The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 15, 1848, Image 2
j u t ,fr.- -,,,ThEzTITIM .:= Th .,-,_ ~ . =maw P*- g 4.. --in4';'l4 p; :IV, , .."'' -PITPINLIKOIit KOOKINO 28ti ' ..- .3.101i/LIOELNIIIA RONNIE AMERICAN. aslotottorsorrhoNottltAssa - leloirobd,Courrd Stateo,Gozetta, polotiolobia, received PIMMISK Da= Goa= is — Polrlislort Par Zoog, wa r t •-• r, • -- AllPrAl . minim itto ttontestly:ollio An'OnCloolbro Or. to, end fl 1147 N to day As. Bmgwy Imports, Maui Makes; ke. Fes quid . • Toft:c,iNet , alismissiorrea, W A B.T R;•._. Mit: CLAY'I ADDILEIS6. Ossrairsz'Axo, r.,...Letninooti, Monday, - April .. 10, ism 5 • :,Tbe Lowing Address to the Pablin,"Gant the :iiGit.. a aiy,finabeenbanded to us in- p0b1ica t.....;.1501!;114 'Wig appear in oar liver. on Wednorday . • TaTHE puBLIc. :Theestiottaand conflicting reports which have -...rseinviiaieulatipik in regard to my inteMions with the Presidency, appear to ma ro t..fuioiab'aproperowsion for I full, frank and ex , eiposision of my feelings, wish - crania views witioct- This it is now my puiwee _ . . L ,With, a strong - disistrtv'olon to the use d my againaaiulection with that oilid,l left my _Lif.;'iesiderice in 'December last, wider a/letermiaatiou limn:mice to the putifc, in some sultiiible Conn, my desfre ant to be thought a asa candidate. During_ my absence , IBeq~atly expressed to - different gen tillingum, to be again in that atti lalion One was authorized peiblish my decl -Won one 'mot. the other, having reserved Oa right ea exclusively to myself ..On enextioa,l i .. . - . L -thought it was due to my friends to. Oonsult with Dientiesfnee ftookla final and decisive stela AD. tr,:epetingly,ingoecourae of the last three month., I ;'r:have had many opportsminetef conferring fully and steely 'witltthem. litany of them have addressed to me the strongest appeals, and the mast earnest ere treaties, both verbally and written, to dissuade me 11°M40.uting my inte n ded PurPo.•The). have L ." represented to me. that the withdrawal 4 my name - - : ; ''',Winald'befatal to the auroras, and perhaps lead to throliuolution, of the party with which I have been -tsed, especially in the free State that at no farmer ' period did there ever =WWI great a iawba bf my election, if I would conwnt Mile use of mixtanw; •that the great Stab:sof New York and phi) all human probability, cast their the me, that New York would more certainly. . .. . _ • i'bestow her s "au ame than u a any ea& .:-.,. . ram.. Po Po Y r - f - : : ; * Dilate, &withal Ohio would Give hoe Tote to no , .i.. r .. - ); candid4r, raiding:in the Shiva States, but to me; . . , ,T,:' alma there ia'i better prospectthan has bereestore P. any time- existed that 'Pennsylvania would unite tharno candidate can be elected with . sat Usti WIICILSIIII2ICO of two a those three States, andatorie - mold be defeated; upon whom all three -:::4".,'oftlidar'slaciuld. be-united; that great number, Of fellowobl aa.t, bo U of native and foreign birth • • •,' '6lio wire deceived and :therefore voted against . - ••• „ toe dale last election, are COW eager Saran oppor . , amity efbesuraring their ad*, upon me; and , r'••• . 144 whilst there 6 a strong and decided prefer. ones' tne, entertained by the great body of the 1 414 Party throngholit the United Suites, they (the to wlmm I refer) at the same Time are eon I;l,4iciOital.thatl no mans turailiable than any tend,. date thatimdkbe presented . to the American pen . . . .i,7 • 1 4 e;- • i 1 - . ',.;',. ,- t i.4...nalpietanalo vouch for tin, accuracy of all i ::,•.- ..these tepretentatiors. although I do not entertalica ••-•'- '.doubt"then • • have litstairmiimtly made, and are 1 , t',.... in . cciTir liAlTed.; , i - 111,.. • -It bits moreover urged to Me that the great ir'.. •' • •:•'! 'oblige* under which I have been hitherto plae . I i • .: 7 ' i ,irffi 'Fria Large portion of the people of the Mined I;,' : "`Staley the full ince of which no one can be more 1...... „sensible of than I am, demanded that I should not : ''''• '' withheld the Sipa of my same;. ICU be rol:died.- -. e • -• And I have beenreminded offrequent declarations which I have made that, whilst life end health re i '••' ; • • 'a man Is bound to render his beat services r.r...•-• c ' au . 4 i .• - upon the call of his country. ti„.!- Sinop my return tome, !have anxiously delibee • 1 t :.•••• wed ripiir my dig, to myself, to my principles, to. •• ••-,;.;.- my farads,, end , above all, to my cciantry' The , , . • conflia between my una ff ected desire - 6 =dime ',, is prise. life; as most congenial with my feelings • . ".•••,'• ; and condition, end My wish faithfully to perform lon ....-.. . all my public duties, hos been • painfid and embae fk: -:, .:: . , .....b s ., If I refime the. ac of my name, and theme 1 : 1'..." •i •• injurious consequences ahOuld carte, which have 0 ';',•,,', beim so con fi dently predicted by (deeds, I should 1 -i.:.•-'• •' justly Mem their reproaches, and the reproachimof ; J. .....; my min heart. . And, i 4 Mt the contrary, I should ! • • .. 1 .. " ease:dm the nee of my name, whatever the result . 1 • • may. be; I ahall ermipo both. • l• • '.'" - I have, thereEare, .lnally decided to leave to the National Cmsenntion, which is to 'assemble next Sane, the consideration of my name, in connection with such others as maybe presented to it,,to malts a seleetion of a mashie candidate for President of 1. the tinned States. And wlaiev es may be the Issue of it■ Mir and fall deliberations, it will meet with my prompt and cheerful acquiemence- "It will be seen, from what' have mated, that there was reason tottiaticipate that I would - . decline gis , my consent to the use of my name again'es a 7.7 candidate far the Presidency of the United States Owing, pi:Awl:chin this, as well as other - esams, ; ; many of my friends and killow-citisens have avow , ed a preference far, and directed their attention to the 'distinguished names of other citizens of the United States. I take pleasure in truly declaring, • . that 1 , harem regrets to express, no complaints, ]to rape:ache:, to make on account of any such preficrences, which I em fay peranaded are gen. inland on Banat and patriotic cinivictions. IL CLAY. isiland,lotit 1848. , •!,f The foregoing addreas, we have no doubt, will •- •be Mad with lively emotions by every Whig in • country.. We are' aware that there am many of mar Whig brethren who differ from us, u re• ,gards the availability of Mr. Clay; but we are ear . • faded that all of them would prefer to ace him President before any other man bring. - It is taut car iMentiOri, 'fills particular time, to -eater; into • diacnaion an to the probabilities of Mr. Clay's being the nominee of the Whig Con , eentioup—but canto disguise the Mlles:Mon we have' experienced in kerning that he in cam ioons'nrilling to permit his came tube presented to • the conaidenttiori of the great Party with which be hat an long and no gloriously been identified, with 'Mach nther candidates as will there be presented. We are inducedto believe that it ut with peat raw:tame that Mr. Clay, idler duly weighing, as • ha gonvely remarks, his duty to himself to his pin '. eipira, to his friends, and above all to his conntri, has concluded to 'obey the call which has been • ,-.. cantle upon him, by an immense portion re - the Whig Party, from all over our wide spread land, ; who ham, come to the adman conviction eat be 14'04 only man upon whom the Whip willikepes of sticuen The name of Many rasp every Whig heart Identified • with all tbOsti past cardinal principles for which they have ever been vemtending—they fiel a aiefulesace in him .which wink living, they can neveiiichlici Itisnow tor the Witco tolleMberms whether they • are ready to abandon' heir heretofire cherished prieeiples, -for the peipiter . wiuminethe pre. , muskrat of . these who co . :act willing to, make knoWll dear:ale." uP3's nap of the peat quite • tip, in..winch we me iouteedier; end who bring lab tither trupaishas or Ciiitra, than thugs of male" gaiter, preterlli4n—npen this pound er ty: W. Mast not Them atipelet Effaj s up. in.the Windt" bulks, ender whom we, Sheik, 'he proud to penS, Men who am idina44 whit's!' car tattiest', and in whom we watoi Owe sttiltr,. ksi reliance, ender soy sad every etbergimm but •, we ere not willing to fores.lo oar prioripies epee the =en woad of arashdably--400;" aa4 Weir nanny= we connected with the Wino esurie: and wider them we fail Al ,'e shag WA base *. 5 4 ; to upbraid onreelres with haring made strrivjgr at car principles, kr the mks of semis, %las st be gals ia be do. , W 4 , t.utaidt• , '• •41lihousti c2.y—gua do as web WA _ ••• y I•f# 4 .8 1 • 11 ' .•'• • - = the unman the ; yip otilliecerre the notninstioodAle-tiethltei • ' '',',';' 4" "`,Coltiiitina• • •To ih° 'd ° 6 °'" ra t hs t, o ° 4l ' o o loov o tiok" . belic viD irthat l •l"l/ be •• k o mmt dwingiiiheyetei. * 11541(Zabai. OiMe $3, senr rais• - ?hif !haat ' ""81-24,•''' 10 Rod apPiq'll.44; eIgMM : 11 # — : - illikag . C* l ;t7o l 7r — ar..* --- e" - 7 - : • 3 r•Cdrt6pmaeueeN. 14tralCuiC: • t 4 kfttlo' , _Hannei . ditral,r4.:Esq•—atie. Bir— boar .tof gill/Vitus. has baser mearid. Toefittnneat :me atiltthoinerni.Mbstsfishatiedainig in lAPA/ to a candidate in President, and also, what the pubbc' einatbnent antasiskituselititi,le - ridattea • tto that creation,. In the percent Mate of affairs, it is difficuk so state the precise_ condition of dung', in this Stun In oomphance with your I will endeavor-tit dam the .poion of effseht - Pally. in.Baroo- sad Masm4naette; as I understand it. .You ask What Boson - a doing about nestalidatel I think mom of the save Whig! of Boston do not bathe what to do, and are watang Earetrents,-- There is no 'Mika line of pithy pub. lie sentiment formed or expressed. Mr. Webster is doubtless Baited chides tithe ',Whip of Ilos ran, but, as the felling is . general that his chances 'are senall,alb expect we shall look elsewhere for a candidate. Pi do I think' Mr. Clay has many advocates in , the City or State.. Moat ofthe Whip . of Musschneths tenth:be* . est tome him/Winked, but they doubt the expediency of spin nominating him. As to Gen. Taylor, he has same friends in llama, but mirror it ha friends are not only weak in point of !ambers, but alsoleaely contempuble. Of the seventy thousand Whip of this State, I do not believe Tstylor has one thousand supporters.— I have some little acquaintance with the people of Suffolk, Ididaleeer Worcester, Essex, Norfolk and Plymouth Counties, aid. Ida not know half a dozen Taylor Whip out of Suffolk in the whole State. 'We have in this town about fltiO Whigs; I know.maracif them personally. anal do not know ofa Taylor man among thent, nor do I blow one in tea or twelve of the neighbouring lawns of Mid diesel and Norfolk; nor do I Imow amen who Lmowsof or ever .heard of a man who knows a Taylor .Whig in these towns.. In Boston there are slew leading and influential Whip who believe it expedient to make 'Gen. Taylor the Whig candi date. This feeling I think is mostly confined to • small hit powerful class, mostly leading manatee. antra. Thestill and - quiet manner they give their support, is one 'or the ben evidences that few en tertain snob views.' It has, however, been known to many,that several gentlemen of great respects blip and some influence, in BoMon, were the Tay kir, and that some ofthese gentlemen' might hope for the ViesPniskleicy tinder that arrangement. sonnices have been accordingly giventhat Massa, chasms would support Taylor. Perhaps site Ira , You blow we have a great deal of State pride, and of coursews should be. proud to see doe of our dimingidahed eons may be so; I ventral, however, to gem; that • tri Whigs of Massachusetts cannot be bought by any enchain. Loners have been received from Washington in ' favor of the Legislator's noadaming.General Tar tar for President; and a distinguished scut of Mlle. Musette the Vice President. The Legislature will doub ts. sit three or bur weeks longer, but I van' tare to say it will -not per e that juke that sea. M'an. - I think the' quite general among the. Whip of the State, that General Taylor ha. placed himself out of the range of a Whig noml nation—that-Um Whip would not be bound by it, and that they must utterly abandon and repudiate the deelared principles of the party, before they can support him. They believe that he ia the cho sen representative of the land ;stealing and slave extending ration of the country. They believe that thermust stultify themselves and prove &lee and recreant to the principles they . have as often proclaimed in their Lemshiture, in -their State, County, and . District Conventions, Ear the last twelve years. Will they—can they do it! Hon. Abbott Lawrence, a gentleman respected by all the his many , virtues and known liberality, in his let ter hide Philadelphia Taylor Dinner, pledged the Whip of the State tasimport Taylor, illuminated. This assurance from him may, and will, out of the State, hams acme influence in favor of Taylor's no minatian. I maybe ixustaken, but I venture to say that Mr. Lawrence spoke rather fur himself and a small number of gentlemen , in-Boston, than Ear the isever v ixtrd Whip 151 th e State. So far as' the ' lithosac.husetts have spoken or acted at all, voice and votes have been boa tile to General Taylor and the principles and pole cy of his supporters. No Whig in Massachusetts has yet been found bold enoufh to mimeo his name in any State, County, or District Convention of the Whig-Perty; and I venture to say, no mom can be band who dare do it. • Had his name been proposed in the Mgt Congressional Coniention, it would have. been treated with scam lad con.' tempt by the almost unanimous voice of 'the Con. retsina The great mass of the Whip of Masts Chuseus are sober, thinking, and reflecting men, and I do not believe they will abandon their principles ..and declared opinions, at the bidding of any man or set et men. We non see what they will ====l • do. . I think that the sentiment in this State is against both Taylor and Clay. We think tha Free States ' might of tight to famish the candidate. Ido not think Clay or Taylor mill secure any votes from this State in the Convention. Ido not see the no mashy of confining our choice to either of those gentlemen. Mr. Webster, Governor Corwin, and General Scott have friends here- In my opinion, Judge ?nem, under all the circumstances, is the man. He world raise in this State, and I think in all New England, a warto, united, and hearty sup port. His talents, experience; and pare and lolly character would endear and commend him to the purple of New England: Let the Convention, and I hope it will, select him is our standard bearer, sad maxima with him Governor Setiard, John M. Clayton or some true and trial Whig; and with the issues be tore us, I think we shall triumph. , If we are manful we shall uot win a barren and liMs. lug trinuipkontrif we MI, we shall have the proud consolation of knowing that we have maintained our principles. Yours truly, H. W. Whig Opeoehes •:t West Mr. Lincoln, a Whig merger of Congress three luicniernarle a speech a shad time sin:lemmata the war and with the mill amount of abuse of our galnt offerers and soldiers, a copy of which frond ha way into Wise:lark to an old =dorm, who re turned it, with the eillowing,irritten on a blank leg to Mr. L.; and mayre—lf Inspected to lire twenty years, 1 would preserve a, to show posterity vibes traitors we bad in 1e485 bat, as I am an old and infirm man, I cannot arrive sr long, and therefore send it back to him who pre it birth. Let him do as he pleases with it.—Pow. The old mum:adman not suffer his cm:rap to fag, hat tuna to the fallowimiestrams (toss a speech made by that old federalist .Tames Ittehanaa upon the last war. "Instead of exempting seamen sailing wider our dog from impresament by the was, we have alm gather relinquished that wimple ; became it is a well establigied truth in the' law of nations, that if war be waged by one country against an other Le a specified claim, and the treaty which mudards the contest,' is silent upon that added it is forever abandoned. Tints the Cove:imam - have at lastyielded the ray point for the maintain. enamel' which they protested to go to war, after having expended nearly $200,000,000. "We have not only not obtained by the war any thing which we were taught, to expect, but we have bet' many valuable privileges. All the numerate rightsand annum guaranteed tatutby Jay's treaty have been relinquished, nay, we have not only been compelkd toconclude a treaty which &moot nonunion." solitary stipulation in ma fa vor, except that there shall be peace, but, which timeales the boundaries of our country.and lives to the decision of commissioners whether we &all longer retain a part of our own tenitosy, which we have held in quiet posseraxt for more than 20 years.' This is what the Post calls "Democratic support of the war." To as of this late day, it looka rather more like what thnPost calls,treascoxand hen liule of patriotism in. it. Iva Mmouirwarrit—The very judicious whin Son of the late Whig Convention for Canal Com minium., we are inclined to think is • good, - omen girdle coming contest. Who that has bees at sll &equal:dal with oar Initiative affairs fee the last number of yens, Ls not well acquainted—by repo tenon at lean—rwith the firm, prudent, ietelligent,• honest old Dutch . firmer,' Ner Middlestrinh.— Boni of humble parentage, his early dip spent on hum, sad when he became old enough, we be lieve, apprenticed to the trade of a bla cks mith, he bad not those advantages for receiving a liberal ed• mutton videh ere' anaploynd - by die offspring of tter te =t but being b ynature, of an energetic, d , never despauutg character, be fled himself to:appear in ouelegidative halls, as one of its mon useful and sad ad numbers. So well did his presence of mind, mad Judgment, ur banity of manners, and determined, will qualify him fora presiding offcer, that - Ur several sumer sive sessions be was chosen Speaker of our Motile of Representatives, where he sequined the repute 6011 of be!eg one of the bee weeding of6cers our State has ever had. Mr. Mi&Unrwarth is at pro.— ent a Senator from a Locciooo district, which he carried by his own personal popularity, in et boors Givorably.lkuown "Old Ner,!' is when he-comes upon the political 'carpet, be is •Invincille. Foe mind yore be has been engaged in the healthy and virtuosi occupation of tilling the soil, and were any of our citizens to Milt him at his Inure within 'Us large family, of sous and daughters, they would set him dawn as s. fair speonnen of • hospitable .Lebanon canny farmer. :Wherever be Pe; his frank, manly bearing, gathers tround him !mops of Mends and as a oonverudkad coronas ion, either in German or English, he is always is temning tied Owing. We repeat, that we sir well platted with his nomination, and with the cry of Nat Inddleswerth end Whig principles, the second Tuesday of October will witneu the ' goad old State of Pennsylvaida can Off her elegance trilsxafotnitat. Soups the Lebuon.Courier and • Anzaiteri—A leadi4 Detoacratio organ to DiLasissippi t adoPts th° "kiWing la it , .114e6g llus Unarm= geastli reigns " Dumczaw's agars daftrasel--banind it* bad. Ena lia6,aoao of teat • andsOahl Wogs ire have net lately: posanos;Amoag the deznixraoy, Nrith ibe Vgden duke ofloffice around bar, an , iajahrlwo, poi ireAllea of all possible reigns; la hot, sheexatikirgt all, in a= r,a,c46 lnterrimgmua. flho Amos attba tat albs fakir mwo - Orionseat pap,.24,.Like bistr;liis 4:mli la Nag_ sfin , l Mg is *Ala gi tneaegerielaimairlw a 141°I. In go - pity Morin , Mama irks arrhsi ki.Ne. York, lan 36bst WjetiliATl7Mo•4o l,4ll coakbt 'MMus" topeoesd WliaNank 11Pril arSis 'aka litinikliAPltYarsz• 1 Enrich re' Nesi.*k,ktiiiiiir the. late rein,,zed epeeiSkififig *IS its leak *ma holds the4fi r keirlieg **age *lie COM; I utmcimiAthrefirri- The tore the me /Rai. mo' Vence" of which' France has recently been the I -seam, thereon:we orretertineed`thalthe tevolt February 24th wt, the Mark axone ambitions aspirantsoeko have rushed headloag tqmixtbe en knowe,upon a future teeming with convulsion& The 'three days' of Febmsry have beemt.cesipm. ed to the "three depend July 1830, and the cry has been raised 'ales work of revolution is complete." But here is an enormous enor. la 1830 a numer ous and powerful elan were reedy Co take in hand the . achentistrwiozi of public airait !her were or spurted, they knew what they required, and what they were aboutio do. Long the - bitergeoir had atpired,tolhe virtual throned France, its peepers. does wens made, its spleen@ all minimal. r In 1848 weave nothing of the kiwi. A wise and enlightened party urea arrayed against the blind and corrupt edmmistration of MessraGuirr,Duch- Mel ek Co._ The efferts ofthis party mere directed solely to the overthrow of the Mummy and to' the attainment ot e just and legal reform, which had become indisporoble eo the interests' eves of the dynasty. The °Vents of February 23d,asanred the triumph of Meura.Thiers, Galion Barret and their colleaguem but by a fatality's yet unexplained the draggle recommenced at night. The dynastic op. partial, instead it - emg the ti mes. between. the 23d and 210 i in' w iselyarranging for the Mr don Attie next day, lost the time and essopromis ed the victory which it had gained. The ;Regency the Duchess of at Orle ans was safe if Oditon Barret and his flexeds had displayed the energy. .and sagacity which there we.s Over) , right to expect from them. But instead of employ ing the miliths7 firm at their command in remain leg the Chamber of Deputies, in securing its free.: dom of action, they suffered this seat of the Na, tional Adminieritxua to be invaded by • reckless excited multitude, amid whose about, of ap probation a heedful of ambitious men proclaimed themselves, by their own choice, the Government of the nation. A cry of 'Viva la Republique' was rained, and 10, a Republic wan , established, a Pro visional Government was installed. Then in the Armin and in the journals it was declared that the revolution was completed—that Abed lasted three de* Ulm the ?evolution ot July. But, it was add ed, that revoluden maned ,to the benefit only of one elms, the botumeslme while ours will - . Mame the heppenem of the lower class, of all the suffer beg woekmee. TheytC9k care not to add that the bourgeoise represents an immense majority of the ehis^e• who by their education, their morality, their agent position, are bee- qualified to secure the pence and' welfare of the country, while the working dais are destitute of inanition and to tally unqualified to take part in the conductor per. lic affiehst. - • ' . • • To speak the truth, there was no choice Milker theiself conitnuted Government. The bourgeoise remoras the moderate party, in favor of the Bo geney; fern it, therefore, the leaders of the move. meat could expect only resistance to their group of power,. *Republic offered them their only chance. In raising the Republican Fleg,.a motto was ready to their hands—Liberty, Frafeelity, EqUality. The punialunent • of - death is abolished to appease the alarm on the one' hand, on the other to secure a safeguard against passible danger; but as, under an insuirectionary government, there must berme powerful controlling agency, the punishment of .death Is replaced by the sovereignty of the mob. And this is called a revolution completed! Never wis.there amore complete misnomer. The three 1 , daysiaf Febnuue ace hut the prologue to the great I revolutionary drama for whose enactment Fiance I is preparing. Let us see what is. the actual condi *iota( the new Republic. .Confidenee exists no where--disorder reigns sa reme. The hemline men debit new Government, Lrmartime, Gruber Pages, and Arno, are .bea dy u open wife with Ledns Rollin, the most radi cal of their 'colleague. • Opposition to the' Provi. Monett Government prevails among the rich class, the Middle - class, and even the disinterested and refforing of the lowest ',elms. And bow could it be ietherwiset With the preclumation of the Re public weal not also declared that there Monti no longer be any poor? And to aceampliskthis effect, what mait the course devised! Aruied battalions have been taken into pay, to perpetuate the domi nion of the ma:nude As in 1192, the National Gard, representing the middle class, and the love of peace and order, were disarmed and replaced by tte armed sections, .so in 1849 the same ma neurre is iepeated, with for addition the disorgan izition of the 'select companies,' which number in their tanks the trait enlightened of the citizens, thaw most friendly to the preservation of order and therights of property. • And whst wilds bats decree of civil wet! We an see in the future nothing but confusion and err litchi. The revglutiontuy Journalists tbeduselfe carnet conceal their apprehensions; their anxiety makesitself visible amid their phrases of alaillllll. asm: They , see, as we do, that the attitude of opal serrative National Guards becomes menacing, and that on them depends in a great mealier* the hale of the struggle - which is aboatto commence. Inter est and fear, these are the motives of the middle claw; audacity., as was clearly seen by dilantlin, is the watchword of the mob. The question, then resolves itself' to this 'merest and fear in spire the National Guards with =erne to over come the audacity of their adversaria 1 We can not believe otherwise; but what a series of dine tets:of angtunary events, shall we not base to Is. meat before the the triumph is achieved, beau. peace and ceder Is restored. Len an not be accused of lacking sympathy dir Republican France: It is because we Ipso our country end would wish to see it Democratically governed that we deplore the ashram mandated in,the proclutaticateofFetruary2lth. Topeardrom caocarshy to • Repuldic something more IS need ed than pompous words sad phrases. And other men are seeded than Erma. L.maittne, Ango, Blanc, Gamier Pages and Ledns Wait These men can *the aud eta gne discourses, but this capacity will not Mike for a situation so mitred Wait do_we see! The new Government wad tog balfits time,in harrenvieslo pacify the mob and in issuing • multitude aweless decrees. hi Lanisotine is doubtles - honeedrut he is not and nev- • er be • ',radical man. He isesientially poet, ate ofthoim arernlicas birds that sing at every none. He bas e laudations to monarchy by' right divine, to the Pope, to a constitutional monarchy, to spiritualien, to the Ministry, to the opposition and the Giroculita. Now he sings in praise of Ro. bespierre. In all this there is not . much prod* of logic, origrest firmness of conviction, tat all this harnernizes with the organization of a poet, who, in las advancing years, is ambitious to play the part of • .statemen. As for the others, we cannot see in any of slam much whereon to build a lope. M. Giusuer Pages has hued a long financial report, in which good intentions are apparent; but public confidence is not thing to be decreed. And there are some ellti• oils things in this report. To sell the ibrestkofthe state, be inatancifivoqi be • singular means of se Curing a nippy of timber for the navy. We repeat our sad conviction that the new Guy ermeent of Prance labours not whither it is going, and loin danger of conducting the republic to an archy and final despotism, out to the liberty that Is dreamed of, by boned aid disinterested ateltr.• It has anted it the hateregs •of commerce, the judgment of thinking and moderate men, the old National Guard, the clergy, and, not the ieant inv. Ponca doll, the regular army, which win not WI to declare 'galas/ it when it is known that the Goy erninent has been imprudent enough tireapel Irma Paris a whole regiment whom colonel had become suspected of antistpublican tendencies.. T#F. FREI= Paorrisamul. Gossammw.—Quay rel among the Members.—A letter: from Paris, of March 19th, in the New York Herald, ape M. Ledm Rollin M understood to stand alone in the ministry and iroveniment; an the partisan of the mob, and the declared adversary of the atoll!. -Ha r tt ruy of thed of theta whdaWopinions 'and spirit are most t a W:tile to the 'maihralsrume of tranquility and order. Home CUrioo2 scenes which lave occurred bedstead him and his colleagues . In the Hotel de Villa, have !Naiad the 0:30301011temo of ccinvenut. On the 15th, it is said %hit . . sharp altercation .took place upon the above questions, at the mining of the members of the government, in the Hotel de . Vile. ' High:worda armed between M. Leda Hain and - his colleague. The Minister of the Interior, raising his voice to a high pitch,andosing the most extravagant geaticidation,nished towards the window with the apparent object of-calling on his colleagues, the thousands of rubble who 11.1.1. ed the court - below. M Gamier Ages, it is said thereupon drew:a loaded pistol from his pocket and declared he would shoot him dead. fie, in addition,intimated that be had in his pocket err'. dance im M. Ledru,Rollln had plundered the treasury .since his appointment to the government of many half a , million of francs, and that If fur: titer provoked be would produce and publish this &e t. Hereupon the aiikir of the Minister of the late. -rice is said to have abated; but in the course of the maid, 24 - Ledro is said talon , e approach. ed M DeLamartine, - , , the Minister of. Foreign Ai fain, with the mot offensively. violent gesticula tion., and to have ell but struck him, openly men. cing that he would place himself at the bead of the populace and exterminate the Govern. went. M Delemartine is reported to have replied .to this with' a contemptuous smite, and to have said that he would ratha_kese his life at. the hands of the populace In so matte, thari by the guillotine, which would be erected- under the regime of hl Ledru Bush wen the - reports which were commonly circulated in Pies on Thursday, the lath of Due su Exisermon.—Lient. Lynch aed /tome of hi. celleershad arrived 'at Conwunnople, on the 27th of February, on their way to the Dead See; They were to leave Cenitandnopie Ina few dqs. sad have to be it the - lad of thelilmung g,,the letter rue Of March or early In Aped,— Minister bad an audience: of the flolteo Lieut. Lyitch—ita boner. which has been - rarely panted to, any officer lower than Admiral or Ccen• PAIL %MATSON TO TUT NA2/011.11. Ausastm., AlbuVerbomigultrasell'Opetedee° hes OM in the Friact mu:Atelier, litt tbklrfout*Pu. ies, Nytto: to hinks, ought to be Monad &testae 144 Puts to the Nedgetal Aseembly. mem dr ale POMldOilat GOMSIZIIIMI it/ 5 Sougallbta _ .4 . itziacipo,.. . ~„. ium ,. p . i.mas„Ths . woe wit Mtta, taxis park, trelsail,. - anivsd ss &Missy ...p.. r ....a5a baadtsd aad adttrits 41. TM Thl,lapat into - AntS 4 la , Zidnots: - seSesty bassisimmit . " 4. .......... istba im! *Wok ' ' sup jappet - ti? Uri kit 114 ami. ', .•. - . ' Asis aboai to kincOnonclizremi I ran nisi'c unturen on bisiiiirs is Itteatifyii* N A T ,sccompsaiioOptis Ws giro ilia -Wowing kvaiatici-Lawall Patriot of rtfi.SensibrokuiVthis disecnreirei of , the theory known by his trirm, concluded his second exim of ketarearin thily, on 'Friday evening to, to a crown:Aherne in the Coy Hal His new Psyom lor w lita i veriments were, many of them, of a most kind, and such as we believe no other person tin this °bunny, if in the world, ever at tempted to perform: Sn/L, non% emery, sters7 esseuSuline, ge,ltrought on to persons without axe. tact, is something new in the annals ofha i ithas been denominated' Mesmerism: r Neuro ;and . all these things done, too, in the case of ..1 1 6.. ie almost ten slatting for belief. • On SlOnots, evening, Tune 7th,lfr.S nderiand by Segued, gun a aeries of his experim i s in the Malinke' Itill, one or two of Iv • were of a kind which renders them worthy of It bed been . inncrubeed that he would throw a dozen or mare, - into a stale of somnambulism, they would be able kr reach the Hal And long before the time, the place was lona ov and, at about five minutes past eight o'clock, a ndattroTel sight indeed arrested the attentkoof the audience; it was the appearance of a number of personsof both sexes, who, one alter another came slowly in. to the Ball, and with their eyes fast closed, walked up to Mr. Sunderland, and were se by bitn upon the platform, in a state of .15f aejamhy, or sympathetic sleep! There was a r number could he seated upon the .p and seats were provided for them near to it. a few pities of music from the sleeping • t, Mr. Sunderland singled out- a young lady from the nutober on whom it Ile, proposed that surgical operation should be al, wt the con se-iousneas of pain. friends use ' that she was when 'magician:singly timid and unable to endure the lent pain without sensation of the mod intense sulfenng. Dr. Mansfield was called upon to examine one of her mans, which he pro- nounced to be somewhat decayed, but firmly set in the jaw. On applyinglia forceps, notwithstanding the Dr.'s well known great physical strength, it was some considerable time before he succeeded in extracting it: During this time not the slightest sympthm of pan was manifested, and the gentle man who-held her pulse declared that be could perceive not the lean variation. Dr. Mansfield, himsel.4 stated that out of the immese number of teeth he had drawn, he had scarcely, if ever, found it necessary to exert so much - strength as in this case. The young lady on being questioned, de clued that she had felt no pun at an, and knew of nothing which had been done, except the fading which Mr. Sunderland had made on her face!. On , her. being•aurakened up, she declared that she re., membered moils • g of what Ind' been done, and her appearance on finding that her toed was out, frilly confirmed what she said! Mr. Sunderland said he thought the cases mare remarkable than many others of a similar kind he bad bad t ioumuch as the patient had never been nmegneused,” as it had keen called; and that was only the third time she had been put intothat state. That remarkable condition len induced by his pm ' mbar process, discovered by himself some three years ago. It is brought on without the penes, and as Mr. S. believes, without iany fluid, magus do or cinema . This exyerimeM wee interesting and satisfacto ry in the. highest degree. And indeed the same remark• may be made of his 1111113001:1* other et periments performed daring his - short stay in our 'city. ' Nufabera we are tall, have been benefited in the relief of pain and nervous didiculties, and if what is called Pailetiam may be turned to practi cal porpaset each as thew, it would maw to be worthy of more attention than hat' hitherto been bestowed upon Poorelwo teem Markets• we extract The morbid* the iron markets of England in the facet manner. As the English market through the °pennon of the free trade Putt tariff, in a great measure controls the Amen• can market, the details will not be fxuadlioo fait London, March 24, 11349. The trade hastens rather inactive since the date of our lan reppoDrK The 4011 market has been dull and ahhoughholders have accepted reduced tents, buyers, both for home use and export, come ffir• void with leas freedom. There are many parcels °acting, and if the present state of the cow= continues, prices will still be lower. .No. 1 Pig has been mold at ale. and mixed numbers 43s ad to 445; but now these quotations are quite no m. MAL Mu ma Rails have also met with Ica at. tannin', and prices fix both are still looking dawn. Welsh and ...n.lshire Pigs are difficult of sale even on reduced tams. In the value of British no change can be made this week, but the market has a very dull toss. • ' Baringes Circular says The Iron =Ault is' flat and with an order in band we could buy rather under our late quota. lions the bars and nil. Limmia, Much 25, 1869. Iron. The rapid and unexpected political chan ges which have recently occurred in Smell every nation throughput Europe have seriously interfered with the custonzwiSpnog trade (or British manu factured geode, Once have to some extent negated in coneequenee. umderate demand kw hom coo. sumptson oordinucs,which would be considerably incxessed if capicaloda bad °stridence to invest the surplus (reads they now hold unemployed in the pmeecutiou of railways and other poblio works, eagerly reeking for capdal, st full rates of interest, to complete their undertaking. The workmen in the Iron diaries are (or the mos part y employed, and fully equal to the deman=l4an not, therefore expect sty immediate improvement. Resent prices. delivered at Liverpool t—E3cotch . pig 15s; Merchant Bu £110; best Rolled 419 Hwp .f 9 10i; Sheet .flO 5. Tue TsmsnaAnt. - —A ph copied original ly from the Zanesville Conner, has led the public to suppose the Pittsburgh colave does nik pay its expenses. Although literally gamest it is not so he realty, and we are gratified to he in possession of a few fumes to correct that impression. The Pandit:nth once bears a heavy part of the expenses of every office between Pittsburgh and Louisville and Si. Loaf on the Athunie, Lake and blindmippiTskgr. aph Line and of all those be. Aimee Pittsburgh and Introit on the Liam Line. Focinstamee, a message containing ten words is handed in here tor Bahia:lore or New York, 650 is charged and preload. At Pittsburgh the mesii sago is handed over to the Philadelphia line and 65 cents is handed over to that line for it; that 65 cents being really dimmable to the Wheeling of. floe. The Pittsburgh °Mee paid during the month . of Muth, in this way, to the Philutelpida Line, on amount of Western aloes, no less t ho u $1356 92 To show that Pittsburgh does ber Mare of Tele ~ graphicbusiness, the business of that office dur um the Same period amounted to $1467 00.— Melding 2u... Reins sins liessoss—Ma. Haerrosis Bram —We have seed with gratification, lay. the Phila delphia North American,- the speech delivered in the House of Representatives, onshe 9th of March by the Hencernle Moses Hampton, of Penneylva. sus, on "Myers end Harbor:, and the Policy of Protection and Free Trade. It is an uncommon ly eiwd apedch, Judicious in its wylip, instructive and valuable ea • statistieel etpontion of the vast river and lake trade deWrving and demanding the facilities and protection which government alone CAD give iti—end, use !AVM.' on the constita• tkmal question of harbor and river improvement, dear and conclusive to every disinterested judg ment. It is one of the speeches, having the quality of substance and the merit of usefulness, or the kind which' we treatise away ix binding with other documents valuable as work. of refer ence. IFeuarnotrisorr or Cosarrxrd How in Rdia. —Four &dins soutornr,c, or community bouseq ac to be tried in Pont, one etch in the tour popdms quarters, end destined to contain tour hundred &lo llies each. Thesaving to be effected by all mom log together it is ox &Wed, will be equivalent than increase of wages. These ciders are to contain reading sued, asylums, school., mouth, gardens endbaths. The COATIMOnIing to the clams"' of two architects, toll be stow 1,000,000 frannesch, to be raised by loan, secured by mortgage on the demises, to be repaid oat of the lodging money.— All the men must be marred, 'and the preference given to thee wi-o hare families, but the hope it expressed by its advocates that the new admen will übie- , ly become generaL Tomumici Sir usviog—Siicairig Derritivs.— Emmet Lama letter, doted Csmargo, March 11— .1 have jug returned Loma most melancholy scene. "Seven soldiers wire sentenced to death dearth= Three were ice Nought oat, kneel ed on thdecorthis and were shot The caber kw Were then bought lirsiard, kneeled, bandage tied on their . eyes—tlm words, "ready! present .^ "—andi—lylanous news it was—the poor billows were raluievedl They all stood it lite savors— One ot them Wined when the bandagewas taken from his ayes. "Moneys, clay that the Mops expected to go en in Victoria will not be wait until furthers.' Stust.rierr,—A leiter from ConstanSwgde of the 224 or Fehreary, says:—"The mother of the Sultan has been Tay eenoualy iIL The Sultu was in 'despair. He calmed all the prisoners for debt to be set .t libertY, paying their debee from blip:irate trensuiy," made laigedistributione of alma to the pate of all Oconaniniona, and ordered prayers in. the mosques and churches. Today the prince's was guite;ont of danger. Haring all the , period or the malady, four phymciana,tword whom are Eu. were in attendance on her, and the Sultan did not Tattler bedside." " " • • Neveu—Ai ran Pray. March 7dr, LL 8., aldpi Decatur, C aen on bo ard and Porpoise, CaPlelb Gotdon—all we The atdpGennantome, Commander Lawn. tdea &opted damn ken the Navy Yard at Norfolk on Paintday ro the anchorage of the Naval Hospi• aL Bh. la hound dor the Grdt of Maxim. MM2MIEia Paz arm. Mull—We have reputedly dodo. 'dais Mary bowing our hod manatkauroza !afros:, (Noir York) sad 1101 V give the &oda the root OUT IMeass) - /taporta ayStdp caiolo.=- 10biriefuroeob,din 6 2 god ag This is a sinaVagiloial,'bcd U Wililatop 411116:410Cfl qp drain*. MMIE=EMM. - - Pleitwige4i4fluvi "xnl4o o e.Pa** 0 j mtq . dJ thatnvirrurieseen 10411444 lfinttestrul oPin t hi1k0.* 2631 0 6 .. the dme dean Hun., Penn street.. The chsrictin whichtheinuakianieamiAiiitheifielif mri l li eb aq i nritaal• Itl**.ade'r4l6 C OW _ em design: gat and it is a curiosity of itself. The ilriviesseatia darning withinariend-g*devieili emblematic of the noble art oehorsenroundiip. The piusiels on the 'idiots ooveredwith beatiliftd Painr: limp by masters of the art, two of which, ing" and "sm& Racing,' are worth downs of the gems e(Caplialeis: uilia is competed of twenty carriages, with scarlet bodies:and blue wheels, and when in motion remind the spectato r . of the pageantry and splendor he has read as exhibited in the olden time. The surd of lames unrivaled isibeauti, number and. training and if the proprietors do not mimed it will sat be be came they have. not taken all the means neceisaii to deserve it. T ho troupe withered in PittsbUrgk, and idler an expensive, protruded, and to our teir chines and others profitable stay among us, in to give a specimen of their Weals. They spread • canvass that,uull cover three thousand people all of whom can be tarnishable seated. . Yaw or Rms.—Two artists, Messes. Whitefielddc Smith are now soliciting subscriptiope; to publish an elegant view or ear ciente seen from:. Coal hill. The sketches, which we have enmie+ ad, do the city ample justice and the engraving when finished, will be very valuable. The same artists have taken views of Roston, Brooklyn, Hoch' eater and Cincinnati andwe hope will beencounged to ad d'fittsbarghio the rid. To do Mistime band red copies mad ho — ie — cared, and we think will be:, readily) ',The expense is five doper, Payaiile on delivery of the engraving, so that no one will be called upon Goisay, until he hiis the value received is hand. Dortavash Panorama mill 'continues to be open. at Apollo:Hill, afterhoms and evening as heretofore, and animas large and fasbionable audiences. Gammas Surma has signed the bills relative to the sleds of monied women; the Chester Railroad; the PenMsylvaniaand Ohio Railroad, the extension, of the Bucks Foamy Bank and others. „ Fanam.M.mut has lbund it necommuy to post pone his visit io this country until the G.ll, such is( the statement lea letter received by the Hibernia' Tax Right Ray. William Quests, the Bishop or 'the Catholic Church, died at Chicago on the 10th instant. The Wheat mop in Montgomery county Md., is said to look 'free, promising. SFr= roa Fs.Arscr.—The lut packet from New York took out $030,000 in gold and Dz in New York law. week, 299. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Carraspeadiaim at Pittsburgh Ga Corrinanidertes of the Pittabarch Gazette. CONGELCIII. WaShiagton, April 14,1848. Scurs—After the °maid:anon, a large number d petitions were presented. A message was received horn the President, sc. canpssied by ■ report 7elative to, the merits of Cab's Fire Arms, which was ordered to be prirt-• ted. Mr. Davis, agreeably to previous notice, brought in a bill to promote the useful arts, by affording aid to schools ott the part of the government.! Mr. Ashly, from tle =mime on the Indic-ism. reported a bill giving console judicial postara in China. The bill was made the order of the', day i.e Wedaesday next. • Mr. Miles then called up the billfar the repair of the Cumberland dam. Mr. Bantry, of Alabama, spoke sgaiwa the bill— opposing it upon what he called the constitutions] ground. After some time spent in the consideration of Private Bills, the Senate adjourned. ILcaria or Itirsasserranvea—The morning hoar was occupied with Private Bills—after which the contested election cue of Colonel Monroe, of N. York, was called up. Mr. Van Dyke, of New Jersey, being Waled to the door, made a speech in favor of Col. MOIM)0'11 claim: No vote was taken; fad the House rose without doing any Easiness of interest,. Correspasdenee of the Pi abort Gann. Puttanznaana, Apr 1114,1518. • The steamer Magdalene, bunt for Grenada and Cutiagann, bunt her bailerda berpamicia to Cat. it:Logone, balling Capt. Beslotaan, d the stoinati Grenada, with others. : The boat was blown to atoms. Contvondenie of thei PinaborAia Game. PHILADELPHIA MARKET, . . . • .• • Philadelphia, April 14, 1446. Flocuiles or:Wastern„ Gar export; at 113,8•440 SA There is a demand ird ahipment, bat at lower ram. Graisr 7 Salas prune whits wheat at 31,39111,39 i of Prime iWd it $1,35. Of /x)ro,' prime yelkni, at 51c. The supply of grain is aural. The market Prog'oStuw.—There is so activity in any article. Quotations steady. Geocorict—ico change in prices. . Cottai—Thera is nothing doing in this article. WhislceyStilis at 221 c. I IC:elusive Corroipoodeneo of the Pinsbargit ,Goseti BALTIMORE MARKET. BA=r*tOur, April,ll,lUS Flour—Sales of Howard . nowt, at" 8, 8 11; of Baltimore City MI. at SS 'The market if very quiet, and the tendency downward. Grain—Saks prime white wheat at $1,4001051,45; of prime red at 81,32051 r 35. Sales prime white corn . at 396341 c; of prime yellow at 43 ;attic There is ksi doing in corn, and the market, both for wheat and corn, has a downward tendency: noviiiona—The market En Bacon, in bulk, is active. Sales of Western Shoulders at 31• of Sides at 4b041c; of Rams at: 51c. flaoco—Shea Weatern Sides at la% of Balsa at 507. Sales of Western at etc; and of Baltimore render ed at 707ic- Whiskey—Sala at 23c. Exc.1.141, Correspoisdexaof the Pittsbugh Gateau NEW YORE MASKEr. New York, April 14,1818. • Flour—Salm at 36 311)6 YR; There is no marked change from yestardriy, binthe market is, if any thing, duller. • • Couto—The market is heavy. Graht--The Market for Coin and Oats is dull;-- Corn7Sales of 2,000 bushels prime yellow:OR? Ors 3 cents. • • . Provisions=-Sales(lifeless Pork, (Western,) /Nick. 1, at WO. Sales of 200 kep Western Lard, 6lr. The markets, generally, are unchanged. • , ascuat7FFMAILK ET. • • Ciscoctiii, April 14,1818 . Flour—The 'market ta sick. Sales 300 hhhi 51.3'71080 431 r. .at Oats—Sales at 271928. Barley is in fair dems ' itd; quotations steady. Rye, sales at 400. • Whiskey—Sales at 151 c. Groceries—No change in prices. The utaret for sugar and anolaises is heavy. • Provisiona—The market is dull, kr all descrip tion. Bacon aides are held at 3ls Shoulders at 24 cents NEW ORLEANS MARKET Arta 8, 1848. Groceries—Sales of fair New Orleans Sugar as !844 cts4 . of.,it - Min.—Sales of Ohio at .75. • Posvisionalea of Bacon Side*. at 4 alai of ShouliNes at 21 cta. Tuz littzstalkkl-The Stn Suds 'tided from Liverpool, kw New York, - ou the 3d Instant, nod the Acadia, fat Bostcin, on the tith instant. Under the new arrangement, a Cunard steamer will leave Liverpool •every Saturday, tdternately kit New York and Boston. ,The sew seam ship America lads kir New York on the 75th ofthis month. We learn, says the Bahitnore "atria, that the surreys kw the catenates' of the Baltimore and Sas , : *whims Railroad ken YorkHatsiebtuTh, WLU cow epee. next weak, muter; the supernson of John MD. Goktsbuougts,chief engineer. trrYca kali* slily old fellow .read thlsoind a o 0 loops . whlskorlasi ant toliless. • Ildr. W. Jack- MIK P•obn9LA Pa„e•rtillea ontb• 9d of rifOON•f, 1111.1 Mt. MN. Jackson's lod, IT•ln M" r 6: ra - f°4ra., — "Niztalths 7• •-• • • • Lt±t` • • ouxiceoNoverihei"; R. VAN of Btoad awl Nattatekst - st; ' • duir WWI tudAr • bon of Jona • tt hardens tbo tas, stomekteo .* /4"tr_Z,ll,llM:. o l'nia_ w _t 7 • ME3MME =l , - -4160 4 ,0 d 0112"1g ..b, "1, 114 44 lumpgrall Iba vnlia Cdlialsation lamed *pan Oa radial . U.S ualsoisal on the &a of January lan th e nen. Government veal in- Wll son 11.131.e55. IValter Forward, '''Andtertr W il ey, Jr. Win. D. Ausin, • Chutes Skater, U. nu's. , gb Dirld Ritchie. A.. Burke. Thos.:BgainelL 0.1,1.1=44 - .11aosaiattnit, Stinet, - •>,DI- . E. • " IPCiondek, E. B. W. Poindexter; • B. Sailers,. M. B. Lowrie; :• AIM= ' J.P. Taaaar,. • Wan. or gan, 4 • •• non: 1i9.410wn, H. atilds, Haman Danny, 'Wm. T. Irrine, • Geo. Whim, • F. Lorentz,. - gb- P.Jones, sold • . O. Adam; r y Foci Irborresu.—At meeting of a Committee ,mooted eldsees or Wilkim Township, art - oaday. the 10M, day 'of April, 14% ez dm decrial' .John Wean:T.l4P Wahle.brellhr the Gab:ming res. olailon. were net the &teens otiAllekkerry. cutely he inerreettally • raprestetk to' had , seneNs, comulkupolf the propriety ofraemorialwang lama= its parr wWlon, for the; pewee of claw Gar ereedoitnieensinspioa of a county Poor Theme; '' , EsteOkyno, flat "the peoas, Irsespeenve of party, 'Thar Owen' primary meeneks, he respenifany mom ' tad swlastrnet.thelr &legume la each if summer that Viereßlehee maybe karma la the premises. •Stmereeno, TWA the mew •es be alined by IQ Mahe= and Pleeretasy sad pob4hed la the Weekly 0 " 6 4e..4 .16 4 . 4" t ""' ' mx, • Jti r3 1217011a;941,'. C.r • it Rmarata. uZit.d the asaenterer *. faskistabte 1111 and mama gammtLect a coed o I months, jq bilirJdat the SWIO - afJohnans. rismoOttoromr, tan ner of. Woad aad Fifth sus, zo Tedder' ourrelag, the 11th' nde4 at cArteek.: Thissed badea sad bap eale or clothing ever held to aids eitr, ste dior amas are Gashlettably- eat: and of, good ma terial, the wbola erode's add be seld mahout hatas to de dd-• :Iberia:de swathe r d of tram ideas twelve smarm each: Cockeloce *SO be roar me the good areta for ex acitudan tarlatan meraing date , spin . IffizniiOrs tor inn acenidatine irlditlinsharter holden on Tnendry, din the 800 Na Insin ld aplUt 4C.P.RMS,PAST PAC. PLUA ANL , (Excinalvsit • MBE Canal and Rail Ro. order. die packets ordit a.a as folknoa every it . Co.—Capt Craig, Bawds] . I:o64aniv—Thompaon, ia• Xonneeky-;Capt HT- Indiana—Capt P 80, Oldo—Capt A. Craig, Loaielana—Thotopoot Rentookiapt A Tr la ds• Td/kl3:r ..oe ' propd t etors ditto inter, loath tha Wine' Wan _ ford framer comfort a persons trivothle thd, Passeaers hr tWs mate paid over lin When nil road. If Toure cheep uveling wide liable secarzi modations secure' yoiw deka he Packet vacs, alevelieja I.Lono, , : D writ It Co, Canaille. QELLEZIPVERMIFUGEI/3 DEATH TO Ivoßms. . oaw Tr, Alight:7' county, March 97, • I cave to my °Wed boT, aged 0 years, lard lemons., 'fal of Sellers Veil:mirage, and In the comae of ,fleit boom ha passed basemen 89 and 90 largo worms_ • . 7 Lrmaie As !Vomiter is not very pleasani ke; parents; should observe Mara very small msacticy • this iono medicine muterallydoes the wets. ' Prepared and sold by. R. E,. aEcaOlllBM7 Wood at. AlmT laso; by IN passel; Cith:Ward,. and - D El • cryplille. ' -. • $l,OOO SIMARD: • 'LIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS tow ar d • •JV to any pernott•or pennon who wall mamma. to mooviodon the incendiaries wl any o_ahe yuildinns borneol on the tooniny gy==tdtolgon ha% niiont3 Litstmanoo Companion of Mot atyien oddiu mat Toward FIVEIRINDREM DOLLARS, tole mild yet coa t rnetinn of the Individual or ingagod in the tom now oriocoodiar rim. • • .... Anse aAttn./Mayor's Office, 14 We ribaborgi dai.of April, A.D. 1b W_. • - NpLtittt .:.. . GABRIEL 'ADA.I4B, Mayor, =22 trliEntadassigned,daly surtherised Agentoitba !ei ican Fite Lantana , - Casnpany Ptalaasipta, cantina.% la on insurance against loss. to 'damp against Flz. on bailniNtsterchanine,. &ran, .m 1 'property, not extra hans; thia city and apti - GEO COCHIIANtP,Nr. 4 " mlrn SUBSCHIBER has be...pointed agent pro K. of the Wore:see Compan y of North' antenc r e and trill Woe Policies and arieodto the other hominess of the agency, el the searches. of Atwood.; Jones t. Co. ept2 WM. P. JONFIS, setter et .§ .lg ILK TIE/BULB 11 AND SVAA.GlOll—WRIfriply h ha now o pan an .4.1100.0)461 albs abosegoods; lath. plain drab .4 plain blank: win barred /m -ay 'd do. Also, Balsa:tam, fromlii am. up to &oast qualities; also, OrAandler Lama in 'great V 1111027, IM northeast earner ce 411 sad mattes Ina. :. . apiS. sinaa: UN= C. normrs—w,ashiacr, amitmrttto intention of the Wimp At=s, of new style Linen Cambric Hags, Item end smr , ... Also, lop supply of low pri ced do. from TO Meg • To floe.. apls ODA ASH-10 auks Soda Ash, palencAlkall 50par S per cent EngliA:lea, or DO per tem Amoriearr ma; .in sroia and for sale by 13 t lIARBAUWV •P/5 53 avatar and 104 frontal RMORE= MOORE, l'bolesale Dmier," Rectifylue Moine, dealer introduce. Putsburgli Mouniu. tures and all kiads Foreign and Domestic Nisei. stud ;doors, No.ll Liberty street: O. head a very large stock of. superior old Mormagabela whiskey, dult will be sold /ow (or cult. - PCITATOEB-20 bbls Politoes,. jou reed per MX Clipper No 2, De eousigitinera; for We by Gar COCHRAN, MI wt.! Q77ICCO AND MASTER' OF I'AIWEI—From tie 0 llEns of FL W,Vermingham; tor *ale by • °to JACIMON, •Ch ga, near Lama/ IMEMEI rtANESTELUP--.10 bbls seceived sad foil:as by .sou _ - TASSIGINI,BMT VErTNDOW GLASS-4500 big kin do; 100 do Inzltto HOD, in nate and Coesals by pOTATOES-75 bbl.s• NetAvannocks. jam reed by -*PIA • • • TASSEY&BEST ACON—filudt Shouklersc 1 do Bi.dcm 1 do thou, Jppl just received on consignment and or isle by ('IOTSINS. , 43 bales Tennessee Conon; 82tio slOpi do; In store and for We be - spla , WElrr BlSVOMV,:illftSisiSt irey.vm , i7Ml'MET.7-I;fmrl • lipetlSlNsl-IWbriM W Raitid, lost reschoi and AV for .010 by: • BURBRIDGE,WILSONk Co, • 9,13 Watt at 1.11 E.-100 bbis Lonisvilli jusi ree'd C o ` i.sato by. apla WILBONt Co' 'pACON-64100 lb. Bacon H. =OOO do do Sides: D 30,000 do do Shoulders, elly mucked, in sane end for sale by • S & HAREM:I3H, apl3 63 water and 104 front st 111D . W1X1 Dry' , in in a v e , ni& sal. troH • • -- - - CANDLM--150 bes Mould Cemdle% 40 do I:4 4 orbt store and tor sale by apt: ft k W HARIRUGU bbistio , rl i usLes superior Carr rV. I V " 37 ' , - 1 . t W . I.I.AILEA UGH' hbrr tote ai WTtiltOß MlOTAfillitwas Pm Ash received per eessmit4vi roirline; tirade bp, . II ROBLSON& Co, latdiesty et ARD-11.5, 140 A* kep de 414 bud roe'! / I saa bar tale by " • 13 It lIOI3IIION le Co UT/t —3l.Abl. lila 'Bow; g kegs ikvaer, reisl per C B Now Belgium; for tale by R ROBISON &Co, . rtiovya SEED-2 5 bad far We by apl3 Mi= Becox—ea+Ween p sale E 7 --pH s SCINS-8 Ws. 'EMI:0011 , -14 bbl; Mai; V ing Sla• WY APPLES-0 ukeki (1111AIBE.-13 tax arils .a by CO! r . / NN-1,113 tm;espe 11101LACCO-23 tee Aid 4: from we ame! St Lit:4. C. , A.V.ELLATUS-17 cask , 1.7 _recoiled oad tor 8010 ;WOW paresu—srewriorise , BaCON-16 bozo. Vit, now ianding .04 (0, 4P12 POINT RAD-6UO p4e Galina 1.4 Oriental, :gad for nto --- ARD 01L-10 bbl. for sea bi • , • spli • • AIcOILLOJUSHFIELD WROIE DICE AND LOAF SUGAR... 34 tinge. Mee; SO Mtn Nub! of Sugar. landiug (nun RAG atm Sebuttkill' ok. a, y . ALEY MOTU 49/3, . . •19 and.%) nom PORZ-4100 pieces seed Balk Auk,' tai, frommessuir iditiss Chief sod ramie ~. • 111,04 . 4.EY &Mini .. STARCH -141 boxes Smeeb,omerlor 0.14714 La from Idsoangahels =dim sW. .BUCKEMS-110 4o: planted Book R, fotaktV PlO METAL-01 toas•No 1 Fonadrr Metal,ival re. calved and for WeLr- • • • apl.2 WICK IL McCANDGMII • pOTASil,creidis pitait 'formai byc'a' IL' :AIOLABSI.IS-40 pbL 8 11 - 31$31;sies,' r r 6 goo Winery, moil - per otolr . 'Elchirrlkill. for • 11. —DUILURIDUEVILSON Co '1 r *P. ap iioookto64 mum spit • '1 'BURIIItLDO " WILSON t'Ocr I A " 0 /441 11 44.mitsia.erd On, kr - ale 67. • tt atutinutorovrumm,k.o. WENCH LAWNS—TwEitruar kattiatal 4:nesived awl= Vfl•. ett,te - 1 7. s An,.....„.OrPragrAr, thjelne's - *Om a , be' apoold blank solo eat rAr. ea Op V s lb ing4 p.*, roam.; Ezekiel Andrews, doeilons; !Ai OD tes of . tote of tie e=ecieVedlo, low. ma bf. deo city of Otooto Who canon WY „ILVlN.rf,uto.t.., • front of.III notion Pau at, WY' lbw to . - .. , 11t0t0. that y — i - lnit* Loon, i.tlesimid plan, '" e d 4, front {lnn Apel OR I.4ll3lPtellt, and ostendsog bock go - gooti 'Hoy, on "Web t h,. : , tmont • =beamed - two 0110, 7 I BPI I. O, thiaiNt as, ...4 . 0...5ea - by Tonne—fbre-rolinliOnekneekne in throe n Header . eqtoil wile 4 PaY.O.OOO i . Wire . % be sm- E . but .. , -d =Owen:its of the lots Statist ALITOOD,OOOIL. apli ' . - . 'OM EIDAVIlli.Anet.. .. tow . gw. SdAl mas ltkub . 030 thre'" • Satiada ene; Umi rai,t 7 aeek•—at the Commerci a l y l Saes Roam, ream of li Weed !&M, alma, will be geld a large casaba available ma. ailialwas beam, embracing sande:dap:lu Waal, gy, Meta% poetry, ana, , warmes t asate,,te; rarallybalae, Mara books, letter lad vag pa. P .l-, Pk' ' • • aga JOHN D DAVIS, #uct. 50 spt,itdid Oa Taintinetry at , Angara.. - ON Wednesisy, the 10th Wt. at .2 attack, P. the comment& ninth 1001112 center a 1.0 1 ~ 11Q21. 1 te sold large eolneeticit Of very naperler G a u t In bandthete gilt haw ethlteseing. b vei ' i7eqa semi bit lame sad enetrirti,. ninth" been examen brio= of th e ben ertiete of this cm. cry- Catalognes will be ethdy, end pet t tegenpurt . for nasiassaaproioas th • pale . • apt( . . .102LN DAVIA'Auet., • • ;brain/ Befil efDry Gds *, • Oft Maaday aoo nemic& AprD et, at la oclock, lot lea eoattaarmal Satoo Boma, caliber of Wood sad Mk mo s will be sold, an amend. amonmemi at Foreaga and Mantic maple and into my GrKka.... Atlde A lam meartmem of 11.6 W ea pak d 1100 2 .54 bend bona' hold furnitars; among cducla aro maboyamy.mereuray, Loot Monolog. Berea minm, aw . MOW • • 'able", bed mart and mash maads, mum tablas, fancy =demo= cbalm, mudel cloaca, locking &mem bather bedo,boddleg, maims. oes, toyetber with a variety. &itchen for ted, initbig &Aka, emPodAri.a. • • A Imp woman ef &amass, gamma* II whawciacfare, tl 0 Begit.4 bat vmvol it em,dm. .velsbay and mason forks, vmdterk Malcom, platform C. 1.. , easfecti hn, osuy., arcittier tad - mtmoptaly Me, nhn A largo asammient of f able ready made 010 , *Mg. caper Renck MAO Mine mita bosom aad call...ferret., Mom, .ddb., bridle4uanka, imitabb and pocket motlery, gold aadmamba, ineeki; aliou Fmk pool., deco, acmdeo . oem.u? . • JOHN D DAMN Auer • • . . Adidouty Sae 41onepd Oa escalig_ the Utb Jost,- at 8 o'clock, 'at the Coausterctal Wee ilooots, earner of Wood sod Flab •sti, U *lll be sold Sauces meek: la ill, Pkto ton , . . 1 ". C F9 .1 . 14,..X4 PP ik° Ca * spU . . . . St. aeir Shea Penpea;: uu. st 'Asooen,,, F'WILL be exposed lo pablur Coranseicial ' .. Somas, corner of Woodard an, an dater day the tea inn, at di o'clock, PM, elf Mu 'amain was of ground situated curtain easienipodeofet Clair amen; betweeir Penn' great. and ',the !old Althegry . ;M g P i k" =s LI P V, :m i l= rap ns k 1 ix? tr. wug nick. comer of 110Crea aWy, Amos 'extend lo .. =t3t Clair meet, nenkedy,•Bo feet, and felt depth, withth Pans enact; about 11l t to a four feat v a&he - free Ikea and whiles.' of the Mid • alley,' Oa Ado properly are erectetear. three rea l beck hottsce, le kik LXIIO feel front) which are is =ditied, - .and ?ovoid. yield ea sane* MO otooq Tenso—rf.khofeculk _cash, aid tne indanni dna. opal mortal Mstalnersts,whils Wenn saakardendly, lo be secured try bond and soca2 'lke* f=l , ; said.., Ph , ' fardur Woman= a to II B. Eiq, Mk apt D DAY/9,Allet • . _ Public sit. W t *IA *Wool . P 31, ihs Leak earner or wool Sad Writs, will be' Wag..ot.s : ideated Sado. 'southerly vide or i rlAril=fol i s 79,.".tip, Lo gan=9 to Irertdiq,l.. of falelrant'. ix teat bow bY 191 bet ha to elley 7 96eter Luebsi *ids; UN soshemals vs esti, 10 fret in trent by Wiest Sollte rs=t l , Ar On =lon rooro,f,Terile=. • ONE odi.t.sp At/ Hain, askTery Ka*: Appli• to JOHN DDA - . AMUSEMENTS PITTIMITILMM TiIMAILTEIL par= Mulaker and Loam.. Maw appearance of Mr. Pliar sst Mr. Mum.. HATIIIMMEY,' - A.PM4,M, 190, to cop:settee 'lra 12!=1 . . G 1...... . . . . .. .. SeiltGrayllat " Mr. Prior. After wbiels. DANCE.; by Ma /Lam Malvin. • Casein& with the Farce of CATCIIINO AN HEIRESS. Vonehrig Sally _ D±.6.. . 114. Petr aI=XM rallfr72/14=114"6"Tiat=', mental biormisalanda= 1 . 1 .M 9.01t fithr i EgilA b a ' s the plaasaro ill ot moadag, as abork_a toona.ol:Umsizatatal Loc ums, La which Ihe ill attempt a diaope." of the Jay, 'Odell produce w s *a Mysiarias, Mania aad dtlb anima& Nampa; by a oaths of malt* Indattal iboainbrofberaatheasaf Ffeapial, blasiaat, ... ... , _ _ • • _. .. . . ....•07 , 1 0 Mtann so Ladies on Lao and Webb, en Senc day, ad 3P. M. Single 'Delany ID emna—sir. ka 7 51,0 L To be had at die Hag, front WA. M.. to 11.4-111. 15 %an labs 9f. Charles Hotel . : _ . . .- Wails; bilevaa dri iiiiintasst • - - .. . „ tA.T.I•O INI-A E I i 4 110111 .the . Nanonal AlValWalee, 'Chestnut Meet: Philsdelpsnotuag of a splendid unmated com pany of Equesnlane, srill open tins mason's campaign an Piusbanik on MONDAY EMINO, PM Inn. 'Beni fora short mama .con the old ground .Lta Sant of the. dusetieaa . . • t 64i i aa .T p _ ml fere._,. l! " fr : n l their may the 'ITEM .81G . OWMANI, MANX BROWSE, N. 'JOHMO.N, BENIEUNTINGTON, C. WOODS, BEN MALLORY, JAILILLWIQN& NLIL JANIMN, T. HEOWEIt t WASHINGTON CHAMIS% GEOHDE DUNBAR, ANTHONY PASTER, TON KING, IL SIiFXWOOD, Masters PUNK and IVM. PAKIZati, Doors open al to roonlienee ute NEERM _~: ~:~ . , . . . . ifealeapi Apollo 441 i airreeti, I rrEflY Idatly br ilaiserind reception? otthle Cheat ZiloricH ove,Pth the t , Prthitonyi and eichaity, Ids Winced the peopindor eadiainaiUrer evening. Wye brthe oily. The panting occupiesneedy nee miles of causes, on which be Wieldy represented all the benle4elda chief , then raad"ables so the Wes of runnel= by the two peat divisions of the/Wade= Army anikirtheus: gnat and Taykor, the addle fon. Inc the oar ddightiel fades W.drare emir °Cued the public =MAW, and tonsuing an accurate idea of that. country to which the urine( . th e yodel lisee,dith Martel led Warm; •theindly tithed. .Forpanlealan Aihninante, tt =nix ',par= open et 7 &deck. - • 11rtrewaalay, Sr tie Wagaz..Onais 110 R - ADM VC MOHAIR nun= la tha ne .1.1 thanks tette ebbe= of Pittsburgh and Allegheny any - for the wry liberal wagon bad auccannenteat he bete received onthin the tam mottloo — lbhl in care sbould aerobe such celebrity, its neither autumn nor mysterions,wian it is considered how peal • number of easw °formtrata:Zintases, both acute and chroutc,tutte been ca by judicious woo silt In Genanny, where ft o "tax *man: On. want caw that etwagnea up by the man SW thrphysklans Pr of as Lncatable wars <wed by tha immortal bradra; ths Cowan? Midi Want Cam In England, FrAllGe awl 'Awed.; nomads of beg. less _even bars been caned by St, Ind Oa nationals. itydroputtat anabllehman arcw:in laniessful opera tion tans Usind Stain, epeakaandwe in new of the ib. Morris knotty pana6tcy establithed kinnelf In the city.or riclabant, three door* . sotattntust win , . alley, <or Phan Wrest, is now prepared to take a amber of boatdats and neat dein at Ids bounta t nd thltsearinivreltr bang tricot at Omit own dwel wet brpancutally aad falthAlly attended. Ile may consulted at ha abets from I o'clock till; P,P4„ *pi than 7 to 101 n no eandrig. • . • IL-Fran' o(-t111112w 4 le o f In An Want Gum both FArWial and cat Oa ob, nixed the Anetwata, lAbear anew, where they. . ha. bean meanly mend Git tbe Impress us attn. &lapsable pawns, and . abate 'every atteation will gibe bribe pellStrand attanthe Ittopieson. watts , • PRINTS ON,LY. CEDAR ST., NEW Y,ORK. LEE & P • s p tabll s `BREWtriad T W E * lt :se4E npa nreorCbmrwe*l* - Ptf4MODVECCLUSIVELY itt • ; kbw slica—sed exlibitisyr, at all • 11101.101111 • 1 . 6. ' T ‘• rfarig e .vegy 41a °Monk. -sad e • sump of vrtlek Mao boo pardisaed, La Vs Foniate tor Cask endaer wee,* • •••-• • - • •• • MUM - • • ovoid • TQ...__HFIVE ;CIINTS rff • of Apnl 'and TOta. pit. r= l . wideiro eorsect!d .11i.qh fq: -- , Nfoor 'Pork .1 1947, - AND STEAMS:a •PAINTEILS mad Glasiera , -Panons wishing takes paadng or Lualaidos with airnewar and &apish, will Seine give ne a call. They will god it to Sea alventsmfor are are tally prepared to do work ee low isa MIT MOM lu th. two OM Can or SUL dolt; al NedrWoad .fast. N. B.—We WA it to be oSentood Oat we have as soh the palming aad easing, as saw of oar area sal:maiden& Vise been telling the b ran gabonlly that is were solar Io reties groin that ch of ou r beanies We es more tally prepared 10 tranaiet the painting sad glazing this we ever wets: •'• •• • Marko , Indio Rabb; MOW, ronirood. p;tis .rtodisht - lak e also for *gamut( thoto; to w#to .frippotA thelytdiAilid own, it Loyal hoodholla athis ihdd to Ow 'akin ase, it .rod, inota.U.l to bo Ow bow ashillatywoorstram holm .tho oc4, pitatei the owlisootti, emu tk.w Of the toi,atultiloPfuota with lb* trouble &pos. ;Juotroottivol had final& '•• • • ialftENYMOl—Jus plain Btravg=tdo do rlO2OOll Gar• ; I x t ( o ne tlitar,'"A3 Po CON/a LadogMdo. Weed dr. which oi b,lL wiloldoodo as .brie mad bo tomtlizzogebockurs Towle 01 4 Wseldoz Vloordmioraussiddo MMEEM=SM SI`BAXIIOATS'.; -CONCIJAATI r N.TFT/11011:1k611 ~. . . . • . • . . , . . - ~......--- . . , .. .A":-A4L—V _ ' KZ T, L l'N E. • er splendid pansendeldneane.: a - the larweet.Vaibo, best mea l 0 E U" ' ied pconefel beats,on the l Ei . ibirew erebts or .r Ure N1....'e5t. h., ' p....5 . NeerY t. ir e: e op 7eoeetkix ... . ... vorj eo: twrt. e p. arre; . ... e 'm ° tiee. o f ba t oithonethe hut Wel 14 . 1- eltn i r..... B— i bean wet be si the boa or groOtt oxid•the del poreioto.tostartbeg,tt rack► ebb of *e a rl aid I•ld MIT er seamy mesh. • • s: 11111EINLY..PACKET. ISAAC NEWTON. Oct. G. .mref7 Sm4q. morning atlOWebet ..,11.41Aerer78nu.1!7..erlig, 10 r. a. ' • IIIONDAT PACKET. T IlltiNOSabilltl.k, Copt likomOcili Iko , o !loll' Matador main ok k 10 o'clock; Whoelhkg la 0 klki•• _ - .• TEKIED.IIE. PAINIEZI% Maar RIBERNLa. No. O..EVP‘ Kunararwa. win lean PiotbstrahorevyTtotsdaymotniit' stun toieloe k i 7Viii,4 awry raitedav crania; at 10 - • Wl4llll/11111A.Y.PACIEN1T , "The NEW MiGLAND No:; Pus. will - leave Pivalnuab. ovary .Weiloaaday w? a+'6 at HI o'clock Wheagn peaty Wadoeaday maws &Meat racimr.T. • TM nituaava, cippt. osiccL W leaya nen -1.41. every Thunder morning at lOcieloek; irewbeir every Thursday eveerng at r. re. , . • •lIPIIIIDAT PA .Mr.T. The CLIPPER No t, Copt O. Wu. will WrigiVeverr Ftliky morning at 10 o'clock; Mean ;every Friday ocookig at 10 r. - x. • • SATIVIIMIT PACKET. • T. 111:1981M0E11, illagal.lrrire-, will Wire Pim' , tWITIC. , M WW 1 / =wan 10 iftlork m n Sputa,' Az r. WIVES ' PACFPFS'ir ARBSPIOESIENTS. - • "7 ..1AtE8 COP ''•• • teannr • for Ara, , ago and Vanilla, att. Ta:4lY, Tka w nalay. and Saturday, of tzar:oak, at to re. return: Jag re .Idonday, {Vednorday_.nd Friday. 'She Sas a boat !ordure batmen Woad rrArr ' Sta u rstoll,_ Oda ; No 33Woodat:' lama _Aria-urzumnas PAC*. •Cti o T oi node., .0, dada" tar season, =lie dilly Sipa re *aver and Wallalearing Pirtrbank 11T11. r. rit4 annum a; sraci wasinnia FIMIVALRY is= "e , laßUeltY 10,19 U LEAVE DAILY *TVA. M., AM/4 P. M._ Tha new beats eentsbne thn linees k Tenn Tr: AT. LANT ALTIC,,Ceps. A. JsrAl. and !MANE, Cle E. Bennett., Tha bolus are Mindy nom and en IMA xisbenrratard to expellee. ET. • ery com= thatmes7 embrocate has be. preihist The Bails will tem Btanoulgabeta WheriLloal et the hot of liewe'st.: -resstappre- will be punched AO 'board, as the beau irllhremandb. lenve al the stint, deed boars, A. M. e. , banSl •JE • .o.sWlTEW.Lat i teds. The Able L L • ed ♦ mßrne , 1 EAGLE, Askinecnylleeter. 'NW leave as dams, ink'Aadel nL 1 r. For trekakl clips:sew apply. board, erne ..apl.4 , - D WILMS. Ait " FOR IirIiKELINGoth . II2IDGEPOST. • ' • - Thereat am low water 014 re. blisior; has zegoak . ..l het regidar tripe between :,%11, - - ,tkidgepon Ms bank I. mug littibvath ea 1/ng Eara and Thanday.. BII4I44.IdVACIINFtBII: . - 'paanraad t stearorr • • Barub.aruid In erovil h eave for abenn irdennechataloom on Wadoes• days and Saturday. of eaoh Week" For freight crept* GER, Art. ErTEBERGAI *WHEELING PACKET. . Done? P Kinney, muter, will Inn y for Wheellnp-on Monday, Wednesday and edlpek peeisaty. Leans Wheeling every Tuesday, ThundayAnal Be. today, at 7..Ye101r, a se, ;weekly. Ths.Consal hind as alLiketietermediale • Every aecoaxsindon that ten to. fiset and EMT of eras haa= d ovtxt. The ease boat si also, selfikguag Wayward te =gee - =Yr • fsbi . earner oft a nd Emithhaza • • mem:Emma, V.LizABUT .rvu SI - 01 - ONMERZ . • - .‘ - Nallim - ;_innster nut es above, Pinablith every Idcmday wead.fty and Fridar,"e two lock, a. sod noogatelaCaymnyltaday t Tluanday . and ate weaa,...i. trYteifit.ol or Pm.d. Vim Ai 4i Buriii, a. porrsvart Wedueaday andesi• 'Oa !L Y. lL !!!, ILBIEDi PARKS' Coos. PACKET WEIL PFAVEdeAKBCIEVPLARB ex* WARREN.. Canal Peetet,BWALLOWi Vt.. Ford: O . 4got t eine Lump:4o*nd arsine istxt= d g a il Warren, ernmom , eaave.i:vita Iba Lail 81 . P. 4 ". Akron and aeveLsed, and al each of dew pleas before nista. '..One ado, Peete eing. la Lee., Warm dap, at a P. E., pad waive .et Betterld ume to lake ; the moragtormbost for Pittiberait: • . • - A LEPTINGWELL, BEAVER elm GREF7YVILLE • : Carearacknt—PlVlTON.R,Stok Brown. •. • •'•.•. -- •• • FASHION, cW P Sayre. - , One of tbeibove Packets - will an 13eaver wain . g.eminr"* - o.,.., , teov,onteTtd:4l. - .1 letves,Crocnsitle eveiy ' Mtn* I o'clock, and ar rives at Seaver the next roe 5 o'clock—through in Id houttowed by teni, l tie bones each) ma tioned wren Wattles. ..dt Greenville they ccenteet .with a line,o(Btagesarniegh to Maar-ills and Ern. Th. boat, are entikainew..SE built expressly for 1 thit , ktake.,...; -,'..:, RE/A PARER & Cogleavar ~, . _.• • • • - , BEAVER . .kIatrE WC,ARILE, . I Canal P.sket-,TELEIGZAPIR.Capc Wet ;CREW • , Lea... Beans every coorablAndays excepted) at : II ridoel—lerien fiewea rt n , evottler (sumo, , exceptedlat 7 dells* and,enentanng with the mean , en Lake Erie and hllehamr;"aktradet between Beane n 0 f. i° 4 . .FOr •:; • BE4N-Ehilp & %Rop ti uns, - • - ma, Postentenwiltbit'reetip*Gaingh by either claw tame. 'news, ...not bertha )o'rb's. packet. and seat is the state, by analemsleet leather of the t•inters or agents,.. .. •JOUN A. Ca./GREY, Pins • • ~ • ' - en4,Waterand Estitbliel sts. edih79t=4l.4. Parka k Cgilkarver, ~ - -a 0 Parka &Co. Yonnplown, 1 0; ' fates , • - R W 5h. 4 . , , Case, P., ' '• •-: • ' W ClEalma . . , , • , . Hay & PlosobTille, Pe; ' .. .. •• liPParland an d, , Elk 8. 4 , P., - , .. .. C C Wiek,Greewil yr.; -. . :: '•':,' .. 0 X Reed,likiejilL I, _ wall ooblp . 0 4,,' LAE:IO.-.iwur: AlIrD4 . XICIOaillf:LIE114,: , ' 111 . 42 18 4 ‘ 4 •4 ... . . . ira l iellria ' won Rift' = d a ri f ttantrik are. hatann. and ,fratht . and peasenrer - Cana Boars be , nen Beane and ~ ...ral C /11 Reed's eof Int awenewttlawra. Prolailantend. vessels en the Lan., is trepan:4l toearry Inigletandyarsengers to all omen . 0 00 Ed o CllblirawlLthek lie; Hum ad dew. -'Marini .eriiiieuitisii.4OW:Aiii.c.i s m Moly.. =Lwith prompt.= and du*. tbs proprietor t. respeetildly solicit Rona, 'iamb aeon, 11l rltMk4 &r:. .- •-• REED, PAWS r..beaver, Agana.. - ,- - JOHN d..CALL it arets, • • Aral --- r-opr Water sod. as, Pinebnith. . - ;.......7„ . - : . :.,.4.1117 I:1'0*N, za z • . ; iglatal •-'lW i '-' . _,. . . xrW vt • 43177v5 1 .1 v.4 1 X1.. 110,1444,:t c • i • ANa •• • stash p.... a 00,13.;•, - Props's., Cannon InCoarsonorgeveland • ' IllaßabosaLhaLowneyonprear to transport fines • 1. - and twanapsa freszt.Posamunth sod COTtlaml. no ran point on tha CenanaintLakear -. • • , • ' - Ono boat Bata Pitubtuth awl Cleveland dally, no %it ~ ; I cannection,arth the eteataboan Lobe Ens and. ' between Plusbortd*Beaver, and a limb -- !.et clan VEZlRbOatri , brig. and schwa : ors on lake. Ern, Han. . Miebigen. • • . forwarded Whalen of the. Union with Ahern* ~ • ,-, .. - WkL TrNATHER. or . . . '.... „TOW .4.,G41.1014EY, Agents, :‘ ' ear Water and wawa; sae, Pitabargit. • -, or ACIENTEL*Reed, Parka& Co, , lteaver; • • II 0 Pukka . Ce,,Thaltstown,* ,- " -.... t , EW Gate* &11h1R B W d ot • F Ire* E DS IPVlte7legoptre:l9.l,p; -• ' At IGlitriled;Riertzmf C UI, WaniFlin; Mar &Made, Co F.Pti • INlieleci CO.ak-f*". R=Tl= 3 4ele dcs 1 1"WillineuntreiDeletil • u7.., 11 .1 Winekver•cumiNra,. let •91.41.1' suAcw447ima , * Or 47( X ) DS• N. .y y W Wend street, binge sad us. mum ly receiving during*, banner seseu, alug. e g g extensive assontnent DAY 901:0" which Au d reg to tourlunes 11 kw ptinetring.....". Le .that hblO• elha gres•se underline, they lathe all teen iddt visiting the d1r . :107 IVl=7 • '71Y111.47 tin d o Ctraditle deign do blan ket cbdudo iteets Onitss Bat etc, d.• 3 ooz het go. , 4 .; ~.k.,, , b.4l 3g . t medindr. I do without holders g bli td turd; gad received sr spite TM'S. 07 musket et 0 tht n lste ibtt rV -.Mi tr & st lb i und ' edeg te nee" 1.14t7e1 " ' al HAVO lat . • • 63 Main. mud Fronde '7O • • A l-tli4g maws— da. • vedtb, ma, y . rune dbablieallop byVer Dm. Milimir ow ; .l„d enk...Te .d be i tosegkri .a. se' AMY es • . - tom dua= 1 ." 'TIMM% ""4 — " - • - - maim wealt.psuilillsql ~~~" . ..... .. . ...,';;.:f,';'.:,i,''.....: