The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 19, 1848, Image 4

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    . • ,;aluergiti •
HIE N C1 4 f!Afirik gA: x? •
" i LAINGII••Tbe armec•urted c.reem 'dad , b.+
Aral a form.Arlach Irritation of thei
Lideeed the Proprietor again to call alien.
tlost to We
,F "Xis '..h...40.14. IllettheT Ride% mark* VW MI aul l
L. .1 ye • fmitGal eoarekor
m ..
g". 194., 1'
Lniz, •
7e the ,
Mete, netteeted,,ar
The irossideuL then, bow shall we niothe destroyer in
.•The bite ' hose shall'we het clear of our coasts and
okisd is of vital Impintance to the public.
will Ihe found in the Ginseng. Panacea. In proof of this
• we hue hoes tone tow= published the cerdliciates of
• dosens , of our bad known citizens. who have expen•
eneed Its euratise powers. Then,uttlin mass of leg
, tiutot7 from all parts of tbeTountr:,--frocu
Madmen of the (Impel, Se., urtbe? with copious no.
5011,RNAL9• or ME DAY.
tai Lire embodied in pamphlet foraK and may be had
raga of any or 0111 . 11OrntilbrOUrrtOill the country.
Moo been used in We thy. -
Iluouttliour the United ...Rim, and Canada, and we chit
lenge 11.117 Ran . to point out a
n which, when taken according. to &motions. and be.
Pore the Innve had become fatally ,dieorramzed, it has
• seer failed to . .
•wey,. then, - n - ceit - tit; dilli;t7iiieiraii r el
•. mumble 004M119.5 awn) up
s auderthe assumed narneof, some ce..
.• . • • and putted into notoriety:l4 tendon •
•• • equally unknown! Whilein medicine of
la . be hail, wbose.vouchers arc et homey-our neigh.
• • • • any of whom ft ha. ,„.
1. pleb., this invaluable medicine toy be placed
• • . the mach of die poor as well the rich, we have'
•. Ileprieut
Ow. half the asnal east of cough medicines. It is
g y by oar agents in nearly every . town and village
• the west, who are prepared to give full Lorena.
dins lative to LL T. SALTM, Proprietor,.
DmedweY, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A . . M 1 fraterrOrnEtFATHlNG; , ..
,ZIL This disease Is caused by • paroaysinal CarlSMlC
non of .the it cells; it is very debdimung, almost can.-
40safecation. DL SIVW , 'SEWS PANACEA is the
aeitain viva.
• enemas can be entirely cared by of awed Dr:
.Sareetser'. Panacea •
• Catarrh, or conanon cold, veltich, if neglected, will
Umninam in Consumption, is effectually relieved and
eared by Dr. Satter'. Panacea. •
Itroneldris„ It unchecked, will effectually lead to
„Drcmeldal Genealogic)°, but a timely ere of Dr. Sweet
- sees•Panscensrill Mreetusdly cure st. • • •
.-Detammation of the Tonsils or Sore Mmes.—Tins
• 'disease often leads to serious fOrlsethieriCOO froth Der
l*Ctiflath as ulceration of the throw- On the ken crimp.
• tonts,Dr.`deremsees Panacea should be procured and
• '"Coughs . ;nd. Lod w sore redo remedy in Dr.
anacea. -
. .Paratneala NothLs...A eery, 41,1
Dom 1 violent coUgh and cold on delintalea or bro.
, lama down cimulmtion; aged persons are sabiect to it.—
SWeeter's Panacea should be used on the first
• ' - apeman; which am a cough or cold. - • - •
Night Seream.—This debilitating complaint will meet
,Wri=l check, by using Dr. *amassers Panacea.
n.-1( ors the first rmpearance of ceases"-
dr dye aseptome, which area pun to the side
. tandbream, •
`, =h i s:al:l . lOP b .. lo: , .ll , , d if i r ip fi pe ler7 e tser.: L Panacess Is
• Visa Lasngs,the Windpipe, Dronchial Tubes
become clogged up with phlegm nor to impede
••• Minion or bmathing, Dr. Sweewees Panacea, which is
• • • a powerful Expectorant, should be taken according to
Me directions. •
•.. distressing epidemic, so prevalent in
c.. to climate, in speedily cared by Dr. B.weetsers Peal
• ' SI per bottle, or six bottle. for SS.
• For tale by WM. JACKSON, to liberty st., sign of
t ya hoot. - noraMly
. Scratch! Scratchtt
En 1313., ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, tre.—Whe would
fel a single day
; scratch, when uthimed with the
Oteik, or other dimes. of the akin, if they . Sher.
• who would relieve and epro them.
- horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when
. itlent@ but more horrible to abstain from it, [for decency
eake,l when in company. Let it be remembered that
mot; ailleaclosts of eny other preparation inexistence
/ to eerier the'Tetter,lteh, and other dithases of the skin.
•Al all &maws girth@ skin cilia nrith fro= the impurity
/ oft helloed and tied. of the body; whe re such dis
/ ease be of lohr saauding, and the constitution effected
thereby, if Dr. Loidra Sarsaparilla Maxi Pills be axed
' with the ointment, they will carey case whatever,
.artst if they do not, the money will b e returned by Mr,
Leddy.! Most cases, however w il l he effectually eared
; bY Dr. Leidy's ?crier and licit. einimrith unless the
wleln nano is impregnated the' diseawsl humors
which will be completely mimed of Semitic eywom by
De Leidy's blood NI., sod the marforo. of the skin heal.
- .esd by.the 1:4121.1.01. Price of ointment 25 cents.
fresheapply of three valuable 'medicines just
eesteedood doi sale by
• B A FAHND3TOCK to Co. •
cart Ist k. wood. Coo coo. *. wood ow.
nor totmu; •.
I • il i. EWridersigned bee , long
. been convinced a the
neeemig. the some mat.. adapted to the um of
wand lawns to supersede the use of all those
medicines ;which contain optima, sad has at length sure
needed .in preparing'and offering to the public • mai
mime fully answering every purpose for aldtaeasesathe
bowels, without the use of that deleterious drug, or any
other calculated to injure in th e least The Inf.t Par 4
se es. has beta fully tested .d tried, the last twelve
months; by munerou persons, and found to possess all
'the essmozdi.ry virt.s, , luid to produce al the sato.
'bildMi streets ad set forth on the hill of dime:mi.. Di. '
amine, Vomiting, Chotie. Griping, Pains, Sinknese and
Diseases arising from Teething; tatting immediately
withaut;:diamthana any of the functions of the b o dy,
'productug the happiest and tru. pleasant tans.. I
from violent pein to n tranquil and joycns aspic of fret
Ins in the tune sufferer. • • •
To be had srholesale .d retell, of the Proprietor. Dr.
SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John
Mitchell. Mina tc Flerthant and most other •Druggists
as Allegheny and Pittsburgh. dect3
power to Cure: .I"trossrorai; l'alt 14,1 , 4
-E. Sgt.sauts:—My wife has no yeardlweri sultect
le a distressing cough, acenmparded with' asthma, for
Um cure of which else uted darttrl3l cough remedies,
. and had Ste...advice of the mon. eminent phyticians- in
hot all was unavailing. By chance I heard
.01 your Imperial Cough Syrup, and Arai induced to boy;
, a holtlepr taint, althowtb I had no belief that anything
' mould rrinore• her complaint. To ow' pest sort:rule;
' two 'doors gore her immediate relief • Bite 14 names
troubled with a rough, but two boupoonidul of Syrup
always itoptit lam satisied oiler a trial of Saw or
four years, dial Seller's Cough Syrup is die 'beat cough
asediciosldieve ever tried editor in the Old or New
' World-•, WY. Faumonisa. '
• • • Seventh Ward, city of Pitsbargh.
1 Tha above certificate .aboold induce oil who are
• AMU bled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a tri
.. al. It May be Ned for tri cents .a bottle, et the drug
Blois of . It E SELLF.RS, 57 wood at.
• , Sold by Dr Curet, sth ward, and D H Carry, Idle
_y any. *ls
• Pulmonary Balsam.
111 - PBSELS. REED & CUtLER—I feel it a duty I
• AI,A owe to my ['Rots creatures, to autos something
Mor rvipecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Masan,.
• Biwa! first used the Baboon, about eleven years mg
the happy effeht of which I then gave an summit ofi I
have had several severe compleunts and =sold as coy
longs, one a few 4eys since, and in every irizance
Alava oud the Balsam alone with complete and perfect
=was.' It has effected relief and cure inc very few
— days,. Iris eertalnlyo safe medicine. I'd°not know
• that it will care a fi xed consumption, but I believe .it
will be In =ay mums a OIOYCIIIIVO, and prevention is
Letter than corm I do therefore, for the love of my al.
earnmtly recommend the nee of this Balsam,
• titan o aints. I eat confident day.
Ras leen th emesat preserving my life to th.
•-• • a.t. butt Id, 44, .. - BEZILCSIIN PARSONS.
Fatale by B A Pahnerock, & Co, corner first and
. *rood and aladcomer wood and db. • jat9
.':4loll:l;gvrvgc. - v ---
- .),7 - Worm medicines!
IF-The greatest of el
flaw Lamas, Ono,
Jan. 8, 1945- 5
Ikon tor t 44, certify I lia after using different', reptm i
expeg worms, bouF.ll ler ,
Ifinr Lisbon; two llin ends of E Sellers' Vennifmse, and
Errs the contents of one vial to three of my chtUress.
'Yarns the firsx, aged S years, it expelled 45 wonsuu
than the second n , yew% old, 7u; and from the third, 24
ats old, 1114 making 215 worms expelled by swag
oat one visit I re-gammen& Sellers , Vermifoge• as 'a
sibs and One of the most effectual Worm medicutes
kne the public; fleas Mom.,
Prepared and sold by R E SELI , R.Ico 57 Wood
attest. Dr. Cased, fah!wartli D M Curry, Al
lisbeisyl William J Smith, Temperancerrille. 40.44
Patent. Monk Spelag Truss. . •
WEWLTINVENTED—For the relirfand Permanent
JAI Musa ILERNIA or RUPTURE,. Mulled to all
••. 11 n aPerioi eta
tha mob conatat in the coo.
'"'llantalTe elite with which It ay
. wqm. The pad of
'WWI being neatly balanced on apnoea, yield. to pre._
- ate annary post of Ib and thoroughly adapta itaelf to
AA, 100.bbibbra 1111411,1 by the *barbr. It can be worn
Withamintermiaeion,nntiln eerily erected. The cub
anthers bare trade arrangerneou for the rommfaccure
~' all thorn valuable Treat., in a aope nor 'atyle, In
dalphla, and have them now for sale et their of lire, No
ftlthfield an rear Minh, Pittsburgh"
'• hag W. KA UPFMAN.
lame, has a great advantage mier many other
Cough preparations, as Ito pleasant twin i o
• " be mod without Ineonsentence. lint its Tutu° m a
• Bean= nonsias in the speediness of its cure. We have
- boon. some of the most desperate coughs, some of
• • ••wrhtek had been routing on a considerable length
a time, yield Ii10.0“ila
such , weather as we hove bad during the past
• '.pincer, every OM is linbte to take cold, anima great'
Wet feet and Want expwure tn the inclemency's"!
o • tbe weather often lays tbe,imindatien et
a hacking
which needs a quick remedy lo prevent action,
gang. •
, We hare numerous seniicates or cures which it
Nam • performed, many of which aro from persons in
dile city and the neerhberhoed, and they are • suSeicnt
reference without saying/mother word in hs favor.
Prepared: and for sale wholesale and retail 14_11 A
• FAILNIDIdfOCK as Co, corner of wood and lat. and
; wood aid 6th su. . ; moc3UT
the 'Wore of the Vegetable Palatorcuy flakemi-1
atM that the Vegetable Puleacoary Balsam ee a nl
In* metichae. 1l Woken wed io this place will. complete
- ! moms aa obstinate complotat of the lumpy alto:toted with
a men covigh,low of acme, sad the mans of much blood
which had prorawalp nabbed many approved prescriptiorre.
Abet min lb. Whom we week the patimith voice r00m.%
M trut ambled to Hanle audibly. Th le rem ocrartad
Jairlha• sinew,sal the maw le now roasted oar ooly to or
b "
Cootord,NAL. bO .
is Pittleibegh by 11 kahneatock,,WCo. corner o f
toil wool; abo oar shill k wood ste. drei
• BTRONO. XVIDEN r. that Dr AT NE'S X.
• .0. P.E. 7011 ANT is soper.orb al ooh, rtouolWo for
Brow:bilis, onto., sod caws Palau.-
MIT: is that ihr own. rpm who ownsowww the
. •• WOO of it to lbw, teu yr.a. age eta raes - a t.,
- • :allaarrmrdiesofibakiee; atalwtare any Imn hem is' doted
: „. „.ikhry_ottor.rreors" co, Ahoy nme almost. mrsriudy bocci
alopiated movriou the oraelft w arm .rtssoanbly
luah prssrs bar
Iwo tOw.4 to ire 0..0f Jo
Mal& that No Det.rfiiied ' - —*
had lu ")" ,,,I . 44 " " *hid '
eq la annum
•. - Ilayarad *sly by Dr U. hp.
derrlddyit o ,. • , :fourta
EMELT ,171:11311FCGF . ..-lk, " iiinfulasity 51111
• ; , o fffia/Oreaslng. • • LaurtMAOluo; March 13,1549
leaped lobs Inour a few wreaks, a shall
• - Ismer son+ o MT*. f
your Vartnllbgerbl nd
• psi a popular ty, as it becomes known.. We have
, a prll it with success in our own : and from o r ,
.•;„:;,4141010rs Mn maly . assuraniss of ia exce/Its— ,
and sold biR 1: Sellars. PW.Ood st sold
• F r a pC.slasal,alkt Work and D MCcory any
. • .-----' l ittliVt.g&t! . -1
P — E - 7ir,, , :N.k:,-,.. kiritie' o7 , 4 . '''.: l 4lc woes r7;. ------- ro . tritut —. " . y,
-r.--- 7 ", k , ,e , ~,,' "St ‘ 4 .... ,,,, th.t.".?".‘ L I: ,:‘ . ..r . ' • ' iPrrualtai. Itir.7 ',.
*rairi.arat ra.yryk.,+.-._:, .. .....,420HN !wait aft nr -,0470-,-;.', h i t .
. rivis.V. ' .La aketak of alia I "toy o every ddruiptliat,.oacb ui-Cardinalla
hro . CoL A. 1 4Jaill •of , Nos obidar.BpLatalcar Proxies, Speeders; Drav , ag Fustier,
X Gera Kuraojta In .CalL Hallway ileadalcsrporaerr,Spooroaanta
kiniia; aaa's Carapalmaivathar the Baal*, *rat Fruits, - Loorobi Oral- (Wisdom &a; Wrought Iron
Mooch aPiro Cadboalata aral - Ditrartior Iltialkirgi taniediall area of Can - Iron Pinta and
, and 0. Opera:loos of Goo, Price at Kama Fri Avila lbuNgonyaf the Latest patterns, &do ad d Lathes,
' 2 % . 74 1 ...E.V.trittf10i by John T llaribui AB ea e and owls of allkteida - •.• ~--. ... .. • • •
Lot of !Tim= Cavalry. - ~ . - 11. . .loraitip of ovary daretiptlon•fornialted'on abort mai
_ _.. ~_ .. . Patterns made to order /hr lllll . Goariag, Iron
Krum of Keintuf4-Ba -4.asainabiria and Yiratarai ruling. &o. Stout Pipe it. boating . .rairiorioa Cut
l . Fito; GaMalanoal.ritar/stical ..4 Gftac.. l In. Maur traili,iand fancy Cuanza iatiorany-
Uaronotour r osier 4.166.1081 i of Mama Lrfa i araloloto Orient aft at the ;Warehouse of/. Palau il. Co., Lila.
''. li .id.d EarfroPlairal Sketcharof diataaiiili- ~,„. , ,,,,,,,,,i ; ~,,,,, prompt ... i..., .
'jouh ke..4 with forty roffamlON by-Lo oo ja Blaeistriek, Bell a co, K tforrbaa4 t Co, a E
Collin, 1 vol. octavo.
_,_ . • + Warrior, 'John trial , . ' . Poo-- '
The Twelve Mouths' Volunteer; nr Jamul of a Pri-
Tate In the Tenn/moo Regiment-of Cavolry, , in the
Cntopalgn of liezko, danng 114847, containing an Au,
eonntnf the hatch of Ow Regiment to LVets-crat,
443 .4ti0n of lhO Co‘ntolyeseoll, over, Inanners,.enn
toms, tr.e. of the people, hketehes of Comp Llfer,
comma of pll the actions of Wm Yr:gam... Bagmen";
!,114 • foDltjnorz thtlleticeßPHr- oft.—
A i;(1 -
17111 .
- iftFtory of the :tlexicen. Von Lit t e -
k,ftuel Woonded, ice; aluetieted, by oAarge number of
cornet end PIeAS by Goo, C. r tuber, 1 volume
octovo. deep
lIOOK - VO WTHI6I ' ilEASON—Uluminued
Gems of laereel Poetry:a rfpleniid Imperial 8 yo.,
frith beautiful Illummtious on at -al,.by Sartain, and Si
Shuninaled parea try' Scloniceand Sinclair, rir.bly,
bound In Turkey, =min and whits calf, superbly .
The; Chriatian lilrepildia, u amid for 184 N with
apiendld merit/aim antrirfulgs, by Sztuitqlanaullst
atroque morocco. " •
• Christmas Blossoms and Near Year's Wreath' for
tett small quarto aolmoi, printed on snow whits e pa
rer, mbellished thiendid crtint engratrings.:-
This :IC b far the wi meat pl beautithl juvenile ro
annul pub
lished id the Linked Stites. • • • - •
The Poetical Works of °titres Goldsmith, M. G.,with
numerous es, deice - designs, by the FdeltAgt.lub, in ea.
Onus styles of binding. - • • .
Thompsott's Seasons, with seventy:4cm¢ dodos, by
the It„lehlog. Club in .Pitions Kyles of binding.
• The Poets and Poetry, of Amesica; by IL W. Grin.
srobL ,
Ay mown to
Th. . • . . •
e • Poets - and _Peony- of the Ancients by WMlsm
ter; =pettily boated in Turkey inarocers spies.
1% 1 )111i• —Pawn, in rations styles of binding. ,
Onyx Elegy illustrated.
Heenan% Poetical Works, in =irk= bbnUnp.
Lord Bytaa's " " • "
Eilinkspeaters • !!-
The PoOtiesl Works of Thomas Moore.
Ballads sod other Poems, by Mary Ilowin.
Poem. byAmeba.
Headley's - 4u rod Atotortains.
.The nbore, with a. great ratioty of othernew works,
splendid mks of bin di ng, stumble for gift booltig for
to by
JOHNSTON ♦ aroorro .
Je3o Booksellers, eor. Market t .3d Ids.
- Talnabliliandatd-Wor0:-
ILef DVS ENCYCLOPAEDIA—A Dictiorwry a sti
p awa,litwatura and art,eampridag tiduatory,dweiptice
wed scieatEe priaripla of mar, briewhwthasawilmarchdp
with thi &lima= wad dalaitios of WI tha tams tearal
or, edited by y T,Staade, 14 4c illswerata on
coarsrovioa w00d.„,• •
Mond. North Minima Atha, coataiaieglawatifllycol
arid map. of North Amara:Nem& Pew, Canada Irate,
Nora Scotia, New Drarowick, Ngthera Taw, New Mos
- laboada . .118 Bw.. and T ern
tire in lb. Linke.
Nat's Puritans—The laidory of tb. Puritans tan at
reformat= in LW to drarrointiot of 17nn, otenpriax ara
aroma of tbar c enopia, fte, Le by ;kaki A,
wad by Jilts Cleat., hl with alas rataits ea slat
to two rolmoa
nu ass of. la Bay is relation to Ibo Mt J, Ity Owns
Moon, D, somber of tkaMakirof Mamas, fa.
Wealth IN Worth. or othith math th• am, • thrY
Jam& wort.
Pools at ex ba, beings/Wan =ration of Airrneb,-
Balm(P. 13p4k a—The Jirnaill• Speaker, xixopriiing
elear We ixx7 nt and xi:miles ix deeksixdixe, with • melee
1... i by /yeas T Mimi; instructor la
*Litioloa at ?Hoodoo:
The tame 1.0(ItS mediae& and tor inky I ,l 4; acro . N
all • - Bookman, ear mutat .m 1314 Os
diction's Classical Dictionary;
Dictionary of Ontak and Roman Anti:tallie;
15.1PCvllough's Commercial Ditionary; .
Urea Dictionary arid Supplernant, arts, mann/ware
and miner
• Ill'ebsioea Douro Dictionary, revised edition;
' Todd'. Johnson's and Walker's Dictionary;
Woreenar's Dictionary; . •
Lidded/ and Scott'aGreek Lex:con;
nobinoon!s Greek Lexicon of :sine Tegument;
Lercretra Lou,, Lexicon;
' Aiusorank's Latin Dictionary'
'tiMf:re b l i t " r h
. • LI :lion Dada Thetionaryi
Doha:fon Calnlet's Dic tionary, &a. •
•11e above, with a gencral assortment 0(71:to:a:Oral :
Chissicalldiseell.eoua, and Sunday School Book s , al:
way. on mural and for sale I ,by
Eal ' OTY k
66 3tarket u , Isctween 6,f h. 4th
- Faw Publications.
.M i tl . diti oldie &water w ' o; ' ; ‘ /Pol - Jtil!n l. .47lt r ttrt, - =
a memoir, and critical remarks on his genius sitVwri.
tins., by James Montgomery; and one hundred and
twenty engravings from &trump by Nyilliant Harvey.
In two volume. ,
Srucoes Gam Tura am-a—The four Gospels and
Acts of the Mutates, in Greek, • with English nines,
ethical, phihssophical, and exegmictd; maps , indona
etc., together with the Epistles and apoentyp the
whole tonning the New Testament—For tri e s . e of
Schools, Colleges, and Theotogical SeminarSy
Rev. Spencer,
A Nmv rtotnue—Midsommer's Eva—A fairy We of
love. /3y Mrs. HAIL ' '
Jew& IV.—Tbe life at Retry the Fourth,
king of France and Names, By G. P. R. James.
Complete In four parts, paper,Avols. cloth.
jan9 Ihmtsellets , corner of market and ad an
1300114-11:•,, of the Greek Rev
end of the antra campaigns aristo,a
from them:uncles of the OHO tstr:nos ie Emancipa
rind their country from the lhlrSa-u Vote—in two vol.
umes—eplconsd ropy with numerous mops arul.eagre.
Untie' illustrative of the reign of William LH, from
I& 6to 17u8—with fine Partlllt• m 'rots.
Kmnion to lid steer of nu: Holy ecHisturta
errltlonbrey,thuillog romance, 'nth 54 teen,
eine, •
fa. In the Holy Land, French Raga, and !Amebas
in (taut. Just reed and far sale by
AteIMtNALD L ll ristry
rint`l ' CO onarkarvarart
III: Philo! . 7by L t i Peikeropby of Lan
Snit r lNfeetqrrhes te ed ° &ina *45 and '4G, orub •
leap and plate. •
The 24.tete the Departed. by leo. Henry Hobart, D. D.
Tbe Chinch Unirerul, by Dr. Storm
Goldwith's Poems, items-med.
Thonapeons Seuonq do
F'or We by
`VALUABLE Now Irear , a,Proserts.
V Waverley Novels, 27 vol=tes, 1900, illustrated ;
" . 5 " dvo •
Mrs Sherwocsl's Works, 16 rola 12Lao, Illustrated;
bliss Edgworth's " tO
Harper'. Family Library, IE2 vole, complete ;
do Bey's mid
• Work's ot bhakeapeare, 7 vols. Ebro, the beaatiful Bow
tone thlete, finely balm' ;
ut 1 •
Bler's Urea of the,liabus, 4 vols. elegantly Wand;
Ituthab /door's Works, 7 vols.
Expiating Expediaon, 6 vols royal Bvo
no do do dodo
British Easaylath, 8 vols. Turkey nor. becks.
The above, topther with a large assortment of ele
gantly bound &mill' and pocket. Bibles, Commie
Prayer, all sines and bindions, all of which will be ludd
lower thus ever offered in this ;stake; at the old stand
_ -
jet • cor 2d& woad nod
ChlekeriweirriGlikirk, - •
optA aimed, rosewood sin octave PIIIIO,
new *eat. and polonium frame, made
by J. Chickening, Bowan.
A very elegant rosewowl six and a
buff octave Piano, new scale, and patent iron frame,
made by J. Chiekering;l3olllol3;
The above instrumento
to to- -day, 'and now
open for examination; foe sale 112 Jr. Cluekenuglo pri
eeslor emit or opproved paper. ,
Also op hand, one elegont rosewoad Dottie panels,
carved mouldlngo, and moulded lega, 6 octaves, made
by Gale and Co, new York.
One =Mom:7 second hand Piano, ti °eine., of ex
c SlOtwaft, ellent lone, and In good order, made by. Chichi's - big is
One superb 'mind made by Herz, Paris, and
pier/mned lo
ry Me best Piano Forte In the city., will
Wat ee te
JOH?. PI AIELLO wood at
A SPLENDID assortment of Row
/MIR wood W0Z1A4•27 grand setion
anet,last finished sod for We.
Also, ear°splendid Rosewood Plano',
with Coleman ' s celebrated -Fallen attachment, finished
in the soon modem style, and for sale at
jes 131,1114r8, 112 wood rt
Arent flaw Fortes,
Pianos moi be examined at sll o bonts, and the subscri
ber will be there front it to 12, A. At., and from 4 to
6, P. M. esch try. Pittsb'g, Oet...tb 45
. We, - the undentleited, would Worm the citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity KM we have appointed Mr. IL
Kleiher rale' agent for Weatem Pennsydrania, for the
Rale of our rialto Ponca, from whom they unity be ob
tained at our own (New rork)pripea
Now Yea% Rept. I, 1E46..0ct22M1
.13 Alcoholic's
of Imo, or We Iderehant's and
coholic's complete guide to the irGa trade. A
taw copies only,—Gery scarce. Bin:muds Literature of
thy south ofturope. Chambers' labnosation the the
people. Clambers' Cyclopedia of Buglish Literature.
VVendalPs Mao/mooed Commentanes, a now edition
la 4 beautlhil volumes. lialleek's Poems, a new and
splendid edition. Pastor Book or Flowen—for all
seasola. bwq BEAD, 4th near market et
• NOO4"L CI ristdmr.
L 4s r
a. by G. P. IL Jana.,
sal edited b:y
reJam, I , :ym .ti autobiovaplry_adiva.,
Ben. Just received CR lip' . .
TIN '49".. .I,M.V 9 K °L.TiatiogZAS allt 2rttra .--
Eoglinh Language, exessinor containing all that the
fonner ellitioas contained; relined by Maoncey A.
Goothich, Prot. Yale Collge. The 1110111 cconiele.edt
eon neer publielledi one vol. crown nuncio., Pelee SO.
Foe eal• by ' L L. READ,
deal eth H. near hiernet et
JUST received sod for sale, filly Coplee of th e Basis
of Union for the Coned Pmettparien Church, epeed
upon le Convention Of Reformed Churches, al Pin.
burgh. September, 1817. Price, 23 cents.
_mat) • ELLIOTT & MOLISH, 66 market st
- - -
MARCllitati'S CHROME GREEN—ThIs 4 consid.
ed the ben Green ever brought lo this marker,
to eases MO tbs oath) just received and lbw sobs by R
SELLERS, Who has the exclusive sale of it in fhb city.
icro. 3 NACKEREL—ene bbl. Imps N 0.3 Atackerel;
Air sale by marlri .. _ .11MJALEY EIIOTH
TEIINK-220.1tegs irintere It;i4spriurand
sumer jut received and for rale by
aural - BA FAUNESTOCK k Cnovaal Wits
• •
0 INV bbl. N 0 Molusui in store and ferule by
mardfl _, BAOALEVA /MTh
ASSAM - MA-400 'beige 7, for sale
a l .
G UM COPAL-00 lbo saperkrr, tat ulastiiits,
BACON -0 bbd. 40.1301; o'oo b I do dear
041Jostreedeueo lni mdreau aeOcuttmgmesk
-aver, -miss Ads; Piusbargh.
. ii Warner, deabeavilk. • jut..
thts method to lama We Mena. ,
idid de . plebe 'at large teal kle Feed:7
*ow to All otienoton,os the Eau
of the Ihedoe4;Allefhesy where n cod
, .
Istant supply of Blinds, of various color,
• end Oaalities,areeortstuntly keptoo hand s
also , al No. G . Wapd Pittsburgh, at J.k
Phillipsreil cloth wateiootn.
esttsun . Shtuters made to order to the best style:
• illituts repstred to the shortest
N. D. Ilia !Wads will be pot up, without any eddi..
need esepose so that they ash be•resuored in a mo
o:mot ito Cue attire or for wastingiand without the aid
of crew dr e ' oettilykorlstoily
kJ TAXER, corner of-Penn land PS. Clare street.
annotate the Eatehailge Hated, entrance on Year, street,
ierpeetfally infants their friends and the goblin, that
they are prepared blemish and lllend In eve rythrok
the lino of Undertaker. Always em hand a large nip
toryneni of ready made Colans,eovered, Head and fin
bLed is the very beet manner,all sorts and sizes ready
made Shrouds of flit enel,Canbnek and maslm, and tut
ewes made in approved stylew. tVa keep a large an
eat:meat of whYst aed blink, cotton, silk and kid Glows,
sable for pall beaters and mourners, crape, ears, col
lar. and every th ing necewcry for dressing the deal,
'and on reasonable Terms as we parchime ail oar goons
im Eastern AMOS. gi
'ver plates for engravi ng
ifs,: nerve stoLithe." , ,We hive eplondiel new hearse 'nod
hose,. end any number of th e best carriages . Every thing numadesl to presently end 'penclually. • netfr,llT
, •1:
I. INALvacw, • ,
1144 and SM Liberty uses, ome tie Ceuta
ALWAYS on hand and made to order, a large yeti e.
ty of Marble Mantels, Pier,Centre Tables,' and.
13a teas Ttme, Tomb Mane; Monuments, At; all whirl,
be ng made of the 'choicest marble; and manufactured
pratelpaSY by machinery;wlllbe sold low for rash: •
• N. IL
_Pwsous •setshiug to purchase Mantels; are
reformed that it is Vencerorth unnecessary for them to
go East, as I tan :furnish them with an 'stele in all
respects a. good, and (Irately Insurance; the, consider.
ed,) as cheap as they, can purchase them for in the
P..L Call and see Jets?
No El Marker street, fijusbergh,ilennat
rrIIE subscribers'. having made great Improvements
".I. in the construction. of their CWETNIO ANWES,
=V i lle n bro rrp "*. ras b itr, I . 4 ,' : , t ' arr4 . l=e a t i n j
with Deek Stoves, Torgeli, and every other kind 14
Copper, Tin and Sheetiron wink act. aaaaa y 01 fern kit
mg a Steamboat. •
We also - mate to order on the shortest 'mime nal
Tubes and Chamber, Copper work for Steam Engines
and twerp varietypf Work in oar line:
feb9 —
. •
Birmingham, [near Pi ilettargh,) Pa.
Rare-bust, No. 137, Wood itrait, Pittsburgh.
111PWILLeonsiantly keep on head a good assort-
MIDI or Warn, of Onr - own maltufxture, and
aapitiorquahly. 'Wholuile and country filer.
chante arc respectfully . awned to call mad ex
amine fur themselves, as we arc determined to sell
cheaper than hasty& before been offered to the pub
Q7' Orders sent by aecOotpooted by the cosh or
env reference. will be proroptly aueorlett to. febtbi •
. _
Urea% Weatern 'Batt lingo plainfactory,
circurNATl, o.
A GARDNER er: Co., witald inform the trade that
they are now manufactinige the beet Butt limo
evermade in the United States. As thin is oar princi
ple Leaner., we intend to rend oar as tioniplete an or.
title a* min poisibly be made. Those engaged in the
hardware trade, we think, will find it to their ufterest
to see our Bona All orders promptly attended to.
mys A GARONEIL h tia wirer fah x mein aka
51travaar.' J•Dlt, E- LZOLIS
„FLINT • GLASS EBT.1111.119111:111iNT.
11.1LVANY. t LP.DI.tE mitnuEontamand hems con.
11'1 canny no hand Cat, Oloulded and Plate Mat
Glassware, at all as mamma l at their Wombat.< roe
' tee of Mattel and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
Our Works coral:me in fall operation, and we are
adding to out stock, which enables onto All
orders with promptrinsa. PIItCb.CM ore rerpeettally
solirited to call and examine onecs and terms.
FROM the very liberal encoorage
men{ the sabantax has received since
he has located himself In Allegheny,
'Yea g gsg; has minced him to take a lease, for a
tens of year., on the property ho now
*crapes, in Beaver street, immediately beside the From the long expeneace to the
above Liminess and a desire to please, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share of public patronage.
how on hand and Amgen, to order, Itockaway Bag.
open and top Beams, and every description of
s&rmages made to orate, (tom seirenty.five dollar. to
alien hertarek JOHN
undersign:Ai 'ere new prepared to Innia irh the
J. cowme Lard
and the public generally, with an crbacti
lent trick of oil Uteirownmanutitenive, eien
thay will &ellen neeenuaralating terra. twit Oil Wee
belnire to be ail gewdis any dined in the cartel, end
cony be , returned ransiaetore '
. ; liberty ry opposite sootbeelJ
I'. S.—Lord and. °roost suitable sir machinery, on
sank km anis •bove.i : tits]
• • Trio* Forassdry.
subscriber. have taken the kte Fou n dry. No
TGOGoId strati, arid will contume business late.
conducted by Robert Taylor. -They will attend to
ay orders wish punetaulity and deeparcia All the type
manufactured by them will be Hand Cut; and they
will tianob all kind. of Pruners' =literals, of Ma beat
Sir. 1A T (Herend still emplofed in superiu.od.
Ihe manuriscurria department.
I•ropnetors of newspapers, who Rise m 1 rotlf i rdeled
for the subscriber, wart may publish Him nonce pa three
Motolis 0311 be entitled to receive their pay inlype, ois
purcltuaing lice name Me 611104111 tit their halt for ail.
Old type taken in exchange for new at 9 eta pi.
Theodore Tay/or. $ igueressor. to Rub' Taylor,'
jaitl3 corner Gold and Anil as
116 at hear market.
Sellers* Family Medicines in Ohio.
Wassmsarann Ohio, Jatt'y C 7, Inin
MR R. kb SIMLA:RS—Von Verratfugo aunequalle
ed Ina •••worso *strayer," and has given wane
10491•LIklil lb all who hare illkd OCCA/iOll to Inc
Veer Lien Inks •re also anions a high reputation
'sem Veers respectfully, Cocos t Maks.
• • klefimessuarnss. Ohio,' sal iff, Ent
dlr. it E. Sellers —Vour Vermillme sells remarkably
int, and has gained the tad confidence of all who use
1; ea, alas, the Cough:Syrup. Yourskruly
Prepared mid sold tiy IL E. Sellers Z. ' AVcleal et,
&Ad deo by Ur. Cl,use tid, Ward, D. M. Can-y, AOc
petty, and Wm. J. Smith, Tempenaneerille.
I) ERFUtifEII7, SOAPS, &c, id More add (or sale
L by Joel Nobler, M ralr4 cor. Wood and Sth
Jules Hatters Nytapti Soap
Amanda. for Chapped
Roomers do do do; •
. • Illoperke Shoving Cream, rate t almond;
Marrow Female:do
• Cold CRIMI .
He Tooth ' Petite;
" Cologue RVuer , floe etenhet foe the hand.
tetechlef, ke. kWh
_ _
- 711, - 71ao
I lia la to certify that Lkurettn . ted m tne Jill of
tha two
nal • gave la a lam
setae scorn peon utd, two
atalplWlll WI, and although the amount may lappet',
large, et I hare no atoubt but them-wan wood. of
tan taAVIAND Well= Paused
Yom ono rolaftef eT tut tech to two inches tong.
Items a Crook, Carrot co. TenO, Deb 547 . A2l
HE unedrvigneil have reduced the prioca of Rifle
and Bloating Powder,of thiv Ouperior inasurfacture,
Quality warranted ouvii mowed, and will sell no low as
any good powder eon be bought p:1 We market_
the Drop:non employed at due filugarlue r will' call
evely morn/ago,: the /lineman., to deliver powder and
receive order.
Orders al all limas will he filled immediately, on ap
plication at the office of C.D. LOOM*,
water 11,2 d door .Iwfe mot m gahel¢ took
W.Looms, Agent If. P. Co. marl 3
POWDER, ifIAZABD descriptions con-
Mandy . alms. a largo quantity of safety
ftwo, for igniting Orders pronsody fillid at all
by C LOOMIS, Agent,
marl] water at, 2nd door above. Smithfield
ABI env now annual in the Impartation of Brendle&
Wines end Gin& ke., exclimmel), and nevlngmade
anew-meta In ddlerent pans of Europe und,-the Isl
ands with well known bowies for any (Mute amply of
Foreign Liquor,. which 1 will be able to sell, delivered
in the Cane= Banns of New York or New Mains or
. la• airy, et the lowan madet price for cane or ap
proval paper. I have Vii atom lad ceharrt 'Very large
.cock of very loperier Winem and Loquate 64 imported
of the mosleelebrated hrande and vintages for rale on
pleanne terms by F fiIITIN
dean ant Ist& innithficld ata
Q UNDRILM-400 dot playing cards; 200 whole .d
Idfbas sardines; 10 baskets olive oil; 20 dos .saki
catsup., ke; 5 casks" London Niter gouts and pints;
300 doe Otis brandies, 'wines, ke, very old; 3 bbls pow
dered sugar e 0 baskets ebanopligne wine, part to arrive;
3 I,l:ds claret do; (or •ete by owl° P C MARTIN
vonn, mowissui ANIOCX/FFEE-15 hluls prime
N O Sugar; 60 blds',N O Alpluses; SO bslgs Rio Cob
fee, Just landing from stryenning sold tar sale by
W & M MITCELELTREE. ldb Liberty
Irr They will itiortly receive per Murtha W
ton aid other boats the following:-210 hhds prime N.D
Sugar; 425 bblsplantatien Molaweat 20do Sugar lieu.;
20 bbts Loaf Sugar, 12 tierces QUO/1116 Itne. retail
ShIOKE 11111 USE—Having taken the large, and com
modious Smoke Boise and Bacon Storehouse
bunting onr Warehoitse;on the Canal Basin, we are pre
pared to smoke sud stare bacon on reasonable terms.
marl. -Canal hasho near 7111. t.
Jon 1:1
rueymon W C lege dar i t,ki7o g lir IS 4 ou *v o *) t
pleasant, Pa. 00 the kat day of Apnl. Apply in !MIN
idanaiop Room at 8 or 12 &clock,
la latiimer,rattern Maker, Allegheny iity Oil Mlll , t.
ete newest pattern. for Move. en bend entice hi enteel
bill Gearing and all patterns node is enter.
antAr ,
NDTI CE—Person. haying chair. against the, steams
boat Arrow previous to the 11th fob, swill please
present them for settlement to D SCANT,
' tOfl lit st, near wood
13ACON-59 boxes Hants, :Shoulders and Sides, prime
Allt snide, Jun receivedr steamer Bell Rush, and
fors by AT pe WOOD RWII3 Ce.,
tuar3l Water SIM{
, Qaswts h RILWONY.--A fear very nth sad sup.
Cashmere Shawls; mot received; also, Spring Rib.
bona, in great variety, at the dry goods house of
811----9Atotrt "‘"'dE,'4lrrSoll'YClo
W il ellZbr U estle by ' bolt ItirnAltrlLW.
I RUM FRUIT-001kb; Dry Applir; Vida dopeoth:
sa; for Web, ' '•
1 0 • S , 'VON BoNiNuomyr kCo
kOAP SVOAEL4,IC.—tOO !Ali LW Bolus mimed'
oszobeila Snag' !lowa Molualsi bi store,
. H. .
ri entatb w.tleisto
ssaus.-=bi winthila.44 zu:'pia&
it sweb, Le I. Id rotodo,
.hica da. Ward skull! ha Any
b, set girth mat slm,oatim g ,mnat be gins the
swigswigwill sal be impowd limb; A
Intat atani
In it. Ant place It is well Immo that thigemudity at
black oink... an commuel a: • pftelNaat," held Wiener
ttbdt .i. r . tnttari to whole or part
evaimated ths ran MI 'Pitts are tact as • laminae
in the pnor fawned cantina it It is also comma
to add anew to lb. lob niatan to mks it mon fluid,
whirl Immo Ow cva by Stibi mOw put, reel
corrading it through is met battim.. Now the Wri
ting Fluid" differs few Um atistates in nary nowt, n
his aches:id aohtLon n 4 to riseid matter to /add it
wilgytgit r. tt i rs noel bung ven , riot
tai peri.W
amlatam I X" tiat:ll7::
ITPWWndcat the atrium. It ablombins no miter that
ho m affinitrior natant int, thereat. win rot corrode
—tt w1:1 not tumid, mad olthciugh it writes o(.
bluid, green cador yetin her hoursit becalm a deep black
which will et.l..n. for bra, It ia Iran.. Led arm riche
,ionigo article known by as rum of
Mid," and cue-thlrd more gins die. the cum prin. A.
• iparatite. what nip:intim of any loud !Wing tittiMpted
lbe &Mwing recommudatioas take, aUM be
tau, that the names then aim tonal not bare tot. ob •
ticeed by any mass kir att unworthy pawpaw,
Wedeeentmend Bibbedt. teChendeni Writhed Tinian to
the Wm :age 4.iiind rata ertielede CI res.
pecte, dews nee fume the pen without denim' gIL up wit
in the course ed a &sr boars eeeomee deep brgeht Mask.
y Co. With and BleCendlese
Robert John Parker
Wen ' & B Within:ll #, Cot
!deg Coorlas 'Freon Sellers
Bobt B Bo p' C A Med:lefty & 'Ca
W W Wallace, .
Juniata Rolling Min% Aug 20,1d47.
afr Tbus likbet—lau Sir: 1 haia bean mineral.
(alumina' Writing Fluid, and And It :a Ent rata arele kw
tainEed, It dowa fratly from ina puttaid baeinatsjat black
karsoua. • Town kn.
• TPI TUTTLE. Baolc.dt.wr
far Blacks a 811 a..
Idr T Hilbert- , -Deem Sot• Haring procured • bottled
Tour Writing Fh', .®. three weektego,ll corridor it i I
yemml if NM superior to•Artroldh or third .ink nom to I
oft, I know ad ' RopatthDy,
• '6r Art., Sided= 4. Co ,
Pittsburgh, kpt It,
Mr T li lirithrt—Dess Sir: I ma cog y or Chem.!
Writhe; Fluid, tad Oa it to be • most norlie% t melds the
aril pros, trs itdoertootothy them opliks the •thersiity al
other lob, it dotrr fret mei beerm.• V Marl in •e boort. rows, Rapt feyr
• WILLIAM' Ciallt:Dook-keeper
tiw John Parker.
P“pared sad mord Wbrdmals and' Mail by Thome k
Hibbert, Dorgert mol-Clermist; ammo Liborty ood
Smithrield Storem.ltatoberib, Pa
T S MpRP' -
ys- steel or quill pens, and the copying press . , Tlds
ak lathe result of the experiments of sevral..Yea.,
devoted to the manUAschwe, on an extensio n scale, Apt
au article foiled to aly the purposes or the consumer.
Thhperfection of thin writing Ink consists in the MI
lowing propertimalinntrr—in which property it will
be found to surpass nil previous preparations. II will
flow with veriest( freedom either from mull sir steel
pens, and Is entirely free from any corrosive qualities.
CoLos—The color of thik article le a rich, beautiftd
Woe black. At it neccuary, however, to give roma-
UK, the following caution.
LrrAl/ good black lot. from its necessary chemical
cychnution, requires exposure to the.rar to impart Its
deep color. It must out, therefore, be expected, that
the moment the bottle is opened, the lot will be found
to be .jet black. 'the Ara appearance will be pale.
But oiler exposure to the chemical action of the atmos
phere either on paper or in the inkstand, it will assure
&brilliant black hoe •
eon is mialterable by Me lapse
of time! , never fade. Orr this account, all Im
portant records should be made in this ankle. so years
only deepen and strengthen its tint.
P. It. This lug Is suitable for ell kinds of metallic
pens. and for pens made of quills, w il lhat is impor
tans end very desirable with many, give a perfect
impression by the copying press.
D.We are asiog hit • the institutions whit which we
are conneeted. Morns , bine black writing ink, and In
respect to Anidify, brilliancy of color and permanency,
believe It superior to any Ink we hare heretofore seed.
A Thurston, cnshirr, bank of Louisville; Win Rich
ardson, cashier - Notatern bank of Kenteeky; Geo C
Gwathimey cashier, beak of Kentucky; L L Shreve,
president of the Gas bank; Thus L. Helm, clerk of Bar
tt moiety court; Curren Pope, elearofJefferson coon
ty court; P R Atwood, meretary..klreeranls Insurance
COM pany; John Muir, agent Lextrigrett Imninmee Co;
14 Good sec'y Portland lily Dock & Insurance
Co; D Chamwin,
ber, iee'y Franklin Hon Sci Marine La
sunume Co; J 11 Blmer, treasurer Louisville Savings
Insatution: A supply of the above ink, just received
and for sale hy__Ife.SIIIBILNSTON &-__SWCILIVAN
t _
Pitornso TYPIO will be sold at Dam e's New
leek Type FoonJry, oiler /Caret, OM, 1,345, at
following very low prices, the approved six months'
notes: Boson. Trrta. AllPasoan, &e.
Smell Pic a, 3D 21
r lb. ern et, We.
Long Primer, .21 t a t
Brevter. 2 lee
!notion, 4 4,
15.1 ;
Nonpareil, 6.3 ties tit
Agate, Id 12) tel
• Pearl,
The above prices, inconsegmace of ineremed
b oil
ties for manuticturrug, are moth reduced from former
hues. A liberal discount for each la hntid at the dam
of the invoice.
Presses, Chases, Woad Type, Loki &e. furnished at
ate lowest an prices either for <ma of
Our Specimen Book for Ih4o is now ready for doom
button to printer., who will send for th and rotivilint
many new articles that we have never before ea-binn
ed, such isslVriting Flourishes, trinameots, Ornainental
Soma. the., of which we have an ample mock for dm
prompt axecutionof orders.
Primers of Newspaper who choose to publish this
advertisement three times before tee first ofinneb
arldand us one of the pupae, will be paid for 0 in
type when they purchase from us, of °orogen manage
tura, salsa dot specarneus,.Lve times the
aroma o( their bills.
. •
sole, I,7trai good second-fund Cylinder and No
len Power Prows, Stood Prows lionil Printing
Parrs, do. • I.:PARGE nauct: a co,
mom - 13 ebombero r 4 1 Y
Don of !YAW:line...great work on the Reformation
of lee tem th Century, to Gel many Santrettand, Sc:
Just published by Joseph A. Slyeal,Fie 10 Chem'
above Sidi. Phdade/phia, his splendid 12 mkt ettidoet of
:be store named work, with le engraved Illustrations
from originaldesidus. 4 cols Ind bound in extra kloth
and library sheep.
the ImblUthec regteelfully call s the =Hanauer/1w
trade and the pubbc generally, to Mi e work, beinh the
oat,. illustrated edition published to the Potted Flab,
He owns that the beauty if Rise growsltomeol*
strobg and toboamlal manner in which it is boupd,Ra
coefunction with the know. populanty ofthe Ned,. I-,
Iself, well be a vote recommendation { to public favor.
I No Se/Cherry at, above Sixth, Phil. . A. SPIKE.,
J. A. e. has Izmir puttlfshodis new and heautifoledt
of Sergeant Daps Rame Chow, a litutalne r. ta . kfor I
cloldleh,neittly j/0hc ... p10 extra Hone
IlisX3l,Afirmerly of Denny, hPlicume
Jiro. A. Beene •• • •• - ......... •.. - :••Emeoritle,er.
Cut. 0. Coes Neretorkans,
Consmaisalon Pl•rehants
No. 91 Postvite Sired, New Orkans.
Messrs. Mann k Co. Beakers.
* Juno: &Co, Y .O.
" 1/avid White d Co•Aledivon, la.
" Ellis& Morton. Ditokerhi
" . Hosea d Fraser, Cinciancn
• APEdorio, Ess,
ILN K. 41 ".7.E.q, Banker. Zanesville, U.
D 'APLInsIId k Co, Wellsville,O.
Reed, Parks k Co, Beaver, Pa,
J W Gill, Esg, Wheeling, V.
• S 31'Clutkan d. Co, /
hlitelteltrec, g k .n
0,114 w
Boston cede of Hostting Monaca.
tented•planforhearinghno.c hieh ha. bean
Sllre<Alllllly WNW in Boston, hew Vora, ird., and whet.
ever applied, has received the decided preterence over
811.11, surrtoce.x.,dc. Ita atlvamageA ore—
Great regularity of temperature.
thl. Freedom nom smoke. ,
hd...Nti unpleasant :Bytom.
Ith Easily attended to, stud not liable to get out of
Ath. Great durability.
A liaoderaud speeikmten may be seen, and apparto
11. obtained, at the copper Rod unwary factory of
WM 11 SCAIFF; First m a r k,
between wood and market
MIXPERIYACEIDJudges, on a trial of one and o half
Xi millions, since 194.5, pronounce this article tines,.
• passed for durability in the construction of all kinds of
Furnes. krice 821,15821,15 vital for leads of 10 AI, guar.
amen/ ac nine months rue. Orders fur a second quality
Kolinar Reinke will at UN per At, if en de
sired, without guarantee. A clock of the firing...l4
is now for /thin at the warehouse, inloan's Wharf,' Ca
ne! Bonin, by J ttIIAW MACLAREN,
sepdif Kensington Iron Works
0-11,e Adrothlateatorn Of Vic late June* MeLangtilin i
offer foe sale the establishment alunic in Ninth 11 ard,
formerly earned on by hnn, In he. life time, as a Sake..
to. and Glue Pae um. The works are in Complain order
for can, Inv:mete busineas, with fixture; de, sod ready,
for contenenelng at any time. A liberal credit will be
gifol, and all particulars made known by calling on
C 1
of the! andenigned. 'AMIN BLAKELI ,
I sing
lAY NB'S HAIM TONIC.,A lbw swing this article . •
toll,• unhesitatingly pronounce a to be vriiikt it proles
cs.—the best article, without en y eseeption,in nee Paths
restaistiew end preserratirsi of the hrwea tour. We know
of einem. bast:gam where hair has been nuored b hosils
which here heed bald to yearu cad we think we =out de
genteel:war thee reeenaneud to sU our readers who ar
losing their hair, to make atrial of 016 Tonic Inunahstcly
Dimas Mall.
For sale in Pittsburgh u the Peskin Tee More Ns.7o
Fourth wrest. awe Weed
110P1P—Por Bak,. a few boles Western New tork
growth of IS4o—frint - tfl to 10 cents:
Pawn, and Western N early picked, this
year'. growth..
Prime Ohio do. Belmont county.
'The general Eastern crop of the seuon ii nod being
received. - '.Bowers and °Uteri using Bops, will find it
much to their advantage to obtain their su in= the
_as they Intend sell throu ghou t the sea
son at New York prices. O. W. 8311 1'12t Co.,
atddlim • - • Pittsburgh Brewery.
1-11/7 / 3 :NiratlOEill l lll;s6l3ltOtrATOST, would
respectfully inform his friend. end the citizen, ot
Pituburgh and Allegheny that he has decided to remain
in the city .daring the wribbir, and hyyrepared to weal
patien placing themselves under hits can, according
to Ike m ts.
yin am as practised et all Writer Cave Establish
ments, for either Acute or Chr gain diseases.. Thom
wishing to avail themselves of hi* seiviees will call at
Mr. Miner's, corner of Liberty et. and Evan's alley.
Dr. AL has treated eeveral severe cams of diaeaso in
this city with great success, to which be is pencilled to
SUNDB.II.—..I 5D•b sga prime ftle coffee; ILO bW, N
Nolan.; 7,5 boars manufactured tobacco; U half
.Chests preen and block teas; 75 0 and 101 b boxes V 11
and d P do.; MO boxes Gartman clay; 10 anal. alien,.
ma; 10 do. potash, together with a general salon-
meat of proemial., In store and for Oslo by
Ja.2l . CARSON & AlciLs11(111T, Ikh or.
lIAVANNA CIGARS-104BU imported cigars of
the following celebrated breeds, part to erne.,
.11 4, 71...1.11bigg; Caves, Ac t : , l2 , l . 4ezittl ., Vlft t
1.141: 4 , Lord7l l =4, Falls onnelpes, tweet,' Lo d on
boat do n ,
Villeya eztra do, Sylvia's do, La Bayadera Is l , do do
Rd, OM; La Palma, .cazadorea, Eagle princlpea, for
sale by P MARTIN.
feb7 cor Smithgeld Soot it.
pi:AMEBA Ice-r•l7 bogs porno loathers; 14 sack.
F. Nat oi ro.o l.loenrazi 1 bbl 41041 oackfosaled
'cubes; ow:dyed 0 . 1 " 1 1611116[114por mar. r .1 No.
and tot solo by . AIA/1 DICKEY a. Co.,
And . No. fA Water rt..
R. 31 7p2 c 1 Vwfites:t:42;111tito . • of
• fewl , a4, iiltelldite.pectally far anima. use; c ee
lod, •
MI 'supply of ticking. ; &hellos., pillow cue mut n.
towelhog, dimpon, woo divers, to.
.'. .-7'„
._"F; 7
_..~ ~`~'.`g ; , ~ 4 "~ + YJ . + k tr.T'X"~h~rcK~ o.*yc.
..s. ewe extularoentArrox socedwreta Aszo
GOODS eensigned to oat An will be Onsweded
without delay st the towel* corm num Ws of
Letting waneautted, awl all instruction pmzepay
tended o, &ea flare say ext. charge .for stomse or
.eozerniswon. C A McANULTY & Co- Prop'es
taxa . • . Canal Huhu Pittsburgh.
(Formerly inlled Pieiworth a. co , . Line,)
=arm". eorreirmanscOgratios'or WAY raitthre.
.ETWEEN Pittsburgh, Bleirmillepohnstoona, Hot-
lidaystrargib Water meet, (Huntingdon Co) and all
intermediate places.
One bola anti leave the warehouse of o kfcAncilty
& Co, Canal' SastivoLibenrotreat,. Pittsburgh, every
day (Sundays excepted.) and shippere can ewe), de
pend on having thew goods throvirded without_itelay r :
and ankle nue.
Thi.Line was formed exclusively for the special.-
thmmodation of the way business. ; The Proprietors,
ankful for the very liberal patronage they have re
foive,lduring the luttwo years, would respeetfay in•
rm their old customer, and the Public generally, that I
they knee extended their facilinesolutiag the past win,
tes., and are now better prepared to accommodate • n in
creased business.
• R H CANAIN &Co; - • %'Y MRTITC,
/AMES A &RE, , JOHN eaulie, :
C A. M eANULTY &Co, canal basio Pin-1 .
RH CANAN, . -. • ' 'do JohneVo ... 1.. A.;,„
•' JOHN mlLLEß,Hollidablr I .7.'
irmcmcts—Pl.burg—Snaith Robi nso n J
MeDeri. 0 & I liShoenbergeri R*. Ca; A
Moore; llngaley & Son.; John Parker; Wm Lehmer, 1
Jordan& Son ' I mazdif
rrrHE Proprietors of this old ~ eatabliglied and first
Portable Boot Line, having removed their de
pot In- Pltilnddphia, td t much tamer, Warehouse
on Market sr., than they formerly occupied, and also its
•creased their room for mane at Pirtsborgh,.are now
pre l oad to offer much gitattllrliYaliCS to their friend.
• Dude carnal by Ithis lino nor not transhipped be.
arc. Pittsburgh mid Philadelphaa, being carnal ca
tirely to BOrtable 'Seaton Boats. To skippers of i s
and other goals rennin:lg normal handbag, thls is of
importance. No charge made fint reuiving or shipg
goods, or advenciat charges.. All goo& forwarded
promptly, and epos as reasoubleterms as by any °M
Coilsl Bosio,reon Pituborgli.
111.11 AVIS &
227 Motet Co. &Memo:tem ,t,
JOHN McFADEN Co. For wandingrand d don Cut] Ruin; Penn t 4, Pittsburgh.-
.thlt M. DAVIS Co, Mold Fat tors and COCIS
Pion Morchams, V. 17 Market, and al Commerce at.,
Phil delphis. rabbit
{Aden eramade by either of the above on Flour,
it 00l nod other de.riptio. of Merchandise consigned
to theta. Melt
IVOTICE—The subserihen WIT, disposed of their in.
Wrest the Yenn'a and Ohio Line to cciacra:
TIIAIV, of Pittsbergh,and JOSEPIIS LEWIS, of this
f tq will eontinue to transact business (or the line,
et thelr IVarehouse 00l Broad Street, usual, and be
speak for it continuance of the patronage of their
fnenda' • '1 • .VAILIM STEEL Co.
Phil.delpnia, March 6th, 1941:
Peniea. &ad • Ohio Tra it rtatlen . Oa
DuutL'Daily Late of
IlinlZU ro XILLIPPOit coons srnmet rjrrny
. - •
CLARKE &TIIAW Canal Eosin, Pitisboorb.
LEWIS & BUTLYI42I9 Market st„Philedelpb
JAS. STEEL & CO, &v.. Brood street.
COWDEN, CLARKS Co,& 7e Nosh eL, Halt.
W. PORRICK, 41112 Wes; meek Neer York.
sonrls ' •
Cld , partnershlp..
rJRIG mhecrilarre homr.da day ameretated theme! re*
1. together under Um ARV,: of ;Kier IC Jones,. Mr Me
putpose of mathrotog the beaineia formerly carried ma,
by sawaellithres, and witch a couttnuance of the Ish
cral patronage herctogrre extended to the hoar..
SAMUEL AL kat% ',
i'. JONES.
. .
are prepared to receive and forward freight to
F the above and intermediate One. with as much
derpatch, mud at as low etre., as bap other responsible
Tlm itientioh - ofihlipffSwLhltig to mad York of Mat
eon to Mains:nom in bolt, Is panic Wady reotteeted,
eunuch as out arrangesnenta enable um to cam **eh.
unielea throlletrin better °Net than any other line.
1111-Ik & JONF.S. Flophts.
Canal I.laain, near :that.
Piusbuqh. Marsh 1.1.q47. •
11: 7. 0.7 t
trIER and fomenting Me
ehantsonse Wholesale Dealers in Iron, Bloom
bait. Prodeer, ke.
1: heel cash miasmas on consignmenta. morn(
1848 ERPHE....IS WAGON LLVE 1848
A CAR tint leave Madelphiiißaily site; flat Feb.'
'2l. ream with the Mail Train, to Chataberaburg,
which erRI enabie the WalOane to leave there' the woe
day, with relays of hoisu,rataling daY.and night, sa
cam the tenant arrival of goods in Five Days from
Philadelphia. Arm!, to - '
D LEECH& Om, Cee,lDa e ,
• Pittsburgh:
HARRIS a LFecn..
IT and IS solid. 3.1 et. PLHaArAptu
We well receipt for atone 11.. prodaee. &e., dally , c
Utmost by the ab. 214, bee atter the Plat inst. • .
fetal) D LEECH' Al
'wag ours, a. a uurus, uss. res ,
Pittsburgh. Phi ladelphia.
112111031 LIRE, •
• M1: 4 1 • To Phil& o pal. mak aasam. ,
VIA CA. NAL. AIM utuosss.
IMMELY GRAFF & Ca.. Cua/ Rauh, Pittsburgh.
DUTILII. HUMPHREYS & Co, No. 147 11.1arketst, Phil.
C. Ii Koos., corner North & Saratoga sta Halt.
Joe! F. Clarke, No 43, Old slip, Yaw York, I
N OTICR. , ..Ta• style of our firma brill be kno from and otter dda date. at Illtshargh, 5”. Henry Graff
k Co, and at Pnilad.lptno, ae Donlilitignalptaßl..tatFed
• NldmaND DUTILH. rbit,deipb,a,
HENRY GRAFF, Pdiebura.. mar43o
1848. season Arrriaarestairiale 1848.
Et T i a CI. E V E I.AINT
Tat: rireinnooal DLl'aorr, ;Capt. L C.Balsdn,
run. during the reason al between Cleveland tc
Ralik Ste Mane, in the following. ma... touching xi
Mackin. and hiteroutilisita places eack amp
Leaving Cleveland eyed hloilday, at 7 P. hi. •
Do • Detroit do ,Theaday- at 9A.
, Do klackinae do lhuivilay ad A.M.
Rewriting, will leave Sault Pie 'Mkrie every Priday,...
tdo'clorai A. lit; nod Mackinac at tOo'clock i P. /IL
and km De. every Sunday evening for Cleve
land, ut 7 o'clock.
~ n ' 1 W ' '''' thi° fr " Ca, I ci.,,und.
--i'' ' t C thil BURN &Co.
VE‘t dc WICRWARI, Detroit:
Is bIeRNIGIIT,RauIt, 88 Marie.
The Detroit boa been thoroughly repaired and refit
ted the
,put winterould the public tatty rely upotplie
perforsollag of her wipe with punctuality as ulcer:owl.
febitidtu F. 13. WARD.
_.—. _
ABU?11 . 1848; • •
• 'To and from the DOW,. eitiesoria Cumberland.
In lE . proprietors of this popular Lum, have sumo their
reorganization lergely tnerrated their Belling. to
met the withes of shipper.; and are now prepared to
forward 'a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE,
also by additional regular wagons aglow rate.'
yhia her will ran Throughout the year, delivering
Roods thro:&h the agents irt Bain:none and Pittsbergh
in owners and conman.. at eprelfied rates and time.
slllpmenta from Philadelphja for the line roonlel be
marked "Cate, J B Robinson, Baltimore.s"--
The only agents are
92 Charles mstatob er,Staltimore.
& Co, lainL
O N CAS.4, Brown:will&
Bbl__ , __ J C RIDWEEL : Pittsburgh. ..
The Proprietors aline popular Lite tiara eheaged the
agreey at Cueetertend from the house of klelfalg &Al.
gene to that of Eriatston & Co. • •
pinsbergh and westera Perelman an notified that J Dart
ly Itoblesee. Need &nth Charles Reltiroope,t a tb s o n ly
ale:horned egad of this Lin. io the ban. den. :
The only agents ars
7C DlDWELL,Pittsbergb, '
• OAP , ceee, i •
droCttf ' B
O OI T ONNB CCmrrelad,
NOW C0MVX1141140641.1134,XX, VlAl4liVutOr, MIL.=
Mil s XXXII TOIL_i .0111034 k1.1:711X VASTIMS [Kiri
ICILIRCIIANTS and others sending geode are inform
that this' is Ulus tamest, safes!, and mom expo
/II uou•Lina going East; col:lusting - with Adruns k Co'
Express daily, at Llahlroore. -
Through receipts will be giren to nny of the above
for Mwarerchan
ded. dise sad' pailiagcs •of any siso or
weight • • • • I • • ,
Espretrieloses dolly at 3 r.
nov•Altf St. Charles Hold
J. BARREN co.,
COXXXX Or I.I.IEXTT *VW AND Gall: I w , rmsetraort.
P. 8. PRETE &Co..
1848. •
ID - All kind* of Merchandise consigned to RE,
Frets, Philadelphia, or to I, Farms k Co, Pittsburgh,
maK will he promptly forwarded free Of tornmislion.
1846 1, AND 1847
. .
E underlined ale now prepared is forward Pre
/ thsee t ke., to the &wen Nukes; dozing the no ~
4 1 .
, & , ILlV a inter ito oti the moll Neorebletatete, by Ito& cztt .
Ali ProPhIW molested teas ',Gibe &omitted eta
lowest saes and with deepateh.H
. Illeteheadne reetored±hty thte toate pneetptt n er
eroded. • -. . .. J 40 BIDWELL, .•Let., Phu t t ,
.. , W - CABS.BrowastlUe. , ..
E EGERTON & Ips,Cestberlas&i,
is iriscraintaeousitoff
;* Ali
Ifigra•rY FOE-54-!,*
.• _
Pp Hz•tho.cabr nn bre sale his maim Malin in
•• I: tote to suit purchases, at • very redased
eollection a not equalled tors salter amt extensive,
variety, in the Wecern eosurtry; eroominlogroarty ems,
raneand valtable plant; consuenagan part dal:Dellis.,
Plentearam .11 to feet ire
e pil
- r - ,Xl C :tta th Zia - ste - 7,7o . tpuaal
kwe E the (Ikstand neat Isaac:tied aorta ealliolll*lll.
Tbe-Dahlia Ifs! &attins the ascateltowey and hoe p i
eons • groan' Flower Roots, a large +variety:Nines,
ahrobt.ry, shade trees, • everavema, ire. ...amateurs,
Nursery melt and others, erlafissua ladeeoraxe their
yerds,qardeta, pleisere grounds. or green houses, are
legato:4y melted to exarame the collection 'chi& is
Open to vision's, except on Sundays: Conveyance •by
• the eutalaos and greenwomi ferry. Deictirnive eau.
;vies yea( by Mail, or may he bon et farmstead, No IS
lhatumid Market, where - imier• lert na- or by
moil to Finsburgh Poet berme, will be enempUy Intend •
ed t.. lobe Grham, • [lamst garduter; adl attend
to planting shade trees, layMg ofmadeaG £m. • Orders
left m above; • JAS.•WARDROP, •.•
- rnarladamk.wtfr • Blttneheutecirean - Pitts h.
; . Ctrr CUR`, )
•• • Apia 1813 DROPOSelki will 14. ceelved at this Office , until
.1 Kendal, the lac doy of MAT next, at 5 o'clock, P.
. bi.,forfarnishina and delivering at the public wborf
Cincinnati, 45,411R1 perches of Pebble:or ,noulded _Shane;
bout Ow to tea inches. the longest Ofinuetei,eibutax
quaky - la the atone used for PnVing gnelk Pittsburgh
and Manioc each perch .ut contain sixteen undone
half feet, and delivered as f0110w5..., ,
2,otalpetch by the IA (4.114,124 , k • • '
8,0 a) betweehthe ofnulynridlit of Oct. Ifi4? - ,
S,UW." between In pet., .Ih4N, ond /At Al ay, /Nth
3,(K.0 between the lstblay and In July : L 4 5 0; •
' o,ous, " between lot Jaly end InPnt ei9l -
. soft Sand Stone will Ix mem& r
The, Stone will be paid for froth iine to time, ohllte
same may be delivered. -
The propositions to stare rbe Pm' Perch on too,
for.which the atom will be delivered,
oplltd2w . CHAS. SATTERLY, City Clerk. •
- -
I:LA/I,IIOAD LETIING-4realed proyesside will be
received at the city of New Albany,'lndialia. until
onday the filth day of /inn; at e o'clock,: Y.' 51., for
the grading. bridging, rnasonryand atiodencuperstrue,
ture card° New Albany and Salem Raillreld- 1 -
• The Work will be divided into about fifty iccuous,
and will embrithe every variety of excavation; Includ
ing Bare atone, slate and sand rock, cat. hammered.aud
rubble masonry, embankments `or earth, eight or i ten
bridges of various plans, do: As; the whole tole com
pleted bj the first dot - of October, 1549. - Bidders who
nmaknown to the undersigned will be required to fur
ish satisfactory refeteuees. " • •':` • •
Payment. will be made as the work Tropisms, in
tha seven per rent. bends of the city al Nat Albany, or
oath as the ponies may egret. - Piaui and specifica
tions will be exhibited on the . -
0. BARNEY, Engineer for Cont'r.. •
April 3; 194 w. 1 uplOthkarT_ , :
-1846 1847
relkauticribera wall receipt forth. delivery of Pro
duce to Baltimore by the blonebyabela Sleckwater
Ashes, Boron, Seuer, , Lead, Lard; Pork. s -Tallow,
Whiskey, - Dosed Utases4.7l sus per 100 lbs.
Tobago e,lleetp, Slatted Wheart—O4 cis per IN Um.
'Apple." , Cheese, Flax-Seed, Bless, and
Leather—tenets per 100 'the • . • •••
Oils, Skins, Seeds, Woot—llente per 1011 lbs. •.
Beesmax,Fenthers, Pura Ginseng, and Sate-Bnot
-no et. pc 100 lbs.
All property anent:led delayr the endersigneal
will hothreranled without, free of Commismon,
al above totes.. lY II CLARK.Brownsville. .
_ . HANNA & WATERMAN, Pitubargh.
n0v1r...1. if -
6 Chalienage:io the World.
CIAVVENTY.FIVP. DULL. IL RS will be paid to antene
who' will of a spot of paint, amen cm &hams
cannot 'he extracted with Holt . * Improved Chemical
Soap. I have the satisfaction itifsayiroy to tie people of
this place, that ill la article, by my own itteprOlitallan Oa
mw pa unrivalled nit the country Mr extracting
masa, tar, pitch, oil, pal M. or ant sober' greasy aut.
stance, boot all kinds agent:omen itir lathe s' dodoes,
carpet° table cloths, shawls,
wnlasat injuring anything that pure wuter l .wi II Oat
one. More tint rake 00102141 ;WI - SOLID in dill - meat
phrts oldie cromuy have told me they would not be
or:shoot it; lf it cost mu: dollar per cake. Id trying this
Soartos more shoo 2ut/ articles of light silks. sins, ol•
pe.roas, and MUM., I have onlv found three poets or
two of Wooten, and four of calico, dm which it
chanced the color: diereforn.before pulling it co n light
dress try it ample °Nile dress Ern. mate this heels=
'1 urn determined not to rococo metolit any weaver than
I know hi tcr.trictty true . Hon.
Etter, .101 cho per cake. Sold, wholesale cod retail
hy • s • _ E DELLEES.
des24 • 57 wood of
SELLMI.S' VEILMIFEGE., "I consider better than
all others."
• 1114iorrilia,AUrgamy Co t Pa;
• ttelolier and, Inl7.
Mr. R. moths old, being very
resiteis at night, and having much rem at tonea,l eon•
eluded he had aroma. unit Laving beard nateal deal
ohovi your Vermirogo I bought a vial and gave him 2
dose*.wbich euptited *.Avery large worms. I consider
berdie—atide on ice moot aPproved liadte rit plans—
odd swag &dimmable Eadtempatterod tad coiro. Aldo
TM:A:REAP SOLI., a[ os band
or made to order of all d. tdd'at oltPtidrw'
Country Newborns d action are invited to call and
examine tiro above. kw thentddlecdots all will be sold
wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduetion made to
wboicsale Owebasen.
11.4,11.. diwswirin, awl Chtognaphinal 4nm:rum*
aW We amain( tit. moo eekbranwi nom noway trams Cow.
led' I'. SIAM.% DP, Englith &Lobe, with wklitwes aW
by Mink & boa: !Unwed by Rowell Puis:
LOBISOII CEEESTL&L• °LOBES, nada Wing all the
kmwo Alan nebuls, x. Compitcd film On works at
is WWI., Flatanteg. De Ls UDE Marlow, bhp', Wad
hty, He/whet filubtlyne, Wwwwitow ol: the fiings:ow
IPki &only a London, an, te. W.ob Stllat's New Erg
Ink Globe.
John..& Stockton boniest rcetivedit kr• place do.
Went o..olootonrylog tit ,c folknon
1 pair . to mat o _
diamotcr, '
" 0J • " .
1" 6 "
Aseericaa, Chrasixlt, amlionnal
DR TOWNSYSIYS. 8.4,141.1PAR1LLA.-54 dozen
Jest received of Dr. Town:mod. Samaparilla, the
extrasartlmary medne in the world! Thin Ea
t act is put smut quart bottles. It is tic times cheaper,
pleasanter and one superior to any, sold,lins
eures'diseiers withotu - W.1.& purging, sicketung, or
debilitating the patient,
Loot ovz roe isarastose—tinprincipled persons haw
copied our 'labels, and 'put up medicine In the same
shaped bottle: See that each bottle him the wnnen stae .
nature of 7s. P. Towneend.
IL 57: eh:I.LBR% Druggist, 57 Wood street, between'
Third and Fourth, I. Dr.'lminsend'i only wholessde
mid mini agent CM' Pittaburgh,• of whopa.rhe genuine
article can be had.
11. M. Curry hat been eppointed the soh- agent for
Allegheny city,. of whom the genaine. ankle eon be
, apt
" .146matartareis of
. • .
NO. 384 Smith Front St/Asti.
flack I '1 A. lll:Leon's Cabinet IVare .
A LI. orders left with S. S. Moan, Ns thecae., or the
Ll Nerchaut's Hotel, Pilublargh, aria he plompay
Attracted to. , THOS. G. DERRY •
seplA4l7 ' A. C.' NICKERSON'
ARABIAN Eltilrys—Exptessly designed for Ono
iirretntier in coarse °gratification by limper Z. Bro._
titer, New. Yogic. To be completed in twelve pares.
Port Isljust reCtived and for sale by _ •
apt ensue, =whet and 34 ma
. •
apd Jat.sigued_haa now his STP.h.I.I BRICK MACHINE. PLANDiti MILL, ist suecesslial operation.and pre.
pared to furnish pressed Fran Brick, common building
Brick. and Flironng Boards;all ofortucli he wartnnist
superiocarticles, am/ at the lowest prices.
He has also tu successful operation, his Slitting**
fugdividing bawds and plank at the ram of 2to 4000
fed per day, and will dispose of patent rights the the
Birmingham, Much 31,
A PPL4CATIONriI no madam the,tresideart,Mana.,
kers and I-Inpt:ly, fur erecting a Bridge Over the
.LgOel Monongahela uppinaini Pittsburgh, in ano manly of
Allegheny. for the renensal of time certificates, Nos.
117,10,16, in the iliac of Jota Ilmter, coon for. taro
rliares of &tackle Ana Corapany. dant certificates
ins Loan nr mislaid.. _ ItICHIRD FLOID
Anorney firr din Exec ones of John Hunter, deo'd
• — 1111181411113:: 1 1 1 lits::: •
would respectfully testa, La
°eat Wawa ablirt vmhia,a Philadelphia, and m want
Tlppits, /co s ta
of I,AI'Cr PtlßTS'"'h'"Wlr. l °". h . ther
sive ar i berate parchsmna c Stsr,sts
in, ro their damage and no calsinae,_.itl rfmb,
tccircp shall bo faithfallyintanl o. ed to al
Third ot. anoseA!eh, ehtladelpb
IE7-11 R. (lass stsrs scan It nsui , 0000
t)ORTARLE: FORGES—A miry convcisent . ante
ibiliows ahe'all the fume esti bsesnied by Sitla
Wel b) two alms. A lewjast ree'd and far sale by
Steam Itnestin'lVanted.'
A l, 3 Y mpr . l:er " ar ' h orn i'l lma fa r=r a on "n 4" , , ,.' 71 -03 . .11K1 '
Gowning Room of the tiaucte.. • • -..401
C " J ost reca'tr d
adreat tiont hr I*"' ag im tlr ""
large stock In SI ,
OD3 and callar=s:o - r ' lr, r reo'
to call and examine tor thenrscloes,.. bm'ltt
tan be hod et the corner ol:Nraklateld and Front r
oplu • . P C MARTIN„
F.A.I)-200 pigs Gianni Leadogoeirm.l'petategmer
Wyoming and for sale by
morig JANC3 A lIIJTCII e N Co; •
TV gr.', wartante4l imminc 2 Or sole by
• RE 8/U.l.F.lig' •
M0LA." notses;
Fur nle br • ". &•It FLO:6S
.• •
OPFEE :7 l?.(biti r kiripi ruo, - ro t sale
C4O • - :Jk.II:FLOID
LA 124,-1(,!, 7' •
qle J le FLOYD
OAF SUGAR-. U bhlsSsso; — , kir sale 11 ----7 -
Gdrior.i. ,
ct _ Asa e se fsa flesh colon P.l_ J___..Ebh.LfAslLS,s7 sepal J.,
ATI cAr COPAL4e•ses for +ln te• by ••
Ijr • spa
..:aannoaco 1.1.13 D
ip.c243 , ..FF.F...-.-c9 l .
amve per iictuter 1VAL11434 oar rale -
=Mr' " '''' ' ' ' 'LIAOALEV4k SMITEr
iisortmate of , 011ie, dnb
aa 04x 1 4 74;g 3 K . Fmt171 , 0 . 1e, :salt teeeived at the Dry
- 1 17 8
comet 4th and amixt as
. .... .. ~ .
S -A-R-SAPA-R-Ilda
• • - Yeaciiierfiiitas Medi •
V tkeilligO peeß.er titavi , lift botflotrotorto
, . ..• .
GIW. MN IN 41811n1UUMV
• The irallowty witimpwieritit ot OCI.Of . Y woe
oilcan.- 14.alieinolo erbilatitZerlmhoDime it
aloe an Body, . It h. Wm of Cho ow i
maim= MIMICS= Oote.loora . It aotally mils
the whole woo:and otteestletee Wmow, hot It "Clooso
New, Pon owl Nieh.EUrre; arm= P0t.. 013 4 toPtloo
Winne. OM le ni, lielthig semisweet onto woww4l
neeen. Him prtfosiat whits the_foOt too ronowwe
dm 35,1itlearta of Sm. Casa of LwealWf 11 hoot SAN
of Woo ono cooolinot inotoble. • Weed= . • I
3 , 00 0 come of Lloolie Uktesseetiset t- ...- :. s , „ -.-
%Maw of
—On ewes of GeteMityeal West of NserVi
.0100 won of eliterroaembeGasplatotsi - • , , .
FOll awe of Dhow of do • Mit Dnri i . .. - ,
ae ' 71=M=nt '‘ Dinatat Oen. Mai. 4.;' , VR.1.,
Neydroloa, Bell lithods.l9.l"twee Jo fece,11.t.4.4.- r«.
Avila, Intl maps am tit Ski lienhetn, ow mew ,
ado nab Clnalipilaralfralia, at, &a '. i , k• - i 1.
-att ant amanita* mot MINN istribt bat w a l:
Mailed 844= as or= . "" eserA. Via
Boni* Neo.owo ofthowtonspeeteMe la New-
auk, N.. 1., Wane wi that be aernirs to toroth* Itel co
ca u. awl plow Wow. Thaw on thoraces
Lo dewe Iran
22 If A" , ji.lin Sthlll . w...iu. rein Who Omura
It o.the beat asellotee tar the
Ptomain of dim talon., it laidadaatlymmt tie lite
• 6,oootattam Iris icerele:uotii I
menden "meal dhows old wowed thee 6
Usintet Sum s
• C.R.O. W. klattur Ca Tat Umassirrem Nen.
end makerof Da Ift* Jersey;ialmn, kut Madly wet
sa the allowing eatillente... It Wails owe aary...; •
Itfrw.i, Jr
• Lyra 41.1 mi Men Mk the laMmday trade
rpm laLim Militated itao. .11 me band I. try Dr.
.ToMene's Berme t tio, sat alialnkiny twit 4111 V 6,131 bet-
My. I was very Mad. Wier* awl ettriPitait entirely to the
sad Sarsopensb..- 10.... nediamltikeng isosedllad tmt
L . 1nt.:=11:..! Wine it ased sey tif• wont_
• - • • . ldeLe.a,ltde ft. Y.
The astalost. esalMoty yam Dsis SoMpertlf.
I.l* atriat extra 0101 fili• tat aotinata. Man ...of
Mad. Time yam torod le e* hoes le eetwomitoM
Dr:Towaseass—Deer air s 1• Meme mobs
oos, that Mee of ay:dam hay looes meg of Use Alm
the n o , , you, endless Tbl7 arm
erietel ormely with hat mar Me dr Mr. In..
brain It WA Dr U. laic& I Let apat
slap otagetion. L. . Time, ametfully, •
, z
W. olleat..lo3.Weredit
Rea Yak, tam* t o 120. • • • ....
• . emu trILMALIi •
Dr. Tamed% a menep .,
far tenpin& Darreseess,
Whim, oktrectat iloastretim= o
of Urisse, or Malian, dietary alma{ and fa ma
nn ' of the opem-es
• yam Do.
of ems er loan, palm! by Eraylwity; dim
- Ning smite Mee ensmaar Dm len
Get. on oth sle Imam atm Yersen., all mada gtons m tof u
tale. Gm Mini., 0.11•116•41 Mat me fall glom,
=der it. Mama !It tamliondy eenetainto Marn e
lima of the Lati. Cam width a the mat emeef
It aitted be iambi of m 6 oaY .f s. donisatoi no
am le Mail emikaha -of tom perfonatek• Ist mem
to mu lL th S . o ns M M eMi e m e b m am b h o os s e
wiMlm Martel
slter mmtiaoea Mr rale tait „ienhara. !Mae,
have ban bibt sash heathy 0115 ff lac ,F
- • -Dr. Atm.:Nl,bl 191 t by .
I[ll4 morel Aiawq, .o#l. witnizu.e . minsaDy_
by Mo. .a maam *Camay tilem,lMait dr
weak ad with other dikeilies, sad , heriag keown tem
*Ma pat magi* belt Meted yea corest mai ebse har
m it neoarsouled for web ere= /bra Osailed,lekais
A. bottle of year Dram of Ancuslty mat Palmed
the yon tan r. In. eh at penalframed
tier assaymi mdmored 11.1111 hank.-. Dolog. Medal lir
tW hs.Eaba notendi I lak. Munn to Dm .eltasalediy
iny lt, sai meopowhat It A* pada. /11. D, tdettle, •
Alkeyiang.l7, .• Cot. of thong AM Lydia W...
_ . .. .
. .. . . . .
Casssaxts, &Ss SP. 18f5.
. _
. .. , . • . _
• LO2llSwinial: TS at .h.... al any This b
to tastily riot la) , ',Skoog sr honk of : pm Ilsairassilks
prows b her sowessoksat, roader.the JUR Ana" sal
er Wi
h o eirestasiesoss r WM Isyshlot aintths , =l .. a
how of the Ont. sumdow, sal 'try
oC; wish wry parsamisai sod as saxemosistiow of thin
who Lai tool at, shs mu twined Is try ANA bails or se
fsith ir sal maw it twain She nollems boa dm happy ea
.desteetilfrot,sot lady Es ILI. 1.2.21310 t I.finalsl4, bal Os
tho =tora of one mokaf its . .tho dropsy ad ma.
MO te as sad bar
I=4 is mos. rter% it LM fro Milos it
stsur. labia: Wl.es7 MACS to yea ar WM osa 160
doubts thy meow of dolsortierra, yes antralWy wpm*.
I enbaral. spelt yoarmort .b.L.;eux
.rci idcrnitas Alb ,JUILIUM WIZ&
Thi•Extnet a( BusparMa W Imaa i =l7 Ifor.a
tek Wasik,. le *sole gospiqats...lfir who Ami nat
that aitionlioried, ...TA/
r,., w .rin
~4j,..Thet taa .i. .rt.tao
7.11: - for-ear et la anotaaaa . end boritlib•diadat to
►Slehladilihif}ftedta[tllb"WaltlpElE>+~la ..
.. .
.may b• Ward for noOral yam bvssiag nor
it Ili 'Alai!. to lima otso sot elpproseldm•Faudsood_
. as it ealksulded b amid , Aston — ln , ertisiu•on the - Mg.!
sod /liftmen do systm haseolokioodisik•
eablt for al! or ad landau, tutus* to which smm as
iobjs et. •
It bravo Ma vriiii• 1711.1141!••••• ponsomatly she
rd 'anemia—by statori•obssiatporois• of the kaiy—oal
u• Cyr dismal:din•ystat Id produce • soluespetet to-
Issatioo, which is lb* 'ease of mot assidiebsio takator goals
. • 14AL1 TIUt
Too lobo iiarie pokooo.pievosso, orti,:iloiefoio w &or oo , Kh al% or booklosotot
• Wilt Of tyro of Dr -Toad's II low
doz. yam: Maid; nem, the Nalco • bkooben, tad.
rit=o3.4gortliag, otn,ftoo video. mad bowlful
• di
of which awn' of imoomotoolocie,itlomar
. Nit ad or isdjelii Insbweied soblekle,
needy essesebbit the [Dodd yaw or alts Y desowpowng
Lod etra rfiTtlebenitertfis orr War C atkesd fiat Prryw,
lbws Doeirritintfi*Deal& 7815.
.111 Ssiewse — sett ..lbit,-boliere los ./br Newel,
peal willcdppopes a its sweet brew, albre,it,. twitkestorp
new of Kam* isfmtpetws, entreat bombes* all
crow ems* to tifili of.issiosil for weeks (what I ,
coold say) hew bow usable so rotas btu a nun porticos
I tried fie wadefiesdies; bat they bad,
ton little so w erect is noweisi Cho cairphlst I Woe io
fixed, shoat woraissoths stole. to try' [street of Sam
puilia,sed I eat' sy.with ;:bot liner ego,
=sr battles, I toned ray eppetito kvidored, and fire
saw* need; and l would ownewly mow;
'Wad thc weer filo tisfirothilseri born sanded so I km
Woo. IC W. Yu Zrairrr.
• riorl.'l_ _ Sufis !dud., .
ALMOST' if WRAC= •-• • • -
Read the Mowing, end fink It you ow, met swamp.
Vowelise. I. ewe& .1 , sw at fig, moral heed:v4
assea,thst ornawni bp•
las eerwl: •
• 'LW', T
inn 'fib* , ti Okla writ a
year eye, Intik •
natter s by
sofighwett powis: toy aids. , IC le-
eward - on too wry fiw, u&rd. was powered hl
to Ism tbs. snick cro wn
nhod qa,
tines of boil by siert metro, - bad lakiat very u
Wydoetor aid he ialW setb• For are.:l n. ldo the
Arvind is, bow of belly halm pentiossood them
as mineable. 'I vas wow at iliwlssile wed
noel hairy brawls. ;I soon hear sto end emcees(
to der; nos oransed a soy bed, sod to bard
watchers . iodised 1 minor ow raw thierisials Chit
:mend &leaks t05ur....1 score Almond, burty.ft*stle '
:It= I
Oy par, :0 a
you the Welk, 1 stspeclwlbberti Wes as tle%.
not lor n n *1167 , Lilt,' wol• way - ,fisaltfol
I did, / • moat mg, that ortosly well, bet ant so fir
recovered as . la be tajbershisiosi nod Mpg eilwestire ,
It' Iron in e. fwv w00t0. ,. Ai, rash Load We;
oisbt borileft.or, roof bot my little, luta
ass for plait wised iteaw-.1 Alt it da y to tire
pm osorooso or ;sty woe, to Pahl
Wpm plisescy,
, reran Ifiernla 42
I opatisi‘ of Physicians. • •
Dr is slesset day rsssssis; sruni
extant iMinnutparb at On Usk. 7 • 77. 7 07,
Main lanerlify MO, *.noinnignolaitydemir of
i be City of /Muth bare is Innontoni ars inermlnid; Dr.
TonneraWs• flanaprailk4“l4myloese of UP. nbinC
ninny!! prnjors
.01arrnlls br Luba mute.
Wrzionn, it a,
11:1111nann ND. '•
Albini, April 1;11543.
rhh to umity: that ere, UM Iladertlipi.i..llil/4.g
Themala Modem (tithe .City of allow, homMmott_
iwroordred De oTwnsod's Careponed Yam of Otne
nlh‘eadTrina nu kora Italian, would motions& ill'
•• he weds menunal,noibletts,uael othero wit
me, ia mhos.. tool or the winntind Mediee .
Al?nosAnB2,lB4ll, . Wa I Slum r: • .
rnaextekois tuut=u!Eutsau t e "r; au;
op 47 tPhilde. l-— •& * riT._ " fial= 4l. lesb; .
eMptd . dronargessinaly 7 otsit.Withe U Ms.
NZTeitiee;Filier FON , jA: the litidierMt t
*la Owen • otot Ostehmt trainee writs.*
l +a
or 8 P TOWNBBND,usi Mom Strintaa . ths
From thiNewTork Nay Mom h'i •
th. l=2l 4 l4tand sm = l.
The whole thogis got Op ie Vii - . FCouns teal=
maw& iednepartopere whaktopeutewith
the eardi wont, plat wek, sada $ shoW
only equate& to Brode g rVe take this owit,
ay .Wit.o this *rimier tie anott
7.7lmticoe*D7 h0*9 4 . 4 . •
• • •
. .
Nerve!'" DO/Ulty. • ,
IX townloodl...llli.i lioto mon arias' Ihr 3
y • ew% with - a disodhlOoliogio I o oh*, giddiamok is Sl*
hood, - Ico rob in lb.
Soobt bi liadolsopoy
Wait* an tio lk. eadisosi soltio Et&
/ Mite/ to fa otySiwom . op slyer.. Si...tam mho}
ro.lkiroo, Lim ammo. SO olestkota ba t Dlloorla An.
ea. • bro.lach,4l Otot,konrfolkopett teOrys bottle
. or you BaroayonN, Adidas/1a IWO post tob4 I lom
oh. Moo an.rol mon Wily oat m lahoiliokikely goy
it is Lho-loost. modiehn I :norriskost—llk. Amu my
that is rm., on/ I rod kelt. iti&mot ous
I Ikan bftlysitiflitokturth;..s son woo Mier oto
thas Inge Yak, Dy; olin jois taxa i/0 1 310../.o* o.
veal ryoolseold it of • ekoilly radian
T./.1 1 AO onvianoki that ondio
halfthe rubes Oa n is, owl. coomoultly awl
Door% bilks Swirl& Modem opposite, a Orkstvei
to km& Dnr rqdr.lmcolEpo 0 . 14 .11
is halal' ea/silo thof iioo/vo Lae alliek thi
%on who ore sollis )rots, lazy
try rh•Toneocod'S Smapuilla z: • •
• . *.•
• .‘ • CailtiltrlartAtielSonatto.:
SOo . Ossao ceocator.sothor dad ono Dr TovramerP.
moil the lint. Or tkobiadds
TIN Calknsiog ..hood trca w , gowlmass
• -
Dr Tama* Dora, Oa. Dray dulthat r...
.viek with the Omar tbv Nola out ihrat,Vtriart:a4
rat debWry. , ••ltevym sea dyar I *Wad aro era".
evalbat 4toit, sod itiaria 11:/invetly,,Ibr xhicl rao
r. I 1.1.1 mum',
• Jan. sr." Fawn, ID Dvoblooto st.:,
For ask by E SCLIJOLS Draisia, no= Wood
I..7apperuseed ty
TOWNSYND oda Ara kr /Mihaly NN,o4l,l*Vfllr,
peat Panacea la tonsils , ttry child'i dislaatalai
- From the. Totoparsito Hamra, NOT.
C m ,. 8,..•:,Wa ast oot in "the UMof=
. r.e • am toting iissolit medicines, bat witibsi
m recommend hlorg.n..'s @pup to those sato ars afflict.'
oil with a cough: , aLlbta furring vied ,go • seal; Sm.
dies to remove • constant and, distse aopol ow
had for scrotal daYtralllieted =tiara/ay t with , '
out wed., we Were indoted-b"OV Idategielroo•' •
syu, end by “ relief was obtaletaatza. 4
roved to bathe panacea in *his haleitat." - -- -
. P •Preyairod wiloistals sad mail '
at, doo tow .•
'abi" : wood 1 As • iihiWA,;• :
yn Ara Lassa's
rrlil9 Is siesta, tlaVbr takinglo4 .. i . '' a
- 1:11Lasel Won. AssisMeokelldld of ay
passed apratda 211 MOM; mat by di us add
ated4e4s a ef. ad Drat Ism plasma U Idura
It Is Oily as ago sasswdadsodadata stvadl
. 4 "
',.• _ - " r ail I 171111 1 21
. 1
ArAhma,diferrelitiell__Mood. Pahriiithe Sr&
inia listesym*.r• nma,,M*1....., hdpum..
• ' Orthe MonfOrbetednlt CO.O eroop. Itolt_,
.._ ' NervestaTteMors, User thannalsaat_ mat , •_,,
E‘algstr '.
lainvinnarhliskiaingpestad Syrup or Wii,"
Iris unasked plena: so the taste, perfeetly Waded
llumedese in Iteopeastioas,mail yet era ono ot the atla s ,
=jtad certain remedies tor Camenemhou orthe
okes, Cold , Asthma, Spitting Mast, Liter
Cmardshat, fettle is the Side _or Breast, anti gener a l
De Mem Court/tattoo. thal wee ever Invented by
the gall of emu for the, relief of the
de e p piddle.
Cemiteates-and the,
of its woraterlitl curative -
possums daily reesivedfmen all quarters. It mete
possible menace*. dm agerepate ef martringand Mrs
ery elm ism Isam relieved or Wonshot /7 it Ile , ' .I ' . . n
as eialculate the Immense benefit thasshail airline fano
It homelier. All apt, *cies,. and
' •- • _the eenstinition repaired, and Malik ;ca
nnot by the use eLIM Sit vats Criertmeri Suer m
Wax. Came. ,Ree manteadence do we riedmi be.
hold approaching ben nuntitelygrave, wreated,,a4h''
bloom *fraud= thois Muir. and *reeds, Mallet
ad tWidt Mall mabisly, CONSUMPTION, whi,ch
wastes the "malady
aurerer mail be Is buyinnik , ..
power. Of human ski* If such sufferers woya IT
43431k33 a tliAletlM: thrwite's Compound SY.P of "
Cheery: they would autumn'. rooner. relieved
Alma by gulping the canoes umfftective remedies 3rith
which ems aerrejrarpers abound; Usi,Yegettals Ream
-4,... heals the unmated leap, stopping profuse eight
esteem at thew. time inductee a uatutallll3ll healow
espeethestimuind Ste mitientand noon taut hinmeroi •
the comment of condonable heelth. The palate ;hada
dm De Swerte is a motet practising
physician. and hes bedlam! 0 /ornaments mamas.
- o che Lungs, Coest, he.-The forams' and onlyl gel. -
ina tutu** mealy prepared Wt. B WATN/...' N» ear.
err of Eighth and fhtee s treets'Pluledelpina '.
5-- Of all the ear. that has ever been retarded, we *Ay
seedy say . the annals ofusedicine essnaut farina it
sMpase inn, which now stands or whet g proof o the
'curability of entwureplion, even bar had II
despaired of, , Or. fiwero. ComPoand t3yrup or_ Wthl
4.themio the i,is W it Pule.. to be, the prosiest meitatne
'-__ . The Tres Richer of Life iir Heal: ;.: i
DO Swans—Deer Sir,—bm tee peed uf *hematite, I
feel myself in day bound lo testify to the greet cure
which Compound Syrup of Wild Chet. perfegm
,,,g se, me. .pormy part, I teen as if every batty -wen
to know it twos adhered with a 1 , 101C14 COMP, 3 3-
tinged blood, night sweats; hoarseness, and said of
sroice hatimuing an alarming Mahe of the, itatenie;
appetite was gone, and soy stranedthad mi Oa fea
r me thatmytnends gad physician we. laissuedipl I
cOidd mot survive many days. MY/sister, vita it
anxious cantvtaker. made tenuity where she would to
tikely to procure die most certaio retie, ' , qt. weevil
Mat alb, SwayaiM Composed Syrup fAlgid Carry
failed:in them.,
life mos thee_ . tMieb o 4reur
medleine war immediately procured, Ibis kn.
de gyre yelieOtrid by the tune I bad colspoqiceth e
sixth bottle , toy soughtad tallow =dilly streuzilt as
inuettlingninad. In short; It ha. =ids a- pstaset rare :.
ofme, end I ma at Una present time, vtaany.a oat as
I swab, Sod bare go od Mum: to believe that thor4e of
year ram/mule has oared toe fraln a prematmegrais
I 14311/4 be pleased, to give tom information • respecting
" vine Kati
21 cheater st.lietwa mT caw.
minice and vine als, V •
• CAUTION! CAUTION!! , T . .. ,
comumiti.., eiut gem!! 'nr:swvykei co6tOund
' . Syrup of WU - Cherry. -
In about tks yaw 0t137,1 found it ueemsary inmy
prokssioual practice, to compound a. teedklnsil lallpar
anon for disesersof the chest and lungs. possegrlng
mom= he i ltag d ortmornes Shan:ing a ther h . %
TOrRUPOPIA , II .r .d/CLI.ERII4I rav m e T been Vetnuo
misfit The truly-ssonishing cores erteeted brow
otedloine soenspread its fano sham; for h pens pinto
eflts suttees to mentafaelured newspaper pure MI for
ged certificates—the teat Intrinsic menu of of tow.
pound is the only Clem:refits populmity. *sexton' re
mile mon excited the elm; °termini speculators iu the
allketions oft& fethrocreimirm,. so meek so thetsirt a
few years ham the thee nohow InerawmieetWoo tlOto
&Leda to therpublie and in great datoind, • arm 341 this
city, Wine that my preparation had- gamed a high
repatadon to Ito curio. properice, eansit-oar with -
what they called Di . ..lnners itakspoi off , Wild unary.
/Phil rerpietable mid popular physician had .mu mole
to &smith the article than poor Stain Patch. The name
of DoWlstar its/tubed to who it appear that this on
usempizetilloner was the unpaid inventor of itiMpro.
paranoia ,such is not the feet The above ,Seto, the re
al Mediator, sold the recipe and right to tositutheiMe to
soma, patent medicine dealers in Cincinnati tot , the
"Wen nth/ South, and &bother in New York (or the dams
who sulerwards,it is awerouL sold out le 31 drugglat in
hereon—eo the modem ofhands ono which is may Lave
changed isms enigma. , r.
to some plues they assert it emanated final' &phy
sician ,in Ylitladelphiej In others, from a }Myriam so . Almsechusetts. 'So it has falsehood out, at:rout .
stamped every *mere. _ • - •
There hare been a number of ottierpreparit Mu.
po 'rig antein RIM Cherry pot out sinee,*dm the
nd t !s ofinexperience, which the publie *maid gnarl
I=as they contain norm of the riled of thaggisi
01ily gennitie preparation, which bears the me
net:are of Dr. /Swayva on•each horde. .The prbsent -
ntartufaconers of their Pd. end tee certiheatemitare'
the daring Mummy to =dioo the public nioniniPer
diming my medicine, the only Maly 13,1113131 d mid. igr.
pal preparanau of Wild (Merry Mk. the' lie,
widehis proved satisfactorily by the pablie secants of r
the Commonwealth ofPamsylvionts, as welter inn-
Oaf ether ogle/el documents, Mt R. SWAYNE,
Inventor and sole Proprietor of themtaninit Com- -
Lund Syrej:ol p Mdateyy, carrier:of . Rigid, and
141mIdete can be'tbudned grotto , .Wang' Web im
army of temintorty thatwia costae. L 116130.4 sllepti
eal of the.wonderful virtues of Dr Sissy.% Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, Call andget one,,tharreter
read. ?ruckus the midicine, ands& mega ' i
For sate, wholeraleMod retell the Agin .-,
corner Wood a A Liberty sin •risNlNVS,Stabbl..betlY
a; S A FAIINL..MTDCS. A Co, tomer of tinand
ood and Oath nod NVood; and *MIN wren , -
Allegheny city......: ' : • • • . -• , , amp - _
~ Oreat English neuntly. - -
.1F .T . 12 F. bas.'s In LV' FLEa ASMma reD?firtlf th: .
LIR,' :="'c.rtiPetlitiMb=l:-ALBll.4f
London, thipland, am/ introduced *Loa th e United •
ender the Immediate superintandenca of the nwedterge
The .111.0111111 XIII suer.. of this asestenne, It 1
ewe of Pulmonary daseasee, warrants the Jutterican
Agent in soliciting tor nosomentthe worn pomade ea.
Wei thatcan be fsandinthe counnettesAaremk -
refief in man fronsa.ay of the common rehmi' Of the
day, and Lave teen gmertoPhr *cm , * doteigetwited
plrysleiana ascent rased and !mumble. The &unman.
so Balsam has cared, und will cum the mom col t
of cams. kis no quer nominee, beta Mender Ihm
lislnnedmia_ ,e Of-loam. taMertablirhed
be vy . -
-Every fanulgin the United Sums should be, empolled
walk Buchan , liangarian 2•3•13431 of LiKna4 aidy to
counteract th consumptive tendenmen-of the-climate,
but robe aced ns a preventive 113031.411.33 in all tun of
coldv, coughs, spatting of blood, puha :..the sidd end
cheat, writatioa and sonnets of the linig hrpeldus,
s t ink drwolty of Meeting, hectic fermi Mehl st one=
s ty
debility, &alum, mance*
crddb'od'e large ott11;, it ti per toile, ekth full
..t,,,.. •
rictus foe the rmarenen of heal th . • -
- Pamphlets, coutarathe a cameo( English . alid Amen
eon eettifkates, end other evidence, 04331111213431 3333-
emidled merits of this greet English ileatiodY,Met he
, obtained of the Agents, etaltdmusly...
,‘ d
Poe sale by B A PAHN=Toch
•& Ce, c er of
at and Wood end Wood and CO ma -••- tS
' .111 L /MINE'S ALTERATIvn.• - •
Lavaliere informed lry Airs. B.o4'er-a conk pm-. -
inturdertber by Ur. Jayme's Alterlittall,,frbleh
proves its sepesiotity over every Mher remedy of the '
mad.- She has beerreithetml lot the lam sixteen years -
wiib NEVIIIAit or WIIITZ. Mr:LUAUS, luEnded
with alernuions and ealutiatiao of trartheahones,
hahrertieh Moe 'army pieces haveheeo discharger/from
the imolai bone or the enutien4frour both her es tus,_., •
urtisti earl handy and from bikb•legs, as hdm thb left
ht.r oral' bOde, and from the right hrtee,"tiesitteskainfal
illec.ll.ollother pans of her petsoo,adi;elibeve4ted
m 9 gal or a atuaberof be most emineniphyi ot
our Mit•--Miring Igioffi'of the Woe her sintering have
been eicratattogual deplorable— thhoor.,threeloath*
sine. attar was induced, to of Dr; iayee's
wltleh hes hut an istotestungly hoppy.eifeht Imo her,
- by mooing ' mot owellings, and eateilig the
meat to'heal;wite alike sametinte hergenerilisealth'
has brecom completelyrestered, so thst•thatems Pa iffes •
at mon than she 'did before she omameperit the see
of this teen
rahtabmprepioesdat. live. •
Pm further hubranummutquire orbits, Uwe; 1
Falbert ' • " •
Pura& Pilmbruzh; at the PEKIN TEA SWAP,
11 Fe. talk AL Mar WOO& . • , 4 4
2 INGS.--Scrolula in all ds lbrius
'Whether in that of Irg's Evil ; eidargimente . a the
glonda or bones, Gmire, White Smedley, f,ar,onic •
'Netiematium,alanser, diseases of tteo - 5114A or Spine,•
or of Pulmonary Coesumption, emanate. from one •
aid the minim cause, which is a pOismacitu. principle
=areas less inherest a the hen= systeto,
foie, wilco OM principle can be deutroyeil, off radi
cal mire ma be elected, hat if. the principle -open
+an the disease depends; if remored,vl core
mutol.semosity follow pUveattisfundeLphailorin ;
The dinaila ehould moa il oat itself. -TAD:ths4fore
,is the reason why Ja VArAlikq.ftrAllir P •
rirsimallytmeriesidiri in removing swaneny'iciaugeset
dieesse s, t
,destroyt the ,viruf or principle from
haretheirorrlo;bl4oknto the ;isolation, ndmillthoblood conveyli
to the minutest removing - every -'particle
disease from the system. Prepared and sublet No.
limethVg*r7ti fi
biledeighia. '
Sold at Pe Store, 0.,72 . „
P~ttlabergh <:.
to not:
,V4l,- DlltNghtitieWCritinnetthepareiltiallr, are
Li *Rea nal aware how frighually Inhirwas P...
Willa! coarse hoer nigh, /tow sa/loirg scliow.
ending. the skin eppitare , artewmang'Westarea
Sulk! Itiairgarwas,conainiimaltugocaan,
WO( lea . We Italie premed. a ...natal resemble,
' ankle, iii . WE ' call: JONLV'S SPAII/Stl LILY .
WRITE -, . t is perfectly Imuseent, helogpertile4 of all
1 T .4
dale until* net it impala to the - akin 1 nate.
rat, healthy, alabaster eta., hying. hite,:in same
' dine tetlng as _a cosftene on the Alison Waft
itod 1
..".1/1,-4maett 'tiattereeti, Treetical'dOmmt efAtula•
t 1114 1 .00.1. mit .After armlyslug Joneshigeninish Lin e L.
White, I isua It peewees
heamiter hag eats.
ital.ltg the 'game time Innocent white I ever Saw. L
cemainly. can conettletithusly- reeemnwrig It s tue !pall
whose akin. makes treastilyiurF -:,,..,,, : "-, 1 • .
g4,r,ir lajtrlittwLiN,at Ids ittWiwing ghee
Ohne, Istlgherty sueet,.hand oh ‘l,'eml.:agth(ise of
I . 'yam iolime;Pro isterirsheik ,i i - ii,;',„.
-- When yin know that you are prouthicai. - .1 •
• That yea wilt still use common eltift,'Y tit
~. •Andlook a deathly yellow - fright; ..• '.., 1...4.:
The theme of Laughter wed of ta IL.' '''• '-•
• - 11 yoiC.wottle aseta,be ottOgiVe.ditUg•whut, it
•yroawlive YOlit eke MI • a l a basurret , mnrotsrizir, •
and at the maw thee tlear and imprese,k, r „,, ~
, A cir.sows.L ibrl . k.PTAtFP-e°lP"P'z'
tFaR'W AR E H °Uf
i .
'' '.ii,.,:_,.L.,-r-!-
U. 9 :
1111) sue.:Einw , al. •
• 1 a gilt! , WiL•PLELIt sgfers for Mile ori, the, lowest '
, 11, rlitanefactererg price,a itery.,extermleklasson. r •
Inellf of PAI9E-11,, eomlFrialte'carry .
.poesltilc , ehriety,
adapted to the went* at e 011,61 / 1 11i1111411104244(11-8 of the
cottoltr,i,,i!,egf i t,Of A all; hinds- newts to wider shell
.not ~,-. ' ' . i'',. ;‘" '''''''.,
'I ile nick of PRINTLNGI . APhiit is aoarojilly largo L
wpa rirkiitlettismearitri li pr i taArliy ikiii. .• . ~
oft wirrOOStigia4 ii.(Kid.d' sad ttertentl4 7 llY alt '
hitaz, stet telungs, Wire Cloth, EmingrinterWiea
- ,,, 111 t m chill Powtkw„Blawill.tranladne,lasig %re, a e .-
i. - y;,,e.Motala tape, Grasellopc, nagging, .e.. e_ • '
purchased, Par which the highest price is CsAlt-Wilt ha. r r
p.!4:,.1." . :- -::,; liZir ',- . 7. , :-. New , Violli .1.4.18411.. _ „
iseies , , It& etwalleal.
,Doicali 1000 dr..,:sploota itut,ilflt.ensts t,fe Skin;
' Z ' ate . lisaPkaptet , l 4 ote.bes. B Attittenot.geleirj leal
Ppotkelukptued or ancledAftrois4ftall 01/per Qua.
4, es• of As Wan, vrlaith MUMS 4.ilmnaluirl e . =
lkup =ads sopanillcol, luilso. dispels_
j4,,15113,10 eiranci thf, eell - Wdart,
psalm w disimed Ma. la AO. telresthr.,4
elestioncs 41. trait tripPfria.rarraN44 ftid
ails at elhand.e.d plea or ne per Oka: Mots
mei** is offend fa We by is Atreus ,
Zroisirlst and.woOdmid *094 , abgc*lligkr tr shah
.corisuiji ,uo,ae,oolllll4slAlfftill&Lbe
,• • "
vvr 0na9114
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