The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 19, 1848, Image 3

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    - GROCERIES, Itko',
CIAMED arape
AUCIAS-40 bbia,rlarardere,lat
frt44 airaastreeelvadaad far aala
epio' 14 '! 111'41.4 foriltlaais ;tat/
SDRIVS-4:0 bag Bancle'llsbso2o 50 555 0 50; 11
bbla Sops Hasse'. Matassoo • ICB , k , 544 6";
lanoth l airfrom suer St Mod MK& " bkins
2 00 LEY&"
QUOAR-151ada 'rime Pi (1100sm 5 taw brawn
1J 'Wes= Mr, l cam DR Unarm/is Losfo Eb b
smortad sma ll do dm 10 lOW croalmd sad mixed-
SUGAR AND IMOLAI:WM=2D Mnlol 0 ffaxar;
bbls N 0 Molaster, la Vasa and fin We by -
gAUTELiI.,EiVItini I 4 now Wallis', 113
hbd. Ed half Mph .to mire dna week.' .11&&
wines are envy aim faponsdeq dira o ,m l . 81 I&
sold la' 4. i splD PC MARTIN
fILIASIPAGNE IVINE—CS baskets Malteoe'Crow;
de Crown Cbampagno Winn, now landing
and Wm& b • ' .10 PC MARTIN,
b( pipes superior Iloosseyßrsody,of
iS3Tl4l ""i 's sj=4P"-7-I*no
mud Brandy,
cir casks ButpuldjPort Wine, Of
inn udour kW gala kor
aplo . P C
dirsa Env
rack. Aut ree'd and far sale
_ '
S i r " '
:E MOLLSSES . -10 blast prime N 0
and Gar male by
ed per sear
SV l e3tll b dt ! l abr
It BU: BIXIDUE, tGagOt e• ende,
.11rAFER SKINS -1 Wig for sale by . _
JJ apt% ' WICK it McC.A.NDLBEIB.
Lotta-14 bbts 8 Fine, for tangly 112.4/.1.01 and
tomba by ayl4 WICY k MeCANDLENY
DaY APPLES-22 mieks jut ree'd lubt by
apt 4 , . WIVE IisCAI'UILSI3B
ilorros—lL3 bake perium go , . 1 * bl
spit - FRIEND,RHEY A, Co'
rrOBACTO—Z km No I! Twist Tobacco, binding
up.L . szber tit Cloud awl tor sale by
SAL E. Et. TUS CleTeland ilabsraftisi . Idt
.reestirodwid far .go-by
B,LCON-13 boxes Virenla cured flues and Side",
caw /string and foe sale by
apt! POINDIX&ThIi, tc Co, N wares ox
7XD • lvaaLtad, ved prBte?sc,
sa .4eebi •
LT MLR 0110-10 WA% for sala by
11J21CH LAWNE-Tvro coon beauilfial new nyle
""'""' $4 revel, tby7
,H.A10LA1314130 loblsB 11 Itolows; Lour = f,, o oat Refulery, reed 10. rant flehaylkrll and for
imle by . apll IIMIIIIIIIOE, WILSON &Co
.1 gib ICE AND LOAF SUGAR—SI deltas Sired bbls
jay Loaf Sayar,lFKllug Ortan um Schuylkill and for
spin ' ' IS and SO arnonsi.
1011ULIC POBX—II as pieces lamed Balk Paat,'lnatag
haw summer Kiago Chief sad Carole by
S TARCH—III boxes =l,: r ip . egor . ivality,
sp " a f"'"l.he , asostair. merit
MOUCKEIB74.O dos 'palmed Thicketi, fm Mbsa y
.0 MIS - • . : wixraoWKl
PlO ktErAL-40 tons No 1 Fbaadry Zdatal,laif
calved and fin sak,by d
• .12 ♦ lnn= t, EiceIiNDLES S
Idg—lP We. Wee for Ws by •
ISARLLO bbls Tar; of prime qualitY and lissood eon.
1 didon ou coussgosseut and for apTT ,
as/ TAAFFE & va. ?Erma .
17,01arscu - teoCCoUsou SuldTbread
j. 4 nos, just suerred and 11,01 be sold cheep by
• . as/ warm a JOHNSON, 0 market st
'lll/T HECEIVED+I case Turkey Opiaas;andCo labs b a1. , 5 • J /JDD &Co
~~l:.Y +a N:+(4r~~fYT +l7S'f~Yß"'l~F:
BECEIVELsj-73 Om paved Ipecac and for sale
1, • J KIDD & Co•
C3412.974111"Zr'bvw ..P' l9 a 99 9 an.
99.4 SELACYLSTT lidaTE, 99 'Mad
INGLIAMS—Ji. Lug. anortiosii otDognesue, Etag.
IX rub sad Rena Gb tor
sale by_ • • ap4 SitACKLEIT & intrrE
.4. AHD-! -" 1 " , coctuLAN, 90 • •
rxu PA-63.13b1a CP. 10 do Sofia
dai Syrup in tobla and kegs, ar salaams
r sale by 1 7
S T sp7 • - IL" .ltrn
a IMAILIM ' 13,110 NIXod d 7 1. ; WS -Tr tk..., .....
1 -84'' eau 1 - rimea. - 1 - ph•s - al
SOAP -6D ha, Family, No I, rot ch i p? rue.
-i -..- - ~--m-i- --
16 Nanday,
IV RlNG ' 4sbx*'iled ' k.'
VIRVILLIAMS . Ili • Ta Ia TI T A. t : 9 96 4 9 :
aP 7
WASH BARDS-60 dos Rlee's Zoo Yuma, 6:,r 20 13 ,W 646046
.:Yi 1. 23 : . 37 Id 47 .
"i ' . . S° ill WII"'" '7l Friday, 7 ' ' set 636 mom.
LF.S Alielibuq for ask (raw Oa
mast wood sal liberty as
1110AB-22S bids NO . Sum for aka rt,
t received 'nod (oriole b 7
CY PEACRES3OO bait i Ems. and . for sale by .
sO5 • • ' t • I3AIAH DICKEY h. Co
CIOTYON—IIS bales in store and Wme
Vo." oP S ' it Co
841N8-111A aioall w t sale try _
ISAIA Co H =YET it co
I fIaORY am, SCI sack, be veld inn ton
" isewint
NS-30 m ilrWti;
1.44 Gam summer
BMingo Chief and tar sais by_ • •
op 6 , J C 1T1DW724 , Aftorster
aSALTS—XI bbls on consigmeat and tor sale by
• APS : , , . • Jcßrowaz
'1•75-47 sista, its slot* and fm sale by
Vaa3 V: . C BbIdtVELL
(101 M—Up bush on and for ilk br a i wil i m
• •
1 1A1.44 5 ) , A710 bbb t istar . c ': •
ka fame .4 for We INT -
11013—iialPs Mewed; degaer" ‘e Pldm, ben rt-
ceived end for sale by ape J OEL MOHLER
mocz—al times wire) prime jest reed and far
Zilt, see by•
frOBAOCO-40 osier 8. Wan' stoker alb loam; 3 do
j: 1111eorom . wow tlb do - Jon ree'd sailor ludo by
MILL 8, intim-ram
Tusr aVF:Dr S
Liniment, met for
LAMMED 011.;-10 b Is jolt reed an 4 kw lisle by
: A LCO puss feed msd 6S l.
cry-,gin , -R-- , c-~rar+
PPM TUIIPErINE=-12 bbli for lola la ica
.an • • BRAUN t
L' 1.111,-13bbla c - by__.._ .w i rrsr '
irc,rao J. B "iRAUN a
/711.09 Cl/WE/LS—Ow of tyro good Glass Caturrs
visaed, to whom ctoteaot work Cm bo
7 - Mast be menof astoperala Aptly to
coasigumea; fOl,lllO by
maal J ISCHOOMIAKEI &Co. ' .
m, momee*lf of
, V•l3o.4•Wtht brands. sad Tatu maylk
las sal* am Imported,. by multi P 0 MARPIX
RANGES AND I.E lONS-16 boxis cla consign
war kor sale by: . ISALAII DICKE Y &
a i a. N caro:inf,abaosigraki,
era AND 01/.--31TiCeiW bISONI& rTaa
04; Wr by • worn 11. COBW
~ll~a ~,~ji~T~rl~4rT~~~Y,
OnlClSlNGEdi'mudie received en .dbesideesent,
'me for mho by 4eaidrid.rolNDEania *
Torus LUMBER sod POP Joke, kr sale 63.
MMOi.d.IMES-01) bbld N lfoloosos, reed per liorr
Jjj. Motu% River owl for lode by
• I • it ROBINSON it Co
firLANITTA LIVER MLS•-•fifialoore lkprarr throe'
- .11.111. 11 . Mario profit ilrram.
rp dation.' ~•• • .proart, .1 KIDD kCo •
Ela -491 pip bn bun Minn, jofed a
11, and
OLLBUTTSR3 bbis frsblibm Ned and for able
b - mob .." , JOHN lb DILWORTH
=NT SODA - ASII-44 6 (Jr t j a.n atp .. eiti ud t
... •
011,4066 L Lard 00, lasflmrftoos atanser
• -LI New =44 1 4 Sad tOr $164. bY ' • • '
• MAP JAI/t23 D.P.:1.4941M0
am% iksi—Oeobozes bomb noise* do tau
Lb. boxes do 84 180 boss Pepper 33 bags
AOf mils by, ma m as Y &
A11D.40 keys No nod, for wkby • • ,
surer• NUSIIrIELD k lION
i6o in' iwe and for
'sox 5 ! ....9 2 _
l IINIICHFS—WybosbaIs pima roadie* for nate by
~'jpp.►YTARTAR-I bbls
iwerea~e o~rrraitac ' r-T ~6nr`~.
..ilurra.coßK w..1.* nettr=r;
- .
'Ottair•-.415E40 01.Mtft VOWS, Itted Sad Cot
1,4; Mt, • ap3 'REBELL/38—
. •
AfPau arrra:--Dary,9l) pr. cent.
'Pearls " t/
Pak rates 7fP—
sada. Ash 464 k
1150 7
American ® -
Batting—per lb
Eagle MU.
Small While Jiatei
Common! anix..l .04973
lilugketta—E do.
Patent Bevel 4,258---
Y<liow WO=
_ Braostia.:o dor.
Merekantable.•• • 57101,257
Shaker —• 1,7501,C0
• Carat . 0531-
Mak Oak , 40440
Ilereloc 103,50
CoaU- k Doty 50 pa a.-
Aube river •5 051
, thou wagon 5 0—
OatteaDaty fres.
Teem and Alabama-4007
• Chocolate-0- 6.,
Number 1 10011
Oar's papered 02 •
radlaa—Day 00 pe te r
City dialad 90—
Pittsburgh Star ?2 0 4 23
Cmeirmari. do• • • ..... 00-
a , best banda...3o 021
Ib inkrior••• • • .05 WM.
Cuttings—le 14 . • )
Pottadry ba.'vrare, aed-493
Pumas do
Tea keules Cot 4507
Warm bares? 10D h• 4270
Cowan weight. at••• 40
.Sad irons.? b ecel••- -ties
Cotten Ireane-11
• No. sto No.lo 15
Increasing I eentpor lb to
Loos reel fe dos. .
..~ - app....A
" 190. 4187
• " ,i 800,900, 1M0... —4284
Corellet Yarn 4 , •••29
C.Vet Ctl#4 ; 40
00286--Usty 20 per et.
Jura; d orhlte 0014
Domingo 8 0 Si
164 0 0 70 • 8 0 81
Rio 8081
Oeirporlksylept et: ;mg
bet asdold6 pees oldfrea.
BMW?. 27023
Cordage—lliary2o pr. mu.
Manilla —0 16
White rope ' —0 10
Pao"'[ yam, Isur••• —0 10
" coma... --ga S
Map Bad Cid. pm dm—
Extra long 1,0202,75
Loos —02,0 S
Common ... • . •••••••-0101•
= k a l trdCordsie - , 470 d0i- W
407 d. 6 limed 2 000
10 & 20 do WOW
do Plough lines 01,95- .
Derisestles—pet yard.
Lroles added ar time sales
Barons Cot= •41061
de do 41 07
SW's. A Nal-- 0 71 ,
Allegheny v.........-0:
*Del& D PRI D
Voles tdl =b.-0 71
U----11 .
NonalookPesellB11•••—• 7
' 7
ft do
Los t ain k —O7
_ O6 l
rosslaalso:A —es
Loom 0 ' —OB
6-41mrers couon 110121
L i v, -. 1 . ,... - : --- ::_1. - 1.
do. de..:. ''.- • :1011
Brea c h ed ills ..... S 0 II
Bl '. 100 111
e TiekloP ...*— • --e w g
1 Lancaster .-01
1 Broem's A. C. st• • —a
nick.. —0 1
No lel:Tarim . ..... —..-01
Colored Cembries--- -in::
tIfIllve; thse —Ol O l
Merrimac .. ••• • •••— • •—eil
Fall B. Blue k. Orasgeolol/1
Dralga-0. 1 0 14 o ' l7
Attuid 10 0 11
00ui d, d d...... ... .
- • -
proposed sailing.. of eke Britieuk end North m
mn 117mY Siessorlipr &news Barton trod
Liner Neva York ootttLitoopod,
,Amortoo, CoptJodlins Ninon, • Ciro Eyrie
IR= ., .•:. Ito • hoz=
}Mum* •" LAT ' Coledania, Leash
Tsar 7Jr~arom.. nor
Frost • •
Araeries,.. N. York, Mar 15 C.alerloora, Boman. April
Boom, April 9 Americo: N. York"i IP
Illiberal; N. York - Aradio, Banco . 3
" }blooms, 16
Prri.oilman sow, or TRADE
JAMS xir. :ma =arm
EMIT. 21122.
mama wax wawa Aram , IS.
The market during Unarm& hag exhibiagd more
"Viematede tharaVve have - egged bra coasiderable
gime. The amount of general baguets hu - ,
terra in the. aggrepte, end peat quintals.. of po.
!series, nalsoldass, du, have been sold to the coun
try us4l, but very hale speculation has occurred.
Viruldrithe last few days, however, the holders of
beccisiippear to have because wee anxious to les.
eon their mocks, end there leas been a p:eater de
'give cif imitution—but•insulheant still to • give a
certain idea of the tender 4 of pee..
FLOUR—Has alitwly but *middy gone np in
price, from $1,50, at the beginning, to 24650400
the Newel rale. The supply : has continued very
light .etitirely• inadequate so this home demand—
end the lota arriving were consequently sought Ow
with rriridity, at the holder's eking price in some
eases bought and - reaad at a heat prod, on the
what The total quantity orrered from first hoods,
has eat exceeded 2000 barrels--which would fall
sbort'of the bane demand about 1000 bblc ' The
asks ritcr4CY rated a fellows:
The' following sales of dear were reported psi
tentay; ad Wears valuta 81,70; 76 at 24,63; 30
bleb (extra) at 111,871; 30 inferior quality at 94,62;
100 al 4 fiO4 a kir ales frordwagon,at $1,56e4,70.
BAO3N743cate 220,000 Tba hive been disposed
of in large lets, beside the smaller custom sales—
.arny considerable in the aureole.. The very
prime. are still generally brid, pretty firmly at
31 to' 4; but a Peat many Parcae of excellent
'meal ban vie oral borer rata '
• Sarorday—Sales 20,000 very superior, at
de time; 9,000 bbls wintry cut, bog mud, at 31;
21P00 Ile city ccredr wrY,Prhner at Ye enrol; 6
iSier maga
• Mondarades IS ottani:semi:ism city awed. at
ic 6 mos;2o casks Cincionathamoked here, Canticl
e:lad by bast ledges 'culla! to' any in the market,
21, 30 and le CO days; lfi 000 Its good country cut
ronnd,3l, half,,csah, half 90 days.
' GROCERM--The wiles of the week have
bozo ahem* entirely la a general bill way. Sum
has rued 04035 fix Molasses, in lots of
'5O, 60, and 160 lags, at 276/271e. Both articles
'doll. 200 conditionally contracted ix some
dm gum, wen activated yesteiday, at 27e. COS
Prioe_Ri°. tied 7 163 0 6 e, in lots of 10 bags
sadttpra. ._
IsiiMATOBS - Bwit steshanctock, idiom 125 bbls
bad on the wharf on . reeidet at $1,50 bbl. Beds
ate very - good many potatoes have ar.
tiled 11=4 the week.
RA,GS—Sales Moat- 31 be pod country mix.
„a, 4, 4 16r clean white.. Brisk demand for a large
SEEDS—Bath clover and timothy have dacha.
ed rice very Innen, during the week. Clover
is boaidanow at $30 1 3,121; Timothy at Cabal ;
50; the iekeott for the article being past. Flaxseed
magas Steady at 966.
13A.LT-4alat it 1,25 at eine, $1,2501;29,
TOBACIegi of 12? tit ' . 121; Ip otk.,
itualaittelkwei bvt tiro& Intasatitiaos lame tomb
repprtad.' See table alarm: '
. .
.WITISEC.EY—Of common - Cinalanati cone has
heei sold hens; or tx43lcopoagaltela. sales at 1803
rectlfte4Nlas at 1810190—averitte• Sown
esiablishamat. -
anal quaxithieg.
.ABHM—Of kinds are doll end . &Ovine.
Ths ator.kool'lstaand - acorshinss than patties.
laxly are heavy. Eaarlaand saleratas sot so Lai
.bat aboridast. la said sin that mock or
- brims '
O to marked, .re of Inferior quart.
multi, &a; tad &do oalkis
Asoidt — OO . ireforoOL Tbo 1!141. I WO WO, mil t ing
6=44,41 tivi. 4 riii Pas, 41 fur samrcbillgs, ithil 7
Aro wirms OP maims onomeascm, TM/MONTS. *Ai.
- 44 015
Balsam Peru 2.50 02,75
' Copse's* ...Mt 0 371
Brimstone • 4 0 6
5 t am dc 20r. t r i. e ., fined . .. 1 .:4546 , 2 3,
Cc:41016 4 W 148 02,00 1
Cream Tartar
-110 R 5 0 62
Copperas . 2
Glue n 0,13
Galls 200 35. •
Go Arabic.:..... .53.0.70.
31 60
111"-1 0 371
" 15.0 14
Marie 1,07 01,611
Ipmw Y 0 01,12)
/slap, powde'" 05 01,IXI
Li i = r.
e Rootslo El
0 9
Liquorice Ball 19 0 07
Bra'e VS 0 21
lasenew a Carl— ..29617 - 37
Madder, , Umbro.•••ls 0 14
tdadder,• Common ,
Myrrh, Terkel 70 0 60.
0.1 vitriol. 410 5
" Castor • QUM
" Cassia 3,00 04.07
Lemon 3,25 413,t4
." Pepliirt .... 3„co 060.
Opium,Turkey--435 05,50
QUIDIM 320 03,00
Rhubarb, mat :50 12/ .39
Sal Anson." 23 0 10
Sal:Bode Ai 0 6
Senna %I 0 19
Malaria .Acid . 40 0 50
Vitriol, Blue 1110 10
Dy• Woad Dray p.
Cantwood •
6 / 1 0 7
Rude - 2.10 3
Lesturisod,chipped-310 3
R eatherst-ditty 25 per. et.
Kentucky • -•
•.310•... 81
Ottio.Penusylys.. 31 0 8 . 1
Frult— ,
Com 0 0..37 :
Barley . -0 . .45
Olunr-Ter •
Pittsb Commo• •• • 11 - 0 13
ty 30 per cent
Western comb p:l2 19 ® !0
- Glaseag—Doty S) pr. c 1
Ginseng 271 0. 23
/ 19 7--per ton of 20001 W
. 9.50 010,50
1//doo—Doty. 6 per emt.
Dimond ; 7 '59-
SPOOOOI 14 0 16
Do. salted
Do. kipps perskin..l,oo,ol, 2 l
Gn .—'lo 4
- •
//nap-Duty Ok,cerit—
iiimoun k 45010.
Mum.. -
' Il•pi p ,5 —Daty 50 per cent.
IThrst e 10 0 12
Indlirte—Dety 10 per emit.
Bekg2l, 11 , 1,50 0 1 , 60
Spanish • 135 aux'
Elsal. • 95 014 0
Ire.—Doer 50 yer rent.
Skr.looriata '4 0 41
Comma 3 0 31
Skleet ' 510 71
Boller Plates 6 0 6*
' 31 61
151alo wings.,•••••• 0
.410 5
' 49 41
RueeloSheet • 0 15
Load—That 20 per term
Tdissofiri Pig 40 41
Bar 0 4 6 1
DLL sires Pipe peril 610 1.5
Sheet _
'Leather—Duty 20 pr. et.
Sole, Baltimore....: 91 0 22
New York ; .17 0 19
• Damaged. •• ••• • 13 43 13
Slaughter . . • 12 019
Flirting 91 0 44
/farmer. blank— •4•1.9 0 41
Bridles, black, pr. dos. •
.idea . MAO 036.03
Russell do 3440 045,00
LT; r
hs 00
od.. . o
,00 rnt,llo)
Calf Skin mop
Lace Lonither. • •,12,00
N. England Seating,
No.l per d05....4.230
N. 9 per dos. •-3500 0
N 0.3 per dos••• •WO 0 30
Sheepskins ' 9N9 5
Liambty 23 p. e. ad
vaL per AL
Pine, err, in, pr AL -- 02500
Common " 01400
Clem, 11 — ' 03340
Com'a 11 " 01550
Clenr 2 . 040,00
Count x ..... •• 02500
Fl el'r 1 do• 012,03
1 in. c0mm0n.....!_ 0
Oak do do ' 018.00
fine shuts p110:12,511 0 3.120.
Ladia,sawea,tporgs 0 1,50:
LlT.ll44Pilkirjoo ib.ut,
Deere{ , 0 490
Hogn.u. ' 00 0 400
Cows* Calves. —O3O 0113,30
Sheep IP 0 50.0
Malrissim—Dnjy 30pr. et.
Sagartunue 40 0 45
I N. Orlem . 32 0 ,
Nimpl Itenm—Drily —;
• per eut.
Scala per bbl.•.--- dp
Pitch 2,191 3,511
Tar,A11.141.9Y• • NDO 6 2 0
N. Carolina. .445 0 5,111
Turramtine, gall. • 03 0 63
Vsrsdids, C0p01.4,75 • 2, 00
Nalls—Doty 30 0.--per
hqr, 1016., [easing opile
-! cent advance per lb.)
10040 d Jusima..3olo 3,73
80007 0 4060
60'7d .. 400 ---
Id 4750
4d COO Lao
3d exioe
FD 'k esper 6 ' 410 51
" Freund 00 0 1
Duller Rivers•-• ••:• • 7
Oakum—per 0—
Pirtetrargb• • ..... —O 9
Lard, City— 0030
Olive 0 1
Sperm bleached 1,40 0
1,0 30
" 'Pall 0 Unbleached 0 1,20:
Whale "3 0 103
Tannersper bbl• '16.090151,110
Padlato—per lb.
Prue. Blue 70 0 110
Ftd.ek 6 40 7
Whiting 110 ' 9
Chrome Green 38 0 53
Yellow No.l 33 0 35
" • . .N 0.9 33 0 22
flkunewick Green• .13 0 93
White Lead, dry... 61 0 II
Oil, pare keg •130 0 1.03
" No. 1 1•33
I Rf ello d "'La w
Oehre• • ••:.13 3 8
; Yen. Red 410 5
:Verdigris 30 0 36
Mamas ahel9d••••2o 0
Soft 10 0 19
Hard 0 0 14
Currants, Zama-- le : 0 15
Filberts 91 I
Groundnuts 1,50 01,50
Fi g , Turkey 12 014
1210 14
BabL i ns i —0
Bloom, ,a.._ .....
: 2'53° - -
Lemma,Ski - 11'64 340 04, 50
N o :1 :4 o
i k' ry,l , o••
Apples, OF 0 75
Ples,Green.bhl.l,ol 02,10
in Brink --p 7
Comm Dul ysllo 4120,00
Ploaur—lati per ro
allxilbrands,rettil 4,9?„05,00
dine 4,06.01,70
3,254 1 / 3 p
a1. .. 14 ff, ''
5514 4; :--
Bneterben4 pr lb•••• • —O l
ItIL IsbLs.•.• • —• •• •uoue.
Peed--per bushel.
Bran IG 0 17
Oboe 0151,0
- • •
Itlab—tints an &nen. tlllll
20 per cent.
Mackerel. No. 1.••-019,50
No. 1, hlf. bbla.—• —4l
No. 2, 010,50
2, hit. blds,•••
No. 707,25
No.l, kiwi—. tl
EterdatNo.l.••-o -• • 06,22
almon, No. I, old. ite
New 19 tl 20
Shad. - 08.50
per dross 05,50
Red Fox, No. I
1.• •• • •
oa• 0
Maakrat ...... 10 012
Raccoon— —••-- 0 25
Mak-- .........
Deer Skin' per 16-14 • 12
.11laell Bottles
• • •
, Wart par pon.s.----09,03
Pint. d0....._...._/97,00
Matra winnAti to gat— 191,00
Mon pnr groan-- —89,00 Wind ow. Wang, Pn" bon—
Ciry brand,.
MO not,— $4,00
10212 OLSO
. _
12118— 6 7 . 00
Patent de,,10x14 to
11124 - 1050015
Cixtutrr oranb.
(trio .4,3703.04 a
10.1t9 eri
Oupowder--Detpl o . pr.
Estee, 6/ 0; 00
Do. dor. I lb. eirkisCs— 07.00
FFFQ 04:00
Eagle do. DI papers.— 06,00
Hoek poroler 99387,+'0
0 ralak—Doty SD per cent
RSO fira.l
01k for saienaus and peed. Some large bottlers
yesterday were asking.but 4t fix puts..
BATTING AND YARNS—No change has yet
been made in therices, but we were inammed
yesterdty that the manufacturer would ourdertu
day for the , purpose. .The sales mutilate — brisk,
and there appear to be • no necessity , fora cedar.
Sou of rates, but it is expemed to take place. •
BEANS—The silenans quite braked. A. good
quality of 'white Meg. ,150.4.c0mm0n and
mixed CR.c. .•
BEESWAX—SmaII sales at .20p"22M v. 7
dalL .
BlAXASlS—Nontioally .1570 ♦ ton•
BROOMS—Best manufacture, salM et f 2;
riot $1,25.
COAL—At river, and lean wagons 5c
COTTO,N—SaIe Tennesseis at Gic. Advisee
were received yesterday fmm Nashville, that s fa
vorable change had taken p/ace thee, and prices
had rase up coesiderably, ■mee the loot steamer's
news avowed. This bas somewhat revived the
market here.
CANDIES-City dipped are Bold at 9C; Pets.
burgh Eby 2atZ3e; Cinetnuatt,
CO m i l)
PEFL—Retnairis as begun gaoled. The on-1
ly fit transaction tepnrted, vu in old a lac.
CO AGE—Regular wiles at fanner bill of below: •
' hlnitilbrrope,,by coil.
Lbcnt..... ... . ..
White rope, by coil..
lb'cot.... .....
, • . • Tdned rope, by coil.
• Do cat
Pocking yam, fine.
Manilla 2,000400041/0 r do
rb per oril r ID
fkmp 1,624Argi:3,7 5 p
Do coil ........ ........ a* lb
!WPM 1.13.13.
16 . 301 100 limp— • 5 7i r dm:
CRACKERS—The 4414rariog are the reogar
Water Craders.......
Butter do
Pilot 8read..........
Sugar dc Soda _Crackers
DiDhLESTICS—Are without ch arre-.--r Iced leg.
ray demand.
changed.. .
FEATIIERS— a little improved, owing to
the light supply. flood demand. 3otoll sees at T 2
034 c.
. .
FR.SiGIITS—Are yet unchanged, hdt will
go op, utiles' the titer should improve.
The Ei.llawiag am the rates ip 100 ms.
To dincinnati, iiry goods 20
.4 Heavy artie1e5............10
4 , Louisville, dry pods 25
_ Heavy articles 12
. osliville, drygood. -50
Heavy snicks 30
" St. Louis, dry •g00d5....... 40
" , Hears mtie1ev............30
" Philadelphia, Bacon, Ito., .... ~.......05
" " Flour,— ...... .. ..... 1,00
PEACIIES—SaIes inconsiderable at $3,50; Ap•
plea, considerable demand, at 15c. The queenly
offering', 1401.
• •
PEED--irery little cornea In. Shona rate at 20
1325; Bran at Male.
FlEll3Sella at firmer rate; in a fait regular
way. , . . •
GLASS—The demand is now pretty well sup ,
plied. and the briskness before noted, Las ceased.
A fair business liontionen Country, 8:10, rates
13,3703,6 2 , and city at 11. Tha following
the rates or dint glace
Plain Tumblers' py kom 5 to 10 on each, is' ,
doz, net, 319132
Premed do and 1 pi:l%lmm 6:to 10 flute
do dq
Decanters, qt, light ring, glass stopper 1,15
•do do beavY 2do cork 375
do do do plain ......
dot do do pillar - d 0.... ............9,50
Wine glosses, plain ......... • ......50015
`Pitchers, qt, plain .• • ....• . ......... 1,87D1,15
do do pillar and ribbed 7,53
do qt or crams
Molasses Csqs, pt . • ........ ........1,25
do do• &gibed 1,7
Plates, 6 in. pressed and 6 6 15
Castor Eittiel r fillted
Jars, 1 gal, Laquereicorer 2,50
do gal do do.• •• • • ...... 3,75
. GINSENG.:-Is held at 27(ii&c. light sales.
HAY—Tile toil isles of the last week, as given
by the weight:neater, D Drenoen, Esq., were but 33
tons, and 25 IDs. The prim has gone up consider
ably; now ranging at sio,ookisr2 Dr good wagon
hay. Last week's sales ranged at $2OlO. Do
mod brisk.
.. ... .
HIDIII.--Sales of Aced SOO dry were reported
at 8/419o; about 500 flint a toc. .. 1
Fist Hu, rem f to 44 Inch 3 111,
do from stooby I to I incll-31 du
•'' , Dandy Tire, different sites H do'
Hone Shoe ' ' Nam a*
Round and square Sow Ito I 1 inch . 3do
do Goni 11 nal 1 • 31 do
I do do2to 21 4041 do
do do 3to 31........ ............... 5 do
do do 31 to 4 GI do
do do I tot 3/06 dO
&and Inin ' . 3631 do '
Steel,Awnican, Binder 41 do .
do Spring ' tii do
Hoop Iron • 5107 do
Nails, cut,lo, 02, 16, 20 . 450 ts,kg
do trond sd • • 475 do
. Bdo ; 7J -i 5 5 .
do ' 5d 550 do -
do 4d
M - dUM .
Port 1,000.11,141
Cahill. • • 62 • 70
'Wool per li—Doty MI per emu.
Poll blood Br
Comm. 20 0
Tab worbed 22 0
Sam hionoMrobelo • lOU
Zipie,per .
Sheet gi 10
Slab 0 Ofil
F4m4o4to—per 100 lbs.
To ammo.. . •
Dry GOods 0 .40
oo lie.
Heavy —0 Na I
FromLoMarille to di
NtMsgirT3o: o o.o
y ori zym ano,oo
N=d,7.:37,1x. 037,53
•." Forge
Tennessee --- 0 31
Mercer County.
Foundry Pip • 0
Pomo 0
Me!toing Camay: Ohm.'
Foundry Ptg—.2l,te:o =IVO
do 41
Master Istirie—dolY free
Plaster Paris— • .10,00 012,00
Provisions— •
Bacon limns 4/ 05
SW:olden ..... 03
" Sides —3; 04
Iloground,cityeure 34 04
" country do. —0
Lard No.!, in kirs • 540 _
u --
Ihrtur u 1, in tea— 90 10
roll. 140 15
Cheese. IV. R 640 7
Goshen 010 9
Creek's, Pinsb. Mat's.
bbL • —0.3.75
Ikt Ihmer—• —•••• —0 4,50—per bush.
Common Reds.• ••55 0 GO
Neshannoeksp. bbl 01,50
Rags—Duly 5 per emu.
ntry suis• •• •-0 01
D Cou o,jkoml whins ed ••• • • .-0 -11
99. per b
Rice 0
Dry 6.3c41, • •
To 31. Lows.
icy Goods —di 40
4' 4Cloyeland and Faie; '4
_ .
Dry Goals a4O
Heavy Xi =l
To and from Brownsville. •
. . .
Dry Goo Nowt))
Produce, & o. lop).
To Nuhville.
-- " •
Dry Goods 0 30
Ueary 20 30
plyTo Wbeelieg.
Gaols 0
liearr • 0
To Zaaeiville
fax+ 0
}L eary
To Bearer. 3 0 6
Lay Goods 0 10
H02.V7 ....
•To Near Gele.s. • 0
Mary Good.
Glue, do as e 40
40 0. 50
Urn OF moon ON ray PFNMFYLVA-
Hosts—duty Lioeeedivp
Ckreer 03,00
Timothy 01,50
Clenres aie 09
Camas in Mats., • 21'0
Ginger 10 00 11
Nutmeg. I,soipo
OS 10
Mapke b-'l2l
Snakeroot—per Its.
Vagina er 14
flounce& ...... •
AND .11.110•13 S.
Ashes., POI and Pearl, 611
Dotter and Bacon, 05
Beef, salted, do 66
Dale rope
and Bagging do ID
Beeserar, do 73
Danes, do G 5
Brooms: do 1,60
Cheese, do 76
50 " 1;:in,... . de Le
do ou
Chilled Rollers do
Drugs nod rdedielnes, do 1,00
Dry Goods, do LW
Dried Fruit do 76
Floor,- pe p er
. LW
Fora and Polities, r
per 11:0 lbs /SO
Feathers, do 1,00
Furniture, do ,00
GI nam e, • do 60
Glus,ltili 1
dow, per la 00 0
Green And ,ley fruit per 110 lbs 75
Ginseng, per 100 Is. Si
Grocenea, 'do W
Hardware, do 75
110ps, da
Hemp, do 70
Didsagraw 75e, dry 5P170 .. do
loather, ' - do t 0
Lead, do 10
lard and Lanl Oil, •do 65
Oil,'Unwed Oil,Cas do . 75
Pork, per bbl. do 0150
ans. perlllolbe. 70
F tad cordage, do 00
fwelo . • do tai
Seeds, do 70
Skins, Deer and Buffalo, do 75
Tallow, do ezi
Tobacco, Leaf, do 75
do.ldortafaetared, do 75
Wheat, do lal
Wool, do 01,00
Whiskey, per bbl ' .. el .
to Tat tan VIA YOIONO/1112L, SLUM
ItioapDaty 30 per cent
Pituburgh No. 1. •• • 4 0 41
Cinebuteti 40 41
Steel—per lb. Foreign
Caw a Shear 16 0 17
Da tingle. 0 16
Derr German ' 0 13
Eagie 0 11
Hoop • 0 15
Pittsburgh hlenutee ma%
German Steel. • ...... 0 61
English bileter
Ameriewt blister. • • • 0 0
121 41
ts—i 510 Si
Brzudy, Ilenrt• 4410 2.50
Soehelle 11,00 0 vu
Rum, en ea 416 04,50 0. 1,75
PI, 57 0 1,00
N 40 0 50
Mu, Holland I,llt/ 0 1,50
Switar—Dury 30 per COOL.
N. o.l.rierLhh4 50 5}
Gm ••••••
white, 14.0
Breen SOW 11
Pulverized, Philed••• .0
Salt—Delp 0 per cent
N0:1, afloat
Tette, doe. las • 0
Shot—Duty tper Cent
l Poo kt
u el g r g1t,5 7 0 71
Saltpetre—per b.
010 101
" rorsetwo—per 1,110 per
t. ott for hash for torstufd
. .
Tobacco:l Da I
y 40 pr. eL
Almeria do . 4 0 - 7
Ladles' Twist•-••• •.il 8 IS
Plug In kepi 90 V
Plaginbeies--.14 0 17
11Twitt • 60 7
Cavuldish 0 6
lb Laramie box• ..- 0 121
52 ‘• " II 0 17
164 " " 12 0 14
rt• mud 14 0 16
Rappea 0 13
Cut &DILI lh PM.- • 0
Ton..- Do ty Riper Cent. •
Imperial 65 0 ER
Giumoirdet 45 0 70
Yowler,- 30 0 , 10
POI. 50 0 75
Ilia ste-Duly 13pr. et.
I Ranee oek a
! i a 10 Mt
Tallow - Duty 10 r. cent.
IRendered a p a
Rough 0 5
Soap Grebe 30 4,
Irlorm-per box.
Solid Loon 46 16
Whaes-Duly 40 pr. cent.
I. P Btadeita•• • • 6,00. 0 3.1.0
LPTeneriffe• • • • 1,000 1,50
Lisboa 75 0 1.50
Dry Malaga- - • ed 0 71.,
Sweet 07 0-61
Clear, No. I—Akhes P .
N. Y.
Baron, Maur, -
Cht=rt ae.
and Whisky pr1001h•
Claes No —liesstp, Flak
in bale*
Clan No.3—Dried Frait
Leather, Old Raga.
Skins. Seeds, Wool,
Casa No 4—Beeswax,
Era, rm, too. Plax.
Sariselaksarasee. -
Rau. oflnsurance on cargoes of
mom and keel Loam
P22`in22orei; t2 . 121;e21222,V0. le—
" a to aa from Cinei2222,o ia t
- - to laminine, Ky la
12 SC Limb, silo tan
~ lallootiville,do 1 0 2
" " I ll 24 eala p 2222 2f01222 0221
" orts, 111 I
a " loMemphl2,Ten - fel
U to K. Orleans. • 1 Oli
From N. Owleans to Putsburgb• • I Oli
St. I onis 1 0 -
Ch•tre e s w by 2
ean.2a2 Flat Boos i
to N Orl
LEATIIEIV—SuIes New York side at 17318;
of Baltimore at 21322—N0 change iq arty Rual.
LUMBER—Dry confirmes scarce smd high,
without change; but the Large quantity being put
up Gm seasoning m the yards, must Ming lower
4nctm as soon,. it is fit 43r use.
NAIL....—Tbe trade demand has eoniinued brisk,
and best quiditiat go freely at SlM,eitsh. and 54.75
time. We have understood that sales twee been
made at tower rates, bet are assured by manufac
turers that good qualities cannot be quoted tower.
OlL—ales of Liatheilat 57c., And Lard at fAte
are reported. There is bat tittle doing in the loth
PIG METAL—The sale of the week have
been inconsiderab* 100 to. Cambria, several fur
naces. at 520,4 mo; 70 Shippenville (Allegheny) m
530, 6 mo, antlls too. hemlock, some terms, are
all thew., have reported. The Allegheny pig in
MI disposed of except ma ot two lots. Mercer
pig is orceneg, as also some from Trumbull co
Ohio, but we meet with no std..
WBTTB ZEAL?—There is leas briskness than
was observable last week. but the demand mattio
nea (sir rates unchanged.
LEAD,SaIn Missouri pig at 4011, according
to quality. Nanking, in qumation•
' SOAP—Salm Pambargh Nol, at Call it CMeM
nod 414/. .
TALLOWSaIes] at las, iu denmod;
rough, 5m snap grease 301 e.
13CCREYS—Saks of Bearer at 3123 per do
BUTT . —Good rogl sells freely. a 1.1015 e;
keg. wan c; fresh pound limp `..43025c.
TAR—Common sells-at 51,37; NC at 51,750
/Sauey, Storks aod'Boalaese
The put week has been ox of considerable
stringency in the Eastern Money Markets, which
haskeen caused by the troubles in french affairs:
The house of Fox and Livingston, the leading
Preach boos. of New York, haa,stupended . pay
, meat, as a prudential measures, and others are
spoken of es weak. So 'mit is the discredit of
ouminercial paper made by French houses, and
m mock deranged is the currency of the new )tC•
public, that already half a minion cd"dollars in Acme
has been ofmtracted kr to send thither. Thy* ab
straction of coin has alarmed the Bank. of the
COMM!"6111 Capital, foe they cannot long brave no
export of specie, added to the draiglie the Custom
. 4,50
. 3,50 "
. 7c ip , DI
The imports at New York continue to be lug!,
while the exports stow a mom meagre look The
exports of April of last year, am its one to seven
111 POUT, IN one to five in Corn, and one to three
handrail is Wheat; and this too at animinense re.
duction in price and transpartation.. Our:Comm
has also fallen enormously, and nothlueoppears to
warrant a hope that the er.olunages will new turd
in our favor, and relieve us hem , the pressure we
now (eel.
In our local Money - market there is no elionge
to 0010. Themliole of our Book facilities are ea
ironed, and many parties still tthsupplied withal&
desired means. .
R. 11714 OT STOCIA.
Nita York, ARM 15: Philadel. 15
ir s fi's of '53. 9310011 tr2(o 3
VS Vs of 'O2 10310104 i 1030--
Tornaury Nara 102101021 .1001 02 1
Ohio Ts ' • 10310— -.
Oh Val • - . 030981 *—
Illinois Bonds .441044 i . ...--
Indians Boas —054 .
Penn s's 7310131 7/10734
Tenn Vs.
. . —0751
Kentucky 6's 10944100 010100
- Pittsburgh Vs _M/9 0
Bet e few hew) ol Ce,ittn oireted, and the , sales
wsee unimportao. 'Desk» declined giving the
Lake Erie, Hemphilji Beaver.
Beaver Clara, Steubenville_
Baltic,Jacobs, Btownaville.
Palo Alto; McDonald, 'leaver.
Caleb - Cope,; Beaver Nut Wellsville.
Louis biplane, Sennett; Browsville.
Atlantic, Parkinwit, Brownsville.,
Brilliant, Grace, Cincianatk •
Mt. Vernon, St. Louis.
Army', Mon. City;
Onkel, Kinney, Wheeling.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Louis McLane Bennett; Brownsville.
Caleb Cope, Beaver mid Wellrrilla.
Palo Alto, Mlknitld, Besier. •
Atlantic, Parkinson,
Baku, Jacobs, Brownsvilk.
No. 2;Elinefeker, all..
'Loyal 'bane; Jack; Wabash,'
Michigan No 2, Gibson, Beaver. •
nor Do. T our lour lad of does year hear lora gray:
Is it hershiss
raT:tothi7Ve:rll7, and beastroos o ti
And to hate this, you base but,th tee shillings to give
,_For • bottle ad Janes , Hair Restorative.
Reader, it' you has. bad beir you would reilly be as
uutisbed at Or lordly effect a three shilling bolds ad
Jooes , Coraltliir Restore/Ivo hes oa it; it awls bate*
Rig , Sold at till IRRRy . as 1101,19daset,
1:4 ;;,;.-Goof.
. .
' - HAMPTON, SMITH & C. ,-0. •
li.omigissa: DRY otooresiniAzirat
ik i,
- . No. 51' WOOD STREET PITISBUIttibIi -
BE now opening their sprint 'supply of destralik
t at New 1 ark Auction., and su kiss
ers caMtv b F b aale of the past' thirty 'days, which
they will age on es small advance es can be bad thin
or West.- In their assortment may be kitted— i'• '
COMpleces American, English and Preach. Psintm
MC ps American, Scotch and French. Ginghanne .
500 ps Paris Learns, Organdie., Lling
C tiaMLawmi•
VA/ ps Linea Glnahams, a near articled .
Zjii:l 3 4l .l llldtd Wlred .opacs., entirely new
400 ps Slain Black end Silk Warp Alpacas;
3:00 ps Pautaloonery, every canny;
330 ps Summer Cleats, Croton Comte" Plaid Cm a.
500 ps Tweeds, Couringlons end Summer Cusimere.
100 ps Pknillsh Riding and Bangnp Cords , end Fes
1 p.m, kci
400 pa Bennetts, all colors and grad a• .
BM pa Spring and Summer Woollen Cush= rea; :
203 pa American , Yorkshire and Belgium Cloths;
UM pa Steubenville Jeans; •
300 ps Apron Cheek. and Shirting Striper;
i 3011 Pickings, best make,
Irish Linens, Colored mbries, Prinied and Pin ,
seillex Vestings, ditto, newest styles One Cashmere,
Figured and }lain Satin Vesting., greet variety pat
terns Silk and Worsted Serge., plain L barred and fig
ured Drew; Silks and Patio., Linen Diapers, newest
style. Spring and Summer Illhavrts, all prices, dam,
ress Handkerchiefs, silk and Colton Hdkfs, Hosiery,
ilk and cotton Cravats, all kinds Glove% Suspenders,
Coupe., Threads. Button., Variety Geode, de.
t awl style' Illbbends, au unusually largenuort•
meta at low prices.
Also, Cap s us., plain and figured Nets, Jeconetts,
Mush., Laces, Edgings,. Ac.
300 bales ?duslins; for cash et Eastern Net Rate.
70 eases American and klieglish bleached Shininp,
brown Drills, Jeans, Flannels, Ositaburgs, Umbrellas,
Parasols, A.e. kn.
City buyers, and the neighboring town., wall/ad our
stock always well supplied by frequent purchases; and
they can boy tight for cash. aridly
. NEW and splendid variety, at
30 gold lever•Watehes, eSsilvei
laver watches, English; ka silver detached lever watch-
Is,. 03 s il ver watelusw 25 silver Seamier
watches,. 1.2 Hos gold chains; 1 do: new Sty
s; 2le ear rings;
5 dos phon gold hoop rings; tl do: assorted ring mu•
steal bonds, playing a vanity of popular airs; 12 gross
steel slides, all sloes.
bd. one Fans, silk .4 paper; 60 dos common Fistog
dos . Ono velvets , a begs, saw styles; 10 dos floe
crotchet bead bogs new styles; 5 dos fine crotchet
purses, new styles; M des Gee par.ols, asserted; Mors,
i.sels, fringes, gilt and silver. for regslios; 10 doe fine
flower vases, assorted; 1 dos no., steel screw yrill cash.
haw fio: fie. ivory screw pin cushlarog 1 des fine
wood screw pin cushions. fine as.rtmeat of new .
Toys, Zee. ke. marsg
IVEY! .d splendid variety efTrinunings of the latest
.01 sty les just received et .O:BUION nivstro, No
67 Market street; =Miff which ate:
50 gross dslsy buttons, assorted colors;
110 gross plain covered with net, assorted colors;
• Ifil pcss plain small, assorted colors: -
50 gross cotton, a new tinkle, will viosh, as c's,
Also, a large variety of fringes, sued widths and el's
A very largo stock of the above article.
6 des ladies' open worked silk gloves;
• 3 do: gents' heavy silk
7 sloe ladies' nelbl k and white do
75 dos do . fancy top lisle shed do
5l dos ladies ' do
30 do: lades' silk ! do
20 dos gents' raw silk do
tY dok children.' eon. . de
Shaded twist, steel -.4 gilt beads, purse rings and
'assets, bead bogs, steel and velvet; fine Sos. parasols,
aceanlean, &
A. A. imsos & co,
A. A. Mason & Co,
IVO. GO Market street, between and th mt.
a, Pit
IA burgh Pa., ban recently opened their new and
:Ime u t ;
G o od au an . e . sto4e . s p w:L . 2f o r t ie a & Spt oo ng .
deed pickag of the rues, and most fashionable
style. Merchants throughear therm:nog are particu
to call and examine our stock, AS it our
intention to offer our gouda at the lowest FAstern
wholesale price. One of the firm rding in New
York, will be constantly sending us ( too k- supplies of
the y desirablegood. thereby giving as livery fa
cilit i n u
the transaction of our business that could be
possessed by Eamon Houses. Prices are therefore
guaranteed, to be an low as dm lowest New York and
. ap7
my, at W FO RI
1114=T in Hon r s ' :
north can comet of etit and Market sty a full assort
menrof white Goods for &ease., such re !du.
linc pls.n rind fled; Mull Mull do; barred Dickens.;
plain Mull. and Jaeltouele, •slYlus of
Goode orf Droning Dresws,lneludiug a few patterns of
entire new styles ihnbroidrwil Marro /lobes.
1101 — tie goods will be receiving daily 6:11 . • week
to come, including newest wyle. rheas Goods, Linen
and rieuch Giughtt=a, Prints anti China., run
Meteban. are invited to agar.. the goads and pri •
ce. in wholcode rooms, op stairs. The awornuent
large and prier. very low. apS
ItACKLINT at wrirrE, No. UV Wood mica are
1.7 recetriog a very large and extensire stock of fresh
Spring Dry Goods, of very recce purchase, and bought
under the most favorable circumstances; end which
they are prepared, and mill sell to merchants, at p very
small sdrance on . the eastern cost.
. . -
We would request till merehants visitiog our city
give nor meek • (sir egautinstion, nod we feel eon&
deur they entirely satisfied of the cheupoevs of
Oar ILlO<lr. op
Prenek fluidt.4nr. Silks. Cash.
V mere +, awl mama CLOTHS—Sup
Fritsch, loud, =potted, ail =lota qualnist and vie*,
CAS:ll5ll3l.ESry.ry sit le and totality. teAtill
kikatkillkss-Sup silk warp. Stuesans Cloth, Sommer
Cloth, awl =soul= INAlllagO , !or .0.l.! Wester= price.
bal..' =5 to ditO ett . Y. HOW Nitt.Vili Choir Store
.pl 7 eons= .sth rod wood au
lwt.~ sus Dlt.rililiftS IN JAY WOW, No,
TT 1.10 Wood Met Live on hand. and are consison
ly daring - the bush.. seam, . a larva and
eitensive ...mem of In' 600IYY,tehieh
fir to tocreheuta at low prices, and tearonable tarot,
lie m
l' that they an giro eat., sattsfacticas, they
ftdeml Iskrile ail thatch.t visiting the city to give
theta a eta
. .
W 1 . 142, 7 .. r ."'",
kat chair, do I.w to ottata do Clothes Basket, d o p
a do;
ado* do Coveredllaskat Bathe., do do.
brat; ENA.
do: Bag GOLD P
ley's 2 do do medium; I do miihmit
'tio:detr; 3do traria linctsers. asedi just received sr
.plo • ZBEIBLAri KlNBErtr.g: marketer—
stow open an MOVlllelli order Can t y:go/
d e m ytird do . ;4'1.10n. nod .icadritidystr. b arr ed do;
tO ' 'fit ' .ett
queittiest also,Vrsaudie Larvae in greet variety, at
mnbeasl eared of 7th and marts! eta. _ .(
invites Me attention atria ladle+ to an &mammal
or Gee new style Liven Cambric IW tis, embroidered,
hem sod et:ldled. Also, abuse . supply of lute prited
do. trout Itt ets op to finest. • splri
Clereyrnaren heiewstiend
72 Beekman street, N. Y.—lt eileatYle. the Int
purifies the tithed, retie vespelus, sure• dilBcab breW
tog, by promoting expect...W l
win, and to a remain cum Sc coughs. I have lased it
for years to my practice, and always with atoms..
Mrs. Mania, a wronby ratnither of ray congregatthit,
was taken ill some Mint ithee orith a cold, pant in the
to some didlculry of breathing, and in a few
days thereafter, the' had a violent <Web Riot to
We, which or- a c would relieve. She continu
ed fora long time under the medical cam of Dr. Rau,
but dually tinware cownaptiee, and was evidently
near the coil of her earthly Wining', when her broth
er persuaded lin to try Dr Taylor's Min. of Liver
wori. When ehecommenced thls medicine it did fowl
seep, 10 pgree With 4er for few days. bat by.lesserting
the dose. she found it answered admirably; It relieved
her cough and her difficulty of breathing Instanter, mot
are bad the pleasure of witaening
raptd fteoeeer
to health. Hee. Why. SMYTH*:
For aix years I 'ettftred veldt there earth/ &mates,
and On.. my bean I feel for .11 timilarly emitted, and
I Leg of darm to try Dr. To lorta Datum of LlTertrort.
-This medicate cured toe when I could not mace to bed,
and ryas taut expected to live arreek—yet Imu cured
In Ai weeka by mix recatablectedltint. -
II MARK.% 103 Meg sk
media:inn is required—Remember the fart! the only
true and gramme ia note made tat 73 Reekman at; by the
original/remitter, formerly 373 Boorciy. Tbis It the
maly atucleprepated from theknisinal recipe; all oth
ers um but 111114111.0110. •
Sold in Pius/much by 7 D Mbrgat a 93' Wood_sk
Tourreamad, 41 Market et; II Snapper, one Market mad
7t; eIF Ilendanqm fa Co, I Liberty at. Price at . daced
bta 61,50 Der . act
D l a r f a CTl rig!! Y .
t V. 7tl his
thank. to the citizens of Pittsburgh at . id aulegaelty
city for the very liberel support and encoutagement be
has received within the lan Me mo nths. That the We•
ter cure should acquire stub “lehrity, Is neither '
strange riot naystetionawhen it is ronsidered bow greet
a number of eases of every variety of diseases, both
acute and chronic, have been cured by in jodicipti• lase
of it. In Itermany, when It oriinated, six thousand
o(tbe worst gases. Mat were glycnep by the most skit
tat physicians of Europe as oicuraUle, Were cored by I
the Immortal Piiernina the blunder of the Water Care.
France and America . thousand. of hope
less cases bale beta cured by at, and the numerous
llydroputliic establishments now in successittl opera
tion in the Untied Mates, speak volumes to favor of the
Ike Morris having dyeperntanen sted himself
in tite city of float:100, 'Mtge doqrs **unbent of Ir
win', alley. on Penn greet, ut DM prepared to take..
number of boarders and treat them 'at Ile house, and
'Mose *hope:tier being treated at their omidwellings,
will be penetnally attended. I. be
consulted at his odic, from 1
Oil 3 P• hi.,and
from 7 to 19 in the evening. . .
N. ll.—Every renew of baths made pee of in la
Winer cure, holler lodine and reudelaeu C. be
Mined aid,. Atheneum, on LJbeny street:where they
have been reettitly.orpoten for the pa roes v.. or HT
dropathic pationu, and ivheip every sttentioa will be
siren b 4 l the polite Sind attailliyt . p!op!letani.
opl4. •
Outo Tr, Allegheny county, .March 1C,190.
I gave to my oldest boy, aged 6 years, two teaspcnist
Ad of Seller's Yerirdingc, end in the coarse of Roe
Is gassed nett/retiree and TO large worm.
Lomat liven.
Panalfuge is' not very plena:tat to take,paretas
Amin! °berm that a very mall quantity' of' _this Wonm
medicine generally doe. the wore. •
Prepared and sold by It. E. SELLERS, 37 Wood et.
Also, by Dr Cowl, oth Ward, andLOU Carry, All.
a x is
lIE sobscrinces hove on Eand a few of Illeseigle.
Lined gel vanie bane Res, -
l itaraCommatle bra Worn
Maining ample direetione lot thefrilie ll teal/lies.
es t 6 Whion ty are applicable.
Prime, 612 and Old.
aplOintw KIDDL Co, 60 *rood id.
Rune Pe
r f i r i e L r d llre nji l n n d a ' ti 4 le 'P a m tiriay 4g orPhil h rdrplue r. ,
continues la effect inrurinee against au or damage
agninel F on buildings, mord...digs., flisniture nuid
prOperty, OW extra bouillons, Willis city laid vicinity.
'pH - SAX) COCHRAN, ga woortss.
FadlE SULMCRIRER has bee been appointed Agent pro
tent..ofthe Insurance Oft:many °Marta Amami%
will Issue Policies and attend to the other bocOese
of the Agency: at tiarromieboase of Atwood, Janda la
11i.14 • WM. P.4011.1:1ft
TlMltliobetZi',lllibee;" reha "ra ffrai l e V rfy i' cv " c2.
pled by Yoting, anew 11,. Plana -
ap3 tt W HARD/Wall
•-• ' - *AMOY '— '-' -
- p ROrtISON&CCLi - have' removed to Ih&wa • '
gitliVr.rar4e4t.ertaina4l:3l.2st. F a i g : ,
TrlCE — Aapy a n Uprchlield Ipis an Warm ; in do
L.,,.. Z4%7 4 4=7;:ag ta l 1 1117k m :117 t u th
a s .,
~-4., Va./V.44w Fab. 4, WM: The 11113,u
o f 041
fribb" , b 3 be eandapea aadartha fonnzia of -.. •
.p Ar;;!;L
111111311 D. PARILS:,I7 , OO.;II4II.CRIIIT LEM:,
jB4B ,
BEAN= Ain) agiiiLAND Litijoi• W/JUIPO
. alma Packet—SWALLOW, crroal„.
ONE a the above, Packets lean Beamavary
plindays excepted) and em.. nazi warming es
ammy vvbare they ammo with the. Mail Stager kr
Akron and anveland, arriving at mina/ deem owes
Wars night. Om MO, Pantata leave War= daily,
at P. M., and arrive at Beaver in than to tato the
ntorgyAarnboat for Pinabittgh.• • ,
LEFFINGWELL, Warren, t •
• Id B TAYLOR, • s • .PF"
Canal Panket—PEYTONA, Cam- Moira. •
" " • FASHION, Ca pt. W P Sayre.
Gee of above Packets will leave Beaver every
evening, (Standayaeseepted) at 7 o'cl;t arrive at
Ontenvdle the next morning at 11 o'c lo ck; amd one
leaves Greenville:every nftentoon at 1 o'clock, and ar
rives at Beaver the men morning= 6 o'clock,Skrollg h
lola hours—towed by teams, Shrew hones' stead WM
none& emery 10 miles. At Greenville the cornmat
with aline of Stages through to Meadville and Edo.
The boots are entirely new and built ek=esly
this trade. REM, PARER t Co, sr
Canal Packet—TELEGRAPH, Capt. Win WARBLE
Leaves , Beaver every morning (rdrys egbepted) at
o'clock—leaves New Cambs. eve evening (Sundays
excepted) at 7 o'clock; and wane sing with the steam.
en Lake Erie and Allellgan.• running between Bearer
and Pittsburgh. kr EF.D, PARISE Co, Beaver,
Passengers will be neeipted Waugh by either Malta
above routeatecnring berths in the - packets and seam
in the szag , c,)y. application to either of the proprietors
or mettle.
....TORN A. CAUGHEY, Pittsburgh,
• car. Water and Smithfield w.
AGLINTS-Reeill, Parks ft. Co, Beaver;
• R O Parks lc Co, Yentagmown; 0;
CAlt. & Le , War.% 0, , Rll7 Cunningham, New Castle, Po;
D C Mathews. Polsekl, Pa;
C Malan, Sharon, Pa;
May tr. Plush, Stiarpsville,
•K' nand and ring, Mg Bend, Pa;
• Wick, Oreenvifiel Pa;
C M Reed, File, Pa
- - --- . . spa.
em ai l
rignil 1848.; •
nis well known 'Line, composed , of steamboats
Lake Die end Mangan, between Pittsburgh and
Canal Boat, be
i mriesser end W i tie7 d uid C•l‘Etfred'e -lb of Um
;Ls steamboatkpropenen and •IN.Sei• On th e Lakes,
is prepared to carry freightand passengers to all pants
lb, ErleCantd, and Lakes Etie, Huron and Mid&
" keying every facillry far conieytng freight and pas
senger. with promptness and dispatch, the propnetor
andegents respectfully molten from their Mends *con
tinuance of their patimcw. .
C Id R BELA Proprietor.
e . • YO E N D, N 114 1 1% W, n '` gir r , A g ee ''' .
opt( . eer Wow and Pectintlicld - sts, Pituburgh:—. :
--- 4. II 11: vaioar LINE
1848. jEgst,
W. T. Mamma, Pittsburgh;
Ram, Pons & Co, Be”er ; }•ProPS.
CIA 1170” & Cusitarauvr, ' Cleveland
HE above Line is now prepared to transport Geigbt
and iwasengers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
any point on th e Canals and Lakes.
Due boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, eon.
ning In connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and
Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Usurer, mid a - line
of firs; class steamboats, propellers, bap and schoon
ers au lakes Erie, Huron arid Michigan.
Propiiny forivanled to any part of the Union with
- dispatch, by' Will. T. MATHER. or
nor Water and Smithfield Eta, Pillsborgh.
AGENTSk—fteed, Parks &.Co: Beaver
R G Parks & co, YoUngstoiro
E W Cotes & Co, Warren;
D Bostwick A Co, Breadporo
A& N Clark, Newton Palls: •
P Levi* Newport ,
J A EM W'hittlesey, Campbellipow; -
JO WHOM', Raysnam •
M ac H Keal,Frankitn;
Miller k. Tattle, Cuyahoga Falls;.
Wheeler & Cm.Akroa;
Ramey, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky;
• I Valium k Rose, Toledo;
Williams & Co, Detroit, Motu
• Williams,Milarankie, WM;
H J IViasbw, Chicago, IIL
(EgeArstvetv 'eon P ..... ona•.[
'rim Canal and Bail Roads Inetng now in egrellent
-1 order, thepackets of Mistime wall leave with pas
aerie.. as follows!, every evening, at no'elock.
Ohio—Cipt Craig, Saturday, Atril
Lortisiana—Tbenniirom, Sunday, lab.
Kenmeky—Capt ld 1.,,
tit .
Indiana—Cant P Berkey, Taesday,
Ohio-Copt A Craig, Wednesday,
Litelilna—Tbotaroasn, Thursday, [WA. •
Kentucky—Sept A Truby,Friday,glist. -
Indiana—Capt P Berkey, Saturday, BM,
. Min—Cant Craig, Sunday, ' •' • '
The , pnes of this line built new boats durw the
winter with the cabin 'enlarged, width will al.
fun! greater comfort to persona tfinTIVI with their
Passengers by this route paw Deer LW miles roll road
in day Dem
If Too desire cheap Miceli* and comfortable memo
mantions, t o your tickets t rho Packet office,
Monongahela House, water H. in , of
I) wa tt.
A Co, Canal Basin
. .
z,,..-larcz 1848:'XigiM -
For duo linsuppiirtatitna of Frniirt to aid from
+ • . Mamma & Case , Philadelphia. • ,
- • • l • " Think & O'Comsoikrititbritric
Mtn Old established /due . being now its full/Ter:v.
• tick the ptoortetors have made extenstre arrange.
ros biebrward goods sod prostate whit despatch, and
the moot favorable terms. Tbev teamin g =
well ktmere procartness in dithreriog
attar safety lo male ot earryirtg—eripamous wareboo
• al rani. Pork sanding accoomandations to shippers
id owners a/produce—together with their long exp.
nee sod unreadning mutation to business, will secure
o Unto 'a contingence of that liberal pstronage they
reby srostefelly acknoisiedge.
All coastgarmutts by aid for this line received, chars
gm paid, and fer*arded in any. required diretthaes free
ore:barge for oontraission, advantaig or storage.
Nu luterem, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. '
All eteMennitelMatiploprptly attended to on whew'
hoe to Om following agents:
BORBIME It .CAPIL, rir Market sk rboadelphist
TAAFFE. & O'CONNOR, Cloud Basin, Piudiargb
o'CONEOßS & Co, North Ft, Balm:ear,
• WIC 11.1WILSONs elltledar sk New York.. aps
- + •
Peamixlvanta Canal 6 • Until Itoaill ZS.
paws. Foot Pswket Liao,
~.....: 1; :`,...;_,--., .1848,,MARt .
(Exclusivery (or Passengers.) •
willpoldie rue respeetfally i the
that this Line
1 commence !analog on the 12+1 law, and tow
&nue throughout Maltose& .•
The boats are new, an/ of a superior eta" with en
aed mains, which will rise greater comfort. + The
ears am Ike MCA cop/Arnett,. : ,
A boat will always be lti pork and travelers ate to
quested wean and-esszaioa Merit before mvistug pow
saga elsewhere.
tig..u. only . 4 .. 4 "0 ildnOgbd One ofthe boats of
o r will leave the g /opposite U. g Hotel,
comer of Perm street and every night at nine° ,
clock Time 31 days. For i ormatiort, apply at the
Office; Monookkhela Home. or to It LEECH it Co
Pittsburgh, Muth ILI, IE4B. ' ' Canal Basin.
iVe4ersi Trans rtatton Ces s ara
1848. - oir . IMILtcZa..IB4B.
AA RE prepared to transport gouda and prodnee and
;JA L from eldekola favorable terms. Ad
fr. L ' EM t.MP I i t I C:., Canal IlasiMPittob
HARRIS & LEIr N0a.13 II So o turd ra
J. TAYLOR &SON, AO!, Nit NIA ward a, Watt.
A. ADROTT,Lp, No 7 Want weer, Now York.
Pinolnsh, 194,. mar2o
lAtilllB4B,. •
m ag i .
S HIPPERS cod olden ore iofona l Nat hi. 40,
Ivoduce and Sae 113009100 piers nelew rates te .
Blatekoodls• from Detrctor." brought 001 Cl Carta
rate, Ttme, Ilya dor. J C Agt, •
Water It, d door. above Mong'n. Pittsburgh.
JD ROBIN *ON & 13013101,
01119 feJ Bondi Charles st, Malthoote.. •
Ocean Steam 818Arligatlem Coaspamy.
U. 8. MAIL Lt. roe Sonetweetox w.ep, pal.laar
ne steamers orth(s C..0ur.1. Any wilt sail,
"rillnrl WAtN n tAkiltll l . 7'
- • The 'Washington, Copt J, Johnson, on
the AptiLlB4o.
The Hermann, Copt Crabtree, on the %eh May, ISIS.
• '
The Ilermenn, nu the 16th April. 1649
The Weehlfta on, on the 15th 11ey,1649.
The The Hamann, on the 1 / T 4 4p . C,1M.9.
to ' eaTa ' 44Tlro . n i trlay, an der
4Mhult 6 1 .1 Nevi Yank pall he the Ulm.
Stempel from N. % '..0 Southampton ot Bremen, 5100
from Bremen or Southampton to N.V. i2s
An experienee4 eurgeon on botityl. • • •
For freight olinumege wept/ . at Oeeen
Steam Marron CAu
.EY palay,4s i Wham st. N. V., or to
CREMb, &t et Southampton.
WiI.LIAMIB6I.IN, Apt at Ilattm.
oteir C A HIEJNEFiEN Co.,&Atm eattemen.
HARZ: DEN a. Ctrs
Passenger and Resalttinace °gm
ttnndd at
AffiIANKDEN & CO. modulo,' to bllg iioee or
ham any SW?' :in; atoll
Wales, pp. sae ai tit Hbo of
nonalpanewailly and attetsbon to the ,+ante and coon
Mit of entialprants . • We demo allow one passengete to
be robbed by the anticelling rename that lafeet the sae,
ports, as we take charge of Oleos the topspin, y to
port themaelvee, aqd see to el being dis
patch them orlthont Cpl 4elrnt. pa.— ,
.tt this famlossly, us Vta I one Owns pam,.
Nen to show that they were detained 48 boom by In le
L,41,11,0; whihn Ittunlands of ; Whet. vote &tau.'
mouths, gut they coat be s h
tun : I nt la wen old and, at
l ' '' atint.h „, e{arforM cgs ' aged their
hononfhly, ent
what It may, and not set as was the Can lint sawn,
•Wlii ether ofneem, , —who ether ppdonaet , not allot
when it draw their nonvenknee.
D " . ' d 7d,j: :r t inrorgghlkiiralUricla
al:WT.4,l34o •
• _ aosnuAitoeirisom t
M.P.= ladCieneral Areal,
fas - Falb wee ens sksty below Wood.
T DEAD irettlit
the hie friends lid the public,
genetally, tho th e hal remand thin , Lookeeere
t • bAlaleedid Wet ttild a ite w e In s ter to the:
fiwet of
ri"'1,1‘114:43.4,71V,112rb:Y4•Y 4111,1r.zag.,''
...°""r ..ecOnteto ea ette4
ebak l rk4oteltall 'tidal/ley,* be meld tak.ftA
IVOT/CP—ilatellmal from Loalamlleil44pOr mm=-
11 u North Alabama, a package suram4d seeoniat..
.akdialr ,Isat b tad PAtaburila , Tba
order hese y revarsic4 to, roa
aedtakill sway. • 417 r
tovsts - xiya,,FAng,
Woe gleiArasideglientCoalLimis;
r .
, .'250.46,Wi1ri NOVNOUIt.VO4Vto Ut
: twet6y4,l4 ' UMW '.NG. lt, MIN seras and 1ic.3. -
&nes Nia b. cdremi =a add paaturelb IN ,
1:,•', NUN JUsetiOn Bacon of Johnu. Davi&
wavier N - WiNd attllfllcarreN, to PiNthtutir.._
__• Nit
skleelti - PAIL, we .WEDNESDAYI OW Nth of M A Y
NEXT,. Tie throe IN. tiro antioidat, antembrace a
Nam - a , sboN IN Nds on theirtteriNlNeptad L Ink
, • .
6.. The shore Cowl Lando are nboat milts aboya
MPlEserporkort lief firm Pool or the Totketicigtetry im
provement war eatettoothor, cod which the etzterptis-
Inc emu:rectors expect to complete by mit WI. ,Tbely
-are - peatofetoo of ilea beer coal Saida-., -Allegheay.
county. mod commis not oalrerhat is called the. Pitt.
burgh vela, sit tbettlikk, orettoriped of thatpoint byte
hill of neural/ feet, coothrKeteee to the - river, -- bet aro
. doer relotaittat sixty fter bleker ap, of from-three to
Ow feet balblekoes,otr very pare Cm', (nee from 011.
phar elotely reeembllng,the Metter' wooly coat, mad
(mod by setae trial Of be, will better =looted to the
satutufactare Of Irottlitait that of the Yitleborgh, cab.
The two veins, itha• beets estiouvod,; contain sot las
than 950,100 basbelief coal to the acre. - ' • • -
The orpotation TonghloaltetY Coal and Coke in
=Rowell tut is the lower aesthete, II well tomato to
. .
. .
- • The eat amount of coal . aturnally r . coroartned in
Pitw , rmgh, and shipped to markets below,' has already
exhausted • large onantity of the Coal newt easily ac
cessible akin one lima, and Om consumption la can
scantly. going on St • rate not 1e1140111114 0 acre. Oa
annum . No benerlavestment of capital can therefore
be . made hies in well binated Coal Lands bathe *int
ty of Pittsburgh: Persons wishing to visit the property
before the day of sale, will. find u convenient to go by
•Itllteesport and Elrod'. Perry. ." -
. At the same time and place will be oilfired fire Lots
tho city of -Pittebmilh 20.4 - tat feet each, situated
on Hancock Street, between Penn street and Duquesne
72sa o. mlnear ituSAllegheey. river. 7 •
a large lot„PdbY I . Rlfeet, in Allegheny city,
imar Robinson street, foot ing, one end on the. canal
end the other en . Crehr street; .
.Thts lot is mivelltnge •
hotly situated for a fixlndry etnermannfacturing pe r
oes... It will be sold all logether,or in Section& sail
porehanire. Timm, which tun will be made
known at the time °reale.. • r
aplgulawtsT - JOHN 1) DAVIS, anct-
• AL Bars Ist laalitescif.eltate.
•. The subscriber carafes sale • Mouse and Lot
on Liberty street, a .tort distenee above Etot
Lane,. Allegheny city.. The Lot is 22 feet front
int Liberty streatoand rens back to an Alley 83 , •feef,
The House erected thereon I. Brick, nearly new, two
stories .high, feet he front by abound ht depth, Mal
contains tea tontfortable monts.excluiVe of pantry,
coal.oellair and cellar. All the moms hove implants
end drains are constructed to carry off the water, end.
the house is he every respect in good order and Very
convenient, and is well mixed .for two families no
properly will ho sold low, and time given on the largest
P art of the petretume money. , ' .
Inquire of the subaeriber, who can he seen at the of
of the filazette, every forenoon, between the. hottrs
of*VI L LA tau, awl at other tones at Ids roomsar
Km boarling house, Itobinegm's new rem, Fed z
erel st, egtteny .• • N WIR •
kble ef . • , - .nt for the owner.
AtTHAT property lately occupiedbyll. Moan,
• 'Esq., on Craig street, hear Robinson, Allegheny
city, will be sold on accouonedaung tem= The
Ire ling Out 4 Bisbee 'oh Craig streeL running through
to the Conant/0 kes• Therese • yea two story frame
dwelling house on the Rive:lees, Istely and the lot
Is wall noon:reed, cannoning a variety • of choice. fruit
shmbbery, to. This properlY is conseait
ently situated for persons doing business in either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny, and is asksirable residence. Title
Indisputable. 'For terms anply tollfhL BOYD, Apo,.
ney at Law, office on Fourth streecalerre Smithfield;
• ATRACT anand, 50 acres, fn Eturison, Portage Co,
on tbe Coyotes% tiver—etet IA sues tlaati 121.
proYement Abloo" unimproved hos In the village
of Warren, bell Co,. 60 feet by XL Also,* lot of
INTke t w
eentre of HanfordiTramban Co, with e
wellint bonee ead ebare—one of the best Mends
64 • tocrehent os. the Western itsserre. .dey or all
this property will be sold on very_seeoeuseelalley
'Swam • • MLitt DICIMY it C 0.,. • •
• CebtO • NYater end Front et.
Rawl Last* 11 Nevem County: -
OTV Stoxehoose and Dwain, - situate on the
Eno Exteaeion COW, in the elliage of Weet hrui%
JG al dateable . lamina for a merchant: Also, a
Lot and teed Dwellisor Holm well Bolted fora Tavern
Stood, In *easy of ClOangevill., ofi Mato lion of
. Ohio. Trate guy : ISAIAH DICKEY Co: •
: feblo,l - • • • • • ."• Warr ad nont
ALOT is thalith ward, 4O Isamu Logai sheet by SO
feet on Clark strana one of the man .desirable. lo
na id the 411 h ward. .Pot trim apply to the rub:
scriber at ;the Echo:list Book Stan, 4th new blaster
wan, •er al kir &railing an Clark irtsrat,oppasha
TrarUler Groom Ease. -r ifablO) "l L.HEAD.•
A wo story brick skrening orith about nemeses
of grin:old - ansehed,'situated 'at Oakland,' Tbc.
place is well pocked with frail of all kinds, and
is a desirable location for a Whit, befog entirely out of
reach of the fire t and diet of the eft ea =nib.
leaves *Aland hourly Orr the eity:—Apply
WOO • ATWOOD, JONn: & Co :
jiLi neer three. Story brick dwelling house on
Willa street—Possession given oo the ftrd of
' or sooner if required. Inquire of
_Let J & A FIA)YD, Itl4 Lihetty street
ioa — of
Al tiro'stoti brick diralfing with about 3 acres
stoned, wanted oo the bank of the Ohio river,
in the borough of hi nehester., AlwIT
j 3 ,3 3 I . JAMES A lIOTCDISOI , I & Co.
. 11aXT EE 'bodge l tko etry 4 ot*PittVralt. Al!
ao, toart 7i.bY 20 kat, I.b • conveldent
bone% on', Oth at, near Arao, a framodwelling,
two stmiea, with. am of ground enclosotand under
ealOyation,Piteldel on Okla bow, in the city of Alleglw
ny. [ocular, of ..1 . J 111VII.LIA111Y,
tanY ; wool
• 1 To lirregi4ga:
PUI[.BALE PE HE T, We Yitkbcrgh Di&w.
LIS blowing apparatus., 11:00/0 0,1
PCIII3 streeisuad Hatter'. oller,and roar occupied
by Geo. Ht. Sanigtala:Co. Posaearion given ou the tot
41 1 4"00ing.- 11117 . Ptrfit.
febtaf I : )about at.
dim story bra proof Weirton;
secoOd at now oecupied by Edward Dransi-Sae
rent Gam lac of April next a aV i r t ar co
JIGS • " - 1N wood meek,
To Lets .
a The subtesib,rs will rent. Liszt of the
!mass sow ettessied by the. Arply it) • .
14 ;"1 5 . DALaula , Co,
1.19 enter street:
• For• Boat. •
aA:Lnio room on the 2d story of the warehouse
n oecuped by the sedtsertlere, near the . feet !,1
Sped etteet—Vra , toeeiten for l!
= l 4 ! "4' i - HOLUM/MS . 4 (ARRION.
• Per nen% • • - •
two.otory Thick I/swelling Moose, eon.
tuning worn 401,13114. lately ocenpied by Kiss
twin. It is plessaralytitoated. near the rest
donee of lliehvd ',loosen. Esq., in Allegheny. Imo..
dint.pettat- glom give. Rent IMO per annum. Apnty
mar3o; • 63 market street
• . .
A Vim; biro story brick' bruise so =in sweet,
Ilsyheby city, trotr thurast bri;bys... Tl4O lot I.
leek' in trots by IVO deo. For terms upturn of '
delsl‘ . .. . . .. A Writ,IIINGTON.Stb rt.
One new three glory Domlliry Howe,
bath boom attached, smote searthe comer-of
Wylie and Washinglonimete.- , POSSetelknt
en on the find of Apra ruszL_ _ • • • -
jot! • dcapi y:f011W.
••• • -
TIIE KV prod wambcaii,;, 94 fees from ty
3EOO &!I 4r..sM setecotni slobber wood_ . Rent napf
. . .
A Smoke House. situated o h Elmo alley, to
reel lopire of. Pkilelr! .S.AIZEI.I., k C.k
lilxrK sliest' '.deel,
CIOAL LAND FOR PALE —Piieeliaries Lai hnid
ILI for subs, Waste to bead ar the hßieweiphilis Ries r,
tame Rrowarille:FlL,l.Vi.F. 7 *(0 ,4 y'bt
which will be KM in exchange Co. it For persica
a_ry to (oe'Zl 8 t W RARRS)OH,TI woo d st .:.
J.N TitANCIIRSVER FUR Oe.LO-1 have for We a
beatnik" buikling Lot la 3/enettestes, twee the fen y.
o feet Gott by Om feel deep. It will be sold wet
on accenurieslatiret termer Terms unexceptionable.
tnIO JAR RI .F l ." V. Reel Eonte
111•00 M TO LET—Cha the serop4 slog. of the waTr'.
_Dolma No lONlrald having •norri amtranen.—
and Ohmlers.—Persons wiskieg to have painting
or glaslngdsas with acetone and despatch, 'will pleas,
me us • min. !They will And it to their adramagy, for
Dare BillY prepared DID work as low as any house
he fro titles can or will do it, ;A g Wood sum!.
N. D.—ED wish It tn, bu andermood Malan, have
not quit the PMCBM••• glaeleg, at some eg oar mow
stains Blends have beep telling the public generally
that we were going to refire from that branch or our
business,. We vs more rally prepared to trDaset the
painting and easing than we ever were.
' Nub' India Rubles! rlaiQ, preventbiepen:
corroding in ink, alse, fey edepung them to - wreerin
Par ifithottl ald of pumice, and to facilitate
the inrriewuty Ode. To entrieno, conveyancers and
mercantile men, it is invaluable. Ity Inertly addiog.a
few drops adds Quid to Ow ink in no, it will blatantly
be found to ho the bestrualllary ever ore red, as Untie
t ie, athe. the acid, precipitates the coon. a•
fkiw of the ink, sod dispenses With the • trouble of
piph pen dust received nod for tale bj. • . ,
Agymt• ne Wastad • - 7" --
TO ei k urtrifot *Dow y, and popular wilts. Ariel,-
ry county throughout the Uttited NNW. To aceuts
atoOberat ancoaragegkerlto , otrema—wittt
ettil ar from vs ou, A C o bjut rre.4
"115 - IVOCratilir ' s f a l g t s (POsa !'* :
?litar2l.l2at . 140 IM.North Sactifid it, nil..
nd S.lOlb
0 1 : 0 s r i l li t
m tia rt: "R e
s h ; C e s
a r r: . d " "
t "1 7 1 I 1 ;r ;
ton 6 : 4y h
V.f be t 6 17"
t Dia„usv, .
IIE titIPOInMiNtD, doiag ender tne
heapso Axthuts k Pitt belson, althrit Foundry ou
stiec have this
_dayi beut
mual con ' &scot.
..ectl' then` co -partnership. AD those knoZinz
q• re throe;
,leclves-Antlebted Art the flna, aquested to call at
their. Yftlehollse on Liliertr street, opposite head of
AVS‘etn, end settle, , sted all havinclaim against theta
wilt Ineietit them at the mete place i r.eauletneatt.
, • A.,: !..•.• •. - JOHN ZILTIIHRS,
-41;r111..143..: ". t • • !_E-bst ,
AdWa~t~6alums againn the }:state of the
t0111.J01 . 9
eet evnt, an ell pentan Sc e
Indebted utf said estate, wilt
la tt.. tilt
cetet c e all end Make ent to '
, t• • • •-• JOHN IRWIN,' Atha:
pltrihurgh,Blarekilft, iroarlOdleg_ I water
.111-GOOT RECEINED.—A large wont:near of Ott Cloths
oso,prieos various Vattettist olAyda the-trey
0 , 0 110004 hest article; 11;006e - ow tan do doe, 21.00
do 4:4d0 din 1000 do 34 do dot KO do cosuderdo
4143,d0 4-4 do i10it.44 4 4 41444 erwerlaternotlishe
lettgArtfelee„all erhlcherol eold cheap for 447/4
67. - t77(lappliblk--Tbe . iersolagre Duca...lli:st:lo do do;
O Arils riebeeriVrree. Tomb kviub; Chlorine
,de arc Gidwitz. TOo4llParwde ,r Rausoaretle do; thee.
dodo; . ]line r aTaoth do bs . •
and kr br, ;, , ; MOHLER, L
AZ 44 do vital.. sissear Wyoming loraWlTims , *dem.
tWO , r 1 "2.7'.. 1 ‘ 1 ! 1 !"'" W IrW, ' 4l -."'. .
. ..
N. notatias , ac ..:
Esetoutaa .Drekers.Nq bi,klaskessareist, sear ea at:
.posuylyula: , • - .
Bank aintatimite Ti.Alikitiliate Die as EttaltleMatf* 4.
Iftchange Dank:
March. E. Man. Dank ...i f
lits.aPhilwtelph4t.,:,par Eielanalalta. or Vic: , •a.
thrard Bank '74Paraieratik.ef Va
Itank of Genstaatolnt Bk.-oftbollf*Dera,-,e,
, Mester Coanty--par.Ellt.of
” Delaware Co.; -par ILA.
• Montgomery Co-..-Par . do . Meranoteain.'
Northowberland..pas W. Dank.. Va.
.Crdambia Mike par
...Jo „Wellabara,
Doylestown Bank par "Parkenburgi , - "
PiiiiiiliiiCßeldifig•il_ .'' 7 -4 , siailrealMA: , :' , -
Frncießk•Sacks Co. par Mot'Ternacasee•-•• • B
-Farman ll't Laneas`r•par,Far.te Nerekt !Bk.-- "
Lancaster Co. illr.• • •- •par. Plnte& Bk.;••••••••.; •1. •
Lancaster Ilk,. ... .. . pa/Union 11k...., , • '‘...5 "
U. Mir: Bank - - •.21 ' 211asonal. •
'Brolriondla Bk' ' partStatatlk . eitilnuarni.... 2
IVashoaraa Bk. I', -North Caro tai.
Gettysburghßk...- .' II iCk.Of Cape Feill.r••••'•• tl_
Claiatiorsburg•'. . -•••• ..• tezh's Bk.ayeertietak B
Suanachanna Ca•llle... • ••••• , .13aak 9.
Lehigh Co Bank, , .-,, 'Swath Caribou -
1 . .,,,,,,,0..- ,-.-...• • " -IClasades Bk . '•••• , ••••• , •Ir 2
auddierotoo ...-...•.'2j8k. of.Charieinon •' s I
Carlisle ....... -• . • ••",,, , Rannaercialßk • • 2
F-rie i1k:.... • ••• •• • 2 , ,llir.nfGeoreetonn-;• 2
Farman' and Drovers' filk.of Baunbarip••-• .• 5
~, Bank, Waynesburg. ,•1 ;Merchants Ilk• .... .I.=. 2
if arriahunr . . " ;Planters •It, Neches Bk. 2
lioneadvie " ' ' + . i Bk. ot Beath C.srolista •• 2 •
- ehruton ' Incr!
_I . "IttarTlatul.,--
Peturillt " ' u'irtertooro 1ik5....-:•••par
Wyoming'. .... .... r • • ..' 2 . Bala'e isOilltßerip .11
York Bk. . 1 ' llwasharlandalkorAlli..
We t Branch Bt.' ' 2 ; i 1,1.2 y . , .. i ,.., . -. 2
Belief Nolo ' . F
unnel s ' jof litarylsead.4 • .
Mk. Milk. Pitta.ilo. ' • F t. al - . r ,
City te County Stirip;-- `•• I- Bk. Frederick ' o
Ohio: • Frederick CO.IIIC . . •
1 ,1
Piaui Bir.and Branches 2 lagenown Ilk t ~ es
Mount Plearant:•••• ,•_. • Minera l 8k....—.•••'.. • .
Stenhenvalle., ~. ... ~.-rs. p a .,.„..13,...„
....... . u
Ft. Clainville.•• • •;:. . ,'-• )WaskinFtemilk - .:. - .3 ,t
Manna •••••, .. .. " ' sk ,•11k.0113 est.:duster ;.,•: s.
New Ll 't sbon• • •IL ' necialllstas. - .' , .
Cincinnati Banks . , ..11.2r.0f 11,Cia'r--••.5. , ......
Columbus do••••••,, • 113 k. of Muer Baisen....-
Circleville ... • ,Ildrehstra las. C 0...-:• s
Zanesville . " .. -•• 1, War. & Nteclft Ellt••• , ai s -
roman • -v.,...'. ....... o 'Wisconsin Tairairy.
w oo ., ......,...':. ... .. ,'--, pilar.ernitin . .CO.Aliivee a •
Snadasky "• •. + Ail solventßanka.. - :.:r s
Norwalk,- •••• •• , ..s .. r ..• Bank 11(•Eanlanit Noon
•' .... ••• •• - .•• • ••&••••‘ , 114 Ni ill!
• Clevetand - .a Goldilifiitiolo Valor.
Xenia " Napoleons •.. . ........ - alp
Dayton ' ' • • threats ' ' 2150,10
w,.,,,, rte,,,,,...... • Eagle, old .., .... . • 'ISM
Franklin I.l't Colacchirs • Cagle now • i In Oil "
fldllicoilus ' • • Down:inn, Sp -•• anish. IS in ,
E l / 4 61.•• - •• •..• .. f ••••• '", .. eteiglrs •••..a .... 2 .62 L.
Lancaster • •—••••••••10 (donna
Ilandlton 13 FrederlekaPars.•-•11ff BD
Unknville• ... ;•• • ••• , .20 en Thalers•....,, 1.1 SU
Fermis Irk Clinto2• —9) ' on Usoldera,....,- 350
Urbana SD Loaisd'ont.....• ...,,,, 4 st,
JECratucky. -
__.:-. Stratha l m.._.•
Bk of Kentucky - : 11 Near York , • , •`••••••• , :12n2
Mei Louisville • 'Philadelpia ' prna
Norbert' Ilk. Rental' , • .13altbnarn , ~... i n ,,.
Nsw York--Our Banks; par. Insane 'B , klS - •••• 2
.. .
EXCMGE BROKlifiS, /k 4
or ow sw. of' AVund & Rini)
Ornp. cos. Form. Tor, Aso Wier - OcriciAtss; .
TVCAL'EIt in Coin, Bank Note, ' Time BULL Foreign
I_, arid Domestic pccyanc,.Cersibcatcs r!FPO.4
• - •
. .
. .
EXCIIANGE . on ill the orineipareities: - Of
,the . clo!on, •
. •
for sale in rums to suit purchasers, , -.-.•
CURRENT and par funds received on dejasslte. ~.
' COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the Utdoti. at , •
the lowest rates. " ' , aplOnitultwSmr. . .
in - Perelgri Doniestie Exchange, Cartillecies of
Puha, /He Nroan,...2l2:pegin; roartit area, now.
n:cerireri. l on dcpogi..„—,,Hlgtt eh:trot sale, and cot.
lonic. made on nearly all tha principal paint:ls ihs
Galion thates.
The highest premium paid for Foreign . and lisioxican
adman. made on-ionaignuenits Prodnetialip.
pod Fast, on liberal tenor. michlS •
• , a. HOL3113:11 A'15024:• -•
BANIPMS am/ Dealers m Fschange COUC:aila
Dank Notes, Na Ws Market street, Piiisinu2th.•••
Selling Raley. - Exchange,. • • Bayhig Rates:,New Vophl - } pr
P althao hiladelphia, Lordsvillei 2 do
Baying 'Wes, DANE NOTk...3..'Drying
. •• ' 2 di, ' d. Scrip Orders, 2 , db
Indiana, do 'Relief Notes, .•
lieninekr; • odo • PennaTivama C 2 - do
Yirgida,• ado Near York do nib I I 'fi•
do . Wheeling, 11. do New Orleans,. ' do .
Tedasseed 2do :Mo.rgland,: •
-• feb22l'
/0•611; IL MU.
ffti , CieoTHlLY—Banke sad Fie - .
...Deales in Foreign and • cede Time and Hig• ht
Billsof Esehaige, Certificate of DepOsoe,
Book New. •
mid COW No 64 Wood stmet shin) door,beloverestrth,
BANKEHN, EXCHANGE HH05L.7.112., - and :Dealers
,in Vamp and Demotic Exchange, Cenificttes of •
Orposite„Dardt Notes, and ' e. • No. 64 Wood:
one door above. Frouth, Dort •e, •
vcinutow E cipiaraz;" - '.•
84.9.0 n Etiglmd, lee! • . and Scotland boot to .
any amomit at the Co •.1 Rates' eg slltgeham, •
A 1,., Drafts payable in anyorshe Old Commies,
from St to 11000, et the rite of 65 tethe 113terrlEng,
without deduction or . disconnt. bye JOSHUA' ROBIN. • - •
60N, Ilropem and COMM' 'AVM, °Mee Atli .Mhos '
a. •
maisaariisr. a minas,
11.1r.-Kuns AND EXCIIANGE 1111.01 X, desiers• '
in Foreign and Domestic Bills of -Exchsage;',Cer
estes of Deposita, Bank 'Notes and Coin, comae of
3d and Wood suxets, directly. oppoiite
Ohis indi
• •, • , ~•
Notes y
parehased at the lowest rates, by - - •
N. 110L11tin & INN ,
'Coaslanily . for tile loy•, N. 1101,ANS SON. I
del° • : • •SS Market a.,
CIOLLECTIONE,Drafts, Notes, and Accept.-
parahlat say part of tha Union, cotkete4•oa
the moat favorable tettna..7N. 1101.31 ES a SOX,
dela .- • •• ' • •3a Market st. •
- 14 JAMES 'WILSON. Um olanafeeturer,,formisrly
of earner of Diamond alley and Wood streets begs
1e.,. respectfully lb inform hit old customers,
Alend the public, ihat..herhis opened a NEW
'STD= n an o
Smithfield street, second door South 'or Cht
street, where • choice eamirtnient of Hats end Cain and
Wiest Funs, at gcsid,nestifitablonable, and ebesp, as
any'n shoesry;may be hai.. , t
NIZ: very conlially Invitee hts Yriernis and ther'palt
lie to ;remember his-neve. location. and istablisbasens,
and give hint • call as !Mantras he intends 10 111111001310
(Siincesemn ArCord k Kingi•
- Tr a •hlonable a
• — C;;;;;, triliboi7 awl Fs &meta
PARTICULAIL attention paid to Our, Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can geuing their Haw tuut
Cape ram oar establishment of the am +••m•• and.
vozeausuur, of the 1411[11r mue, and at the tow=
Country bierebitnte, parcbasing by lebnieWle,, aro
respectfully invited to eel Arid crimune our, Stork; as
nre ran say Anitli confidence, that no regards cloacae"
and rum it Intl not wirer in a, corepttnwa yrit,afty
house in Philadelphia.
Blew !liars forSiersi Trimmings. .'
THE subscriber is now openjug, .1..110, 411
Water street, etb
w, forese ere of W. A: &
W. Whitej a complete' trisontoont.'of Bar: , •
ten Trinuathas, Silk and 'Angola Plushes.ftlaivars;&e.
,tt c of hta own imj oitarion. to which ho inaiiesrhs at.
tendon of gusrobassrs. Tips Fin i al:in every rankly . with neatness and draftitch. 'Parateolarinentionpowl-::.
to prising up orders., • &liberal discount Will be undo • •
for east - • • ' JAS. W..TliCicitik
mare • .173 Water . 4.lQ:or:York •
.la w 600 DR
. . .
DEALERS are examine TE H.
PALMER'S stock of Straw 'Goods, of the
epgwle,erapporgrl nano! . :
—Florence fined; rUghsh Lem
stable dMAroerlerin do do; China Pearl de; Cohn , * 4 %.
Rutland Mg French Lace; Panty Gimp. err
11ATS—Leahord. Palm Loaf l'anama, Pam} dhow,
do umid, Rehland ktraid,Pedat do. •
Also. Artificial Fkmers,
net Weatherise, 93 market at. . mar4, • •
Waikilema tor. 1648.
(u.n, Woos. & Erse.) surrati, • - ; ..41141
IkILL introdacc tho Spring Style of Ilaterhikshal.
aturday, March Aih,
els friends and common aro rogneated . ts; ind
examineithcit amok M Spring Hats, tat received from
New York, thois atore,comor Ma th and Wood FM
SPRING STItLES ,ROORN has . Jut — re
ceived from New Yorkolte Spring Style of Hots,
which Sewill intialneo .9eunloy, Alan* tch.
All tuose in want of IL Osumi atnwvio. no. win - Plea..
call awl examine at wee; 3I door above
4.. Williams": Douglas, late Jame. ließata. , Tbis
subscnber has removed bis Has and Van 'Nana,
• factory le No. 77 Wobd street, acerb ottpOtate his
old stand, when be areald invite his fnends and dm
public, gettetally.ta an issortetent of Hats and. Caps,
which for beauty oud du sabtlay cannot be volutumd.
. • ..: .. . • 'WM. DOUGLAES,77I‘ood in.
• • Haviarratired . from the Ifni and Cap Slaiafoetory,
I moat repectfully :recommend the . train: maw! c , fl my
friends and Me public generally to my surcease!, Wm.
-6, .# 4 .... • .- . : -
,tfebtfdsmj - -JAWS Me Kan% •
"SENV - 1 - 111VgalTIO - 211::F. - A - TENT 'al ft
inhaeribeg,willintroduen on Saturday" Ogt.lnh.
Oen amen Rilhink et hat vied with this dealrahl4 art.
ele will please out end examine..: , ' _- .. 1,
, . ... •
.4..ypily K.EEVlLirractigarflailgr, 1 ^'
et.* -. • ' •-. " &I, hend'of eipoarid •
ij ii...
YALI.-RA-=-14. MOORE hitageceiv- -.
. ~11,,,,,,, zia,...yggk, the Fall atylevbfliatalsahieb
he will if/trance thiallay , .Baturday, , Aniplffith. ''
An M. want of a aaat.nad aufierier. hagwoold dm .
wag 10 call at NM 75, Wood Street,3dgloog alrovre CIL
,VALL FASI/10112, . 1 84t.:.:Inazia gr.
COSTARS StykOeutleuseres Uwe will be Lora.
ducal: et - liainnVe.ohrThanAlay' Augest.'.47th.
Geutiermeu wishing a,etreap, Calhimutble hal of Piw
burgh manufacture, aheaang faattiopable Hata kaPun•
ed 1.4 gid•enind irr Berne Cr the Dade. please gait at,;
... " .ii7.1.111,-..b?...1 ~
-- , i.. '. , ' 6. ON , - 0:
*UST reftired from Now - York, 'tho',Simarber
styto for Lit; crianirling of Wbio !Search-I'nd,
and While French , Cusimere 'lll3lrsrldr.Y.
Thottio'lrarit ora lkiiutiligi kiOt !..! 1 .11" " 2 r
tallia - : , - -- ' ;4'73 woad st, 3 doors sho•7111
~ 4 . k.',, - bal.* , .. ri 7 i.r n.arriv
.abitiliar; dealcr. (xi PrOdonro,PitlXianlifac.
-ISirsiOutill all tiOdi:of Emile", and Domutiek Witml—
Vaora,l4 - . Ik' La:qty. : omm Oa 444,4:vary.
1 a laloik a sgortinr. okt ItormosOca ~vh.ker,
wh.l *MN, ad o +r (piggish. ,-....,,,,•, opiddy
O[OCCO LE-471111R-7Pe s t - obWittccs Wrlal in.
• %sedan io r extrnsirntotkorSlordeoialt.► ".•
Ti ny kartflalipaktte9p*a
' , 4 41 • " ' • "
.. ~.ii~:,i.