.J. Smith, Tempefancoville. fold
DERFUSIENY, SOAPS,. m store and for tale
L by JueLSlohler, Druggist, cot M ood and fith atm
Joins Marl's Nymph Soap;
Amman, for Chapped 'lands;
Mousses do do do;
Superfine Shaving cream, rose & ;almond;
; Morow l'omatum;
• Cold Cream;
Row Tooth Paste;
; Cologne Water, fine extract for the band
tarehlac ke. feblll
- Dr. Iterruse firTeostewee.
THIS Wto certify Itint 1 parehased mm of Dr.
NeLapit's Worm Specific, some two months ago
anal gave no a son of mine, some seven years old, two
Masproarty lull, and although the amount tony oppeo
large, yet I hire no ,doubt but there was upwanh of
roe tntoolutico wood, pissed from him, measuring
hum nes quarter of ati inch to two inches long.
Hour Cr«k emmg Teo Deo Z', MIL just
Hazard Huss Powder.
mill anedrsigned Wive reduced tho prices ;1' ;
J. and meting Powdetor supenormannfitctu
quality:warmnted unsiarpansed, and will sell on Jew es
any good powder eon bought In the market
• •Phe Drayman employed at the Magmine, will call
every morning on the eustornors, to deliver poWder
erecter eider*.
Orders Al all times will be filled immediately,on sp
plicathati it the other of C. S. LOOMIS, .
wider at, tk/ doer above monongattela house.
• W& W lakMusdtgent IL P. CA ' utarl2
- DOWDER, HIAZADD descriptions eon..
stantly on hand; nlvo, a large ;mammy of safely
lase, for igniting Orders promptly filled at all times,
' • - •CS LOOMIS, Agent
mart, torateCst, 2nd door above Smithfield
AI am now enga,il Importation of Mande..
W inns and Gins, eiclasively, and a Irving made
surangemenv in drgerent parts of Europe and the Isl
and. with well known houses foe my flume pply of
rota ign Linear, which I will be able to tell, delivered
in the lIOMI4II of New York or New Orleans°,
[maul cab at the lownd marker price (or cash or op.
proved paper. I hove in Mir •.,d cellar a very large
stack of very superior Wines and Liquors as imparted
of the most celebrated brands and vintages for sale on
'dewing kb= by P .
de= . . • nor lark smithfield stir
SUNL/k111,13-40U dew playrng cords; IMO whole and
5, Mita* ;urdines; lU lonekels ohvo oil; doe meld
exurrpe, le; Sc.!. London power quarts sod *Ms;
3 , 50 bditwandiee, wines; are, very old; 5 bble pow
dered sogat;GO imams champagne wine, panto melee;
3 bbda claret do; for sole by P MARTIN
SUGN;bIOLAIKSES:AND corFEF:—ts btu!, prim.
,N 0 Sasbrito bbb, N 0 AbaNue..o.l bugs Hie Cof
k°,ib*, 1 . 0 . F from ate Wyoming and for sale by
WA. N MiTcIiELTREK Libeny wL irr . 1 . 6 y; riiii.bonly itteive per Martha Washing . •
ton and other boats the followitip—Mao Wads prime Pt 0
&ogar; 436 bbls plantation Nolassesi Ou do Sugar Howl
40 bbN Loa/7814er; lancre. Cataluna Wee. . &bid
§MOKB IlUUSE—llailuetaken th e largo and eothe
moduess'Smoke Moat, and lhme,
jo ning our Warehouseon the Canal &Ma, are arepre
pared io a*ke aaa note bacon on reasonable ierraa,
. _ - • • KIER JuNEgh"
WCPersans hartag claims against thantosans.:
ad ß, Arttrw previotq lo Ina 1411 t kb, • will
present them foe actliesment to WM BSC
~..I # o, ,J, ,ti.' , .4,;...;:i,i. , ....1-. ./. 0 . 1 2 near "bed ,
, .
• Vitt: `1"
YaMettoriarcer em issztreaborest am • '
CIOODS consigned to oar care mill 'be Mrerarded
lljf without debts al the kresst =ventral.. Bills Of
Lade; transrelued; and till instructions promptly at
tended to, five from usy extra charge for shwageer
commission. CA hi cAICULTY Co..Prop'ra
mar 2
Canal Basin, Pittsburg.'
'Nikita/ 1845
. Mia
(Formerlyealled Pietwerth & Co's Lined
=Mum:, rostrusnungroaransts or WAS sag:Girt
I)lpETWF.E.lllPiusbargh, Vilirt.iwn,
lidayshusgh,Water street, (Huntingdon COYAlldull
.Clue boar will leave the srsn'house of C A bteAnalty
Js. Co, Canal !Hain, Libewy divest, Pittsburgh, overt'
day iSundays euernad) sod. shippers can always de
pend on having Meir good. forwarded without delay,
and at Mir ratea.
This Line sows formed exclusively for the special an
comtondation of the way business. Th. Propriesets,
thankful for the vim liberal patronage they have re
ceived dazing* laid two years, would respectfully in
form their old customers and the public generally, that
they have extended theirfacilinea during the past stria.
ter, and am slow better pripared to accommodate Q uin
creased basinesa
It R CANAN a Ca , . wed strrr
C A IifeAPIULTYA Co, canal basin Pitt
R II CANAN, do Johnst'n
/01IN ER, do
ftergassetot—Pittsburgh—Sutith & Sinclair; J IC J
McDeciN43 & J lin3boetiberger, It Robinson & R
Moore; Ragaley & Smith; John Parker; \VOI Lehmer; J
'ord.& Son. . ; ' mar2tf .
/02 MOVMIO.I 01 mmaritssoms
TuPaminr'"': of h".1.5'1th.b.".1:1 and fir
pot in Philadelphia, to a mum larger Warehoose
00 Market st,r.haa they formerly.ocoupted, and also °s
arcasm! their' room far storage at Pittsburgh, me rum
prepared to offer much greater facilities to their.friends
and Patrons.
Good. carried by this line .ate not transhipped
mean Pittsburgh and Philadelphia being earned en
tirely fa ibmable Section Boats. r 0 shippers or
and other goods requinort careful handling, thla in of
importance. No eh:nen/ode foureceiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charges. All_goods forwarded
promptly, and upon no reasonable toms. by any oth
er line.
JALISr.SM'S I ZTo b 7 gh.
fetal 3'97. Market & 34 Commerce .&,
JOAN Mc:BADEN C 0.,& l'artranling and Coininia
sion Merchants, Canal Basin; Penn sy Pittsburgh.
JAMES M. DAVI2 & Co, Moor Factors and Commis.
Won Mer Chants, '.i7 Market, and 54 Commerce . t:, Philadelphia. • .
iQ — Advariece made by either of the alums oo Flour,
Wool and other deserilitiOnsofblereliiindice consigned
to than. feb2l
NOTICE—The sobscriberTlTre — dinfrosed of Weir in.
Wrest in the Yemeni and Vino Lbw to CLARKS &
THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JosEri t 8 LEWIS., of Übe
They will coactoe to transact barineen for the line,
at thetr 'Warehouse op Broad street, as usual, turd he
el:web roe It a conthillance of j tie m pr t im of their
& Co.
Philedelpnia, March Oth, 1413
P!als , a. sad' Ohio Trim ortation Co.'
Doiglle Daily Lsue of
rntrmuco Tel nvatroar soaps eurrwlan nrpiamon
CLARKE &THAW, Camel Towburelt.
LEWIS & BUTLEB.,2IO Markel w.,Phila , letphis.
JAS. STF:FIL & CO., &H., Broad area.
COWDEN, CLARKE fr. Cs., 7s Non], et., Rah.
W. PORILICK, Ayn., LS West lame, New Lod.
rritE subscribers hare Mie duy.o , cm utnl then”elvs
together under use Myle of Kier & Junes, for Me
isurpbsa of contOuriug the lousiness formerly curried on
by Suncocl Kist,And *emit • cominuanie of the
oral patronage hercinfore emended to Mc house.
u r: hums
Patsburgh, Maft] 1, IMS.
urn vo prepared to resetee and forwap.l Bright to
y the abort: and interatethate plates with a. murk
despatch, 111.1 DI MS lOW 111.404, as my Other frspannble
The attention of shippers wishing to send Cork or Ba
con to Baltimore in bulk, i. Butteularly requeeteti,
ammeh ms our arranismenta enable as to rarry melt
article. through m better order than any other line.
BlEtt h J ON ES, Prop'tn.
Canal /Mein, near ;MAW
Pittsburgh, blush 1,11,47.
. - •
jJ IP.R JONar—Comatiasion nod Oman! ing Merl
j 1 chards, sad Wholesale Ireolers Iroo,ll/oair,
riall, Produce, de.
Liberal cub adenoma on comic - mem
v ~``='.~
1848 WAGON LINE 184$
A CAR will leave Philtdelphie daily eider The Erb
num with We Mail Traw, la,Chwalwrabary,
which will enable We Wagoos la leave there the maw
cursab relays of hop., riiraline day, and wighL
c the certain arrival oftoods in Five Days tare
Philadelphia. Apply to
LI.X.CIIt Co., Crum] Bailin,
1.3 will LS rouih ild rt. Philadelphia.
We wall receipt far BUJ kw produce, Ac, doily , to go
Thraveli by the above lice aft. the 24t inst.
labia . /./ LKEeu &
MM . ( axon . , xa. torms t 41,11, cnkst. nixrn.
T. ?Mind ptt • ma
intAi.T . ritigniret.
C. N 0.117 Marko st, Pl..
C 11. KOONN eomrr Nonk Jr. Samna ras Balt. /
form Clarke, Yu Li, 01.1 bhp. New York, r'IP
NIITICE—The style of oar fan.. will la- known from
and alter thia data, at riltalmag& as Henry (katf
&Co., ind;nt Philadelphia, am Da alb. Humphrey, & Cu.
HENRY GRAFT, Pillaburg inaaLlif
1848. BO •11011 Asnrsagem•sit.lB4B
THE , SOO DePROIT, Capt. .1. C. Hernando, will
run dazing the season of tellt, between Cleveland A
Sault Ste Mann, in the following manner, touching et
blackinue and mtertheiliato places each ...iv:
Leaving Cleveland el e ry Monday, Ith 7 P.M.
to Detroit do Tuesday at St A. M.
Mackinar do Thursday 07 A. AL
Returning, will have Sault Ste Marie every Friday, at
10 o'clock, A. AL; and Mackinac at loo'clock, P. At.
and leave Detroit every Sunday etching for Cleve
land, at 7
Agente../C. 13RADRURN C % Cu.'
tt McKNICIPP, Sank Stet ll
The Detroit has been thoroughly repaired and refit
ted the , mu winter, and the path. neay rely upon the
perforating of her tripe with punctuality on adverneed.
Ichthltut R. B. WARD.
To and from Me lamiern clue., 010 Cumberland ,
rpm: proprietor, of this popular line, bare amen their
reaorgaiumbou largely tnereamel Mott Mei hues to
fleet the wishes of %hippest, and ore now prepared to
forward a cream, amount by the /WE DAY LING,
a. also by additional feralar wagon. ta low'rate.
This lino will nin tlirootbmit tho kettr, delivering
goads tho agent. in Baltimore and Pataburge
to owner. and coon :lean at imeethed rates and wee.
'Tare, I B mente from Phda holmiu delp m, Baluntore " hta (yr tho Io should be
marke m
The only agents are,
Od S Charles st, Baltimore.
EDGEIITON & Co, Cumberland.
G W CASS, lirownimalle
J C BlDWlF . Fd,rukteigth....
E C i t . ! I Er7l4lUll. of du. E l s .o V
Lies MN M a t:
Agroey at Combertatid fro o ire hoax of NelLug g & Al.
pore to that or Edger-too &Co
Pabiburgh and whiten rarretiants sr. tiolided duir J Ba
Itotousos. No 92 Spotlit:lloes it, Salttmuiv, it the on ly
authonad wet of Mi. Lice
limb:Went altoria.
Throaty meal...
J 0 BlDWELL,Pitisborgli,
O W CASS rows fille r
dre.Gtf EDCIA IPPON * Co Comberland,
J RO/11:11401,1, Baltimore.
EILC lIA NTS and others steeling pools are inform.
lAA ed dist this O the Omen, marsh nod most exp..
diuous Linn going Easti connecting mils Adam &Co's
Er press daily, at lialtimore.
Through receipts will be given to nny at the above
eight forwarded.aces. Mmeh M inn
and packnges of any size or
Espress closes daily 013 r.
fi (1 VICKERY, Agenti j
novleaf Bt. Charles Hotel Buildsupt wondst
roam or mann nte? ono CANAL NOM; PITISO ORM
T. K. PRETE & Co.,
MM. route MLA
48 .fttila
tat FOX 1 1 1 .liftORATIO11 o 1 ALL. CAW of .1.1.411..
Mr All kinds of Illerchnildiz e consigned to
Frets, Philadelphia, or to J. Fasten & Co, Plushurght
will be promptly forwarded free of FoOltaitsiOnt. •
1840 AND 1847 .
10 ?zi It iemonatuzu BoulT,
NS aaderalirard aos rionr_ prepared to lanyard Pmv
-.L daelsate.,to the Ilmatent llarketsclaring the eoao
laa.Wlatar, on the moat favorable term, by thin esPa•
dimes notte.
All may toolvned brwarded at the
.h aedlll
uns "-
07411 . 1 0 . 1 bg1pi nale A rnip p, gjal 1 -
:v.... - Niselita.iMo . t150it..7.1
shot AP a 'A'
TE Sabscrlbc.r •o ay Gar. sale hia entire stock s in
lots to t oil porchaners, at very, reduced pitees.-i-
The collection is not equalled fast select and "mastee
variety, in the Western eonatty;eonminiagatany new,
rare and valuable , plant!, eonsenlng uspart of Caluellia,
Japonicas, Ism pftutia..lra i tt . t ., o fee t i t
intsetto CacU n, intr. P%pett n lM, Vining or Altar
toseg the finest node:lost esteemed sorts in cultivation
The Dahlia list obio* the tioo.t shoorsystail bide prim
sorts grown; l o
wer'Roots, a large variety;'. riots,
shrubbery, shade trees, evergreens, he. Amateur",
Nursery men and others, who want to . decorate their
y w d., arde IN pleasure grounds, or green houses, are
reepcelfully invoed to einem., the collection which is'
open to violore, except on Sunday". Conveyance by
the omnibus and gnitutWood any.: Deseripuve cats
topes scut by mall, or may 1w had at out stand, No tb'
Dtamond Market, whet., !mien left with us, or by
mail to Pittsbulgh Post Dfflee; will be promptly attend
ed to. John Gralmen, a prattiettl gardiner,. will attend
to planting simile trees, !eying of gardens, he. Orders
left as above. JAR. WARDROP,
enns. DEs t csv,braierly, nt'lleany, allinnron
&Co Cincinnati 3 O;
t&iss. O. Coax New Weans.-
I.Comailesloa El•rehantig
Na. 31 PoydrazlNtred, New Orkarw.
Mews. Armin &Co, R nakas, l N 0•
James RV renew &Co,
David White & Ca,Mannon, la.
n PJliahMiton, Diniken,l I
n • Dove* & Frazer, Cincinnati.
• APensin, tay,
11 N Kearney, Esq, Banker, Zeuicsville, U.
. D APLlonald & Co, Wellsville,O.
Reed, Puha & Co, Bea.ver,Pa,
I W Gm, RN, Wheeling, V.
3PClmian &
; .‘11& M Alitcholtrae, ) '
Boston ModlOolf Beating lionsesi
ruceetifally used in Boom., hew ok, ke., wlc
ever :Tidied, Itas receied the decided. prefereuee ow
-cloves, furnaces,*e. 11, adusulageu anti=
to. Great regularity of temperature.
Rd. Freedom from smoke.
M. No uttpleuaitt dryness.
41th. Easily attended to oild riot liable to get out of
A model and spec Mention may be min, and apparn
tm obtained, at the coykr and twofer° faeldry of
Nltf 17'SCAlFb; Firm ri
between wood and market
JM, Mt!lM@
TE. subscribers receipt Annie delivery or hie.
dace to Baltimore by the Monongahela Stacherator
to tho hillooting prem—. •
Ashes, Baena, Butter, Lead,.LArd, Fork ,
Whiekey, • e, and Illaw—C7i eta peCttta lbs.
Tobacas,flarp, PI. and Wheat—tid eta per 10011.1.
Ashes, (Pot) Apples.Checee, Flax-Seed, Glass, and
Leather—looets per ILO lbs.
Oil., Skint,. Seeds, Wool - 110 ets per 100 lbs.
lieenwaz, Feathers, Fore, Gineeng, add Snake-Root
—l2d ets per 100Ibs. •
All - property conetsned to colter of the endersigned
will be forwarded without' delay, free of Coaartuestos,
at oho, rote..‘i • WIl CLARK, Bromieville.
A 'Challenge to the World'.
