The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 10, 1848, Image 2

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    ~~ 1
• *
-, ~l~[~ . ~ q: gip, r 7:
77; "' ", O 4
w ri .d ot.t. and Babieriptions to tb•Nostlates6
sad krwatd•d Gam thi=. Pl6jBd44*"dTed
l arru y.m.w itriwnint eskin
. V.T GAM= Ls isiblislied
Dollsorsiar sass.; &a TlTessii; Th. 1). 12
lam; Um, Weekly is Tina Dollars 1"1"
[l7•Airnmonern an earaedly inivreisinll u. hood in
sear favors ticket 3r. sad ....rl7 m m ../
For iasei Coau.mai liudligue L v xma j c , mu.
ksty Meer Km., Imports, Massy Markets, te. sea
• •
Ili% sad Aatll.4lamealas Nomination,
Ifesgitliesirooslgustseo la g r esaltrylviraba.
The !wwitramal, for the preient inomb,introdw
coo the aubjem of the question 'at issue betwhen
the kkatesofretfupslyinin hod Maryland, growing
octet tin act of the bfarglendlegislature, mating
a fekm7 for • alaie to escape into soy of the
ages Of dm Union against . the will and oOnsent of
tam inviter and owner, withal:View to eampe from
swidmae. This law wan the autbcrity. of the Goy.
mew Of Maryland kir detusiding gym Governor
&tusk that John Mark, and other penoOs named
lithe iinlictment, should be delivered up as Grip.
tires from ju.ntiee, not from &kr. Governor Shrink
reguyl4 to the Constitution for his guide, end.;
the solace of the Attomey Genaral,' refused to com
ply with the demand made upon him. The Con
abortion contemplated', the *ender of (naives
loom labor, not feet /ratios; and the see° of Mr
• rybutd 'could change ..neither the _terms, nor the
sgait of the Coesthation, by legislative Counter*.
The *of Co:ogress, of 1793, made ir tuutecessa:
ay that: :Maryland should pass any law upon the
adx*,' as it required the =treader el fugitives
Sam War eon 'the claim of the party to whom
Inch later isis dice It was the owner tithe shore,
and ma the GOTIMICIr, who had a right to make
tile dee** and the Lew Soumal agues this
questiod, we think,:io abet enwhuike; in sastain
leg die dais* of the &ate Execative, and upon
the gen* That the am of Meyboad coodicted
with the Fade* dcauginuion. •
The law of the of Pennsylvania,
Mani 1847, and la much .dacassed at home, and
denounced 'abroad, we nest also think, with the
LaatottinA isnii4tfrieienent Of die Connitation.
The tee repealed all 111Ws for the Almaden:if pl
ies* goon labor, and absolved all State helps,
Ilona. exarelsing authority is such cam It prase
toed that Coemess had no power to employ State
Mk* ix the enforcement of Federal Legislation.
The Stae not being bound to take original Puirdie•
tam in such cases, Irk the'. Federal GOvemment
end Federal Odicers. to *true the law in their
• awe way.: Nor does this mach-'mused law of
ifizeh 9d, 1847, is any way obstruct the act of
Clawreis or the Coestiattion, as we hare seen ly
the act of the Circuit Court, at tba term bold in thin
County, ' wham the bury Bee of $5BO Was impos.
• edbihsdie Geier, upon a citizen changed with vi.
otatlagthe ad of Congress of 1793.'
According to several decisions qty the
- Law JaSmsl, state dicers' Wed tot, if thae Were
chthhions by State authority,r-u them are
bete, bat abeoreofdeeisions might he quoted Gym
bathatifltortheru and Southern Cahill, . going to
alma that the State, are under no obligationital
execiite:kdeial law.. Acoading to a decision in
the ribtia bowie; Congreitn has noyower to Con
kr ciioipal juksairlion rayon Stine Ownie or ot6
earn la the celebrated Rig ease', Chief Imam
ibaeysitstains the twat the Pennsylvania Legit
tun by 4achaiair Vat State'o&cers are bat honed
to astute the dates bripued upan them - by Con
vinni, unless: they chase to do no, or are required
to do n by a liaiei,thi Shia, eiSiiie Siete , feg..
blame, hu the power, if it tbinlai punier to pok.
• Such auboaty is this, we should think -
be deemed willed= th - the Slave States, for the
mob' abused Law of the Pennsylvania Lerida
turn ;We are glad that the. law-is uit is, and
that the &me authorities do not siquire lei Courts
ar dtisres ioadmitter - bir the arrest of those es.
aping tea; Slavery.. We do not interfere with.
the ...Constitution, estir with the law at Congress;
n rkin inmains upon this , Staten, book, but seek
be emir to . lay `oar clutches upon any
aim w ho psy La seekkag - birilersznitl Bbettp.
Tha Peet hes at Lot announced that it is in pca
Mai= 00 IL liggrt.4l32 demonstrating the prosperk
ty of the iron trade. With abu n da nc e of flourish
, proceeds to say that—. „
.The het which we Moll adduce is this—the
Mesita Sboenberger Man one of the Largest Mtn
manstfeserher establishments in OUT country. We
have below us a augment of the amount and ve,
Joe of the business done in this vast establishment
—in the ilatlatatllli of boiler and sheet Iron, bar
isism nail eating, and the manniacture of steel—
The wig& amount of their annual buainese, in
thee several manufactures, was valued, in June
het, at seven hundred and ten thousand dollars,
and the cost of the Materials used in the suanufso
' ume, at three hundred and eighty two thousand
eight bundled and thirty. dollars. The matinfacuu.
od satiate taken to main up the first M these great
sums airt-35,080 kegs of mils, ;000 tons of bar
in0n,1,500 tons of boiler and sheet hoe, eon, and
about 240 ram of 'piing and blister steel Esti
main theta:pease of manufacturing these amides
here at a higher rate than they have teen compu
ted to coat'elmseders, the profits on these menu
: femme would amount to the very handsome sum
of two hundred and five thousand dollandsay
2200,000) or My per cent. upon the investment,
after deducting all expenamoaompiag, wimps,
that of loam al
and artuoung,m we doo.W
the different articles referredto, can be. unaufac.
tured as cheaply bens as elsewhere, we aushify"
justified in eating the clear at fifty per cent.
upon their whole investment." •
We sia tiled the Post has at last touched bowie,
ma mum dl as • flummery, given a "fare We
now clentstull the pnblkstitin of the statement yoni
allude We want to thew our :oirn inference
fientlear psmiaes, and make our own calculi
tiros cif Ft& , Pntions 11,7Auuty. me anoint 0
Nip Err mit. .00 with it!—ao that the people of
renbergb eau see howbrnmes ire made. Spare
us year *rim' homily, and let as have your facta
Pottaph myna have Ware stated—
e. The Sol men do rot want hobo made the arth
' jams of a noliticeletestraversy. Eint if the leading
aged the Whig Panyin Western Pennsylvania
postal la ming them as a weapon soma the De
• mocratie Piny, sad they remain passive instep
masts of a newspaper inewiacity, we shall be corm
- 'gelled to pima. gammons of their business, ob.
tained.lforn. themselves, with commentaries that
will open the eyes of Demerits, in - other sections
of thetliske, on the subject of tie profit. of iron
under the Tenfof 1846."
lon have dragged the mune* cf iron
tuners Menthe controvaMy; and wee o wpnur in
jakenenting the Etemomacyiby owe mere sakisig
'kr thelkets.: ; : we are brat in the preface, as'yes, of
the anhises. -
-• •
Ls `tii
41.7 . • atteetblgii Washington, otethe ho-
nar of the Frenuit Rinrolution, Mr. Cass apoklyi.
=Lee oe' the °King and Court of
Fume itio Louis flul ,
ippe so highly auto
trod." htnyildr.. Gus, do not turn your back
es as old friend, because be n id adeeraity.—
Why tar Would you have the distinguished
flenskiglagessident with Ida:self In bur years
be has Anita *punt and• gar the annexation
Texas—for and against the Wilmot
AWNS! and tHild in tepid to Haver and Harbor
=7and why aletdd be not mesa his
, 15 oula_ Philipp a when it ia popular to
esosecs that iditded kniutarehr General Caw
linkup so skit doe eaten who prefers lire jack
nee Int dead bee---. 01. Jour .
• ,
• Fite tit Sr. Lciurs.—A fire bloke out in No. 24
iilerreej Ism' night., Tbe building was a large more
ownedOspaJamey Wood, of Piusbnigb, sad
by R. F. Paul, Clear, Catherwood,
Ilimberwa, Commission House.
wboki loss is about .120,000, on which
sitionni above ;win an inn:ramie of $13.003. Cub.
newoMrs toes: $7,000, *sired •Or SUM
WI bobb wens in ■ safe and `secured from dam.
Nem $3 Ms422,.oecopied try Ruth, Ray, Hellen.
dais, Goes awl Ramsey, were. witch -lamed; bin
the iangrioce artilmover the Wm.—Jona
41:11attiQuaxnat..-A St. Louis paper asks the
„„ gybed aa a toarchant &ma:6 Maxine' to Callentsia,
adds lieut. Fremont, whoa sunreying ta Cat
ilbrans, lad both to set vigostaudy th ere ma , th .
j . bike the 'otenstle,neetneat of ,
etearsosatil Mr. Polk hasknot iletexinined
to oorianerne•llle Magmaof ea! country D 3 exa
A PlntwYtaAsanapOuzo Rsimulso.--Tba tail
• ":..irpYled Dts sat' 'readLq in the Senate Willis
„ •
i'meiliuMaciess etoldrea-are . ll Pnuil, and .
Ann" be nqinantil tt tonr city in the wane or ehe
. .
coot raw.'oaa~ur te e.wa
.rrerwalinsi , r.
7 •
3, golatuoiniviocASSaggagL •
___,`""hOmder . h.
Wraii TIM-A*l Of . - thiketift - ifet eel
mach.` - /q look idea thituenta
ths4;ll-1° keep s vlgt.nt m to John Bat, ;Wee
movements upon the Mosquito Gong hare recent
ly been the subject of much remade. This Mos.
quito CPU; so called, covers about 40,000 square
. miles, and the claimant, alike - distinguished . for modesty and moderation, has enlarged this Mos.
milt° boundary, remedy, by ovending his claim
to the river San Juan de Nicaragua, in the
borhood of the 11th parallel of latitude. The Kw
quifopeople area WA of Indians, insignificant as
td limber", and still mom degraded in character.
There is a connection with the coantry nearly a
century old, but under treaty stipulations
Spain, the English claim was surrendered to the
Spanish Govermnent, and the country aband4ried.
The roust was a portion of the old Spanish .pos
missioni- in Atomics, and became a part of Cen
tritimerica, and is now of the States of Honda
act- NicarAgna. The territory, we are thld,
abounds with rich fonts of Mahogany and other
imitable woods, bah upon the coast and for many
the interior. Spice, indign, cochineal,and
hides are also sent from this coast. A late British
Minister Ws the right of his country extends from
the Cape of Honduras down to the month of the
river San loan This Bing, in Got, is • small boy,
living in the house of a Briiisit Gaunt and, accord
ing to the speech of Mr. Dix, of N. Y, made a few
days since, his mtbjecits COrnil4 of a few hundred
naked Inane.
-or cmor , COVER.
It is well kw Brothe.r. Joachim to keep' an eye
upon John Bull, and between the two, the . King of
-the Moequitees will no doubt be well taken care
of, as well as his - few hundred nalked Indians—
:What bare we, of right, or what las England to
do-with these>eoplity . The crying sin oldie age is
' , the greater powers of the world using that
power to oppress the weak and helpless. The
only remedy to be knind probably lies in a Congress
'of Nallixis, where the smaller poWers shall be re
'pnwiturid, and Buffeted toh7.ekt their jtunindnence
among the micros of the earth. The Congress of
;Vienna parceled out governments it its will and
pkasure, and mist would hardly regret to see all
despotisms shaken to their foundations,: and all
vemmenta upholding any Eno of despotism, if the
'remedy were en appeal to the principles of equa l
and exact justice.. If the United State, was lest
arnStious, less aurandizing, leas insincere than
elle is, w ilk what a moral forte—the Come of great
example—could she preach to the governments
el:rural bat 'when we carry on win of conquer;
allow the authority of the Government, in all its
departments, to be used and abused by one tine,
we have not the power to retort, or the boldness
to venture upon a rebuke for an offence common
to ourselves
It was good Democracy, in Jetrerron's Joy, to
keep clear of all entangling alliances, too; bfft now
we me following bad European 'examples, and pay.
tog more heed to ktreign things than to ourselves.
The question. or Privilege.
The Circuit Court yesterday gave another long
sitting to the ease of the arrest and custody of Mr.
bingent. The counsel Me the prisoiter had the at.
gument pretty mach to hinnelc having the privi.
lege of a reply to the counsel gm the Senate. The
popular appeal being upon the side of Mr. Brad.
used it Wilier utmost, and gloried in the
bassi that he:was the ,fint counsel to whom had
been eturtated the viiimince of an arbitrary act
committed by the Senate. in depriving an Ameri
can citizen of his liberty, after having triedlim in
Merrt session, and without counsel. It was argu
ed, of course, that the remit he'd power to release
prisoner, and that the court did not bring itself
in con fl ict 'nth the Senate, by setting the prisoner
_ •
free. 'The decision would be in behalf ofn citizen
against an unconstitutional act of the &natal—
The Supreme Court have so fludivided upon this
question, in the castor Anderson and Tham,w loch
was tried many year,. gone by, aim give the Sen
ate a legal precedent to bold one in custody for
COnterupty hut some legal excegtions to thqesuse of
the action,end other matters , arehthen in the case
now brims the colitt.:: •
_.• - .
The Senate, I aemia:i, claim tio ivnvir over
she . Departmerits:--supposing tizo Meaty to base
b furnished by insysine . ‘l,theni; but him
who had the Treaty, nod whO firashed thej
claim the poWer to know whole be .. devised it, in
order to punish*cue of their:4loi body, if coy
Otte is gully; The case is a . very slilicate cue for
the Court, bat will be decided witih.r.,* 4T or fir
var. The Senate, no &Obi, WV Beek 44 sentare
the ease of doubt, its to its power to ytniish 'con
tempt, by the passage of ■ law for the sidisiiis of
those who may be. disposed . to interfere with Eve.
cutive Proceedings and confidential Dactunttus:
Harbor asaulrrr 'laprgrase W.
A repeat fam keen made se MeSea me, at its
sent "Welton, giving a watement or appippri=
Er the • co n struction and repair of roads, and foe
the improvement of harbors sad rivers in the Urth
ted Steam and showing, as fir a practicable, the
amount expended in each &Rte."
The swim:neat commences with the year 1504
and enumerate. all : objects of improvement of
toads, harlsits and wrens, and the appropriations
in their fiver for each year, up to and including
ISt; going uninterruptedly through every Admin.
istinuon during that long period of year.
It Ines rs from this tufwiel document that the
whole amount expended on all these objects du
ring that period, not includievrapenaeauf surves,
was $13,198,222. Of tlus amount 'heroism ez.
Trader Mr. Jefferson ' $18,400
''Madison xp~pp
• I Q.-Adants 2,210,4'15
Gen. Jackson' 1048%85.2
Buren ' 5, 999 G4k
• " TO.* 1,0711,6(g• I
Tha gives an'sum' of 17,109,242, mend
kyr the period of forty veer', threagh • which. it
extends, makes an annual average of about WO;
. .
The first thing that will strike the reader of thia
statement,- is the gradual increase of the expendi
tares ap to Gen- Jackson's adminiannipe, whin
the climax 'of over ten millions and a halt was
reached. The next thing.' for - remark Ls the act,
that these expenditures were commenced ender
Democratic rule, and were greatest under the ad•
ministration which is regarded by. the- party. now,
*power, 'al the beginning of their peculiar organ•
ization. .
It is thus demonstrated, that at no time in the
history of the government, and under no puny,
were eppreptietione by the General Government,
for the improvement of harbors or rivers, held
be uncomeitational; end that the pretence now at
tempted to he let up for withholding the aid °fats
GeTneral Government from such worka,—that it is
are within the constitutional authority of Congress
to lend such' ald—La a new (angled notion of the
new (angled democracy, which now rules in. the
White House.
.The National Intelligences publishes a full
synopsis of the document, from which the obove
facts we wadded, and enters in an historical ex
"'nineties' of the progress of chew imprnvemenn.
From this it is mule minifest, that up to the era of
Loccinsi rale, that the only limit ',pond'. General
Government,' in itoliroviag harbors land ,
- whether ihey unit! the West' r the 'East, or the
-North or the South, win the general usefulness of
such improvement and the neceasity of making it
at the time.
The cession- of Louisiana wax not obtained un
-1805, nor tOl3 the use of steam introduced into
our waters until after that time. The war of 1812
gams to non knowledge which we did not bekire
=of the value and imp:kin of the Lakes.
was ceded fn 1619. It VMS - therefore, as
the National Intelligences mays of necessity, after
these events. that the General Government had the
information required, and felt the necessity of im
proving its Eastern rivers and Lake' buboes, as
well as the hutch on Its more extended line of
mescals. It would hare been worse than useless
to attempt it laikae, and - aingalsoly unmindfal of
the greet and increasing interests of the country to
have neglected it afar. We acc o rdingly find, if
ter the events staled, and ax the Lake and West
ern river country became known and inhabited,
that the system of harbor and rives improvements
expanded itself. Ina word, as the counirua rn .
ded, its smatern regions beiame
its great rivers and take* and'its Atlantic hosiers
became better known, as its internal and eater.
nal commerce inmeated, means of rendering nevi
gation "easy and safe" a principle adopted by the
fig law on these subjects of the (rat Congress of
the United SlMes—hx4 lo,be'ecerunearantely ex
:And this necessity oill eslsting, the duty Of the
General Goventment to matte these improvements
'remains hued, and unless the West . is false sober.
eel; the Gorenameat will be held to the faithful
performance of the duty.—Balr. Peoria. -
Mere' or Ban Tanti;=—We repent ite details
in relation to the import. it New York, adding air
Other day's wrtk.
Monday, 20,4E8 ham. , hong
Tuesday, • 10,0Gi " • 523. "
• Wininelday, 16,4 M " • - - • -470
Teta .46,929 '2143 • .
Forty aiiihottratid sdaehundred and thirty eight
!Aga android); one biusdred and key three WO
Bun= Mr= AT NICW You -4A• WI Ls Want
the SintteE of the Mused Stan plata* le the
astabligussat of a katiek mint 754 the city 91'
of dr Pittamit taxes..
Is /o"tilsai.
Elitora of dig Pdtitergii gleams: ,
ansetuaikater has bee. lirsrented to nes,
Stith the rttinest of the writer to foraifii;tbe MOO
12st rabliestm. Ai the article replied tojeelpeered
pwar oiilesens; the answer should bOatthe 2,2..1E4
The interest eiiicea by its patriotic andsoilisi
the pexteedinvi of the Board. of whielt he was
the most expetienced member, has no doubt,
prompted this explanation. His moderation, im
partiality, great practical and legal bleat, well joe.
titled U.. @election of the City and County of Phil.
adelphia, in inducing him Co sacHffice the valuable
multi of his high prokuicinal exertions at the
Bar, and boasting on his warming a second time,
the sawn': invidious and napmfdable office of
Revenue commissioner. Au character will
cantle his etery word to the greatesi respect and
• .
After having discharged this ungracious duty
to the County, in a manner which may behest de.
scribed by mhers, who witnessed iy I feel no for.
ther persoaal solicitude as to the result, Riau may'
arise front' the difliculty- of raising the; taxes,
to thirty three per cent. of any limb
ted revenue from taxable property, and •the pres.
- eriatioix of. some board of Barnum, which iTh.ita
tiara may prove as Mach our protection as it now
seams In be the subject of censure. • The truth is,
from imy study and intimate connection • with this
the County can gain nothing note,
by an agitation of this nubject. If they had aught
to say se the senteucethey have received should
not have been passed upon them they had their day
and hour before that Board approached the subject,
• by sending testimony in answer to the immoral.
tioas circulated through the County. Mr. Price as.
sand Mr. Bigham and others who declined to tea
tidy, when Coiled by theiarmer Board, so neither
did he nor any other officers or citizens finward a
tingle rePoine supporting by proof the sufficient
appioach of our.assesaments to their real value.—
It Mto be presumed that the finmcial tact assum
ed by him ass political eonomist,was not withheld
when this importunity was offered him to correct
the deprecated results in order and that fault might
be Mond with the decision of the Board no the im
perfect materials furisigied to them alter every en.
cation to procure more had failed of success hill
mare charitable to believe that they were not fur.
'warded because they did not exist.
The Manner in which this County slipped tyro'
the tint Bond was regarded so objectionable that
the whole machinery of the second was remoddel
led to prevent' the 'occurrence of such a result
to this or any bther County and every one was
held in suapense, no as to remain Subject it any
Period' to. the :acing eta traerjarity. The time at
which ma. County wan acted on became imitate.
rig and it, I safety from retaliation could not, be
used to bear heavily on the counties in the real. of
the alphabet. Without reflecting aim predriees.
sor who done his duty coMmieutonsly there, as ev.
where, the pressure attributed to him on the
old oountiea was no doubt changed to the immuni
ty gained fin. the county, underlie rules which • it
,was the fuse set of the'present board to abolish aid
therclocrensing study and effort was directed
againn our 'county, to raise her an they had been
raised themselves, They are receding relatively
in prosperity, and Rh the inflictions of that Board
Most bitterly, bin bore them with patience and res.
ignation. We escaped them by the rigid enforce
ment of the legislative manual and have in truth
3> thank that for four years exemption.
The resin* Of the whole ground would show
little mine !erf complaint in the whole worse of
the Boma. ,For example, there was no diniuctive
return of the county for gate purposes Made for
the year 1807 and ISIS and no return madcap to
thin hoar CV' then xear.lB4B;as required by
oar tax lawa biting complex and obscute,that such
obedience, lii them is almost impraciable. The
• Boardwere thereat° under the necessity of ma.
knit bur entnaten for the year ISIS to ripply the
want of an actual return, nod assumes the ammo
which has Levi added as not more than equivalent
br whst would he realnhd in this additional year,
and the resift will justify their opinion—as the in
' crease of theamount for that year will produce all
the advancer required and there will be no ocen
non fur a fraction of a mill increase on our rates.
most earnestly Milton my klloweitizens to
benare how they disturb thisquestion. Some may
have an object I cannot see in raising a breeze
abied it, but most certainly the citizens of the coun
ty at loge hive neshiug to main by inch a course.
Let every man ask hiinself the question, whether
his individualpioperty is assessed at_the standard
fixed by law yin "What vvafitly gam sr!! fia, if
sold naaly and .irpmaary eta bans file tale: after.
full ?allot nada"
And to no peanut could this inquiry be mare ap
propriately aMr.w. edln respect aridgeod will than
the gentleman whose obeerrations Sive veiled Mil,
the annexed truer. If contrary to anxious and in
terested advice they shall vex themselves Mr what'
will prom to be ,thtles, .1, meat abide the result
with them for;let who will escape taxation in this
country, my lot is here cast, let,weal or woe
betide. ! • JAMES $. CRAFT.
crrn? ELf s. mica, stmvu r oilormoxce
• , rain cnicantmasna.
The address of T. J. (lighten EN. to the tax pay
' ers of Allegheny County, las just reached_ me—
lt is to be regretted, that it wm made before full
ezednuationetruld be received from the able rept,
sentative front that Cimmy in the Revenue Board.
The dam ofthe calculation are apparently cor
rect, at the increase often upon that County is er.
ton wanly deduced, because the writer was not
-awareof the/ Prolieedings of the Board. • The
sworn return madeby the Commissioners of the
Coumr._Faithebali.ptiket proportion at:banned
by the representative and arm anfollown
. Property subject to anull Lax.. 518,132,517.
bar. of z 531,967
Property sulueei. to 1-per ceut 51,029,562,
• yielding a tax of 815215
Property subject to 2 prr cent • se,psn,
yielding a tax of 135
The Rrrenue'Board adjusted the valuation thus,
Poverty subject 3 mill tax V.,155,8.%, yielding
a tax of ' 40
Propeny subject to 1 per rent 529,562
yielding a tax of •
Property subject to 2 per cent 30,950
yielding a tax of,
Ditkmace otaniount oftax annually as increased
by the Board but sl9*, instead of 85572,01, as
Mr. Bigham has 'mitered it cot,
That gernienian thinks there was not legal evt
dence before the Board justify . its decision.
Perhapn not. But the absence:of explanation'atler
an opportunity has been afforde, has been, and
neglected may be ibme ground/or amine: The
Board knew that interrogatories have been address-,
ed to many citizens of Allegheny COS'ety; • nun,
her bed visited the capital; the tadeStirable • re,
preeentatives, had addressed many lepers an well
as messages by Teleraaph which had produced
no explanatory swamies to the Board.. Nearly all
the testimony received came from one of the Corm.
ri cosnmissiodem; whose own work Smiths sab
red cfrevision.. And there ass other testimony
available tattle Commissioner—hock with returns
from the County tatbe Auditor General, and in the
personal knowledge amender* of the Board who
! were well acquainted with the taxable properly of
•• Allegheny County,—da seine, and the valuation for
kiseasment, derived Gom inqrsiriesPerionally mide.
,In would have been a great relief to the members,
,U fall explanation 'hid been made, but in its Lb.
same they, are bound by their oaths to act on the
knowledge they poi sewed. The writer would
have pretend leaving the tax of the County just
where the "conimbtionere return placed it, after
correcting the error of that , return and advicated
and voted accordingly. Yet he thinks as between
that County and the State, there ran be little room
I kir complaint, excepting only that a kw of the nth:
er COULltinn were not raised as roach as they should
hays been. • •
Mr. Bighain then rekrs loud complaints ex.
istiag to the legislature for the past knir years that
j Allegheny did not pay her full quota of Stale taxes.
This is true, and it Is true that such complains ex
isted out oh On well Int in the legislature, and no
doubt this disatisfomion increased the difficulties
'Mr. Craft had to contend inlinittOnt Scant But
this was not all; kr li., rninutes of the firmer hoard,
as well as the recollection of cotemporsries made
it manifest then Allegheny being at the bead of the
alphabet was passed through that Board at an car.
ly day of its imiaion 'upon imperfect testimony, and
befrre . • meonsidendion was moved for an intLeible
rule reported Ire her own representative bad pine
ed bee beyond the reach of risconoidenaioa, and
that subsequent effuse to get Mr. Bigham and other
chi:enact that county, then in Harrisburgh,
come witnesses proved unavailiag. The cake. I
'lotion of Allegheny county was flits, at that time
left ender an matruate'of 514149,025 end all who!
knew her enterprise and successful manufacturing
businmis and mineral resources, believed this to
be greatly deficient when compared with returns
of other counties. It was the only error cousaitted
by the nide and distinguished gentleman who rep I
• resealed that County' on that occasion—whose
services were felt to be invaluable for the general I
welfare of the State, and his too great success for ' I
I his immediate coossitacats line made the increase
now the more manikst, yet when review.,l
ed, it will be found more in the appearance than in
the reality., •
Them rouses ?luau( the reyrranionere fa th e his
I Beard in a difficult dad tonwriai pasaion; dux he
did ell that Mon amid- do, to ',plain. AM VI Het, per
alga& and Aati,fy elos eiectdrr.. f the Board, and
had the tumble co'operittion of the writer to mod-
erate theirjustice, in consideration of the leniency!
of Weir judgement,in other quarters but there pre. j
veiled with the majority an unavailing sternness of
derisioaPrimeeding from is conscietniout conviction
that all were booed toreaped._
The constilmicandity or the Beard of Revenue
oommisionen is next9uestion by the learned our.
respondent, and especially that their appointmeat
proceeded from the Judiciary. This I think mum
proceed (aim a misapprehension of the function's of
the hoard. It is not to levy a tax—it is only to
adjust to a scale ofeatiality the valuation of Seal
ble property. He can put it higher or lower accord-,
tag to his beat judgment. , Thia - ia all the Rav
enna Commissioner can do. It is the legislature,
and it only Axes the rates of taxation, or the Cava.
ty and municipal authorities within the limits pre- !
scribed by the Legislature. That the Judiciary ap
points the Revenue Comliasoners is the best fen
tore in the kw: •It is seme guaranty • that the
Board shall exhibit impolitical complexion or bins,
but perform their duties in ajodicied manner, upon'
flied principles, unialluenCed by party or
of sectional
!jealousy,uader &Predominating feeling devotion
to the best intermits of the Commonwealth. "
This brief vindication is. deemed due to the
Board and the representative from Allegheny: and
Sacred in the kindest feeliag and Wilted respect
freer Mr. Uighur% and the' People ,j ofAlleglieny.
April 311. 154 a! • • 'EteK.Paick.
CHEAP the:
Oa the Math' this spring,: ifuit thithze is minced
t&25 meth Oat* NevrYorkto Mew. •
•'• - • .
Railcar of gilto alligalh . Caatm *rads. :
mow Tux winx tranttsxsgmt &
T....tVilliiii michiiiiigy - fariCieflifuls Lane .En
' Th• Wilms Months im which the Corn Lama of
tire or mem anaphoded,. In conaequenc e of the &I-
Ille eroP in / 8 47,0 n the
iniumt, fix elate year fr om ed u ced
this time impo lst
tins from abroad will be subject to theme:mut of
a 'nueleratesCalte of duties; rain:dated by the Ater
age primrs of t.he different descriptions of grain:
Oa.sthear_6l, Per gnawer, and R. 61, on all caber
grain; on Dour as Sd per bbl, and Us rtes per sack. 1
The immediate effect of the cineshin of totally free
importation will prate* be to inspire holders with
more confidence, and some slight advance ,in pd.
cm may perhaps ensue. We are, bowever,will of
opinion that in the mister,' estate Wolf ' on me.
Serial Mae can occur in thq value of Mee uffs, un
less brought theist by . circumstances of Melt no.
thing can at prelim be - know., such as wets
der in the spring or summer, or politid I events,
resulung from the recent oc,:urrences " France.
Looking at matter. - es they nom stand, there is
no immix for supposing that supplies , will not
prove fully egad to meet the demand an long ns
alf id
thehUler continuesto be =dykes real consumption.
A speculative demand, Amended on future -contin
maim would of course alter affairs; but after the
disastrous moults of the past year's etperience,
we are inclined to think that capitalists will be
cautious how they embark in fresh investments
in corn.
. :
The vast quantity of rain which fell Au . ring the
month just terminated, has goaded Mine of the
low lands, and , the soil is generally too Wet to al.
low of its being immediately worked, with advent.
age. The weather boo, however, within this day
or two, assumed a -more nettled appearance, and
drying winds would soon demi, the superfluous
moisture, and permit the plough to be Loma -hi into
active operation. In regard to theof the
autumn sown wheat, the reports arestden the
whole, favorable: but it is admitted that. much
longer continuirice of wet might have pro ed pre.
judicial ou some descriptions of land.
The tone of the wheat . trade hes undergone
very little change since our last; sellers have en.
deavored to establish a small advance; and in some
ingenues they' have succeeded in obtaining rather
more money Mr thus qualities,owing to the inferi
ority of the greater proportion of the wheat brought
for sale; but the same went 'of activity by which
the trade has so long been characterized has pre.
smiled, and the operations hove not been by any
means extensive.
"Scorr sun an EtrAttle.."—Olir paper yester- .
' day, containing an article, under the above head
ing, in rekrenco to Sco tia arnsignment before a
court of inquiry, presented also recent news from
Mexico and (tom the court of inquiry itself, but
which was received at the last hour, alter the ar
ticle was disposed of, and when it was too late to
snake any Caninleuti.
That news, if possible, adds a double measure
of indignation and shame Lo the kelings with
which the country 'must' read the tale of Scott's
wrongs. The government degrades him from his
command—him, too, 'the Generabin , chief and con
queror of Mezico,--breala him, cashiers him; so
to speak, and orders biro before a court of inquiry
to be tried upon charges brought by his aubortli.
nate, General Wont,, whom the government, with
scandalous partihty, bad released from charges
preferred :Tung liiiu.dty his commander. Well,
General Scott submits, like an obedient soldier and
good citizen, to every order and to every wrong;
he appear? before the court; and there, in that
court, the accuser, General Worth, withdraws the
,against hint, and the Court rinds it has
an innocent man before it, and'Uothing to try against
Hut, in the meanwhile, General Seoti ban been
taken front the command of the tinny, and present
ed to the.eyes of the world as a milittuy culprit
worthy of the harshest censure and deepest di
grace. The wrong lots been dour,—the innocent
man Las been punished.
It trill be amerced. also, that General Scott has,
011 his part,- witbdrawn• from betiwe the court the
'charges preferred by hfrn against Lieut. Colonel
Duman. The reason for this is menitrit enough; the
wart refused," to read the documents relating lathe
charge against. CoL Duncan.'"
We know not what kind of court the President
has sent to Mexico, or what it in expected to do in
blackballing or white.washing the characters of of
/kens but we know very well that when it refuses
to - read documeula embracing the evidence in our
port al 'charges which it was appointed to try, it we.
the only step led Pe the accuser to withdraw the
saVery probable, the eharges against General N.
low will be abandoned in the same -way and 'by
the name. teti.voni and the Court of Inquiry will
vanish away like a putt of smoke or a wreatli'd
summer dam raised by a moment's whirlwind.
changing nothing, •hurting reside,- in the lesser
world below, and only leaving old oak of
Chippeway stripped of a kw leaves own little
scarred by the bolt and bLiid of putty e%,..ntive
Yes, the Court of /equity will end in malting—
oely that it will leave Gener,al Scott without WM
army, and his army without ivy Griterat—No.rd.
• A l'amatax Aortas,-31r. Blake, of
Akrat, Ohio, called oo uirtwo or three days ago,
anifeabibiteil an article that must, we thank, be
come of great, value. It won discovered some
time Warr in the tortiudiip of Sharon, Obio, and
taken fintia an eteVITIVSOO to a seek 114411..
kis deep. 'and apreadia , g - over sonselix or eight
acres., The substance is black, resershliag indigo;
and about the consistency of cold tallow, when,
taken team the mine, hut an exposure In a &..v
days to the. atmosphere, turns it to a hard slate or
smite. it has been heed upon analynaion moon.
Min about one . half silica, one berth alma's; sad
an., earfuls pyrites of icon, wAlt Mawr Imlxlvtion,
of magnesia, hfite, and carbon Frotairbe extraos.
diaary chancier of the article, it is supposed by
geologists who have 'Sited the 'mine that there'
61114 Se acme Sallee or crevice el the bottom of
the-ditch" through whieh, the article, in a liquid
state, was ejected from beta*. . .
When the aubrtante is taken out. dciayl, ground
to a one powder, mixed wok hawed oil, andap.
plied with a brush to either wood, tic, iron, cloth,
paper, or brick", and then exposed ■ few months
to the nonosplent, it becomes a perfect state, Ira
pervious to the union of the weather:or to Am—
the weather serving only to tura oto Stone, and
rendering at harder the longer it to exposed, while
fire wall char the substance to which at is aphid
'brine the slate will give way. • •
' We were show, specimen" upon cEith sal wood
that were as five specimens of school state an we
bare - ever seen, and Would - show pencil marks
equally well. It is also susceptible of the higheq
polish, as warns. a piece upon woal,thst wa po
lished, and had the a_ppearance of the finest Egyp.
tian black marble. The article is of much value,
we should suppose, tie covering nook mean Lows,
dams, truces, buildings, -Wad 'every thing elaisre.
outing protection from fire or the weather, or . fur
Are fmnti, cartiagep, ci centre or per tables, VJ It
is in iSet slate in • liquid state win., applied. anal
in kw months acquire, s the motility ol" the Angst
slate. .
We learit from Mr. illake, who has secured' a
patent is, hm disoovery, that it is wild at his fiasco
at $3 per 100 lbw which will rover the roof of a
building thirty feet square, or nine hundred lupe4
6cial feet.—Nor. lead.
Cauttral Walk Road.
The tillowing 'Preamble and Resolutions were
adopted ate special meeting of the Board of Trade
Aseocietion,oe Thursday, the Gth instant. ' •
Wutriu, Vassaridled esertions ate .now mak.
ing by neighboring Vatet, to divert to other cobras
the triune and commerce of the Ohio, and its tobttv
taries.which hu is to eminent a degree promoted
the welfare of thin County, and the prosperity of
Ske whole Commoewesltic
Wheresa, The provisious of the late supplement
to the Chatter of the Pennsylvania Rail Road
Company, ;Med important facilities Sir a mile
ieription to its stock by the County of Allegheny,
by means of which the people would he us a pea 4
measure rebored from the lowest; on the Lori
required to meet each subscription, and other ad.
nausea would be secured. r
'Whereas, Satisfactory LlSllralle.ol have been giv. ,
en•by the of eers of sald company, that • subsczip.
Goa of a million of JOUR* front this . county would'
In addinon to an equal sung to he ailvimeed by the
city of Philadelphia, be entirely expeoded on the
Western Section of the line, end would Mame the
speedtoompletirm of this great work, by which the
construction of n Railroad from this place through
the State of Ohio, under the liberal charter recent
ly granted by that State, %MOM be rendered *bus.
lately certain.
• .
. ,
ReJaleed, That in the °pintoa of thin meeting it
is highly desirable that the County . of Allegheny
should, make a liberal subscription to the stock of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
Rushed, That a committee of live members
appointed, whose duty it *WI be to conk' with
the County Conweissloners, and devise the most
MIII - Cieut Means of ascertaining the opinion of the
cilirene of the County, in relation to such a sub•
scription ' and report to a meeting to be held at this
place onThurtday next, at 7, P. M . '
The association appointed Meem. 'l' Bakewell,
Ti Highatn, Jesse Caruthers, W .1 Totten, and Jo.
seph Pennock, that Committee.,! .
SYMPATHY wind Famrcr.—The glowing are
the .reralulions adopted by the Senate in the Gt h .
Ileadved, P. That in the name and Windt of
The American people the conyratulationa of Con
vent are hereby tendered to the people of Prance
upon the SUCOMI of their recent efforts to isansolt
date the principles of litieny iii a republican km
of government.
And be it feeder Realty,/, That the Preildent
of the United States he mid be is hereby requested
to transmit this resolution to the American, minis.
ter at Paris, with instructions to 'Renew it to the
French Government
TIM Baltimore Panics, speaking of the Pres&
denhy, sap that the friends of Mr. Webster, Judge
McLean, and Gam Scott, begin to show themselees
in different parts of the country, particularly et the
Buten, in round numbers, and their claims are to
be warmly pressed twine the National Convention
In June next.
CourJutimiier,' kfclaiim—This Northampton (Mau)
Concord (N. NJ Sta 1191 11140 0/11i Ply
mouth Wand Memorial, express their.pretergam
k.r Judge McLean pis Wm Whig candagei ExqPre.
IVe team by telegraph
Remade . ; ire
• .!(IZ/
Buv!d T
-m fciticesm ten .440,
n'elockiu aurae* perte*liieiti; gee
oet aide haN pau Id; pr a frame's/led, wed' ir . '
gable, situated on Plum .iliiley;l4-21 Grant *Wt%
and in the rear of the tavern iaely occapied: by
George IL Bell, and at prevent by three brother,
Messrs. blagey: . From this abed it commuidented
to art - adjoining one, arid thence M's Large two story l
brick stable, also situated in the miens yard. The
two sheds were eruirelyboissumed, and with them
two fine lames, which belonged to Alexander Mc-
Roberts, and aucther,.the property of a stranger
Bran Ohio. The upper part of the brick stable,
with a quantity of hay, was consumed, but ell the
bones, mules, &a, were takers out 'sky. The fire
communicated to the shutters of a smoke house,
cornering on Plum Alley and Glint Street, which
was filled with meat; but here, most fortunately?
the devastation wan arrested.
' While the engines were still ?hiving upon this
another . broke out in another smog frame sta.
bk., on the hill, above the canal, and iouth of 7th
street, at tbe opening of the Tunnel. This stable
seas owned by Mr. W. Kiiirpntrich, chandler Land
was located close to the end of his chandlery,
which fronts on all"sweep iMe informed us that
his hone and cow, which Were in the stable, had
been untied by the incendiary, and thus •escared.
This stable was of no value, and was quickly our.
turned and thrown down the weep bank of the
caul. No other property injured.'
Somewhere near 1 o'clock', a third fire broke out,
also in a Same stable. This was situated between
Irwin 's Alley and Irwin Street, clue in the rear of
Wilmarth's Lumber Office, which fronts on Penn
Street, the. stable being in his lumber yard. The
tire had been, apparently, thrown 'into the end of
the hay 1011, *Love the stable, and spread so rapid
ly, that here also two noble horses were consumed.
Thence it spread to an adjoiningstable in the same
yard, in which another horse wu tinkered, which
the owner snivelled in saving, at imminent risk of
his own life. The poor brute, finding the flames
reaclung his back from above, end unable m break'
his ballet, lay dcwn. - end remained passive till bin
laumane owner untied the halter and tet him freo
The two horses lost were in the stable al-Martin
Connelly, baker, and belonged to him. The one
saved belonged to James M'Elnay, and the stable'
was also his.
There trio he xarcely a doubt that the lait 'tiro
fires were kindled by incendiaries. The first WAS
probably accidentil-,Eiends must they be, 'who
could thus torture noble brutes to death; and borri
bli the malignity which could kindle flames attiid
so many frame dwelling, a. were proximate to
each of the last two lire.
The Bremen merit unstinted praise -far their'
protmuitude and good numagerneut at all these
fires—Without which an immense number of air,
ibex mint have been deprived of homes, and a great
deal of valuable property destroyed. •
. _
Toe Ditssts.—Among the strangers in town is
Henry Placide, Esq., a most accomplished actor.—
It is understood that he has made a prokasional
engagement, and will give us an 1 4400I1Uninly of
witansing an exhibition of on not Mien pro'
mated here. As Granaditer Whitehead he has
nu equal, nor can his Sir •Peter Tearle, Sir Har
court Touchstone," or other gems ad-init . -
forum be rivalled by ally actor. TllLSbnilth !inn
been lavish in its support of imported merit, it has
now an opportunity of witnessing the edZots of
One whose native Land in the United Stall,
Tun Hosomm fresn.—A telegraphic despatch
has been received in lid* city, announcing that the
remains of S. D. Sewell, John H. Gilchrist,
H. Alward, left Cincinnati ymterday morning, and
will arrive in this city on. Wednesday ihrenoon. A
committee of live, consisting of Mm-im. Willidpt
It. Mowry, HS Fleinint, .John-11 RoLimLon. W
ham CSiockton, anti William B Vriikine, will kern
at Ave unnorrow, to Meet Me remains at IVheet
ing, and escort them to this city.
A Rarrestax, very ranch intoxicated, and et:
gait% through the Armes above the Canal Britt
yesterday afternoon, kit Violently among the mon
in the anuer, whereby his ihrehead area dreadful
eat, ■nd hn skull aupposed Lo . Le fractUred.
Citirrairpgibaspes of _Pll4t,bsvigh, Gewalt •
baripi l icina fte of the liusbargh Queue. •
Lith[J '•{1!I
• Washington, A pnl 7, 1819.
an.—The WU releasing Judges of the
mine Court fetal cirettii duty, Was &glided.
korts..-Nothirts done except the &rumen o
Private Siihs •
&ware not in Srasion.,
Hoes.—;hi mown - of Mr. Rockwell, the
went Imo committee of thr.whate on Niro..
and occupied the relainn In that way.
. Carre•poatkave dime Pitlabutit Grlciter.
New York, April 0, 1615.
Queen tielorin hal been delivered of a prim;
The Rank of England han declared a ,eini.nn•
roil tit riclenil of gnu and a hog per cent;
St...visions, March 20.—Tho 'quotationr exhila
an Oarige. Lard is in fair demand, 49a to ftl% is
alisitda us Ws to Lein. Ileei and Pc 'toady.
Ontittr has advt./ma 3a # cwt. Bacon, 3 0 . 1 0f . e ,,
Hama, 25i to .55, P4.,4", 46.114 !Va. Tierce POO:
Xis Ito 32,
COMospanarnet of the Pathartugh Gazene. •
Qucionati, April h+, lhah.
• The Cashier of the Bank of Saudupki is byre
Pilling in the paper of the bank. Ile han'reilet.ut
sihatly all the circulation. The credit of the
bet* of fforinlr, and of Sanausky, ia now constd•
eied.uudon bled.
;Ca.erpondenee of the tharburah' Garena
eraivurt, Aped 9, 1549.
ildoe—Ther'only effeet'of the Foreign yews ham
been, het of cheek iog busine,
Gritio—Sales of Oats to Joy al 27/ilta eta.; of
pito! red . Wheat at 90 ets; of Coro, prime
at 2.Teta
. „.
Witaay—Sales continue at 151 el.. No ibange.
P+lsiotis--Nu change la prices has occurred.
Tbo market is inactive.' &des of 240 keg, Lard
r, f its ; of &COO Hams at 41 cis; of Sides .i:1
eu; 4131.0.411dert,30,000 IM., at 2 cts.
Freigjtts to .New Orteart.s7—Floirr, 30 els; Polk,
44.ctri. Whiskey, GO cra.
TlteLtriat Coi.rtatrru—Dr. Mirror, the iureguigi of
Wirt remedy fu[ that fearful direase, wider, lugs
eror Irmo odernl to the public, thus deerntu•e iho
rygoptlmui which/odic/tic • ditordered grog* of that On
urius. lava—Pain iu the richt
side, violet the edge alike rib+, increase on ,plessare.
rametkiacil the pain Is in Ike len side. Ile patient ei
weiglibleto Le on din len side. 801.lilelea the pain
Is felt tinder the &Inmate, Wade, nod it freituently en•
lends to the tap alike shoulder; and te sometimes sins.
tithed ear • ragman= in Ike anal. Tie stomach is
affected with loss of appetite and slcknetiv—the bagels
In general are comer, hanieliaten elwrostire wu6 1/./.
TIN bald is troubled with pain. accompanied with a
do ; heavy sensation in the bac k pan. flows is net,
milt a considerable low of Mealary, ncre.p.nkd
with is. painful sensalioci of having left Undone tome.'
:ltee width ought to have been dour. A slight dry
ush jpi sOntaYMIN an Iltelithmt. • The pillelll .
;denote( weariness and debility—lie meanly sin riledtom—
his Westin. cold or bu rn ing, and he ecimplaius of a
prickly rowan.. of eke chin. ifis spirits are Into; nod
although/be is satiated that exercise would -he bench.
alai to lien yet be anti scarcely summon up latitude
enough II try it. In lath he dio ru on every reniedy,”
Hare you any or all of there symptoms! Call and
purchase a box of De. Ma rills ; alike !Mid. !lore
ol'J. =ID 1t70., 60 Wood sweet. splo
isw. The special e 111111441 or dealers in Reedy .klede
eleidilittis Invited to the :leaf over. mom fashionable
spend/ sad 11W13610 outwits,. a credit of 3 mouths,
to be held at the Wore of John W. Davis, auctioneer, roe
ner of Wood and Filth sta. an Tuesday miming, the
Ilia {anent, 61.1 U o'clock. • 'Ms Will bathe largest nod
- best sable( clothing . ever held in Ibis city, as .li e
meal. an fashionably cut and or good material, the
whole obehleh are to be Wild without reserve or limit,
lathe highest bidder, ILe good. will be sold in has of
tromait to twelve garments each. ' • .
Catalogues Will he ready and the goads open for ex.'
eminence early On the morning of the wale. 0140-,
Ninct—A stated' meeting of the meteberr Of the
"tr.eglen's Zdereantlle Library Aerociatinit ood
Aleeksnles , lertltutr, will he held et the 1011 ,
dry reeroug, April 1411,1844, of 7j o'clock, P. Al,
spltk2l • IWHERTYINNEY, scc4y.
DolusavaiVe Great Serial Panoramas 'or
• lietleo, at Apollo Hall. 411.
mile. tartly llseetier reception of this Great Moving
I pima, by the Muammar Pinstiorgh and vicinity,
has induited the proprietor to remain • faur evenings
langur in the City. The painting occupies nearly two
mil. of catureas t on which is &affinity represented all
- the baitledields, chief town and cities on tha Lines of
operation by the tworeat divisions of the American
Artuy nod. Gres. noun and Taylor, the whble fora.
In the most delightfal series °frieswe ever armed rot
pallet exhibition, and conveying an aceunie idea of
that Colasaty 10 which the eyes of the world bave• with.
meanOr less intercP;. recently tamed. Forparti;ulars
see bills of the day,' • -
Admittaheedilicenis. Doors open at 7 o'ctoch. •
CLOVERI3FSD—IbbIe lose male by..
rd, for usle
WICK ar. mecartoLE3s
4111.1).47 kip No 1
fur We by •
Imes, akciornim
. •
ROM . 11te NallaSal
ThDit6e/phia,eoweaue4ef ' • moo,
atEepwaiiasa will ores thin
h osjlIONDAlt I7IS/04.1
hes. dhow scam; us the Old groom/ la, fniti of be.
pogo dr
will have the honor or appeadivieicening taring
their stay to the Sir J. J. NAT RICHARD RI
Ellt0151:11, WASHINGTON CHA.1.1111.31.3, GINGSGE
Admission,ss cent.. No half price.
Show open atfliCe
o—perfonaanea m euesenswe at 71
For paniedant of perroniaare t kak programme
acerb day. aplo
I C. F. Norm
tun stawr OP m. kwi ap LCI
Monday; April 10. 1849, to earroornee with tho .
Near Tick Mr. Dom.
Liwtre relsie
Atter rebid,. DANES, OFAII•A'Ana• Navies.
lfd be uillow by the Dram of •
Grandfather Wldiehead Ur. Plaeidt.
One, which, DANCE, by bliss A. Within.
Ctrs CUMPeareter,
e.lorialak 18011.
I ROPOSALS will be reesiad a tide
Odle* mad
ll'mdaY, the 1.1 day of May wen, at IS Weak, P.
M., 4.e fo nab' ng ad deliveries at die - public laterite
Cowman,ta.,' utst pc:shoo( Pebble or Steckler Leume,
limo five to tea Inaba the Modest diameter, Wailer lo
to be stone medlar tiering Fireman, Piusbash
sod Wheeling; each perch w contact sixteen and me
half fem. Sad delivered .o follows:
PAU pereh by Mein ofluly e Gni
BOW between the ler ofluly sod IMO: 00.1Sai
fly.Ul between lee Oct., Inte, ad lei lag:
6,CCO " between Me la Nay mod les July, MG;
lUUO " Maureen the In Jay and It Oct. leGi
All sal Sand Stoa will b. , rro rtid. .
- The Nome will be paid for flout Sims to time, es lhe
mom may be delivered.
6:4 " ,:tu P :: rig I.
. 0 . 0.2. woe Ibe perch ov
IDIAILBOAD LEITINU—ScaIed ;quintals will La
received Si the city of New /Milroy, ladiaaa, until
htharday she Ifilth day al April, al G o'clock, P. td., for
the gradior, bridging, masonry and wooden euperiatne
hue of the New Albany and Saha. Railroad.
The work will Le divided Imo shad fifty sections,
and wilt embrace every satiny of eallavantra,
tag Winn none, dare and rand rock, gat, hammered and
nibble masonry, embankments of earth, eightcr Ma
bridgesof canons plain, Lc An , th e whole to Lc coo-,
pined by the hest day a October, ISA Bidders who
nth ultimata to the andarsagoed will Le required to fat.;
aish sausfactory refereebee.
Panama. will Le made as the walk progreows, la
the wean per cent. Loads of the city of New Albany, or
cosh as the. punter may agree. Plans and speciicni
Bone end Le exhiliated an the MAL nut.
-• • .
Co DABNEY, Liquarrr kw Court.
New Alboxy, •plltdkver
AP/RDI. 18411.
lir R. 1111.111111' ia now opealug I. SECOND
VI SUPPLY Graining and slimmer Guol/yam:loas
Iran morning opt. an astortmeat 'of Liirea Giughaina,
lapel EarlsuA do; Mint, and Cabinet; LaJim hue
Draw Good., A gnat 'rawly; Illmiebterertliogbaroa,
um penman.anorliarat now minims ma
grew many articles al lowe r mkt. Mao tonal, h ss
uue Yuma. Prium, yanl ars .1 111 elf; Rua Wain,
noun ai Ixl no; Dram Girl:nu:am, usual widsh, at
va; Drew yell wails, rti en; !alining Du.
Mai very lowi,lindi Lon, a,. Will. Maw opra-Uus
ummirig no asaornown of livaudful sips keit Canines
am all riarallilarg; Larna Chis 2
sorboo nob; laths Wash Jo; Crape Shawls, at. '
Parsons lorsalsog yUiagla the Uff Gorda way,
will Jo Well to roll and awe Me good, SW boat lbe
ascrelantx anll find in Wh0104414 80044 04144 411017
n inviting awe L tit heatgoad, al a4ooll . Zas/0111 444.
11.31 e al nee Imre ul t Utast
Uttlei., CUL FOl Pt •,10 Net Ot•Ptl
andll,Eit.inrniu. Vaal Nowa, Una Easng
and 0111..:1[ Eachange, Ceniataara Drposd
EXCHANGE au all the primipal elks of the 1 • •
fur wall. W sum% gu gaucbaaera. .
4.11:11it ENT .A 4 µatlas& waived au .1/wale.
the Amen rate.. aplladloYar
Jump), a. ans.,
OVVERS FOR HALF, 1001 Waits boleti naming
=halt boars do; bull ;miner do do; Xt." trap do;
Dan SM.. rogyrualata coact extra Dram do; Hy
casks Yaw l. 012,11314; Mt bores Como; 2 caws
rSIASIIN yes Loma (Minim sod Laiwps HO cares pte
vvnad tha4H4 %ask. Hate IJ 4Woads 5 bales
lord de iLs bus Wehuse: Ned, Vilbenr, Itu less.
tele Ping mei Wass lli4 Sh auto MacearaW; GO.
Vows dlbut. Pals. Visp. IS Oka asepelLe
.pram mid, is .b. rrusLt Ol
leb lures aitlaroir .
W dO l t 6 1
O i l! a " :
Ler cilium do als' It sew. do Cluthes •
.344 do Coverial Alarkin lla.ket., sleds.
due Hagler+ beat 2 du do 1111;4,1; I do iriatiao
bokivr4 2do Hard &o b.., aced; Nat received at
• ZEBU).* KINSEY'S. 47 markets&
Xkeriiireimr• 11•71111.
eabrenberr lewo are lawl • kw of thelle
plwrow balkeiewatearepaiied y • Oont
earisteing Improdaseliwis tor Writ aro ardor din..-
.el which obey are arpritable.
Price, $&2 had 011. •
spill J CIUU•
CA . Cl , — . l . lz=receiwal a lirgief .
large stock la ware and cellar.
to ea/land exasliarbaroecleao, lre /VW
ram Ire had AS We r of thailloield lad Pion
aplu I • . 4.0 .11/11M.Y.• •
AI4COROL—Ib b LAS 'ree'd ud Grt sale by
T u E SiI.LEIR7, 37 sabot]
MR WI qt BaryptedfAin Wl•e,
dlow b1P0111144, 10 04i, WM/ latowlusg and kr Ws- Ism
SAUTEItIYII hal( hbila now landing; 15
hints and 5l half hbils to wiry Ihh Rack. , These.
Will. area bay own invottaliiio,siraci, and will be
.old low by *NO . . PC 11.14RTIN .
April 6, ISIS .
CILASII'AIEVE Lo.kror Mohr, Croat;
25 do Crown COompogoo Witwr, now landins
and do Sale' hp •plu P C MAILTIN
104611DIES-21tf Pipes suprrior listlessly Ltrandy,o(
jj um. importation as 141,1. 4 tittansrpmes at:Tenor
Otani !handy, now laming onJ forsalo by
apto P
012.011131X0 mute of the Lo Wfil b il.q , 11 Rosa.
••uM 4 '3, dun rec JJ ou rouslgnment uor sale by . • • •
- k Co •
• ARD-411 kip Leal Lull: rteeividon yousigo •
and tor Ante 6p ' ISAIAH DICKEY& Co,
aolO • ; vralerr lut =trout
.ptu ratt:Nu: Rimy co 67 wah
10 P harrAl.— 6665.\0 I Fyn.
Ileie by ' FRIFND, IU
B - --
ACON-22u(lu bUs to balk, said; 25 <Ribs do, (b
sale low ta close mtsigroonoi, by -
• oplo FRIEND, RILEY .sc. Co
.11t 1 .,g r ecul fors:l tC7e'
CDYAI. VARNISH-0 bbl.'4il.Noie York, Boma and
Pittsburg!. unnoiarwre, for sale by
aptU - , J S.C.III)ONUAKER 1k Co
, ,
.11 ADDER-1 co b
:as n 141.04 bt,g tale by ,
LU jayb) I NC/7100N8142a.197../k Co
MUP bbl. for
rILOV ES —lt taplx for sala by . • :
•pio •
DOTASK—aII east. prima,,mrt feel/AU - A 111 , 20 . );
JE aplti ~ %VICK /fr. Mr.CANOWS
001FLN-501 bushel.. tom (oracle er'
1100 ' WICK k AfeCANIILFss
EA 1,41 s smallt its for sale by
aplU ;MCC*. 111eCANIlL659
UR-3015is exit" FaTtuly ruzW;al; ylt
-11140THY.SEHD-1 sacks for !ea by `
eitiO • WICK &IdeC.4I4DLFJii.S....
(MAHE Silikii/J.l-;:in iimorhatent Aviite, drat.
kj and bled: Crepe Shawls, ion teeeleed-at the Ihy
titxt44 House .• • W H IHURPHVi
j air comer 4th and market no
"'LACK IVADDING—ItaI doe heavy Black {Via-
Jl3 ding,juvi received by Canal Und fur aerie by • • 1
1 4 u...el:LETT & WHITE, UV woad at
fiRENCIII.AWNS—Ttiro c s beautiful newatyie
• DIVIV , lawn,, just received by •
, ups • ' SFIAChf.FMT &ICBM „
POTATOES-3 retake' fur sated, nom lariat'
nod far rule by' ISAIAH DICKEY& Ch
upa • • front and water Fla
BCE—Fire Brock It not superior t to
I: ! R lCE—Fire
market, for ,Rqlltrc.SlllSb:rouadmr,
kr, en band uud
,reqemng regularly, awl, for made by
?pi • II ROBISON a en
/IURN IIItUtINIS—M duo suportor Corn Broom.,
I,j nen received from Illinois, end for sale
ann H HOWSON 801
LMID-15 LIAR No trail& do do
more and ler sale 4.1101 It HOXIXON &CO,
fell i ii y lHETAL:- , r a tO pt lonsilrig iie4l7 ll 7,c i reir e r: o els;
(10EFER—Vel bags Hio'Colfee,iti .tore 0114 for side
by 0p X ROLIIHON re'Co,'lll2 liberty et
Cti UGAH—VaI bhds pie N 0. Sugar, teed end for
_l9 I x apEl Ft ROBISON it Co
ae i 911 du; :I''sbilt.rsm
LOAF SUGAR-40 bbls Loaf tropvt, teed and fur
sale by bpB it ILOHLSON t Co
it I V " ! C. "
Irlt(ZON k C
xonisoi 4, co
VASIL, Olt, &C.-4:5641s No 3 allickerel;l3 hWiTata
xeen Olb C Tar; in mom and bubble by.
apB'. R RObLiON 2 Co
STEAM BOAT ONION—We 'eighth 'of iha warn
boat Union for,sale,wl gook! tenor. Enquire of
iIifORTGAGE :FOR.SALE—t tooogne.,G,rll§o94.o
jyy Lavin* two yrors lora, n amply arrurett, will .Le
'obi a Lorrain: apply to (3.}: APPLETON,:
ap:3l o • '., .Allj_a_t
UNDII.II3-100 bap emir- Saltpetre,
4 50 bbi. t; Tar-, Cribble lame No 3 . 2ffiteltere4'
a R j
bbla Telmer.' IN4 dal bbls ebb.. 11inen fat - .ale o r
Gm:ls—sue loxivw wi dow pow
, tar rale Lf , ap7 • JOHN GRIER..
, CUBA TOBACCO-ti babas, rappen and
Jun read=augment... an m d fus tejuslsicir,
ri7,abalet Ayr b
lifrn,Ver CORDS—A
imortntew, of anvil 'and
;luge ribbed, Verotuv Cord., anedi
Oto, psi opened by - • . "1. 6"
FV Yn x,llVAnktlyzitA.i
-.1.••-',tA=4-- • '
' cr;
• •.
AllardhAna thavtilu Amst .
Sas 4 .1, 7 G.4 4 % . , 0% ,
soonalag, April pitedost, maim
commeicial Raostommer" Wald we MA i
will be iota, foe sesames M bon /1 may misers, so
e stens; re assostann ofEliglials, French mad Asosocaa
. 2 .4.4 dn . 1'6.4 at.
_Ai eeloct.p. la • • :
10 ki• awn mos' hymn tra, 111 bbls N,OStoslasin,
6 bis Virginia Warm, Isr Pine bolln l f.
13 Lts• inadow Isuoirtt, Uhist, lOU esisi KOS, 10
Ars asserted gLe•nranigroestries soafeelloaary,
eels wieensinare, buy and MM.* 131.110..,
NM I'S, bead boxes, writing t rmsaiag paper, • lame
wannesst of acv rued woad bard boaseWd f•mi.
nr kellwe lanle,matinnsw,lsed•im looks
lo` Youae Ill•so± la pea/ vaiety, walel clocks, soma ,
6esks, store &stow ones, le.
• Al 7 o'clock, p. n.
A quaadir earp•eurrs• lads, Ininlsrere,
0 ,
salmi POnsle; sad aoornersielbes, 03111littli 41,14.
Ma U. awe Waltz bo
s, teors dross, umbrellas, • ma* tra
util whet ado good . - •
047 1 JOHN D DAVIS, Aoser.
• •
Sr. Ckir Strwt Prgerry u Atirrim
WILL be expiated to rotate oak... the 40060• Ted
Saks Booms, comer of Wood and nab we, o Sauk.
day the Mk kat, al. ei o'clock, PL , all that remit,
yam* almond Jonud a• the *latterly esde at P 4 Clair
alseel, between Penn weed end Use old alteetway
haiog porta of lots Nos= aod to, in %Votdat
I ptwMPinaborg, aktl &embed ae follows, to Be.
row/ its the corner of Werra alloy, then. emu&
mg la knot atoms 101 Clair akar I, otsoberly, a 0 awl, awl
in &p d.; neuter, parallel with P... skeet, &mune
kat to • four tee wiry, with Ine tew end pririlege
of the 64.1 alky. proprny art accred tour
Woe muted bnek houses, leach otli)ket hank whittle
I are to good a...dimes, and would yield an annual' rent
ooe thooksal
. Tersa—koe-kukta.e.aah, and the baker< in three
.eqoal animal Instalments, will Interest oantianauelty;
la bteeeehred by Gond and most oa the' pawn?
mid.. Par Innler Woman. y to 11 B Wdkute,
Eat, 411 t eh ay; hl DAM, Airs'
ANL' Bale Liuw
(Wei, erne, • its Lie Sixth
• ore! of Cif,.
ON hardy tbe Mb lose, p'elaelt PY. M
Costuaerelal Sales noon, comer of
s tread earl lei elm
will be soWl Lode. sheeted as Um somberly side of
Wylie street. oborrtleg sat meaty Hoot temperer rn4 i
beim • etardiviebas of lots Nos 17,75,11, t[k 10 sad Id
tolnlets's plea: two of rebid, ere tee! Hiker front by
IA feet 4epth to alley 10 Ism be Weirs olds, tlee re.
otablioraLt Dave tack Sr feet io frost by 114 feet sa the
&forma./ alley.
• A plea may to sect m the omce of H B
Fes, Mb street, or at the Akimbo Now Min MA We.
.spi JOHN D DAVIS, bum.
arratt gob ef Fashissualir Clocking--5000 Spit},
Queens ow arra& of Arm inendir. •
ON Tisittee mine, thenits lancet, at 10 o'clock;
and .1 'o'clock Phi,. eau deg, 'nil be sold et the
commend Sehmthoeta, corner of mut god 6th eta,
the Jarmo end best istocteireakof ready Jerc4 acek, e ,
ever ored public sale in this ei y , beteg the sense
auisk of a chenille menham from Chellavt Weer,
Pkil ethane', who 1. &el/niece bo Liners, which will aF
hod an oPPortenily we all disposed to parrnam put
begxlia, as Mord.. mos: da 4 17 . eidd wradrout k
mid etelglab cio4tot, dross and (ash
dap d'ete, cyan, smanana and ;Mr
hem cute of erne description, vests, doable and
gle tinseled Paris ttnilataines, ems as
Mine, unit de sal, lineeheatu,emalasere unmake,
Mb and fed nil u de. pants; Week and lamp centi
me re, Lieu plaid, gingnam, drag, tete, same Siam
ccinders):commede, lc; fur and saperfusethinn made.
Much sign, 'rub lint. Loma. ad Milan, rigs:
Pascenml dnlhog drawers • • • I
Catalogues will be scadVeed 1V Comb 0 0 00
mainmasts an the tainaing of the ealn•no which et-
MOWN 0 dealers 11 VlLrticularly manumit . • - •
MSG • • JOHN D pang A vet
.• Mud Itsrsei fir .StAb. • • J .
ONE PN , lerp. use Item they Horns, Ave read.
*Woad yety geode.. Apply I o ;OLIN D '
, , antler tor wood sad Ads ots
poorrsvapr , OR 3' DAYS ONILYS•
Bk - ralusrmo Tumoral" Wednesday . ,
TV eel Tlinterley April 110. leth &ad 13th, for three
days Wader their memmath willies!, I be erect
ed m tram edam American Huuy Penn sr meg and el
m le Allegheny eny on Friday, April
Raymond a Warmr wade reemettutly examinee M
dm rabbi!, Mal an dm anemias they mill hew an ep
lerlbeelty tlf grilmeging the wore/ mei eerier pertimm
&Mem of • • .
• 0 41.LECTUFLT.g.' " :
ror roong• and epiday Lao ra
woo of TIM L/US o f op - pe k" ar ortii
In big coma/tried pram:tapers, witaLia Ti.
: 4117 (ry L lg:I.P. c*L AiTctutit 'in
umpltal ear; than droving that even a arms_ T U . ' : a:a '.
learn to memo/ the 6101VAICIIS OP THE PO KE-74.'
to 10
fry -_
potent , apes eat! dsr from u 14,1, sad Goo 7:
clock •
ataluaatoz, ler ants—tkiikl pen under irsyrisofoge,
15 rant.
- - .
subscribers have taken lb* atom N.. II NW
ket suet, at door above Thad souk whop they
am bow a choice start of Larn, Cuddle wad
Salk Ha kerchiefs.
Anitt Flames,
Parasol, •
Ti whale they westlaliartis atiestieff. of Uillioer.,
Calory Neuhaus asadothers. • Torabasegooda lure
brat purehased W Cub at the Fruclawattarareaun,
alai at Uw•rawat package sake; Artgela le saki tar.
rue.a low as elm be toot of eithot thew Tort or
Ca,.GO wood
• .
LEE - le . :BREWSTER .'"'-'••'
Established a anitsbaissa la Om year Lelld; for Use Mg
ply•lt id ,Iyiag MAO"). and manor Trade' luta
iees—aad nailiftlag, u a 11.1•00/1, .
, flt
i rptio l Lim a nsumn la .
~. ..
' . - -•
' T 4 , • . ..
c .,,,,.....,.awedp,....i.,
turf paw uric of Foreign asdi Domosne
Many of vide!, Lane jun twat, porFdased,
War an We tar Cub ta i l sind credi t, at •
Mrani below UK.
dr prices of Apnl and y, as pet
pruned Cialditeit,ioa are eartiesed daily, for us,
• •, Ulf7. S • Oda;
%.14 . , 4111c - CO, :
litis - te. • , eti
A. A. Kase* N .
O. COIL tikes tweet, between sad lth sta. - Pitt. R ., bans recently, fawned rich new and.
=Llnore,c4.lll,..tto azZ,..l.llLeiz:O=l.3e-24,g,
aced paekhas. a the r.7. —, ?...d• u p....0. 40 . td ,„
styles. - Merehszus thtoultioal • the eattalsy ate para..:
foroed to cad sod at aßialK , OW attach,. as, oar
inteatioa to 'carer - 0W goods• at . tbelowest Esasta
wholersh. Woes: Oaf or dui
. as ' f l to New
York, will be comiantly seeding. as 'flesh 4opp/les 0(
.the - most desirable goods,lbereby.aisiog :as es..fas.
elliry an traassedoo a! oor houses* that e: ooN
wasessed. by, ES-Stent Home. - Prides , are- IVyridte
=solo I s as low a. the lowest New York sod
A 1.4250wg. PdARLBOROUO4—The;iIkURT..I4*
of John, Duke of blatiboronghs by Archibald Al. ,
bum, FRS, author or.. The Dietary of Durepe.V.
Ntandeer life of'Cluird—Tb•Lt of-Jeans Claire,. its
its „Illaterle al connexion and tfinunkal Development..,
by Amason Nrauder—translaied from the fourlb Ger',
mariMU, by Joha ld'abslock and ClraE Mama.
that; Reamers in DieklamsDatlege:'
. • Old Dicke the Ostia% or, Advmureilli the Carnai‘. I
cLy eountry in march or Geld ldirsei=lry .ChiSica ,
The nachelarold,* skibanY7-41: irtisbei 61 .•"TfiR
. Dr. Chalmers' Porrhutaisbe watk.-4bily•Reript
rat Readings, by the law Tatcer.„Cbalusers, L, D.,
three Retain.. kV asalß.l reed.
The above valuable meta received this day and gar
.ale by ' • — .IOIINSTON'R STOCKTON,
nit • Illookardlersjeormeketand 34 .are
NO TIOZ OILDEWS . 1 1.1t00111/ 7 iiiTS:
al i tike l° o= rat ili r guun , 11:-``,.% IV=
4.,y i I beg Ware to reeeeresead Lim to the petroease
of my brmer eunnurn.
Aril , MS.' • • ' ANN UFFINIODCIN.
It will be seta by* aboyertoilmittet the subscri
ber feu patchy.' UrsAllirteroe's Interest la the Above,
which will be toutisiited at iliet,el4 Wed, No
IYU Wood street,where be. will lie' pleased le eerie.
ell who aisy ward Cold Lei,c'fail,4e., Dad: re: Lops by strict attendee:la his business awl detain, to
give saddietlaii . to those .who !NIT favor. him
Weis patronage. al .iuO JOUNILDUNLEIti"...
11. 11111.
jiwiOawf USE ; WON AND STEAIIIBOAT• PAINTER.G e n,— parsona Snag to hate Pahang
ving done with manses* and alnapnann, anfl!pitim,
giveare van call. They will En4l. - 11.10 Moir advnota foefa
Ir . nA d ltr l"w irstrr c
in the iwo iiari ir .
the pahiting and ',glazing, a..., cif ft : a .,
zeaood that we hate
linWfrianda Aye been telling dna yablit genera y
that we were golog to redre"from, that ,loseada-otour.
Lnoinetes. • We Me tOilite (ally ;Repo* le. tpuutiet
painting and glazing thatiw e *yet were.,
op 6 •u
- • -
A SPLENDID zuwentmesit of Ilz;e,
• 014Fpfl owed
anus, Net li 1411 Akhosurs gland taloa Pi
ttialion wee kw
Also, two ephentlid Datentsod=
with Coletnateieelebrated Milan attaelone
iii the zoom waders anyitc awl for sale Am., pti
164 • •• " - aLtrici2sata wood et, •
MitAkearrON. iikujIARDIVO.• • • . 1
,114,1=1,11.10py a:L*lmA w.&
Jar: Ajr.
O ' l lV
W 'arela...Kiev,- L.. „
.11 . 111 , t i ghnt zmi viola paid foi elttlelcia
In ram te e by - 1 Wlgl/tIVIVZ
. ." Rat* 4e4 m t IncectE .
Oltenia Magla
A r tmiin ...m.n.StelWiEttEta4
C 4l l'llesr - or pvrehaimt: en` application al Inv
(,)attattog Rocitior the Chum. , • • • . DN .
pEN Dr"'Diy.•
(tooda (l ltsa of "
- -
, -
DLANKETI4, SIM/IMM% . AC.-4be 'attention of
4.1 t heaseteepera la invited to the assonteeat "of aei , e,'
norhilaalcits oid tatiosekeeping ankles geoettaly, late.
irseeehred at the DvlGoedtliotthe of
' 2P7' ,•• ' 'W • IlliftiMr".
- RRES3 OINGHAUILS LA.11.7.111--Wa blarphy .
InOra.avals • 6. *mane priced dress
_ Ilan* alsos • new mien of &idea and rreoch
wan; fan colored lawns az 111 yenta - • • ap7
. _ - - •
Uta/C-15 bbds prime H 0 Efslltss. boxes. hot,.
:Harass ak; fesse'DP, Loss/rums Leal dm•aD bbls
smartml small do do; 1d Ws• embed and pahnerind
by, • • ap7 . ID WILLIAAIR
N 0 Atolaspe la "
jmTyri:acuunt its Übe
17 da%
.la mate lbeyabr by . -
...` munvite
• •t, altar fie pit
.111. - womi at
13— SEED-I)6ll3Jan received bad far bait' by
e-P 4 ' - - NRAUN =TEN
. ..
• ' •
L4ll.Tli &MVP ATd A. 11,AEld P.Y.
VThe, lanowiagaind , tam coataa e
• dm, ha au Alm pram vas= A'D ;
. LANTIC, Ma Parana,. . •Jaama TIC, Cam. 1. .11reobv; . aad LOUIO
kpLald K Cara E. &cam 'Die boats are eldicalp
ma., and are had op without arard to rem..
try comfort Wt may can prawn. La bees provided,
11.• Boma will leave rut amoodabeis a kart hislAt
tt. /eat etlion a • Pliguavers will La partial*.'-
board, arodur boadaval venally leave at the arm,'
wed bormktia 11. sad 4P. M. -• . Joan..
ebe mew and ma {Li at lc tanef
Moamr. addiaramtdmas Pat r
:14Pmr, U..% NW Int. pa...11,th.
vat 'Camay, ..1 4 tie's* It IL •Ve . .lMekt 0 , p.... 44
•p,,,,...,.....• • ...." , ••••• •• • , i
•eir..... m Ain Mama .
gigi t Maima . . llasloteidll letirlis dare
a Walasulay at's. lc. ytifpiet .
0, p..,...w. *Dm 'as tordloot lc • • •.• ••
IRMO - . . • •:..1111,1 124.9.A41, . i
iiirtiassumounimomorp i _ - 0
„. Irby mu seint." . "4 - . -- by'
' • "" 11 . 4**1 •• ••• ' ' -•----:” •': • ••',,•,
• tear Poe Maar, rammed 1 h
. -
/clots/ uip. belWatli XVlree4r, ltralgeport aad.Pith fir
: •
an iat ua
Mae., le laying 114144parAajv Madam sod ThumbyX,•• k • .
4,'..., . Tetimg sad leztia. liaiditsarjr,k..,.
,Astr" • 117 . 1 441 17 =a1144. tit 4,:';
- ud .lokniedisie pogo ow -
Saluda?. Ow. lit.efnaiitl 4 •Viek,. P. 111. Fbv
of•PalsoltMligli ens L' , •.. .1 •%9
. torn.' • J
. nN JO. .111orios Ume....,...
MO - I.B7l.lACipx.ruit NuNvisx, , ~, lc
.. .n.• aew and fan steamer . ••••• -:' • 1 .
Swam muter, will Imre 11004 . Le
all noriateriate pen it OU Wedopei.' ..
4.118 asdrabinUys of er, week. For fulglirat p 810.... .:
* Tar r °lll 7 .'d ol a AIILTENZIERaii,; •
AtL 't,
• • ermatraou a wunzuca pactor t • ', '.
_ , .11 e swat ineamer . ;• • ! . • .. )• • '.. i
Mart I' it.... 7 an 1 ;4, - mill :11;14 ' egdarly tau lvteerhag, ra t ma'am . .
%a adatalay atul Friday,. la o'clock puraely. •- ' :1
Lem% Uke:ettag every Tnced3) , , Taarritay and P.. (
Istrday. at 7 o Owl, a as. preewely.
0. 7,;C0 . eaal vrill laad . zt
t all te.; tutereardratvi.iwri,= . '
bea..,_,.. 4l 7 l4 .4*ramatlna baa=t7P " , " ...rat. "" r• Tina .k 1
n = m ows aim a tortlfwellap safety yulad as .. ,
prim& attr Ll CM FLIWIxe .114?
1 moil cr, ae.. • -,... .' ". V.T111.0 linticrr, • t
°fob. - ,
Me 0..i.Z.N.0rr, mazinkriraluiloxost—aral
Piesera, Wrier. WU - WW ' ior idiart, 4.
'Lag Partsbarytt snap :Waft • - .
Wednesday and Frplay, at 14 ektoell.o. ' mut likor'.'"
nosiatatial)ty awry Towday,lltandayand ...,
,a{ Et o'lOtk, l. ac PO adight ar 1....0 ` 1 11 : 1 1 . t
. _ rc
The raw and lieu injeAla sue...
A I) Mier, . I rarier.wilt leer* far tbe , I.
t e pon .yery W.l.lstoday , •widen. •-•
b... arda m y, at 4r. A l , For frriglator parity. • spy? au '
••• -.4ww*LaT",;lei.
• ..;ziifirfora i;5477 r
. • !rlreda le'ver'-i-liSitCha'
lever sentehro,:flw; Ensitverdeteedell/everwateb- .
ei% sneer L' *etas* IWAVOte. t/uuli , r t
wmt.s. l VAS chub* I des new'sirle in Negri •
deal Loa 3 dos plaranold final, neon G. dos 'asserted ;
"'!"!' 11 . ! II -AN.CT
,••••; ;,. f. ; ••• '' :• - 4 . •
Clos fine Perei;:silt
by per 6udox commorsia;se,,,-
dos fine velvet'. beast begs, new 'aro s, IQ doe
crotchet bead beg; nos 5 doe Leo enstelle*,
purses, new et y le nnS - eosfinapatniol.,assortedi Stars,:
Ewemarocts, frog. ; gilt awl silver, Gss serelnw;
nesortak I doe fine steel vest-wess*,
loos; dos Prom screvr pin eashionn No ce Sao
stood screw. pia cushions., fiennssortereert of art •
Toys, tro. ke.
. t . •
XTEW Splendid varlet, ofTriauscup shcl, air Ir;
etiijust'sficrixesiotAEßllLOAT S.IE - VS, tsp.., • •
b saboaT velosh are: ,
Metros plabtearered.srithb
cemeci a.0r1e.46 ccr„ . l
- groeseatto,, , anew aswtN c 6 bar anie k • ogrillwa , b;
Wl,lto aksii" ..
Also, sierra sarong of IV, nsed
AlTOPl Tier iw ort k et=e74 . fi n as:
Joe Indtellers 414 end venue do • .
CO .
• -,-firei
.-• •
dnizerste resell[ • . - Itd . :
-Shaded- chddßae satin
nelesi-steel- and gilt beads
usebibead traprArost astd •
rt. n atat%lllnitTLl,,r.,,,dat9 Lratt ar-itr i .l- • 4ic
t • :.:....• -.04.a1.... ...ru111CAD, -—-,' -• • • l
iSnotnlVlrdsirlildeLt. GROCEPA .p",,..,, t i...: i u f mk ... . ..-d
T y woman Merchant% 'and dealers in Vuid 4 are and' .
Pnyabnalit MarralSerarat r - errear.r ot . 'the'Diataaari 'arid.' '-'' •
R•r•iuess--br.P. tlldrenGertei i . • . .
• , •• •• Miclatilbanl, ! y ? , otitn!in,' • •••': .'"
. ••• i• • - ' , :, , licar„ Jos©: MOrriiiia;r • .' '' .' ' ,' ..: '1
tile!. 5. nott l E ySt Lou,.. -.-- -, ~7
~._ . •- : .
_Sumo_ a Draw, Lam,' Irreeustursh -.. • :, ' •
• 4 - ... r . .
,T. a:Frontal:lk Co., hithadelphi•-•• ' : t ''" °l'
!lam Wert J. barer: MY, ' 13.4':4 . • . l.'
..... ~. „
......1_ Idolliallan &Ray illairsvitt , ',', '• - .." ' - -5 ,: - r
t Y.IIATt I / 1 1 TO ALI,
Igokt! jr.d4. Rattler }laid, An prow-aka, petty: .
yotrodinula , 4ak, aka kw. ailaptiag them to A.111..4,.
P hlettni katutillikill aid ot.putziee, Arai
Oat tat flowing Asa,' . ri misdealt, .eairraysimitrkhauf ••••
kieryiskite Matti; ills inialeable..-ilyakterlraildlilelet •••',
.thviLdrope °faux ki the ink la use: it kill litatatirly,• ,
beik.l . to be. thalkati auxiliary erark;ryit'ila Luau.' '
th ata..the .aealoreelphatra • the • seiliates4aficii'al;
free ilinyutithe la b, atuldiapin..... with the listable *, •
*pleat •. Jan rayelked cal &rink. ky• • "'
- • .4P l ' , lt 30,44:12,2L
_... ..,...xwavra....iiiiiwc,,;.i-71.,.,.1
dinoIAt.)SALEIDEALF. I I:B IN DIY , CIuODS, - 70:,',':-. ,
~ -•
I . rm. 9.1 ktn.10.......1u5ue1,'”d oAreartaaat.'.,..,!,-"
I) 're trips,,duruor tho busirtesa o rmo o
_A ler artJt"'7'
_erl'i_ilir=trWpirinfaiuria=a4te, Wat I ": 1: '
peette b rior that chef to. gioo Ara .41'444% -14eYi..j.,;.,
04thdrL . IT ill Tilt all merchant& etsltiugthoeltr i tr e . ...-_..
X ' zoirrii- iiatirbitits t • -, 7" , < ,,, i •
tit hese ta k e. an olfierrlmsriedadv! - .600,...'" ; 141- ,7 .. .
.7- , Osurinarntralrboue, U. the,OW.ol4'sraeru,*,. -
ttaosstet business a.s usual, tuna uo 1,6414-A-cV.,
Leawood, art arlrotroolo'hOrtot 'olrioitr, 0fV . ,,,d ittlid . - o .
for that purpose. Boma Willalworobe tie reAuu,tara at. - -. 1. •
our wharf to reef ISt fitiebL '.., '\ 4 I
, apt ... . ' .''
'' ' ' Et .i.JB * . alabarrUlli :4 iyi .„
3 7, 1911 3 H1P Ai/IT/M ., T. i i iciexil‘,7 7 ,, .; . -,-.., "4 : ..
: •
rtgalp'grrax.74l"., 4, frkir.P... i .r,„ 141
it< Trade.: Al.. et:oplete'setta or mi&ci.:'' ada
adagiiiir to .', - ...)::1.
„,„,,, i ,, ,d,orreapseity, put up and forwarded K.' auy ” • ,'.
' •
P"ithaYjari/74ar Vt'.41,51...x""t"a onsd pi!'- ': • k .
0.0.....- ,•' • . ~ —a}......t . fte, I°
:-...--- ' . I t, .
::„..r."1..,,T,1:v14 03 4,17041Zig, 4ew y!rk i. ,-.'! ..
7 {TIII : .1.1f;01IF.N wishes 34 ihrorat 6 - 4 tilerids'' . •„,..
,iilL7=r e lri s , t ll. =:h r it'sreggiAni:742.!`-!"
.ota4LTirki,T,'llgig{Ylligrreet ti.t.f*AirM,T:-4a
w iliolaaylikfailud la Adofittoo, to : die ooaosa inot,, ,41 • -
elea;' Ili rowapleA, Itiromoriti '-of wew sad Auk auk*, i ..
m 111444. atudonatb. reseleadATrrarl
),..‘' ''
ließ°4, efab i kc i aliet fa, rot a l I ,7 , a p P e P 4 , ..'''.'
ra p.b to Ekeoud reareen Watad add ;Nod ii . : " t'i.• '- •
stay in - the of the „41 ouottgahala kk., • .
- with:Ai eatirely new stoet of lloreeifiad CarojimiC... , ;, - -1
r the .4
haw =Wood
;_, talast,otylas, ' ll Orsea,,hept athei,„„ -„ ! . . •
Obbi fina umber Wycapinb , for iiMe...olll.,•Caw."
1 9r4Plif !FT', For yerUcYla
ihovoltm....Yo, besmopleys4. bur». •
Pan titbat rec•bred sad tor sale b •"!••.;
, 001,42,1,1ii#E11041.!4
ocrircuswin rzwrioruitaii'"
. . .
O Ai .4 Y P.A C K E T .1: 1.1. CE,......,
,n... 1.1 theme line oirpleutlid pawner SAM..
, 4 , ......0 or tbio WlCTl,lrOntfr+l. Imr...
teeetiontihhittriakt sedtetateervelht beelt vat tho
run - 10 of the Weeh Every ere otosholatioe Atha etatt•
4 n thWt meaty put ploreer, hp ktoptinritktlAll Vv.
sellers: Tit* Lem bee hr. In opt tottoci for ' , v.' P.M
--11• A carried a ouliket of yaaple "Lthest the Ivan *re:
.7 io ilea petheew The bow snit be mit. iOOl Of
%VOW Useet Jo day larowiou to ammo, hve the Me*
tioti of firigla ood ao ently.o( P....P. 5 . U..
ter. in elf ease. th• Femme matey equvl to Fete,.
atineee. , • . .
• .
. . .
111 .•
• •
Ile ISAAC MACTOX, Capt. _ `erL
levee Putvloarith every eandeLerbog um! at 10 ticket;
IVbealaqievely Sudo eveoug at IR". vt " • • '
KONDAM AA .: • .
• To 1140 NONUAHICIA:Capt.Stuargwill {ear. Pitei.'
berg Ireverr Monday hissiebt al:10 Vidal;
everyAloaday evemog 1110. a., : - • ,•
Toe ICIBERNIA. No. 11, c.J. . kusmc
leave Puubristt Tho r al g M
Wheellag veer) Term* anti r.
WX.olsllBllilr 7 1 / I CI4.IM'. •
leave Pirtebargh erery likeleeecl -oYloe ey emoruleig at
t; WheWiag evert Wednefdry cresol at e:111 .
The BRILLIANT, C. OWL . Wig Ache. Pitie-)
Ohtgh every 7to 44
beidir monist all 110Weithek; _
every Ttistredapreftehlrekt UP t.hit, •
• T6B C
wf LIPPER tilt:4oo6.o,Goorin icon. P . m !
wh ! ".
Hsu F.4.lm•Weini •," • -
. • •
111/1311ENGES, COL lbso, arm halt Plot;
kagb odagl 31 . 2 .rdosondot u , wf k
111211.1152,11311 T. AilltaNaMeltereira...
. • TM Maser . ...KV."
will 1414 w cA tig,7 3 ol, 4
valtiarTe r .7 mra, 11 Mekapar:
kos Saturday, of tack trod, as 9 ff.c s a. mow -• •
rdoodar, Wednerday and Fnday.. Thipbarna
1.3i, 5 , rapdraa bermes Wood stremMill ormilig .
prepared ro metre nallos ul i taa.. '0 "A • 7
tI2 No 37 Coed
pravut enD WT — SLZATILLT P.aCCET. :•1
TM lira rseandsoat
Cllllld9llAl3ll97,sastatcr, mks •
oeumg wirms mum, mato Mop
Wks to beaux aad Wealaikk lamas Postsbares art.
IT samosa as wawa.. kad WaLl.lßa al 7 °Wan, p.
.11. Mole 7g. nailTON, CO k . Ana st
evrriannous esioarzeviLcsi
• Daily Fmk** Lima.
nayausavu„ ma • •:rseßu4kar, tep