_ ~e~.-~ C i ewi u "g a g l s l * - tr. , ifld ., irpio • • AIM A HITTCHISQN Co, , ' 4 , .` for Below Raney,' - UNDIIIPS—too bid Donal. WIYaG Ed kf do k,li bbla ealfai' noose Molasses; IW loaf Bogar d.% SI . bkfg froto summer St Clad sod fe SUGAR -45 prime N 0 flopa. 5 box. brilion HtTlit• do 1 ease DllLovanniso Lost anbbts smelled . moll do dos 10 bb l. embed and raised ON kr sale a .7. 1:11V AIN QUit i tiliTtiliDll,loLASSl23--330 tCUwL ßu hbds Pi 0 Swa ry n up I.l . 2ll . l . cne tair g N k7 u sr li e by Q.AUTIIILNG ItlNOl-41 Ulf Itha now Wading; 13 14 Itids ball Mod s to arrive Chia week. Tbs. wsuesurb,;(7 Vrk'n! and CIIIAMPAGNE WINE-05 baikets Maltese' ems; 2,J 23 do Crown Ckarnpagne :Wines, now landing and 11:W2486 a •11Y PC MARTIN BRANDIES—Shf pipes superaiir Hearsay Brandy of sew Importatioa as La, 4 quarter pipes superior Mud Brandy, nor lauding and Bd . sale by , , X)ORTWINE- , -B!qr crodcs Burgundy Poii Wine, of gimeigagern 'PlO usou, now lundnug and ar - Ude lour 1 p c murris SHEALED CORN -4.0 narks *ll reed and far oda by , dCULBEILTSUN, _spa •. . 115 liberty st - - - SUDAN 1110 USE PdOLASSM-1.0 bbia prime N pa received ousd &rude by • apt; ' .13ROWNatilLBERTSON SALMON -10 kNo I W acky received peruser W 'Schuylkill awl lot do by , spit , -BURLIBIDGE.WILSON Jk. Co, water - 'OZER SICINS=INILI kor LIU by nt.cArauxss L4Dft-14 biota S Flue, for famiy ose.i.og med .;. 1- F , lbr by___LIKRI4 %%ICC IllogANDLatS APPL/S -0 tacks just ..ed u>, odes by spit ,1111 G ►k lifeCdfil CFP.."—EI la e extra inimet,Jast ieed and kr sale by aPI 4 WIC6k McCANDLIS 101TDN—IL3 bales per Ail. Fog lo, tor solo lry FRIEND, LINEY-A Co FrObbACCO-15 kegs No 6 Twist Tobacco, landing f' ma &Learner &Cloud nod for rale by .pll JAMES DALZELL teceindaudior ly ek" Bal4"H'' ' S ' WICK k AIeCANDLFSS POTASH-0.1 casks prime fur ule by -14.11 • t • .WICYJk 11teCANDIASS BACON -le twain Virginia eared Haan and &A;, how banding and dar sale by i - • atna . • ':POINDIMTERk Ca, - 41 water st I.St=ouVg!'r‘fra‘bir4' 'ri"d per E.:o7r *PO , POINDFZTER Co LARD 011,40 bbl• for tale by SHFI wu bIeUILL, BUELD & ROE LAWNS—Toio ease. Leartifol nnir style J.:- Thus Lawns, just received by' , . SII&CLIAIT & WHITE MIOTA2/1-.14 casks Rime for sale by Jr • epyt .• • . - WICK & bIeCANDLM AlO/..11 - 3 47 2413—G0 ELISE Molluscs,. LOaiaS S saa ilainery;ree'd per WM' !Schuylkill atal fa aaliby llOl !" BIMUIRUME,WILSON &Co Rica AND LOAP.SUGIAR.,III derma Klee; Al bids Loaf Sugar, lcuAlsAg Crum char Schuylkill and tor halo by • LiAUAJLEY k SMYTH, ULK PORK—fIOO pieces asa'il hulk Port ,. l~niint. .01 from mauler Ming ii Chief and for sale by 4 , 12 • • BAUALEY &MIMI TAECU-141 hoz. Starch, superior quatr, land ing from Monongatrela and far sale by spin - BACIALIEII at. EOLITH BUCKETS- 40 dps.painted Beeliet, sitt l )& 4. apt* pa METAI..-0U tons No I Psundry Bletsl,just to and &insole by • 42 . WICK & MeCANDLIFAS "1.31 ON—OU basses glee tar sale by ItURSILLINIE, WILSON YaCo_ . /LIAR-10a bbls Tither Oriole quality sod as good coo -1 diliatt, oa coasliament sad for said by api TAAPFE Y OVONNOR otartton and Thread Li . , sea, just toadied and will be sold asap by - spy SMITHY JOHNSON,•4S saartet at , JUST Torkery ftok l it r 3d . coierr TUEIT BEM VED-7/S bra „Hyde. ass'd Soaps, and bi apa J KIDD& Co TWIT RECEIVED-15 lbs pcnird Ipecac. and for add by aps • I KIDD &Co CASSIMENE4—A toll nuorttnent of blnei and f _ey Cusiaotre U N pt- , SACKLETT W lnood lj r2l7—A loge mew of Doamt., Engf.l r 6, lrt ° 410 rb bi T 4bX171411 T ARD-7 kegs for see by .14 aid OHO COCIIIIAI 4 I, 26 wood a MOI:aSSFEI-30 bbla N to do Sugar Nome; Gal Jan Syrup 10 bbl, sad kegs, for We Ly . D WILLIAMS • TAIII.II-10 las extra pa=lle as t:r i0...4 ;DI 4.3 OAP- buFamiLUJ, NoI ! forsrpb.6. HERRING—I 4 bis sealed, far ' JD WILLIAMS Onle ,, o74.4. , k="ir , ra:lmmera;, - r , ml for gale limn Um IRON -460 Angh.'" & FIZYD, r "wharf, bY IM+, S , Lon , 4111.11-11)bbis NO I Lard, in - s and Gar rale by *pi MCVEY t. Co, 107 Front at DIIY PEACHEB bash In sbne and for male by, *PS • ISAJAIUDICKEY t Co N—ll 2 balls kagsa7 and fairlogesygir BEANS—QUO bush null white Air sale by • ISAIAH DiCkET fr. Co irm oar d =so .. ! a..rall be sold very los, =l:==l VICATHERS-4Xirood quality, for We coastantlz Ly 1: ' • 18AIAII DICKEY & to BEANS-21 . 4t r aZ a utl , :tpt, lindHag from mum 03 . J CBLDIVELL, Alit, water st G. SALTS-40 bbls on conalelunena eud forvsnle ar (YZ,Vt — "b'e -- ifo!lobr„ti;vmt RN-100b ash in!ka• 6.lAajeclu,.)l TV W-10 Ulla at ware and . Car= " DEACIIES,4I:I sacks In Mora sad !or sale 1 , 6 1.1, P . • ' J C HID OAFS—Haft Almoed;. do Bone' • • Palle, bat re ceived end for sale by • • JOEL MOHLklit • . DICE--3D liCiVeS Ruictlyplow, judl reed and for ,[ll. ode by sob : & RICKY:RHOS ' YPOBACCO—iO cues El. Myers' sumer fib lump; ado J.. J Tomas' mewl, lb do; ju t ree'd and Iona& by ape M1L1174. t RICKE:1730111 fOrA 11-want rue article si null, by ' r. •p 6 . JOEL MOHLER LIST RECEIVED-5 von Allon's Nm. sad Booe Lonn, end kw nfo by aps • .1 KIDD &Co VOLPIIINE. Of POSO °ilia core and far 'sale by 0047 J 0 1 ,2; DIUIILEit LAMMED OIL-10 Ws jest reed kW fin Wet by . asart4 ' RIISITZLEI32I !t A LCOIIOL—.9 bbks Ns* reed and foe sah by . Joh: laart4 E..lllFi • stui4 R E Slit r ..4 by 4 SPIRITS TURPEITINS-191tibtr for algrim IrSEED wl, 1a GL4l.r moleb6 IPATENT Al MIME DIRECTIONS-104 grosa .I.24"nf'df ("j* " J b treIIOONSIAKIM k CO- UGAR—G.Ubda. fs store on ecenig Gar side by . maci2 IISAI.A.II DICKEY .& W i r -32) ,UP 7 h!'k ° 4—.i. ra ”d'igh paZ l :a i lMr " 3 iameta ' yo brands and v ' tattob4; some very ' allti; •It l.lo as bayonet!, by malt! P CIIARTIN ORANGER AND LEMONS—IA base. om . codgo• poe • . •by ISAIAH MO= it Co.. Carcass aloe, for sale by ROBLYSO:i k. Co IIAIL AND bbl N C Tar, ID bb 'Tanners , Pal; far sale br• roaal • ROBINSON &' r• •r, .1 and suaril IL ROBINSON & 0,15 Co Argq;PSi LARD-10 lbs 1.2.71 bbls rd i dur N , fo Crszoby I ,l thE ttm g red Pine Je'e •11i0 1; 4 . w. t.7:wALLA6E. MOLLSBIO-320 Ibls N Ohiofancy ree'fiper stmr ' NMI! Niter and for sok by - • • • ' ! • R ROBLNSON kCo I‘II.II O LANEII L1VE11711.1.1-1W gram Apt these selebrased Pills. A large pr0fit . ..11...Q to 00to n &attn. • • natiSS . J KIDD &Co' LEAD -ad pigs beW Lower Mines J ree d and br eslo ' P011111)1 os IiXTEk Co 4 . 1 4148;d1.37:-.Ttit—i—feire MIOLL/11/TTP3-5 LOD fresh jest reed and lot rnl4 •Ali, 17 mar; JOHN 5 DILWORTH TRATE:NT SODA ASH-91 2a4ks (he idoaprall HOMI brnn o /14ndi45 from steamer &mann; and lot 114. bi W t M malt INllibeny 41 AILTiOIL-10 Was Lard (NI, landiag from gamer New Eaglaad, aUllor gabs by • ■nrlJ • !AMPS IMLZFLI . tC.-100 taxes bunch Raialm;. 1(0 lgalf .Zll, bezel; do.* WU 1 .11. r, W DWi.r"u.ene.; marfar X..M.X11 At SMITH . LT a kw. No 1 Loaf, An' pie jom„ - BUSIIFIELD k ROE iiigSOMM;;M pEACUEB—ge bosbelg prime PeaFir k g n4aye. TAIKTAR—ObbI*Aon"IIE aF~I tins Wow YARN—au dat To+ Yank tar sak by / 1 wu . ; WWI( k /11cCANDLESS ICYPASH-Alliabs . Pbt *fit rewired per biabiebt kr . mrilasi bar bag by:.... 11.013150 N k. Coi .4UTTER-41144.41 Boum; Slug. baler, toed for 0 a Now Ehighlog for Ws by 0311,6t05e Elol=XLittill Ito to alsonoloote, fog joteolkoso of Mod and Heroz;p tho moms— titoonrosocolod toitk REPINED SUGARS—SO. bor es - dooble nfi.ci Isige .Loodk- - 410 Ws L024-*IS outlet Obis pow‘mrk,lol4l. will,* Is Mt* sad forwle- by JAMES A HUTCHISON & siorA, .:Aresis *Louis SiessONtsullanagy. - T SlLADESTrampareut 'window Amin TT of Oren= pate al ail prices; Hai Wes - and COM Mims abal% Slade and Mimi Tins. sohis oLW ktedti lot _ sale by HEATON& Co, Yaw"• , • _ um:lmA, • a : m. 4 uad eau7 bou Fo•=rl 4 do • , BAGALEV !MM.' JOHN D MORGAN SUAP-3 boxe• Rain Sosporor .ale JOHN% 'MORGAN unrinwcuss-mo b. ftzter, 158 do HUM 50 d 7 0 4 r; Just received artd for sale by ap3 S Y YON BONNUQIIST k. Co, Z from sr iiirrE BEANS-19 IdlleJnet reed and kr aide by Etp3 WICK A. Id'CANDLE. t • I bole., or y ap3 . WICK & WCANDLE3B C for sale Iy AßN aptl C43° i l h %fra 1111411111 r. NAILS -2W keys Nails, far We by ap3 WICK& 11VCANDLESS inLASS-143 boxes 'UV.. 7. bores 10:12 Mu.; f• We by .p 3 • WICK k WCANDLLSS s sacks Tenneswe Ground Nut; apt WICK & IldE—Rll bbl. Louisville Lin., just tussle.' end ler sale by apt POINDEXTER k. Co SQ. H. MOLASSOS-0 LOA St James Refinery, . rettiven and !or *We by Mt* , 111 , 14r .. 4 1 :1 1 1.rl y 0 (Ads. lilea . 1 DAGAtEIf SMIT EiT21332 _ . WESTBOWEN 7o irons a tegariiiii Tobacco, 4; ado by . WiMT BOWEN NO. SUGAR -188 hbd. prime N O Sugar,' landirtg . [mu steamer Gcnzessee, and tor sale by meal BAOALEY k BANTU IbICKLEID'IIAbLS - 6 bias eau. boyar bored flbooa LL Wanly C. arojnbareer Honig Alabobaboubd fur salt. bi • . mart" •• • BAGMAN tr. SbilTll bbliFiaTilua for sale by . . Mla=l fIOPAL VARNLYH-3 bills Or ask by y .p 3 - JOONL MORGAN 15 and 04 at 53:15; 33 at $4,50; 23 at $1,68; OS at 14,60; 300,123, and 12 at $1,65; 35 sad 23 at 4,- 62 Sales (min wagons, pretty free at $ 4 , 62 0 4 , 70 . The quantity !which offered wu larger than on any previous day, sad if continued for a few days would bring down prices. There was a percepti bleehange even yesterday, from morning to after noon. The. Moiling sales opened briskly at S 4, 6704;756i45m 0, but in the afleoon the market menial to flag, and several lots hung in hands to GROUND NUTS -S Sacks Teariessee Crowd . Nuts; a late boor. for sale by most, WICK & NeCANDLE3S SOlOl P ' 6 l bll MORGAN WBEANS-431 Warred. Wllitelicaris i bud I I received and tor sale by . • mari7 WICK k IdeCANDLIEIS DabY II" a Va N z i 7 —l2l SUAt , —r z., bzs Clacinmai&z,rgz. s - 7 - 13/41.1)N-273 pieces, ho round, just reveived and 1) for ..lo by warn _WICK tlr. • MSIMIE;EM bbl, packed, of good quality; I do roll; I)tor sale by • ISAJAII DICKEY &Co, marl . walla and (root Its 'LI'ACKEREL-1:0 ELL harp. No 3 Mackerel, reed ITI and Cor sale by manrd H ROUINSON kCo DOW GLASS AND GLASSWARE-46U bra 5115 61•55; 55 do 1 1 / 1 19 do. 15 do 15014 do; Ilk rots Out Rugg 155 groin quart btinles; 50 bre tomblera, to am ro and for We by fulard,l] POINDEXTER &Co SWIZ? PLITAIDFB-3 casks, for seed; now 1.,;u1 ing and for sale by ISAIAH DICKE:4' tCo apS • front and water ate IDIRR URICIZ—Firi Brick equal, it not superior, lo 12 wiy in thia makes, to. Railing Mills, Foulidnea, ice, on hand and meaning regularly, and a:n * aafi, by R RUMOR Co (1011 N BROOMS -125 dos superior COm Emma, %,;/ Jost received from Illioois, sad for Bale R ROBISON & Co LARD-16 bids No I Leaf Lase; SO kegs do do do in Eton and toy sale by DipSJ 6 ROBISOS & Co DIG METAL-2O tons Pig Mend, reed and at sale by apS IL ROBISON t Co COFFER -130 bogs Rio Curren, in store and for sole by npB R ROBISON a Co, 192 liberry st QVGAII-1:0 kb& prime N U Sn.ar, ree'd and for 0 We b lt IIdIIISON t Co INOLASSYR-2.8 bbis, N 0 /Holum. bbla Good LYI ale's 8 H 411 N received and Gar male by .p 9 R RUBISON a Co LOAP SVGAW-40 bbls Leaf Sugar. ree'd and for k by R ROBISON /E. Co ICE-40 tee Rice, reed and for axle ~0N• spa rrIOBACCO—RaI bra lamp and plag Tobasenj 33 kegs d twist On, is pore wdfur sale by ttrt R OBISON &Co F 1911,011., kC.—SS bias Noldbiekeie4ls bbls Tan. . neris Oil.; EibblA C Tan in gore and for sale by " " ' 'ROUISON Co STE,AII BOAT UNION—Otte eigh th of the steam boat Union for este cm good terota__Eoquire of A. LEAD -178 pigs Galena. kw sale by marl 3 JAS A LIUTCEUSON h. Co 1401J—q.SFS-11;0 bbl, plantatio n for sale by in maw - A S At HUTCHISON& Co THISHUMIS—WUWfixsaIaby A Risnu ARD:..7 ter Nol Lug Lar& &rubs by mart 7 WICK & BIeCANDLERS WED PEACIIE3 AND APPLES— 61) badels ed V Peaches; IDU do do App JAMESJAMES D GINISENG-✓SW /bs br.ale by mv"—i 78 DILWORTH tIOAR-103 kW. wink N 0 Nagar, in none and for o sale by Anarni UT MORGAN kCo man 4 - .taw It FFEE-200 peke Rio, prime, for sale by arl) • POINDEXTI2 & Co SUGARS -40 Lb!. Leveribre eruebed k pulverised, PO do Louisiana leaf du, kr sale by mare POINDEXTF:R & Co MO , bbls NO, ;w i t , k .101EFO11--400 sacks, Co ogle by A_ !ozal9 POINDESTER k. Co tIANCY ,C 8.4813/ ERES-3 sues plelds, stripes, -r Vale c olors, opened end tor sale by 1311ACKLITIT ft MIRE _ -- . _.. ._.— tRO ke DUCE—Sti bbls 8 P bawl 43 do aorn meal; la ee tore; LSO do oats; 7 kelp bitel-wkieet door; do lard; in store sad ter sale by " ' =ado JCEIDWFII, . DACON—IDO Idas bac on hams, sides and aboalden., L.) on consignment sod fin sale by 14:10 SIZLERS t NICOLS SCORCHED SALTS-11 asks jun rec. and for sal; by mad! l.B WATLICMAN MOLASSF3-911 bbts SH, Louis Refinery in • ogre mut for mule by JANIMI A HUTCHISON k Co "WicicTid:t gin LES 3 DONNETBOARLS3-lOogrommbita ltannet Boardo, I) • kw ankle, kir mkt by tiara REYNOLDS dr. I+llEbb T A HD— 44 kegs brat Lard, received an eaasignseni ja .. Gar safe try ISAIAH DICKEY& Co, agID NS water mai fin Nam as at:ORCIIINUS-SID casks far sale by 17aple FRIEND, RDEY & Ce,M . seater st IG METAL-23 tans NO I Foundry Pig Metal, for P .ale b FRIEND, RD EY At Cu - inucoN--siouu bbls in bulk, used; .V• cask. 410, Gar salefloorio clone eonsignment, by aplo • . FRIMD, lIIIEY lr. Co SINOIi . MOi-TcasesCooper's hinglass,or Genuine, Jan nec'e end far sea d===7l rIOPAL VAILNIBII-11 We of Moor York, gistoo and Plusborgh roargroduro, rot oal. b • , oplo - • • J SCHOON &Co Ii j rADDER-2 casks 6m quality Gar pale by Jll WU I 8C11119!!MAillii few! aplo . J SCHOOKLUMEM &Co CLOVES -AWN for sale by s• 10 J .scnoorimmtut & DOTABH-33 casks prime, jog yeied and for aakr by 1 sal° -WICK& McCANDLLSS L DAP.AND CRUSHED DINARS-1M !Able prime er , A. . "I' LIOWN & CULLIMMON T AHD OlL—Nibble Moan's Wm, n very fine oil for ..EJ retailing; for ..le by • • • J SCHOONHANER & Co, 24 wood et LCOHOL-10 bblajun reed .rn tor tale by ' • ity:si7.4EßB,67 rood .t KLUIP-30,CC0 more of the to Vegas awl Lagoa.. half Regabas, to 'arrive and for sale by, aglb P C MARTII4 B ACON-10,UD lb. I3or!on, hog round, just received ou nourornatent and fut= ivicKir k co WNS-r-W Ft Morph? ltr Tn fi Tl Vrittr Us i rtr d e r „e: tAawn.:Lt nl COiele p u 11.a.Z.nt 111 teat*. .p 7 VER gale by aplU ' WICK • bIeCANDI.Etti L ARD -27 kegs No 1 Leaf Lank for sale by WICK k Agee/0014'M iThEER. SKINS L 4 'licks for bulb by •pII AVICIC . k MeCANDLESS CUBA TOLIACCO-76 bales wrappers end Alters just rec'd 013 consignment, and lor sale I.y 41411 t 1111CIGETSON .... _ YELVIiEr COIEDS-4n assortment of insult arid 'lmp ribbed. Verona Cords, melba= and fillo aunty, byb , bbi by • &HAMM & WHITE b‘l" P ria,Z l l /7 ' &111/ 1 4111A by C °. 1910 kbIfeCANDLLISS D".pirc"'" mlcArammi • kioint—al tads extra Funily now for sate 14 %VICK & IifeCANDLI.I9 only 5641..-1 .sek. by sale by .010 WICK & bIaCANDLFS9 GA/38-710 boo 71t, nx10.4 JOilt Window Glaos for oak by gip7 JOHN (mat acioacm—io Id Ibis No I Mackerel; IS& do i_Ti s do, 10 SWAN* Oda; ISO do Oo3do, for oak 'op! BUNSWIIILIE, WILSON It Co .~.~:r^-^z: ..~.5~eea:,~:.., =TN - i`~ r T --- :idis - 7- -, APRIL. ', , , F 1 - .2 - Barunisy• 5 Itr ' II Scmday, 1 ' 517 1.7 Maaday, - 5 25 18 Tuesday , 5 $1 II W•daaday, 11 22 20 Thursday, .5 •34 11 Friday, , 5 21 . 6 6 4 1-7-11 713 1-- - 1 034 3l' 631 661 477 1047 638 11.30 30 mom. 1 101TENFATS OP TIM ITICANIIIHIPS. Proposed millings ef the British and North Alessi ems Royal Nail Steamships &horn Boman and Limped, and &town lino York and li~rryod, for 18.17.. Ainerica, Capt Judkins Niagara, CaPI Ryn Europa, " Lou Canada, •• Douglas' Hibernia, " Shannon Cambria, " Harmon Britannia, " Lang Caledonia, " Leitch Acadia, Captain Slane. nos mistook. ROM 101[111117.4. • For Freon America, N. York, Mar 2.5 Caledonia., Boston, April 5, Acadia, Boston, April 8 America. N. York, " Hibernia, N. York - 15 Acadia, Hostas Alai 3 ...... •• • • Homan, " 21 Hibernia, N. York," Id PITTEIBUROII HOARD OP TRADE . • COMMITTEE FOR Aram goal.. 80. Z. 1/01304 MAY. 300. mina. Omer Pmsavaan Gszarra, Tuesday Morning, April 18,181& :Yellenlay was a vezy busy day—so much with many of oor mercanole fnends, that we reluctant to trespass on , their time fin repeats. The business done, however, was nearly all of a gener al: charactei,—a gathering op of small items to fill comary bills. Probably, as many groceries were disposed of as on any other day of the sea, wit. The imports it will be seen, continue full, and the exports keep pace with them. The river. although now at a stage of about Wu, and a quer. ter feet, affords all necessary keility Wr transporta tion, and the !canals slaclowatet, ate, ore in excel. lent order. The rain of Tuesday will no doubt came aom little improvement in the river. We do not ep., prebend any difficulty in the conveyanceof freights for ■ month to cuMe, at least. The markets generally remain steady—Flour •, bout at a maud-Bacot, rather les firm. We have he following report: • FLUea--Selea at the river 39 bble at $4,67, Possisohs—Sales CO bu good blues End neshan nosh., at : 4oe y be, resold at same price. The market ii full, and hence the decline, which will be yet greater, as large quantities are to arrive. Some very prime potatoes are still held at much higher rates than that above quoted. B. coa—The sales of the day were very light. 5000 St shoulders, sides sad hams, at 3,4, and 5; WOO Zta sides id 4c; 2,000 As shoulders at 31, were the largest reported. • Bout Meer—No sales reported, but a lot of 50,- 000 Els Proem, meat of arta quality, was offered without anding a purchaser, at 2lc cash, and the otimer, after 4 fruitless effort to sell, bad [Melly de. termined on shipping to Baltimore. Fnarnims--Sales of 2000 ms in one lot at 33c cash,par funds. The article is very Rearm and in demand. idousszs—Sales 10 Wm prune, Zc; 10 do or. diruuy, at 27c. Sroxr.L.Soles 10 bhdl at 5c time; 10 do fic cur. RISC), SALT—Sales 195 barmlo No t, at $1,25, drayage ba be added. . Saureerrs—Sales 7 tons at 7r --amail nits same term. Duet Aercss—Oue sale of 60 bu ur 60c wss rr ported; other mks Ist 7.1 e. Eana--Salelat the river by the barrel, at 61; Y dor; feint store at 7c. , Came—Small males at 71c. Roth Western Re scree and Goshen are inquired die frequently, and we In demand. A prime article of Reserve wield command 7 1.--nrailify. The high price which the article bean at Cincinnati, prevents its coming this ‘ray---.31 is the Cincinnati quotation. • Wm=l.l.--Salri 30 and 20 N&. mctified at COMM YAlll.+We stated yesterday that the manufacturers reels to meet fur the purpose of re during prices. :The meeting, Nra mere inEsmed• did not take pLue, but the Hope resnufirctory has (Peen firth the idkraring as its tinlait of prices, and the cabers may be considered ca adapting the same tales. Among the enroll boat freights per Erie Curial, we observed it large pile of beech blocks, 20,0110 pieces in one urge, winch were cut about 20 miles this side of Erie, and consigned to air. Geo. For tune, to be manufactured into saddle trees. PRICES OF COTTON fAILVS. Yarn, 15 ets. with a discount Wick 0 Twine 20 ' cla . Carpet chain 20 - ‘lO Carpet yarn 20 . do No 500dp dot 8 do 600 7 du 700 6 ` do taoo 51 do • 900 - - do 1000 ' do CU= Om City Markel. 4 .../ 4 7 41 0 .i0r. Apil N. i 10.,,,,, 1:47 , im. ..... .... 4 0 el 1 , 64.1616 Lb...., pill 4 0 1 0 raft, Ilwalltals S 0 • -A-Ilaip 0- 0.. 0 E 0 4' 000 , 41. • V 0 3 NASkes, r Ine 73 067 --Nwrel ip plr• • 6 , 1 , D 7 , . /I- •• • --/- Nati., 111 ;le t• •• • 0- -I/ntd, II to • • • - 5 GI 6 Icitle, 111 1. 1 UP - r ,in Wl_ IppeD- 0- Tciscues,fieer, veva 15 DM ,---Dliftl 31j0.77 ITatkeiGlir. eseb• • 0 - l----elesseo 0 - lihal, bna rug... lb 7 0 H Walnuts," rig• • • •ID alp , VIM.- rgleD. 111 base% - • • •Z 031 '416/1.•70- mem YLOIllt j‘Dbast, 100 Ito OD ral !Rye -0- IDDekebeal • • • -0- Fig plait • Et llmaloa,frek••• • 0 Melloox each ••• • - A pple,,f. prig ••• • • •ie 0.• Llcef, bevies.% lb 0 b —bydeing 0 5 Beets, 4 , boneb• • • • Braun, feesb prod lb 1/3 Do 3. • , I6 lIN 130 km. ..e. 94310 Emus,o bill. pk —O - SitlA knv 4344bage. biad• •• 3 liP 5 carrou,pbut•ek .• a • 4 Carry 5 • CI ebiamajito, el.r - • 40050 Clifluut..ril Cornmeal 417, 0- 71• Crasherfies, • 41.. 0— Ducks, IF pat: 0 kw." eleme4 40050 dos 0 El Ona, esel,..• 0 • 44 , er Aed 0 010 6. 11 . 1 •7 ,410 e• 15. • mo o m Fe; .16 040 res'd,ir 0 —Liteen Cero • do. —o— Ilvek/eberties ?in —a—. Plaso Prii • •- Illyarepalby,car the Water Care. 71L4..7011. IW2iJ. W. MORRIS scalene Lh sincere JLI Musks to the citueaa of Pinalnagh and Allegheny city in the very liberal support and encouragement be bas received within the lemma months. That the . . lee Care. 41.011.ki neqnlre such xelebrity, is neither strange r mysterlous,whisn it Is considered how Mal a sombe no r of cruel of every variety of diseases, both acute and ebroulc,lieva been cured by a judicious... ofit. In Germany; where it originated, six thousand alba worst ruse, that were given up by Me nut. Cal physicians of Metope incureble, were eared by the immortal Priernitur., the founder of Me {Vetere., In England, Prate sad America, thousands of hope less eases Pave bl'en eared by it, and the numerous Ilydropedhie naiad/Amen,. sow in sue-restful opera tion in the United States, speak volumes in favor of the practice.. In. Morris having permanently established himself in the city of Pittsburgh, three door. southwest or win's alley, on Penn street,la now prepared to take a numher of bony.n and treat them at his boner, and Anne who picky being treated it their own dwellings, will be punctuitllyMinl faithfully attended. lie may be consulted at his office from I o'clock till I'. M. and (tom 7 to IQ in Me evening. N. o.—Every variety of baths made use of id he Water sure, both far ladies and gentlemen, can be ob tained at the Allenteurn, on Liberty street, where they bare been recently', erected for the express use of lip diopatbie patients, and where every attention will he given-by the polite and attentive proprietors. ~I/nOl • • NEW CHINA, GLASS fr. 41.1KEN9WARE !STORE, No, 111 WoouBnrxr. TUE subscribers wish to inform the public general) yy that ore now opening It new and large stock of China, (Sims, Queenneare, Grilanida and Fancy Goods, comprising the latest and moll fashionable poi tans of Drench China plain and golthhand Dinner Pets; do do . Tca &Metier Iron. Stone Dinner Slowing Linea uew pattems) Leverpool A great variety of Tea P.m, diffrrent qualities; Ilritannia lierakfam and Tea Pets; Walters--* beautiful snide •Vtiects's Gothic," Parlor lamp., lthouvlino, maker,) Glass Ware, a general assortment. >Steamboat oWnetll.““t hotel proprietors are Invited to esaminv our assortment of mate suitable for their Country Merchants ran find a lame stock of ardeles suitable tor country sales, which we will sell at lo•• minable prices. . Our stock being intirsly new we feel satisfied of be ing able to please MI who May ' favor Its with their coo• tom. lapl7ultfkwlt'll 11111. k Err Y. 111111.1' PATENT ULOCKII. Tllll subscriber offen i.e sale • lull mmutraent of Ids Ships , Ptifilit Blocks, Slaves, kn., adapted to I e Bad , ' Also, complete sells of Lllrmks, adapted to crawls of auyeapatity, pot up and forwarded to any art all. Beton, out delay sad at the lowest po sies. LICINUM VITA: for sale in quantifies to suit purchasers. • UVII WIITAPLIS, zmtbdtWitiyd:rds3 30 Bawling New York 130.381-1 cask Shoulders; I do Hides I do Ilan., 13 just received on consignment and for sale by apl3 TAPSEY k. DINT (lO' N-o.s bake Tennessee CiS1 On, -- :l:lldoMiSslsT. ,app, do; In Nom and forml yb WEST BUWEN,I7O frost at ZI_ZZ.&M= 41- ;wai ts lake Etie, Heinphil,'Bestinr. • Beaver, Out-, Steubeniffle. Baltic, Iscoiss, Brovriumlle. • ' Pato Alto; McDonald, Beaver. Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellsville. Louis McLane,- Bennett, Brom...wale. Atlantic, Parldr Blot -tile. m, Par Mason, Brownsvii, Hudson, Poe, Wheeling. Clipper, No. 2, Conks, Cincinnati. DisiLkm, Stewart, New Orleans. . Niagara, Jacobs, St lotus. Umpire, Cote, Zanesville. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Wellsville, Boma, Sunfish. Anadne, Morgentiavro. DEPARTED, Beaver, Clark, Well Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Palo Alto, hiVonald, Beavei, . • Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Lady Byron, Miller, Louisville. New England, No. 2 Dean, Cin: A riadne, Morgantown. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. • Michigan Gilson, Beaver, IMPORTS BY RIVER. . Lour:Mlle—Pm Mt Vernon,' 4 boa mdze, It A Fabnestock & co; 5 Idols sugar, Sellers* Nicols; 25 bbls lime, 5 boo Cob, Lamben dr Shiptan; 55 bbls whiskey, I S 13oinett; 16 bhda Cob, 35 do baron, Clark & Thom; 73 boa Lob, W Bingharm' 50 hlids bacon, 4 bbls horns, Grail; 10 cabs ginseng, 7 hbds tob, 24 cob, bacon,_.3.6 tons do, D Leech dcco; 20 bbls lard oil, Farron* co; 50 bgsk•athers. Atwood, lone, & co; 9 bbd, lob, Bamaley do Smith; 10 do do,Forsyth & co; 249 bbl. potatoes, J llnstmgs; 11 legs nails, Logan & Kennedy; 1 br. books, Elliott & Engirsh; 2 bbls hams, 3 McFaden & or; 3 do do, 3 lihds bacon, lieszelton; 40 bgo kathers, Carson to McKnight; 31 do, AVnllingford & co; 3 bales hops, Brown & Culbertson; '7 ht. mdze, Whiunore & Wolf; 59 cobs bacon, 3 ligs feathers, Bailey, Brown & co!-65 bads hams, S McChntan & co; 2109 bulk 'boulders, Jordan & co; 13 Idols beam, 43 bbls do, Watson. Cinannoti—Per Near England No 2; 10 bbls lard oil, Sellers & Nicola; 5 do alcohol, IL. E 2‘.1. lea; 12 slabs non, Cuddy & Jones; 5 bblsl box mdze, Fshnestock; 13 hlids boson, 53 bbl, hams ' Jordan Bs Son; 12 sks feathers, McClurksu; 11 bbls mol, Shoe:Merger; 72 bss meat, 11 coke hams, Clarke & Thaw; 270 pus pork, It Miller; 7 casks hams, Forsyth loco; 4 do, 'W 13 Holmes & &o; 3 bids eggs, - W_ljolincs & co; 4 hxs, II Gruff; 1 keg specie, Nllolmes & Son. • ZracTeiie—Per Camel; _3l bbLs boor. &spicy et Smith; 100 bbhs, l A'aterman. 21 cake bacon, Church & Carothers; 16 do, D Leech & eo. Berseer--Per Lake Erie, .762 ' hams, 771 should. ers, 774 sides, Bidwell; 236; bbls plaster, Caugkey; IS sks d peaches, Boatman's Line; 2 qr casks tor. pentine. 2 hl du, Woodwell; 3 casks turpentine, 1 bbl oil, Kidd St o°,lo bWs nakratus, S F %oo Bonn. horst; 4 bids du, Heaselton; 32 Ws pork, Ganglier 8 coke pearlash, Curling, Robertson & co; 13012 A corn meal, S & W Harbaugh; 18 bdhs paper, A 41 Wallingford & Broon.rille—Per Louis McLane; 76 Ws dour, J Morris; 13 do flax seed, Berry; 32, bbls dour, Yeager; 30 pigs, J C Bidwell; 127 Id bail w glass, von Bonahorst. Per Baltic; 20 WS dour, R M PlayCmd; 31 do Capt Todd; JO pkii, &dwell; IS do Forsyth dr Don• an; 97 pra iron, Jones de gnige-,. 3 Les, Forsyth & Duncan; 2 do, Hays dr Black; 18 bbls flour, I do apples, Dual; 2 do do, Barker. Ikarer—Lake Erie; 1 bid beef, J A Canghey; elks seorchinws, S F VOM Bonahoro; 4 lalls paper, Ihrarard-• Per C 11, Q F Smith; 17 tone pig metal, James Woods. Per C B Button; 61,990 ak, pig metal, Wick & McCandless. Per C B Fashion; 47 ton. pig metal, wick• Sa Mc - Candhess. Erraterucille—Per . At !antic; 21 blils Boor, IV Bins ham; 3.1 4, M Scott: 35 Jo, Gm, Pees; II do, Fin ley; .13 exprem pkgs , II G Vickery; 1 bx of 1 bdl maze, Human. Per Loans McLane; 12. pa iron, Jooes & Quiga; 30 Las, 1 crate, I keg. 2 bales maze, 7 bdis hard ware, I do peel, 2 mak" ntdra, J C 12 bur 3 irks, I aka mdze, II Gruff; I rm. mile, Forsyth & Duncan; 3by mdze, 1 bid steel, 1 aaddie, 2 bales and 2 1111 A miler, II Mitchell; t 39 I.lxs glean, Gl bbla dour, H 13 it M Elterhart; 75 I be. glans, Robertson & Reppert; . 299 1 box gin*, IV Ever hart, jr, 9 tibia apple, I) Smith. IViltrehß—Per Beaver; W Lad. four, Et McDtr cold; 32 Wits dour, II Newell; 39 Has dour, J S Melntrialg bbls dour, Poly; 2 bLI, applei,S & W ilarbangh; 2 Ws roll butter, 2 do exam, 4 bbls I tl v a l lseed t 2do mcca fla wi lla S l i VoLeren t an c t 2 ...k I.6l. poath htr . Hickey. Coseimulti—Perlkillialnal • Utz. I trk rianks, W - Bingham; 2 tin hams, I ..at dk), W II Babel; ,50 casks lions, J Jordan 5.7. Son; 2 hhils baron, It Miller; I G Mao and 25 Ica hams, Clarke Sc. Thavr; 5 Lids eggs, I bag;l box, and I roll, I) T Mor gan. •. New Or/carts--Per Diadem; 9i hhds bacon. 14 bbl. lard, Sellers & NV:is; 20 tibia potatoes, Wick & McCandless; 20 bbis whivres, Knox & Doyens; 30 bbls sehiske)', 1 S Bonnet; CS bbl. hams, 40 bss tracers, 1 ban. I chest, Clarke & Thaw; 2 hints I LLI ropes, hi Allen & en; 239 Ws mot N. D The chief:portion of Cargo from Cincinnati St Lmris—Per Niagara; 5E to hums, M. Allen & co; 122 sks pualoes„ G R Ben 130 aka Potatoes, owner on Loud; 13 cats locos, owner on board; 22 loos bulk mans, Muni, on board; 20 lAAs pork, Hersolas & Shea; 12 calks hams. Oruro, M. Grow & eo; 140 ban oranges. J S bast s; 27 slo raga, 30 Ws dried peaches, 1 MA bean., J E 1122, an Loud. fig Thelinr,.—Per Umpire; 26 14ds earn and beans, noise). St Best; 44 b it s dour, L S Water man; 7 Ms leather. Jas Dalrell; 2 pea eastmg, Tao. icy tic gest; 10 Us sad 1 pkg codas, Al Cummings; 77 bblirdour, Omni, MeGrear & en; 1 lin mitre, 1 Kelly; 2 cal. tool 1111 Lamm, I. S Waterman; 31 sk, dried apples, 1 LW butler, W "Bingham; 1152 pea balk bacon, Omm, McGrew co; 4S bbls flour, owner aboard; 144 Mils flour, John-'lsleFa den. Wirriing—Per Consul; t earrisae, 1 hos, For syth & Duncan; 100 tdds floor; I MeFaden ecc 101 Gbh &s r, 8 S W craws and 1 hhd ware, Eakin Lino; 1 orate and 1 bhd ware, M Ilalkinson; 11 Übls, 2 kgs, 5 las sad 1 bill yarn, 33 skis, lao Waist; 281d,1s door, E Wallace. stnfiEle—Ver IVe!bride; 21 reams pp.', Thos Pai'mer; 12 ream. parry, 2 aka 'cool, S C lill;151 ails dour, II (/ Estrig; 54 Ws door, O W Coch ran; 2 Liss dried fruit, 21e0i11 & liiishtield; 2 bay bacon, IVilhams h CO; S kelp, lard, I Isld loitier, 2 sky llssyterd,lt A. n, 2 bids flaxseed, 2 bales woof; 1 keg Wider, 3 do lanl4 GI pay boom. It Robison &oo !Ada dour, 2 Lai ego, J Uit worth; 122 Idyls Awr, Capt !tome.; Mils dasseed, It A Fabriemoctl.-1 A. dried peaches, I 144 dat um], 3 hod. He 100 bbl. and ID hi IA•In dour, C 1' AntilitiCs4 5 oaks boron, John McFre den; 3 Wide tobacco, J A Roe; 23 hhils tobacco, W 13iugham; 114.) dour, 1.1 0 log. mm, 9 Idols 10- bacco, I) Lend & co; = blias bacon, 3 Idols to Immo, L Leech & co; 111 Lb!. dour, II Mas sie. liforgarstosm—Per Ariadrie; MI- fib tk4tr, aan dry cossigneen. WiltsviPr—Per Cakb Cope; 2 orates ware, Oi A; , (Jelly; 1 crate .ware, Henn lbghTi 16 sks cgra meal, Jos Donaldson; 33 Wl* paper, 2 aka Luke Loornis,• 12 hhhr Boor, Samuel Lindsay; 41 its Gaut, 13 Ws flour, E Hen:cline; 100. sks only Sh W Harlsaugh; 2 las :drugs Duncan & Pol lock; 33 blds eggs, 4 bids insUer,.2o bills apples, 33 du dour,4 Irge unts,.l ph) soap, Ina eggs, 2 Lip lard, 33 plough beams; Passengers. PASMItif Oat ARILANURAI SitiTS FOR 1819. For Philadelphia cam evening o oOlaelt, by liesels'• Pastels. Office opposite the Malted Suits Sot& Strantboal Packet lot, leave. daily for Ciao:mall, In A. N. Passenger Paeket via Unownsville u Itallisoms aml Philadelphia. st A. 6. mudr.at. Mail Conchltitte direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. m, Itti P. at.• Western sad Southern Mail Coach 14ne, 6 A. 6. - Nualstlfrodern via Clevelandolsily, lU A. Y. Foe and Western New York, daily, 9 A. o. Nortisbbisont toiladeiphia, daily, except Sunday, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. /to3AILKOALI I.l.7lTlNG—Sealcd proposals will it received at the city of New Albany, nudity the :AM day al April, as II o'clock, lb 'fib, Me grading, bridging.mieuney and wooden superstruc ture oldie Nrw Albany and [Mime Railroad. The work will he divided into about filly sections, nod will riubraire every variety of acearalimb itteluM ''rig liiae Mime, slate and li wird Wad rubble nmOunry, realiank "" ine d ior Inn bridge. of variourplans. ke. tbe Whole to be com pleted by Ma first Jay of (Mtober„lel9. who arc usiknowu to tbe undersigned will be retie:red to (wr aith smisfactuly rrirrriareM. l'ayments will be nude as Mr work prarese's, in Ma seven per rent. bonds of ilia city of,Nrw Albany, or rash as tlin parer. way .area. Plan. and 'Fannin. , lions will La exhibited on the Allh east • . • 11.0. 11AIINISY, Engiliner for Coblr. New Albany„April 3, laln. mplU:lkvvB PAVING BTONIP: CLOT Chests:at/sato& - CMelmiati, April I, Ind. A. R OPOSALS will Iro received at this Of until Monday the Ist day or May next, at 3 oclerk, l'. 111., fur furnishing end deliskriogiat the public wharf in Cincinnati, IG,tsu perches ot Veld& or ISoilldrir Stone, from Ova to len inches the longest diameter, similar In I luolity to the stone used for poring Street. ill PlOsbUtgli sStd Wheeling; each perch to COrona, sisteru and one .half polod teet, and ibiliVoroil as follows: I,UB/ perch by the Ist ufJuly, late: musses.. the 1 in of July and twat - Orb lids; s,utrt o between Ist tkl., ICII, told lot kitty, 1,10,i aBuO ° between th e Ist:Soy and lot July, 1.-49; 5,0N1 between the let July rod Ist Lied , 1,19; All eon Band Stone will be rejected. • The Stone will be mod for from time to time, as the same raay he delivered. The propositions to state the price per perch Of ton, for which the atone will bo delivered, apltrakw CIIAS.HATTERLY City Clerk: it... Bedford, Pa. Jona wooltitrak, Indiana, jr. KING Ac 1 1 100AIIICAD. ' WIIIGLINALE DIEUCERSt, Forwarding and Com mission Aletchants, and dealers It. l'rodace and Pillsburgh Ilannfortures, corner Of the Diamond and Itaruascri—Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. P. rd 81mie Banl,nberger, lbeha Pi t.burgh. Bon. Joil. Morrison ' Rich. 14 Elliott. Est; Simon Dram Greensburgh T. Dermal k Co, l'hliede/phin• J./11tIlikenk Sons, Pa. • J. Helmer' Bak dkaktf. Dougherty, • Mu/Ulla° ifs, Bay, amrsretrWT I=.MMENI KORPIGN.I 11371 •44. inaronsiP PUER - dalPeleibrallMili ..";""f • BEAVER AND CLEVELAND I.INE,om WARM. Canal Foam—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford'. OCEAN,Capt. .Wetter. • Um NE of above Packets !cave Reaves lavem day; (Saudays excepted) and nrrive Mn)) too flg at Warren where they connect aria the i Stages for Akron 'fad Cleveland, errimng at each of th em places before oiled O. of the Pickets leave WMen daily, std P. 51., and amine nt Beaver in tame to take the morning steamboat (of Pirobamh. 11.EFFINGWELL, Warren P • Prop kl lITAYLOR, HEAVER AND GREENVILLE LINE. Cartel Packet—PETTONA, Capt Brown. - • FASHION,. Capt. W P Sayer. • One of the above Packets will leave Beaver every Gvening, (Sande'', exeepted) at 7 o'elock, and wive at reenville th e next morning at 11 o'clock; and one leaves Greenville every afternoon at 1 o'clock, and or. Tires at Heaver the next morning at 5 o'clock—through in 16 hours-Lion-ad by learns, (three hone. each) sta tioned every - In miler. At Greenville they connect with a line of Stir, through to Neadvillnand Erie. • The boats are catirely , l7 and built e= foe this trade . H OBS PARES ft Co, • . Proprietors. • BEAVERANDREW CASTLE. Canal Pneket—TLIEGRAPII, Caps Wm , AVAtillin; Leaven Beaver every morning (St:minim glowed) at o'clock—leaves New Pixie everpevening (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock; and connecting with the steam ers Lake Dill and hi irldpatt, running between Beaver and Pittsburgh. BLE.D, PARKS k. Co, Beaver, Proprietor. Passengers will be reccipted throngh by either of the above routes; •eclifillg berths in tbe packets and seats in the stage, by application to either of the proprietors or agents. JtIIIN A..CAUGHEY, Pittsburgh; cor. Water and Perdthfichl sts. • AGENTS:—Reed. Parts k Co. Deaver R 0 Perks & Co. Youngstriarn, O; Cotes k Lelfinigurell, Warren, O, W Cunningham, New Castle, Pe; D C Mathew. Pulaski; Pa; W C Malan, Sharon, Ps; . - Day k Plumb. Sharpasille, Pa; .61Warland Rig - Rend, Pa; • C O Wick, Greenville, Pa; ON Reed, Erie, Pa. - ' apla LAKE - EWE AND BSICHIOAII7IINIL illagm . THIS well known Line, competed of. steamboats Lake Erie and:Michigan, between Piusbargit and Beaver, and freight md pamenger Canal Roam be tween Heaver and Erie, and Chi Reed's li ne of Ann flare steamboats, propeller. and vessels on the. Laker, '!ainPtr to car r y passenger. rt:dilriVt Having every facility for conveying freight and yae seOgers with paomptuess and dispatch the propnetor and agents respectfully solicit from their friends a con tinuance of their pat C At H REE ro • to •Proprier. - REED, P ARES& Co, Hearer, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY. Aped, stilt cot Water and tratithfield sts, Pitubureh. THE UNION LINE . 1848. PIITE4DTEDII AND CLEVELAND. •. W. T. Mon., Pittsburgh; • ..•• Hsco, Pons & Co, Heaver. Prop's. Caowniao & CuoutrattaXleveland TR above Line is now prepared to transport freight and pawns... limn Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or any point on the Canals and Lakes., . One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, ma ntic, in connection with the oteamboato Lake Erie and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Heatrer, and a line of first abuts steamboats, propellers, brigs arid petition ers an lakes tire, Hamm and Michigan. • l'ropeny forwarded topart of the Union with dispatch, by MIL azty MATHER. or JOHN A. CA CURET, Agent, ear Water and Smithfield us, Pittsburgh. AGENTS:—Reed, Park. & Co, Heaver H Parks re Co, Younsitoint i Q E W Cotes & Co, Wure • ' • D Hardwick & Co, Brea/Pon; • A &-N Clark, Nelrtelp V Lewis, Newponi I.l`3llAinlesey Campbeesport; J 0 /d'Brideillavetunt; kl & C II Kent, Frankbrr Miller & Tuttle, Cuyaho ga Fan Wheeler & Co, Akron; Limner, GAM. &Ca, Sandusky; Watkins & Ealt le, Toledo; (C Iridium, & Co, lleulit, Mich; ArClure & hilleraukte, Wit; J Winslow, Chicago, 111. apl4 • TO TILAVILLEIIII. 1848 .... . E5PK1.14.4 FAST PACKET FUU PIIILAJJEIe PHA AND LIAI.IIA/ WOG • - - (Exot Ps iv' tit, rot Ps i .1 :lUD: Canal and Hail Roads tieing now io excellent onter, the packets of tbiti lioe wdl leave Anal par. orate to as killtrant, every saeniag,st It o'clock. Dino—Copt Craig. &until& y, Aped I. Louistana—Thoutyrion, Suoilay..lGtly Kentucky-0o II Truhy, tionday,l7l6. bultansi—Caps I' !tette', Tuepday,l9lll. Ohio—apt A Craig, Pi etTurailny, Pitt. Loatteiana—Thouipaon,Tburaday, Mt. itentueky—Caps A Drohy, Friday, hat. . Inittana—Caps I' Berkey, Paturday, tHooe-Caps Craig. Sunday, Ai. pronitetura of this line buittneve berate &l We winter, with the lollies' eaten enlarged, winch ong af ton/ greater titration to pinion% traveling with their fatnillev. in day Passeuger• by thcs roan. pass over I:4 index ruTtoad ha If you desire cheap travciing and I,nm - unable nee= exudation, carat r your nett,. at thd mfic, Ilanaigabela Ilcuse, water.. or of eip3 D LEECH aCq C.ad Bo o - PITTgBURO/I PORTABLE BOAT LINE 184816114 k Forth. Transportation of FrriArk to and frown PITIIIDLIEGII, PHILADELPHIA. RALTIMORE, N. YORE. BOC4TON. k. . . „ . . Ihnowierrit Cam, Philadelphia. Teener. t (M o . ritrithrigh_ THIS old establiehril I.lneberng oow In. full open on,l. the proprietors hat e made clooottre trimmer. uteri. to "sward good+ and produce with deepatch, and ththe mast Cleuratle toms. They cOnfidently hope eir well known promptness in delivering guadw—ps collar amity In modem carming—espactuas warehou se. at each port, adording accommodations to eluppers and owners of produce—halrether 'nth their long arse. 601..0 mad unrroulliog alkali.. to Ituriltru. will mourn to doom a comm.:owe of that liberal patronage they Lereby gratetully acknowledge. All cuuargnments by and kit thisline rbe ire& char m, paid. and forwarded itt any required dlr. loos Are of charge for eorntorsolott. ado tt motor or 114.•. . No intereri, directly or initirectly, is steam e re. All rommunicattons promptly attended to on opp Or a to the SYlklIfill( avow: . ILORBIDGE At CART Matta, W. Philadelphia. TA A PVC & (ICONNIIR. Canal Maid, Mishit/Ik. 01.YJAIN011.*& Co, North at, Baltimore. WIL IL WILSON, SI Cedar et, New York. aps reeT anat. . . j a A Brooke llonee. Intuited own= alley, kw I rent, Inquire of ROBERT MIZELL t Co, Liberty street ' ; deer] ' Perennylvaraln Casa! d: Hall Road Ere (10AL._LAIND FOR BALE—Seven idea toe land preen least Packet Llano. • VV for onle,vitne , - . • • ' ''' ......—..._ PASSENGER. AILFLANGEMDIT. 1848, MAXI ITITSBUUII TO PIIIDADF:LriIIA t IML. TlNlOltkl, lEtelseively br Pessengeni.) mE are respeege/ly interlined, Wet thin Line j. will eminence running ea We =Whim, nail eon -1/1!110 qironehocit tdm Senno,F . Tliekoati aro nh;r:ctnlnt* • Wpctior . ilask with en. lamed eahln.. rrhiN.will give greater cockkgt. The A bast will •bay. tin in port, and traneleti ate ro gueried ut call and examine lima before *aging pail uLpwqe r. an , aid?' Nue dollar.: tionagb.) one of do. Loa in or a n. Lia r .Irla /nape Iniadins loppiwiW U. it Hand, corner are. lined and Canal, cooly niglivat nine re. <look Tone 31 day. For inforipodion, applp at the °dm, Monongniteia House , at no D Co' I'ol.horitb, Moth 22.1:41 , - Canal Hahn. W.01.n0 Tramaj =m=Zm ~=~ 1846'. cur Ltiain.ht 1.1L..1848. TO 11111./11/111.111111, PM:1111001k NEW YORK Pia rawavabvaala •Mt/ onto Sam alum REprrtrotred larannpor: goods and produce to and froto the above ewe. on favorable mum ad der. or apply to D. 1.1:1•SeII t ea., Canal .tech, Ilittobatch. IfaILAIS t I.li/ 'All, Not. 1:1 .Ik. 15 Swath Third at, MY. 1. Alpet SON, A tp.,No 14, Ma Miran! ab Bah. , A. Ai inurr, Aim ^ so street, Neuf Vert'. l'ittskrrth Marcia Wilt 1..41. SUM ECLIPSE 'III4II9IPOISTAVIION LINE. 1848 - rill mu dott Product. notl otercluiltdito 1011011 01 low taloa. Mo r el from Carthame brooch, out at Count rows. Th or, hoe days. J C 111DVII-11, Agt, 4V0er51,2 duo. above Monte,. House:Pittotough. J It 11011INSON - Apltt IN South COlll/11,1 Iltaltitoore. °Goan Stones Neorloattlets Cenopetsy. U. S. Alm I..es Iran Suunteetrros Ann, Unman. The Somers of this Company will sail - tennlyaly FRO onee MNEW • mout hYORK, on'Elloore: Witsninron, Copt J Jokneon, on the Wth Ansi, 1 Me. The Heno.n, Copt Coltdme.on tno SM./Rot', /MS. FltoM BREMEN. - The INnount, on the inile Apol 1849. Weeni en The Ito., 'Roy, lar Tke Washington, on the laliay, 1818. FROM KrUTIIAM PION TO NEW YORK. The Ifisrunen on the Pan April, Idle. the Washinsi:lon,o the glkh Ala y,1C 19. W Len the 11N 4 nt he orsauth fulls on Sunday, the day of sailing from Pew York will he the stn. Pionage from N. Y. to Sautliataptanlay Bremen, faun linemen or Southampton An erperieneed 'surgeon all board. • For freight ocpassage apply at the °Mee nine Ocean Steam Nungistuan Conipeny,4s William .1. sr„ or to J R CROSKEY, Agt WILLIAM ISELIN, Agt at Irwin, warty C A HEINEKEN 11b_, Astea!Uretnen. HAHNDEN A CA's raises/0r and Iteolltanee °Mee. IIANHDEN & CO. continue to bring person. from any purl of England, Ireland. Scotland or Wale., upon ike übam liberal terms, with then usual punctuality and attention to the tspatta_and cans fun at emmigr In Weedy...l allow ourpneengers to be rubbed by the swiedling scamp. that infest iliss see. ports, as nee take charge of them the materna they no port Melanie., and sae to their well being, and de. snatch th eta without Aty detention by the lint shun.— We asp this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passe. ger/ to elauw that they were detained In hours by us in Lieerpuol, whilst thousands of others were detained months, until they' could he sent in mime obi mad, at a eh °p rale, which too fiessuently proged their coffins. lVe Intend to perform our cataract,. bonorablYr cost what is inoy, slid not set as was the case last Scotia,, wut, ether olficon, , =who either perforated mat all, or when it suited their convenience.. , Alain drawn al Pittsburgh for any sum from SI to Lim" payable at any ernes proginmal Hanks In Ir. laud, England, Scotland sad Wales.. . • JOSA ROBINSON , t. Fatropeatt HU 'lna meet, one Sag. below W • vazasovAL. JREADwouId onfonn his Wends and the public generally, that he bee removed the lkwkatorn to that aplendld • Week of new buildings krown oa the hApollo Huildlnge," on Ilk Street, few doont. west of Week When he will be happy to Teenier Ilia old friends, and as many n ew [BMW. tray please to favor I hint wlth a call. Ile ntend. to keep on hand o good stock of book. and stationory,ln be sold at lowest cult priers. Ball oZiOTlCE—Rocrived from I..ouirmile,Ky.,'por moo. or North Alabama, o poreko mpfromil to contain Miem. nutted "lhamood oo Pmsbargb." Tim owner as hereby requee arse take U away. *AV psy Hauges on the same WENT BOWEN, , • PO fp:snit . 11Prar laho..Teaglddtialkinw Caoliempas. raUM 3 NNedathiaaa t, fro* hoostr-tonal• r.fias, soraq."No: ..11Xyatiolo. owl TOON, wine amid aoa sad t 1 14Ommo ladder mile Motion Ramo orNina batik room Wood waft, Pmabuoi.-oal. elook, 3/.., .WEIINISDAY the Eah,of JULY NEXT. liko am lat. on,adjoylog, and embroo. twat of mom Nato& au that aer. Wan? and solo The shore Coal Lade are about air milea abort 'Ar.K.e.PNI, on the float pool of the Yeaghiegkear prom:mesa now canstmeting, and Thiel •I nE teatraelant expect to complete by nen fait L 7 R ore partition. of tie finest coal Sekli in Allegheny I eoenty, end contain OM only what is called the • Pins- burgh vein six feet thick, overtopped at this Point by bill of near 300 feet, emanate . close to the river, bat ems. * j - 't h ey rein about sixty feet higher ins, of foam three te foie feet in thickness, Dive ry pore Deal, free ham sal.' plan. cloeely resembling tie Mercer minty deal, and • toned by actual trial to be mill bens, adapted to the mannaeture citron, than Mat•of the Pinsburgh eelo I The two nine, it bas been estimated, contain not less thin itICIAO bushels often to the acre. ^ The reputation of Youghiogheny Coal and Coke la Wit, as well as in the Meter markets, is wall 'emirs . to coal dealers. The great amount of coal annually continmed la Pittsburgh and shipped to makes below, has already table:Mad a lame smuttily of the Cool [DUI Many ate. minable along oar oven, and the consumption Ls can. steady going 00 at ante not tees than MO agree per UMW. No better inreatatent of capital can therefore be Made than in Welllocatad Coal Lauds in' the Mei d. ty of Pittsburgh. Persons wishing to snit the property Wine the day crania; will find it convenient to go by hi'Keespart and f2rod'e Fern. At the same time Mal place will be offered Gee Lots in the city of Pinsburghon by WO feet each, Wonted on Hancock wen between Penn mem and Dimon= 1Y nand Dear the Allegheny river. • - :.ALSO, a huge Int 93 - by 1.10 feet,, in Allegheny oily near Robinson street, fronting. one end ou the, canal and the other on Craig street, This lot I. advantage cutely situated for a foondiy mother manufacturing pur pose.. It will be sold all together,or in sections:to mit purchasers. Theme, which will be easy, will be rude known as the time agate. aptfltdikwtaT JOHN D DAVIS, Anat. VALUABLE PROPERTY pow SALE. THAT_preperty lately occupied by H. Ninon, i.j7PrditTiron.“" u ""'l7l.rma The Au ''' lot ws wet 4 inches n Cram' street, run g nin through to the Canal I/0 feet. ° There se a good two 11 007 frame dwelling homer 011 the premises, lately built, and the not Owen improved, containing a variety of choiee (nut trees, grape, ahmbbery, Ae. Tide propeny M conveni ently sdnated for persons dome busittese in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and I. ededrable residence. Tide indmputable.. For terms apply to WhL BOYD, Allot. ney, at Law, office on lAMBI, en.; above 'ap44l( :" Real EIIIWO la OLIO. =ACT of land, PO acres, in Ilartison, P ony. en, Aon do Cuyahoga tires--about aD Imes under hot prevenient. Al., two unimproved bota in the village of Warren, Trumbull C 0.,. feet if yPA Al.o, a lot Or , non- in the centre of Ilertfctrd,Tmathel Co., with • Lie dwelling_house and 111010-.01213 of the beat mods Aar a merchant oo the Woman Resenre. Any .or all Ib is, property .11 be aold AH on very accommodating ten. , ISAI kbiO Water end Front suc Baal !data la' /Kerner Cerwatire aik — LOT, Storeionwk and Donating; shwa on the ' Eno &wallet. Canal, la the village of West Md. leser, - &wind& location 6ea the. merchant. Also, • Lot And need Dwelling now well suited for a Tavern Stand, In the 1/111Nre of Ontegennle, on Sure line of Olds. .Tetras easy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co. (ebb • Wines and Front on ALOT in Oa Mb ward, 49 feet on Logan etmn by RI feet isa Clark meek one of the most desirable wiring in the 6th ward. Pot terms apply to the NM: scriber at the Methodist Book t3tore, 41k near Market fusel. or at his dwelling .o Clark street, opposite E. TrovilkOs Orneary moos. (febittl L READ. Tor Rent. _ . Stwo nary brick dwellins with shoot =acres of ground attacked, situated as Oakland. The olace is well &Locked with fruit 01.11 kind.; and la &nimble location br • fentil; being entirely out of leech of the door and din of the city. An =name knew ankland hearty for the city. Apply la jade ATWOOD, Co.)ONLIk & Ittii7-Stelatt. Wylie new three story . brick dwelling horns on Wylie unwt—Poesession given on the brat of yd or sooner Umpired. Inquire of jolt - Jk It FLAYDAD y Wren, greet. Per AMU . NA two awry brick dreUing with about b acres of gronnd, summed on the bank of the Ohio river, in the boroegh of Al neletier. Apply to taott JA,IiiM A HUTCILISON & Co. • - . TIIREI dwelling houses shinned on 4.1 street new mud bridge, to the eII of Pittsburgh. J. • 11)001 73by In fret. with a convenient etr• trance; oat sth at, near wood. -A/so, a trams dwelling; Two stories, with an acre aground enelowd and under ealiintion, ensue on Ohio lane, in the cityof Alleglw ay. • Imam of ' JD WI 0 . .31LW wood Insect __ EM=!! .PennFOß SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Brew wlth nil ne brewing rpperatus, 1.11.41 en tweet end Itarterrallvy,and now oceuylsd by Geo. W. Smith & Co. / . 0..1.10t1 given on the Asa day, of April ensuing. For terra., kn. enquire of BROWN & CULDLICTSON, ...__. febvNht 145 libeny rt. AWAREHOUSE FOR SALF..,The rubseriber rollers for isle the three story brisk Warehouse , ,an Wood street, °tenpin! by IL Tanner kCa II rents now far AMU per year. spl7 WPM. MT • 2 The 'neve three . ewer et. proof britk loons .. eeeond et. now °couple.' by relerord Ernes; Ito rent from let of Apol next. I Impeire of J St11100?4/11AktlEt a CO., 1.10 11 wood stmt. - - - - he suburnbesc will' tent putt of the mu house cum occupied try them. Apply to - LEWIS, DALZEIE, & Co, Jaultl 51 water cret. El2l== itlitA large room au the 1M story of the vratebogag i oecapied by the aninefibera, near tit ql good stvevi—a geed location Lar a steamboat .nT i i or an /nattranek; o or a GARmsoN. For neat, two-teary Brick Dwelling [know, con taining seven moots, Weir oceopled by Mina tone. It la_pleninntly tOnated, near lite Mal ice or Richard Bowen. EN., in Allegheny - Immo poewasion given. Dem WOO per wino. Apply Flt EIATLN k Co, CI ;market street. 4.‘ elm two Wry brink hoone . , men NMI!, •141kAllesheny city, near the upper br idge. !The lot is it tent LC trots by /W deep. For terms mown of AWASHINGTON, lth at OP Hunt. ,66, THE lame fire proof warehouse, St feet from • ip. to feat deep..on second at. nose wood. neat • enno. Impure ot C. 0., dud Yt orn in ith bead of the hilintoistanela River .Loss Pe, hing • 7 Cain vein or coal which will be .old m ecchence for cond. For pan/co me imply to (ova] S W wood et etoud R hoo ll oa N o BSlood %ritqt arjatlntruhr applp to (min] ""_COCIIRA miscELLWais 121 Ii, 21133:17 HOO:4E. HUN AND STEASIBOAT PAUTTEIIif and Illaziers.—llentant wishing to hate painting ar glaiins deue with roomette and despateh. vein phew give to • call. They will End it to Weer advintage, for we are folly peeyoeed to do work as low oh any Wosie in the two rale. core or well do that No. 6 Wood *Owl: N. B.—Wa witth it to be underact:el that we have noioutt the patati l e; and ;laving. as WOO, Of our moat realeia friends have been telling the public 'generally that we Were going to retire front that branch of Our broll)ern We are More 10117 prv;a k ted il eo pti tr i at uj oac i t .s t . he painting and ;lava; than we ever were. ap6, 1110TIOE TO Of LDNI3.II AND DE114 . 111141. Ayl dimpoteil Oil& Inv right, tide aml interest LI lbo (*told Meeting lamittesie to Mr John MIN. leap, • 1 beg leave to reeommead him to the patronage m banner mamma. . ANN lIEFINGTON. . lii l bt iB4 lset . by Me alarm notice; the eniecri. her ham purchased Mr. Ulfinen'a mimeo In the above teem., which will be continued Mlle old stand, No P.M Weed aura% where he will be Waled to !env all who may want fold Lear, Poll, Re:, owl be hopes Lp .l,iel lat/011110.11 to his Inolnem and fair decline, In ewe lanai - action to those who may Nem him end, iheirpatronage. apadm JOHN IL IIUNLEVY. ADFAIDERATUM -TO ALL WHO WHIM= AinrW India Rubber Fluid, for preventing pour corroding 1p ,intr, atm for adapting ibrm to write on parehnr9it tire MI of 'maim, and to facilinue the ink Mowing free. To"itydripl,ronrryttneers and To r men, it is imairrabic. HT i••rtly adding • few drop* orals grad to ibe !nt in use, it end insunaly be found to be th e beat •oriltary everolfered, inuo tra the nrid, tirceidrirTnce the sediment, names a live dove of the ink, m dispenses with the trouble. of ws a pen. Met received and for rah, h ' and JOKI, MOHLER .figants Woutstad • rib cony". fur aotae over and popular untuka, in eie, ry county throughout tho.Unned *atm 'Taverna the toots liberal encouragement la otreredaritlt a Mail tm ,l tt r A chum!. is eared Irr jot tuna.; flakepirtlat a fag' $ r " ; • i f ftl. g fel ' otarglata No .59 North Second a, Phila. —Limeßinit. Cupping sad Bleeding. K. TT B. ,NORNIS, illacceethr U. •R. .Delany No a 6 Fifth aireeN Leh/sees WOOd and :With held. Froth leeches received isiouthly--attendeace all Lour. , Reference, the physicians - or ',betty and Ilinningliana, I mostelseerlaily_socummend tothe physicians, fami dies and all toy rower friends and palms,' Mr. K.IL Ramis us being th oroughly acquainted with We usi. ein; and wordig laiWrOlthg.• enorthl- Administrator's Notice. - itl.!. patrons harlot claims akalost the Eatata of t%e. law Hoary to. tratiweppa. will present thew for wittrionot, awl all pumas 'Welded to said culla, will please call and make payment to 3011 N IRWIN, Adm. Pill.Lutih,Alarch, 10,'48. Innelo.l3n3) II water ft J lier RECEIVI•aI—A I.ryn olio Mond of Oil Cloths cosuptning various patterns.: 1101 phi of heavy goof oil cloth, hut article; 1101 do medium do dm iggiu do 4•4 go do; 10iXt du ofdodo; euo do 1-1 coontecdo do; flitt do 4-4 do do; ittvitlgs p large assortment °flight and Colley articles, all of which will be sold cheap fur cash, ,Lon e soda, at J k 11 vint.urs martf • Nolwoodst. 1111:AD JAMS—Just received, tiro eashiniiiikle Thread Latta, prirr. IC/ Om hneal quality. Mw, one COMM P.N. print thee; One do (limp Run Alechim do; Lcanon. Cotton do; one do bib Pill; do; no: do blk Umatilla Lace Fella% and fat gala by . . shirr!' a JOUNSON, inarket it , #ICIIiMIBROWERII23-4101 retch. A.' one tattoo fine French worked Callan; one dalrilled Magna mimna; one do trimmed ROHN mse dd Late and li n. It T.; 211:1, .°1: h d y o [Z1174 1 1%1 :rag StP -,,--- I r. Ns (100M—.11 A BIAWN JF, CO, •60 11111rtel I J mresi, have jum reed a .platll4 emonalalel of Mc s Goods, among.which may be found—Figerml, Vial , Plald mud euiPad• limo of all qualidm; n it k Jr , mohair 'tripes,. thrzalliem. =tin strip, do ladma, plaiu da Salmi SI Manic., fancy silk, klroteb Jacenelts, at. So. • . date, SINDIUM-10Db do Patipetre; CA/tors:log:s Au bb!. NC T. 601,111,11arga Nu tt Atackerell w.l bl , llTannera` Oil; GOMA* eider Vinegor; tu, .1,, toy LOAF MM./ARS—WU bld•Lonf engar, N 08,7, nod 9, lor mit by j. spit Buttioupot; WiLsON,. 11411,7E1 OP OISCUU -lenntaso r— - . 1 .70:6711 - iiT !Flak Meat, aear.tta - 11 2atafrirtsallty.'. icarnarnini- 2 : ‘••• 11=31112. Bank • Bkr.6l7ldlaik,lplita.. , • chugs at: of Girard Bea.. ...... • Bk ze nra.,•,- Bak alVermalitinira--pa Bt.. &the Valhiy,* " - Vaster Canary-iris. Bk.*, Virahria...-l- • "- .Delinara Os, '"Par SI. k , lilantgoesesT Co.- do ltionrittati. ••• it Pikarkinactlaal-par N. W. Ban Callab oU Idee Ca , - . do Waindrarg 2 Daylcsiown• Lank par do' • Parkersburg •• _.. Fanners' Bt.' Iladipg•par . .. - Ttintstate. FlunersißlG - Bucks Ca. par 8k..4 Ten:mace-- • • 6 Farmers Mkt ancirait•par Par. b Bartel* " Lancaster Co. •par Plasma , •• - Lancaster Bk.- --- par Opine Irk • • • • Bnansvdla Bk. • par litataßlrofllllsaimari•••• B Wallington Bk North Corolla. • Getryiburga —• • I Bk.af Cape Fear 2 Cbarabersinur • n threes Bk., l.ern• B illasaniana Ilk, •••• • tej Bank Lelogb Ca Baal, ' - loath' Corolla.' Larnaorrn ..... • ••• • - CILM4III Bk••••• • •• • - 2 lankness:4n . ... Carlisle I.s. Erse Bk. ..... •'•• '••• • 2 Farmers , and Drovers' Bank, Waynesburg., j Harnsining ss Bonesdak 2 Lebanon P. 'Wydniing ....... • • •• y. York Bk West Branch 2 Belief Name Mk AI Bk. Pins. de. "- City k County Serip•••••• Ohlo. Elate and Branches 2 MoansPleasent, .... •• Pienbenville is CleirmEle•• ...... Pinnelm Nem Lisben• Onelnnati Banta . • " Colembno de. Carelevilla'•••• • Zanesville Patna. ' Wooster Massillon • •- Sandusky . • ... Geaug. ..... Nnew Cleveland•—• Xenia ...... —• Daytan•....:...:._ Westeni keserre . .PninkUn Colembes " Chillicothe • Lake Erie • ...... Lancaster. ••••••• ..... ••.10 Hamilton - 73 Granville . 20 FarnWslit Ortmeis Elk of Kenineky.• ••••• 2 111.0 ... •.• «, tiorbeni ilk.KelitenT.: " Ihnir : Bk. of Clnicinon,...-. , - 2 Commercial 131 r.-- ..• •- 2 The of Goomeloien- , •-• 2 lik.of Liamlortg_ 2 tderekonis ilit,-•,..,,, 2 Plasters deilleche's Bk• 2_ Bk. of Booth Carolina. • 2 r 1 llarytad. -- - - Baltunore bike. '' .... --gor Lialuide 2.0 RRScrip..lo t.iiitibetload lik.ortillo- glassy ........ • •• . • • • Fenn:. of Illorylaga• ° . Farmers' 0.. idechoniev ° Bk. Frederiek FredierickCo.Ble . " Ilogentown Ilk . •••••• • 0 ". Mineral 13k---. ,P v .u.t! , -.3Th izi; ..... • ~. - ilk.ofVl=n - ster • • • • li lehlgron. . Bk. of Rt. Our.— --- Bk. of River HAIS.1••••-• Michigan kip, co.• •• • 5 .IFor.te Neck's Bk 5' Wisconsin Torrley. alar./kFireln•Co.slilw's 5 Condos. MI Solventliank. ' ' '6" Book of &gland Notes - ••••••----$ll 70 Pine Geld*, Specie Vail.. Nopolcoes-•-• ..... .3 Eil Meals . 23302 Yo' Eagle, old • -• • , _t o GO Eagle, ne w •••• • • .10 00 D oool o o ini Brinult. 15 00" -Patriotl A do , Sovereigns ••• • • • • 4 gv Gahm. . 6 50 Ficderiekidtins--.43 50 Thiient ..,!. • T -3 02 lmisPors. ..' .-.• •',„ 450 - Exclis.ogs. _- Nen:York ..... ..1 p m. Philadelphia • • • 7OO &a :'••• lumni . • girm PO , 1 . - /0 3, ii . -., 2 OF 0.1111 Ei atiti:3:wmag,ll . HUGH:D. - eitikittilin a r n irVlWl K igicka, ' Osnrs. cot. Focsix Port Orrin Liar,Do F tr a In ColEnnkrn, no,. lillpzi i .La.gzetitoAA . . . . . EEC/I/INGE on all the Principal cilia of the lin" for male in .n to Rai inirchasers. CURRENT and par footle received ea &paha. COLLECTIONS arade on all pane of the Urnen the loareat rates. '`,llplo:4llw.t.vaa II 111711111111dT s ANNA • "ita • 13ANICERS,KICItiNUE 11601CPF 4 t, and dealer in FereUn and DlNUfflie Rtelotnips; Cedifi nes of posbe t iTank Notes, and Spann; Fourth street; near ly. .p.aradte Bank" at" Pittsburgh: Current money reeedred an deposite—bght Cheers for sale, and eel tendons made en nearly . all the prinelpal . points la Cs The highest premium paid for Foreign and Aufetioan f:k 4 a• Advances sada on consign:erns of Produce, able - • East, on lihend tarns. • meld& N. HOLMES £ ION,• MsANICRIZS and Dealer* in &amuse, COill and jj Bulk Notes, No. by Market anal, Pittsborgli. • Selling Rates. Etchings, Baying Rot.. New York, •1 o. -dis Sklladellika, d o Louisville, • - do Ilanintore, do St. Lonis, Buying Rates, DANE NOTL. Boyigg do Mu°, Indiana, 3as Co. k Sgylp Thders,2 dim "do Rol, a( Sows, ieninekyi • "do l'enoWvaina "do , do New do ad • Wkaling, do k .• seines.* Pd. Maryland, . do • &Ma . • e. crime. tr ILL CURRY—Dankers and - Exchnge Brokt; Frorrigo .4 Dont elic.rezno and Night of Caoltang,Cartifleates of Deposita, Hank Notes and Cohn No Id \Y OO4 asset% thins door below Founh .goarliti • WILLIAM A. HILL & CO =meson HHONFAH, in Pillat foreign and Domestic Exclumge,CerlifiCalft of ono door podia, 'bon Poo Haut Notoa, th, East sok., and Spode. No. ghOf, Wood at, dou - — POILEIGN EXCHANGE.' • :B ILLS 1.11 trial"''"4:27dß=O7arsblgh:n.gto• Also,. ° Ditg. payable In any pan of the Old Coin " alrac ' s; Limo Al to 1100; at the rale of 5.5 to the .f, Sterling, wwhom f deduction th - discount, by JOSHUA 11.0111 N SON, Mtn:mean and General. Agent, cake 515 at atm Awe wool of wood. - a .'ancileaf MAU* -7 ' - firoura at . 1 ' MEE & HAHN, • WinHIRS AND EXCHANGE lIRLAIGIS, dealers. Foreign and Domestic Bill. of Exchange, Cor. of , Ikposite, Book Notes and Coin, comet of sad Wool mp, dinactly oppiaiw.G. Charles Ito . . " LVJJJ Ppekll2l%l 111 the kriva • b., 14 ' 1 ' N° o ' . - ficcams-a-s.oN, • . .Si Alarkat .trees. BILLII OP FaCgANCING-4SightChecks.cin— . . Isimorn, 11()LkIES k. FON. 25 Market st.. see by . •. LLECITIONS—INotte, Notes, nal Jteeeptnn - es, psyattle instill , part Dram Union. eolleetnl . • e most Onorable tenas. N. 110L31 & PON. - dela . . SI Market st; • RATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. NEW' JAMMWAIT AND t C o A i D nu ST e O a l e L r, f ormerly acme, of Diamond alley and Wood Insect, beta leave respectfullytotem; his old - customers, the and the public, that he hos *petted a NEW STuTIM on Smithfield streetocroad door South of 4th street, whom a choice assortment of Ilant and Caps nail Ladies , Pura, as good, neat, fashionable, and cheap, as any i the coy, may be had, ' J. W. very , cordially Invites log friends and the rah,: lie to remember hitt new hication and emablisioneso, sad give him a tall as he'any ns he intends to welcome them antrpOidiniktrilmS Jit• -• nvono a:6377" 7 -7- 014, -- (14m-4,........Tw0.1 . k Ki..o Fashionable lialiters,: . • Coroff of Waal tun! Pi/ 7 k diUrtzts:l ARTICVLAR anti - Weis paid' to ruir Remit Trude. Vp• Ilenthnuen eau rely upon putting their Mt. mud o, a firm our establishment or the IIERT Yustarraci and wow...au tr, of the Larisr trrrms mutat the kursur .Coatury hfitrchatits, porrianciagi by wholosaln,. ace esperitully incited to call and ex:Juane mit Mack; RA Can lay Willi confidence quit int vic i arda quaarrY ad taws. h niall not suSer in a compact/ton with any • atm in Yhiladetphia. STELtqI .000D8 . _. . . . .. . .. &•• • DEALERS o ill Tiled. . to Mosotho, R. U. PALMER'S cork • of Straw Goods, of the 4" INVNL " = " Ww " ilf PStiliM taw 'table do; American do druGbial Pearl 110; Gabor; do; Gotland do; Preach Lace; Fancy Gimp, Ac_ Pre. - ' HASS—legborth Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, Rutland Maid, Point do. . . .. ' Also, Attificial Flowers, Ribbons; Ac. • Straw Bon net Mtarelamm,SAS market in. • uototh _ jornlitaiiiTlPtialilliiiii - tiii - IttAS. - 7 4 • 311110011. D & Co.', .. IIMI• 1i.... Deana dr.. iota.) ruclauss,- , IirELL Oilman. Me Spring Style Wilma Wiz day, Satarday,ldarch ilta,l6lB, ' i 4 t *,; : 1 el:friends and customers ore requested to call Dud ..tamitto tit* Moat or SPnan Rt., NM remind num Near yolk, at theirs:ore, earner of SW pod Wood sta marl 4. , .SPROWITYLE-S MOORE basiust caived km New Yeat,the Spring. Style ofMats, which be will hail:lll.a an Samolay, alafth Nil tame in want of a neat and au riot 11.14,1611 pleue hW and gamine at No 73, Wood mmt, 3,1 door abova bunk. 4-111111hua Douglas,• late Jarges-ileliabt. Ti;e, arthseriber ha. reutoveditia nal and Cep Abu,. [many fo No. 77 Wood we nearly opposite his 41.1 about, where he weld • hove his fromla and rho ;kohl* generally to an assorttuent.of ilata• and Cam which for beauty sad durability °aimed bet =Taped. . MIL DUN14.1.4W1, 77 Rood o h, Iliiiina retired 'frota &CHM and 6phreinftietory, {moat repeetfolly }ecomateitil the pattotio„,-e of my ficod ”ini the Oublior to nitally my eirecessor, Wen. DOrtglass; : . LOMIttLUI . . IABIF9.3IcKAIN.. 4 PALL IPASUION:—S. MOORE h homiereceiv ed Mari New Tort, itte Vali laying{ which be will Introduce till day,• Saturday, Aug. edth. All me in wind of • near and superior nal would do well to call m No.T4l , 4 , an‘atFlet,34 dtmt Omer dili. aIYUNIKEIL PAIIRIOIIi "OR 111.W11.—.. • JUST received frail -New . Tort. Me • Suomi, Style for hate, Muelmilit of White Denver, Wed end Mite French Canimem Ant, ',vitt Ventilotora, Thom la wind of a hetiodlitlilightllat am relpectfugy tad - • • ' 7 5'viocilteL.Ildriors above Zth • ROiIhIIPMOORE, Wholesalrilirover,%kfreitfying DirulWi dealer in PxduovirtitstrurghA antaa.- lures, .4 all kiod• of Forti..suid Domoslie.Wines .4 lAgoon, NO.II libertystreet...lOn largo stook of .poetor.ol4 Aloqougnticlo abi•key, -4 Inch ivOl nold low for ash:". r- • M T i n = I :1Tel re n n ;; Ti.e e st :kV gt e r ' oe " e n o7w " Veli t' kat been very carefully selected Id the eastern cities, and will be sold cheep for crib., • • • .!PP W Ski 10,ftEh11311 CLOTHS—W Muiphy lashes tba st tension of gentlemen ta hia assonutont of super Preach Cloths and agh.imerer lately received. prb black and super.or finial olln Pier* hirqualny. CfAINPIDCRAI" HIIAWIS—tVLik. rd 1104•17 • .19 I Eloatrcilttalpietle kouplatains MIKE iubscsilsurs havesot kan4 a kwiutMesa cult , - I bested galvanic butenesoiccoutpunir4 by. • wark uutitaidel ample direeuons for thou . use In the alums . to whial dray - aro applieabls. ' • Price, Ina sad SIC apaltos • ---_____ • • !TINE subscribers bare removed so No:SI Wateriss4 I W 4 Prone street, et the'seserbome rummy bcesk Ned by Totem, Burman it. Nantes. ••-• • I'l I, B.:JIIRBAUOle • • , REMOVAL: - _•• ROBISON B. Ism •srusosc.l So • Ike wit n o , was, Mabetly ottopied ley Alms...Jß lIVIos 14 ,. 01 'LIP!!! !Pi M=MM m i7rA R AC birt reMe f tly.forEpilepdo }lts OSSDMllkeekaose,„;,. 'COrmslisiorm, lipase*. well knows, thatlkeen Wee ineneruorial, physicians hevalinmeoniced aeleO. tic Fits Incurable. 'lt bee bailed all their ;WO tad WM, a , boasted pewterer all medicine„ and a ble eently thera.-•, lands have surrened thntogh a miseraexiettheotteli.... , at lad yielded up their hoe. cm the ettir of insittitys Pah bovrever, ut , Vibe , . 0( 10 - .sreat and karired, we say that it haa cared, • MDT'S VkIIEPABLESIST .For sixteen yea* has been Mated by many ,creep who have earned with ens. dreadfuldiseass sadist every cams where it ban had elan trid, boa eagle3.a : S , Fin of .16 - Teen and i 6 months, eared 6y theliment . :.,t Ibis erdy Bead the eallorsin l g remarkable case ofilts lee* - Wm. Seeme d req, Phl/adelithis, alleged with !elide Fits V ~tars and 6 tomtits. eller travelling. through England, Sectilmid, Germany and • Franmeern: - . salting the MOR Entinant physician., and es thete ng trietlaeme, medical treatment and Wales... ' mod dollars, returned with his mato this eountry in ' November last, without receiving soy !meek whets.. •hlr. Willi.m Secore's Lentoto Dar lda>vard Hirt: •." I have spent over three thousand dollars tar media I eine .und medic./ annul:me. I was advised salaam a tone to Rimini with-him, ver - ,ni I did. -1 fete visited }gland.. I "consulted the 1004 .eminent phyalcirom there in respect to hi. - cum they exemined blot and prescribed 'accordingly; • I rarialecti" . three numtha. ' .witheut perceiving any .change for the better, cost me shoot two hundred and Shy dollen poeketed by the physician; and the most that 1 rectiretterel , . , rte optnion that my sou's onto wee hopeless and pod , lied e' incurable. I accordingly left Litg' land, and use. liedythrough Scotland. Germany and France; Mid tamed home in the moat! of November ters,• with my: , son as Gar from being cured as when 1 s .poor. advertisement In one of the New Vorepmere, concluded to try Barth Vegetable, Fntruct, swung your statements and certificates or ea Illelly••eltrelliaartte , ist;1"• • twenty end shiny years' standing, and !teamwork yea'? I ant not sorry I.lld so, as by the use of Garth Vegeta ", We Emmet am he was restored to perfect Iris meson, which was so far gone as to met him - fir - business, is entirely restored, with the Prosrne - teens s' before hem, of life, health and usefelness. new,l - years of age. and V. years end 6 Months .of this.; time Luis been eldieted with thin most dreaded of dia.. menu Inn thank God bola - now enjoying good health. • Now, gentlemen, faith without works 1 dean in. TO Nay that 1 chalP be enter giaufedtoyou is Gni thing, acid as I here enclose year one Modred /Idlers, t", have no doubt bat that you wilL think dd. IS another and quits a 'diderent , thing. The debt of - gratitude still own you, hot pleat. to ateept•tha present"emoduel .- as interest on the debt hi ashram. ...Yours very , eespeetfnY -.. ;.• 8 t One of the proprietor. of Una iteralltdde reefficintr, was afflicted for several years with .Fedeptin-Fila.", The. diseam• had produced the worst eon. utrarka...„ system, al. Loss of memory, imbecility. of min and a.l ' tperfect prodratior' r of rho nerrons emcee I -had ~ ried the . shill of the bed physician. foram, nutter, and grew worse teeter their .tresenetn i and-he knew,* , that dais .medicine' was kin :only hops for health and bre, and was thenkradetermined F, It a fair wan , • and to retriever* ln its mas, which he and Um reeds .! wm a perfect remand= to health:whin • wag ••ond. let minnerropted far nearly-sixteen yam, .- •• r. We woukl rethr to the fol lowing persons whe . batril - .1 hens eared by ming 11 an's.Vegetablei EXteeet r , • Col II Denelow". Jenghter was aillicted able 'Pimp.. reside. atihethers, New Tort . • -.- W Reeser, sine yore. 171 Gotten at - t- - • Joae_ph BrDangal, /cask, East Brooklyn; 1,..hr „1 1 1. W South, limy York Cast= llovara"— , - s KsiZr tmentr Years,Staten Idea& '• . Aliss Idtod, twenty yea r , Adis. Cnum twelm year., 11 .411ameremlY at • "f" , • Wm /1 Pencil, twenraibles T eem il 3 Nertdltet . • " ve Jacob Petty, gnu yeami l7 4l l elaney et. • s nabs yob... mum- eight year. Gee...mods,' Judge Nandral, V 4 Sam Indndw a y, press y or e. -- Caps dteeming.; gate"a,,Dnd dg gepmt,Ct- • ' - Dr W Wean, Ilford, 0 .. • • - •"•-, Bev Rickard Tugela, lATat Tinvei4art N T,' 7 Rev T L Bashnelt, Ilultimore,DlA. •• - Ide Joseph Bmdley,lls Orchard et, N It. ..0 Dongblon,StM aderbtocath St NY. • - ' Mn Jan. llon4oll.,dim.re rOftr , late,' N John_ ,Faber I "nrEtimbetnet,, ...DA - Itioldon,StLYDelaneyon, /cm. Smith, LW Surolk , dr, or which may ersted Open, or tddiemediMkt Nu Tork. D- r.iqtrid by Di it Mil:, (I jinizi ihrtd., • a F.T.I4OILIAN d...C0, 1.1 C• Main a tli , bessMenand 4111 end ID hn Ma sh between nth and fah street"; th en Comin wes Ohio, rimless/a and reteil.agents dna, sou L WILCOX 4, -Jr; comer Shirker at and the-mood; curly meth, . • inxidainly "TIIIIPOII 17"."?rh7:."UtPk,"4,1='"' beauty and Ttetsurration of the Hair. This Cre * a l i b e when once known, will supercede all other -ere or, Ike kind now used When the hair Is dead, berik •: thin, onlie.hlre, or turning grey,' e few epplicuiptur will make the : hair mil amt dark, and given a beollful'. • lively appearance; and Will also make at retain its pure , lines, and healthy color twice as long es all the plena": redone which are genially seed. Crary lady and:: gentleman who are in the habit of using tat on their • I! sharkt at once overus e a bottle of the' Chinese' • Han Cream, as it on Oliveto! th at it aril not injunt the heir those other preparations, but will bmusihy, it, end giro perfect' mtishietion in every instance. For leatlenony to its very euperioriqualitica, sea due., following letter .from: Dm AIL CaldwelL- to Meseta; Ilenderahou tc Stretch, eiri thetVeatemSkseq shrille,Genedgents for Letter from the Rev. It Caldwell, panes of the Fran; byterian Church, Pulaski. . •• • • • • • • , • beans. Iteuderahou Stretch-Gentlemen: Man' .1 pleasure in adding airiest/away in favor of the etcala.: - lent preparation called Dr. • Parashh elute's° ;Herr , (hear!-for about lea .yenra, ago,- my bateau ve. • ' dry, byittly, reed diqw.nd to route one; but ry- r • •• cored a bottle of the Creme, and. 0504 It KC •• the prescription, ray hair is sow soft, clothe and. grin to the head. Many balsams, aid. oils were applien t each. kering. toy hair in .wont nate than betere This Cream, however, bus met my expectation._ -i- ,' es an article for the Toiled, say wife givm it prehre:•. once &serail-inhere:betas detketely - perfotoe°, and noir disposedlo rancidity. '7lO Indite modally will Bito. the Chinese Cresol to he a diolideratote In their prep.; Mations Mr the toilet. • Respectlaqr:Sey '• ' Pulaski, Jan: 1.47. ' 11. CALDIVELL.,!‘ li. fl whc .gion. 4; Idarl sod =trietti, Jot i troider ', l . • 1 Boner of Wood and 141 th streets. ' , Clergymen TATUJICS BALSA-11 ON L/YEUIWORT, fnitiat„. - • 7 . 5 Beekman street, N. Y.—lt demure, theltural pariliel the blood,relieve: pains, eures.diftleult hreaslDa mg, by Dramming xpeelnslion, • strengthens the syst! and m certain. mum for co w`. 1 he re used r itf for year. hi my practice. and alway• CONSUMPIION CAN BECCRID). ` • • Mrs. Martin, worthy member of my cougiagaseci;'. • ass taken 0/ sum time Rance with .a cold, p.m in the , breast. and wine clinically of breathing., and. in 's Mar', days ilicrealler, she bad n violent eaughardpatuinaherk 'aide, which no- medic-inn would relieve. She contlnu d for a long time under the medical earn of Dr. Bee: but '6:tally became constunptire,.mid was • enidently: • amir the rod of her earthly naffed:lgs, when bee bnathra . .' es persuaded her lo try Dr Taylor's. Balsam of Liaeri- Wori. • \Then she eammeneed. this medicine did not, • ..ern to Dares with lier for a few daps, lon by lesseniur . the Rose. .he iound it summered nilaturabtm. It tallitae., .her condi amt her difieulty.of birnthing instunteri- mak --- tr bed the pleasare •of erneessing her rapid reels/err:. ' to health. COPNar SUMPTION - AND LIVER CO3IPLAINTCDREIS years I suffered will these avrAtfdi and front my besot I feel for all similarly milk= beg' ofheta lo try Dc-Taylor, lialssun of. Liebman'. Thismei/ietne eased MG whoa I could 1201. moven and was not =petted so liven week—yet I wisauareit. ill da seeks by this avertable-medicine. • . • • - it MARKS, fed inns EXTRAORDINARY C AUTION Ds purchasing. this medicine it required—Remember the fact! the Doty , trim Mid minuine is store made sit 7.llkelansid at, hythis oriethal-proprietor, formiarly 373 Ithwery:•.This as thee all oracle ptypared from the origienl • recipe; sill cab.: era ore but imiuitious • • • • • Sold na thuaburgh by J D Morgan, 93 - Ward aq Towneethl.4s Market at; II Anyaer, 'nor Market andC• 3,1 au° Ikuderson Jr. lit, 5 Liberty sl. - Pd. red netako ES./IYGEIAN 110A.1111mND, tort Conglithamly.la otronnt.to.the public ass Ot and etreetive lotted, - Gar coughs, eaten, Ittaml.l nets , Asthma, - Philtisie,,Whooping Cough, Lalimami. gip, Sore Threat, lironehlua, and general alfeeddial , of dbo Cheat awl Loud, In such malt is Artorrwha hare afforded dtridetl.mul permanent relief, and (My, its rapid sale told great niece. es a rented) doily above dimeses witene it has beet, stied, it peactlattalO: become one of Ilia' Meet oneful.and populate mediMt It in tailetell goo as a pima:mut taliofto llte consumptive, and an nointedt to roe/1E311.4 apeakees Aug, L .• • • . Thsoutina of the preparadort itiilloates its:leading frtc :rredtent, add be (matt - to be by Bei me ans _4ileanant m Mumma', and may be used byabildroa mat adult. yeitb attire immutily. ,Tberamen*used lacy, ' preparation arc of tbe bort quality, and limey be rot. .FimilloLlied 011 [UM every recet a pure and geom. ankle. would-no ftabt promote Moir comfort arta 'healatt by keeping uoapply, especially in theacaroa-:dir ni....siustdo Cough Candy ia considered a g reat es ta shutter to Mother* beim: superior to all the meet, :Hiss hylempers lit creation, m [White:Loam never miaow to cry when Ws, Candy is tmed,Ateept for mow A to al of this ankle will centime toy pe Ma of It. wear mand the proprietor. therefore defy any person in that iftuted rthates u presluee a cheaper, MOM plasaatiatqt Nall whole o arid retail, by tieVeneral:Agent, earner .14 and market sts, • newt , & nail, /lhlo. Ca, proprietors., No I College Hall Clacto! , . tamp Realty Tour mood •- • 0.• MBLEI—Dai r tan LAW :Vries, maids: ~.c/A, the previous intsr, I was severely atehmett with a wrofektne complaint in my legs, and had beem (or note mrinths maim the cam of physicians.. That .aid my ease was almost hmurable,' end they evadd do het Buie for Me.' • was -neatly helptem, bus-with thy - aid of crutches Meld with dfficulty set shoal.. In May • butt !purchased of you. nod commeneed ashm Bat. TOWS nilliareittLaa, Atter the use after . ° Matte., that manta eortiraeneeincaling, and I laid aside toy crutch. es, arias only a cane.- dispensed with my canci Wed el ate end of the font*, we.ito well AR lb allialatial day • in elmariutt Cheep. In I toed' Iv...bolder. ' , no scrofula' and terra have ell healed op, and slate 1114 summerl haves een Ito appearance of the diseana, but have continued, and ant noes, m thanuat perfect Math!! I Mate with tattGileose, homes , Mat *them may be Iteß ehited in the mime atay; that the Sarsaparilla aotroag you, ha* been the, memo and We may means of . lIIF the CUM ' taMNELIIIISA. SOS & , For Kale wholesale Arta retail, hy - . • • Jaw A. PAIINMMICF . /a''' • or. fmnt P w^_!. l .i..—&;1;;Wo-Me;.;.;;4caltd%. Syrup. T!... TI, OR TIIF: CURE °ie.:it/Om er , c7J, Broacitienr.Splt, ring ofillood,Dyrix,p.i. mil all other sitsmaana or. thr aystem trading to Chipllliu'llUbiAttrCUNfilTlOX .• • . The gfeal cod unprecettrotrAl . turret. of his i ala*. alc inciiiriorh slid a tic.kre to ihrionciortio pchic c a the prpprietopi [pax Ma price at 7:3 meta' per bottle, thus phicioh• it "chin We reach of.alL. Pie • wady .hooht be witout, or erne will; when Unryhamt mice seen nod opprrriateil chops! initannincortatamt.. bun in the Cure tho attain complaint.. .Con mineral or norruheogreiliciiis, oat shigirica t er or incohreldence can renal from its pia. lg ..! suffering from croup ambwhooptug rough will • lake with avidity, and. buti immediate reiiec inattat bow .•:•.' nicks! the paroxy.m 1 if given acconling to diractiom, '; }lnsole b y voretetp.ra generally, in thMang,ati: joining rematch sick rrisoleralc and retail by lint poi pricier. J T 11, arrrnn, -.. • . mqr,i . N. Sec • • • • rt,,below Vine, ~a, • . - - - 111.1.1713. VE/411IFIXS: IS DEATH TO OsIWORMY,: Oslo Tr., Allegheny 'musty, Mimi S 4 hSIS., I gavel° my oldest lay, ctiOSS yes% Ms ful of Sellers Vessaugs, and is tlp boon to pus., between ta noLl 90 / I =IS, ••• .‘. ra.' .sboow As Votatrihtilt:),:z6.leasinklspayswit *.r 4 41.4;41 42.4,18.-sra lewpars4,4t.od Aoid 4110,0 Y IV Casse, . 41 k W l. '4'." a • Amal ' • „ . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers