The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 21, 1848, Image 3

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    MEM ike.
• • 51 011 Nd li grilrif e r, 6‘. '
+►ts , "SAXES HUTCII k
Ssow =:mso Ill& do; a
k.digfrms unmoor Et Ckxtd sad for sec by_ Loot S 4".
nal asaeLLti• k
112 UOA R-15 lib& prior N 0 Repo 5 bon, taxnri
L Havana ac, 1 es. DR LOTOmp Loa der a/ bbls
drZr d .xj " V. ". do 444
Illp"1" - em.ied end
i I D riled
QUOARANU MOLAB9ES-41.0 bbd. N 0 Sugar; Om
" apr i llakrrtUtligraN l 7l:s9 . 24 st
libds 3ow ligadilv
d 33 le•If bhds to affi x this Week. • • rbe.
yr... of say ow" itoponstio.c. direct, and be
_ _ _
. 01411 0. bY " IU PC MARTIN
eIkaANIPAGNE bastvs ISlthese Co.;
%,./ di do Crovrn.Claunpngnet Wanes, nos landing
and Sar sidnilL • ' •PIO - P C MARTIN
1101)RANLIIIN--2,MpikA supe!lor Heneuy, Brandy, ?, of
s a me Hopunatiou as lan. 4 4441141 . supe rio r
Wed ktrandy, mw Insulin And for We trf
- -
CRT WINE-.O casks %malady Port Mos, of
.direst itoplutstiat, sow landau( and for sale low
• :'kplo P C ALtItIIN
S HELLED CORN—iO net. fug Tes'd and kr sale
ipl by • DROWN k CULIiarTSON,
Q WAN AOUSB NOLASSES-10 bids prima N
0 Ad named and Rr !We by .
SALMON -10 blls No 1 Salmon, received per am
Scbaylkill and lor ule by
.11 • 111 011M111161.1, WILSON it Co..sur
tEEB:811/.118-'-v wu. br we by
S Faie, for flintily
•t WO 11911 WICK a AIeCANDLESS •
Y APPL43-13 mach jest reed and for sale by
Lis extra jam ree'd aid
" V•
C 0 1 1 1 :0 41 1 , 1-113 ow
►IbRAIX?D-% k
from staluaer
ALYJRATUS--27 'Usk. Cleucluut - Situratus, just
reeetvaj gad tut Aisle by
" upit WICK t EfeCANDLE3.9
—I6 boxes Virginia clued Mimi; and Bides,
now landing and for sale
dpl4 ' ; • POINDSMTER
T EAD-600 pigs Oad
akes Le, received per steamerL
Oriental sad for sale by
aptil - POINDEXTER h. Co
ARDOIB-10 LLB fot sale by.
- EIRENCLII.AWNS—Tvro eases beautifel new style
1' Dem Livros, just received by
.P 9 • strAcia.Errr. WHITE
POTABH— . I3 mks prima for gala by ,
,IL 110LASSES—ZO bblß ft Idalasaca, LapjA
Banerh reed per .our Schuylkill And fa
mile bp • aptt BURIOULUE, WILSON k. Co
1(11ICE AND LOAF' SUGAR-31 tine. Rico; m LON
Ala Lour Sugai, holding from poor Schuylkill and for
male by . . LloaliALEY &SAUTE, •
apla : IS and 20 kcal sl
BEfrom LE PORK -7104 gecesadall kPo
T, landing, ,ckaitlieAapla RAEALEY&RM
•:;, , TAILCH-1:11 bates 0
-141 bates Starch, aupeibit qua li ty, lamb
0 la 6 from Pdonouratela and 4or mile by
BUCKETEIO dos. Yobtied Hackett' for sale by
PIO METAI,— , SI tons No 1 Foundry liles;11, juts
noised sad for sale by
split . WICK k. IiIeCANDLFS 9
tierces Ice anode by
spit illiRBRILKiki, WILSON .1. Co
rrult—loo bbt. Tar, of prime gunlity mid in good eon
I. didoo,on coatignamst and for ule by
...lyi 7 .llrek—gu cartons of Conon and Thread La
ens, lust received acid will be saki cheap by •
- aps .31111T11 d JOONSON, Id market at .
jun !u3El . vt,:u -1 case Turkey ip i t i nri, w akiii co Gir
TUST RECEIVED-73 bxs Ilydes need &ups, and
bor deb api J KIDD& Co
jU b ITRECLUVED- 4 7j: lb. poled firer ; ace
CUISSISIERES-4 full aas9rtment of Mack and hn-
el Camatberes, jual Teemed b
api stieciu.crr a. WHITE, 99 venal n
G lblGlllAltS-4 large astorobeut ofDouuctue,
hub 3usst
Fr . enek GutgAlma, just opemau uul tor
• sula by 14 8
IaOI.AIS3F-U1 bids NCk lb doBapr 110
AR 4O7 deg Syrup inbbls and kegs, tor sale by Gol
S T a
N"' •aleUy
ior Taiga—lr. Ls* sealed, for slis p b6 ll
_ P. 7
MITASIEI BOARDS—;u dos Itiee's rive Patent, km
TT sale by ' ap7 .• J D WILLUOIS
F IG 1110 N-450 tons, 411erlun for tale Goa. 11!ct
" • ' r itoodkeßadql2r7rits
OUGA R-123 khda N 0 Sugar, for sab,
0 sot J kit FLOID
LARD -4113 bbls No 1 Lard, In Awn; and for sub! by
■pi IBAIAH DICKEY k. Co, 107 Froata
DaY bush in note and 'kw We by
COTTON,-114 bales in Aare and for sada
B'bosh =WI abbe Ions& by
Igo /toa4:l , Li WI seeks will be sold verylo-Or
WEATHERS—Of good quality, fur sale coasulmly by
B -
EANS—Mi bbls mall addl., boding from swore.
/lingo Chief and far alas by
sps , 1C BIDWELL, Agl, water at
. .
G• 1141L15—.13 Wits on consignment and for mle by
ATI . II-37 . sa.e . ks more and for sajecb6rw
ORS—III) bull in Coro and for oak by
bblsin store sal ferZeginu
EA CllO5-26 auks in core and far Web,. _
Q OAPS—MIN Almond; do , Bow, do Palma just -
1.7 mined and for oak- by aps JOEL MOHLER
ICE:4O ticties strictly prim., ink ree'd and for
ale by spa MILLER RICIit.TSON
MOBACCO—IO eases 8. ?dyers , soner f lb lump; p;3 do
J 'Moms , nectar lb do; just reed and for sale by
P LITASU—A first taw article at rata l Er
1 Ern RECEIVED-4 groaa Allen'. Nerve and Bone
U Liniment, and for sale by - uPS J KIDD &Co
MINE , ot , Pine Oil In sr!" Vairglbera
FLAISEE.9 OIL-10 bbld just tea and for see by
; . RE liFJd £P
A LCOIIOI.-B . bbls Jost reed and for solo by
marli • R E 81.1" raf
to b • ins; reed
••. bola OttlttOro ..
105.r7 • JO . CRIER
TURITN7INE-13 bbls (*rule br
DISHED 011.-13 tibia for sale by
mud uakirs atrrza
eobaigamelab for sale by
Astar2l • J SCHOONMACER & Co.
gUGAR—B Md. In stone mconKcombeWor sale by
' marls • • ISAIAH DICKEY k. Co,
TTNEB -31.0 whole, 61f, qr and eighth pipe s7of ell
the ditferedt wines eow in use; pan to arrive, of
venous grades, brands and vintages; room very al;
for sale as hepatica, by ounltt /' C WARIEST
AND LEINIONS!-16 boxes co consign
O mem; for usla by. • ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.
RICE. -40 casts N Carolina Rica, for see by • •
marl) W ROBINSON & Co
ANDUIL-10 bb -N C Trn 10 bbl. Timm!
j. (Al; for sale by • mai It ROBINSON& Co
WUR—InU bb a Fresh Funny Flour, in More and
for sale by niar.4 u 1114111:41130N Co 1.
LARD -3000 Ibt Lard in bbls tad tem for sale by
mar:{R ROBINSON it Cu
SIRCIIINGN-11 wk. melted on etnaltmenti
tad fin tale liy mat= ',POINDEXTER it
OPLAR LUMBER, and Pine Joke, forsae
i 7241! W. W.WALLAUE.
MVLOSFS-420 bbls N 6 Molasses, reed per str;
Novol Yiver and for rale by
msrfl If ROBINSON &Co ,
aeLmirs LIVER PILLS -201/ gross a dam
LF eektrrated Ma. A large prof I allowei m emu
r) deahrs, , • war 23 J KIDD k. Oa i
P.S.EttiTt !-Idr
AL OLLs9is—o
0L1.111—.3116 Cresbisitree'd *gel for Intl.
m•n - ' JOHN S. DILWORTH .
PATENT SODA Aps-*4 auks (ha bloapract la
lalan'a brand) !slalom
fll• from "tamer Samna. and
warn • . IGO libcogy st
LARD OlL—Nibble 11,2td Oil, IWin6 Own nruget
New Eagland, sad lor wile by
oaar99 3A111.3 DALZELL,24 Inlet st
RA PUNS. ke. , —.Sol.oxes Lynch Saban"; SO hall
Oa.n do do; ISO Pepper, Su Imp rimenw;
sale by mar?) biAGALEY c
kegi NO 1 L fm sale by
1 6 tierces Wain& Filen, in Wore ould i;;;;J;
nasppLAIEZ A 11117C1111 . 59
14113720 l basbels prim Pesci.* inside by
"aft J &FLOYD
• CRFJiii — TAIWYA IR —2 1.4.4 a (oriole, by 77
rrovt YA Taw Yam Aar Web y • • • •
J. . • .• • • WICK aIcCAPIDLM
LY Asti re
s laird s ega
a nz
• - iribben At
LS lobli No I Lan:4Z hots do do; foss net
by .pl 3 R 081 ON I Co_
7, 4 3 I". Roll Hotter b kr
`"o4, •
• Art:(cat."-earhc=2—Tico",
. .
.ci - ;===)
VISH--Isay, grim •Thillaw Vd
17 indeni. [melds [dew*, in Pd= p t:
gewkrm*th=km ej tr d desgratek •na
1 = VW. OWE*. Pr PadMiNg lighL =API
" '
KIN'ED SVC.II.IL4-31 . boa.. double, refined large
ime; ato Ude 2,4:AL1, 7 sad ti email 16.4 ed;
bl mute; ITO bbd powdered; 20 Lbls clarified;
wore mad for We LT JAMES A HUTCH/SON a Co,
autr.9 Agents St Louis Swowa Sugar Refwery.,
2DOW 1311A.DES—Trlatsymeal window abadM
. 'll l different yatterns, at all priern Ear Limo
%led Chive' for shades; Shade and Mod Trial
:minim of all kinds, for sate by F/I EATON & Co, •
market st I
_fresh Teas, emopeu "7
3 11 .4.4. sad eauy boxes;
. 4, 2 do
Gunpowder .
do do .
Poneturag - • : ' do
For We by sassM . - • SAGALEY &SMITH-
1L0V11.3-1 mat Cbres for
OAS-4 boxes lito•ba Soap, fo z a i l l eA; iiORO
-- ------- --,
IIV INDOWGLASS-5.11 bye &vitt MO do Irixl2; Lir
TT do 711; inn reeeived end for eale by I .
eta • 8 P VON BONN BORST & Co, =front sr
11~~-- ~
orroN vAutis—oxru.ion Mills, maenad Nes,
fes "ale by •P 3 INICK G ArCAPIrD . LP*4 ;
NAILS—su kegs Nails, Gn tile by
LAPS—" boxes 21314 .78 boxes 10312 (Haig; lei
Ur sale by ap3 WICK & AUCANDLLY:ts
I:1. NUTS—s •
ktrula by .pa -
.....- -
LnUE-01) bbl. Louisville Lime, just received , and
fur sale spa • l'uninxxxxa I, Co
Cl K ROLASSEI3-40 Idds St. dirties Refinery/4
moved ma P Ol olo by
lin11111.2" WHALE OLL-10 bbis bleached Winter
yy Mr hale Oil, fur sale by
saaraa • It&OALEY & SMITH
per A. Eagle, for aala Lep' .
li - AILS-100 keg. marled rixtr z for rale by
erg__ WkWr 710WRN
No 6 Twist Tobacco, loading
load and tor rake by .
