%-~"'' -i i.` .- • •" Fi.AN Act rpo THOSE - (SUSTERE:O- WITH,- 11/1. 4 E.A9.11 1.1.HN05,-7Se ,preci . 4.l44 meccas yrtieb Le. a ail tbaaa:tioas imitu ',Web thiamion of dat haiipias! anisee,' Iteloced, the roptietor aka to call nen -, W6l , thkfiFUL PILEPAIL/iIVN. The efrasprable ',minims:which narks our tall and 'non MGM* is always . a fruitful talkie of • , • COLDS AND COI.SGiIS. , .„ • . Thlse, if heghtetodi; arer bat the poshest= of that fell deguortr, COSUItITION. Thlt• generilon, thak bow tibial we nip the dew:Toyer in . the bud? how shart - we' get eleai of one • - ctioghs . and , • of icor viva iniporbo,e, to th< public. TILE cutxrao AND ONLY REATFDY will be foetid in the Ginseng Tantice. •In pita orthin we, Awe from U. to unto pohliched the, ceniGrates of dozens of.our bent' known enicenc„ who loco. experi enced it. tontine pbwer, • These a mica of ten boos ail pink of the eountrj•c—froat ' MEDICAL MEN 01 , TIIE FIILMT STANDING, of the Goepel, A., together with copious no. tecri from the • . , JOURNALS OF .TIYE DAY, „ we hawk water:Da in pamPlact rot* .1.4 be bad , grids of any of cot scents throughout the canton'. • llUNDltilki OP BOTTLES k•Ve been treed in thin city. • THOUSANEei AND ,TE , SSOF THOUSANDS Ahreeitstart the Ulinted SO., and Canada, and " r e c h a Inge of lIILIA bent Out • ?WU: INSTANCE . I;bich, .ben taken, according to directions, and be. Son, the lugs had become fatally disotgantred, it has aver Dalai to EFFECT • Wititthetts theolleted hesitate? st Crean to ..the-tareerable tat op by a elm individ uality let th e ffle of 80010 d phy: _dela% sod into, notoriety by eertiSear . par . WM OqUely_ _aItkrUIWSIT whit.' medicinn pt UNPARALLELED EFFICACY littobe had, whose vouchers are at home, -oar nelibe • of whom V.:"7,, Tilt Coevr.. ID trader that this lers alembic atedjelne may be glued '-within.iita teach of the peones well the rich, are have the Prieto nt • ' ' • pal . ONLY LINTY CENTS, . Jut Mei a half the. wad cost of cough medic/LW-a.. It is • for ado by Opt agents is nearty 00.07, town surdvillage over thawed, who arayirepared to give . informa dems relative to It. T. SALTVIR, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohm. A trllthLa, ON DiFFICULTrOYIBILEATHING7- ~M.Tlde disease is caused by • paroxysmal Ocastme ton of the sir cells, it Myety_debilitatins‘alsemt eau ' =dim 13WW , 'MEWS PANACEA is the ea can be entirely ensed by is free us apt. aweether's Panacea. Catarrh, or common cold, which, if neglected, will in Consumed., Is elfectually relieved and ' , , curd by Dr. Bweetseee Panacea unchecked, will cifectually lead to Bronchial Consaseetkm, but a timely use GUM . . Sweet. • mars Pansies will efecosally mare Indsaiosiaden - or the Tomas or Son* Throat—This disease often leads so maims odisees from lect, each as deer.. of the Uwe. Onquenc the firm 0-mneg p. toms,Dr. Bereaves Pisiuteca should be procured an d =Cong. and Colds dad a sovereign remedy in Dr. &WWI Parllntea. Pneunamla Notha—A very latal disease resulting Leda viohnt wash and odd on Is debilitated or bro. ken dow n mod be ere subject to it.— Dr. Sweeters Pottage& should be used. on the fan symptoms*, whittle are a cough oe cold. Night Einnes.—This debilitating complaint wi ll meet yith • thistly eto.str, by.using Dr. Streamer's Panacea. Consamption.,..lf on the fiat lo comnamp• give symptoms which are a peso m the side and bread, raj? d ifj:43 p w r : h era t ale ien the Lamp, tbe WiodeiPe, to 716. clogged up with phlegm so ea to Impede rend -14. =Or 'breathing, Dr, Sommer , . Plumes., which is -' a prirerfal Expeetorent, /hold be taken aecarding Abe directions. . • Inithenra.- . ...-Thii diaressing epidemic, so preVelent in dor climate, m speedily cared by Dr. Sweeser's Pane , Pe. Price 111 ices beide, or six bold. for Bd. lyre sale by Whl. JACKSON, Hi Liberty at., sign of Oa big boot. • • zunrthsly , • - Seintelst Seratohil "; ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, te.—Who weal& fir , Mole dity aeon., when aillimed With the ner, Del, or ether diseases of the skin, if they knew • who would mlieve and can them. Ts horrible to be obliged to rob and N or when alone but more horrible te alotsin (remit, Nor decency • sdnikt i when in compaey.. Let it be remembered 'that Drt3 TETTFM. and ITCH OLVPMENT is the MOM efficacious of any other preparation in existence in mating TeUer,llch, soul Wirer diseases of th e Ain. As .11 blood of the skin roust mi.- - fro the impurity of lie blood and fluids of the body; and where each wk. be of long standing, and am affected thereby, if Dr.LeidY's Sarsaparilla Bloat Pills be need wild the ointment, they will cue any ea. whatever, strait th ey do not. the money will be returned by Dr. Leidy. Most cw, a nd ail be effeentally cored try Dr. Leidy's . Toner and It einanent, unless the whole system is impregnated by the diseased humors which will lie coMpletely l yre off femme= • Dr, Leidy's blood pills, end the surface of em u s . t=tr. ad 'ay' the ointment. Price of ointment:kJ em 'Afresh supply of these valuable medicin. just ra envoi and tin sale by • -.--- 11 A FAIIIibSTOCK A Co. fithl cart let k. wood. also cor.mu wood as. EmmuU=l .-. _ . BUT .IN 'EVERT - M . 12;T v lii.lV:i lIGGPSTEAD. • , . r . undersigned has long . been convinced of the ...miry for some medicine adapted to the use of . ' drea.md lain. to saperceile the use of all those . mullein. whicheentsin ornate. and has at length me ; •• , . corded in preparing and offering to the public a medi.. - ' , et. folly answering crop purpose for all diseases of Me bowels, without the use of that deleterious drug, or ony • . other calculated to imure in the least Toe liiinut Poq acre has-been fully tested and tried. the Met Melee , . months, by inuneroos perm., and Mind to p0.e.101l . ' , • dm exemonlinarf slimes, mit so pooh.. all the axiom • ' ' taking M.ts as set torah on the. bill of directions. Ili . • . asthma, Vomiting. Choke, Griping; Pains, Sick - 1.0 and . ' Dimas. slim. , front Teething: act.; immediately Without disMriang toy of the functions of the body, peodueing the, happiest and most Mama transition Ihrliffl viialent pain lo • tnitimil and joyous state of feel . -. liVi . t dm little sufferer. . .- • . .1011:N b. SA=T, tr . raggill t" .l; i ti pooh, rie 7 r t Kitchell, Elliim & !Weida., and most other . - . iw Allegheny and Pittsburgh. . deel3 • I Vite. igrEateL couuli SYRUP.—It has ,/ WPM! 10 cute:. Ptrrsauson, Feb.l4, VW: :R. E. Sztintra—My wife has for years been subject Is • distressing cough, accompanied with asthma for - thsieure of whichshe used different =tali xemedies, Ind had the advice of the most eminent Physicians m raglans!, !cyan woo unavailmg. By chance I heard of your Insw.ilal Cough. Syrup, and woo induced to buy ■ bottle.tin trial, although I had no belief that anything could. remora her complaint To my great surprise, two doses gave 'her immediate relict She so at apes creibled snub - a cough, but two teaspoonful of Syrup always Cops it .1 am satisfied, eller a trial of three or bar yore, that Seller', Cough Syrup Is the bolt cough 'mailman 1 hare ever, tried either its she Old or New 3VoYa - W a . Psttwocanr, Siventh Wa11.4 City of Pittsburgh. Me 'above nein/cote should induce all who are trierabled with-coughor asthma to give the Syrup a tri al. It may be had for .25 cents • bottle, et the drug numb( ; WE SELLERS, 57 wood at. Sold bY Dr Csasel,Sch ward, end D II Corry,: eAllnse gheny city. ! . - j 7 L. u Pulmonary Salaams. REED fa CIITLEIt÷I feel it a duty I owe my fellowereateresi to mate mouthing same rem:meting. your Vegetable; Fulmonstry Balsam. Shunt &mused We Balsam, ahem eleven years ago, Idle happy effect of which I then gave an account oc I have had u ncoil severe complaints and attacks at large, one n few days eines, audio every instanc e I Jure used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect astecesa. It .has effected relief and core In a very few days., It is eerminly a safe medicine- I do not know that it will cure a fixed consumption, but I believe It will be in many cases a preventive, and prevention t. Lauer than cunt I do therefore, for the love of my fel lowearnesilyirecounnend the use of this Balm., It. all W=Mtry. complaint.. lam co nfident that it Boston the =am of pmserrmg to this day. June 16, Wt. BMIAIVIN PARSONS. For sale by B A Fshnestoek, Co, corner brit end Voted and alio corner venal and 6th.. Jail SBIXE-11.-ffr"ftWlFVUE.—The or Worst medicliies! • ' Ntrarlsamoy Onto, , Jan. 8,151 X ' Ibis is to certify that after using different e n:La:. dans for expelling wormy C. I bought of F. II of lftrw.Lisbory two viols of It E Sellers' Vennifumy and OM the Mac= of one vial to three of my children. ft =Me' the . aged e an T c!I ' 11711: t ' utTro from the ed 117474. Iwo e ct 1. 11 . /1 1 3 s s e . o u rms ..., e=d by using wife and one of the mom effectual Worm ntedianes " bet dome lore the public.. Henn dloaour. Prepared and sold by R E Sat.LE.RB, No 17 Wood greet. Bold by Dr.Cassel, 6th ward; D Carry, Al. y; Smith, Tempennueurille jail ' Patent Block Sturlag Tram, _NEWLY INV lEWTEIX—Forthe eiief and Permanent Cue of lIERI4LI. or RUPTURE. teethed la al/ Mart.)- The superior elaints of due Truss consist it the coo. wve emu with which it rosy be worn. The pedal Med ai being neatly balanced on springs, yields to prat. Btra BB any pan of it, std thoroughly adepts itself to Bay iIOVCEMBIII made by the wearer. It can be worn wheat Mtemaission, mull • care is effected. The est. embers have made Man CLICW for the 61.111111:11.0 Mgt el than valuable Trusties, le •ArKpOntrl style, in Pala) data, sad !lave them now dor sale at these offtee, 77, ithfiald near Ulna, Pim:burgh. OW. WATT,' , D. W. KAU UnIAN. BA. Buoy, FARNs a ESTOC great K'S advantage Weer Pneumonic 'or Cough Bal . otany ether • Cough prepostions, as its picasent taste pumas it to Ito mod nrithOut ,IneOnirenininte. not iu widen as • Balsam consists tit the apeedniass mire. We have klitnilni wain of the moot desperate tough, ni n.../ which had been most on for a considerable length ad time, yield almost immediately wile power. • In =eh -weather as we have had during the peat winter, every one in Ewa to take Cold, unless great jinntaintiont are stied. r Wet feet and undue col:tom:re to, the inclemency of the Ineallicr often Urn ioundation of a backing ,mwgh, which needs a quick remedy to prevent merlons We have earner°os certificates lof eases which ii • Ms performed, merry of which arh from persona is this amend the neighborhood, and they are a sufficient Isference without mying another word In its favor. Pmard wad for sale wholesale and retail by 11 A PAIMPsi'POCK A Co, corner of, wood and fat stud wood and 6th sts. mar:ll4 VELIKT.9.IISLID CULDONA RY BAI laovarV. —1 thiVe= d oltsq Dolma ee 11;4- sale osediSue. lass been oted is this pls. with samples maces am °Weide cothplsoot of the Istspb-alleuded with • Wm" sough, Ices of vow., sod the reran of much blood width bad peesswely raided many epprothd preocriptione ABuwig lbe balms oes week the pased`e some rethrsed, sod be one =aided speak eudibly. I Tioth rate moaned KIM thin an 01 thir roma sot oily in se- Dee lost is lobortossi bomb. Reapredlolly y ou, .Coneori, NI. Jn . 9 /SORRILY, SI D. Soil No PAL/oh by SI rahsootook, Co. career of AMMO vast,' also torjimb lk wood ob. 9.44 A STRONG EVIDENCE that: Dr JAYNE'S PECTORANT is sul.rnsir b &Locher remedies dee Hareabine, Whew, .adabet role. olf7 eQtNiomeb that the setae rams who command the toe Grills their Guild , tee years ago still prefer et elgya gentellow of tha hied; end where soy hate liewt Woad It try paw astrusims, they tam alwast aseeriably beta 6 6fthring the bead, which wee reameibly *ltritaw the higb praaea taiiewedtgy the rapid., ,Iwted teamed toms of Jeurs'EarseTaiutrres s siraslt dist bp arm frill b rryns them had which r.trellrpicerstly Pri:TVV= sold se moscrby . . „ Ack a „,, t r .; Leman a ADELIZits, IrigiPtog—impopnbuily min in b, awning , , L.mvn.4.r, Oh" March 13, 1945 . lt•speatjo be hi tour city an • few weeks, ond heel'de ' . ....•••pd.• bugger sapp y• of your Vormitoge, which 4 4 2 . g to populirity ;a It becomes known. and bare, , • - - -Topa !Mk locum hoar own funny, and frelanew ' 'bairn many ossornws olio, cloolleoey.—. ' . Mill War, WIS.AFLORCIIBOCIV. ••• gra ' • ' • pond and oold by 1 E Betters, iv Wood is.. sal C00mi1,154 Worth' sad by P Ai OM, Allegheny , , • - -.%ze MEESE .AND mummy, or J d ra:r...a k. %Pro .10 W Ai 113 / - A Aggregated boild Ostion mad Mullen Illaehlso n Lao a sketch of Iles, Slaty Of elm, deammtma, sack asicardinglia• oi Col. ,—.,.unto of New _eleace,Spiannag Frasnee, Speeders, Gr ruses, elect (ie. learner& es. to ' Beltway Heads. Warparre,Sperhaniegneuing ne=inNo Cantneign asamet te.Nutete, uid I Pintoes, IctiOrne, Card Grinders, ke-, Weenght lion his an upon Chihuahua .d Dar.go, Shafting turned ell sires of Cut Iran, Sallies a d and die Opentiorts i Vten. Pelee at Sawa Fe with a Hearn, of the bust gement( elide a. band tubes, NI. and Engraving. by Jobe T Haghes, of the an,l &oleo( ill hard. , Reginteat of Minoan Cavalry. ( amine* of ere*. descrotion tarnished ea shan na il. , raft l'auents nude to oilier for 111,11 Geznag, Jett Rennicky—lu Antiquitieii and Nate.' rafting, A. Stant Pipe. for heating• rubric, Gast , a.% Geogrephical Statistical and Geological Iron tYludatv Seib, and fancy also gailetally.— eGerVientsiarile sundae, of PioncereLik, and more Orders! eft at the Warchoue of J. Palmer & LI than one hudred bketebes of dattegnotc ertr Greet, %nil have prompt awnaon. ed Rouen, Soldiers, Suounien, Jurists, Lawyers, . 11.11 pa vin•s, ke.; illustrated wile fany engravings, by Lurie Illaeloloce, Dell .11 Co , Mixorke. & Ca., E Celli., Lva Octavo. Warner, John l amer; & Sons; Palsbaftk. C & 111 WPUmbarnlle. 1.19 BOOK The Twelve Months' Voliinteer, or Journal of a Pri vate in•the Tennesee.e Regiment of Cavalry, m the Campaign during M 46-47, containing an at- count the oi Starch of the Boyhood 10 Vera CM; • ddeetiptiott of the Canna? paned oveil manners . , ear nem, tn. peoylei Stoehr" of Camp Ima; ac count., of all the sedans Mother Volumeer Regiment., nod a fun Unwary of the Mexican War, List or rho YU :en and ‘Vogandr..44.t.e; illnstrated by a lame number of cereal einem and plensi by Geo. C. Puthes, 1 volume Walt). den leoKs FOR. T HE SEASON—llhamiltated f;ems of Sacs. Poetry; a spleudid imperial s no. nthl.tutifutillustrations on ateel, by Sartain, and Y - illu m inated pages by - Samara' One Sinclair, richly - bond in Turkey morocco endtwhite calf, superbly gib. I . lon Ch risti i rt e n, ,, Keepaske, • tui Tinual . f u o i r 1M.2 with 1. 41 nicd row ti o, t enunrugs, b Lound in an Christmas Blossoluos and New lieu Wreath tot. per,• 21131311 quarto volume, printed nn snow white pa.. per, embellish. with splendid merrotint engrovingo— Th is is by far the most beautiful juvenile atonal pub. tuthml in the United State. Tbe Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. 11, with rob u s ex f {( to designs, by the Elching Clab, rious styles ofbimling. ~ I Thomp.n`a Seasons, with .aye s deArrts, by Me Etching Club, in .rious styles of binding. - ;Tim Poets art y Poetry of America; by R. W. Glis. weld. The Poem and Poetry, of the Anctents, by William Peter, A. I,l4,supqbly bound in Talley moroccoisplen dViliiisitt Poems, in ra rico; styles of binding. Gray's I.7egy illustrated. , lemon's Pixtleal Worts, In variosta lord By o • • ° Tht k roefies.; Worki of Thome: Moore. Italia& and other Poems, by Mary limed. Poems by Annellt. Itemiley's Sacred Mountains. The above, with grutvariety of other mew works, la splendid styles of binding, sultable for gill bookr, for rule by JoaNerrciiv k srocrroN, dolt) Booksollers,ifor. Market k 3tl au. • liftable Standard Wont. DILLS DVS EtTCYCLOMDIA-4. Dictimary of Bei. D nee, titaness% wed at, etoprialior tholowon, deectiptka wad wield& prhatiples of nen brooch of Wawa lotantedge with the deriestiott sad &timid= of oil the tense is es., Wiled y T Made, FY ite. by m anna cosnowap at wow& Meow% Noe/ Asecrina aselsialtsc beentliMy col ored amps oflforth Alleccia4Cmat Donds:/fte, Non Baal% Now Breonnek, Nathan Tens, Newt biew. floside,ins% Coliforsfe, Masks, Cement Amelia, Yawn. Wed lodia lauds mad ail the Stows sad Terri,. ries in the Unica. Neal% rociteas—Tles Uteri of Gs Torino. Ono the nifornotira la IM7, to the enchains of IDAconcrisin sa snout of thur prat ote% de, dot, by Derdel ltialf3C A; raisedvol by Jolla 0 Chitin; M D. oath shas portrait:sea WNW; to two mow, The on of the Body to &Mk* to Ilse Mind, hy . Gene Moon, M D, lumber of tin royal college of Jiamikt Works.... • • 12=:==1 . Porele of the rees,beiegageetiar eseratioes cd Alper.); &e. IteuellVrer.-The Ineveile speekee. Me 9,6 44 teTrpseen Car, ' praetieby Fraletier 'l3=4-ta: . . _ The stem worts received kid ter ale br OUXi TOM & [STOCKTON 211 - Boarding, ear mrkat sod Sid its Thl CTIONARI,E FL Greek, English, Class , . • Anthou's Classical Dictionsui; Dictionary of Greek and Boom Antiquities; • ACCullough's Commercial Dictionary; tire's Dictionary skid Supplemoul, Efts, russinfacturri Vreboteri Octavo Dictionary, reYised edition; • Todd's Jaition's and %Volker'. Dictionary; Worinester's Dictionary; Liddell and Scou's Greek Lemon; Robinson'. Greek Lexicon of Now Textural; Lercrett's Latin Lexicon; , Ainsworth's Latin Dictionatr, ;lemming and libbin's French Dictionary; • Dock's Theological Dtctioitory; Union Bible Dictionary; • Robinson Calinces Dicticniary, AO, kr. : 'throb..., with general asoorunentorTheolkical, Music td. Miscellaneous, and Sunday School Books, al ways Ott band and for sale low by tuicriT fr. ENGLISH, deS ; 66 Market ra., between ad k Rh. Palilloatleas. • - • . . TILTON'S 'POEMS, illetstrated. Humer, new edition of the Poetical works of John Nihon. with It memoir, and c ri tical remarks on his pains and %oct ants, by ' James klosaguasery; and one .hundred and rowdy engravinp from drawings bp.William Harvey. In two volumes. I Srssota's.Gazia Ticsurmer..—The four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with English ;totes,' philosaphierd, and exegetical; indexes, etc., together with the Epistles and apocalypse; the wbolc amoing Bre ;New Teetafoont—For th e use of Schools, Colleges, sad Theological Seminaries. By Rev. J. A.5.P013.14 A Now Novu—klidicautoes's Eve.,-.A fairy tale of love. By Mrs.& C. Sind. . 30113. Ht., I The life at Heart' the. Fourth, kit; of France amt Navarre, By G. P.IL James. CoMplete in four parts, paper 2 vols. Moth for sale by JOHNSTON fr STOCKTON, j o t ItooksiiitTis, moms of market and ad sts 1;41:311.11311 11300/3-ki—ltikte , of the Greek gas. matron, anti at the man n te,' ensnrai,-nt titenne hoe,' the , straggles of the Greet ktoia,,c4n. tine %heti country from the Meld.. late—in two vol. assee--aplendid copy-arldt numerous suanamtil enure emus. Leiters' IllostratKre of the reign of R illiam 111, fnish 1656 to MY—with &tem:trans mtt vols. Componton to the Madge rho Italy geriptureg hforrhrayi thaillog romance, pith an enure yings. lout la the liolg Land, French Stages and Shack. in China 1 Jug reed and for sate by ideIKINALD &BEESON spin . eft market %Mel : T .E Philo i of Life .od Philosophy of I Smiralt e ese ' %r so obes in V° C6Th S' a bl itTlSlL L 46 and 46, with map soil plates. The Sous tbe Debunk. by Jac, Ileory Itoban,D.D, The Mash Mavens!, by Dr. Stone. Goldsmith's Poems, Illustrated. Thooxpson's Seuon.s do ,Foy sale by juLM L Ail ..1 .1 neat tII•I2PL Y Ifnir Tear.. Presents. • V Waverky Novels, 27 volomm, Limo, illumrated Mn /NMl...pod', Weil., /5 Md. • Wee Edgworth's " " . " u•pee. Family Library, L vole, complete; do EWA and Girl's " " Worked of idatakespeare, 7 vole. Bev, the beautiful Boa. . ton edition, God bound; ButlefaLives of the dolma, 4 vole. elegantly Wand; liamah !door's Warta, 7 vole. :Expkning Expedition, 510. l• royel deo . do sdo do do British Easayste, B vols. Turkey moo. hooka The above, tog - ether with • Imo assortment of ale bandy. Wood. (.milt and pocket Bibles, Common Prayer, all Men and binding.: .(which will be sold lower than ever offered in this market, at the old stand of - • Jal cot ad & wood et ChlokerrairiPanes. • A superb rosewmat six octave Plano, new wale and palm iron frame, made by J. Chiekenng, Boman. A my elegant rosewood sir and bale octave tan°, new m 1,4.11 patent it= frame made by J. CbielMing, Huron- The above instmmetus 'mired to-day„and not open for examination; Gar sale mid. Clneketines pr •cub "- -wed pr' ma for cash or approved paper. Also on hand, one elegant rosewood Gothic panels, carved mouldinp, and coonkled legs, 6 octaves, made by Gale and Co, new York. • One da carved rosewood, 6 °waves, made by Gala & Co, New York One mahogeny . oteond hand Fan c. 6 octaves, of ex cellent tone, and to good order, nude by Chiekering & S.tewart,l6l2s. - , superb grand Piansonade Llms, Paris, and guaranteed to be the best Rano Forte m etty, will be sold az nvery moderate price. feb37 JOHN H MELLOB, 6l 'roast Natalia PrautalPinso.. A SPLENDID axiom:eat of Ansi,. fliffpg wood and fit alsoganygrand amt. anos, lust finished and for male. Also, two splendid Roiewood= • with Coleman'. celebrated &ohm attachment, in the most modern Pyle, and for gale at 1..23 P BLUME'S, 112 wood et PIANOS: PI/NON:I - rrENEY K.I.k.ILIEN, Dialer in IMAM Plane Forma, JOI. at J. W. - WooderelPs, No. Ed Third Pared- The Pomo. may be examined at all home, and the sittweri• bee will be Were from 11 to /4 A.ll, end from 4 le , P. hl..egeh day. Pitteb'g. oq. 12, .46 We, the undersigned, woad inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and 'lanky that we bare appalled Mr. H. Masher sole neat for Well= Pennsylvania, for die sae a our. Pisoo Pones, from whom they may 41...ob mined at our *arr. (New York) prices. . NUNNS CLARK. New York, 8ep41,1810-oct5:11MI titOICS.-CaTe r e of Iron; or the Merchant's and Alschanie's complete guide to the iron trade. A tow copies only,—sery scarce. 'Etimonds , Literature of the south of ntr Chambers' Information for the people., Ckandlers' ope. Cyclopedia of Englisl Literals:ire. Weeded's Illackstooe's Commentaries, a new edition in 4 beatalfolsolurars. Hallett's. Poems, a new. and splendid oditkin.. Parlor-Book - of. Plovers—for. all aossoLs. ihati) .1 LRP.AL,4th near market Id: • NEW NOVELL . . . . . .. Y . 'IIIP. LAST LW THE FAIRIFS—A 'Onion. • Tale, by O. P. IL i.e,,m EAq. ane Elltpla aulobispephy edition,. edited - by Car res. Bei!. Jut received and forest. by • A. ."' • • ja3l • JOHNSTON eroacrow. THE GIiCATLWT 'BOOK OP THE SEASCIN . —:. DG Webster's Great A6l4lit. Dictionary of Ilse English Language, truant:moo, containing ell tbst former editions contained; revised by Cbsoneay A. Gambia, ProL Yale Collage. The gusto . omplete edi tion ever published; one vol. crown guano Price .0. For ale 14 • J. 1., READ, deed 4t6 minicar Markel et. - - - Utrl' received and (or sale, Ilftt caplet of the Basis a of Union for the Cooed ProsbyteHanChurebolgreed upon USG:OM/Ai. Of Refortned Churches, sty pitu. burgh. September. L617._ Price, cent. ELLIOTT ENOLISkI,66 ounikeist MAILMAN'S CHROME ORl72d—This is consid. ed the best Green ever , brought to this Mlltleer,. to oases (60113 ettatljost noticed cud for sale by HK SELLERS, who brig the ecologic° sale of it inithis city. Xr O. SUGAR-116 hbdapriTe N 0 Sngsr, landing „11 • frota ateanier,Da WittChnson, •nd for We by nasal • • , BACIALEy.kI3I4II.II, WO. 3MACKEREL-900 bbla • large No blacken); 11 k.r We by • nurVil I.IAGALEY & SMITH RI NTENS'I N X. 400 sommer; jut /attired sad for rata by ' • mnr3l • •IS A MAIiNFISTOCK Marti i/OAI3AND liliiaiii.kinii7ll37l/TAlir S HMO bb). N 0 Aloinzsec in Inore.andfinrolOy roor2) - UbOALEY & • SSARETIDA-4001ba tio.7,for sale b • G UM , CO r ir-411 ., lbs es , fetich for a sr a br , ApON-6 Ida& shoe lati!*.l do konN 1 do ekir .11 ode.; jtui reed as conalgomsamt For ado by sada BROWN k CUIAMTKR, MMMI • m-L'ITIFA.C-TOtIES. : .ALLEGIIENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. .• T JOlllll As 'IIIIIOWII 11 ... . . , TAKEvithin method 10 inform his friends - i .n:n 4e in.full ' ope at ra l 7g, t a l rilli k e n E l aritl i a et Me Diamond, Allmbeny. where a coal . ma= supply of 'AIWA, of various cobra andquaboasowe constantly kepi. hand, . also at Na 5 Weadati rinSPergb, et Lt ail eloill areroom. . . canon mad e Shatter to enter W in the best style. - 'Minds repaired main ahormst notice. . N. It. .11it.111inds will be pat up, without any addi tonal earnest SO all; they fill tie removed in • il/A- Mitlit to ease of bruin for washing, end widmet the aid of acres, dr a . . oettillyawlaraly Wll. ALICIA/MEM L fr. SOWS. nFFIN MA IMAM AND FURNISIIINU UNDER - C TAKERS, earner of Pena and Pe. Clair .atreets, twlawit• the Exchange eutranee on Penn street, retpectfallY inform their (fluids and the pablic, that they are prepared to furnish and attend to everything in. tm Ime of Undertakers. Always on hand 'claret as sortment of ready made Corms, covered, lined and Sw ished Ot the very best manner; all 501.4 and airs ready . Mule Shwa& of dermal, intbriek and musket, and all sines made to approved stylea. We keep, a larva as; tormiehrof while mad black,cotten, silk and kidesiosee, sable for pall bearers and mounters, crape, cups, col lars. Bed every thing necessary for dressily; the dud: and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all our lewd. in the EaN.6ll MUM Al2O, Sliest piste. for engraving the name sod age. We have a splesdid new hearse sad horses, and say number of the best carriages. Beery Ming attendedtopronimly and prate...lll. • omfalY • W. W. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, No. 914 and 016 /Awry 0001, star du Gaeta A !MAYS pa hand and made warder, kluge eerie." A Sy of Merida hiantels, Pier, Centre TaWes, and Bureau Tops,Temb Stones, brakemen ts, te.; all which, being otade of the claims marble, and reanufeclared principally try machinery, will be eold low for east, - N. B. Petuona!wlshing to purchase Mantels, aro informed that Ills henceforth unnecessary 'for them to or East,' as l• can -tarnish them with an eruct. in all respects as oxid, and ifunglnonsotrance, Ate, consider ed,) as cheap as they eve purchase them (bans*, Ent. Call and see. i • /en COPPNR, IRON, AND TIE • • • • WARR MANUFACTORY No B ?duke% street; Pittsburgh, Pelmet TNE subscribers banns made great leamosements In the constreetkin of their COOKING ISTOVM-, respectfully Invite persons bulldtns Steanthelbas to call and evonine before purchasing,u we can scaly them Copper, Deck Stoves, - Forges, and every o th er kind of Copper, Tlit and Shoat Iron we* necessary in famish. mg a Steamboat. • ' ' " W also make 14 eider on the shortest notice Sal Tubes a and Chamber, Copper work nu Steam Engines mtd every variety of 'met mutt febe i i SIiEBIMB suing; BENNETT &BROTHER; kFEENswAßEmeruntoTuitEns, - .131naIngham, [near Plataburigh.) Pa. )laralkaate, No. 137; 7 Wood "bred, Pittsburgh.. WWILL constantly keep on hands good wort. ritern ot Were, of oar own manufacture and, su ;pesiorqualny. Wholesale and country bier. 'chums are respectfully melted to ell and en. amine Or thcinselses, as we are determined teach cheaper than has vier benne been offered to the pub. tie. I 1[13" Orders reel by mudlorocoospanied by thecae% or say refeience, wpl be promptly attended to. hieLveat. • hums E. Lanctll. FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. AULVA N V ft ['ELLIE nannafactere and kecp else. al startup on hind Cat, Moulded and Plans Flint Glassware, in all it. emirate., at their Warehouse an. art ofldartel and ,Water utreets, , Our Work. continue In fell operation and we aie roostaroly adding to our neck, which eniblee nem All enters, with promptness. Pirehasers are reveetfally solicited to call and examine prices and Was. ,• layttillty • • . !COACH MAKIN G. FROM the very liberal oneommye optwent the mbseriber hat received since he, het l _ himself' In Allegheny, ton. indiced him to take • lease, for a , . term of postal on the property he now °coup.% in Beeves meet, =media/My beside the PrestryterlanChamh. From tie long experience in the above baroness and • duke tdplease, he hopes w neen. It and receive a share of public patronage. Noes on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Dog gies, open and top Daggica, and every description of Carriages made to order, front seventy•lve dollars to snobthartaret fo,o.dirt ' ,1011 N SOUTH. • • • OF: tmdersiquel we Dl...prepared le famish thee ' customers and the publto gametal!. Will. DD.te.r-' lent ;Leticia of Lett Oil of their own manarnenue, which they will sell on aecartanodtwn ten.. fheit Oil they believe to be ns vied as any afered lo the teethe:, and may be retuned. if not aalislantory. J JORDAN te SON - IS libeny at, opal*. satidifield P. ;d—Lard and Gies. suitablekw esathi nery, on lamb for eel,' stove. ovls J.! ILLORIUS & C&., BLACK WRITINU INK, for J steel or quill pens, and the copying- press. This ti the mutt of We eipitrimenti of setters! res., devoted to the manufacture en estensioe scale, lot tut uncle hulled to nit We . purposes of the consumer. The perfectio n of th is 'winos Inh . chnsitts in the fed orbith ptppeny it ail lowing properties: . be tound so surpass ale preview. preparations. It mill &re with perfect freedom lithe nom quill or steel pane, and Li entirely free from any corrostve qtraltrieit Cotoa—The COW r of this article rich, besuuful blue black: It is neecuary, however, to give emu.l,lthe COUOVring jp"..111 good black ink. from ils necessary chemical el maroons., requires exposure up the air up =min • devpeolor. It most not, therefore be expecteM that the mount the brittle is opened, the ink wfil be found AO 1,11 jet black. !The first eppearance, will be pate. But oiler expo.. to the chemical action of the atmos phere either on paper or in the inkstand, it will alum a brilliant block hue...o munurcru—The color is unalterable by the ruse 'of m ine. It wilt never fade. On this account, all im portant records should be made in this article. sa years oulfdeepen and strengthen its tint. xt N . 'This ink Is suitable for all kinds of metallic pens, and for pens made of quills, and what is unpin rant and very &mixable with many, rill Five a perfect 13-We br the copy ing Mario . as • which , are conneeteiLblorrie,blue black writing irk, and in respect to fluidity, brilliancy of eolor and petmanency, believe it superior to uy luk we have heretofore ased. A Thermo', =Mire, bank of Louisville; We. Binh. anis., cashier Northern bank of Kantucky. Geo C Gwationey rarities, hank of Kentucky; I. L ' Shreve, president of the llas bank Thee I. Helm, cleric of Bar ten minty coon, lfirrren Pope, clerk ofJeffersun corm ty eurq P B Atwood, imesetary, Fireman's Insurence company; John Moir, sgent Lexington Insurance Cm S S Goodwin, sefy Fontein' Dry Dock & Insurance S Chambers, aoe'y Franklin Fire & Marine Its. mace Cot J H:Rhooser, treasnrer Irinisvi/le Savings Inolturiett. A supply of the above ink, just remised end fermate by JOHNSTON &NO=o4 . ; Typo Foundry. Tm subscribers hsve taken the Type Foundry, No 49 Gold street, and will continue the business late ly conducted by Robert Taylor. They will ariend to MI order. with punctuality anddespatch. All the type' manufactured by them will be Hand Cut; and they will furnish MI km& of Printers' materials, of the best quality. • Mr. J A T Chemed la still employed in superintend ins themanafacturing department.Pripprieters of newspapers, who have not advertised for the subutibar, who may publish this notice for three months, will beentitled to ceive their pay in type, on purchuing five times the re amount of them bills forad vng. Old type taken in exchange for new rep eta per lb. Chutiris Whiting, j WHITING &TAYLOR, Theodore Taylor, S (Successors to Bold Taylor,) judit • corner (told and Ann sin idlers , Family Nedralanes las 01slo. j Warusansoa, Ohio, Jan'y V 7,1618 Vir R. EL n SELLERS—Your Veronfuge .. unequal'. aa a aworru destroyer, , and haa given wire ratudashou to a/1 who have had mammon to tura ILA Vora Liver Pill, are also gaining • Met reputation tars.! Vacua respectfully, Corm & Man. . McCown:tura= el Ohio, Jorey , r: IL E. Sellera--Vour Vormifoge sells remarkably !et, and 1.. gained the toll cronhdenee of all who tue sr so,' aloe, the Cough Syrup. Yours truly Isurs, Warr. Prepared and sold by 11. E. Sellers, N 0.57 %Yowl it., gold also by Dr. Cassel, fah Ward, D. M. Corry, Alla. ;bony, and Wm. J. Smith, Teroparanoorille. • febt In Com and tor ode pEorum-rd..=-.... Wood ond 6th strt by Joel r, " I " I4ti"TlV3?_ -777 Xr - ca — icVbsapped Haze* ; do • do doi " Superfine Shaving Crewe, rose k almond; Oz 7darrour Pomatonei Cold Cream; ." Bout Tooth Pastel; o Cologoo tYuer, fine eztrzet for the hand fable ~.~. > ~:. - ~r~. ra r..; rintis la _to certify that I purehamd pose of Dr. IleLam% WOlll2 SirCiae, some two months agO sad ere to a son of mute, some seven years old, two smaymarth full, and although the amount trmy appear u-ga,lytt I ham no doubt but there srm upwarda o( swarm. ' "used from Mut t me among hoot etc Tarter Cl to two Mellen long. W 11OLLIDA.Y. Reim. creek Carrel cel. Term., Lee 9,1847. Jale Hazard GM. Powder. THE unedrsigued have redueed the Me. of Rile and Blasdng Powder,of this euperior manofeeture, quality warranted unsurpassed, and will sell as low as " 44%14171tlf r egNo h ylittite or lialZne, :.qu col every Morning on the customers, to deliver powder and feCCIVO orders. • Orders arse times will be filled immediately on ap plteation at the office of C. S. LOOhilS, tel door above monottgaltela house. W Is W Loma!, Agent H. P. Co. moan po.l.l;,:azehAjdlißlCO, siTsAlt r ol i d ? ":2 7 trsZory . Nan, for igniting Orders proinpuy filled at oil timen, by 1; ;liter at, 2nd ° d ß oor atritirgiutfittild - • OrcAD. 8 I am now orrOged In the Importation of flrandiee. SlWrnes and 6e:r./in., czelreuvely, aed having made altangeiftatil JAl:rent pans of Europe and the fel anda with well Imams boom. for rat [mere oppply of Livam.yrbich will be &blew sell, delivered lit the parlour Howe. of New York or New Orleenvor in rhiaeny, at the loarel market puree for Cloll'OT op. paned paer. I hart inure sad cellar a very lame Mack of verypaponor Wino. , and &mode as imported of theamedeelebnated brands sod vireaues for aale on pitatliwtertas by Y p MAR7IN cur lark. sorithfield rte. UNDRIES_ —WO doe playing card - rt .- WO wholearid bit nudines; 10 bastes olive oil; Di doe mind caUps, kc; 56.1. London pones quarts and pint; tXIO dos tills brandies, wines, he, very old; 5 bbl, pow dered euirer; CO biukeito thempagne Wine, plari to arr Wei 3hhdrelaretdo.fr sale by nmlo PCMARTIN UGAit., MOLltlisl23 AND IiOPPED-15tilida primeS •N ll Sagan 50 bbli N 0 tdolasseicso bags Rio Ca lee, Jdst landingfrora etc Wyoming and for salt . Ir. id MITCH/D:111ED, lo3l.itnalyst, • DX They will shortly receive per Martha Westin*. ton and other boats the rollswingl-50 bbd. prime N IM un 456 bbis pWrnlion hlolasser, Aldo Sugar llousei bbk.1 9 .1 Μ !Snares Carolina Klee. . Cabin aMORE lICIVSE.--Iliwing liken the Ittrge and corn. =Dame Smoke Mouse and Baron Ydorehouse . ad. - out Warehomie,on the Canal Hannon, prep*. parettto emoke: sod 'nom Lagoa on mini:rouble tenn. lilltat ic JONES," Cloud basin, neat 7ik at NOTlCE—rersoos hewing clams eislisiiie ACM. bast Arrow previous to the 14th kb, sill . )I,oee proesattlena'ioe enlistment to • WM B somr-E, :- • tit It, etege wood • ~- - i-- - ';',--'- - - - •.=. -.- -,,- i:',-.,,•,,-...;:,:.--,.:',,.•-:,:.•.;:4,,-,.,.'.',',' F AWES 1848iMila awe'rei. fraiesstricrlakea tizasitasatzt sae ' PRODUCE TO PHILADPLPRIA'k IiALTIMORPe GOODS coati/teed "to our eara.still be forwarded arhhoet delay at the lowest current rates: 'Billsof 'Lain crawastisted, 'add initroetions protaptly at tended- to, free him any extra thaw. for worage or ,eotanfution. C A DeANULTY Co,Prop`rs C. 1111 31111, rlnikthlark. MERCHANTS• WAY prizion7r. LINE. 312a211848. (Formerlienlled rick.rortb s. Co'n xxiu SOZTIMILFSZOILMIS. Or IVAT VIMIGIrr 111111ETWETh11 Pittsburgh, Blairsville, John/town, Hol liday.burgh, Water street, (Huntiug.Lan (o) and all iuteratediete placer. One boat will leave the vrareboure C A AlcAnulty Jr Co, Canal Basiu, 14,,ny our., P.0. , F14 every dxY ISundaya eurpt ad.) mud chippers east always de wed on having their goods forwarded without delay, and at Mir ratet This Ltne was firmed excluvirely for the speel ac commodation of the vray business. The Proprieturn, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re ceived during the last ma years, tmaid tesPeofnllY in lormtheiroldcustomersnudihe public generally, that they have extended thin rechilitiemduring the past win ter, and are now better prepared to mcommodate a n In creased bushiest . _ R II CANAN do Co q , WM MIT, E G STITT J _ wm ruhrz, JAS A LAJRE, JOHN !HILLER, THINDLER hteDGWELL. C A MeAl4lll..*& Co, canal baainTili. R II CAVAN. do Johnst'n JO/IN mtutn, do llollidab'g CORRELL & CIiSTINGFIL Rxrassacca--Piusbargh—Smids k Sinclair; J tc .MeDev in; k. sho.nbC , S.F t R R.bio.. A C o ; R .Moorcillagaloy Et Smith; Jolza . F l uter.Wm Leaner, J 'Jordan& Son. werbi RELIANCE. PORTABLE -BOAT LINE, .18 • 48 Mill Sot I . I.IIPORIATIOt or noacusnutsz BETWEEN , PTITSBURGII AhtD PHILADELPHIA. IIE Proprietors of this old established and first T Portable Boat. Line, having removed them de pot ix Philadelphia, to. a much larger Warehouse on Market et, dui they formerly oceupied, and also in , creaaed their mom for storage at Pittsburgh, are non prepared to ofernasch greater facilities to their friends and pairtnll.' GOOdl taxied by thls line are not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and 'Philadelphia being earned drely In arable Section Boats. To shippers of gout and other goods requlnng careful handling, this is of importance. No charge mode for receivingor shipping geode, or advaneing charge.. All goods -foratarded promptly, mid upon as nameable terms as by soy exh• tribe. jOHN kIeFADEN & Co, Cana Ita.alk remn n, Pituborglx. JAMIII U. DAVIS & Co, 9:17 Market & 54 Comsnene u., Phil. JOHN MePADEN. k Co., Forwarding and Cgtnniu. Merchanut, Ca Hasin4 Penn in, Pittsburgh. JAMES M.DAVIy k Co,'Flour Factors and Conned..." 'on Murata*, W Market, and 54 Commerce st., Philadelphia, febSt AT A and d other nneee d' s s i btL, tit hera Ire Tit ' s Arra ° o t, ° = to them NOTICIE--The eigserisposed of in , meat in the Petro % and Ohio Line to CLARKE k, THAW, of Pittsburgh, .d JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this Ise, will t 0131131. to *rennt bosines. fa the line at thed Wareltoos e . Broad street, as asuil, and be: speak for it . condemn. of the pis.e of their friends. JAMB' .MEL k. Co. lladelphi, Mani Sib, IS4B. Palifeta And Oil. WWI, rtatlOn Co. • .Doubli Doily Lad of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, TIMM= TO Timiniroirr COuTO MIR= rriTsnri. • CLARKE it Ilasin, Pittsburgh. LEWIS d IIUTLFit,II9 Market st.,Pluisdelphi JAS. STEEL & CO., Agts, Lirood street. COWDEN CLARK E ACo., 7g North ~ ash. W. PORALICIi,* Wsst crest, Ne W w olk. tusrls Vreastarteaerahlp, lIE sabseribers have We day saatetated thenteerree I loge I r under the style of Kter.r.. rope*, fee the rx=l7=Vini,nr.,„lzglr:',vb°,?. cod patronage heretofore extended to the house. . SAUF.L M. hiIER., it. 1 , ,10NF,t4. • • Pittsburgh, March 1,1f4d. , MIMI PORTABLE BOAT MEHL MI=SEI==;4GE=S=I . _ sEcnoN BOAT., FOR FHILADELYH IA AND 11.KLTIMORE VIA cANAL.sk RAILROADS. ATE ara mound to receive and forward (night to 11 the above and Intennedinuh pluea with as 'nub dappawh, and at as low rate., a. any other rewpowible line. • . •. The attentioo of Minter, %wishing to vend. Park or Da. on to Baltimore in balk, is particularly requested. in asmuch amour aningements enable on to carry such articles through in hYne Kl l an any other tine. /c Proplre. - Canal Darin, near:Met. Pinsburgh, March 1.1,17. utat k. [lsk I , 17 lER JONEN--C.mmividas sud fonvardlitg Alr ehanttowil Wl:ales:de Widen in Izon,Jileann belt, I . rodoce, he. Laxly! 0u.6 tulcurceroa eaniipmente. mull; WltliA# l L Y ~.._ - e.,_ 1848 lI%MCI WAtrON L 4 1848 A,Ntt PITINBURCII, VIA CHAU BENSBURG, RAILROAD AND %YAWN. ACAA will learn Philsdelphta dotty akrlalst Cab natty, with the Mail Train, to Chambertharg, winch will enable the AVagonatir lease them the same cuesth relays or horses, many day and night, se r the rennin arrival of goods in PiseDays (rum Philadelplow Apply. to , 73 LEECH Co., Canal basin' Pdtsburgh. HARRIS A LT:ECM Iland.ls south - ad m. Philadelphitt. - Wr will receipt for rokrulbs produce, arc., daily, to go through by the 11011 b line after Wei/tat Inst. • (11411 D LI-T.CII A Co Hpf b : r r t r, 0. nosEn t asm InglONZ,Vitif. "r..x.rs To rhil~del ass a mar. RA W.. ARM &adz... HENRY DRAFT & Co., Canal Uuio. Pitubrosh. UUTII.II, HUMPHREYS &Co, N 0.147 Marker.; Phil. C. 11. Kooks, corner North & Saratoga str lialL Jona P. Clarks, No 1.3, UM Slip, NoVI York, WOTICE—The style ofour.finms mill be itIIOSVII (rota 11 mod soles this dote, at Pittsburgh, Iletitf Gra tc Co., andut Philadelphia, us Duum. Humphreys 8. Co. HP-IR% CRAPE NDMUND G DUTIEII CHAS HUMPHREYS, HENRY GRAFF, Pittsburg =tea 1848. Ileasosa Arramigemmu 1848 iiTs4 CLEVELAND, AMP SAULT Ini l lSN i g. VllESteamooat Dentorr, Cept. J. C. Bening& will doling_ the searon I.Y4b, between Clevelend & Sauk Ste Marie, in the following manner, touching at Mackinac and intermediate places each way: I.weving Cleveland every Monday, at 7 P.M. Do Detroit do Tuesday at 9 A.M. Do Mathieu. do Thursday all A. M. Returning, will lope Sault Sta Mane every Friday, al In o'clock, A.M., and Mackinac at 11l o'clock, P. M.' and key. Demon every Sunday evening for C 1.,.. land, at 7 o'clock. • C. A.Chialr. • Agent's. C. BRADBURN kci.. • • GRAVES & VirICKWAR . Detroit S 111eKNIGHT, Sault Ste ?dada' The Detroit hat beta thoroughly repaired and refit ted the nut winter, and the public may rely upon the. performing of herdnps vrith punctuality ae a.ivertired. feldlftm F. D. WARD. M4l#l. 1848.. x. ECLIPSE VELANISPORTA.TION L 13112. To and from the Eastern clues via Cumberland. largery meet Me wish. of .hipper w and ant now _prepared to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, as also by - additional regular vestals allow rates. This litet wilt run throughout the pear delivering goods through the Fie in Ilultimore and Pittsburgh to owners and con ees at specified rates and time. Shipments fowl Ph ladelphia for the Hne should be marked "Care, 11 Robhmon, Ballirnote." The only .B.g. „mAsoN, F.DOlRCharles at, Baltimore. ON a Co, Cumbe•iid• W CASS, Brorms2. 'J C Pit r& /NMI ECr e 71 01 11! . Age." Cutobaland frinn on of i liair house of AleKatrk gooe to Oat of we ter & Co. Pittsburgh and western sterrehoOte ore oolifted that J Bey ly Nohow.. No OS South Clarks st, h the ooly oulhosinot oral of this Liu in tbe CosiensclOea. nearly orals are J O BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, 0 W CAMS. Brownsville, EDO& RTON 4 010noLerlsod, deelltf ROBINSON, Bollitoure. - GREEN & CO.'S EXTERNS . MailialifeAla • rots cusissasaao, minimums, w NOSOn , rint.sort.. inns, saw voin, tams, • Fa ALL'S. KAMM% lhl - ERCIIANTS and others sending gureds nre ed that this it tee fastesh . safest, and meet expe ditious lane going Erin; condecting•with Adams &Co's Express daily, at Balticaure. Through receipts will .he given to anytof the above places. Merchandise and packages of coy .4o of Wrilthl forwarded. Express closes daily at 3 r. w. YICKF3II', Agent, nov2oif St. Clunks Ho t el /luiliasepi, weed et .1. PAUREN & Co., COMM Or LW., 00000 All sr CANAL eoata , Irrr.prpo”. P. K. vnuTz b Ca, 3:4 some. mars, rutsianiurtnii. BOATMEN'S LINE, 1848.1alia , roe T. nuabroteromuk or • Li. iNin. lir .."0110. PIZ!: TO & FltOri PIIII,ADL3,I3IIA,DALTII.Otire NEW YORK AND ROSTON. IrrAll - kinds of hlerelutinlise consigned to P. K. Fret:, Philadelphia, of to J. Purim Co., Pittsburgh, will he promptly fansaillesl free of commissions. t o /846 ••' • . 41 . ff • 1847 TO TAM HUT BY ■BNONGAHELA BOOTH 'VIA - BROWNSVILLE it...DUAIDERLAND. TIIB SW now prepared to forward pro. dace, dre., to the Itawlere Alarkets daring the ease. Wintery on the most favorable terns by Deis aim :. All property tonsatned to as will be &swanks! 'ilk* firmest rate. and with despatch: • • • . Merchandise. 'seemed by ,thut mate ptcompll, warded. ' ' —J•C BIDWEL, Agt.,insbarr,, W CABS, Brwnwill • • EXIEBXOI4 & Ca, e4mt,erlind !I===T==!l=MM ~~.. ~-]~~ p.~.)..Q~ -SIPHN Sebacrlber aerie thri mfir ith entire/dee!, la cA. lotatO auk pnwhmen. IC ugly Yedoeed The collection is not equalled fix • /Mom and extensive variety, In the Western consup emamining many new, rue and saleable plants, conMsnagot part ofCataellia, 3aponicas, large dowsing pleat., from 3to II feet in hot Cactus. Neakmesobleranitous, lihashriaallooth ly, Notsette Clutter , Perpetual hlnsa, Vitung or Pillar Rows; th e finest and most esteemed sorts la cultivation. The Dobbs list coattails the most ahoweyaud fine prim rods grow. Seery; Roots, a large Taney; Vines, shrubbery, shade trees, sartuveaus. le, Amateurs, Nurwry men aid othsra,who want to decorate their yards, gardens, pleasure groxeds. or green bottles, ewe respe.folly leveed to examine the collection'which, is open to routers, except OA Sundays. Conveyance by the omnibus and greenwood krry. Descrtputre cata logues sent by mad, er may be had at oar matul, No 21 Osmond Market, where- ardent will, us, or by wail to Ihnsburgh Yost Offsee,will be promptly attend ed to. Jolla Graham, praetteal gardoter,••will attend to planting shade trees, laying or garden; fie. Orders Idt rs• above. JAS. WAltl/1101', marltatim.turatT Manchester, neAr.Putaburet:— Ma , !Men , jonnerly of Benny, td'Kensio ho. A. MUTT, OE. N Za ew ea t ville. .. 014 t. U. CHEA rcao. ITY, BROTHER & CO., aaaaa I 011111111•1•101 t lii•roh•ata iron tilt gm •ND rOnwAlWina Or W icwricam Pll.oDlUelir, No. 31 Puget= &red, New Orleans. Rma k Co, Rankers, N.O. J ikoes Nliregot deo, t N • ^ David White fr. CO, Madison, la. MIN& Altman, Ranters,)) Nw • oa & Cuninnau. A 11111.6 e, • II N Keuney,l,op, Ranker, Z•ne.wille, O. APUnnuld A. Need, Parte d Lb, Beaver, Pa, IR a. APCIINkaII &All, I L • -7— Boston Mods of Heating Howes. MM. G. DEXTER, of 800., ' and pa tented a plan for beating beams, width has been .suceessfully cued in Rotten, hew York, he., and wher ever applied, has received the decided preference over stores, furnaces, he. Ira advantages ore— " lit. Great regularity of temperature. I.9.l..Freedom from mote. - 31' No unpleasant dryness. lib. Easily anendod to and not liable to get out of lltd Greet durability. A mode! and specification may be seen, and tipper. • obtained, at the copper and unlearn factory of WM B SCIAIFE,IIrat et, between wood and market MONA TO TWA NAST BY BALTINOND AND OHIO RAILROAD. • • IIE sahsertben well receipt krrthodelivery of Pro ,L rrt dar.st to Baltimore by the Memmormtalts Blattermer at the following prices.— Ashes, Bacon, limner, Lead, Lard, yeti . , Tallow, Whiskey, e, and Olass—Mi cu variants. TO4looo,llmap, Flax and Wheat-04 cm peYlOO Ths. Ashes. (Pot) Apples. Wmme, Ping-Seed.ClMes and Leather-1100 sper NO Oils, Skint, Beads, Wool—llo ens per 100 lbs. Beestrim,Feathm, Fars, 131 inseam, 'and finakmlioot —l2O en per 100101. • . All property eons:rued Menhir of the andorslaned will be forwarded without delay,. (me of Commission, at above Mts. WII CLARLBrownseille. HANNA A WATERMAN, risribank. eared I.f ' A Challautra to the World., T IK/14..a Rd will be paid hi any one who will produce a spot of penny rota or dry,that cannot be crammed with Heit's Improved Chemical Soap: I have the 'interaction et sayincto tee thecae er this place, that this article, by my owe , raPr.YrrYY , t en it, now stands unrivalled in thu country ther Hier eXtri.tinB grease, Ur.r, palsypalsyCly o greasy sub. noue, treenail kinds of - gentlemen's or India' clothing', carpets, talele cloths, merino. shawls, ladies , bormasU be, without blaring anything that pure waire.will sot be, More than one thousand persons in differeeb parte of the one have told me they emoted net,be .moat it; If it eon one dollar per este. In trylog Soap on more than: O articles of light satins, al paseas,andhalicoes, I hove only found dime peas pa, two of al aces, and four of embrace, whale i changed thereat.; therefore , helm padvny it On • thigh terse try • ample of the dame first I MAe dim boon 1 ate determined not to recommend it., stronger , h Scum m lee cutely tree. ' , ' NII Ilea. , Piece, lel ea per rate. Bold, wholesale and retai by R E StiLLEWS, der2l V load st . SIII. O 2I;3: „ VERAIIFUGE, enasuJer better than Mil rdla ted t, Mr. It. E Fellers :—My eon CI amnia otd, eyeing very 617. rep 6 . -en Cl night, and having mach kers . at Imes,' eon eluded Inc had worm., and harms head • greet deal shoot year Vcrutifeme, I teentelat • vial and gyve like dose., wheat expelled SO eery hare Wel., I seconder your Verneinse enmesh. allaihrri,' • roma P.Sairra. Papered sod old u, 6. 6,614.1%V00d Cl. _mold by Cassal,tu, ward; sod H. C 0 . .. ebray.Allee treat v i m. t' • qmiEgYeate,.-- _oeuy before—snadoon the mei approveditastoin photo— ond mart tagloonable ttaortn pattern. and solo.- dd.. l'IlE ttlitt.ar 1t1.11.1... as uul4roN 131.1 ND, hand Or made to order of all size., and at all ries.. Coantry Moreau . and Mite:van, soled to tall and exam,no the ataive for ittrso.elves. as all Le sold arboloattla or retail,And a liberal dcdaetion made to oriole:ale purchasers. t anidly W •, A ittrYERVELT rerrxm . . • . I DRING'S TETULF.STIAL °LODES, <viands{ • Dm lets discoveries, end Gersyraphirsi.bnpronineat , aninsittreeksof the sswitmdebreted eiremassnigedee Cam piled from Ainith's new Lagliah 01,4,5 with sdedions iuppww übl Annie Rwah. Prima by Reaw . ell • Lontriws CELESTIAL uune" ,, a....g.nh midst, La. Compiled (u.n the mirk. wollasF,e, Fisdiad, De La Caine. Redd, Mayer, Bred ley, Herschel, Readies, the transictiow. el the Aitronone id Satiety of Landau, Re, te. nosith's N... Eat luh /Ad greeklon ham juSt received% kw lain of the abase ti lobe% versa% in lase,. Wm. 1 lair Iguiehee &deer , y gl I " mei gbibm g Alnenn., Chnin.de, ad Journal copy. ta ll _ • TOWNSENIYS SARSAPARILLA.—aII dozen just received of Do. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the mom extraordinary medicine intim world! This Ex , bum is put up In quart bottles. It is six times cheaper; pleasanter, and wedded superior to any sold. It cares disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating she pauent. • . 'Loos OLT rob lurranuci—Unprinripledperenne hove copied our labels, and put up mmiteino is the same , flinped bank, See that each bottle has the written sig ma.. of S. P. Townsend. E. SKIJ.FIN, Druggist, 57 Wood etre a t,bctweeti Third and Fourth, is Dr. Tow:middle only wholesale and retail agent foe Pittsburgh, of reborn the genuine article can berhad. D. 11. Curry- has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of dam the genuine article can ,be bad. as • DERRY & NICKERRON, , . Ms.nofactarers of AWNINGS, SIGNING BOTTOMS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS -OP ALL DLICRIPTIONI 3V4 Rooth War:at &s ante Back of 1 A. *awes Cabinet Ware Manufy PULLAD&I.POI.& ..LL onlees left with S. S. Moon,' at the &Ikea Ors Merchant's ,Hotel, Plusboratosill be plotopi4 attended to. THOR 0. DERRY • serplo-dl, ' A. NICKERSON . 011,10LIIAL .130LIVAR 1111.101 CD ., PERIENCE.IIjudges, ona trial of otos slid • half millions, since leak pronounce this arnele moor :passed for durability in the construction of all kinds of rumness. Price $73,75 cash for loads oflo lkt, guar• sunned nice moths use. Orders for. second quality •Boliew Brisk. will be eacCuted nt tio por ht, if sode aired, without guarantee. A stock of the first quality is now forage at the warehouse, `Sloan's Wharf,. Ca ad Basin, by d SHAW fdACLABEN, .seplif • Kensington Iron Worts JI4Y/in:VW/IR TONlC.—After per( tkie article ere ortheiribitlegiy mothers it to wteth it prothe ei—the bed astielei without thy theirptioth is the, frrthe rtheintios sad pierierntion et the Inman hair. We Mo• of initherithe Weems ether* Wes has bete restored le Imre which We been Wel be yearn mil the UWE wminade rimer limed= lo mama to all our mein" Ida 11f , lonia; their lair, le mak" thud or this Teak istheedithely Baths MaiL : • • • Y. min inlittekneg:ti . st the Peskin T. Mors, Ne. 72 Reath Amt. tees Wain • suriglimT QUNDRIEB-45. bits prime UM eoWee; 150 bbl. N 0 Molamem 75 bezas manufactured tobacco; 175 half hems prcea and black teas; 75 U and 1314 b..% and 6 P do.; 70.0 boies Gennall clay; IP costa side.- sup; 10 do. poluh l toge th er with n generid ....- incat of groceries, n store a n d for sale by Judi CARSON di Me KNIGHT Clh lI • CIUARR-rIUOOOO 'cottoned algirs or 13. the follohing celebrated broods, panto arrive eotodeung of, React, rhabiquedod, NVochjainon regalia, Itapidcs, FwnMaple, Dos Antis., 'de Foster Loudon UratdO, lord Ilyrao s, Yalta prielpen, sterun'boot do, Villeys extra do, Sylvia's do, La Ilayedera In, do do cU Cane, La Palma, CaLltdUrell, Eaglo prinefplat, fur sale by P MARTIN, • feta - or Podthfield h Runk 4. §UDERUGN ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE ARA BIANITIG/11E—V:sprestly designed for thm• 0 rending; in course of publication by Havoc k Bro. Werra, New York. To be completed in we've piing. Pan tat just received and for male by JOHN DION & STOCKTON, • n 9 ' corner Market and gd ata DORTABLE VORGY...--A very eattyanten!l • an.el. U4-11OWS and all the (mac. be Caryl.' by they. dlet by tare atan. A few - .04aaJ tut pM by rye ta n mc. Iry C ARginit . lts t rze o rlval: larg pa 4i:r i rct s tt=t ,n o: large stock In ;tore and teller, deal so aro requested . to call and examine for thernselcre, so good bargains can Id had at the cornet ortimllblicld and non a 11l MVMARTIN I , EA D—alrJ raga Galena Lead, reueived per itiame .r Wyumusra and for sale by _, materJAMEY A. lIRTCR :_ N Cu wRIGIMS - INDIAN VEGETA. RIX PlLLS— guns, warranted gauntlet, fireside. by upJ ' R E SELIMt Ar LASSlEZ—tia w itZe r i blis o ulon 11forec ' Fur rale be ap t . 1 d o lt FLOYD . . _..---- . (71OFFElu—S10 bags puma Ha, for dale by. k.i sr/ t _ ' J R LI FL0_11) L Aa I 0 bb, ! N.. ! La', Co! •Ifbl R FLo V 1) LOAFi SUGA—GU bbls usored;fortiti“, GU M COPAL--3case. for sale .p 3 KIDD& Co ®h t i latr ly noire yet t tor mar/9 • 1 lIAGALEY & SMITH CRAPE fiIIAWLS-4n,ateattweat of white, drab etal blacterspe Bkawko, just received at the Dr) , Goode liattee of W R MURPHY, • bPS Ocher 4th and mwk•c as lieAL. '1,!1, DIL:TC1113 . 4101110,1i -; :ARS AT ARILL - A:: ...; ...,,,_ . is,tk Waits', ifs Mid 1. pater na. limn :a.= 6 . 0 . 40 1 h eri pleraser, awl Innvit!ed sops lir fe NT:OW to 4L '"" l:l=Z g r ...L . ! ' • tar ' de, Oltrat SPRING AND -8 EZRA 111111IME The trait Wady mid ay irkifity of tin oji abet htedictoe is; ...hag it Roanoke Dianne it Ism.: aes Oa Ibdy. Di. coo Of Ove yeti lan SYLINGI AWO fiIIiabIEII•AISOICIALEB ens" Won., it lematlyperiba .14 e n a o,l e ateee sod simagtheos the woos, hot it noun Nn hut and hid, Moo-I ; Won roamed hl bo alma Meanie , Mot a nth Beata goal its snadetfal 'oven, , It las rammed :loam the rat two ran, mat ones of Seem Casa of theme; t. least ktao of then am tomato...l unman, More llon 3,000 am. of Chronic lthcountiba; • • - lba ew of.Dyraptio; bitu mot of Una'al Debilitioal Went of FAew; eases of diffotoot Vann Quotation ; 9AIIO ems or ttotttrota; . . :1,500 macs of the Urn Comphint WM cues af Dimas of Ch. Aids./ and Dropoy AMA tan of Comunploth • • ! dui Thu.:mbar eases siDistase !Alb. Mood, viz: Ulcers, fmriPelso, Salt Rheum, Pimpleaon M.. Yaw, fn., de. To. other with' numerou. mom of llindscbe, Pain re the side and Chat, flpimal Affectiona, This, ware wirmwn, mat appust, en ban : leiter. nem Opossum and our spin fnm 111 partsof tn. United Sudsy informing. of estracndkary norm R. Van findsieh, }A...ma Ms anon napeciable druggists in ark, N. J.,informs us that-hi en ref la more Win 150 win in that plans nice.. - Then are thoimmin of eon in tA. City of New York, whisb ws will raw to With Oman and to men of charade,' It Wait bast milking for Um Itnnalim of Mame know. It undonhindldwandlinfiro of mon than 6,000 1-mt.pum sin ?Aim Sums: . • • Am it manna On name of alms, mad repared 036211;m th. Summer some. . ....• • • - • Uamr 17rarra Oman.' ..- Cwt. G. W. hictieux, or wno Ulm= &rem Nan, asd member of the New Jewey LegietWere, has LW!, eat wWe failowisig certificate. It One Weans awl.. , ILeswew. Jan. 24, 1E47. •A year Owe I wo. idea WI the baleen., radar whole epic. 1 , 11 m • debiliWwl see. 1 we. induced to. try -Ur. Towwwwl's klarwpwilla,:wl a6so teking two or Ibm bet , iks,l ins wry swell reberWowl BWrilege# entirely to the said , Saropewa. I hate ecathwed gating Y, awkitud that m M. : - y ilk, and would • O. W. /law, kM U. EL A. • . .. . .. . . .. . This mil/kale eser-hisivtly pr.iies tint thi. 15..;,apanlia las perft control ar.r' the Jam! robßtinala diikAue of %Ile W.i. Th.re. paveme ClOl.ll in ode boon is unpnd!wiestol. - . De. Toranks —Dear Sir tun the pkostrit to kirk To. Unit Week my children ham bees motet the Sem-- Ear by the ale of yom monallsat medicine. Thai kris attictod awry mnnlrwith kd sons;ham only taloa four WWI; _t took than aim, fee ride% I feet spat midst drip obligation. TIN" rovertfolly, hike W. casks, 11:6 Wocern sts • Ilk Tort, Mark 1, NG. "'GREAT MIME, ,• ' •, Dr.Tortimod's kanamilli a• rommtga .anst rpredy me kr insiplast Comanaptiassi flesramsse, Leocrarbk, or abanstod or /Malt bleknotkm, lanktibuirm of Uriost, airfare's:dam disabuse thereof, mid for the sc. e aril protests. of the metria—susi matter ermines. the moult r iktonsit cake a cork prodused by irregularity, ikime or sorticals Nothing ern be more ampnung than inkgentft dal oa tia bursa Gene. Pawns, all =okras and haw tudsdirtm tatting Neck* bosom robust seed trader, ito inflasnce. It Immodlatelp counknots the PM - Immo( the Smirk fratkoritich 'ho great mum of WI imam. It walk. mpocted of as, in cams of sodte • oa ts., to Windt amide:ides sif met performed, but we era amom 'EWA that brands drams bare Isms repotted to mai Itmeal cam whore fluatilits bamboos without Mild may attm =I • kr honks of this imakable, toed/rico, bon Dr named , kk bung gnratly distramed • lry maims. ad gawk dabikty, kid catkin continually wpain - and a Maki= of ba.t down,: Min. of the ok, and oath other dikso , im, rod hark% kora taro when your ossolkiro boa effected great eons ; end stook.- log LLrecmmaked for snob cams I bare describk,l graiir .1. totals of your Yakut of Danaparilla, and folikest IM illinctioas you gare me In • Mort parsod it rumored boo complaint. sad restock bar balk. Hoeg grateful for limatta idse rairind, 1 tabs plumate in thus acknorladg, log 11, ak reroommlng it the public. - DI. D. block, kibosh lg. 17. ICILL Ca. of Umiak Lydian W. Cediand, flat. MOM. Ilr Ibtmeagh To ad idiom this oaf erseera-Tbd to certify that lay did oed ea boula of four ihrequarilla prams to ha eadinast4 soar the eat alarsdat eirandsoesu Idds .douhlesi.d. 6 =7r. , 1.4 s of t i h t e , fat, erf arhui ITs ' idaV 17, Ait s dam ind, Ma meduced to try it, with Lida armad LON sal saw to rayia. had tb• happy Sand eriatoot we is the hoar. of eauftsedent, Ist oder. duo expiration of ma week of de My, due droOy we 1.13 s ff ctiima rag oar to adousitins dew., and ha: bald 6 tow Gun th an it hO4 been kr wpb tide pro , and • If Ilsw will b. of say omico to you or of owe' vibe doubts-4ln *manor th. nedicim, yen lirialltinal Welnial• tu it. I suborn - be onywlf ion, owe obedivatawl TO hIOTIUMS D MARRIED LADIES. • , This Estrat4 of Ssesaionlla has beto carroty prevent reference to female complaints. No female oho ba e sew l o to soma* sbe is aprosehivg that entity carted, t. 71.. Tura a/ fie" should onkel to taiga it,. it is a east.. prematies for my or the auseerom sod horrible dorm. so ahiali Gaul. are sobjtal al this Dem of .Thiryoyead amt ha delayed Le erresalyeare by . 1114: thr. medicine. Nor is it Ina salvable to those oho are esimmeltiak esoccatillsood, sal it is eakulatail to maw mature brr quickmug We blood iiisiaarattog tha eyeless. lud.J., this ssediesse ix land mble dr allot the delicate Canoes to whirls imam are• . • I. Um....hr reams permanently the temmisg Uw mg., oleo or the, body—.ll far stuaidelazg• 16e worm as to realises • siihmrseitt kiwi., le hieh the of malt mediciaes Salvo for !mak vratklgo./a awl duee.r. I • • .. . • . BEAD TllOl. Y.t.t aW. bure yule rotople.iumuo, delliyet,,Llotelvi au Ik. GA, rough dm, or frTekks and urn "out of Nuaritsib uyr Louie or too of Ur •Torrusttul's Sonoymnlia. It will dr... your Wood, rum. dm (mkt.. and blakbet, rut me yousnumuliook. gvkk.6 ryes, Gem rpitil, sod tosulital ptorituu-41 of .Wield sr. of raluc lo manar flea baits. CM= No Amid or medicine Ins mer beau ilintorred ouch nemrly remmiblrg t h e glair juin. or Wl= on ilecompating Goilmnilaism(throing llinorpm of dinitimi, na this preps, ration of &inspirit!. Oaaa Intraarnurrr, Athasolln 10, WIS. • Ilarrisrmit: fir-1 live been icbta kir several parr with drinpria is ita moral bow, ntiril grab snot ogee of. smirch, .of gamer end • FM, a1.T.D410 la oil af frodond fdr mmo) (what I Fat .0 1 ban Wen viable II Main but. sorsa portion mg my Ateaech. 1 Olga t h e mall remedics, Lad they laid bat lea. or nu idea in removing the comp.. I oar dived. Nose. tr. mamtto mince, to try yang Kaa of Kens: pirillsond 1 maul say with lii malign., 1 01 miler tiring ...arty too boobs, I band my appetite reasired,...l LLe 1u.51 , ..nt entirely oraomil; and I would mrtmaly rem.: mad thit Min la thaw ohm lan been milliard to 1 Wei been: Yammer., W. W. Vs, 7.m. rt. AIMS: Mat. Wald. ALMO.4I' A MIRACIX. . • and the LAleniog, mad doubt if you ein e that weisurop- Verdun. be cued. 746 is only um of the onand Itioadred mom that Tormeetello Sang:wide baser.. Tenumend—Dcar Sir. I was toketa • Ma oven year ago, with • remre conh oott, .p , oz to toy' Fa eppand ma me mil /ode.. I pro aced by phi /inn.. ham the ept em.cspim 1 raised lam qtr.. tiliriof and eon. had eight meals, and sinking may fun my dector mid ha :odd do soiling dm me. I went into the bmpitel la hereof being Needled, but wee pronoonmai there yret nor greatly dialreined at the loop and could hardly ,breathe I moonbeam emulate_ _d and expected lo di. 1•1•6 mined •ml imit atm obliged to ban mambas . indeed 1 moot gm put any &wird. that mould itojustiee to •31 Coco, 1 11111 append by my friends 1. pad recovery ; I lad tried • great nonibm remedies,' udiall ems. ha to no peg... I read Avow soot ea t/saran., emu patented by yam,media., and : to tell ))w the truth, 1 warded th em was some humbugin the. Dal marithdneeil to try it, I did acy aad mry thank NI did: I emuot my that lam miserly well, bet ma so Ear recovered at tube about my limisine, and hop to be hnlin. ly h. fan wee., idy coach mil pun in tha side .4 eight meals lam loft me r and rain but very Mlle, end am fist gaining lay mad Wen.. I felt all duty Oa gin Toe • Mammal of my euir, publish if yo. Platy =IA Damn, 4? LAW. et, Ilenaklya. Opts Walk of Phyla alias. Tinenshend uaiao,td.B preying orders Dorn ern anion in different pea of tin Dans. Thai. tomtit, dot elm, the enderninod, Physicians of ihe City of Albany, Inn nornenna run peseenintil Dr. Tooninnons Parnpuilka,:and Winn It tn be °mot mint N prepustione tin Dineilarilin in fin =ad. Pow% B. Itßuono,a D, P SEasszoom. o. Uluty, April I,IKI 'Ms Is m tastily that srs, ths atutersigned. tai Tliamasstisis Physicsain of Om Myst AWES,. Mu Cretinism. 'lmam:4W Dr Tsai:wad's . C.saposa4 Edna of Sun ariltsosid hvia its kissers qualiliss, siosild mammal Sid m h. p ... La MoMpluolld 01.b.C1d101.113 , 111 . 0 c.“ 04 is preemies to say of the ashrestisat raisisliss iamb — Aim Apra 8,1E44. • lig a 9.3 mas. y4giya24.,126 Fallon 0, 8. 8.13vag„14 14 Rao 82. Ik•to. Dyott 48c. UR Nor. 82e. lg . liabgalyh. 8 Hum 417.11, B.4tvori .4 by re:%iviand•ba}inpWrt="'l•c.4 • 'No. riming, wilco pat No. tb• larg”..• batUe2, blab confabs • (mart •24 with W . groat.• of 8 r TOWNSEND,.a.vama bina on the Gb. I , Fog du Pim York Dbily Enc. ot dpril !VV. is A i r ygtit7=s?==i,...!.: .....L ina Th• 11240.0 gol up vei good ,TYZ inav• et th• ores-, meg to pundagvarcbgnUtWorbich, iwyeber ..vivahrort,o told, glign.4 Übe sus made • hav• W• t•b• opport.lty 4uy webeliera lbla •ttrset of the Etanipwilli dewing the *.,*,„. t poyabuity ichu satuind. • AnTosco Deblp!y. linrfortr:httpsh27,ll347 • Dr. Townsend :-.1 buy heel eillicted more or kw kw 3 yews; with i dreadful Woking in the chew, giddions to the bead ;lon or eppetiiii, pia In the limb% tad geared &hull, brought co noJoubt by the continua heat ..a old to trine,. I am object to in allusions la a dyer. Howe taken other medicines, too numerous to mention, but with littk oroonte. ens. , I was Whined by what' saw in the paper to Ilya Wile of roe Sorsepoillo, frootwhich !forma grad retie. I ban since takes wren' wore bailee, and I csauebeatatiugly soy it LI the bent sordid. I bore war taken-thy pan to sty . he Is gone, and I Del write n different insta aliogotber Uwe , I lure Wan your Ilerwpwille. I troa nowt better motile: titan'eser I bed. fly tat to.. taken it with the wow bilwll.: eat results. I would reconuoirod it es i Eunity medicate: generally, tad I feel motion-a that if to wed there wouldnot: be holt M. dolmas tilts* *sod constqwwly out So moor Dnetoe's MID; for 100.11 restores amain., it don gives io. like stomach tad bone% LW, tegateryowit tt beeps the blood at o lwaliby Wale," that sinew ts not to likely to snack the systems. and to tolt MOOS who ors nut to a healthy statt,l soy. try Dr Townsend% &tramline Tenant 0.1111111,. 70 Altai s'. C aa k aa le tee blowths - 1 4. 1).10w ism accooll olatowherchikl aced. Dr Toirbstadh' rsopuillst has ward the Gres of thousands' Of chit/rm. rlw foll Owing tectifrate is urtested from • gnat nuttier ewired ibis men. NSW Yolk Ep Apra ;180. Dr rowans: Dow sirt-Ono of my children win eery ick with tat Dozer us the .out - DA thiaal, Wanda* witi t cal debility. Ileum studying; I obtained wow or your cel/rtil reactor, ad it rated at directly, Air which I wtti. sore you I toil ter, grotrlial, Yours respectfully,. PAIS•11.11 VOS/1.11, IS Dulsasosa NI. Fur We by II Id ar.i,LE.ItS Druggist, No 57 Woad a WIS.. 31 tad dth Or, who Su been emulated by I) TOWNSEND oak agent fir silDgisetti co. jeffilf edyff f t c lifollifitHitiiiiieitiifietTPLHieov - til to b,; - ' In grent• I'OJOICCA in miring toy child's distressing cough. From the Temperance Banner, No. ISO. • , Celina ttionn-rWe ore cwt in the habit cif miring' muchbiking patent medicines, but wa ket disposed to recommend Morgan'. Syrup to Mow who ore afflict. ell wok • emalb.. A ( Ms. IsWisil tried .th o . mod reme. Ilea us PrOSOVe • ronsuutt .04 dietressing cough, that lad for mewed days afflicted one of our c hildren,witli• out soonest, we were induced to tryllorgatt's camels syn,p, and by it relief was obtained m a few hours. H mused to be We panacea in this case at leam. Stepared wholesale and retail by tbo proprietor, JOHN D MORGAN Druggist, aia wood el, I door bekno diamonds lley.' Ur. IllitLawesa Wiiiiirripeiliiiii.-- frlllo is to Sew, 041, by tilting ono viol of Winn 1 assimiel Worm hpenhe, a child of Hinter lernme% passed opward. of Ho worm., and by Mc woof said medicine a chador my own passed 111 lame vronaa- It is Mill the . Mst lopthitys worm myyielyylery yetis., 1 114111 lowa two mon vials , , ; NAIRG I.3:Ynzk- . . I. ...;:r.o'• ,:.'. :co7naiterriAnfr .C.5',;,......'fr... I . . itiondal% .4 .dpsdanti=d: ' dadra qitie , 1 ..• lardist,dare. 2.pil i m , ..f=idi . .i• . , . ...... ilic lot. Swigries CoOopinostal Of wait ' ' It is mod nod pleasoofli dloraito, a re add 6 • io to apeman; undlerit a Ware mad. • dad and certain remedies sor Of IN? na dared, iftidc Md.* :Spring . ' ' aver •Csimplaiirk -Pin. In de. Side or -410.gtocnia idi b iltrilllf nia . sraartre I . ' re d ge d orth: . . drild . rest publkt 'Go:ors sod evidenees'vf ate dandeita; midden Gish daily. neceiresifmar attadrinera. Ai ela,ll. ible 14 000rcire ttio auregotrarsolfechis and sale- Ilan bas bers rrlieveo or banished by 11 nor.ran a. calculate ibe immense be/mast/id snarl adds 001/I . . . .Hi'Micelle,. All Imes, sexes, sad capsulation. are te adieted by it, and tholltseale is eradicated Gun 111 system, the const i uttion yepalred,'neul heal th to •,1 by the use at Ott ittestax'lr Commend STIVP ; ;Or. Va15."(311.11[1,, 11am many stamens 44 me .4.4-be' hold app ear:him; to an vuumelygrave;:vnested, to the Lama or youth, nom their relatives sod thendkifilict eii with that trial malsdyi cuomurnont,. which mimes the miserable Mileteremil beyond' the , ?awn at homer - skill. • - 11 such . saireiers would anti uslikesi trial orb thetnne's Composted Syrup of {Vila egerry„ they would find themselves , soonervelicaed. t ‘ liu by gulping tlfe.tariatte Imitative' rensedica "rids d our be 'Vegetable Enna , heeh the ulcerated lens-stopping nrofttio MO( suieLts, - st the same tunona , ag• mtund mid health • e titration, and the pencil will nom. find kimegin ii i of comfortable licalth. 'public Omit!, -tl aml i t: . Dr.llsrayit . i . s . u p =r u p . ihs racusing plf thellagya, Chest, &C Y, Thaloriatual late article manly prepared DIL , SW MAL, N cm , pee of LIAM sad Run sireats,,Philadelphm- I .AIIIGTHE.IIIIOAItiCERTIFICATE.- Cof ell the earn that has ever Men reebrded, may• safely shy Manuals olatteigtiuo cannot &moth ene tli eras this, which now stands. al a living pica ie lability. of mammalian, mem when had been, .d paired of. Dr. Swaynei Compound Etyma of Wild Citerry is unit refine. to be, the pollllq . i 3 the known wohkb- • •• - • • . . i Thr Iltr7Riau grafi i'lraillli." , TbeStvasse,Mcar Siireleor me good of the pablie,.l; feet myself in duty bound to testify to the great nor taping, Comported Syrup of Wild Cherry redone- Poe me. For my pan, I . feel ite If every body ourld know it. I was emitted with a violent coer a z„, ti of blopioight* Ores., borirseness, and t ' voice /Omitting au alarming Silote 'of --th.dieethi appetite was goo, and my strength had PO to Mil e m e dad my friends end physician were peninuird 1 c Of net eosins MU, days, 'My %Jocasta was iny,. Orions care-taker. made thquiry„,wheie the =add bd likely h. promo th e mon certain relief. • She tiro told talk. Sweyne's Compound Stoup of• Wild Cher* filed in the ore,ary lite wee then Lope! sir. , - else sea ime.. , ithly procured., and the int hoh • t gave relief, end by th e nor I lied .eammenceri the ...f.h.b.:elle. my M had left ate end my weevil wee Mach improved. In epee, it has made a perfect rare o me cud I am at this present thee es hearty • manai I orith,"end hoe good OM= to believe that the use of yor medicine has saved me from a premature grave. hhall be pleased to giver any information respecting. 1 ,.., . . ns . citeilerA_bet entaire lim Maen, t - CAUTION! ' CAtITIONY , r . .1 'POO, Reath ROM!' Dr. liwayee'sComptvend L., /theist thi.year L 117.1 found it neceseelf to on fessional practice to compound a medico . • ti proper, ,lion for Maumee of . the eked and Inge, pooessink . elore powerful healing properties than say either filth , cUo known - for such Mseimen In my - COMPOUND , SYRUP OF WILUCIIIMMY, I lase been very saes ' Ouful. The truly astonishing nerve effected by my i'allele., won spread its fame abroad; Gait owes one es - auedess to manufactured unmoor Offs or, fiat .I conilleriles—the real burins= m e n. of my *so , and is Stormily came rditspoputhrity.- Its eitheitive sou* excited the easy ofeettain 'peculators in the 'Oct* , Olds below creatures, to meek en Mel in a e i t. LC sr year.. from the north= mppromedan washer,. eat to thepublie and la great demand, • flag in. th ia ty,Subor• preparation had eined • aldgh potshots . tor its. that cu my rative properties; c a me mat . oda hat they called Mr. VI - Juses Saharan( . Wild Cherry.,• ' respectable and popular Optician kid 'no mote do with the Witte then poor Hot Patch -Then." IN. Wistar is =MOO to make it moor thattidato. tee= practitioner was the original =Onto of the pee pollute: =eh is not the fact.. The abase Limy the re 'id iuveador, width* recipe and right= istanufactere to Mane patent medicine deeltire in Cincinnati for the West and South, and.anotherieNor York bathe East, *lto ethawards, it ie tenoned, rold'out to a druggist in Moston-;.eo the number of hands into which it =obese in =me places they eaten it Maatuthid Coro ot pity= ion' in Philadelphia; in others, from aO in ptician assichusette• - So it. has falselvol and stmlagem damped in every femur. • . • . , ~. . • : There have been a number ofotherPriparatienipur, ;eating to moth= Wild Cherry pilau liner, Crate the Ondsof inerperterthe which the public should paM egainat, as they contain anus ofthe virtue. of the <MO • red aml ardy gamine no which beers the mg nature of .11r. Swerve on cob Louie.. The Preheat miumfactiners of their pies sad false cornfield.. hive the daring elfrotory to coati. the public. ocelot par . • chiming nay medicine, the only truly genuine and engh riot preparation of Wild Cherry.' betide the public, ,chichi. proved isinfaciatily by the public rood. ot the eumntunwealib of L resurtYksnia, as well as •Van•• tau s inlier ogwieldaannona. MR. IL StVAYNE, 4' 1 Inventor and aide P.q. ;arm . of the genuine Com pound Syrup of' Whild Cherry, - ..coiner of kVA and tare IllEtelly Philadelphia.- . ' , '• ' , .• -, . , • •' , ','• • i Pamphlets can be , obtained gains, see n{ Mahan Array . of testimony - that will 'convince the non sheath ial at the wmulenal virtue. talk Ss/eyries Compoinal pep of Wild Cheap Call and get one, that all use} • ad. l'usebaseibe medicine end se mice: .. !. E • I Fur aide, wholesale sod re tail. by the Agents. : . '... • . 1 WM Tilolirsr,a3M.A.l.l; OGDEN a. sNOWDM, Omer . Wand a ....1 Liberty its:' S JONES,IND Liberty. le, it A ' , Akita:STOCK' h.' en, coin* of Fast cod ruid and Sixth and Woml, - and A111:41 ban:so:Li; I Igeneeigy," . I VOR. Clinch, Colds; Asthma and Cuusumptiiii! .J BREAT AND °NIX BERME Me the cum Muse alarm hs the 11.11NBABIAN lIALKAIR or LIFE, discovered by. the Celebrated Dr. Buchass;.pl ' Loudon, Englund, and introduced Wm :the Bolted Stales, ender the immediate mapetrintendenee of die inviikarg. The eynionlinary *access of this medicine, in tile Lure of - Pulmonary disease, wassails thedsocciemi Agent in soliciting Mr treenneat the wont/ possible ea: Sem that be bumf in the community—easel that sot rebel in math from airy of the common venseltlies of the. gay, land beve.been &teen op by Ile most dimly... phyucians . coalman' and 'eremitic. The an ltalsamhas cured, and will-sure; the most deepentei hf cues. It is no quack nostrum, bet • .scale('Myt s/medicine, of Muesli and established stissey 2 2-4 . J . Every Manly in the Moiled Mates should be liamsarian - Balsam of Lite, not7Zy7o counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but hi int used as a preventive rtudicina in all cues Or curds, cants, *Ming of Vail, pant in the side and' chest,' ifTilaliOn and sore.. of the Imgs, brochitis, difficulty of Meadow, Melia fever, night sweats, mac em debility, asthma; init..; whooping cough Sold iu large Males, alltper Louie, with full dime, bona for MA nuttoration of healOL • Pamphlets, remaining' a mass of English and elm aildoooerllfidarien, •110.11,it Cat' .equalled omits of thus great English Remedy, May be , obtained of the Agent.,cunously. . I .. • • •-• For min B ALF. INLETOCIZ gainer at and Wood and Wood BMW. shish ' DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. Wetsre been informed hi Mrs- Rom of seani ph*, feinted either hypn Joymore Alterative, whichi . proves its superiority orererery other remedy of rid Bin halite-en rdhirted for the but stem y ear/ :wan NECROSES or WHITE ht)Vh:I4.JAIRA numolml wish uleerwitun mulenkilAtion of oariem battes..dei ring mhiehtheemany precutsre been dierherted front 'the annual Wooer the can, Arm both her Mom. wrists and barshi, and aim both legs, and hem the len 'loaned bona, and flan the rigin keeei besides painful !eels on other puts of tap e rs . winch have bathed Ike Wan el a amber of the roost emi physicians of ' Leesed.—thine' soon of ihe dine b a s t auterino Assn been annealing and drplorable.'boat three months sine. she Ina indaied Wiry Dr! Jartses atlieranie r which las Milan asnialatiingly,hrippendet apse her by removing ail pain ana swellings. and cannon a. aims so heal, while lola same both he/general health, has become to restored, to Mu aeons.. 'weighs SS lbaniorethan she did before she eoonaeseed the are of this may raked& prepauon.--Idat: For Amber inforonnam, lunette of Mrs. Nose, No:128 Fd PoTa l ili d =; ai 1.131121 m ' jy e:14614 711 Ranh M. near Wood. C:WILMA AND SCROFULOUS SWILL S INGS.—Scrohild la. all Its multiplied:foe* whether in that of gilts Eiril,rinetokuabin the . ``(lads or bona, Goitre, White inn, Caseate Rheumatic:RA:user, diseases of the Shia or Spine, or of Palmonary Coach:option, entaaste Dom 'esik smiths same mine, which hi a poisonous principle more or lea inherent la the hoarse systent..Theren fora, Gana tiiipriocipie can be destroyed, no cal cam Can be ellected, bet if the principle writ which the diem doped* L - removed, a -emir dust d neoemity follow; ao matterender what lois the disease idookl mulled heart. This, therefore is the fareell W AA ALTIJUTIft is so id venally saccade! in remain ai may malloali dikenles.desCr, :qv the - wires Or prple Item Witco thew n disesses hue theitorive,lawaterial into the circulation, sod with the blood loceereyed su to the tastewt ti cks, removing every pinkie.' disease from the system. Prepared nod mild at No. 8 South Third Street ,Philidelphia. . ; Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No.W. FOurth stree. Pitudorgh • • , aseltll L*DIES Who Me Common Pmpared.Ckalk, are oft. names. bow fnehtfalla - telj•60111 the akin! bow coarse bole tottak, bow sallow. yelbw 11 and 111E•111 th e skim ant.. talat wog ammo* chalk' Bes es, ItisieJarious, contairtiagaliageqoaa Ott , of lead. We Imee prepared a bulimia." velem/ mete wkleb we tall JUDIESIS'ISYANII3II , I.I WHITE,' It le perfectly ittoccesi,beiaapariledigt I deletenoes gestate% lied it Impart. tbe skits a anew ral,bealthr,alebeatertelctot haler yikattiattbesnme time acting 143 & tOMIX4O on the d 1 milit.ooo - . . ... . . . Dr. Jaunts Anaerran, Political Cht;Mitt of Atilt !buten,. en • s ' , After tnidyindli.ltineelltanini k a White, I find It TA:areas ..the most beatilifal', Ltd mt.. rot, el Ile. netaliare i 110 4 ,411 While I over now. I certnielteenconoeientioney want:intend Its ow 10 0 11 artt0,..11911 'NOMA banittlrilnir. , • Mlt ' llYb , VA: /r:f11. , 36ii. il la gai.illii:Pitl Stare,WlLiberty sueet, bead itt Wood, at We Ii of the Ong lioot. - • .- • . 1 , -, . tr. + .• lathe., to4lett, - I'm iniati r e ' • ' ? • Wheel you Imo* that low re prttitafited ' - . A ratand,lift:hke,tonary bite, . . . Thnlyon will sun too chalk., 7 - . . Aod 'tato deathly yellow iatn, . . , ... 1. Thelltense of Warner and Wk... If yen would nee a ban .o .1 0 1 . 02KLIIIi•taltste., it arooLlinVe years,. no utab ter yet aininal white, and et the sato, Mae clear nd employe it. Void al JAVISOIVIsitiI Liberty 4L- lYnce:YO cents por.bor..r , . . _.. _ . _ • • PAPER WAREHOUSE. DO. 9 MILLING BLIP. 4IIICW .11 - 1.114 C I YRI/6 W. IFIKI.X of for . ale iU the /*pt . / Matteraeturere Niece, a very extensive' a+. meta of PAPER, comprettna .every panalde •minely, • adapted to the mats oi.moommera la all sections °Wm emoury. Paper of allAtada made aorder at abort' nut ec. ite vox k of PRIMING P.APEIt fa onawally lame; ■ panel( Martin a verrsape ri or quahly. _ . • j PAPICK 1111AKKIIII or•ver,loon.iptious, it/posted no.ll!era coemiantly is; Fa,,ng.ol/ Mal, .tourdrimer Wires. • Blemhthig Vowder , Cumuu,lbs l . 2 it•tUG.UKePos CMOs,. D Hu ebasd, Cm widen Wilma puce us Cub walk/ paid ' New Ymb. Jiblfille4S. • • 1....10ne5 • Ilathin Chem leat Soap, „ .T:tOlt all kinds of eruptions and diseases of tic Ithewiadclierp4leak ttpots, chopped or cracked Skin, and for all other Oohs' sup of the Han, which revere eatemal remedies, duo doss winds anpotalleiL It also dispel. rlngles,Plao. I„, m , morpliew,Tan, aid chawcea the color Of dial yellow, Or CUSllefga . h.. . ini ,il4 o Akr . 4 .4 &Alamos. Aiwa aappq, gi. r . 4,1146. 7 sale at the reduced plata( .72kper allor,lssalust bhp; reeelued, is olkered for Mk bra.• EAU irdt23 ra Ask ainl *rod akk4 es IM mut iittk and mucus: " • • .00 I 00 1 1;.,111 . ..1111t..mrt, 4 Talk 441 T tr j - - c o valarArittionil 'Wood nep this Iq ' Vetting' sue* - ' ' ' tuna r" l'llLMONAUL,CONStrbtrillnint' 14;61..itivaaias.lsratimd 11tH", Agin ah taa !no, don ti v....nu.rmr, , filiedtrow_m:. Eiroth , Itoopsscutsghs =t, trrillitti:FOßE; Wm* of alt spot.. mixtures 4Mo-ft . t:os i t=sr-2 4 : " - L h; , hato onistiotiosd hum tio iota ofyoo , Oho dttara/ e" - 1 todNaptiot to it toy do Yto bi log:. Re a i4 l . l ainf4 ""*" *to futile hesiolorids read "woos, diltooll, os liesati sag WI ha/ of amidst Con ~toss rsossoonmidtooi slitiet • I Mean alonosit, I boasi tory./ Md.". ka Mg ROM, to MOSIL miT•ll.4 OArg ti tt. Antall othatt, ha, Vast lost loss son. bladtal *P h '. / rub( httttyt Wood pashistihttos Why,: bou. - 41 =thattatiod dho omit ids tiro la -ea ratan to ra.mw abseils oh/ sotonsposoliastiog il.doLtdt 1 bate f lad tan leo batiks, 1-1/1., oitioplostly tattan't-" , hoist): Lit:dio'brosit Won i ;mike to See r v . " : " 1 t id 6 %""" b• ml • - o t ft:y=7 4 i.e.."' " pa "4 r Y wge ' ~ Yw tbo ,hsoosL plptbdios a/Whoa/I 0Lft " ...p...1 bombs., saknia by 64...tappaft, - vskeld.m. Pth:a ?Imp/. a In ilan.6-41..' mim. at a dittol spina kis/ Loositrolly pnYspstioror bloM.. Fut aboottoni rani nottessoloor ammo add tororndsiotts odd& kit AY Ai 11. 11310ellbk Xi. of itobiesdosod belt alfiet my oda& toll.. my ,fittriogs vim mot a Y..eRR.mW YlitaS they Jamm SOed slatt , ated.lowl tho sioiews 0/ iymplood were In that Sr a what year I welds wallow/4W Dohs Oda haw t ameolt: .saltdoot al& Amman. mod waded hi their prootriettooss am, - shill was osarstiog to promo ma rol oad otiose* they regindsdaoy smarmy us oitiody lospoldto tat I this coalition I Irat o/r•••• satuary agoolo/ Thotaitiots Compood Syropof 1 ar dWool hisottotja • coos somewhat tiodlarta loot thall Dim von' of pg.prdy ,' ivy ilran Yeaah.. bowls ' 7dth yet brio( dewily rinsed to in this montitire, mu th U yars ' i IV/ sten LT.; ) Ito stowable to ahead hi bosom pith moth fruSla .• Prdpa/ colt ANONET DICIL/4)// es tutus, `;pr .hula 741.t " ty " •41., ihseo itto,oe dollar Idabel/a, , , D Z l AVll=thaso of imitatiass, god potithoto Tits oats Cowan :ad Byrop of ha" Gnu soot ind Waal oitads,ol. than abyss lho avugacia• at tiosliagait *ow .1 Width ,VE VENAL REASONs wur - D143.• DY'B , IIA.RS . APARILLA' D I.l4Sare human Art matters:at/Molar, ( !First, Becalm they are prepared by iirlitita4lr dy bireself,2 reiratar Ihugnist,Chemist sod t'hyak, rise of Philadelphia, who 'knows the satire; the quality and elarsetar tbe Medicines nail pride y pals and their idapLttlari to &tease'. - . . ". gouged, Because the public cis tete . thousand!, r, greater conlideseir than otherphille which •sr• pteplired by prism. ignorant both of niettleiort and . . Bennie ol"theii annhined ditto, proper ties nor oestainedin.apy Whet mgr. lag Irma th e rtitarril'Oad bowels a no m tioy au staneee,ead at, the name time PUfiril4i.the Mood c, !eolith, Beam* timy are tbe , i6eapest iedleilk 3 known=-4 *lngle boiewaing bet 25 rents; :aisd ociabiligag 9d plll. , saying to perms, as =shy dollariolVlDati is Doctor's bill. , soil mime ue• omafieiees bought & tried oo the teiuellessiet;loit . ' WHVLIAtiME ADVICE. _.: 5 Wheierer yoishave oceaskos to • tastier acedi do not tntheg witb ytivr. .caostatmliea.be r t trying allude ot'pitls ar other inedieinar)oa . wee pooludied and reernantended by sad another but , Blood pip" Oarafigia'?U 3 . Soil jot 'sot base- °exams- to takit Seithies eise.Altai:will aline he Want good In stood all Worth.; Of down - , lethwation et the stomach, b,ewi els,thres intestine.,athipe or die' at„ liners, loot taste late Monk Sour entetatiossind acidity el t' 'the Ipswich, is - Abets:lmi tout inditeatitotik wail k appetite; billirithilleetyoiti, diseases of,too oel big aid kldaityi, &inn"' of the skin, scaly 'eidptiatid SildWaitn Pimples br".bhiteltes, - or too Leo ' Shit'. body; totter, rasti ; ptithle beat ult olden, helot- Siddtheilitelottheis; paths Mot. the- hassti the tweast;shiew, sloes the both sod none, rheears•i'l ltd wad joatilasen al_ all . Ididsomall pot,. riesi . hod, measelii,ssiolids ; erpopehisood is short /her sregood in pit dionadiGlisei, sad ieteitiaes„amt imputin of than, rrriiiittystivi Cants iJtoe; ' ) :,:kad wholesale and Rey* 1.11. Fithhesideti do Co.,eorser or First soil Wood, also conies cl sukb sod mica nmeur..' lOC MI A al VI TOOTH PAUrirly..., • . • s Yemeni DUST • - " ,T Ile. biatlllllit Yertitont. loyelotoirry i•hito4tlngl the Teeth, strengthening nos fl e,, sweetraul We'''. broom. itro. ,, lt • tboatd be isitiforery West with .st• tiftttb, ttnif the well onin iamb kotty Ryon. olifflif A, • iribtliont in the outgoing. Wet the broth with swam Mater, or cold :1.41 nitotwv, anal ieh Its K,,ttit tthei'ttltr null edlt. , fu r ' itg:= pen. Men frionutooto brooth, It mode .1 "titivatin 'f tvpleasant, ittlioneiosit convcoieto, so f; dentance. It is mg:tract:not to tottre.the tooth, By using levaletly, it will wow& the: tutor For Ml., 114 SCINFAILIZI.U . '7 , preyent , strongthozAr imehmid incieulatt 6liiearea'et ist • Clews.* ph yewwwittiwl 'llll &tidally iaspenor is sem, fleas of the Issilismeary slabint tiliertanitiiewisposind bt x...... =tattne is- numbed ho each pot... sy LW. ti+' sine, lltosihre ,y ones, nor boor ittoritio;orid Wow' cube ostablitbefLr 11136 . 1tillie Vatted Sul., and ever. siettaivelyianyll • tiy Usk &SAS,' Pr 1,4 4 4 . 4 ""'" . s aa t i 6 • A WV% die.,. I 140/1114 ante nuts come deistereniesi of the ateessoltot lag& whietr-S 'timely • ism st its Lounge* entirelyobvists.l l iiiiwits bittue babes shoebil • ;rays bavi- It boy st - boot. tfaillohritllnfot liyax les - they Yr/Alba lellatatlASVlAl.llnn Ma` SWIM: - Sind:4 puns use 'of atom liontinges woola moon thaw:lath of tif6100n444 Whom sit - • - • • • • !itGasercuar, Vb.:a • awl groom Llyto potpanni sod by K . . . ' - ; • . sCoakas.Yitatestra,Watereelesi CaarPsl,l ' Mr .1t..; :Ir. dellenv—i. sem ofdatiwapmil theilliciet Jaime. tom zooid aiy "lowan &Wilmot= Printorpinsiositil :askant/ad Liar ri..l loot Winn* itniiii ila inpealq liabnisar to Deal Calieu'issesiee, obi mare Ton aro alpha, Woe go ahenil.n lied alike ti.y peopseations stamping , in' iproilie,hilinl In els skies, bars sank intoaktitiel wool Lto' Leer rile hon bow ofeeed to tin public, :M, kedyiir Winn-they will Waning tam all,..astial ~ . inst, - Orlea . ptainie Won to be: 1 Wit leineldlicteil vali,flier) aml fient E y z t, hi km ealSerea oweic. impeller way essinintle to venal midweek mom Ana., kit las& lanik onsital end parietal aleoefis &Mir! iitheated 5 ele 5 WOO% sad Engysissa mp as ineusablor - .1a ib7s-71 ow Wawa titgleateLron•Pßla aid WWI iXll .* iW/Ml.: Ottelkik of lynch Lwow sufficient in keeposaneeb of pain it the eislooni. all We War imam" AT . 14 111 sostio., . Irani !Hie ireato iliikateatiania mat..a 1 %the wild, pot Open' to ging mach eicknen Maio noon kok,kan gin •101.111111* salsa ... I ban k.s.b. my.alsre., *a II a- 7 rang saki bleeds of boson, wa Awe. t 0.,. Awed 11 . 911116 . • enompleint. awned by any ow oleo hastni Wen: .. flay tors ogionteanishoutorrey °Wel pin , . Wtigalmtustel, nesiJa a Watt tine till kaiak data ate . 'tesnostly nionerad Ikea ao all pones.. India( Apo, 4ketien , Ose Lbw tkinsteini or It4lneet Alketiam- , - lO 'o'sisattem ietnaperine to Wood sietsn aux rm. .2.empula , . 141 T B—An porn nee tabu Kis bpfent. Ws &NO icaella Liao rilia pannannio manlike um) ;ilea...A 'atek to awl askiiitnather Walken peep teed *instil bp k .7. 552.“11.15,74 5.7-Woodol, Ireal Ilapt Ana Vow& , . . s;=;Wi=;M':3l ID 11 0/I.II,EINAT/Ing 9ALI . ik llllllltheitaraSA xilil?iN.....lll..wuj.AP4. The of Um riotentantilethedirt Ma The hav unVieettathictedthisingrata plan ettnet with a disease oil e sannaeb, etertethets. pt> j dada[ intatpkin Iti the ittenach at tener waive= walla.' inlevedesleta and' niter having tried it remethee whlt linleedect,ereaferniehed with a -bathe tifDr Ithivneis Canitinative Salsa= Wake seed alia War Ile "fke,.miellittdabt4l6l%tenitijihili.tliatief ate% and in fifteen er twenty utiatneseverr lel nensation was eallyely gaieted•-.The metikene ;mei larerardeitietteltehever indkationa or thkerptaudi painuengereeived,and the pun eras thereto/ ~,„a . C 0 ... .111.411ted I.llllSe We 1110611,1413.1eve1ym, anc.askatoes La the. minties t end in • fin , health WWI RI tarntatoredi that the seems. whitener plrywkalatl 6ll3l lo 4 Mt.tate" Pie. .Th 4.11 g rA I r=:: girl a 121 1.3 " al 1 LI ra I : " Z I • fir litar ofdra down* andleiviale. ..it:n1111#11 tiiiialn In I;i.L•iisii'ai 'Llan itarWikiti 72 Feettli Meal, near Weed"; sad ti lee .1 the" Dre Siometli.P SCIIWARTZ.InderaI dart.. AM.II4. i 011111i.PKUP UIUCSY: •'• • ••! .•• . • A? Cream dakAtaandirJusmetal, Par dottiest I. Crease a laltaaadst iihaviagi a .. Almada Cm**, . • - • leilatalkap a otirPoreelaiii naiad 7!' ; • • t scant twptcpestatseditata lareadey s A tetra htiaatirni perwtkipir., of 411 pattetni; - Ettitatitaed toilet Lazes, eainahliag flagrant exttarta. for the handkerchief i a 'seem able tor preatuta. • • . • ' . - :rersiita.atChltieta tamdcry Mohan weretaaki hatr.oite •-•. • . tkar`a faney.ar Opitatakwutpi,als(raie . acaap. otteettoapg,Ntawk Soap; now Lip tintrat' I miao. Yoga swap; kV*/ vita a antataaaiel) at Ana pettemery:llll4 wectpaii AR= 1 4 narGa list.. (r, . uxn! ol,-4 , i "" 4113 ",` lorl'ittir'll''llY PITTEIBURGH' 42Azr.T.T.s i t. PUBLISHED. DAILY . ; TIII-WPBXLY ILlGariarßoation 341 a, worille:Port .• .LATHO IL .0 *DV ILD.s.s. aks,rru. Una mornoni of =Hoes, or ley jr9 TwoDuectioso withouialteraHOn - Taft .. Day %Poet Two Weeks: " Die Al oiatb, • o ' . ..; ''''''''' , . , , .• . r Lailtei "di ettiilitnenti fu - , pon;;;;; 0. . 6114 °De 1141,..6 te • eny 11,'' Eaeb arldilioetaleqna re fore soosOdi One aquae. 6 month; reaewablaatplease!s ieeetba .: kl5 00 lEaeha -flit, - 1 to Leltdaknarei,filnuatterifesSabfeat pleaaire, Net eb addieraraisrmarr,6 - weadan• ene-wirsecal ter - rartnes. Una - kip/Lire:s insediona, ' $lBO te insertion' • . • 1 - -rive lined" . lens, ••••••• . . .. r.f 00 • . ' . nil moo aIHI .• m sae year, daily 6r. weekly' 10 le „ rr .. rt.-via nenelifts.“ , •:. 1 ` L lrnisT. l i miy.ar iams, One ao oTenr,• ,, ±! • r;: eV!. sr.., • 4C . rtc•C . '/tire/ l " • u se six • • - opp:
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