'IIIWENTY•FIVE MLA ItS wilt be paid to any ono
A web will prod ueo repot of pamt, green Of d ry, that
cannot 'be oxtracled Iloiths Improve al ascenwal
soap. 1 have the satisfaction allaying to Um people el
Min place, that this article, by my own IMP trXremnt nn
now stands unrivalled in this rosary tar extracting
grease, tax, pitch ; oil, p a int, a or any other greasy sale
caner, I row all kinds gentlemen's or [edit,' clodulig,
srpcts," table cloths, M. 111.0 shawls, Iddleebontwu,
it - , 'cutout itjaring anything that pure water will not
injure. More than moo thoormad persoaa In different
parts of Ile country have told ow, they would not be
without It; If it cent one dollar per cake. In trytag this
Soap nn more Mau WO articles of light silks. Min., al•
pins, and only found three piece. of
.114. two of atpaces, And four of ealiechost which
changed the colon therefore before putting thou a ligb.
drew urn ample 01010 tires; titer I rut, lids linens -
1 not detemfoteidnot to recommend it any,etrosteer lb
I know to be strictly tree_ N II filar.
I'nary I=l co, percale. Sold, wholesale sold
by E SEd.,LEss, •
dee4 57 wood it
Q1 7 .1.1.ERS VERAIIFUC:E, "I consider better .hair
ollatliere." .
Mikerreinh Allegkeny Co, Ps.,l
October tearl, tat?,
Mr. E. E Setterst—My coma nattote. Or; tonna very
..kon at nig:d haetor murk raver at mars,' row
eluded he had fir ma, and hamog heard a giaat deal
about parr Ira Bea hough& a 'nal. mut !rave
den,hse . tt espolted at very Juke 'worm, I cow oho
Tour Velmaate tomer now :another', > :
Natio,. P. ntlarlat.
Prepared Mal sold by Fit: F Slarl.P:Arh,ll Head .L
gnStem tow
and man fashionable Ilbetern patterns and colors ßl . M.
THU C111:Ar KOLL, or 110:SMN WIND, on hand
Or male u, order of MI Yves, and n 1 alt sneers.
Country Merchants and others are mined to call and
via/nine the above. for theniselves, as all will
ma deld
/wholesale or resell, and a liberal dodoetion
wholesale purchasers.
anid!r _
. •
. .
1.4 the Is dikswatiss Velasgrelpleital loqwwwwwlo4
aim the Waste of thalami orerbraled euewasswirolars.
pid freeseamall'e saw English tilobe, wlth:aadilicew an
peurrena. by A was & :Smoak. ['teed by Roswell Krt.
LOOMS'S. CELESTIAL' GLORES, coolaisin all Oa
!wows, Oar. nebula, lae. o.apiud from .the works of
la slime* alwastal. V. La ltill.. Rawls, Mayer, Brod-
Herothel, lasoke/pw, the traanstione of the A answww
seal Society of laesam, Veva South's New Rog
. .
Johnsana k Mortice kairslot
i a fa pain of Ibs
par Inet•
Pi .4
1 ^ global
Aarican, Qaccalc, awl Jana! cop,
past received of th. Townsend's tfursaparills, the
minis extraordinary mediente ht the world! The Ex
t. sett. put ap in quart bottles. It is no lanes cheaper,
pleasanter,:and -warranted superior to nny .sold. It
cores dui,. without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debtlitating the patient. .
lona int vox turranoms—Unprincipled persons have
copied oar labels, and put up med..oc in the mum
shaped bottle. Per that etch bottle has the written lug
nature of S. P. Townsend.
.. . . . • • . __ . .
IL El. SELI.IIILY, thuggish a 7 Wood street, he •
Third and Fourth. is Dr. Townsendla only. . whole
and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the gemai
aritcle can be had. .
U. AL furry hes Imen eptaoieteJ the sole wan f.
city, of whom the genuine !mirk cowl
had., •,epl
Manalictureni et
811.1111111 BOTIOIX
31116 South Prout It *** ** :
Dark of T A. Vi awn 'A Carat! Ifare Manufy
A 1,1,0 r left with S . S. Moon, malt btre..r
LI Me rc hant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, will ottgopily
aitended to. THOS. G. e
T,NXBERIENCED Judges, at ed of we: and half
Jac millions, since Iwo, pronounce thii article unsay.
passcil for durability in the comitroetioa of II kinds of
Pomace. Mee *um cash for hauls oflu N , guar
anteed nine mouths um. Orders for. second quality
Bolivar Bricks will be elecuted so gOO per M,• If so do-
sired, without guarantee. A stack of the first quality
as now for sole at We warehouse, Wharf; Om
uhl Basin, by • J SHAW 31ACLARENT,
seplldf Kensington boa Work.
jAYfff.'S MIA TONIC.—AIbt ywhig
j !vision uahesitatingly pereautwe at to be what itpililre
ea—the beg article, without any eareptioa. la um, b/rth•
urWaratias wad preiervalbra of the hrroaa hair.. Ws know
of mamma lawaborawlarne hair ha. Lew nwlairea io head.,
hich Mall:Wen bald kw yawn mad era thinketc.:ameba do
'radar twnar thaa to reboworad la all our wiles who ar
Twin wt.& trail of blab. Tonic inawaliately
Boston Nail.
For oak in Pittsburzh nt Cu ROI& Tea Pine, N 0.72
FneFthamd. 04:11• Wif Di strsdkrT
lINDRIES-150 baits prima Rio; 156 bbls N O
Molasses; 75 boxes manufactured. tobacc): Pg. halt
Chests green and black teas; 75 6 nod 13 lb bores Y II
and 11 P do.; OM boxes Venn. elan JO CULP, salties
t.; 111 do. potash together. with a pound assort
ment of grocenes, in store and for silo by
jagl • CARSON tr. 111eKNIGHT,6111 at.
HA VA NN A CIGARS 10501 A haported • • elgars or
the followitig celebrated brandy part to arrive
consisting of, Ceres, Anbigurilad, Washipgron rogalins,
}Lapides, ileeolapie Utra Amigos, de wet, London
Urania, horn Hymn's, Faris prttlpes, Otani boat do,
Villeya eat ra do, Sylvlas do, La Llaynderb Ast, do do
51, Oniz, lm Palma, corridor., Engle pilifripcs, 'for
sale by I. 1, MAIMS, '
felt 7 ear Smithfield i foam rd.
a.l ARA MAN Nltillll4 ,, Eirprearly designed (orison.
ily wading; in room of publication 67 Harper &Bro.
thew, New York. lb be coniplewil in twelye pans.
Nan Isl Just received nod for *air by
apS Corner mean amyl eli
D URTABLE FORI.A. very conventeal artiok.
Bellow. and all dm forge can Ix carried by dm ban
aka by two mea. A law lama ree'd and for gala ley
rata , . •Vlll II , 10111 - I , R •
(I.l[lo-11aving jest received a large insponstion at
t„,, , Wines,./ce., direct' goat Dave. together. club tar
barge stock in store and cellar, dealers ore ieguetvd
to cull end examine toe themselves. as gaol bartosias
can be had at the conies al limithGeld and Front ste. ,
000 e C kIAitTIN
jEAM-3451 pig. Matem Least, rsecierci pet zinnia,
g Wyoming end for sale
martia JAisll4 A MUTE!! Co
W it g i r G o!,7 B wiss i ra N lMl N genr • .,:E r , A A L L ' y ' 7 LL
— spit ' E hELLEIIS
MOLSI:33 V.S-'-AO Mils Phonation Molasses; i
J31,G0 do B.llowte do
. .
(10F11.1g—WO bago prime Rio, far sale by
apl At It FLOYD
LARD -- ID blds No I Lard, far sale by
ape J k R PIZYCI
L OZSUUAIt—ta GEN assoncd, for ., TT ( b i r thiro
flown i1d187141. 1 20 iros. Mirk t; -
1;1 tleth co iot-
U ed; for 1.110 by • p. 3 It E SELLEHB,37 wood . 11.
GUM . C ; O ,S P,AE7-3c!uct for sale by
k 46,
RTO COPPER-1M low Prime green Rio Come, to
arrive per steamer liaranna;. tor .ale by. • ,
11" and r iZI A C I nipa VI.8 7.91#147414 1 re v et:/ ral :vd " ap s hiV t li thO y : lnb , ,4144
Goads With. of •
comer 4th and ourket the
8 A R SAP AatlL L
iiatt &bizarilinci ihd4lo Me;
714 ntrast is pot ap q7y
uart bint.stst ssaisknassebali
sralssaaaler,and wassauted
solaria- la ay lid. 1. earep diom* without slanting, palgisig. sialreaso_
G RAT -in
pe—ont. : .
sesimu KlillEg 'slum
beanlyond aperiotity of this Sarnparille brat
ail Loll. Medians is whilst it Nesiliestio Dianne it ineregon.
skes lb. Body. It is we of des . nery bast 81111 NO AND
4111/1137 kinebNIDICINES ever -kacie.,1c.....0r piney
the oriole system and strengths. the person, but it Cr.*
Nen ruse and Rick NNW , a power gown. by no odor
Mallen. Awl in this Sot. gnmd secret of its wander fal
seem, l llhas perfecto. willsa the pent two point, more
dun :GNUS mos of Snort Cases of Dora.; at kat SpUtt
oftheie were soasideredloconible. blurt than
3,0110 Mel of Climes Etbsionati. ;
p,OUU caws of Dyspepsia;
40.1 cuts of lissientbDebility .4 Want of knew;
J,woea.eaf differs. Female Complaints;
%NIS Scrofula; ' -
1,500. es of the Lirer Camp.. ;
Weu ems of Discus of the Sidaey and Dropsy;
or 0.0.4 'is:
OberSalt Rims. ?lapin on die Vacs, ku. • Tor
Phr witb numenten nem of Sick llesdacke, Sun in Sis
ad Cheat, Spinal Affect.% t.c.,11...
is Ira ani mars, entel linear incredible, but vs ha.
letters from physicians anal our K .; parte f
United Mat., usbinaing us of satraurd busy sorsa R. Vas
ar k . N . meat. sac. respectable druggists 4, New:
ark, N.J.,
b. .
01 as that he eau rekt to men than INI sal
ece, is tleal a... There are thousands of eases Os the
City- of
in York, Which ire wi ll - refer tu plans.
ca. to min of donee, - is Ilie best twilit-we (of the
riereetti. of dia.. known., 11 undoubtedly saved live
or soars lase
• - - •
Carr. U. W.1110.44ma, or rug Umrsz 131,17.% I.lArr,
mad member of Um New Jrrwy Logi:thrum boa kindly scot
as that &Hawing eartifseati.. It tells ita untidy:lT.
Ilauvrarda.u.'2s,3s47. :
iyrar siver I Ina Ultra 166 Illtlighleli*Mul my wholi
pt.. kit in • debilitatedslat. I wai iodised tu try Dr;
Tumarad's Sarsaparilla, Ind miler takini two or dim hot.
tire, I Ina very touch irliered, attrilmit it mainly to limp
raid Sarsaarilla. I hare coot:art' taking it, and Mal that
I *wore every day. Unli t. it mnd coy ha, an d would
mot be without it under way
. solis • • •
01 W. AlcLiax,lato U.N. N.
This certificate conclusively proves dam this fismaperille
Wartime control °nettle man obnincie &mew of the
Went. Three perm= cured in cos Ismiss is unproctilp2l64
Taunt C 5111.01..
' W. TWIIIIIIND —War 1144 , 1 Ishe;the peon. fo ishmi
; )W Usssl We. of Jay ebildreu Lau bens cured of Itse ffesoi
fats by We use of yoke esselloutrem:Souks. They 'were
sliced resT severely orilb bad sem; beee eesly fob. I s e,
balks • It look Ulm meg, for witseb I Teel coyeolf sag
deep o Yours, vespeelfuhk, •
Issue W.1.4.0u,,1135 Woodsy et.
Mix Tort, Mush 1, Ma .
• Dr. Townsend'. Sarnia:ids ts • eorerel• and spredy
Whtr ioeipieat Coosouptko; ilmsontess, Lese.ther, or
it.," obstructed or dirks& Nerotruationrharzatizeleact
or Una*, or iorolootary discharge thereof, old for the its.
cral prostisele• or the sprats—ea matter smother td melt
of to cats., predeeed by azzegularity, alma
az 'accidents
ffoUtiag can be store surprothag liust its So
feels as the hoz= frame. Perms, all weakou '' IT=
Gam tithing it, at axe berme thd full ofaway
soder its tame. It immediate!, einutterasts the urea
Wow of the fatale Cruse, 'which u lhs gnat moss of Lug
It will acA bet aspersed of oh m ewe of so iteliesti a tis.
tare, to exhibit melba.. Mama performed, bat we can
mere the afilicted, that bemired. of cal. la. bms reported
to ca. Snare ewe where families have been widout child
ren, after sing a few tulle. of die inealcalile medicine,
but been bled tille healthy ofEepreng„
Dr. Tomueed: My auk Wing greeily distress. y
emblem glued &Wily, and nark manually
by pain and a emotion of bcar. dam, Mimi of the
leamb, anal wale other dilfaultics, and limn known cam
vilen your medeme has elfeetel great cum - and du...
meet remeamended for rode menu 1 bare Jareilled,lobtaM
'eel a bottle of your Kellett of Sareaperilla, end billowed
the Meet.. you re. ens In a short mead it nonmed
her InemplUsla and restored bar Inalth. Acme grate/41 for
Ms Menu reeeired,l take plcuus in dm athnowleile,
log it, sad ...mundane et. public_ M. U. Moons,
enemy, Aug.l7, Irit llor. of tinned anglyJi4a en.
e—• el
• Ilaszcatta, INN 29, INT.
D Towtatonets To all whom th a is way concern—This ii
to rattily that lay 'rite wed ate bottle of your Sersaparilli
lo her addlonaeut, moth. the owl 4..4 sal
data. eiremastaures, Lein, troubled wiW We droiey, wet,
Lag Of the ;moo. alreetiow,asel vary tad& deldlit. ,
rerithposoados, studthe raweenteadatiosi of Wow
hod wed it, el. wax indwell to try it, with tale ur as
Lite ; wake it to ay, thinotelitorte h a d We happy and
Lairulaffert,uut wily is We hewsofemfcut, hat taw
We eepiratiut of nue wrekul its ow, the dropsy and Steo
wen adfttioti ea way to en seloaistiest d rte , end" hid
health is stow MAW than it had lowa fora kft Uwe pre.
wilt to of any service le_yeer. or way cite who
doubts the tottetatif Ile twidleitur, ym an entirely wekesoi
to it.
I otheetile =pelf your Opel obeeietdend Waked verso..
This Eileen of Setowills has boo expreory preyared
in reference to female complaints. No female who has eta'
0.0 sallow she isappruartme that critical "2b
tetra of hfr," timid trinket to lake at, as st is a certain
Keielane rue any of the Olll.llTif and Mel Hite dimwit tu
Mach Ornate. are subject st this time of bk. This period
my be stelayell Co several years by using this medicine. Nor
re It leas ea/mak to Mime who are apprmeehleg menanhoml,
as Ilia ealculated to nowt nature by .quieltessing the bloo d
the *yore.. Indeed, this nenhouteis
sable fue all of the delicate shwas.. t which ',ammo ass
U loran. the holv tina mut. pr....newt, 11. ualu
cal , auarg.44-11 r<mrraa., the mparttin .r bady—aul
amaulatmg th,e 5)... as la priallice a .141..laeul K.
lard., • hick is Ibg ea. of mad curd ieiurs laka fm. froalle
logattosa and
pißs RICA 11, THIS.
ICOo who lure peJecmplesioso, aye; Llote the
Ee; rough ikis, or freckles, and an e• out of 'picks ;" ewe:
a bottle two of Dr Towstrad% S.graparilla. h wilt
lout./ your Wool, memo du freckle-14Q blotches. wad
spo.kGareyev , flue Ting; =A beautiful
dumpleegiore—oll of wtoch are of uaroeroe go moose
No iusd or medicine kU ever boas dia.noml which PO
utorly,rtormble pair juke orlidiss•io derostp.itic
foul kal strougthesing the ors.. of diptiott, u this poss.
won ut Samparilla. •
• Rasa Dtsstrrissrr, ilbsay,Noy ROM
Iry Totriases6l: Sie—l Lava boos Wan -d kir several
years with dysprpris in its wont Lei., allealell with mow;
sc. of ousioich, loos of appetite. esti.e boortburs, old •
vest aversion Sa all Liodi of foodowl West I
raij I lute bren ot.bk to retain lot,. mull potions, I tiled It,. omit rtiordies but ll,ey hid
hat little or wotlro mnousliqr the'ruispbouiL I woo
diterS, stood two maths since. to try your Dane of
loinlll, sod I inuit soy oio, little roufolosere' but oter uiiq
eirarly. tom bottles, I foood of smotate nstore4, hissl• 16.
111 , 11.ourn courtly nimaccl, sod orwski.suroratly mum,
. ir oof it to olio ha. been atliirta/ as I him*
n. VOW'S ott, p W.W.. Vas LINO?.
Nw fa, Intl. • &Assist:tad,
Readthe AO:wing, end doubt if you cam that eunenespe
liansbminie be cared. 'I ie only erica die sciesallinialred
ewes that Towniewl'e San:wand. hat aired
Ih Townsewd—llrete Sw. 1 was taken, littk oar a
muzia jn w t. ithe .,, renzrzLlyb ..a bnil .
I t/ in my
Lave the quick consumption 1 abed 10. germ -
feria of bed matter, bad nigkt sweats, eat waking eery fart
my doctor mid be mild do utiliallg LT - W.Et ihe
liwipital buys of bring bentGlial, but vas pionuunewl there
ineunble. I was now greatly thenotred at 16,1aup
ld tunny bwatitiC: 1 moon bwarne emaciated, mad seyected
to die; 111. ftlal.ll l . my Led, and' ens obliged to have
emehen iseWed I mined give th„,
would dojutha to my cam. I wile eappowid by my friends
to be past caltuary ; 1 Wid - Iried a gent number of remedial
and all maned tote. td no puipme. I read of, some mat es.
taurditiary cures perturnted by your medic ,
ine, and to tell
b Ithe truth, I impeded there Wm lot.. humbug la dam.
I was induced to try itl did my mid era very tliank
I did. I nam Ie ay that am entirely Well, but ma on fat:
recovered m to be about my busiocat, and huge WI be moire.
If well to a few weeks. My weigh and yam in the side,
and night areete bare me, end nisei:at very med
ea feet gaining my . tonal strength. I felt it duty to e,.
you.. tunatut of al case, to publieb if you &sum
rrreaßiovnt,47 Little et, Brotildyn.
°pistons of Physicians. •
Dr Tosnishead is shawl day esetiring orders Goes phyy
mans is different palls of ON Union.
This is to certify Outnre, the undersigned: Physitians of
the Ciifor Albasy, Mon 0.1.0. eases prescribed Dr.
Toirssendhl Danaparills,lnd helices itto be one of amnia*
islushis preyergions of ifie Sarssparilin the nuke.
J Wiassan.
R LiDamodos a,
P EZtanDou.
Army, April 1, OHS
Tl3lo ss to' cneify that we, ths undamped, pnetiang
Thomoinisn Phr.441:0 of the Clay of Albeit). !met . ..elated
etreseeibed Dr Townsettil'a Command I:strut of Nom
• nth, spd Goes itenarn qualities, woolJ recommend as
pohho Ise mer, mtlifulous, mai Where umorwte no
mows, m pmkrenes to sny of the edverthed remedies insole
ess„ A W ile - smeLe,,
An.y April 9,1644. W e Symeente, Te.
'Teineipelotike 4 lBB st, 800 N
1:1/147 . 24 6 r o stri m. l .. 1:311t s t7it tex North
peinetiptidrittride getterzUy thtri r rt the United Bislite.
and the lonstims
Nacre gmko,...k.p.tpp in the beg! Nome ton,
•Itielt wattle • quart sml sigma with thewritten si w
of 8 P TOWNISUN Pond hie name Mown at the Wm.
• Ira n the New York De il y Express of dpril 9,1,117.
. , .
A peetty nun appeated in the seem_y.a.6. 7 . use
thesdrerheing eab,or Janet:Anita Tepees. OM: rammed.
The gawk thing is pl . up on good tarty t.enerte of the orna
mental leinisespeptinttogrtrabianlithloihiels,lnsethersenth
the wroll work,. on goiJ, glidaning in the eun, made • ahoy.
rarely Nulled In itr•wzy. We take ibis opportonltyelO
way .rs Wien this extent:tor the Ssompseila delenrp(N•B
werykreat popularity it Ina wiqsired.
Nervy.* t w lbtp o ty. 'I
Ur. Tawsend:7 . l . leure Nedra afilietergen! orbralf.e..
d df I " in the .tool, •
1117'1 1 ":1,pe.,'" .t: 72711gthelnale, awl goer/
40461 on indeed 4 the continual luat toad cold to which
am satinet torn my .titstais as a dyer. I bare takes other
medkines, m inuotrosts to niebtice, but with little ornomm
caml waa induced by what I taw in the papaw let,y a bottle
of your Hiromarilak from which 1 found great relief. 4 hare
taken mainland. bottles, end two eadwaitatingly my
it it hod medieioe I ham mer takint—the pam in my
cheat is gum, and I Del quite edit:kraal mina altogether Mime
I ham taken yaw Saraaperitta • 1 hate tam better
thee MR had. My w ife has taken it with the lame ••
eta regalia booth
it ea a family medicine
gkedreilli Dad I frel mayhem( that i need there would ato4
be half Me eicknot there is, and coatequeetly not ao maay
Darter's billet for while it gamma. *apatite. at 'Mao gime l 0
taw mosech mad howls their treater tomit Lewin the Mood
to a hmhby nate, lei that lib.. it ea twit ikely 10 attack the
imam. Mod to Within. who are out In a healthy state, Imy
t ryl.m.
Dr Temwend'a Dersaparille • • I. •
• 'Mous Eems, 711 st.
Caas els the Mouth..
&low is na doom other child tend. Dr ToartwemDi
• Famayarillw has sated the firm of I t.
The Gil lowing certificate talented from • veal number
received bit week.
. • -
uf soy etaLlmi tins ye,
tick lb. Candor in thy mull,
old thing, Alliadidoboii
dibility. mit dyin ir
. 1 obtaboddoese of your
m e ak., and limbed it dectly, fur brbith I dm
wir you I fret vettiMAJ,
Ywri ~p~cl7dll,
• ' V.iltrar — rir rawala,"ti7. Wooers.
Par male by It F. Druggist, Nob? Wood xi
White. and 4th .1., who ho. , boo' appeoted by D:
T(IWNSIONIWoIa Aral Coo dheghtny'ssa..yethigerlyr
lot great Datatca in eating toy childti disarming
cough. , • • •
• From theTecapoianco tr, for
i 7 31sti• ' • •
Goan Stravo.—We are snit. to tint' habit .of putEag,
much testi taking patcut atediciaia, bat we act devoted
to rttonoacad Morgan'. tilValt to llama Oho are afflict
ed with a tough. Altar having tried the what iont
dies to remotes a constant rod .distrearing o high, that
hod for several day. Whined one of oar
Clot ratter., wo were hulaced . try Marian's cough
~yn,p, and by itnlief was idettilladAll a few boar , 'l,'
proved. lobe the Noneetiat this case at knot.
Prepared arbohantle and retail bylha proproator,f .
JOIIIY hlOltraN Drugglay
rob? Yrooda_y dOtir belour dianood
74 — r , ;,Wiiirrunthi Wens Ispecinc.
frIIIS is to certify that, by taktarton o via/ ar Doctor
Idelsknels Worn> ehthl ofialserkthawsl
.passed spwiuds a( 70 worms, and by the woof said
It ssedieice • child of ow ogra•pucd 14 IMIIEO Worms.,
Itl. MIT the metti sent Wry : worts mcilicine 1 me
sten, I amsu Ilan [lwo mote muds. • i
WY 611./1102E
. :coarsuitencori- .
44. 4
Wats IhearreWleo
Ditiajneteff Csalagemeauflipanap Mff VIM
R U mild end plesseml tOThb
y e t petite .safa and
harmless in t ea
and yet it mom of the mon
powerful and (cram reasesimakor Oandoeption Us;
Lungs. Coughs; Colds, Anitoth Meer: * =am,
Complaint, PMus the S ide - or' Breast, and general
Debility I f
Couslitution, that Mas ever ievented by
the *lll of roan for the relief of the afflicted
Certificate, owl evidences of in 'wonderful curative
pewee's. daily *mired from all quatten,' It 1..
possible to conceive the IMIISTrate of suffering and Mis
ery Ibot has Mee relieved or banished 'by th• nor cm
we calculate the immense beaefichalshall maybe from
it hereafter. AU ages, sexes, and. Vomit:o6.i fire
elite effected by it; and the ductete it eradirstell
the system, the coustilotion repaired; and health Ma
tured /T o th° its., of Leclinavers Comm.. Stem be
Who Canis. 'llow many mfferen do we dotty. be.'
hold approaching to on euttately grare, arrested, Mate
bloom Myna* nom their relatives mil (needs, mains
Id, with that fatal malady, CONititUDITION,. wLkh
oresterthe miserable sufferer uml he * beyond (th•
power of human skill. If such madmen would only
make Laid stir. Sway.'. Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry, they would find thoosetres homier .rellefed
duo by gulping theivarieus metkelivo mmedrevetith
winch our newspepers abound; this 'Vegetable Sasso
dyt beats the ulcerated loamy sloptiing prorate night
siventa, nt Demme tirtmintitiemy • unbind and health,
eXpectormion, and the patientwal soon dad
the ettionesent of comfortable health. TM p. 1.410114
bear in mind that Dr. Swayne is a Nearer macusing
physician, and has hod years of experience in diseases
of the - Loop, Chest, &a The Oriental and only ) gems
the aniele on/y prepared DIL SWAVNEN Wetho
nee of Eighth and Saes streets,Philadelplua.
AriarriEu. 11071 E CERTIFICAnt.
'O(4 the cures that haa ever been recorded, lealedg
safely soy the aortala of medicine mum faro/shone to
surpass thia, witch nose sumds as a living proof of the
curability of eonsumplion, even whoa hod been
despaired at Dr. Swayturs Compound Syrup of Wild'
Cherry is ell it professes to be, the, greatest medicine
in the known world.
27i 2}o, Rieku;ifLift is Heald.
Die Sursvat—Dearair i —lor tee good of the priblie,l
feel Myself in duty bound to testify ur the peaPehre
which yo. Compost. Syrup of Wild Cherry polom•
ed on rue. For my part, I teel as if every body ought
to know it. I was afflicted with La video coogb, ems
ring of blood, night alma* hoarseness, 6.4 •••••1 . 0
the Yoke Indicaung a/Inhuming stale of thet.diseisr,
my appetite wan gone, and my strength had se far fail•
ed me dintroyfinends and physiciau were persuaded I
could mt Amuse many day. My sister, who etee
eatioas canwtakcr. Made mmity where the woad be
likely lo procure the most census relief. She wan told
that Iffilv. Sorante's Compelled Wrap of Wild Chehry
Ailed the cure, my life was then hmeleas. amt
medicine woo lonnallately procured, Sur the first bolt
Ile gave relief, and by the tuna 1 had commenced the
sixth bottle. my mesh had left me mod say sthaugtharal
much improved. le Mart, it has made a, perfect ewe
of me, old I are of this present time as hearty a mm *a
I malt, and hate goOd remon to behave that dictum of
pour medicine lan saved eite from •a premature ghee:
I Mall be pleased to give my information vespecang
Sti cheater at; between raee and vine ate, Phil .
Consumptives, Read! Read!! Dr.litsnyne's Compound
. In about the year
found it necessary to Say
professional practice, to compound a ulatielnat peeper ,
atiou for diseases of the• cheat and bogs, pease:deg
more powerful
properties than my other bit/A
cne known fur such disease. In my WI/POUND
manful. w ay CHEREy / have been very 'sae.
manful. The way astouishnig ernes elected by mg
ratabeim soon spread its gmue abroad; for a owes nom
Mi. maces. to taamfaetured uewspaper penis ar ton
gel certificates—the reel intrinsic merits 'of my .0R
pound is the only muse etas popolarity. Its extemile
sale soon excited the envy of certain speculators MOM
allhetions of ht. fellow cremates, so couch to that JO •
few years from dm nine that my - prepared. was intros
dueol to the pubUffaud in great demand, a fine thte
ctlY. fonling .thst My preparation had paled a high
reputation melts curative- properltesous oet Pentli
Went/soy called Dr..Wister's /tetanal of Wild Cherry.
This respectable wed popular physic,. had_up, MOM
lo do with the astiele than poor Sem Patch. ' TM, IMMO
Meek %Virtu is attached to make it appear that this Mai
Meet preelitiOner erne the ortgintd inventor or the pm!
parame; smelt
so tsnot the fact. The above finn, the m
id inventor, ld the recipe Ind right to manutnettire to
Souse patent medicine dealers in'theeirtuini tin Abe
Wool and Southend mother in New Yank kartlm
who afterwards, la is soh! oat to dritggist
change-wthe uumher of Muds Into whichit may have,
changed is an mignon,. - • 1
In sot= plaees they a ...a from, a
slam la Plilladelplism in othWrs, frau physics.* in
Massachusetts. Sp tr, has falsebool end. stratagem
stamped m every Sugar.
There have been a eutaberof other prim:Mons par.'
ponies to contain Wild Cherry Put mt Noce, fnast the
hands , f inexperience, which th e public should gaud
nns ns they contain 11000 of the virtues of the Dap;
,tommd only genuine preparatto* which bears the air ,
aunty of Dr. Sway. oa each Linde. Tea Are a
manufachmens of their puts and Wm certificates bare,
the daring effrontery to caution the public agaiust per",
chasing my medicine, the only truly genuine - and ongt-,
toul prcpurstion of Wild Cherry bethre the pubnc.l
which is proved natisfactonly by Um publio record, of
the Commoevrealth of Pennsylvania, at well as rani
met other
an d
Inventor snd sole Proprietor oh the rhenium Com ,
Hoed Syrup of
Cherry, tomer of Eighth and
ktace Meats, Phlsdelphia. •
Pamphlets eon be obtained gratis, soling tutee.'
of testimony that Will pOnelliee the most stood.,
eta ofthe woadenal vinms of Dr Swayneh Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry. Call and get one, all may,
read, Pamltesa the medicine, and .
For ode,
wholesale and retell, by th e Amnia
corner Wend Libeny stst S NiNFS, leu Liming
; It A FAIINFSITUCts corner of Pind
Miami unit 0101.1. 11414 Wood, mil PAIN BllTlalkis' I
Allegheny. eay.
Gnat EngUsh Remedy. I
FOLlalhkiLtNL . `"y= l ,
wiove disesoli ii. the HUNGAHLS.4 'BAIA:Z.OY
LILT:, -- , bstrired by the celebrated Le. lischan,
London England, sad int ro duced into the United
nude: lion bItIlleaal• ono gillperinluule feinvetoi
The estraopiinazy" success of this mot , L.., In
tare of
diseases, erarcantalhelaisesigan
Agent in soliciting hsr treatment the worst pOssible
sea that e. be toting in He conutruityeares shut seeS
: relief in vain how any . of Hte common remedies •of &d
ig, and have been men op by the most distiagni
on - has physiciaas corihrosed and incurable. • The Si
an Halsain eared, andvrill once, the mist d
• It no . quack uosit but a , Eng.,
bib medscuie, of know n and listlisd ethcuys
Every family in the United States should he &spoiled
with lischanla Hungarian Balsam! of Life, oot only tel
butthe consumptive tendencies of the climate)
but to be used us a preventive medicine in all e as e s
colds, coughs, spitting, of blood, pails In the aids and
chest, irritation and soreness of tho tuagsi brochilisi
dithenhy of brewing, beetle Giver, night sweat) •; . tio
noon tool general debility, asthma, biduatta,
cough and cratp. • •
Sold ialarge boitlesOtt ti per batik, with full dirtei
lions the tha testorathin of health, •
Pm& et, cmftuirg a mar Eaglirb en
.11 rertilearpt,'l.l Qatar wridence a/awing Um Wl=
quolled merits of this great Engliailltruselly, map . 1
• Wainer! of the Agent; gratokopalp
For =ht bp Pt A FAffNkMOCG keo.,coiner of
arbi 'Wood irmlWood and Gth sta. =SS i
• - ,
We hate beenjnformed by hire. Bose bf a esre4e .
famed on her by Dr. Jarato's Lerathrth.
pence, its superiority neer every other remedy o Da
kind. She hoe been adheted tor the last airbus. )(coot
with OlkOllttlettor wiirrE lllVELLlNtiocattcode4
wok ulcerations and ertfehathat of various bones, des
ring Wtichtime many nice. hare been dilltbarked (root
the modal bone ot tee .cosaiaa, ftan bothiter atessi
rises sod hula,44 kr. and Imo Utn 1 5,q
fed oral bone, and from the Fig/ Widow, betides pawn!
oicasottothor parte of her perm, swath ham blind
the skill of • needier of the panda neat phreiaeste of
Oct cit.—daring •10111 of .tbe tine her safedags lave(
been excratating amt deplorebia Moat three '
auto the was /absent to try Dr.JayaelaAtterative
which hoc bad at astaniallately happy :effect own her
by removing all pad floe awellinge, and. eaten/ditto
woes to heal, while at the sometime bertateral heal*
• barber:one entardetoly rationed, so tatt she abloweitU
Ilertnore thaws!e dd tetra she cowoneneed malted
of ildaualy stalest& (=papaw-181BL Eve. Port:
For further iatbresabon, ton mire of Mrs. flareyNo.llll3
Ftlbert at, fitlladelpkta ,-; •.•• • . • ; ff
' For sale In Piusintrah; at the PEKIN TEA 1370116Ei
29Foorthu. sea Wood. : •.. 17i i
IJ INGS..-Setolcila in - all inn multiplied for=
whether is that of titres E.ll, enlargemeels e , the
glands or lone., Goitre, White Swelling., Caromr!
Rheumatism, Causer, decease. of the Skn at Spines
.oral. Pulmonar y
• Coasucaptloe, emanate horn Pee
and the same emu., which io a poisonous pcincipld
more or lea inherent in the Mann system., Therm'
fore, uilea. this principle tan be destroyed; no radii;
cal cure can ha cif ectad, bat If the principle spoil.
which the disease *mead., is removed, s !dog
must of necessity follow, no innlnefil Wet What larva
thediseaso should mended itself. This, therodiar4
is the reason why JAilf lee ALTaaaatr lIV SO fel
Venally eliMnial In finnan) ntallgul
dlsowm. It destroys th e Virus or . prizihiplo fro,
whicit those diseates havetbelrorigin,fiy aetcrie
into the circulaticiai iuid with the 'blood is soave
to . the minutest fi bre, remariog emery partible o
disease from the system., Prepared gad sold at No.
LI South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekia Tea Store. Na t Fourth 'lei
ADIES Wbo Use comsat Prepared ChiilC, orel
Ofteil not aware how fn .:Wally trystriothr 't LW - 0
Os s k in! how saarsei bow mask, how sallostoel39
and unhealthy , the dm appears after estop prep
tikalk!‘blesides, it minnows eostaininKatarrigsso
thy of:lisd.' 'Webs*. ptepored's bownifst Seseutlil.
article... Which we call JONES'S. SPANLittI ULM
WHIT& It Is persfeetly innocent, beiu p ariledof .11
Pettoo. quadniieq.alul it isapa!u la the skin •iugns4
alabaster, riesr, living white. at the stpo
aims acting q a. oausiaas oar tba..akin, mating noo
or. James A" trrartiesl Mendel 'ef Mira
ebneette. sap: After analysing/tames tdpaniab Laid
White, I find it pranymea the meat bearnshal and naia.
rat, at the CaSibppal innocent' teldte'l ever law. I
certainty eau oteededttainal reeenunend Its . ase
whose elcan reqatraddantotitng.!!‘., , - ;
tu-Priee inieenta &Doz.;
ibrisvivAcaion, at Ida Hoot and Shod
Stere,E6 Liberty 0 ~ ,,e vt Wont, , at I.lte , sign of
ets7oll 111 t era praranY4
A natarat.iikdAlte,apoipininie,
11 . 1 904 , 1614 - 4ain tote IiONMO4 chalk, •
. And loolladandtb.rd ia erlkighti
if you Toe
would: a InaN* JON VS Litly-ritte, it
wogjd Kivg, apkinater yet. 111110111 Wilph
and at the Base .tialy elont and improve , Saki At
JACKE.ON', ti/
at. Price f 5 nano par boa. i,
N0..9.13U11KE XL E., NEW VO
vyttue %V. MELD:often for lode at the i k e ti
%. , :klenaftletaerte pneeo, a' very enema,* Aurooo
PAPEII. coattpnriat every puotble 'artery,
=lvied 101/111 V 21114 IA coalmen mall veetioise of the
....arY• Palter of all kiwis MA* to order at abort
lheeteekof PRINTINtit PAPER Is azonatalty hilt,'
a porter trbirkls of very sopeivOr timidity, • . . !
of every dereriptlOO, letported.aud kepi ettettaady
han.; vii: Pelona, Wire Ilteth,l.loonldoicewi r ,..
ItteoeLlng Powder, Wee Ultramarine, Tyr se.,
Cnovana.liale Itor,Gfole Hope ,
purchased, Ger valet( the kiateet price In Q,,h wilt be
pool . irps'
Italia Chemical
F:=2P 6 0::,"4 4 :"..;t_t=,11f
Speto,'cimpa or cracked Milo, am for arroiler r eiti
ao, of rbe Min, Mod, mans , mpedmi Oa.
~.400p muds turpsmdicel. • liloo dimes Pre4l.4 tow
born, Morpbea,Ten,..oral charms
.ibe k,
yello, or. detested •bia; a , • Mcicaliby• Yea 4.
deuce..., A brit, omply, - oricrmicil gedirres„ itcr
w e . 1 1, redmed price of DI per cake Mem beet
received, is ofered ibr Pale by /I AF AUN WM:
o.,eomer lot se& waxime CM of deicer/Ma
sad mad sm ••
-gag iii-Uhma aria 4 wed i
mot.-, , t .vuf..-,
.. _ ~ ~ ..
"`' . !s ll ` * VlT" ,
, inr€lll 3 '
Caturaimr"lll7 , ooll/114 ,
spketlitt it Y'
Sinsiii:Zir out IraodA 9 ..
/ka 8 44 0 / 11 :! - ,V ;Odin"
Pljtafol4AßY • 4X)NBUMPT-lOrim
„ .
"*”'ll ZU• ti n.. 3l‘ . '4F k ..i iprela e tr i t ai
.Witoopaii — Aiiiroep,
b r e:ll=
Id. A.
I ,4 77l:gweder. y ." 4l4MMlsfour.s6l HI
44 1 .1tog.iallkia yrWl • .17 bed
4.41, rut dalku/sy al
4 i4.9.14.. - - Mug , narion+ mwalor undid at
street • I twee•••liins.i, I or your siedritin.•
Anwar •••Leg rod setvetts4 arettisimpso apthi,V
wadi millers •ko via I hod , bera wag. 1. 6 .% 0 1" if
RWi+\ Mead per 6.1.4 ie try bale .of rar -
=r2 . ±.s:barki=" . r ,
1.3.1 Utd9a7671!0 buell* contpli.l7
. . _
' tkokly - gr W.. bode of rats I .d. Me 4:4* ' , WE
areal. Amy knot arra, ay ha - utak r
olb.P•deal Poul .E•ascis . 111•Imn..
/gig. 010 0.q,Rei.ciigase. pain,
Pa. PloaM/ Met
yaw; ;OM - . i• • o t too th* mMa• ' at sackl , u , 7
'Matra of tq I ints 'naiad Mil wren Ira m
Os bowl pa/atria of la lean al skanot of tapa* •
Mal mos oar CoPorwl by for &bre ollpputa, owlets ,
matador. a sight aripattlM prmysis aty labi—thar .
VrtrAl:f 4 = 4 .Y . 10 g a0 b r i , * ,,ti'1a........_ 44" ."
ally throws Was arsalsial - .Mals aserMas
AbuProbloratarl lama Wirer 10'1164 Praia hr'.
to tire my suirriap w•nc lama kosiogolll aka& ,
assytinoried ADM • *pm sad Ma Masa hf Mar
sysnoms wa• trageola, - OLId kif • ill:as-pa was
a•W *Woad May Malt las WM I cuWar7,
a... al/ plyndas Ind abraded to thru , proorrytWoo
, .11 tud, monLiag to poem or MA
treltmr=vz.-...4",,,ra.: - •
Thostioal Commas& Slopor.lau met Wool tisplacit •
ma saran to• muse. ad 6.01 ha mans *pad
opactalous of • moor, o f Moo loath by bars
7 " .• . raftr i b" Aor gif " V d so ' n
yo [most lus o ma us
that by th• ur sh Waft my Maki Matra
lII= /*fable to alga to lunar - with as mark /Wits
• :I , ;=/i air byIPIONEY k picuon,pu .L
owner OrFilth StifOLVILIVIts - • • ••• •• •
• floyl by, wiu.ox, Pittsba6;' and OaMails .
-Pries 50 , Coe dollar per**
I t i glON.—torars of *Matra; al pator.
cob MamparY.7p*Ol7. Tao Ina ore Mak wiluT/
voila of tion• - abas las royal:* of asalitip
PILLS are becoming' w onisensally popelat.
Slut, Decease they are prepared by Dr
dy hleraelr,aregular Druggist, Cbcripal am!' '
man of Philadelphia, who Spew - W - 0e setae, VI
quality and character of the Medicines wed is ma
pills and their adeptalia e , to disease. ,-, • 1 .
Second; Because the public eau tatisibeio with .
greater confidencethap mast other pills which . are
prepared by persons ignorant both or ordielos 4 auil
Third, Beesose ci their combined elleeli,:rio - •
Lieu nut contained in any other pills; euwtily,
mg from the Manch awl boom . all usbeelthymous
stamen; and at theirune time purifying the blood
and guide of the body.i,.- • • -
FDIJIllit, !lactase they arp.she ebeapees asd.biMt
medicine J[llollti..4 Week boa cluing wit:town.,
and containing 4Spills saving to persons as. limey .
dollan ell-times • D ittos', b and Ounall Ow
mcdiciami bought & tried on the rectowneadatihe
• Whenever you hare pension to take Pei media
Mao, do nut be trilling with your constitution by
raying all kinds of pills or other wedicine• you seo
published and recommended by one and weather Sid
uliwat Mice
Dr. Leitthea,Sorranparill' , 33 -
and You will not• have (measles'. to taki onyllaig •
else." They will always be round good in shimot an •
worms id &mane, I unaniation el tbe litmench, bops s_
els, liver Sid Intestines; cramps of the litomedl,-
Waleitirastminword levers, - foul breath, load .
mate is the mouth; Saur eructations amt acidityiol
the stomach, connivent*. and indigestion; want of. •
"appetite, billions elections, dimes!"e of the melees
and ktdocya,di.eases of tee skin ecaly•cruptilied .
drytted wateq pimples or blotches of Umtata sue
body,tettee, raohiprieldri beat and salt &am, bead, -
ar.he, giddiacsa, lemmas ; pains over the &nutlet
the hioeetieideo„ Wool the back and opine, 'helium.-
'Rom arid specimen of all kinds, owall.poi.iiiitoi;.
lout. tieasels, scrofula, erysipelas, and in abort they )
me good in ad diosaoes having , their drive' in the
stomach; liver, and intestines; and inipurity . of the •
lrfTweniyoGve cents a Rex. - • -
' Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fabnestock
& Co., career of First. and. Wmail, • alma corner el
Sixth nod Wood streets, - eeO..V
TIIE b iiriielehuowtt eleardog and iilalrealag
the Teel, Ftrairphening the rums, tweetemegrhe
bressb, to: 11 Mould be ...revery night wide [Mid..
brash, and the teeth and mouth walnut) , require slash
mudded in the morning. Wet the brush with warm'
or, cold will anywer. end rod unieirend -
the plume, when enteigh wilt adhere for e.emtnier the
teeth.' It !cameo delielem tame in the mouthourd na
parts • most debahnelfreeranee to th e breath. Itztadds ' .
riedmilled a pleusant, &mime% coalmine., and
safe dentriftee. It is warranted eat to mime the teeth,
belle pioleel.lhnea. - ..
By acing h.regulnr ,ly it will remove the lartarmal
pretreat& emamiderioll,—provetit arb"4,oll4llt.
mem/thee die Melts, and prevent all dioceses or le
.I.2eserms, /Myriam/kr, and the clergy recommend it ,a •
decidedly ripener to ever* shills of the kind to Mt—
deafer Shennan'iCompoirtel Ores Tooth rests., and
obverse his signaller is attached to each pet. •
- Reetuumentled by - Dr. e.of
Quil' 21 y,im
oar . WM Denials. and by' mort l, of the ltroa old dere eluddished • •
eon mad flailed ammo, and meet. amasirely used
by the Nobility pf . England Mid Fore., '
A larmlimmartion of the dormer. t lelaillktmardreed .
Arise-from mine derengementof ihe a inroad. or.twerqls,
which dimly it.. . oldie Cathr ea Lounges stoild
entirely obvituei Penco, - e[ biticasitabitrahmild
limy* lava attar al hand, and take a . dime wherievar
they feel the least derangement m their bealth: , -Mjedi•
ciom aro of there tormiecr would prevent dri 01 . eumrla
Farrah, at MIL JALILsON'B, tomer of Wriodlnd
. . • -
rAWM/IMPURE, warned byte orogioalanif otit•
atan. /Der ptcpared sad add by It'D l
• r.Moatu Y•PDAT,Wiritsboraload
• ILR. Wes r , —•iousa<Misty ioyougail die
indorser good./ way hassido kitbag:ly ia Dior of yoirlidlly
orlotrided Liner Polk - I bale de/gored doiag so Drrair,
sdleriog to Airy Crudites made , abi into roi sr* VII,
the. go zlibad." bleu ofibli roasyyr•aratidul adrupilra
arid war, latuled io the skies Lars mak into obliriaa
yoarliker Pi ts hart heasofered to Da yalidr,
I b•Parro ihry will “sialit• theiarall,"'as /bey an Asit fotllat
yo• trine:mil dna la / hare to.. is 'lrak Liter
Doiapinint how ioryosili; Pave sidroted wick, culo•red
assay •••i•ird Opiemoi,ta idiom I paid owes cory; hdlro
km/ iamb bkoi; Mem vomited awl
op almoa to drab;
rabtited at bans .111 finny lin. op as ineuitible. lo
D• 16.7 6dared bitty your Lim Pills, and SOON uur
WX1.1.., limbos of mak-6 sulbeirst kevos char
of pare • iide,••l•l/ tie Other rytoitoin. Lit st salt
14 woWba: - If Wattle beaTeiliartie I eirr trahli
ten op
.ll Vis ow mud. relict ban hr
~i my rtes
f -or 7 yang mid liondrzids of bo sad hay. timer
heard • siva
...captain/ 'uttered by..y cao h
p wo hoiribinl
Dem 71017 haw onginsebed alexia every oibirb g' it Olds
b,.d,soil,is • *bort lb. via budab .tlito a, I
yaniorily botoessmaid Was la all /moons pbylde,
irberliar. it 'Lim camplabet Diitioux Jr/mikes. 1•••••
rider Um far siyerior to Calomel or dm Blue Pig. &wt.
VAMPI— oazd
Ai then are olbrg POD bet.' dr public
••••••Lirer person Irlio•radil tiENULNEAaidd
ask ibill2l4 take/o.Ber thaii primed rid iidd. 4,11
SELLE/18; Pia GS Wood-ii. bum. Ildid asp/ !'oath
Sold by Di. Canny filth Ward; D H emir ; A
1111.4fifiVallelt CAU.II.IIIATINICMM . — 13417 .
Fir th e Sea A l O / I Lltg o iN,a ,. .7l , l c krzt . l , ll : 7l4E .
Th ' e " art=red• hanne Wen antieted dr4ig thesti.t
winter with disease 'of the aunneih;leamethare on.
li no. gnat nein in the rtuataelt for ten or tarty., haus
wi Amen...ten. and eller. having triad eariOaa
realethei with link effect, arm nerniehed with a battle
ap t u /ernes Caymanian Balsam , need ae
cording to the direetion!, and Rand Invariably thelgs •
nedietneenesed the pain to Moog in three or tour min
nwe, aml, in filed - otely minotesevery Sue
raemribalasaa eml quieted.: The neditine ern it
p e r erbegent indlesalausaf the, acpsaaalsof •
'pain weneceived, and the, pain was thereby prevent
liacollinnd to amnia Medicine every. naming'
and annottlatee in the lanaine, and in a• law as -
:health lan birfar restored, Ilea the lure ter was talky
ad nos a large modal 0( oppre.sive • pain. Finn eti
penance, therefare. he tort confideatty• reeonweed
JayaehiCarminades Balsam, as, a salutary mediate
for dneases (Attie alianneh and Lewd,. . 1114411
, ,-•. • • Allen lieny:eityily3l
Fat Piaui . ..4lr - rEsi ArTNI. 1111)111
71 rounit:ruiet, near Mood,. and en/. at the o,
Benand 11.1. stommarz. redent ate.. Alkeheir
121a111 airsILITUAILKIKR.—... • • • 4
croSsado• Amanda Mame', Ins sbasins. J r
Crcarci at Isilloac, for 'haslet; ' •
ltattertind Ruage,on Porcelain atsestm
•• tqemans meal bags, perfamed ater lArremler,A nif a
/M.I44MM powder mars, of Mt psnems; • ,
• Embossed toilet bom, minuetss trtscradictrakis
faiths handkerchief: • most hag, and toil. ssps, - sdm.
- Persiamor Memo Ix - molest
Inman ...erabit, ham oil; . ' •
ltesea ail, in fancy or mamma srmptsers, (ems 'Min-
ch.e 2 4P; Nymph Soap; Rote. Lip Wye;
:lrP: ' ga:rjrneettro7yat: 7 0 r
D A Fnist4k . &
. LCOI/91.-4 tc.c , LW* jugs
PITTS Stirtl34 ~ O ,AZETT go —
el. Gusto thaldisaip, 34 it., ....Post War
It A,T,118 Ob., All VIE ILTIIIIIO - 0C
Cleo intertion or Killion, or less
.S 0 Mk
* Two iseerlioae wilkoalallenttnoe -.7
Toro Weeki " bo
Three' "
One Monte,
Theo " .... ..."7t
113'4 8 ,88at admtisemetts Is =roe proportiot/
Chit squate,B trioutts, without altstaBo ,, ,••• LO
• !' ~:....x: , 4 100
East additional attars fart month., .. . . .6too
Itt ." 10 00 .
One situuti,.6 months,tsastrable at 4 00..
Eaebadlitlstalsitarefor ;Smyth. H • .1000
Tirotquarst,6 months, re'vrable ut pleattro, 30 1 00
Each adflitiustal square,6 ma.*, • 880
w 4xl LT earl*.
(I ,insert4 . on, 4:41
. . .
,aansnrs wank
riTe•ii1111110r kap 01e yev. '6l OO
• .;- , six months 6 00
. te CIO year,Oily Ec.i.reckly, le 00.
.I six months BlOO
navnitrtsswitwos sot
Pors9liM, or Imo, Ono tromrtsso,
Two, ^ ..........
' Three;
•Throo Mosotho, /01)
. et '‘ • Six • ". • L•W
" Tw'eh co