Nao. SUGAR,. Ile bhdts prime N 0 &gar, lending
from steamer Getmesme, and for sale by
DIMMED idols extra ads eare d Hams,
1. loading from steamer North extra
mid for sale
by =gal • ISAGALEY &
- tarot for sale by
- -
COPAL VARNISH-3 UN for sale by
QPANISII BROWN—Leask for male by
ap3 _ ' JOHN LI 11ORGAN
alTE1112.0(8-4,11 bids fresh Wh 8.10, just
received a sad fey sale by
marlY • • WICK k MeCANIILF23.4
D R b Y HERRING—I= boxei small lle
mart, WICK k IIIeCAND cf.&
~ 1
DACON-273 pieces, hog round, jam received and
11 for nal. by. manl7 WICK lc AIcCANDIASS
GaCJUND NUTS-6 sacks Tennewe Groutad Nutr,
foe sale y mar 47 WICY & AIeCANDLtSs
11!.STILE MOAP b pie s ust ree4 for salebr
lJ marn • ESELL.I.REI
1) Lida parked, of good quality; 1 do roll;
II ter tale DT ' ISAIAII DICKEY &Co,
mareS Wirer and front at.
IU - ACIO , RPI —3O bbls large No 3 Mackerel, reed
411 and for sale by noutrJ IL ROBINSON &Co
VT tmlU GlL.;rloißrl2 qlo; IS dallMl4 dm PIO
irrompint Ilmks; egiomquarl boulesetibu
m nom sod for sale by [mall POINDEXTER it Co
SWEET POTATOES-3 onaka, kw wed, now Nod
big nod for an& by !SAUDI DICKEY &Co
FIRE BRICR—Fiee Brick equal, if not superior, to
any in this market, for Rolling Mills, 'Foundries,
am, on hand and receiving errantly, and for We by
C ° N a la i e ß elVerf B— ronaltlA do' oo
. I *ns
N)S 110auLN k Co
LARD-15 bbli No 1 Leof Lard; Z) kegs do do do
in store and for we by [Ned) R ROULSON d Co
DIOMF AL—gsuto,ri hlul,rce•d J.
b 7 .1y R RORISON ! Co
COFFER -150 bap Bid Co, te in Mere and far sale
by IN/IS • al ROBISON & Co, lierlibeny
LIGAR-150 khds pekoe N 0 S'sg reed and for
13 sale by sea It ROB ar,
/SON Is Co
MOLASSES-225 bbl. N 0 hiolossoie 91 bbls Coo-1
11l W's S II do; received and Gar sale by
apd • • N ROLUSON & Co
LOAF SITGAR-40 LEI. Loafegi reed and for
+eel./ *0 It s l3ltlON k Co
ItICE-40 tee Rine, mei! land for nen by
60 , R04189'11 Co
1110BACCO-460 bin lunimand plug Tobsneo; =nevi,
6 hrlat de, in care and for nate by
R 1161111.4061 lc Co
'DISH, 011., Ltd . No 7 Mackerel; IL blds Tan
nor.. thl; 15 bbls N C Tar; in snore and for sale by
• , R ROBISON & Co
QTEAIII BOAT UNION—One eighth of the gleam l„, bail Uniou for sale on good tem.. Enquire' of
op? - 15 W !GAHM/011
LEAD -17d pig. Galena, for ode by
marld JAS A HUTCHISON tr. Co,
cation, MOLASSIZ3-100 bbis iltion, fin' !ale by
'TRISH MOSS--ISO Rs tor saderby
scutrad RES ERS
AHD-31 kegs No 1 Leal Lard, for sole
100r27 WICK &Mee LILES!
Pesehrog DO do do Apples; for sale by
GINSEVO-2000 lb. Gar sale by
amnia 1 B DILWORTH
ud OAAL— . Hu Idt . p r,s rinka N 0 Sugar, la More and for
latiPEE-10U ream, crown wrapping; vo do doob
crown trot for sale by POLItiDIaTN tr. Co
tra' crater at
. arks &kr, pri&e,I SDEXTE for a& by
&ma POR & Co
SUGARS-40 bbls Levering's crushed pulverized,
60 do Loniuistia leaf do, Par gale by
IDEPPEII-000 mk., b, .ea di
ANCY C.498/MLILES-5 emits' .Drip..,
plabicotars,just opened and for salt by
JCE-40 bblz 8 F flour 45 do corn meal; 100
rep Z Lorn . j „ : ” 30 , 1 1 0 oxl , 7 l. kds b.krchrat noun nu
nurio C 131 P
ACON-100 hbila bacon Imam, sides and shoulders
on consignment and for sale by
;ty:l Hsi:J,\ h*~R~~Ri'~'~f
INOLABSEI' —4O bbl. S. 11, S L 04.11 Reirsery .
JIL MO= =I Lassie by
BACON—b pas, just reed. and Lir tale by
natal WICK & bIeCaNDLE3B
BONNET BOARDS-630 gross vane Bonnet &nude,
a fine ankle, for sale by
nsanYJ REYNOLDS k. 811FX. ,
.Ij A aes t alt)! '" litliarD ' lrfaTt. '"'
BO Inner end 107 front sts
SCI4I3t;HLNIGS-20 eas . t, for late Dp
.p . i ..I A . T.tIL-or.,
, No I F ET E W Weitfol
i ~7~c~~~:Lti.,.r~,~nnrtrnmiasmc
SINGLASS—Reese+ Cooper's hinglass,or Gamine,
I jest re e's .d for sale by
apt!) 801100NMAKER♦Co,941 wood )1:
CCOPAL.VARNISH-0 bbts of New York, Boston and
Pittsburgh manage tare, - for sale by
opt° • .1 EICHOONDJAKER & Co
IKADDEIL- . -2 casks fine jvci ali i ty We by
• r AMP
spit , J BLACK-25 bblLs km sale y
IintiMAKER & Co
CLOVES-! bbl. for sale by
OTABII-3:1 cukeprime, just ree'dmui rot sale
P •
siplo • • %VICK MeCANDLWS
LARD OIL --10 bb!. Brown's Lest; ntery,
•ap6. J NCHOONMAKER ic Co, 21 wood at
EUP DEED-0 bbisjustreceinA and for sal" by
LCCIIO.-10 bbls just tee' we'd fin itak by.
apt° H E HELLERS,II7 vroocfirt
MARS-21,000 MOTO of the La Veg. MI Raiaa
half Regalia/I, to arrive =I liar gala by
Neon, Log 'round,. just received
consignment for sale by
D - .
bas • large sandy of ins sod knepriced drew
giugbams; also, new. rdalosorlarii/a6 - and - Prone('
Lawns, fart colored Lora #lll opus,' :
LOVER RM.:D-76W fot sale Ly- •
LARD—?I legs No 1 LeaflnN, far We by
ELM SKINS-74 saetj kir sale by
.18 . WICK Jr. BreCANDLES •
ÜBA.TORACCO—X bales /, wrappers and 1111r 7 1
Mal we'd on consignment', and tor ule
YELVL7 CORDS—An asionment of small end
—law. fibbed. Verona Con* medium mid 6ue
yjuslity,justopeoed by •
1 • ••_ •• r - lIHACRLEITA WHITE
C= N—l4 "PTAZlTatr.=„ b,
CIORN-301 buabebiCoru fin sabi by
EANS-40 bbl. rmnll white; for sale by
D R IPIO C-11°'74 " t f l& ' •tfrCAt4DLES.3
ULOUR-30 Lbl•eliza Family Flinn kt skte by
aptli AVICk a AWAPH)/ 4
MCMIY "PM—tucks for • gala by
I ca G b. 719 EOM and 10112 Window Glans
'by np7 JOHN GEIER
piACENN bb WWI* No I Mookeret; 25 do do
No 9dq bblo No 2 do. WO do do do fermi.
y vu --BiamdmEmmsopira,
114 boxes, for ule y
• --
acka Tennessee Ground Nuti;
Fo, 57 wur t
-- _ ~=
, • 1844 . -- 1 - 1'864 - 1 Paul
16 - 6rttiday,7' .. - T - 1 lie - 6 ft,--ii-itr
16' Sunday, 647 63 -
721 -
17 Idouday, 696 636 . 861
lel 71readay, 691' 031 941
19 Weduesday, ILI 4 37' 10 47
Al Thursday, 622 624 IL 31 ...'
21 Friday,. 621 6MC sorer... - I'
Propierd railisisra of tho Briti.h am! North Ameri
can Royal 4141 Sinn/whip &wren Ruth* had
Liverporar, aril &thralls Neu. 'or& and Lirarapor,
America. Capl Judbitut Niagara, Caprityna
Europa, .1 Loll Canada, Doogias
Hibernia, !Marmon Cambria, " • Harrison
Ilritanum, '$ Lang Caledonia, " Leitch
Acadia, Captain Mona.
ummensm. flow' ANCIL/“..
America, N. York, Mar Vs Caledonia, Boman. April 5
Acadia, Boston, April ti Americo. N. York, to
Hibernia, N. York 15 Acadim• Komori, May 11
Hasoin,. " tl'lliberina. N. York," IC
;Ann mAi.
ROW?. =LI.
Frill/1Y Morning, April 91,12}15.
The Spirit of Dulness seemed again Co hover'
over business yesterday—the bustle and harry of
the previoes day had entirely disappeared. There
was no excitement in The flour market—the bacon
market was almost totally quiet; and even in : •
ceries and produce, there, was less vivacity than'
for many - days. Of flour only 200 or 2.50 bbLs of
feted at the river. Bat fourteen were for sale on
the upper wharf in the morning. The river int.
'ports generally were unusually. light—the-tran
sient torus being very scarce, and the packets
bringing little freight. To-morrow., verrprobably,
4 we may have a crowded wharf again, end things
dill brighten up. The Sandy and Beaver canal
is about ready to reopen, and the first boots for
this aeration are expected soon. The other .canals
'continue btisy. The Slackwater freights are nails,
glean, flout., and produce generally,—very few
eastern goods now coming by that route; and
}hence, also, the imports are light. We have the
fidkrwing report—
Ft-or s.--Balea at river.l7l hhls at $4,621, 47 at
$4,70,12 at 4,711. From wagons, about 100 bbls
.i-loffether, at 04,621184,081; from store per dray
lioad, 04,75. Foie tot of 124 lads in store, 04,75
101411 tO
was offered and rtehsed, though the m
eras extremely lazuli!, nod very• little is L•nc......,
be coming today, there appeared to beim er
gimes. among buyers, and rather more imprehen:
vim of it decline in priors; but we hove bead no
god reason assigned, and can sew - none at prey
IMODX - -.441t3 if' a small way, at 1,4, 5. The
Market seems to he perbsctly at a 'kited still , and
large operations. Another lot of bacon arrived
team the Wabash by die Ringgold yesterday, and
more or less is constantly coming in.
Suosa- . -Sales 5 hhda at sc. Some holders give
ILI the 9110taii0:1 rat, prime sugar, and aurae no
thtit a really prima article. cannot be had at Lower
figures. Others Maintain that 5 cents isa fair quo.
lafion. No Sale, being reported, we quote 416351
asl the asking rates ktit middling to prime. An
lathier article may he had even ns low as 41c.
idoussU-Sales at tic This is the general hold
ing', price, but two lots of 50 bbls each, best quality,
offered yestentlay at 27t currency, were not to.
keti—it being alleg e d that lower terms cony be
obtained. .
CirrroSalmi 100 bales fair Tenneisee, at Ole
tiank. One holder informed no yesterday that he
was:shipping:the balance of his cotton east, in pre
ference to tinning here, at present raters
natal Co. Pin Ma:var.—Sales 30 tons Sharon
furnace, a) of it at $3l, G nos, 10 at $30,4 nan.
Minim—Sal. 600 Ms palled, at 20e.
SI3. Amt-Sales 20 casks at 4e; 2 easl,.l at 41e.
Nothing doin,y in other ashes.
Latta—Sales S Ws No 2, a very good article, at
rates No I, at file.
Ciskitsal3tit a few boxes are left Mike market.
and this generally not of hest quality.-11 is en'
quire 4 Oar daily in all quarters. Sale 4 boxes mat
nary rat
CLCiI, no.--.4s les first hands at t.. 3,06163.
121e. 1
Pask.timi—il pretty large sale occurred yester
day, of old, hat good quality on private terms.
Thai steamboat Peollsylvunie appeared anxious
fora tiial of speed with the Brilliant, yerterdai
morning. While preparing, kr a start, and maneu
vexing. to get her lie-ad fairly down stream, Ale
whistl46l,3edanee repeatedly, and when fairly too-
di to go ahead, het &will challenge was heard
again and again. The Brilliant Jell quietly about
30 minutes afterwards
S B Iberian—This hoat is one among the hest
low water steitmers on the river, carries well and
runs well. She leaves to-day Lc Hoekinitpurt, and
we can not help wishing niece,' tu our old
friend S C Cole.
TtralS 11 Banc:coma—with her clever officers,
corniniable accommodation. and light draft, should
not wain patronage. And the splendid trip she has
just mtide from Wnbash, slums that she has et
least ber share. She leaves today he Louisvilk.,
and Capt Cope, her oommander, will spare no
P.M* to Pktue;
Tuz:Rrnot is now at a stand, at about or feet.
The little plates cannot venture on large loads,
but they all come and go without iuterroption.
07 - Bskhr .;C0L1.11.4-11.1 Toxic.—To the Bald
and Grey—lf you wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair,
free Dom dandrild and scan; do not fail to maitre the
immune halm of Columbia. In eases of baldness it
will more than exceed poor expectations. Many who
have loot their hair for tx years have had it restored to
its °Menai peckclien by the use of this balm. Age,
state or.condidoe appear to be no obstacle whatever; it
also ca use. the Auld to flow with which the delicate
hair tuba is filled, by which means thousands (whom
hair woo grey as the Asiactie Eagle) have had their
'hair restored to iis annual color by the use ofthis inval
uable remedy., la all lilt. of fever it will be found the
most pleasant wash Uit can be used. A few applies.
lions only are necessary to keep the hair from falling
out. It Strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart •
rich glom). appesrance, and as n perfume for the toilet
it is unequalled; it holds three times as much m other
miscalled hair restoratives and is mom effectual. The
genainehtenbfactured by Comstock .t. Co, LT Courtland
street, New York.
Sold id Pittsburgh, only genuine, by Whl. JACKSON,
lkt Liberty at, head of Wood, in AVembisigion, Pa, by
Sweeny t& Son; in Brownsville, by Bennet & Crockec
eve Canonsberg. by Dr. Vouch elm, by our agents in;
ry town In Pa., Ohio and Md. .novled&wilair
Poo. Hone Bigrentoi—At • meeting of • Committee
appoimed by dui citizens of Wilkins Township on
Alooday,!the 10th' day of April, Atli, at dm o gee of
John Homer, Esq., in Wilkidaburgh, the fallowing re.
olutions Were unanimously adopted:
Harangszo, That the eltisene of Allegheny county be
respeetnilly requested to he'd Township meetinge to
eouwlt upon the propriety ofmemorialising the Logic.
[atoll, slots next session, for the plumage of • law fur
-the erection or etwuneoetion of a county Poor House.
Rescuntro, Thal the people, Irrerpeettve of party, at
, their several primary owetinge,.be respectfully reque.
led Wind:yet them delegates i n such a manner that
thew wishes maybe known in the premise,.
ROOLIrp, That the proceedinga he signed by the
Chainnailnd Sedentary and.publisbed in the Weekly
pawl. hlanufoetorer.
' I
JAMES KELLY, Chairman.
Imam apkqtatirt*rl
:17PPEIL /1111/ISSIP ' & Rom RIVER
RORERTSON &ROLLAND, Rockford , Illinois, Du
, WSW lows, General Limit *gems and Collectors.
ohTso , ri d ier:ousl e olding lands in lowa, Southern Wi°.
Noel rn Illinois, we would state the tweear
prepared.lo attend to the ',minuet of taxes, Buying and
Selling Reid k:stite, Foreclosure of Mongagm, and
ColleettoOof Debts generally, In the above section of
dietary. filmy are alsOprepered to furnish Mope of
any pa.nOrthe COOlllll, exhibiting the candidoo of the
Public LAUuls, ite soil,, roads, water counter, timber,
prairies, Au. '
To holders of liandWarrunts they would 10.1t . p that
from their Intimate personal knowledge of the above
country, they posses. unions' facilities far the locetkg
Lands, while the Lands in des region of country sate
jestto ' location arc unsurpamed in riehmiss t fenillly,
end other advantages, and are fast filling up web en la.
dummies fled enterprising population. The continue.
lion of Railload Improvements around the great lakes
will pus through this region of country,-K portion of
the one leading from Chicago to the Alissosippl being
now in course or construction.
THOS. D. ROBERTSON, Rockford, Illinois.
JOHN A. HOLLAND, Dubuque, lowa.
R mecum's—Oen 0 W.looss, SurneyOT General far
lowa mud Wisconsin, Dubuque, lows; Ogden A Jones,
Closego; Miley A' Drixgs, Detroit; . Edward Taylor,
eincitinutii ',Thomas Primrose, Esq., Sc .Louis.
• sipOssCoo
Administrator's Notice.
Fin hereby given tau Letters of Adminlnra:
beeri granted to the undeiiigned, on W.
eci. Bailey, lam oftbe city of Pittsbergh,dee'd.
.nol indebted to said estate, are desired to
ideate payment, and More having claim,
Present Mem, duly autheutiemed, for settle•
' '
PiAlbergli, April VY, Adm' 11,15849. MUEL hicKEL spltvrAtT r.
• Administrator's Notice. -
I\TOTICE is hereby riven that Letters of Admlniatra.
non hal, been panted to the undersigned, ou the
estate of Peter &nigher, late of West Deer townhip,
deceased: all persons indebted la meta ate deet•
claim. melte antennae payment, and dine having
will please resent them duly •autlienficakid for
settlement. J C CATIILKWOOD, Adm , r ,
{Vest Den Township, April 5, 1040. 3 _
i Executor's
ETITAB or Atlntinistrat.
Jagrantedto Joseph nutter
on the estate of Wn
41 pewnis indebted to bid relate, will call and wt
tk, and Moue boring claims 'intim said estate will
present keit dtdy. autheancaled for settlement to Mile
or of the under ''Snell.
Ross TouLsCa4 l l(at ti t t h 66,149 ward
tiou Lave this datbeen
rum and Alexam r
Anderson, laid of Kora
4f, fiZT r411;11, isPLOMjariCLIT.,
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beiver.• • '
Beaver, Clark, Steubenville. -
Baltic, Sadao, Ilabwnaeiße•
Palo Atto; MeDokald, Beaver. •
Caleb Cope, Moore; Beaver and Wellsvil;
Louis McLane, Bennett,.Erowsvil,le-
Atiantic, 'Parkinson, Brownsville. ,
America, De Camp, Louisville.
New England, No. 2 Dean, Cul.
'Arrow, Neham, Mon. City.
Michigan Gilson, Bearer.
Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati.
Ringgold Cope, 'Wabash.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. .
Louts McLane 'Sennett, Brownsvill
Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville
Palo Alto. M'Danald, Beaver.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Bro*arsine.
Baltic; Jacobs, Brownsville.
Brilliant, Grace, Cincianati. •
Paris, Martina, St Lou,.i i
Pennsylvania, Gray, St. Louis.
Michigan, Gilson, Beaver,
Hutton, Poe, Bridgeport.
Ariadne, --, Morgantown.
Brownsville Per Bailie; 47 keg, nail
glaze, N Goslin; 10 Las flour,J C &ckl
mdze, G M Homo; 3 antes,' crud:,
C Bidwell; 9 Ms 'caber, How, Chrdrii
Per Atlssue; 189 has glass, T Holton; 9 boxes
ladle, Clarke & Thaw; 7 aka wool, H gabs];
kgs 1=1,27 eke peaches sod apples, 1 rha'wool, G
A Berry; 4 hbla flow, MMason; a aka heiril Fish.
. .•
Monongahela City—Per Arrow; 14 bu flaxseed ,
owner aboard; 32 libts flour, Grimes; ',bag pow
toes, 14 1 Las glass, Bidwell; 260 bu Oats, owner
aboard; 22 bbls whiskey, owner aboanl:
/butrr—Per C B New Brighton; 619 bn barley,
G \V Smith; ZO bu oats, W Singthib.
Per Lake Erie; G Mils dour, 4 sks l .dried apples,
IR Dalsell; 4 cake scorchings, Malvany & IsSdlie'
eke rags, 1 crate do, Wick & McCandless;
'Sack wool, do, 21 balsa hops, G W Smith & co; 8
robe potash, Wick & McCandless; 95 bbls plaster,
A , Caughey; 15 bags yarn, IS do batting, Friend,
Rhey & co; 34 rolls paper, A M 'Wallingford di; co;
1 bag bags, Johnston & Stockton,lo hags pota
toes. E Fenderiek; 12 yes timer, Woodburn
do Reed.
Cinemnati—.Per Clipper No 2; 16 libels lob, J A
Ilutchinsou a co; 60 bale. hemp, Clarke de
Wabash Biter—Ter Ringgold; 50 plongh
Spaog& oa; 7S tes bacon, 4001 hams, 32 hhds fob,
D Leech & .co; 82 cake hams, .W J M Cook; 43
sks grain, Miller and Iticketion; 43 blds potatoes,
M B Rhey & co; 4 idols ithacco, Bradly & Smith;
hhds lob , . Gordon; 4 Maths tub; E Day; 3 bags
freshers, Sohn Grew; 88 Ws potato's, Uriali Ap•
nlegste; 10 ills potatoes, T Oliver. 20 obis pota
toes, Wlt Cope; 16 bbls potatoe s , It Oliver; :20
tons pig iron, M Allen 4& CO; 5 eke rags, 2 do ka-
Bien, Poindexter & co;.—discharged 100 tons
freight at Loinsville, Cincinnati mad Wheeling; 35
cabin, 1011eck, and 15 way passenger.
Bridgeport--Per Hudson; ..200 lads floor, S Mc-
Clockm & co; 250 bob door, Clarke & Thew; 7
sks wool, 3do rags, Ohm, McGrew & filth&
rob, D Leech & co; 4 hhds Loh, IA Roe; 105iblds
door, Z Bell, on board; I WI books, J H Mel
For Philadelphia every evening at ti cick, bp
Leech's Packets. Othee opposite the Ureicil Stales
Packet Line, leaven daily for Cincinnati,
10 A. IL
Paareaker Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and
Philadelphia, o a, at. and 6 v. x.
Alan Coach Lae ilireCt to Philadelphia, 9 A. X.
and 121
Westeni and Sol:ahem Mail Coach Line, 6 a. x.
NortlviVemern via Cleve Land, Ault , 11.1 A. x.
Erie and Weatern New York, daily, It A. x.
Nosh-Eitinern wiladelphia, daily,- except Sunday',
At ta
Easte n a il via Philadelphia, doe 3 A. IL, closes I 3 Y.
Weeen llul, Oacia . & Louise, thieB rinses 51. w.
South. viaßaltimoreWtishingtan. duet it. r. el's 5 a. u.
North Vestern via Cle - velen4, due WA. 111, closes a. se.
Erie and Western New York, due 8 r. II
elose• 8 a. K.
tier'. gingen Recomflmand
purifies dm bk.!, nil... pas., cures ditfieu lt breath.
mg, by prumoung espectonation, strengthe. the aye
ten, and Is • certain cure Mr cough, I have used II
for years in my practice, and shirays with ssecess.
2dis.kflnlo, a worthy measSer of my congregation,
Urns taken ill some time since with a cold, pain In the
breastand some difficulty
~ ..k l in T r.tinit, and . inn IL"
d 4 "b ulai7ll n. no r' l n itelli b" cine . could
e a.
d for long nine under the medical tare' of Dr.ktes,
bet finally. Demme consumptive, and was evidently
neat the end of her earthly suffering., when Per broth.
penaaded her to trg Lir Tagior'S Ito tome of Usef
u., When she commenced this medicine it did not
. . .
seem to agree with her fora new day, bet by le.resug
the dose: sire Wend it atowered admirably; it relieved
her emsglixtrall her dilheulty of breathing insmnirr; and
we bad the pk - a•ure of witnessing her rapid...wren ,
m healtb. Row. Md. SMYTHE.'
Far six years 1 surered with Mesetiiirful diseases.
and from inj heart I Levi for all similarly afflicted, awl,
1 hem of them to try Or. Taylor', Balsam of Liverwort
Tine medicine cured or wheal could not stove to bed.
and ions not expected to i' CA week—yet I was eared'
to six week• by this vegeNstile medicine.
17 A hIAILKS, JUG King st.
medicine is required—Remember the (tee the Only
iniexind genuine it now nixie at 70 Beekman sr, by rho
cupola proprietor, formerly 379 'Bowery. This Is the
only article prepared from We original recipe; all orb.
ued in PB S by I D Morgan, 91 Wood sr 3
TownseruLtS Market st; II Sinner. car -Market and
Was; liesiderion ji Co, Zi liberty sr. Price reduced
to War per bottle.
at rho Apollo Budding., 4th sir:wi—
ll The Military Lim ol John., Duke of Marlbomagb,
with colored maps: by A Allmon.
Seenod Vol. Chalmers' Posthumous Works—Scrip
ture Readmit
The Life of/esus Christ, la it. higlOtiCld couneetior
aM historical developernent: by Augustus Neauder.
Twuilsted from the ith (termite rditton by John Ste.
Clintork and Chas F. Blumenthal, Professors in Dia.
Wson College.
Fourth Vol. Pictorial History n( England.
Now and Then, by Dr. 'Warren, author of Tea
Thousand spear, anti others too ntruirroce to mention.
Call and see.'
___riff__ J L MALL
CAME to the subtentim,in LOU,/ St Cio4t
'Township, Allegheny - county, on the 12th of
Apnl, o CLACK MAKE, Maul 151 hunts
wi star in bur fornheml; snip cm
her nose, tau hind f th
eet math,. Nonix.
on the BromnuYille road, U. miles from Ctitsburgh. •
Onto Ty., Allegheny county, -Alnrch V, 11146.
I gave to my eldest Loy, ogred b
in two teas (nl of pollees Vet-mirage, and We course at Incl
.bours be pawed between eh and 99 large worms.
Lures Heats.
As Veratifuge is oat very pleaiant to take, parents
should observe theta • ry small enanuty of stos woes
medicine nonentity slothWm work: -
Prepared and sold Ly IL E. PULLERS, 37 Wood st.
Also, by Dr Cassel, 6111 Ward, and - D II Curry, Alle
21HE subsenber otters •for sale a full assortment or
bin Skip.' rtllot l / 11 OcIs, Shires, Ic., adapted-Ps
e ‘ trade. Also, complete *est. of blocks, .adapte6 lb
passels of any capacity, put up and forwarded to any
rt of the Ueion, witnout delay and at-the lowest po
et. LIGNUIU kWh: for sale in quantities to sub
purchasers. • Cil.3 W STAPL/,
stp4-6=tassTAlS at Dowling Slip, New York ..
J Dissolution of Partnership.
HE partnership heretofore. existing between the
übscribers, under the firm ell. Daww 6c e Co., in
day dissolved by mutual consent. 11
S. A MON I4)14,
Intact • • April le 1540.
TO MERCUANTS.--WANTED—A situation in a
wholesale or retail Dry Goode establishment, or
Commissien Lome, by a [young inen who has [men
some years in the IrOzilleTi. Tlor very best reference
can be gilt.. Apply to .140., at tot office. • -
The adrenirer ls well acquainted in the West.
INEN CAfiIIIIIIC SlLKS'S—last receinild, 15 cat-
Was Tar. Bordered, Idtat um to be beet in
pncer—froo3 pee &men to the finest quality; one
canon barn ditched do; oite ramie Derriere dm anode
gents corded bordered do; Mae do genre COWILA border
ed do; susd sale by spiel PhIEDII &JOHNSON
ITS ila Wa s g ..: sitse ted
no the undersigned Ott the estate olio ' s:4 Wilton,
sue of Llaldwin Ty.. Allegheny county. all Prr
mow indebted to tbn estate of said deceased, will pleaty
make immediate payment, and haw having claims
will present Mem duly authentimiled foe eettleusent.
Iluldainolln+e4 29,154 S : plula0,6111•S
LEYT—Un board the MB Cope, abo . ut the lert
of hlereh, A PACKAGE
the °weer can bare by paying fur Otte notice.
. abl*.lo3l•l'
DACON-1 cask tlhoaldcr•; I do t4den; I do Haack
1-k Jolt received on conaignmea% and for We by
apla . TASSIKI' & BEST
Cl e rrri . M-9.5 Lake Trowersral Com; fa du Mira..
:sikn do; in some nod for rale by
ribiEESE-100 big juct e'd .7a fur sale by
spl7 - wima M'CANDLESS
(MOVER SEED—VI bias mr tale 67
ki 7'07 ICV h M'CANDIANS
DRY MIMING-140 Lao fresh, for ule Ly
C p . 0 . R2 . 1: 5 N , (3 ‘ .1-; Ld y r f i sa i y
O D IZI 4 t h APPLES-40 roan for ln'l , l , l • MAN
BACON—SOMM RD Baron, aDorted, for Rule by
IILOV EWA:ED —Wu boa prime Coro...cud in Num
‘../ nod lur rulu by ITO L S WATERMAN
- .
rim mum V SEED—A kw bop Tinunby Seed fur mul l
1. by opl7 WATERAIAN
I\T 0. SVGA R—ILU in mure nod for sale by
Rj O. MOLASSES—NM Gbh. prime article.
ASSORTED BACON-80eusks, r 11;1;1 y •
ITU hruim, nuslinELD k ROE
5w60.1 . S
)DA ASH-1U casks Sala Ash, poem, Alkali DWI
Is•r m 0 Eaabah lesl, or Myer eenl American w.l,
store and for sale by :IA IV DARHAllall,
ply water and 101 front st
I.IIOTATOEtt—tH cuts Potatoes, just reed per stun
Clipper No 2, 011 costsisutrictitt SOT ssle by
spIS GOO COCHRAN, at wool at
CA4II: 3 SYRUP—Ou bbts rears see: l l . f
WINDOWIILASB,4OO Isr. 9:10 gloss; &Aldo 1021 e
do; 100 do 10011 to 14.100, in More Radii:m.llo by
paaca - 4.c0. vac • Taws.
, 1
84 ti ,
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Cant. FM
" " OCEAN, Capt. Willem I
nIVRof the OCEAN, Capt.
leave Beaver -e7ndart
V (Randers aceptedY and; armne next morn g at
Warren, where they conneet with the Mail .14ftes for
Akron and Cleveland, writing' at each of these place.
Before night. One of tie Packets leave Warlen, daily,
at P. AL, and arrive at . Beaver time trl lake the
morMiterkatad w
B TAYLOR, " n 'T' u
DEAVER AND tattmarvitrx umt •
Canal Packet—PEVTONA, Capt. Brown.;
One of the FASHION, Capt. W P Salve.
abowtyackets will leave. Beaver every
erring (Sunthc - days excepted) at 7 o'clock. and mire at
Greenville next :penni at II o'clock. one
I G recant le every eitem ng
oon at 1 o`clack,..Mid
and ar-
Sive, at Beaver the next wonting at 5 o'clockthrocigh
into Lo ra-.t hy teams, (three bones each) eta
tinned every to mile., At Greenville they connect
with a hne of Stage athrough to Me a dville and Erie. ll4l4l. are entrr;tn1 f or
ES A Ca, Seaver;
• ' Proprietors..
Canal Packet—TELEGRAPII, nt
Leaves Beaver every morning iSundays excepted) at
s o'clock—leaves New Castle every evening (Sandals
at 7 o'clock; and connecuitymith the 'S..-
rs Lake Elie and Michigan, running between heaver
and Pitntalrgh. REED, PARKSIe Co t }leaver,
Passengers will be reeeipted ihnabgßby either of the
ban above router, waning Lents in the packets and male
his th the mage,ny application to either of the proprietors
dv '
M ete. 't • Oa t trat E ut Y ~mithBeid its.
't --• AGENTB—Reed, Parke tk Co. Beaver
Parks A Co. Youngstown, Ck
Cotes M.LetEngwell, Warren, D.
It W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa;
D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa;
W C Malen,Shar b o:, Pat
rit aP,Ll'.l'l[37/11T1i.rj,
CC Wick, Green e, Pat -
C Id Reed, FAe, Pa.
rums well known Liim, composed of steamboats
I. Lake Erie and Illichigan, between Ilttahurgfrend
Heaver and freight and passenacr Canal Boats be.
tweet) Beaver end Erie, and Ckt Reed's line of first
class steamboats, prbpeyers and Vessels on the Labe;
is prepared Canarry freight and passengers to all_poutts
on the Erie l, and Lake. Erie, Huron and Mehl.
Haring every facility for conveYing freight and pas- .
wagers with promptness end dispatch, the proprietor imd agent reageetfully solicit from their friends &con
tinuance of their romantic.
C 111 Pronielor.
REED, PAR ES ' 'Beaver, Agent..
. JOHN A. cAuctiET. Agent,-
eor Water and Staithbeld sts, Pittsburgh.
, ~,,.....,
: 11101.
W. T. Manus, Pittsburgh;
Roan, Pangs & Co, Deaver;Napes.-
' Casco-Pan & Cussiassum, Cleveland] .
rpm:above : Line is.novi prepared to transpon freight
.1. and passenger. from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
any point on the Canal. and Lakes.
One boat leases Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning in connection with the steamboats Lake Ene and
Michigan, between Pltuburgawnd Deaver, and a line
of lint elms steamboats, propellers, big. and schoon-.
en on lakes Erie, Union mad Michigan.
Property forwarded to any parr of the Union with
dispatch, by ITU. T. MATHER. or
. A. CAUGIIEV, Agets,
. , car Water and fl JOHN udthSeld Ms, Piusburgh il .
AGENTS,Reed, Parks & Co, Dearer
RLlParks & Co, YoungsteWirn,ol
F. AV-Cotes & Co, Warren;
. D Bostwick & Co, Dresdpon; 1
A & N Clark, Keenan Fans;
F Lewis, Newport;
.1 & EMWklitlesey, Campbellsporn
.1 O MtUride, Ravenna; .
11 k C /I Kent, Franklin;
hillier & Mulls, Cuyahoga Falls;
Wheeler & Co, Akron;
Barney, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; -
Watkina & Eagle, Toledo;
0 Williams a. Co, Detroit, Mick; ,
M'Clure & Williams, Milwastkle, Wis;
_______l/ J Winslow, hisicago,lll, , aplll
(EXCLViIV.LT Fax:PAssxxiseas4
WHE CLUJ and Hail Koala being now in exeellent
I order; the trackman( this line will leave with pas
seng as Collor; every evening, at ti o'clock.
• Ohi er.
o—Cant Craig, Saturday, April 15.
Ismisiana,-Thompson, Sunday, lath.
Kentorky—Cam II Tniliy, Monday, 17th
Indiana—Caps P IkrOey, Tieeday,
Chio—Capt A Craig, Wednesday, Inth
Imoiliana—Thompson, Thunder, Soh.
Kentucky—Copt A Truliy, Friday, list.
Indiana—Copt Y Ikrkey, Fatorday, mil. --
Ohire-.(laps.Cralg. Ssinday, SM.
TLe prOprlctors of thw line built new boats dunity the
winter, with the ladies' colon enlarged, which will af
-familford greater comfort to persons waVeling with their
ies. •
POS.111!1 . r• by ilia route paw river 1.50 guiles rail road
in day light.
If yea dome cheap traveling and comfortable accosts.
modation% seieuse your ticket, at the Packet. eiric'e,
Monongahela Some, %enteral... of
•IM 1) LEPXIII k Co, Canal Basin
Eta! MI 1 8 48,
Trax.ryortatiam e Fociptt to ara from
Pllll , ADELpinA.lmurimottr, N.
- Ibaupoole Cann, Philadelphia.
TAIMIL Sr. u' lalent,
FILMS old establish Led Linn ( L K
aing now Pitts inburgh
full ppep,
.11. no, the proprie ton have made ettensive arrange..
anent, to furcrana goods and producowith despatch, and
on the aunt voratile tenni, They clernfidently hope
their well known promptness in i/ellvering acoda—pe
culla r intfety in mode or carrying- capbrious warehou
ses at each pon, affording accommodations to shippers
and owner. of produce—together with their long expo.
tientnlugal tent...nine attention to business. will secure
to theni aeontinnanee of that putrimage they
hereby gratefully melitiowirtlge.
.011 consignments by and for din, line menisci char. ,
ofplud, 1141.1 forwa riled in any required directions lice
of churee for conitni.lon, .1% milking or eturept.
No iota not, directly or indirectly, I el
All coonitanicatients promptly ancisdad to on applica
tion to the :Whoring agents) '
LIOMIIIIDUE /a CAVIL Makket Philadelphia.
'PA AVM ft UVONNOIL Canal Masi., Pittsburgh.
O'CONNOR-4 k Co, Nunn at, jialliaturr.
WM. B. WILSON, IC.ICed. at, Newi York. apt
Penn win r Canal & Rail Egad Es.
press Past Packet Line,
TI .
(Exclusively for Passengena)
'RE public are respectfully informed that this Line
wilt CCFP.Antleo running on the add roar, and con,
tine throughout the Beason.
The beau are new, and of 4 .nl , ! 7ri" et a ss, with en.
largod Cabins, whith will give greater catnion. The
tarn are the latest consnacuon.
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re.
nested to call and ogamine them before' eaulaging pas
ae elsewhere.
{Fare only nine dollars through.) One of *cleats of
this Line will leave the landing toPPovile UP. html,
earner of peon street and Canal, every night at nine co ,
clock Time M days. For information, apply at the
Office, Monongahela Man or to, 1.) LEECH Cc Co
Vittaburgh, March it4e. Canal Basin.
Western Tram n Cala'
1848, Olt antiht, 1848.
• 11...11.11,Xl• AND .10 411 , 110A1411.
AE A (tom P 7e '" alove 4 ,7dr .n. - Vor.e,.°V. - :."-rdd.
t e raTl Y et Canal Basin. rittelinsili. -
HARRIS LECMII, Nos. 13 All South Third It, Phil
J. TAYLOR& BON, Alva , No 14, Nth Bowan! st,lloll.
A. ABBOTT, gt, No 7 West street, New Yolk.
Pinsbunth, Month Mk 1040. moon
MAI 1848, Aga
IOBIDEEM% and other, ire inforined that tbi• Una
a will eentinuedu ran throughout the year, leaving
daily. Produce gudniereliandire taken ei low rates.
rderebandiza from Baltimore brought out at 'Canal
rake. Tinsel, five days. J p lIIDWELI., Agt,
Water at, :door, above l'ltong'n. /Inoue, Dittubutgb.
LI ItolllfiliON
apIS • DI South Charles et, Baltimore.
0001.1151.0136 Navigation Company.
steanen of this. Company will sail
KU enee a month follows; •
/1145 }luau N}W
The Washington, Capt I johneen, on
the nnh April, IRK • i
The Iteration, C,Rt Cleh!Let,.enhe 20th bitty, 1848.
The !fermium on the 10.1 h AI i 18413.. 1
The Weak*lon, on tha ISIh Alny,
Tt, Ma ani;
W h ..gAr 41'
e intro, on t e • 1. ay, el
When the WM ot the month:foils on Sunday, Me day
of nailing from Pew Ihatie will ho 1110 No(. -
ravage from N. V. to Southampton or Bremen, ilst
. from Itremen or Sohtharoploa to N. V., Co
An r:. from
surgeon on board.. '
For I reight or passage opply - at oelke of the Odeon
Strom Navigation Compons,4s William at, N, IL, or to
J It CROSIkEIf Agt at Southampton.
marN C A lIIIISEKEN dr Co., Ayta ar Bremen.
Paaselager mad Itemontitule.. Ogle,.
jo&HAMMEN & common to bung persona
from any part of England, trelaud.'Secoland or
Wales, upon the mow liberal urine, with dait
maulpunetuality mil attention to the mots and com
fort of ennuigastuts We dwoot allow oar passengers to
Ise robbed by the awirdliug stumps dint infest the aci•
port, is wr lake charge of Mena the moment they re.
port themselves, and tee to their well being, and de.
spatch them without any detention by the first Mina—
We say Mk featlemly, as we defy one of our powe-
L. to Mow that they ware detanied 49 hours by tie in
iverpool, arldb.l Ilioutundx of oiliira weed detained
wad they could be wail, addle Old <FIN, alp
eh ; p ram, which too I . ...gamily proved their corms:
We intend to peattnn our contratta honorably, eat
whet it may, and not art as Wardle case hut warn,
with ether olficem,—yrlio ether performed not all, or
when It suited their convenience.
Ltmlls drawn atTittel•Fgh for any slim from 1.1 to
SWAM payable at any of provincial Beaks hire.
laud, England, Scotland d Wales.
European and limund Agent,
febl Fink a ' Lane door below Wood.
I F, s
nured Ike thke.entli.e
thst rplendld bloek of new nodding. I[lloolll 'as the
"Apollo lisoldlogr,” on 11k trmet,tew doors weal of
AVockl, where he will be huppy to receive his oh!
(Oi, and Its many new ones as may please to for
with weal/. lie intends to keep on Wm/ a good
Hoek of books mud statknotrirlto be sold at lowest coal.
prices. . *OIL
OTlCE—ateelved from g.ottittollo, 11"y4 par sttlito !
nNotth Alabama, • pieragn otippo•M Wow am
clothing, matted lltinntoitd F. Pittsbiltgh.'l Thn
io pl n tgemsoAre t
.'.ll/Parliale....lresentegkomy CoalLaada.. •
RIME LOTS emactialagi No. 1, front twentyinvo
T terany•fife Rei mfnia .
Na 4, - - fift• ureic- and No- X,
day acres. willbanfored and sold positively,' to 'the
hhem bidder, at the AnetiMa Rooms ofJohn D. Davis:
career of Wood ad Mk streets:in Poleberglit,al
tfehaet, P. AL, on WRDNDDAY, the nth of .BLAY]
NEXT. : The three hats are adjoisktg, and embrace •
front et about UR rods on the steer, of deep and safir
The above Coal lands Re abeet.sixmilet above
APKeelmort, on the firm pool of the Youghiogheny Im
provement cow constructiug, and while* the enteeprio:
mg contractor. expterte cbmplete by next fall. They
are pan of one of the finest emit fields in Allegheny
county, and contain not only. whet lssalled Me
burgh veln,six feet thick, ovenopped' at tins point by a
hill of near 3ud feet, coming e the river, but ano
they Rio about sixty. feet hig her '
up, - of from three Irf
Gone eet in thickens, of very pore Coal; free from sul
pha'. closely resembling the Mercer embity'ebal, 0101
toned by Rural trial to he still hotter adapt. te the
manufacture of Iron than Mabel', the Piusbulgh . vein.
The two veins, II has been estimated, contain Reims
than 22)009 busliele of coal to the acre.' -
The reputation of Youghiogheny Coal and Coke in
this, mu well as in the lower m a re , Ls well knowe to
toe dealer.. '
The great amount of coal annually cotanursed in
Pittsburgh, and shipped to markets below, has already
exhausted • large quantity of the Cool most easily or.
cessible along oar riven, and the consennytkm Is eon
steady going on .at a rate not less than.lsO acres per
anum. No betuig ineestrnent ofoal eeital ran therefore
be n made than in well loaded C La p nds in the vicini
ty of Pittsburgh. Persons wishing to visit the propeny
. .liefare the day of sale, will find it convenient In go by
Xiliemissm and Eireirs Perry.
At the mune time and place will be offered five Lot/
in the city of Pittsburgh, Mt by 1100. fret each, shuttled
on Nance& meet, betwieen Penn street and Duquesne
W lT.S a O ' , ' • o lTrgi hr l e o:, t i l li el l b y 7 71101;::: ' in Alleghen city,
near Robinsou street, fronting, one end on the y canal
and the other on Craig street, This lot is advartiage
oßly situated for a Mundry or other manufeenningperi
Poses .It will be sold all together; or in sectioniCho it
purchasers.' Tenn', which will be easy, will be made
known at the time °fettle.
apteid&wtsT TORN I) DAVIS, ARC
, ZH ,o A . Te mi rop s e : ly ,
n t r oc i fo o ded by 11.
Ar " A 'city, swill be sold on accommodating terms. The'
lot hi Si met 4 inches on Craig street, rassung throes
to the Canal 1:S keb Theresa a good two story frame
dwelling home MI the premises, lately built, and the lot
is well improved, contenting a variety , of choice (mit
trees, grape, shrubbery, ke. This property is conveni
ently situated for persons domg burners In either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny, and is a desimble residence. 'Fide
inthspetable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor
ney et Law, o ffi ce on Founh street, above Smithfield. ,
Baal Estate la Ohla. •
ATRACT of land, 90 acres, in 110(00004 Portage Portage CO.,
on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 sores under ht.
_Also, two unimproved lots in the village
of Walsers, all Co, 00 feet by 00. , A1..,. lot of
COMM iaf Jlentord, TrmOull Co., with •
, Ca u' d a we i llin i g house mid more— me orthe best * songs
for a merchant on the Wan= 8.0001.0.. Any or all
this property will le 'sold on vary accommodating
• • ww,.. and Prom sta.
Real Estate la Eirear County.
ADM:, Shoreham* aid Dotallia r toate on the
Ihu. Extend& v' of Canal, in the West Md.
&nem • daaitable location for • mare t. A 1.,, ,,,
good Dwelling House wall suited fora Tavant
Stand, In the village of Orangeville, on State line of
Ohio. Tenn allrf. lEVAIA - 11 DICKEY &
DIM/ Water and Fronts,.
• Lot for Bales
Cith.r.4 l'g ra .4" 12 1 19 1
canon. ut•the " thi, er= 7 Fo O r teems apply to the
'<fiber at the Methodist Book &Oro, 4th nem Market
street, er as bit dwelling ell Clarkin.; aml . E.
Trevino's Grocery core. Ifishlol • L
War 8•121.
HA two Cary brick dwillang with about Kg acres
of ground attached, anmated at Oakland. The
place Is well stocked with all tids,• and
Is a decirable location bra Curnil f ; beiruitnof g
endrel n y out of
reach of the river and din og rise oily.. An marina
leaves oaklund hourly' for the etty. Apply to
)Tear BRiit.
A new three writ , brick dwelling bow. on
Wsucet—Powection given ttn the first of
pril or woner if reired. Inquire of
_!fit_ •JA R }TOPA IP2 like2l22Tyet.
A Iwo story bock dwelling with about 5 acres
of ground, unwed on the bank of the Ohio river,
in the borough of AI whetter. 'Apply to
• 21 T THREE dwel li n g hou lo s t e . s dunned on 441 Medal
near 1141/11 Widge t in Me city of MUMumb.
so, a room 75 by 20 feet, with a convenient
Mince:. Me stantarviromL Also, • frame dwelling,
Iwo stories, Walk an acre of ground enclosed and under
cultivation, gnome on Ohio lona, in Mc city of Allegbee
ny.. torsionof J D WILLIAMS,
la 110 wood street
To Brewers.
AMR SALE OR RENT, the rinsburgh Brow.
ery, with all to brewing nantranta, sliest: on
v...met and Itorkpr.taky,anid WV. tiectipird
by /a. W. Smith & Co. Pratearion given Guile firs
day ( April ensuing. Fm terra,Ae. enquire of
OS liberty ar.
odcre for sale the three story brick Warehouse
rent . Wood street, occupied by IL Teener & Co.
II e.oer for !HUM per Year.
apt_?._ WM. WILSON, Jr.
The 'tele three sto . ry fire roo (brick store ea
Neerped sr. Tune orrupted by :dem"! V
' ' yitusi to'
rein &Ow p't of April next uiri , of
.1 Sfillt7flNMAK ruj l:B Cp
To Lot. •
Tbe ruleteliberr will reol part of che wor
boo, now occupied by lbcru. Apply to
it water acres.
• For
A Law. rOOO3 on Me taJ s neut.tory of the warehouse
occupied by the aukamitters, near Me toot of
Wood irect-a - good location for a steamboat
agency or All Insurance olbee.
.1301.12t1ANS t GARRISON.
• Wor. ,
nTO - MOIY ttrick I)welling !loom, con
taining seven roome, lately occupi nea ed by - Alisa
:none. Ilia pleamintly ritualist, rdo mei
-dance of Richard Doren, Ecd.. in Allegheny. home.
dime pomessimagicem Rent $lOO manna., Apply
lo .F II EAT(.N A Co,
0:1 market Stmt.
% For Sale.
Ami. A Viar two story brick house. on toxin atreet,
JwAllefibegy Oily, near the upper bri4e. The lot m
'el teet in (rum by lOU deep. For terms inquire of
• •
p iV Rent. ,
"AbeTtlli large fee roof ararehtnna,'24 feet fro nt _
feet deep, on errand 04 near wont Rent .
erste. luquiie of .1 SCHOU:OIA KIM & Co.,
deed ~. 1
. . el mood et
smoke trua' heat. •
se, %named on Plowalley, for
I.quim . a
(VAL LAND Poll SALM—Seven &erre coal, land
I—/ for male, eithihi iu bend °Cilia Monongahela River ,
Mich Brownse ra.,havilig a 7 toot vein of cod,
w will be rolZran i
exchange for goods. For poetic.
ars apply to ShWIIAIUSAUOII, S 7
"DOOM TO LET—On the sarong( nary of the 'cave
AY holm No Ott Wood at, having a front entrance.
Applp 10 Drawl) . ' GED COCHRAN .
.b 4 IT. ruiLLrpa r
1:1 and Glariers.—Persons wishing to have painting
or glaring done with neatness End despatch, will please
g ive us a can. They will find it to their advitmege, for
re folly prepared to do work as low or ally house
in the two mom cart or will do it, at No. 5 Wood etre..
N. ll—We wish it to be understood that We bare
not quit the painting and glazing, vz ante of our moot
zealous friends have been telling the publicgenerully
that we were going to retire (rain Mee brunch of nor
burin.. We are more fully prepared to transact the
(Milian and glazing-than we ever were.
416 J #ll PHILLIPS.
TXAVINO disposed of all my right, thin and Interest
LI in the Gold Beating business to hlr John B Dan
levy, 1 beg knee to recommend him to the patronage
of All Wolter customers.
April 3,1h4b. ANN UPFLNOTON.
It be seen by the above nonce, that the subscri
ber has purchased Alm. Ulrington's interest in the above
meet,n Convened et the Old stand, No
Mt Wood, where he will be pleased to serve
all who may want Gold Leaf, Foil, Ac., and he hope.
by Strict attention to his byline.. and fair dealing, to
give mnisfaction to those who MY favor him vsith
thelrpatronage. opOam JOHN B. DUNLEVY.
21, Marks' India itubber Fluid, for ' , Merging. itch.
corroding In ink; also for adiming .11tent" to yenta on
parchment without the aid of pumice, and to facilitate
the ink gawk,' free. To students. conveyancers and
mercantile men, it is inhaluable. Ily merely addink a
few drops of this fluid to the ink in m e it will Instantly
be found to be the best auxiliary ever offered, as it neu
tralizes thearia!, preenthatcs the sediment. causes a
tree flow of the ink, and dispenses with the trouble of
wiping a pen. Just received told for sale by
Agent• Wanatml
Canvass far scone new and itopular tiorks, iu eve-
Tf county throughout the Uutted Slate.. To agents
I most liberal encouragements• ollirsd—with a small
s.picst 0 1 . from lilt; to SW A chance is ogcred
whereby. as Agent ems make from SIB to *25 per week.
u.:TE or further particulars addrero (non Proddl
• EI. A. L
mar2bitu No Idd Nosh S . econd ik EARN;
Owypisig and 131•00114.
lc d. Lk NORRIS, iNaCeer. to -11.. Delany
Fifth street, between Wood and Smith
he leeches received inoulbly—attendancii all
bouts. Hetecetwe, the physicians of l'kdsburgia,
gbelly and Birmingham.
lua.l cheerfully MCOMOICII4I to the phy sirians,lbra
'brawn! all my fanner bieuds and, paPons, K. U.
Noon. as heinvitoroughly actin:tuned with We bind
and worthy of patronage.
Administrator's Notice.
•A W. per harisr again...l6e Estate - ohne
Ja. late Henry F. beloireppe. will preen n diem for
sett le went, mid all persons indebted to said estate, will
please call nod make payment to
Pillsburgb,hl - arch, 16, lituarlGlthni II waierst
J UST RECF3VEII—S huge auto Scant 0(011 Cloths
various pacents: 10Ial yds of heavy
floor oil cloth, best tinkle; IMO mediunt do dot OM
do 4.4 do alo;11/SO do SI do do; :CO do .54 coordeldoSa;
111 do 14 do do, besides • large assorlmentolligid.,and
holey Artie les, all or talkie h mall to sold cheap for earl,
r .hors trd 11, m' • J k H PHILUSS
marll No It wood m • •
THRKAID LACES—JoeI received, Imp cartons Wide
rjhread LoCrn, ruler l 2 no; per yOr, ltp to the
Loris quality, Also. one easou print Lamer one
do Hasp Roo Mechlin do; 25 canons Colton do; onello
Mk Silk do; 00e do blk etausilla Lace Fallm'aud
sale by SMITH & JOHNSON,'
• ;lola • • 411 market st
Ty 431 FAIHROIDEHILN—Just received. ome carton
re Mae Frencb voortredVedlarm one .10 frilled Muslin
rmeatimus; U. do trimmed flataite; one do Lace Bud
Muslin Ceper, one do fleiviere and embroNl Lawn
Ildkfe; and loksale by (a 1M 81111T8 & JOIINR/N •
D,Rstre 4 t . have jag; teed a aple i ldid ec ‘ hh n ' t ' :l*
Lanni Glib, among which' may In timnd—Figannsk
plant, plaid and strip.** /lenge of - all a y ualitieF
time mohair •enripen,' Grenadier', in l wipe de
Labia ' s, plain do Stony
SiSt Claks, Caney Silk, kketteb
Jaeonetts, &a, aplo,
ONDRIF 4 ,—' 400 bags crude Halipmrei GO bra Soap;
O 2.11,415 N C Tar, 1.0 Lhls large Nu Mackerel;
MakTaciakee W bble eider Vmegm.; ler mks Ly
14 0 A L' SJ&ARS Gbh Lout Sugar; No o,7,tetitiid,
ajili " bY
• .. •. • . .• • ...- .„..• . • - - • •
-"" • • '
-.'• •
. ........-. - . • •• „ . . .
!tugs or =scot
gickengeßroken. N0../5
EzekangellearL Dank Dank par
Etkaorniladerpkia • -,- I
!laird Unlit • „ par
•• •a . Chester Coanty••par
" Delaware •-par
" Montgomery th• .par
Nonnumberland • -par
Colombia Bridge PL. , par
Daykinown Dank' pm
Fanters'Bk. Barks Co. par
Panama Wk Lanese r•par
Lancaster Co. • • lair
• I.l.ktmter Dank ' .10
Llrowairmlle lik par
GettystmtglaCYuobenba ilk..--• -
Laugh:Co ' ll:mk,
Cart do •••••:t.'. ....
Fanaurra' and - Drovers , •
- Dank; Waynealrarg.. 9.
lloneada le Lbtu rifle... 2
•• ... ..... pyr
- York Ilk.
West Branch Bk ..
'Relief Noma ..... •••
Id a Milk. Pivado.
City &County
time IllY.awl Branches 9
Mount Mama ..... •• "
Steabonillle ...... • • •
St Clairseille-- • '
N.Lio .
Cineinnati [Maks
CoMahal do. •••••-
tr esvilie
Haullion 2
Etandneky , • • .
Cleveland ' 2
Xenia ' •
Wectans itinerve•.-1.
Franklin Wk Coltrane
Chillico E the
Liiineutei 10
Hamilton ' ' 13.
Gnumille ' 50
FarnPrs Wk C11110.11••••50
Urbana :
Ilk of Hantnakv
Haag Lonicrille
Norbem Ilk: Ireninirr• "
New Yak—Cirr Banks,
firm sr Oerd G
W .- es.): •
Ornektos. FoFarna sr. ass Posr Orarms Aux!,
I — t CALEB' an Com, Bank Notes, Time I.4fis, For
JJ and Domed° Lianas", -Certificates' of Depend,
as. -
EXCHANGE on all the principal citiei of the Union,
• for Ingle in swag to stilt purchasers. ' • •• -
CURRENT and par foods ranched on deposit.e.
COLLECTIONS sande on all parts of the Union. at
the lowest rum • ' - apl6allarEcar2mT •
• , ITOIIII2Y, .11.1NNA. s CO,
L of
AHELF-149, =CHANGE DaDliMitS, ,and dealers
m Foreign md Domestie Exchange, Centrieates
le, Bank N 04., and Bpecim Foantrstrecti near.
ty opporite; the Dank of Pittsburgh. Current money
reemsed on &padre—Bight Citecks•lhe sale, and col
lections made on nearly ell the prkielpal points in the
United State.
Ckdd. he
T higtaist premiumpremium paid CM Ameri
Pamir! IMit can
Atinneci rude en eenalmmenta of rr.Fgoe> ,
pod FasOrn hUral ands. • 3
110L211.1111. SOW • '
"IDANitlitS and_lDealms ln Kaaba:l_2e, Coin and
.1.11 Hank NM., No. As, Market auset, Pstiabaak:
• Selling Rum Nchman. Ituyitsa Rate-n.'
Nem York, i }
do Cincinnati, Al die
Philadelphia, Ido Louiville,' • 2do .
Baltimore, I do. St. Lanky .• 2 do •
Diying Rata, DNK WIPED. /laying Saws:
MO, di. Co. & Sciip Orders, 2 d o
Indiana, "do KedierNotea '
KentoelmVlryw. , • do Penmplroma Cy "do
, "do New York - do 'I do
do .N11,m21,c, N a m
es ()clamp, - • de
• " !la Macilaird,' • ado
fq! . tr •
scram ars, C. mart.
HILL (WRAY—Backer. and Fsebange Brokurs,
Li Darden, in Foreign and Domestic lime and Bight
Bills of itaelousge, Candlemas of Dugout., Bank Boren
and Coin; NO gi Wood sited, third door beloaryourth;
west Ode. •1 • • • • sauellAc
'DANCERS, P.XCHANUE 1114)474.8, and Dealers
..13 in Pere*. aplgtepueatic Rzelusugo, Certi fi cates of
Deg:unite Nut Notes, and Bionic, NO. 64 Wood st.;
0116 door ' iLove Pour* East side, Pittsburgh; Pa.
AILLS oul , uottareland, and Scotland lahight to
ra& coy m o un t:at
. the Current thous of Exchange.'
Also, laths payable is any pail of the Old Comilon4
from It to SIM& •as• the tote of PS to the 5. Sterling,
without deduidou or &mown, by. JOSHUA 1101.11 N..
SON, Cowman and General Ageut, office' dab at one ,
doer westAtrood.
amen aatsom.) • - Icowato wove
&HAIM& & 8.A11114 • •
BANEFII4 AND EXCILANfirt 8At.0,511.5., dealers
to lomige mat Domestic lt,hl. ofb:xchange, Cm
"c'3,ru, DrPuullf4 Rank Notes and Coin, earner of
4 WOOdalseete, directly opt...he St. Charles el. ; • tourMally
iviiivrgetta rumps—
indinsa, •
purchased atthe Marta{ rates, by Bank ldotes;
dell/ t N. HOLMES k SON, •
35 Market street
New York,
Madelphim. and
• I Baltimore,
Coestardlr foe sale hy N. 1101ZIES & SON.
dela • I Alsoket
COLLNCTIONS---Uralls, and Accept..
!Lien, payable in any pane( the Union , collected on
the moat favoiable len., N. UOL.V.I. & SON.
delO ' • fd Minket at.
alt , JAALLN WILSON, Ilsinusinthestirer, formerly
."( comae of Diamoud alley and Wood stress bees
leave respectfully. to Amor. Lis old customer',
Irian and the public, tbst belies opened a NEW
STONE on Vseithfieddstmet, meoud door South of 4th
street, there a choice amortment of Hats and Capa and
Ladies' Furs as vol. neasfuluonable, and cheep, as
any in the city; may he hod.
J. W. very Mmlially . invites hm friends and - the pub
lic to remember his sew. location and munblishment,
and4ise him icalLas Marty asp intends tosrelcome
them. . . " - rNedluntwantS . 1
;)WORD Alb
4 (Soktemors tokPCord k Kirig)
•Ii loft 1.1 o Ilatter4;1 11 P 11 116
Corner of Murmur - .ifi Street.
PAGRellomeni a
can' r.fraitoldgeTtZthllelnnt*
Caps from our OurbUshmera.of Ban aurkroita And
wroomussurt, of Me ,LIMM-1111" PM al rho I.I3*IST
Country Match:int., purchasing by wholesate r ass
respectfully utitedi to call and examine our Stock'
m as
ar e altwith confidence that as regards ousirry
owl muter. it say
will not sutler in a.comparlson.woh ony
Swab, Philadelphia . " Cahn
ISTRAIN GOODS. DEALERS aro invited to oyautdne IL IL
PALAIERR stook . of . fitraw Lloyd", of the
.P l r k& s :7ll74-I=u d e: p /int " iT; " Finish Dun
mble do do; Chinn Pearl do; 4.1 3 / 1 1a01
Rutland • FrenchLtice; Fnucy Gaup, Ai. Ac.
HATS— Palm Leer, Num., I , lthy Straw,
do Maid, Rudtdul itraid, Pedal do.
Alm, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, ie. Straw Ron_
nett Walehoos49s market at. • - 1/1.1 4 29 •
_ (UM Kt.!, it tun.) turrets,
WILL Introduce the Spring Style of Neu Chia day,
Saturdayi March
their friends and etniontera ant recTanated to call suid
examine their menet attiring !fats, tun received Crow
New York, at their ewe, aroma pf NIL and Wood ma.
svanoro swriat.,-s mooßtm.j.t,O.
Gorr New York,the :spring Style of fleas,
• which heswill introduee on Saturday, March 4th.
All wasein want oh neat and witerior Hat, will plewe
call and execute< at N 075, Wood street, tld door shove
AWilliam: Douglas; late James •IlleKain.
subiteribeiliniremoved - his Het and. Cap Mann
thetory to }Va.:7 Wood meet, nearly oppr.eite his
oW stand, where he mould his friends and he
public viondly to an assortment of - 11 ere and Cape,
which ior heantjr and durability eannot bein
'.Yh(. DOUULASS, 77 Wood et,
Baying retired
I moat mpecto4l7 'recommend the . pauemage 'of my
(Moats awl the pall° geoenaly to mymeteuor, m.
Lk.o.m. ti(abl4.l.lm) ,' • JAMEN hIeI(AIN. •
itlc/114:PAISIIION:—.9.11100RE hwerecele
t how New York , the Fall style di' nets which
be will introduce tb/41,day,
wearierßase/day, Aug. 2..,11.
,All .ukose iu, smut of a nem wad kat weal&
Will to ullet No. ;5, Wood Street, adduct above 4W.
A 81 : 111111 II 11 II,FASIlloN FOR lIATA._
lUST recerred . Croix& New- York, the Summer
ty'let 10, bal., cousiying•t While Heaver. I'e f/1
and Mile. Izipch.Cautpera Vendimam
Those in want •I` • bei•utfuldiglit lln are reepecifolly
tac s all. 1. S. AltivitE,
.ma 15. . mood 3 doom: above 4th
oßEirrmootte, Wholera6 Grocer; Rectifying'
TPinilier,. dealer in Produce, l'iniburs It /traumas.
lures; and all Ord, 'or Foreign and Downie Wine*
. and,Loton, Nn. H Liberty *neer. thi bond n very
larlje kale
oil superior old 'Alouroulabela .xcLiekny,
Wlueh Pill be sidd kw cosh: opl&ly,
OROCCO LEATiI.EIT—Tbe subuisbert incite
ttnliun to;their even..e mock of Norocco,whieb
has beea•very Carefully-selected in the engem eine.,
AM will be ilohl cheap los cash. • ' • . •
• W YOUNG & (b'
VAPNCII.CI.OTIIS—W R Itfuryby Invnes
:Waneo or gentlemen to bit ourarllsteril of stye(
I.telicb Cloth. kind Cassini..s lately received, nth
black and suposior finish, at low prices for quality.
split ' • .
IlbetwootirrsEleatrar 11fadnelle laallisaea.
r 146 subscribers base haud • few Of these <vie.
J 1,., ;waxed gal rabic batteries, acersaperisider• work
einualubtrampla directions 'for 'their ureic the to:which they awe applicable.
. Price. SI2 atufillt
sobrritten keve removed to Na and
. WI Mrtod almet, le the marcher. ferwrigoecg
teed Young,lhmson k Plumlpett. •
i.610 . 1)24.41 1 3,,1
.2 ,6 ".4;" 'lie war..
1 " "" Übenr,"4.44oota b;fot leaft ‘ itrtgi
i i3 D 44l, ' •
15 Nat a et street, nar na o
Note ilksafloassAi:.;.2.•
'.& Vraitini . a...... 'l'
Kreksne.- . a v... 14
P....rank-of Vs- •;••,..
ado, Valley,--.°
51. :W I 111, 4 th . e . eliisl
do • Nonanosen-•-: I
Ar• W - • Beni Ila•--•:••
do sba , 2
do . Parkersburti,, o
. - Tennessee. .. •
titer Tensesse-. • 5
Faitatereb'n 1nt....
Plane& hk.•••• ••• • e
Sine BkofMnstasn•••• 2
North Caroline.
Bk. of Cape rear 2
March's Lik.,Nenbeis• 2
&WC. Dank . .• ...•• -.•••• 2
Beath Corollas:
Candela Bk ...... ••• • :1
Bk. of Charienoo.....- - 2 ,
ICounaercial Ilk - °
Ilk. ofGeoraeann 2 .
nicer. Ihsabars...- ... 2
Metebams llk. ! e
Planers thicsaa's Ilk- 2 Bosch Coronas. • 2
• .
it.`.t 'l' !
• .....
• Tam. °SLY
Dle'remedyfu 4sileptio Flt; or Falling Siam.,
Coevallions, Spasms, La is is well known, Aar frees
time immemorial, PkYrtiMans lu m.r onn a ttn ".. - Pitt
tic Fite Ineembla It has battled their skill, and
boasted power of medicine, and consequesnlytka.
mush have tattered through e miesrablenalmenessalid
al lam yielded up their lives on the Wu of,lassmity. ;
'With all deference, however, to the oplitioneof
great and learned, we say that it has beta cured, . :
b o a HART'S.V.G PAULI: EXTRACT, , •, .•
For sixteen peen, e b ee, tested II many riatem. •
r r
wild hare sneered with this_dresulten disease kW us , •
eeveryeeasewhere it has hiut a fair trial, loss ,
Ku of xyears Mal C mouth; cured bY theumer7
this nalp wonderful medicine. ._ •
• Read the following remarkable .esse "of the ind of
Wu Purse. Esq., of , Philastelpids, *Aimed with
kph° Fits 57 years and Oreentha,, Abet
through th Engiand, dendlarei, Genuay end Prance, erni•
'salting e usse eminent phyalciabs, , mei ependingf o r
medicne, medical treatment and advice, awe.
sand dellars,rcturned with his son to this country itt
November law, arithootr CIVITI/Ig
+, and wan emedb nnuuW ug C
Mt William Secore's Leiter to Dra. , lntne AM Bart:
/ in...peat over duo thansand. deflate for moil- •
eine and medical sulenduce.. I was advised In Lusa ,••
! tour u.khrope with" him, wi 1 did.. 1 fun visited .-
England. '1 eonstilted . the most eminent physician.
there in respect to his ease; theyararnined
prescribed , eccontingty. , I -remained, thms "untie
without perceiving , any change for the . better, which
oost me about two .hundred and fifty dellarspockeled
by the physiciana• and We most that I received was
their amnion Remaly son'e ease was hopelesa and post. ti
rely mumble. .1 aceonlingly I.lwiand, and way
ellmi through Seothuid.'Germtury udhhartee,
tamed home India month , of November lam, with my , -
son as far from being cared as when JILL um uter
advertisement Worm of We. New York pappwand • ',.
L try Ilen's Vegetable Exuma, seem/yam - •
statetninut and cernheates of m many coma, acetesref
twenty and thiny,yearst eluding, and I mummy,*
am tat sony I did se,. ia by Oa use of Remit Vegeta
ble Extract Lone, ha was restored to perfect
_health._ •
Ilia reason, which woo as goon as to omit •
busine Is extant'', restared,'.with.the prospect* now -
before . um, of life, health and usefttlnua .11e ,is.rtow
AN, years .or age, and SR pear. and 0 months' ' •
time has been afflicted with this most dreadtal Of el.
easeN bet thank OW be la now enjoying good health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works / do&lUlises
hi. To say that I ehall be ever grateful to you Isom
Ming, and as I here OLICIO6O
one handred dollarkl
have no doebt bat that you will • think this I. m o
and quite • ,
alert:um - Ming. The debt oPmultude I
still owe you but please to seamt the. prams; amount •
as interest on dm debt in Usenet: „ Jr .
Veers very respectfally. _ •
" lgiMiL7d,) - • WILLIAM. SECOIIB
One of the proprietont of thin bwabialile rtedictim
wan adlicted for mural. yea= with- Rita
The disease had ;induced the went qpon hle
sputa, vim Lost of mammy, imbecility of aml • • '
perfect prostration of oho manors Menem lid
tried the skill of the but physicians dir mum years, .
and grew wane Under their. Reaunent, and
_he - tet "
that this medicine . was Ms
: only hope fei tealthand ',
life, and vratthenfaredeterminu to RI feir
to Inal„
and permute in ite use, which he. and liAngllll
war •
M a perfect remoration to health, w hip wasnorgi.
sled munrenupted Pnmearly Waite. rant •
We would refer to the following person* wloAavit
been eared by using Mini Vegetable Rumen • • - '
Col E Darnley.% daughter was alkiebtd slim Taste,
roaides of
Yr:token, New York, • . , •
Bennetotbse years,l7l Grata st.
Ellswort, emetr r years,Lit Doves at • - •':
itjTALIII:I,7I men'
EAR Brooklya r _l:
gent', Mai
Staxectld s tr r •
Miss F lATRuctentiM7,Yoars, YottirMa - •
Mira Cram, twelve yams, 1121hunmenly • -
Wm Pnty-thtes_yeass, 73N0dWalt
Such Pe tty,t font yeam,l7l Relator" ..••
p ale Johnnie, E, e
Thocusof the 1.113
Capt Wm .lenr&s, awe Dr' st,dgelmy t , (34. :
DeW L Monroe, Onlhind, , ,
Rev Riehard Tanen, Watt Davenport N V, .. .
Bar I,ldialuself, Baltimore, Md.
NT Joseph Bradle‘Orehard N •y 1
0 1.1 DOUghiOn, tal breath Rif 0 .•
Mr. Imam Itenholf, ter, Omen ea Nr; '
John' Faber, 178 Maxima' al, • ." - do •
D Bielarin, ES Bellew! Mr - , 'do r'-
James Seedy I:4 derFolk u; • „
Chutes RI/our/3,ICM Water do
MI welsh . may be called apron; oir addressed, pal
New York dbyDr S Bow, (MU
r heas k Barl„)
- G P
felts THOMAS le , fai, .1.10 Mein v., betwestaad andta, and 'ICI Mule at, bmween'llth and Mk arroets,"
cirminnettl, Gide, wholesale end' retail agent. for 1.141
I. IVII.COX, Jr," comer of Market st and the ]yap
atand, rally a
/3akentore Bk., •••• • • • pro
BanoVe it 0 R RlFerin • Hi
Cumberland Ilk.of Alio- '
Ps VI. ** 26 . . 11;
Panama , ' & at 'r e 3 o a " , s
Bk. Fredorick u.
Frederick Co.Bk
ilagerstown .... ar
Mme Bk.. •• r
—.••,... n•
Pn=t r e
:,.; ollk
.W Bk••••••• , :• , V esuninster •• • • r ,
, '.. K/gam.
RE of St car
Bk. of River dalsen...,:.
Michigan Ina. Co,• • : 6 '
Far. 0. Afreh's Bk • 5
Virlononsln Terrlt , y.
ktar.b.Fireln.ColdiloPe 5
. :. Canada,. . .
AB aolventßanka .1.
Bank of England Notes..
• • •4470 41 S. so,
old &11peele.Valine.
Napoleons 3 80
Dooms 2 160 2 0
Engle, old • -••• • ID fa
Bogle, nom ••••• • 100 u
Deablooni,spanisk. 18 00
Do.Patrior ' '1550
Sovereigus .... - t • 4 El
Guineas 3 06
FrederleksiPors ' 07 0
an Thalern• • • i— 7 so
Ton Guilder. • - • 310 '
13,34134ge. • ,
New York I pint
Philadelphia • •••—• prm
Baltimore. . • ma
',par. Inter= IPM•••• .2
do helmet "
Wood Emt, immudt-1111
• ._
fi ;intow - x, , pow
g rega/ally educate!
• to the atenal profearkmg
N 'al e
Uon to -tba
It A:v . 7 • , --it ant
t"... th. , while
delicatit com,plansta kr .
'which hlsopponanltlea and
experi"tairetecullarly mud ,
, L n. da bl oall3Y . de . Tar us
study, and lartunicat of Moss complaints, Mariam whdsh
he has had more junetira and has cured mom Pas
banns than can ever full to ilia/at of any prima pal.
titioaer) amply qualifies, ham to ores assume-ea a
speedy, permanent, and mtisfactory . ,euro to all arliefail
tk delieme, drma,es, and all thseascs arising there
- Dr. Thowa would inform Mom narrated with Winds
diseases have become chrouie by time ex ay.
pawned by the ow of any of the combos nostrum at
the day, that their complanits can be sadleally and Ow,.
toughly coxed; he having glom kineaseful ancrukm to
the treatment ofsuch eases , nod succeeded in baudrods
of Manumits in eurtug person. of:indarametloa of As
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases wide= „-
result from those eases wham;others ms he •ha no
them to hopeless despair. Ile particularly insilasaacts
ILI have, been long and turnaccessibliy, treated bywairril
to consult him, when ormyrmuisactfort will 100 givers
Mani; and their cases treated in a earetill,lluarouglonall
intelbgeat =tatter, pointed out by a long expectant*,
study, and investigauon, which his impossible for dam , •
envied in
ohs of =end practice of methane to give susy
Irrlientia or Raptara--Dr.Broam' a o Atrium pal ,
sons *Misted with Itensia to call, as he ls
has paid pectin. alas attention to this disease.
Skin diseasca also Piles, Pals - y,ate.; speedily . ettred:
' •,
har. vety '
C N. s.!—Patients of either xex living at distanceary
mating their disease in glu ing all ego _ amp
toms; can obtain ractlicines with directions for ass, by
addressing T. BROWN, D., - post paid , and thole,
ing fee.
fl Orme No. CM, Diamond alley, opposite eke hi averly
RYNO eons no pay. ilectin..
. .
I /lair Cr.., a matchless article for the Gnaw% '
tummy and Restoration 'of the Hair. ' This Crime,
when once known, will supcmmle all other .tiejeadt
the kind now used Whets the hair is dead,
ile haro,
thin anherolthy, or mini!, grey, a few, applications
w make the hair soft amfdark, and give it abet...dial
lively. appearance; sod will alim make a retain ill RvF
hoots and healthy color twioo s. tong as all the pram
rations which are generally used.' ' Every holy; ema.
gentleman who are is the habit of eel. oils outbids
hair, shotdd at once pmeltase a bottle of the Chinese •
Bair Cream, on it io no composed that it will not Wens
th. hair like those other preparations, brat wW Wenn*
it, and give perfect .n2(00501115 every instance... •
Vet testimony to eta very nopn r qualities, me the
following letter hem Rev Mr. Cahlarelb to Meier..
ilendenhott & Stretch, NZthrille,Cenerel Agents Ix
- Letter from the Rev. ft. Caldwell?pastor ofthe Pres.
byterian Church, Pulaski. - • , • -
Mem.. liendenbett & Swerch.--Centlement Y take
pleasure in adding my testuanny In faror oldie excel.
lent preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinese flair
Cream—for shoot two years ago, my hair was very
dry, hriuly, and disposed to come one lint having paw
cured a baffle of the Cream, and need it imeonUng to
the prescription, my hair m now soft, elastic and AM
to dut head. limy balsams and oil. wren applied,
each leering my tmir in • aronm_stale Mon Won,-
This Cream however, hy met my expeclatiOns.
A. an article (or the Toilet, my wife gwes it prefen
enee over all 411 E re, being delicately perfumed, ami not
disposed to raneukty... The . find
the Chinese Cream - to be a deal lemlam is their v.:ve
nation, (or the toileb — floslacetfally, An. -
Pulaski. Jan. 7,1317.- rt. dAtinvir..Y.,
Ersord wholesale and retaD, in Pittsburgh, bb) Joe,
EL Tear std, No. 43 Market street, and Joel
comer of Wood and Fifth streets. •
.M.l wort Cough Candy Is offered' to .the publierws p
pleassnLand cdelitrixm4gliritalittaicolit, hoarse..
rro " dp, Sodrr lirolichitit, p jgen ' et atte=
of the Chest and Lungs. In tuck ease. ilia koown
have Afforded decided and permanenrralief, teem
le: rapid-sale and great success as a nomedy Audis
above diseescs Where tt has been mad, it .proardwerto
become One of the .mott useful and pozlor medicines.'
It is offered too, auts pleasant relief to console:Mae,'
and an &distant to vocalists and •poblin *Peak.. Pe,
The name of the preparation Indies/snails leading
gredient, and it found sod.° by abetment am
'pleasant to the Lade, amtmay be used by childnut. and
delts with moire impunity.. The maCenals used let Me
preparctiou are of the, bed quality, and it may be re.
lied on at in every respect a pure mod genuine article.
Families would no doubt promote Mem comfort tied
healthlry keeping &supply,
.specially in the season Pi
-• This valuable Omagh Candy Is considered • giestail
:umlaut to Mothers; being superior mall the pamot
•by Jumpers in creation, as children were never koalas
to cry when this randy is need, except for more. A tali
at of this article will convince .r person of its ewer,
UT7' and the proprietors therefore defy any kraut la th e
ntied States to produce a cheaper, more pleases:4 or
'efertire remedy.
Sold wholerale and retail, by tie Berserk! ADruggsgent,t;:•
corneyal and market sw, PinaboriL '
• nowt. &C.,. Proprietors, Not College Salt Canob.
noti, Ohio. • . • , • ions.
Parity Year •
(R. O. E. SIBLEV—Ltar Sin Last Spring, tai.
nag the previous winter, i was:evenly adittlad
nubnnua Peruftl/OUS romphabiriu kty_leg., and bad best
for rose moult. wider the ease of pliyaisians.. They
anal In case was 1:4.A incurmble and shay e,,,a4
but little for 64: I was nearly helpless,t,m with the
t otetches:could with ditlic ally get ohm. to ?day •
burritos:Nl of you nod corn Baas
+ova thoutaranihat. Atter the ova of two WU., tho _
aoreseettillienrod licaling,.and I laid arida my. aoteb.
ss Wing only a cane. I dispensed with my'atiwr y 04 - 77
melba red of the .
In so well es to smut allay d •
shserixtg shenp. In all, I used bye boubig, Th e •
scrofula nal iores barn all bealeilag, nod oitten.laat
r, illsVe Seen .nc. abpaanaucti at that:amass, hat •
have annum:wit, am now, aloha most perfeci donll B / 1
I state wort conElettee,. hoping that others me; bob**
efilled in the Male wayottal the Snrupasillaatdlby. •
you, has been the Means and the only uses. of atfac
tau the cum CORNELIUS J. WSW,. ts
For kale wholesale and retail.a isiocii; „. • Li A. PA k, c o
- nom P nrood nis, - & who cornet . ..rood In Oil nr.
'll3.lttprs , Couairud Syrup, Ur, Tar alut
it ring THE CURE' ofeotteta Corit,•pranehilia;flittiil
ofillood,,lrepso, and all other di...
the avocet tending to 114110ALAYCONS0111FTION.
The great and oupreardstited aueseu or this ottani- .
hie medicine . , and a neonate diasominate its banallti,
have induce d the proprietors to x. the price' eteamts '
per bottle; thus placing it within tad venni, of all. - No
nuttily should be without, or ever with when llolrhavo
ones seen and appreciated its almost lostaataAftqiite. •
U. intim core of the above entaplainti. Co. — atattio .
taltw O ntl , or narcotic ingredients, not tho alitglnemotlial
rair, inelinvetle o n up ee catt d
id ,rezl;irsol will •
With avalithaUti had inure: thaw mar4vd
vrj..t tilt;,,Ngivna attrdi,nr lo Otthelkato
Intping count/L-41ml WirZvrtilital Yr;lPtf.and'e•m4thrt,pvoima4:
ID D /4 tonal
EATAIr.-Itaniet but p • ac t -
V;.4/FV.ldegais", 4,lAr4Aad,‘"
-s .
_ . L -~'' jt _ ..