M==22E= • PITTIBURONLy , . MONDAY TdORNING-APRIV 17. _ 1 ~,,,„TA d,a x=wssuu, 108THTIL nu and Sttbscsipsious to the tionh Ame Ina lumiliaiud *gulag:sue: PhiLadelpl.l44 , :I:y, , ISW finwsdolfrom ogee. uceivul . nntssizast Ds= Gaziszr : js psLlWed 'Pni4; Tn-Weakly, sad Wsekly.—The -Dsily is Seven usOnsit pas imam; lkr Tri•Weekly is Five Dollassper nmgcibsi Weedy is Tyrol Ikolisss per imam, sersr.dsr • . tgrAximintszo' are earnestly mutual the bond ' Lev anon lacforo f. P.*, told of catty in to day • . - FitsLlass'io Ocoasseretal Isuelligrasio.Dosseaus, Ma =lllvor . Mom, luspou, Mousy Markets ,ice. se MElrlikaa4 Aral-Marolato Norahritilin FOR CANAL, COMMISSIONER, MMIL aionLilswAt STII • or moos coolly. • • • Ike IP lilt Pas* Zee Miscellaneous Nsevitß PHA)* WASHINGTON isteXristing qw es betbre confirm. I ThC Committee of Ways and Means in the Hone of Representatives have concurred in the 'reCommendation of the Secretary of the Navy, by sating in appropriation of $2,000 for metectrologi• ~..enlobserrations, to be expended under the 201, of the Secretary of the Nary. The sum will lee expen ded out of the country , a fact to whiCh - we hare' an asjeMion whatever, if the neeessitie -thecotHntry require, bat what we do object to is, the while pablic Toner is expended is survey. hrg*isi Dead Sea, and in measuring the distances ancfpfeces of the heivenly bodies, the great West cannot bring ttni attention of the General Govern meat to our own meth and home. 'The West ap- Ilea» to be a sort of /era ismegeto to the Admin. titration:it Washington, while the Dead Sea alone, wiXt, Otter climes, are open to' the vision of our Another amendment authorizes a monthly pay inedt of MOOD towarditha contract =de by A. G.,ShrkGar thitransprniatiort of theZnails fawn N. York to New Orlearts;and from Ifavana' to Cita- pureed the House of Representatives On Wednes. • day,.'mainly embodying the retaliatory provisions, in order to compel the Government of Great Bri rnin_to act with justice towards the steamers And letters: from this country. It is perhapi a nevem remedy, bat the Government Lave been provoked to it by the course of the 'British Ministry. The conkra the Same poweei upon the President POst Master General as ore conferred apon'the Laois of the Tresiury by the- British Parliament. The power conferred is discretionary, mill may be removed by our ,Government, as sooting the Bra. irli authorities show any disposition to recede from z,tbe positionthey have taken. , 1 • 'Tot OiTICE REFORM, The Committee on Post Gificetarre under in ,struet4rin from the ifouro to repro( shill allowing newspipers ,to go free- of postage within thirty miles of the place, of publication. Public opinion tlie Lower House of Congress ix even in avor of reducing the rates of postage to n uniform sum of Ave ante Gm all distances and newspapers . to the . Vue of one mat, whether within or beyond Stale : ,tionwhries This ivy be the next postage reOrni Gassed from the Government: by the People; but the time is not fai distant when the powage on let ters will be two trate, with newspapers free. The prerentlaw is a great improvement opoa the past, but we far behind England both in postage re ceipts, tinder the penny rate, and in the prompti -7'l lade and rapacity oldie hail service.. r ; Our ; attention Was called, ndafer two since, to : in cadnialststement from the Auditor of the Post , Otrte PePartment, made in answer to a call fiom ; one of the NeW York. Members. It showed this wank, that: the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania paid shout one hrtudred thousand dollar's' into the Treasuryfits postigrs, - beyoul the amount expended in Air State for the tratiryortation . of swab. Mar riClowetba yielded even a larger surplus than this, and New York considerably afore than twice as much None of the Slave Statea, save little Dela ware, pays the amount expended by the Govern. meat in mail service, and all the Free States, sive one, we think, yields a surplus—Even Err dtF‘Fir • consia Yields a aupina The excess of expendi tures over receipts in the Carolinas, Ahbania, har els' sippi,: Georgia, and particularly in Virginia, are Inimenne, and yet these States are generally found :opposing all postage reforms. There is, hiseever, nxtrel in these results between the free and slave States. The difference ofcourseresolvesitselfmaia . . ly in the sparseness of the population of the ;South, but what: muses this in oldEintes like Virginia and the. Carolinas, but the evil of which we sprakHo irest triitiortene to the Unkui, but a worse laic - 'ion to the alaveStatee themselves: : Thi, SeleCt Comstatee upon the Pairifsi • • have had two sidings, aid report Esvorstilir upon Mr. WWweya project for sparinioggie Atli(atic or -. Lakes - with llsd•Pacifiesliy Weans oft rail road.— The Ripon, it in anderwood, will he volowincets, wed the road 'go, ahead' of thp-expenise.d the poblid - delimit—Mr. W. payinglo cents an acre kw the lands, when the:rosid shall have been corn . Ohlo and Penaltylomat& Ran Road A deeisive atep has been made towards the con. structien of this road, and we may now ccrgratu. late our * citizens that it will man be a reality, and not a thing to be talked stout merely. Under the Ohio charter, it war necessary to obtain' sub scription of $:9 - 0,000.t0 effect an organization, and to pismire the lodation of the road. This has been alone, and Pittsburgh has given her aid promptly, ;and to the amount apportioned her. Messes - Street and Williams, the Ohio Agents, were in town last week, and obtained from our citizens Um substantial aid they needed, nod left before people serere Wearied by asking. Our oily, the great con teal point, has it now in her power to choose otfe can, who will, in the selection of the route, see that Pindaugh interests are cared. the in the fullest degree,, and the road be made of the most service to us. We shall, no doubt, soon have a primary . c.egnitization to avail ourselves of the charter to extend the Ohio mad from the State hod lo the city,sa have the people at work upon it, too, we hope. - - The Cliertersare of the mostliberal.laud, and therail road quntion has been simplified to a sire Pe . ides. The peoile aro`anow...Nl to build a road in the way most conducive to the general good— . . ca any irOuta between two given Points. .We ha ve as open and rich field Or operations, and need on ly exert a little energy, to seam an immense trade to the city at large, and handsome dividends upon the 'investment the rout awe Boob 'for rule seriptioer ta build the road will exist he among its, and every. business rose must put his bind to the work. With our eastern and western rail=road communication, we can defy the competition, of suay . ar in the Union—without them, we must be content with the succeess that =coda our natural advantapia Thew, however great, can te made . i.g p ady more powerful and profitable by the 0.03 use of means or eimammil.aoe wish the canary at large. Partars—We Craw Ohio u well ss °sir replasilyin the mailasnd a ids) complain titst 6e some de net reeeiv . e . an *haven; tbeie papers. Time is r . _ _ 01Cees and, Made are at and enteithfully ccatdcwietl,, we ran re until we t. Postronwer Generals Depart= - io our autwerarra that we anon thee, regularly, ani • itinxild cet their paper with ; the folklore are certain dots . • - shall spare no exertions to r • Arum or CAMIN the late gallant Casale Drum, ieg of the ray o r Mexicoolniv htoeilay end Were coevejei *friend:to the mei:knee ad eld, Clarke county, Ohio. Ma.. r, the isk Em • ygtoa,'ha. sok! cat and is ---- ":lice: Soto yeusiuee he =sided, the datigh -teraf lacee.,in.ll , Lewis, wealthy to own tight, and by vittn; oiler hi:gees The AVhigs of Bellamy Ohia t fain icem e.c it fora Presidentinna the Free States.: T he y ant[ that, IdeLean, 'Scott, Caitfie, or Eviini may Le- 4 COL. detenoinadiO ran Cm '"•-•" Governor of Fentockrooll wOl•caorattbs state ""` ' • •twlicaik - afam lainuitrasbalia'acce d.Tir PhittOrlPhi*, ■ ..VWS! Sat ••••••••." 34 ImiitAay,;lmi.fght• igtentregt,4 !Merl into in Migariarmay 4is!o the arias of air patrol Whig Mbididates now &tine the pease ior their selecWo; for tge coining Presidetaisl emanation; Preferring to leave the entire matter to the &el. lion of those who will be delegated 43 represent the Whig Patty of the whole Union, in the COD. .Tendon to be.bald Plalisdeltilis.