• in& -PffTsßußfi! A .mouseztooxo Kos. prrrsisp*OBi - 2.; THURSDAY MOBI fAPIHDa PECELADICLIMIA. XORTII AJOCRICAIII. I**".t="l ii rtiltlf . . d trisqueind nessegpsuqtcniss* ~La gg. t = ia!!'"g7,.(`'"linf DAUM Oaszns is published ""e Da T lhe WS/7 is Two Dollen', • _zio•AnTseram aarsearlY 0/4,1.0 Ibris &Wert beton:l - 6 V. sr., and as early is ial.dsy,.•• Rea . . Swear Commercial Izeuellianci,Comestie, Mar = 14M, Nom, Lamm, Money Marlrett, kc. see . . and . Antlianuenle Nom s' butte, D FOR CANAL COMiIgiZONE2; AIM XIDDIAASWA ATM. :ittAiOse Peocriairxine.—The meant Oreisrhich • ;:hare occurred in otw Osr, ..iritboit'aSigalh'ir ricirlcof the lactatti * a • reference to the ::• . .'•: . ;folloarlig it trill. he; wen that: kda nonce the i•• ' •S' keyca p has °tared a reward, bribe dia.:emery of • ''thiscdfindeis, 'af Are hundred antiemi on the Prot . e of theca', and five hundred dollars on behalf of the wetetal tonne= compaaiesi.-tnaking in ail . . lone tliktaind dollar.. We.wrist this teteadi to't, '',•"pilara:siith the vigilance of cur citiseits, whose 'dwellings are nightly expesed to the tomb, may • lead to the discovery of the midair of these matt ;:•• !ilnudiL ''!..llVi,DUNigt/7.i-Oirt-alt-S7evt-TOSll.viill be paid • itei our, penis. QT. pen who will . OrTeSt end ... 11OOOK00 0 tO conviction the incendiaries who pet fire to tit for at boddistXt bonved ou the 'naming pc the 12,th . • • . of all inn, in rive el) o nfriburnA. tin geo authorized to offer, behali the several • , esossnee CiAttpanlee DOLL car,. additional reward PPM HUNDRED - DOLLARS, to be, paid on coo o(The todlvidual or indivUuole engaged "So the late acts ottheenatuLmi. , •-• ants tithe /arcs'. Oat, in the City of Plustiorgh, t' - 'lld, 12th day a , A i 111.• DNB. • • '.." apl ,• ADAMS, Mayor, it- all . , , - int . ritillattarr-.3 6 to 113r,,000 . worth or:Property Dstroyedt— , "boal oneVeleck,a6rc broke s. out la a frame 'table neat the of Pros iticels, and between .Fou wain Areal '• ' ad the Cacial.: Hence it communicated to three smoke .. bousei; and a lairs werehonse, all with pork nod bacon, and at prewut in th e occupancy Of Pleiars. , Jes. Jordan 0c So*, Wm. B. • .; and Samuel M., Kier. Thence extended east to' and_ ulnas Fountain aUtd PnnePeciStreete—Aanning dweilano and other boildtap the Our. Coinein'Of. nw this" 'Ae Ten or twelve dwellings were entirely consumed; sivhick belonipial toLtr. losses MackereL— 'No inserince en th*,NTuitgs,,.l.l.r. Mackerel's Jordan's awoke house contain s •. ad 260,000 lbs. of Bacon, of- whichlso,ooo pounds; ' belonged " to. Meseta Baztbut Provost, of New 'Albann"ilitti;•32,oo9 Gardner, of Wsnli• ..s .• • _ iestatiCounty; 30,000 to 26c. , liscllay, of Clarksville, 01;IM 45,000 m hundillsisell of this Mil , „ • The mike beam is valedkisl,ooo. The. meat , was all insured, as also the building;' and Mr. for _ ' deer direct lasi is abord $5,000. . , Mr. Eier's - warehouse :contained 200.000 lbs. a. • ' =Me, *hick together tiAhllin building, veined ' Was also, itisuord., The' meat belonged I " T6t of Masters. H.;!..es a;ther win.lnea acfpoo.or meat, whieh, with the - tilling, veined fli 11900,-was also twined. . About 4 o'clock, another 6M broke out, ut the frame stable-belonging to the Good Intent Hotel, : `Located on rivet, dear to the =Ha, and in the rear of the Catholic Church. Nothing was ...4orsiOad: ham except the small Made, and a ton At 10 minutes past four anther fire wet discov . avid id theime stable belonging to the Citisene , - • Hotel, at the corner of Penn and the Cankl-rthence it extended to two frame dwellings, near by, and thence to the Wall Paper itints , i or Mr. a :..C.. Hill, fronting on the -Canal; together with the at $22,000. • , s , The that dwellings, 41t thestable, belonged to Mr. - .fiddle, of Allegheny, and were insured.. The • ~ ....srpirOsffli bedding belonged to 3. Pepperd, and :-..`:.van insured for 32,000. thfrll.lr hid 52,000 raj minneeron his property—intimated lone, 35,000. About 5 o'clock, another fire was diacovered panelling from a stable on the east of. O'Hara street; between 'Penn street and Malliedy Alley, :, - teck of J. brCrackin's Grocery. Herr a, ice hotisktour frame gables, with a few'tia,,hey, and 'one Of two frame sheds, were convo* -- •, , e71--•_, The Ice Loose and mishits belonged to Jameirpar . : - • - ny We could not learn whether he was him* "or net Lom,triviaL • • About • half past 5, another fire broke out in it frame stable on Etna street, above Glisra—froin whence it extended ioand consumed the adjoin. ins frame dwelling of Thai Mitt% Two fine horns, bekinging to Mr...W.Pleming, were con. sot* in thin stable Less, $5OO. . Mod of the Bacon,tvio of thet smoke bourns, and the limulicasse, werainsured la the Delaware Mir' `ttuildens in the Franklin. A small portion of the Bacca: was insured in the Pittsburgh Navigation end Pim lartrance Cliapany.' Part of the bacon belonging to Meant. Carson & McEnight,,in the Spring Ga r den Ins. Co. Mr. Hill and Mr. Peppard *eitinsaredin the Delaware Minus!. • The total amount dproperty destroyed exceeds . 5:15,000. , Not a doubt exists that there fires were Jholled by„ineendimies,and public safety dediands prompt and energetic. .ctioi • rcom the Maybe and hit:Hier'sittiokeboase . 0050,000 pounds d: eat, belonging to Messrs. & Dom of which shout 30,000 pounds leis saved. Building and contents both Mended. ! , itiOc;ces and Incidents of the Mexican =" Bp-l. bE. Wynmop• hue co - the Ist Ohio Reget. Weareint!ehted to the pnbtisher, M. P. Morse, Poarth a ny to: a copy of this interesting .1312rra- EWE . . Pmeentreiu. Law .Tomoar--Edited by CoSitlliiiks 6vitieTiite,l*.cd Isi• dm lam.— ;","Ve•hstie received the 6th nurnber ofvolume alb, " .te4 this mark._ RmSt&W.7The April number of'lbis coostinicellesit monthly, lies upon our table. It is Lied astitoal , with a snit quantityof original mat Peaty subjects. devoted t0,W.64" .and deserves the : good -. Tim 3Taite as Mows Ecao.—F i nhluned at •. cru .losnnsAtlßUlibudneolones' . We areinclebted .m the Imhof has. Conrad, Esq., of Tent: Haute, for a OMPM ot3hn inunustMg Romance- . r IttiiriniesSent Sientst sight resterdsy alteinnon • 'F betWe4 two ,excNrsies street, Jug .y Ferry r"*"ai 13en, wim hew, drinking freely.. • tracelod d at ,en one of the parttes, was MAUL* the Ada of his head snuck .guns ty tome steps of wdwelling tame. He afTemntlY.dYing, for sometime. bkod _ , pones; from -his bead, awe and mown, but at /oldgetstrived, mad, was moseyed to ►tavern mar at band., We could not kern ihe extent‘or W tin • • • istintirs, bat his . akull free supposed Le. toad . . . A Pot= Matting of the citizens of the Sixth, 3000 and Wel wales or the city, iriU be held die public school house of the Sixth Ward, on. Atari tneetiag, totake cOnsitleietion oar es:. posed amatida to ele tomb 'of the: ince:ahoy, in ~ecittareetice of the want of water; index adopt sock zneanneak aeinaibe damned ; ppm, to ob. :l.tekt.fnicti the City 03111101!, an sot`-of jusnee, by _Aue Lein:adieu, eonetuction of a lets in, on the city ' '10,0"71,*&".4_64..W4 PuPw''' . Xs, Siiiinioramsa's cnics.,-We Wall taw. 4 4 1 4.1" 47 able sAcch Pr dal Ontlantal, • .1 "io air column; of to -aware tier sahject of the " 'Pascrisyfranin SWUM eappteattate It will be g • load Irish interest by ell who are interested io thie inset Werk, eatittl to the Wterate of this reit , Jalerporthataf PsousTlTanla, • DTsw You Eiierrora.—Wm F. liavemoyer, kireqefoesedirtayordNriir York; by a imall t " curia 'the cAies of 4.141a3r, /to... mumi6 P l ! leiac "" o f 1 " • - ''':...-• iiitalliarS4fila that Mr. bartayt4itead. &i n 7.-asta aziatitiais errary day this weak, 6x4. ,ttkitiop.k;l9to tba sozocEdatidatiaa'sil .!'._' **/011Basdaoritiss. Ittat at 7.dcbelt via- eve, 4 -i-fri,ltiglP..'-''-''.---. f , '..._ . --:t_...—.---------.' ,'• ' '''' . "-'-.-. i 4 ~.... ,?,.,.....-; " --; 77 -- -'4.llllll**'AltrYpitrbOlefillea-ber. 06- fileami. 4.411114114.11011* althel4giftirtiss bl:4 . ill itagi fatel 400solunea_ W 280, horkotilic motto on II habravorptm. , . . . ' - aa.. 1T1611.11 1110149 P. . 1 a r - il i ZgOr ni eJr 4 !". 114,41 . 8, r 4 . eic l it . 4 qf' ' - Willi* . I tirdsteseirce 7 .l ' : " sta r s"fr"UStign , e '''T,l, f 1 .1 . 1 4., 1 ,110 4 fil r 6 r 't'lliet-Tilenserial of the Baia of teldiaeilteatk seemisemthistervbake beftresider alteesioitlr e 4 pe du d iewou renuee digi T2epr ,.. hartriemainief s il ette .t. _ u _,,._lartittleStAlle.„ l 4 ol O ,.. „ * l bare ' ' That the accidents .thicti wait4ra= tbs ._ ~"6 "-inP e n. ,..''"• P "'"'"" _. '''''' '0g . ,.............. r . .,...._ place on board 'or emend Steam Boats on the m is. ssecee or me Imaas au 0f. w0w...ca.,....-„,......••• am, Ith,i, so i , e a k i . u mi oro m I w o p ro . "ithig lay a aan lid al t"tages' Peneme bu i.aM CT •tt " uclikn ificea""‘".ame ,i,v tecw' ln=res ' - the tiogleccienuaurnigirtcc ens l e '""." 1 r ,'''T to dtaY, such a V . " 111 ' 1 ' 6°11°1 " ° ? ° "' dc • rcd _..l I That soar memartaluie approach the considers seem. ;Pla'N'ittrul wlthreferemmlu th laP a n"•"'" V.! or this subject with a deep convictron or it, r bill, nett tux mount of unnecessary declamaboh, that I keel no distention to consume further tune Im b et cartaara t and of the dasetilan' which a u from the number of valuable lives iSc amount -Ban /thr „,„„„ ard ,,_, la 't"' l °,_ 11 ,..."' II•w yy„.„a a „e,,r.y.,, rds „,' „.„,,,, of property which may be mjunoosly affected by """ *"'"' '""=„„sr..- ---- ma ---- -,... - --- ready --- bastyor hammions leguslation, and from the venous guldice, and the gee thr,"" Erie stands and conflrcting °pimple; entertained by the most toadminister anothereblonoffeemedorse.in Seiner y ~ setentific and cement men of the age,as well as by i t a theete l P eec a h ' attheku liwanca w ra h P y rau ds : th l e ndl e r poi Ll d ; - y i e themod em expe ith rie r need d e w egi th. cielei ca i u.i ldersandlracti i.d cal w this maw"' meet a manfully face t°6 ' °°‘ Why thee tentble emulates, and alto us the moot off. react: to indirect reactances, postponement., and eu _ st meets , or pm,,,,,in, theu, seeseueriee. un _ windy clamor about the keation Mitre road , The . der these circumstances, your memorial/de with location Is determined uponand a isnot n i questiou great diffidence in then own judgment, b e g leer. now; the supplement provides merely for a. ape. dy completent at this great work, and those more t__°__exPre_re h t i h , e h m th v er tew b : li wt er l e h lutford . b. lo p ,someczuof thelbe immediately !detested are, safer mI am informed, °°""`" w greater past, If not the whole of the explosions " ax y„„,„ l°° ' 6°,..„..„,d1 passage.' ~, ~..ir T h, ...° „ „„rc ach' of ,,, th :_, E ', 'd e - which bare mewled on the Ohio nod Latex, nod' g e taut a " - "`" eseed ", hegs — th " the — "'''' been , at P e r he " t ` wi T ee - f to sugge at vxne remedies, which if duly minced the adoption of the peseta Women, but here and bY leg isl ative Pir.v.... 4 9 .° 11 1° their °P.m" very maternity diminish the dangers of Steam ww le y 'j a rey bWh g r en i fi 'P em Ph an "b ., i' m a , n to d Uhr,:nbele. re t ied Navigntion.. Among u the u most prominent of these with a eculden fervent love for the goal peoplemuses may be commerce an insu ffi cient supply or All eg h eny C ,,,,,,, y. He is .usuth about their water in the boilers. Should the quantity ut wa tered,. Certainly los affections could not have t er in them ,be Permlug a t e o be the no u fn e. " en ete h h a e u s l ed ed been placed upon worthier objects. Of this I do Lu t. ":.' e t ." °e• i d not w ti 'vr the netr ' on of Wry become tire on the y a i . °l ie mn .„ ) , Yi b e °°L a It d, nay W ou P t inn uo ti T u r r h ui ltP w h etr : u en h ' h e e '' uncovered portion, that that they can no Jaeger sus. may more succesafully attack a road which doer • the pressure of the steam on their 'Upper cur. Lel, and become collapsed or crushed by as force, wl asse le'd at of all En the e Gerrit' amen dment ; requiring l etua a l p h a' tearing their netenings from the boiler hod!, thus Philadelphia counties before lo could be mule roduang a large immune by which theme= and scribed under this supplemec was not, I appre P s e ated water may esintee, and carry death and deo trendairompted by the sole 'teens of protecting ru cuth to every person in their wry. The best manna to prevent accidents from this their interests, for the section as now worded gives ouse, would he to provide a separate Engine An the right, to subscribe if they dual deem it to their L__ Lust . wild pump ing „, utu „ , supply flu, uttered so to do; and the exereseorf this right will r';')'_•t well,, ~,,:,,..., mi .4. the q, u r ehde depend of course upon the anent of a majoray— ',"„.l7.` t v ; s at real, and the ether ra g no , tha - . Did I think otherwise I would have voted for the ..". eau , a .. thfused senuu proper ith ge cocks, sr ll i, ' ,,„ °° , dth , y cd „,"'„," ° „ b , , d h ly bl th "" /6°° %„ l3 ,, ° „„ " j`' :1 suitable contrivances tornscertamingthe lee -- -••--- --- general s y stem o f --' el of the wateein each boiler, under the charge eif insidious m Its approaches, and direct in its a careful engineer, no danger it be apprehend thrum. ' Sir, I will not loose remelt' in the labynoth rein- red from 'lns roux, "P eendl Y ' I° "E. 00 the hoot rove tive tothe trade or the great lakes, so cunninly de. m kept upon n o even keel and tints, w h1 • 11 l' a°4 Wind by the gentleman , nor do. k feel , disposed to ItrKiires more 'attention than M frequently math, Jtsparege the Importance of that trade, but I will to '" Another coil. of the explosion of boilers may hem realdh that "in gone degree ' ma ' s 50 our be found lathe practice ot working the steam at n meffectuallatempts towel:ire that trade that debt ~,,,„ higher pressure than the boilers will bear, and ea. now cripples "Ur 'berg'''. It ch' .Erie 'llea pecially wheu desiring the temporary stoppage of beel''imsla'idgeirdnlo i ts W the d S ic t o at o e f ,ce lW ould " thw a ;M :hu ntle t olhams a re 1 h° . I`..S! foray P...°..."2°_'.l.hie..e_Nrth_c_..7rrhoul-d-°.„,thii.l 'admire this company Wiry the vame eeperimeet t ..4;; . `",i,' 1 1574;1=7. 6 t •; , 17,17 ,, r m ,, val v e , c01 .7 . 1 , ^4: tar, this road when completed and connected as is w c den, by the 'Rh electron of the extrung law. Yoder coals sad a d ad W ra dh il: d h a e ,d s Oh L o a ' d th itsi r a u ` s ' e t try ru " a k' r e u e th a ? t i gn lun u penally of 5200, but aas still frequeattylidopted and although, there may avast some dalerence of angles, well divert nod accuse to this Common ~,,,,_ isso . us th e mode by whh „ the etre. is pro_ wealth Ronld,. at the Lake trade as she is cot.- '''r"" duced, the net is uudoubted, that explosions most th tled e imtamore,,w,eillt.erae: and ee d ire', ~'irlou"audd'e addition to i t u htus. w hich ._ Se .. q_ue al n k ty i oc t. c o u pe r,.cola on e s di h s u tel b,..,. y an n . s . tarti p a k il a ie fo r a insampi are ours beyond a doubt, this alone enter e'"` while; even when there hes been no evidence, of mg at the extreme western portion of the Stale. any defficiency of water in the Wets, although it and traversing Its entire length, would medal( jeue y,..0.: take place when steam to u-seelat a reader tr6s this gigantic undertakmg. But I apprehend ate pressure, and suffered to escape uf the safety these advantages are of minor Smporinucer 'when __,_ as foot _ _ a ,, eeesthaisue from the thus, compared with what I conceive to he the great l ' s T n •' s F; tueeu r su ; e ,•" . 1 PolP.eno and °Wm'a all" m li na l re ' ae°4--111° do. The mod effectual means of gmrdiug mound velopement andeurrease of the unneral, manulac- ace:ideate, thath extreme pruumm of Beam, would, taring, and amichltural interests of the State, as i y the openers of your memorialists, be, by compel! well as the corresponding ' thaw ' th ' th y local mg everydeat to be provided wah a Safety Valve, travel. In addleon to that now universally used, and of And here, He. Speaker, is the true answer to ,__ . ,, e _ ___,,,, ,_ ~,,,,,„,, , ~ the un __„,,, 0 , ea _ the most specious and therefore most dangerous 'M ee ; th ,"`` un ' te ir h "" thu iT s ` t ; "d'eght de cide r ti er, vs , I arguments urged against this bill, I refer, sir, to the n w per invesugatiow, and to be constructed so as not to increased tax upon the tonnege, and the proposed be accessible to the engineer, or any person on We on passengers ; which it is all'ged will WI" board the steruner, for any puipose, but to open it revenue to the State, and protection to, the State from tune to ttme, to prevent adhesion, and beep works. We assert that the'preseat five mill tax , _ order. upon the tonnage during the season that the Ca- i " '" To guard agautathe danger that might ante from nal is open, amounts to prohibition upon all • 1,,,y tra d e, and th...,... this week ea .. teueui, the mate l e n . t p h ic. e y : d ornan . the shc . p, o . r in c,i feLior o 7 the of fere, and that the revenues of Tennsylneua are • boilers and flues, or from reduction onheir strength not dependent upon MN on foreign trade and tra by long service, deposairse of rediment or other eel.-It eoaal wealth 'is the metal of individual esn , ‘ „ ,yentthetheriekastesuaare . thed a more enterpme, and the !revenue of a nation under a rigid inspection than the law now regimes, which l ug g arenuaealthcrearw ' in `P r° S° lm . l l° th e a ' should take place every six months, or, as mocha. cumulation of individual gain._ s in turn re ener, es the feaer or principal engmee_r_may rn goveed by the =ma to markets, for the value muse, at whic h tn .. ; the „de. „ th em hi, filled °I. red or personal property in,increased or dual ' with water,- and subjected to hydrostatic pressure, idled ad it is rear to or remote from market.— which may be done by the imamate forces-pump, These, air, are tmisms,and I may be reflected up _„_eheui mth e e . g .. , student . t . peete nadauseu on far thew utterance, but the nature of the oppon of the inspectors, amounting at least to double the lion justifies me. pressure which the boilers shall, by his certificate, Steam Is the only true - measured" distance now, be permitted to carry; which certificate should be and brews the markets to the door of the producer, put up in a conspicuous part of the vessel, and giving great value to what, otherwise, would be thould be ;compared with the weight affixed to the worthless additional safety valve, previously alluded to. .I.The fact that the hidden wealth baited beneath lu !addition to the security de rived from double the mounts= of the interior of the State, ,could safety valves, and frequeat testmgof the Boilers by be conveyed to either extreme of the Common- h „ deattatue „am at' least 5 thnee no great 0.,, wealth in less than a Jay, would invite millions at tuie „ , „,,,,r thated to empl oy when us ne's:, th e additional capital, transmute the dirt and stone a French t o h ., a l v i e , the expedient of the mountain into a taxable article, and increase affixing to each Boiler one or two plus, or discs of the assessinera ot lands ten fold. This Is excl. metal whicle'sbell be feeble at ' a temperature but ri ` • of rba l awd i iad' ' " I° ' ° •'" of the assessed vv a kiw degrees above that at which the Boiler is al. ate ot property at the termini. of theme; Alm. lowed to be, worked, and by the melting of which dy the, proposed improvement is looked to by the the _,.., 4 _,iawn will ,_ _..,‘_,,,,, escape he„ Revenue Coriunissioners m a source of raceme.— kure q"" — ",, each ; deg • the ," " ei .Q•Z e ".`"w inett. ,,,, i h . Th __,,,`"`,..,T tlem ,,_ ea ' ne „, /ecthd ,„.,__" lx " th r W a d „ .„ dY and fore nuariOn' This pnmtiple Seeger! oce4nally "•"—•-• "'"' w "" - e — •••"'''''' na " 4°l—nrces " tried in the United States, but has never 'been gen national wealth, indicate clearly whence coolly adoMed.l A pion einuewhat minder hai beau, revenue may be derived by their IS th , ltelh2 o thi introdtmed on name of the Western Boats By Mr., and 21st Interrogatories preisended to the wanes. C. EVlll.4,qa Lt}' safety guard. de brouglabeffire them. - ~_ c • e . Your himminalists do ate possess sufficient M- I re P ent r' 4 " , (dad I d ''' '^the g en "f man " an ' '''• Gnmetron 00 this selects tu warreta them to o meow. .lie fur hisittfornstioure ) one to the great increase mend this i s noon iistathiuk grid ht they of the ersiedied value of Prfllstml, to the city °I . N . behave ithadophon under propertristrumons would York duceNse completion' raf the Erie Canal,) Le attended with beneficial wreck. , that the meremed value or property along the The ditiermice is the expanse/1i of two or MOM mad ..._ . .1 at 111 termanic the additional investment mum ,. rmiu lies al. o been pen .," es a means of. 4 :...fP us. ....,' mwin g , end _, a a ,_ Menaf=t , nne g.,,, e P en ' indicating the Ml:venture of the Bailers, dr, th e "'"", """' th e vain, e' rc° "' w h at ''' no w me ' defieutcy of water therein, by which nonepshould dirt and worthless rock will yield to our cheated b e given or the approach of danger front either ot and almost bankruptold Cornmogaeahli additional these muses. Your Memonalide have not been, means wherewith to'redeem her broken Gorilllins._ advised of the practical application oral. appara- We hate a P C. P alatiaa at " maw " , with --- bas for which a patent hos been procured by Dr. .. ty million of acres of land, owning nine hundred Wright of this City, hut consider is well worthy manna ° " °11n " worth of property—the °I " the attention of those e•ho are engaged in the mining and the arena or third manufacturusg and hue .... , , , -., agricultural State is the Union, with undeveloped verieste other mode , have been suggested to wealth uncounted We propene a scheme can ' pitied armrest eceidentsfrom the expVison of :team Mealarai" with the importance of the • SU "' an ;Bolero; to which your , memoraleas do letterer, in "° roodfromEst a' Wort, imrennag her ' an the oonfident belief that beano any' further legs!. centre, enhancing and distribuung her manifold ties. boot upon eiableet, that vs , honst , thie producta, and we are met with the pates objection leclies will make aneh further investigation through , that " lenn a heavy tax,ls arll"ed We ,late rev ' the inetnunenetlay ora Ceinuainee or a floard of flues will be demolished. I,Vhy, sir, they wools! seuenude men and practical engineers, „ eh, " they ,b l me "meal .."11°°d cmlun cl m" eahllll k " n ja. be authorized to veil the. Western liners and lerommte cripple tamed to ll ga th erer, enac ting Lakes and obtain information relative to a, as will peanys at every venue of trade ato make= her. ~.„, „ get ., of her vat unimproved tetrasty, e c n e alle nt y y o .n ur d hea m o . ra e b n le tootles u) .. to set with greater teeming with coal and iron. Yocr memoralids moreover believe, that the I verily believe that the general Increase In adoption of nay pu . spseett uthpthse i nent in the op. value already -spoken of will yield to the State path.. employed an :rut .. Setae, teat lie onnuu thrice ~,_° 4be_ j er , e ,_ °°°w _„adbrde,d, by tbecand • whde smal l advantage unless some plan veld he devised '''' •••• "="" T ""`e the ro ad w '" act 1 " a feeder, 'n• for elevating the character and position tithe En. ° renni n tannage by ° P nainll4° " ° '" °°°•-thma ll b gineent employ.] on fhe ,bust., and pitividiag rin which the call, Iron and done, non, remote from ample supp l y or men ei ... ir ..., , p ., , ,, y. ~,,,,, the State work, will be poured into lie it will be edge, pry[lll..Vl and attention to discharge We corer preceivpd at a glance that the tax of 5 mills, 51,17 our and responsible duties incumbent men the et per ton proposed in this hill, will not permit their a ., erste .. we , Easuneetu through carriage on the road. As one menus of accomphshing this object, it is But, Mr. Speaker, sett ag nide these prospective proposed, that the District Judge stall be author advantages, and viewing the State merely as a ,zed to appoint at such idsees ...ay be t„.itnat, collector of tolls on the. trade and travel that me/ ed, a board of exemmers, eonaisting of five mene pass through her territory, it cars be demonstrated her', eh ... fro . ...on t, tenses., 'Engine that theiroposed five null tax will add to her revs- builder, and River Epgineerereludieg there, whose our. 4111 . Mt, " ...ceded by . 14 ' lll " mi r t° a duty it shah be to examine all appluents for the prohibition on through manage donna the aariga- situation of River 'Engineer, and eller careful ca tion of the Canah• then, Sir, we look to the travel, quiry and examination with regard to the charm. and in the calculation!! assume that all the pas. !erred habits, as well as the mechanical doll zed w-alge" ore attracted few" the mama live, putt n g Ithowledge of such applicant, shall give them the ease is the most unavorsble light certahstes or Diplomas for the intention of first F.a l4ll ____, e " e r,_ °((he 111 fena bs , ndnal ~_l 4 , ' he s. second or third Engineer, ir they might be need Portage • - "e" •". loan year we '''''' t "••• •" e worthy and wellqualered: The seine Beard should whole number passengers over the road was 11,. be authorized to appoint the Inspector, oil Steam 624--- " n1 that lVO wore t amag b Pa nne ' Boat Eamme—shoufd provide an office An the gen, whirl is too large a proportion, and we have 1ty,,,,y of Eyg,syma, and should examine nth far 246 m iles of Canal, al three mutt pee mile, , We the paruculars of any explosion or Beelike% which I n 51, , O may take place with!. then jurisdiction, and have . 4,., ` ^' power to revolt any certificate or diploma if in their judgment any cremes! neglect or nuthoaduct of the Engineer should occasion such explosion, or other accident; and ahould be auttionzed to pm emote web 2nd or 3d Engmeres to heeler grade:, na anther experience might render them qualified. As one means of gnincling spinet the danger of explosions, it has been jnopeired to prohibit ate> lately the employment of steam beyond a certain prevsure, say 1001 to 1211 Ills. to the inch; bun your menoriallats beheve that although thb advantages of using deem above that degree may be doubted, yet it would he considered by many to he an arbi trary exercise of power to pass any express law on foe zubject, and that lay adapting the , prteam nous recommended, the same Muct would be more effectually accomplished, either by the use of the fusible meth' which might be prepared at either of the United States Mints, or by the In spectora Of Engines at the venous ports 01 such composnion as to inch at any required temperature, I and consequently give way under any degree of pressured which it would be applied, !night be able torsostele without danger et explostou. Many of the citizens who have directed their auentran to dile subject; have themed.• faeurable opinion of a School for Engineers, to be eupport ed by the Government; but, thine h your anew • mishrts are not disposed to yield thy persons in their Jennie promote, a thorough tied and theorthcal knowledge or steam en neering and all as kindred seienees,they fear tha the consent al and other difficulties which ht be raised in opposition to such an instauton, t her with the local jealousies to which it wool gme, nae, would seriously obstruct if not alt therdittroy, as benefits, and would therefore la ch prefer le we the Engineers and other Mech. - ca in our . Wedern Towns aud Creel adopt I necessary means 10 provide suitable instructions y Lectures, or otherwise among themselves and udder their then control.} 1 , Having the{ briefly considered the sing from the employtnent of theam, a mg power, your inemonahsts wal subi !narks upon the queen= of pilotage. net it is very difficult to adopt any sp as, from the variety of circumstance. i. steamboats meet; the peculiarity of the several tens of the rivers, the &Alma Mime, dining a heavy fog, either the position of an epos:arching steamboat perples:ing occerrences,• a great demo lion most always he left with the Om The ally safe meats of avoiding llisehe do , flag e dark slight or a in, appears to ,Or la th Pill. hods to reduce their speed as they o b, ond , In very narrow channels, or intricate menages, fur , 'the deseeliding boat merely to Apia vroth the cur. ren.,i• u the colletantreammo of bells, or \blowing or whistles, would only tend to produeo u rfusiori, and prevent the meta from Aimee of strength and posture cites CUP . .., or the ap roach to rocks aerially, by the sound they maker thy action • elf,the laCtiali end in many Mtge a, aA • ipia aalipap a to any *et aroma' rotes , paid oa. ly tend to produce the evils they are deegned to twat I Your meete are aware that the—expiation And for 36 =tea of Portage road 7 Make t u grow receipts for the year . 19,3°0 Bur from thisgross sum Laura be deduct.: ed cost of as the &Luc fur. niches . the cars, which 'cost, as gated,: su . ' by the 'perintendent:ha 1815, was 31 . -.cents Or each passenger, making 1,111 Thus leaving a nett revenue to the Sim,- 11,790 of Po Se 6 miles amour! and Sd miles Nbw,Sir, tbenumber of through passengers O.ver the Pertuylvenia wortsamiding to the Baltimore and Ohio Reamed during the past year, leas 50,- 000; maiming this to be the number carried, over the Central road, (end mist assuredly whed they haves direct railroad communication to Philadel phia they 'dl hot go partly, by turnpike, by way . of Baltimore,) we than have 50,000 passengers •we upon the Columbia road, a State work, from which the State receives on each ,pusenger two centsporFile, or 31 42 fir 71 miles, making the groat receipts annually 8 7. 1 ,°9° The cost to the State Bel the conveyance " of eachuenger, as nearly as it can be cotasiard from - the primed reports, is OS cenut.maidag Bus entire cost . . • Leaving nett revenue . . 337, 000 Being $25,220 more thus is nom received kom the Cutal and Pottage. Thirtnalcolation, is you mill perceive, is based upon ilia supposition that the mire road is annpleed.l If the Ferriage is used the amount would be dsubled. Nor can any mem ber hare doubt that the towel over this road will increase to Mier or 'brier the number I hove as , But, Mr. Speaker, I bine wearied tinliouta and myself with statiaties.,lbeve no moue for them', and would not have introduced them here, but to Beni. Cy those who appear to think that the propoidd tax is sot angicitat. For:mywit I bola not to tolls in the 'promenade , * of thin great work., I view , it an I have haratofote stated, as a measure r enrich the State by developing the renewers of the Stec, to benefit the cititans of Ina State by handing t o pettier the extremes °Caw State. • . 'Kerrucer. .s—The Lotdirifilkt Journal has discos., wed tome interesting fa c ia in Selation.to the bee fop noselnee for the governorship. •It says be . wee in 1814 tbeetocofoco-Saddidate for elecur in hie district." In the aeons , of hie labors, be welt to Litchfield in Grayson and fondest epeeeh. In that ,Perch - be indulged so freely 'in bird awes ring, that the grand jury.tittlicted hint for profanity' end ho PM antnally cogrettedAntd fined. . He his turned that bird asseerialf in, a Piiblie W o o' l iox°,47' that itaayily timed:in a me., An Irish pape r sestettttet;at a late sturtiug th. litser&iett Gnidini*ekiknoing twit 'ma pane t ßaisdifitialn anzOmifie quested to libstain froo_msking sly plrsp 9inhp, thin halos serious b=ttess Ites geos img " l " s. 0ta4116 boami . the.vika.combikalititef u explosive saieldrer4 oxygsattithd . fryilitaginitnera, produced lifthatstr . [tont:fate beitediciler . upan the water ands. theVeiCeentaliettit, .Your menioxialiw hive-Met latlenitt4ittlleirtifeirideetee to lima theMnateleit. eidebt dhel oplxlidir;bati . they would remark, that if ( "OM experience should -fully estabilsh that do ort,-they believe the adoption - of the boiler iron, 'plated with.c c lprw - of which ipecimesis .Weret ex hibited !bY , .Th+ - Woista of 'Ohio. if used in colt oration with copper_ .coated rivets, would are. a greet tendency to remove any board fro that cause: There !alone improvement in the laws pee ing river . navigstion,, which your memo Witt. deem of gerat _impostance _ namely, that keel boats, Haug rairp, coal boals or other craft, should be compelled by law to exhibit lights when fleeting at-night or when laying by in the neighborhood of such pineeit sn are rased gar steamboat !trading. This precaution would much facilitate the =lg.. lion of steam spats, and *wild prove the means of preserving many valuablelives, trade large amount or ProPertY- Your memoriali.sts do not consider it necessary to enter into details with regard to the atnuent of boats, the magnitude of the commerce,or the num berof parsons both as passengers or navigators, which are interested in this .tmportantnuesition,but Would earnestly and re:mot:daily 'call the 4ttemloa of your honorable bodies to the importance adopt- • hag each 1110 , 2,01‘41 a may reader hifr and roperty ' more secure, and more fully develope the art re ; sources of the growing regions which use merest ed in itadecision. , nit C., AIIePAIGN PAPH.p..I Signed by order of the Board of Trade. Aura, THOS. BAKEWELL, Joos ILuirt4, See' y. , - Every thieg nt present indicates that the cowing Presidential campaign will be the most exciting ever Caught. U poe all sides we 'see preparations waking by the it:ministration press:, to sustain the e 'teen tive by the. cheap circulation of the usual statements with which they gull the public ear on the eve of election. . To spread the antidote wherever they May leave their poison, wisaboll issue a campaign paper at a price so made eati.7as to plain tt. in. the binds of every good Whig in this region, as well as in the hands of all those who lore their country with au enlarged heart, and who desire to see our glorious coastitutioh, the with:hour Fathers fought and died, preserved trent the danger of being tote into a thousand fragments by an unprincipled end mis , guided faction,- whose entire and devoted object is toplArdir power and the spoils incidental there to, and the the !take of which they are ready and willing to ',netlike every principle of right and jus tire an well on Or Law and Order. The "Gasettenhas never yerbee {bond wanting, in its duty and devotion to the great interests of Western Pennsylvania, 'with which it has been; identified &linearly three quarters 'of a century ands. We trust to be Cued is the torettion ranks, daring the coding campaign. When the National Convex than composed atte eliosetvpatriont of the republic shall decide upon the man who into bear our Pres. ldentinl banner, we shall eater, into his support with all the energy and industry we possess% and • thmwing away the scabbard tight for the good old CUM, so long as the enemy keeps the field. • • We shall put upon oar banner, as one °Rheum& nal principles for which we contend, A PROTEC. TIVE TARIFF, one . that shall secure to those living on American soil; the labor requisite to pro disse our own iron, our own cotton, our own glans, own salt aid in short all that is requisite far our comfort or: convenience that can be made at home.. AVe shall go for the good farmers policy of buyingtbothi s hall - de man d too thstwecati produce muselves. from the next administn uon iMpropriations for the improvement of our rivers and harbors, sod shall - insist that a part of the revenue -we contribute in raining, shall his expended ke our ,bcoent and , ant all be given to support useleca wars, and greedy, levy, worthless officeholders, and contractors of the goy We shall go for those who will give us a gov ernment adixdalstered upon the most economical sink consistent with honor to the position we oc cupy among the nationa of the earth. We shall gut for noninterference in all European .politics either by direct action or the most remote unplicalion, - behaving that ow tree destiny is to mind our 'own Wetness, anthill bur own bounds ! nes, and recommend the virtuea .and advantages of ow fine of government 'by our ezaMple and I not by armlike diplomacy. We ahallOppose- the -acquisition of any more territory, and shall insist that, no means shall be spared to restore as to an honorable peace with our sister republic: • To tbosepho apprcive the declanuionSwe have made, we now appeal and ask them to ill us m the dissemination of the creed we lay down. The Weekly Gazette of the 10th of June will contain the National Nominations. We will cone mence on that day and send the Gazette until the the result of the Presidential election is known upon the following terms: To one address , Teti copies , 5.5,00 Patent copiea , Twenty " 'Fitly. 2000- Cue hundred copies 35,0 C No package will , be made up containing less Ilan five ropes, for which 52,50 cts. will be chug. ail and so in pupation, for additional copies. We would solicit the attenuon of the present patrons of the Gazette to this newer and ask their Tke extremely low rate at which we offer the campaign paper leaves but a small margin over the actual expense of publication {O., and Violaters Inuit be attended by sunh: The money can be sent to us through the post masters: ERASTUS BROOKS, dr Co. • • Public Opinion,. The ;Albany.Argos publishes n letter .',•Goin the pen of n distinguished writer"—Demooratie, of comic appearing as it due, in that thorough psrty "papiii.Ldiecussing the question. "Can the French maintain a Republic?" Strongly condemning the career of the ex. King of the French, whoise &um fell he had predicted ten yearn ago, this travelled writer wholly disbelieves, and even ridicules, lie idea tbat the French people are ripe kn . a republi can government, in our reuse of the term—(hat is, a government of qiiiet, law, and order. Ifis con. ,eluding remarks are as follows: .! - "As for a Republic, that is to go on Inittnestions. /y, and with any thing like tolerable quiet, law,und order, I hold it to be just as impracticable eV it would be to set up a Doge of Venice and a Conn. oil of Ten in the State of New York. One thing most be borne in mind in relation to this subject. We hear only the • voices, of the revolutionists —the rest °tile nation bring temporarily mute. The day will come, however, when the last will speak.' • Our own liberties we will endeavor to preserve against any and every assailant. The moral OM of our esamplaWall preach liberty every where: from our pulpits' and our prem., from our mountains and our yang.," the voice of freedom shall swell forth, and be - echoed from our skier; but a war of propagandism is ronwro7 to the 'genius of our institutions and tp- liberty itself. If men choose to live under a despitism, far be it from us to compel them to be free. If a nation will to be free, it can be. The sovereign, without the people . to support him, is but • shadow, however he nay seem to be surrounded - by monitions of Impregna. ble strength. 'Beware of . Limign alliances," was a maxim of Wastuatimw, and roast be persevering ly sobered tn,!if we would be happy, safe, or permanently i o free. Beware of foreign alliances, however tempting to our pride; ur prompted by our. sympathies. .Let Europe work our prob. lams, in bee own way. The mission oil the Uni ted States tee mission Of peace.—Joarnalef Com'. • wen, .• • • • iA3/13 K. Pura dir. Ca—Tbir smularity-of opiniona upon navigation, enlertiined by our Prea. ideas and the Council of Castile, duriug the reign of Charles 11, will strike the reader in a" moment, atter perusing the Grllowing brief patine of hist° , .`,The Dula ofkred Charles 11 of Spain, to make the Tagus navigable as Ear as Listion, at their own expense, provided he would seer them to exact, fora certain nrimber of years, a supulated duty on merchandise whichiboukl pass that Way ., WIU their intention to make the Matinnaryz navigable Gem Madrid to the place where it ,roMs the Tagus. After asigedelleration'theCouncil of Castile re• turned this remarkable answer : 'lf d' bad pleased God irt make these rivers navigable, the intervals. tion of hurnari idustry would not been ne -tvasary; an they 'are not already so, is does not ap. pest that Providence intended:Am sw• Such an undertaking,Would be seemingly to violate the decrees of Hea!ven, and to 'attempt the amend ment of these apparent imperfections Visible in its we have lieretoGsre always been in the dark• as to the source whence lames K.'Polk or Gen. Cass drew their views upon Internal Impn.eptents.— Drintit Ads. luxEss ve Gen. Scarr. , --We are very sorry to Hod the Diknving paragraph cOneenting the hirahli of General Seen in the New Orleana Delta:- .Grt. Score.—We are 'pained to perceive that our distinguished Commuder in Chief, annoyed and toortided, u he no doubt is, by the extraordi nary treatment be IMP received from the authori. Lien at Washington, add by the boasting and blus ter of the subordinate odlcors Whom thiPreudent be taken under= bin Prixemion, has exhibited the qua of 'serious indisposition and physical debility. We trust that they will prove to be deo serious character or permanent trunnion. The sympathies of the whole cmitrylate enlisted in favor of our noble Coeukanderiu ChieV.. • • . I angers 1 uri• the iyatielh its wwre le .thuuL dc coke; Jet which clauciet in . . Faust Yrdarss.—The schooner hionanto anis• ed at New Orkans on the 3d front Merida, which . placizshe lett on the 2Gth uk. The affairs of the Peninsula are repreliented tolni ha the most deplor. able state, and tint entire Spanish race id threaten. ed with extermination by the Indium, • The towns of Valladolid end laend having been defended by. the inhabitants typing the enemy, disparink arson. quering them, _retired to Merida. . • When theldonnoto Sailed,' the city cif. Merida 'wits surrounded by the haat', their number being reported to be some 50 or rk,oock Thi citizens had mot addresses to Com:Perry, prayink him not to outride the igand, but the Cinanno&ik ureport ad to haveleil Carmen on the', 16 and Merida:on the 21th nit:Petters giuM —. . . , New .loai , t.—The Tribune, sayrt—tNorano Ter 6 Delegate has, op to Ale heitir;beett abase, from this State to the National COoveatioh, and ere'defi the' so . of Taylor to mune a die , trial . in which t Vitt -0 /ect , •e` palmate: That one or two. May fi to sonar while amdaarea - b o w to pbsitildif but the Peopte undentand began hand that a Taylor Delegate is to becontended tar is any district, and the effort will he dekated: ititlkdffri 43 .m 41 _ .of PlitthoWasigtiC ' W _ashinglois, Apntl?,lslB; Pi:us:T.—The bill ileficdsig uue MO*4 of the Fr 9 144 W i l la ga , 'lliaallad up; nidat* a snort discussion passed uussurnously. Mr. Hale from 'the Mmuninee on' netisioa..te: rea PDX . " joint ' Lallot.. amending the Naval Pen sion tau% ,i '' ' . i . • ...Mr. Matigom red to reconsider the vote of Friday last t rejeCt ng the Supteme Conti bilL The motion was agre to, and the bill made the "tie+ cial order for Mo day next. ; On motion, the Hate proceeded to the conside ration of the o rof day, , vi. the Calliontian Claim. • A motion wan ade iiiimneud the till,bith helve the question was ": en, Mr. Mangum moved that . the .Sate go into ,Ezecntive Sesaiou, which ow, Son was greed to; • ' Mims or . 1 71033:nkrxviz..--Mr. thin moved thnt the ifouse megilr.e itself into a Comm itteeof the \Vhole, on the gate of the Union, w N. 2.1 agreed tn. The Foreign Mail Bill cia'S then taken up, and, after considerable debate, the furthereonaidaation was postponed. I The Revoliitionari.linsion Bill was also eore sidered and discussed, but ne action hod. The other business of the thy was unimportant. Correspondence of the Iliteburch New tdas,.April 12, 1843 , The tunn'cipal electing yesterday' resulted in the choke of W. F. Haverneyer ibr Mayor. • The Whigs have a '4lajority of two in the 'Board of dennen. 'The Vtonnl of Assistants is tied. (Mr. Haverneyer in an old merchant and ene . of the most populai men, personally, in the 'city.. The Velem' the Aldermen is the:true teit,"nridthe City is still in the hands oithe Whigs) : • • - ExeloAvo Cofrepoodeuoe of the Pinot.ugh Groitte. • Panuntrvitts, Much 12,1845. • The Atlantic Markets :Um withotit the lett4 change . of interest, and quotations are mined. • THE racercer rox ruc.e.—Mr Fteuter, the "cot.. renxintlent or the N. O. Della ; anti late bearer of the Treaty from the Ifeadquatiers of our Army to this Gosernmesat, wrues trout the city of Mexico as MARCH 17.—There are filly members of Con• ,grew at prevent at Queiviaro, there are fifteen at this place, who s+till leave on Monday CH' the neat of GOVerIIMIHI4 there Lea been tusorder issued by the Mexiditi Government the bolding the elections in the States Crain which no delegates have been elected. I hear not a doubt expressed among the Mexicans in reference to the ratification of the treaty. I , hive beard several of the Ppm 04 saY that they . would vote for the ratificatimandsf, possible pin an end to the war. lam of opinion that the, vote in favor of ratifying the treaty will be a very wrong one. If the treaty should come beck from the United States amended there will , priba ably be a good deal of debase ..Sraas aT MN= ustra."—We copied yester. day s .and we commend today to the attention of the Americatifreatten:the prophecy of the O. National that .within ninety days after theratifica , lion of the treaty of peace betwen the United States and the republic' of Mexico, the Mexican departmeats of New Leon, iTatimulipal and Coo hod, will revolt and declare themselves free and independent,",—with Gen. Mirabeau a Lamar, of Texas .10 the first Pfesiderit of the new republic of New Leoor • Thus, then, we are to have a new Texa4,—a new revolutionarY republic--a new - slavery, re public carved out of Mexican soil at the expense of MexicO, tor the purpose of being hereafter an, nexed to the United States in the • form of a new slnve.holding State, authorized, - Lite Texas, to be divided into five new Slat...oldie!, States. It is the Texas project over aEnsin. Tea Capra.—The Cherter County Village Re. cord says Farmers from almost all parts of our county, represent the crop; of wheat and rye at looking exceedingly . favorable at this tine of year in the Great! Valley; the garden of Chester countv—whern last year We crop was very light... The spring Weather during the 1.4 week has brought ,out the .gmio and . grass, claitt‘- Mg the fields with verdure. Should the lly and other camee not yet affect the wheat, our fencers may expect o hetet. crop! ',The weather daring the past week was:admirable - Or putting 111.theoats planning potatoes, and preparing 'the ground Cr planting corn, and rate farmer. have been busy as bees, entbradug the Lavorable 'opportunity. The gar dens else hive received mi laths attention. , • - • , Eristbr or viz FoissaCrs News.—The New Ycirk_ Journal of ar tue There seas a rush thin miming, for Lille so remit to meet. delitmeneies notified by the Vashington;en d some sales were made Ishigh as /0 prem.,. but the flair quotation Is . that Tie only failure rumouneed this niorning is of Pillott & Labubier, a house of very high stand ing, brit whose corespondents having suspended witli other great houses in , Prance, they are coin. pelted to do the same.". . . . A:haat - arrival at Vera ci.o.t tram the Belize Ithe Brithdi settlement at Honduras) anntiunees that 'the Indians have taken the cities of Gumginelat(dle capital Of the country) and Blunder, destroying the beautiful public woebu °false first named city. The inhabitants of the Belixe . tvere greatly alarmed. as they were motuentarilyttxpecting an muck. The same is said of Campeakhy. FIRE AND LOW or :LlFT,—tin the 9th log, a destructive the broke'out in the shipyard of Wm. 11.. Webb, at the that of Seienth street; Y. destroy ittif property to the amount °lkea 570.000 to $lOO,- 000 . Dafhth ; the - progress of the fire, three men Were. OW by the failing of a abed on which a craw& of spesators had gathered: Several other, were mach unured--some very isaverrly. • Another rene w= killed while resisting the .' - emnnaung Louts Pniurrx Coxrad.—A letter, from one of Louis'Phillippe's inchoate fritiatin wu received by the steamer Washington, by a gentle• matt ofNew York city, rays the Express, scramble. rag that the ex-King has taken the -resolution to come and fix himself With his fsmily,in the Visited States. So says, aratitlently, the Pmrrier des Etats Unis, with this tulditiontd retnirt, "[hie is probably not the last king who will flee fm - safety to the "Egis of the American republic." • • Pp:minium wrru 'stated that . in Ceylon, elephants tire employed in ploughing new grounds for the cultitiation. of coffee, pepper etc.:. One of ileac animwhi when well trained, ilia said, will do the work of twenty oxen; consequent-, ly, more labor is performed in a given time, and the period in hastened far putting in the crops The prior of no elephant.: in Ceylon, varies keen It ii understood that Oen. - Scott will return theArnited Suttee immediately aillu the dual ad: journment of the Court at - Inquiry. We have a . thouoraLsa, that he will resign hiaf,At in the army..! Pena. lay. Gaovrato Caars—The Alexandria (inane's. in . tarmation fioni the adjacent 'counties, is that the gnawing crops,: a t this time, Mok promising, • 07. Citizens rite honorably assured that thc'itillow. mg are the actuargualtlies of a as boule of Joni , Co. eel Hair Restorative. If they doubt our word,; they aaunm there highly respectable ettirens, whothavv . tried . . Mr. Geo. Beckett, 41 no si, New Turk. .• Mh. Martin Reeves, Myide avenue, Brooklyn; Mr. Wm. Tompkins, Shi KUM xi, New-York.. hlr.Thorain Jackson,* Liberty sf, Pittsburgh, 1.1 Callem barber steamboat N. America, :dud more than a hundred alien state, thatgb thiVlllll-1! suffice, Mat it will force the hair migrate ou the heatlor. face, stop it WWI on; attangthen the roots, .rmothmog llcurt dandruf from then:mu and maktnAr, zed. or gray hair. alumna 1 fine dirk lilt, and tier g dry, hanks or wily hair moim, soil, Mean and. bestaikli a. very, very • long time. Sold. m WM. JACKSON'S.* tiberlY ousr* he d CEng Irsl:4 Z l :i7t i e " sst ' lli r t;l 44d osell' i° i t - s - 117:1;le e. spring and soutrner gorznenti,on a oredit of 3 months , to be held at the store ofJohn D:Davist aucuoneer, cot, nu of Wood nod Fifth sta.,' ion Too t he the 11th 01111•111'ILI 10 o'clock.. This will be the largest hod beat sale.? clothing goer held in this - city, at the gar , nasal Ore fashionably out and of pod -owonol, whole of width ate to be sold wohout reserve or limit, toilte highest bidder. 'Poe goods will be told bt.lots,of nom ail to tWeIVO VOSOCIIItOltch: • ' ; Cataloguer will be reely had the goods open for as. enainatitut early on the morning of the sale. . &AO . errou foollab, silly o/d fallow, mad ails, and ha no maser bald, whiskarless and, baitlekt. Mr. W. Jack .0, of 80 Liberty mime; PittaborLL,P. oemfica op the lid olPebniary, 1n47 that Str.litos. Jackson's geed, on the top, was edtiref e y bald (orib _years, and that Ly ttl two as.boeko Jones , Coral Hair Restoraste, the hair Is gaming kw and Illlck. Bold In Newark by 11.01,03 k SON, 275 Broad et, IL VAN BUSKIRK, corner of Broad sold Nantucket nt markt • Doer your hat tall off, doe's your hair torn grit' Is it bank,ia it dry, or duty, l pray! - !Vila thaw, you eau make it soil, silky and fine, Dark and healthy, and beauteous as this hair of Wine And to hue this, you have,but.three shillings to give For bottle of donee Hair:Restorative. ' . Hassler, if you have bad bait you would really be as tonished al the lowly egret •.thres nhilh hotde of Jou... Coral Hair Restorative his on it; it heeds Intone uiaL Sold at EU Liberty at. " uovlthltioly l Ladies Whouse JuuesiSpaoirli Lily White, have &lamp a Sue selgte transpatUot Of this a tool will satisfy any ene.- Said, roily to ritniburgb, ed Sa Liberty at t. e•NoTteete--41 , Witted meetiuk of the members of ;the Young Men'. Mernantile Library eAnweiatiort tad htechnnicp Idtitme, will be /mid or the Mall on :Nen day evelmv,Apyil Ilth, Inelab to o'clock t •e Rourarr 11:)..Toyna. HALT MID Lant.—Cona.tock's Nene and . Bona 'Limo/ear and ladian VegetableMia.fr, is thv nod. affection! cun to libmanunim..• Vkdd by WAI:JACIi• s; Mani for , Pinaburib. I_. ouvLldtsrefinii. , . ir,rPa" sous, aa.—The Great. Hip' titmice is an mule. more Natly celebrated as' a cue for ea above than any or all othant. Its cures are ilo autottable. Sold by WM, IttehLSoN, Agent. POW, burgh. . , ,Itorxedt 2'. Arg" Don't have yellow dart Teeth—tthey , eiuS.ba made pearly white by.ane tutee using a box of 'Joan - Amber Tooth Pane. It hardina the gums, avreeteas the breath, is. Said at 69 Labeny at. trovl9.lkwly .741 Ay., nost,ithe old Coon Hossearia. Hai pewee • •• and Y. ditbeeloorn.logbitra unti== .. thielvity:eritht a deseriptice a the dr Amine, the diartibtaloo ether Antietam (hada preykalore fottrattiel for rieralleriatioe *llea die. Yrasi—he remotions prodoeed Go the minds aide 1 . liat o P , o Ott tbe receipt of thir : joyfit brepece e c e tote - Antertempenple hear) that, moan, taut were roll • • to Heir aleetance; and the feelings of eternal • • excited in their krona isteranla tha benevolent and • laidrophie Amerima Mho so nemsly contd. • • to their rad; and in• . ..towards gamine mould and osset . illustooits son, do. Host. Henry Clay whose pt:patty for treinudotod moneyf, dbialemer sod contioootterrkedabip' be the exiled thiklmt Erie. form !oak ./a . psaapatrat element he the eaaapoit• ten of the patriot. and ever erne sod • •opterared and palely. Apt= . allmi • tieisity, Falaelolon.thia (Than: the Chapel of Jae Usk. / 1 .. main el for promos d•y) ever varsity. (hat Modes at • F-0.41 C. th;hae. • pilrwat. , 5p1.2.11 TJUSAVAIL •49674:_istaleses6 sit!' ICIIWAN. ' 3161 Paine. • DIOS 01 011.11,04.. h • • . with the lEREES. Mr. Poner. .*O . SITIVirisTr.IIOIII 7, DAVI OfILYB RAYMOND 6 WARING'S GRAND" MENAGERIE. TTm/. BE E.:(.IIIBrrF.D on Tuesday, AVedneaday, • and Tuesday, Aprll Mb. Lab undl2ll,, for three days rely, under thair suarnmorhyuradlson, to Idrerect ed u kuot of au American Hotel, Penn most; and al• so in AUest,eny city on Frldsy, April lada . the poi*, Ai . cu iV nilf oce vo Id Try'r24..Pe'ual.: porta, asattrleraing the shovel Alta doling pedal. who, fey We ter' ermine intrepidity,.r with of 1111:' LION QUM% aid 71 air We renawned /IERR-DRIF9BACII • • la hie unparalleled performances, wish las Lions, ri pe's, Leopants,Cougare, e. 4. and w il l atrualas Fes eel( dnving 1113 AFRICAN - LION harocared to a tri• arupbal car, thus thotrtne last even a woman Way leant to control the MO:WACHS OF THE PORPP/TS: . to. 'each day float 11 to 46 asst (too. 7 to o'clock P rd. .21 ( xe • • AnallaidN, 1310-Yillkil•11 ander tea yews of age, 13eenno. • • • • • app Wank; Veleval. t Natlue• . 17 ..TA1 912iPiisEliV,th,Vii S .i consisups of a splenJid talented col , P ofFisiteatriatm will open tint StAl5/14 , 1 Entsbangta on MONDAY EVFNINO, IN. inst. IP Ft, for a shon season, Its younJ 131 11410 01 . Ibl/ The following • dtatiatattshed and popular Itetfonamt will have the hottocof aSP.TATT •ydototl 'I I } , l 2la.. l ar;i! ' =l , ll, FRANKVR I M A Fri. ) . I.I 24. JOHNSON, BEN HUNTINOTON, C. WOODS, ERN MALLORY JAS.NAWKINS, NEIL A,.T. .BROWER,AYAKIHNOTON CHAMBFIES M,IESON GEORGE DUNBAR, ANTHONY PASTEItiITOM• Rl= SHERWOOD, Masters FRANK and WM. PA . . Adzocciola, •:.:, CPLIte. rcr.x. tali priele:—, , - ' Wars *cps”pi dl.l-4phrp4sldame• is croisamnivi L:! o'clock. - . . ... . .. . . Tor pactieulat. penlirsuneri , kook. at peorsuirm a f.! • ' • • • • '• • ' .1:111.EAt 151:1CCVIS OF; : • Damiaysiai , e • Great Serial Paaarialin of -1 Neale% at Apalle Hall. 41h *street: ". 'im bled, dattertug receptionof Ltnelleret Movies ..L hat., be the ~ .•os Porepuaglvsnd ricusitys ins lanced rite proprietor IfXrentain a tear P. 111.111111 longer In the city. The paletlas occupleenearly two miles of canvas., on Attach Ls faithfully repfe meted all the banle-told,, elle( town and eines on the heel of operation by th e Tao Tat division. of the Amenaan• l A nNe ' ettltlil . fel eerie. 21r 4' ori th eter wh oVe ' re i tt public exhibition, mai cot:trey*: en, accurate i.d..of lbst countryao whir! the eyes ot the erotbiltere,yrith ntorbarlenlotqest, mama) , turned.. fee Faniettlers ardte dtr. . . Adadttince,reesu. paorifiVeias Wel4k _ . iplo .. • .. . . OE RocklinLists tome Nisoghlogiesy - Nisigglisili T Cootyany are hereby nailed to perEmoss Rugs shoo, ?mesa aid Company, sum of ten per mot their Stook, or berm the ligh day of' Day stag sae A father 4l of. Dna.. rept. en or berms . 4.41 11th day at . lons nazi, For lb. seronnoodmion of StorkillJers. the Ileashrer yr ill Wend, al she osfare edam 'Company In the torfoigh. 'or Wnst Neertoe,on the Ist sod DI demo! May smut m the ha...a ashen Illitehman, So Doom Plessmss, on the 41h. m the boor of Wore Robbins,. so Nonh Mononaoo township. oe lb. eils, at the house or Wm. Doorlmes. 1. Iliambstb lesoroship, Alleghenycomity. on slosello at dm Wass RAI.. McHenry. as bleSempon on 11th; .0J as 411, Garr of Idazor.liko. LLECOUT:Jr, m the. city or Pautsorgh, cm Do Mislay of May,1549. , fly uSer of she Boudoir ifemsgen, lb Apllls ALESANDER wasEa, 4AU.13 J. 13:Ourzt.. popr, B. A. raihrsirroors view:profile; A,l 133 W week. 'Somme oleo sieldoso,sgel shout maim was swell dor DD.% 110 1 S ..d the IMa.aiverrosr4 to slams:ugly rhos I leased demi would he it. remit. Daring ingest of Jr good RE DD Falsosnork'sVentillsmswhen .odaisimerni thildnra of my oesghbots, end mintitig Wf child acid' lumemonsis,from solar ottles symptoms.' pre It one sod LAD.: tesspooßolo ofDllaVenradtsdre; end 10 my pug alootuatumoot it alma Issiediately dist bawd NoloestYoland Vao Ism moms. lb Ittshb Way. um resauad, ant jai. maw ralsaeltably.mell. '• INV MOM to taklas Volonfugo. tle.onos weld octagonally Its doom, we /oda . feared it woad die from JAS. O. DAMON.. : .7somolarir to. Pa, Awn a, 'as. apla -• QTUCCO AND MASTER OF PARUIFoo WWW R. W..ColuOglooW Or oak by GUI W JAVOION. • M oolear Libeny, 111 : 1RUP-411144 . ,metre.' lima ftirsolougy;. • VMOOWilioubsaitilligiargloo4ilestt , do; 1004,110z14 urnialh 11. syr• sad fee sale by •143 • T"Snlr 41.11E4T. rfATOI2-11 V* :in Josa teed Cr TAzSEV litST . ACON-4 risk Mea4ders.l do :44.5 1 Ja Lair, • justreceivedoo s egisipmept awl (Irby :• apl3, Cormi—ua MA. Tama.Weans"; C 4 Jo, slo; ie otote eisa *wale yr s • • • aptli WEPT INAVIRI MAIN sy.' • s • R A , l o .ll . 7l— b ir 6;x i sAß ßi ßld . s . i . 9.:,...)u at 75e:irj o, c1 an4l apil3 ‘v a • water ja s_ i , • ACEVi r • • .• • 'Lams: 24%0110 dodo Slats; DACON.-11,6°E1l • • miiked. a GH w. Al' 31,00040 • filloulderv, LARVA on for sat e by. • cater will 104 fmut ti • • T_T •IDYS-441 Dry Hides is !tore and for sale b W lIARIDORsif • CAND... —l5O loss Mould.Caudles; 40 do Dip do, . store LY7s .41 Ids sale lby upl3 W INAHRAIAiIf • Ir tN gebr,rnio:e n i b;ru h rT;Tb:B7! ‘s7".C4de' Vine lid.DßADll/1 - UM/ R-175 L btu &atm Fatuily,blaor. in more and for sale by ~, upl3 SALW , II. 1 .11.11A111.111 --• Dar ASII—U tons Po. Ash received per steamer Ar -- towline, Luasale byR . OI3ISON & Co, - 3 19.: • • - - • t tulyb_sl9.q_ Is-MID-154W l' No Lard;'l3l ki.g s do do; just :reb'd 14 sod for salcby ap33 6 ROBISON& Co' • UTTER—] MA% Roll 'Honer; 8_ kegs Muff rimed per C R New. tlrighuln; tor NOT t, Ig u E rt — h ß l e:= . l . ron4lrrise it , le; Ny z i:r i. ae o. nt eachint , ; worked *.!'Doimond TATIA burgh." The and lake u hereby regortalt tayehorpa on the issue and hake h• eon?, • • • ' • ' ".ViT2T TIOWFX, MILLINERY 4.0:101)S —Jtant rece i ved . '} u. case, plain Strawy bonnets: , 5 do do Florence do; 'A do fancy do; NO Lax. Artificial Flowery 95eartonallon• het Ribbodp; YCOUpe Conon Lacer, LW do thread do; - *hick Will ailed at • wholetale C. be bought °filo Ealterolottlort. ' • . - r=!= (MOVER bash Clover thkedjust , tee'd for Wet)" POLNDFAThEt Ca BACON -1: boxes Viiitinia earq /lads . and Slam now fatality; and far 4414 by. .•• • POINDEXTER& Co, 44 water l i =er i t2,l:l7lr 4, moved p.....1..mer . 9 t . Pottamyrat k co T..ARD (AL.I.-10 bbls form sale by 14; . MeGILL,. BUSIIFIELD ICE AND LUAE OAR —3ll . licteet Medi CU WAD Rlsiutiur trout stmr acboylkil mad (or MI. by *,%% % • • -BAUALEIrd MIME •%-- • • % % • - •IS abdINI wood ok: . BVlVel;l4!:`x,:ntli,,klittit.7!9 4 apllt - HANALEI' amid' QTA i liCtl..M.l.atias Malt 11;lupitor quality, 414 igr liuuk bta•nouirattiaba nod am aule by• • . • • 7 S/3.4.0ALE1 . 7)UCKEIS— Odor puiwed U c k b .D ~pw : I~ EYP DO{YFN LO METAL-211 Was No I Foundry .Metal; bed re P eeired and for rale by apre WICK iIdeC.I.I4DIMIS POTASH— 4J casks oboe furaete by npiY • • wicra. bIeCANDLEXi (101TON. , itb•biles pie Ara. F:agie, for sale by • ‘..e nal I- rilottACco,2ts kegs No lb Twist Tobw;eu„lwillis 1 from eteaWer tet Cloud and tor sale by apt/ j JAMES DALZEJJ. Siiii,LtatT.Uutff sale 4y J ux t zspll-' .7101;A.11—i0 cita . kr prime fm uto by • • X - . \P IS: • • .. WigicztmccriivuuNii rTIOW YARN-40 doi Tun; YiritToi .. - WICK .t. M teeth DIMS MACKERIII.--th LI tads NO I -Macketrt; Nu 2 do; IU bads Nu ibchg• 250 du do 3 do; fur isle by gal Iltlft2lllDlls, tti SIL ZUJJLASSM44I bbla 15:H tdolanet,'Lbaind• . no RoUnry, reed perBlarr peanylkill and .far sale by..._ BURBROCIE,' WILSON Ea CO LOAF StiGAIIS,-= pri - D c}.4.* pekes Rice for tiale 6):1 ", • jy~aplf • • 119 H tti ti,s9NA Co fby LIHENCHLAW .4 u m S,:rwo new .tyle .1: r 4.1 . • • apS ?I IiACKLE:ri wiais S , • IW-106 bag. itadc ftkittlrol . bss Soots • VI) bbto N C ?air utibto'tajgot NWT Mbrkerel; pott bblo Tamen' 011; au bblo bitNr - .Vtittlbr; 'Or 'AI* by 'MACH -WAtiIMNOLIOW dui lieavy 'track Kg/ El nrejtnt freely.' by Ca kid sad wr nie b) ape 11.11ACELUIT WIIITK9a avd .1 FALIF FL°Vil ati - Tei tIARISON R=l rrfrwil —O IL M, atll o'clock., P , YOM _ saki lark : war of • Masa amanita lO* aolst arita ir r•ll Ca t lor, ma earnsei, ara pat at good "I t ion sae vring and w or mer lam •ad general ssoortseat wale %a Jess Data as envoi tram Nine Yost, asal .41 ssgara aa aPParataX la al mar Wins - goat Wisi I .ng, al lb. Ws be posids, , . • • entaloittee milt fse 'ready' aid .label open for et - ataiaasiat a otitis coming of tle sale. JOHN D DAVIS, A w l - . . ._ • • . . . =X:= Posiani Soto 11.0,7 0.4 ON Tlemday otoralog, Awil 10 ectorcs, *at gait Commercial Sacs Epsom, cotow Ilfmd sad riab au, sill . sold; an encode* samurai* of Fortilat MI Dims* Dry Clow* coadador of wiped.* lotlos t moomo, tweeds, 'pleural Pahl Woe bat Annlotlstcaaaono, de Biome, Pans lawidisarto is mot cut; can, blmbed sad • load tonsils, wild.. tarai yadlow lamely Lim &Wise, notoanr 44 {inch Mtn, Eaglisk sad MaricWl ono.. Web owl &Mb lama; Esoltacia awl IllOwlalawr &Om., lima awl <Oll.Oll licklat . l , lsakeens, ammo wistsjscooct wad mabric ow C 1•40...• OD" a. I . balsosioni sod Immo, I Frood.w.d tin` asa saerlati,' wigwam crape ., lad sins de Nina Wawlic imdkerclia*, eta ea solve, dress silka,t4ack asIM Imolai oak, tibbsoa, Mond espy Mace*, mom, Swiss sad book atudlas, glom, ba sk.7.4m, lasattows, tstiCalos.pamolaildri .t. assinillas, At. . ' • • At o'clock, p. • tarp sasortwest of slummy qracemme, V 11 lawAubacco, mart, N al 02ogar, ibas Wool Ow, abo lob, hay NW macro forte, vaktoy IMMO. dm Ilia bapabnody, coo *dm wale to orolob lbeptioolDog, resatiso 011wopilitat Maws Wads. •• Ism assomeat Orono aoll ootood Pod Ye w ant Moles Ouvidus,cookiag loomoslDOO • 1, 11 iPtolitY mootelukt o/to h.e.. • . ,••• • . • At. 7 p. w. • • • A lam lawmen ad Ossloonablo rd lige ill.: saWombOios, mow Womb mid skirts saki Nee. bosoM Yd Iroola. Meg, Medea, bridles, mak.. im tibia sod peel. mists, gold aid giber -wasebeA Jewelry. Mit gem, acconlocias, 'Woo, Orsook . JOHN D D./yLtk, Am/ .• ' • AdlaiaiMater'e Sale of Trnopia On Scar:leyeremeg, the late jail, Si 8 Weleek.. t the Commercial Bele. Room; earner at Wood at Flab ea, will be cad a elutes stock at the Pat. bomb and Mee...bomb 74rep1te Co. . • . . •pll ' • •. JOHN DRAVLS, Auet 111,04 Footatais ascd &wow Pasting Nadi~t at Aseireiol. ON Woodsy aadroooa Ott i b ioat, at 3 o'clock, one Inv.:mei/ bootort Prouirottlarlaine, sad one Mood Factor.* aad appa . fl La rood order. *NI JOIIN DDAVIS,Aoct Chair Stnw Pn?puty at AWL., WILL boo expoeed to puidseeak. as oboe Conuasuris I Sale.s Rooms, corner of WasodasolFdla as Sauer. day doe lads wt, nal o'clock, P all ow puce of ground almited ras Ile eamerlyatda of St Clods vest, between Pena street sod She old Aneerbasy leiog pans of loos Nos am and est, to xpe e sde plan of Partborik, and deteribed as follows, t Ple glootog or oho tomer of /Mee+ alley, 1b.,. oug 4 now stoax Pt elan men, mnberty, Ed feel, ad la d.pth, asaarty, paeallel arab Onto area about al fen r a fir tea alby, arab th e hew use and (divan.. of oha obi alley. Oa olds pnopeny are entail fop, ohms storied book beano, freehold:lfeet Musa) abr. lo are to good combo., sad teaald yield so I ma Gram thousand d 011..,. t • • Terms--Oroe•doorol cosh: sod obe looleace us tame Kcal annual ionsbaenuo, wall totems% seeesaneally, to bestowal:loy bond wad atorrisie oo oho poppy sat' Par • horOer inforarstlou • y HII Walla., Eat , st.• " JO . DIJAVLI. *act P. Sao of Lats:or WOW; arms it du &TA ON Setarday the 19dt lam, fl o'clock P., at du Comerial•Eale. Rom, .00147 of woods.] 64 04, 6111 be sold B Lou, aitaated tac aoodearly side of Wylie adoautg.ao4 frog Logau area bawl/ a utbdivitios of Jou N 0517,713,79.90, asal Ist I a taro of which ate ea...lll9feet hoot 917 194 feet au• alley 111 feet 31 locbal wide, OW rot retalaiss4lzre each IN feel le 'root try UN kettlilik . mammal alley. • • • . pI.OA may • be seeo as the ogre of II EkWilkl99, kiaq, 41/1 aural, co 6i Ile snettoo ma.. Telles Nab: apS - JOHN D DAVIS, Aut. Afar/411am, for Sele.• Otifi pair large size Iron Orel Hones, ire years 04a0.1 e,rl7,acette.. - Appiy so • .11111.14 DAVIS,. ape • • • Clnigre' 111.seeminscsil D%Tairo pante. i bloo4Arrespidai, ram ditacolt tml= ttetra,uz..3reius .experuzl7, stM . s= for yratsgz jgc r ig is aar n aill ' Mtn Marna, • wonky sexabee of my eacanagatioa, was takan UI some lime since vomit a cold,' pro t lba Mausolea row dilscattly of tverntuasr, sad la a few days tha reader ' Wan bad la .intent rotaitand pea to OW We, labials aonaadlents would weve. Ma owns. ad fora long natr notler We madam ear* of Dr. Bea, but leaky became consompare. mad scat avid...l:ly new Me end akar euttdy safe arbsa bet tomb itr pernuaded ber to try IW Taylor . . sam of Liver wort. -Wien at. nantwated Oda medicine a did not seed to wee aria *Mr ran* day* bat by . .Wdom. Was *mad it lammed admirably; unlined her week sod her dianalw of breathing.' naramen .ad we had obit &anew of artmalliag bet rapid *worm to Walsh.-• •_ Rev. WM. RUNTUE. GONSLIIMIGN AK . DLPIRR 0011IPIAINT (TURFS) Foe.. yew. I sawed *nth these *tidal Macrae* and Irma ay Instal &W an all sanitary altlieted, and boa olds= [try Dr. Tayb;ellll•lmaa of. Weston. Tbsalwadkiaa awed ma taken I ertiokl Mg *a. la bed, dud red dderbried tiths week*-y_itak was weed •Rlarda by altimuriablet tlr lift r • • tom w. lIMAORJRNRRY CAl7llOl* 'Ls marelautlng Udi medial., is regalsed—Roararbra - Mir face at only out and gamine is Dow ludo m l fleskatatia,.by tb• oftiaal program, : fonsarly Z*s Bowery. This Ls the may utak mated bar dm orkidal .. nrim; &I dr. dr sr Or dahmar. PokierPinata:kb .by I D Yorgiti, 93.1Valiati akk . Towasewl,4sllarket at; L serr..,-e. ism*. and .111 am Hamden= & Co, 5 Liberty' U. Pate radiated toa_ll,Lkys ar jstaßk • liiiiiiCio7l - 66.‘ . • • uor .11; lITIVPHY la now 'optaing . SECOND TT •• IlgaltLrotiarlant Kra ammo Goodly and btu p ' or. amormmu Guallbmw, mpilr Eadanar do; and Claimer.. Ladnis toe Dawa Goods, is great twiny; klaaWasser faalsama, new penmanhla &warmest now manna artr a mat away atnatca at tower prices tbana aural, each as Ina Purple Pablin yard wide, m lltema; Sae British Paints at ISI Owen... Gingham, mama ar 121 con Draw Lowy, wi4 at Ulna; Skala( Ith. Ws any WI blab Limn, At.. Will d.o ads akoMirg ad sideparra(todylid.ligla Grum seles, ref arldtm Lamm in ds . Atm, CM. eakiii sift tot. War dm Cpypil Mewl., Oa: ParsattoNrealibiW Wag mar, Day Cara way. 401 - 1110w0 Alf CRlttuall wk*. pokarad hatattbe • Wwwetawda w7tl lab IRilmala Rooia sift *km( a fn. gook g. itrusilerlas • PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR ST., NEW •-YORK outnnusnon n untrebouse c g the Terl9Uor pa; f . g t l = Yi aErColl: - EgaMitai it 1 • low Ves.—and exhibiting, seni.phs the Les Aeetirlmdelm c..._•-•-• • now o, u -Seve tamPnsing every, onw Mk , of Foreign sod Domestic production; rimy of which bare Just been purFloned, sod tut offered While lcu. Cub vc shon. audit, u .. , 'OO.-,.... . Aptil yta 1:9 FIyE .CENTS Po!' , •" - ^7 . • za.b ~ arnened day: aAd P Catatedr.---, • . PIUNTWERWAICIIIIIIC, •'•• • ' • ew Yortrada,lB.: I . - - . 'SPRING ABM iimintura 6OODI. , a. a. - assoirt MITSOXV a oi, WO. GO Market siren, beisreen Wand titns . *qui ll. burgh' Pa., hare 'recently' opened deli new and mettpp ii! elernott stony with oto a:Uprise stoerrof rich 'Pairing midsummer Goods, composing . apertuds or three Imo deed pa...amigos,' of the latest and.' mat , fashionable style. .blerchaots *roust:mat' thorikintry aOpanicto, tarly inviiediticall and examburoor stock` as' it au tenon to offer our goods at the kraut Konen' wholesalelnicea One of the Ina,residing . in New: Torh,w ill. be constantly acoding tuCfresh auradies of The moor desirable goods, therebyjoriug th oility-in the' transaction otwor Jut mold be. Powerold by nutter. iihafOot: -Pricer are. tiwrefore v i aruneed to brai. lOW so the lows* . :New Port and E=:=3 ALLWOWS 22ARLOORDOGIIIThe military, 4fe ofloba,Dake Madboroagt: by; Archibald :40- - Won, F R 2, amber of-`The Moon , ofEtaape.^ Ne.deth Life o(Cbtist—Tbs Ilk of Jeans Ctutei, Is its ilistotiral eouoaxkots and Hboroieal DZO=l c aa bri =ll - 74tVIret= 1 .1 cetk Wawa: Proteavorsin Dietkuala Opllep: .. , Ofd Hicks tisdik,Lor,Advanisseagamut. I roe - cowry in'oca(cloof Gad. Nine by elmlei, W . Tbe Bai;tiebifollie .411.4y . 41 the okotom of olt,o_ • •rAlaalmn! PoathinaWe' ivy Readlaga, by dtelataTacek‘ IYofdb Dol., 1: 0. 4 ;4411 Ink.' Volamea ha sod 2d tee* • he above volo . abla worts resolved tido day sad Ali ola by:, =' . 'JOHNSTON* t3TOCKTON,'' ' , Huotas4eta,eor maxim Andy µr _ . A ClaWlL:oistui.Couteiestialiicterliag Sokol o!! an!, 0 . the Obbi Mil., Inn* Pitt. LLL S t PlAyk.l.l.l, A. 74, trAA Kos 81113103 C i. cryucto will otootoonee , 1117(d0ia,V44.4, WM4 to., per *MA' of See 1175=outt Jag mettle in &dram% tho lodaneo to the elm Mike SOW= ' Hooke, lad Wittosruntiated Witt. r ho the .00. of the p elotbiOg to be distinctly 'masked. - Puplbt re _their ora [awl, ..11 is very l alextrable Oman eltould be presrot Ott the fog, day . or thAbe-rotirrlegitlirA l eusw agr i e n t:L p e f c uzl3 4„„ WW2* . elseet:Pinabir46. • apPidlite. NOTICE T . O Gnaw= AND LINTIT/ONS, ~ 1110.1.1aN0 decd of all mop tiobs, dle and interest LL, in the Gold ;Icahn bostueso- to NeJoimillatm 'brry; I tresigrar. to recommend biro to Um isatroosaw 07[01 1, 10mm? costumers, . • „ .__ , - • 113,15ifq - ..• '•• " • '‘• ANN OFFINGION. - ..• live I be tern by the above Mum, that the Wooed. bin km purchased Mrs: laupan'atntemst ht the above' b l bovines., labia WIII barroom ed at As And stead, N. DO Wpsd 'tree, 'whore be . Im.pleased to vent all'who toor teat Gold Lea, h.e., 11.110.1 Ise boom by nrim 01010000 10 kis. 1 ,..1 1.17 a.. 4,40. VV. soMfaction . hobos. who may favor him 'wit Irinttra • , t 5...; ~ .apalut JOHN IL DUNLEVV.. P [t. . .., .: --- , e„,-,Q,w;:,-: , z:,*-,,,-,-. 0 ,,5,t, , t,0,!:,.,4,,,z,.:t7:•,,,•,•i,,--, , y,, , 5,.. , ,-,, , ,•• , ..+., iiit..: z , . . :„..,,,,...,-,,,„.„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ , ,,,,,,,, , , , , , ,, , z,•,,,,, ,, 4- , - - - , f4:' , .. •:,••,„.„,„:„.,,,,,,,, a .„....,.._..,,.„, .., •,,,,..,,. ...-.. • . .. . . .:, ' . ._ .-- ,_. ..'. -.:.-.,...._.,•'.:-.7---.r.,-.1.,...4.,-,A..46f4 REM0VAL...,:....: "L'ltgel.l) would inform his !Heidi tb public Moesally, *hat bas nstomed ibe Robeson lei t a o , , o k a dlo block. new blubbers known se the “Apollo BoiLlisp,t , Os Ch street, a few doors istst: of be will be happy .to "VetiVIII his old ftleada. - Wod u many twer maw as may please to favor Aim with a salL bateau so keep an baud a goal m 4.0( books and statiemsy v to be midst Itmesecasli prices . sell ilrE hive isles so Mice , immediately mows so uqt built weseboose, for thepramot, Mass wo iesassel bola.. as meal. sad! a neet.bosed. caM be ',ceded, arrangements haslet-timely been made' forlbstparpom-.lkatts will Missy. bele Seediness al c Oialuisfiico, rpuraiefitilatttibs,iii eppoin Aram t o .1. tees prat lasassom Couppiff of Moll sad boas Policies Mad amodlb tbmotbee bealtesi co Mom), at the warehome of Atwood; James 'ar. ; iN2 • ,Wig..P..1014124 Wales st. STE . IiBOATS .• 14.13 , 1)4LiaJA,4Li._; - )_11 , 4 DAILY, CKEI LINE.: .442 kfortta Ifroo of Wit Odid wow, sk y ., ; an r a mo ti o=l a Oa WTI orulox l7. of tie Wesi: Evan secomsoodamo as <ow fortes roomy eau procure, )I . lasl tom providol fo moves. Ito L• Loo tore ueopersoott lot lye pr., -4.• carried • =Ufa s of peoft• oi/hout ilex boa a 1 to d.th iero•O• . Wein IN Meet the 441pardsus to a* ke nee". • doe a/ *vita WIJA/1111170.Pw.e,° rep 1/4.• fill tales Ustroifigo. moor Pori lo poo Mare latibersli ' banday maroirst st too ekoet; Whooltrany yevesmig •i. 10 r.s. Ma/ na . • .: • , MIT PACKICT. • I lir Mei= • C0p.131...50i11il ken. P. WO =4 1 . 101 4. mak* \i° ovi.ck , w , " 1 .4f .r.m . . rviteocia UP r.s4 . IMIONSDAT PAC2T4 • The Na. CopL4. Itlainam, tW !rare PmsbursiTbridayeanike ID cirkock "Mu/ DI Ifir.e. WICDIRSDAT pkostier. • ?be NEW ENGLAND No:1,0'ot _Dug, gin IlanritabonrY only IVelloookor .Agloning at 10 o'clock; WbeaDog Awry Wedogglay *wain 1110 P. g The DRILLIANT, Q 44. Gahhoorilf. kn. Pare bomb evrry Monday mos* Wheehag quer Ttuasdat cm.; •• • - - . . PRIDAY t___.-.tii..CLIPPER Na 2. Cap. Cehomi;wei.e NM. imewl !'tidal 411.1T.Priday!tenurg • 1 1 )."1 • ..1104011111MIER, Cop. altodoirill tart Phi lbaierirmir Slikunday morigne 1n 0 .4 • MAVIS ,IPACIIIMMLNEW, AB yll, •„ -• • " CALLIi wilt kayo foe ttrom ao4 ellhviille ' oa 14•4177, y, glitordayi of.ear4 vrod, at 9 Mokor u. mon log co 14.w.fay, Wedonday . mod }tau). ht.. Imo • boast as lood.og by...web Wood men sad doe Onkto, premed to receive 2,7,1,1;,,,,!,=6... !CAMPS. AND WIII9PILLE'PA9Mr. • ob•A•r, well, d=l,4• • tondo/ wNtet F 511110210. intim daily . ttips %Ter WellarN i timPr a tet c h MM n. "re It "9 "I t t lit '939 . Alt& Mils. — • - •• • •• • *dab • • 1 1 1.1,,gui1ia...en 1 ti,....!•• riEßlWebilr FVELIWART MIN *I triit DAILY ATIIA , I4.IArID4 M. *„. The lormtar bam ran:pan • *.l ara Jim far . Übe. preadir accue: LANTIC, Cap. Jam.. NALIIC, Cart. A. Ja ear; t a= /111,1 ANN, Cap. E.: Ikanot.' Tao bar. aro saliva) • • aawr arid an Wad .p %tithing ftrardsa ezreara. NT- • • arl be Ilarartmr era poem Yu Der. prrredra. Tim Beau learallr Alrmarahel• 14 - 4alf Mat as lb* foolof Ran Pmeureta fie paw.' riA toast ar tar e• ruutly inky, at Ile advert • Ironn.tl A. AL sal 4 P. 31 • ", • •iflB !fr. Lem • ~ 4 " : •- • " NORTH' CAROLLIA, 'Declannsibusimlestes ins abase m ands,. alllbiritJatki.. fron i ta as mime a ff ly on Wank 4 ••. p,_ept2 . ----.... • The new and ekannt ristinsu •E L . SCRUILICIL‘%* • • 4 aim°, nastu.r, walkers for Oats ' imencLedeMP Pons an Weaneulny el 4 o'rhoeL, P M For Wien p.i‘ne .rpir on boat/ • ' •-• • • ' • t %al 'POR ST: LOUIS. • • The flew hod inssolAcern iocuner PAntaiouNr, Masser, enll Iran positively • . Incielhoini and inernasiinta Pons on Tioustny. as 4 seciack P. It. Pot trelrni at pastime rout tar/mamas: ja• An' Ss* ammo • Ei ," Virt. • AMERICAN AiShussillsotis M osle ms stoma os Wodsords, si SS •Foo Goi,ght P m e w!.144^.4 orm.• • • .1; W e ' • n) 5 7.149, 5 4P wincetano Azgi l nauiivpilwr.• . The am sMstiLsisatisi low sestet role Pos hssisms4 her nwitlar trips beisrech Ma. , Midgrpart lad Pitt. , bsitsi,„ le &im Pinsborlit ash Blonagsaisillsintlsys. FOR WABASH , RIVE& • • . The *mud draught reamer I.l k2 F " sier gr A elltor La Payette rutennedf;;Torn an riatartnn• the lnot AprikalaaVak, Fo r. (re lea or ax. . apply on board, ot,N ~ • sortm.r. ' J NEWTON JONLlf.Noleirt 11,31“.. Innt!l:Ait WACItEr FOIL EIIiNFJO. • • TM new sal bas sumo. • . wr-Luivu.t.E. Damn, maw, sill • lam Ibr Wove an Imemsealaia_pant am Wed.. aud sstaatsys of Mb. Wytk, (.7301 pin 'Tar " b"sd orxrn mairverricatit, Aec •• PTITSBUILOH t WHEA..1.1.110 ,y "!la swUl aeamar Dorsey P rtaney, mars, rill lasso 0 1.4, % fr o hasliar, Monday. %Void:soda sod Fratay, Isar. V%Y s brehruievery ' herds, , Thuraday *M.S. sudsy, at 7 &dee ' an • , ppd.{ y. - • • Ths Coma will l aud at all the huartardlar Entry woo:dation that cup prugued tot Ms cote. fan autl safety.ol agars has Wet prorldet. Tea boat es alas tool • salf.seduir vain guard to raZ u . ' • • : F°" VtYlp 11 • • Swear of Id and sta. • Ira htasrusr, KuilibYTlTlNLlTOVbfilatir, • • • . CITY' PA The aerate-met; jatir.- • • - DESPATCH', Nelsou, =war, ndiAps shove. ' rating Pinsbritgli ovary teloodaj Wednesday and FruSay, V ol'O'ClO4 r 4.lll, and alt. aorsgabefaarystrary Tumlay,ThuisdaYsaJ Saturday, ' Ole te 4 ktar ...Por..llsught. or pussy, applLas . - ._ . _ . .-. .. . . ". ' iii , i.. • '' .itfilitM'te - A • D Mille4ter, iriil leave foi the bore port e v ery UW14.1180414E44- sudsy, in 4 :P. AIL .. For - freight iir'ptsti'. ipplr on: . ' .711 Z T. , td • • • ", 111E1/Vaud soteodid arasiety, at areeUZEZILILON /1111VSEPS, tradjarket 2./ gold lever Wale/test - 43 silver lever watches, Di/dish; detached. leveg.arateh.. es; 2/. silver , natant l 9 dna gold ebsin9Jdol osyr style . . angst. sdos. plat a colt/loop stags . ; 6 dot/wt./wed r , 2 am- ; tied Oozes, playing isvaristy,o(lagnalse silt;-14 gross, steel slides, 1 . 111 are. n • FANCY ; WOW. Oat floe Fats, silk endpaper; 6lldozepodatio F. `dos fine' velvet tend bogs, aavistyles; Nabs, tine - rotchet bead bags, dinv- styles; 6 dor doe emtehet parsaktiew etyles; V 6 do. tote parasol*, as/torte/4 lade, Gimps,. gilt and silver for' retell.; 10.11os Tine . dower v awe; assorted; I doz One steel vier sr-kin ions; 1 du line ivory mew yin easitiotor Tdos fina wood screw 'pin eosaiona, A. Ow. arturtulat of now , . NNEWsiuliplendid variety orl'rings albs styles, nod received st LEM/LON klNSlrli'll,d , Zo <I7 Mattel stsverresarsog Skit:are: , LO gross duty Wass, dssortediolorsi.s , lull gross plant covered with betollitalled'eoton; 170 grog plain ikon, damned eolonr,, . • .fili.grosseation; a nevelstlield4willwinbol . sted eh; ..--Also, a large vatielp'Orldras esill:dilltin.find cps v - 6 very lane atoet oftbe e snide -ados odos genie t`ope • ' 7 dos Jodie ' fit k and mdo ule du • do. ' fatty ' rap. " aox ladies' rsis do - • ' 131 dos ettildrent'ebairr • • • •-ShltiLed "oral sod- gilt teals, pane.' sal tassel., bead bags, steel tad velvet; fine tun. *al. . ~, J. is: puttimim, ' -3-I ,.___' . 11:11 ,1.4. 9E. SIGN AND. STEAMBOAT PalNTErth and Metiers—Persons wishing to let a paintuts f et /1 dans with 609111 e. and dernsgeb. Iry sae glee as a call., Thep will find it to their advad min w. as Mir Cwiweed to do rem as hr. O.A tn.. 111 the pro ChM:Sean or will dols'a l Nodtl* 'Bret • o, re N. B.—We wish it: to be eadersmoS that as , hare oot qua the paintindand gluing, as /WM a. CU! most seatatta Moeda lure beau tilling the pelthe nephallY that we vierVgabq to mint Boat that Atuukflalet our bedew*. 'We are Mors I idly, prepuedmkupguw ab• priothrs Ind elerbiethatt we ere, trete. a , PBILW dui . H. A..,...1da>,,.....m1i..._.ndia Bobber 4 . 7 z ,' ...„,r_ - aonod( for par lot without the aid of puntlety awl to fsedw ate the flowitur,lme. To sadents,eoWetweacters mi . otheandle wen, it le Lorslaehle• 19;amar &Mug a few deep of ads gold to the ink tease, llsad ..1 3 - be rimed to be the best satiliwy ever offered, a sh ays . Milan the arid, precipitates the% aedisoenk dams a ' ft...fiavw of &link, tad ditistaree.Welhd atilli - of smear a pen. Jaw received sad betide ta• SHACILLICT,, .1 virprauzjaz diEdazati Ida Alta' Axiom; No , If _WO Wood sweet, bare ota hand,oadererrotortent, 1 ) , ~.,,,.ie h yr derihr the, batineuatuos; st lade and eatearive meowed= of DUX BOOBS, tab/0411,y of- fee to aterebthde nt fow. Prices,aryl rearistatirte suss, seheasslat they can fire enure eldn,hoiou, they : • • invite all merchants vilhitel jhdeturzaire thama lopylLLOW CARRIAGES—de Wsllifit Vs:OIL.; ly }O&M. mees: 24 do Crodtes do der; 40 do ket chairs, WS dor 1.1 newts do Clothes ihatill At del :dos do Covent/ Market Basketkdo do •,.. / do. Beller , heti: a dodo nudrunn 1 ,la w/thout bolder.; ado Bard it Braaten. axed: hut welted at appi - ZEButoNidillaW , 2,6l "vital al '"") tIM----airalyaktela avarytitri7 -- , Houma 11. PATTERSl,l3rhariPined •,-, ae. the burl stabile 0. Pllll rhttretaink Weetwa k ai rsa"Jo sftaw , a, berwslit Weed ard , Bed tus.;la the rear of Ilte bittoonythela Slue, w1164a andrelyinew . Week of Bones and tlatdr, pi ate ben a b %tpp slid Weft tortes BorsetitUre. or 11l liox stesmed-rlyarein . A.. . eta, se... awdating temut 'SW Ruthenian woe of, . Oki:RELY im.tisTßAtalfbitrrazigt, la ARABIAN NlOtiTte—Paprenly !tempted Walesa. hp seedirral la eareterofpnblkadna by harptr /Bra Wers, New, .Torit, To be etteopkqed le twelve Part ht juslyncesved and for vats by ` 'paiu. JOINVON l BTOCETCRI; ~. ..„ .. 0 -,.$ l , ,L_•,. .toraer_warteli udll eta NIUE higbeet price at eearl paid for good dna raaw .l,,shatieasurate; bah rowans,' a •---. ea waart,by ...It-, ~.... y.• mr . _ Ftmar e e 1111.5, NEWTONOSetroadstral,bttereeakpeodam at Marta, wash! be happy tio itedotawadate a lbw = lll O O2 wirafralde Mille ' qltdlle
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers