The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 15, 1848, Image 4

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- F ri.ora sE
T 4 edethd w ai r le l earl s hiell has
•ttasided the ass or we' ' - •
n ill the Tadao, forme which Irritathist of the lunge as.
sitmei; hia loth2eed the proprletor . stials to cell sues.
The' au:table weather 'which marks au OW sad
Sriater months, is slurais et fruitful souses of . .
.Those, If neglected, aro but ass precursors of Out fell
.• - - - - -•-• •
The geeston, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in
the Inie how than. we get clear of our tough. and
. aide? of thus, Importanee to the public. •
hr found in the Ginseng Penectia. 'ln proof orals
we have Amen tone to tune published the cenificann of
dozens of our best known citizens, who haze experi
• toted its curative powers. • These, With a MSS of to
timony_from all gang of the conniii,—from •
Mhilstera of the Gomel, ait., together with topions no.
tees from the
we hare embodied in pamphlet form. and may be had
phis of say of otragente throughout the courinTi
Laic been need in this thy.
throughout the United States and Canada, and vs ek.
Lingo any man to polio out a'
Sio which, when taken according to directions, and be.
tom the longs lad become fatally 'dlsorgsonzed, It has
aver failed to
Vlily,.then, need the sollSeted hesitate it by resort lo
Me nameable OrottlMlS, gotten,* by net, 0 sra
stale under the assumed name of some ea .waled pity.
'Win, and puffed into notoriety by
,eertilicam per.
sent equally =known! . Whilst a medicine of •
fa to be bed, whose swelters are at home,—our MAI*
bony—many of whom it has • •
In order that this invaluable medieme may be placed
wain the mach of the poor 1.1 well the riehi we have
put the prieo -
crarvi , VJPTT =net, -
J.% one hell the . natal cost of cough snalleMes. It is
for We by our quids In neatly every . town and village
over the west, who are prepared to give fall Wawa.
ton relative ink T. :SALTER, Proprietor, -
' Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
This disease la caused by a re. :ve=al conunic
tion of the air cellm it is very debilitating. almost cum
in ituffotation: DR. SI , YM2BERI3 PANACEA le the
only certain caw
Boaneaeu "trt be . nuti•reir ettied by Vniit use of Dr.
'l3 . weetsefs Panacea
Catarrh, or cinumon cold, which, if neglected; will
tenainate to Consammtien, to effectually relieved and
cured by Dr. Sweasees Panacea. •
Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effeetually lead to
Dronchial Conatimptlen, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet
.- sees Panacea will effectually cure it.. • • • '
Inflammarion of the Tonade or Sore Tluoat.—This
disease oftenlemis to serious consequences from nog.
key inch as ulceration of the throat. On the firm symp
toms, Dr. Panacea should be ye:cored and
need freely. -
' — Coughs and ,Cold. ind. a sovereign remedy . in Dr.
Ilweeter'a Panacea.
Priestmenia Nothae-4 very falai disease resulting
',frtirtse violent cough and cold au a del:Cori/1 or bit.
ken down consulates.; aged persons are subject to ire
Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should be used on the first
symptoms, which area cough w cold.:
Plight Sweats.—This debilitating complaint will awe;
with a timely cheek, by using Dr. Sweetser's Panaeme.
Conatunpuon.—lf on the first appearance of constritn.
'live aympioans, which are a pain m the side and breast;
cough or .sjc s n=lo:Lif b Dr e
. . 4 ,=rlPartacca
lifien the lamp, the Windpipe, orßionchial Tube.
become clogged op with phlegm to as to impede respi
=ion or breathing, Dr. dweelsers Fume., which is
• Dower/el Expectant.; should be taken accon/ing to
She directions. ' -
• - -
Inteeram--This dlstreasing epidemic, so prevalent In
our climate, la speedily clued by Dr. Swectsees
Prim St per bottle, or six bootee for KA
For sale by eYbL JACKSON, ho Liberty at, of
ehe bigloot • noetaly
Soiroachr Scratcher
ITCH, SALT, RIIEUM dec.—, Who would
M E Tr day mratch, when afflicted with the
- Totter, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew
who would relieve and core the=
ale horrible to be obliged to rob and scratch when
alone, but more horrible to abstain from it, [for decency
D aaVv a lml s io r zem t y. L
and lltiUcto, t
fr is
=et affinitive, of any other preparation in eMstenee
to eating the, Tenet Itch, and other diseases of the skin.
As aUdlmeases of the skin men arise from the Impoelty
of the blued and fluids of the body, and where such
cue be of long standinc, and the coustitudon affected
thereby, if Dr.loidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills he used
whet the ointment, they will cure any case whatever,
and if they do nal, the money will be remrned by Di.
Mon sun, however, will be effectually cured•
brDr.Laidy's Tatter and
Itth ointment unless - the
whole irynent is impregnated by the dimmed humor.
which will be completely carried off from the system by
Dr Leidy's blood pills. tad the surface of the ado heaF
ad by the ointment Price of ointment El cent.
A.lnah supply of these valuable lllediCillel loot re
wired and for Aldo by
isbt contr. wad. aleo S cot. wood sta.
nor re XIDLO,
rIE tualemigned has lacy been convinced of the
neoemity Mr soma medicine adapted to the use of
Den and 'lntents to .pereede the apa of all those
medicines which contain opium, and bas length sec.
needed in preparing sad offering to the public • medi
chsefully answering every purpose for alldiseasesof the
howeborithout the M. of that deleterious thug or arty
other maculated to injure the least. The Infant
aces has been fully tested and tried, the last twelve
mouths, by numerous persons, end found to,possess all
the extroonlimuy 1111 d to produce oft the mean-
Salting effeets as set forth on the hill of dilations., Di
wrrifea, Vomiting, ChoLic; (hiring, Pointy Siekness and
Biwa.* wising from Teetlung snag immediately
without disnabtng any of the !auctions of the betty,
•pnachzeing the happiest nod most, pleasant transiti on
tram violent pain n tranquil and Joyous state of feel
ing in the little sufferer.
To be bad wholesale Ind retail, of the Proprietor, Dr.
JOHN SARGA-IST , pht•gist. and Apothecary; John
Tilitchell s }llion ft Beckham, and most calms Druggists
a n itillegheuy end Pittsburgh. decl3/' .
11i1PERLAI. COUGIi StattiF:7D,,bas
power to curet Prrassanott, Feb.)4, 1847.
E...Smassa—ltly wife has for years been subject
te. a distressing cough, meompand with mthma, for
the care of which Me used diffemut cough remedies,
and heath° advice of the most eminent physicians in
Nagle:id. but ell Cos h nailiug. Ity chame I
ot your imperial Coug Syrup, and was induced to buy
■ bottle Sur Vial, although I had no belief that anything
mead remove ber complaint. To my great sarpcse
two doses gate her immediate relief. She ts at untei
troubled arab a cough, but two tearmoonsful of Syrup
always Cops a. I le am -.defied, after a mai of diree or
Mar years, that Selr's Cough Syrup is the beat cough
Med Wor icine I have ever tried either In the Old or New
' Wm, Fsmeormats,
. .
. .• Seven th {Tard y ciry of Pittsburgh. ,
ITIIe above certificate s}oedd toduce all wbo are
ambled; with cough or achma, to give the Syrup a vi
a/. It may be had for aft cents a tattle., at the dreg
stop of " RE SELLERS, 57 wood It. .
Sold by Dr Cassel, 6th ward, and I/ Ii Carry,. Atte
gamey. city. . Jana
Pulmonary Balsam.
VrEl39ll:B. REED n. CUTLER—I feel it a •duty I
171 owe to my. fellow creatures, stun something
mom, respectin your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam.
Pine I Lost ato ll the Balsam Meat eleven year. *goy
the happy effect of which I then gave an nem.' of, I
lava had several seam complaints and attacks at ley
one a few days since, and In every . instance I
have aced the Rale= nene whit complete and perfect
success. It has effected relief and cumin a very few
days,; It is monthly a safe medicine. I do not know
that it will moan fired consumption, but I believe it
will he it many Ca., s pmventive, and prevention is
Letter Min cure; I do therefore, for the love of t=
Jaw men, eanteshy recommend the use of this
in a/I pulmousry complaints. I ant confident that it
has been the means of premnyng my life to this day.
Beaton !mein 'CI. BEWAMIN PARSON&
For sale by Il A Pahnestock, Co, comer first and
wood end also comer wood suul MIL' • Jain
BCCEIPL — VERADFLIDE.—Tbe - greatest of al I
Notre medicines: Nxtv Lamm, 01130,?
MD is to certify that after using differenB, With. t
tions for expelling worms, I bought of C. P. Relsnan, of
NOW Lisbon, two vials of R E Sellers' VermifiV, and
hmus the mments of one vial to three 'of my children ,
.Preal the, first, axed 6 'year, it expelled 45 worms;
front the second, ti years old, US and from the thir 21. old; lIP conking SU worms expelled by aatag
Pit Ona Urn I recontinend Sellers , Vennifuge as a
Baia and one of the mat effectual Wmen medicines ha-
Irma the pablic. Doan Mentiow.
Peepseed and sold by R E SELLERS No 57 Wood
itreeL Sold by Dr. Cassel, sth ward; D Corm Al.
Mishear William S Smith, Tempenmeeville. 014
• o PSeat Block Rprlosr Tross,
NEWLY INVENTED—For/he Inliefswd P.M1.(.111
Com of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Salted to al/
Vol superior claims of this Toms consist - M the eons ,
pintuve eau with which it may be warn. The pad of
wood' Lying neatly balanced on springs, yields to roes.
sans on my par; of It, and thoroughly adapt' itself to
111.117 movement made by the water. It can be Will
without intermission, omit o core is etected. Tbb rob.'
snubsra have made arrangements ha the astanutomere
of these valuable Trams, in a lumen.. style, In Phila.'
181 AI., and have them now for sale at the office, No.
7TBmithif w
eld ea. near Sixth, Pittsburgh.
Grat. WATT,
Jele • • U. W. KA UFFMAN. I
• To A. FARSII.I"tutAIS Pneumonia or Cough Bal.
I. - Bals., • 'great adventage over many other
'Cough preparations, H ilb as taste pererata it WI
kw used sailboat inconvenience. But its value as a
Balsam consist, in the speediness of its cute We have
hams some of the Wort desperate coughs, some at
which had been riming on for u considerable length
Of time, yield ahnost struitediately to its power.
In ouch weather es we have bed during the pear
winter ' every one Is liable to take cold, u.Wess great
praeanturns are used.
Wel feet and undue exposure to the inclemency of
the weather oboe Lays the rotnnladon' of a !melting
=h, which needs a quiet remedy to prevent serious
We have ;Eaciactows cenlicaiet of cures which h
Ma performed, many of which Me from perm. In
thin ary and the neighborhood, and they are a naffieleat
gararenea without saying another vrord La ha favor.
I=d and be sme wholesale and retail by II A
3TOCK a. Co, comer of wood and lot and
NriGETAIILIA 4 .1 .11,4105ARY.041.5A11.—T0
td agzimor..,:t.Vzorl.
mailietaa. Atha been used la Misplace with complete
Med max tiamims• appisiat of the limp, attended with
• Mart amp, Lomat mese, atel the move of much blood
'Ai* had perriestsiy mainsd many approved psnerlipsomr
Allar sin the Ulna am week the punt'e vows arteased,
ad b. was eaaLled to omit audibly. • Th is rem emarted
Malian W, ul themes; m eass engaged Oa utly aw
the Yu is lebotimm bad. ' • ampeellidiT. Ttl.M
Conard,N.ll... Jam. 70.1x1 .141 OR La, Al IC
Pinang* by.fl a Fehnintoelt, 4 , Co. waver of
eel and alool,nhe nor wadi it wood eta. decal
A STRONG EVIDYNe:r. that JA tin)
P TOBANTY sgrerb atl other remedies for
.01th,Cetattataptiaa. Irthehitie, mthath,thel other Pal ciao
aaff ..elihm, ;a that the maw team who eamettthed the
ma elk itt their frmilies is path ago. WU prefer it to
• OW remake cf 04111.4 and sthentexy bath been Waved
01 lbw P.T. 1.". 4.7 abated ioeutabil tom_
• =la r od It= d htt reathaahly
la t ft reamed to7th aro of 'AIM' kUrit‘7B..
• tram that Ms tined name Sham. Lad wig:
ISAGIT sew had evral ia arthatiac ittthholoaqdthaamea
PM" WY Dr J.F.,Fldid•tpbik .4 miles
Aceridawtf. - Wm* et
CIELLZAS , YERMll.7ths popLduny .
•. juop d - Lt.....w.a,0610, March /3, MS'
rapKt . lp bi 7our carweeks, and 4.11
....neid:alartat=M7 Yna ., widett in
becomes knairn. We bays
sod liwitk wooa in on , 07/4 (mill'. sad &maw
.000t.00 /Min SISOY awaances ollts extellener.—
• ; Mamma , . ' ..1 ISRAEL dapilectuD., ,
Tgand mad lad bT lye Sellers, SZWood lA. &Id
Jg r nitOrsiolth 'Ward; dad 67 DY CFrr,
‘ 4 4:!•
. .800g5 , m81C,.16. --- --• , -,..‘ , 1ii1i0..t.„..,..
.1,4 by L
sew A. &Z. P. SAMEX C 1 vataable wok ... neinlntiilbe folkiwing i
so WE Cones andOlwallsellis
1 , Eloniphanie • do
a sketeh of Ow lAL ery 7 r 4,. ....xipti.., ..... .
11k of CoL A. .. Deea= the er , !CF. vhifsin, SPittini Sivisms, SiCsierns vim..-
alert= Gnu gummy% &masa Ut Cali . EadwaY Hot* Wstsay. Inns s, Dmrhar
br,r4,=„4,"i0,... =l:l2tAg a , stPIUM f=k l L ud s4 ( 44 ri rr e tst , Zal Zi'
and the Operations of Oen. Price at Sams Fr; with n Hangsvuof ile las= Patten., gide iniut Iwthet,
lisp uut liessnst," by Jots T fitieset AB of the , and mole of all kandii. .., . ,
lit Itertment of hasoosi Cavalry. . Cluing. of nu, dessuptson fa en awn no.
ties- Plums made nt aviator . I Gearing, Inc
Elam of Xentseky--rm Antignities Mid Natant r.U.r. de. guy : . p 4,,,, k.., Famories, Cat
Cosioune . Statistical ant Oadoskal ban Window Saojey ar4 Taney greralls.—
descriptwee smasknes of Woman Lrfa, and more °nem .n vas ihp viram....,,ys, c.., Lib.
Vthan one htmdwsktlioynnibierd Emelt, of datimonsiv 0117 enact, snit have Fritts sateation. ' !
Pi lrble.; t i =tr " , 4 rir Iti lvit '64.' iurt i"T hr ' lniris lX. EirieSstseki' Ben t lars i g rtiostimadik Oa, 0E '
Collias,l vol. octavo. _ - Timer, Johirinta i st Tilid4 4l 3h.
0 C:& .1 If 'Warner; Steubenvill: Jan',
......... ._________
TAXES this method to term his friends
fed the pithfie es that kis E. Frg
AT ill 4 a=r, egit u F,Uere a ill
J r
want *apply of Binds, f various colon
. andmWitleaare antstantly known handy
alao at N 0.4 Wood st, Pinstalithst I. 6
H. fldllipaioll ekalt wiremort. .. .
rmums Shatters made to ot:At En the tirit Ars%
IVlT u la d nt rill i rro l i tt I;ititOSit viri,sd4l..._
tonal nerviest so that iheT coo Svidmiva ii..."'
min in ease of Er
tor wuhing, and withon , the atil
4:IL od a mew dr e et lyterlase ty
* •
__EOM --
OFFIN MAXUS AND FURNISMINts U NDER- MRS, corner of Pena and Pt. Clan sweets,
ospositithe Exelumse Howl, annum on Perk mom,
nspeetfelly inform their hinds wdi the Pdbli'it 1111
they ant Plumed Miami& and at to overohumbi
the line'of Undertaken. Always** band a larse - as.
momenta( rectify matte Coffins, mend, Heed and lin•
when hi the very Wm manner; al/ aorta and sizes rowdy
made &nude of lia anal, Cambriek and maim, and all ;
[ else. nude in approved urine We rep a laiz as
trio:carer white and bleekoottou,sl and kid yes,
Labia On pall bearers and mainennraos, ram col
lars, and every thing smonsery tor diming the dead,
and on_reustmbli was, as we yardman all tar good.
lathe rampant own Ab, MI Ver plate. far engraming
the name and ate. We km *splendid new beano sad
hone., and any number of the best canines. Every
thing attimded 10 pmeptly mad ponentally... _ oeskly.
. .
. .
The Dative Months' Vobtateet, loaxnal ofa
vwe in the Tenntseso • Regiment of Cavalay,.intbe.
Campo*. of Mimeo, &Inn= eautshung anat.
count of th March qf the t to. Vern Cruz, a
demeription of the Countrylaned over, ea.
tams, ae. of the people; airetehen• of
coon. of an the anttoni of other Volunnte::gry;:its
and a full Balmy of the Mexican Wu; list the Bal.
led and Wounded, tee; illustrated by ',Jorge amber. of
cornet Time sod plate ; b 7 Cleo. C. Falbee,l volume
BC.°l9f InEt.s.pWin"llan',V,
wish ' beaTitifin Manual:l r on sand; by Sartain, and 21i
illoninued pages by Sebadia and Sinclair, daily
bound In Turkey nunsceo and white calf, npezblTßlt.
The Christian Keepsake, As animal far n. 14 wbb
ar ,..z. nilfroesizaint engravings, by Sartalinboand in sr-
Claim. Blossoms and New Year's Walsall for
ISIEg a snag Immo voliunnyrkted on mon whin' pa.
per, natio end, splendid maszotbn engrav—
nu is by far the nein beantifnljtnranila annual pub.
hand In the Unhad States..
The PoetieatiVorka of Oliver Goldsmith, ht El, whi r
numerous ea dain datgos, by the Etr. t hing Clair, In vs,.
nova style. of binding.
Thorapscoes Seasons, win, sevenry-aerad date; kT
ihe Etching Club in swims Alas of binding. •
. ' Tha Poeta and Poetry of atinenea; by IL. W. Chu.
The 1 1 / 4 .0 and Poetry of the 'AMMO., by WiW.
dill toperbly bovoi in Macy morocco; Won
„ Willlts i keti let:izz.d.r.i..;, styles of b
Ilsa so Lora's P n
ottieal Works, _ •
Shah/peals% .
The Poetical Works of Thous Moore, •
Ballads Poems asid ot
Maimher Poem, toy liars Howitt. •
Samed BloontaLes.
The alto., with &peel variety anther new
In splendid wiles of meltable lb; gift lookin for
sale bY
dew • Bookeellen, oor. Market !hi ma.
R ANDE a Lll a T I C
Dire Daee,ltantowdwi,csapridagtheboomdapatison.
stalsti es ti depriolererybrandtaboanalcoosiedge
with*. daintica and dribtibes of tiejrrsas i geral
asodited by W T Estate, R 11.,411. tow
• Marer%Notils Americo AtbsioadainksbeentithDy col
ored aps . of North kneriar,Coaa Kest, Geode West,
Nova go?ts% New lreasaitk, Northern Texas, New hies.
real. o k' .Velitta s = l ind M all lir'. States and=
rim ia the Deka
Neg.. Naito...TM bigogot,o9 poiioor f r m the
klerweion La Da, to the teroktina of 1710, so
meow of thes_pnacipts% me eta, by• Muriel Ned, A,
b e ',plebe Chrodatad Weasel= portraits.* Neel;
In two ines. • .
Th. ars of the Ray Isleineto the 'Mad, by Gorey
Meow, ' D, aralecof the royal eagle a ny wise%
.Jav•alle Warkl• ,
Mold , oed Weeth , erwhith waltse the ma,. Very lap ,
alselneolle _
• Tenho( the Sea, beisganellag ta.lessitims of Alpena's,
Rowell% , Spalsw—The iron Speaker, reprishw
ektosater ) raw sod emcee' • ia dedasatsen, sub a whe
tter of pienslepracticedry FersisT Rastallintractor
The above works necked rod Ibilllol
Joarnrfort a emotion
Booloalknose market awl ard sts
lI IIT I - Olf — Alalffii,sll4 - KiTilltibTelasit
jJeloal, ice— • ,
LAnthos'a Classical Dictionary,
• Dictionary'. Cono f Greek and Root intinaldea•
111 111 'Calloashnercial Dic iuTi
UUre'sDicrionsay and Soppleasits„ arts, sitarinfacntres
'Wank.% Octavo Dicn's reiised edition; •
Todd's Johnson's ond tio
Walt *
er. Dictionary;
Worm:tees Dictionary; /
Liddell sad Scott's Greek Lerma; I
Robloson's Greek Lexicon of New T000l000i;
Lemurs Labs Lexicon; ,• • ,•• -
Ainswarthht Latin Diettontur, •
11.3 and 'llltbin's Preach Dictionary;
Buck's Theologies! Dictionary; • ••• •
Union BibbThetionasy;
Robisdem Cslroct's Dictionary '
de., Re. ; ..The above, with a general amartment olTheological,
Class i i r
. 7, , - 11 l
_iseellars, and Sendai School Books„ !t
_hand , and, wrie E ly i t c a t
ded " Nthlarket at;
tsars ad 14th
• Agesi - Pabileatilaka. - 7 • -
AgILTON'S POEMS, illastrased. • WS IteW
IKLedirion of the Poetical works of John with
canal sad critical limo:to= his genius wri
tings, by Dunes hfontgonsery; aid one Medved nod
twenty engravings Oxon drasruwatry Williams • Harvey.
In two volumes. • • •
SractemCs Gam Terraxrxr.-7bti Amy Gospels and
Acts of the Apostles,. in Greek, :with :neigh nows,
philosochwal, and exegetical; more, Indexes;
ete-,logether: with the' Anal. sod, Iscalypser; the
whole Damns the New Testael.—nr the 034 Of
&halls, 'Colleges, ands ecdogicel Elentineries. By
Red A. Reenter, A.' •
A New DI oriet,—bridennexers Eve.—A fairy tale of
love. Ds, Mn. S. C. Hell. 7 • '
Jame' Hoar 1V The of Henry the Ponnit,
king of Prutee as& Navarre, By O. P. B. Jason;
C...Edete to foot' peris,,,psysrill van cloth.
Jane • • Booksellers, moat of market and 34 set
EIIOLLIEt 510 01‘8—ilts . ...4'orku.Gree.h.g e r.
°lotion, And'. or the. Ware nod eatapal,ps an
from the grantee of the - Meek Patriots la &mumps-
Ong their country from tko Torkiih Yoke—la two vol.
me amok—ep ga leaditi copy wthatentonno mops and eater-
Letter' illostrative of the reign of William 111, from
lekd m INS—with fine portraits, m Y rota.
Companion to the Brady of the Holy Oniptarea
Harry Mowbray, thriling romance, with 50 eagra
vitae. • • , .
low in the Holy Land, French Stage, awl Eke idles
In Mina. Jam recd and for sale by
; meooKatatsrmsoN
opal • £o market street
THE Philo New Books.
soZ 1 43. 1.1fe and jitilosoptrr of Lan ,
SmitritVirehes in Chins i7lllll. 45 and 46, with s
On Tn. gelf i rs " rkpirim: bj Jno. fies , 7 HAM, a)).
The Chureh Universal, by Dz. Siam
Goldsmith's Poems, illustrated.
1 - 7 - *.toAlma- Now Team o a
.V WaverLey,p(ovels,Ervolumes, Moo illarannol;
Mn flherwmars Works, 10 vole Ulna; Wasttaled:
'Miss pdgarorth's • 0 10 0
I VVl4 l . 7 ml= 181'*Ui'em V et';--
Work's of mattorpare," vole. Om, beintilhl BOO
' ton editlon„ freely bound'.
Buthates lives of dm Santa, 4 vela elegantly bound ;
Hannah Moor% Workm 7 vole.
yy.itwies, Expeditino, vols myal Oro
• •do 5 - do do
British Emayists, vols. Terkel seeb a ck..
The a
b bove,
eod =sr with a large assortment of ele.
ye r , all Axes anitondm :* efor poetet Mhintrill bmmas
lerrer r than arm offered in thie noutet, at the old men d
KAY & Co.
• ' use 3d & Vroo_drl .
. A superb rosewood drama. Plimo,
tteß scale and patent Loma frame, made
by J. Chicaning, Boston.
'few very elegant msewood,sLx and a
half octave Piano, n wale, and patent tronlmme;
made try J. Chlekering, &omen.
The:above' berroments meeived and now
open for examinadoM kw sale athlr. Cluckeving's pri—
ces for cub or approved paper. •
Also on hand, one <levant rosewoml Gothic panels,
caned mouldings, and moulded legs, 0 oetares, made
by Gate and Co, new York. • •
One do. carved rosewood, 6 octaves; made . Gale
& Gof New York.
One nothopoty wcond head Pimso, 6 octaves, of ex
cellent lone, and In good order, made by Chiantis% &
tewart, WM. . - '
One superb grand Phsrutmade ny hers, Pin* and
do snouted to be the best - Piano Porte In the city, will
be sold as every moderate pries.
febl, JOlih BIELLOII, Ed wood st,
Matalle Frame Maas. •
A SPLENDID soottoont m
of Row.
w'xd •nd M./weft/1m
fhthbod atid-roT ntk.
Alio, two plendld Softwood=
with Coleman's celebrated Aaiun anachment,
in the mostroodent soft, and for ode at
DSO _ • P,HLUME9.II2 wood st
P/ANOSI •P/1110111 •
A!way IGLEIBEE, Atalre In mom Photo Potter,at ,W. lircextwellt, MlTldni &mat Ile
L C4 may bogs...o,DM at all Many and De otbseti.
be r will be - there .Dom M m 12, A. AL, and from 4 to
A P. M. each day. ' Piaste g, Oct. 21,
ii*C, the - endarsitros4 would lidbrta De dawns of
Pittsburgh and eitinity that we hate alocdfted Mr. K
leather sole agent for Western Pennsylvania, for ihe
sale eau PLano Pones; front whom Der may to ob.
tained at ow own (New , York) pier.
, , • NUNPM grerraic.
'New Vii. Sept. I,ll3l.3.fttSMS
of Iron, or ite,/derchant's and
ykliterloutic'seoroplete guide lo the: Iron trade. A
few topics ottly,—trery scarce.' Simonds , Literature of
the south of &rope. Chambers' Information for the
Repel. Cambers , Cyclopedia of Bah Iltenunee.
wandelli Histaterooes Commenianes, • new edition
let 4 beautiful voltam. , Hallett's, Poona, a new and
splendid -tko.' Parlor Boot of , Plowate—be
seasoLe. • * tai J L REAA 4th war market or.
• -
..L.AST OP • THE FAIRIES—A •Cluistmss
AT:II7 O. P. B..TIMCS, Esq. •
ynrous astobbsyssybY sNabi . edited ter Bell. Jost seseirsd asid sob. b
Webilees Grim TuneAtm D4tionary of Hs
EngdAt lAineseiremusamasA VI F
d la
&raker adAions co or
mas* rovlis COA
drby A.
Gadd* FroE TH. Wind. na ma complus eds.
uel en , pulAJAAnkoopTlA. nova fauna.
a r A AI • D7. For We by - J. L.
• deal lib roar Nana
JUST received and for sale: fifty eopf..eil., Bus.
of Union fimtbe United PreebyteMe.ameekniewfi
epee, in Co:avow/on of Reformed' Cbarebre,•
at PIM,
mush, September 1€47. Price, *3 MM. '
awl* ULICITT ETTOLCSA 70 market at
ILL'od the belt Oran OW brought ~to tosakel.
Jo ems 400 Zs eseb)Mat temivedaokfior salely R E
SELLSES, who bra Me MR in Wean/.
Xr SeciAn-4141thasprt a .
yil l sz, L maw= Da Wits alnion; Ynd fmsl4ll tlojar —l2i
:ietirra MTH
wro. aflACabyXE R17mu1e4..400 bbl!.lam ly
...b, 3 31At
forsa H .
- DIUNTEREP INC-40 kepi Pell — Pere ink, slain sad
- inbaamilaa is/viral sal for Ma by r
mull • • a rtF . 4.yolLlk Cooroaci
MOLAlllsEB=atil N Ollmaa
o.llXotaaa/a 0 Mame% la sena madam gala
A s 9
um c°I.A7 M
ACCIN- 4 1. 2 . 4
.141)(1"" a au .ian
MIAZAJAC—OSZtptiomm " kr — saia ' by .
ur. =CZ AZ 110 viol it
-• • • •
pnE undersigned are reverential bbmllh their
J. easterner, and the pablte generally, will an newt.
lent article aLanl Oil et their awn inanataetatt, which
they will wall= aceetanwelnung awns. 'their 4hl they
balms se bens pod am any *fared In the mat kedond
way be ietateed of not aaindhenerr
. - Men/ aamitbdeW
. P. ae-Lard. sod. Grove witable 6r mer-turray, np
*sod: for eali alters. ' ninth
• 1 ' Type Pemlady. • "
t /1E subsc ri bers hive taken tbe r Type Foundry,- No
di Gold went. and will continue the business late
ly conducted by Robert .Taylor:' Tha will UMW to
all orders Ult pmentality anddes_ patch. All the type'
manufactured by them will be Hand Cast and May
will furnish ell kande of Pritarteertateria/s, of the best
Mr .y iA Ttiierend is still employed in superintend.
itrt k %the manufacturing department.. -
roprietoriof tmerspapers, wt. have tun advenismi
for the subscriber, who may publish this notice for three
moruks, will be entitled to receive their pay la type, on
purchasias Ate times the amount of their bills for W
OW typo taken Weatherers for new at 9 els per lb.
• Charles Whiting, IrVIITYINGTATIAMI,
Theodore Taylor, S (Successor. to Yobs Taylor,)
• bull . • corner Gold and Anew
41.11 d near musket.
SolloirsT:Pixttly MildietllOl la 011 w.
• • ' • Wantesmoo, Ohio; Jul 1.518
Walt t l ees —Y 7_ ,. . V ::dt ge s at 4 l; .
sattabankot will' who bus eau evasion to ase 'n it—
Velar Lbw Pula are also phrdeor shah remtatiot,
hem Yews respectfully, Com hlsza
• I , lcCoommur.. Oldo r isseyln, VA&
AIL IL E. Bellers:-Your Namibia sells ...suitably
tsst, oast bas rained the fon coartdenee of all who use .
la so, ale, the Omit firm. Yours truly
Mum. Com
Premed mod sold yR. Hollers, No. 57 Wood st,
Bold oho by Dr. Caisel, sth 'Ward, A M. Cony, Alle
gamy, awl Wm'. I. Saab, Tearpersaeseilla. Gehl
083IPSIMEITY, SOAPS, fie., In store and Mr We
l. by Joel Molder, Druggist, eor. Wood and ISM .tot
Jain Haters Nymph Soap;
Amodio Mr Chapped Ilendsi:
RoussePs do dor do;
o Ploperfins fllurnmgereant, nom it abated;
." Os Marrow Pontanow,
Cold Cm_
." Rose T re ooth at Paste,
terab o Cologne Water, fine canna k
r the hand.
ief, 0
Z rite t o to Irlfy that l
rm l i tureleased one . vial . zr Dr.
JJar and gore to a son of mine, some seven years old, two
lisespoons 11111, awl although themeteor may appear
Inn; et I tine no doubt bet there was opwark of
two TIMM= MOMpassed boot how, toommiof
bom m. quart! of an inch to two imam tenti,
Bevel Creek,'Carrol to. Ten. Dee 9,1817. 1.94
. ,
Guu Powdaz.
F unedisligned' Itazolteduottui Ilia prices of EA.
1. Rod Blasting Powder of th is superior rnannfacturs,
quality warranted unsur passed; and will sell as low as
any good powder can be bought in the market
The Dramaa employed at the Magazine, will eau
every mamas on the cuatcenors, en deliror powder and
receive eider.
Pow ' ( HAZARD ccq—All descriptions eon •
Mod; •Iso, •
fine, for lirdting : Orden prort7 M r dtroldne7,
mod 3 *dd MOW, door oboes Bm A thield
A 81 Ma now ensued in die Importation a Bnuuum
XYWutes and Unruh aulasively, and bating made
arrangements hi ddlerent parts et Europe end the Isl.
ands with mill known
kir my fawn ripply et
Foreign Linea . which will be abk to sell, dehvered
in the Calm 'Weis or New ,York or New Orleans or
in too any, at tea known market price for cash of ap
proved paper. ' I halm to stows sad cellar very large
wet or very ropeitor Wines and Liquors WI Imported
of the moat celebrated brand. and vintages far We en
pleasing terms by . . • •It MARTIN
' eor Ist& stubbled its
sUNI)BISSI-4001 doi playing Callas; 900 whole Ansi
Wt.. awI:UP; 10 twakets dire oil; 9 do: Pand
catsup, - &e.; 5 mark). Loudon porter quarts and pietN
3191 doe Mls brindles, wows, &o, eery old; 5 bbl. pow
dered mgan 00 batiketa champage. rum, part to am.;
3 hhda claret do; for eats by wrlo P C MARTIN
0 WAR, MOLASSES AND COFFER l 5 Muds priese
NO fk . bbls N 0 Mole:mem 60 begs Rio Colt•
(master! trona str Wyoming and for sale by
• • • • W hIMITCSIDLTILDP., Llborty
. They will shortly receive per Martha Wuhan&
tots end other b an
oats the followings-900 Mule prime N
&rem tee bhbe planation ?defames; 30 4o Saw/louse;
ah bbla Loaffergarl 12 tierces Qualms Ake. febill
EDED IfOligE—Matting taken the large aa4 e
modems Droo/to Dews an 4 Xenon Morehouse mt.
g OUT Warettonseon the Osnef Basin, era mitre.
pared to asmakis and Stare baron on ressenshle terra.
.t • I . NEER k JONES,
8.8 Joarstoymeo Carriage Motors, to go to Mono
Kemal, Po. on ilia Linn day of April. Apply ot BWy
Mansion House at Bor 12 o'clock, i -
toor2 : JI.A. & , IC I ULDER7BOI4. '
• Whiter; Pattem diater,allegheny city Oil 51111,nas
ws newest pauaran an Banes en hand either in wood
or iron.
ad •MW Cilim4ea , am! •
patinas made w order.
ani %.%
•4 • • moss • • .g e aims spinet • a stem.
Mist Arrow previous to the Ilth feb,= wilt plouo
present them for settlement to ' WM B EICAUB,
. • Ist a; mawood
. .
tiACON—dd bona Data; Shoulders md liat , prirm
• artielejuat remitted warranter ttaa .am
: = ' , ATWOOD .10N1114 Ca.,
watar gnat' '
--, - z _,..._---_ -,---,-- ------.---------
e RAWLS ... AMDI)NS—A dwa vary rallrarataap."
la Gutman, Rum* jmt . reeatrad; Cady lipttxdr Erb.
bow, In mat width at - the d 7 pawls Maw a ~
S .
IJOAR-03 blids N_ Z_Mlls_t__raid.and tor salmby
itumpow al •.° mad
Glum. kffsale • - _"R 1 . 01 0180/1.- Co
7,top k 7.
FRUIV-410 "Ls Dter.MAVIO(I4OO Mak.
W. W. 'WILLIA/M016.-• •• •
Nos. SIM mg 916 • Leave
.stnig, NNW A* Canal
A LWAYS on hand and made inettlar, alalge nazis.
31 it or Marble Mantels, PierXentris rabies, and
Barents Tops, Tomb lbanesMiniaments, 404 an *deb.
bent side of - thenbsisiesi marble, and stanathetared
bY tardier), will be bid low for caslbt
butsniest that It is benel:tas ' m ud"' M r. 11161:
go Easi,; Is I can Amish them vrith an amp-Lira WI
respects u good, =Miele's, =amen, to, eartidder
ed,)-as diesel as they wt patellas. them (or Indic
East. Cell and see.
Na R Marker ante; Pit:Amok Penner
TBF Weisz:ben karma mach drew hopmvements
ia We consunctlew of. Weir COOKING aroma,
= , =7yxpe=din
anti Deek Boma, ' Verdes, i r og i everrother knd ' of
Copper, Mu *edam Iron work necessary i 0
' l4 alw wake so rder the'akerte nod del
Tates and %amber, pow work for Steana Eraines
and everr. mime of wait In oar flee.
_. ETT & BROTH ER, ,
illysehaigheast, Meer entinbangehel Pas
Wartiousr, .h'S.'l37, Mood sire 4 Pittsburgh,
WlLLeonatenny teepee bend • ewe 1120011.,
meet at .Wan, of ear ems =Weenies, and
sepetioreeelny. - Wholesale 112 Id =wry hies
_ ehentrase respectihntursited ID CIU MA en:,
11.2i40 for themselves, as we are stalemated so sell
ebeaper than hes ever before been orered se the pub. 1
ine•Onleiseens byilllSASOCOMlpseieti by dum bee
,eny reference: ern! be promptly
,suended ie. toms
Gran 1 4`tittrri Batt 'lllige lunfaeloryi
GARDNER Co. would Worm the trade that A. they are noir manufacutting the best Rat Wags
ever made at the United Mmes. As this le oat penal•
pie battles; we Intend Id send oat as complete an et
ude as can powittly be made. -Thaw mimed in the
beadwate weds, we think; Will Ltd it to Melt tannest
see ear Rates... Alt olden pampa) attended .
nrys A:GARDNER 1. Go. cocot Mb main ets
k. .11norAST.. " ' hags E. Lam..
ULVAN LS annalaceareand keep can
/AL ennui
lastwars,ln im on bandminus% Cat; aloal th ded an 4 Bain Flint
as eir W ankel:ea m
acre Martel sad Water roma, ?Imbue..
Oar Work* eyeglass la tall speratinn, and are am
conslani,ly adding to oar meek. witch =dd. nlO
Orden witk Momputesa Pa:chasers are respeettally
saris:diesel and examine prices and term.
.. , .• , COAC4I MAKING.
• FROM the voty llb ellrga!,
Oil*menthe submit:welts' reeelvollanwat
be has located /Oneself in Allegheny,
has ladiesd his to mks a lesse r for a
tenaol-yeatz, Maw property he mar
nets:pow, J 4 Beam street, tmsnediately
. beside the
retenanChareb. From the long GrpencOee Ow
above batmen , and • deaira is please, he hews awa
it and tecenva • share of pablie parentage.
Nolle band and Relating Wender, Rockaway Bag
. open and top Dagees, and every description of
wads In order. from aost J ry-Iles dams lo
Wainflawas twpgelfl -JOHN SOUTH.
er all times wilt be I . llled bronedlarelyoo rip
er the orate of C. B. LOOMIS,
Rater et,151 door abbe.,mononebela booze.
- NV Losuras Agent IL Cb. marls
=ma w
• 1 rig
1' e ' : lCnili Z .-Ciliriii TY ill - 0 -
* IClllEL—bileflittlieg ILitirlaVep el tie pabbe
be Ws ertlelei Hilliest ftht Melee 11.0 , ‘ aary ...db.
witiehtheekhe ree 09 ',lid',Yo Moat be fatty owl hir.
IP Whelk mil abeam.
.... be Om theta. mad
:VI let Ors it verlotOwe ital it the Ma eleltem ire eneipmel et a petietpini,,, I.7=i: . a
by oh Ateitemel vim Abe iteler,ceber in wile& or pert
isinaponted the roeublipreeqiuo are kit es• peewits
la tiepin .. I.IW - .beagle . it At • del
la add viewer telhe Ask Neatere to keenmilbe "' fluid,
width imam the oil Ity seise m *a pen, if e steel cm,
iawed* it Wig* hi tint bandit. z New then Wei
tbs Mut. tileetsfrealbes ettetnles la every raped, as
it ts • gimlet!
Wyllie* se
t a d em to bold it
, :r er,U,4,16. will anwettblelt l being toy Maid
- thefTeeperienetliellite et tter 4 . := P "' " ".
beet mend we hie rely by iftei ambit it ins
rely pestered albs imilheii It ebb eabbitene mute that
Ku atitEellyfree e' ambl he% fo ra
la tiot =rade
mei pess—it will to all, eiti sltlioeyh b e ta of •
It lath grecs eitheyetie • lbw bows it hem. • dep black
wiieliwAl osiers for ie. hitsarranted =Fake In tbe
:..• arttirkwies by tbe mow of ...Arnold% Writing
' e m ainird note pima
In the mu prim. A.
Wperentee whet impaiitios of eel hied
a sstbe etiesepteit
the Allowing teecwiewentetieea will mlt% •Il meet be
rem, tiet tiot wen thee, glees weld bet bete been ob •
•j0.b.4 ivo q mu. kit exattronby pope.
We miaowed e!litliierib Chemical %Trill.. Mid. to
' ihipetriestie el ..• gdife nix , m all refMii&was it tom lbw rem the pew oilint
enthant p
et the canker &few ham boom= a deeptiming
I= it e W me .
'I • littentit Co. Vikk Lei
Sabin . John Parker,
Wet Lippistottlt Ike a Within= iGA
bilieViiresas it liM o Truce SeUers
Roll II !debit. e l l C • IdeAanlty k Co.
U fa W Llf Wallace,
• '• latish Rally Mitto, Avg . 2
Mr Tim Itilorrt—Dear 88 s I hue Inca aaaag r 0,1617.
Chmkal Wrehrg -FlaMosad lad it a Ant rata utak far
thaaiy.ft flan frulynota Oa pea
T at beeastakirt Math
a a finr bout amil am,
• • T TLlTTLre .4. l*.i.k.,, cry
. .
Uwe., Auk 83, UV,
T K 1111613 . 4—Dair &PF/ariag ramrod a battled
gar Writiag Flailloase thzu Inaba am! amid." it fat.
weal Ff awl 4 aapirior AnaBl2. or argothar Lak am. is
Mt 41 . 1
• • . a.a.WA T pook.araper
. .
yow aq't %Zeal
Vtrybog Flo* owl Wale .moor Zioat oracle lb,
no . 1_ mo "1 . 11642 aotn _lO flaf:lhoo aplito • tho goseratity
bdot la' • kor
' • W
- -keel:to
I=4 - Freinit ried iad
Benet& Peteinvy p c W .
_ _
00052/21 ik Co'. BLACE . WRITISIO !or
• loUlsteel et
albs " quillpena and the copying e . pre= The
nk 6 rank arperim of several yearn,
devoted to the manulketare, on anr us
anemias sea* par .
on article suited bit all the PaMoitee of the meats..
The perfection of this limiting ink coexists In Ote fol
knallig properties.' Picrtury—in which property it will
be named p erfect. ap Melees pmoatatioste.- It will
love with fre either foam quill or steel
pearand Ls entirely he. Gem any corrode. viatica.
Cocoa , -Thu color of this article ie • rich, beannfal
bine blank. Ills netesterY, hinverrer, to giro eon..
ono the galkn'in ipmd Ma g er tok 6° . ' Orea neeemary chemical
eyeatinnion, requires expomm to the etc
deep color. It most nok tbereAtre, be expee i g •m thal
the meow the bottle is opened, the ink wtl be Suund
to be a jet black. ,The hr appeamme will be pith.
But after expo.= to the ehmieal action of the mace
ober. either on paper ot in th e Inhumed, it will um*
a brilliant black hie
Mar unalierable by the lapse
of time. It will emir fide. On this aecoant, all an.
port= remits stoma be made in tide article. es years
bik=tr iin all kinds of
P 211., lad for pens made of quills, and vast iaitupor.
mat and very &n fable with many, will give a perfect
Mtby rotpliat grey.
. ate mat in Me instillations
wild which
ate coaneepel, Idconis , blue Week writing Ink, and in
. motet to aunty, brilliancy of color and permanener,
balmy. It superior to any ink we harwhermofore mod.
A Thermo, whirr, bank of Inairtills;
Mena, calker Northern bank wf Kentucky; Gee C
Gereanasy. cashier,: bask of Kentucky; L L
o f
pruident of the Gas beak, Helm, clerk of Be.a
hrenewal. fr A irgro . Pori . e .y ,
, le i r=etkrfon cam.
ar . ll Juke M;tir4=Le D lin su: k
t han:nurse •
Co; D 8 Ireisrinmez=ktin P= ii tar s ule .
Losthation. A wply of the above ink, put received
and for wile by_LICB , JOHISEITON
TORINTLVO TYPOS will be soliTat Bruce's New
York Type Foundry. after March 1.500, 194 e, at
folbming very low pines, for approved mg maths'
nova: Lew. Trui, en. elaanan, ke.
I pet b. 34 ets. : 6 11 eta S ii3 O , eta._
r 1 ; 1 :1 Pls.,
Long Printer, 31 GO 100
Hourgeebt, . 109
Minton, ' • '43 81 Lat
Nonpareil, 3d ' 100 000
Pearl. 10 711 8 103
The above es, in consequence &bummed fwd.
ties fbr , much reduced dem &mat
rates. A liberal discount for cash to hood at the date
of the invoice.
Presses, Chass, WoodTp, famished at
Un lowest onanietasers. ;Wee*, culler far tub of
• -
Our Swell:we Book for 1E49 is now ready for &rid
, bution to printer, who will send for it, and contain.
: many new articles that we have never before • exhibit
ed, stmb aaWriting Flourishes, Ornamesna, °mammon'
Pants, ke., of which we have an amid e took for the
porno eneention of order.
et Newspapers who choose to poblish Win
mlvertiwannt three times before the 6uof June,lB44.
sod send us com of the ,pers., will be paid for it is
type when they purchase ftm os, of our own taanufne.
tares, selected from der specimens, five rime* the
amount of their bills;
Poi We, several gdod second-hand Cytindereod Pla
ten Power Pressen, alandina Primes- Iland Printing
Presses, &e.
mares, GEORGE 81/UCE & Co,
12 dumber., at, N Y
non of VAulrigrre`a great work on the Resannation
the Sixteenth Century, in Clermi,Swittet•land,
Just published by Joseph P. Ppee No Id Cherry In,
above Mak Philsokaphis, Ids mit 12 mo edition of .
the above named work, with eagraved illustrations
sheep.l &alma.
4.01. in bound in ern cloth
origin Tke
publisher reutpeetfally calls the attention of the
trade and the nubile "laterally, to this work, being the
i ,
only llustrated edition published in Me United t 0...,..
• lle mums that the beastly of his embellipments, the
area" and subotaralal manner in which it la booed. in ,
...Junction with the known popularity Otte work it.
self, will be a sure reeammendaUm us public favor.
No PS Chem at, above Binh, Phil.
J. P. S. hes lately published a new and beautikledil
Mtn efPergunt Pell's - Bane Show, a callable book for
ehildran, •,• done •• In extra eloth. marklellin
Tom trwrry,tbazody of &CM, &Mow.
Co. . ...... •• • ••••••. Ctioomooti,
/so. A. Mum. •••• —•• ...... - • ..... O.
DrAz. O. .............. •NevroiliTau
Costaata•l on Ito ... •. t•
rolliticULZ AND rolituitt•re or
No. 31 Poydras &red, New &boas.
Wang. Manila & Co, Sinkers, j N. O.
JimaWG:efor & Cq
Davit Wl&el
EWs D. Moron, Saaluss,
Wir Ilona Fraser, Oneinan.
easie, Kap ,
N Kenney ER Banker nil* O.
0 WDeaald Wellavitle.,Zr
j Palm Co Bawer V
W dewing, a. .
Val l s riud '"A P. "
0.104 at
Eaton Noes of nestling Halmos.
Ar i e - e
motel plan Eß r 'f lo "k rion se :,=gr i kr d .,:t .
Boreesafully need In Boom, New Itatltt .ftd
ever epplied, bee regrind the decided preference over
flig,, reatr ms a ,
l k a g r .
ty l. ad lo m perteages ar
li. G egfromise ofe ture .
341: No unpleesant dem*.
tltit. feed) , attended to Cod rot liable to get out of
order. • -•
att. Great dotabliity..
A model tutd specideatice may b. wen, =I appara
tus ebtalAra, at the copper =tritrate factory of
B WANE. Firm e4 betwern wood and market
oszeiriAL atoLxvia
E Xlllil , ENclita7 .6 o . sk • cr:l aoq t lllstus at a hal
passed for darability in the mutstrucion of all kinds of
Femmes. Price $:13,73 rash far loads of 10 hi, gam
weed ohm mamba um. • Olden for
AL quality
)3ollvar &kb mill be execatsiat RV per AL If m. M.;
aired, withoot imam:nee. A mock of. the first quality
Ls Doer Meade the aranhouse, .Bleate• Whatt , Ca
nal Basin, by 'SHAW MACLRM,
seplktf • iteadniton Iron Works
oder I h r e' al. the II rt Hus lua t ames
le a goult u rat
kumetifearned on by T
he al& hie life time, as a Saler..
las aa tilos neon. T emits us in complete ordar
'breurringen the butnemortilt Sulatotyle,mtd toady
br ellonnenclog at any ilea A liberal omen w il l be
given, and oil paniegan made Iretawn by ealbeg. cm
either of the mulatalined. JAMES BLAKEL.
JOHN MlTCHELL ,Admlnistestont
NYINIC.—AItow Wog dd. wide •
# too oabesit#l.4ly pronounce #to b• lOW prolia.••
••—tho bed orticle, orsbooll toonoloo, bo•fhi
restorstio• oad . promoratioe of tho hems bait. VS • hew
of sasormon• tanotoe•• whim hair ham ken rotiond a hub
which bomatios br yoom awl In Wok w• moot dm
maw Ihro• than to named to our rookro Rho 'Y
Mein their hair, to ookb• a Ind of ti• Took boardiately
Bodo. a • • •
For sok ia Attoborgi..._ th• Aoki. moo B . =• / N 0.79
Veva amt. low wool
jr—Por mde a few bales %dent Nem work
growth of 1846—trem 8 to lo maw
Eastern and Wen= Y, eatly pielres nth
fears growth. •• -
Prime Ohio do. Delman meanly.
The general Eastern mop of the mason Is novrheing
received Emmen and Mama mina Ilops, fad
hmeh thole .“Inalage b. obtain thqa frollk the
thale4dgned, as they [Mende. sell t the sew.
drew Verb MEM -11. W. S. a r Co,
eal/dOnt • • Pinartugh
nmPeCtia? laotlU I& friends' and the chbens of
4dinhatt.T that he hu deeal remain
la the ear den v bld
e minter, end Is prepared to treat
to d
patleats imsafrea.under In can, +comae%
ie system as practised at all Wang Core Fntablial.
meets, kte tither dem ar Chronic diseases. Those,
misl,4g to avail thamaelves of-kla melba mill call at
Mr. Miller% center of Liberty at. end Evan'. alley.
Dr. l i d. has treated sevend severe elm of disease b
thle city nlh 'rem mecca., to which be ispertniued to
• .
NDRIE3-181) bap prima 11Ito coffee; 1.10 bblh O
een 71S
black laixtteh bap
tobacco; 1321 half
c cta p aad hN NI 0 and 131 b boxes •Y•
and (1 P do; ZO bora. Ovnaalt clay; 10 cask. salon.
tor, do. Patahh, •Iptellter with • mural won. ,
meat of
.P 00 . 11 .°5 inhha . and for sale by •
Jiar , cABSON mootroErr, eth a-
IffAVANNA CIGARS— . HMO donor* entlrd
MIL the following eideerabruids, panto arrive
malodor eg Cares,gablipiedad, Manage= retell.,"
Rapides t
.Eamilapfe, graigos,:delPansim/anolow
U.* e.wd BMA, Pidla pluelp4 steam boat do,
Vddrre ozawidoiSylviado,Laliaidess Lido d°
L t flir, alau, Casagm.Etdion t a7s, for
. feel . '•
• • .esolloiltligeld&foimest. •
_.bsaa primp fraihorn traoTca
. 'Pas Mani eau Doesaraxa tall do.; 1 many pealed
method on coo=l,tlef elm not Na
.11, and for We LT mcdE6lf Oa,
. - R
MardnY has Ina =canon ot. =l:4r, C 6110110144
ef ra V i
o l f
.001$ ==pia; reedredinaled F
4JAW petl*dims, p ia;
..,alo •
abaanan k.. pillorr ciao
NaftwasTltmells For Simla.
THE Pabseilber eters his entire Oases, in
lm ate snit purehasemott very mimed price.—
The Collection la not equalled Para eclat and emenive
,variety, ha the Weatem cOluttry: contskingmany new,
tare and valuable lama comustutsou pan of Camellia,
large Plates, Lean 3to feet In
Omen. Ceenm, Asaloss, bias, Wex 4' Ote l.CU L=a 4.--,=o7,r:
The Dahlia list contains the most Manny t!td fine_ prize
sons crown; Flower Roots; a large. warmly: Yam.,
shrubbery, shade trees, overruns, Amateurs,
Nursery men and others, who want to deoorate their
Teed., C.d., sem, P Immare groends, ex green homes, are
respecuttuy Invitee to examine The collection which is
open to viutors, except on Sundays. Conveyance. by
lbs emedbus and greenwood rimy. De senpuve mot
ions. Sent by nail, or ma;` be had at our stand, No 23
Mammal Market; where Indus! left with no, or by
mail to Pinsbutgli Post knave, will be promptly attend
ed to. John Graham, a practiial , gardner, will attend
shade Meer, layingof Sardms Ac. Orders
le as above. JAS. NAMPO?.
marlto3troteraT Manchester near Pittsburgh.
Ctn. Cyan% Orme, .
Cincinnati, April 1, 1/4A.
ROPOSALS will be received at dui Office until
hlcciday, the Ist day of May 'nen, at 5 o'clock, P.
AL, for furnishing and deliveting m the public wbarfin
Cincinnati,ls,ooo perches Pebble or Boulder Stone,
from Ave to ten Inches the longest diameter, similar In
quality to the Come used for paving streets in Pittaburgh
and IV-elingl each perch to contain elateea and one
half solid feet, and del i vered as follows:
ABOO perch by the Ist ofJely, 149:
8,050 " between the Ist ofJuly and Ist of0e1.1648;
between Ist Om., 1148, and lab May, 1.149 i
5,000 " between the lit May aud lat July,
.5,000 " between the Ist July and Ist Oct,'lB4o;
AL soil Sand Stone wW be rejected. •
The Some mill be paid for from time Co time, so the , '
same may be delivered.
The propositions teratate the mice per perch or ton,
(or which the stone will be dellyamd,
apUbd2w CHAS. SATTMLY, City Clerk.
• - -
TbAILROAD LETTING—SeaIed proposa OR ls will be
received m the city of New AJbany, netil
onday . thelittli day. April; it 6 vel.k.,
the gratimg,inidging, masonry anderooden superstrue
' Mrs alba Now Albany anti Salem Railroad.
The work will be .divided into about Sly sections,
and will embntr.n every variety of excavation, includ
ing lime stone, elate and sand melt; hannueted end
nubble masonry, embankments of earth, eight Or ten
bridges of 'IMAMS plans, . se., the whole to be com
pleted by the first day of October, 1816.. Bidden who
are truknomi a the undendgned will be moulted to for-
NM satisfactory references. '
Payment, will be made as the work pmgrestster ie
the seven per cent, bonds of Me Ally of New Albany, or
cash as the parties may amen. Plans and • specifics,.
Lions will be exhibited on the Mk mgt.
BARNEY, Engineer far Cora'
3,1849. aplitdlturT
1846 -
', ."D' • 1847,
.111_ THE' axon ut sopo,
MBE tuldenigued me tam prepared to forward pro.
J. dane,te.,to Me Dememblaraete &rios lba eaao
lag Winter, on the most favorable terms, by tide elle
dittoes route. • • '
All property eemouned to az mllibennerarded uttm
Innen Musa and mite deepateb.
' Merehandlee remand b Mis route promptly eve
warded, J 0 BIDW BS ELL , , Art., Patabligh.
' 0 W CA Berlle. .
E EGERTON t-Co,Cu weavi
411F1) • 18471
TAE, eabeeribera enitreeelpt for the deliserior Pna•
dace te R•Rineare b 7 the Menenplela Slackerater
at the Lalhwring pnes.
Mies, Amen, Ileum Lad. Lard, Pork, Tallow,.
Whiskey, •_.; tad Olay,Lell eta Der 100 lb..
Tobaeee;Reep, Plan and Wlterta,N eta per 100 The.
Althea, (Pot) Apples, Cheerat, Plat-Peed; 'Glut, and
Leather-1011 eta per 100 lbs •
Skins, Seeds, Wool-110 eta per We lbs.
: - Reeswa4Feathers,Pere, Gianni, end Pee
,110 ete perloolba •
All pp:party manned to either or Ike undersigned
WO be forwarded aelAnat delay, free; of Otonainion,
at alms mega W 11.CL,ARE.BreerneeRle.
• aowtedif
A elleantrage to the Wierld. • T 7-
WENTY•FIVE I;IO4,LARS trill be pad u; any one
who wtll Prod... a ePol orptha. Veen or dry, that
eannot be ownotod With Hoses Improved Chemical
Soap. LI have an =Wu ti.on 614174. me people of
this place, that this atticle. by my own tatenlrretecnt on
14 now soma ierivalled is due colunry lee cretetlerg
grease,pitehospalat, or any other greasy sat,
stance, from all kinds of gentlements or ladies' chaluog,
carpets, table lelogis, overt= shawls, laidea , tionnets,
dr e wam everted anythlog dm pare Water mill not
Mien. Mare than me Wavelet persons in different
p.m of ale weary lave- told me they vroold not he
without a esso one dollar par cake.. In trying this
Soap ea more than 000 articles of light silks. sauna al.
paccas,and of
I have tardy found three pieces or
silk, two of Waseca, . a
nd fear et calm°, on which. it
changed Wa color: therefore before pewee at on a light
dress try • sample of the doses Int. I mate Wises
I am demnained not to recoatmend It any strothan
I know to be etricaly true N /I Hort.
?nee, let ett peruke. Sold, wholesale sad roma
by - E
deegl 57 wood et
, SELLERCP VEAMIFUGE, "I consider bearer then
Milr" V=Td e ,;? , 4 l 7,l
r. Seuen:—lfy sea al meths old, Wag very
der as Wild, sold Immune meek fever at umc.l den
shoatd he had vans% and halting heard caveat deal
year Veznitage booed a stet and gave adze 11
dose. arida, expslkd eery Imo worms. 1 consider
year Vero:dame brun t than all eaten '
Prepared and •sill 4 by R. E.8ELLE101,.37 Wood el.
Sold 67 Dr. Capokb,a/kwapi: 'JO P.M. Cerra. Alla.
TllEgrestestand best variety overalrered ear
belom—made on the moot approved Wimples*,
and twat fashionable Eaminn patter. and colors. Also
or mode to order or ally izes, and at all prices.
Cacao) , bleretanu and others are Invited to col
caroms the above for themselvee , as all Inn be
whohmale or rasa, and • liberal deduction m ad
wholesale purchasers.
.141- "
lORIN O'S TR/IDEB7IAL GLOM, eeedshilag all
.1-a the mid Gaivoiddem
shot!. tracks odhcroories, f
the w e eirmosaariamora
piled ken Smok'e saw Smell& GJoho, with lad
amprovemeeto b7Auiet OraiDa, Animal. by Rowell Park.
VORIDO'S CELESTIAL GLOM, imetarahrg all Ike
80. embalm, *.e.. Compiled Loothe weirs a
Wellmook De to Caine. Hantliae, Mayer. D.&
Vey, Henelod, hi , the tommetioata Otto. etrosio.
led lob e. of Loodoo, ke, iye. Prom Smith% Nem tag
nth Globe.
JagmaaStakton bawjai evaaval• Ica pain of Mr
abtn• Glaa,papip a
par IP tad. m Liana, •
I gtalm
America, Caadde, asa Jocasta alp. • Lail
received of Dr. Townsend's Samparilla, the
most exthaeintimary medicine in the world! This
1. am is pat up in gnarl bottle. it is ail times cheaper,
pleasamer, and wormiest supeticir to any sold. It
e grim diserief without vomiting, purging, aietening or
debilitming the patient
Isnoit OCT tea Ls:morons—Unprincipled persons have
copied our labels, and pot up medicine in the some
no •
of S. P. Tertmbottle. Se; that each bottle has the written mg
m, end.
R. E. B,ELLERS, Druggist, Ai Wood street' between
Third and Peounh, is Dc. Toonasendo only wholemie
rindretail agent for Pittsburgh, of whoni",the genuine
article can be had.
D. AL Carry boo been appointed the Mkt agent for
Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be
-- -
/ llfassolleetazere of -
No. 364 South Front Merit,
Back of 7, 4. DRian's Cabinet Ware Ramify
A L4, orders , left with S. S.-NOOO, at the aloof the
ded to. 'a Hotel, Pltuburab, tali
_be prowl',
seplo.l/Y . A. II NICICERSON
A PPLICATiOri 1•111 be made to the Presider:4M.*
!A. gen mod Company, /or erecting a Dridge over Oa
River Monongahela Dynastic Pttsburgh, m comity le
Allegheny, Mr the venereal 01 th tee earl:Mantas, Nor
117, /110, IA In the nese of Jahn limner, each for ten
dement mock in aid Company. Saul arrogance be
leg lore or mislaid. RICHARD FLOYD
Attorney !to the EreentorsOf Jahn Hamar deed
- 711!its: FOllBll- FURS I!:
TILE subscriber would respeetfally invite Ladies and
tientleasen about visiting Philedelphia, tied in want
of FANCY FURS, sub as Matra Uorts, ?Mate, ge r , to
give ma cell before purchasing ebewbere, as they will
End It to
_their advantage and no mistake. Ay orders
received shall be faithfully attended to at No 10 North
Third in, above Arch, Yhdadelphle.
03-Fhkirsio fifth. 0n... %Ind ' .ttlef
DORTAOLE FORG—A very convenient article.
&Bowl and all Lb!? forge can be carried by fhe hen.
dlel by two men. A few Not reel arid for 'tale by
aria orto.ilid
Illteam , Engthe Wanted, '
11 C a hen tringo,„%tl,eramamanrllitteefroltstine,
Counllnß /Loom of the GRIMM,. 7: , pp.
C ARD—flaringjazi rceelval • large Importation or Wines, &c., direct Gran Europe. together mitkorr
law stock in store and Cellar, dealers are reOuested
to call and examine for thentsefves, as good 'bar airs
can be had at the corner of Ihniikfield and Front sta.
`plo P 0 MARTIN
-r HAD Galena Lead, received per Memel.
Wyoming and for ole by
JAhtEflik HUTCH • N Co:
191prilariT11 . , INDLLN lIDGIETABLE
Ty grow, warranted genuine, (Or Rale by •
y • On , • his ' antadon a auec
kl SO do S. Mom • do.
For sale by • ap4 / B. FLOYD
LOAP ER/OAR-63 bblg gnarled, br gala by
69ed, M i atT I V I /GWVIIII: d S7 I"h 17-
, G UAL Z P.AL-3 . c la !7 k..r.1.1,Y D G..
/0 COFFEE..4ob bop /oriole green Coitbe, to
ache per iterobertiereona; for sale by
(RAPE SHAWLS—An itsaltivau lylihe; drab
141 124 b 44 k 81..1sAutieralvict si Dry,
Goat Halm of W a/MURPHY,
coma th end Fatke!sta
..',:i. ; ,:, 1 .:: ., ;'.:1 . : . ;tQ:..:.: .- , i ''_:',.:
Mat calasirdisuny ifecti:ine W fed WM&
Thee:tad Is atop sts qm.t bow. h tQ,v.cUip
or, erssoneatad "aria Way sold. hems
Cana 'Whoa stmostutr a. poszhir t ..,,,,,s,,
Tae fort hasty ad aptriolity of Ills Earaphilki oar
dl oar bledkitos h, trialAklitiaGettal Diva ma as Body. It is atka of the eery but OFICIPICI L =
IfUhIkI6IMEDICINES emblms: 11 not oalY rah
stio *bah systesnad sheaths. the pence, bet h Crabs
N.e, Puss oat bah Shod; sprees paned by re aber
end,. tau be the grand are of a andeaky
stateN6 kb= rkamed atte ta_past hro yeassousre
than 33,0Xlcurat of Snag Cases of Dian • at last SPX
of that area assiehl red bearable Marsha:a
11,00baua of Tharp.;
asa of Orval Debility sad Want of Esau;
7,000 aes of /tare. Female Ceatphiuts;
mgr of bletabsla•
MeasesolDtaai Ll. 7tft . Wtel Dan ; I
our Thaussids of aim of Dam. ofthe nod, slat Van,
Erysipelas, Batt alma, Papa= the Faa, ha. he.
hatealahmeedEatkkhattelui, th e
Woad Chest, Spud Affectsces, le, he.
Thiry..., wan, natt appear inenelkls,but we km
letters has physehaa atlas was fa Cld puts of the
Mira States, aka.; us of ostraordalry eures.
Iludarydq.. ons of*. most rispeetable pfe..
orb, N. ~sokass us that he an rekr to non tan 19 14 a that phee alma Then are thousands of OM to (ha
Caq. Few Tort, orlitch era rekryo with plan.
sal to moo of character. It is the bewail.e tor tte,
Partake of dam Mown. It unktobbtdby sated ib. Use
As it named dr dm. af *wool reprtdl fo
• ' U 111721, EWE U 01171C111.
la , Dr. htoCcsoi,os isolharzoDraria
and author of lb. N.w JeneyLgislatani!, Ms Wally oat
who figlotrin certificate. It em Worst try.
.11airorori Jan. 23, 1847;
•yror rime . I ow rtes crib Ihtlattaitaan, saMmy trltolo
gnu kik is s dtbilitotal war. ' 1 lOW 11114oCed to try Dr.
DtmpluDbl, oad Wm lairs tiro or dui. ltor
dry 1 woo eery sorb Mimi; troll riltanittit sotirrly loth.
aid Sornportlk. lan maimed takkg it, tad End AA:
ispro. onry day.- 1 Warn it mord toy Rod stoat/
tot Di without it tro4er soy orihrotioo. ,
• • ' •U. w. MeLaut, his tr.S. 211.
Ma certified. orat.larively prone Oa Ads Ihrseporillo
bar peed astral roar di. mit °Wino, films of lb&
birri. 'Throe perms rollol ko me ho pl ormordrairk
Dr. TovrasnroDerr Ear : I hair ehi
folr tbot thr. of rot old/fnia tun Moo mat alba flys.
'lib dee tor of , nor crealrof mediine. "Thry•rnot
rlllieiskrery omorrly Mt ram; barro only Woo Afar
botda4 It look thas arm. for width 1 pal orpolfrairo
. .Yrors, rupotfuny,.
Woo W . 0an,105 Woorm if.
NnTat, •Nord 1.111 C.. : • •• •• '
GEXAT FINALE iIIYDPCINge .- • •:-.:•-•;i
Teinne . elte-lassasparipa at a amat anna t A .4,
Whitta. "'". =at ergs cm ®
Qat texeChts
Uria., or Jarahlalary diadem theng aattbr the gwe ,
eral af tha itystela..—aa natter whether tha raisal
of ten* or maw prodweed iireigalarithAltrese
_ • •
VodsNothisc bs sont =spiting dna Ls hoist:onto=
'Ow ham Ana.. remiss, all lnalcsass ood
tody;kow tab( it, st sow blooms • sabot ust ddlcdsoarcy
ostler It. labels. It immadisad, cotosiersob Wert Werra the foods Issas, which is Ow crest swiss of tasil
It wil/ twits. ispotted of ay Wawa of iw dtatitds 'SOL -
Om, to exhibit cortidowas of owsh padtsiosd, btm w ass'
mars du Aided, that haadteds dews have bees tspothd
to as ' Seurat ma when tiodliat hue bow without &LW.
ryst, attar wog • Grw bottles at this iaranahls
hen Welded wohlallhy yaw. -
A. Ibirossidi ldy was heist gratUy abused .by
wvaldwas .sod a
roast deft:4 osdhstundaoliosal
try paia Sad woad= of balm - at the
monk cod with dim dalksaltiot, sod haring. bona saw whoa yoos raid= has sidowdirest ; Sad htsiv
tac nwootorwisd Lomeli ss I han dastessil cassis.:
ad a ktti. of per Smoot Wawa% sad latiowal
the dirsetioss mins as Is • short_ tuna taturtsd
bar oomplants sod motored bet bola. , Bag stand As
loodeto As narked, / tars plasm to dm orkonststc,
isc and wwwwwwiloc it Lb. p.bla ALD
71.dody, Azg.l7, Wit.' Cat of filluid sad ITLias
DI-11neetiatit Ts all viol latis oar etewera—Thit
teottAr that or wife tool eon bads of yaw tlieroptrilie
Periwa le for ettellartetat, matte the sal aim*
alieue ci r
eloweanen. being trouldedwiththe deeptyowel-
Lag el. Ilta het, attont?e affertiow ; eat retry oath debiliar
lea; with MY p 10,90000 ea the recereatiatetkla af•thate
who b.f. she wet 3due da4rit, with Wag or ao
faith; eal sake k to wig, the atediatie had Ow lam
&sired elnwt,auf only as the been otalbwooto, het alter
the of OW west if its as . ., thattrefei aad aor,
tees eseetioa KM MI 00 00 sad bar
heihh le tow harta Lax it lotl"lLftt • awit thlte Pt".
. „
lr will bu of say wok* to you De uay ame unko
doubts tie mien of (h. esolloiso, you au onfouly nimbi
ottluclib• alysa jour End Owliwal sal *Hied ‘r . rroal..
''id Slav:ma .•
TO 1410TIMILS AND hilltalED LAMA., •
This Xxtrart SanapaslG• has host apreuly frephial
ofacoes to Goals easeph••• • No koala rho has soi
on to =nos is•pproseharyr Out eriti!alperiath
tune Afir,"shoda orip4set 10: OS. .1 is • Oothio
renown In of &to anima. and wool& &seam to
which beam aro object al this time of life. TM. pgiod
o lea, le dehrod . he mond yeas by as* thli =oboists, ..Ifor
a ks• ohmage to dome who ars anroschiag: womanhood_ ,
it i• oJetalsod to assist Wan by ii•ichaue; tho blood
•041 iaripestiog lb. gym.. hand, On mediono• is /soh
Goble for all of the •sliow dam. to Imam Sri
it breeze the 'auto optrat, meet persioutetly the eitte .
ral *amiss—by mooting the homilies of the bog— not
Kt the siestaletiag tho mem tut to rode. entoequeot ee
hoolihoothieh *the <treatment moiling, Ulm Gee faulty
_ ' GIRLS MD: - • -
You who har• plat '41•11 iya, blotehe• al Ow
Sec, met •Itiu, or Deck ml aro w out c
a.z :=f6;" two
• bottle or two of Dr ownwod.• ' •it will
demo :our Wood, moo Ow Oral. Wet., oral
Ifr. P if 0 01 i0..1•Tki141.7.46.0 •Piwiwoord fwautifal
eowt 4 of whsch, ars of Lam* Wu. to Wane
.11to a d ds neetticirc hoe nor bean disowned WWI So
steady reeteobles tha patio juice or Wins la dean:paw
wianoi wad f
wreopluanog tha *rpm.' &petite, to tilt prom
Bata Lotriltrianit n e ts,, I$4L •
Dr Thortinnest_ bare leen =taw kw ewer..
lean twat dypepio it. ward bow; attended with soar)
wen of %mach, low of appals, extreme heartburn ond •
peat arerrio• a oil hub of bed, and lir wade(ldol l
caodd eat,) 1 hare been .41.14 to ram. Oat a mu. pain
7 ituiteleb I heal the weal remedies, hut they bad
0.'1.14 craw edict to enacting th• taitapLuot. .•I lonia
doads about two moat. noco. to try yoor rattle
pualla u
ty tale, but alotfe Sara
w bah.,
liyecp. w torwl;ta t n he=.
tintirdy remand; toadL .o 1d esusawlymom,
wad the we of it to those who have been .111%. as I bore
beta. rotas ft.; W. W. Vim Z.Ere.:
P 1.22,15118. • • Pato Wand,
41.41 the &Cowing, and &odd If you ow, that conscoop
'hots.. be cued. 'Tina is only Queer the Daunt hnodrod
easeetbst Soinsettars Borsoprilbt has our.: -
Totrawn of—Deor Mr. 1 Ire taken , • hulk trni
r h o w ith a %wen tt i and i poln in sty oid% It' bp
Wean. :ho . 4lll7qtt taanattptior
take of lad molter, 401 night meat., owl sicking awry thab
ay doetiwtwid ho add do nothing he um 1 watt into Um
keeled itaboje of beast boyeettted, batty prett...4 time
.0 inetir4ll4. 1 was oow lowly dean:wed at taw loop and
could badly broad.; I won become ortarioted aid nyectod
to dis • woo conithed to oty bed, 'and was Wept to hone '
indeed 1 cannot pre you any dowriptien that
woald dojunhat to my ewe. / wax eappeted b7 '.7trientle
to kph% rt-eory t/ Mil tried • peat number of randles,
owl all second to ha logo . mid of sow and es.'
%wading rim parannair'7Purond.kt
pu the truth, pupated there woo uh u
mbug in thaw
Bat 1 ono, indund to in it I did in 004 am rely 110.trw
1 did. I cannot soy that um enttrely wn so Dr.
reanrered as to hitact my basins, ad bop. to tte %gine
A d s.. in a few weeks. ely coup Led panto the side,
ight ewe a D p o kra halo, on&naise but ray little, and
am %%pining ny nual strength. I kit it a defy to pro
you • temente. of orate, publie if you,
ftron Sanwa, 47 Little st, Bestohlp,
OplilloPs Or rhyslelaas.
Dr Townshend is dour daßy rooming orders Dora phyl
awlu in aircraft parb of ths 17nioss.
This Is roomer, thar we, Lbo ondonirsed, Pb
the City of Altrinydearo le nunwrous won preurrilral Dr.
Towirsodh Inarsaparills,:soad Wirral lobo out of tomcat
ralualls porporaticos of tb lbarmapoills to ths nrathrt
R P Panora, • •
..T , Wnsoa■ a,
8 /limos n,
Alhoof I April MS.. E liaxsortion. aa.
• 'lO •
This Is to really that In, th. arisherwined, practioap
Thoononino ptrysicoas of the Dye/Albany. hawthorn
r,prowerital Dr Tosnoeues Coruponool Enloe of es
vas, sad Gm its looms qualitara, would reconinscad lid
peals for noreraislor.afulorra atoll Metro Maroon wo
' saws, in prefsneues to any of the advertised rrsnr ha ossetirs bloats
,• A W Rr,l r, •
AlbsOT April MEN. Wit B flpsurrovr r.
Prioctpoloßks, 196 Fulton 8, 8. Irihkhog, R
ding Co Stale Boom; Dr Dyad eellons, 141 Mott Iler,
mist Phrlohlpluat 8 8 Hume, , aw, fraltatorst money
prioopol trowels geours4 throLut•tho United s.
Trod Wksad W. Cacao. •
Now yonuireo, woken put up In Dm hire wpm beaks,'
wbkle metals nays and atinsul with Ohs mill.
of P TOWNILLND .dais eam Malin ou rho Ift t or.
Fran NewTork Dopy Erma. of Apra Darr/.
A retry Utiog app.:and allot struts pedal*. It was
ihsadrertiahry cab, or fbersoporitin• Tnyress of Dr Tovamrad.
Tat whoa. thing got up In goosl last.: soon of tiro °m
onist /andnapo &Map arribcoutifal, which, together with
scroll work, in, gliAroloy In awaits, med. a dom.
rarely equaled In W. him t his opportuaity to
toy ors Wier. db sktowt of dr Sarnsparalla dorms tho
osrykreat popularity it has acquired.. .
Maryann Debility. • . • -
Maw Yaw, blare Z 411317
IX Towneadi—l Manta Mad said.or lest liar 3
part, i with a doallMining is Un abut, riding:a la the
md, cos of mime, pan la the baby ad moral dsbily,
Might ou so doubt by the coannal Mt acid cold to *loch
las sohjott to is ay Dann. tmdrir, :1 hate takes Mu.
toedientb Oa ammo= to main, bat wit/than or masa.
cm. I ins Woad by Ma 1 maim the paper to Ina bottle
of poor IhriaporDhi, Ma ankh I downtrod retie. .1 Me
at. odmiterminal bold., tad lac nohnitainply say'
t. b do but madkiati I lanai am tetra—do pin is air
ant is pm, and I Wlndia •ditintat nu ellogathar ante
I hare rata yoar narnpoilla I has sow a boor appetite
tit nal bad. N)) win has takes it inn the m. Mid:
chrrasidts.' I woold * matistiod it as a tinily wahi ne ouid I Gal caminni Ora /In abed there mad not
half tbea'abarn'tlita !hind coommtly not so may
Dodoes lid* kir while it remora appdito , ft alto' ern to
• the Moran sad bomb Um regular ma it amine blood :
et a bonny ane,so that divan is aidortnaly to attack do
trttfna.Alta 10 Ott.* trito gni cot la a itesithrnated tar
Up Dr Towasead`a Samparilla.
. • Tams, Marra, Al Ann itZ.
-r Dilatator In the Maratha .. . .
~-• •
II:Mown a womb:train:4M chin and Dr Tomandii
Serannolla has and the Um of thoosmis of cling,,_
The Gallariag cannon is 'Meted inn a gnat Inaba:
naiad thisteck: .
oan, Ap ..
Saw ril% Itift •
Dr Tomandr Dm clib—Oaa d r
ay chhi o , ..., ...„,
stet eliding Dam in the man ad dont, Maid an
.grad itbilary„ item oar tlyban .1 Minimal tom of
OA:4W i ~. sad hewed it drectif. to tehieli /di
won youital . 7rirtald,"" ' Yon,. flin.erfidly,
Zi onoomen;2:7 Dramas tt. _
• Tor ILI. by RCr nELlbroggin, No 57 Wad a
batmen ad and alb at., who la, Inca appointed by D ,
TDyiNBEND se& drat kr allieghtay eo, .jeadttelpil,
SITSRO.II,CO tovetrtort
peat Pannesa in 'curing nip child. too diatentais g
. • t Freud tba Temenice fidnnee;Nor 31817
• &con iince.—Wa ateetot. in the habit'. of Paring;
math less airing ratan coodiplues, td we reel disposed
to retonnand Itioran Syrup to those who tin afflict
ed win at cough. Are , Winn tried i the anal ,that
dies to removen tbonnant and- distressing cough, that
had forsanntl days Mated ono of childram
out moons, an am induced - to Morgans cov er t s
mop, and by it Mini oraz obtained a few hoots. It i,
proved to be timpani:dab th is a at least.
DteratedabOlafin and ritual by. it proprator, '
a lur
fah7._ ;. ' wood. 1 door below •
77 . 11,1 * r . • adlialanni, li s wawa tapana/10. 2 . .2 . ,
trBUS LI la units th o stAtaktos one vial of, Dl , ater
,a, Yelassn'a Went a gadded' James Fliaseoa..
passed Nem& of. , arstritia, and Its doe win of said. ,
slidininailditiliormas MP WI" 14 nall."'
it Is truly Do MOM ameistor went inl e ains cesr
sseen. II manhave nro more .tats. _
WY DaidllODE
wzm ff lx=w=e ff m E gm
ceirisamprzoy,L. •'
rain 11 *ism Bream, dam nalmo..Paladatina.r.
tf.adthe Ito% . alcza m anc ru tanksniim%
It is tad ated Simmeit7° ll " ./ Ii *4/I"l3TRlb'id'
bantam to Its esteraztotiaand lel se meet the most
po ongwea rful end aridds,a motedies fee
Complaint,Mae a 41 . ,
Lhs, Col Amami, *dm," CougPause in the IWle, pi) met, and Liver
Debally of the Constitution, that erne ,eleo Mooned by
the skill of man Mr she abut' Of the hthbeW 'abbe.
Cenikeales and cramp of Its vroaderMl emaldim
powers are daily received Rank entersers." It DIM
pautble so emeeire the _ of sulforing and mio
ery hat
hes been mile or tby In oar . .cart
we cetentsue the baronet hatehtthats
it hereafter: AU age% anew, sod ii=e am
alike alficiedby it, and the deeemobt ID=
t a e. ystem, the coustitation repaired, and Iseat&l me.
tred by them of Da. Swam% coarse Bramsor
Into Came. How orm,y salaam we MR/
bold approaching to an erannely pave; waded, la me
bloom ofyouil= Their relamei etrett friends, Maier
ed with that malady; communion. '.lLith
manes the raiserabbe titterer moil Me , re herald- ,
Power : of hemaa -Mill: If nett eutsienierochl only
make atrial of Dr. emerne's Command Oyme, of VVild
sChervYe br ,
gultan they g
the verie would And
tti theasstnebeoohaerivo emoner relieved
Ma' matedies with
winch m.o...Mem aborted; this vVegetable Reme
dy' heals ase elatnuarl lungs, stopping profiles. Dlghl
sweets, as Mamas three Indeang a natural and hnallkY
memonetion, and the padent wal men find' hinueifin
the ettleyment ofmarferteble health 'Montilla shook,
Marla mind that Dr.. Swo is a - molar prentirilif
PhYmelea, sad Sou had yea h
( Vnce in disease*
of the Caul, &c. Da and only) mono
in. arei t elMonly ~,,. ARRA pi Wow.
MF vallreand a
__Philadelplue. , ,
• 0(.4 d... ms-eIIhO.BI,=CATE. ;,, ... ..
safely myth. tomb of mathelae Callaat faun& <man?
soma* tals, which now *Mods as a 11 ring proctor the'
embitter of at • aim when OM teal Moe
d°o4. '"" pf• Samfaa Codalotusd Sytop Of ivua
!a the ChOrrillillit Madams to ba, the realest ontelletne
The ThutifiC , liief./.#3 4 redik.. , . _
feel Dm Scream—Dear 84,—vor IM eat of ihenabGe, I
myseLfin any boned iro mea l so Cm paid core
which rmro.nrouna BYl(Wet*ChmreirZa*'
cd On VIC s , Or soy pad, 1
ink * it. 1 was Metal with so
a *de Vit
Sol ef. blood, nitht anew;
the mod of
the ram usalautag mummie. nese of tber &mama
my ;Nelda. mm,_, .allai am/ el. 1 , slrmathluld m far fail.,
eft sne Meteor mom and PaYlielati wire serenaded I
citrocould not survive mar daew74,., orbp.r..,y
earotaken made =re ebe would be
ns to proems the most'
MU wan bald
that tf Dr. wartio'd Ceevo,,,,,d Syrim of Wild Chem"
miled In hao$11110X): rdo Val then begrime s year
andielos wes tarmedimalyMoems4 are Me Mat bu
tte gara relief, sod by Menem I hal mennaneed the
rimh bottle. my emelt had bat Me endear war'
autelt lannomd, la she:cit. has made a =elhe
ar=trad I am Uzi& Weems* time tie hearty im
1 sod have good remote to mans that the nee amsas
r"aye.... Mte i er:," Turrl=a t , me RM.
' --
3, cheese ,et betweetnee and vine 1.117.1 ets, '
0202 W CAUTION', :, • ~.., ~
tamomptens, Rea& El ea :1 Di:Remelt pcimypaMd
In about the yen 1837,3 - M of
ead 'it' km MR
periMestorua Patedee, to p
r o ., a pn.p. r .
Mon foramens of dm elicit and: hniMPoreammg
. 3 ... ji.... 1 4 1 math* yintverties thin any other IWO'
trio mown for such memos. In cry
bees sine or.wmo CHERRY, I MY* and.
'may aMonlehistemet alfmtol PY. ley
atediebe scar mead be tame abros4; he Downs none
OM memo to memalbstated etarepapar pea or ito
ged magic-atm—the real intrinsic 'es cri ts et My cm.
mead is the only muse ofttspopularity. its
We tam embed the, envy ofeennueepectament la the
sahethauf MI& kuR. =care; Oinmeh le that ire a ,
far yeah Om the newhat myperepanahmintejali. I
[kb to Comdata UMW didalololl4ll4l, a 11111 1111 . 11d111
&din 11tat . MT preparrasori kid gained a high
reputation be Its curative proorn, mow oat rah
wear they celled Dr. WW2" belemet of Wild Cherry.
7 L l .2.V.tuakt sod popalar physician her/Mo- mom
to do with th e article max poor Sam Redo: The name
at Dr IV Inv is =ached to mks It appear that ible elat
item practilimer was the original Inainter of the pro
parmlom tomb it &Kam fact - The abovelfam, thaMl'
al isnoololl, sold the reetz . nA right to restenfomee to
more meat nedietne In - Cinciaaasi Mr the'
Wed and Skaah„ wad another billow York for the Elm,
who afterwards, It Is asserted. seldom to a draggherin
Demen.... s o the number ofklamishairsehlche Dauer hare
In moue places they amen it uated Rini A phi.
ridge be Philedembria be own ( '
hose a pipit:Da la
/11sessetmemus . So it has peaced cad
There have been erero
smash. of othekpri=kiiiiihirl
porting tu=nas Wild Chatty pat but Temer air
Muds ofiomperkeee, which Ms Peale
.M likeial
etllion, m they a
ce meta QOM Tiran of the ormi.
nal and oat treimine pteparatwlthick bean Ow egg
aslant of Di, Serapes on lab Male. The present
meaufamaresa of their intas and ham amiltates have
the datingetromery to maim the pibue . wingi pax
anwur ay medmine, Ma Only 11111) , mime and O
l tlal pramration of Wild Cherry' joetbre do
which is parsed aer - iyby dm potato ree=
the Commonwealth of Penneylvania, at well as mi.
oats Other &commas. AR. R. SWAY/IE,
Invader and sole Proprietor otThe [Mau .o:etto
maul syrup of Whilst riy, Isomer of Etgialread
Race streets, Philadeligris,.. . .
, ?madams can be obtautelgratM, 'eating Meth lus.
may of tad:my Mu will comm. be slant
eal orate weaken! virtues of1:1,1 yea s Compoand
byrup of Wad Cherry. Call sad ore, ' aU may
read. Purchase **medicine, ta m
For sabr, wbobstale and retial. im
WU THORN; Skhfulee re COMAirs V Dkicif,
eon., Wood mad Liberty in; 8 JUNES, Ma Lltolly
IO 11 A PAIINISTocK & Co, corner of First end
Wood and Strut and Weak 4334 JOUR hUTOLIELL,
~, . „
MIOR Coegits,
.Colds,..kalmoot The
GREAT AND ONLY EMMY the cure ofthe
above distaste, is tbe JrUPWABLAN BALSAM-0V
LIFE, discovered by :the celebrated Dr: Banhan, e a d" England, and introduced Into the United &Was
ander ass hareedues texp tc e k n ta
ee *Mk inventor].
• TbitettThl MGM. of Mb Med/eta: ha.
ewe of
distantly warrants the Antadcan
Agent in ailitting for aeronaut the ward .poraible ca
st. that can be fon:idle the contrusadtr-e ems that seek
relief in vain Aver any of tbs neennen rettattesgtf the
day, and bars b.., gim.p br 04.0." dun=
p Tacit= as continued and Inturabie. The.
an Balsam has coed, end will a itillythe mar
of eases. It 1.1.10 4111NAIWOOMIL Ai
lish medicine. of known and etanbUthed Wiesen, •
Ercsy bunny in the United sua. Ibeald be
with Buchan's Ilettgachan Dolma pf Life, not only to
counteract the conameptire tendenema of the, climate,
bulb La used es e nrevesaive usediebto In . Si - ...ft et
made, mougba,, sprung of blood; pain itsthe eke and
chest, ieritanon and solvecsa of the Itings,_bnschina,
attota didlenty c o f bnuin=ie . I n t . ztat e
enogh tn .anot% .4, ett
mw regi..
Sold in huge Lles, at 111 per bock; with All three:.
dean foe the rentoranon of health..
Pamphlets, containing a mesa of liogilth'end Amid .
can nentficates, and ether evidence, sholeingthe au
tomated. manta of this great }Bath Itomedy, may be
obtained of the Agenum=k . - • :
For saki by 11 A F .k. C a ., co of
it and Wood and W.. • and Oth ilk," • DWI
Vivi have beentnibuned'
by him Rose of a ems pm,
lamed Daher thy Dr. Jaymsla Altteirattiret, which
yt.r..l la stpedmity one every other moody of the
Mod. : She has teen afflicted Verthelnin came yam
witla ahr.lloSnit or wurniswEtumnEksamsdea
whh akerajkan and enrolled= er retiosabeemobb .
rievetileh °me Many Pieced kite bees ditehemid Rem.
the bound honer. arantam, Ram WM: Sr arma
wrist. and !mum net ham bah lets, and ttoolhe left
(,bona and from the tight knee, besideepenfel
other pens of her porme, which have based
the shill et a amber of Mamma ibminent phyalcitas
our eat —de sum of the time her maenads have
been exenuannp and deplorable: Ahem Mum maths
a te
ahead ery
tium* to lltijaynehr Alterative,
bby e• a ed tund ahmaly hippy adhet aged her.
ulcersreaumig toadied*
yam add strettinavard - eaten the
to heal, whit at the smiths, rgerteralhealtle
Me become eompletelyntstored, ito dtal abe nowtreidlte
*3 lb* more Man the did before dm anouteured Matte
of this telly valsabk preptittm—thlat. Eve. Not.
Fbr butter larormatimananant othln. Rode,No.
Pam nil Phlbuletnhts. •
Ste Mde PilitEtrel, et the 1 4 , i
4 17 'hitk STOREt
79 Foes* vt. neer Wood. •
S t : LM F S. O M ee :Ir ' a i rtgtur : 8 ? IL
whether in that.of !thee 6 A, eulameineirti a - the
glands or hones, Goitre, White Swellings, (lawsuit
ithearmtion,Qumer, dimmer Oahe Sim or Spin,
or of fhlreormy Coniramption, emanate film oae
and the same came, which; Is a paismomptistipli
more or leis inherent in the Mamas *system There.
fore, halms this principle can bilitlottropic no
which Ute can be effected> but Ir_the wed& epos
the dlieme depends, Is remored, a mire
modal seemsitylellow Witter ender *balking
the disarm shoildniandest itself. Thls, themfore
lithe'eraseswh /AVM'. ALTIMATIVE ill MO alai
al - Milleatleing lie mail mailgram(
It dashoye the; *wig principle from
whim those dismiss have their origin, by enmity
into the 'limitation, and with Mob/podia mimed
to' the Abram( fibre, miming' every .Putiete
disease from the einem. Prepared eel eoht at Pea
8 South Third Street; Philadpfda- •
Sold at the Pahis Tea store, No.Voiutli Mit
I Li ohms p l ot awnelow Crtaltraiirrijess
the akin! bowman°, lam mash, itow
and k !
Bea aktis ablesaba Agar own -pawned:
chalk! Bea labtriewt, wap.aeakynme, ta w,
tic, (tikes& a have prapared-lareganahla
artiele which we call JUNEllirwyclat -14 Ly
wi,n l iD It is pertacklyhtbacent, partied of
deletenane aaalinea and at In le *Maw
n A, healthy, alabaster, cash living white,4Diataaati
ulna= as cosatatataa. the shiny abates hem
Dr. James Anaemia; Prainielertheitial alma.
,saym •Atter analysing jaseil • ewataklDil .
Witte,' and it powenes the wow beastliest and rasa.'
tel, at Ike lame time innonent riattlas I ant taw. 1
certainly can conniantleatalltewaseatiiik Wan
whole akin reparokhautifyinsis • ls• • .
V•Price Intents a bah. • ' , IL!.
Itv•Beld by WaralCIEBOlloW his Bow sal nee
nlafrAi law
Boa ny street. head sif Wood, at' tbeinlat
Biwa yoa bunk that yoa
A aanual,lll6.lllea woes; mAatt
That 74* wilt 'will sae woman ;balk,. ..r , .
Maio* idesthly yellow
?beaten* Of lastahust and of - I
U yea
* boa. otiortra 1,11 1 / 4 rium,
walla eve yew .km alabauar yet Mina wr*,
and at Wu aura thee elearntaa hhepeo,aealt , Seth
4C1:130N13, kr Liberty at' truntisecmipst box.
4 L .
flora sae si,wia T
CY I LE:Z. Pir . ll , l oh e at diii r loptia
ammo( PAPER, comprising spar, ears
possible, ate%
adapted la tia RIM of etwounty In all &Men eir
!WWI. Paper
,ef all Wads wide ordattit. abort
pine h ladak PRINT/NAP to
a i p iatil of j a 116 vaa U r la P rear a ER tims
ar dm desetiO
dai na sIAA: via Yalu nHppkpp Pawdarilld ,
panda...Ain wege the iletheekree Win b•
WO/paid - WO/ ' Nor YetkiVolyßyipp;
T. Jugs. imtukii
&Mall kinds of amnia& bad my„ qua
whaplasAlinosi 1114 t Sektvil4
or embed forbUilibe#
a . .1
te giftabiderstabrardass,lkb
bostabda =walls& Asiby:Piy4bi Pistkies,ftek
rl 4
° : •
Lie at the redacted ptiebe.i;:b weak., a losjos bees
luebredds acted tbr sale by / I. IFAHLLSITIKUGIG
flOrnalla 401111104114 - 14e germ or .1241
ma y teed bet vi 4 iniAttei
!44,1 1113C0.115311.
di m i Ng di em stprieer tAst u Thatapaw a
.9310/140131 i
Mr ot 7ao Wand 4).p.
ia Atadat Ma se.
*demi. fkaaabat ...„ l / 1 14 ka tie aid/ .1
V pin/Zrbera.lrali .lorrimatans
peatateal /wk. *can 429af apapal
asil/apiba magas 3 4.34401401,30/a. pat at U. 3
bad boa law alkali with,. Intribtllog rM
la be
patsg lid /m ia blralet, glib gnat isT
-btaaokobe. eisar oi lamb
a( anittiaa - -. Ikaa tam It/Lbw
Mat ,/ War alystott, barial lab wa nar x.% bat N.
-I antra la War Imecadiattled timbeara 1 Mali&/
amid aka, b abat Lied *laming. Fialati opal'
uitureebt.' poatsiaktaa ky laatiV.lra•
= .. bra=ratraa i rcatt=, salt
bans bad taiga Atm born% 1 arai empicali tettarta
-h"a; abate btitt
Any Omar Minch at tay rm.
ig= 3l l7 o .l.' Ar a ; ala rm_ linen.
atmoakabrran csaa,r.. Nov. Y 0,1845,
ate; etafsattapil tadtataq
wean airy baaaaa, taw WWI* alth maw atdas aa
lap Il
a bort amass mass,. WO:MI RPM na/ bl Wm
walatathes at a 3 ghtamtrwth4paa'ylitol limbs-awn
M .6 = . 4":ll=l.4lrria, h
Wutalt &tautly elleadel
ally "ttiawa - Ma acarabalta Mita balo a namable
May hablmataaa laaitt tst.
ataliap wan martas Imarrare, gala atkari
rd Atm Ast...
WI lb 41414 • aria. par Ina
Oat a}apl- rag/ad loamy • atorttttbis elm I mob.
ad amacablepipib,ll.ab' llatalimat
bat tide skill wratidaaalll4lo as sasnabieg gams Pta
sting* art narial 1 . 7 /.../M/tattatty Impair la
enaaftlaa_ !Cm fakirs./ sr As
toinsaist...syrstsa Nall.;Too, thrum,.,. ,..we a l '
ditm ap
cipzs 4a naireva7 altarhaanar Malik bylaws
sma a. s pra l 7. 6 * .../mbery lum
•la ma* da ta, art ban arm *Airy.
teat'datifralablU , *With Wan ralaniond
lin las Olt taattgad lambital alarm ataela
'cp=r T •Mts.
aaY 117 wukckz; ;In ItAlloW, ,r Impalas
tblae l tpaattay. Pflallaiela , 4 Vad ban. par beak
uPl.—/Ittnas 311134/01 pardakea
arnr_ bat samtlod
walker of flan abaria• '4l' daft la aso.
alek , u O.IIOIM
.J - Milit - e&B , BAA'ABILILA- BLOOD
'PELLE anifieetidaUst"lV Pr Fitit;Seitaind th ey gra pox b, B Lel.
411Mbaell'A Mishit favggilatst and ebrlT
ma et PhilliddphlsiOrtiolksdlN'the ' nature, the
. quality aid disinter of lb* fdUiciaes uscil in hie
pllta thairadaptellan-ttedlitase.
pßecommi,-Beemee Us pablimen take them with
reaMa eoelkteseettme mon Mira pills which are
reparettly %Room *await both ealmodiehae and
•Thlrd, &tense et theireo affects proper]
-lies trot. =gal*. In • gni ohteelY. Emir
ft itha itheelpatichisiNntekivi unhealthy ants.
ataacar, and at the 11.21,7 1172etuffyi2g the blood
did hi.
or . r
-Yosit a , 'Berofonlyiii;l4irikeap.t.ind beat
imiiihm magWßi-Watint bat 25
mum ,
n ;and.enensicang 40 Oily, sadist to poisons Lsy
ada °Kitties sad nunitioiss
Inedlelate boned dtltit4l otiguilecatourendation
. : WHOLESOiti;fillgter.
4 4 - Whenever you have eeeision't& take any midi
' mae;Ato net be trilbat arittimmer eoestanuom by
trying all kind. el pflisdr.ethedniedietnes you we .
Pautab na Ad4 8 4 . A:1; , M tulmull! ed 0 920 ail another bu
talia once
Likike-Banterpo4s,Mmi Pills
madyma mill not ha* lb take abithloil
, etee. • Thy wilt always be found good
iveetiket iaftmilumatirse staraucti,boue
elotTer sad imaginers Alillcon - of thin =wad. hi
Colic, Watt:brash: inward umetajafoal breath, Dad'
,471771 jt; 7712 , 1mxtIli;pur antohbdi_ gas and '.fatidity of
the anmoi&A; - tostitetbisii hallgediod, want of
a stlnetindiiesies of the spleen ZktePidatedeforhkinJ
_scaly erupticuad
dry and watecypi b101e..1 of the lace ass
bad yi tetterptasitocidde hiattandbalt sham, hand.
giddintes s felatenmiy 71422 der the heart, of
thfitudid,aides, iloutthebaet tad spine, rheurna..;
, dos sad goal, lama of. di thnis t iamall pox, varies
'Blatt. mss ' W, acroreta,eryilps nd tn short they - .
272 good in ail Mimeo ban e 4 eir Mils in th e
stonsa bleed ck hirer, sad iinestiats,Aanti impurity of th
t L
ErTireaty&t, ant: a. 841 irs
Boa Malaria and Ansa b 4L A. Fahnemeek
& Co„ comer of Fuse ang . _{ {toed, corner of
Daub and Wood strietii: -sepina •
___ ----
. a TOOT , 4.. T • . n.
• • :
'lra medal:lsta haling tad
: T tha Teeth, ' sae, ewe rteau
bath. kat.- it hetettiMlV7 etiti-trh • ,
to.b, and the them ..4 mia, *wogs en...
.mad e
r im up marning, Wet 'dm: bah teak warm
water; in artist/1 are, ei, , todingt st a few near an
the paste, rain ettougtialr taint for canna the
tea., 11 le - de ltenstatme in Ibe tweltrata
Pans. mon tielighdilfrignineetethe bread.. it
- aariyalled as • pleasant, miliestela, emareniest,
sale denailise.' it is i warated Vast. Alva the meth,
ill tail it . trithili It Wili;erlire the tan and
.prevent ma - teal sweat the loodmehe
satchel the andiparent all data el them
Gbeemsteiphyst . aathe elergy mamas! h a
.dadmill Maim' to ear thamf the kind In me.—
AY tor Vaasa% aoitmound.Qmcd 'lath ,and ste
!tire a re le auantedutheeit pot.
ad our Ilt. - Cakt*•in, Broadvnty, nee of
at , best Dentists, and br moot of dm old established.
main the 'Vatted-Eas, atitarA:steneirely.ased
!.. i r lib HobilltY or Eggland
• .-. A Wan Proportion of th e ; t mefilletaiankbiti
slit/4149M am dnningeleau ',Me lumsach or bowatiy
irajot , a timely .at of the Cathn to lamas would
entrely obviate.. Prate of litho* habits ahead al.
Wars has i her et hand; atrial a dose wheasier
W ay feel the lean deranges:muralist.. health. Altai.
Mous use or Steve Losvoges Wad Facet thossands
• Parade Mint. JACiIION , IS, Meer of Ward and
A L EIZZATCllllgalased lire eat ally tree
Al end sear. Larill4pearad , sold by LE 11114. ,
21314, - -
I , `
..'-r - Mont,' Pattltallt*W4seaed et, Pint
- ; 1irr..&•25. Sdierm—k seartrdth shmsend ibeddietsa
#t‘tamt• UMW ahabis twatonyie throvotarjamly ~
marmot Liter Nil, 1 be., dated tag so dir man,
ndhera to Da Cann , . misimegte as you art riatt, :
.then teat:MO , , itetorthe samsraparatia of ea
nmi =Amidst m the Malta mat Imo oblitismora
rta ham betadtred talle'pablleoutd, had,.
Mem they trdl Nona amen_ Mrs theicay are Mot whet
=ttheists Is. 1 Ear. sil with Liver
ea my loath) m
bare - T i msclq• employed
'many emblem steal m eth ay; ha .
•kst ma • r - -to
la abnott te dank;
adtrated S ornate,sadated walsi
Wes balsas. In . .
'lea las induced to twine Lea and 5005, GIOT
'W/L1.1;:. Or hold tab tibia Marsala
et pain lasidaenteLl ma oat . aat loot
.151.meettoi .y . 7 tilts areas*. _ Marttejt:or . and; i ..
at i ri, altrettina g :led n ' '' '.-3 ha in my more
.I v .
-- kw II - 4...7 yverc'aikl'Eftinall id sad ham rawer
loud a *thet compider altered Piker a silo has ad •
tab, They ham asystadetthrr Pal la Ildt
astiehbottal, end nt a short time walsaishr -am Q. 1
emady rereimesil than lola main physic., '•
whether a Lae Camas ile /limas. 1 etta.
sidaban faspeeeirto Gland V* tlidaleePill. lama.
MUT H=4 the,,tam inetbraiqi. kr... the p..ue
cauaLliernorillayersa simanttlfteoE2WlNZ.hoeld
ask the eat tasttier Ma thale'llared sad mid , by it
Z asm.rais, So 57 Toast bees a',Third and rain :
• .
told by .. t ux, redor Airaf . c.isT,Augi ,
/HU OrAtdirdll OrLIUILUrriTiVZ
'LIfirOJAI the item ASA OilllyNooyell lorowo and pop
'Ttl Qer erlsdaao th•Prorioot ot eth odotCh ereiendermbeenometeddar:o•pur"il..a.lMt.oru pain la the nowaot orrorro
-velloot wrenalsrion, and arteat [Hari 'im
;Maid With Link effect;lwai with • bottle
orDr DJ re's Caroaisuom Thistle used u
m thorihretiocia,sadirood rirrariably rtat rthe
moor Lk pain is dowels three or &a min.
° nay Lit fa. fifteen or Mutt Allot.. r' , o7 ImuT
liouilinsa was =tinily nainiell. The medicine was
senroolnued whenever Imdealionx of the spaniel ot ,
pato Iwo partillionAailtha irs thereby prevent-
Ile =Wooed ID Ode the • • cony orrrithO
as th e mangirjri' in a tor work.
brollk wise LOT remand, Qat Out Brauer Was mien,
ad hovi low amour ofooPtorti9 P. 1,4 F rem "
imtinretb . zo,aa
14:tataioa Of the troa N. ls. /N
Fbr Sida birkilaßrgb SU,thoplitot TEA SUM
7 1Fointli strllikc near Weed; and a ion
.Borre aGHWARTZ.-Voilloa wont. Abo tt om •
ckpa de us.lotelsfrli
Ceti= Ili S W A 64,4
eal A 64, 4V 1 -
.SINAI* iftp.on Penuthan.qiirabg
I sem ftp,poirfiatectwijkLarende r ; Amt.
- 8e.M.1 :wieder pia, at, p .
'lElobesmid bags busy eadaldat ( Muni .Susett
lot the klaikenkkA UM: SW. forireeennu. biqr,rd toot si.vs,gus.
laUuandan,cr air rod
Betrie=Pasel at ebinftil IFitipPlm.t..e *cal-
Beep p ware:
afl.e N puT= ,
• • • &CO
Cer Wt. wood
PI T.T BI34I iii 3 NI; , 42tAZETTE,
esidirßradhlAllit mr.4 . 4.0. Os ha cOSak
/MATZO or:icovaiur,Ti Din e.
_One inseitioa of_ 1130sw.ovipor, 50 io
Two insertiomfwilboatiliandifik - 073
Thee - • .“ lOO
Oie +ill 1 80
Two Weer, ao
Time ... .. 3CO
I Ofelloolb, two , 4 co
Thies 7 60
I:i l 4 l ll6i ' ediettleime;ilele ak.,l4°P°M".
se equiss,6 camas, .illtose 0n.... 10 CO
Feei eilditleoyailayi'foieeletipv ' a oo •
, •
ciao Writes Ceicinhs,reem.lo 4 •lloleivere, IS 00
- .2000
litehielditionalecieVerbtl 2 - 10 00
Two aquares,6 elooteyeeeltAittpleuere, 3100
Gcb addidand aram,s .......... 8 CO . l
111113ILT 00 TRIE•VIISKINT•Int DAIL', /A 22146
One sipare.3lesertinsvi. - L..... ..... j 1 30
each adOeui.Watort
suannow Ci:31,06
Five Ilea. Or kW, 1011, 3 811 ;
_ . filivipoao*"
. .. . . .... 505
4 •,-• 4 1,e 7 wtekly, 10 . 00 , .
8 00
50110re.w 0 orle Mrtr Hsu:
rolloller,ss,4 bi s etw o • ao
• ...... so
- . .
310 !
` -. 5` [.r j: • :** • !"*.j:
117511Mnistseastle b•
sad 105,0155011115 w ant tots Wata. Ie l" 11 ,
t 000111,05 oattoirib pa ••
- t='; -