itimiramf:'", t • -;., .7'-....-:-.,v;:-Irf:' ,lA/1111M' ....c.r..;'"4. 4lotai• 14rns- resti92 ~- Mirka , .. 1 :, h . . laympektstod 7 .....i..!*. .!e a. P aluutormk c:- - ,', -iixotiviirlow as • ' . • eaf Wm: '. =Oh 4.,,,,,,m.' 'ilimi TANI ' 411 and 7 .1.: :, 41 . . AVO,...a.riimeb , 7 '. ..' The., i s ihrm sEmithl. . 4.. I • wiiPPlrOl.' AII'D co / ,' "'-'. ..'• 4,,,Fierso - • . - 0031:NPriFf.1 . ' ' i t, .;., —lb' ganotionoben, inn anal we not destroyer la , -dbaloadt inn aball Sri vit clear, oar omen and 0 ,1.411 de of ;rltal le the 'e.' • ' '-!.. ; ' ' .ltili in= 4Tt LI MI T AND sea 6 F a. 11'1,1E' of AL ' .'' we base tem nen ta e C4l' istv =On et i ttiVa of ; dkessitsf eau ben known tbizentLesto Sum ew.rb : tenni twee:alive powac These, ifilth' a man of tea, -• Cm y •, ...., ..,_ . CAL EN OP .THE 1 irpAbrisNO, =dam at tie Gospel, to 010 rinds sepia.. no. JOURNALS OP nu DAY' Inti lied addend in pataptdat 0 add roar ho hod _ grans of any of oar are iliecagfiggsnialall. iIUNDRRDB ' I • ~ _ . hart bent peed to Ws err ' 4: ~ .. ..... . . THOUSANDS AND I'MiS O PTHOUSANDS Onvegbodu th e Staled Suns sod and INV eke Leatte say mn to arts - SNI of fi ' -... .;.. ... . ifd I ..lildilt when lakes se-corned to death.. and W. .• . ~ ~ - ... don dye bmgobad become Lual lp EFPT CT -A. PFRPF.Ca' dr= l .4l, it has tart u dm Why need the atbleted hesitate! It by men , ihe=gesiest up by lota • ti•a indi stesee al ome ni •+.1..e 4 phy. ... per eim " ' r g. 3 l ' t iag WrTl,3? at!tl .. pa be b4,whest vieehers am boas'-oar octglo jenrytpip~~ of whaeolt has • I that alb taraleat ED t t he YDE ebeed . 'widths tie melt of the Ivor as well the tidy we bale I "" b " o "otiriai PIPTY °kir" •- jut. kdf tie noel tort of eottl4 for We by ear spats Le neatly every . town saddle - • weir the weatordo ate prepar.d grre,foll Worst. dea relative Wag, - T, SALTER, Propyleter t Broadway, Cisteateatl, Ohm. OR Dwincircrrornaramma; - - :kw disease la caused by a paroxysmal comma , of the ale er.The It la eery debtlitalloa, almost tan. ; ALS:leak.. DB. EAS PANACEA Le the _ _ _ tan be etUiely rand by aim use of Dr. Esnemeb Comb, or common cold, which, if eglecied, will earollaare Ilmoreeptlen, us effectually fattened sad ' -; sand by Dr. &maser% Nimes. . • Tilroachltia, U nuebeeked, will effectually lead ul Ma a timely arc of Dr. Sweet , trees Pansee t'Rl cure a. • - lalsomuton of the Tonsil. or Sore Throm.—Tkis disease Wein leads to aerials sonsemientea from neg. . • • bet, imah as elemental% of the throat_ On the firms Loom Dr. Sereemer's Panacea Would be nod ' "'Coughs and Cala Had a.sovereign remedy In Dr. Peewee. Puessumnia Notha.—A way fall disease, resealing ,from a stoical cough ad Col on a debilitated or btu. tiff down •=Ami ellrff persons am Wager Dr. Benson's Penns* iambi be used on the fail width arca err eel& Ngkt -* • "raw ' °.. e coal • meet gerealsi—Thls plaint will wish a timely check, by using Dr. Sweetserls Peewee. • Oensasurborh—af im the ant appearance of censures , this syudiseme, which are a in bei tha aids and Dn..; bogy awe& us Qinlog o danger neef bloodi if Dr. Illareetsees Panace ' a i s 4em dbe appribinulai. • • Wtran the Lana du Windpipe, or liredichlal Tubes =o ct et= migne wAT ,. impede ld re4 t pt segmented Expectorant, should to taken seee ' rd ' Ss InfammarTiffel distressing ephlienile, no prevalent In ear climate, to Bpsedity oared by Dr. Summa's Pans . awn Price 111 per bottle Of sir Lades for „ • - .PornJ ale by WM. J ACKSON, Se Merry ay sign of -bos faratelat leratektt •,•••-•• rren, SALT, PIMA ter-~t6o would kw • pinta day wretch, whets &Mimed with the , Deb, or other tthtemes of the akist, If they kaew • who would relieve ead care them. "I'm holt bid m be oblipd lo rub. miff scratch when • q63l7cwst more horrible to abstain f ro m it, Ver decency when to e . Let it be remembered that Dr and ITCH ODirtIRTT is the ;• awes alleadam of any other preparation In existence Medoff the Tarter, Itch; mul mbar direases of the lain. • • At all Mama of the aldo Mast aria frontier Impurity • - dieldood and taido of the Cady, anderbere melt dd. ;Noe be of lott a idant= idu ld ethe ototimrion affected „ ,ite will care any case w Blood Pills trrer, road . sad Lf.the'y de not, the money will be rammed by • ffidd7'. Yon 61.1011, however, will be effectually co red by W. LAW, Tester and my olatiaent,• =leas the •ioit dYittem to implegnalsd by Om &cased human ••..t.• • ' odd be crect: carried atoms the opt= by 'Dr imidre blood and the =face of th e elda heel by the odment - re of oinatteratta amts Ahab orpply of them 'Weak& medielom Pmt served and lige A EMI tort W A- wood. . exams - EVT Ett EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD. , THE audruard ha, .been couricalid of the atm tato:haute adapted to the tun of • t , t . &4m 146. = hems' m capereedo the uz of all the.. a': - tauliciatta tableh contain opium, and Ma length•sur• goaded prepanng 'and ofenng to the public a truedt. chorally annealing every purpose for all &tamesof lin , • born* without the ma of thatdoleterious dmg,. or uty •••,., ,„.athar calculated to inlisre_in tha least.The , lthw t. mass has 'been fully Aimed and . .. 14 d. • and found to i posse.* all , • rha aftraontinuf '="*"' ilittea7= to produce a/I the anon ', - - Wang cram u fiat rank on the tull of diretrdeuta snitsa, TotaiSng, from and • Vim= arising from Thodung, acting brunednuety •••••:;;;" without Estortung any of me fauctiotte .o. of g the haptarat and. moss, tmnrition ran ' grin ott a tranquil and Solo. Haw or 1, - 1- • • ba had wholaaale and - nual. Mlles Preview. Et , ;30/0 SAMOAN?, Durant and ApOtheearri John *kW, ELlion Jr. Hockham, and most other duo • . ..agberty and lartaburch 7 PEMAL COUGH SYSUP.—It has , power to cord • --,Prrratirene, Feb. 141, /80. Bone—N7 wife has for peers been =inset IS a Otos/not_cough, accompanied 'with asthma, for the ease of which the used diferent cough. remedies, luid she advice of the room eminent physicians in • sraajwt=l eras nat gb t ivelling . .. d ßr thane, I toi :1 11 = for nisi, although . T r h P id no belief that surfilii b lt rr g ssoald metro her "complabn. To my greet surprise, two doses orma her isommilate reheL She is at times . troabled arab a cough, brat two teaspoonsfal of Syrop *Posye stops it. I ant waled, elm a trial of three or toor Team, that Bellees Congh Syrup hubs. best amen ..:Moddelne I have ever tried either in the Old or Nr— Wodd Wtn Fussorest, • Seventh Wan!, oily of riusbutsh. 11111 h. above certificate should Loden* all who are • SesoNed with awe. of 6 1 ‘. the Simr , ' It my be had Aor tr.a cents boule, the en drag Non of E S S7 wood ' Sold by De Omni, $ll weld, sed 13 El Curry, Alla 10 ,1 ± , r 6421". J.O 31131111Bi owe t HEED frju k r. . C l o feel It . duty . ; Amon Mmlte= mT TO. Vegetatie Palmonar nun y Balsam. • 13iners I rd tha Beam, about &mut years the boppy effect of wldch I then p.. an enema of, I Imre kid nevem' severe menlllmoth end 0 . 0 . 5 . a l mr avg., one a few daje since, and in every instance . I need the Balsam Worth with complete s od portent frameesa. It Iths affeeted 'slier and amain a very few. ' day, It Is certainly a .St t "medicine. I4> not know • -Omit will cam a Axed conemaption, but I believe it ' : • will be /a canny seam a pm:lrony., and prawn:llion la baser than cam I do therefore, Off Om lens of erf fel , trf ol ..stly remoter:llw use t tun =sn,n lea been monad WLS of mammary life to thin day. . • Boom Bata la, P rersoss. ae/s by B A Faimenock, & c. t come. rand WWI and elm comes woad and Oth. , J 219 iiiiMrsEil.B.—The greatest of al • • Wean medicines: Bew i L i m is - • . This ban nerd(' th at after naing different prepare .: ; 'BM kw expelling worms, I bonAt of O. P. Heiman, of New Lisbon, two vials at-It B Sellers , vaariftro.d tem of one vial to duce of my el:didn't ., .* finl, seed 6 year, it expelled_ 45 wormts 4 " •,- Bent th. soma, = . 1 4 .7 -, and front hid C E :2OWI recamsend , Blent .' =idaj as -• • Ode and ass &the most effectual Wenn mediums be. loft lA* public. , • Ikon Mom*. Prepared mod cold by IL F. SELLERS, l'Co 57 Wood Pinot. SIM by Dr. Ousel, mh ward; 9 Al Cum, Al. , Mainz Tam pemocc*A/* 0.1,4 • ; -•• : .tut Sleek /Wag Truss. • lbj rWLY INVENTED—Pm the *Wend Permanent; LI OM al HERNIA ar • RUPTURE. (Salted - to all • - ThammeMor debited Iles Tease eamiat in the ewe. • Isamatrea Mum with wldelt it mbe wet* The pad of , • Matad being neatly balanced on ay springs, yields to pre . ••• ion on Soy Tan of It, sod *movably adepts itself to • . • ,Sq 1/0 , 1100121 MAUS by the wester. It can be worn without latastiaatem antll■ care is canted. The tab ;SW ha* made Billapsuarin Om the manaltsetute it them wahmble Tneasee, Ina aisperio, style, 1111,_sad have them now Mr sale at their after, No Jl!.W.mdade . Id mac* titzth, . -D. W. en PAM/. N. • A. FAIINSIITOCK'S Puenasoldo or Coosa Bal. v • Sam, bas a peat advantage over. many other • . pgspustioos, as as pleas/tat Mkt mama b"mei haricot taconvetaancs. But its value as t o Palma consists 15 the sposdlocas °fits cure. we have Loma' woe of dm non darperato cored, some ot Irldek bed been nooks on for a considonbla too of sioat, pelt almost ladmiiautly to as pawed. Is sea prosater as We hocs had daring Lao part wham, every hoe la liable to oaks cold, unless grcat precostartte we used. • litres feet sad aodoeezpostua to the itrivcv.v.y ot mosther ellen lays the toundation ot a kagtog =arida wads a quick !cooly to prevent among - Ws bow ascoseroas centimes Of ' cores vrklek it hos Itorlocated., mmmoy of width we from paw. is Ms arty Ng the Issightvadtatal, pad th afara sailielool IMMO** srßAost saying another word la Its Cu,.,. Tathatod add km" mho otholesaloand null by B A 111 _ & Co, =HI of wood Vi and wed awl Ulk • Nrr 11111111111 PIILSIONA RIF SALAAM—To ..... =l i vs to. rf.L.T othoo m td. := l . mihrooStrisa. lass Ism mid is this plow trilla movie. mew rr.Mfru coloplaisiof i 6. Inv, atteiged with • OINITI roe* k•er ma, sod ra Wog afar& Wad tit* bod prorioody res Mod lazy orpongd pre4criptlom. jr aft Imaimma Ina the patina'. !v rdara.d, Ino goo maliood 14 41114..41CW. 'This aw' secured Art ail Sprits now tamed sot only ,oe• sn ow 5, Whom. . . tif.P.u...2433N 11 =ta=14 7,k0.;114ccir.; . if - C. - corm; o Masse usd; dear AA Ir. rod .1.94 A Irntorrogvuotact Au Dr. /a riltril EC ; - Priciffoimurr mr.rior "(ha tearrtier rx argabbirAldat rad ollwr Hary ". 1101111k. AMA proomlrbocrourrerd Ike •kw ar their 1511Lirla row prekr it to iroodierrilke ktok; Ilea 14ov esly bare leo Wood le 07 @kw remeritesr Sri kimilarrr kirarribly.bars alokordoki loolti2g pral Oa boat WA* Irrr rournekly rirtriiiter,,,ilmatbe mbraerrodk. Orryrirton, -radium, gromodre au; of Juni' Zasargarxr, • m oor OR N onsr Wei la relay. dos, mai Irlkkb mariffsromiked Weruk4 la rrirrkri rbrgloriksouren -fAiled."ll.s7.Dr .!nrrrigia 4 PWor Kama "r} 3 l — i=cll=i 2 : llBl4.- =, appaiita 14 , *.te " . ** l:= 4 lle W . ° tribeevenes known. ilia tam ..:11011 Will"" e " tnar wn . t il l:g.,1" 1 "" • ill"'"lll27."TrtAla, Ancifacn '"" ' ai wow c. *Ail Wad, axttpf,Annito.r • _ :".Tikfiltik. - •.::‘,.- ''-{'.... - tA 1 ': ' '1)11E8 1, - . ' ; - _,, -- . - VrYosr - ~ - 1942.11 1 / 1 0MINE,WOMMII AND FCRaI Ifii: , . •-• ''. '. J011111.1 1 11 1 ;t14 . ; IS; '4:4 . .• . . ^.. .'! - , AM . E .7 lo'ganid to Ilellel Coissa: smil Wsistlat . we Frames, ) 4 1= PLuthNe l lms ',mm,, . 2 =1,1=7. • Frames, Loony Poo Greismi,.o.... - Woarta bade' loaned all site of Cast Ire, • and Haar, of the Wee warns, adds aad karat Liebe; l load Castles of easy dasettebm' t famished on abet no. lice. Piens same to Goer et Mill Gassiol, Lon ' near, h.o. SW= Pips far bated Factories, Caat Imo Wiadow bae,. and bey Cameo eterally , Ordeal a ft at tbe Wareham of J. Fiber & CO, Lib any lame, will hers( rompt ammee. - -- -- Ram so Illatbmek; Ball & c...,J K rionum a co; a a. Wafer, -dohs Inas ta - Soi* Ficiabafgh. 0 0 k .1 HE Wanice &entente. , Mollr YMI BRADT POIMPUZLICAs..— . it U. P;LMES,Ckesbri,tbi 60eviag tloi*dat a wised of dr 114 " Col• A- A V s of Aid fka- ILnalimr• au. 17 1.; ==x" and.tbsOperadass ot dian. Peapu tam Fin at*, a 114iiitEnanryinan by. /aba T lacapan, JAW lIDO Ulaarir Kentucky-1a Andoldas and lidausl Vr e A=sa °l4 T gknl nwre tha n ans bandted 13iagmical Skaeba of • ad Soldiers. 13014•Mie, haat lawyers, minas, Le.; illainiaa walk forty -ugr~ ayLawis The TWehre Mottutts , Volunteer, er &anal Ole Pd• rate in the Tenaeteee Elegize:it of Carer, in the =rof Merino, dati 1E4647, eornandur ma ae oll.. March of the to Vets; Cm; a deeeription of the Country pared ever; mattaare, am, toms, 1c of the people; Skatehn of Wet se em= of all the anion. Mother Vohnueet and a fall theory of the hfeziun War; List tie ICU. led awl Mended, he; illuaraupd by a Jorge number of 0000001 . elms and p 1..; by Geo. C. fLrhet,11,0111:010, BOWLS WOB THE SZAIOI-IBandassod Gem of Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial g vs, wuh heandfal Illustration on . mesd, by Sartain, and Se s br . Belongs and 13ittelair,_ rsahly bond to ay morocco and white cal; superbir Oh- The Christisn Keepsake, ma animal (or /.91.94 with ~ m ora engravings, bySsn aimbmrnd , in . Christmas Ilkosmas and New Yeses Wreath r I StS; a small quarto valuate, minim' on mow whim pa. per, embellished with, tßendid Messatint engravings— This is by far the most beautiful jamas anneal nob- Wilted in the Unital Rases . The Poetical Works cdOliver 11: viiih numerous et dries designs, by the Etching Clab, vst rims styles of binding. Thoomscat's Seams, with seventy...a derighs, by the Etchittg Club, 42 various styles or The Poets and_Poetry America; by B. W.: Oris , weld. The Poets mod Poetry of the Aumeati, by William Peter, ..!t. 1L superbly bound its Turkey morocco; spit, lig"; Poem. Gray's Thoy illustrated. ilassu's ettral Works, io various Malaga' Lord Byrons e's WaVt " eal Works of Thoramlloore. Ballads aid other Poems, by Mary Hewitt. Poems by Amelia. , Headley 's Ihtersd Almeida. .The those, with a sred variety of other sew works, la splendid sites of binding, suitable for sill books for sale by . JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, : &Xi Booksellers, ear. Market &ad sta. .. . —.. ` Tamablea Standard Warns. DRANDVII F.NCYCLOMDII.—A Dictionary 4 Sri -13 ama,tilantaraaadarl,maprisiag lb* luotory,anoripticak mod seicalifie prim:44W ovary brawl °Mm Ittentlaiga with tba 4hrintioa aafkattaaa all tba ut a=gral ma, edited by yit T Maio, F RB, ato amino rummy oa wood. blorses Nona American Ades, manakin bwatifoßl4 end amp of Iffordk Lanka, Cam& Nast, Ganda Walt, Nora Booth; Naar lkolowick. Roams ry Y n a i. ma Lamb . ao.l & T= uq... • . • • . NclPs Puitssa—Tha raw,' 'et Puritans &pia tin .casineorkst in Uti a b IL mogul* of 1293, saaspristor as .duet of thee pets ar, kr,' bt plaid by Jolts 0 Claintra,MD, with Dana partruitacstatest; tyro rams/ MW..bodyMW.l9. damp 110.001 D, mamba of thatroyakeollsgs of Plapariass, Su. Jam, I* Weans. • M=M=ML==l Nebo( tborSea,beingalreettog iibrratiou of bkirmodo, Hasel.lN Speabsr—TV Jumble • Spiker, rinebibe alamataqnit. col agreiset ilbelmaties, 'nth • Woo l/co of psows Sir pradies.byirmlT irtSnxibe Th. shaft remind OiSbnals by & STOCZTON _ JOHNSTON . Bookrellersoir morkat mil ad eta ICTI JJallealSker:— • • Arnim% Classical Dictionary; Dictionary of Greek wad Rom. Antiquitiim ' Mt+Collougles Commercial Dctloiary; -- Uni"s Dictionary and Fimplemont, ans,mannfacieres and mince • Weladers Octavo Dittionary, revised edition; Todd's Johnson's and Walkers Dictionary; • Liddell and Scon's Greek Lema; gobloson's Greak L.e.ximm of Near Testament; Levernes Latin Lerlecen • isaronka Latin lberionary; Tlemmlag and libbirt's French Dictionary; % Dna Mm/opeal Dictionary; Bible Dicdcmarr, Rabble:es Wm &n. fee. TM above, with a general assoranentorTherdogical, CLaWcal,lillacellaneons, and Sunday Sebool Books, al ways me band sod far sale boar, by deg IMAJOIT & =GUSH, • • 66 Marta sr., between 3d & 4M.• • Nsw Plaits:atlonts. --7- I\4ll.TojVp POEMS, ilinstratect- Harpets nese ay edition of the Poetical works of. John Milton. with a inerintir, and critical remarks ou his genius and orn. dace, by Jams . Moragenteryt and o hi:untied and . twenty etsgnaings from drawings by Willinar Slangy. In Sestscsa's Onans Trarammer-The four Gospels Mid, Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with 'English nowt, philosophical, end esenetimli meM, inda.cs. etcoogether with the Epistles and. aNemymer the whole forming the , New Temantent-Floc the use of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. By Sre..l. A. Seeneor, A. Si. • •41 Warr ho . Ese...:katry tale of lore. By Mrs. ft C. tlalL : Jams Mawr nr.—The life of 11.. T cllm.:the Fourth, king of Prance and Navarre, Dr G. James. Complete In four emu, pnpe r n 2 For gale by JOHNSTCC: t STOCITON, I.lnB . • booksellers, ornmar ormarket and nd ou p r x +% :omlippil EMULISH or) of she Groot ite, °lsnot' t tee of the wars 2nd campalpt arising from this *doggies of the Greek r assists in Emancipa. sing thou 1.111111111 from the Tort.,vh. Yoke—in two VW autes—splondid ropy with otonorous maps and eugra• letters' illasiratiso of the foists of William Al, E L rom 1116 to 1703—wIth Ina patrons, m g vols. Companion to the nosh of the Holy Scriptures Harry Mowbray, Mrillog, romance, with So etWra- Coes. • lour is the Holy Land, French Stags, and Sketches lastfersd and foesala by MoDONALD &BEESON. . • , r bp Maga .11.1%1 Phdol t,! i t y of Life and Failosophy of Len z:l=4. Von Schlegel Dm' s in China in 1844.45 and Id, esfill map and plates The Gime ad Departed. by Inn. Slaw Hobart,D. D. The Church Universal, by Dr. fltene. Goldsmith's Poems, Ulm:mired. homp.o's ISe.ans; do jeS ATALCAMILZI glow 'roar's Protonla. y Wavedlcy Novels, V edam., Mao, illustrated; " 5 Mr Ma Shanroors Work., 06 Vila Mao, illustrated ; NW Fdgarorth% 10 a • " • Bars Family Library , 15tvolaeosTlete t . Work's . :ralteapeire' r volsoavo, tha beauti/41 Bos ton atilkilh lady band; Bailer's Uava of tbo Sala; 4 vols. elegantly bound ; • Hannah Nook Worki, Fapharbag Expedition, 0 Mots royal ern do 5 do de do griliab Zany' 8 ada Turktry Osaka , Th. above, tovtker 'with Luge asortmett of ale. gaudy . bound' .11y and podia Balla, Cawood Pram, all saes and bindings, all a which will to sold \ Foam thau ear offered ,a this aarket at the old aand lIAYk Co. maimA !superb neentroodsix omen Piano, new scale and patent iron frame, made !MTtq J. atickering, BMA= Anew very deism notorval six Auld a half omen hano, scale and patent iron name, made by J. Metering, Hostoti. • The. above interments received to-day, end now open for ezaatinadom for sale el Hr. Ctockerimrs pet. Cr. fur cash or eppnwed paper. - And on band, one elegant eriewood Gothic panels, caned monklinpond mudded legs, 6 octaves, made Loy Gale eat* new Yolk. • - Clued. carved rosewood,,o =laved, made .by Gan k. Co, Now York. One mahispayeemend hand Pfacto.l3 oetues, of as. celleni ions. arm in good order, rude by Cknekering k Stews" 1112 S. One mmarb greed Plana. made el Hem, Part., end to be the test Plum Forte tat the CM riU becod =wen moderate price. febl7 • • JOHN 11 MELLOR, fit wood ' NetsUo Prase Pisa& • • • SPLIdIiDID assonnicia of Raw. nipwoad and Mabormy grand anion Pi mdieant finished and for sale. • • ms two spfeaMdßosewnod with Coleman., ealebtated EDI= atutehassin, in the most modern style, and for sale jaM • F BLUME'S, ILI weed g 'squeal PIANOIIII Y KLEMM, Seeks inseam Piano Fortes, W. Woodwallit, No. Ballard Stmt. The anos may kw examined at all boon, and the subscri ber will be than horn IL to 12, 'A.M., and from 4 so 3, P. M. each diy. pet MI, 46 . Al7e, the undersigned, would inform the citizens of Pirtsbergh nod vicinity dun we have appointed Mr. H. Nether mole meet for Western Pennsylvatda, for Om WO of ma Piano Fortes, from win= they may be ob tained at our VIM (New Yolk) prices. , NUNNS & CLAIM New fork Sept. 1, 1943.rict99dt1 BOOKS—Cturieldun of Iron or the Alerdhenre and Mechanic'. complete guide to the Iron trade.. A few copies onlA—verp aearce. flimoode Iltentenre of the month of &trope. Chambers , Information the. people. Chaisbers , Cyclopedia of English Ltorato .. WendelPs Illookuoan's Conneentazies., a new edition In 4 bearnifol volumes. Halleck4 Poem,. war and splendid edition. Perko Hook-of Flowers—for all measote. •.8J .1.., READ, lth near mutat et. • - Komi& Hi LAST OF THE FAUUIS—A 'lll• L'i b7 k-. 1. Moo; clad' br rerr3:lL .17::=121"Z 1. by JOHNSTON a. STOCKTON. THE GREATEST 'BOOK OP THE SEASON . * Dr. Webstees Great American Siolopary of the • kMgdah Lassitsge, amsommoso, costuming all mat the former editions contained; revised by Mummy A. Goodtieb, Pea Tale College. The most complete edc dom em publinkedd one vol. crows gonna. Price St For We by J.L RAW, decal _ Ith a. near Market et ' TEST nmeived and far salt, futy copies of the Bags tl at Union forger tinned Presbyterian Cherth, screed upon in Convestrion of Reformed 'Churches, at Pitts burgh. September, 1947. Price, Ci coots. Eti.tcrrr a E.Nausii; as market st AyARCH MPS CHROME GSE£.I T sla CartSii — C. 111 ed the beg Green ever brought to this market. on arms 4 Reuse/4nm remised and tor sale by R E SELLERS, who has the excluder, sale ail in this city. Xr O. SWAB: 4n hlidk ptime.N o bugs+, Isa 1\ from aear!or De Wiu Clinton, ant An faleV 'mare• 1411.0 AL k SMITH y X 110.3 MACKEREL-200 Was large No! Madras... 4 11 for sale by . otsER - tS2IITH YNK-101ceirsinsters` sprang Lai ..% moor; imit,rsesi ed and for Web) . Dual • . ILL VAI.I2.IIIFMCiC Jtcoorixd Inm. ifilAiiii/P ' 14 4 :601E52112 1000 bbls ?1 , 0-Molasser, U. store sad for We AWM EIIDA-4/X , lbsNo 7, fo! . 11,11 teLxiiis GUN OCIPAL-430 B ACOR—Chbae. Aorldirng 6di kost do aler jagrodleitMesalbt smn, ~.~ ALLECIIELYT vENrilex BLIND FACTURY. ions. A. BROWN TM= the method i 0 inform his friends sat the public at lar g e th at ids Elitter7 IX tht Eaat aide • nag :pp!, of ' = ... ar' N' arirot . noTrsi andquatitiea, are comutnuykeptort hand, alsohlM. 6 Woad st,Pittsburgh,at Jaz elodiwareroont. 111131 . tatter• made et, order in the beater Minds repined at the'ationast notice. e. - N. D. His Bile& will bc• pat up, ',alined any addi tional ezepnse en that they can be reasoned in a nan meut else of lire or ter washing, and without the Sid of • crow a : .octildlyttelalAr &AWNS, COFFIN MA UPS 'AND UNDER , TAKERS, corner of Pam sad St. Ow wrens, aepordte tbe Eieltmge klomi , entrance ou Penn street, reVeCtfally inform(made and Oa pabliot the , they &mannered to fantlith and attend to everything in We line of Undertaken. Always on hand a large as. vortntent of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin ished In the 5017 beet manner all gottomd aims ready nude Shrouds of Hamel, Cabriek and ameba, and ail . Irma made ut approved styles. We keep a large se torment of wary and blank, mum,ailk and kid (;lov er, sable for pall beard, and maroon. Mine, caps, dot; tars, andearry thing (or dressing the deed, and on reaaanable terms,. as we purchase all our goods W the l, aslann Alaissillress platen rot engraving We name and age. Wa kam •eplendid new hearse and tutees, and my number of lbe best carnage. Leery thing attended to promanyand pamtaaUT. oeskly W. W: WdI.I:AO/lis PIiTSBUCLOH.STRILM MIA RULE WORtil3, flea 914 and 20 . Wary arms, ewer As Cana. . A LWAYS on hand and made to order, al eerie ll ty Marble Mantels, Pier,Cenue Table arge s, and Bataan Tops,Toinb guinea Monuments, del all whicb, being nude of the choicest marble, said manufbetared principally by mat tilnery,will be sold i Mantels, N. B._Persons.anstilng to. mmshase .1.1 informed tkas 111 heneMorth unnecessary -for them be go East,. I can famish them wi th. n amele as all respect". good, and (frolght, nsurance, de, consider ed,) as cheap as they east pasta them tor India and see. 1 Je2l COPPII% lIILZT IRON, AND TIN , • WAREbIANIIVACTORY, • No I Market evert, PitiSburith,Purtat r pHE subscribers .Idinutt made great' Improvements A in the of Snit CWICING ALCOVF—d, respectfully Invite persons building Stesuubdhp to tall and ensmine before parchwing, as we eau uploly there with Deel Noyes, Forges, and every other kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necusary in furnish "lPrc 17e also mate to order on the shiniest notice Sal Tubes and Deasubew Copper wort far Steam FAgines sul every eerier" of work in our l ine. • load SHERIFF & SHIRR" • BENNETT & BROTHER,. taIIENSWARE AI AN UPACTUREM alletaLogetaus, Inane Plttsbur otbslPa. II =haste. No. :137. - Wood abut, PiffsburgA• irLireonidaittlf keep. band • g.d assort meat of Ware, of our own manufacture, and insporiorOiltry. :Wholesale and ernoutrybler " chants are rest:wet/buy invited to call and ox. amine far tbernseleesi as we .are. determined to sell cheaper skin has ever before been odered to the pub. r. liEr Orders sent hy wall, accompanied by the cash or Pry reference, wtll be promptly upended to Astrid Great .Weatern Butt Binge Ilainfactery, oriciNNATl,O. A. GARDNER At Go, would In th e trade that they are mw mannfactoring the be Bon Ilittee 13,1' made in the United States. As this is oar princi ple blathers, we intend to send out as comPleto as sr- Orli, as eta possibly be nude. 'nose wormed to tLe Aardartue trade; ore think, alit And it to their Ililaregt to lee oar Bans All orders promptly attended to: mys A GARDNER t Lis, cur of E th a =ln st. P. ITLINT 010 g TrIPTAIILINIIIRJOIT. MULVANIC t LEULIE numetactdraand keep con. neatly on hand Cu,, hloelded end Plain Pllnt Glassware, in all its melees, at their Warehoue ear ner offidoullnet and Wafer sone% Pittsburgh. Oar Works cannaas in fall .operatiea, and we are conspurly adding to Oa week, 'winch enables es to 411 alders writ, prompt:welt • Purchasers are respeettally watched to call and examine prices and term otylOdly . • COACH !MAKING. FROM the very liberal entourno meat the subscriber has received store h e hue located himself In Allegheny, hi lodated him to take lease, be fore torna Of years, or, the property now norm:ee. in Beaver street, notnedlately beside the Presbyterian Chuck. Rom the long cape rienee the None bait... and a drilla to please, he hopes tensr it and receive a share poblic patronage. • Now on hand and ILlnstorig to order, on Bag =end•top Beam, and seem description of made to onler L _from seventy•five dollars to etch, Intnaroo I - 1Nt03.10 JUIIN ROUTH. untletaignell are now prepared. w film th their 1 agnomen. and the {intake generally, with an elect. lent a,lele of Lard Oil of their oWnmanulantale, which ibeT rill aellon aneamintedeung memo. 1 hest Oil they behove to bo tgantan any of ea the matie:,nad may be relented tl Ooteallefectary. J aORDA.N & BON • • 18 liberty at, oppalatte amithLeld P. 9.—Lard and _Gra*. itailthle for macatury, o *ant 2u. 7.aln &Inv, . . n •v 3 I tfE s„ G address bare taken: the . Tge Foruntl i l i d , o ly conducted t b=l. 'a r s t ;led . Therwill . attend to all orders taut, punctuality enddespateh. All die type munulhetuntd by them "rill be Band Cam; and they will famish ail lunds of Printers' materials/ of the belt quality. Mr. J A T &reread it trill employed ho mhosuperintend the manufacturing dipartment. pdetors of newspapers, who hare not advertised 6r the subscriber / who may publish ddo notice lee three , triciaths /. lwill be enntled to receive their pay in type, en purchasing fire times the amount. of their bibs for ail. • Old type exchange for new la 9 et. per lb. Merles Waking, 1 WHITING tr,TAYLOIL Theodora Taylor, (Successors to Bobt Taylor,) build • corner Gold and Ana CO. L BEAR lth a near mukst. ll,Mrs? Pails Mathias*. ha Ohio. Waraxammos, Ohio, July 17,1eth NIRO. E. BELLES YourVemitfuse Is unequall ed eau oven= destroyer,. and has given entire saustsetkoo to all who have had °cameos to use it— ran LIM Pills'are also gaining a Wei repetation tens. • Your. respectfully, • Comm & IdoComecuirmax. Ottio,hailyl2,lB4B. Mr. E. E. Ballets ...Vow Vermifuge sell. remarkably lastood has gained the fall foaideoee of all oho use Si so, alsoitha Coogh Syrup, Yours truly Prepared and .old by R. 1: Sellers. No. 57 Wood et, Bold elm by Dr. Cassel, 45dt Want, D. AL Curry, Alle, ;teeny, and Win. J. Smith, Temperanceville. &hi I)&II.FUIdERY, SOAPS, 'Aa; be more and for sale by Joel Molder, Druggist,: eor. Wood and sth son Join Hatijd's Nymph Soap{ 4 Chopped RoassePe do do . do; Superfine Shaving Cresol, was & almond; • " Ox Marrow POMMitia; Cold Gramm_ lime,Tooth Paste; Cologne Water, One extract for the hand • kWh Do~]SlnLui fa TOUIIOIIII. p .L 1114 is to certify this piirchmed one vial of Dr. slc to Worm Specific borne era months ago end Novo to a mon of lIIIIIC, co ßtel seven peals old, two moans and although Me amount may appear heao, set Inim rus .doubt but there was up of run T11,34.11/1 aroma paned from him, meesuring Worn we quarter of an inch to two Inches long. W HOLLIDAY. Hasa rwelr. Carrot ea Tenn, O D 57,18 y. Jobe_ Ilessard Clem Powder. THE unednigned have reduced the prices of Side and Blasting Powder, or this soedm notnitfacture, quality warranted`turtarpassed, a. will sell ..low as any good powder .be bought in the Mork.. Ilia Dray.n employed at the Magamne, wdl call every morning on the common, to deliver powder and receive orders. Onbas at all notes will be 'Pled hanwillately, on ap plication at the ofnea of ' C. S. LOOMS, water it, 4d door giroVe Monongahela house. W W Lower ' 11. P. Co. mann fIOWDER, (HAZARD CO)—All descriptions ion stantly a hand; also,. a ?a qacotity of safety fuse, for *nun • Orders prom Mimi at et inati3 sister st, 2nd door abOlit=ld • - : CARD. AI am now engaged In the Importation of Gremlin, Wittes end Gins, go.; axe lamely, ud basins made arraogemema in diluent pans of .Earope and the 1.1. ends with well known Moose' in, ml fonts so ply dr Foringo Lmm. which I will be able to .44 delivered la the Canes Hotta Bof N ew Yorker New Orleans or to Wacky, at the too etmarket price far mash or ap• pail/1;144 .p % h, W knee and In . aoro alike Son eel ' ebretel brands and vintages for . ane on pleariniterms by I -dew C MARTIN cos Ist& smithseld sts ,lat 7-4.00 don playing cards; ISO whole and babes eardusen 10 baskets Quire oil; aid. ass td camps, he; eask• London pans goons and pints; aXt dot bill brandies, wines, &a, vela old; 6 bbls pow demi smanalbeakets champagne wine, panto anise. Lhda claret do; for sale by men P C MARTIN Cr MAX MOLLiSES AND COPME—L'iblidsPrime N 0 1. tr i ai bbl. N 0 Idolases; 50 begs Rio Co(- fee, put Cron str Wyoming and for sale by W' kr hinCHELTHE.b; IC4 Libeny st. ar They will shorty reentry per Martha' Wishing. ton and other boats the following-0A /MO prime N 0 Buganda° bids plantation !abuses .70 do Boor Hose; bb is Loaf Sagan lltieres , Carols. Bice. MSS safin7, - figgla b E , -- k illa nn oare flak i gle . laLg e e h and coLai joisgodtoaa g nor Washes*, on the Canal basin, asps - - pared** smote and r are bacon on reasonable terms. LIEe i JONIF-4, snail Canal beak, nearrthst. JOURNERAIEN WASTED-1 wish a eagasia sera rid Joiummaea Curiae Makers to to to M a ., Mama; Pa-on tbe tun day of April. Apply al Ball's Mansion Haus< at Sot 0 o'clock, marl • • • JAMES CUL/MI/Mx - TOVJA PATTNIAIII FOIL •Aralt-,Caleb Ildbbur, Pattern Maker Allegheny city 011 3/I,has toe :widen patterns for Nn en hand eau in 1•1304 •Jltron. Allll hearing and dl p.m) wide to order. 1,00 . XTCYriCE—Piersons haTwg claims t Lb; Steam .ll boat Arrow pnrriouh to the 14th teb, preseetthem tor seultmelti to ' WANE, ist st, osst wood BIXON-696am; Hams, Bboalders and Si prime article, join reericni pot steamer Bon Bosh_ , led for sale by A rw.OOD JONIZ Co SRAWLS RIBBONS—A few very orb sad gap. Cashman Shawls; just received; *Bo, Spria` RlG. boos, bigreat variety, lathe 01 goods boom of atm_ _ _ ___W. R. MURPHY. 0 triridids NO jut reed and forage by eZi • mull{ SU TOVILSON &Co Ikrl24:o " Virierirliiiiriiirilir VT film, drum!. by ROLIIINHON rec. D!usrturr b - , ; , erDry Ander; BO do derresle ••• ti.vvoN nomousrac.• • &OAT 111111 M &X. -40061a Loataageri rireln*4 - •tambercilMils Sugar Bone /LolasersL_ _.ln Mae Praia bl • marti WA/Zit !Ir. =TN EMEM MITZr. , I•MTM Etlsitrns alalllllo2 - Worirge me .1.01114-11 - rabeasl4l..muipetb. pablia lliethiairrrar,llllll Wild tiallps npor *Os Melba& 'wit/eh &mid& kt IVlMffisbmi amid ha Any Maki, lyarcbriliani abormitp=ssamr ha sirm tbsa Chit inini amity irib aotbo &quid siptaby Wag it. _ _ _- la IM Int plow ' s is mil karma &a the of 1 Mack KM:etre contlemil if nynoripinia. hir=ar 1 by pm Atair;mil p•sm Ibirmatar,er la &ha& at part is ereagxinen= Inii IRVIN* line bell ei • pony neri 1 tonic' '. winch antis. & It lee ebn Kinston to timer la Mr -tak natal* bo Min it am! said, 'dad. &amass lir erd by artLif at CM pm, if • stel cor, lemelt , !L ii timat i la tt. ' ~.=.h .l feat the, Wil nada:mini Solstaa mid* as docid " coarralt togethat,thratfori pititior•••••tbiFit, ant Mira very grid Ig e gr p i ... .. o, , ,, Zir . m er. d r i pcn Ma= goer patens , Meal amazon am Ism Marra= athiao== i*ley Owned cattle sarlhow It On matabss no ratter that has mailnity for ...lobe ink dtemforo rig Mw corrode mod pots—it will tool ennig, Mg thhoogli it Merit.. 10 • Mal& prom War pain • 1.. hams it boron. a Atop black 'Mr& .dl ..4.. .ro, or . 110 W.." . rk'''' . th. kaki artier karma by tha m..' M °Aram 's Writing .rid,. and ano-ibial inane piss for the mar prim. As a immstro against *militia of my kiatt being marl r awns, . 4 ..i.... ""Hb a. "''..''''' l. l.... re .gz, l b o wt r i 7: 7. 3•11 " . it5 .n t0 4 • ........ ...Wink...aid 0 umbutwra....i.a wmon ,Flaid"ti Ibi. pineenve e1 , ....i e tenelin i Matra flat arti at all am p...milt Amara bat Ilia pea without eloggiag It appal, in tbe ammo of .Gm ttron Mmom fora brgeot blark. /I • pm lb La. Wic k..a Ateloattim Rabat /froom ,- .Jobs ham, W.Lippincott &gm P Wightmen + Co. 14 Ktowyrano ig Dniglas Prue • Sellers Hobe g MrTelL•Dookpb• C A Pit Mining a Co. form W WOW+, • , Jamb Uolliqg MOIs, A.g NOM. ltr Thoo IL Hlbert—Dat Sir o I hav• boo ono; v .. Vllooicsl as 4 Cud LI • OM M utlelo ior Ih• OW, Yowls, Mawr freely bust Us pen anq boansql jot bbok o lo F 6. • 1' II TATTLE, Boui,kooper Coo Esoollo t bmplo. • - PRUNsegb, Aeq .48, 1/M7, Dlr T K Ribbed—DM, Sin %WM% prowed • bottkot your 11v14,ffmts three web Ku, I :wider it IM -7 will if not ottprom• to Aroolro Or any other Ink WI/ in am, I low at • Humootiolly, WILLIAM KTKWART, BoohAmr , • Mo Mambos 4. Co Wllehaej6 Bret 11 6 714.. 1 M• T K Kiblutto Sin •••: wag yow NIMINg Flol4, W Willa be • moot mama With/ to• stal pow as It doe: =Wogrhrsoplike th* %await? of otheriale, it lbws Cry• nod becomm . 2ll . lz n blacie 1 • OW tlPtt , • *ILLIAIII'MIIT-Baok" . tall*, Waslikeeper for John Patter. Pupae" and sold Whew is and WWI by Thomas k Wilbert, Druggia and Chemist; .corner of Liberty and Pesiddsld !Bowls. Isalt Pa Ortarthe • T Et MORALS & Co'. BLACK IVR . TTINCI INK Lie; gl..iirgev..le'strOt P ifie N erpe d Ike devoted tolite manufacture, on an extend. %CY:, F. I m ardele salted to ail the purposes of the conatmer. The perfection of this writing Ink condsts in thu fol lowing propeniesi Frstrorm--to which property it will ho found to surpass all previous preparations. It will Sow with perfect freedom either from unlit ormeet andL. entirely free from any CORO4I/8 . qualities. enrol—The color of shin article is • deli, bowlful blue blank. It is necessary, however, to pre eons. mem the following canon.. . Mt — All good black ink. trnas Its necessary chemical eyestitutioe, requires exposure to Um air to impart a . ' deep color.' It most not, therefore be expound, that the moment the Dente Ie opened, the Mk wlil. Wand to be ilet Phu first appearance will be pale.' But otter ortpotaretb the chemical action of the ann.- photo either on paper dr in the inkstand, It will Memo black Prournter—The color is onalterable by the !spiel of time, It will never fade. On this recount, all los portant records should be made in thio article.. years only deer. and etreugthen its N This Mt is suitable 63r all kinds of metallic pone, add for pens made of quills, and what is impar unt and very desirable with many, will Otte a perfect impression by the copying press. Dr.We are mow to the tostniniorm wish which , ire connected. MOMS' blue black writing ink, and in ' respect to fluidity, brlilienc7 of color and permanency, believe It ta n, to toy in we have heretofore used- A Thurman, caahirr, bank of Ladeville; Won Ric h-1 anima, cashier Northern bank of Knmackr Cleo C Chrathatey cashier, 'beak of Keutocky; L le ' Shreve, president of the au bankillos I. Helm. clerk of Ito.. c o o <OIIIItY room Curren Pope, clerk of.leMrsail coun ty coon; P B Atwood, eementry,.Thentares Insurance Company . ; John Muir, agent Leverets human. Co; Ch en, seey-Pordsod Dry Dock k. Insurance CO; II Chamber!, sers'y Franklin Fire Marine In.' eurnme Co; II Rhomer, treasurer LOQISTIIIO Saving. buthation. A toady of the above ink. Just reciived and for site by lfedl JOILNBTON Js_STOCKTON..... paINTINCI TVP will be sold at .Ihude , r - - - Nevr York Type roartOry, alter Batch INS, at followins,kery low poor., for approved six months , notme Borer. Trmr, Au. Sammy Ar. Pica per lb. a 0 Sr cu. 90 ors. Small Pica 34 . Long Primer, lit W 103 llourpg., 37 /a • Berner, 42 74 - 64 LI/ Nuopar.d, ILO tJa Agate, • 78 Pearl. . he bl2O The Memo pricesi consequence of increased teen. ties kw manolacumng, ate much reduced from farmer rates. A liberal discount forced, To hand at the date oldie invoice. •• •• • • .. Neut., Chow., %Taxi Type, link, tr. furnished at the lowest maantivorers' prices, either for oath of credit: • • Our Specimen Lttiok for 1643 is new math . for dntri bullon to printers, who *ill. send for It, and content:Le many new ankles that wie have never before exhibit ed, end, asWriting Flourishes,Omatrierns, Ornamental Finns; tte., of which we. have an ample mock for the peeler elekaien of orders. Punters of Newspapers who chime to publish this advertisement three times before the first of June, Hie. and Send as one of the mere, will be paid for n in type when' they pnietume WOM My of our own manunee tares, selected from dor spemmear, five times the 'azimut of their bills. For make, Named good second-hand Cylinder and Pla ten Power Presser, Standing Penises. Hand Printing Presses. &c. GEORGE BRUCE & Co. roar 13 chambers sr, ktf VIPHE GREAT REFORILLATION—Tha Plettati=b . - 1, 11021 a JYAubigne's OW lamb on the Y. of tke Biztveath Ceutury,in Gellman Swaterland, &e, Jost published by Jostepl A.&peel No RI Cherry n. above WV& Philadalplit i his splendid now edition of the above named wort, with le capered illuabationa from origiaoldesiberw. 4 vas inR bound is extra cloth and libno7 sheep. Ilia oubliettes respectfully calls the .nation of the nude and than yubl.ogeuenlly. to this work, being the only tilt:mimed edition 'published in lha Oland times. Ile trusts that the beauty of his emballiaments, the wrong and autumniial manage in which irisbound, In conlauction h the known popabuity pub l ic work it self, will he a sure tecortunendation to public favor. JOS. A. SPEEL, No PC Cherry st, above Stitt. Mb. J. A. /S haa lately pabliakesl a new and beautiful edi tion of Sergeant Hail's Rama dhow, *stubble book roe cloth. neatly done up la extra im& asaraildlta Lls.Vers, formerly of Besity, Wilensto Iso, a, ........ . ..... Nanevvllle,G, Co..s G. Cosa New 011osaa. BEATTY, BROTHER & CO., G ..... I Cosairest••ll•■ Al• .... it• FOR THE GALL AND FORWARDING OF. • WASTICILN PILODUCis No. al Poyang Btred; - New Orkaru. • Renato— Messrs. Kanto & Co, Efonter•E N. , • Jaw . * Eirtierger &C 0,5 • Dital k Whlte & Co, hlsoison, In • ni. Mon.. Bult.l II & Fraser, Coscianati.• A liFlLeasioiEss, II Id Kearney, baq, Banker, Zanesville, O. OM'Elonald & Co, Wellseille,O. Road 'Parks &Co Beaver Ps, # W d Fob Hittites, Va. C hn t. " Pittsburgh, Pa. w a dt Miteltottree i ovIG-Clm Benton Mode of Geattlas novas: MG. GENTEEL, of Boston, has annexed sad rm. tented a plan (oh !istills houses, winch has bean successfully cued in Boston, New York, AU., and wher ever applied, has racelved thedechled preemies- over stoves, furnaces, ke: It. advantages are -Ist. Great nornisiity of temperature. as.. Freedom horn mac EIE No unpleasant dryness. Easily attended to sad not liable to rt out or order. sth. Orrardur4l4lll7. A model .4 specific.. may La seso, .4 app.. sus obtained, at the copper and Unsrare facroty of WM R SCADS, First tabit-tf bersreea .44 and market ORIGINAL. BOLIVAR. 1111.108110 • EXPERIENCEDIndues, on atria l of one and half m pony sincenun, prom:ince this ankle unser peened for darabilhy In the construction of all kinds of Furnaces. Nice t. 13,75 east for load. of 10 Af, en en amend aim, months Olden for a' second quality Bolivar Bricks will be executed at CM per 111, if se de .sired, without Enna:des. A mock of the first quality Is now for sale at the warehouse, %lona , . Wharf,' Ca. nal Basin, by 'SHAW stAcLAatai, septa' Kensington Icon Works ALCRATUR AND GLUE FACTORY. FOR RAW 13—The Adininisinsion of tm late James McLangitlin ad'. kw mile the establishment anima m Ninth Ward, formerly earned on by htm, in has life time, as • Salero om end Glee Factory. Tho works an in complete order for forcarningonthe balloons, with Asnum,tee,and toady cammencing at any time. • liberal credit will bt given, and all pattlealars made known b 3 cellos an either of the netlereignod. JAMES DLA JOHN MITCHELL, tont JAYNE'Slikla ping OW midi tothotitattnety pronoonett b to too what it pock* bow lAA., without any onnoption, is we, forth* rotlontion and prainoration of Ike henna hair. W. booty of memos innionoteWhav Mk tow bon ratoredheats width hit. bun bad be ram omt In think no moot& to door awn to reetonnwnd all our reader@ who or lading their hair, to make. bed of Mb Tonto lamottist' Hotbox Moth Fa? rte is fittsburgh at the Peakia Tee Store, N 0.79 .Fatirlh Wirt. rim Weed waradlioT .110PS—Fter talea few bates Western Near York growth of 1840rteo S to 10 cent.: so, Eastern and Western Y, early picked, this e r' Ot ' do. Dittman countr% Red . neral Ramiro ere, of the moon Lo now being receive Smarten gal others using Hops, will find it ouch to their advantage to obtain their sonly tront the undentigned. as they Intend to sell t Vo the sea son at New Vert pnces. O. W. sutra & octlsl6m • Eitilthtugh Drewerl. riktV 4lol,ll 6 - iPaaDVltd, respectfully Wenn his friends and th e citizens of nsburgitAra• I Allegheny that he hex decided to remain to the ray during the reinter, and to mewed to treat ,patlenis placing,themsalves ender his cum according to the system aeptandsed atall Winn Core Establish ments forsither Acute or Chronic diseuse. Throe sets. to audl themselves of hLs Itellritteg will call at Ur. ler's, comer of Liberty st. and Evan's alley. Dr. M. he. treated several wren, Cates of diteue this city with great theeess, to which ha fapcsmittad to refer.. north( lUNDRIES-150 begs prime Rio coreci 150 Ltd" NO Molasses . 75 boxes manufactmed tobacco; half sm gram and black taw 75'6 end 1916 boxes tad P do; Tut boxes Gems. slay; 10 casks 10 do. potash, together, with a general assort ment of groceries, m stom end for sale by ja2l CABSONA Meti.Nlolffeedtat. HAVANNA - CULLES-1001X0 impolud eiprs of the lollowdog , eelabruW broadly pan to arrive madding of, Cermtalabienedad, Nlir d ltcg . n i tya . I . * t um n,p Zord E,e Fells prmeipee, boa " : do, -Villeye extra do, ttypria's do, La den Let, da-do Mt Om; 1.. Pa Ca:adores, EaelohAna, for eat by r , roe Smithfield lb horn et. trAnn ti—d t INl4 ra.d il - elcs deli tet%ild eli reilliptaLet, Fbbl n i ta u fsms N +toil di ale by r ISAIAH IRCILEY r t Jane : Na 601 Water at. .TILAISILETSAV R Mindy I mile the MINIUM at AID penile about tescamenceilesekee rods lis• mused of +lilt= .p** siliebild, •a .pi Isuceliill' idelitlilitte+ er4 did; e lid dilly crtt dillies+, Alter cage addles =mail tidilzh, dintehOil =KM IM== !Z=ZZIMI MEE= ijt - g..,.-',.;'.r, • --=------- , Nassny llAsek-Past Ma e.. a ItIFIC Sabieribm offers' au' sole kit endue 1 * in ken to sell parehmeilV MT tednebd .. me collection is not eg (Ora eelattaad es:Waive varety, in Me Waste. emuMvp . enatalising =Aram, MO and.valuable=io t o4.UnginpanolVointellis, ispsitirom. WV plants, from 3to CI feet In 9 17 8 /4LI C fI ' Zt:O;O Ana l s G ' OiTlt i fil ni" I' Vl '* lO2.; ' Orr s ill. h" . IR., Ws leen Im r e gastrin...toed to Lae ultivattoni The Dahlia list contains the at showey mad ane_ vire sorts grown; Flower Rocas, a large votiety; VOWS, glmmbery, Made' trees, • evergreens, kr. Amotents, 1 Nursery men nod MUM, who want to decorate their T n . fg t h e ' ' U lint:sr:to m ; I m C f=tll r green Ie c 0 bo o . :11 1 1 ' g ri: open vilens, except on Sondays. '* cony * eyance by me 'bus and grmuerood b y. Deseripure ,eato lope not by mail, et may he bad It our mend, No 101 • Market, where memo left with u. or by mall Pittsburgh Post Dace, Will bepr=ptly attend ed 1. • „Mho Grabens, a practical f mar, will attend to abode trees, laying of tdens, l o ci Order. -le t above. „ JAS. WARROP, 16(Ltraisr91T Manchetter, near Pfurborgb, PAVING STONE svAirricip. ' • Car Cum.% Om e; • Cincinnati, April 1, 1844..1 rOPOSALS will be received at WM Office until Monday, the lot day of Mal next, at a oleloek, P. or faralshing and delirmiugat the public wharf in CZ utt 0, 901 perches of Pebble 0 BouidaiNto.e, f ' are to ten inches the longest dLinewt, duelist In , guslit),to the stone used for paving IMMO to Marburg h end 11ereling; each perch to mown •Mxteen Ind One hall rolld feet, end delivered a. folicnna ..- • , grloo pereh by the Ist ofJuly,11318: - . . . HAM/ •• between the let o(July and in of Octildl9;. A i •i between Ist Oct., legtiomd Ist May: 1849. A v between the Ist Muy and In July, 1t49; 6. ° betweenthe In July and lstOet;ttlte; - All son Sand 01000 will lieliejected, • • • , . Th Stone will be paid fpr from time to tame, as the some ay be deliVerwL Th reposition. to .etc the price per pc tel.,' ton. for w eb the stone will be delivered, , apt .dlihr CHAS. tiAprpp..y,94lClork._ 'NOTICE TITY(CONTIIRCTORII. . 7 ItAII.ROAD LETVING—SeaIed imposed . . will be Ord reee et Ms oily of New Albany, inthello. until midair the 114111 day of April, at a o'clock, P. Al., for the grading, bridging, mosortry eudwooden tmisermmni tare of the New Albany and Salem Railroad. 'lle work' will be divided Into about fifty sections,. and will embrace every variety of excavation, inelpd in. lime atone, slam and sand rock, eut, liammetvdend rubble masonry, emborthmeels of forth, eight. or WO luidges of venous plans, rm. he.. the whole to be com• piloted by Me hot day of OcroberOnin. Bidders who are unknown to the uudersigned will be required to made fur h satisfactory WarYm... i Yit-bew es the; work progresses, in the seven per cent bonds of the city of New Albany, ur out as the parties may agree. PP and apecitice- Sons will be exhibited on the =kunst. . , . F- O. BARN EY, Engiaepr foe 4:alit'. •Jievr A4lany, apllbamet 1846 AN D - 1847- • • TO. THE • BAST BY - ISONOROMELL ROOTS, "VIA DROWN WILLE k CIVBERLAND. MIIE ander:4ord are new prepared to forward pro. .1. dce, ere., to the Pastern &Whets daring the ens. lag Winter, on the roost favorable terms, by this 'apt• diuoas route. All property consigned tons will be forwarded subs lowest rates and with despatch. Merchandise teemed by thtv promp= warded. J C BIDWELL, AO. Pit 0 W CASS, Brownsville.' EFXIEATON Co,thartherlantl- wor97 18 : 4110 ' .• .::1847 TIID 0 WAIT itlt BALTINOW6 AND 1110 *RAILROAD. • • rink .obsedbers will receipt forth. dellreri of Po, dare to Baltimore by the hlonongsbela Slack - grater at the following poor.— Ashe., Paw., Bauer, bead, Lar, .Prot Whitley, • e, mad Olass—Wl eta Dern , lha. Tobaca.,ll.4p,Flitz and Wheat-14 els per 100 lb.. tubes, (Pot) Apple.. Cheert, Flu-Seed, Gta.., and Leathrr--100 010 per 100 lb. - Oils, tquo,Peeds, Wool—no Cl. per 100 lb.. Beesaraz,Featheri, Fora, Girmitg, add Plaalte4toot —llO cts per 100 lb.. All property convigned to enher of audershrood will be , forwarded valftst del akZ i Lf Coaratissaon, at above. rates. Wll CLAR Bro.rowille.l " HANNA WAT ,Puribarich. ode2Cdtr A Challenge to the World. ; Tm ENTY.FIVE MALABO will be paid to erg . who will produce a spot of paint, men of dry, that .ciao( be a - summed' -with 40114 Improved Ctigmlout Soap. I have she saneifeetion ofaSgieg to the people Ws place, that this ankle, by my Own onamsemcn,t on it, now wan& unneeded in thm ebarm7 lot eu , „ sPtf"ng fre14,14, 41, point, or any other greaff .Inner, tram aL kottiaorgentlemen, or lodic.' cinching, carpets, tette clots, sorrina shawls, hulls. , bonnets. to, wanes insuring anything shot pare water will at num. More them, one th ousand persons Indldelmt parts of the comers. hare told me they weed OM be' ornhont It; J It con one dollar per yaks. -In trying that soap ba mare than Otto artiales Of light Wits. satins. al pareamund calicoes, I have only found three pieces 01 tilk, two of &leaven, and bar of ithtteo, on which it changed the Color: therefore to fore petting it MS a light dress try a ample of the dress firm. 1 state this osmium t as determined not tot-woo:mend hang wroeser then I knoer to be strictly mae • r • rrr Oil r . • Pner, -14 rte par rote, :Add, wholemle sod retail b y ir P. I S .L • them[ 17 wood at ELLERS' VESAUFbIiki; "I cementer better 1.62.13 adobes - V . - Maprwatereghoty toter ted,1647.' $ Mr. ILE'. Sellers :—My trati'M months ad, being een cashless st night, and taming melt fever stbMen,l eon clatted bolted worme, and haying heard gram dent • Men year Vernufage,l. bought a vial end guedialin which mtpe.bed Mt very lax Wenn., ifollll4ll , Yreparad and so:I by R. E. BRLI:Eiti 4 37 Wood at Sold by Dt..‘tabal, Rh want; and D. M. Clem, Alle. 'beim .•, ' • oadle . ' ' - . ..e . ' '•-• ''.',:,',.: '4 , *, 20 , , ,, , , :f 7 , ,:•,..: 7 _7 . 1-_ . ' • ::.. -. :7 - - --- .:- - 2.:-17.:=, 'I - 7 , ..„, ._ .. , . ' ' :--- 7 ::;-:•:- -- -;.. - - 7:-'-'-' - '"'-' -- .: i_, F _ , - -- -....- • --- ---- -----. V—ma d ENETIAN . BLIND& • 1 . • Lu m variez p o=ered In tilde itty and mom faahlonabla Zane. pauerns and eoloral THE CHEAP ROLL, or DOSIYM 11LIND, oc I head cc made is order of all ais.,uld at all prices, - Canary Ketcham and odic. aro Invited to call and examine tho above (or themselves. all sill be aold mtmleaale or retuloand • liberal deduction mute to trbolenale purelasen. .Idly wrargeliaur •GLO111:11• 7CORING'S TERILLSTIAL GLOBE% bentainiag all La Su late Geoonnbeee. ad Goostaphicat iteptorestabn Soothe Incinerate mon Wanted eireasnotniganon 'Com. pi/ed frt. flank'o ono Leak* Globs erbb oatltingto and nopnaranenta by anis Smith. Rowed by Roma LORING'S CELESTLaL GLODSS. catto/aGg tho known Mrs nebula, &a. Cat:Find tho 'marks' Of Wellston, Fleted, D. La antic Garda% Mayir,,Drad trlHanchel, blaekelyon, traanctione ofthe atarcennt leaf Sandy or London, ar t fo. Slam&nth , . Nes rag Whelan Jambs& Stockton holm:tag tseet.ill a few *re at Wi Glotalb varying In sita,o rams: .I+l , It mass to dim.. I . " 1" " . 1.6 stamktm sia t 9dmMkr and Menu' copy. Melt DR TOWNSEND'S SkIIitAPARILLA.—GO damn just received of Dr. Towmend'a Sarsaparilla, the most extrandinary. medicine in the World! _This Ey elet Is put up in Gams beaten. It is sit times cheaper. pleasanter. and warranted superior in any, k sold. It , cores disease Without vomiting, purging, sieemtm. or debilitating the patiom. LOU our roe Larramom-rEnprincipled permits have copied , oar Labels, and put up medicine in the same Animal bade. See that each bottle has the writMa mg. mature MS. P. Townsend. 0. 0. SELl.ERS,,Draggist, 47 Wood stied, between Third and Fourth, ts Townsend/ only wholese and retail agent for emsbutti, of whom the genuine article eau had. 1) D. M. Curry has beet , appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, ofy, whom the genuine article cms be DERRY & liICKERSON, Manufaciarers of LWNINCIS,' IiCIHIVIIO4IIIIII, WAGON CONFERS AND GRAIN BAGS • OW ALL vcaceirrioes 'No. se* Swaths Front itswoar' '• Back of 7 A. ailecm'e Cabinet Ware Mtissufs. PIIIIDAIIJKLPHIAIA LL • orders lell with B.S. Moon, at the ogles alba A. Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, will be posolgtly 'mended to. TH. G. DERR O Y ' A. C. UD NICKERSN • - . A PPLICCION InU be made to the ?resident; Ma irt n, sad Comploy, for erecting a Midge over the Elver tdonongeolo °Morale ritobsrkluin de amity */ Allegheny. Arr. the renewal of thole cerligemes, Noe Hy, lA, CM; in the same of John •itooter, each 'for Oro shares of reactor . said Company. Sold ecniGames be. log babe mislaid • mICHARD RAMS Aummey for the Ezeediots of John Hunter, dec'd • drls - 11111: DASH UE subscriber wort d . reseeettally Invite-Ladies rat T thettemen twat vtvuop Fbitadelphia,and mamas of FANCY FURS, such at Mt" flocs Typo& ke • op give as a call balms purchasing elsewhere, thae will pro it to their advantage and no mlstaka Alt order, received chaff be faithfully attracted mat No 93 North Thind at, above Arch, Philodelpbta. • • JAMES RICIDET - 01-Itsgsle Rohe. slway• 11.1,11 ..rice. . . FOR FTICAZI fIOATADLE FORUES—A .vc,y Aoarericet U. pellowe elbl ell theforic can be co rtird by me bee. dice by loomed. A few lost ree'i end for We by • ... °eel 4, It Atte frb' gismo Engine Wanted'. • • NY parson hazing lb,. We a =tall Steam 1E141., , can hear of a parttime on application at the Wag Wow of the Gazette. ,aP4 - „ ralll3,llarin g jaga reeeired a large; trnporta,i,m of Omen 6om Enzope. together with my large Mock in wee and cellar, dealer* aro requelled to call and examine for therneelres, 'as good hurting elm be had tithe corner of Smithfield end C Front ete. . MARTIN L .-- EAD-330 pip Galena Lead, roceiyed per Warner Wylondre and for attio by - .. aura JANIVJA HUTCH . N .Co - WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE - L OLLS-5 • ar e warranted Erearune, tor sato by • a E SELC.EES MOLASSES-600bbls Pinoution Motjuies . 50 do 9.710a5e do For male by a non. him rot ode by CIOFFEE -9,0 " th ' j eLOSD -4,1 I tr i IU by* rtio , l Lard, lb! mak- mon) LOAF SLIGAR—p bbl.agmorted, kw see by ' . k R FLOYD (lOU= PLAVEB-20 gross bliwkand AWLa - lOW V ed, lin sale by apa E 5E1.1.1.213,157 wood st cil COPAL- 4 FIO t"" TaDD &Co G .0 'D 10 COFFED-400 begs prime,,pnene Rlo Glee, •Mi,, arrive pet seesaw bonne.% ior sale , , aura . ..111‘01.LEY illllllll--,, rui...psrakuma—Ask. usoiapesit 'Ana Viand tank (+oloml:why tan revived at tke-Drr Ocaoli Limo of W HMURPHY, I coramiith sad marts! era .1 I .tf Vitt; _ el& xownsmanrs AltS A P.__ ILLA ifflendfcllilarY 101001 cl IL mann I Pedip Pe genitive*:'Ural acne ; .11./ ../.ri " 0, tannin' la sir oedcl. cora! • 16010 atµtrarranitintrinfti..*, Gant. legilorrh azintgE T. gran and clopreatil or nil Ibnaparitnconcli. Along irace wleclictit LILL Dainownleon ate thaßocli. , It la ono of. Ow any rat SPRANG/ -claclal WO243III3I.IIdEDICINIZras Lawn , ttnat poran .tho anon orenneteni otteelora tie pram, WA kir Nra, Prat wsettica Meal ;Apra, pecnoral.n. bracing. And in th ia dentin eta rani of in fed water. It haietfonera arid tho_pon two ears men dw o t:rao of Some Coon of uncleco ;adieu. hclAn of - weraraiderod nclieneldo: Non 3,0 X) of Urania hthearatitaa : 1 an of - Deponent • Lire ;,1 7,000 ran of dift ra t Franc Craphdal. V e ttO ems of thrafola; ; • . ; 11010 of Matra of IM I a ablaut Mora.* noble/at,. In: Inks., lard 1.). Salt lama, Pinnies na no that, Jae.. ke.i To, tract - with Loran. can a( flak Heradeclha, pra ,dram Ghana _ clital'Affselhaw, Am, he. wenwinhappon Incradda, bar 'ninon' , Lies Iron inincian and ocarnsvont ran Wheat. re Undid Sinn, tafonnint as of exteatcle. A Van Booldr , Env °Loren saw tweratoblii ark, I,letforou me that ha inutrokt to non dawn/ ca, on in rat place alma. Thin tan demands onn Ur otuy flair Tuck, which on wilt Worn with pram ant ha pew of rancor. It la Ip.rt a 1 . 1..... 11 of draw Mama ralowtclidly shred Lira 6clan Loran:a awn PAW/ !Saban - A. It inanied the am of draircond pillared than fo Unman flyavra arisen.' CAP?. 21. W. MeCt.4ll,ollll UMW 6 . 1,741 .nil member f the Dew !coney Legbdarare, I. kiallysmet as the foitomin' g erreilleate. •It tells Its emet story ; .if emu t tees tat . . mills lallseema,,aad my: r. elem. It in • debilitatdd Mat& I ona indured 14 Dr. ommead'a ly Saratp ot uilt it "ered, ieltd Who lakiety two or rltree i rol. / was my mh Rad Mtetbetteit muutt the raid Reempithlli. tmeaeratiatted Warr it, gad End Ma; impure nary dry: believe it met my uk,meaorettaid met be ea ithaut It miler..y arillwi on. Oe We MILL" late II: E. Illorsouhatatati l I .' " that this bstallealla This cortiftcata cottleritiliprom has pawl moot cm the mot Minnie Maw or Ow Mk, Thew poems mood in ono holm is coprecodoiwl. Tots At..TOWIESXIP—Iku OW: 100 plasm la - cm that thm of top Mgr. hate been mod of thi Om. 1, 7 or wpm meltmentditine. Thy iron Llama wry ortersly with littl tom; hen oaly l.k s ,fiers hottlool It Mk tion am, for oduch I Owl motif Woler Lap obligation. Itam,mptlfelly, .• la o W. Coco!, IN Wotan Ih 1 °HEAT A. 1 . 1/1115119V4 Elempa ftle. w mime: ea' coal cm Toe incipient Commiloon t Besmowe, Lormbir at Whites, obstrielookor directit bleastneeka i MontOtMm of .Urim or Molex:My tibelttege lady lbe ken. r" r...akmats• ttlowo-so watta watthektlmetwit of Mental moo r ot emu, prodime bp CrottristitypOtom bti Oweit& ite l rolo hum frasconsi wnko=l4M. WM Gm toldwi Not cow Mom nei4 melon af ettmet mite ito - Mom. h isosocolistaly Moat Mame Imam of dm howls trime, which blb. poem, of ba4 %in terror so deliMi It willole expieled 0r . % tare, to ez6lbit astilleiss dent*perforneid,' hut mews. Nests thi aided, that linitreds down Iwo tees ireyeevid to tia. Several ewe where Gullies with:math* res, after mine few bottles et tble•buiblii sistetkoe; here been Med with lieihtley olheyriss.- . • .• • ; Dr. lbseassod: My Idle being ;et ekes aid getiewil d Awed2llly by pale awl a witestics of Wi wood., sed with other filSeultice, mid ise kiset . yes where year we Weise tua eillbeied greet earn ; and to War-. los it nessieratiled Wench emcees I hare &scribal= eft bottle of your Zetrul of Wersquills, awl tie flysheets yew on CM • -Is • there pews& Drelswed• her compthsts and tutored ter health. hetes graließ the bar.lts ehe neared, I take pleweire is Um askosialedw. 'ln it, sal niewouseadleg D Om radio.. --Id. D. Aloshat;" Atha,' 10g.17, 163. • tkir.ol Drawl and Lydia. utl. - . • Couaalft, &pt. IN To ill tilutui th. say comma— to fttlift' that ay trlf. taut ao. I=4 or your "Baft . ftearalla ftet roactaltaut, uftler Alt: nod alimag I iou. eirtatulstass, Ur' iruulgad tut of Um &scam,* aid - ft.7 mak ' Ott; with n ] mammy mat the ncouumoodulift of ha mad It, tits sts., Magid to t-y miff 11.1q1; d tlit rut ma ta ce t f oil tft sy, the osadkiso MAI kappy id t6a. tbo esall . lou of oft !rut of L . t=. 'Stu drum ad , a- . 6.10 s too rt:17.2 1. 61,1u14 baft *at' it=tbra ..... If an vial be of say units b you es say a. etbe doslus tha susses§ of ak....sici...,Taa mestizo!, Maass. to It. •. _ / raboerao, isysaf yaw susstsaafiestaslebaisee ft S. Batuarr .. TQ MOT/11111.3 SAD .alltailLll .14Dirsfl. I • 714.11 Zama of SassialllS fa. bras eapritstly p.. Misfires:, to hada tssawlsisitse - - Halms& she has an 4 _to nippy she is ascaseebiss that critical possial, s • tuns a f lify" ctunaliistegket es Sias 'it, as tI is ais ' reessuss foe Ausy a theasuesses sag haitatle - le sGish it 191111121 In Milblat at this . tier a life. This ' say be delayed keseverid pas tiy tail ticsasaleise. ot tslt leoWaage toils...sibs as sispassizaw /. It is eskelsta to add astute by glutamate; the sod boeserstist Ma arum - Lulea, this maims is is usUie for all of di. &lints dosses so waists sm. saut laes. • It lasers du whole systass, sesarrierrtmussily Os visita nt essagiso—by tamers; the t o of I.lss body-Set so Cv Asuldating las system as to prance a subeespitutys- Isratissqtatieb Mao tarot at sseditises tabs fat 0 . ._ . .. _ . .. . &au Who hare put•'eot nos 144 0 0 1 - &re, ontyh Ails, or frock sad tow . astof . • tondo. ,n two of Dr Tovntoradhr It & yooy,tolowl, moon, W roottwo,. 4 Ott you mount.. nuking powfantwo —4ll of whit!, weWor totwwww-ugoo to 131=XEI No dnid or soadicine hat ever been discovered kftich , so nearly resemble. tha - yak . jakt or salina in decompiallag Red and strenglissaing the alms of digastite; ai Mb imps. ream 4 .1./..W. , a 1 t4 •5. 1 Damp Driurourn mbanyMay /0, 1841 • . •-/k 21mowskan . IN—I Mks b....& .a.dia .6 , .....r0 With dyspepsia in ita most Sums, attended with Oki a . w....a, lama appatits, estrum leariaussi; ill • N t' antrum .to wk. Mad/ of /bod, and iti erswka rari4 I m mlia I hate twat smble. to Mak Inn a maali portico on y mameb. I triad dr# Men/, bat tbey hal het L eto top aired in messing tits maaptked. '../ amine' d 4 about two nmatha nem. to try ur Emmet of Sado , partlk,and I man say with fink 1 Ica alltal., 0 b :13 , Z0 bottles, I Rettod my *Mkt. remand, sad • eidirely - riameadt lad '1 - Would caramly - mad due, mid it to Mae .ho ham been kllintad m I harj lamb 4 , ' , ', , • Yours, 4 1 a., '' . • W. W. Yawl - tray .b, IWO. 4:. . ._, - _. _ Elko lake& ALMOST. 4 h/IRd.CLIC . , .. ._. . IteM in: Laming; and docht if yaw ma, rbat. S ke a n . &Manisa bi eared. This is onlY Owe of the errand d wmes-that Twanumel'eliarktparias Mamma: • • • • 1 Dr 21krasend—Dear Sir. I was taken, • tank mar • Tar Ka, with a smnae weskit eanl_pda in my Ws. lt , in. mmmaron out reel; taps, ! - . bl I siciall to ba oensamptioer raw& huga ti - tijes or bad manse had Med sweaty mad.siakink coy /Yak ia &Mir and ha could do nothing kw ma. I wpm taut be • OW itt Minor beinibenedtted, balms pronouseed Lk. 'as inearabk. 1 arm now pally dittnesed at km bay and wad kindly breMbe j 1 mai inewmommaciated, mid asynded to dial was mafioso! lo• .j • htd, and ma abligaLlo him ..,,,j..„. 12.144 1 amen dtte yea' may damriptiota would '63, aur.!ws. mapper/ by my t:= t 74. morml, Md . /14.• ant/Mar Or 1.11041k1, riLd...T wwm ...... ' 1. 4 ..... 17 7 : 7 , ... , --- :.r. r 'I L you the /nab, 1 to arra vat soTate ia G.. Lk I, was ioduced to kik,/ did an, ..‘ kat rem I dii. I cannot my ,thatil amiantus/7 well; Yu/I=r racoreiCdar 15 Ito gout my tinsimm, and ham to Meat/re ly Math. kW weekk ikly ough mid pan tk•the 1 , 41. i. mai eight sweat, ham WI ma, a d rake bat way link, dad me ram piMkg my wmal straskth.. / Mt. ft a Anty to cfm ma • shun./ °Cagy eau, to mblids if pm 1/iessa._ ,••. , ' - ' Cnia Dam', 47 L,40. A, Boxidlo, . - - Opinions of Physicians. ' •-:• i ' Dr Imtattend it slatooktallymcswikg mars ham SA we., # difarant part or the Mama . • . Tan is to okay that ws. km , Phydekanol the City. id Albasy, hare to answerom ems rem/Ma Dr. Townsend's Harsayarillklmd hatieye it /ob. nod of the Mak wettable preparation, dr titaßsciyatgbe lOU mielkt. i• .. • •• • . LI er.....013. • i J Wpm* II It P, ~ B kittal,k D I' E/Culasnoakodt. 1 . Tha t is to emitylbat tis,tha- undamped, priesideir Thosistion phygessei of the City ofiabeg.e *l blue, 7 =r " Bl dlT.°Z:f=tia be pubbe b 1111.1.11i411Mxfuloasoad stamo, I. rah impel:awe la aey of Use selvenbed tostetlies Web ' • B*i/148% 1 8K Wa B&tame, I"morysi/ Ohm, 193 Yahoo A,Ban Buillist, N Ifs Sid Ce flia, 4 Balsa; DeDiatt biee,lB3l.B . Ike 4 Pialeftlo , odid.,/islbiessite;sest by wit. geoesel/y, the Ustited 3,45• • Nor :esltabse,bakie pant to the Isiviequare Wilts whisk moults • quasi sad aped mith fhe wince dram, 8 P TOWSBEND, and hinaesi:bloins so the F. the New 'Orb Deily Exprele of Aptil9,lE47. A pILIWb/ag gown! le Op strati yeiteriey. - - It w.. the sole,gisibi Ilsitsiyarille'Expeese of DrTosiscod. The wbL Wog tat . ep so it . b .d c: tam of the aro. tomtit Padseipsipionbagseri • .... , , ma d e irkiebtogtbet loth them:ton work, bitoldAbitrislog • shoes rerely squiltea IliuMersy.. Übe' tbie onortoeity to ny stebillite this Woe:tat Setespenlk doses", the .neftent peril:wily /that *mired. • . : errtgata " Naw Yeas,Mareb WOW • • • Ek. Sowed bong 12661141. m or km Dar' 3 ou? ' with a dreadful siabiag la the ehast, giddirms fa the I ‘.. •=w4 d.b.a., aid penal debility, brought on no by the continual beat ad cold 14 which I ent subject taibeinybumms a dyer.' I hire taken Other medicines, to Mumma to mention, autwitli lathier mem. mow Imo imiumilry when made tbs mac to try•betne of your flanapasilla, rem 14411 gonad great retie. I hare teic• menial mom bottles, and] e.a anhoiltaly say it is the boat edit.. I ban mer bdren--11gpati my shot Is mu, and I bat gWte •dillermtman gamed,.r sine, f bam eiltanfoni Sariayanila., I ham mart better appetite than ma bad. • Illy woe hot token it with Miami baue& did amok, would neoleamd. m badly Media/Jr madly, aid I Get cantata that if so meddlers woeld be todrthe delnissa tlwee,is, and cousagekealy not so natty Dectochi billy, for wile it n:dore. *man, '.ll oho gino to doe Minath ma Wands thew minim mem it beeped,* bled m a healthy Mite, eh Matinees!, is notolikety astaell the soon.. Adte,.lltbswho ve .at in •heaWay try Dr Tuantierd's dmaquilla ; • Tllo3lletisnu, `.l/Iflea ra • - Oakerln the if need: " I. as amount orasetherchild saved De Tancesemits Paratmerilia tun Wed the timer theemenh of diadem.- Tb tollowingentilimm is eketed from • great sunther raeOred this week. , • i • • • ' New Yeast, April ff,'11747: Dr TMenerult Deonin.-OttiCormy andnilonet Mek tb• Costar in dm moutiand Moot, }Minded with great debility.. Item. Due dying; obtained seam or per meowed. icinind berm d irdirectly, La. • whiele'l eaa mows pa 1.1.1 very grateful; reMeetfully; • • - Daum, Fatima, E 7 Dedwomm w. For .la by IL Y ISICIAX.R3Drain, 1f037 Waal it between, 31 and DI% am, who has - Item agymiated. by - D TOWNSEND seta Agra for Allegheny co• jebdearlyir siaup—ii proved to be .2.M .ILL great Prinacen in 'miring 'toy aluld'a disttusism • FldmthnTempeeaate Damier, Mora 1017 .o:Magary:pi—We are not , In • the,Atabit of Whig. numb lam taking patent medicines. but !re Gel (Imposed Morgun , i Syrup to those who are ell widest rough.. After 114,14 tried the used- grow; dies to remove a eons:tam and • dforeasing• etletak that had for ..,oral dap aftlicemface of oor:ebildeart,with- eat anccess; we were induced to try blorgan , a tough synth and by it relict , was obtained m a lbw boars. It proved go be the panacea i s . this ease at lean. ,Ptepared Wbadatiale retail by the proortmor, • . • , - • •! - JOHN • • ••f b: I woof Di doer belovrdt.. : 4117 5 ies•MoiWeneam o Tek"lthaltn;alt7=:ti. Turwartttelitdp,` ei MY Overt jalioe# It in Ugly We nuteg surpria.ntriffad d o. OW. lean. Mein keg! Two =to wen. . • '• - . ,•• 7 -4111P11M 10.00.44 . ---- 1.6. - eak, 0.1, slid Satesel, Sere itleanausar 46„, of the Heart, Wheelie! 1 0.. . , : 00 1k ...... .....C0MP. .-:....., adill ' .... 1. •- • Ithemeed ara . " - - s i • . 7 ~ • :• . -.... ~ -,, easel by -.' , ' • ; ; - • Bea lirapathlP ClthWegetelatelll Ilill'allilliriNt It is mild aniptienbeetednipellhelgyleathand tocembese is na envenom, sa i d yet dunes ` mom =fat and undo nemedirt gm eft the C 'ltr a tr l th m e 11 . 4 thg ~4 4, /dm Cewielaint, in Side or Itread i , gem Debility of the Cusoltutioe, that was ewer lauded by the Ad of man for the set/eta( tbre aglictleaphide. C•endlestee sod evidences. of lee +weadatful eland. powers me daily peened from MI eponym It Miele passible eo coareeve the mimes acsafthling end Mbe en that hu been relieved or buided by la Por n . _dm we tab the immense thesegt*a ithoul - neertle um a hereafter. All ages, eezea, tee ii• std alike diens-dig la and the distant Is . the mom; the eaustintuon repaired, end • tatted by the toe Mae. Swoosh Caserenth 0/ Write Ma roacushi. How =ay sufferers dome tied , be. hold appng to an el ortneelyersve, vernaldim Mili blocs of yank, trete th eir reborresandinendaimildet cd .With Ibm fan andedW.CONSIMITION, wid'h wee/Aube adocaddersedeser bung he. to buried( the power of hens= skill ' If sods sensors woad Wolf make-a trial of Uelheregthes Composed Syreg of thrtlet Cherry, they Mould Ind themolves wooner rdlored than gulping the abound; sts- rumbas With whirltth momPePe ti 1. , Vegetablie Same= dy , heeds the element le=lo:pia . wwfamt, • Med swems'at the same ease end theallby eapectonolem, end** patient wnl sou And bimseif ie. Inc mionliciatefewmfortabbe bealtal 7lte pablU should bear In mind Ail Xle.feweyese Is a regt yoseding physician. and has had years armee le diatima of the Lungs, Cleem,lka. Tha lo sal and only)gum bus aniek a only prepared M. MANNA Tel W Com uer of Eighth sued Race menu, Philadelphia. s t • • ANOTHMIIO3ISCMIWICATY. • Of all the clues that has era been reetaderWo mar softly myths undo of metieintrunum feratabbne so sups. this, rehab now studs as a !Ma, of curability ed eusualynon, •TIRS Irian Yilititair been despnred of. i Dr. Serum, leartimerad turn' ° Wild Merl is all it prednere so be, the greatest mediehas nohouawnlrsld,_ • 2iir Wrste Riches ofiije ikikillet.i t ~' . Ds Swarms-Dear i —Sis Par tee good of deo yam, I Peel mroclan duty boaM to terrify to the, grad must which you Composeth Ilynly of Wild Chrrry= ed ois me. • For guy part, I feel as if every to know a. -I was Meted with a Molina week spit tin gof bthod,niglu sums, Mumma, and , wand of the voice leatmel en alarming male of dui ltheetisei my eppothe was emu and my ,strength bad ender hal ed me that ow friends and phyadat webs pleaded Y. amid mot moths many dam My sham,' who gns my antiona etaranther. rude multi when sb. maid he likely toprocarie the mon made Mid. -Sbe Mu told ,toa d fPr. Iheapeees Campeau! Snag of Wild Cheery foile In the re are was then hapeluat You. tuntheine wu ly procured, awl the-fitta bot tle MO raha, th e taw I had commeneed the sixth bout. my bad helm eadarietninpb Ina numb In than, It bee made a getted cue Um end lam ado grunt time as hearty •ma at 1.5. y. I way and Ur gual name Se believe that the tole of yonsatediellue tared me frma • prmamene gone. {shall be p to give any infimusios impelling PO c unit, Eat wean raze and vine =a CAUTION! cauncom - . ; . c....p4.,E.r. Rea thalloraptea Nag tret - 1 - : . iu! be dela the y MAI thud It essearemiet thy, preambles! • • •.• 'to composed a medicinal props. anon for dime of the chest . end imam yossenting mon 'powered • . propernea than any ether ha. este bum lies I, 41........ la my COMPOUND Ii.TENY OP W , D CHEIIIIY, I have beenmery eue. - routed The • r ulowablageares effectekng lIM merge= soon helm= Ulu* bor it owes Mee olio tieeeese le • ••• nevreysyet pima( Ur ged cad& • - real intrinsic comas of ray _ - pound is t h e eel =the oath poularily. ha etranolve sale soon e - the envy acenaiespeoulators in the atnietions ofhis . • creatures, so wee& so thel in a GM yam frail lIMA that my yrepatatiela was inert. dated tube On • and In great 6mae.., a Simla ihm city, illallaull i tat my preparation' had vaned Ix high mime ilet• mob =e;callm i l . . Witag=of WildgetnY• Thimenfce tb ithle • • =des yhydrden hal More to do wide : • poor 86mA/el , Beam. , of De Wilda is bed to make It wear than/darer inane yraultioneriwas the anginal inventor of the pre. Pesedoth nth 11said. tact.. 11,..sbovr 1 6.0, the ..- 1.1 hm.s.f, hod the wipe NA Igealo inutasirtnre to 'sum paled athelicthe' dealer, An Crocinuad in the West and Sonsb, and mother in New York the the Saw who agemeltdo,it is assested,•soldnat le a druggist in Suton-ore theauntlanaf bandeau widab it maybes - a o„e „let moos paten they Sweet it emithated bans wpbs: moan ot Willttlybia; In oaten, noose physkied as aluste dtnev hnsene. - • So ft r. has latethood aU "alter! •ThereltaMP been a amber of othrogreparatlons pre porting la eptlegtl 'WI* Cleary pat oat inaCearoFe the 4Ws Of lee ehAd , l Denies .haidd 0 1 . 1 egaiest, . they dm bolos of the enters of the mini. nal and onlyseenthe pagandom, *kith bean dm mgt seethe of Ur. on lead, bode. The present inandaettuets of - Inelth ead Wee entiliceath *am the daring dreams to make the pane geplante. chasing my , the only truly genuine and anal 4ae nal yrepanuiren Wild Oen] , before, the • probe. eb le a.t.d=r b e the plate . mead. a the Commoner* of Pennsylania, at well as sad. ems other othoial _ 1011-11. SWANNE, , Inventor god sole Properletor of the juntine'Cora- VSlmaireC Whild Cherry, comer of F U... lghth and Parraddin nreet s. mat be obmaselithlie., tat m e t m Meter Of heniSlMAy thamill coaelnee the rid. ululate cede: al virtue oflleftereyeel Clempoull Syrup 01 - Wild Amery. Call and gloom, that Samar read. Pankow the medleine, and on maw • ~. • For wele, tehdesale me read. bribe Amos. i WM THORN,OII Mutat ea OMEN ft. SNOWSKN, eons, Wood a d Liberty a g I JUNIS,. SW Weems WIS A FAHNMTOCL a Co, menu of Mr aid ood and Sixth and Woolf and JOHN AIXIME/iL, k' Great alalfilda/Aneilltedkri.:.•, • ri t il.MD ONLY Balt 1(61 C 11 °"" trOf the am. diseases, is sbn BUNOAIIMAN WAVY OF LIFE, discovered by Ual,adebratit lbehast,• of Leadort,Reghtert and introduced Imo rhatlelied Anita. - ander the intennhem sareerireindence Ode kaalaifill -Thoielinalfiearrineeare rethlt, - ar As the erne of Petrareary. &seams, meamius the ASrtidan Agent le solicidagfartreaneant aced pootha es. sea nslase be faced In the caanteuiry....enen dudes& .11. r L. rent dem car Of the anclian mead.. if a.. day, bed baYe beengatat eapp hithetaost distr= pardekes eentneed eadineashia . The en Balsas has essalreadafil Cnnaabeir . = of eases : Se OD qua towing" bet a. tandeme, ofb o u and estadishod ailhaars • Every fairy Le the United recce sleadd be sopplat !with lineban's Hangarian Selma -of Lira m* 90' is ceneteractde connunpure tendencies , ernes anent bet to be need as Rreardire medicine all oases! coldk-,eneates,eptnng of blood, ando • In the ode and c a st, initatioa and menet* af the heap, hroehnit, difficulty of breedarateedo finer, .n=e.t.a ping aci.• alien, end petrel denlroyoddes,. cougn.ed e dad a 1.47t0nk., at $1 perboldi, aid; di;e• does for I/110 nemenniaa of hardrin r • • • Pamphleuyaaatideinge mass of Erbatlareed Alba& can certificates, and othernvidence, allaying the on equaled aserna of this greet Enlist! *way, antra obudond of the Agent., grandtatuar - • . For sae - by" A FAIINWIOCk.t Coy earner el at and Wood and Waded Irk ats, • Wart DI. JAVICS ALTERATIVE. We hew, been ithenwed pe a .' named otiose by Dr. Jaystehe Atheanuttve,wkleh tuarBhe i zeiZrall i tree on . ote: , =.4l , lhe ire with .NECIWSEd ot WWII% WELLIUMWI with laceration. told candied= et wants* do rind whtetatmeeoutypieceshirdebeandtheksided the, leonna bow et wad tam both bet &the; wrua...d lkuso, "NI tram hePt sad hand* kit 14110011 town and froth the Wirth !mike te skew. otherparts of her pewee, Whiekhree the that el mien ettbemea eisainagrftyibtiadig our eitt,.. thrum anew of the thee ha thadathilithe been enem:mated depktrable. Aboefthree mothha !JACO oh. Arse andneed .ta thy De.Jsynes•Atetththe, which bow bpi in wacehaandly kappy.efthetspdh..th4 by t o ell pun see ewellithrsoina. Mu!' _the thews to heal, tri ea the muse thwthergeerad he beeeetheentyletely tornado* that the vorweidhe 0 the owe than the el p . ..own 000altdieed the dea. Of WI uthy 'Weeds. prep...own—idea. Evart's', For &abet itthothation,thoutre of Man lthee444. .Pdtent Phltadethlet. For sale In Y II tie 196111 N TP.A STONE, Titronni sinew Wood. /13 . . OCROFULA AND SCROFULOUIL A 7 11 1 G —Seiolal l is' air lie At% whelks lit thaloritives Evil; ularreseate glands er bents,,Goitss, White tiliap.,!..llntstte Rhenmatioat,ttasser;deenies of the Mum or IPghoo, or of Puissantly 'coosetaptieti, emanate, limo ohs widths semetesese; which le a polleseit **eV, more or less iitheteet in the tonna whits:Mow. font; solesethis principle au be tieetterst,set cat MOM' he Whetted, hot if 68 1 0, 2".% 1 which i th e lhateedipeeds, Is ream , ' metitot seemly follow, so sogteeturdee what tom the datotse should slaUestiteell.. This, thettfahe to the teem why JettneVilmtiotravo is so %al venally en -.ldel IsSehunieg seethetzeoliittoot diseases. •lt & thii - Vlnti 'pieta* Gees lame thoeettimeese otiPar l bY halstiti ioto the 'circulation. sad with the 'blood umpy , to the• 11111111111WEDMISIONITalitellegr Plilikhl o l diatom hoe the Spume. P red ad mold et No. B South Third amt.? • t Soldat the Vette Tea Store, tio.7lreerthitree: Mtn/0 • , nettali 1 '6111211 Who U.. Common 'ManiChar Loften mg aware hum frightlirtly Warless ;Ic ; the alai how eolith% how roma, bow Bath.. and tanbealtrz v the than appears alter Lung . mpo.l China 'Su ft is Itharton, esalatithaayage thy of lead: I e have papered a beanuort artile, which tra call • JONAS'S APANLatt• 1114 Y 1V Min tile yrufectly tensors; beurlsd elf Oil delta...moo qua-Inlet; and Inathrutto II NSW ral,healdt/,alahayer,tlaarrheistg,valtita, althea* ! nme acting as • comarne on the thla, laallthtl 4.14 • Dr. rfaratal ChellenOrilLlS ehanu. thyv; ...ham analysing Joitesliapaartia White,' lad .11 farturtaea the aunt' beatrulfal antrum. rat; at th e nacre 'Unnt Innocent white t Oyer taw. eatlliall en conthanuacartly-reetthatrun Ili aca row tl2lr thin ttrioeln cents box.. bt.WAL JACJIWON, Wood , Bot sad 81tho LlberlY - . o .acetr Aead or Wood al eta .4p of *a thy Bort. , • -; • ; ra'nthed, Wham ytha burcertiatsuata yoaltraprtalsod" t magand,lllilliv, awn Watley , • :That pia wilt still aft eacumen Oath, And look a deadtlytyvAstr (Aga ' - ' The theme 24 laththuit and of • Ifwoo .tradd A has atlONaw Ltirjarats, it would give yourclon an alabaster yet causal *kith, and at the same' Coe' clear and lapravo is.. Sold as LJACJilithyrl,l9 Liberty st: Pnce 116 emus pir hog. PA P E R2_ol A Ft ElltgAnk:: MO 0.1117111.11 HAP. Num w y 110 W. FILLII ridee for ale al lb. '.]dwelt Afruntrietaten t . pines,A very ertetrtiva,astrua 'strut of PAPER; tonthriting every portable variety, adapted to the wart at controsera an art toolbar Sibs country. Papee atoll klatat.ciade. in <Oscan Auer .Ihainocli of PAJDII7I.O3 PAPER la imago flillveridtherj u ttrA nn a latened end Veld crathead..l tn . han.:;'• at 'V us Cloth, 'tor wtrth th r . r ththir powder, an Uhthatarlatatrithaltai". en nrais,Bildltor Or ave dope, SWUM, ea parelthred ; threat. *VI paid ••• pity • rim Y•ftasitliges. , i..'aelies•Haliliat O Illosahj ; VOlttillthadatif ishrtotiona mad d Kale MO; J: such as thrtpleaftrotebtartalt spoptekaffed or eraelud for tether tea of 1.14► 1111113,14101 mans thug Soap mod. astpantikd.' It slap dlipeta bar., alorttbret and 4,711.410. aullittrod Aft, so au,. &warm. - A ftesitsapply, . rale at theft:dom is am pit tomes& affertrt Uad hy n A A l l' 101101 CR fl'n."9l t LP 1 if ad wad 'l4 //.7.rt?41 I Streari l WAßlitkuld•rillratlll Wit atsl.4l and al Verna SOWi twat • _ . M!!EZ raw/tramp* no orates. aminimem reminder ast u Theli V 01 1ta1 04 4 1 , 9 C l* W°l4'44 P . ttlio , k• MULtiOrcetar VONsIIMPTPA);: - etENo~,man ten, ittuut g eti. dem 2 f~ N E .O ofbb yonooto•rturtt 'thr th..t."thesow.,Dear th 4.410 1 =1 ,04 ' I 41 7 -74v=t4rAirk..... tot Jim log Meted Mika wery istm eeem Pith thelmee. Ind. pat ory~o, *tub' rase I hos et imars,.- 1.4.; mime E: diet, totemil theWeig yea thethelo. be thireemelo Wale mos adm444l mthele I ma* ,stkeeek JO wild 1 lad beai ems, ,F144111 4 1M , Woe peneededthe go 41 ItjedWVY your =re. Mad kis Ilk US rubs ,1 tbotth sad t u rhok6lo tr batboy I woe rooebotly b:usit of alas / 0 ;" bid I tame. • Aoy boom ogdrbe na M ot•o d ley mr • ,11 = 1 1017 a jai gekate l'" lr '- 'a • • w1,., - .o4asas. _ow m vomototags of sobOut7 aer taw ectuthel emidt thelere pit ot We kers. peperea of de bad we Agrees eanadh, '644 were ma 4644 by the th Im of erpeg6 . - _ regrew =WAR= si &Woad pait4rpe"ty, c l ay 'then miththe of a 4e. Migel tjtom botoritapottly otOrbatil "Homo/bed vier foritost trio Tam / ocerroo oly doom afro otto ay sib& lob oat* • sthinitt shwa Ottlgoomood Ups mainmy raL Vnef tau • .6, may me* or the ernerhsvial at kogth thq u.. Meer ad woo she Aped., ere wurtiol Oat lbolortloo•or lot olkibottr okiti was usoliatirter••, • •• •••0•4 alkSek dry aoalitior7== " l7=l tf . - Thotroteb Otoyouotayrspof Urea emit. artstrbilittioau• mio,oot omo•blbot•tro. 441 orpoottor eta roomy oft . 6. ... 1 . 0 .ft 1 4 4 1. M •= g l 4 = o . o lol t° th.0. 414 .• r. epos ode. go, ened 1 gorth therlyilko srofarrbtbosr7 Nafthlosboo Yd Is. ow*. tumoral tabula.. oak 1...0A • Of,Ubbta ipromiati amancr h. mum Aka by L. W3_,T, Jr tiibboilt, sod wdi, Drangrlt="fh,=,:,•=t; Vooprottut lyre, olio Owl soot borlbottint ed•or Owor &bon ths sovittog adult* Woos. — • QtIIIIfERAT. REASONS WAY DIOLF.L. §.7 DIC'S SMISAP a a IFILLA BLOOD MIA am becoming ea teurettellypossitsr First, Became they ere peewee by' Dr ft 11114aa. dy theedt; .t Ia Desalt; tliamituryol rhy*, toil 01 Phdottetpldo, wtro loovelter ettete; the testa, and eturseter or the blettleile• Merle bto pile and thetredeptuito to disarm beeped, Bethenthi 140 polar era take thugymilk grater coaltdeoca Wee mod ether palearhidb axe " "maignbaat of aledkule oa.l . Third, Beenzeol their coOmMsdeets sateaalsld us t 014041 pththoeusyr: 'erg the 4 ° 214 4 a* WIWI' On lOW 111 imiscosikal tbaume timparifylag Mood led did& of the body. „ Yaw* Bowe tkity an) ehidistd:4ltest medieters bense—a stegiebat eothyyteef tl4ote, eed eadebder4o.ollr, smog to pewees lot =ay dollars olLtiemes Doctor's seedieftets boapt & tried as Me• reerdetstlaaa WidOLLSOMC ^ 41fiusororyoo kayo occiatOit to UM safhiedi gise, aw gals willing with you coth.l4high by ,ity lag ell Jun& of pil& other otetbetoes rift ow rafted mkt recommended bllm""mi"'lt bat arridierilin Sad Par • sad los will sot halo =sera to at( anyltoug else., They srAttelsreys he plied good ur Wreaks all warm 01 - Ambot Yol/sotatios the oiconek 'loos ell, lints/A Wm:nines; crap We winch; cotta, Wetetbroste Lewd bowie, 'Welbiestit. bed Uwe u Ns 'mull, Soar rdoetetwet mut - Aridity at OW *Wawa, butirerwee and ladalaapbit.2iirpo appetite, billfoa adetfaerw, disease. *Me Woos and tidsvr, dame' of Ws Witt, sally , rettystoret thread eatery pimples or blototrea_of farina bod,letter,nse male beeteedledllteteeedlYtd• eche, &dines, sties tha Wet, at tie brew, shies, sloes We iiteh end notte, - tteotrott= dem sad goat, Amen al ell islods,yeeddlrest tine% told. meapele,ecrafete,p4yMpou,ordLiesteettsay r are pad id ad deems hums Weir oriel - fp the Woreach.tiro an 4 Windage, awl hiputte d We Mood . LI ErTralltrtithkthegtho Boa._ Sold lirttoWMeasd Reba by it. A, manta* & ,eoner of first nod Wood, also career of tizthisiClVoodautets. , _ ;;;; Ig e' •••/mItitALIII TUOTAI , felIE beiterfille biartrn.feteleaningilsa ,/,• the Teti* strengthening the mune the tied* ke.• it Meted be axed veiny 414, itl€ll brag, and ilietZeta odd mouth' will only eaphi 'ph irastn t i . insate istembig.• • Wet the Isiah en • slut nth it mix: noes on tiat , itast46 . Irian • enough wal adhere W.. 14 the Isiah:. It lethend deliestax rens Witte nianta, tut lilngteasaNdeilibbhaftigrenee to the bleak. aattatliad as • .pleasint, elleasions, eteiVenie= '• safe dessifetb - , It warriatte d not to talatelha oteth, belle 'or eimir .1t retabuiri t remove • and kneel ',us acatuashdata--prevent the toothaette • i=atiepin; and pieseatall diseitaki:ofinein phyatelans, awl aerie rgy rewegU.. At' a deeidedly Aar 'riot ititivery thins offitit' i ir, 64et 'Ask tot Ithessies_Npaand WWI and abeam hitt tupa,Pft s and yob-, liteerzasetided bran . ;Caa litetablato beat Demthwand by most of *a ihished estesintlat Oohed ihiennti and eutirliti l thiAleitility et' Ragland stel Prat ititteristediefel thadiseast. I Ma/MA trim, Casa epos derangement ef aiesashalt; a Cavil setae the Mid tut Unease ' • d entirely *Male. , Palau' of . bilked habits' al ways nand beset* .liandi and take tethatamietbev et they (eel the least &madame tba theishaaltb..sdUadi:" 04111 i.e of Mee s.otenger amid prevent ;Massada IV7salea WM. - 0111.4T . C17117.4eresiaed bythSeiithadieddittitve 11 owl rearsLivae . lll4 prepared iodide hyllb_ aIE.L. • Sums. ao,oa r WadeladOd e. 5 4L . kfrAL Sdint:-A mar eldsay to pintail the haloes se &tail my hatable Winery ha khrll34Vir n stlehistal Linte Ma - I hoe deterred • le Day CreekrWs maim, "ha =ars right: *ea Oohed: , Men dart May pageraditaxat= Sad Mre, ti ieadat to the skies haststudi libels hest offend is the polsk;aakhatesti. ran ! airy Will ...anise Thom apex they Welled ilia r...teptioirmi theta to le. I ben be elliietedeedliiLinte 7 4 . 55 ( am: . rails h..' in*q. „ViiiirTaL materemiama to wheal - paid melt atamer lave Meet mekkho• rabbles' phytieled abide • • nitrated dare hem, ftWygnsw arteearahla la hawed to tlyearthaftlhond 5001f907 Ow bet sr suitititaosedltilaitiobiposelear '.CpatinlMids,ad all the. cater.apptepay 547 atirieixt AS "oda . 7 1barrato ere p a t ibeltestiatitsrotret smused; Way ietigetphitedi gain nab tidiest ifthe' LaetWittayAseanoleitselhet — l hare kept tisailliti , :ea 51•41 , at Preen add iteathatx at W..; obi Was er 446. teasphixt 'abased by tory ant whalati teed • dim. - •Thiy itereispitteeded Loot ifflyeYeatei Ai idelhalikeioldia in dent dim hank abeiallb I .nay nitairead As to all wens askiar F r taiittlite fr Liver Citeplift litiliesSaifiddiSta .artileedialelisaaporiesiseakoni talk 52.15715. • •AA 71-41atardate *lei edxcisr& CLlsaaLherritls, perms vibe areal Out GINIGUINE d ine fiscal takfiroother than thaft rivirrid exiifflit Sr it li SUJI,l43,ito 57 Wood-d lens. Third atel thuree llaidhrie.Caiset[irift 7raK, D m:F7IFYi . I DIVJAXIII3III Xt cAull*NAT r il LIAM( the For ASA SHINN, a well Imre *ad pop Ater a ante ProtestentreethodOt Clunk T. hams beenaXieted Muted Wilma mister wish a dieetuael aesseob,ateddimeajprot 4ClAll;ll46iMball swesaehter sea orwsrelosuars i t ,,bo e o ,anWee, and after haling Wet ',Woos tomato ottaltileafect,was lismadped wirtri DJaWseeteww*Wee Saturn. •Thhibe Plied sat swel as 10 the dirmsaws*Adli*Eid Vitoria/11Z Wattles Asplieree we *wpm loahataia shwa tag ino Ohs, ales, and to 3111sest WDemi adoldoseyncy wheat* ..amuse pwasedeWyapelepods' The Wedsetne was sf- OdwhoN Seed *helmet Padleadm Maw "weather piths owe pneetwed,aad the pas wartheretty popsta• =adapted towpaths- media*. evert sadsometimes la the - monde*, and ia -*-fete - , •Zahh Sweep dattosieft I,t e* the MU rer wierellor a large um= of °DP nmfil. /Wm( Nom ea Dendbre, east eoeldepuly• taiainswild D oars Canaisadwi Bahasa u a eilepary atedkirs cardtwases otthe swatch pad bowela- %A N itedwrik as -the PLXite DTt7X . 71 /bank altesvoess Weed, -utak ho -state - % Dm Dews ant MCI - MARTZ. federal spopet.: - . a 11c4b.ny • ___ • Cram de , Amanda home, her rhrorleg t ,, , e Cream itharseirer 'timer •• • ' do Iteperfuseltretio;on, peregtOn ailaaa Ll=Plis4 Domed *Wel bozo*, exotteLting tra'gratira net e br kandteretdef; arrant beg, aotruntel•arreltort oth?for htereta. • , • .t_ fealso, elf Miners orterdert • • ,t'.104a6 r d egratblehair ad, • -Beni to,lll few, or comma ronettitets; Rote rem. e llitio',lleoPLHPirtoith Peep-Hate Llp ieireg; Mien per; ooasettop; together anta a Vailac Sr eine, perfasarry,fas meowed; for pleb" 10 g• a rAnsmsruuaetct, wria 7 Car 6th allrOnd ns ,FILTTSBURUH GAZEVeg, .PVIILDDIED DAILY, YIUMEEKLY,DMVOILY its*, owisai Bstidaqp,at wells ?oaf/Mo.' :satelza.,ow. AD 311 1TISMIA. _ One immortal of .131Inew, or 60 •Twolonatioaawfthootaltaration - •10 76 Tbra Tw t' ooto o , • ' OooPPOO4 ' • 00 . crt.otor torattiveiti - 'll.Atala aims inn . „ Out squaro,6 Domani, withdat aitoration,:, 6000 . . - Uri additionalvivant, fot 6 *we nn!, :0 1S i IV 00 obi gaare ' 6 inoitits,tanetvable at pl 00 IV 00 00 Inithildltinaliqvarafto it 0t0titt0::444.4, WA 90 Two AgFIKAA,OIO*AO4, ww+o4 0:.Flul glebio6ooo6.o AquAr.,o months, 00 1,10144_,T...c0a 1111•WILIE11. .P4Blll.:3?Mffita. .atpeta st -- additional . ; 1(111111 6. . 6611 4 1 4 0 1. 1 .4064 61 ‘ 060 00 h • t ay . itto oo onelalw. Tom,&H "44.6..?1 mouths- 00 111111121.4 T :60$0pmprer leiti;Otte - Tialmay-tati -1 A 00 Thine tstart,..: - .0.50 74;lvitie .° rt- oo Errtiftittrimmut Solo clisitid sipir pi a itloatil ell It 3 pig tie:3lol6 gins "ban slim* aitMtli fg!***/*A.Mole
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers