:,~ -, • ` 4 ..? to.* T Itt ESTAI3LISICEA) BITMB A NOON, LAPI1•11 Jr, Co:—ipae sad Lank, ppd. r(! . y . York. Co"rllllndelpigs; Unn ' Pan ' l / 2 .q a, !t , Cossigoarstia Are notaiLember smith =al actimaces maw. if • miseEL - TWOODOOTES k. co- Ciimis . .! And For za. ...mu m Mereksau, haws etuss4 am Vail. old /wad, Wain s.ed Front •ueao; Pillakon h. WM nit/S & FIE tr .l) _ bug. Sz. Clair grests`P. bug. saryl4 - " AL a, saw.. SOWN CULIJERVION, AtlibirivJe Grow*, sea Comult,on -Na. :A.LFAJESEtiii2EE A 024 1N1221...1e •Be teil lingipial. comer Wood-sail:IAA!, jo._ . AUALEY *IUTIL' f 2 . 1K1 Ef WOod Wert Pittsbur • • IteANtl.ll - 41L- - Co - 4 Point.En nod Como. lato 2.lrich*Oul, canal baths, Puoilonrgh Po. v: cam 10 6 41t4 ip ti n t pn tlt 4x - C.7 riw.7.t. hl t artnatcra, of !meal,' and timers Coach C L ' a i r Wert , manufactory on tn. CL' air ';NYJUrbOu. 43 ,IVood at, opposao Clnules Waal, wisox & ardancliiia.i&i. , :ors w N.l Oweers, Cgoistimilon. Foy , wardwg Merehauts,deaters Proddea ana Pittaburea Alansitoemres, %Lula stre<4,lmze4TVl Ypc.l fad rituton I;DWARD 116421.}:T0N, NVWowed Gram, east WA. a Dismoua, Aseemd •. DWALT Pki1 . 11.0,. NVlt;biasalL. Groats, deal! . ,r 4 In Prodare .sad busbargi. islaaafacdam, , L , - tter a(l4,,im Lad hand nu., Piuttorls, PL. iebl7 - am I. incausa. 4 _I; • Pile kkulith " 4 4fiAr 4:d C4..)Whalivalo titote*Caanamaion and. 'or. wandLar Merchants, and deafen inytodatta and Pins: ikargb kandrilettneo, N 0.27 IVc!adai.,•kartseen id and a -'.na Drat . . , .18 I/, HUEY Jr Co., V.lmalasakk Groom aind ~V Ga.ndaawn),lrrelainis, and Atm. an Udgatoti I.3a4Sott Tann, Nu, 5: Water, and lin Vann Rs.' Yin. F7inzap,l . l42.totielititinteetaisr.asuld.i . UV Vtcod ea, near Aith. • • _ BNlßeli . 11401E10No &un . v F_ id unb-,.9tn saennsrin krtns, Inurentl roaltoinbed went, Pit:Marl:ll, ha. __,- - ! cr 141.4.4 pin . giros b[ oldlcappiraill Bran. wads DICEItY t . _ _ dawn mast, n, DICLEY Co.,NVlddesale Gtourn,Oom= oildatad Idatelauld;d s ul dealers in Ptodsts, Zio*. da Valet, and 1137 Pro= suddt., Pdobargil, . dual' (l W. ir. Co., firmer.. A 1 . 1 21...,..nd &Wen In !lops,. litilubarth and Point Braskiies, I•.au and Vim w. . tV, , CPPZI,..! AMInTIM4I',.I.4 ?ft#llll TILLARY BILLNUT,Whho and itod,LoodAlliut. PILLUt Lod Oil Merekw,t, corner of Lab. soy soil Minn./tr. ELUL jels .T A nc - 1`;; &..' l u' g WW.ale Dauyajl,U - i317-7JP TOHN C 9.lllTH—Rilp Tut - omm it .1 II Shieuber . eg ben Work% Pitul.,urgb.. Iron Matufauturers &thug Ruthug..llill Alachmery . at . Pittsburgh, are re voeuit.lll. mated to call. . Tatum" dam arithSzsetuese and dmale . 2l, :4;5 4 errs 9 N i t'Gr u tt4Ots - urthslthstitgAlgeo arid , nut strasi.'usar Woal, Pi Wr'l""4" -JluuJd 11 AIPTCIO", Co.. l 4.neeessors to 4,,etris ilitektsou s Co., coonotelosis Meeetionts, ond Agents of Um I. Loots Nem •fidgor Refinery. No. 451ezter atol9l to eueete,Piusborgit. • diftrausTh — W ,ELL 14 Meri haus igs, St: Gilds riu•11 1 1 14‘ UnLU .1 • jolOu Tow; s. numoirru—whaeM747c - r;;;,7P - ro- IP duce end Commisldesa Mcretuu, No.ll, Wood at., • TOIL); D. AWKDAPi_ Aargau, and Jest= U. er Dys Soof., raloospOils,' l'ars to.; No. Y./ Woad rued, one door South of 11ioo ooa Altry,tius. TAMJr,S EMIL Jr 'co, (successor to Joseph (L. "J/ Duriajf!A9 Chaikletis .Ws!er Ames. oral JIL A1Ej.D.714; 31rhoi - eso le and Eiruii - a;ilQ. In *We unit &meal Isoomasup., School Hors, ,ripst, Slues, Noel Pros, Itseills, Pruuers• Cud; and boosouscr Acusrolly,No. tl bYor _jII" RAP booght or %Avila trade. son •T- SCHOONMAkTD C.o.;lllbolcsala DrUgguts, 21 Wood strest,.Plusugush. JOSEPLi.joRpox. Za 110111, Colandaalon and FOr ...diag 31.4anta, N 0,113 liberty (oppollte twiddled, Num:Mos:CO BMW: - luta JOUN' D. TAWS, AneditiketF,eomerGhaod. Wool lOicisrto; h. STOCKTON. awksellets, Prima* fk. sad reperkassfse . ticrs, ris:4l3lll4tel SLAVS Boa. pore, Chi atarldattet • Clank at,lhooleriptad, lamoos, sad thadrst and ilumoorr, Xi ' I“4 = ti s); i ttel k htsVht • : nisei Balding. Pittsburgh, P. • • - • ay - Curaratey pturhasettat the usual rue. °cal - • TOUN GRW.II, .Wisehigaie Grocer dealer . Pro. U. data, Aldeburgh lianntieenues, , rin se. L. Ea, No-221_141rery • - joua so sin . no.uaanatoin. JJ. it R. /want, (bac 1. Fare Co,) Whoiesale . °racers, N 0.192 Llbertratteet.'. ..PS TA.AIF23 XIALZEI.4 Wbelesale Orc;c4—r,Cctscolosie -0 hiaraltant, and • dealer in Produee and Pitieberge adattafartares .Nall Water st, ronanuik. I.lllli • Yeatiavitii Iran Works. T , maualietareisof g 'jj sea I.a...,Sbeeti'lloilar Irma sad Nail. at dui tx• quality. - Wanthousa ; w . aler ICZ kaut at. j ■ WA7I32IdAN, IrVhnkmain Grocer; Fat - vivid. -• ingandot. Nert6ant, Dealer in Vitt._ tarenand frodare, of 31 Note at, landed Front's. •• t - ••• erurai i:ran.nix.liilaoleilds Grocers ra , rranling sod Oiconiannna Merchants, denial nee and Finsbury,. ittandsctunm, tiol. nod las Wend u-; rinsburgb. . kW! Airmrse, seam & co.; UT. .111. ehote., Phthutelphisi tor the saki of pmduce! . mean/. Liberal *Ovum. made Oa coasigtuaetax: rasa. Jaa. D. seams., s. L ti t 21 . evngs_c,. , * MILL, 111.71 , 1#11.111.D HOG 1, , d..51e Grocers tad rer. oauptubio Sickebscrs,,No.ll.4 . SAPrott ALM', ALI= K. muds ALLEY Jr. Co. Corsoneseioo Gstomorfure .14esekants, _Wares and From betaress , ILL= k itICEETSON., Fmk Gragermal I Canagi.*, ilereLakis, .1.10. Libeny ce081:0 L. MO,' Winlamin sad etall &stand •J.T.L Cap Illmanutums, and Maim M.Famey Fius, • ."tam o f - Mod and Fifiam , • ; •4i:SON;_io":iTYi;;7M7MMani tamer of Pollan, on in Fompin Adamene Dina of Eachanga, Vend/NO*lo(pr ' LT K Rank IW:elk mad on ' 4 Me 'principal - chit* Onangimamba United SIMMA: , • docl7' "DOINDE Co., Mamie, Grocers and an. eke Wed 15nrsteLing hirreisms, Ne. 41 Wider #OB,E t 1 ILEPPERT,Waioo iand Coloothodoo • .iffoitiOnt,si.,:to. la,d4idodd t suot; idq :R I in 1/1 lloommu 7=11.11• 11 :re ono tauriois Thoosiop, 101 l droesiouono, No. MI Wood, 'h#.7IARD BARD, Wholmale and, litetal! Aniir in LnatikerPicuocco, Shcenutkin , Tools snot Find, um& and Cunene Tools; inn ren net Od, No. 100 Woad Piusbargit: ' . • •epti MIMS 101Lnapri • samr6 1=1..140X; Emp. ROBLYBON t C.3.,%Thalcsale Groom, Prodin. sod Commission 14erehintt, and Dude*, Ist tr MansOotarch No. IYU Lipeny a, PI utharght IFLXERT lIAJLZEII; Omer. Coadals.dao and Ironing rdlnir—llarettards, &Ada risotaci an !Mal:tare. Ataualaciarrs, I.inaryat. rttaibarga, Pa::: • - • Ada. ~~ ~ . 1,5 ,71,8 , • error OA Mites an " y Trade, ' 444- ors /a , Prahsait, itlatburet.lAnufpf no/allimPdvm, cub, - paid Au Comm olPean ud insigrewo , - aOA[/011D k Co, Coismisibri Me it MT , *Rada tbrilldrad, r, " aid am dar . ,§lll4.Curry.. u="l'D‘""" ikl.(4=4;l'l4"'sT, EL.,. W. 11BACCili, Wool lit •141. olf sa4.Proluee ' "ehk" " J ‘ ,IP s+.6 Consolukus Menclm P"'"Y ' ''d 4044 Ferw"a'r • fiaTs BAOALEY & ca:,Whalesalefiroctrf and iltalrts,Notaltalcisi WOW. WM'S. ikb ...11 . Matbxid&rkii aiv B / . jou a . l .... i, ,,, , ,,,.,, T t0 , ,ru .r.p. .....pr1 um .m. int ) wpai .64 • .. mit a.tsace - i.6. -... -- 7 - ..----"' E...,, ~.... . 4 , r ,,, ..........,..d. • ~„. .......:=,..= tu, 8, ,..k..4.11 110004 .0 Pi0d me.e m snd Ciectil cow - ~ - Lieted=4,:d a Lib " ,... ..4 l P An n k • . • . . WIN nos:stnann. co. i wiiownr . yes* Vonnalding sad ii.oeutalsJoti • Met/ th 11=h - planufactorce out' Ares Cm. d a,„ ••••• tbetr now varelambe,(oki'xiand) OfFnass. mid Ch2ntrry ' 4 SAIRCEL YIER, Pormuding sad 4;in:skin:km b 4 rnSl=9 ratabutalaPlataa. ;Lactated alticinsCcoal !Loin, uakr st. ajbll • ASSET At SEW Xarehame, ; itp7ll '‘,. A .,-1,:;z: , ,0.:,:.:•. , :,k,g,z;;7. 4 .,-..,,,.. ; .-,..„ ; _ 1 ,.,,,,,,,.,..,, ~. _ ~.. , .., . . .4,..,:.,--,....,,t;.,..,:„. . •• : 'CLE4 4.*"1"2.1taa 1511 3411:le • 'it - - ~. 4 . " • i . '" • • . • I. • a I "1.211 ' ' 3 • •It„ •••,- 4. :11.•:•!... • . •••, P.ETTSBIJRGH. - . . 44000frajoings... au, CARIDS Er - E. 0, 1 1 7Ta; Agi'M fin Alexkia madier;l;fii A p,...sp. a .zia, at the Gems at Wm. 1-:••Atm in, En, Bark.. bttitdmg., 4ML e 4 Yiamismak. SIT ”aarc /a lb. mammal /mat °Elm u Waablagaa, mill attend t& my buincss Aare free of expeopiklo applisama. • :. Olrl4.dly virt:-ii BowEN-c0m..,.1., ..d } . .......din. wv- Metoblud. No. Oa Fiont ot..betwren Wood nod lareintllNON. Wboleaale .Groter.. Ural,. in Pacidnee Iron, Nail., ON.. and rinsaanSia 31anaiseultra fraeralir, meet, 'lo k•-4VCANDM'eiLt, (sire - prone go L. k J. Lt. Lw WEek,) 'Wholesale. Grocers, • Portrarding aud • Conutdesion bleirkanu‘ dialer* to Lrou;Nalls, • Ctutou Yarns, end Pittsburgh Alonnfaentres generally, corner a 7ood and Water anen, Pittsbuleh. mu- iv.WA.Ciaeg - aai7uTaiia kin •'M aud yy bog esteblirliment, N 04.14 Liberty et., near the find Uiaple 'l4T!tmrW Go od., Na:7o tat street, Ptuhn h. WlL,SON,pnater in Watches, Jewelry, I B.dror.Vg are, /Unary Goods, liar n r 7 - it. iteltriLVOriLideasle 'and 'Renal dealeria k Foreign and Domostie Dry Übode, north cam earner of !duke* mad Four th sts. ' anti. - - .111TARRICK hIARTIN. & .Cea,Easikerc, Deaden ln Exchange, Bank Notes and Caen, errant Tlihd ann Wood sheeta,Pittsbarg novle-dly W _ WM; YOfrNa ca,—n I~7l~henpt .....tei. I.= tdes, de. - - - o Wrs WtifiMille4greAft-PNVITtud"24qZ dterehm, Import:en of Roda'Ash and 132eacbiug Powder, Ni,. lOU Liberty Emanuel, P. - JsuadlT . - - Dora az...war!, • unortom r 5. /03n. . 13 LACIMUF131 . dr Co., inolesale ,Grotenvand *arm Ca., Hoar slam, nd Pineteirgli'Man :wnernred. amides, hare ou hand, at all awes, a lan and general imaartrarat of goods in their Wirer rerret, near Che • aul.3 TOELVAL—u. Druggist mut kpothemty, UP N 0.43 Racket et:, three door* abet Third st. PM, burgh, atilt have comantlyon band wall selected a.. moment alba best and frethest bledielnesochich he MU ea rut tb• moss reamthable tens.. Physiciens minding orders, will be promptly at.anded to, md sup • plled with snide. they may rely upon es genuine. • ,LET , Physkiane Prethriptsess MU be asmotatisly ma catt4 i ptepared km the best ISSICALIS, at my hem of Also fix a hive stork or fresh and goal yen's,. AG= corm . WORT& Ilinangin s&,nnuiVemelC u n C Ymno m nt CO. . (noceesoors to Adman, & Arery,) jut& Pcopnotors. LEDOV kC. No.' 27. Canal street, New or.' leans, Agents for J. IL ArsaanYs Extensit e Steam nag. 'Refinery. Always hand a lazge stank of Loaf. Powdered, Crashed, Clarified awl dastani Sugars, in Tierem.d Canals. Attu. Lamm:ribs*" ?dolmans. Priem liberal, and a failallawance made on all sal. a( or share SO barrels. _ =hit GND.•W. - • SMITH I Co.; Melvyn. itch . ter., and flop Dealers, Pittsburgh nod Point Brewers, car. berOfifaker's Absy and Pena street, and foot of Pitt. Piitsb . • .Pa.: : Mestonirnhela Llworr , • ' kI.OIIERT L. •PATTEHBON has opened _peg: the large stain. on First st, running ithrough • FA, • to Second eS, bentrecu.Wood pad equithneid oirhsts, in dha rear u( the .11nnangaloia lion, , an s, in now stock of Horses and earring.. 4;1 the best quality and !.rest styles. Horses kept at live ry in the beet manner.. • -• T. B. BISHOP, Velem.", Snipe% ems be found at his Horse fthoeiug Establishment, near B. Clair atreet Bridge, Maly occupied '67IIOIMIL-Caer Rendiad:' , .' ntMlent. "fil 14-Ell.llosj . Deitlerlori .Tiitnatingc and Variety .Wool Good. ; Thwg•Nbell,ltury- and lions Combs, en Nam mad Wonteds..)Jettenta. Needle., Pim, T•pi.`BiWaai te.,l l ro.o3l4lmket , street, batmen ni.- mond and eth ah,..Pittsbutgb. iT44 N. • lEWAIDDLIRT HARDWARE STORE, R. T. LEECH,. NO. 233 WOOD ST.; PITTSBunull. rrAVL.V.lreplenishal nay stook from the bent sour _EL tea, both domestic and foreign. I take gleam:re iu announcing to consumers and Craters, that I am pre pared to famish them - with Lb goods in my line, on unit better Lerma than berctorote. Bayard will feeollemMad 'dealing exclusively" , In Saddlery Hardware alai carriage Trimmings, I plasm thereby, advantages (bat rubble 'foe to defy •147 , F ‘ dTThfilflt6lll.,STHEL SYURIiK AbijD afPltrhad ! • AND 4.ICLE FACTPIrt. mug 30.1133, /I.A. Qtl6o. JONES*. 41711213, ItidATTFACTlitttlftd of ,spricgc and Minter angel, In. plough, atteel,aleal plough amp. coach mad clip or springs,. Lananered iron nal., and dealem so taal• leable euantga,fare engine lamps, and roach TV* .aarally. Comer of ld,.aa add rront yawn!. . raIPZEPOIVICA STOUR Fourth nt:, near Wood—Aß enuondei of Green and • Blank Tea; done op is gunner,. half, and 0.. 1 • pound poekneo =Ong 6.'30 els. per pound 11,60. •• b . / A. JAYNES, Ant. (Or Pekin Tea Co. lAN OFFICES. . _ _ . .- • - T WM I - __ , MBLIN.- AT. . . : • TOUNICT AT . LAliii'. :117/12Loalukiilesd tic.u..u...d. 'IIYI4 ~I...its4PlialiApiu, Bar ..n ‘ "Mi " .i. commas, Pa. Eclat to . . ~B 4' Armstrong . ' . • PikYd. Liberty ay • W. W. Wallace de ' , it. /Mac. Mutilate do i Pittsburgh. dly - Lay t Ca, Wood at. ) Jae • . • cormudastelier of Deeds ALno CIIICINNATL-1 ado aubbotined las Gavin. r of Pennsylvania to take ankannekdammto of all nucleate .61 writ : ins% also adldstvits and depvti- Lions of perm. Ohm; to be nsed or recorded in Pennsylvania. &Ate, two doors east of the Mayor's Offtte, Cincinnati, Ohio. : =2l r y 8 SWEirZER MU.* sa u. ZharleB final. Mahwah, will also amend promptly to collections, in Wohipatne, Payout. not Green emorOo., Pa. iknk co ; . ) Chweh ;other+, SUlAnargic. • MI J. ILEITRYIAno end Couitorllor at Loa, Cinehman, - m uck y , Ohio. os in Southern Ohlo, and In lodlanni am! In Kent promptly and core ' MIT attended io. Commissioner for the &am of Nun sylennlef fat uking nelcrucededmaents, • ' Rama To—Hoe, Wm. Hell It Hut, Curti, Claire, 1. Camthen, Wm. Hap, Fog., Willack t 01111-1.. gal =CCM ~..... :W.k.A. , 13. BELL, Anornos uLam ewe i • • Fnmani Building, Fourth scoecond door abo itts'ammuu of andOl ' her ins . t•oftri tingilm be used in Illsmazi. vISCen• • . . tAnILLLAILS & (suereuorit to Lowrie and , • WilliatutO Anotnet • and tkut.o4ellont . Lavr: Wks North aide of Fourth strum., above Sadddeid. /AXES D %Liam ,betv eea ElL lT t tr?.°"" • VORAVARD WAHTZWELDER, Anorser. ;r 1 ; J: Law, ..is removed flute Whet to the iamb side i'atrtla et, between Cherry Abet' end Grant 'dirket: IrutsTa lC"X itte ; 4t itrae 6‘'ni tietlfs7tOrs al 4iT h ha lie .y, Bakewelja Buildings, ...at oneupied, derinchla abeenee,,by.:p. tfighpi!L and J. Quist y , .1" 061 L. OALL.A.77N, - Anwney , Lasr, 015; on dth at., between Orairtaind ftmliblisid, Month side, Pittsburgh, kW.; .will alas: attend promptly to tattiness LatheseLeattentattett...' 4 . ' xO. EL .11.01/INSORtr, Auurney,at Law Ma:so . Lora/ to the Enclenge gs. etottial dowrio /adenoma Johns. apitly GUI maeyab un . l4° opfar INSURANCE, 'NUM-AUD x a>a INSMANOUr AIl Insantnee Company tiflquith Agonies; through' sti duly amborixd Agent, ihei -sultmcriber, offer, to makopermanent and limited linninlnce on property, in ibiis s el 3 sod Ms vicinity, and .mt ,sitipmenift by Me Ca. 124. Astbsir uncut; / bIRECT.O Qualm; Taylor, flanilltr. Jones: / Ambrose White, Mutant Mahn . . Jitob ?Crowing,. John:A.lkm.. / John IL Neff, • John Witte. - / Richard 11, Wood.' 1 . 5.1. P. CO,pe ; Wm. - Welsh, • •-; Reamed Anuth, / - • nudes Ho kid. ItameetErgoolis; ie. Austin Ailment ,' ARTHUR Col.7.lN,Ptesll. EalniktlD,Setly. Li Ma olden , ' Insurance Company in the United Assmite,t. hinting. been dunned la' 171 N. lut charter is perpetual, froso• im high standing, tow onplitionee, 'mple amonsoilid avowingall risks of an men has. solo. eharaetcr, It may considered so °Ling no plc aeeaziq,to the polo, "Itltatrtft ATWOOD, At the oobtating or -Atwood, JOnett * CO, IVA tar autaliXattlareets -Pittabargte. • fettle 'MJETSICW - 1211.1C 31111T1741.L IMIUMANCZ co. oicturimvxv; Jr. Agent at. Pittsburgh Mr Me aware Mot oar Sailing lOSOTontoY rat Phila. reSelphia,lins Birks upon buildisuot=.. n .k",. or every da-seription, and Marion Risks upon hulls or ea aof ;taken , upon the most ,lararaLie Arose. t. aikai.ei 37 Water. new Makes street, Pitotrano.... fulteesl of this Company some the inn& liAg oee a of ,the Ansnoy in this city, with. the prompt ness sad isleeralhy ,orith wide!, every claim upon Mess 'for loos has /xen adjuoled, (oily worraol duo ascot in intimf the tounthnea andsmrcroage pals friend. and Ahe vi Aponeurnify id large to the Delaware M. Baton- Jame Company, !ahlielt has the additional Adams'ea as tus institution mirentg the MOH nourishing in Phifl44- , phinas hieing Mt ample pald-in espital, +eine by the operation of its old al the lotve.t nianntheturvea priers:- CO.PAII.TNEIZSIIIPs ' 1 ••• A TEE ilUbger hers having recently catered to ' pannvishiNbuder the unmoor Nal aglter, I g A Miller. toeilic purpcme of carrying on the U. mad Idruss Founding stud Gas Eating Intslnesit i -all its brauches,,have taken the staid formerly ecru, pied by U . Gallagher, NO. /Da Front .street, OrtWeeil , Wood and Smithfield sta., where, they are prepared to I execute all olden,' toe tlellat limas Castings, of every ' dem:nation, and Ma. Emlais with mattes,' and des patch; Steamboat jahlting promptly attended to. 11. (7ALLAGIIER s . S. A. 1.05 M, I'. IL'firILLEIt. N. B.—The 'attention of Machinists had Engineers is invited moat enthauractiorrtnetal,ler a reduced price, which hat beau pronounced superior to Itabbit's by nutabera 'who have used bath. latettallusat builders and 1 the lushlias gatteralldt are ad-o requested to call and ex whine our suPerior double' bitten !knee Pumps fur Fitrltuboultild douae.fie u.c': ' ' . LlestMdly ._I/AI.I,AtiIIER, lA)SC. A MILLER. _• : . _ , . te riltio m r an 141 la i r . , eig! . r , ri ,, a aud trading under the firm of Orilla, :1111re yr Co., in the h a of ritieburgh, ia day d i nelr,d. ALL pre cool, haying claim% aguitor cool Inn, gem therti to to atAtaienbers. and - all delits due .aid hnar want be paid to lbe idtbiseribela • - • • \ • ViCk .s aßlitti"l2 EI % V. • Poitbuktli. hlarcis I, 1,14. Ill(Math (mum. 11,?il.F:V MEDICAL. fftealiffi 10R1SINGC APRIL ROT EL S • • , ' IfOUN'SAIX O. ' • • FIT. S ZILE ET 1111.1. EL T151.0 RH. ,•,:! WOOD asn 11111111V3,./.0,81.01r. • fiLTHI:j - eatebarlnneal long and widely known an - beteg onc of the roost commodious in the city' of lletttmoir, hat-neer:lly undergone very erten.' sivir-therado. and iniprorecands. Aft entirenevi wing...has Leen. added. containinunonern. and airy ' "sleep tog ape rimenne, and e 2 teireireldaliing minas The Ladies' department has also keen - completely 'reorganized and toted up in a most Undue and bend: fal style. la fact the whole 'arrangetnent of the Hann hat been camodeled, wlth' • stogie rya nn the part of ;the . proprietors, hitrards the comfort pleasure, of theta:oast., and which' they corthdetaly asters still ....Bengt. ihniparis. with any Ihttel hi the ' Their table At ill alt.. ha supplied with even- sub: and luxury which the nark. affords...red a superior ttyle; while intha nay of Wines, h.e., they mill not be surpassed.. , conclusion iltatunprirtorS beg to tar, that nothing will be left undone on their port,luid on the part albeit. ntaiiittins, to mauler thtsllntel worthy the motioned pattona. of their friend.. and the publie generally.- The pnces larboard hare alyo beau reduced to the fultinvilg rates: Ladles. Ordinary, $1,75 per slay. - ' nentlernenht '" •• 150 N. IL—The Baggage-Wagon of the libase will al- War{ La found at the Cat. and Steamboat Landings. u which will convey baggage lb and from the Hotel, tree :Lliar e. =Alf , PEARL STREET HOUSE. • unto. THE sulmiribers having - purcbased 2120 entire interest of Col. U. V. Willison, Sr this kroaren mitabliehreer beg n, leaselate lo Male to 'their friend. awl the poblic'geisendly,' that they have taken thlii commodiousilotai for a term of prat., and trill roan. Moir •best tne;)liell mmale . it a 4.1,1,040 hinue Mr Travellers awl City lros , The lintel is par' at. and !Minim/air Planned for convenienee, J,e, and air, having alma ler of parlor. adjoining chain es, presenting minimal ettmetionsto • . -The proem proprietor. baring bad the etprince 'aWryens in Ibis city arid chi:na ve, hope, they 'will be ble to sire general esti...faction, lying deiermined to • give undivided talleation to the hone alone. • ! The locution of the Peat-Ilium! Onsets unenintotti ly eligib e, bedew (rums on Pearl, Walnut aid Third Jemmy., vo that it is equally !Imitable in view oldie tionveinenee eflin inew men, ur retirement (or private boarders. It w mew by the Henn, the Post °Nee, the Mairinie Hall, Odd Fellow's lira, bud but one suat* Atom porn Main !nem and two !opiates growth* Caw Wh.rf, thus Gami the newest todutements. especi ally mammary merchant. and trenersUy to all persons JOHN NOBLE, , _tot viaiu AtT . : JOHN . _ _ EUTAW 1101711/C, IL or 4411,110.'AND CtIALIVIT, 11. 8 .1.0%010,, MD. •iIkINRIr K. JACKSON. PROPRIETOK.- Situ splendid and sphere], /Jowl. aleghotly sit uated for both barmy and pleasure wheeler., is so couaruced as to gooiee all thelasuriee or th.• Lest hotels, with eleannee and real comfort - 'Choice motes of uparttnenba ere at all walnuts neserv eil•the the acerimmodetiott el transient guests, and rani the. the ..d will Gud the Ithutse Hawes bone., strisuresitsed by and noted in the Union.' • ilte Leenedet ts eleretedAtel •andnioun, and in' alw eon; olden t to the dcpote Joitid lauthugs. at which th e roanne, and • porters iri•ute Itonu• ate at all bete its• urattiuK to router passeuger• end their baggige to the' 11..1u4....--I.armletnein's au • tit P" . 1 04...). .1.1Pt5,041., IFACUALIVGIC hIOTRL., 2 tv.sa nY reMIANI. st. tare ng., errincliat, The eutmeribee Striving nexus/nen site neastage teens dr thin long enter/Imbed 'end popniairliinak miperisfally anuouney. r. Traveller. non she Public nerierally, non he veil/ be ad all tunes prepared to nenonnsionsie them th all thing. deerrable si well rrolelest lintel, The /lessee sr noir Swine' Shonn . nnhYr rJrzve:Zah7ViltnlTV;ll::We'Ll g daeOtala very but Hotel. in lb. Inanity. • T h e uhael.sigheil onnicirn a continuums, or she very libelist patronage the House hay liereressore received. THOM AS OWSTIoN. fet.feirc • reePre.k... . . JON.I6:N. 110TELs _ tett. utCht.w, cream. rtut.o.ochrut mtCh TILE tatatithere, nod, 7h hem of' Itrithses .t a' 11.-1, have purr hssetl pr. Jonee . sntetest le 0.. estoWimhtheht. and !lope hy the uneu.rt oitechon W pa tV214.1, and curt Wet aC Llre.r gue.t.i. to merit a con. (mute of the lalteral pattotthge beretoiete sertived hy tomer pro itsprielor. The loos n ha. been ittoronKhTf rpttoratod, mad en. pun'!: we therefore feel w.uttc4 vereatt Illitteome.ur tt and the elibile to settentoodatioo•nquot to any .. the nipl'htia.e.,..4.h;h. N. W. HMI/tit-N. gyVir J.NO. )V)dl'l'. • New Book.. Stun Rapt MtTe T a l l?. l,),• ; l X:l; ' lll73;f4, m g,g LOCUM. , Ott Iho I n ner and the r e: agent, by stepbta Ty ng.ll. 11; lino-nbd enlarged editing., with goniail of Au. 41.,j0, • par rail IleaitC;Ce lllstnry of the Christian and Church. traintlaicil by Pond Torrey: Vole •Ilait'dttimet a. W. of ait4 for F.ltitisat. in ial—,in I 1,,1 volume, Amu second London eilttioNSl,lA ; Menial-rot Ctimetcr.lfissionsty niAftica,da rt.. Per. Sal ufieenost, byChatlotkr IGraded, milli e,aplwaatly stoat, accompanied by a niamoir emit!. city the peiladftem the gloats orpenonalsecullecu t ra to her death: by ! eel rein. ftecollectinta talittgland; by Het 1111 Tong, lb D. the Ilercliapa's Mak; by R Marla* Al A. anthor;olL'lrecitrat of a tioo ev. dAlates. Los" 'Lad) Ilan." - Maya.. or the Pearl: . Aci atoire.mst ~"clod dad for sale by ..Itstielti/T ENISLIaII martfl Istatket •Cbrtuvokai.,4 4th IreotT.4 Al,. 4; 31 inee*-11timieihuol 11PinuArl ot Empress Josephine, Gra aim at Napoleon llottaptair If A Le Nor- • wand. ; • Vestige ..or the Natural Ilisiory °retention. Perry liarntiorpe. or the Virlistunies of Fortune: by Mrs. Gore, Eurtare liareoutt. .r the illegitimate--a story of eontliet between good rod evil. The Mysteries of the Three eine.; by ,hugustine,l fl Dunanne. in. shgobir or thelit - ng of the Blue The Prisoner ui Peru., by J ETuel. floors Merchant's Mugs/ine fur al arch. Democratic Review. • A .plemlid &tittle I.mq. I:dgetl NOI6 Toper vtlup,m w earreftrond. Soup for I'enrle, Na 3, far Mardi ror Al A Nllithlir/4 31. 1i door from NEW WOUKtie ' . A!": nom I" Somilhor ef The In - oue; o((mp," NesudefoiLifo of Christ-Tho life of Jesus CM Mt, in lie euoitesiotioud.ifietoriealLterelopemt by Atmore. Nemolei-irsimlated front eno Monti bet. loon edition, by Julio PFClintoele and l'hos tool, Frotemeors in Dietinsolireellege. Uhl Hist. the (Mid.; or; Adventures In the Carrion in search of plllnr-b y Charles IT Webber. Thu Haeltslor of the AllitinY-by the author of 'The Palm, Family - IS,. Chalmers' Posilionions • Work.e-DetilF Scriytne red Headings, by the tote Thos. Chalmers D. D., L. L. three nolo. Volumes latind 2el ree.'d.' • • The otiose valuable works 'guises:l rids day and for' I by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, •P`t , . Ilookselfers, car market and 3d sts • TTISTORIM-Robertsosen, s Me Mt Rollit'se,XGiibb on's, Ens ,leheleibt r od ne & Arnold', RO(I6 N HMV"' PiCiolll l England, Nichole Itueno; thinaufs Ceinsul utional ry of England; Arnold's Liner ttoinait Corturionwealt, 1.4 e [mit . * Itoni.t Llornothe Illstoey n(11110.11 times, *Ohl norm, Hallam • fiTeddid Ages; Mill's Cmeadeti and Chiv alry; Hroaminire ifietory of the llnsuonotse 'Merry's Iltetorit al (Fortes Nriel'i bliseory of the Puritans: Thies Freneh ikyn; Taylor's Manual of Anell and (led. Illisto 4, Introduction to the !Hilary of the. Church, by dwelt; 'Aiiildleya Rome nod Hanken Popes. The mine,wok many other valuable troths, tar eater by' 'mare, . - e • J tiREAD Xreir nook4-Breih A~ri~al t -. % Summer in Scotland; by Jacob Abbott, with rngrxvingq". anut 4 i. Literature of the South 1 1 iLurepetbeve , ed. Lutbee tool the Ileformation.ly Jobb Lire nwl IVritinga ortVualtiottult; by Sustain awl luso!. s. Ne 414 41 and 42. H ', arpers atonal listoq of }Stu'. • it oteu LapaM of ibt Supreme Court of the Uditcd Most:, by mbe, • The Poetry atit., byV ft Tappan. Itafley'a Cabidet library, ill rots, Impala am. • Viaur sale by • • 461,Itear , teethed by+};zpnas—Orrtttnnp, tvglan,l nod or ipitc, .Autboaiitar by J Merle LAti L I c of theory of the flefonumioo, 'Lilo of Croluwell, Ac. A ihructicaf Expoiition ot Gottpela of - tat Aral.' Mew and 61- Mara, In*thelonn liectOrers, bimodal to•aasiat the practice of domestic instruction - and &Ma. tioni, by John Hint Bnmnier, Llidiep die/ 6 . 1 .rt For age byl,l 3 , El,Licyyr 4E4,4QU/314 . f " 31 and jlb EEC ONErt.- 11 1 , : ' rot be ir.Y ! j_"boildero, litkl hardier toctchouli; being M6OO umaarrrrment of acantlintm boards, planks, cubical toot midi of mount and round timber, aw loysrvrbOd, - ote,. ~ ..krio4 o numbe r amblers, to mducliara added I tablasof wattes. by tbo•montli,.posiat 0r,,m01, by the' wct'li at 'dui sad rail' mod dialancos; also:lnterest ta bles. .tiy 'J titribrier t •mabor orrho,'.F.O.Cortleit and hdreltanic t iteonspoulatltt eiMetr, For saloby-t- • '6 4,14 t -10Ooktmllanicorimatkadk3datit T INSEED.oll. , :rblrb.for re= - Ad_ =MEI i'-,.. , -, VP:W.. '" 'Z '' ' ' '; - 1 "--.• ...,* " , -"" ' . : ..? , - 4 . *-1 14...- - % (- 7; 1"." '*". 'L.' , :: -, _ !.. ''', - a ~., <, , i .. . .- '- ' : C.' : "-.: * - - '- ' '' A:' - ' 5. - '-`.. - reig"tyl, - ; , : •,, :fstt, .Z.;....„ . ,! , i;, - ", - ;,:k",....-.7.5?..r.Z.„;;,:e...,L.a.T..5..L , 4.t..'" trf:,,.*":":".::.. - -,..,.^.„ 4.-:-... - s , .;,.. i .- 7, 4 _. . s ::..,: ;. ,,,, , ,....;: , ..,.... ,.. . , ', 4 :_;. ~... ...?,::; : ;•; *- 1_,:.'",;' , ,Y,..-''''' , .. '-' 43 -- ;';',.-.;::1'?.... 1 - , '', ~..',.:',- ; ,, , 2. 4. -. 1 ,7-',...;::::::::_;:,', . ...i , 4 7 : , :::::;.„„. 4 ::, 4 ,,,,:' - %'*„,'" ' -' .--.:;..,... ~- ---,.....,„,..--,,,,,,,.,,_,1.,,.. , : ......„.,..::;, ,, ,,,, , ,,r41 - .1„ , „--.:.,-;,,,-„1,•;,:-. 4 .-..- e , : .1 / 2 1,: * .' .- .1.; •• .'' , ..-41."-- - ' - ';-- , •:' , -" - ' • -re r--" W-7 -""'*-- 4: , ....... • . - „ z .1,,_•-i-- , , , 4,,? , , -.;.., ', - ',-,:c.-k..T.,.g....,..„-..,:tt.,.c....,::,:f.,.....zv1.7.g.,,,,,,x,,,,:, is _ 4B . r. i .My: &- -- : - TARIETy, - MODS. - 1. , ,. ; ,...... ! N pr0 . cvp.vr . -EnD o ljar 7 ., , •• . iTthe lE "hWri rs and. as Ili ! ' TP' can the bonts, ,crisens th' al' grangers visitiMi,Piktabargii, to - his largiund splettild 'stack of carpetine; nue' tor sale at his new stares:4th - weer: 'rheyealtiist ofevery Variety of the latest and mot! fathiatablearyles of CarpariOit CIA., Ae., ere!' brought to the.Westuneautu ket: ...The 'mom, tort brad „built erprewlyStr th o carpel basin...and has, (regard.' lets af,erpensecl. been fined up In thentostnagyetifteent . Thu carpets receiving ore of the Wert design, with :Mt richest nod monbrillant colors." , . ~ •• • They,eocumbigin part. °Ohs. followie'tst.- ! Sopennefapertry, a new ar.... r. .., • • ! ' tieley • Eriglialrand American Ha , •' - - ' • sts; 'rial -Ingrain, new: she. Sltseleir . Ingrain; new Ale: Phil ingrain- -- ' '- COOO,OO do 'Plain and twilled Wadden; Fairs super Food twelel u lloyal do; 'Y • Sheep Palk Chenille. Allienim Polka: ,- • Jute, Cr: • •, ~ .. Wilton Chenllle; • - ,- i yard wide; 1- do" do 2•• do - do '- • i Oil Clot Im, 4 . do ' do tom., hat, mg ard hemp, eatleb Common all cloth, oil cloth table covers. worsted and linen table kareng window Mader, calored_mid plain sign iie . stale Masi trinnitinegmaperbinXtops. and oil 011 in. • lisnallV :kept in rnlrtat tronen. allot which rrill • Sold On ns reasonable tenris as any loth, city, , I r ving made 0.1.- rail:Wonsan:a 'rah one Oldie larger, niretplanipte run the earl. Orders for any sty! e of carpet will be promlitly fare wanted by telegrap, and deliiered In, ojle week, al • small advance of the milinfactererWsrM- Pon - Stamm are oW:calmly requested iscall lieStre Prmiuming ehunsbere, as we feel confident Ave demote as cheap as they arm he purchased in the sauteed einek tq1.i . '......, -..‘• ....-2-.._........ 1',... ' 9!-/. I :,_N.L'..L Elzit Arrival 012prIng 00001111.1aSsason PICIIIT'S CHEAP' CASH -, CLOTHING_ STORE, 120 LIBERTY ET. , - • rpm— rroprietst of the above'STßE, ettabllslimeni would A respectfully inform - Ws materna. friends &agleam°. mere Oral he has - just received an entire new stock of goods, adapted to the Spriog trade, contprigneevery. • thing that Is fashiodahle, good, ,tiew nod cheap, - in cloths, easaimereg vestingg&e., r altogetherther lon, num,. soar to attempt to describe. Nothing bat an rictus] in. speStiOn can convey an idea of the beauty, quality, or quantity of the stock, which suspitsles any thing m the . ..e lukr in 1ki. ,41 / 1 rod havitigbeets purchased at the right time, twig determined to odor It •t suclrrtierr 'kr will meg the expectations of all who - rosy favor hint with . abil As usual. lie has on held One ulthe lessee, best InuAllbetured: me e t' liolionable. and 'elegem mock of ready made. elothidg that can be met luith.- Ali who buy largely. as contractors, merchant, fu r . twee men, dr.c., are p•tilcularly invited to eloninne tbe stock before purchasing, so they all -be olfertsd each bargain. assist out to kernel with en. Orders in the Tailoring Stir ereented with difPelohi sadin the bre Mariner. , :noirliirOn g Gdpo Now Sprinds. .- - AA. kIASON le Ca., 62 blurt - et street, havejast :stecivad a large atipply of new Spring and Sum aim Dry Gauls, which "pill he odered wholesale and mail, at the vem• laprest eash prices. Amongst shor aso sonatina mhandmayho found, Meas. Macy English and Anlerienn prints and chimer, comprising - every new style now in the market, and were mitchmed al the present low rams, which will enable no to sell at 'Las s ' i . = ,r arnls l ,Te i t h i a •Cerei ' l A r le p rr ' t ' ulTk j' artPC . l ot rte: , to prints, very neat and detirable 2 coati new !styli plaid; wiped and plain lawn guighlins, of evegishade and quality; a rues epong AI de• Leine,. rich and cheap, mode colord a nd sod Mde Laines.27 pea paria buttes, n oes, and splendid article ant ladies , dreams, printed Orgilndersl•Latin striped and plaid bars. gns, andeam changeable therm. very sod a large lot of 4.4 Bel French printml eauthries wns, 100 dor. butt quality ladies' end gemlemene klit gloves, white brad l of ermy description, together with n general ha. nment of house licephlt goods. me. etc. :Como , Merchants and the inhabitant. of Peeing igh and - vicin-• tty am respertrolly lurks/130 colt and eratnine aux stock and pre a, in birt h we trig warrant 10 compact alterably with the carte/is "teams. • • NEW SPEING 00010 F.• to 11.ne1r1..*:111= tarot ofD:l7.coas. to which obey ; such the stleolion of buyers, be elm; they tan afar such indasentenui as will make it oitheiriaierestiovaskabills with them We are now receiving a large assort:smut of 'goods dirsgt from the mid Iniponer., he. among I which any be timid die following: - / Plain &Ode deli.. .W scamp and styles, panted liendieby Jean. blue.blue uutal i ea:lead.. mixed,. • eal4. gremo he.: satinena, black, blue. aloha, Ox, ; pisoi, Opted and - printed taced., • good ...orb varicaasidyles: priod. • very large a..rodent of ncw Cf..: allire. mum . , great. blue, robirs. brow., lilueitlae and Orange, &e, 1/1 all varictlei, spleudid style• of do:pee:lb, very. 10ur;.4 las rota Lyles and agars:a s k.. I import.,/, alwohlitekt, mode col. (Joey cob silk and mama wan"; aorta blacks:, vary Etna. All ut tatilcb are. Offered Mr tale oa tka most favoraSby tams. WHITE. CARE-IT RI:DIXTION rraciN—ir 31diphy, I.X N. I corner - gib and market.... will, from this date...d Obi winter divas g , ools, and alatgepropardcm of WS .ivelt, adapted only to We muter stemma' at greatly rchie..l priers, it being, Lir Mr. to sell• Wls port 1.0( id! .10Ck 10 make room for a early Wring , supply. 110 'regard arid be bad in tie st of the goods but they volt he atm.) at Niece that Ind emu", the,, side—ouch as Caliibmie plaids, at. 14 former priep We; Payer de. at former price Vim' Printed Siota cask. nplan at /ad, an:mama Me; d0.1C% dime, price:l7k; Preach Nil wool, do. 30 eta amine price CU roman ea• super do. 73 former ta4 "altibal Cloth, asoi loin:et price LOO, Etta a :am &madmen% of wooer shasalr,' 'doodad flooday 4m. at prices plank olvrer than Wove offered— • . Hall • • a. >molts. ' Isaac a. taws. • DIOOBI7, & .1. SIELCjANr Tawas, se.. vinin yr, urrourm no. At., raannarati. r‘E...l,ltti to call the aueottan GI mow... Wears draa. to ttia ahotutra riaracrou tinl'a acumen hithe shaping and autnefacuon of au .They-eannot bat Awl ' , prawn,. confident that every two, at refined and cultivated Moult:Ll ever Pie ce: the cilawrz . of thatoolhly pout timrd utters, to Um wretched andludierous LL toes of the attar, the hall and war:hien. warinanship:issord loons the srroneously called Cheap ectakla:Looti of thicand other chit. • With thts e&vietioa, they proffer their aerstees to Weer% or cons . scram, motavan aud aura, _pledging their admitted stall and asaLition to the gradheadon of all taites, however dilßealt or einem. The lonic association ofMr. Loon with M. nom Wrens:ow' h. Co, in, to the many patrons °Calm e. 'abashment, 14 satheient tam** digs Itta"Ate,. ndnanaalr naa.a . for City Trade, int 7301117005 PS CIAYTIII Wroitr., Fifth street. ' near Wood... Very grateful fog past libtral'lnitinitage, lteeLessined 0 . 11, 1,6021.11/lioll, Ike beatue nab fishionable styles will command.. purchases French eledis, Cassuneres and Doeskins of yery•- best makes, colors,vpialities and styles: Wrings, for beau , ey cannot he excelled; ' , tenth 60 Cashmeres: Silks nod Satins, and white • laneilleti; Tlintrainglof sup, fir' , tn.*: y, .-very large assertions,. Prices second ostinablisv • I,eftlt EVENING 13/tErtsFlti- - -111 . 1L- itlurphy• bus ,42 just received a taw pan em 114;1II. Evening Dresses. Alto. .ill net scarfs, bead dress-, es, etc. Also, new style breires. (tweedy spring wear, new ripir 11311011 cl lgr do.; chanwienn adka a inatdon• able anwle, needle worked collars. new style; chrodt setts, entire new styles; black Peered silks; swiped do rich striped and watered du. bodies are invited to call - add see the above goods ••• •• &had - Now Goods toi Spiloiffor c a c r n i lig n o2 s ta td an .,o ttar . k , e n t mil buyers generally, that ho. has •cortuneneed the tee, eript of his early have Ow., and naa already arena Treat variety or rood s tubule for the Season, at prices . Piet cannot mil to please:- • Aitlaalljl ore inched to visit Lis Wholeisle RCK.ltill, up weirs, and canaille the stock or new goods, which_ end be offered al abouteastent prices. .ftiblit. ----- if 1 AIIBUT/INOT has eammeorml to =rely** very Iscge au./• dcorable sim'k of Fancy, Variety and lanneouc n it of which he demi - alined to sell qt price. that cannot beautfined in Mix mark..., and many of Orin as low as they cookl be procured from Eastern Mbheys. Country and ally dealers are aspect: fa by untied to call and ekaanue lain stook. inargfi „ bfi wood sv, ear Dianyls y. PTILVITS—Ju7etnce iced. au arc. Isortment of blue, pink, lolock, purple and &nage, mnall Sipred yrolts and thintaes far ohiltlnms. wear; dark add od scarlet do; also, plain, pink. and urauge IND. e do; small barred giughams, ay. in., at the Dry teem!. 'lease of 4 f. ITV W R 411:11PIIY. alfirtheps...4)lll - glinat style.; oprn lb la morning, t ean handvatne prima, 013 hilld PllllOMl4lld tut colon, only 0r,,;. per yant,•l the dry goods house of t a Y . 1 .1 "4 ; Comispitt renivcd. mdusisting Plain and barred ptchowts calahrics. lov . ptionf mid fine; Scotch mu ll 1 nniling,STVire dm Peek masllns; hishop's ate and which are offered ut law prim, by w1 1 cM 411 . 1 . 1 1 remit. j jßhay 11 ,11• In inonting, dte. •' sortment of trash girtghants,'ltom (al cem. per yd. up to fir e quality. Ennah, at minced prices. Aleoi heavy Shauchyluer gingham., low pricod add fine, -a febeglV R MUILPItY • - cot. Market. SUM sta.. SICSLI.N.S,..kr.—IV _IL Murphy has just orrerh - ed au addiumtal :Amply fine.. very nape., nor long cloth shirting! Indslins, at le} cent. per yard. In.h Lulea., of variobs qualifies, Inch.di mill vs arrant ril purr fht V; at try good. bond af_iLnrl9 '.. • 4r. IIII3IIPHY F.1.1:11;14 d ry eiti and market ma. an essortnimu• of above good, warrsoned aot waning to making: • • • - , Jeatlt 1 - 1A11.11101D1411"—F II Fiatott ft Ca G 3 market at, !lave_ j:A received a flaw supply of patterns tor emtaNder, nks. Ineines, muslin. or loads embroidered to order,. • or worked mrambroideriiig:. 'Nantes. ionialvaorked 011 handheielnefs, altsvala latest French style; obi% marerials pion killtiS for same purpose.' manta • t Me;2l;ilanitaLy=l,tkdig"Mtlote's, 1-o.'rsoll a ebVP-- tiostal • II EATC, , ! . .k Co, al market et. Itlllltiti ittl—at commie Bonnet; lo do Cop; :kJ. Manna, (also nutty if v4tio do; Mot' teed and, !! ,11 • 41114. 1 7111ti()T , ncd Ti LVES TAELE•I 'w IIIAPEII,-..W. ft Morph). ka,, an additional supply of Linen Table Diat and 'se In Otattg Allo t 'tweets tun Towelling' tp at pep ryicas tor quality... • • I • ma de' TT from one to di v wsterde wide,lo be found al dry 7.;0111'111:adOSI:Dhlitl:;-7121.71-ini717;1:kiti"bbid'dk::evil'id ti4e,"Umhanlib:tHi'7:rei;d:: ed end ixed' Moo liosalud half. bon, m.o.': y ou i etu tladtdeaildmits'atica•Just opeued by. •• .• • sHkcKartr k NIIITR - j -utu- urAxiv. ' .a- - large avaorto satin clout. titi .Cto M s c - aitieree.itatients;'Foropeisist 10pb heavy of 4 Ydattnaelloisr Oilcloth; Matilde d'yds Sent., heavy dot , *Wad 44 dp,do; 16W. do t dadonutel a yaokuge4 do; , all of watipaill be *sato,' es necoaalualaaliviarsal aa !sea ba blie the United Atm', et.)iab.l% ant Meets r , 1 TILOSIVRTfitOk- ....11esetajfinta , ; r icilaatiganitittgai-zatie. t'''• laiiitsll: B4g.: Ma r'oa'ms f &uroaraxloa Or ancsataxsampan, PRODUCE:IO P/11LAD1M111/4..tc 11.41111310U.E.• Gc"ii. r 6 =,;°,,U" awrot.":111: be °TIM Lamas trans/Fined, and , all instraedons pMagyaly at.: Leaded - to, nals from -say extra charge. for Stoi,ale 9,!: [ eatrunissiort. Mart'. ,- C A hIeANULTF A- Co. Prop m .-..,,.‘-._;,.,... " .1 1 fILIgailETS! \VL•Y F/PIUdIONT LINE. i natal 1848,.t;' (rOMMOYiaii4,rmarr loch ih,C9 . l Line,) ,- i! , dt4M N uetasetarrantolvarwaydarenzl B iid.,, ,,,,, gh,wZitltintt=itd a iu~eim qt One boatleave the warehoase_n ESA IsleAnu ty. & Co; Canal, - ills; Liberty ! 'strum, .7 - m46'l:tigh t - -.not I day is.kboi ileeprad,land shipper. can always do- Vend orl!haviartleeirgoolls forwarded widsaut delay 1 and at fair rates., • formed' t •. .. • ~.. . . Thls Line 'Was delusively for the special ae. , ecrturnodation' Of the - way business. The Preplan.... • thankful (07 the very liberal psunanno they Lave re- cei red during the lam two leant wotild nape Way 'iri: fona their old eitatoluers and the pabliet generally, that ' ' doey have extended their faellines,dariqg.theyout wiry iex, and are now better prepared to accommodate rama . Rat c.extiN k C 0,.. .:_ WIII still:, .1.: 0 STVIT, _WM FULTZ, - -- ' JAME 3 A LORE , JOIN ?MLLE& ' '-• ' - TRINDLitc . hIeDOWELL. ..... —..— ~.... -... _ 1 151140 r III•t• Ines. - .. C A br,71,1-6rliVrl i;;;;;171;71.Piu.1,:. RII CANAISN'...-., -, ... boJohnoVn . 1... , JOHN MILLER, , ....1611allidob'g 14 • . . SORREL L & OLYSTLNGERjOk. . , - Roonozonorinokbargh.-..-801Jh & &neat.; J k J IdelleritoGShconberker; ,R Robinibn &Co; R Al.ro; klanley4. Mai* John ParkoclVto Lelunerp i. - IS4 _ BLYWEEN eirrsuusuti .s.xp PHILADELPHIA. HE Propilelon oC Win old ettabliihed and- Arm, 1• - • Pintable /kat Line, having Rimmed th eir de pot in' Philadelphia: , to. Math • larger Warehouse R Markel lima they formerly ;warned, and also In , creased their 71,00 for Morage at; plimbargh t are now • prepared to °ter much grainer Gteduiesto . thetr,ftienda and patrons. I . - • P G e o n od P s i c tt a sb r ugdd UP h l i i l n a e d e a lp re hi an.o bt e t n n e l a tip n p e e d d ea Linty In blamable Semi*, To *Lamers . ofdpur and other goodi requiaing. carotid bandgobli of importanee. „No charge made Gut receiving er abi good,. or advaticing charges. - All goods Gertrude promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any wk. JOHN SIP EN t. do!, i. Canal Bodo Penn at.. ihmburgh. 1 i • fb2l =IfaJrAIM S AC oDmmS M ehila... JOHNIeFAONN. t Co., Venn/Werra. Catruta. ou 411erehapts,i Canal Dm. INatn. at, kittabbrigt: Jihl49 DATI2 k.Co, Flour racier. atulteassals, sanChlerebrustr - , Marketi• and al • Cartuarate• t; Phllutelplata •• . - feb4l. ..p . ..variees etude by either at the - alarro Fla. tapl other lascriputuil erMerehantlise maligned I\TOTlON—Thritters have 0.1125101 Ed of their te. 1,1 term la th eme'a and Ohio Lim to CLARICE Sr !Pil Waugh, andiJOSEPO ordac '•7;ery ioattatte o transact Weimer for tie litre , then IYareapase m Broad street,. se eistal, and be. el.ak Writo.cOilluouto of We. • patronage at ateir friends. . I .. .• .1.1202.3 4 co. Phoodohooio;Masoosto, : , . ••••''•- Pansea..• andl'OhNi fieni , • ~14001• Daily .LaNsof.•• . FIRST CL.WSNEW.IIO.IIN ,alr/rCINN; rare.. To - ... me mom ern.. terrsacaart, • CLARKFI &TifilitY, Canal LEWIS & 8cTLE11,21.9 Market n;Plauletpla ]AR. STEEL & co, Aro, COWDEN, CC& RELI & Cs, Zd NI.LIII at, MIL.' Agt, Oice t, New Yomk... DMZ= ' • Cthepartnership.. • • , /ISM Othaertheribakethlsday usociatiqUiebthelve. together •tuidet she. style of .Etert Jena, for the purposeof =Watling the badness themerly Seed by, keuneethL lOar, athisolieit a ethethwthea °Who Ilb• trot to the house -- I 1 • - manna. Br. rapt,- etaairgedirNsi 4184 a; K.lFl.!ft PORTABLE 110 • LINE, atCM COMPOSI.." ITENT/ILELY 'OP 'FIRST CLASS POUR SECTION BOATS. POK PIIIL/iDELPIOA'S.NI) thilalldOltE NIA CANALS* ItAILROALS. IrTE are prepared to receive and feTessel freight to theabose and bes,rnedlb s ,- stakes with basouok despatch, end at ek kite fetes, es ally otheirespobsible• 11,7 etthatiott of thlppers wishing te send Pork dr Bas eau, to Bab /th em ittboU..„th periettlarly regnested,th wontel, as our arrangeerns enable ma to oessy such weelea through better "order than •thy other line. rig. „ %ks - JONT.S.,"Proplrit.- • • KC ER't j( X l' l 3 l7 C CIO;r2r; tagt i tn= i 4, 3 , Lbenlens Idraticit cioroitatia — inenti: =Mr - 3 111 iW',ARRANGEIMENTe • . . . • 1848 : EXP Ra.3IVAGONF, i 184 s 1111LADLI.PRIA Ai.'47rAßl.libd:,i;lA CRAM. urasaupG, 1W RAILROAD AND WAGON. V CAR illl leave Philadelphia da il y iiiiatalst Feb /1 runty, with the 31ail Mira .tu Chmalbelate4g, erhteherill enable the"Wegon to hievettierethe name day; with ralariat hones, rallies day. iscLieght, se i.tim3l,llpei ceflaie: a ntal of _food. in ,Five Days tiara il' a.m. ! , & i*, e..;,., Darin, ,Q Piusburgh. Ml:== • , 13 cadls;outh . 3l . sh ' Phadelpiiii; • We veld receipt foe O 0; )0 1ba preate, tr.e... il daily, to tto through by the abate ljne . ltdet the 21st .• ; "b". • D LECCIi k . • smear. ours, _la co Fort; et; utkestas. yosondirc ;rotsburgh,. ~ , .. • .Citilsdelphitn ~„,:; ;, .: . V /P [ ON444 -0 , •• L , "- ' .'• ..:. . . .. aliz..., r.r.;,..011a....r ' .- To &Milo j;;771:::-.7::..85 mount, 1) H O F T I N R LII: C IP11171Ift & E C U:v. l.4' 4 l- '11"'N0..1.17 slii.l;hitt"etsl,ii.ridi. C. 11. Voss; easueitiorth./kAaratogwv* Bob. j „„,_..- iaagi i i Intl F. Oiarke, No 13, Ohl Slip, New York,,.r; 5 f. 5...• xrOTICE.AIIe *4 le of our Arms will La known Own • 'II anti atler this. date, at Pittshargh, as Deno.. Grad' • a - Co, ankat Philadelphia ; aiDttillh. blulAphreye & Co.- - ' • - . -. It rsa , .. mu, rt.. . . . ' N crLAR. VI6I I D APTRE IT I J A . I. l//in, . li a4itli , ' _ : . 11F-N.HV GRAFF, Pittsburg . .. znai43tf .. is4B..t o r c I,k lt . E ., L . A. ri r D, W r ij ii i . -.. ,, 57445ma Arr . ..5,5r. , .. 5,,....i548 1.) . covr AND RADI.'I , IN THE Steam:wit DLTRO4T,.Cepti J. C. Benitualn, will inn. during the reason of 154 e, LetWeeu Cleveland te.' Rank Ste blade, in the following r ,touching et, . kleek into and intetenothate places whore): •.- . Leaving Cleveland avail blonder. m 7 F , At Do • Detroit ' ...do: Tuesday at 1.A...51. . ''. Do , ' Mackiniddo •' - Thursday ut7 /0 1 ; Returning, will inave , Seult Ste Marie ever/ Rider, at . 10 e`elock, 4.1.. kl,vend Mackinac AO WO'Claa, 1 . .. Al. o.d "n. 1 1 .vcrl baslay. evening . fOr Cleve- , !' ^d, -, 0 3 ~'V. . ..Z. . i ii. ., 6: , - :,....,..,: i . !,..._ , . ' , Atm. {C:BRADBURN &CO.' , ' IC l ''' l. `"' --. •- !; . .-. , GRAY} & WICKWAME: Detroit. ... _.. .. ... S . II cKNIGHT,SatiIt.SVII gui.. :.,... The Detroit ha* been thounnthly repaiied.And reAt• ' ted the past winter, and the. public. way rely upon the perlbmting til'hei tops With punctuality is - adVertised. feleDAut "E.S. WARD. ECLIP6I4 THAfifireowrititios To and from the Emotern enter', via Cumberland. ' • !CB proprietoriof this popular Ihre,..hare tiara their !emir Inereirsedibeir. [militia. to meet the rename .of atuppenr rwed are mar prepared to forward greater amount by.the Five DAY LIND, ai also by additional regular wagone ht low mum.' 'ltia Gnt *Br tan throughout the ryear. dellierhag, good. rhea.), the mentor. lialtimoto rend Pitteburp to o,lf tfl and roaree aat glorified Imes sod time. .. Shipmate Irmo Plaladelphla fur rhel erreuld he Marked "Cute, 1 II Rohinnon,Dalti? • • . Itoßissoxr,.. • P.B Charlesßaltimore-, • EIXIDATOPI Gni Gutaborlead. , GMf CASS runtill_. • feta • •- •.1 CIIIDNY • illiharith. VeLjtrif t' ,f tiIIAIIISPORTATIONIANE—' /24 helloyeistots of this yoperailline'herierurged the:l Accrer st Caabotaud &T i the haarelbt DeKarg & kr. t y a y . barbers% aad relater. taerthaatseierraltiirit that J. trey- Solmona. etfie Smith Chillier.. Lfiddiaor• ierfie auther ooi ierde•rnd atthie lltte la De }ramie - • • • J ' OW. CAPS tinniforiUgr, • • • •••,. :two HTON &Cp Casiberlaad, 0:80811.7,80$,Italitgoon. _, `~- ~~ Poi eviteekr..4 'ioanzanit, miv'Mat,oo*TON, AND ati..7mt e.c.F1:16 . 111 . .14 tatellANTi. 'Rd cd/ 1000 .1....g57"i d. :11"'"O''"'.11"f any ,•kiro"; : w plr ig e tu sl- fanv ,ll7 ,...t rhandfie . "snd • packag7 Expref. closmtsilY H 6.00 norAkt ' '5l.'*.C.A/ttles J. 14.14.1=11,4% ctiwto oh' insecurcaxit. mom,. _ • intairirike s - No. , 336ltamorttszari.rntialm,;: - .,,:. .ilatea l s 4S Atgliai • ivi tr. '"." lllCr DfiV i; lids .4.-.lllo,latimpW;A:i Yloch kbilt#,Plakr..tajallErl4 • -w414 1P-k. 4.4 q,O • bed L SV. ANtalir ' ' LisIIPPEXCOTT st. iiiikas , . t.in t Trak i lrAdill .44 , 04.4 ..„._, lir •iretthttde, Leaded 44"thetw000,..14'jrcor= Southfield Potabotylt. 2 41 1 1, Tir4let having ticanisatil and the , tg i tt=timitutts. ittivwqr= , will here*Aat be midst:sew ittuier ' Xio . styll of Liplearr . ' temp of sofa us a 15.13. 611.—We, theandemish• ed 'tation at the , testforof ma 00 8 Satekler R CO'}lzzonned Pliasur. improotafes. Tho safe was placed at • (ammo ea thePaldre I. B .ol BoasdatediteMit - ' wr, ;holmium hem of- awa isdal fife St loon than Ille° h oe. , ill ASO kin and • half the safe cum to 12 aright red " heap the At•raght 6 llll3lC4l WY ilteb a •44,1•111c1Faamd ok hil• steady boat Onk athe bILID.C. a tlDl4ll4 o o•AtalkElabegiartftel/ Were n dally melted et tbe furnace aos then thrown dowa the we tooled Jim& Opined. -11ili mitieret, paws, - and book, Which it mood neiwenlisul swim ,. 8 4 1 plated theta,thil Modus only of the a being tsar , mosd-bY the 'ware, kr eardWytho s-liti have op • hesitation ha tecommeudthy It to the Oa,* eilifis taPenet loony ere ham ever men tested. moire ' admit 'WOW any kat Which inlaid boygodaritd. , ze.pt k> .hath,nsatmalto i0n.01it...... Sprint"! Whitman, LIV Ken & . •Kennett; Bald. toe riv U P ik....t, .3. er...., Maraud& Ed, lIA Maxim, ,__ w, the onderklyste,f,' selected' Meru/. spoke. of ..., Wane, Matta haus thelloill Or Trtitta,tiber4b. fileferto Cook &Hants, Wakens ii.”."Y...4.." h '...%. 4 1,..45Li —VI& JAE. uiroscom ioic2, D ART A. • X 3101DIA. t.LEPP.IOBOO2er is 10O;. Md:2UPAES LiitEllB of itattonetro ( 11140ast Bmal ;C=rattt Ax s, 11th toll -mo o' -: Hues, Mattocks, Picks, itZ,aaviug isamjew all shair arrangements in th e