The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 21, 1848, Image 2

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,• ' -. 1 7 11:1L A , 4331 15ist i sslis • to the Nona Anis -
rif2ll.,l*.s.hiler Slalailreusti:r".bilsdalliblaits
-.'. • l '''' ', ':' 41;aak DANA Murry li• tialiliLied
7. TisiWeskly,Sai Waskly.--Tha Daily ig Son.
."..,..=. sisTss•Wsekly is Piro
ow, par
' ..- . : wpm, Ow yireatly . ls . Troyi Natters re! mix.ius, dirks!,
rsquelassitha h ood is
5.i.,. , ~437-Aswasiniam an I ._,
- /nu Waco t .. isispr,Al , .sai.
... as earrrusto as, as :,,,,..- ,-• ',-- ' ' ........:-LJ-i.......i ..,
. . , ,',, llisa Sum Comiumeindst ltallugssaialkosislie, list.
• Plows, ispor , iti Motor Slarkeis; ha. see
--- -- f il
/...7_. _
..IT . , -' " . • • - - •' •
..:..:;.,.,, Wats . +as , JlLaiti. ' a : Illoudnattions,
1 : ' . roa. CAN ,DiItANASSIDNEii, • •
';-)ca a AID i. lit. 5171 f A.RT II i
~. liiii; 0411/14/17,1//11/aliqulre by the Treaty..
•".. _ ' We regret that the t istianctitm of.secrecy has
ant beet; vemOvea from the :proceetliep of the U.
t.-••.: 5. &nate nes the (rein. The remand would
~, „truible Sesatora to layAlieir spindles before the
...sT, Senate 'mod confaute largely to mingle -es the pub'
he mind as to the charncter of the country we
~, irtme infixed, hi en expense of a two years war
• the lois of 20,000 lives, and a promise to pep twew
trams tallraela of &an. Franritblireime, 111 the
si- , , sources d,inixmatioewhich might have been fur.
21210 by thi'sPeecho,a Made in secretaession, we
. • • :have .resorted to the page documents lied other
• ..' ‘ moue, which are lerve been enabled to lay hands
-VIM at the met of Government. The proposed
• MegelOons of to have already been defined
• ill the ties, we have published, and which is car
.• • -.Mel literary triennia particular. - .
11 0
, 31 . 0 MIMI between the Nuecei s and the
•Rio"Otesile,•ehirned by the Administration before
c'• the Y war begun, New Mexico, Upper California,
's ••• ' meth of the river Gfia, on a line drawn from its
brieinisielion With the Colorado to . point one Pa.
- - 7 ease lat 5 0 q441..,the kgAor of San Dies. Dirlico,
,".,'lirialpettlreloctance, has been compelled to pre.
-1 -pees the Cesar(' on of this omen tied 7 United
,' -States,nnd the, President made war upon ,Mexico compel the binain at her hands. ,
• - '''''• The questiin for MI to conaider, is the =mender
, .
•'crolth the wer,the lives laisttheTreesure expended,
• _s ~ ,
the price paid, or even the value of our claims ttp
',. •on blexisso,sapparing_them to be five and a soar
ter Millions ' It is worth neither
' . ' The country between the nieces and the Rio
2 • i'. .Grinde: Is •
without natural irrigation. Ikon
• idler crossiog the T river Noreen, th e trayele.r„
.. , •
• comes into a dry and barren country; with very
little gnors... Almost the whole of it is sandy and
i - ''' unit the cultivation: .There are sometimes - ire
- Creme prairies of sand relieved only by a single
- _ mainprit tree, of dwarfish growth 'and not much
bigger than -is peach tree. The chapparal which
form another or the !Muted themes of the coon
- try is made up of thorny bushes and the. prickly
pear. They am alike impenetrable and tit - Mt for ' I
use. We give au extract of a leper fella Major J. I
P. Oaines, id the House of Itepreseetative. de
-1 . scriptive of this country. Ile was in command of
one of the Kentucky Regiments and crossed the
brumes on the 11th October, 1816. In conelimion
of a descuption of his mite, (I. 8) macs hetwee
~ the two rivers) he IMP ,-- ..,
'Trio' country' from the Nueceo to the valley of
, • ' ' the ItioGraude is poor, sterile sandy and barren—
'. • With not wangle -tree of any size or value on our
-•• l'systiole route. The only tree which we new ems the
- • s' c ‘musermit tree, and very few of these. The muaquit
is e suall tree, resembling an old and decayed
, 7 ••., peach tree.,Tbe whole country maybe truly called
a mfee.waste, uoinhabited and uninhahitable.— is not a drop of running water between the
:two riven, except to the two mall streams of San
' " Sander and Seam Gertrude:, and three only Con.
, taisi water in , the rainy season. Neitherof theca had
sunning water when we passed Omni.; The chap.
.. • peril coutmencesWithin forty or fifty miles of the
• • Bin Grande. Thin in poor, rocky and sandy, covet'
.... • lid with prickly poor,, thistles, and almost every
'' ,- atiedring thing-roonstitming a thick end
i -:. , impenetrable undergrowth.. Foe any useful - ori rig
''. .• :7 •43l Kund - &rime?, Me POUntli la ea worth I
. '.. '. 40. fa as Wd were able to 01:0 - 1114 apillki of
1 ‘.. , ibis desert upon the other Mutes which had kitsch
. . ttltillgedi its character every where brdweeti - the
two rivers is pretty much the same. We leaned
„.,. thattbe route pursued byGen. Taylor, south of
ours, ems *though a country similar to that thrungh
'whirl we pme.W4 as aho was that, travelled: by
Gen. Woolffrorn &.n An
tom in Presido on the
.Rio Gsede. ' Floaa what. we 18thaaw sad
the whole cyanamid moo to the concinsionwhich
' • ' I have Arcady expressed—dust it was worth moth.
'in'. I have no bathe:eon In min that I would
.. .not hmard the lib of one,
rouble and useful man
- far everyfoot Drina bemoan San Patricia and the
' . • Wiley of•the Bin Grande. The country isOnot
now and can never be of the ,i's -J.
P. tka: =Lee 4
Washington, March 13. 1818. S
Liam: Franklin of this State, and of the Topc,-
' ' • graphical Bane, says there it not a gins% run.
fling streson'betWeen the two rivers and Charles
! ,' 1 Ingersoll long ago milled it "a stupendous a 6.
ert," and fa only tar the boundary between the two
nations. •, A consent to the cession of this territory,
' claimed by Texas, nay Maimed by the U. 3v one
of the trophies of this inglorious tour. , .' - I
. The Treaty, however secures to the U. States i
the vaory of the Rio Grande.'Wiring among the
Hoary Mountains, imams, through New Mexico '
Wm the Northern to the Southern limas of the
• f'roviece. The"mountains are near the river, Lear. I
Mg but a narrow strip of land for cultivation and,
. this narrow strip for not over twenty miles, alone,
has a natural irrigation. Except in cues of fresh
ets, the rains are absorbed , by the sands. "The
mountable de la: Manses; sayalluston an English
traveler, "do not give rise to a single brook," and
the whole country, he adds, "is ra an Manning
state of aridity." One of the most prominent porta l
of de, country of New Mexico is known as the
Jonah det , Murat. (Dead man's journey , ) - The
' oOrthern tremity of this desert over which the
road to Chihuahua ruses, for the distance of (10
. •, miles, is without a spring or drop of riming wa•
ter. ,Whatevcr rmillences there are, ore at the
headwater'. of Streams.,"Rocks, sands and desert,
wastes," according to a letter from Lt: G. N. Peck.]
- makes up the area of a large portion of the corm
1 ,
try. Every crop loos to be watered artificially, and
• , all the -*WA/eland, according to Lieut. P. is rare. ,
i dy improved by the indium and mixed races. It
4 . is supposed by the same writer-(whose map has
been printed by order.of the .Vlar Department) that
the country ft, not capable of supporting more than
i . i.
• population of 100,000. The nearest weetern set.
' , ' 'dement: to New Mexico arc upon the Pacific,
. t :Whiel a re separated by a desert, and six or seven
' hundred miles apart. Chihuahua is ter the South
. • em line, hilt distant from the-nearest settlement in
l• ' New_ Mentz, 420 Endes. Fort Leavenworth. the
• - nearest Western settlement we have is distant, via
' ... Bent's Fort, 873 miles, and though our settlements
lay west ..or rids, the necessary portage wdl al
, ways be five hundred miles, owing to the interve
.,: ' . '..aleg desert. For the , space of 122 miles not a
, • - stick of wood ts to be fniail and for the red,lso
,- i •
miles, only a few spots where wood is found, and
the dry dung of animals has to be substituted.
i• i '
This from the road col' the Arkansas, end where
wrest Is ce as wood.
N Upon the whole, we think the country is greedy
s' . ,
.the loser from the equivalent it gets in territory
''... ,m , -bribe money expended under the the treaty. If
•: ~ . wecount the whole cost of the war, it is ea a hue
, .. ••-s dried Moue; and if we count the loss ;of life, there
. • • MAL be no adeulation of the_ loss sustained to the
•- . to country and some of oar most valued citizen.
. .
. „ papers& Arena Elaillasa•
The Nei _York Triune publishes some valua
ble statistics Of the import trade of England, from
whirl we Mike the folbwing comparative table,
showing' the operation of the present free trade
terilf, in opening our market to foreign goods.
The export of calicoes, printed and drat, to the
UnitedEouas, in 1516, under the larding' 1642, and
in 1817, ander the of 'l6, were as follows
1847. ista. • Increase.
lards, 44A2f1,012 13,55660" 30)366,508
An increase of more than two /tundra' and twenty
The export of °teat Britain, io the woad, hi
those 5,0,41;1e the same period, woo Co game
- 1516. 1517. Increase.
• Yarat,', 261.0tr1;751 28134903 20,300,100
' Inersaie to the Uoitetl States, 3003.508
increase over whole increase, 10,509,402
.Rae we see that the increase to the U. States
has twee eqwd not only trithe whole increase ha
thiworld,but we bare taken 10;369,402 yards that
have been enclided Croat other raluiiets!
New.isdrar...the exports tons,atederthn Amer..
estrearirof 1942,Uthe same articles:
• 1844. ISt& ISta
13,097,901 19,550,509
Yards, a
ni tr ide, way reeks; awl we were not Wends.
red with Dinah; rods To et, p e rhaps, a . petty
113Crefal,. of intrenue;Ww- hare Sot to wear out
• 30,8613,505j5rds Ensushatcoes. end *cheat the
4 Antericantreekown out date eittelaborofitnati
thew; and yet this it called by the ftest_ttsdar
Wind eixascasy; .0.40 1 0 1110 i 4e
' •
. .
. .
