The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 19, 1848, Image 2

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17 15 1 : 474CL1 E 1 d i Scd2 lili to the Not* Amer
kid End United OW.. Gams, neeeited
sad forwarded
nal*, Pe amideDula' 041 m pablieted
Deily, Td•Weekly, and Weekly.—llle Duly u der.
i pr wny t w W o e t ek a ly s Fire Den per
; sum;W n
pee emu., inygp
d adman.-
Mrs ...Urn:arum, are earnestly requested Om avid in
*dr taTars bears 6e. ley 11.114 as early in •to day as
Fos term Comeneretal Inielligence,DOmenne, M.
V iew Newly Imports, Money Markets, ke. eee
!Mg sad Raft-Masonic Nona:masa,
Waskineten Now. ea first Page
Alin Appeal to Allegheny
An earnest appeal is about to be made to the cif
kens of. Allegheny County to aid in theconstmc
„ ton of the Cenual Road between Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia. One million of dollars—not much
Ware than one tenth of the necessary amount—
' is asked nt our - ! hands-, and this with an irate
' rest here second only to the commercial capital of
the Stine To pionure thiasurn by individual sub
scriptione, is not'practiebble is the multiplied de
mands mtde upon the capitalists among us. Nearly
all dad c.snstant employment for their own means.
The appeal, then, to be succesefol, must be made
to the County of Allegheny, which, having the
• ability, we hope will lend a helping hand to no
enterprise of to inch impart:meet° the State.—
The Central Rail 'Road, when completed, will in
crease the value of every acre of ground, of every
Veld of coal, of every pie-co of real mtate, and of
,eveiy,rnan'alabor. It insures the pis. sperity of Oa
only the city and county, but of the whole neigh.
baring country. It will open new channel, Of
trade to the Fernier and Mechanic, add give in
stewed &milli. to the Merchant and the man of
Bosinvim. The temporary taws which such a
.. ..bill will impose upon the people, will . speedily be
as cashing, emopaied with the income to be deriv
'ed from she mad halt The subscription will be
relieved /in itudalmeists of one, two,- and three
years; and by the time the last is paid, the Rrat in
inualneenla Conde will beginto yield a dividend—
and, ere king, a large accruing revenue will be the
fruits of ibis noble enterprise. While every man
who is able to subscribe even one hundred dollars
for .ilsii road, should do so, and every artiwn, ac
cording-to his means, we regard it is the duty
of the County toneake a generous subscription for
the road. 'Whet; all are to be benetitted, all should
share In the common burdens, and the common
, gassil7tind a county subscription is the only way
to tench that Class of persons who skulk (torn all
responsibility, and all patriotic doties, - and who
. grownch upon the labor and enterprise of other
, •
.;.Caserce M. CULT has written a letter against
Hivir Cur, which for invective, insult and int.
padence is witlinut a parallel in the history of any
• - political letter extant. The blows aimed at Mr.
Clay by:his namesake, will fie harmless at his ket,
if they do not recoil, upon the ingrate who has
_ wages" destroy' one of the greatest and- purest of
pubdic men, who has ever been honored by, the
" • people: So calumny against Henry Clay can in
jam him in the estimation of the great Whig party
of the. Union, and least of all a blow from a man
• whew present senders ahow how hollow WS/ his
past support. Cassius M. Clay has done
man's service" fir Henry Clay, and he did it if his
. • ...present position be true, knowing him to be newer
• thy of the high position which he helped him to fill;
• His confinsiodindeed is open evidence of his awn
• Moral guilt, both to his - own conscienina, and to all
the principles which he avowed. and defended be.
fore the public. • ;
'For Cassius M. Clay to upbraid Mr. Clay for
Inconsistency of purpose, or for delinquency of any
soft, too. Would it not be better for him to cast
the hemp out cf his owrieye-7to remember 10171 tr
thing of his awn recent history—hie words of prom -
be tabus ear, broken tcr l , the hope of those who
trusted him and his high pretensions in the cause
of human freedote Who. spas it who sent his
' Agents to the free States' tb procure the means ;
wherewith to build up an l anti slavery Journal in
• •;, thelmart !area' Kentucky. Who feat defied an
asset upon his Press, invotfin martyrdom in its
deferioe, and then wisely and williegly inureader
ed to the devilhe had conjured up in the form of an
informed mob!- Cassius M. Clay abandoned press ;
principles and all, for the iliaptom of military glory,
though a disciple odeace,suld easing more against
wan and the principles of this Mer Jean war, than
almost any man in the country, who has taken ;
ground against it.
,The letter of Cassitis M. Clay reads' to us like a
• betrayal of private confidence, and the indulgence
of More persontd spleen. It is,ungeneroui and 1111•
just throaghaut. and the time is not for distant
• when the author' ill he heartily ilushanied of inch
an exhibition of illblocaL More than this, it leaves
him in a false position, by, identifying him with
. the ProsSlavery,party, and with the party seeking
• lag to extend the institution of Slavery to other
• territories now free.
The 'author admits himself to be the personal
enemy of Mr. Clay, and writes in thilt spirit. So
- writing,ldi letter is without nuy moral five and is
no more than the ill-natured, remarks of an ilkur
". A Rasmus ce Lresera—,We have mentioned
the pair auenthince of the misting called for
Mandiy,eveniag lest, for the purpose of express
' leg en interest • in' the efinna making, pertneeently
its, establish a Ripublic on the Western coast of
`Africa. We nympathius in the .elEart with all our
hearts, : and trust ',the day is not far distant When
American, philanthropy will know neither Gee
griphial bounden.% inegualitiea of condition,
-net ditterenees of solo. . We believe that charity
begins at bathe, but doubt the sincerity ' of that
-"anan', who limits it in the narrow cell of
hitown pence, or the narrow confines of his own
-household gals. Are we all really sincere in our
isafterishes for 'France and. for Eur Ope, in the
cane of burns& freedom and Republican Govern
ment, when we measure our actions of freedom
by the eoloe of a man's akin, or the precise spot of
the Gtobe upon which he may thirst!. Africa has
hir . ciaims upon intaind. as well as Rumps.—
nem .is moot Eat missionary labor there, and Gar
.education and moral improvement of every sort,
-Owen as heat — :The Egyptian, the Numidian and
the Nubian, are alga part of the grgat bumanfamily,
ettA, all worthy' of the respect and attentioa of the
World , 'There it there already a moral sa well to
,mphyintal 0114.1 in, the desert. .
~ .The tufted
• . That mauls. Tiai aeild the Lybtan wild,. '
are no more choXriag Aber sunburnt tr.vela ,
than the families of dared good ho 'the country,
- aiseen already in the deveklemeutuf the Colony
Ihere i.e liepubllc there, made up dfree men,
fressoaimed men, With a free Conwitution, end
the Farms of free GovernMent. it has prospered,
and will prcaryer, but like all beginnings, itis feeble
at the ens, and Needs the aid and counsel of the
wise and good. If has had to enciumter the pecjir
dices ofthe multitude also, end alt the hindrances
incident to the prejudicea and passion of men.—
'Vre hope when ari appeal is hereeller made - in be
ult Beach a clinic, It will not fell dead upon the
es 6 or those at least who profess any we Il.ympa
' thy Pa the eause nfetaialanity and civilization.--
Titia country boo Wrooged Africa deeply. Our
. • treasszi hn even keen enriched by an importation
updi tierces stoke lean bet *home. We'
aka to heent least the poor atonement dour ern.
'l 4 /kr, 'sod an ,holiest effort to immure the eon&
• tiondttm one of AGica it home sad everywhere.
NttY YORZ Mom wurarr..—The °Erprear of
Sitionlay :
!The regales specie broken ars beady _cowed
packing up silver to go by the next stamer. , — ,
They estinitate that tile amount that will be shwa
lb. next ten days for France, will be 010 ft Ave
hundred thousand dollars. There is every Induce.
A nent now to send specie, persons an 4ispaeor
their specie in Paris at a high prerelurn, 0,1 tbe
. per or the Bank of haw*, with which they earl
pay. their dates. The Argo took about 11301/A0 ate
sx' 4l - 4. eig ht. "
. Th e
. ..pint of duties received at we Cu ter,
f.licsaie this week 4.11111 been large—ttactung 0652,
,01d tha drafts upon the anistiud treasurer
, 1",- b a y. t e en 030.000. Thus specie runs out as
GB as It cins in,---but We Independent Treasury
ezhalidaw us the beantifol operation ofof counting
and -weighing when a flank check woad Ao the
work w
_ib care.
lisessii or lainc—'ll 4 ship kontirsaida,
'New York,hos 2272 b4:4,16 2 v0as and 442 E;114.
tioip boa
`..-1#‘44 , 41kt) teir;i4t ai ritigistingof;4 l
conli ibot, r ILe 'llfratcanlaolortiiinki .
I si *rdoYThilitieknoii:rosy
large, and Ilia l: pat' of the Board of Munition,
--an_larillhe semi when psbaled—highly sailatac
tory. The Report gives the reasons of the delay,
for the ypis past, and states that this 'luck in lei
sure,' as Mr., Wilkins called ft, has resulted in the
gill, from Mr. and Mrs. Denny, Captain and Mn.
Sloirdery, of twenty four aeon of valaalle ground,
worth as many thoniand- dollars. It is but one
year mince . the OirllthlliCloll' comple ted,rand
though neither the edifice has gone up,'nor the
ground broken, yet the work bas been practically
forwarded by securing • liberal act of corporation,
and making great progress in the preliminary.h.
born, which are ohen attended with snore obstruo
lions than the work itself.
The act of corporationlwas yesterday accepted
by the Contributors, and the fotlowing gentlemen
chosen a Board of Managers for the ensuing year:
Osa Taos—M: Allen,T. Bohewell, John Biwa
George Breed, 4iErtrothent,'Wm. Ebbs, John Gra
Two Yuts—Gea. Hogg, Wm. Ilolmiss, John
Irwin, Geo. W. Jackson, F. Lorenz, S. LoiliMp, 0.
Tuna Yzioss—J. K. Moorhead, Jamb Painter,
J. IL Shcenberger, Chas:F. Sp4ig, Win. I. Totten,
Wm. Wilkins, W. W. Wallace.
A blarrsar licearrer. for the support of those
marie helpless and infirm IV:o — war is talked of at
Washington. Several memerials have been pie
seined for the purchase of - Mount Vernon from its
present proprietors, by the General Government,
and the plan has been started in the Senate to con.
Cart the old homestead of the Father of his Coun
try into an Asylum fur the brave men who have
fought the battles of the ninon, and become help
less in her service. The tomb of 'Washington
could have no guard more honored, nor they a ser
vice more sacred. The country too, owes n sup
port to those who hafi lost their limhi in her ser
vice, as it does to the surviving widows and or
of those who have Wien in haute. One of
Bus saddest monuments of war is the loss of life,
and another, is the Maiming of those. whom God
created perfect and in his own linage. But
wars, and this "unnecessary• and unconstitutional
war," in which the country has been engaged, has
made 'sienna* sufficient to Gil a. charnel home, big
enough to cover the level of a great city. Gather
ed togethhr the dead would make a pp-autaid high
as ■ monument- What our own eyes cannot al.
ways see, the hearts of others feel, and how can
the nation ever expect men to fight her battles un
less the Government takes the place do parent to
the survivors of the slain and provides a home for
those who are wounded in her service. •
Nzw You Toascco MatirCr; April 15.—The
business in all kinds was languishing this week.—
The :Wowing table will show the movement, in
the wade:
Description. ' Sales of the week. Cur. prices
Kenttacky, Va. 8c N. C. 200 hhda..4980. 41a101e-
Maryland and Ohio,.
Conn. 5eed.......... 43 cases Go. S 121
Penn. seed 6 15
Havalur .• • ...... 20 87}
11 15
Vara .. . ...... 73 35
By auction, some unmerchantable Kentucktand
12 bales of Havana, at 13020 c, were sold.
Rasters or ran wzuz-270 hods. Kentucky,
Virginia, and North Carolina; 100 cases Concecti
cut seed; 15 do Florida; 25 bales Havana; 170 do
Coke, and 200 do St.Doutiogo.
STOCK, April 15—Kentucky, Virgioia, and North
Carolina, 4,061 btu's; 3 Oh& Maryland and Ohio;
801 cases Coon. seed; 370 do. Penn. do; 75 do.
Florida; 533 bales Havana; 4206 do Cuba; 451 do
Yang 497 do St. Domingo.
Naw YORK. Errol/m-9.0 the la to the 14th
of April,. ..... 1841
Wheat Flour, - • 9,295 Rh. 5.9,332'
Corn, .. 102,437 tot. 59.9,757
Wheal, 100 33,291
Rye none. 11,4
Gale, 100 21,14,
tilametlblusg foe the Farmers.
thrmierervarn Emma—Who has forgottenthe
efforts rude during the canvass of last year by the
Democratic leaders to convince the farmers that
the Polk Tariff had raised the prim of grain, rind
that the fanners might expect, fur years to come,
the heavy demand, Err it to continue at high price.
because Europe was to rely upon us the this arti
cle in return, for the manufactures she would send
Mi. We do not recur to the argaments then insie
ted epee, or dwell upon the present condition of
things further thou because we consider it due to
the agricultural community, that they alotuld know
from the account, received from three countries,
whet is to be expected !it future; and because
they should see,for then. diis, bow worthless a
measure is the boasted Polk Tariff so far as pm.
Legion to their own patellar interests is concerned.
As something having an , important bearing upon
these matter., we call attention to the thilowing
item, which wall be found in . the summary of kr
eign intelligence in another column: •
Six haniairad Mamma quarters of Wheat are
awaiting shipment in the Baltic purls 63r this coun
try [England] on the breaking up of the frost, most
of it having been paid gar." .
That is a very pretty tit s-only some bur
or five millions of bushels, and pressed as they
may be for a maim, and nisei:les it is by people,
some of whom work at, ten cents per day—who
can tell bat some of it may find its way to our own
sea ports as in times vast, beating our farmers in
their own markets under the encouragement offer.
ed by the Free Trade Polk Tariff. In view of the
fact that this immense quantity of grain is going to
• England, tat the Union hem, or some other free
trade print give us one of those lectures so much
in vogue about a year since on "rreirratity!"—
Let- some of them tell us why it that when
we no trade with England-+rhen we are receiv
ing her manufactures to the exterif ofmillions upon
millions of dollari, she will. till follow her old
course, in buying grain in the.' ports of the Baltic,
instead of patronising the farmers of this cr unuy,
who have millions of bushels now accumulated
here - without any chance of shipping it at prices
which will pay them for the.tmasportation Let
the free traders now shoustlmir old nar crier'--
Let them bring forward that old arguments and
see who, in view of what is ofteurrimt, will he sil
ly enough to believe them. Alaidfar their charac
ter as prophets—end as political economists—the
filets have demolished their fine spun theories, and
they stand forth to day,convicted before the nation
of having misled those who were unwise enough
to be found truatingh3 their fidlacious promises.
This. being so; upon whatever other questions or
principle they may in the wetting contest seek to
manufacture political capital, ppon this one of the
Tariff, they will be powerless! 'What is the price
of enrol-es qfiestion which - the Union triumph
antly shotited when corn was Op, will 'no more °P.
63rd an answer to all that may be urged against
the Polk Tariff in the coming canvass. The Ar
mes, of Tennessee can nowyee. that the wheed
ling of Messrs Polk and Walker is of no avail with
the Brifishgovemment, and that it tarot mac, •
coaxing system that the great American nation
abould rely for sustaining their win inientata—
Nashrefe Banner.
Desocatric lissatomr.—The month of May
next will perhaps give the Enquirer and Eximin
er enough to do to mourn over the discords in the
ranks of their own . party, termed of making a
standing theme of the dissensions among the Whigs,.
The 'SoutheruPLekince will never be occupied by
the Northern Democracy. The people are, not 40
apt to change their positition as that class orpoli•
Auras who barter their opinions be cam
Ix example, what the New York Glote, , a leading
man of the Democracy,
•We would rather see the Densocnitio party de.
foaled in every contest, for the next quarter of a
century, than to suoneed—if suticesa were pout.
bbs,by uniting with the •Larisocracy in extending
the institution of slavery to free territory.. Let
slavery remain where it is, until the people of the
slave States are ready to (emancipate their slaves;
.but in the name of liberty, equality, and justice, let
it not be spread over the millions of icres of free
territory acquired from Mexico." Em not let the at ,
nursed institution be planted on a Gee soil, on
which oar &Mien, and children's children, are to
find a home.'
This language mew grate harshly upon the ears
of the Democracy of the flonth.t-dt is quite ea
pointed as any thing ever raid by Gi ddings or Pal.
(my. But th e Enquirer and Exwiner rarely, if
ever, fad fOO.l for the aminong intimations of
fratand feeling, which so frequently appear In the
Loco Fcco merge( the North. They dad it more
politic to - contine their selections to similar deciara.
gong made byd o ll !leathern Whge..—Rich. Whig
. .
Too 'Arrow. ays.—We learn from very good
authority, that the value of the auto of the late
John Jacob Astor does not exceed 87,500,000, of
wh i c h e h.' $OllBOO is real, and $3A00,080 per
The gives in the form of life ettatesi
*ittepower of 'g and selling. Mr. Wm. B.
Astor h a s h a lf $ 'dewy personal mate in his
own right,--lay $ par to 11,500800. He is
said to have recut ed 4700,000 several years sin.
Goers an uncle, Henry Astor, which by good mon
ogram...a economy, with additions from other
sources, amounted at the date of his - father's de.
'cease, to about $3,000,000. This, with what he.
receives ocm the pream4wwwe as the re!idwarr
legates, will.torm' an' aggregate approaching th e
mead of his father.•ll is unnoodthat Mr. Wm.
B Astor be., within a Sine drier pss, made several
very Mend donation, betiding 510,000 to Fits G.
Week, ;wag Os fitithful fiecretuy and. Ageat of
Ida faititr, and 10,000 to the Society far the Relief
olf.fadigeot Comdata 'Other persons in the employ
of the , deceased, beside Mr. Halleck, have also
ehpred 1.4 ideo boa:nye( the mix The above calm
OW:4 another Wastrstiew of the popular wealthy .
1 0 Mere extravagant estimates of. private interne'.
•• •
- -
LYJIBILATtricr--We Item fr . '
the Pennsylvanian relit:to:day that the aupplemera
to the charter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com•
clay was onaddered and aecepted by the St*.
reoutt meaning kaki in Philadelphia ea fnday.
This amendment to Ow chatter of the Co
all the frittadaer that great work could desire, sad ,
It phew the stock at MOB epee the heed Wesel
paying lavestmenta
tlefsess aaid 'ilagaU—ttlaresaa.'
4 , ..iituiMarernarkable drsemshkh maw
at..iworeisbros a link being CON but z to lens
asitikirkiti hsd hardly dbiaght conld
e its lsissidis platen in our hart bull:erne Toldit kik
end W shiers recurs to our mind when ore - hear of
new life and old desk usewing thus instantly on
the threshold. I
We dreamed thins were conveyed by same .
mysterkma guide to the entrance of this eatith. It
Swag a kind of-gallery, through which. angelic be
luga, winged and bearaihd, wereFidly passing,
towards wards the earth; some with e, others with
nopetal aspecte their etpressiou as various as
they were legible,
't - What does this mean?' we said. "Who are the
prising spirits who go all one way, and why are
their countenances so various"
' Car companion replied,—
"Theyare ghardian angels, each on his - way 10
lake charge of anew born infant. They know not
its hltimate doom, but they know oftheaphcre to
which it is horn, and the probable sins and temp
tations it will be exposed to. look at that angel,"
he said, "with a serious mien, as if a hard duty
were before hind Hi. charge is the child of the rich
and noble of the land, who will bring him up in
pride and luMuy; and his heart will grow hard and
selksh, and sell:tallness in high places has few sor
rowa, and without sorrow the voice of hisgood an.
gel ;will hardly be beard.
'And see that spirit who passea with eager hope
ful look! To him w committed the child of a vicious
father, who is rioting atthi, moment that a child is
born unto him.: But open vices are not so baneful
as specious virtues. • The child's heart will be woun
ded and huinbled in the sins aids father, and in
paying the penalty of another'. guilt, he will him
self seek the path of virtue."
Then another spirit paused; with urea but peace-
Ink aspect.
"Nis charge will be arduous. The. child now
born will have wilful and tumultuous passions, and'
his heart veil be stubborn and perverse, and be
will defy authority, and go flu wrong, and the
world will say there is no redemption for him, and
even his father', face will be turned from him.—
But; in the silence af a sick chamber, a mother
wdl plead incessantly for him, and the child ol ma
by prayers shall yet be brought home to the fold."
Then came one with an anxious mien, and he
Was guardian to a genius who would win
. please and idolatry of t house ods; and a second, with
heavenly compassion, beautiful and moving to he.
hold, and he was hurrying in the obscure offspring
°fain and shitme; and a third, calm and peaceful,
summoned to preside over the even tenor of a poor
orphan, who inherited the blessings of sainted pa
'rent* and. a fourth, full of solemn anxiety, who
hastened to receive his charge from a royal cradle;
and :a filth , whim countenance of heavenly woe
we dared not ask the canes of; and many mare,
all going to their varied posts—to the children of
the good and had, the high and the low, the care•
iess and unbelieving-0 we were. tired oinking
when, suddenly came one distinguishes from rill
by the radiance ofjoy upon him.
"What is this charger we said. "Sorely it
muse be that of some future saint upon earth! cl
"No," said Our conductor, "he ia-the angel of%
child ivho has died at its birth, and he is going to
carry it straight to heaven."
And then we awoke and found ' t
was only a
dream; but ever since then we have never heard
of the death ot, an infant without thinking of the
joy on that angel's couuteaance.—Froser, ilfarrA
Nrwsneras.—Newspapers contain every
thing; the only difficulty is to read them. The threads of newspaper correspondence
enclose the whole globe in a network of
espionage. Nothing tan happen that is not
sure to get into a newspaper while it is hap
pening, and sometimes before it has hap
pened. It is no idle bluster to say that' the
eyes of Europe are on you. The eyes of
Europe are the newspapeni, of Europe; and
these same eyes are on every man, woman
and child whose lives are of the slightest in
terest outside their own circles. It has been
beautifully said cf flowers that they start up
in the most unexpected pliudes, ,- Where there
is harms, ty,a handful of soil, and even where
there is none, striking their tender, yet vig
orous roots into the crevices of the rock.
The same thing may be said of newspapers.
They seem, to be sown, like certain seeds,
by the caprice of the winds. Wherever
there is a settlement of a dozen people, you
may look out for a newspaper. The first
necessity of a new population is
_a news
paper. It inverts sometimes, the vulgar
principle of political economy, which will
insist that the demand produces the supply;
for it happens with newspapers, every now
and then that the supply produces the de
metal. The newspaper of a little colony
often comes into existence before the readers; i
some far-sighted speculator being always in
advance with an article of consumption
which he knows well enough will become
indispensible by and by. Even New Zea
land, While it was yet undergoing the early
stages of an excrutiatruz experiment, had a
newspaper-. and Hong-Kong , where. the fa
tality of climate might be supposed to deter
any sensible man from risking more than . a
month's subscription, has ink Gazette. In-
deed, we are not quite sure that- a- news
paper is not a kind of social instinct. Peo
pie get up newspapers where theiiis nobody
to read them but themselves. Passengers
on along voyage, Wholave no news to tell,
except that which they get from each other,
and•nobedy to tell it to when they get it,
frequently amuse themselves by playing at
newspapers.l This is more remarkable than
the most out of the way birth of flowers. A
hare-bell an a rock is not half so surprising
as a newspaper on board ship.—Fraz&s
front London, which is now before us, says:
"I am glad to hear that the ex-king hadjust
invested about a million of dollars in New
York. I believe he has nearly three mil
lionti pounds sterling here. 'lf so, he will
not be badly off."
It is generally understood, bat with how
much reason we cannot say, that the ex-king
his property enough on this side of tho At
lantic to make himself and family comforta
ble—but we have heard that he said out his
English funds and employed the money_ ill
the improvement and - decoration of Ver
One of the worst things done by the Pro
visional government is the confiscation of
the pritrate property belonging to the various
members of the Orleans family; but we sup
pow that a more just and generous arrange
ment will be made when reason and con.
science teatime their sway-, The Duke d'
Montpensier has something, we suppose, in
Spain, and. the Prince d'Jousville in Brazil.
Rut the main dependence of the family will
probably be on what the ez-king may have
"salted down" in foreign.countriero, and en
what the justice of new Republic may
. proper to restore of the private wealth
remaining inlFrance.—N. Y. Corn. Adv.
Fonsurs DIY 60 , Liro.—New York, AO It, ISIS.
Busineu not rallied since our upon.—
Scaroely anything it doing, among our mporteni,
and but hale among our. jobbers compared with
previonu yeam'at the same date. The sake by aim
tion have not been commanding, and in some in
stances a wanfof spirit has been manifest. Take n
all in all it bas been a dull week.
- - Timm hir there have been no failures of impor
tance among our jobber, but en we noticed early
in the spring, Payments from country merchants
have been more backward than in previous yetis,
the demand kw vprieggooda boa been kw, and but
akriv weeks longer of regular spring beanie., re ,
mains to line importers.—Dry Goode Reporter.
A mu. is nom before the Senate entitled .s bill
firr ascertainingg, and psying the Calikiraia claims,"
and appmpriates nearly 4 million of dollars for this
object. If the bill passes, sad it is supposed it ter.
tainly mill, ex-Lt. Col Fremont and Mr. W. C.
.Jones, accurin.latv of CoL Benton, and Randolph
Beoton, a coo of CoL 8., eft to have the leading
arms In the coMmission. In fact, Frei:toes plum
is moved in the bill its& Perfume its title ought
to be changed to that of a bill for the benefit of the
Benton family.
Ma (YRict.tar Worms ua that his lim from Lou.
bailie via Nashville; aro, to New Orleans, will be
completed duriog the month of June ensuing, and
that he will, on'the btu of September, have over
4000 miles of telegraph in successful ,operation—
coinecting.ercry citzknd Warn of any commercial
magnitude, in the v of the Misisaippi, with of
those (lithe Lava and orthern Athutlio seaboard,
by lightning. •
amtmeia ernteeis—ln Cleveland this plan has .
been commenced, and as it is more economical than
Fuming it is a matter of surprise that it hu not been
adopted in our own city. Applicatlccfs fur paving
stream ale very'numerous this seams: The idea
of planking them, seems unthotight at
The Plaquemine (La.) Rough and Ready says :
Thecrops in this vicinity are in a most excellent
condition. The plimturs have had, 60 kr, a lute
and kvorable season, and the crops indi c ate ut
present a most abundant yield.
3fatz, rus Warenitak—The life of this mane
very doubtful, though . his wound is doing rotund.
bly well. A night or two ago he had the delirium
irrowns, in ad . Owning degree.. Hi. wound alone
would not pMhably cause death, but the` total Zr.
vulaion his 'habits under medical treatment .
leaves little io hope.
Coamscrum.—The name of K.Moorhead, Eq
was ermaeously, sated to the proceedings' of ttg .
meeting of stockholder of the Monongahela Navi
gation Company, in yeetesday's paper, instead of
that of lama Clarke, Esq.
The foundation of content mud spring up In a
=tea own Enke and he who bum tilde anowl.
edge of human nit= a. to Neel: happiwue by chin.
gutg any thing bit! his own disposition, will mute
his We LO GIILWOSS elfona, and multiply the Oda
which he rural; to mane.
JiM . TEXeliPle
I.7" "r‘ 7. f"r/
CorFeipiotheeee et the A:newt* Geseme.
Scurz.--Ntiteerms- petitim were .presented
Mr. Allen presented the resolutions of th7S-State
:4iialattire of Ohio; in rehition to the railroad
'scheme of 'Au:Whitney; which were ordetd to
Mee some other unimpo rt ut busineas, the .Setr
ate took up the Glitontia claim bill, which war re-,
committed to the Military Committee without in-
IMICtiO2I. • . .
The Supreme Court bill was then taken ni l and
passage opposed by'-Mr.. Atchison in a !vie(
speech. Several gentleman diacuste4 the bill,kut
no action was taken up to the hem , of adjota
HOcsn—bin Clingman moved a suspension of
She nitro to allow him, to offer a.resolution
lag upon the Presideni Dr all the:, torrespundence
between General Scott' and the *at Department,
which was - agreed to.
The rest of the lunation was spent in a vain at
tempt to take up various measures. At 3 r.:M the
Hons. adjourned. •
(Owing to a derangement of the Southern Tele
graph, the above only came to hand on , Tuesday
morning.) 11
NV.o.antormv, April 1819.
Scurr..—Mr...)lllller. from the dommittee on
Naval Affairs, 'reported • bill to increase the med
ical Come pi . the Navy.
Mr. Dix, from the Committee on Commerce, re
ported a bill allowing steamers running between
New York and New Orleans, to touch ailiavanti
to land passengers and mails. •
Mr. MIA, from the Committee on Military Af
fairs, reported a bill for the relief of Midshipman
A resolution teas adopted directing the Finance
Committee to report upon the expediency of die.
continuing the Coinage of cents.
Mr. Badger gave notice of a bill to give the Ad.
jetant at Was Point the same par an others of the
Same grade.
Mr. Casa, from the Military Committee, reported
back the California Claim bill amended.
'the morning business was then laid aside. and
the discussion of the Supreme Court bill resumed.
The bill was discussed by Meseta: Westcoui
Breese, Allen, Butler, Badger, Ashley and Crated .
den. The vote . was then taken and the bill de
tented—Ayes 17, Nay* 33.
Mr. Badger gave notice that he should move Gm
an Executive Session of the Senate tiimsorrow.
Home or Rwassrarartar-a—Mr. Giddingi nak
ed Gar a suspension of the roles, that he might
move for the appointment of a Select Committee,
with power to send Gm persons and papersgur the
purpose of inquiring why seventypersons had been
east into prison that morning be attempting to es
cape from bondage, and found on board the whoorr
er Pearl, atihe mouth of the Potomac ricer. Olc
jections haring been made, theroUtion was lost.
. .... „.
The contested election case Was ihen taken up
and a:speech made by Mew. Boyd,starkweather
and Duey, mid the House "Accrued.
COrtesimndence of the Itiitsbargh Gaulle
PtILLMIELTIIIA, April 15, 1818.
The Baited States Steam Ship Mississippi has
arrived at Bcuton,aolllYera Cruz, in fourteen days.
bringing sullies+ to the 4th from Yen Crux. The
news has twest received here by express and tele
Santa Anna haa reached the cow, under the
escort of Tilghman's Artillery.
The Military Court of Inquiry has tubousneti to
the City of Waahington.
General Smu has
impeached the testimony
Paymaster Beam
The genera! opinion - wee,tltt the Mexican Con
grese due not ratty the Treaty.
lieutenant Smith, with seven men of White's
Mounted Company, had deserted, but were cap
tured bye Guerrilla Chief who gavel them into the
possession of Governor Wilson.
Accounts received from Yucatan, by this arrival
give • horribly picture of events there.. The In
dians are b,sl=ing the towns and killing the inhab
[tante, with none to stay their pnogrese.
(This Paymaster llama is the min who lately
manned the authorship of the (amnia Leonidas
Letter, attributed at present to General Pillow.—
As Mr. Freaner testified that General Pillow flu ,
unshed the document, and that be (Freener) procu
red its •inaction in the Delta, it will be rather
cuh for Mr. Dams to make good his claim. The
(estimony in relation to thie tester is no doubt the
part impeached try General Scott.)
• " : PuilAnttants, April 18, ISIS..
The Store of General Patterson, together with
two extensive. Grocety Warehouses, on Water
Street, Won destroyed by tlre to clay. The loss is
very heavy..
' St. Louis, April IS, ISIS.
Thpuias ILBenton, Jr., Locofcco, has been elec
ted Superintendent of Public lostruction in lows,
by a majority of 300.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Phubargb Gazette
Philadelphia, April IS, 1648.
Flour—Sales of Weatera 145,930138.. Rye Mar
$3 73643 815 per bbL
Grain—Prime white Wheat, $1 4Q S 1 41 eta,—
Red, 111 37251 38, and rather active. Prime yel
low Corn, 92051, and dull
Whisker of Ills at 22. eta.
Grocerici=No change in anyarticle.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette
Bassuoite, April IS, ISIS.
Flour—Sales of Flossird Street brands at 53,411; .
City 14d1s, 54056,061.
Wheat, SI 40611 . 44; Red do.
51 33051 37.
Provisions—Lard is unchanged: barrel sad bulk.
Meats we in more demand, at previous rates.
New York, Aprd•lB,l94S.
Flour—Sales °lntim: Genesee at $6 25436 37
d Western, SG IN. The market is steady, b
11l no great demand.
Graiw—the markets are without charge.
Provisions—No sales are reported to day, that
are worth reporting. New Pork, $lO 121010,25:
sad Prime at 88 75, and nominal. Mess Beef at
SS 75t Citj packed held at 8,10 75; Lard, 61681
some held higher.
Cottotl-41n msnket is without clump
The market % giraerally, are quiet.
Clacricisv, April 18, 1818.
Flour—Salesi of a middling article at 81 371 cts•
Thema:a Mare sellers than buyers.
*tiskep--Balas at 131 cts.
Cank . ;Bsles of 400 bushels of prime yellow at,
28 cents.
Choteries—Are withers change.
Clurese.-Sales at 8k cents.
Provisions are without change.
The river is falling.
Duriag. the Protectorate, a church of England
clergymen, warmly attached to the house of Stuart,
wea wont louse the kith:hying prayer, which by
proper emphasis was rendered sigtufittant enough:
, Ott Lord, who hut put a sword into the head of
thy servant Oliver, put it into his heart also—to 1 :
do thy wilL"
QT U.S nut Pam. litaska—lryou wish to be sue
cesefhl In . any undertaking you most always 4the the
proper melee. , Merck., if you have a collet, use
Jaren Exrionnurr and be eared, for It intim proper
means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient MCA= U. COCO you use
Jaytie's Enwoionnt, which will immediatei overcome
the thus= which contracts the diameter a the tubes,
and thaeris and brings up the mucus which clogs them
up, old tit. removes every abstraction so lime respi
ration, while at the same Um all ingammation is sub
deed, and . a cure is curtain to be erected. Have you
Bronchithi, Spitting °Mood, Pleurisy, or in fact any
Pulmonary Affeenpn, Men his. Jaymes Expectorant
and relief is certain, and you will find that you hare
FerVererAttsburgis it the Pekin Ten Store, 72 4th
street sear 'Wood. joull7lll
- -
07- Hilt Rheum, Scurvy, Old Sores, Erysipe las, Bartwee Itch, Chaps, Bore Heeds, dote Beards, Pim
3011e11' Soap i aced by way physicians In this city
in curing the above, andw would not conscientiously
sell onless we knew it lob e all we state.
As a eounetic, the true Jones' Soap ie perhipe the
only anktie ever - known that removed iseparities and
cleared and beautified llutakln, making it soft, clear.
U 11.411 and wiute loan Infant's.' Sold by WM./ACK
/30N, Elfl Musty meet. • mull)
Err The mlfll AThe,eXprieston of some femsles la
vsteful norteer, , er Me repulsive,. course, !muddy,
yellow taw of ethers, excite. dingua.-the some whit
nudes. .Coold suet. Pent lwiludueed wt. of
the true:loan' C Soap, they would be
eursputied witb the chango..-Tbey would hare Wdell
elite, doer, white akin, Whilelevary disfigurement or
erujition would be ream:nand cured.
PaineaLitlVonca. — Persoziswhohave bought cheap
eOloterfelts and isoltedelts of this, god hare had no el ,
ketlinieluead, roust try this, the original. blind, oak
for Jame/Soap. Far sale at Ww. Jecuria's.l9 Liber
ty Wool.. mante
Din't has* a Foul lireatb.:d you tire, That
tarter shi ll ing Nails ofJousa. Amber Tooth Paste.
Will miteyear breath sweet, whiten your teeth, &a—
Sold UN LibettY al. rrostekl.herlt
EX190 1911 :1 0 . 111 -P!ka
Eie Oft it preisutindicales that thefts - 1;1r%. y k ,.
Zniabtatialcarapotiga Abe Inosifisgatitte ft-
I nnis Ode& VPDa 4144 "
making bithe adminisurotlort pprreeaa to =Man the
csecuthre by the cheap tlia usual _
staiesnents with winch' they gall the, Public Car on
the ere ofek~ctioa:~ To Spread the antidote whereser they iday leave"
their poison, we shall issue a campaign paper at a
price so modernte — as to place tt in the hands of
every itc_ 4 4:Whig inthif in the
. -
hands of - all thoie who love their 'country with an
enlarged heart, anthwho desire to sea our glorious
constitution, for which our Fullers Emelt axed died.
preserved hum the danger of being .tom into a
thousand fragotenta by an unprincipled and mi.
guided flaiol2, whose entire and deemed object is
to obtain power and the voila : incidental there
to, and for the sake of which ibc3e are ready and
willing to tHetifiCe every princtpleof right and jos
tice its well as of Law and order.
. The "Gasette",han never yetbeeu found wanting,
in its duty and devotion to the .great interests of
Wade= Pennsylvania, (with which it hu . been,
identified for neatly thrum:laden of a century and
we taunt° be Mond in the loremoat ranks, during
the Coming campaign. When the National Conven
lion composed of the chosen patriots of the republic
shall decide uponthe man who into be-sumo Pres
idential banner, we shall enter Into his support
with all the energy and industry we posseaas, and
throwing away the scabbard tightfitr the good old
cause, so long an the enemy keeps the field.
We shall pet upon oar banner, an one oftbecanli
nal principles Mr which we amend, A PROTEC,'
TIVE TARIFF, one' that *hull genera to Mona
living on American sollinhe.laborwequisile to pro.
dace our own iron, our bwo cotton, oar own glass,'
our awn salt and in abort all that intquisite for
our comtart or.; convenience that cab be made at
home. We shall go for the good farm' ers policy of
baying nothing that we can produce ourselves.
' We shall demand too from the next administra
ilon. appropriations Mr the imptprement or oar
rivers and harbors, and atoll insist' that' a part of
the revenue we contribute in raising, ahal be
expended for our benefit and not all Le
given to support useless wars, and greedy, y,
worthless odlceboldera, and contractors of the
We shall go for those who wilt give us a
entment.administered upon the most econon
male consistent with honor to the position we
Copy among.the nations of the earth.
We shallAo for non-interference in all Eurol
politics either by direct action or the most rei
implication - , believing that our true destiny i .
mind our own business, within our own bou rdi
rice, and recommend the virtues and advantage
'of our form of government by our example on
not by arms or diplomacy.
We shall oppose the acquisition Of any 140 e
territory, and shall insist that, no means 'stud b
spared to restore no to an - honorable peace sit
our sister republic. •
To thcae:who approve the declarations we hove
nude, we now. appeal and ask them to aid us in
the dissemination of the creed we lay down.
The Weekly Gazette of the 10th of. June will
contain the National Nominatiorus. We will com
mence on that - day and send the Gazette until the
the result of the Presidential election is known
upon the following terms:
To one, address,
Ten Copies $5,00
Fifteen copies ........ ......• •• • 7,00
Twenty " 9,00
Fifty " .. . ..... ... 20,00
• Cne hundred copies - 35,00
No package will be , Made up containing leas
than fire copies, the whiCh $.2,50 eta. will be charg
ed and so in proportion, for additional copies.
We would solicit the attention of the present
patrons of the Gazette to this matter and ask their
aid. The extremely lovi rate at which we offer
the campaign paper leaves but a small mown
over the actual expense of publication to no, and
&Hinders must be attended by imih. The money
can be sent to us through the past masters.
Tex lava Cosumarsc.—Dl.llPLatie, the inventor of
the best remedy for that Tearful disease, which has
ever been adored to the public, thus describes the
symptoms which indicate a disordered state of that im
portant man:
St - strums a, . inns.. .Law. —Pain in the Milt
side; under the edge of the ribs, increase •onpremise.
Sometimes the pain Is in the left side. The patient is
rarely able to lie oti the left side. Oometintee the pale
is felt under the shoulder blade, and It frequently r
tends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mis
taken for a rimusnatiagn in the ortn. The stomach is
affected with loss of eppente and slckness—the bowels
in general are costive, sometimes alternative with 14x.
The head Is troubledwlth'imin, aceompanied
dull. heavy sensation in the back part. There Is gdo•
really a considerable loss 'of memory, accompanied
with a painful sensation ot having /en undone some
thing which ought to bare beets done. A slight spry
cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient co -
plants of weariness and debility—he Is easily startle
his feet are cold or burning, and he complainif•
prickly scesatiorrof the skim His spirits are low; nal
although he is satisfied that exercise would be bench,
cial to hiss, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude
ermegh to try it- In fact, he dint...every remedy.”
Herc you any or all of these sr.:vbs.! • Call and
purchaserbox °ills. lirlAtie's Pills, at the Drag Snore
of .I.• KIDD Co., GO Wcvid street aplo
Ils.ur or Comoro--iikle Taut . the Hal
and Grey—lf you wish a rich, thrilYient head of hid
free from damtrut and sear!, do OM fail to rot
ermine Balm of Colombo., In omen of b aldness.
will mare than exceed your expectation. Many wh
Aare lost their hair for 20 yam have had It removed I
Its cro r perfecion by the. me of tkiis balm. A
moWtiotit aliPcmt to be no obstacle whatever; i
al. causes the Enid to doer- with whirl the delimit .•
hair tube is Bled. by which means thusands tw •
• •
hair was grey as the Asiactic Eagle) h
ove had tbei
hair restored to Its cannel f ee tcolo by he use of this Inval
uable remedy. In all oases of fer it will las found the
snom pleasant wash that cur. med. A few applic.,
dons only are necemary to keep the hair from tailing
mu. It ltrengtheell th e rood, it never fails to impart •
rielsglomy appearance, and as h
er. perfume for the toilet
It is unequalled; it holds Mice Mas much as other
miscalled hair restmatirm t
is mom effeetual. The
genuine manufacusred by Comstock b..C0., 21
ram. New York.
`Mil in Potsburgh, only genuine, by AVM. JACKSON,
CO Liberty sr bead of Wood; iu IVestungiou, by
S & weeny bol
; in Brownsville, by Eknoet & Crocker,
in Ckhotivb , tOri by Dr. Vonel; also, by our agenistni
overflown in Pa., Ohio and htiL novlbd&vilkoT
0 - Tka etrnackts snangely destraellve to the hu
ms...Bd. (or anti the sudden change from heat to
cold, and the smoke causes yellow, dark, coarse com
pletion.. Theo it is requisite that the pores of the shin
amid ho ficllfottenathat their mouths should be need
from impority—llsres thus the ancient Roman Philo,o
phers cured all diseases—they gomputed that morn
diseases and unhealthy vim. • led through th
the cores of the skin, than any ether outlet of the body
It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all
humors are Xispelled frotettie slim .froos the poser
wheuthey es
. wash with Jon' I
Chemical Soap.
hare seen it core the worst 'and oldest eases of Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Ebro; Barber's Itch, Sore I lead,
,Biugworm, when every other [Mental end external
relnedy had faile d
-'-(oreffect rendering the ' skin white,
clear and son, though it be yellow and coarse, is won
derfal—ii removes Freckle. T oo , Smburn, litorphew,
and d i sfigurement ,of the skin—bat persons most
be particular and ask for longs Soap—to be had in
Pittsburgh al Writ: JACKSON'S, sign of the Big Boot,.
iglieny st Price CO cents.
137•T0 S amoar Mss :ass Ontna—ConncllN
Magical Baia Benecter—lt !snow conceded by mein.
cal men that Connell'. Magical Pain Extractor, mans•
beamed by Commixlc I Co, 21 Court/and ss. N V, is
the greatest wonder of the nth century. lts acme ate
truly miraculous. All pains are removed from bunts,
maids, &e. % and all external sores. is a few minutes td ,
ter its application; healing the , tame oa the mosudeli
cam skin, leaving no mar. It is equally beneficial in
all kinds of inflammatory diseases, such as sore Nip
ples and Eyre, Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling
Bnd Ulcers. Bruises, Bunts. Chilblains, Eryalpeln,
iles, Tie Dolpreanx, itc. We might add Reproof to
all we my, the names of many =mem physician. who
.91, it in their practice; and hundreds of the clergy who
it their people. Kind parent keepit constantly oh
band, in ease. of accide nt by Ere, life may be lost with
out it, but by . its me all burns are subject to its control,
unless the vitalsare destniyed. Cannon—Remember
and an for Council's Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by. Comstock & Co. N Y, and no other.
Sold by WAI. JACKSON, Agent for: Pittsburgh. W
Liberty st, head df Wood. tioilbd&wlen2
HUD: Rue!—Dr. hi'LantOa Venuifuge kr expelling
100 —Mtoaibbiag Cute! .
"Feeling km be • duty due to my fellow bolop,
lay before them alert which me& place not long mane.
Gut fa/l I called ou Armen Ilyrold & Co. of Wdliatree
town,' N. T. for loom Worm medieine, and they' re.
'commended Dr. Ill . Lane'sVermlfuge, at Warm speci
fic. I took a bottle home ands.* a date to a child
aboct years old, and to my great astonishment it
brought away 83 wormy. I soon alter' gave another
doh. to the same child which brought away about lb
more, Makin some wormi in about 10 boors. I
have given to other of my children •nary effectunlly,
and can cheerfully recommend it to all.
Amboy,Rah, th47."JAPHEi' C. ALLE,N.
The mine article can he had at the Drug }Kora of
I KIDD &a &
Co., No 00 Wood meet. 017
Err Citii.lll OM honorably swanked that the follow
log are the actual !qualities of a as. bottle dictate Co-
111 Hair Boston/me. If they .dqubt our word. limy
cannot these highly respectable titiLo3lll, who have
tried is
Mr. Gm Beckett, fA Elm st, New York.
Mrs. Madlta Beeves, lilynld avenue, Brooklyn.
Mr. ‘Yin. Tompkins, 92 King 64 New York.
Mr. Thomas Jackson, EIO Libeny at, Pittsburgh.
12. E. Cullen, law barber steamboat & America.
And more than • hundred•others state, though this must
'aloe, that It wiltforce Wahairto grow on the heed or
fata k etop it falling olf, strengthen the roots, troweling
&ear( and dandrut from thecroots. and =Mug light, red
or any hair assucng • fins darklook, and keeping dry,
harsh or wiry hair mois4 soft, clean and • beautitul, •
very, very long time. Sold at WM. JACKSON'S 69
Liberty at. : mar..'{
IrrYellow Teeth .d putrid breath; . ztes like rouen death,' •
I a re and dinguating.
All d have teeth es white es pearl,'
Sweet breath—hard gums—man of girl. •
•.,.• Why deleyt—nan quickly haste
And use • tio; ofJones' Tooth Paste: , •
It cogs but In cents, .4 is really a beautiful a.m.
It giyea the teeth a aim ...el. Sold in Pittsburgh
Sp Liberty et. • sereliediedy
117 - Vott foolish, silly old fellow, mid Ibis, and be no
longer bald whiskarless and bald.. • Mr- IV. Jack
son, of 80 Liberty enemy Pittsburgh, Pa.eartilles on the
3d or Febmary, 1647 that hlr.lloa. liteluton's head,
on the top, was entire?, bad for 16 years, and that by
Imbue two 3s bones o Jones` Coral Hair Restorative,
the hair is growing rut and thick.
Sold in Newark - by 5.'01,1:03 k 110N,278 Brood e, R.
VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad and Nantucket st.
rete C irpe r =m b rol bj e folo w ts d trtrefuT h e bo2 r ortn i' es
Amber Tomb Pomo, It Anxious Me sweete us dm
beebtb.Ao. MAO Utterly It. •
PT Ladies who usa Jones' SParrialr 41iWirita, hire
. always a filar white transparent akin. Of thin er trial
will - wig,. any urea. Sold only in PiUsbarahort
LrilwrtY It noellidandurly
117 To ins Iles axe Lunt.—btintsteclea igetVe and
Bow Liniment and Indian Vegetable Ellsle Is the food
Beffectual cue for Illtentnat/s. Sold by NV/11. JACK
'eg. Anita for . Vitutbarga nee ItildavreenT
se—Tbe Genuine Hair' Irintta . flt
is att article more justly celebrated a. a oare fur the
shore then arty or all others.- Its dares are ahnost
numerable: Sold by.WM. Apra for Pitts
burgh.- ,
"That whiter akin of here than anew,: ~ -'
And pure as monumental alnbaster.” .
All female. have ekfit like the abOve, who use /ones'
Spanish Lily %nun. It maketh puts snowy, yet Ella.
rally white. Bold at iti Canasta street. mule
- , ..,'-,S• Mitt., ' - .'l
Jiaxerrox*4tamge, •' ,
* iateig H
.. It
* ad astablistaistsis r..
.4,4 ranied pat 84.4. kosi t ,
*dot far balts, Se tor odrar *a pleasYlkdor
OlitArith II <Atli* ita Itathtt ottrseletetolte ablate !hr.
toish them on as asordble • tesms as any.,etter . .es s lgt t
:diso, =Wagtail! aed Castings or ersri description
wades had at the shortest maim
, Rarasededs—C s pt. Hob t. Beer, Thomas Heott, Esq.,
Church, Carothers Jo Co, H. Dearly. F..a .61 , HAeo tt
Cta i , " CrPHIAN - P
apldtdot , — -ENOCH WAGNER:
_ --- -
XVEIV BOOtfl at the &polio Buildings. eth street—
The Military Lifts ofJohn, Date ofltarlbarough,
witti colored map.. byi A Allison. , -
cotia Vol. Chalmers' •PosthumoociVorke—Scrip.
.Headings. .• • •
, Th e Life Mimes Chaim in be historical connection
and historical development by Augustus- Henna..
Tnumlated from the IN German edition by John Mc-
Clintock and Chas E Blumenthal, Pmfesson io Dick
inson Golfe!,
Fourth Vol. Pictorial History of England. •
Nons. and Them' by Dr.• Warren, mho, of Ten
Thor-mad &Veer, and others too numerous to mention.
Gall and iee. apt, I L READ.
Gm. Journal copy,.
Dissolution of Partnership.
.11E partnerehip heretofore existing , between tbe
eubseribers, under the . firm of,J. Damson & Co.; is
mu day dismayed by mutual consent.
Apripi4 FL l ON BONNIIOH:Siqc.CO.
DKISS COODS.—A A MASON fr. Co, t 0 Alaiket
street, have just reed a splendid assorMent of
profs trioods, sonong-which may he found--Fivared,
plain, plaid and griped &rage- of all . confine;silk
tissue, mohair stripe%4Oreendiers. satin stripe de
La plain do Satin, Cliallim; fancy Silk, French
J./meets., he. ke. apiS
WAUEHOUdE FOR.SALE—Thesubacriber
offers for sale the three story brick Wvehonse
on Wood street, occupied by. It:Tanner a Co.
It rents now for SIM per year.
apt; 'WM. WILSON, jr...
QUNDRILI.sets Feathers; 7 do Ginseng; Mdo
Flaxseed; I do Wool; I tierce. Rassted; IS bbl.
No I Lard, to arrive on steamer Oswego; for sale by
by spin ISAJAII DICKEY L Co, trout et
URENCII thi ai
r tendon of gentlemen to' his assottnient of super .
Frerich Cloths told Cliseimerea lately. received, nob
black and euperior finish, at low prices for quality.
gni Y
CLINTON CRAPE SHAWLS --White, ;arlet and
Ij - drab; imam:antacid lately received at Dry (:oat s Haase of . • spill W R MURPHY
7'ITANTED—SI,I4O Eschangc'Hank Stock 'wanted
to Ty by app J ORTH, 27 'rood it
WHIZABEANS-300 bl e for sa H le i t;
13EACHL-c.llO tannin atom and fop r ole by
T ARD-50 bbla Nu I, in 1.00101 shipping ardor,
aale !pp ISAIAH DICXEY_3 Co
tibia Plantation MOIAMCf, for sale by
aplO JAMES DALZELL, 24 quern
L AL .p III , SOA P-100 bas No I S.olltftlElleiziy
N 0.3 MACKEREL —IOU bltl3 I bnulded WT.) fin s j ae
}era° tres for sale br
CORN MEAL —lOO bble kiln dried Corn area
V. reed sod (Desalt by Sk W
53 writer arid WI front •
BACON-40,0001bs Dem . reel . boa for .. le by •
BULK - MEAT-1O bukillims and Shoulders, 'sea
and for sate by spin ATIVOOI/40NES &Co
SUGAR. HOUSE ItIOLASSES—WIt bbls in stare and
far sate br Wit ATWOOD, JONEink Cer
CornoN—OXl bales ltrissiuippiand Tennessee.: Cot
ton, for sale by AND .11.TIVOOD, JONES kCu
cukti prime_
UatteFß7o2iEßS—l4Sn.432,,aof7vote cola
Il[tal i t g l m egts
, Kentuel,- for sale Inv to close
.131tp1VN Jk CIIIERTS . O:4
G r a t i re N r — sa l l aLl e b bM alt, P6'uo, per GEOutolier•
EPSOM &M SA 10 bblo
j T;
I Tr t T i' t y
eery d for sale by
No 4 SCU ry,
M/N.I4AM= &
411443MA8ie ACID-4 easeejten reed eded for side by
I IHLOROFOREI--WitA. isisity- ad its '
M A F., sale by
IURIATIC, d Arctic dads: tug reed
lkt b4HANNOCK POT/CIPE97S bbls Nest...A
11 Potatoes, just landing ind (Jr .ale by • .
S & W . 11.111111.117011, ci3 'stuns& 104 fel It
LARD -45 bbl. No I Lai* in stern and ko sale by
apl? Dk W ILARIJAUG if
Pollk—kk LISA M Porkytido prime da, instore•
and tor sole Iry optO k W HAM:IA/70H
CORY MEAL-40 bbl. Just reed and formula by
_ J C IClVELL,2lydrAmalaril
Cmarlo-50 . prune yellow. corn, 111.10Ie and f •
sale by uplb J C BIDWELL
S . s‘ . .a. „ l - 14 . —Zs bbis io won, and far ale by
I)WiS3-25 kW. small wkl Beans, for sate by •
IV OC:Iva),000 lb. No I Railed .0 10 by
HIDE. -DOD Weriere Ilidevoia head and for .ale
tYI W YOUNG k Co, 143 Wien) . et
SICITITING—WO lbs bon dualtry Skining Leather,
just received ind fatale b
apl7 W YOUNG k Co
31 C TIT, alma and . ''LL 7.7 " Sh i awls, j 'd
and for sale by apt] 8 CIELETT t WHITE_.
113BONS—A foil aalonment of black and eohred
Taffeta, and new styleslane Bonnet and Cap
blame for sale by 811ACELEIT & WHITE,
;pH Ir 3 wood at
C ULE . .E . p . — „ l d t , ttaartt Etta Cotree, landing
apt! JOHN F IE EiILWORTII, 27 wood it
QCOIIetIED 8.111:113--13 casks of good quality,' ia
47 atom nod for sale by
7)AILLEY-10D bus Ibirley;in more and for Pale by.
' • -S
Q U(1411-47 btN — prine N Sugar, in sore and for
0 rein by • •, L S WATEHIdAYL
34 water and O fennel
foLASSOIo—CAS bbl N 0 Molasses, in oak bbls, (or
AU, sale by •Pil L S WATI.I23IAN
RICE—Is lien. prime Hire, for sale by
Q COAR-12 Mitts NO Sugar, in store .d for. yak
1.7 low to close consignment, by
CRE&SE•IOO boo just re c'tl etild fat sale by
/ ILOVE/1 SEED-14 bbl. for ral e by
D R' HERRINO—I4S lam frost, km sok by
opl? WICK k 111 , CeGLES8
QCORCIIINGS—Io casks tioorobbore, * pan obi - c - I1
prime, for role by opl7 I. WArERIMAN
DRIEDAPPLE.7.-.40 cooks Oriole by
8 AC4: , 7 :-10,.900 /bs nabob, asso i rld i‘ tol sale , V tisr
CLOVER SEED-24 bus primetloveraV o lz
and for sale by apt: - L. 13 WA
TIMOTIITSI-lED—A kw bolts Timothy Seed for sale
- - -
O. SUGAR-130hhtle to and for sale by
- 71,7 -
U. MOLA.l.l . l.3lllbtili,, s pima ankle.
A 940ETED LIACON--bdcasks, for sale by
CODA A5ll-10 casks 9oda Asb,mtient,Alkati . 4olsnr
pet Engkah teat, or 90 per cent American trig
in Caro cud for arta by 01 IV, - HAREM:OIt, -
' !aplik ' ad stater ansklD4 from sr . •
P9tatoaxi‘justi salerec,4 per nmr
Cllpper.No 2, contguTen
. .o Ly
Apl.3 GEO LOCURAN, t 9 wood
SYRUP—aubbls received and for sale by.
apl3 TASSEY &11111 T
. .
1171/001VLST—.500 tizlO goss;MO dd lam
Ty do; NO do lOilt to 1412:' 1, instate end for sale by
'DOTATOkZ-75 bids Neshannocks, hut reedliy
DACON—I cask Shoulders; I do ffideq I do Hams,
.D just received on nottugnment and for sale by
spl3 TASSkIY &11}..M*-
Cahn,--03bides'rvineiweCotton ; •63do Minw
iippi do; in more and for Bele by
apld • ' • IVE.If .014E1 , 470 front
- ----
SUO46 do hbds pnme N 0 • Sugar; lido Fair de, in
stoio and for sale by apld , WE.yII3OWEN
ItAMSINS-100 bat M H Raisins, Imo reneired and
Or *ale by RUILSIUDOE.,* WILSON le Co,
• water at
Toed and for
14 sale by apl3 BURHItIIniE. WILSON &Co
ACON—ZWAPO Ws Bacon Brno.; ii&lX do o.sidev
312,000 do do Shorddenc city smoked; in sole and
for loner by • ' • 'S•t W HARBAUOIL
jj IDES—LOD Dry Illdes In morn and for sa/aoi
-11.11 gad .14 W LlAl4l3Atall
I IANDLES-150 his Mould Ceindlis; 40 do Dip do, 011
J 's.," and lot 44.10 . 10:
A TINEOAR—V) tbls Sherman's eakribt.Ciller Viae- ,
y gur, la um waiter-sale by ..
..._vit a & IV HARBAUGICI
.Fivo,ul. ia IS —173141. extra Family Flour, In non Ilitta
by 'p &lr HARDMAN •
OT ASII-2 to. Pot A2ll Ar
roorline; for sale by .jt nonisoN ° -°-
.003 .t•
. - -----
T ARD..43 bbls No !Lard; :,.0 kegs do do; jou -Teed
:Li ond for skle by apl3 "ILROBIBON d Co.
~ „. --- i , , , , - 1 ,
Dotter; ro,e kg• Butter; re. , d
B. per E BI;le;;Itrigl. - tiozli
o • - noDisoNa. co
_______ ________ It
CI.UVEIt 81,11U—r4 blab Cover SeedJuetroe'd and
for We by.- aptH .I'OlNnexTER ac o •
C Orl o Ni—fil bale. prima, ant tech! sad for vale by.
CORN —Na lanbeli (bra tar sale by
nr ig : • ;VICK .t.:AIeCANDLEB.9
DEAN ALIO bble walll.bile, (4 7 .1 i uele by'
aplo • WU% &161cCANDLISS..
I) R lp i r.'"'"°,%ftral'atleiNDus
' bbl.
rinII4OTHY•I9/I+l7-4 sacker°. sale by •
J. •rtn • • 'mu: a biacasDiimS
~Ws4—Qq b:s :sb, Bllb and 16114 W'ioJaiv Ulm
foriuk Ij .p; - )p{IN URIER
.11LtAdilitEL.--10 t ht MAC. No 1 Blaskerel,• Y.. do do
at No S do; le ob. ;Co 4do 0O do do 3 do, for le
it. Co
i " •V
''* - E't •
n • Paid." Silts ifiDijAoirlol% , , N, , ,,
• ONthiraday marnhag,WWil*lsll Wr
moomerdal, /WU Saem..OPMez.o( !reed mei^FlSit
ors, will he fold, itifheit whiten* eta n agtonsihiAlawa
meat of freak seasonable AT Audihaenelesseg
are soperllna cloths, canditures, tweeds, whams, cra
vats, bleached end unbleached obtain!, while, zed aid.
eliow dennela linen ddillogs„ summer etripe, tamer
4 Fienchlnta InglitdrandAaliglearr prime; Wet
and Scotch iserns r Arituon ausl Manchester gingham,
linen and tonna; check, , diking, makers, furniona
Prime, luaus andssontnions. essmateres , an..
dentine, balsarines and lustros, Irish, Ftanch end Cite
.min - knew, me inn, culdnem,crape and moos de
labia' shawls, handkerehleb, ezeu
hisek satin, sewing olkointatins, colored crapes,
alpaceas, madam, Swiss and book matins, gloves, he
eletT, laces, insertings,relicalee, parasols, Para selettee,
umbrellsb he.
A Itu:ge
.e ars, of glassware, quesassisser II
tint, tobneco, wars, confection , dross and Fedi-
CUM& A general essonnamt of d fannums,
wane which am mahogany secretary,' boot cue, 0 .7
he, dreamy ami cononommt, soles, alibied, ma
homy chairs, : tables, bonneeda work and wash
lo o k m tablea buy and ectounon chairs, toamol
clocks, oing glasses, carpeting, k.e.
. At 7 o'clock, p.
n.d....,"entlery, jewelry, told
es. boots, Ithaca hue, ups, undtellasimaddles,ldidles,
Week., vddlitt, coin spectacles, wader., braces and
belts, books, letter cap writing roper, ready nude'
clothing, Caney e, he..
Vie . • . JOHN D ' I
Splendid Bred 'heeding Row and Ferri Ada
tag Ict Imam T ct! Asectuni;
Saturday afternoon, the Sal at eglock,
will be sold on the premises, that spit • two Wary'
bricl i neauthouse and lot, lately ocerreded by blr
very handsoftiel;=tTo n tie age Sten=?Ugltt
read, andausats edjacent thereto, embrselid! beautiful
dwellings, • plan of which - may be wen
nt the auction store, to at the house cd Wm Applegate:
Terms, one.fourth cash, :midget annual
peplum's, with Interest • , •
enl7 • • • - • JOHN D DAMS, Aurt,
• • •
Drugs; ltridithees, te, u: it rietiun.
011 Thursday allemoon, the loth but, of I "o'clock,
at the Commeteial Roles Room eon., of Wood and
Fifth edema, will be yobl the emirs stock ofdrogr, med
icines, kc, of a gentleman declining that, business, eat
braeing am extensive amortment of the leading articles
In that branch; also, dye woods, elms jars, Um:tures,'
bottles, medicine ease, asurtm, &e, • , .
apt? • • • ' JOHN D DAVIS,'Anct
• Mahogrury Veneers ere Anetion. •
. On Wednesday . a:lmmo, tbelielelnei, at lo'ckict.
al the Commercial Wes Room, corner of .Wricsl and
nth strets, will be wild six hoses' a malnininy rd.
;leers, good ...uthd at • 6063 kat, ou a credit
0(3 months, tor approved endorsed notes
• Orphees'Court Sd. e Rol Edw.
Oo Tuesdey, the Bah Met, at 10 oclock, will be
said without reserve on the premises, by outer' f the
administrator ofthe late B idcLenan, dee , di Stontign. -
ous lots of ground situate ou the west aide of Orant
'commencing at the miner of Oth et, having each it front
of ZI feet, extending beck 60 feet Alm, comMoons
lots of ground, having each a front* feet on Blinks;
between Grant street and Cherry alley, and ex
back 19:. feet. Also. Slots of' ground in the Oil Irani,
(meting on PIMA flea and Factory
Forl- particulars ate land : • D
DA .
Vliv ,
144 JOHN
.50 •Spiorsfitl Oil Paintings at Americas. ••
• ON Wed...der. the 19th lesson 11 o'ckek,, P. Id, at
the commercial sales room, corner of anted nod. gab
sot, will be sold a large collection of Ivry superior Oil
paintings, in bandanna gilt (mines; embracing ;a great
variety of seams ID Dove and Amoefro erhlcabar ,
been eretated by some of thebestpilata of this e,
- - -.ate 0 the best ....ale( a cella,
try. Catalogues will be reedy, unapulutiogs arranged
for ersothastlou previous to the sale. '
• . 0/iipair huge airs Goa Grey. Barns, five :ye
old Bad very genda... Apply to JOHN DDAVII3,'
spo - comer of wood sztd sth ni
C. S. romm Manager , and Lemma.
AIchTNEMDAY, APRIL IS, 1948 to comae:lee with
Mt. Flighty Mr_Whaiam.
Alm Trictrac ... •• • • ..... . ; ; .344..Peuie. .
,To be 'followed by s"
. •
TRAY ROPE PERFORMANCE, by MenxiiiNinthirs.-
: To conclude voids
Er.wruit.ErniFtieganarys- Phy,
woloreally end Mentally oosnadereux ATO Extv.:
mewl LerWres, llionday,Taestey,Wedneithey, Than .
day and Friday, April 17th,18111, MOM and sue
LA ROY MVOS/WAND has the pleasure of an.
noonqng, sts above, a clone al: Expo rhaentel Lee.
awes, la which he roll attetopt ievelopmew of the
law which produces the hlystenes, NLerka . sad Feli
cities of Hama tisane, by a seeks of result. indwell
in then:Ends otitis •odience, Ecstatic, Xasieal, Kittle
[EP. Leetent te , ldetHes ea We awl Health, ea Suer-'
day, at 3P. M. &zee Tletete.l3 etus—ele hor ,111. 1.
To be had et We Hell,lWmt 8 4.lit.' IP. at
the 81. Chad. Hotel.
• , Nathans , .
N A.T 10 N C'.l R 8
VllO5l 'the National /imphitheamt, Chatourstreet,
conaintsig of • Irpludiet talented coat
rati.ri,=;Dnir EVULN=4Igai,VA
foe short- «moo, ala *sad email to trout of dm
Th; &Rowing lug popular pagoimer,
OM . r may IA the bo
ei . ITZI=4 43 =DV. r .
.Y 12 = t r1a444 . 121UrM1 K .M...1r 1V1117 13& 1.
, . • .
-... . „ •
idatirake4ss coal. fll(vr No ballprice. Doors open as 111—penee to commence ml .
. Fur particular; of perionnauce, look it 'privarnme
• teach day. •. . . , ' - •010
. .
_ _______
's Great Serial-Pancreas^ of
- Mexico,. at Apollo Halt, 4th street.
TRE highly gartering reception of this Great Atoning
areciateas inthwgh mui
boa intineen the pinpnetor 4:itch:Min a fear evenings
longer in tba city. The painting .oceoplei nearly ton
Miles of estreeee.; on vahkh Is nutifollY repreeetned all
the hattle-fmlaa, Oder mien and cities en the lines of
emotion by the two gnat Melaka* of. We AM/tee.
Army tonlarlienn Sant and Taylor, dm whole form-
ing the most delightful *enema' oared for
peiblie exhibition, ninl 'conveying an meanie idea of.
thin canonry -o which the eyes of the world hareorith
more or leas utleteet, teeen9Y lamed.; For N.V...W.
. Adolittanee;ls cattle: timritopen ni 7 ii`e!heli..
To oowaitay Merebants. ' '
A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station.
ary, to., tattable for country antra among which
{rating Papers, aide, medium and common grelPe
Letter Paper
om do do do do
Note Pam do do cht ,i, — do
N and Letter &melons* :
Slams, Pencils, Wafers,Raills andßteel Penn,
Window Pope. (yard wi de ) plain and printed;
Datums Boardsof &Karen! qualities;
Blank Books, In Met vermin
Family, School and Pocket Mame
Grown, =dime, and'donble crown wrapping patter;
hictione's Eclectic, Speller. an 6 Headers; . •
Roy'. Eclectic Matheson:a; . .
Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Hodder;
Arithantics, by Adams,Devis,Colbarn, finsith,Stock
todfEmerson,addathere. : .. -_
tworphles, by ELitchell,Olney, Sande, Morse,Good
ley,and other. - .
Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Rallions, Weld, and
others. -For rode at low prices, by .
• :11 kivrnr OR;
SI woad at, ddoor. above Ilth.
The tither market price paid kw good mixed non,
NEW DRIJOBTOR.E. :7- ', 7-7
T ff h ß a:: b " 6b :T'yr 'd :lfrg tW ß"' n 't:n n ear... a"
of Fourtb azd Satith e rem sreets. g . g"g .
Believing that the went. of the exienaive mmulgloti
eut of douthield street will inetitY him, h e en neared
no expense in Biting •up the establielinteln, and ts de-,
mounted to keep no articles bet those ofthe best
ty--of undoubted purity and remanent.: . •
A full moment of 'Medicine., Perfitaseig, and end
elm. away kept is an establishment of the -Mnd, will
'.Heeler Ms dwelling in the some building, all..Wght
calls will be attended Is psnoually, .
The lindens. will be continued ei henetokmr, at . de
old mud =Market street.
'Es ]llllalllil4 ' Pl ic RIVES
OBERINON a notterm Rockford,
Duque lowa, General Land - Agem and Collectors.
To persona holding lan& I Tom, goatimn Wham
ain sad Norther. Ilitsoison mold .rate that wears,
Pttliorsa to tomaila thepgneot of taxes, Banns:log
among Real Patine, Pereelocan of hlortgagn, and
Collection of Deins gemarally, dirt_s=".4Olt
coqpitry.- They ars afro an,=4 , AlifsPr of
on l y Part of thaw .. o 37, atk , th e .othitdOn al *a
Potilut Lands ' , its WI, ousels, mler mint* timber.
To ho dm camel Warman they would atm iikat
from their intimate permaal toewledge of the ahoy*
coontry, thay ponces antisaal facilities for tha locating
Lanes, Mlle the Lauds In this retoa of koaartry nib
/met to loestlian' are anstopasseg &hammy/minty,
and other advantages, and are fast ling lap with an itu
damious and enterpriaing popalagen 71.0 Mathias.
don of Railnaid improvements around the great lakes
will installment), this region of (venial—a geirtk
aa of
the on leading ftom Mena to the gigastialeg i
Pm totes n* of Constriction. '
_ JOHN A. 11OLLAND,DabElocir ~
staramics...glint Waones,Parralolt
lowa and WhanalM,Datiogin,fasugi.ildtto
Chleastc, Afaey Drina, Detrolg Edward Taylor,
Cinema* Thootas Pitnanee, LOll/1,
TllEstabaeribenleith iadleartlve . jiablid raaettie
that they are cow opacdag a Nor and luxe - mak
or Mos, Wag, gateaserare, Entamsla and Finer
eitiapthdeg the lama sad moot ikahhalable pat
letuof ~n
Enna Chita plain and aold-band Dinner jell; .
do do " • Tea , • "
Flowing tans ch orstr patterns) Diaa .
A IrtealyarietyofTea Hsu, &Am—
Britannia Breakllist and variety grim, .s
SetN mamnaqualalas;
Maunall allele "QuemesClothla,”
Filial Lamps, lCornellua, maker) - •
&embss wers, and bond madman am lashed
to examine oar anonmant of was* suitable for their
Country Mamba:its east ILsd a laSita Met oi sulkies
sultabta for country, mdts, watch we mill ma at. tea.'
Our stock being entirely nem, vra argellad ofhe
Int able to please all mac may favor as will Oak da.
.1 . 9..n4.4aterL. • ani.e.ogrrt.:
- t i mEDDIRANTEt — WANTED.,ACsitastIoa, la a
erboletale at- retail Dry Goode estabtietarsent,
mama boo b
e, r a prong amp artaabas bean.
tome yeari to tea buckle.. The arm bestrefereare
tan be riven.' Apply to J. A, at We OEM: -- • -
Me adeartiserti well 'maimed talk* West.
,rnittitilutaw reatbeWle
tow ,Tap• Murdered, Abat'atti' not but is
preen—crow per dabble to tbe Swat moblity;
mum Wm settebea den barn cabr A _lteitistb AM =bo o .
ems babbitt tordbred torn cdpetbd bobby
ed elks2 .. Ltel for oak by WIN I! — ITiOILPISON
TOIT TAOll—, dos Tow Yam Gm war m=
•Pll .NVIGICk.Mc
ti':'•: , HsTkAMBOAIL
. .
ET Lti Vt.
trurf il".3. iintr.dr..tacal, bral
and Moat powerfin home ...h.
.mat l msd n'i tha r
fortWme.-Noronad t mom ..
that marvel! fan
o — for arir
five prats
wagers. NU t lOW faj.
—has curled fb calltou be . 1 4 6. .„„,,
zu. thew canons. no boats ill
0 .., 00 ,„„,, K ,
.art ger
lion of framit tha MOO
ter. In rdl cum the motor money nuW
leave Pdtabargit ever! Naud•Y
Vilkeehat corny Sonday eventnif at 1 0 .
AlaY IS•
. ,
_ PACILETi. • -• •
BTONONOAIIII.A, pupt. finixt, *ill FraltPiFbi!
MuSti . Mlilolidlir morning at • Webek;.ll4*r.haig
- TVICSDAT rAcmarn,;. .•
The MIRERNIA No.'CapL lattritrairfe,
Ze 11., e ay ZOO .0
PlUabargh every. No. ad
_ref k•
Wheeling •Iretrf T1114.1,f evening at it) e.
• •
The . NEW WiGLAlsilie /No. 2, - Capt. ry. 114
leave 'Pittsburgh evety - Wedoesdity mdruing iv
weioet;whoetog axery Wediteaday evening at IV e. Y.
.The BEILLIAIS , Capt. GUM, will leave-iPiite
burgh every Thursday naming at lb Welocir; Whtellag
rt. CUPPER No.:, Capt , win j ern ,
every every Friday mamb. at 19 Welocki . 'Wheelitti t
every Friday everdeg at 19e. - •
1 4 A u mm ora, C.I S. Riaw, leive,
bujib. s. n wrd,y !toning at 10 otlack tV6 lies
evarySatarclay evin.o4 . •llo ' • -
• ... .. . : ceLeli corn; d
will leave foe Beaver Gloriosa and
Wellsville, on Tr/day, nanday;
and rwtorday, of etch week, at 9 o'qoak,... al.lernen.
lag. ori 'Monday, Wednesday! and , kledny: SOLO taw •
born Una Indulk. betaken Wood tweet awl 99 ,- Iwiltra,
pawed toneoive .
t tr t ettir v =t oil
1 .----'
IsAvimi AND Ruzymit P c1i617, •
CeiJiel.E. otart H ~ Y
elleals( winter !edam, Mar daily
Wipe to penes
a &MIS - an/111e, 'w ow Pltudlatolk °vo
n' at 9 Weloetiand Welluillasa a a eok,e,
la. '. dub'' ' , ' GFL HARTCI:S," lk CO . . J4,kkta. .
-- - Li Mlle
PITTiUEIVAGU 81101faiVnae/i
I."l" :%lMitiati t INS
ilia ; followurg new bean! entapiel•
the lbw*.r -the • present ticasok AT.
I.ANTIC,; Capt •Jasoce; Parkinenni;
ALTIC, Capt. A. Jecobej mod LOUIq
hPLANE, enpt:E Bennett. The boats eli:elithely
, ua., sod are filled op widueel regard to ejneme..-
ety comfort denim:mei CIkAprOCII. tits prerided.
The Boata . will knee the v.niongucti Wharf Boat all
the foot of Hess rt.: l'asseugres. will he Melt.' ea
[card. as the beets wW certatnly ,lesee,at, the ndve*.
deed Basra hA. Al: and 4P. ; .; • IrM
ns, The
4 Armand feat passenger Beata
paeke[ -
•••••• , •r TELEGYLAPIIO
'.l . Perry..contteander ; will leave lostisesiltilti Mai
coled. Wheelitrg: PAIN: VW me, WI • iseeneediate
Pan. every Sonnies'. al .3 o'flc:f i t i =teg. • ,
..For fre!shlmi DUNC.AIeAgat
TE4 TeWlipti has been built eipreasir for a regular
packet and with etym
ons itily to the Miniforrof pas
amsgeti;' the
sl e accommodati are. inferior so r o boat
FOR ST. LOUlS—Rzortsig P.apcsoia Papprr.
ILe hoe amen
P e w an tu' iner, Inn leavdG3r te
ve nod n
intersaidille . Italia CMb
. For freight or, pas.tsgearr . kr b0.d1. E 4
...• . . .
' - FOR SAULT STE ntemiiL ,
• Tile steamer
C 141.1144441 14 . 1. :fit uip
• t
F Foetoutstiut
The na. and fast sleaze.. LADY 'lMlleroasster,willteare firs tiarplatma
two •day ar.x,,For-ifetaht
or ptaaall apply on board v or .
- BUTLER &Dila Ars..
• ' • .The Etna near vanienee , . •
jrktitia: 111a014-
. ..gihneop, m ute, Ili far
ao aberro and . all late port*
Wadnavd. lush a i.lg n'elock,& - 3L; •
For freight pc pitfieme apply an Ward ar to•
FOR vnizethiia ANti Ranxlkwoirt s •
•Tpa mat and itabatannallow waxes
•Poabluter. pat ntainned Pei
away trip between Whealtag, Widgepoet
burgh, leaving limb On Dfandays
- • .11E9ULLIt PACKET- - t011:.1314:
The oew and flan' stesaiei ; -,:•-
phleztlemascr,t . l.leare fah' stove
day. sod tleleeteys of each reek.- Are ;flight ape.
sac ri p l ly . on . beard .
'Dorsey P ruxy. nerner,, lea lean
gulany for Meeting,' OP' igpllay,
Wednesday and Pruloyi arta o'cloctbreelsely?
• Leave Wheeling every !Medan - Thursday' rind ,Be•
Innlay, at 7 CO
a precisely, - ,
!rte co.' mill and ae aU Eisninteititealiab4rn
Every accornadance, gm Lan be premed cos.
!on and safe j = i iisserigers has beet gruel 7 The
boat is else with a selPeeting . eatery IA
=n i xie oleos.:
: pa! !let or yea
. . • , center of Lit end Smithfield as.
Thames ateawer.
Nelson, tauter, win ver y •aa above,
leaving , • Pinsbarga ••
Wednesday' ankFriday, at In Vokelf.,a. idd
nerscabela Gly every ToesdayThusday and Batuiday,
at B o'cloek, - s. S. Per fremht Cr' passagi'ap i pty en
, -•
. The new illat
A D' hiaster,,sill lean for the
boy .e pon every iVeder t 4y and ilst-
Eseetelitheel ararebeethe . lathe year gien: .0. , : 6 4.4
por n gemaytzheco% ecameeviltt
tees—auerexhibitiner, set *ll
ear the A ,:leeZes
They : now .penal &Yen/ # l les l 34keie,
.p"=°tifg '7 yew,
gilt ° ha v e uje
Cade sa d span
/wors azutrczar e !'" "
ONE, TO FlVRogfras
per yard below the prices Apeil wed:pip* ee.PEr
peened cal
.. s.e.aorteieh !ere curreled dell, for the
thiTtrie4 Vllittovsi;
Nair York, Juns 'Mao
tax Broadway, Ir•rr Y ark s
BerevAND JOBBERS es, ort:Sitetli_prin
-JAW Lace; Mefi
tabserb, Hosiery; Wm or LatiaTts":B7=nee,
, .They invite canary Mercleuxng New York,.
to examine their stock before A c, teerchsees.
Mr. Meer sras &Timmy yeint B.Yeleied T
mat k then which be totind mita lacorien.
1.844 &A Mr:lsmer Diek=teelieito Wires+ he
the trasiness,) woe also fa known ha that ankle-
t vi z a, = . , op glah ue l,r j =tims!
Itry4 beg /cave to receewaset hiettaihaltroaage
ufmy Soma CIWORICtS. • ,
, _aszciiirtmzroN
- , UfttZ, 4 6by the above make, tba; they ipabeiri
bilt bye poreltascal lialegton'eittlefeatin the above
bashtalv, *Web mill be reautplett at the shad, Na
121 Wood meet, where' he will be pleeeedv mama
all irho`auty ream Gold Leaf, Folloke.,:aott:he hopes
Ltrietoeaatioe le! Ida businc. and flay &aline, u.
ea' 11•014411011 tO tbol4l mho May faroehha end.
HREAD LACkS—lnat received; two neei. wide
71=d1 PM.; Fit." IRj M Per.1".4% W td Ne
st quarety. Algo, one carton pert/ print Lug O.
do Gimp Yon Mechlin do; VS tenon Cotton do; one do
bile WY din one de bili Ctgantilla Lane Pallghged br
1 . 1 ")" '• • • - &urn' & imam,
10113801 DE8IES-4itarrereired. GRAM
LHoe Franck worked Connie MOW d 0 kinnlia
mlsetue see do trimmed llobitg oae do , Lcs And
CapeN orie do nth/ere and endreed Lama
Hdkfe: and for We by f0pt418.7417114 - JaalSON
S T2,10,f
THE th/esi-pnee monk pald lb, 'god,
eine, eenvns, bele rope; twn..,..riko woo!.
ramika,br - - rug.
a, bill Pate 4. Derry
AWL i t alra l ittrAVAl l =V r :
de, o[ •ep.wperbr quipity. Cite customer& will be
supplied al soy Sew Oon 414 . 4 4 ,
..108}:111.IIIL VORT , AV,
.... „.
WtiPTE POECELAiN BEADS4Th. ..1,.... 1 .,„
itoviof iv:sired We voloAp,extefforwitar j ....
to PIA% Gam, Pivot, Molar and Bascpi.
Mimes Teeth, invites Doottat.' special mteolk os
. .417 - , - ~ • _, A , : ty.vood — mTl — ' dich ito
LIP AP j:I 3 :4 s . r sc " l "P'kteus. ,, , , eaths
§IINDIIIES-100 bags Cadge, Earg:g ra. sg..fu Tio
NJ N C Tar; Saab's Inge 3 . •
e te'reeee , e'Oilir GO bbi. cid.* Vinalgar_ a kat
offtxr .