--We ualmot, however, refrain from remarking. that we yield to none in our iMiniration of the great maim ry, as well as civil capacities, of General Scollbe-e His brilliant and unparalleled career, during the re, cent Mexican counpargn, has justly won firi - him a reputation, both at home and abroad,' which all the mike and jealousy of bin enemies, backed by all the power of those at the bead of the. Government, cannot deprive him. Should he be the 1141Mill0e of the Whig Convention, most gladly would weyield him all the riMport in our power to Ming. Orir corirmondent_nairiakes our meaningf&atly,in drawing the conclusion which he doesL.froc: - dust' portion of z oor article, in Sottuday's papdrieibimiler we say-.4' That it is Lar the Whigs now to deliberate whether they NO ready to abandon all their here tofors;cherished principles, for the purpose Msos raining the pretensions of these who are not willing ai make blown their views upon any of the great ,questions for which we are contending, and who bring no other requisites than those of mere mili tary pretension.' The principles and sentiments of General Scott are known .to every man in the country. He has ever been an open and avowed Whig, and is every way identified with their int. , rests. We could not, therefue, trumerie that our retnarks would be considered, by the most sus ceptible of his admitting, as applying to him. Oar remarks were made -in re&rence to those who were willing to accept Whig support, hilt not wil ling to identify themselves with Whig principles. Snob we are proud to feel assured—troin his Whole lifetis not the ease with General Scott. As regards our correspondent's remarks, con. ceming less of the Editor's wish and wilrHswe have to observe, that we consider such ranarks entirely superfluous. We do not intend to albir any one to dictate to us what we shall say and do, so long as we control the ealumns of the Gazette. We shall endeavor to represent faithfully, and to the best of our ability the interests of Our Patrons and Party; but we shall, under no citEumstancxx, permit anyone to dictate-or interfere With that pro per spirit , of Independence so necessary to the Character of n dignified and independent Press. , . To the Editors of the Pius3sargh GF.tette In your notice of Mr. Clay's Address, it was not arcs stay for you to remark—' We cannot disguise thesatisfaction we have experienced in teaming he (day) is once more willing to perrnit his name to Lo presented,' ..Ve. We are all aware of your pentane) predilections. Permit tee' to say Mara. auetopt to foist Mr. Clay upon the Whig party, is an evidence tbatthe person or persons who under. take it do not consult the feelings and wishes of e majority of the Whigs in the - County—it may du in the City, where his popularity lien Henry Clay is a - man whom we all highly re spect, but are we to live and die with his name— Are we to run blindly and madly to our ruin, aa party, by taking him up again the the Presidency! What new elements of poputority have attached themselves to him since 18.14! Is be less a Ken. tuckian than ever?—which I have no doubt, in these. Wilmot Proviso Jaya will have a bearing Zin the voters- 6r the aforesaid °Mee. Tell me what part of the opposition in 'di has been reconciled— kr Wile., you can convince, by statements which would be utisfactory, there will be doubt. This being the cue--woul d it be secure and proper the the, Whig pan . ) , to enter the field with n inanwho would cause such kelings. Mark my weed, if the enthusiasm of the 'Whit; party, in the .campaign for President; in 1814, Wed in carrying the 'awe sea mle—doubt never will--dank U . defeat. But why do you attack others—or at lean one— belonging-Li the Whig Party! I mean General Scott. la he not a Whig? Ilave you not abundant evidence of hisbeing such.* And, aside from what you ought to have known long ago—would not the treatment be haantet with limn the Administration be evidence that he was opposed to their wishes and was loved by oilers thus those in power.—To say that no such attack was made, and that the plural meant singular; when there were two ' miiL tary eldinsinie in the field, will not do, as your own words would satisfy him that reads, when you ay—lt is now fur the Whigs to deliberate ',heti• er they are ready, to obandas-1 take the liberty of italicumg your wards—fur the purpose cif sustain ing the prckesioar of Aare who are not wiling to makt known their views upon any of the gems question hr which we are contending, and who bring no other requirims or claims than those of eters saditaryyrriensiox.' Pray, Mesa.. Editors, do we notknow ofScotis adherence to those cherished principles? If you do,.why talk of “promt..i....r , GI:MSc:a stands before the Whig party boldly, with his every act as an evitinecsof In. principles, V: with talents none can doubt. wiry to find that you have me entirely counted the Whkgparty is thir county, Less of the Editors' wish, and trig tad mereafthe wlshea or the Whig party of the s county and Slate, would give astisfaction. I am a Whig who is in favor of Gen. Winfield Scott for President. I claim to be heard as suck. As respects the.Wh' eandidates, I admire them soli bulge in Or afaitabttl y and taint,„ in prat' enee to Minna without andeitiblyr- Nrw YORE crrr—The Locofoco Mayor bus about nine hundred isnionty. The baud of Alder. man stands, Whig 18, into 7. The A 133 1 .1121113 is tied. As the faithful: Whig careers now in ;nisei cannot be removed except by a conciltrenCo (not Joist liallot) of the two Boanlv, of course the City Administration will remain sedistssaiallyikie same as during the pin year. As spats alone were contested it by the Locoexos, the . i4siction has been a failure to them. The conespoadent of the Union sairs,"we have seldom, if ever yet carried the Erie for °manses at President, with the city in Whig hands.' I hive layirtif hitt .ierry slight tear shoot the result. Someractir 'idioms friends shake a little today, but withisat sbilleient reason: Mr. Havetneyer will have ailing 2,500 612j061y; and we can scarcely ad to weans a majority of the common oilmen." Hy the .bowing of the Union. the mate of New Yntri: canoe be mowed upon by the Locofoco nominee C.. omsident, a coachmanu fiat isaa near correct me any • future' event can • lispostre is :Whig to the ewe. Albany is Whir so Is Willioetsburrit, N. Y., Newark, N. 1., 1:1.,or enter, Mass. , views si . raz Satan- 1 771m fullowing ' tract from a letter of a distitoisheel tudiriduel re; aiding al the Southwest; to" his conespandent in New York, under date of the ad ioat conveys-rate ifying intenigenoe ,:-.Going to, returning from and at New Orleans, I now many!good:Whige from Cr. ery part of the South and West, and, am gernified to tell you that the. Taylor mania is sabsidirg every .where, sad that the people are dementrating br our great old lender limier Cur. The Gemini' politicians ou both sides who took op Gun. Taylor as a et:l)mb all parties, and, any party eandi&te because) they hoped to ride into power. and place by his well earned popularity, are now iteiderstcod, and generally repudiated by the honest suing masses. So they deserre to be. I honor and ad , mire thti . gallant old Hero the his high A:engem achievements, but !cannot therefore either give up my bag-Cued porgies! opinions, or abandon 'old and tmsty frientht, Maine.—At the York County Convention, it was mudved "That while this Convention is willing to go many reasonable extent in sanetioning such a; nomistabon br the Presidney es may emanate from the National Convention, vrthcb fe to convene at Philadelphia, we deem it right . , to derlare, that. the person nominated shmild * to 'receive our support, no open and declared Whig, of tri ed abil ity,wcll . g beams ale erpouxt W4igprinri ytu, sad ready to lend his midis advancing the dis tinreive measures of the Whig pity. The Col:- veal* pbriee Is 0. Cones, 111211101“ -deurimined Clay Whig dwir Delegate, with John. Jameson, Esq., the saitth sort Yit inhalant*: Naar thumns-r-Tlie thilOwirig is I tniunary of the majorities for the diScienteturdidate by it will be seen than New Orleans is t y. sod decidedly Whig: imejotinee.. A D Crossamn, Mr„,m s p or , J Goia s , W, Ibecouler, First Municipality, 530 Josh ItaldwinW,Semad d o. 0:67 p gozoorao,Third do., elected_ without opposl• then. Tel Conned ken the Firm end Second HunMb Piles nor WWI throogboat; In the 'Third the old members woe elected opposirtim A BOW ADMISIOOInIO 610.4 of Tue ed sday,. the morning of tbeeharterelechoe. con. min tlus sThe Sin w entue* ly Demoen t ,i o tt it lira dolobthil mattes %abeam WM/roan get with in tin feet of As pat; And if he gets • balks in the, box, when it coops oat, it is apt to be Iranian:sea into a Democratc vote- 4J right hi the Sixth." The result of the eJection shows sisertoo task,. ray A* .Hsnoarze. the loco candidate for Moor —and as the Whigs could neither get near the bat. he Was; nor deposit seise which would not be 4:sasicatnect" accord* to the Taraniany.mode of 'ethics, the oily woudat is that the to city was mot Warr! That locceicohai viable* the purity of the bailable= whomever an oppsattaity ogees, la swell louvre act, bet we seldom Hod one of its ritgou bold and . tuuouptilone enough to avow it! Tam Warn , Ceti Ahbouh the wilder ivu *Minus to the mop, yet the 4rlog infathel the Withrow wettable teen in the ingheanjeAree favorable. Coarquentiy, ptioeslehich hated poorly cum* aborts the middle or March bare now allemh*. upset. " Rain has Mat is "tatatillat,Taint yllaperMllP tug heat. gas:“.noetienta"-211 indeed aneepecibm kw which were thoroughly wiatertilled—air looking quite peen:end .promming.--Rakecter ==MEME allra LSOPropery subject to 1 per cent or ten milk tax, $'0135, equal to ISIS. P ro perty sureect to 1 per cent. or tea mith tax 1,929,502 equal to 15,52930 This would have been an increase in three year. ofabout PAW Per cent. That the BOard knew it to be a mistake, and treated Ras each jot evidence from the fact that with all the animosity to Allegheny county they only charged e owe tea on 4.529,602, equal to 55,29'.,ed. Yet even this is an increase et about 600 per cent in the valuation of 1915 and being subject to 10 mill, instead of three as other property ra, Makes ageing the coaatry probably 030 or 4000 beyond what is chat:gable and Ito Willy charged in the Collector', Book.. Yet this return knownto them to be a mistake, treated by them as a mistake is =with sole, miserable and contemptible excuse offered by the Board fie an !act which they cannot justifyon rut merits.. Mears. Croft arid Price, object 'to - my en:dement 1 --that the Reirenue Board bas thareased our slate ts: annually $5.,572,01 beyond the returns to them. Now Mr. Craft expressly POPP that they hid to i rwt on tho returns of Ifil7 no returns the 1649 be. ing presented: I have befoie melba Auditor gene. rats report to the Legislature dated Feb. - 8 ISte in which he maths the amount of state tax assessed ~ tr,l.,Anzrziwt?..antge. chargedbeingg $19,. newt:seat Cr ISIS. I think that the members of thin Revenue Board had better not SAC any further ' inquiry into its doings—the more they ore all ex. stained the worse they appear. Instead of crithdrats , *any thingl have befixe said I now charge up on that Revenue Board than= the direct increase of nearly 53,000,00 on the 3 null item sad by an unreasonable amount beim,. armed 10 mills won the dollar thai Alleghew county is defrauded to -ea%lestef tub IR,ooopelettentea • lituterhat l'objeettilkeven mare thurtbe amount involved, is the now admitted fact, the that Board had no evidence from our own citizens to justify this Inareaworal that they acted on senseless clamor—or Wien Mr. Price calls the .perwinal knowledge of certain members of their own body. I take He grained that Mr. Craft is coseem in sw ing his own Herculean labors to protect our rights, and that, coma:quint:ly, he ,,, frve PO false evidence. I deny that any other Ivr Weld know, or if he did, onsidgthroweefiforre ow tie ..bfrit. Thelon. ly safeguard provided in tbesetereating this Board, I. that unite Revenue Commissioners .hag Ic ru. fined exchuivefr torrid.' ,wee which they receive from cilium, °Seers. and records of the respective ccetatioe Without this restriction, the Board never Could have been created. A 4 1 .9 we now find the members entirely di this essential law—admitting, they had no I eel. dance—btu pointing tothe pensaud knowledge of membeis of their - own tresed—that the hiw lonsid to speak i on the subject. -The:remsaw given is a mat ridlcukrun one—the CountYlad bee day, and did not provide testimony. :Had not some If° th. telligent awesome, oedema SPOPOOTS, and county Board of Equalization, trader the aoleenuty of an : official oath, valued all the taxable property in the county--Was 'not this to be taken as prima facie evidence et haul Where waq there a panicle GI legal evidence to revere, all this! if thrway.so of the member from this district did., I want to know it... If the permonal knowledge of any other mem ber or membera wen thus potent, let us have their names—end their items of iniernation. 7 detest all Star Clamber Inquhritlorts! I wind to know when, where, and by whom .such testimony was I green. The truth 10, I believe the declaim was . 1 bisection sewerage clown, by menus Who knew little more ab o ut it thee they did 'of the : value of property in dubious. Both there corimunieetions clearly insinuate that this inereare was added to within Judge „Lowrie's ram In the fanner Board; and we are particularly implored to wry nothing about :this act of injustice, lest we dish ruder still more severely, I presume, by the notion I of the next. Mr. Crag !dwell certifier, and pub. lines certificates Liam others. to : prot e that his' Herculean cants alone saved us hom a much heavier imposition. How then can we 140 to fare is mate other Ward, when our represetur lye may be a pgmr I repeat what befive said, that the County Com missionary elataild disregard, the decision of thi. Bond and apply to the Legislative for relief—if I that is not granted, then to resist the application far a Mandamus to enfinee 1 believe, if public at. Malicia in called le the ,prtheipka on :which this -Board i, orgauized- , -end the - manner lb which ill 1 functions are diubarged—thaf thin' infinhous Star Chamber inquisition will spee.dilyhe repealed.— This I avow to he my primary object. It Ism never yet done a particle of god. I find n large portion of both reports to colorist of elaborate arguments to prove that ruddier the people themsel yes, ace the o f is elected by them, can be nested. B may be true, that there are only twenty bonen men in PCllO.Bl+lll2lB, but that those composed the late Revenue Board is more question Polities). Items. Moan Craft and Prix Loth think. it of sufficient imposinsiee to say dint I to testify before, the Revenue Board of ISM In this they NIB en , ordy' inistahlt. '! In obeiliaiuss ton strriuto request, I attended at 2o'ciocic of a rxlttaa dar — lhy deoigntibilin Alai wake, to be "irieatiocid. The Bog& look- up:Allestreny—fix.e4 it - principally in my resenpe—ap members asking= to be exam. .Our then member instated ou his right to have Allegheny disposed of when called up in;reirigaz order, and did mit commit the inexcusable blunder orpoatponing it to the lug. neream other tillage In th ose communications demanding an answer. bat I bare net time to write, nor would your read. era haveteetsce to read answers to them. Last Monday morning's Post =Mined a silly let. Imam woertala. Jams Gcltualtall, of Erie se- SieniPtitited by a. stAierintrodnotion, in . bfr. veac's peculiar lulu, - Thou, gentlemen must improve their manners, berme Gml myself bottad to answer them. T. J. BIGHAM. April 14, ihte„ • • Geom. Fiats ura Mro..--On • tbe 110, At fire bloke out In the Dry Goode store of Meows. C. At A. Castle ' on th e corner of th e Square and Dokav bus tontelilte, _which it destroyed; than .wept south, bunting th e fileelitunce Cock, occupied by C. E. Dattwlek's Tinfitiop,Anttley. Loring's MA Slots, Bunely Prentie Shoe Nom and Grocery, and the adjacent dwelling boon. of Dr. Peak; and ems* tng the street, the Dry Goods. stoma( H. G. Mae; Dancytter of Eckert Cliapp6l; Jewelry Shops of aetemore; !!Slage Hoarse of Win Childintai &Kr. P data and. Haines. Sinna Fcres;And the ihadlisig Inane of Dr. Hunger; went connurned.— the' lon probably; reecho, 130 to • MAO. 'The Arta wan clamed" Is th in of 27 Sales of Pao-slough Copper Stock were neade Boston, on the 1 hit t et 74 cash, awl 70 c. GO Jaye 241 OlkeT4Pareigrarnriii" mumostbns from 'defence d dii4ale veoae 4414 SjiaXtbis charges I monglsif , .muditg,slist;43oiiiiili an article two or three weeks since, of injustice to Allegheny Sciunti , :• "life contains a few statnrUes not found in the final jf part oetliat'lloannt instead af'disproiriit g any one Material ellegetionmederhyme-85auclitsivey shourats essich, greater dtgrre of iojecstico monads skis comity than 'lave cinugeikupon it. Ile it ii true goes into no explanation in relish to an in formal return alleged to have been made by the ommty Conimissiosters (which reunuifever made, the official notion of the Board treats as a known mistake) that might be pertinent if thepoint at mute was; the county Commissioner or Make Revenue Comminaioo er from this district the party moat to be biamed in this matter. But this is not the haun— t have not assailed theone—nor non I kound to do fend the others—toy controversy is w2h the State Reveriue Itaord—l have impeached As doings . of Mist iiiiard 'ruin/listing pose and pdpallo ouzo. lice *pox &Van, county.' That issue I shalt en. deletions to Maintain until I hope to see this iniquit atm star chamber levisition forever .blotted from eiisiance. . By Mr. Prum's own fi gureswhat has been the increase in this county since. The value tkin of Allegheny county as fixed by the Revenue Board of 1815—was so . Property subject to 3 mill tax,• 514 ; • 572024 3..—state tax, 513316,59 Property subject to 1 per cent tax, $5B, 82 r 5CI0m=state tax, 'Property subject to 2 lllOm=state tax, 13,000 $14,791,97 ;In 1949 as per E. K. Price's statement: Property subject to 3 mill tax 1122,1115 , 67x , 85Col 3=state tax, . ' 5.66," 2" , Properly subject to 1 percent tai; .fl9,' , W2)l I Orni=state tax, Property subject to 2 " 9,sooeloof:=etate'tax, 572,30,18 This is conclusive of the fact of an increase of within a =ill fractiou of GO prr emit. oa ourtaies in three year. The increaseof all the other coon. ties of the State exclusive of Allegheny from ISO to 1819 "anby the, boat reports of the two Boards is Only a fraction over B per, cenb These figures; nei t her of themcan ordaritAy. ;The in crease of all' the counties by" the , Revenue Board of 'SAS as stated in ray last was taken from the body of their . report and claimed over a million more than their official table gives. Actual incriase of all the counties as appears by the official table in report,S6,oll,7Gl Increase in Allegheny rosary, " 2,9ri7,339 Increase on the 59 other counties,-s.'i.iftt,4l The entire increase Sy thin R evenue Board on all the others 9 counties of the Efate is not quite $300,000 over the increase on Allegheny alone.— And yet MeSsrs. Craft and Price is defiance of their own report and the amount of iumeare theie set down to Allegheny, attempt to explain away the iniquitous conduct of this touch lauded Board. But what is the defence set up by Messrs. Craft and Price u all turns upon one item. all the rest are admitted' to la correct as stated by me. The Whole amount at which trades. professions and oc cupations are assessed is liable to a charge for county purposes But only where the valuation in each individual cue exceeds 8200 and thin only on such• excess is any charge made of state tax. The edict' of this is that probably Gaur-fitlha•l of theeases included in this item are not subject to ' any state tax. Now the excuse thatt.he return of the County Commissioners did not specify what part was underS2oo and what was over :5200. Mr. Price fa his estimate assessed the whole of this as liable to state 'taxation at 10 million the dollar, and thus seeks a pretence to justify the Board, though every member of that Board knew that this was a mistake and so treated in their report. lied they not so treated this return what a beautiful con sistency the repasts of these two infallible Boards woahi have presented. Atisiiacrtroes la Ceimell. 4 14„_ ccmica ' April Vitt Kin& Bakesnrll,l3lscr riughlio; - pd t ,,, u 1: 42 hulmrl, Lamm y, ll!rd the Pirs- On motional/51V. Bakawell, the Rules were sue pendai t and thekDotirini Reaohnion, which Was reeducate and /aid over on the 10th inst., was Is. ken up, read a third time , and- adopted, and, sent to Coninen il and by them adopted. R.- Iced, that the Mayor be and he is herebti au thorized to offer a Reward 'office hoixdred dollars Or the apprehtesion and prosecutioq to conviction of any person, er persons who may;have caused the recent fires the city of Pinelinigh or any or either of them. In pursuance ofthe provisions of the ordinance Providing•ber the Election of a clot of the mood. ingoommittelea Council then adjourned to tho chamber oftheCommon Council, and in Joint Bab. lot elected R. Biddle Roberta Rai., Clerk of the standing committees Or the present year. Select Council then returned.to their chamber, when Mr. - Denny offered the bellowing resoletiou, not -- Rooked, That a joint committee! of one member Dom the Select Connell end two members front the Common Council, be appointed to audit the ad. counts of grenliaaa for the relief and, employment of thapar attic city of Pittsburgh. Rend three times and adopted, and Mr. Laugh lin appointed an part of S.C. Seel to Common Couectl and by them adopted and Messrs. Bell and McCalliwer appointed on pert of C. The ordinance, entitled an ordinance kle the ate painfreent of messenger to committees which was read twice and =deeded on the 10th Ora., was then taken up and a new ordinance hearing the some title, was presented by Mr. Bokewell, end accepted as a substitute for the original ordinance, which was read three times and passed. Mr. McGill chniiman afeaciernittee on Allegheny Wharf, presented in ordinance, Entitled an Ordi nance regulating the drawingof boar's au. Alle gheny Wharf—which was read to ice and laid over. Reashed, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorised to draw his twarrant on the city Tres surer, in taros of Lh. Wart Zr the sum of two hund red dolLsn, as a compensation for his extra serii ces in cases of small pox, during its prevalence in this city in 1815. BOSINIMS oN The CANAU—The following is the number of hosts cleared at this office, for the week ending Saturday, April ligh, together with the ton nage, and amount of tolls received thereon. Boats. Tonnage. Tolls. Monday, • 13 C 17,052 551 GC Tuesday, 13 574,073 402 544 Wednesday, 22 1.069,55 9 1.114 74 Thursday, 30 • 1,553,656 1,431 SI Friday, • 32 1,420,502 1,210 72 Saturday, •• 30 1,170,402 1,117 '2l T. 1414, l4O 6,105,929 f), , 4.11 70 Prev. reporte.l, 377 1,736,5413 14,210 22 fil7 25,142022 t 92 LEVI G. CLOVER, Collector. Witten Ronarar.—The desk• drawer of the steam boat Caleb Cox, one of the Wellssille Packets, was broken open on Saturday last, in broad day light, and robbed of live hundred dol. lars—about three hundred in good money, and the balance in, Wooster, Mineral. Bank, and other depreciated or broken banks. Some arrests were made, and ap investigation had heGare Thomas Steele, ,E 4, but nothing having been - eliOted, the Inspected parties were discharged. This robbery was probably committed by the same person or persona who rubbed Messrs. Bur. bridge, Wilson dr Co.; and steam boat men should be on their giiid." &en:STRIA:TS—The tir-4 exhibition will be given to night in the !aril.) in trout of the -American iiOU-ae on Penn at. The perfumers are the Usti in the United States, and give an even ing amusements equal in all respects to uAstlor's," ILI Leßldoll, where men and harscs have reached the perfection of training. The whole establishment is of home production and washy the support of the public. Pour MoTrv , the untbrtutiate Watchman shot last week, was entirely deranged yesterday. He rose from his bed, rushed out of the house, and mo round an entire square beGare hr could be secured. His situation was considered extremely critical last evening. Cuur TaaraLum.—The Gamitmati Packets tell ywaerday palsommts 4 , two dollar; and Wand.' These wens mad packet,. Guum.rwx would call alien tion to the meeting to be held tonight- It will he Mean that the strong then of mit city are in the movement, and failure out of the question. Teuressmat—The Mass Meeting comes oft° night, and no appeal ought to lie necessary to se cure the attendance of every friend of the cause. Cerr..Dreeeret ;•ned to the city oe Saturday vening, from Mexico. Messrs. pnnsur, Nowt, and Smvrax arriveJ in Um city on thuiday morning, from Itorrignirgh. - 2 1 1111 w . 1014. A Holum &mfr.—The Piketon (a) Journal 1 gitentheipatinefare afeeadter•viotim oficatempee..„; awe, John Bantham an EnglialuMus *Lau OD yells , ofnv, who in returning kora' a taver n where he had been oh a spree. became bewildered and was lost (a the 'Woods. &war was made be him re peatedly, but he was not discovered until the Igth day ruler be was missed. Thra daubs were bond on his person. The cathedra extra ma loth of his ryas and sae *W. • He was very iatelligent msti, had travelled ex tensively nail °teemed -- He was oecasiow shy mutiny Sentaged, and re such tittles rape. scrawl himself as Oct,. Lord Bambara. -Ho msg. ined that be was commissiosed from Hencen at free the a gene• Mae Southern Smuts, and at such time& would select his racers and . make other pre parations he his eapeditioa on which be was to start 'b ' tutd-by." One otitis singularities was that dell muter long wearing while pantaloons, with, drawatrings at, the Gown] amaze:tied with•Mc" AyarDoTz w ma. ADMIM-A correapandenz of the New:Seek—ColliClWCila Advertiser gives au il. lustrati. Oita hurnoraua tr. as Mr. Adams' cher otter: Shortly after hie election ha the Presidency, while he win receiving an ainemblage of his low citizens at; Baltimore, a young ca., eligibly inebi.A tit, and who w. known . • violent p.m. eau of Jackman, ea!me up to be introit...al aroma others. Taking Mr. Adams hand, he said, with maudlin gravity—` I call (bleep) to pay my tee pee.- to the President. but (hioup)d. a haunt man. or, and hope, sir, you'll take good care at our great end glorious Crasuitatiou.' .1 will, sir," s; ID 'plied Mr. Adam do my beet take care of the Constitution of the United Stat., sod I hope," be added in • whisper, still bolding the' young man by the hand, "t hope you will take al good rare of yours." • Cot: From a personal and through examination of the euunties of Macomb, LapeaATakl. and. Genesee,. Washtenant, Jackaos and Cullainn, that Mace the I mina and warm weather, We wheal 1354 only generally make prim mind.. but Marl have not k•und a. geld; even among Mom a few weeks since deemed wholly mined, which dcee look The same is true, as I am inkusitethof all theuther wheat coon. ties alike State. 'Merits at pnmentevery mum to antierpats alar mop than Michigan ever before wit. Tur Lmwa. Pater called from Baltimore on the 11th with one hanafrodand forty wathWeralon hatthl, sent 'oat by the American Cobmization Society. The Packet, not being able to accomcaw date ill the emigrants and freight, the Cacinel How ard Imo Limn chartered by the America& Colonia ation:Sacletyto proceed to Ba ran nah.Geortiamhera upwards of a hundred droigronts sue volt am - to embark. Karafuto; Mom, the son of the eminent Sfur neon of New York, rendered great service to the moll/theism at Palermo. Ha is /nauseated as .having led them on in their most dangerous at. tacks.ag bravely end coolly; and In hi. per ' capacity performing voidable surgical op emtions upon the wounded. It is mid that the people almost idolize Idin, and his name Is already identified with their glorious cause. Pomona—The Village • Record sayk—aLast year in this county, poisons, in moot cases, who had Iheit potatoes taken out alibi ground before the heavy rains is August and September,were not Mudded with the rot. We flown this Spring, a general dispolition prevails among our fanners for early pleatlng--expeneace demouttraling that this is the bele:plan." Toni), Mums A 11121041; published in Mcx• ico, is often quoted with great gusto by the LOOM; but they have never yet adverted to his Puebla , letter, wherein be deecniee the g,enend contempt in which Mr. Polk was held, kw imbecility and 1111. • lattentioe to the wants of the soldiery and the re -quiretnents of their commandeeinehieG AItiMSTID oti St*ncnov- - Rev. Emil Dudley a Methodist clergyman has been arrested in Oration, New Hampshire, kir the murder of his wife, who was tip ied otter with her losabond in a sleigh, two Z t rea weeks ago, sod buried,. without much ceremony. Captcm Sown of the summer Hibernia 'has published • card, in which he-most succes;fully removes the implessito' n that the loss of the beg &there, oa the toast of Newfoundhind, was e wing to his refusal toreador her assistance: - It has been decided, that the Magnetic Teleirraph ls to be extended to Galena, from St. Louis, land &alit is she to he extended to Dubuque. Stock to the somat aria% was taken in Galena, sod 116000 atHubuque. • WHIAT Cnor,—The Wheat in this vicinity, .c. cordiog'toall acconnin, is Want-mutably wet. An obi:admit crop is confidently anticipated,—Sin n • inn Bram. Name (a) Wait. AlasToraina eleetWa H: the {Valera Petuoyltasda Ilapihd, in aecorAWw• *di* chaster rwanUy oLtaimg,wht he 4.,hlegkoA Ties4y,ll4 18th lost., al a o'elkhl . P. Al, is the 1104881 of tin . BOON or Thule. .911:0 JOHN HARPER, Seey. r Rutz ClirnaVl*.loses - or IPleganugi• l' e* Coriespodlcon of Ilia ' , lmbue / Goz;itel-: CONGRZSD W=imm3sr, - Ai,ffl, lICIVPX or Etzrittotensurns.-7A.lonrsonal ix. &intim was node this' itiorningby Mr. Paltinyof Idasuchasetts, who ached Mr. lohnottit; ighethei ha meant his question, as to the introduction of a chanting negr, o boy into Lis Emily, us an, 1110011. Mr. Johnson disclaimed tiny ouch intention. The bill of Mr. Collatner, Mann to the Miami lands, WO, paned. Tim bill paying Lieutenant ails hr sundry vices, wss also passed, Correspondence of .the Pitiaburgh PHILADELPHIA. MARIET. Philadelphia, Ap 15, Isis. Flour—Sales Western at $5,9 3 / 6 16.. Grain—There have been no mles of Wheel Worthy of report. The market Gar Com is heavy. but Oats are active. • Provisfoas--There is no activity in say art quotations are nteady. Exclusive Correspondence of the Pitt4torgh Casette BALTIMORE MARKET.. Ral.plloltE, April 15, ISIS. Flour—Sales Howard Street at $ll Silo; of Bal. timers, City Mills, at $6. 'The markt is dull , and holders are stitl: Cora Meal—Sales at $2 25635 431 e. • • Crain—Bales of prime white 15'heat at Si 45(5 1 $1 Mc; of ilium red at $l 35 ; of prime white Own at aw.iiltretv,: rnme yAlow Corn is held at 46051 cte. ProvisiOns-4almt are only for the supply of the regular trade demand. Lard, however, is dull, and lends downward. Eselu-tve Cotrevondenee or the Piunburgh Gomne NEW YORK MARKET: New , York, April 15, ISIS. • nour , -Sales or Geneinee.at Sd 2:446 ..17: eta; of Wester* at VI Grain—The market 6.4 Corn and Oats that fur Whist has a downward iendency. Provisions77There is more movement in Pork, and prima are better. ' Lard is am, and held tilgher: sales, however, are only Mr the supply of . the regular trade demand. Groceries—Large Sales—Supra are .I,Ve sod buoyant, Molakses and Coffee market steady— trade buying freely. Rice—Small sales—prima steady 01 31 els. CINCLVNA'rf MARKET. CINFINrccr, April 15, ISIS. Floor alesof 1O) of Si 37ias1 431 ==i3 change since last report. Whiskey—Sales of 500 bbl at 15; etc Groceries—No change in quotations.•. Beef Cattle—Sides at 33 50, gniss, and at 9 nett. Prorisions--Sales of 100* ths of superior ha. coo sides at 31 cis; other provisions are without change, and dull. Cheese--Snles at bat 4 61 Cadet ales of 300 Vag. at 31 'et Al Isla I37.The fnends oLtbe nehr Aletratt Itepuldie in I berta, err requested to meet et the Pg. Preshyten Church, tat Wood stre e t, oat Monday e ery mg twit, ut ok.lock. Ott the first of Angola lasi, the Colony leelarnl at. indcpendent, and took at. position among the nations theirarth, It is now self.gaverned, Willi • Coomlniti formed upou the model ut that of chi. U. chew and the first of Jutuory tali th e ne new GoVeremeot s, went 1 le epee - aeon. April 14. 1549. Wilson h/Randless. I Falter Forward, Andrew Wiley, Jr. Wm. E. Ausim„ Merles :Thaler, H. Argnialet, C. Darragh, W. 111. Low/le, David Ritchie, A. Backe, Thos. Uakewell, 0. kletealf, Thos. !Imam, IL rhayser, Zr!. Allen, MTortmek. fist. E. Breading, II W. Poindexter, U. IS :Letters, Al. U. town, Morgan,' (leo. Breed, J. F. Tanner, %Tao Hell, Raab. RU44. It. T. Morgan, , Thos. W. Bowe. Harmer Denny, Wm. I'. Irvine, (leo. B. While, F. Loretto, • A. W. Hardy lV. ? 11. 11. Idßollough, P. Jones, 1./. Maros. npIS • • B7To Srtssisuss Mrs au Orange—Cum.-Ira Edsgiml Pain Extractor -It is um. ronem/.4 by nodi• cal men that Connell's Nagicel Yam Extractor, menu- Metered by Corrouck d Co. 21 Cour-Liana sr 1. Y, is the mays/ wonder oldie Ink creln.y. 1,. errecis are truly moseulous. All pains are removed from burns, scalds, dn. and ell external norm, in a Mr ntinuWael ; ter its application; healing Me same on the etrat" deli ; caux .km, lemur no sear. It is aerially beneficial in ell kind. of innameatory douses,. such es we :Ulf* pies and Eyes. Puma, Ilketnealuant , White Swelling and Ulcers, Iktioes, limas, Chilblains, Funipteu, 7Sc Dolomite, de. ' We might asides moor to all en say, tbe names of teeny emanent physiciam Who ue it in their prucure, and hundreds of tha clergy who praise it to their people. Iliad parent k cep coststatitly, oo hand, to ease. of accident by fire,life may be loot urin ous lt, but by its use all berm are stibrert to as control, nukes the surds dusuond Cautian—ReaMufler and ask OM Connell's Magical rain Extntrtor, maim ' fostered by Comstock d Co.:N Y, and no other. Liobl by Wye JACEPON, Agent Mr Ile Litany.t., heed of Wood. ' noulrellisnosT • 1171NoCenntrvit enswly.destrnetly brs • made, itor eWdeurl lto 'gold, and the .oaks eauses•yelhrw, da he` (to oared com plexions.n it it requisite that the pore of the skin 11,110tliti be kept open—Wet then mounts • be freed from impority—lwae thus the angina an Philo. phes eared all disease—they reotputed that MOM di*..... add riaheinthy vapor. led through if. the nows of the skin, than any Other oallet of the body h is neeeleary, Uinta°keekinte pose open—all humors are dispelled b orn Ale siari fiord the pores, when theyuruh with !one.' (Shari Manakin Soap I hare seen It ewe the Woraf and olden eases of Mil Vistam.Erpireisa, OA Sores, Bubers Itch, Sore Wail, ginagerona, when every other Internal external remedy had failed—its circa* realeriug the skin white, clear and eon, though it be yellow and roars, Oa derfu.l--it rernevaa. Prehlea, Tan, Sunburn, Idorphcor, "gad slisfigurement of the akin—tot persons must bieparnitolar and ark for Jones be bad is Kr.nairgli at IVAI. JACKSDN'tt,tign of the nig Boot, SIP Latium St rik• .51, MOM last.eart , -11r. hlatCanhyly, recently flan Whim!, will darter * tretem on Saturday evening .14 in the old Coon (louse, on the present condition and prorpeeta of the down-stricken and oppressor! nod ethic 3111Ititiiy, with a dermipt/un of the uperahons Hof the femme, the distribution of the Amerkan funds and prosisione thrwarded for the alleviation of blob''tliro www—the produced on the minds of thr Irrldt pomplo on the receipt of the joyful intelligenee that the Americans people heard their moans and were rallying m their aishdartee; and she feeling. of eternal grafi:ode teXtiltd In their hem, townr.l s die bruernient and phi.' 'lantrophie Ameticant whose gentrrourly coutinbuted to their relief and it punchier cowards Anterrca'm greatest end mow Illustruntoyan, the Ilan. litany Clay, whose sympathy for Ireland, andmanly, dmintereued and mintinuona friendship (or the called children of "Erin, form sucha prominent element In th&cattipow• ition of he chararter of the great patriot, and ever rut , rem rand needful friend of the appetiser) mid peewee. ap1.311 Reare..flute—Lly. 511.aile's Vennifugg for expelling , .Womml—dotogialstag Core ' Feellng UM be a duty due, to toy fellow beings, 1 lay before them a fart which that placeam long smee. Last fall I galled on M /Iyruld /F. Ca of Watteau*. amm, IV: Y. for some Worm medicine, and they. re a;cortuseaded Dr. 11PLanes Vermlfuge, or Worm sped he. I Mob a Matte home and gore adore to a child about ale years old, and to gay great .nstotilahment it ,brought away &I worms.. I woo atter gore another 'dose to the same chill, which brought array about LU =re, mating mine 1:10 ~ worms in about P.l bums. I ham Oren to Other of soy children very efeetublly, sod coo cheerfully recommend it At, all. JAPHNT C. ALLEN. Amboy, lair 27041817. , Ilbeletoulett slide eau he hod at tho Drug Store of f.l KIDD* Co No N.l Wopl areoi opl7 Trirettennta Mess Mirmto.—The friends of Tem pe-renew earnestly deim to pigment to the community A feiganl expottuon of the important yrlneiplee of the -. l...preenee Leeyon of Allegheny roomy.' rerently ~,4 fennel!: For thlepatoose a meeting vent lie he Jin the antrek of Mn.. Dr. Rodgers, ha our.sleter 'c ty, eure 'ArnIACI, at half pen 7 o'clock; and several a .1, execs delivezed ; hoeing .penal reference to ' this ne tnrcre• mewl. AA Who trash to promo,. the internale toorel• it)) end 'Dine, try etDcting a reformation In the liebit. °Me ankotonnte enl deltmeil : Inebriete, ere rel. F i. 'fully inyited to Intend. .101 IN AIECASkiIn, eyl7 Neil. Teas. Lenue. Irr,Cidrens are honorably mutated that the Mriu ling are the actual qualities of • dn. bottle of Jorta,' C rai Hair Restorative. If they doubt our .word, 'be IMAM these hishly re.peetable citizen; who boo tried It: 1 - Mr. (leo. Waken, MElm at, New York. Mrs. Matins Reaves, Myrtle arrow, Brooklyu. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, tra King et, New York: Mr. Thomas Jarkson, steamboat Ilimburgb. 11. E Cullen, late barber steamboat S. America. And Mane than a hundred °Mankato:a, though that mutt 'suffice, that It will toms the hair to grow no the head or thee, loop it falling ot, etrangiben the roots,remotio, .aeurf sad dandtvf (rom the roots, and making light, tea or gray hair matutug a fine. dark look, and keepina dry, 'hank or wiry hair moist, soft, clean 'and beautiful, • yen , . Um' long time. Sold at . 'WM. JACKSON'ti ho Liberty St.. suardll - 'll7"Vou foolith, only old fellow ' reed thit, and be no • liorterbaki t whitharlara arid kaitlratt. Mr. W. /net laan, 080 liberty 'tent, Pittabotsh, Pa,eet tides on the .Nd aCFebroary, IN?, that /dr. Thos. JIIIIiIIOII , I head, 'on Ow top, now entirely bald for 11 years, oat! that by tarols ;Poole% of Junta. Coralllairßeatorative, the hair itt growi st ng fa and Mirk. Sold I. Neirark by 01.1:15 & SON, VS Broad rt, R. VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad and Nantorkrt et. U~Dm t bare yellow dark ey ■a Peady while by one time ox a b t 7oTr.. b .l Amber Teeth Paste, It barlims the goyim...etc . ..lW lwetttli. ;Raid Na Liberty stj . ' tuniiklkwly Dpr Ladles who are Jonas' Spanish Lily White. hose ;always aline white transparent elan. Ur this a trial 4111 nasty .y one. Sold only In Pilighurgh, Mt. Libwxy Et. •. , • oirell4l4.4wly • • - • • irrretette Ilaza Larc--Catabartek's Nerve at Bone Utihunt anti Indian Vegetable Nixie be the twat effectual cans for Übe ads. raid by *M. JACK" .11 , 1 1 4. /4•111 for Pattabergla" ; novlaLtitteuTO 111A11121161), - • Go Thunday wreaths, the tAth iutt., by the H Hemp, hilr. LC Waal*. to 'Min Ho ter otiir. MIL Denny. etHEESE-4(10 jou ree'd and for *etc by . WICK tt. idYCANDit 40);(1*;4 (eIFIge:giVA.4OI4FSS .TRY HERHINO-149 bra!, rll i v kt l i t; l 9 __IIPPI a aocx • LAND AGSNCIN • • " • • a it sO,ltoekfae, iilinoii, Du. Web led& General Leant Agents issaCollemina. , To Pa m.. bold* wacialte.,eatubem Wisdom Walked Northifen Illinois, we would nate that ere are prepased to mewed to the payment of owl, hog — Heal Estate, Porecloeure of Mortgages, and Collection of Debts generally, in the above meths., of country. They are also prepared to (umiak Slaps of any pate of the country, exalt - Wang the condition of the .TP*4.ll.er.toanas, limber pntirietti ke: To holder. °Maud Warrants they would mate that from their intimate personal knowledge albs. above country, they powess wsuanat facilities for the locatirg Lands, while the . Land* in thiseettion of country sub— ject to loiation unit...passed to richneas, fertility, other advantages, end are fast filling apwith nit in daemon. and nay mraiug population: en... 4.. fion of Railroad Improvernente around the great Lakes will pa. through thin region of emintry—a portion of the one feeding from Chkago to the Alinissippi being army in course of courintetiou THEM D. uouEwrsoN, Rockford, Illinois. • JOHN A. HOLLAND, Dubmgmi Rarractcas—Oeu 0 W Jones, Surveyor General Le town and iViLonsin, Dubuque. lora: Ogden A Jones, Chicago; Huy A. Driggs, .Detrott; F4eeord Taylor, Cincumsti; Thomas Pnatrose, Eq., St. LAMA. apl7:iremT .19IG8 OP THE BIG PITCHEIL NEW CHINA, OLASS &QUErt.,iISITABE STHEE: No. 111 WhoeSraarr. T HE wb. crihen wish thnt titer are Mw intnuMtef,triL r g7',l,7."l DI China, Olson, (thee ware, Britannia and Fancy floods, contansing the latest most &Atonable pu. terns of French China plain and yolil.band Dinner Sets; do .do" Tea - Superior hon.Stime Dinner " Flowilue (a stir patterns) . Liverpo ng b ol A areal variety of Tea Sets, diticrenequalities; Britannia Breakfast and Tea :tabs itfaiters—a beautiful article ...thwen'shlothier .Parlor Lamps, (Cornelius, maker.) ' (Hass Wore, a general...militant., Steamboat owners and hotel proprictori are invited to examine our sasortment of can imitable Wr their Country Merchants tan find a large week °Caen suitaable ble priceuntry 'slew which we will sell al suit. Our stock being entirely new; vrelini Solidi,' be ing able to please all who mar faeorai with their torn. f apltdtar.wi GILL & OEITY. ,All Acuities toilaurallill Coal La Stoves Teleamapluelatly vereoract (CON P. WEISII/.3IPEL, at Balitneare, Mt, bee invented a gone formal Stoves, en which all kinds of roil can be banned, obviating every inconvenience and difficulty heretofore in contend with. The gram, a Horizontal Revolving Cylioddcd , Spherical or orrY offierebaped one, working no journals in thee/We, Wade of either skeet or east Iron shave' boxes, to be tusnen.with • crank when nee} nary WHO the ashes,' be. The graze has two seta 'of paled door.. one or .toe other ofWhich setts is 'alwate uppermost, 'and ace to be opened to natal' the fuel. Ile coal lino inside. It in admirably adopted for etring, parlor, Or office stave, of all Aiwa 'tempter ad ter's me has folly leer ed the pracueability or the invention, and the most Un— qualified approbation has been Oren Ii by hundreds at good Judges. Bituminous meal cum be need in it with moveds:, for all uses. The coal need never he re ve to rekindle • fire, and all dirt and dose is confin ed within. One of the Roves will be exhibited al the . LtainistOre Mechanic.' Fair In May nest_ Rights will be sale by th e loner par; ofJoly, with iron patience to cast from. Post-paid letters affilrersed to/. F.:Weis/limper, fial iiiiicire,llld., will be attended to. •. apHilt• ...SPRING DRY GOODS. QILICKLGIT mark; No. by {Veal sew, aro recciviog • very large and ettenstve stockof fresh Spring Dry tioode, of very reccotpurelue,antl bought under the moil favorable rineusastances. and which' they are pi:paled, and will sell to leered:tins : at a vest . • rmsll ad•aStee,a the eastern c.f. . Wa would 41teet all Machinate eititing oar eity:be give our stock a fair exatuination, and we feel coati-. dent they will he entirely Fattened of the ebeapness of ur clock apl7 "(TESTI:kir ,sslitt/S—Sup Freud. GO Satiny Silks, Cash ,mei es„ and whim Marseilles. CLOT/IS—Sap Frewb, ireeh impotied, all colors, qualities and prices. CASSIIIIIRIB to every stile and quality. CASH MEREITS—Sup ult setup. Queen's Cloth, Summar Cloth, and dssiratile contsugs fur gents' wear, at prices helow any In the city. ROBINSON'S Cloth Store, apl; comer sth and wood its AOliNl," OF THI: HAZARD POWDER COHPA: NY, tar the vale or Hide, Rock and Cuniider Pow der of very supenor quality. CUT C1P1010474 will be muddied ut any hour during the day. epl:ner JO IE:P11 DILWORTH, AI TTHITE PORCELAIN HEADS—The luutacriber having 'mewed the sole Agency for ode admire. White & Co. Plate, (lam Pivot, Molar. awl !Aerosol. Owes Teeth, lova,* Detains' sperial attention. JOEL Itll/11LF.11, Drugewt and Apothecary, apl7 cur vrowl swd: 31h .0 ItifGRUCCO LEATHER—The wtburrihers 'aline Sc. jjk wawa to their. extensive mock ofnloroeco,whlelt bas been eery carefully *clewed in the cavern cities., 'and untl be sold Cheap for each . . W YOUNG It Co WAREHOUSE Silt SALE—The veheeritier °Zara TT • st r eet , tire' dove story With Alfeteehouse Wood occupied by lb Tanner k. 114.1111 hum for RUM& per year. .07 - - - IT LIES -WU WC,lffll Hides, au hand Sal far ail j by apIT W YOUNG a Ca,142 !Only n IJILI'ING-Ilw IL. bnt quality Skining Leath. /0 int recelvad and lby talc by apL7 W YOUNG k Co MODE'COLOIIED few cartons &O.! mode, glom surf &al. 'nub. Slm* Just rred and for by .07 KLACKI.FaT W HITE •- - - • - I , LlyrriSt—A ssmoment or -block owl colored , ja, I atletaa and nest' style. faucydrumet rod Cap s Illblmos, um sole by SILACKLVITS. AVllfrkl, t ,Pl.? • t• vow st (10111.1-luU bap green Rio Coffee, lendlog Gait Canal and tin sale . apt; JOUR ft DILWORTH, 41 wood st". SCORCHED SALTS‘43 calla of good quality, iff antra and for sale by DAILLI4I , --lutbut Maley, ill inorea . tor ;111;1,) , !. _ _ JOHN AHLWOHT/I_l S L'all y -4;1 , 15 , ds pHute . N O t: Co, s lcz , r i p nova fori • nl water awl CH from at IVOLtit. ADimes, in oak Lb* C. I. S WATERMAN UtCF i Irma prime, Hine; for oale LF AA. .pE LS WATERMAN SUGAR—= b*t lYUSanr in store and Ger mkt lest fa ehwe erinsisnmsent, by nfi l 7 • • L WATERSIAN OCVRCIIINGS-1Y nest* Scorching..., pennuicily! SZI mine, .ale by ori7 ieIYATE:I3IIAIS TIRIELAITLPS--4u eisks fur 114114 by , 8 ,WATKRMAN RACON-Liv,CUU I 1A o, •:wiled, ?or .ale by apt: ' ' 8 irATERNIAN =pulley. or. lbw Allfatec Cone` rD.Nj. tV. 11082:1111 monis ids einem D ambit's to the claims of rittelmeghand Anilibmey city fOrthe yen. libenl Nippon and encourammetu las received...dna the Inns/it moadlin• Mat the tar tan 14N11114, moan. ma • oebetnity,. be. neither mmtnia not mymetionsharbin it is cons:demi bow great a number of cases of enemy . variety ot dimmest, WU. 1 ecate and chronic, bare bean cased by • indieimo roe *tit. la Gentrmtre Wiens it originated; six thomand of die want cates, E = 4. ....n. =l a rr i., ty• fW physicians of as went caned by:. theitantemal Primaltre the foanda of the Water Cum .: } -Itlibtet4 6 F`ranos and America, tiontand• of Impe -1 Ins cases ve been cured by it, and she tromerons flydrapadde establietnaeste imr in racemes& opera: non to the Vaned State., veal. Tolman in favor of tbe DrYours heroin pent:silently established bindalf in the city of Piusbangb, time doors mothwmirofb wires alley, on. Penn meet, te one prepared toMks a number of boarderend treat Jae; at his hom., awl those who prefer being named at their own dwOltsgs,, will he pooNuallyaNtlldiNially•sueaded. flde maybe consulted at his oil. Ono. echoic till 3/4., - and from to ID in the ereolog. • " • , N. fl—Focri variety of Wm made-me of in ibe Water are, budlike lads,, and geode:any en. be ob.. fiord at the Aibensam, oa LiNINY•UNN,..be. Wiwi been recently erected for she rupees. use of ify dniombie patient., and where every attention will be Meta ttithe polite .4 attendee proprietor/4 'DOOTATOF:t—tii Lble 'Neehannocks, pia reed by Tit I S! O'N *O3 TASBhre. ItEtiT ILOVERSEEIN—IM el....wed. is. isss -' and for sale. by upl7 Ll 5 WATERMAN 1 1 111CIt1EySEMD--11firvr bagiTiabAby SeMal tarsals Op 2147 I. II WATIIIIMAN XT 0. sl.l(ilt blds glom b. by ._npl7 ItUSUEIMIrt. HOE )r a m01d,....4 , .5-4'nkbls, prime .4.117 NULL, ri 0:011 , 11:1.1)&.. RCM_ A :s"otrrEu bIA.CON—Weask I, for sa et by apl7 AVVILL, I ROO 6.IITUCC6. AND PLASTER OP PARE—Prom tbe bblit of 11, W. Comb Wm: Gr sate by ILLO IV JACKSON, splllnblawS ltb st, bear Liberty C ODA A 51,14 Cask, P.43A...paieni:Alkall 50per 0 per ciut En g. tem, or Wp cent American leet;• 1.1011 . and air ealc b s%V ILIRIIAVUH, 4.1 ismer .4 UM framat D ju.t' ite•d per ma CLpper No "al iitli " =il=t, %Lod &HE SVIiI/ P-30 tobli reveivell •wl for •fie Lr •Pl 9 TASSEY & .• - 11rINTXMV tan vix la glass; Modo_loiLt V do; lOU du Mali tu Hz* in sums and for nate by. opl3 . TASSEY ACON—I cask Shoulders; I do Sides; I do ilhutst just rsestred on sossigrusent sod Fur sale by •13 • TASSEY o=. --- fIOTTON—u3 bales Tenuessee Cowin; 63 do 31both oippi do; loom sad for We by apl3 Wan' BOWEN, 70 (on st SVOA hbds ppm< NO Soon 880 Fnir 40 1 / 4 1n 2toe ii .... tt•”tE r y • . spl3 T BOWE kne b i n i th i ß ni llM y lo Ilttr o d , anJ opl3 guar in L - LllE—ttaA. Looiriville bon, toed Ood for uu sale .03 • HUM:MIME, WILSON& Co ACON-314W It. Bacon Huns; UO(10 do dolitars; auptli,do Jo4houtdemehistakifed„is "iota aW: or "a. bY „ S WNs ..pl3. - • - Gl Wider and 101 from 1111DnE.plEj.44Ubiy ba...igrekVh=llll' C A sl i. and hrsable%7°„u„l, lads ttberman's superioxpilar • %.jr, is afore and for sale by • . FLOUR - -inttas extra Family floor, in store and fur sale by Isola /lx IVLIAILBAUGFIL. DOT Atlll-11ton• Poi Ash received per steamer Ar• towline; for sale by. It 11.0110 N a Cu, ' 192 hbtly st r ARD—X3 Gbh Nu Latsl; Lets do do lust ree'sl 1 / and Our sots by 003 FI.IIIIISON kCo .P J • • .if 11111:0N Co _ CER SEED—Y+ Loft Cborer &sal, Jam r arid ' (Of sale by spl2 WAN DlixTC.l;& Co 11 WIV YARIII,Iff Out l'Ow. Yam for sale by • 11 syll • . • WICK it fiIeCANDLESfe:. IDACON—CIS pieces prithe Bacon, Jun iced Cud for JJ zele by apt : WICK k, ide F. I A.NDLEb4,99 tER SKINS—A 3 bir cola by .0 4 - cpLutrii-14 Ude a Fine,llor thug? iced R, fee Wilt_ McCANI4.i.M.tI DRyyPIA-4 eacktArctrificealth by. accts , CiIKESIL-1,1 atm prime, jun bir by apl4 WICK' bIeCANDLb..'4 bni 7 frOUACCO-I. keg, Nu CI Twtil Tobacco, laudiax :- I from Ocilla.' St 0011 d•.• JAMEWDAIar.I.I.. - opt Q ALERATtib--.Y7 mars Cleveland . Pa „ nrceiledliad fur lily by • ylYrAkfl—YU casks:prtabs kg sale by, spl I • WICK & bLeCANDI.FAS BACON -15 bazar Virgil* Eared llama and Sidra, mow laadivat mai for nada , apla .• e NISN DRAT= &Co,: 41 avatar at _ . RAD , -(44) pigs Galen* Les:l, recdred . per areaurir Oriental; aud tor SAN, by . • • aple ' . PPINDEXtEIt k. Co for sale ll,' Li • evil I d e(III 4.HU9I7IFIMiI it ROE .intki.NCH LAWNS-4*o beguttifutneer stile OreseLawso, jost neeeleed try• .1 ' 1 V. Dr. 49 MA_ pq ; r,144.4-13. 4 k. while 43r 421 e Y -'9 • 1 01 2 ; S 11. ,WICKhilOl4ll4:l7 S 11 Volorws, Lortiri: 3 l a ll p, per 43torr :±kierlkill and kw ule UURBR/DIJE. CoriLso, • - $ Jolts D. Divt*Auctleaser. • • - . iu.,,.,fidThirik pirellivg name, ashi Falk, Thai, mg to..ear , amp m.. 0.174 a dicaka-. ON batarday aftemocui, the 2:61' lam, at ? o'clock, : r will tee wild on th e s th at sple . il , two sexy Deck dandling house lot, lately occupied by Mr Daniel timber, -. .4 brry hurt 'Noe hadditte tom; yell tutildsoutelf ir cm she Simobeavitht Torapike road, sod meets adJF th ereto, embraciag bemptfal 1 , 11•11 foe primed,* a plea of whictimay be Pelll Teethe, the auction mate, at the tense of Wm Applepie.- Went, oae-datuth (Mb. realise in three equal amtual Paramus, With imam . ,' • apt? - ... ~ JOHN 0 DAVIS, Anti. Dnsgs, Mdiciwa, duciiox. On Tbariday anersboon, the Ilah last, at 2 *Wont, at the Commercial Sales Roos, comet of Woad and FSN.srreets, will be sold the enure met 01 th:tqrsi mad , iciacs; kr,3( santleman drelinin that •basusessieas. anteing an enc.'. asaartaaent a Iht in that branch; also, d7a woods, glass jars, UnetaSeiti botiles,inedecina ease; &alarm, &e. • *PP JOHN X) D&VIS, Atari Mulloga4 Ventrra at AltdiaN. Oa Wedtresday afternoon, he latli inu, at 2 o'clock. tbe Commercial tbrles Roma, conker of Wood an d '= mu, will be sold six boxes .of seurboyany re. =mu, goo d rtualltYumdebly ' L AM &et, ort a credit of 3 morubs, apprdred eudoned stoles. apt/ ' ' JOHN D DAVIS.; Auer • Orphan's' ft . ..Sitio - 4 - Mo! Toesdayi the hut, at ochsci . , A hi, will be sold without mane ma the premises, by peter ,of the adatirdstrantr Other Mk 8 McLaren, dee`d, 5 caraii& oat lota of ground situate me the west alio M'Orant. st, comaiencroy at the comer 0(01k at, haring each • front oILAI fees, extend ittg back ID fees -Also, contiguous lots amend, havurg each a floodlit &slims Pietism, browees Gum meet and Cherry elle', bib" - .kle.thiAl back lA , fees Also, 5 kap. of mend IA the 3th Ira , (routing Oa Peary }lna sad Factory streets. • For particulars see band - • . I ' • SPI 7 0 DAVIS, Slack . _ 50 Spiessetid Oa Paintings ar"..1.. • ;ON wal...d.nthe nth ins; as lit o'clock, . Al t au the commercial asks 10a134 WWI 011100 d -sad fifth s, *di be sold large collection of very superior al intio, s ,, 1.1..4... g ag bass% cab vette) of sees** ill k...rOpe and Assirkr=ielirse n e beerioxecnutd by goose of th e beet mists of this ems. _Cuslotreses mill be reedy, and paintings arranged tor einsisauoss psoriases to the ale spld;_ JOHN D DAVIS, Asa.: Poxitiar Sale rf Dry Goods,4E ON 2.Deiler Aiud 17, at 10 o'clock, atlbe - commercial Mies Boom, coraer - of Wood mad PIIII, et., will be solld, so extensive assortment of Fig sad /Weak alayds and fiery Dry Goods, tr. - ...al 2 o'clock; A large assortment of new sad aceiadd band :I,m,s, bold (amigos, moons which arm ma mm y. setrelary, bookcase, &ennui and commoti bareattassoas,„ saa• botany chairs, tablas; . bodasasils, mock and wail . stands, centre sables, fancy and column chain, amend clocks, lookssigglasses,lcalber beds,Lbadding, lawny. as, lalradaer wish a sanely of Lichen fumustra, crick ing Mee, writing desks, beadles, ewePellag,ke. A large,assonment or glassware, smeenstrara,..li kJ Ick, tobacco, gems, N 0 Sogar, his wool bats, sho vels, hay and manure Wks, waiters basket, platform sces, confectionary, _wriung sad wrapping : paper,. =mocks, picks; shovels; Corks, Ac. At. p. at. • • • • A large &nommen: , of fasbanas readtraade dung, super Frank style skirts with brew bhooms nod g, boots, shoes, sarldlss, bridles, trunk., fine table . and pocket catlecy, gold and silver watches, jewelry, shot. gnus, pistols,. sales, samaritans, fifes, Wotan limey goods, km. spl4 JOHN D DAVISE Ana itDATA Hums far'Sali. ONE pair large idle Iron Grey 1100 _ 4 . oLf nod em gentle. Ap ly - b JOHN D DAY LS, nyo notaernryrood iii3dsch xis PITTII7SI7/30111TUZATJUL - C. S. Poarts Meow.. mut Leesee. BENEFIT OF MR. BAKER. • MONDAT, - APRILI7,IfeI, to commence nrith the Drama of WILLIAM TELL. • Wm. Tell Emma Mee Potter. After erhmh. DANCEiby hilts Anna Milerloc To conchae mob the Comedy of LAISUM WHEN VOLI CAN. - Gossamer Me. linker: Mins Petrie. st, 27 ‘t God ft INTELLECTUAL ENIEETTAINBIE2iTs—ga. Play- M otll,t= i ; j Ar d46 dd El* , F t * ,,g l day and Friday, April t!'aa, tata, ana xlst. LA KM( SUNDERLAND has the E pleama of an nouncing, as above a course of. x 'mental Lee man, us sritick he will mwstmt de nt of Me law which mainets thallfrweries,. Miseries sad Feli cities of Human Nature; by a names of results indoead in the winds *this madtance., - Ecstatic, Afasical,. Minh fal and Wonderful_ e - ID'. Lecture to Lartes on Life and Heath, r on Satur day, ate P. M. Single Tickets ^3 emats—six for 81.04 Ta be bad Lure Hall, from BA.AL P, 1 P. M.. awd the St. Charles Howl. • ap15:60 11 •1•Tassiiitutais. ,N.A.T.I 0 fl A I. I4IC U MO./1U the National Amphitheatre, Cheap:net street, Plailadelphia,ermaistang of a splendid talented cam-. frAW,:kt ;Ara:. tr I'4 l ' " A' fora ahon ' a, on tha old grousla 'from of the American *lia ' t.Tat • ... VM. WILSON, J . - , - The Conowdat dietaniroistbed . and popalarr,"paribrmetit will hare the berm a .pipe.n. g every evening daring Minus,- in the city: L J. NATHAN*, RICHAFOR/ raIkOISALLO .. T R .I.4.B. ENV ISA I NWICRed VIAWC L JAM N,,IVIWOEBEI NU intowrA iVASIIINGTOM CUAMSERS, GEORGE DUNBAR; ANTHONY 'PASTER, - TOM .KIRU, M. SHERWOOD, Masters PRANK and Ay.ea. pappls, Admitsion,9s oessa:• aler Mo half prior. " Doors open at tilpeWsmkom to esmunenee For pardealars of performanfo Mot ptOgraresse spiLivqnl GREAT SUCliCia 0_ " Dostatavaaele Great Igeela3 Pataaraaata . of eabewat..ll,pallo Ikk street. PUB highly Awls:in reeeptka of thin Great *Ong =,ty. d. , cww- k r,:g l Po l o.4o 4 .44,:raitY, longer In tbe plugs/ oceta . pki nimly two sone. of cattease,oo ia atalt folly ant h e rsispneted all the bettle•fielde, chief town sad cities boas of Avery:km by .the tworeed &atm. of itto Paulus anal attar Cezta — fMoo and Tayor; the - abote kono. iug the won delightful 'series of !wren ever edited for public calatitkm, and convene; so /tem idea of aut eianury to which the eyes of the world bare, aitb Aeon, kailiatenst, Mewl] Urged. 'Fbr pardec4rs fee villa ofWeday. ~. Adaittanea !Soma. Dams open el de!colt.: ' CEDAR ST: NEW LER warwwww la ilia 'fear 18k0,- anptha4P rVdr Ce4A"%k ir eIOZ3EXC MXa at (tae all se;: i too Valta. aro now opeolop Several (wasps, er=i may aaw• style otForeara wad Micoeitiol P oly of frblelt lisaa/wd awl. Maimed, wad an red for ado for Cod, tad short credo, , OWE, ' S prry beloTw pace* a( .. .PM sad • V printed Catalo *data ass conacied daily, for dia PRIAITIN7 . 4IIOVIIIip • • NOW Yofk,lialo, Iffly FANCY DRY- GOODS . ISEAMAN - 11:114UIR_ I ' I . 1 - AawN l i mmrt. NO.lo.Bll6ll . 9 aL=Ffeziea i ria• , Numb, tioderryfaMps, OT 1431 VARIZTILMOPTAIIgyt MOD& nay Imfilocououy b e looe llreld= sw aidaft New A'ork to iftwoloo iliolr stock e thear- patealawt, Mr. Muirlrasior years of Ammo 'of el?. smart A Oa t from whnela be madam *bola of Jas. ISM; and alr.lame. Dielisoa„ (who ku aw Wriest ix lb. bagmen,' !nu abo favanwly• heart loam avg. J. &M. ILllag, NON- AND:SWAIM-MT rArrrrno3 thigirlb---Itenrone wishing re liere,yelating or dorre wink al l anclowyareb, bkase give Os a ealL, They will ow So lt yr. their adnotsge, for wa are nally.freparadl to d iack se low as any Aram lo ate two ewe. can or will.do l .t No. kilfood meet N. BtWawbk it Jo be. galenical tbar we bare not ;Mil the Painarlit nog gluing, &zoom of an seal :talons (Ikeda igave been telling the pnblie•rnlly wg,Were going intim Wow Oen/ 0( our We ere 111 4 PrvAnted,lo rie pabrilonyandgloWng gun we ever were. . re u ' A ll} siDEHATuei77O 'ALI: WIRY bIITUTS.,— . - Meths. India Rubber Fthith • thrlidadenting pent corroding ia ink, also for adapting them to WU* gal Perelman without the aid of pumice, and to facilitate the ink blowing tree. To amikets, earnnancera and wiertantile ram; it IS invahuble: By teazels. adding a -I, 'W_dmPs audit Tzthi mete ink ID CM, it will be loam to be the best antiliary eserodezed, 'trollies the mid i •priVizatte - the sediment, taut, a 'Hew Sow of th e idiot disperwes id* Wei tremble* .vipin4. pew Jut reteinid math:entail i a . v DLO4 II UO-31dezers Bin.; tv; ...o:2s= .• , wwg &u,e-forntiza 1100LN PORY-1108 pieces Chief Bitlllf Port, ,tripulirig I,IU (ma rii:imor hpniro Chief and Ibtsale by_ .PLI • . - HACI4LEY &SMITH._ BTAIiiiIIIIIL Imzei - Stareilicifieqro.,4, 41. it ! from 11il000ppbe 1 ! 4 0 ... 1t_4. 1 .. L ., • - .._ a.. ''_ "' ..!"r" t ; 10 METAL-30 sons No I rownisi Mr list re , t - , celval sal ON nabs by &On ' 1 VICK a , cue swags-go I,ol4lsontaorsr, No 1,1. It most H ' h I" " bi‘. NURIINIDOIR - MartNe. ,::. ' i DICE-d 0 lir ten pie tonal. br JUL a➢lt UREEMKIkI, rrusc& a. co • • . AUCTION SAW: AMUSEMENTS ' • ClOrMi — s r- mits litriesidamstaba' "":- D3I. O P&I'LOWS DAMIAN OF uvEawqatr, from ..:: Beekman streak N. • Y. stimal,the lump, posilles the blood; relieves sodas, - sorra =AM tweed, ut i g, by manitem; asP.u.'u 4 . o "...itmovul.7:l tem, sW Is I certain 'sant for eougloW, II On years lusty prattles, 'sad always adds s ess. - • - CONSUSIPTION CAN ICGCUILIEIX driatiolis,..aSyrnliy.hiendrey °r ay congramulos, was ;Alen di wino dine spate wish asaid,•aan t hi ths breast. and some ditheohy of banal .. p d to !Ef.,_...*, day's distesiler, she had a shams rghir 74 . 4 4.... " . * side, Which so tiorifieine would raises:. somitio sti far a long time wader the sosdiesfesii 4WD, Esc, but dually. became, eousuespiire,astlarsusystridently ' MU the eud of barmaid safari • *Moye 1 el persuaded her bY try.Dr s. Tay bes r tooth.br um wort. Inca she ealltlaCtlee4 this median 41 did mot seem to smut with her for a kw Mi 35,114 Vt..= ,abr dose. she found li smswered orlidisibly,trelis ! her sheet smi her illihrglry:hrbreahLOY Skutt ter; sod we had the plesism of amassing her I** mammy to Medd, , , • r' t - •• Res. UV: Shirr/IF. CONSUMPTION AND LIVVR colinautercußsi , For de years 3 sulisred,with Wee. attit t, iessa I mid from toy helm 3 We/ tor ill similarly I ['egoistic= to :TY Dr: Tiylorlatalssia or_ verwort. This methane eared ate When . l'ioal nor is be sad was not expected to kifet a weet÷yet y*. eared la she weeks by 'Wirt sist,le niedieine..-. EXTRAbIWINANY dAtITILIN JO;' helms this , medleise is required—Umeemblit Me :tit 'M. - oar unease.' mains is sow souls at ntleeknous*i, hy ibis 1 rotriziatzwrimor, M= l 3,- 1. 3 3 , l og ß i d , A7T. ' rq s .t. d r. sts are lias satsumas. -; 1 . : • TrZ • Sold in Pittsburgh hi I D. 144.4'04 . vrod r; 1 Townsend, 15 Nantes st; II tiniyerr, .eor Rides sad 3d ms; Itstuletron 0 Co, d 3,ibemrsu;;Fn a cchmed mo rice - stchiLlisfrarri - Atfti . LEW A i lfiltU t • k tfr o g g atl u zy nittle . ire . ress . boy. 1 dm lease to tecoutmesik hha St rd. 3,lii•K *7- --- -•:„-- --- AMINFi r i ' N. It "he tea Wire ithitirrit hake, that , bee has purehsiedhirs. UtEntsital interest stem holiness, width wlllbe Omatated Mybe • • No , 1.110 Wood street;" where he will Kale No all who may want Gold Lest,lFkidilte.;. ' Imams , , Lavin anandott to ht. -bawketi 44 . 4. it 4 Lot ": re. sadadastion to Moss ',who ordY' Ufa.. ' .-D 1 1h1; • * puroossit. . audits ' , .. - 301.13s bUNI& ,4 ...; - _ I trfril=t niVe l esArl i rte " &d:7_ 4 44% Thud cm% hue Ude day, by =PP co.lnr pop. ved, then nolonutendttp. All doom *YIP S at selves indebted to We' Eno, ale 6411 cellos their warehouse no Libitn7 entec 07 al Wood, and wale; and tnl baying entails et Unto will PMVItt them at Ilte amerce PP szeiw•nt. !OM 1410HdiL.N. Apr% I I. 1913. .04.1______ .QTELLERS' Vtlibilli Win DgeTto iro.we.. 1.7 IllatoTn, Alleggieby county, . um. 1 gnee to ary Mien boy, aged C yew% fia at sok... Vennifogel od es la* bene A. 5 bows he pored Lott een SO and IP Alit= 'Ai Veroudage AM API rely pleseektn,l4-Innettle *boat obsenno illy a emelt/JAW/1)bl :VI. . r. glk u * d rt l :p ii i 4. 4:d n a 1 7 t d r reg.:a ...„,..., Also, by Dr Cos'4,rl, Cab Hall, no I ti Catiy, Alle- stm,iy• • ____ I t r split Is READ ...Awe Infintfliis'nfenit(Silg* MAWo gramtly, that he btu rssinnvit:ilier:uouguor• to at sidendid bleck.,•oteunn baddingsZTl as Ow "AP.U O kg ere:et of W. , a; WW. b. mil be 4sPITsI9I Roe T his friends, sal ...gamy inns ones set- max Inesseio favor No with n call. lie Wends to ItApod , v o r ■ good sorer of Was angtiouSbe: di. Ilierwousi's lirededs timid; subscribers Innneod"bani4.lSfeist " *re ede -1: sadvarnilbisisetles s pecostuisonesi &ll* . 04 couunnienfusuplisdirecilnun Li theissess Ibis dionn• es us . ortiab elnyAns anpliusldesAi t , spindlesa co mod ins arassannT" ---- • . TIM% sigusel,wattyjoratri2VOs "continues -to e fieel.lsournineesnoldstben 7 • alpinist Flit, on buridangs, nierensodirs,' - =1 poiceril, not cadres tobrardow s li ildsailyund, kinky... MOM BUBSCRIBEIt teee;. • • y tem. of die buoyancy Company orNor imel will Imo PpiiCICS mai putted w 11.0eehe . gw. Arin; &Wag minahatse`of 114* • Co 7 • 'spit e t 101 08 EitT110014P, Whol.aliA= hil if i,„ • AA, Dfstllter, - delta la Prodocr; . and iortittat of Firly; .... . wi..; o b d u o . r , ; N.. if but i vt.A. , ... L ......_1t 5 , . s. vv./ iiv newt .0( wapnior hf?m.o.•topp, - • vngleli "dab.) sold.kne kr clah, •,• _... mu . i 11.ITZA.111 Ssue,VINTKIN/sWT k‘nt ktal.l...aqa bar - : ,i -fa af,nos Am nurser 'Mama* liat md,A.„.. e ,... =Wiwi 4 """ . r"P"ra""'" gaW 4".ll' r I . _. O - . .- - .-' ra Waterand FkOln nil vpfrxm,y' UsTitiTgl/fra • I - ANAlBlArrilOUT3=4.7.annay, ft .., ..,..di nc; ia . row* O t ß lC a.lia° br.lo4et a ao. .- ) • Iherrataar lark. To la , <09P1,44.11, u, twqii, ,„,..... ... Pan injannoseired liadror tate by "', '- --••—""" • . ..„ . JOHNSTUN 1.{fp04 , 7 0 144. 1,,.._,, •.. ! !: e..anwer-iiiientelaaltld ins rpm kigban pales lia•cobpaki brava, ciiLf • • .1; 0 . 0 ..'"Wh I, "!..:^NN 6 n.s. r /WI t.. 4 .. ...-r. t. . • L IV. 7 . . ~ . : 4 :;___. g ..,_—!ill . , A.: WV- • : . 11. 4 "I' fie t iT ' Al ' i ll a ue.4"l;l4 "" 4 ' 1 MIL ' 110.4.1 1 8 cpycipurwrk l si priralinu.o4 - 7.$ 4 .-- i tk; e dgi ly ' ft - iit Diftrt t Y FAsK E. E. ris ..„ ...... NOS . Wm* pat vug e r thrtoo• eff to row eathfoOltt Pi the Ingest. sutttest, L.. iniShed omit fortholtech akma pcninerfal Lows oat the waters of Ilto West ar;r ( setthouttadanot. o th l ~.. fort thatthoaek tut lunegge, ha. bean pre) that, an.- twi s ters. The Lino has been in premium:n*olkt e) cu. —4Bal.7arneil i our.. Dec*: .!iti..1 1.. P.. , 1 ,5*4 mi.- ITlPmeet t....i4 ,- prtir U3:1 1 -tulii,VL -r. tuba or co. ight anti A: oU3'..# Pftrteultr..... B . 4 * 'ter. In et e.o. the rt.rtheo ,theoter Mort re path to 11101IDAT PACICEN.. . • . NENVIIDN, Capt. A. 1.4. Maud, ',IA.' army it.anday lA:trains .111 ri." Sunda cab% ° V Mar 1947. . lor . . • 111011 MAT PACKET. The '' °N°N "Allka.a,Caapt.l. t. assa, vt al leave rine. baugh every Motels) morning at afeaue4Mbaehtl every hioaday enreauag, r. N.S WII.EADAN PACKET. 111BEILNIA,No. Y, Cu,. J. Altexte win Wave Pittsburgh C arery.Ttlesday haerdiag stftfo'cloet; Wheelie) . •ve.7 Totubef ...It at LUT.'ia...4 wicioncut p*vikarr:" 4 The Nla.'lV ENOLAND "Cal* NAM will . tgam, pruutaargla every. Wednesday- haosoiut at 10 gagloek; WhmhagitareaT Wedeeelsy availing allO r.* he ritintsuwr pacwar. , ..' • 11111ALLIAN7, apt. Clam, watt-.late puts. burgh every ?Yoruba) . *maize la 10 Weloek)/Theelieg every Thatedag avettag at 10 erte: pitiRMLIY. PACIEJCZ.. The CLIPPER N. ! Cept. Ce.,,easoriU fare Pitt.. ,burg 2 every Fndey mornuair.ei 10,9,15,,q; Wheelie({ . . • -RATURMAY P The MESSENGER, Cept. S. Erse, buil, every Satentley zoorttingtaletOdeek Wheeling every Satmlay 0,1113/4 at 10). . sa, , BEAVER PAC :PE„ -ARMLNOI,_ _ CALEB-COPE,. . : . will 'leave. for lteaveri, Otallow :wl Agi n _ Wellerilk, on leeday Llannoday • mal 9a Mood of emit week, at* tiork.lsa recant larien Monday, Wedataday and rsiday. :ate has a H ie bop helm landata_bedweea Wood Ateet cidaft badge, PreptlllillYrtr , !l7:filigiii allll , .tW: ' i . . ...8, i yt : Ma MAUL Ave. DEAVER AND WIDADVILLE rAcxvr, jaithawair.DDA ,, xlmets, 4 6 1 1., fur l ecomiwatialetr tour-, mime asLy ui" s,deem - ,0. M. BARTOK et 9 o4loet, a. PITTSBURGH. Ac BIDOWAIV/LL Daakot. Liss. - iituaIIANSIA, till • ! • ABRDA49ISI,INS _ . , , LEAVE AULT ATB A. AL, ~ .0:44 , C. At, . ~ - The ' CoUoitlurc new compare. i • dm hoe .ior- du) -pre seawen.AT LANTIC, Capt. - Junes • Perkinse AVM, Capt. A. Jagetec wpd LOUIS' M'LANS,. Capt. le. Capt. , Ales boata-.l* entirely new, and ere need lip leitheitii mutter tupelo,. Er. err eanton that meney CAB pillCOMAPhirernitOVidied. The Benue will leave the , . Ai bad Boat el the And of Row et . mere will 10 htlgactuAl en Wanku the twaw wl/1 Ttanaly Went , elate alert. IV iCr tE7.}:4 .410- • .- - ' ll' tIItatICAN ilk& ...- . Attineen, pee ler.. will 1 011 as ebore onE7riday. . et. ♦4 P. Y. ails freight or petwage apply 001001.0, or 0”, =/-. • • .pi.t .D3VILKUIS, Agt • ~ • ..,,.FORTZ#OIILEANtkj r(P o , eloe igtail .p.etirdrEoO'releriterr,'AwG L At ,Wi fr , are r' '• se a boren n \ 063 100 Pll le e k nAI Cl aO-11010 pews on iVedneeday,the 1011. in`, Pr ; . - rpr (nick' 0: p ?..satee sppl CO 00Fd or to: eel; GECI-11 A . LTFABERCE/1, Air, _______ _. nia aril • NO A. .iBRIDORP6III . . --' mat utg ale dho ubstantial ,Zurs. water lIIIDSOIV ''', 'i seer Pee Mousey hus rgsuittsa bet regular trips betweeu Wheetiug, la y s and Pitts burgh, It snug Putsburgls bit hituulays slid 'rurplay Is REGULAR i•Aciam. The new end6la air Barnes . , Ma stet, r Adams all iatermadaue e nnac i t Wedne.- dap aad of each - asak. • karireOt or p ad- VG;e .,-°,62 . °ELT ' S MILTE:iIDEBeIk:II, PITYSBUROD WHEELISIIPALIGFT. Dorsey P A .Nl ,4Vas n i.ej kat*. pda r rly to; Whet!tielr, Dotakle .IVienltt= agekek/eltusaaney. o , olaY; II 7 eei e 1 a ' re7, precleell:' • ' " Tao Consul erilrfandlti all the interned:di porta,. Ftiery thar ran be Llutell - for+the cola • " boas ts also p t i n ftZeiirseltaetietyrgli /6.srd . prevent aloe:Kona - ,Por algid orpass:weedy OS board al or • DAVID 0.10:11. ELIA eoneer of let and Ssai data nunazrowr; _ henevnem T er fielsou,. manor, ,sralrl3. aviozyinalrorgh crirry_. Illoaday IVide . .11.Frsduir•at DIF Welork.,* - 4.012411. bangsludoCityevery Tue r iipkr,Thorsdiy ouaturdsr. we o'clock, tr. Fur ughtor P. 0.157014344., FUN YXAIySLiN t, .11ve mir , atr JO arta sewer A liMlkq Mauer_ will leave Car the Import every Wadavaday aadllas, i =as 4 - P.. Tar Vrakfla or paladdjapply as itiscgwmOr4i. at jaw ales A: , Inlet