. ,
Voice for Freedom.: ', •
T n°1 " .. ) 11 4 11 . i h n- lr Y.,‘ ll4 'n , ‘"*
partytvedaidti, ita pp:anipia oft+. fri , ro
0.?? . Mica 44-{4-in 4,t.y . d.iric
qta..~.- ik lt; vAi carts Miglees.-
trait, emlxidylig thoZ3pinionrordaetadisch . of the
•New.Norkinemocracy, --The Union,' at Washing•
ton, in publishing the Address, nap
We nut we have tione,for one month to came,
with the feuds of the rivab . 4ifplfl in New York.—
IVe adjoinilbef ;question over to . the Baltimore
Convention—leaving it to their wisdom to settle a
conferees,: if any remedy can be found for. di..
ease which a 'resent typeari-r-end , no time
-more thin the present--of an disanaleaud almost
desperate dumber.' If that, difficulty inainot be
removed by the firmness and prudence attire cal.
lined • representatives • of tu... Democracy of the
country, meeting together in their hiptiem capacity,
the republican party must meet the evil as becomes
Wr*sre do notheliere the Balthnote Carmen,
tion all heal these &nds. It is iniynrible they
should, mks' open gmned is taken in that con.
Mail= against the manna of the institution of
Slavery—and we have no belief that any man,
likely to be nominated, in bold enough to dci
Means. Buchinan, Cass, Dalhis,,Woodlxuy, tho'
all from the Free States, are all wedded to' the Pro
Slavery Partyall against the 'Wilmot Proviso'—
all against the Ordinance of 1787—a1l williMg way
shippers before the shrine of an inanition alike
wrong in itself, and ruinous to the internal:pea:an
of the enmity..
6.,.if1(f1%.j0 4 .:4
• . .
'Fifth/Ph-Appeanurces, false in fact, but
Lie in their nature, have, for a succession of years;
exposed the democratic party of this State to the
imputation of being the abettors of huMaWslavery.
The vulderable of its condition, in this
respect, has, of course, not been left ununproveal
by oar opponetits; band year alter year has this cr.-
arderatica deprived =of thousands of kiwida who,
beSarellui delusion took possession of them, were
sincere, intelligent, and devoted .democrats; but
who finally wink into the fanatical ranks of aboli
tionism.' * * • •, a •
'By a for... accident, or ospeeial providence,
the assumption byslaveliolders of a new and lade
feasible position on the subject of slavery, has en
abled democrats to Wand forth in their natural and
true attitude . the champions of human freedom:
better, fgx better, than all or either, thi., advo
cates and benefic i aries of all these abuses and oL
:Functions, have formally, and in a bodo, abandon
'.ad the democratic party, and setup for themselves.'*
* * Ai • e *
• brilliantfuture opens' upon our prospect. A fame - a new conitantionthe cher
ished•olgeeiaria twig infuggle-Leveatually,obtalw
ed the suppoiCor a - vatt majority of the elector of
New York.. Thenew constitution to which agave
birth,. secured molt of the valuable .reiums for
which tree democrat* labored, and became Ch
Pala . law of the %so. with the hearty ane of
the peoPle. The war in which we are now. enga
gedeommands the support of all true patriots, and
in this State, notoriously, as not the sarbiect of party
division. The sacred principle . Of 'consecrating
free sod to freedom, enlists the warm support of
oar:electors, with insignificant exception. The
great principles of the democrat:tic faith hiving
thus secured a worm and generous approval, the
• give thorn practical application havi
• ing thusativiiidly Whciventures to doubt
that the nut presentation hereafleiof the great
principles of democracy in the persons of condi
dales truly ,rerysenting the freemen of this
I State will; With their — riceastemed power nod &tell
ty,inclineeictorytothe dem0n...m.411. 1 i We
should. gladly unite with oar .brNhrert of other
States, where union is 'practicable ripen. josh and
honorable terms; but, Without their assistance, our
'Unaided 'energies can swine to the democratic
party a dominion which, for extent, resources; cub
tivatkin, and enlightened corinitutional liberty, may
well be styled an Empire of freedom::
Well, we Sig See what we shall see! One lit;
the month, tuiXthisnaltirreare Coarentioa will meet,
and, having met; it will nominate a candidate who
wall mediate the Utica Address, John Van Baum,
and every Democratic e l itism who has the moral
- Courage tiniStandard of human freedom
Mack thin! - . _
Congritilonal Dictation.
.Leiters from Wrishingtanc.rpablic and private,
Wipe that the latter of Henry Clay, avowing his in
tention to present blare/ire aniongihe lid of can
didates for the Presidency, for the 'action of the
Conveatior,hai given rise to myrrh disistisfactirM
among there who have' ether preferences. We
'regret its exlitemeeirowsinernsly,7-and still more
the pnsiions edorts which , Lava been mnde by
Members: of Congress to take the question °tee
leming a candidate mat of 6a kends, of their eon
wiments We hers', indeed, that no member of
Congress MI be elected to lb.. Convention, or
that being ekmed, his own seassof proptiety will
ptan,pt hint to decline the service. IrfeaCtiera •
Congress -are chosen fos„lonirdative scenic; and
not forPreitirleitsmaking. After a residence of six
'Orrreirea *ran at Washington, they are not al
ways aware ce pike sentiment at home, and
men fresher from the people are better fated to tip
resent. their rinisthrunts upoit such a question ,
than *Men lowa:mt.
We have seen a disposition to control parties
and people front this bobbed of Coverninent potr
licians at the seat of Government. Bali parties
congregate there in caucuses, or cliques, backed
by a thmasatof lobby member, and from this kens
seek to semi out diverging lines - and lights to cow
trot the public sentiment of the country. There
,are atleast teto gleam:id letter written by mem.
hers of Congress every daY, and five time; this
I 'number of Speeches sent from the Capital They
I reach almost every log cabin:in the country, and
control those who liave,any influence • with the
muses of the people. We do -
not complain of
, . • '
this, but seeing, as we do, an attempt to stifle and
smother public . sentiment, .ast&Whig public MAY
meat, we complain of it. If member, of Congress
will do, their duty ntWnshingtoa, there constituents
will do theirs at home, and we ripest the earnest
.wish we feel, that no member of Congress may be
found in the Whig Nathan! Convention.
. . .
• Banes or New Oiziatel,—The'Llloaring is the
situation of the Dania olNew Otteina,on the 25th
March, topetenbly to the 'official publication of the
Board of - Currency. ' •
Circulation... .....
(Attar cash Gibitilica
Specie .....:....::.::..1 9.74
Dotnest, ie k.Fareivi,Esch,ge. —5,297,133
Other cash assets. '• • • 2:33,510,
Besides the above assets, the Banks have loans
payable at matnvitrsB,ool.3,673; loans on mortme,
53,518,211 ; • loans on stock 31,461,175; and inal es
tate •
"Firrt Dowse To Leo.'—The new Walker
systems of free traild not being in full operation, to
giye this necessary revenue km the Government,
the new Sixteen Million Loan will be throwrropen
.to the milled offers - •
"To give an opportunity to all persons to parti
cipate in the investment of funds in this stock, bids
will be received ix the lowest denomination of
certificates authorized by Mw—being the rift); dot.
lam—as well us for higher, sums!'
The propmials will be opened on the 17th of
To the BJitorr of the Pittsburgh Gazette:
Pernik top the medium of your peereply to
a measure to pour *Appeal to Alivgbeny, in yea.
'may morning's issue.
I am not amiable to the County of AlleghnnY
subscribing to the Central Rail Road, mainly be.
cause I think it more to her internee to attract the
trade from the West, than to seek an outlet Bid.
want Let as divert the trade and travel Does the
West to this place, and we wilt i lLad no dilfMulty in
finding an outlet for it, ai all thlr Ewan citlea in
stead of mekingroutes Westward aroundour city,
will -then vie with each other in waiting her fin
. .
It is also much more to the interests door mer
chants to diver trade redo the Wed to oar city,
than it ism build a Rail Road End, that the Jew
who now stop here may have increased hankies
and imbuements to forsake 1111 and pa farther Eut
for their goods, thereby depriving ns of the trade
which we now copy. Therefore, I again say, let
us satecr4is to the Pennsylvania and Ohio Road,
and all others will bona to us. •
baxuaroto R•cmc—The Boston Whig publish.
ei the following abut of a lamer written by John
Adams to his son John Quincy, while the latter
was Secretary at St - Petersburg, in the year 17W;
Year studies, I doubt not, you pursue, hocnasd
I kemw you to be a studious youth; but above eft,
preserve a meted regard to your own lessor and
reputation. Your male are. worth ell the scien
ces. Your conscience is the minister plenipoten
tiary of God Almighty in your breast See to it
that this minister newer =grit:Mtn in vain. • At
tend terhim, oPpcwition to all the cc arts in'the
world.. your affectioalte Father.
' • • Joss Adam
• •
. . . . . .
Ora Stoteruitoo in Cormeetieut gave at the present
Governor's election 389 Whlsread 921 t Loco votes
—Whig majority 146. Ttus,sara a eoatemp.:eary
was th e town m which the woman took or her gan
net peitiamst, lo make eraddiag for I.lthellllooll fired
&plot the Hellish Doe! in IEII2. -We idyl.= 011 the
Leedom Editors to copy tatavote, ea the most coo:
elusive evidence tbey ems fat, that the -whim, are
A Voltam ,Wtoo.-allio gm valves* st
with.l .9: 126 , -11 4the Lola okoOoll.wets by ffitpLEtok
Felons, a launch Whig, 96 pan old. ,
Ctri v irok...ansomi.,—Wetote a grant - ma.
nr hod 14e going hp in indij,4itit. erti*:of
I . "li.Vanjeular l 7 in the tann. Them
arqnitny'sitemis. among thew, 1.11a).0 tethers: the
id tonna • Of
number ereiled the )tear post.. ; Among the moi l
hieintidd steresreCently eilempleted, is that of A. A.
Mins & Go., on krhien street; one of . he larginr:
Dry Good esoddiabinhnts in the West. It reminds
'tux( the lane NewTork Leases-;stidthough - unieli
smaller than the lro lu the Eastern cities, is in
all respects ne*llcluipned. !•.,
Tax CAltati-Bistri,--Gitivtibits are loud and
coniaant among the residents lathe vicinity of the
Canal 'Basin as to the condition ii.whieh it has
bee leit.. The tench of decayed vegetable and
animal matter, and the stagnant water, is absolute
ly insufferable, • and wing( course' become worse
and worse as the vr.".ihci beamed' Inuit ariltry.
• The basin is indeed u nuisance that Makes a
.mnang tipped to every One CO. abatement. The fe
fid.otlor is nacumeatitiy to those mho have occasion
to paas that neighbMiliciMl, and the. sooner the
proper purification is made, the better it will be fur
the Lealth dale coy..: .
disposed of ber shecicin this improvemerit, at lap ,
to 33,00 per she e. : Under better ucanagernent,the
work has beconiU progiablei and,; recenny,l the
stock has been sold at $32 per share.= Why nay
not t h e Allegheny be itacimpre.yed-Lits name can
pointed' commerce be made accessible at an times, does not hbranact tho navigation! It is
more rapid streem;ilideed, then the Mononi4els,
but that difficulty M not insuperable.:
Tux Ditrars.—Mr Edwin Harriet, has bead em
Mc ; gaged by. M, New. - He . is raw playing at
Cincinnati, and maybe; expreted . herir ia a Week.
. • The. celebrated Tragedian, llri',Andericar, has
o b e en ,
. ,
also engaged l . am! wit:appear . on Monday
night, in Othello. ;Next. to . .. Mr. Macreadg,i Mr.
Anderson. is:the most talented.p.iglish tragedian
we have had Or rainy Pears.. .--. ! ..
Srassrsorr Acctheri.—On the 19th, the steam-
Fr Robert -Fulton,; froni 'Pittal:Orgb, hon.' . dilarn ;
lan un the rocks at lircl*n's abovoSieithe&
vine, breaking her boil n thabera badly; and cook
immediately. She was afterwards taken to Steu
She . liad over 160 passengers, end considetable
4cighL The . cargo is damaged .
The boa! will lie
takenbiekio and repaired.
. .
. , .
Another Fire broke out last eveningiabout half
past nine, in the midstait large nunfieV - of
buildings, between „FA Street and Virgin Alley,
Iliad a Hula distance' einaait the Theatre. The tire
extended through to alley, consuming six or
eight dwellings, and leaving a number of poor i pece
ple_to seek shelter . foe the •taighb The property
destroyed was not . valuable, in a pecuniary point of
view, Lot to the 'poor Ihei'llosa is great, when 'heir
Inimbht tenements and 'ecouty furniture am, de.
Tat promptitude, intrepidity tend good main,ge•
Mint of the Pinsburghifiremeu have been strikingly
manifested et all the 'recent fires,—and kit night,
especially, owing to llni,difSeulty. in renclung the
burning dwellings, it teemed almost impossible to
arrest the conflagration till it should at least sweep
through to I'M street; yet it was innually subdued
before it had entirely destroyed some of the, dry
Game buildings which were burning when the ea:
gins began tolday.
. The alarm of fire on Wednesday night, arose
from the 'estraordinaiir volume of tlamenscending
from one of the Pipetrorm; manufactories, which
Illuminated that quarter of the city. It is to be ho .
ped that no real conflagration may occur in 'this
neighborhood, until that neckArreaki4 slam* is
pitiable for the engitiCs; and safer for human b. 4
legs. I
Looomonvs.—the steamer Colorado, sarong
other items of freight (or Cincinnati, has a Locimair•
tive Engine, with water corks, and all other appl'
nitus, built by Norris; the celebratml locomotive
manufacturer, of Ptiilnilelphig Gw, the Little Min •
One piece M this neat little airair
weighed '9,100 lb, i—tlie whole, together; minty
Sautdalaad's .fiecthers 00. Patbetitta4 ai
Philo Hall, coatitam to attract much attratios.—
. •
announces that. surgical operation will. be
performed this area* up= a young hid', - while
in the mesmeric trance.
LECTIII2 oa Taxessasee—The Rev. Wesley
McCaskey.will deliver tut luldrest bane the Mar
the. Washfa,gtoa Society; at, Tempersnee Hill, on
Smithfield street, thii evening, at 7 o'clock.—
From the high eh:trailer ollhe Lecturer, we have
no doubt that a large audience will be present on
the occasion.
Workmen are engaged repairing,nr refacing, the
abututent of the Moniegnhela Bridge, "shish time
and ihe elements of fire and Water, iiiinjointly,have
renamed rough .4 ;u.4 0 41,, when contrasted
with the burilifial.struCture whichlt sustains. The
piers might uLso be reilressed improcuigly.
Bynum Cot:inc.—The rejection of - the bill by the
United States Senate it,Washington, makes it cm.
min that no term of the Supreme Court will be held
during the present coMing summer. The Circuit
"Court will, therefore; . be held in this District as
its usual.
Tux frost, ore kar; did, serious damage to the
Gait on Tuesday aril Wednesday nights. i , ,,Sorne
of the blossoms felt, froth . the :trees - lexteiditt, as
goon is they felt the genial influenco of it. cum
We hope that some Gr, the treeximay hue mcaped
in less exposed ptOlti - Oits: . •
r.s.s. - nOas.--We have peen in the warehouse of
Mr. A. &elect, oppoSite our office, n lot of lead Ore
which will prisluee at least ninety per cent. The
Ore is !from Perryville, Mo., and is a late di.-
SYl,26iiT72 I covery.;'
• . _
• 5,327.000 37
. 146,0
In Ibe 6tls, 7tls, nnJ ntn Wards, we tenni thn ,
about 200 bowel on, budding, or euntruted fa
during the enwing summer.
Aram noun euttainsn.—The children aopPorted
by the charity of New York, amounting to
tween ten and eleven hundred, have been remov
ed from 131ackweire Wand, tothe new - building re
cently erected kw them on Randall's Island. In
cluding the hospital, the new establishment consists
of twelve distinct buildings, no that the inmates
c an be ported, and 'an opportunity offered to preo-
carve health, and prdperly to conduct the affairs of
the Ashluni.
Vsomatiutd—Tbe i ancient -dwelling-house in
Deerfield, now abont; one hundred and sixty years
old, which WhS asri led but not destroyed by the
French and Indians in 1701 and still bears the
marks of their ferocity, is, it is said, about to be de.
mashed by its present owner.
Totwasa.vra Curriort—A letter from en Ameri•
coo sun Captain, dated March 20tb. leads us to rix•
pent an innundation or European immigrant!,
here shortly. He says—t
"About three diotWand, left here .ILiverriooll the
last week. As many more are to leave next week
for Boston and New; York. The Rappahannock.
Henry Clay and Finland Inc the latter port; and •
the Wubingt, on.livirig.sna Gen. Taylor for the the.
mar, will take out great numbers.
.Ciaxwicr, a win of lion. David Wißmot, aged
about eleven years. came to his death on Monday
evening but, says the Bradford Reporter, by eating
of the wild parstop.l•,.He wets attending Misses
Babb,' retool it Athess,•and in company with ea
other lad, m the fields, hie of the rota, which cau
sed bin death after much suffering, in -about two
hours. The caber lad wee not so badly poisoned,
and is expected to survive.
• Triaicason.—Theedilior of the Gospel Banner,
poblisked at Aug Me., says--The spring thin'
year,i all
of of three weeks more forward than we,
the oPritel hot lean
Tug Beanie OEMACILL'IAW Ravi.
gusto open through—The propeller Manhattan
arrived af Chicago ftwai Buffalo on Thursday last,
the 13th im and repotted the Straits clear of ice.
-Several vessels were her Wake.
amnion (Mass) Courier proposes thalilie territory
newly acquired Gorriblesico;begiVeti to the color.
ed pokoloion of our country the theifexclusiveow
cupswou,under the protection of the UnitedStatea.
•Massacaterrns • limner vara—Tbe committee
on public lands have Lees directed to consider the
expediency of allowing any landleis citizen of Mai:
mamma some portion of the public lands in Ibis
state of Maine, on condition that he become a per
maaest and a ctual settler thereon. •
• Basis et New Yosm—rtrt runendment passed I
the legislator. offiretv 'loth to the tree banking act.,
requires msibility from every institutkm; and ,
that it shall be ► bank of: discount and deposit
well &sof circulation. '
. atage cam' down
yerterday. part , way on rotte,. The "now wan
amend , inehae deep at Carleton, add at other
point" oa tbo rpute.—Arkepy Reeding Award
Nacat.—Tbe U. S. Alp Saratoga, hound to the
Golf of Mexico,' to: touch at Norfo lk, sailed from
New York on the 17M.
-The Rictuttondflia) Southernerin the
mon encouraging Of the W heat ,of
Waimeaßitter ocuntry. ,
Firrvenvr4 DnAms in Boston last weeL
ors• '''
Abdleakue, Of :pi !MIAs of Polo*.
Cmrnporuienee of the Pi4sborght
,o•&.ette.: •
,New York, •April 20,1619. •
By the arrival of the Dochetia d'Orlenns;we have
three days later news from Havre, and from Eu
rope.generally. . -
A Republic has been declared in Pronia--the
King has been dethninedi and his Ministers imflri•
sorted. The Prineeitoyalnuceeeded in makinghis
escape to taglayL . Mahe Polish'prisoners have
been liberated.
The Revolution in Lombardy his bees ordirely
successful, bat bloody in the extreme. The 'Arch
Dab Stephen has bean .appointed Vice Rey of
The .King of Bavaria' hal abdicated' in Otior of
the Prince Royal, who has ascended the Throne;
with the title of Moximiflioo the 2nd. .
The Milanese, after a bloody 'beak, Obtained
poiseui' on of the Goveriment.
The Sing of Hanover has acceded to all the de.
mends Med° ey tie populM voice, and . has been
summarily obliged to submit to the bitter necessity
'alba limes.' He has called M. Stle, r nialeral
Deputyio the Ministry. • Ile is the' same person
who, on a Lamer occasion, opposed the 'o2bitrtuy
measures of the King, fix which he was iMpri ;Mr , .
ed several years.
It is exPeeted that the Emperor of Austria will
be compelled to abdicate, notwithstanding the gm*,
concessions be luwmade.
The Emperor of Russia has issued nu Imperial
Tibiae, ordering his army into the geld, to *mist
the flood otanarchy spreading over Etimi4aud .
has refused to recognize the French RepubW*
. The Ring of Naples-has yielded to all the di
mends Made by his people. .
There was an intense excite4tiiriii:livre, in
consequence of the advicrN, oM4P4i,:mhere all
is confusion between the rich aill)lus,r.oor. The
immerse° compelled to keep their doors barred,'
. the military have been Oat reifnisitien to
suppress the riotalmong the people. . '
Mercantile fin:hires contiotie: Among them
Rotbschilds is reported, but this is to say the least
doubtful •
The revolutionaryMOvements in Poland are
confirmed. 400 Pole. Lava 14:Paris to join their
patriotic countrymen. •
Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte in command of the
National Guard, was protecting the_ Provisional
Government, which was much. embarrassed as to
the system they. should adopt. Check lists were
to be used in The elections, and the members of the
Academy of Science were empowered --tn draw
up a constitution", present to the National Assem
bly for adoptioni.
Genoa has detached itself from Sardinia and will
Gum an Italian Unity, and his proclaimed a re
publican governinent.
Nothing later from England or Ireland-
CerreFpondenee of the Pitutputgh Galena.
SatiaL—The bill allowjag steamer:Ssz New
Weans from New York, to tormh . rit Havana, was
passed. The rest of the day spent is ehemplve
. .
. .
Hocer,---Ttie seat occupied lry Mr. Jackson of
New York, and Col,Mouvar, bas
bees declared vacant.
Correspondence or the Pinar:wall Gail",
Pnuarriarnaa, April W; ISIS.
The firm of Daftly da Co., of New York, has
The markers are all unchanged.
Tut Tesart WITH Muuco.—Commodote
Kenzie, of the Steam Ship Mississippi, rat
(tom Vern crritt, reports that it wits the general
impression among well inkirmed penonsp Vera
Cros, in ociaespeadenon with the capitiii, that 46
freely would be ratified by the Mnxiean Cann*
notwithstanding the modifications made in the U.
States Senate.
'As the Misaisalppi was having Vern Cruz, on
the 2d instant, she passed the United States Pro
peller Massachusetts, from Seer Orknurn having
on board Mt. Clifford, the aawciat' commissioner.
The Vern Cruz Free American, of the 31st oh,
says the Mexican civil authorities are in power
since yesterday, the 30th oh. '
General Scott and Mr. Triist were daily expect
' ed at Vern Crux, on their - return to the U. Sterna
••- - -
The Free American also states that Sonia Anna
requested Col. HugheY, governor of Jalapa, to re
?Mee him, as ho had gr.passport to leave the coati
try. Colonel flushes went out with • two .compa-
Me. of dragoons and -one company of artillery, to
meet him at his hacienda of Ea.°. He will pro.
bah!), embark on board the British steamer Mr Ifa
vans, from whence be will go to Antigua, and fi
nally proceed to Jamaica, to await. there nit oder
from John Ball ire his-return to his native cciantry.
From further conversation with Commodore .M'-
Kenzie, we learrr dial General Scott was very ant
ions to leave-Vera Cruz at the earliest opportunity,
and had he and Sir. Trist arrived in seven, they
would have embarked on board the Mississippi
fur &mon.
. .. ....
. 'lle4ropeller Massachusetts would remain at
Verae z, imd bringpem to a northern port in the
It way generally understood at Vera Cruz, that
the - government had refused_ Commodore Terry's
muting Oo leave of , absence. • ,
Rantswi*Scsvan—The party that ran off from '
Washington, 39 2tl women and 13 children,
have all been taken. Three white men were aid-
Mg them, and were alas taken. The schooner
was overtaken "lying in Cornfield harbor, at the
mouth oldie Potomec, about two o'clock on Mom
day morning. The fugitives, sevenkgseven in
number, were 'fast asleep otr:Jow, slid Edwurd
Sayres, the captain, Chester English, a white boat
man, and Daniel Drayton were, dm below. -The
Salem being immediately run alongside theLPeati,
the 'Georgetown party Winces instantaneously
boarded her, fastened down the hatches, and sees•
rod the fugitives and the white men on board.
The movement was a rapid and successfutone,
and all on board the Pearl Were thus made prison
ers without bloodshed, although it was evident that
the slaves would hove resisted if there had been
soy chance of escape."
RALTIZt. AND THE hisammu.stas—A highly
wrought scene took Owe last week at the Thea
tre Francahle, now walled "La Theatre de la Re.
publique."^-,bllle. Rachel, the great tragedian, was
called upon, after the performance- of Camille, to
sing La Marseillaise. She appeared in a Roman
costume—the saran she had warn in the tragedy—
with the addition of a tricolor ribbott—She was
'never grander than in her acting of this song It
was more than singing—it was sublime—and par
took of the character of a religious chant. Parts
of it she gave in a low, tremulous voice, ' . Her
Whole frame appeared quivering with patrtio kr ,
vor. A writer lam that "when at the last verse,
she -seized the Republican flag, threw herself
upon her knees, and hugged it in her arms, she
seemed topmast, at once, the real and ideal Joan
or Are.
WHAT RAIL Rowe oo.—lt has been found that
Massachusetts hes expended, at the end of 1e47,
very nearly forty millions of dollars in the construe
lion of roll roads in her borders. These ore not
yet all finished, but three filthu of them paid - an 4
per minx dividend last year.
Here is a good example for Pennsylvania to fol
low. Maiachusetts hue been enriched by the en.
terprixe ocher eons, and by liberal State legislation.
She has no mineral wealth, and but 'little agricub
coral wealth. Pennsylvania lis rich' in both, and
yet far behind Massachusetts in pnblic.onterprixe.
Why do our citizens falter in public sipirit, with the
certainty that the investments glide in rail roads
will be them rewarded.'
The library . of Ninshington, consisting , of some
3000 volumes, many of them Fills to him from
illustrious men abroad, and many of - them contain-
Mg his autograph, bp been puichused by a Mi.
Stevens, a dealer in Antique Books, the the aum of
Arrangements hove been mode and completed
Or the presentation on the port of the people of N.
York, to the city °traria, ore gmnd liberty cop, on
the '26th alibis month. The ceremony .will take
place at We Park Theatre, and on the 1.11010 even•
mg avant' military and chap boll will take place.
ygrarin Nan Buren, ex-President, will present the
cap, and Pd. De la Fortes!, the French Consul, will
receive lion the part of the city of Paris. ,
Cesar lavuto.--Ilaton *boulders sell - nt
for ono cent and • quanerrijanra t three
and a :half cents per pound. Corri and Potatoes
ere proporlkaarnely cheap. '
me sot Minim, Storey, 'Old Boy` . Erylipelav,
nabaria Itch , Chaps, More Heads, Bore Beards,
plea. •
„ Jamie Soap is maid by many physician* In Ws city
in coring the above, era we would not eissselsoutnisly
we the* il to be all we item.
• . As wetwaterle, the true )Mies' Beep' IStieridtpa the
only article ever known that removed impurities; aid
ola mud awl beautified the gbh making It son,..kah
smooth arid wline as an intiatal. Bold by WM. JACK
bON, Bp Liberty street. ruse.V
oAlnra o
- -Et4eylimaleigesentbsiVedes that if+ M
lletsidenlisl esulflUgd - wWs:I4 mate
erne foutiltkrtrtea alide"v . l e 6 Viv”llduktv
n ethilg bthe talitthltlitYll2 01661'tb inatainilbs
; me:ovthe ckespLcundatiort‘of., th ei mind
easements With which they gull the *die car oa
To spre,ad he antidote whenever they maykrave
- their ;mann, we shalt hisuithteamintigivpaper m
price sdnioderate as to phice tit the hands of
every good Nil* in Elia Mika, as well as in the
hands of ill these who eve their =nary with an
enlarged heart; mid who desire to see ouiglarious
constitution; Er which our Pallier, knight and died,
preserved front the danger of Iming torn into a
thousand frnguients by an unprincipled .and mis
guided taction, whose entire and devoted object is
obtainslermier and the - spode incidental there
to, andtir the naked which they are ree ds end
willing to sacrifice every principle of right and tun
tice as well as of Law and order./
The “Gazette,bas neveryel:beenthund wanting,
in its duty sad devotion to the great interests of
Western Pennsylvania, 1 - xvith• which' it. hat been
identified' fornauly three (palters of a =hire and
we ton ne. be found in the kireincat sank', daring
the coming campaign. When theiNational Convin
non composed of the chosen patriots of the republic
shill decide upon the man Whole to hear our Pre:st
idol:dial banner, we shall enter into his. suPP , Id
witlkall the energy and industry we pommies; and
throwing away the scabbard fight for the good old
causeoni long or the enemy keeps the fwd.
We shall put upon our banner, as one bribe dank
nal principles be which' we contend, A I'EOTEC,
TIVE TAItIFF, one that - shall secure-to.those
livioti on Anierium soil, the labor requisite to: pro
demon? own irtin, our own cotton, our own glens,
our own salt and in short all that is requisite ,for
oar =dart or; convenience that can be made Mt
bocan , We thrill go Vie the good farmers policyof
'ldiying nothing add we can produce 'ourselves.
We shall demand too from the next administra
tien approPriatioas for the improvement of: our .
, rivers and harbors, nod shall insist that - e part of
' the revenue , we contribute in raising, shag be
expended be . Our benefit and. not all be
given to
unless wars, and greedy, lazy,
worthless othmtholders, and contractors of the gout
Rirtabitiins. is. ;.Lndrr4
, .
We shall go forthase who will give us exalt
moment administered upon the most economical
scale oansissem with honer to the position we yo-
copy among the stations of the earth.. • •
We alialtgo for noOinterferenna in all European
politics either by direct action or the mom remote
Itaigietasa, behaving that oar true dmairiy Is to
mhad'o,ur own Loftiness; within'our own boun4a
. • • d reeommetid the virtues and advantages
air.: data of govdsumeat by our example, and
ace by arms or diplomacy.
We stattipose the - acquisition of any more
taritory, and shill insist that, no. manna shall ho
aimed tu restorasts to an honorable peace with
our sister republic: ,
To those: who approve the declarations we have
'mach, we now appeal and ask them to aid us in
the ihmerniantion of the creed we lay down.
. ..... .
The Weekly Gazette of the 10th of June Will
contain the National Nomination. We will cam•
mews on that day and send the Gazette until the
the result of the Presidential election to 'known
upon the following len.: •
To one address, • •
Ten copies $5,00
Fifteen copies ,• • 7,00
Twenty 9,00
Fifty 20,00
Crie bandied copies 25 , 00
Not package' will he made up containing legs
than five copies, Or which $2,50 cu. will be chnra•
ed and 50 inproportion, for additional 00100,
We would solicit She attention of the present
patrons of the Guerre to this matter and nab their
aid.. The extreirtnty low rate ntwhich we otter
the campaign paper leaves but a small marpn
orer the :wand expense of publication Id us, and
all orders mud be attended by cash. The money
can be sent to no through the post masters.
IrrTax ewes= Is atrangely destromPre la abe be.
man cuticle, (or skint the sudden dune from heat to
cold, and the smoke causes yellowolark, mama ewe
plextoas Then it is rEllitillilo that the pores of the that
should he kept open—that their mouths should be freed .
from ampunty-'twas Mei the anaient Roman
photo cured all diseeirit-ther competed that mote
ais o•ms a and unhealthy vapors lef throaq
the mires of the skin. than any caber outlet of the
lt Is riecessinT, thereon., to keep the pores open—
Pennon are Mspelled from the .14th:I from the poor,
Jon' when they wash with Jes/ Italian Chemical Soap. I
have seen It .eure the worm arts oldest reset of Salt
Rheum, Bryaipelae,o44l Sores, Barber's nth, Sore Head,
Ringworm, when every otherinternal and external
remedy had failetl—its elect rendering the skin, white,
clear and 1011, though it be yellow and eoarse is won
deiful-at reunites Frecklex, Tan, lituanon, klurpliew,
and 411kSgurament of the skin—but u
p p er 113131 t
be particular and ask foi Joan Soap—to be had in
huaburgh at MX JACKSON'S, sign of Soap- to
Big Boot,
to Liberty at. trios 60 coots. norlAikerlY -
Washinim o n April 19, 1,848.
C7fir'STAL.Parr OratgarCo • • ell's
Massed Pens Extractor—kis cow unneeded by readi
ed men that Connell's Magical Pain Extretrar, MU.
fee .• • • by Coutosek & Co, et Coartlandat. N
at wonder of the link century.. Its.elfacts ore
tairsauloua All poles see remora how ban.,
•• /se. , and di external tore., le • few minutes
•.r ita Application, Peeing the same no the most deli
cate shut, leering we scar. It is casually beneficial in
all kinds of haltunatatory disease., each as sate
ph. and Eyea, Sprains, Rbeteratknan, White Swelling
and Ulcers, BMW* iln en, 0, 0 4 . 1, * ENTIP O .I
111, WoMs.fgA might' edd stS fatufss
all we esy;the rumen( many eminent physieions
we it in, their practice, cod hundreds of the clergy
praise it to their people. /find parent Scetical...l , lly en,
hang; in eases of accident by fire, life may be lad With-
Atle tt, but by hs roe all burns aro subject to no control,
unless tbe sluts are destroyed. ' Caution—ltemeraber
and ask for ConnelPs Alex - teal Pain I•Wractor, manu
factured by C.ontstoelt & Co. NY, and no ot h er. ; •
sad by Wfd. JAC/LYON, Agent for Pinaburgb,
Liberty it., heed of Wood, nerted&weraT
113 - Clstre as are honorably assured that the Whist
ing are Mc isetual qualitie they do bottle of Jams' Co.
ral Hair Restoralive.• If doubt oar word they
cannot Mew highly respectable citizens, who have
tried it: ' • 1 •
Mr. Geo. Beekett, 41 Ilea V, New York.
Mn. Matelot Hooves, Myrtle 'avenue, Ilrooklyn.
Mr. WI. Tompkins, MI king st, New York.
— Me Thomas J actual, He Liberty sr., Pittsburgh. .
H. E. thillets, late barber steamboat S. America.-
And more than a hundred others state, though ibis must
suffice, that it will force the hair to grow on the head or
face, stop it falli4 od, rtrengtben the toots, removing
scurf and dandW from the roots, and making lON red
or gray hair amens; a hoe dark look, and keeping dry,
harsh or wiry kale moist,clean and beauttul,
vary, very long time. Sold at Whl. JACESONS htl
man. 4
- . ,
Irr U. coo PANTS M1.A.:111.-.1( you wish to Le sue - ii
peseta in anyoadertaking, you muss always •timvhe
crisper means.' Thereforef you have s cough, issis
Isyss's Eisractemas and L cured, fur it is the proper
mesas. lime phi Asthma or difficulty of breadissig,
then the only efficient mewls to cure you is 10 are
Javue'lk PmpectorailL which will immediately overmans
the spasm which contracts the diaffimer of the tubes,
and 14.1411 S and brings up die mucus which clogs them
up,..ahil thus removes every obstruction to a free resiii
muoi, while as the same ume all inflammation Is sub
'dsed, and a cure is certain to be cleated. Have yew
Bronchitis., hytittingat Blood, Pleurisy . , or in Met any
suPl=mirecuon i then use Jayne's Expecairant
i, certain, and you will find That yOulave
used the proper means.
u For sale in Pinebargh at the Pekin Tea Store Wetk
street near Wood. 1"7
RUM Rmo!—Dr.Nl'Lane l s Veratifuge for expelling
worms—Artonlshing Cure!
oFeeling It to be a duty due to my fellow beluga, I
lay before Meat a fact which took place not to stove.
LAM fall I called on Merin Ilyrold4 Co. of VI damns.
meth, N. IL for roma Worm medicine, and they re.
commended Dr. All.ane's Vermifuse, or Worm spec..
tic. 1 took a bottle home and gave a dose to • child
about g years old, and so my great astonishment It
brought , •way 113 worms. I soon atter gave another
dose to the same child, which brought away about: so
mare, making some Lot worms in about 12 hours. I
hare given to Other or my children very, effestnallY,
and can cheerfully recommend h to all.
JaPitcr C. Aux».
Amboy, July trtit,lß7. ,
The genuine article can he ha Itt the Drug
1 KIDD lc Co, No GU Wood stree
DV- Does your ham lasi at 'does your hair turn gray
'Wit harsh, sa it dry, or dirty, Ippray!
If his thus, you eon make it .on, rtlky and fine,
Durk and healthy, and beautsous as OM hair o mine Awl to have this, you hare hat three shilling, to give
For a bottle of Janes' flair Destorptire.
Deader, if you barn bad Lair you would really be as.
lonished at the lovely ofeet a three .pilling brittle of
Jones' Cum! Heir Ilesiomtive her on Shit needs but one
IsraL Sold alto Liberty at.: novledds.,..ty
Ire. The soli, Angelic expreasma of some females is
grateful tis mew, while therepulsive coaniej muddy,
yellow faces of ethers, excites dinguri—the SUMO with
males. Could such people he it to try o !Ake of
the (rye Jonas' Indian Chewiest Soap,. Umv Would 'Cu
enraptured with the change. l'hey would have a del t•
eute;clear, white skin, while every disfigurement or
eruption would he removed and cured.
PkiIIICULAUNOTICIL—Perroos who have boughtsheap
counterfeits and imitations of this, and bore had no sh.
f r et produced, most try this, Ma °Spunk Iliad % ask
for Joins' Soap. For sale at Wu. JACoo3 . •,ltit Liber
ty street. , mart)
117•YeIlow Teeth and pith breath,
.Sivxtga gums take tumuli dentist
Is repulsive and diggnstiog.t.
. All could have teeth as wanews pearl,
Sweet breath—hard gums—rasn or girL
Why deter—may, quickly baste
And .° R box of rosins' Tooth Pane.
It costs LUZ , teats, and Is really beautiful ertlele
he teeth a Abe eustuaL Sold in Pittsburgh
Liberty ab: novilldisarly
Erroll foolish, silly old nod this, and be no
looser bold, whisketless and hairless. Mr: W. Jock
• son, of SO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, rest/be...the
r3d of February, 164; that Mr. non Jackson's head,
• oil the top, was entirely bald farls7ears, nod that by
using two as bottles enrol 111110 Restorative!,
she hurt grossing lost and thick._
'• Sold in Newark hy S. OLDS rt. SON, VS Mood st, IL
'VAN BUSKIRK, cotter Of Brood and Nontucket
• mord° •
ErTO TUZ HALT AM; Laatc—Cornsinsk , s Nerre and
Pone Liniment end 'adieu Yegembleinisir, ilt.lbewto4ll,
etreetanl cure fur Rheumatism' &,I&by WM.
Atent for. Pittsburgh. noirleiLtieilue
pr - rota, Soars,. he.--The Genuine Illy,' Limns.
es an article more justly celebrated ruk•st cordlir
&arra than aoy or all other,. Ita arti almost
autster,ble.• Sold by lIIM:3ACKtION, Agentfor
lough. • rtorloderssiltaT
, '
'`That whiter akin abets, than snow, •
And punt as moutunemal alabaster.. •
AU females have skill like Um shove, who ate Jose.
Spat/Ml.lly White. It maketh pure snowy, yet mite
rally white. Sold at tat Cuotnut mem. mend
Don't hue • Foil Breath—lf you have, ine: e
twit , shilling battle ofJoara' Amber Tooth Pute: 'Thu
Will nuke your breath sweet, whiten you teeth,
Soil at tat Llbatty et. -
117111en , ..never attempt to counterfeit a worthless
article, hence valuable medicine. are frequeutly halm.
red. 'Abe knavewlei counterfeits a medicine commits
as great o crime as if it were a bank noteor vim coin
dd. United Elated. U A lattnestock's Verodfuge,
Which is the only reeled certain cure for 'Worms; has
been connterfelted in ninny sections dam eountry, and
persons vphould be on their guard when puiebasing to
get Melon:due article, prepared at lit/shurgh,
_ _ _
TT Lailies swan sae Jonas' ?Spanish Lily Wklte;baSe
stains • ass white tninsparcut skin. Of this •vial
will satisfy any one Bald only in Pittsburgh, al ba
llbarlf at. noylvdaudwly
[..,.....„..........,._,,,... i
. 1: ...,...,_„„...„ .. _........ r .„....
atria:ir...r.. .....;.
MIMISMILIIO sepias knitto—sre am pc. mudded
leledfcr Mat Datpineaßtgash bayetract_Our Meek pm- ,
bmets a peat satiety of almost every desertpoon of .
Dry Oo and effort* a Tan- ftwoableste ,
Ow buyer. to suit themsebrea We stool' respectfully
invite the attention of all persons wishing to parehase
handsome and cheap pods, to our mock, as we ore
confident ramming then mown,* tastes.
LADILS DRESS WM—Nu bare esplawild sleek •
off adies Doris KIEL Kaolin super plam bib and blue
bit dress ulltm blk arable& tilk striped and bide
tic , ,, h ricp a ktex=l fl' e d d and tarred do do; per
I' m& gm P.i.dda,vor. ..°41.1.1 - a 9 b l LVill 0 2
ty; barred
stripcd do d e o.
LADIES DRESS GOODS--Freuch end Scotch Cosh=
fglev & Frerli i , English nod Scotch de latostsllned Ins
aids, toper bared and sato) Wiped mu.
lusts Islam both both light cord and black; blk plaid nod
sails sloped muslin; sus linen gingham., lust., lam
ps. French and Scotch Gmekams.fra. Ate.
FASHIONABLE SIIAWLS—We would especially
invite the attention of , the Indies to our assortment. of
Shoals, which is very superior. We have gaper
phis damask and embmidcred white crape eliewlr, do
do high cord do; fancy silk shawls of almost every de
senptioto Leavy plant and barred balk dm„ fine sub
lime do; new style ottoman silk Shawls; plant and
embroidered ThllielShawlm blk sad cord tool he
mp do; mutt 2 greet sanely of other styles ammo.
Shawls. -
of French, English and Delp. Cloths, of a/I color;
French, English and Amencroa,Cassuneres, all of
which we are eelling meows to sun tie WPM '
AiEri'S SUMMF.ft GOODS—Cantimeretu,drap de te,
both plam and ag'd, fancy French Camtmeres, Lows
Drillinp, fee. te ~ s' . -
WitrrEGOODS—X beautiful Max of %VIM Goods,
each ae plain and tarred Jusenetts, Nansooks, mull, 1
plain and moped Saner &Mop Lawns. &c.a. 1
braid Ilmmets and Bonnet Ribbons.
emortment, of new style Parasol. and Annulated., of
all colors and very cheap. .`-s - t
ALSO—A very
lane experiment of fancy. Flints,
brown and blenched Muslins, Sheeting Niesinteg . 1 '”
widths,Tictrogs, Checks, Wale Diaper Towels do,
Trieh Linens, Domeeue Ginghants, Tweed., ie..,
Crash, Lutes, O il Chintz, Word, llostern&v. As.
Country Merchants nod others buying to mil apto,
will do well to call and osmium our stock, on whielt
they will always hod Mugu. each as will be greatly
to MOW adiantnie TA MIT. . c
ALERAIMER A DAY, 75 Market st,
urn N W our of the Dimonod
TN the
e Orps Court for the Comity of Philadelphia
In th matter at the petition of the estate °1 RO.
The Sheriff having ma eturn to the writer !Incest.
awarded in this ease, appraised the mute thereto de=
scribes), at the sum of On motinsofJentes num
na;Esq., the court granted a role on all persons inter.
esved, to come into mart Oil Friday, the lath day of
May, A. D. ltri, then and there to accept or remora void
real estate, at the
of We And the court
ordered that notice of said role be given by advertise
ment twice a week for tune weeks; or oar public new..
paper published in Me city of, Pittaborghs mei for the
same time la one nelespaPer . puhlish , ed Um city of
p.Wisnegli the Hon. Edward Sing, Ns+, at Milkdel
phis, this thh day of April, A.D. IsIV.
apMeMwifilaylit Dep'y Clerk o.r,
NElif- BOOKS- . -Memorials of the Ditrodriel of
Methodism into , the Pastern States , .esto p ing
brogmphleal 11DUCCS of it early sergaehera, akar •of
Ito drat churches, and reruiniesances of its ear* stets,.
glee in& auceeGcr, by Iles..ASteveas, A. L. Vast
Memoir of Rs, David &beet, D. D., Die Missionary
to Chime by bit nephew, Rev G j
Mark ?anion, the Merchant's Clerk:" by a les
0 Taylor, M. A., author of "Records of a Good Mau'.
Life," “Lady Mary," "Margaret; or the Pearl," &e.
The above, with a large roLsortment of new books, on
hand uist pen reeeiviag. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, •
• i • • market fit
1300E8 mill be opened at the office of the Treasurer
of the Monottgathela Navigation Company, at the
Exchange Haut; to the city of Pittsburgh, on the' ttJd
day of May next, to receive subseripUoits of Stock suf.
getent topay the debt incurred in the construction or
said improvement. By order of the Ilaanl:'
aptilnd • Wht.IIAKEWELI qen'y
of But
.11.EV(iLeM,C0.;‘,111rtzly altir
Ilistbs,stie/1, Loin, .7 ka.* teest and for_ rate
fp% V ZkIIII.ILON KINSEY:S.67 tdasket st
MUSICAL 130XE.S—Udos Alubieal Doses, that play
'Rory Mk., Z 4, Coon, Dun 'hacker, and a vari
ety of other popular atra Also, a very -Pule . nag ex•
cellept ossortmaut af China, Flower . .Vues, of . saris
- s and pricer; Just reed at
o p
y(._ ,SrT', ' ZEEMA
_—___,—.N xvish•rs •
; • .... '_. •• -
. A VERY — EiNE AS.SORTMENT of Farley and vari
ety Goods, 1111 Ch as Fans, Aceurdeons, Jevrulry,
lilores;.' Mitts, 61,4 11/1.1 IRS of ave . ry,Aleserustia:.
Also, AvVatill silvered Flung ,
_Stars ;I.' o
8, 211 f r
Regains,at; • 2F.BULON ICINSEY'S art re. , 7
To the fly Good. Store Keepers. ' •
COUTAIN, of New Turk, will expos.; to-day;
at the Napoleon flute], Diamond Square, a herr
assortment of ARTIFICIAL FLOWEItS, et every
Lind Ile respectfully .solicits e call from the . Thr
(roods Merchant/ of this city. eprltlt.
I)ACON-70 hbda Bacon, lona, aid. and du:udder
0o coullignotedt and for We by
.QO/11 , 7m Inca largatar giviustati Saip,.anconsiga
-13 went and for sale by
staixes& roans
. .
COPAL VARNISH-3 Ulla Copal Vercialr, No 2.
eirinufactured by Price Jr. Heckert. ?remark,. N
forsale b a. SKULERS NICOLS
131.rr 110.1VrttleTIC.-40. bra just
reed sed am sale 14 the , box,'‘d tat mice; by
• •21' . R F. 44 F1R3.117 wood mit
rtAtrrOß. 1-6 bbta 'Au reed fir We
%Jig • .P 2 I " sELLERII—•
V 0 MDFLY 1R0N;79 was Idit reed sed foe ud• b 1
130TATOFS—V bbls Nesh.nocks, tar sok by •_
'ap2l —, WICK & MeCANDIAMS
- -
' • . jusre • r•
vele • DI UN tr. RI2TEII
liITE GLUE-3 bbl. just fee d snd for nabs by
(2.1a..F.RAT1.25-10 casks; SP b•TA !or ...I. by
1.3 S P VON BONNHOIat & • •• •
P?' _ZS front st
1)ItARI. Attll—'l casks jild reed and lilt slide by •
ar•St t 3 VONJIONIS11011.11!& Co
'Uri:MS-10 tasks aSperfor (Isms, just triceirsd,
Sonsiguntant and (or 13i0 ' •
tW A GORDON, front at
AF SUGAR—D , lit Jam. Re/May, No 7
LontSugat; ZO do do do :Nips C aml Ddo do; DO do
Imyerimrs masboal aml puhroo.d do; for sal e by
bbls Noel large Mackerel; 40 a!, Ms No
.1` :2 do do; 30 dodo No I
POI do; fin iclle bc I
linJ fur tale by It A nallfaltertrti: lc Co,
area nor I. and wood; alno,'eor lab nod wood au
N,?..slit,R,V.utt."zyN° B*P". ' " T P.
R LUZ W.& Co, ltbrrty
IV EANS---301bli
SALEIrATITS—W.C.k. braleratus; 7bl bas do jum
midland and far sale by
a Cr DALZ}2.I. it Co
I AMN-5 ea..ks Queinnan Buipaucured Hams, Rts
Ireeeivc4 aotl fin salc low by .
CICIRDMIE-93 calls Meanie Girdnee, in store Ind'
—l ' lMl JVaturAt.l:2:4 ,
v4 AIIIXII/1:11:1-...An extra for sale by
apt).l J D WILUAMS -
BACON-9,larti Iles, hog round, for sale be
,Lll epee JD wli.tJAMs"
101EAarNd —lO bus, so pJior gust J D a W l L e
L b l y A
MILAXSF , MII—.SIobD, for rep .
SUNDRIpI W ool; athers;Ginseng; =do.
Flaxseed; lido 1 nem.: Flaxseed; 19 bbl.
Not Lard, 30 arrive on steamer Oswego;! for 'sale by
by-' nplik & Co y rivet st
BACON-10,0W bog well cored and neatly
eun , ftir aide by a V J B DILWURTH
WANTED—f4COU Exchange Dant Sleek wsulded
by aple. J DILWORTH' named al
WHITE DEANS —3OO boa, for sale by
apt!) • • ISAIAH DICKEY & Co
'DEACHW... —RH bus In seine and for sale by, • --
T •
...BD-si) bras No 1 , in good shipping order, !or
sale by spl9 • ISMAIL LIMEY
bbl. Plannuial No for sale by.
iyiy - • JAIR.PDAI , ZRUL, -- 24 wnler
.ALM k30i1 . -IW . bxn no 1 Soap, for silo by
0.3 MACKE.REL-0X) bbls (brawled laic) for Nilo
by - oplo JANIM'DALZEI.L.
CORY-amAL—no taakila dslid bleal,,jes
, ree l / 4 1.51 foi.nle by W !Mall/LUG%
• aplto ' • • :Atwater and 104 front sts
►COY-111,W0 lba Owns reed and for sale by
aplS • ' • AT%VOOLI JONES &Co
UUAR CURED SHOULDERS-14 . cask., ptidl4
1,, Cinoinbutjullt reed out of mole liduie,• for wale
TAMP-7 oinks RentuolgV, tor rnla'luw 40 closi
cumugnment, by •
VITON-100 balerprime, receiving par Gotaolii
and for ralo'by alb DROWN It CULBERTSON'
PSON SA LTIS-14 — Ltslar just tea% and for We by
,E 4 . , J SCFIDONMAILEICA Co,t4 troal st
bbts, very dry, for rale by
ly opts J 14C1100N MAKER& -
IPARTAIUS: cai j egip i t o rW=V o ti : y
'X apla
- - -
( 111LOROFORM—Witla au essay cis its
. uses;
tiitopsou, MD. For sale by •
008 J SellOONMAlng:li Cu;
Nrrete, lW WA G 1,.t reed
6y rpttl. -:IIiCIIWYMAICF.ftIC, .
bilds Aottairia,b,..toreoad tof
low to clositansigusueub by •
L § weimattAri.
F LOUlte-175 tibia 'wars FtiraliEnnar; 11l store
alrn` " a Irrl,l
- fornpl3 re W -IfAILLIAUtiIr
- DoTATI Ds-.73 LLI. Neahanntairth {nal reed by'
y. nPla • _
• Potatoes, iitel lauding and Cat tile by
alga 'Ste 'iV2l&l4l&lll.lll,43 . water& len 111 ar.
AILD-e5 bbls.No - I Lan', in item and rar pale 1;i
aptB - •
P° bble 1 Ion; W pt®a In elon
eod foleele b •pitl. N& W IIA thAUfH'
TS;II,LLELL4I-11.1 •
eZ gei l e i t u rpa . : . c i
r fg
.41 4 ,;0 , ."1
OPIIIrtiNICLAY—aI oasts for sate
C by'
17:54 - ANSI, -
• I
Vononerel4 Await:it-4 '
' ; - ' iliftAlasday. ANI-7 1 1 111
aitherial =;•eoedet - iit odd •• -
•}nth moos, will be mid a large and general amen
andaltedVandlathrg ;M:%oVdNsdal , dUr Deg 00810, -
tee. • - . , ,
Taro family earriegehoop olvddldb is adder ai.c
very subst..•.o., Madre body, sod salted go either one
ortero-bernea--44grvelftamt. Weer. woottrans - 711
do window glare, mooned sleds; 10bble N =elm.,
8 mks neorehod *KM. abovels, mamas, pklle r Any
and manure Guts, hand bates, ,wvidg
Mos, groeellea ainessiae.oreeenremre,ageTe 4 J 2.
mordent oft honsaold and knobei_Nrairave,ltanega
,mu window blind; datum ad. - ' •
A general aloorunent ot kbCY
ready•loade Addling, hard,
on.; dadiey, goldand elle nrarehde. Nean:
gam, Woe, ego, lombronaa saddles. bvidhpi mat,
whi 7 i2 pole, inoey, articles,
.14fadicat and Ah*Jkorsim. AiOtiAr Oa
'• • • " Aiee,diAstetiori. L' •
evenma, des lad ma; el 7ro , cloel at
the Cesomercial Palm Roos, conarr of Weed aod Fifth
'atreetsorill basalt tr sheabte • colleelloo oti medical
Awl auscellaneoes books, noon vehicle saa-Waagli
son's Therapeutics and Almeria MedscA t l vokrosten,
Twee. sad higliselo's Cyclopedia of IlAirisah
wag Sir,ftaley Cooper on Thas
and Thyaopa Gland;
do do on Hernial Collis' Clinical reetoreiliscArregerr,
Parish on Strasopdated Hernia; Citatoo's Prod:ice of
- For either eisameratioli.aee catalog.; kleli mut
are now ready for delivery...... • L. •
Books Van be examined on Satordaj,
D DA over
50,000 Pounds. f
Denaitil Pork and ay
On Friday afternoon, the sin setlOdk, ai the
smoke bows on Fountain street, neacHte maid ware
house °ISM Kier, will he sold. witboutteitase,for
Contrt of wham it may' concern—ADM lbsyynalysid
bacon and Park, In lots to snit parchment.", •
Tertasn and muter, task currency; '.ovek . : s5O
credit of rntl days will to given approved endorsed
note.. .. _Mad ' JOHN D DAVIS, VYL
Brio!: Inntiag limit:and _Fort} treat
• I. jag Lail now Tassperetrasih" , , of Anettion.;
ON Hettordir afternoon - .the NMI et 11 o'clock;
will be sold on the weds* Mai splendid two nary
brick dwelling louse and lot, lately occapted by hlt
Daniel Haughey. Also, forty lane rite buddikkg lose,
• ry handsomely shamed onMe EtteutryinilleTerMilke
road, and sweets adjacent thereto, embracing baneful
skeeter primate dwellings, *phut of which may be teen
at the aucticM store, or at Me house of Wm Applegate,
Terms, one-fourth club, stabled , in
„Hire - en:mai
payments, with interest.
spl7 •
• • JOHNn DAMS, Ann.
Drugs, 2kfediOios;#4.;itt Audi*
onTli.iasy afternoon. We 20M inst, m 9 o'clOch,
at the Commercial Sale. m, Sales of Wood and
Wil t deems, wll l be sold the tonne dookof drop, mal,
seines, te, oh gentleman declining that basiseas t em-
Oman au calamine morolemeat at dm 'aiding melee
ia .that alto, dye woods,
bottles, medicine cam, astores, ks. • .
• • 17. JOHN
- • - ..rtfriga He= far. Sate: ' t.
ONE pair large aux Iron Grey lima;trey
old and eery ge . nlle. ,Apply to . JOUN DAVIB,,
evrTsaursag TUKATAII.... , '
C. S. Porn Nester rind us,
FRIDAY,APITIL.PCLIMS, lecoolsototo ..oitb
ATURE AND Pamosoyuy. f , ! .
• ' • Alter arhieb k6 . -...., ..
TIGHT ROPE PERFORM bp Mitwltiktibe
To be followed
, • -
Alter which the' " ''''' ' •
mum; SKELETON. _ .-* ' . ' i
Pima. Rom. llVEarsp2'
i Harlequin
1 Theresa , . - Stlle:AOPorpi.i..,
. Alle4 .o li . c . hgs e Nog,l,ptl m Ann .. . l l,1 1 1 1 . p0p..?
• • . - ‘ I . SFUGIANCt4.• '•,•• . 1 '.
lo whieb th e Ballet Troopo sopm. • ' . .- . !
illy Mp.„,
140 y,l
day and Friday, d.prp 173,, HUI, Wily 31ali a 2.111: • •
ROY surakkmarm has the pleasure of an ,
itoonclag; as filmse t a . couted Of Experimental Lac
tates, us 'Mich ha will attempt a damiaperneit of the
lam :which prochtmatibe Mysteries; Wearies sad Feli
cities of Human Nate, by a mom amain. Induced
in dm minds abbe aadleace, &Marie, MusisaLldirth-:
fW and Wonderful: • .
• frr Lecture to Ladies ost Life and Ifeshb, on Salm ,
day, sit. 3P. M. Simla Ileteu SS cents—am Gm UAL
To be had at from ALAIL to IP.
P. M.; ov4 at
thelit. Charles IforeL ' • aptUte
WWhgDelaVoa & X labiate
N A T !ON A L: C C r
ft, ROM the National Astatkitheatre, Chestnut area,
Philadelplda, constant:is eta splendid Wanted eera-.
F.lGl.e r4 TrA'NVAT'agultri a nl=X,
fora - short seamen," oti the 014 intand Nont of the'
The allo all
wing histlngulAkand poputer*rforatera
thethe beam of appeastagnr_er earml o .
__dating ,
tkeli may inthe= i Nit y l i Mp a l i tirKU
YO E3 AOII,- ass Harrtharo__,N C. Woo2ll W rilEti
MINNA& AN/111.4‘17.-WANTEN., .70.11AMM.1, 'M.
8111E.IttVOOD,14astera FRAN and WM. rAnThlitS,
AdOOLiii*OititiP9o=ti o
Doom opoo u6ll—poroO to OaOUOMOO 117
FOr pailiiOSOlCiNOfollrOMOoalk 011411111=
ofeaOLday. - -splo
for Aeaderoles; Schools, and prismfandliea—
Utast is Co.;Pinsburgh and New York, wallah the ta,
tendon of lynchers and tha pallet talkie .et ofrmplo
red necui6sal laWntineets, which MSc been impaled
with dintet reference to We pnrpotica of illasuation,'
asid have troy Wlnuttages over the common Drina of
P C 4 ariiiiteils'cahW letorrabli +
price Milk is com Posed Make's pe w ter doe 11. i
manila% Leyden jar, dischwger, wilsersal Insitl ,
gloss ,cylinderlgr dancing balls,'lnalge plates; I
noon spiral robe; quadrant, electmmeter, elect:rower,
chits syphon, gilt ballaand amalgam. • • Carty pickin
add f orwarding 111 additional. ' ' • . •
The following testimonial will assure all of the it
newt or dm apparatus for school pitipowe • •
haw ealrained, with smeltpleaswe, Make h. Col electrical apparatus for school. meaty , Apple in
its coustruction, and tweedingij coaTeantat
adarnati onpric for ase. I have wenn* instrinacat .at no
Low a e which appears mq roc so =liable for expo,
rinonts m common =hoot... /am &C.
For sada by , BLAKE& CO,
spdtkif N Wieor Martel at and tin Diamond
.B utend YYwill thi ' p e as opened fop. s f
n =
9C Ito '
dm glue line, at the Wigwag( time Sal Via: air
.Waystubsugh, Green eO, untie Mk MA May;
New Geneva, Fayette ea" on the •
.. West Brownsville, Wwlungioo tha ' aa howl
• Pittsburgh, Ott ihe 'natant; Dank,) on the ath.lonel'
and to remain open at the last mentioned. lace omit
otherwise directal. lip order of the Baird of
agratd • - • WM. DAKEWELL.,II
DSSOLUTION—The partnerebip existiogbeileekti
the sabseribers r uoder die.styLeof Poleileiterk
Co., was diuolved on th e Wised. byi CaoSenL.
RW. Poindexter is aaibotiled to mule all the beano.,
of the comm. B W.POINDEXTLB.'
CAL 1:714NT.
• - •
NOTlCE—Fleeing purehasql the ionise baterAtor b.
11. Grant, in the illO concern of Poindexter & Ca, and
associated my son, Theodore Poindexter, with me, the
twines. will he continued ea meal under the style of
Poindexter & Co. - mtnn -N W POINDEXTER-I
A •
Fasidonabli ICU sad Cap mrasomeaZart
GEORGE B..ANSUUTZ, Arent, aespectfh y
informs hie friends. sod the - palls' Irene:ally
that he hatiementeneed the minafecutre ef
and Care at No. 33 Wood meet, sae door above' the
corner of amend, when be ho. now 00 hand e fine
assortment of Nets and Cop. of his ova nranuTheture,
which hewill dispose of oh the most reasonable trims,
wholesale and retail, The cash or cloy acceptance: .
.• Hate made to order at the ehonest tartiee:aptiMen.
/PIM subscriber would respectfully aluttainis tlritt ie
j has opened a wit retail Drug Stop, on the corner ,
of Fourth and StnitAflrld sweets. „, •
Believing that the wants oldie extensive popelstion
east of tbuchfteld street will ietugy .hies, he blsajtpl
no expenen rating ap the msonsown sautes oe
termined to keep no &rucks bat thew of Ute beano:sil
ty—of trinidablettintrifirsoa Ilektaext"..
A fall assonsnent of Medicates, rettraterY,_,eres
eles usually kept inhu estehrwhatentotybe,,hoSovlll
llarieg his dwe gin ibissamtv.lnilding, all - rugh
calls willbe ptnostallyi - .
The business will be costrinted as licretofore, at the
old stud an Musket street: Z ,• . r...5
. aplS:d3m • . •.. • LAVILOD •••
• - wEss. POI:' • .1
et the ostabllshmentfortserty culled on brertacklbouse
k. Nelson. Person` 'wlstrur to Truchas" steam ea.
gines for boats, or for odor poposesiwill please (Error
us withs call, aS we batter oursolvot to hOsble to fur
nish-them on as forceable term as any 'Oki" Oast,-
Ilshosept in the oily. •
•• 10, an d mill and castlags of smell descriptiOn
can bo had as the sternest notice. .-- •s_ z
Rr-eassore—Cept. Itablyocr, Thema. BoatAltt•i
Ew t y
terilt Ijra..ll. Denny; Esq.ou._....
• • - CYPRIAN YR=.
JURA q. t. tr.qunsoas
071Iler, No.llB Ilonoz =mar • •
Shoulders. reed
Slgt&Lait : a t. 00 liLzk , ot o , tr . =
were Sbowlsi% drelogrred 5 11dbeg. ono do Sak,
Pioin Thibo4 Ladm, 'du
stoic and
onnossea Cot
.IDONNET RIBBONS—A A. Mason /X Co, tanker in
AI are no. openhift ma extensive worsens aline.
net ilibbons,o(the nevven endue:at fuhinnable 'tyke.
fIOHN-40 seeks prime iellor eons, in store sad Pot
11 Wa bY ; sple . J CRUM ELL
alkL i p—!JO bbla is store land forrollibit
_ -RN-711.
WDES—IXO Wettero Ilides r ati 111,1 awl far as!.
br • apt? 'WELT Jr. ,. %1L3 40.17 u.
StarraverLibibm.aJe gr 4 Stilling
.07 • • • - YOuna k. co
ODE COLORED 101/AVIS-4, 64 carte= fine
mad.,i by
sad dab ,1111414 Shalrbr, jct.: ee'R
apt .ale by 807 ; • SUACILLTT Amurs.
ittnno.r.tiftwann:aggack eatral
itAbtaia, for sale by SAACKLCITi. WIEITE:7
S. wool st!
CloFFEß—uxib.g.arceu Di? CAR., 1 . 44, 1 Rya.
Canal mil fat We by • L.
, apl7 • • !PEN EILWORTO,I2 vied st I
CORCIIKD $.111:111L3
-**4* or aril quality,
- owe owl 4.u.e.ala by • ,
spit. • • ..10lik worm!
I3MILEY—Ito be. lloiey, u non slid Oar W. *-
5V0A 1 4 47 Pr*. OM.= sad 67
Willa NO skrask Um& MS,*
split Ili
b 1: W h'
riics—tx tlesees prim La, to sob by -
!!!MM 2250 ._
.'."_::"•-iSTRAlt. - $0AT. 8- :
•C , £TIPiTTI~ t ~B CI
-77 '
• '•°- ".
....t, us the -
mums of dal. Wad. ktsuy socostatods and eoni
saattausr .Tho Una tua-tretest itt opersaot Itturn
' 4. l "iU ltlMlrs 7 i l M :2ll: :U 44:
. 17_ to dui penoos. •
Wood west the day previous to stleaNt, 1101 r, til.
%tura freight *Atha entry - Or rummers fts
te , s la alPesses paasat7: usauT MO! 1 . 0
'IIIIIND.ILT - P.108;Elr , ; ,
:ISAAC NEWTOM, •Capt. A: .0. 111saat,
all ty, lock;
leave Pirtsturet oarry„ttsoday
• 149.4 / a 4 *sari Scads) , evesuut. at Itt r.
MONONoALlKlA,paPt... 4 rdsat talil '
Noir auri Aloodsy mom% UVldalti
_ Pratt ./
ergo Btaday . eresuag at tor. a.
- -
The No . TONS: 1W113111. 13 1 1 r
lame Pintbargh wrery Toeulay wooing; at 111 arel•elq
Wheeling ArrsT Tesa,v Fr:awl* It!
Irtinnisioxt PACWX.T4'
• The .N"EW ENGLAND NO. .2;• Copt: .
{care Tircherck,everp,Viedscadayiricesueg la 10
o'clock; WhernegerriNolocelayereergekur. r
- 174171111DLY•MAOKICIP: •
Ike • BRILLIANT, .-Capk• Gehrisi,will,kriri Vito•
bunk every_Thooder morning allo o'clock; lkiterhag
erry Thorday cremes et 11.1 r.
?Lm CLIPPER NO.S. 17a1ccmo w $6111.66 Piw
kOnh Fahr.relek AllO ,o'cicocl4 ;Micelles
very Fiwi'y
MESISENGEB. kralaimr. -
burgh every Saturday =mine gait) ohcb?at7WlrelLog
ev - cry. Bali:l . day evening ulO r. •
ariJr Tedvdfin Dealreg, 4l w and
Weltrgilloh., OF. tupday,,.. 7,
aad listm*y..or nan - katnak, la 9 o'dlacko.
• W4.lo*g! übli.**4a, a,k a
dhatwaa Woaait , c4.44o ladea.
pa t
L ana to receivatarr N a_s .
} T im .
._. p t Nog tVoal ai
Cluntasdk Clarke, caadar,; 6ll ;thlAil
1 ..
cantina *Star awe; Ina*
trip to Deaner and Walinnlle, leaving Piztannret ay.
*1 =man az o'clock, end IVellarida at 3 o dock, P.
dean( O. Ii&RTON: &AI& •
prvrairosau siowsun*Ln
LEAVE DAILY AT n A. fd.,!AP111 : 41 . : IL
The following hew bee. eahoplet• . •
the lie ' the present sets: AT. ,
LANTi s C.; . Capt. hones Dishos!eu,:*
BALTIC, Pvt. A. Java.; euek Lana
IaPLANE, Capt. F.: Bennett_ The to
04111, end are flnedep without Tigard to expelled • L . ,.
cry vent. - v that money e u procure hes bee. provided..
The Beam will leave We lienangshela Whet - I'llOU.. '—..
the raster noes et ..-Pusengers• be'pellethal on ..
b e a s t, as the haute will eeilternly leave ar the idea.
-Ilassmaa Sanranir.•Paearrs.—Tite
• ;'
eerettteedqi ieare fan
Lbeisiitle and WI We:mediae! poria-everyAatentey,
3e'eleek,FreeleelF. - •
, . For freight or.passate_aPpir on heetre
The Tacosol4u been haat expresalylfisr
packet, IVA web a view entirely. to the. main, ef. au
reeftece. tlwateomtandationa, are inferior:Ara o hem
on the Western waters. ,epl9
. The /Mir FiWireajlit Newsier; • -
ass Ove wilFl4 ee Oeos
busnewidinte pone at .Sus
day. lot freight We pialigeapidy on b0a51,54.1
dritaktit Newsier
UM e
• C Cole; muter, leydl dewed Or Oro
re and intereiWeeto poets Has day,
st 4 PaL .Feir inists or pauses qiply on bowel!. •
..,,Fos BT. LOUlS—Riot:tat Pans.l6 Pic ttrr. •
Eta 1
F keratin, master, will icirre.for the
•61,111ci tralOr
Forfnilett'or itiity on Wad or to . t .
The Men d e r•
• • Wilrlzwrit 'Cleveland rol ier , .trrt trip'
r th e s.LL. tateamr4oll . 4.g.
71n.ue~r an( Aut.attamer:- is
Mill Iwn
omits ” day $2 4 ,,,,At:11." fright"PPIT on ' • •
•J.,WLUfI EB. 11110.• . gts.
Jaz ; Arkintortyrouter,-,kik kr
abort root Ark. lafrnoottlato
i mlo 6
int Wodoertray,the Mk but, at lkolook, A. M. •
—For froietror porksapp i turo bond or
"'FOR liillE — ELlWo iN*ElklDGltikillk:
. . • .The rust audsoheusetial low : Niger
1 rew•Pos Masai', H main her
regular pips Dearest Wheol. , redigeporiand Pitt.
• urgh, leasing: Pirubrugh on
Uoudaye. aud 7ursda7a.
1 . . . • - lonia:Aß PACKM - FOR EfUlghlgth u, .
, , ',,.... .. . The ueserlud fast steeurery-Ky
.. t
•. llamas, master, will Jeasa krr.
• all imermediais_porls ea IV .
days and rSaurrdisyaof eaelss.sekeThr 06 34 " P'''
Thr, " , '-' - ba.,.riGar.g.hilliiirjet.
' prrrentritarua .
ILe.wift steamer . •
ta a a 6
valari r y lAtacliug,. Litt:today,
Wodoenday and Fnday, at 10 o'clock proctor-Ip ,, ,
LeavelNbeeling ovry Tuesday; :Thatwlaykti . d",Sa•
Imlay, at 7 o'clock, al, precisel.. „,
'7lO Canal will laid 'al all Ile tolciOcatilo
Every accotoodotiou that con bi trar4 *l'4%
b k iral alto7o o r f i c=raraelf-acti .
pawrewlcions. for (night or puma a .
, ow
• C
' • • cotwor of la aml
tiIcKEMPORT, ELM/kW/111Np OTC/lii.Kiajire
• • • “•
Inswet, I•un
eying atsbuillt reryldtdday
..l_Frillap, t9 l Weloet,A.Vl4lßlo.
noliglibelaCityeve4 Tuesdat,Thurodaland y,
ate delock,4,K.,...roi.f.Teght or . panne con
Thn now =laid drif t
00.44 LW_
1 D ve l toTer M eng.1,m113a1-
Kolob , !O AL , For 'Nigh! or Forme ,szr i ir on.
-Pjtl,NT.S't).-NL:X:: -
~ . .---
. ..
e .
t• ..-
- :".LEE....6k.,..._8REW5Z1:: .
•Fattbballed a warenease La Ma rear ! %fate
Vase °reapplying Swat). 'and Warm ,
• , ,- l' . / I.Licedu , e.babial*, aes/Lseaeo•al
''' - ''
'l ', • ~.- o', ...1 - ...:';'-'. •
They all Dow opening Several Ilandted . reticies,.
eodynne/agmary, am alyle.a.Pareiga ant=
prpaa4t.many.of which havn, just beers
and.are ofetad for sale for Cash and abort eredid. al -
C0NF117 . 9 . FWE - CMS
per yast below o prices of. •Apnl - and air per
ptiitad ,Catalorea width are corseted daily, ror tho
P . 1 . 1.1,151"W 11101111 E, - •
-1: tett Mulles, Ilareges,lkees, 1.13 th fie=
llng NeWyork,
to =gel, eteek lil age k = " 4 4 thets ;
.111r:ldult wee Po gamey years, of the hous ort., T.
Stewart k Co, fkna ethlebt be rethed ok thole/ dr/an.
WIN sod Mr. Jethei Diekeeo,Aetho kee;9l, harms le
the 163441,-
IiDID Ant for itebit.V..
• • ODD %Ir./0111**V
' DIA near liberty
num surliest' Vice ill CIA plater good eleais Irrip;
_.. . Sat .Wesrelicriass. , • .,-
. I , slag canvass, bale rope; gnus hoe,' ldi,almNos,l
- oats, FAT. ' - • worm I: W. HAIM - CC.
• erel a. Int. - pesos ,k Mit,'
" A lIENCY Of Tilr, !LZD P 0 1.4 Ca l -- X:1071-
IL NY, for th e sale of Rllle,ltoekli nliairPovr-
Oct of very superior guar', ' (Str etadoisurrs grabs
supplied as say hour shoring the day. -,,f 4 l . • ..' • ..i . '
-.' 44472¢1.,10514.11D1LW0RT11,AAV ...Ng It
M. PORCELAIN 'MARS—its ':subicAer
laving received l6a vole Agency for sale irlUdatii.
white k - Cosoi Piste; Ousai Pleat, Biotite atid-ffill4air
dintiiesEcith, invitee Deimos , "refill atteritim ,
'4OII.IIOIILEIL Crummy tiid
. .. .., . ,
NaNS—OSI Sri of R 4 Rsisimf,josi,reed
, fin Mae by_ • OURBillIXA; WILSON 8‘ cb t ,
m 1
WWl* Dri m :4 ratarr,itstitaii
ViTaaAlAMi abpbte/ Yr+4Wr;rM7ak;
• s&W
otx YEAL—DObbis reed and me .w by
C alloteerbd